#ww2 gingers
orangethreads · 4 months
watched approximately five minutes of the pacific and opened up after effects….. eugene sledge idk anything about you but ily
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thursdaymurderbub · 2 months
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...and they look so happy about it
from Silver Screen Magazine September 1941
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timeguardians · 24 days
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Tintin through time! 
Thought it would be fun to have my various designs for Tintin in one post. The canon comics have a floating timeline and Tintin never ages. I think rooting him in a specific time and context makes him feel a little more real (also I am a sucker for historical fiction). Click below for a potted timeline and notes about each design!
Left to right, top to bottom:
Child - in my timeline Tintin was born in 1915, a year into the First World War. He was probably picked on a lot by his peers for being small, ginger and slightly effeminate, and was picked on by adults for being “difficult” and asking too many questions.
Early canon - He leaves school early and becomes a reporter at 14. He’s unhinged, he’s blasé, he dresses like Spongebob. Coming right out of Catholic school he has a lot of unhealthy beliefs he needs to confront and unlearn. I imagine his editor is a pretty shady person as they are willing to send this kid off to dangerous places. His naivety prevents him from spotting any red flags at first.
Late canon - Tintin as we know him! His journalism career is at its peak at the tender age of 17. He’s found a family and stability at Marlinspike. His politics are evolving. He is, however, pretty neglectful of his own personal life, almost fully focusing on his career. He’s starting to grow wary of his editor and they frequently argue, Tintin often winning out as he knows it’s his articles that sell papers.
Young adult - With the Second World War breaking out this is an unstable time in his life. He’s come to terms with being gay but is fired from his paper after being forcibly outed. Tintin and the Marlinspike team take fighting fascism into their own hands. 
For his design here he wears a turtleneck like Captain Haddock, glasses like Professor Calculus (also representing a renewed perspective on things) and his hair is more relaxed like Chang’s! The idea was to show how he has been impacted by the people he cares about. 
After the war ends he struggles with unemployment and burnout, insecure that he might have peaked as a teenager.
Middle aged - It’s the late 50s - early 60s, Tintin is jaded and cynical but still kind and willing to help others. He is absolutely horrified by the events of WW2 and carries an enormous sense of guilt, feeling he didn’t do enough. His faith in journalism has also been thoroughly shaken, witnessing the spectacular failing of the system himself, and realising there are people who genuinely do not care for the truth, and are only concerned with power. 
Elderly - if he somehow makes it to old age he’d be a chaotic little old man who doesn’t give a Single Shit. It’s the late 80s and early 90s, at this point he has retired from journalism and has published his own books, and has taken to becoming a full time political activist (here he’s wearing an AIDS awareness ribbon from 1991, in the 70s Herge had Tintin wear a helmet displaying a symbol for nuclear disarmament). Kids adore him, cops hate him! 
He has taken to technology, being an early adopter of the Internet and desktop computers. He and Chang have since been able to reunite with Chang’s family and they often spend time with Didi’s grandkids!
I don’t know what would kill him. Old age? A car bomb? Maybe he falls over badly and bangs his head one last time. I don’t think it’s my place to decide.
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dinaanana · 7 months
School!Au Hcs For Chuuya And Dazai
What kinda students would They Be
Chuuya and Dazai x Reader (Can be either Romantic Or Platonic You decide)
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Yr 10
The Type of Mf the whole School Knows,Also the type mf to have a beef with almost every teacher
is smart asf But Acts dumb,Is either Annoying Chuuya on lunch breaks or you
Never participates In P.E just sits there gossiping with the girls that know the whole schools history And Drama
Cheers for you And Chuuya when y'all play something.like volleyball Football etc
The type of mf to have like 10 girlfriends At the same tim
That one guy who carries His Nokia at school That survived WW1 and WW2 and plays Candy crash or sm else,He claims that the teachers are yapping so much that his head hurts
Type of Mf to Throw Some little peace of papers at you so you Give him attention aswell and gossip with him
The type Dude To gasp out so loud when u tell him something in class When there quiet.
The type of Mf to Tell you that the bandages he wears every day are for aesthetic (he never Changes them)
Gets A+ on tests Without even studying
that one Guy Who always asks you for a pen (he never gives them Back)
That one guy That sits Infront of you and lays there head on ur desk
The type to argue with teachers every day
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Year 10
That one Short but Athletic ass Kid whose rich
Loves P.E And is really Good at them,if you're on same team as him damn you Lucky
That one Wannabe Gangsta Kid Tbh,Who always gets in Fights (No one is Surprised anymore its normal)
Always in Detention or at Principals Office
Surprisingly Has good grades Like dude How.
