#justice for letters f j x and z
infernaldisciple · 7 months
i present: cat boy maid vessel ... worship, or something
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pinkbrries · 1 year
— A–Z with Izabella —
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[find hannah’s version here] | [find june’s version here]  izabella’s masterlist
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➤ A is for… atiny! i hope you all remember that you deserve flowers, love letters and pure love
➤ C is for… currently emailing my selfies to the nasa because i’m the prettiest star;)
➤ D is for… do it because they said you couldn’t
➤ E is for… [reading a comment during a vlive] “everything’s balanced: we have seonghwa for woosan and izabella for yungi,” true, except for the fact that: woosan don’t like hwa and yungi do love me<3
➤ F is for… friendly reminder: i’m always right
➤ G is for… *woo beats her in a game* great! now he’s never going to shut up about it!
➤ H is for… *during a vlive* [reading comments] haha yeah.. by the way, whoever that said that dumb stuff about yeosang? not funny. didn’t laugh. i’m currently tracking your ip and plotting revenge
➤ I is for… i’m a goth girl on the inside. on the outside? a father figure for choi jongho
➤ J is for… ‘j’ is such a great letter! we can have words like ‘juice’, ‘jewels’, ‘justice’…. [mutters really quick] ‘jacobbae’
➤ K is for… kissing a boy? ew 🤢 i don’t think so. my kisses are only for atiny! [blows a kiss to the camera] *hongjoong gagging in the background*
➤ L is for… life’s a party and i’m the piñata
➤ M is for… my biggest flex is being me;)
➤ N is for… no because imagine being loved by me / hongjoong: why does it sounds like a threat? / … because it is [proud smile]
➤ O is for… [spots seonghwa] oh hey bro, let’s do our secret handshake [pushes him and runs away]
➤ P is for… [trips and falls to the ground] parkour
➤ Q is for… quality over quantity, always… except if we’re talking about money
➤ R is for… remember why you started
➤ S is for… song mingi is the love of everyone’s life and the only valid leo, i said what i said and i mean what i said
➤ T is for… the relationship between me and black clothes is a love story that can’t be explained
➤ U is for… *during a vlive* [reading a comment] ‘unnie, what do you look for in a guy’ pfft bro, i look away
➤ V is for… *woo starts doing aegyo* very cute!… i hope my next breath is my last
➤ W is for… what do you mean ‘no pets allowed’? this is literally my friend wooyoung
➤ X is for… xoxo by somi is a BOP
➤ Y is for… yeah, you shouldn’t have said that. now i’m going to have to write a rap about this experience
➤ Z is for… [pretending to make a bee sound] zzzzz– [suddenly slaps her hand on hongjoong’s forehead and starts running away]
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vo1decho6907 · 1 year
I decided to do something today! I made a list of Keith Kogane from Voltron's handwriting based on (semi-)canon examples. This was the process:
I looked at the Voltron Guidebooks and copied Keith's handwriting (seen below)
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They're a little shaky, but oh well! Then I lined them all up into rows based on what letter they are (see below)
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Then, I got extremely annoyed at how few letters we have of his handwriting (20 lowercase, 5 uppercase, NO NUMBERS?!?!?). I picked, what I believed to be, the best examples of each letter and put them together.
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Next up was to fill in the blanks! If you haven't looked, here are what I was missing:
c, j, q, v, x, and z
A, B, C, D, F, G, J, L, M, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0
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(I also added ?) This was annoying! It was difficult to attempt to emulate Keith's handwriting in a way that was faithful to what I had already. I hope I did it swoopy justice! Next up was to put all of these characters on a line and to ensure that they were all (roughly) evenly sized!
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Unfortunately I've hit the 10 picture limit so I'll have to add some more extra BTS pictures in a seperate post. This was a fun thing to do!
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solardick · 5 months
Russian is all ya nye ya nye nye.
Nigerian is all ba bo bo abo bo.
Its funny.
But when it burns after you ejaculate. Your know somethign is wrong. Ibs? Im not so sure. Thought there was a sense of relief, absence of illness. For a while anyway.
Back to the alphabets. First letter russian, second letter english.
1. А,A 2. б,B 3. В(v),C 4. Г(g),D 5 .Д(d),E 6. E(ye),F 7. Ё(yo),G 8. Ж(j),H 9. З(z),i 10. И(е),J 11. Й(y),K 12. К,L 13. Л(L),M 14. M,N 15. Н(n),O 16. О,P 17. П(p),Q 18. Р(r),R 19. С(s),S 20. T,T 21. У(oo),U 22. Ф(f),V 23. Х(kh)(h),W 24. Ц(ts),X 25. Ч(ch),Y 26. Ш(sh),Z 27.Щ(shsh),&? 28. Ы(oi) variants 29. Э(e)(a) 30. Ю(yu) 31. Я(ya) 32. Soft sign Ь (added non-vocalized) similar to the english ‘ marks. 33. Hard sign Ъ
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ЙQ-11,15 / ЦW-24,23 / УE-21,5 / КR-12,18 / ЕT-6,20 / НY-15,25 / ГU-4,21 / ШI-26,9 / ЩO-27,15 / ЗP-9,16 / X-23 / Ъ-33 / ФA-22,1 /ЫS-28,19 / ВD-3,4 / АF-1,6 / ПG-17,7 / РH-18,8 / ОJ-16,10 / ЛK-13,11 / ДL-5,12 / Ж-8 / Э-29 / ЯZ-31,26 / ЧX-25,24 / CC-19,3 / МV-14,22 / ИB-10,2 / ТN-20,14 / ЬM-32,13 / Ъ’-33 / Ю-30 / Ё-7 /
Something to consider if overlayering letters inside the common type set arrangement of letters built inside the minds of the populace and thus bearing influence upon the collective unconscious.
Switched to an IBS diet. Well whatever thats supposed to mean. Like you can look up anything on the net and not find conflicting information. Of lots of yogurt, oatmeal, none concenteated juices. Apples, olives and then to krill oil. Touch and go i guess then to lots of pizza and mushrooms. Oh and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Good stuff. want to wake up? Take a shot of that or Mix with your juice. Instant alertness. Its great. And the abcense of marijuana. Though, there goes the magic with the tarot and those types of thoughts. It bends towards pure logic instead.
For example on to the tarot. The letter Ж will be used. The letter used to start the words woman and wife. Though mother and father seem to be unilingually the same between english, french, german and russian. Mama. The same is true for father. Being papa. Off point. The letter Ж is found, solely, on number 8. Along with letter H. We’ll take a look a Waite’s famous switching of the cards. In tarot the letter 8 is justice, a woman, or waites strength as harmony. Letter H, is bilingual though differs in its pronunciation between english and russian. H is the lovers card. As its pronounced as N in russian connects it to the strength card. Justice/strength/lovers.
To continue on with association and connection. The letter H, is found on number 15. Along besides letter O. HO. Number 15 is the devil card. The devil
Catd used isnt waites or the french version. And isnt aolely connected to enslavement and despair but the desire and sex. Though letter H is also paired by typeset to letter Y. The final judgement card.
Though i mist be said again that the strenght card combined with the justice card is found connected to patriotism. And connected to unification of the natural state. As is the pledge of allegiance.
To leanr as we go the russian national holiday is on june 12. To tarot, this is number 18. The moon card. And letter Р(r). Temperance and the hanged man. As june 12th 1991, is the day russia declared its sovereignty from it’s former soviet union. On the type set overlay the Cyrillic letter Р(r) is paired with the latin letter H(n). The persecuted hangedman tied to death sees “the light”. As the year is divided into two numbers by the norm. When one says their dtae of birth its usually the last teo numbers of the year which is said. Or even written on forms. Thus one may deduct that 1991 and mirrored date. Shares both cards of the sun or the wheel and the same by deduction to the wheel card and by cyclic repetition, 91 may be given to card 7. The chariot by tarot. As can be viewed, the new state of the russian “empire” ties perfectly with the meaning of the date by tarot.
