#yanfei x shinobu
oceansfirework · 2 years
More Arataki gang shenanigans because its funny, do you think they've ever had to deal with legal issues?
Like yeah, yeah, they get arrested, have to be bailed out by Shinobu and all that but do you ever think they have to go to court? Lawyers hate them, Shinobus putting her schooling to use.
Bonus if they bring in Yanfei, like imagine bumping into your old friend from law school in court because she spends her time with a bunch of idiots who can't even avoid jail.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 7 months
Hey I hope you have a great day.
So I just saw the post with the wrath of the creator on Azar and I had an idea.
I am very emotional and I bailed my eyes out when I did the chasm quest with xiao and he nearly died AND I got a sad cutscene of the adepti after so my traveler was just stuck in the dialog with Xiao while I was crying a whole waterfall and sniffing really loudly and the only other quest where I had that was when we were in the chasm with dain and he tells us that the hillichurls are cursed people from Khanri'ah. I stood in front of the corpses and cried heart out.
So I wanted to ask the characters reactions to that. Especially Xiao, the archons we know (because khanri'ah and its destruction is a big thing here) and dainsleif.
I'm sorry this got so long. If you want to change something or want to add someone or take a character out it's okay, this is just my 5 am thought I just had.
Alr, Anon! Coming right up! Imma just focus on the Perilous Quest lol-
Creator Having A Meltdown During Perilous Quest
(Warning: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Perilous Archon Quest!)
She wasn't going to lie, she wasn't expecting you to cry your heart out so freely. Raw emotion was hard to come by when people grow. They tend to be more...seclusive, with their emotions.
You, on the other hand, were free-balling it. You did NOT care if people were gonna look at you weird, you are gonna cry because you are sad! And honestly, Yelan's glad that the Almighty Creator is expressive and sentient. It proves just how much you care for the characters.
"It seems the Almighty Creator is far more connected than anyone thought..." She wonders what she can do with this information, but at the same time, keep it under wraps. Letting this information slip into the wrong hands was always dangerous.
She wouldn't gamble your safety. Never. Safe to say Yelan's got you covered.
Woah, woah! He did not expect you, the Almighty Creator, to be crying their eyes out the moment he wakes up from passing out and all that—what he miss? What happened while he was sleeping?
Wait, they're not in the Chasm anymore? Oh Archons, someone just tell him what happened! Why the heck is the Creator balling his eyes out?
"Huh—? What's going on? We're out of the chasm?" Poor guy is so oblivious, and no one's bothering to fill him in—at least, at the moment.
He'll pester Shinobu about this later. Just, someone, stop the Creator from crying! Those are sad tunes, not something you want to hear when you should be celebrating about leaving that gloomy place!
She was NOT expecting you to be this emotional! Yanfei feels a little guilty not being able to do anything about it, to be honest...
She has to resist the urge to shake Xiao out of his stupor, because a) that was unprofessional, b) she's more relieved than anything, and c) Yanfei wasn't sure if you, the Creator, would think she was okay if she started acting out like that.
So, instead, she tries to ground herself, and do her best to make sure that the situation is fine, and that everything will be okay. That's the least she can do to reassure you, and everyone else, right?
"Hopefully, Their Grace will stop those tears...Hearing them sad makes me feel sad..." As a lawyer, Yanfei knows how to sympathize with her clients. This, however, felt like she could really understand what you were going through—there was a bond between you and everyone.
She doesn't want to make you sad. That's one thing for sure. Yanfei wouldn't be able to sleep out of guilt otherwise.
She wasn't expecting you to be crying your heart out, but she loves how sentient you are. It shows just how you truly care about Xiao, and about everyone.
She really appreciates you. She can see how you connect with every character—how you cheer with everyone, cherish the moment with everyone, rejoice, and mourn. This was visible proof of it all.
"Hm...How should we comfort Their Grace..." Shinobu wants to do something—for the sake of the gang's gratitude for their Almighty Creator. And everyone here as well.
You contributed much of yourself for them. For that, she's grateful.
She'll have to explain to Boss later...but that's besides the point right now.
He feels guilty for making you cry. He heard you call out his name several many times. He hears how you ball your eyes out, thinking you were gonna lose him, only for Rex Lapis to save him just in time.
He doesn't know if the Lord of Geo heard your divine prayers, or if he went on his own accord, but he feels guilty. He placed a heavy burden on you. He didn't mean to.
"How should I make it up to Their Grace..." He listens to how you scream and cry (out of joy now) that he was alive. You, the Almighty Creator, already connected yourself to someone like him. Your bond was too severe, and he tried to cut it off.
But the way the Traveler is smiling at them with a reassuring smile, Xiao wonders if he will be forgiven. Perhaps far quicker than he imagined.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: This honestly feels too OOC—I don't really know Yelan's personality all that well, and honestly I don't think I caught the full potential of Yanfei, Itto, and Shinobu. I do hope you enjoyed this, but I'm also sorry if this came out disappointing.
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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blazefirefox · 19 days
For everyone who followed me for genshin content being hit by my DOAI posting, here's the long awaited sequel to my Genshin x B99 video yay!
tbh I was 85% finished with this for like 3 weeks and I literally forgor to edit the last video, but I did it!
feel free to ask questions!
@s0n1cdrag0n @stormflyblue >:)
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cynyari · 5 months
what is with this update and giving the lesbians everything they want
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like obviously I'm not complaining. but still
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Jean, Yanfei, Keqing, and Shinobu with a Majima-esque S/O
Part 2 of this post
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Jean was honestly expecting her S/O to be nothing but trouble for the citizens of Mondstadt.
A former criminal from Inazuma coming to Mondstadt to start a construction company? What kind of weak cover story was that?
Though much to her surprise, it was actually legit, no illegal connections or anything. It was normal.
Though S/O was anything but normal.
They acted borderline psychotic, not to mention their horrific sense of clothing.
The way they fought was like a mad dog, wielding a knife and leaping from person to person at blinding speeds.
And yet, she somehow fell in love with a person like that.
Jean had come to personally warn them several times of their actions when Knights were supposed to take care of a commotion.
(S/O) "Eh? AH, JEAN-CHAN!"
She raised an eyebrow. Was that some kind of Inazuman-honorific?
Regardless, Jean sighed and continued on.
(Jean) "This was supposed to be handled by the Knights, S/O."
(S/O) "Oh come on, this shady person was gonna attack this poor lady! Can't tell me I can't be a gentleman, Jean-chan!"
(Jean) "You will refer to me as Master Jean, and nothing else. I won't be as forgiving next time."
Shrugging, S/O walked away.
The next time they spoke, was late at night as they sat in the benches, looking at the sky.
Jean walked over to them, this time without anyone accompanying her.
(S/O) "...Oh, Jean. 'Sup?"
Jean blinked in surprise, they didn't scream her name at the top of their lungs. They even dropped the 'chan' part.
(Jean) "You're...very calm."
(S/O) "Yeah? I'm just thinking. What do you want with me?"
(Jean) "I just wanted to say thank you for protecting Barbara."
(S/O) "The Deacon? 'Course I would, when a freak like that is stalking her, someone oughtta do something."
S/O had scared off, permanently, Barbara's biggest 'fan', though they dropped any pretense of being "mad" or any amusing antics.
It was the most serious anyone in the city had ever seen them, and no one who did would like a repeat of it.
Including Jean and Barbara themselves.
(S/O) "...You referred to her pretty casually though. You two close?"
Jean sat down with S/O and nodded.
(Jean) "Very...If I may ask, what got you that riled up to the point you dropped the act?"
(S/O) "..."
(Makoto) "Miss Kamisato, thank you so much for helping us again."
(Ayaka) "Please, just call me Ayaka."
(S/O) "Eh? Why the hell do I gotta keep calling you Miss Kamisato for?"
