#wumptober 2023
jasmines-library · 1 year
Let It Linger
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WHUMPTOBER 2023: Prompt: shock/dissociation.
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: after a rough hunt resurfaces some unwanted memories, you slip into your own mind. But Sam is there to help you through it.
Warnings: Dissociation, ptsd, mild depression, character death.
Word count: 1.1K (short but sweet.)
Note: not too keen on this one but it was written in a hurry. Not my best work - not proof read.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
The hunt couldn’t have gone more wrong. 
You had been hunting a shtriga; a nasty, humanoid creature that feeds off of a human’s lifeforce- usually a childs. This one had attached itself to a young girl no more than five or six. The issue with shrtrigas was that they were hard to kill, only vulnerable once feeding. So, much to your reluctance, the three of you were forced to rely on allowing the creature to feed on the girl so that you could lace it full of iron rounds. 
You watched through the crack in the wardrobe as the window slid open, pushed by a bony, tree-like hand. The shtriga floated across the room, positioning itself above the small girl. You watched wide eyed as her life drained out of her body slowly, white tendrils drifting into the air like smoke and into the creature's scarred face. You pushed the door open and slipped out of the small space, cocking your pistol and standing behind the shtriga. You aimed, finger poised on the cold and worn trigger. But then your eyes settled on the pained expression of her fragile body as the creature continued to feed. And you froze. 
The creature loomed above the girl who lay helpless in the bed before you. It was tall and shrivelled with dark eyes. You watched frozen as the wisps rose from her body and tried into the creature's mouth. You had only stepped out for a minute to get some water. 
You screamed, a loud blood curdling scream, but still it made no move other than to hover closer to the girl. She shared some of the same features as you, your nose, your lips. Her eyes were different though. You had always admired her eyes and the way that their hues shifted as they hit the light and how they lit up when she smiled. Though now, as you stood helpless, her eyes were almost completely white, bloodshot and rolling into the back of her head. Her lips were parted as she tried to suck in air that refused to enter her lungs. You would never forget the way her body slumped back onto her pink sheets as the creature slunk back out of the window. Despite her whimpers and weak cries of your name your body refused to move. It took too long for you to snap out of your own mind and rush forwards towards your sister's limp body. She trembled as you lifted her into your arms. You rocked back and forth slowly, whispering assurances into her ear and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. By the time the denim-clad man and his son appeared in the doorway, her heartbeat had already stopped. 
The men exchanged glances before taking a step towards you. It took a while to coax anything out of you between your sobs, but after pushing they managed to get a name.
Dean was yelling at you. At some point he had scrambled out from under the bed and had gripped your shoulders tight. You flinched at the gunshot as Sam fired at the creature which howled and slunk away. Your eyes shifted from staring vacantly to Dean’s greens. Your pistol shook in your hand, so you dropped it, sending it clattering to the floor. 
The room was silent. Too silent. 
Pushing away from Dean you moved towards the bed where the girl lay morbidly still. 
Taking the girl in your arms, you cradled her head. Tears spilled from your eyes. You had fucked up. You had frozen and it had cost this girl her life. 
You were silent the whole way back to the bunker. Just staring blankly out of the rain covered windows of the Impala, knees hugged closely to your chest. The brothers both cast glances from the front seat, and had even called your names a few times, but you were seemingly oblivious to the world around you. 
When you arrived back at the bunker, you almost mechanically retreated into your room to curl up on your bed. 
Time didn’t seem to move. Nothing seemed to matter. You didn’t feel like you. The world around you had begun to feel like one giant blur. Your body didn’t feel like your body. You felt as though you were moving and seeing through one giant lens or through another person. Nothing seemed sane and quite frankly you didn’t even care anymore. You couldn’t stop thinking about that girl- about your little sister all those years ago. 
You fiddled absentmindedly with your fingers, picking out the dirt from beneath your nails. You were laying on top of the covers with your knees pulled up to your chest. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before there was a gentle knock on the door. It barely registered in your mind and you made no move to get up to answer it, only continuing to stare blankly white wall opposite. Your lack of response made Sam furrow his brow
“Y/N?” His tone was tender but cautious. 
