#yautja angst
mintymarabell · 7 months
Imagine an elder is in love with you but you already have a s/o so he is forced so watch you love someone else from afar.
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chatoicboy · 1 year
I am saying this in the nicest way possible.
Don’t say it’s cause you want to reach out more cause WE DO BLOCK THOSE WHO DO THIS
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The Storm
Yautja x GN!reader hurt/comfort
Word count: 2k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, storm (rain, thunder), yelling
Summary: trapped at home during a storm, you and your lover get into a nasty fight.
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It was storm season. And your area was particularly known for bad storms. Even worse, it had been unseasonably warm so far, but that would soon come to an end with a big cold front. Unfortunately the perfect weather for storms. You were ready though. You were stocked up on plenty of food, water, battery's, and emergency power banks that you could shelter in place for a month before needing help. 
Your lover on the other hand didn't think the oncoming storm was a big deal. They thought you were worrying over nothing. That the storm would come and go with little issue. Besides it would be nothing compared to the apocalyptic dust storms that they had back on their home planet. With 200 mph wind, five mile tall clouds, and near constant lighting. Whether or not this was an over exaggeration was up to speculation. (321 kph, eight kilometers)
You did your best to ignore your lover, as you had more important things to deal with. Like putting plywood over your windows, and organizing all your supplies. 
At last the storm hit. The rain pelted the outside of your walls, and taped threateningly  on the wood covered windows. You turned on the news, the only time you ever watched the news, and hunkered down. Your lover, ever unbothered, came to sit next to you. Though they could sense your agitation, they couldn't figure why. They tried to lighten the atmosphere by snarking about the anchorman's bad hair, but instead of your usual wit you shot back a dark look. Your lover shifted in their seat under your steely gaze, before you turned your attention back to the TV. But your lover huffed, earning another look from you. 
"Why are you so worried about this? It is not like you are going to die." You seethed. This level of insensitivity from your lover was, thankfully, unusual. But that only caused you to grow angrier. 
"I might." That short retort squeezed itself out from between your teeth. "People die in storms all the time, and for all you know it could come down right on top of us and kill me." Your lover was taken aback at that. This kind of outburst wasn't like you. It made them worry. But the fire now lighting In your eyes only served to taunt them.
"For all you know it will turn out to be nothing. And you will look like an idiot having gotten so worked up over nothing." You lost it. Standing up now.
"WHY CAN'T YOU TAKE MY CONCERNS SERIOUSLY." You were shouting now. "Why is it that every time I'm worried about something it's nothing and I'm over reacting, or being dramatic. But whenever your concerned or even just a bit uncomfortable THE WORLD IS ENDING." Part of you wanted to stop. The rational, reasonable part of you wanted to stop knowing that now is not a good time for this. But another dark, shameful, and spiteful side if you wanted to make this worse, just to see what would happen. 
"YOU OOMANS ARE TINY AND SHORT SIGHTED. YOU WORRY OVER NOTHING, AND OVERREACT AT EVERYTHING." Now they were standing, and shouting. Partly to match your energy, and partly to be heard over the crescendo of rain and wind outside. Your home was being battered as were your feelings.
"You got scared of a balloon one time," You said, crossing your arms and turning away from them.
"And you thought I would not return from a hunt." Their voice dropped and dripped with venom. 
"So I'm just not allowed to be concerned about real ACTUAL DANGER, but it's TOTALLY FINE for you to get scared at a DRAGON on the TV. YOU DRAGGED ME OVER THE COUCH JUST TO HIDE FROM THE DAMN THING..."
Two things then happened at the same moment. A boom of thunder cracked above you, shaking the walls and rattling the plates. And the power went out, plunging both of you into silence and darkness. 
A moment passed, and then another. And then you started to sob. Your tears poured from your eyes like the rain outside. Your lover stared at you through their mask. Their thermal vision allowing them to watch as you furiously wipe your eyes. They could see your body go cold. The heat retreated from your fingers and skin, and pooling in your face. Another crack of thunder rang out and you jumped, cowering while also desperately trying to regain yourself. 
"Why do you even care?" You asked. Voice shaking as well as your hands. "Why do you even care about me? Why do you care what I think? Why is it so important that I don't worry, or that I don't overreact? Why can't you just let me be worried." Despite your best efforts you sobbed harder. The uncontrollable shaking of your body forcing you to the floor. As you fell you felt your lover's arms around you. They guided you to the floor, and held you. 
"I do not want you to think that I am weak." Their voice was quiet, down right meek. You sniffed hard a few times before responding.
"I don't think you're weak, I just- I just... I just worry. I just do. I love you, and there's nothing you can do to make me not worry." You allowed yourself to sink into their chest. Their skin was warm, their breathing slow. Their heart beat in a strange but pleasant pattern. "Why..." you struggled to continue, "why do you always brush off my concerns?"
"I am trying to be strong. For you." They pulled you in even closer. "I do not want to lose you." That shocked you. You looked up at them in the dark. 
"Do you think that if you're weak, I'll leave you?" Even asking caused you pain. You couldn't even think of it. Shaking your head you continued, "No! I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't leave you because you're weak. You've been inconsiderate lately, and that bothers me. But it would still take a lot to get me to leave you. But being weak wouldn't be why."
Your hand fumbled in the dark. Accidentally smacking their mandibles, you eventually found their cheek. The rain still fell, and the wind still howled. Thunder clapped a little softer now, and you both sat on the floor, still, and quiet. Something wet dripped on your thumb. Your lover's chest heaved, and shuttered. You gently pulled their head down to you until your foreheads softly collided. 
"I'm sorry I made you feel weak. I didn't mean to. The truth is, I look to you for strength. You inspire me to face my fears and be brave. I'm still going to worry, even if I wanted to stop I don't think I can. But if there is something I can do so that you don't feel weak please, please let me know. I love you." You punctuated the 'I love you' with a gentle kiss between their eyes. They breathed heavily for a moment before responding. 
"I'm sorry I made you cry. I don't want to scare you, I don't want to-... I don't want to make you worry." They took a long pause. "You are everything to me. You are my love, my home. I would sooner throw myself into a star than do anything to hurt you. I love you. I will improve." They reached out to you with their mandibles. Gently holding your face with the four fangs and the end of each. 
There the two of you sat and cried. Holding each other though the worst of the storm. Neither of you knew how much time had passed, neither of you cared. But the moment you both pulled away, ready to get up. The power came back on. The lights lit up, the TV flicked alive again, and the heater hummed softly in the background. Seeing your lover again you could saw the damp scales on their face shimmer in the light. Their cheeks were flushed an unnatural bright green.
You attempted to get off the floor, only for them to shoot up and extend a clawed hand to help you. As you stand, you stumble, your leg having fallen asleep while pressed against the floor. Your lover reacted immediately, picking you up and holding you again. 
You smiled at that. Relishing once again in their presence. They carried you back to the couch, gently setting you down in your nest of blankets before sitting themselves next to it. Only for you to pull them by the arm until they had climbed into said nest with you. They were practically on top of you, acting as the world's strangest weighted blanket, and you loved it. Eventually the news moved on from the ever weakening storm to more normal news. Quickly growing bored and or sick of it, you grabbed the remote and flicked through some channels until you got to the bad reality TV that you and your lover so loved making fun of. And with that your lover began to purr loudly. The sound reverberating straight from their chest and into yours.
Several hours passed and you opened your eyes to see the TV still on. The room was dark, only illuminated by said TV. Your lover was still on top of you, their purr being the only indicator that they were awake. 
“What time is it?” You asked. Which only earned you a shrug. Rolling your eyes you taped around yourself for your phone, finding it eventually. 11:48. Am or PM? You thought. You taped again around for the remote, flicking back to the news once you found it. The weather was on.
“-solutly beautiful after last night's storm. Sunny, currently 48 degrees, with temperatures climbing into the mid fifties later this afternoon.” AM. Then, as if on cue your hunger made its appearance. You nudge your lover, who immediately conceded and got up. Still concerned about your stumble last night they cautiously helped you up, only for you to proceed normally to the kitchen to fix the two of you some breakfast. (8 degrees c, ~12 degrees c)
“Is there anything I can do for you, love?” You stopped, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion. This was quite unusual for them, but not at all unwelcome. Turning around to face them, you responded. 
“Yes actually, could you take down the plywood off the windows.” They nodded and immediately went outside. 
As they stepped out they futzed with their wrist gauntlet inorder to activate their cloaking, but the moment they looked up they stopped dead in their tracks. Branches, and leaves were strewn about, trash littered the street, the siding had been pulled off of buildings, and windows were smashed in, scattering glass everywhere. They had never before seen this kind of discruction on earth. Turning their gaze to the buildings on either side of yours, they were in bad shape, just as the rest of the street. But yours was fine. Whatever furniture you had outside was tipped over, or askew, but still there having been tied down. The wood covering the widows had some chips taken out of them, but as your lover effortlessly pulled it off, the widows underneath were undamaged. 
Returning back inside they pondered what this kind of caution and worry would have meant back on their home planet. It would have meant ridicule from others, even violence against you. Weakness such as this was not something to be taken seriously. It was something that needed to be corrected. Since devoting themselves to you, they had suffered taunts and insults from their fellow clan members for it. They saw them as weak for choosing such a fragile prey animal as a mate instead of one of their own kind. But they could handle all that, if it meant being with you. They would have happily allowed themselves to be crucified if it meant being with you. But they knew now that they could not allow that mind set to affect them with you, not again. They had promised to improve, and they would.
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tyrannosaurusrexxi · 6 months
Ote'kan giving Alice a reminder she also has blood on her hands in a very yautja way (aka harshly)
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florence-alaska · 1 month
Rules & Request Information!
Hello and welcome to my blog! On this blog there will be NSFW content, so do heed that.
I write dark romance content, so some posts will be a bit … darker/taboo depending on the characters/fandom.
I don’t want to see any kind of discrimination; racism, sexism, homophobia, hetersexism, etc…
Any behavior such as that will be blocked and reported.
request information:
I take requests for; MALE, FEMALE, GN, and TRANS Reader.
I will write both (Character x Character) and (Character x Reader), some fandoms will be exclusive to one of those or both. I really depends.
As for (OC x Reader), I do take requests for that. I will make up characters for the purpose of fan-fiction and will allow you guys to request that stuff too.
If you guys have any questions, then feel free to DM me or Anon Ask— I’m happy to answer questions.
My Navigation Post will be color coded. That post will grow as time goes on. In the beginning it’ll be a bit slow because I’m working on many drafts at the same time.
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pricegouge · 27 days
Seeing rear window on the big screen today and then, if you can believe it, I think I might have time to write something
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eruden-writes · 2 years
The Unexpected Human Problem - Part 27 (Yautja x Human)
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 (coming soon)
CW: Explicit sex.
Tag list: @ajarofpickledtears, @boogeysmoth, @omg-the-nutella-queen (I can't get it to tag, I'm sorry!)
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Early chapter releases available on Patreon for my patrons! ;)
Comments, tags, and reblogs are real motivators for me, too! ♥ ♥ ♥
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Summary: The night her abductors die, Rayelle finds herself running for her life. She doesn’t know where she is, what is following her, where to go. All she knows is she’s not on Earth any longer and the thing chasing her has the capacity to kill.
Tai'dqei never anticipated finding a human when he took the job of tracking and subduing a small contingent of smugglers. It was only when the human attacked and fled fled, Tai'dqei - hopped up on the euphoria of a successful hunt - gave chase, instinct burning at his center.
Will sense return to Tai'dqei before he catches Rayelle? Or will Rayelle be subjected to the yautja’s natural inclinations?
And what happens afterwards?
