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Hello and Salutations!
The Writing Feedback Network is now accepting more applications, just in time for NaNoWriMo!
In recent years we’ve noticed a drop in overall comments/reviews left on fics and a major rise in sad and discouraged writers. This network seeks to bridge that gap by putting a group of writers, lovers of writing, and friends together to encourage a culture of feedback, even as small as a simple “YES!”
Must be following this blog, Steen, and Kiki
(If you are a minor, you can opt to follow our minor mod, Amélie!)
Must be willing to give and receive feedback.
Must reblog this post
Must fill out this form
General Rules | FAQ
Applications are open until November 7, 2017!
If chosen, please track the #WritingFeedbackNetwork and post any related posts there (comments, fic recs, your own work, etc.)
Why you should join!
A safe space to explore your writing style with constructive feedback
Make friends that write and/or love writing to encourage you!
A chance to nerd out about whatever fandom you’re a part of~
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whenwolfsbaneblooms · 6 years
3rd quarter writing roundup!
I’d usually do this on my writing Tumblr, but let’s shake things up a bit shall we?
@writingfeedbacknetwork challenged us to do a write up of what we’ve done these past three months, and for me that’s pretty easy.
I finally started digging into part 2 of my Jason Pond series, and also finally started posting part 1! (so if you’re into alt Batfamilies I’ve possibly got a story for you!) (Gen, minor parings, a hella lot of people, 6/33 chapters currently posted, updated every 2 weeks)
Then, out of nowhere, I decided to finally write a Jason/Cass AU series that’s been hanging around my head for forever. It’s grown from four parts into five and I’ve been working on part 5 for the past few days now (it’s been fun). (Teen, but part 4 (posting on Wed) will be M. Jason Todd/Cassandra Cain. currently at about 53K, but growing.)
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morphenomenalbabe · 7 years
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The @writingfeedbacknetwork​ challenged us to make a post of seven recommendations of a favorite trope, and honestly for a good several days I have not been able to figure out what my favorite trope is. So I asked my wife and they were like “duh soulmates” and I was like “oh yeah lmao,” so here you go!!!
Where we can talk like there's something to say by PerfumedWithObsession (Spiderman: Homecoming, G, Peter Parker/Michelle Jones)
This series is absolutely incredible! Each work is a different type of soulmate AU, some of which I’ve literally never seen any where else. PerfumedWithObsession is incredibly creative and these works really showcase that.
polychromatic by hikaie (Scooby Doo, G, Daphne Blake/Velma Dinkley/Fred Jones/Norville "Shaggy" Rogers)
One of my favorite soulmate tropes is the “everything is black and white until you see your soulmate,” and this trope fits perfectly with the bold and bright colors that the gang is so associated with. Each of the characters fits perfectly with canon while also reaching new depths, and honest to god, I love this story. It’s beautiful from start to finish. Also Scoob starts out as a puppy in this and if that doesn’t make you die of cute I don’t know what will.
Samwell Soulmates by There_Once_Was_A_Girl (Check Please!, T-M, various pairings)
This is another series but one that exists all in the same universe. What I really like about this is how each pair has a unique flavor of soulmate bond that fits them perfectly. I like how creative and different each bond is. I also really like that each part of the series can be read on its own or as part of the whole, and it would be equally enjoyable both ways!
More under the cut!
it must have been that something lovers call 'fate' by dragonyfox (Star Wars: Rogue One, T, Bodhi Rook/Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor)
So this is absolutely a favorite ship, and I love how this series keeps in line with canon (with an obvious divergence) and stays so true to each character and how I really would picture their relationship playing out! My favorite part is probably when Chirrut physically pushes them together and cites the force; without Chirrut shenanigans, is it really a Rogue One fanfiction?
ankle and petrol, the gruesome twosome by ellipsesificate (Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, T, Farkas Bulkmeier/Eugene Skullovitch)
This story somehow manages to capture how dorky and goofy Bulk and Skull are while also just being incredibly beautiful prose. I highly recommend this story even if you don’t ship the two of them. Honestly, this story is what ended up convincing me to ship them and there’s no going back now! It’s also just an incredibly sweet story that also includes the friends-to-lovers trope, if that’s your jam!
Something Like Fate by furyofthetimelords (Shadowhunters (TV), G, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood)
I like that this kind of leads toward canon events while still being very distinctly it's own. This honestly left me daydreaming about how wonderful of a couple Clary and Izzy are. Many soulmate fics deal with relationship negotiations, which I love, and I really appreciate how carefully the two of them worked theirs out in this, and the implication that they’re going to continue to discuss it.
Solace In Your Silence by k_rizzle1921 (Power Rangers (2017), T, Kimberly Hart/Trini)
The only thing I love more than soulmate fics are soulmate fics with angst. What’s better than a story where the character doesn’t believe anyone would want them as a soulmate even though by definition they are essentially perfect for their soulmate??? That’s my shiiiiiit! But honestly, this is so cute and perfect. It diverges from canon just slightly and it’s really fucking cute.
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ororosmunroe · 7 years
Hot days were the worst. 
Hot sticky days were the worst of the worst.
Scott sighed, it was quite literally the only thing that he could do didn’t require him to move any length of distance and exhaust him. He felt gross in his own skin. He turned his head and looked at the broken AC unit. It was mocking him. Boyd, his next-door neighbor, had gone to get some tools from the hardware store so he could take a look at it.  The day was supposed to be a simple one. He finally got the courage to invite him over and his AC decided to die on him. The old thing needed to be replaced but Scott hoped it would’ve held on just another week when he got his paycheck. Fate, however, seemed to have other plans.
