#y'all know who you are
batarangsoundsdumb · 5 months
country artists who should clearly be going to therapy putting out an album: whiskey song, beer song, 'i wish i was never born' song, hot chicks song, whiskey song, poorly disguised cocaine reference song ft. equally depressed country guy, 'why did she break up with me' song
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prokopetz · 2 years
I’ve gotta hand it to Tamsyn Muir for having enough restraint to wait until after all of the books are out before publishing the inevitable companion tabletop RPG which exists only to stuff full of all the worldbuilding minutiae that wouldn’t fit into the actual novels, rather than dropping it mid-series and ending up having to contradict a bunch of stuff when the setting evolves in later instalments.
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h0wi1e · 6 months
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mckeeks · 2 months
it's about to get real sappy up in here
It's been a hot minute (years in fact) since I've really engaged with fandoms through Tumblr. Life took over and got in the way and I felt like a lost a little piece of myself for a while. Joining the HH/HB community and forming these genuinely wonderful friendships with people, has been so dang good for my mental health.
I forgot how much I missed collectively enjoying our niche little interests and ideas; sharing headcanons, writing drabbles, loving on all you ridiculously talented and creative beans. I hate living in the UK because timezone differences can suck a dick (don't ask me how late I stayed up talking about Husk 👀) but chatting with my favourite mutuals here - it's the highlight of my day. I love seeing your updates!
Basically, you're all fucking magical and amazing; I love this community. Thank you for making me feel like me again. ❤
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violetmuses · 28 days
Ask Me Anything! 💭
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alissonbear-ker · 7 months
I love my mutuals so much, even though we only ever talk online since we're all in different parts of the world I feel like we are actually friends
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amourdedove · 1 year
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me and the girlies talking shit about about awful ppl on the gc
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cuips-not-cute · 5 months
what's a guy to do when some of the coolest most kindest people are thousands of miles away??? blow them all a kiss and hope it grows wings i fucking guess!!
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nepotisim · 1 year
I've said it before but I'd like to say it again. I've noticed that the sims/simblr community has become a prominently black/POC space over these past few years, and I honestly couldn't be happier. Most of my life, I've felt ostracized by my own community because of my non-stereotypical interests, which was compounded with neurodivergence I have finally come to accept and am learning to deal with. It feels really nice to have a community, even if it is online, of people that you can identify with and talk to on more levels than "I like this game."
I also feel like these past couple years, this game and this community has helped me fall in love with myself. When I started my simblr 10 years ago, there was such little representation of people that looked like me; plus sized and dark skinned. I did not resonate with any of my sims and often found myself giving the same European features over and over again to sims no matter what the skin tone because when I used something darker, it just didn't feel right. I am so grateful for the overflow of natural hairs, cocoa complexions, and different types of skins to represent different shapes and types of uniqueness. I am so grateful I am able to share my sims with you, but also represent people I see in my own family and my own community, in my own life. I used to feel my blackness was ugly and undesirable because it was never shown in media, so now in my 30s, it's an amazing feeling to not only see people like myself in media, but also to be highly praised and put at center stage.
I can't do anything about how it was when I was a child, but I'm so happy that I'm finally able to create the representation I needed as a child and heal her from the inside out.
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angelcake-222 · 8 months
being racist in 2024 is wild bro, like at this point you're just straight up embarrassing yourself. why are you hoes so pressed about black people existing??? and being in the same fandom??? like it's not that deep at all back tf off 😭 god forbid this fandom have some diversity jfc
and how can you be racist and a fan of the sturniolos? like are we watching the same people???!! you know they wouldn't want your edgy flavorless colonizer ass right 💀 why you stanning someone who'd want nothing to do with you bffr
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caer-gai · 8 months
Hey y'all thanks for making me the most obnoxious person in my multicultural minds/heroes journey class.
Gone are the days where I simply connect everything back to king Arthur now I'm busting in with "needlework probably wasn't viewed as feminine at that time" and "Christianity in the middle ages doesn't match with our modern conception. "
And only then do I get to "I think this character is an allusion to Mordred but I'm not sure I'll look it up"
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Shoutout to everyone's female HoKs that turn male after mantling with Sheogorath.
The original ftms
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fromdusttosoil · 2 years
can someone explain to me why christianity is treated as this unique evil on this website? No christianity isn't the only religion with religous abuse. No christianity isn't the only religion that suffers from systematic child abuse. No christianity is not the only religion with corruption.
you guys really act like all religions except for christianity are these amazing spaces of discussions of faith and full of acceptance. All religions except christianity have a rich history of examining texts and changing and bettering and going with the times. But christianity? - no that's evil and always backwards and there's no thinking about the doctrine or discussions or change. Do you hear yourself? It's absolutely delusional.
Every religion is ripe with potential of abuse. What kind of abuse and negative impact a religion will have is dependant on how the structure of the religion is and also highly influenced by the religous communities themselves. There's plenty of cases of systematic child abuse in Islam, with mainly child marriage as a problem. Orthodox jewish communities have had a ton of abuse cases where parents where afraid of being alienated if they'd report to the police and reporting to a rabbi did nothing. don't even get me started on mormonism (no this isn't just an extra flavour of christianity, they have been counted as their own religion for a while in many countries. It's about as much christianity as christianity is judaism). Monotheistic religions tend to create closeknit communities where shame is used as a tool to keep people quiet and the hierarchies within the religions make it even worse. Polytheistic religions tend to do harm differently. For example the beliefsystem of both buddhism and hinduism tell people that their current bad situations are their own fault throw bad karma in previous lifes which makes people just accept bad living situations as well as deeply flawed societal structures like the cast system. Thay also set a system of shame where every emotion or action can possible be seen as negative, often leading to people repressing their desires and needs. I could go on but it's honestly depressing. Yes, christianity has a disproportionate amount of historical violence, war, genocide and alot of other things, but even there they're not alone.
I am not trying to say that all religion is inherently evil, because that's simply not true. While i don't believe in any god and never had i grew up religious and i have seen how much beautiful culture, art and community can be build through it. Religions gives comfort to people and it often is a really important part of a person. And most importantly religions change all the time. All religions, including christianity, have changes massively over time. People discuss and societies change and grow. There's so many different versions of most big religions that saying "Religion xyz is like this, was like this and will always be like this and it's worse than all those other ones" is just weird to me.
So can we please just have a civil discussion about religions please? One where we actually try and understand each other? And yes this also goes to atheism. No atheism isn't stupid or evil. But it's also not better than everything. Just fucking listen to people and talk to each other with kindness and compassion.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
Hey there, ass of jacks, Nilsh still has you blocked you know
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"You posted for the first time in six months after I bullied you off the site, so I'm gonna do it all over again! It's time for an ass kicking!"
Yeah, and we're the ones who can't be normal about the fictional anime girl. Kay.
We don't point out that you're like 35 because we hate old people you know; we do it because you're being super fucking creepy and intrusive and you're old enough to know better than to act like this.
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violetmuses · 2 months
Name your favorite story of mine! I'm curious. 👀 💭 📖
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me when i started writing: see, here's the trick. the more I write, the more I can get these characters and stories out of my head so they don't just bounce around in there
me now:
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