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When Rayelle next woke, sleep clung to her and attempted to drag her down. As it had in two earlier attempts to rouse herself. The bed was too comfortable, the bed too warm, the companion she curled up against too comfortable, to let her tired body not enjoy it. But, finally, she was able to shake off the dozy feeling away and crack her eyes open.
It was still dark, but they seemed to be in the same position as earlier, with her curled against his chest. One of Tai’dqei’s arms rested heavily on her side, the other cushioned her head. The lights were still turned so low, she couldn’t see clearly, but Rayelle could feel the shift of Tai’dqei’s chest as he breathed, deep and even. Without thinking, her fingers traced along the scars under his pecs, the subtle dips of his front. Under her touch, she thought she could feel the textured difference of his pattern, but without light, it was too difficult to tell. 
At the very back of her head, worries and stress lingered. Eventually, she was going to have to make a decision, Rayelle knew. Her hopes of the situation were fractured. She wanted to be with her children, but she also wanted to stay with Tai’dqei. Something in her ached, thinking of Skylar and Elliot living with their unyield, uncompassionate father. 
Their father who watched their mother be kidnapped, if not orchestrated it. Perhaps even her potential murder, if it got that far.
There was no denying she wanted to stay with Tai’dqei either. To make a life in the future, away from the hassles and tribulations of her time. To explore whatever this little pocket of the universe had in store. The possibilities made long forgotten, positive, excitement swell in her chest.
The easiest course was being denied going home, Rayelle realized. If the temporal authorities said she couldn’t go back, that would be it. Unless she fought it. 
Whether she would or not was a question for a later time, she decided. For now, she would bask in this comfortable bubble of cozy warmth and explore what the universe had already dropped into her life. Namely Tai’dqei. 
Rayelle shifted her leg from around his side as her fingertips brushed against the border of skin and cloth, where Tai’dqei’s loincloth remained snuggly fastened. Faintly, she considered letting her hand wander further along the fabric and palm at him. Not exactly a sexual touch, but simply wishing to feel the comforting heat and firmness of him. 
Since they hadn’t discussed or consented to intimate touches while either of them slept, Rayelle’s hand retreated back up Tai’dqei’s side. There were other places to touch. Lightly, her fingertips caressed along his side, the grooves of old scars and that texture of leathery skin against her flesh.
Instead of touching his chest again, Rayelle’s hand detoured to his back while the one sandwiched between their bodies splayed over his chest. Beneath her palm, she could feel Tai’dqei’s heart thrum.  Tai’dqei left out a huff, threaded with a sigh as he shifted minutely under her touch. 
“What are you doing?” Sleep still clung to Tai’dqei’s throat, making his words deep and gruff. The question was intertwined with a slightly amused tone, as Tai’dqei registered Rayelle’s hand rubbing along his back.
Rayelle pressed her face closer to his chest, as if it would hide the sudden heat burning her cheeks. The way he sounded had sent a delightful tingle down her back. She tried not to think about it - nor think how juvenile she was, reacting that strongly to the sound of his voice - as she softly replied, “Just touching you.” 
A series of thoughtful clicks left Tai’dqei, his own hand tracing down Rayelle’s back, over her hoodie and to the edge of her underwear. He slightly regretted retrieving her fresh clothes from the ship after moving it. If he hadn’t, she might be far more undressed than she was. 
He paused in touching her as her deft fingers dug into his back muscles. Just barely, he swallowed a groan. “And why are you just touching me?” 
Her lips puckered at the gentle teasing tone in Tai’dqei’s voice as the heat in her cheeks worsened. Shifting from using fingertips to fingernails, Rayelle pressed a little harder along the seam of Taid’qei’s shoulder blade. Another sound, deeper than the previous one Tai’dqei had swallowed down, rumbled from his chest. 
“Should I not be touching you?” Rayelle filled her voice with mock concern as she withdrew her hand from his back. 
“Not saying that,” Taid’qei chuckled, catching Rayelle’s wrist at his own side. Briefly, he was tempted to lead her hand to exactly where she could touch him, but decided to simply use his words. “There’s other places to touch than my chest or back.” 
“I considered it, but I wasn’t sure if I should,” she admitted, pushing at Tai’dqei’s side as she propped herself higher up on her other arm. 
Obeying her wordless request, Tai’dqei rolled over on his back, curious to see where she was going with it. “Why not?” 
“Not everyone likes being touched like that when they’re asleep.” Rayelle shrugged as she settled atop him. Her legs spread, just trying to straddle the large alien’s torso. A subtle tingle started at the base of her spine, spreading heat to her center. 
“I’m not asleep now.” In the dark, he watched and felt Rayelle settle on top of him. The warm, fleshy thighs pressed to his sides, and her cushiony rear finding somewhere preferable to settle. If she had settled lower on him, she’d likely feel his own exciting rousing. His hands found their way to her legs, palms skirting from her knees to her outer thighs, enjoying her supple warm flesh giving under his touch. 
“That you aren’t.” She grinned down at him, her body tingling where he touched. Rayelle wasn’t entirely sure if Tai’dqei had better sight than her in the dark or not. Either way, she brought the room’s system up on her gauntlet. The lights slowly brightened, just enough for her to see Tai’dqei. “I realized something.” 
Tai’dqei’s hands had coasted up her hips, giving Rayelle’s love-handles a squeeze. “Yes?” 
Rayelle leaned forward, extending her arms out to brush his shoulders as her chest met Tai’dqei. She gave a little groan - feeling Tai’dqei’s body react to her little sound beneath her - and arched her back in her stretch. Once satisfied, she folded her arms atop his chest, pressing her chin down while allowing her bottom to remain high. “I haven’t actually seen your dick yet.”
“Ah,” he replied, his eyes narrowing and mandibles pulling up a little in delight. Though not entirely sure, he thought Rayelle was teasing him with her movements and sounds. If so, it was working. If not, she was a natural at riling him up. Unable to help himself, his hands skimmed over the round curve of her ass, only the fabric of her panties delaying skin-to-skin contact. “Going to fix that?” 
“Yes,” Rayelle answered, a sigh in her words as she pressed back into Tai’dqei’s touch. “If you’re amenable to it.” 
“Very amenable.” A playful growl edged his tone, making Rayelle noticeably shiver beneath his hands. Still not able to help himself, Tai’dqei traced his claws along the back of her thighs, winning himself a throaty whimper from her. 
Without another word, Rayelle languidly slid down Tai’dqei’s front. It was a slow movement that dragged her soft body along his firm one, the friction lighting a fire in both their cores. The only thing that would have made it better in Tai’dqei’s thoughts was if she hadn’t kept on her hoodie. Her lips grazed over his chest, tracing the scars under his pecs as her hands stroked his arms, then his sides. Rayelle seemed to explore every little dip and curve with her fingertips. 
Each touch threaded anticipation through Tai’dqei, letting her explore at her leisure. Now that he’d answered the mating call, the desperation and need wasn’t quite so heady. Though, with the way excitement pulsed through him, resonating through his center, that ease wasn’t going to last forever.
Closing her eyes, Rayelle relished in all the minute reactions she was getting. Under her touch, Tai’dqei’s muscles flexed and soft hisses or clicks left his maw. When she passed his chest, she began to nip and suckle down his abdomen. Tasting his skin on her tongue, silently enjoying the sharp intake of breath and the way Tai’dqei arched suddenly. Her fingers crooked a little harder against his sides, digging her nails a little rougher against his tough flesh.
Heat razed at his nerves, pressure clenching tighter as - after Rayelle’s teeth grazed over his skin - he felt her lips twist into a smile against him. He watched her make her way down his front, humming approvingly with every nip or lick or kiss. 
At the juncture of his legs, his excitement betrayed him. Hard and straining against the loincloth, his erection begged for attention. For the touch of hands or the soft heat of a mouth. It would flex as stray imaginings taunted his libido. 
A sensual heat built slowly between the two of them. 
It was only when her mouth had gotten to the barrier of his loincloth that Rayelle’s eyes opened. She had settled herself between his legs, his knees bent. Her gaze trailed up the long, large expanse of Tai’dqei to his face. Propped up on his elbows, he watched her, expression heated and hungry. Rayelle’s tongue flicked out over her lips, delight piquing in her as his eyes followed her tongue. 
Now that she thought about it, what sort of people did he have experience with? Faint recollections of Ah’ke mentioning a brothel danced in her head. Enjoying the intimate company with non-yautja wasn’t something new to him, most likely. But did she offer anything novel for him?
It was just a meandering curiosity, distracting her from moving too fast. Just to antagonize the alien wrought with anticipation. Her eyes didn’t leave Tai’dqei as her fingers explored his loincloth, finding the fasteners and undoing them. A perpetual rumble, low and soft, vibrated through him as she slowly shoved his final covering aside. She watched his fingers flex on the bed, claws digging into the sheets as if he wanted to grab her by the face. The thought sent a sinful shudder down her spine. 
Finally, she tilted her eyes to the erection. Rayelle hid her surprise at it being so close, so tall. His tip brushed her jaw, flexing at the sensation of her gaze. A little sound caught in the back of her throat, realizing just how large he was. Instantly, her brain thought of a large thermos, thick and long. 
However, where a thermos was mostly smooth, Tai’dqei had a multitude of ridges starting from the base of his arrowhead tip and noticeably growing thicker at the base. Her insides squirmed, recollection how it felt like those last few ribs enlarged before he came. Like Tai’dqei, his cock was a combination of rusty reds and oranges, with his tip and the edges of his ridges a deep black. Already, her mouth watered, wanting to taste him on her tongue.
Tai’dqei watched Rayelle’s expressions pass over her face. From the slight surprise of her widening eyes to her half-lidded consideration, bottom-lip-nibbling. He felt he could see the direction her thoughts dipped and it made his insides twist and flare with heat. 
As Rayelle drew her lips closer to his flexing member, Tai’dqei almost whined with impatience. Her movements were still slow, still exploratory. Entirely agonizing. She must have caught the hint of the sound, for her eyes flicked back up to his face. A curve of a smirk tilted at her lips, before she dipped lower along his shaft. 
Her tongue, flat and warm, caught the underside of his dick and gave him a languid lick, dipping between every ridge. He didn’t even realize he was growling, low and ongoing, as the pleasure bounced from cock, to core, and filtered out into the rest of his body. The taste of him made her tongue tingle, heady and hot and indescribably Tai’dqei. Earthy and warm, the scent of him dizzied her senses, making something sharpen within her.
By the time, she made it to his tip, his chest heaved, eyes wide, mandibles flickering. Rayelle’s smile grew, delighted in his reaction and the ripples of enjoyment that coursed through her. Tai’dqei attention was so intense, it made all of her movements sear with need. 
Without more teasing or fanfare, she drew his tip - large and fat and mushroom shaped until the fist ridge - into her mouth. Rayelle closed her eyes, giving a contented hum as her tongue explored. Testing the firm, but spongy head and moving over one ribbed layer to the next. 
“Fuck,” Tai’dqei hissed, letting his head fall back a little, enjoying the heat and wetness enveloping his cock. That singular word made Rayelle’s insides jump and sizzle. 
Muscles twitched along his body, taunted by the pleasure pinging along his nerves. Rayelle’s tongue continued her slow examination of his member, tasting his every ridge with her soft, warm tongue. His hands flexing into the bed as every instinct in him was snarling to grab her, rut her, fuck her so hard there was a permanent imprint of her body on the bed. 
Rayelle made a questioning sound, pausing her ministrations. She knew why Tai’dqei had hissed the expletive, but teasing him while he was so strung out was too good to pass up. She paused in enveloping more of his length, tilting her attention to his face, though Tai’dqei couldn’t see her. 
When it became clear she wasn’t going to move until he answered, he managed to grunt, “Your mouth… feels good.” 
The laugh she gave, around his cock, made a sizzle of ecstasy burn through him. He couldn’t even feel embarrassed for his lack of fine words. His brain didn’t have the capacity.