The only significant problem here is the lack of fitting images to be read in relation of the russian language and available cards. Letter Ю being the example chosen does not pair with any other number or letter. Save for numerological deduction and cyclic repetition. These two being number 3 and number 9. Outside the english alphabet and solely on the tarot numbers equals to the empress and the hermit. Though with the english overlay, is the high priestess and the vowel card i. Extent joy and innocent expression. As for the card i’ve chosen for i or better said chosen for me by practical divinational method of intuitive guess work. Or magic.
Though curiously enough. The images for i and U were originally reversed. And switched after the fact to fit personal definition. As “i” seemed a better fit to me, atleast as waite’s sun card over waites strength card, which fits better as a projection of you. The curiosity here is that the russian cyrilic letter Ю is pronounced as “yu” (you). And the fallowing letter Я (ya) which, being a one letter word means i, as in me or self. Though this does fit the type set and not the alphabetical numbering. Я being the last letter of the alphabet. The switch may be returned back without much difference. And the projection and meaning of i would be tied to the strength/ harmony card and you(U) would becoming the projection of happiness and fulfilment as apposed the self and would be bi-gendered, fitting the gendered of the person reading. Bias plays huge here. Though this doesnt help much in deciphrring what the image of Ю is. Except that it is the last letter of the type set compared to the alphabetical numerological numbering sequence. Irony. And of course this was done long before learning the russian alphabet. And now being realized. Such is my everyday reality. Which is difficult on the sanity.
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To make it easier. The images would be switched back to the original answer. For the child may be of either gender. And the strength card would be given a choice depending on the person reading. Identifying with either the woman or the lion. And “it’s”/ “his” pride and joy. Being her. It could be argued that the arrangement above is correct, this depending on the person. Except that U(you) is projected outside the personal onto an external reality of union of two other people while the self is left singular. Again depending on the person and preference of solitude. Since the rest of the script plays on royalty and the king(emperor)/czar or царь in russian. When if one ignores the reality that царь is a past tense reality no longer in effect. And the horse, is rarely, or commonly associated as a poetic embodiment of a person. Though there are exceptions. Just not to seemingly so in tarot. This belonging more to the centaur than not.
Seeing how the letter Ц as a strong affinity to the emperor. And has connections to both the moon and sun cards. Shows a lesson for the nature of these two bodies. The moon being a negative card and the sun being a positive card. When the nature of the Царь belongs dominantly to the moon displays an ugly omen. The alphabetical overlay of number 24 pairs letter Ц to letter X(sun). But this is just one point of view, perhaps toon opinionated or biased. But this does connect the strength as harmony card, of Waite’s card to number 24. And the numerological deduction of 24 to the tarots lovers card, number 6 or by english overlay to the F card of the emperor. Which is a step preceding the hierophant or pope cards.
The russians in media are always villainized. Or. Brushed off. Save perhaps for the recent film I.S.S. Where the spoiler ending with a protagonist female American and a protagonist male russian. While the “villains” are equally from both nations. One would have to watch to understand the deeper significance in rapport in relation to this discourse.
Well, guess, it’s been accomplished. Heres to spending the rest of my life alone. As i’ve always been. So much for love. There has only ever been despair. And there always will be. We’ll see what happens agter im done smokim g. Byt there really isnt any point talint care of myeelf. And im three times more likely to hurt myself on these new metal step tables they’re bring in than not. Indint want ot load a van with thise.
Ugh mornings. Another thought that comes to mind is the power of letters C and S. on the typeset of jcuken and qwerty, a writer said, opinionatedly, that it was redundant to place both latin and Cyrillic letters C on the same key. Cyrillic letter C is pronounced as a latin S. the curiousl thing about latin C is that its pronunciation is variant. It all depends on the vowel fallowing it on how it is pronounced. For example. Sent vs. Cent. These two words are indistinguishable by auditory phonemics. C+A = K. C+E = S. it is not so far fetched as a redundancy to place them on the same key. The other curiosity is when it comes to the tarot images. Is that C = the high priestess and S equals the devil. The devil it is said speaks only the truth. Or is the bearer of truth and information. Not so different from the high priestess. The devil card from the broken mirror tarot, author anonymous, shows this devil holding a scroll. I image to the foreign tongue this is a difficulty in the efforts of learning the language. And will question which letter to use.
Numbers 3 and 19. Cyrilic B(v) is paired to latin C. But, cyrilic letter C(s) is paired to latin letter S. together by rule, 3+19=22. This is an experienced reality for me. The allure of the devil and “the restitution” of the star card. For number 22 by latin tarot overlay is letter V.
Bilan négative. Clean bill of health. No STD’s. Considering i haven’t had any relations in years. Most likely just tissue damage from inflammation. Apparently it can last several months to fully heal. Or so the internet says. Can’t tell if my diet is the result of lesser symptoms. Or if it’s healing. But now it’s the weekend. And i have nothing to do. With the motovation or energy to do just that. So the next couple days are going to suck. But when the foreigner ask me how to use a gum-ball machine. I knew he was full of shit. And im never eating popcorn again. Oh well, one gets used to tolerating being treated like a fucken moron by people less intelligent then you. What wasnit they used to say to me on davebook all the time. “Sometimes you got to play the fool to fool the fool who thinks their fooling you”? Of some dumb shit like that. Just dont inderstand how people take pleasure from that. Guess im too stupid .
The amount of peoples lives i affect is astounding. Considering i keep to myself and dont speak to anyone. 39 years of this shit. Its just reality. For more negativity, why would i help a bunch of foreigners, fucken with me. Who come from an english country that dont understand english? Englishnis a dumb language anyway. It doesnt distinguish an inamimate object from a person and has a wors that replaces every other word in the language. A gramatically correct sentence; the fuck is fucken fucked. Might as well buy a bif fucken blue dildo and pretend its a smurff.
Now if i had a wife. Or was even introduced to a woman whom wasnt fucken’ with me. I wouldnt be having these thoughts. Istead if be like everyother asshole out there procreating and not parentally guiding PG motion pictures. Because id be an idiot.
The complications of russian grammar
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As we can see мужик, isn’t an essential word and can be ignored. Chelovek, can be translated as mankind. And should be synonymous with womankind. The fact that that distinction exists promotes imbalance in the “collective being”. And shouldn’t exist. It should be replaced with humankind, that term should be a sanctioned ban. Save for the bs of freedom of speech. With is synonymous with the freedom to drive as one wishes to drive. Criminal. One of the many hypocrisies of libertarian government.
The fact that english has evolved into the degeneration of proper speech with the absence of terms such as thus, and hath and thee proves the path of least resistance is supported. Wich is synonymous with the path of the moon. And the predominance of unhealthy alternates that plague every street corner. And then one can antagonistically say “well, its your own damned fault” or on the other said of the argument, even say it’s not a choice. You were born that way. Even though the human mind is a blank slate and it all depends on the conditioning of association to “personal disposition” or circumstance from the earliest point of the external on the impressions of development. Genetic anomalies are exceptions to the rule. But these are far and few in between. As are midgets are born. Or albinos are born. Are a rarity. In these cases a proper humankind has a choice. Of throwing this subjects out into the wild to be eaten or accommodate their disposition. But it doesnt or it shouldn’t go out of its way to purposefully conditioning the rest of humanity to be become midgets or albinos. Which sadly isn’t the case for all conditions.
The Russian language is apart of the slavic languages which originates from the slave races. And it accommodates and is a blend of several languages, ethnicities and religions into one “race”. Though they have much stronger affinities to a “dictatorship” or communism is akin to conservatism. Its more of a war between liberstism vs. Conservatism which is what the russian ukrainian war is impressing to be about. I wouldnt say that the Americans or the U.N. Are antagonist or that even the russian “empire” are antagonist either. Save that for all the help being given to Ukraine has resulted in rhousands of more deaths than would have been makes me question loyalties to the human race. Even the pope. Pope Francis who leans more towards accommodating the modern world vision, as compared to the previous popes, asked Ukraine to give in. But they said no to peace. Ive read plenty of news articles that completely trash the russian people.
And one doesnt find any russian keys on their keyboards. Not so for the russians having english on theirs….. ugh. Another point of communism is the Chinese and the vast majority of chinese products being sold and bought by the “american” nations. Uhm.