(S/O) "...Just don't like it when people pick on those who can't defend themselves."
(Jean) "I think I have misjudged you, S/O."
(S/O) "Hm...Think I did too with ya, Jean. Tell ya what, if you're off next time we can grab a drink. On me."
(Jean) "I look forward to it."
The next time they did meet, S/O popped out of a bush, scaring the absolute hell out of her and a few Knights.
(S/O) "JEAN-CHAN! Let's spar!"
(Jean) "W-Wha, right now?!"
As time went on, though they had their mad persona they showed everyone, Jean saw S/O's serious side come out whenever the two had a drink together.
From their stories about Makoto's death, and Miss Kamisato's kindness, she wanted to know more about the person who suffered so much for other's sake.
And if anything, to see if she can give them the happy ending they deserved.
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Honestly, Yanfei had to wrangle S/O in a good majority of the time.
She was already viewed as a bit of an oddball, but S/O's eccentric personality only made things worse.
They acted insane, like they were ready to go off the leash at any second, not to mention being from Inazuma and most likely a criminal themselves.
Yet, that's not what scares Yanfei about her S/O.
it's the fact she knows how serious they are.
She once saw S/O singlehandedly shut down a corrupt market stall through words alone. The knife they always carried wasn't brandished once.
Yanfei always lectures them on how they shouldn't interfere with the laws of Liyue. Though they act like they don't care, the fact they recited one of the passages word for word told her otherwise.
As crazy as they seemed to be, they were really trying to help bring any justice and assistance to her as they could.
Though anytime Yanfei mentions reading her law books, S/O immediately dives into the harbor.
Well...they're trying?
But at some point, she does want to ask about their past, as they were serious when confessing at least.
But Yanfei definitely couldn't complain that things were boring with S/O around.
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Keqing thought Ningguang was mad bringing in a former criminal to the Liyue Qixing.
Especially with a loose cannon like S/O.
They didn't care anything about basic etiquette, which was even stranger considering they were Ningguang's personal guard.
They intimidated any unruly client, especially the Fatui and Treasure Hoarders.
In fact, it has to be expressed specifically by Ningguang that they do not go "exterminate" any of the Treasure Hoarders, and the job should be left to the Millelith.
Though S/O's explosive personality became well known to all of Liyue Harbor, getting the title "The Mad Dog of the Qixing."
The way they act enrages her, especially when they refer to her as "Keqing-chan".
Their singing tone of voice irritates her, especially their disregard to everyone's authority.
Especially her's.
(Keqing) "You can't just waltz in like that!"
(S/O) "Eh? Oh, sorry boss. Won't happen again."
But in some weird way...she begrudgingly respects them.
They carved their own path and know exactly how to live their life, something she hasn't entirely done.
And what surprised her most of all, is how she's seen them with their guard down.
Keqing walked into their room with half a mind to lecture them until she saw how much sadness was in their eyes.
They were staring at a small watch, it seemed like they hadn't even realized she came in.
(Keqing) "...S/O?"
(S/O) "Oh, hey, Keqing."
(Keqing) "Is that your watch?"
(S/O) "...Yeah, a gift from a friend."
(Keqing) "It's a beautiful watch."
(S/O) "Really? I think it's a little plain. But then again..."
(Makoto) "I don't think it's plain at all!"
(Ayaka) "Yes, it looks perfect to me."
(Majima) "Come on, it's supposed to be a portable clock, why you making such a big deal out of it?"
(Makoto) "Cause it's a gift from you! Of course I'm gonna make a big deal out of it."
(Ayaka) "See, I told you! You shouldn't have worried so much."
(S/O) "..."
Keqing tried to lighten the mood.
(Keqing) "Your friend has good yet strange taste if they were hanging around you."
(S/O) "Yeah...Strange taste indeed."
("Haruka") "Oh, I have to go. Goodbye Ayaka, and S/O!"
Noting how their expression darkened, Keqing cleared her throat.
(Keqing) "My apologies, I didn't mean-"
(S/O) "Eh, don't worry about it. I've been a crazy bastard the entire time anyways. Makes sense you'd take a jab."
Chuckling, and putting the watch away, they waved their hand dismissively.
(S/O) "Boss wants me there at the meeting, yeah? Be right there."
Still seeing the sadness in their eyes as they left the door, Keqing stood in utter disbelief.
Just what had they gone through before arriving in Liyue?
...She supposed she could at least give them a chance after seeing a whole new side of them.
Besides, it looked like they could use a friend.
It then got to the point where they began spending much more time together, to where she got to know who the watch was meant for.
And her heart bled for them.
They didn't have to go their life alone, not if she could help it.
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Shinobu got very acquainted with S/O after they picked sparring fights with Itto on a regular basis.
The Mad Dog of Inazuma was someone everyone in the city was familiar with at this point.
But the Arataki gang had to deal with their madness because they were one of the only few to indulge them.
(Itto) "Oh, so you're back for more eh? LET'S GO, BRO!"
The noise complaints they had got spiraled out of control, since everytime the authorities would show up, S/O was nowhere to be seen.
Making her clean up the mess.
One day, Shinobu had enough of their antics.
Using Itto as bait, S/O predictably showed up.
Well, in the sense of being there. The way they began the fight was emerging from within a tree. She had no idea how they got in there, nor did she care at this point.
(Shinobu) "Everyone, STOP."
(Itto) "Y-YES MA'AM!"
The entire gang backed off, leaving S/O confused.
(S/O) "Eh? The heck's with ya?"
(Shinobu) "I am Kuki Shinobu, deputy leader of the Arataki gang. And you have been causing too much trouble for us."
(S/O) "That so? Well if ya don't get out the way, there's going to be more."
Their eye widened up as they drew a dagger.
Shinobu simply crossed her arms, and furrowed her brow.
S/O didn't need to see the mask off to tell she was pissed.
(Shinobu) "Try me."
The two had a standoff, waiting for one to make a move.
Until S/O laughed, sheathing their knife.
(S/O) "You got some balls, Shinobu-chan!"
(Shinobu) "Do not call me that."
(S/O) "I'll leave for today since ya asked, have a good one now."
Itto looked slightly disappointed about the lack of a rematch, but now Shinobu was curious. Just who was this Mad Dog?
She began a mini-investigation on her own, going around the city asking if they had any information on S/O.
It first led her to Sara, which they had a lengthy discussion of what happened from their point of view.
They were apparently a former criminal who got caught in some kind of gang war.
Though, that's all she knew.
Going from lead to lead made Shinobu more curious about S/O.
They sounded less of a Mad Dog and more of a good person in the wrong profession.
Despite that, they carried on their own way, regardless of what they were told to be by society, their colleagues, and the entire world.
Shinobu really respected that.
On the third day of her investigation, she heard a voice call out to her.
(Woman's voice) "Excuse me?"
Shinobu turned around and was shocked of who was talking to her.
(Shinobu) "L-Lady Kamisato?!"
(Ayaka) "You are Kuki Shinobu?"
Shinobu bowed respectfully, but still obviously flustered.
(Shinobu) "I am, my lady. Is there anything I can help with?"
(Ayaka) "Yes, actually. I am to understand you've been asking after S/O? May I ask why?"
(Shinobu) "Ah, if I am being honest, I am satiating my curiosity about them. They seem to have more going on than the Mad Dog we see in the streets."
Shinobu could tell Ayaka felt hurt, seeing S/O get called that title.
(Shinobu) "M-My apologies. I did not mean to offend-"
(Ayaka) "Please do not worry. You have not offended me. I am just making sure that nothing is amiss. You are not working with anyone?"
(Shinobu) "No, my lady. It is just me, and only me."
Ayaka nodded.
(Ayaka) "Very well, I believe you. Please, carry on."
With a polite bow, Ayaka walked off.
