#yeah I just searched my blog and I made a post about this same shit 4 years ago lmao
Here is the original mcmansion renovation post if you would like to see the urls and do your own searching. I dont know who the second censored url is, I saw a different reblog chain.
I suppose the censoring is to prevent dog piling or accusations of whatever it is drama blogs like to do, but it feels like a silly thing to then in the same post point out how obvious the trad wives are.
I personally find it more shocking that people apparently thought a landlord did that. In my experience, when I landlord buy an old victorian they dont intend to also live in, they MIGHT renovate enough to local legal regulation standards. But usually they just assume the previous owner had done enough modernizing and then proceed to slap some landlord paint on everything including radiators, door hinges, and light switches.
Thank you! One of my friends also found it for me.
And yeah, like I said, without the URl the takeaway becomes "look at this obvious tradwife [based on the views expressed in the post and nothing else]!" Which can lead to some Unfortunate Assumptions about anyone who agrees with that ONE SPECIFIC POST she made
(seriously my ex-girlfriend/current friend reblogged the original post, and she's a leftist queer law student presently in a polyamorous relationship)
as for landlords...it depends in my experience. they tended to do more back when the houses were truly untouched, usually in the 1930s-1980s. most of those apartments I mentioned having lived in, while not Victorian- but then, neither was the house in the original post -had been extensively renovated before my landlords ever entered the picture. it also depends on who they're trying to rent to. a landlord might overhaul a house more extensively if they're planning to rent to wealthy tenants, in some places
of course, flippers are a BIG part of the problem. there's a demographic with the "don't give a shit" attitude of landlords and the "want to give this the most generic/currently trendy appeal possible" and money of rich asshole private owners with popular Instagram accounts. make it look Hip and do it cheaply- the worst of both worlds
at least a private homeowner could be persuaded to just buy a new house. a flipper wants to get the cheapest house possible (often an old house) and pour their budget into hyper-modernizing it
now, I WILL blame landlords (or property management companies) for the soulless look of new buildings. they want the broadest possible appeal, with as many corners cut as possible. ergo, open-concept glass tower apartments with everything white and crap quality inside. fun.
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itsjustbyler · 4 months
Thank you for finally addressing it. There is a byler blog here that posts daily and any of their takes are theirs.
Someone make an analyze or a theory and them that blog just do a whole post about it as if they just have found out the same shit with the exactly same words!
People are seeing you. This is ridiculous, seriously. I used to do a lot of analysis here but I had to stop because I spent hours searching for pics, gifts, writing the better way I could explain myself because English isn't my first language just for someone to became famous with my analyses!!!
And hey, I know we are probably talking about the same blog because I did see your rebblog to that eyewitness post and came across theirs not even twenty minutes after 🤭
And ffs if you are doing it, STOP!
Hey anon...
Sorry that you had to stop doing what you like because people did that with your analysis. English isn't my first too and this happened to me a lot here, but I never actually got mad at it because I'm not exactly a analyst, I just like to post about things that I notice in the show. It was annoying but I aways kept quiet but like... this is becoming a thing recently and I don't know if I'm the one noticing or if I should not be mad at all bc it's a normal thing in fandoms (this is my first time active in one), so I decided to finally address it.
Yeah, I've seen the rebblog too. It was just a copy and past and then they ad it to another post they just have made so people would think that out of nowhere they just remembered of that lines from the shows. You can tell when what they post didn't come from them when someone asks something and they don't know how to answer 😭
Well... sadly I don't think this is gonna change at all... The block button will have to be enough at least for me...
Ty for the ask!
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theoutsanityshoppe · 16 days
Hello! I have a fun story about how I found your blog! I have this OC that I really really love a lot, so I got myself a custom crochet doll of him off of etsy with some christmas money. And while i was searching for which artist to go with, i came across one who was using your little fire-headed detective guy as an example and i thought it was a really cute little design! i can't remember if i did end up going with that artist or a different one but his design really stuck out in my mind because i thought it was so neat. flash forward a bit and i see a commission advertising post from cubesona, who was using that same character as an example and i'm like "oh shit it's this guy again!". and because it was tax return season i got myself that cubesona commission of the same OC i'd gotten the doll of as a little treat for myself. and then we come to recently when i saw cubesona posting the drawing of my boy on his tumblr, and of course i went looking through the tags to see what people were saying about him. and i saw you had called him pretty and it made me really happy! so i go check the post and lo and behold i see the same little firey guy in your header! and i'm like "oh shit! it's all come full circle!!" so uh yeah neither of us knew it but i've kinda been following you for a little bit it seems alsdkjf
This is the single greatest story I could have heard this morning I FREAKING LOVE THIS.
I am suuuuuuuuuuper curious now if you went with the same etsy artist cuz I LOVE her stuff - I actually have two OC's by her and I plan on getting more later! That one, the crochet of Flint, was also the first doll I ever got of him! [I have four now hahahah I keep doing the same as you and every time I have a little extra saved money left over from things I use it to treat my self with more things of my boy] Otherwise that is just CRAZY that it went full circle like that!! I'm glad I have him in my header too since I post all my art to a secondary art blog ahhaha and yes!! your OC IS pretty!!! I loved his design and I absolutely want to know more about him! The one thing I wish cubesona did differently was put actual links/tags to us instead of just typing out our usernames cuz idk if that means the person is on tumblr, on twitter, on some other site... and I don't wanna search haha XD And also!! Thank you for the compliments on Flint~!!! It makes me very happy to hear he pops out to people when they see him adkfgjag I'm extremely proud of his design. ;v; I would be lying too if I said I wasn't saving screencaps of artist who use their art of my boy in their commission examples because it makes me INSANELY proud as an artist ksfdjgakjdfg
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nothorses · 1 year
anon from before, i understand better now! i think i just thought abt it too much and confused myself but your explanation helped. im still on the fence abt cultural christianity but i think thats bc it seems like everyone is talking about it in a different way? like one person says it means this, but another person says its that. i think you made some really good points against it, but i also think spacelazarwolf made some good points for it so im just still figuring it out i think.
Yeah, I fully agree people are talking directly past each other in the conversation, and that's exactly why I made this post to begin with.
And I'm gonna @spacelazarwolf here because I respect his point of view a lot, we've been mutuals for a while, and I hadn't seen him talk about it until I went searching his blog literally just now; I don't wanna be talking about this behind his back or anything.
So like- correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like what he's defending is, for the most part, use of the term in some specific contexts:
"You are viewing this issue through a culturally Christian lens"
"Because you come from cultural Christianity, you may have developed blind spots and internalized ideas that you need to pay special attention to finding and rectifying"
(I'm specifically referring to these two recent posts)
I actually really agree with these uses! Those posts also clarify further that this isn't something you are, it's something you've been influenced by, or something you're doing. That's exactly the thing I say in my original post that I am very much here for, because, like I've said: Christian hegemony is obviously real, people are influenced by it- some more than others-, and it's necessary to be able to talk about these things.
I feel like the majority of arguments I see recently boil down to like, "why do you think cultural Christianity doesn't exist?" which, y'know, I don't doubt some people are actually saying. But if a lot of people are only really arguing that we shouldn't use it as an individual label that others get to decide to apply to them, and the people on the Other Side of the argument are only really arguing that we should be able to use it to refer to the impact of Christian hegemony on culture and shared ideology, like...
Maybe it's time to recognize that we're kinda saying the same shit. If we can get behind "don't label individuals, but do acknowledge the cultural impact and behavior", we can probably just move forward knowing that none of us are trying to advocate for something shitty just because someone else on our "side" said it. And maybe have more productive & relevant conversations.
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skinks · 1 year
how do you keep finding these incredibly niche and incredibly awesome aesthetics
omg WELL, I will try to be concise here!!
basically it started because I got really into vaporwave relatively early in its existence, I think I discovered it in around 2013. Now, something about there being an entire online named Artistic Movement with clear design principles was extremely cool to me, and 2013 is also the earliest I can find a use of the term “junglepunk” on my blog, because this is the term I was using as a personal placeholder for the type of stuff that I have since discovered is being called utopian scholastic. I figured, if there wasn’t a “vaporwave” equivalent for the art/media niche I remembered so vividly, I would just call it something of my own.
So, I came to this newer discovery because in the decade since getting into vaporwave I’ve followed just… so many aesthetic blogs. One of my absolute favourites is @newwavearch90 but I love going on an adventure down various tumblr rabbit holes of related blogs and posts. I also watch a lot of design history videos on youtube, as well as having an interest in lost media, old web stuff, analog horror ARGs, stuff like that. For example, this guy’s video about clip art is very interesting:
And so, a few months ago youtube recommended me THIS video and as soon as I saw the thumbnail I was like oh holy shit, I know exactly what style of design this is talking about. Anyone who used Windows XP would recognise this:
And once again, like the vaporwave discovery, the realisation that there are ongoing efforts being made to classify design movements of which I have vivid living memory was like… mindblowing to me. For some reason, lol. My appreciation for vaporwave has always been through a reflective filter of the media produced during that time, my response to it is really my response to the media, as opposed to having any real emotional connection to the actual time period and places the media is portraying.
And so after discovering Frutiger Aero I googled it, and came across the CARI (Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute) site. They work to catalogue and index this exact stuff, the aesthetics and reasoning behind all these different movements. It’s also co-founded by the same guy who runs @newwavearch90. Finding the actual names of the aesthetics I have the most emotional connection/nostalgia for has been less of a stroke of luck, but more because I’ve been snooping around the types of blogs and websites where I just happened to see certain posts tagged either Global Village Coffeehouse or Utopian Scholastic, then the giant lightbulb goes off. The relief of putting a name to a sound, an image, a feeling that was so important and exciting and comforting to you in the past, that has shaped so much of your taste and interests in the years since.
I think the base concept of “aesthetics” in general has gotten a bad rap in recent years. I know it can be grating to see teenagers try to categorise their whole identities into the easily consumed “aesthetic”, but we can’t ignore how much ageism and specifically misogyny is wrapped up in that assessment. Like, yes, where once there were just preps and goths it can be depressing to see teenagers (especially teen girls) ask themselves whether they are “old money east coast quiet luxury aesthetic girlies” or “mallpunk y2k whimsigoth aesthetic girlies” - but the problem isn’t in teens trying to find their identity, it’s that social media pushes the search for identity specifically through consumerism.