Scott was currently sitting on his floor a small fan in between his legs and positioned up towards his face when the front door of the apartment rang. Probably Boyd, Scott quickly set the little fan aside and rushed to the door. He skidded past the wall mirror and looked at himself. Why? He didn’t know, he knew he was already sweaty and probably messy looking and there was no time to change that now. He looked through the peephole and saw that it was indeed Boyd and he had a lot of stuff with him. Scott opened the door and looked at what Boyd had with him.
“What’s all this?”
Boyd had a large bag of ice in one hand, a bag full of tools in the other and an extra large fan at his feet.
“ Well after I got the tools I just went over to the convenience store and picked up some ice for myself and a fan for you in case I failed miserably at fixing your AC.” Boyd laughed, “ Can I come in, this ice is pretty cold. And do you mind if I stow the ice in your fridge?”
Scott’s brain seemed to short-circuit during Boyd’s explanation because his initial answer was a very intelligent sounding up, “Uh.”
Stop staring at his biceps, you idiot! Scott mentally slapped himself back to reality. “ Yes, of course! To all of the above.”
He allows Boyd in and then grabs the handle to the box containing the extra large fan and follows Boyd into the apartment.
“ Y-you didn’t have to do all that. I’m getting my paycheck next week so I’ll be getting a new A/C soon.”
“ Yeah but…” Boyd reluctantly agreed, “There’s a heat advisory for the next few days and it’s not wise to have no air circulating. You can keep it in the living room for now and then when you go to bed you can bring it with you. I mean, if you really don’t want I can always t-”
“ No, no! You were really nice to do this. Thank you.” Scott backtracked, fearing he sounded ungrateful. In fact, he was quite the opposite.
“No, I shouldn’t have assumed. I should’ve asked you first.” Boyd admitted, a little embarrassed. He had been looking to do something for Scott for a while now and when the A/C broke he thought he’d been given a chance to show off a little. Ever since he was little he had been a tinkerer, drove his grandmother crazy. Luckily whatever he took apart he could put it back together, sometimes making it even better than before.
“ I want it.” Scott reassured, taking the time to think of how that might’ve sounded, “ I really want it.”
The two guys stare at each other as Scott’s words float between them, both of them embarrassed at their own imaginations running wild. Boyd cleared his throat and looked away, the tools in the bag shifted.
“I’ll just go look at that A/C unit-“
“ And I’ll set up the fan and put the ice in the freezer!” Scott took the ice from Boyd and rushed away into the kitchen.
So much for a lazy summer day.
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ladedanixie · 7 years
Fake/Pretend Relationship Fic Recs
a wfn challenge (Its 3 days late, but I decided to finish it anyway) : themed recs by trope, kink, or specific au.
The Expiation Expedition by @obstinaterixatrix & @dragonomatopoeia: Voltron, Keith/Lance, 40k
Lance is well aware that miscommunications can result in horrific, preferably avoidable mishaps, which is why he tries to circumvent them whenever possible. It just figures that the state of an entire planet's fragile political climate rests on him running straight into one.
This is possibly one my favorite fics. There is so much well done world building and honest exploration of relationships that it brings a tear to my eye. There’s political intrigue, and clear character writing for all the characters. I love the development of Keith and Lance’s relationship as a result of being fake married and its done without any of that excessive or unnecessary angst that most fics with this same trope do. Like the healthy open communication that happens between them is probably one of my favorite aspects about it. There’s even lesbian space lizards, which is awesome. Also unique and hilarious metaphors, similes, and descriptions, think maybe a cross between douglas adam and terry pratchet. 
6 more recs under the cut
this sudden burst of sunlight by @attilarrific: Critical Role, Shaun Gilmore/Vax’ildan and Kashaw Vesh/Keyleth, 40k
Vax and Kash get drunk and pretend to date. It's all Scanlan's fault.
This fic is a riot to read. It’s fun and hilarious and does a great job of exploring Vax’s and Kash’s personalities as well as showing how much of a jackass they both are. It’s fun to see them more or less commit to this fake relationship more out of spite than anything else despite the fact that they don’t like each other that much in the beginning. And in the process they kinda of learn what’s important to them, and they learn more about each other, and kinda become actual friends, which is a process I very much enjoyed. 
never say never. by @mel-iorn: Shadowhunters, Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, 4k
As the office holiday party draws near, Simon is getting borderline desperate to find a date to bring with him. Well he knows he can go solo... but with his rather recent ex AND someone in management that keeps dropping hints that he should impregnate their daughter going to be in attendance, he really, really, really rather not.
Such a cute fic. I had a smile all the way through. Simon is so sweet and smitten and that is so nice to read. I especially enjoy this line: “ he’d really, really like a definitive answer so he can go back to over analyzing the usual things like how Not Straight Poe Dameron is instead of whether he wants to get coffee with Jace in a platonic or romantic sense.” It cracked me up and me feel for poor Simon. Jace’s thoughtfulness for Simon in this fic was so nice as well. The gift he gave Simon made me melt. 
How to Torment Your Family in Six Short Courses by @mcbangle: Check Please, Shitty/Lardo, 2k
Shitty answers an ad from a certain art student proposing to pretend to be his girlfriend with the express purpose of pissing off his family on Christmas. Mischief ensues.
