#y'all don't know how much Terri means to me
ashiftingworkshop · 1 year
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Hello and hi to all y'all! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
I know I haven't been very active at all here, or anywhere really when it comes to posting art or even doodles, but hey, maybe that'll change this year, who knows!
But! I figured I'd share some doodles i did while I was with @territorial-utopia because, yes! It finally happened! We finally came together in the same place! It was a FANTASTIC trip for me and I'll definitely be sharing some pictures soon when some familiar faces~ (even if my hair is WAY different now-)
Of course though first two doodles are inspired by real events, with a fun G/t twist and the addition of my oc, SD! Have this older doodle as a bonus for how little I've been active ;;u;;
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qcomicsy · 1 year
About the nicetimeline!au I'm excited to hear about Dick in the future!
me too lol
okay. okay. I'm joking
I've been planning a lot around the Nicefuture!au. Given how I stopped posting as much as in the beginig.
It started as this cute joke I thought in the beginig, this very fun concept of "What if Damian and Tim was just ended up very fond of each other over the years in the future and present Tim had to confront that?" and "What if the future was just so fucking nice that if they ever had time traveling shenanigans everyone would just start losing their minds about it?".
But I've grew very fondly of it as I was writing it and I've also grew very fondly of Damian as I was writing it (who would even though?), so I've been putting much more though on it then I previously planned lmao. I'm still working on how the future presents itself and trying to make it justice for the characters in a way that makes me satisfied.
I'm going to be very honest with y'all. I'm a casual reader, I initiate and put on hold comic runs and generally just read what seems interesting to me at the moment. Nicefuture!Au it's a mix of what I've read from the cannon and what are the best outcomes I could imagine from each character in a way that just brings me the most amount of joy. I'm still working around the edges, and what would that it mean for each character, what does a nice future holds for them?
And the best part? I don't know any of it! It's a great and entertaining work in progress.
So yeah! I'm also very excited about what future!Dick is up to. What person he became? What does he do with his life? What shenanigans he got himself in? It's all very blur yet in my mind but I'm getting there.
Also I'm going to take this ask as an opportunity to give y'all little updates. As I said I've been planning around and making little projects in this mean time that might or might not see the light of the day, so it could get a little radio silence from there but not promises!, I've got a little ideas for Tim, Terry and Jason but the others might be given me a little of work (god there's so many people in this fucking family lololol it's stressing but in the best way possible).
But as soon as I get to conclusions that makes me satisfied I will be updating in my blog and bringing more shenanigans to y'all.
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nutria--oscura · 7 months
Y'ALL HAVE ME SO SCARED FOR THIS (@cookies-over-yonder @officialgleamstar y'all's posts have slain me) HERE WE GO
like, i'm crting and i haven't even stareted the ep yet wtf-
~spoilers for S2 ep35 under the cut~
the sound effects low-key make me wanna throw up-
update: the sound effects make me high-key wanna throw up-
the intro is the high before the storm right? oh dear~
yesss, link is a spouse to his best friends <3
gosh I missed their voices so much <333 <- literally have 100+ episodes it can listen to whenever they want
freddie correcting beth's fact is literally my best friend and i on a daily basis (whos who? we take turns)
i could listen to an entire podcast of just freddie saying facts. like genuinly
"your time studying the blade has served you well" what is hapening?
Terry Jr's back <333
"i did not think that's how this fight was gonna go" same will- same
hey imps? what the fu-
"in going from enemies to lovers so to speak"
all the fanfics were right- (nicky's reasoning, him attempting to reason with the others)
ron and nicky are such a vibe together honestly
"and a badass fight ensues, but also sad"
oh there's grant
terry's memory being ron forgiving him- (henry voice) oh gosh. oh geez-
"did you see what i did to like, my best friend" BEST F R I E N D
"you showed up, y'know?" what if i just combust?
Scary hugging Terry<333
oh my heart
hey glenn, respectfully, fuck offffff
nicky having more emotional intelligence than glenn is so true-
"i have a memory that you weren't around for. which was the birth of your grandson" AHHHHHHH
"i always thought taylor came out real quiet. like a real stoic ninja." "nope. came out crying like a baby dude"
brb cause im like actually crying cause of that scene-
ok... lets go... (screaming crying sobbing sliding down a wall)
"i remember when... was that you? yea, i remember when you were born." WHAT DO YOU MEAN WAS THAT YOU???? THAT WAS YOUR FUCKING SON
"i didn't see a lot of taylor's growing up, and that was- that was- we're cool now, right taylor?" "fuck yea dawgggg. well-" HERE IT COMES
"if i'm gonna be honest dad, i've kinda been hoping and keeping an eye out for time travel magic so that we could go back in time and you could be there for me" imma go ahead an roll a d20 of psychic damage- ah, a nat20 damage, yea that seems about righ- HIS VOICE HOW IT WENT ALL SOFT AND QUIET AND SHY AND THE COMPLETE FUCKING OPPOSITE OF HOW HE IS USUALLY OH SHIT OH FUCK
"as a result i have developed a number of very bad habits, that i am told are very hard to break"
"it's too late"
"but you know if there is time travel magic, then y'know maybe- or if you find it, you can maybe, pick me up on the way back to the past" HIS VOICE, THE MAYBES-
"we're just 3 cool guys" "well-"
"i didn't even know where you were"
more memories??? MORE MEMORIES??? OH NO-
sorry, i have strong feeling w/ regards to parents not showing up to (sprots) stuff
~a pattern~
the- the fanfics were right (glenn keeping his distance not wanting to fuck nicky up but consequentially fucking nicky up)
"as you're saying this, without even wanting it to, tears are rolling down your cheeks. And in that moment, you and Taylor and Nick, all realise that there is no fixing this, that this is as good as it's going to get. That you are stuck with each other in the forms that you are now. You see daddymagic, that same daddymagic that exited Ron and Terry's body, emanate for their bodies like a fine mist coalesce into the air, and then zip into the jar and fill it up a little bit more, cause that's what your relationship is..." what if i- what if i lost it? right here right now?
gosh i DID NOT heed the warnings oh noooooooo
i'm sorry- the US MILITARY? oh fbi too
hahahahahahahah ha hah h a what? JODIE AND MORGAN ARE IN CUFFS-
"i'd like to see you try" "hey is glenn immune to bullets?"
"dude- both of us look at each other - fear, fear in taylor's eyes. like, what the fuck are we getting into? why did i open my mouth?" FEAR IN TAYLOR'S EYES??? FEAR????
In conclusion:
I am now obsessed with Taylor Swift (Freddie's version)
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laguezze · 2 years
Messages from the one you're thinking of.
DISCLAIMER: This could be an ex, a friend, a family member, a current or future lover. Whoever popped into your mind is probably them.
It's blunt
It's honest
It's me 💅
Some of y'all getting hurt today, just saying.
Also, tarot is not final and this is a group reading so some things are meant for you, others aren't. Take what resonates.
Take a deep breath
You've been waiting for this person to come up and say something. You wanna know what's going on in their mind, what they truly want to say.
You know who I'm talking about.
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Pile I
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Pile II
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Pile III
Let's go!
"Oh, honey... You're just so naive. It's kinda funny. No, really. Come on! Don't stare at me like that! I'm not as bad as I act. You haven't uncovered the real me yet, even though I hope you never do, I know that soon you will. Merciless? Maybe. Only sometimes. I know you must be thinking I am a bad person. What if I am? Is that so disappointing? Is that so surprising to you? Damn, you really are naive, I'm kinda feeling bad now. Anyways, please stop it. Stop it while you can. You know what I'm talking about.
With love (maybe), ________"
I heard the names Jonathan, Bruce, Andrea, Iria, Peggy, Linda, Samuel.
Numbers that popped up: 22, 7, 3, 66
Good luck to this pile, this person seems confused and twisted, not a good person but also not a bad person. They've been through a lot.
I don't know how to tell you this but I just wanna be your friend. I really enjoy your company. I love your body. I just love everything about you. However, I think friendship is the goal. I mean, you're truly special, you know? Anyways, let's go play that sport you love so much sometime. Really!
I know you don't look at me often and i wonder why. I also know that your friend is a snake. I'm sorry, they just are. Please don't go like everyone else. Just stay and be my friend. Is that so hard to do?"
Names that popped up: ARLENE, Teresa, Sunshine (not rlly a name but oh well), Lucas, Perez
Numbers that popped up: 11, 1
Seems like someone that either has a crush on you or you have a crush on them. One sided most likely. They seem like a very insecure person.
You're so funny 🤣🤣🤣
I have a very nice time with you, don't get me wrong, but we're not anything yet if you know what i mean.
I feel like you've misinterpreted my intentions, and for that I'm sorry but it's not like you ever asked!
Am I that good at it? Skdkjdkd sorry I know I shouldn't be joking in a time like this. Listen, it's my coping mechanism and I also want you to hate me so you don't hurt too much. I'm just not ready right now and you should respect that.
Names that popped up: Eliza, Terry, Taylor, Brianna, Miranda, Lucas (again???), Chad (skddkjdkdjsj help)
Numbers that popped up: 136, 105, 34, 4, 21
Oh a**hole vibes right here ew. Feels like someone you might have been talking to, dating casually, hooked up with, etc.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this PAC!!!
