#xombie boy
doodlesandbooks · 5 months
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In a better world where zombie Xenolear is recruitable.
Design notes below
I thought since the xenologue world was opposite, I wanted to add some difference somniel outfits, so made his silver rather than gold. I also gave him Lumera and Sombron's colour pallet since I think it looks neat.
(also in world explanation, Nel corrupted and revived him, and Veyle, Nel, and Nil keep pouring their power into him to keep him alive, so his hair turned half Sombron coloured.)
I think at some point in this AU there would be an emblem bracelet's miracle that sorts him out and revives him, but I thought it would be kind of cute to have a sort of falling apart corpse boy hanging out with everyone else.
Also I gave him paler eyes because I thought they looked cute and creepy :D
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checkpointgaming · 1 year
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A story in 4 parts
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samuraiko · 1 year
Our boy looking FINE AF tonight...
(And those priorities involve utterly wrecking the concentration of @liamobrienlove, @xombigirl, @formulares, and @confringo-...)
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I leave getting all those glorious arms shots to Xombigirl, she's much better at it than I am. (Yes, Xombi, there are several in this episode for you to savor.)
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djzibaz · 8 months
Ep. 117 Channel Z
Pinback - Tres
Moving Units - Melodrama
Grandaddy - I’m on Standby
Ladytron - Black Cat
Numbers - Insomnia
Reverend Horton Heat - In Your Wildest Dreams
Mates of State - Tan/Black
Rilo Kiley - The Frug
Hey Mercedes - Our Weekend Starts on Wednesday
Enon - Monsoon
Bad Dudes - Xombie
Reggie and the Full Effect - Fought and Won One
Rainer Maria - Ears Ring
Broadcast - Hawk
Cat Power - Willie
Khruangbin - The Recital That Never Happened
Post Life - Post Life
Choir Boy - Eat The Frog
Erlend Oye - Friends and Lovers
Boy Pablo - I'm Really Tired This Day Sucks
At The Drive In - Call Broken Arrow
The Vanishing - Still Lifes
The Sea and Cake - Two Dolphins
Stereolab - Cybele's Reverie
Blonde Redhead - Melody (French Version)
American Football - I'll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional
ADULT. - Glue Your Eyelids Together
Erase Errata - Winter Turns Into Spring
Friction - Auburn
Kara's Flowers - Soap Disco
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yoongi-sugaglider · 2 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count:2166
Part 18 ===Part 19 ===Part 20
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The kitchen erupted into a surge of chaos at the sound of Jin’s voice. I’d rerouted the audio to my cell phone, which Taehyung had rigged long ago to double as a receiver so we could communicate during missions and various outings.
It was a chorus of shouts and sobbing as the boys scrambled to be heard over each other by their elder.
“How did you survive?”
“What the fuck happened?”
“Where are you now?”
“Are you hurt?”
“I saw you get shot, what the hell?!”
Even Yoongi seemed shaken, which was hard considering.
That windshield wiper laugh sounded through the receiver and I crumpled to the floor, sobbing with relief as I clutched the phone to my chest.
“Aww, come on now boys, look what you did to her.” Even at a distance and fresh from the grave he still managed to find a way to scold his younger brothers.
Jungkook helped me to my feet and I placed  the phone on the counter, angling it so that everyone could hear and be heard before burying myself into the crook of his arm.
“Hyung, seriously, how did you manage to survive that shot?” Jimin squatted down at the counter across from me, arms crossed on the metal surface so he could rest his chin on them and still be able to see the phone.
“Same way Hoseok did. We had our vests on.”
This sent another wave of relief and cheering through the group. Even Jeanette and Rose were sobbing off to the side when they heard Hobi’s cheerful hello on the other end of the line.
“Fuck sake man!” Namjoon sniffled as Taehyung wiped his nose on his shoulder. “You both had us half way to grieving over you.”
“Seriously though, what exactly happened?” Junkgook demanded, though he couldn’t hide the tears that clung to the back of his own throat.
