#wwell whatever
moomoorare · 9 months
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rib0mbees · 2 years
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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CC: I am wondering if you can forego t)(e exaggerated emotional t)(eatrics for once and actually tell me w)(at's on your mind! CA: nothins on my mind wwhy cant i just fuckin talk and glub at you for a reason i dont havve CC: 38| CA: wwell fine but you dont wwant to hear it CC: Yes I do. CC: We are supposed to talk to eac)( ot)(er, t)(at is w)(at moirails are for. CA: uhuh wwhatevver
Eridan’s the one who started this conversation, but he cannot get to the point. Whatever he’s trying to bring up must be rather awkward to discuss - and since he seems burnt out on their moirallegiance, my guess is that he’s trying to end it. 
CA: i wwill tell you CA: evven though you wwill only humor me as usual since you dont agree wwith my agenda CA: any of my agendas really
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the whole point of a moirallegiance is to curb your partner’s violent tendencies. 
Feferi isn’t supposed to support Eridan’s little hobby of genocide, which is what I assume he’s referring to. If he can’t accept that, he won’t be able to participate in a moirallegiance at all - which I think is the whole point of this conversation. 
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! [...] CC: I t)(ink deep down you stack t)(ese plots against you so you fail because you know it's wrong.
That’s a pretty charitable way to interpret his character - and one that might well be true, if Feferi’s correct about his long list of failures. It’s unlikely that would happen by chance, unless you happen to be a cartoon villain on a kids’ show. 
Another possibility is that he’s exaggerating his genocidal tendencies in order to attract a moirail. If potential violence is all it takes to activate the pale instinct, then I’m sure there are plenty of trolls who pretend they’re more violent then they are, just to get that quadrant filled.
CC: W-E AR-E NOT B-ETT-ER T)(AN ANYBODY!!!!! CC: GLUB. >38( CA: pshh CA: hemospectrum begs to differ
Yeesh. It’s a good thing he’s not the heir. 
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
i aint got much a the mushy shit to say i just wwant ta let evvery mspa kin or fictivve or wwhatevver your connection to the comic is know
wwe havvent met but i hope youre all doin wwell and havve a good 413
-another eridan (#🏕️🚗, fictivve, ty mpc i am handin you a little kitty treat for all a the wwork ya do)
I ain't got much a the mushy shit to say I just want to let every mspa kin or fictive or whatever your connection to the comic is now. We haven't met but I hope you're all doing well and have a good 413.
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haver-of-wives · 11 months
Okay I know that you messed up with Wilbur but like. If wasn’t the end of the world or HIS life and you guys can repair whatever was broken when you’re free and all. Dream’s WHOLE THING is blowing things out of proportion so that you think you’re the worst person in the earth when you’re not.
He’s done it many times before and this one’s no different. And all those other times, you got help! I think you will this time, too. And don’t go saying you don’t deserve help or friends or any of that, cause it’s not true.
wwell hewont fuckign let me go that easily adn theydont deserve whatever Dream will fukcign do tothem if they piss him off andi cant lose aanyone else i cant icant
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earnestlyegos · 1 year
I'm fairly certain that I didn't send one of these back so I'll do that now
*does a little spin and pelts the qnappb at you*
What do you all of you look like in headspace?
yyou didnt!! aand i giggled hard at the little spin you did— iill try not to type with the quirk, i understand iits frustrating for ssome!!
yancy looks pretty much the same as he does jn source!! except hes usually in a plain white T, without the sleeve rolled up, and in some jeans! either that or a tank top!! he also choses to have his AHWM tattoos instead of his ISWM tatts, because its how most people know him!! though he still thinks its canonical that he has his ISWM ones!! hes 6’1 with a muscular (not much more than he is in source) build, but pretty much is the same!!
ii look the same as i do in source as wwell!! except, in source, you cant see my legs!! i often wear rolled up grey pants (i think theyre cargos?) that show off my prosthetics!! i do only have prosthetic feet, but in order for them to stay on, the shell reaches up to right below my knee!! theyre blackish silver, and in the headspace you can see my glasses a bit better!! im 5’3, making me tthe shortest adult around—
mark is as he is exactly in source!! he wears his uniform constantly (without the hat), and often has a clipboard or his device with him so he can check the ships status!! he has all his pins and things and whatnot too, though when we focus in the headspace, we cant really see the specifics!! hes 5’10, which is markipliers actual height, and the only other outfit he will sometimes wear is his spacedog onesies!!
