#yay for vandalism either way
thankstothe · 9 months
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so polite 🕊️
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youthofpandas · 2 months
so you might have heard about the massive vandalism spree that happened on the Limbus Fandom Wiki that took off now that we have freed ourselves of Fandom and moved to wiki.gg to host on. Well in their efforts to revert the vandalism the staff have begun stealing pages, apparently, which have been edited and updated since the move, from us to fix the Fandom Wiki
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Note the Administrator and Bureaucrat badges! The people in charge of the Fandom wiki are apparently the types who will actively steal content from the new wiki!
If you don't know, one of the hardest things about forking a wiki off of Fandom is the fact that Google doesn't like showing two results with duplicate text, meaning that differences in the text of the page is huge for helping a moved wiki start gaining search-ability. Because of that, we put an active effort into changing popular pages like those for the main characters to not only make them better, but also to try to get footing as a new wiki. The fact that Fandom has now copied our new, updated text, will hurt us and it's really disheartening as many of our editors were excited to start revamping pages!!
I'm unsure if they plan to steal more pages that were broken completely during the vandalism, or what, but either way I think this is really shitty and needs to be pointed out. I fear further vandalism will just result in more stolen pages, so all I can really ask of the fandom (as in, the Limbus fandom, not the company Fandom) is to try using the new wiki as much as possible for traction and to ignore the old Fandom wiki even if they start making new, updated pages. The editors who made that place what it is have all moved and we have been keeping up with the weekly game updates and, well, we hope the user base moves with us!
Update: Good news! Fandom Staff did notice the stolen page and demodded and I believe banned the Wiki Admin who stole it as well as deleted the page, yay! This still should not have happened in this first place and was completely unacceptable, but at least this means further page stealing is unlikely
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larluce · 2 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , @gregre369 , @chaosofbelievers , @thelordofabsolutelynothing , @another-tblr-fangirl , @aceauthorcatqueen , @smileytrinity , @tiny-and-witchy , @wako-weirdo , @a-very-tired-ravenclaw , @schiwalkers-ineffability , @natsu2501malo , @dearfuturelyn , @thedollopheadofcamelot , @yougottobekittenme , @your-local-asylum-escapee , @theroundbartable , @alo-ween , @orliththedragon We are back to the present.
LINK TO THE OTHER PARTS: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 (You're here) , PART 13
In Arthur's chambers. Arthur And Merlin snuggling in bed while Arthur reads a book to his chicks.
Arthur: And the princess and the knight lived happily ever after.
Brave: (on Merlin's shoulder) I wanna be a Knight! 😄 (Makes fighting movements)
Rain: (on Arthur's shoulder) I wanna be a Princess! 🤩 (Makes dancing movements like she is wearing a dress)
Merlin: My chicks, you are a birds, you can't-
Arthur: You can be whatever you want, babies.
Chicks: Yay! 😄😊😄😊😄
Merlin: (glares at Arthur)
Arthur: What?
Uther: (Knocks the door from outside) Arthur?
Merlin: (changes to bird form)
Uther: (enters) Son, we need to... (Looks Arthur is holding a book and has 2 chicks on his shoulders, 1 on his lap and the rest on the bed) talk.
Chicks: (stay silent immediately like Merlin taught them cause old meany human is scary and they were told old meany human gets rid of misbehaved falcons)
Arthur: (like nothing is out of the ordinary) What is it?
Uther: Are you reading to the birds?
Arthur: It helps them sleep.
Uther: They could poop your bed!
Arthur: Oh, they don't do that anymore. They use their potty.
Uther: Their what?
Wary: (on Arthur's shoulder, chirps very quietly) Poop, poop 🥺.
Arthur: (puts Wary and Rain on his lap and pulls out a little potty from under the bed with a bird engraved in it) Here.
Wary: (jumps moving his wings to the edge of the potty and poops inside) 😊
Arthur: (to Uther) See? They are very clean.
Uther: It's... quite impressive, I suppose. But you are humanizing these animals too much.
Arthur: I am not! (puts his chicks in the nest to sleep, covering them with a blanket)
Uther: You read them to sleep, you put blankets on their nest-
Arthur: Just one blanket and it's to keep them warn.
Uther: -and you barely leave your chambers now. You only spend time with them.
Arthur: (stands up holding the nest and looks lovingly at his babies) I just... don't want to miss on any moment of their childhood.
Chicks: (chirp a little in the nest without being able to help it, very scared, though Guardian still puts himself infront of his siblings, protective)🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Merlin: (flies to the nest protecting his chicks and kills Uther with his eyes)
Arthur: Father, please lower your voice. You're scaring them and Merlin might attack you if he considers you a threat.
Uther: (about to yell again, but remembers Merlin took some witch's eyes out so he takes a deep breath to compose himself and lowers his voice) What I'm trying to say is that you've been cooped up with these birds for too long. You're neglecting your duties.
Arthur: (puts the nest with Merlin and his chicks on top of the wardrove) But I've been to every reunion and done every report you asked.
Uther: But you don't go on quests anymore.
Arthur: There hasn't been one.
Uther: Well, now there is. (Gives Arthur a parchment) There have been riots in the villages near the citadel. It could be just some vandals, but just in case is something more serious you must go to enssure and calm the citizens.
Arthur: But, my chicks-
Uther: Will be fine. You have hundreds of servants at your disposal. I'm sure you can leave them for a couple of days.
Arthur: I don't trust the servants.
Uther: Well that's a shame, because you are going either way. It's an order.
Arthur: (sighs) Yes, father.
Uther: (leaves)
Merlin: (flies next to Arthur and changes back to his human form)
Arthur: Are they still awake?
Merlin: No, I managed to make them sleep. They'll probably have nightmares with Uther though.
Arthur: Well, you heard my father. I have to leave the castle for a couple of days, so you'll have to look after the chicks alone.
Merlin: Oh, I'm not staying. I'm coming with you.
Arthur: What?!
Merlin: You think I'm going to let go into danger all by yourself?
Arthur: Is not a dangerous quest, just a visit to the neighboring villages.
Merlin: Where riots are taking place. What if some bandid or raider tries to kill you? Or an evil sorcerer? Or some magical creature? I need to be there to protect you!
Arthur: Now you are overreacting.
Merlin: Really? When does any of your quests has ever no ended up with someone or something trying to kill you?
Arthur: ...
Merlin: (crosses his arms and lifts an eyebrow)
Arthur: I'm the best knight in Camelot and I'll bring a cavalry with me. I'll be fine.
Merlin: Yeah, sure 😒. I'm coming with you.
Arthur: Merlin, one of us has to stay with the chicks. Or are you really going to let some strangers look after them?
Merlin: Of course not. We'll bring them with us.
Arthur: WHAT?!😨 Are you mad?!😠 We can't bring them to the quest. It's too dangerous!
Merlin: You just said it wasn't dangerous.
Arthur: For them it's dangerous!😡 They are too small still!
Merlin: They are almost my bird size now!
Arthur: But they don't know how to fly and you have magic to protect yourself, they don't. Nature is dangerous, there are all kind of predators outside. You should be very aware of this. One broke your wing and Brownie was killed by one of those!
Merlin: Yes, nature is dangerous. But guess what? Brownie would've raise them in nature! Because that's where they are supposed to be living!😡
Arthur and Merlin open their eyes wide when they realise they raised their voices while arguing and turn to the chicks quickly, scared that they woke them by accident with their outburst. Luckyly they're still asleep so they sigh in relief.
Arthur: (calmer and in more quiet voice) What do you mean by that?
Merlin: (calmer and in a more quiet voice too) I hate to say this, but Uther is right, you're giving the chicks a human treatment. And I understand why you do it. You want to show them that you see them as equal and you are caring for them in the only way you know. But they are not human, they are falcons and falcons don't have potties or blankets in nature. Falcons don't know what "Knight" or "Princess" mean. There's no chirp for those words in falcon vocabulary. Our chicks made them up! They shouldn't be able to do that. They shouldn't be able to understand english at all!
Arthur: And that's bad because...?
Merlin: They're going to fly and leave the nest soon. How will they adapt to nature if they never go outside these 4 walls? How will they be able to socialize with other merlins if they're basically creating their own language?
Arthur: I get your point, but they will be fine. If you want them to have their glimpse of nature so much, we can take them to the garden one of these days. But I won't take the chicks on this quest.
Merlin: (sighs) Fine, but I'm still going with you.
Arthur: Who will take care of our chicks then?
The next day. In Morgana's chambers. Merlin and Arthur talking to Morgana and Gwen, while the chicks are playing in their auntie's bed.
Arthur: and Rain likes her bird in little pieces. You don't have to take out the bones, but make sure they don't have sharp parts-
Merlin: For the love of-Just make sure the prey is clean and fresh. They know how to tear it themselfs.
Morgana: Water and birds 3 times a day. Got it.
Arthur: (gives Gwen 3 books) Their favourite tales. (Gives her 2 potties) Their potties. (Gives her a little blanket) Their blanket. You have to-
Gwen: Read them to sleep, change one potty for the other when it needs to be washed and cover the chicks at night. Am I right?
Arthur: (smiles) Exactly.
Merlin: Don't put the nest so close to the floor.
Arthur: But not too high either.
Merlin: You can show them the view from the window. They love that.
Arthur: But just with supervision. Don't let them near the window alone.
Merlin: But more importantly.
Arthur: And over all things.
Arthur and Merlin: (at the same time) Always. Close. The door.
Morgana and Gwen: (confused) ... What?
Merlin: They'll run around the place at any given chance.
Arthur: Which is fine, only and just only if they don't leave this room.
Morgana: We will, but is such precaution really necessary? They don't know how to fly yet and their legs are pretty small. How far can they go?
Arthur: Very far.
Merlin: I'll just tell you this. I'm part falcon, Which means my eyesight is 8 times better than a human's. I can spot a prey from more than a mile away. And yet Blizzard escaped my sight when he got lost at the feast. So don't understimate them, Morgana. Close. The. Door.
Rain: (on a pillow, chirps loudly) Help! Help!
Morgana: (Runs fast to her bed, worried) What is it Rain? Are you okay?
Arthur: Oh, don't worry. She's just playing.
Morgana: Playing? Playing what?
Merlin: They call it "The Princess' rescue".
Blizzard: (puts himself infront of Rain standing up high, stretching his wings, and makes a raw chirp)
Guardian and Brave: (pretend they are dodging something and "attack" Blizzard)
Merlin: Rain is the Princess, Blizzard the dragon that holds her capture and Guardian and Brave the knights that come to her rescue.
Wary: (makes himself a ball and stays still)
Morgana: (to Wary) And what are you supposed to be?
Wary: I'm a rock 😊.
Morgana: ...
Guardian: (breaks character) He doesn't like fighting and we offer him to be the Princess once but he didn't want to.
Brave: (uses Wary to evade the dragon's attack)
Guardian: And it's perfect for hiding.
Brave: Guardian, I need help!
Guardian: Coming! (Goes back to character to help Brave) Die, Dragon! 😠 (stacks Blizzard from behind)
Gwen: (Looks at Morgana strangely)
Morgana: (turns to Gwen) What?
Gwen: You can really communicate with birds? I thought you were just pretending to make the chicks more comfortable.
Morgana: Oh, no. I did a translation spell on Arthur and then Merlin did the same spell on me. So now we both can understand merlin language.
Gwen: That's so cool! 😃
Morgana: Want me to do the spell on you too? 😏
Gwen: (thoughtful) Hmmm... I don't know. I feel like this is more a family thing and I know myself. I'll probably end up talking with them constantly and people'll think I'm insane.
Morgana: (holds her hand and looks at her fondly, smiling) Well, if you ever want to, you can ask me.
Gwen: (smiles back and blushes a little)
Arthur and Merlin: ...
Arthur: Well, we're leaving.
Merlin: (turns to bird form and flies to his chicks) My chicks, Mama and Papa must leave now. Be good falcons and always listen to auntie Morgana and Gwen.
Chicks: (stop playing and go to Merlin) Yes, Mama. 😊
Merlin: (Gives them each one a kiss on the head with his beak)
Arthur: (picks up Rain) Goodbye, my baby girl. (Touches Rain's beak with his nose fondly, kisses her head and puts her back on the bed gently. Then picks up Wary) Goodbye, little bean. (Touches Wary's beak with his nose and kisses his head too. Puts him back on the bed and picks up Blizzard) Goodbye, little demon. (Points a finger at him warnly) And behave.
Blizzard: (pecks Arthur's finger defiantly, like saying "You can't tell me what to do")
Arthur: (rolls his eyes and puts him back. Then picks up Brave) Goodbye, Brave. (Shakes the feathers of his head fondly and puts him back on the bed. Then picks up Guardian) Goodbye, Guardian. I know you'll keep them in place.
Guardian: (brings his little wing to his head like a soldier)
Arthur: (makes the gesture too laughing a little and puts him back on the bed. Then speaks to all of them) We'll be back as soon as we can, okay, babies? I love you.
Chicks: Bye, Papa. Love you too. 😊
Merlin: (flies to Arthur's shoulder)
Morgana: (hugs Arthur and pats Merlin's head goodbye) Take care.
Arthur: We will.
Gwen: (bows both Arthur and Merlin) Have a good journey. Your chicks are in good hands.
Arthur: (smiles) Thank you. (gives a last look to his chicks and finally leaves with Merlin)
Morgana: Wow, than went better than I expected.
Gwen: What do you mean?
Morgana: Well, with how spoiled they are, I though the chicks would start crying and begging them not to go.
Guardian: We are big chicks.
Blizzard: Yeah, we don't cry.
Brave: Crying is for hatchlings.
Rain: And is not the first time Papa and Mama leave us with you, anyways.
Morgana: (impressed) It's true. It's nice to see you're more mature now. (To Gwen) They say they are big chicks and won't cry just because their parents left for three days.
Gwen: Awww. See? Taking care of them won't be so hard. (Picks up Brave) Who is a good baby? You are! 🤗
Brave: I'm not a baby 😠. I'm a big chick.
Gwen: You're so cute! 🥰
Brave: NO! I'm a predator! Fear me! 😤
Morgana: (laughs)
Time skip. At night. Morgana and Gwen taking the chicks to bed.
Gwen: (carrying the books) Which one should we read them?
Morgana: (On bed with the nest with the chicks on her lap) Let me ask them. (To the chicks) Which tale would your prefer tonight, big chicks? "The princess and the frog" or-
Rain: Where are Mama and Papa?
Morgana: (confused) In their quest. Outside.
Rain: But they are too late!
Guardian: Yeah, they are always here by story time. What if something happened to them?
Brave: A Predator! 😨
Blizzard: Mama and Papa were eaten by a predator?! 😱
Wary: Mama and Papa are dead! 😭
Morgana: No! Of course not! Mama and Papa are fine. Didn't they tell You they were going to be out for three days?
Rain: Yeah, Mama and Papa are always out for three something.
Morgana: (confused) Three something?
Wary: (still crying) Three hours, three minutes, three seconds. 😭
Rain: Yeah, that. I don't know what the difference is.
Morgana: (pales) Oh, gods.
Gwen: What is it? What did they say?
Morgana: They don't know how much time a day is. That's why they were so chill before. They thought their parents were going to be back in three hours at most!
Gwen: Oh, shit.
Rain: I want Mama and Papa! 😭
Wary: I don't want Mama and Papa to be dead! 😭
Brave: Bring Mama and Papa! 😭
Blizzard: I'll revenge Mama and Papa's death! 😭
Guardian: Stop saying Mama and Papa are dead! They are not dead! 😭
Morgana: Exactly. Mama and Papa are not dead. They are just going to be outside longer than usual. Please, don't cry. You are big chicks, remember?
Chicks: (keep crying) 😭😭😭😭😭
Gwen: (Gives Morgana a book) Maybe if you start reading them they'll calm down.
Morgana: Yes! Who wants to hear a story? 🤗
Chicks: (Stop crying for moment, though they are still sad) Me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺.
Morgana: (Opens the book and starts reading) Once upon a time-
Rain: That's not how Papa does it! 😭
Blizzard: I can't see the pictures from here! 😭
Wary: I want Papa's shoulder! 😭
Brave: I want Mama's shoulder! 😭
Guardian: I'm a big chick, I'm a big chick! 😭
Morgana: (Gives a long sigh) This is going to be a long night.
What do you think is going to happen next? Are the chick going to get into trouble? 👀
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istherewifiinhell · 10 days
i needed to go to my emotional regulation happy place. knowing things. identifying things. listings things. vandalizing images. hopefully being funny about it
this is quick and dirty annotations. emphasis on both. of the video. i didnt wiki anything i didnt google anything i looked at a screenshot on my phone to get one song lyric right. this is for enjoyment, in jokes, and flexing purposes only. okay crazy kids.
i didnt grab anything that was either. uninterestingly obvious (bunch of vehicons. single character) too fast animation to be worth capping. or had too many things i wouldnt know cause. counter productive. OKAYYYYY YAY. thanks to the vid uploader even if it was only 720p
no id yet maybe later sorry
UHHH LAST IMAGE HAS LIKE. the only things its even possible to spoil for tf. if anyone cares. like. dgjfdhgfjd literally. cause i annotated it. yeah. yeah. WATCH OUT.