(Shinobu) "Why's someone as important as her asking about S/O...?"
S/O had their curiosity, but now they had Shinobu's full attention.
Eventually, she came across an older woman at a Takoyaki stand.
And S/O was standing in front of it.
(Woman) "Ah, welcome back! Two, I'm assuming?"
(S/O) "Two? What for?"
Their tone of voice caught her off guard. It was much deeper and seemed to be more genuine. Not as crazy or high strung as she always heard them before.
(Woman) "For the fine woman behind you?"
S/O turned and gave Shinobu a nod of acknowledgement.
(S/O) "Ah, sure."
(Shinobu) "Oh, I'm not hung-"
(S/O) "Come on, this one's on me."
(Woman) "Hah, always such a gentleman!"
(S/O) "Granny, not this again!"
(Woman) "Heheh, it's true!"
(Shinobu) "Again? Do you mind if I ask?"
S/O sighed, shrugging.
(S/O) "...Alright, sure. I came here one night with a lady, and we got Takoyaki together, and for a friend."
(Woman) "They paid for everything, and even helped Miss Kamisato-"
(S/O) "Come on, do you gotta tell everyone this story?!"
(Woman) "Oh hush now, I've made sure to speak this story to only reliable people, Miss Shinobu here included!"
(Shinobu) S/O and Miss Kamisato know each other? I suppose that makes sense.
S/O handed her a takoyaki and they both sat down on a bench.
(S/O) "Any reason you're asking after me in particular?"
(Shinobu) "Oh, you know?"
(S/O) "Got a tip from a friend is all. So?"
(Shinobu) "Curiosity, more than anything. First I wanted to know why you were picking a fight with the boss, and now...I just want to know you, if that's alright."
(S/O) "Hah, only if you tell me about you too. Itto talks highly of you all the time, you know?"
(Shinobu) "Oh please, the boss and the rest of the boys get in trouble all the time, I feel like they don't appreciate me at all despite what I tell them."
S/O looked into the sky and sighed.
(S/O) "...Trust me, they know, and they care. If you suddenly disappear one day, they'll all be feeling it for the rest of their days."
Shinobu turned to S/O and saw the sadness written on their face.
(S/O) "But that's for later. How 'bout we get to eating? Pretty sure it's cooled down."
(Shinobu) "Right."
S/O turned away from them, making Shinobu confused.
(S/O) "Oh, right. Doing this cause I assume you don't like people lookin' at ya without that mask. We all got something we don't wanna show, so I get it."
(Shinobu) "Like this calmer side of you?"
(S/O) "Heh, precisely."
(Shinobu) "Then...I suppose I'll start first...Where do I start?"
The two had a long conversation spanning into the night, and for many more nights to become.
Whenever Shinobu began studying, S/O would be right behind her, albeit hollering like a lunatic.
But at the same time, she got to know the real S/O.
The one who was best friends with Makoto Makimura, and Ayaka Kamisato, but also the one who lost both.
She wants to do everything she can to protect S/O's already damaged reputation, and make sure Ayaka doesn't come under fire either from S/O's antics.
But more importantly, she at least wanted to be there for S/O.
A person who had suffered so much at least had that much right.
...Even if they were a pain in the ass to deal with for the Arataki gang.
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k0sk1 · 5 months
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xxaltalunettesxx · 2 years
Amongst the star speckled sky – the little things you see in them
A set of headcanons that are the details that make them brighter than the rest (gn reader x Yanfei, Kuki Shinobu, Ningguang, Jean)
Platonic/ Romantic
{Let us begin}
✧Eye- shadowed passion✧
Those mesmerizing pair of emerald green eyes, dotted with speckled highlights of leaf-green and jade, are so deep and inviting that you could stare at them for hours, teeming to the brim with sparks of everlasting justice
The ignition and passion she holds behind her eyes is unmistakable, and that is one of Yanfei ‘s best qualities, and you love her dearly for it
You can see it every day, from being in court (metaphorically) battling her strongest opponents, to her unwavering perseverance to help you find the pen you lost two weeks ago
There is nothing that can ever replace the blazing, yet warm reassurance that you feel when you see it
“No, I will most definitely not forfeit the search for that quill you lost; you said it was very important to you, was it not? I will continue pursuing that quill lest you do not require it anymore.”
✧Her trust ✧
There are not many times that the single braincell of the arataki gang is willing to show her face, or leave a weak spot open
But that is simply because she believes in the trust she gives you, and she knows that you will always be by her side whenever
She acknowledges the fact that you are here to aid, to accompany her alongside her many endeavors, and no longer feels the need to shy away from such matters when she is with you
You are most grateful for the glances you exchange, the knowingness and familiarity in her stance, the trust embedded deeply into each other’s veins, felling almost electrifying with familiarity
“Okay, now I need you to cover my side when I unleash the technique. C’mon we have to do this, otherwise our lives are on the line. Ready? Go!”
✧Her sincerity✧
Ningguang is a person of a high position, and has many masks to put on and faces to maintain , yet all that crumbles apart whenever she sees you
You are the bulldozer that breaks down her walls, is the person who sees her past from the Mora and accomplishments
She doesn’t feel the need to be the Lady Tianquan, or the founder of the Jade Chamber, just Ningguang at her core
She’d do whatever it takes to protect you, even if it meant the image of the “prestigious, high and mighty Lady Tianquan” be destroyed
You can see everything through when she is herself, and are truly marveled by the stability of the stone-hard personality she really has, and treasure it like a diamond in the rough
“Now, would you please do me a favor, s/o, and just throw me that plush over there? Much thanks.”
✧Her willingness to listen and change ✧
The acting grandmaster of the knights of favonius doesn’t have much time on her hands, yet she always finds time to spend with her most treasured person in the entirety of Teyvat
After you, she starts noticing the little things. She takes a mental note of everything you do, and try to suit herself into that position, of which you eyes can light up, and let out that soft, tinkly laugh that she loved. Make the most of the times you were happy
She’s also saw the slight furrow of your brow, the slight gray in your eyes to the strangled sobs that you let out occasionally, and how it felt so bitter to just see you in so much pain
But just knowing Jean will be there is like a breeze, gently blowing across your face, the soft touch of light wind, but strong enough to pick up dandelions, like a sign that she’s always with you, promising that’ll be alright
It’s a relationship of which you each support each other lows and boosts each other’s high, a very prominent, balanced, but a sincere and chaste one nonetheless
TAGLIST : @mocha-bunbun
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Perilous Trails, Sacrifice
Warnings: implied character death/temporary death. Traveler sacrifices themself for their companions. Some parts may be suggestive/have smut themes. Angst, hurt to comfort, fluff.
SPOILERS!!! this collaboration contains spoilers from the latest event and archon quest Perilous Trails. If you have not finishes the quest please do so before reading this collaboration or read at your own risk knowing this collaboration contains spoilers. It is easier to understand the story if you have already completed the archon quest in its entirety.
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“Stars align, bestow your light,
“Evil purged by thunder’s might,
“Spirit curbed, pneuma surge,
“By dictum divine, heed these words,
“Do as I command!”
The sound of Yelan’s enchantment echoes around the walls of the space everyone is trapped in. Blue light illuminates the cavern as the fantastic compass lights up after being fed a steady stream of energy from Yelan and Xiao.
“Aha, the fantastic compass is an amplifier. Maintain this energy level and we may stand a chance,” Yanfei orders as her eyes dart around, observing the phenomenon caused by the device she was tasked to find.
“I will maintain the energy flow,” Xiao’s voice is smooth and calm as it rings around the space. Yelan gives him a nod and steps back, cutting off her own energy flow into the fantastic compass.
“Everyone, stand back,” Xiao commands as he strengthens his energy flow into the device.
In the next moments, a transparent, glowing, blue platform is summoned beneath everyone’s feet and you all begin rocketing upwards.
