#writers Would You Ever... ask game
valeriianz · 1 month
Would you ever write a.....Fairytale adventure type AU (ノ*・ω・)ノ? (idk how to explain it ajbdkjvakdv)
(Kinda like...maybe Ghibli movie vibes....ABDHBAHCBKAC)
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ahhhh always a privilege to see you in my inbox, Mere 😻
(this post gets long, pls bear with me lol)
fairy tail itself, no. im really not into fantasy or fairy tails, sadly (which sucks cos like, that's half of dreamling AUs right there lol).
but ooh i do love some adventure! especially Ghibli-style! i know that's kinda fantastical but i'd be very into it.
my mind immediately went to a Princess Mononoke AU, a film i havent seen in ages, but Hob and Dream in that scene??
Dream: "I'll cut your throat! That'll shut you up!" Hob: "You're beautiful."
or, OR! have you seen that Castle in the Sky AU??
so, in short... yeah, probably haha.
OH SNAP! i just remembered i have a Little Red Riding Hood au that i had been attempting like, in early 2023 after THAT fanart but i could not figure out how to write it, and i got so frustrated with it that i just gave up. below the cut is what i'd written so far, starting with some ramblings to myself before some "proper" writing... i'll never finish it ;_; sorry.
Hob is still a Red Riding Hood/Hunter type character and he is the only one "brave" enough to visit the witch in the woods, aka Johanna when his village requires medicine/care. The whole village is deeply superstitious and so Johanna stays out of the village for her own safety and it's taken a lot of convincing from Hob (who is one of the only capable hunters so he is Important) that she is fine and won't curse the whole village. The only time Johanna forbids Hob from coming to see her is on the night of the full moon.
But then EMERGENCY happens and Hob sets out for Johanna's on a full moon and runs into Dream. Cue fanart scene. Hob fights Dream and somehow manages to hold his own. Maybe they bang here, maybe Dream gets Hob to open up about why he's out during the full moon and then lets him go. Because Hob has zero survival instincts he goes out again on a full moon just to see Dream. Johanna thinks he's an idiot.
There is a witch in the woods; the villagers know this and remain wary of her provocation. She is all powerful but she is also a hermit– quiet and bloodless, when ignored. Many elders in the village have spun up stories, history between them and her. Though it seems all unfounded, Hob had never been anything but curious, growing up with these tales of offering sacrificial goats in place of the children they believed her to steal, before moving on to setting up traps on the edge of the woods where their small hamlet lay.
Hob had also heard stories, though not many, of how she’d been run out, that there may be more of her kind hiding in secret within the community. This too, Hob doesn’t allow to bother him. He is surrounded by superstition and pays no mind to any of it.
Which is all to say, he’s encountered the witch on several occasions. 
And whatever tales Hob had grown up hearing of her comes to a screeching halt the day he first met her.
“What the ever loving fuck are you doing out here?”
Snapping up to attention, Hob had regarded the woman. He’d been a boy of 15 the first time they’d met, and had the notion of fright abandon him by watching his mother die in childbirth to what was supposed to be his little brother, as well as his father being robbed and beaten to death by bandits while he cowed away behind a tree. 
Hob would never be that cowardly again. And he made up for it by going out into the woods nearly every night, despite the warnings from his neighbors. His friends would egg him on but then chicken out the closer they got to the edge of the clearing, lined by dense forest and rustling leaves.
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oifaaa · 1 year
Opinion: plot lines and fan arguments about who should be Batman once Bruce retires/dies are pointless cause DC is never going let him (permanently) retire/die.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
While I agree with you that dc will never let Bruce retire I don't actually think arguing about who would make the best batman after Bruce is pointless considering it is a fun debate and hyperthetical to think about and we can still make stories that are fun and interesting to read based on what would happen if Bruce was to not be batman anymore the batman beyond universe being a good example of this
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 5 months
Would you consider writing a fic where peter is dealing with really bad sensory issues all day at school? which turns into a huge shut down? Like him going nonverbal ? and tony and may trying to help out and make him comfortable?
This is a scenario I have not done before but it sounds completely up my alley! It's a great opportunity for some sweet hurt/comfort- and that is *my jam*
I think there is a pretty good chance I would write something like this in the future. :D
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Would you ever write "Side Character Marinette" fic?
Nino deserves his time in the spot light
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Would you ever write a story with your guinea pigs
Yeah, sure- I don’t see why not. Seems like it would be a quick, cute thing to do.
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blutopaz15 · 18 days
would you ever write pregnancy nsfw?
hmm, I wouldn’t say this is a HARD no, but I will say I don’t think I’m drawn to write it out of context. In context (which I mayyyy have an idea for)…perhaps!!
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unorthodox-oblivion · 4 months
would you ever write a lost/castle crossover fic? :)
For a couple of reasons.
1- I don't like crossovers. I feel like, sure, while it opens up a lot of opportunity for storytelling, unless you introduce characters from each universe like you're writing a novel, you also limit your readers. Which... blergh. I don't like reading them either, so, no.
2- I like writing Jate for LOST, which is Jack x Kate. And the female protagonist of Castle is also a Kate. And while she is a cop and I could easily call her by her last name, Beckett, the whole time, it would get tiring and if I used "Kate" it would be confusing.
I don't really see them exisiting in the same universe either way. Maybe @myrenthenostalgic could mix lost and castle, since I feel like Suliet could exist in the Castle bubble more easily.
Writer's "Would You Ever?"