Your eyes shifted towards the heavy sound of his boots padding across the floor. He knelt down beside you on the bed, calling your name again. There was still no reply. You moved your head when you felt his hand enclose around yours, warm and calloused against your skin. He had those puppy dog eyes set about his face as he studied you. 
For a while you said nothing, just clutched onto his hand. Sam didn’t leave your side as you tried to fight through your own mind. 
He twisted round to face you resting his chin on the mattress so that they were inline with yours. You were silent for a moment after that. Struggling to think of what to say next. You felt a lack of control within your body. It felt like you were learning to use your body all over again. 
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled. Tears cascaded down your cheeks. “I couldn’t… I just couldn’t.”
Sam wiped away your stray tears. 
“It reminded me too much of her.”
“It’s okay, kiddo. We can’t save everyone.”
“But if i hadn’t-”
“Shh.” Sam cooed. “It’s okay.”
“Sam… stay with me. Please.”
“Of course.”
“No, I mean really stay with me.” You manoeuvred your body to face him. He could see the way your bloodshot eyes struggled to settle on anything for too long. He could see the tracks that your tears had left as they rolled down your cheeks. “Promise me you’ll never leave me…please.”
“I promise.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
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This is for @arecaceae175 and their wonderful work!!!
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iriel3000 · 1 year
When Will You Let Her Go? part 2
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Whumptober Day 9: Polaroid
LAURA WHUMP, emotional whump,
Summary: The redhead in the picture was not who she expected.
“Clint? Do you have any cash in your wallet?” Laura cracked the bathroom door and hollered in. "Cooper is going to the movies and I didn’t stop at the bank before you came back.”
Clint and the kids returned from New York a couple of days ago. Lila, Nate and Cooper couldn’t stop talking about how much fun they had and how they wanted to go back next time.
“Wallet should be on the dresser or in my duffle bag.” He yelled back from the shower.
Not seeing it on the nightstand or dresser, she grabbed his black bag off the floor and set it on the bed.
The worn, old, leather wallet was stuffed with receipts, money, ticket stubs and a variety of business cards. She took a couple of twenties.
A brightly colored ticket was partially sticking out. It was for Rogers the Musical.
Laura straightened it and went to slide it back in when the date caught her eye.
March 13.
She knew he and the kids went at Christmas last year, and then again this past week when they were in New York.
In July.
Clint never mentioned going to the play while he was out in the spring by himself.
She shoved the stub back in its spot and began to rummage through his wallet.
A few restaurant receipts from their trip that seemed way too much, but that city was expensive. A couple more from some women’s clothing stores.
Behind a wad of business cards was an old Polaroid picture folded in half.
Laura smiled wondering if it was from Clint’s childhood or when Lila decided she was going to be a professional photographer for one whole week.
Her smile dropped as soon as she unfolded the photo.
Red hair and a gorgeous smile looked up at her.
Except it wasn’t who she expected.
She turned the picture over to read the writing.
For my Hawk, so I can always be with you. Your little Spider.
find the whole series here....Laura Whump
AN: sorry so short, the day got away from me. I'll add to this when I post it to ao3
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divinemissem13 · 11 months
Prompt-tober master post
By the numbers: Prompt lists used: 7 Prompts used: 34 Works posted: 27 (some with multiple chapters) Fandoms: 8 Ships: 13 Words: 30,595 Link to AO3 Collection:
Thanks to everyone who read and cheered me along!
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botan-kiri · 1 year
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Day 6: mind control
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song-of-the-rune · 1 year
This is Firaga's life right now so he gets some spotlight today :3 A journal entry.
(Listening to Namida on loop again oops)
The pages that this entry spans have been gnawed by embers around the edges, as if someone lit them just to immediately put them out.
I said I wouldn't do this, but I honestly don't know if anyone will be alive in a few weeks to read it, anyway. And it's better than talking to someone. So, uh… here goes. Dropping the smiley mask for a second.
I don't understand what's happening to the world anymore. I keep seeing things that, if it weren't for the people around me seeing, I wouldn't even believe. The light shifts, I sense tremors that most people can't feel, colors change or disappear completely. What in the hells are they doing? And why? Why would you want to tear Tyde apart like this? Don't they know they're living here?
