#yall shady as hell
hanniedream · 1 month
defending seungkwan online isn't enough anymore, i need a gun
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4kadhd · 2 years
Ao3 gonna be in a whole ass scandal for money laundering which will then unearth a whole lot of other shit and yall gonna act so damn surprised
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spacedace · 2 years
Got another DP x DC prompt for yall:
Things in Amity are going bad, the GIW are getting more aggressive and Jack and Maddie are starting to suspect there is something ghostly going on with Danny and Jazz is scared out of her mind and desperate to get them the hell out or dodge before she comes home one day to find her baby brother strapped to a table in the basement or worse.
She knows there's no way she's going to be able to get custody of Danny though (maybe she's still a minor herself, maybe she is over eighteen but it takes more than being a legal adult to get custody of a kid, and Jazz just doesn't have what the government is looking for and she can't risk Danny getting lost in the system) and even if she could, where could they possibly go? Even if they ran away, they don't have any way to survive.
Half out of her mind with stress and exhaustion late one night she ends up digging through their family tree looking for someone, anyone, that looks like they might be able to help, that could at least get them away from Amity Park if nothing else. She and Danny had each other, and literally anything was better then the nightmare creeping ever closer.
And somehow it doesn't even take that long, maybe luck finally shifting their way for once, maybe Clockwork nudging things along just right, but she finds someone.
As far as family relations go, they're on branches as far away from each other as possible while still being on the same tree. And of course the person in question has a pretty massive criminal background and is still super obviously involved in some shady stuff, but Jazz does her research and can see that - criminal mastermind or no - there's no history of vivisecting children or ghost hunting and honestly the Goonion review is pretty glowing.
Besides, Gotham's ambiant ectoplasm is about the same as Amity Park's, it'll help keep Danny (and her, really, as liminal as she is) healthy.
It's a long shot, but short of fleeing to the Ghost Zone and praying their parents don't chase after them, it's all she’s got. So, using one of Tucker's programs, she gets ahold of a phone number and makes the call.
To say that Oswald Cobblepot is surprised by her reaching out and suspicious of her desperate request would be an under statement.
But he knows a con, and this doesn't sound like one. The girl on the other end of the line sounds close to tears, begging him to hear her out, pleading for his help. When he has his people investigate he finds that Jasmine Fenton isn't lying. They are distant cousins - very distant - and the kids' parents are honestly Arkham levels of insane and the kids' teachers have been getting progressively more frantic in their reporting on their concerns. The notes on Daniel Fenton and the number of visible injuries he's been going to school with are particularly concerning. As is the fact that the Drs. Fenton are apparently scientists on top of being entirely mad.
Call Oswald a soft touch, but there's an old childhood wound deep in his heart that has him feeling for the kids, and from what he’s seen of Jasmine - Jazz, she said to call her, and her little brother is Danny, not Daniel - she's got the kind of drive he admires.
And hell it's not as if he can't afford to put them up in an apartment somewhere out of the way if they turn out to be too much trouble. Besides adopting a couple of sad kids from a shitty home can only be good for his reputation, look how well it worked for Bruce Wayne.
Maybe if he plays his cards right, he can set up a play date with the Wayne kids or something, really get some good networking in.
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plumipal · 2 years
YOOOOOO WELCOME BACK!! Hopefully school didn’t beat you up that much 🫠 either way glad you are doing ok as it seems!!!
If I may request,, perhaps Yuu treating Jade’s wounds after he maybe got into an accident (perhaps he accidentally injured himself walking into something while staring at them, or maybe he got into a fight because of them, you never know with him) and they’re berating him for getting injured and to be more careful. Jade however, is gazing fondly at them and letting their scolding go in one ear and out the other, in favour of just basking in their presence. (I am desperate for Jade crumbs can you tell)
Have a nice day :D or night depending on your timezone
School beat me up so hard i had to go on a hiatus lmao, bit I'm trying to be up and running again!! Since I really liked posting on this blog and all, and yall are so nice too jfksndb-- i gotta feed yall with yandere simp men lol
For someone who works in a resturant job (aka me, it's pain), you tend to get hurt alot when stressig around under the whole shift. So! Imagine Jade has just worked overtime for azul at the mostro lounge, exited tp leave just to see you and all. You realise all the small scratches and little scars on him (can be from anything, cutting in the kitchen, bumping into furniture, maybe dropping a plate and so on) and of course you get worried about him and his health!!