Teens liking aesthetics on tiktok just isn’t my concern. I’m far more interested in how art and design aesthetics relate to consumerism, to technological advances, to socio-political cultural context, to societal values. Why did these aesthetics arise at the time they did, and why were they popular, why did they fall out of the zeitgeist etc.
So yeah, to be not at all concise in any way; it’s because this stuff fascinates me and I love researching it 🥳
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jlf23tumble · 9 months
Hiii hope you won’t mind this ask! I just found your blog and i’ve gone over it a bit and I saw you talking about h and l not being together and it made me curious about your larry thoughts!! You can answer in the tags if you don’t want to start discourse but I hope you do answer:((!
I don’t know if you think they’ve been together in the past/never together or just don’t care about it cause scrolling through Tumblr is a nightmare and I can’t see all your posts obviously ahaha but personally I thought they were together and I think they might have broken up in the last year or so. I got a strong sixth sense in general if you could call it that and lately I can sense something is different and I can see some people feel the same but don’t really discuss it openly so I wanted to hear your opinion.
The last thing that made me ‘sure’ they were still a thing while looking at the previous 12 years was harryween with hopelessly devoted to you and then Louis quoting it at his grease fav. After that I can’t really see something that makes me think “at that point they must have been together cause otherwise it wouldn’t make sense”. And paired it up with louis in particular being a bit strange in the last few months and with what you pointed out as well namely Harry doing everything he can to not be even thought to be on tour with L… As I said I don’t know when you started talking about a break up, but do you think that halloween’s occurance was still them being together or teasing each other from a distance or maybe just keeping larries at bay? And would you mind telling me then when you think their situation changed and what you think now? Sorry it’s so longggg and thank you if you take time to answer me <3
Helllllllo, I never mind any kind of ask! Granted, sometimes I might not answer but only because I'm overwhelmed, or it's the same ask in a row, or I'm not loving a sentence, or I just don't feel like it, or I think a bathroom shot is more appropriate, lmao, but this one? I got all the time in the world for you…so much so that I'll put it under the cut, since the ask is long enough itself, as shall the answer be!
Welcome to this mess, and wow, I'm so bowled over you even tried to scroll, I know trying to search tumblr.biz is a loser's lover's game, even for the loser lover who wrote it, so I won't even bother, but we can start fresh!
So my thoughts: Hell yeah, I think these two were together back in the day, probably almost immediately (see: the entire x-factor scandale with the blinds about all the fucking, the stairs interviews, ALL OF IT, screammmm). I don't know how long or even IF they were strictly monogamous, they were in a pressure cooker situation of near-constant contact with each other for five years, but I do think it eventually morphed into something open and/or then into a messy on again/off again situationship. That’s my current stance today, in fact—c'est messy!!!!
I’ll do the usual caveat that none of us actually KNOWS them, though, or what went down, we're only looking at what we see (and hear) and making a wild guess, and yet! Plenty of people see (and hear) the same thing and opt for a crazy reach with their whole chest, all to justify something happening between teenagers 13 years ago as if NOTHING would or could have changed since then. And some of those reaches make literally no sense, or they wash away anything that gets too close to that third rail of cognitive dissonance, the proverbial fingers in ears, lalalalala. I saw it recently on a post I made about clingy Harry with a stranger on the drunk WeHo trolley, with someone in the tags going, wait, I’ve never seen this! Of course you haven’t, that’s what an echo chamber does, bb!
Personally, I don't get that mindset—what’s so wrong about learning life is tough and things change for two literal strangers? Sure, we all love love and want the best for them, but shit happens in real life, too. Maybe it's easier to latch onto made-up receipts or straight up call a blue a green, but I think a big aspect of it is also the need to be right, to show you aren’t crazy, it’s real, and that gets frequently mixed in as being “supportive,” like you're some kind of homophobe if these two break up, as if two men fucking two other men somehow isn't worthy of your “support." But I’m here to say those two things actually can exist, something can be true in the past and not be true today, and it doesn’t negate the past bit, shocking, right?
Anyway, I digress. I feel like your sixth sense is on the money, and I'd love to hear more about it, either message me here or dm me about what tips you into that direction (hey!) because I feel like there is SO MUCH THAT DOES, yet few people really get into it. To me, it’s just a lot of content, so much content, the bare minimum being lyrics in multiple songs across a shit ton of albums, both solo and the very last 1D one. At this point, to me, Larry “proofs” sound insane (he wore green pants, they're MARRIED!!!!!), and part of me is like, kudos to you, Mr. Tomlinson, jesus loves you more than you will know, etc. Even that Harryween outfit of which you speak feels like a reach of a reach, a callback of a reach, mostly because it’s also not that deep, Grease isn't some tiny film nobody's seen, it's actually a remarkably easy group costume, AND it references things that could be nostalgic to two sets of people (larries and larry). I actually feel like these two at this point are either a) signaling to each other in some kinda way, like that monitor edgeplay shit they used to do (which works if you're together or apart, I might add), or b) cashing in some of that green blue green, if you feel me. And again, both of those could be true at once, they don't cancel each other out. I have two hands, I can hold a lotta thoughts!
It’s at this point where I start bangin’ the drum for garries because gaylors have it dead easy—you can be a gaylor and think that kaylor was a thing, but it doesn’t mean it’s STILL a thing to you, so whither garries!? I just don’t think a lot of today’s larries do themselves any favors by doubling down and driving out anyone who has questions. For the big ones, there’s no room for even whispering, hey, yeah, they were together, but they might have broken up, maybe??? It’s, like, NO!!! They’re mawwwwwwied, #husbands, they’ve only fucked one person, each other, let’s jump through a hoop that says Louis wearing green sweats is so LOUD (I’m not listening to lyrics, though, lalalalalala)!! It’s tragic and frankly dumb, but if you want to wallow in the persecution complex of it all, “everybody hates us ☹ (including Louis),” I guess the option is there, the whole us vs. them of it all that I’m just personally not into.
But I do feel like there’s some hope, it’s nice to see people coming around to the idea that, yeah, they WERE together and maybe they aren’t anymore, but it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world! It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, maybe they’ll reunite someday, or maybe it’s a goddamned hot mess, but you know what? Not my circus, not my monkeys! Granted, that part is harder for people who are mutuals with those who will not tolerate doubts even for a second—I just hope they venture off and find the other chill people, u know, the ones a lot of larries wish they saw on their dashes instead of hand-wringers, uh oh, oops, reaping = sowing.
I’m sorry, I’m ramblin’ here, let’s get back to your questions at the end of your ask! Do I think Harryween was them together or teasing each other or keeping larries at bay? Hmmmm, maybe a secret fourth thing: easy costume, easy global reference, and it’s not gonna keep larries at bay, lmao. Idk, man, for all we know (which, again, is literally nothing, nobody’s getting 24/7 content for 5 years straight anymore, such a bitter pill to swallow), maybe Grease is a fave movie of someone who’s in the new band, maybe Harry’s got a close personal friend who’s into it, too, maybe Louis's not the only guy in the world Harry’s dated who’s obsessed with Danny Zuko.
As for when do I think their situation changed, I think Eleanor was a big clue, breakup no. 1 was probably around their own breakup no. 1, she was an amazing proxy in so many ways, but I’m sure there were rifts and spats along the way (it even seeped into interviews that get written off as cute funsies or else are outright ignored because nobody watches beyond the gif format). I follow at least one person who talks about the '15 promo tour as giving very recent breakup energy, yet still has some fwb vibes, which means it's AWKWARD in spots, and I can see that. It would also explain why they were suddenly able to "sit together,” lol. Anyway, yes, that breakup (both times) was a big sign, I think no more peace ring was a HUGE sign, I think the writeups by Rob Sheffield (both of them, actually), especially the last paragraph of the Fine Line cover story was a NEON sign, and I think the last four albums by both of them spell it out, underline it, bold it, AND italicize it super clearly, but those are just the easy pickings (see also: Harry biking around daily to prove he’s not in Poland, Greece, etc., and the response is always, “We don’t know what day this was,” lmao).
What I think now is up above! I think it’s messy! Complicated! They aren’t #married! Now is that a forever thing? Who’s to say, and more importantly, who’s to really care on a “does this impacts my daily life in some kind of financial or spiritual way,” see further: circus, monkeys. I get that it’s easy to say, I interact with a lot of other people who don’t care and won't ostracize me for being a doubting Susan with my ~controversial thoughts and UOs. But there are those with faith in the future, so maybe it is as it was…hehe, oh me. I amuse myself, at least. Sorry this is an epic reply, and that it’s days late, I hope it gives you what you wanted to know! Anyone sending me garbage will get a bathroom response, peace and love.
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catcatb0y · 2 years
I'm not longer a BakuDeku lol. I'd rather ship Bakugou with someone who ACTUALLY lifts him up instead of using him as a footstool.
This ship used to be the best for him and his development- overcoming his past, both of their paths, really.
Bakugou getting wounded and Midoriya coming to his rescue... It's a dead fucking horse. Back when, I would have argued for the merits it had, but seriously five times is too fucking much. Every time it's the fucking same- Bakugou does a ton of work, gets overpowered because he's a fucking child, and then Midoriya swoops in and gets the win. Five times.
It doesn't actually help anything.
He's still battling the exact same inferiority that made him lash out against Midoriya to begin with, but now it's just taken away his own confidence- is that really the best take on his character? Like for years, everyone shit on antis saying that Bakugou needed to be "put in his place," for years we talked about how trauma doesn't make him a better person, but now that him getting shit benefits Midoriya, everyone's gagging for it? Really?
Bakugou's "death" gets dozens of celebration blogs, everyone zooms in on Shigaraki telling Bakugou he's fucking worthless other than his closeness to Midoriya- and everyone wants that to become true! Everyone wants Bakugou to lay there dead while Midoriya gets to be the Hero he always wanted but never put any of the actual effort into achieving before he got All Might's quirk and Bakugou, who has been training for years and wanting that Heroism just as badly... Well, no one cares about that, right?