Paimon clings to your arm as you all ascend thanks to the fantastic compass now lending to your escape. Everything seems to be going well, and you allow yourself to hope that you will be able to escape the domain that had trapped you in the depths of the chasm.
Yet, something is off. It becomes clear to you that one of your companions might be lost on this trip up towards the surface.
So traveler, who will you save?
Xiao Alatus Nemeseos by @hutaoscoffinn
Yelan Umbrabilis Orchis
Yanfei Bestia Iustitia
Kuki Shinobu Tribulatio Demptio
Arataki Itto Taurus Iracundus by @hopelesshawks
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heyy can i request a scenario where ei x reader who is chaotic and they somehow end up in jail and ei bailing them out? i feel like it would be funny and the details are up to you but if you don't want to then can i request just ei x chaotic reader? have a nice day!
・❥・Ei bailing you out of jail
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╰┈➤ Synopsis -- You come from a family of treasure hoarders but don't really take after them. You were recruited by the Arataki Gang out of pity for your reputation due to your family. You and Itto were decorating Ritou for the Drumalong Festival, until something happens and you both get sent to jail.
╰┈➤ Crack + gn! reader
╰┈➤ Revolves around Ei, but also mentions Itto, Heizou, Shinobu, Yanfei, and Yae Miko.
╰┈➤ Warnings -- jail mentions
: ̗̀➛ You come from a family of infamous treasure hoarders. You were raised to follow in their footsteps, but the fear of getting caught by a certain detective scared you out of really doing any crime.
: ̗̀➛ You had quite a unique personality and were friends with just as equally unique people. You just so happen to be a member of the Arataki Gang and were recruited out of pity for your reputation due to your family. They wanted to give you a more positive life.
: ̗̀➛ Because of the equally infamous reputation of the Arataki Gang, the members were added to a watch list that was accessible by the Tenyro Commission and the Electro Archon.
: ̗̀➛ You were putting up decorations in Ritou one day for the Arataki Drumalong Festival with the gang and was stopped by a nearby guard, who wasn't very kind about the matter. Naturally, you and Itto argued with the guard. I mean, you can't let this one guy ruin this festival for you!... Which was the reason you got put into jail with Itto.
: ̗̀➛ Shinobu was in Liyue for a meetup with Yanfei at the time, so nobody could help get you out. At this point, you were hopeless.. Until, the detective that stopped you from committing crimes came to the cell that you and Itto were staying in with roasted lavender melon. The detective immediately recognized you, but didn't quite understand why you were sharing a cell with Arataki Itto.
: ̗̀➛ You explained your situation to him. How he stopped you from the treasure hoarder life, how the gang recruited you and why, and why you were in there. The detective found the entire thing quite funny, but also was honored that you didn't take after your family because of him. Just because of that interaction, he told a few colleagues of the incident, thinking of how hilarious it was.
: ̗̀➛ The gossip was so juicy that it even reached the Grand Narukami Shrine. Yae had heard of the gossip from one of the shrine maidens and knew exactly what to do. She knew her dear archon, Ei, didn't really have much to do in her plane of euthymia, so she told her the gossip when she visited her.
: ̗̀➛ Ei didn't really believe Yae at first. She really had to see it herself, so of course, Yae brought Ei out of her plane of euthymia just to see what was told to her in the gossipy news. The guards of the jail of course didn't mind their Electro Archon and Head Shrine Maiden entering. It obviously didn't seem suspicious.. Right?
: ̗̀➛ They walked down to the cell where you and Itto were suffering staying for the time being. It definitely startled you and Itto to see those two standing there, asking for the story of how you got there to see if it matched with the rumors on the streets of Inazuma City.
: ̗̀➛ Yae pretty much left Ei to speak to you guys alone, as she had other things to attend to at the shrine. Ei kept asking you two questions. She couldn't comprehend why you were in jail. You two were just trying to express yourself's. Why was that punishable?
: ̗̀➛ She just simply opened the cell door and told you two to follow her outside. Everyone was too distracted with the Electro Archon that they didn't notice 2 himbos following her out the entrance.
: ̗̀➛ She brought you guys back to Ritou and helped you decorate for the Drumalong. This time, nobody stopped you. Wonder why..
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dollie-chan · 2 years
Yelan Icons
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
All of these icons belong to @idkhowtobehappy on Pinterest
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Inazuma Round Up
Yanfei:You know there’s a reason why I put “I know your busy” in my letter, don’t you?
Aether:Hehe, I figured I should at least try. You tend to overthink and I didn’t want to give you the wrong idea.
Yanfei:*red* I…can’t argue that.
The legal adviser sighed, helping her wary boyfriend into his bed. This all started with a surprise visit at her office. Aether, in a state of exhaustion, had drifted off waiting for her return. Yanfei found him face first and unconscious in the cake he had prepared.
Aether:I’m sorry again.
Yanfei:Stop apologizing. Cakes can get replaced. Your health is important. Sweet dreams Aether.
Aether:But I’ve missed so many birthdays recently! *yawns* First years are…special. I still gotta…see…zzzz
Yanfei looked at his work corner. There was a small mound of gifts by his desk and a sheet of paper. On closer inspection it was a lift of names and items to give them. As well as their birthday letters. The fact there was more than three would’ve stressed her out. In his defense however, these birthdays were incredibly close, and not just in dates. In fact…
Yanfei:Hmm, Kuki’s on the list. I wonder…
[Inazuma precinct]
Sara:Okay, what’s the urgent situation that simply couldn’t wait yet not important enough to tell me-
Sara:…What did you do this time?
Itto:Heh hey hey! I haven’t done anything! You don’t see me in a cell do you? That’s right, I’m here on mission and that mission is you.
Sara:Itto, I don’t have time for another challenge.
Itto:Why would- okay I know why you’d that but that ain’t it. My beloved savior from Liyue came to me asking for help and I’m here to lend a hand!
Sara:Your help, or Shinobu’s?
Itto:Both actually! Anyways, happy belated birthday.
He reveals a box behind her desk and opens it to show off an Amos bow. As well as cute little cupcake in another box.
Itto:The traveler wants to let you know he hasn’t forgotten about you or the sparring match; which by the way, hurt me to learn about. I mean I’m right here! Anyways, the gang also helped organize papers. Under supervision of course. As for Kuki, my savior has made me swear an oath to “be legally responsible” for the rest of the day and tomorrow.
Sara:Wow, you must be so bored.
Itto:Pfft, this is nothing! But hey ummm, anything fun to do? I may or may not be allowed to do beetle fights with the kids.
Sara:Heh, I don’t know about fun but if there’s no work around here, then I guess lunch is in order. Care to join me? I’ll pay of course.
Itto:Well well wel-
Sara:*red* I will let you starve.
Itto:I would love lunch.
Sara:Good. Just give me a minute. *holds a box* I had my own mission.
Heizou:The general wanted to see me?
He looks around to see nobody, but there is a box on his desk with a letter from the general.
“Happy belated birthday. Aether wishes you good health and would like to apologize for not giving you this in person. Our mutual friend has been rather busy lately. I myself took liberty or paying for this particular gift. He knows you just met but was certain something practical is well within reason. I doubt he’ll be happy if he got his mora back so i trust you’ll find a way to give it to him without noticing. Keep up the good work. Please clock in on time.”
Heizou opened up the box and pulled out a Solar Pearl, all ready to go.
Heizou:Hmm *smiles* how bout that?
Meanwhile at the Grand Narukami Shrine, Miko is having a wonderful time.
Miko:I like to believe I’m in the know about a great many things, but this…what did I do to see this again.
Kuki: *in a shrine garb* Happy belated birthday, Lady Gugi. I better not see any photos. Aether sends his wishes.
Miko:Aaah, and here I thought he couldn’t be bothered to make time for little me.