Though the degenerated form of english does make easier for a foreigner to learn. Because the language has been severely dumbed down.
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Fic Titles: Alphabet J-L
Take one and start to create!
Jar full of dreams
Jealousy looks good on you
Jeopardizing all we built together
Jewels in your eyes
Joining forces
Jokes on you, my friend
Joy of being wrong
Joyful adventures
Joyous occasions
Joyrides through the night
Journal full of love letters
Journey back home
Judge, Jury and Executioner
Judging of the heart
Judging eyes surrounding us
Jumping to conclusions
Just don't let go
Just for a moment
Just for tonight
Just in time
Just one more time
Just say yes
Justifiable actions
Justice was served
Kaleidoscope of our memories
Karma is a friend
Keeping it between us
Keeping secrets
Key to my heart
Kidnapping hearts
Kilowatt smile
Kill ‘em with kindness
Killer instinct
Killer smile
Killing memories
Kindest lie
Kindness of strangers
Kindred spirits
King of nowhere
King of the castle
Kings in their own rights
Kiss me goodnight
Kissing bruises
Kissing in the shadows
Kneel before the queen
Knight in rusty armor
Knightliness is not dead
Knowledge is key
Known to no one
Ladies' night
Land of love and lust
Land of milk and honey
Lay by your side
Leave it all behind
Leave out the bad parts (think about the good)
Let's get out of this town
Library of lost chances
Lighthouse in the dark
Lighting up the room
Lightweight at the party
Like a supernova (blinding lights)
Like waves in the ocean
Lilac skies
Local man just trying to live life
Lonely nights
Long lost lovers
Looking for love
Lost at sea
Loudmouth (kiss and shut up)
Love letters to you
Lovesick days
Lovers in the night
Luck is not lost
Find more titles: A-C|D-F|G-I|M-O|P-R|S-T|U-V|W-X|Y-Z + Numbers
>>All the Fic Titles.
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asoue abc’s
A: a series of unfortunate events/arson/ Al Funcoot
B: Baudelaire/Beatrice/Bertrand/books/bad beggining
C: Count Olaf/captain sham/couplets/coach Ganges/Caligari carnival
D: Denouement/Dewy decimal system/Duncan/duchess of Winnipeg/dunklaus
E: Ernest/Esme/”eagles aren’t mammals!”
F: Frank/fire!/Fiona/Fernald/Figley, my only hetero ship/for Beatrice...
G: Grim grotto/gay/”gum isn’t lunch, it insn’t even a snack.”
H: Hostile hospital/hookey/henchperson of indetermineate gender
I: “If you are interested in story’s with happy endings you’d be better of reading some other book”/Isadora/”I’d rather jump of a cliff”/”I’m married to the sea but my girlfriend is a large lake”/increadably deadly viper
J: Jacques/Jaqulyn/Justice Strauss
K: Kit/”keep chasing your schemes”/ “Klaus, it can’t understand you.”
L: Lemony/”look awaaaaay”/Lachramose leeches/lumber mill
M: marvelous marrige/miserable mill/”my name is Carmelitaaaaaa!”/
N: “No happy endings, not here and not now, this tale is all sorrows and woes”
O: Olaf is the woooorst!/Orwell is an optomistrist.
P: Phil is an optimist./”people aren’t either wicked or noble, they’re like chef salade.”/ “Perished means killed.”/ Poe
Q: Quagmire/Quigley
R: R
S: Snicket/slippery slope/sunny
T: “The world is Quiet here.”/
U: Unfortunate/Uncle Monty
V: Violet/VFD is not a cult/Viodora is the best ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
W: when we drive you away in secret, you’ll be a volunteer, so don’t scream when we take you..../well read people are less likely to be evil/we didn’t lose our family, only our parents.
X: Xylophone is not an adjective, Bruce!
Y: Your parents have perished in a terrible fire./Yessica haircut
Okay! That’s all of the letters, if you think of something to add you can tell me. This was fun, why can’t I be this creative everyday?
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pub-lius · 3 years
Learn the Alphabet with Alexander Hamilton
heyo so uh i just finished all the notes for my George Washington post, so in the meantime, have this <3 (not all these quotes were actually said by him, and i think its obvious which ones those are lol. if you can find something he said that starts with x ill kiss you /j)
A: “A garden, you know, is a very usual refuge of a disappointed politician.” -Letter to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, December 29, 1802
B: “...Burr has never appeared solicitous for fame, and that great Ambition unchecked by principle, or the love of Glory, is an unruly Tyrant which never can keep long in a course which good men will approve.” -Letter to James Bayard, January 16, 1801
C: “Common interest may always be reckoned upon as the surest bond of sympathy.” -Federalist No. 35, January 5, 1788
D: “...destruction of life and property incident to war,... will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights.” -Federalist No. 8, November 20, 1787
E: “Experience is the oracle of truth; and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred.” -Federalist No. 20, December 12, 1787
F: “Folly makes me ashamed and beg youll conceal it, yet Neddy we have seen such Schemes successful when the Projector is Constant. I shall Conclude saying I wish there was a War.” -Letter to Edward Stevens, November 11, 1769
G: “Give therefore to the first class [rich and well born] a distinct, permanent share in the government. They will check the unsteadiness of the second, and as they cannot receive any advantage by a change, they therefore will ever maintain good government.” -Farrand’s Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, June 19, 1787
H: “Heresies in either [religion or politics] can rarely be cured by persecution.” -Federalist No.1, October 27, 1787
I: “I lose all taste for the pursuits of ambition, I sigh for nothing but the company of my wife and my baby. The ties of duty alone or imagined duty keep me from renouncing public life altogether.” -Letter to Richard Kidder Meade, March 1782
J: “Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been, and ever will be, pursued, until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.” -Federalist No. 51, February 6, 1788
K: “[Know that] if a meme is dank, a man is not only right to steal it, he is obligated to do so.” -Statement on the impending duel with Aaron Burr, written June 28-July 10, 1804
L: “Lastly, I shall hazard much, and can possibly gain nothing by the issue of the interview. But it was, as I conceive, impossible for me to avoid it. There were intrinsick difficulties in the thing, and artificial embarrassments, from the manner of proceeding on the part of Col Burr.” -Actual statement on the impending duel, June 28-July 10, 1804
M: “Man is very much a creature of habit. A thing that rarely strikes his senses will generally have but little influence upon his mind.” Federalist No. 27, December 25, 1787
N: “Nothing has given me so much chagrin as the Intelligence that the Federal party were thinking seriously of supporting Mr. Burr for president. I should consider the execution of the plan as devoting the country and signing their own death warrant.” -Letter to James McHenry, January 4, 1801
O: “One great error is that we suppose mankind more honest than they are.” -Constitution Convention, June 22, 1787
P: “...power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will.” -Federalist No. 79, May 28, 1788
Q: “Ququququqquuuquququuqu” -the sound he made when he got shot probably
R: “...Russians would make the best troops in the world, if they were under other officers than their own.” -Letter to John Jay, March 14, 1779
S: “Sometime last fall when I spoke to your Excellency about going to the Southward, I explained to you candidly my feelings with respect to military reputation, and how much it was my object to act a conspicuous part in some enterprise that might perhaps raise my character as a solider above mediocrity...” -Letter to George Washington, November 22, 1780
T: “The weak side of a republican government is the danger of foreign influence.” -Debate at the Constitutional Convention, June 18, 1787
U: “Under every form of government, rulers are only trustees for the happiness and interest of their nation, and cannot, consistently with their trust, follow the suggestions of kindness or humanity towards others, to the prejudice of their constituents.” -Notation in the margin of Gazette of the United States, July 10, 1793
V: “Vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty...” -Federalist No. 1, October 27, 1787
W: “Why has government been instituated at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice, without constraint.” -Federalist No. 15, December 1, 1787
X: “xoxo gossip girl” -Signature at the end of the Federalist Papers
Y: “You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affection without my consent.” -Letter to John Laurens, April 1779
Z: “Zzzzzzzzz” -him snoring in Maria Reynolds’ bed
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clotpole-art · 3 years
Retrospective: Illustrated Merlin Alphabet Challenge
Finally finished the Merlin Alphabet Challenge, so here's the artist notes no one asked for! See below the cut for comments on each piece by order of creation. Be warned folks, it's a long post.
