#yandere aizawa shouta x reader
fluff-n-cookies · 2 months
So I was watching Hazbin Hotel (which is streaming on prime video) and I was thinking how hilarious it would be if the pro heroes Fatgum, Aizawa, Mirko, (or Hawks) had a S/O who has a quirk like Nifty (which by the way, is my favorite character in Hazbin hotel😅) she is kindhearted, but there are times that she says messed up shit to freak out the heroes and the LOV love her for it🤣
Guess who's back! I was on break for writing my book, so sorry for the delay. and once again, I don't do romance but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. also, this is so short, I'm so sorry, I don't really do senarios for this one reason.
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for my poor boy fatgum, it's gotten to the point where he has to keep you on a leash!
but he's actually quite indifferent to it, rather opting to let you let hell loose on whomever you want to.
sometimes he does get a tad bit fed up with your antics but at the end of the day, you're one of his favorite people ever. not because you're useful or powerful, it's just that he holds you dear for being who you are.
a monster.
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y'know, at first Aizawa used to actually think you were high on coffee and monster energy so he was actually quite suprised when he learned that... you're just like that.
but no seriously, he had you take multiple drug tests to be sure, lord knows what's in your veins.
but as long as you can shut up when he wants to sleep, he acutally quite likes you.
as a primarily night patroling hero, it's nice to see someone with so much energy and kindness.
in the end, he quite likes you, he probably kill for you.
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chases you around town when you try and make a run for it
hypes you up whenever you get excited
ha sand will again kick someone to the moon if the DARE judge you.
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he is actually a mix of Fatgum and miruko.
while he does indulge in your little freaky stunts he also known when to be professional and act differently.
and he will always introduce you as "my favorite weirdo."
he's just happy to be with you.
takes you out on late night fly's whenever you get that burst of energy during the night.
sweet bird boy.
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has kidnapped you 8 times now with the sole purpose of recruiting you to the LOV!!!
they genuinely think you're a villain (maybe you are!) and that you're secretly on their side and are playing around with the hero's just because.
no seriously, try and tell them that you're not a villain they say something like "yeeeeahhh, sureeee. *wink* *wink*"
but they actually really enjoy you're company, you're invited on their weekly schemes and they always hope that you'll come.
Toga loves you the most but the others really like you because you always think a way to irk their most hated hero's.
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artemis32 · 7 months
Yandere Class 1A x reader
yeah, uh, i hate this, but you get what you get
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mbe masterlist
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Izuku was at a loss.
He'd tried everything - absolutely everything - to get you to open up. To talk. To partake in group activities outside of class
But no matter what he did, no matter how he tried to sell the idea, no matter how manipulative he was, you declined.
Every. Single. Time.
What made it worse was that he knew several other people in your class were trying to achieve the same thing.
Mina had invited you out more times than he could keep count of, and each time she was met with a short, harsh rejection.
Sero and Kaminari had joked with you, trying to get you to at least crack a hint of a smile.
No success.
Momo constantly offered to help you study, and when you inevitably said no, she would insist on tea parties and lunch dates and shopping trips with the rest of the girls in the class. You had stared at her with a blank gaze until she felt uncomfortable enough to leave.
Even Uraraka, as sweet as she was, was unable to crack your tough exterior.
Izuku realised that they were quickly running out of options. They'd run through the list of class members they could turn to for a solution, and sooner or later they'd have to accept the worst-case scenario.
They'd have to ask Bakugo for help.
You hated your classmates.
They were annoying. They were insistent.
When they were around, you never got so much as two minutes of peace and quiet.
It was bearable during the first few months of your first year, when you could go home and have a break from their never-ending questions.
But then the school had decided that it was in the best interest of the students to have you all move into dorms.
You hadn't known a single moment of peace since.
There always seemed to be someone attached to your hip, or trailing a few steps behind you, or eyeing you from across the room.
It was annoying, and you thought you’d made that clear.
In the beginning, you thought they had all been so insistent because they were curious about your quirk. 
That in itself was understandable - no one knew one another, so it was natural for everyone to want to get to know their classmates quirks.
You knew of everyone else’s quirks - of course you did, you knew everything about them - and for the most part, they knew about yours, or as much as you’d told them. 
You thought that would be enough to satiate them, but evidently, you were wrong.
At first, your classmates, Izuku specifically, wanted to know about all the intricacies of your quirk - the parameters, drawbacks, limits, range, all of it. That had been the first warning sign. You were taught growing up to never tell anyone more about your quirk than they needed to know. That was enough for you to avoid Izuku.
All of your classmates seemed to be in awe of your power, which was strange.  You weren’t particularly fond of your quirk. It was just so boring.
Teleportation, especially at your current level, wasn’t very useful to a hero. You weren’t much good when you were only able to teleport yourself.
Regardless, you were working on improving your quirk as best you could.
A small part of your mind whispered to you that they knew about things they shouldn’t, but that was just the usual bout of paranoia getting to you. You’d know whatever they knew straight away.
You teleportation quirk had developed at four years old, which was slightly younger than your father had been banking on. He’d gone to great lengths to teach you how to control your ability - at four years old, you had a tendency to just disappear. Not because you wanted to, or because you were actively thinking about leaving. No, it was more because you had absolutely zero control over yourself or your quirk.
By the time you turned six, you’d mastered the control your father so desperately wanted you to learn. You found that keeping your emotions in check helped more than consciously thinking about not using your quirk.
That degree of control couldn’t have developed at a better time, because eight months later, right before your seventh birthday, you developed your second quirk.
That’s what became the real bane of your existence. 
Sure, you were blessed to have two quirks. In fact, you loved it as a child. But controlling this quirk proved to be significantly more difficult than your first. 
You managed to get it under control, for the most part. You made sure that you weren’t blaring your thoughts out loud constantly, and you learnt how to talk to people one on one pretty quickly.
What you couldn’t control, even close to ten years after discovering your second quirk, was how to shut other people’s thoughts out. 
It was a never-ending battle, trying not to up and leave whenever you got too overwhelmed. 
You’re sure someone could have helped you. The adults in your life - middle school teachers, your friends, their parents, maybe even Mr Aizawa and your classmates could have helped you, but you would never breathe so much as a word to them about your quirk - not when you saw how people reacted to the idea of someone being able to read their every thought.
So you kept it to yourself, occasionally making use of your teleportation quirk to get a moment of silence, leaping far, far away from civilisation, from people’s thoughts.
In those moments alone, it wasn’t so bad. You thought about how incredible your quirks actually were, about how fortunate you were to have a quirk at all, never mind two.
Then you’d return back to your dorm, and the cycle would repeat.
You would admit, it was pretty funny.
Hearing how strangely obsessed your classmates were with you was actually hilarious, especially considering they thought you had no idea. Not to mention, constantly ruining their supposedly brilliant plans. 
Some of their ideas truly were brilliant, and they may have worked, had you not known about them in advance.
There were times that you almost felt bad for them. Almost. But playing along with them, seeing just how far you could push them without raising suspicion - it was fun.
Like right now, for example.
“-but I’m sure the weather will be clear enough for a picnic next weekend, since you don’t seem to like the idea of a tea party. What do you think?”
Yaoyorozu and Mina, who stood in front of your desk as you stared out the window, were still talking. Of course, what they were saying sounded nice enough, but their thoughts betrayed their true intentions.
Come oooonnnnnn, say yes, say yes! Just one bit of personal information, that’s all I need. I absolutely have to win this bet with Kaminari, so just give me something to work with!
Mina was someone who remained loud and talkative both within her mind, and when talking to people aloud.
The bet she was thinking about had been a running gag for a while now, something you had almost grown bored of.
Mina, Denki and Sero had made a bet; whoever was first to learn a tidbit of personal information about you, from you, got free reign of the communal gaming system in the dorm lounge for a month.
At least, that's what it started out as in the beginning.
It quickly reached the ears of the other students in your class, and everyone wanted in on the bet.
The promise of dibs on the game system long forgotten, their focus quickly moved on to bragging rights - after all, getting you to reveal any amount of personal information was seen as a great feat, one worthy of praise.
It had been funny at first, seeing how they scrambled to talk to you first, or the awkward ways they interacted with you to get even the slightest sliver of information.
Now, their thoughts gave you a headache whenever they were near.
You could probably have gone to Mr Aizawa if you had to - you were sure you could fabricate some evidence of their weird behaviour and have him intervene.
But the problem was, he was just as bad.
He had this weird, protective mindset.
It had creeped you out at first, but with time, you'd almost grown fond of his concern. It was... endearing. Kind of. Like a father. Or a puppy.
Regardless, he knew about their antics, and he hadn't bothered with them so far, so you decided it would be best if you kept your knowledge of the situation to yourself.
“No. Thank you though,” you reply smoothly, turning away from them to signal the end of the conversation.
But of course, they never really took no as an answer.
“Why? If it’s because you don’t want to be around a ton of people, then don’t worry about it - it’ll be like, eight of us. Please,” they ask, eyes wide and hopeful.
You’re saved, literally, by All Might entering the classroom with a silent shuffle.
“To your seats everyone, get to your seats please.”
Even without the use of your quirk, you can feel your class glowering from across the room.
You aren’t sure how your purple haired companion doesn’t realise that they’re glaring daggers at him - he really doesn’t even register that they’re looking at him at all.
But he doesn’t mention it, and no thoughts of them cross his mind, so you pay them no mind.
You liked Shinso. He was good company - quiet, polite, and his thoughts were the kind that barely skirted the edge of your consciousness. Being around him was like a breath of fresh air, so you clung to him.
It wasn’t often that you found someone who didn’t induce a migraine as soon as they entered the room. In fact, you could count on one hand the number of people you’d met that you could tolerate for longer than ten minutes.
Shinso was one, and Aizawa, surprisingly, was another. 
Even more surprising than that though, had to be that Bakugo of all people had a quiet mind.
If anyone had known about your quirk and you told them, you were sure they’d call you a liar.
But it was the truth. The angry blond had such a tranquil mind that, if he allowed it, you’d befriend him. But you’d grown an aversion to being near him, as wherever Bakugo was, a crowd of classmates was sure to follow.
You’re brought back to the present moment as Shinso shakes his hand in front of your face, throwing you a quizzical look.
“Ah, sorry, I zoned out.”
He nods in understanding, before glancing behind you.
“Just thought I’d let you know; your classmates look like they want my head on a stick,” he says in a bored tone, eyes sliding back to you a moment later.
You make a noise at the back of your throat.
“Yeah,” you wince, “I noticed that. I didn’t want to mention it.”
He shrugs, standing up and offering you his hand.
“Well, then let’s find somewhere else to sit, huh?”
You smile. Your classmates are outraged, seething as you accept his hand and sweep out of the cafeteria.
Thank goodness, you think, there were so many voices.
You only went to the cafeteria because Shinso liked the soba they served.
Honestly, braving the bustling centre felt like someone was hitting between your eyes with an ice-pick - pure torture.
The flood of thoughts fades as the two of you walk further from the main building, and your shoulders slump with relief.
If he notices, Shinso doesn’t comment. You’d thought originally that he was just extremely unobservant, but he really just didn’t think about or mention anything unless it raised any actual concern.
You’d realised that when you had accompanied him to a private training session with Aizawa, and you’d had a migraine from a long day of dealing with your classmates.
He only brought it up, openly thought about it when he saw how you grabbed at your head out of the corner of his eye.
Being with him was peaceful, you’d realised in that moment, because he had incredible control over his thoughts. That must have been because of his own predominantly mental quirk.
The thought made you happy, for some reason.
You liked when Mr Aizawa used his quirk on you.
The rest of your classmates hated it, and it really seemed to throw them off, but to you, it felt like sweet relief. It made everything quiet. Peaceful.
There were times where it threw you off, suddenly hearing nothing but radio silence, but after some adjustment, it was as if someone had released the pressure on your skull. Not that he, or anyone else knew.
Though, on some occasions, when he looked at you before you had time to mask the relief on your face, you saw the slight glimmer of something akin to realisation in his eyes. If he knew, he never brought it up.
It should’ve had you on edge - the fact that he might’ve known, but never said anything. But it didn’t. You didn’t know why.
If anyone were to discover your second quirk, you’d be in a world of trouble. Having an unregistered quirk, especially at your age, in UA of all places - it was unheard of. 
It was criminal.
So you should’ve been terrified at the thought of someone finding out, knowing about your quirk.
But surely if he knew, he’d have brought it up by now?
“Quiet down class,” Aizawa demands flatly.
They don’t listen. Of course they don’t. 
Their incessant chatter matches their constant barrage of thoughts, and it seems particularly noisy today. All their thoughts are focused on you, and it leaves a sharp throb in your temples.
Aizawa glares at them, eyes flashing crimson for a moment, and you feel all the tension melt away. You prepare yourself for the inevitable rush of returning voices, but it doesn’t come. Aizawa, for some reason, keeps his quirk activated, gaze roaming the class, lingering on you for a second too long before he looks away, brows furrowing as he blinks.
You mask your wince with an awkward cough, shifting in your seat. Now, most thoughts were centred around Aizawa and how scary he was.
The thought makes you laugh. They were so far off the mark, it was comical. Aizawa was like an overly concerned parent, thoughts constantly circling his students, how he could push them to be better. Honestly, it was quite heart warming, and the fact that his actions were so glaringly different to his thoughts made it ten times funnier.
Aizawa calls your name, drawing you out of your thoughts.
“See me after class.”
Before you have a chance to delve into his mind to see what he was thinking, a barrage of thoughts hit you from all angles, your classmates wondering, like you, what this was all about.
You don’t give much thought to his request, too overwhelmed to try and sift through the turbulent sea of thoughts.
Aizawa schools his expression, staring down at you blankly.