Kuki:*squints* You knew he was tired.
Miko:Of course! Pretty sure he got sick around my birthday. Even tempered blades need maintenance. It’s cute to think he thought I’d be bent out of shape. I’m a patient woman. Looks like it paid off.
Kuki:This is not your gift. *pulls out a small box* this is.
The shrine maiden’s ears flicker. The size immediately told her it was a book. Miko unwrapped it and with it was a letter from Aether himself.
“I’m no publisher or anything but I hope this manages to peek your interest. My honest attempt at a light novel. Enjoy and Happy Birthday.”
Miko:Ooo, this is a treat. Has a weight to it. No wonder he’s tired. Writing a novel, adventuring, and fighting gods, any mortal would need break. If this is my gift, then why the outfit that’s causing you visible embarrassment?
Kuki:I don’t do half measures. His birthday entailed praying and giving an offering to the Sacred Sakura on the Shogun’s birthday. I know the proper ceremony so I should honor it. Though it’s a bit of a unique way to celebrate. I didn’t even know her birthday.
Miko:(That child is a bigger softy than Ei.) *smiles* Correct me if I’m wrong, but your birthday just passed. I suppose it’s only right to pay good deeds forward. I’ll take care of ceremony. You can change.
Kuki:Oh thank goodness! *bows* Pleasure doing business with you, but I did also have a request. There’s a gift I know you’ll have an easier time delivering.
Miko:*kicks open door* Hello~
Ei:Did knocking go out of style in the last 500 years?
Miko:Don’t be like that. And after I brought Aether’s wonderful gift of desserts from Mondstadt and Liyue.
Ei opens one eye to see Miko holding two boxes filled with new and sugary sweets unknown to the Archon. Ei stopped floating, sitting on the floor and patted the mat for Miko to come over and join.
Miko:I’m worried one day you’ll meet your end to a poison tart at this rate.
Ei:As if I’d go that easily? I’m surprised. I assumed Aether forgot.
Miko:Don’t tell me you were pouting all this time? Aww, waiting for a friend sure is hard isn’t it?
Ei:I don’t need this, I get it. Also I was not pouting. *bites doughnut* It just would’ve been nice to talk.
Miko:He’s been busy, but I’ve been told he plans to visit when he can.
Ei:I’m no stranger to waiting.
Miko:He also gave offerings to Makoto.
Miko:Twins don’t forget about other twins so simply. Aether keeps you in his prayers for sure.
Ei:Is that right? *smiles* Hmmm, it’s decided then. Miko, I shall have the finest blacksmiths make him a blade and armor for any situation.
Miko:Please just write him a heartfelt thank you letter.
Ei:How are messages sent these days? Are we still using the Kitsune?
Miko:*tired stare*….
Ei:*red* What!? Why would I know!? It’s a valid question!
Kuki:That’s everybody to my knowledge. Everyone else has already celebrated with him or because of him somehow.
Yanfei:I can’t thank you enough! No way I could’ve gotten to everyone.
Kuki:It’s nothing Senpai. I wouldn’t even be celebrating a birthday this year without the both of you. Tell Aether to get some rest. I’ll see him when I see him.
Yanfei: *yawns* Wiiiilllll doooo.
Kuki:He’s not the only one tired. Maybe you should stay until tomorrow? It’ll be night when you get back.
Yanfei:I’d love to, but I have my own civil affairs to look after. I’ll be fine.
It was well into the night and Yanfei was tired! However, she was also fulfilled. Not a regret to be have. All that was left was set aside a few files for tomorrow. She opened her office door and flicked on the light, gasping at the sight of a single cupcake in a box and Aether’s resting his head on his arms at her desk. He looked up, greeting a tired smile with another.
Yanfei:You’ve been busy.
Aether:So have you. I woke up to get some water and noticed several boxes and a list gone. I’m no detective but I figured you were up to something. Thanks.
Yanfei:No thanks needed and don’t feel guilty either! I had fun seeing Inazuma and my wonderful junior.
Aether:Better than fishing?
She walked over to the single red and white cupcake. Yanfei opened the box then put a single birthday on it before lightning it with her finger. A single breath blew it up and she giggled as he clapped.
Aether:Hope your wish comes true.
Yanfei:Let’s find out. Work can wait. Carry me to bed, please?
Aether laughed. A easy wish, even when tired. He got up and lifted Yanfei into his arms like a bride. Yanfei rested her head on him. She even got a kiss on the forehead.
Yanfei:*red* Will I wake up to you next to me tomorrow?
Aether:Who am I to deny a wish and good sleep? Happy Birthday Yanfei, and sweet dreams.
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800 Follower Event
If you're only interested in the event and don't want to hear me rambling, then feel free to skip the first few paragraphs, it's completely fine to do so. For the rest of you:
I posted my first fic almost exactly 6 months ago, and while the fic itself has long been deleted (because it was honestly really sh*t) this blog is still there. In these 6 months 800 people (and probably one or two bots, since this is tumblr after all) all made the terrible decision to start following me/hj. And while I could write a thousand words to tell you how grateful I am, I'm not trying to waste even more of your time, so let me just be brief for once and say:
Thank you all, every person that reads my fics and everyone trusting me enough to request something from me, I know I'm not as active as in the past, but I still appreciate you all.
Anyway, you're probably all here for the event, so let me just quickly tell you the rules.
One prompt and one character per request
Every prompt can get requested up to 2 times, if there are more than 2 requests, I'll choose which one counts on first come, first serve basis (there might be exceptions if I really like the prompt and character, but don't count on those).
There's no limit how often a character can get requested, but if one character gets requested too often, I might have to take them off the list of posibilities, so that other characters can get requested as well
Please specify if needed. If the chosen prompt could be interpreted as different genres (angst, hurt/comfort, etc), or you want to request an angst prompt with a specific subgenre (comfort/no comfort for example), then please say so. I don’t want to get things wrong.
When do the requests end?
You can request until 8pm Friday, 29th of July (CET)
A few basic informations:
One (/) means the prompt has been requested once already. Two (/) mean that it was reqeusted twice already and isn’t available any longer.
When something has been requested, I will write the character it got requested for next to the /, so that the same prompt wont be requested twice with the same character.
When the request is finished, I will turn both the (/) and the character name green
You'll be able to find already written requests by searching #JustASimp'sSimpingEvent on my blog, since all of them will be tagged with it (hopefully)
I may not finish every request that I get, especially if I find myself overwhelmed with them, but I will try my best to finish as many as humanly possible
Here, the Prompts:
“Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that” (/ Fischl) (/ Yanfei)
“Aw, you’re blushing like a rose” (/ Lisa) (/ Yoimiya)
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention” (/ Jean) (/ Yanfei)
“Just pretend to be my date” (/ Ganyu) (/ Yun Jin)
“I know you’re still in love with me” (/ Hu Tao) (/ Yae Miko)"
“I remember practising how to ask you out in front of the mirror” (/ Kuki Shinobu) (/ Amber)
“Shush and go back to bed” (/ Yae Miko) (/ Kokomi)
“You’re cute when you’re angry” (/ Keqing) (/ Mona)
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s- ­­­­­­­pretty” (/ Eula) (/ Shenhe)
“There it is, there’s that smile!” (/ Yoimiya) (/ Ganyu)
“Wait, you think I’m cute” (/ Keqing) (/ Shinobu)
“Are you tired? Rest your head in my lap” (/ Ei) (/ Ningguang)
“Just five more minutes-” (/ Eula) (/ Jean)
“May I have this dance?” (/ Ayaka) (/ Fischl)
“I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner… you suck” (/ Rosaria) (/ Ei)
“It’s three in the morning” (/ Ei) (/ Shinobu)
“Let me help you. Please” (/ Yae Miko) (/ Noelle)
Anyway, thank you all once again for bearing with my -sometimes "meh"- writing and bad jokes and have a great day/night!!
