#yah hes trans too
redditreceipts · 5 months
This is actually a TIM explaining why it's legitimate to be anti-feminist because feminism has done nothing for TIMs/trans and has even been hostile towards them
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well feminism has given half of the trans population human rights, the right to vote, and legal recognition as a person lol. (of course you wouldn't bother to think about trans men, because you're a male and all you care about is yourself, but well)
it has admittedly not done anything done for trans women, because feminism is for women and trans women are not women lmao
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yah, interesting thing to think about, right? That the people who stand in for women's rights continue to do so, even when those women don't identify as women anymore.
Also, the question is so stupid. Like, even if I thought that trans women are women, asking what feminists have done for trans people is like asking what anti-racist activists have done for disabled people. And when they struggle to find an answer, I then as a disabled person tell them that I won't be participating in anti-racist struggles anymore because they don't focus on ME (the most important person in the world)
also, I think it's kinda smart for those "trans feminists" (like Julia Serano) to act as if trans activism and feminism were compatible. you can of course come out and tell the world that you dislike feminism as a trans woman, because feminism is about protecting women and you as a man feel neglected, but it will really not help your cause in the public opinion lmao
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I mean he's kinda right in his assessment though. Feminism is a movement to liberate women, and his bullshit ideology is not compatible with that. Feminism will always be about women, and as a man who wants to retain his privileges, being an anti-feminist is a logical conclusion. If you live in a patriarchy long enough, your privileges will appear to you as "rights", and taking away your privilege to define women as a man will seem to you as oppression. I guess it will be harder to convince your ftm brothers, because they actually know what it's like to live as a woman under patriarchy, but well, you're just proving the femininists' point by your post. Men as a class primarily care about retaining their privilege to oppress women, and this guy accurately recognised that and wants to stand in for men's rights instead. I guess normal people would have empathy for the struggle of a marginalised people that they're not a part of and not throw a tantrum when these people's emancipation means making themselves uncomfortable, but what do you expect of people socialised as male? this kind of rhetoric is like a plantation owner who lets their palm oil get picked by people in the global south and pays them $0.10 per hour, and then he turns around and says "What has the anti-imperialist movement ever done for plantation owners??? why should i support them when they want to take away my rights to exploit people?" like yeah, of course you shouldn't support them if all you care about is your own gain. but the people getting angry with you for not supporting a movement for the liberation of a marginalised people you are not a part of expect you to have the tiniest shred of empathy and not only care about yourself, but that's apparently too much asked of a man lol
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neverwalka1one · 1 month
Magnus Protocol 27
Yes I skipped making one of these for 26, it was a week and a half and mostly it consisted of me going 'plz stop poking the Spiral Lady she might eat you' at Celia, so.
Kidnapping/consumption, there is no way that classification can mean good things, nope.
Sam just kind of... sucks at grunt work. Like. I know he never meant to do a busywork type of job, this was a fallback, but... look. If Lena wasn't bound and determined to Not Have To Hire More People, Sam would be out on his ass in a week. You don't get that sassy with an overbearing manager and not eat asphalt. Sam, that's a clue, take it, please, omg.
Lena is tidying away Colin's files. Can someone get us proof of life on Colin?
$10 says Lena's planning on feeding Sam to one of the externals.
Oh Gwen, living down to middle manager tropes are we?
Hi Augustus, horrible to hear you, what ye olde times horror do you have for us you utter psychopath?
Strong alchemy vibes, gotta love it
So the institute is instituting (Magnussing?) by committee, I think I'm seeing why the Institute didn't overpower this world.
The eeeeeeeeeeeeeeye [snork] dude, stahp.
... uh. That coach ate a dude.
Hey Magnus. Magnus. Go get et by a coach.
Boyle! I got that reference. And Boyle is from the same time as Newton, so like... what, is this a committee you get to join because you inherited a seat? What, my daddy's rich and in this secret society I am too? .... actually nm that's pretty on point.
So if Boyle and Newton are from late 1600's (ish), and these letters are from nearly 200 years later... were there earlier Magnuses? It sounds like the institute is being named after him personally, so if there were, why is he so special? If there weren't, how did he get into the >200 year old rich boy's club? Why is it still a committee? Or was Newton more part of what the government bit is, that wipes Institute-esque things off the map when they get too powerful? Halp.
Jonah Magnus magnussing over here feeding his colleague to a coach with very little to no remorse I applaud Archibald (who tragically does not appear to be a real person) for spending his last moments cussing out Jonah Magnus.
Jonah has figured out about the Fears. Smirke's coming up next, isn't he? Oh no.
'Do you ever get weird emails' '[deadpan] I'm openly trans on the internet.' Read her to filth, Alice. Get her ass.
'We're not doing this now.' Doing whaaaat, Gwen? Sorta hate-flirting? Approaching romance sidelong like it might bite? C'mon, you were having fun.
Nooooooooo not the breakrooooooooooooooooooom FINE I'll break out the transcripts.
'What was that?' 'That was sex, Sam.' OOF. Sam, my shrimp king, never let Alice know Celia said that, even in jest, she'll roast you forever. Also 'pretty decent' sex? Damned by faint praise much? Or is this one of those 'if I vaguely praise it it was awesome, but if I'm very enthusiastic I think it was trash' British things?
Trevor Herbert is the MP????? That hobo-ass vampire slayer? Oh god, at least he'll get on with Lady Mowbrey.
Nope, still hung up on TREVOR being an elected official, I can't, help.
Whoop, Celia is spooked by the Archivist, what, you didn't clue in... ohhhh. oh no. She didn't hear the story last week. With the eyes. hahaha oh no.
Oh sure Celia, you just 'happen' to find the Hilltop Road property, just coinkidink, yup, just got a 'feeling' about it, yah-huh. If there are spiders there I'm going to be yelling so loud.
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Please Donate to Ahmed’s gofundme for Siraj, Youssef’s gofundme, Abood’s gofundme, Mohammed’s gofundme Mohiy’s gofundme and Mahmoud’s gofundme too!
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This Blog Is A Safe Space For Autistic People
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This Blog Is Against The Actions Of The Hate Group Masquerading As A Charity Known As ‘Autism Speaks’
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This blog is a Trans and Non-Binary safe space
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Damn the 10-image limit.
I'm Cipher
Contrary to popular belief, I’m a CisHet Dude.
Just trying to be welcoming.
... The entire description is in the blog description.