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
legend of vox machina watch party episodes 1-3: billfrito
why does all the amazon lovm merch look SO BAD
let laura bailey run your merch department amazon
amazon merch: focus-tested, advertiser friendly, bland
cr official merch: laura bailey wanted a thing so she made it, superior, personal
matt: I play The Entire Rest Of The World
are they already drunk or just goofy
the eternal question
"tall and lovely" literally nobody remembers sam is tall
djfskj he matches the sofa
oh HE'S already drunk
"that's five more trinkets than ever appear in the show"
travis in the calamity merch
aw, but mica's speech
I have absolutely forgotten how to use the watch party
oh right I don't get video until twitch says I get video
"what could go wrong"
"I don't know what that means"
see, even this has better quality than the actual prime video player
"everybody be quiet I'm talking"
I mean it makes sense but also that's A Number
"it's sleeping gas"
Nickelodeon Presents Legend of Vox Machina
well she's a sorceror but WIZARDS
I was really hoping liam would be in this one but I'm beginning to understand why he's not
can you imagine
mb next time for maximum trauma
"that was my child" "sam's kids die all the time in this show"
"and then this happens"
I didn't notice the lens flare in the city shot beforeeeeee
"I don't wanna say yes until I know what happens" that's amazing
"don't let your shop fall on you next time"
I love that travis watches the reaction videos
"we should get rid of that"
Just A Broom™
"if the spork doesn't work you have no choice"
"no horses were harmed"
oh WOW
give them all raises
animation should win cinematography
Sam's Kids Watch
I still regret the loss of Kiki's friendship with the Sun Tree
s a m
"and it makes for really great desktop wallpapers"
"buildings were still…up"
"when I did it in their imaginations"
OH SHIT I want THAT for a wallpaper
these are fucking gorgeous
"I'm from there, I can say that"
I enjoy so much that matt has just leaned into wearing comfy pants to every event
the scrawlings of a madman
Big Dragon is Big
who is that skinny motherfucker
THERE'S gilmore
I don't know who that other guy was. dark gilmore.
skinny gilmore isn't real, he can't hurt you
"I'm dying, show me your tits"
ahhh sketchy thordak
"big mistake giving sunil a catchphrase"
"remember when TVs had dials? I don't, I wasn't alive then"
travis is already in despair
y'all know what you were getting into when you let her host again
did travis just go "have fun storming the castle"
it is nice to hear dani
"the internet is still just a concept"
the persistence of my crush on will friedle is astounding
ABC's TGIF veterans sound off
"someone had to design this!"
Ethereal Butt Scoops
"you're in this one!" "I know, I've heard"
Australian Accent Guy
I have not sat down and tried to hear the main cast in the background yet
there you go, it was Caduceus, but not For Real Caduceus, just Easter Egg Caduceus
"the armor looks a lot like Kima's armor!" "yeah, imagine that"
"we had to change it, the first take she was watching The Boys"
"if you put a backwards hat on [kashaw] it would fit"
josh turner, she's talking about josh turner
spoilers will
I love that they get to record together again but I
will's first ever animated swear!
terry deserved to swear lbr
"that was horrible" "it was fun!"
he's just so proud of himself. and so wrong.
"okay byeeee"
ONE PERSON did all of this?!
osysa's facial animation is so fucking good
sassy arrogant woman on sassy arrogant woman violence
taliesin just sneezed somewhere
Bill Frito
aww, them coming up with story for kash and zahra just 'cause they could
why is there an audio desync when I have my headset off but not with it on
I'm unfortunately having to use this as a break to check on my kid
I desperately need Victor Award Speech
I don't even care if it's just a Victor Laugh at the end. I need this.
I Saw Green Once
"oh he's a dick!"
"you really crafted the perfect fuckboi"
"please get out"
I need my kid's pancreas to quit fucking up so I can put my headset back on, I missing so much crosstalk orz
it ain't called chaos couch for nothin
professionalism, we don't know her
"no we got a few more bits"
will did you not catch my TGIF shoutout earlier, I absolutely remember dial-up
"that's the head of the CCP" M A T T H E W
justice for dexter the cute dragon
Skipping the Intro Is A War Crime
"who did that? I hope he's awesome" "yeah about that"
"tieflings are so cool" "just tieflings, not that other asshole"
will's shirt is doing an optical illusion on the picture in picture
"like taking the laugh track out of mash" that's a really good analogy actually
forever in awe of travis' ability to hit that pitch
I changed my twitter name to 'do not go far from me' bc I chose violence
[psychonauts 1 voice] YOU, tree-sitter!
I still cannot hear troy baker here, I am ashamed of myself
"he's a bit of an ass, you've got this"
"complete with traps" "SPOILERS"
I do love zahra's face there
"this is just travis as a player" noted Big Red Button addict travis willingham
"stay away from her! get a job!" dslkfjls
I wondered how much of this was or wasn't from kith and kin, I haven't had the chance to read it
I'm absolutely in awe of foley artists
I always felt like travis was living vicariously through grog with the beard, since he had to shave his for mocap work at the time
"I think your beard is evil!"
"'cause mary sucks in real life and I'm the nice one"
"there's never a time when they just turn around and go home" this is why Campfire Cooking In Another World is excellent, the protagonist is just like "no 🥰"
still in love with vex's little ear twitch
the way they all just went SILENT
"I don't wanna cry on national television"
you are not immune to liam o'brien
"you spelled my name 'troy baker'"
nope, no pokeball yet
(they are definitely not allowed to call it a pokeball) (I am under no such restrictions)
"that was definitely on purpose"
"we should finish those episodes"
I'm torn btwn "ha ha funny d&d wife jokes" and "that's actually important to communicate before it has the CHANCE to be a problem"
oh SHIT this concept art
"control water moses style"
"the damned missionaries showed up"
"their dicks are teeth"
"do not make fanart of that"
matt if you get to say that out loud fcg gets to have a flesh tongue
"hashtag - " "NO"
grog and bacon edge was a+
that time he made scanlan drown out him in the outhouse so he could talk to it
"oh no we all share one brain cell, this is horrible"
matt say the names out loud before you get to the table, I've been saying this for years
CR 13 Pedobear
"obsessed with that" "you should not be"
"I showed these episodes to my kids" sam no
Dark is Not Evil
oh right kestrel came up with marisha's space frog
"we're gonna show up and talk behind you"
the episodes drop three hours before critrole for me, rip my thursday nights
drop the video will. will drop the video. will.
"iono" "MATTHEW"
them threatening matt until he picks a voice to do
their dream guest stars have a habit of just being their guest stars
Bill Frito Can Do Anything
mica are you talking abo - you're talking about your dad
"I cannot do that."
I miss him
that's right, will nuked all his socials
(good for him)
"you can" "get fucked"
mica just going "END"
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stenka-razin · 4 months
Grammy Live Performances Reviewed
Dua Lipa: it was fine, but I don't remember much of it. Didn't help that I don't think I know these songs at all.
Luke Combs & Tracy Chapman doing Fast Car: Dunno why this was second, eyes were pissing tears immediately. This is one of better ideas for a Grammy Performances. You have all these artists under one roof, make 'em work together! Anyway, it was good.
SZA: SZA was good and the choreography was solid. I don't know much SZA though, but it sounded nice enough.
Billie Eilish: (sharp inhale into the mic) why (sharp inhale into the mic) did (sharp inhale into the mic) billie (sharp inhale into the mic) eilish (sharp inhale into the mic) sing (sharp inhale into the mic) like (sharp inhale into the mic) this? Seriously sounded like she ran a 5k before singing. Also I didn't like the song.
Miley Cyrus: Miley did Flowers, a song I think is whatever, but her performance was fine enough. Except she kept making incredibly cringe adlibs. Like when she admonished the crowd "don't act like y'all don't know this song." That became a running gag for us. Not great but I laughed a lot.
Olivia Rodrigo: If you buy the Olivia Rodrigo/Taylor Swift feud rumors, you'd half to imagine that she was quietly seething all night. She performed Vampire, a song allegedly about Taylor Swift, right before Taylor won an award they were both nominated for and announced a new album. Olivia proceeded not to win anything. Anyhow, her performance was fine, but the song is not my thing. She didn't overunder sing it like Billie or do stupid crowd engagement like Miley at least.
U2: U2 did a new U2 song. I don't super care, but always good to see them still remaining defiantly in their own lane. But really this was less about the music and more a glorified ad for Las Vegas' Sphere. I think I would throw up if I saw a show in that thing. Maybe that's the point. Dead & Co have a residency in there and I'm wondering how that'll be. It seems like a venue built for artist with sick ass laser light shows. Not meandering psyched tinge bluegrass jams. I just don't get Vegas I guess. Last time I was there for a layover that took forever and some dude attempted to shoot his family in the parking lot of the airport. Bad vibes man. Oh I was talking about U2?
Stevie Wonder, Annie Lennox, Wendy & Lisa, Jon Batiste, Ann Nesby, Cory Henry, Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis, and Fantasy: Woo! Yeah this was the immemorial segment, and really it was a series of consecutive performances. Notably, Stevie Wonder dueted with Tony Bennett's ghost. Annie Lennox did Nothing Compares 2 U and called for a ceasefire, and it climaxed in Fantasia's big Proud Mary romp. Also for some reason in the middle we got a 20 second clip of Jimmy Buffet. No other deceased performer got a standalone sound bite so it was weird. All in all it was pretty good, though ran sacharine as you can expect these in memorium segments to.