I've been asking these questions for months, and I've gotten nowhere. We're going in circles. It's too late to move on to the next place, because we no longer know where the next place         even is. It's also too late to do nothing. But all of our leads are dead. We've met some new allies recently, yes, but what good is that now?
Why was I so stupid? "They won't get anywhere now that we've stopped a couple of their rituals." Arrogant bastard. This is all my own fault. Everyone's always told me that I'm too rash, I don't think things through, I'm going to end up burning         myself         one of these days. Well, I have! I just thought it would be a bit more literally. And I'm taking everything down with me and there's nothing I can do about it! Nothing! I am Firaga Tyraga. I can do anything. But it's becoming clear to me that I can't do this. Whatever this even is.
I have never felt helpless in my life. I can bite, scratch, and burn my way through anything. Anything but this. Give me someone to fight and I'll do it to my last breath. Give me someone to hunt, and I will, to the edge of the disc. I can navigate seas, cities, and legal systems. I can decipher machinations of magic or of machine. Why can't I find one of these dozen cults? They can't be that good at hiding!
This last page is more heavily burnt, with significantly less usable space.
If we survive this, I'm coming for you, whoever you are. But who am I kidding? We're not surviving this. Everyone's going to die, or worse, and there's nothing I can do about it anymore. I squandered that chance.
No. I have to keep fighting. We're picking a location and leaving for it tonight. The cargo has waited this long; it can wait longer. I'll have everyone make their preparations in the morning.
If I lose, I'm at least going to burn them down with me.
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wattsynessy · 1 year
"Make it stop." (Wumptober Day 3)
Santiano lay on the bed in the run down, barely holding on inn Ashvael found on the road. It was lucky of them to find it - Bluster and Verdict were about to pass out from exhaustion, along with their riders. When they got to the inn, Ashvael checked in and immediately helped Santiano to the bed, where the latter collapsed into a fitful sleep. Now, Ashvael sat beside him, his hand.
"Ash..." Santiano breathes, blinking open bleary eyes. "It hurts...make it stop...please."
"I know, love." Ashvael plants a kiss on Santiano's forehead. "It'll pass. Don't worry."
"It hurts..."
"I know. I know." Ashvael kisses his husband once more. "Rest, love. Just rest."
And so Santiano fell once more into slumber.
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tv-gh0st · 1 year
Day 2- "Ill call out your name you wont call back"
Day 2- "Ill call out name and you wont call back" (509 words) by Prime_Path Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Wind Additional Tags: Mentioned Linked Universe Links | The Chain, Wumptober, Wind (Linked Universe)-centric, Wind (Linked Universe) Needs a Hug, Being Lost Series: Part 2 of Wumptober 2023 Summary: Wind was Alone and scared Wumpee- Wind Characters- Wind
Wind will not cry, Wind is strong, Wind is no baby, Wind is a hero, Wind forged his own godessdamned Triforce of courage Wind can't cry now! Atlest that’s what Wind has been telling himself over and over again stopping only to call out the names of his comrades. By Hylias name does he miss them. 
They were all minding there business traveling to Lon Lon ranch, not to fast they expected to stay in Times Hyrule for a while, when all of a sudden they just kinda dropped, l mean it wasn’t specifically uncommon for a portal to open right in-front of you or even to be on the ground(though it tends to be worse for people who get sick) but this time it was just kinda right under them and they just fell. That obviously means theres no time to prepare no time to get there shit together and worst of all no time to get in partners, and no partners mean if there separated there alone.
And that’s just what happened to him.
Winds been wondering around these woods for ages or atlest it feels like its been ages, its foggy and cold and there's no way to tell who's Hyrule it is and that terrifies Wind. Fuck this whole thing terrifies Wind, but he cant be scared, hes a hero his whole schtick is not being scared he can find the others he can and he will and he will tell them all about how he wasn’t scared and hes not a baby and didn’t even cry.
He is not going to cry.
Not at all.
His voice is getting quieter and rougher.
Hes been at it for hours.
He cant cry.
Hes hungry
He misses them.
Hiis voice simmers out, there not gonna answer, hes all alone. 
