#y’all look past susan
mrm0rgansw0man · 4 months
no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her
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arthur morgan knew he was the type of man that shouldn’t risk falling in love, but jesus she just made it so hard NOT to
a/n: first fic!! inspired by work song by hozier lol. hope y’all enjoy it Xx 💗
re-uploading this fic on my new account because im planning on making a second part of it! should be out soon :) Xx
‘Arthur Morgan, you fool’ He thought to himself, mentally swearing for catching himself staring at their camps newest member yet again. But he just couldn’t help it. He knew he shouldn’t indulge in this. It was stupid really, any attempt at love in the past had failed him. All because of this life he chose to live. One that wasn’t easy to leave behind. Though Arthur knew, if you asked him to he’d throw it all away. God this man would do anything for you, he practically worshiped the ground you walked on. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by you, maybe it was your honey sweet voice, or the kindness you showed him right from your first day of knowing him. He couldn’t stop himself from loving every little thing about you, to him you were perfect. A goddamned goddess. He thought you deserved someone better than him. A woman such as yourself deserved to live a good life, one where the law isn’t out to get you. One where people could be out to hurt you because of your husband’s line of work. You deserved to feel safe and secure in your life. Nothing like the chaos you were living through now.
Little did Arthur know, you were feeling the exact same way about him. You had deep feelings for Arthur Morgan, you were as sweet like sugar on that man. You loved everything about him, but most of all how he treated you. He made 100% sure you felt safe and were taken care of all the time. You were one of the first people he’d check up on when returning from a job. Or you mentioned something you needed and the next day he would just so happen to need to run to town and what do you know, the exact scarf, seasoning, hair ribbon, you name it would be included in his haul. And if he was around at meal times, he would not so subtly make sure you got your portion. All of this and yet, he rarely said a word to you. It confused you to no end, it felt like he cared about you deeply but he rarely paid any attention to you. You were a lost soul before you started riding with the Van Der Lindes, and because of the Blackwater situation it was hard for the gang to let in a new mouth to feed. But ever since the beginning Arthur made you feel so welcomed. You don’t know what you did do deserve his kindness but it was deeply appreciated. Mary-Beth was CONVINCED Arthur was sweet on you, so we’re Tilly, Molly, Abigail, Karen, goodness even Susan Grimahaw herself made a comment about it you once. You wanted to believe it so badly, but he didn’t talk to you!! He could just be a kind man of little words and you’re reading into the situation all wrong.
‘Oh well…’ You thought with a sigh, flicking your eyes up from the needle work you had long been neglecting because of your thinking. To your surprise, you found a pair of beautiful blue eyes already looking in your direction…
“Shit!” Arthur swore under his breath, god dammit you were still as a staute for ages before this why’d you have to look up now?? Arthur begrudgingly tore my eyes away from t and started walking to his horse- where he was supposed to be already. Hosea wanted to take him into town for some reason he had yet to say.
“Arthur!” Hosea said warmly. He then raised an eyebrow. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting here?”
‘Oh I this is NOT goin’ there.’ Arthur thought.
“Course not.” He said flatly. Hosea smiled a knowing smile, before long they mounted thier horses and were off.
The ride to Valentine was thankfully silent and quick. But Arthur knew that was going to change as soon as Hosea informed him that he was taking Arthur to the saloon to “Chat over a drink” With such a grin on his face that Arthur knew he was nothing short of doomed.
After getting situated at the bar with a neat whiskey and a beer, Hosea start talking to Arthur, though it felt more like he was speaking AT at him. Making little remarks about love and what it does for people. Sharing little stories of “the joys of marriage.” …..very sneaky, Hosea.
“Hosea…. Please get to whatever point it is yer tryin’ to make here.” Arthur said, cutting into his rambling.
“Arthur….” He cooed, sounding like he was talking to some schoolyard boy. “I’ve been watching you pine over (Name) for MONTHS.”
Arthur said nothing. Nothing but a silent prayer that his cheeks weren’t burning a fiery shade of red.
“I know you’re sweet on her, it’s as obvious as a wolf standing in a pack of sheep!”
Arthur ran a hand over my face and let out a tired sigh. Hosea sipped his beer, waiting for him to respond.
“What ‘m I supposed’t say?” Arthur grumbled, crossing his arms over my chest. ‘God, what a pathetic fool I am.’ Arthur thought. “Not like she’d want an ugly bastard like me ‘nyway.”
“On the contrary! Hosea chuckles. “I was walking by the women’s tent last nigh- couldn’t sleep. Wanted to walk a bit to clear my head- and my boy you should’ve heard the things (Name) was saying about you!”
At that, Arthur sat up a little straighter. “What things…?” He asked, slightly wearily. Hosea smiled.
“Son, she’s fallen for you head first! If only you’d start speaking more then 2 words a week to her! You do so much for that girl Arthur, would it be so hard to do that too?”
He didn’t say anything. Learning that, by some fucking MIRACLE- the woman of his dreams has fallen for him was making his head spin. Could this really be happening?? Could this work?? A stab of pain shot through him as he remembered Mary, and how things ended with her. But this could be different, after all you were with the gang. You didn’t care about his life, you loved him despite it all…Arthur hadn’t dared let himself think that a love with you could possibly work out. The thought made him giddy. He felt dumb as rocks, feeling so strongly for you without ever saying a damn word to you. But he couldn’t let himself get to know you- he couldn’t bare to hear your silky voice say his name more then you already do. With such kindness, such love.He wanted to talk to you, to love you, to cherish you and worship you like you deserved to be, but-
“Hosea, I’m afraid.” Arthur said quietly. “Look at ‘er, I can’t drag this woman down the path I’m on. She doesn’t deserve a man like me.”
Hosea pushed Arthur’s untouched whiskey towards him, Arthur took the glass and downed it all in one go. He listened to Hosea’a next words at the fiery liquid settled in his stomach.
“Are you going to risk making that decision for her?”
You sat on the cold ground in front of the dying out campfire, grateful that everyone had fallen into their cots for the night. You loved the solitude of nighttime. It was so nice to be by yourself, enjoying the quiet peace of the stars above you.
Before long, your thoughts (as they always did) turned to Arthur Morgan. Hosea has returned to camp hours ago, telling you that Arthur should be back shortly. It’s been hours and still no sign of him. You knew it was normal, but you couldn’t help but worry while he was out of camp. Which was stupid really, you weren’t his girl. Just because he was kind didn’t mean you had to get your knickers all on a twist over him.
‘Damn your mysterious-ness Arthur Morgan….’
You only know you dozed off when the familiar sound of a horse whining woke you up. And then an even more familiar voice soothing the distressed animal.
“Easy girl…. Y’know I can’t spend all my time with ya’ don’t you?”
You stretched your arms out and listened to the sweet interaction. Despite him being the gang’s toughest enforcer, a wanted dead or alive outlaw, Arthur truly was a sweetheart. He treated all the women of the camp with the utmost respect and was such a help to any soul in need of. If only he knew how badly you needed him.
You from your spot on the ground, drawing the outlaws attention. He approached with a small smile.
“Glad it was jus’ you..” Arthur said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt. You on the other hand were absolutely over the MOON at the fact that Arthur had finally decided to talk to you.
“Oh I hope you’re not too disappointed Mr. Morgan!” You said with a light chuckle. Arthur, not sensing your sarcasm through his nerves, panicked.
“N-no! Not at all, ma’am! I apologize if I came off that way-”
“I’m just teasing ya’ Arthur. It’s quite alright.” You said and smiled. A smile so sweet and bright Arthur could’ve melted on the spot. Your sweet smile, the way his name rolled off your lips. Arthur wasn’t a religious man, but he might as well have been in heaven.
“(Name)….” Arthur said, his sweet southern drawl when he said your name making you blush. “I’d like to apologize. For how I’ve been treatin’ you.”
“Oh Arthur! You’ve been nothin’ but kind to me since I’ve been here- whatever are you sorry for?” You asked him, genuinely shocked at the man’s statement. Were you talking to the same Arthur who took care of your horse for you, bought you ribbons to put in your hair, and watched over you like a protective hawk? Sure he didn’t speak to you much, but you knew he was a man of few words. Even if it hurt sometimes, could live with it. You didn’t need him to love you back for you to love him all the same. You’d almost accepted it. Almost.
Arthur sighed a deep and nervous sigh, his thoughts blurring and the several whiskeys he had in him were NOT helping. Not a bit.
“You see- well it’s, it’s just-” Arthur stammered- god he was making a complete FOOL of himself!
You stepped closer to Arthur, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. You looked up at him nervously. The two of you had never been close as this. Arthur looked down at you, you had concern laced in your eyes. Concern for him. Your long hair was falling out of its messy braid, the loose strands framing your face beautifully. He could see the nights starts reflected in your eyes.
‘How beautiful..’ Arthur thought. He was completely captivated by you. ‘How could a woman like this be allowed to roam the same earth as someone like me..?’
Without even realizing what he was doing, Arthur pulled you flush against his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist and the other reaching up to cup your chin. His touch was feather light as he stroked his thumb over your face.
“I ain’t never felt like this before Miss…” Arthur mumbled, leaning his forehead down to touch your. He didn’t have time to wonder (or thank) whatever divine force gave him to courage to do this. “You got me makin’ a fool outta myself…”
You let out a soft gasp at the a sudden touch from Arthur. You had only ever been like this in your sweetest dreams, was this really happening??
“Arthur…?” You whispered, questioning him. “Wha…What ‘re you d-”
That’s it. He couldn’t take it anymore. To hell with the risks, the past to hell with it all! He had come to love you more than life itself. You were exactly what he needed in his painful and cruel life.
You were such a loving soul, treating everyone and everything around you so kindly it was heartwarming. You give and give and GIVE to everyone around you. You never judged anyone around you for their actions- past or present. You picked up chores from the other women when they needed a break. You sung little Jack to sleep when Abigail was too exhausted to lift her head from her cot. You put braided flowers into your beautiful long hair whenever you had a moment to yourself. You smiled at him every morning when you left your tent to begin your day. You always kept the pink silk scarf he picked up for you and left in your tent with a note in the pocket of your skirt. You picked at nails and hummed when you were nervous. You loved staying up late, gazing at the stars and admiring the universe. He had pages upon pages of you doing exactly that sketched in his journal.
You were heaven sent. You were perfect. The world didn’t fucking deserve you.
Arthur slammed his lips down onto yours without wasting another moment. And he shuddered at the feelings of your lips finally being against his own. You kissed him back just has hard, standing on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. You felt his tongue slide against his bottom lip, and wasted not a moment opening your mouth to let him in.
Months of longing, tension, were fought out as your tongues pushed against each other. Of course Arthur won, you could barely contain the moan that was building in the back of your throat when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth like a starving man. If he hadn’t been holding you so tightly, you would’ve fallen over. The sheer want and desperation of the kiss made your knees go completely weak.
Unfortunately, you both needed air and had to pull away. Arthur rested his forehead against your own. The both of you stood there, panting with closed eyes. Neither wanting the moment to end.
When you eventually opened your eyes, you looked up at Arthur. And couldn’t help the giddy smile that spread across your face. Arthur wrapped both of his strong arms around your waist, and he smiled sweetly back at you. You both stood there for a moment, swaying gently back and forth as you embraced each other. The silence that fell between you both was comfortable and welcome as you gazed into each others eyes, both sharing the same look of love and adoration.
Arthur was the one who finally broke the silence between the two of you, and you will never forget his next words.
“Please darlin’” He whispered. “I’m beggin’ you… I want you to be my girl. I’m sorry I was a fool for such a long time-”
You leaned up on your tip toes and silenced him with a gentle kiss.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way, Mr. Morgan.”
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mrmorganswoman · 4 months
no grave can hold my body down, ill crawl home to her
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arthur morgan knew he was the type of man that shouldn’t risk falling in love, but jesus she just made it so hard NOT to
a/n: first fic!! inspired by work song by hozier lol. hope y’all enjoy it Xx 💗
‘Arthur Morgan, you fool’ He thought to himself, mentally swearing for catching himself staring at their camps newest member yet again. But he just couldn’t help it. He knew he shouldn’t indulge in this. It was stupid really, any attempt at love in the past had failed him. All because of this life he chose to live. One that wasn’t easy to leave behind. Though Arthur knew, if you asked him to he’d throw it all away. God this man would do anything for you, he practically worshiped the ground you walked on. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by you, maybe it was your honey sweet voice, or the kindness you showed him right from your first day of knowing him. He couldn’t stop himself from loving every little thing about you, to him you were perfect. A goddamned goddess. He thought you deserved someone better than him. A woman such as yourself deserved to live a good life, one where the law isn’t out to get you. One where people could be out to hurt you because of your husband’s line of work. You deserved to feel safe and secure in your life. Nothing like the chaos you were living through now.
Little did Arthur know, you were feeling the exact same way about him. You had deep feelings for Arthur Morgan, you were as sweet like sugar on that man. You loved everything about him, but most of all how he treated you. He made 100% sure you felt safe and were taken care of all the time. You were one of the first people he’d check up on when returning from a job. Or you mentioned something you needed and the next day he would just so happen to need to run to town and what do you know, the exact scarf, seasoning, hair ribbon, you name it would be included in his haul. And if he was around at meal times, he would not so subtly make sure you got your portion. All of this and yet, he rarely said a word to you. It confused you to no end, it felt like he cared about you deeply but he rarely paid any attention to you. You were a lost soul before you started riding with the Van Der Lindes, and because of the Blackwater situation it was hard for the gang to let in a new mouth to feed. But ever since the beginning Arthur made you feel so welcomed. You don’t know what you did do deserve his kindness but it was deeply appreciated. Mary-Beth was CONVINCED Arthur was sweet on you, so we’re Tilly, Molly, Abigail, Karen, goodness even Susan Grimahaw herself made a comment about it you once. You wanted to believe it so badly, but he didn’t talk to you!! He could just be a kind man of little words and you’re reading into the situation all wrong.
‘Oh well…’ You thought with a sigh, flicking your eyes up from the needle work you had long been neglecting because of your thinking. To your surprise, you found a pair of beautiful blue eyes already looking in your direction…
“Shit!” Arthur swore under his breath, god dammit you were still as a staute for ages before this why’d you have to look up now?? Arthur begrudgingly tore my eyes away from t and started walking to his horse- where he was supposed to be already. Hosea wanted to take him into town for some reason he had yet to say.
“Arthur!” Hosea said warmly. He then raised an eyebrow. “I hope you didn’t have any trouble getting here?”
‘Oh I this is NOT goin’ there.’ Arthur thought.
“Course not.” He said flatly. Hosea smiled a knowing smile, before long they mounted thier horses and were off.
The ride to Valentine was thankfully silent and quick. But Arthur knew that was going to change as soon as Hosea informed him that he was taking Arthur to the saloon to “Chat over a drink” With such a grin on his face that Arthur knew he was nothing short of doomed.
After getting situated at the bar with a neat whiskey and a beer, Hosea start talking to Arthur, though it felt more like he was speaking AT at him. Making little remarks about love and what it does for people. Sharing little stories of “the joys of marriage.” …..very sneaky, Hosea.
“Hosea…. Please get to whatever point it is yer tryin’ to make here.” Arthur said, cutting into his rambling.
“Arthur….” He cooed, sounding like he was talking to some schoolyard boy. “I’ve been watching you pine over (Name) for MONTHS.”
Arthur said nothing. Nothing but a silent prayer that his cheeks weren’t burning a fiery shade of red.
