baraste-legacy · 1 year
I just wanted to say that I am in AWE of your organization skills. That masterlist is masterfully done. I’m trying to do something similar for my own blog, but I’m having a hard time figuring out categories and making sure things don’t overlap and everything is easily findable. I aspire to get it looking like yours!
@thegirlsinthecity Thank you for your kind words 😊. It's still an imperfect system (some tag overlappings that seemed like a good idea at the time, now I'm doubtful about, and the Archive view is rather unwieldly), but hopefully it's useful for the visitor.
This whole thing grew with time, and I wouldn't be able to handle it if not for a few tools. Just in case you didn't know them, they are:
XKit: a desktop browser plugin that brings a set of little fantastic "quality of life" tools to Tumblr. The ones I use the most are:
Quick Tags, where I have a lot of tagging presets. Most of times, adjusting them is just a matter of deleting some tags in the result of its application (for example, when a fan art post isn't about SWTOR, I just delete that tag), which is fast to do.
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And One-Click Postage: it has the Reblog button bring up this little panel that can produce a reblog, a scheduled one or a draft at the click of one of those bottom buttons. The beauty of it is that it can auto-tag with the original post's tags and the name of the original blogger (which is great if one is doing a reblogs drafts spree while idly scrolling the site and wants to later remember what they were about, for when the time comes to tidy them up and reblog them). That, or let you add the tags from the very Quick Tags list, either at that moment or while editing them.
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They are a lifesaver. The thing is, there are several XKit variants around, each with a different level of feature parity and compatibility, but they can coexist. I'm mostly using @new-xkit-extension for classic editor posts and reblogs, and XKit-Rewritten for the new editor ones.
And speaking of lifesavers: given the poor state of Tumblr's blog maintenance tools, every time an artist changes their blog's name or I discover a better way to tag old posts and reblogs, the idea of having to edit a lot of them becomes quite dreadful. There is, though, this tool: tags.circumfluo.us. Basically, a web application that offers tag search-and-substitute functions (including replacing sequences of tags, say, find A B C and replace with A D C keeping that order).
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One must be a little careful when the list of posts exceeds certain amount, as Tumblr has some daily limits for this kind of post modifications (at worst, you can find out that it didn't manage to process all of them and that you can't post any more for the day, but you could do it again another day to process the ones left). It is great for massaging the way one has tagged things into shape.
So, I'd say just tag things in a way that feels usable to you 🙂. Consistency doesn't have to be perfect, although these tools make it far easier, and you can always readjust things later with tools like that webpage.
And again, thanks for the praise. I really love it when people find this thingy of mine both useful and usable.
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tacticaltaxonomist · 9 months
Declutter Tumblr
The new layout it a whole mess. Thankfully Xkit can already help with a bunch of this! I'm sure it'll give more options soon.
Vanilla Tumblr:
(I have marked in red what can be removed. The tabs can be set not to stick, so you will really only see them at the top of your dash. Empty box on the left for hidden notifications and shop sparkle, i just didn't have any. I'm EU so no Live for me).
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Xkit Rewritten Tumblr:
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The settings I use:
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pcktknife · 11 months
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dragongirlsnout · 2 months
with regards to recent events,
dashboard unfucker will no longer be actively maintained, and the development of the Dashboard Plus extension is being shelved, along with all of my unpublished work for XKit Rewritten.
despite the fact that tumblr as a website is largely propped up by LGBTQ+ content creators, many of whom are trans women, the way this website has treated and continues to treat trans women is utterly disgusting.
from the harassment trans women face from this site's users, many of whom claim to be trans allies or are even trans themselves, to transphobic moderators targeting trans women and selling bans for money, all the way to the CEO of the website directly confronting a trans woman and threatening legal action against her for inactionable threats, tumblr has made it clear that it is by no means the queerest place on earth.
some of my trans sisters may remain on tumblr, even when faced with constant vitriol. i am deeply proud of them and their visibility in the face of hostility, however after seeing recent events unfold, and after being directly confronted by tumblr's CEO himself in a digusting display of indifference, i myself have decided to move onto better pursuits for the larger part. tumblr no longer holds the same shine for me that it did five years ago, and i can no longer justify spending hours of my time every week pouring more work and love into this site than any member of staff ever did.