Couldn’t stop laughing while reading this fic. I feel a special kind of joy seeing Shitty’s asshole family being tormented by Lardo’s uncouth behavior during dinner. Shitty’s voice is fairly well done here. And his obvious enjoyment of his family’s disapproval is fun to read. I do like the breaking up of the six courses and seeing how Lardo gradually amps up the behavior until the family just kicks her out. 
Feels Good to be Alive Right About Now by @mikkalia15: The Flash, Iris West/Linda Park, 1k
“You’re going to be fine,” Iris says firmly. “There isn’t anyone I’d want more as my back up than you.”
Right, right, Linda’s backup, nothing more. Never mind that she’s had a crush on Iris West since she was hired for Central City Picture News, never mind that she’s currently going to a gala in Starling City posing as her girlfriend. How the holy hell is she suppose to make it through the night without making a fool of herself and/or overloading on the urge to just blurt out her feelings?
Her smile feels a little wobbly, a little strained, all she wants to do it pull Iris into a kiss, turning her perfectly done lipstick into a smear of dark red, instead, though, she swallows.
A cute fic. Linda’s internal panic about going on a fake date with Iris during the date is great. Love the way the two of them shut that one dude down. I like the detail of their coworkers already thinking they’re dating. It’s sweet that Iris knows her fave tea and candy. A nice breezy read.
Practice Kisses by Drownedinlight: The Flash, Wally West/Cisco Ramon, 5k
Wally asks Cisco to be his pretend boyfriend to show off to an ex-boyfriend. It turns out that Wally and Cisco are not that great at pretending, though. 
Adore the interactions between Wally and Joe. I feel like that isn’t often explored, so I appreciate their warm relationship here. The way Cisco stuck it to Wally’s ex with his music knowledge was hilarious. That and the details about Cisco knowing so much about music cause of his brother was so good. I really like the thought of that, and now I’ve adopted it as a headcanon. Also there are not enough Wally/Cisco fics out there, and this one is so good, and cute, so I can’t be more thankful that this exists. Also the fact that Joe assumed they were together cause they were both on the bed was so funny, as was the intervention that followed. 
Who Knows, Someday I'll Win Too by @biofreak659: Transformers Prime, Knockout/Breakdown, 20k
Pre-series. All love stories start somewhere. Some just start off on the wrong foot, and continue spiraling downwards. Based largely on Bringing up Baby.
What a fun ride. Real detailed world building. Great Knockout and Breakdown voices. Knockout’s snark is hilarious. Their dynamic here is honestly the best part. The way Knockout gets roped in had me cracking up. I love the fact that in later chapters they wind up having to open and run into doors. All the shenanigans these two get into is great.
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ghoste-catte · 5 years
I wrote this quick little ficlet for the @writingfeedbacknetwork September challenge! Just a short GaaLee fic about eating the summer’s last peaches. Enjoy!
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epsilonchi · 7 years
2017 Round-up + All my projects
With 2018 being here and my brain thinking I should sum up and talk about all my projects on Tumblr, I would do, in this challenge of @writingfeedbacknetwork​ , a small Round-Up of 2017 and a sum up of all my projects made in 2017. Well, I didn’t post/write that much (in matter of word count), but I’m still proud of myself for all the progress I made.
Stuff I posted
September 2017 : Favorable changes (General Audiences, Ouma Kokichi/Rantarou Amami / Oumami, 729 words)
Summary : Ouma believes that life is made of changes. For him, most of them were favorable changes. One of them was his encounter with Rantaro Amami. 
My first work posted on AO3, for the Challenge : Transistition and Changes of the Network. I’m still a bit proud of it, even though it was the hypothetic first part of a Hope’s Peak AU I probably won’t continue.
October 2017 : And we all still die (Teen and Up Audiences, no romantic relationships, 989 words)
A songfic about Rantaro’s backstory and life in the killing game. It is also from the Inspired by a song challenge of Writing Feedback Network.
This was also supposed to be related to my NaNo project (a Danganronpa V3 prequel, I will talk about it later) but… Then I realized some things were wrong about Rantaro’s personnality/backstory. I think I will rewrite it one day, when I will rewrite/continue my NaNo.
My NaNoWriMo project : Danganronpa V2
So… yeah. This is the first time I tried NaNo. But I realized I wasn’t motivated enough and, besides, I hadn’t much time (high shcool and other stuff). So I gave up, after one day. Still, kudos to all of you that succeeded to do it.
Then, I realized afterwards that I wasn’t conviced enough by my own project. Some elements weren’t close enough to canon, some others… just didn’t fit in my mind. So, I decided to work again on it. This is still a huge WIP that I need to outline/write.
So, like I explained earlier, this is a prequel of Danganronpa V3, with Rantaro as the co-main character, with an OC. For those who played Danganronpa V3, I think you know what it is about, but I prefer this post to be spoiler free for now.
My other projects/WIP
Fanfics/AU (from the most “advanced” to vague ideas)
Danganronpa AU/Cross-over with Persona 5 : basically the cast of Danganronpa V3 as Phantom Thieves, with Ouma as Akira/Ren/P5 protagonist, Rantaro as Ryuji, Kaede as Ann, and Human/Puppet/Whatever it is hard to explain here!Kiibo as Morgana.
This is probably my last project from December, but I really love that idea.
I’ve already written a part of the prologue (1K) in french.
Some stuff is still vague, but I think I’ll post the prologue and first chapter soon on AO3 (I hope so, at least).