“I know you’re sweet on her, it’s as obvious as a wolf standing in a pack of sheep!”
Arthur ran a hand over my face and let out a tired sigh. Hosea sipped his beer, waiting for him to respond.
“What ‘m I supposed’t say?” Arthur grumbled, crossing his arms over my chest. ‘God, what a pathetic fool I am.’ Arthur thought. “Not like she’d want an ugly bastard like me ‘nyway.”
“On the contrary! Hosea chuckles. “I was walking by the women’s tent last nigh- couldn’t sleep. Wanted to walk a bit to clear my head- and my boy you should’ve heard the things (Name) was saying about you!”
At that, Arthur sat up a little straighter. “What things…?” He asked, slightly wearily. Hosea smiled.
“Son, she’s fallen for you head first! If only you’d start speaking more then 2 words a week to her! You do so much for that girl Arthur, would it be so hard to do that too?”
He didn’t say anything. Learning that, by some fucking MIRACLE- the woman of his dreams has fallen for him was making his head spin. Could this really be happening?? Could this work?? A stab of pain shot through him as he remembered Mary, and how things ended with her. But this could be different, after all you were with the gang. You didn’t care about his life, you loved him despite it all…Arthur hadn’t dared let himself think that a love with you could possibly work out. The thought made him giddy. He felt dumb as rocks, feeling so strongly for you without ever saying a damn word to you. But he couldn’t let himself get to know you- he couldn’t bare to hear your silky voice say his name more then you already do. With such kindness, such love.He wanted to talk to you, to love you, to cherish you and worship you like you deserved to be, but-
“Hosea, I’m afraid.” Arthur said quietly. “Look at ‘er, I can’t drag this woman down the path I’m on. She doesn’t deserve a man like me.”
Hosea pushed Arthur’s untouched whiskey towards him, Arthur took the glass and downed it all in one go. He listened to Hosea’a next words at the fiery liquid settled in his stomach.
“Are you going to risk making that decision for her?”
You sat on the cold ground in front of the dying out campfire, grateful that everyone had fallen into their cots for the night. You loved the solitude of nighttime. It was so nice to be by yourself, enjoying the quiet peace of the stars above you.
Before long, your thoughts (as they always did) turned to Arthur Morgan. Hosea has returned to camp hours ago, telling you that Arthur should be back shortly. It’s been hours and still no sign of him. You knew it was normal, but you couldn’t help but worry while he was out of camp. Which was stupid really, you weren’t his girl. Just because he was kind didn’t mean you had to get your knickers all on a twist over him.
‘Damn your mysterious-ness Arthur Morgan….’
You only know you dozed off when the familiar sound of a horse whining woke you up. And then an even more familiar voice soothing the distressed animal.
“Easy girl…. Y’know I can’t spend all my time with ya’ don’t you?”
You stretched your arms out and listened to the sweet interaction. Despite him being the gang’s toughest enforcer, a wanted dead or alive outlaw, Arthur truly was a sweetheart. He treated all the women of the camp with the utmost respect and was such a help to any soul in need of. If only he knew how badly you needed him.
You from your spot on the ground, drawing the outlaws attention. He approached with a small smile.
“Glad it was jus’ you..” Arthur said, hoping he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt. You on the other hand were absolutely over the MOON at the fact that Arthur had finally decided to talk to you.
“Oh I hope you’re not too disappointed Mr. Morgan!” You said with a light chuckle. Arthur, not sensing your sarcasm through his nerves, panicked.
“N-no! Not at all, ma’am! I apologize if I came off that way-”
“I’m just teasing ya’ Arthur. It’s quite alright.” You said and smiled. A smile so sweet and bright Arthur could’ve melted on the spot. Your sweet smile, the way his name rolled off your lips. Arthur wasn’t a religious man, but he might as well have been in heaven.
“(Name)….” Arthur said, his sweet southern drawl when he said your name making you blush. “I’d like to apologize. For how I’ve been treatin’ you.”
“Oh Arthur! You’ve been nothin’ but kind to me since I’ve been here- whatever are you sorry for?” You asked him, genuinely shocked at the man’s statement. Were you talking to the same Arthur who took care of your horse for you, bought you ribbons to put in your hair, and watched over you like a protective hawk? Sure he didn’t speak to you much, but you knew he was a man of few words. Even if it hurt sometimes, could live with it. You didn’t need him to love you back for you to love him all the same. You’d almost accepted it. Almost.
Arthur sighed a deep and nervous sigh, his thoughts blurring and the several whiskeys he had in him were NOT helping. Not a bit.
“You see- well it’s, it’s just-” Arthur stammered- god he was making a complete FOOL of himself!
You stepped closer to Arthur, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. You looked up at him nervously. The two of you had never been close as this. Arthur looked down at you, you had concern laced in your eyes. Concern for him. Your long hair was falling out of its messy braid, the loose strands framing your face beautifully. He could see the nights starts reflected in your eyes.
‘How beautiful..’ Arthur thought. He was completely captivated by you. ‘How could a woman like this be allowed to roam the same earth as someone like me..?’
Without even realizing what he was doing, Arthur pulled you flush against his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist and the other reaching up to cup your chin. His touch was feather light as he stroked his thumb over your face.
“I ain’t never felt like this before Miss…” Arthur mumbled, leaning his forehead down to touch your. He didn’t have time to wonder (or thank) whatever divine force gave him to courage to do this. “You got me makin’ a fool outta myself…”
You let out a soft gasp at the a sudden touch from Arthur. You had only ever been like this in your sweetest dreams, was this really happening??
“Arthur…?” You whispered, questioning him. “Wha…What ‘re you d-”
That’s it. He couldn’t take it anymore. To hell with the risks, the past to hell with it all! He had come to love you more than life itself. You were exactly what he needed in his painful and cruel life.
You were such a loving soul, treating everyone and everything around you so kindly it was heartwarming. You give and give and GIVE to everyone around you. You never judged anyone around you for their actions- past or present. You picked up chores from the other women when they needed a break. You sung little Jack to sleep when Abigail was too exhausted to lift her head from her cot. You put braided flowers into your beautiful long hair whenever you had a moment to yourself. You smiled at him every morning when you left your tent to begin your day. You always kept the pink silk scarf he picked up for you and left in your tent with a note in the pocket of your skirt. You picked at nails and hummed when you were nervous. You loved staying up late, gazing at the stars and admiring the universe. He had pages upon pages of you doing exactly that sketched in his journal.
You were heaven sent. You were perfect. The world didn’t fucking deserve you.
Arthur slammed his lips down onto yours without wasting another moment. And he shuddered at the feelings of your lips finally being against his own. You kissed him back just has hard, standing on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. You felt his tongue slide against his bottom lip, and wasted not a moment opening your mouth to let him in.
Months of longing, tension, were fought out as your tongues pushed against each other. Of course Arthur won, you could barely contain the moan that was building in the back of your throat when you felt his tongue exploring your mouth like a starving man. If he hadn’t been holding you so tightly, you would’ve fallen over. The sheer want and desperation of the kiss made your knees go completely weak.
Unfortunately, you both needed air and had to pull away. Arthur rested his forehead against your own. The both of you stood there, panting with closed eyes. Neither wanting the moment to end.
When you eventually opened your eyes, you looked up at Arthur. And couldn’t help the giddy smile that spread across your face. Arthur wrapped both of his strong arms around your waist, and he smiled sweetly back at you. You both stood there for a moment, swaying gently back and forth as you embraced each other. The silence that fell between you both was comfortable and welcome as you gazed into each others eyes, both sharing the same look of love and adoration.
Arthur was the one who finally broke the silence between the two of you, and you will never forget his next words.
“Please darlin’” He whispered. “I’m beggin’ you… I want you to be my girl. I’m sorry I was a fool for such a long time-”
You leaned up on your tip toes and silenced him with a gentle kiss.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way, Mr. Morgan.”
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tallulahneale · 20 days
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Title: Who really lives their dream?
Summary: Vince as a pharma tech, alternate reality!
A/n: This is a fluffy wuffy story.
Part One
Here we go again, Vince says to himself as Monday rolls around again. Waking up at 6am to get to work at 8am has been his life for the past 18 months. Monday through to Saturday he’s a pharmaceutical technician. He’s a diligent worker and an excellent staff member, always looking out for the team.
But today feels different.
He stops at the local cafe to get coffee, black with no sugar. “Diabetes is real” He mutters to the barista. He waits for them to make the cup and scrolls through the work group chat to see a message from the branch manager.
“NB for those at Neales Pharmacy! Due to Susan going on maternity leave, we will be introducing a new Pharmacist to the branch. She’ll be with us for the next few months. Please make her feel welcome! Thanks, Baptiste.”
Hmmm…that was quick he thought, finding a competent Pharmacist who was willing to stay on had been difficult but hey, that was none of his business. He just hoped that whoever joined the team wasn’t a bozo. He gets his coffee, “thanks” he winks, leaves a tip and heads to the pharmacy. He notices a new car in the lot and knew the pharmacist was already there. Sliding the door open, he sees a huddle and hears a gentle but lively giggle. Damn, another white woman, he mumbles, when will we get a black pharmacist he ponders. Walking to the back to drop his bag he pauses to glances and froze. I spoke too soon, he says.
“Good morning Vince! Look at the new pharmacist, isn’t she adorable?! And she’s black too!” one of the coworkers said. Vince looks expressionless at the coworker and ignores the comment. The pharmacist began to speak.
“Good morning everyone” she said with a bright smile, “My name is Tallulah but y’all can call me Lula for short. I’ve been a pharmacist for the past few months and loving it so far! I’m glad to be apart of this team and hope y’all enjoy having me around.” Lula’s eyes glance across the pharmacy and connect with Vince’s. That ‘Shining’ moment. He gives her a brief nod and goes to settle in to work. It’s almost 9am so everyone moves to their corners to set up and get ready for the work day ahead. As the pharma tech, Vince takes it upon himself to show Lula around and present the SOPs used at the branch.
“It’s nice to see another one of me here” Lula whispers “I thought I’d have to keep eating sandwiches for lunch!”
Vince smirks and takes in her appearance. Yeah, you don’t look like the sandwich type, he thinks to himself. Standing at 5'8, dark skinned, long braids and hips that make you know there’s something moving in the back, he tries not to stare too hard.
“When I heard you laugh from the door, I thought you were another white lady. Glad you’re not.” He says “You got a little accent too. You’re not from Cali are you?”
“Is it that obvious?” Lula asks bashfully.
“Not really but I hear the twang.” He says making her feel even more shy.
“I’m from Haiti, born and raised but moved down here when I was in primary school.”
“That’s what’s up. My grandparents are Haitian, I guess that makes me Haitian too.”
“Omg, ou ka pale kreyòl? Yay, nou ka fè tripotay e pèsonn p'ap tande nou.” Lula replies excited to meet another Haitian.
“Woah woah woah, slow down Lula” He laughs “I’m assuming you asked if I can speak Creole, right? Nahh I don’t. I’m not really connected with that side.”
“Modi, that’s sucks” Lula pouts disappointed “I’ll just say a new phrase here and there to get you started, is that okay?”
Just as he is about to reply the coworker from earlier interrupts, “This isn’t a meet and greet. Vince, Lula we have customers and patients to attend to.”
Lula giggles and apologies for getting carried away. As she turns to the med cabinet and prepares a dosette box, Vince taps her shoulder and says “I’m interested in learning Creole, thanks Lula”. She beams and gives a little nods before getting back to sorting the dosette.
Now I know why today felt different, he says to himself as he starts to sort the controlled substances.
Part two link.
Translations: (n/b Creole is not my first language)
Ou ka pale kreyòl? = Can you speak Creole?
Nou ka fè tripotay e pèsonn p'ap tande nou= We can gossip and no one will hear us.
Modi = damn
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hopewritcs · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Hargrove!Reader, song 72?
pairing: eddie munson x f!hargrove!reader
song: shit happens.
notes: when i say i had to count twice bc i almost did the wrong song... y’all we ain’t good at math but we’re tryin to be good at writing here !! i hope you enjoyed this fic my loves. set in a pre s4 au world: for the tl:dr of it all billy is alive but neil still left susan, billy & you have a trailer adjacent to max & her mom. everything else is explained in the fic. 
trigger warning: mentions of neil hargrove, allusions to past abuse, parental death & abandonment
word count: 1.5k
part of spotify wrapped drabble night : accepting ! 
You should have known it wound wind up like this. Stranded at school, because of course your brother would leave without telling you. You couldn’t blame him -- at least, that was how you tried to explain it away in your head -- because after the summer you’d spent with Billy recuperating, and your father leaving and then losing the house and Susan kicking you out to live with Billy, it was only natural that both yourself and Billy were a bit tortured.
But to leave the school without you? Well, he just did that regularly now. At least last year he would have waited and sped off with you and Max in the seats alongside him in whatever foul mood he was in. 
He had to repeat the year after everything happened the summer before and he was pissed off, he didn’t want to be like Eddie Munson, who he’d pointed out to you on numerous occasions as a freak to avoid--not like you saw anything wrong with Eddie other than a penchant for wearing his personality out in the open and not giving a shit about what everyone else in the school thought. 
There he was, repeating the year next to you, his younger sister, and bitter as hell that he was stuck in this place again. 
So there you were, deciding how to deal with all of that and knowing that you were in for a walk home. There were only a few cars left in the parking lot, and at the point you were getting out you knew most of them probably belonged to the jocks that had practice--and none of them were likely going to give you a ride. 
A reluctant huff fell from your lips as you made your way down the path, heading for the street to make your way home when you heard someone calling your name, it wasn’t a familiar voice but still you stopped and turned around spotting Eddie Munson packing up his van. 
“Uh, yeah?” you replied, hesitating as you shuffled steps backward toward the car and him. It briefly crossed your mind that maybe this was somehow a set up, a cruel set up by your older brother. 
“If you don’t mind making a stop at the music shop in town, I can give you a ride.” Eddie offered, shrugging his shoulders with his hands shoved into the pockets of his top jacket, looking over at you. 
“What’s in it for you?” It came out more defensive than you’d intended it to be, but you were used to having your guard up. You were a Hargrove, had to deal with Neil and Billy your entire life. You’d lost your mother. That was enough for you to know that things were never just handed to you. But, what you couldn’t figure was why the school freak was offering you a ride home. 
His eyebrows raised as he looked at you, shaking his head, “Nothing. You can walk back to Forest Hills for all I care.” His tone was part defensive, part dejected as he spoke and turned around to get into his car. He was mumbling to himself as he opened the door to his van.
“I’m sorry,” you called out hastily, apologetically, causing Eddie to stop and turn back to look at you. “I suck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that’s nice of you and you don’t--we don’t know each other.” 
“It’s not like we don’t go to the same high school, what horrible monster could I possibly be?” Eddie was practically laughing as he replied. He didn’t notice the way your eyes widened at the comment, the thought of everything from last summer still fresh in your mind. He didn’t know. “Unless you believe what people say about me, which is just bullshit cause they don’t understand people who aren’t popular jocks and conform to their standards.” 
You shook your head, “I don’t really listen to what people say. I’d rather figure it out for myself.” Which, ironically, was how you’d wound up in the whole mess with Hawkins and your ex-step sister Max in the first place--trying to figure out things on your own rather than listening to the rumor mill and what other people ( your brother Billy, namely ) had to say. 
“Well then, your chariot.” Eddie bent over dramatically, his hair falling into his face as he gestured to the van. 
You’d never really noticed him before. Sure, Eddie Munson was a spectacle in the Hawkins High hallways--making a scene just for being different and being the multi year senior and running hellfire club--but you’d never really noticed him. 
