#yandere smoke
heartsforhavik · 9 months
yandere tomas vrbada x reader hcs
warnings: stalking, tomas is kinda disgusting and creepy here, regular yandere tendencies, some implied nsfw but not smut
summary: hcs of yandere smoke x (gender neutral) reader
a/n: he’s yandere in this story he’s supposed to be ooc btw. usually i dislike when people make smoke submissive and stuff but i get it now. anyways this was fun to write :3 i love you all go drink some water
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tomas could not get enough of you. just being in the same room as you makes his heart beat rapidly. your scent was addicting like a drug, you always looked breathtaking, and you also looked so cute while you slept!
in fact, one of tomas's favorite hobbies is watching you sleep. it's not creepy, because your window isn't locked! he's just inviting himself in. he loves grazing his fingers over your skin, your sweet delicate skin, and he almost feels as if it's sinful. as if he doesn't deserve to be in the same room as you. as if he doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as you.
his heart jumps out his throat every time you speak to him. even the smallest conversations mean a lot to him, and he'll go to bed that night thinking about it, completely overthinking anything he said to you.
"hey tomas!" you greeted, walking by him.
"oh, uh, h-hey!" tomas stammered.
that's it. that was the whole conversation. and yet he went to sleep that night wanting to skin himself alive for stammering. he thought he was such a fool for not engaging enough with you. maybe if he spoke to you more, you'd pay more attention to him.
he needed your attention. he needed your validation.
even if it was negative. he just needed you to look at him.
if you looked at him in awe, he'd explode into a million pieces. if you looked at him with disgust, he'd have to excuse himself to take care of something in the nearest restroom.
tomas was also a bit of a.. hoarder. every object you have ever touched and left behind, he picked up and kept it. he tries not to pick those objects up with his bare hands, scared that he would ruin it.
that also means he sometimes takes some clothes of yours. only the ones you don't wear often, of course! he would never be an inconvenience to you and steal your favorites. he knows which are your favorites and which ones aren't.
tomas likes to sleep with your clothes right next to him. breathing in your scent as he falls asleep is a euphoric feeling to him. his heart shatters every time they lose your scent, but he keeps it anyway just because it used to belong to you. but no worries, he'll return it once you two are married!
he finds it very tempting to profess his love to you- but he knows you ultimately wouldn't accept his affections yet. he needs to wait. unfortunately, he is far too shy to even speak to you often.
sure, you both got along and you spoke at least once a day, but it wasn't enough for him. he needs to glue himself to your side in order to truly feel satisfied. for now he can handle just being in the same room once a day, but he dreams of someday being yours. someday he can be by your side. if you don't want him by your side and you only want him as a servant or something, he will gladly accept that too! whatever it takes to please you. he will follow you around like a lost puppy if he has to.
once you start dating and end up married, tomas would prefer that you didn't have a job, especially if it has to do with kombat. he would hate for you to constantly be around danger. besides, he can do all the work for you! he wants you to let him pamper you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. he can leave every morning and continue his work in the shirai ryu, then come home to you! that's his ideal future.
he knows he often puts himself in danger as well. he knows his job isn't easy, and he puts his life at risk every day. but you keep him going. the thought of your future with him keeps him going every day. it is his motivation to survive every battle he engages in.
tomas just loves you very much! he loves you so much it drives him crazy that he can't embrace you. but someday... someday he can. someday he will be able to touch you, love you, protect you. he can't wait for that day to come. for now, he is content with savoring your scent and touch everywhere you go, staring at you from afar, and yearning for your touch. but once he finally gains the courage to get closer to you and confess to you, you will be with him. you *will* be together.
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blacklunardice · 1 month
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✦Falling for the Same Darling — Lin Kuei✦
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Request: Can u do a short story where sub-zero, smoke, and scorpion all have the hots for the reader and they end up kidnapping her? + Someone also requested some headcanons for them too.
Warning(s): Possessive Behavior, Kidnapping, Mentions of Punishment (Spanking, Isolation), Mentions of Unwanted Touching, Slight Guilt Tripping
Note: I don't really do one shots as of now, so these are a headcanon/scenario type of thing. This had been requested twice and I've decided to write out how they are as yanderes separately and how they'd be if they all fell for the same person. Anyway, this was fun to write! :D
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For starters, I have this feeling in my gut that Kuai Liang and Tomas are more willing to work together if they find out they like you. The two of them wouldn't really see a need to fight over you, given that they want the same thing. Basically to protect you from any dangers the world could throw at you.
The same can be said for Bi-Han, but...he's a bit possessive... I saw this but know that's a bit of an understatement. He butts heads with the two younger Lin Kuei members. Sure, he is aware of how capable they are, but he believes he can fully protect and provide for you on his own. He's pretty adamant and territorial.
The only way he would fold and actually give in to sharing you is if Kuai Liang and Tomas take some much-needed time to convince him. They'd bring up how it would just be needless violence and fighting if they dueled for your affections when they can all just come to an agreement. They bring up the benefits of this arrangement. You'd be fully protected by all of them and no one would really want to approach you when there are going to be three ninjas who can practically wield the elements.
So in the case of the two convincing Bi-Han, he begrudgingly agrees. I will mention that there is going to be tension between him and Tomas, unfortunately. He's okay with sharing you with Kuai Liang...but Tomas is another case. He always did treated the younger member differently ever since their father adopted him and that hadn't changed. It's usually Kuai Liang who stands as a mediator even when the tension escalates.
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✦Bi-Han — Sub-Zero✦
This man is hella possessive; even before deciding to kidnap you. It wouldn't be surprising if he was the one to suggest it. He is a man who takes charge and has confidence in his decisions. Bi-Han believes that having you within arm's length is for the best (again, due to his possessiveness). He was going to go through with the kidnapping on his own! To his annoyance, though, his brother had caught on to his plans. It was not hard to pinpoint that he felt some type of way about you, but you may mistake it for dislike or that he despises you. It’s since he has a resting bitch face and many assume he’s glaring at everyone within the vicinity. Still, his younger sibling knew better and understood his deep affection for you.
He’s almost the same when you’re within the walls of the Lin Kuei after the kidnapping. Bi-Han remains tense and cold as ever even in your presence. He does get annoyed when you want to push yourself away from him, which prompts him to pull you back to him aggressively (not in a way that hurts you). Your place is right here and he’ll always remind you of that. Still, he is told to be gentle in his approach towards you, especially if he wants you to come to him and willingly stay by his side. Bi-Han understands this, despite his grumbling, and tries to be softer. It’s a little difficult for him, but he at least tries.
It’s better to be caught by the other two than him if you ever try an escape and fail. This man is very blunt and his words are as sharp as icicles when he lectures (maybe to the point of berating you) you after dragging you back to the home. He doesn’t hold back and he has to be pulled away for a moment to have time to cool his temper down. He won’t hurt you — especially if  Kuai Liang and Tomas have anything to that. The worst he would do is spank you or make you sit in a room alone. He’s a little bitter after your punishment is over and it shows. He gives you pointed looks, dragging you close to him, and overall gets more demanding.
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✦Kuai Liang — Scorpion✦
Kuai Liang has your best interest in mind before and after the kidnapping. He deeply cares for you and would hate if you ended up fearing him or his brothers. Discovering Bi-Han’s plan to kidnap you was something. He had a suspicion that his elder brother was up to something the moment he noticed his gaze on you. It was the same way he looked at you when you were not looking. The situation is definitely complicated, but he doesn’t want conflict between him and Bi-Han since he knows it won’t end well. Every choice and negotiation he makes is all for you and your sake. It’s safe to say that Kuai Liang is fiercely loyal to you and would move heaven and Earth to make sure you’re okay. So he falls into the overprotective yandere category, but at least he can keep a cool head.
Your comfort is assured while under their roof. He understands that you need time to adjust, so he doesn’t push you. However, he knows that Bi-Han and Tomas are not the same as him, so he must remind the two that this will take time. Yes, he does want to hold you close and never let go, but he won’t be hasty. Even so, there are times when he wants to be just a little selfish — to just bring you in his arms without any hint or indication of his actions.
He scolds you if you ever try to escape, but at least he’s not as harsh as Bi-Han. No, he’s just a little disappointed that you would even attempt to leave. I don’t know why, but I can see Kuai Liang guilt-tripping you a bit to make you feel bad. He brings up how the three of them have provided you with everything you need, so it is foolish to want to leave. After the lecture, he sighs, holding you close and making sure you’re not injured. If it's your first attempt, he won't punish you. However, you are not going to be let off the hook with any attempts after this. You're not going to be left alone at all, since alone time is considered a privilege. If you want that back then you'll have to make up for it.
