#yeah and when you finally saw me you completely shat on me and expected me to be okay with it
pesterloglog · 9 months
Vriska Serket, Tavros Nitram, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 7854-7866
VRISKA: What accomplishment?!
VRISKA: What are you doing with all these ghosts?
VRISKA: Is this...
VRISKA: Is this a GHOST ARMY?!?!?!?!
VRISKA: And I'm to 8elieve YOU'RE responsi8le for this?
VRISKA: Oh, 8ullshit.
VRISKA: You must have had help or something. Or used some kind of trick.
VRISKA: Tell me the truth, Nitram. How'd this get done? Who was pulling the strings??
VRISKA: Who is influencing the minds of all these ghosts????????
VRISKA: You must 8e joking.
VRISKA: You don't have those kinds of powers!
VRISKA: I mean, unless... ghosts are sort of like a kind of animal?
VRISKA: Meenah, is that how it works? Are ghosts actually fucking animals?!
VRISKA: What sort of hideous fuckwitted 8aloney drivel are you spouting out your prattle socket this time?
VRISKA: NO........
VRISKA: This can't 8e.
VRISKA: I don't see how...
VRISKA: Do you know what this means?
VRISKA: It means...
VRISKA: You actually did something useful for once.
TAVROS: }:D!!!
VRISKA: I don't know how I'm even supposed to process or handle this inform8tion...
VRISKA: It's... it's completely messed up, is what it is.
VRISKA: My entire world view is shattering around me...
VRISKA: It can't 8e true.
VRISKA: It can't!
VRISKA: Some8ody slap me. I need to wake up from this horseshit.
VRISKA: Meenah, is this real??
VRISKA: Tell me I'm not going insane. Please confirm for me that Tavros has for once in his preposterous life or death or whatever has at least momentarily stopped 8eing a totally useless sack of shit.
MEENAH: its fucked up but true
VRISKA: God........
VRISKA: Fuck this. I can't accept this reality.
VRISKA: Nope. No way. Won't do it.
VRISKA: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
TAVROS: yES, yES, yES, yES, yES!!!
TAVROS: SUUUUUCK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
VRISKA: Tavros.
VRISKA: Tavros.
VRISKA: Tavros.
VRISKA: You win.
VRISKA: You did something gr8, and it was a 8ig help.
VRISKA: So, thanks for that. I mean that sincerely.
VRISKA: Could you please just... never dance again? Like ever?
VRISKA: That's all I ask.
VRISKA: Awesome.
VRISKA: Ok, now that we have a ghost army assem8led, the weapon in hand, and settled on the determin8tion that the lost cheru8 pro8a8ly doesn't matter at all...
VRISKA: I think it's time to make a plan.
MEENAH: hold up
MEENAH: somefin dont feel right aboat this
MEENAH: this army
MEENAH: who the flips in charge of this jam
VRISKA: In charge?
MEENAH: please dont tell me its the dancin weenie poopboy
VRISKA: I don't think he's technically "in charge"?
VRISKA: He just "motiv8ted" them all to join the fight through the power of "friendship".
MEENAH: yea but an armys gotta follow orders
MEENAH: otherwise it aint an army
MEENAH: its a bunch of assholes who all happen to be standing in roughly the same vicinity
VRISKA: I see your point.
VRISKA: What are you suggesting?
MEENAH: i should rule the army
VRISKA: Rule??
VRISKA: Don't you mean like, 8e the general of it?
VRISKA: I think that's usually how it works.
MEENAH: shell no glubberfucker
MEENAH: i should rule these sons a fishes
MEENAH: its in my blood
MEENAH: also
MEENAH: i fuckin wanna
MEENAH: and i probubbly wont take no for a clamswer
VRISKA: Hey, that sounds fine to me.
VRISKA: A little discipline applied to this swarm of dead idiots isn't going to dou8le-kill them.
VRISKA: I'm just not sure how feasi8le it is?
VRISKA: Tavros is the one who rounded them all up, so I assume they're all currently listening to him when it comes to the marching orders.
MEENAH: i sea how it is
MEENAH: hey you
MEENAH: swabby
MEENAH: i hereby challenge you for the leadership of this army!!!!!!
MEENAH: get yer fuckin dukes up pupa pansy >38D
MEENAH: yeah lets!
MEENAH: itll be fin
MEENAH: now hit me ya seaweed suckin sandal stuffer
MEENAH: aw man 38(
MEENAH: whys everyone alwaves gotta do shit the boring way
MEENAH: aight hows this
MEENAH: ill buy em off you
MEENAH: just name your price
MEENAH: i got a LOT of gold you know
MEENAH: do i look fuckin poor to you???
MEENAH: tell me i look poor i GLUBBING DAR-E YOU
MEENAH: then tell me how much gold i need to unload to make this shit happen
MEENAH: *grumble grumble*
MEENAH: pedantic motherfucks dont know gold = riches, P-ERIOD
MEENAH: alright alright
MEENAH: go ahead an B-E nice about it what do i care 38T
MEENAH: whoa man what the fuck?
VRISKA: ........
VRISKA: Tavros, will you get the fuck up?
MEENAH: no dont
MEENAH: stay
MEENAH: stay down there
MEENAH: exactly like that
MEENAH: i think
MEENAH: i think i LIK-E this
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
my dad is such a putz 
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cavariously · 3 years
[Trying my hand at a fan fiction.
I love to write but I have never done anything like this before, so all feedback would be extremely appreciated (Grammer, Plot, Characters etc.).