He was softer than you expected, given the antics he tended to pull and the stories--rumors--you overheard from people in the cafeteria and the classrooms over the years. 
Maybe he was different than you expected him to be, than your brother and everyone else had told you he was going to be. Then again, you didn’t know how much you expected of people these days. 
“My knight in shining armor.” You joked back, heading to the other side of the van and getting inside. 
The drive was quiet, like neither of you were sure what to talk about, or if you really should be talking. As he pulled up to the music store in town he almost hesitated, turning to look at you like he was going to ask a question. 
You were already getting ready to get out of the van when you realized his door hadn’t opened so you turned to look back at him, “So, what are you looking for?” 
“Some new records came out recently.” Eddie shrugged as he got out of the van, following your lead and then holding the door to the music shop for you. He was doing his best to seem nonchalant, but the truth was he was surprised--you’d gone from being almost entirely standoffish to being willing to be seen in public with him in the matter of a car ride. He wasn’t used to that. “And there’s some stuff we got in for Corroded Coffin that I need to pick up cause I’m the only one with a car big enough to fit all our supplies anyway.” 
“Okay, you’re in something called Corroded Coffin and something called Hellfire Club? I know what Hellfire is cause of,” the twerps, the kids, it was what you called them and what you wanted to say, but you paused because you didn’t know Eddie--did the kids even talk about you in those meetings? Probably not. You’d barely seen them this year, the ones you saw most were Max--which was obvious because she lived right by you, and you wouldn’t dare let her think that just because Billy could be a shithead that you cared any less about her and wanted her out of your life--and, surprisingly, Lucas--who, despite breaking up with Max and focusing a lot on his basketball game, had made it a point to say hi every time he saw you and had even taken to sitting by you when he saw you in the library. 
“School, right.” Eddie nodded his head as he flipped through the records on the new releases shelf that was right at the opening, waving a hello to the worker behind the counter who seemed to know Eddie right away and went off to the back to probably get his order ready. “Corroded Coffin is my band.” 
“Band? That’s cool.” You nodded your head, thumbing through the records and spotting a Kate Bush release you didn’t have and wondered if Max had it either. “What kind of music do you play?”
“Rock, metal. Some covers, some originals. Where we play people tend to not pay attention, but when they do they like the covers better.” Eddie said, glancing up from what he had in his hands and looking down at the record in yours. “Definitely different than Kate Bush.” 
“Are you making fun?” You asked, making a face at him, rolling your eyes as you looked at what was in his hands. “Not all of us just love Metallica. I mean, sure, their music is good.”
“You’re acting like I just made fun of your music choice.”
“Good is like saying it’s fine. Like you tolerate it.” 
“Did you not just have that same reaction to Kate Bush? Except yours sounded like you were holding back a wince. Agree to disagree, or whatever.” 
You had to admit that despite how the afternoon had started, you were pretty glad that it had gone that way because now you were actually having fun for the first time in, honestly, a really long time. The rest of the afternoon in that shop was spent back and forth about music, and you could tell that it wasn’t the last time you would be there with Eddie Munson. 
And that it might just have been the beginning of something special. 
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alyosiuscreightonward · 8 months
Dear Diary. As the New Hampshire primaries are just around the corner, I am truly so sick and tired of seeing such bullshit on my electronic babysitter.
If you’re anything like that young child that I met, then you’re truly an idiot. This child, probably about sixteen or so, who thinks he knows something about politics. He sits in front of screen scrolling through various social media sites and he believes all of the fodder.
I remember asking him if a woman should have autonomy over her body. I sincerely think he did not know the definition of autonomy. He began to quibble with me and another guy about the bible and how those words were playing out in front of him. So…I brought up Ezekiel 23, Verse 20 - “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of horses.” Google it.
Then there’s Leviticus 18. Talking about being naked. Child. Please. The fucking hypocrisy of it all. To the best of my knowledge, certain men in power, or those higher in the caste system, they’d use a young boy for their pleasure. If you care to, the Bible has several sketchy and several blatant areas of nakedness and nasty things like lying between her breasts. Gick. I know. What you do, I don’t need to know just like most men will never admit that they urinate in the shower.
Then I see the electronic babysitter spew the volcanic vortex of voluminous vapid viscous vitriolic vomit from various vacuous vacant vagabonds s such as they are valedictorians of valuelessness.
If you’d like to get extremely technical down to the molecular level, just past the double helix, Nimarata Randhawa, is an anchor baby. Yet she continues to deny her heritage. I celebrate my ancestors because I’m Swish. I’m half Swiss and half Irish. My people came from Switzerland and Ireland. Also, she gives off those Susan Collins of Maine vibes. Say one thing today, Thursday, and then by Friday night, “What I meant to say was…”
Then there’s another triggering moment: something about the two most hated politicians are … and I know. I’m not an idiot. Then there’s Florida.
Look here Motherfucker, listen and hear what I say: No matter who are for or against, you’ll get screwed in the end. I’ve been involved in politics a great portion of my life. I remember, I was involved with a group called, “Young Americans for Freedom,” and they protested the Vietnam war. I clearly remember being at a rally where Bob Hope spoke about his involvement as an entertainer and his thoughts about the Vietnam War. Child. Please. If I could actually recall what he said, I’d post it here, but I was like eight or nine back then.
To bring this RANT to a close, yes, we all can say quite clearly that we ALL have issues with politicians starting off with the Dog Catcher up to the President and the folks in between. Chaos, negativity, and just plain bullshit from the past. Yeah, we fucking know. As a Grey Panther and just your every day pedestrian Arrogant Bitter Old Qween, I am not going to apologize for anything, but do know this, we currently have an ADULT residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They want us to live in our truth, they want us to thrive and they want us to have cognitive dissonance. The others want to scam us, bamboozle us, give us lots of smoke and mirrors and then without realizing it, its round up time. Time to cull the herd and unbeknownst to y’all, some are getting on the box car and getting a number tattooed on their wrist.
Lastly, it was “Infrastructure Week” for how many months? Where’s the Healthcare Plan? If someone can actually show ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION that benefitted absolutely everyone in the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and I’ll make sure Ronnie Milsap is your Uber Driver.
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In My Heart Is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-Chapter 5-
When Annabeth wakes up the next morning Percy is already out of bed. She decides to get up and get dressed. She wears a pair of ripped jeans with a red knitted sweater. The throws her hair up into a ponytail and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She hears her parents talking downstairs and wonders there Percy is.
She makes her way downstairs and notices Percy sitting at the family table.
She goes and sits beside him
“Have they giving you any shit yet?” She asks as she grabs a strawberry off of the plate in front of him.
“No, honestly they’ve been great to me.”
He says smiling at her
She gives him a skeptical look but decides that it’s early enough in their visit not to push things.
She goes into the living room and sees Her dad and stepmom sitting on the couch.
“So dad what are the plans for today?” She asks
“Annabeth can’t you see we’re watching a movie?” He says
“Okay then.” She says and goes to sit back beside Percy.
“Is there anything you wanna do while we’re here?” Annabeth says
“Welll, I kinda wanna go skiing.” He says with a smile.
“Okay I’ll talk to Conner and see if they wanna go.” She says
She goes upstairs to grab her phone. As she calls Conner she realizes picks up the clothes she left on the floor that morning.
“Morning Annabeth.” Conner says
“Morning. Percy says he really want to go skiing. Yall up for it?” She says.
“Of course meet you out front in thirty?” He says
“Yup” Annabeth says hanging up
She goes downstairs and tells her dad that they are going skiing.
“Okay see you two later. I think tonight we are going to go down to Auntie Ems if y’all want to join us.” He says
“Okay dad we’ll see yall there.” She says as she and Percy walk upstairs.
“So what am I supposed to wear skiing.” Percy asks as he opens his suitcase
“I’ll just get you one of my dad’s suits from the closet I’ll be right back.” She says
When she comes back into the room with the snowsuit she sets it on the bed and goes into the bathroom with hers. Once shes ready she slips back into the room and sees Percy sitting on the edge of the bed.
“You ready?” She asks grabbing her purse.
“Born ready wise girl” Percy says.
Conner and Travis meet them outside and they get in their mom’s car. Once they get to the mountains they put their skis on and go to the slopes.
Annabeth and Conner make fun of Percy almost the entire time because he can’t seem to get the hang of it.
Once they arrive back home around 3:00 pm Percy and Annabeth decide to change and then head back into town and just walk around.
The town that Annabeth grew up in was beautiful. If had a gourgous old-timey aesthetic that was hard to come by.
“So you keep talking about how terrible your parents are. But I just don’t understand.” Percy says as they walk past a diner.
“Well, when I was 6 years old my mom died. Those first size years of my life were amazing. We all got along and it was really fun. Then after she died my dad just became horrible. To everyone. After he met Susan it got worse. She had two boys that were two years younger than me. Bobby and Mathew.
“My dad barely ever even acknowledged me as his child. He ignored me ninety of the time. He never cared where I was or what I was doing. Or who I was with. Which seems like fun and stuff. But it just doesn’t feel good knowing that if you didn’t show up back home that night, no one would even notice.” Annabeth says slowing down.
She thought that telling Percy all of this would be a bad idea. She had bad trust issues. But after letting all that out she knew it was a good idea and that she could trust Percy
She could tell that Percy didn’t quite know what to say to that so she decided to change the subject.
“Anywaysss, we should do something.”
She says pulling his arm.
“Like what?” He asks smiling.
“Come on I’m gonna show you something” she says pulling him towards the towns park.
Once they got there Annabeth starts climbing into the play house. Once she gets to the top Percy calls up to her
“Annabeth please don’t fall.”
“I won’t, I’ve done this a million times. Come on up seaweed brain.”
“Seaweed brain?” He says slowly making his way up
“Yep just go with it.” She says as she climbs on top of the roof of the set.
“Whatever” he says smiling as he climbs
Once both of them are at the top Annabeth points towards the mountains.
“Look at that.” She says
“Wow. Annabeth how do you even know about this spot.” Percy says without looking away from the view
“When I got too stressed out or I just didn’t want to go home, I used to just come up here and look at the mountains.” She says
They fall into silence and just stare out into the view. Eventually Annabeth grows tired.
“Annabeth.” Percy says shaking her awake.
“Yeah?” She says sleepily she realizes that the sun isn’t as high in the sky as it was before.
“You fell asleep.” He says smiling
“Oh haha guess I was tired.” She says sitting up
She meets Percy’s eyes and they just stare at eachother.
“I guess we better go” Annabeth says breaking the silence and looking away.
As they walk back to the house she remembers that her parents said they were going to go out to eat that night.
They head upstairs and start getting ready for dinner. Percy is wearing blue jeans and a black button up shirt. Annabeth throws on blue ripped jeans and a black ruffle blouse. She tried to tame her curls with no luck. She ends up with half of it up and leaving the other half wild.
Around 6:00 they go downstairs. Her parents are already ready and sitting on the couch again.
“You guys ready?” Annabeth says grabbing her coat.
“We’ve been waiting on you two.” Her dad says
They make their way to the car. After an awkward car ride they arrive at the restaurant.
Once they were seated a waitress comes by and takes their drink orders.
“So Percy, what do you do for a living.” Susan says once the waiter walks off
“I work at a bakery with my mom.” He says with a polite smile
“Oh, that’s um fun.” Susan says with distaste
Percy looks over at Annabeth with amusement. Annabeth takes a sip of her drink to cover a laugh.
They sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes until the waitress comes back and asks what they want to eat.
“I’ll have the chicken Alfredo please” Annabeth says politely
“I’ll have what she’s having” Percy says looking at her
Her parents place there orders and the waitress walks away.
“So how long have you two been going out?” Annabeth’s dad asks gesturing between them
“About 3 months” Percy says
“Close to 5 months” Annabeth says at the same time
Annabeth looks down hiding her embarrassment. Percy laughs beside her.
“I guess it may be a little longer than I thought.” He says pretending to be dumbfounded.
“Okay then.” Susan says
“So annabeth how are your studies coming?” Her dad asks
“They’re good. I got a promotion a few months ago.” She says proudly
“And you’re still working in law? Ya know I still think you should have taken up a better job. Something that’ll actually get you somewhere.” He says
“Well I got a degree in law, so…” she trails off
Under the table Percys hand finds hers and squeezes reassuringly. She looks up at him and smiles. He smiles back and nods encouraging her.
“Nevermind then. It’s too late to change your mind anyways.” He says disappointed.
“Richard be nice. We have a guest” Susan says trying to keep the good act up.
They get through the rest of the dinner without any arguments somehow and end up back at the house.
As Percy and Annabeth get ready for bed Percy says
“I see what you mean. Your dad just doesn’t seem satisfied with how far you’ve come.”
“Yeah I guess not” she says sadly
After they both shower they slide into bed. It feels somewhat natural laying in bed with him. Even though they aren’t even touching or anything.
“Percy if we are going to make this fake dating this work we need to have a believable story.” She says turning on her side facing him.
“Like what?” He says turning her way
“Well we need to know how long we’ve known each other, where we met, and how long we’ve been together.” She says
“Well that’s easy, we met about 6 months ago, got together 5 months ago, and we can just say we met when I spilled coffee down your shirt on accident.” He says the last part smiling.
He reaches over and tucks a piece of stray hair behind her ear. She can feel the heat spread into her face and quickly turns the other way.
“Night Percy” she says
“Night Annabeth” he says back
Annabeth stays awake for at least another 45 minutes thinking about everything that happened today. Percy seems to be flirting with her. But if may just be an act. I mean they are fake dating. But still. Even if he was flirting, she couldn’t risk it.
She realized with a start that she might actually be catching feelings. Nope. Not again. Not after what happened last time.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
#6 character from your favourite movie
And #12 a character that you love that's underappreciated?
6. character from my favourite movie
tom hagen hands down is my fav
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12. a character that you love that is underappreciated
susan 😩
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xtrafluffyteddy · 2 years
File a complaint
Pairing: Eddie munson x reader, Billy hargrove x reader, Steve harrington x reader
Mentions: threats, minor fighting, happy endings!!!!