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✦Tomas Vrbada — Smoke✦
Soft. He is very soft towards you and practically adores you. Tomas definitely was the one to fall for you first out of the three. He is a bit clingy and maybe obsessive since he hangs off of every word you say. He can’t really help it since he enjoys your company as he gets to know you. However, he does have some possessive traits and they show a little the moment he notices how Bi-Han is looking at you. He frowns at this, at first not sure how to make of this. Tomas knows for sure that the older Lin Kuei member’s gaze is not out of distaste. No, he knows better. There’s a bitter taste in his mouth. He just…cannot allow Bi-Han to pursue you; you deserve better than that. He’s always felt a little out of place within the family and that is purely due to Bi-Han, so there is a bit of anger towards the older man. Then he learns about the plan to kidnap you. It almost sets him off and if it weren’t for Kuai Liang, he would have confronted Bi-han himself.
Sharing you with the other two within the walls of the Lin Kuai is fine. He can take what he can get and he does want what’s best for you. Despite reminding himself that, Tomas wished he had you all to himself. It felt a little wrong to be this selfish, but the cryokinesis user does not make the situation easier. Again, as mentioned before, there will be tension between these two. Tomas is the most approachable and you’ll probably feel the most comfortable being around him. Even so, he does tend to get in your space a lot. If you show discomfort in any way, he will back off a little…but only until the next time you two spend time together. Once again, he can’t help it; he loves being around you. It’s either that or you dealing with how Bi-Han is. Yes, he would absolutely put himself as the best option (especially compared to Sub-Zero).
Tomas is going to make excuses for your attempted escape. At first. When noticing you are gone, he is calm but his mind is racing. He assumes that maybe someone from a rival clan had taken you away or something else had happened. The moment he gets you back, he asks questions. He does not want to believe you left because you don’t want to be with them; to be with him. It would break his heart. He wants to know what can he do to make things better. Is it Bi-Han? Are you homesick? Do you not feel loved enough? There has to be a solution to this…and no, you’re not going back home. That would defeat the whole purpose of bringing you with them in the first place. You would be asking for too much.
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yandereunsolved · 1 month
Yandere Tomas Vrbada being terrified of losing his darling—it's all smoke and mirrors tw: thought of murder suicide (at the end)
☁︎༄ It's an instinct to be protective over you. He lost his family, and even his new one was shattered by the need for power and safety. He asks himself if he is any different. He would do anything to keep you safe. He'd betray even his closest of comrades if it meant you'd be in good health.
He has killed. He will kill again, only for you.
☁︎༄ He's always near you. He's your shadow. He's your alarm clock and your snooze button. He's an ever-present protector for you. No matter how irritating it can become at times.
It's safe to say that if you ever start a fire, the smoke will be gently surrounding you, like a warm hug.
☁︎༄ Anything a slight danger to you disappears within hours of you encountering it: weapons, hideous monstrosities, people. It is suffocating at times. You need to train, but Tomas will drag you away from the training grounds, kicking and screaming. He'll incapacitate you if he needs to.
☁︎༄ He's terrified of himself. He understands what he's doing is irritational. He knows it's unhealthy. He just can't find it within himself to change or stop.
He just developed the habit of always analyzing your facial expressions. If he sees fear or hesitance, he takes a step back and assesses the situation. What did he do wrong? Does he have to take this course of action, or could it be changed?
Most of the time he sees his actions as necessary, only edging over the line of extreme.
☁︎༄ Communication is key with him. If you aren't experienced in putting up boundaries then you will have many more problems with him. He's obsessive with inquiring about how you are feeling, if anything is wrong, and what he can do to help. If you are simply shy or traumatized then he will end up crossing lines he doesn't know about.
If you stand your ground and say 'no', then most of the time he will listen to you. You may have to find middle ground with him, but for an overprotective yandere, he's S-tier respectful of your boundaries.
☁︎༄ Don't try to escape. Even a thought of escape may cause him to lose the whisps of sanity still present within his mind. He will be civil. He just won't allow you to leave his side. He won't force you to do anything. He just needs you to stay in place. You need to stay and behave, or he may kill you and himself just so you won't be in danger anymore. He'll keep you protected in the afterlife.
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
A/N: I finally finished this shit.
smut confectionery event ┆cinnamon cake ┆gang bang, degradation, praise, kidnapping. ˖⁺ ⊹୨ "yandere brothers + defenseless darling."୧⊹ ⁺˖ ── SMUT
˖⁺ ⊹୨ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝔀. 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 ୧⊹ ⁺˖
𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 🎀
TW: kidnapping, manipulation, stall syndrome, porn plot, dark smut, afab reader, nicknames like "good boy or good girl" used, praise, degradation, v!sex, blowjob, unprotected sex, breedkink, face fuck, deep throat, rough sex, stimulation, dumbfication, anal sex, degradation, yandere themes, gang bang.
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Being in love with someone was complicated, but three people falling in love with the same person was a situation you didn't see every day ─ especially if these three guys in question were the three most powerful in all of China. Bi Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada, all eyeing the same person. You. They didn't know who had been first.
Maybe when Bi Han saw you wandering around the Lin Kuei forests alone and picking some fruits, instead of moving you away from his clan's land he felt the strange urgency to help you. You looked like a deer lost in the snow, ready to be devoured by someone predator ─ the grandmaster himself fit this role well, but from that first instance he just helped you pick the apples you needed and let you go, you had messed with his world without even knowing it.
Maybe it could have been Kuai Liang, when he saw you bathing in the waterfall near his house. The white and loose peasant-style dress fell on your shoulders and clung to your curves due to the coolness of the icy water that accumulated on the smooth stones ─ the ninja pyromancer's focus had quickly shifted to your breasts that moved gracefully in the transparent fabric, begging for attention involuntarily. Your nipples hardened from the cold as he looked at the delicate curvature of your pussy, like a flower that was unopened and needed to be explored. The fire ninja didn't dare to come close to you - just watching you from afar, but his heart was racing, warming his body even more.
Or maybe it was Tomas Vrbada when he first saw you helping Madame Bo in her restaurant. You looked beautiful and oblivious to the smoke ninja's eyes that practically burned you, for you he was just another customer on a night with a lot of customers. But to him, you were the image of perfection he sought after the faith he had lost after losing his family too... He watched your graceful movements and even the way you smiled beautifully while serving his table. He felt his smoke powers go out of control each time he looked deeper into you ── it was like looking at a work of Renaissance art, the longer he looked at the more hidden details he could perceive.
Even with the unusual situation, the three brothers decided to make the best decision, join forces and share you. And the best way to stop anyone from having you was a quick kidnapping. After Bi Han asked Sentir to find everything about you, especially where you lived ─ Tomas used his smoke powers to fill your house with a suffocating gas enough to cause you to faint, without much harm to you obviously. Kuai Liang used his fire powers to overheat the door lock and break it, seeing you lying unconscious to it all... Scorpion's arms wrapped around you as he carried you away and his older brother, Bi Han, led their way guaranteed that no one would question anything after all who would question three ninja assassins?
You had gotten in their way, without even realizing it, you had marked your own destiny. Being woken up with restraints on your wrists and tied to a comfortable bed unlike at home was scary for you and especially seeing the three muscular men watching you in the corner of the room, but what could a weak boy/girl like you do? Just accept fate.
The rules were simple, don't try to escape, and respect everyone there. The words that came out of the grandmaster's mouth were sharp and harsh, demanding linear and blind obedience to them. Kuai Liang agreed with his brother, trying to soften his words with "we just want to keep you safe. And if you obey us you will be rewarded for it."
Tomas on the other hand was still insecure and anxious, with an underlying fear of rejection from you, he stayed quiet and let his older brothers talk while he watched everything. They wouldn't touch you for the first few days, making you comfortable enough in your new life. The best food, clothes and treats you could think of you had now ─ it was a prince's/princess's life, only in a bizarre way and in a narrative twisted by their obsessive minds
˖⁺ ⊹୨ How would they act?
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Tomas Vrbada
He would be your caretaker while Kuai and Bi Han went on missions for Lord Liu Kang. He was responsible for making sure you didn't try to escape. But this served to bring the two of you closer together, the silver-haired man was soft, a soft giant. He always made a point of asking how you were, if he needed anything and even let you free from the ropes and chains that his brothers put on you to make sure you wouldn't run away from them. "I'll let you go, but you promise you won't run, right?"