He likes the attention :) might do it again just for the lovely attention he gets from you and all,, <3
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If you take care of him, me has to take care of you too. Don't worry! He is used to taking care of people (lil annoying shits Floyd and Azul /Affectionate), he can take care of you very well! He can cook, clean and has a stable (shady as hell) job! So after this he will prove himself he can take care of you as well as you did of him <3
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Happy eelman who loves you <3 Take care of the little man,, <3
(Hope yall liked this!! Been super sick and all lmao,, also! Because of yall saying both stulen look good you all can request grayscale or colored! If its not written in the request I'll choose for my own lol)
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stardew-victoria · 1 year
I dont really understand why people are upset about the new obey me game. Sure, the old one has sentiment and its lame that they didnt announce that it would be kinda abandoned but the new game is a lot more interesting to me. I dropped off of obey me for a while because the lessons and storyline just became worse in the old game. Instead of a story driven by an interesting plot it just kinda became noise to continue the story when it didnt need to be continued. Im a sucker for the “suddenly the people you love dont know who you are anymore” trope because it my greatest fear and it gets my heart pumping. If Mammon was real and I was sent back to a time where he doesnt know me? Id be a sobbing mess on the floor. This direction they are taking with the story is sick as hell.
Is it a money grab? Yeah. The devs are doing their jobs… to get money… you also dont have to pay for anything in obey me, its super accessible to people without money. Ive played the game for years and havent spent a cent on it yet I have a boatload of cards and am a super high level.
The devs dont care about yall on a personal level. Baseline: they are doing their jobs so they can get paid and feed their families, the devs of any game only care about you because you feed them.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
If there is just a part of the conversation im missing lmk because if there is something actually shady or shitty going on my opinion is subject to change.
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shutupthepunx111 · 11 months
mp100 band au is this anything
i have an idea for an au for a fic that i will probably never write ok yall tell me if this is trash
(it would be ritsu-centric, i think, but im not sure)
so instead of ESP, mob is a guitar ingenue and is insanely talented, and ritsu is very, VERY jealous of this and wants to be in a band so hard.
reigen is running a shady record label or venue (cant decide which) and becomes mob's mentor/manager, essentially teaching mob how to actually perform onstage as well as play music (because reigen can't play for shit but ill be damned if he isnt flashy as hell)
teru has a band that he sings lead for, but mob gets a lot of buzz and so obviously he gets angry and they have a lame 2000s movie battle of the bands and then decide to join up and form their own band
mob and tsubomi used to play music together when they were younger, and that's how mob got into it in the first place - tsubomi plays bass and wanted somebody to jam with, mob immediately volunteered
shou is in a rly tough punk band, and his dad owns a large corporate conglomerate (think clear channel or livenation or iheartmedia) so shou decided fuck this etc etc and rebels against him (he plays drumsb fucking obviously)
he and ritsu meet when ritsu is tending bar at one of mob's shows, shou starts trash talking mob and ritsu is like uhh hey. dont fufkcing do that and anyway he gets roped into shou's band
eventually they all form a band together. im unsure where serizawa and tome fit into it all but you know.
lots of this is actually inspired by the song ride the vibe by dim wizard:)
thats it thats the idea!
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aconfusedkitten · 1 year
since we're all doing our best impression of victorian housewives waiting for their husbands to come back from the war, here's some mashwood for yall!
It’s not often that there’s a quiet night, not with the three of them.
Granted, if he’s being honest, Nicholas would tell you that there’s rarely a quiet moment with them, let alone an hour or two, but a whole night? Those are practically unheard of. Vash and Meryl are sunshine incarnate, after all, and just like the sun, they have a tendency of lighting up every dark spot there is in this damn world. They also, of course, have a tendency to poke those dark spots a little too much, and that’s where Nicholas comes into it.