And so Seokjin filled us in.
After he’d been shot and Jeanette and Yoongi had been taken away, he’d played dead for a bit. Long enough to watch as the helicopters took off without him.
He’d made his way to the front of the house, almost losing it when he spotted Hobi’s unmoving form on the ground. He’d quickly realized though that the blow back of all those shots had simply rendered the bodyguard unconscious. The bulletproof vest had done its job perfectly.
“We had him checked out, nothing broken, but the ceramic plates in his jacket and vest are fully toast.”
“What do you mean...we?” Namjoon interrupted. His curiosity caused his voice to crack slightly as he spoke, eliciting a snicker from the others.
“Well, you see…”
Jin was interrupted by a voice that had my blood running cold.
“They had a little help from a friend.”
“Eun Kwang!”
A chorus of voices rang out, drawing the attention of several nearby civilians. I smiled at them sheepishly, to which most shrugged and ignored us, though a few seemed to now have at least half an ear turned in our direction. It didn’t matter though, I had more important and pressing matters to attend to.
“You skeevy bastard what the hell?!” Jungkook was nearly purple with rage and I could tell he was on his way to saying something stupid.
I stepped in, touching his arm and gently taking the phone to redirect his attention.
“Easy there killer, not the place or time for all this.” I smiled softly to him, handing the phone over to Namjoon and placing a hand on Jungkook’s cheek.
“Let’s have Namjoon find out what happened. There’s too many people around to have you going full mafia boss rage mode.” 
He snorted, though the sound was not one of amusement and we turned our attention to the ongoing conversation.
“We were on our way over to negotiate a peace treaty to be frankly honest.” Eun Kwang’s tone was mocking to say the least, I could almost hear the sneer in his voice.
“Hyun sik heard the chopper first so we hid until the shots died out and the bird took off again. Found your boys barely breathin’ when we managed to get there. Don’t worry though little dongsaeng, we made real sure to secure your property, get everything valuable to a nice an  safe place.”
“Mother f…” Jungkook inhaled. I could feel the rising tension in his form, the muscles in his arms writhing beneath my fingertips as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
“Boss?” Namjoon whispered, eyes scanning his younger brother’s face as his brows creased with concern.
“What do you want Eun Kwang…” Jungkook asked, words clipped as he struggled to keep his temper under control.
“Well, I know you and your crew are in a bit of a bind. Trapped on that American base with no way out and surrounded by rabid bodies? Not a good look man.”
“I’ll help you escape, sure. But on one condition.”
Jungkook growled, throwing his hands up in the air and turning away with a huff.
“Of course there’s a fucking catchin!” He slammed his fist on the counter, causing Jeanette to yelp from the corner. I sent her a half hearted and apologetic smile.
“What do you want Eun Kwang?” I muttered into the phone when I took it from Joon.
“I want Daegu.”
“If I send my crew out there, I’m risking their lives to get you out. I need to know that the risk is worth the reward. Daegu is my reward.”
“But Eun…”
“Yes yes, I know. How is that going to work if you all are still in Daegu when this is all over? Simple. I want you all gone. I don’t care where you go or what you do. But Daegu is mine.”
Namjoon stepped up, waving for me to hand him the phone again. I obliged, passing it over and turning to watch Jungkook as he began pacing again.
“Why not just leave us here then? Why not just let the Americans deal with us or kill us or whatever it is they have planned for us?”
“Because if anyone’s gonna kill Jungkook, it’s gonna be me. You damn well best believe I’m not letting any other mother fucker have that satisfaction.”
Our conversation was suddenly interrupted by a commotion at the kitchen door. I grabbed the phone quickly, lowering the audio volume as much as possible while shushing the men on the other end of the line.
“We’ve got company.” I muttered, hoping that whatever this could be, it wouldn’t spell disaster for our escape plans.
“Daddy!” The shout echoed across the kitchen as several soldiers walked in, startling us to no end as one of the nearby children rushed over and nearly tackled one of the soldiers to the ground.