Also, if you are wondering about the ‘#not prev’ I put on most of my posts, It either means I’m not OP, or I'm not the person who wrote the tags that appear before it, or both.
Think of it as a barrier of sorts, where the post ends, and I begin, God that's pretentious as all hell, sorry for that.
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buckys-little-belle · 2 years
Can you do Care giver Eddie or Steve supporting a trans masc little? I haven't seen anybody do that before, and I think it would be very comforting
Little Bear
Eddie x Little!Reader (He/Him Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - None
Notes - This is short, but I honestly needed to see Eddie react to his little saying they are a boy, and it’s short but I feel like it’s perfect in a way. Please let me know if you want me to continue making this story bigger, maybe see a different interaction with the two. I hold this story close, thank you for requesting it!
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW.
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The sun had gone down hours ago, the air cold and crisp, the soft chirping of bugs and sporadic cars driving by the only noises heard. The Munson trailer was quiet, Wayne at work, Y/n and Eddie cuddled up on the couch, a movie playing distantly in the background. “Ed’s?” Y/n whispered, almost like he didn’t want to be heard.
“Yah bub?” Eddie cooed, pausing the Tv and looking down, their eyes meeting, Eddie immediately smiling.
“I jus’ I don’ know how to say it.” Y/n began. “An’ I don’ wan’ you t’ be mad.” He added, a slight frown on his face.
“You can tell me.” Eddie soothed, immediately moving so the two of them could be sat up facing each other, his one hand rubbing soothing circles into Y/n’s knee, the other running through his own hair nervously.
“‘m a boy.” He whispered, his eyes looking away from Eddie. “I feel like a boy, in here.” He said, his finger pointing to his ‘heart’.
“Wrong side.” Eddie said, moving their finger from the right to the left, to actually hover over his heart. “There you go.” He smiled.
“In here.” Y/n said again, their eyes searching Eddie for any fraction of anger.
“Thank you for telling me.” Eddie beamed, pulling Y/n in for a hug.
“You’re no’ mad?” Y/n questioned, a few happy tears spilling onto their cheeks.
“No bub, I’m not mad.” He chuckled, releasing Y/n from the hug to cup his cheeks. “I love you, you’re my bub.”
“I don’, I don’ wan’ be called bub anymore.” They confessed, his gaze looking away embarrassed.
“Hey, hey.” Eddie called, getting their attention once again. “That’s okay, again, thank you for telling me.” He paused to think. “What about Bear? Hm?” Eddie smiled, genuine love in his eyes.
“Yah.” Y/n smiled back, their heat fluttering from the support, the scary situation not scary at all. “I like Bear.”
“Good.” Eddie chuckled. “So Little Bear, would you like to finish the movie?” He asked, his head dipping to kiss Y/n’s forehead.
“Yah.” They beamed, getting back into their previous snuggle position, wrapped up in Eddie’s arms.
“I love you Little Bear.” Eddie whispered.
“Love you too.”
- - - - - -
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wetfungi · 1 year
Pre-op trans man gets fucked by boss. Focuses more on the build up to fucking and not really the fucking tbh. Trans guy is 20, boss is like 35-40. All genital and terms for body parts are used. No feminization. //
Want my boss to pull me into his office for some work shit and see him get a boner from just talking to me. I wanna see him get embarrassed and try his hardest to keep talking while I just listen. Have him stumble over his words while I nod and sit there.
I wanna hear him lock his door while he let's me out. I wanna go about my day like nothing happened cause.. honestly I don't know if what I saw was true.. did my boss really just get horny from talking to me? I wonder if he thinks I didn't see it.
I start to notice I have a lot more shifts with him. He says hi to me a lot more too. Somehow we run into each other a lot more. I'm really intrigued at this point. I purposely search for him to let him know when I plan on taking my breaks and he always starts a conversation when I tell him. He always tells me to have a good break after we've talked for as long as my break should be. It's like he's trying to interact with me as often as possible.
He asks me to stay later one day and offers to drive me home after for the inconvenience. Before we leave the parking lot, he brings up the thing I never thought we'd talk about..
"So.. I think you may have noticed something different at work. You've seen me a lot more huh?" He laughs.
"I just- I want to apologize. I want to say sorry for the time I called you in my office and I- there was a situation. I want to be professional about this. I thought that scheduling you with myself more and trying to talk to you more would get us to a level where it wouldn't be weird, but-"
He turns away from me.
"I'm going to stop scheduling you when I work because.."
I interrupt with "it's okay! Yah know I get things just happen. It's not a big deal. I didn't tell anyone. It's not weird! It's normal. Really we don't have to talk about-"
"I take my job very seriously but everytime I see you, I imagine that day and start to wish I didn't meet you."
I just sit there stunned. "Oh, um.. yeah I- okay"
"I wish I didn't meet you because then I wouldn't have ever gotten the urge to bend you over my desk and fuck you. If I never met you, I wouldn't have to deal with this fight in my head if I should risk it. Should I risk it? You can tell me. Look, I have an uber pulled up right now, I can get you a ride home, no questions asked, no problems. But if you tell me I should risk it... I'll drive you out of this parking lot, I'll drive you home, but that won't be it. So please. Just tell me you understand what I'm saying and let me know."
I don't even know what to say.
"I'm sorry, I can be softer." He looks at me now. "Do you want me to drive you home or would you rather me get you an uber? Either is definitely okay"
I ask him to drive me home.
He smiles and nods. He drives out of the parking lot and starts heading to a hotel. He parks and hands me a keycard and tells me the number to his room. I head to his room while he waits a moment. I just sit on the bed scrolling on my phone and after about 5 minutes, the door opens. He sets his stuff on the dresser, takes off his shoes, untucks his shirt and stands in front of me to take off his belt. I'm staring up at him with doe eyes at this point. I can't believe he's going to fuck me.
"I need you to promise you'll tell me to stop if you want me to stop. I only wanna fuck you if you want this too. Do you wanna continue?"
I nod and say "yes boss" because I think it's funny.
He smiles. "How about 'yes sir' and you'll be my good boy hmm?"
"Yes sir"
"Good boy"
And it starts. He unbuttons his pants. He takes off our shirts. He takes off my binder. He takes off his boxers. His dick is hard in front of my face. I open my mouth and he puts it in. I start sucking him while he plays with my hair, holding my head at all times.
"Be a good boy, lay face down okay?"
I don't even say anything I just eagerly lay back and flip over.