I love Tokyo Ghoul so I really hope I don't fuck this up 😅. A big thank you to anyone who reads this ❤️]
Caution: Agressive Swearing, Offensive Language, Graphic Violence.
Notes: Takes place post end of TG:re, Reapers = Marshall version of Doves.
1. Crow - 24
City lights and the rushing motions of the landscape turn the 24th ward into a blinding and blaring circus. Humans. They crawl through this city with the assurance that they will be here tomorrow. They will be here a year from now. They will be here forever. They are the only lifeform with this assurance. All other creatures in this world live with the knowledge that their making it to the next moment is a fifty fifty
It is certainly a miracle that they last, noticing absolutely nothing at all. They don't see the effects that the fumes of their veichles have on the planet that they grip so tightly to. They can't begin to recognise that they are being continually watched and targeted by devices that could wipe them from the face of said Earth in less than zero. They don't even notice the apex predictor observing them from less than a mile above.
Humans simply move from one spot to another, only stopping to cause irrevocable disaster and reduce their surroundings to less than ash, and then move on to the next target. Someone said that humans are Parasites, and although it may be naive to believe this was wholly correct, it would be complete ignorance to dismiss it entirely. Ghouls do not indulge in such ignorance. Parasite is an apt description for a human, from the perspective of a ghoul, that and food.
The figure stands tall, wind rushing rapidly through their tied up hair. They can smell the putrescence of man-kind as they go about their sweaty and arrogant business. They would laugh if it wasn't so tragic. What do humans amount to? They are greedy and bloody bags of meat that fight and hate more than any other being, yet they are allowed to multiply and just be. It could be argued that ghouls are the same as humans in this aspect, but most abide by the one meal a month agreement, even though this arrangement can be hell for some. Unlike humans, who see violence as their God given right, when ghouls fight, it is rarely for anything other than survival. Perhaps this view doesn't take all ghouls into account, but all humans gorge themselves on everything, and fight for any fucking reason they want.
Twenty years ago, a disaster was meant to end this disparity. For the first time ever, ghouls and humans fought together to save the world they shared from the monster that had been designated 'DRAGON'. The defeating of this enemy was meant to end in equality, where ghouls and humans shared the world equally. Scientific leaps had been made. Synthetic meats that ghouls could eat, so they wouldn't have to harm humans. The corpse of Dragon even lead to dramatic advancements in the medical field. Humans were now benefiting from ghoul DNA, as it allowed them to combat most illnesses and increase their lifespan somewhat. After all that ghouls had done for them, weren't humans grateful? No. Ten years, then ghouls were back to being vile creatures to be hunted, and were forced back to living in the sewers. The deaths of so many perfectly good and innocent ghouls, just so that humanity could screw them all over again. What a funny tragedy.
Another figure appeared from the shadows, stepping in line with their comrade. Neither looking at the other, they both silently watched the ferris-wheel turn round and round. A world that they saw as rightfully theirs. They were hungry for it and they would have it. No matter the cost. In fact, the more human casualties... the better.
"Are you ready to go?" the newcomer asked, never taking their attention away from everything below.
"Yeah. Any longer and I might have to eat you."
"Like you could" came the cold, arrogant response.
"Just because you got five inches on me now, doesn't mean I can't still beat your ass Da..."
"Don't fucking call me that. While we're out here you call me Kuma and I call you... Blindfold, or Eyeless. Something like that." Even though his response had been quick and sharp, neither his tone nor his concentration had wavered.
"Eyeless" they conceded.
"Fine, Eyeless it is. Just don't go shouting our real names out in public. You're enough of a liability as it is without giving our fucking identities away."
Eyeless finally turned to look at their brother. They couldn't help feeling a pang of nostalgia. He had been so small once, constantly hanging onto their shoulders and making paper birds that he place all over their home. Those memories hurt, especially when they remembered what came after. He used to smile so much and now he's a moody little shit. They'd never been like that at fourteen, they thought smugly.
"Fine. Let's go KUMA before I rip your snarky head off." With that final retort, Eyeless turned and stepped off of the roof.
Kuma watched them drop six stories, landing with grace and poise. Why were they always so aggravating? Maybe he was jealous of their natural ability, or perhaps they were just a pain in the ass to be related to. With a sigh and a wandering look to the night sky, he followed suit.
* * *
The Marshalls finished up disposing of the ghoul. Bikakus are a pain in the ass Haruto thought, but it's better than a Ukaku. Haruto loved the fact that he was an intimidating figure. The ghoul had basically shat itself as soon as it had seen his large muscular frame, and cruel bearded face. The black trench coat they wore, that often announced the end for ghouls, probably didn't hurt either. He nudged the face of the corpse with his foot. He reckoned it wouldn't even be worth removing his Kakahou to get a new quinque. Taking into account the short amount of time it had taken him and Kenji to bypass his defences and cut him through the middle, he was a B rated ghoul maximum.
"Right, time we get back" Haruto sighed.
"Mhm" Kenji agreed. He never said much.
"Did you bring the body bag? You never know, you might be able to upgrade that piece of shit you call a quinque." Haruto laughed loudly. He loved taking the piss out of Kenji, especially when he knew his only retort woukd be 'mhm'.
As expected, Kenji responded with a grumbling "Mhm", and moved towards the body.