Not that they can’t take care of themselves, because there’s no denying that Vash is brilliant with a gun, that’s apparent from the moment you see him hold one. Meryl isn’t exactly a good shot, but the two of them had only shoved a gun in her hands a week ago, because she needed some protection, and she’s fast, small enough to get away from almost any trouble, and well.
You get the point.
The three of them are sharing a room, and for the most part, it’s unremarkable. A single bed, a nightstand on each side of it with a crooked looking lamp on one of them, a rickety old chair, and that was it. It’s not the nicest place they’ve stayed in, since all of them started traveling together, but it sure as hell isn’t the worst.
( The worst was some shady little place from months ago, and despite there being four of them, they’d only been able to get a tiny little room with two tiny little beds, and well. In the end, Meryl and Roberto had gotten them, because Vash hadn’t learned to let down his guard, and Nicholas hadn’t wanted to. Not yet. )
And night had fallen hours ago, and by all means, they should probably be sleeping. They need to be out of there by early morning, with all the reports of sandstorms and what not, and they don’t know this town well enough to say if it’s friendly. They also don’t have a reason to stay here, but that has never stopped Vash – or Meryl, for that matter – from getting into trouble.
They really should be sleeping.
Instead, Nicholas is sitting by the window, having dragged the chair there almost the moment they got the room. There’s an unlit cigarette in his hand, and though he doesn’t plan on lighting it, he can’t help but roll it between his fingers. Meryl and Vash are sitting on the bed, Meryl trying to convince Vash to take off his prosthetic for the night, and-
“Wolfwood!” Meryl says, her voice somewhere between amused and pleading, “tell this idiot that he needs to take care of himself! It’s not good to sleep with a prosthetic on, especially not as often as he does, and it’s not like we can’t defend ourselves long enough for him to grab it if there’s a real emergency.”
And well.
She is right.
The Punisher is leaning against the wall, only a few feet away from him, and even without it, Nicholas can fend for himself. And like he said earlier, Meryl is a hell of a lot better than she used to be. Saying that won’t change Vash’s mind, though, and they both know it, so Nicholas merely shrugs.
“She’s right,” he says, knowing that Meryl will pester him until he says something. “But it’s not like we can force you, if you decide not to do it.”
There. Something that will, more than likely, appease the both of them.
After all, nights like this are far and few in between, and Nicholas really doesn’t feel like spending the night arguing about something so simple. Important? Yes, because God knows that they both desperately wish Vash didn’t have this kind of struggle, but it’s not an urgent thing to fix, not when they’ve got all the time in the world. Or, at the very least, they’re going to make it so they’ve got all the time.
The two of them are always saying things like that.
Meryl crosses her arms, looking pleased with herself even as she gives Vash a half-hearted glare. It’s an odd combination, but Nicholas knows that she’s had some time to learn how to make it work, maybe around four months, give or take.
After all, it’s been at least a month since the three of them had gotten, well, closer, for a lack of a better word, and they’d known each other for almost six months at that point, and-
Maybe, Nicholas thinks, all that time in the desert has screwed with his perception of time, because there’s no way he’s been traveling with these fools for almost a half a year.
A resigned sigh from Vash and Meryl’s cheer are what drag Nicholas from his thoughts, and he can’t but smile at the sight of them.
Vash, down to his sleep clothes – his red coat is tossed in the corner, alongside Meryl’s and Nicholas’ own – sighing dramatically as he offers up his arm. Meryl carefully, carefully messing with the hinges and release buttons, nimble fingers running across delicate technology. The looks on both of their faces, soft and fond and loving, almost painfully so.
They’re blindingly bright, the two of them, Nicholas thinks as he watches them, and sometimes, he doesn’t understand how he fits in with them.
But then he remembers the Punisher leaning against the wall, Vash’s revolver propped against it and Meryl’s camera resting on top of the damn thing, and honestly it makes him want to laugh. Seeing the camera, one of Meryl’s most treasured possessions, casually placed on top of that cross of his.
The two of them need someone to pull them back from the edge.
And well-
Nicholas can’t say that he minds being that for them. Not really.