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-couldnt fix the leo/lio type by the time i spotted it
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"dick measuring contest"
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"aligned continuity"
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(qw.antz voice) damn thats a cool way to make new transformers/j
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no serious is that guy from tfv:zone or what. its the only think i can think of that would have a guy that looks like that. that i wouldnt FUCKING REMEMBER. who ARE U
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okay heres the spoiler one. watch out.
- "kojis family i forgot the name. rid.01" yes if i could remember the doctors dads name i would know. but i dont. so i cant. thats kojis dad idk what to tell u. i also have no idea why their here. not nearly the icon status as the rest lol. human biological familys only club? well. true enough kickers would be worse. fuck that guys dad for real.
okay if you like.
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-"realest ONE there ever was." cant change that now its there forever.
if u gave me a modicum more thinking i could remember VPs son thing. but i dont. so i cant. well all im saying is 2 characters look hotter than everyone else on this page u decide which ones. its important to serve cunt as u go.
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blusapphire · 2 years
Play me a memory (Billy Russo x Reader)- Chapter 6
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Summary: When you first met Billy Russo, you fell for him hard and fast. Being with him was like a dream, You were perfect for each other, or so you thought. You return home one night to find all traces of him gone. You’re left heartbroken… and with a life changing surprise. Years later, you find yourself in a predicament when you unexpectedly find your way back into each other’s lives. 
A/N: Thanks for all the likes, comments snd reblogs! They are all greatly appreciated! I’ve also choose a posting schedule for PMAM which is going to Thursday’s.
Warnings: Some swearing, mentions of murder
Series Masterlist
When you got home from that mind boggling day at work, you were met with worried faces and smothered with hugs from Betts and Jaz and you happily returned them, and then went on to smother your daughter with hugs and kisses out of relief, claiming that you ‘just missed her so much’ after a long day.
  Obviously, due to the incident that occurred at the company, work was out of the question for the next few weeks until police could conduct further investigation, or so you were told. Everyone was still very shaken up about it, including yourself, so a few days off were accommodating gesture from the company. The next few days leading up to the following week were mostly spent at home, either leaving to drop Ava off at school or running out to get some groceries. 
Regardless of the days off from work, that most would find relaxing and enjoying, you were on edge. Sleep didn’t find you easily for the next few nights, your nights and days were mostly spent thinking about the man you and Billy had encountered. You couldn’t get it off your mind, even when you tried distracting yourself. Maybe Billy was right, that the man was just lying to save himself from the highly unnecessary assault. It was the only thing you could think about. 
And what happened after with Billy. 
“-And then, after I thanked him, he tried to kiss me! Or at least I think that’s where it was going,” You exclaimed, standing by the kitchen entrance, replaying the events of that crazy day to Jaz, who was moving around the kitchen, in search of something to eat. “And he might get called in to give a statement the same time me so, yay me,” You fake cheered.  
“The nerve of him,” Jaz scoffs and shakes her head, disapprovingly. “I’ll remind you, that we can still-“
“I’m going to again, decline vandalizing anything of Billy’s in advance, because I know what you’re about to say.”
“Okay I mean, fine, whatever,” Jaz said, as she threw her hands up in defeat. “I still think you should reconsider though.”
“Thanks for the offer, but still no.”
"Ughhh," jaz loudly let out what might've been her hundredth groan of the morning since walking into the kitchen, "I'm so hungry."
"Why don't you just make something? Or eat some cereal? We have more than enough." You added, referring to the endless amount of groceries you had time to get in the previous weeks.
"I know, but I'm so lazy.” She dragged out. “ I'd have to reach a bowl... then get the milk.., and then pour that milk in that bowl that I worked so hard to reach for,” she exaggerated, and opened the fridge, to dig into it looking for anything she could find. "it's just too much. Plus, today is not that kinda day. It's a 'spend all day on the couch' kinda day.”Jaz hums as she closed the refrigerator door, signaling that she found something, and pulls out a slice of pizza, biting into it. 
“Hey, it’s pretty quiet this morning. Where’s Ava?” She asked, taking a large distracting bite of her pizza. 
“Oh, Betts took her to this children’s, book reading thing, all day. They left pretty early.”
Jaz hums in return, taking another distracting bite of her pizza, before scarfing it down with a glass of water, making you narrow your eyes at her. 
"Isn't it a bit too early to be eating pizza? It's 10am." You questioned.
 She answered, with her mouth full. "Maybe.., but you have to ask yourself, do stomachs have open and closing times like a store does?"
You thought about her comment for a second, finding some truth. "Huh," you whispered to yourself in thought, "I guess I never thought of it that way." Jaz grinned, proud that she may have convinced you to agree with her.
Just then, you heard your phone ring, and when you’d picked up, it was someone from the station. 
 You got a call from an agent named, Dinah Madani, a name you hadn’t heard before, and you sounded confused on the phone, because on that crazy day after work, you’d had a conversation with a Sergeant Mahoney, who you told you that he would be contacting you. But you didn’t read further into over the phone, and agreed to go in to the address that was given to you. Just when you grabbed your coat and we’re about to leave, you got an out of character offer, from your best friend. 
“…you, Jazmyn Carrera, want to give up your Saturday, to spent it at the police station?” You narrowed your eyes and specified, in a bewildering tone. “What happened to your ‘spend all day on the couch’ thing you had going on?
She shrugged, like it made all the sense in the world. “They’ll be other Saturdays.” She voiced, running to grab her coat and returning to the door, “Yeah I’ll…, keep you company.”
“Um…okay, sure, yeah. I guess I could use the company.”
She muttered a small ‘great’ and passed you, as you stood there for a few seconds, still puzzled, before brushing it off and walking to the door. Jaz noticed the puzzled look on your face, and turned to reassure you. 
“Don’t worry, I think most of the warrants the cops have on me have already been recalled or settled in court of law, so we’re fine,” She shrugged, and patted your shoulder, before walking out of the apartment, and you followed behind, hoping that she was joking. 
Taking the subway was something you had to again, plug into your routine recently, still not having found your car keys. You were still bummed about it, and you’d informed the police, and hoped that maybe if they found something they’d contact you about it, but it had been over a week now, and you still hadn’t gotten any word that they’d found it. During the train ride though, you found you were correct about how bizarre it was that Jaz wanted to tag along, because she spent the entire 15 minutes trying to convince you to agree with her. 
“-Just think about it,” Jaz said, as you both walked up the stairs, and out of the entrance of the subway. 
“Jaz,” you stop walking and face her, “we’re not egging his car.” You continue walking and she speeds up to keep her pace beside you. 
“Okay, I get it. You don’t wanna use eggs, that’s fine, I mean prices aren’t what they used to be, I know. But I gave you other options, like-like glitter bombing.” She holds out her hand, and uses her fingers to count her points. “It’s fast, it’s cheap-“
“We’re not glitter bombing it either!” You interrupt, and stop walking again to face her. “Is this the reason why you wanted to come? To convince me to agree?”
She gives you an obviously fake confused look before shaking her head. “Mm, I don’t what you’re talking about…” she trailed off, before beginning to walk away. 
“Jaz I know you, okay,” You reminded her and stopped her from walking again, “when have you ever went into a police station, willingly? 
For as long as you knew Jaz, she was always the kind of person to never forgive or forget. She was a someone who held grudges, even if they weren’t her own, which was her own way of showing that she cared, and that she had your back. When Billy left, Jaz was by your side the whole time. She was there for all those long days and sleepless nights. 
She was there when you found out you were pregnant with Ava. 
You understood her anger. She was angry for you. 
“Huh, maybe I did kinda give myself away,” she tilts her head and thinks to herself, before continuing, “but he deserves it! A hundred times over too.” You nod in agreement, and she continued.
 “For ripping your heart out, stomping on it, playing whack-a-mole with it, then blonde voyaging right out of your life!” She articulated, throwing her hands up in an angry gesture. 
Puzzled, you corrected her. “It’s bon voyage, and that’s not how you use that in a sentence.”
“It’s not blonde?-whatever- I’m just saying,” a stern expression paints her face, and she sighs, “ I remember what it was like for you after Billy left, okay. It was hell, okay?”
“Jaz,” you sighed, “you’re right, it was a very, very shitty time for me, and thank you for hating him right along with me,” you started walking again and put your hand on her shoulder, “even though it is very tempting…, it won’t fix anything.”
You could tell that Jaz didn’t like your answer, but she eventually accepted. “Okay,” she sighed and crossed her arms, “if you don’t want me to, then I won’t.”
“Thank you,” you said. “I really do appreciate the sentiment though.”
“Did he ever tell you where the hell he’s been anyway? Or why he just, disappeared? I mean, what you guys had…, that shit, was love, if I’d ever seen it.”
You looked down at the ground at that, your mood shifting due to the reminder. 
“He used to make you, so happy,- like I used to catch smiling to yourself, and you used to practically click your heels whenever-“
“Okay, that’s a lie, I would not click my heels,” you corrected, holding out your hands, “and…I  didn’t really ask him, but he said that it was ‘complicated,’ whatever that means,” you scoffed. “ it was just him trying to make up an excuse, and not face up to what he did, ‘cause the damage he left was right in his face. ”
Jaz watched you sympathetically as you spoke. “I wish I had an answer for Ava- I wish I had an answer for myself, one that hurt less than the truth anyway…”  you trailed off and let out a humorless laugh, as you reached the police station, and sighed. 
“That I was just another name added to his long list of women that he’d fooled over the years. He wasn’t happy, and he didn’t know how to break it off, so he took the easy way out, because he didn’t have the balls to tell me. And now, I don’t know if he’s just trying to entertain himself for the time being, by trying to weasel his way back into my life, because it doesn’t matter. Because his shit doesn’t work on me anymore.” You voiced, shrugging.
Jaz looked, like she felt bad for bringing it up, but you assured her it was fine, before you made your way into the police station. 
The station you were called into looked office like, and when you got there, you were escorted to a waiting area, and were told you would be called in by an agent. It was different from any other station you’d been to, and looked more like it were headquarters for company. 
You could see through the windows, and the people in the rooms could see you right back, as they were made of glass. Even though it wasn’t a typical police station, being in the building with that many police made you think back to the last time you were in a police station. After Billy left, it was the only place you knew for months straight. And it also made you think back to the first time you were ever in a station. 
After that horrific night. The night that you could never forget. 
When you got to the waiting area you weren’t surprised by the face that met yours, his head tilting up to look at yours, with a large smile across it, as you approached. 
Speak of the devil…” you lowly muttered to Jaz, annoyance in your voice.
Billy was dressed in his regular suit and tie, and his coat in hand. You hadn’t seen or spoken to him since that night he’d dropped you off at your apartment and tied to, what you thought was, kiss you. 
“Well, I think I saw a vending machine on our way in, and since you won’t let me swipe his keys so we can mess with his car,  I don’t think I’ll be able to control my sticky fingers, so I’m gonna go get some snacks. And In the words of or  lovely Ava, just yelp for help.” 
You nod with a laugh, as Jaz walks back in the direction you both came, and you walk over to the waiting area, where Billy is already seated. 
“Good morning to you,” he says with a smile, Was that, Jaz that I just saw?” He asks, motioning to the place you were standing before. 
“Yup, she saw a vending machine on her way in and…you know her and her snacks,” you sit in the only seat left, next to Billy, “you can’t keep ‘em apart.”
 “Right, I remember, she was always very.. serious about her food.” He said nodding. You both were quiet for a minute, which was beyond awkward, and he continued. “How have you been? I-I haven’t seen you since-“
“Since we escaped that building of doom? I’m fine. I just wanna do this and go.”  You could tell that Billy agreed, but then he looked like he had something on his mind, which he tried to voice. 
“Uh, I’ve been meaning to talk to you, about the other day,-“
“Billy, there’s nothing to talk about, because nothing happened, and nothing was going to happen. Okay? No chance.” You blurted out, ending the conversation before it began. Billy seemed a bit disappointed at your answer, but nodded anyway. 
“Alright, okay. But there was also something else I wanted to talk about.”
You didn’t really believe him, but you decided to hear him out. “I’m listening.”
“So that guy, that we ran into in the building, I think we should… keep that between us.”
“You shifted in your seat, confused. “What do you mean? You mean, keep that from the police?”
“Yeah, I just think, it’d be, smarter to not tell anyone.”
“Not even the police? It could probably help then catch the guys you know, if we told them what the guy told us. Like how we heard they were sent by some guy, and how they were looking for somethi-“
“Y/N,” he sighed, “It would be better to keep it to ourselves.” 
“But why?” 
“Let’s just say…,”. He hesitated to speak, “that some of the cops in this place are not very, loyal to the force, okay? If we tell them anything we heard from that guy, it’d be in the system, and it could get back some people, that, trust me on this, we don’t want it getting back to.”
“What people? Billy, you’re not making any sense, at all-,” Billy touching your arm, causes you to stop talking and look at him. His hand felt tense on your arm, a serious look stretched across his face, and his eyes looked to have a mix of worry and softness in them, which you found to be incredibly strange for dealing with the police, since the police’s job was to help people. Maybe he did know what he was talking about, since he ran into police a lot at his job. 
“Just, please… trust me. Okay?” 
You hesitated, but eventually nodded, and put your hands up in defense, “Okay. I won’t say anything.” And your works seemed to relax Billy, prompting him to take his hand off your arm. “But for future reference, you should really stop saying that, because it absolutely, does not have the effect you think it does.” you admitted to him.
 He relaxed at that, and you turned to make a comment at what he was wearing.“Is that three piece suit glued to you or something? It’s Saturday.”
He chuckled at that, and moved closer to you, if it was possible, and put his arm around the neck of your chair. “It in fact, not glued to me, and it comes off pretty easy, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’d be glad to show-“
“Forget it. I regret having asked in the first place. Leave it to only you to that.” You expressed, lightly shoving his arm away. 
“Yeah, but you used to love it.”
“Hm, I wonder what changed?” You voiced, putting your finger on your lip in a thinking stance. “Anyway, I got a call from, an Agent Madani this morning? Is that who called you in too?”
“Ahh, yeah. Not personally on the phone, but I’m not surprised that she’s in charge of this case. She’s very… persistent in her work. Stops at nothing to get to the bottom of a case.”
“Wait, you know her?” You asked, shifting in your seat at his information. 
“Yeah…” he sighed deeply, “sometimes the police and my guys clash. So I’ve ran into her a few times on the job. ”
“Huh, you seem to run into a lot of people on said job.” You remarked, raising your eyebrows and leaning back in your chair, and resting your head on the wall behind you and staring at the ceiling. 
Billy didn’t say anything for a minute or so, opting to just smirk to himself, which you noticed, and you lowered your gaze from the ceiling to look at him. 
“Is something funny?”
He looks over at you, a smirk still on his face, as if he found something amusing.“-No, nothing’s, -nothing’s funny at all.” He shrugged and put his hands up in defense. 
After he didn’t say anything more, you went back to resting your head on the wall behind you when him speaking, made you look at him again. 
“It’s just that, if I didn’t…know any better, I’d say that,” he closed one of his eyes as if he was thinking, “you sound a little jealo-“
“Then you don’t know any better, because you actually thought to finish that sentence.” You interrupted, his words making you sit up in your chair. “I only commented, because that’s what you said last time about the, sergeant guy, and I just wanted to know who I was going to be dealing with. Obviously.” You shared, dragging out the last word. 
He was still smirking, so you opted to share further. 
“If you think that I’m jealous,” you sat up further, pointing to yourself, “then that tie is on a little too tight. Like you’ve officially, lost your mind.We’re not together anymore you can do whatever you want.”
“Okay,” he cleared his throat and sat up straighter in his seat, a smirk still painting his face. “If you say so.”
“I do say so.”
He shrugged. “Cool.”
You both sat in silence for the next few minutes, and you thought, actually had hoped that it would’ve stayed that way, but Billy started another conversation. 
“…So I never got chance to ask you, ‘cause we were busy, trying not captured and stuff in that building, but you and this Nick character-“
“Oh god…” you groaned to yourself. 
“-Are you like” he looked like he had a hard time getting the words out, “together or something?”
“-I mean if you wanted flowers, I could’ve gotten you flowers,-like I was getting to that,” he sat up now, and looked perplexed, “And I mean the ones he got you, anyways, you told me, that you don’t even like those kinds-“
“It’s the thought that counts Billy, and not that it’s any of your business, but if you must know, we’ve been on two dates.” You paused before adding, “so far. ‘Cause they’ll probably be more, actually.”
“So far, huh.” 