He likes to be with you most of the time. He knows how to share you with his brothers but he prefers to be with you and hug you tightly, keep you protected behind his muscles and stroke your hair. The first time you had sex was also with him ─ the ninja felt over the moon when you said that in front of Kuai and Bi Han, making them respect your decision and let the Czech take you first.
You are treated so well when you have sex with him that it makes you forget that they kidnapped you and you are now in a beautiful cage surrounded by soft pillows and luxury ─ his cock is thick and big enough to give affectionate and warm kisses to one of your uterus, making you moan and writhe beneath him with each compliment that accompanies a thrust of his hips deep into your core.
"So beautiful and so tight my prince/princess, I knew you would like this. Open up more for me please... I can't move with your pretty pussy holding me like that.- FUCK!-" Vrbada is sensitive seeing you cling to him, the result of a stalling syndrome because of the situation you were in. He gives you kisses and praises you every time you suck his dick so well, telling you that you can continue and he will do whatever you want later. "Please make me cum, that's-! Yes... Damn such a beautiful and good mouth, you're a great boy/girl." He protects you from any punishment from Kuai or Bi Han, but if you betray his trust and try to escape, he will be extremely disappointed in you and he will treat you coldly and with sarcasm every time you speak, even refusing to keep you company.
"I should have thought of that before trying to escape." Were the words that left his lips as he just gave you a dark look and closed the door to your room, leaving you alone about your actions.
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Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang is a bit more stoic and closed off than Tomas. He will just look at you a few times and warn you not to try to run away ─ once again telling the false illusion of you being"safe with them" his personality even as Yandere is the perfect balance between strict and calm.
He will use unconventional methods to get you close to him and gain your trust, whether through manipulation convincing you that being with him and his brothers is the best way to live, where you would be kept beautifully there with them just having to be an obedient boy. or he could also be passive aggressive and intimidate you, telling you how he knew exactly where your friends and family lived and that if you tried to run away from Lin Kuei lands you might get a nasty surprise when you got back home... A subtle but functional threat .
Regardless, when you are mentally corrupted enough to cling to him, the fire ninja will take advantage of this opportunity and make you his for nights on end. Fucking you on a soft mattress surrounded by transparent curtains and the wind that bathed you both ─ he would bite, slap your ass while holding your head against the feather pillow making you arch your back even more towards him and giving him the view of your pussy drooling on his cock.
You knew you couldn't enjoy it so much, after all, that man was also responsible for your kidnapping... But you couldn't resist each strong thrust of Scorpion's super heated cock. Whispering how well you're doing, how he likes to see your body bounce with each thrust, how your pussy drools his cock... How you're his. "All i have to do is talk to u, don't I sweetheart? You're a shaking, beautiful mess, you're soaking the cloths baby boy/baby girl ... And my dick too. You're going to clean me up later with that pretty mouth, aren't you? It is?" Kuai Liang would bury his cock even deeper in your pussy, making you practically see stars and look at the eyes behind your skull, making you milk his cock and grip the sheets beneath you.
"I never thought a cute boy/girl like you would be such a greedy slut for cock..." He taunted again as he spilled his hot seed deep into your womb, filling you to the brim and giving one last bite to your neck. He would take care of you after sex, giving you a hot bath but keeping the chains that prevented you from running away from him ─ he is not easy to manipulate, you can convince him to let you free from the bonds after getting close enough and saying that I would never leave him. However, if you try to escape and he catches you he will definitely punish you, he would be angry enough to breed your pussy all night.
Bi Han and Tomas would only hear the banging of the bed against the wall and the grunts of his pyromancer brother as you were fucked into abandonment, even if you begged him to stop that you would behave he would just hold your neck and smirk. "stop? Oh my little dumb boy/girl, you should have thought of that before you tried to run away like a scared bunny- now spread your legs like the good slut you are and let me fill you up again." Kuai Liang would growl as he spit contemptuously into your pussy, his saliva helping his thick cock slide further in and out of your poor little cunt.
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Bi Han
Because he's the oldest and has Napoleon syndrome, he really thinks you're there to serve him. You remember the bittersweet memory of having crossed his path for the first time, but you could no longer complain or beg for mercy. Even with the grandmaster's anger and imminent cruelty, he will be protective of you and give you the most expensive things money can buy ─ a tactic to distract you from the situation you are in now and start seeing him and his brothers as perhaps more than you. that just crazy people obsessed with your love.
He would have you on his lap while he did the paperwork, pulling on the chain that was attached to your neck with every inopportune movement you made or if you tried to get off of him."Be a good boy/girl and stay here okay? I can reward you later, maybe something you've wanted for a long time hm?" The ice ninja would speak, bringing you to him again, looking at your face and giving you an icy, expectant kiss on your cheek ─ like a sunny day that hid a night of heavy storms, that was the definition of your captor.
Sex with him is extremely good, making you turn off your brain with each rough thrust he made into your pussy while you sucked his fingers to muffle your moans. You felt his muscular body against his and how his hoarse moans made your pussy get even more wet and drip onto the floor, while you fought to keep your knees from sinking and falling to the floor. "Fuck- you are so fucking beautiful like this... Begging for a cock to fill you. Such a beautiful boy/girl for your master." Bi Han would moan hoarsely and distribute hickeys on your neck, cupping your soft breasts with his hands while he smiled, pleased to see you accept him so well and without question, the three brothers had corrected your behavior and turned you into their broken and corrupted little doll. One, two or three orgasms, maybe you had even squirted on his cock.
At this point you wouldn't even try to run away anymore, you had three men who loved you in a sick way, a comfortable place and being full of cum every night... You were satisfied with your new life or maybe you just settled.
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gang bang with the lin kuei trio.
You were filled with Bi Han's cock in your pussy and Tomas followed behind, fucking your ass with half of his cock, your mouth was occupied with Kuai Liang's cock. You felt your brain go numb and go numb with each joint thrust of the ninja trio into your body.
Bi Han's hands found your clit as you moaned into his brother's member, making him smile sadistically ── they were jointly ruining their precious boy/girl. It was beautiful how fat tears fell from your teary eyes and you couldn't protest or say anything, too busy with the taste of Scorpion's warm musk on your tongue.
The smoke ninja's hands went to your hips as you heard his needy moans and how his dick filled your tight hole even without him even putting it all the way in.
Your womb had cold kisses given by the grandmaster's fat cock, making you lean on Liang's muscular thighs while he pulled your head and made your nose touch his pelvis. The voices mixed in your ears, and you just let yourself be deliciously destroyed by the three men. "You're close... Almost there... But not yet... Not until I feel you cumming around my cock again..." He pants heavily, his breath hot against your ear.
Bi Han’s eyes are almost black with lust, his hands gripping your neck tightly as he continues pounding into you, his thrusts match his younger brother's in your other hole, the two of them practically lift you off the ground while Kuai Liang hits you and enters your throat unceremoniously. "Holy fuck honey... Did you swallow me down to my throat? What a good slut." He groaned as you felt your saliva run from your mouth to your chin, wetting his balls.
Tomas only knew how to moan, and with one final thrust he came inside your tight ass, leaving a wet trail making you moan and the ice ninja who fucked your pussy came inside your uterus, breed your pussy deliciously, like a creampie. Kuai was not far behind and took his cock out of your mouth with a loud pop, cumming on your face and hitting his member on your cheek.
You collapsed against Bi Han's firm chest, while the once dominant hands turned into tender and soft touches, praising you for being so good to them, with their voices telling you to rest a little and have a happy sleep, filled with their seeds.
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codemiracle · 9 months
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every time I remember I have the same height as Yotsuya my ego is boosted.
Quick sketch. I really miss drawing just silly things lmao.