The sight would have been heartwarming if not for the fact that as soon as the two hugged it out the young boy began whispering to his father while pointing back at us several times.
“Fuck…” Jungkook grumbled. Apparently he’d been watching the exchange as well.
“There’s nothing we can do about it now Boss.” Namjoon moved to block our sight of the two, pulling our attention back to him as he shoved his hands in his pocket.
“If we draw attention to it now they’ll know or at least suspect that something’s up. Just watch and wait for now, see where this takes us.”
It didn’t take long for the commotion to become organized.
The group was divided into two lines, children at the front and adults split into two groups that were led out into the darkness of the bowling alley.
After hurriedly ending the call and shoving the phone in my pocket I joined the groups. Half of us were led to the front of the building, Rose, Jeanette, and myself included, while the others were instructed to stay put.
“They’re taking us to the bathrooms.” The little girl that had taken a liking to Namjoon and Jeanette whispered up to me.
I smiled down at her gratefully, heat rising to my cheeks when she slipped her tiny hand in mine and squeezed it tightly.
“I wish they would take us more often, but Mommy said they do it so that the ones with guns can keep us safe from the monsters.” She glanced toward the front door, eyes wide as her gaze darted across the dusky twilight of the sky.
I squeezed her hand, bringing her attention back to me so I could shoot her a reassuring grin.
“It’s brave of them to want to protect us, don’t you think?” I asked as we made our way into the imposing darkness of the women’s bathroom. A few of the sinks had lanterns on them, but it really did little to dispel the gloom that prevailed in the entirety of the large space.
“Well...I guess it’s brave. But really they’re just pretending. Grown-ups do that a lot.” She shrugged, letting go of my hand and making her way to one of the toilet stalls.
I wondered at her words as I did the same, finishing my business as quickly as possible so I could spend a moment or two longer at the sink.
I glanced to the side after finishing with my face, smiling and letting out a small chuckle that echoed slightly when the little girl had reappeared beside me with Jeanette, Rose, and her mother in tow.
Reaching her hand out once more she quickly pulled me into the group, giggling the whole way back to the kitchen at the new friends she’d made for herself.
When we got back I broke away from the others, making my way over to Jungkook who’s eyes were on the dad and son duo we’d been watching earlier. He frowned when the adult glanced our way, his fist clenching at his side when the man began walking over.
“Kookie, you’re gonna end up with arthritis if this keeps up.”
He glanced down at me, face full of confusion as I wrapped my hand around his fist and brought it up to gently brush my lips over the knuckles. “Relax baby. I know this is tough but please, ease up on yourself.”
I wasn’t even sure if my words registered in his mind as the man in uniform stopped before us, hand on the holster at his hip as he sized us up.
“My son tells me you all have a plan?” His clipped Korean sounded foreign on his tongue, though the pronunciation was immaculate.
“Couldn’t possibly begin to know what you mean, Sir.” I replied, giving him my most charming smile possibly.
“Mmm, no I get it. With everything going on, what reason do you have to trust me?” He shrugged, leaning his hip against the counter and finally moving his hand away from his holster to cross his arms over his chest.
I tilted my head, smile still in place as I attempted to sooth the seething beast that was Jungkook by tracing my fingers over the bulging muscles in his forearms. 
“We weren’t exactly given a choice to leave our home, safe as it was and out of the way of the chaos. Two of our family members were shot and killed, and by YOUR people at that.” I shook my head, eyes brimming with tears to emphasize the point.
The soldier sighed, nodding and frowning as he turned to look out at the group of civilians loitering around the spacious kitchen. “Sad fact is, people tend to do stupid shit when they think they’re saving people. Get high and mighty in their authority and think they’ve become god when they’re the ones holding the guns.”
I hummed in thought, curling my fingers over Jungkook’s knuckles and placing just enough pressure to encourage him to loosen his fingers so that I could slip my hand into his.
