#writing all my notes in sleep runes to force my friends to learn them
infernaldisciple · 4 months
i present: cat boy maid vessel ... worship, or something
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I can't stress enough 'wows' in tve way you write along with the fact that it's you first few posts (i think? Pls correct me) can you do luci mammon and satan with a reader who takes naps bc of overthinking? They just tug their sleeves and shot them a tired look, while looking down shying away. Also, have a nice day and take the time to be yourself!
Aw thanks fam! I am fairly new to posting my works, I tried twice before this with two different writing blogs but I deleted them both bc I felt discouraged. I’m older now and I feel a lot better about my writing, so third time the charm and all that lol! I’m so glad you like my writing! I know I need some work on grammar and expanding my vocabulary.  
This was a super cute prompt ;.; I hope I did it justice!
He is a mix of jealous and pissed. He wishes he could fall asleep so easily when he gets inundated with too many things at once. But also- just don’t do that? Where were your manners?
He starts noticing your little peculiarity in class. Specifically that you tend to nod off in advance alchemy and rune scripting. You were being so studious, jotting down notes, ask great questions. Next thing he knows you're out like a light.
He is shocked for a moment before he will wake you up. Your wide doe-eyed frown does nothing to him. JK his hearts clench at your wounded look.
He makes the other brothers report to him about your behavior and odd sleep habit. Were you ill? Was this just something humans did? Devils, was Belphie rubbing off on you?
They all say the same thing. One moment you are working hard or talking to them about a topic you are passionate about, and the next you are yawning hard enough to pop your jaw and shyly asking to lay down.
Well-he can’t have that.
If you are going to fall asleep around anyone it’s going to be him.
He sets up remedial lessons with you after dinner to make up for the work slept through. You sit by him at his long ornate desk while he tutors you on what you missed.
You weren't having any problems,  you even finished a few pages. He is proud and then-
“I can almost hear those gears slowing my dear.” Lucifer interrupts himself mid-explanation of Zosimos of Panopolis and Maria the Prophetess's theories of alchemy in human medicine.
You jerk awake and turn to him blinking owlishly. "Yeah, I just need to lay down." You admit.
Lucifer eyes you critically. This was sudden, were you ill? You had been fine moments ago, bright-eyed and enthusiastic. He cups your face, turning it from side to side. "So suddenly? We haven't even discussed the properties of mercury yet." You hum letting your eyes droop. He was always so warm.
"Hour nap break? Please?" His stern gaze softens at how your nose scrunches up cutely as you yawn.
“Very well.” He relents letting you slick over to his couch. You flop over face first with a grunt of satisfaction. You toss and turn for a while, moving his pillows around unsatisfied.
“Luci-” You call in defeat. He ignores you at first. If you wanted to nap fine, he would get some work done in the meantime. “Luci~” You say again. You could see his brow twitching. “Lu-”
“My dear,” He shoots you a withering look. “You are treading a thin line. If you have the energy to call for me you have the energy to study.” You say nothing at his brisk tone, instead of opening your arms to him to join you. “You tempt me.” He purrs hiding his smile behind his paperwork.
“Learned from the best.” Lucifer shakes his head laughing at your smug reply. He glances over you to his grandfather clock. Hmmm-perhaps he could spare a few minutes. He rises elegantly discarding his tie and waistcoat to his abandoned chair. Running a hand through his hair he snorts at your little whistle.
“Move.” He commands. You shake your head patting your belly. “I will crush you.” He laughs but lays over you regardless.
“Good-you’re warm.” You say muffled in his shirt. Wrapping your arms around his middle you drift off. Lucifer holds you close, running a still gloved hand up and down your side. Perhaps he should bring out some more complex topics next time. If this was the outcome-
He noticed you get drowsy before in class. Your cute little head jerks as you nod off, hands rubbing at your face as you fight to stay awake before giving in to the need to sleep. It was adorable- not that he was watching you because of that! He was just doing his job of looking out for you
Ye-that was all.
Honestly, he thought you were just like him. He never cared for the books being forced on him in class. Boring useless crap in his opinion. He much rather sleep through a lecture on stats too.
Now books on photography? That's where it's at. He has a legitimate passion for it.
He likes being behind the camera just as much as he likes being in front of it. Though he doesn't snap photos often.
He doesn't need more beratement from his brothers than he already gets. Sides, he just feels like they would look down at this like everything else he does.
He'll share his hobby with you though. You at least seem interested in it. He'll show you his collection of vintage to high-tech cameras and talk your ear off about the makes, models, and features.
You nod along and ask questions from time to time, smiling along with Mammon while he prattles on about color theory next to you on the floor.
He was just getting to Auguste Lumiére when he feels a gentle bump on his shoulder.
"O-oi!" Mammon starts, shaking his shoulder to rouse you. You look up at him, blinking the sleep from your eyes. "Was...was I that boring?" He deflates a little, all previous excitement gone in a flash. You had seemed so interested...
"What? Oh, no. No Mammon I'm sorry. It's really all fascinating," You grab for his sleeve so he couldn't run away. "It was just a lot of information all at once. I just got a bit overwhelmed."
"So you fall asleep?" He raises a brow not believing you for a second. Who falls asleep when something is interesting? He'll admit he's fallen asleep while listening to Levi talk about a new anime or Asmo with a make-up release.  But that's because it had been boring. "Is that like a human thing?"
You shrug snuggling closer. "I don't know- but it's a me thing. Give me five? I'd love to hear you talk more about your collection, promise."
Mammon glows scarlet at your words. "Of course you do!" He puffs out his chest excitedly. “I got great taste.” You nod into his shirt before drifting off again. He tilts his head slightly to look at you chuckling internally when your breathing and heartbeat slow down. Damn, out in seconds. Well, better get comfortable.
Uncrossing his long legs he picks up the camera he had been showing you. The old Polaroid lens reflects his face back at him. He remembered the day Land had debuted this marvel of engineering. He just had had to get his hands on one. It was useless now, he had much better quality cameras than this old thing, but he remembered you reminiscing about your human friends and their portable camera. Would you take some pictures with him too? He would take one now, but the sound of the flash would definitely wake you up.
He fiddles with it for a few more minutes, opening and closing the film canister and checking for any parts that needed fixing as he waits. You stir at his side a few minutes later with a little mew of satisfaction. Mammon hears your joints creak and pop as you stretch. "Morning." He says sarcastically, earning himself a light punch to his shoulder. "Ready to continue?"
You nod eagerly, perky and aware. At least for the moment.
He didn't really notice at first the pattern of your behavior.
You would come over for book club. Which was really just him reading his current novel and you picking something at random to gain a little random knowledge.
You would find a comfortable position on his bed, curl up nice and small and read. Then after a bit yawn and start to snooze.
He first thought it was the atmosphere of his room. It was quiet, warm, and the sound of flickering candles and the rustle of paper sometimes caused him to doze too.
But when it starts happening outside of class he notices.
Hmmm….this is new.
He looks it up in his human anatomy books and finds nothing.
He's not particularly worried about you per se. You always bounce back quickly after a quick snooze.
Then you start dozing when he is talking… >:(
Like his brother/dad he is a little miffed at first but then your behavior reminds him a cat and he loves you 10x harder now
Satan stops in his pacing of the back gardens. His book of poetry hanging limply in his hand. He had been reciting some of the most fascinating lines of work from Lord Byron's later works and wanted a human's perspective. He had thought you were interested. You never complained before when he asked you out here. Perhaps you were just being polite all those times before. Anything to soothe wrath. He snaps his book shut sharply, take some perverse satisfaction in the way you start out of your light sleep at the noise.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask wiping at your face.
"No point talking to someone that doesn't wish to listen." He snaps tersely.
"Oh-Satan, no I was listening. It...it just got to be so much so fast." You flush. “You had some great points going, I just needed a minute.” He watches your eyes grow heavy again, and it dawns on him.
"Do you just sleep when overwhelmed?" He asks incredulously. In all his years with humans, this was new. You shrug making grabby hands for him to move closer. He scoffs but moves into your space. You grab at the hem of his shirt and pull him down to sit next to you. He goes willingly getting comfortable by your side. You eye his lap longingly, hands clutching around his coat sleeve. “Fine-” He rolls his eyes. “Come here you odd thing.” You smile in triumph and crawl into his lap. Once settled you nuzzle into his warm chest.
“Wake me up in ten? I want to hear more about your conversations with Byron.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” He kisses the top of your forehead, opening his book to read again with one hand. You hum at his soft kiss, returning it sleepily with one of your own before passing out again. Ten minutes go by in an instant and Satan looks down at your peaceful face. He smiles to himself, perhaps he’ll let you sleep for a little while longer. You’d need it for his next point.  
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dangebaddel · 3 years
Chapter One: Sollicitus
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(Asriel writes his diary)
Chara mutters in her sleep again.
Every night she has nightmares, ever since she fell here.
Trying to learn more, she keeps refusing to tell me anything.
But then one night…
Her mumbling could already be made out.
(Picture Chara's emotions. Their room in the new house. The terror on Chara's face.)
"No! I'll never do that! No! YOU'LL NOT FORCE ME!!!"
I wanted to cry every time I saw her face. Instead of a pleasant and ruddy smile, it looked at me… the frightened face of a child who can't explain anything.
She guffaws and lies to my eyes, saying she doesn't know what I'm even telling her. Nevertheless, it reveals her often flickering gleam in her eyes.
How can you not understand, Chara! I love you, and I want to protect you from everything.
Why won't you let me help you!
(Waking from her nightmare, Chara looks at Asriel, and he looks at her.)
"Wh-What is it Asriel?"
"Enough! (Sob), it's nice to think every time you look at you… (sob)"
"Come on. (Hugs) Big babies don't cry, do they?"
"Chara, I just… (sob) why are you…"
"Asriel, don't. It's all right."
"You always say that!"
"You know I don't want a partner who will think about the consequences of anything."
"You know what happens when someone tries to get in my way."
"I want… no, WE want to do this, and if you're going to be embarrassed about anything…"
- Well, then I will do it myself.
"I promised to help you with everything (sob)"
"That's good. Our cause will help the whole Underground."
"I guess it's time, don't you think?"
"Okay… tell me, what's it going to take?"
(Picture a Delta Rune symbolizing their unification)
Many years later…
(Mt. EBOTT, monsters coming to the surface)
(Note: Frisk, at the time of the first chapter, is 15 years old)
Mt. Ebott that contained within it the people imprisoned, by the people of the Barrier has been destroyed.
A person named Frisk, having freed the monsters from their prison, who eventually became their ambassador, gave many new hopes and dreams.
And even Him: one who had lost all hope of his "happy ending."
Coming again to the very beginning, to the hall with the golden flowers, He was still there.
(Asriel lay sprawled, looking up at the light above, tears oozing from his eyes as golden petals enveloped his head)
Frisk had been coming back all this time to save HIM too.
Finally, it was a matter of little else.
(Asriel cried quietly to himself until Frisk disturbed him again)
"What made you come here again?"
"Do you really enjoy watching my suffering?"
*You tell Asriel that you have unfinished business and that you will need his help to complete it.
"Heh… what business can there be that doesn't matter to me anymore…"
*You show him your SOUL, which is REALLY in tune.
"Hmm… You want me to take your SOUL, like in the not-so-old and not-so-good times?"
* You show the impossible. Your SOUL is even divided in half. But it did not disappear.
(Asriel is shocked, continues to watch as one piece transforms into an empty vessel)
* You tell Asriel to put his unstable SOUL into a stable shell.
"I can't believe it… how?"
* And the reason is that it would take too much blah-blah-blah to explain.
"But wait! What about your determination?!"
* You perseverancely on telling him to shut up, spit on other people’s consequences, and finally get his - "Second Chance."
"Heh, guess you and I really are friends, huh?"
* You apologize for...
"Just put away your dialog box and let's go!"
(Petals fall off)
* You are happy and relieved that it's all behind you now…
(Before they leave, a faintly discernible silhouette appears behind them over the gradually rotting golden flowers, with a sweater in green and yellow stripes, eyes filled with red anger, and a black liquid flowing from his mouth, - in a wicked grin)
"The King's House"
Before later, and also before the war…
The Dreemurr family lived here, for many years in their dynasty, even before the war, and before it began, when all the monsters began to be evacuated to the Underground, Asgore and Toriel created a barrier that protected the family mansion.
(Scene in the cozy hall)
Toriel returned to the house, though she still couldn't forgive Asgor. But as she told Frisk:
"I need time…"
Since then, Asgore has had new hopes of reuniting with his ex-wife. But they have increased when…
* You tell Asriel not to worry or hesitate.
"Y'know, I can't Frisk… It's more complicated than just… turn back into a flower?"
* You say it was a very flowery excuse.
"Frisk :'("
* You're determined to keep punting him, if he doesn't follow you now.
"I'm going, don't worry about it."
(Clear excitement and strong nerves, tears oozing from his eyes)
(A royal door)
* You have knocked on the door of a royal house, of royal proportions.
"(Nervous mooing)"
* You put your arm around Asriel.
"It's okay, I just…"
"One moment, I'm almost done with the cleaning."
* A moment later, your mother goat opened the door.
"Um, Frisk, you know you can come in here without knocking, right?"
* You tell Toriel that you've always been a strange child. And you also want to introduce… (Silhouette of a vanished person), well, you're not surprised.
"What is it, my child?"
"Toriel, who's there?"
"Has Frisk honored us with her presence, Dreemurr, or do you have to touch to see?"
* You smiled at them both.
* You tell them both to follow you.
(They follow her)
"Why should we?"
"It's obviously important if you're asking us to follow you, isn't it?"
(Asriel is on the verge of hysteria - hiding behind a large tree)
This is ALL very complicated! In seconds, I was supposed to turn into a flower, and now… But… how will I look them in the eye! After all the things I've done to them, even if they don't remember… but… I...
I... I...
* You found Asriel - he only complicates things - you're trying to keep the bravery in him.
"Heh… So many feelings and I'm wasting them on tears."
(Smiles sweetly and snotty)
"Is someone crying here, Frisk?
"I think it's here."
* It's getting to your bones.
(Asriel hides behind Frisk's back)
(Both see someone crying behind Frisk's back)
"Hey, who's crying, what's wrong?"
"Is there anything we can do for you?"
* The moment of truth has arrived. Asriel came out from behind you.
* Impossible…
(They can't believe it)
The king and queen fell to the ground. Asriel completely burst into tears as he approached them.
A chorus of tears began, of joy of course. Frisk stood behind them and watched the final reunion of the Dreemurr family. Clinging so tightly to their son, the king and queen were afraid to let him go. Asriel clung to them.
* Tears flowed involuntarily from your eyes.
They turned their attention to Frisk and Toriel asked again:
"Frisk, are you sure you have somewhere to go?"
* You have heard these words before. But this time you answer that you would like to stay with them, but are afraid of being a burden to them.
"We'll (sob) become a family, won't we?"
"We wouldn't mind if you shared the burden of this life with us."
* Will you stay?
Yes or…
* You say you'll stay with them.
* It's your choice now.
"We'll take care of you, you have the King's word!"
(Asgore shed a tear)
"My dear Frisk…"
*You are embraced, you feel warmth.
(They go)
*Father and son went forward, Toriel stopped you, and she has something to say to you.
"My child, you really have done so much for us and I am so sorry that I can't pay you anything as special as this."
* You say it's enough for her to be the best goat mother ever for you.
"Heh… you remind me so much of my first human child, her name was Chara…"
(Unnoticed fear on Frisk's face to Toriel)
"...your resolve is indeed very similar. To be honest, I noticed it immediately when I saw your SOUL."
* Your heart froze. The inner demon is laughing inside of you.
* You feel your strength going away, but you mustn't ruin this day for your new family!
* You try not to feel the cold and ghostly blade running down your neck.
* Through the strength of a smile, you continue to remain resolute.
Happiness has been returned.
People began to accept monsters.
And now deep, deep in every soul, a new flame flares up.
And only one, some doubts are brewing.
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flipomatic · 4 years
Closed Book Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
Author Note: We’re getting into some of that lumity now. Just a bit. I’ve made some assertions about the Blight parents in the last chapter and this one, which I really don’t have any grounds for. This is just how I think they might be, so I’m sure I will be proven wrong in later seasons of the show. Also, the current plan for the rest of the fic is to write and publish one chapter a day until it’s done.
The trip to The Knee was approved, with some conditions.