And she wasn’t about to let him scrabble his way back to sensible thought. Rayelle closed her eyes, now focused on unraveling the yautja even further. Her hand coiled around his base, unable to fully encircle it. Her fingers traced the valleys and hills of his shaft as she stroked up to meet her lips. 
Together, her hand and mouth worked, drawing new needy sounds from him. Her own body responded in kind, with twinges of pleasure and growing wet heat between her thighs. 
Sometimes her hand and mouth worked in tandem, sometimes falling into opposing rhythms. Tai’dqei arched and twisted, clicked and growled beneath Rayelle’s mouth, her tongue exploring every crevice. She’d suck and squeeze and somehow take more of him into her mouth, as if she were so determined to fit him down her throat. Involuntarily, Tai’dqei’s hips jerked, which would force Rayelle to still for a second until he growled in frustration. 
“I’m close,” he snarled, back arching as he tried his best not to thrust, not to force his excitement further down Rayelle’s throat. Molten heat and pressure knotted tight inside him. His muscles flexed and relaxed, pleasure ebbing and flowing in a taunting balance.
A whimper almost tore from his chest as she pulled her delicious warm mouth off him, open air cooling the heat of his pleasure. “Is that so?” 
Tai’dqei didn’t even get a chance to retort, to voice his discontent at her mouth being so far yet so close. Rayelle quickly swallowed him up again, her head bobbing along his length as her hands dealt with what her mouth couldn’t. 
If his sounds drove Rayelle wild, the sounds she made while on his cock did the same to him. Little whimpers and gasps combined with how her whole body moved, rollicking as her mouth sped up and down his shaft. The sight as pleasurable as the act felt.
It wasn’t long before Tai’dqei seized, a clicking snarl falling loose of from him. In that second, sense shattered as red-hot heat pierced his core, flooding into Rayelle’s mouth. Both his hands grabbed at the back of her head, keeping her in place. His hips moved, jerking at every pulsing release. Lock by his hold, Rayelle was too far gone into lust to do anything other than attempt to swallow the ropes of cum blasted into her mouth. 
Even once he was done, it took an effort for Tai’dqei to uncurl his fingers. Heavy breaths huffed from him as he watched Rayelle sit up on her heels. Casually, she unzipped her hoodie. The sight of her body bared further thrilled his senses. The additional sight of his seed, coating her chin and dribbling down her chest, sent another bolt of urgency through him.
Before Rayelle knew it, Tai’dqei had snatched her, pinned her to the bed, torn off her underwear. The scent of her arousal sent another stab of desire through him. His fingers brushed against her folds, a satisfied clicking at her wetness as she whimpered and arched under his touch. Something swelled in Tai’dqei, other than excitement, at finding out she had enjoyed playing with him as much as he enjoyed her. 
“Need.” That singular word was all Tai’dqei’s hormone ravaged brain could manage. Even then, it was heavy with a clicking gnarl.
“Please,” Rayelle instantly responded with a gasp. Throughout working Tai’dqei up, she had inadvertently steeped herself in desire. Her own body felt aflame, inner muscles clenching around an aching emptiness that had to be filled. Heat and fullness, her body keened for it. 
He needed no further instruction. With a snap of his hips, Tai’dqei’s cock cleaved through her folds sinking deep into her center. She was already so wet, so ready, so hot for him. His own body rippled with satisfaction, even as the demand for more clawed through him. 
A cry tore from her lips, her knees clamping around him, her hands wrapping under his arms and digging into his back. Tai’dqei snarled loud, each thrust hard and fast and deep. 
With ragged panting, she curved under him, chin tilted up to watch his mandibles flex, the delirious concentration of pleasure flickering over his features. It made his thrusts hit hotter, sending fire along her nerves. Her fingernails crooked into his back, raking along his skin, not afraid of hurting him if she managed to pierce his skin. 
Her whole body jostled with his impact, sending stars and sharp delight biting deep at her insides. Seeking purchase, her heels dug into his lower back, her body trying to rock against his. Muscles throbbed and pulsed inside her, clinging tight to his intrusion. 
Rayelle only faintly felt one of Tai’dqei’s clawed hands grab her hair, tilt her head. He arched over her, capturing her face in his outstretched mandibles. With her eyes clenched tight, it was only instinct driving her. She kissed him eagerly, sloppily. One hand slid from his back, grabbing at one of his tendrils to pull his mouth closer to hers. A rough growl, which vibrated through her body and made awfully wonderful things ripple in her core, and harsher thrusts were her reward. 
For a time, that was all the universe became for Tai’dqei and Rayelle. Their mutual moans and groans, the flexing of muscles, the feel of their skin against one another, the arching of Rayelle’s back, the digging of claws and fingernails. Inside them both, fire burned and twisted, pulling the pressure tighter and tighter. 
Rayelle was the first to break under pleasure. Her body jerked and trembled, a hiccuping cry stuttered from her lips as her toes and fingers curled. Muscles coiled tight, her back arching, her mouth parting from his but still held by his mandibles. 
Tai’dqei’s pace didn’t falter, didn’t stop. He simply growled and continued his jerky thrusts, in and out. He wanted her sobbing and screaming, wracked with such hot pleasure it’d put supernovas to shame. Fighting against her inner walls that pulsed around him, trying to milk his own release from him, he dragged her from one orgasm to the next. 
He had lost count of how many times her body seized, her cries heightened, her nails and heels dug into him. Rayelle’s body was an unending twist of muscles and crying release as her body quavered. She sobbed, tears drawn from pleasure in the corner of her eyes, throat raw with pleasure and screams. 
It was only when, in a small renewal of energy, Rayelle’s arms slid around his neck, pulled him close to deepen a kiss, that Tai’dqei’s need overwhelmed him. With one last, sharp snap of his hips, his cock thickened and bobbed before letting loose his spend. He bore down on her, snarling and moaning into her mouth, answered by gasps and whimpers. White-hot heat flooded into her, heat licking at her innermost nerves and slickening her already drenched thighs. 
As if she needed him closer, her heels dug into his back, pressing him into her. Her thighs trembling, but holding tight. Rayelles’ fingers crooked against his scalp, between his tendrils. She held tight to him, as if he were the only solid thing as one last tsunami of pleasure blasted through her, over her. 
They stayed like that for a long time, breathing in each other's gasps as their bodies slowly loosened. Rayelle was the first to completely fall lax, her feet falling to the bed with her knees bent. 
Carefully, Tai’dqei released his mandibles from around her face, before rolling over. A tired groan left Rayelle as she ended up atop him, her thighs straddling him as his cock remained firmly in place. Still, her tired body clenched rhythmically at his cock. 
Unable to get enough, Tai’dqei’s hands grazed up and down her back. Rayelle melted further against his front, little pleasant sighs escaping her. She never moved to free his cock of her, nor did she say anything about the still hard member inside her. 
It was only when she shifted, angling her face to look up at him, that Taid’qei chuckled, “So, go again in five minutes?” 
“Are you trying to make me pass out?” She cushioned her chin on his chest with her crossed arms, a giggle tinging her incredulous question. 
“Yes.” Tai’dqei’s answer came out confident and smug and teasing. 
This time, his hands slid over the curve of her ass, giving Rayelle a squeeze. At his fingertips, he could still feel the wet heat of their joining. It was only some modicum of self-control that kept him from pushing down on her rear, forcing her lower on his dick.
A soft hum escaped Rayelle’s lips, a contented smile curving at her lips. “I’d like to see you try.” 
Even as the threat of aching exhaustion nipped at her body, there was a heat inside her still wanting more. Reaching a hand up, her fingers caught one of Tai’dqei’s tendrils, giving it a teasing squeeze. His cock jumped inside her at the action. 
“You asked for it,” he chuckled, grabbing Rayelle by her hips to hoist her up and drop her down. The singular movement made her jerk up with a sharp inhale, her breasts bouncing. Tai’dqei gave her little chance to respond as his hands engulfed her breasts, his hips already rocking a slow and easy pace. 
Rayelle moaned, closing her eyes and leaning into his touch as her body rolled with his pace. 
Just a little while like this, she told herself. Before having to think about more difficult things.
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yautjalover · 2 years
This one is going to be super sad and angsty…but with a happy ending! I hope y’all enjoy!
| Gender Neutral Human x Yautja
| CW: Death, Angst, Ritualistic Suicide
| Word Count: 821
In Death
It was nearly three centuries that the Yautja had enjoyed with their human mate. In those three hundred years they had been to thousands of worlds and had countless adventures. The Yautja had extended the life of their human mate with their own blood. This glowing liquid ichor had given the human a long life…until it no longer worked.
The human was gravely injured during a hunt. They were lucky that the Yautja medicine saved their life, but they just never were the same after that incident.
A melancholy took over their little mate. Right before their eyes they had seen their whole life flash by as they bled out on the forest floor of that backwater moon. Their large mate had worked hard to dress their most serious wounds while the human fought for their life. It was in that moment that they knew their life would eventually come to a close, as all life dies in the end. Immortality is something that very few species are capable of and it certainly isn’t humans.
Over the next few months, the Yautja watched as their human mate grew weaker and more frail. They hated to see their brave little sain’ja so upset and frustrated with their failing health.
A few times the human had tried to convince their Yautja, the love of their life, that they weren’t worthy of their attention anymore. They were growing weak; so weak that it came to needing to be carried around. It was humiliating to them but to the Yautja…it was an act of love. Taking care of their human was what they wanted to do. Becoming their caretaker was what an honorable hunter would do. The human was their lifemate and they would be damned if they let someone else do it. Their pride simply wouldn’t allow it.
They sequestered themself with their love, enjoying every second, soaking in the sound of their voice, the way they smelled, how soft their skin was, and the little quirks that made their human special. Eventually, as their little mate lay cocooned in the circle of their arms, they were left with a soft “I love you”. The Yautja felt their heart breaking when their mate gave their last breath.
It was there, next to their mate’s favorite hangout spot in the garden where they buried their little human. For hours they sat running their hands through the dirt, trying to feel their mate warm and alive again. The decision was eventually made to complete the Last Hunt.
The Last Hunt was a ritualistic suicidal hunt where Yautja that wanted to join their mates in death or simply were tired of living pursued a mighty beast that no Yautja had ever slain.
To attempt so was sure death.
The Yautja would see their little mate again. They would see that warm smile and hear their laughter again. Deciding this was easy as they had already thought it through while their mate’s health declined, quietly tying up loose ends where they needed to be.
Days later they stood before the massive beast, a thing of many sharp fangs and sharp claws. It was the most fearsome thing the Yautja had ever laid their eyes upon. Seeing it only hardened their decision. Their weapon sang as they clashed with the beast, doing their best to take it down. Of course it wouldn’t be enough. The beast was too strong and eventually they wound up on their back, mortally wounded, gazing up at the starlit night sky. Slowly they could feel their life draining. They continued to watch the night sky until everything went dark.
Almost immediately after, they were standing beneath swaying trees that towered into a pale blue sky. Green grass danced at their feet and animals sang the song of their species. A warm breeze warmed their chilled skin, blowing their locs in the wind. Something sweet floated in the air. It was a familiar sound that filled them with love.
“I missed you.”
The Yautja turned to find their human mate, restored to perfect health and looking radiant as ever, standing there with a smile on their face. They fell to their knees and held their mate close. Their human mate’s soft laughter bubbled forth, filling the air with that sound the Yautja thought they’d never hear again.
“I love you, mate. I love you more than life itself.” The Yautja replied, happily purring as they continued to hold their mate in a loving embrace.
It was then that the Yautja realized they had met their human in the hunting grounds of Cetanu, a place where honorable hunters ended up. They were filled with love and happiness that their mate had been deemed worthy. Of course they were every bit as worthy as a Yautja, but this was their lifemate—their love.