Before we begin: credit to @merlin-gifs for the challenge, which can be found here. It's awesome, go do it.
First thing you should know is I did probably 80-90% of these while on phone calls or in Zoom meetings and that's reflected in the simplicity of most pieces -- the compositions aren't complicated, the lines aren't refined, the coloring is slapdash. If you noticed variation in quality of the pieces, that's why!
Second: I tried to focus on trying something new for each drawing. Didn't always happen, but this challenge did succeed in helping me push me out of my own comfort zone.
Without further ado...
A is for Arthur Pendragon
Textures, baby! Brushed metal of his armor, scratchy linen texture of his shirt, wispy softness of hair and skin. I'd recently gotten my tablet out of storage after a year of figuring out where the hell I was going to live and this was one of the first pieces of digital art I spent time on. Glad it was Arthur kicking us off!
B is for the Beginning of the End (1x08)
Fun fact, I did not draw this with my tablet. I drew it with my work computer's touchscreen. It was awful, would not recommend.
C is for Camelot
I wanted to get used to different brushes, so landscape of the castle it was! There are brushes that help with drawing grass; I did not use said brushes and my wrist hurt afterward. That being said, I really enjoyed working on this and it was one of the few pieces I didn't do while multitasking.
D is for Daegal
Also drawn on my work computer's touchscreen, not my tablet. I didn't learn my lesson from B and the experience was even worse. This is my least favorite piece which sucks because it's Daegal so I'm slated to redo this sometime in the near future. Gotta do our boy justice.
E is for Elyan
Oh, I adored drawing this. Elyan often gets shafted in terms of fandom appreciation so I made sure to choose Elyan for this prompt and to participate in the Elyan fest. Plus, I love a good ghost story and figuring out a way to include the druid spectre was fun. Didn't multitask on this piece because Elyan deserved my full attention.
F is for Freya
Ho boy. This piece. I have such mixed feelings on this drawing. Really really didn't like it after I'd decided it was done and very nearly scrapped the whole thing. I had a vision in my head that I just couldn't render into reality and it frustrated me SO MUCH. Looking back, I like it much better than I did when I first created it.
G is for Gwaine
What can I say, he's pretty when he's cold. I didn't stretch too much with this one -- it's my normal drawing style, I was just trying to find a brush that mimicked the softness of pencil.
H is for Hunith
Another one that didn't stray too far from my comfort zone. I was stupid sick and slammed at work, so a motherly Hunith manifested herself. I blame the bad brush choice on the cold medicine.
I is for Isolde
I woke up and chose violence! Tried to vary my figure drawing style a little in this piece but my brain resisted, resulting in... this. Not mad at it, but not happy with it either. Poor Isolde.
J is for Juggling
Ah, this lovely piece was drawn during a particularly vexing meeting at work. Fun fact, there's another version of this line art that's less about Merlin's stress and more about mine.
K is for Knights of Camelot
Continuing the theme of doodling through bad news and shit meetings. Like I said above, normally meeting doodles aren't complex because I'm concentrating on something else. This one was more involved because I didn't want to concentrate on the meeting. I have a few issues with this from a technical standpoint (perspective, my nemesis) but it's still one of my favorites. Tried some funky coloring technique, didn't hate it.
V is for Vibrant Colors
And here is where we said fuck the rules and started going out of alphabetical order! This one was really fun to do and I loved kicking off Albion Party with this as my first submission. The colors were a challenge (as I hoped they would be) and this is the first time I had to do some color tweaking midway though and after finishing the coloring process. Vibrant Arthur, my beloved. This started as a multitask doodle but took dedicated time to finish.
O is for Old Religion
The concept for this one was buzzing in my head for a bit before a quote-prompt solidified it. I adore the thought of more visible, tangible representations of Merlin as the son of the elements, of "magic itself" -- not just sun-gold eyes, but sea-water hair and sandstone-skin. A complement to the vibrant Arthur portrait.
S is for Sorcerers
When I said I wanted to challenge myself, I wasn't kidding. Ho boy, this was fun but frustrating. I wanted to completely illustrate a gif. So I did. Will I do something like this again? Maybe. A while from now.
M is for Morgause
See above -- same illustrated gif style so at least I was able to reuse some drawings. Poor Morgause ended up looking a little wretched here because I was mentally done with this when I was drawing her. Love the concept of tarot cards + Merlin but others are doing it so I won't continue this series.
Z is for Zzzz
This one was specifically done to test out some custom brushes I made in Krita to make abstract background drawing easier for me. I think they turned out well! Plus who doesn't love bb iridescent Aithusa.
L is for Leon, P is for Percival
Quick, minimal doodles of the boys! Mentally, I was going for a Brady's-style retro ensemble cast TV show credits feel. Not mad at it! Some boys look closer to their actors than others (I think my brain broke drawing Percy, my apologies to Tom Hopper).
T is for Tristan
It wasn't until after I posted this that I realized there was more than one Tristan in Merlin. Could have drawn Isolde's bf but I drew Ygraine's dumb jock undead brother instead. Had some fun with dark greys and blacks here regardless.
Q is for Queen Annis
Best royal in Albion, bar none. I tried a different coloring technique here and I kinda like it! may make it my go-to but we'll see. Old habits are hard to break. Also: our queen deserved more badass clothes.
X is for Arthur X Merlin
Oh, be still my shipper heart. Doodled and colored during a meeting. I had hoped to spend more time on it outside of multitasking but alas, work is a bitch. This one is slated for a rework sometime in the future; I adore the concept too much to let it go without creating another version of this that isn't an utter mess.
U is for Uther's Ward
And here's my attempt at forgoing line art. Not fun, do not like.
Y is for Young Warlock
Channeled some pain into this one. Those are the dead eyes of someone who had been told that he'd succeeded when his friend died. That the destiny he'd been expecting to carry on his shoulders into old age was done and dusted before he turned 30. Grief plus the existential dread of the aimless immortal. Oof. One of my favs.
N is for Nimueh, R is for Rising Sun, W is for Will
And we end on this sorry offering. I was away from home for a while without my tablet and I just got tired of waiting. So, pen doodles at the airport. This was a challenge in its own right because 1. pen only and 2. I wasn't able to pull Netflix up for a reference on the fly. Which is why Will's face is obscured and Nimueh looks.... not like Nimueh lol.
In summary: this was a goddamn joy to do. I finished 26 letter prompts in approximately 21 weeks, which exceeded my own unspoken goal of filling one letter per week. I found a good, happy corner of the Merlin fandom after a years-long hiatus away from being a fandom creator. If you did make it this far with me, thanks for reading my inane comments and giving this little project even a moment of your time -- I'm so grateful.
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thecacklingcrow · 3 years
I've been looking for a Zevran NSFW alphabet headcanon, but have yet to find one. Could you be persuaded? Thanks :)
i can try! hoogolly ))
A-Z nsfw headcanon for Zevran some of it is sexual, and some of it is just dark themes. TW: for abuse, sexual content yadda yadda. Expect rated X and R stuff. there’s TW for a bit of everything in here. (PS. I know you probably wanted smut but I’m on the letter T now as i write this bit, it just got dark for like 90% of the alphabet... o_o;;)
A is for Ass. Zevran loves to be one, knows he has a good one, and is fond of sinking into them.
B is for Busted. Like that time Isabella's abusive husband walked in on them mid coitus and he had to run naked across the rooftops of Antiva to avoid being shot.
C is for Coy, like the time he played the Coy little house slave afraid of the Duke's attentions. The kill had been easy.
D is for Degradation. The first time he'd found The Bone Pit there had been a man tied in pony gear with a woman riding around the bar on his back. Isabella had been playing cards with a bet of four horseshoes, a lantern, and a small pouch of gunpowder. It was his introduction to BDSM, and also to Isabella. E is for E. Like when he wakes in the night, stiff as he remembers the strap on Isabella had given Rinalla, and how she's used it to drive him mad. She had Picked him up, pitched him to the bed and pounced on him with delighted glee, teasing until his back arched off the blankets and he begged Rinna for more with copper hands tangled into dark wavy hair.