It almost didn’t happen due to the whole Emira and Ed being grounded thing, but her mother stepped up and convinced her father that it would be fine. Emira wasn’t sure how she had pulled that off, her father was notoriously stubborn, but she couldn’t complain with the result.
The conditions were that the three had to return without a single scratch on them, and the twins had to be unfailingly kind to their sister while escorting her.
Both of those conditions had been broken.
The trip itself hadn’t been nearly as safe as expected. The Owl Lady showing up with the human Luz brought a brand new level of danger to the group. As Mittens had complained once before, the human seemed to attract danger to herself.
Emira, Ed, and the Owl Lady had almost been eaten by a slitherbeast, which probably would’ve gone after Mittens and Luz once it finished digesting them. Luckily, the two kids came through and freed them. Amity used the new fire spell to do it, and Emira made sure to tell her how brave she’d been after. Ed ruined the moment a second later by ruffling Mittens’ hair.
Once the Owl Lady and Luz shot off into the distance, that left the Blight siblings to pack up and head back to town. Since Mittens had control of the spell, she could practice it safely at home with a bucket of water.
They went back to their tent and put all of their stuff back into packs. Once that was done, Ed folded the tent back to its regular size with a spell.
Once that was packed, they picked up their backpacks and set off towards town. The stuff was divided between the three of them, with some extra weight for Ed and Emira. It would take a couple hours of walking to get to town, since The Knee was far away.
“Are you sure I can’t bring the bat?” Ed asked as they started walking away from where their camp had been set up. He paused to look back over the trees, as if trying to spot something.
“You don’t still have it, do you?” Emira stopped next to him and asked with hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised.
Ed stuck his lower lip out in a pout. “No…” He said with a sigh. Emira reached over to pat him a couple times on the arm in a ‘there there’ kind of motion. It didn’t seem to help.
“C’mon let’s go!” Mittens called back to them from the trail a few meters away. She hadn’t stopped to discuss the bat and was now waiting at a distance.
“Alright.” Ed was still pouting as he gave in, moving to join Mittens on the trail. Emira followed, wishing the bat farewell in her head.
“Make sure to keep up.” Mittens said pointedly, looking first at Ed then at Emira as they reached her.
Ed raised one hand in a mock salute. “Yes Ma’am.” He had his usual smirk back in place. Emira followed suit, mimicking the salute.
Mittens rolled her eyes, then turned to set off down the trail. Emira glanced over at Ed and the two shared a chuckle before following.
“Before we get back, I think we need to get our story straight.” Mittens adjusted her bag on her back as she spoke, turning her head slightly so that the twins could hear her.
“Not that that’s a bad idea, but I’m surprised.” Ed sped up a little in order to walk next to Mittens. “Miss goody two shoes, suggesting we lie to our parents? What a twist.” He leaned in on Mittens for emphasis, so she fell a step behind to avoid him.
Emira cut in to bring the conversation back on track. “She’s right though, we can’t tell them that a slitherbeast almost ate us.” She shuddered at the punishment that might bring. Forget one month, they’d be grounded for the rest of their lives.
“We’d never see the light of day again.” Ed muttered, clearly imagining the same thing.
“Exactly.” Mittens said with a nod. “So we need to figure out what to tell them.”
“We should just say that you mastered the new spell without any trouble or danger.” Emira thought keeping it simple would be best. “No need to mention the slitherbeast or the Owl Lady.”
“I’m not sure which would be worse to them,” Ed added, “The Owl Lady or the slitherbeast.”
Mittens brow furrowed at that, her eyebrows moving closer together. “The slitherbeast for sure.”
“I’m with Mittens.” Emira had to agree. “Near death is far worse than covenless witches.”
“I don’t know.” Ed shrugged his shoulders. “That Owl Lady is a wanted criminal after all.”
“The Blight family will not associate with those below us!” Emira spoke loudly in a low pitch, imitating the way her father had said it many times.
“She’s been doing a good job teaching Luz.” Mittens interjected, but a moment later her eyes widened and a slight pink dusted her cheeks. “Or so I’ve heard.”
“Luz cast a pretty powerful spell today.” Ed mimicked the motion of the ice cannon rising from the ground with his hands. “It was weird how she cast it, looked like some kind of rune.”
Mittens nodded. “She draws glyphs, not any I’ve seen before though. I’m not sure how it works.”
Interesting, Mittens hadn’t seemed to like Luz at all back at the library. In fact, she’d been more upset about Luz reading her diary than the twins reading it. But now, she knew the basics of how her magic worked and had even talked about starting a book club together.
“You seem close to her now.” It wasn’t a question, but Emira was watching carefully for Mittens’ response.
A larger blush blossomed on Mitten’s cheeks as she turned to hide her face, far more than could be attributed to the cold. “N-not really. We’re going to be in the same class and I like to know my peers.” The stutter didn’t give her argument much validity. As Emira had suspected, there was clearly more going on between her sister and the human.
“Riiight.” Ed smirked, also not buying it. “Because you totally stop in the middle of training to wave at all your classmates.” Ah right, that was when he buried Mittens in the snow for not paying attention while they were sparring. She had stopped casting spells to wave at Luz. Very incriminating.
“I would.” Mittens insisted, digging one of her heels against the ground as she walked. Thinking back on what Emira knew about her other friends, she doubted it.
If Ed wasn’t part of this conversation, Emira might’ve pursued this topic further. She was quite curious about this new relationship with Luz and with how red Mittens’ face was getting. Unfortunately now probably wasn’t the best time to push the issue, but she couldn’t resist one small tease. “Hey, knock it off Ed. Let Mittens have her secrets.” Emira settled with that.
“That’s right.” Mittens huffed, before realizing exactly what was said and almost squeaking. “No, wait, there’s no secret.” Her eyes were wide as she waved her hands in a dismissive motion, that blush still easy to spot on her face.
“Fine, have it your way.” Ed shrugged and adjusted his pack, agreeing to drop the topic. He quickly bounced back with a new one. “Did you see that spell the Owl Lady used?” He mimicked the arm motion the Owl Lady made when she put the slitherbeast to sleep. “That was so cool, I wonder if we could learn it.”
“I think a sleep spell is part of the healing coven.” Emira mused, thinking about the way the spell was cast with a smaller circle and then pushed into a larger one.
“Oh right.” Ed frowned at that. “Too bad, the potential of being able to put someone to sleep is limitless.”
He was right, putting someone to sleep made pranking or tricking them a lot easier. “We can ask the teacher if there is anything like it in illusions.” Though Emira and Ed were excellent at illusion magic, they didn’t know every spell that existed.
Emira lifted one hand to her chin as she thought about the different spells she knew, trying to figure out if one could be applied this way. The best she could come up with was using the magic to knock someone out by force.
“You’re plotting something again.” Mittens had fallen back to her side, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
It was Emira’s turn to wave her hands dismissively. “I’m not, I swear.” She couldn’t help but grin when Mitten’s eyebrows popped up in doubt. Emira leaned in slightly. “Not yet that is.” She laughed, drawing another eye roll and a hint of a smile from her sister.
“We’ll plan later.” Ed matched her grin, probably already working out how to use illusion magic to knock people out.
“I want no part of this.” Mittens picked up the pace, speeding ahead of her siblings.
“You’ll miss all the fun.” Emira called after her, chuckling again when Mittens looked back and shook her head no.
“I think I’ll manage without it.” Though she sounded serious, Mittens looked like she was enjoying the banter.
Ed and Emira carried on a conversation after that about different illusion spells that might be useful in knocking someone out. They couldn’t think of one that wouldn’t cause physical harm to the victim, unfortunately. Though she walked a meter ahead of them, Mittens was definitely still listening in.
Soon the trio was out of the snow and onto the main road back to town.
Despite almost dying, they had a successful trip.
Chapter 5
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 3, Ch. 2
PART 3: THE YEAR OF QUIDDITCH & MAGICAL CREATURES Chapter 2 - Advanced Tranfiguration
The school year started the same as any other. The Sorting Ceremony was a big blur as I was so hungry that I couldn't really pay attention to it.
The next day we got our class schedules, which were similar to the one we had last year except for the two Elective Subjects. All four Houses had both classes together which made us happy because it meant that Tonks, Charlie, and I would be together in Care of Magical Creatures.
Along with my class schedule, I got another piece of paper, which according to Professor Flitwick, came from Professor McGonagall. I knew it was about my Advanced Transfiguration lessons before even looking at it.
I already took Advanced Transfiguration last year after the holidays but it was only every other week and we mostly covered the theoretical part of it, so I was super excited about what McGonagall was going to show me this year.
With extra Transfiguration classes twice per week and counting on joining the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team my schedule was packed as much as I imagined it would be. I didn't mind it, it just meant that I would have to work extra hard to find time for drawing and spending some quality time with Pip and my friends.
The morning the classes started I decided to write my entire schedule on the same piece of parchment, as I didn't want to miss anything.
Monday – Potions, Double Charms, Double History of Magic, Astronomy at Midnight
Tuesday – Double Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Double Transfiguration, Advanced Transfiguration
Wednesday – Double Potions, Herbology, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures
Thursday – Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Double Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy at Midnight
Friday – Double Defense Against the Dark Arts, Double Herbology, Transfiguration, Advanced Transfiguration
Despite having History of Magic and Astronomy on Thursday, I knew that I was still going to look forward to every Thursday as we had double Care of Magical Creatures.
As expected, the first week went by like it didn't even exist. Charms were going to be interesting this year as we were learning a lot of fire spells. Defense Against the Dark Arts looked promising as well. Nothing could beat History of Magic when it comes to being boring, even though Penny made a promise to herself that this year she will stay awake and take all the notes and take one for the team.
Tonks and I made a bet she will last for two weeks while Charlie and Tulip believed she would only last for one.
Transfiguration was as exciting as always, even though I couldn't help but notice that Tulip, Jae, and Charlie were having problems coping with the speed Professor McGonagall started the class this year. I am confident that it's nothing a couple of hours in the Library with me can't fix.
Penny almost poked Snape in the eye with her wand as he was walking around the class, telling us that this year will be our toughest yet because there will be a lot of potion brewing and she got a little too excited. Of course, to Snape, it didn't matter if she was the best in his class as he took 5 points from Hufflepuff.
We all started to pay more attention in Herbology. Not that we didn't love how Tonks was teaching us last year but we wanted to see what Tonks saw in the subject. By Friday, Tulip and I gave up as we possibly didn't find it as entertaining.
That wasn't the only thing that happened on Friday. That morning, Orion, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain sat down next to me and Penny having breakfast.
“Hi, girls.” He said as I had to look at him twice to recognize just who he was.
“Nova, I know you were debating whether to try out for the team last year and a little birdie told me that you are rather good.” The sound of his smooth voice made me want to go back upstairs and sleep some more.
“A little birdie told you?” I asked confused as to who knew about my Quidditch skills.
“Yes, the Gryffindor Prefect.” He smiled.
I looked at Penny whose cheeks turned bright red when Orion mentioned Bill.
“Oh, well I did practice with him and his siblings over the last two Summers.” I didn't want to sound too excited as he sounded like a pretty chill person.
“Well, I am here to invite you to our tryouts on Saturday at seven in the morning. I hope to see you there. If you're as good as Bill says, we could use a Chaser like you.” He stood up, smiled, and walked away.
“That is so nice of Bill to put in a good word for you!” Penny squealed and I nodded in agreement. I had to take a mental note to thank him if I make it on the Team.
“Why did you blush when Orion mentioned Bill?” I changed the subject.
“I did not!” Penny was a really bad liar.
“Penny, do you have a crush on Bill?” I asked rather excited to hear the answer.
“Hi Nova, Penny.” But before Penny could say anything, Charlie sat down next to me, yawning.
“What's going on?” He quickly noticed he interrupted something as neither of us started speaking and Penny almost put her head in her porridge bowl.
“Oh, look at the time. I'm going to be late for class.” Penny got up, grabbed her bag, and left.
“But class doesn't start for another 20 minutes.” Charlie was now not only sleepy but confused as well.
“Girls, am I right?” I chuckled. I didn't want to reveal Penny's secret, even though it was obvious she had a crush on Bill, I decided to confuse Charlie even more instead.
I then told him all about my tryout invitation and he said that he would love to come and watch me become the new Ravenclaw Chaser but seven in the morning was just too early for him as he would have to again wake up at seven on Sunday as the Gryffindor Team had their first practice. What was I going to do with this sleepy head!
Friday was also my second Advanced Transfiguration class. As much as I thought that this was just going to be an introduction to more advanced spells and more theory like last year, Professor McGonagall proved me wrong the very first lesson.
She told me what we were going to do this year and that she was expecting me to create at least 3 transfiguration spells on my own before the holidays. She also said that we would be covering most of the theory and advanced theory on Vanishing Spells and that she will expect me to master those by the end of the year.
Don't get me wrong, I was still excited and humbled by the opportunity. I just couldn't see the talent she saw in me and was talking about while explaining what we were going to do.
Even though I was kind of intimidated by her and the amount of work she poured into me, I did well in my first two classes. She wanted me to revise the theory we went over last year and also I would have to perfectly cast all spells we learned thus far in normal class for her to know I was ready for what she had planned.
I was a bit surprised when I saw that I was the only one taking Advanced Transfiguration. I expected at least a couple of other students, if anything someone from higher years. Of course, I didn't mind having lessons alone with my favorite teacher.
“I want you to understand just how important theory is when it comes to Transfiguration.” She started. “I wish we would have more time in our regular classes to cover as much as I will be able to show you, as it would come in handy for all students.”
“Why can't you, Professor?” I asked.
“You see, Miss Blackwood, what we teach you is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to Transfiguration. However, there is not enough time to show you every spell and talk about every single thing that is connected to the subject. That is why when someone starts to show a special talent for the subject, we offer extra classes to those who are interested.”
“Interested? Did anyone ever turn down extra Transfiguration?” I couldn't understand who would do such a thing.
“Of course. Why do you think you are sitting in here alone?” She looked around the classroom. “A student can show exceptional talent when it comes to a subject but if they don't desire to study it above the level necessary we can't force them.”
Well, that would be a waste of talent in my opinion. But what do I know, I love Transfiguration!
“Now about the theory, we learned last year, do you still have your notes?” I nodded. “Good. You will need them as we will start with the practical part of those themes next week.” I was relieved to know that I wasn't rereading those notes all Summer for no reason!
After my lesson, I hurried down to the Great Hall to catch what was now the last 15 minutes of dinner. I sat down next to Charlie who was looking towards the Slytherin Table and chuckling.
“What did I miss?” I put some mashed potatoes on my plate.
“Bill is losing it with the Slytherins. They pranked their Prefects this morning and they are both in the Hospital Wing so Bill had to intervene as they were causing quite a racket there.” He continued chuckling. Apparently, seeing Bill losing his mind was amusing to him. “Of course, Tulip, Tonks, and Jae are already making friends with the Slytherins that put the Prefects down.” He continued.
“Of course, they are.” I laughed.
“How was your Advanced Transfiguration class?” He now turned to me, giving me his undivided attention.
“It is going to be a busy year let me just tell you that.” I made a worried face.
“I think you're going to do great! You're smart, your amazing and talented. There's nothing McGonagall teaches you that you can't handle.” He grinned and I felt my cheeks turn pink.
“Where is Penny?” I looked around as I realized that she is the only one from our group that's not in the Great Hall.
“Oh, she mumbled something about going to the Library. Is she okay, she seemed a little off, just like this morning?” Charlie looked worried.
“Who were you having dinner with when she decided to go to the Library?” I asked even though I knew where this was going.
“The usual. Me, Tonks, Tulip and Jae. Bill joined us for a split second before he ran to shout at the Slytherins.” He chuckled again, still finding it amusing.
So she ran to the Library because Bill showed up!
“What are you smiling about?” Charlie asked. I didn't even know I was smiling.
“Oh, nothing!” I relaxed my face and continued eating.
I didn't know if I should go to the Library and talk to Penny or should I just leave her be and not discuss her feelings and not make a big deal out of it. I mean it wasn't a big deal. So she had a crush on Bill, he is kind of cute, I suppose. I didn't put much thought into it and with the schedule, I was having, it looked like I wasn't going to have the time to think about crushes this year.
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lenniewip · 4 years
Nothing Stays the Same Forever
Stiles was having nightmares.