You looked so young like this – wide eyed, trembling hands, pale, blanched face. You were panicked. He knew you were, but he made no move to ease your worries, waiting instead for confirmation.
“I– Sensei…”
He feels his brow twitch.
Not in annoyance. Not with you. Never you. You tended to tug at his heart strings, for reasons he didn’t fully understand.
Maybe because you were so young? You appeared younger still with that gleam of innocence in your eyes. Hero society was no place for someone like you - you were someone heroes should be protecting, rather than welcoming into their ranks.
“Answer the question.”
Your throat bobs as you swallow and turn your head to look out the window.
Were you thinking of a way to talk yourself out the situation? Were you trying to find a way to play off his discovery as nothing more than a funny happenstance? He didn’t doubt it.
The word weighs heavily on you, shoulders sagging as you stand before him, curling in on yourself. His heart aches at the sight.
How overwhelming was it, to keep something like this to yourself? To live in fear of someone discovering your secret and hating you for it?
“And you’ve kept this to yourself for the past ten years? You’ve had no training or help whatsoever?”
You seem surprised at the shock colouring his tone, as if you’d expected him to be angry or fearful, rather than sympathetic. Again, he wondered how you’d dealt with this all alone for so long.
He sighs.
“You’re not in trouble. I’m not mad.”
He sees the tension melt from your posture in real time, as if someone had lifted an anvil off your shoulders.
“If you’d like, I can help you. We could do some training after classes; help you learn control? I can’t promise anything, but it might help.”
Of all the things Aizawa had expected to happen, you bursting into tears wasn’t one of them. Some long buried protective instinct rears it’s head at the sight of your red rimmed eyes as you try desperately to mop away the tears on your cheeks.
He awkwardly shifts from one foot to another, patting your shoulder in a pathetic attempt to comfort you.
“I’m really not in trouble? Y-You don’t hate me for listening in on your thoughts without permission?”
Again, that same painful clench in his heart.
“No, I don’t. Why would I hate you for something you can’t control? None of your classmates would either, I can promise you that.”
Aizawa spends the next twenty minutes clumsily comforting you, dismissing you as soon as your tears have stopped and he makes his way to the principal’s office a few minutes later. When he arrives, he’s immediately greeted by a very tense looking All Might and an oblivious, chattering Nezu.
He seats himself in the armchair next to Toshinori, posture sagging.
“You were right.”
Nezu cackles at that, hardly able to get a word in through his triumphant laughter. His reaction is in stark contrast to the other two men and their responses. The two share a tense, understanding look, glancing back at Nezu as he calms his laughter.
“Oh, this is most wonderful! I can’t wait to see what happens!”
Guilt eats away at Aizawa. He could only hope you wouldn’t hate him and Toshinori, or even your classmates for what they planned on doing.
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sourlove · 5 months
Could you please do how yandere mha boys would react to pregnant darling pretty pleaseee?
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
When Izuku first finds you throwing up, he's beyond ecstatic. Growing up with his mom was great but very lonely. He always wanted a white picket fence kind of family with three kids and a dog. To him, that was a perfect family, and there was nobody better to start that with than you.
After months of trying he was finally successful. Sure, you weren't exactly on board with the whole pregnancy thing and maybe he had to switch out your birth control pills with placebos but he was just doing what was best for the both of you! Why couldn't you see what he was trying do?
What was that? You don't want to keep it? Oh...well, that's just too bad. Izuku would do just about anything to get the family he's always wanted. Even drugging you and chaining you up in his basement. Don't panic, it's okay! It's just temporary. As soon as he changes your mind, Izuku will let you go, okay?
Katsuki isn't really a family man to be honest, so he doesn't try to intentionally get you pregnant. But he's willing to see the silver lining when you do get pregnant. After all, maybe a baby is just what you needed to stop acting like a fucking brat all the time.
Plus, he likes when you start needing him to do things for you, like giving foot rubs and back massages and making healthy meals for you. But Katsuki's a bit of a sadist and can withhold these things, leaving you to fend for yourself, if you don't behave. You can't leave so there's no other person you can rely on.
Overtime, you start to become more docile, not just for the purpose of getting something. Mostly because, its...nice to have Katsuki dote on you. He can be sweet when he wants to be and you need all the help you can get right now. It doesn't hurt that he's pretty level-headed most of the time and can easily handle your pregnancy hormones flaring up your emotions.
Maybe being trapped in his house wasn't going to be as bad of a situation as you thought.
Shoto is very freaked out. He had a really sad childhood and the worst father so he doesn't even want to put himself in a situation where he ends up just like Enji. If you also don't want the baby, he is so relieved and starts looking into adoptions, etc.
But if you do want the baby, well...this is him...
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He's trying his best okay?
Shoto really does try to be supportive because he would do anything for you to be happy. But like...yeah. It's easier before the baby gets there, when it's just you and him. Once the baby comes, good luck getting Shoto to even stay in the same room as them.
Shota isn't too bothered about you getting pregnant. He wasn't a fan of condoms and you didn't use birth control so it was bound to happen sooner or later. He would be a pretty good dad too, albeit a little strict and would help with the kids, unlike someone else *cough Shoto cough*
Shota finds it adorable how you waddle around or cry because your tea is warm instead of hot. He loves when you become more needy and cuddly. Honestly, Shota's just having a good time. Good enough that he wouldn't mind getting you pregnant over and over again.
He never saw himself wanting a family before but seeing you so cute and round, just does things for him and he can't help but want to see you pregnant all the time. Whether you want that or not :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! I love when you guys leave asks so go ahead and drop one or two if you wish. Sorry if this is short, I'm hungry :)
@justabratsworld @pinkrose1422
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sandiaarts · 2 years
Reblogs and comments are appreciated
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the-trash-site · 8 days
My favourite type of fanfiction at the moment has been 'y/n is reincarnated into fandom to save the characters from canon!'. (currently mainly reading for JJK and MHA as that's what I'm obsessed with.) There's something so pure about the plot and how the author has fun with it. With scenes where yn is lowkey simping or the actual character of the fandom being dorky.
I think the appeal (besides the amazing writing and passion given into each chapter of these fanfic, rec list below) of this is how straightforward it can be. You already know the characters, you know the canon. All you learn when first reading is what ability you get and how you fit within the world. Which is usually attending the school or growing up with the character.
But mostly, what I love is seeing the butterfly effect and the new dynamics it can create. But lately, I can't help but wonder about a fanfic that has the vibe of 'careful what you wish for'. And seeing what ripples that could make. (I write mostly of JKK and MHA but these ideas could be apply to AOT or Demon Slayer or any other fandom.)
I find it hilarious if instead, the y/n is older than the main group. Imagine being the milf/dilf of MHA. Being the same age as All Might or old enough to adopt characters like Shigaraki.
Or being the in-between age of Deku and the teachers. Where your options are; hanging out with the League of Villains, working hard asf to be a top hero to be around Hawks/the plot. Or becoming a teacher/assistant to watch over class 1A to change canon. I mean, what else are you meant to do in your early twenties? You literally have to force yourself into the plot lol
Oh, you have a favourite character, like Nanami, Gojo or Choso you want to meet? Here you go, a new life as their child! (probably be a sibling for Choso lol) Oh you met you wanted to rizz them up and treat them right? Nope, sorry, you're forced to tag along and face any challenges that would come as being a child to a; Jujutsu sorcerer/ the strongest/ a half-curse spirit.
Oh, this time you specified the thought of being dating/married to Aizawa/Geto/Toji as you died? Kinda weird but here you go! Your new life as their spouse! But only, you don't gain memories from this new life, as you only remember about the canon. Don't mind the grief and odd looks the character is giving you, their amnesia darling. It's not like you can't remember the wedding you two shared. (for maximum angst, they have the kids and you're just clueless about being a parent and saving the canon. yikes)
Okay, but what if you get super lucky? You get to be with the main character and do real help! Everything is fine in JJK but Sukuna is dead set on killing you. Every chance he gets, he uses until he kills you. But it's only after he brought you back that you learn it's because he actually loves you. After all, you're the reincarnated of his reincarnated dead wife. (not confusion at all, lol) He was just pissed that you dead centuries ago and couldn't have the life you two planned. It was his way of getting even. Definitely not annoying when trying to save characters.
Okay, for real now. Everything is perfectly fine...But what's this? Yuji and Izuku are actually yandere for you? Oh, that wouldn't change canon that much, right?
Anyway, here are my favourites fanfics;
Otherworldy attraction by Kilkyo851 JJK | on AOE | multiple pairings
When I catch you Gege by Quinnyundertow JJK | on AOE | multiple pairings
Daybreak by sexy-captain-rexy (smolkatsudon) Star wars | poly Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker and reader pairing| on AOE
Promise: Thorin x Fíli x reader Hobbit | love angle with true pairing haven't been shown | on AOE (this one is interesting as reader has more visions than knowledge from media.)
Changing History [MHA! Various F!Reader] by summerblack | MHA | on Qoutev
The Future's Keeper [MHA!Various x F!Reader] by summerblack | MHA | on Quotev
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puppyguppy · 27 days
You've been down this damn aisle way too long. Despite not having actually checked the time, you just know it. You can feel it. You've seen others come and go; grab what they need, like a pillow or some new sheets, then leave. But not you. Since apparently, choosing a new mattress has solidified itself as a life or death sort of situation inside of your head. It shouldn't have been this hard -- wouldn't be this hard, if you hadn't seen the sale going on. They're offering the next size up for the price of the next size down. So, like -- you could get a king, for the price of the queen you'd come here for. You've almost always had a queen, at least since being a teenager. And a queen is fine, a queen is good, just enough space for you to roll around some, pick a cooler side if need be, with a corner or two left open for the pet you might actually own someday. All in all, a queen is perfect, so really, there's no need to upsize. You've never even considered it until now. It just seems kind of stupid to turn down such a deal. More comfort, for less? But then...you'll need new sheets. A new comforter. A new duvet. Hell, might as well just get a whole new set for the whole new mattress, right? And, it doesn't make much sense to put old pillows on a new bed, so -- "They never tell you that beds will be one of your biggest battles in adulthood." You jolt, startled out of your spiraling thoughts by a deep, rich mumble. You hadn't noticed the man you've been sharing the aisle with for...gods, you hope it wasn't long. Long enough for him to piece together the puzzle of your struggle, though. You shake off the little scare with a laugh, the feeling only lingering in the goosebumps down your arms. "It wasn't supposed to be this hard. I came here with a plan, believe it or not." The stranger hums, and while he seems to peruse the options, you take a quick few seconds to, well. Peruse him. Tall, dark, and handsome is the gist. Wavy hair thrown half up his head, like maybe he'd been in a hurry, or working out, or just woken up. A bit unkempt, but not unattractive. Stalky, scruffy, and decked out in all colors almost black despite the season. At least they seem loose, everywhere except for where his hands are shoved into his pockets, straining the fabric slightly, and you can't help but wonder -- "One should always have a Plan B. Even maybe C through Z." You laugh again, because really, this is ridiculous, and you should just grab the goddamn bed you'd come here for. Mattresses shouldn't require complex mathematics, an entire alphabet's worth of backup plans, or the entire length of the human emotional spectrum. "Yeah, yeah," you huff, now a bit embarrassed. You're a grown ass adult and yet you feel like you've just been scolded by a highschool teacher or something. "The sale just caught me off guard. I don't want to regret it if I just settle for a queen and miss the chance. Besides, if I get a king and don't like it, I can always just return it, right?" The man shrugs. "Or you could save yourself the trouble. It's not like your room is big enough for a king." You laugh for a third time, because oh, oh my god, he's right. Here you've been fretting and stressing (and honestly? sweating) over beds, when really, there was never a choice. There was just the illusion of choice. You got excited over a sale, about the possibility of an upgrade, and completely forgot about the very real dimensions of your bedroom. And why you've stuck with a queen. "Fuck, you're so right. I couldn't possibly fit a -" You stop. You stop and blink. Because he is right. The goosebumps from just minutes ago shoot straight down to your toes. You swallow, saliva thickening in your throat like cement. "...How do you know that?"
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Yandere V + H: Aizawa Shouta and Hizashi Yamada
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These two are the villains and you the henchman 
A couple of villains perfectly prepared to take on the army of heroes 
You’re probably one of many 
Hundreds of henchmen under the villains are meant to be nameless and faceless 
Just a pair of helping hands to whatever scheme these two seem to come across
“Sirs! I have something important to report!”
“WHAT!? What’s the matter?”
“Out with it! Tell us, then.”
“Our cat? Oh yeah, you took her to the vet, right? So what’s the matter?”
“Go on! We can take it!”
“She’s pregnant!” 
“Eureka!!” “So, my suspicions were correct.”
“Congratulations! I’ve brought a cake to celebrate, the awesome news!”
"Wow that's awesome of you!" "Thank you, (Y/n)."
It's your focus on them as people that make them realize your worth
Unlike your coworkers who easily clock out the moment their hours are enough, you stay
Always asking if they’ve eaten, drunk enough water, or if they’ve been able to get to their laundry this week
First, its a key to their private home just to feed the cats
But then it's a meal plan of what they’ll want for dinner
Then the type of detergent for their clothes
And at this rate, they should will just start moving you into their guest bedroom
You’ve just become such an important part of their lives they can’t imagine their lives or their villainy without you:
Shota did a double take at the mass of eager minions he was prepared to lead. Not seeing a familiar face smiling and saluting among them. It would be unnerving if he didn’t remember that there were chores that he and Yamada assigned; it’d be safe to assume that’s where you there. 
“Uhm babe, did you see (Y/n) on the cameras?”
“No, but I was going to. Did you?”
