#yeah I mean there’s so much I could do if only I wasn’t burdened by this fandom
daydadahlias · 2 years
if you never discovered 5sos what would you be doing with your free time you think?
crack cocaine
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ugotcooneycrossed · 9 months
have i told you lately, im grateful youre mine • alessia russo
w/c: ~900
alessia doesn't like anyone as much as she likes you- or, how mean girl less is really just a big softie
a/n: i dont really love this but its done so
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the skies are overcast- the cold wind hitting your cheeks and nose- no matter how hard you try to cover them in your scarf.
it’s raining- small droplets fall down and splatter on the ground, and on your clothes- well alessia’s clothes, but really it’s basically yours anyway.
it feels just like home really.
you had no reason to make the move to america- unfortunately gifted with the burden of two left feet, and asthma so bad your breathing could rival that of a pug, a sport scholarship was out of the question. thankfully your skills in books landed you with endless opportunities, that wouldn’t cause you to fall on your face. you could’ve gone to any uni really- but with an academic scholarship calling, and the promise of much better weather, you couldn’t turn it down.
and it was only ironic that you met alessia when you finally got to UNC- stargirl to the extreme and very- very serious footballer. even thinking about her sport made you breathless- or well, thinking about her playing football with the stupidly attractive captains armband made you breathless.
friday night games are your favourite- all your focus can be diverted to watching your girlfriend play.
and like every other week- your voice is sore from how much you’ve been cheering and screaming for the blonde striker.
they’re winning two – nil, those scored by of course alessia.
and no matter how many games you go to, no matter if they’re here at UNC or somewhere across the world for youth international duties, and no matter how many times she scores. you will always be the loudest one cheering.
you manage to make eye contact with her, beaming at her and sending her a thumbs up-and she smirks back at you, blowing you a kiss. your cold cheeks start to warm and you sit back down when the people around you start to tease you.
everyone and their mothers know who alessia russo’s girlfriend is- she’s quite known for her possessive streak around campus.
there was the time where she poured her drink on someone when they didn’t get the hint, also the time she came to you at half-time at her game to steal your jacket so everyone could see the number on the back of your shirt- then nursing you back to health when you inevitably got sick, and also the time she blew off training and had to run laps- all because she wanted to cuddle.
so, no- she’s not subtle at all.
not that you’d complain of course- her jealousy is very attractive.
by the time the stands clear out- it’s just you left, waiting for your girlfriend to finish her post match routine.
“hey (y/n)!”
you beam at the voice- running down the steps to jump into lotte’s arms for a hug.
“hi! you were so great out there!”
“how do you know- I’m sure lessi was all you could focus on.”
“that’s not true carlotte. i love all you girls equally.”
“hmm well i wasn’t even playing, so i think you’re lying.”
lotte wiggles her eyebrows at you, and your mouth drops I shock- before you rub the back of your neck in embarrassment.
“sorry lotts.”
“just kidding! i really was playing- but you still didn’t notice so ha!”
“go bother someone else’s girlfriend lotte- or, go get your own!”
alessia swings her arm around your shoulder and your hand comes up to hold hers- fingers entwining. alessia presses a kiss to the side of you face and stares at lotte.
“calm down less- i’m just messing around.”
you elbow your girlfriend.
“yeah, yeah. bye now lotte i’ll see you tomorrow.”
you both watch the older girl walk away- and alessia sets off, arm still around your shoulders, bringing you close to her side. you start to stumble over your feet at the awkward angle she’s created.
“less let me go- i can’t walk properly.”
in the few years alessia’s been here, she’s garnered quite the reputation- a harsh captain with a mean streak, always quick with insults, and never afraid to get into a physical fight.
she’s competitive, and judgemental- and well a mean girl.
but you know better.
you know that she’s a sucker for romantic films- no matter how many times she tells you its stupid, she’ll always end up crying first.
you know that she lets you win- at any game really, ‘miss sore loser’ seems to always forget how to play whenever its against you.
you know that her jealousy is just because she loves you- and despite time, and time again reassuring her that she doesn’t need to be jealous, that you have and always will love just her- she continues to bite the head off just about anyone who so much as looks at you.
you can especially see it in the way she grips your hand tighter, the way her eyes glare at anyone daring to get too close, but mostly- you can tell in the way she refuses to let you go, from whatever party youre at, all the way back to your dorms.
shes a softie really- hanging off you as if you were her lifeline- puckering her lips and begging for kisses.
no one knows her the way you do.
the way you could do absolutely nothing with her and itd still be perfect.  
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planetnini · 1 year
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࿔・゚*࿐ You kept catching glimpses of Suguru around even after his death. Thinking it may have been a trick on your mind, you brushed it off but when someone that looks and sounds exactly like him shows up at your apartment, you have no other choice but to take matters into your own hands... that is until you find out that he still might be in there.
pairing. geto suguru x gn!reader
tags. angst,, like seriously angst (this hurts so much please listen to me), the first half is a trick there is no happy ending, shibuya arc spoilers!!! (kenjaku is a bitch), violence/fighting (i get a bit descriptive sorry) and of course,,, major character death :)
word count. 2.8k
notes. this idea came to me one night and bambi encouraged me to write it so here it is. i hope no one kills me for this, i also can't believe this is my first official fic of jjk... anyways, get ready to (c)rumble, thank you! <333
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“I thought I told you not to worry about me.” you said, phone tucked on your shoulder holding it to your ear as you took the grocery bag from the old lady giving a curt nod and smile. You moved the bags in one hand and pulled the phone out from your shoulder, pressing it against your ear.
“But then what else would I do?” Satoru whined, masking his concern with a playful question as you walked to the crossing, going to take the usual route home.
“Go bother someone else.” you teased.
Going for the dramatics you heard him gasp through the line, “You are so mean.” he replied and you don’t have to see him to know he is pouting. 
You chuckled, stopping in your tracks as you glanced over the scenic route through the park contemplating to take the long way home. Your attention is suddenly turned to the children with their parents, chasing each other around.
Your heart stuttered.
The mere sight elicited thoughts about your future; the plans you had come up with; the dreams you’d wish to share with Suguru that were torn away from you. The burdens of the jujutsu world were too much to handle alone, and you just know that if you were just a bit more attentive, you could have saved him.
“You need to be reminded that you’re not the only special grade sometimes.” you said, glancing at the way the soft cerulean of the sky weaved with a beautiful light orange. The sunset reminding you of days when Suguru would take you out after missions together.
“Do you think you’re stronger than me?” he chimed, and you rolled your eyes at his comment. Satoru was always like this but you knew that his voice was laced with worry and concern.
“I’m going to hang up.” you threatened as your feet move against their own will, deciding to take the long way home today. The cherry blossoms danced along with the wind, falling beneath you on the concrete as you continued down the path.
It is quiet for a moment and you think Satoru has hung up on you in response to your comment but when you hear him sigh, you can’t help but do the same.
It has been a rough few years for everyone, especially for Shoko, Satoru, and yourself. Not only had you lost your best friend the first time but you also had to lose him another time.
“Are you still there?” he interrupted your thoughts.
“Yeah.. I’m still here.” you replied as you let out an exhale, kicking some pebbles along your path.
“Are you still seeing him around?” he questioned, words picked out carefully.
You sighed, “you make me sound insane.” you responded as you stood at the traffic light waiting for the cars to pass by. Your eyes moved to the blossom leaves falling atop your head and on your clothes.
“I never said you were insane Y/N.” he grumbled and you can’t control the way your whole body relaxes at his words. You knew Satoru cared for you deeply and you had always appreciated it even if you didn't really show it. He had always kept an eye out for you, even before Suguru’s death, and while he was a handful, you knew he always had good intentions. “It wasn’t easy to be there." he added.
You thought back to that day where Satoru insisted you stay back as he went to find Suguru but one look at you and he caved. You wanted to go to find newfound peace but seeing him in this state did nothing for your closure, it only made your heartache worse.
Seeing him smile at you like he did the first day you met had sent butterflies all throughout your body.
Everything about him- every minuscule detail about him- had been exactly as you had remembered. He still had the same sweet and playful look in his eyes. He still had the same goddamn smile. He was still the same person you fell in love with all those years ago so it hurt. You cried, wept, and tried to be strong as you thought about the moments shared with him and how cruel it was that this was where you ended up.
You leaned down, and kissed his cheek as tears adorned your cheeks. Holding his hand and with three tight squeezes- a sign of sorry that you established as your relationship blossomed- he closed his eyes, prepared for the worst as a tear rolled down his face, and then he took his last breath.
“Satoru…” you uttered, completely speechless as you tried to clear your head, “I wanted to be there.”
There was a pregnant pause.
“Do you think it’s possible?” he questioned, uncertainty laced in his voice.
“That what Satoru? That by some miracle he’s alive?” you replied immediately regretting it.
It wasn’t just you that had to grieve the loss of Geto Suguru, and as much as you wanted to just go about your day without thinking about it, guilt would eat away at your bones for not constantly thinking about him.
“i’m sorry.” he sighed and you felt your heart clench at his apology. Why should he be apologising? It was unfair that grief was making you behave this way and you knew that sooner or later you'd need to talk to someone about it.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I just don’t think my mind will let me forget it...” you sighed as you continued to walk slowly to your apartment.
The line is quiet and you don’t know what else to say. You don’t expect Satoru to even reply to you.
“You don’t have to forget. You can just live with it.”
Shoko had once told you that 'grief was love with no place to go' and while you hadn’t really understood it then, you did now. It was a way to understand the emotional ruins of grief as a continuation of the love you once had, even if the object of that love is no longer a part of your life. In a sense, Satoru was also telling you the same thing. He acknowledged that moving on didn't mean erasing the past and staying stagnant in the moment, but recognised that you can continue living a meaningful life whilst also carrying the grief with you.
You thought you were losing your mind and that seeing Suguru everywhere was a curse but maybe it was the world's way of letting you know that he was finally at peace. As you walked up the pathway to your apartment in a comfortable silence, you thought about his and Shoko’s words. 
Every single day you would return home to a place void of any remnant of Suguru. A place that is supposed to offer comfort now did the opposite but today felt different. Maybe it was a step towards another way of living and it wouldn’t be so hard to live with the grief.
“Where are you now?”
“Outside my door.” you spoke as you used a key to unlock the door.
“Okay. I’m glad you got home safe," he remarked, "I'll see you tomorrow?”
“See you then.”
“Stay safe.” he said and you know what he means.
“Love you too.”
You hung up the phone and took off your shoes before tossing everything onto the kitchen island and groaning as you stretched your back and neck. You turned to open the fridge, “Whoever you are, you have ten seconds to run before I kill you.”
You wouldn’t say you were the strongest, your abilities were nowhere to be compared to Satoru but everyone deserves a second chance, right? You let the entity decide its own fate. Don't say I didn't warn you...
“So... you’re the infamous Y/N.” 
That voice…
Your feet were frozen in place and you could feel your own heart sink into the pit of your stomach. There were words stuck in your throat as the nauseous feeling crept up and threatened to spill from your lips. This can’t be right… 
What felt like minutes passed by as you processed what, or rather who you just heard. The way your name rolled off their tongue was foreign. Was it really who you thought it was? Your mind must be going through it right now and although you know it’s not possible, you can’t help but hope it is who you think it is as you turned around.
“Suguru?” you uttered, eyes wide as the tears brimmed the edge of them as you stared at the man in front of you. 
“Bingo!” he chuckled.
You begged yourself to snap out of it. This was clearly a sick and twisted transformation technique but your heart betrayed you, standing there and not making a run for it.
“You’re probably thinking this is some illusion but thanks to your friend, I was able to obtain this body without much trouble.” he smiled and you felt goose bumps crawling up your arm at the strange sight. Despite how much this man looked and sounded like Suguru, you knew this was not the case at all.
Your jaw clenched, “What the fuck did you do to him?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” he said, standing up from your sofa as he trudged towards you, “My cursed technique allows me to transplant my brain into anybody," he explained and you're heaving as you tried to keep your rage at surface level, "I have access to all of his memories, his skills, and whatnot."
You don't have it in yourself to attack just yet.
"He lived a long time without you in his life but somehow," he paused, "you take up almost every single memory.” he sounded frustrated and the tears threatening to escape your eyes do so- whether he was telling the truth or not, they still hurt you immensely. 
“So why are you here?” you growled as your body allowed itself to move again and maintaining eye contact with him as you focused all your energy to charge your technique.
“You are a hindrance to my plans.”
His weakness.
You released your cursed technique at him immediately and launched him across the room and as you moved to the table to grab your phone. One of Suguru’s cursed spirits wrapped around your hands and restrained you and using your abilities, you managed to get away from it. You shot him a look as he tilted his head with a smile, “I gave you ten seconds to run but I have something else settled for you now” you snapped as you continued to use your technique to your advantage as you continued to fight him.
You would say that against Suguru, it had always been a close call of who would win in a fight but this time it felt difficult. Who was this guy?
You continued to attack the man, fighting back with all your might. He wasn’t actually Suguru, so you didn’t feel the need to hold back. He caught you off guard with a calculated move and knocked you to the floor. You saved yourself from further injury as you used your arm to break the fall, but you managed to hit your head on the furniture with your head in the process.
You winced pushing yourself off your elbow as the man walked towards you with his hands in front of you as he tried to force you up by the throat, “Suguru...” you managed to say before he could grab you. 
Before you can even process it, there is a twitch of his hand that came up to his throat, choking himself as his fingers pressed down against the side of his throat, ultimately stopping himself from putting a hand on you.
Your eyes widened as your breath caught in your lungs. Was he still in there?
Kenjaku’s eyes widened, as his vessel- Suguru’s body- fought against him, and a laugh that used to be full of joy now sounded like nails on a chalkboard as it echoed through your apartment, “This is impressive!" he spoke, amused at the action.
By no means was Geto Suguru still alive, but protecting you had become muscle memory; it was an instinct that has embedded itself deep within his soul, one that Kenjaku would never truly be able to understand..
You are still on the floor, blood dripped down the side of your head as you moved up from your spot. Using your technique, you try and catch him off guard by putting all your strength into your next move, attacking him when he least expects it, “In all my years, I have never seen anything quite like this and it is all because of you.” he cackled. 
“It sounds like somebody is scared.” you taunted, smirking at the imposter to try to size him up.
“Well, let me tell you this,” he cleared his throat, “When a part of the original host reacts, you know what that means?”
“What?” you seethed, jaws clenched as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
“He’s still in here.” he whispered, and t had caught you off guard.
You wanted to attack but instead your heart sabotaged your next move allowing Kenjaku to have the upper hand. You struggled to react as you felt the pain of something on your left side and suddenly, you are on the floor gasping for air and you can feel him hover over you.
He pinned you down to the floor and slammed you against it to stop you from struggling but you were already incapacitated so what was the point?
In terms of physical strength, Suguru would always win by a landslide and this is when you wished you had taken your training more seriously. 
There was a visceral reaction that tears at Kenjaku as he has you in his hands which entertains him once again, “You have some nerve calling yourself a special grade sorcerer,” he sneered, “Are you holding back?”
You looked up at him and tried your absolute best to move but the pain is too much to handle. You clenched your jaw as your breathing became erratic, “You will find no peace, so long as you live.” you choked out.
He laughed and wrapped his hand around your neck tighter, his right hand reaching over to your hand- you don’t know what he expected from you now that you’re bleeding out. "You're hilarious," he rejoiced as his hand intertwined with yours, “So let me make this easier for you. Just think about him...” Kenjaku needed you to suffer so that he could shake Suguru’s will to its core, stripping anything left he had. You don’t know what you expected but then you felt a gentle squeeze.