Haruto, turned to walk away, lighting a cigarette and beginning to inhale deeply. That Kenji was going to marry his sister. What's he gonna say when the priest asks him if he takes her to be his lawfully wedded wife? Mhm. Haruto chuckled to himself. All in all Kenji was a good guy, and one hell of a Marshall. He could use that crappy Ukaku quinque pretty damn well, even if it did come from a C rated ghoul. Kenji also took Haruto's kids to the beach when he and Mrs Haruto wanted a quiet weekend. He might be an ugly fucker with next to no hair, and a face that made you want to split him down the middle, but he was clean and sometimes smelt nice. Yeah, Kenji could marry his sister if he wanted. She could do a hell of a lot worse.
A loud splatter sounded out behind Haruto. He spun on his heels, instincts flaring immediately into action. Where the fuck was Kenji? Where his partner had been attempting to fit the ghoul into the black bag, there was now the cut in half corpse of his future brother in law, fallen to the sides with a blindfolded figure standing in the middle. His entire being twitched in anticipation of this thing making a move to kill him, but all it did was leasurly bend down and scoop something up from the gore beneath. As the creature straightened up, he saw that it was simply sucking on one of Kenji's bloody fingers. To others, this might signify a psychotic animal, but to a seasoned Marshall, this was a confident and calculating killer plain and simple. A powerful one at that. Their clothes were indistinctive; clad in thin black leather and fabric, however, their mask was a completely different story. Almost the entirety of its face was covered. Its mouth had a tight black fabric wrapped over it, with a skeletal smile that would open, revealing the snaking pink tongue underneath. The huge back leather collar surrounding it could be zipped up to hide all but the eyes from the world. Not that the eyes could be seen either. A bone white blindfold shut them off from view. Foreign symbols were drawn in deep black on either side, with the a closed eye taking centre stage. Although it was just a drawing, that closed eye was unearving, as if the lack of sight heightened its ability to see, instead of impeding it.
Now this was a ghoul. Just by its sheer presence Haruto could tell this one was rated A, or more likely >S. Haruto couldn't deny to himself that he was intimidated, but he was a senior Marshall, and always backed himself in a one on one. He looked down at his fallen partner and gulped. First things first, get into this guys head. Haruto scanned the ghoul, looking for weaknesses that he could exploit verbally. If he was lucky, the reaction could lead to him obtaining an edge. He noticed that this ghoul was slight in stature, maybe five foot five all told.
"You wanna end up like this other piece of shit, you fucking dwarf."
This garnered absolutely nothing.
Haruto couldn't take it much longer. This creature continued to lapp at the guts of his dead partner, that were splattered over its fingers. It obviously didn't give a shit what it looked like to others. It reminded him of a cat, publically cleaning its fur and genitals with no concern for the world. It was fucking reveling in its feast, and it made Haruto's blood boil.
"You killed an innocent man. He was gonna have a family and you ripped him apart. You monsters have no fucking souls and you all belong in hell. That's where I'm gonna send you. I'm a fucking senior Marshall you stupid shit. You have no clue how badly you've fucked up."
Again, the ghoul made no sign of changing emotion, continuing to dip its fingers in Kenji and take its time eating. Haruto knew he needed something else to get into its head so he scanned again. 'Shit' he thought, as the ghost of a smile passed over his lips. The majority of its body was covered in black that mostly obscured its shape, however, his keen eyes saw that although its grey hair was tied up, it was probably quite long when undone. At its chest area, although it was probably bound, there was the hint of a slightly tented structure. The hardest one to spot was the hips. Despite them being covered by black leather shorts, those hips were a tad too wide to be a man's.
"Alright you sick fuck. I'M A COMMIN FOR YA!"
With one last drive to uncover more courage, Haruto raised his Kokaku quinque and lept towards the ghoul.
As Haruto closed the distance with extreme speed, to less than two meters, the shadow of another figure dropped from the sky, landing directly next to the first. Haruto skidded to a halt, taken aback by the new masked creature. This one was certainly taller, and its face was covered by a red, horned mask. It was only as his attention slipped completely that he realised his final mistake. For the first time, the blindfolded ghoul smiled widely, the skeletal mouth parting to reveal massive bloody teeth.
The next thing Haruto knew was that he was laying down on the ground, face to the sky. His neck was warm and dripping wet. He raised his hands to his throat as the oxygen escaped his body, feeling the deep gash that was releasing his blood. The ghouls started conversing.
"Which one you want?" the first asked the newcomer.
"I don't care. You killed 'em both so you choose" the other responded dispondantly.
"Well, you're the growing boy so you take the ghoul and the first Reaper."
"Damn, well fuck me if you ain't the best big sister" uttered the male ghoul sarcastically, as he casually walked over to Kenji and the dead ghoul. "Why you taking you're mask off you sicko? The guys not even dead yet."
"I like it when they watch me" the female ghoul giggled.
Haruto saw the shadow of something passing over his head. "Ken...Ke..ji" Haruto gasped.
Suddenly, from below him came a the same giggle. "Awww dude, I think these guys were close."
"Eyeless, eat the fucker and let's go" came the voice of the male.
"Hey buddy boy, look at me will you" said the female from his feet.
Haruto craned his neck, scared of what he might see, but thinking 'fuck it' to himself. What's did he have to be afraid of, he's already dead. When he finally focused on the face he was confused. She was chewing on a leg. His leg. When the fuck did she get her dirty hands on that? When she'd finished on his leg, licking the tips of her fingers with delight, she bent down and hovered over him. Eyeless? That's what the other one had called her, but that wasn't true at all. Now that her blindfold was off he could see the entirety of her murderous giddy face.
"You're very funny" she said. "Innocent man. Gonna have a family. Its really fucking funny."