So basically : Angie succeed in making the ritual and is not killed, and Rantaro comes back to life.
Will probably include : Everyone is totally confused, Shuichi realizing sooner that Kaede didn’t kill Rantaro, Angie POV, and a totally lost and confused Rantaro.
Based on a Tumblr post I have seen but that I can’t find back.
This is not written yet, but I have some ideas. And I really want to begin to write it someday.
Also, this will be probably the birth of a crackship/rarepair : Angie/Rantaro ? (Yonamami ???)
Danganronpa V3 Hogwarts AU
Well I have some ideas for the Sorting (Ouma going obviously to Slytherin, Kaede going to Hufflepuff, Kaito going obviously to Gryffindor…), but still a vague project.
Danganronpa V3 Superhero AU
Basically the pitch is : what if the Gifted Inmate Academy was an academy fot superpowered kids ? 
I have all the powers for all the cast.
But I’m still confused about what story to tell, if I go in a huge intrigue, or on just ships and happy life.
Consider this as a vague project.
Danganronpa Hope’s Peak Arc : Reversed Au (Spoiler for the first two games I guess ?)
So basically : Naegi is the mastermind, and the 78th class are brainwashed to be the Remants of Despair.
There’s also some personnality swap elements : for example, Togami is nicer than in canon, and his dad is actually the Headmaster of Hope’s Peak Academy, instead of Jin.
Also some random stuff : Junko became the Izuru Kamukura equivalent in this, Nagito is not hope-obsessed (Chiaki is instead), Toko is not Genocider Syo (Sonia is instead, because what the hell not ?), and Mukuro and Sonia as Ultra Despair Girls.
Well this is basically my main ideas for the fanfics. I also want to write for Persona 5, Harry Potter (I have still my Beauxbâtons/Durmstrang headcanons back from middle school), and of some other fandoms (BNHA, LWA, BMC, Les MIS…), but well, as you could have guessed, I have fallen in love with Danganronpa (particularly V3). Also count my Danganronpa V2 as a fanfic project.
Original content
To be honest, I have a bit given up my OCs and original stories for fanfics, but I still love them, and have another project in mind.
Triapolis (Title is still a WIP)
So, to explain simply : Nina Rosenberg, the daughter of an asshole supervillain, goes to a superhero school, fights supervillains and falls in love.
I’ve begun to write it, I even drew Nina and some others.
But well, like I said, I have a bit abandoned this story.
I still want to write it but I’m not as passionned by it as before.
I have no idea for the title but well : 
So basically this is about best friends from a french catholic high school trying to fight spirits of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
I have so much ideas for the main characters, and I want to develop them a lot. 
But well I’m still a bit confused about the plot.
Well that’s it ? I’m sorry I didn’t talk too much about my orginal stories, but I still love my OCS and I want to write about them.
Someday if I have finished one of this project I will reblog/update/edit/whatever this post, and I’ll try to talk more about my projects on tumblr.
Once again, thanks to @writingfeedbacknetwork to the support !
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kaelsmiscellany · 7 years
2017 in review
so @writingfeedbacknetwork​ challenged us this week to do a review of our year and the fics we wrote.
THAT’S THE POWER OF LOVE! (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
Please Don’t Forget (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
No Domestic Heart (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
Holy Palmer’s Kiss (Gen)
A Horror They Outpour (Duke/Nathan)
Shadows in A Cave (Duke/Lexie/Nathan)
Cleanliness, Next To... (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
genuine article (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
The Birds Have Been Singing At Night (Peter/Lydia/Jordan)
I Have Told You Before (Don’t Follow Me) (Gen)
Trying To Save Me (Stop Holding Your Breath) (Peter/Lydia)
I Am Coming Home to You (From Dusk Till Dawn: the Series, Ritchie/Kate/Seth)
Shuck All The Light From My Skin (Grisha Trilogy, Nikolai/Alina, Nikolai/Alina/Darkling)
Remember Most Fondly Those Lives (Arcana Chronicles, Evie/Jack)
Original drabble (OC/OC)
Marauders snippet (Harry Potter, James & Sirius)
In total I published 132,687 words of fiction, and probably wrote at least double that in general. Haven’s still my biggest writing lump, but I have a feeling I won’t write as more of it this year, who knows.
I also finished fics that I’d started years ago, which I’m super pleased with. Hopefully in 2018 I’ll do even more of that *eyes the 89 gdocs in her fanfic folder*
I also also seriously started working on original fic, I didn’t share as much of it, and it’s stalled in the past few months. The fact that I’ve done it at all is still very impressive.
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New Work
I just posted a little piece on Ao3. If people like it, I’ll write more about the characters, because I really like them. Feel free to check it out and comment if you want that. 
PS: Check out the other writings in the collection, the people who wrote those are cool people. @writingfeedbacknetwork
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amorremanet · 7 years
2017 fic/writing round up
For a challenge over at @writingfeedbacknetwork — a round-up of everything I wrote in 2017 (and posted online, since I don’t really have a way to show off the stuff that didn’t).
Stuff That Got Posted On AO3
“forget all about the pressure of days” (original work, Teen and Up, no pairing, 500 words — cw for references to a past suicide attempt)
For the network’s “summer” prompt challenge. A little piece about two of my OCs, Sebastian (who is main-cast in The Novel) and his late cousin, Jeremy.