You forced your eyes open to look up at the man who squeezed your hand. It seemed that he was unaware at the action. This guy said he had all of Suguru’s memories so was he just doing this on purpose? Is this Geto Suguru or is this the imposter that is using his body?
“It is honestly so sweet just how much he loved you after all those years apart.” he chuckled.
Kenjaku continued to put pressure around your neck with one hand, feeling the exact opposite of what Suguru was probably going through- an intolerable, gut-wrenching pain, without exaggeration. He can’t do anything but squeeze his hand in yours again.
You can’t fight back, you have no will. Even if by some miracle, how could you possibly hurt the man in front of you? The man you once loved...
“Is that why you’re not fighting back? Do you love him too much to hurt him?” 
Suguru’s soul pleaded. 
He wondered why he couldn’t be strong right now for you and resist but it was no use. You could see a tear falling from his face now as the final fragment of his soul tried its best to push through.
You’re choking. You can't swallow. You can't breathe. You can only see the man you loved in blurry vision from the lack of oxygen and through tears. He was sorry...
“I… I.. forgive.. y-” you choked out, voice restricted as Kenjaku forced himself to push through with his execution, tightening his grip.The finality of it all settled deep within his soul as Kenjaku watched the life leave your eyes as you took your last breath.
A tear rolled down your cheek and your existence on the Earth came to an end.
Suguru was not really gone but he might as well have been. He will exist for a long time knowing that he was the one that killed you and that he couldn’t do anything to stop it either.
It was on that night for the first time that Kenjaku felt the overwhelming amount of agony from his vessel. His soul ached, cried, and wailed that night, longing to be with you but he couldn’t- that was just how things were meant to be for you two.
You hoped he knew that you forgave him and that you would love him endlessly but as for now, you would wait...
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tags! @stsgluver
i made y/n a special grade user because they could easily take down suguru if they wanted but just didn't do it hahahahahah
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ichatake · 4 months
do yandere kakashi and Obito reacing to reader replacing Rin when she dies. lets say obito gets saved by minato so he knows why exactly kakashi got Rin killed. So when reader joins the team theyre really mean to her and everything becus they cant believe she tried to replace rin. They become yandere after she heals them (she can have medical ninjutsu?) so they really start to like her
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Yandere Kakashi and Yandere Obito with the same S/O
Request open! (Request Rules)
A/N: thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!
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No one can be prepared to lose a close friend, and neither Kaashi or Obito were ready to lose Rin. It had been a dark day for them, Obito had been crushed by a boulder, which Minaro thankfully got there in time to help him. Then Rin sacrificed herself to save them and herself from the wrath of the three tailed beast.
Since Obito was present for most of the situation, he understood that Kakashi never meant to hurt Rin. Their friendship grew stronger as they both grieved the loss of their teammate. Of course, they were shocked when Minato mentioned they’d be joined by a new member. They couldn’t believe it! The audacity of replacing Rin in such a short amount of time was unbelievable.
Your presence was, of course, unwelcomed. You were a replacement, nothing else. You could never replace Rin, so they didn’t bother with you. There was no point. It wasn’t your fault you’d been placed with them, but they couldn’t help but hold it against you.
Kakashi was monotone when it came to you. You could never tell what he was thinking, and that bothered you a lot. When you tried speaking to him, he’d only listen, but never answer. That was the part that scared you the most. He was simply uninterested in being with you. You could waste your time asking him something, but that didn’t mean he’d actually answer you. You’d simply be harshly ignored by him.
Obito was a whole different case. Kakashi, although straight out ignoring you, never blatantly showed you just how much he disliked you, but Obito? This boy was the definition of obvious. He was the most affected by Rin’s passing, in his mind. She was his everything. How could he replace her?
When I say he was mean, I mean it. He yelled at you, scolded you, berated you, and simply treated you outright badly. He was condescending when you failed and you couldn’t get him to like you no matter how hard you tried. He hated you. You believe that wholeheartedly.
Now, you understood everyone grieves differently, but this was too much. You felt unwanted and unwelcomed. Minato had reassured you several times that everything would be fine, and to just give them some time, but you felt horrible! The only person that treated you nicely was your sensei… it was you against them.
When you trained, you were surprised to see how well they worked together. The loss of Rin has managed to mend their friendship, even if she had died at Kakashi's hands. Obito understood that the reason Rin died was not because Kakashi wanted to kill her, but because she’d rather die than live as a weapon for the rest of her life. Obito forgave Kakashi, and they promised each other they would never hold anything against each other, for Rin. They moved at an amazing rhythm; in perfect sync. They knew where to be and what to do without uttering a single word.
Their teamwork was off the charts, and you were slightly jealous. Why? Oh you know, it’s not like they thought you were a burden or anything. Yeah, every time the three of you had to work together, it would always end up in an argument.
“Jeez, are you slow?! Can’t you see I’m supposed to come from the right?!”
“Get out of the way! You’re messing things up!”
If Rin were here, we wouldn’t have to be dealing with all your mess!”
These were just some of the few things Obito would throw at you whenever you messed up their momentum. You were never good enough for them. You were too slow yet too quick. Too dumb, yet too smart. If you had to jump and you’d jump, they’d somehow find a way to let you know that you jumped the ‘wrong way’. You could never be good enough. You could never win.
You tried, you really did, but nothing worked. You’d be blamed for everything, and they’d say you were ‘dragging them down.’ Of course, they would complain to Minato, mostly Obito, but Kakashi would nod his head in agreement from time to time. Minato would scold them or brush them off. “She’s your teammate, like it or not. You better start treating her as one or else you two will be the ones getting in trouble,” this made them resent you even more.
You got used to everything. It had been a few months since you first got there, so you knew how to handle them. You trained so much and watched them train that when you were in the field once again, you didn’t fall behind. You were predicting their moves to be able to move in sync with them. You had studied them—your obsession of being at the same level finally paying off.
You didn’t understand why, but you expected some sort of praise. For once, you hadn’t been insulted or made fun off. You did everything right; you had caught up to them. So, as the three of you huffed and tried to gain your breath, Minato congratulated you. You couldn’t help the big smile that played on your lips, excited that you had finally gotten some praise. However, the boys never muttered a word. For you, it was a win! They weren’t insulting you or angry at you!
Once Minato saw your progress, he decided it was time for the three of you to go out on a mission alone. You, of course, were nervous. You weren’t sure of how things would play out. Would you mess up again? Would you be left behind? Would the mission even be completed? You didn’t know, but you calmed yourself down and convinced yourself that everything would be fine.
Thankfully, you had completed the mission. You only had to go back to the village. Miraculously enough, the three of you hadn’t gotten into an argument, you had yet to mess up, and things were going just great.
However, all three of you found yourselves in trouble. Rogue ninjas were happy to see three hidden leaf kids, and they were planning on sending a message. They had recognized Kakashi as the strongest one, so they wasted no time in getting him first.
Although wearing a mask, the sudden mist that clouded him had knocked him unconscious. No, it wasn’t mist, it was some sort of pollen one of the ninjas had thrown at Kakashi.
Obito had no idea what to do, but you weren’t going to leave Kakashi. There was a big chance that you would get hit by the pollen as well, but your limbs moved on their own. Soon, you were running full speed towards Kakashi’s unconscious body, lifting his weight over your shoulder. You weren’t going to leave him behind, never. No matter how badly he treated you, you would never leave teammates behind.
As you lifted Kakashi, you hadn’t noticed the kunais coming at you at full speed. They would’ve hit you in the head if it weren’t for Obito. He took the hit for you, and it stabbed him in the shoulder. “Let’s go!” He yells, helping you carry Kakashi as you escape.
Once you were far away and clear of any danger, you set Kakashi down on the ground. You check his pulse and sigh, relieved that he was still alive. “He’s still breathing, he’s just unconscious,” you smile, looking at Obito.
Your eyes widen as you see two kunais on his shoulders, “crap! You’re hurt, Obito!” You stand up and walk towards him, “sit down, I’ll help you,” you pull him down, much to his distaste.
“I’m telling you, I’m fine!” He tries to convince you, but you shush him.
“Don’t be an idiot! You’re not fine. I’ll pull them out—it’ll hurt for a little while, but I promise I’ll make you feel better,” you say, pulling out the knives and apologizing as he hissed in pain.
While helping him, you were gentle. He had never expected this from you. He had been nothing but horrible to you, and yet you treated him as if he were fragile.
You place your hands over his wound and close your eyes, focusing your chakra and beginning to heal the open wounds. It felt… familiar to Obito. He felt taken care of—cared for. It reminded him of… Rin. He gulps and looks at you, your eyes gentle and caring.
He couldn’t help how he felt. His heart started beating quickly as he felt you so close. He had never noticed how cute you were—no, he never noticed how nice you were. How kind and beautiful. You reminded him so much of Rin. Could you have been sent by Rin? Were you an angel he had been neglecting this whole time?
“Obito?” You look at him worriedly, “are you okay? You look a little—“
“I’m okay. Thanks to you,” he smiles, rubbing his neck, “I uh… Just, thank you,”
You were taken aback by this, but quickly give him a gentle smile, “you’re welcome. It was the least I could do after you saved my life. You were basically my hero back there,”
His stomach fluttered at your words, “your hero..?” He chuckles, “no, you’re the hero… if it weren’t for you, Kakashi would’ve been attacked… you’re the real hero,”
You enjoyed his praises. After being treated so poorly by him, it was nice to finally see him smile and compliment you. When you finish healing him, you walk towards Kakashi, placing a hand on his forehead. You wanted to make sure he wasn’t getting a fever because of the polen, “We should get going, I want to make sure Kakashi gets treated quickly. Who knows what was in that polen. It must’ve been really thick if it penetrated his mask,” you frown, pushing his hair out of his face.
Obito agrees, taking kakashi over the shoulder and waiting for you, “Hey uh… (Y/N),” he says, locking eyes with you before looking away, “I’m… sorry, for the way I’ve treated you… I real—,”
“It’s okay, Obito. As long as you don’t keep doing it, I forgive you,” you’d didn’t have hatred in your heart, and you knew how to forgive… Oh gosh, you were so much like her. Obito nods, shamefully smiling, “I promise you, I’ll never be dumb again. Well, dumb enough to treat you like I did…,”
Once you got to the village, you took Kakashi to the infirmary. You waited outside for any news with Obito, and you were relieved when the nurses told you he’d be okay. You didn’t get the chance to see him in the hospital, since you already had to go home. You needed rest, and with a little convincing from Obito, he walked you home.
After that day, Obito was so much nicer. He was a completely different person around you. He treated you so nicely, and never insulted you in any way. He complimented you in everything you did and he even offered to train with you more often.
Even kakashi seemed different. He’d actually speak to you, and nicely. He’d look for conversations and would often stay close to you. Their attitudes had taken a complete 180! You were… happy. You were glad that you finally got along. You were working together, and you were never failing. They made sure to make you feel like a part of their team!
Yeah, you were so distracted by how nice they were treating you, that you didn’t notice how they’d keep an eye on you at all times. How they would often want to take you home. How they would hurt themselves just to get you to take care of them. No, you were too busy basking on their kindness.
Whoops, Kakashi suddenly left his water bottle! Wait, maybe you could share yours with him. You know what they say, drinking from the same water bottle was like an indirect kiss.
Oh no! Obito left his food? Huh, I guess there was no harm in sharing your lunch with him. You’d eat from the same chopsticks, and it thrilled him.
For some reason, you had become their favorite obsession. You were their favorite pastime, favorite topic, favorite person. You clouded their minds at all times, and they didn’t know why. Your kindness got to them, and filled their hearts with some wicked obsession.
Yeah… you were stuck with them for who knows how long. If only you knew that they’d become unbearable as they grow older… and their obsession would become even stronger.
I mean, they were going to become men soon, with new desires and fantasies that only you could fulfill, but for now, you simply thought this was an innocent friendship.
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aka-indulgence · 9 months
Got a oneshot! Have a fic where Sans rejects your romantic pursuits with a happy twist ;)
CW: Flashback section containing Sans’ ex, where he wasn’t having a good time
(Sans & Gender Neutral Reader)
Sans doesn’t know what he thinks about the whole romance thing after a disastrous start. What happens when a precious friend confesses?
It wasn’t entirely unexpected.
Sans didn’t think much of it when you came that day. Sans would often usually invite you over anyway, though today you were first to ask him if you could visit. Which was fine- he’s never as comfortable with anyone else as much as he was comfortable with you. (Maybe Papyrus, but even then there were things Sans wouldn’t tell his brother because he didn’t want to burden him with problems that Sans would rather burden himself with.)
You were laughing. He always loved it when you laughed.
“so i told him: paper-thin skin? buddy. pal. i ain’t got skin.”
You were in an uproar, slapping your knee. “Oh my god! I’d give the world to see the look on his face,”
“oh yeah. definitely unforgettable. man got so red faced he looked like he was gonna burst. he then stomped out like an angry toddler.”
You were giggling, before the both of you fell into a silence. That was a normal part of conversations, Sans was used to it. Especially with you, the silence was never unwelcome. But this time… something felt different. The air has shifted. Your carefree expression had changed into something more contemplative. He wasn’t sure what it was, then. Or maybe, he just didn’t want to read too deep into it.
You spoke up.
“... Hey Sans? Can I tell you something?”
Why was he nervous?
“... yeah?”
“It’s… um. Give me a second…” you laughed nervously. “Haha, sorry, I feel a little sick.”
Sans’ brows furrowed. “what’s up? you ok..?”
You huffed. “Ok. Yeah. Sorry for ruining the moment? But uh… it’s been on my mind for a while, and I have to tell you. I hope you’re ok with me saying this but. I like you, Sans. Kind of… a lot?”
… Ringing. Sans hears ringing. It feels like something in his soul crashed.
“... Sans?”
Sans wasn’t there. His mind was somewhere else.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
Her face broke into despair. She wouldn’t look his way. She didn’t even say a word to him.
“w… wait. why are you… where are you going?”
“I can’t be here.”
It was years ago. Monsters had lived on the surface for about a year. She was one of Papyrus’ friends, and their first meeting had been wonderful. It still leaves an ache in his chest when he thinks about it now, how hopeful he was when he met her. She was fun, always got Sans involved in social events, always found her way towards him when he was sitting on the sidelines while Papyrus took the stage.
“hey i wouldn’t recommend the punch.”
“Why not?”
“y’see, i like funny things. and that thing… it ain’t got a punchline.”
“... Are you seriously punning?”
“i think i’m being funny.”
“Hah, that’s so stupid,”
She was laughing. But when Sans thinks about it now, maybe it was a pitying one. Sans wasn’t one to judge, puns didn’t win everyone over.
She quickly became a regular in his life, the first human friend he’s made since the surface, one that seemed more interested in him than his brother. She would even pout and joke when Sans didn’t give her enough attention which was cute, at the time. It was easy introducing her to his friends, with how often she tagged along with him.
She would put her arm over his shoulders, hug him, get so close to kissing but miss… Sans never initiated, but only because he wasn’t much of a physical person to begin with. It was nice to have someone so affectionate with him.
He really liked having her in his life.
And then… came that fateful day.
“I was going to wait for you. But you never asked me out.”
“what do you mean…?”
“I know you’re smart, Sans. I’ve been obvious. I just don’t know if you even like me.”
He didn’t know where this had come from. He was suddenly put on the spot, struggling to give her an answer, an answer that he knew she wanted. But Sans was lost.