“Do you need me to come over?” Stiles could hear the flat out exhaustion in Scotts voice through the phone.
“No.” Stiles said trying to keep his voice steady. He shouldn’t have called, he knew that, but he had been so close to having an anxiety attack that he had dialled Scott’s number before he could convince himself not to.
It wasn’t like he had an abundance of friend’s he can call upon either.
“You can go back to sleep now.”
“Call me if you need me.” The words were muffled behind a yawn.
Stiles didn’t get back to sleep that night.
It was only a matter of time before the rest of the pack found out about Stiles nightmares.
Scott is terrible at keeping secrets and it’s actually a wonder that the whole of beacon hills doesn’t know that he’s a werewolf yet.
Still it surprised Stiles when Derek approached him.
“For you.” Derek grunted out the two words, shoving a book into Stile’s hands, without actually asking him if he wanted it.
Stiles stared at the book with furrowed eyebrows. “What’s this?”
“A book.”
Stiles would usually have a sarcastic comment to say here, and it spoke volumes about how little sleep he was getting that he stayed silent and instead flipped open to the first page.
He did a double take. “Is this a spell book?!”
“You could call it that. There’s a section on protection magic.”
Stiles eyes scanned the pages. “There’s magic for that?”
“There’s magic for everything.” Derek says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and maybe for him it is.
“You know I’m not a witch though, right? I can’t use this.”
“You’re a spark Stiles. You have magic. It’s up to you if you want to use it.” Then he walks away.
Stiles stares at the space Derek had once been. “Goodbye to you too.”
That night Stiles can’t get to sleep.
He flips through the pages of the book idly. The writing is small and long winded, and it’s almost impossible for Stiles eyes to actually focus on anything the book says.
He picks up his phone instead, and hovers over Derek’s contact information. The whole pack had traded numbers for emergencies, but he had never actually used Derek’s number before.
Derek had also never given him a spell book before.
Stiles: This book is impossible to understand. Aren’t there wards that other people/witches, who actually know what they are doing, have made that I can just buy online and save my eyes the torture of trying to read this?
Derek: You should never trust a stranger’s magic.
And that’s such a paranoid, and very Derek Hale response that Stiles can’t help but roll his eyes.
Still he tries to read the book again. Within the first five lines he falls into an uneasy sleep.
He keeps trying to read the book for the rest of the weekend without much luck.
Stiles: There has to be spark notes or something. It would take an army of Lydia’s years to decode this thing.
Derek: Lydia could probably read it in an hour, you’re probably just too tired. Go to sleep.
Stiles: It’s not that easy.
Derek: I know.
Stiles: So I found a chapter on enchanting weapons that looks fairly comprehensive
Stiles: Question: Should I get a sword?
Derek: Absolutely fucking not.
Stiles: How rude.
Derek: I’m not saving your ass when you stab yourself.
Stiles: Double rude.
“What are you doing here?” Derek stood in his doorway with a questioning frown.
“Nice to see you too, big guy. I came to see you obviously, are you going to let me in or what?” Stiles said with an eye roll.
Derek moves to the side to let him in. “Scott isn’t here.” Derek said, still sounding confused.
“I didn’t think he was.” Stiles turned to face Derek with a big grin dropping his bag off his shoulder as he did so. “I wanted to show you something.” He pulled a small pebble out of his pocket.
“A rock? I think I’ve seen one somewhere before.”
“Don’t be an asshole. Just, tell me a lie.”
“A lie?”
“I’m a vampire.” As the words left Derek’s mouth a rune that Stile’s had drawn onto the rock glowed.
Stiles beamed. “It’s a lie detection rune. All in all not much use seeming as all werewolves are natural born lie detectors, but the important thing is I was able to read enough of that spell book to make this, and it worked. Turns out I’m a fucking baller witch already. Did you-”
Stiles stuttered to a halt when he noticed the small smile on Derek’s face.
He was now coming to the realisation that he had never seen Derek smile before this.
He would have remembered.
“Have you ever seen Derek smile before?”
Scott gave Stiles a curious look at the question, and then shrugged his shoulders. “I guess? Probably? I mean the dude’s not a robot. He must have smiled at some point.”
“Yeah. Must have.”
It’s rare that Scott doesn’t answer his phone when Stiles calls, but today is one of those days.
It’s more out of helplessness that he even tries texting Derek at all.
Stiles: hi
Derek: hey
Stiles: Do you ever actually sleep?
Derek: You messaged me first?
Stiles: Yeah but I wasn’t expecting a response?
Derek: Oh
Derek: I can go if you want?
Stiles: Wait
Stiles: If we’re both awake anyway you might as well keep me company
The next response takes enough time to come through that Stiles briefly panics that Derek really did go to bed.
Derek: I don’t think your dad would appreciate me coming over at this time.
Stiles actually laughs out loud.
Stiles: I meant keep me company over text
Derek: oh
Derek: What did you want to talk about?
Stiles: Anything
Derek: Did you want to talk about your nightmares?
Stiles: Anything but that
Stiles didn’t think he could talk about them if he wanted to, but he really didn’t want to find out. He wanted to forget about the nightmares.
He wanted to forget about how in every single one of them someone he loved would get hurt because of him. Or by him.
Stiles: What did you do today?
Derek: I went for a run
Stiles: You’re really bad at this
Derek: Sorry.
Stiles: don’t be
Stiles: Did you really only go for a run today?
Derek: it was a long run
Stiles: still.
Stiles: You know there are other things you can do right? You could go to the cinema or something. Or have a picnic. You might even meet people
Derek: You can meet people while running
Stiles: Name one person you’ve met
Derek: Pat
Stiles: Who the fuck is Pat?
Derek: We go jogging together sometimes
Stiles: Nice, is she hot?
Derek: Gross Stiles. She’s 74
Stiles: Oh my god
Derek: What?
Stiles: Your best friend is a 74 year old woman?
Derek: I never said she was my best friend?
Stiles: What do you guys even talk about?
Derek: Idk. Life. She gives good advice.
Stiles: This is the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever read
Derek: Shut up
Stiles: No way. I have so many more questions. Is she also a werewolf? Do you go to her for supernatural advice? Or just day to day ‘how do I get my barista to like me’ kind of advice.
Derek: Who asks for advice about getting their barista to like them?
Stiles: Unimportant. Stop dodging the question.
The next time Stiles has a nightmare he doesn’t bother trying to call Scott first.
At some point texting progresses into phone calls.
And it’s different than talking to Scott. For one Derek never sounds tired so Stiles never knows when exactly to stop talking. So he doesn’t.
He talks until his throat grows dry, and he’s feeling tired enough that he can go for another couple of hours of sleep.
Derek never complains.
Stiles is just enough of an asshole that he takes advantage of that fact.
Sometimes in the morning after they just picked up their text conversation wherever it was last left off, and soon enough Stiles is texting Derek daily.
And Derek always texts back.
It was during one of their phone conversations that Stiles finds himself asking Derek where he had even found the spell book to begin with.
“It used to belong to my dad.”
Stiles jaw drops open. He knew for a fact that Derek didn’t have much left of his family, and the fact that Derek had leant him this book at all must have meant Derek trusted him. A lot.
Stiles didn’t even know how to trust himself, so how the fuck did paranoid, over protective, lone wolf Derek fucking Hale come to the conclusion that Stiles was trustworthy?
Derek’s faith felt like a physical weight in Stiles hands.
That night Stiles had another nightmare.
This time he’s holding Derek’s heart in his hands as blood drips through his fingers.
He wakes up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down his face.
“I think if I ever see a pixie again, I might go feral.” Isaac bemoaned during a pack meeting, rubbing his arm where one pixie had bitten him.
“You’re learning magic, right Stiles? Isn’t there a spell you can use to just get rid of them all?” Scott adds on looking at Stiles with pleading eyes.
“If there is I haven’t come across it yet.” Stiles says. “But, and hear me out, I did come across a weapon rune that I want to try out.”
“Nope.” Derek interrupts the thought before it could fully form.
“Come on!” Stiles complained, narrowing his eyes at the werewolf. “You all got wolf-y claws. I want a sword.”
Derek shook his head. “I love you Stiles, but fuck no. I’m not letting you have a sword.”
The whole room goes quiet and every single pair of eyes land on Derek.
And Stiles really wants some elaboration on that sentence.
But Derek looks extremely uncomfortable, and a little bit like he wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole, so Stiles forces himself not to make a big deal.
And it’s difficult. Stiles is a maker of big deals. He can expertly craft a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s his speciality.
When he sees Scott’s face light up Stiles elbows him in the side to stop him from saying anything to make the situation worse.
Scott thankfully picks up the hint. “So what else do we know about pixies?”
It’s a terrible subject change but it does the job.
It is impossible for Derek to be in love with Stiles.
Stiles doesn’t even entertain that thought, because it’s ridiculous.
But the words ‘I love you’ definitely left Derek’s mouth in front of a whole room of witnesses. Which brings Stiles to the conclusion that maybe Derek thinks of him as family.
And that’s a lot.
Stiles knows what happened to the rest of the Hale family (everyone does). And Stiles knows that he could never replace them, but he also doesn’t know how to live up to them either.
Stiles doesn’t know how to be enough for Derek.
Except if Derek already loves Stiles then maybe Stiles has already done enough…
Maybe all he has to do to be enough is not change.
And maybe to not change all he has to do is ignore the fact that the words ‘I love you’ came out of Derek’s mouth at all.
So that night when Stiles has a nightmare he calls Derek, and they talk for hours on the phone. Neither of them mentions anything about love.
Nothing changes at all.
Nothing changes except the whole pack now thinks Stiles and Derek are secretly dating.
Stiles nightmares don’t stop. Derek features in almost all of them now though, and they always end the same way. Stiles stood above Derek his heart in his hands.
Stiles jerks awake from one of these nightmares to the sound of loud banging on his bedroom window. His heart leaps halfway up his throat as he practically falls out of bed.
“Stiles?” Derek’s voice sounds muffled through his window.
“Derek? What the actual fu-” Stiles jerks back his curtains and stops dead because Derek looks…not great. He’s shaking heavily and his eyes were flickering between the regular pale blue and the glowing omega blue. “What happened?” Stiles wrenched open his window to let Derek in.
“You called me.” Derek’s voice still sounded muffled and Stiles realises it’s because he has a mouth full of fangs.
Stiles gave a confused look to his phone. He’d fallen asleep texting Derek and he must have accidentally dialled him afterwards.
“You were crying. A lot. And you sounded like you were in pain.”
Derek’s eyes came to meet his, still shaking. “I didn’t know they were that bad.”
Stiles steps closer to Derek, opening his arms, and Derek falls into him.
“It’s okay buddy. I’m fine.” Stiles rubs his hand on Derek’s back, and Derek slumps forwards into Stiles embrace.
They stay that was until both their breathing evens out, and Derek’s eyes stop changing colour. Then they stay there for a while longer.
Derek starts coming over regularly after that night.
A lot of thee time they don’t even talk, they just lay there, side by side, staring at Stiles ceiling.
“Do you get them too?”
“Get what?” Derek grunts out.
“…All the time.”
Stiles turns his head to look at Derek. “How do you…cope.”
“I don’t sleep a lot.” Derek admits.
It makes more sense to Stiles now how Derek is always awake to answer his texts or calls.
And Stiles thinks that maybe Derek was lonely too.
Maybe he was saving Derek just as much as Derek was saving him.
It’s inevitable really that Stiles falls in love with Derek.
How could he not?
Usually when Derek comes over (which is a lot these days) Derek leaves when Stiles gets tired, but sometimes Derek falls asleep first. And Stiles lives for those days.
He pines for the days where he just gets to fall asleep next to the person he’s fallen so madly in love with.
Derek is always gone when Stiles wakes up.
Stiles tries not to take it to heart or over think it, because every time he needs Derek to be there he always comes back. And that’s enough.
It’s more than enough.
Nothing stays the same forever.
It’s raining the day that Stiles wakes up first.
It’s raining and Derek is hugging him tightly. And Stiles can hardly breathe because he doesn’t want to ruin this.
What he really wants to do is turn onto his side and cuddle Derek right back, but that would probably be taking it too far.
So instead he just lies there, and tries not to move. But Stiles can never stay still for long, and eventually his shifting causes Derek to stir.
“Stiles?” Derek’s voice is low and thick with sleep, and Stiles can’t make any actual words come out of his mouth.
“Go back sleep.” Derek mumbles. And then he hugs Stiles tighter, and his nose finds its way to Stiles’ neck.
And Stiles breaks. Because he’s never wanted to hold someone so much in his goddamn life.
But that’s when Derek wakes up fully.
Derek jerks away from Stiles all at once.
Stiles automatically tries to stop him, but he’s too slow. A small whimper leaves his throat without his permission.
“Shit Stiles. I’m so sorry. My wolf… I thought… I’m sorry.”
Derek sounds so pained and Stiles just wants to take it all away.
He flops backwards onto his pillow, covering his face with both hands. “Don’t apologise.”
Derek lets out this noise that breaks Stiles in a whole new way. “What should I do?”
Love me back.
The words don’t leave Stiles’ mouth.
“Stay. Please.”
Stiles peeks through his fingers when he feels the bed shift slightly as Derek sits tentatively back on the edge.
And Stiles knows everything can’t stay the same.
“I have a confession to make.”
Derek gives him a sad smile. “Please don’t tell me you actually got a sword.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “I didn’t get a sword.”
“Oh thank fuck.”
“I’m in love with you.”
And Derek goes silent. The only things Stiles can hear is his own thundering heartbeat and the rain.
“Please say something.”
“I’m not good with words.”
“Then do something. Please.” Stiles begs.
And Stiles expects Derek to leave, but then Derek is kissing him. Derek kisses him and his teeth brush Stiles lips because Derek is smiling.
“I love you too.” Derek said as he pulled back. “But you already knew that.”
Stiles gapes at him. “No I didn’t? How would I know that? You love me?!”
“Yes you did? I told you during a pack meeting. I know you heard me. Every one heard me.”
“Oh god.” Stiles breathes. “I’m an actual fucking idiot.” He narrows his eyes at Derek. “You are too. That was a terrible confession. Did not give me the impression at all that you were down for making out. Next time use flowers or poetry, or just the actual words ‘Stiles I’m in love with you’. We could have been together this whole fucking time.”
“Sorry how is it my fault you couldn’t extrapolate that from ‘I love you’?”
“I’ll have you know that there are seven different types of love asshole. Example, I love Scott, and I tell him that all the time. I do not however want to kiss Scott. Ever.”
“You tell Scott you love him all the time?”
“It’s called having a healthy communication. You should try it sometime.”
“Sorry. Let me try again. Stiles I’m profoundly in love with you. You are the air in my lungs, and the blood in my veins. You are everything to me. The world would not spin without you.” Derek deadpans.
“Fuck. You’re such an asshole.” Stiles laughs and wraps his arms around Derek’s neck. “You’re perfect for me.”
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rawbiredbest · 5 years
It’s All in Your Head
Contains: Fluff, Angst, Unconventional Relationships, Telepathy, Demons Fandom: Marvel (comics) Relationships: Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom Characters: Stephen Strange, Victor von Doom, Wong, Boris Word Count: 6103
Out of the blue, Stephen Strange and Victor von Doom find themselves telepathically connected.
No squealing, remember that......
Content warning for canon typical violence, profanity, implied sexual activity, and a single usage of homophobic language by a very bad individual.
Graciously commissioned by @osheets! Wanna do the same? Check my info!
Read here or on AO3!
- - -
The breakthrough comes with rapturous spontaneity. It’s like Victor von Doom has been standing on the shore of a Latverian loch, and in the blink of an eye, the grains of sand have become an orchestra, the surf their masterful conductor, and he the sole audience. He has captured their forms in glass and steel, multiplied ten million fold in the casings of complex machinery, and the entire laboratory sings the path to a bolder, brighter future. In all of his years of experimentation, innovation, desperation, he has never heard this music before. It pours from every screw and bolt, vibrates along every copper wire, thunders out of every piston and valve. The engineers below him, controlling and monitoring the device, are Gods of melody and time. Doom himself has transcended divinity, rising high on sublime notes of praise. He is Emperor, Encapsulated Universe, and his feet do not touch the floor as he glides to the heart of his machine, his veins coursing with silver beauty. Hydrogen atoms dance into the arms of their palladium partners, and their heat is love, love for each other, love for nature, love for him, and it is a primordial force unlocked from decades of ridicule and shame, and he has set it free. Genius. Monarch. Ultimate.