“Well, I just have a weird feeling about this guy, okay? I’ve seen him, somewhere, I can’t pin it down, but he just seems a little… off to me.”
“Uh, you’re a little off, Billy, if you think that you’re going to interfere with my dating life, because you ‘have a bad feeling about guy,” you spat, using air quotes and a mocking tone. “He’s a gentleman and a nice guy.”
“Well, you know what they say,” he said, leaning back in his chair, “Nice guys finish last.”
“Well this nice guy, is In the lead, so.”
 Billy  looks off into the distance, and runs his tongue over his teeth in frustration. “That’s great.”
“Fin-,” just as you were about to finish your sentence, you both hear a loud knocking on the glass behind you, prompting you and Billy to turn around, and when you do, you’re both met with a man, annoyance painting his face. 
“Are you guys done!?” He threw his hands up in frustration, and his voice sounded muffled. “I can hear you through the glass. Jeez,” He complained, scoffing. 
You mouthed a quick ‘sorry’, while Billy said nothing and turned back around, irritation on his face. 
You both sat there in silence after that, not saying anything, when the loud sound of heels coming towards you, prompts you to look up. It was a woman, and she was pretty, and her short curly hair falling just around her neck, fit her perfectly. She approached you, and introduced herself. 
“Hello, Ms.Y/L/N, I’m Agent Dinah Madani, Homeland Security, we spoke on the phone. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” She said with a smile. 
You noticed an accent when she spoke, her voice sounding friendly. But her smile didn’t seem very genuine to you and looked more, forced, but you otherwise took the hand she held out to you and shook it. 
“Oh, no, you’re fine, I wasn’t waiting too long.” You replied, nodding your head. She answers with a nod as well and a smile, and shifts her attention next to you, to acknowledge Billy, who stood from his seat. 
“Agent Madani,” he started, “we can’t keep meeting like this. Seems to be a pattern we should break.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Mr. Russo,” she says with a single nod and a slight smile, that again, seemed forced, “please, follow me, Ms.Y/LN.”
The Agent, who went by Madani, took you to a grey painted room, that looked more like a conference room, if anything. When you walked in, you noticed a yellow folder on the table, which was on the opposite side of where you stood, and you guessed that’s where Agent Madani would be sitting. 
“Please, have a seat Ms.Y/L/N,” she gestured to the seat opposite of her, confirming what you thought and you took her offer. “I really do hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. I was just gathering information.” She sat opposite of you now, folding her hands before her. 
“No, that’s okay, it wasn’t too much of a wait.” You replied. “Um, did you say that you were Homeland Security?” You asked, to confirm. 
“Correct. Most of the time when it’s a large company like this one, with a situation as big as this one, we get pulled in. Is that okay?”
You found it weird that she was asking you that, since it wasn’t like you had much of a choice in selecting which kinds of police would look into the situation, but you nodded anyway. 
“Oh, yeah no, that’s… fine, I guess. I mean,” you shrugged, “I just don’t know how these things go.”
“Right. Well, I have a few questions for you, pertaining to what happened that day.” She says and you nod, a sign for her to ask her questions. 
“Can you tell me how you were able to get out of the building?”
“Well, I was with Mr. Russo, the entire time, so it was really him who got me out of there.”
“And I was told it was you, Mr.Russo, and another individual, who were the only ones that were able to make it out the building, without police interference.”
“Yes.” You nodded. 
“And you were together the entire time?”
“…yes. That’s correct.”
“And… neither one of you were harmed? There were several others, who made it out, that had to be taken to the E.R.”
“Yeah, I know it was, terrible, but Mr. Russo made sure we got out of there unharmed.”
“Hm.” She made a slight face as she bummed to herself, “ I find it… a little hard to believe, that you all just, made it out unharmed.”
Huh. This was sounding more like an interrogation, than getting a statement taken. 
Your eyebrows furrowed at that. “Um, Agent Madani, Mr. Russo was in the Special Forces, and owns his own Private Military Firm, so I don’t think it’s that far fetched…”
She nodded, “Well, these guys were able to take down his entire team that he placed in the building, who are also very skilled, so I wouldn’t say it was too crazy…”
“I…guess we were just lucky.” You said, shrugging. 
“Lucky, huh?” You nodded, at her question. 
When you didn’t say anything she continued, “Well, Ms.Y/L/N, would you say that you were lucky, when you came into contact with one the intruders? When you were alone, and not in fact with Mr.Russo, like you previously said before?”
You fixed your posture and swallowed after her words, being caught off guard, and the Agent spoke again. 
“They were able shut down the power in the in the building, which also shut down most of the cameras. Except for the ones that were battery powered, of course.”
“Of course.” You repeated in a slight mocking manner. 
“We saw that you both, moved out of view of the camera, so can you tell me what happened after?”
You fiddled with your fingers, thinking about what Billy told you. “Again, I was just really lucky. When he saw me he just, left me alone. And I was unharmed.”
“Is that so?”
She didn’t say anything for a minute, and just stared at you, with a slight smirk on her face, and you stared back, feeling uncomfortable. 
“Well, I’m glad, that you were unharmed, of course.” She finally said. 
“Thank you. So am I…” you lowly trailed off, as she stood up now, grabbing the folder that was on the desk. 
“And the company’s been running, for over 20 years now?”
You quickly counted in your head, then answered. “Uh, Yeah, I would say.”
And it’s run by your boss, a Mr.Harrison Wilburne? He’s a very well known man.”
“Well, he’s rich, so…, and like you said, it’s a pretty big company.”
“Of course, Wilburne industries. I hear that every year, he throws these fancy events, for a fundraiser for charities?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, relaxing a bit. “He invites other rich people that he knows, and us employees get to attend so…I think he’s a pretty great person, for the fundraisers of course. We actually have one coming up soon.” She give another one of her forced smiles, as a response. 
“Do you… know where your boss was, during all this?”
“Uh… I actually don’t, I didn’t really see him that day, if he was there at all.”
“Hm..,” she trailed off, “ and let me ask you, you are in a very high position, at Wilburne industries, one of the top spots?”
“Yes, I am.”
“I understand that, it didn’t take you very long to get to that position level. It takes some people years, to get to where you are now. It’s impressive.”
“Thank you, but I got lucky there too. I mean, yeah I did work my ass off, but Mr. Wilburne did, give me the chance of a lifetime.”
She started walking now, around the table you sat, which made you shift uncomfortably. 
“I guess you did get lucky.” She said, her smile all too forced. She rounded the table and stood near you now, the folder she previously walked in with, in her hand, and she continued. 
“But I mean, it must’ve helped that nobody knew who your father was.”
You froze at the words that left her mouth, caught off guard. 
-No. This wasn’t what you came in for. 
 She can’t know that.
 Maybe she didn’t really know anything and was just trying to intimidate you. For some reason. 
For whatever reason. 
Your eyes shot up to meet hers, as you felt a deep panic begin to rise in you, as she leaned back on the desk, staring at you, and you stared right back, more of a glare really, when you spoke.
“What did you say?”
“Oh, I said, your father.” She repeated matter of factly. “He’s, a pretty famous guy too, been in the news a lot lately.” She opened the folder she had in her hand and began reading from it. “Thomas St.James, A.K.A of course, Mr. White, leader of one of the biggest crime empires New York’s City’s every seen.”
Why the fuck did she know that?
There was no way she would know that unless she did some digging. 
Who the hell was this lady and why the fuck was she digging into your life?
You clenched your jaw after she spoke, still glaring at her, enraged. You frozen in place, furious, but she didn’t seem to care though, as she flipped through the folder she had in her hand. 
“That has nothing, to do, with the situation at hand, Agent Madani-“
“He built an empire, from drug money, and was on the police’s radar for years, and the FBI’s most wanted list, but could only be identified, as Mr.White, because he always got away clean. White slate.”
She flipped through the folder as she quoted something from it.
“And the night that he was uncovered twenty-five years ago, police found heavy substantial evidence in St.James home, revealing him to be Mr.White, which was only after police went through the St.James home, due to discovering a-“
She stopped in her reading abruptly, before returning her eyes to yours, and your eyes shot away from hers at that, staring at the far wall ahead of you, swallowing hard. You grasped the edge of the table now, your jaw clenching even harder and you couldn’t get any words out, and she continued reading. 
-due to discovering a brutal crime scene.” 
Your eyes began to burn now, the tears that were forming threatening to spill any second, as Madani continued quoting what she had in her hand.
“Police were near by, when.. they heard screams, at the St.James home and responded, finding a neighbor who had…discovered the suspect Thomas St.James, with the murder weapon in hand, a knife, near t-the victim, St.James’s wife… Olivia St.James.”
The tears fell now, quickly streaming down your face, as Madani read on. 
“The neighbor, who was close to the couple, went over pick something up for the couple’s c-child, Y/N St.James, who was… attending a s-sleepover with the neighbor’s daughter. The victim’s sister, Elizabeth Y/L/N, took custody of the child, giving the child her sister’s maiden name. Although, St.James was charged with the crimes pertaining to his criminal empire, and the murder of his wife, he has maintained his innocence, ever since.”
Madani closed the folder now and your eyes shifted to hers, the tears still streaming down your face. Her mouth was agape, and she looked like she wanted to say something, but struggled to. 
“I, uh…I didn’t know that he- I didn’t hear that in the news-,” she paused, “I didn’t know, that was going to be in there.”
“Can I ask you, what the point of that was? Any of that?”
“I just- I thought that you could answer some questions on a case that I’ve been working on involving-“
She doesn’t get to finish whatever she was going to say when the door burst open, and a man coming in, his angry gaze on Madani. His grey hair was styled, along with his grey goatee, and he wore a suit. 
“Madani!” He yelled, “I thought I told you one of the other agents would be taking over for this,” he reminded the Agent, and you guessed that the question was rhetorical one, but Madani answered anyway. 
“Yes..sir. But all the other agents weren’t available at the time so, I took over.” She took and breath, and replied, you could noticeably see that she having a bit of a stand off, with the man that you assumed was her boss. 
“…Right..” he trailed off, staring at her with a stern face, before turning to you. “Carson wolf, Ma’am, I apologize for the way that my agent acted, for what was supposed to be a simple appointment for taking a statement,” he held his hand out to shake yours, while glaring at Madani, which you shook in return, “You’re free to go, Ma’am.”
They seemed to be having a stare-off when you leave the room, rushing to find Jaz, so you could go home. On your way out, you didn’t see Billy, and you assumed that he must’ve been in another room, getting his actual statement taken. 
Nothing about what just happened made sense. If Madani had questions about a case you knew something about, which you doubted, why didn’t she just ask you? Or was she using what she knew about you father as leverage, because she believed she wouldn’t get the answers to those questions. 
But who did she have questions about?
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steele-soulmate · 9 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 533, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1186
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“… And over here we have a private room, which you will be put into following your C-section to recover.”
I hummed as Elizabeth pushed me in my wheelchair. I hold holding onto Elle as the family kept up easy pace around the nurse conducting the tour of Saint Mary’s Maternity Hospital for Expectant Mothers. Peter had offered to carry me, making the surrounding staff visibly swoon at how doting he was being towards me. I had told him that I didn’t mind riding in a wheelchair.
“Besides, I’d rather not quirk your leg,” I explained as he took to a knee to press a whiskery kiss to my temple.
“I love you, my sweetheart,” he purred possessively before standing up to his full height and endcapping our party.
Little girl and Baby Tommy toddled on either side of me, the two babies holding onto the extra-long neck strings of my hoodie as not to become separated from us. Both were holding onto their little dollie friends as they went about doing their baby business, babbling softly and pattering along quietly.
“… and here we have the floor’s nurses station. Oh do remind me if your kids will be playing a role in bringing the Ratajczyk triplets into the world?”
“Last time I helped mommy give birth, Baby Violet Marie died,” Elizabeth muttered darkly.
“Listen to me now Elizabeth,” I ordered her, the party coming to a abrupt stop right in the middle of the hallway, me pulling my daughter to stand right in front of me, where I brought her in for a tender hug. “Baby Violet Marie’s death was not your fault. It was never your fault, and it will never be your fault. Do you understand me?”
Elizabeth looked at me with teary eyes, and I knew just what she needed.
“Do you need a nice, long cry?” I asked her, pulling her in all the more tighter. “Go ahead and cry. You’re safe now.”
I made shushing noises and rubbed at her back as Elizabeth became emotionally vulnerable yet again, something that’s been happening more and more as of lately, I couldn’t help but notice. The only thing that Peter and I could do was reassure her and just let her come in for cuddles.
“Have you been talking to Charlie?” I asked her in a quiet voice as Peter joined us, keeling next to us and wrapping his muscular arms tightly around us both. “Elizabeth, would you like to me schedule you to see her for two hours at a time instead of one hour at a time?”
Elizabeth couldn’t find her breath to respond, only having enough energy to release a choked cry right before retucking her face into my neck.
“Don’t cry Lizz Lizz!” little girl begged from her spot hugging her big sister’s legs. “Don’t cry! Need kissies?”
“Uppie uppie uppie!” Baby Tommy demanded, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet as he ordered to be picked up. Katie picked him up, earning her a happy little cheer. “Yay yay! Tank ou, Kate Kate!” He then grabbed ahold of his big sister’s face and began to pepper her tear streaked face with loud MWAH MWAH MWAHs.
“Mommy, why don’t you and daddy continue on with the tour?” Katie suggested. “I can take Lizz Lizz and Baby Tommy and little girl and Isabelle and go find somewhere to go and sit. Does that sound good?”
“Are you sure, mo stór?” I hummed softly, hating seeing my daughter in clear distress.
“We can have a tea party!” she suggested venomously, grabbing Elle and Jing from me before guiding everyone off.
“I like the way you parent.”
“Well, I don’t know about Peter, but I do like parenting them!” I chuckled as the nurse took it upon herself to push me, Peter and Baby Eve quickly falling into place besides me. “They are all such easy kids!”
“I bet! I follow Elizabeth on Instagram, I really like the shorts that she started to release where she covers requested songs!”
“Yeah, well she’s a talented musician,” Peter chuckled. “Katie plays the piano also, and we’re also anticipating the babies picking up musical instruments in the future.”
“What do you see the babies as playing?”
“Well, Baby Tommy will probably follow in his daddy’s footsteps and take up the cello, and little girl will probably take up the drums or the guitar,” I started as we were wheeled past a nursery with a window that showcased little pink faced babies bundled up snuggly tightly in blankies and corralled in plain bassinets. “It’s too soon to diagnose Baby Eve with a musical instrument though.”
“Ah, okay. Up next we have our cafeteria, Saint Mary’s hospital food is much better than your standard hospital’s food! I must recommend the spaghetti and meatballs- so much yum!”
“My sister will still bring me food to eat.” I blanched at the idea of eating grade school issued mystery meat. “Like no offence, but I once got food poisoning from eating hospital food.”
“Why were you in the hospital, sweetheart?” my husband asked me, wrinkling his nose.
“Oh, I had a really bad head cold, and mom was out of town for something,” I recalled in a bland voice. “Daddy overreacted- as per usual- since it was flu season, and so I was kept for an hour while testing was done on me. Near the end, I was offered a cup of chocolate pudding, which led to the food poisoning.”
“Bleh,” shuddered Peter theatrically, bouncing Baby Eve on his shoulder. “Sounds awful.”
“Oh you have no idea, my love,” I grumbled. “Fluids were coming out both ends for nine solid straight days.”
The nurse coughed awkwardly.
“Might I draw your attention back to our…”
Mo stór, my dear, Irish Gaelic 
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
Uhhuhhhh... explain the public execution and cult thing pls.
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'Read More' break because this got kind of long...
The Public Execution:
In the Monster High movie Ghouls Rule, Frankie Stein learns about Halloween and thinks 'Aw, sweet! Humans celebrating everything spooky and freaky!' Just for her teachers and all of the other ghouls to explain 'actually, the past couple of centuries have had humans using Halloween to hunt us down and destroy our shit'.
To enforce this sentiment, despite Frankie insisting 'no, we can making Halloween fun like it is in these magazines', a bunch of humans do a drive-by and pelt the school with giant rotten pumpkins. Then, after some fuzzy details, Cleo is encouraged by her father to show her worth as a leader by gathering a group of monsters to vandalize human property (it was either a human school or it was a statue of a historical monster hunter).
Welp! The humans didn't like that and, it just so happened, that during the chaos of the monsters trying to vandalize human property, one of them got left behind. Of course it would be Jackson Jekyll, who is half-human/half-monster (his monster half, of course, being Holt Hyde). Jackson tries to hide amongst human society until he can be rescued, but he ends up shifting forms and the main antagonist of the film (the descendant of that historical monster hunter) finds him and turns him into the police so she can finally do right by her ancestor's name. Even though, realistically, all she thinks the police will do is lock him in jail for a few days and then kick him back to the monster side of things.