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8unny9l0ck · 1 year
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pass it around
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alottieluv · 1 year
mdni. cigarettes/smoking, yandere bf!izuku, implied fem!bodied reader and use of fem!body desc.
cockwarming yandere!bf!izuku
whimpering as you slide further down his cock, still a long inch away until he’s balls deep in your cunt. you listen to him let out a low groan, smoke bellowing from his mouth as he puffs the cigarette held in his hand while his other wraps around your waist.
you’re still trying to adjust to the mere size of him, cock lubed with your mixed arousal. the little whimpers you let out feed izuku’s high, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head when he feels you pulse against him.
the feeling of you wrapped around him is a blessing, a reward after a long days work. it’s even developed into a routine: go to work, come home to you, massage the tension out of his shoulders, fuck you until all you know is his cock. and it is then that the reward becomes a slowly-fed obsession.
izuku pulls you to his chest, a crazed glimmer of addiction in his eyes before he takes a drag and captures your lips in his. the taste of cigarettes lies sour, the smoke following izuku’s tongue as he hungrily shoves it down your throat.
he separates when the smoke dissolved into the air, takes a puff of the cigarette, and moves against your lips—slowly, so sensually, that it makes your core throb against him with every smack of your lips, filled with lust and mind substance.
he lets his mind read your movements, memorize them. your hands splayed on his chest, hips twitching ever so slightly. god, he could stay here for hours just kissing you like this.
only until you start to move on your own. that’s when he’ll really have to punish you.
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ameliaenya707 · 3 months
Dabi putting a nicotine patch on his darling whenever she's around him. That way she slowly gets addicted to being around him. She'll never want to leave his side because she's addicted, then he slowly gets her into weed. Smoking her out while they fuck. Ughh. Yan!dabi my beloved
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heartsforhavik · 8 months
yandere mk1 men x compliant! reader
warnings: kidnapping, mentions of violence and murder, stockholm syndrome, all men are yandere and ooc, implied afab reader in johnny's, implied nsfw in bi-han's, mentions of an anxiety attack in zeffeero's, tomas is a masochist, gender neutral reader, reader doesn't care that they were kidnapped
summary: the mk1 men (johnny cage, bi han, kuai liang, zeffeero, tomas vrbada) are yandere, and they just kidnapped you. but you seem to not care...
a/n: sorry again for my late updates😭 anyways i was reading a yandere fic and i was like 'i would just give up and accept my fate if a yandere kidnapped me.' so here's some hcs based on that lil thought LMAOO
johnny cage would be ECSTATIC when he notices how compliant you are. thank god he didn't have to force you to accept your new life, that would've been ugly. now, he can live out his fantasy of a perfect life with you! and don't worry about your needs such as food and water, he's got the money to take care of that. besides, now you're with THE johnny cage! other people would sell their soul to be in your spot. you're grateful for your new life, right? you have to now, because johnny is so excited to start a family with you very soon, whether you like it or not.
bi-han wouldn't be surprised that you submitted to him so easily. it was a wise choice to be obedient. if you didn't, bi-han would have to punish you. and we wouldn't want that, would we? obviously, bi-han's always had the power and resources to make sure you never escape in the first place, but since you're just so calm and compliant, he doesn't have to stress about that anymore. but that doesn't mean he's entirely trusting of you yet. he would still keep his guard up for the first few months of your capture, just in case you were deceiving him with your willingness. but overall, bi-han is glad that you are so compliant. he brings you outside every now and then as a reward for your obedience. who knows, maybe if you keep up your good behavior, he'll reward you even more.
kuai liang was not excited to take you in. he knew you'd probably resist him, but it's for the best! please don't kick and scream at him, he's doing this because he loves you. he's keeping you safe, there's a lot of bad people out there that could hurt you and he can protect you from them. as soon as you noticed you were in an unknown place, he braced for an argument of some sorts, until you casually addressed him and asked where you were. kuai liang explained your situation and told you that he was doing it because he loves you so much, and you'll understand someday. surprisingly, you simply nodded and shrugged, accepting your situation and deciding not to defy scorpion himself. he was relieved that you didn't have any qualms with your new life, especially after he put so much effort into mending your new living space to your liking. he worked very hard to provide you with enough of your necessities to make you never want to leave.
zeffeero is confused at how cooperative you are. he had an entire anxiety attack before he committed the act, berating himself for doing such an atrocious thing. he would've hated for you to despise him, even though he would've understood why. fortunately, his anxieties were put to rest as soon as he saw how casually you handled the situation. even though it left him wondering if you were as mentally sane as he thought you were. but that doesn't matter, because now zeffeero doesn't have to hold back on his affections. he took your compliance as a sign that you are okay with his twisted way of loving you. now, your life within those walls is a lot more suffocating than you thought it would be.
tomas vrbada had mixed feelings about the situation. if you woke up in an unknown place, surely you'd be pissed at him. so you would probably cuss him out, or even fight him physically. tomas doesn't want to hurt you, but at the same time, he would relish in your hatred for him. for some reason, tomas would get a strange high out of your assertion and he'd feel very flustered if you were ever aggressive towards him. you could yell at him for the smallest thing, and he'd just stare at you with adoration as if he was in a trance. even though he would love for you to yell and scream at him, he would ultimately prefer for you to be happy with him and your new life. tomas desperately wants to have a normal-ish relationship with you, so it would be best if you were compliant with him. thankfully, you ended up quite cooperative with tomas, and easily adjusted to your new life. it made him so happy that you accepted him, that he spoiled you with everything you could ever want. tomas is at your beck and call, and he will do anything to make you happy. except free you.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 28 days
Hey, hi! You have very cool works, I really like reading you and always wait for your works. Please, do not leave us here alone.
I have a question: what can you say about a reader in the Mortal Kombat world (yandere) who has absolutely no emotional intelligence (like me)? Which yandere would be the scariest for such a reader, and which ones are the softest?
I don't mean that the reader will be cruel or heartless, but he is simply not in tune with emotions and cannot understand what others are feeling. As someone who suffers from this, I can say that I often don't notice how someone falls in love with me, and sometimes this leads to awkwardness
P. S. Who is your favorite fighter, if it's not a secret?
A/N: aww thank you for requestinggg. This is so camp. I struggle with empathy and similar things too. I went a little more broad with it. Alsooolo between mk11 and Mk1 there’s a big personality jump with a lot of characters so my answer is different depending on the game. Hopefully I did this request some justice.
(P.S. Kung Lao is my 1 fave and then Johnny. For female characters it’s Mileena and then scarlett. I like them crazy lol.)
Characters: I only did the ones I actually care about lol.
Warnings: This is purely my opinion based off of my interpretation of yanderes. Please bear in mind that when I write Yandere, it’s at extremes.
Requests: always open
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Safe Zone
Mk11 Fujin, Kotal Khan, Night wolf, Kuai Liang, Jax , MK1 Reptile, Raiden, Smoke, Baraka, both Liu Kang, Kenshi, both gerases
While you maybe aren’t intentionally trying to discard them or hurt their feelings, it doesn’t seem like it at first. Why are you so blank? How can you just shrug off a confession like that? Do you hate them?
Once they get to know you better by studying and observing your habits, they realize that this is simply the way you are. They are compassionate enough where they don’t really let it bother them anymore.
They have not only a legitimate love for you (under their deranged behaviors), but a lot of emotional intelligence. At their core, they have a bit more maturity on things like this compared to their counterparts. Especially Fujin and Kotal Khan, they’ve been here for ages and have dealt with many different personalities before. You’re not really the first person who has been emotionally shut off like this. Besides, it’s not like you’re showing someone else more love or attention than them so..whatevs
(If you do discard them for another person tho, they will raise hell about it and retract their compassion.)
They will be more direct and intentional about what they want and their feelings so it's not so confusing for you. I can also imagine them guiding and helping you understand them more by maybe taking a different approach towards empathy? Emotional intelligence can be improved and I think they’d be rather good at this. You might not be fully there on everything (depending on where this is stemming from) but you’d have a better grasp at least.
I will say though that at times they might get sad when you don’t initiate affection or respond emotionally how they’d ideally picture it. Especially if there’s absolutely no improvement after a while, they’d get manipulative. They’d make you believe you feel something that you actually can’t. Also might get a bit frustrated by your impulsivity, outbursts and isolation.
Danger Zone
Mk11Shang tsung,Kano,Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Erron Black, Hanzo Hasashi, Kabal, Dark Raiden,Baraka, Noob Saibot, Shao Khan MK1 Bi-Han Johnny Cage, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, General Shao, Kuai Liang, Kung Lao
They. Do. Not. Care.
All of these men have a massive ego that needs to be stroked and inflated by you. They want praise, love and affection. They want 100% of you. Yes, that includes emotionally.
They really don’t care what the reason is for why you are ignoring their advances, you will reciprocate. Their demands will be met and you are in love with them. Fake it good!
I hope you’re a quick learner because you have to pick up on their cues. You should know exactly what they need and when they need it. Your words should be ever so carefully chosen and your actions should have much enthusiasm.
There is no room for your mistakes and accidentally offending them, you will be punished for it. Mood swings and impulsively can result in reactive behaviors on their end.