Carries Like 10 Spare pens But Gives it To No one Except you (Dazai's steals Them)
That one Loud ass Mf who don't Know What quiet Whispering is,The teacher Doesn't say anything it ain't gonna Change nothing
That one Kid That shortens His sentaces like "Ain't ya" "Dont Cha"" and etc
Is in some Type Weird Gangsta group that Call Themselves the "Sheep"
Smokes in Boys Bathroom everytime Hes bored tbh
(no one Dares to tell the teachers)
He Hates Sitting With Dazai When They're Paired Up Togather,Anyone but that guy.
Everyone made Fun Of him For being A Ginger Until he snapped. And Sent them to Hospital with severe Injuries
You gossip With but He Acts Like he doesn't give af (He does)
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
"Masters Of The Air" WW2 miniseries vs. H a r r y
I’ve been watching the new miniseries “Masters Of The Air” (produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and starring Austin Butler) about the US Army Air Force 100th bomb group stationed in the UK during WW2 the past few months while simultaneously reading about Prince Harry and the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games this May.
It’s really incredible that American airmen flew in unpressurized bomber planes in minus 60 degree Fahrenheit temperature during WW2. The airmen had to wear special heating suits because if for example they took their gloves off during a fight at high altitudes because their guns jammed, their fingers could painlessly and bloodlessly amputate all the way up to their knuckles. The airmen could literally see their own fingers snap off and fly across the belly of the plane.
23% of all US Army Air crews survived during the WW2 air campaign in Europe with the rest either being shot and/or killed while in the air or their planes were shot down.
Those who survived via parachute after their planes were shot down either escaped back to the UK via resistance groups, were taken to POW camps for the remainder of the war or in some cases were killed by enraged German civilians on the ground.
The first episode started in January with the last episode concluding in mid-March. 
I mention all this because Harry has been in the news for weeks, whining about his lack of taxpayer funded security while not feeling safe to attend the Invictus Games 10th anniversary event in London and tonight another article popped up in the Daily Mail about Harry going to a Better Up conference in San Francisco to lecture people about 'Beyond Burnout: Transforming C-Level Stress Into Strength.’
Harry has no clue about executives in stressful jobs. Nor does he have any clue about serving in combat or what honor and loyalty means. Harry actually endangered troops in Afghanistan during both of his tours overseas because he wanted to play soldier.
It’s incredible to look at genuine heroism and sacrifice from WW2 servicemen and women vs a complete royal fraudster who couldn’t even be accepted into the British Army on his own merits because Harry was reportedly too busy drinking and doing drugs while at Eton. Harry got into Sandhurst because his grandmother was the Head of the Armed Forces.
All of these battle hardened WW2 veterans would scoff at this whiny, treacherous, cowardly ginger prick who reportedly is so afraid to attend a church service for the Invictus Games on his own despite bragging about killing 25 enemy combatants in Afghanistan in his memoirs. 
It’s a damn shame the Royal Family had the British media to help turn Harry’s PR image from a drug using frat boy into a “war hero” as Harry is anything but a genuine war hero– and uses disabled veterans from IG in order to make himself look good.
And BTW, the miniseries “Masters Of The Air” is quite good and is based on the book by the same name. I’m proud and grateful for WW2 veterans while simultaneously shaking my head at the royal disgrace that is Prince Harry.
Hi TeaWithBooks,
The hardships that the soldiers of WWI, WWII and other wars suffered to defend their countries are incredible to read about. They were all courageous at a level that is not brought out by circumstances today (I say this knowing veterans of those wars and having them in my family).
Harry is nothing in comparison. He does not have the courage that those men possessed. His cowardice and entitlement are thrown into relief by the service of true veterans everywhere. The idea of him coping with stress, let alone using it for anything else, is laughable because, as you said, he has no clue about working in a stressful job. 
The palace PR did a brilliant job with “Hero Harry”, but I am glad it has come to an end and we can all see Harry as he really is. I much refer the truth over PR lies.
I have learnt to tune out Harry’s whining. If he is not whining about something he is bragging about how wonderful he is, both of which are very unattractive traits.
I believe you can find military men commenting on Harry’s behaviour on some sites, and what they say is not flattering. The truth always comes out in the end.
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Was Ishmael always your favorite from day one, or did Canto 5 swing things in her direction?
So, she wasn't like, my favorite favorite day 1, but I did have a higher opinion of her compared to the rest of the cast (barring Ryoshu and Sinclair as food name oomf was making propaganda about them like a madman), her initial demeanor also gained her extra points because I generally gravitate towards characters that Actually Respect The MC/PC i won't say no to unhinged characters can we at least pretend to be civil during work hours and not treat me like a dog? It makes me sad :(
And then Canto V dropped.