F is for Fingers. Zevran has a love for hands and thinks fingers are some of the most artistic parts of a persons body. Little scars, freckles, where the callouses are. All a little hidden story in the palm of one’s hands.
G is for G spot. He bet his favorite cat as a gift for Rinnala that he could find hers on their first night together. She accepted thinking he'd never find it and he found it when he grazed his teeth just behind her ear. She was pissed until he kissed her cheek during the afterglow and gave her the cat anyway. H is for Hard Times. Like the time Taliesen had come home drunk and smashed a chair over his back while he had been sleeping in a fit, and then punched him clear out of bed before he could recover. Zevran fled to the brothel and traded sex with the owner for a bed to sleep in for a few nights. He didn't come home until Rinalla had returned from her contract in Rialto three days later. I is for Insecurity. He slept with a blade under his pillow after that. J is for Justice as he sank the blade into Taliesen's kidney with the Warden fighting at his side. Both for Rinnala and himself.
K is for Kink. His favorite pleasure is smells. Not body odors, but things like Antivan Leather, frankensence, sandalwood, lilac, food. Things that smell nice are a favored foreplay. And rope.
L is for Loss. He learned at eight years old as he cried quietly over a pair of embroidered gloves, that it's possible to grieve for something you've never had.
M is for Murder. He's used to the death, and has been for a long time.  It’s part of the job as an assassin. But Rinnala's is the one that haunts him to the grave even after Taliesen is long dead. It’s not until he meets Rinalla in old age and the end of life that he can hold her and beg forgiveness, which she gives freely.
N is for Neck. Zevran can count on his hands the amount of times someone has given special attention to his neck and shoulders and it works him up almost every time.
O is for Orgasm. The first time Zevran had one he thought he’d broken something in his body.
P is for Paolo and Prostate. The First time Zevran had heard about it he’d been skeptical that it could possibly make sex feel good due to the odd location. Then along came a Tall elven dancer with dark skin and hair and green eyes at a festival named Paolo. Who had not only Dragged Zevran from the bar to dance, but had charmed him right into the bedroom. Paolo had been so respectful of Zevran’s nerves the whole night through that he’s the only consistent hook up Partner Zevran’s ever had throughout the years. The two became rather close friends and it was only many years later after returning to Antiva that he found out Paolo was the 1st Talon of House Valisti. Once Paolo found out Zevran was the Black Shadow, Paolo actually abdicated leadership to join Zevran in House Arainai and helps Zevran overthrow the other Crow Families. Q is for Quirk. Taliesen insists on keeping cocks on during sex. He never bothered to ask why.
R is for Requirement. The day the Crows had told him he was REQUIRED to do the Seduction training he’d ditched and run for the hills to find the Dalish. He wasn’t ready for sex at the time. When the Dalish told him he was Required to be castrated to be accepted, he ran back to accept the lesser of two evils. S is for Sin, a cup that Zevran readily partakes from. All the same, he keeps a worn wood rosary and asks in a quiet hearted voice to Andraste to forgiven him. The path he walks may not be chosen by him, but the sins are.
T is for Tender. Zevran remembers Paolo’s lips caressing the flesh between his shoulders as Paolo slipped in thick and far warmer than Zevran expected. He remembers being nervous, and Warm arms encompassing him from behind and a quiet whisper asking if he wanted to stop. Zevran had told him keep going and spent the night feeling treasured. Even when he was gasping and tangled in the sheets, only the barest hint of teeth ever grazed his neck and brought him that wonderful release of pressure. He couldn’t help but smile. No one was ‘careful’ with a killer. But Paolo was. The kisses under his eyes and to his fingertips in the afterglow melt his heart into staying all night, and he tucks his head beneath Paolo’s chin and falls asleep with broad fingers petting the fine hairs at the back of his neck.
U is for Underdog. Zevran learned quick that to be an underdog among the Crows was to be dead. To be an underdog, and to not steal enough to eat, and grow too slow, was to be dragged to a back room and assaulted. To be the underdog was to be the perfect bait to lure them to his poisoned daggers when he’s had enough of their shit and leave the room with a cracked rib and a black eye, and three corpses left behind. To be the underdog, you must have the fastest bite, and instead be a Jackal.
V is for Vivid. When he remembers Rinnala’s laughter and smile it is vivid. However the longer he goes without hearing her, he slowly starts to question if he remembers what she actually sounds like.
W is for WANTED. Zevran isn’t sure what’s better, to be wanted or to be needed. He’s also not sure which one he needs more, and which one he actually wants.
X is for Xenophobic. He recalls slapping Talisen in the mouth once for being an ass, and sharply reminding him he’s not even Antivan, so he has no room to bark at the Orlesians.
Y is for Yelling. Which Zevran...usually doesn’t do. He’ll moan and gasp and sigh, or even be entirely silent. But he’s never been one to shout even at the height of pleasure.
Z is naturally, for Zevran.~
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sugawarassoulmate · 4 years
Thanks so much for 100+ followers!! 🥺
I’m opening requests so please feel free to ask!! I’ll be doing a few at a time (so I don’t get overwhelmed. I also work full-time so please be patient with me 🖤) 
Here are some rules on what I won’t write!! This is also posted in my about page.
noncon/r*pe (consensual noncon is fine)
a/o/b verse
animals furries
aka: who I feel comfortable writing about (but if you ask really nicely, I can bend these rules!!) I just wanna make sure I do them justice 🥺
Karasuno (Sugawara, Daichi, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Ennoshita Tsukishima) 
Nekoma (Kenma, Kuroo, Yaku)
Aoba Johsai (Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Matsukawa, Hanamaki)
Inarizaki (Suna, Osamu, Atsumu, Aran, Kita)
Fukorodani (Bokuto, Akaashi)
Shiratorizawa (Ushijima, Tendou, Semi)
Date Tech (Aone, Futakuchi)
Johzenji (Terushima)
PROMPTS  Prompts from @bucky-plums-barnes, @whumpster-dumpster and @love-me-a-good-prompt
Feel free to request a scenario AND/OR dialogue prompt along with a character 🖤 (scenarios are numbers and dialogues are letters)
scenario prompts
Praise Kink
Secret relationship
Cock warming 
Pretend to be my s/o for a second
I’m scared but won’t admit it, please hold my hand
This is a one night stand, or is it?
My brother’s best friend
Whoops, I called you “Daddy” in front of our friends
Breeding kink
Wedding date
In my parent’s house
Locker Room
Dialogue prompts
a. “Say that to me one more time.” b. “I told you what would happen if you disobeyed.” c. “Down on your knees” d. “Come here. Now.” e. “I’m going to put you in your place” f. “When I tell you to look me in the eye, you look me in the eye.” g. “You never learn.” h. “Hold still.” i. “Please don’t talk that way about yourself” j. “What are you smiling about?” k. “What’s in it for me?” l. "Do you ever stop talking?” m. "Make me.” n. “Why are we whispering?” o. “It sounded better in my head” p. “Give it back” q. “You poor thing” r. “Am I doing it right?” s. “You can keep it” t. “But I thought you hated me?” u. “Go to bed” v. “Your secret is safe with me” w. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” x. “We probably shouldn’t be doing this” y. “Hold on to me” z. “What do you really think of me?”
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(choose one letter only!)
write a scene or headcanon for the letter you get.
(if you use one of my alphabets please credit me, have fun!)