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greypetrel · 6 months
Would you ever:
-write another crossover (aside from the Dark Lady crossover)
-(to mirror the one you asked me lol) write your own least favorite trope? (To explore/deconstruct it, etc.)
Hi Mo! :3 Thank you for asking!!
Absolutely yes. I loved comparate literatures and finding links between different medias, see what inspired what and how a certain theme was twisted in the later work. So, crossovers and finding common grounds are really my jam. I most definitely would write another crossover! If the XVII century was my preferred period to research and read about, Monster fic would have actually been a Three Musketeers crossover. (I started the first chapter, then realised the level of research I needed... and since it was an artistic project I could manage while busy with my family, and since I still have a lot to research and read for my original work, I decided to spare myself another rabbit-hole of endless research and write a retelling instead. Also I don't like baroque and rococo in fashion so I spared myself having to draw fashion I dislike in drawings. uwu" Sorry Dumas.
Mh. Yes if I found a way to twist it and bend it so it'll be palatable to me. Otherwise I know I'll get bored and never finish. I need to find the right kick for it, and the right way to tackle it, and here having another person to rant about with and keep me hyped may be needed. I started to write a third chapter for that old LavellanxFenris thing... I never finished it and I don't think I ever would, because it was falling rovinously to a love triangle which wouldn't have ended in an OT3. And that kicked all my interest in writing it away. (I am VERY difficult with love triangles and that one wasn't one of my liking. There are examples of triangles I liked, but I need more justification for it rather than, say, a "and there was only one bed") (I'm a sucker for the last bed left.)(I blame Melville for it.)
Tis the ask
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void-botanist · 7 months
Would you ever write for a graphic novel/manga?
Hell yeah! I think it would take a little practice to get it to flow in a comic-appropriate format but I love comics so much that I would absolutely do that.
Would I ever write…
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bradshawsbaby · 7 months
Would you ever.... write a series for Hangman x reader?
Ahh, good question! I would have to say probably not. While I like Hangman as a character and do enjoy writing him, I’ve never considered myself a Hangman Girlie™️ 😂 I also ship him with Phoenix, so most of the writing I do for Hangman ends up being in the Hannix Universe.
Writer “Would You Ever?”
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valeriianz · 1 month
Would you ever write a space-faring sci-fi AU?
oh hell yeah! i honestly cant think of what i would write in that verse, but maybe if someone gave me a compelling prompt? i love a sci-fi au, it's just something so out there for dreamling, and i love reading how writer's make it work. i want to be one of them! haha
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rose-bookblood · 7 months
Would you ever write a story with all non-human characters?
I don't think I would. I don't really care for any fantasy races, and when I write the aliens in RWR they're a mean to an end. And when you write non-human creatures, there's an higher level of difficulty: you have to think about biological, cultural, linguistic differences, etc. I guess you could take the lazy route, like many writers do, and just copy-paste humans in non-human bodies, but what's the point? I either commit fully or I don't, and I often don't see a reason to.
Thanks for the ask, Joy!
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Would you ever write Mafia!Clint Barton? There are TONS of Mafia Stucky but hardly any Mafia! CLINT maybe Mafia!Winterhawk😉 Love your works🥰
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Thank you, lovely! This is terrible because this isn't a flat out "no" to me, but not a firm "yes". I think mafia!Clint would be fun, but I worry if I can nail his voice. I THINK I could.
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There also isn't enough WinterHawk out there. These sassy boys. Hehe. If I were to ever purse WinterHawk, I would probably throw a reader in there and make it a beautiful triad.
Love and thanks! ❤️
Would you ever write...
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 5 months
hey joy!! would you ever consider writing a fic of Peter dealing with sensory overload at disneyland/disneyworld?
Sensory overload is something I have written and will likely write again... and again... and again. Hahaha.
What I am unsure about is writing about Disney. I've not been to Disney World in a very long time and I've never been to Disneyland. I feel like there is there's no good way for me to write about those places.
If I write it too vaguely, people who love those places will say I didn't do it justice. And if I try to wing it, those same people will point out every single detail I got wrong or left out.
I am not prepared for that kind of critiquing. lmao
Maybe, just maybe- I will get to go to Disney someday, then be able to confidently write a fic like this. Who knows?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Would you ever write a major character death in a lovesquare story?
And I have
Several actually
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for some reason i thought the ask game was related to the keyboard autocomplete function? then i realised it wasn't, still went for it and in old me fashion, something about vampires came up🤡 so anyways
would you ever write a vampire au ksjdkdj
(listen, if u asked me which 5sos member i could associate with vampires the answer would be Michael. HOEVER, considering u are u and Mr. Ashton Irwin is Mr. Ashton Irwin, and i am me, mixing that concept with him would be.... Inchresting🤡. But then we have Luke king of necks Hemmings, so we find ourselves in a predicament 🤡). In this essay i will
Inchresting indeed... why not both? A lil dark and vampy Lashton love triangle and/or maybe a poly fic 👀
See I'm not opposed to writing an AU, the idea honestly just kind of scares me 😅 My fics truly have the thinnest of plots (they're all basically variations on "this couple likes to talk and bone", aren't they? 😂) so it's a bit intimidating to think about the meticulous kind of planning an AU fic would take! I don't know if I'd be any good at world building or coming up with any sort of lore/universe rules... although taking on a well-known genre/trope like vampires is a good compromise bc there's so many pre-existing "rules" and concepts readers may already be familiar with but then it's still a matter of finding a way to convey all that in a way that feels natural. Again, I'm not opposed but it sounds so much more challenging than what I typically do!
Writers Would You Ever - Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence.
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