No one cares about how he was the only one who landed a blow on ShigAfO. No one cares that AfO was scared of Bakugou- that got glossed over. Edgeshot being willing to step in and give up his life for Bakugou got LESS THAN HALF of the posts that Bakugou's "death" did- and... actually I don't remember seeing a single post about it that wasn't booing Edgeshot, talking about how shitty Bakugou should* feel, or making fun of antis.
Huh... Yeah, everything else has been actively forced into my circle, but I had to go out and search for that just to know it fucking happened (and no, it wasn't because I finally blocked enough people, because I still saw everything about Midoriya swooping in- because that's all anyone fucking cares about.)
Oh, and P.S. to all of the shippers: at least pretend to be consistent.
Don't think I missed the way that everyone was cheering and applauding when Bakugou got so much as a fucking paper cut. The whole fandom jumping at the idea of Midoriya swooping in and saving the day because poor widdle Bakugou was over his head. Everyone wanted him to bite shit and go down- congrats, you were right.
Then the moment Midoriya was even POSSIBLY going to get his own breakdown- oh noooo, no, no, we can't have that!!! He's gonna be better than that, right? He already knows and can control his heart, and it's never beem about proving that Bakugou means a lot to Midoriya, it's always been about making Midoriya look better, because that's all anyone cares about, huh?
*Why is it that Bakugou can't get help from another Hero without everyone saying "He's gonna blame himself for bringing the downfall of another Hero T0T just like Kamino!" (Hey, why not 'oh, think of how Bakugou is going to feel knowing that his Heroism was so inspiring, someone thought with was worth their life. How someone has FINALLY- well, not criticized him for fucking one, someone finally acknowledged his worth and importance (outside of Midoriya), and someone finally thought he was worthy of help. Someone finally gave him the support that he's needed this entire time)
But Midoriya showing up- no, he's gotta look pretty. He's gotta be pretty. Look, the Black Whips make a heart!! He's distressed over Bakugou, but it's manageable, so he'll kick Shigaraki's ass and be the victorious Hero!!
If this is the canon that everyone wants, I'm fucking out. Glad your little MeowMeow gets his happy end, but this shit was exactly why I left the Kiri//Baku fandom during the early game- why so many of us CRITICIZED that one sided shipping... but now it's all good and fine, because "BakuDeku is just giving Midoriya what he wants," right? It doesn't matter that the whole thing ends up being shitty to Bakugou. Nah, he deserves that, huh?
To spend his life comparing himself to the kid who got lucky. To never think he's good enough, always trying to make up for *checks notes* being a brat in middle school.
Because that's what BakuDeku is, right?
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nosignalformiles · 2 years
name: Seamus
nickname: Shay
faceclaim: I don't use one atm, but the last one was Bagpuss, and before that Steve from Blues Clues
pronouns: He/him (Chill with they but not for constant use)
height: 5ft5 Short king.
birthday: 20th December
aesthetic: At the moment? Agoraphobic gay wizard. (Leopard print robe.)
last song you listened to: Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása - Sigur ros
favorite muse(s) you've written: Out of past muses: Raum. He was a remake of an OC I made up when I was 13. A guilty by association fallen angel who had been young and couldn't really remember it. He was a weird thing. Yeeted people, stole things constantly, bothered everyone, got really attached to a tank of seamonkeys. Just a fun no brain needed to write character. Current muses: Cyren.
what inspired you to take on this muse?
Lockdown and boredom and isolation. This blog specifically, though? Wanted something completely new, I like creating settings and connected narratives. Originally this was like stepping past my long running connected universe and making something new, but now it's sort of part of it.
what are your favorite aspects of your current muse?
I like Cyren’s contradictions. He wants to make things miserable, but he’s drawn/under a compulsion to help and protect. He acts like he doesn’t give a fuck while clinging violently to the people he sees as family.
Issa’s absolute certainty that THEY'RE FINE while everything is coming apart.
Nish’s absolute riotous anger at what’s in his way, zero filter, suffers no fools attitude.
Favorite thing with Aster is how lost he is, how young and floundering, and desperate.
Valentine threw away a life of relative ease and comfort for someone he loved, to prove he can make a difference against a tyrant, without realizing that his focus on revenge and control will twist his aims and desires into something awful. What’s not to love about that?
Tadhg is fluffy baby.
Oriol is like... waiting. He’s waiting for something to make sense enough to him to ditch all the shit he doesn’t care about but has to do. He’s the person who’d kill and be killed for even the chance at more. That Potential yall
Favorite thing wth Wynn is when his like cheeky shit head stuff comes out in an argument or conversation. Cause he’s had to ignore and hide so much of that to get by.
Finch! Oh my god. He’s awful. I love him. Best bit by far is how fucking childish and unaware of other people he is. It both sucks to write and is great, cause it’s like you know what a reasonable mature adult would do. He’s doing the opposite, and you get to watch it go to shit.
Jay. My boy. So fucked up. Favorite aspect by far is that he’s the softest mother fucker. Sweetest little bastard who learnt to be anything but because he had to be.
Felix. Favorite aspect of this fucker? The adaptability. Yeah he’ll always have some of the same attitude, but he can and will play any role and act any way. Chameleon muses are fun.
who is your current fc?
I don’t like writing it in posts cause it makes them show up in tumblr searches! All of that’s on the muse bios
what's your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing?
Genuinely think everything you consume will influence your writing in one way or another, and pinpointing a single inspiration is very difficult. But Wellspring I can give an answer for. The village I live near atm is also a big part of the visual inspiration, and the maypole in the town center that Cyren’s body is buried over was inspired by the village I went to primary school in.
Favorite types of threads?
Any where Big Things are happening. Which is so vague, but it’s the best I can do. I ike big character moments and big plot moments. The inbetween is awesome, but the big is my favorite. The cathartic break down, the first I love you, the survival in a dire situation, the discovery of something about their world or themselves in thread form, for either muse but preferably for both. The Big Things.
Tagged by: @ofmagicallonging
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this but hasn’t been tagged yet! Tag me in it! :D
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mxplumberry · 3 months
no one gives a shit about your shitty x reader fiction if you guys would tag properly and use read mores but unfortunately you're all entitled spoiled brat children so we're all forced to suffer and can't actually enjoy art or gifs
Hey, are you okay?
Do you think it's okay to go up to a stranger to start venting and accusing them of behaviors you think are stereotypical to a certain demographic?
Well, I regret to be the one to inform you that this message really is embarrassing on your part because it is not okay.
Seeking out posts related to topics you don't like, purely to identify and harass someone that has an opinion that is different to yours, is not okay, or frankly, healthy.
Please consider seeking professional help if you think this is okay.
First of all, your complaint about the lack of read-more's is entirely out of date. Tumblr has been forcing long posts without a read-more coded in, to be cropped short with another form of read-more button that you must manually click on in order to reveal the full post.
If you come across a post that hasn't had that formatting forced onto it, then that post is genuinely not long enough to require such outside interference. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should take this up with Tumblr staff rather than the rest of the community that are using this site as it is.
I'll even let you in on a little secret, one that has made my time on this platform so much nicer, and I'll tell it to you free of cost!
You see, Tumblr has a fascinating feature built-in to all of the user interfaces (yes! BOTH desktop and mobile have this) to help you cope with your irritation towards the way other people interact with a public fandom space in a much healthier way than sending messages like this.
Yeah, they already considered that not everyone would be able to get along! To prevent problems like this, they gave you default access to a resource that can clear up most of the problems you seem to be facing within fandom spaces.
If someone not using a read-more bothers you
just fucking block them
And this advice applies to more than just this singular example!
If you don't like someone's art style, or the way they pick colors, or the genre of music they make, or the way they edit screenshots, or gifs, or whatever the fuck it is they're creating, you can block them, and they won't show up in the feed when you search for the tag anymore.
and I know sweaty, I know that blocking someone doesn't always stop them from showing up on your dash if someone reblogs from them. However, I will remind you that if someone you follow is reblogging content you don't like or in a way you don't find appealing, that's literally on you. You are responsible for having to curate your dashboard to your own liking.
I can't block myself for you.
It's okay if you're not following someone you consider a good friend. Maybe their blog theme isn't your jam, or they're really vocal on their feelings about (insert topic/character here), and you don't feel the same or as strongly.
That doesn't mean you aren't their friend or have to stop talking to them because you aren't mutuals. You're just curating your Tumblr experience.
You aren't being forced to do anything here.
You chose to go into the fandom tag, despite knowing that there are people in the world that might interact with it in a way you don't personally like.
You chose to act like you have no power to curate your internet experience, when in fact you have several options at your fingertips to make sure that any given blog isn't recommended to you.
You chose to act like everyone has to "correctly" tag their content in a way that suits your preferences, despite those preferences being leagues above the standards posted in the tag use guidelines.
You chose to act like someone else trying to live their life and share their art with the world is such a problem.
And right here, I am chosing to not delete this message like most of the ones I used to get when I was public with my writing.
(This is also why this message is so embarrassing for you. You decided to send this pathetic excuse of hate mail to one of the many writers that don't post everything they do online. In fact, none of my writing is posted on Tumblr, so maybe you should consider doing at least a little homework to be sure your insult is applicable enough to the target to be effective.)
I'll also be fully transparent and admit I intentionally made this post longer, without the use of a read more, to spite you, but also because I feel like the xReader community gets way more hate than reasonable. If you were constantly getting shit on for trying to share something you cared enough about to create something for, you'd get pissy with responding, too.
The internet was not built just for you.
This website was not built just for you.
Go touch some grass, you goddamn loser. <3
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 10 months
Someone tried to cancel me on me on Tumblr 
When I found out about it, I was extremely upset. Like I was about to deleted Tumblr and shit. I was already going through shit but that elevated it from 5 to 10. I was so upset my head hurt and I wanted to throw up. I stayed up late and my uncle told me to go to bed but I didn’t cuz I was too upset and involved in this shit. When my dad called me and told me he wanted me to come back to America, I was so fucking upset at losing this opportunity to stay in Taiwan and be independent. I was so involved in every single thing someone has to say about me. It made me feel so anxious and ashamed that something like that would break me and fuck me up. I even contemplated on wanting to die. They wanted to cancel me from my “safe space” the place I go to escape politics, which is what my other blog @nonpoliticalchinamatsu (aka Taiwanmatsu) is for.
You can just search the name of it I don’t have screenshots because I don’t want to even think about it or remember it.