“Seems that’s a universal fit. People with authority want to keep their authority, no matter who or what gets in their way.”
The soldier pursed his lips, eyes finding the young boy who’d called him Daddy earlier. He was now playing with the young girl and Namjoon, smiles bright as he told them one of his many stories while balancing each of them on either of his knees. The man was good with kids, there was no doubt about that.
“I’ve seen the type of people my so called superiors are. The way they run things around here? I’d rather have my kid out there on the streets than have them in this dingy ass kitchen until whatever’s left of the world's governments decides to figure their shits out.” He turned back to use, face determined for a moment before softening into a look of sad resignation.
“Look, whatever it is you and your people are planning, me and mine are in. Just say the word and we got your back, there’s more of us than them. In the end you can’t lose.”
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figwhine · 6 years
why is the 8th season of twd so bad????? every episode consists of 2 minutes shitty fighting and the rest is just motivational speeches that nobody asked for and really awful cinematography to make up for lack of good screenwriting lol
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solipseismic · 4 years
lol not to get all wild or anything but like what if dc / marvel / media based on books chose to uplift and portray heroes / characters that were originally BIPOC instead of just casting previously white heroes as BIPOC. lmao. like poc black canary is cool but u know what i would go BUCK FUCKING WILD FOR? a fucking cass cain movie. xombi. silk. judomaster. black lightning. kaldur’ahm. a properly mediterranean donna troy. romani dick grayson. duke. female dr light. MARTIAN FUCKING MANHUNTER. CYBORG. JEWISH HAL JORDAN. JOHN GODDAMN STEWART. JESSICA CRUZ. JAIME REYES. like yeah it’s nice that for once ppl are getting representation but man!! wouldn’t it be cool!! if we got actually BIPOC heroes!! and not some white fucking director dude going ‘”we can make [this formerly white character] BIPOC but not actually talk about their culture or the connotations this would mean about the character. yeah we can make this character BIPOC but we won’t talk about their culture or background. minorities can have a little representation. as a treat.” 
don’t get me wrong. i love that we get (some) representation. but i wanna see characters that have been minority from the start. i want them written by people who know what it’s like to be a minority. i don’t want a random formerly white character written by some pissboy white c*shet greasy soft boy who’s only doing this for the tokenization. 
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anti-tony-god · 5 years
First part is just a couple of dos and don’ts that you can get into anytime since you’re probably all tuckered out from my long ass post before this. Bottom has the list of Asian characters.
First order of business: https://acapelladitty.tumblr.com/post/186500766628 be prepared to do some extreme blocking if you go into the batfam tag or follow their blogs. DC is retconned a lot, it’s almost not worth it to find out what the heck is going on. No matter what people say, don’t read RHATO (Jason has the *goes to mystical Asian place and is the chosen one* trope in *both* versions). Superman is boring (and loves the military) and so is Batman except Batman sucks too and is a bitch and an asshole and a creep and a bitch, Justice league is only not boring when Dr. Light and Vixen are there, at least to me. Dc Bombshells is legit how I found out I was bisexual, if you do it skip annual (bombshells is my favorite comic out of all of dc)
No one buys diversity, so diversity is not made. You’ll have to go to the 90s for that most of the time, at least if you want a main PoC character. Avoid new 52 (“is it that bad?” Go into the anti new 52 tag. Hard mode: find a character that isn’t being complained about.) Avoid Heroes in Crisis, even if your new fave is in it. I also think rebirth (current reboot) is bad but that’s up for debate I only read old shit and the rare good modern ones
YJ is cute! So is Teen Titans (older). I love Renee Montoya as The Question, you should check her out. There’s a Shazam comic, since you liked the movie. theres also Legion of Super-Heroes, wonder twins, and Batman beyond. I’m just listing them for options, if there’s any I say “go for first” it’s Blue Beetle 2011(Jaime is baby), or Birds of Prey 1999 (Oracle, Black Canary, and more)
Robin: Son of Batman is great, and so is Agent 37. A lot of people love Dick Grayson! He’s fun but remember: he’s Romani just white passing like Wanda & Pietro don’t let anyone tell you different. Vixen (sexi animal wife), black lightning, hellblazer (magic man), midnighter (gay Batman), poison ivy (plant babe), firestorm (jock & nerd), supergirl, green lanterns (Jessica & Simon are the dream team), and nightwing are great. If any of these pique your interest just ask about them and I’ll give you info n send a rec list.