Normally, this wouldn't be. That Big of a deal, if it was in literally any other position I'd just go "oh cool, so that's what happened" and moved on.
Problem: there was probably at least 20 different sleeper agents in my brain. And all of them involved Azur Lane
(Context for confused LCB moots: Azur Lane is Arknights' weirder, hornier cousin set somewhere in a WW2-adjacent period where all of your units are warships given human form known as Shipgirls (official term: KAN-SEN) and you fight against a robotic menace known as the Sirens)
(Editing Apple: putting this under cut because... oh lird. It's long.)
I had this like, entire ramble I wanted to go off on but at some point I didn't know where to take it lmao, but the basic idea is the following:
I got into Azur Lane last year because of spite and (eldritch-ish) pirates (Hello Royal Fortune!)
Got dragged into lore rabbit hole
Got convinced to read eldritch apocalypse fanfiction of Azur Lane (Whispers of Saturn)
Loved the fanfic a lot, started making Pirate shipgirl ocs based off the fic's concept (eldritch creachurr)
First iteration of Whaleship Essex created; whale-like mermaid-siren figure who has albinism and is a little Too trigger happy with whale murder
Made her look like Ishmael LCB because haha funny reference
Devs went fuckshit crazy with the anniversary event; Marco Polo was raining the wrath of God (who, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, was a false god), the god in question was fucking up the world with a weird white membrane (which, now that I think about it, kinda acted like pallidification), the french were getting back together, everything is great
I try to add the false god(s) into the lore timeline of my Azur Lane shit, cue updates happening to Whaleship Essex where she's the only survivor of her group and knows that someone else also survived but blames them for not being able to Do Something about it
New Pirate event happens
Devs stole 2 of my OCs and made them canon (hi, Hind; hi, Galley) and they also happen to be close to Whaleship Essex while they were my OCs
I work around what the Devs have given me and decide that they're in a state of kinda died-but-not-really (long story)
(Note that I came up with all this oc stuff around like. November or something.)
Overall my hype for The Sea™ and eldritch horrors have reached an all time high
Canto V releases; I learn about it while trying to make a Limbus AU for Murder Drones
I decide to check it out because. Water.
Doomed sailor yuri
"Holy fucking shit did I just predict Canto V with my OC that's completely unrelated in every way except for the fact that she looks A Lot like Ishmael???? What?????"
Present time; I have been stuck in the Limbus hole ever since (and apparently my brain has delusionally stuck itself onto our favorite ginger sailor so uh. hi fellow ishmael irls!)
Sooooo... yeah
Basically we wouldn't be here if the stars didn't align at Halloween 2022 and Manjuu + Yostar gave the AL fans someone who isn't a pirate
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pyro-thon · 2 years
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(my goofy ahh sona👆🏻) Hello! I’m Pyro-thon, but you can call me Ashton.
Aiming to be an air force pilot one day
right winger 🤷🏻‍♂️ (I still fw yall people tho dw I don’t hate you guys)
i love my Ginger bf 🫶🏻
My interests:
Call of Duty/WW2 history+my ww2 ocs 👯
My YouTube
My wattpad
The Shade
YouTube Discord
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amenders93 · 11 months
5 Weeks till Chicken Run 2!!
When two people are in a relationship (platonic or romantic), sometimes one of them never really knows how much the other truly cares about them unless they do something that shows it. Sometimes they can do an act that touches their heart and tugs at their strings. Other times, they can do a daring deed that may put their life in danger but in the end all is well. That's why for this week's post, we are going to review one of the most action-packed scenes from the movie - the pie machine rescue. When Ginger is taken for a test run for the Tweedys' new pie machine, Rocky is given the task to rescue her. Will he succeed or will he and Ginger be turned into chicken pies?
Let's pick up from when Mr. Tweedy snatches Ginger to test run the new machine he just put together for his wife. The other chickens see that their trusted leader is being taken to the barn and while the hens all start to panic, Fowler tries to take charge of this situation. Unfortunately, his commands are fallen onto deaf ears. That's when Rocky comes out of the hut and asks about the situation. Babs tells him that the farmers got Ginger and they're taking her to the chop. If only she knew where Ginger is really being taken to - and that it's much worse than the chop. Rocky is standing there all frozen, horrified to learn that the hen he's starting to care about is now meeting her doom.