“But boys spring infernal” (Voltron: Legendary Defender, Explicit, Keith/Shiro, 356k words — cw for abuse, addiction/substance abuse, mental health issues, self-harm, eating disorders, past consent issues, panic attacks, flashbacks, recovery and its difficulties, and more. seriously, this is NOT an exhaustive list, please read the tags and the pre-chapter A/N’s where I warn about things rather than just snarking about something)
Oh, the tall, smart, good-looking fic. This whole mess started literally just because I couldn’t let Shiro’s long-hair look from season three go.
This fic is basically an over-long love-letter to hurt/comfort that’s dressed up in a punk band/college/modern setting AU and flavored like mutual pining Sheith with long-haired recovering addict punk!Shiro and a Keith who is a beleaguered history student, not as cranky as he wants you to think he is, and in need of a stronger support network.
Also, most of the fic is not Explicit. Chapter 20 is the smut chapter, and the rest of it used to have a Mature rating because of everything in the cw note above.
In addition to the main pairing, you also have:
sides of Allura/Shay (who have their shit together, more or less), Hunk/Lance (who…… are working on it), and Antok/Kolivan (the history department’s resident old married couple);
past Allura/Keith who stayed friends after they broke up romantically;
past Shiro/Sendak, which was abusive and featured Sendak using BDSM as a smokescreen for said abuse;
past Lotor/Shiro, which was a mutual train-wreck, and Lotor…… he sure is a character who exists (he also tries to sleep with Keith and gets nowhere);
Kolivan being Keith’s academic advisor, which in practice really means that he is Keith’s mentor and surrogate dad, who goes, “That’s ridiculous, I don’t treat Keith like a son”…… while totally treating Keith like a son;
Iverson being Shiro’s mentor figure and a cool older friend, low-key exasperated with Keith and Lance, high-key exasperated with Lotor, and generally not a bag of dicks;
Keith slowly but surely developing more friendships in his life, namely with Hunk, Pidge, Shay, and Lance;
past Hunk/Shay, Hunk/Matt, and Lance/Plaxum;
Lance had a crush on Shiro at one point, they remain pretty tight as friends, and they’ve platonically made out before;
Keith and Regris had a one-night stand this one time;
Shiro’s twin brother Ryou used to date Ezor, is kind of in love with Slav but it’s kind of messy, and has a lot of brother feels with Shiro;
Lance has slept with Sven and tried to get Ryou to make out with him;
and Shiro has had NSFW fantasies about Ulaz, who is married to Thace and also Shiro’s therapist. Shiro is already embarrassed enough about this fact, please don’t rub it in for him.
And there’s super cute art for it! Of punk Shiro in a Pansy Division crop top! By @ajhebard!
“Spice Cake and Sugar Frosting” (VLD, Explicit, Keith/chubby!Shiro, 29k words)
Shameless, kink-pandering chubby!Shiro smut fic. That’s it. That’s the fic.
n.b.: features consensual erotic humiliation, teasing, feed(er)ism-related themes & behaviors, kinking on stuff that’s related to body-image issues, and Keith and Shiro being ridiculous, teasing little shits
“you’d kill me if you could stand the sight of blood” (VLD, Mature, Sendak/Shiro with kinda background Keith/Shiro & Shiro-Ryou brother feels, 10k words — cws for abuse, addiction/substance abuse, eating disorders, violent intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation & an on-screen thwarted suicide attempt.)
Another work for a network challenge. This one was for the “inspired by a song” challenge, and I stitched ten Mountain Goats-inspired pieces into a thing that I wanted to write anyway.
Said thing is an exploration of some parts of Sendak and Shiro’s backstory in “But boys spring infernal,” specifically the parts that came after Sendak separated Keith and Shiro, and the events surrounding how Shiro eventually got away from Sendak. I wanted to write it all because I wanted to give it more due than having characters talk about it in the main fic, but didn’t know how to work these parts into that fic as actual scenes.
Needless to say? Not a happy fic. Like I said in the A/N’s on it: “The fact no Archive warnings apply does NOT mean this fic is going to be for everybody, and although the ending is arguably going to be happy, this fic doesn’t really get into the recovery process (mostly because that’s coming up more in the main fic).”
“distractions of debatable value” (VLD, Teen & Up, Keith/Shiro, 3,350 words)
Once upon a time, I thought that I could totally write a three-sentence flower-shop AU ficlet.
Considering that this fic is the result, it’s safe to say that I was other than correct.
Either way: Keith works at the Blooms of Marmora flower shop. Shiro is his MFA grad student roommate and best friend. They are mutually pining over each other and think the other one couldn’t possibly be interested in reciprocating that romantic interest — until Keith hits his limit while Shiro is trying to talk him into getting back together with his ex, and you’ll never guess how it turns out!!!