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blazefirefox · 6 months
a little something I had cooking up for a bit
(for my Genshin x B99 AU)
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o0-iris-0o · 1 year
Xiao x reader (fem)
Chapter: 1/9
Genre: Fluff and smut, AU
Summary: After being isolated for quite some time, your close friend invites you to a concert with her. Although you planned to get back to your regular stress filled life after this outing, a stranger at the bar may have different plans for you. (OC in first chapter)
(repost from ao3)
I will probably only be posting the first chapter here. If you're interested in reading the rest, I left a link to the fic at the end.
There are more warnings and tags on ao3 for the full fic, but this chapter is somewhat clean. I provided warnings for this chapter below.
Drinking | Drugs | Depression | 18+
"Who are we seeing again?" I ask, switching my attention from my phone to my friend who hasn't said much in the last hour.
Her eyes shoot up from her own phone as she turns to me with a troubled expression across her face, "Y/N! I told you to listen to them before we went to the show. Do you not read my texts?"
Feeling a bit guilty I shift my gaze to the short line of people in front of us, "Oh, I must have gotten so busy with work this week that I forgot." I nervously chuckle, trying to shrug it off. I did in fact have spare time this past week, but I spent the majority of it sleeping when I was off of work.
Sedna pouts at me, "Well then I'm not telling you, you'll have to figure it out yourself." She says half-jokingly.
I had agreed to come to this concert with her because we hadn't gone out together in quite some time, of course it was my own fault. I either didn't have enough spending money or I simply didn't feel like interacting with people. Although, this time she wouldn't stop begging me to go, she even went out of her way to buy me my ticket, so I couldn't back down.
Suddenly the sound of screeching tires and a blaring car horn catches the attention of both me and the crowd waiting in line. Looking over there's two cars stopped only inches away from each other in the middle of the intersection across from us. It looks as though they were mere seconds away from an awful accident. I watch as one of the cars pulls off with a very angry looking driver.
"Do people not know how to drive anymore?" Sedna says in a low voice as the line in front of us starts to move. Quickly forgetting about the horrendous accident that almost occurred, we slowly make our way to the front of the line. Sedna pulls out her phone and the ticket taker scans both our tickets, then we're on our way into the venue.
As soon as the stage is in view, I feel Sedna's fingers intertwine with mine and she begins tugging me behind her as we sprint towards the barricade. Once we secure our spot, she locks her hands to the fence and gives me a big smile, "Aren't you excited Y/N?"
I know she's trying to be as supportive as she possibly can, so I just give her a reassuring smile and nod, then watch as the crowd of people starts to flood the once empty space. The venue isn't huge compared to arenas I've been to, but it certainly isn't an underground venue either.
After a while of standing in a packed crowd the first band finally opens up, which just so happened to be the one Sedna was waiting for. Throughout the set I mostly just watch as Sedna enjoys herself, although I occasionally decide to jump in on the fun too, in an attempt to not be a mood killer.
Once their set is over and the intermission kicks in, I'm already exhausted. I'm not used to being this active anymore, "Hey, I'm going to go grab some drinks at the bar, you wanna come?"
"Oh, I really wanted to stay in for the next band. Don't let me stop you though, I'll meet you there when they're done." Sedna replies.
I nod my head and look behind me, there's absolutely no way I'm getting through this crowd. Instead of pushing my way to the back, I beckon to one of the bodyguards by the stage to lift me out. Once I'm back on my feet, I waste no time to start my search.
For a moment I look around cluelessly, I'm not familiar with the layout. I stand on the tips of my toes to try and see over the crowd of people, and I can vaguely make out a bar sign on the opposite end. Following the path around the horde of people, I finally reach my destination.
Lifting myself up onto a stool I look up at the chalkboard menu, "Damn, why are these more expensive than before?" I say under my breath.
"Tight on money, hm?" I hear a quiet, rigid voice say.
I look to the person next to me surprised they could even hear me, "Oh um, I didn't realize I said that out loud. Yeah, I guess you could say that."
The stranger turns to me, revealing his bright amber eyes and warm red cheeks, presumably from drinking. His expression seems bothered, as though he doesn't want to be here, but the more I stare at him the more I realize he's actually really attractive. Snapping me out of my thoughts he asks, "What do you like?" then gestures to the assortment of bottles in front of us.
"No, it's alright you don't—" I attempt to deflect the offer, but the stranger doesn't let me finish.
"I said, what do you like?" His question sounds more like a demand, making me feel obligated to answer.
I stop to think for a moment. Pressing my finger to my lips, I glance over to the board so I don't have to meet his sharp gaze for much longer, "I guess, anything light would be fine." I give a general answer so he can choose. I'd feel horrible if I accidentally picked one of the most expensive drinks on the menu.
I watch as he calls over the bartender, "Three rounds of tequila over ice for this one, and you can close my tab after that." The bartender takes note and starts pouring my drink while the stranger to my left finishes off what's left in his glass, "That should be enough to get the night started, yeah?"
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I say giving a shy smile.
I watch as the bartender places a card in front of the man, sliding the card off the counter he places it into his pocket and stands up. I was expecting some sort of response after thanking him, but instead I notice him shift closer to me catching me off guard, "If you ever find yourself needing quick money, here." I watch his hand slip a small paper in front of me, and before I can say anything he's gone.
I look around a bit confused as to where he could have gone so quickly, then my attention is drawn to the piece of paper that's laying in front of me. There's nothing on the front, so I flip it over and see a phone number along with the name 'Xiao' written above it. Completely mystified, I open my bag and place the paper inside. I decide to ignore this strange experience and carry on with my night.
Through my severe drowsiness I open my eyes and find myself stretched out across my bed. The light coming from my window practically blinds me as I lift my head. I'm still wearing the same clothes from last night, everything from my bag is dumped out across my bed, and a pack of cigarettes is laying on my stomach with only one left inside. I flop my head back down and quickly regret my actions when my head starts pounding.
Lazily I reach around for my phone and hover it over my face. While I'm reading the texts Sedna sent me explaining how she took me home last night, an email notification pops up on my screen. Curious as to what it could be, I open it and see it's an email from property management reminding me rent is due Monday, "Shit..." I mumble to myself while going to find my bank app, "One hundred mora?! Where did all my money go?" I quickly sit up, scrolling through all my recent transactions in confusion. The majority of my check went towards the many unpaid debts I've racked up, and the rest was groceries.
I throw my phone onto my bed, trying to ignore it for now, and head over to my fridge to grab some water hoping it'll ease my headache. Opening the fridge my eyes are met with an empty cold box, I shut the door not finding what I was looking for. Resting my face in the palms of my hands I lean onto my countertop, "My food is already gone, I have no money to pay for rent, and I don't get paid until Friday. Like that'll be anything with my hours already cut. What the fuck am I supposed to do?" I question myself in a rush of frustration.
My thoughts flip through possible solutions to fix this and through my hazy memory of last night, I recall the piece of paper that was given to me. I hastily head to my strewn-out bag on my bed. Moving my things around, I find the tiny paper hidden under my wallet. I quickly grab my phone and compose a new message:
Y/N: "Hey."
Y/N: "What exactly was it that you wanted me to do again?"
X: "Do you genuinely need it?"
Y/N: "I mean yeah, I'm kinda in a tough spot right now."
X: "Do you not have any other options?"
Y/N: "No, not really."
X: "You really have to consider all your options before taking my offer. There's no going back from it, not to sound dramatic."
Could it really be as bad as he's making it out to be? I quickly try to search for other options in my mind but draw a blank, there's no other way I can get rent money in the next twenty-four hours.