"You have to arch your back, ass up, I need to take off your-"
I move so quick so he sees how desperate I am for him. He gets me completely naked and pushes my ass back onto the bed. He mounts me and I feel bliss like never before. His cock fills me up perfectly. I love the feeling of his thrusts and his cock pumping in and out of me. The way he holds onto my waist and humps into me. The way he encourages me to touch myself while he fucks me. I've never felt this way before.
He flips me over and starts making out with me while his dick is just rubbing against my clit.
We fuck for hours. He cums inside me. We spit into each others mouths. I cum on his cock.
The night ends with him ordering room service and us making plans to fuck again. We talk about kinks and I feel like we've been doing this for years. Like I just feel so good after everything.
I can't wait for the time my boss fucks me again.
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Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 12-20
Okay @anna-neko … and all the other people that found me(tho I’ll be writing to Anna here)
Buckle up cause I actually read more, so there’s A LOT more text!
Before I start, I'm fully aware that the book's premise is that the whole regiment turns out to be women in disguised(except one being trans??? That happens at the end so I won't bring that up till I get there). But for ease of talking, I will he/him everyone until they've been she/her-ed. Plus, there are other characters, so I could accidentally she/her a man thinking they would be one of the undercover women. So yah, following the pronouns corresponding to where I am in the book.
I wrote everything on a notes app while listening/reading, and then organized it. So my "knowledge" will flip flop since different parts were written at different points of reading. Also I’m playing around with the best way to show quotes. Okay here are my thoughts loosely organized:
Some critiques. I want to start of with them so that we can end on a high note. At first it was hard for me to get that there were scene changes happening. Most books usually leave large space b/w the paragraphs, but at least in this digital book, it just looks like a normal paragraph spacing. And the audio book doesn't indicate that there's a scene shift, so there were a couple of times that I got lost because I didn't realize there was a new scene. Though I think I finally got it down how he switches from scenes, so I should be fine.
Also while I do like that he just says stuff, for example, him introducing Polly’s guy name by writing, "At least, Polly climbed out of the window, but it was Oliver’s feet that landed lightly on the ground," instead of saying, "she decided to call herself Oliver Perks.” At times I do need a bit more guidance. I can pick up stuff with context, but, sometimes it threw me off. For example, with the igor, while I would've gotten it eventually, I just decided to google it, because I was too distracted being confused to actually pay attention to the dialogue if that makes sense???? So I mostly like how he seamlessly intergrates new info, but sometimes I do feel like I'm going in blind, or suffering for not knowing about the previous books. Tho I will say the vampire lore was intergrated well. It's nothing so bad that it ruins the book for me since it's mostly executed well.
Side tangent, but I actually started the book by listening to it, so I actually didn’t catch the Olly name until I got to this line, “…but Polly was known to all the ferrymen by sight and the guard would want to see her permit to travel, which Oliver Perks certainly didn’t have.” I like this line! I mostly like when he does it, but yah, I get confused sometimes.
Okay on to stuff my other thoughts!
Short quippy stuff
Hee hee foreshadowing!
There was no question of anyone getting undressed.
I love that her nickname is Ozzer
Don't cry challenge(impossible)
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Nothing quippy, just a funny line:
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Ugh. I hate strappi I hate Strappi I hate Strappi. Me and the boys hate Strappi.
You said these books are very pop-cultury. I'll say these aged well because I don't think I've caught any pop culture reference(or maybe I have without realizing) and I still find the book funny and it makes sense to me. So uh yah, go Terry Pratchett I guess.
—Longer thoughts—
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Am I viewing everything as an American, or is this a reference to don't ask, don't tell??? I don't think so cause nothing else about it is queer coded and also Terry Pratchett is British, so there would be no reason for him to talk about that. My brain just short-circuited because it's a military book and I'm American 🙃
Thoughts on Maladict—
Maladict carries around silver-gilt coffee engine (which icon behavior) so idk how allergic he is to silver. Is he lying about the silver allergy or does he just suck it up for some coffee (cause if he does, again King behavior). I think my fav soldier rn is Maladict (can you tell???). Polly think's she's cool, but he's the actually cool one. Love his whole "even though I'm sobre from humans, it doesn't mean I can't/won't seriously fuck you up." I love when writers explore ethical vampires/vampires blending in with humans (I really should read vampire books).
I think the whole black ribbon thing is cool! I think there's a book that follows a vampire??? If you're down(and it makes sense), I'd love to read one of the vampire books since I'm already so intrigued by vampire society! Obviously after I'm done with this book
Thoughts I wrote about Jackrum—
Damn Jackrum has to keep telling Strappi to ease on the racism.
I like how Sargent Jackrum asked Polly if she was fine with fighting Strappi. I knew that his whole "stop being racist" is more of a "WE NEED MEN" than him actually caring about fantasy racism™️, or that's how I saw it at first at least. But now, I think there's a genuine side of kindness to him. So I'm excited to see more of that (be it, seeing more of his softer side or being proven wrong).
"What's that?" said the corporal. "My signature," said Polly… "You can read and write, too?" said the sergeant, glancing up at them and then back to her.
THEY GOT SURPRISED THAT SHE KNEW HOW TO READ AND WRITE (an abomination for women). Also... I might have gotten slightly spoiled trying to draw Jackrum. I didn't read anything but I saw girl fanart of him???? I mean, I guess he's also part of the troop, I thought it was just the soldiers. HE MIGHT BE MYSTERY PERSON!!!! Anyways, this is for future me to figure out… So that's probably why he's nice to her. NOW I'M EXCITED TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HIM. Before I got to the scene where Polly fights, I drew this cause I thought it was funny, while being slightly out of character. But now, I think this not that out of character (I'll have to see). Anyways have this shitty little doodle.
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Thoughts on Polly—
I was very slow to realize that Polly's from Borogravia. As for why Polly joined, Polly definitely doesn't believe the propaganda, so my best guess is that she's going to try and find Paul. Reading about her missing Paul absolutely broke my heart. Though it's very interesting how also she was raised.
Also I got so scared when she got caught even tho I knew it would happen eventually, just didn't think it would happen THIS early in the book! I knew the moment mysterious person gave Polly the sock. I find it funny how Polly was like, “damn I thought I was cool mysterious kid". Her inner monologue is pretty funny.
I didn't ask you for one, Polly thought, quite annoyed at being taken for being a frightened young lad when she was sure she'd come over as quite a cool, non-ruffled young lad.