The last thing Haruto would ever see would be a testimony to her names innacuracy. Staring at him excitedly was one grey eye, so remarkably human looking it was weird. The other eye was a pool of darkness... with a violent, blood red pupil that seemed to be trying to force its way out of its black prison. She snapped up the rest of him.
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arlingtonpark · 5 years
SNK 124 Review
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I’m calling this maneuver the Full Eren, in which your mounting resentment gets the better of you and you to do crazy shit.
Connie’s…been through a lot. Like, everyone here has been through a lot, but for him, it’s… a lot a lot. He lost his home, his family, a couple of his friends, had to kill people against his better nature, lost his best friend, and then Eren started working with Zeke.
He’s lost a lot, and it seems to have finally gotten to him. Sasha’s death seems to have done it. He’s become more and more bitter recently and he’s become more and more resentful. When you get shat on by the world, it gets easy to think you deserve a break.
Your toilet clogs, your car dies, and your girlfriend dumps you all on the same day, and so you start expecting things to start going your way again. Maybe you even expect people to start showing some kindness to you. Because you’re going through a lot.
Then, when things don’t really start going your way, you get pissed.
Connie’s entire freak out here basically amounts to this:
It’s not fair!
Armin got to come back to life by eating someone. And he’s Armin. They were originally going to bring back Erwin, but they went with Armin instead, the bright but inexperienced one.
Now there’s a repeat of that happening, but this time Armin tells Connie they have to choose strategically, not with their emotions.
It’s not fair!
Connie’s definitely being irrational here. Armin never asked to be brought back; Connie’s anger should be directed at Jean or Mikasa.
And of course what Armin is saying doesn’t imply that Connie’s mom is unimportant. I’m sure Armin does value her life, it’s just that he’s not thinking in those terms. In terms of bettering Paradis’ current situation, bringing back Pixis has more value than bringing back Connie’s mom. That frame of reference is what’s relevant here.
No one denies that choosing Armin over Erwin wasn’t strategically sound. Even Armin himself. But going against this logic before doesn’t mean they should just ignore it completely now.
It makes sense to revive Pixis instead of Connie’s mom. That doesn’t say anything about her value as a human being.
But now, Connie’s decided he’s entitled to some kind of break and he’s going to get it, and fuck you if you try to stop him.
People can do cruel things when they’re aggrieved.
What Connie is doing is awful. He’s going to revive someone by killing a kid. Doing that to bring back Pixis would have some sense to it, but here, Connie is just being selfish.
He’s not doing this for the sake of everyone around him; he’s doing it for his own sake and his mother’s.
Compare this to Eren.
Eren is doing this for the sake of everyone around him, but that is outweighed by the cost of all the people who’ll die. Killing billions for the sake of millions will never not be wrong.
Meanwhile, sacrificing Falco to revive Pixis would arguably be fair, since Pixis would be better able to help people than Falco. Or Connie’s mom for that matter.
He would be Paradis’ new leader, and he’d clearly be good in that role. He’s smart, personable, and fair. He has expertise, but knows when to let other people, even completely inexperienced people, take the lead, as he did when defending Trost. These are all things you need in a leader.
He’d be the best person who could lead Paradis.
But this is Attack on Titan, so of course they had to kill him instead.
Speaking of Eren, I love how the end of the world is mostly a background event in this chapter. Apparently we’re getting every loose end out of the way before the main action begins!
I for one believe that killing billions of random people is a bad thing. Many would disagree with me, but whatever.
The best part about this chapter is how it systematically deconstructs every brain dead argument fans are making to justify Eren.
The very first thing this chapter points out is that Eldians will die too. There are Eldians all over the world and they’ll be crushed with everyone else. And because this is Attack on Titan, we can clearly see a mom crying with her baby on just the second page.
But I guess Eren considers them race traitors or something for hating Paradis.
Oh, yeah, and also he just assumes they hate Paradis.
Connie isn’t the only irrational one in this chapter.
Next thing is Jean victim-blaming the people Eren is about to kill. That’s what it is, victim-blaming, and I’ve actually seen it thrown about to justify the Rumbling.
These people are going to be massacred, but…they brought it on themselves! They started this fight! They can’t complain about dying, they chose to hate on Paradis!
The chapter rightfully casts this as fishing for excuses. “They” is a very broad term here. Most of the people in that “they” are not involved in the fighting and are just people living their lives. Lots of them probably hate Paradis, but so what? They’re just random people with no power to harm Paradis.
Those people probably also hate Eldians, and many Eldians are clearly hurt because of that bigotry, but who cares?
Eren clearly doesn’t, because he’s killing the Eldians too!
Eren is killing everyone outside Paradis, regardless of whether they’re Eldian or not, regardless of whether they hate Paradis or not.
That’s the final thing the chapter points out. Many of the people who’ll die are not involved in the conflict, like Onyankopon’s country.
Conflict is a bad thing because it hurts people and destroys lives. To limit this destruction, soldiers are required to distinguish between civilians and enemy combatants. Shoot at the enemy soldiers, not the guy who just happens to live down the street. The point is to limit people’s suffering. Otherwise…you end up with what Eren’s doing.
Slaughtering people because they’re not on your side.
Almost everyone who’ll die are just people living their lives. Eren is killing them because for all his talk about the value of life, he actually rejects that idea. As I’ve said before, Eren is basically a nihilist.
He has no morals. He has no principles. He has no ideology. He just wants his friends to live. That’s a good cause, but it is not tempered by anything that you’d call “thought.”
Eren’s problem is that he has no vision.
