#tumblr fix
pixiel · 2 months
Dashboard Unfucker Alternative
With the death of Dashboard Unfucker I wanted to share the link to my alternative (I know Tumblr hates external links so I'm making a separate post to make sure this userstyle reaches as many people as possible) The post is pinned on my Tumblr & I'll include a link in a Reblog & Replies just in case to make sure people can find this post!
Thank you dragongirlsnout for all your work on Dashboard Unfucker it was amazing working towards the same goal of fixing this website with you! The fact that this site has treated its trans users like this is absolutely horrible. I know we affectionately call this website a Hellsite, but right now, it's honestly feeling less of a joke.
I will continue to update my Old Tumblr Dashboard Userstyle for the foreseeable future and if anyone has any issues with it my Messages and Replies are always open - I try to get back to people ASAP!
Right now, my Userstyle is compatible with Dashboard Unfucker and can be used in unison to keep access to the ability to change the Width and Content positioning that Dashboard Unfucker has, as well as other features. This compatibility might not last as Dashboard Unfucker slowly fades out... Dashboard Unfucker is now sadly dead, however, I am working on a bonus Userstyle to add content positioning/width - this is now in Alpha testing!
Check the replies for the Userstyle's tumblr post link!
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madamepestilence · 8 months
This is a very long post, so have a breaker so your feed isn't taken up by this every time it circulates
For uBlock Origin, please add:
! 2023-01-07 https://www.wsj.com www.wsj.com##.typography--serif--1CqEfjrc.WSJTheme-module--text--37ld_QSx.WSJTheme-module--block--15do2flR > p www.tumblr.com##[href="#managed-icon__shop"]:xpath(../../../../../../..) www.twitch.tv##.crbrgc.Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0 > div > .dVOhMf.InjectLayout-sc-1i43xsx-0 > div www.twitch.tv##div.Layout-sc-1xcs6mc-0.NAGjx.prime-offers__pill
! 2023-03-15 https://www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com##.grid-cols-12.grid.absolute.border-box.w-100 www.washingtonpost.com##.bg-white.hide-for-print.justify-center.flex.overflow-hidden.border-box.w-100.left-0.bottom-0.fixed www.washingtonpost.com##.regwall-overlay.bg-black.w-100.h-100.o-50.fixed.right-0.bottom-0
! 2023-03-20 https://rechneronline.de rechneronline.de##.needsclick
! 2023-03-27 https://www.pride.com www.pride.com##.footer.sticky
! 2023-04-27 https://www.scribd.com ||html.scribdassets.com/2wx8pty0w3zom45/images/2-92b2c586c4.jpg$image ||html.scribdassets.com/2wx8pty0w3zom45/images/2-92b2c586c4.jpg$image www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > div > .orientation_portrait.auto__doc_page_webpack_doc_page_blur_promo > .promo > .incentivized www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > div > .orientation_portrait.auto__doc_page_webpack_doc_page_blur_promo www.scribd.com###outer_page_2 > .newpage
! 2023-06-21 https://www.vaillant.co.uk www.vaillant.co.uk##.cmpwrapper
! 2023-06-23 https://www.monsterenergy.com www.monsterenergy.com##div.col-md-6.col-12:nth-of-type(2) www.monsterenergy.com##.cookie > .container > div.row > .col-12 > p www.monsterenergy.com##.cookie > .container > div.row www.monsterenergy.com##.cookie
! 2023-08-18 https://www.tumblr.com www.tumblr.com##.I6Lwl
! 2023-08-23 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.z1gt3 www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.ALnV7
! 2023-08-24 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.krYCqd
! 2023-08-27 https://gaming.stackexchange.com gaming.stackexchange.com##.js-consent-banner.r16.l16.b16.bar-lg.fc-white.bg-black-750.sm\:p16.p32.sm\:w-auto.ws4.z-nav-fixed.ps-fixed.ff-sans