Also I'm pretty sure mystery person is a girl, cause I know the permis of the book so it makes this line funny
"Why, is this the escutcheon of Her Grace the Duchess I see in front of me?" said the whisperer. "Well, it won't be in front of me for long. Beat it ... boy."
Wrote this section on mystery person before the realization 🧍🧍🧍. Now I don't know. AAAAAAAAH.
Also, I'm glad that Polly gave Strappi a taste of his own medicine. Tho Private Parts is kinda funny 🏃🏃🏃. Insert: "that's a good joke, a great joke even, but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop,” audio. Seriously tho, it's pretty cool how Polly's experiences from her childhood with her dad and the other soldiers has helped her to blend in at this point. She was funny when she was like:
"I'll try not to hurt him either, Sarge," said Polly, and then cursed herself for the idiot bravado. It must have been the socks talking.
I read it twice and listened to it a 3rd time, since I had to write this and I laughed each time. I can't believe I find this dick joke so funny, I'm truly an immature child. Also fuck man. The way Polly saw people die, or just the discussions of how wars fucks people up. I have nothing insightful to say. Just, man, war's rough (<- biggest understatement of the century).
Other Book thoughts—
One thing I wasn't expecting, was for the crew to be made up of so many fantasy™️ creatures. But that one is fully on me since the book is called monstrous regiment. I guess I was so focused on what I've heard about the book, that I just completely glazed pass that. I see that there is some fantasy racism™️, so hopefully that's done well. I'm not saying it's always bad, but a lot of time people try to do metaphors, but it falls apart (ex: monster=racism allegory, when one of the characters is literally Mexican (and is brown). I'm not naming the name of the show on purpose). I do think it can be done well when you take the more, "prejudice is a thing, this is how it would play out with these creatures," and you don't make it a one-to-one with any particular minority. I feel like that's a more productive criticism of bigotry that can be applied to minority groups. I mean, I think there can be some one-to-one allegories that make sense, but it needs to be done carefully. I hope I'm making sense. But so far, I don’t see anything that bothers me. Just have my guard up a bit.
—✨Deeper✨ Thoughts on the book—
I kinda alluded to this in the previous review but yah, it's very interesting how Terry Prachet writes about war. I mean, I'm only 18, so I won't pretend to know much about the world, but I think this book has very strong themes about the dangers of nationalism and what not. And obviously he exaggerates it in the book, but it can be applied to a lot of modern situations. Side tangent, but I'm not really a patriotic person. I'm glad that my country has provided me better opportunities than my parent’s country, but I've always seen being so patriotic to a fault very weird. Also, this is clearly a criticism of the monarchy. "God save the duchess" like, come on. Down to this religious fervor they treat the duchess with, that they pray to it. I feel weird commenting too much, since I'm not as connected/involved/know too much about the politics of the monarchy (I mean technically the US is an ex-British colony, but rn relationship b/w the US and the UK is way better than other countries with the UK). All I'll say is that I don't care how nice she was, she was a colonizer and the monarchy has and continues to harm people to this day. Also back to nationalism, I've always hated the whole "people from this country suck". Like maybe the government sucks but you can never ascribe what the country does to the people of said place.
Honestly I feel weird commenting on this book in general, because I have barely any religious experience, haven't been too exposed to war, nor am I British (I mean this more in respect of the whole monarchy thing). Also, even though I'm a woman, I haven't felt much sexism. Like no cat-calling, most of the people respect me. Besides, "normal sexism," aka unconscious bias stuff like, "strong men help me pick the heavy stuff,” I don't think I have had any notable experiences of sexism or have seriously felt it in my life. So I feel like I can't give any deep observation about sexism or religion besides, yup that sounds right! Same with any the politics about war than, yup nationalism bad! I'm really aware that I'm just an 18 yr old who doesn't know much cause young people think they know everything (I mean that gets thrown a lot to invalidate young activists but there is a kernel of truth of: less experience=less knowledge of the world). Basically, I am noticing deeper themes in the book, but don’t expect me to talk about these parts if the book too much, because I don’t think I have anything productive to add. I just feel super unqualified to comment on much of this, and like I could be wrong about 100 different things I just said.
Umm… with that being said,
—Some quotes that I thought were interesting but I can't articulate why rn—
"At Paul's insistence, she'd read the whole of 'From the Mothers of Borogravia!!' to him, including the bits about heroes and there being no greater good than to die for your country. She wished, now, she hadn't done that. Paul did what he was told. Unfortunately, he believed what he was told, too."
"Several copies of the pamphlet seemed to have reached every home, even so. It was very patriotic. That is, it talked about killing"
"She'd learned to read and write after a fashion because the inn was big and it was a business and things had to be tallied and recorded. Her mother had taught her to read, which was acceptable to Nuggan, and her father made sure that she learned how to write, which was not. A woman who could write was an Abomination Unto Nuggan, according to Father Jupe; anything she wrote would by definition be a lie."
"She'd be funny just as long as she was useless, and safe as long as she was funny." Ugh yah, some men get really threaten by women being better than them
Thank goodness for the audio book. I love when authors write in the accents, I think it creates character and it's very creative... but I'm terrible at trying to understand what they're saying. I've been doing a mixture of audio book only, audio book plus text, and just reading text. Anyways, I was reading a line Strappi said where he was mocking Maladict and I literally couldn't understand it until I listened to that part later when I could use my headphones again.
"Private Bloodfnucker hnas a fnord, Fnargeant," he said accusingly.
This was the line btw. All hail audiobooks everyone 🧎🧎🧎
Also damn digital books and audio books help me actually pick up the book and it makes it a lot less intimidating. I like reading but, sometimes my brain views it as a chore. Like I used to start books, LIKE THEM, and then proceed to NOT finish them. I have been using audiobooks in the past but it was while reading the book, and almost never just the audiobook (unless I had didn't finish a chapter in time for class). But man, actually leaning into how my brain works makes it easier. Who would've thought! (Like I always forget how useful hearing the text it, even though I have been using this tip for years). So yah, even though I think I prefer the experience of physical books, I need to just let myself read the easiest ways to me. Audiobook only, has been nice since it takes the least amount energy, but it is the hardest for me to understand, especially if it gets too flowery/lore-y. So warning, I’ll miss small details because of this. I usually go back and skim the parts I did audio only, but I’ll still miss stuff.
Also, I'm using hoopla(and when the 21 days are up, my libby ver of the text should be available), but tip! If you like to annotate, download books on PDFs and annotate using the comments. Honestly, great with research papers too! I love to highlight with different colors and then you filter the annotations, amazing really. Obviously you can do this in irl books but I like that I can write more in the comment section thingy than in the margin of books.