Actually, you probably will, I just felt like being clickbait-y about it
Also features: Keith complaining about therapy; Regris being the ex-boyfriend in question; and background Allura/Hunk/Lance, with Lance being Extra As Fuck about their upcoming “triad-versary” because of course he is
Some Fannish Writing Things On Tumblr
—whose inclusion I am justifying to myself with, “dude, have you ever seen my headcanon posts? they are LONG”
Shiro + coping for a headcanon meme (also has a bit in there about my OC, Sebastian, who is also a Hufflepuff, also traumatized, and also kind of a mess, but in very different ways from Shiro)
autistic!Pidge headcanons for a meme
“Give Takashi Shirogane A Puppy” (brought to you by the letter L for, “literally no one asked but I don’t care”)
a general rundown of the college AU that I don’t have a fic for yet (but it has Hunk/Keith/Lance, Allura/Shay, Matt/Shiro, platonic Keith-Shiro, and Lotor being…… well, he sure is something, and that’s very nice for him, I guess?)
some babbling feels/headcanons about the effects that Galra captivity may or may not have had on Shiro’s body (—because being my Favorite essentially signs Shiro up for a metric fuck-ton of whump)
Team Voltron + music preferences headcanons
A headcanon post about Ryou from “But boys spring infernal” with a side of Twinganes feels because of course
“Five headcanons about an AU” meme (feat. “But boys spring infernal” but also the college AU that I don’t have a fic for yet)
“which of your otp does what thing” headcanon meme about Keith and Shiro in “But boys spring infernal”
Shiro-focused Polydins AU idea with medicinal weed-smoking, chubby!Shiro, and look, by my standards, this is adorable fluff and for that reason alone, I can’t not share it
Another Twinganes headcanon post related to “But boys spring infernal”
The Original Fic Novel
In short, the original fic novel is part one out of four or maybe five, and it’s about a found family of LGBTQ, neurodivergent and/or mentally ill weirdos being superheroes and getting up to some shenanigans. Aside from the above-linked ficlet, it wasn’t posted on AO3 because it’s original fic but wasn’t really created in a fannish-related context like that ficlet was, and I don’t really have a word-count on it because of how many things from the draft have gotten revised, scrapped, moved around, etc.
Most of these links aren’t even fic as such (because I don’t want to run into any Issues with tumblr later, when I ideally get it published), but they are writing and — well, lbr, mostly I just want to share my weirdos. This isn’t even everything that I did with them either, but I’m not digging around for absolutely everything. This list is probably more than enough.
a profile of Sebastian (which was actually posted at the end of 2016 but it has some basic groundwork for what the heck is up with the rest of this, hence my sharing it right now)
memes about what Sebastian and Pete would put on their tumblrs, which actually have some pretty meaty backstory notes in them
an anon asked what my novel is about and I told them
“would you fuck a clone of yourself” for my oc’s because why not
oc-building exercise on which characters correspond to which of the Seven Deadly Sins
Avarice/Greed — Margot; Envy — Todd; Gluttony — Lucy; Lust — Josie; Pride — Conrad; Sloth — Sebastian; and Wrath — Pete.
I also hooked them up with some Virtues because why not.
reading order: Classical Virtues / Heavenly Virtues / Heroic Virtues^
Conrad: Prudence + Patience + Forbearance
Josie: Hope + Wisdom + Integrity
Lucy: Courage/Fortitude + Diligence + Enthusiasm
Margot: Temperance + Loyalty + Adaptability
Pete: Faith + Kindness + Honesty
Sebastian: Love/Agape + Charity + Compassion
Todd: Justice + Humility + Determination
^: The Classical and Heavenly Virtues are my own take on the actual Heavenly and Theological/Cardinal Virtues where I subbed in a few different options because I don’t agree with the actual lists on a few points, and the Heroic Virtues are an in-universe thing espoused by Doctor Delphi, one of the biggest superheroes in the United States, who positions himself as a Superman or Captain America sort of figure, as the leader of the All-Stars team, but he’s actually a sell-out and a self-aggrandizing tool who’s more in line with Greg Kinnear’s Lance “Captain Amazing” Hunt from Mystery Men
profile of Josie, the genderfluid, Dionysus-devotee empath who has never stopped trying to be the goth queen they wanted to be in high school and needs you to reach level 5 friendship before you can get through some of their self-protective walls
profile of Margot, the “morally creative,” French Canadian lesbian who doesn’t have any superpowers in the literal sense of being a mutant who can shoot laser beams out of her eyes, but she can negotiate, she can persevere, and she pretends not to know the meaning of the phrase, “sleep-deprivation.”
Also, she might be short, but she has a 6’3” best friend who doesn’t actually like violence that much but will throw down to protect her. Or carry her on his shoulders at Pride so she can actually see the parade.