But yeah, they tried to cancel me because I stole some posts from people that blocked me (and sadly I really liked their content a lot) and because of my political opinions.
Now they probably won’t see this at alll because they have me blocked but anyways, I am genuinely sorry that I rewrote your posts and I already deleted that
(Particularly one from a specific Osomatsu-San blogger who’s username begins with a V; let’s call them V)
And another user told me not to steal V’s posts and they thought I was blocked because I did but it was because of my opinions. And then this person blocked me.
I am genuinely sorry about copying the posts. (I was a minor back then) but I’m not sorry for my opinions because I never said anything that any normal human being would deem bigoted. (Then again, bold of me to assume youre a normal human being with a brain) I bet you can’t name anything I did that was actually bigoted.
I told them via alt account that I’m sorry that I stole V’s post and if there is anything I can do (on my main account) but then they just told me to stop having my opinions and refused to reach out and reason and explain to me for some stupid reason. This person’s name is chorotchi, some punk ass bitch who thought blocking me and talking shit behind my back was a better option that’s going into my DMs and asking me to delete the posts (which again, I already deleted) like a mature adult. But what do you expect? Typical cancel culture loving, petty, braindead Tumblrinas. If you’re gonna be a bitch, then I’ll be a bitch back.
They act as if thinking xenogenders are a joke is the same thing as waving a Nazi flag screaming “kill the tr*nnies!” 
No I’m not a transphobe. I support trans rights and I think gender dysphoria is real and valid and if they wanna transition to their desires gender, I’m not gonna shit on them and tell a trans woman “yOU’rE sTiLL a hE”. I’m not ashamed of my opinions. 
But I’m sorry your brain isn’t big enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives or politics. I’m sorry your IQ is so so low.
Oh and this 👇
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This is not bigotry. These are normal beliefs.
Can you tell me what’s wrong with these beliefs? No you can’t. And “you’re a poopy face bigot” or anything along that line isn’t a valid answer, babe 💅 If you think that’s “bigoted” you need to see a doctor because your brain clearly isn’t working. I refuse to apologize for these beliefs. I refuse to apologize for having common sense  I never attacked anyone, I never harassed anyone, I never posted BLmatsu (shipping the Osomatsu san brothers with each other) 
These same people would still call me problematic for saying Karamatsu isn’t secretly a xe/xem big booty trans man, no? And if you wanna headcanon Karamatsu as a xe/xem big booty trans man, go the fuck ahead. Hell I don’t even care if you redraw the Osomatsu San characters as black even though they are clearly headcanoned to be Japanese. 
It’s your own little universe, you can do what you want. These are fictional characters. You can make them gay or whatever if you want, I’m not gonna rain on your parade, this is fandom stuff. We can have fun. 
I would never ever bring any of my politics in this because I’m not an insufferable cunt. (Well, at least not as insufferable as the ones that do.) THAT IS WHY I HAVE TWO SEPARATE BLOGS!
 KEEP 👏FANDOM 👏 OUT 👏 OF POLITICS! (Not counting LGBT but just fucking politics and purposeful divisiveness) 
These bloodthirsty culture vultures need to stop. It’s not about justice. Y’all are basically those group of mean girls saying “you can’t sit with us”!
Edit: I might delete this account soon and I wanna save some stuff from my other blog but I have like over 100 posts so imma have to figure that out :/
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brightgnosis · 1 year
It always amazes me how you can say one (true, factual) thing ... And someone will take that as an invitation to actively project all of their pent up emotional damage and frustration on you because ... Idk, they apparently didn't like it for some wild reason?
Even though ultimately what you said was 1. Completely innocuous; and 2. Virtually irrelevant in the grand scheme of things; it certainly never warranted being called "condescending" for simply explaining the basics when they asked a question about it, as best you could in a heavily character capped medium- or the slew of childish petulance and horrid attitude that followed afterwards.
And also they did a 5 second Google search on what you said and couldn't find what you were talking about when you literally researched a topic for over a year to even write a post about it in the first place — and you were a Reconstructionist for roughly 8 years before even starting to research that post to begin with — and you'd been practicing as a Pagan for 20 years before that at the time just ... In general. Therefore you are clearly wrong and it's just you biasing your own opinion about ... Because "they've been doing this 'for years' and no one they've interacted with before has ever said this"- and the one reference they were able to find to all three terms being used in one place happened to be your blog post ... And you told them that openly and transparently whenever they said it, and claimed "it didn't exist anymore" when they found it.
Because why wouldn't you be transparent about that? Especially in a conversation where someone is looking for sources on something you said and you're a retired Pagan Author. But especially when your blog does very much still exist- and doubly especially when your post is very much still passed around in various circles as the guide for the delineation between terms. Specifically because you were the first person to actually write a comprehensive guide on it that put those definitions in one area and provided conclusive examples and contrasts between them that actually made them understandable in a way that previously hadn't been achieved by the community (instead of it all just being scattered around the internet haphazardously like it originally was and still mostly is) ???
Last I checked we actually called something like that a Tertiary Source (a source which has compiled data from Primary and Secondary sources into a cohesive third source that has thus repackaged the content into a singular location and form which is more comprehensive than its individual parts)- but honestly, what do I know. Totally all just makes perfect sense ????
Honestly if that's the total quality of someone's research and critical thinking skills as a Recon? I'm once again ashamed to've ever been counted among y'all to begin with.
Though, like, at the same time ... Considering I literally actually left Reconstructionism not just because of rampant spiritual abuse and narcissism within the Recon community ... But also because of the constant shoddiness of the historical research done and the frequent use of blatant pseudohistory — while at the same time still claiming to be better than that and being snobby to and stuck up about any practitioners of other methodologies that didn't place as much emphasis on historicism or do things "their way"? That's, like ... Nothing new I guess.
Pretty par for the course in my 9 years of total Reconstructionist experience before I finally left, actually. Yeah.
Recon, Reviv, or Reimaginist, it's literally all the exact same stinky shit on the bottom of a different shoe no matter how much people posture around like cocks, or pretend otherwise ... But y'know, man ... At least Reimaginists are honest about it and hold no disillusionment of their importance or whatever these days. Most of the time, in the right circles, at least.
I looked high and low for nearly a decade in Recon circles and genuinely can't say the same, there, however; much to my unfortunate dismay, all I ever wound up finding were bunch after bunch of Revivalists and Reimaginists pretending to be Reconstructionists- nearly each and every one of them with an ego the size of Jupiter or greater to freaking match ... Eryn Rowan-Laurie would be ashamed, I'd actually wager a bet.
But genuinely: If y'all's personal communities that y'all're interacting with are ultimately using outdated information and models, that ain't a me problem you need to get pressed and start projecting your issues onto me for. Especially not for simply making a one-off comment about on a highly character capped platform that offers no real constructive way to have a legitimate conversation or dialogue in good faith (and which actively rewards people for acting in bad faith) ... That's a "you should find yourself better communities or update your models (or both)" kind of problem.
And there's really no harm in that- in finding a better community, or even better: Daring to actually update your models and definitions as a community instead of being petulant and remaining stuck in the past, using outdated models and definitions for no actual real reason; the world will not, in fact, suddenly crumble down around you if a newer, better, more relevant, inclusive, or accurate model (etc) comes across your radar somehow ... You may find, even, that better, more inclusive, more accurate, and more relevant (etc) models actually aid us in better communication between community members, and even improve the effectiveness of individual and group practice (the horror!).
0 notes
polvillodecanela · 2 years
Tumblr media
He compartido 2059 publicaciones este 2022
31 publicaciones originales (2 %)
2028 reblogueos (98 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 400 publicaciones en 2022
#dreamling: 41 publicaciones
#the sandman: 37 publicaciones
#dracula daily: 29 publicaciones
#dream of the endless: 25 publicaciones
#hob gadling: 20 publicaciones
#thank you op: 14 publicaciones
#yes: 12 publicaciones
#morpheus: 11 publicaciones
#oh god: 9 publicaciones
#yeah: 8 publicaciones
La etiqueta más larga tiene 139 caracteres
#dream is overly aware of the nature of hob's desire and since the dreaming and awaking are the same then he thinks he's not only dating hob
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
We like to think of dream as somebody who is aloof and confident but... Well. Sorta like capitain holt ... And that leads me to this shit post
Do you remember that b99 episode when Holt got ENGAGED™ with cwazy cupcakes (candy crush)? Well I bring you this.
In one of his visits (weekly not centennial mind u) hob was ranting about an student playing candy crush in his class.
When dream ask about it, hob just... Innocent as an angel shows him since he has it in his phone and Dream just loses it.
He acts so aloof and cool but two week after there is Matthew frantically searching for hob bc dream HASN'T STOPPED since he went to the dreaming.
He's right now in level 4000 and every time he lost his five lives he goes to whatever dream when someone is using a phone and made them send him lives.
There is also a conspiracy theory on internet about how playing the game is an instrument of the government and such but that's another thing.
The thing is now that Dream is obsessed and there's a lot of nightmares and dreams related to the game. Hob is amused/concerned.
Cue to death... Also playing in between work...
75 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de noviembre de 2022
Hob has this as his ringtone since he had the chance to personalize ringtones.
Matthew listens to it once (one time) and yearns for a cellphone.
79 notas. Fecha de publicación: 19 de octubre de 2022
Hob: *experiences a minimum inconvenience*
Dream: *to Despair and Desire* keep fucking around and you will find out.
129 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de noviembre de 2022
Hob: *grading papers*
Hob: *looks at Dream*
Dream: *blinks slowly*
Hob: I love you too, darling.
2620 notas. Fecha de publicación: 15 de octubre de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
Jonathan: *lives the most horrific and traumatic experience known to humankind and manages to escape with barely his life*
Also Jonathan: Sister Agatha, please write my boss that I was a good boy™ and my job was done, but I'm a tiny bit tired so I will rest here for a while (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
5198 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de agosto de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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hamtigers · 4 years
So for some reason I woke up today thinking about an RP community I used to be a part of for awhile years ago. So I just wanna give a shot out to anyone who used to be a part of the KH RP board Kingdoms Unleashed awhile back, especially before they shut it down and re-opened it. I tried to come back once after it reopened but I just... couldn’t stay inspired enough for threads with the character I returned on and the fact that they didn’t allow OCs anymore honestly killed a lot of the appeal in the forum for me. And during typing this I just noticed my bookmark for it still exists, but the board itself has been deleted. So I suppose I may as well delete the bookmark.
more specifics about my feelings (and info about the board for anyone uninvolved but curious) below the cut because I am going to ramble A LOT. Like... this post is gonna be hella long, so I’m sorry if read-mores don’t work on mobile still. Also sorry if this shows up in people’s searches since tumblr picks words out of the whole body and not just the tags.