But yah! I'm liking the book so far. I like how Terry Pratchett writes and I like Polly as a mc.
I will add alt text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. If someone besides Anna find it and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this Also gonna add links to the previous and next review for better organization.
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thatonegaybrit · 10 days
; ramble / mini rant beloww ↓↓
; so in a discord where they don't know gri is trans && only know xim as myles who uses he / him and is it it weird to say it feels more genuine ?? like when ppl who know xe is trans use he / him for grim, it's not that xe is not grateful && euphoric towards it, but it feels like .. different ?? is probably bc gri overthinks things a lot but .. when ppl in this server call xim myles && use he / him for grim, gri feels moreso. valid and respected .. ? xe has described ximself as " queer " to them but never explicitly said what kind of queer, so yah .. but wdk, gri is having very confusing emotions /neu
; but also gri is very used to hiding ximself, covering up aspects && watering grimself down to be more palatable. xe only js started using xe / grim, talking in 3p && we / us more frequently on here && this is xes personal tumblr for crying out loud !! it's not like this is twitter or tiktok .. but gri isn't sure ab this server, xe loves it && has had many good moments. but with how gri is xe knows it's very unlikely all 190 ppl there will accept every aspect of xim, which xe doesn't expect them too !! it's js sightly sad that xe can't be fully grimself everywhere, gri notices little comments xe is uncomfortable w ( many " YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH " and " delulu much ?? " comments .. ) which gri knows they likely don't know better but that's not the point yk .. but xe is no surprised, && it's to the extent is bearable. Besides this is probably most fun server gri found so far ..
; honestly gri doesn't know where xe is going w this, js needs to get it out somewhere yk ?? anyways. xe might start using signoffs on grims posts .. !! kinda like anon signoffs you see, gri thinks it makes xim comfortable, which is no.1 priority. also may revamp this blog a little because uhhhmm xe js wants too .. !! not now tho gri is busy next 2 days max probablyyy .. xe appreciates you reading this far, dunno why but tyyyyy for listening. gri hopes you have a really amazing time, and even if you don't xe is so super proud of you okk ?? don't be afraid of being yourself, no reason to be in fear of living. is a gift from the world that you're here and myles loves you in all you are sm <3
- ⭐🦊
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ink-flavored · 11 months
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Kinktober2023 Day 21: Bath/Shower + Hand-Jobs
banner art by @/auroblaze
Good, Clean Fun contains: groping, hickeys/biting, cis/trans, angel/demon Kinktober2023 Prompt List & Neocities Page Tips are appreciated!
“Please, I want more, Justice.”
“I can’t.”
“I want it, please, please, do more.”
“I already said no.” Justice capped the bottle of bubble bath liquid and put it back in the basket under the shower head. “If I add any more, it’ll flood the whole bathroom.”
Pride grumbled. He put his cheek on his fist, arm propped up on the edge of the tub. Hot water rushed from the faucet, clouds of steam and white bubbles appearing in its wake, but it didn’t matter. There weren’t nearly enough to make it fun.
“When the bath is full,” Justice said, “there will be plenty of bubbles, I promise.”
“Whatever you say,” he sighed.
As an apology, Justice kissed the top of his head. Pride accepted it, if only because he was looking forward to the bath in general. There was never an excuse not to take a bath with Justice—even a startling lack of bubbles.
When the water was a few inches below the rim, Justice turned the faucet off. The cloud of bubbles expanded, sitting high above the water level. It wasn’t the avalanche Pride wanted, but it would suffice. He stood up, shook his hair out of his ponytail, and stripped his clothes off.
“Wait, wait,” Justice said. “I haven’t checked the temperature yet.”
“So?” Pride asked.
He stepped into the tub before he got a response. The water burned delightfully hot, soft bubbles caressing his shins.
“See? It’s fine,” he said. He sank down, letting the heat envelop him up to his chest.
Skeptical, Justice splashed the water with his fingers. “Yah!” he hissed. “How do you stand this?”
“Hell is way worse than a hot bath, J.”
“But you didn’t like it. Did you?”
“Eh.” He scooped up an armful of bubbles, slathering himself in them. “You get used to it.”
Justice looked concerned, but didn’t push the subject. He stripped down too, then flipped his hair upside-down. Bent over, he undid his half-bun, and bundled all his locs back up into a messy bun instead, securing it with a shower cap. Pride scooted over to make room as he stepped into the tub. He hissed as soon as his foot hit the water, face screwed up in discomfort.
“Just sit down and get it over with,” Pride suggested.
“That sounds terrible,” Justice said.
He did it anyway, hitting the water with a plunk. Tiny waves lapped at the rim of the tub, threatening to spill over. Pride floated back into his lap.
“That wasn’t so bad, right?” he said.
“Sure,” Justice said, strained.
Pride snickered, stretching his legs out to relax. The much taller Justice had to bend his knees to fit, sinking down into the water to hug Pride against his chest. Steam fogged the air, hot water turning his bones to jelly. Bubbles popped softly, creating a gentle static. He sighed with all the air in his lungs.
“This is nice,” he mumbled.
“Mhm,” Justice agreed, squeezing him.
Pride closed his eyes and melted, hot water enveloping him like a second hug. Bathing was something he had to get used to, after millennia of never needing it and not even knowing what counted as “dirty.” It was weird and uncomfortable, but after being forced to make it a routine, he sort of liked it. He still thought it was weird, and much preferred the days before he knew what a shower was, but he didn’t avoid it anymore. Especially if it gave him an excuse to be with Justice. Especially-especially if he got to take a bubble bath with Justice.
“Hey,” Pride said, twisting around in his arms. “Check this out.”
He scooped up another armful of bubbles and slathered it all over Justice. From his collar, up his neck, and even on his face. Justice laughed, pretending to shoo him away.
“Don’t get it in my mouth!” he protested, trying to swipe his face clean.
“I’m not!” Pride slathered his cheeks with more.
Justice retaliated, scooping up a handful of bubbles and blowing it into his face. Pride sputtered, swiping at the attacking cloud, only to be faced with another. Scooping like the wind, Justice blew an army of froth, bubbles bursting on the way. Pride smacked one out of the air, and used the opening to pounce, smothering him with even more suds.
“Nooooo!” Justice wailed, bubbles dripping off his face. “I’ve been defeated.”