Fowler insists that Rocky flies over to the barn and save Ginger. The younger rooster thinks fast and says that him flying into the barn is just what the Tweedys would expect and instead they give the enemy the old element of surprise, and the older rooster buys into it, still talking about the Germans as if WW2 had never ended. Fowler asks what his plan is and Rocky simply improvises by using a small coat hanger from Babs's knitting bag and having Bunty lift him up a telephone pole with an electrical cable that runs into the upper loft window of the barn. He hooks the coat hanger onto the wire and slides down toward the open barn window, screaming all the way down. He might have been hoping he looked heroic, but actually he looked completely terrified.
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Landing in the hay loft, Rocky gets a closer look at what is making the engine sounds. At first he is surprised by the size of the pie machine in the barn but then his amazed surprise turns to shocked surprise to see Mr. Tweedy clamp Ginger's feet into ankle holders on an overhead conveyor belt. The farmer pushes a couple of levers and the belt starts moving Ginger toward the big opening in the machine. The Tweedys now move around to the side of the machine where the pies would come out so they're completely unaware of what happens now.
Ginger struggles ineffectually against her ankle clamps. Up ahead, she could see that the clamps released over a large chute that led to who-knows-where. This was a situation she couldn't think her way out of, or even will her way out of. For the first time, maybe in her whole life, she was totally helpless. But never fear because Rocky pops up behind her. Ginger had never dreamed she would be so happy to see him in her life. The rooster at first tries to run on the slick surface of the conveyor belt but his feet are churning madly. More than anything he'd ever done, he wanted to get to Ginger and save her. Beneath her tough exterior, Rocky had a feeling she liked him. He fights the conveyor belt and gets his legs to work, running towards the hen. He makes a leap for her, but was about a few seconds late. The ankle clamps releases Ginger and she falls down the chute. She was gone from his grasp. Our dashing rooster makes an inadvertent pun as he looks down at her from the top of the chute.
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As Rocky looked down to where Ginger had fallen and hears her helplessly screaming his name, he was unaware that he was standing on a lever. Since he didn't know he was standing on it, he also didn't know that it was moving downward under his weight. When it reached its lowest point, it turned on an indicator light that was labeled Veg Feed. A trough of mixed vegetables poured down on Rocky's head, sending him hurtling down the chute too. As he slides down the chute, ahead he sees a sign that said Veg where the mixed vegetables go but just before he arrived, it flipped over and now it says Meat. Still zooming downward, Rocky was diverted down another chute that sent him toward a set of rotating saw blades. At the last second he notices a pole he could reach and grabs onto it. He dangles over the blades for a few seconds, then the pole dips down a tad and he slides down, plummeting down a dark shaft. Down below, he could see that in the depths of the machine was a labyrinth of conveyor belts going in all directions with huge, noisy stampers, rollers and pushers going the whole time.
Rocky lands in a big clump of dough that was chugging along on a conveyor belt. And to his surprise and relief, there was Ginger chugging along as well with her feet stuck in dough too. Rocky and Ginger may be together again but right now having their feet stuck in dough is the least of their worries. They hear another menacing roar and look behind them to see a giant roller, rounding around the corner and coming down the conveyor belt toward them. It was clear to see that as it rumbles toward them, it flattens all the clumps of dough. In a second, it would flatten them too! They struggle mightily to get out of their dough balls but are far too mucked up in it so Rocky hops over to Ginger with the dough attached to his feet. He sees a chain swinging over the conveyor belt; he grabs Ginger's hand and grabs hold of the chain, pulling them both out of their dough balls and out of the way of the dough-roller.
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When they reach an opening above the roller, a large pole knocks them off the chain and they plop down face-first onto a flattened blob of dough. They quickly recover from their fall when Ginger notices a giant pie crust cutter coming toward them. Rocky and Ginger quickly get out of the way in time as the cutter comes down around them, holding onto each other in the process. They notice this little detail as they look at each other when the cutter goes back up. But then they are then swept up in a pie tin that is then moved onto yet another conveyor belt. Both are scared but at least they're going through it together. Rocky places his arm on Ginger's arm to comfort her through their scary ordeal.
Up head they see a giant gravy dispenser, squirting scolding hot gravy into the tins in front of them. Then diced mixed vegetables come raining down on them. Rocky and Ginger are now stuck in a chicken pie tin being covered in diced up carrots, potatoes, peas and celery and about to be smothered in gravy. Rocky digs through the vegetables to find something to help them as Ginger keeps looking at the dispenser in fear. Soon the clever rooster grabs a whole carrot and, wielding it like an orange lance, shoves it right smack into the hot snout of the gravy blaster. The carrot plug holds; Rocky and Ginger high-five each other on their narrow escape from this ordeal. But just then, a presser comes down on them, covering them up with a layer of pastry.