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a - apple of my eye (when do they feel the need to be protective over their s/o and how do they express it?)
b - betrayal (their s/o betrays them. what do they do?)
c - caress (their s/o is acting needy and it's interfering with work. what do they do about it?)
d - devotion (someone is making advances towards them. how do they show that they are completely devoted to their s/o?)
e - everlasting (the character has doubts. what are they and how does the presence of their s/o help them to overcome it?)
f - feelings (they see someone else confess their feelings to their s/o. what do they do? would they intervene?)
g - greatest regret (how and when do they confess their greatest regret to their s/o? what is their greatest regret?)
h - hiding (the character and their s/o are searching shelter from the rain and thunder. where do they hide and how do they pass the time?)
i - immortal (their s/o has been acting rather recklessly. how do they react and try to resolve it?)
j - justice (their s/o has disobeyed the law for a good cause, but has to face the consequences. what does the character do?)
k - kid (they find out that they are not expecting one, but two children. how do they react?)
l - lifeline (their s/o is heavily wounded or sick. what do they do to help and how does it turn out?)
m - matrimony (their s/o and them have to attend an awfully boring wedding. what do they do and how do they try to get out of it?)
n - nocturnal (their newborn has been crying all night and their s/o is exhausted. what do they do?)
o - one and only (their s/o is feeling insecure about the relationship. how does the character show them that they are the only one they want?)
p - priority (their s/o has been taken away from them. what do they do to get them back and where do their priorities lie? would they risk making new enemies along the way?)
q - quaters (something they do or share with their s/o in their private quaters, that they would never do or share anywhere else?)
r - river (the character and their s/o are having a quiet moment by a river or at the beach. what do they do to relax? are they playful?)
s - shut up (one of their children is telling their mom (the s/o) to shut up during an argument between the two. how does the character react?)
t - the test (their s/o is acting strangely. why is that and how does the character try to find out?)
u - unloved (their s/o expresses insecurities about their body. what do they do to make them feel better?)
v - verge of tears (their s/o makes a horrible confession. what is it and how do they take it?)
w - war declarations (the character wants their former s/o back, even though they have a new partner. how do they pull it off?)
x - xoxo (they have to say goodbye to their s/o. maybe forever. how do they say goodbye?)
y - ylang ylang (while they've been away, their s/o has made a habit of stealing their clothing. what do they do about it and how do they react?)
z - zzz (they fell asleep in their s/o's lap. why and how do they wake? do they even want to get up?)
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
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so technically right now we are at 499, but as someone who has little to no self-control or patience i’ve decided we are doing this right now. every time we hit a milestone i make sure to include the we or the us, because even though i might be the one doing all the writing or at least use to, there would be no way i could be where i am right now without you guys, so for what feels like the millionth time, i want to thank you guys. thank you for sticking with me through my highs and my lows. thank you for being there to catch me after all the times that i jumped. thank you for being the voice of reason guiding me away from my less than sensible choices. and thank you for being the light that shone brightest during my darkest moments.
you guys can just think of this celebration as a way for me to say thank you.
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so i guess this banner is more appropriate.
anyways, i’m sure i already bored you to death with the sappy stuff, so let’s get to the fun stuff!
instead of one night where you guys send in request and i write drabbles, i’m not doing that at all. i have a list of different things that you request! i kinda went all out here, so i’m hoping you guys do the same! feel free to request as many times as you want for everything! i think i used to many exclamation marks! i’m just excited! 
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first activity is matchups, i just need to know a couple of things about you so i can match your bnha counterpart :)
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- gender
- sexual orientation
- how your friends would describe your personality
- how you would spend a day off
- your zodiac sign
- your favorite genre of music
- and lastly, your biggest turn off
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so here are some prompts for fluff/angst headcannons! you can pick as many prompts from each alphabet as you want and the same for the characters, just remember not to go crazy with it and request all forty-eight letters with all of class 1-A.
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attractive - what do they find attractive about the other?
baby - do they want a family? why/why not?
cuddle - how do they cuddle?
dates - what are dates with them like?
everything - you are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
feelings - when did they know they were in love?
gentle - are they gentle? If so, how?
hands - how do they like to hold hands?
impression - what was their first impression?
jealousy - do they get jealous?
kiss - how do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?
love - who says ‘I love you’ first?
memory - what’s their favourite memory together?
nickel - do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
orange - what colour reminds them of their other half?
pet names - what pet names do they use?
quaint - what is their favourite non-modern thing?
rainy day - what do they like to do on a rainy day?
sad - how do they cheer themselves/others up?
talking - what do they like to talk about?
unencumbered - what helps them relax?
vaunt - what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
wedding - when, how, where do they propose?
xylophone - what’s their song?
yes - do they ever think of getting married/proposing?
zebra - if they wanted a pet, what would they get?
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anst-abet ignore the fact that this might just be more fluff
accident - would they blame themselves if you died in an work related accident (assuming you’re both pros)?
bad habits - something their s/o wish they would stop doing?
crying - are they much of a crier?
distance  - how are they at long distance relationships?
emotion - what’s the emotion they tend to push away the most?
frustrated - what would it take to push them over the edge?
guilt - how do they deal with guilt cause by a mistake on their end?
heartbreak - how would they deal with a break up?
insecurities - how do they make you feel better about your flaws (vice versa)?
joyless - what’s something that makes them sad?
kill - would they kill for revenge?
lies - how do they react when you lie to them?
mistakes - how do they make up after a fight?
nightmare - how do they help you back to sleep after a nightmare?
offended - you offend them without knowing, how do they deal?
purgatory - how would they bring up the fact that you guys haven’t been, ahem, intimate in a while?
qualify - what part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
rejection -  how do they handle being rejected after professing their love to you?
sorrow - would they feel empty after your death?
traitor - how do they react to finding out you cheated on them?
urge - how badly do they get the urge to see you after separating?
vent - How do they get rid of feelings they find unnecessary?
woes - how do they cope with problems outside of your relationship?
x-ray - what makes them transparent? How obvious can they get around something they hate?
yearn - do old memories make them yearn for your touch?
(clock strikes) zero - how do they spend their last moments with their s/o? 
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that’s right, there aren’t prompts for drabbles because i have decided it is impossible for me to write those. whenever i’m given an idea for a fic i want to explore it to it’s fullest and make sure that i do it justice. so that’s why for any and all requests i get for fics will have a minimum word count of one thousand. it’s most likely that i won’t get these done until i’m old and grey and hanging out with my grandkids, so bear with me.
so to request you pick a number from either the fluff or angst column, and then a letter from the list of settings (the settings part is completely optional though). so for example, fluff 19k with shou or angst -26e w/ zuzu or just angst 6 with toshi.
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fluffy fluff
1. “i didn’t mean to wake you.”
2. “stay? just until i fall asleep.”
3. “i’m taking you home now.”
4. “i missed you so much.”
5. “i think you broke my nose!”
6. “if it makes you feel better, i’ll let you tell people you won against me.”
7. “just shut up and kiss me!”
8. “sleep over? please?”
9. “give me attention!”
10. “can you do anything without my help?”
11. “you’re jealous!”
12. “i’m here for you.”
13. “i love how soft your lips are.”
14. “so, uh, I locked the keys in the car.”
15. “did you put our cat in a onesie?”
16. “are you blushing? gross.”
17. “aren’t we supposed to be working?”
18. “i swear, if you took my leftovers, I will rip you limb from limb.”
19. “do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?”
20. “i swear i’m not sick.”
21. “stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
22. “is there a reason you’re blushing like that?”
23. “where did you come from?”
24. “don’t get up. I’m comfortable like this.”
25. “sharing is caring.”
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ansgty angst
1.  “ you’re so used to being mistreated. ”
2. "sit down for a minute. please.”
3. “please don’t lie to me again, i can’t take it.”
4. “you changed me.”
5. “who did this to you?”
6. “the pain will always be there.”
7. “this.. this is all your fault!”
8. “ i was never what you wanted. ”
9. “did this mean anything to you? did i mean anything to you?”
10. “ this was never love. ”
11. “ you’ve gotten so used to being hurt that happiness scares you. ”
12. “why are you lying to me?”
13. “don’t come in.”
14. “i don’t even remember the last time you told me you loved me.”
15. “who was your first?”
16. “who was that?”
17. “what happened to us?” 
18. “i was forced to survive in your absence.”
19. “i don’t like the person you’ve become.”
20. “i’m sorry, but I’m not sorry.”
21. “can you shut up for once in your life?”
22. “i do not want you here.”
23. “i’m worried about you.”
24. “you have no one on your side now.”
25. “why are there bruises all over your face?”