Ha ha. No. What the police instead try to do is build this giant machine to murder this boy in front of a violent crowd to 'make an example' for all the other monsters. Thankfully Frankie and the other Ghouls save the day just in the nick of time but, yeah: the police were essentially about to lynch a teenager in front of a cheering crowd.
The Cult:
In the movie 13 Wishes, Clawdeen's younger sister Howleen stumbles across a magic lamp after she's humiliated herself in a publicity stunt to try and be popular. Of course there's a genie in the lamp: GiGi Grant, who informs Clawdeen that she will be granted 13 wishes (title-drop). However, GiGi has a dark counterpart: the shadow-genie Wisp who, of course, wants to take over the world. The thing is, she can't unless the person who has the lamp wishes for it.
So, throughout the movie, Howleen makes wishes left and right to try and be popular by doing right by people: she wishes for Lagoona, a sea-monster, to become a fresh-water monster so Lagoona's boyfriend's racist parents will like her. She wishes for the 'mansters' to get a spot on their favorite reality show. She wishes for the character Abbey to become class president.
However, during all of this, Clawdeen is warning her sister 'Hey, take it easy so you don't get yourself in trouble, a sentiment that even GiGi shares. In a fit of anger, Howleen takes the lamp and runs off to be by herself where she is, unfortunately, bullied and embarassed again. In comes Wisp who begins her kind of creepy when you think about the age and power-dynamic difference emotional and mental grooming of Howleen to start making selfish wishes: beginning with 'I wish I was popular'.
So Howleen is popular now, yay! However, Cleo calls her out by saying 'you know, if you have to wish or bribe your way into being popular, you're not really popular' to which Howleen responds by taking advantage of one of Cleo's triggers (being forgotten) and wishes for Cleo to be a 'nobody' (i.e.: make it so that no one knows who Cleo is). When Clawdeen confronts her sister about being immature and not being able to handle power like this, Howleen responds by wishing for her sister to a nightmare dimension inside of the lamp. Things continue on like this, with every selfish wish Howleen makes combined with, again, that emotional and mental grooming, causing her to become more and more of an emotionless puppet for Wisp until Howleen's popularity mire closely resembles the entire school twisting into a cult worshipping Howleen: complete with everyone wearing these weird death-mask effigies of her.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia Reviews: Toad to Redemption and Maddie and Marcy
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my weekly coverage of Amphibia! And today we have a suprisingly important Toadstool episode.. and a MADDIE AND MARCY EPISODE. Guess which one i’m actually excited about. But regradless it’s a good batch this week so join me under the cut for my thoughts with spoilers
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Toad to Redemption: A not half bad episode, this one concerns everyone’s faviorite Monopoly Man Fried Chicken Baby, as it turns out he’s finally grown a heart. It turns out the Toad Tower incident.. actually changed him as a person. I’m as shocked as you. I mean he’s still a greedy corrupt hick, you can’t paint a gopher orange and call it a basketball... 
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Look i’ts a long story i’m legally barred from talking about. Point is Toadstool is a greedy asshole but one who cares about his consituents now and actually enjoys the town and taking care of it. In return the citzens actually like him now: they may of rightfully tried to vote him out but his genuine attempts at doing good, in this episodes case spending money on potholes instead of a Jacuzzi for him and Toadie and helping fix a falling sign, have made him actually beloved. 
Naturally though, it’s not that easy and a newt comes down to give him the job running Toad Tower, and him refusing it would mean time in prison. Because as if we needed the reminder, The Newt ruling class sucks and so far the only person we’ve seen related to the castle who isn’t either hiding an edltrich demon,  a snob, or some form of hired goon is Marcy, whose blind to all of that. I do wish Marcy was in this episode for that reason, as i’m waiting for her to finally see the downside of the king and the people she’s been working for, but I get why not: it’d make the episode too easy, and distract from the character it’s actually about and to the episodes credit they wrote her out well enough: She’s studying Frobo all day. 
So the Mayor begs Anne, who showed up with a bunch of parking tickets from Hop Pop (And ones from when they were out of town no less), for help. She only ends up agreeing becaue his puppy dog eyes are so ungodly unsettling she just wants it to stop but I presume getting those parking tickets cleared up is part of it. 
So it goes as you’d expect: THe Plantars try to make him look bad, it dosen’t work. Though to Toadstool’s credit despite the hefty punishment he does prepare to tell the newt lady off after she explains Toadie won’t be going with them. You can do a LOT to Toadstool but no one is a condescning bitch to his husband-minon and gets away with it! 
But then the three toads from last season show up, the ones Anne fought, lead by Bog that pointy guy. Look i’ts been almost two years. and felt like 90. The Toads have become Bandit’s since leaving Grime behind, which.. you.. you could’ve done that and had a consistent base of operations and a home in the frog alps. So naturally a fight breaks out but Toadstool bluffs htem to throw them off guard and the town easily fights them off. 
Thankfully Toadstool gets out of things. Jacinda, said newt lady, finds him too soft for the job and puts Bog in charge.... so.. yay? No.. not really no yay here none. So while our heroes goad themselves for yet another enemy on the docket, the town confirm how much they care about Toadstool, Toadstool caresses toady and I die a little on the inside. 
Toad to Redemption is decent. It’s not the best of this half of the season but it does speak to how this half has been far better, with the return to wartwood giving us far more character stuff that had been lacking, and notably focusing more on the side cast. Speaking of whiccchhhhh
Maddie and Marcy Look unless this episode screwed up horribly somehow, this episode already had my good will just by teaming up two of my faviorites: As i’ve made clear Marcy is endlessly relatable to me as an awkward nerd myself and Haley brings her a-game every time. As for Maddie she was an instant faviorite from her first apperance being married off to Sprig, with her spotlight episode “Cursed!” being one of my faviorites of the series thus far, and a generally great one that fleshed her out from a creepy but endearing backgroudn character with sinsiter intent. to a nice if spooky little girl who uses the darkest magics for the greatest goods. 
So the two were a natural to not only get a spotlight together, but also in something the show lampshades one that’s mostly devoid of the main cast. Anne, Sprig and Hop Pop all only show up for quick gags, and the story is entirley around the titular Duo. And safe to say my hype was warranted: This is one of the standouts of the season by a long shot and one of the funniest episodes this season, while giving Maddie even more depth and allowing Marcie to play a supporting roll this go round. 
Maddie is working on her biggest spell yet: to raise the dead. Frankenstein styles. But her sisters keep begging her for attention and eventually get bored and spill her carefully prepared cauldron causing her to snap at them. It is however a nice layered conflict: This is very important to Maddie and rightfully so as this is her first level 2 spell, and she was specifically asked to do it by one of the neighbors. And it’s not like this is something she can half ass... if done right you get frakenweenie if done wrong you get pet semetary. It’s a very fine line. This is her passion, her calling as she puts it later when she explains her backstory. The issue is she treats her sisters like babies and ignores them due to this passion.. it’s fine to have passions but you have to make time for those who matter. I’ts fine she dosen’t spend as much time with her sibs as she used to, juggling them and flashback Maddie is fucking precious... but she has to make some for them. They love her. They have to understand how important this is to her and she has to understand how important she is to them. 
So Maddie skulks off to get get some suplies, and Marcy is impressed as she’s been looking for a magic user and tries introducing herself.. and gets set on fire. But the two quickly bond: Marcie’s been looking for a teacher in magic being a fan of something resembling harry potter... I really feel for this show as i’ts clear the creators were fans from this episode’s tiny shout out to it and the first temple’s bigger one, and they clearly had no idea any of this would happen. None of us did. So we get a bonding montage which is the best scene of the episode and the funniest scene of the season, and very possibly the series, thus far. The two find slime, ticks, a corpse (Or rather hop pop whose annoyed they thought he was a corpse), digging up some graveyard soil next to some confused mourners and best of all “assorted limbs” which while I have the image up front I can’t resist sharing again..
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This.. is easily the best thing the series has ever produced. Their just so fucking precious. They also high five each other as new best friends. The triplets though aren’t happy about any of this, not getting that shared intrests are a thing and what not and instead plot to get big. Look there are easier ways to do that: asking zoltar.. or a groovy ant who wants you to do a rap number. 
They instead use one of Maddie’s spells without asking and also vandalize her book because their babies.. she snaps at them again and they plan to grow big. Meanwhile Marcie and her beloved apprentence work on tampering in frog’s domain and successfuly do a necromancy.. only for the now giant sized triplet #1 to bound in.. followed by #’s 2 and 3. Our two heroines run for their lives from the giant babies, and Maddie is panicked as she now realizes what they did.. and that without proper ballance, the spell will cause them to explode. 
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So while the triplets grasp with the expansion and inetivible kaboom, Maddie has Marcie prepare an antidote for four.. and goes alll giant man to calm them, juggling them adorably one last time. Peace is restored and Maddie agrees to get a better work life ballance. 
Maddie and Marcy as I said is one of the standout sof the season and easily my faviorite so far, being funny while having great character work, which is when the show’s at it’s best. or dramatic and great character work. either way this one was a treat.
Next Week: Our heroes seek out a second temple, while our anti-heroes seek out a legendary hammer.
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harajukudivision · 4 years
Alley Catz Drama Track 1 - I Rebel Therefore I Exist 🐾
Pt. 1
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— Hiroshi’s Office —
Hiroshi: Not many customers today, feels rather relaxing.
Hiroshi: *sighs* Perhaps a bit too relaxing. Maybe I should have a smoke? One more couldn’t hurt.
[knock knock]
Hiroshi’s Assistant: Excuse me sir? May I come in?
Hiroshi: Oh hello. What can I do for you dear?
Assistant: There’s someone here to see you.
Hiroshi: Oh?
Assistant: Yes. They’re on their way up now, but it seems they’re a bit persis— 💦
Emiko: Heya Hiroshi-sama!~ ♡
Assistant: Aaack!
Emiko: Oh did I scare you? Sorry about that Miss Lady!~ ☆
Assistant: Hmph!
[door closes]
Emiko: Bye bye! Nice meeting you!
Hiroshi: Emiko 💦 Didn’t I tell you last time to inform me before hand of your arrivals instead of barging in like this.
Emiko: Huh? Oooooooh! Looks like I forgot. 😅 Sorry about that.
Hiroshi: He he, it’s quite alright. Have a seat.
[plops down onto chair]
Hiroshi: So what can I do for you? Is it another job? If so, it’ll cost you.
Emiko: Hey! I’m the one that helped last time, I found the guys that were stealing your buyers remember? 💨 Big bully.
Hiroshi: Oh really? It appears the thought slipped my mind. Are you sure?
Emiko: Hmph. *pouting*
Hiroshi: Don’t worry, I’m only teasing. Now really, what are you doing here?
Emiko: *sighs* Remember my offer last week, about the territory battle? I think I found our third member, pretty cool huh!~ ☆
Hiroshi: Already? Fufufu, my my Emiko. I didn’t think an innocent young lady like yourself would resort to something as low as trailing an innocent bystander without their knowledge.
Emiko: HEY! W-wait a minute! I’m not some kind of stalker, really! I was going to ask him if he wanted to join anyway! I-I just thought he’d be a good asset to the team! Honestly!!
Emiko: B-Besides, I’ve met him before. And I think he’s interested, kind of hard to read though.
Hiroshi: So who is he?
Emiko: Here, take a look.
[phone dings]
Hiroshi: Seiichi Asagao? Based on the data you’ve collected he’s quite the artist isn’t he? Vandalism, property damage, these all are small records though but he’s just a child. Why would you want some delinquent in a competition like this?
Emiko: Because he’s super duper powerful! And he’s actually a really nice kid, I can feel it! I think he just needs a friend.
Hiroshi: Emiko, a guy like this isn’t just going to accept your friendship. Let alone going into the territory battle, we don’t know anything about his experience.
Emiko: C’mon Hiroshi! Just trust me on this! You weren’t always such a goodie-two-shoes either remember?
Hiroshi: ......
Emiko: Pleeeeease come with me. 🥺
Hiroshi: *sighs* Who am I to refuse such a fair lady in need. 😉
Emiko: U-umm!
Hiroshi: I’ll meet you tomorrow afternoon at Marion’s. We’ll find this vandal and see where his allegiance lies.
Emiko: Yay!!~ ♡ See ya tomorrow then! Bye bye!
[door closes]
Seiichi: Hmmm, kind of hungry.
Seiichi: Not in the mood for burgers though.
Seiichi: Or ramen.
[shuffles through bag]
Seiichi: Oh yea, I spent it all earlier. Maybe I should head back, kinda late now.
[phone rings]
Seiichi: Hello?
???: We just got word the delivery’s coming tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late.
Seiichi: Are you really in position to tell me that. Or should I tell your “boss” about how you nearly got us caught.
???: T-that’s! Just don’t be late or you’re off the team ok!!
[hangs up]
Seiichi: Did he really call me just to tell me that? Could’ve told me later.
[phone rings]
Seiichi: Again? Tch. Can’t people just leave me alone.
Seiichi: What do you want?
Seiichi’s father: Is that anyway to speak to your father! Where are you?! Do you have any idea what time it is!
Seiichi: Shut up old man you’re giving me a headache. It’s not even dark yet. I’ll be home in a couple hours.
Seiichi’s father: You little ingrate! You will come home this instant. And tomorrow you are going to your lesson to make up for all the ones you’ve missed this week! Is that clea—
[hangs up]
Seiichi: *sighs*
Seiichi: Maybe I can find a vending machine somewhere.
To be continued.....
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elichorph · 4 years
once upon a time in dallas, texas, two kids from rivaling business families fell in love <3 they adopted a kid and named him gordon ... and then they got murked like fifteen years later.
tw for missing people for this entire section maybe this whole thing
maddox and grace teller were basically the romeo and juliet of the business world. their families were each other’s biggest competitions in the oil world, but they eventually fell in love and said fuck it and grace, being the bad ass she is, moved her assets into maddox’s company to surpass her own family by a large margin. their whole relationship was followed by the tabloids simply because it was juicy and because the oil world is kind of very boring, the tabloids were how they got their fame and standing. after they found out grace couldn’t have kids, they adopted goose. thirteen years later though, they ended up going to a party late at night with some other business friends and never came back. their case went cold but ... well ... it’s been ten years. nobody knows that grace and maddox went missing. a lie was fabricated saying that they retired and settled down in a small country and goose will help feed this lie from time to time to feel something and to now blow his cover.
𝗠𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 ↝ grace teller
miss grace ... absolute sweetheart. i always imagined that a lot of the traction the teller family had came from how down to earth and lovely grace was. she always really wanted kids and eventually found out she was unable to have them, so she ended up convincing maddox to adopt lil goose. she really was the best parent out of the pair, understanding what it took to raise a kid who was supposed to take over a large company while still wanting to give him a good childhood. and she tried ... she really did, trying to keep goose entertained at every banquet and pr opportunity and event that he was dragged to because a lot of the teller’s fame and business came from how loved they were in the eyes of the tabloids. really if it weren’t for grace’s efforts, goose would have lost his mind a lot earlier on. he loved his mom, he really did. his kindness and big heart comes from her, and the vast majority of his good childhood memories involve her. goose was very sheltered growing up so his mom was basically his best friend. they always got along and never fought, if anything grace was defending goose from his father who had way too high of expectations for the boy. they understood each other well and she never wanted anything besides the best for him and he kinda gets very emo whenever mom stuff is mentioned.
𝗙𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 ↝ maddox teller
certified <3 asshole <3 the man who goose got his elites legacy from so like ... it checks out. basically a very rude man. it was cute because grace could break down his walls, but if you were anyone else (and especially goose), good luck. growing up in a big business family, it was his whole life and he took it more serious than anything to the point where he was even reluctant to adopt because he didn’t know what kind of situation they would be getting in by bringing in a son who would be set to take over. worried that goose would be a #flop, maddox treated him more like robot than anything to prepare him for the business world and goose was like 7! being taken out of school early so they could fly to new york and goose could sit and listen to talks about oil for 8 hours a day because that’s what maddox really thought it took to get goose ready! (and shoutout to orion for being his one single friend that he made at these kind of events hehe). even though goose lost his dad when he was thirteen, they really never had a good relationship up until then. it was extremely strained and without grace in the picture, it likely would’ve been nonexistent or goose would’ve gone sicko mode on his dad and ended everything. while goose misses his mom a lot, he really ... doesn’t miss dad. as bad as it may sound, a lot of goose’s liberation came from losing his dad. part of the reason why goose can’t stand to be yelled at is because it always stung with maddox. i wouldn’t be surprised if how his dad treated him is also the reason that goose decides to ultimately turn on everyone and go absolutely buckwild. 