He has no vision for himself, the world, or even his friends, the very people who’s doing this for. He wants them to live, but not being dead isn’t the most visionary life goal.
He wants his friends to live long lives, but he doesn’t seem to care about what they do with those lives, not even in a friendly “Hey, so what’ve you got planned for this week?” kind of way.
He can’t imagine people having dreams because he’s never had any himself, aside from wanting other people to survive to live their dreams. Eren is what you could call “thriving-challenged.”
I don’t know if Eren will succeed, but the story clearly does not support the Rumbling, and that’s good.
The Founding Titan’s power is apparently a lot cruder than most assumed. Eren unhardened the walls, but he had to cancel all hardening to do it. And he apparently cannot control all titans. Come to think of it, Eren’s speech last chapter was broadcast to all Eldians, not just the ones on Paradis, even though he has no reason to tell Eldians outside of Paradis what he’s doing.
I don’t know where Isayama is going with this, but it makes for an interesting limitation. Wielding the full power of the Founding Titan has been compared to being a god, but now the Founding Titan isn’t looking so omnipotent anymore.
That’s not much of a limitation, since Eren can still flatten the world at will, but that just makes him like the Death Star. An imprecise, hulking planet killer.
But, just maybe, vulnerable to a smaller-scale attack.
So Annie’s back. Isayama had to do it if he wanted to make it up to the fans for a mostly Gabi-centric chapter.
I don’t really get the anger people have for Gabi. Yeah, she’s been an ass before, but…that’s the point?
Her character arc is that she learns how to not be an ass.
She’s already made up with Falco and Kaya, and it seems she’s going to be on at least neutral terms with Armin and Mikasa, all that’s left is to make nice with Connie for killing his girlfriend.
That may not be possible, but it’ll be a sign of how much she’s grown to even try it.
Gabi’s arc is a good sign for where this story is going. She was a brainwashed warrior, but by being shown kindness and mercy, she’s realized how wrong she was. In that way, she’s a better person than Eren.
Eren never could see past the hatred the outside world had for Paradis. It never seemed to occur to him that people could be made to think differently. It was pretty lazy of him.
That’s a pretty good word for it, actually. Lazy.
Everyone else was actually trying for a peaceful resolution, meanwhile Eren was just bumming around not helping. He sort of seemed to be waiting for a solution to fall into his lap. He must have forgotten he’s the main character of Attack on Titan.
Eren never fought for peace; he gave up too easily.
Gabi, meanwhile, has actually changed. She was shown the humanity of her supposed enemies and she’s reevaluated her worldview.
Eren has said he understands his enemies now, but that’s such a shallow change. He understands they have lives they live through, but he clearly doesn’t value their lives any more than he previously did.
So, yeah, Gabi’s a pretty good character, and a pretty good person. I hope she lives.
Another A+ goes to Kaya this chapter, who’s finally come around to Gabi.
I’m not sure how I feel about how quickly she changes her view on Gabi, but I get the logic. In that moment, as Gabi was standing over Nile’s titan, Kaya saw the same daring selflessness she saw in Sasha. That’s what wins her over.
That leads to the talk about people having devils in them. I like how the series talks about this here. Everyone has a capacity for wrongdoing. We all struggle with it sometimes.
What’s great about this is that the series is talking about the faults in human nature in a way that allows for choice and free will.
This is a more complex understanding of human nature. It’s not like what you see in places like 4chan or Reddit, where people just say that humans are selfish and we can’t do anything about it. People have no free will because we’re just slaves to our “violent nature” and that’s why war is inevitable and blah blah blah.
According to this scene, people struggle to not do evil. Implicitly, this means that some people choose to do evil. They give in. This notion allows for ideas like responsibility to exist. That’s good, because it’s true!
Compare this to Frieda’s worldview, which is similar but subtly different. She believed that the world’s cruelty meant we needed to be kind to others to the point of subservience.
Frieda saw kindness as a response to the world’s cruelty; in 124, kindness is framed as something that can directly change the world and make it less cruel. It is proactive, ironically by not doing something. Not giving in to the devil inside you.
I really hope Tia Ballard plays Yelena in the English dub of season 4. She’d be great in the role.
I can say that with more confidence than Yelena can say Zeke is special, that’s for sure. She’s just now starting to realize that Zeke isn’t all that special, or really even all that smart, and now she just wants a chair to sit down in.
I don’t know what’s going to happen to her, but it looks like Floch is going to try and take over, so she’s probably toast.
I don’t expect Floch to get anywhere far, since he’s presumably doing this to keep the throne warm for when Eren gets back, and Eren doesn’t want it. Floch will dispose of the volunteers but will be himself disposed of when (if?) Eren returns to Paradis and inevitably rejects the role of king.
…Is Historia even technically still the reigning monarch? Her Prime Minister was murdered and her government was overthrown by a coup with popular support.
Jeez, this probably shows how much she’s been a nonentity more than anything else. Her majesty’s government was deposed in a coup with the backing of the people, and she just…wasn’t a factor!
At this point, there has to be something big going on with Historia if we’re being made to wait this long for her to enter back into play. Set ups and payoffs are a basic part of any story. The longer Historia’s inevitable role is withheld from us, the more payoff there will need to be.
I don’t doubt that there could be a satisfying payoff, but the curiosity is starting to become palpable.
...Crap, so this what it’s like to be powerless in the face of something you have control over. 
The outside world has my sympathies!