I confirm that I want to go through with his offer, whatever it may be, and he sends back a link to a location. He then tells me to meet him there at ten p.m. I relax a bit realizing my money issues will most likely be solved, but begin to worry about what he's going to have me do.
Later in the evening I take a quick shower before changing my clothes and packing my bag to head out. I only bring my important things such as my phone, wallet, keys, and the lone cigarette that my intoxicated self left for me, along with a lighter.
I throw on one of my basic black hoodies then pull up the location Xiao sent to me, so I can get an ETA. The location is a bar about an hour and thirty minutes away from my home, it's also on a side of town I've never been to before. I tuck all my anxieties deep down before opening my door and heading down the stairs.
The transit was long, and I had taken two different trains to get to where I was going. Once I'm out of the dingy subway my face is met with the cool night air. This part of the city looks rather wealthy with fancy restaurants and clothing stores lining the neon lit streets. On my walk, I pass by groups of people wearing what seems to be their best outfits, all while I only have my scruffy sweater and ripped pair of jeans. I definitely feel like the odd one out this time.
Eventually I find myself standing in front of the bar I have mapped on my phone, I enter through the decorative doors and stand in the entrance for a moment. Shortly, I realize there's no waiter at the door and now it feels like the whole room is staring at me, even though I don't catch anyone moving their head.
My anxiety quickly shoots up as I try to text Xiao and ask if he's even here yet, but in the middle of my typing someone's voice catches my attention. I look up from my phone to see the bartender beckoning to me and I hesitantly make my way over.
"You look quite lost. Care to tell me what brought you to my bar?" The red-haired man asks while wiping down a glass in his hand.
Feeling greatly intimidated and out of place I fumble over my words, "I—I um.. I was supposed to meet someone here..."
"Oh really, what's their name? Maybe I can help you out." His tone sounds genuine as he puts his glass down and rests his hands on the countertop, giving me his full attention.
I quickly open my phone and look for my texts as every name I've ever known is wisped from my mind. Suddenly, I feel a soft touch graze my shoulder and wrap around my back, "Forgot my name already? What a shame." The sudden touch sends shivers down my spine, and I feel the person behind me lock their hand around one of my wrists.
"Ah, so the lost one belongs to you." The bartender puts a seemingly fake smile on his face.
"Sure does." Xiao responds before I feel him quickly tug on my arm, dragging me towards the back of the bar.
As soon as I'm hauled towards the back things start happening rather quickly, and I'm unable to even get a word in. I'm brought through a door, down a dark wooden staircase, and into a decrepit looking basement that has not a single light. We stop in front of, from what I can tell, an empty wall and I finally manage to get a word in, "Where are we, what are you going to do to me?" I ask, panicked.
"Relax, I'm not here to force myself on you if that's what you're thinking. We have other things to worry about right now." His words want to be reassuring but his tone won't let them.
My eyes quickly adjust to the darkness, and I see his hand rest on the wall in front of us. I'm slightly blinded by an abrupt red flashing light that's followed by two beeps. What was once a wall now becomes a door quietly sliding open and I'm completely captivated by the situation I'm in.
I try to analyze my surroundings as I'm again unwillingly lugged into another room and sat in a chair. There's a table in front of me with two other women sitting on either side, and the back wall has monitors with cameras overlooking the bar we were just in.
"You're late Xiao, and you dragged that stranger in from the streets? tch." The woman with silver hair to my right crosses both her arms and legs, giving a displeased look to Xiao. She's dressed in an expensive looking lace bodysuit and I can't help but stare, she's very pretty.
"Yeah, yeah Shenhe. Complain some more while you're at it." Xiao walks over to the other side of the table, drawing his hood over his head, obviously annoyed. He gestures to either of the strangers at the table, "This is Shenhe and Ganyu—Shenhe, Ganyu this is..." He then gestures to me and I quickly choke up my name. I see Shenhe give me a quick nod while Ganyu gives me a shy yet cheerful wave.
Xiao continues, "Since there is someone new here, I'll go over our plan again." He sighs, "There are some... clients on the other side of town that want that." My attention is brought to the suspicious looking briefcase in the center of the table, "You all will bring it to them, get the money, and then bring it back to the inn. Simple."
It seems as though Xiao's words agitate Shenhe, "What? You're not coming with us?"
"No, I'm not. You have her." He points at me.
"You're dumping her on us when you're the one who brought her here? You really continue to amaze me, Xiao." Her attitude easily flows off her tongue. I don't think she realized how much more uncomfortable her words made me feel though, and I sink down into my chair a bit.
"Not my problem." Xiao unsympathetically responds.
Shenhe sucks her teeth at his comment, "Whatever, let's just go." She takes the initiative to grab the briefcase off the table, while Ganyu immediately stands up from her chair. Ganyu invites me to come with them and I instantly stand up, following behind Shenhe. But before we're able to leave Xiao stops me.
"Wait. Y/N, give me your bag and your phone. I'll be hanging onto them for now."
"But, why?" I ask confused.
"For my own reassurance." He puts his hand out to me.
I assume it's so I don't call the cops or, so I don't run away. Either way, I need this money just as bad as they need to do whatever business they have. So I take my bag off and pull out my phone. Sliding them across the table to him, Xiao doesn't say anything. He just shoos us off and the three of us leave the room.
No one says a word as we enter back into the basement area. Instead of leaving the way we came, Shenhe easily finds the basement bulkhead and we exit through the back into an alleyway.
Outside is a sleek black car that Shenhe waltzes into with a demanding, "Get in." I quickly rush to the back passenger door and close myself into the car, followed by Ganyu in the front passenger seat.
Shenhe passes me the briefcase, "Will you hold this, try not to toss it around alright?"
I gently grab the case and set it in my lap, what am I even holding? I dare not open it out of fear of what I might find, or even worse, the repercussions of being too nosey. After buckling my seatbelt, I slump into the back seat in exhaustion from the stress.
"Don't worry, it's really not as bad as it looks." I look up to see Ganyu trying to give me an encouraging smile.
"Oh please, don't comfort her with lies." Shenhe says in a low voice while turning over the engine of the car.
"Come on, you know it's not." Ganyu turns back to me, "Listen everything is going to be alright. You're going to be fine, and I'll make sure of that. Okay?"
All I can really do at this moment is nod my head and wonder what I've gotten myself into as the car starts to pull out of the alleyway.
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Ayaka, Yanfei, Shinobu, Jean, and Keqing with a Majima-esque S/O (Part 3)
Part 1 Here
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Ayaka sighed as she went through the paperwork for this week. An upcoming festival was being held by the Kamisato Estate in Ritou, so she needed to oversee everything.
Though something was bothering here about one of the events being held. It was a singing event by a...'Everybody's Idol'?
It was then she heard the door slide open.
(Ayaka) "Ah, Thoma. Can you please do some research about this Idol? I'm not sure who they are."
(???) "I can answer that easily for ya, AYAKA-CHAN!"
She'd recognize that shouting calling of her name anywhere.
(Ayaka) "S/O?!"
Her S/O was wearing a some...strange outfit. Even moreso than their tacky leopard-print jacket.
It was a shiny silky material, complete with pink accents, a yellow headband-...Were those wheels on their shoes?!
(Ayaka) "What on earth are you wearing?"
(S/O) "I'm the top performance, Everybody's Idol: S/O!"
(Ayaka) "..."
She blinked a few times, still not sure what she was seeing.
With a dramatic spin, they suddenly broke out into song, stunning Ayaka into complete silence.
"Sunao ni I LOVE YOU! todokeyou Kitto YOU LOVE ME! tsutawaru sa Kimi ni niau GLASS no kutsu wo sagasou!"
(Let's deliver an honest I LOVE YOU. And I'm sure YOU LOVE ME! Let's find that glass slipper that fits you!)