𝗨𝗡𝗖𝗟𝗘 ↝ lionel teller
maddox’s brother and slimy ... slimy man. after his parents got yeeted, lionel took custody over goose and became his legal guardian. and when i tell you that lionel didn’t want that shit at all? i mean it. if it wasn’t for goose entering the family, lionel would have been set to fully take over the company (lionel ended up amassing the entirety of the company though by stepping in as interim ceo after maddox went missing and goose just signed the position over to lionel in the long run saying lol gl have fun i don’t want this so you can have it). ANYWAYS. lionel didn’t know that was all going to happen so he basically treated 14 year old goose like dirt, blamed his brother’s disappearance on him, all of that. goose didn’t like the man either and literally fought with him so much that lionel just shipped him off to boarding school and refused to let him come home over summers and school breaks. yes, lionel offered to pay families to take care of him instead and thank goodness he found the jeon’s (but we’ll get to them soon). lionel chewed goose out after he vandalized his school’s statue but still handled it at the expense of the teller name and has not talked to goose since he turned eighteen. there really was no relationship between them. they just didn’t get along and zoomed out of each other’s lives as soon as they could.
when i say the jeon family was goose’s saving grace and his one chance to ever feel familial love again in his life? i mean it. goose hit it off with grayson in his first year at his second boarding school and the rest was history. the jeon’s ended up taking goose in, allowing him to stay with them over the summer and some school breaks and they truly were goose’s second family. grayson was his best friend, bestie for the restie yktv, but goose considered him a brother, and violet a sister too. goose’s life was extra messy when he met the jeon’s, but they were always a safety net that made him feel safe even if goose caused more wreckage than he will ever realize. 
going to put miss violet first ... his unofficial sister <3 they were friends growing up, had big “oh you’re my brother’s best friend” energy and goose really cares for miss violet so much. he probably teased her so much, pushed her into the lake too many times to count but he always gave her piggy backs and would save the best homemade popsicles for her. they got off to a rocky start at yale, a little cursed emoji at each other just because they weren’t sure how to act after grayson had ... you know ... zoomed to another country for sus reasons, but eventually got back to where they were this year when blackmails were starting to be exposed and they realized that they were basically each other’s family and that they needed each other. goose would go to any length for violet, he feels so protective over her it’s crazy. he will self destruct if needed to ensure that she’s alright and honestly is prepared to do it at this point. xo.
( tw : drugs, addiction ) okay now grayson ... word. the besties. the chaotic duo that everyone feared who pulled up to english class out of uniform. goose felt so comfortable with grayson, opened up to him about so much. seriously, before goose got twitter, grayson was just getting @twelvebugsinmybrain face to face every day. they would pass hot summer days laying on the floor in grayson’s room, waiting for the breeze to come through the window and being typical gross teen boys with a soft side. they really didn’t start chaotic at first, just sweet. however, things got a little messy when drugs came into the picture. full disclosure, goose was the one that got grayson hooked on drugs. goose truly had no idea he was doing it, just bringing back random baggies he probably paid a little too much for and they tried it all being the curious kids they were. goose was going through his own edgy phase and got grayson into his and ... well things just went south. they slowly started losing touch with each other as drugs were something that was always in the picture and goose was ready to confront grayson and get his best friend back to his normal self until grayson was sent away before goose was able to do anything. and goose truly regrets not talking to him a day sooner more than anything in his life so! yay! now that grayson is back though ... well ... goose is a little jealous of grayson’s new friendship with avery (yes i have to larp with myself) and really just wants his best friend back and he especially willling for it as grayson starts doing his thing. you’ll see ig. grayson is not my character but i will be ominous on his and mads’ behalf. that is all.
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Maou-jou 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Idolish7 s2 10 - 15 (FINAL) | SLS 2
I’ve been holding off new seasonals because of other things, but after I post this I’ll have enough time to get around to them. That’s why I can’t guarantee winter 2021 seasonal tags on this post...maybe the next one will have them...
Maou-jou 9
…it seems shopping channels even are the same in the demon world.
Now even the demons have quests! (The frame is different to the princess’s, though.)
Oh! The quest failed.
Neo Alraune: in flower language, “the 2nd coming of happiness”. The worry from a little while ago was, “I’m worried about my brother.” The worry from recently: “I didn’t think about being happy that the princess didn’t kill my brother.”
The penguin demons are pretty cute!
Don’t you know how parents forbid children from sleeping until they finish all their homework? Must be something like that.
Yoku ganbarimashita! – Syalis worked hard!
LOL, mental age: 3. Poseidon likes cute things…I can’t read a lot of this…the hardsubs cover the JPN text.
They…both succeeded! (…LOL?)
Maou-jou 10
Owarinocity = Endopolis. It’s a good equivalent, if I do say so myself.
…oh yeah. What happened to Alraune? Update: There she is!
Also, that blonde guy in the infomercials doesn’t look too bad…*makes chef’s kiss gesture with one hand* Nice.
I wonder, was Twilight once human…?
LOL, there’s a goat symbol on the cleric’s pyjamas. Also “first time”, LOL.
I think they were playing shiritori at one point.
Hanamaru saikou yoku dekimashita!
Maou-jou 11
…How does one “sleep cheerfully”, anyway?
I think I saw Twilight drop something…some kind of paper…
Aw, Twilight blushing is kinda cute!
LOL, 70s shoujo style. Also, “It cannot be!”
Whoa, she cancelled it?!
I read up on this series on TV Tropes…and apparently the Demon King captured the Princess in her sleep.
Kagemusha? Like a ninja or something?
Apparently the Demon Cleric is much older than he looks.
Ooh! Hypnos is back!
A-whatsit really is abysmal levels of stupid!!! (LOL)
Maou-jou 12 (FINAL)
Who’s that one tiny guy occupying one of the Ten Kings’ seats?
*watching after Christmas, about a week after the anime finished* This is not seasonally appropriate!
…*thinks for a second, then spits* That’s the 2nd Nemu in the fall 2020 season!!!
Ooh, the head paladin doesn’t look that bad, either.
“…is it good to be…”
“…has seized the princess!”
“…that demon king is rather cute.” – See? Someone agrees with me.
Anyways, that was a fun series. See you soon!
Idolish7 s2 10
…Back at it after so long…(I can’t help it though – Crunchyroll, per month, is about double the local Funimation sublicensor’s fees, and for much less content that’s worth my money to boot!)
I’ve always thought Momo was like Sasara (HypMic), so seeing him anguished hurts me in the kokoro too…
I know Banri was involved with Re:vale somehow…this must be it.
…Male idols are also popular among men? Is this why there are 8 (!!!) idol anime in winter 2021 alone…? (Also, that’s why HypMic became popular? Multidemographic appeal crossed over with obvious merchandising opportunities?)
It’s kind of scary how Momo stepped the formality towards Yuki like that (to -san).
I guess in his heart Momo still reveres Yuki, some way or another.
The rakugo curtain really sold the moment that they (current Re:vale) were acting like an old married couple.
Yay! Silver Sky is such a cool song! Of course I recognised the intro when it came on.
…I see. The elder Kujo is entrusting his dream to Tenn, so that’s why he banned Aya from seeing Tamaki. However, it’s hard to know what to feel when Aya speaks in the vaguest terms possible.
I think that was a special ending for only this episode. I don’t know what its name is, but I guess I might recognise it on Spotify one day.
Idolish7 s2 11
LOL, Nagi’s reaction.
Considering the ‘rona is getting worse outside our very windows as we speak (type?), I think it’s correct to be concerned about your future right now.
Looking at these narrow streets reminds me of going to eat hotpot at the end of my Japan trip…only Japanese streets look like that, I think. Hong Kong’s streets are more crowded than that and America likes their suburbia.
Of course, when you say hajimemashite (nice to meet you), someone’s gotta say it back, hence the reply.
Considering there are people all over the world watching the Idolish7 anime, I would say you are telling the world about I7, Riku.
Oh! Restart Pointer! There was an MV for that one…I think it was around the time Idolish7’s MVs started getting better.
So this is the context around the new outfits! Cool!
There have been way too many puns about “idol” being…y’know, “ai (love) doll” and stuff like that…
I have one Twitter person who I follow (DejiNyucu, part of the creative team for Autumn’s Journey) because I don’t get much I7 content and they keep mentioning this “Haruki” person…and suddenly a “Haruki the Betrayer” showed up in the graffiti…they might be the same person, I think. Not Deji, but Haruki. Update: Sakura Haruki, perhaps…?
Sougo’s such a bad liar…
Sometimes, the best way to deal with things is to be direct…(I’m not very good at that, I naturally talk in a very roundabout sort of way.)
Sougo with long hair like Yuki would be really pretty… (<- has an obvious thing for guys with long hair)
Idolish7 s2 12
Nagi’s stupid accent is generally what he’s best remembered for (for me), so seeing him speak normally, and do a press conference on top of that, is…impressive.
A kabedon on top of all this! Whoa!
Shibuya 109 parody…? (I’ve seen that once or twice – parodying that means people know their stuff about Shibuya.)
I think the “it’s overflowing!” is referring to the hype in the “room”.
…this dejected Momo is worrying…(well, he is worrying and I am worrying about him.)
Oh, I see. The person responsible typed the letter so that they couldn’t be traced back. Kind of like those old movies where the culprit would cut letters out of newspapers to make threat mail, but…with even less traces than that, because cutting letters out leaves evidence.
…wow, it took a while for this ep. to have an intro…
…LOL, I just spotted Kenjiro Tsuda cited as the “fake Zero”, meaning the real one might never show up this season.
There’s something really stupid and infectious about these managers’ enthusiasm for drinking energy drinks. It puts a goofy smile on my face.
Is Musubi Tsumugi’s mother…? Update: Yes, she is.
…Wait, so the Chiba Shizuo guy is actually important?!
Idolish7 s2 13
Whenever someone says “by the way”, it means they’re changing the subject. I hate to state to obvious, but Sougo is clearly deflecting the topic of conversation from being about him.
I wonder if this guy (Haw9) is the actual Zero graffiti vandal…?
Hmph, I didn’t realise Tenn doesn’t refer to Kujo-san as his father, but…like that (“Kujo-san”) instead.
Oh hey! These are shots from Vibrato!
Most dramas can be solved with the power of Good Communication. That includes this one.
I feel like “he has a dark side” describes both Tenn and Kujo-san.
“Everyone, remember to wash your hands and gargle thoroughly.” – This is always a good thing to remember in the time of ‘rona. Reminds me of Jakurai’s line in ARB (<- this game started just after the ‘rona came down).
What did Sougo go to uni for (what specialisation)?
Idolish7 s2 14
I just realised Banri calls Momo -kun. Hmm…
Denki = electricity, LOL.
I feel like Tenn is basically Ramuda, give or take actual pink hair…guys in musical groups with pre-existing angst that they become the “centre” of. The fact Fling Posse have Saito Soma and so do Trigger strengthens the connection.
I would watch the heck out of a musical like that! Make it come true, Idolish7! (Also, today is I7 day! I’m not much of an I7 fan outside the anime, but…that’s cool!)
That shot of them jumping! I remember seeing it on the official site before!
Idolish7 s2 15 (FINAL)
There you go! I was wondering where Banri’s injury was – that was the only bit that didn’t add up for him to be Yuki’s old partner.
Hmm…Momo is 4 years younger than Yuki but 2 years younger than Banri…
This episode has a real concert vibe to it, to the point where I got startled by how loud the yell was at one point. (Even if it is mostly stills.)
LOL, lookit Okazaki!
Apparently, if you’re a hako oshi, you like all the members of a group. Someone with a green light and a pink light likes both members of Re:vale.
LOL, Usagi for Asahi beer.
…I forgot Nagi is 19.
…Ooh, I think that’s the kid from ZOOL. No wonder they needed a season 3!
That’s all. See you next time!
“fine and upstanding person” – That’s…hard to believe, Hayato.
I wonder how many bois Toboso designed for SLS…?
…The episode title is actually “Blank”. Not “Break”.
One of the guys’ shirts says moteki on it. That’s a period in one’s life where one enjoys more romantic attention than usual, literally “popularity season”.
The subs missed an I, so initially I knew Kiriyama’s name as “Kiryama”.
There are meant to be 2 wings, right…?
“He who controls information controls everything, right?” – For once, I’m surprised Hayato is right (and not just in that smug way of his).
“…I’m being treated like a manager.” – But Hayato is a manager! (In a sense.)
The plait guy jumps to nicknames really fast…also, why do I get the feeling Maeshima will lose the key?
I hate to say this Maeshima, but I side with your childhood friend (Kiriyama) here. As much as the anime wants me to back you, I’m watching for everyone else at this point.
That blocky building looks pretty cool. I think Zel (Archi-Anime) would like it.
Sasugai’s setup looks pretty cool, including his chair.
…hmm, Maeshima’s like me in a sense. I learn best by copying others, but memory is my best asset. If I don’t regularly train the fundamentals, I suck at everything. That said, I don’t have an eidetic memory. Also, I didn’t quite figure out Ken = Ken(sei Maeshima) until I watched long enough to connect the dots.
LOL, Derry’s. (<- reminded of a word for “butt” <- derriere)
Well, the guy’s (Souta…?) shirt does say moteki…
Kiriyama kinda looks like Jyuto (HypMic), come to think of it…Right down to his angry streak (although Jyuto has a reputation to keep as a “cool dude”, while Kiriyama is more of a Manza (Boueibu HK) and he’s more angry than he looks).
…This ED is nothing special.
…Hmm? Is that a small Terauchi and Maeshima…?
I think I’m sold for now, but I’m rooting for the other team, not Maeshima’s…not yet, anyways.
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 17
All in all, Lanque’s a whole lot calmer about the whole thing than you thought he’d be, which makes you feel better about going to him right away instead of Daraya. Of course you love Daraya, but knowing the kid she’d probably run off to start a fight with Bronya, Lynera, and any other poor bastard who gets in her way.
“I want to believe Bronya’s doing this because she thinks she’s in the right, but I just can’t… augh! I just… can’t believe she’d ask me to do something like that.” You conclude your messy rant by flopping down on the carpet. There’s a dull ache in your skull from either exhaustion or anxiety, possibly both.
Lanque’s looking down at you from the loveseat in the corner like the universe’s most judgemental therapist, sprawled across the whole thing with his gangly self. “You haven’t known her nearly as long as I have. You heard me say once that she’s the craziest bitch in the whole cloister. I meant it.”
You want to argue with him; Bronya isn’t crazy, just a control freak, but that’s gonna have to be a discussion for another time. “You’re not surprised at all by this? Not even a little?”
“Not surprised. Just… disappointed.”
“What, does she make you to sleep at certain times and check your palmhusk, too?” you joke.
“Not anymore, she doesn’t. She learned her lesson after I filled my whole camera roll with the spiciest nudes you can imagine.”
You try not to imagine anything of the sort and fail miserably. Your last brain cell hangs on for dear life. “So, uh… w-what should I tell her the next time we go out?”
“Tell her that I’ve been taking Daraya to a slam poetry club. We’ve actually done poetry in the past, so it’s not like you’ll be lying,” he says with a smirk. “You should come sometime. Talk to people about all sorts of controversial alien opinions. Maybe throw in some rhymes while you’re at it.”
“Alright,” you agree.
“... Darling?”
“Yes, babe?”
“Don’t breathe a word of this to Daraya. She’s stressed out enough as it is.”
“Of course not.”
The next night you spend with Polypa, vandalizing stuff with the Heiress’s face on it and even setting a billboard on fire. It’s a lot of fun, but between vandalizations you can’t stop yourself from thinking about the girl herself. From what you can tell she’d be around seventeen in human years, which meant she’d soon have to challenge the Empress, as all the Heiresses before her did.
Some teenagers like to play video games, some like to sing or dance or do sports; you even know a few who live all by themselves on an island in the middle of the ocean who can shoot guns better than most military personnel. But not Trizza Tethis. No, she’ll be off to duel for the throne… and her life.
In your hearts of hearts you know that Tethis is a monster. There’s no doubt about it. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s still just a kid, a kid who is going to be murdered soon for the crime of reaching adulthood.
It makes your heart hurt just thinking about that, and all of the other girls that came before her, and if this rebellion goes to shit all the girls who will come after her.
“Hey, Polypa?” you ask.
“Yeah?” She’s hanging upside-down on some broken piping while spraying THE REVOLUTION IS HERE on the side of a post office. You’re being a good moirail and keeping watch for anybody who might see her, even though it’s dark out and you can’t see much past the street lights lining the sidewalk. For some reason she refuses to tell you, she’s been in a mood ever since she came back from Tegiri’s, but you’re patient. You can wait for her.
“Do you ever wonder if Trizza might have been a good person if Alternia wasn’t the way it is?”
Polypa stops what she’s doing and stares down at you. “Honestly? I don’t really care how she might have turned out if things were different. All the things I’ve seen her do, the shit I’ve heard her say on social media… I just can’t bring myself to believe anything other than she’s one of the most horrible Heiresses Alternia’s ever had and that she deserves to die. Slowly and painfully, that is. And then she deserves to be forgotten.”