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settings ( so, there are 26 letters in the alphabet so i cut out the most useless one, k. it’s really just a low budget version of the letter c.)
a. in the rain
b. in a vehicle
c. in the street
d. on the sidewalk
e. in the bath
f. in the kitchen
g. in the snow
h. in a movie theater
i. in the moonlight
j. by the river
l. in the water
m. in the bedroom
n. in a bar
o. at a party
p. at the other’s place
q. by a campfire
r. in a cheap hotel room
s. it a cabin in the woods
t. in your garden
u. at a wedding 
v. in the office
w. in a book store
x. at the hospital
y. at a children's birthday party
z. in an abandon high school
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i feel the need to remind you guys that i write for characters outside of shouto. lmao i know you guys love him and i do to, but let’s spice it up some.
have fun requesting guys, and one last time i just want to say thank you for being here :)
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blog20041994punam · 4 years
Numerology - Discover Your Purpose
Numerology has been used for thousands of years to determine specific things about an individual. The Pythagoras were the first to discover that numbers have a vibration to them, and each number has a specific vibrational field around them. They believed that we create our life by giving our parents our name that we want to be born with and specific date of birth that we choose to come forth in. So they have discovered meanings of the numbers and their influence on our lives. Numerology is also to believed to be used by our spirit guides to help us along in life by pointing out specific number patterns to us while we go through our daily lives. Remember Mathematics has been considered the Universal language for some time now. That can't just be a coincidence.
Furthermore, according to Underwood Dudley, author of "Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought", the Pythagoreans became interested in number mysticism after discovering a particularly fascinating fact about numbers. If you add up a series of odd numbers beginning with the number one, the result is always a square number.
Discoveries like this led the Pythagoreans to the conclusion that "all is number." According to one interpretation, this means that people can measure everything in the world and describe it in terms of numbers and proportions. This is a reasonable idea, and it has had a big influence on science and mathematics. But according to another interpretation, "all is number" means that everything in the world is made of numbers and can be reduced to a numerical value.
Along with describing numbers in terms of math and geometry, the Pythagoreans also described them in terms of non-numerical traits. These traits had more to do with intuition and mysticism than science or mathematics. For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine. The number one was creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. Two represented duality and was female, while three was male. As the sum of two and three, five represented marriage, and since it fell exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represented justice.
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Ten was a sacred number, largely because it is the sum of the first four digits. The holiness of the number 10 led to a list of 10 fundamental opposites:
Limited and unlimited
Odd and even
One and many
Right and left
Masculine and feminine
Rest and motion
Straight and crooked
Light and darkness
Good and evil
Square and oblong [Source: Dudley]
Systems also designate numbers with repeating digits as master numbers, which include all the attributes of two other numbers:
11: 1 and 2
22: 2 and 4
33: 3 and 6
44: 4 and 8
Numerology has been used to tell the future, guide human behavior, predict the outcome of relationships and otherwise divine the unknowable by figuring out a person's numbers. For example, if the number 5 has a particular vibration, a person whose number is 5 has the same vibration. That person can choose what to eat, where to go and how to live based on which choices have a vibration that is compatible with 5.
Numerologists will interpret the results and the meanings of each number to make recommendations or theorize about a person's future. Recommendations often include:
Lucky days or lucky numbers
Optimal career paths for a person's numerological temperament
Negative tendencies to avoid
Positive attributes to emphasize
What to look for in a romantic partner
Business Decisions
How is Spirit Guiding you
How to find your numerology number? Read on.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This chart is how to find the numbers from your name. It's universal and has been used for thousands of years in every language. Our name makes up our Expression/Destiny number and our Soul Urge/ Heart Desires Number. Use this chart to find yours. I set up an example of Angelina Jolie to help you out.
For example: Angelina Jolie Voight.
Calculating a Expression/Destiny Number:
Angelina=36, 3+6=9. So Angelina=9.
Jolie=24, 2+4=6. so Jolie=6.
Voight=36, 3+6=9. So Voight=9
36+24+36=96. 9+6=15. 1+5=6
9+9+6=24. 2+4=6
Angelina Jolie is a 6.
Calculating a Life Path Number:
Her birthday is June 4th, 1975
6+4=10.. 1+9+7+5=22.. 10+22=32. 3+2=5
Calculating a Soul Urge Number:
A,E,I,A. O,I,E. O,I.
Angelina = 16. 1+6=5. Jolie = 20. 2+0=2. Voight = 15. 1+5=6.
5+2+6= 13. 1+3=4.
Her Life Path Number is 5.
Her Expression/Destiny Number is 6.
Her Soul Urge/Hearts Desire Number is 4.
To get a better understanding here's a simple definition of the most basics that numerologists look for when they start adding from the letters in our name, the vowels in our name and our birthday.
Life Path Number: The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of a person. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life.
Expression Number: A number derived from all of the letters in your full birth name make up what is called the Expression or Destiny number. This is the number that describes the talents and attitudes at your disposal in this lifetime, if you choose to develop and use them of course. This is sometimes referred to as your potential or destiny. Living up to attributes of this number may not be easy, but it is your goal. It is your life's purpose, spiritual mission, and your field of opportunity. Unlike the Life Path number which reads as you ARE, the Expression number more correctly reads as you MUST, to accomplish your mission in this lifetime.
Soul Urge Number :The Soul Urge or as it is sometimes called, the heart's desire, is an important influence in numerology .This means your inner craving, likes and dislikes. It's made up of the vowels in your name.
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Here is what the basic of numbers mean: The details are relatively similar from numerologists, this is just an example of each number.
Number 0 - Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.
Number 1 - Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.
Number 2 - Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.
Number 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.
Number 4 - Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.
Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.
Number 6 - Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.
Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.
Number 8 - Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifester.
Number 9 - Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending.
Numerology has been used for business decisions, relationship advice, seeing the signs of the Universe and/or Spirit Guides, Karmic situations, subconscious dreaming, what to overcome in this specific life, why you are the way you are, Maturity level, Rational Thought. There is a literally a number for everything that makes up who we are on every level. It takes a lot of studying and work to find all this information on your own, (trust me I've looked), I find it easier to just get a reading. Enjoy finding out what really makes me you tick.
Peace to all Beings and may Love and Wisdom guide you through Life!!!
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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a-wlw-reads · 6 years
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Lady-Lovin’ Ladies from A-Z (Again)
Part 1       Lady-Lovin’ Ladies of Color
A: Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
B: Bareed Mista3jil edited by Meem
C: Cinnamon Blade: Knife in Shining Armor by Shira Glassman
D: Dispatches from Lesbian America edited by Xequina Maria Berber, Giovanna Capone, and Cheela Romain Smith
E: Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler
F: Finding Hekate by Kellie Doherty
G: Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World edited by Robyn Ochs and Sarah E. Rowley
H: Heavy Vinyl by Carly Usdin
I: Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World by Ashley Herring Blake
J: Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera
K: Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear
L: Lizard Radio by Pat Schmatz
M: Marriage of a Thousand Lies by SJ Sindu
N: Necrotech by K.C. Alexander
O: Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis
P: Pulp by Robin Talley
Q: Queer (In)justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States by Joey L. Mogul, Andrea J. Ritchie, and Kay Whitlock
R: Roller Girl by Vanessa North
S: Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno
T: That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston
U: Uncovered: How I Left Hasidic Life and Finally Came Home by Leah Lax
V: Victory: The Triumphant Gay Revolution by Linda Hirshman
W: We Are Okay by Nina LaCour
X: Excavation by Wendy C. Ortiz (I tried. There are no X’s)
Y: Year of the Monsoon by Caren J. Werlinger
Z: Zami: A New Spelling of my Name by Audre Lorde
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madamebaggio · 5 years
Hello, everyone!
I hope you're all having as much fun as I am with these short crossovers.
So the fun can continue, I'm learning the alphabet below so you can choose a letter with a short prompt for our friend Sansa and her five possible suitors.
The most voted shall be used on Wednesday for all the couples.
A for Arranged
B for Betrothal
C for Court
D for Dance
E for Excuses
F for Fight
G for Grief
H for Hierarchy
I for Idiot
J for Justice
K for Kiss
L for Longing
M for Madness
N for Numb
O for Obstacles
P for Patience
Q for Quivering
R for Rescue
S for Sensation
T for Touch
U for Union
V for Vows
W for Wedding Night
X for Xylography
Y for Yearning
Z for Zeal
Choose wisely and I shall be back on Wednesday!