A look of worry and unease was on Yamada’s face, he pulled out his phone pulled up the feed of multiple cameras, and turned the screen to his significant other who had a bad feeling. The feed was clear, and a video of the cats and kittens walking around the house was sped up as the hours continued on. The speed-up footage seemed to slow as you stumbled into the room, wobbling haphazardly as the felines crowded around you as you prepared their food. He watched as you jerked and jumped to what seemed like sneezing. You eventually left but the thought of your state alone was upsetting.
“Yeah, but what’s worse they didn’t even say anything to me! What about you?”
The couple grew silent, enveloped in an unnerved feeling as they looked at their beloved henchman through the screen. Shota was the first to look away, reaching for a device on his belt that held a blinking moving dot. He noted the time on his watch, humming to himself as he adjusted his cape.
“We’ve got time to catch our kitten, but we must be quick.”
You felt despicable. More than your stuffy nose and rising temperature, you felt despicable with yourself. For getting yourself sick in the first place. How could you be the best henchman you could if your body wasn’t working correctly? It made you feel even worse.
You couldn’t properly serve the couple after they so lovingly offer for you to stay in their home. Granted they were awfully adamant about that going so far as to start moving your clothes and other things into the guest room in their house. But who were you to question their kindness when you were just a mere stepping stool to their villainous success?
Deep down you couldn’t help but let your insipid doubts creep in. Like why your heart beat so fast when you walked in to find the couple going through your fridge. Or when the couple send an uplifting photo of your ex being waterboarded. It shouldn’t strike fear into your heart that your employers were so involved. You were being ungrateful. That’s what got you sick. Your unwillingness to let them further involve themselves in your life is to blame for the weakness in your immune system. You’re not sick from stress…right?
“Here’s your medicine! Hope you get better hun!”
“Thanks, miss.”
Thanking the old woman as you retrieved your medication from over the counter. Trudging out the pharmacy you planned to begin the long trek back home. Completely unaware of a flashy hero stopping their route to slowly float next to you.
“Oh troubled citizen! May I be of assistance?”
The loud question grated your ears as you refused to focus on anything other than keeping awake. 
“No. Go away.”
“But dear citizen I cannot for you seem to need help!”
You groaned at their insistence reminded of the enemy your employers were especially not fond of…infact—You finally looked with familiarized malice at the shining mass and recognizable hair at the hovering super-powered individual. 
“You’re that one hero…aren’t you?”
“So you know of me? Good! Then you have the honor of being under my care!” 
“We don’t think so.”
The monotone and distorted voice of The Eraser had you both looking up at the villains in shocked stupor. Both were fully decked out in their villain armor menacingly standing still in broad daylight. The Mic was uncharacteristically silent further upsetting your already flipping stomach. It didn’t seem that the hero felt any semblance of that though.
“You two? My it seems you have the most uncanny sense for where I am! Perhaps you’re stalking me?”
You could tell he was rolling his eyes under his visor but the villain still reached a gloved hand out to you. 
“(Y/n) come with me, I’ll be taking you to our home, now.” 
You didn’t know why your feet weren’t moving or why your hands shook as you reached out. Or why your heart was pumping so fast. Perhaps that was why you let the hero put an arm out in front of you as he lightly shoved you further behind his back.
“Do not hark their villainous temptations (MY/n)! They only wish to unsettle me with a hostage–” 
His heroic declarations were interrupted by the sudden closeness of The Mic their speaker enhanced mouthpiece dangerously close to their exposed ear.
“Don’t you dare touch them!”
The hero cringed further keeping you behind him as he backed up. Holding the side of his head he swung it back and forth between the villains. With an unexpected battle cry he opened his palms towards the villains before frantically shaking it when he found no reaction.
“W-what is this?! Why can’t I–?”
“Did you forget who you were fighting? Idiot.”
“Wellll the idiot is realizing just how much of a moron he is maybe we’ll grant some mercy.”
“Yup you give us our lovely (Y/n)! And we won’t immediately squash you to bits!”
“Do I hafta keep repeating myself? Just give us the kitten we’ll be up on and on our way! Okay?”
“That is until we return to beat you to a bloody pulp for so much as talking to them. See (Y/n) this is why you should just stay home, it just means more carnage for everyone else. Besides you’re so sick I bet you can’t even think straight, come home (Y/n).”
“Yeah precious how about we just go home…”
“You want watch us obliterate him would you?”
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fluff-n-cookies · 1 year
mrrps n chirps
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Shinsou and Aizawa with a child with a Cat quirk owns my heart.
For example, imagine the reader is Just a lil' baby and whenever they need her attention, they Just call out her name, and in return. she, on instinct, will mrrp in response and whips her head around to see what happened an hopefully get/earn some head Pats. (like a cat!)
unless you're shinsou Since HE has been ABUSING his Mrrp powers.
he will Just randomly Call out your name to annoy you and now, you Just ignore him.
and now, he could be PLEADING for help as he is eaten by feral dogs but you won't budge. if anything you'll attempt to play with the dogs as he is eaten.
Conversations with aizawa go something like it is:
Aizawa:"(y/n), baby, honey, have you Seen Shinsou?"
baby (y/n): "mrrp."
Aizawa : "oh, I did not Know that!"
baby (y/n) : "mrrrp"
Aizawa: "well okay, it's been nice talking to you but I need to go find your brother BUT I WILL tuck you in tonight K? K.''
and when your excited and do that Iil' chirp IT'S OVER THEIR HEARTS ARE MELTING oh would you look at that it's now a puddle.
and they do anything for it!
plushies? done. Snacks? done. ALL the CUDDLES in the WORLD?!?! DONE. Just please chirp, they are addicted to it like it's the worlds strongest drug!
and if you ever cuddle up to them while they are grading or studying and start purring it's practically a dream come true! that's it. this is their life now.
Because everything is right now, all is good in the world and there is no-where else they'd rather be. maybe that's because they can finally relax now, Knowing you, their top priority, is safe in their arms, purring.
973 notes · View notes
call-me-copycat · 5 months
Love Knows No Bounds
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➤ Welcome - Introduction and Request Rules (Requests are open + Some info about me)
▶ Characters: Yandere Dadzawa & Daughter Reader [Platonic]
▶ Genre: Kind of fluffy + Yandere themes
▶ Summary: Aizawa's never really taken a liking to kids. But you keep finding him somehow, and he wonders why he's now constantly worrying about you. He decides you're the only exception he'll make.
▶ Word Count: 4547
▶ Warnings:
This is yandere, so there's bound to be a slightly unhealthy mindset
Aizawa's not a creep, I promise
Implications of deaths of citizens
Graphic description of those citizens fear before said deaths
Mention of slight stalking
I'm not too great at writing Yandere, so it's not too bad
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You were impossible to ignore.
Aizawa's first meeting with you wasn't exactly conventional. You were paddle boating around the recently melted lake, which was still cold enough to have small chunks of ice still floating around. The surrounding park was busy with people, all enjoying the evening weather right before the sun went down.
Aizawa was just trying to take a walk, he wasn't even on the clock. But when disaster calls, he has to be the one to always answer.
Something must've caught the bottom of your boat, because before you knew it you were engulfed in icy water. Your limbs locked up, and all the breath in your lungs immediately went out.
He was the first one into the lake, pulling you out and onto the grass where it was safe. Before you could grasp your bearings, he was already gone. You only caught a glimpse of the man that had rescued you.
Aizawa, on the other hand, was slightly annoyed with you, seeing as he had to make his walk all the way home in soggy clothing with a chill digging into his bones.
But he didn't care. You were an empty face in a faceless crowd.
Until you appeared again.
The weather was still slightly chilly, but it didn't deter you as you set off for school. You walked down your normal path you'd take, only to see a large dog waiting for you at the end of the path. It was chained, but it was blocking the area - most likely waiting for its owner to come back. You didn't have time for that.
Ultimately, the best decision for you was to go around. To take a slight detour. You were never allowed to walk in strange areas, and you knew your parents would have a fit if you were found out.
Approaching the new area with caution, you sped your way through the neighborhood with ease as it wasn't too different from yours.
A glimpse was what caught you off guard.
Passing by an apartment complex, you initially didn't think much of it. You peeked into the parking lot, only to see the back head of a man getting into his car. He was placing something into the back seat, and you watched curiously as he shut the door and turned to get into the front.
Your eyes widened at the exact moment when you saw his face, remembering the blurry outline of the man that rescued you. Quickly, you calculated how much time you had left before school, eventually coming to a decision as you swiftly made your way over to him.
Your walk turned to a run as you watched him get into his car and turn his key. Your bag rapidly beat against your back as you heavily panted, ending up haphazardly behind his car just as he began to back up.
The car instantly halted with a screech, the back lights blaring as you stood frozen in place.
Aizawa heatedly opened the car door, scowling at the blatant disregard you had for your safety. Before you could react, he was already on you.
"Are you not watching where you're going? Do you not know what would've happened if I didn't react in time?" He snapped, not having much patience with random kids so early in the morning.
You stood there awkwardly as you fiddled with your school uniform, not realizing why you had wanted to reach out to him. Looking at the ground, you evaded his angry glare as you thought about what you had wanted to say to him.
Aizawa's expression softened as you avoided his eyes, realizing he was being a bit too harsh on you. He knew he needed to be stern, but he often got scolded by Mic And Midnight for being too harsh at times. Realizing his behavior, he steeled himself by taking a breath and kneeling down to your level.
"Look..." He started, placing a hand on your shoulder, "You just need to make sure you're aware of your surroundings, I don't want you getting hurt because of someone else's actions. "
Looking up at him with determination, you gripped the bottom of your shirt as you exclaimed, "You...! You're the one who helped me in the lake, right?"
His eyes widened for a second as he thought back to it, realizing that you were the kid he helped out at that moment. He never had someone remember him helping them out, often due to his hidden nature to keep his face out of public view. He would simply do his job and leave. If anything, it was to be expected to not get anything out of it.
Aizawa wasn't sure how you did it, but you somehow managed to find him and mustered up the confidence to thank him. He now saw you as who you were, a kid with a name and face instead of being one of the many blurs in the background.
Still at knee level, he rubbed the back of his neck, "I am," curious, he had to ask you, "Would you mind telling me how exactly you were able to find me here? "
You excitedly nodded your head with a smile as you recalled the issue with the dog and your regular path to school, and how even though your parents didn't like you taking new paths that you didn't have a choice, and to please not tell them or else you'd get in trouble -
Immediately, you remembered about school, and instantly realized that if you didn't hurry then you'd be late, Aizawa quickly catching on to your unease.
"I need to..." You started, beginning to walk away as you nervously pointed out towards the sidewalk from which you came.
"How long does it take you to get to school?" You only answered with a shrug, Aizawa sighing in response. He was caught in a rock and a hard place now.
On one hand, he could just leave you and drive to UA as normal, but deal with the guilt of being the cause of your tardiness. On the other hand, he could offer you a ride, but at the expense of getting in trouble and being seen as a creep. A young girl getting into a random man's car with no knowledge of who he was wasn't the brightest idea when it came to evading public attention. With his looks and mysterious reputation, he already got a few odd looks from passerbys as he spoke to you.
Who were you, and how were you already able to worm yourself into his life?
Helping a random kid get to school was definitely not on his itinerary for the day, yet here he was.
"Are you buckled?"
Nodding cheerfully, you hummed in acknowledgement, oblivious to the heavy dread that settled in Aizawa. He had given in as you looked up at him with worry in your eyes, but he brushed it off as a one time thing. He'd only give in this once.
You weren't very good at giving directions, he realized. After too many U-turns and 'wait a minute!'s, he was ready to get out a map instead.
Finally, you arrived at your school with a few minutes to spare. You happily hopped out of the car, turning around and waving at him with a large smile on your face as you walked inside. After you disappeared from his sight, Aizawa meekly gave a little wave. It felt nice, in a way, helping out someone new.
Although, on the other side he was extremely irritated at your lack of awareness as you were ready to hitch a ride with what was a random stranger. He might have slightly scolded you on stranger danger on your way to school, but you didn't mind too much.
He thought that was that, and that he wouldn't see you again. But you were always there, ready to budge your way into his day once more.
The sun was setting, with only a few strands of light clinging onto the ground as Aizawa took a small walk to the convenience store. The air was cool, and the path was near empty as people began leaving before dark. Perfect for a night dweller such as him.
It was only when he saw a familiar figure that he stopped in his tracks.
You were wheeling a bicycle alongside you, wearing casual street clothes now. Why, he wondered, were you out at this time? Yes, it wasn't that late since the sun barely went down, but it was dark. Much too dark for a kid such as you to be out by herself.
"Oh! It's you again!" You greeted him before he could even fully see you, just as happy as you were before.
"It's late. Why are you out here?" His voice was stern, but still carried an undertone of carrying.
You laughed, already having realized that this man wasn't as scary as he seemed on the outside. You had quickly grew comfortable around him, despite how annoyed he seemed every time he saw you.
"My bike broke, so I'm walking," looking around, you noticed the early time, "besides, it's not too late, I've been out later than this."
His eye twitched. You were so comfortable, smiling and ignorant of any danger or threats that were possible. How you survived this long was well beyond him.
"Still-" Heaving another breath, he swallowed any objections and changed the subject, "What's wrong with your bike? "
You looked down at it, gently nudging it to the side and back, "I think the chain popped, though I could be wrong..."
Aizawa knew nothing about bikes. He only rode a few times as a kid and sometimes as a teen when he didn't have a ride. Still, he lowered himself to inspect your bike. Upon further examination, he did discover the chain, broken.
That night he escorted you home, carrying your bike for you since you were hauling it beside you 'too slowly'.
Aizawa nudged open his front door with his foot, convenient store bags in hand. Putting them down on his kitchen table, he took a moment and silently looked at the ground, wondering just why he was constantly fretting over you.