i thank you all for the support you've given me in the past 8 months, whether through donations, contributions to the script, or even just sending me a kind message. i would ask that you show the same generosity and kindness to other trans girls in my absence, and especially to those who don't code, or write stories, or draw art. every trans girl is valuable, and their worth is more than any arbitrary set of talents. and a little love can go a long way.
yours truly, dragongirlsnout
10K notes · View notes
villainelle · 9 months
staff: *unrolls yet another unwanted, unneeded, pointless update to a feature that did not require it*
the people at xkit immediately: 
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2K notes · View notes
sbeep · 10 months
OH MIGHTY SBEEP please help me. I remember you reblogged a post telling where in xkit you can fix the ability to see previous reblogs by clicking the name of the person you rb'd it from. I'm pretty sure it was you. And because the search is broken I can't find it. Could you point at it for me again? Sorry for bothering u of all people about this
Heya! This is no bother at all. I'll make a new answer here for ease:
The desktop browser extension you need is Xkit Rewritten. I have it installed on Firefox. Its icon is a purple square with a white X inside.
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The category the option to restore previous reblog links is under Tweaks. It's the blue-ticked option shown in this screenshot, and reads "Restore links to individual posts in the post header."
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730 notes · View notes
unpretty · 4 months
I’m trying to go through reblog chains to figure out who made a certain post more widespread, but I can’t do that through clicking usernames anymore because now that just takes me to their blog instead of that specific post they reblogged. Do you know if there’s a new, different way to get to the previous reblog on the specific post? (This would probably also be helpful for seeing “prev tags”)
it looks like they're going to be adding a link to the meatball menu, but until they roll that out your only option is xkit afaik
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april · 10 months
ℹ️ XKit Rewritten v0.21.12 (12th Jul 2023)
A recent Tumblr update has partially broken the Tweaks option "Restore links to individual posts in the post header". This is known and an update has already been pushed.
This update has already been approved by Google and should soon reach you on Chrome automatically. However, it is still under review by Mozilla and will take a little longer to propagate to Firefox.
Thanks for your patience!
445 notes · View notes
onewomancitadel · 10 months
Also reminder to new Tumblr users, if you are on desktop (it might be available on mobile? Idk how it would work with the app), you can download an add-on called Xkit Rewritten, a new new version of the old Tumblr supplement, Xkit, which lets you make tweaks to the website. It's kind of similar to RES on Reddit if you ever used that.
Here are the ones I have turned on:
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I also just noticed it lets you hide Tumblr Live as well, if that annoys you.
The one I find most useful is Quick Reblog which includes the ability to add tags, where you just separate them by a comma:
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and of course if you even want to hide your follower count from yourself, you can do that, too.
Have fun.
315 notes · View notes
madamepestilence · 8 months
This is a very long post, so have a breaker so your feed isn't taken up by this every time it circulates
For uBlock Origin, please add:
! 2023-01-07 https://www.wsj.com www.wsj.com##.typography--serif--1CqEfjrc.WSJTheme-module--text--37ld_QSx.WSJTheme-module--block--15do2flR > p www.tumblr.com##[href="#managed-icon__shop"]:xpath(../../../../../../..) www.twitch.tv##.crbrgc.Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0 > div > .dVOhMf.InjectLayout-sc-1i43xsx-0 > div www.twitch.tv##div.Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0.NAGjx.prime-offers__pill
! 2023-03-15 https://www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com##.grid-cols-12.grid.absolute.border-box.w-100 www.washingtonpost.com##.bg-white.hide-for-print.justify-center.flex.overflow-hidden.border-box.w-100.left-0.bottom-0.fixed www.washingtonpost.com##.regwall-overlay.bg-black.w-100.h-100.o-50.fixed.right-0.bottom-0
! 2023-03-20 https://rechneronline.de rechneronline.de##.needsclick
! 2023-03-27 https://www.pride.com www.pride.com##.footer.sticky