profile of Lucy, the energetic, go-getting hemokinetic lesbian, who awakens her mutant superpowers before really coming into herself as a baby butch, and who agrees that, y’know, it’s really important to fight supremacist assholes (whether they’re mutant supremacists or human supremacists) and those who would harm the innocent — but it’s also really important to donate blood and seeing as she can replenish people’s supplies of said vital fluid, come on guys, pleeeeease, can we go to a blood drive and donate please please pleeeeeeease
profile of Adelaide, who is sort of moderate to major supporting cast rather than main cast (as Seb’s sister and Margot’s maybe kinda love interest in the future), but either way, you really don’t want to compete with her. She has the chill of a busted freezer and a lot of trouble with the concept of “too much”
yet another post about what i’m writing/what the novel is about
character building meme thing (feat. Sebastian, Pete, Margot, Adelaide, Lucy, and Sara Grace)
excerpt: meet my narrator! (they are Tired)
excerpt: in which Sebastian and big brother Max are…… well, they sure are (they’re both trying, but it’s also early in the story, so they’ve got Work to do here)
pointless thinky thoughts about Sebastian and Stephen (which mostly amount to, “these losers, I love them so much”)
excerpt: my aesthetic is Seb and Pete being dweebs
excerpt: meet Conrad (he’s…… yeeeeah)
excerpt: Seb and Pete discussing the “is Sebastian or is Sebastian not a mutant” (not really spoilers: Pete is right)
thoughts about fancasting my OC weirdos because I can
excerpt: Max and Sebastian discuss the ethics of relative honesty with seven-year-olds (or, more specifically, with Max’s daughter Marie)
oc’s described in the form of a “tag urself” meme (because why not)
another oc fact-sharing meme thing (feat. Josie, Stephen, Todd, Seb, Julian, and Annie)
excerpt: in which Todd is a loser and Seb is an even bigger loser (but in my defense: I genuinely enjoyed taking Latin in high school, and Seb gives me an excuse to do something with it)
excerpt: in which Pete and Todd get on each other’s nerves (while Seb and Margot just let them, because this isn’t an uncommon thing for them, until Seb goes, “OH HEY CHEESECAKE”)
excerpt: on the subject of Julian (who is, unbeknownst to his ex [Seb], currently in the employ of the eventual villains. Whoops)
discussing alternate timelines for the story (and eventually just straight up making them canon because so many other more ridiculous elements of the superhero genre are missing from this story, so fuck it. I’m allowed to have a canonical multiverse)
another meme in which the multiverse is discussed (also, “describe your OCs as shittily as possible”)
a meme in which Lucy fills in several blanks because reasons
“get to know my characters” meme (feat. Seb, Pete, Margot, and Lucy)
more idle thoughts about Seb and Stephen
“oc’s most likely to”: make questionable fashion choices (feat. Seb, Julian, Stephen, and Lucy)
“oc’s most likely to”: multiple questions (feat. Josie, Lucy, Pete, Sara Grace, Margot, and Julian)
oc’s D&D alignments because you gotta
10 facts meme about Lucy & Adelaide
oc fact-sharing meme: episode one (Pete & his family; cw for abuse), episode two (Margot); episode three (Stephen); episode four (Josie)
oc pokémon teams because of reasons (and it has little hover-text of explanations and/or random feelings over everybody’s rosters) + the thrilling sequel (and also more hover-text)
another headcanons meme (feat. Pete and Julian)
excerpt: Seb and Pete again
10 facts meme about Sara Grace & ten more facts about her
another 10 facts meme about Lucy
10 facts meme about Sebastian
10 facts meme about Stephen
the “who broke it” quoteswap from Parks and Rec (because you gotta)
another character meme about Seb (because this novel is really all his fault in the first place)
Seb + sleep habits for the “character + thing” meme (also has a Shiro headcanon bit in there)
also, I made some OC aesthetics because I felt like it
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Hello and Salutations!
The Writing Feedback Network is now accepting more applications just in time for NaNoWriMo!
In recent years we’ve noticed a drop in overall comments/reviews left on fics and a major rise in sad and discouraged writers. This network seeks to bridge that gap by putting a group of writers, lovers of writing, and friends together to encourage a culture of feedback, even as small as a simple “YES!”
Must be following this blog, Steen, and Kiki
Must be willing to give and receive feedback.
Must reblog this post
Must fill out this form
General Rules | FAQ
Applications are open until October 31, 2017.
If chosen, please track the #WritingFeedbackNetwork and post any related posts there (comments, fic recs, your own work, etc.)
Why you should join!
A safe space to explore your writing style with constructive feedback
Make friends that write and/or love writing to encourage you!
A chance to nerd out about whatever fandom you’re a part of~
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whenwolfsbaneblooms · 7 years
Who doesn’t love a good story that takes the canon, shakes it all up, and makes it better?
You can thank the WFN for this post, this weeks challenge is to post fics that all fit the same trope, I decided to go with one of my favorites.
Theft Absolute/Embers by Vathara (Avatar the Last Airbender, T) - One of the first epic fanfics I ever read. If you’re a fan of Zuko you deserve to treat yourself to this amazing piece of fiction.
Run/Primordial Wasteland by Hellholden (Teen Wolf, T/E, Pydia, dub-con) - I’ve pretty much loved all of Hellholden’s Pydia fic, but these two just hit all my favorite fic buttons.
Long Way from Home by @serendipityxxi (Haven, M) - I think all us Haven fans were disappointed when the Void wasn’t as creepy as it should have been. Serendipity fixed that problem right off the bat and it only gets more unsettling from there.
Don’t You Know (We’re Stronger Now) by me (Haven, M, Threegulls) - What can I say, I’m still super proud of how this fic turned out.
Bow So Low by @starforged  (Grisha series, T, violence, vaguely discontinued) - It’s always a feat when one changes the whole story so completely that you manage to keep the characters so intact. Ashe does it beautifully.
Magazineverse by @copperbadge​ (MCU, T) - I’m sure everyone and their mother has read this series, but I’m gonna rec it anyways. Exclusive is something of a master class, and even after you know the big reveal it’s still enjoyable every other time you read it.
Receiver of Many/Destroyer of Light @kata-chthonia (Greek Mytholgy, M, Hades/Persephone, violence, threats/mentions of rape) - This one is perhaps the biggest stretch when it comes to ‘canon divergence’ but I couldn’t help but include it because it’s that damn good. Kata’s deft hand with prose and description makes them far too enjoyable and I always manage to get caught up in the story.