Perhaps it was because of how ignorant you were? Maybe it was just something he picked up when training to be a hero? He had no clue. He wasn't even a kid person, his own students were already pushing his patience a little thinner each day.
Every time he saw you, he got to know a little more about you. Each meeting gave him a puzzle piece, and a picture of who you were was slowly forming with each occurrence.
He began seeing you more often, whether it was due to random chance or by choice, he didn't care.
Waking beside you as you got off school while you told him all the things you learned, running into him at the grocery store and trying to convince him to get your favorite pudding, showing up at his doorstep with a small basket of berries you picked from the town garden...
Sooner than he would've cared for, Aizawa noticed that he began to like having you by his side. Your company was like a breath of fresh air in his lungs, your happy mood constantly keeping him from getting too sour.
It was new, and it was... Pleasant.
Your voice greeted him just like every other time he met you, and he cracked a small smile upon hearing it.
Your were a bit of a distance away, but he stopped in place to allow you to run up to him. You somehow found him once again, taking a walk along the harbor where the boats were docked. It seemed like a game at this point, one you always seemed to win.
"Guess what?!"
Ever so excited, you seemed to be practically buzzing with enthusiasm.
He cocked an eyebrow, putting his hands in his pockets as you strolled next to him, "What is it? Going somewhere, I suppose? "
Your laugh rang in his ears, a sound he couldn't get enough of. He was just happy that you were happy, after all.
"Yes! My parents and I are going to visit Tokyo!" You put your hands on your cheeks, gushing, "It's going to be so fun, the city always has the most to do!"
Ah, Tokyo. It was a nice city, but cities always seemed to bring trouble. As everyone knew, the more populated an area, the more villains littered the place. Suddenly, it seemed that the air of amusement deflated from him.
"Just... Be sure to be careful please. "
You took notice of his sudden mood change, confused as to why he wasn't happy about your trip.
"Of course I will! But..." You tilted your head a bit, "Are you okay? You don't seem very happy today"
Taking notice of your worry, Aizawa quickly put on a weak reassuring smile. Putting a hand on your head, he comforted you, "Don't worry about it, just promise to tell me all about your trip when you get back"
You looked up at him, eyes filled with confidence as you hummed in acknowledgement.
Why was he here? Has he actually lost his mind?
That's all that rolled through Aizawa's mind as he scrolled through train stations you'd be passing by. He just needed to be sure that the ride will be safe. He didn't need to go all the way to Tokyo, but just far enough so that he could reassure his frantic mind.
Yes, he understood how freaky he was being. But for some reason, you triggered some odd emotion deep in his brain that made it so he couldn't not worry about you. The world was rough and sharp, he's seen lots of villains that couldn't care less about tearing a small girl to shreds...
A shudder ran through his spine, and Aizawa quickly ejected the thought from his mind before he could go any more crazy.
The rain was uncomfortable, but there wasn't anything he could do about it. All Aizawa could do was circle around the nearby stations then let you truly go to explore further.
Without him.
It left an odd taste in his mouth.
The train passed by, rumbling the station and the people around it, and he watched as it rode further and further away . . . carrying you with it. Of course you'd come back, it was only a trip. But what would he do if you didn't? What if your parents decided to move to Tokyo? What if you got into an accident?
It was then that he realized how silent his life would be without you in it. You were the colors dotting his gray life.
Taking a deep breath, he decided to drive around to calm himself, his nerves making him more jumpy than he'd like.
The drive was unfortunately cut short.
He knew it. Aizawa knew something was bound to happen.
Of course a villain shows up. He had seen the call earlier that day, but at that time they were much farther away. He realized that whoever the heroes were chasing must've been fast.
He was also quite large.
A massive villain, made of rock was being propelled by what seemed like self-made wings was near-cornered by a good amount of heroes going after him. And when a villain gets trapped they tend to do one of two things: they either (1) Lose any sense of logic in their mind and make stupid last-minute decisions, or (2) Get extremely violent as they know their time is up and that they have nothing to lose.
This villain seemed to be leaning towards the first point, as his flying began to get more and more erratic, frantically trying to find a way out through the numerous towering buildings with a multitude of heroes on his tail.
It was an unfortunate timing of events.
It felt as though time froze for a split second. Aizawa had never felt as powerless as he did in that moment. He could only watch in horror as the villain slammed into the train tracks with a deafening thud, knocking away a good portion of the tracks that sat high above the ocean.
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(Like a combination of these two ^⁠_⁠^)
Huge chunks of rubble slowly collapsed down and into the dark waters that rushed at the bottom of the tracks, down to the point where they couldn't be seen anymore. The metal pieces of the tracks sat sticking out of the remaining ends, bent and distorted.
Whipping his head where your train was coming, Aizawa felt as though his heart was about to overflow and explode to pieces right in his chest. He felt hollow, and everything began to swirl as he watched the train skid in an attempt to stop.
Unfortunately the train was too heavy to stop all at once, causing it to skid over the tracks with a shrieking screech as metal collided with metal.
Sparks flew from the wheels as the train bolted in the direction of the collapsed tracks, threatening to hurl itself over and into the roaring waters below. Surrounding citizens were ushered out of the area for their safety, but those remaining sat and watched tensely, often screaming out in worry and horror at the sight before them.
Aizawa immediately halted his car and tore out into your direction while leaving it where it sat, uncaring for anything that blocked his way from getting to you. He held his scarf that once sat in his passenger seat haphazardly in his arms, struggling to get the heavy metal properly around his neck while he ran.
Pure adrenaline coursed through his veins as he sprinted with all his might towards the skidding train, his eyes never leaving the sight. He knew that he wouldn't be able to make it up there on time, and he surely knew he couldn't stop a train, but he'd be damned if he sat there watching without attempting anything.
A slight burst of hope sparked within him as several strength-bound heroes rushed to the scene and teamed up to heave the train in the opposite direction to slow it's movement. It was a bit of a struggle, but the stalling of what would've been a complete massacre of a train full of civilians meant everything in that moment.
A hero in front was attempting to push his feet in front of the machine while it skidded against him, and several in the back were using an assortment of quirks in an attempt to pull it backwards.
Slowly, the train began to slow just as Aizawa made his way up to it, the train still ticking its way uncomfortably close to the edge. He hopped into the train from the roof just as the front of the train slowly ran over the edge, dangling itself over the dark waters while the back cabins sat on the crumbling tracks.
All the passengers were in a panic, and it was incredibly difficult for Aizawa to manage his way through the terrified screaming and faces full of tears, but he was determined to face the chaos in order to find you.
He knew he was breaking Heroes Code. Once you were a hero, you were expected to do your best to save every person you could, with no bias towards one and risk the lives of many others. But he just couldn't think of such a thing at that time.
His mind was in a frenzy as the passengers all started hollering and rushing towards the back of the train, and in that moment, Aizawa realized why.
The front cabin of the train was threatening to rip off from the back end, the cables slowly snapping as more and more people rushed through it.
Eventually, a horrible, dreadful silence filled the cabin as the passengers still inside the front all froze in place, terrified to make a single move.
Aizawa stood at the front of the cabin that sat on the tracks, peering down inside the cabin that dangled - straight at the petrified faces of the passengers as they looked to him for rescue.
He had to think. If he just walked in, the entire thing would collapse. But he didn't see you in any of the cabins when he started at the back, and he took a second to glance over the terrified faces, each nothing but a blur to him.
Faceless, nameless citizens.
It was then that he instantly locked eyes with you, huddled at the way front end of the train. You were gripping the top bar of the train with such force that your knuckles were white, and he could see the true look of horror on your face as you had the closest view of the water waiting to swallow you down below.
He could only assume the two adults next to you were your parents, but he wasn't focused on them. Your eyes were screaming for him. It was extremely unsettling for him, to see your usually innocent and joyful face filled with such fear.
He only had one thing on his mind. The only thing he's every thought of whenever it came to you.
To keep you safe. To protect your smile.
At this point a couple other heroes had boarded the train alongside him and began to rush the the front end of the train, intent on getting everyone out alive.
Unaware of Aizawa's selfishness.
Slowly, the cables snapped as the cabin began to lower without stopping, causing the passengers to go into another round of distress as they all could only await the inevitable.
Quickly, Aizawa gave a small glance behind his shoulder to the random hero calling his name, keeping you in his peripheral vision. He was a young man with thick ropes of metal unwinding from his body, keeping the secondary cabin that still sat on the tracks from falling with the front. The metal coils winded around and through the train as it gripped the machine, keeping the man stationary.
"Please! Just save who you can!"
Another hero from behind the young man added on, "There are other pros waiting below the train to catch as many passengers as they can! They can't assure they'll be able to save everyone, so please! Move whoever you can grab, and do it NOW!"
He sprung into action before the hero could even finish her sentence, darting straight in your direction. For a brief second, his eyes caught a glimpse of who your parents were, and he realized that if he put in some extra effort that he could've taken them with him.
A dark, heavy feeling filled his mind for a second, and he seemed to lose control of his normally logical mind.
Envy. Jealousy. Rage.
They too, were faceless, nameless citizens.
He was rash, wrapping and hauling you up and through the cabin with his scarf, immediately pulling you into his arms as he carried you to the safer cabin. Once his scarf was free he hastily tugged a few nearby passengers into the cabin with him, an alibi, before the cabin snapped entirely and began collapsing down below.
The passengers erupted into a cacophony of shrieks and crying as they uselessly tried to make their way to the other cabin before theirs fell entirely. Aizawa caught a glimpse of your parents faces again, but he only watched as they fell with no remorse on his face.
He felt hollow, but at the same time he felt fulfilled with you in his grasp.
Looking over, he saw a couple heroes mid-flight, ready to do what they could for the falling passengers. Aizawa could only look on grimly as he understood they wouldn't be able to handle all the people left behind.
You were clinging to him as the front end of the train collapsed, and as you turned your head Aizawa covered your face with his jacket to keep you from witnessing something that a kid your age shouldn't ever have to see in their lifetime.
The tragedy was all over the news. Numerous heroes littered the scene as they assisted all those that they saved to the medical professionals. News reporters were constantly attempting to get a word from one of those heroes, or an image of what was left behind. A few selfish ones, hungry for a best seller, tried to get a few words in with the victims.
The train was now empty, the front cabin sitting in the waters below and the rest of the train barely lasting against the remains of the crumbling tracks.
Ambulances were wheeling out more people than they had room for, and construction heroes were already on the scene as they got ready to remove the train from the hazardous tracks.
And yet, throughout all the chaos, all Aizawa could look as was you.
You, clinging onto him for dear life. You, who almost lost that life. You, who once again was saved by him just as he did that one time in the lake.
He refused to part with you, accompanying you all the way to the closest hospital they could get you to that wasn't overcrowded. He still stayed by your side, all throughout the night as you couldn't sleep.
He was by your side as the doctors gave you one last checkup before letting you know you were ready to leave.
And he was the shoulder you cried on when you found out the news about your parents. They were just faces in the crowd, yet he was still there to assist you.
He was a hollow, empty man towards the unknown. Those without faces didn't gain any sympathy from him, they littered the background plenty.
He was there when you felt completely, awfully lost and scared. And he was the one to offer you a home. He gave you a home, safety, and unconditional love and comfort. He was simply, conveniently there, and you didn't question it.
He was there for every fear, every nightmare, and every time your felt alone.
Later on, he was the one who accompanied you to school, this time as the one to sign you up and drive you home without worry. He drove you everywhere freely, no matter where you wanted to go. No worries attached.
You reached out to him as your pillar, and for once, things flipped around as he was your beacon of light now.
Soon enough, your smile returned, and with it that laugh he so enjoyed hearing from you. You were safe, and you were happy. That was all he needed.
Now that you were his, he wouldn't risk a single thing that he thought would put you in danger.
Your laugh was purely for him to hear.
Your smile was only his to see.
Your safety was only his concern.
Constantly by your side, you both rarely parted. He wouldn't allow you to anymore, seeing what happened the last time he attempted to let you go off without him.
You couldn't have been more grateful for all he gave you. He saved you from a lonely life ahead, and he kept you safe. He was always telling you that, anyways.
But you didn't mind. Aizawa was Aizawa, and you couldn't ask for anything else. For all you knew, he was the man who always conveniently showed up to save you, the one to always lend a hand whenever you needed it.
But to you, he wasn't Aizawa anymore.
He was Dad.
And he wouldn't ever let it go any other way.
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I hope this was good for a first attempt at writing Yandere! If this wasn't to your liking, send me a message through asks and I'll write another how you'd like! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
I really liked the plot I made for this one - ̗̀ ( ˶'ᵕ'˶) ̖́-
I'm working on the other requests I've gotten, I've been getting plenty! I really appreciate every one who sent one in, I look forward to fulfilling what I can ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
I hope you all have a lovely day!
@jessiedead Hope you like it (⁠^⁠^⁠)
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sourlove · 5 months
I loved your new post about yandere mha boys with pregnant reader I was wondering if you could do one where the baby isn’t there’s and they don’t realise until it’s born ? Pleaseee
ft. Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, Aizawa
Thanks for the ask!
Oh dear...that's certainly a problem. The birth of your first child was something he was looking forward to with a lot of hope. Hope that seeing him caring for the child would spark a love for him finally. Unfortunately, it's obvious the child wasn't his, and they didn't look like you either.
You had cheated on him. Well, not actually. In truth, by the time Izuku kidnapped you, you were already pregnant with your current partner, who Izuku got rid of, but none of you were aware of it at the time. But acknowledging that was acknowledging that Izuku's image of a perfect family had shattered and it was all his fault.
So he blames you. Throws all sorts of accusations about you cheating and sneaking out to see other men, and then dumping your bastard baby on him. He refuses to have anything to do with the child and only used them to keep you in line, threatening to get rid of them if you misbehaved. Izuku felt broken. He felt as if everything had taken a sudden wrong turn in his life. He felt like he just lost control of the life he had planned. Everything was going to be perfect, your lives were going to be perfect. Then you had to go and spoil it all.