And then it goes. Slowly, a receding tide. It slides from his bones, leaving them aching. He braces himself against a panel, cold sweat sticking to his brow. His heart hammers in his chest, a lone drum holding a marching beat long after the band has departed into the moonless night. The engineers gape at him, oblivious to the miracle that has deafened their ruler.
Doom touches the shielding glass of the operating CMNS reactor, and its vibrations are an idiot hum. He blinks salt from his eyes, breath condensing on the machine.
Four thousand, five hundred and six miles away, a doctor and his best friend leave Madison Square Garden, wearing concert merch, beaming like loons.
- - -
To Stephen, it’s a tsunami.
He’s watching TV. The nightly news. He could tap into the Eye and view the entire world as it turns, but he doesn’t want to. It isn’t very often he feels human, let alone vegetable, so any opportunity to vegetate he takes with gusto. Stretched across his couch, he tugs down the hem of his shirt, leans his head on his hand, and waits to absorb the country’s woes.
He gets a sharp pain on the nape of his neck instead. He swats at the spot, looks at his palm. “Ow.”
Wong looks up from the email he’s writing. “Are you okay?”
Strange frowns, settles back down. “I think there’s a mosquito in here.” They’re talking about the Amazon fires. Stephen’s heart aches for the birds who will drop from the sky, their lungs full of smoke, voices forever silenced.
And then pain rips down his back, like his spine is torn out by an iron hand from his neck to his waist.
He can’t help but yell then, clutching the cushions. A heavy ache lingers in his vertebrae. Gingerly he sits up, breathing hard, eyes clenched shut. Something a bit like petrichor, a bit medicinal, a bit hot fills his nose.
Wong runs to him, but Strange raises a hand. “I’m fine,” he says, though he already braces against the thick lump rising next to his heart. As it crests, it dissipates throughout his body. He forces his eyes open, expecting to see the black trails of tiny spiders beneath his skin. Nothing but unmarked flesh.
“Should I call Doctor Carter?” Wong asks, thumbing toward the antique phone. It’s enchanted to call anywhere, anytime, any-plane.
“No, no.” Stephen leans on his knees, rubbing his temples. The pain is moving, changing. “This isn’t exactly her--”
--forte, he wants to say, but he is cut off by trees. Huge trees. Trees that consume the sky in fractal tangles of evergreen. Primordial, pristine trees, the definition of trees. The little things that crawl beneath and flit between, some carrying light, some with rigid jaws.
It’s a psychic attack. Strange has weathered them before. This one is weird. As he waves for Wong to get the Eye, he endures the spikes of pain that impale his senses to grab a closer look. This entity is lumbering, gigantic in scope yet wet around the edges.
It’s being born, he realizes. It’s waking up.
It hurts, it hurts but he’s curious. He sees New York now, its spires and streets lined up like so much circuitry. He feels the rough brush of concrete, hears the car horn concerto, smells the burn of rubber, and all throughout are rules, parameters, reasons. The thing is learning, feasting on information, and gathering more at an exponential rate. A tidal wave of green descends on the city, picking and plucking at this imaginary world.
And as it eats, thousands and thousands of hungry mouths devouring America, it hates. It hates the excess, the cruelty, the inefficiencies. It roars, barreling down the Sanctum, thousands upon thousands of tons of incomparable loathing.
Wong presses the Eye into Stephen’s hand.
“Pardon my French, dear friend,” Strange says.
The Eye bursts open, and the Sorcerer Supreme throws every ounce of his mystic might at the slavering invader. The living room cascades with dancing whorls of light as he raises his arms, funneling a solar flare, and cries a spell that every New Yorker knows by heart.
Utter obliteration. When he opens his eyes, glittering motes trickle from the ceiling. The pain is gone. The TV has gone to commercial.
The phone is ringing.
Wong answers it as Stephen sinks to the couch. He slips the Eye around his neck, and its weight comforts. He thinks he’ll sleep with it tonight.
“It’s for you.”
Strange massages his ear. Vulgarity is embarrassing, but faced with an immaterial infant in the depths of an unholy tantrum doing everything in its power to cram a fork in a magic electrical socket, seemed like a good idea at the time. He takes the phone. “Hello?”
“Doctor! The master -- Victor -- something has happened, I do not know-- I--”
“Boris?” Stephen sits up. “Boris, it’s all right. Slow down. What’s going on?”
Behind the old retainer’s words, a siren wails. “The master--” He hesitates. “His newest Doombot. He turned it on for the first time. All was well, and then it exploded! And now Victor -- he is breathing this flame, this plasma! It burned through his mask! Doctor, what do I do!?”
Strange inhales deep. Counts to three. Lets it go. “He’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? I do not mean to doubt you, but--”
“It will pass. Give him an ice pack and put him somewhere dark and quiet for a few hours.”
“I trust you, doctor, but please, when you can, come and see him. The violence of it, it scares me.”
“I know. It’s fine. Just something he ate.”
Boris thanks him and hangs up.
Stephen wishes the couch would eat him as he heaves a sigh. “Wong,” he asks, “Is it too late to rescind discovering my bisexuality at the ripe age of however old I am now?”
“I don’t know,” Wong replies, “To both parts of your question. I lost count in the five hundreds.”
Strange curses again.
- - -
“So. We have a telepathic link. Any idea how it got there?”
He may as well be speaking to a wall of granite. Doom, arms folded, sneers at him across the table.
Stephen links his fingers together. “I have nothing. It’s rather disconcerting. I don’t believe it’s malevolent, which is always a plus, but it’s unremarkable, which isn’t. So I’d appreciate any insight, Victor. Whatever you’d like to...you know. Get off your chest.”
Doom’s eyes are cold.
“Anything at all. Need to vent? I know you can get heated.”
The table weighs over three hundred pounds, yet Doom flings it at him like a feather. Strange cuts it in half with a bolt of solid light as Crimson Bands constrict around his other arm. They serpentine and splinter into smaller tendrils, their tips unhinging into fanged blooms, and a thought comes to Stephen as the king charges him: he was born in a forest. It’s nature’s fury that fills his head, a cacophony of hellish noise, the wild hunt calling for his spilled blood. Doom’s rage in concentrated, psychic form, howling down their link.
The Daggers of Denak, blades spinning, do an admirable job trimming the vines, their severed heads still snapping, and Strange summons the Winds of Watoomb to push Doom away. The gale staggers him yet he presses forward, arcane runes flashing a ice blue aegis on his gauntlet. Step by step, forcing him back towards the wall.
He lunges. Strange is ready for it. Doom’s arm comes up, Stephen’s arms fan out. Before the king grasps his throat, he calls a pair of razors into his palms. Victor’s grip is suffocating. Strange holds his head between two guillotine blades. An impasse.
Doom’s voice rasps, thin and scorched. “That. Hurt.”
Stephen sips the tiny breaths he can. Something’s pressing into his belly. Sweat beads on his brow. It’s a gun. It’s the stupid gun Doom carries in the stupid pouch on his stupid belt. Why does he even have it? For shooting idiot sorcerers, he thinks. He swallows hard, knows Doom can feel it through the metal. Not so evenly matched as he thought.
And then he notices it. Hiding deep under the screams is a layer of fire. Reaching through the link, he touches it. Color rushes to his cheeks.
“Seriously?” he ekes out, “This is turning you on?”
Doom’s grip loosens. A minuscule amount, enough for Strange to squeeze a few more words. The fire leaps into his psychic palm, eager, aggressive.
“There’s no shame in it. You’re good at what you do, Victor. Very few people can put me in check. Look at you. You’ve pinned me to a wall like a butterfly. That’s impressive. I--”
The king leans closer. Stephen smells ashes on his breath.
“Hoary hosts.”
The gun is holstered. A steel thumb strokes his cheek.
“Reap what you sow,” Doom mutters.
- - -
The aches and bruises will last for days, but the coolness of Doom’s armor against the carpet burn on his back is soothing. He rests a hand in the king’s own. Anything else feels too strenuous. “Was that your first time having telepathic sex? It’s intense, isn’t it?”
Victor takes in the state of the room. Paintings smashed, furniture so much firewood, stone walls fractured and cratered. How much destruction is his? He has no idea. One or the other had to have held back. The castle is still standing, after all.
Neither man speaks. Stephen ventures a glimpse down their link and gets only an image of black curtains. Doom’s already set up defenses. Though some of his own are raised, he lets some satisfaction flow between them. An olive branch.
A quiet, amused huff. “At times, Strange,” Doom says, and already his voice sounds better, “Your physical merits outweigh the strenuous mental exertions you put me through.”
“I never much cared for the medieval aesthetic myself, yet here we are.” He grunts as he looks over his shoulder, thighs twinging. “How drunk were we that night?”
“Doom was sober.”
“Oh no, your golden goblet saw plenty of refills. You were, at the very least, tipsy.”
“You question Doom’s memory?”
Stephen cups his chin, looks deep into dark brown eyes. “I question, my lord, why you claim to remember, with crystal clarity, a night you could have easily decreed never happened at all.”
Nothing comes. No biting remark, no caustic humiliation. Doom only holds his gaze, and under the black curtains flashes something bright, something strong. It lasts for only half a second before the king gets up, using Strange’s shoulder for support. “This link shall be insufferable. Do your part to get rid of it.”
Stephen frowns, annoyed that his legs work. He wonders if Victor left any of his clothing intact. “Right. Ground rules. Stay out of my head, and I won’t make you cough up another star. Deal?”
“Stay out of Doom’s head, and you shall not know pain unending. You have a deal.”
- - -
This lasts for two months.
- - -
On Day 51, a current of malicious satisfaction slithers through Strange’s mind. Gooseflesh rises up his back. The half-chewed wad of pastrami and egg in his mouth goes sour. He spits it out, bracing himself on the dinner table, and without thinking of thinking, he thinks: what have you done now?
The smirk on Doom’s face reminds him of the crocodiles at the Bronx Zoo. The thing Victor is smiling at reminds him of shop class. He can’t begin to make heads or tails of it. Like many of the king’s devices, it could have come off the set of a sci-fi movie. Sleek and chrome, rigged with multicolored wires, pumps, and gauges, a porthole reveals the heart of the machine, a vile purple light. Stephen’s gut tells him that color would eat him alive if it could, tear into his flesh and drip his blood from its teeth. Stephen trusts his gut.
Strange, Doom replies, smile quickly fading into a scowl, We had an agreement.
You broke first. I felt you. My spidey sense tingled.
Victor’s gauntlets ball into fists, and he sends a wave of serrated anger barreling toward the magician. A chained wolf, barking and snarling. An executioner waiting for the condemned to dig his own grave deeper.
Stephen curses. He didn’t mean to think that out loud. Look. Just tell me what it is and I’ll leave you alone.
The black curtains rustle, then lift like a wing. Swimming in the purple light are mathematical equations, coiling around metal rods. It makes perfect sense to Doom, but to Strange it’s a form of gibberish undecipherable by any eldritch tome.
Then he hears it. It’s not coming from the machine. It’s from Doom. Subvocalized lyrics. A silent song. He could recognize the tune anywhere.
He bought its album at the concert.
This is cold fusion.
Stephen snaps back to attention. Cold fusion. Should I be worried?
Victor folds his arms. That I built a safe, eternal form of energy for myself and my people? Yes, Strange, cower and quake. Your country shall never have it so long as I draw breath.
There are many dangerous rebuttals to that he could say. Names he could drop. Yet Doom promised pain unending. Fifty-one days into their connection, Strange has no leads into its inner workings. Finding out if he could make good on his word is a risk Stephen is unwilling to take.
I don’t like this, the sorcerer thinks, but I have to believe you. Don’t misbehave.
His own mental defense is a never-ending subway express train, its doors and windows a veil of golden thorns. Sighing, he sits back down. What’s left of his sandwich has the appeal of wet newspaper.
Doom was right. The link is awful.
- - -
On Day 60, despite the blazing fire in the hearth, Victor’s feet send ripples through a puddle.
He regards it from his antique armchair throne with indifferent curiosity. Through the filters in his mask, he smells the green, pungent scent of foliage rot and seawater. In the puddle itself swim millions of plankton. A frenzy of eating, fucking, dying, and birthing unfolds beneath his alloy soles.
From the corner of his eye, he watches the puddle extend an arm of water across the floor. Sliding under a wall, a line of slithering damp turns the paint a moldy gray. Moisture fans across the entire side of the room in a pattern like falling stars, like skeletal hands trailing through a river. The scent grows stronger as the puddle expands. He rises before it consumes his chair. The leather sinks until it is a speck of mahogany in the brine. Gloom washes over it and it is gone.
Doom folds his arms. A breeze teases the tail of his cloak. Murmuring a quiet word, he puts out the fire with an arc of a finger, and turns around into another world.
It is eternal night. It has no sun, and what few stars can be seen are lucky glimpses through a lush canopy of branches and black, web-like leaves many hundreds of feet above. The grass under him has a sticky grip, but gentle. If grass could want for anything, it would like to give the king safe passage on his journey. He isn’t the sustenance it’s looking for. That comes on the wind, in the form of tiny shards of detritus falling from forest layers high overhead. It shimmers as it tumbles down, the only source of light in this hadal garden.
He doesn’t need to go far. Half-concealed behind a root far taller than he, Doom watches himself and Stephen Strange on the next mound over.
The magician talks with grand gestures, sweeping an arm over trees as dark as ink. Doom remembers himself speaking little, allowing Strange to tell him the highlights of the world. No recorded examples of predation. Negligible changes in evolution for millennia. A slow world. A place of peace.
Stephen steps into the water. Waist deep, he holds out his arm. His garb drips off him, revealing pale skin. He smiles, bare and inviting.
The other Victor undoes his belt.
“And you complain when I get you out of the house.”
Doom peers at the Stephen Strange sitting in lotus position beside him. “You drag me into your affairs with no concern for my well-being or sanity.”
“Please. The times you dig your heels in are cursory, at best. And then we end up doing things like this.”
Across the mound, the other king’s armor sits in a neat pile, and the two doctors stand in each other’s arms, their lips meeting and parting only to inhale.
Victor kneels on the grass. “Even you are capable of stumbling onto a good idea.”
Stephen’s lip curls upward. “I think about this often. This place is beautiful. This memory pleasant. I took effort not to broadcast this to you. My apologies if I disturbed you.”
Doom looks away. “You did not.”
“Oh? Your Royal Highness, we had an agreement.”
“Am I not allowed to reminisce myself?”
“Ssh. Meditate with me.”
He closes his eyes. Strange’s hand creeps into his own, and he lets it stay.
Perhaps he was wrong. The link isn’t so bad.
- - -
Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!
Stephen rolls molasses slow toward awareness. The bedroom is pitch black, swimming in unholy hour of the morning disorientation.
Your wife is in trouble!
He cracks an eye open, shifting in the sheets. ���Clea?”
No! Your big green wife! Get up, right now!
Those aren’t his thoughts. It’s a voice he’s never heard before, coming from inside his head. He holds very still and feels something slither over his brain.
He snaps wide awake.
I’m sorry we have to meet like this, the voice says, but we must hurry. The whole world is at stake!
In any other circumstance, Strange would interrogate the voice within an inch of its life, but its fear is genuine. Swinging out of bed, he yanks some pants on, startles the Cloak of Levitation from of its own sleep, and pulls open a portal to Latveria.
Curse me for a novice! the voice squeaks, That can’t be good!
Enormous rends in reality drape over the castle. Shimmering in the air, some bisect the stone in clean, monomolecular cuts. One vomits a steady stream of magma, causing a massive fire in the castle courtyard. Through each of them Stephen sees other dimensions. Another hole fans out from the keep itself and drops a mass of red crystals that crush an entire rampart.
Please! Hurry!
Stephen slams the portal shut, imagines his destination, and wrenches open a new one directly to Doom’s lab. The room is bathed in sunset colors and thick, acrid smoke. At its heart lies the fusion reactor, which is now anything but cold. The purple light pounds waves of energy, reverberating off its containment and magnifying a new tear in the world.
Victor stands in front of the machine. His motions are jerky, abrupt, a marionette controlled by a mob of children. He lifts a twitching hand and the tear throws itself through the castle to join the others outside.
Sister-Brother! the voice cries, Stop!
Doom’s arms drop, strings cut. The voice that comes from his mind is higher than the other.