I honestly feel like I’ve made a post like this once before in the past but I still... want to make it again, because I’m feeling incredibly nostalgic about it. Kingdoms Unleashed was a KH-centric RP board on proboards that I lucked out and got into very early on in its life thanks to @highly-radioactive-nerd stumbling across it. I know a few buds from the board also were mutuals on tumblr, but I don’t know how many of you guys still use this site. But anyway, the big draw of the board was that you could bring in characters from outside of KH as long as they “fit the feel” of kingdom hearts, which they ruled as being: from a disney property, from a videogame, from an anime/manga, or from a similiarly styled media(as the catchall for allowing characters from, say, avatar the last airbender in despite it being a western-made cartoon). This was before the big starwars and marvel mergers, which is funny to me because western superheroes were a given example of what wasn’t allowed. Every character (whether they were from KH or not) had to go through an application process, and it was the main way they screened for quality control in RP and so that they could make sure no one was bringing in any super overpowered characters (the quality bar wasn’t like, elitist or anything, you just had to show a basic grasp and consistency on the character’s personality and that you weren’t gonna post a bunch of one-liners) The minimum required activity level to keep a character was pretty lenient too, you just had to make sure you made a post like... somewhere around once or twice every two week period, with activity checks being made once a month? Unless you gave notice of an extended absence. (common reasons included travelling w/o internet access since smartphones weren’t common yet, computer problems, health reasons, and needing to study for classes and exams)
But on top of all this, they also allowed OCs and fan characters under some small stipulations. The big ones I remember are: -No keyblade wielders to avoid an over saturation of keyblades -No vastly overpowered characters. This applied to canon characters too though. Like... one person got to have a touhou character only because her powers got stripped down a lot and they had already proven themselves as a long time responsible RPer on the forum. -No pre-existing ties to canon characters. They could know OF someone if it made sense for their background! But they couldn’t have already met them personally. Anything that develops in character after that is free game of course, but if a canon character got dropped then picked up by someone else, they had no obligation to pick up where the previous player left off. This bullet point is gonna be super important in my later talking! -This is kind of a sub-thing of the last one, but nobodies also couldn’t (officially) join org-XIII under any circumstance.
 One of the GMs even admitted in the forum chat at one point that they were on the fence about allowing OCs to begin with, but they were glad they did because of the quality of OCs that got brought in.
The place ended up flourishing into a VERY healthy roleplay forum, with the  rare drama cases either being resolved or with the instigator getting thrown out if they didn’t settle down. My favorite part was that unlike other RP places I’ve been on, there wasn’t a massive posse schism or canon/OC schism. No, people RPed canon characters with OCs and fancharacters and characters from different games or anime constantly, to the point where several canon characters ended up in romantic relationships with peoples’ OCs.
I loved it. My characters never ended up among those dating canon characters, but it made me so genuinely happy to see a forum so openly embracing fan characters and OCs to that degree. I was used to people only wanting to facilitate ships they already had in their minds, or making fun on FC/canon ships in other places that it just genuinely made me happily astounded to see the forum grow into a place where that was common and other RPers would actually like... get invested in and follow these romances they weren’t a part of despite not knowing the OC.
I still occasionally wonder, however, if the forum’s overall activity hadn’t dwindled down, if I would have landed a ~dream ship~ with a canon character and my own fancharacter. A bunch of people had been recently bringing in FFIV characters (which is my fav FF not counting XIV) so I decided to take a chance on bringing in my fan character, Ayletta. This was shortly after I had lost inspiration for Rydia and dropped her so that another fan of the character could have her instead and hopefully do her more justice.  Ayletta is a physically disabled girl (can’t stand or walk for more than very short periods of time) that relies on her Chocobo to get around and dreams of having her own chocobo ranch. What didn’t get included in her profile or mentioned by me anywhere on forum was that I "secretly” ship her with Kain.
Guess who just happened to be the only person that joined my first thread I started as her was? I was immediately ecstatic, even more so when I saw how quickly they got along even with someone else controlling him. What really got me and left me wondering what ~could have been~ is what they included in his described thoughts, but not in his spoken words. The RPer drew parallels between Ayletta/her chocobo and Kain’s father/his dragon to the point where he immediately was in awe and respect of the bond between Ayletta and her bird. This was a facet I had never even realized or considered between them before then, and only added to the fuel of my own thoughts. The thread was fairly short lived, but there was definitely plans for them both to meet up again later on which unfortunately never got to happen.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
be still my foolish heart (don’t ruin this on me)
Summary: bucky barnes doesn’t have very many people left in his life who care, but he has you... or; five times you and bucky show your love & the one time you finally say it. (bucky x fem!reader)
Words: 4.3K
Warnings: fluff & pining. no major spoilers of tfatws. 
Notes: hi! i was going to try and maintain separate accounts to keep my writing organized, but i am lazy and can’t switch back and forth all the time. so! here’s to me now being a multific blog! i hope this does not upset my current followers (and maybe brings some new ones in) this was originally posted my ao3 . happy reading! 
You’re the only person who calls him James. It fluctuates between Buck and James, but either way, you’re the only person allowed to call him either.
He thinks his name just sounds so pretty coming from your mouth. He doesn’t want to hear anything else. Doesn’t really want you to call him Bucky because then it won’t sound right when anybody else does.
So you’re the only person that calls him James. The only person he lets call him James.
“James.” You say softly as he falls onto your couch. He’s got a black eye and a busted lip and he knows there’s nothing he can say to quell your worry. So he settles with a smile that causes a wince that makes you let out a breathless laugh. “I told you to be more careful.”
You sit on your coffee table across from him and lean forward with the washcloth in your hand. His eyes fall to his lap and he nods. “You should see the other guy.”
You shake your head tensely as you gently wipe at the dried blood carefully to avoid the bruise still forming. “James. I’m serious. You’re not invincible.” He raises an eyebrow and you sigh. “You may be a super soldier, but you can still get hurt. I hate seeing you hurt.”
You lean back and drop the cloth onto the table next to you. “I know, doll.” You shake your head at the nickname and he smiles. You had told him you thought it was corny, but as long as you called him James, he would call you doll.
And he knew you secretly liked the nickname.
The same way you knew he secretly liked to hear his name when you said it.
“I have some vaseline in the bathroom. We can put it on your lip and then you need to get some sleep.” You pull him by his hand down your hall.
He glances out the window of your bedroom before you pull him into the bathroom. “I don’t need to sleep, the sun is still out.” He says quietly as you search through your cabinet.
You look up sharply. “You need sleep. I’ll be right here, okay?” You stand up straight and lift some vaseline with a q-tip. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” Your eyes focus in as you gently apply the vaseline to Bucky’s lip.
He has to force himself not to smile. The cut will be gone by tomorrow and this will have been all for naught as it won’t affect how it heals. He appreciates the comfort it gives him. He relishes in the warmth that came with your care and love for your friends.
You step away with a proud smile. “I think I’m supposed to do the protecting, doll.” He says quietly. He desperately wants to reach his hands out and settle them on your waist.
Feel the warmth through your worn out sweatshirt and pull you close. But he doesn’t, afraid of something but unsure of what exactly, so he smiles graciously.
“We protect each other, James. In different ways.” You say just as quietly.
It’s all Bucky needs to get a couple comfortable hours of sleep in your room.
He calls you every night. Or at least he tries to when he’s not in DC. Sometimes they’re so busy he doesn’t get the chance.
Tonight was one of those nights. He stares desperately down at his phone, urging the time to change so it was earlier in the night. He couldn’t call now. Not in the middle of the night when he knew you were asleep.
“You gonna go to bed?” Sam asks quietly from his spot in the living room. He’s been sitting silently with Bucky since they returned to the hotel, but Bucky could tell he was exhausted.
Bucky nods. “I’ll sleep out here.” He says quietly and unwilling to claim a bed. He couldn’t sleep in one for a full night, he could barely nap in yours when you forced him to rest.
Sam frowns and they both know he understands Bucky’s fear of the too big and too soft bed sitting empty in the other room. But the man nods before disappearing into his room and shutting the door behind him.
Bucky rests his head against the back of the couch and begins to take deep breaths. His phone vibrates in his hand and his eyes widen when he sees your name flash across the screen.
He doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Doll? What’s got you up so late?”
You laugh quietly. “Just knew you needed me.” You say after a moment of silence. “We’ve got that telepathy. I know things.”
Bucky laughs softly. “Yeah? You just knew?” He finds himself believing your words, even though he knows the more likely scenario is that you couldn’t sleep either.
You sigh into the phone and Bucky shuts his eyes again. “Sam texted me, but I was already awake. I switched shifts with the night nurse today, so I’ll be awake all night.”
“You know you don’t have to call when you’re at work.” Bucky says quietly. “I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
You laugh. “I have a few minutes to myself while the other nurse mans the station. Most of the kids are asleep, so I can spare some time for you. Especially when you need me.”
Bucky nods for a second before realizing you wouldn’t be able to see it. “Thank you.”
“What’s wrong, James?” You ask in a whisper. He listens for a moment as you take a sip of something, probably your water, before deciding to answer.
“This is longer than I thought I’d be gone…” He trails off. Him and Sam were originally only supposed to be in New York for a few days, a week tops, but this mission had dragged on and it had already been almost two weeks. “I…” He trails off.
He missed home. Something he’d never thought he’d think of DC as. Brooklyn had been his home and he was only a bridge away. Brooklyn had been his home. Steve. Wakanda for a short period of time.
But Steve was gone. And he was no longer recovering under the Wakandans graceful care. Brooklyn was a distant memory and DC… Well DC had you. And at some point you had become home for him.
“I know.” You say quietly, like you understand his silence. You do, he supposes. You understand almost every part of him. You understand that he missed you and home , but that he still struggles to admit his feelings. “I miss you too, James.”