! 2023-08-27 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.AQisZb
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)
youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)
youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])
youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)
! 2023-08-28 https://www.google.com www.google.com##.X6JNf.P0nekd.JXwM2.YB65ue.RnklC
! 2023-08-31 https://clutchpoints.com clutchpoints.com##._5kE-6aUK._9r0K-Oum clutchpoints.com##.aJVLc6uP clutchpoints.com##.fEy1Z2XT clutchpoints.com##.kA-dNZw.sc-aba21029-1 > .ceKKEJ.sc-d1ef8d9b-0 > .fNQrrB.sc-d1ef8d9b-1
! 2023-08-31 https://www.tumblr.com ||assets.tumblr.com/pop/src/components/one-piece/assets/toggle-dff697e4.png$image www.tumblr.com##div.MNkkC:nth-of-type(2) www.tumblr.com##.RAEnv ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image ||64.media.tumblr.com/eb3cc57ecea1ea4f54214a39526675ff/ea6c161a5fdfdce8-25/s512x512u_c1/0b98d9d20de62cdcb6798fd0c54a72ad8ebc7f01.pnj$image www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(2)
! 2023-09-01 https://www.tumblr.com www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(41) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(50) www.tumblr.com##div._f1es.rZlUD:nth-of-type(89) www.tumblr.com##.Gav7q www.tumblr.com##li.g8SYn.IYrO9:nth-of-type(4)
------ BREAKER ------
This removes many page blockers, as well as removing all the new stupid One Piece advertisements, and all iterations of Tumblr Live
For uBlacklist, please add:
://.quasi.market/* ://.portrait.vana.com/* ://.dreamup.com/* ://.picso.ai/* ://.artflow.ai/* ://.artbreeder.com/* ://.diffusion.land/* ://.neural.love/* ://.wombo.art/* ://.artroom.ai/* ://.daftart.ai/* ://.mage.space/* ://.aiartapps.com/* ://.openart.ai/* ://.clipdrop.co/* ://.lexica.art/* ://.diffusionbee.com/* ://.dreamlike.art/* ://.aipicasso.studio.site/* ://.nijijourney.com/* ://.davinciface.com/* ://.phraser.tech/* ://.superprompts.com/* ://.arthub.ai/* ://.instantart.io/* ://.ebsynth.com/* ://.imagineme.app/* ://.pixelz.ai/* ://.sketchpro.ai/* ://.libraire.ai/* ://.client.aigur.dev/* ://.background.lol/* ://.postalai.co/* ://.jounce.ai/* ://.prodia.com/* ://.deepanime.software/* ://.opendream.ai/* ://.baked-ai.com/* ://.background.zmo.ai/* ://.jeda.ai/* ://.appintro.ai/* ://.dreamboothr.com/* ://.gaigify.com/* ://.sketchar.io/* ://.sketch.metamolab.com/* ://.artifylabs.io/* ://.myprint.ai/* ://.patience.ai/* ://.wordspilot.com/* ://.chilloutai.xyz/* ://.generai.art/* ://.ai016.com/* ://.aiart.dev/* ://.roughly.app/* ://.thedreamkeeper.co/* ://.acrylic.typedream.app/* ://.kahma.io/* ://.mancoding.com/* ://.gencraft.com/* ://.replicate.com/* ://.aigallery.app/* ://.aimons.xyz/* ://.sketchingimage.ai/* ://.transpic.cn/* ://.sticky.cool/* ://.quickqr.art/* ://.dreamphillic.com/* ://.qrcraft.xyz/* ://.phillipstelzel.com//* ://.paintedsaintly.com/* ://.voidsynth.art/* ://.promptxart.com/* ://.aisixteen.com/* ://.spreadai.app/* ://.ai-concept.art/* ://.artguru.ai/* ://.barcode.so/* ://.artimator.io/* ://.artprint.co/* ://.partly.ai/* ://.dreamwalker.fun/* ://.imajinn.ai/* ://.aiart.fm/* ://.cheapnft.art/* ://.dreamup.ai/* ://.thepetpainting.com/* ://.irmoai.com/* ://.color-anything.com/* ://.aiart.limited/* ://.blimeycreate.com/* ://.artbot.ai/* ://.seek.art/* ://.portret.ai/* ://.artspark.io/* ://.artreviewgenerator.com/* ://.kiri.art/* ://.bdiscover.kakaobrain.com/* ://.yodayo.com/* ://.petalica.paint/* ://.ai-art.latitude.io/* ://.6open.art/* ://.pictureit.art/* ://.zazow.com/* ://.bloomoon.art/* ://.starryai.com/* ://.iliad.ai/* ://.waifulabs.com/* ://.scrum.co/* ://.giotto.streamlit.app/* ://.bashable.art/* ://.yoohoo.cards/* ://.astria.ai/* ://.civitai.com/* ://.iamfy.co/* ://.idesigns.shop/* ://.pixelicious.xyz/* ://.playarti.com/* ://.pixai.art/* ://.playgroundai.com/* ://.creator.nightcafe.studio/* ://.imagecreator.alkaidvision.com/* ://.midjourney.com/* ://.futurepedia.io/*