No, I don’t think so, it says, I think I’m going to continue. You’re more than welcome to burn.
“You’re the link,” Strange says.
Just figured that out now? Sister-Brother asks, Wow, Brother-Sister. You sure drew the short straw. My host is incredible. I’ve mapped every gyri and sulci in here and it’s gorgeous. I’d stay forever if I could. It’s almost a shame he has to die.
Stephen glares, raising his hands, fingers glowing with magic. “As Sorcerer Supreme, I command you to release Doctor Doom!”
The laugh that echoes down the link is nails on a chalkboard. You have no idea what we are.
“You’re playing with fire. You’re threatening the dimensional stability of all of Doomstadt. And when I find you, you’ll have hell to pay.”
This host has already seen hell, Sister-Brother chides, What better place to grow up than in a body demon-touched? Have you considered that I’m doing him a favor? This is how it plays out. This is fate.
Doom turns around without his mask.
A bloodcurdling shriek ricochets across Strange’s mind, his hand thrusts forward with a will not his own, and a thunderbolt connects with the king’s head. Victor flies against a control panel, smashing it with the weight of his impact. Groaning and creaking, the reactor starts to power down, sprinklers in the ceiling damping the flames.
His face, Brother-Sister whispers, Gods, oh gods, what’s wrong with his face...
Stephen contains his screams until he kneels at Doom’s side, hefting his body into his arms. The scent of burning meat fills his nose. He howls for someone, anyone, to help him, royal blood seeping onto his chest.
- - -
He awakens to the beeping of the heart monitor.
Doom feels like mountainsides have taken residence on his eyelids. Slowly sliding them open, he takes inventory. The room is bright, sterile, no windows. He’s propped up in a bed. His hands are bare yet weigh like continents. He looks to his left.
“Hello,” Stephen says.
The sorcerer looks terrible. Ashen skin, reddened eyes, a frown threatening to rip his mouth off. The clothes he wears belong to any servant of the castle. The hands clasped together between his knees shake worse than Doom has ever seen.
“You’re on a morphine drip. You’ve been unconscious for the past twelve hours. You’re in the castle. We set up a makeshift triage room. For a while...” He takes a deep breath, steeling his voice. “We didn’t know if you would make it.”
Doom thinks, and his head is wonderfully quiet.
“Thank every deity you know that your skull is almost as hard as your armor. You’re going to be in a lot of pain for the next few days, but the alternative...I don’t want to think about. And I got rid of the link.” Strange picks up a jar from a nearby stand. “Meet Brother-Sister and Sister-Brother.”
Floating in cerebrospinal fluid are two worms. One is storm cloud gray bracketed by navy blue. The other is dark yellow-green with flecks of red. Flat as ribbons and only an inch long, they give each other a wide berth.
“Pineal parasites,” Stephen continues, “Stuck to the undercarriage of our minds, learning how to be through our eyes. They talked together through us. Saw magic through us. Deciphered grand machines through us. And now they’re ready to go home. That’s what yours was trying to do. They were looking for a place where nothing changes and nothing happens because all who go there are hijacked and killed. Not such a good idea after all, was it?”
Doom blinks.
Putting the worms down, Strange digs his wrists into his eyes. “Victor, I swear to you on everything I am I had no idea. I thought you’d like it. I thought you could forget being so angry, forget the Four if only for an hour, and be happy. Now you--”
He stares at the door, fist to his mouth. Swallowing his heart, he says, “I’m bringing them back. They’re not at fault. They’re just following their life cycle. Despite what they’ve done, they deserve to live.”
Birds that will choke on ashes, he thinks, Countless trees turned to dust. No more. No more death.
“The best doctors in your kingdom are here for you. I’ll be back.”
“Doom will go with you.”
Victor’s voice is quiet but steady. Stephen shakes his head. “No. You’re in no shape to get out of bed, let alone travel dimensions.”
The monarch shuts his eyes. Heavy footsteps pass through the door. A doppelganger in emerald and steel, the Doombot bows its head to its ruler.
“Doom will go with you,” Victor repeats.
Strange blows a ragged breath. By Doom’s creased brow, that wasn’t easy. “Okay. Rest now. Don’t do anything until I return.”
Victor says nothing. Stephen waits until he drifts to sleep, presses a kiss to rough lips, and departs, robot in tow.
- - -
Q-4301 is indistinguishable from the real deal, from its ramrod straight spine to its folded arms, yet there’s no look of wonder in its lenses, no human, if royally restrained, sense of adventure in its copper and silicon heart. It doesn’t care about the bits and pieces of gold falling from the alien canopy, the grass patting its boots. It stares at Strange, emotionless, and that very lack of feeling gnaws at the pit of the sorcerer’s stomach.
They’re on the same black water island mound as before. He can pick out the tree Victor pressed him against from all the rest. Had the microscopic eggs that birthed the parasite twins been attracted to their sex, or had it been sheer luck? He doesn’t know and doesn’t want to know.
In his hand is a candle made from the blood of priests. “Do you have them?” Stephen asks.
Q-4301 lifts a corner of its cloak. Sewn into the cloth is a glass vial. Brother-Sister and Sister-Brother are inside.
Strange nods. “I don’t know if Doom programmed you to feel fear. Either way, let me do the talking. If all goes well, you won’t have to do anything.”
The Doombot says nothing. Taking a deep breath, Stephen snaps a spark between his fingers and lights the candle.
The world goes silent. The wind ceases, and so does the steady fall of golden bits and bobs. The grass curls into tight nubs. The only indication that time has not stopped entirely is the gleam of flame like an undulating eel on the surface of the water. Stephen’s breath is deafening in his own ears.
The voice that speaks is low and obsidian slick. “Well, well, well. Look what the fags dragged in.”
The demon, descending from the trees, blends perfectly into the dark. Its teeth are yellowed and pitted from a diet of rot. It moves on long, soundless talons. Its eyes are cherry red, pupils like mouths.
“Doctor Strange,” the khat murmurs, “You honor me with your presence. I’ve heard so much about you. You’re a cautionary tale among khat-kind, you know. A warning about too much power in frail, mortal meat. Like stuffing a sun into a stomach, it’s only a matter of time till it bursts.”
Stephen purses his lips. “Cut the shit. I have something for you.”
The khat’s grin splits up to its ears. “A gift? Is it your heart? Your humanity? Your soul? Please tell me it’s your soul. I would so like your soul.”
“Come closer and I’ll show you.”
The demon pads on water, leaving no ripples in its path. “Is it the thing beside you?” Nostrils flaring, it sizes up the Doombot. “Not the usual breed of lost lambs you lead to slaughter. What sort of lies did you tell it to follow you? An offer of redemption, perhaps? Anything desperate enough to flaunt about in a green skirt would listen to you.”
“Desperation is for the weak,” Q-4301 snaps.
Strange swallows the ball of curses on his tongue and hopes it doesn’t show. Doombots fall for bait. Exactly like the original.
The khat stops. “Everything has weaknesses. You were once a babe in your mother’s arms, no? Look at your companion. The Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, can barely keep a friend around, let alone alive. No, no, no, there has to be a reason he wants you here.” It lies on all fours, rests its cheek on its fist. “What sort of gift was it again?”
Stephen starts to speak. Q-4301 beats him. “The only gift a demon like you deserves.”
Red eyes narrow in amusement. “Oh, it’s too much for a single khat to bear! Let me call my brothers. We shall find out together.” Rising into a crouch, it takes a deep breath.
There’s still time to salvage the plan. Strange shouts, “Do it!”
Q-4301 lunges into the water, tears the vial from its cloak, and thrusts its arm out. As predicted, the khat opens its toothy jaws and swallows the punch up to the Doombot’s shoulder. Payload delivered, they need to flee.
The portal spell is halfway done when Stephen spots Q-4301 motionless.
For a second, the khat too is still. Then, beaming around the steel in its mouth, it bites, and tears Q-4301′s arm off.
No robot could replicate the spray of blood and scream in agonized terror.
Strange doesn’t realize he’s also screaming. The khat snatches Q-4301′s shoulder and slams it beneath the surface. The water boils in the struggle. Shadows like hellish stalagmites reach for the leaf-choked sky as the sorcerer calls his magic. Black muck splatters the trees, the grass, Stephen’s legs as he gathers flame in his shaking palms.
The blast turns the water to steam as the garden sees more light than it has in billions of years. He looks for a target, finds nothing but the bare riverbed quickly flooding to fill the void.
The khat geysers up behind him, grabs his leg, and wrenches him into the water. The Cloak of Levitation has enough time to flip him face up before a heavy paw pins it down. Eyes stinging, heart hammering, Strange fends off the khat’s snapping jaws with novas in his palms. It takes all his training to anticipate where the teeth will be, vision obscured by plumes of bubbles, and not lose a limb.
Claws curl in his suit and drag him through the brine. His head connects with a tree root and all of reality goes sideways. His breath whooshes free, and sour liquid fills his throat.
The demon hauls him out, shoves him against a tree. Three blurry khats grin in Stephen’s eyes. Dozens of fangs.
“The gift is all three,” it says, “Your heart, humanity, and soul. Why were we ever warned about you? You’re nothing.”
It opens its mouth.
Stephen shakes water and blood from his eyes. The khat is frozen save its eyes, which widen in shock. Two voices erupt from its gullet. One, higher-pitched, screeches an incoherent string of profanity.
By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, the other cries, I demand you let him go!
If he squints, Strange can see two ribbons in the khat’s belly. One yellow-green and red, the other gray and blue.
“What have you done,” the demon barks, “What have you done to me!?”
The claws pry open. Stephen beats a hasty retreat, flying to the unfinished portal. As he works to complete it, something moves at his feet. The grass scuttles bits and pieces of shattered human along pathways only it knows. He reaches down, grabs a fragment, and rage flows through him hot enough to make his skin glow, heat radiating from him in convection circles.
The khat breaks free of the parasites’ control, smashing its head against the tree for good measure. Screaming, it leaps for him. Strange sidesteps into another world -- home -- closes the portal, and waits until his ears stop ringing.
His anger he keeps. He storms through castle halls, eager to strike while the iron is hot.
- - -
Doom must really try this relaxation thing more often. It isn’t bad. Balcony doors open, letting in sunshine and a floral breeze, he reclines in his seat, sips his tea, and listens to the vinyl spinning on the antique phonograph.
I’m coming down, coming down like a monkey, but it’s all right Like a load on your back that you can’t see, oooh but it’s all right
The song has been in his head for months. It’s nice to hear it in the open. Doom smiles. Stephen has good taste in music.
The chair spins around and Doom is confronted by a feral magician. Strange notes the king’s simple garb: no steel in sight, just a cotton shirt and pants. He aims for Victor’s face but his quaking hands botch the throw. It bounces off his chest and lands in his teacup. “You’re not white!”
Doom looks at his tea. The blue eye in the tea looks back. “About time someone noticed,” he deadpans, extracting the orb by its optic nerve and setting it on a napkin.
The chair bucks like a bronco and Victor spills out. Stephen catches him with magic, hangs him in the air. The cup breaks into a thousand pieces and the king’s disappointed frown makes Strange want to throttle him. “Who was in the Doombot?”
“A nuclear engineer working on the CMNS reactor.” Doom sounds bored. “He tweeted about the parasite-induced euphoria I experienced. Called it an episode. Implications of weakness are illegal. Justice -- and the parasites -- were served. Two birds with one stone.”
“You killed a man for a tweet.”
“Whatever creature you encountered in the garden slew him, not I.”
Stephen drops him, relishing Victor’s grunt as a shard of teacup cuts his foot. It’s a slimy pleasure, and his face contracts. “Bastard. There isn’t an ounce of goodness in you.”
The king pulls the porcelain out of his flesh and points the bloodied end of it. “I have my ways just as you have yours. Until you grasp this concept, we shall always be at odds.”
“Be at odds? I saved your life!”
Doom brushes back his hair. Black stitches stretch from one ear across his head to the other. “You scarred me.”
They’re on thin ice. Strange dials back his fury, fists clenched. Monstrous tyrant or not, Victor is recovering from brain surgery. “You had a worm in your head.”
Tossing the shard aside, Doom sinks back in the chair in a position Stephen calls the regal slouch. “The sentence for weakness implications is community service. The engineer served his community. The sentence for injury to the royal person is death.” A scowl darkens his face. “I have half a mind to not let you leave this room alive.”
The sorcerer shuts his eyes.
“However.” Doom thinks, picking his words. “The extraneous circumstances surrounding the crime cannot be ignored. A different punishment is called for. It shall be made at a later time.” He draws a holographic display before him. A tigress pants in her den, lozenges squirming at her belly. “Three cubs were born at the Latverian Zoo this morning.” He looks at Stephen. “I find myself preoccupied with some wildlife conservation of my own.”
The sigh comes from the bottom of his heart. One day Victor will come out and thank him. Today is not that day. It will have to do. Strange rubs his eyes. “May I make a suggestion?”
“Exile. A break. Another two months, or two years, or two hundred years. I’m not picky. I just don’t want to see you for a while.”
Doom looks back at the panel. “Your suggestion carries weight. So be it. Begone.”
That’s that. Another story concluded. Feeling empty, feeling light, Stephen turns to go.
Fuck, so close. The sorcerer looks over his shoulder. “What?”
“When next we sojourn, for Doom knows we shall--” Victor’s lip turns up, the smallest hint of a smirk. “--I shall pick our destination.”
23 notes · View notes
creator-zee · 4 years
        “I like your bracelet.” The blonde witch girl complimented, glancing at the simple metal band around my left wrist. It had an ornate design or runes on it, but other than that it nothing appeared special about it.
      “Umm, thanks.” I muttered tugging my sleeve over the bracelet. 
      She frowned at that, but didn’t comment on it. She brushed the skirt of her uniform down. “Sorry again for running into you.”
       I shrugged. “It’s no big deal really, but, uh, I have to get to class”
       “Of course.” She nodded. “I have to go too.”
       We departed ways, and I stiffened as a jolt went through me from my bracelet. What the hell? I wasn’t even thirsty, why did it do that? I would have to look at the enchantment later, but for now I had magical creature biology to attend. 
      I slipped inside the classroom. It was already mostly full. I was probably the last to arrive. I slipped unnoticed past the other groups of students chatting before class started. I made my way to my desk in the back and pulled out my notebook and textbook. I looked up only to see black fabric as suddenly a body slammed into mine, knocking me over and sending me to the floor. I groaned, although I wasn’t injured at all. I made the mistake of inhaling, inhaling when a witch was right on top of me, inhaling their delicious scent. A shock ran through me from my bracelet jolting me out of my stupor. I couldn’t feed, not now, not ever.
      The witch was scrambling off of me quickly, and standing to glare at whoever at shoved her over my desk. I picked myself and brushed myself off. I moved to pick up my notebook and textbook from where they had fallen. I could feel the stares of the class on us, on me, and I struggled to control the tremble in my hands as I picked my chair back up. Neither the girl who had fallen on me or her friend who had pushed her had apologized, but I didn’t care that much. No harm done after all, right?
       “All right class, settle down.” The professor,  Mx. Holmes, commanded. “I sure hope I don’t need to remind everyone of the no violence outside of training rule at this institution.” They cleared their throat, standing behind their desk at the center of the classroom. “Now, today we are going to be learning about a particularly dangerous and feared magical creature. Much lore and myth surrounds them and their details, but due to some very important witches we are able to distinguish more myth from fact than ever.” They paused and scanned the classroom. “Anybody have any guesses as to which MC I’m talking about?”
       Mutters throughout the classroom, but no one raised their hand. Eventually, I did. 
       “Yes, Ms. Thurston.”
       “Vampires.” I answered simply.
        They nodded, looking slightly impressed. “Very well done Alex. Since Vampires are very complex and still much is unknown about them we will be spending a week covering them solely then we will move onto commonly associated MCs like bat-shifters, immortals, and really pale people.”
      A forced laugh went throughout the room at the last one on the list. No laugh left my lips. I wasn’t worried about doing poorly, after all I probably knew more than even Mx. Holmes, but now everyone would know more too, and more about how to spot one. 