Don’t make any of your interactions with them awkward in front of others. It isn’t funny to embarrass your “lover” like this.
No. you can’t be self centered. They are the center of your life. No. You cannot hold grudges against them. You should always forgive their actions. Aaaaand no. You really cannot ignore/not listen to them. How dare you.
Wait…it almost sounds like they are just as emotionally immature. Nahhh. They’re worse.
Yeah there’s no room for your Low EL, they need you to be a stable sounding board or else this relationship is going to be far more toxic than anything you’ve ever seen.
They’re completely far gone, no amount of explanation can save you. They will use any means necessary to get something out of you that isn’t even there in the first place. You are going to be everything they imagined you to be and more.
Conflicting feelings
Ngl kinda wanted to put Mk11 Johnny up top because I just am stuck on the fact that MK1 Johnny is a far worse Yandere. Like MK1 Johnny is older, mellowed out and is very mature at this point…but then I remembered his younger self. His mk11 younger version would be far more menacing than MK1. Mk11 Johnny Cage’s younger self would come out of him during his obsession. He can’t help but be an absolute asshat and forget all about his growth when it comes to you. Once a playboy always a playboy.
Kinda wanted MK1 King Lao in the top category aswell but…do I have to further explain. He’s definitely not as cocky and arrogant as his MK11 counterpart but he’s young, immature and impulsive. I don’t think he’d understand your low EL. It would drive him insane thinking that his darling isn’t reciprocating. He’d become rather aggressive and an egotistical monsterrrr in the process.
Kotal Khan really got me too because like he’s absolutely a lover boy but his heart isn’t as warm as it used to be.😭😭 debated putting him in the danger zone because there is so much potential for him to be cray cray but rewatching him and Jade interacting with each other made me choose the softer route. I think once he realizes you are just emotionally immature he’s just unphased by you. Like I can’t see him being that upset by his darling or something like that?? He’d be patient and understanding. He might’ve once been just like you but with time and age, he changed. So can you. Maybe I’m just being too generous?
Dark Raiden. I mean Raiden himself isn’t very intelligent when it comes to emotions. He’s goal and logically focused so I think he’d understand you. BUT what made me change my opinion was that dark! Raiden is completely corrupted and so is his way of thinking. He’s twisted and probably can’t really register your low EL. I think he’d perceive it as you being purposefully defiant towards him.
Mk1 Kuai Liang. People make him super soft and cuddly but Idk I feel like if I’m putting Bi-Han in the danger zone that it makes sense for his brother to be. They grew up in the same environment and Kuai is shown having similar or even worse traits to him. I don’t think he’s a saint. Smoke stands out more to me as someone who’d be softer. His voice lines and personality reflects that.
How do I even tag this 😩
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
It's Okay if you can handle yandere things, can you do the lin kuei trio, syzoth and raiden if they were a yander, i wanna know what's on your mind :D
tw: yandere, toxic relationships (obvs), gaslight, baby trapping, abuse (physically and mentally), death (not reader or characters), if I forgot a trigger tell me so I can add it🫡.
Raiden: -King of gaslight. -"Don't you remember I told you I was going to train? Why do you always trust her, she keeps tricking you! Don't you remember that one time?" -He didn't go out to train, no friends have ever tricked you. -It's impossible for your humble and kind boyfriend to lie to you. He only wants what is best for you. -That's why on your own accord (it's what Raiden keeps telling you) you have no friends, and don't go out. Your boyfriend already gives everything you need and want. -So when you cry alone in a corner of your room, it's just because you are the stupid one because anybody would be happy with what you have (or at least, that's what Raiden tells you).
Syzoth: -What more do you want? You already bear his children. That should be the apex of your life. -That's his strategy, always having kids, so you won't be able to go out. Syzoth taking care of food and every other basic care. -Your life will be forever centred on him and your kids, nothing else, no other important value, not even yourself. -"Act well, if you lose me, you lose yourself." -You can only nod like the mindless pawn you became.
Kuai Liang: -He is always angry, more often than not taking his anger on your body. -"Sorry fireball, I'll never do it again, I swear, stay with me. Forever." -It's never the last time he hurts you, but you believe him every time, cheeks hurting, throat purple, tears never stop flowing from your eyes. -Liang will try to keep you locked in his mansion as much as possible. No Shirai Ryu trainees should be able to see you, and you mustn't even look at other men other than him. -Or women. -The time you talked with Harumi, you couldn't even open your eyes the next day, face beaten up, and you had to take care of the wounds alone. -But every time, Liang promises that he loves you and you can't do anything other than believing him.
Tomas Vrbada: -He is the classical yandere, lovebombing you, saying that he can't live without you. -Killing every person that gets close to you; they should learn to stay in their space, those cockroaches. -Tomas can just think of you, and he'll make sure you will return the obsession. Not physically obliging you, but by eliminating every distraction that you have. -May the distractions be your friends, your parents, your pets… they all have the same value to him. -Zero.
Bi-Han: -Sadly, I think that even normal Bi-Han has toxic tendencies, mostly because he doesn't know how a normal relationship works. -You mustn't interact with other men. You mustn't have hobbies. -Your entire life should be dedicated to Bi-Han and Bi-Han only. -You won't even have the whole mansion for yourself. He'll imprison you in a small room, and he only has access to it. -Bi-Han will personally deliver anything you need, no contact with any other human being is allowed. -The cell doesn't have any window, so you can't even understand for how long you've been there. -Don't try to think too much, or you'll become crazy, just accept your fate.
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thisonehere · 17 days
Can you write about yandere MK1 Kuai Liang getting jealous of female reader and Smoke's growing relationship and kidnaps the reader to try to convince her they are meant for each? (Maybe a bonus scene where Tomas goes to save her)😁
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Yandere!Kuai x Reader
A/n: Oooo that's pretty dark...love it! I never really did a gull on yandere fic so this should be interesting lol
Tags: Request, Drabble, Mk AU, NSFW, Yandere
C/w: things get kinda dark, Kidnapping, light torture, starvation, vomiting, violence, happy(ish) ending
"Please, you have to understand...this is the best for you."
Kuai assured you as he tightened the ropes around your wrists. He had asked you to come into a private room with him, he said it was important, an emergency with Tomas. Before you knew it, he overpowered you and then everything went black. When you awoke your arms were bound to the bedframe in some strange room. You fought desperately at the bindings, maybe almost getting them loose. And then Kuai walked in. "Thank the Elder Gods, you're awake."
At the sight of him, you felt the pounding in your head. You screamed at him in confusion. He shushes you so calmly, as if he didn't attack you. You looked into his eyes and saw a crazed look in it. Like a predator looking down at its helpless prey, ready to pounce.
Kuai had always wanted you. He was so sure you wanted him as well. How couldn't you? He was the only one for you just as you were the only one for him. Even better, he was the best of the brothers. Tomas, though Kuai loved him, was too soft...too broken to be loved. Bi-Han was a prideful hothead. He, in his mind, was the perfect brother. Surely you had to see it. He was loved by so many, regarded with honor and praise by Liu Kang and so many others. He had the love of the people, but he wanted yours as well, all of it. He refused to share it.
The closer you grew together, more of your friends ghosted you, more of your family suddenly stopped seeing you, anyone who so much as tried to flirt with you suddenly went missing, you seemed to be in constant danger and Kuai would always be there to save you, leaving you with no choice but to stay with him. At that point you clung to him that your very life seemed to depend on him.
He was so sure you were all his...then you and Tomas happened. Words cannot describe the fury he developed. He loved Tomas greatly...but you were his, not Tomas's. Kuei can't count how many times he has served in anger watching you two be together. But you didn't know about this for a second, he seems so happy for the both of you. You had no idea that he was in your room watching you and him sleep, that he had been following you to, that he has been taking things like your clothes and even a lock of your hair to smell as he touched himself.
He knew you were never anything official you being with Tomas was like cheating on him, playing in his face as you happily paraded your little affair with his brother like the malevolent whore you were. "My first thought...My first thought was to kill you, I won't lie..." Kuai said as he pet caresses your cheek, a sweet smile on his face. The image of him strangling in you flashes past his eyes, he softly chuckles. "But before that...I think you owe it to me and yourself to give us a chance." His voice was so sweet, so soft, his touch was warm, his smile was kind, he seemed like such a beautiful soul...if only you knew about this devil's true form.