This part 2 of Unexpected Visitors
This is part of the home for wayward souls series
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“It’s okay max we’ll be right by your side the whole time” you promise the girl sitting in your backseat biting at her nails before giving Eddie a side eye “yeah she’ll kick his ass if he doesn’t let you get your stuff” he promises reaching his hand back and holding out his pinky “pinky promise” you smile as max wraps her pinky around his
When you reach the house Billy and Steve are already there waiting for you outside their cars ready to play bodyguard if anything goes awry “I’ll go up first you follow behind me we will be by your side every step of the way” you get out of the car followed by Max who puts her tough girl persona on wanting to be strong for you and herself “tell us when your ready” you squeeze her hand gently sending her a soft smile “I’m ready” she says confidently walking with you as you knocking politely on the door even though Neil doesn’t deserve the kindness
“What the fuck do you-“ Neil swings open the door before looking at the five of you “ah I see you brought my daughter back and my no good son with you” he reaches out to grab max and drag herself but you grab his wrist tightly wrenching it off her “I didn’t bring her back we’re here to get her clothes and important documents she’ll be living with us until further notice” all the boys nod behind you backing you up even if you don’t need it “step out of our way Neil” you shove past him much to his surprise keeping ahold of Maxs hand as the boys follow behind you
“Grab everything important Max we’ll stand right by the door” she nods as she begins grabbing everything important to her which included photos of her and her mom, clothes, stuff for her skateboard, and other important items “you can’t just take my fucking kid!” Neil shouts trying to shove past you 4 only to be shoved back by Billy and Steve “max if you fucking leave it’ll be ten times worse for your mom!” Neil shouts thinking it’ll get her to stay “don’t listen to him Max we are already helping your mom you just focus on packing” you say to her calmly blocking her from Neil’s view
“Move aside Neil we’re leaving” you state coldly glaring up at the man Max standing safely behind you and Eddie “not with my daughter your not” you gasp as he reaches past you snatching max by the arm, before you can spring into action it’s Steve who tackles Neil telling y’all to run and get Max to safety. You quickly grab max as Billy and Eddie grabs her stuff rushing her out to your car handing Eddie your keys “get her outta here I’ll follow behind you” max looks scared as she grips your hand “he’ll hurt you don’t do it!” She cries “it’s okay I’ll be okay” you cup her cheek kissing her forehead “I’ll be home before you know it” you shove her in the car Eddie locking the door as he speeds off with her and the stuff
“Ready Billy” you look over at the man who’s face is strong but eyes are scared as he heads the tussle happening inside “it’s okay Billy you don’t have to” you reach over squeezing his hand in comfort “no.” He states gruffly “I’m tired of running” with that you two are rushing inside pulling Neil off of Steve
Your the first to swing sending Neil into one of the side tables smashing a lamp as he hits the floor then Billy is on him swinging taking out years of anger on the man he calls dad. You and Steve have to pull him off before he kills Neil “cmon Billy we want him alive for court” you state and turn to Susan who was watching the whole thing in horror “here Susan” you hand her a domestic abuse lawyers business card “he’s an old family friend tell him I sent you and he can work up a case for you” she just pulls you into a hug sobbing and whispers “please keep her safe” before pulling away and going to her bloodied and broken husband.
“I’ll catch up with you boys” you call out to the confusion of the other two as you close the door and head back inside sights locked on Neil who’s still on the floor having pushed his wife away “stupid bitch” he grumbles then looks up at you standing above him brows knitted together as you growl swinging hard sending him careening back to the floor “that’s for Billy” you punch him again over and over “I’ll beat you like the bitch you are, you think you can just put your hands on a little girl? if I see you around my house or near Max’s school I’ll kill you” you continue wailing on him as Susan backs herself into a corner watching as her husband gets what he deserves “yes ma’am?” You say spitting in his face “yes ma’am” he mumbles looking away from you “I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU” you shout in his face treating him the same way he treated Billy “YES MA’AM” he shouts back trying to get away from you “you make me sick” you get up kicking him hard in the gut before turning away towards the door “have a nice day Susan I’ll update you on Maxs well-being until you get on your feet again” you slam the door behind you as you leave giving a confused Billy and Steve a smile “what happened in there?” Steve questions “oh nothing just had a talk with Neil is all” they didn’t miss the blood on your knuckles as you walked past them and got in Billy’s car.
When you arrive home Max rushes outside throwing herself into your arms which you graciously squeeze her in “your okay!” she cries happily “told ya I’d be back sweetpea” you twirl her around smiling as you look down at her Steve, Billy, and Eddie watching with warm smiles and racing hearts at the sight of you with such caring eyes “did you like your room?” You question as you both walk inside followed by the boys wanting to distract her from everything that happened “I love it!” She shouts in excitement “thank you for putting up the skateboard holder on the wall” you ruffle her hair as she runs off to hang out in her room and probably call El to explain everything that happened stopping just before she reaches her room running back to hug Billy , Eddie and Steve “thank you” she mumbles before running off again. “No problem max” Steve calls out, “yeah no problem zoomer” Eddie says, “don’t mention it kid” Billy mumbles before slumping onto the couch tired from the fight and handling Neil
“I’m so proud of you Billy” you smile down at the man who looks up at you with wide confused eyes “wha- proud?” He questions “yeah proud you stood up to Neil and did what was right the old Billy would’ve never done that in a million years” you smile bonking your forehead against his “yeah dude that was pretty cool” Steve smiles patting Billy on the back “I didn’t see much but proud of you B” Eddie comments patting Billy’s head and shaking it a bit “thanks guys” Billy says with a ghost of a smile
Once everything had settled down and max had come out to sit with y’all in the living room you smile happily “I’m so proud of you max you were so brave in there” you kiss the top of her head as he smiles up at you “oh you’re just so cute” you bonk your forehead against hers “cmonnn I’m not a little kid” she whines but doesn’t stop you as you pull away and smile “how bout we order some pizza tonight hm? To welcome to newest member to the family” you kiss the top of Max’s head after brushing her hair away from her face “totally” all the them say Eddie deciding to be the one to call it in
The house was full yeah and with a new teenager running around it would be hectic but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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groggybastard · 3 years
omg ok I just realised I can actually post whatever I want on here lemme tell y’all abt the stick bugs I’ve been hatching and raising for the past few months. (this is a v long post if ur not interested start scrolling) also TW for pictures of large scary bugs!! (Spiny leaf stick insects)
So basically I bought these two stick bugs from a local pet store abt 2 years ago now, their names were Fred and Susan
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They looked like this when I first got them, Susan lost a leg when she was around this size and I guess it effected her development bc she stayed pretty small and didn’t like being handled, she passed away at abt 15 months old.
Fred however became an absolute MONSTER
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tiktok followers might remember, she was massive, seemed to love being carried around and exploring, and laid over 200 eggs before passing at nearly 2 years old!! (Average life span for these baby’s is between 6 and 18 months)
I got them in March of 2020, and they became a bit of a lifeline for me throughout quarantine, so when they started laying eggs I naturally wanted to try and hatch them! (stick insects can reproduce asexually, Fred and Susan are my lesbian icons).
I made up these two lil hatching boxes, I can make a tutorial on how I made them if anyone wants :))
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I put a BUNCH of eggs in there, everyone said to only do 20/30, but I didn’t listen and put loads bc honestly I didn’t think they’d ever hatch.
But they did!! About a year after I found the very first egg I got my first little baby!!! They’re extremely fast and difficult to get a picture of, but when they first hatch they’re abt as long as my thumb nail.
A couple of them didn’t make it when I left them w my family for a couple weeks, but most of them have been absolute little troopers. I currently have 5 that are on their way to being fully grown, and 6 tiny hatchlings!!
Ok so lemme introduce the girlies
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This is Meat Chop, she’s the first baby I ever hatched and is an absolute queenie, she never stops eating and loves thick eucalyptus, I know which one she is bc she’s the biggest, once they all grow idk what I’m gonna do
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This is Baby, she’s my most unique bc she broke her leg when she was a little younger, and now has a piece of shed skin stuck to her. I’m v worried about what this will mean for her growth, and I’m unsure how to help for. For now I’m just keeping her comfy and keeping an eye on it. She doesn’t like being handled and struggles to move around the cage sometimes, but she’s v cute and I love her
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Both of these lovelies are named Asparagus bc I cannot tell them apart, they both love exploring and never stay in the same place for long, I often freak out bc I can’t see them in the cage but they’re just hiding. They like rose leaves.
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Last of my big girls is Lauren, she’s slightly bigger than Asparagus and tends to be a little paler, however I’m sure she’ll darken over time. She loves hanging upside down and is v happy to be picked up, she will even reach for me sometimes when I open the cage!!!
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I have 6 little nymphs at the moment, and have tried to find and freeze the rest of the eggs bc idk how many more I can handle. They are all named El Salvador III, and are VERY lively, when they first hatch they will sprint around the cage at any movement, they constantly try to escape when I’m spraying water / changing the leaves, but after about a week they settle in a focus on eating and growing.
Anyways, if u read all of this thank u and I hope u enjoyed learning abt my bugs. Sometimes people think it’s weird that I care so much abt these lil guys but honestly they’re just so cool and lovely, if u have any questions please ask bc I love talking abt them!!
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americangirlstar · 3 years
*slides into american girl board meeting after sneaking past security* heeeeyyy I have a great idea for y’all! So you like selling those expensive sets right? A little overkill giving Corinne like three $100+ sets but you guys clearly love doing that. Well you also know how you’re losing money because you’re not focusing on the historical line, and how we all want you to bring back best friend dolls but you’re a lil hesitant about it? Well boy do I have a solution for you!
I call it: Collectors’ Doll Cycles! What is this, you may ask? We will cycle by year, picking a doll and giving them a special collector’s set. Not just a good chunk of their outfits like usual; in this set, we will have three extra dolls! Three dolls of their friends or relatives, which you can all buy in a bundle to collect!
We start with Josefina- I know, y’all don’t think she sells, but listen, everyone and their mom has a Clara custom, you’re throwing away money by not jumping on this. And Encanto just dropped, and you know what’s in Encanto? Luisa, who has the same outfit and hairstyle as Clara. Clara even came out first so you don’t have to worry about people saying you’re copying her! So release Josefina and her sisters and the rich kids who liked Encanto will beg their parents for a doll that looks like Luisa and/or “sister dolls”
Then the next year we see who has the most requests and cycle around. Think of what we could do with this! We had people complaining that Molly got Emily instead of Linda and Susan? How about Molly and Linda and Susan! For Samantha you can just mass-produce the same doll twice and sell it as Agnes and Agatha; Nanea can have all of her kittens (Lily, Donna, Dixie), Felicity and Elizabeth could have Nan and Annabelle; Kit and Ruthie can have their Stirling! We don’t even need to add a fourth to Kit’s people will see Stirling and immediately hand you their wallets
You could even have two options for Melody: one set of her siblings (Yvonne, Dwayne and Lila) OR of her friends (Val, Diana and Sharon– aka her support system from the first book that made me cry). Courtney friend group would be super easy and probably would make y’all a lot of money considering how popular she is rn– you could have Tina, Kip and Sarah. I think an Isaac doll might cross the line a bit into “profiteering off of tragedy” but that’s for y’all to decide. Maybe you can donate to an AIDS charity or something idk.
Alright so also I would like to talk to you about the possibility of an Iñupiat doll- *i am forcibly dragged out by security*
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woodsfae · 2 years
Previous episode (B5 the Gathering) here!
Alright, I’m posted up with my oral surgery recovery-friendly pudding and ep 1! I decided to pick a tag for all my first time Babylon 5 watching, which is the first one I’ve tagged below, so y’all can follow or blacklist that as you like.
Babylon 5: Midnight on the Firing Line
I’ve definitely watched too much classic sci-fi because these extremely dated visual effects make me so happy. I love them.
Garibaldi is here, Centauri Ambassador is here, there’s a new crew member...where’s Laurel?! I need her to be in this.
 I hated Londo every second in the Gathering but he’s hilarious in this so far.
I really have to get the main alien species and ambassador names down. In my head they’re Hair, Spots, Rock Garden, and Vorlon.
Hair: Centauri - Londo Mollari Spots: Narn - G’Kar Rock Garden: Minbari? Delenn? Vorlon - Kosh
I caved and googled Laurel and am utterly devastated to find out that my beloved will not be a series regular. This is so unfair. I have strong words to send 29 years into the past.
Ivanova has the same eyeliner style that I did in 2007. Not sure if she’s ahead of her (series release) time, or I was way behind mine (probably the latter).
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Mister Garibaldi. You are sitting at my station, using my equipment. Is there a reason for this? Or to save time should I just go ahead and snap your hands off at the wrist?
Ivanova is growing on me. I support women threatening disproportionate, gratuitous violence. And Garibaldi is such a limp rag (affectionate). I wanna see her wring him out over the hydroponics.
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This is so homoerotic.
Will someone please say Rock Garden’s name and species? Why are all the characters so averse to using her name? Is this Delenn? I’ve seen gifs that I think are of her.
Oh shit Ivanova is sexy as fuck with her hair down and that dangly choker necklace.
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whoof. Girl.
It’s so hard picking what to quote/gif, because I want to quote and gif practically everything Ivanova says in this scene. So I compromised by making two gifs with no quotes.
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Now. Kiss. Seriously. Because that is not a straight look. They gay.
“When they discover what you are [...] you can join the Psi Corps, or go to prison.” damn, that’s dystopian as fuck.
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Holy shit. 😳🥵 I’ve shipped on less. This is from the 90’s so if it’s queerbaiting I won’t be surprised but holy hell, these two are queer as hell for each other.
I am so relieved that the thing Garibaldi wanted to show Rock Garden is old Daffy Duck cartoons. This is only reinforcing my opinion that he’s a wringable dishrag (affectionate.)
[end episode]
My final thoughts are: 1. the series writers have a serious aversion to using female characters’ names. Tumblr tags suggested Susan Ivanova for me, but I had to ecosia-search “Babylon 5 telepaths” and then the suggested list of names to get to Talia Winters. I am now pretty confident that Rock Garden is actually named Delenn.
2. This show is exactly the sort of thing I love, and I’m pleased that I’m watching it right when the remastered version is available. So crisp! So pretty!
3. How rampant are spoilers? I already saw something about Ivanova being a clone, so I’m assuming I should avoid looking things up. Hence why I don’t know what probably-Delenn’s species is called.
Also, I figured out how to make HBO play on firefox, which also fixed the screen recording for gifs issue! Huzzah!
Next Episode
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
Kind of went off with this one lol
“Now, just what am I going to do with you?” Villain circled the bound Hero mockingly, examining their taut muscles beneath the rope.
“You could let me go,” Hero suggested, trying to calm their erratic pulse. “After all, I thought you always said that the fun was in the chase.”
Villain chuckled, stopping in front of them and tilting their chin up. Hero was on their knees, such a vulnerable position, and they wanted to take full advantage of it. “Oh, Hero, you say that as if I chased you for no reason other than the thrill of it. Do you really believe that you’re not worth my full attention?”
Hero swallowed, brow creasing underneath their mask. “I don’t understand.”
“You’re glorious, darling,” Villain gripped their chin tighter, soaking in their fear and how desperately they tried to hide it. “I wanted you all to myself.”
“Unfortunately for you,” Hero said, “I’m going to escape.”
Villain’s fingers traced Hero’s jaw, falling down to finger the strong ropes holding them. “No, Hero, you’re not.” They allowed their fingers to linger for just a moment longer before stepping away. “Now, shall we begin?”
“Begin what?” Hero bit out, jaw clenched.
“Why, Hero,” Villain said, a smile growing on their face. “A discovery of you. I want to know all you are, everything that goes on in that brilliant mind of yours. We’ll start with your face, hm? Who is this miracle underneath the mask?”
Hero, frozen in horror and inexplicably blushing, jerked away. “No!”
Villain tsked, wrapping their fingers around their jaw and dragging their head forward again. “Don’t worry, your secret will be safe with me. I only want to get properly acquainted.”
Their fingers began working at Hero’s mask, slowly. Gently.
Hero couldn’t bear it. “Wait, please! You can hurt me, torture me, whatever you want, just please don’t take my mask off.”
“Sensitive, are we?” Villain asked softly, pausing. “Whenever did you get the impression that I wanted to hurt you?”
Hero’s cheeks burned. “Maybe when you tied me up with rope and took me to a secluded location? Or all of the times we’ve battled in the past months?”
Villain tilted their head, calculating, and went back to taking off Hero's mask without responding.
“Please,” Hero jerked away again. Villain sighed and gestured for them to speak. Hero wracked their brain for something that might get through to them, readopting their usual casual persona. “This isn’t fair. You said you want to get acquainted, but you’re leaving your mask on, love.”
Villain chuckled softly. “I know you well enough to see past that act, but very well. I’ll humor you.”