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yeosanqtuary · 4 years
with u - pt. 12
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☆ - list of chapters
☆ - all content are fictional.
san took a deep breath as he stopped in front of the apartment door, raising his hand to the keypad lock. the door unlocked successfully and was pushed open, only to reveal wooyoung sitting on the dining table, working on his homework with hongjoong. 
ah... he didn’t expect to see him immediately when he entered the apartment!
what should he do now?
“oh, hey san. wanna join us?” wooyoung asked as if nothing had happened that afternoon, smiling brightly at him like he always did. 
“a-ah, well, s-sure,” 
“okay! let’s work on our history homework together!”
san nodded and smiled back awkwardly, retreating to his room immediately. 
he was such a dumb ass! why didn’t he just ask to have a moment with wooyoung? how long are you gonna drag this for?
he gathered his materials quickly and stepped into the living room, but hongjoong wasn’t there anymore. maybe he went back to his room?
san awkwardly took a seat opposite wooyoung and set his materials down, accidentally exerting too much strength when he placed his pencil down, causing it to roll off the table. 
wooyoung saw that and immediately dove his hand down the table to grab it, groping around for the pencil. san too had squatted down and was reaching for it, but wooyoung had grabbed his hand instead. 
he immediately pulled it away, as if he was afraid that san might bite, but it was the total opposite. 
“s-sorry,” mumbled wooyoung after he had regained his posture. 
“it’s nothing. thanks for the help! let’s start, shall we?” san stood up and sat down on the tall bar chair, only to almost fall off. seeing this, wooyoung burst out laughing, even though it wasn’t really funny. he doubled over in laughter when san regained his balance but almost fell off again. 
“s-stop laughing! it ain’t funny!” san’s cheeks had turned five shades of red in embarrassment. he buried his face in his arms on the table, secretly enjoying the attention wooyoung was giving him. plus, the way he laughed... the way his laughter was filtered into a melody in his head...
“haha! okay-hahah! f-fine, let’s start for real now,” wooyoung finally managed to contain his laughter and started focusing on the worksheet, but the scene just kept replaying in his mind. 
he ignored the constant replays for almost two minutes, but as soon as his eyes fell onto san’s figure, he erupted in giggles and eventually started laughing loudly. 
“hey, it isn’t that funny...” san whined with an agonized look on his face, feeling like the dumbest ever. 
“i-i’m sorry! it’s just... it’s just-pfft!” wooyoung giggled a few more times and finally stopped, picking up his pen as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. "okay, let's start. share your answer with me when you're done!"
"you too," san replied and the two boys started focusing on their assignment.
eventually, the sounds of their pen and pencil scribbling against the paper filled the quiet living room as the two became engrossed in completing their work. however, like a spell was cast on them, their focus didn’t seem to last and after a short while, their thoughts had drifted to the same place: my soulmate.
san was the first to put down his pencil. he looked up from his paper and leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. wooyoung noticed his action and looked up too, only to find san staring at him with a smile on his face. he thought that he would want to see his smile every day and blushed at that thought. how nice would that be!
san inched closer as he saw that wooyoung had went back to working on his paper after looking up at him. he was probably feeling shy, san thought. he’s cute when he’s shy.
“h-hey, what are you doing? hurry u-up and finish your work so we can check it together,” wooyoung finally gave in to san’s antics and thus, forgot everything that he wanted to write on his paper. damn it, i had a lot in mind... but i don’t care, since i’m with you.
his cheeks had flushed red again. well not really, since it was already a light shade of red from the start. why was he feeling so much like this today? it was indescribable. he just felt more... happy and lively today. like he wanted to pounce onto san and not let go of him for as long as he could. damn, he could hold on forever, too, if only san wanted him too...
“wooyoung? wooyoung! woo! young!” san’s calls had snapped wooyoung out of his thoughts. he felt so embarrassed to have been daydreaming about san in front of san himself. with that, his cheeks flushed a few shades deeper than it already was. 
“what’s with you today? you’re especially cuter,”
“n-no i’m not! s-stop calling me c-cute...”
san chuckled a little, but sighed afterwards. “wooyoung. i need to tell you... ah, no, we need to talk. wait, no, i mean-”
“mm, i get it already. what’s wrong?” it was wooyoung’s turn to chuckle and think that he was cuter than usual. 
“it’s about, um, that incident during lunch period,” san had spoken the words slowly, observing wooyoung’s expression as each word left his mouth.
"ah... right, i have something to say about that, too. but you go first," thankfully, he didn't seem to avoid the topic or seem uncomfortable with it.
"okay," san took a deep breath. "s-so... what happened was that i had my soulmate pain and yeosang had brought you over. i didn't know why he did it then, but after you touched me, it was clear as day,"
"then, i grabbed your hand and told you that we were-"
"soulmates?!" wooyoung exclaimed, cutting san's sentence off.
"y-yeah. judging from your reaction after you had snapped out of your trance after i told you, it seemed like you hadn't heard it at all, so..."
"san, san! i had a vision! or maybe even just a dumb daydream, that we were in a grass field, with a calming breeze, fresh air and all! you told me that you've finally found me and that we're, we're soulmates!"
san was shocked. what wooyoung experienced was indeed a vision, not a daydream. he had read online that individuals with conditions would experience a vision when they find their soulmate. however, this would only happen once in a blue moon. you could say that wooyoung is very lucky.
seeing that san had this... horrified(filtered by wooyoung's mind) look on his face, wooyoung felt his heart drop from a mountain. a lump had formed in his throat and drops of tears slid down his soft, rosy cheeks.