There, basking in the warmth of the afterlife, the Yautja continued to love their mate in death.
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brewed-addiction · 2 years
doodled them when they're still small little cuties and cried as soon as its done 😭😭 i love them so much hngngngn,,,
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also designed Ce'yta's brothers!
no colours yet tho, maybe someday x'(
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flam-burr · 2 years
Sun - Yautvember day 6
Content: Yautja Prime is sun and light, fire and lava. It's the perfect place to raise a pup... normally.
Warnings: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, abandonment, angst
A/N: Good evening, fellas :3 I am literally shocked by the amount of love this little things are getting, it really helps keep going. Thank you all for the support and if you want to join remember to check @jacklycan for the original prompt list!
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It was said that when Go'ra was born, her mother had looked at her with disgust and thrown her in the canyon nearby.
Of course, like all the stories born from hate, it wasn't completely correct.
Yes, Mother did look at her with disgust when she was born. Her pearl white skin and bright green eyes had made her think of a larva of the weakest kind, but she didn't throw her out right away.
She had been way crueller. She had kept her and brought her up until she was able to walk and talk and understand she was her mother, and then she had thrown her in the canyon.
Go'ra remembered that morning like yesterday. Mother had told her to follow her outside, even if the sun had already risen, and she had obeyed, trailing behind her at the faster speed her small feet could make her.
Mother had taken her to the cliff outside of the village’s border. She didn’t speak, not until Go’ra got closer to her to cover in her shadow.
She had flared her mandibles, eyes squinting on her tiny shape, and her voice uttered, icy: “Why did Paya curse me with you?”
Go’ra had looked down, as always, preparing for the moment Mother would have moved to go attend her duties, leaving her exposed. Then, suddenly, she was falling.
In a first moment, she screamed, scared to the bone as Mother’s silhouette got blurred by tears, then she impacted the rock wall and all her being had gotten sucked down in a spiral of emotions.
She felt pain, for her body was rolling with no control, getting cut on any surface it faced.
She felt fear as the light hurt her eyes and blinded her.
She felt anger… but she didn’t have the time to understand this one before she hit the bottom.
She experienced a moment of numbness so strong and visceral she could have said she was at peace. She sucked in the air, floating in her own mind, then it all came back.
It was hot. Excruciatingly hot. And bright.
She forced herself on her belly and crawled around like a worm with no other thought than flee that infinite torture.
Her blood was fire and her skin tissue paper that got dustier and bloodier as she staid under the light. The rocks under her body got mixed to the bones of the ones that preceded her and didn’t make it. Would she be like them, tiny white bones that shone dimly under the moons’ light?
It had been the fear of becoming part of that army of traitors that kept her moving, ignoring the drop of her stomach every time she recognised the kind of bone she was pushing onto. She could still remember the warmth of the sun, like a heavy cloak on her head, pushing her down to surrender.
Eventually, that pain had flagged and relief had come to replace it.
Go’ra had savoured that feeling like fresh water in summer, until she felt strong enough to open her eyes and lift. She had made it to a rock spur, whose shadow had been the source of the relief she was feeling.
Paya have had mercy, even of a weak and broken thing like her.
She had curled up under her refuge and cried until she had nothing left inside.
When she calmed down, she was burning with a fierce desire to see Mother. She wanted her cool shadow and powerful energy, but she also wanted to bite her and destroy her weapons.
It was a confused feeling, something her pup mind couldn’t elaborate further than the physical push to survive and do both of these things, so she settled for coming back.
She had studied the rock wall she fell from, following the shadow until the night came, and then she started her hike.
It took her more than three days of climbing at night, hiding from the sun and eating the very few and small insects she managed to catch to get to the top.
She had surged from the canyon with a pathetic whimper, rolling on her back to breathe as her heart slowed down. Her body was a constellation of scars and blood, but she was alive.
It took a little to stand again after that physical effort: she felt a suckling again as she wobbled towards her home on tired legs. She had banged on the hut’s door with all her remaining forces, pleading, threatening and sighing until the adults of the neighbouring homes had come to push her away.
Mother was not there, they said. She had left and she had to do the same if she wanted to keep moving with her own limbs.
Go’ra had cried that night, and many others, for pain and anger to the point she couldn’t see the line that separated the first from the latter anymore.
She hated her skin more than anything else. That ugly and useless white that could not protect her from the heat of her world, but shone brightly under the moons revealing the green veins underneath. She had thought many times of cutting it off.
All of it, inch after inch.
She would have used her teeth, like a bird breaking its egg, and once done she would have found a dark and tough skin, just like her mother. Thick and cool and useful. And she would have come back to her home, where the adults would welcome her as one of their own, and become a hunter, a Matriarch even! Everything would have been perfect or at least better than this.
She never did it, though. Surprisingly enough, her will to survive had been stronger than her suffering and she kept going.
She discovered that the night could be her day. That stealing food and weapons was easier if she was faster than anybody else. That a hunter makes a melodical sound as they die and that honour was bullshit.
Against what she had ever thought of herself, Go’ra had made it to adulthood, but never saw Mother again.
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mintymarabell · 1 year
Getting sick from an alien plant
With the new alien planet you now live on, there’s a chance you can get bad sick from something on yautja prime that doesn’t necessarily affect yautja (their stronger immune systems) kinda like a plant or something.
If you do get sick your mate will notice immediately.
He’ll notice how your more sluggish and prefer sleeping, or the lack of appetite.
He’ll immediately take you to his son, begging him to see what’s wrong with your weakening body.
Que his son saying “I don’t know”. He don’t know because the plant doesn’t affect them.
Now your mate is panicking because he doesn’t know what to do for you, he’ll practically shove everyone he knows out the door and telling them to find something that might be the culprit to your sickness.
He’ll take you home and let you rest in bed, he’ll lay down beside you staring at you with the most worried expression you ever see on him.
If you can’t keep any food down he’ll keep the bowls of soup on the nightstand in hopes you’ll be able to eat it soon.
Now this can go two ways, they never find the plant or they do.
If they don’t there’s a big chance you’ll die, your mate will wake up one morning curling up against you. He’ll call your name, cupping the side of your face only to notice how cold your cheeks are. He’ll call up his son, he knows your dead but he doesn’t want to admit it so he’ll make his son come check you.
When his son tells him your dead he’ll be calm about it, letting his son take your body. As soon as he is alone he will break down right there on the floor. He won’t go back into the bedroom for a while.
IF they do find the plant and get the antidote your mate would practically bust the door down running in to try and give you the medicine, he’ll sit on the edge of the bed in your side slowly spoon feeding the bitter liquid to you.
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multific · 1 year
Every Scar Tells a Story
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Dau'ja x Reader
Requested by @itzalyaa17
Warnings: mention of blood, injury, angst, alien-animal carcases
Summary: When a group of six people are taken from Earth to get hunted, every Yautja was surprised to see a young woman surviving, you. Your life on Yautja Prime took a turn when you married Dau'ja.
A/N: Yet another Yautja made up by me based on a request, the picture is NOT MINE, credit goes to the owner.
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You woke up in a cage, alone, confused and scared.
The last thing you remembered was heading home from work and now, here you were on a strange ship in a cage.
You were so scared.
But then, you were out again.
Then, you woke up in a forest, surrounded by woods and what was the strangest, no noise of animals.
Nothing but you.
Then, you met a group of people.
But they were so different from you, all of them different ethnicities with different jobs, but all were male.
As you learned, all were rich, stupid rich.
"We are being hunted and watched." one of the men said. Then he suddenly grabbed your arm and started pushing you. "You can die for me, you are nothing." you tried to fight him, ask the others for help but he just kept pushing you further into a place you all knew was a trap.
You were begging but he didn't listen. But then, he tripped and you took advantage of that, pushing him as he fell into the trap and died. 
Everyone was shocked, then they all blamed you.
Stupid men, you were on a different planet and yet they made you be the villain when you defended yourself!
Now, you not only had to hide from the things hunting you but these men.
And somehow, you survived. You watched as the huge alien creatures skinned those men and you were ready for death.
But instead, they kept you.
You weren't stupid, you knew what they were doing, they were selling you.
You can only imagine what the were saying about you but then, then one of them bought you.
He looked very old.
And thus, your life on Yautja Prime started.
Being only a human living amongst Yautja, you knew you were at a disadvantage.
So far, your mate has been perfect. He even made an earpiece so it can translate what he is saying to you.
He cared for you and protected you.
It was exactly what you wished for and more.
Dau'ja started courting you not too long before you two got married. 
You were another Yautja's helper when you two met. An old Yautja who could barely care for himself. So, you became his caretaker.
In the beginning, you feared what the Elder might do to you, but he turned out to be kind.
Dau'ja started courting you when the Elder was still alive and before his death, he allowed you to marry Dau'ja.
The Elder knew that Dau'ja was a respected member of the hunting tribe. he knew that Dau'ja wouldn't hurt you and would care for you as a husband should. 
And after the Elder's death, Dau'ja took you into his home officially.
He was fascinated by humans, his intentions were to study you.
Out of every human they took that day, you were the only one who survived.
You adapted to a life on Yautja Prime, you adapted and became the mate to one of them.
It is what made you so different.
Your will to change and to move forward.
It was what Dau'ja had been looking for in you all along.
He wanted to know, how, and he needed to why.
So, taking you as his was an obvious choice for him. He never expected to become so attached to you.
Whenever you showered he watched you. Watching your skin, your marks, memorising each and every one.
By now, he could possibly point out all of them on your skin with his eyes closed.
He loved to go on hunts.
Arriving back from hunts was always very stressful for you. It was the time he presented you with furs to make into clothing. He gave you skulls and carcasses to cut and prepare.
During the first time when he brought back a bloody carcass, you threw up.
You did cut it, poorly, but you did it.
He looked disappointed, well not really, Yautja couldn't move their face like humans but his eyes said it all.
And just like then, now he looked even more disappointed.
"You humans are really fragile beings. Can't even do anything." his words cut deeper than anything. Your hands started to shake as you looked at him. You were covered in blood, he asked you to prepare a meal for him from the meat he hunted. You felt so disappointed with yourself.
Yautja women would never fail like you did.
Dau'ja stood up behind you and walked over, taking the knife from you as you backed away.
"I-I was never taught," you said, trying to defend yourself but he didn't reply, instead he prepared his own meal.
You headed to have a shower, you cried as the water washed the animal's blood off of you.
He heard you, yet he did nothing.
He wanted you to be better, and stronger. In his eyes, this was part of the process.
"I will go on a hunt with the others, we will be back later this afternoon." he basically threw this at you the next morning.
You could only nod before he stormed out of your home.
You were once again, alone with your thoughts.
You weren't good enough for him. He must have realized it by now, he must know you are a failure and once he had enough of you, he will dispose of you. You have seen it done, males rejecting females.
You needed to do something to prove yourself.
You already proved that you are good at taking care of his home and that you can be a valuable member of his tribe. Now, you needed to prove that you could be a hunter.
Whenever he took you hunting before, you always just stood there, awkwardly as the males did their job. You weren't exactly useful, but you were not in the way either.
You need to find a way before he finds a way to get rid of you.
And so, you grabbed one of his knives and headed out of the border and into the deep dark forest.
You let out a deep sigh as you came across your final prey. You tried your best to use your memory of the males hunting.
You tried to be stealthy as the wolf-like creature stood not too far from you.
You needed to kill it, so you can prove yourself, so you can prove you are not just a fragile human.
You are not a burden.
You moved into the perfect position behind the animal. Hiding by a tree as you moved swiftly.
Too many thoughts running in your mind.
And just as you thought, you had this, you stepped on a branch.
It immediately alarmed the beast as it turned, it took a moment before starting to run at you.
You quickly turned the other way and started running back to the tribe.