Hes been alone before
Hell hes faced gannondorf alone and he fucked that pigs shit up damnit.
So why is it so different so fucking hard to keep it together this time.
Fuck he misses his brothers.
"WARRIORS! TIME ANYONE PLEASE ANSWER" Winds so frantic at this point he doesn’t even notice when he starts running to focused on not missing them, until he trips on a branch of some sorts. And who knows why but that’s the breaking point.
Hes crying, fuck hes sobbing ugly tears hes an ugly crier and he hates in. he hates every part of this he can feel the pure disgusting feelings of just plain frustration and sadness bubbling up deep in his chest and theres nothing he can do but cry and cry and cry and cry and cry, he misses them he just wants to hear his brothers voices again even if they see him on the floor sobbing like a little baby even if he has to deal with the judgmental looks from those he looks up to most, in the past he thought that would break him but nothing is as bad as this, he just wants them back damnit just let him see them.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
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fantasyinallforms · 11 minutes
Alight friends! IT'S ALMOST OCTOBER I have some fun stuff lined up for Kinktober this year! My goal is to post a smutty Bagginshield one shot every Friday of October. I already have the first one done.
It's also almost my fandom/writingversery! I posted my first ever fic back in Oct of 2022!
A few notes-
All of my kinktober 2023 drabbles/ one shots that didn't make it to AO3 last year are getting put into a compilation on my AO3 sometime this week.
As some of you know I got a weird amount of Anon hate last year so this year Anon asks will be turned off for the month of October.
Yearly reminder that my blog is 18+ and always will be.
Another yearly reminder that I adore you all and you have made my days a little brighter.
Also last update, I did do a Wumptober fic I just posted it in September instead. It's called New Scars, Old Wounds. ❤️
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Load Bearing Little
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Yc5dNV6 by Emmelem Janus, the one often called Two Face, always come in when things got too much for Harvey, but who takes over when things get too much even for Janus? Wumptober Day 1 - Safety Net Words: 845, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Whumptober 2023 Fandoms: Batman (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Multiplicity/Plurality, Whump, Non-Sexual Age Play read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Yc5dNV6
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ao3feed-narlie · 1 year
Ill call out your name but you wont call back
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kb1p3nN by nicholasxcharless Nick wasn’t behaving like himself, Sarah was aware of that. He was being clingier, and easily upset. Usually he was a sensitive boy, but he would never let anything put him down like this. She felt terrible for him, and she knew she needed to do something, but she didn’t know what.   -----------   Day 2. “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.” Thermometer | Delirium | “They don’t care about you.” Words: 480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of WUMPTOBER - 2023 Fandoms: Heartstopper (Webcomic), Heartstopper (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Sarah Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nellie Nelson Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Sick Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) is a Good Boyfriend, Good Parent Sarah Nelson, Good Dog Nellie Nelson, Delirium, Whumptober 2023 read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Kb1p3nN
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botan-kiri · 1 year
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Day 5: held at gunpoint
New perspective I tried!!!
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wattsynessy · 1 year
"They don't care about you..." (Wumbtober Day 2)
Santiano was floating in a sea of darkness, his mind blissfully unaware of the pain his body was being subjected to at the current moment. The air was cool, refreshing. Santiano breathed it in deeply, before feeling a prickle at the back of his neck.
"Leave me alone!"
"He will! Ashvael! Ashvael!"
Santiano turns. There was no one, nothing save for miles upon miles of inky black darkness. He feels afraid.
"Leave you alone? When have I ever left you alone, little vulture. You think your true love will save you. Pathetic."
"He will! Ashvael! Ashvael!"
Back in the light, in the world of the living, Santiano's body was stirring not of its own accord. It squirmed under the cover Ashvael put on it, it pushed off any hands that touched it, it kicked and bit and fought against anything that would try to hurt it.
"Santi! Santi, it's alright. You're safe. Santi..." Ashvael dodged a swinging hand, managing to grab it and hold it tight in between his own. "Calm, Santi. You're safe. I've got you. I've got you..."
Eventually, the delirium left Santiano, and his body went limp once more. Ashvael gathered the drow up in his arms and kissed his sweat stained forehead.
"I'm here, my love. I'm not leaving."
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