"This is Insanity!" You try to argue "Kuai, I don't-please just let me go, please. I-I promise, I won't tell anyone, please." Kuai just stared at you, perfectly calm as if he expected this. "We belong together, Y/n" he says finally. "I won't release you until you understand that."
"W-What about Tomas!?" Kuai's smile flinched slightly at the mention of his brother. "I know you two have a...bond, but soon you'll forget all about him. You won't think about another man, Im the only one for you after all "
"Have you seen Y/n?" Concern was heavy in Tomas's voice. He hasn't seen you in days, he is getting really scared now. He spent hours pacing across the floor worrying where you were, he got a little more paper, her stopped eating as much, he even stopped sleeping, he was so scared for you how could he care for such things when you were missing?
"No, I am sorry, brother." Kuai looked at his brother sadly. Hearing this made Tomas's heart sink lower. He began to bite at his nails in nervousness. Where could you be, are you okay? Did he do something that caused you to avoid him? Oh gods, he would do anything to see you. Kuai noticed the dark circle around Tomas's eyes, he laid a hand on his shoulder, his gaze softened. "Don't worry, Tomas, I am certain that Y/n us okay. She has a good reason for all of this, I sure." His smile is a slight comfort, his words put him at a somewhat ease. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing he hopes that your okay.
How long has it been? You wonder. The last time you counted was a month and 3 weeks, but wherever Kuai moved you didn't have any windows or any outlet to let you see the outside world. You touched your hollow belly as you rumbled, Kuai hadn't fed you for what felt like a week, the punishment for you trying to escape. You were so tired, so thirsty, so sleep deprived. Kuai left you a thin mattress, a blanket, and a small pillow, but how could you sleep through something like this. You spent most of the time staring at the wall, or what you thought was a wall, the room was so dimly lit that you could barely tell and your eyes were puffy from hours of crying.
You wondered about Tomas, was he thinking about you too. Maybe he thought ghosted him and moved on. No, he was no doubt still wondering about you, probably really sad, Tomas really loved you. And you, perhaps you took it all for granted, you didn't take him seriously enough, maybe. All you knew is that if you ever saw him again, you'd hold him and never let go. You'd rather him than Kuai any day. All this time, you had thought he was the level headed and calm brother, the good one. But being here, after all that Kuai has done to you, it has made you rethink things immensely. Perhaps that is what Kuai wanted, for every to believe that he was the good one. He used Bi-Han's actions, every outburst and every time he snapped and was mean, to make himself look good. At least Bi-Han was blatant about who he truly was and didn't hide, he wasn't a wolf in sheep's clothing like his Kuai.
Your thoughts are quickly interrupted as you hear the door's lock clicking open. The door slowly swings open and light is poured into the room, you haven't seen light in so long that it burned your eyes to see it. It made it even harder to look as Kuai enters, his face is so calm and pleasant looking, it made you sick to see it. He smiles at you warmly and you feel your stomach churn as you try to avoid looking at him. "I have a gift for you, a treat. You have been so good for me that I had to reward you." He held a plate of moon cakes and a glass of milk, something he didn't give you often. He gently lays it next to and stays near it, you had to crawl over and eat it, the chain attached to the collar around your neck made it hard hard to reach it. You mumbled a thanks under your breath but just enough for him to hear you, it was painful to do it, but you were so hungry that you were willing to swallow your pride to swallow even a bit of sustenance.
He smiles as he watches you, "You are most welcome, beloved." You didn't like that word, and you like how he reached out to caress your face. But you didn't fight back, you were too scared to. If you made one wrong move then it would be likely that he'd hurt you. So you just sat there as he looked at you with that sickening smile. "We belong together, Y/n. Tomas is good, but you should be with me. You must feel it like I do. Just give yourself to me and I'll give you a better place to stay, maybe even let you go outside, Fang Jian is so beautiful this time of year. I would love to hold your hand in the sun, make love to you in the fields." The idea of him on top of you, smiling as he pumped into you, oh gods, this was a nightmare. You would sooner let an infected Tarkatan take you here and now than that.
You structure your face to give a demure expression, giving the illusion that you're actually considering such a thing. This is enough for Kuai, he smiles at seeing you seemingly considering it. "Please think about this. Think about us. Tomas loves you...but I adore you." And with that he kisses you softly on the forehead, rising to his feet and leaves. As the door closes, all of the light is that once flooded the room now slinks away back behind the door, leaving in darkness again. You tried to force another bite down, tried not to think about anything. But it fights it way up from your throat, through your mouth, and spills into the floor. You clung tightly to yourself as you begin to sob uncontrollably.
You can't take this anymore, you have to escape...be it in life or by death.
It has been almost 2 months, where are you!? Tomas barely got any sleep, he got up early in the morning and late in the evening to search for you. He won't stop looking for you, he won't give up on you. Kuai and the so many other members of the clan aid him in his search. It's like you disappeared from the face of the earth. "Did you find anything? Any possible trace where Y/n might be?" Tomas said as he saw Kuai enter the room. Kuai sadly shakes his head appearing guilty ridden at his failure. "No trace of her, I have spoken with Liu Kang, he'll Raiden and Kung Lao in searching." He lied.
Tomas sighed with relief, knowing that Liu Kang and his champions would be siding with him at some ease. They'll surely be a great aid, maybe you'll be found. Though he did feel a bit anxious about himself, this was a being who knowingly sacrificed Tomas's family just to help his keep his timeline "perfect". But he was so worried over you that he couldn't care less who was helping him, just as long as they helped get you back. He looked back into his brother's eyes, hopeful, he couldn't help but notice an upset look on his face. Like he was internally seething about something. "Kuai, are you-"
"I am well, I am just...so worried about Y/n. Anything could be happening to them right now. She could be getting tortured, or alone in a dark and cold cellar, or-" Tomas wanted to listen to his brothers words...but he couldn't help but notice the left side of his face. 4 small cuts decorated it.
Kuai is going to kill you, you're sure of it. You're so scared, you hugged yourself tightly and you rolled up into a ball. You were too frightened to even think about how empty your stomach was. You swiped at him, marking his face and leaving blood between your fingers. You don't remember why you did it you had blacked out, maybe he tried to force himself onto you, maybe you just snapped and attacked him. All you could remember was Kuai standing over you, a furious look on his face as blood dripped down it. Before you say anything, you felt the back of Kuai's collide with your face, causing you to slam into the ground. He lets out a frustrated sigh.
You tasted the hot, iron blood on your tongue as you tried to regain your barrings. Kuai turned his back from you, his fist clenched, he stormed out of the room and violently slammed the door behind him. Leaving alone in the dark, your heart racing, your eyes leaking with tears.
Now you're here, your face bruised, your body in a tight ball trying to console yourself as you face your possible doom. What does Kuai mean by "convincing"? Oh gods, was he about to murder you in a crime passion, a "if I can't have you no one can" sort of way. It was going to lock you away, somewhere darker, colder, where he would torture you into obedience. Can you imagine it? You left a hollow shell of what you used to be, bent to Kuai's will. No longer you, you're wants now his wants.
Tomas must've been crazy, surely he was. Surely Kuai didn't do it, surely he didn't kidnap you. He wouldn't, he'd never. The Kuai he knew and loved was an honorable warrior, a good man. He was kind, he was loving, he was his brother. He'd never do such a genius thing...if that was the case then why was he following his brother? He wondered. After he saw those claw marks on his face. He must've been crazy because those fresh claw marks reminded him so much of you. He remembered how he used to spend hours holding your hand, it was the most intimate thing you've done.
Kuai said it was an animal attack, something he acquired while looking for you. Tomas tried to convince himself that that was the case over an dover again. But that didn't stop him from wondering, didn't stop him from following his brother. He kept a good distance, clinging to the shadows, keeping his feet light, and staying invisible for the most part. Where was his brother going? He didn't stop at any shops as he passed through a market place, he passed Madame Bo's, the only thing in this route was a secret safe house that was established years ago.
Why was he going there though? Maybe it was to meet with a possible source that knew of your whereabouts, he hoped. He prayed silently to any god that was listening, practically begged, for that to be the case. But as they near the building, that seems to be less and less of the case. There was no one around, the house was empty. Kuai marched through the house and opened a door to go into the underground level of the building. He didn't seem to aimlessly wander about, he was marching with a purpose.
He flew down the dimly lit hallway to a door at the end. It had multiple locks attached to it, they looked new, freshly bought and couldn't have been there for more than two months. That's how long you've been missing. No...dear gods, please, it can't be. Tomas felt sick to his stomach and felt like he was about to lose his balance. Kuai took a key out of his pocket and unlocked each lock with care. He then would open the door, in a haunting slow manor and then went inside.