He doesn’t say anything in response, but he doesn’t really have a chance to. He hears a siren in the background then you rush out, “Shit. I have to go!” Then all that’s there is a dial tone. Bucky smiles though. You’re off to be a different kind of hero.
He sits in silence and lets your words wash over him. It was new having all these people who cared about him. Decades all alone and treated as a weapon made learning to let people in again a new kind of difficult.
But it didn’t feel as hard with you there to help, he thinks
He has to force himself to keep his eyes open. His nightmares had been particularly awful this week, and now he was sitting beside your heavily asleep body.
He was stuck staring at the repeating trailer on the netflix screen. Logically, he knows he could close his eyes and rest his head against yours on his shoulder.
But he was terrified a nightmare would take over and he would wake you up with a jolt, or worse hurt you if it was particularly awful.  
So, he forces himself to stay awake and watches the movie trailer again. He thinks you would like the movie.
“Buck.” You mutter tiredly. His eyes snap to you and he finds your eyes open and staring up at him. “Aren’t you tired?”
He shakes his head gently, careful to not move you. You narrow your eyes and slowly sit up. “Come on, let’s go to bed. You can stay here tonight.”
Bucky hesitates as you stand. He watches as you stretch your entire body and has to force his eyes to his lap when your shirt rides up and your stomach shows.
He had never spent the night at your place. He had spent all day. Even napped at your place often when he came over in the afternoon and you forced him to rest.
He always left before you went to sleep though. So he could suffer through his dreams on his own. So he didn’t drag you down.
You look down at him with soft eyes. “Grab some water. I’ll be in my room, okay?”
“I can go home. I don’t want to intrude.” He answers. Bucky looks out your window and sees just how dark and dead the streets outside were. It wasn’t like he had anything to worry about walking home.
You’re shaking your head before he can even finish. “It’s late and you’re tired, I don’t want you getting hurt. Stay here.” The words are quiet but hold a fierceness that Bucky knows not to argue against.
He nods. “I’m gonna grab some water then.” The nerves coiling around his stomach is almost worth it when your face lights up and you nod excitedly.
The two of you split up in the hall. You moving towards your bedroom and him into the kitchen. After pouring a glass of water, he stands still for a moment and just studies the room.
Your counter is crowded. Different appliances pushed against the wall, ready to be pulled out and plugged in whenever you wanted. A utensil holder stuffed to the brim with spoons and spatulas that seemed to keep appearing. Mail piling up on the counter. A scrub top draped over the back of one of your barstools.
Your kitchen was crowded, but lived in and so very you that Bucky loved it. He loved you, he thinks almost hesitantly.
He pushes the thought to the back of his mind when you call his name out. He knew he cared about you deeply and he loved you as a friend but this feeling in his chest and the speed of his heartbeat makes him think maybe he’s started to feel more. Or maybe he always has.
He doesn’t want to ruin this though. So he pushes the thought away and makes his way towards your room. “I can sleep on the…” His words die on his tongue when he sees the small set up of blankets and pillows beside your bed.
You’re watching him nervously as you try to gauge his reaction. Bucky is stuck standing in stunned silence as he looks it over.
You’ve pulled out a thin duvet and placed it on the ground with extra pillows and blankets for him to lay on. “I remember Sam mentioning soldiers have a tough time sleeping through the night in a bed. Obviously you can sleep in the bed if you want but I just figured that…” You trail off and gesture towards the makeshift bed with a small flourish.
“This is…” He trails off. The warmth in his chest grows with each passing second and his heart races. “Thank you. This is perfect.”
A smile spreads across your face. “Good. Good. I was… I’m glad. And I’m right here if you need me. To protect you.” You say with a teasing glance as you crawl into the bed.
You lay on the side closest to where you’ve set up the floor for him. He laughs softly before moving towards his own space.
He’s still nervous to sleep in the same room. Still feels a little self conscious as he lays his head on the pillow and pulls the light blanket over him. But you don’t seem to really mind his presence as you make yourself comfortable above him.
He takes a deep breath. He definitely loved you.
And things like this gave him hope that you did, or maybe could, love him too.
Later that night he jolts awake with heavy breaths and you look down at him with worried eyes. He shakes his head when you open your mouth not wanting to talk about the dream.
It’s the same thing every time. People that he hurt who didn’t deserve it. The pain of his memories being erased. And he doesn’t want to weigh you down with his trauma anymore than he already has.
You watch him for a moment before nodding silently. Bucky thinks that’s the end of it but he’s shocked when your hand falls off the side of the bed palm open.
He glances up at you and you smile gently but say nothing. He reaches his right hand up and interlocks his fingers with yours.
It’s a little awkward and his arm tenses after a few minutes but it’s far too comforting for him to want to let go. Your hand tightens in his and Bucky finds it easier to fall asleep his hand intertwined with yours.
Bucky felt awkward in the hospital. He felt too hard and intimidating to be standing in the center of the pediatric ward waiting for you in your teddy bear scrub top and white bottoms.
“Excuse me?” He glances down when he feels a tug on his hand. There’s a young boy standing in front of him with wide eyes. “You’re friends with Captain America?”
Bucky hesitates for a moment before answering. “Yes.” He settles on saying as gently as he can.
He glances around in search of you. He had texted you when he arrived at the hospital and you had responded with a thumbs up, but he was assuming you had gotten busy in the time in between.
The boy squeals excitedly. “Is he here too? Can I meet him?”
Bucky shakes his head softly and kneels to be at eye level with the boy. “He’s home with his family.” When his eyes begin to water and his lip pouts, Bucky begins to panic. “But! I’m sure he’d love to visit soon! I can bring him! What’s your name?”
“Riley!” He looks up at the sound of your voice. A large smile spreads across your face at the sight of Bucky kneeling before the kid.  You say something to the nurse beside you before rushing down the hall towards them.
“Riley.” You place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “What are you doing out of bed? You’re supposed to be in bed.” You look down with imploring eyes and the young boy looks away with an embarrassed smile.
“But! It’s Bucky! He’s Captain America’s sidekick.” Bucky’s mouth falls open in shock at the boy's statement.
“Sidekick?” Bucky asks in an offended tone. “Well-“ He cuts himself off when you look at him with exasperated eyes.
“And he said he would bring Captain America in! To meet me!” The boy's excitement obviously leaves him ignorant of Bucky's offense at being called a sidekick.
“And I’m sure he will. But right now you should be in bed.” You say sternly. The boy nods dejectedly and allows you to lead him back into his room.
When you come back out a large smile spreads across your face at the sight of Bucky standing and wiping his hand against his pants.
He can’t help but reciprocate the same large smile. He drops the bag in his hand on the counter beside him and opens his arms as you slam into him with your arms around his waist.
“Thank you so much! I thought my night was ruined!” You pull away but don’t let go as you smile up at him. “We can eat in the cafeteria.”
You grab the bag before he gets the chance to. You turn to the nurse that was sitting and going through charts next to you and with a big grin say, “Page me if you need me, I’ll be in the cafeteria!”
The woman nods with a soft laugh before looking down at the computer. You take Bucky’s hand in yours and begin to pull him towards the elevator.
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. I know hospitals aren’t your thing.” You say quietly as the two of you step in. You lean away and press the two button.
Bucky thinks for a moment that you’re going to let go of his hand now that you’re not leading him anywhere but you don’t. Bucky smiles at the thought of this becoming a normal occurrence.
Your hand just felt right in his.
“Anything for you, doll.” He says quietly. He glances at you quickly before looking back at the descending numbers. “You’re my best girl.”
You nudge him with your shoulder as you laugh quietly. “That sounds like a line right out of the forties.”
Heat rises to Bucky’s cheeks but he laughs along. “You can take the man out of the forties but you can't take the forties out of the man.”
The two of you look at each other before you both burst out laughing. When the elevator stops on your designated floor you pull him out with you.
“As long as I get to be on the end of all that forties charm, I don’t mind a bit.” You lean into his side and smile brightly.
Bucky looks away as his cheeks turn an even brighter red. You giggle quietly when he looks back down at you. “Yeah. It’s always you at the end of it.”
The two of you look at each other for a moment before you pull him into a crowded cafeteria. “Let’s eat before I’m paged back to my floor.”
Bucky had grown more comfortable around you the longer you knew each other, but he still struggled to be fully comfortable with his arm.
It was a different arm, Steve had said once what felt like forever ago. He had rationalized with Bucky. His other arm had been attached to him and forced on him as a weapon. This arm had been made for him with peace in mind. It was untarnished. Mostly.
But a different arm didn’t change much for him. He had still caused so much pain with it. Was it really that different at all? His arm had always and will always be looked at as a weapon.
So he still wore long sleeves and a glove most of the time. Rarely let you see his biggest shame. You usually didn’t push. Sat on his right side. Held his right hand. You rarely said anything about it, it was almost like it didn't exist.
But, curiosity won out sometimes.
“Why won’t you let me see your arm?” You ask quietly one night. He’s sitting on one of your bar stools as you mix a pasta sauce in front of him.
It had been silent most of the night. You insisted on cooking your famous (at least that’s what you called it) pasta dish after not seeing him for a few days as a welcome home.  
Bucky looks up at you with shocked eyes. You had never mentioned wanting to see his arm. He had assumed you didn’t want to.
“I… I don’t know.” He says quietly. He taps his fingers, his flesh fingers, against the counter top nervously. You watch him with hopeful eyes waiting for a real answer to the question. “I guess it’s easy to pretend it’s not there when someone’s never really seen it.”
“Hm.” You mumble in response. You step away from the stovetop and move towards him. “Why would you want to pretend it doesn’t exist? It’s a part of you.”
Bucky looks down at the gloved hand in his lap. “Doll… It’s not… It’s an ugly part of me. Dark and violent. And when I’m with you I get to pretend I’m not that.”
You come to stand in front of him. “There are no ugly parts of you. There’s you. There’s dark and there’s hurt and traumatized parts, but no part of you is ugly. Because on the other end of those there’s bright and happy and healing. Growth. James Buchanan Barnes, I can’t emphasize how beautiful I think you are.”
You raise your hand to rest it against his cheek and force him to look up at you. He shuts his eyes and leans into it. “And I’d really like to see your arm. To know that part of you too, but I won’t make you show me. I want you to show me on your own time.”