Joni Mitchell, Brandi Carlisle, others: Joni's still got it! She did Both Sides Now, backed by a band consisting of wiki tells me are accomplished musicians int heir own right.
Travis Scott & Playboi Carti: This SUCKED! First off, both these dudes music is entirely production driven. That's fine (I mean, more so for Scott since he actually does a lot of his own beats) but it absolutely does not translate to compelling live shows. Travis Scott is so fucking corny, he's out here in his fake muscles trying to hulk out, when he looks like a withered pillhead. Also I have no idea why you'd book a performer where every other line needs to be muted out of the livestream. Anyway, he can't rap for shit and this was god awful.
Burna Boy, 21 Savage, Brandy: This was great! I didn't know much Burna Boy but this was a fun performance and everyone was very good. Brandy is still great?
Billy Joel: It's no surprise Billy Joel can still perform. For all the to do about him not putting out new music for decades, it overlooks that he's still on the road constantly. But yeah, the new Billy Joel song sounds like an old Billy Joel song, so that's probably for the best. Then he did You Might Be Right, one of those consummately uncool songs that I enjoy anyway.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I’m the msk accent anon, I was not being a jerk, I’m sorry! It’s just that I am myself from Moscow and a) have a very pronounced Msk accent that is like. I mean I pronounce coca-cola as кака-кола with a. You don’t have to pay attention to that B) more importantly, I’ve seen… uh very disturbing info on the internet that Moscow accent is the “accent of white people” (yikes) and since then I have this idea that it has been overemphasized as the big deal when people learn Russian as a foreign language. And yeah, I get that, most Russian people who know English use rp or transatlantic as their guide, it’s just easier to navigate pronunciation this way, but also!!! Unlike French and English Russian is very straightforward in terms of pronunciation. You can straight up just read the word and that’s how it is pronounced. I bet stressing the vowels is a much bigger problem for people who learn Russian as a foreign language
English though... You guys straight up don’t have any coherent rules of pronunciation. Horrible horrible
Don't worry, I don't think you were being a jerk! I'm glad you're chiming in, since several of my followers also seem to be learning/studying Russian and find this discussion helpful.
As for the Moscow accent being the prestige accent, that's the same way it happened with English (London became the prestige accent/dialect), since the most important version of the language tends to be the one that's used by the apparatus of power, which is located in the most important city. Likewise, the Russian language is obviously tied up with Russian history/culture, which right now is in the full-blown grips of imperialism/white supremacy under Putin. So it doesn't surprise me that there's icky racial stuff around Which Russian Accent Is the Most Correct Russian Accent, since there is the entire (genocidal) thing about Which Russian Person Is the Most Correct Russian Person. Because language is a cultural production, it reflects the needs and priorities of the people speaking it, so it is subject to the same beliefs and prejudices as everything else.
However, please believe that I FULLY understand your struggle when it comes to learning English and/or French. I know both languages, French is Mad Max Fury Road when it comes to pronouncing and/or not pronouncing letters, and English is a horrible Frankenstein grab bag that, as the great Terry Pratchett put it, beats up other languages in the back alley and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar. It has zero coherent rules of pronunciation and there are plenty of native speakers who can't explain it any more than "that's just the way we learned it, idk." So yes. Truly, anyone who learns English as a foreign language is a champ. Y'all have my mad respect.
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steelthroat · 6 months
Babe wake up new characters in my school-life lore just dropped:
[ Tw: kind of heavy subjects treated lightly/with slight irony in the second half of the post ]
The first one:
Subject: art history
Name: Victorian-Age Vampire
Special attack: Elitist posture +20 annoyance // Judgmental death-stare -20 defense// "If it's popular it's bad"-laser +1000 annoyance// "Indie music is better"-energy ray +10000¹⁰⁰ annoyance
This man is the reason I use Neoclassical as an insult. This man is the reason I see the Art critic world described as "a circlejerk of men who think are so smart and interesting"
He sees someone wearing the shirt of a band? He will ask them if they actually listen to the band
He hears someone say a particular/pretty unused/specific word? He will ask them to say what it means cutting off the initial discourse
He stares. That kind of stare that wants you to feel uneasy.
My man is a celebrity look at him! Please look at him! Look at how great he is!!!!!!! LOOK AT HIM I SAY HE'S SUCH AN INTELLECTUAL!!!!!
He doesn't explain certain (and dare I say very important) paintings because "they're overrated". YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP I CAN'T BELIEVE IT-
The funniest thing is that he said he actually likes my character/personality for [insert reason here]. My mate, I'm sorry but the feeling is very much NOT mutual, and I really wish it didn't have to be like that, but I really can't stand you.
Also lol he's like, "You people shouldn't care about grades." I don't, because I don't want to have a mental breakdown caused by this ungrateful school (again), but there are people who care, and I can understand why.
He is pretty privileged, he was able to work with not only with one but 2 of his passions. And he did it because he could afford it.
Many people in my classroom(or in my school in general) who cannot. Grades (especially here) sometimes are the only thing that decides your fate, as much as teachers and older people feign ignorance.
The world doesn't work they way it worked 30 years ago or the way they actually think it does without having any tangible proof.
Lmao I remember he once said something along the lines of "[x] is not real art, masses like it, but critics acshualley" SIR YOU WORK IN THE ART FIELD YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE SHIT.
How many artists were hated by the critics and their things regarded as "not real art" at their time, but now they're on our art history books and us students HAVE to study them????
What makes you think you(????) a contemporary of [x] have the true answer to what art is?
This mf started a discussion about books and thir importance based on the way they're written. We were talking about Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, he doesn't know them and he thought he had his "gotcha moment"
I can't stand him, he reminds me of 12 years old me too much. I really hope I outgrew that phase, otherwise please someone have mercy on me and just finish me off. I'm serious I don't wanna grow up like that.
But now let's not be dramatic, here's the real deal:
The second one:
Name: Creep
Special attacks: uneasiness +20 damage // smirk +200 annoyance // chill/funny demeanor +50 deception -30 defense // misogyny +50 annoyance +150damage
He wasn't bad but he always felt off to me, idk why I thought he was insincere.
Then two things changed my perception of him
1) point blank he shared with us the news of a girl who reported her rape after a certain amount of time here. And he said "nah she's lying, she wouldn't have waited so much time to report him" BITCH???? Omg y'all can only imagine how much this sentence fucking triggered me for many different reasons, none of which I'll be saying here, but fucking hell?????
But again, boomer, I never have high expectations towards them, so I was put off but heh... I've put up with worse. I mean fuck him, but alright I guess.
2) I was working on a project and I needed a thing. The thing was in the school basement and I'd never been there so I didn't know where to look for it. He seemed reluctant to accompany me, and he was all weird and fidgety. We get the thing, we go back and he is talking about the fact that "it looks weird when a professor and a student go alone in a basement and how he could get in trouble even if he didn't do anything and someone could report him for something he didn't do and it would ruin his life"
AND I WAS- Luke idk I probably visibly took some steps away from him because WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN? LITERALLY INSERT HERE THE PETER GRIFFIN" who the fuck starts a conversation like this I just sat down" Meme.
Why are you saying this??? Why are you thinking of assaults when helping me find a thing that I need for a school project in the school basement???? Fear not my mate I will never go down there with you again after this one????? Fkn hell.
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ezpezlemonsquez · 4 years
My top 10 relationships from Brooklyn Nine-Nine in random order:
Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago — that's an obvious one, I mean, who doesn't love Peraltiago? I personally adore how their relationship evolves from distracting childish rivalry to distracting childish courtship, finally to distracting childish marriage (and parenting!). Their chemistry is visible basically since pilot. They're always there for each other, taking one another's sides no matter what, they help each other grow. Not only are they lovers but also best friends and I think it's such an amazing thing. They care about each other and make each other feel good about the world and their place in it. Their relationship is not toxic nor abusive in any way, they embrace their best traits, not undermine them. They're so different but they don't try to change each other — they eventually do so but it's due to their loving relationship and it's change for the better. In summary: such a power couple.
Jake Peralta & Rosa Diaz — I guess what I love most in this relationship is that it doesn't evolve in ANY romantic direction. This is extremely rare in TV shows but GUESS WHAT, man-woman friendship exists y'all and these two are the perfect example of that. They trust each other, they're there for each other when they need it, I mean when Jake helped Rosa with her coming out or when Rosa was talking to him about Amy and always gave him advice, you can't tell me you didn't melt inside. I did. They're the best partners, Jake knows her badge number by heart and I BET Rosa knows his as well. They worry about each other but they know what the other is capable of and they can be proud of one another. They're best friends and they know each other extremely well (even if at first it appears Jake knows nothing about Rosa's life). Just, thousand push-ups.
Rosa Diaz & Amy Santiago — definitely Latina's power, they got each other's backs and they trust one another. They know they can tell each other everything, they work together well and they even have their own cool handshake ok. They know they can count on each other no matter what and they'll do anything for one another. Just a little reminder that Rosa said I love you to Amy, so it's gotta mean something. I don't know what else to say, they're just the best The Sleuth Sisters ever.