------ BREAKER ------
This is a list provided by another person which blocks every known Digital Hapsburg Engine ("AI art") website from your search engines
For XKit Rewritten, please use:
Tumblr media
the rest is up to you
328 notes · View notes
Late October 2023 YouTube Unfucker
First off, here's the typical code - it still works:
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) www.youtube.com##ytd-enforcement-message-view-model www.youtube.com##tp-yt-iron-overlay-backdrop
The most important parts are the last two lines.
Second, have you been locked out of videos? Did YouTube give you this window:
Tumblr media
and then replace your videos with a black rectangle?
Step 1: Disable pop-ups with the uBlock Origin menu - this will remove the black rectangle. Your videos will be revealed as unplayable 0 second videos - this can be fixed with
Step 2: Someone in a Discord I'm in dropped the simple hotfix of clearing your cache and deleting your YouTube and Google cookies - et voila, your videos work again!
While I don't know if it'll help, I would also recommend disabling your Watch History. Definite thing to do: DO NOT STACK AD BLOCKERS.
While uBO devs have to constantly reprogram their intended fix as YouTube updates to fight them 2+ times daily, they were absolutely correct in that using ad blockers on top of uBlock Origin actually helps YouTube detect them - it's safer and easier with just uBO at the moment.
Whenever uBO's intended fixes stop working (every day, for multiple hours a day), you'll find that your videos will randomly freeze despite these settings, and you'll be unable to scroll. For some reason, making the video fullscreen disables YT's javascript, and allows you to watch the video and scroll normally again.
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a-ffection · 9 months
What tf did tumblr do to messages. Why does it look like texting. I hate it. I liked seeing the avis, at least bring the avis back you monsters @staff
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thesilvercondor-main · 11 months
Tumblr’s ‘algorithm’ is trying to be an algorithm by getting rid of everyone you follow and replacing them with ‘recommended’ posts. (??? why)
Anyway, if you go to Settings -> Dashboard, you can turn off ‘Include Based Off Your Likes’, that solved the issue for me.
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discorporatedmess · 9 months
what is everyone using to fix the tumblr desktop?
I mostly use mobile now, and am on my computer and this sucks a lot
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cinnamonmagick · 11 months
Hey, I read your comment on the tumblr changes blog. Would you mind sharing the add-ons you use for this site? Right now I only have xkit rewritten.
Hi, sure! I'm on Firefox. I still use the old New XKit in addition to XKit Rewritten for the blacklist and some personal prefs, Stylebot mainly to center the dashboard and fix the notes/post footer and font colors, and Custom Scrollbars to fix the tiny unclickable scrollbar. And of course Ublock Origin to hide ads and useless flashy buttons (seriously, you can block virtually anything you don't want to see with the element picker).
The one for this latest passive-aggressive "improvement" is Redirect Link. If you configure it like so:
Tumblr media
you can use it to get to someone's actual blog. You still have to open the stupid pop-up, but at least you don't have to manually change the URL.