The only thing you can do at this point is try to make him happy. Maybe if you have a couple of kids that are actually his, he will be willing to forgive you and accept that child as a member of his family.
Katsuki is angry. But not at you, he's just pissed that he didn't see something like this coming. When that filthy bastard that used to call himself your boyfriend put his hands all over you, how could Katsuki forget? If he had known sooner, he could have done something to stop it before it got too far.
But he's too late now. Worst part is, he has to watch you pay more attention to a brat that isn't even his. Katsuki grudgingly helps with the baby, still a bit resentful that he wasn't the one to knock you up first. The kid starts to grow on him soon. The little brat sort of reminds him of you and he can even pretend it's his for a moment.
It's not too bad, Katsuki decided one night as the baby lay fast asleep on his chest and you curled up next to him on the couch, dozing off as well. Maybe he was cut out for this family shit after all.
Oh boy...
He's relieved that he technically had no part to play in it but he's also very pissed. Who would dare to touch his darling? He hates the thought of anyone being able to impregnate you other than him.
Shoto is literally acting hot and cold, sometimes being helpful and supportive, other times dismissive and harsh. He's not quite sure what to do with another man's baby. All his fears about bringing in a child that has his family traits have disappeared but there's still an actual, living baby to consider.
He tries to get out of his head a bit when he sees you are actually struggling to take care of the baby and of yourself too. All things considered, he still loves you. For now, Shoto will just concentrate on keeping the baby alive and keeping you happy.
He's surprisingly chill about the whole affair. As an underground hero, Shota's seen a lot of people in a lot of different situations. Things like this just happen. While he's definitely surprised, he adapts pretty quickly. He's a pretty good dad, very reliable when you're not feeling a 100%. It really improves your opinion of him and makes you more comfortable around him.
Don't let your guard down though. Shota isn't going to settle for just one kid. Once you're healed, get ready to get pregnant again :)
A/N: Please leave a like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed this! Also tagging people can be a bit confusing because I always forget who wants to be tagged so if you do want to be tagged, please specify whether you want to be tagged for a particular series or for all my work.
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artemis32 · 9 months
subjugation vi
i'm on my period and i am dying, so - here's a drabble no one asked for
subjugation masterlist
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Thinking about EraserMic and how they treat you while you're on your period.
If you thought they were overbearing before, you have no idea how little breathing room you'll have now - literally.
Let's follow the order of events.
First, you'll become snippy with them, even more short off than you usually are. Normally, they can ignore your sharp quips and snarled words and move on with the conversation, but really, with the way you're acting, they can't let that kind of behaviour slide.
There's really no other way to describe it - you were being a bitch. A nasty one.
So they punish you in that strange way of theirs, forcing you to keep them company, overwhelming you with their presence, metaphorically force-feeing you their presence.
That does nothing but make it worse, pushing your already irritable mood to the edge.
Except this time, instead of snapping at them and lashing out as you usually would, you're pushed to the more emotional side of things.
Hizashi is horrified when you burst into tears in the middle of the living room, sniffling as you try in vain to mop up your tears with your shirt sleeve.
He'd expected you to become emotional, just not like this. You hardly ever cried, and even when you did, you tried to make sure it wasn't around the two of them.
You probably thought it made you look weak. What a ridiculous notion.
He lays a hesitant palm on your shoulder, patting it awkwardly as he murmurs softly.
"...you okay?"
As your sniffles grow to sobs, he cringes back.
He discusses it with Shota that night while you sleep, having gone to bed early. It was unusual for you to be exhausted this early in the evening, but the two took the opportunity to discuss your recent odd behaviour.
They talk in circles for most of the night, never settling on one reason for your outburst.
A few days later though, all is revealed.
You could try to hide it for a bit, but you won't last all that long. Not with two observant, seasoned pro heroes monitoring your every movement.
Try as you might, you can't hide the pain on your features, or the odd grimace here and there, or the fact that you're using wads of toilet paper as pads.
Unsurprisingly, you hadn't had your period in the months following your abduction. Who would've thought that extreme stress and anxiety would cause your period to be all but non-existent.
That unfortunately meant that the house wasn't very well equipped to handle a woman or her cycle.
Pads or tampons? Zero.
Pain killers? Ziltch.
Heating pads? None.
Chocolate? Nada.
But once they'd realised what was really going on, the situation was quickly remedied.
That's how you found yourself smothered under a pile of blankets, squished between the two pro heroes on the couch, being forced to drink warm tea by the cupful.
In a way, it was almost... nice?
It was warm and comfortable, and the painkillers Shouta had all but shoved down your throat had done wonders for your cramps. And it didn't hurt that they weren't trying to talk to you, or interact with you at all beyond the occasional shift in positioning.
Not to mention, the crushing weight of their bodies on you felt almost soothing.
(Also Shouta had such nice, warm hands - they're large too, comforting as they encompass your lower stomach, gently massaging the cramping, bloated area).
That's how you find yourself dozing off as some or other reality tv show plays on in the background.
They'd act like that all week, treating you like some fragile kitten, careful not to make any sudden sounds or movements.
Of course, they go back to usual as soon as your period is over, but for those glorious few days, it's as if they almost don't exist, only ever bothering you to bring you what you want.
It's almost worth the cramps, back aches, tender breasts and awful mood swings.
Except, a few months down the line, Hizashi realises he has a thing for period sex, and it definitely doesn't hurt that it's supposed to help with cramps.
You can't blame him, he's just trying to help you.
So what if he gets off in the process?
Hizashi is a period sex kinda man and you can't convince me otherwise. Man's is nasty.
I'll definitely expand on this some other time :))
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yndrgrl · 1 year
Could u do a aizawa fic pls
you found a new job under yandere! aizawa as a nanny for his cute kid
age gap. quirkless! au. soft! yandere. dom! aizawa
warning: nsfw, stalking, smacking/slapping, slight coercion??, punishment, daddy kink, sir kink, creampie
a/n: yayyy, first request 🥳 idk if you wanted a fluff or spicy fanfic... so i chose spicy haha. also sorry for taking so long, i just started a new job :0
it was a chance encounter, you truly believed. your first year of college just came to a close, & now you had too much free time while the money in your bank account was slowly declining. even if you saved as much as possible, you'd still end up spending all of your money then you'd have to dip into your savings account-- something that you didn't want to do.
so that began your search for a job. you used websites, applied in-person. you thought your resume was solid enough to land a job by now. but no. even though they claimed they were desperately hiring, they never hired you. some had the curtesy to at least let you know that they weren't going to go with you; the rest completely ghosted you. from receptionist to substitute teacher to bank teller, they all rejected you.
it was extremely frustrating to go through the interviewing process then you were ultimately rejected. it was as if someone had it out for you.
that chance encounter happened while you were on the phone with your best friend. you sat at a small round table in a cafe you frequent often.
"i just don't get it, jirou!" you exasperated, taking a sip from your drink. you let out a heavy sigh. with how much effort you've put into finding a new job, you should've been paid.
"i'm sure momo's dad has a job for you," the girl on the other line tried to assure. she was on her daily jog, so she was slightly out of breath as she spoke.
with your face propped in your hand, you responded, "we already tried. all the available positions are for people with like, actual degrees or something. besides, we're not close enough for her to make a whole new job for me."
"i'm sure a job will fall right into your lap," jirou said, rustles of clothes being picked up in the phone microphone. in some sort of messed-up irony, she was getting ready for work. the universe just loved toying with you.
you took a breath in to exclaim how much you needed the money, needed a job, when a man pulled out the chair across from your table. "i'm sorry, i don't mean to be rude & eavesdrop," he began, catching your attention.
"sorry jirou, i'll call you back in just a sec," you whispered, then you hung up. "um, sorry, can i help you?" you took mental note of his appearance-- you know, just in case something happens in this very public, very populated cafe.
just by looks, you'd assume he was in his early thirties. his jet black hair was tied into a bun, stray strands framing his face. there were bags under his eyes-- along with a noticeable scar under his left one. though his disheveled appearance, he took care of himself; his stubble was even & maintained. his shirt was tight around his arms & his chest, & you could faintly make out the shape of his muscles. & god, were they big. he was alluring, with that slight smirk of his.
he would've intimidated you, maybe even set off red flags if he didn't have a toddler bouncing on his leg, tugging his hair out of its bun. she bubbled words & strung together incoherent sentences in beg of attention of her dad.
"i apologize again, i really didn't mean to eavesdrop," he repeated. "it's just i couldn't help but overhear you were looking for a job?"
"yes!" you exclaimed, clearing your throat with an embarrassed blush on your face. "i am looking for a job."
"are you interested in being a live-in nanny for my little girl?"
it was a chance encounter, you truly believed.
the job & its perks were almost too perfect, but you're not complaining. you got to move into the basement of his suburban home for free, he would cook you breakfast & make sure the fridge & cabinets were well-stocked. for nearly $25 an hour, you were living the dream.
eri, his -adoptive- daughter, was an absolute gem as well. she was a cheery toddler who loves life. she's not a picky eater, she loves picking out her own outfits, & if you turned off her show, she would pout for a little bit then bounce back for the next activity. never once has she screamed & shouted. she would cling onto her father almost all the time when he was home.
speaking of her father, you learned his name was shota aizawa, so, naturally, you call him mr. aizawa or sir. he would constantly ask you would other things you wanted, not needed. he would take you shopping, calling it a bonus. your living area was decorated, & you didn't even have to pay a dime! there were times where you felt more like a sugar baby than a nanny, in all honesty.
not that you minded. one look at him & you could already feel your heart beat quicken. maybe it was your daddy issues that just scream when you choose a guy you're into, but he was exactly your type. he's protective, yet soft. strong, yet humble.
you thought you hid your crush on him quite well, treating him as though he were any other person. sometimes you felt like he knew you were so utterly attracted to him.
"y/n," he called out, drawing you out of thought.
"u-uh yes sir?" you replied. you were dressed down still as it was the morning. he just finished breakfast & eri was fast asleep, bound to wake up at any moment. it was just the two of you.
"are you okay?" he asked. aizawa awaited for your answer while he plated your breakfast. he always insisted so you learned to let him.
as he walked towards you with your plate, you answered, "yeah, i'm okay."
he set down the plate in front of you from behind. aizawa bent over so his head was leveled with yours. both of his arms encased you, & if it weren't for the back of your chair, you would've been pressed against his chest. "are you sure?" he whispered into your ear. "i'm hear to listen, if you'd let me."
you turned your head to look at him because, somewhere in your strange logic, you thought it would've reduced the tension & made you less embarrassed. it did the opposite.
the tips of your noses touched, his lips only a few centimeters from yours. with half-lidded eyes, the way he looked at you made you quiver. you tried to create space between the two of you, only for your head to meet his arm. centimeters turned to an inch of space. "i-i am okay," you repeated.
"aw, don't lie to me," he said in teasing voice, but you could've been imagining it. "i know it's been hard, tell me about it~" you never would've thought he would have this amount of confidence-- mainly because, if he did, he should've been bringing home loads of women.
"i-i, it's just, um," you stumbled over your words. he had a smirk, amused. his eyes glanced down to your glossy, shaky lips, then back into your doe eyes, just waiting.
"daddy," eri called from the top of the staircase.
"y/n," he whispered.
"y-yes, mr. a-aizawa?"
"eat your food before it gets cold." & with that, he pulled away from you, sauntering upstairs to grab eri. left stunned, you picked at your food.
oh, how you loved telling your friends about how hot your boss is.
after that incident, you had to tell all your friends about it, so, during your guys' weekly, weekend, late night group facetime.
"oh, my god!" uraraka squealed. "you HAVE to tell us more."
"yeah, that's literally so hot," jirou laughed. "see! you found a perfect job."
you had your phone propped against some random bottle as you snuck into the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat. another thing about eri is that, once she's asleep, nothing is waking that girl up. as for aizawa, he's usually up doing something else-- which explains the bags under his eyes & his scheduled naps.
while you dumped your noodles into a pot of boiling water, you said into your phone, "i'm not even exaggerating, it was the hottest thing to ever happen to me."
giggles erupted from your phone. "well, to be fair, you haven't had much luck with guys in the past," mina stated. it was true. while you were in high school -& this past year of college- you really didn't connect with any guys.
"maybe the problem was that they were all her age," joked jirou. hysterical laughter followed after. you were bent over, trying to catch your breath.
"that's not true! i could go for guys our age," you tried to defend yourself.
"okay, let's name every single one of your crushes ever," tsu said, her camera angle only showing her eyes.
all the other girls started to spit out whoever they could think of.
"remember keigo? he was like, 2 years older than us," momo said.
"that's not even that bad," you rolled your eyes, stirring your noodles & adding the seasoning packet.
"oh yeah?" jirou challenged, "what about shoto-"
"he's our age!" you cut her off to save yourself the embarrassment. "besides i didn't even like him."
"yeah cuz you liked his DAD," jirou finished, to which even more bowls of laughter erupted. okay, maybe you did have a thing for older guys.
"oh wow, y/n, i didn't know you had a thing for older guys," a voice spoke from behind you. you jumped, letting out a yelp.
your phone blasted all of your friends' laughter until you grabbed your phone & hung up. "o-oh hey, sir," you stuttered out. you hid your phone behind your back as if you were caught doing something wrong. you felt your phone vibrate, your friends begging to be on call again. "how much did you hear?"
"not much," shrugged aizawa as he grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet above you. that's when you realized how warm he was, how flushed his face was, how messy his hair fell. that's when you realized he was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants & a small towel around his neck.