"w-what's wrong? was my vision actually a dumb daydream? a-am i not your soulmate after all? am i... no, will i ever... find a soulmate? s-san, i t-think you mistook me for someone else. i could never-"
seeing wooyoung like this totally broke san's heart. he didn't want to hear anymore of those words. immediately, he went over to wooyoung and took him into his warm embrace, gently stroking his back.
"wooyoung-ah. i haven't mistook you for anyone else. that wonderful feeling, that electricity that shot through my body when you touched me, that voice in me screaming that you were my soulmate. plus, i'm sure my indicator is red right now,"
wooyoung flinched when he heard the last sentence. he released the hug and looked for a red indicator.
indeed, it was red.
"someone else could've touched you at the same time as i did..." he was feeling depressed again.
"hold on, before you think of anything ridiculous! i've read about an article regarding visions. apparently, those with conditions can experience visions! but it's a once in a blue moon thing. since your vision was about us, then i'm sure it is the vision. so, neither of us have mistaken anything. you're my soulmate, and i'm your soulmate,"
"r-really..." wooyoung sniffled, "i'm glad..."
san smiled and raised his hands to his cheeks, wiping his tears off.
"there, there, don't cry. you've finally found your soulmate,"
"saaaan!!! i really, r-really-hic-like youuu! i'm so happy. i'm so glad my soulmate is you!"
with his hands still cupping wooyoung's cheeks, san leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
"i like you too, wooyoung,"
they embraced each other for a few more minutes, while a certain couple had walked in and accidentally stepped on san's abandoned assignment. it had found its way onto the floor, right in front of the door.
"ah... see, joong? i told you we should've came back later!"
"damn, sorry hwa. but i needed to take a shit and there weren't any appropriate public toilets i could've shat in,"
anyway, san didn't even notice the two elders. he was too engrossed in thinking. thinking about their future. they would get a job after graduating high school, rent an apartment and adopt a cat or a dog, maybe. wake up to each other's faces... wow, the life. and maybe... spicy nights? damn...
"san? san... d-do you wanna go get, um, i-ice cream?" wooyoung had calmed down and realised he had been running his snot and tears all over san's shoulder and he kinda wanna compensate that.
san had no idea why but it seemed like he could listen to what wooyoung was thinking, even though he wasn't speaking at all.
"ah, you wanna compensate me? no worries," he smirked and proceeded to sweep wooyoung off the floor and headed his room.
"a-ah, i-i'm not-"
"what are you thinking?" he chuckled, gently flicking his forehead. "change your clothes! i'm gonna go change into mine, too. we're gonna get ice cream. you're paying!"
damn, i'm not dreaming, right?
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takeiteasypeasybaby · 4 years
Save Me: Chapter 39 - Try
~Hey guys! Chapter 39 is out now! We’re almost up to 40 chapters of Save Me!! I can't believe it, it feels like just yesterday that I started this blog :) I hope everyone is doing well and enjoys this chapter~
Both Molly and Negan are learning to trust outsiders again. While Negan tries and struggles to open up to anyone who isn't Molly, Molly is trying to put the past behind her and find a new reason to carry on, which come in the form of new arrivals at Hilltop.
I reached Hilltop with a renewed sense of clarity regarding Negan.
I think it took me until now to realise that the past, while hard to swallow, is the past for a reason and it doesn't mean that he is the same person as he was back then.
Seeing the Sanctuary in ruin was what I needed to realise that what happened to me there is completely behind me and the man responsible is long since dead.
I think now I can finally learn to forgive him for his past crimes, after all we have all done things to survive and protect those we love.
I don't expect anyone else to forgive and certainly not forget, but perhaps just simply acknowledge that there is more to him than his past actions.
When I rocked up to the gates, my mind turned back to the attention of Tara's new people she had brought to us.
She had radioed me and told me that she found them in the woods just outside of Oceanside and thought that they would be of use at Hilltop.
'Mol!' Tara yelled happily as she waved while she ran into my arms.
'Agh! I've missed you so damn much!' I said squeezing her tightly and burying my face into the crook of her neck.
'So...who are they?' I said as she pulled away.
'Well, there are five of them. There were six, but he died en route' she said softly.
I just nodded, looking in the direction of the group she had just described who were standing around outside the house.
I exhaled, 'alright, let's get this shit done' I said enthusiastically, smiling at my sister who led me to meet them.
'Hi, I'm Molly. I am co-leader here at Hilltop' I said warmly as I shook hands with all of them.
There was one guy and the rest were women.
All extremely capable looking.
'I'm Yumiko!' a kind looking woman said smiling while she adjusted her bow on her shoulders.
A woman with sharp features glared at her when she did that, I guessed that she was the leader of this group.
'What's your name?' I asked softly to the leader.
'Magna' she said hastily.
I just nodded with a slight smile.
'I'm Luke, lovely to meet you by the way!' a large set man with soft features and kind eyes said as he shook my hand for the second time.
I just smiled and chuckled at his awkwardness.
'Great to meet you' I replied as I shook his hand.
Next, were the final two women who seemed to remain silent and very much bonded together which I could tell by their close proximity to each other.
'My name's Kelly, this is my sister Connie. She's deaf, but I can sign to her and translate' she said smiling.
I smiled and nodded to Kelly.
I then looked to Connie and signed to her 'It's wonderful to meet you Connie, I hope you will like it here'.
They all looked at me in wonder and Connie's smile seemed to widen at this.
'I learned to sign when I was at school. My cousin was deaf' I said verbally and with sign so that everyone could listen.
I wanted them to trust in me and I hoped I had done just that.