! 2023-04-27 https://www.scribd.com ||html.scribdassets.com/2wx8pty0w3zom45/images/2-92b2c586c4.jpg$image ||html.scribdassets.com/2wx8pty0w3zom45/images/2-92b2c586c4.jpg$image www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > div > .orientation_portrait.auto__doc_page_webpack_doc_page_blur_promo > .promo > .incentivized www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > div > .orientation_portrait.auto__doc_page_webpack_doc_page_blur_promo www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > .newpage
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! 2023-08-18 https://www.tumblr.com www.tumblr.com##.I6Lwl
! 2023-08-23 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.z1gt3 www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.ALnV7
! 2023-08-24 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.krYCqd
! 2023-08-27 https://gaming.stackexchange.com gaming.stackexchange.com##.js-consent-banner.r16.l16.b16.bar-lg.fc-white.bg-black-750.sm\:p16.p32.sm\:w-auto.ws4.z-nav-fixed.ps-fixed.ff-sans
! 2023-08-27 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.AQisZb
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)
youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)
youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])
youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
! 2023-08-28 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.RnklC
! 2023-08-31 https://clutchpoints.com clutchpoints.com##._5kE-6aUK._9r0K-Oum clutchpoints.com##.aJVLc6uP clutchpoints.com##.fEy1Z2XT clutchpoints.com##.kA-dNZw.sc-aba21029-1 > .ceKKEJ.sc-d1ef8d9b-0 > .fNQrrB.sc-d1ef8d9b-1
! 2023-08-31 https://www.tumblr.com ||assets.tumblr.com/pop/src/components/one-piece/assets/toggle-dff697e4.png$image www.tumblr.com##div.MNkkC:nth-of-type(2) www.tumblr.com##.RAEnv ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(2)
! 2023-09-01 https://www.tumblr.com www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(41) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(50) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(89) www.tumblr.com##.Gav7q www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(4)
------ BREAKER ------
This removes many page blockers, as well as removing all the new stupid One Piece advertisements, and all iterations of Tumblr Live
For uBlacklist, please add:
://.quasi.market/* ://.portrait.vana.com/* ://.dreamup.com/* ://.picso.ai/* ://.artflow.ai/* ://.artbreeder.com/* ://.diffusion.land/* ://.neural.love/* ://.wombo.art/* ://.artroom.ai/* ://.daftart.ai/* ://.mage.space/* ://.aiartapps.com/* ://.openart.ai/* ://.clipdrop.co/* ://.lexica.art/* ://.diffusionbee.com/* ://.dreamlike.art/* ://.aipicasso.studio.site/* ://.nijijourney.com/* ://.davinciface.com/* ://.phraser.tech/* ://.superprompts.com/* ://.arthub.ai/* ://.instantart.io/* ://.ebsynth.com/* ://.imagineme.app/* ://.pixelz.ai/* ://.sketchpro.ai/* ://.libraire.ai/* ://.client.aigur.dev/* ://.background.lol/* ://.postalai.co/* ://.jounce.ai/* ://.prodia.com/* ://.deepanime.software/* ://.opendream.ai/* ://.baked-ai.com/* ://.background.zmo.ai/* ://.jeda.ai/* ://.appintro.ai/* ://.dreamboothr.com/* ://.gaigify.com/* ://.sketchar.io/* ://.sketch.metamolab.com/* ://.artifylabs.io/* ://.myprint.ai/* ://.patience.ai/* ://.wordspilot.com/* ://.chilloutai.xyz/* ://.generai.art/* ://.ai016.com/* ://.aiart.dev/* ://.roughly.app/* ://.thedreamkeeper.co/* ://.acrylic.typedream.app/* ://.kahma.io/* ://.mancoding.com/* ://.gencraft.com/* ://.replicate.com/* ://.aigallery.app/* ://.aimons.xyz/* ://.sketchingimage.ai/* ://.transpic.cn/* ://.sticky.cool/* ://.quickqr.art/* ://.dreamphillic.com/* ://.qrcraft.xyz/* ://.phillipstelzel.com//* ://.paintedsaintly.com/* ://.voidsynth.art/* ://.promptxart.com/* ://.aisixteen.com/* ://.spreadai.app/* ://.ai-concept.art/* ://.artguru.ai/* ://.barcode.so/* ://.artimator.io/* ://.artprint.co/* ://.partly.ai/* ://.dreamwalker.fun/* ://.imajinn.ai/* ://.aiart.fm/* ://.cheapnft.art/* ://.dreamup.ai/* ://.thepetpainting.com/* ://.irmoai.com/* ://.color-anything.com/* ://.aiart.limited/* ://.blimeycreate.com/* ://.artbot.ai/* ://.seek.art/* ://.portret.ai/* ://.artspark.io/* ://.artreviewgenerator.com/* ://.kiri.art/* ://.bdiscover.kakaobrain.com/* ://.yodayo.com/* ://.petalica.paint/* ://.ai-art.latitude.io/* ://.6open.art/* ://.pictureit.art/* ://.zazow.com/* ://.bloomoon.art/* ://.starryai.com/* ://.iliad.ai/* ://.waifulabs.com/* ://.scrum.co/* ://.giotto.streamlit.app/* ://.bashable.art/* ://.yoohoo.cards/* ://.astria.ai/* ://.civitai.com/* ://.iamfy.co/* ://.idesigns.shop/* ://.pixelicious.xyz/* ://.playarti.com/* ://.pixai.art/* ://.playgroundai.com/* ://.creator.nightcafe.studio/* ://.imagecreator.alkaidvision.com/* ://.midjourney.com/* ://.futurepedia.io/*
------ BREAKER ------
This is a list provided by another person which blocks every known Digital Hapsburg Engine ("AI art") website from your search engines
For XKit Rewritten, please use:
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the rest is up to you
327 notes · View notes
i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
Tumblr media
Oh my fucking god they did it.