But the animal was faster, it jumped on you making you fall face-first onto the floor with a loud thud and a groan.
You quickly moved your hand to your neck, protecting it as you tried to turn around, when you did the animal stepped onto your chest with its huge paw as you put your hands up. It grabbed your wrist, you felt each and every one of its teeth sink into your flesh as blood began to run down and drip onto you.
You let out a loud yell which did surprise the beast but not for too long.
It began its assault on your wrist, pulling on it so hard you thought it would rip your entire hand right off.
Then the beast let out a loud yelp of pain before it ran off.
With the adrenaline rushing through your body, you failed to notice for a moment that two Yautja stepped over to you.
You looked at them, and you recognized both. They were what you would call on Earth your neighbours.
One said something which didn't really register in your brain, While the other made sure that the beast was dead, as he followed the creature and then you heard another yelp.
You were rushed back to the tribe and to the healer.
Once the pain got better and the reality of the situation set in, you thanked the males who helped you and the healer who bandaged up your wrist and hand.
Filled with shame, you returned home.
Your wrist was throbbing with pain as you just sat there.
Dau'ja will be home soon, you know it, and he will see what a failure you are.
Dau'ja arrived home, and barged through the front door, looking for you.
When he found you in the living space, he dropped to his knees, letting out a sound of relief.
"I thought..." he looked up at you, your eyes meeting his. "I smelled blood."
"I failed you." you said as you too knelt down on the floor, away from him as you looked at your hands, tears gathering in your eyes. "I'm useless. I went to hunt so I can prove myself to you and I failed, I will accept your rejection and leave your home."
"We are mates. Mates don't reject or leave," he said as you looked at him with wide eyes.
He moved closer to you on the floor.
"What do you mean?" he touched your bandaged-up wrist as he looked at it and then up at you.
"Humans are fragile, so I want to protect. As your mate, you are mine and I am yours. I failed to protect you."
You were still confused by his words.
"I failed as a wife. I couldn't prepare the meat for you."
"You keep the home warm. Warm and clean. Knife is not for you, and it's okay. I saw you try and cut, you nearly cut yourself many times. I got... angry. Angry because I should have prepared the meat for you to cook."
"Oh." so it was all a misunderstanding.
A huge mistake on both of your parts.
"So, I don't have to leave?" you asked after a couple minutes of silence.
"If you do, I'll bring you home." you smiled at that as you moved closer to him, hugging him as his arms moved around you, you fit perfectly into his huge frame.
His fragile human.
Something you now call this place.
You made his dull hut into a home.
A home he liked to return to, to have you there at the end of the hunts or just a long day, to keep you safe and sound.
Dau'ja's regret never faded after that day. The scars on your wrist were a constant reminder that he had to keep you safe.
You were his human after all.
His wife and mate.
He knew you were perfect. He often found himself running his fingers along the sensitive skin on your wrist to soothe your pain but more so to soothe his deep regret.
You will be the perfect mother to his children. He didn't need you to prove yourself as a warrior or hunter. He assured you that it was his duty to do such things.
And he even promised to teach you how to handle knives.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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yaut-jaknowit · 6 months
I love your writing for Gawtin, and I was just wondering if you had the time for a request! Like, Gawtin is mated to a female reader, but the reader is pregnant with a yautja baby? Qui-koy will have a baby sister? Something fluffy and smutty too if you are comfortable! (If you do not have the time I understand, thank you for reading though! ❤️)
-🥹 anon
Baby Sister
Pairing: Gawin (female Yautja) x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, lactation kink (now you guys know where that question came from), wlw, angst,
Word Count: 6014
Summary: The father died and Gawtin helps take over the care and grows to love them. The brother of the Gawtin dies due to a hunt gone wrong. Reader is pregnant, early pregnant that not even a Yautja could smell it just yet. In the grieving process, the scent hides the pregnancy for some time before Gawtin picks up on it and lets Reader know. Reader takes the news as good, seeing this is the last gift to them from their dead lover. Due to the grievance, Reader searches for something to fill the hole in their heart. Gawtin is there.
Author Note: I'm so glad people love her as much as I do! This had me thinking. I had two different lanes to take. I choose the sadder one. Hopefully the fluff and smut make up for it.
P.s. There is 11 pages here. 11. I say to myself I need to do smaller to get through requests.... I can't. So, I hope the 11 pages of angsy, fluff, and smut make it up to you since it took a while to get to this....
Part 2
He wasn’t coming home. Your home would be void of his presence now. Empty and silent. His laughter would never fill the rooms, the halls anymore. No children would roam the dwelling, running, sprinting.
A happy family.
Broken by his death.
It was a known fact every time he went out on his hunts, he may not return. But Bgiwl… This was Bgiwl. Nothing could take him down. He’s been in your life for a couple of years. Not a single creature he’s faced has dragged him down to meet Cetanu. He’s… he’s too mighty, too strong to be taken down and, and killed.
Nothing could kill him.
Until now.
Gawtin, his sister, had brought the news to you. You’ve met her before when she came over to catch up with Bgiwl or vice versa. She’s stunning, beautifully crafted both by genetics and hard work. The fact she doesn’t have a permanent mate at her side surprised you.
Then, there was Qui-oky. The sweet, adorable child that made you hopefully during all your intercourse with Bgiwl, it would take. It never did. Now, with him gone, you would have nothing of him to live with. You wiped away the tears that had stained your cheeks only for more to wet your cheeks. The tears would not stop, after an hour of the news was broken to you.
During that entire hour of your life, Gawtin stayed by you. Through haze, you can tell she’s struggling to figure out how to support you. The action alone has your broken heart aching even more. You cried a little harder and gripped tighter on her arm. Your head buried into her bicep as she stayed seated at your side, taking the drool, salty tears, and sobbing into her arm. With Gaston’s other hand, she reached over and began to softly pet your head. You sniffled at the action, tiredly coming down from sobbing to your hearts content. The Yautja began to purr a gentle tune that had your eyes beginning to droop. It helped slow down your heartbeat.
A hiccup broke the calm quietness in the room. With your brows furrowed, you glanced over to the origin and found a small form standing at the threshold of another room. Qui-oky.
At first, you smiled through the pain before the battle was lost. Tears poured down your cheeks all over again. The family you wanted with Bgiwl would never come. He’s gone. The only child that’s been able to run through the halls of your home was the child before you. You swallowed down the thick saliva in the back of your throat; struggling to get it down.
The female at your side gave your head a couple more pats before lifting herself to her feet. All the warmth was stolen back. You whined but stayed planted on the couch, unable to find it within yourself to leave this spot. She strolled over to Oky and bent at the waist to scoop him up. The child chirped at his mother and happily grasped at his mother’s face. Gawtin twitched her mandibles in reaction and tried to deter him. Qui’oky bonked his head to her temple in a love tap then pulled back, expectedly looking at her purple eyes. All he got was a deadpanned look from her.
Then, the little bugger twisted his upper body to look at you. You down casted your gaze to the ground and curled tighter into a ball on the cushions.
From the corner of your eye, you watched as Qui’oky nearly toppled over if it wasn’t for Gawtin’s hold, outstretching his arms towards you. You feel yourself tense, unsure if you were in the mood to handle the child. He wasn’t little for a one-year-old in terms for humans. He’s already walking and talking, though the majority of it is gibberish. But he’s much further along than any kid on earth. Would your kids be like him?
Fresh, hot tears stung your eyes at that internal question. You turned your head to the side to hide the fact you were going to cry again. A thick lump returned to your throat, blocking any words from being voiced. There are no children. There never be children. 
The sobs couldn’t be held back. A process stating all over again.
Days turned to weeks. Those weeks, your sadness still dragged on, pulled by your very own strength as you struggled to find your footing. Yet, every step of the way, Gawtin was right there with you. She held your hand the entire time, guiding you through the hours of the days and when the days turned weeks.
Later in your time Gawtin, you were curled up in her lap, head resting on her midriff. Such a minute little thing compared to the giant she is. She offered you comfort whenever you asked. Sometimes, you didn’t need to even use words. Just a look and she have you pressed against her.
Qui’oky is such a sweetheart. For the most part. As a kid, he still gets up to no good, learning the ropes of his world. He likes to figure out how soft human skin is, at your expense. There’s been a few added scars to you body from him alone.
Your fingers were slotted between her thick digits. Today was a lazy day. If there was a reason to be moving, that be your only motivation to be up. With your ear pressed to her chest, you felt and heard the rhythm of her heartbeat. Strong, loud. She was here, she was staying. She only went out to hunt for food and gather water every other day. You needed this. You needed her.
Her thumb rubbed along the back of your hand, engulfing the entire thing. The motion soothing and nearly lulling you into a slight slumber.
It’s been hard to sleep, even with time passing at the rate it has been. Yet, you believed every day that she allowed you to rest in her bed gave you a better night. A little less dead, a little less drowning.
The rubbing stopped and pulled you from your nearly unconscious state. You whined and tilted your head up to see if she would continue. Her chest filled deeply. Instantly, you began to grow nervous and pulled off of her midriff. “What’s wrong?” Those words falling your from lips immediately. Something was off.
Her free hand came up and cupped your chin to ensure you were looking her in her purple, piercing gaze. “When is the last time you have bled?” is her first question. Instead of answering you.
Bled? Like, a cut? Or… or that.
“You oomans bleed for their cycle. When is the last time you have bled?” Again? Why was she so pushy about it? But, her words confirmed your suspicions. You gave a week a shrug.
“I don’t know… it’s been a couple of months at least. I, I haven’t been paying much attention to it since,” you trailed off, unable to say those damning words. “But probably before… then. All this stress can through off the cycle.” It was the truth. You didn’t think about tracking it, especially after. There was no point. You had no one to have a child with. Those thoughts were bitter in the back of your mind.
Gawtin pushed you back to give her enough room to place her mouth to the crook of your neck. You shuttered at the feeling of her forked tongue slithering out and tasting your skin. “H-hey! What are you doing?” You wanted to be in the loop at all times, needing to be in control of the situation. Especially after everything came crashing down on you.
“You’re pregnant.” You blinked rapidly and jerked your head back. Then anger overcame the shock. You tore yourself from her lap and pointed firmly up at her.
“Don’t play games with me. Don’t!” you raised your voice at her. Hot tears prickling the corners of your eyes and blurry your voice. “I’ve not been near a male since then. It’s impossible!”
She followed suit and rose to her own feet, towering over you. You barely reached her waist. Her actions showed neutrality but your fear of angering rose to take control. Your feet stumbled back but caught the corner of a coffee table. As you fell back, a massive hand wrapped around your wrist and swiftly pulled you back to your trembling legs. All you could do in the moment was stand there, submissively lowering your head. You didn’t want her to be mad at you.
Her calloused hand returned to your cheek. “I do not lie. I smell the hormones, taste them even. Perhaps your sorrow overshadowed the scent but I can now smell it as clear as day. You are pregnant,” she assured and held you there, not allowing you a chance to even bolt from the truth.
The first thing you start to do is sob. It should be from happiness, relief but that’s not what you felt. The sorrow that filled you to the brim. Even as your knees give out, unable to hold you up, Gawtin scoops you up into her arms and hold you close. Her scent consuming everything. She sat back down on the couch and cradled you to her chest. A purr erupting from her sternum and vibrated across your skin.
The next thing you realize was waking up, face cleaned and body well rested. Confused as all can be, you slip out of the bed you’ve grown to know. Must’ve been a bad dread. You rubbed at your eyes and strolled into the kitchen.
An unfamiliar form stood in the living room. You immediately paused; muscles locked tight, ready to hide back away into the safety of Gawtin’s room. Expect, two sets of eyes found you first. Gawtin lifted her upper mandibles at you then motioned with a hand to come closer. You swallowed nervous and took the long route to stop just shy of Gawtin’s side.