        “The first thing we are going to do as an introduction is a project. You can work with a partner of your choice if you want, but both of you need to turn in a paper.” They silenced the chatting students with a meaningful look before continuing. “I will pass around a list of myths and legends surrounding vampires. Your job is to research one of your choosing and prove with evidence that it is either fact or fiction. It will be due Friday, and we will be covering relevant information in class, but I suggest you don’t wait for the last minute as finding reliable sources can be hard. I would suggest staying off the internet and sticking to books in the school library. Since you only have a week I am giving you the rest of class to begin working.” They stopped taking and moved to the front left corner and began handing out the paper with subjects. I opened up my textbook to the vampire section and opened my notebook to a new page. This was going to be hard, after all I couldn’t cite my resource as “I am one.”
      “Do you have a partner?”
      I jumped at the voice, eyes snapping to the person who had dared to talk to me. I was generally very careful about avoiding people, so no one got to close, and people generally stayed away. So who had ruined that. Who had the guts to break the unspoken rule of the school, of all schools? Don’t talk to the loner. It was a tall witch with short dark green hair. They, no she, as her shirt clearly pointed out, literally, it said ‘I’m a girl stop misgendering me, idiot,’ stood with her hands on the edge of my desk leaning over slightly, looking at me for a reply. I avoided the gaze of her piercing blue eyes, opting for looking at, but not reading the words on the pages of my textbook.
       Realizing I hadn’t replied I gave the simple honest answer. “No.”
       “Do you want one?” She asked. That took my by surprise, most people didn’t ask that question. No one asked me what I wanted. I was getting to hung up over a simple courtesy. Stop over analyzing and being dramatic, I chided myself. 
      “It would be nice to split the workload.” I answered. And that was true, it was the working with a person that was the problem, especially on this project of them all. 
     “Sooo... yes?” She clarified. 
     I nodded, like an idiot. I was going to get a wooden stake through the heart at this rate. 
      “K, I’ll grab my stuff and a chair.” She said before leaving.
       They paper had finally reached my desk and I turned it to face me from where the person in front had set it on my desk. I scanned the list of topics. 
      Improved speed. 
      Improved strength. 
      Better eyesight (night vision). 
      Don’t need Oxygen
      Don’t need food. 
      Drink Blood (only human)
      Never Sleep. 
      Weak to silver. 
      Weak to garlic. 
      Wooden stake to the heart is lethal. 
      Look human. 
      More attractive. 
      The process of being turned is painful.
       Can’t have children. 
       Werewolves are the natural enemy.
       Sunlight burns them. 
       I sighed in despair scanning the list. I already knew the answers to most of these. 
       Yes. Yes. Yes (to both). No (but can hold breath for a really long time). Yes. Yes (but not just human). No (not necessary but able). No. No. Yes. Yes. No (not necessarily). No (but it can be circumstances). No. No. Yes (just like humans). No. No (just never aging). Yes (faster than humans, not instantaneous). Uh, actually, no idea.
       “Any ideas.”
       I jumped again at the voice. I glanced up and relaxed after seeing it was just the green-haired girl.
       I shook my head. “Just pick one, I’m sure we’ll find something.”
        She leaned over my shoulder to read the list. I moved it away from me, but she didn’t move. She was too close. Only centimeters away. I could smell her.
     I struggled not to flinch and knock into the other girl. 
      She pointed to one of the items on the list, her arm brushing mine as she leaned closer, her chest pressing on my back now. Too close. I didn’t dare breathe.
       “How ‘bout this one?” She asked quietly, but it didn’t matter. She was so close she might as well have been screaming. I glanced at where her finger had landed, at the very bottom of the list, the one I didn’t know, soulmates.
      “Uh...” I didn’t have a valid reason, so I reluctantly agreed. “Sure.”
       “Ok.” She finally moved away from me and sat down in the chair she had pulled up. I finally dared to breathe again.
       I pulled my textbook closer to me, setting it on top of the paper. I pulled my notebook into my lap and scratched  ‘Vampire Assignment-Soulmates’ at the top. I quickly scanned through the section on vampires looking quickly at headers and bolder words, nothing. I went back and just tried to find soulmate. There. 
       It is rumored that some Vampires have soulmates, and that they are identified by the delicious scent of their blood-
      -but this may just be the case that Vampires are more attracted to people with better smelling blood. Very little is known on this though as Vampires have been tight-lipped on the subject and many people don’t like talking about themselves as food. Either way it is of little concern as these MCs are very dangerous and should be killed or captured on sight.
      The passage continued on to other parts and I jotted what little it mentioned down before scanning the rest of the section. Nothing. Great. We would have to go to the library, and we couldn’t do that during class. 
      “I only found one relevant snippet and it’s not very helpful.” I informed my partner. “We will have to go to the library later to research. We should probably meet up later this week to plan the actual paper after we’ve each gathered enough research.”
       “You don’t want to do the research together?” She asked, slightly confused. 
       “It doesn’t make sense, it's more efficient to be reading different material. We can just compare notes later.” I paused. “If that’s okay?” I tacked on at the end, after realizing I was probably being overbearing. “Sorry, we can do something else if you want.” I shrunk closer to my desk as she didn’t reply. I was really bad with people. 
      “No that’s fine.” She assured me. “Let’s meet up Wednesday after classes then. In the library.”
       I nodded. “Okay.” The rest of the class lapsed in silence as I read the rest of the chapter, even though I already knew what little information it gave, save for the part in soulmates. I sighed and closed my textbook, sliding it into my backpack as I set my notebook on the table and turned to the back. I flipped to the next clean page from the back and began writing, nothing class related, but it would look that way to a teacher. It was just fictional writing that I dabbled in, but it didn’t matter because it would never see the light of day.
       “I thought you said you didn’t find anything else?” My partner, who’s name I still didn’t know, asked.
       “I didn’t.” I answered automatically.
       “Then what are you writing?” She pressed. I paused my writing but continued. 
        “Nothing.” Again automatically.
        She leaned close, right next to me too look. Too close. I breathed.
        That was a mistake. I quickly flipped the page closed before she could read. She backed up, getting the message and I glanced at her paper. She had titled it ‘Riley Duckery.’ At least I knew her name now. 
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5godsofphantomlord · 5 years
Greetings once more!
Salutations! It is I, Odin. You know, after having introduced two of my teammates, I think it’s probably about time that I introduced myself!
So hello! I’m 3rd God Odin, also known as James! I’m about 4′10 and I- I did it again... I forgot I have pictures... Here’s a picture of me!
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So yeah, this is me! (and before you ask, yes, the facial hair is to stop people from mistaking me for a 12 year old...I’m not salty, you are!). I like to think that I’m a caring person, I’m definitely the one who brings the snacks (can’t save the world on an empty stomach!), and I always make sure to keep my friends at 100%! I also happen to be the group’s assigned strategist, which is great because it lets me test myself mentally, not something I get to do much these days... But yeah, that’s me, now onto my abilities!
First things first, Aura: Unlike the others, my aura isn’t very strong (I’ve never been that good at taking hits) so I tend to keep it inactive unless I really need it (hence the fact that you can’t see the Dust over my eyes). However, this does mean that I have plenty of aura to use my semblance, Dust Reconfiguration. Like the rest of the squad, I have a Dust ‘tattoo’ that I can activate with my aura to use it’s specific element. Originally, this was Water Dust, but my Semblance lets me change any dust I come into contact with into that of another type (the only caveat being that I need a deep understanding of the workings of both the Dust i’m reconfiguring, and the Dust that it will become. So far I’ve been able to wield: Water, Wind, Ice, Fire, Lightning, and Gravity; although I haven’t mastered any of them. I’m still working on Earth, and Hard-Light.
Next up, magic part 1: Well, as I’ve mentioned before, the first type of magic that we learned was a result of being genetically ‘re-wired’, in my case, I became a member of the Fairy Race. This didn’t exactly help me in the Defence department, but being telekinetic, able to fly, able to see into the minds of others, and able to wield my awesome sacred treasure...I’d say it was a good trade. Oh, and that’s not even mentioning my magic power! Fairy King Harlequin called it ‘Miracle’ because of it’s similarities to his own magic power ‘Disaster’. Basically, (as long as I’m holding an object in my hand) I’m able to either heal someone through Status: Demotion, or make their wounds worse through Status: Promotion. I can’t directly kill someone through Status: Promotion (not that I’m complaining), just something to note.
Now, Magic part 2: In the Guild timeline, I was determined to find a combat-oriented support magic that could hold it’s own against fully combat-oriented magics while still being viable for helping allies. It took a while to find (and alot of money to get implanted), but eventually I located a Lacrima that would give me a magic that fit all of those qualifications. Water Dragonslayer Magic is similar to Sky Dragonslayer Magic, in that it is still powerful offensively, but allows the user access to a multitude of support techniques, such as Water Dragon’s Arms (a spell that increases the physical strength of the target while it is active). My magic also gives me super-enhanced senses that are great for finding people who ran off, or for detecting an ambush...Not so great on trains though...
Other Magic: Well, I’ve learned a couple of Restoration Spells from Nurn, like Greater Ward, Heal Other, and Grand Healing. I also picked up Ash Shell and Ash Rune to keep enemies trapped for a few seconds, as well as Dragonhide to reduce damage when in melee combat. Finally, I picked up Bound Bow so I can support my allies from afar, even if I’m low on Magic Power (even though I tend to carry potions on me anyway, but just in case!).
Weapons: Sacred Treasure - Spirit Spear Lullaby: Instead of writing an essay on the whole thing and its (rather complex) history, I’ma just gonna run you through each of it’s forms. 1st Configuration, Spirit Spear Lullaby: This is the spear form that gives the Spirit Spear it’s name. Lullaby’s spear form has a massive blade for the spearhead (far larger than you’d expect) that is curved to give it plenty of cutting power. When used by it’s attuned wielder, Lullaby will sap a tiny bit of the target’s life force with every hit. Only a tiny amount, but it adds up over time. This energy is stored within the spear to be used in it’s other forms. 2nd Configuration, Avalanche: In this form, Lullaby becomes a massive group of 5000 arrow-head shaped blades that are infused with Ice magic. I’m able to move these blades individually, together, or anything in-between. 4th Configuration, Golem: A large Ice Golem that is linked to my mind and follows my command, Golem is big too, like, house big. He also has his own spell, Flash-Freeze, which freezes whatever he comes into contact with on activation. 5th Configuration, Dualist: Dualist is a rapier with a full swept-hilt. When in it’s Dualist form, Lullaby is able to expel an amount of the life force and cut straight through a target so long as the target is struck along a mirror-line (as in either side of the blade is symmetrical when not accounting for body movement. This technique, known as Divisive Strike, takes up a massive amount of magic power, so I can’t really use it in extended fights against multiple opponents. To be honest, I don’t really like using it anyway, seeing as most people can’t survive being cut in half... 8th Configuration, Deep-Sleep: Deep-Sleep appears to be a normal, yellow sleeping-bag. In reality, it’s a powerful passive-healing space that can fit up to 6 people inside comfortably (7 if you really squish people in). 10th Configuration, Death’s Blossom: Death’s blossom is a 4-5 storey tall white rose that emerges from the ground when summoned. This rose then absorbs the life force of anything in a 5ft radius of it’s roots, and expels that (as well as all the life force already contained in the Spirit Spear, and about three-quarters of my magic power) in a single beam from the centre of the flower. Just transforming Lullaby to this stage is no mean feat, actually using it is almost guaranteed to be the last thing you do in a battle. Parrying Dagger: I also have a small knife (even thought it’s called a parrying dagger, it’s technically a knife) that has a mechanism in the blade that splits the blade into three sections (in a kinda ‘W’ shape) which is great for catching an opponent’s weapon in to aid in a counter-attack or to disarm them completely.
So yeah, that’s all from me for now! Thanks for sticking with me here, just two more to go! Next time, I’ll be going over the Reaper of the Five Gods, Maui!
Goodbye for now! :3
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aonrivers · 7 years
Elder-Futhark Runes
Runes are closely related to Norse Mythology; specifically, Odin – the King of the Gods. Odin had become jealous of the Norns and their great knowledge. The Norns are known as the fates and, most of the time, used the Well of Urd to gain their wisdom. And if there's one thing you should know about Odin is he loves wisdom. Odin had even given his eye away in order to gain knowledge, so when he learned that the runes only showed themselves to the worthy – he went to the extreme.
Odin went to a branch of Yggdrasil (pronounced: Ing-Dra-Sell) and hung himself upside down over the Well of Urd, then pierced himself with a spear. As he hung there, he called to the runes, but they did not show. As Odin dangled over the well, the other Gods would stop by and offer him help with food or water, but he refused the help. Which eventually was in his favor because on the ninth night of hanging, the runes appeared to him in the well. The runes accepted his sacrifice and revealed their true forms to him, providing him with their knowledge and secrets.
Because of Odin's actions, he was not only able to learn the meaning of the runes, but was able to learn their magickal aspect as well; such as: healing, making charms, using the symbols on weapons, making friends stronger and safe while making his enemies weaker.
This story also feeds into the theory of 'The Hanged Man' in the Rider-Waite tarot deck. This man is depicted as Odin.
In the Elder-Futhark, there are 24 runes; 25 if you count the blank rune. Each rune has a meaning and a letter associated with them. Runes have been around since 150AD and is actually a Germanic Language. These symbols were used as a form of writing before the Latin alphabet was adapted.
An example of using runes to spell the word "RUNES":
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Often, you'll hear runes associated with the word "Futhark" (pronounced Foo-Thark), which is Scandinavian and is the first six letters of the runic alphabet.
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Besides the Elder-Futhark, which this booklet will be using, there are three other types:
Anglo-Saxon which has 29 symbols and over the years have gained 4 more; making it a total of 33.
Marcomannic Runes which is a mixture of the Elder Futhark and Anglo-Saxon.
Younger Futhark which is a reduced form of the Elder Futhark, but only have 16 symbols. They are also curvier and missing "arms" and "legs".
There are many things you can do with runes. You can ask yes or no questions, lay them out the same way you read tarot, throw them on a table and read the ones facing up. You can also use runes for magickal purposes; for example, when creating a charm for protection, you can write Algiz to enhance the magickal properties.
Before using your runes, the first thing you need to know is runes hold energy; and this is why you need to put your energy in them. You can do this by constantly holding them when you can, carry them with you, sleep with them under your pillow.
Remember to do this if you have bought your runes. Creating your own runes already has your energy in them, but store bought runes made by machines or another person has a different form of energy in them.
It's also important to take care of your runes. Remember that wood runes can soak in water and stone runes can break so be gentle with them. To keep them together, use a pouch or a box. And no matter what material they are, always remember to cleanse them!
You can cleanse your runes by:
Laying them in the morning sun or under the moon.
Burying them in soil for a few days and dig them back up.
Let natural water run over them – not tap water, there's too many chemicals.
Pass them through smoke of incense or sage.
Blow on them
There are multiple ways to cast your runes, but before we go into this, don't forget to call in protection. It is always a good idea to call in your guides when performing any time of divination. Then when you're finished, thank whoever you asked to help and protect you. (Spirit loves to be thanked.)
First, we will start with structured readings, or casting runes like they're tarot cards. When you do this, you may run into the issue where you pull a rune and it's sitting in your hand at a weird angle. To correct this, just turn the rune at a 90-degree angle so they're in your hand or in its placement vertically. If you place your runes facing down, turn them over like a page (right to left). Then begin to read them.
Here are some examples of structured readings:
Pull 1 for the day
Lay three runes in a row for past, present, future.
Pull 5 runes and place three runes in a row for past, present, and future; one above for what influences you, and one below for what's beneath you or holding you back.
Read the runes in a Celtic-Cross layout like you would with tarot.
Next, we will go over unstructured readings AKA tossing the runes. You may cast your runes on either the floor or a table; or even into a circle. In the back of this booklet, I created a "runes map" for myself when casting, it's just to give it a little structure while still letting the runes do what they need to do.
You can cast all the runes at once or take a handful and toss them. When they land, make note of where they land and how they land. This will give you a more in-depth reading. Any runes that have falling face down can be removed from the reading – the runes don't want you to know these secrets or they're not affecting your situation or question at the moment. The runes facing up are the ones you want to be conscious of – they have meaning in your life at this moment.
When you toss your runes, here is what needs to be taken in account (view screenshot below):
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The runes closest to you are related to your situation.
The runes farther away is further into your future.
Runes that are closer to each other affect one another.
Closer to the center means the sooner the event.
Runes turned to the left (3) are saying that something is being forced, or it's too aggressive – or you're living in the future.