“i just… i just don’t know if i like you in that way…”
She was stoic. She was upset with him, she left him alone in his room after he brought out the games he was hoping to play together. Had he made a mistake…? Was he really that dense? Was he just terrible with commitment?
She… she deserved better.
So he decided to fix it. At least, he thought he was fixing it. Though it turned to be a decision Sans would regret soon after.
He showed up at her door the next night. She hadn’t responded to his texts, his calls. Not even Papyrus’. He felt guilty, like he ruined something perfectly good.
i can’t lose her.
Sans was starting to panic if she maybe had left- then the door opened. Sans soul shook when he saw how her face fell when she saw his face. She was going to retreat back into her room.
“w-wait! please listen to me,” His hand was at the door. “i… i made a mistake. you’re important to me, ok? and i think i want… to be with you.”
His soul sung when she finally looked him in the eyes. There were tears in hers, but she was smiling, and he was happy to have her hugging him again. The tension snapping was a relief. That he saved himself. But even then he wondered… why did it taste bitter to say those last few words?
It… didn’t last long. More and more of Sans’ time was taken up by her, which… should be a good thing. Couples should spend lots of time together, right? But he didn’t have time for his friends anymore. Everytime she went out, he needed to come with.
“Sans, you smell like ketchup.”
“oh… yeah, i put too much on my hotdog.”
“Come on, you need to eat something better. People keep telling me you smell like grease.”
“... really?”
“Yeah. Here, I got you new clothes. Crisp!”
“oh… thanks.”
“Get ready, I’m planning to go at six.”
He was becoming active. He was going out every day, he wasn’t locking himself in his room.
It was for the better, he told himself. She brought out the life in him.
… Sans always thought he was intuitive. He was the best at reading people. He’s the judge. It came to him like breathing.
But apparently, he had been blinded. He had a hard time trusting himself. That maybe his gut feeling was wrong.
Papyrus had found him alone during a party, having escaped to the bathroom. His sockets had bags under them. His face was dripping with water. He just… needed to rest. Without anyone else around.
“yeah… i am. just needed to freshen up is all.”
Papyrus looked so… sad. He hadn’t seen his brother frown so deeply, in a way that made Sans feel guilty.
Sans was getting sloppy. He looked away from him, to the mirror- he couldn’t handle that sorrowful look on Papyrus’ face. All that did though, was force him to confront his own expression. His signature smile wasn’t even there. And Sans couldn’t muster the energy to bring it back.
“I DON’T WANT TO PRY, IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE, BUT… Could This Have Something To Do With Her?”
Sans should’ve said no. Denied it. Told Paps that everything was fine and he was just… just overwhelmed. But he didn’t.
“i… maybe. i…” He exhaled through his phalanges, staring at the bottom of the sink. “i don’t know if i love her, pap. at least… romantically. i’m… i’m trying paps, i’m trying, i should- she deserves to have someone love her. i want to love her.”
Papyrus finishes his thought for him.
“... no.”
Sans felt horrible. He felt like he was leading her on. But Sans really thought that he loved her. He did! He cared for her!
… But not in the way she wanted.
And Sans didn’t want to pretend anymore.
“What did it? Did… did you find another person??”
“no. it’s nothing like that.”
“Then what changed?!”
She was shouting. Sans didn’t like the shouting. She never took kindly to him giving anyone- anything else attention. Sans tried to fix it, at first. He thought he was the problem until he got the messages asking him where he was, why he was so absent.
“nothing has, it was just a lot of little things. i’m sorry. i don’t love you in that way.”
“... How could you say something so horrible!?”
It was a good thing they hadn’t moved in together. She had insisted on moving, and that was one thing Sans could put his foot down about. He has a couple of old shirts and pants at her place from the nights he’s stayed, but nothing he’ll miss much. Lots of them were clothes she approved. It smelled like perfume. Even when he thought he was in love with her he thought moving together then was too fast.
She blocked him. Cut him out. Told her friends how Sans didn’t try hard enough when she put in the effort. Sans was never a crier- but he was in tears, hiding in his room. He would talk about it with Papyrus, but right then, he didn’t want anyone to hear. He wanted to throw his phone, he wanted to scream at her. He loved her! Maybe- maybe he never wanted to date her, maybe, if they hadn’t they’d still be friends but she always just… took too much.
It was nice when Papyrus chose to cut her off, to show support for him. It was ironic, even though Sans was the one she always chased, she always seemed to be on good terms with Papyrus. Even would ask him to put in a word for her after their arguments.
Sans was fine now. No- more than fine. Sans was happy. His time with her being a mere bump during his time on the surface.
Then, not too long after, he met you.
He never realized what was missing until he met you. You gave him space, and you never asked him to change for you. You… you liked who he was, you liked Sans.
After her Sans was afraid to attach so fast but… he really, really wanted to keep you in his life. He might even like you, more than a friend would. But he wasn’t ready to start another storm in his life.
As he looked into your eyes, he felt his soul sink. He wasn’t ready for it to end.
“... i… i’m sorry,” Why was the air so hot? “i… i… hhh,”
It was a little hard to breathe. Which should be impossible. He’s a skeleton… air… air literally moves through his ribcage. He isn’t… uh… what’s happening?
You were frowning. Oh no. Were you upset?
“S-Sans? Are you ok?”
Sans was gripping the couch too tightly, phalanges digging into the couch cushions, close to ripping them. Beads of sweat were rolling down his skull. He suddenly felt pathetic… panicking over you.
His eyelights darted back to you, bringing him back to the present. You looked so confused… he felt so guilty.
no… i can’t do it again.
“i… sorry. i don’t… mean to panic in front of you but… are you upset?”
“About what? I’m… Sans, you’re not making a lot of sense.”
He presses a hand to his face, then takes a deep breath. His mind was in a frizzle and he had to explain to you now before he goes crazy.
“sorry, my mind is a mess right now. i… i don’t want to make you sad. but i don’t know if i’m ready for a relationship right now. and it isn’t you, it’s… it’s me. i don’t want to take away your hope or anything but… i don’t know if i’ll ever be ready for a romantic relationship.”
You blinked at him.
 Sans tensed. Expecting you to explode, or cry, or yell at him, run out the house, hate him, oh god he ruined everything-
“Sans, that’s… ok?”
“w… what do you mean?”
You’re confused. Sans was too. You shift your eyes left and right.
“I mean… that’s ok. I just didn’t want to make you upset is all, and w… why are you looking at me like that?”
Was he dreaming? His eyelight flashed yellow, as if he could find something. He scanned your face, your eyes, your nose- looking for a shudder, a twitch, even a pulse out of place.
Your face was neutral. Was it just hard to read you?
“you know, you can tell me if you’re upset.” Sans was telling the truth. “i can take it. i’d rather you tell me straight to my face if you are. i… i don’t want to lose you.”
You look startled at his sudden pleading, before giving him a pitiful smile. You put your hands on his shoulders.
“Sans? Can you look at me?” You asked in a soft voice.
It was difficult to look up. He knows you, you’re not the type to yell at him or to curse him for little things. He’d trust his judgment but he’s been mistaken before. Nonetheless, slowly, he tilts his skull up to you. When he does, he sees the determination in your eyes, a fierce yet gentle look.
“Sans. Believe me, I’m ok. You’re not going to lose me if you tell me no. Ok?”
“m… mhm,”
Your serious expression melts a little when you start snickering. “Sans, I… I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. I was about to tell you that I’ll understand if you don’t wanna do a whole romance with me, I’ll be fine! I think it’d be great, and I stand by saying I like you a lot. But, I also like where we are right now, and staying like this is pretty nice too. Just being with you is fun, and whether you’re my friend or my boyfriend, that’s not going to change. So… if you’re ok with staying friends after my confession, I think I’d like that.”
The static of panic started to fade away, and a feeling of calm washed over him. The relief was so potent that Sans could feel his sockets start to sting.
h… heh… i was worrying for nothing.
“yes. god, i’d like that too,” Sans wobbles, phalange wiping his socket. “i was scared that if… if i said no you’d hate me.”
“Pfft,” you snort, before you quickly covered your mouth. “Sorry that wasn’t, I’m not laughing at you. I just want to know what made you think that?”
You bump him gently on the shoulder with your fist. “I thought you knew me!”
Sans snickers, a bit more giggly than usual. “i do! i just have doubts when it comes to romance nowadays,” He sighed. “so… you’re really ok with being friends?”
“Yeah! What’s so bad about being friends anyway? As long as you’re not weirded out by me, if I still get to see you, I count that as a win.”
Sans thought the same thing. He smiled.
“yeah… you’re right.”
It was definitely a win having you in his life.
You go oof! When all of a sudden Sans tugs you into a hug, squeezing you tightly.
“i’m… i’m glad i met you.”
You take him in for a moment, before wrapping your arms around him. You squeeze him back.
“Me too.”
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juuuulez · 8 months
showing them your party dress, and they judge you (thinking it’s slutty or they get jealous) and won’t come to the deannas party with you. you get drunk and they help u 😝😝😝 (comfort angst)
info: Rick Grimes x Reader, NSFW, sorta drunk sex, Spencer is a creep, unsafe sex/pulling out, p in v.
summary: After pissing you off over a comment about your outfit, Rick tries to prove your worth another way.
omg idk when this escalated into smut but it did, but thanks for the request!!! thought i’d show rick some love because he’s soooo dilf and there isn’t enough rick appreciation on this page
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You wrap your hair around the curling iron, clamping down the hot metal and holding it in place. Tonight, Deanna is having a party for the new residents, and you’d been practically buzzing with excitement all day. Not only was Alexandria a miracle to come across, but they treated life with some semblance of normality.
“That the dress you’re wearin’?” A voice behind you asks, your gaze fluttering up to watch Rick through the mirror. He’s standing behind you, eyes scanning the dress you’d put on.
It was black, form-fitting and short. Paired with some kitten heels, you looked good enough to eat. Except, you’d thought it would illicit a bit more… excitement from your boyfriend.
“Yeah,” You agree, “Rosita found it for me. Said I’d look good in it.”
As if to prove your point, you turn around, giving a little spin in an almost childish manner. Rick stands there, stone faced, not betraying a single emotion.
“You do,” He finally lets up, “But is this the impression we wanna give?”
A response doesn’t come right away, silence filling the space between you as the words stew in your mind. They sound strangely negative, causing your brows to furrow into a little frown.
“C’mon, baby. You know what I mean.” Rick tries again, having sensed that he’s said something wrong.
But you’ve already turned away, continuing to primp your hair in the mirror. “Are you coming tonight?” You ask, completely avoiding his previous misstep for the sake of not becoming upset before the party.
“No, not tonight,” Rick sighs, “Got some shit to sort out.”
This one doesn’t get a reply either, and Rick knows that you aren’t pleased. So far, your relationship has been anything but normal. Back at the prison, he’d kept you at an arms length, finding your alluring nature and sweet smile threatening to his morals. Yet, over time, he’d let you in, and you’d wormed your way into his life.
“You could stay home, too. Wait for me. We’ll watch a movie when I get home.” He ends up suggesting, trying to alleviate your souring mood.
It’s fruitless, for you’re still persisting. “No. I want to party, like every other person in this town.”
“In that dress?” He questions once more.
You turn again, shooting the older man a glare. “Yes. Now leave, I’m getting ready, and you’re distracting me.” You essentially demand, and as not to get bitten, Rick obeys.
Part of you is pissed that he folded so easily, even though it was your bad temper. Regardless, you swore to have fun tonight, Rick or no Rick.
So, you finished doing your hair, even going so far as to put a little makeup on. It felt good, all of it, mainly because it just felt normal. You ventured from your house, trailing down the street to where the commotion was, eager to have a fun night out and remove Rick’s comment from your mind.
Though you claimed to be over it, your actions were saying otherwise.
Alcohol wasn’t commonplace during the apocalypse, at least not for your group. It wasn’t a necessity, and would only worsen the burden of surviving, having to recover from hangovers or be momentarily inebriated.
But tonight? You’d drink as much as you wanted to. Wine had never really been your favourite, but now, it was like liquid gold.
Maybe you were still annoyed at Rick, and you certainly were annoyed at Spencer, who kept talking to you at every possible opportunity. He didn’t like Rick, so in favour, you didn’t like him.
Everything turned into a blur at one point, and you would vaguely remember sitting down on the couch, nursing a cup of water in hand. Who gave you water? It didn’t really matter, for once more, Spencer had sat next to you.
He offered you another glass of wine, and stupidly, you took it.
“Ever get bored of playing with your old man?” He asked, lips upturned into a wicked grin, like the joke was supposed to be amusing. It wasn’t.
There’s a sickly feeling in your stomach, though it doesn’t stem from the alcohol, but guilt. “I need some air.” You end up mumbling, uncoordinatedly stumbling from the couch.
Spencer follows a few steps behind you, his hand on your arm with the feinted intention of helping.
“Without you!” You clarify in a drunken yell, messily yanking both heels from your feet, leaving them in the hallway while you make a break for the door.
Fortunately, Spencer gets the message.
Not that it mattered, for there was another face you didn’t want to see, waiting right outside.
Rick looked so good in the little police uniform they’d given him, with his clean shaven face and trimmed hair. It was a completely different man from the one you’d known, but delicious nonetheless.
“I don’t need your help, asshole.” You snap whilst faltering down the steps, barefoot on the pavement. Right now, he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of helping you, or knowing how good he looked.
“Yes you do, c’mon.” Rick persists, and when he moves to take your arm, you don’t protest. Maybe you are a little far gone. He gently leads you along, one hand wrapped around your shoulder, the other carefully tugging the bottom of your dress down a little more.
It’s a short walk back home, to the little picket-fenced house you’ve been living in. The instance you’re inside, you collapse on the couch, melting into the fabric and willing to pass out right then and there.
Rick kneels down on the ground, leaning in and removing your jewellery. Necklace, earrings, bracelet. Once they’re all set aside, he sits on the couch, the movement causing you to rise with a little frown.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He asks, large hands scooping under your thighs and manoeuvring your body into his lap.
When you only look down, he grips at your chin, forcing the eye contact. The frown deepens, though now out of defiance, still drunk and a little pissed off.
“We’ve spent so long bein’ dirty ‘n muddy ‘n gross..” You begin in a mumble, the words coming out as one long sigh. “I just wanted to feel sexy.”
“You are so sexy,” Rick urges, hand caressing your side. “Always.”
“Then you should’ve come to the party with me.” You retort, that sad look still on your face, and it takes everything in Rick not to kiss it off.
“I know, I know. I should’ve been there,” He agrees, “And I should’ve told you how damn good this dress looks on you.”
Your nose scrunches up in confusion, “I thought you didn’t like it.”
Rick finally releases his grip on your chin, skating both hands down the smooth curve of your sides, all nicely contained in that skimpy dress. It’s like a perfect package, one he wants to unwrap.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous, baby. I love it,” He reveals, eyes locked onto yours, “But I wanna be the only one who can love it.”
A grin finally grows on your lips, still all pink and glossy from the makeup. Even in your drunken state, there’s something alluring about the way you lean closer, breath fanning over Rick’s lips.
“Then prove it.” You whisper.
Like a moth to a flame, Rick bites. He closes the gap, savouring your sloppy kisses as you devour his lips, hands fumbling to cup either side of his smooth face. Somehow, kissing him felt even better drunk, like everything else just melted away.
Disconnecting, Rick trailed purposeful kisses down your neck, sucking brief marks into your skin, staking his claim. He peeled the straps of the dress down, pushing the fabric down under the swell of your breasts, until they were completely bare to him.