“That’s fair,” you tell her. “I dunno, I just kept thinking about how she’s supposed to go off and duel the Empress soon, and that she’s definitely not gonna win, because none of the fuschias who went up against her ever did.”
“... Does that make you sad?”
“It makes me sad that a kid is going to die, yes.”
She huffs. “Save your sympathy. She doesn’t deserve it.”
“Can trolls control who they sympathize with?”
“Of course we can. Can’t humans?”
You laugh. “No. Or at least I can’t. Empathy’s a blessing and a curse.”
Polypa chucks her spray-paint can into the nearby dumpster. “Empathy? Isn’t that like, feeling what other people are feeling? I thought that was just a myth.”
“Some humans can feel the emotions of others. I’ve always been able to.”
“That sucks.”
“Again, it’s a blessing and a curse.”
Polypa shudders, flips upright, and then drops down to the concrete. “If you say so. C’mon, let’s scram.”
You scram, or at least you try to before somebody bumps into you hard enough to nearly knock you over.
“Watch it!” Polypa hisses from somewhere behind you.
You look up at a boft looking (buff plus soft) rustblood guy, who flinches back when he accidentally looks you in the eye. “Sorry! Sorry. Bye.”
He shuffles off down the street, shoulders hunched in like he’s trying to make himself as small as possible even though he’s easily the biggest rust you’ve ever seen. Huh.
“Well, that was weird,” you say, and then you feel something crinkle in the hood of your jacket. Cautiously, you reach up and grab it, hoping that he didn’t just put a bomb on you or something. You aren’t that worried about dying, because you know your immortal ass is coming right on back, but if Polypa’s in the blast zone--
“It’s a piece of paper,” she says.
“Oh, yay. I thought it might be a bomb.”
“Definitely not a bomb.”
The paper’s been folded several times, so you smooth it out and read the letters that have been cut out and glued out in a note, like some kind of Nancy Drew shit.
“What the…” You read the message, and then you read it again, once, twice, thrice, four times before Polypa starts swatting at you and grabbing for the paper. You hand it over and stare out across the street.
You are not alone. Tomorrow at midnight.
“I’m texting the others,” Polypa mutters, shoving the paper into her pocket and whipping out her palmhusk.
“There’s more of us,” you whisper. “That’s what it means, right? We’re not the only faction out there fighting for-!”
“I don’t know, I don’t know, let’s not believe anything that some stranger wrote down on a piece of paper and shoved into your hoodie--”
“But he came to me, Polypa--”
Both of you turn around to see some cerulean girl you don’t know storming across the street to you. “The fuck you think you gutterbloods are doing, huh?”
“The revolution is here, bitch,” you tell her, and you grab Polypa’s sleeve and zap away.
Polypa does not hesitate to smack you upside the head the second you two appear on the roof of some building downtown. “The hell was that? She just saw an alien and an oliveblood teleport out of an alley with fresh graffiti on the post office!”
“Who’s gonna believe her?” you snort.
“She’s a cerulean, she’ll make somebody believe her.”
“Dude. Chill. We still have time before things get crazy.”
“Apparently not! Tomorrow at midnight--”
“I know! Isn’t it great? What if it’s like, a big post on Chittr, or a public service announcement from God knows where saying that it’s time for bigots to start shitting their pants, because the revolution is here and it is sexy!”
“Augh!” Polypa throws up her hands. You start to get a little concerned. “Aren’t you scared? Like, at all? We could all die tomorrow and you’re just… totally fine! You disappear for half a sweep and come back ready to lead a revolution!”
Alright, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Slowly, so she has time to pull away if she wants, you step forward and reach up to caress her cheek.
The effect is instantaneous. She visibly loosens up from horns to toes, leaning forward into the contact with a low chirrup rising up from deep in her throat. If you were a troll, that sound would have probably made you pale-horny to the max, but you’re human so all you do is just stand up on your tippy-toes to press your foreheads together. You imagine pulling away all of her fear and stress and releasing it into the open sky, never to be seen again.
“We’re not going to die,” you tell her. “We’re just not. And if we were, I’d tell you, because dying isn’t that bad. Doesn’t even hurt, really.”
“... You’ve been dead before?”
“Yeah. Feels like the best fucking nap you’ve ever taken.”
She snorts hard enough for you to feel her breath across your face. “Only you would say something like that and be completely unbothered.”
“That’s just how it be sometimes,” you say, because joking about your trauma and having anxiety are basically your only two personality traits nowadays.
“I’ll write that down for the pile,” she says, because she’s always been able to see right through you, even when you can’t see yourself. “Which we’re going back to an abandoned apartment building to do once I yeet this glass bottle into that window over there.”
She picks up the broken glass bottle at your feet and proceeds to do just that. It sails through the air with all the majesty of an eagle and crashes through somebody’s office window. You know enough about troll romance by now to be a little scandalized by how forward she’s being, but you both know it’s out of necessity. Troll language is far from just verbal-- it’s flattened ears or bared fangs or dilated pupils. It’s hissing and chirping and growling and all sorts of sounds you don’t even know the names for, and you can’t even hear most of them because they’re either too low or too high a pitch for your human ears to catch.
“Hot damn, wildcat. You gonna take me out to dinner before you throw me down on somebody’s abandoned loungeplank?” you tease. Her face lights up in green, and you grin in satisfaction as she splutters something about saving it for the respiteblock.
You’re about to cook up something truly slutty to say when her palmhusk vibrates. Polypa reads it and snorts. “Aaaannnddd Daraya is losing her mind, Tagora says it’s a trap, Tyzias wants to know what the rustblood looked like, Stelsa is in agreement with Tagora, Lanque is asking how the hell it could be a trap when the rustblood didn’t even ask you to meet him anywhere, and Mallek is telling everybody to shut up so he can take a nap. Konyyl and Azdaja haven’t responded yet. I bet they’re making out in a back alley somewhere. Oh, Tagora is telling Lanque to shut his Troll Twilight-looking ass up before he fines him for wasting the rebellion’s time… and Tyzias just sent a bunch of hysterical laughing emojis.”
“I love my friends,” you say.
“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself.”
“I’m gonna get Mallek to hack the server so whenever people start arguing over stupid stuff a bot starts spamming the chat with gifs of fighting purrbeasts.”
“Do group chats have servers?”
“I have no idea. Come on, I’m fucking freezing up here.”
Your memories of growing up on Earth are fuzzy at best. You have no idea if it’s from Scratch, or Ultimate Dirk, or hell, maybe it’s just regular old brain damage, but one of the few things you can vividly remember is when your grandma died.
You can’t remember her name, but you can easily recall her eternally-smiling face, that smile that always reached her eyes-- hazel, like yours. She’s the one who taught you how to braid your hair, wing your eyeliner, ask out a crush. She also taught you how to take down a grown man with nothing but your fists and a pocketknife. Old age hadn’t ever been a problem for your grandma. Or at least, that’s what it felt like.
The morning your uncle found in her lifeless in bed hadn’t felt any different than all of the mornings before. You just woke up and started to get ready for school, and then your mom… yeah, it was your mom who picked up the phone. She didn’t cry, but your uncle did.
It was a heart attack.
Your mom told you that you didn’t have to go to school, but you were still pretty young, and it still felt like every other morning before so you went to school.
You’re not sure why you’re remembering this when you first smell the smoke, or see the burning buildings from the roof of the abandoned apartment building you and Polypa crashed in. Maybe it’s because it still feels like every other night before this one.
Something deep in you that’s been irreversibly interwoven with time and space begins to tingle. This is a turning point in history, you just know it.
Polypa’s shaking her head like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. “It’s a riot. A riot. In Thrashthrust. We really aren’t…”
“Alone,” you finish with a smile so big it hurts your face.
“... Do you think this is really the right thing to do?”
“A wise man from my planet once said that riots are the language of the unheard.” You turn to her and take her hands in your own. “So let’s make them hear us.”
You’re not sure what you were expecting when you drop yourself and Polypa into downtown Thrashthrust, but you definitely weren’t expecting to almost get run over by Konyyl and Azdaja, both panting, sweaty, and smelling faintly of smoke.
Konyyl yelps and jumps about a foot in the air. “WHAT the-- oh, hi, guys. You didn’t scare me, I just… yeah.”
“Dude, what is all this? This is incredible!” you crow.
An explosion rocks the ground, followed by a giant plume of fire that shoots up into the sky just one street over. Azdaja whoops in delight, and Konyyl cheers even louder as a piece of flaming metal you think used to be a scuttlebuggy sails through the air and takes out a convenience store. Normally, something like that would have worried you, but seeing as the store’s already nearly burnt to the ground you think everybody’s already gotten out.
Not to be outdone, Azdaja telekinetically grabs on to a fallen lamppost and hurls that bad boy through the grocery store across the street.
“Show-off,” Konyyl scoffs.
“Where’s the main protest?” you ask.
“Like, a couple of blocks back that way. Some bronzeblood is leading the charge. Absolute mad lad,” she says, grinning. “I think a few more people you know might be there.”
That’s all the convincing you need to grab Polypa’s hand and take off running. You can hear the roar of a crowd chanting something.
“What are they saying?” you ask Polypa.
“Be silent no longer, when we’re together, we’re stronger,” she replied, glancing back at you with a twinkle in her eye. “I kinda like it.”
“Me too!”
The both of you turn the corner at the end of Hookedclaw street and find yourself face-to-face with a sizable crowd of about one hundred trolls. They’re all looking up to a pair of trolls standing on an upturned scuttlebuggy-- a bronzeblood, like Konyyl said, and the same big rustblood guy who you ran into last night.
You gape in shock. “Holy shit!”
The bronzeblood boy is yelling something, so you press closer into the crowd to hear what he’s saying. Most of the trolls here seem to be lowbloods, so when they see you and Polypa, an oliveblood, they gladly make room for you to join.
“... for what? A social construction that keeps us divided, because those who sit on thrones marked with the blood of our people know how strong we are together! They know that we’d be able to take control of our own destinies, and that terrifies them!” He pauses to take a short breath. “For fuck’s sake, I just want a world where I can walk down the street without worrying about getting killed! Is the bar really that damn low? Think about that, all of you!”
Another wave of cheering echoes through the streets, and you join in without hesitation.
“This guy’s spitting straight facts,” Polypa admits, looking impressed.
“He’s got balls, all right,” you agree. “That rustblood guy look familiar to you?”
She ribs you. “Yeah, yeah, you were right. I admit it.”
You turn your attention back to the boys, but they’re looking over the heads of the protestors at something behind you. A soft wave of hisses rise into the air as you turn to see a trio of purples stalking towards everybody, clubs dragging behind them with the awful scrape of steel against concrete. They’re twice the size of Polypa, except the giant fucker in the middle, who you think might be just a little bit shorter than Chahut.
“That’s a pretty sermon there, bronze brother,” he calls with a voice that crackles like burning wood. “Pretty for a load of treasonous fuckin’ shit.”
“Can’t be shittier than whatever they’re cooking up in that drug-hole church of yours,” the bronzeblood fires back with a smirk.
Even the rustblood standing next to him sucks in a sharp breath as the clown regards him with no trace of emotion. Polypa grabs your hand, and you squeeze it tight.
“You’ve got a big-ass mouth for a critter the size of my motherfuckin’ left toe,” the clown on the big guy’s right says.
“And you’ve got a big-ass forehead for a bastard with such a tiny skull.”
Somebody lets out a loud snort. It might have been you.
The feeble tendrils of bravery holding everybody together begin to unravel as the purplebloods begin to approach once more. You instinctively back up and pull your jacket hood over your head.
“Get ready,” Polypa growls.
But before the clowns have the chance to attack or use their chucklevoodoos, or before the lowbloods gather their courage enough to storm the intruders, a deafening CRACK splits the air like a thunderclap.
The clown to the far left drops like a rock, and standing over him, bat raised, is Elwurd.
She’s wearing a mask to conceal her face, of course, but you’d recognize that crest of blue hair anywhere. Beside her is Remele with her oversized mallet-club thing, and bringing up the rear with shining dual blades is none other than Ardata Carmia.
“Am I fucking dreaming,” you ask nobody in particular, and then all hell breaks loose.
The cerulean girls lunge for the two purplebloods that are still on their feet. The bronzeblood screams for everybody to scatter just as drones begin to swoop down from the sky, opening fire on the trolls below. Half a dozen kids drop dead on the spot.
You and Polypa duck into the nearest alleyway just in time before bullet holes pepper the pavement. Behind you, Elwurd roars something that sounds like “Duck!” before another explosion blows out all the windows. You yelp and cover your head as glass showers down on you like rainfall.
“Zap us out of here!” Polypa yells.
“No, wait! We have to go help the girls!”
“I’m not going back out there and neither are you!”
You glance back just in time to see Ardata drop to her knees, holding her bloody arm. She’s shrieking in terror as a drone advances on her, culling fork glinting bone-white in the darkness. Remele and Elwurd are too busy getting their asses kicked by the last living clown to help.
In that moment you can’t remember her as the bloodthirsty murderer who tortured you in her basement. All you can think of is the time she broke down in your arms, overcome with guilt at the monster she’d become in the name of being accepted by highblood society. A monster who’d traumatized you, and then became your friend.
You’re moving through space and time before your brain can catch up to what you’re doing. Ardata is cold and hard when you tackle her out of the way of the drone. The two of you tumble across the street together as the culling fork hits the spot where Ardata just was with a SHUNK. Even with adrenaline racing through your system the sound chills you to the core.
Remembering what Dirk taught you about hand-to-hand combat with a larger opponent, you grab one of her knives and zap right over to the clown, getting right up in his business before burying the blade into an eye socket.
Unsurprisingly, he drops a squirming Remele and covers his face with a scream so horrible you almost pee your pants. Ardata’s wailing your name from the sidewalk like a terrified child. You want to yell at her to shut up and run before the drones spotted her again, but you never get the chance. One moment you’re twisting a knife into a purpleblood’s skull, the next you’re flying through the air like a ragdoll before a pair of strong arms wrap around you. You and your rescuer land hard on the street with matching grunts of pain.
You look up into Elwurd’s bewildered face and burst out laughing. “Hi!”
“What the--”
“Time to go!” Remele yanks the both of you up by your scruffs like a pair of naughty cats. “Ardata, stop screaming like a wiggler and get your arse over here now!”
“My arm!” Ardata screeches. “I’ll be scarred for life!”
“No, you won’t, idiot, not when you hit your adult molt-!”
You zap the three of them out of there and into the alley, grab Polypa on your way, and then get the hell out of dodge.
The five of you end up in the back of a Troll Dennys, because of course you do. Polypa falls on you, knocking you to the ground, and then she yowls in anger when Elwurd lands on her legs, only for Ardata and Remele to hit the concrete ass-first. Remele accidentally kicks you in the stomach. Ardata falls back against a dumpster and hits her head on the metal with a BANG.
Everybody stares at each other for a long moment with varying degrees and expressions of utter shock. Polypa glares at you, and you just know you’re in for a long discussion about putting your own safety first in dangerous situations, or something like that.
You decide to break the ice first. “Anybody want pancakes?”
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kc-meets-dc · 6 years
As usual, we begin with a freakout
And now the standard recap/review...
Okay, first off, that Vandal Savage origins episode was pretty freaking great! Learning the history of metahumans on Earth was pretty cool, and it was pretty amazing seeing just how far back Savage and Darkseid’s alliance goes. Although this episode does make me wonder why DC seems to love naming powerful women Cassandra so much. Sandsmark, Cain, and now Savage. A very strange trope, but still. I like this new Cassandra quite a bit.
Hot Lava... Good lord, Brion. Just... Good lord. Still, we finally have the newbies picking out their superhero names, which was pretty cool! Not only that, Jacerson or Jeffjace (Still deciding on their ship name. If there’s already an existing one, let me know) just became canon, y’all! WOOHOO!!! That’s one ship down, a few more to go.
Then there’s the really cool part of the episode: Starro! I’m surprised Vandal seemed immune to its control even though he had several Starros attached to him. Could be that Vandal is immune to mind control, which proves me wrong about Queen Bee being able to possibly take control of The Light in the future. I never talked about that theory because I didn’t think it would ever become true, as I would imagine Vandal would have had failsafes in place had the queen tried to do anything of the sort, and this officially disproves it, so we’re good.
So, even though he quit the League, Batman, Nightwing’s team, and the League are all still working together without the rest of the League or The Team knowing about it? Ohhhh, when The Team finds out about this, Cassie’s gonna be maaaaaaad. Not only did Tim quit The Team without telling her beforehand, but it turns out he never really had to quit to begin with because he’s still doing what The Team does anyway. I honestly don’t see the point in Batman Inc. anymore after this episode. And you all know who probably came up with this plan: the undisputed master of lying to his teammates, Dick Grayson! Dude, when will you learn? Lying about stuff like this already caused enough problems in season two! Why do the same thing again essentially???