Before Gawtin, another female stood in the main area of the living room. Face neutral and at ease. You can see by her scales she’s seen plenty of battles herself. For your own safety and assurance, you used Gawtin’s body as a shield. You kept a steely gaze on the new Yautja but didn’t dare step away from her.
Gawtin called your name and guided you from behind her to stand before her. “This is Fourta. She is the head medic for our village. I have requested her presence due to your pregnancy.” Your eyes widened. It wasn’t a bad dream. You gnawed on your bottom lip, the only thing holding back a sob.
Fourta gave a slight dip of her massive head. Her dark sea green blue scales shimmering in the low light. She’s from the sea clans. You recognized her form from times Bgiwl has taken you over to the coastal clans for supplies. What was she doing here? Your eyes narrowed again on her frame. She acted indifferent and stepped closer.
You tensed and stumbled backwards into Gawtin’s legs. The imposing female at your back placed her hands on your shoulder to hold you there. You swallowed nervously again and kept your gaze on her.
The sea green Yautja stopped her movements and knelt down to get closer to your level. It felt like someone trying to calm a terrified, stray puppy. You continuous eyed her. “I will not injure you, ooman. It goes against my oath as a medic. Yautja or not, you’re safe in my care,” she spoke in a soft voice that called to you like wind through the sails.
“I must check your vitals and ensure you are physically sound to carry this pregnancy through. There’s only been two recorded counts of a ooman carrying a hybrid. With little data, we have to be careful every step of the way. For both of your safeties.” The way she spoke, confident in her ability but also not cocky to show off.
A doctor, patient relationship to make this pregnancy as smooth as possible.
Yesterday wasn’t a dream. You were pregnant. This was Bgiwl’s last gift to you. Over your dead body would you let this fail.
Your head leveled out. You steeled your nerves with a full chest of air and stepped into her reach. Gawtin’s arms slipped off of your shoulders. “Okay, okay. I will allow for you to check me out but-“
“But anything that goes against her command, you will have to face me,” Gawtin interrupted and ate up the space you created between the two of you. Her heat washed over your back, blanketing you in a safety net. Her hands returned to your shoulders. Your body filled with confidence, head held up high and shoulders squared.
Fourta stilled and looked at the two of you before dipping her massive head. “Yes, of course, Gawtin.” Then, she stood back up. “Whenever you’re ready, I will begin my examination. At your speed and comfort.”
The new Yautja was true to her word, more so with the shadow of Gawtin being casted over her. Fourta was smaller than Gawtin by five inches, both by size and bulk. Gawtin was a hefty creature, yet not the largest Yautja out of the village. Fourta had a thinner body which is normal for the coastal clans, chest deep for the need for bigger lungs. Her arms having a slight fin on the outer sides to help with swimming.
A coastal Yautja wouldn’t dare to mess with a jungle Yautja in their own land and vice versa.
Once you were done with being poked and prodded, Fourta gave you more news. Three months. Three months along. Three missed periods you believed from the stress. Which, if you weren’t pregnant, you believed it still wouldn’t be working properly from everything you endured. So you don’t have a reason to worry at first.
Until now.
She left, leaving Gawtin with all the data they have about a hybrid pregnancy and birth. Information Gawtin would share with you at a later time. It was time to lax, to keep yourself calm during the duration of your pregnancy.
A way Gawtin knew was by drawing you a bath in her massive tub that could easily fit three female Yautjas comfortably. With soap and scents from a flower similar to lavender.
The clothing that was both a mixture from her and Bgiwl was pulled off of you and folded to the side. She didn’t even allow for you to take another step towards the tub. You were scooped off the ground and carried into the water. The perfect temperature for your body and newly growing baby.
Gawtin sat down on a ledge hidden under the water with you in her lap. You straddled her wide waist, arms surrounding her torso. The water drew away the tension in your body until you were lax against her. She rubbed the length of your spine, filling the curve of the bone. You groaned and tilted your head up. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you muttered and put your face on her sternum.
Claws zipped down your spine and drew a shutter from you. “I will be here for you.” Your eyes clenched shut, feeling the familiar burn of tears all over again. He said the same thing and looked where you are now.
“How’s this going to work? I-I’ve never be-en pregnant befo-re. I’ve never had a ch-ild before. I don’t know what I’m doing!” The hands left your back to cup your face and force your head up at her. “And-and without him! What am I go-ing to-to do?!” Your mewls and blubbering started again in full force. Your view blurred by the fresh set of tears staining your face. “I-I could die!”
As you opened your mouth to rant once more, a thumb brushed over your lips and silenced you. You looked up at Gawtin expectingly. “My brother chose you for a reason. Permant mates are not something we fool around with. He saw the potential in you. Though, he has gone to meet Cetanu, you are not alone in this.” When you tried to dip your head to curl into a ball, she followed your head with hers while keeping her grip firm.
“Each step through this pregnancy, I will be here for you. Along the way, the entire way. You will not be alone,” she stated with no room for an argument. You whimpered, cried slowly turning into hiccups. You raised your arms and placed them on her chest, water dripped off of your elbows.
“G-Gawtin,” you stuttered her name, doubt and hope both swirling inside of your eyes while gaze at her. Slowly, the green Yautja leaned forward and rested her forehead to yours. Your eyes fluttered shut and enjoyed to the peace brought to this moment. “Thank you.”
All she did was hum and began to purr. Even though you knew the position couldn’t be good for her back, she stayed for as long as you wanted. Her hands holding your face, forehead to forehead. A little spark burning to life in the ashes.
Your belly grew, your ankles were swollen almost all the time, and your breasts ached so badly. All of this affected your back. At times, you cursed your lost mate for the predicament he put you in without him being here to help you. As time continued on, you wouldn’t trade Gawtin for anyone else. Her knowledge of pregnancy, though alien, was extremely helpful.
Every week, you got a checkup from Fourta, taking what was necessary and making sure you were well. And you were. Well, besides the constant body aches but Gawtin let you know that’s okay. Every time, she would run you a bath to relieve aches and pains. Every time, your eyes would sparkle while looking at her.
Qui’oky, as if sensing your discomfort at the current moment, waddled over to you. He does this adorable little run, hands nearly up to his arm pits and head slightly bowed. Like a little bull charging towards you.
At nearly two years old, twenty-two months, he stood a head taller than your knee. His hands slapped against your thigh as he stopped, chest to your leg. Oky doesn’t speak English just yet but you were teaching him a little every time he was willing to sit down. Yautja children rarely ever stop. Always on the move, testing their limits about everything.
This was a precursor to your new life. You were thankful that Gawtin was allowing you time around Oky and learning the ropes before it becomes a real deal.
The child at your feet chirped again to gain your full attention. With how round your belly has gotten, you weren’t able to lean forward. Instead, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong, little Oky?” you cooed to the toddler and offered a hand to him. He clicked at you in a mixture of baby talk and true Yautja. You were able to pick up a couple bits and pieces but it was hard to truly understand him.
He gave a huff then ran away from you, doing that precious run. Your shoulders shook with laughter at his antics. If he was trying to cheer you up, he sure did it.
Your hand rested on your profound belly and softly rubbed the stretched skin. Fourta was slightly concerned on how big your stomach had stretched to accommodate your growing kid. She first thought it was twins, but a quick scan only showed one heartbeat. Big and mighty. Just like their father.
Her biggest concern was the birthing process. Despite every Yautja striving for a vaginal birth, for the safety of you and your child, a Cesarean section would be the best option for you.
Of course, it’s up to you if you would like to process down this road. Getting cut open and your baby pulled out doesn’t fit with your dread of birthing them. You wanted to hold them, cradle them close, be the first one they see. And the healing process afterwards. Everything would be left to Gawtin, more than usual. At least for a month, you would be useless. You had time to think. Every second was used.
A shadow cast over your form. With a hum, you titled your head up and was met with the gaze of Gawtin. There stood your goddess adorned in casual clothing nearly like your own, except the bra holding up your grown breasts. More stretch marks lined the skin there. Your body sensed as if your baby was large and needed a heavy supply.
In her arms was Qui’oky, a moss green blob with short, maroon tresses. He began to blabber nonsense to his mother. She responded as if she understood every word that fell from his mandibles. Then, Gawtin lowered herself to her haunches, still holding her little one. One of her hands rested on your knee. “Would you like for me to run you a bath?” she questioned, eyes soft as they gazed at you.
You smiled at her. “If you can peel me off of this couch, then I will happily accept your offer,” you jestered with a light laugh. Her own upper mandibles raised at your comment.
“Your wish is my command.” The green giant offered her arm for you to grapple onto. To which, you did with a firm grasp. As she stood back up, she pulled you along for the ride, eyes observing your entire movement. Once you were settled back on your feet, she guided you carefully to the bathroom, taking every stride at your pace.
If you were to ever move from this place, you would demand a tub like this to be in place. It was larger than an average hot tub, which was perfect for both you and Gawtin to fit in comfortably. The nudeness of the two of has long been a forgotten bother. Bgiwl drove the disgust and terror out of your system long before you met Gawtin. Gawtin has helped further.
Though before, you were grossed out by all your stretch marks appearing, they were a sign your baby was growing healthy and strong. Same with how large your belly has gotten. Your growing child was okay. Everything was going to be okay.
Gawtin settled you on a ledge under the water. The perfect temperature to fight off the ever-growing soreness that has woven its way into your very bones. “I will return,” she explained before spinning on her heel and taking her leave. You were saddened to see her go.
When she returned the room, it was without Oky. Every step she took towards the tub, a piece of clothing was stripped from her body. At the edge, she was fully naked like yourself. Gawtin carefully lowered herself into the calming waters. Then, the Yautja picked you up from your spot, took it as her own, and deposited you in her lap.
This time, you have your back to her torso, head leaned back to expose your throat. Your eyes fluttered shut as you go lax against the other mother. Her hands rested on your hips, thumbs running over the newly created bumps. There wasn’t enough coconut butter to save your body from the marks it has received. You reached above your head and carded your hands together behind her neck. The Yautja purred slightly and ran her hand up your side, gaining a shutter from you.
“There’s never enough words for me to show you my appreciation,” you uttered softly. Without her, you would be completely lost, even before learning about this pregnancy.
Bgiwl’s death still hurts, it forever will. But that hole he left was slowly being healed by Gawtin. Her presence, her words. Everything about her was healing. She filled what needed to be complete. You needed her more than she would ever know.
With your eyes shut, you felt her head shake. “There is no need.” That earned a huff from you. The hand petting your side left the skin there to softly grasp at your throat. Her thumb rubbed along your pulse, feeling it flutter like bird wings. “I told you in the beginning, I would be here for you. I am a Yautja of my word. I will stay. Through thick and thin.”
A whine built up in the back of your throat, eyes opening to stare at the blank ceiling. You shifted in her lap, still in slight discomfort. It was one growing for a while but you didn’t know how to relieve it. Your hands trembled, on the verge of rubbing at your tender breasts but stilled before making yourself a fool. You couldn’t do that in front of her!
Yet, the discomfort never vanished. It only grew worse even in the warm water shrouding you. You groaned and body your head with shame, doing everything in your power not to rub at them.
Your body was picked up and turned around to be chest to chest Gawtin. Green hands cupped your face and forced your head up again. You wouldn’t met her eyes. Not with the heat blazing to life beneath your cheeks.
“Your breasts, they hurt. Do they not?” Gawtin asked, as if reading your mind. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded to the best of your ability. She understood. Gawtin hummed and let a hand drift down to rest on top of your collarbone. “If you consent, I can help relieve you of the pressure. My own would ache before the suckling came. My second to last one was the worse. A giant suckling too. Needed every last drop.”
The palm of her hand was incredibly warm against your skin that it was making it hard to say no. You should. You really should. No one’s touched you since… since Bgiwl. And this… this would damn you.