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occultspirits-blog · 5 years
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Chaldeans v.s. Pythagoreans: Ready, Set, Start Your Number Fight!
Hi all and welcome to Spirit's Throwback Thursday blog post. Today I wanted to discuss Numerology and it's origins. Numerology is a belief that the divine sends us messages through numbers, words (like your name) and synchronicities. In this time it is considered a divination tool, but this was not always the case. There are two main branches of numerology, Pythagorean and Chaldean. These branches differ slightly from one another while still maintaining the belief that numbers were equivalent to divine truths. For the sake of ease we will be discussing the two most popular, Chaldean and Pythagorean.
Pythagoras was born in Samos (a Greek island in the Aegean Sea) in the year 570 B.C. Pythagoras is most famous for the Pythagorean Theorem (A squared plus B squared equals C squared), so the squared sums of the two sides of a right triangle are equal to the squared value of the hypotenuse. But many seem to ignore the fact that Pythagoras was an astrologist, numerologist, musician and a spiritual Guru. Pythagoras had an ability to contact enlightened souls, who helped him discover all his previous lives, and make predictions. His teachings stated that every planet had a signature sound, and the sound was represented by numbers. He then taught that the numbers each had separate characteristics, and meaning to our lives.
The following is the references used in Pythagorean numerology.
Add all the numbers up in a person's name and then reduce to single digit. For example: Gloriann Cruz Albino would be: 7+3+6+9+1+5+5+3+9+3+8+1+3+2+9+5+6= 85, then reduce: 8+5=13, reduce again: 1+3=4. In this case 4 is the name number. The only numbers not reduced are 11 and 22 the master numbers.
Number 1: The light side: initiative, leadership, individuality, bravery, executive ability. On the dark side, selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness, narcissism.
Number 2: The light side: cooperation, harmony, love,partnership and finesse. On the dark side: over sensitivity, untactful, timid, indecision.
Number 3: The light side: artistic, creative, self expression, imagination, social, and cheerful. On the dark side: pessimistic, loose lipped, tends to exaggerate.
Number 4: The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Number 5: The light: constructive, freedom, sexuality, versatility, knowledge, entertainment and amusement. The dark: changeability, carelessness, restlessness, nervousness, Jack/ Jill of all trades, master of none.
Number 6: The light: artistic, responsible, love of home and children, care about the welfare of others, unselfish. The dark: being too sensitive, coldness, nervousness, skepticism, lonely.
Number 7: The light: spirituality, the occult, analysis, researcher, wisdom. The dark: selfishness, laziness, aggressiveness and self centered.
Number 8: The light: executive ability, organization, authority, judgement, and administration. The dark: impatience, love of recognition, lack of humanitarianism, materialistic.
Number 9: The light: generous, humanitarian, sympathetic, selflessness, divine connection. The dark: moody, impulsive, must learn selfishness, careless with money, attracted to a life beyond their means.
Number 11: The light: intuition, illumination, inspiration, spirituality and prophetic abilities. The dark: too sensitive, nervousness, tension, impracticality and shyness.
Number 22: The light: materialism, spiritual master, practical and guiding light. The dark: conflict between inner feelings and practicality and attraction to magic.
While using this divination to figure things out about yourself if the number is from letters make sure you use your birth given name. For example 4 is my name number, which means the following. The light side: constructive, systematic, practical, keeping order, builder,industrious. The dark side: lack of imagination, argumentative, very serious, ill health.
Chaldean Numerology has been in use since the Babylonian era. There is a difference between Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology, Chaldeans believed you could use the name that you are know by (nickname). Another major difference is that Chaldeans used the birth date number ( number of the day you were born on). This number reflects the personality and health of the native. The final major difference is that Chaldeans interpreted numbers 1 through 52, to symbolize the weeks in a year. Following is a letter to number analysis.
The numbers 1 through 9 are related to, how the native appears in the eyes of another, and the physical and material sides of things.
Number 1: male, yang, self consciousness, originality, independence, aggressive, unique, creative, dominant, the leader.
Number 2: pair, duo, feminine, yin, seeking unions, choice, adaptable, tactful, understanding, gentle, cautious, a follower.
Number 3: manifestation, expansion, creativity, the performer, expansive, sociable, dramatic, communicative and diversified.
Number 4: dependable, attuned to the four seasons, law, order, balance, harmony, secure, stable, stability, endurance and discipline.
Number 5: vital force, freedom, change, adventure, charisma, versatility, resourceful, adaptive, change, activity, travel, promotion and speculation.
Number 6: conscientious, desire to be in harmony, truth, justice, has a good sense of balance, loving , compassionate.
Number 7: answer seeker, asks the difficult questions, solitude is needed, looks to converse with others that are like minded, introspective, intuitive, analytic, inspirational, reclusive, philosophical and mystical.
Number 8: infinity, power, achieved control, responsible, recognition, expansion and growth.
Number 9: complete cycle of growth, selfless, compassionate, wants to help others at all cost, love, compassion, patience and service.
Double digits (compound numbers) show hidden influences, that play a role in life now and in the future.
Number 10: honor, faith, confidence, rise and fall.
Number 11: gives warning of hidden dangers, trials, or treachery. This person will have great hardships to grow through.
Number 12: suffering, anxiety, seen as the sacrifice or the victim at the hands of others.
Number 13: change of plans or place, non fortunate, upheaval , destruction, havoc wreaking power, warning of the unknown,
Number 14: movements, combinations, threats of natural forces, fortunate for dealings with money, small element of risk or danger.
Number 15: occult significance, magic, mystery, but this is only used in selfish ways.
Number 16: gives a warning of a strange fatality awaiting the querent, danger of accidents, and one being defeated,
Number 17: highly spiritual, the number of immortality, legacy,
Number 18: materialism striving to destroy spirituality of nature, bitter quarrels, social upheaval, revolutions, a warning of treachery , deception, danger from the elements,
Number 19: fortunate and favorable, happiness, success, esteem and honor
Number 20: a call to action, great purpose, is a very spiritual number, that is not conducive to the material world.
Number 21: advancement, honors, elevation of life , general success, victory, determination.
Number 22: warning of illusion of delusion, a good person living in a "fool's paradise" , a dreamer of fierce dreams and false judgement.
Number 23:a promise of success, help, and protection.
Number 24: fortune, promises, assistance, gain through love.
Number 25: strength gained through experience, observation.
Number 26: grave warnings for the future, foreshadows disaster, ruin and bad advice.
Number 27: promise of authority, power, command,reward comes for production.
Number 28: full of contradictions, loss through trust, opposition and competition in trade, danger of loss through law, likelihood of having to begin life over and over again.
Number 29: uncertainties, treachery, deception, trials, tribulations, unexpected danger, unreliable friends, and grief.
Number 30: thoughtful deduction, retrospection, and mental superiority.
Number 31: self contacted, lonely and isolated.
Number 32: magical power, it is fortuitous if judgements and opinions are held back.
Number 33: no meaning of its own, uses 24 or sometimes 6.
Number 34: Has the same meaning as 25 or 7
Number 35: Same meaning as 26 or 8
Number 36: Has the same meaning as 27 or 9
Number 37: good and fortunate friendships, love and connection.
Number 38: Has same meaning as 29.
Number 39: Has same meaning as 30
Number 40: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 41: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 42: Has the same meaning as 24.
Number 43: revolution, upheaval, strife, failure and failure.
Number 44: Has the same meaning as 26.
Number 45: Has the same meaning as 27
Number 46: Has the same meaning as 37.
Number 47: Has the same meaning as 29.
Number 48: Has the same meaning as 30.
Number 49: Has the same meaning as 31.
Number 50: Has the same meaning as 32.
Number 51: power, the nature of the warrior , promises sudden advancement, favorable for those in military life and leaders of any cause.
Number 52: Has the same meaning as 43.
In conclusion Pythagoreans use numbers 1-9, 11 and 22. While Chaldeans use numbers 1-52. All believe that numbers are a intricate part of life. So as a Numerologist myself, I use the Pythagoras system. But just as any other divination systems, numerology is 90% belief. Blessed be.
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