Without leaving Hero time to comprehend their answer, Villain slipped their mask off and threw Hero a wink. Hero gaped. It was that easy?
“Your turn, now.” Villain slid Hero’s mask off equally quickly so that they didn’t even have time to turn their face away. Now Villian gripped Hero’s chin, eyes roving their exposed face. Their breath caught at the direct way Villain was looking at them. Then Villain flashed a smile. “Now see? You have absolutely no reason to hide like that, gorgeous. I could do without that stricken expression on your face, but it is rather adorable.”
Hero immediately snapped their mouth shut, resuming a glare- or something close to one.
Villain sighed through a smile. “Must we go through this again? I’m not going to hurt you. If I had any reason to believe you wouldn’t run as soon as I let you out, I would cut those ropes too.” They paused, reconsidering. “Well, not cut them as they were rather expensive. Not everyday you can find something strong enough to hold a superhero.”
“What is the point of all of this?” Hero demanded.
“The point, dear Hero?” Villain knelt in front of them, brushing hair back from their face. “I thought you could use a break.”
“And the real reason?”
Villain’s eyes dropped to their lips for half a second then fell to Hero’s collar as an apparently suitable distraction. “What fabric is this?” They asked mildly, running their fingers over it. “Feels a bit stiff to make a suit out of it.”
Hero was staring at the unmistakable blush on Villain’s cheeks. Were they… flirting? “It works well as armor while still allowing me mobility,” Hero answered.
Villain hummed, tugging back on it to expose more of Hero’s neck. Then Villain’s jaw flexed, face hardening, and it took Hero a second to realize what was wrong.
“Where did you get this?” They asked all too casually, finger sliding along the scar that hung across their throat.
Hero’s lips parted as they searched for an answer.
Villain unsheathed a knife, bringing it slowly to Hero’s throat then cutting down their suit, slicing the ropes away as well in the process. Hero was now free to curl in on themselves, to run, but for some reason they couldn’t.
Villain’s deft eyes took in the scars that littered Hero’s body, lots very clearly intentional. “Seems like somebody’s already had some fun with you,” Villain said, tracing their finger in the groove of a scar that ran along Hero’s abdomen. “Who?” Their voice was deceptively casual, but Hero knew better.
“Stop it,” Hero hissed, shoving them away. “Why do you care? I’m sure I got some of these from you, with all the fights we’ve had.”
Villain paused, regarding them curiously. “Oh? Care to tell me which ones?”
Hero rolled their eyes as though it were obvious, then started to think about it and found themselves at a loss for an answer.
“Ah,” Villain said, cupping their cheek. “You see, somebody has hurt you so much that you never noticed I’ve never hurt you once. Now- who? Who did this to you?”
Hero looked up into their eyes, shining with rage and protectiveness, and couldn’t help but wonder when this had happened. Villain had always tried to talk to them, but they never let them get more than a few words in. And really, they had no reason to trust Villain now, so why did they?
“Superhero,” Hero breathed, eyes falling to the floor.
Villain nodded, once. “I’ll help you.”
“Help me what?” Hero asked, suddenly aware of their vulnerability, kneeling on the floor, the top of their costume in tatters around them along with the rope, their arms limp at their sides and Villain still holding their face.
“I’ll help you make them pay, make sure they can’t do this ever again. Would you like that?”
Hero felt like they were being seen for the first time, like all their life they had been invisible and somehow, somebody noticed them. “I would like that very much.”
Villain retracted their hand. “We can make plans over dinner.” They winked again, moving to leave the room. “I’ll bring you something to wear. Your favorite flowers are apricot carnations, right?”
The door closed behind them, leaving Hero very alone.
“Yes, they are,” they said softly to the empty room.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added or removed): @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @twistedcaretaker @lonesome--hunter @poppys-writing @endless-whump @jkoo7jkoo5-baby-susan @mostlytryingtostayalive @shadowylemon @cherryblossomskye @utopian819 @whumpkitty also hope I’m okay tagging @written-to-death and @villain-enthusiast cause I thought of y’all while writing this <3
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moon-kn1ght · 3 years
toes in the water
pairing: frankie morales x reader
word count: 2k 
warnings: kindergarten should def be a warning, maybe also incredibly unvaried sentence structure? rated E for everyone :)
a/n: this is going to be a small series surrounding a single father frankie morales and reader who is a kindergarten teacher. semi-slow burning, super cute and will def have storage closet / after-hours classroom sex at some point. thank you @wyn-dixie for the beta and for quelling my anxieties about literally everything. 
masterlist || tag form
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Were you supposed to be using the kindergarten enrollment forms to sus out potential cute, single parents? No, definitely not. 
But the process of going through the individual forms and comparing them to the database for possible clerical errors was tedious at best, and grueling at its worst. Sitting on those tiny kindergarten chairs, you and the other four members of your team of teachers had already rehashed all of the gossip from the summer, including how Jessica the first year teacher from the 3rd grade cohort had hooked up with that sleazy geometry teacher from the high school at the end of the year district-wide social last May. 
“God, I remember when he was student teaching at the middle school,” Dora, your most senior coworker who had ‘been around the block a few times’ and also held onto every piece of gossip that circulated in your district for the last 17 years, drawled, “He had the grossest little rat mustache, you could hardly tell him apart from the 8th graders!” 
The group laughs in response to that joke, always ready to make of the holier-than-thou high school teachers. “You know what?” Dora adds, “You’d think after so many years, I’d be used to these tiny fucking chairs, but I am not. I need a walk and a Diet Coke.” 
“I’ll join you!” chimed Joanne, the second-oldest teacher in your cohort. The two leaders of your team left the room, leaving you, Claudia, and Andrés, the youngest teachers in the kindergarten cohort. Andrés and you had gone through your credential program together and had known each other for upwards of five years now as best friends. When the two of you arrived at Franklin Elementary, fresh out of school, Claudia had just completed her first year so she welcomed more young teachers with open arms. The three of you have been inseparable for the past several years now. 
“Okay, pull out your stacks!” Andrés orders, citing your group’s earlier plan to use this menial labor to check for potential single parents. You were just looking on the forms to see who did not have both parents listed. It wasn’t a perfect system. And yeah, it was probably inappropriate but y’all were just messing around and killing time on this sweltering August day. 
“I have one in my class!” you offer. “Student: Grace Miller. Parent: Susan Miller. Occupation: Landscape architect.” 
“Oooo, intriguing. Love someone who works with their hands,” Claudia remarks in a silly, sultry voice. “I have one, the student is named Peter, mom is Karen. She’s an accountant.” 
“I don’t like the sound of that. Karen? Yeah no thank you. Glad she’s in your class, not mine.” Andrés laughs and you join him. Kindergarten was just as much of a transition for students as it was for parents, and sometimes they took it harder than the kids. “Here’s to hoping she doesn’t live up to her name...” he continues, “Ooh, I have one! He's single dad--” 
Oooh, you and Claudia purr.
“Rosalia Morales is the daughter of single dad Francisco; form says he's a small business owner,” Andrés presents this crown jewel piece of information to a round of applause from you and Claudia. 
“Ugh, let’s hope he’s cute!” Claudia adds and the three of you dissolve into giggles as the older women  return from their Diet Coke run. 
Rosalia Morales was ready for kindergarten. Frankie Morales, on the other hand, was not. 
The younger Morales had spent the first weeks of August carefully preparing for this new (and very important) chapter in her life. She carefully deliberated over decisions like what backpack and lunchbox to get from Target (she chose a matching Sofia the First set, so that it could be a topic of conversation for her and her potential new friends at school) to what she was instructing her father to pack in her lunchbox (no PB&J’s in case her new friends were allergic, she wanted to be able to sit at the same lunch table with them and not have these seminal weeks defined by the separation of Peanut vs Peanut free lunches). Rosalia was very meticulous, and she always had been. She was well-prepared to face all the challenges kindergarten wanted to throw at her. 
While Rosalia had spent weeks preparing, Frankie had spent weeks dreading the imminent separation from his favorite person in the universe. Yes, he had sent Rosalia to preschool and pre-K but those had all been half-day programs. He would drop her off on his way to work and then pick her up at lunchtime. That only meant four hours apart but full-day Kindergarten was drop-off at 7:45am and pick up at 3:30pm. Seven and a half hours. How am I going to do it? he thought to himself. 
At Franklin, they implemented a very specific first day schedule. Parents walked their kids to their classrooms to hang up their bags, then the students got to go play on the playground while the parents left. The older teachers designed this system to reinforce to the students that school = fun. Yes, of course there were always students who had a rougher first day, but it usually took a couple of hours for the fatigue to set in before the students realized how long the day (and year was going to be). 
This system most importantly allowed for a clean break with the parents, a solid ‘goodbye!’ point that the teachers could enforce. But, always, there were some straggler parents (either loitering inside, near the front door or in their cars in the parking lot). The administrative team would let the indoor stragglers know that it was time to leave, but they would have two of the teachers go into the parking lot to make sure all the parents had cleared out. 
This year, you and Claudia had pulled those short straws, so while the rest of your team monitored the early recess, you two roamed the parking lot with reassuring waves and “I’m sorry, it’s district policy, you have to leave the parking lot after drop off.” Everyone usually took it graciously—it’s like ripping off a band-aid, it’s better to just get it done. 
You had almost cleared the lot of loitering vehicles when you came upon an older, red truck with a man inside it. His window was down so you began to speak to him a little before he noticed you, causing him to jump. 
“Hi, I'm one of the teachers in the Kindergarten cohort," you say as you run your bare left hand through your hair. “Are you a parent?” 
As he turns to look at you, you can notice that even with his cap pulled low, he has definitely been crying a little. “Hey, yes sorry. I’m Frankie Morales, Rosalia’s dad,” the man stammers, “I’m sorry, I know the policy, I think I’m just having a little bit of separation anxiety.” HIs brown eyes look a little bloodshot as he gives you a half-hearted smile. 
You search his face and see no traces of dishonesty, this is just a man very nervous to be sending his kid to school. And a cute one at that too. Claudia called it, you think. 
Before you can let your mind wander too far about this stranger, you have to say something. “Mr. Morales...” you start. 
“Please call me Frankie. Mr. Morales is my dad,” he interjects nervously.         
“Okay, Frankie,” you say. “I understand how nerve-wracking sending your kid to school can be. I may not be a parent myself, but I can empathize. But I can also offer to you that in my years in kindergarten, I’ve never seen a student not adjust to the classroom,” you offer. 
“But I also understand that our anxieties can be irrational and don’t like when presented with things that might undermine them. So it’s okay to still be nervous or anxious right now,” you add. “Do you think there’s something that I could do to help you feel better about leaving school property in the next ten minutes or so?” you smile a little to help this last bit come off as nice as possible. 
“I…” he mumbles, “I… I’m not sure, my parental intuition is telling me that something will happen in the middle of the day and it’ll take me too long to get here, which I know isn’t going to happen but… I’m worried that I won’t be able to be enough for her”  
“You worry because you care, and I can already tell that you care about her a lot. Hey, like I said, our worries don’t have to be rational to get at us.”
“She’s just all I have, she’s the center of my universe,” he adds. With this, you can see the shift in his eyes, from worry to love. You can tell that he loves his daughter with his whole heart. 
“Rosalia is in Andrés', I mean, Mr. Gonzales’s class, right?” 
“Yeah, she is.” 
“I think I might have a solution, a little band-aid just for today,” you bid and Frankie looks hopeful. “This is very much against district policy so you have to promise not to tell on me.”  
He laughs with this, and promises not to tell. “How about I give you my phone number, and any time that your fatherly intuition is telling you that something bad is going to happen, you can text me and then I’ll peek across the hall to Rosalia’s classroom, and I can factually assure you that nothing bad is happening?” 
Frankie actually smiles, for the first time in this whole conversation, “That would be great,” he says.
As you knew would happen, the day passed without incident. Frankie didn’t even text you, which you felt good about. But also a little sad because you wanted to start a little texting thing with this single dad. But you knew it would be a little inappropriate, in your heart of hearts. 
After all the students get picked up, Claudia and Andrés migrate into your classroom. 
“Don’t you think the first day of school calls for a celebratory drink out this afternoon?” Andrés probes. He always was down for happy hour (and to be truthful, you were too). “We should go to the brewery down the road, they have some nice outdoor seating.” 
“I’m in,” you state, “And I may or may not have some other good news..” you tease. 
“What? What good news could have happened in a room full of 6 year-olds?” Claudia jokes. 
“Y’all can’t tell anyone but I got the phone number of that single dad from Andrés’s class,” you say as quickly as you can. 
Claudia and Andrés both break into shrieks with this news. 
“Oh my god, I can’t believe our prowling on the enrollment forms WORKED!!” Andrés exclaims. 
“He was nervous at drop off so I gave him my number but he didn’t end up texting me, so nothing will probably ever come of it. But still, small win in my book.” 
Claudia throws her head back, “You deserve all the wins you get, whatever happens, we’re psyched for you.” 
Later, during happy hour you check your phone and notice a new text from an unsaved number. 
Hey, thanks for your help this morning, having this line of communication made me feel a lot better. Rosalia had a great day today. -Frankie 
You try to keep your facial expressions minimal as you read the message. They don’t need to know about this, you think to yourself before shooting back a quick message. 
That makes me so happy Frankie. Feel free to reach out whenever you need! About whatever :) 
You add that last line hastily and hit send. I can thank this liquid courage for that, you think as you down the rest of your pint. 
TAG LIST: @wyn-dixie | @empress-palpat1ne | @marvelousmermaid | @knivesareout | @sleep-tight1 | @justanotherblonde23​ | 
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Right in the Middle of Camp
Summary: After most of the gang head out on a large, over-night group heist, you're left in charge, with few members behind. The camp is quiet, the members sound asleep, and you're left to enjoy a drink, all until a friend of yours keeps you company, in more ways than one.
Pairing: f!Reader x Micah Bell
Word Count: 4960
Rating: NSFW
Tags: Smut, Gun kink, Dry humping/grinding, Public, Oral, Hickeys, Making out, First time, Friends to lovers.                     
Notes: This started off as a lil fic request, but it’s Micah, and I’m the author, so what else did y’all expect?
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Everything happens for a reason, right? There surely must be a good reason as to why you were asked to guard the camp rather than come along on this heist. Does this mean Dutch trusts you? Putting you in charge despite not being a member of the gang for too long? You thought he would have asked Susan, but you soon found out that she'd been asked to come along instead. It was some elaborate robbery that was easily going to take a day or two. Dutch had taken a handful of his strongest members, strong in various kinds of ways, and you were somewhat offended that he didn't take you. But you let out a sigh after taking another sip of your drink, reassuring yourself that this meant he trusted you enough to keep watch of the camp and its members, as well as valuable items like the lockbox, guns, wagons, etc. You still can't help feeling a little insulted, and Dutch definitely noticed that in the way you looked at him when he went through everything with you. Oh well, you'll just continue to remind yourself that everything really does happen for a reason.