“Serves you right,” Pride told him.
“For what?”
“For not adding more bubbles.”
“Bubbles for you to attack me with?”
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hide his smile. Pride sank back down, snuggling into the curve of his shoulder. Justice wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close. Warm tingles rushed through his mind and body alike, not just from the water.
Pride would take any opportunity to touch or be touched by Justice, even the simplest things. Sitting on his lap instead of the couch, grabbing his arm at the store, even starting a bubble fight. He was almost embarrassed about how often he wanted it, how a single brush of skin brought him immediate comfort. Almost.
He gazed up at Justice, drinking him in while he relaxed. He slouched against the back of the tub, eyes closed. Sweat beaded on his brow and upper lip, sliding across the round curves of his face. Pride wandered his hands up to his chest. Submerged in the hot water, his pecs were soft and pliant under his fingers. Mouth watering a tad, Pride gave them the lightest squeeze.
“Pride,” Justice mumbled, opening one eye, “what are you doing?”
“Nothing,” he said. He squeezed again.
“Pretty sure you’re doing something.”
“Well, it’s not my fault you’re all naked and sexy and have amazing tits.”
Justice burst out laughing so hard he made the bath water slosh. “I have what?”
“You know, your big hunky man-tits.”
He did not stop laughing. Pride found himself joining in, abandoning his chest to hug around his neck. Justice hugged him back, giggling uncontrollably. They laughed together for minutes, spells of silence hitting before another round began. Pride snuggled as close to Justice as possible. It was so warm in his arms, in every sense of the word.
“Hey,” he said, trying to calm down. “Hey, shut up for a second.”
“Okay, okay,” Justice breathed. He had to stop and clear his throat. “Yes, what is it?”
“I said before this is better than Hell, obviously. But, uh.” Pride shifted against him. “Was Heaven… anything like this?”
Justice smiled, so softly. “No,” he said, reaching out to smooth his cheek. “This is better.”
His chest clenched. He sniffed a little, covering up his reaction with a smirk. “Because I said you have great tits?”
“Because I love you.” Justice pinched his cheek. “But sure, I guess that too.”
“I love you too.” Pride snuck a kiss. “And your tits.”
Justice barely had time to giggle before Pride kissed him again. He slid their mouths together, wet and warm from the sauna the bath had turned their bathroom into. Justice grunted softly, shifting in the water, and Pride groped his way down his body. From pinching his chest, to squeezing his waist, to raking his nails up his thighs, Pride touched him everywhere he could reach. Justice panted into his mouth, already cramped and spread wide to fit in the tub.
“I know you said this is better than Heaven already,” Pride murmured, kissing a line down his jaw, “but I can make it even better.”
In response, Justice moaned. He was going to take that as a yes.
Pride slid back up his thighs, took his cock in one hand, and started to stroke. Justice dropped his mouth, head hitting the edge of the tub with a dull thud. Accepting another unspoken invitation, Pride scraped his teeth over his neck, biting and sucking. Justice whined, melting under his touch.
The bubbles were mostly gone, but for once, Pride welcomed the lack. With the water clear, he could see his hand working over Justice’s cock. It was almost too easy to jerk him off, rock hard and foreskin sliding easily under his hand. Justice writhed for that simple touch, back arching and making the water splash.
“Pri—hah,” Justice breathed, eyelashes fluttering dizzily.
Pride sank his teeth into his neck and sucked. He gasped, voice breaking into a moan, and he tilted his head for more. Obliging, Pride moved an inch up and did it again, sucking dark hickeys into his skin. When he ran out of room, he ducked under the other side of his neck and began anew. Each one brought a different moan spilling out from Justice’s mouth, more desperate than the last.
His cock streamed pre-cum into the water, all of it useless. Not that Pride needed it, stroking it harder and faster regardless. Justice keened, hips twisting this way and that, but nowhere to go. Pride sucked a hickey right at the corner of his jaw, and he whimpered. He kissed his way back down, landing over all the marks he left before.
“Pride, Pride, I—” Justice panted. “Pride—I’m—mhng—”
Pride licked a long stripe up his neck and nibbled his ear. “Are you close?”
He nodded urgently, whining in the back of his throat. Pride sped up, the water slapping as his arm moved—an acceptable replacement for the sound of his skin.
“Come whenever you want to,” he murmured, mouthing kisses onto his neck again.
“Th-the bath,” Justice warned.
“Don’t worry about it.” He palmed the head of his cock to make him shake. “Come for me.”
Justice choked, tensing up. Pride pulled back to watch, and not a moment too soon. Justice came with a delicate moan, cock blurting into the water. Pride stroked him until he was spent, globs cum floating free in the bath.
“Mfm,” Justice mumbled. “That’s kinda gross.”
“Let’s get out then,” Pride said. He stood up, bath water and bubbles sliding off his body. “We’re clean by now. Plus—” He bent down to give Justice a kiss on the nose. “We can get dirty again in bed.”
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sapphsorrows · 9 months
Anal is such a disgusting thing tbh... even with lesbian relationships. Gay men actually have a purpose for doing it, like a biological purpse, but a man wanting to stick his dick up a womans ass- yah I really think he's secretly gay, thats my homophobic opinion ♡ and lesbian women like 💀 OK ladies you both watch too much porn or one of you is a trans lesbian.
To me it just looks painful. I could understand gay men doing it but like... straight people? Nah
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faegpuppything · 9 months
oh yah was gonna post this!! as i was lighting the new blunt, i took too big a hit and yah i had to shake that shit out like SHEEEEESH
also i look a little angry cuz my dad was trying to find something and he kinda invade my space a little and that set me off and overwhelmed me a little -3- but after he left and I smoked I was simply in bliss 🥰🥰🥰
watched Videodrome with some trans friends after that, and it was a great movie!! one of the girls i’ve been fuckin’ with a little has been introducing me to David Cronenberg movies and it’s been great!! ^^ also i wanna put that twink from Videodrome in the device
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wolfcake101 · 11 months
wakes up at 6am
I NEED TO VENDYN POST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
we need to talk about THIS GUY more
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ummm, he's a sellbot, his full name is Vendyn Masheen, he's aroace and also trans ftm, also he was made to spy on the toons so he has a toon disguise
he mained drop and uh...lure
however he accidentally missed his drop one time and it landed on him instead, which put him into the disrepair you see him in now
but he kind of took a liking to toons and decided he thinks the whole cogs toon war thing is stupid so now he just chills in spark's home
he's spark's (non-biological ofc) uncle!!!!
he has a very uhhh interesting accent. for example; "Oi lads yah wanna get ah cup ah oil with ol' Vendyn heah?"
he also has a shock collar that the toon council gave him or smth, if he gets too close to one of the hqs or smth his circuits get fried lol
overall he's just a chill guy
oh yeah he also doesn't fear death. he doesnt want to die or anything but he knows the toon council gonna get his ass soon and he's fine with that. he's accepted his inevitable fate
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bimboalexisloves · 2 months
America ya
Were im frum?
yah im merican blahhhh
Wheel Decides: Tell us a kink/Fantasy in detail
Ooooh, ive actually ben writin a short story (lewd based off this oneeee
so lyke, i go into a free* lyke testing of nanobots to help trans peeps transition but its lyke supr experimental, which is why its free*
and i get the nanobots to transition into a hot girlll and don even bother readin the fine prnt cause why wuld i?