I'm actually right in the middle of trying to find an extra way around the pop-up, will update if I do.
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strawberryy-fields · 1 year
Hey Mobile Users!
Do you guys miss having your search button on mobile? Do you find it annoying that it got replaced with Tumblr live or whatever it is?
So did I, until I realized that you can get it back!
So they really tucked it away, but there’s a way to “snooze” tumblr live from within your dashboard preferences. It only does it for a week, but you can refresh it whenever it comes back to get rid of it again. Here’s the pathing to follow on mobile (with alt text):
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Basically, you just go through your settings until you find your dashboard preferences, and if you scroll down to the bottom there’s a toggle that snoozes Tumblr live for the next week.
When I noticed that tumblr live came back, I just untoggled and retoggled the button, and it turned off again! Just thought I would share for those that don’t know.
Have fun searching again! <3
(Also I haven’t tested this for desktop bc I don’t use desktop very often, hopefully it works to serve a similar purpose there!)
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Script for removing borders from note count
I hate this new ui update, so i created the tampermonkey script to fix it. (code is quick and dirty, i dunno if it'll work smoothly on all devices, but it works for me, so...) https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/466157-remove-tumblr-notecount-borders
Tumblr media
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dee-the-red-witch · 1 month
Tumblr media
Oh look, just as fast and dirty as any other April 1st gag bit. Matt, Staff, Automattic, etc, FIX YOUR HEARTS. And do some work on the real problem on here.
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r0semultiverse · 23 days
Okay so seemingly to add pictures to posts on mobile & have it show up in the tags I have to
Save as draft multiple times while adding stuff like tags & text a few different times until the post is done. Saving as draft each time I add some text or tags throughout that way the app can check it or whatever I guess.
Have my blog be on the page I’m going to post to & same with my notifications.
Then add the image right after posting publicly in the form of a screenshot. Built-in gif search gifs don’t mess anything up though somehow.
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when-sanpape-arts · 2 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
some dunmeshi restaurant au doodles
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relaxxattack · 10 months
for a while there i was sympathetic to tumblr because of how much they’re in debt; i was kind of like “well of course they’re absolutely desperate for new users, they literally need the money or else tumblr goes down forever”. and then suddenly today it hit me that there’s actually no fucking reason for that debt to be causing these ui changes? the userbase has been INCREDIBLY clear about what they want from tumblr over the years, not to mention clear about the fact that even twitter people don’t need this place to look like twitter. it actually would be very… EASY? for them to just make changes in a direction people would actually be HAPPY with?
for fuck’s sake there were people trying to organize a “crab day” for tumblr despite tumblr doing nothing but telling us to go fuck ourselves for months on end. there were people spending hundreds of dollars on check marks just for the glee of MAKING FUN of twitter. can you IMAGINE how much money this userbase would donate to tumblr if they actually made ui updates geared toward what people have been asking for?
if tumblr actually crowdsourced ideas or even just LISTENED to their userbase it may have been possible for them to make way more money than they’re begging for now, they just insist on trying to drive their actual demographic and loyal userbase out for literally no reason
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New TumblrMart Override
www.tumblr.com##.ZQMrc > .g8SYn.IYrO9[title="TumblrMart"]
This will block the current iteration of TumblrMart
As a bonus, have a fix that removes YouTube's anti-adblocker menu
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) www.youtube.com##ytd-enforcement-message-view-model www.youtube.com##tp-yt-iron-overlay-backdrop
What this does is, in order, removes YouTube's anti-adblock pop-up message, tells YouTube that no adblocker was located, tells YouTube that ads are still on the page, tells YouTube your browser has allowed ads, removes their anti-adblock bypass detection anti-adblock window, and then removes the aptly named "Iron Overlay" preventing you from interacting with the page, which sounds very reminiscent of Iron Curtain or Iron Fist. Poorly chosen name.
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thisnoah · 26 days
Tumblr media
"You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate"
[Too Sweet by Hozier]
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evilreligion · 5 months
Tumblr media
do you think she remembers him
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