You gasped as his lips trapped a nipple, fondling at the supple flesh whilst worshipping you with his mouth. But you were already strung tight, not having the patience to deal with a night of teasing.
Fingers hooked into his belt, painted nails scratching at the denim as you failed to muster enough coordination to unzip him. “Please.. please, Rick.” You whined.
“I know, baby. Don’t have’ta beg tonight.” He assures you in that rough, yet soothing tone, taking over and pulling his cock free of its restraints.
Rick pushes the dress up over your hips, the soft fabric now simply a band around your waist. You’re eager to take him, arms wrapping around his broad shoulders whilst you hover over his thighs, allowing Rick to line you up and make the slide easier.
The drunken haze has faded some, replaced by a blanket of arousal as you slowly ride him, fingers gripping at his shirt. You’re saying something, begging probably, but it doesn’t make any sense. Not that it matters.
Though you’re set on riding him, Rick knows you’re probably sore from those heels all night, so he grips tight at your hips to flip you over, drilling you down into the plush couch.
“Fuck..” You gasp, head lolling to the side as Rick bites into the flesh of your neck, body completely surrounding you as his thrusts become powerful and short, angled up right where you need it.
“I know, baby. You can take it.” He grunts, using all his strength to draw you closer to the edge.
By now, he knows your tells. The tightening of your cunt as it squeezes him, the way your legs wrap around his slim waist. Whatever words make it from your mouth, though unintelligible, take on a whiny pitch.
Rick snakes his hand between you, pressing firm, tight circles around your clit that make you gasp and squirm under him. “Quietly, baby. You can do it. Let go for me.”
And that you do, hips bucking upwards as your peak finally hits, muffling your cries into his shoulder. The pulsating around his dick causes Rick to finally falter, managing a few more staggered, sharp thrusts before roughly pulling out and spilling onto your stomach. Spurts of white cum coat the bunched up dress, some even reaching the underside of your tits.
“Fuck,” Rick pants, catching his breath. “Looks like you can’t wear this dress anyway.”
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You’ll Always Be My Thunder
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Setting: Commonwealth
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes, Daryl needs someone to take care of him, too.
A/N: I needed fluff. So y’all get fluff.
*gif is not mine
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There were only so many times you could clean the tiny apartment, but still, you managed to find something to put somewhere else or a small trail of dust to wipe away. The sun had set long ago. The kids were with Carol for the night. She had insisted. 
“You and Daryl could use a break.” She waved you off, ushering Judith and RJ out the door even as you tried to think of any reason not to burden her. “If not for you, then for him. He’s working himself to the bone. Take care of him. Okay, bye!” And she had closed the door before you could utter another word. 
That had been hours ago. Dinner was in the oven, still warm but quickly cooling. Daryl was usually home by now. With another glance out the window, you heard Dog whine from his spot on the rug. 
“I know, bud. He’ll be home soon.” 
Dog tilted his head at you but then his ears perked up and he sprang to his feet. That could only mean one thing. You felt your heart skip a beat, as it always did when you would see your archer after only hours apart. You met him at the door, your smile softening as he stiffly closed it behind him. He was dirty, his hair stringy and sweat soaked, sticking to his neck and face. His face was pinched with pain and exhaustion. 
You wondered for the hundredth time if this move had been in his best interest. 
“Hey,” you greeted, smile widening a little when he leaned to kiss your cheek before crossing into the small living room and all but collapsing onto the couch. You gave Dog a warning look when he started to pounce the man. He seemed to reel in his excitement and settled for placing his head on Daryl’s thigh. That canine was too smart for his own good. Good boy. “Are you hungry?” You kept your voice soft, taking a seat next to the bowman. Your fingers worked gently to push the damp hair out of his face.
“Nah.” He said softly, his eyes fluttering closed. Your heart ached at how exhausted he was. He seemed to always be bordering on collapse when he would return home at the end of the day. Still, he made time for the kids and for Dog and even for you before falling into a coma that lasted until he had to get up and do it all again. 
“I’ll put it away and you can have it for lunch tomorrow then.” You didn’t move, however. Your thoughts lingered on Alexandria. Sure, safety wasn’t much of a concern here at the Commonwealth but seeing Daryl like this was gut-wrenching. And there was nothing you could do to help him. “Hey, let’s get you ready for bed, yeah?” His head rolled toward you with a look that pleaded with you to not make him move. “Wait here.” He gave you a slow thumbs-up and you were off. 
It didn’t take you long to get things ready: hot water in the tub, a small bowl from the kitchen, fresh towels and pajamas, clean sheets on the bed. Still, when you returned, he was already snoring softly. You really hated to wake him, but he very well couldn’t sleep on the couch with that ridiculous armor on, now could he?
His eyes opened immediately, albeit only to slits. He hummed his acknowledgment and then groaned when you gently pulled on his arm. 
“Come on, up.”
“Where’re the kids?” He all but slurred as he stumbled to his feet. One foot in front of the other didn’t seem to be a concept he could grasp at the moment, so you trailed along behind him as he made his way to the bedroom. 
“They’re at Carol’s. She insisted.” When he stopped at the foot of the bed, you swatted his hands away from the armor. “I got you.” The fun you had had when he was first issued this gear, teasing until the archer had finally loosened up and laughed with you. Now, it was different. It almost felt heavier and you carried that weight in your heart each time he put it on now. Carefully, you removed each piece, glancing up to catch him watching you with those soft eyes of his. He’d do anything for you and the kids. He was proving that by putting himself through this now. “There.” You tossed the last piece on the chair by the window and dusted your hands off. “Alright, mister. Clothes off.”
Now he was looking at you as if you’d sprouted a second head. 
“Get your mind out of the gutter, pervert. I’ve ran you a bath.”
His mouth formed a silent “O” before he turned and walked toward the bathroom, shedding his shirt on the way. It was still amazing to you that this same man who was already stripped down to his socks was the same one who once upon a time wouldn’t let you stitch a deep gouge in his shoulder blade because you would see his scars. The two of you had come so far together. You’d lost so much. Drifted apart only to fall back together. 
Once he was seated in the steaming water, you quickly stripped down to your bra and panties before strategically climbing onto the edge of the tub behind him. “Lie back.” He practically flopped backward, his head resting against your lower stomach. 
“Why don’tcha just get in too?” He yawned as you lathered a wet rag with some vanilla body soap. 
“Because I know what would happen, Mr. Dixon.” You smiled down at him, washing his neck and chest then began on his arms. “And this is meant to be relaxing, not exerting.” Contradictory to your words, you leaned forward, pressing your breasts against his face so you could wash down south and the tops of his thighs. When you sat back, one corner of his mouth was lifted. “What? That was purely innocent, sir. Here.” You dropped the soapy cloth onto his chest. “Do your legs and feet. My arms are too short.”
“If ya’d just get in, ya could do it.” He chuckled while he did as instructed. 
“Stay like that so I can get your back.” You reached across his shoulder and wiggled your fingers, asking for the cloth. Daryl plopped it into your palm. “Thank you!” You were always gentle around his scars. You knew they no longer caused physical pain, but they had taken their emotional toll on your partner. It only felt natural to be so tender and loving with an area where someone had been so cruel and hateful. Rinsing away the dirt and suds, you leaned forward to press a kiss between his shoulders. “Lean your head back.” 
Using the bowl you had grabbed earlier, you poured water over his hair, keeping your other hand on his forehead to shield his eyes. You opted again for vanilla rather than your floral scented shampoo. While you loved the smell of yours, you thought it might be too feminine for Daryl. Little did you know that he actually loved the smell because it reminded him of you. 
Your fingertips scratched along his scalp, working up a lather and earning a groan from the man in front of you. The tension in his muscles had dropped away, his eyes closed, and face relaxed. He remained that way even as you rinsed his hair, noting how long it had grown. It would pull up into waves when dry but easily reached his shoulder blades now. 
Finished with the bath, you sat the bowl aside and gently tilted his head forward. The water was still warm. You could let him enjoy a few more minutes. Your fingertips pressed into his shoulders, working hard at the knots you found there. A deep moan was your instant reward. Your touch danced and pressed over his skin, all the way to the small of his back and up again. Daryl was very appreciative, if the sounds he made were any indication. 
The water was cool by the time you finished. You stepped out before him to dry yourself off and grabbed the two towels for him, leaving him to towel off and put on the flannel pants you had laid out. You quickly shed your underthings and put on a new pair of panties and one of Daryl’s button up shirts. The sheets were turned down, Dog was on the rug, and you were sitting in front of your pillow when he came out, towel draped around his shoulders. He pulled it off with a yawn and tossed it back inside the bathroom, switching off that light and the one to the bedroom on his way over. 
You had already slipped beneath the blankets and were holding them up for him when he tumbled onto the bed, ready to pull you against him. You pulled back, his eyes meeting yours in question. 
“Nope, not tonight.” You shimmied down on the bed and laid your arm out for him to snuggle against your shoulder and chest. With a shake of his head, he gave in, one leg draped over yours as you would normally do to him. “Just had to with the leg, huh?”
“‘Course I did.” He yawned. His eyelids were already getting heavy, closing completely when you began to card your fingers through his damp locks. 
“Get some rest.” Your lips pressed against the top of his head, but you were pretty sure he was already out. He had a few hours before he needed to be up to do it all again. The thought alone made your stomach twist uncomfortably. Maybe you could talk him into going back to Alexandria. You’d have to come up with some good reasons why, but maybe the kids could help you. For now, though, you’d take care of him. You’d help raise Jude and RJ. You’d walk and feed Dog. You’d cook and clean. You’d rub his muscles when the day was too rough on them. And you’d hold him while he slept. One more kiss against his hair, leaving your lips pressed there. “I love you, Daryl Dixon.”
You couldn’t see the genuine smile of an archer who was happy with his life just the way it was. 
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futbol16 · 1 year
Tell Them Your Truth  • Alexia Putellas & Claudia Pina
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Request: Love your writing! Could you maybe write another part to Soccer Moms? I know the Barca team has mentioned that Claudia gets sick a lot, so maybe something with Reader and Alexia having to care for her and she doesn't want to be a burden or them finding out she's not feeling well during practice but she tries to continue anyways. Also, if you want to, could you maybe add Aitana as a sister, I feel like she'd fit in well (but if you don't want to, you don't have to). Also, sorry this is so long!
Word count: 3,9k (starting to realize that I enjoy these just as much as you do:)
Claudia lifts a spare shirt to her mouth as she tries to quietly clear her throat. Her eyes are alert as she peeks over the material, looking around as subtly as possible to see if anyone had noticed her. When no one bats an eye at her actions, she lowers the shirt from her mouth and with the same movement she shoves it back into her backpack.
She leans back in her cubby as she listens to the girls goof around before practice, but for once she doesn’t join them. Far too out of it to even think about such things.
This has been going on for a couple of days now, her state only worsening to the point that she now felt tired even before starting warm ups. 
“You coming, Pina?” her head shoots up at the sound of her name and she shoots Patri a questioning look. It’s only when she receives an equally confused look does she glance around the changing room, now noticing that most of the girls have headed out to the pitch.
“Uh yeah yeah” she nods, slowly coming to her senses. Patri eyes her with curiosity but the short girl dismisses her concern with a wave of her hand, opting to just follow behind her friend. 
Claudia clears her throat again as her and Patri walk out. The sun seems too bright as it hits her right in the eye and she almost groans aloud, wanting nothing more than to go back home and curl up under her blanket.
Patri turns at the noise but finds Pina looking down at her boots and she shrugs at her friend’s behavior. Maybe she just wasn’t having the best of days. 
With that thought Patri throws an arm around Claudia’s shoulders who’s taken aback by the sudden movement and she suddenly feels dizzy, not that she’d tell anyone. 
“Partners like usual?” she merely nods at the question, too busy with trying to come back to life. 
Even though her legs feel like bricks and she’s craving something hot to soothe her sore throat, the forward forces herself to act like she’s having the best time at practice. 
She almost lets a tear slip in relief when the end of training is called. She lets herself sit on the grass and breathe a heavy breath through her congested nose. The brunette lifts her gaze back onto her teammates, but when she notices you looking her way she instantly turns her attention elsewhere. 
Just as you start to walk towards her the girl quickly jumps up to her feet and clings onto Aitana’s arm who had been walking by. A muddled expression flashes across your face but you turn back to Alexia as she gives your hand a squeeze. 
Aitana however, looks at Claudia in a mix of surprise and bewilderment.
“Are you okay?” she timidly asks, not sure why her friend has been so quick to stick to her side. Claudia rapidly nods her head at the question, guiding Aitana towards the locker room. The midfielder takes notice of the slight redness of her eyes but decides against commenting on it. The two continue their way towards their stuff as they exchange a few words but Aitana quickly gets the impression that her friend is a bit too tired to continue any means of communication. 
By the time you and Alexia enter the changing room, having had to stay back for some coach-to-captains talk with Jonatan, most of your teammates have already left.
Only a few have hung back to bid their goodbyes and as you hug Mapi one last time, you notice another person still sitting by their locker. You motion to her when your girlfriend’s eyes connect with yours and Alexia approaches her. 
“Pinita?” she calls her name out softly as she crouches in front of the girl and Claudia hums at her in question, resting her head against the wood. 
“Is everything okay bebé?” the question makes her sit up straighter as if she just realized something and Claudia rubs her eyes as she slings the strap of her backpack over her shoulder.
“Sí, all good. I just didn’t sleep well last night so I’m a little tired.” she makes up the excuse on the spot and before either of you can open your mouths to interject, she presses a quick kiss to both of yours and Alexia’s cheek and she bolts out the door.
The two of you stare at the now closed door, wondering what had gotten into the young forward. Slowly turning to the brunette by your side you raise your eyebrows.
“That wasn’t weird at all.” your comment earns you a soft chuckle from Alexia.
“She’s just tired.” she wraps an arm around your waist as she pulls you into her body. “Speaking of tired, you wanna go home and cuddle up on the couch with Nala?” her voice is sweet and there’s a twinkle in her eyes as she gazes into yours that makes it impossible for you to not pull her down for a kiss. 
“Sí mi amor, siempre.” 
Meanwhile you and Alexia gather the last of your things in the changing room, Aitana is just about to get in her car when she hears someone sneeze. She stops halfway through opening the car door and she glances around her with her eyebrows furrowed. She had thought she was the only one here. Her eyes zero in on the ponytail sticking out above a car near her and she sneaks closer.
“Don’t tell me you’re sick again!” her voice startles Pina who lets out a loud shriek in return before she’s cut off by another sneeze. She taps at her pockets in search of something but Aitana hands her a tissue without a word. 
“Thanks.” the forward sniffles and then blows her nose out, cutting off Aitana who was about to speak again. Aitana watches on as her friend fills the tissue, a repelled look on her face. 
“Yeah, get it all out I suppose” she mutters, stuffing another tissue into Claudia’s pocket as she finally finishes.
“So what?” 
“Are you sick again?” Her silence speaks volumes and the ‘are you kidding me’ look on Aitana’s face isn’t helping her feel better. 
“I swear it’s not my fault-”
“Claudia you were sick like two weeks ago too!” she throws her arms up in frustration, frustration which roots from her worry for the brunette.
“Okay but…” Aitana raises an eyebrow, waiting for whatever excuse the young player had for now. 
“Nevermind, I don’t have anything.” Claudia shrugs nonchalantly before sniffing again. With the mother-like pose that Aitana is supporting with her hands on her hips and a disapproving look in her eyes, Pina knows what’s coming next. This time Aitana is cut off by her voice rather than her blowing her nose out.