And wen i wake up im supppperrr horny and hard to thinky and totes bimbo but im too dumm to realize it. The 'doctor' cums in werin a lab coat but nooo shirt so i can jus see his rock hard abbsss, and as he's goin thro his 'examination' he'z jus teasin me an making me hornier and keeps me thnkin about sukin him off until I jus can't stand it anymore an let him fuk my faceee
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floralxhemmo · 1 year
home. (c.sb) - chapter 2
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soobin x puppy hybrid! trans male! oc
content includes: hair colors aren’t from one particular era because i said so, completely self indulgent bc i fucking can that’s why, hybrids (obviously), past + mentioned hybrid abuse, mistreatment, and experimentation (ie. oc was in a lab), suggestive/possible smut in late chapters, fluff, angst, panic/anxiety attacks, angst but hopefully not too much, “owner” may be used to describe soobin in oc’s pov (know that i don’t really like that term so i may change it to something else later)
author's note: thanks to everyone that's read the first chapter. hope you enjoy this one!!
About an hour later, after weaving their way through traffic, they drove up to a large, luxurious apartment complex. Soobin pulled up to the front of the building, getting out and handing his keys over to a valet. He walked around to the passenger’s side and opened the door for Rin, helping him unbuckle his seatbelt and step out of the car.
They walked into the building, and Rin gasped. His tail started to wag ever so slightly as he looked up at the big glass chandelier suspended in the air directly above him. Soobin stopped, waiting for him to catch up. He quickly walked towards the blonde man, and the two made their way towards the elevators; they stopped at the topmost floor. The doors opened and in front of them was the most gorgeous penthouse Rin had ever seen, not that he’d ever actually seen one before.
“Welcome home, Rin. I hope you’ll like it here.” Soobin looked down at the young pup as his tail wagged left and right.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Rin said, his mouth agape.
Suddenly the sound of a door opening resonated throughout the house, followed by voices. Rin’s tail stopped mid-wag and his ears pulled back. Soobin looked back at Rin, as four men walked out of one of the rooms.
“Yah, Soobin! Where were you? We’ve waited all day.” One of the men spoke. He was tall like Soobin and had pink hair. “Oh? And who may this little one be?”
All eyes landed on Rin, who quickly backed up behind Soobin, suddenly interested in the floor. Soobin reached behind him to grab the pup’s hand, gently leading him out from behind. “This,” he gestured, “is Rin. He’s my hybrid.”
“And a cute one at that.” the pink haired man said. He crouched down in front of Rin, extending his hand. “Hi there, Rin, I’m Yeonjun. It’s nice to meet you.”
Rin stood there, a blush creeping up his neck as he turned his eyes towards Yeonjun. He stared at his face for a second, his eyes going wide at how pretty he thought he was. “Nice to meet you too.” Rin said, his voice ever so quiet, before taking the man’s hand and shaking it. Yeonjun stood up as the rest of the men introduced themselves. The one with long black hair said his name was Beomgyu, the blue haired one was Taehyun, and the brown haired one was Huening Kai.
Soobin led Rin through the penthouse, showing off each room while the boys stayed in the living room. Rin memorized the layout relatively quickly as they stopped at the last door. Soobin opened it, revealing a bedroom.
Behind the door was a modern looking room, much like the rest of the apartment. The bed was neatly made, and the window was open, its pearl white curtains fluttering softly in the early evening breeze. Rin ran to the window, gazing out at the city. His tail was wagging fast as his eyes scanned the scenery. He turned back to Soobin, smiling wider than he had in years.
“I love it, Soobin! Thank you so much!” He bowed deeply, tears starting well in his blue eyes.
Soobin stepped over to Rin as he quickly stood up straight. “I’m glad to hear it.” Soobin smiled at him, who shyly followed suit. The taller man leaned down, carefully placing his hand on the hybrid’s head. He gently patted Rin’s head then scratched behind his ear.
Rin’s face went as red as a tomato, his tail starting to move again. Soobin pulled his hand back and Rin involuntarily whimpered. Soobin cocked an eyebrow, his smile growing wider when Rin quickly grabbed his hand and placed it back on his head. He closed his eyes, letting Soobin play with his ears and hair. He chuckled at the boy in front of him, his heart beating faster. 
Finally, Rin looked up at him. Soobin blushed ever so slightly, as he took in the sight of the pup in front of him. Fluffy light brown hair just barely touching his shoulders, blue eyes with hints of green, one mole near his eye and another near his nose. His floppy ears and a poofy tail only making him even cuter.
     “Why don’t you take a shower or a bath to relax? I’ll get you some fresh towels and something to change into.” Soobin said softly. Rin nodded as Soobin left the room briefly. He returned with a couple of towels and some clothes that looked way too big.
“Sorry, this is all I have for now. We can go shopping tomorrow if you’d like.” Soobin placed the items on the bed, “Take as much time as you want, there’s no need to rush.”
     Rin thanked him, watching as he closed the door behind him. He undressed, grabbed the towels, and headed into the attached bathroom. It took him a few minutes to get the water to warm up and get it at the right pressure, but he relaxed instantly as the hot water hit his back. 
He looked at the different soaps, reading the labels and smelling each one. He eventually noticed there was a soap specifically for dog hybrids and used it on his ears and tail after making sure he liked the smell. It smelled of strawberries and vanilla, just like the shampoo and body wash he’d seen.
He got out after a while, feeling guilty for taking so long. Wrapping the towel around himself, he made his way back to the bedroom, but not before he made sure the bathroom was as spotless as it was before he used it.