Jake Peralta & Gina Linetti — it's just so cute they're friends since primary school both on-screen and irl, it gives them such amazing chemistry. I personally love how Jake calls Gina 'man' and Gina calls Jake 'girl', a perfect summary of their relationship and I'm here for that. They grew up together, they help out each other in all kinds of situations and they care about each other. They can be funny and they can be serious for a moment, they value each other's advice and the fact that their friendship lasts since childhood makes their scenes 100 times more adorable (just think of the forehead kiss!).
Gina Linetti & Raymond Holt — from an annoying assistant who never gets her job done (not that this has ever changed) to a dear friend who teaches captain Holt trashtalk and is on first name terms with his husband. Their scenes are just super hilarious and I love how Holt just can't imagine having as his assistant anyone but Gina. His Gina Moment is just amazing and he's really proud of his friend, even though he worries about her. I love how Gina takes his side and doesn't want Jake to ruin his career when Wuntch transfers him to PR. She teaches him, as well as he teaches her, they help each other, they appreciate each other when some can't, they know each other's talents and value each other's opinions. And you can tell Holt is extremely bummed when Gina decides to leave the Nine-Nine, because who will give him diction exercises before important events now? Gina Linetti Spaghetti Confetti.
Terry Jeffords & basically everyone (INCLUDING Sharon!) — I'm gonna start from Sharon because imo their relationship is SO underrated while it's such a great marriage. Remember when Sharon said she would always worry about him but he should get his ass back in the field if he was ready? Now that's the support. They love each other so much and, what's more, they let each other know that. The same goes for the kids — Terry always makes sure they know he loves them very much. And except his real family, he also has his other family with his stupid grown up kids. Because he treats squad like a family and it's the cutest thing ever. He loves Jake, he loves Amy, he loves Rosa, he loves Gina, he loves Charles, he loves every single one of them, values every single one of them, cares about every single one of them and lets them know that. They know they can count on him and ask him for help or advice and even when he's super busy, he's gonna find some time for them. The same goes for Holt, they're amazing friends and basically dads of the squad but Terry isn't afraid to tell captain off if he gives the squad too hard time. In summary, don't annoy proud mama hen of the Nine-Nine or you're gonna regret it and that's confirmed.
Raymond Holt & Rosa Diaz — both Amy and Rosa are so similar to Holt but in such different ways. I love how they talk about emotions and help each other acknowledge them. They have so much respect for one another which is growing stronger and stronger throughout the series. Rosa understands Holt's standards and contrariwise. Their friendship is restrained but yet powerful and based on mutual respect. But feelings? Ew.
Raymond Holt & Jake Peralta — this most obviously had to be here, because it's impossible not to love this duo. Their relationship evolves so beautifully and it's very clearly shown how Holt's opinion and appreciation matter much more than his actual father's. Not only does Ray have an impact on Jake, but also Jake teaches captain a few things, remember hot tub scene? They value each other's opinions, they literally make each other better people. And their father-son relationship is simply amazing and when Holt plays along with it it's just... daaamn, son.
Raymond Holt & Madeline Wuntch — when they're together, I'm like Rosa: this is amazing. I literally want to make popcorn and watch this beautiful drama and those insults OMG, I'm here for them so much. That's basically it, I love their chemistry of arch-nemesis and I love how they perform it and chapeaux bas to Andre Braugher and Kyra Sedgwick for not cracking up during those scenes. Who's guarding Hades or tickets to Wicked? Raymond, Raymond, Raymond...
Norm Scully & Michael Hitchcock — this is a perfect example of how true friendship can last over the years. These guys do everything together and they simply don't care about what others say about them (cake for gay wedding has come to mind). As Hitchcock says, everyone knows they come in package and they both watch it'll be so, so neither of them would be left out. They're dorky but they appreciate each other for the little things (which to them are quite big things but let's leave it), they comfort each other and even when they fight they can't stay mad at one another for long. They seem so friendly and harmless but just wait until someone touches their food...
That's it from me but feel free to add some relationships from your top list or just add some thoughts on that!
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confinedinthisflesh · 3 years
11x04 rewatch reactions by remmie
👀 spoilers ahead 👀
warning i am in pain, more irritable, and not completely mentally here so take these reactions and any posts after this with a grain of salt
- freddie is so cute!!
- love that the preview is the first scene
- btw what lady?? who moved in to the house after tony??
- "i spy, you shoot" 😦 wow
- god i know i'm more irritated rn but i really just don't care about carl again
- ohmygod franny no! djsjfkd is that a normal experience for young children? cutting their hair by themselves? i mean i gave myself bangs by essentially shaving the front of my part. it seems normal.
- oh god gallagher relations
- oh my god stop with carl please
- oh wow ian felt that
- frank you used to sleep in your vomit and piss- while i hate terry with a burning pit of firey hell- you are also unhygienic and shitty as fuck
- okay wow they really are trying to make terry and frank do the homer ned fighting
- ooooooo sandy made a point!!!
- mickey your family is awful see through it please (therapy would help 😉)
- what is this shit? no? TAM TAM????
- the antiacid tablets in the back
- mickey you're going to give your husband a stroke ohmygod
- wow once again amy vs gemma stuff again 😔😔😔 when will gemma have rights
- oh wow they really put the flag in there, shameless people who work on the show why did you choose to do th at especially with trying to make this "battle" just a neighborly haha battle thing (i don't make sense when in pain)
- okay the pain meds have kicked in, debbie did you just kick out your girlfriend?? i mean she was never invited to move in but??? you never kicked her out before???
- okay at least mickey can see it- oh wow ian looked too proud of himself
- oh wow carl's past is haunting him 😐
- wow okay please go back to the lip and tami scene, this is fucked
- bro if the gallaghers all move out into a new house i might cry harder at the end of the season
- kev made a good point i hate that i laughed
- debbie you did not put your ginger kid in a blonde wig 😐
- wait you went to his house?? excuse me??
- a h okay teacher who groomed tami, fun, so much fun haha 😐😐
- hey british shit is good leave it be
- oh my wow milkoviches are just that name
- oh wow debbie's "don't do this to me", hey debbie your kid doesn't owe you shit
- SHSJJDJS ohmygod, badass walk though
- ohmygod kev
- ABAJAJDJAJFJAKD IAN HOLDING BACK MICKEY- i lauGHED and almost dislodged my gauze
- ... tami... tami... ohmygod tami... 😦 you were groomed and taken advantage of...
- can y'all keep a consistent mask policy please- ohmygod debbie that's not what she means by privilege
- the amount of new milkoviches they have now my god
- frank. 😐
- oh wow someone really wrote this script
- that's a lot of weed
- oh my god lip can you please like report him?? to someone??
- okay y'all both went too far with calling each other out please stop please just listen to what your kids actually want
- the fact ian let mickey answer that
- also w o w a grand?!?
- okay good speech but i could tell they were just gonna announce the winner
- wow okay didn't need to picture that
- wow okay tami i love you you just did your own therapy
- THANK YOU LIP- now go report him!
- see why can't carl be robin hood esque
- ew ew ew ew
good episode i think, can't wait to see how and where exactly the security thing goes
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the-coffee-story · 4 years
Partners in Crime
Chapter 5 - The Beginning of a lifelong Friendship
It was foggy in Forest Lane.
That was the first thing Doc Tilch noticed when he arrived. The air was cold and damp. The burned ruins were lined out against the black sky like the skeletal remains of a long-dead beast.
He saw a light in Alecto Fisher's window. She timidly waved and pointed at the ruins. He nodded and went in.
Burned wood crunched under his feet. Anybody else would've shivered, but the Doctor was too dead inside to bother. He glanced around. Nothing. At least for now.
He reached the former bedroom where they'd found the three skeletons and suddenly stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a hooded figure standing there with it's back to him. The stranger hadn't noticed him yet. That was good. It gave him time to sort his thoughts and carefully decide what to do next.
"Good evening," he finally said, after much hesitation.
The figure spun around and gasped. "Shit!"
He instantly knew he'd been right. This was not a ghost, and certainly not the arsonist.
It was Tammy who was pressed against the burned wall, her black hair wet and her dirty face full of scratches and fear. She was frail and obviously terrified, yet she clenched her fists and put on a brave face, like a homeless cat defending it's territory from an intruder.
"Don't fucking touch me, Fuckface!", she hissed.
"You're Tammy, aren't you?" The Doctor held his hands up. "I won't hurt you. I swear."
"Actually I go by Welle and they these days, so if you're gonna kill me at least don't fucking misgender and deadname me!" They bared their teeth.
"I'm sorry, Welle, it won't happen again," he quickly assured them. "But I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you."
They chewed their lip. He noticed how much they were shaking and that there was a large gash on their right shoulder.
"I don't even know who you are, Creep."
He held his hand out. "Doctor Terence Tilch. I'm part of the team investigating...all this."
They waved it off. "You can just say their deaths. And don't fucking say 'My condolence' or some shit. I know you don't mean it. Why are you here in the middle of the night anyway?"
"Alecto Fisher called us about a ghost haunting the house."
"Sounds like her." Welle shrugged and immediately hissed of pain.