hhe was shown in his intro, but ill describe him still!! hes a 5’7 man with soft brown hair that has buzzed sides and a back!! he has a bit of a prominent chin like the body, that has light scruff that ends slightly below his ears!! hes got big round glasses and a round nose, light blueish grey eyes, and has acne scars on his face and upper back!! hes got small gauges, or black studs in his ears, along with two helix rings on each ear!! he has a slightly muscular and boxy build, and often wears a grey shirt with the text “GAY” front and center! he wears dark grey jeans with black socks, and black and white converse!! he also has a few freckles on his arms, and you can often see him lounging in a hoodie of whatever color he wants!!
thank you for the question!! (co-written by damien)
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v4-v1 · 2 months
you’ve respected my boundaries more than That person who’d done things to me ever did anyway.which i think the irony is funny given how a majority of people act like you’re the spawn of the devil or something :p
Ahh wwell that's very unfortunate to hear bc i'm not doing much really dude,,,just talking normally
I can't do anything about what ppl think about me nor i don't care THAT much (just when ppl call me a pedophile, dont do tyat im.gonns break your skulllif You do), just maybe explain stuff but that rarely ends up with good results
I don't want my trauma used against me (more than it is now).
That people dont know me personally so why caring about it, whatever image they have about my being is wrong
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allaboutthatvvase · 1 year
>Whatever this thing is, it didn't seem to react much to being poked in its head, barely a grunt being uttered as the oversized finger pushed back against its chitin. Not a stir of movement after the fact either. Seems that its fast asleep...
Okay so it was alive, looks like. That's one answer at least. Once upon a time he'd probably have just knocked the thing out of the way to get to his new stuff, but he was a little more tactful these days.
"alright wwell I'm just gonna pick ya up here..." He mutters, crouching a bit (lift with your legs!) to get a grip on the orb, trying not to manhandle it *too* much. Assuming he could actually lift it, which he figured he could given both his typical sea dweller strength and unusual size on top, he would deposit the... Being? To the side of the couch.
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joculatrixster · 1 year
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#as long as they respect skintones acting like a black person cant have big eyes or tiny noses is wwell gross! especially in a stylized styl
My Top Posts in 2022:
The current discourse revolving around Affogato Cookie is literally just Aloe Cookie but genderbent.
YUP i said it in my reply to anon its not about HIM specifically its a FANDOM WIDE ISSUE the fact this keeps happening is the issue. as one of the only fandoms w/ MULTIPLE CANON nonbinary and gnc cookies we cant keep forcing gender roles on cookies then acting a fool when they dint align w/ our assumptions this kind of thing is what makes pll not want to explore their genders because then they'll feel like there something else to them like they have to be gay or nonbianry. like i get u guys want to express thise hcs but the problem is i NEVER see ppl say cookies like cheesecake or chocolate bonbon are nonbinary or trans women no its always sour belt or aloe. why does Affogato HAVE to be a trans man or nonbinary but not dark cacao...? think about why u guys chose the LITTERAL man in a dress for ur trans hcs but not the strong heroic kingdom leader. thats fucked up. and trans men can hc whayever the FUCK they want i dont care but cis ppl and other trans ppl are ALSO buying into it and being upset he wasn't a she/her or they/them. thats when i get the issue. because this shit never spreads in the fandom unless a cookie is gnc and yall wanted them to be the opposite gender or nonbinary. if u make trans hcs even subconsciously because u dont like the assigned gender of a character thats. fucked. up.
this is coming from a bitch w/ a mostly trans and nonbinary friend group who loves dresses, skirts, and leggings im very much fem irl but i do not use she/her online. anyone coming across this in the tags pls stop assuming if someone disagrees w/ u they r automatically an enemy to ur cause lmao just tell me if u disagree and we can have a talk about it
36 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
btw if u think kumiho is a slut/whore genuinely i hate u so much if u think its ok to insult her like that i want u hunted for sport
38 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
if ur harassing ppl over info that came in a brand new update ur a bad person i dont care if canonly or heavily implied the dragons r all related the devs JUST dropped this info and ships like Ananas x Pitaya have been around for years. let ppl hae time to see the new info and change their stances on stuff yall r too fucking rude and stupid to understand that sometimes ppl dont play updates or dont have all the info before u run ur mouths istg
46 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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60 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
dear cookie run mutuals! i just got a reply on my post about how Cream Unicorn canonly did kidnap children(not even mentioning modifying 2 adults body w/out their consent) that was condescending and also woobifed cream unicorn cookie. once again fandom ppl assume when i point out the flaws of my favs it means im being malicious and misunderstand canon as if im an idiot newbie who doesnt understand what motivation is so i obviously make posts w/ouit understand that no bc ur fav was sad/lonely they get to do whatever they want
u know what that means?
war. this means war.
im gonna start Cream Unicorn cookie is a bit fucked up propaganda now. join me in my cause of being petty bc someone didnt bother to read my tags on my post for the millionth time!