Futari de STEP & GO! itsu made mo Shin'ya juuni-ji wo sugitatte Kimi wa boku no itoshii nijuuyo-jikan CINDERELLA
(Together, Step & Go! Forever and ever. Even though it's past midnight, You're my beloved 24-hour Cinderella!)
Hey! Hey! Hey!
S/O stood in place, both arms outstretched while Ayaka was frozen in place, completely shocked of the raw energy they exuded.
...The raw energy of an passionate man/woman, anyway.
She suddenly burst into laughter, barely being able to contain herself making S/O raise an eyebrow.
(S/O) "Come on now, I was being serious here!"
She continued laughing, trying so hard to stop.
(Ayaka) "I-I'm! Hahaha! S-Sorry, n-not laughing at you! Ahahaha!"
S/O crossed their arms, honestly annoyed.
(S/O) "Ya done yet?"
She wiped away a tear, her breathing starting to stabilize.
(Ayaka) "I'm sorry, I was just caught off guard is all."
(S/O) "Why? I'm like this all the time."
(Ayaka) "To everyone else, sure. But I know what you're really like and...honestly? I didn't know you liked that song."
She had heard of this song from foreign performers, but it was the first time she heard it sang so enthusiastically.
(S/O) "I can appreciate music too! Shit, this is my favorite!"
(Ayaka) "And you'll be performing it for e-"
(S/O) "Hell yeah I am! Got me some cool folk from Fontaine and a Liyue chick using something called the electric guitar on the instruments!"
This was the most genuinely excited she had heard them in a very long time.
(Ayaka) "Well, I'll be sure to be in the front seats, dear."
(S/O) "You better."
(Ayaka) "...By the way, why are there wheels on your shoes?"
(S/O) "Apparently they're called 'Roller Skates'. Invented in Fontaine by a dude named Petibled."
(Ayaka) "Aren't those hard to get around in?"
(S/O) "Oh yeah! Almost fuckin' tripped like 3 times on the way here."
They tried to slide in before hitting the carpet floor and slipping, making Ayaka cover her mouth to laugh again.
Ayaka didn't know it was possible to fall even more in love than she already has.
But, it was nice to see the 'Mad Dog' enjoy themselves for the first time in a while.
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Yanfei thinks it's hilarious watching S/O burst into song with their clothing.
If people were already afraid of that Xinyan woman, then OH MAN, would the people of Liyue have opinions on S/O.
She's not sure if she completely enjoys the type of music they're doing, but she can't deny it's at least different.
She just hopes they won't get into any trouble wearing those shoes, that looks like that would make a LOT of insurance on property damage come up.
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Shinobu blinks in disbelief on what she is witnessing.
S/O doesn't even need to lift her mask up to know her jaw is dropped.
While she doesn't hate the song, and actually finds their singing impressive, she is downright horrified by the Arataki Gang seeing this.
For the next few weeks, she has to stop S/O from converting the Arataki gang into a boy band and terrorizing Inazuma.
She has seen fear incarnate, and it is Arataki Itto on roller skates.
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Jean laughs the entire time, a mouth shyly covering her mouth watching S/O go at it.
Barbara most likely taught them what the word 'Idol' meant, and got them to do this whole song and dance.
And it was during the Windblume festival, meaning EVERYONE saw it. She wasn't sure if she should be proud or mortified by it.
If anything though, she wants to try out the wheel shoes S/O was wearing, it seemed like a lot of fun!
And she also wants to know how much Barbara taught them how to sing, or if it came naturally.
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(Keqing) "What in the...?!"
She has seen S/O pull lots of crazy stunts, to the point of disregarding Lady Ninguangg's advice, moreso if they were given by her or Ganyu.
But this might be the most insane thing she's seen.
What the hell was that outfit?!
What the hell were those shoes?!
Keqing refuses to admit that she actually liked the song because she knows the moment she admits it, they'll pull even crazier stunts out.
She double checks her surroundings before she starts to quietly hum the song to herself.
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yuusishi · 6 months
pairings : twst , genshin , hsr cast x gn!reader
genre : fluff , unestablished relationship , requited feelings
cws/tws : kissing lol (a lot)
a/n : happy holidays to all who have anything to celebrate and to those who don't I hope you enjoy a break and a warm december <3 this is also sort of my 1k special !! I know it isn't much but I couldn't think of anything to do to celebrate <//3
note: I know I mentioned friends in the first prompt but you can literally imagine these scenarios with either a crowd or alone lmao
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"Oh. My. God" rang in their head as they looked up, eyes meeting the green leaf hanging above the two of you, "We don't have to push through with this... tradition if you don't want to..." they said but it came out as almost a mumble. As more teases fell from the mouths of your other friends, you couldn't help but inch closer to them, once you got the go signal you pressed your lips against theirs. It felt warm amidst the cold of the season and radiated a sense of comfort throughout your body.
(twst) Deuce, Cater, Ruggie, Azul, Epel, Idia, Sebek. (genshin) Jean, Amber, Ganyu, Chongyun, Yanfei, Sucrose, Thoma, Kirara, Kaveh, Layla, Charlotte, Navia, Kokomi (hsr) March 7th, Arlan, Asta, Bronya (sort of), Gepard, Luka, Qingque, Sushang, Guinaifen.
They stared at you silently, waiting for you to make the next move. Yes, they're interested in you and they know you were interested in them, but they didn't want to rush you. Eventually you stepped closer, tugging lightly on their hand before they tilted your chin. It was a calm, ordinary kiss, yet it made the cliché movie fireworks explode both in your mind and body.
(twst) Trey, Jack, Jade, Rook, Silver, Malleus. (genshin) Albedo, Ningguang, Zhongli, Kazuha, Shenhe, Cyno, Yun Jin, Ayaka, Alhaitham, Baizhu, Heizou, Nilou, Neuvillette. (hsr) Serval, Himeko, Natasha, Tingyun, Hanya, Argenti, Ruan Mei, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Argenti
"Well?" they said teasingly, throwing you a sly look as you fumbled around your outfit in an attempt to calm down. They waited until you stepped closer to them, their hand making its way to your cheek as they leaned in and kissed you. It was funny, you could've sworn you were sure they didn't like you back, so why were they kissing you so calmly yet with so much fervor? As you pulled back, you couldn't help the sense of longing as you looked back into their eyes looking like they, too, wanted more.
(twst) Ace (not a loser this time!!), Vil, Lilia. (genshin) Kaeya, Venti, Childe, Hu Tao, Itto, Yae Miko, Ayato, Lyney, Yelan, Wriothesley. (hsr) Kafka, Sampo, Black Swan (?), Sparkle
"There will be no 'kissing under the mistletoe'" They said sternly, but no one missed the tinge of pink dusting on their ears and cheeks. Despite the small disappointment, the party went on without a hitch. Later on into the night, you spotted them by the balcony admiring the stars with a small drink in hand and joined them saying you wanted a breath of fresh air. "I've liked you for quite some time now" fell from their lips, somewhat boldly even, the sudden confession made your heart skip a beat. A kiss placed on their lips was all the answer that they needed.
(twst) Riddle, Leona, Sebek, Idia (sort of), Jamil (genshin) Diluc, Beidou, Dehya, Xiao, Mona, Keqing, Rosaria, Eula, Raiden Ei, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Tighnari, Candace, Scaramouche, Faruzan, Furina, Chevreuse. (hsr) Seele, Topaz, Blade, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Xueyi, Dr. Ratio
They had a mixed expression of shyness and also slightly explosive joy. I mean, they knew that you liked them back but they just haven't had the chance to tell you yet, you know? They impulsively (but gently) took your hands in theirs and looked you in the eyes as if telepathically asking you for consent. Once you gave your permission they immediately kissed you, their happiness was infectious and leaving you feeling giddy once they pulled away from you.
(twst) Kalim (genshin) Yoimiya, Ga-Ming (?)
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