Doc Terry stepped forward. "You're hurt."
"No shit, Sherlock?" Welle's voice was dripping with sarcasm.
"Can I take a look at it?", Doc Tilch asked.
"Whatever." Welle sighed and unzipped their hoodie. They flinched when Doc Tilch touched their shoulder.
"I won't hurt you," he whispered.
"You saw nothing!", Welle hissed.
"If something I do makes you uncomfortable please immediately tell me."
Welle nodded. "Whatever."
The Doctor examined the wound.
"It's nothing too serious, but you need stitches," he finally explained. "I have my medical equipment in the car. Do you mind coming along?"
Welle shook their head and shuffled outside after the Doctor. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the Rolls Royce.
"Is that a FUCKING Rolls Royce?!"
The Doctor nodded and couldn't stop himself from being a little proud. "In perfect condition since 1965. I'm the third owner."
"It's fricking gorgeous," Welle mumbled while the Doctor unlocked the car door and got his equipment.
He smirked. "Thanks. Do you mind sitting in the backseat while I stitch you up?"
"Sure thing." They slid into the car.
"What happens now?", Welle asked while the Doctor worked on their shoulder. "Am I gonna land in the nearest orphanage? Or at the police station, maybe?"
"No way I'm leaving you to the police. They're not trustworthy," the Doctor assured them.
A tiny smile stole onto Welle's dirty face. "Cops are pigs."
"Aye, that's something we agree on." The Doctor smirked. Welle sharply inhaled when he made another stitch.
"Oh, I'm sorry," he immediately apologized.
"I'm good." Welle gave him a thumbs up and flashed him a tiny grin.
"Tell me if you're uncomfortable."
"Alrighty, alrighty."
"Anyway," the Doctor continued while making another stitch. "I would like to take you to my team so they can ask you a few questions. If that's okay for you."
"Am I in trouble?"
"Of course not. On the contrary. We were all worried for you."
"Really?" Their eyes widened.
"Of course."
Welle chewed their lip for a moment.
"Okay, I'll answer y'all's questions," they finally agreed. "But what then?"
"Let's look at your situation. You are a minor, you're homeless, you have nobody to turn to and you're all alone. I propose a deal to you."
"Which would be?"
"You let me help you."
They chewed their lip. "What's the cons?"
"There are none."
"You don't seem like the type to just adopt random orphans, Lankenstein."
"I don't usually do this," the Doctor admitted. "But I don't think anyone else is going to put up with you."
"I don't think so either," Welle agreed.
"So it's sealed?" He held out his hand.
"Sealed." Welle shook it. They grinned. It was a tiny, tired and dirty grin. But it was sincere.
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funknrolll · 4 years
Celebrating Prince: discovering a timeless artist and his meaningful and impactful art. Part 4. The Truth, The Vault.. Old Friends 4 Sale and Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic eras.
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Hi music lovers, as I anticipated on monday, music addiction is going to celebrate Prince and his amazing and timeless work!! The article will be split into a few little articles. I hope you enjoy this new format and these articles!!
As I said yesterday, let me say that I have heard so many things about Prince’s artistry. Some comments came from uneducated people who did not even take a second of their lives to understand, and do research on his art. Hence, I think the time to shed some light on Prince’s art, has come (finally). I hope to help some of those people understand this artist better and to finally appreciate him the way he deserves. We owe Prince big time. Today’s music and musicians  owe Prince everything. Without him, many of the artists we listen to today, WOULD NOT BE EXISTING. As we all know, Prince loved to experiment with music, trying out new music genres, new styles, new harmonies, melodies, rhythms and so on. This is one of the factors that led this legend to create a unique, wide and broad vault. There are so many songs of his that I love so much and that I find relevant for this article. The ones I chose, are going to prove that Prince and his music did not just revolve around sex and sexuality, (even if the artist through his music took the topic to another whole level). Through the article, we will see that Prince was more than all that I mentioned above. He was an extraordinary human being, blessed with so many enormous talents, with a beautiful mind, a uniquely pure soul. A true gift of God. With this in mind, let us start this article.
The other three part of the article are already out on this blog, so check them out if you’d like✨
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In 1998 Prince released 2 albums: Crystal ball and the Truth. The most relevant is, however, the Truth which was conceived as an acoustic album even though it contains some electronic sounds such as distortions, electronic instruments, sounds effects. Despite that, Prince focused on giving the album an acoustic sound. With these new, the almost minimalistic acoustic sounds emotional lyrics addressing political issues, animal exploitation, and the loss of a loved one, the artist unravels his most private and delicate side. Some of the songs I loved the most are The Truth, The Animal Kingdom, and Comeback. The 21 century was going to be the era of fake news and as I mentioned the artist was also predicting the era of fake news. Related to this topic these lies express how fake news can create an increase in people’s fear of death. Indeed, looking at the lyrics: 
What if half the things ever said
 Turned out 2 be a lie
 How will U know the Truth? 
From the beginning of the song, he is educating the listener about the lies we are told daily and the fake news we hear daily. 
What If time's only reason?
 Was to give us all somethin' 2 fear?
 And if so y'all, the end of the journey's so clear 
These lines address the issue of how the lies create the fear of death. 
If there was just one day
 That everybody tell the truth
 We'd all trade bank accounts & move to back to Neptune 
The song closes with the artist envisioning a world without fake news and with no lies. What I find extremely relevant is the contrast between Prince’s performance and the sound of the guitar which is even more remarked while Prince chose to perform most of the song in a light head voice. What I also find remarkable is the use of electronic sounds such as the ticking of the clock right before singing the line” What if time is the only reason”
Another song that I particularly love is The Animal Kingdom. Prince addressed the issue of animal cruelty. He also gives the listener clues about him being vegan. As the lyrics are quite straightforward, there is no need for a further explanation, however, what makes the song unique is its instrumental as this album is characterized by an acoustic sound. Indeed, the artist used a wide dose of electronic sounds and he distorted his voice as well. I also noticed an exceedingly clever use of sounds effects such as animal sounds. 
The third song I mentioned is the Comeback which is extremely personal, deep, and emotional. It gets straight to the heart. This song is about losing someone dear and as in 1996 Prince lost his first and only child, I would assume that this song was how the artist was dealing with this heartbreak unfortunate event he experienced. He then crafted a sophisticated but yet simple instrumental entirely played with an acoustic guitar to which he added some of the most BEAUTIFUL AND TOUCHING lyrics to ever be written. Personally, as I have just lost my grandfather and my grandmother as well, I feel this song extremely close to my heart, Prince with these words and his beautiful performance had been able to touch my heart in such a way that only true artist with an ENORMOUS sensitivity could do. Moreover, taking a look at the lyrics:
Walking up the stairs
 Just the afternoon
 Sweet wind blew
 Not a moment 2 soon
 (Hoo) I cry when I realized
 That sweet wind was USpirits come and spirits go
 Some stick around 4 the aftershow
 Don't have 2 say I miss U (don't have 2 say I miss U)
 Cause I think U already know
 If U ever lose someone
 Dear 2 U
 Never say the words they’re gone
 They'll come back, yeah
 They'll come back, yeah yeah
 They'll come back
 Tears go here
 Tears go here
 Tears go here
 Tears go here 
The song lasts only 1 minute and 59 seconds, and it consists of a few lines. However, with these few yet powerful words, the artist has been able to communicate one of the worst experiences he could possibly go through. What left me so mesmerized about this gem is how Prince could tell and perform this heartbreaking story with such a beautiful and unarming gentleness that only he could do. Moreover, the Artist opted for an acoustic album to craft this masterpiece, which is in perfect harmony with the main theme of this song. 
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In 1999 the Artist released his last album with Warner Bros, The Vault. This work features unreleased materials. In my opinion, there are 2 relevant songs on this album which are There is Lonely and Old Friends 4 Sale. 
The blues ballad There is Lonely is characterized by some straightforward used to express Prince’s pain caused by a deep sense of loneliness. 
Is it me or did the room just get darker? 
 Is it me or did I just lay down and die? 
 Is this a dream or did the world just crumble at my very feet? 
 How in heaven will I ever be alright? here is lonely and there is lonely 
 And then there is how I feel right now 
 Perhaps only Cain when he'd slain his brother 
 Could ever come close to knowing how...yeahThere is lonely and there is lonely 
 And then there is how I feel right now 
 Perhaps only Cain when he'd slain his brother 
 Could ever come close to knowing how there is lonely and there is lonely 
 And then there is how I feel right now 
The short yet impressive and effective lyric is a poignant rant where the Artist with some heartbreaking metaphors conveyed to the listener what he was feeling. Additionally, as we can see from the lyrics, Prince is comparing loneliness to darkness and to death which is complementary. Moreover, loneliness is also compared to the world crumbling at the artist’s feet. The artist depicted the feeling of loneliness as something so overwhelming that he was not sure he would have ever been all right again. The heartbreak led the Artist to feel like nobody could ever understand how he felt. Additionally, Prince used another relevant metaphor which involves Cain and Abel, the two biblical from the book of genesis. As I mentioned, the music genre opted is blues and suites perfectly the general topic of this masterpiece, enhancing the sorrow and the pain the artist felt. Prince’s performance is another poignant yet interesting characteristic. The artist sang these words with a beautiful soft voice he was almost whispering, perhaps he opted for this beautiful and sophisticated performance because sometimes if we want to be heard we must learn to whisper. This, indeed, makes this masterpiece even more effective because we can really feel the sorrow and the exhaustion the artist was feeling. 