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A pusher then slides the Rocky-and-Ginger pie into a large room filled with other pies. This particular pie has two bulges moving around in it until the rooster and hen pop out of it, breathing some fresh air and a sigh of relief, but also feeling a little bit of heat. Rocky comments that it feels like an oven in the room they were in, but Ginger notices something he doesn't at the time. She taps his arm to alert him and that's when he finally takes notice. The room feels like an oven because it IS an oven. Rocky and Ginger watch terrified as blue lights begin to light all around them, shooting out of the floor. Then they see a large, heavy door at the front of the room start to close. With no time to lose, Ginger races toward the door with Rocky right behind her.
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Rocky is following Ginger towards the door until he falls into a pie. He tries to keep up with her, he really was, but just keeps on falling into more pies and getting covered with more gravy. All the while, Ginger is still running towards the door not realizing that Rocky's ordeal. She slides through the space beneath the lowering door and looks back to see her friend falling into nearly every pie in the oven. First Rocky has rescued Ginger a few times in the machine. Now she has to rescue him. Talk about teamwork. Ginger grabs a wrench and sticks it in the door to hold it open, then races back inside, pulls Rocky out of the pie he was mucked up in and rushes him toward the door. And she knows she has to do it quickly too because the door was now bending the wrench. Soon the wrench shoots out and lands into nearby gear works, and the door starts to close again. Rocky and Ginger then slide through just in the nick of time; Ginger did have to save her beloved beanie hat before the door closed though.
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Ginger places her hat back on her head and Rocky uses a rag to wipe the gravy off his face so he could see again. At least they're finally out of danger. However, Ginger then feels a drop of gravy fall on her head and one on her hand. She and Rocky look up to see the gravy dispenser still with the carrot stuck in the spout, shaking vigorously and dripping gravy. The chickens looked around the machine as it started to ground and groan. Rocky yells to Ginger that the machine is going to blow and that it's time to run. As they start to make their getaway, one of the gear works shoots out a screw and falls down on the gravy dispenser. The dispenser spits out the carrot which shoots past the fleeing Rocky and Ginger and knocks out six enormous cogs from their spot.
The terrified chickens make it to another chute just before the cogs could either come crashing down on them or block their escape. The cogs begin the clatter down the chute after Rocky and Ginger who were now running for their lives as fast as their feet could carry them. Kind of reminds you of the boulder scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, doesn't it? All around them sharp gears are shooting out and getting stuck into the walls. Up ahead they see an opening that leads to a chasm of bigger gears. Rocky uses one of his hands to grab Ginger's hand and they make a leap the rooster grabs hold with his other hand. Screaming their heads off, the chickens swing over the chasm and towards a vent where they are then flown up and out of the machine. They then land on top of a pie box rolling down a line which comes to an abrupt halt.
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Rocky and Ginger can finally relax now that their scary ordeal is finally over; they were finally out of the horrible machinery. They breath a sigh of relief with Ginger lying on top of Rocky. At once, Ginger looks up and screams again, moving out of the way just as a giant press comes down from overhead and stamps a label onto Rocky's chest. The hen's face of terror gets even worse when she reads the label on the rooster's chest; she peels it off and he yells out in pain. Ouch, that's got to hurt! Ginger tells Rocky they've got to warn the other chickens of this horrible realization and they run out of the barn, completely unnoticed by the Tweedys who are far too preoccupied with their pie machine going on their fritz.
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We're going to stop right there because what comes after this daring rescue is important for next week's post. Anyway last week's post has shown that Rocky and Ginger are starting to like each other. Some might even say there's a hint of attraction between them. However you never really know how much someone cares about you unless they do something to show it like doing a kind and heartfelt act or even a brave and daring deed. In this case, Rocky went in to rescue Ginger from the pie machine even though he was in danger himself. He may have been scared but he swallowed his fear to rescue his damsel in distress. After their dance and her apology, Rocky was starting to truly care about Ginger. The rooster even had a feeling that the hen was starting to care about him after seeing him cheer up her friends and their dance together as well. In this case, it's true; Ginger does care about Rocky because when he needed rescuing himself, she came to his aid. This whole action-packed scene showed just how much they do care about each other. When one needed saving, the other is there to lend a helping hand even if it meant putting themselves in danger in the process.
Anyway this is my eighth weekly Rocky/Ginger moment post commemorating the upcoming sequel to Chicken Run. I hope you enjoyed this post. There will be 4 other posts about the first film coming up in the future as well as one monthly post about the sequel. Waiting for this long-awaited sequel may not be easy but these posts are making it easier as the release date draws nearer.