But to be sat here by the campfire, drinking your sorrows away, subconsciously picking at the label on the bottle as you run through the past few weeks in your mind, trying to figure out why you weren't considered strong enough to be taken on the heist. Was that happening for a reason? You sigh again, whatever. If Dutch, your boss, wants you to guard the camp then you'll do exactly that. At least the camp is quiet, almost silent, but that's also because it's late. You'd given yourself guard duty tonight, only you'd sat your ass down straight away and began drinking instead. The last time a stranger had rolled up at camp was back in Blackwater, a sorrowful man who only asked for a bit of help and thankfully received it rather than a bullet in his head. Clemens Point was far away from any main roads, and it's hard not to notice a figure moving amongst the trees if anyone does decide to approach camp. Plus the horses would begin kicking up a fuss, well, the ones that were left. Your bottle is empty yet again, so you force yourself to your feet, taking extra care not to stumble over the log as you begin walking over to Pearson's wagon. A full bottle replaces the one in your hand, and you decide to wander back to the campfire, only to be stopped in your tracks as a familiar camp member calls out your voice. "Hm?" you question as your head turns to meet Micah's gaze. He's sat by himself at the table near Dutch's tent, his knife dug into the wood, forearms resting atop it. He's clearly been having a few rounds of five finger fillet to himself, training, so he can challenge Arthur yet again whenever the broody cowboy returns. "You alright, doll?" Micah asks you, his head raising up, his eyes meeting yours from under the brim of his off-white hat. "Yeah, sure," you tell him as you make your way over, leaning against the table as you take a swig from your beer. "You don't look it," Micah sighs, shaking his head a little. "C'mon, what's a matter?" he questions. You, along with Dutch, are the only two people who actually tolerate Micah. It's no surprise that the camp rejects him, especially from the way he interacts with them, but you quickly picked up on how high his walls are, and those walls must be high for a reason. For many reasons, you've been kind to him; is it because you see some of yourself in him? Is it because you believe that everyone deserves a chance? Or is it because there is just something about that man that... interests you...? Either way, Micah would spend a lot of his time in your company. You found peace in the way Micah will often simply sit beside you, sharpening his knives as you get on with whatever task you're doing. Words aren't often exchanged but that's how both of you like it, no need for unnecessary chatter or gossip. Micah respects you more than you'll ever know; he has quite the soft spot for the strong woman type. "Just that heist," you say with a huff. "I'm a little... upset that Dutch didn't consider me for it." "You know what Dutch is like, he's picky when it comes to things like that, but can you blame him? Gotta play your cards right. Besides, he didn't take me neither," Micah shrugs. Your head turns to look at him as you cross one ankle over the other, still leaning against the table. "I wonder why," you say in a playful tone, making Micah grumble and shake his head. "Here I am bein' kind to you, and you're pickin' at me. Ain't very nice, hm?" Micah tuts, though you can tell he's not really annoyed as he returns your playful tone. You let out a soft laugh before taking another sip of your drink, definitely beginning to feel its effects. You're about to respond with another witty reply but Micah's already opened his mouth. "Why don'tcha sit with me?" he offers, picking up on the sway to your body that you weren't fully aware of. "Huh?" you question, unsure if you head that right. Micah gives you a funny look as he turns his body, moving his legs to the side of the crate, his feet firm on the floor. "Yeah... sit... like this," he babies you, pointing to his legs as if you've forgotten how to sit down. "Oh, sure," you reply, your cheeks a little rosy as the liquor continues to run through your veins. Micah almost jumps out of his skin as you place your hand on his shoulder, the cool leather of his coat pressed on your palm, holding yourself steady as you move. He sits upright, biting his tongue to prevent a yelp from escaping his lips as you take a seat on his lap, your rear on his thighs, your legs swung over the crate that he's sat on. Once comfortable, you look across at Micah, your eyes going wide once you see his expression. He's still sat upright, his back the straightest you've ever seen it, whilst his hands are hovering mid-air, unsure on where to place them. It's not hard to notice the blush on his cheeks, his soft freckles becoming bolder as heat rises from his skin. He's a spitting image of a spooked owl, eyes wide but his pupils are blown, both from the darkness and from your... bold move... "What?" you question. You debate moving your hand from his shoulder and standing back up, but Micah would have pushed you off if he didn't want you on his lap. "What did you think I said?" Micah asks you, his eyes slowly softening out as he rests one elbow on the table, the other gripping onto the crate he's sat on, nails digging into the wood as he tells himself to hold it together. "You... you told me to sit on you?" you nervously reply. Micah loses it, cracking up and letting out a giggle, his eyes squinting in the corners. He moves his hand off the crate, placing it on your knees, his thumb subconsciously rubbing across the fabric of your skirt. "You really are funny, you know that?" Micah tells you as he continues to giggle. "I said sit with me, not on me," he informs you, making your cheeks turn salmon red as you realize the mistake you've just made. You're about to stand up and begin apologizing, but Micah moves his hand up to your thighs, giving one a little squeeze as he finishes off his laughter. "S'alright," he tells you. "I see this as an upgrade, don't you?" Micah comments. A tone that you've heard before returns to Micah's voice, a soft purr, his pitch dropping even deeper. He's used this tone on you before, specifically when both of you are in each other's company, and each other's company only. Flirting with Micah Bell is no foreign scenario to you, though not much has happened apart from shared words in settings that are eager to get heated. You were planning on finally coming onto Mister Bell when the moment is right, hopefully during a future heist that you and Micah will privately go on, or during the dark of night when the camp is quiet. Oh, that's happening right now, isn't it? "It is an upgrade," you tell him with a small nod, your eyes moving away from his for a brief moment, so you can take another drink. "You must be quite gone if that liquor is affecting your hearing," Micah replies. "No, no. I ain't. I know when I've had enough, Micah." "That so?" "It is so," you reply, almost in a mocking tone, making Micah softly laugh. "Trust me, Micah. I'll let you know when I've had enough," you blatantly flirt, shuffling a little closer on his lap. The noise Micah lets out can only be described as a mix between a growl and a sigh, his grip on your thigh tightening after he slides his hand up it a little more. The rosiness returns to his cheeks, his eyes becoming hazy and lustful, and it's obvious that he's holding himself back as the hand he has rested on the table bunches up to make a fist. "Now I really wanna know what you're drinkin'," Micah comments. "That was a bold line for you, sweetheart." "It's just beer," you say with a shrug. You move your hand from his shoulder, your index finger softly cupping his chin as you lean in a little closer to ask him an important question. "Do you wanna taste it?" "Course I do, doll," Micah replies, visibly biting his tongue. His thighs rub together beneath you, clearly trying to get himself comfortable as the tent in his pants continues to grow.
Micah's expecting you to simply hand him the bottle, though his mind prays for another scenario, one that you end up doing. You take a quick swig, eyes on Micah's as you gulp down the beer. You barely tug on Micah's chin, your touch so soft but Micah moves with it, his lips meeting yours in the middle. The bitter taste of barley is heavy on your lips and Micah gulps the flavour down, instantly deepening the kiss, not holding back on something that he's been patiently waiting for.
You manage to place the almost empty bottle on the table behind you, your hand then wrapping around Micah's neck, joining the other one that has now moved from his chin. The brim of his hat continues to brush against the top of your head, the item of clothing falling back onto the crown of Micah's head, scruffing up Micah's hair a little as it moves. It's enough to irritate him, so he takes it off, placing it on the table, then resting his hand down behind you.
The hand on your thigh is hungry, kneading at you through the layers of your skirt, massaging you, although you can sense the spark in every touch. There's already dampness growing between your legs and Micah lets out a soft chuckle against your lips as he feels you adjusting yourself on his lap.
"C'mere, let's get you comfortable," Micah tells you as he tugs at your thigh. He urges you up, only momentarily, so he can spin his body on the crate, his back leaning against the brim of the wooden table. You sit back down on his lap, this time straddling him, your knees resting on the sides of the crate, your crotch pressed against his.
Micah's hands snake around your waist, gripping onto the fabric of your shirt as he pulls your bodies closer. His lips meet yours again, playfully nipping at your bottom lip, enticing you to part your lips so his tongue can slip between them and finally meet yours. You don't even realize you've begun rutting your crotch against yours until Micah takes a hold of your hips, pushing your body down, urging you to rut against him even harder.
You break the kiss to let out a whimper, making Micah chuckle. He takes the opportunity to dip his head down, kissing along your neck until he reaches your collarbone. He licks a playful stripe up your neck, settling just below your jawline and nipping at that soft spot below your ear.
"Always knew you'd make such beautiful sounds," Micah whispers against your ear before nipping at your skin again, drawing another whimper from your lips. "Keep grindin' those hips, girl, and I'll be sure to reward you after."
You didn't even realize your hips had come to a halt, too distracted with how Micah's lips feel against your skin. He continues to kiss at your neck, leaving the occasional mark, claiming you as his own, but the grip on your hips tightens as he begins to physically roll them for you, rutting your crotch against his.
There's not enough friction, especially when the fabric of your skirt continues to get in the way; you lift your body up, adjusting yourself, bunching your skirt up to your thighs and settling back down on Micah's lap. Micah lets out an "ooh," as he watches you get comfortable, biting his lip with a soft grin, watching you hungrily.
"Much better," you sigh as you straddle his thigh, tilting your hips forward, so you can begin grinding your clit down against the rough denim of his pants. Your undergarments are soft enough to prevent Micah's pants from being too rough on you, just the right amount of friction to begin getting yourself off.
Micah leans back against the table; he moves his hands from your hips, propping his elbows on the wood behind him, letting his hands fall loosely as he watches you get to work. "Guess I'll just enjoy the show," he tells you as he reaches out to his side, picking up your beer from earlier and taking a swig. Micah's got a smug expression on his face as he watches you rut yourself against his thigh, your hands gripping onto the thick leather of his coat, holding you steady.
"Good girl," Micah praises just before taking another swig, looking perfectly relaxed for a man that has his love interest getting herself off on his leg. You feel a little bad for not rutting against the obvious bulge in his pants, so you decide to shift your hips again, shuffling up his legs in an attempt to help him get some satisfaction, despite knowing he's loving the sight of you getting yourself off on him.
As you move your hips back down, the grip of one of his holstered guns brushes against your inner thigh, almost hitting your pussy. It's not as cold as you thought it'd be against the thick fabric of your undergarments, but definitely firm enough to draw an idea in your mind. You settle back down on Micah's lap, only you're off-centre; Micah raises an eyebrow but quickly clicks on to what you're doing as you begin to rut yourself against the grip of his gun, the wooden handle providing more than enough satisfaction to begin building your orgasm.
"Oh," Micah comments, watching you fuck yourself on one of his guns. "Now, you are a naughty thing, ain'tcha? Usin' every single part of me to get yourself off," he chuckles, tutting you at the end of his sentence.
"You want me to stop?" you question, a stern tone to your voice, almost as if you're threatening to.
"What? No, no!" Micah shakes his head. He moves his elbow off the table, taking a firm hold of your hip and encouraging you to grind against his firearm. "Do carry on," he coos before taking a final sip, chucking the empty bottle to the floor.
So, you do as you're told, continuing to grind yourself against the smooth wood of his grip, your clit rolling perfectly against it, and your undergarments providing an extra layer of friction. Micah's eyes are on you, enjoying the show with a smug smile across his face; he's more than happy to tilt his head for you as you lean forward, pressing your lips against his neck, feeling his beard brush against your temple as you begin to leave marks on his pale skin.
Within minutes his neck is as red as his shirt, an array of warm blotches dotted over him, trailing down to his collar bone. You kiss over them, finding a sensitive spot below his ear; Micah lets out ah "ooh" and a shiver when you finally discover it, licking and nipping at it as your orgasm creeps closer. You soon have to pause your hard work, burying your head into the curve of Micah's neck as your orgasm takes you, trembling on Micah's lap and panting heavily.
"Atta girl," Micah coos. "That's it, cum on that precious revolver of mine," he softly tells you, almost whispering it against your ear.
You sit upright, only to press your lips against Micah's as your hips move away from his revolver, settling down on his lap. You let out a tremble as your overly-sensitive clit presses against his cock, your tremble going unnoticed as Micah chuckles during the kiss, biting at your bottom lip before breaking away.
"Doll," Micah sighs against you, "you got any idea how long I've been waiting for this?" he questions.
"No," you reply, shaking your head as you speak. "How long?"
"Mhm, I'd say since I first laid eyes on you," Micah tells you as he slowly lifts you up, holding your legs tight around his waist. He sits you down on the table, his crotch pressed against yours as he stands between your legs.
"I wasn't expecting you to be so patient," you playfully prod at him, making Micah roll his eyes sarcastically.
"Neither was I," he replies. "But, here we are, so we might as well make the most of it, hm, darlin'?" Micah asks as he begins to bunch up your skirt, settling it around your hips.
His eyes dart down, fingers trailing against your thighs, fiddling with the hem of your undergarments. One hand moves from your thigh, so he can trail his thumb over your wet patch, brushing against your sensitive clit; he chuckles at the way your body jolts from his light touches, flicking over the bud a few more times until his patience finally runs out.
Micah removes your undergarments a lot swifter than you expected, and you notice the grin on his face as he sits back down on the crate, his head lining up almost perfectly with your crotch as you lay back on the table. His thumb returns to your clit, softly rubbing over it, barely enough to pleasure you but of course, he wants to tease you. Micah begins to kiss along your thigh, his eyes falling shut as he plants soft kisses along your skin, trailing up to your cunt and just as he's about to reach your pussy, he moves over to the other one.
"Micah," you whimper, but he ignores you, until you repeat his name a second time.
"Mhm?" he replies, his eyes still shut as he switches between your thighs again.
"Stop bein' a tease," you protest.
Micah lightly chuckles as he moves his head away, his eyes opening to meet yours. "Why? I ain't had supper, but that doesn't mean I should rush to eat my food."
You whine and pout, and Micah seems to take pleasure in your little tantrum. "Ain't you hungry?" you ask, joining in on his game.
Micah dips his head down to lick a firm stripe up your cunt, his head moving back up and his eyes meeting yours as he replies "starving." He then returns to kissing your thighs, his thumb softly playing with your clit again. Of course, Micah Bell was going to be like this. What did you expect?
You grumble again as you lie back on the table, pushing Micah's hat to the edge, and enjoying the way his facial hair moves against your skin with every kiss. Finally, just as you were about to start protesting again, Micah settles perfectly between your thighs and begins lapping at your pussy. He's not as messy as you thought he'd be, switching between lapping at your bud, and tongue-fucking your entrance, his tongue just the right firmness to pleasure you.
Micah has a tight yet comfortably grip on your waist, his arms wrapping around your thighs, the cold leather of his coat pressing against your skin as large hands cling on tightly and keep your legs spread. "Quit tryna close those legs," Micah mutters against you, and you weren't even aware of the way your body is shaking until he comments on it.
You quietly apologize, your words being cut short as Micah grinds his tongue firmer against your clit. He moves his hands from you briefly, so he can unfasten his pants after unfastening his gun belt, letting it fall to the floor, then begins jerking himself with one hand whilst the other returns to your thigh. He's lapping at your clit, flicking his tongue over the bud and softly sucking on it every so often, making you whimper and moan, your eyes falling shut.
By now, Micah's began to groan, jerking his cock whilst enjoying the taste of you. He's growing impatient, his cock throbbing in his hand, smearing precum over his length as it dribbles down from the tip. He finally gives in, moving his mouth off your pussy.
Micah stands, beckoning you to sit up. You sit upright, already looking debauched, and Micah smiles at the sight of you before lowering his head to steal a kiss from you, your taste strong on his lips.
"You need to be quiet, girl," Micah says in between kisses, one hand firmly on your chin whilst the other holds the base of his cock, so he can slide it over your folds, slicking himself up and yet again, teasing you. "You think you can keep it down for me?"
"I can," you reply with a small nod, speaking directly against Micah's lips.
Micah hums as he continues to kiss you, the tip of his cock threatening to enter you, but he ruts it over your folds instead. "I ain't so sure about that, sweetheart," Micah replies, moving his head away from yours.