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triplexdoublex · 1 month
Did u see wats happening between yungblud and Colson? And then Colson liking shady post from fans about yungblud and one of the post it “defend ur friends in rooms they arint in” and then Modsun agreeing siding with one of Colsons tweets about oops saying “it’s for life with this” or something like that and then apparently at yungbluds show for the intro he skipped the “I think im ok” song and started playing a Eminem song and then also the Osborne’s deleted that clip from thier podcast that did all of this damage. Like ur Kelly and Sharon Osborne, if ur going to say something against another artist especially Sharon “don’t even get me started on him” say it with ur chest but don’t start shit and then delete it once it gets backlash. Just stfu bc that was so insanely unnecessary especially bc they did research about yungblud and knew answers to his life before he could even get the answers out, so they knew him and Colson was really good friends and they also knew bc of thier status yungblud wasint about to disagree with them and start drama with them on thier podcast. Hell just search up yungblud and I think I’m ok will pop up with pics of them together. They really was wanting to start drama with Colson so bad when Ozzy Osborne is thier dad and husband. Sorry babes but yall have absolutely no room to talk. And yungblud…. Really. Like don’t get me wrong I love him and discovered him bc of Colson and he seems like a good and sweet guy but if he really wants to be shady right now all we have to say is that he copied estfest and even did it on the exact same weekend as mgkday but we arint bc Colson is to humble
I had no clue about any of that I’ve been living under a rock with Covid. I heard about the Nathan James Drama though. @jinx-on-mars-19xx do you have any more info on the yungblud thing ?
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joelscruff · 1 year
before i jump to the obvious issue here ..
all my religious girlies who grew up in the church around excessively christian family and friends but have strayed away over the years and feel guilt whenever anything religious is brought up so you definitely had teary eyes during this chapter, raise your hands!!! i’m so reader coded… 😞 my moms name is fucking bethany!!!
okay now i’m all elated and my happy juices are floating around like dick sucking whoop whoop thigh riding whoop whoop AND BAM… EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
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you know.. idk if this is a universal experience for all but i experienced this dynamic of inexperienced young woman and older man and bitch… the confusing ass stomach turning ass messages are SO real. like old men all text like joel and they have you fucking reeling for them one day and the next have you feel as if you’re just a little friend they feel obligated to text.
miss reader picking THAT bar … zzz i just knew it. i knew we we’re gonna see something we didn’t wanna see. HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO WAIT DAYS FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER LIKE TAKE YOUR TIME FRIEND BUT IM ON MY LAST LIMB HERE.
i’m just gonna pretend like she saw tommy n not joel but i know it’s not the TRUTH and the truth is that men are dirty nasty pieces of scum on the bottom of my shoe and i want joel miller to not be that but he still has a dick and balls so he is qualified to be an asshole!! all men suck. especially older men…
(but i’m still gonna lick and suck that mans little tummy and give him the ride of his life and any other fine old man that asks me)
thanks for killing us love 💕💕 hope your pillow was semi warm last night <3
it really makes me so happy when people talk abt how they relate a lot to reader and her relationship with religion. obv it breaks my heart that yall have gone through that shit and have had to deal w so much BUT i'm just glad my writing is able to be a comfort in some way 😭
older men do suck at communication!!!! this is true!!!!! i always make sure joel uses auto capitalization and proper grammar as well cause he's peepaw coded. he prob takes so long to text cause he can't even see his damn phone properly 💀💀
as for seeing tommy and not joel, a few people have actually been theorizing about this. v interesting thoughts. my lips remain sealed tho 😶 and i totally get being upset w joel right now cause like....OBVIOUSLY. YES. WE DONT LIKE SHADY ASS MEN. but i promise........things will be resolved 💖
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antis-hell · 1 year
Okay as promised here is the sora projects complete* list of weird ass introjects>:]
*fuck knows really
Bonnie from the FNaF movie
Jim Henson
Jesus H Christ