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black-bentley · 9 months
Ha, excellent list, I've got a feeling I've committed some of these (shoves 'worst blorbofication' under a stack of DWP paperwork) but I will ask for 8, what common fandom opinion is everyone wrong about, and 18, what's everyone been sleeping on?
I've realised that all of these questions are going to be much harder to answer than anticipated /o\ oh no!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I'm not sure how common this actually is, but - the suggestion that EvS wouldn't have killed Biggles if he actually got the chance.
I don't think he'd have done it willingly (except maybe somewhere in that post-WW2/pre-Hatchet period where he's really at his lowest), and I think he'd have regretted it (a) immediately and (b) forever, but I think he might well have done it. Not least because I think there are points where he'd see it as a weakness in himself that he couldn't possibly indulge, or because he might have a Dorian Gray-esque moment of wanting to rid himself of his conscience (in the form of Biggles repeatedly reminding him of how far he'd fallen).
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
I feel like Bertie needs more fic written about him. I know he tends to get skipped over a bit because there aren't really any Bertie shippers (as it should be - ace!Bertie, my beloved), and I fully count myself as someone who should give him more love in fic. He seems like someone who has a ridiculously broad set of increasingly unlikely talents, and I feel we should be exploring this. Origami. Playing the accordion. Whittling small bits of wood into incredibly realistic birds. Shadow puppets.
(It delights me that a year ago I could have said "Algy/Ginger", but now that really doesn't count as something the fandom's sleeping on anymore... :DDD)
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ya-world-challenge · 1 year
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YA Pacific WW2 Books
Today marks the 78th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki, 3 days after the bombing of Hiroshima.
I've had a list of WW2 books in a file for a while. I noticed the Pacific side of the war is much less represented in fiction, but there are still many promising-looking books out there. These range from stories in Japan-occupied territories, to Jews in Shanghai, bombs in Australia, and stories of the atomic bombs in Japan and internment of Japanese-Americans.
Let me know if you've read any of these!
When My Name Was Keoko by Linda Sue Park (Korea) The Hundred Choices Department Store by Ginger Park (Korea) The Songbird and the Rambutan Tree by Lucille Abendanon (Indonesia) [releases in 2024] Anya's War by Andrea Alban Gosline (China) Little Paradise by Gabrielle Wang (Australia - China) The Forgotten Pearl by Belinda Murrell (Australia) The Sky We Shared by Shirley Reva Vernick (Japan - United States) Barefoot Gen by Keiji Nakazawa (Japan) [manga] The Girl with the White Flag Tomiko Higa, Dorothy Britton (Japan) The Last Cherry Blossom by Kathleen Burkinshaw (Japan) Hunt for the Bamboo Rat by Graham Salisbury (United States - Philippines) [more in the series] Beneath the Wide Silk Sky by Emily Inouye Huey (Japanese-American) They Called Us Enemy by George Takei (Japanese-American) [graphic novel] Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata (Japanese-American) We Are Not Free - Traci Chee (Japanese-American) Climbing the Stairs by Padma Venkatraman (India)
🕊️🕊️ Prayers for peace. 🕊️🕊️
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tooquirkytolose · 8 months
favorite movie from years: 1944, 1985, 1996
1944- I'll Be Seeing You, (a movie I recommend constantly lol) romantic dramedy starring Ginger Rogers and a teenage Shirley Temple about a ptsd having ww2 vet and a female convict falling in love
1985- Clue :)
1996- Matilda
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oh-no-another-idea · 1 year
Nine people tag
Thanks for the tag, @eli-writes-sometimes and @karangarin! 🍦
LAST SONG:  Mr. Blue Sky - ELO
LAST MOVIE: Showed Enola Holmes to my sister, which was so much fun!
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Hmm. Enola Holmes 2 ;)
CURRENTLY READING: In between books, going through some fanfiction
CURRENTLY CRAVING: Always ginger ale...but actually right now i’m eating a grape jolly rancher and that’s pretty good too
LAST THING YOU SEARCHED FOR WRITING PURPOSES: 'towns near berlin during ww2′ god i HATE researching 😭
No pressure tags for @the-stray-storyteller @charlesjosephwrites @zmwrites @sleepyowlwrites @the-finch-address @stuffaboutwriting @cherrybombfangirlwrites @eccaiia @ashen-crest and anyone else who’d like to share!
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dee-in-the-box · 7 months
Mr and Mrs Kennedy asks coming up
1 - Which one of the Kennedy children remember their traits the best? (Their personality, their looks, etc)
2 - How did they actually look like? What were their personalities actually like?