The whole world felt like it was going in slow motion as Kuai entered the room and Tomas followed.
Kuai approached you, his footsteps echoing off the walls. Your vision was blurred thanks to the sting of your tears, you haven't cried this much since you were first taken. You feel a strange thing inside, hollow yet full of grief, empty yet overflowing with tears. You finally looked up to see him, Kuai looked down at you both calm and annoyed. "I don't understand you, Y/n, why do you this game up. Some days you're so warm, things are perfect, other days..." He trails off and angrily shakes his head. "I'm so tired of this Y/n, having to convince you how perfect we are together, how right your hand is in mind, and then you pushing me away. I don't think I can play this anymore."
He reaches out and strokes your cheeks, wiping a tear away, he eyes the mark on your face. A remorseful look spreads across his eyes and he softens, no longer angry at you. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Sometimes I just get frustrated, and sometimes I need to let it out. You made me do it, I love you so much, you make it so difficult to love you this much. If you would just be good then I would never need to do that." He pulled you in close, you cry even harder. "Shhhh, it's okay, Y/n" he comforts you. "I know your sorry, you don't have to say it, I forgive you." His coos gently.
He holds tightly, so tight that it feels like he could crush your ribs if you resisted, all you could do was continue to weep in his arms. The sweet scent you always knew him for now smells so repugnant your nose. At this moment you felt ready to die, ready to take any necessary steps to get away from Kuai. Maybe provoke Kuai into killing you. Tomas would be the last thing you thought of, the last name you cried out as you went.
You missed him so much, you wanted him, you needed him. It was all so bad that you started to imagine him appearing in the doorway, a horrified expression on his face. Oh gods, you missed him so much to the point of hallucination.
"Y/n...Kuai..." At this, you felt Kuai's muscles tense.
Tomas's feet felt heavy as he stepped forward. "Kuai..." He started, but he didn't know what to say, what would he even say? He stared at his brother, his arms around you as he was faced away from his brother. He looked you in the eyes, the giant bruise on your face as you red eyes spewed tears. If Tomas were to ever go to hell, this is what he'd see.
"Tomas..." Kuai addressed him, his voice unusually cold and distant. He slowly rose to his feet, and he slowly craned his neck around to look at his brother. Kuai face was solemn and knowing, as if he anticipated this happening. A hint of a remorseful shadow looks over his face for a moment before fading back into a stern look. "What is this? What did you do to Y/n?! What is happening." Tomas demanded with a shaking voice. His eyes darted from you to his brother finally resting on Kuia, being sure to look him in the eyes. "You...you were keeping Y/n here, all this time...it was you!" Kuai just nodded silently as he returned Tomas's horrified gaze.
"Why...WHY!!" Tomas's voice vibrated off the walls. Kuai closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Tomas, you have to understand, I never meant to-" "Why!?" Tomas interrupted. "Because I love Y/n!" The room fell silent for a second. Tomas's vision was blurred with fresh tears starting to burn down his face. "I love Y/n, I love her in ways that you can never comprehend, Tomas, and seeing you two together...do you have idea how maddening that was? How painful to see the one I love with another?" Kuai himself began to shed a few tears as he stared down his brother, his voice was also getting shaky. Tomas looked at his brother through a new disturbed look. Kuai knew that the day would come where he would have to reveal everything to Tomas, he knew To as wouldn't take it the best. But the look he gave Kuai hurt more than could ever anticipate. All the brother could do was stare other down.
"Kuai, please," Tomas begged as he slowly approached Kuai. "Let Y/n go. Please, I'll let Y/n go too. For her safety we'll both let her be free, away from us, where she can be happy." Kuai's eyes widen as he backs away, being sure to block Tomas's path to you. He shakes his head, "No..." He bellowed, "I want Y/n, I can never let her go. Y/n belongs with me, not you, not anyone else, me."
At that second, you rise up quickly and stab Kuai in the back. While he was embracing you, he didn't notice that you had gently slipped his kunai from his side. Kuai let out a scream as he drugged the blade into his flesh and fell to the ground. For sadistic pleasure, you twisted the blade just a little bit causing him to whine in pain. He looks at you, heartbroken and betrayed. "Y/n..." He moans in pain, the tears fall even heavier. He gives you a longing gaze as he seems to go unconscious, you return his gaze with disgust.
Tomas stared at his brother, nothing could come to his head. The whole world felt like it was frozen again. His brother laid there bleeding out, you stared at him too, a sense of relief seemingly washes over you. "Y/n!" He stammers as he rushes at your side, and he embraces you, "Are you okay?"
His scent, his warmth, everything you've missed so much. "No...I'm not." You thought you missed it at least, but you felt so empty inside, you wanted to be happy so badly, but Kuai took all the joy from you in all those months he spent holding you captive, torturing you with hunger and loneliness. All you wanted right was to hold Tomas tight, cling to something, anything that would bring you some peace. You felt so filthy, so broken, now all you wanted to feel was Tomas's warm flesh as you wept. You honestly hoped Kuai wasn't dead, death was too good for him. After all he put you through, you wanted him to suffer all the more.
You bury your face deeper into his chest as you continued to sob and clung to him desperately. "Everything's going to be okay, I'm going to get you out of here and everything's going to be okay..." He stared at his brother's bloody body, his eyes fixed on Tomas and you embracing, tears continued to fall from his eyes. "Everything's going to be okay..." he repeats to you, his voice shakier as he cries harder.
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ✧ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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✧ ׄ 𑂴 "What would happen if you stopped in the world of MK, met your favorite character?"
TW: yandere themes, dark themes, kidnapping, obsession, smut, afab anatomy, unhealthy jealousy, yandere!bi han, yandere!tomas, gn reader.
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You ended up falling asleep playing one of the missions in the new MK1 and now you found yourself on hard, sandy ground beneath you. The sounds of fighting filled his ears with fear and doubt, soon seeing men running in Lin Kuei clothes. You spotted a masked man with a mask that was a little too familiar and looking around you found yourself in the setting of MK1 itself, you felt your knees wobble as the men ran further and further, you felt the despair again and everything went dark.
The light bothered your still closed vision, forcing you to open your eyes tightly and see yourself now in a container with little lighting, your butt hurt from the rough aspect of the chair, in the corner of your vision you could see a tall figure with his arms crossed. Bi Han, the grandmaster. He slowly walked in front of you and bent down, staring firmly into your face with those deep brown eyes, while you could hear the man's heavy breathing, The man asked you several questions, how were you there, if you were a spy.
You tried to explain while Bi Han laughed ironically at all his answers and slowly walked from one side of the small space to the other, but when he heard the whole story of his life, details that only he knew, he was incredulous, he even threatened but the more details he heard, the more convinced he became. The big man took you out of your bonds and looked ahead in silence, you said shyly that he was your favorite there, which left the man with a little heat beneath the mask.
Bi Han then said that he would help you get out of there, as long as this would all remain a secret, the man seemed a little shocked, but he couldn't risk the good of the mission, he lied to everyone, but told the truth to Sektor, who also appeared incredulous but saw you asking for everything in the world for both of you to help find your way home, so the man couldn't deny your puppy dog ​​eyes, Bi Han was responsible for taking care of you while Sektor tried to find a solution. The Grand Master still wondered why he was your favorite among others, as he served a small portion of tea in front of him asking the question that came to his mind, the reason for his preference - enter preference here - regardless of your response, the man's body response will be the same, lower his head and smile to himself, the days passed and every day Bi Han liked you more and more, to the point of offering you to live in his house... Something you accepted immediately.
Bi Han found himself with you alone in your house, you asked him about what he could or couldn't do, while the man filled his heart with a feeling still unknown to him, the rules were passed down by the man and were basically, don't touch anything on him and don't take anyone there, things that weren't a problem for you. Bi Han once again met with Sektor, but nothing new, but Simon actually smiled to himself at the "negative" news.
He got attached to you, he truly believed that you and him had to have a future together somehow - after all, Bi Han was your favorite, you said that yourself - The man went home, finding you preparing a meal for both of you, something he wasn't used to. You worried about leaving the table he never used again clean and tidy, you served him and then sat down at the table - You were an angel sent from heaven -
Bi Han ate his meal, looking at you periodically and smiling to himself, something he had never experienced. After dinner, the man helped you put everything away and sat on the couch with you next to him, you were clinging to the man's arm as the old movie played unceremoniously past his eyes.