“Please please don’t tell mi mamás, I don’t want to miss training and I don’t want to annoy them with this again. Pleasee!” her please catch Aitana off guard whose expression softens when Claudia reveals how she feels.
“You think you’d annoy Y/N/N and Ale?” her disbelieving tone makes Claudia huff out a breath through her nose.
“I don’t want to worry them. They smothered me with care last time and constantly came over to bring me soup and tuck me into bed and check my fever and-” she lets out a sigh. “You get it”
“So why not just tell them you don’t want that?” Aitana is utterly confused as to why the forward thought this was such a complicated situation.
“But I do want it!” Claudia all but whines, arms crossing over her chest in a defensive manner. Clearly her sickness had gotten her in a mood.
“Okay, I don’t get it” 
“If they know about this then they’ll worry about me-”
“Is that not a good thing?” Pina gives Aitana a look for being cut off.
“No, because it means they will spend their time worrying about me instead of being at training and getting ready for our next game. I don’t want them to pause their lives to take care of me” she finally admits and this time Aitana pulls her into a comforting hug, now understanding why this was such a difficult and overwhelming situation for Claudia.
“Wait actually, you’ll get me sick too” she pulls away from her and Aitana smiles when Claudia snorts at her antics. 
“But I understand now and I won’t tell them, even though they’re our captains and you probably should” she gives Pina one last look, waiting for her to change her mind but the brunette doesn’t budge. “Well, if that’s what you really want” she shrugs as she gives in to Claudia who thanks her profusely.
“Butttt, get some sleep today and take some coughing meds” 
“Sí claro. Gracias Tana!” Pina shouts after her friend who waves her off as she finally gets in her car.
The next day at training begins similarly for the young forward and she tiredly trudges into the locker room before letting her bag fall onto the bench with a loud thump. This time, many of the girls eye her with curiosity but Pina pays them no mind, the throbbing in her head far too painful to care. 
She’s just about finished getting ready and is tying her boots when someone sits next to her and leans down to her level with their hand situated on her back.
“If you don’t want the whole team to know before you could tell Ale and Y/N/N, then stop sniffling and blow your nose out.” Aitana whispers to her and she pushes a tissue into her hand.
Claudia glances up alarmed but when she notices that the two of you aren’t here yet, she calms herself down and excuses herself to the bathroom to blow her nose out. That way no one would hear just how congested she is and no one would tell on her.
When she re-enters the room she finds that the team’s captains have finally arrived, or more so just made their presences known because you’re both already dressed in your training kits and comfortably talking to Mapi and Ingrid. 
Claudia watches the two of you from her seat across you and her eyes wander over your form before she spots your hand on Alexia’s thigh. She watches as you rub soothing circles into the skin of your girlfriend’s thigh and how in return, the midfielder scoots closer to you and leans her head on your shoulder. 
She lets out a quiet sigh without knowing, wishing that she would also be receiving such comforting embraces, especially now that she feels under the weather.
For a second she genuinely considers walking over and plopping herself in between you and Alexia, but then she remembers that she’s trying to keep a secret from you. 
Alexia feels the young girl staring and she squeezes the hand that’s on her thigh to gain your attention.
“Pinita is staring at us” she whispers to you so as to not alert anyone else. “And I’m not sure if I’m seeing right, but are her eyes red to you too?” upon hearing her concerned voice you instantly turn towards the young brunette and your eyes scan over her clearly tired expression. Pina’s eyes connect with yours and she lowers her head to turn back to tying her boots, only to find that they’re already tied.
“Maybe she had another bad night?” it’s a valid suggestion from your part since it is the excuse Claudia had made yesterday. Even though Alexia can hear the uncertainty in your voice and she’s just as unsure, she nods at your words. 
“Yeah, maybe.” 
Minutes later when the team finally start their way towards the pitch, Claudia is quick to run after Aitana and Patri before Alexia can greet her with a hug. 
The bewilderment in her eyes as she joins you again, makes you knit your brows together.
“Is it just me or is she avoiding us?” Alexia voices her thoughts as she turns to you, a sad smile resting on her face. 
“Thought I was imagining things.” you confirm with the same expression and you press a small kiss to her cheek hoping to calm her racing thoughts. 
With the way Claudia has been behaving, Alexia keeps a close eye on the brunette the whole time during warm ups, so much so that you have to nudge her out of her staring contest with the back of Pina’s head. 
The team is almost halfway through practice, doing running drills when you hear a small sneeze behind you. Beyond being confused at the sound you abruptly turn around only to find Patri, Aitana, and Pina all staring at you with wide eyes.
“Who was that?”
“Who was what?” Patri tries to outsmart you, having picked up on Pina’s state.
“The sneeze. Who sneezed?” you narrow your eyes at one of them in particular and Claudia lowers her slightly bloodshot eyes. She stays silent knowing that if she were to open her mouth you would hear her nasally voice.
“Me! Me, it was me.” Aitana’s words are accompanied by nods and she wipes at her nose for good measure, utilizing all of her acting skills in front of you. 
You're not very convinced but you ignore your worry for the moment, choosing to instead focus on the drill when it is your turn. You don’t hear the breath of relief behind you, or Pina thanking Aitana for covering for her and you certainly don’t see the knowing look Patri gives her best friend. 
Pina steers clear of you after that, and Alexia, and basically everyone in order to keep up her act.
When Jonatan calls for a scrimmage she knows practice is almost over and she relaxes a bit at the thought of not having to pretend for much longer.
She ends up on your team and while normally she would be hanging off your neck in happiness, she only trudges over to your side in silence. 
Alexia watches from the other side of the pitch and by now she is beyond concerned for Claudia. 
The scrimmage is going well with your team two goals ahead of Alexia’s, you make sure to rub it in her face, only playfully of course. And truly all is good when Pina sends another cross your way and you control the ball as you try to outsmart Cata. 
Claudia’s feet come to a stop as she rapidly breathes in only to then hunch over and break out in a coughing fit. Her eyes prick with tears as her sore throat is abused by the loud coughs that rake through her body and she is barely able to get in a breath before she’s coughing again. 
Aitana’s eyes are instantly on the forward and she quickly walks over to stand in front of her friend, still trying to cover for her.
The noise however catches everyone’s attention, except yours because you’re too busy scoring a goal and hearing your own heavy breathing to hear Pina way behind you.
Alexia’s mom mode is immediately activated and she runs over to Claudia without a second thought. She places a comforting hand on her back and pats her gently to help clear Pina’s throat. When Pina is finished, she inhales a sharp deep breath and straightens up, coming face to face with her captain.
“Sit down Claudia” Alexia orders firmly, but the worry shines through her voice. Pina follows her instructions though and when a bottle is pushed into her hands she eagerly chugs it down.
By now you have also turned around and when you see half the team standing near something, you furrow your brows. Deciding it’s best to see what was up you abandon celebrating your goal and instead run back to where you can see Alexia towering over the others. 
“What happened?” you ask breathlessly, eyes searching your girlfriend’s for answers. She gestures to Claudia on the ground and you drop down to your knees next to the girl. 
Your eyes rake over her form, searching for any injuries but when you don’t find any you glance back up at Alexia.
“She’s sick and has a coughing fit. And by the sounds of it she didn’t get sick last night.” Alexia places a gentle hand on Pina’s head and she carefully sweeps the baby hairs out of the girl’s eyes.
Your expression morphs into worry, confusion, and then a slightly hurt look as you turn to Claudia.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” you don’t receive a verbal answer, only a guilty look and you sigh, instead raising the bottle back to her mouth and urging her to drink more. With one last look at the girl you stand back up, giving Alexia’s shoulder a squeeze and then you stand by to explain the situation to Jonatan. 
He agrees to call the end of practice a few minutes early and tells the rest of the girls to stretch and cool down, allowing the three of you to head inside to check out Pina. 
You remain silent on the walk to the changing room and Pina glances up at you every now and then but she stays firmly tucked into Alexia’s side, allowing herself to soak up the affection she’s been missing out on. 
“Go ahead and get changed, I’ll get the stuff from the medics.” you inform Alexia and she nods at you, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before letting you go. She guides the young forward into the changing room and sits her down in her cubby, draping one of your hoodies over the brunette. 
“Pinita” Alexia sits next to her with a small sigh, pulling her to lean into her. 
“When did all of this happen? You were sick just the other week” 
“I know, I know. I left the air conditioning running after I got home from training and…I guess sitting under it while still hot and sweaty- it wasn’t the best idea.” she admits regretfully and her captain chuckles along.
“Well, at least you know now.” just as Claudia thinks she’s off the hook Alexia continues.
 “But it wasn’t smart of you to continue training while you were clearly sick. This could’ve ended way worse Pina, you could’ve caused yourself serious stuff” she seemingly can’t find the right words, her mind once again consumed with fret.
The forward nods into her shoulder, wearing a guilty expression. Alexia lifts a hand to her forehead and Claudia jerks back at the coldness of it.
“You even have a fever, Pina!” she shrinks back at the tone of her voice.
“Why didn’t you tell us, or someone?” the midfielder questions further.
“I told Aitana, well technically she found out. But I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Pinita bebé, we’re always going to worry about you, no matter what.” Alexia tells her softly, rubbing the girl's shoulder.
“Sí, but I knew you would abandon everything else to take care of me. You would’ve missed training then and then maybe even a game.” she explains her reasoning and Alexia sighs.
“I would’ve rather missed a game than have you rip your lungs open in a coughing fit.” your voice rings out and it startles Claudia who hasn’t been paying attention to the door.
Your hands are full with what she could only assume were coughing syrups and other tablets and medicine for her. Suddenly she feels even worse for lying - or well keeping this from the two of you. 
“It wasn’t that serious-” she stops talking as you dump everything next to her and you move to take her temperature.
“It could’ve been.” you ignore the look you receive from your girlfriend but you do get the hint and with a deep breath in, you allow your softness to take over you.
“Querida, this isn’t something to joke about. You should’ve told Ale and I about how you were feeling, amor. We could’ve stopped it from getting worse.” you stroke her cheek as you look at the number on the machine, shaking your head when you see just how high her temperature is. Claudia melts into your touch and sinks even further into your girlfriend’s hold. 
“I didn’t want to be a burden.” she mumbles out as her eyes gloss over. Your movements halt at the hearing of her statement and you glance up at Alexia almost as if waiting for confirmation that you’ve really heard what you heard.
The midfielder tightens her hold on Pina.
“You’re far from being a burden Pinita, so far from it.” she mutters into Claudia’s hair. You crouch down in front of her and take her hands into your own, your thumbs running over her knuckles in a soothing manner.
“Worrying about you, taking care of you isn’t a chore, mi vida. We do it because we love you. Don’t ever think of it differently.” you tell her sincerely, your voice soft and comforting. Claudia nods at the two of you and she lets a tear fall before she physically lets herself fall into your arms, pulling Alexia with her.
The three of you stay in a tight embrace kneeling slightly uncomfortably on the floor of the locker room, but you and Alexia wouldn’t have it any other way if it meant Claudia felt safe.
“Thank you” she whispers as her grip on your shirts loosen. Alexia smiles at her and kisses her head in a motherly manner while you slightly pull back from the two.
“Okay, enough of this now, I can’t go another second knowing you’re sick and not do anything about it.” the laughs you receive instantly lightens the atmosphere and you offer a hand to each of your girls and pull them up to their feet.
“Drink some of this and then we can go home and cuddle up” you push the coughing syrup into Pina’s hand who pulls a face at it but quickly nods at your words, her mind already wandering to what movie the three of you could watch.
“I’ll make soup for you, bebé.” Alexia states and you smile at your girlfriend's enthusiasm to take care of your sick teammate.
Your arms wrap themselves around her as Claudia gathers her things and you press a lingering kiss to the underside of her jaw. Alexia’s eyes shine with adoration as she gazes down at you and just as she’s about to kiss you, you’re interrupted by Pina clearing her throat.
She gives the two of you a sheepish look.
“Can Aitana join us?” she fiddles with the strap of her backpack and your heart melts at her cuteness.
“Sure, go get her.” Alexia smiles at Pina without moving from your embrace and you watch as the forward skips out of the changing room. 
Later that evening, the three of you are all mushed together on the couch of the living room, Aitana and Patri squished onto the sofa chair as they share a bowl of popcorn, eyes intently watching the movie playing in front of you all.
As Claudia glances around, she relishes in the comfort and warmth that she feels, her throat feels a lot better thanks to the amount of syrup you had forced her to take, plus Alexia’s soup. Just before her eyes slip closed, she thinks that perhaps next time it wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell the two of you about her being sick, especially if it resulted in such movie nights. 
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
HIII!!! Hope you had a very good birthday today!!❤️ I was wondering if you could maybe do one with reader and pau or maybe hector, where reader is starting school after summer and she’s in a completely new class with new people mostly girls and she got too know the class a week before and she founds out it’s these bitchy girl and only knows one girl there and she’s really scared and he like comforts her?🥰🥰
Héctor comforts you when you have to start in a new class
Héctor Fort x fem! reader
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The last few days of summer had flown by too quickly, leaving me with a knot in my stomach as the reality of the new school year set in.
Starting in a completely new class with people I barely knew was terrifying, especially after my experience during orientation week.
The class was full of girls who seemed to judge every little thing, their sharp whispers and condescending looks making it clear that fitting in would be an uphill battle.
The only person who seemed decent was a girl named Sofia, who had been friendly enough, but she wasn’t exactly the type to stand up against the others.
My nerves were a tangled mess as I thought about walking into that classroom on the first day, knowing I’d be facing a sea of unfamiliar and unfriendly faces.
That morning, I couldn’t even bring myself to eat breakfast. I sat at the kitchen table, staring blankly at my untouched cereal, my thoughts swirling with anxiety. Hector noticed immediately.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Hector’s voice was gentle as he came over and sat down beside me, his hand resting on my knee.
I shrugged, not wanting to burden him with my worries, but knowing I couldn’t keep it all in. “Just… nervous about starting in the new class today.”
Hector’s brow furrowed with concern. “Is it because of the girls you told me about?”
I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah. They were so mean during orientation, Hector. I don’t know how I’m going to handle being in that class all year.”
He reached over and took my hand, his thumb brushing soothing circles on my skin. “I’m sorry, love. I can’t stand the thought of you being around people like that. But you don’t have to face them alone. You’ve got me.”
I looked up at him, my eyes filled with worry. “But you won’t be there in class with me. What if they make my life miserable?”
Hector’s eyes softened as he leaned in closer, his tone reassuring. “I wish I could be there with you every minute, but I know you’re strong. You’ve handled tough situations before, and you’ve come out even stronger. You’re not going to let them get to you.”
I sighed, the weight of my anxiety still pressing down on me. “I’m just scared, Hector. I don’t want to spend the year feeling like I don’t belong.”
He squeezed my hand a little tighter, his gaze steady and comforting. “You do belong, and you deserve to be there just as much as anyone else. Those girls might try to make you feel otherwise, but that’s their problem, not yours. You’ve got nothing to prove to them.”
I bit my lip, trying to take in his words, but the fear was still gnawing at me. “I wish I could just skip today. Or the whole year.”
Hector smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “I know it’s hard, but the first day is always the toughest. Once you get through it, things will start to settle down. And remember, you’ve got Sofia, right? She might not be the loudest, but at least she’s a friendly face.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I muttered, still not feeling entirely convinced.
Hector’s expression grew more determined as he cupped my face in his hands, making sure I was really listening. “Listen to me. No matter what happens today, I’m here for you. You can text me, call me, whatever you need. And if things get really bad, I’ll come pick you up, no questions asked. You don’t have to do this alone.”