3 - How old were they when they married/had Peter/had Jack/had Dee?
4 - What were their names?
5 - Which kid resembled Mr Kennedy the most?
6 - Which kid resembled Mrs Kennedy the most?
That’s all
hoo boy, here we go:
funnily enough, Jack does. he was really close to both of them (makes sense: when your parents are accepting when they find out you're trans and have helped you manage your autism (even if none of you knew that's what it was) then it's probably gonna make you really close with them!). it's why their deaths fucked him up so bad.
i might make art of it later, but here's my best attempt at doing a description: Mr. Kennedy - tall, lean man. got some muscle (grew up on a farm, and was also a soldier in WW2 for a bit). he has a prosthetic leg and walks with a cane (got shot in the leg and had to have it amputated; prosthetic leg isn't perfect and causes him to hobble around a bit, so he uses the cane to stabilize himself a little bit). he's got ginger hair, with dark green eyes, and is covered in freckles. slightly tanned skin. he's the youngest son of Irish immigrants. he's a rather calm man, but he's basically Jack if he had 2% more impulse control. also just a fun loving man. he's got a temper, but he's able to keep it in check. loves his wife and kids dearly. Mrs. Kennedy - shorter, and was described as "chubby" by family. only a year younger than her husband, and born in the same month, funnily enough. she's got freckles too, but much fewer than her husband. darker red hair and paler skin than her husband, with dark brown eyes. she's got a tooth gap, one that she'd pass down to her eldest son and daughter. a very warm, welcoming, yet calm woman. rarely ever swears (doesn't mean she hasn't cussed people out in her mind, however), and whenever she does, it's clear that something's serious. definitely a loving mother. very strong-willed; it's one of the things that attracted her husband to her.
their birthdays are in May, for reference. in order: Married - 1944; Mr. Kennedy is 20, and Mrs. Kennedy is 19 (yep, they got married young. neither of their families really agreed with their relationship due to multiple reasons, but Mr. Kennedy's family eventually was like "well, we don't approve of it, but if you're sure this is the woman you want to marry, then we aren't going to stop you." Mrs. Kennedy's family, however, couldn't even get that far. it was enough so that the Siblings only ever really had contact with that side of the family during holidays). Had Peter - 1945; 21 and 20. Had Jack - 1951; 26 and 25 (reminder, this is in March). Had Dee - 1967; 40 and 39. and, even though you didn't ask: Death - 1969; 41 and 40.
Names: Mr. Marshall Neil Kennedy, and Mrs. Diane Reynolds Kennedy (name previous to marriage: Diane Aris Reynolds)
Jack, surprisingly, despite being a trans man, actually ended up taking after his father a lot! got the same kind of hair, similar skin tone to his father (just a shade or two lighter), and has even been described as having a similar face to him. he is, however, not as tall as his father. body type wise, he takes more after his mother. even personality-wise, he takes more after his dad, even if he is more impulsive. (sometimes he wonders if his dad would be proud of him)
Peter takes after his mother, despite being tall and somehow skinnier than his dad. he's got dark red, curly hair like she does, and, as mentioned earlier, has a tooth gap. like Jack, he took after his mom: pretty calm, doesn't swear often and will actually scold Jack for swearing (mostly in front of Dee), etc. (he misses her a lot. he wonders if they think he did a good job, trying to look after his siblings, even if the world was against them)
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dzasterr · 2 years
Bo-Katan piloting with Din in the back seat and the conversation they have give me parent-son vibes. "We should through you a party", "No, it's alright mum"
Din jumping out of the ship is badass. Though not sound from a physics perspective
Hypocritical of Pedro to tell someone not to be blinded of rage. We saw what you did on monday.
"That's a lot of ships for an Imperial Warlord" I fucking swear if it's Palpatine again...
It seems we're gonna be seeing more Coruscant. Yay
This is some post WW2 USA shit with the New Republic scooping up war criminals to work for them
That feels ominous, what the ginger guy said to the cloning guy. "New republic.. Empire... Rebels... I can't keep track." We're gonna find out about some atrocities, I promise you
Robot taxi drivers. Feels so Asimovian. Love it
Ooh, here's our atrocity brewing. No name's just numbers. Also. Four-eyes ain't so sure about the republic. This'll be interesting
OOH. REMINISCING ABOUT THE EMPIRE. This'll be very interesting
Someone's trying to hook onto these people's imperial reminiscience. All signs point to Palpatine.
Glowy sci fi ice cream. Bet it tastes fishy.
I knew it. She/They is palpatine!
The constant repetition of "Helping the New Republic" is so propagandic.