Kurt the cat (the one on tiktok)
Maliachi constant from Sirens of Titan
Trans masc jacksepticeye
Trans fem markiplier
A blue moth the size of someone's face
The Orion constellation
Otto from a man called Otto
Red and Yellow guy from dhmis
Fdc people have small dick energy
Satan ×3
Sebastian Stan ( *Anthony Mackies voice from that one clip*)
A humanoid Psilocybin mushroom
Siri your apple assistant
A very specific background character from Beastars (Smog from the doku-gumi if ya know em)
Dantdm from the Shady oaks smp
Suffa from Hilltop hoods
Taylor swift ×2
Tom and Jerry (from Tom and Jerry lol)
Marvin the magicians fannon cat
Wilford "motherlovin" Warfstache ×6
Humanoid fern
Fdc people get no bitches
The TBH/autism creature
Marvin the magician but as a anthro cat
Antisepticeye but as a mob boss
Darkiplier but as a bard from D&D (yes, I did unironically make my D&D character Darkiplier shush)
Astro boy😭 but only from the 3D movie
Pretty much every major Catholic/Christian demon
Trans fem Bingiplier ×2
Bo Burnham
Cecil palmer from welcome to Nightvale
Celine the seer ×3
One of my OCs own OC
Dave Torres
Fdc people have daddy issues
Da Devil from Da bible/ref
Sentient human liver
Fredbear but as an actual bear
Both personified heven and hell
Jack Mett from ajr
James Acaster
Jammidodger (the youtuber)
Pretty much the whole Octonaughts gang
Markiplier but from the FNaF musical
Annddd that's all folks:D
Idk why i did this lol just know, don't be ashamed of your weird introjects they're here for a reason and they all deserve kindness<33
(Btw the fdc things are to just cus I have a strong feeling it's gonna make its way over there, so I wanna mess with em>:] don't worry about it tho yall are valid<3 )
Feel free to ask questions about any of the guys listed here and I'll do my best to answer them:]
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
Sharing this in case there are similar parts out there, but I live for the thrill and game of being fucked over and winning and coming out on top REGARDLESS. It factually and directly stems from trauma as I've grown an unhealthy threshold of "excitement" based on the sheer adrenaline of life and death situations and having grown up literally fighting our dad despite being a short AFAB kid.
These days everything that isn't dangerous, drastically having the odds against me, and isn't stupid hard or perceived as stupid impossible - all of that shit tends to be boring and apathetic for me. Including happiness, peace, content, etc. Once I make a goal easy and am about to "win" I tend to get bored and switch to a thing I am "loosing" at cause its more entertaining that way
That being said, I'm sure all yall reading are going "Thats self destructive" because yes, it is. Unchecked, I tend to find bad positions to get myself into for the high of overcoming them, I tend to drop or sabotage victories and good things cause success means the game is over. I seek stress because I am addicted to the adrenaline it gives and comfortable navigating Hell better than I am at navigating the peaceful floral fields
The thing that I've noticed overtime though, in the moments I can catch myself before running with the high, is that the problem there stems partially in the fact I am needlessly trying to *find issues*
And I dont say that in "you should just be comfortable and finding issues is needless self destruction" cause even if thats true, fuck that.
I say that in the sense that I am finding MORE issues or MAKING them when I am already a not-rich chronically ill disabled multiply-mentally ill queer short POC.
Yes I could go out at 2 am into shady areas half hoping someone might try to rob me like an idiot. That WOULD give me a situation where I could get my fix for being an underdog and winning
However, I currently have an ableist work environment trying to get in my way of career progression. I currently have legislature trying to get rid of my existence to exist as a trans person. I currently live in placr where psychiatric system that has large portions thinking DID doesnt exist. I currently live in a capitalist hellhole that only wants the already rich white men who predate on everyone else to have any joy in life.
The list goes on. My existence is already having an assault to keep me down on MULTIPLE directions and in much more real, much more universal, and much more practical and productivr ways. If I *need* to pick a fight I'm meant to loose, there are 5000 options around me, all of which are productive to pick - at least relative to me going out at 2 am trying to get jumped.
Having a drive to pick a fight you aren't meant to win doesn't always have to be a drive, skill, or habit you have to drop nor is it inherently unhealthy.
What matters is where and how you direct it.