I felt a tear slip down my cheek, touched by how much he cared. “Thank you, Hector. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He wiped away the tear with his thumb, his eyes filled with love. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going anywhere. Now, how about I drive you to school? We can listen to some music, and I’ll stay with you until you’re ready to go in.”
The thought of having him by my side, even just for a little while longer, eased some of the tension in my chest. “I’d like that,” I said softly.
We headed out to his car, and Hector immediately turned up the volume on his playlist, filling the car with our favorite songs.
He kept the mood light, cracking jokes and telling stories about his latest adventures on the football field, doing everything he could to distract me from the looming school day.
As we pulled up to the school, the familiar wave of nerves hit me again, but Hector’s presence made it a little more bearable.
He parked the car and turned to me, his eyes serious but full of affection.
“You’re going to be okay,” he said, his voice firm.
“You’re stronger than you think, and no matter what, you’ve got me in your corner. I’ll be here when you get out, and we’ll talk about everything, okay?”
I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. “Okay. I’ll try to remember that.”
Hector leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, his touch full of reassurance. “You’ve got this, amor. I believe in you.”
With those words echoing in my mind, I stepped out of the car and made my way toward the school entrance.
The first day was going to be tough—I knew that—but with Hector’s support, I felt like I could face it. I wasn’t alone, and that made all the difference.
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asterr1sk · 4 months
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do something
⊹₊ ⋆ hwang intak wc: 1.3k genre: fluff, pining
a/n: is it obvious that i love pining? no? yes? maybe? my school crush intak scenario is now true. this is my birthday gift to anyone who reads it since i'm celebrating it today <33
you liked him. it wasn’t helping when he’s your classmate, out of all things. he was with his group of friends, laughing at each other or out doing club activities since he was in dance. you never met him formally, but he always got your attention. it was probably the way he smiles, talks, or laughs. whatever it was, it got you thinking of him.
you are now wondering how you ended up being his partner for a project. your friends really had to make this difficult, regretting that you had to say this little crush to them. why did it have to be partners? this would be easier if it were a group project, but no.
“y/n, i’m thinking we should split parts. i already split it in half, mixing in the difficult with the easy ones so none of us would have the burden.” he asked, which made you stop thinking too much. “oh yeah. that’s great. we can start now.” you looked around the library and saw there weren’t many people here. it’s too quiet for your liking.
he was wondering why you seemed out of it. did he force you to be his partner? was it because he wanted to start doing this right away? before he could ask, you stood up and walked to the bookshelves. he followed your figure to the shelves. you were dressed nicely and looked cute, searching for books with your head titled to see the book titles. he grinned to himself. 
the books don't even make sense to you right now. it felt like he was looking at you while walking here. that didn’t mean anything. why does it feel like your heart is about to burst? from what you can remember, this is the first time the two of you have been alone. you bet that your friends are going to laugh over how they made you do this. 
“are you okay? ” he asked you, surprised that he was suddenly beside you. “it seems like there’s a lot on your mind right now. we can start this some days later if you want.” he’s concerned, but you shouldn’t tell why, knowing that he’s the reason. 
“i’m sorry that i can’t focus right now, but it’s fine to start it now. i already found books that can help us.” you looked up the top shelf. he followed where your eyes were and reached for the book. “is it this one? ”you nodded and turned around, waiting for him to hand over the book.
he looked down at your surprised face. he purposely leaned closer and smiled. “don't worry. i’ll hold it for you.” 
you swear, this isn't what it seems like. he's just friendly, right? he's a sweet guy. he'll do this to anyone. “ah, okay.” you looked down at your feet and moved aside. “i’ll look for more books.” you pointed in the other direction and walked away fast. 
this is affecting you so much. he didn't mean it. that doesn't mean anything. he didn't say anything. he was just helping. that was nothing. you were overthinking this too much. 
intak, on the other hand, was having a joyful time knowing that he could finally be alone with you. he was always with his friends or too busy with his club. he decided that he wanted to be your partner this time and asked your friends first. he was already guessing that there could be something between you with the way your friends reacted when he asked. no matter what, he will do something. he was back at the table, waiting for you. 
you huffed and gathered the energy to face him again before returning. “so these were the only books I could find. we can find more on the internet.” you sat back down on the other side, facing him. he smiled at you, and you realized that this was going to be more difficult than it was. 
you felt the awkward silence between him asking questions about the project, but he also asked a lot about you. it made you worried that you might just blurt out this stupid feeling towards him. it’s been two hours since you worked together. you checked the time and decided it was time to rest and go home. 
“intak,” he hummed in response and looked up at you. every time he stares back at you, it just becomes clearer. “i think this is enough for today. we at least have some progress to show to our professor,” he nodded, then asked.
“do you have anything to do? maybe i can join you if you want.” he smiled again while scratching his neck. “i just really want to sleep. it’s fine. i can go home by myself, and i wouldn’t want to bother you more.” you answered, fixing your things. you were ready to go home so you could finally breathe properly. 
“no, i insist. come on, i can buy you a snack too on the way.” he shoved his things in his bag and put it across his body. “oh right. we have to put the books on the returning shelf,” he tried carrying all of them. obviously, he was not, so he stumbled a few times while walking. the two of you were silently laughing at his own antics, and then he was finally okay with you carrying some. 
both of you were at the school gate. “so in which direction do you go?” he asked, looking both ways and then to you. “i go this way.” you pointed to the way you usually walk every morning and afternoon. “oh, i also live nearby. how come i don’t see you? ” he offered you to walk first and followed behind you. “let me think. you are usually late,” he laughed and looked the other way. “and you are busy with other activities.” you felt like you were going to melt that you were having a conversation with him, and most of all, he insisted on walking you home. 
“maybe sometime. i can let you watch me practice dance,” he said, catching up to you and walking beside you. he turned to look at you, waiting for an answer. “sure,” you answered back, and you started fidgeting with your fingers. why is he offering a lot to you? it’s making you dizzy with how he acts, especially towards you. it’s really difficult to ignore your beating heart.
“before i forget, we should stop by here.” he ran up to the entrance of your favorite bakery and gestured for you to catch up. he opened the door and let you walk in first. “my treat! pick whatever you like.” he smiled at you again. you wish he stopped doing that before you did something impulsively. you smiled back at him and began to wander around the bakery. you picked two different breads and approached intak, who was already at the cashier.
“is that all? you can pick another one.” you shook your head and put it on the counter. “i’ll just go first outside. i need to call someone.” before he said anything else, you were gone outside. 
you put your hand on your chest and felt it beating faster now. “please calm down. this is only my first meeting with him one-on-one. you have to chill.” you sighed and stood up, hearing the door open. you looked and saw him. he handed out a bag with the pastry you liked, and you saw he also bought some himself. 
“uhm,” you said, fidgeting with the bag. “thanks for everything today. message me if you want to do the project again another day. see you tomorrow.” you were ready to walk away before he blocked your way. “what is it? do you need something else? ” you asked, staring into his eyes. “can i kiss you? ” your eyes widened in surprise and you stumbled back. 
“sorry, this is too sudden. i said something stupid; i’ll just leave.” you pecked him on the cheek. you laughed at his reaction and walked in the direction of your home without glancing back at him. 
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
Affair (Will Graham)
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Description: Y/N cheats on Hannibal with Will but Hannibal doesn't give the reaction they thought he would.
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 1,926k
The question that you would never have to ask someone when they are married was the one that had to be asked now. Did Y/N love Hannibal? Did Y/N love her husband? That’s a stupid question. She married him right? Why wouldn’t she love him? But the answer to that wasn’t as simple as a yes or no. She did love Hannibal so much. He was everything she ever needed and wanted. He was an older man (which she always liked) . He was caring and listened to her. He made her feel safe. He made her the best dinners she could ever ask for. He was truly the best. That was until Will Graham came along.
Her and Will were the same age. They liked the same things. They were both smart and loved dogs. Hannibal never wanted to get any pets. So she unfortunately didn’t have any. Will was one of a kind and she wouldn’t have guessed he’d make her wanna be unfaithful to her husband. She knew what Hannibal did. She didn’t have a choice but to be okay with it. It was the only thing about him that she hated. She knew that Hannibal was the killer Will was after. She wanted to tell him but she felt like that would be worse than cheating on him.
Hannibal was smart. He wasn’t going to get caught that easy. He had so many tricks up his sleeve. Y/N felt awful about her feelings for Will. Who wouldn’t? Having a husband and loving someone else was the sin she knew she was committing. She wanted Will and not just in a sexual way. She watched him carefully as he ate dinner at their place. He never showed interest in her. I mean why would he? She was married after all. But Will noticed the interest she had in him. The stares at the dinner table, the accidental touches. Will wasn’t dumb. He knew that Y/N Lecter had a thing for him. He fought back and forth with himself about it. He always thought she was beautiful and since he had a feeling that he was right about Hannibal he felt like he’d be doing her a favor. Before he could act on it he got arrested. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be in there for but when he got out he would make a move.
She didn’t come to visit him at first. She didn’t want Hannibal knowing. She wrote him letters and told him to never respond and that she would come visit him when the time was right. Her letters filled with words of love and confession to me. She told him how ever since she met him she’s wanted him and that she knows it’s wrong but she can’t help it. She told him all the nasty things she wanted him to do to her when he was out and how she wanted a life with him. And the best part was she told him he was right about Hannibal. He couldn’t use the letters as evidence to support his claim given what else was written. But one way or another he would be free and Hannibal would be right where he was currently.
Y/N visited him days after her last letter was written. She managed to get there without Hannibal knowing. She sat and waited for them to bring Will. He wasn’t sure who came to see him but he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her. She looked so beautiful. She made eye contact with him and gave him a small smile. Once they were alone she cleared her throat. “I got your letters.” He said. She nodded and sighed. “I’m glad.” “I wanted to tell you that I feel the same way as bad as it sounds.” She chuckles at his words. “You shouldn’t feel bad. You don’t owe Hannibal anything. It’s me that has to carry this burden.” She says.
“It’s not a burden. Love isn’t.” He tells her and watches her smile a little. “What we have I believe is true love.” She looks at him . “Yeah and it’s also a sin.” She says. He shakes his head. “Y/N I know inside my heart that this is right even if it’s morally wrong. Hannibal is a monster and he doesn’t deserve you.” They both knew that if Hannibal even suspected anything it was over. She visited Will when she could and even told him that she found proof that Hannibal was sleeping with Alana. She couldn’t feel sad or hurt about it. She almost felt relief. Will saw it in her eyes as she told him, she was happy about it. Happy that Hannibal was also being unfaithful.
When Will got out the first thing he did was invite Y/N over. She knew Hannibal’s schedule so it was quite easy to get away without him knowing. The kiss they shared felt long overdue. It felt perfect and just right. Will held her in his arms as they made out in his bed under the covers naked. They took their time exploring each other’s bodies. His lips touched every inch of her and gave her orgasm and orgasm. When he was bare inside of her it felt like a puzzle piece getting put into place. It was crazy how perfect they were for each other. He watched her face as he thrusted into her. Her eyes were closed and her hands were gripping his shoulders and back. She was moaning his name softly. He looked at her with pure love in his eyes and watched as she came over and over again. On his tongue, fingers, face, cock she came all over him. When she gasped out his name and clenched around him, he knew that she was close and her body was shaking. He groaned as he felt his climax rising. She came first and it was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. She cried his name as she thrusted up into him riding her high out. He cursed and came inside of her. She held him close as they both rode the waves of pleasure. They did that for hours making up for lost time. He kissed her sweetly as he held her in his arms. “I would love to stay but I need to get back before he suspects anything.” She says cupping his face. He sighed and stared at her.He wished she would never leave and just stayed here. She wanted that too but Hannibal was dangerous.
Will hadn’t been happier after that night. He was doing great after that and Jack and Hannibal didn’t know what was going on. Y/N hid the happiness so it didn’t look like they shared it. She watched Hannibal as she laid in their bed. He smiled at her as he got in next to her. She gave him a smile back and they shared a kiss before going to sleep.
She got up and rushed to the bathroom. She felt sick and almost puked on the floor but she didn’t. Her head was pounding as she sat up from the toilet. Hannibal was working so he didn’t hear her. She heard all the stories and how things worked. She had a feeling she was pregnant. She just had to make sure .
Positive it read. She had tears in her eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was from sadness or happiness. Hannibal and her haven’t had sex in awhile but Will on the other hand she had been sleeping with. She stared at the test not knowing what to do. She was having a baby and it wasn’t her husband’s. He would know eventually, she couldn’t hide it forever. Hannibal walked into the bathroom to see his wife holding the pregnancy test. He saw the tears streaming down her face as she didn’t even blink. “Love, are you okay?” He asked her. She looked up at him like a deer in headlights. The truth was out.
Will knocked on the door of the Lector’s and Hannibal answered. He invited Will in and he saw her. She didn’t look so happy and didn’t even look at him. He sat down across from her but she didn’t even look up at him. Hannibal was getting the food ready and didn’t even pay any mind to Will’s reaction. Hannibal brought over the food and announced what they were eating. He noticed Will staring at Y/N. They didn’t talk for a while and just ate in uncomfortable silence. Will was really questioning what the hell was going on. Finally after the long silence Hannibal spoke up. “Will I have a gift for you.” He says. Will looks over at him and smiles. “You didn’t have to get me anything.” He says but Hannibal hands him the gift. “Well I guess Y/N is giving you the gift.” Will opened it and almost dropped it.
A positive Pregnancy test. Y/N started crying. He looks over at her and she sighs. “Will I’m so sorry.” He looks at Hannibal. “Well, do you like your gift?” Hannibal asked him. Will looked down at the test again and back at Y/N. “Y/N and I haven’t made love in awhile. So I knew there was no way it was mine. She confessed everything to me after she cried her eyes out Will.” Will’s eyes didn’t leave Y/N. “Will, you’ve been fucking my wife.” Hannibal states and stands up. “Though I have no right to be mad about that as I’ve been sleeping with Alana.” Hannibal moved to sit next to Will. “Only I didn’t get her pregnant.” Will looked over at Hannibal as he talked. “See this could have been avoided and kept taboo if you two would have used protection.” “Is that all you care about?” Will asked him. “Will I don’t fucking care that you slept with my wife, like I said I slept with Alana. What I care about is you getting her pregnant so now Y/N and I can’t be together. I won’t raise another man’s child.” Y/N still didn’t say a word. Hannibal got up and went to Y/N.
He knelt down to her and sighed. “Love, I have to kick you out. You are bearing another man’s child.” She looked up at him. “See you don’t care that I’m kicking you out. I see it in your eyes. That hurts but I guess we just weren’t meant to be.” He shrugged. Will was so confused on why Hannibal was so calm about this. He didn’t even get a second to think about the child he will have. Hannibal stands up and clears his throat. “I want you out of my house by tomorrow. I’ll send over the divorce papers and Will can take care of you now.” He said. He acted like he didn’t care that this didn’t bother him. Though Will knew that Hannibal was good at hiding stuff. Scary good.
Y/N was moved into Will’s house and the divorce papers were signed. They both thought how he acted was scary and Will had to get more locks for the door. Hannibal was a force to be reckoned with. He was dangerous and nobody knew his next move. Will played with the ring he planned on using tonight. He felt happy again. Of course Hannibal will be on his mind but he was going to be a dad. He had the love of his life and he couldn't ask for anything else.
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majeoeje · 10 months
Not a second with you is ever a waste
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Teru Minamoto x reader
I would gladly face any conseqences just to have your lips on mine a little longer
"I would say you're that you’re not much better seeing your eyebags right now"
He pointed, ironically being the one laying in the school's infirmary
"Ugh,look at yours!"