"wh-what are you doing up," you coughed, taking in his physic-- just for a second, of course. veins protruded up his muscular biceps down his forearms. his pecs were in front of your face. they were well-toned. his washboard abs rose with every breath he took. you let yourself quickly -& ever so sneakily- glance downward. smaller veins & a trail of black hair were like arrows, pointing down his sweatpants. you gulped. was it normal to have a bulge that big-
"you know, it's rude to stare, y/n," aizawa whispered in your ear before pulling away. he walked toward the fridge that had a water dispenser attached to the freezer door. "i just need a cup of water after my workout," he answered in his regular voice to her question.
"oh, nice, nice," you said. a tense, awkward silence followed afterwards. "i-i'm sorry, i didnt mean to," you swallowed, "stare."
"right, i'm sure." & with that said, he left upstairs to get ready for bed.
aizawa loved teasing cute, little you. how could he not? your reactions were simply priceless. your face would get pink while you tried desperately to hide your embarrassment. your skittish eyes darted around the room just to avoid eye contact.
you weren't going to speak up because he knew that you "secretly" loved it. you'd probably make some lame excuse to defend yourself. you'd say, "well i'll let it slide just this once because i really need this job." which was the truth, it just wasn't the entire truth. aizawa knew though. he knew how much you craved his closeness.
he loves teasing you, but he's not a monster.
that's why he whispers in your ear, caging you between him & some other surface. he fed into your fantasies while fueling his own.
he thinks about you. all the time. more than you'll ever know.
what you believed to be a chance encounter was -in fact- a calculated, perfectly-executed plan concocted by aizawa. you might've never noticed him until he introduced himself, but you're so eye catching; it was only natural for him to notice you.
at first, he cursed himself to the moon & back for being attracted to someone ten years younger than him. you're only twenty-three, why is he so charmed by you?
determined to find a fault in your character, he learned your daily routine, find your social handles, grasping at anything. he was expecting to find out that maybe you're so much of an alcoholic that you practically live at a bar or that you have eighteen children with twelve different guys. but no, he found nothing terrible about you.
all of your habits he found adorable-- especially the face you make when you're frustrated. he would watch from afar as you grunted & groaned at your laptop screen. the day at the cafe he figured out why you were so upset lately.
that's why he offered you the job, out of the kindness of his heart. no other reason.
he just wanted to make sure that you stay happy & safe, which is why he installed secret cameras in the basement before you moved in.
he loved to tease you. he loved to rile you up.
he'd tease you so badly that you -at the dead of night- spread you legs wide towards the camera & play with yourself with your fingers, moaning desperately for him. all while aizawa watched you.
tonight was different though because, with the money he gave you, you bought yourself something new. tonight, you had a bright pink vibrator stimulate your clit while your eyes rolled back in ecstasy. aizawa was offended, in all honesty. it was almost like you were mocking him.
he could do better than some toy. you should've known that. he was angry, aroused, & ready to make his move.
you were unsuspecting. usually you were hyper-aware of your surroundings when you masterbated, scared of getting caught. however, this was your first time using a vibrator, & god, it felt so good. you've never experienced anything like it before. blood rushed to your ears as you could only listen to the vibrations & your choked-back moans.
aizawa crept down the stairs, into your basement. the floorboards would creak as a warning, but they fell on deaf ears. he opened the door to the basement, sneaking in. the only light that was on was a dimly lit lamp from your room. "ngh, ah." he heard your muffled moans, & his cock twitched in anticipation.
he bursted through the door, making you jump back & pull the closest thing over the bottom half of yourself. "s-sir! i-is something wrong?" you asked in a high-pitched voice as you tried to calm yourself down.
he gave you a glare, & you felt like you were in trouble, preparing for some sort of punishment. even though you didn't do anything wrong, it was him who barged in. "what. the fuck. do you think you're doing?" he seethed, closing the bedroom door. you were exposed, your juices so clearly staining your sheets.
"wh-what are you talking about-"
"don't give me that, y/n. you've been such a bad girl," he growled. aizawa stalked closer towards you as you gulped.
"n-no i haven't, i don't know what you mean, sir," you managed to say, watching him walk to the side of your bed.
"what were you doing then, hm?" he questioned with a mocking smirk. "tell me. i'd hate to do something brash over a misunderstanding."
"i-i was just laying down," you lied. he was standing at the edge of your bed, & you turned towards him. your gaze was met with his aching bulge, & you gushed all over your bed once more. you tried covering up the squelching with a yawn. "i-i'm kinda tired, you know." you were still staring at his crotch, licking your lips subconsciously.
suddenly, his hand shot to your face, his palm covering your mouth while his thumb & middle finger dug into your cheeks. "don't lie to me~ you were touching yourself, weren't you? using a dirty toy while you thought about me, hm?" you tried shaking your head but he grasped harder, making you still. "i said, don't fuckin' lie to me." he made you nod your head yes while you look up into his lusted eyes.
"you're such a bad girl, & you should know that i don't tolerate any kind of bad behavior," he informed, his gaze never breaking away from yours. "i'm going to sit down, & you're going to lay belly-down on my lap, alright, baby?"
you shook your head no once again, embarrassed. you knew that, the moment you would do that, he would catch you. after all, from the waist down, you had no clothing. "no?" he repeated in an almost sing-songy voice. "no?"
it happened so fast. one minute you were disobeying him, the next you were on his lap, just as he wanted. the baggy crop top rode up the arch of your back, & now you were practically naked -ass up- on your boss' lap. you buried your face into your messy duvet. you felt your core leak onto your inner thighs, hoping aizawa didn't notice your arousal. he did though; he loved it.
his fingers stroked your pussy as he slurred, "what a naughty girl, gettin' wet for me. y'know how much older i am, don't ya?"
you nodded your head, dripping onto his fingers.
"& ya still want me?"
you nodded, this time with a small squeak. he pulled your head back with his other hand entangled in your hair. "what was that, baby?"
"y-yes," you whispered out, hyperfixated on his fingers that teased you.
"yes what?"
"yes, i-i want you, sir," you moaned out. his middle finger ghosted over your clit, & you jolted closer to him for more friction.
"aww, you're so cute," he purred as he let go of your hair, allowing you to fall back into your bed. "it's a shame that you were so impatient though," he said with faux pity, "i have to punish you."
"no, please," you whined. "that's not fair!"
"not fair? oh darling, you brought this on yourself," he laughed. aizawa drew his hand away from your aching pussy, much to your dismay. the hand came back down, thrashing your ass cheek. you let out a muffled scream into your blanket as you were pushed forward with his force.
"what's wrong, y/n? can't handle a bit of spanking?"
"n-no! i-i want you... i-inside of me," you stuttered out with a red-tinted cheeks.
"aww, do you?"
you nodded eagerly. he, in response, growled lowly, "you're going to learn your lesson. i don't want to hear anymore whining. you're going to be my good girl, & take it, right?"
you just nodded again.
"i said, you're going to be a good girl for me, aren't you?"
"y-yes, sir!"
you let out a moan, looking back at him with teary eyes. you wanted an explanation why he spanked you again. you did everything right, didn't you? you were a good girl.
"you didn't apologize."
"i-i'm s-so sorry, daddy," you gasped out, then tried to explain why you called him that. "i-i didn't-"
"you're going to keep calling me that, right?"
"y-yes, daddy." your ass stung bright red, & you felt the tingling sensation as the blood rushed to your asscheeks. aizawa let his hand graze over you, squeezing you ever so slightly.
"sit up, & look at me, y/n," he commanded in a softer tone than before. mindlessly & eagerly, you sat up onto his lap. one hand gripped on your hip while the other was placed behind your back. you wrapped your arms around his neck to stay sitting up. he leaned in for a kiss, lips pressed against your plush ones. with the hand behind your back, he glided his nails over your back.
his tongue slid over your bottom lip before invading your mouth. you let out a moan as he kissed you. he was the one to pull away, you unconsciously leaned into him for another kiss. you were snapped out of your lust when he dove into your neck, nipping & kissing all over. between hickeys, he whispered, "see? good girls get a reward."
you just let out breathless moans. your arms were still around his neck while he lowered you onto the bed. "baby, i don't ever wanna punish you again," aizawa lied, slipping your crop top over your head before throwing it on the floor. he took of his shirt, chuckling when he saw how pink your ears got. "you know why i had to punish you though, don't you?"
"y-yes, i do, d-daddy," you stuttered out. it was hard to focus while he dragged his tongue over your body. he bit your collarbone, sucked on your tits, kissed down your torso. it was all so distracting.
"why did i have to punish you, y/n?"
"because i-i was p-playing with myself without y-your permission," you told him, sighs in between every word. you don't know how or when your legs were over his shoulders, & you didn't notice until he spoke.
every annunciation blew warm air to your throbbing heat. "such a smart girl, y/n~" he praised, his onyx eyes locking with your doe eyes. you didn't have to say anything, he could tell by your facial expressions how badly you needed him. he kitten-licked your pussy; it was so little, yet you couldn't help but squeak in delight.
"oh, my god," you moaned out, throwing your head back as he began to lap your juices. he groaned as his tongue flicked your clit.
"you taste so fuckin' good, baby," he uttered, diving back for more.
"thank you, daddy," you said, you didn't even know if he still wanted to punish you, but there was a chance that he did, & you didn't want this to stop.
"good girl."
he stimulated your clit with his tongue while three fingers pumped in & out of your hole. he pulled away from your pussy for a second, demanding, "look at me when you cum, got it?"
"yes d-daddy!" you yelled out, self-restraint turning into the opposite. a pressure built inside your core, threatening to pop at any second. you looked down, tears of pleasure & neediness rolling down your pink cheeks. "i-i'm gonna cum. please keep going, i'm gonna cum!" you let out a string of pleads & moans as you came all over aizawa's face.
he stood up, slipping off his pants & boxers. he kicked them away as he towered over you. he was standing on the edge of the bed while you lied with your legs spread. "you want me, y/n? you really want me?" he asked because if you wanted him to stop, he would. if you wanted him to do anything, he'd do it.
"i really want you," you said as sincerely as someone who just climaxed could say anything. "i-i just don't want this to be a one-time thing," you admitted.
he laughed, lining his cock with your entrance as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. "trust me, baby. this is not a one-time thing, i'm so addicted to you, y/n. you don't even know." he finished his short-lived speech by shoving his girthy dick into your cunt, & you remembered just how dominate aizawa was. you let out a scream due to the pain, unexpectedness, & utter pleasure you got all in a single moment.
his thrusts were soft & slow at first. you could feel every inch leave then plunge back into your weeping hole. "d-d-daddy, you're so big," you moaned while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
his pace picked up, hips jerking against you. your tits jiggled with every thrust, claps every time he went back inside you. he abused your sensitive g-spot, ramming himself in & out of you. your hands unraveled themselves around his neck, your nails digging into his muscular back. you let out babbles how you couldn't take it, how you were going stupid, & how you were going to cum. he groaned in response, "if you're saying anything other than daddy or more, shut your fuckin' mouth & take it like a good girl."
"n-ngh, ahhh, yesss daddy," you slurred, eyes rolling to the back of your head. you wanted him to slow down so you could think again, but you liked being mindless, you liked how you didn't have the energy or will power to think about anything in this fucked-up world. all that mattered in that moment was you, aizawa, & how good the two of you felt.
"you're so fuckin' beautiful, baby," he groaned, he couldn't help but compliment you. how could he not? you looked even better pinned under him than he imagined. "so tight for me."
"please let c-cum with me, daddy," you begged. he didn't respond for a second, & you started to doubt yourself.
"wh-where," he groaned out, thrusts becoming rough & sloppy.
he was losing composure. "where do you want me to cum?"
"inside," you answered quickly, wrapping your legs around his waist. you felt like you were in control now. "i-i want you inside of me when i cum all over your cock, d-daddy~"
"y/n. don't say stupid shit," he warned, knowing damn well he'd fold in an instant. you kept moaning with every thrust, begging for him to cum.
"p-please~ daddy, i deserve it. i-i've been a good girl," you whimpered. you jutted your bottom lip in a pout & tried to give your best puppy-dog eyes. every thrust he could see you twitch in pleasure, your expression couldn't hide how much you were enjoying this.
"fuckin' brat," he scowled. he watched you as you figured out how much power you truly have over him. he couldn't blame you for extorting it because that's what he did to you. at the end of the day though, you won.
he became sloppy & fast. his cock twitched inside of you when he saw your slutty expression-- tongue hanging out of your mouth, cheeks red, tears running down your face, eyes begging. & it was all because of him, how he fucked you. he was the cause of such a beautiful thing. finally, with a single thrust, he buried himself deep within you, cumming.
whiteness painted your insides while you came around him, clenching his twitching prick. "a-aizawa!" you screamed out in pure ecstasy.
deep breathes, panting, & sighs of content followed afterwards. he slipped out of your gaping hole, his sperm leaking out of your pussy. he climbed into your bed, coddling you. you were still shaky, senses heighten. you placed your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat slow.
he pulled the covers over the two of you. aizawa said while massaging your scalp, "you okay, baby?"
"mhm," you hummed, "i-i just never been fucked like that before."
he laughed, then kissed the top of your head. "i promise that this won't be the last time, y/n. i'm all yours." though he didn't say it, he was thinking, besides, guys your age won't know what to do with a bad girl like you.
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zentraex · 1 year
Could u do an arrange/forced marriage of aizawa fic please ❤️ (Maybe mafia AU?)
Thank you so much for this request! This is my first one and it made me so happy! I hope I didn't disappointed you or something like that.
Like always, English is not my first language and German grammar is a lot different than English grammar. So, sorry for any mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: forced marriage, slightly yandere, mentioning of a gun
Also, I got an inspiration for the last few sentences from a picture in Pinterest. So, it wasn't really my idea, but fitted really well.