I started out making a list of just Asians since there were no ethnicities listed in the thing I found, then I found a list of Asian superheroes by ethnicity on wiki & decided I’m not going to erase Grace Choi, Sin Lance, or Kimiyo Hoshi because that would be a sin, so I hope you don’t mind ://
Chinese: Batman, Superman, Flash, and wonderwoman (etc) of China, (I love Flash! Her name is Avery Ho), Grace Choi (asian amazon, big bicep bisexual, cute character), Dragonmage, Claw, Gloss, Great Ten (group), Jade Yifei, Jong Li, Kai-Ro, Cass Cain (my precious child Ms. Asskicker), Lady Shiva (LADY Asskicker literally all she wants to do is kick ass), Thunderlord, Wing, Sin Lance (MY BABY!!!!!)
Hong Kong: Ryan Choi (genius baby boi), Grunge, Striker Z,
Japanese: Blitzen, Bushido, Eiko Hasigawa (catwoman!!!!), Fuji, Kimiyo Hoshi (my wife Dr. Sassmaster), Katanna (sword lady!), Kayo, Kunoichi, Naiad (water lady), Ram, Rising Sun, Sunburst, Tsunami (and therefore her daughter, deep blue), Shado (woman Connor kissed), Emiko (Shado’s daughter & Connor’s AUNT), Sonia Sato (might check her out), Jiro Osamu (Japanese Batman)
Indian: Aruna, Jinx, Maya (!!!), Rama, Solstice (also baby!!)
Cambodian: Kevin Kho, Lilian Worth (and therefore her daughter, Rose Wilson)
Vietnamese. Artemis Crock, Cheshire (and therefore her daughter, Lian Harper who is A BABY!!!!!!)
Middle East: Nightrunner (French batman), Simon Baz (baby!!), Damian Wayne (bratty baby), Talia al-Ghul (did nothing wrong), Ra’s al-Ghul (did everything wrong), Taleb Beni Khalid, Super-Shayk, Seraph, Sandstorm, Osiris, III and I, Naïf al-Sheikh, Isis, Mohammed Ibn Bornu, Iron Butterfly, Ibis the invincible, archer of Arabia (Arab green arrow), Gim Alloy, Black Adam, Khalid Ben-Hassin and Khalid Nassour, and… Nightwing? Says he’s Iranian but he’s Romani???????? Idk they switch things around sometimes.
And last but not least Korean: :)
Connor Hawke (aaa!!! Babe!!!) Ahn Kwang-Jo Linda Park (and therefore her children, Jai and Irey West, I love them!!) Mystek Element Woman/Emily Sung Lucien Gates Xombi Ballistic
Some of these are super old or are only in like 1 thing I tried to avoid the racist ones but I don’t know all of them :/
Not sure: Eugene Choi, I looked it up and Choi is a Korean surname. I don’t read Shazam so I don’t know but the older actor is Chinese-Malaysian and the younger one is Taiwanese Gehenna Traci 13, never stated (she looks cool I’m gonna check her out too)
Anyway read DC Bombshells except skip annual (the only complaint I found was someone going “uhhhh lesbians didn’t exist then uhhhh not enough straighties” so I’m gong to hate-reread ITS SO GREAT)
Thank you sm!!! I’ll save this for later! 