You shoved him your pocket mirror close enough so that he can take a good look at his face, it took him a few seconds to realize what you meant.
Staying up late was akin to the one and only Teru Minamoto, being a trained exorcist and all. But these past few weeks had been swarming him with task of bothersome spirits, you wondered how he hasn't collapsed yet.
Until he did
You saw how he slumped while holding documents for the student council, immedietly helping him, thinking nothing of it. Though, too occupied with your few exchange jokes you didn't notice how unstable the steps that he continued to take before you heard a loud thud alongside with papers and documents scattered to the floor
"You were heavy."
You rolled your eye at him. Teru know you could never be mad at him though in that moment he really can't help but look away, defeated filled with guilt.
"Sorry.. i didn't mean to burden you like that" at first it would sound like an excessive apology for such a simple thing that you were clearly just joking about, but you knew what he meant as he stared intently at your eyebags that mirrors his.
“Don’t mention it.” You said
As you layed your upper body on thighs, avoiding his gaze, perhaps a part of you was embarassed. If it weren’t for his condition right now, he would be elated.
"You've been a great help to me these past months, i shouldn't had dropped my assignment last minute to you like that" he confessed, playing with the strands of your hair.
The anxious Teru, the clingy Teru, the cold Teru, the touchy Teru. You were always surprised with every layer of personality that he shows you, a side that would made you grew jealous if he were to show to anybody else. Yet you can't help to miss every part of him when you are seperated
And to think that you once thought of him as one dimensional.
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, and i'll make sure it won't happen again"
Oh he was really serious now? You couldn't help but smile, a mischevious grin laces your lips. How could you turn down such an offer?
"Oh really?" he knows you're messing with him but hey, is it really a bad thing wanting to see you happy even for the sake of his inconvinience
"Yes!" He said eagerly holding your hand
"How about...." you started to think about how could you possibly use this opportunity to the fullest. "You cover me whenever i skip school this whole month? Yeah that sounds good"
The fact that you're asking the student council president for this is crazy really, the horors he would face if people were to find out surely wasn’t something he’s looking forward to
"That's a bit.." he stopped, a facade of his princely attitude seems to glimmer through before he shook his head
He sighed away his discomfort and looked you in the eyes “alright, but just know i’m not joining you anytime soon”
You giggled, an awfully lovely sound that could shift Teru’s moral compass anytime. Sometimes it feels like he’d do anything for the sound of it.
"I was just joking teru" you weren't. " but need i remind you that you did skipped class once you knoww..." you poked his cheek playfully
He was reminded to a fateful day before summer break where he gave into his impulsive thoughts and decided to follow a dumbass to their shenanigans up the rooftop.
"H-hey- i thought we agreed to not bring up that ever again" he grab a hold of your wrist pulling you ever so closely, he couldn't contain his reddening cheeks as he smiled remembering that day.
"The school prince skipped school to make out with someone!?? Gahhh! Such scandal!" Such a scandal it would make indeed if people were to find out his secret heated make out session.
News flash : It was you
"Like you weren’t the one practically BEGGING for me to kiss you” he said, eyeing your lips with a glare that could sent blood rushing to your face anytime of the day
“I don’t recall such blasphemous memories, princess" you crossed your hands, failing to look to away to hide the growing smile on your lips
"You wanna kiss me so bad it’s messing with your head"
"Your majesty, your lowly servant greatly thinks it's the other way around"
you grinned seeing how he eyed your lips with no shame whatsoever this time.
"Hmm..." he seems to think for a second "maybe" before you felt him inching closer, wasting no time.
All you could feel was a pair of lips on your own, a pair of rough hands cupping your face, messing with your hair. The cheap white sheets of the infirmary ruffled to a mess and the smell of sanitizer became amiss as you kissed him back tasting a faint sweet vanilla on his lips.
"Hm.. you used the lip balm i got for you? How sweet" you squished his cheeks with your thumb and index finger making him duck his lips slightly, eyeing the glistened on his lips that you failed to notice until it collided to yours.
"Me or the lip balm?"
He chuckled, he smiled. a smile that never fails to make you grow weak in the knees as he stayed there not shying away from your touch
"Good question...maybe i need to check one more time"
Real smooth
You kissed him first this time, your hands dangled from his shoulder, pulling him close. You could feel how his lips curled into a smile when you did so.
During moments like this you wondered how the heartthrob of kamome gakuen that acted so heartlessly(ironically) to you when you first met came to be this way in your arms.
Moments passed as if it were mere when seconds kissing you. He was greedy. Everytime you gasped and breathed for air he wished to kiss you twice as long.
The disappointment in his eyes was evident when you finally pulled away
Though he stopped as the thoughts that swirled his head from moments before seem to not linger back.
"Is it really alright though...you know...the homework?" he rest his forehead on yours lazily
"Darling, you did mine that one time too remember? I'm just repaying your kindness" you sighed, you don’t understand how he could become so self conscious in every favor you offered.
"But it's different.." he said, disappointedly
"You know you shouldn't feel this way… You mean a lot to me. I hope there comes a day where you can realize that you can fully rely on me without feeling guilty"
The pause that linger in the air seem to grow heavy in each moment, a moment that made you realize how fragile he was.
He doesn't know how to respond to that, at least...not yet
"How about you take me on a date to make it up for me"
Hearing that he perked up, giving a gentle smile, a smile one like when you first met him. It covered a lot of secrets
They say human's greatest fear are of the unknown. This smile represent just that. The swirling feeling of uneasiness knowing he has secrets he need to hide from you. yet it continues to enchant you nonetheless
"I'll pick you up at 6"
"Sounds good to me"
(Idk what has gotten into me but my teru phase is coming back fr. Also just short fluff, everyday scenarios🫡🫡)
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s1ater · 2 years
a moment.
pairings. lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
about. lorenzo recollects about a time where things were better, while reader only worries about what comes next.
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warnings. foul language
ricky rocks. n/a
“this is not good for us.”
these were the first words you had said since the triwizard maze, where the sight of harry balling over the corpse of cedric diggory was burned into all of your minds.
enzo stares at you for a moment till his eyes crinkle in the corners in confusion to your words. he’s not sure he hears you right from how silent your tone is. he’s not even sure if you’re even talking to him, “what do you mean?”
you couldn’t feel anything but a numbing sensation and irritation. your head pierces with the start of a headache as you think about it over and over.
you could still feel theodore’s hands wrap around your arms, pushing you backwards from the crowd that slowly, but progressively surrounded the poor boy’s body—moving the opposite way from the rest of you.
he had kept mumbling ‘don’t’ and ‘no’ over and over till you were no longer within the arena, because he knew too.
“we’re fucked.”
“what?” he narrows his brows, kneeling before you and the position you were sat in on the couch. it was like you didn’t see him, like you really were talking to yourself.
“people like us, lorenzo. people like us. we’re burden with a stigma that makes everyone stay away unless they’re exactly like us. do you even know what this means?”
“no,” he shook his head, biting the corner of his lip. you were really starting to worry him. “what does this mean?”
lorenzo wasn’t there. many people weren’t there, but they still all knew. word traveled fast and you hated it.
“this is only the beginning, and it’s only going to get worse. it’s going to turn back around on us,” you shook your head, finally looking him in the eye. “he saw him, enzo. really saw him. think about our parents; who our parents are. think about it.”
you were losing your mind. spiraling.
“love,” his hand is steady on your knee, “i think you’re worried about nothing. its potter, he’s probably lost his mind in that maze. he doesn’t know what he saw.”
“that doesn’t matter,” you get to your feet, almost knocking him from his low stance as you suddenly have a stimulus in your feet. “you remember this summer, lo? think about this summer.”
your suddenly pulling your coat on and he still stands in his squatting position by the couch, watching you, helpless and lost as to what was going on in your head.
“remember your mother? remember the beach house she took us to?”
he missed summer.
everything was better, so much better. he saw your face more. everything was brighter and smelled sweeter, and he never had as many knots in his chest as he did now. he didn’t have to watch you spiral with the simple task of pulling on your fall apparel.
you were in touch and always so close. now, he could feel it, it was going down hill from here and you’d be far from touch. all because of the hufflepuff boy.
“remember that man, the one you told me not to worry about? who was he, lo? truly,” you really looked at him now and everything was sudden. “what was he doing there and why was he there for your mother?”
the man?
he frowned, his eyes drifting from yours as he thought. those days always blended together and he couldn’t care to keep track of the date or time till the sun would rise and set.
what man?
“he said this would happen, that she needed to prepare for him to return and that there was hope again,” you clarify it for him even though you knew he knew exactly what you were talking about deep down. “and you said it didn’t mean anything and that you didn’t even know who he was—but you did, didn’t you? i could tell by your face that you did.”
theodore’s father.
his eyes suddenly moved fast to see yours once more upon realization. he had forgotten about that; blocked it out. he had figured you did too.
no. that was the beginning—when things really started to go down hill.
“where are you going?”
“answer the question, lorenzo.”
“i don’t know,” he shook his head, “i don’t remember.”
he did. he thought about it a lot.
“where are you going?”
“to talk to potter,” the look on your face was displeased, like you knew he was lying, but you couldn’t do anything about it.
so you left.
he never understood how you were sorted into slytherin. you were overly empathetic to the point it was sickening to anyone in the slytherin class that came within five feet of you and your goddamn smile.
overly empathetic for a hufflepuff boy you hadn’t even met before.
you didn’t understand the vendetta against all and anyone outside of slytherin. you were overly self aware of your wrongs and selfish features. you wanted to be better than your blood—but blood was blood, and it was written in stone for you to be what your parents were, and what their parents, ever since birth.
the day that man came—the day theodore’s father had somehow found the beach house lorenzo’s mother had brought you to—was a day he had thought about a lot till he couldn’t remember anymore.
he cut in from his mind.
that was the beginning of the return and he hadn’t really realized it till now.
“this is a blessing, karmita. realize that.”
“a blessing, tiberius?” she stares him with complete disgust. “think of our children. we are going into a war that no one will win.”
“you have zero faith,” he shakes his head mirroring an equal amount of revulsion. “the dark lord has given us everything and yet you stray. for what? fear?”
you were huddled against the wall separating the living room and kitchen, quietly listening to a conversation you had unintentionally walked in on.
you were almost fearful at the sight of the man due to not seeing a single soul aside from lorenzo and his mother for the past couple of weeks. his presence brought a negative stimulus that you could feel the moment you walked into the beach house despite not even seeing him yet.
tiberius nott and his son were carbon copies of each other—enzo wasn’t sure how you hadn’t realized it was your friends father. they both had tall and slanting statures with dark eyes and pale skin.
the only difference; tiberius was arrogant and cruel and never displayed a look of foolishness of a smile. he was everything theo despised and inspired not to be.
“and to think i came here to offer you and your husband a spot upon the council,” he shifted now, like he was over with this conversation. “this is a revolution… something that you could be apart of, and be awarded for, but i see you’re far from ready.”
he made a drastic move to exit the kitchen causing you to move as fast as you could from sight, only for you to bump into lorenzo who was just as quick to grab you and yank you around the corner.
“what are you doing?”
“who’s that man?”
lorenzo missed the beach. he missed your sandy face, hot and sunburnt skin, cold showers, and the sound of nothing but beach waves and your sick laugh that he could never get tired of.
but he had to face that was no longer.
the pale boy and his friends look up at you with surprise and unfamiliarity.
you stare back with a look the was unintelligible, but your voice gave you away. you sounded sympathetic and gentle, like you didn’t want to scare him away.
“you know who i am?”
he looks between his fellow gryffindor peers at this question, almost finding it so ridiculous, he doesn’t know how to answer.
“can i talk to you?”
“he doesn’t want to talk to a snake like you, y/l/n,” one of the boys scowls at you, almost standing to his feet from the table. “why don’t you beat it before you cause any more trouble.”
“sit down seamus before she puts a hex on you,” hermione yanks him to his seat by his collar.
“it’d be well deserved for his loud mouth,” george mumbles, “let the slytherin princess speak before you lay a hand on her.”
you look between each of them as they quarrel about seamus’ big mouth. your mouth slightly opens, finding it a little amusing, “i’d only like to speak to potter.”
“you want to speak with potter, you speak with all of us,” ron weasley stands fast before his friend could even react.
his face is just as red as his hair as if fuming in annoyance or anger but you’re not sure why… no, you were sure. it’s exactly as you guessed. you were already getting condemned for something that wasn’t your fault.
“ron, it’s fine,” harry presses him lightly back into the wooden bench. “i’ll talk.”
“you don’t believe me, do you?”
“i do.”
“what do you want me to say?”
you stay silent at that question. you’re not sure. you don’t even know why you’ve came to speak to him now that you think about it.
after he retold all that happened, your mind went blank and you couldn’t even begin to think on how to put your own thoughts into words.
“i’m sorry.”
he’s shocked.
“i think i’ve wasted your time,” you get to your feet fast out of embarrassment but he’s quick to grab your arm.
“you’re afraid,” his sick big brown eyes are prying and wide like he had finally just figured it all out. “aren’t you?”
you swallow, slowly sitting back down, “maybe i am.”
“why? you’re untouchable.”
your frown lines immediately dig deep into your cheeks at his words. he’s wrong. he should know it, but you don’t protest despite your mouth already being open to disagree, “i want to know one thing.”
“what is it?”
“you said they unmasked themselves when he was there… did you recognize any of them?”
did you recognize my father? did you recognize my mother? did you recognize any of my heir?
“draco’s father,” he seems to wince while saying it, “that’s it.”
he can see the unsatisfaction in your face, like you’re waiting for something more. you were unsure and he could tell, “look, if you’re curious about something, why don’t you just ask, y/n?”
“my father, harry.”
he shook his head, then you breathe.
thank god.
“that wouldn’t mean anything, would it though?”
“no, it wouldn’t. but i’d like to believe it does.”
“lo,” your hands clasped both sides of his face, “wake up, love.”
he laid on the floor of his bedroom, completely passed out. to say you had never found lorenzo like this, would be a complete lie, but it didn’t make it any less concerning.
“you better be alive,” you slung a leg over his torso, now straddling as you kept your hands on both sides of his face, now lightly shaking him. “we don’t have time for this.”
you feel him shift beneath of you, stretching him limbs before opening his eyes to the sight of you. he almost jumps out of surprisal, but smirks.
“god’s answered my prayers,” his hands creep onto your hips, “i’ve been waiting for this moment.”
you roll your eyes, hitting his chest as you get off of him, “yeah, you’re not that in touch with god.”
you still lay next to him, and it's quiet as you both really think. it's obvious all lightheartedness is gone and anything sweet was no longer.
it was obvious, but you both wanted to swallow it down.
"lo," you turn on your side, curled closer against him where his arm immediately curls around you. he could hear the tightness in your voice, something he didn't like and wish he could just ignore. "I believe harry."
he did too.
"draco's father was there," your fingers slightly pull on the threads of his old and wrecked white cotton sweater out of anticipation. "that can't be good... even for us-"
“let’s just not worry," he looks at you now, cutting your further rambling off. "for just this moment. let's not worry.”
you stare at him, he looks away and back to the ceiling. back to the beach.
give me... just a moment.