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eazy-peazy54 · 2 years
okay so yall wanted to see my jank ass smiling friends au so HERE WE GO
Basically a new building appears near the hq
like.. really close
and low and behold its a fucking factory
and that factory just so happens to have a gas tank in the basement. a gas tank that was installed by complete morons.
a gas tank that fucking exploded !!
yippee !!!
anyways turns out the factory was actually really shady, and that gas was extremely toxic, meaning that if you ever breathe that shit for over a minute without a gas mask,
you're ermmm kinda dead
well not dead exactly. mostly just extremely mutated in terrible ways. oh and also your brain is basically kiiinda fried too so you are basically a half dead walking corpse !
well not completely. because you can still think and see, you just cant control anything you do or say. hell, you cant even say anything. so your basically in zombie-limbo-purgatory-hell.
fun times !!!!!
either way you are totally screwed.
anyways heres where smiling friends comes in
charlie, glep and alan are all in the building.
charlie hears about the news, and alerts the other two and everyones like "oh shit"
but charlie is now very aware that pim is NOT IN THE BUILDING AND NOWHERE TO BE FOUJND?!?!!?
so immediately charlie starts panicking
meanwhile, alan is also panicking, because he didnt think it was that bad (dumbass) (affectionate) and opened the door and went outside to see.
once alan realized "oh shit its real and i breathed it in" it was far too late and he was already infected.
one down, 3 (?) to go.
✓ ? X ✓
meanwhile, in a different place pim is totally infected
✓ X X ✓
anyways,. alan tries to get in the building whilst infected, but only ends up opening the window instead
charlie has a mask on so he closes the window. he gives glep one too so theyre both good
stuff happens and shenanigans ensue
somehow glep gets infected (havent figured this part out yet but ill edit when i do hehe)
✓ X X X
more shenanigans ensue etc..
charlie is left alone, so he has a panic attack and passes THE FUCK out and wakes up the next morning, still at the hq
and everyone is there and okay.
turns out charlie was just really fucking tired (and high) and that whole thing was just a really shitty fever dream
or not. who knows? i dont. i havent finished this au yet and i just came up with that ending (it probably will be the ending anyways but whatever)
and that is literally all i have
hope yall enjoyed this silly ass au
ill drop designs for the characters some day
also idk what to call it but for now its just the gas leak au / mutilated au
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yourturntosimp · 1 year
can u pls do safamiley hcs:D
A/N: hiii,,,,how yall doinggg,,,happy summerrrrrr 💀💀💀 TWs: Manipulation, Guilt tripping, Degrading talk, Mention of/allusions to murder, General toxicity
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♡ the gfs ever omg ♡ tbh i feel like they would be kinda on-edge around eachother if this was asu-naro era & before the actual game,,, ♡ like the whole thing is shady as all hell, so i can imagine them working with eachother but never fully trusting eachother in case one of them were to try to damage/sabotage the other’s research to make themself look better,,, ♡ that’s probably the thing that led them to be interested in eachother JHGFDS ♡ idk they seem deranged enough to let that be the driving force im ngl ♡ anyways they’re both 100% manipulating eachother and they think the other has no idea ♡ miley going out of her way to ruin safalin’s social life, because why not ruin the few opportunities she takes to be outgoing and talk to people? ♡ It means she’ll have to spend more time with miley, and also she won’t suffer the mortification of making a fool out of herself like the idiot she is! ♡ after all, what kind of a girlfriend would she be if she didn’t stop safalin from embarrassing herself and making it clear to everyone around how completely and utterly stupid she is? It’s a win for both of them, she’s just being nice <3 ♡ safalin, on the other hand, opts to guilt trip miley and incessantly cling onto her ♡ she’s just too useless & incapable of doing anything by herself! She’ll surely crumble and fall and just ruin everything if miley is away from her for too long, so maybe they should just stick together all the time! ♡ and if that doesn’t work, well…she can always just show her how capable she is as a caring girlfriend! ♡ miley just needs to…mysteriously catch some illness, is all! and safalin, with her knowledge in medicine, will come to her rescue! ♡ they both also get SUPER jealous ♡ the problem here is that they both like to make eachother jealous on purpose,,, ♡ safalin does it if she starts to worry that miley’s getting bored of her and doesn’t care for her anymore ♡ and yk miley wouldnt do shit to reassure her that this isn’t the case bc it keeps her dependant KJHGFCD ♡ miley does it because she likes seeing safalin’s reactions to it ♡ it’s just so fun, seeing that shattered look on her face be immediately replaced with the most potent rage she’s ever seen in her life! ♡ she doesn’t really care about whoever it was that she was using to make her girlfriend jealous…it just sucks that they always scream so loudly </3
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olympianroyals · 2 years
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Savannah: ...so that's all that has been happening around here lately.