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rpschtuff · 1 year
Beta Editor / Trim Reblogs Masterpost
This is just a spot to gather all my posts about the beta / legacy editors and cutting posts into one place, mostly so it's in one easily shareable link for people who ask. (Last updated February 21, 2023.)
WHAT'S EVEN GOING ON — This long post explains pretty much everything in great detail. It covers the different editors, the different extensions required for cutting posts and how they work, some glitches you may encounter, and reasons the two systems aren't compatible. I highly recommend reading this one before any of the others, as it provides the most context.
TRIM REBLOGS GUIDE — An overview to just Trim Reblogs.
USING TRIM REBLOGS WITH THE LEGACY EDITOR — If you aren't willing to commit to the beta editor yet, at least learning how to use trim reblogs will make a world of difference to your partners using it.
BETA EDITOR OVERVIEW — An overview to the beta editor, the differences it has from legacy as well as its new features.
TRANSFERRING THREADS TO BETA / TRIM REBLOGS — An overview of how to actually go about transferring threads cut with the old system (editable reblogs) to the new system (trim reblogs).
DOUBLE POSTING GLITCH 1 + HOW TO FIX — Goes over a glitch you may encounter when using trim reblogs on a post that was originally made with the legacy editor, causing your reply to duplicate upon posting.
DOUBLE POSTING GLITCH 2 + HOW TO FIX — Goes over a glitch you may encounter when using editable reblogs on a post that was originally made with the beta editor, causing your partner's reply to duplicate upon posting.
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fictionalred · 8 months
Every Belgian on my dash rn
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jenneferofjengaberg · 11 months
the xkit rewritten team fixed the links to individual posts! it's now available as an option in the tweaks category:
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Just make sure you have the Tweaks category turned on and make sure "Restore links to individual posts in the post header" is checked.
194 notes · View notes
✧・゚ A short and easy workaround for Reblogs with Beta & XKit Rewritten
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Disclaimer: This also seems to work with old Legacy-Threads when reblogging with the new Beta-Editor bc XKit Rewritten doesn’t work with Legacy. The whole trimming order and process of both combined can be confusing, but it’s important so the post doesn’t get fucked up. So technically, it's also helpful for Beta-Reblogging in general.  (video below)
SO, IF YOU WANT TO AVOID DOUBLE-POSTING of your own reblog, do the following:
Hit reblog (make sure you’re using Beta).
Enter reply, whatever.
Safe to drafts.
Remove the first post with Trim Reblogs.
Refresh drafts.
Remove your own reply that now shows twice with the Beta-Editor. You will only have one option to remove here, so that makes it easy.
In this way you can preserve your partner's reply if you want to, since the blockquote-format won't work like that anymore. So hopefully, reblogs with the Beta-Editor & XKit Rewritten should be easier now for you and your partners without having to move your whole Legacy-Thread to a new post after this measure. I am very nostalgic over my old stuff, so that's a reason why I don't want to do it. If you have additions or experience possible errors, feel free to add them.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL ONLY WORK if your partner reblogged their response without any XKit-Extension. Just a plain reblog.
457 notes · View notes
prayingforlove · 9 months
Hide Tumblr Live
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It looks like tumblr live was recently released outside the US so for anyone who doesn't want to deal with "snoozing" it every 7 days, you can permanently hide it from your dashboard with the Xkit Rewritten browser extension!
If you're not already using it, I highly suggest adding this as it makes the tumblr experience infinitely better and more customizable.
Mobile users I'm sorry, I've had updates turned off forever and never got the live update so you may still have to snooze it if live shows up there too. My condolences.
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