Bucky lets himself relish in the softness of your hand against his cheek before leaning away. “Okay…” He takes a deep breath. “Okay.”
He begins to shrug out of his jacket when your hand comes to rest on his right shoulder. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I need you to know that.” You say quietly.
Bucky gives you a small smile. “I know… Doll, you’re the person I trust most in the world. I want you to know me. All of me.”
You smile down at him and take a step back to give him space. Bucky shrugs the jacket off quickly before he can second guess himself. The glove comes off next and Bucky feels strangely naked as your eyes trace over him.
“Buck…” You trail off. Your hand comes up before pausing. You look up at him with questioning eyes and he nods. Your hand comes to rest on his shoulder and you raise his sleeve up a tiny bit to look at the scars that litter his shoulder.
Bucky rarely looked at the scars there. Decades of the arm built by HYDRA had destroyed so much of his skin it had taken forever for Shuri to properly fix and build his new arm.
Your hand moves from his shoulder to the metal arm and your fingers trace over the plates and move through the lines of gold. You move your hand in silence. Slowly taking in the creation.
“This is beautiful.” You finally say quietly as your hand meets his. You interlock his metal fingers in yours and he pulls you closer. You look down at him with a sincere smile. “How could you ever think this is anything but beautiful?” You ask quietly.
Your other hand comes to rest on his cheek again. Bucky looks up at you and sees a flurry of emotions flicker in your eyes.
Part of him wants to pull you down and kiss you senseless. Show you how much he appreciates your never ending warmth.
But he can’t bring himself to ruin the moment. Finds that he doesn’t really want to. He enjoys being here intertwined with you.
And I.
He doesn’t hide his arm from you anymore. Finds himself shedding his jacket and gloves the second he’s inside your apartment.
You don’t really say anything, but he’s noticed the smile on your face whenever you notice him in his short sleeve shirt. He thinks one day he’ll be ready to go out without gloves on. He’ll wear short sleeves out in the summer instead of covering up with the jacket.
But now with you, it feels like progress enough.
You sit on his left most of the time now, like tonight, and hold his metal hand in yours like it’s flesh. It had taken some getting used to. He had flinched away the first time you’d done it, but now it felt almost like habit.
You didn’t seem to think leaning against his metal arm was uncomfortable at all. Never showed signs of discomfort when your head rested against his shoulder.
“I love you.” You say quietly. So quietly Bucky almost doesn’t hear it. He freezes for a moment before swallowing and nodding. He assumes you mean the words as a friend, he had heard you say them to Sam and your other friends from work.
“Me too.” He says just as quietly. He’s sure if he says the actual words you’ll see just how much he means them. How terribly in love with you he is.
But that doesn’t seem good enough because you sit up and place a gentle hand on his cheek that forces him to look you in the eyes.
“James, I love you.” You say the words with so much passion that Bucky knows without hesitation that you mean you’re in love with him. That you loved him as more than a friend.
Tears gather in his eyes as he nods. “I love you too, doll.” He laughs wetly as a smile spreads across your face. “God. I love you so fucking much it’s scary.”
You laugh too. “Good. I was so fucking scared. Buck, you’re my best friend. I… I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Bucky’s hand moves from his lap to your cheek before landing behind your neck. He pulls you in and when he kisses you and you kiss back he thinks he finally understands how much you love him.
Moments flash in his mind as you crawl onto his lap so you’re straddling him. Your constant patience with him. The gentle way you say his first name. The bright smiles and great excitement.
The ability to see the beauty in him.
You pull away with a deep breath and begin peppering kisses across his face. “I love you. I love you. I love you.” You say quietly.
Bucky shuts his eyes as he relishes in your affection. “I love you too.” He murmurs. You had become his home.
Somebody who could mend the crack caused by Steve’s departure. Different aspects of his life, yes, but you had helped him heal nonetheless.
He loved you.
And you loved him. You always had. It had just taken Bucky some time to understand how you showed it.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 7: Somnophilia (+Double Penetration - 2 holes)
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Words: 2,397
Warnings: Somnophilia, double penetration, anal sex, sex toys (dildo + plug), dom!Roger, protected sex, light degradation (slut), edging
A/N: This was kind of inspired by a couple of different posts I saw on a (now deleted) porn blog. I’ve been wanting to do something with the concepts for a little while now and this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
I guess I was picturing 70s rog since its a flatmate/fwb type relationship but go nuts imagining whatever you want lmao
It hadn’t been Roger’s idea to set up a friends with bennefits type arrangement, but he’d liked the suggestion when you made it and before the end of the night was out you’d sealed the deal, so to speak. He’d been a touch tispy at the time, as had you, but when he woke up in your bed the next morning he hadn’t believed it to be a mistake, even if you were his flatmate. And so the arrangement (or as Roger dubbed it, The Fuckbuddy Pact) stuck. In an effort to make sure neither of you would feel weird about what happened and to avoid anything becoming too much like a relationship, Roger suggested that you should get all your kinks and weird fetishes out into the open straight away. 
“That way we’ll both know what we’re in for from the jump,” he said, looking at you from the opposite end of the couch, “None of that getting to know you shit, or taking our time. We’re both here for sex so let’s just figure out what sex we’ll both like and get straight into it, right?”  “Sounds excellent,” you’d said, cheersing his bottle of beer with your glass.   It was how he’d discovered your interest in somnophilia (a term he’d not heard before and had needed a thorough explanation of). But once he knew what it was, Roger had been keen to try it out with you. There were other things too but the somnophilia was the newest to him and, thus, the most exciting. Before the month was out you’d figured out a system to incorproate it into your sex safely. The main rule was that if either of you was asleep and naked, it was okay to initiate sex. Eventually there ended up being a few exceptions or addendums added to that rule – it was still okay if the sleeping party wore a top of some kind as long as they were pantsless, and once or twice lingerie had been deemed to not count as clothes, but only on special occasions when you’d prearranged it. It became a regular part of your sex lives, which was especially useful for Roger who often didn’t get home from playing gigs until the early hours of the morning. If you were in bed and undressed, he’d take the opportunity to blow off some of the adrenaline without having to use his hand which was underwhelming compared to your cunt. But, more often than not, you’d do what most sexual partners did and got it out of your systems before bed time.  
Roger already suspected that you were hoping for a quick tumble when he heard the knock on his door, but he had other things on his mind too as he told you to come in.  “Hey, Rog, you busy?”  “Uhhh yeah, sorry, running late for rehearsals but I can’t find my fucking drumsticks,” Roger said, moving things around his desk as he searched for the missing sticks.   “Oh, damn.”  “Let me guess,” he said, pausing in the hunt and turning to face you, “horny?”  “My friend recommended a porn thing and I kinda got worked up.” You shrugged, unembarrassed to admit what you wanted.  That self-confidence was enough to make Roger wish he could stay and give you what you wanted but he was already late and couldn’t afford to be later. Instead he laughed and turned back to double check his backpack, “I would but, I’m leaving as soon as I fin- Aha! Bloody things must have rolled off the bed. Sorry, Y/N.”  “Oh, no worries. I’ll take care of myself.”  He smiled at the thought, “Well I better go. See you tonight?”  “Yeah, see ya. Have fun.” 
It was later than he’d expected by the time Roger got home. Part of him (the part in his pants mostly) vaguely wondered if you’d still be up for something but the bits of him controlled by his brain thought it more likely that you’d have had a nice couple of orgasms on your own and called it a night. Still, he thought he might at least check in on you once he’d dropped his bag in his room. To his surprise though, his bed wasn’t empty like it should have been. He jumped when the light from the hall softly illuminated you, on your back and deep asleep, but his shock quickly turned to delight as he realised you were naked.   “You little minx,” he muttered under his breath, impressed by the invitation you were giving him. But as he walked closer he paused again, noticing something he hadn’t been able to see from the doorway. There, beside your hand, was your favourite glass dildo, as if you’d passed out after using it.  “Oh you are naughty,” Roger chuckled. He traced one hand down your body, between your breasts and over your stomach, and softly said your name, checking if you’d rouse. But you were deep asleep and not likely to wake up any time soon. A plan for what to do with you forming, Roger stepped away from you for a moment to strip down to his briefs. His cock was already beginning to stir at the sight of you. He reached out to touch you again, less cautiously this time, palming your breasts before dipping his hand lower and lower, down to your cunt, pleased to find you still wet from whatever you’d been doing before you fell asleep.  You let out a soft hum as he explored you, thumb teasing over your clit as he wet his fingers between your folds.   Roger paused at the sound, not ready for you to wake up yet, but once it was clear you were still asleep he sank two fingers into you. Slowly they penetrated your heat, pausing to make sure the sensation hadn’t roused you at all. But you slept on. Carefully Roger partially withdrew his fingers before sinking them in again, gradually working up to a consistent thrust that had your unconscious body sighing and spreading your legs wider.   “Good girl,” he whispered, watching you carefully. The hall light was still on but his door wasn’t open fully so the darkness was only dimmed slightly. He twisted his fingers inside you, easily finding the spots that usually made you scream his name but which now just made your eyebrows knit together. By this point in your relationships Roger was quite confident that he could understand your body. He’d made you cum enough times, awake and asleep, to know what you liked and just how much you liked it. And he knew what it looked like when you were close to orgasm. Which is how he knew to stop, to still his fingers and wait for you to calm down.  
There was no real reason to edge you. If anything it just made it more likely you’d wake before he’d got his dick wet. But he had fun with it. Watching the way you’d shift, your chest rising and falling more rapidly, your lips parted as whimpers fell from them, your hips automatically rolling to meet his hand. And then he’d stop again. It made him chuckle quietly to himself. Knowing he could control your body so easily was thrilling. It made him want to do it more. So as soon as your face had relaxed again, your limbs loose and limp, he’d settle into the rhythm once more, curious how much you’d take before you woke up and begged him to finish you off. It was tempting to just keep going. He pictured you waking with a moan, your first words a plea for release or better yet for his cock so he could fuck you properly. Roger groaned. In the time he’d taken to edge you a handful of times his dick had well and truly stiffened and, as much as he enjoyed toying with you, what he really wanted was to cum in you so when you woke you’d know you’d been used. With that thought in mind he withdrew his fingers fully, taking a second to suck them clean and enjoy your taste. Having you on his tongue just made him want to fuck you more so he carefully knelt between your legs, shifting one to give himself a better angle. He was moments from finally taking what he so wanted to take from you, when something caught his eye.  