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Just the summer (or maybe infinity)
by xombie
After Oliver's passing, Langa and Nanako head to Okinawa for a change of pace where Langa meets a cute redhead and starts a very confusing relationship
Words: 5137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hasegawa Langa, Hasegawa Nanako, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Kyan Reki, Kyan Reki's Family, Chinen Miya, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Relationships: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Kissing, Idiots in Love, Boys Kissing, Hasegawa Langa In Love, Pining Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki Loves Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki is a Ray of Sunshine, Hurt Kyan Reki, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Hasegawa Langa
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41719401
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xyrgravez · 6 years
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The secret insanity I kept inside is building/ Taking control of me from the nucleus/ Trapped inside of my body, no longer able to fight feelings/ Expressions of concentrated darkness, image of a villain/ I feel like a hurt little boy, without being offered kisses/ Broken promises, disappointed while frustrated/ Realizing its pointless to make wishes/ I need my parents.. My nurturer and my guardian angel/ My earthly parents failed me when they've failed themselves/ Who could be there for me when I really needed there help? / Now I'm doubting raising a child myself/ #PharaohXyr #XZSM #XombiMob #Xombi #poetry #poem #mentalhealth #pain #love #life #real #spirituality #spiritual #human #zombie #help #helpme #struggling #crymyselftosleep #conscious #consciousness #witch #witches #magick #magic #man #men https://www.instagram.com/p/BnL8NjEg3kY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nzvvat70mspg
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kraffblr · 7 years
24.04.2017 - Say Nothing - Mode FM by Say Nothing Tracklist: DJ Smokey - Xamilton Bodeine Xombies Future - Keep Quiet Spaceghostpurrp - Grind On Me Sire - Don't Make Me Spaceghostpurrp - Know Bout Me Future - Might As Well DJ Smokey - Kill At Will Guccin Mane ft Jadakiss, Fetty Wap - Young Niggas KXVU - Rafiki (20-4 Remix) Daffy - Cold Steel Kotei - Grill Future - POA Rude Kid - Fabric W.A.V.E - Vital Elements (Luciferian Remix) Choppa Skeng - Retro Gunman SPitz ft Mic Ty, PK - No Ratings Rebore - Rebore Riddim Choppa Skeng - **** **** 2 Chainz - Ghetto Jakebob - Behave Baytrilla ft Flirta D - Massive Irie Aranha - The End Manga & P Money, Jamakabi - Slew Invader Spade - Zim Particle - Mob Rule Mr Krabs - Smoke In Da Air MJK - Ice Angel Ruff Sqwad - R U Double F Kamikaze - Ghetto Kyote (Polonis Remix 2) Sir Hiss - Lovesick Kotei & Beanzo - Grade Choppa Skeng - **** **** Lolingo - Lazuli Future - Mask Off Eva808 - Sith Lord 20-4 & Swedger - Sega Solemn - Smile Of An Angel 3M - Glass Veils College Hill - Blacked (140 Mix) Darko - Black Rose (LTHL Remix) Luciferian - Content MJK - Bongo Vs Gunman 2 Wiley - What A Cheek MJK - The Boy Is Mine Gundam - 21 Questions (Wotsit Refix) Wotsit Refix Dat 22 Savage - Hit That 22 Filthy Gears - The Marsh ILoveMakonnen - Want You Eva808 - A Milli Jook - Shard Riddim 20-4 - Toxic Refix Darq E Freaker x Waka - Cherry Paint Chop Aranha - Hootie Mcboob Logos - Marked 4 Death Gunman Rebore - Rebore Straights Bok Bok - Silo Pass (Jook Edit) Migos - T Shirt Baytrilla - Subcoat Warrior Glacci - Broken Ecstacy Manga & JME, Prez T - Big 45 Remix CREEP N00M - Squad Gang Migos - Get Right Witcha Drone - Starlight Piezo - Happy Blue Hickery & Kotei - YoYo Core ft Riko - The King Widowmaker - Cell Core - Counteract Emalkay - Bats In The Belfry Jamakabi - Scorpion Freestyle 20-4 x Drax - Square Root Biggaman - Spin Man Choppa Skeng - Wifey 4 Lifey Blay - Skeng (Wotsit Edit) Dead Players - Yeah (Wotsit Edit) Usher - Remind Me RNG Refix Dat Scruloose - Have Fun Gundam - Enlightenment Glacci - Firebrick VIP