The second song I mentioned is Old Friends 4 Sale. This might look like a sad love-story but it is not. It is indeed a song about betrayal and being backstabbed by someone the artist trusted. Indeed, this masterpiece was written out of rage. The song is about Jimmi Jam and Terry Lewis respectively the Time’s keyboardist and bassist. According to the book, Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions 1983 and 1984, by Duane Tudahl, recounts the fateful day of March 24, 1983. The Time was due on stage in San Antonio that evening to open for Prince. Jam and Lewis were in Atlanta, producing sessions for the SOS Band. “We get to the airport, and it starts snowing”, said Jam in an interview recalling the half-inch that shut down the airport. They missed the gig and were later fired from the band. But unlike the dozens of talented musicians that would come and go from Prince’s orbit in the years ahead, Jam and Lewis were different – they were like family. Moreover, Prince already warned the Time not to produce music with other bands, to prevent his friends from giving away the signature sound that made them so special. Despite Prince’s warning them, Jimmy and Terry did not listen. However, Prince was not the one who decided to fire Jam and Lewis. Indeed as Prince said in a 1990 follow-up Rolling Stone interview with Karlen, "I'm playing the bad guy," says Prince, "but I didn't fire Jimmy and Terry. Morris asked me what I would do in his situation. You got to remember, it was his band." Besides all of that, what I find impressive is the orchestral arrangement of this song. Prince opted for another blues song which suits extremely well the general meaning of this masterpiece. Moreover, the beautiful, sophisticated, complex arrangement of the song was crafted by Clare Fischer. The song presents an exceedingly wide variety of musical instruments and a mesmerizingly broad spectrum of harmonies. 
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The following album is Rave In2 the Joy Fantastic released in 1999. Among the songs that I prefer in this masterpiece, there are Eye Love You but I don’t trust you anymore, Man ‘O’ War and Whatever U go Whatever U do. With this album, the Artist is letting the listener catch a glimpse of how and why his relationship with his former wife Mayte Garcia, was ending. Moreover, Prince was in constant evolution artistically and musically and this album is the proof of it. Indeed, the sounds of this album are extremely different from the previous ones he released. Eye Love You But I Don’t Trust You Anymore is one of the most intimate, personal and heartbreaking songs the artist had ever written. The simple and neat arrangement was crafted for voice, piano, and guitar. The lyrics of this masterpiece are also quite straight-forward.
I could tell from the moment you walked in the room
That it wasn't your dress you had on, that wasn't your perfume
And what happened to the ring that I gave you?
What am I to assume? I love u, but I just don't trust u anymore You could tell f
rom the moment you looked in my eyes
That I could see right through you, you must apologize
I've always given you the best in life
Even in the wrong, it was right
I know you trust me, but you don't love me anymore, I remember meeting you here in the good old days
I would never pick the flower of my favorite protege
 Maybe if I would have
Then you would not treat me this way
You tricked me but you will not anymore, no, I love u, but I don't trust u anymore 
According to what these lines are inferring, the artist was cheated on by his partner which led to a widespread belief that the person he was singing about was his former wife Mayte Garcia. Indeed, Prince says he did not recognize his wife and her perfume and that she took off the ring he gave her. Moreover, in the last verses, Prince is claiming to be the one who was cheated on as he sings “ I would never pick the flower of my favorite protege/ Maybe if I would have/ Then you would not treat me this way/ You tricked me but you will not anymore”.  As I said, the song seems to suggest that Prince was cheated on, and being wronged by an unfaithful spouse was fairly new territory for the artist’s lyrical repertoire. Moreover, as regards the arrangement, it is extremely simple and intimate as it is made of a piano and an acoustic guitar, courtesy of the indie rock artist Ani DiFranco. Moreover, this is one of the most nakedly emotional songs by the musical genius. This emotivity is so hearable in Prince’s voice and it is indeed super clear that he was hurt and wounded. As regards the lyrics the message Prince is delivering is extremely powerful and the pain and sense of betrayal are totally feelable. However, these lyrics were performed in such a gentle and delicate way which made the message delivered even more poignant. Moreover, Prince might have opted for spare but yet sophisticated lyrics so the beautiful vocals and the lyrics could be brought to the forefront and hence the listener could put all his attention to them. This is in my opinion on of the most beautiful and heart-wrenching songs that the artist has ever done. Furthermore, the second song I mentioned is Man ‘O’ War. Allegedly, this is another song where the Artist expressed his anger and pain for what he endured when his relationship was dissolving. Indeed, as in Eye Love You But I Don't Trust You Anymore, the lyrics are extremely clear. In fact, from this song, the listener can expect to hear the story of a man who was tired of being in an unpeaceful relationship. From the lyrics, it becomes evident how hurt Prince was to the point that he felt like he was robbed of his dignity. On the other hand, he wanted to have the peace of mind and how he wanted to be loved and wanted again. However, this could not happen with the person he was talking about because as the Artist said “ But lovin' you, lovin' you, lovin' you is a waste of time”, therefore with the” 7-page letter” the artist mentions (perhaps hinting to the divorce papers), the marriage between the couple was just meant to dissolve. As regards the arrangements, Prince chose a slow and extremely intense r&b song that suits the lyrics perfectly. Furthermore, on a more positive note, the third song I mentioned is Wherever U go, Whatever you do. Through some forthright lyrics, the artist delivers an extremely uplifting and motivating message. With these words inspiring words the artist, encouraging each of us to be positive and smile and to pursue our dreams and always try our best no matter what. Another lesson we can learn from Prince is to learn from every situation, good or bad, and that even if we fail sometimes, it is ok as long as we tried our best. This is one of the most heartwarming, most powerful, and biggest lessons that Prince has taught us and that he had lived his entire life up to. As regards the performance, the Artist uses such a beautiful, gentle, and delicate head voice and I honestly can feel all the love and the positivity he was putting into this masterpiece. I think also that the lyrics are so BEAUTIFUL that, I need to report them here. 
Wherever U Go, Whatever U do
 Oh please, remember that I'll always be there 4 U
 U don't have 2 call, U don't have 2 say
 Just think about me and I'll be on my way
 I don't have 2 worry, I'm sure U'll be fine
 Cuz if U stay happy, then what's yours is mine
 Wherever U Go, Whatever U do
 Remember that I'll always be there 4 U
 (Oh Baby)
 Wherever U R, think of your dreams
 Oh please, remember life ain't always what it seems
 4 each rainy day (rainy day)
 That comes your way
 The sun will come shining and U'll be okay
 Keep on smiling - every girl and boy
 Remember when U were children U had toys
 Wherever U R, think of your dreams
 Remember that dreams become the life U lead
 Whatever U play, it's okay 2 lose
 Ooh sometimes (sometimes...)
 As long as U learn from every game U choose
 If one thing is sure, U'll always endure
 If U try your best at everything U do
 Say what U mean and mean what U say
 The price 4 a broken heart - it's 2 much 2 pay
 And nothing is worth it if U don't have 2 try
 The higher the stakes - the higher the sky
 Wherever U Go, whatever U do
 Please remember
 Remember that I'll always be there 4 U 
If you guys would like to purchase your copy of the albums I wrote about in this article (which I recommend, PLEASE DO NOT BOOTLEG PRINCE’S MUSIC), I’ll post the links below✨
This was the 4th part of a series of articles dedicated to Prince to celebrate his life and most importantly his art. Stay tuned for more. If you have missed the first part feel free to check it out✨ In the meantime stay home, stay safe and healthy. Peace and Love 4 one another. thank you so much for your attention 💜 G  💜
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milkaleksandr · 6 years
So, about the Gallavich endgame. Am I happy? Yes, of course. Am I still in the "Mickey Milkovich deserved better" mood? You bet I am. God knows how much I've been waiting for this moment and it was surely the highlight of this 2018 but still I don't like the way Mickey was being treated until the end. He basically become something Ian can get whenever he wants, as if Mickey were there like some rock statue waiting for him when the needy wishy washy kid feels like he's in the mood to have it. For Ian if Mickey's there and can do him, it's ok but if he isn't, it's ok as well. It wasn't Ian's fault when Mickey got locked up in season 5 and nor I am saying he should've gone to Mexico with him and upset the stability he had gained (job, boyfriend). He said "this isn't me anymore" and didn't get in the fucking car. Ok. But what did he do after that? Trevor forgave him for the little 2 days-adventure with his "ex-boyfriend" but later Ian fucked up the relationship anyway because he was only interested in fucking Trevor. Gay Jesus movement made him lose his job and made him not take his meds anymore. So, huh, this isn't me anymore Ian? I guess you would've had less trouble if you'd gone to Mexico. But anyway. It's for sure tho that Ian is, has always been and will always be in love with Mickey Milkovich only, it's that, it's finished, it's a love that he can't escape and that will last forever no matter how many "I've a fuckin boyfriend-s" he may say. I am not saying that he shouldn't have had moved on after Mickey got locked up and again after him escaping to Mexico (and I'm also okay with Ian not falling deeply for any guy) but if y'all are intended to show, every time they reunite, that deep and big love they share and that never faded, I AT LEAST expect y'all to show me while they're separated some moments in which Ian thinks about Mickey or at least I don't expect Ian not giving a fucking shit when Mickey's name is mentioned, like he was some random guy... I at least expect him to lose his breath for a bunch of seconds or him to get in a I miss him-mood for a fucking second. I don't expect Ian going to fucking "MR." Terry Milkovich to ask "how's life in prison", to the man who ruined his kid's life (who's supposed to be Ian's biggest love!!), who made a woman rape his kid in front of Ian and made him marry her because he was a fucking homophobic piece of shit. I don't expect the guy who's deeply in love with Mickey Milkovich to go to the man who basically beat his kids to death and was one of the reasons why Mickey in the early seasons wouldn't accept himself for who he was, was violent, beat Ian because "you love me and you're gay"; it was because of Terry Milkovich that Mickey let Ian go in s3 because this one was too upset by his behaviour. Terry Milkovich's actions ruined his kids' life and affected Ian's life too, he was the one who was about to fucking beat to death his son at the Alibi if the cops wouldn't have come just because he was GAY and you made Ian go to him all chill to ask that garbage how's life in prison? Oh my god. So yeah, Ian doesn't care for Mickey when he's not there and Mickey would instead upset his life to get back with him at any moment, he literally gave up his freedom to be locked up in a prison where he could reunite with Ian. I mean... I am so happy for this endgame but Mickey Milkovich deserved better and nobody fights me on that. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The “2022 Red Sox suck atm and have an off day so so I’m ignoring being sad about them losing a series to the gd Orioles for EDDIE BEING BACK IN THE FRAY AAAAHHHH” reaction dump:
This has literally been me since the ep ended last week:
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Claudette I know you might die but respectfully stop being a dick for no reason jfc
Oh hell nah seriously, and look at Josh being all in awe because his character has been reduced to being obsessed with her
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Anyway, domestic Bathena is giving me life and now Bobby being a protective dad ahhhhhhh
"You mess with my kid, you mess with me."