It didn’t glint as much as it did in the day but he could see it’s outline all the same. And when he double checked that he wasn’t imaging it, pressing his thumb against the hard end of it, you groaned.   “A dildo and a butt plug?” He asked you, knowing you wouldn’t respond, “Is that a surprise for me? Or is it just because nothing satisfies you like I do?” Roger’s hand slipped down to his underwear, pushing his briefs down enough that he could get his cock out. He hissed as he spread his precum along his length, contemplating how he should use you. “Could fuck your cunt now and hope you stay asleep long enough for me to get back there. Or maybe I should just go all in, have your arse straight away. That’ll mean wearing a condom though. Or would it?” he shook his head, now was not the time to try anal raw for the first time, “No, condom definitely.” He was still trying to decide what to do when you shifted in your sleep, rolling onto your side. The new position you lay in made it much easier to reach your arsehole.  “That decides it then,” Roger said to himself, shedding his underwear and opening his bedside draw for his lube.  
Carefully, he settled himself behind you and slowly began to remove your plug. It took a few stops and starts, pulling out and sinking in, almost fucking you with it, as you whimpered in your sleep but you seemed to press yourself back towards him as if trying to encourage him.   “Just can’t get enough of me, can you?” he chuckled as he set the plug aside and spread the lube around your hole. He rolled the condom down his shaft and spread the lube along it too, humming at the slick friction of his hand, knowing he was about to feel something a hundred thousand times better. And then he lined himself up, pushing the head of his cock into the ring of muscles you’d so generously stretched out with your plug. He went slowly there too, partially so you’d sleep on and partially so he wouldn’t cum embarrassingly fast.   When he finally began to fuck you, you moaned into your pillow, able to feel it in your sleep.   Roger bit his lip to keep his own moan from getting too loud.  You moved in your sleep again, your legs opening more as you half rolled onto your front. It let Roger fuck you deeper and gave him better access to your pussy too.  “You’re a bit of a whore when you’re alseep,” he said softly, reaching for the dildo. You were still wet enough that it sank into you easily, like it remembered where it had been earlier and fit into your cunt perfectly. The way you lay meant he didn’t have what he’d call easy access to you but it was enough that he could thrust the dildo somewhat rhythmically. He faltered here and there as the feeling of fucking you distracted him but he didn’t feel too bad about the slips, knowing it was keeping you from reaching your release. Your sleepy sighs and moans got louder as he filled both your holes which just made him fuck you harder, enjoying the sounds you were making and wanting to hear more.  
You woke with a broken moan in your throat, jerking under Roger’s hands but he shushed you, his palms warm against your skin and his voice familiar and reassuring.   “Stay right there, baby. Being such a good set of holes for me to enjoy.”  You couldn’t do much more than moan again, dazed from the sudden way you’d been pulled back to consciousness and realising what you’d felt in your dreams had been very real indeed.   “This was what you wanted wasn’t it? When you fell asleep in my bed.”  You nodded, the sound of the fabric of the pillowcase loud against your ear.  “Uh uh, words Love. If you’re going to be a slut the least you can do is admit it.”  “Yes, Rog. Want-wanted this.”  “Good girl. And how do you feel now?”  “Oh god, close. So close.”  Roger slowed the pace of the dildo, putting more effort into thrusting into you, his hips slapping loudly against your skin.   You keened at the loss of friction.  “Slut-s don’t com-complain.” Roger grunted as he used you, “They t-ake what they’re giv-en.”  You whined but that just made Roger laugh, louder now you were awake but broken by groans and moans of his own.   It didn’t take much more for him to cum, stuttering out, “Fu-ck Y-Y/N,” as he did.  
Roger was panting as he eased himself out of your arsehole, replacing his cock with the plug and giving your hip a light tap of thanks. The dildo was still inside you, but he’d not been moving it at all as he reached his climax so it wasn’t much help.   “Did you cum?” he asked, his breathing still heavy as he flopped onto the mattress beside you.  You shook your head and sighed, “And after I waited here all night to surprise you too. Thought you’d be home sooner.”  “Is that why you had the toys? You got bored waiting for me?”  “No, I was expecting you to come home while I was using them. Only then I came and fell asleep.”  "Of course,” Roger laughed, “you still got your shag though, don’t know why you’re complaining.”  “I’m really fucking horny still, that’s bloody why. What are you smirking about?”  “Nothing. Just nice to know edging you in your sleep works just as well as when you’re awake.”  “Prick!” you squealed though unable to contain your smile at the idea.  “Don’t worry. Give me a few minutes to clean up and get my stamina back and then I’ll make you cum as many times as you want.” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Hey! This is a bizarre ask but hopefully a welcome one after *gestures at the destruction and fire*. I’m completely new to the Loki/thorki fandom, having essentially come in via the exit door by watching the Loki tv series first. I was honestly just watching it for junk value to have something in the background while I knit. However, when I realized that I didn’t understand anything by the middle of Ep. 1, I went back to watch Thor 1 so I could get what was going on. And HOLY SHIT I was utterly captivated by Loki’s character in the original movie, as well as by the Loki-Thor and Odin family dynamics. I’ve now watched through the films and have been increasingly disappointed by the portrayal of Loki (since Avengers 1 frankly) save a few glimmers of good characterization here and there.
I can’t believe that I’m getting myself into another queer coded (and now more than coded wtf) “villain” with a tragic backstory who’s done dirty by the fandom at large, but here we are! I’m also super into thorki because goddamn… they sure do have a Dynamic™.
So I guess my question is, what is actually good here? I feel like I’ve been trying to fight my way back to Kenneth Branagh!Loki, and have been largely unsuccessful within canon content. Do you have suggestions for a newcomer re: fics, fanart, and meta that actually treats Loki seriously? (and thorki as well?)
Hey! Welcome! Sorry about the mess *gestures at the garbage fire that is the TVA Show The Larry Show The "Loki" Show*
And this isn't a bizarre ask at all. It was really nice to receive actually! And yeah! I'm so glad you went back and watched the originals. The TV Show character is a completely new character played by the same actor who has nothing in common with the original character (who yes is absolutely fascinating and captivating and multilayered). Honestly I just think of the tv character as Larry, Loki's dumb lookalike cousin bc they have nothing in common lol. So glad the show led to you discovering good content...and thorki. And yeah Thor 2011 is amazing! It's so underrated. If you want meta relating to that and also just gushing about the film you can def check out my Thor 2011 tag.
My thorki tag of course has thorki stuff including art etc. I've also got an art tag which has both thorki and non-thorki works. If you want fic recs you can look in my fic rec tag which has a bunch of good stuff both thorki and gen.
Also here are some good thorki fics to start out with that I've really enjoyed. Most are ones I read early on when I just discovered the ship. Also @illwynd has a great thorki blog btw that you should def check out (and also their sideblog @throwbackthorki). Edit: I’ve also added some gen fic recs.
Thorki Fic Recs:
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
Loyalty at Any Price by seidrade (words: 22,663 | rating: E )
“This whole time, I’ve been searching the Nine Realms— alone— for answers to questions I barely know how to ask. I thought Heimdall at his watch, our father upon the throne, and most grievously… I thought you lost to me forever.” Thor’s resurgence of anger gives way to something like despair. He can’t tell whether he wants to pummel Loki into one giant bruise, or hold him and weep like a child.
When Thor returns to Asgard and exposes Loki’s deception, his demands for answers and Loki’s reluctance to give them soon bubble over into a cathartic confrontation.
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki's arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Yidrigar by epistolic (words: 5,174 | rating: M)
Sometimes I am envious, but never doubt that I love you.
The Heavy Crown by orphan_account (words: 10,024 | Rating: M )
Odin is dead. Loki must take up the mantle of King even as war threatens Asgard, Thor remains bereft of both Mjolnir and his immortality, and stress coupled with the knowledge of his heritage drives Loki to the brink.
No Common Thing by ravenbringslight (words: 8,283 | rating: E)
Loki follows Thor to a brothel and gets the shock of his life.
On the Eagle's Wings by illwynd (words: 2,975 | rating: T )
After Loki falls from the Bifrost, Thor begins to write him letters every day.
How long we were fooled by Ark (words: 28,227 | rating: E )
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
sunshine by thorvaenn (words: 18,257 | rating: E )
A post Infinity War fluffy piece.
Thor and Loki are among those who are trying to pick up the pieces, but must first fix each other.
Edit: And Some Gen Fic Recs too:
lose my idols to find my voice by Lise (words: 1,548 | rating: T)
This is no homecoming.
monstrare by Lise (words: 1,174 | T )
Loki is Asgard's second prince, brother to Thor, son of Odin and Frigga.
Isn't he?
farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear by Lise (words: 3,113 | rating: T)
Loki and the terrible, horrible, no good, very long delayed reckoning.
Five Times Loki Could Have Been A Villain by Kadorienne (words: 3,344 | rating: G | Character Death)
Five AUs where Loki is not a mere antagonist, but an actual villain.
He would have acted very differently.
When It Sings, When It Lies by dreamsthebirds (words: 14,145 | rating: G)
Thor AU, based on an awesome norsekink prompt for a scenario in which Heimdall doesn't open the Bifrost to Jotunheim, Odin doesn't ride to the rescue, and Loki is forced to take matters into his own hands.
Interdimensional journeys, shattering emotional revelations, and walking trees ensue.
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni (Words: 14,574 | rating: T)
When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
The Sinking Feeling of Anticipation by JaggedCliffs (words: 8,624 | rating: G)
When Æsir come of age, they receive a gift from their parents, one meant to aid them in their adult lives. When a prince of Asgard comes of age, their gifts are not just for themselves, but for the realm.
Loki watched Thor receive Mjolnir at his coming of age ceremony – one of the greatest weapons in the realms, for one of its greatest warriors. Now, it's Loki's turn, and he knows Odin will grant him something just as magnificent.
Won't he?
Exsanguination by Lise (words: 8,610 | rating: G)
exsanguination /ex·san·gui·na·tion/ v.intr. To be drained of blood. (And all the rest.)
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