Bess Sterling: Wow, that certainly explains Nico's attitude earlier when I tried to say hello to her.
Savannah: Yeah sorry bout that, she'll get over it
Bess: Look, I know that Sven is your brother and all but...
Savannah: Girl you can say it
Bess: Your brother ain't shit
[Savannah nods]
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Bess Sterling: I mean, you and Sven have always bumped heads for as long as I've known you guys. It's gotten a lot worse since papa morris passed away but maybe... it's time to bury the old hatchet between you two at least for Nico's sake?
Savannah shakes her head: Bess, you don't understand, Sven-
Bess: No listen, the way Sven went about staying here was a little shady especially since you made it very clear to him you don't want him around the shop anymore so for him to go behind your back to Nicole and for Nicole to actually let him stay in the loft, was wrong of them but you need to see it from their perspective as well.
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Bess: Sven needed help and he went to the sister that was the one most likely to help him in his time of need. Should Nico and Sven have asked you beforehand, of fucking course but taking away her keys was very extreme Savvy
Savannah: You see it as that but I know Sven. He would use her and take every advantage of her kindness as much as he can and I cant let that happen
Bess: Your relationship with Sven is not the same relationship he has with Nico. How he treats you won't be the same as how he treats her and it's not right of you to try and ruin her relationship with Sven. She won't see it that way and it will end up ruining you two in the end. She will have to see for herself the type of person he is, you can't do that for her
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Savannah disagrees: She's my baby sister, I know what's best for her. She's too young and naive to realize when someone is taking advantage of her.
Bess: I think your not giving baby girl enough credit
Savannah: I know my sister
Bess: I'm just saying Mama Bear, you and Nico are very alike. Yall both stubborn as hell and a pain in my ass. When have you ever let someone tell you, something you ain't wanna hear?
Bess continues: This is something she needs to realize on her own sis
Savannah: I'm sorry but this is for her own good. She’ll hate me now but she’ll understand one day
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Nico On The Phone: Hey.... can I come over?.... I really need to talk to you about something.
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Bess: Look, I just want the best for you and the chicky chick upstairs. This past year has been horrible for you guys, with papa Morris passing away to that Police raid and then with those people constantly popping up-
Savannah cuts her off: Thank you, Bessy. I have no idea where we would be without you.
Bess: Gurl you know I'm here for you guys
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Savannah hugs her: I know, we appreciate it
Bess: Oh? Is Savannah being affectionate?
Savannah rolls her eyes: Girl shut up, I gotta attend to this customer
Bess: Before you go, guess what Jules told me when i was leaving the house? Apparently Joseph’s dumb ass is back in town for the weekend and is booked down at Old Town.
Savannah grins evilly: Is that so? I guess I know what were doing tonight.
Bess sighs: Ill bring the bail money
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Where It All Begins // Beginning-Previous-Next
Olympian Royals // Beginning-Recent
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x1702x · 1 year
Alectryon as a whole character is just a guy trying to grow dependent after many years of serving a god at his fullest and being overshadowed by him. He had no other will but to serve Ares and move his chariot around, being his little butler at times but it was all just loyalty and servitude.
Which brings in the very implied lover situation thats talked about in mythology. The thing is, Alectryon in mythology was super toots with Ares, hell they even drank together and they had the best relationship, but if we take in account how dark the GOW rendition of Ares is, this is kinda shady. The power dynamic is horrible, not only to count Alectryon was taken by Ares pretty young (Around the same age as Deimos did, which I will get onto later but you get it) which at first he was trained as a soldier would, he was already in training but well, Ares was like yeah hes the one and took him away.