@sophiekay20 @aliyahsutherland @myalupinblack @ishwiya @padf00ts-l0ver @thehuntress09 @Anushi @afidiofobia @black-rose-29 @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @sunsetcurve-95 @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake @hopelessbutterfly @jameslover @colorfulpaperthing @therewillbedancing @lilytoyourjames @eichenhouseproperty @living-hell-7 @calums-betch @moonlighy @ancientimes @1Dcumslut @gabeisinluv @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @simars3 @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd @rmeddar123 @lupinsluvbot
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curtsbigspoon · 5 months
thoughts on how buck and bucky would end up kissing and/or hooking up for the first time? what would lead up to it, who would make the first move etc <3
I feel like it would have to be either after a rough mission, or a successful one.
First one could be that the grief and loss has worn everyone down, John and Gale are trying to understand their place in it all, to cope with the fact it could be one of them next. 
Gale is more reserved about his anxiety, doesn’t show it publicly, has to be a leader for everyone. John is more likely to get physically antsy, tries to find the positives in it all because he’s still got Gale. 
It feeds off on everyone, able to find hope despite their fears.
Gale’s never been more relieved at John’s glass half full type of energy, feeling less burdened by the weight of pressure.
But John confronts him one night, he’s a little more drunk than he should be, but it’s the only way to find his strength.
He crowds Gale against a wall, his lips pulled tight, pressing his forehead to their shoulder, bottom lip jutted out and trembling. 
Gale feels it then, what he’s been hiding, brings his hand to John’s shoulder and tries to rub him there reassuringly.
John voices his fears, lifts his head, Gale sees how wet they’ve grown. 
“It’s gonna be alright,” Gale murmurs, and he tries to smile, ducking his head slightly. “We’re gonna be alright.”
John swallows, feels a lot of things in the moment, isn’t sure what any of them are.
Not until he brings his hand up, cupping it again Gale’s cheek, surging forward to press their lips together in something that’s too messy, teeth clacking against one another, almost bumping noses.
But Gale doesn’t run from it, just stands there shocked, feels his eyes widen before John pulls away from him. 
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he whispers, but there’s no menace to his tone, no real rejection to back up his words.
John catches it, and he steps back, nodding his head. 
“Yeah, I shouldn’t have… Too bad I’m about to do it again anyways.”
Right well I should probably say now it wasn’t supposed to turn into that but, I’d feel bad ridding y’all of the extra content so I’ll let it stay.
The other option is much more cheerier!
They’re probably together in the hall, music’s blasting, people are dancing, John and Gale are at each other’s sides as always.
John’s especially taken by the thrill of it all, can’t stop smiling, finding ways to chime in with singing, or patting his comrades on the back whenever they walk back.
Gale’s just smiling, sometimes he grins a little more with teeth, feels the world sweep away from him. 
It might just be one night, but they’re making it his, they’re taking the victory and using it as means to inspire how successful the future could be. 
After all their hard work they deserve it.
John probably saunters back, hooks his arm around Gale, leans real close. 
“Come with me?”
“You need an escort now?”
“I might, you don’t want me wandering off on my own tonight, do you?”
Even though he tries to hold meaning to the theat, the smile spilling over his cheeks shows he’s just trying to get his way.
Gale gives into him anyways, follows him outside, lets him smoke his cigar and leans his head back against the wall to take in the stars.
The world feels at peace for a little while, no fights or fires above, just laughter and joy and beer.
John catches his gaze, follows it with a grin, nudges his arm into him.
“Don’t get too lost in the clouds, Gale. I need you down here with me.”
“I’m always down here with you.”
John laughs at that, thinks it’s the funniest, sighs and leans his head back to join Gale’s observations.
“I don’t plan on letting you go anywhere anytime soon, you can count on that.”
Gale laughs too, something easy and sweet.
John tilts his head towards the blond, leans close to murmur something, and Gale turns in time to catch their lips almost touching.
It stops them both, John’s lips parted and ready to usher words, Gale’s closed and ready to listen - but they split apart when they notice how close John is.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere,” Gale whispers, thinks it’ll spark them both back to normalcy. 
It doesn’t, if anything it halts John further in his tracks, and then his eyes dip.
Gale doesn’t have time to warn him not to be too hasty, to tell him he should move in case someone comes out and sees them so close. 
John’s lips on his force him into silence, everything else falls away, and his cheeks warm under the attention before he gently prods John back.
“Someone could have seen,” he warns, and something about it makes John smile.
Gale’s slightly appalled at his lack of consideration or care regarding the matter until John continues.
“Next time I’ll be more careful.”
Fuck. I ended up yapping again. Okay so I could honestly see it going different ways but I wound up writing two very specific scenarios, sorry bout that one. If you want different like perspectives in the future lemme know.
And, uh, hope you enjoyed??
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loviingpedri · 11 months
my declaration of love - jobe bellingham.
prompt: two lovers in high school.
warnings: cursing, angst (fluff at end), grammar issues
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jobe was your best friend, there was no denying it. everyone knew that you two were in love, but the idea was always denied in fear. both of your parents were ready for y’all to get married. laughing the awkwardness off, you thought jobe didn’t feel the same. he always gave you mixed feelings. he could be all over your shoulder, then talk to many other girls right after.
you wanted him for the longest. it was burden on your parents seeing you cry over him every time a new girl came into the picture. it even hurt his parents recognizing the pattern of when you came over and when you didn’t. your friendship was too good to be ruined by jobe’s playboy activities.
yet, that was half of jobe’s intentions. he loved you so much, it became unhealthy for him. he had regret for every other girl he even laid eyes on because it just wasn’t you. he was afraid you would never love him back. it pained him seeing your eyes turn sadder when hearing about the new girl he was talking to. truth be told, he tried to get over you through them. no girl would ever hold up to his standard. his standard being you, of course.
the feelings were mutual, but none of you could face it in fear of being rejected.
“jobe, did you do your math homework?”
“sorry, what?” annual study session at the bellingham house, nothing new.
“the math homework, did you do it?” your head was just as confused as his. you wondered what he was thinking of.
“yeah, i did.” taking out his papers. “did you know there’s a party later? we should go.”
“i heard about it. i was debating on asking if you were going. can’t leave without my partner in crime.” you nervously laughed at the cheesy nickname. distracting yourself by copying his answers before seeing his slight smile.
“i mean let’s go. last year, gotta make the most of it.”
“thankfully, i live next door. or else i would not be able to get ready.”
breathing in your dust
this wasn’t your first rodeo, but this was a new memory of a party.
this memory, you weren’t exactly fond on it. jobe stayed with you for the first 15 minutes. he was definitely needed to try and get use to the people. but after those 15 minutes of introduction, he excused himself to the bathroom. then after, said he was going to get drinks. he never came back. you were lucky enough to find some of your friends there. it became suspicious how he just disappeared.
the house was so crowded. you started to get overwhelmed. finally reaching an empty space, you saw a familiar face.
“chris? rigg? i didn’t expect you to be here.”
“oh hey y/n. i’m surprised jobe isn’t with you.” it was true, he was like your personal body guard in public. yet, he decided to leave you alone in a place where you knew almost nobody. “do you want a drink? i poured another cup if anyone else was thirsty. no alcohol, of course.”
“oh yeah, thanks. i was actually looking for jobe. do you know where he is?”
“i think i saw him walk into the kitchen when i left.” giving chris a quick nod and smile, you tried to find the way to the kitchen. leaving the room was two boys who were wearing sunderland jerseys laughing with an o-shaped mouth. with specific intention to make eye contact with you.
walking into the room in curiosity, you had instant regret. there jobe was. making out with another girl. someone who looked the exact opposite of you actually. your best friend goes missing for an entire hour that he invited you to, and is now making out with someone he just met.
jobe use to only tell you who the girls he was talking to and how they were like. it still made you feel pain. this time was different. he was physically causing you to hurt. it hurt like being stabbed in the stomach. he demonstrated how he felt without you. he felt connected to other girls in way you wanted him to feel for you.
he didn’t realize you were there either. fighting your tears back. accidentally, the cup given to you fell to the ground. the red juice flowing everywhere. the noise made jobe notice you. everything seemed to be going in slow motion. from him looking at you in shock. seeing your emotions flash in confusion. how you walked away into the groups of people. he tried to catch up to you. panic was running through his head. he felt lightheaded. he started sweating.
his intention was to lose feelings for you. he didn’t think about how he could’ve lost you entirely in his life. running to where the car was, it was gone since you had the car keys. he could worry about finding a ride home later. the only thing that mattered to him was getting the love of his life back before it was too late.
once again, your mother’s heart broke into pieces as your makeup was ruined. mascara always running down your cheeks for the one and only, jobe bellingham.
this time, it was much more emotional. you didn’t wanna hide your feelings anymore. it was taking over your health and made it worse day by day.
being in your comfortable pajamas and finally laying down after your hard time was comforting. hearing your mom talk to denise about what happened. hearing a few words about jobe. everything hurt. it felt like a stab straight through your heart.
finally learning your lesson. just because you gave someone effort, doesn’t always mean they have to return it back to you.
you reflected on everything you did for jobe. you did anything just for him to like you back. was it all for nothing? it was hard to think. your eyes were dry and sore from crying. the only thing that stopped the pain was closing your eyes and bringing peace to yourself.
waking up by hugs and kisses from your parents was the only thing you ever needed. you adored your parents. it just felt empty without jobe having something planned for the day. it was rare that you even ate breakfast with them.
“i talked to denise yesterday,” it was bound that the topic of him would be brought up. your mom trying to ease you up before trying to get you to talk about it. “jobe isn’t doing well. i mean, your health also isn’t okay either. but, y/n maybe you should try and hear him out.”
“i don’t think i can. i was way too obvious on how i felt about him. he just pushed me aside.”
“relationships are definitely different in this generation. are you ever gonna talk to him?” your father being protective over you and boys, yet jobe was welcomed with open arms.
“this just happened yesterday. i’m still trying to process my feelings.”
“well denise said-“ the doorbell rang. the whole family looking at each other in confusion. you weren’t expecting anybody, nor any packages. opening the door, you saw your first love with a bouquet of flowers and very sore eyes.
“y/n. good morning. sorry if i caught you at the wrong time. i just came here to talk to you.”
“about what?” you didn’t want to come off as rude, but it was definitely wrong timing as you’re in red pajama pants and a winnie the pooh t-shirt.
“i want to apologize for what happened yesterday. i know i dragged you to the party, then i completely left you with people you did not know. it was selfish of me to do that. and to add on, you saw me doing something i should’ve never did. it gave you a bad idea of me. i finally want to admit that i have feelings for you. i was scared that you would never feel the same. i tried constantly to get over you. nobody will ever match up to our friendship, our relationship. i never realized that it hurt me more to lose you completely then just having a little inconvenience in our friendship. y/n, you are the only i want. i just wanna be yours.”
no words need to be said. your eyes spoke for him. instantly connecting your bodies in a hug, his body warmth will always be your serenity.
“jobe, i will always be yours.”
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dozing-marshmallow · 1 year
Im so sorry for all the Chris’ nibling stuff but I absolutely love family type fics so could you please continue the thing into maybe World Tour?
Maybe Alejandro being like a big brother type thingy? You know since his big brother is kinda a bootyhole
NO DON’T APOLOGISE IT’S OKAY!! It’s a sign that you really enjoy this instalment and that makes me proud of my ability as a writer to engage yall so much. :’)
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It’s been a year, and Total Drama was coming back with its third season: a no-holds-barred race around the world in a jet! 
It wasn’t surprising that it took a lot more conversation out of Chris to convince your parents to let you on this one- the suspicious measure of his jet’s safety, what you’d be exposed to this time around, your passport, visa, if the whole process was even legal.
In the end, they allowed it, primarily because it was Chris’ burden to bear the responsibilities and they trusted him enough to keep you safe.
This time, you didn’t need to pack; everything you’d need was at Chris’ place already.
That’s right! You started staying with him a lot more without your parents being around.
You were one year older, and so was everyone else.
Chris decided to invite two new contestants on the show. Potential friends?
“Eee! OMG! It’s Chris Junior! Hi! Hi! Hi!” One of them, the super fan Sierra wildly shakes your hand,“I always daydreamed about the day I’d get to meet my step-cousin, and now I’m finally here!”
“Step-cousin...?” you didn’t get it.
“(Y/N) your majesty, why don’t you go sit at the front with Chef while uncle Chris explains a few rules to the passengers?” Chris interrupts sweetly.
“Aww. Okay.” After you whispered to him,“Will I need to sing too?”
The plane took off, and you were flying into the sky!
“I think I can see my house from here!” You exclaim, peering out one of the holes in the wall modified as windows in the “economy” section. The wind taps your face. Canada looked like little rectangles!
“It’s a long way down! Don’t lean out too much, you don’t wanna fall!” Leshawna advised, beaming at you.
“I won’t fall! This is the Chris plane!” You declared, jumping off the bench and spinning around in circles.
The Chris plane broke out free in aggressive blue.
“Huuu...” you whimpered, cutting your dancing short,“Is that normal?... Is...this meant to happen?”
“Are you frightened?” An answer in the form of a question slid into your ears by Alejandro, the other new contestant.
“Y-Yeah...” you nod, clutching onto the window,“I’ve never been on a plane before... If this is what it’s like, I don’t think I like planes very much...”
“You don’t need to feel frightened.” A tanned arm of his surrounds you, seeming sincere, like a scared half to death boy who didn’t get this shield long ago,“I may not have much history with you, but it’s not in my morals to ignore a child in distress.”
You could see why your uncle wanted him on the show. His face was perfect, alright. And the hair on his chin really got you curious,“Can I...?”
“By all means.” He directs your hand to his goatee.
You stroke it. Soft...like silk,“My uncle told me about you. Don’t worry, I don’t snitch, but are you fake being nice to me?”
He shakes his head, his long dark hair similar to Chris’ elands with it,“I haven’t any intention to deceive you, little one.”
“You can say that, but not mean it...” you mumble, not happy with his nature, but happy enough to accept it the way it was.
“This is separate. I swear.” His fingers weren’t crossed,“I wonder, (Y/N)...you don’t happen to have siblings, do you?”
“Mm mm. My parents are busy so there’s only me.” You quiet your voice, now stroking his necklace,“If I did, I probably wouldn’t be on the show, and I’d be jealous that I’d have to share...”
“I see... It sounds like a life of luxury.”
“Ale-jandro!” your uncle appears down the hall,“Strategising already, are you?”
“What? Of course not! To use a child like this? I could never!” The Hispanic man quickly jumped to defend himself.
“Yeah yeah, the turbulence is over in case you missed it.” His odium of the sight sharpened his face, which was very new.
“What’s the problem here?” You’d like to know too. What gives, uncle?,“Please forgive me if I act in ignorance, for I did not see anything about-“
“You done? I’m uh, kinda waiting on you to get up and go.” much to your baffled expression, Chris’ impatience squished Alejandro’s right to speak, leaving him no other choice, but to bid an end to your moment together.
Nobody could look smart challenging the host. Not at the start as a newbie at least.
Understandable, though. Chris loses control over his contestants sometimes and didn’t want you to get in the middle of it.
Shortly, you arrive to Egypt, the first country, and watched the contestants take their mark to race across a pyramid. While you were so excited to visit new cultures and be in different countries, Egypt itself was unbearably dry.
“Ughhh uncle! How are you not hot?” You groan, flapping your hand in front of your face. Too hot... So hot...!
“Look what I’m wearing.” he answered, ironic since the most he wore was a nemes and loincloth- not even a shirt.
Seeing how relaxed he was nagged you to groan further,“I’m melllting!”
“Intern!” He yelled at a poor unpaid worker to rush and raise-low a palm leaf to you,“Better?”
“Ahh..” you groan, falling into the sand on your knees,“I could use some icy lemonade right now...”
This was going to be a loooooong season.
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