“What would that entail?” you returned, eyes wide and finally meeting hers. There wasn’t an ounce of judgment within them. Just understanding and something else you couldn’t pick up on.
Her hand didn’t move but her claws flexed, creating indents in your feeble skin. “I would help push the milk out. You are in pain from the pressure build up.” You knew she wouldn’t dumb it down. Most Yautjas don’t beat around the bush and just get it out. No reason too. It wastes precious time, especially in a hunt.
Your eyes still jumped wide. “Like-like a cow?!” Her explanation did make sense but… it felt wrong to do that. Yet, to ease your pain? The pressure was bothersome that just rubbing or using hot water couldn’t solve.
“I do not know what that is. Would you like me to?” Gawtin still offered to you, letting you have the chance to deny her. It was all up to you.
You gnawed at your bottom lip then glanced down at your swollen breasts. It sounded both alien and heaven sent to have her relieve you of this annoying pain. You pushed down your nerves then raised your head to find her purple irises. “Okay. Just, just be gentle. They really hurt,” you relented, inhaling a shaky breath.
“If you are worried about waste, if you would like, I can bottle it up?” Gawtin offered as well. That got you thinking. Yet, if your body is producing this much before you have given birth, you will be fine. You shook your head in denial. “Okay. Remember, you control this. If you want me to stop, say so. It is your choice after all.” You could help the way your body nearly sagged against her due to her words. She was a blanket of safety you’ve been craving for a long time now.
A calloused but softened from water hand first engulfed the entirety of one of your swollen breasts. You flinched at first but we’re swift to nodded your head to encourage her. Your bottom lip was trapped between dull teeth, eyes fluttering shut in reaction. The hand still on your face pinched your chin. “Open your eyes, pretty little thing. Need to see those eyes.”
Instantly, the room felt ten times hotter.
“Keep-keep going,” you begged with a shaky voice that didn’t portray confidence, but it was enough.
The first squeeze had you choking on your own breath. Your nipples highly sensitive. Beads of white milk dribbled out and rolled down the curve of your under boob. “Oh, fuck.” She ate up your noises like sweet treats. Some beads collected on her hand. She released her hold and brought her hand up. With her long, skinny tongue, she licked off the milk. You watched the way her pupils widened, turning black before her eyes.
Before you had a chance, Gawtin picked you up and placed you on the tubs ledge. She stood between you open legs, head closer to your chest. “Let me taste you. You won’t be in pain anymore.” If you didn’t know better, she was begging. She wouldn’t ever admit being as prideful as she is. All you could do was nod your head rapidly.
This time, both hands found their spot on your breasts. One squeezed again. You found her shoulders to be your anchor and groaned. The giant leaned her head in, tongue darting out and licking up a stripe to catch the drop. The roughness of her tongue laved over your nipple. You moan, legs spreading wider to accommodate her size. She was more than happy to eat what space you offered to her.
You slightly knocked out of the moment when her fangs opened close to your teat. She felt your body tense up and stopped before her mouth was too close. “Ease, little ooman. I will not hurt. Just taste.” You took a deep breath in and nodded to allow her to continue. She took it to heart.
With her mouth awaiting, she pinched your boob again. More milk was released with the extra force. She was quick to lick up the spilled milk. “G-Gawtin,” you moaned her name, body growing warmer.
It was onto the next teat. Your hips rutted down on the tiled floor dragging against nothing, not gaining any friction. You released another soft cry, nails digging into her shoulders as more was drawn from your nipples, drinking from you like a spring stream.
She may not be able to suckle. Yet, the way she messaged your swollen breasts, each given the same treatment every passing minute was heaven sent. Your bottom lip growing heavy until you could only pant and writhe in her hold. She drank from you, easing up your pain with gentle caresses.
The longer this drew on, the more clouded your brain grew. It made it hard to think, of anything more than just her sipping away at your milk.
The entirety of your body was on fire. Every nerve a lit anew. You’re buzzing with energy and ready for more. You tilt your head up with a pleasing gaze. “More,” you begged and canted your hips downwards, grinding against nothing but air. All the while, Gawtin watched and consumed in rapture. Your milk sweet on her tongue. She became greedy for more, pushing more out to swallow down her throat. “Please.” You were going to be the death of her.
Her hand not actively pulling your nectar out found its way to your hip, claws biting at your skin. If possible, you shuffled your thighs more open, inviting that hand to find your twitching clit. You knew she had to smell your arousal thick in the air.
A spike of frustration hit you. You snatched her wrist and forced it between your legs to ease the new, growing ache she created. “Touch me.” With the dizzy effect she caused you from just sucking your breasts, you were mindless and acting on instinct for the pleasure building up inside.
Gawtin was quick to act. Her thick digits rubbing circles around your puffy, swollen clit. You moaned out and leaned forward, head resting on her broad shoulders, back arch slightly due to you belly. A combination of water and your growing slick dripped down from the insides of your thighs. It didn’t take long for Gawtin to make you a hot, sticky, sweaty mess in the palm of her hands.
At first, you tried to get on your knees to allow her more access to your slick cunt. Yet, Gawtin forced you onto your back and pinned you there. Her mouth refused to leave its spot latched onto your nipples. Her hand continued to rub tight circles around your clit, drawing out moans. Your hands clawed at the tiled floor, unable to find a lick of purchase anywhere.
Your hips lifted off of the wet floor and grinded down on her hand. She growled in reaction and sent vibrations up your sensitive nipples that had you seeing stars. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out, scrambling for an anchor but coming empty handed at Gawtin’s mercy.
All of your muscles locked down tight, more slicky drippling down to stain the floor and your thighs. Gawtin did everything in her power to draw your orgasm out, drowning in the very pleasure you begged for. Gulping down every drop of milk you produce, Gawtin soothed the ache in your breasts.
Your back relaxed to the floor while you laid there as a twitching mess. Your eyes drifted shut, chest heaving with each deep breath. A groan sounded from your drained body. Gawtin purred above you and gave each other your nipples a cleaning lick before pulling off.
“You have given me a taste, Treasure. Now, I will be hungry for more,” she growled while trailing her fangs across your skin up to your ear. You whimpered underneath her, back arching up again.
After caressing the shell of your ear, she pulled back to peered down at your lax form. “How do you feel?” her voice rumbled from deep within her chest. You cracked up your eyes to find her still hovering above you. One of her arms holding her weight by your head.
“Fucking amazing,” you breathed out. She laughed, shoulders shaking with the movement. With her free hand, she caressed with the back of her hand your cheekbone. “Anytime you want to do that, I will not deny you that.”
“Good. Your milk is so sweet and delicious. It would be hard to part with it after gulping it down.” Her free hand slid down to your emptier breasts and gave each a light squeeze.
“God, they feel so sensitive.”
“How long have they ached? I am surprised you had not done anything to relieve the pressure sooner. They were quite full,” she asked and swiped off a bead of milk that had been freed. Her tongue licked it off of her thumb.
All you did was shrug. “Probably for a couple of weeks. To be honest, I didn’t know if I could.” Again, this pregnancy was completely new to you. You didn’t know what you were doing.
“Oh, sweet ooman. From now on, if they ached, just a little bit, let me know.” She leaned down and got into your face. “I will be more than happy to relieve that ache.”
Fuck yourself twice. Your clit throbbed against your will at her words washing over you. To have this massive Yautja more than willing to drink you dry as your will was something you didn’t know you liked. But now, you could check that heavily on your list.
“I will allow free access to them.” A growl pierced the air. One of her mandibles twitched.
“I would not offer that up so freely, little ooman. You do not know what you are giving up.” You looked her straight in the eye.
“Take what you want.” Though, they were softened from the lack of milk, Gawtin found a different spot to drink from.
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slasherx · 5 months
Welcome to my slasher blog! My main blog is @multifandoms27-blog so feel free to look at my work over there to understand how I write and operate. My name is J, I'm 19 and go by she/they. I am also in college and am only one person, so please be patient with me. Below is my masterlist of who I will write for - this may be updated in time.
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I will write for:
Jason Voorhees (any adult version)
Reboot! Jason with s/o who loves to kiss him Funny times with Jason S/o lays on his back Calling him nicknames
Thomas Hewitt (both 03 and 06, but a preference for 06)
Relationship HC's With a distant s/o With a s/o who can sing Pregnant s/o | 18+ SFW and NSFW hc's | 18+ Meeting s/o Hurting s/o during sex | 18+
Michael Myers (any adult version)
Welcome Home Reuinited with s/o after years
Vincent Sinclair
With a distant s/o Kidnapping s/o
Bo Sinclair
Kidnapping s/o
Yautja OC's (Len'ik, Ax, Kyp, Corran, Blue, Inara)
Introduction to my ocs
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I will write: Fluff, NSFW, SFW, poly, mlm, wlw, gender neutral, etc.
I will NOT write: Oc x canon, canon x canon, pedophilia, suicide, extreme kinks, more than four characters in something (it just becomes too much), being drugged, drugging someone else, homophobia, or racism.
Be sure to include: Gender of reader (I do female, male and gender neutral), plot, character(s) you want (no more than four per ask), and what you specifically want (fluff, angst, smut, etc.)
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A Fire Which You Can't Put Out (1/?)
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of blood, roughhousing turns into gentle meaningful sex, non-conish, Yautja in heat, angst, this post is an emotional trainwreck, Mating season isn't as easy as it sounds, may not be canonically accurate
Pairing: Yautja x gender neutral! reader
"Love" you called out, standing waiting outside their door. "Please, let me in."
There was quiet as your pleas were ignored once again. They didn't usually act this way.
Usually, they left their door unlocked so you could get in whenever you wanted. They knew how much you liked their giant bed, how you loved to go over the rough textures of their trophies with your hand and arrange them by size and species. So your worry was understandable when they locked themself up, not responding to any of your calls, no matter how desperate they got.
You shook your head. They hadn't even told you when they'd come home.
In fact, you only noticed once you'd made food for the two of you and went to bring theirs into their room and the door wouldn't open. You'd heard a whimper then. Painful, like a wounded animal, and not at all like your mate. And yet the low growl that followed seconds after told you that it was.
You'd tried prying their door open, guessing the access code, tried convincing them to come out on their own with sweet promises of love and comfort, but nothing worked. They simply stayed quiet. And your worry grew.
Defeated, you finally backed away from their door after the tenth attempt to get them to answer. Perhaps they simply needed some alone time. You sighed.
"It's late, I should go to bed now. If...if there's any way I can help you, please... let me know." you waited a few seconds, hoping for any indication that they had heard you, or that they were still alive, anything. But as none came, you swallowed the lump in your throat and turned around "...I love you."
And after you left, the ship went quiet once again.
You had begun going about your business as usual, cleaning and showering and making yourself dinner. And with each task the strings of your heart tried pulling you to their room again, your brain yelling at you- just to check up on them. Just to see if they need me now. Just for a second.
But you tried to forget your pain and went to bed without them in your arms, almost letting a tear escape your eye as you put the blanket over you. Usually, you never had to use it. Their body was so warm that it was almost completely decorative. But now, you were so so cold.
You put it over your body completely, curling up fetal position and tried to even your breath. Maybe you'd wake up and see that they had joined you while you slept. The thought brought a little peace to your aching heart, and you closed your eyes. But the second you entered a dreaming state, you suddenly heard a loud crash.
Eyes still closed, you almost fell as you instinctively bolted out of bed. You felt your way around, moving along the familiar walls until you reached the hall your mate's room was located in.
And as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you saw that it wasn't so dark after all. The light in their room was on and, most importantly, their door was open.
Without thinking, you ran towards it, almost tripping over something in the dark, but catching yourself before you hit the ground. You looked behind you in confusion. There should be nothing in this hall for you to trip over, so why?