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ao3feed-renga · 2 years
Just the summer (or maybe infinity)
Just the summer (or maybe infinity)
by xombie
After Oliver's passing, Langa and Nanako head to Okinawa for a change of pace where Langa meets a cute redhead and starts a very confusing relationship
Words: 5137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hasegawa Langa, Hasegawa Nanako, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Kyan Reki, Kyan Reki's Family, Chinen Miya, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Relationships: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Kissing, Idiots in Love, Boys Kissing, Hasegawa Langa In Love, Pining Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki Loves Hasegawa Langa, Kyan Reki is a Ray of Sunshine, Hurt Kyan Reki, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Hasegawa Langa
From https://ift.tt/ub2Fp4j https://archiveofourown.org/works/41719401
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kraffblr · 7 years
24.04.2017 - Say Nothing - Mode FM by Say Nothing Tracklist: DJ Smokey - Xamilton Bodeine Xombies Future - Keep Quiet Spaceghostpurrp - Grind On Me Sire - Don't Make Me Spaceghostpurrp - Know Bout Me Future - Might As Well DJ Smokey - Kill At Will Guccin Mane ft Jadakiss, Fetty Wap - Young Niggas KXVU - Rafiki (20-4 Remix) Daffy - Cold Steel Kotei - Grill Future - POA Rude Kid - Fabric W.A.V.E - Vital Elements (Luciferian Remix) Choppa Skeng - Retro Gunman SPitz ft Mic Ty, PK - No Ratings Rebore - Rebore Riddim Choppa Skeng - **** **** 2 Chainz - Ghetto Jakebob - Behave Baytrilla ft Flirta D - Massive Irie Aranha - The End Manga & P Money, Jamakabi - Slew Invader Spade - Zim Particle - Mob Rule Mr Krabs - Smoke In Da Air MJK - Ice Angel Ruff Sqwad - R U Double F Kamikaze - Ghetto Kyote (Polonis Remix 2) Sir Hiss - Lovesick Kotei & Beanzo - Grade Choppa Skeng - **** **** Lolingo - Lazuli Future - Mask Off Eva808 - Sith Lord 20-4 & Swedger - Sega Solemn - Smile Of An Angel 3M - Glass Veils College Hill - Blacked (140 Mix) Darko - Black Rose (LTHL Remix) Luciferian - Content MJK - Bongo Vs Gunman 2 Wiley - What A Cheek MJK - The Boy Is Mine Gundam - 21 Questions (Wotsit Refix) Wotsit Refix Dat 22 Savage - Hit That 22 Filthy Gears - The Marsh ILoveMakonnen - Want You Eva808 - A Milli Jook - Shard Riddim 20-4 - Toxic Refix Darq E Freaker x Waka - Cherry Paint Chop Aranha - Hootie Mcboob Logos - Marked 4 Death Gunman Rebore - Rebore Straights Bok Bok - Silo Pass (Jook Edit) Migos - T Shirt Baytrilla - Subcoat Warrior Glacci - Broken Ecstacy Manga & JME, Prez T - Big 45 Remix CREEP N00M - Squad Gang Migos - Get Right Witcha Drone - Starlight Piezo - Happy Blue Hickery & Kotei - YoYo Core ft Riko - The King Widowmaker - Cell Core - Counteract Emalkay - Bats In The Belfry Jamakabi - Scorpion Freestyle 20-4 x Drax - Square Root Biggaman - Spin Man Choppa Skeng - Wifey 4 Lifey Blay - Skeng (Wotsit Edit) Dead Players - Yeah (Wotsit Edit) Usher - Remind Me RNG Refix Dat Scruloose - Have Fun Gundam - Enlightenment Glacci - Firebrick VIP
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