When this young lad grew, Ares saw him useful for the tasks ive mentioned. And now the horrible comes in. You know, shits dark. Not only cause we all know Ares has caused so much pain to many, but the fact that if we take the last things in account AND mythology, this makes a very dark rendition of the whole "I hold hands with my charioteer buddy-bro". Was this a good relationship? Fuck no! It was pretty much just a "You owe me many things, I trained you, gave you shelter among the gods, gave you inmortality, I gave you my affections... yadda yadda." Which made Alectryon be pressured to be loyal and obedient to the mighty Ares for the bare minimum.
If we go on a positive side of this Alectryon found comfort around Helios, who was on the kinder side by a lot, comparing him to Ares. He saw a friend and someone to rely on. After all that dark and grim moments with Ares, some light from the sun himself will do good. (This is VERY tied to the fact Helios deadass has roosters as his sacred animal, homies never let homies down, and he had poor Alectryon on a pedestal)
Which gave him some hopes! Yay! But the happyness ends here and we go serious again cause we cant have nice things for too long if we are talking about my ocs (Sorry to yall).
So, with Ares dead, what does he have? What is his purpose? What are his ambitions? None. He was a hollow shell without Ares and that took a while to sink in for him. The god that gave him many misfortunes was somehow what made him, *him*. In the sense of purpose. His purpose was serving Ares, and without him around, what was left?
He couldn't take it and refused to let go of his purpose. Thats where his intervention in the events of the 3rd game come in hand.
With Kratos mid Olympus-destroying and god-slaughtering, Alectryon found himself undecided on what was left to do. He had to do something. He defended the place that became his home unwillingly so long ago he can barely remember, that was his new purpose. And so he tried to intervene Kratos.
Now, Kratos definitely cant see Ares' taskboy as a potential threat considering how he hid under Ares' robes at any minor inconvenience or trouble. Which wasn't a good choice but, what could he do other than hide from the world? So Kratos pretty much brushed him off, not wasting his time until it was finally it.
The encounter. Alectryon was decided to stop Kratos for Ares' sake. He was blinded completely, he was just acting how Ares expected him to, a loyal servant at his will and mercy. Kratos was smart enough to look through this pretty manipulated guy and think how useless killing him would be. But Alectryon was adamant on a fight ocurring and so Kratos complied to his wishes, after a fistfight, Kratos showed him mercy after trying to knock some sense in him (On a literal way). Alectryon was resentful, thinking that Kratos pitied him for being Ares' shadow or even considering him weak, but he was wrong. Kratos thought he was strong for enduring so many years with Ares and atleast having some sense of his own, even though he was uncertain of what he was going to do on an upcoming future that was seemingly dark.
After some thinking, realization and perhaps some crying and traumadumping to the guy thats going to FUCKING destroy Olympus on what can be interpreted as a very "poor little meow meow" way which is kind of just laying on a pile of rubble all bloodied up and wounded, Alectryon just realized how much he lost thanks to Ares. None of the gods guaranteed him a sense of safety except Helios (Who he later found out was dead, he def bawled about it) and saw Kratos as less of an enemy but an equal, which Kratos saw aswell.
And this is more of me going omfg! What if... But consider Kratos and him having a Pandora type part, just them collabing. Yk more gay courtship steps/j It would definitely make them close.
But he canonically lived and made it out of the place alive, where is he? What did he do?
He just tried to find comfort in trying to live the life he was supposed to have, a normal life among other mortals, travelling around, meeting people, actually developing social skills that he couldve never got to while he was under Ares' training and service. He was just a regular guy:tm: until he met Kratos once again.
This would be pretty much in the 2018 GOW, Atreus and Kratos just finding this seemingly normal man that knew about the fall of Olympus, that later on turned out to be the one an only, Alectryon, Ex-Charioteer of Ares. A friend.
Im not decided on his role on the norse part of the lore, but I see him as just a companion, he hangs around, talks about the """good""" old days and just recconects with Kratos and leaves his past away, building a new self just like Kratos did.
And a not very long skip to GOWR, he would have the same thing as above, but hes now a new man and hes just very happy about himself, forgetting all the horrors that haunted him for so many years, leaving behind the trauma Ares left in him, healing all the scars and finding peace.
(Lil shotout to @medievildead for becoming an Alectryon lover 🙏)
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wonderweedle · 1 year
i have decided everyone except one following me is a bot yall shady as hell
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