The Barriers at the whatevertheycallthem station are humorously insecure
It's not palpatine. My bad. But perhaps she's palpatines other daughter?
I feel sorry for the cloning guy. All he wants to do is continue his research which he is CONVINCED will help the republic but now he's being pressured to rebel and he's gonna end up some kind of neo-imperial when all he wants is to do science and have a biscuit.
how they're fleeing ticket inspectors and they've managed to make it so tense
Decommissioning yard reminds me of JFO. Loved that game.
There is nothing cooler than an abandoned space ship. Especially an abandoned megaship
Introducing themselves by their old imperial ranks. Amazing re-indoctrination
Oh jesus. Here come the atrocities. The soothing music playing in the background. A nightmare. I regret what I said about the war criminals, this is worse.
"This isn't the Empire, son" Connects back to what the guy said at the start. I knew it.
She's the exact same kind of psychopathic power hungry snake they had under the empire, just switched sides. And when she lies about caring about him but really just wants to sadistically watch. Woaaah.
I just realise we haven't seen Bo-katan without a helmet since she was in the water. Perhaps she will reconcile with her faith.
Oh well- I was right
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dr-jem-nutcase · 2 years
MvA h/c's (ctd)
This should be it, once and for all
His father fought in WWI and then became an alcoholic and left his family a few years after the war was over, when Monger was 3-4
Raised by his mother along with 5+ other siblings
NOBODY disrespects Mama Monger. She's right up there with God in his book
Fought in WW2. No question about that. He may have had activity in the Vietnam War, but no one knows
Has quite the potty mouth when really angry. In public, he Yosemite Sam swears to remain professional
He actually DID get his promotions from foiling escape attempts
Married for 60+ years. His wife's name is Carol. They got hitched right before he enrolled to fight. He still visits her and the farm from time to time, and she has no idea what all her husband does except that he's a general in the U.S. Army
Nobody knows if he had any kids. Though he's definitely an uncle
Age brought on more usage of jet packs, parachutes, and jeeps than walking
Bacon and eggs for breakfast. Almost every single day. And hot black coffee. Very hot. Scalding hot. The double vente drink mentioned in the movie credits is reserved for occasions and good times
Enjoys a good strong drink. It takes a LOT to get him drunk. Only his wife and a couple buddies from the army have seen him legit hammered
Has a cat allergy. Not severe though but enough to give him the sniffles and itchy red eyes
This guy's gonna make it well into his 100s
His middle name is Rex
The Invisible Man
Former name is Harry Graham Francis. He was from the Midwest USA
Captured in 1962 before Dr. C
NO WAY this guy wasn't a prankster. Was already one before he became invisible. Took full advantage of his invisibility in that regard
Probably ambiverted. Somewhere in the middle between a shy awkward dork and a social butterfly
Was married and had 3 kids (boy-girl-boy, they're all gingers too!). He wanted a large family, but his wife thought three kids were enough
Deadpool's sense of humor but had to tone it down when he had kids. Woke it up at his capture but had to tone it down again when BOB came along
LOVED kids (not a pedophile). Kinda explains why he and BOB got along so well
For whatever reason, didn't like dogs
Was a pretty smart guy, almost up there with Dr. C. But he knew better than to brag about his smarts
6-7 years older than Dr. C
Picked on him not only due to the age difference but also due to his failed escape attempts, his hoity-toity temperament, and pride in his genius. The two always had mixed feelings towards each other. Not a bromance but not worst enemies either.
Was a physicist and researcher and enjoyed his work. But lost his passion for it about a year after he turned invisible and never bothered to get any sort of enthusiasm back
Lived in the outside world for two months after turning invisible. His wife and their firstborn (about 11-12 years old at the time) knew what happened and interacted with him and kept the truth hidden from the 2 younger kids. Then he was captured when people in his neighborhood started noticing some strange things going on
Didn't participate in any escape attempts, knowing there would be multiple consequences, like the monsters would be eventually found and captured all over again and potentially be in that cycle again and again, despite the fact he was invisible and thus the hardest monster to find
Had bouts of depression as a result of his experimentation and its outcome but wouldn't admit it
The heart attack that killed him was a result of long-term physical side effects of his experimentation. He developed a few minor physical problems, some episodic and some chronic, shortly after his experimentation but nothing big. Over the years, those problems got worse and a few new ones came. A bit like the Curie family's physical decline due to a lot of radiation exposure. If he was still visible at the time of his death, he probably would've looked pretty awful
Wasn't that old when he died, no older than his early 60s
If he was still alive when Susan came, he would've been on good terms with her but would've been too aged and weak to engage in combat
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