I hate you
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The detailed planning should make you feel like you're floating above clouds.  The closer the day gets, the wilder the butterflies should fly in your stomach.
It should be the most beautiful day of your life: your wedding day.
A nightmare. This is a nightmare.
But why is it exactly the opposite for you? 
Locked up in your room, the only retreat you had left until now, the day scratched squeaking at your door. 
You dreaded this day, so much that the nausea in you grew bigger and bigger.
It is the worst day of your life: your wedding day.
The shackles around your hands are straining at your wrists. Just...what shackles? The ones you imagine?
How could you end up like this?
Your gaze wanders to the empty seats which are reserved for your parents. 
True, they are to blame... Or rather yourself? 
When did it all start?
Your family was a normal baker's family, nothing special. You were happy to follow their footsteps and take over the shop later.
You would have had regular customers, 70% of them would have been old seniors, and you would have chatted happily with them. Who knows, maybe that's how you would have found the love of your life? 
Your future partner wouldn't have wanted anything big, just a few rolls, but he wouldn't have known which ones. You would have advised him and your way of talking and smiling would have charmed him. He would have come again and then more regularly, and slowly, the two of you would be something more.
You've always raved about it. Who would have thought that this dream turned out to be a nightmare? 
Shota Aizawa or Eraser Head as he is called in his mafia group, was actually the one customer, “your true love".
Your parents wanted to have an evening to themselves, so you had to take over the shop. 
"Welcome," you smiled. The man in front of you was tall. His black hair was disheveled and hung down to his shoulders. His red eyes were only half open. He looked like he had been through several sleepless nights. 
"A few bread rolls."
For a moment, there was silence between you as you waited for him to give a more precise order.
"Which ones and how many?"
His tired eyes wandered through the variety of bread rolls your bakery had to offer. 
"Which ones are good?"
A proud grin formed on your lips. 
"I'd say they are all of the best quality, but if you ask me what my favorites are, it's definitely the milk bread rolls."
"Yes, then I'll take those."
You almost sighed out loud.  What was with that guy?
"And how many?"
His eyes glanced briefly at your smile. 
"All of them."
Your eyes widened when you heard this almost absurd order. Unsure, you analyzed the stranger in front of you, only to get a completely serious look in response. 
"Okay... do you want another coffee? You look very tired."
"No, the work just gives me a lot of headaches. That's all."
"Oh, I know that only too well! I always catch my parents feeling exhausted after a day full of work."
The man in front of you raised an eyebrow.  "Your parents?"
"Yes, they own the store. Normally I just help out, but every now and then I get to take over.
The stranger just nodded.
"So, that would be then..."
Your neighborhood was known for having a dangerous mafia group. There were many reasons why, despite all this, so many lived here. One of the reasons was because the rents weren't too high. Aside from that, it was rather on the edge of the town and therefore there was not really anything going on. The neighborhood was peaceful, if the mafia was left out. Most people were always nice to you and only a few were bullies. But the smiling faces could never hide the fear in the eyes of the people. Many shops had to close out of nowhere and many people disappeared suddenly. You could never be sure if someone was a member of the mafia, as no one dared to reveal their identity. 
That's why you didn't recognize him, just like all the other times: the man everyone feared the most. 
How could you? Not even the members of the mafia gang themselves knew what their boss looked like. 
That's why you always greeted him with the widest smile you've had. First week after week and then day after day. A friendly smile quickly turned into a loving one...
"It's funny how long we've known each other and yet I never got your name."
"It's also the first time you've brought it up, Reader. Do you want to know?"
But there is one thing everyone knew about the boss of the mafia... 
"Don't ask if you already know the answer," you answer with a wink.
The name.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your eyes widened and your breath stuck in your throat. 
"W-What? I don't think I got your name right."
Casual as always, he rested his head on his palm and looked at you with a smirk.
„Shota Aizawa.“
Your profuse sweating lasted until he left. Did he mean it as a joke? How could you talk so peacefully with a criminal for so long  ?
Even worse, how could you fall in love with someone like that?
Since that day, you had avoided working in the bakery and spent a while in a friend's apartment. Maybe that was the most decisive mistake you made. 
"500,000 Dollar or our store closes? What have we done to make it happen to us?"
Nothing. Your parents had absolutely nothing to do with it. It had been your fault that you had bewitched him and then disappeared. 
"How are we supposed to get so much money together in three days?"
You had ridden your parents into misfortune.
The three days passed slowly. Your family came to terms with the fact that you can't get the money together and so you all just waited for your end. Shota didn't show up during that time either. 
Too your surprise, The boss himself was present at the day of reckoning. This time, Shota was  wearing a suit and his hair was styled back. He was bent forward, his arms resting on his knees, and his hands are intervened. Typical for him are his half-open eyes and the corners of his mouth pulled down. Usually it made you smile, at that time it sent shivers down your spine.
"The money?" he asked. During all this, he hadn't even given you a quick glance.
"Unfortunately, we don't have it. You know-", your father couldn't even finish talking, Shota immediately interrupted him with a shot of his gun. Your breath trembled, and your sweat ran down your face continuously. 
"I don't want to hear excuses," Shota muttered and sighed. "You know what that means?"
None of you cried or pleaded. You have already finished with your lives three days ago.
"Normally, you have to pay with your life..."
That was true. In the best case, one was allowed to die, otherwise most women became prostitutes and men became slaves. It hit you very badly when one were given the title of a pet. You only heard rumors of how one had to eat dog food.
"But I'm generous today." 
 A wide grin suddenly spread across Shota's lips.
"Either the two of you," he said, pointing to your parents, "die or you give me your daughter as a bride. You can even help with the planning."
You didn't even have the right of codecision. It was also the last time you saw your parents. As far as you know, they had packed their things and moved…wherever. 
While Shota was bursting with satisfaction, your world collapsed. 
And this is still the case today.
Why me?
The wedding march in the background, which made you dream of your future in the past, sounds distorted to you, like the music in a horror movie. Even though the walls of the church are colorful, you see them only with a black and white filter.
Why do you progress so fast when you walk as slowly as you can?
Stay away from me, I hate you.
Worst of all, however, is his mangy grin. Everything in you is screaming out to rip it out of his face.
I hate you!
Except for the 4 closest confidants of Shota, there are no other guests. Your parents have received an invitation, but why should they come? 
When you arrive at Shota's side, the first tears roll down your face.
"We have gathered today because Shota Aizawa and Reader want to enter into the covenant of marriage. Love..."
Love? What love?
"... endures everything, believes everything, hopes everything, withstands everything. Love never ends."
No, I hate you. I don't want any of this. 
"And so, we hope that it will succor you."
Your grip on your bouquet crushes the poor plants. 
"So, I ask you, Shota Aizawa, will you honor and love your wife in good and in bad times? So answer with: yes, I do."
I don't want to be honored by you. 
"Yes, I do."
No! I hate you! 
"And so I ask you, reader, will you honor and love your husband in good and in bad times? So answer with: Yes, I do."
No, I don't want to!
There is silence in the room for a moment. The lump in your throat is too big to get it down all by once. Your silence meets the warning gaze of Shota. 
"Yes, I do."
"So now, by virtue of my office, I declare you husband and wife.  You are now allowed to kiss the bride."
You assh*le, wretched b*st*rd. Don't touch me with your disgusting lips!
As soon as his lips touch yours, it feels like a plague is spreading throughout your body.
The ring he puts on you weighs tons, at least that's how it feels. Your skin burns underneath.
"Look, now you're officially mine. You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this moment."
"A cageed animal is not immediately yours. I'll get away from you."
"We'll see."
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liteyagummy · 29 days
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𝖰𝗎𝗂𝖾𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖮𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 2
TW: yandere behavior, cnc, r4pe, abductor and captor, (the characters are aged up let’s just act like they stayed in dorms so everyone is around 19-20) NSFW
ignore any typos please and thank you, this is one of the longer ones so sit back and grab a snack ||fem reader nothing specified but gender and quirk
(let me know if you enjoy longer or shorter stories!)
your palms sweat as you’re nervous to walk back inside the classroom after weeks.. no MONTHS of absence.. you were unaware of all the cover ups kirishima had dished out you closed your eyes and sighed walking in the class just having a moment to discuss what Aizawa had just told them for todays lesson
Kiri right behind you, he was never going to let you guys sneak around and hide your relationship.. even before he was very open with his friends about how he felt about you just clearly never told him the plan of KIDNAPPING but.. nonetheless, your friends instantly bolted up to you, Jiro, hagakure, and midorya along with other but you weren’t too close to class A even though you transferred in your friends were mainly in class 1B but 1A was very nice to you still
“hey y/n how was your work study!” midorya said with his notebook out with a pen behind his ear
“yea! did you fight anyone outside of training??” denki chimed in
“did you learn any new moves??” Uraraka asked
“i doubt it’d be anything better than mine.” bakugo said from the side of the class having been shouting at sero about the assignment they’d just gotten.. after you looked at kiri confusedly he smiled brightly his red hair sticking up and his sharp teeth showing “y/n actually JUST got dropped off, im sure she’s tired maybe let’s ask about it later at lunch! as of now what are we doing in class?” he raised a brow as he guides you by your hips to your seat everyone seeing this, the girls giggling and the guys having a slight look of shock to their face you just sat down, even though he was lying through his teeth. he was right you were tired you weren’t used to waking up for school anymore you forsure had to get back into your routine
“we’re meeting up with class 1b, we’re going to be doing training together again.. i’m not sure why? it’s pretty random but” tsuyu said
“then again when isn’t our class assignments random” momo chimed in
“regardless we should start getting prepared we don’t want to be late and give class 1B another reason to dislike our class” ida said
after getting ready you walked next to the girls talking with them catching up as you entered the new training dome the old faces flooding back but one standing out.. who was he? you were never IN class 1b you would just meet them separately when walking around.. you’d thought you met everyone already but clearly not
“y/n!” kendo waved with a smile “where have you been girl” she asked as she put a hand on her hip to talk to you while also watching out for her classmates mouth
“oh i had- a last minute work study.. i um, since i came to the hero course late i needed to get that out of the way” you lied on your toes
she nodded “you’ll have to tell me about it! how cool is it that we get to train together “ she continues the conversation but honestly you were zoning in and out of it.. you were curious about the man you’d never seen before
“who is that” you accidentally cut her off while motioning to this guy
“oh that’s tetsu tetsu” she looked to him and then called him over, your cheeks started to get read as he was running over kirishima took a break from talking to his friends to look and see what you were up to, as he saw tetsutetsu running up to you he stood on guard
Kendo heard her classmate start to get a little too chatty, she excused herself walking straight over to monoma and snatching him up apologizing for him yet again
you were alone with this steel man infront of you.. he spoke starting the conversation off with a smile and trying to get to know you, you entertained it truthfully this made kirishima’s blood boil he tried to keep his composure not wanting to blow up here and now. why did this guy think he could talk to his babe?? you were HIS and HIS only not to be shared or easily acceded, he walked over with a fake smile and butted into your conversation, you looked at kiri then tetsutetsu.. then back again.. then again. why the hell were they so similar? kiri wrapped his arm around you “ hey babe! are you ready to train hard! not harder than me because the manly thing to do would be to train the hardest “ he smiled you nodded “ honestly i’m probably the only one who really needs this extra training “ you shook your head, kiri used this opportunity to turn you away and walk you back to their side you noticed this “i- “ you turned back to tetsutetsu who was waving with a chuckle, kiri balled his fist up as you both were away now he’d taken you back to his friends and there you were again not knowing what was going on but somehow still in the middle of the conversation what with denki and kirishima pulling you in for your input on topics here and there how could you space out
as you all stood in your hero outfits you crossed your arms waiting then a loud alarm went off you covered your ears quickly as villains ran out, but they weren’t normal villains they were teachers pretending but man were they being destructive ida and kendo were quick to call out plays and plans each class following the instructions of the most trusted
you all were off quick, you wanted to be a sidekick.. something like hawks you wanted to make someone else make their way to greatness so your training was a but different, you ran in jumping through the sky at fast speeds and teleporting in mid air getting all the play civilians out the way of harm
kirishima followed behind you using his quirk to break any rubble that flew your way as he took down the villains guarding those who you had to save, as soon as you got everyone back you were on the guard to watch them, making sure no one was harmed or injured you stood up grabbing your long swords putting some of your quirk energy into them to make the weapon more powerful, you watched the door to the safe haven that held the civilians
before you could even look over a kick was sent your way sending you down, you blocked it at the last moment but couldn’t stop the momentum, looking down at your arms where the blow had landed now being a bit of red “fuck” you mumbled as you jumped up in the tree where you had been knocked down from
You crouch on a thick branch, hidden in the shadows of the training dome’s artificial forest. Your katanas are ready, the familiar weight grounding you as you listen for any sign of movement below. Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, is somewhere in the underbrush—fast, you know it. you saw her. she was playing the villain today. You knew she wouldn’t hold back.
Your Quirk hums with energy, primed for teleportation and high jumps. A snap of branches below signals her approach. You catch a glimpse of white—a flash of her ears—before she rockets upward, aiming directly for you. Instinct kicks in, and you teleport just as her powerful kick obliterates the branch you were perched on. You reappear on another limb, high above, your senses sharp.
Mirko grins as she spots you, her relentless speed closing the distance in an instant. You teleport again, keeping her guessing, your katanas flashing in the dim light as you strike from behind. She’s fast, but you’re quicker, anticipating her every move. There’s something more at stake today—a subtle caution in your movements, a reason to protect yourself with even greater precision.
As you battle Mirko, another clash unfolds in the training dome. Best Jeanist, acting as the “boss” villain, uses his Quirk to control the fibers around him, manipulating the environment to ensnare his opponents. Six students—Bakugo, Ashido, and Sero from Class 1A, along with Monoma, Tokage, and Kamakiri from Class 1B—face off against him.