Rin gazed at the clothes in front of them. There was a hoodie, a pair of shorts, socks, and a small, unused pair of boxers. He caught a whiff of a familiar scent; it was faint and almost washed out, but there was no doubt about it, the scent was Soobin’s. Rin quickly tucked the thought away, before changing into the clothes. He noticed there was no hole for his tail to go through, but figured Soobin could help him with it. With that, he made his way downstairs.
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cloudcover23 · 1 year
Just finished reading (listening to) The Bloodright Trilogy by Emily @skrutskie and it was SO FUN and I’m miffed!
Absolutely miffed!
That there isn’t more chatter about it here.
It’s one of those sci-fi/fantasy universes where queerness is a totally normal accepted thing.
The best-written trans man I’ve ever read. The fact that he’s trans doesn’t even come up because there are no outright sexy scenes (NUMEROUS innuendos and implied sexyness? Oh. Hell yah). I’m only sure he was from little snippets and my own experience being one.
It’s got roommates to lovers (omg they were ROOMMATES)
Super exciting action scenes.
Secret, covert plans within plans inside a plan sandwich.
Some really cute “we know we both like eachother but we shouldn’t be together, and now we have to pretend to be together but we aren’t, and now we have to pretend we’re NOT together but we are” shit without too much angst.
I love how the author wrote the characters. Everyone’s motives and thoughts and actions make complete sense given a character’s personality and history, and it’s an incredibly colorful cast.
There are some really excellent character arcs.
Really good fun sci-fi action adventure shit without getting too into hard sci-fi territory.
Politicking and plotting and strategizing.
A bit of graphic violence. Not gonna lie. Just a smidge.
Uhhhgggg someone please read these and come yell with me. The audio books were really good too. Well, the first was hands down one of the best audio books I’ve ever heard. The second was not as good. The third was good and had 4 different narrators. You can listen to them for free on Libby if you have a library card.
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criminal-sen · 1 year
Yah so I think I'm just gonna wait for my voice to drop to come out to my parents. I just.. can't fucking do it! I cannot! And it's not even that I think I'll be disowned - there's a possibility but it's small - it's just like.. ugh no matter how my mom reacts, it's gonna be the Wrong Way and I just can't handle it. So I'm gonna wait til I absolutely have to
Living in such close proximity has really been fucking with me these past few years, or maybe it's sobriety too, making me Think about shit I would usually drown out. But the way she's always dismissed literally every thought I've vocalized, just turned EVERYTHING into the whining of some stupid baby, unless it's something she happens to agree with and then it's just like 'see? You're just like me🤗' which is arguably even worse than stupid baby status. Just.. having that directed at something I hold so close to my heart as transition is fucking unbearable and I don't think even writing down the words so I say everything Correctly is gonna help. I am planning on doing that though and also finding some local resources - oh shit I should do that today actually... I think the pride center has meetings for parents of trans ppl. And hopefully it's for parents of adults and not just kids.. anyway uhhh but yah, I'm just constantly on edge bc of this shit and I've actually been having a bit of a meltdown, I think? Just feeling so fucking exhausted and prickly and it's part of the reason I've been on tumblr ever-so-slightly less bc every little thing just sets me off. The only reason I'm still on speaking terms with her is bc of my dad, and honestly my respect for him has dwindled over the years too bc he doesn't even fucking like her but stays bc ?????? Tradition???? Money???? Girl idfk..
Bxshdvbsbs sorry I am done now🤦‍♂️ <-(is not done but is going to stop typing)
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for Siv, Jay, and E-2002 Eobard BLOOD, DNA, YAH, FEEL, XXX, and GOD
BLOOD. -What types of injuries has your muse sustained? What was the worst? 
The worst injuries Siv has ever sustained were during her first fight with their dad. Injuries included, but were not limited to: broken wrist, shattered collarbone, multiple broken ribs, punctured lung, spleen, and liver, two missing teeth and one broken tooth, broken nose, sprained ankle, etc. Needless to say, they almost died from their injuries.
Jay's worst injuries came when he was struck by lightning via angry speedster and thrown out a 3rd story window. His injuries included, but were not limited to: multiple broken vertebrae, shattered femur, cardiac arrest, and extensive nerve damage in his lower extremities.
Eobard got his worst injuries when Siv confronted him for the first time in Eldritch mode. She nearly killed him, only stopping when she realized that she didn't want to be a killer like him. His injuries included, but were not limited to: Multiple stab wounds, electrocution, broken leg and arm, grade 3 concussion, burns on 20% of his body
DNA. -What was your muses home life like?
Siv's childhood was pretty normal, except for the fact that they were freaking rich and also were pretty much entirely raised by their sister.
Jay had a pretty well-adjusted childhood, although he had some anxiety from trying to hide the fact that he was trans from the other guys.
Eobard's childhood was similar to Siv's (wealthy family, detached parents), minus the fact that he murdered his own parents for getting in his way.
YAH. -Something your muse agrees on 100% of the time.
Siv believes in herself. They 100% believe that they can do anything, as long as they just get stronger.
Jay believes in love. He's willing to try "the magic of friendship" to solve just about any problem, no matter what.
Eobard believes in the mind. He believes that with enough planning, he can have anything he wants, no matter how improbable.
FEEL. -How does your character react to a persons touch? A random stranger’s? A loved one’s? A friend’s?
Siv flinches from just about anyone's touch, even (occasionally) Hailey's.
Jay's really into physical touch, so he's always hugging people and stuff.
Eobard hates physical touch, because the sensation is so unfamiliar and it reminds him that he's in the wrong body.
XXX. -What’s the raunchiest thing your muse has ever done?
Siv seduced her archnemesis with the power of the Vibrating Hand of Death (or really great sex, you decide)
Jay and Cassandra had an... extremely raunchy makeout session on top of his commanding officer's desk.
Eobard has an unresolved daddy kink, so he created a child in the image of every woman Barry Allen's ever loved so he could eventually become Barry's father-in-law.
GOD. -Does your muse believe in a god? If so, describe it.
Siv: No, but after "Going Eldritch" one too many times, Siv gets partially possessed by the Negative Speed Force (not like, it takes over her entire personality, just that it amplifies all their worst traits to 11), and develops a bit of a god complex.
Jay believes there's something out there, but he's not sure what. Could be god(s), could be ghosts, could be angels, could be aliens (it's probably aliens)
Eobard doesn't believe in any higher beings, and he thinks anyone who does is an idiot.
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