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Chim and Albert bonding over apartment hunting ♥
Wait--Chim I don't think those are to really eat lol
I'm sorry, marine algae noooooooo
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I don't trust this fella, but I also want Josh to have a meet cute that doesn't end with him getting robbed so that someone can break into dispatch for a heist
Man Claudette shut the fuck up you are the middle school bully jfc
Oh is this dude gonna electrocute himself and start the fire? Fuckin tragic
Well, he didn't do it to himself so there's that.
Oh shit Terry no
Eddie doing fireman things has no right to be this sexy I mean come on now
FIREFIGHTER Eddie Diaz, don't think I didn't hear the emphasis boo
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You know I was sad to think Claudette may die but she's really testing me tonight
I don't trust Jonah, I don't I don't I don't and it's all y'alls fault lmao
"Eddie get some turn outs" oh yessssssss! ! ! ! !
Eddie gearing up shouldn't make me this emotional
"Eddie you're with Buck."
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"Today you're a guest in this house"
Eddie I fucking love you ohmigod
JOSH YES HE HAS LMAOOOOOOOO bc I've been waiting for months for that ahahahaha
Oh fuck I forgot about Albert pls don't die pls pls pls pls pls
I'm a nervous wreck rn omgggggggggggg
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My buddie babes saving a life ??? in this economy ?
Buck babbling with Eddie at his side, tales of the old 911 and I love it so much
I've missed this duo so damn much yall
oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no
with may??????????? under the rubble ?!!
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While we're at break can we appreciate how Buck and Eddie were practically glowing while working together? It was like they never missed a beat
them un-burying Bobby and May I'm sobbing yall
He was protecting her so well oh my goddddd
Linda ♥
"God has spoken" meanwhile Buck contemplates life
"I have two dads and you're one of them" - sobbing
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♥♥♥♥Chim and Albert ♥♥♥♥
I get the feeling they're leaving the door open for JHK since he's booked up so much, but I love this between Chim and Albert so much
I love this "not standing down" version of May y'all
Oh wtf Taylor, really? Being the jealous/kinda threatening GF after knowing your dude cheated? Where was that energy when "I didn't really need to know" came out of her mouth? The writers/showrunners need to figure out her character for the love
but also I am sad she died because damn, they're killing left and right rn
holy shit yall this episode was incredible, it just never stopped and there's so much to unpack ahhhhhhh
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urbanfanfare · 7 years
Where I Don't Want To Be- Chapter 1
Title: Where I Don’t Want To Be Author: letmetellyabouttrey Chapter(s): 1/? Characters: Trey Songz, Original Female Characters, Original Male Characters. Rating: M Warnings: Triggers, Language, and will definitely earn it’s rating as we move forward. Fic Summary: Kyianne Taylor has always been there to take care of her family. Fresh out of high school and ready to take on life ahead of her, she finds her life turned upside down when her parents make a confession that will drastically change the course of her life… Where I don’t Want To Be- Chapter 1 Kyianne POV: I woke up today with a feeling I couldn’t place… it was weird. Not so much weird, as much as feeling like everything was about to change. For the good or the bad I wasn’t sure yet… only time would tell… I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and got out of bed. I did my hygiene thing, before getting dressed in a pair a jeans and an old tee-shirt with faded red ink on it. I was pulling my long black hair back into an high ponytail, I sat all the way down at my kitchen table before it dawned on me, what today was… My 18th birthday! My two 6 year old twin sisters Tammi and Tanya came in the room along with my older brother Marc, who wasn’t exactly my Brother. He was my cousin to be exact, but his mom, who was my dad’s sister was very sick, and died when he was two, and his dad never claimed him, so my parents took him in, and here we are 19 years later him being x21. Then again we never saw our parents. “Happy Birthday Kyi!” Tammi and Tanya said as they handed me a homemade card. I loved the card just as much, if not more than a store bought card. “Happy Birthday! You are finally an adult! Still a kid to me, but an adult all the same!” Marc handed me a store bought card, with $20 stuck inside. “Thanks big head!” “Whatever just be lucky I gave you anything. Mighty Mouth!” He said grabbing his phone and texting something into the iPhone screen. I stuck my tongue out at him, before getting up out my seat to make breakfast, before getting the girls off to school. I put on a pot of water for some grits, and started making eggs. I practically ran the house by myself seeing as my parents, although they did the right thing by taking in Marc, they never really did right by any of us. Yea, they made sure we had a roof over our head, and food, but that was all because they could be charged with child abuse otherwise. I took care of the child rearing while they though money at the situation until we could just go away. It wasn’t like they didn’t have the means, they both worked at some high-end banking and investment firms, to which they owned their own firm. but they never even stayed here half the time. We lived in a modest, little home in Georgia, on the skirts of Atlanta, while they lived another life in the middle of the city. It was like we didn’t exist except for clientele dinners, or holidays. It was different living like this, not having your parents around to monitor your every move, coming home when you wanted, and not to a curfew. Yes, they tried to come in sometimes and lay down the law, but most of the time it was what I or Marc said goes for the twins seeing as we basically raised them so far. Marc was a good guy, but he was too busy chasing skirts and now he caught up in some mess. I mean he has his whole life ahead of him, this whole making me an aunt thing was not the business. “So birthday girl, where would you like to go for dinner? I pondered where I wanted to go. “You know what I’m not even sure. I’ll think about it today and let you know.” I said turning the eggs around in the pan. “You’ve got it good. Today’s your birthday, last day of high school. I say today’s a damn good day.” “Yea, it’s funny it all fell that way.” I said plating the eggs, grits and toast. The twins came and sat down at the table. I fixed them a plate. “Y'all two hurry up and eat. I still need to comb your hair and drop y'all off. Marc are you bringing LaQuita with you tonight?” “I thought you didn’t like her?” He questioned while putting some grape jelly on his toast. “I don’t but she’s the mother of your growing child, my Niece or Nephew. I’ll be damned, if I let her keep me from that over petty stuff.” “Your a great woman. You and Quita will get along good someday.” “You say that a lot, personally I don’t see that shit happening, now you get out of here too, your supposed to be in class in about 30 mins. You already told me about that professor of yours. He grabbed another piece of toast he had left, before mussing up the girls hair, to their protests, and stole kisses from each of them… After School: Today had been a long day, but I was happy it was over. This stage of my life was over, and as I walked out of school for the day I got a bit sentimental aaa I cried and hugged my friends goodbye. Grinning from ear to ear as I said my final goodbye to this high school that been apart of my formative years. I drove down the street in my Acura MDX SUV (another gift from my parents., stopping for gas and a Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea before picking up my sisters from Kindergarten and heading home. I pulled in the driveway noticing Marc’s blue Ford Explorer in the drive way. We walked inside seeing Quita and Marc on the couch watching a re-run of The Parkers. Quita who was 8 months pregnant stood up, a slight glare in her eyes. Then again she always had a glare when she saw me.? “Happy birthday” she said with very little interest in actually giving me any attention. “Thank you Quita. Marc, I wasn’t expecting you home yet. Didn’t you have another class?” “Quita had a doctors appointment today so I went.” “Oh yea I forgot, how did it go?” I sat down on the couch, my backpack on the floor. “Great, my SON is going to be a very health, a happy little man.” He said with a grin. “Shit not if he keeps sitting on my Blatter. I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” We all laughed and I moved my stuff of her way. “Oh My God! A boy Marc! I’m so excited! I know you wanted a boy, so I know you are happy!” “Ecstatic!” I turned to the twins, who had been in the room with us too. “So, I know y'all got homework. Hop to it. They huffed and walked to the kitchen table. Me right behind them. They had one more week of school left so they still had work to do. "Kyi, why do we have to do it now?” Tammi said. “Because if you don’t do it now, your not going with us out to eat later.” “Dang!” They said at the same time. I looked over the simple addition and reading and determined that for both assignments it shouldn’t take more then 30 mins total. It wasn’t that bad. The teacher just wanted them to write down what