Still, it was pretty cool to see not just Cassandra Cain AKA Orphan in action, but also one of my favorite DC supervillains: :Livewire! Plus we saw Shade who also has some pretty sweet abilities, Halo discovered two new powers over the course of two episodes, and it seems that she and Brion are well on the path to becoming a couple! I still wanna know what we want their ship name to be, because I have got diddly squat on that front myself.
No lie, that “Hug Lian for me” moment made me cry. Cheshire, when will you learn that parents have to be there for their kids? Take a page out of your mom’s playbook instead of your dad’s for once! Geez! On a side note, I’m glad to see that Dick isn’t keeping Barbara a secret from everybody. Just everyone on his team. But, then again, what else is new? Man, this season is really making me start to not like Dick, and I really don’t like that because Dick Grayson is one of my favorite DC characters!
GRANNY GOODNESS??? Oh, my God, those goddamn goggles are going to be mind control devices after all! Gee, I wonder who could have seen this coming. Anyways, moving past her and G. Gordon Godfuck, we finally have some screentime for Ocean Master only for him to be decapitated at the very end. Why was he even a member of The Light in the first place? Speaking of which, it appears that the two empty slots on The Light’s roster have been filled, by two semi-unexpected people: Deathstroke and Ultra-Humanite for some reason? I understand the first choice, but why Ultra-Humanite? I mean, he was created at the same time and in the same way as The Brain, so I guess it makes sense that he would take The Brain’s spot, but still.
Also, updates on other heroes’ lives. Yay! M’gann’s apparently either a teacher or the Happy Harbor High School guidance counselor. Makes sense. Snapper’s the principal. Also sensible. And Karen’s PREGNANT??? WOOHOO!!! Does this mean she and Mal finally tied the knot, or is there a different baby daddy we should know about? Also, still no clear update on who Raquel married last season. Suspicious...
Forager continues to be adorable. So glad he didn’t die! After we saw his shell get smashed, I was just like “Please be a Classic Weisman Fake Death™ scene. Please. Pretty please.” That reveal took so long, I actually started to believe he was really dead. Thank God he isn’t! Also, Lobo left a finger behind. Which means he left his DNA behind. Hmmm... What Young Justice comics character was created from Lobo’s DNA? Starts with an S, ends with a lobo. I’m talking about...
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Slobo!!! This season is just getting better and better! Plus with the name drop and the appearance of a man who I assume is his father, it appears they’re also teeing up Cyborg to become a character in the future. Yay! Or, rather, booyah! Two great characters set up to appear, plus some more credit images that I’m actually having a bit of trouble deciphering the meaning of...
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Of these three images, only the third one is easy to figure out: it’s teeing up Slobo’s future appearance. The second one could be hinting more towards Wally’s resurrection like all the others I believe were... New Gods tech next to speedy vehicles, one of which is red and the other of which has a yellow stripe... Could be a possible hint. But why is the image from episode seven Wolf? It could be that all three of these images are referencing characters that will be healed by Halo or some other fashion in the future. Slobo will be created from Lobo’s healed or cloned finger, Wally will be healed obviously, and then maybe Wolf will also be healed so that he doesn’t die and stops sleeping all the time? Please? Can we please let that happen? I really don’t want Wolf to die.
Anyways, that’s all for my recap and analysis. Looking forward to the final episodes of this half of season three coming next week! Keep your fingers crossed that Wally comes back in one of them! I know I will!
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krytus · 6 years
I think I might start watching bf5 so can you tell me why I should watch it
bro you’re going to get a giant block of text because hot wheels battle force 5 is a series that is really near and dear to my heart.
ok first off the plot is kinda simple but it’s really fun: it’s a group of six teens that have to drive cars real fast and battle some aliens. the second season gets more complicated but its. fun.
the aliens are called the sark (robots led by a tyrant), and the vandals (tribal dictatorship). there’s never any doubt about them being evil—not only are they conquerors that have destroyed worlds, the vandals practice slavery (which is a minor spoiler) and the sark are led by zemerik who is. just a fucking asshole. however, the show plays with this tradition model of heroes vs villains a lot in s2: zemerik Because Of Reasons ends up on the heroes’s side. this does not mean they trust him. they have to help kallus (the leader of the vandals), too, but they know for a fact the second there isn’t a greater evil to unite against, they’re back to throwing fists. 
there’s another race of aliens called the sentients which are like. gods. they created the universe and all the battle zones—this is the place where our heroes fight/race the bad guys. also ps battlezones are some of the COOLEST concepts we get out of this show. they’re usually unique in design but there are reasons our heroes sometimes revisit them that makes narrative sense. battlezones are unlocked by battlekeys, and getting the battle key is pretty much the premise for every episode in s1, except for a couple near the end that build into the main conflict of s2. anyways, back the sentients. they’re dicks. i don’t trust them. they also have slaves but it’s like. lowkey slavery? it’s. yeah. also, they are 2 kinds of sentients: the blue ones and the red ones. the red ones you THINK are dicks but then u find out the blue ones. weren’t that nice either. so it’s. spicy. sentients also had like. a couple of civil wars.
anyways, let’s talk about our main heroes!
there’s vert wheeler
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he’s kind of a dork and you can tell he’s probably like. 18. he’s the leader and he’s kinda arrogant but he always manages to keep his team together. he makes bad jokes sometimes and you can argue he’s a little op but honestly? as skilled as he is he clearly needs a team at his back. i stan him so hard. he drives the saber which is a car with a chainsaw on it. a chainsaw.
vert’s second is command is agura ibaden, this beautiful lady:
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she made me into a lesbian. she doubts herself sometimes and gets a couple of episodes about learning to be in control and eventually she’s a great leader in her own right. she drives the tangler which is a beast of a vehicle and she’s good at planning and hitting the enemy in ways they don’t expect. i love her so much.
next up we have the cortez brothers, spinner and sherman.
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they’re latino but it’s implied they’re mexican because spinner’s gamer name references a specific city in mexico. also, side note, bf5 was ridiculously popular in mexico. like. reruns every other hour. it was the life. but anyways, they’re the technical brains of the team. spinner is good with computers and sherman is an engineering genius. although they’re both the tech support, i love that they have different skills!! they love each other very much but they also get on each other’s nerves. in one episode they dare each other to eat increasingly gross things it’s hilarious and they’re peak sibling culture. also sherman is big and still the brains! there are however a couple food jokes about him which is :( but they’re not like. his entire characterization! he’s complex and i love him. they drive the buster which is. basically a tank. 
anyways, next up is zoom takazumi, resident ninja
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alkjd actually he’s a mixed martial arts fighter! he’s the youngest and i would protect him with my LIFE. also i don’t have the episode on hand right this moment but he’s south asian! yay diversity. he gets flak for being the baby of the team but he really finds himself and he’s an awesome scout. also i love alessandro juliani, his VA so. stan him. he drives the chopper which is a bike that becomes a helicopter. i don’t make it sound very cool but it IS.
we also have stanford isaac rhodes 
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he’s our moron representation. he’s vain, self obsessed, and thinks he should be in charge (the villains literally. know him as “the vain one” it’s hilarious). if the writing for this show were weaker, i’d hate him. however! he learns to not be such a dick. he becomes ride or die for his friends. as much as he thinks he should be in charge and clashes with agura, he learns to be better! i appreciate this dumbass white boy. he drives the reverb which has guns. a car. with sonic guns. this show goes ridiculously hard.
in s2 we get two more characters, tezz and aj. 
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tezz volitov is like stanford, but ridiculously smart. he strands himself on an alien mood at the age of NINE, and spends the next 9 years alone. it’s kinda sad. it takes him a while, but he eventually learns how to be a good teammate and i love him so much. he’s also russian, i think, but he’s. probably not white? it’s complicated. this is an issue i got with the show but i’ll tack it onto them wanting to be diverse whilst being white people. tezz drives the splitwire which i. legit want. it’s so fucking COOL.
finally, we have aj who i dont have a gif for, i just realized. he’s white n blonde, tho so. just imagine that. he doesn’t have too big of a role in the series, but he’s vert’s friend so i trust him and also the times he does show up he doesn’t steal the spotlight or anything, which i respect. they knew he was a bland white guy and they committed to that.
but yeah the characters are really interesting. also, the animation? is god tier for a show from 2010 that had the graveyard time slot. there are so many little details and the SCORING IS TO DIE FOR, also the way they color skin tones? is something you rarely see in 3D cartoons. they understood that dark skin in different lighting doesn’t react the same as white skin. there is no moment in the show where you can’t see the difference in the skin tone of the characters. it’s amazing and i love it so much.
a couple of details from the animation bc i love it
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but yeah! this show is very colorful and what i call “lovingly animated”
another great things about it are. the jokes. the way they write dialogue is literally. to die for:
“bro, what would you do without me?” “live to see my next birthday”
“who wants to help me destroy a pack of killer robots?”
“a great warrior has fallen. an ally, an enemy, but, mostly a dismal failure, and a loser”
“believe it or not, i’m too exhausted to humiliate you”
“you’re risking our lives based on artwork made of STICK FIGURES?”
“if a 50ft statue of one of us showed up in a battlezone, what would we do?” “i’d blog about it” “no one reads your blog”
“the brains of this operation?” “he’s the left hemisphere. i’m the right”
some of them have visual elements which i love in jokes!!
but yeah. this is long enough i guess.
to sum up:
diverse cast
great animation
great music
solid plot
solid writing
funny joaks
some AMAZING foreshadowing 
the webisodes are funny and cute
the theme song SLAPS
there’s so much i’m leaving out because this show is SO MUCH AND SO GOOD but yeah. i made some gifs if you want to see the flavor of this show
there’s no romance like. at all. the focus is solely on the action and i love it
however, i am known for being a salty little bitch so issues™
could have used more women
there are a couple of jokes which are kinda cheesy
the diversity is the kind written by white people so take that as you will. also it’s a show that’s like. as good as white people can write. nothing super revolutionary.
it doesn’t entirely have. a solid ending. it has a tv movie that wraps it up but 1. it’s in spanish (yours truly wrote a translation) 2. it includes a cliffhanger which was. unnecessary. it’s more that they wanted to leave the door open for more but. didn’t make it. however! all the main conflicts get resolved so it’s not too a big issue
there’s probably more stuff but honestly? it’s a solid kids show. flaws n strengths. i love it
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sp4c3-0ddity · 6 years
life saver
oof instead of working on my major-est WIP (sitting pretty at past 30k words now yay) i ended up pursuing an older idea based on a quibble i have with fandom...and something that happened early in season six. featuring pining Pidge...and pining Lance, though perhaps not the one you want. ~2000 words. enjoy?? <3
Tiny, sharp claws digging into her scalp woke Pidge.
At first the sensation drifted into her dream, of someone scratching her head and running fingers through her hair. But the nails grew more insistent, the feeling uncomfortable, so she jerked her head.
And jolted awake, swiping at her head to rid herself of the itching.
Her hand collided with something soft and squeaky.
“I’m sorry!” Pidge said, all traces of sleep vanishing in her alarm. She sat up and found the pink mouse - Chuchule, she thought - smoothing the fur on its head and glaring at her indignantly.
“Why the quiznak did you think I’d want a head massage in my sleep?” she wondered, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at the mouse.
The tip of Chuchule’s tail twitched, and without acknowledging her question, it climbed down from her bed and skittered halfway to the door before pausing and looking back at her.
(Pidge nearly lost sight of Chuchule in all the junk scattered across her floor.)
“What?” She tilted her head, as if that would help her decipher the mouse’s purpose. “If you want food, Hunk’s the one you should bother.”
A different mouse - small and blue, perhaps Chulatt - emerged from underneath a discarded shirt, dragging something behind it. Behind it were the other two mice carrying a…Gameflux controller between them.
“Did you…drag that all the way here from Lance’s room?” Pidge asked suspiciously.
In reply, all four mice took hold of the controller’s cord in their tiny paws and brought it to their tiny jaws, poised beneath their tiny fangs.
Her heart jumped into her throat, and she lurched from her bed and dove for them. “Hey, don’t you dare!” she said, grabbing the controller and snatching the cord from their grips.
Three mice let go, but Chulatt, smaller and more insistent, dangled from the end by its paws as Pidge gathered the cord. She pulled it up to look Chulatt in the eye and narrowed her own. “What mischief has Allura put you up to?” she demanded.
Chulatt nibbled on the coating.
“What sort of demon rabbit are you?” Pidge shrieked, taking the mouse and gently tugging it off the cord.
It sat in her hand and blinked slowly at her.
Pidge rolled her eyes and squatted, lowering her hand so Chulatt could hop off. Then, to her surprise, all four mice convened, exchanging quick glances, and fled her room by climbing the fairy lights hanging over her bed and skittering into an air duct.
They left Pidge with a slightly damaged Gameflux controller sans console in her hand.
“Guess I should take this to Lance’s room,” she grumbled, winding the cord around the controller.
She knew it wasn’t a good idea - that maybe she should save this unimportant task for later - but if she didn’t do it now the controller would just be another piece of detritus covering her bedroom floor.
After changing into her clothes, Pidge left her room and padded down the hallway to Lance’s door. A part of her hoped he wouldn’t be there - she and Hunk had work to do and Lance would undoubtedly distract her either with a game or by dragging her to Kaltenecker’s enclosure - but a smile pushed at her lips anyway, anticipation hastening her.
She half-expected no answer when she knocked on the door, holding her breath and waiting for a reply. When she received none, she swallowed her disappointment and tried again; if he didn’t answer she’d just go in, return the controller to its place with the Gameflux, and leave.
“Not now, Hunk!” someone called from inside.
“It’s…me,” Pidge said lamely, wringing the controller cord in one hand while shifting her feet.
She flinched at the sound of a crash from inside, followed by a groan that put her on edge and had her reaching for the panel to open the door.
“Lance, are you—” The door slid open, and Pidge pulled up short, her gaze falling on Lance, sprawled on the floor with his legs tangled in his bedsheets. “Uh…what happened to you?”
Lance propped himself up on his elbows and shot her a glare. “Intrusion of privacy much, Pidge?”
She crossed her arms. “It sounded like you hurt yourself, but it seems the only thing you injured is your ego.”
He rolled his eyes and sat up, disentangling his legs from the sheets and rubbing the back of his head with a grimace. “Oh, ha ha, Pidge,” he mumbled.
“What were you doing?” Pidge wondered, scanning the room for anything unusual.
Lance was fully dressed, so that ruled out sleeping in (though not a nap), but it sounded like Hunk came by earlier and—
Something sparkling caught her attention, peeking out from underneath Lance’s sheets. Pidge crept closer to investigate, ignoring his cry of dismay, and twitched the blanket aside.
A necklace strung with translucent blue crystal beads that glittered in the light greeted her.
Her heart sank, reaching some conclusion faster than her mind could, but she broke the awkward silence with, “You make jewelry?”
“Uh…” Lance flushed red as he stood and snatched the necklace, hiding it behind his back. He cleared his throat and said, “I do now.”
Pidge raised an eyebrow at him. “For…?”
Lance grabbed his jacket from its hook on the wall and dropped the necklace into a pocket. “None of your business,” he muttered, refusing to meet her eyes.
But she knew.
The realization made her chest tighten, a lump lodging in her throat, and she swallowed and said, “I-I didn’t think you felt that strongly about Allura.”
“Okay, time for you to leave,” Lance said, pressing his hands to her shoulders and nudging her towards the open door.
Like every time he touched her, Pidge was torn between wanting to shove him off or pull him closer, but she stood her ground and said, “Wait—”
“Nope!” Lance insisted, pushing her with a little more force. “You’re just going to make fun of me like last time and—”
“I’m not,” Pidge protested. “I…” She bit her lip, taking in the frown and embarrassed flush in his cheeks, and admitted, “Maybe Hunk and I were a little…harsh.”
“Oh, only a little,” Lance retorted. But he dropped his arms and stepped away from her. “You needed something?”
“Not…really.” She offered him the Gameflux controller - which she’d nearly forgotten at the sight of the handmade necklace - and said, “This got into my room somehow”—thanks to the mice likely as not—”and the cord’s a bit…chewed.” She held up the damaged part of the cord for Lance to see.
To her relief, Lance smiled as he took the controller. “Why would they do that?” he wondered. “They’re not really…”
“Into vandalism?” Pidge suggested with an answering smile of her own.
“Yeah!” Lance laughed, then said, “Hey, while you’re here, you want to help me with the dungeon I’m stuck on?”
Pidge fidgeted with the hem of her sweater, torn between responsibility and…Lance. It was the Garrison all over again, but she no longer had her missing family tugging her in the opposite direction.
So this time she chose Lance.
Lance slumped in dejection as “Game Over” flashed across the screen. “Guess that dragon’s nastier than you thought,” he said.
Pidge snorted and held her hand out for the controller. “You just weren’t listening to me.”