*raises a glass to those fanfics that don’t exist on the internet anymore and so can’t rec, even though they’re amazing*
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A few weeks ago we challenged you to write short drabbles any where from 100-1000 words in length with the theme “Autumn.” We got several submissions to our collection! Check them out and be sure to leave a comment!
see the lightning in your eyes by ElasticElla
Fandoms: Still Star-Crossed (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Princess Isabella/Valentina Tags: Princess Isabella, Valentina - Character, set somewhere between the sixth and seventh episode, Season/Series 01, Power Imbalance, Femslash Big Bang Monthly Challenge
Summary: When Princess Isabella hears she has a visitor from the Doge, her heart skips a beat. For a brief moment she’s certain Helena has come to her, and then Valentina is announced.
Shuck All the Light From My Skin by KaelsMiscellany
Fandoms: The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Mature Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Nikolai Lantsov/Alina Starkov, The Darkling/Nikolai Lantsov/Alina Starkov Tags: Alina Starkov, Nikolai Lantsov, The Darkling, Post Series, Sex Magic, i guess
Summary: It begins on autumn’s first night.
it was so cold by madsmurf
Fandoms: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Ben Parker & Peter Parker Tags: Peter Parker, Ben Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Peter Parker Has a Family, Autumn, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Injuries, References to Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Happy Ending
Summary: Peter hates autumn.
He just wants Ben back.
little sour apple by AFireInTheAttic
Fandoms: Power Rangers (2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: None Tags: Kimberly Hart, Autumn, Nightmares, reflections, other characters make brief appearances but not enough to warrant a tag
Summary: It would be fine.
After all, with her friends? Well, if something was coming, they would fucking destroy it.
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Hello and Salutations!
The Writing Feedback Network is now accepting more applications!
In recent years we’ve noticed a drop in overall comments/reviews left on fics and a major rise in sad and discouraged writers. This network seeks to bridge that gap by putting a group of writers, lovers of writing, and friends together to encourage a culture of feedback, even as small as a simple “YES!”
Must be following this blog, Steen, and Kiki
Must be willing to give and receive feedback.
Must reblog this post
Must fill out this form
General Rules | FAQ
Applications are open until August 31, 2017.
If chosen, please track the #WritingFeedbackNetwork and post any related posts there (comments, fic recs, your own work, etc.)
Why you should join!
A safe space to explore your writing style with constructive feedback
Make friends that write and/or love writing to encourage you!
A chance to nerd out about whatever fandom you’re a part of~
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Welcome to the Network!
The Writing Feedback Network has chosen a few new members! Congratulations to those listed below!
If you weren’t included this time, don’t worry. We will be opening applications again soon.
If you were included, please check out the blogs of the other members and consider following each other! Either Mod Kiki or Mod Steen will be messaging you shortly asking for your email so you can be added to the network blog and chat. We will also be asking for an icon that must be at least 200px wide (any length) and a short bio for the network page!
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A few weeks ago we challenged you to write short drabbles any where from 100-1000 words in length with the theme “Transitions & Changes.” We got several submissions to our collection! Check them out and be sure to leave a comment!
Favorable changes by EpsilonChi
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Pairings: Amami Rantarou & Ouma Kokichi, Amami Rantarou/Ouma Kokichi Tags: Amami Rantarou, Ouma Kokichi, They are probably OOC, Hope's Peak AU, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair, slowburn, Ficlet
Summary: Ouma believes that life is made of changes. For him, most of them were favorable changes. One of them was his encounter with Rantaro Amami.
A Day in the Apartment by Lupa_Barnes
Fandoms: Original Work Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Pairings: Mark/Leo Tags: Mark, Leo, Winter, change, Power Outage, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Character of Color, gay relationship
Summary: Mark wakes up to a winter wonderland, a power outage, and a two week notice from his landlord. Luckily, his boyfriend Leo is there to help ease his woes.
can you even imagine what this feels like to me by AFireInTheAttic
Fandoms: Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight Series - All Media Types, Twilight (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Leah Clearwater/Bella Swan Tags: Leah Clearwater, Bella Swan, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Edward Never Came Back, Set During Eclipse
Summary: Leah did not plan this.
She definitely did not plan to end up standing on Bella Swan’s back porch, human, buck ass naked, at 3:30 pm on an average Saturday, just hoping no one would walk by until she got Bella to come to the door.
More under the cut!
surprise by madsmurf
Fandoms: Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Ben Parker/May Parker (Spider-Man), Ben Parker/May Parker/Pepper Potts, May Parker/Pepper Potts Tags: Ben Parker, Pepper Potts, May Parker, Pre-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Character Death
Summary: Peter Benjamin Parker was a surprise.
Budding, Blooming, Falling by ladedanixie
Fandoms: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot Tags: Keyleth, Pike Trickfoot, a lil of Allura, this is the first fic i've ever posted on ao3 so be gentle please, gardening club au
Summary: Keyleth loves autumn. Everything seems so much happier in the fall. It figures that it was during autumn that Keyleth first met Pike Trickfoot.
i’m not calling you a ghost (just stop haunting me) by ElasticElla
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Raina/Skye | Daisy Johnson Tags: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Framework Raina, The Framework Universe (Marvel), Fix-It, Episode: s04e16 What If..., Alternate Canon
Summary: Wake up your girlfriend. We’re being called in.
Daisy reads and rereads the text as if answers will suddenly pop into her head.
The Night Before by EnigmaticSplendor
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Pairings: Cisco Ramon/Leonard Snart Tags: Cisco Ramon, Leonard Snart, Bars and Pubs, Drinking, Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: The night turns sideways with one sentence, “Is this seat taken?”
Ex Machina by Loki_Ro_Sparrow
Fandoms: Original Work Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Tags: Original Characters, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Dark, references
Summary: Why was Little Red sold?
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