they were most excited about for the summer. I was leaving the kitchen, when I almost ran into Quita. I started to move, but I wanted to say something first. “Hey Quita?” “Yes?” She said with bite in her voice. She flipped her burgundy hair over her shoulder. “I wanted to say to you. That I’m happy for you and my brother. I know he loves you, and I also know that you and I have not started off on the right foot, but you are going to be apart of this family now. So let’s bury the hatchet, and move on.” She eyed my hand suspiciously, before crossing her arms under her chest and glaring me down. “I’m not sure what kind of game you think your…” “ Quita please, I’m not running anything on you. My brother loves you, and I would hope you loved him enough to take the rope I’m throwing to you.” “It’s bitches like you always trying to set me up. Marc’s my man, I won’t let you take him from the family.” “Quita, I’m not trying to hurt you or break y'all up. Shit you are fucking 8 months pregnant. Even if he was miserable, which I find highly likely, he still wouldn’t do his child like that. He knows what that’s like, Shit we all do. I’m trying to squash this shit. For the sake of the baby, let’s be amicable about this ok?” “I’m going to say ok, but I still believe you aren’t up to any good.” “Likewise. Thanks Quita.” I waved her forward and we watched t.v until the twins finished up. Hours later…. We went to dinner at T.G.I. Friday’s and afterwards Marc dropped Quita at home, and then we went home. When we pulled up I noticed there was a silver Mercedes-Benz in our driveway which could only mean that our parents had stopped by. I looked on the street and saw a black suburban on it, but paid no attention to it. We parked, grabbing our leftovers and went inside to face the music. My parents sat on the couch, anxious as fuck. I knew something was up. “Terry, Linda.” I said without any warmth in my voice. “Hey don’t call us that. We are your parents.” I scoffed, their faces darkened. Their body language changed, and something told me to get the twins away from here. “Hey Marc, take Tammi and Tanya upstairs, get them ready for bed, I’ll be up in a minute.” “Awe how…touching.” My father said. “It is honey, she takes care if them like they belong to her. It’s cute.” “She going to be perfect for them. ” I was getting nervous, who was “them” why was I perfect? “Hold up, who are "them”, what in the hell are you talking about?“ "Language.” “Oh please! Do not come into this house and pretend you are a real parent. None of us have seen you in three months. Do you even know what today is? "Well, well, well, you have more backbone then the last time we saw you, but I suppose that isn’t our problem anymore. You guys can come out now.” Three huge men, came from the kitchen. Surrounding me. I immediately called Marc. “MARC!” He flew down the steps, and started swinging, I started fighting when they started grabbing for me. It was no use, they had me held back by my arms, and Marc by his neck and arms. “ Tisk, Tisk! Such bad manners.” “Let’s just get this shit over with I’ve got stuff to handle tonight…” “What do you want?” “We came for you!” Said our mother. “WHAT?!” Marc and I yelled. “You see, I’ve decided to bolster my sales, and open myself up to a whole new business venture, and let’s just say, I need you to… Help me.” Terry said. “With? And will y'all let us go god dammit!” I pulled against the arms holding me. “My new business involves matching up girls from around the world to men, who are willing to pay…” “Your becoming a PIMP for a living?! Wow! damn I’ve seen everything.” I yelled rolling my arms.“No, you haven’t. Not even the start, here in your sheltered world. And no Terry is not a pimp. He just makes people happy, and uses girls to do so. "Ok and what do I have to do with all of this?” “I have a client, a very special client. He truly doesn’t take No for an answer, Not that I would give him one. You see this client is very powerful, he gets what he wants and he decided out of all the girls he could have that he wants you.” My eyes popped out of my head, tears sprung from my eyes, and Marc went ballistic. “Fuck No! You can’t have her! What kind of sick shit is this! You sold your own fucking daughter!” He started pulling and fighting the guy, before I knew it, they pushed him to the ground and pulled a gun on him. He stopped moving and put his hands up and I heard my “parents” and I use the term loosely were laughing. “Oh such a shame, stuck between a rock and a hard place are you?” “Can’t you all just leave him alone? Please.” “We will as soon as you leave with us.” “No!” “Shut up!” “ Let me put it this way Kyianne, either you go with us, or you continue to fight us and he dies. Oh and we still take you.Take your pick.” I looked him over, and it wasn’t even a decision. “Ok, OK! Fine, You have to promise me, you leave him, and my sisters alone.” “KYI! NO! Fuck no, you get out and don’t worry about me.” I tried to go to him but the man was still holding me back. I looked to Terry and Linda pleadingly. They nodded to the man and he let me go. I ran over to Marc, who just grabbed me and hugged me. “Marc, I’m sure you would be ok with going for me, but what about LaQuita, what about your Son?” His face dawned with realization and hurt. “They need you Tammi and Tanya need you. I need you to take care of them. If your gone, they go back to them, and then they end up just like this, at least now, I know you can take care of them, and they are protected. Please Marc let me go.” His face was so sad, I had never seen him this upset before. I could tell he was still battling with my decision. “You don’t have to give up your life for us. Please Kyi! Think about this!” “There is nothing to think about. It’s either go with them, however unwilling it may be. Or we fight them and you die, I’m taken anyways, and Tammi, Tanya, and your Son is left with no one. Either way I’m going. They made sure of that.” I turned and glared at them. “She’s right Son.” “I’m not your Fucking son! For once it’s something I can be proud of in regards to your family genes.” “Please Terry and Linda, don’t need your help shut up. I just need to hear you say they are, and will always be safe from whatever lifestyle you lead! My sisters will NEVER EVER be subjected to this!” “Y'all have our word. Your sisters are safe. We have to go now!” I huffed back the tears, and pulled Marc to his feet. He was about 5'11 and about medium build. , with brown eyes. “Ok ok. Can I at least say goodbye to my sisters and grab something from upstairs?” “You’ve got ten minutes, and then we are dragging you kicking and screaming out the front door.” I turned and ran up stairs, Marc, and two of the three men, on our tails to make sure we didn’t try anything. I sucked up my tears and opened the door to my sisters’ room. “Kyianne? Why are you crying?” Tanya asked me “It’s ok. Sit down for a sec.” I sat on Tammi’s bed both of them sat beside me, I pulled them really close, as Marc sat on the opposite bed. Tears staining his cheeks, and his eyes were bloodshot red. “Ok you two. Kyianne has to go away for awhile.” “What?” “Why?” They said at the exact same time, panic laced in their voices. “Look it’s going to be ok you two. I need you to behave yourselves for Marc. You two are gorgeous and amazing little girls. I’m only going away because I Love you both, and not because I don’t Understand?” They both nodded, tears on their faces as well. I prayed to god for strength not to break down in front of them, it would only make it harder for them and me. “ Will we ever see you again?” Tammi asked me. I choked as I didn’t have an answer for them, but I was going to lie my ass off just to protect them. “Sure hun you will. I’m not sure when but you will. Now come with me.” We walked the hall to my room, and I went to my jewelry box. Most of my stuff was cheap, costume stuff, but I had a few pieces I knew would stand the test of time, even if I didn’t because they were real. I had three of those to be exact. I had two chains with an identical Rose pendents on them. One was gold, the other silver. Roses were my favorite flower, so they got incorporated into my daily stuff. I handed the Gold to Tammi, and the Silver to Tanya. “I want you two, to take care of these for me.” I grabbed the other necklace, which was something that was passed to me, by my maternal Grandmother Edith. She took care of me and Marc when we were really little, but she died when I was 15, leaving me and Marc to take care of everything. I loved that woman, so I kept a lot of her jewelry, but this one was special to her.I slid it in my pocket. I heard the knocks on the door, one of the once stone-faced guards had softened his face and said, “Ok Miss Taylor, it’s time to go.” The twins grabbed a leg a piece and cried harder. My heart broke and I gently pulled them off and bent down to their faces. “No matter what remember that I LOVE you.” I hugged them as tight as I could and kissed their chubby cheeks, and stood up to Marc’s wet face and hugged him. I gave him a peck on the cheek. “Take care of them Marc. Take care of yourself too. I love you, and your son.” I walked down the stairs, everyone hot on my trail. “Are you ready?” I wanted to smack her for asking me such a dumb ass question. “Don’t ask me a dumb ass question like that. Let’s go.” I looked back one more time at my family, and Marc was holding them both, and I was thrown in the back seat of the Suburban… We pulled away and everything I knew was gone…
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