Jeanist’s fibers snake through the simulated city, creating barriers and traps. Bakugo blasts through them with his explosions, shouting, “Outta my way, you damn extras!” His relentless energy sends shockwaves across the battlefield, but Jeanist adapts, tightening his grip.
Ashido melts the barriers with her acid, clearing paths, while Sero swings through the chaos with his tape. Monoma, ever the strategist, copies Sero’s Quirk, using it in tandem to bind Jeanist’s fibers. “We need to coordinate better!” Monoma urges.
Bakugo scoffs, “Like I’m taking orders from you, copycat!”
As the battle intensifies, Tokage splits her body into pieces, scattering around Jeanist to create distractions. Kamakiri slashes through the fibers with his blades, trying to cut a path forward. But Jeanist’s control is overwhelming, and the group struggles to gain ground.
In the midst of the chaos, Tokage yells, “Bakugo, we need your explosions to disrupt him! Sero, get ready to tie him down!”
Bakugo sneers, “Don’t tell me what to do!”
Before Bakugo can argue further, Sero snaps at him, “Bakugo, focus! We won’t win if you don’t listen!”
Bakugo glares but knows Sero’s right. “Fine! But this better work!” he grumbles.
With a fierce explosion, Bakugo creates a massive shockwave that shakes the battlefield, forcing Jeanist to lose control of his fibers. Sero and Monoma act quickly, shooting their tape to bind Jeanist’s arms and legs. Tokage’s scattered body parts add confusion, while Kamakiri slashes through any fibers that attempt to regroup.
Ashido seizes the moment, dousing the area around Jeanist with her acid, weakening his defenses. Bakugo delivers a final, powerful blast, breaking through Jeanist’s control entirely.
Best Jeanist, impressed by their unexpected synergy, concedes, “Well done. You’ve shown real teamwork.”
The exercise ends with the announcement of their victory. The six students, panting but triumphant, exchange looks of pride. Bakugo scowls, though a hint of satisfaction lingers in his eyes. “Tch, you better not get used to me listening to you,” he mutters.
As the victorious team of students from Classes 1A and 1B stay on guard, the sounds of their fight ending echo faintly through the training dome. But in another part of the dome, your battle is far from over.
The clash between you and Mirko is intense, the training exercise pushing both of you to the limit
As she dodges and lunged again, you teleport above her, diving down with your katanas poised for a decisive strike. She barely has time to react, twisting to avoid the worst of it, but your blade still grazes her side. The impact sends you both tumbling through the branches, but you teleport just before hitting the ground, landing lightly as Mirko rolls to her feet.
She’s breathing hard, a grin of respect on her face. “You’re tough to pin down,” she admits, clearly impressed.
You lower your swords slightly, maintaining your focus. “Speed alone won’t win this,” you reply, your voice steady.
Mirko nods, hopping back with a look that says she’s noticed the change in your approach, even if she doesn’t understand it. “Keep fighting like that, and you’ll be unstoppable.”
As she gets away, you know the real challenge is just beginning. You’ve proven you’re more than ready for what’s ahead, your Quirk sharp, your resolve even sharper ready to hold your own in this damned class.
You make your way through the dense forest, each step feeling heavier than the last. The training dome’s artificial environment is convincing, but it’s the fatigue that’s all too real. You haven’t eaten anything today—only managed to keep down some water before throwing up this morning—but you push the discomfort aside. There’s still work to be done.
The small house where the civilians are sheltered comes into view, and you spot Kirishima at the entrance, standing guard. His eyes brighten when he sees you, and he quickly makes his way over. “Hey! You hanging in there?”
You nod, though the dizziness is getting harder to ignore. “Just checking on the civilians,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. The last thing you want is for him to notice how worn out you’re feeling.
Kirishima gives you a once-over, his expression softening with concern. “You sure you’re okay? You don’t look too great.”
You force a smile. “Just tired. It’s been a rough morning.”
He frowns slightly, still not convinced. “You’ve been going nonstop. If you need to take a break, I can handle things here.”
The offer is tempting, but you shake your head. “I’ll be fine. I’ll grab something to eat at lunch.”
Together, you check on the civilians inside the house. They’re safe, which is a relief, but you can feel your energy fading fast. The lightheadedness intensifies, and you have to steady yourself against the doorframe as you step back outside.
The sun is warm, filtering through the leaves, but it does little to chase away the chill that’s starting to settle in your bones. You take a deep breath, hoping it’ll clear your head, but your vision blurs slightly. You blink hard, focusing on Kirishima’s steady presence beside you.
“Training’s almost over,” he says, glancing around. “Looks like 1A and 1B really pulled together.”
You nod, though even that small motion feels like it takes too much effort. The teamwork between the classes has paid off, and the announcement over the intercom confirms it. “Good work, everyone. Classes 1A and 1B, please return to the main building for lunch.”
Kirishima grins, giving you a thumbs-up. “We did it!”
You return the gesture weakly, your thoughts consumed by the idea of food. “Let’s head back,” you say, your voice softer than you intended.
As you walk toward the exit, Kirishima stays close, his eyes never leaving you. “Seriously, if you’re not feeling well, let me help. I’ll make sure you get to the cafeteria, okay?”
You manage a small sigh your head throbbing “ill be fine i swear it” you softly say
He smiles, but there’s an undercurrent of multiple different emotions but the main one , concern. that he doesn’t dare voice. You’re grateful for him even letting you out the dorm today, even if you can’t quite place why you’re feeling so off. Right now, all you can think about is getting something to eat and shaking off this strange weakness. you’ve used up your teleportation for the day. one of the main reasons you hardly use that quirk
The victory in the training exercise feels distant as you focus on making it back to the main building. Lunch is next, and you know you need to refuel. Whatever’s going on, you’ll figure it out later—after you’ve had a chance to rest and recover.
After the intense training exercise, the students head back to the main building for lunch. The atmosphere is lighter, filled with chatter and the clinking of trays. You and Kirishima, freshly changed and looking a bit worn, make your way to the cafeteria. His hand is firmly on your hip, a constant presence as he guides you through the crowd.
The usual suspects from Class 1A and 1B have already gathered, their voices mingling in a cacophony of post-training relief. Kirishima steers you toward an empty table, where Midoriya, Uraraka, Jiro, and others from both classes are waiting.
“Hey, y/n!” Midoriya greets enthusiastically, notebook and pen still in hand. “So, how was your work study? Kirishima mentioned it was pretty intense.”
“Yeah,” Uraraka chimes in, “did you get to face any villains or learn new techniques?”
Bakugo, sitting with his usual scowl, adds, “Hope it wasn’t just some fluff job. Better be something worth your time.”
Kirishima, his arm around you, smiles brightly. “It was definitely a challenging experience! But y/n’s been working hard and could use a break. Maybe we should save the details for another time?”
Denki, leaning forward, grins. “Come on, just a little teaser? Was it as crazy as the stuff we did today?”
You give a tired smile, thankful for Kirishima’s attempt to shift focus. “It was... pretty demanding. I learned a lot, though.”
Jiro tilts her head, still curious. “Kirishima made it sound like you were in the thick of it. Any cool stories?”
You nod slightly, glancing at Kirishima. “Maybe I’ll share more later. For now, I’m just looking forward to some food and a bit of rest.”
Kirishima chuckles, squeezing your shoulder gently. “Yeah, let’s focus on enjoying lunch. We all worked hard today.”
As you settle into your seat, Kirishima finally releases his grip, though his hand lingers close by. The group’s curiosity remains piqued, and Midoriya presses further. “Come on, y/n, just a bit more about your work study?”
You take a deep breath, smiling to keep up the pretense. “Alright, fine. There was this one moment I fought a hero pretending to be a villain. It was pretty intense. I used some of the techniques I picked up to keep up with her.”
“Really?” Uraraka leans in, eyes wide. “What happened?”
You nod, picking up your fork. “Well, I was up against Mirko, the Rabbit Hero. She’s incredibly fast. I had to rely on my teleportation and high jumps to stay out of her reach. There was one time I was perched in a tree, and she charged at me. I teleported just before she reached me and struck from above. It was a close call.”
Jiro looks impressed. “Sounds like you had to stay on your toes. Did you use any new moves or strategies?”
You nod, keeping the details vague. “Yeah, I combined some of the techniques I’d been working on. Like using my teleportation to disorient her and then hitting her with a surprise attack. It wasn’t exactly easy, but I managed to pull through.”
Bakugo, with a skeptical look, mutters, “Sounds like you didn’t learn anything new but just got to show off your usual tricks.”
You shrug, a smirk playing on your lips. “You could say that. Sometimes it’s just about using what you’ve already mastered in new ways.”
Kirishima grins, relieved by the change of topic. “Well, whatever you did, it must have been impressive. I’m just glad you’re back and in one piece.”
The conversation shifts, with everyone eager to share their own experiences from the training. As you enjoy your meal, you let yourself relax, the warmth of the cafeteria and the friendly banter a welcome contrast to the day’s earlier chaos.
As the group finishes classes up and heads back to their dorms, you and Kirishima make your way to your “shared” dorm. The atmosphere in the hall is relaxed, filled with the casual chatter of students winding down after the day’s training.
When you finally reach the door to your room, Kirishima’s usual easygoing smile fades, replaced by a more serious expression. You notice the change, but before you can ask, he opens the door and ushers you inside.
The moment the door clicks shut, Kirishima’s demeanor shifts from jovial to intense. He turns to face you, his brows furrowed.
“Hey, what was that back there with Tetsutetsu?”
You look up, startled. “What do you mean?”
“You seemed pretty chummy with him,” Kirishima says, his voice edged with frustration. “He was all over you, and you didn’t exactly push him away.”
You quickly try to defuse the situation. “It wasn’t like that. He was just being friendly.”
Kirishima’s expression hardens. “Friendly? You were practically cornered by him. I saw the way he looked at you. I don’t like it.”
You shake your head, trying to explain.
“Kirishima, it’s nothing. We were just talking in barely even know the guy.”
His frustration doesn’t wane. “It’s not just about him. It’s about how he was acting like he had some claim over you, and it bothered me.”
Seeing his anger, you try to reassure him. “Kiri, it really was nothing. I wasn’t interested in him. He was just a bit too forward, and I was trying to be polite.”
“bullshit so laughing and talking and blushing is being polite.” he looked away growing more annoyed with the situation. “y/n don’t- make me.. do something i don’t want to.. it won’t be very heroic.” he said as he walked into the dorm more going to his closet to take his close off and change
you worried about that statement.. what did he mean..?
whatever he meant this anger needed to go somewhere.
“y/n.” he called from the bedroom..
PART 1 (part 3 coming soon)
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romantic aizawa and mic watching their darling please!!
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Watching From Afar | Yandere EraserMic
They alternate stalking monitoring you in your daily life
With them being teachers and pros
It makes for many sleepless nights
Fighting the urge to sneak into your bed and cuddle up next to you
They rarely do it together
When they do, it's a special night
Anniversary, date night, holiday–you name it 
If they’re not planning to snatch you up they spend their time dreaming about it
When Aizawa watches you, he’s sly
Careful and precise he gets as close as he can without disturbing you
He also takes great note of your surroundings
That wall has a hole? That neighbor’s pushy? You’re running out of fruit?
He’s aware of it all and is more than willing to wait for you to be drunk asleep before sneaking in to solve these things
Not more than he needs to as much as he wants to
He’s your silent protector, he has to keep his cool
No matter how adorable you are drunkenly addressing him on his way out
Hizashi on the other hand isn’t as respectable or has that much control
He’s biting at his shirt as he watches you snuggle in your comforter without him
Or how you’re humming a song out loud and he can’t sing along with because he’s in your ceiling
Hizashi is not careful and he’s not overtly more sneak as he absolutely must be
He doesn’t want to just keep watching you
He wants to feel you, have you, taste you
He secretly hopes you catch him so that he can sweep you up and take you away
He knows his cat-loving husband would rather observe you than directly interfere 
But if he makes too much noise or if no one’s believing you about the eye you keep seeing in your ceiling 
Than maybe Shota would be willing to move on from just watching
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melancholymegumi · 8 months
melody’s current thoughts..💭
eraserdust ddlg/ddlb :((
warnings; ddlg/ddlb (?), yandere, tomura still doesn't accept the fact that he's under shota , reader was caught masturbating, spanking , idk what else
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yes, eraserdust but instead of switch reader why not make reader and tomura a sub? you being the hyperactive one, jumping around and running around, almost always bent over his lap.
Meanwhile, Tomura thinks you're absolutely ridiculous. Of course he's not shocked that you were getting cuddled by Shouta again. After taking 20 spanks for breaking a vase.
Other than that, Tomura doesn't think that Aizawa should have control over him. Who is he to order him around? Why does he babytalk so much? It's annoying. Well, that was until he found out that he needed to get permission to even jerk off.
“And I thought you're supposed to be a good girl this week. Really?” your face went pale. What's he doing at home? Wasn't he supposed to be outside with your daddy? “I- I am! don't tell daddy please..” “Fine, but what's in it for me?”
God, he's gonna have so much fun with you.
“I’ll..give you a blowjob..?” “why would I want an impatient whore on my dick? Seriously, you'd rather have a plushie against your cunt than a dick?” he scoffed out, rolling his eyes and fidgeting with his phone that show your daddy’s number on speedial. “I'll do your chores too! please please please tomura, don't tell daddy?”
“Twenty bucks and I'll get to fuck your ass.” “deal.”
Well, I mean now you're both in trouble at least. He knows you're fucked as soon as the car pulled into the driveway anyways.
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taglist : @honeybunnxo @adoresizuku @dcsiremc @notalwaysa . +(Some of these tags don't work, so please check your tagging settings.)
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