Runes turned to the right (5) are telling you that not enough effort is being put into something. Maybe you're too passive or living in the past.
Reversed, or facing the wrong way, (7) means there's a strong influence, or a negative force involved. There's also opposition which means the symbol is reversed horizontally.
Upright means there's a strong influence as well but it's a positive force involved.
Rune face down (1) means you're not meant to know.
Overlapping (6) means the runes are related so read them as a pair.
If there are three in a row (3, 4, 5), read them as past, present, and future.
Yes or no questions can also be answered by the runes. Ask your question then pull a rune. If the rune is pulled angled, rotate at a 90-degree angle then place down on the desk. If the rune is face down, turn right to left to see what it says.
If the rune is upside down – the answer is NO
If the rune is right side up – the answer is YES
Because some runes like Gebo or Isa are the same either way you look at it, go by your best judgement. There are also runes like Kenaz where the symbol normally opens to the right (<), if it's looking to the left (>), then the answer is NO. Because of these neutral runes, you can pull 3 runes – 2 out of 3 is your answer.
How I read my runes:
I hold my runes in my hand and breathe into them three times.
As I move the runes in my hand, I have the person place their hands underneath in a cupping formation.
I then drop the runes into their hands and ask them to ask their question, setting their intention, then when they're done, I place my hands underneath theirs and they drop the runes back into my possession.
I toss the runes and begin to read.
If I don't use the map I have added to the back of the booklet, I use the same idea when casting into a circle.
If there are runes with symbols faced down, I remove them from the reading area.
When I finish, I collect the Runes and blow into them again three times. I say thank you and place them back in my bag I carry them in.
As I said before, there are 25 runes (including Wyrd (pronounced "weird" or "word") and each have a meaning and letter associated. Below you will find these runes' names, how to pronounce them, the associated letters, the God or Goddess the rune is sacred to, the upright meanings (just think opposite when reversed); and in some cases the magickal purpose of that rune. (We will not be using Wyrd, just remember it means "leave it up to fate".)
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1st Rune - FEHU
Pronounced: "fay-who"
Associated Letter: F
Sacred to: Freya the Goddess of fertility and love
Meaning: fortune, money, happiness.
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2nd Rune - URUZ
Pronounced: "oo-rooj"
Associated Letter: U
Sacred to: Thor the God of Thunder and Lightning
Meaning: luck, sudden changes.
Magickal Uses: enhance healing.
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3rd Rune - THURISAZ
Pronounced: "thur-ri-saz"
Associated Letter(s): TH
Sacred to: Loki the God of Trickery and Shape-Shifting; Thor the God of Thunder and Lightning
Meaning: protection, faith, right time at right place.
Magickal Uses: protection and defense against adversary.
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4th Rune - Ansuz
Pronounced: "aan-sooz"
Associated Letter: A
Sacred to: Odin the Ruler of Gods and the God of Wind and Spirit
Meaning: stability, order, changes, blessings.
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5th Rune - RAIDHO
Pronounced: "rrye-doe"
Associated Letter: R
Sacred to: Thor the God of Thunder and Lightning
Meaning: movement, travel, end of conflict.
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6th Rune - KENAZ
Pronounced: "kay-naz"
Associated Letters: C, K, Q
Sacred to: Heimdall the Underworld Watcher
Meaning: creativity, knowledge, quest, sheds light on issues.
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7th Rune - GEBO
Pronounced: "gay-bo"
Associated Letter: G
Sacred to: All Gods and Goddesses as it is a gift to them.
Meaning: good fortune, gift, union.
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8th Rune - WUNJO
Pronounced: "wun-yo"
Associated Letter: W and V
Sacred to: Odin the Ruler of Gods and the God of Wind and Spirit
Meaning: happiness, wishes granted, success.
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9th Rune - HAGALAZ
Pronounced: "ha-ga-laz"
Associated Letter: H
Sacred to: Heimdall the Underworld Watcher and Mordgud the Keep of the Underworld's Icy Bridge
Meaning: destruction, disruption, controlled crisis.
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10th Rune - Nauthiz
Pronounced: "now-theez"
Associated Letter: N
Sacred to: Norns the Weavers of Fate and Nort the Goddess of Night that Gives Birth to Day
Meaning: desire and demands, hardship coming
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11th Rune - ISA
Pronounced: "e-sa"
Associated Letter: I
Sacred to: "intensity" as it intensifies any rune associated with it.
Meaning: frozen in place, standstill
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12th Rune - JERA
Pronounced: "yay-rra"
Associated Letter: J and Y
Sacred to: Freya and Freyr the Bountiful Couple
Meaning: continuity, time and change, conception and success.
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13th Rune - EIHWAZ
Pronounced: "eye-hwaz"
Associated Letter: Ê
Sacred to: Odin the King of the Gods who gathered the dead souls for their journey to Valhalla or the Underworld.
Meaning: death and rebirth, defense and protection, reliability and strength
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14th Rune - PERTHRO
Pronounced: "perth-row"
Associated Letter: P
Sacred to: Frigg the All Mother.
Meaning: follow your intuition, luck, unknown results, revelation
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15th Rune - ALGIZ
Pronounced: "all-yeese"
Associated Letter: Z
Sacred to: Heimdall the Underworld Watcher
Meaning: defense, shelter, and protection, victory and success, no news is good news.
Magickal Uses: add to charms and talismans for protection; you can also use it to protect yourself and your property.
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16th Rune - SOWILO
Pronounced: "so-wee-lo"
Associated Letter: S
Sacred to: Baldur the Beautiful God of Joy and the Solar Wheel
Meaning: success and victory, positive changes are coming.
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17th Rune - TIWAZ
Pronounced: "tee-waz"
Associated Letter: T
Sacred to: Tyr the God of Heavens and War
Meaning: victory, achievements, compassion, courageousness.
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18th Rune - BERKANA
Pronounced: "bear-ka-na"
Associated Letter: B
Sacred to: the Earth Goddess
Meaning: new beginnings, personal transformations, birth of an idea or child.
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19th Rune - EHWAZ
Pronounced: "aye-hwaz"
Associated Letter: E
Sacred to: Freyr the God of Fertility, the Summer Sun, and Erected Men
Meaning: momentum, moving locations, teamwork, loyalty.
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20th Rune - MANNAZ
Pronounced: "ma-naz"
Associated Letter: M
Sacred to: Odin the All Father and Heimdall the Underworld Watcher
Meaning: devotion, willingness to change, unselfishness, find the middle ground.
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21st Rune - LAGAZ
Pronounced: "la-gooz"
Associated Letter: L
Sacred to: Njord the God of Wealth at Sea
Meaning: reflect and consult the heart, follow instincts.
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22nd Rune - INGWAZ
Pronounced: "ing-hwaz"
Associated Letter: Ng
Sacred to: Ing the Earth God and Freyr the God of Fertility
Meaning: harmony, unity, love, listen to yourself and live in the now.
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23rd Rune - DAGAZ
Pronounced: "da-gaz"
Associated Letter: D
Sacred to: Heimdall the Underworld Watcher
Meaning: transformations, breakthroughs, new day, major changes, balance.
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24th Rune - OTHALA
Pronounced: "oo-thee-la"
Associated Letter: O
Sacred to: "heritage"
Meaning: home, stability, inheritance, family.
Recommended books:
"A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magic" by Lisa Peschel
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"Runes: The Ancient Magical Secret to Diving Your Future" by Shamira K. Leigh
"Runes: Theory & Practice" by Galina Krasskova
"The Runes Workshop: A You Know Intuition Workbook" by Jennifer Halls
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awriterstransition · 7 years
Phobias (Major Fetish Diapers/Slight Watersports)
        If you find any of the sections of stories I write interesting, I’ve tagged every story with “Isen” so if you search for Isen’s name you get every part I wrote.  If you have any questions about my stories, or want to tell me anything, go ahead and send me a message.
         When I woke up in my room everything felt different, the entire room was modern and very human like, with painted sky blue walls, white moldings, even the very bed I was sleeping on was soft and comfortable. Previously the bed used to be stiff and uneven. The room smelled fresh and clean, and I looked to the bedside table and saw a small electrical clock and a crystal lamp. I shifted to look around because I knew this was my room, it smelled like it, and it felt like it, even with the carpeted floor underneath my feet. I walked to my closet and opened it to reveal my clothing, though looking at them closely I could see the stitching was much tighter, and smoother.
         Then I looked down between my legs, and found a small cloth diaper between them, it was held in place with simple buttons, and I could tell it was wet since my crotch felt wet, but then I felt my neck because when I looked down I could feel a bit of resistance. Thankfully my room now had a mirror, and I could see one of Master Raven’s slave collars around my neck. The black choker, rimmed with silver and bearing his royal mark, in the center of gray glowing crystal. The royal Raven mark looked like it was branded on the crystal due to the thick and firm black lines, and the indentations on the surface. Though my mind shifted back down to my crotch where I felt the thick cloth padding between my legs. The front was a thick dark blue plastic coating, but the inside was soft, and of course it was damp because of my own mess. It had been years since I had worn cloth diapers, and it felt amazing. I just couldn’t help but rub the damp padding into my sheath. But in the corner of the mirror, reflected in the room behind me, I saw a folded stiff piece of paper over my lap top on the desk. Marked with Lynn’s name. Wondering what it was, I came to the letter and sat down in the firmly padded black rolling chair, god’s it felt nice. I had been sitting on wood and firm metal, the padding was wonderful. Even the padding in Matra wasn’t as good as the padding on the chair. I shifted towards the familiar wooden desk, and leaned on the surface as I picked up the letter and revealed what was inside.         -To my amazing friend          I couldn’t stay in Matra. I’m sorry I know you hate it when you get gifts like this and have to accept them, but when I saw you living in this place, I knew you needed some kind of escape. I know you’re supposed to live among the people of Matra, but you’re not a Mincridarn. You’re a cute sheep in wolf’s fur just trying to blend in. I know it’s so much compared to the wood walled prison you used to have, but please don’t be mad at me, it was fun recreating our room. The textures and colors; they were all hard to fabricate, but by the gods I’m amazing if I don’t say so myself. I haven’t used so much rune magic in years. I know you have questions so I thought up the questions you might ask.          One          Where did I go?          Well when the Mages Council found out I was Master Gageth’s replacement, so they called me forward to review my role as a member of the council. So I don’t know how long I’ll be gone… Sorry Isen.          Two          Why am I wearing a diaper?          Well that easy Isen, I’m glad you asked. Well I know how much you like wearing them so I made about twenty four, two of every basic color. I know that doesn’t make much sense by I threw in my personal favorite colors as well. I thought you might like feeling wet when you woke up, so I kind of made you pee yourself. I hope you don’t mind it’s nothing permanent I promise. I know you’d hunt my ass down if I did something like that.          Three          Why didn’t I wake up while you were doing all of this?          Isen, I’m a rune mage I could easily put you into a coma and make you sleep for twenty years. Trust me I was going to make this a surprise, so I wasn’t going to let you wake up before it was done.          Four          Why am I wearing this collar?          Isen the collar is specially made to filter out your gift from your magic, so when you express your magic in front of anyone they’ll never react in some kind of sexual or loving manner. I made the collar bearing Master Raven’s mark because, you are his slave in a manner of speaking. You will do as he says Isen, he’s not as bad as he seems, I’ve learned that myself. So the one thing about slave collars Isen, they are never made to come off until the contract is over, of course I didn’t make it time locked you can remove your collar at any time. But the point is, it’s illegal for anyone to touch a slave collar, no one will steal it and or try to take it off of you. OF course I made it so no one could do that anyways, but not the point. The collar will however make it harder to go out in public, but that’s why I made it silver. Silver represents a slave with more freedom then most, so it’s a way of saying your Master has given you permission to wander outside his estate, and do as you please. So you have all of the same freedoms as you once had but the collar just proves that Master Raven is your true master, and that he owns you and therefore it’s his duty to protect and train you.          Five          How long have I been asleep?          You’ve been asleep for a good half a day, by the time you wake up I’ll probably have been gone for a few hours.          Isen I know you don’t love me, but I’ll always love you, and I hope you still will let me be by your side until the end. But what hurts the most is that you never told me what happened to you, I would have stopped blackmailing you in a heartbeat if I had known. What I did was cruel and unforgivable, now that I know what happened to you. Next time when we meet can you promise never to hide anything from me again?          Regardless I hope we can see each other again soon, but that might not happen.          Forever loving you eternally          -Lynn Daren-
         I smiled when I finished the letter, Lynn was the romantic dork, and he loved being the chivalrous knight protecting the fair maiden from evil. So he loved leaving these small notes and letters whenever he could. Sometimes he’d leave small letters on the fridge back on earth when he saw that I was upset, or he was just trying to be romantic. It was one of the reasons I just thought Lynn was just an asshole in the end, not one of those rapists’ and murders; because he actually seemed to respect me as a person. I wasn’t an item to him.          I felt the necklace around the neck stroking the polished gray crystal around my neck, because I knew it was almost an extension of Lynn. I might wear the clothing he made and live in the room he furnished, but the collar was personal, it was his way of showing that he was respecting my wishes. Showing me that he was willing to help me never use my gift.          I soon heard a soft bell echo in my room and I looked towards the door, where bound to the handle was a brass bell tied to a string just a couple inches below the handle. Master Raven entered the room carrying a tray of food in his hand, wearing nothing but simple cotton underwear. When he entered he looked around the room rather amazed by the details, though he saw me standing up and his look of surprise vanished and his firm stern look retuned.           “What are you doing out of bed Kitten? You’re supposed to be resting.”           “Sorry Sir.” I admitted putting the letter in the top drawer of the desk.          He stood in front of me and put two fingers down the front of my diaper. “You really are a kitten aren’t you? Had to wet your diaper like a cub.” Master Raven simply protested as I grew warm at the parental gesture, and I watched as Master raven pulled his fingers out of my diaper and shoved the leather digits in my muzzle.           “Clean my fingers kitten.” I did as asked, and after a moment of simple sucking, he pulled his fingers out my muzzle and wiped the residue on my chest. Though I looked at his leather hands and wondered how he knew the difference in by padding.           “Sir how could you tell I was wet?”           “Special gloves from my father, they are family heirloom, their enchanted to be almost like a second skin. I can feel everything as if I was touching it normally, it’s a little muffled but I can feel when things are wet like blood and sharp like swords. Now Kitten let’s get one thing straight, you can wear your diapers all you want, but I will never once change them, do you understand me?” Master Raven asked firmly.           “Yes Master Raven.” With that confirmation the Cheetah sighed and put the tray in my hands.           “If you’re well enough to stand I guess you should get ready for work, you’re running behind but you should be fine. Eat, then clean your dishes, also take a bath unless you want to let people smell your piss stained fur. When you get back from work, we need to talk about what happened yesterday morning.”           “I’m guessing you don’t approve of what Lynn did?”           “Yes and No. My duty is to train you so you don’t rely on such strange things. Though these things do look interesting. He however forced my hand, I agreed to let him do this as long as he changed and modernized some aspects of my Brothel, and home as well. But that cub spent far too much time in here trying to impress you.”           “That’s Lynn alright, whenever he can use his magic to craft, he always tends to go overboard. Did you know in Ende when he was young he created a small city underneath his house with his shadow magic? He made statues and homes, even people. I’d love to see it, but he said he had to seal it away because confused spirits kept on getting lost down there. Regardless Master Raven, thank you sir for the food.” I said and lifted the tray of food slightly before setting it down on my desk.           “Just eat you meal Isen, you have plenty to do.” Master Raven commanded softly before tapping the collar I wore.           “You do look good in that.” I rolled my eyes, of course Master Raven said that, and I nodded with a small smile. Though the cheetah came closer, with how close he was I had to look up at him and he looked down at me with heavy handed glare, I quickly be scared that rolling my eyes had upset him and I was about to protest but his gaze kept me silent. I always had a hard time talking to people when they stared at me sternly.  Master Raven grabbed my arm, and then before I knew it he brought his hand down and smacked my ass, even with the padding I still felt it all.           “You were slouching again.” Master Raven explained and with that he let me go, and walked out of the door closing it behind him without another word. My heart was beating firmly because Master Raven may be a hard ass and abusive, but fuck he was hot.          I finished my meal, and washed the dishes but when I came to the kitchen I quickly took notice of the new fridge and oven plus cook top. Seeing these I quickly got happy and hugged them. “Stove cooking I’ve missed you so much.” I said happily thinking of human meals I could cook. I’d have to cook something when I got back for sure, something easy to test the heat and cooking times. Though thinking about the recipes in the bath, I quickly realized I knew nothing about how to cook Mincridarn meals, of course I had seen their ingredients before, but I had never used them.          