He looks over you quickly, clearly running through the ideas in his head. Micah then moves his hands up to remove his green neckerchief, biting at his bottom lip to stop himself from grinning at what he has planned. "Open up for me," Micah sweetly asks, smiling as you open your mouth to allow him to gag you, tightening his neckerchief at the back of your head.
"It suits you," he smugly comments, kissing your cheekbone and then leaving a peck on your lips. His hand trails back down south, and before you can tilt your head to watch where he's moving it to, Micah's already lined up his cock and began sliding into you.
The sound Micah makes once he's fully sheathed inside you has made it worth the wait, a whimper so soft that you'd never expect it to come from this man's lips. He sighs deeply, eyes fixated at the sight of his length sunk deep inside you, until he looks up and flashes you a grin. "You got any idea just how good you feel?" he questions. All you can do is shake your head. Micah smirks again and comments "too damn good." Suddenly, he's thrusting into you, quick and deep, wasting no time with slow, 'warm-up' thrusts. He needs you now, and he's going to take it. You lie back on the table, your head rolling back on the wood, moans muffled by the thick fabric of his neckerchief, the taste of his skin faint on your tongue and lips. His cock is perfect, the right length, the right thickness, and with an upward curve that brushes against your g-spot with every thrust, making your thighs tremble and your core feel warm. Your hands can't find anywhere comfortable to rest, roaming over your shirt, fiddling with the buttons before attempting to grip onto the wood. Micah chuckles to himself, enjoying the sight of you mewling beneath him. "That's it, keep squirmin' for me," he pleasantly hums, his hands trailing across your thighs before getting comfortable around your hips. You're almost certain that at least a single, poor camp member has overheard this mess, probably even seen it, as you two are fucking literally in the middle of camp, right in front of Dutch's tent. You're thankful you put yourself on guard duty tonight, even if you have bailed on your chore, else some unfortunate soul would have to stand on the outskirts of the camp, overhearing you two going at it. Micah slams his cock into you, holding it deep inside for a moment, so he can shrug off his thick, leather coat, leaving him in his barely-buttoned-up shirt, his chest on show as his shirt hangs almost open. The hickeys you left on his neck earlier are starting to grow in colour, and his neck is going to be covered by the time morning comes. You look forward to seeing the art show of purple bruises along his pale skin, though you'll have a matching pallet on your own neck. Micah starts up his thrusts again, gripping onto your hips once more. You're surprised his thrusts are so perfect, quick and deep, yet a slight roll to his hips, and that hungry and lustful look across his face makes your pussy tighten every time he makes eye contact with you. He's grinning at the sight of you, licking his lips, admiring your vibrant, rosy cheeks, highlighted by the lantern somehow still on the table. "Fuck!" You whimper as Micah lands a particularly perfect thrust, and your hand finds its way down to your clit, touching yourself whilst Micah continues to do the rest of the work. "Good girl," he praises. "So good for me, ain'tcha? Lettin' me fuck you right in the middle of camp. I knew you were a little bit dirty, but I never thought you'd be such a whore." Is it bad that those words coming from this man's mouth is music to your ears? You sigh at his comment, rubbing your pussy faster, your walls tightening around his length. Micah notices the way you're reacting to his comment, and let's out a pleasing chuckle. "Tell me who's whore you are, sugarpie," Micah orders. "Yours," you attempt to reply through the muffle of Micah's neckerchief gag. "What was that? I didn't quite catch that, doll." "Yours," you reply again. Micah chuckles once more, catching you off guard as he bucks his hips into you. "C'mon, doll, cum for me," he comments, and you're uncertain if that was an order or a beg, but either way, you're not going to deny him. A few more quick thrusts, combined with the way you're touching yourself, and you're cumming, clenching around Micah's length as you moan and sigh, your volume levels thankfully muffled by Micah's gag, else you'd definitely wake the few members of the camp up. "Ah, hell!" Micah swears as he hits peak, filling you up with his load as he slams his cock deep inside you, shuffling his weight against the table and propping himself up with one arm, his knees threatening to buck beneath him. He grunts deeply, sighing and panting, tightly gripping onto your thigh as he rides his high. Micah's eyes falls shut, and there's the definition of debauched on his face; vibrant red cheeks, and a sweaty forehead, and blown pupils once he finally opens his eyes again. He's still panting as he pulls his length out, tucking himself away and fastening his pants up before offering you a hand. He helps pull you up off the table, your back clicking as you move; you stand, and you feel your knees go weak and buck beneath you, but Micah clings onto you before you can fall. "Careful," he comments with a laugh, his hands lingering on you before letting go, and you notice that glisten to his eye as his lock onto yours. You unfasten your gag, stretching your mouth muscles now you're finally free, and attempt to hand Micah his neckerchief back. He rejects it, "You might wanna wear it for a while, you've got an awful lot of marks on that pretty neck of yours." You tilt your head in confusion, but you know what Micah's implying, especially after the comment he makes next. "Bet you're tired, how's about we go to bed, hm?" "Sure, Micah," you smile at his reply, and begin picking up the clothes thrown about on the floor around the both of you. "What was that smile for?" Micah questions with a raised brow as he picks up his hat off the table, placing it onto his head. "Oh, nothing. Come on," you send him that same smile, and he follows closely behind, letting you lead the way to your tent. Is it still just your tent? Or is a certain someone going to start slowly moving in, especially after he told you earlier how long he's been waiting for this. Well, there's no getting rid of him now.
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terrainofheartfelt · 3 years
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"It's you, it Couldn't Be Awful.": a Playlist (Repost!)
another past playlist post that I have now made available unlistedly on the youtube. (link)
Track listings and color commentary under the cut
image sources (x) (x) (x)
Section 1: The Bops
Little of Your Love - HAIM A bop that embodies the energy of the 4b arc, and an energy of “Oh for crying out loud, Humphrey”
You’re just another recovering heart / I wasn’t even gonna try / you wouldn’t even give the time Stop runnin’ your mouth like that / ‘cause you know I’m gonna give it right back
Hate That You Know Me - Bleachers It’s “You owe me ten / You owe me twenty!” & “I was hoping it would go away / I was humiliated” & basically all of While You Weren’t Sleeping, tbh
Some days I, I wish that I wasn’t myself / No luck! / And I hate that you know me so well
I Like Me Better - Lauv Heavily featured in all y’all’s gifsets—and rightfully so!!! It’s also like the perfect counter to the previous song.
To not know who I am but still know that I’m good long as you’re here with me
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel It’s about Blair roasting Dan for filth and him being completely charmed by it.
when you laugh / I forget that it’s about me / But it’s alright / Yeah, cause being your punchline / Still is something
Shadow - Bleachers “You’ll still have me.”
And I know the lights have all gone dark on you / Still I will love your shadow / When the love you gave feels cheap and used
No Reason to Run - Cold War Kids In the perfect version of the show that lives in my head, this is the end credits song that plays as the two of them frolic in Rome.
I have evolved like a fish growing legs / Woke like a lightbulb clicked in my brain
So Nice - Carly Rae Jepsen He's the kind of superstar that would only steal your heart
You Make Lovin’ Fun - Fleetwood Mac The song for the couple that fucked in an elevator. Bless the work.
Sweet wonderful you / You make me happy with the things you do
No Matter What You Do - covered by Jakob Dylan and Regina Spektor The energy is “I have a lot of affection for you but you are so annoying.” And this is the obligatory post-breakup s6 song.
No matter what in the world you do / Hey, I’ll always be in love with you
Love You Like I Love You - Mick Flannery & Susan O’Neill It’s 5.21 the song!!!!
Maybe you can’t look in the way you look out / Love come hand in hand with doubt / Light come tethered to the dark / And death itself doth beat your heart
Don’t Take the Money - Bleachers I see so much love for tswift on this website (valid) but I feel like the world as a whole sleeps on her collaborator Jack Antonoff bc he is brilliant and his act Bleachers has some of my favorite songs ever. Like this one. Antonoff has said before that the title phrase is more metaphorical than literal, like an idiom that means don’t take the easy way and give this up, because it’s genuine. Real “I want to have a sleepover with you” vibes.
Somebody broke me once / Love was a currency / A shimmering balance act / I think that I laughed at that
In the Morning - Nina Simone It’s about the domesticity! And the “Our relationship is our world”! And the “we’re young and still have so much life to live so everything’s gonna be okay.” did i title a smut fic with lyrics from this song maybeso.gif
Please be patient with your life / It’s only morning and you’re still to live your day
This Must Be the Place - Talking Heads This is a canon dair song bc .@mysteriesofloves titled a fic after this song, them’s the rules. But for real, this is such a good one. The lyrics are intentionally scattered, a little bewildered, like “how did we get here? how did this happen? who found whom?” and finally “who cares? we found a home in each other.”
The less we say about it, the better / We’ll make it up as we go along
Cleopatra in Brooklyn - Frank Turner Chosen for the title obviously, but the lyrics capture the royal/5b arc pretty well, I think. The narrator carries this tongue-in-cheek comparison of the woman he’s singing to to Cleopatra through the whole song, comparing himself to Marc Antony, and ending with this really earnest kind of declaration. I’m obsessed with this songwriter he’s a genius please give him a listen.
These people are adjectives to your proper noun I’ll come find you when your fortunes fail you / I’ll die with you when the gods desert you
Morphing into Section 2: Pure Vibes
Walking on a Dream - covered by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness The original is by Empire of the Sun (and omigod I just realized the coincidence), but I first heard it covered by McMahon, and he’s one of my favorite musicians of ever so I just love his rendition. And this song is sort of like…about finally deciding that the reality of love with someone is so much better than the idea of it.
Thought I’d never see / The love you found in me / Now it’s changing all the time
Wake Me - Bleachers Jack coming for my life yet again. This song is so romantic but also so melancholy? Which is such a Daniel Humphrey Vibe.
And I’d rather be sad with you / Than anywhere away from you
All I Want - Joni Mitchell I’m a white girl with a mother who grew up in the 60s, so I love Joni. And this song is so bubbly and joyful, but it’s also about a relationship between two imperfect people and wanting it to work anyway. Big “Despicable B” vibes!
All I really want our love to do / Is to bring out the best in me / And in you, too.
Dust to Dust - The Civil Wars A friend in undergrad got me into the Civil Wars by showing me their live videos, and they have such incredible musical chemistry - like, the synchronicity of their ensemble is so good that it even comes through on their studio recordings and it makes these simple lyrics hit SO HARD.
You’re just lonely / You’ve been lonely too long
NFWMB - Hozier Ok, this had to be like the first ask I ever sent @bisexualdanhumphrey bc they wrote this fantastic meta post about Hozier and Derena but I said: “consider: NFWMB is a Dair song.” And they said, “You right.” I stand by it, and that’s why this song is on this list.
If I was born as a blackthorn tree / I’d wanna be felled by you / Held by you / Fuel the pyre of your enemies
Friday I’m in Love - covered by Phoebe Bridgers This song - especially this cover - gives such Secret Friendship Arc vibes a la the end of 4x16…the inherent romance of eating pizza and falling asleep on the couch together
Always take a big bite / It’s such a gorgeous sight / To see you eat in the middle of the night
A Case of You - Joni Mitchell Queen Joni again. Like! I am a lonely painter / I live in a box of paints. & The “You’re the star of Dan’s book” of it all in these lyrics!
I remember that time you told me / You said “Love is touching souls” / Surely you touched mine / ‘cause part of you pours out of me / In these lines from time to time.
Longing to Belong - Eddie Vedder This is my thinly veiled attempt to tell more people about this: a song written and performed by Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder on ukulele, that is actually the softest love song in the history of western music.
All my time is spent here / Longing to belong to you
Apple Pie - Lizzy McAlpine added after I saw this gifset. I couldn't stop myself.
And I'll be fine with that goodbye / As long as I don't say goodbye to you as well
Bones - Josh Record Okay, so, that Moment on the Couch at the end of 5x02? That’s this song.
And darling, when your feet are cold / Wait up, I’m coming home / And all of you I will hold / My love will clothe your bones
Duet (feat. Stephanie Briggs) - Penny and Sparrow I’ve seen you carry family / And all my insecurities
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey The song for when you reach the end of plausible deniability - One all consuming paralyzing thought & You need to go back to Brooklyn - and it scares the heck out of you.
There’s things I wanna say to you, but I’ll just let you live / Like if you hold me without hurting me / You’ll be the first who ever did
You and Me - You + Me an addition to the original, because it came on my shuffle the other day and I was like: Yes.
You can be flawed enough but perfect for a person
Section 3: Songs for Dancing in the Kitchen with Your Lover at 1 am
I’d Be Waiting - Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats It’s “I just want to spend the day with you” but in like, slow-dance, sexy harmonies format.
If you ever get lonely / If you never did
Cigarettes and Coffee - Otis Redding The “Dan and I have a real connection song.” It’s about the romance of commonplace things when they’re with the right person.
But it seemed so natural, darling / That you and I are here
Never My Love - covered by Jakob Dylan and Norah Jones The “Words of Affirmation” love song they deserve, and an underrated love song from Laurel Canyon, imho
What makes you think love will end? / When you know that my whole life depends / On you
Dancing in the Dark - covered by Morgan James Okay so these lyrics are such Dan lyrics to me, it’s charmingly self-aware and self-deprecating. And this cover by Morgan James turns this staple rock song into something ~sexy~
I’m dying for some action / I’m sick of sittin’ round here trying to write this book / I need a love reaction / Come on, gimme just one look
Oh Me Oh My (I’m a Fool for You) - Aretha Franklin They’re literally always making each other laugh! It’s about feeling safe enough to be uninhibited and unselfconscious in your joy.
To make you laugh / I would be a fool for you
I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl - Nina Simone I want a little sweetness down in my soul
I Fall in Love Too Easily - as done by Chet Baker
No one, but no one sounds as sweet or as smooth as Chet. I know it, you know it, Hozier knows it. And this song and it’s titular thesis is so Them, it’s such a central part of their respective characters, and one of the things that makes them compatible.
My heart should be well schooled / ‘Cause I’ve been fooled in the past
Someone Who Loves Me - Sara Bareilles the uhhhh the hug at the end of 5x21? yeah.
Your gift to me is just to be / Bracing for the winds I always summon
For Me Formidable - Charles Aznavour Due entirely to this fic (Part II of a god tier s4 au) This is the end credits song for their full feature length Nora Ephron romcom.
NSFW Honorable Mention: Dinner & Diatribes - Hozier it’s the definitive “men get pegged” representation, iykyk
SFW Honorable Mention: Jack Antonoff's live acoustic performance of "Wake Me"
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Bunny Boy (JJK x Reader)☁️⚠️🔪(💜)🔞 Part 2
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Yandere!AU, Stalker!AU, questionable romance, smut, Oneshot
Warnings: (oh boy) Stalking, Obsession, Yandere themes, cute Koo but aggressive, he ready to fight, graphic description of violence, blood, very twisted JK, oblivious! Reader, kinda Stockholm-syndrome Reader?, soft romantic lovemaking, body worship, Dom! Jungkook, Sub! Reader, Handjob (fem. receiving), oral (fem. receiving), protected sex because even with your mind scrambled up in a frying pan we still wrap it before tapping it y’all hear me STDs ain’t cute Susan
Summary: It all started with a hello kitty charm.
A/N:(IMPORTANT) I’d like to note here that I do not condone nor romanticize any of the things depicted in this. This is purely fictional, and only to be seen as a work of art, not as a depiction of real life relationships. For short: if he a creep, kick his balls, don’t kiss. Thank you.