Cream Unicorn cookie is a faerie who IS fucked up that DOESNT mean they r evil but it does mean they lack general human morales and will do things like *checks notes* kidnap children and keep them bc they r lonely bc they do not understand other ppl may like *check notes* not want to be trapped in a fantasy world forever! wow! look at that a valid interpretation of a character based off canon facts that doesn't woobify my fav or ignore their actions. ik its crazy to see it!
if u wish to see more of this join me in the cause!
63 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
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juunedai · 3 years
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@scratchface‘s fic that i cant stop thinking about 
[ID: A series of poorly drawn memes depicting the characters Ryoken Kogami, Yusaku Fujiki, and Ai from the series Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. Pictures 1 and 2 are a two-part comic.
Image 1: Ryoken holds a knife as a murderous aura surrounds him. Red text imposed over his body says, “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU”. 
Image 2: Yusaku, with a halo around his head and dragon-like features, and Ai (a multi-legged lizard on Yusaku’s shoulder) are both thinking, “He wants to kill us”.
Image 3: A dragon’s taxidermied head is mounted to a wall, with the plaque underneath it reading “WIFE”. Ryoken is looking up at it thinking “this is normal”. Text under the image reads “IT TOTALLY WASN’T.” 
Image 4: Ryoken, with a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a string of sausages in the other, thinking “I wonder if I look depressed rn” 
End ID]
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bioshock4k · 2 years
just watched an hour long video about how disappointing bioshock infinite was feeling amazing
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markets · 3 years
5:00. Hasanabi hot.
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batz · 3 years
lotta stuff in the Brain
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recallstuck · 3 years
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== DIRK started a conversation with ERIDAN at 09:14. ==
DIRK: Sorry I couldn’t go with you for the appointment.
DIRK: Text me when you get to the hospital.
ERIDAN: obvviiously
ERIDAN: im almost there, just gettin off the train
== 09:53 ==
ERIDAN: im inside
DIRK: Cool.
== 10:02 ==
ERIDAN: wwell keep me company
ERIDAN: im bored just sittin around wwaiting to be called in
DIRK: I’m working, remember?
ERIDAN: you wwork online, you can text wwhen you pause
DIRK: I wouldn’t know what to talk about.
ERIDAN: howw about
ERIDAN: figurin out wwhat i should get us for lunch
ERIDAN: considerin im out already
ERIDAN: plus itd be nice to treat myself to somethin nice for havvin to go through the trouble of havvin my legs checked out
DIRK: Maybe something that can last us a few days.
ERIDAN: smart
ERIDAN: ill look for wwhats around here
DIRK: Don’t get carried away with snacks and treats this time.
DIRK: The cat is so spoiled because of you.
DIRK: You’ve turned her into a giant priss. She thinks she owns everything that we have.
ERIDAN: because she is one
ERIDAN: and you spoil her just as much
DIRK: You can’t prove that.
ERIDAN: the 129 vvideos i havve says otherwwii2e
DIRK: You’re a menace.
== 10:14 ==
ERIDAN: beiin called, gotta go
DIRK: Have fun.
ERIDAN: i wwont
== 11:00 ==
ERIDAN: that wwa2 hell
ERIDAN: 2o wwhat are wwe gettiin?
DIRK: Honestly, it’s up to you. I don’t mind whatever you get.
DIRK: You know what I like.
DIRK: And don’t get the cat anything.
ERIDAN: she has a name
ERIDAN: her majesty, lady anathema, the people’s artist
DIRK: No, her name is Chicken, The Cat.
ERIDAN: 2he responds to both so it doesnt matter
ERIDAN: but LEGALLY her name is her majesty, lady anathema, the people’s artist
ERIDAN: its on her adoption papers trust me
DIRK: She was a stray that we just took in.
ERIDAN: shhhh its on her adoption papers trust me
DIRK: Just don’t go crazy with shopping.
ERIDAN: i cant promise a thing
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thatfaeboy · 7 years
i can feel myself slipping and going non verbal 🙃
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