"-You know..."- His deep voice settled in the air of the room, focusing your attention on him. "-If this is a game in your world... Anything you do here doesn't make any difference there, does it?" -He added, still staring at the old Noir film. You thought and indeed he was right, a happy sound was made by you making the man look at your small figure compared to him.
Bi Han quickly pinned his arms to the side of his head looking savagely at his face. "-Then make love to me please..." -The man spoke as he slowly covered his eyes and kissed his neck. After that everything was a flash for you, you just felt Bi Han fill you completely with his cock while you sat on the man as if his life depended on it. When it was all over, Bi Han was next to him and you slept tiredly, seeing the man thinking again, the grand master didn't want it to end, you showed yourself to be something that was missing in his life, a warmth that he had never felt in his entire life, he needed to maintain that at all costs, but on the other hand he still thought about you, about your suffering... But everything changed when the man heard you call an unknown name in your sleep.
"-Y/F/N... I want to go home... I miss you..."
Bi Han didn't really know who the person was, but it was probably someone very important for you to cry in your sleep. He found himself arranging your naked body with his arms, lightly stroking your head as you cried. He was sorry but you weren’t leaving. The other day the man left at dawn, without waking you up, heading towards the Lin Kuei headquarters. He quickly entered Sektor's laboratory, who was happy to see Bi Han saying that he had found the Portal and explaining what had happened. The man's ears were ringing loudly as the younger man explained detail by detail, until he heard that Bi Han would drop him off and take him to safety. The man left the room dizzily, his eyes were shaking along with his hands and he now saw in red, dark thoughts were getting louder and louder as he walked to the nearest phone calling you. He really was on automatic now.
The man took a breath, gathering all the strength he had left to think better of a plan, and said that he would take you to the forest and there the same portal would open through a device that was with Bi Han, who was waiting for you in the garage you smiled at the man who quickly and coldly ordered you to follow him. You really were happy, happily talking about finally going to your home, your bed, and your life again. While you were babbling about everything, Bi Han stopped in a totally different forest, with a house in the background, you smiled at the man saying that the place looked a little different and asking why you were there, just walking quickly with you following and trying to call the man's attention, he opened the door and you went after him it was a simple wooden house and you saw the man lock the door with you and him inside now, you still asked why they were there, he sat in a chair near the door and quickly took a small silver object out of his pocket, freezing it with his powers and destroying the only way for you to return home. "-I really couldn't... you understand, don't you (Y/N)? just you and me forever in my world."
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This is a different case, Tomas, unlike Bi Han, had some kind of conscience outside the game, in short, he knew that there was someone or something guiding him, someone who wasn't Liu Kang. So whenever a mission was successful, the sweet man would quietly thank the thing that guided him, he knew there was something more there. You falling into his world was also something more frantic, you only really remember to get ready to leave and your console starts to glow and vibrate, then pulls you with an inexplicable force. You landed in an open field where 5 men were fighting with a masked man, the one you quickly recognized as Smoke. You started running in the opposite direction towards Tomas, shouting his name. The man didn't understand, still fighting with the ninjas, finally everyone had been eliminated and you were now hugging the big guy.
And when I say big, you literally hit his chest, he was still looking at you in amazement, thinking about several things like:
1- who were you?
2- how did you know his name?
3- because you were so 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍??
You soon let go of his waist, looking up. You tried to explain everything, the truth, and that you were as surprised as he was. But as soon as you started talking about everything about him and topped it off with "You're my favorite." Vrbada will be on her knees practically kissing his feet, he knew you existed, considered you practically a divine being. He grabbed your legs when you told him that you didn’t need to explain anything to him, that he knew you told the truth. You smiled as you stroked him over the man's mask, he blushed as he looked at you with kind and even a little scary eyes. Shortly after, Tomas offered to carry him on his back and see what they could do next.
The whole way there was you and him talking about the missions he did and you played controlling him, he listened to everything like a child listening to the best and most incredible story he's ever heard in his life, you talked about how you admired the man and he couldn't help but smile and let out a snicker, involuntarily blowing some smoke out of his nose and mouth, then apologizing, but you said how cute his laugh was. In less than 24 hours this man is in love with you. Unlike his older brother he will not look for some kind of help, he will lie to everyone saying that you and him are dating, whether you like it or not Tomas will use this as an excuse to grab you in front of everyone with touches and exaggerated kisses. He will take you home and take care of you, the man simply offers to wash you, cook you, whatever you want is his.
The weeks passed quickly with you and him growing closer, his favorite pastime was listening to your stories, the stories of your world. But over time, your heart sank.
You still missed home, asking Tomas if he had found any evidence of what brought you there, he always changed the subject about it. He really didn't want you to miss home, he gave you everything, didn't he? Soon jealousy and insecurity took over poor baby Smoke. He constantly asked if you had anyone, any friends, close friends, boyfriend or girlfriend. He really wanted to know about all of your relationships.
Regardless of your answer, he will cry at night in the bathroom while you sleep, he sees himself as nothing, while you are everything to him. With a lot of pressure on his part, Tomas returned to the field and discovered the reason for his fall into his world. You were with him at the time and soon saw the same object.
You cheered, but smoke was still shocked. He looked at the object with all the hatred in his body, but soon saw it disappear as the sunlight came into contact with it. You both came to the conclusion that the device only worked in some sort of darkness, so you would wait for it to get dark. Tomas was sad and you knew why. The man would really lose his saving angel, the reason for his life... And you really saw it.
So you have the worst idea of ​​all, feeding Vrbada's illusion, feeding his sick instinct, the man was in the bathroom, you took off your clothes, coming up behind him and grabbing him tightly, making him look at you. "-You're such a good man to me Tomas, I think I can return the favor, don't you?" -You say as the man sits in the bathtub letting you take control. - riding on Tomas's throbbing cock, with him moaning hoarsely and needily, pushing even deeper inside you - Soon after, he would clean you up and take you to bed, and he would take it as a shy request of:
"-Please come with me to my world..."
Tomas mind was already sick and distorted. You woke up with a very happy man by your side, you really thought everything would be fine and none of that would matter in your reality.
You really made the biggest mistake of your life, Tomas turned on the device watching you go forward but not before asking for one last hug, the man did, changing position and falling back into the portal with you clinging to him, now you were in your room with him in your reality. You said you couldn't and he had to come back, but Smoke would shut you up with a kiss, speaking darkly:
"-You didn't think you'd escape from me, did you (Y/N)?" -While looking deep into your soul.
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒎 𝒏𝒐𝒘.
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beastgoddk · 10 months
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Normal girl who loves you in a normal way asks you a very normal question
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popawritter12 · 6 months
Yandere random Poppa thoughs part 3!
"This gonna be a little different this time <3"
Yandere! Smoke
Situation: kidnapping
[(Name) is tied in a chair with a rope.]
Kidnapped! (Name): What do you wanna do with me?
Yandere! Smoke: Actually, darling, is more like what i wanna do for you.
Kidnapped! (Name):Well, what do you wanna do for me?
Yandere! Smoke: Everything! Things like cook for you, love you, hug you, sleep with you, feed you-
Kidnapped! (Name): "and let you free"?
Yandere! Smoke!: No-
Yandere! Raiden
Situation: Being hated.
Yandere! Raiden: I could do ANYTHING FOR YOU! I could keep you safe, i could love you like you wanted to be loved, treat you like the god you are, i could-
(Name): You "could" kill yourself?
Yandere! Raiden: :(
Yandere! Syzoth
Situation: Being loved.
Random perdon: I just say... like, reptile is a fucking monster, he IS dangerous, and he IS agressive in the universe before these, and im just saying that WHAT THE FUCK IS HE GONNA DO WITH HIS PARTNER IF HE'S A YANDERE?!
Yandere! Syzoth: (Name)!
(Name), looking their phone: What do you need, honey?
Yandere! Syzoth: Do you love me?
(Name): Babe, you asked me the same thing five minutes ago..
Yandere! Syzoth: That means no? :c
(Name): You fucking stupid-
I become a little more creative in this thoughs, juju.
Syzoth mi varón <3<3<3<3
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
The pinnacle of "creep weirdos who deserve each other" dynamics for me is
Darling: "I....think I might kill you someday."
[Yan stares blankly off into the distance]
Darling: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that. I just can't control myself sometimes."
Yan: "No,no - you're fine.... I think I just came is all."
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