But as a hand weakly grabbed at your ankle, realization hit you, and you instantly turned around to embrace the towering body that was laying on the floor.
"thank God, you're here!" you let your body drop on theirs and threw your arms around their neck. "Why are you on the ground? Are you alright? Do you need something, anything? Did you hurt yourself?"
But your worried babbling got cut off by the sudden sound of whining. Their voice distorted and shaking as they kept reverting to their own language, moaning a mixture of "please" and "can't wait"
It was such a strange sound, you almost couldn't believe it was coming from your mate. But as they continued and you could feel the vibrating of their chest below you, there was no way to deny it. You leaned back to get a better look and what you saw disturbed you deeply.
Their eyes, they were fixated on you completely. And they were oh so very.... desperate. Like they were asking for something, something only you could give them. Almost like a puppy, but way less innocent.
Like they were in pain, but as you trailed your hands gently over their body, you couldn't find a single scratch on them. You furrowed your brows as you felt them shiver against your fingertips.
Their chest heaved shakily against your body and their breath formed a slight fog in the air. It made you realize just how cold it was here. Had they lowered the temperature? But Yautja disliked the cold, didn't they?
You felt along their neck to discover their body didn't seem phased by the cold at all, instead it was practically burning. They leaned into your touch, purring louder than you knew they were capable of.
Their hips slowly but roughly grinded up against yours and you put a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from reacting. Something was very wrong here. You tried to push yourself up from their lap, wanting to search up on this behavior, try to find a way to help them, but they dug their fingernails into the flesh of your thighs to keep you in place, not flinching when you hissed in pain.
"y-you're hurting me" you breathed out, but they held you tighter, blood forming at your new wounds. "Let me go, you're hurting me!" you yelled now, only stopping as you got cut off by their own plea for release.
"you're - you're hurting me" they croaked weakly, imitating you before letting their hands drop from your body and to the ground with a loud thud.
You shuffled away from them to run your fingers over your legs and the sensitive wounds that were now coloring your pants a deep red. They...had never hurt you before. You looked up to find not regret or fear in their eyes but determination.
Like suddenly you were prey, bound and gagged in front of a predator ten times your strength, with no means to fight or escape. Like your fate was already sealed. And with a poorly repressed whimper, you became eerily aware of the small skulls decorating their hips.
You're going to join them soon the voice in your head commented drily this is what you get for mating a monster
You almost slapped yourself as soon as the thought entered your mind. They weren't a monster, you knew this better than anyone. You had braided flowers into their dreadlocks not too long ago, watched them try to make a flower crown with their big hands and being impossibly proud when they finished making one- you'd seen them weep over their fallen comrades, saw them swell with pride at their brother's younglings.
But as their hands shot forward, gentle hands now nothing but big razor sharp claws to you, and they took hold of your arms before you could even realize what was happening, it became harder and harder to convince yourself. And the cold of the ship's floor pressed against your back as they towered above you was making you all the more aware of your situation.
It was quiet for a few seconds. But not the kind of quiet you had come to find comfort in, the kind of quiet the dark emptiness of space offered, the eternal peace that the stars brought with them- but the quiet in which you were being suffocated by your own breathing. By your heartbeat. By the sweat running down your temple and mixing together with your tears on the ground.
It was a sort of tension you had only known of a battlefield, right before someone strikes. The few seconds between life and death, the moment history is written, the moment fate picks up her golden feather. And the more seconds passed, the surer you were that you needed to act if you were to survive this.
Consciously shoving your fear together with your common sense into the back of your mind and allowing instict to take complete hold of you, you lurched forward. Your canines were meant for tearing meat, but you'd always fancied yourself a vegan. Still, the green seeping from your mouth made sure you'd never forget your true nature.
It was a moment of complete loss of self. Followed quickly by deep, frantic fear. Of them, of yourself, of the taste on your tongue.
They roared above you, pupils shooting big enough that you could see your shaking reflection in them. They clutched you tighter, shoving you into them as their mandibles secured themselves at the spot between your neck and your shoulder.
And before you could scream for forgiveness, glowing green was replaced with metallic red. It was almost poetic how your blood mixed together. How you somehow chose the same place to leave your marks. Only that yours were a crude attempt at survival while theirs was-
What were they doing?
Their fangs were still buried in your pulsing flesh, soaking in the wet heat of your bruised body, but you could hear the low rumbling of their voice still. "Please" it was difficult to hear if it was a question or a demand, either way it sounded too sweet for the way they were behaving. Too innocent, too kind, too much like your mate.
"Please- I'm scared - I'm scaring you" they strung together sentences, and your hand moved to draw circles on their back in an ironic display of human stupidity. Always loving, always giving, always soft. Soft is what they loved about you, soft is what they swore they weren't. Soft is what they were right now. With their teeth rammed into your neck.
"I need thi- you"
They purred rythmically with every word, their hips rutting slowly against your inner thigh
"You, you, you"
and you slowly began feeling less like prey and more like devine medicine, like a cure-it-all. But in this position you were nevertheless still terrified.
One of your legs carefully wrapped itself around their outer thigh, helping you in pulling yourself up. And surprisingly, they actually let you.
Their grip faltered ever so slightly and their mandibles released from your flesh with a goosebump-inducing squelching sound. You let out a low groan and bit your tongue trying to ignore the pain, instead focusing on dealing with the issue at hand.
Your mate was in front of you, eyeing you like their last meal and waiting for another opportunity to pounce. An opportunity you were not going to give them.
"Can... C-can you lay down?" You ask with a shake in your voice, gaze looking for any sudden movements, yet none came. They moved not an inch, eyes still focused on you and you could practically see their control slipping away slowly.
Swallowing, you repeat yourself with a lot more (albeit fake) confidence. Something which seemed to work.
"My love, please- will you lay down for me?"
You almost let out a laugh of relief when they did as you said. But you kept yourself from cheering just yet.
Your legs wobbled slightly as you moved to sit on their lap once again. It was hard to put your full weight on them, they were like a furnace, burning your skin with every touch. But this was more important than your comfort, or your fear- you'd sworn to stay by their side no matter how dangerous it'd get.
Tracing your hands over their stomach and up to their chest, you reminded yourself of this. Memories of your first time getting to know them grounded you. Their patience with a species far more primitive than theirs, their courage to choose peace over violence whilst coming from a race that worshipped death and the bringers of it.
Their purring started slowly reminding you more of your own heartbeat. This was not a monster. This was not a monster.
Your eyes, which had involuntarily closed now opened, looking down at your mate with more rationality. Their upper body was bare and littered with fresh scratch wounds that you hadn't noticed before.
Their lower body was bare as well, with only a small cloth covering what was in between. Something which it was not doing well, since the outline of their erection was just as visible as the natural lubrication running down their thighs.
It had been obvious before, but with them laying underneath you now, begging for release, for salvation... Why they'd barely eaten the past weeks, why they'd forfeited their training, why they suddenly avoided touching you, you realized now with horror-
They had been preparing for mating season.
"Why didn't you tell me?" you whispered, leaning down to put a kiss to their shaking form, your fear dissipating and replacing itself with love and understanding.
Their claws reached up to your hips to hold you gently, painfully gently, like they were trying their best not to crush you in their embrace. Your mouth moved up to their face to place a kiss between their eyes, which they closed in response, leaving them completely vulnerable.
It was a strange form of power you felt in that moment. The power of being a warm meal in front of a starving man, but you didn't let yourself delight in in too long. Your hands trailed over their torso, down to where their throbbing member strained against their abs, and took it into your hands.
You jumped when they grunted underneath you, their lubrication becoming stronger as you rythmically stroked them. The rutting of their hips breaking that rythm, almost throwing you off them with how brutal it was.
Oh, you tried hard to keep yourself from tearing up, they must be in so much pain.
In any other scenario you would've found the sight erotic, but there was nothing erotic about it now.
You knew the risks of mating an alien, knew there was a difference in anatomy. They had been so self conscious about it once they trusted you enough to see them unsheathed, and it completely shattered your views on their species.
Overly confident, arrogant, beastly- those were the words most humans would use to describe them. And though you always tried to be open and understanding, even you had your biases.
Yet growing out of those wasn't hard once you'd met them. They were everything you didn't expect. Intelligent, helpful, kind and so adorably sweet against your tongue.
Their eyes that told you they wanted to devour you whole then averted, timidly glancing between the ground and your body. Their hands trembling as you guided them to lay above your chest, letting them know that the heartbeat they were feeling was for them, only.
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yautjalover · 2 years
This is really freaking sad but romantic. Buckle up, y’all. Happy V-Day. :)
You & I 💕
CW: Couple Suicide, Angst, Death, Guilt, Betrayal
The Yautja and their human mate had lived a long forty years together. They loved one another, never being apart for more than a few days. Often the Yautja would leave their human mate when they would go hunting. This was fairly normal for the two. Their forty-first anniversary was approaching when the Yautja was called to meet with their Clan Leader.
During this meeting, they were scolded for being weakened by their human mate. This relationship weakened the clan, especially since word reached the Clan Leader that the Yautja’s human mate had successfully found a way for the two to have children together. The Clan Leader, being a traditionalist, didn’t want hybrids to dirty the gene pool of his people. As the Yautja endured this meeting, having to listen to the insults thrown about their mate, they slowly grew shameful of ever even having a human mate. The acidic words of their leader seared into their mind. It was there he was told to kill this human pest and be done with it. They had no choice, it was kill their human mate or die themselves by an Arbitrator for defying orders.
Upon returning home to their human mate, they were quiet and reserved. Their human was all smiles and joy at their return. They had no idea that their Yautja was having second thoughts nor of what they planned. The Yautja kept up the illusion of normalcy with their human mate, wanting to remember the utter joy and love they gave them with such ease. Loving a human was radically different than loving a Yautja. Love was given with no expectations. Strength wasn’t a requirement.
Later that night, when the human was settling down for bed after a warm bath, the Yautja retrieved a small hunting blade. They concealed the weapon and entered the bedroom where their human mate sat on the bed holding something in their hands.
“I made you this to always remember me by.” Their mate said with a sad smile, holding up a bracelet made of their braided hair.
The Yautja accepted it and met the tearful gaze of their mate. Did they know what the Yautja planned?
“You can drop the act, my love,” the human said. “I know that tonight is my last night. You don’t realize that I know you very well by now.”
Side by side they sat, right next to each other in silence. The Yautja felt ashamed that their mate knew of their betrayal. They were supposed to be the one who protected their mate, not hurt them. It was against the Code to harm an innocent, one who couldn’t defend themselves. Their mate wouldn’t stand a chance in a fair fight against them.
“I don’t hate you, ya know.”
They turned to face their mate, full of despair.
“I love you and I’d rather you kill me then anyone else.” They cupped the face of the Yautja, stroking their upper mandibles with their thumbs. Their eyes were watery and red. Seeing this hurt the Yautja more. “If I were to choose how I died then it would be here with you, in bed, warm in your arms, and unaware. Dying in my sleep with the person I love. How does that sound?”
The Yautja drew their mate into their arms and held them close, purring softly for their small love.
“I am so sorry, mate. If I defy the orders of my leader then I will die.” They began, telling what was on their mind. “Instead of following orders and hurting you, how about we die together? You and I? Together we will be in the afterlife.”
Their mate kissed the Yautja between their eyes and nuzzled their chest. “I would like that. You and I.”
And so it was decided.
The Yautja mixed a poison that would kill the both of them, within minutes of each other. It would be their human that would die first, so they quickly cuddled in bed with their mate and had them consume the poison with them. They both relaxed and the Yautja held their mate in their arms just as they had done for decades. At some point they actually fell asleep and eventually breathed their last, together.
A few days later they discovered dead in their home, still wrapped around one another in their bed. The Yautja had chosen to die with their mate where they now enjoyed eternity with them in the afterlife.
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