Lance’s eyes narrowed as they landed on her outstretched hand. “If you think I’m letting you take over—”
Pidge sighed and snatched the controller from his hands. She ignored his indignant cry, instead focusing on the screen as the last save point appeared. “Look, it’s really not that hard,” she explained as she moved her avatar - or, well, Lance’s avatar - through the level. “So long as you keep your shield up - even if it slows you down - it’ll take more for an enemy to kill you.”
“Eh.” Lance shrugged, propping his knee on his leg and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. “I guess dying in video game beats dying for real.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Pidge replied snidely. “A lot of things beat dying for real.”
“What about eating food goo for every meal for the rest of your life?”
Pidge bit her lip, fighting the smile that rose to her lips almost without her permission. “Depends on how many meals I have left?” she said, laughing and nudging Lance in the side. When he didn’t respond beyond a noncommittal hum, she glanced sideways at him.
He frowned and said, “That’s…not really funny, Pidge.”
“You mentioned it first,” she said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Okay!” Pidge said brightly. She paused the game, set the controller aside, and turned to face him with her hands resting on her ankles. “What the quiznak is eating at you?”
Lance had the audacity to feign nonchalance. He shrugged and pointed at the screen. “I can’t beat that—”
“To hell with the stupid game, Lance!” Pidge said, flailing her arms to resist the urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. “What is going—”
“I thought she might like me, okay?”
Pidge’s jaws clicked shut, startled by the admission. “O-oh,” she said, something like numbness spreading through her. “She d-doesn’t,” she pointed out reluctantly, rubbing the back of her neck. “She’s obviously into—”
“I know that now, Pidge,” Lance snapped, leaning forward and scowling at the screen. “I just thought, after she basically resurrected me—”
“Wait, what?” She gaped at him, but the fool just kept talking:
“I mean, first I pushed her out of the way, but Red and I got hit instead and it killed me - I think - so somewhere between dying and living again I fooled myself into thinking she felt the same as I did.” He sighed, eyes unfocused as a frown that screamed lovesick crossed his face.
(Why did her own lips twist to match?)
But she blinked, startled by the torrent of words. “That was kind of…” Pidge cleared her throat. “When the quiznak did you die?”
Lance’s cheeks colored as he rubbed the back of his neck. “When Sendak attacked last,” he said.
“Oh,” Pidge said. “I—why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t stay dead, right?”
“Right…but that might’ve been important.” Pidge smirked. “Also, you never miss a chance to brag, so receiving a, uh, did she revive you with CPR?”
Lance laughed without much humor. “No, she just used her weird magic powers,” he explained. “But it was enough.”
“I see, but…” Pidge rested her hand on his arm and wondered, “Why would her resurrecting you make you think that she…likes you too?”
“Because it was a moment, Pidge,” Lance grumbled, his face falling again. “We had a moment, and she did save my life. That’s pretty romantic, right?”
Pidge’s eyes widened, and a giggle escaped her. When he tossed her a reproachful glare, she said, “Lance, saving your life isn’t proof that she likes you like that.”
“I guess not…”
“If it was, you’d be in love with Coran!” Pidge covered her mouth to muffle her laughter, but her next thought sobered her immediately, her heart sinking at another ill-timed realization. “Quiznak, y-you’d be in love with me.”
Her tone wavered as the words left her mouth, and her next few breaths shook her.
Was that why irritation burrowed under her skin if he so much as expressed interest in another girl in front of her? Was this why it suddenly hurt just to breathe?
“Pidge?” Lance’s low voice pulled her from her spiraling thoughts, and when her eyes snapped up to meet his, he frowned and asked, “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” Pidge said. She shook her head and tore her gaze away, returning it to the screen still waiting to resume game play. “I just spaced out.”
“Something eating at you?” Lance said with a slight smirk.
“There wasn’t,” she said carefully, reaching for the controller.
“Well, if you say so,” Lance said, sounding skeptical, but to her relief he didn’t press her. Instead he added, “I guess you’re right though.”
“I often am,” Pidge quipped. She toggled through the pause screen options, playing with the joystick. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
Lance rolled his eyes, then muttered, “You’re right about saving people not meaning…that.”
“Sure…” She peeked at him from the corner of her eye, frowning when she took in his downcast features. “Lance, I didn’t mean—”
“I’ll get over it, Pidge,” he said. He leaned back against his bed, his fingers drumming on his legs, and smiled. “I survived death, so what’s a little crush?”
Too much, Pidge thought when his shoulder brushed hers and heat rose to her face. But she smiled at him - in what she hoped was a reassuring manner - and agreed, “Nothing at all. In fact, it’s easier to beat than this dungeon.”
She only wished the words didn’t taste like a lie.
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maealbert · 6 years
The Liaison // Birth
AU Characters: Team x OC (Lucy De Luca) A/N: Love ya’ll! Hope you enjoy! :) Master List The Liaison
tag list: @idkbutspencer @literallyprentissstwin @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @cynbx @tenaciousarcadeexpert @rawritsmolly @dontshootmespence @princesswagger15 @drspencerreider @illegalcerebral @marvelfanlife @rt8815 @punkpenguin2019 @extremeobsessions101
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Today started like any normal day. Alarm clock went off at seven o’clock, everyone took showers and got dressed with either work or school. Spencer packed the lunches for the girls while Lucy got their go bags ready in case another case came through. The sun was just rising as they left the apartment to drop the girls off at school. Kisses goodbye before Julianne walked Vivien to her class and went off to her homeroom. They flashed their badges at the guards who let them into the parking garage. It was a quiet ride up to their floor, Lucy’s head resting on Spencer’s shoulder. Once the elevators came up to their floor, they went their separate ways. Lucy to her office and Spencer to the bullpen.
Everything still seemed normal.
Reaching her desk, she sets her bag down on the floor. She brought it knowing real well that Emily wanted her to stay here in case she went into labor. Right as she sat down, a knock came on her door. Garcia peered her head in. “Hey pretty mama.”
Lucy scoffs rolling her eyes. “I don’t feel so pretty.”
“Do we have a case today?”
“I haven’t finished going through these files yet to determine where we go next.”
“Please somewhere sunny.”
“Sorry boo,” Lucy says shaking her head. “Not this time. We either have Alaska or Connecticut. Not that you would mind either way, you get to stay here in your warm office.”
“True, true. I was just hoping for you guys. Do you need me to get your anything?”
“No, I’m good right now. I’ll probably make Spencer go get food on our lunch break.”
“Well holler if you need anything.” She says before leaving the office.
Still.. Everything was normal.
Finishing her case files, she grabs her phone and shoots a text to the team to be ready in the briefing room. Picking up the stack of files, she leaves her office and heads to the briefing room. She turned on the tv and pulled everything up. Seeing one of the photos come up of a woman, she held her stomach. Taking in a deep breath, she turns away from the screen and starts to place the files around the table at the different spots before taking a seat in her own chair. One by one the team filed into the room and taking their seats at the table.
“Oooo Connecticut.” Rossi says opening his file. “Beautiful place, but not beautiful pictures.”
“So far three women were reported missing since October,” Lucy started to explain the case. “Two turned up dead in different alleyways around the town square. The third, who was the last to go missing in October, turned up alive at the police department. She was bruised pretty badly around her face and she has bruises on her wrists.”
“The same as the first two victims.” Emily pointed out.
“They were pregnant?” Luke says.
Lucy nods her head. “All three were at least seven months pregnant when they went missing.”
“And the babies?” JJ questions. “What happened to them?”
Lucy shrugged her shoulders. “No babies were dropped off at the church, fire department, or the hospital.”
“The unsub could be keeping them,” Spencer speaks up. “It’s kind of like that one case we had years ago when girls were kidnapped, impregnated and killed after giving birth. The boys were kept but the girls were dropped off churches or hospitals.”
“But none showed up at either place,” Lucy says. “I checked with all three places and none reported anyone dropping off newborns.”
“They could have gone out of state.” Matt says. “If they don’t want the child to be found, it’s easier to drop them off over the border than to keep them in town.”
Lucy’s phone vibrated on the table and she lifted it to see a text from the lead Detective on the case from Hartford. “Well.. Another woman went missing. She’s nine months pregnant and due any day. Husband reported her missing when she didn’t come home last night. He said he thought she would be home when he was already asleep but when he woke up this morning, he found the bed empty beside him. No sign of her anywhere in the house, the car was found still at the doctor’s office just like the other three women.”
“Abducting women in broad daylight,” Emily says nodding her head. “That’s very risky.”
“I’m still waiting on the security footage to be pulled from the doctor’s office to see if we can try to identify who abducted killed this women.”
“Good, stay on top of that. When it comes through, I want files sent to both Garcia’s computer and to mine. She narrow down the height to help us narrow down our list and we’ll be able to profile the unsub from Connecticut. When we land, I want JJ, Rossi, and Tara to go speak with the husband of our fourth victim. Reid, you’ll go with Luke to scope out the crime scenes and see what you can gather with location, view of the alleyways from around the town and see if our unsub could have been spotted on traffic cameras of security cameras from other shops. Matt, you’ll be with me setting up at the station and speaking with the Detective. And Lucy--”
“I’m staying here, I know.” Lucy says as she gets up from her chair.
“Yay! You get to hang out with me.” Garcia says as she hugs Lucy.
‘Good luck.’ JJ mouths holding up her thumbs before leaving the briefing room behind the others.
Lucy turned side to side in one of Garcia’s spinny chairs as she watched Garcia type quickly on her keyboard. Suddenly a video chat popped up revealing the other team members. “Hey all, I was able to figure out the height of our unsub. About five feet, six inches.” She says pulling height measurements.
“We can’t tell if it’s a male or female.” Luke says. “Do either of you see something that we missed?”
Lucy leaned forward in her chair as she looked closer at the security footage. This video was filmed right outside of the doctor’s office. She took the mouse out of Garcia’s hand and pulled up the other footages from various shops that had the alleyways in their view. “I stopped all the videos when our unsub appeared to see if it were the same person, because you know how our luck is….” Her voice trails off as she notices something in all three video feeds. “Wait..”
“What did you find?” Emily asks.
“Either our unsub is a virgin or their married.” Lucy says. “But that’s not all.”
“What else are you finding, Luce?” Spencer says.
“I see hair.” She says. “You can’t see it in the footage from the doctor’s office but you can see enough of it in the others to know it’s a female.”
“Damn she’s good.” Luke says.
“I play a lot of hidden objects games. It’s easy for me to spot things out of the ordinary.” Lucy says. “She must have a purple ombre because you can see some of her black hair underneath her hoodie.” Lucy forward all four videos until she got the unsub’s face shown. “Garcia, do you think you can try to get a photo recognition from these?”
“I can try.”
“Thanks Lucy, Garcia send us what you find.” Emily says before she logs out of the video chat. Leaning back in the chair, Lucy begins rubbing her stomach as she feels a contraction hit. Keeping a straight face she continues rubbing her stomach until the pain subsides.
Back in Washington, Connecticut; the team starts going over all of the information that they had so far. “So we now know we’re looking for a female with a purple ombre,” JJ speaks up. “How easy could that be?”
“Not so easy.” Luke says. “If we go out looking for her, she could just hide.”
“Guys guys guys!” Garcia exclaims as the video chat pops back up.
“That was quick.” Matt says as he turns his attention to the laptop.
“Did you get an ID?” Emily asks.
“And more!” Garcia exclaims again. “Thanks to our keen eye over here,” She says pointing at Lucy. “I ran recognition through every day data base known to man and BINGO! Our unsub pops up. Although the photo that came up is from her time in juvie. But I did some photoshop and changed her hair to what it looks like now and BAM!” She shoots the photo over. “I give you twenty-one year old, Marie Gilmore. Such a sweet girl who got mixed up in the wrong crowd. Drugs, illegal drinking, vandalism, trespassing, and the gig that landed her in juvie is assault and battery. She was in there for two years before being released at eighteen. Still a druggie though.”
“Whoa whoa, bring up the photo of the girl she beat up in high school.” When Garcia pulled up the photo of the girl, Lucy compared the photo to all four women. “Guys, do you see what I see?”
“The patterns are the same.” JJ says.
“Look at their wrists.” Rossi says pointing between all four photos.
“Do you think that she did the same thing to these women like the girl in high school?”
“It’s a possibility,” Emily says. “We can’t rule it out.”
A knock comes on Garcia’s office door. “Come in!” Garcia calls.
“Hey Garcia, I was wondering if you had any--Oh, I didn’t realize you were in the middle of a conversation.” Hotch says.
“No you’re fine! What brings you by?”
“I need tape.” He says.
Lucy chuckles as she rubs her stomach again. “You came all this way for some tape?”
“No, I was already here.” He says as Garcia hands him her tape dispenser.
“Oh yeah! You start today!”
“Wait, what?” Lucy says looking between the two.
“Yeah I’m your fill-in when you go on maternity leave.”
“But I’m not even on maternity leave yet.”
“I know, I’m just helping you with some paperwork right now. Don’t worry, I know you have a system. Emily explained to me how you do it.”
“Well…” Lucy says turning back around. “Good. Because I think I’m in labor.”
“What?!” Garcia and Hotch exclaimed followed by the team over the video chat.
Soon Spencer rushed out of the room. “Spence!” JJ calls running after him.
“My wife is in labor!”
“You forgot the keys!” She says tossing him the car keys to one of the SUVs outside. “Good luck!”
“No, I can’t do this.” Lucy says shaking her head. Garcia was trying to keep her calm and not to stress herself out. “I need Spencer. Spencer needs to be here. I can’t do this without.”
“Relax, everything is going to be okay.”
“Garcia, he can’t miss the birth of our baby--Oh my gosh, the girls! Someone has to pick them up from school!”
“Don’t worry about them. I sent Hotch to go pick them up.”
A knock comes on the door before a few nurses walk in followed by the doctor. “I’ve been informed that you’re dilated enough to start pushing.”
“No, no, no.” Lucy says shaking her head. “Can’t we wait until my fiance gets here? He can’t miss this.. Please, I need him.” Lucy says, her eyes watering over.
“We can’t wait, Lucy.” The doctor says. “Now when I tell you to, I need you to push.” The doctor says as she positions her on her stool. “And push!” Lucy’s screams filled the room as she gave her all.
Her screams filled the room as pain coursed through her body. Marie hovered over the woman as she kept pushing. “One more!” The doctor says as she looks up at Lucy. “He’s almost here.” Marie says as her smile grows bigger. “He’s here!” The doctor exclaims holding up a baby boy for Lucy see.
“Can I see him?” The woman says as she lifts her head from the pillow. “Can I see my baby?” Marie ignores the woman as she wraps the baby up in a blanket and leaves the room. The woman yelled after her and crying for her baby.
“You did it.” Garcia says as the nurse places the baby boy on Lucy’s chest. “He’s gorgeous.”
Marie heads for the nursery when she hears a click of a gun behind her. Stopping her tracks, she keeps her back faced to JJ. “Slowly turn around.” She growls. JJ wasn’t the type to take kindly to an abductor. Especially ones who kidnapped children. Marie slowly turned on her heels and looked up at JJ. Keeping her gun train on Marie, she loops her other arm around the baby and bringing him into her chest careful not to wake him. Emily walks around them and handcuffs Marie’s hands behind her back.
“Marie Gilmore, you’re under arrest for the four abductions, three murders, and four kidnappings. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can’t afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?”
“Yes..” Marie muttered as she still stared at the baby.
Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off of her son. Though he only had a little bit of dark hair on his head, she had a feeling it would grow out to be like his father’s. A knock came on the door and Hotch peered his head in. “How are you feeling?” He asks walking over to the bed.
“Just really tired,” Lucy says smiling down at her baby. “It happened so quickly.”
“I was surprised.” Hotch says chuckling. “Have you picked out a name yet?”
Lucy nods her head. “Isaiah Derek Reid.”
“Oh Derek is going to love his name.” Garcia says as she snaps a photo of Lucy and Isaiah and sending it to the team. Lucy’s phone buzzed on the table beside the bed.
“Hello?” Lucy answers once Garcia handed her her phone.
“Hey baby, how are you feeling?”
“I bet. I took a red A and I should be there in about an hour. Get as rest as you can, alright? I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“How did the case go?” Lucy asks the team.
“Deja vu, I swear.” Rossi says rubbing his forehead. “Kathleen gave birth at the same time you did. A baby boy.”
“And Marie? How did it end for her?”
“I think once she got a look at JJ, she didn’t think twice about wanting to fight her off.” Emily laughs. “If looks could kill…”
JJ rolls her eyes as she smiles. “Don’t mess with her.” Luke jokes playfully pushing JJ.
“Well I’m glad you guys came,” Lucy says. “But I really want to thank Garcia. She is a trooper!” Lucy adds with a laugh.
“I did not pass out,” Garcia says nodding her head. “I am quite proud of myself.”
“I’m sorry, can I hold him again?” Emily asks. “He’s just so darn tiny!”
If you enjoyed this than please be sure to leave it some love!
Btw, did this remind of when JJ went into labor?
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