Part 1 || Part 2
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The nurse opened the door, and past her dashed the young man in Question, a total opposite of what he looked like the night he'd found you. His clothing was disheveled, eyes and nose red, his hair a mess as he immediately fell onto your chest, crying so hard his shoulders shook, nurse watching him with sympathizing eyes. This didn't make sense. Why did you feel your body tense up at his touch, when he was so upset?
You shuddered as the memory of his eyes, as cold as the night you'd drove your car into the tree to keep yourself from endangering anyone else on your way suddenly pushed itself in front of you. You couldn't understand it.
What did that mean? Had it been a dream?
Why would your brain make up something so dark about Jungkook?
"Angel? Are you okay? God no, you're not, you're in a hospital, I-" He said, and the nurse softly pushed him aside a bit to look at your vitals, reassuring him that you were fine, apart from a broken leg and a few bruises and scratches. As she left you both alone, he sat down at your bedside, hands gently patting your head with still teary eyes. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, and your eyes widened.
Could it really be?
"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you faster. If I'd known something like that was about to happen.." He said, gaze falling to your hand, needle still stuck into the vein on the back of it to give you medication. His heart genuinely hurt at the sight, but he knew this was a small price to pay for your eternal safety next to him, right at his side. He would keep you safe, he just needed to show you what could happen. This had been necessary. It was a white lie.
Yet he could sense something was off about you. He'd thought you'd be more upset about the event, yet there you were, simply staring at him. Maybe you'd hit your head- maybe he'd miscalculated something and-
"Jungkookie.." You asked, voice hoarse, yet absolute music to his ear. He leaned in closer, humming a reply to urge you to continue.
"Did you.. pull me out of the car?" You asked, and his eyes widened a bit, smile faltering a few seconds.
How did you know that?
There was no way you had been awake when he'd arrived, and even if so, you'd hit your head quite hard on your steering wheel- you weren't supposed to remember anything. He really did miscalculate. Sure, maybe you meant it differently, but he knew you like his own self. He knew what you meant, and he felt himself tense a bit as he suddenly looked at you completely differently.
"J..Jungkoo-" You started, and Jungkook suddenly shifted, leaning over your body with his hands on either side of your head, his own dipping down a bit, eyes never leaving yours. They suddenly teared up again.
"You don't listen." He said, and you looked at him questioningly. "I told you again and again it's dangerous to drive, yet you-!" He said, voice raising a bit, before he forced himself to calm down, eyes closing as he deflated, forehead resting just below your collarbone. "I needed to- I needed to show you how dangerous it could be, I just want to keep you safe angel, I just need to know you'll never get hurt-" He said, hands gripping the fabric of the hospital gown you wore, desperate to hold onto something.
You simply stared ahead.
It felt weird, knowing that he had everything to do with your situation. It explained how calm he'd been at the scene, how fast he'd arrived, how he knew where you were immediately without asking.
"Miss?" A male voice said, making Jungkook raise from your body, eyes suddenly getting an angry glint at the young officer stepping into the room. It was as if he was a cat having claimed its human, now getting angry at the prospect of someone else wanting your attention. Yet he hesitantly sat down again, keeping his hands on yours however, as a sign of ownership, maybe.
You couldn't tell what it was, anymore.
"We have questions regarding the accident. It won't take long, since you're partner right here has already answered most questions." The young man said, standing a bit closer to you as you nodded. "We just want you to clarify some things. Mr.Jeon over here said you were on the phone, telling him the breaks weren't working. Correct?" You nodded, feeling Jungkooks thumb circle over your fingers softly. "He also said you willingly drove into the woods to stop the car. Correct?" Again, you confirmed. "Why?" He asked, and you cleared your throat before answering.
"I.. didn't want to put anyone else in danger, officer." You replied, and he nodded, taking notes.
"Okay. Jeon Also stated that he'd found you inside your car, and broke open the door to get you out." He stated, and you swallowed as Jungkooks thumb stopped. "Have you any recollection of that?" He asked, and you blinked once, twice.
Shaking your head.
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Jungkook visited you every day.
He sometimes smuggled in junk food and other treats you didn't get inside the hospital to lift your mood, and you didn't knew when it happened.
But you started to fall back into place with him.
It was as if nothing major had happened, seeing him happily munch away on his fries while making sure you didn't stain the crisp hospital sheets, making sure not to leave any evidence of the delicious crime he brought into your room every now and then. He was acting completely normal, just like your Jungkook.
Things began to feel normal.
"You know.." He started, as he opened the packaging of the straw belonging to your strawberry shake he'd bought. "I'm glad you understood." He said, and you nodded. Others may didn't, but you had collected so many thoughts and reasons that his actions seemed.. reasonable in your opinion.
He was right after all, you were someone who didn't believe something would hurt you until it did. You always seemed to need actual evidence to believe in bad things, even as a child. Whenever your mother told you not to run, you did it anyways, just to scrape your knee shortly afterwards.
You never ran away from her hand afterwards.
It seemed to be the same with Jungkook now. "I'll drive you wherever you need to go, okay?" He said, giving you your small plastic cup, that you gladly took from him. You nodded, understanding. His heart swelled.
He knew you'd understand.
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The diner was busy, too busy in your opinion.
Ever since getting released from the hospital, Jungkook had agreed on leaving you with your own freedom to go wherever you wanted to; if it was too far however, he insisted that he'd drive you.
You agreed on that.
He was just concerned for your well-being.
“What I’m saying is, not to be rude, but he’s kinda creepy.” Your friend said at the table, munching away on her fries. You looked at her like she was the crazy one, feeling a bit offended at her words. You knew she had a point somewhere, but this was your Jungkookie, he was just a bit more touchy and clingy then others- she just didn’t understand. Maybe she was just still bitter about being dumped by her ex; even though you doubted that, since she’d said before that she was over him. He’d been a douchebag anyways, you’d seen that way before she’d done.
“You don’t know him..” you mumbled, sucking on the straw of your strawberry milkshake until the icy cold drink reached your tongue. She scoffed, before she reached for your hand. You went confused at her touch, suddenly feeling as if you needed to take yours away from her. The feeling got so present that you actually did, slowly distancing yourself as you packed up the leftovers of your fast food dinner with her. “I think I should leave..” you said, until she stopped you by grabbing the hem of your coat. “Please don’t do that-“ you attempted to get her fingers off of the fabric out of instinct.
“I’m worried about you y/n, I feel like he’s not good for you-“ she whined, her face drenched in worry. You knew the words she said were true, but they didn’t hurt any less because of that. Why couldn’t she just let you be happy? He made you happy. He made you feel safe, and comfortable, and loved, why couldn’t she just be glad that you had someone who cared about you? “What if he’s just using you, maybe he just wants se- y/n!” She yelled after you, but you’ve already left the restaurant, tears already knocking behind your eyes to be released. You were so confused. You loved Jungkook. He loved you too.
It had to be that way. He'd been the first one to make you feel genuinely safe, keeping a hold on you that didn't feel suffocating or controlling- his hands were so gentle to you, that you happily let him lead you wherever he wanted. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, dialing his number. "Jungkookie.. can you pick me up?" You said, and he agreed instantly.
He'd never make you wait.
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"Why can we never hang out at your place Jungkookie?" You answered, your upper body laying on his chest, his hand running through your hair like he was petting a cat, loving glint in his eyes wavering a bit.
"It's messy angel, I don't want you between all that junk." He hummed, making you pout. It was cute, yet he feared that once you saw how he typically spending his time away from you, he could scare you away for good. He'd just barely escaped a disaster at the hospital- he couldn't take chances.
"Hm.." You mumbled, leaning your head to the side a bit, hand playing with the silver necklace around his neck. His eyes closed a bit at the view, as his hand ran lower, now caressing your shoulder. He shuddered at the way your fingers brushed over his neck, now growing hyper aware of your position on him. It would be so easy to just.. take you right now. He knew he could overpower you without much effort- but that wasn't what he craved.
He needed you to need him just as much.
"Jungkookie?" You asked, and he hummed a reply. "Why won't you have sex with me?" You asked, making his eyes rip open as wide as the moon.
He had to think for a moment, unknowing how to answer you. Was there a right answer? It wasn't that he didn't want to- he just.. couldn't. Not yet. "I.. don't want you to do something you don't want to, angel." He said lowly, and you suddenly changed position, straddling him with an innocent face. He could feel himself rise in his pants, unable to control it. How could someone blame him? His soulmate was posing on top of him, her center right above his tip, unconsciously putting pressure on his most sensitive parts. How could he not let himself be swept away?
"It's okay, I want to." You said, although nervous. "I.. you know.. Haven't done it before but.." You began to grow shy, spurring his inner demon on even more. "I trust you." You said, and he groaned, holding your hips in his hands to steady you.
He turned you both over, face leaning close to you, lips almost brushing against each other as he spoke. "It may hurt angel." He said, and you simply nodded, accepting that. "You may bleed." He said, and again, you simply nodded, swallowing as you began to chase his lips, growing frustrated with him escaping you by mere inches. "We don't have protection." He said, and this time you deflated. He was right.
Or was he?
You remembered the last birthday party, where your friend had gifted you a lovetoy and condoms as a joke, a present you never used to this day. Your eyes widened. "I do!" You said, and he leaned his head to the side questioningly. "There's uh.. there's a box, right there on top of my dresser. I got it as a present but.. I never had the need to, you know.." You mumbled, and he got up, walking up to the said dresser and taking down the pink still half wrapped box you told him to.
He opened the lid of the box, and after a bit of searching through some crampled up wrapping paper he found what he'd been looking for.
He could work with that.
Simply putting the box down, and pulling his own shirt over his head, he crawled back over you, your gaze ever so shy. "I'll be gentle, angel." He promised before finally kissing you, hungry lips leaving you breathless as he stole away all of your hesitation like a vampire their unknown victims' blood. Yet he was very much human, even if people would probably deny that if they knew what he'd done.
He did it all for you, and he'd do it all again.
His hands roamed, flat palms simply caressing your body as if he was mapping out what you looked like without his eyes, finally able to touch and feel you underneath him, squirming and moving around impatiently like prey trying escape. He was the wolf devouring you like his last meal on earth, tongue opening your lips for him to explore, soft sighs mixing between the sounds of your lips, and the soft moving of fabric as he pulled the sweater you wore over your head, finally getting a view of your body up close and personal; no interference could break his dream apart now, everything very much real and actually happening.
You whined a bit as he brought his hand underneath the shell of your bra, eagerly getting acquainted with the feel of your mounds underneath his hands, as he worked on the hooks on your back, getting rid of the undergarment as fast as he could. He dipped his head down, kissing the velvety skin, biting teasingly as you gasped, making him smile knowingly.
This was more than he'd ever imagined.
His tongue grazed your nipple, making you mewl deliciously as his other hand made work of your shorts, pulling them down together with your already ruined underwear, making him sit back as he finally saw your center exposed for him, his hands pulling your legs apart to watch how the inside of your thighs already glistened with moisture, making him groan out a bit, his own pants suddenly feeling too tight. He quickly got rid of the fabric restricting him, making you try and close your legs at the view of his length standing proudly as he ran his hand over it a few times to release some of the pressure at least. "Keep them nice and open for me, yeah angel?" He mused, voice unrecognizably rough around the edges, making your spine tingle.
His hand cupped your heat, giving you the chance to pick your own pace as he praised you without breaking eye contact. "You look so divine angel, so beautiful.." He hummed, as he felt you rut into his hand so sinfully he couldn't help but snatch a taste as he instead switched his hand for his own mouth, tongue working relentlessly on your nerves while your legs quivered, depending on his hands to keep them in place. The sounds you made were absolute pleasure to his ears and soul, all just for him and him alone.
He would keep it that way.
He felt your walls flutter as his first two fingers entered you, having to push a bit against your thighs to keep you from moving too much at the foreign feeling, yet he couldn't keep himself from smiling as he moved away from you, snatching your first orgasm away from you just inches away from the edge it seemed.
"You're gonna come on my cock and nothing else angel." He growled, opening the foil package to wrap the protection over his length, slowly entering his tip inside you, making your body move away a bit. "shh, we'll go slow yeah?" He promised as he hovered over you like a demon ready to inhale your soul. His kisses painted the side of your neck as he slowly pushed, feeling you tense up at the unfamiliar feeling. "Relax.. it's only gonna hurt if you fight it angel.." He hushed, and your hands reached for his, making his heart swell as he took your smaller ones into his, interlacing your fingers. "Hmhm, that's it angel, let me inside, yeah?" He hummed against your pulse as he'd finally settled inside you, staying there for a moment before carefully backing out. The first few motions hurt and felt weird, yet the more he moved, the more you could feel the infamous pleasure building up.
Gasping a little you chanted his name under your breath, voice so fragile it was barely present as it escaped you, making him pick up his pace a bit, feeling euphoric as the realization hit him head first. This was truly happening, he was finally making you his, he was the first and only one to ever corrupt you and let you drown in sinful pleasures such as this-
You were finally his.
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His breathing had calmed down as well as yours, as you came back to earth. His hand paced back and forth over the expanse of your arm, as your thoughts stayed empty for the moment, simply accepting the warmth of his body, before you finally caught onto an actual thought.
"Jungkookie?" You asked sleepily, as he looked at you, wrapped in blankets on his chest. "Why can't I visit your place?" You asked again for the second time that day. He hummed, before he replied.
"There are things you aren't yet ready for angel." He said, for once speaking nothing but the truth. "I fear you'll think of me badly if you knew." He said, and his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek as he fell deep into thoughts. You shook your head. "Hm?" He asked.
"I love you." You said, and his arms pressed you against him a bit tighter at that. It wasn't the first time you'd said that, but hearing it after being so close together made him feel all fuzzy inside. "I could never hate you, Jungkookie." You mumbled, already falling asleep again. He smiled.
Of course you couldn't.
Because even if you did, it was too late to leave him.
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You'd understand.
He knew, because you'd done so in the past as well. This was nothing compared to what he'd done in the past for you, yet it was just as necessary. Looking over the letter you'd received from your parents, his eyes went cold as he took it and placed it into the pocket of his jacket, closing your mailbox, leaving everything else inside. He knew them already, having used past freetime to scout out where they lived, and how they'd treated you during your childhood. The things he'd found out were still making his blood boil.
You were the product of an affair on your mother's side, unwanted, yet born out of pure believe that abortion was against nature. She kept you simply because her husband had forced her to- as a form of punishment for her actions, if you will. She'd treated you just as something alike; a punishment.
Regularly forgetting to pick you up from school or clubs, she was nothing but a complete failure as a mother. Yet you, being the angel you were, still cared deeply for her, enough to accept any half-hearted apology she would throw your way.
It was almost similar to his own upringing, in a way. He had been an unwanted child as well.
Yet his mother had to live through the torture of his own drunk father every day, giving up on protecting him after he'd turned ten years old, leaving him bare to the hands of his intoxicated father, unshielded from the anger or otherwise emotional outbursts of him.
He stopped caring after a while.
Yet when he saw you, so innocent and shy, oblivious to the horrible things going on around you, he felt the need to do a better job his mother had ever done. He needed to protect you from all harm. He couldn't let anything happen to you.
This is why you needed him.
The world around you simply treated you badly because it had the nasty habit of trying to ruin anything that was perfect. And you were absolute perfection, blinding in purity even after his action of deflowering you, sending you to heaven for the blink of a moment just to pull you back down to him again.
Stepping through his door he placed the letter on his kitchen table, adress of them clearly visible.
You'd understand.
You always did.
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