I cleaned myself off, and used a small bit of soap to clean my fur and my scent before dressing up in a simple green silk sleeveless coat, with a tail that was split to make tail movements easier. I simply buttoned this in place with wooden pegs, and put on some brown pants. I left my feet bare just so I didn’t have to deal with the garter belt. I eventually left Master Raven’s home with laptop bag in hand. I met a single guard in front of the Spotted King’s Brothel and she took me to the embassy.          Class was amusing as I thought it was going to be, talking to the students about the movies, the action, the locations, and the items and weapons, weapons most of all. Mincridarins had a general fondness for weaponry, so they had plenty of questions. As homework I assigned them elementary school level worksheets, they were provided to me by the Ambassador. Apparently the Embassy had a copier, so I could select homework assignments from a work books and print them out. Though once I had given them the homework, I had to explain why the paper looked so clean and white.          Though when everyone had left, I had started working on a class room attendance spread sheet on excel as well as an assignment grading scale. I had never taught anyone, and I’m sure if I ever was supervised by a proper teacher they’d chew out every flaw I was making. But Matra had no choice, I was their only option, and they’d rather have me then no one at all. Thankfully the lectures weren’t so super intense, it was mainly responding to questions, but I knew that was going to have to change eventually. So I had to come up with some kind of plan to teach them properly. These first few classes would probably just be testing classes, just to get the students on board before I actually started to teach them.          Though when I was all done preparing for the next day, the guards took me back home and bid me a good night, mainly because it was already late in the afternoon, well after lunch. I was about to go upstairs and relax, by diapering up and getting on my computer to write, but that fantasy was halted by one of the bucks guarding the door. He came over to me and grabbed my shoulder, and spun me around so I had to look at him. It wasn’t Belvin, the scent was different.           “Master Raven wishes to speak with you, come with me.” The buck informed and I nodded in understanding, following the guard into the brothel, and around the main level to one of the tables in the back. I quickly took notice of Lynn’s added detail, because the walls were detailed with vines and pictures of landscapes, but not overdone just something have in the background. The furniture had a simplicity in their details, it was subtle difference, more depth to details and smoother curves. It was like shifting between qualities of videos on the computer, the room used to be on a 360p quality, but now it was more like it was 1080p quality.          Master Raven was sitting in a booth in the VIP area, and the guard stopped at the steps but I continued up and looked at Master Raven, he was wearing no clothes and smell of fresh sex, both male and female musk. Though when I came close enough he looked up at me with the cold stare on his muzzle. “Sit down.” The words were simple and firm, a command meant to be listened to but soft enough to be disregarded, but I sat down regardless.           “Isen I want to help you get over your fear of spiders.” Master Raven said and he lifted his hand when I tried to speak, he simply looked at me and warned me with a simple gesture with his finger. The simple gesture and his own silence left me quiet, and I listened afraid of what he was going to say.          “Isen, I can tell you’re scared, but it’s my duty as your master to train you, and so I will do everything I can to train you out of your fear. I’m asking for your permission, that is all, I promised to never abuse you so I won’t, and I won’t do anything unless agree. Plus there is no point in training someone who isn’t willing to be trained.” Master Raven said leaning back on the bench with his right arm hanging on the back of the bench, while his left rested on the table holding the whip in his hand.          His words left me dazed in deep thought, but when my silence seemed to be too long, Master Raven’s gaze bored into my head and his question back to my mind, and I fell silent truly nervous by what agreeing meant. My hands were lightly shaking at the idea, or maybe I was just shaking in general. “Do you have an answer?”          I looked up at Master Raven, expecting a bit more time to think about this, but the sudden need for an answer left me speechless my mind cut down the middle. I wanted to say No, but Master Raven was willing to help me overcome my fear of spiders. I hated it but I knew it was something I needed to do as well.           “You really are a kitten, just go. If you don’t want to do it, don’t waste my time.” Master Raven said after a moment waving me off with his left hand looking away from me.           “It’s not that Master Raven, I’m just scared.” My words brought up his gaze back to me again, the cold commanding gaze looking down at me. “I want to say yes but I’m scared about it being too much.”           “Kitten, this is a simple question do you want to get over your fears or do you want to let them control your life; Yes or No?” His simple words left me uneasy, but also hard to refuse.           “Yes Master Raven I don’t want to be afraid.” With that agreement he got up from his seat, and he came closer to me and took hold of my upper arm and lifted me off my seat, and close to his chest. It was almost like one of those scenes from an anime, most likely manga since very few animes seemed to be have a proper gay romance.           “You agree to do as I say when I say it?” My hands were tense and grasped at air and soon cleched in uneasiness, but I nodded in agreement.          “Yes sir.” I felt like I was signing my life away again.           “Come with me.” Master Raven commanded, and he let go of my hand and walked away with his whip in hand, but he soon let it fly striking the side of one of his slaves. A female who cried out in pain dropping the broom in her hands. “Do your job, next time I see you watching me instead of working I’ll see you before bed, do I make myself clear?!” He called out firmly, and the female quickly grabbed her broom of the ground and nodded.           “Yes sir.” She whimpered softly as she continued to work. Though with the abuse done Master Raven took me back upstairs but not into his personal home, but the VIP meeting area upstairs and into a room marked with a one. The room was clean except for a single chair and a large fruit spider locked in a cage. Seeing the spider I quickly started to try and pull away, and tried to break free of Master Raven’s hold. I cried softly I didn’t want to be near the spider, this was too much, but he lead me into the room and forced me into the chair in front of the spider, which the hissed at me and lunged at me as if trying to attack. Master Raven grabbed my arms and held me down.           “It’s locked up Isen it won’t hurt you, just breath. I’m right here, I won’t let it hurt you.” Master Raven said speaking directly in my ears, I heard his words but I just saw the spider in front of me, nearly three-fourths my own size, glaring at me and hissing , trying to crawl out of its cage. Its long legs restrained by cuffs, so they didn’t travel far beyond the bars of the cage. The cage rocked about but it was bolted to the floor.          I curled up into a ball in the chair my arms still behind my back, I couldn’t even use magic, so the room must have been warded. “Let me go… Stop!” I cried out in fear and Master Raven let me go, and I just curled up in a ball in the chair unable to move…. I think I had pissed myself because my pants felt wet. My entire body felt like it was covered in tiny spiders, shifting around underneath my fur.           “I then felt Master Raven pick me up, and carry me out of the room and sit me down on my bed, I was still crying and I was shaking. All my mind could think about was that large spider crawling over my body. I could feel its body on my back and its legs stabbing into my skin.           “Isen! Enough look at me!” Master Raven yelled in anger, and I looked up at him, Master’s aggressive voice snapping me into reality, and the spider shifted to the back of my mind. His features softened and he felt my face. “I’m sorry, I should have known that was too much. Just relax and breathe. I nodded and I did as he asked me to do, but my chest could only make shaky breaths.           “Isen just come with me and I want you to watch it from the door way.”           “No Master Please, not again.”           “Isen I promise you that spider will never get out of its cage, it’ll never hurt you.” Master Raven comforted lightly petting my head. “Isen I would never do anything that would put you in danger, Lynn would skin me alive.”          Master Raven’s comment made me smile, because that sounded like Lynn, ruthless in his protective nature. The simple joke had calmed me down slightly, and Master Raven stood me up from my bed, but my legs barely could support my weight, I had to lean into Master Raven’s warm chest just too barely stand.           “Do you want to try again? We can do it tomorrow morning before you go to work. I just want you to feel safe around the spider, it’ll never hurt you. I promise.” Master Raven assured rubbing my upper back.           “Can I hold you like this?”           “Sure kitten.” Master Raven agreed and with that agreement, he lead me back to the spider, and opened the door way but he didn’t step inside. The sight of the large spider struggling brought images of it breaking out, but then I felt Master Raven’s arm come around me. “How was your day work Isen?”          My fingers dug into Master Raven’s back and he shifted in pain, but I didn’t notice much. I was only staring at the spider, but master Raven pulled my muzzle up to face his. “Look up at me not the spider, just talk to me, I’m right here, it will never hurt you, I promise.”          My eyes couldn’t keep a steady gaze on Master’s muzzle, but eventually he blocked my sight, and then only feelings of the spider coming up behind me shifted my focus. But I looked up at Master... “I… Was…. It was… Fun.” I answered between shaky breaths, having a hard time concentrating on my words because the sounds of the spider, and the feelings of spiders coming around me distracted me from saying anything properly.           “You know Lynn showed me your story before he left.”           “That bitch did what!” I cried out in anger, my magic spiking alongside my anger, I glared at the Cheetah and he only smiled and flicked my nose.           “Do you want to break the crystal lights again?” Master Raven asked and I looked at him my magic quickly falling away, I just glared at the Master utterly unamused with what he said.           “That isn’t funny. That story is private, if I wanted people to read it I would have posted it on the internet.”           “Tell me about your book.” I just simply glared at Master Raven but he kept a steady gaze on me.        “Think about your book when you’re scared.” Master Raven continued before gesturing to the spider as he let his leather hand fall down from my vision, revealing the spider falling still and curled up against the edge of the cage terrified, silent.          I looked at the spider, and got a shiver up my spine, even if it was scared of me it was still hard to look at it, and watching it felt like something was crawling up my back. “I think were done for the day, but remember Isen the easiest way for you to relax is to think of something that occupies your thoughts. Think about your book, I’m sure when your not thinking of anything else your thinking about your book. So think about what you’re going to do when Abagail leaves snow peak.”          “How do you know those names?” I asked looking up at Master Raven, glaring down at him but he simply closed the door, and walked away from me saying nothing.           “You read my book?!” I protested chasing after the male but he continued to walk away in silence.           “You know it’s not that bad of a read. Pretty interesting.” Master Raven said and I looked at him bitterly, and he stopped at the door to his house he muzzle was emotionless and my glare did nothing to him.           “Isen you really should let people read it, do you know how many Mincridarins would love to read a book like that?”           “How did you get into my computer?” I demanded, though it was hard to get mad because I was mildly embarrassed about it, no one was supposed to read it.           “Didn’t Lynn enchant it? Do you really think he didn’t do things for his own benefit?”           “How much have you read?”          “Out of the three thousand pages? I’ve read about the first chapter. It’s good Isen.”           “It gets worse… I’m a terrible writer.” I admitted and Master Raven raised an eyebrow, but opened the door for his home.           “So you don’t mind if I read it?”           “It’s not like I can stop you.” I simply protested bitterly, mostly embarrassed as I walked away from Master Raven just wanting to get out of his line of sight. I never wanted anyone to read my book because it was so pathetic. It was supposed to be for my eyes only, it was supposed to something I did just for fun.           “Isen take a bath you smell like piss, and you’re dripping everywhere!” Master Raven called out before I went into my room, and looking down at my pants and then the floor, everything he said was true and I was leaving a small trail of piss on the floor where ever I walked. I looked back at Master Raven who had his simple firm look on his face, and his dominating stance, he didn’t need to say anything. I knew just by how he looked at me he told me to clean it up.  So I did after I stripped and put my pants in the hamper along with my underwear. I cleaned the floor wearing nothing on my tail end.
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thecat-inthehat · 7 years
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Entry 5
[inside an arcanist’s grimoire is a bundle of parchment, notes and journal entries from the previous bout in the Palace of the Dead. It has several rings of tea stains from a chipped mug, and a few writing utensils around. The pages and grimoire are scattered around on a desk, and lie next to a napping coeurl kitten.]
We’re home. It's been almost a full night since we got back, but I put off writing because I needed to spend time with Mila and the sky. Being underground never used to bother me, but the caverns filled with voidsent certainly started to do that.
I don't know how I can recover from this, honestly. Sleeping is going to be a task and a half, and I need to try and learn how to use my globe, not have a crash course in it. Maybe after I nap I’ll look through the Riskbreaker’s library to find a book about astrology.
I feel better, after tea and a shower, but I'm scared to sleep. And I made my good tea too, the one I was saving. After all this, I deserve it. Boni and A’zaela both are with their lovers now, probably trying to scrape together some sense of calm or normalcy. Akhutai left as soon as we got back to the house, teleporting off somewhere with the words “I have to see if it was real”. I pray he's alright… He hasn't fully healed from his wounds, and he's yet to see a healer in the house. I've only known him a short while, but he's my friend, and I'd loathe for him to die just from a wound that I couldn't heal.
Speaking of Tai, I've noticed something odd with him…. sometimes people refer to him as Akoo, and then correct themselves to Tai. Almost like he's a different person….? I don’t actually know if there’s anything actually going on there, but… I’ll keep my mouth shut for now.
Thankfully Mila hasn’t minded me leaning on her, and she’s more than happy that I’m back. She practically bowled me over when we teleported back to the house-- gave Tai and A’zaela a fright too. She’s been grooming me non stop too -- though now she’s moved to my chest, and not my hands. I think she hates the scent that the Palace left on me, which… I don’t blame her for in the slightest. That place smelled horrible, and I feel like it’s still lingering on me even after I took a shower. 
I’ve rambled on enough. Time to actually write about what happened. We heard a growling as we stepped through the last door way, and it felt like it was the same creature that attacked Tai. It followed us around the whole time, always on the edges of our sight, and made us more afraid than before. I hate feeling afraid, but that Palace is made of fear.
A’zaela was the first to use the pomander that we had saved, because none of us wanted to touch it. A thick cloud of vapor surrounded her, and in her place was a monster. Larger than all three of us, fangs and claws, prowling around on all fours… I believe it’s classified as a manticore, but gods above it was frightening. The monster swiped left and right at the Voidsent, and they died instantly. We cleared room after room like that, following her form as close as we dared. I think Tai was especially shaken up over it -- he muttered something about hating the idea.
We found another pomander of Rage a few floors later, after a Gravekeeper was making rounds and giving us trouble. Bonibel decided to take it, and I couldn’t help but start to observe her as she transformed and cleared the next floor. The pomander wasn’t strong enough to force a permanent transformation, but I can’t help but suspect that it was made with that intent, and the magicks have faded over the eras. Both her and A’zaela’s power was terrifying, but was mercifully short lived.
The growls got louder as we came to the last floor, and suddenly we were standing in a ritual circle. I’ve seen the like before, but never to that degree. It was covered in paint and blood, the lines shaky and made with an unsteady hand. By that alone, whatever ritual she was trying to do would have failed. Arcanima uses runes and ritual circles, but this seemed…. Older. Like magic that shouldn’t be here.
The monster that had been chasing us for the entire journey was at her side, shifting shape and changing constantly, never still. I think it was the failed experiment of whatever ritual she was trying to do, but I don’t know… I didn’t get a chance to really look, as she saw us and attacked. Her laugh nearly drove me mad -- it sounded like the Siren, but so, so much worse. I was flinging spells and cards left and right, trying to keep everyone healed while shifting our fates just enough to let us live. It was the hardest battle I’ve ever done. She had so many spells and effects at her disposal, that I thought maybe she was a Void Queen come to our world, but … 
Tai was stony the entire time he fought her. I think he saw someone else, instead of the actual woman in front of us. I worry for him -- this whole thing feels like it struck too close to home. A’zaela knew what she was getting into when she led us in, because she had gone under with Lady Sylvan and Lady Ashe. Bonibel has a spine of pure steel, and she knows how to handle herself, even if she’s distraught. I … well. My breakdown over the Siren notwithstanding, I’ve been able to handle this fairly well. I’ll have nightmares, sure, but…
[several lines are scratched out, and started over on a new paragraph.]
I’m worried. These people are close to me, but I can’t seem to help them. I’ve formed a bond with them throughout this, but I don’t know if it’ll last, or if it even has any meaning out of that place. I don’t want to just pretend that it never happened, but I can’t even think about confronting my own fears.
Perhaps I’m just being optimistic, and placing too much stock in bonds forged by fire. Maybe I just miss Hel and Shine so much that I’ve started to project my own loneliness onto others who don’t deserve it. Either way, I need to try and sleep, or at least pretend to.
I’m going to put all these entries together in one of my old grimoires, and come back to them later, after my mind has done some healing. Perhaps I’ll see things that aren’t clouded by my current judgement.
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