'We usually like to ask a couple questions to new citizens of the Hilltop community. Would that be okay?' I said, again also signing.
They all nodded, Magna was hesitant at first.
'Great, what were your occupations before?' I asked while Tara wrote down their answers.
'Gas station attendant' Magna said looking down.
'Lawyer' Yumiko answered while making direct eye contact.
'Music teacher' Luke said enthusiastically.
Kelly used ASL to ask Connie who replied that she was a Journalist and that Kelly was in High School.
I nodded to Tara, impressed by each of them.
'Who are you now?' I asked seriously.
'Survivors' Luke answered sternly.
'Good' I responded, 'well then, welcome to Hilltop' I added.
'So...whatcha think?' Tara asked me as she linked her arm through mine as we walked through the fields after the interview.
'I like them, they seem like genuinely nice people' I answered.
'I am a bit worried about Magna' Tara said nervously.
'She seems hesitant to be here' she added.
'You said they lost somebody before you brought them here right? No wonder she's unwilling to trust right away, I mean you wouldn't' I said reassuringly.
'You're right...as always' Tara said rolling her eyes.
I just chuckled as I said 'yep'.
We suddenly spun around to look towards the gates when a loud exhaust noise sounded from that direction.
It was a motorbike.
Daryl came driving through and parked up outside the gate.
'It's Daryl' I said tapping Tara on the arm for her to follow me as I ran down to see him.
'Hey!' I shouted as I came closer.
'Hey, just came to some equipment for Eugene's new radio thing' he said barely looking at me as he marched towards the house.
'That was odd' Tara said as we watched him leave.
'Yeah, that was weird. Fuck he must be mad at me' I said in realisation.
'It could be me?' Tara asked.
I just shook my head and chuckled saying 'he's never mad at you'.
I told Tara that I would meet her later but first I needed to talk to Daryl.
I followed him up to the house where he was placing down the equipment.
'Daryl...can we talk?' I asked anxiously as I peered around the door frame.
'I dunno, can we?' he answered with annoyance running through his voice.
I looked down, yep he was definitely mad at me.
'Why are you so pissed at me? I thought we worked everything out when we searched for Rick all those past months' I said furrowing my brows in confusion.
He sighed and stood up.
He pointed at me and said 'you're a real piece of work you know that' as he walked past me.
I opened my mouth in disbelief.
'What? what are you talking about?' I asked in confusion.
'You know what. Negan' he said as he carried on placing stuff on various surfaces.
'What about Negan?' I said looking away from his gaze.
'You two best buddies now? that all square?' he asked sternly.
'It's complicated' I answered so softly that he barely heard me.
He scoffed at this, 'the guy is an asshole and you're acting like he's hot shit' he answered.
'I believe that he can change, I believe he has changed, so does Michonne by the way and I don't see you attacking her for this. Why me, huh?' I said gaining more confidence as I walked slowly towards him with every word.
'You can do better' he grunted as he walked out of the room.
My eyes widened as the realisation of the meaning of his words hit me.
Negan's POV//
'You are here, aware of yourself' Gabe said softly as he tried to perform some meditation shit to get me to relax.
I had my eyes closed as I sat on the floor of my cell, Gabe on the other side.
'Just let it go' he added.
'Don't judge the distraction, accept it' he said, his voice muffled by the sound of children laughing and playing outside.
'Scaredy cat, scaredy cat!' the children chanted outside my cell window.
'Consider it, then release it' he continued.
This wasn't fucking relaxing at all. I scrunched up my face in frustration.
'Just let it wash over you' he went on.
'You know what, screw it. Mind never empties anyway, generally I go straight to that place which would blush the collar right off of you' I said as I opened my eyes and sighed.
'Although, now that you and Rosita are a thing, maybe I'm wrong...I mean, hot damn!' I said smirking and bouncing the ball off the concrete wall.
'I wanna understand why you do this. You clearly want help, I can see you trying' Gabe said softly.
I scoffed.
'Yeah, maybe we cooked it up, chewed it up and shat it out already. Maybe this is all we get' I said deflecting his statement.
'You don't feel like you're getting any benefit to our sessions?' he asked with a smile which screamed of annoyance.
'Well, I am reminded that another week has passed, but other than that...' I said continuing bouncing the ball.
Gabe sighed, frustrated with my response.
'Ah, don't take it personally Gabe, I know I'm never gettin' outta here. I do appreciate you coming down here and helping me when that was touch-and-go for me. But, now I got everything I need. This little window right here is just like a damn TV and I loved the shit outta TV when that was a thing!' I said enthusiastically.
'Acceptance is an important first step, but a life needs to have meaning-' Gabe started to say before I cut him off.
'Funny thing about this window right here, people stand out there and they talk. It's like they don't remember that I'm here, and that, well that is when I get the really good shit. You know just the other day, Rosita was out there chattin' up a storm. She said some things that you would find very interesting' I teased.
'I don't need you to tell me how Rosita feels about me' he said smiling falsely.
'Now who said she was talking' about you' I said smiling and catching the ball in my hands.
'We'll try this again next week' Gabe said tiredly.
'It's your world boss' I answered.
Judith's POV//
I sat on the stairs in my PJ's as mom locked the doors for the night.
'Judith Grimes!' she said sternly as she saw that I was holding my dad's gun in my hand.
'You said dad would've wanted me to have it, to protect myself and the people I love' I replied questioningly.
'He would've, but I'm the one whose supposed to be protecting you' mom replied softly.
'Is that why you don't want the new people here, because I think dad would've thought differently' I said.
Mom smiled as she said 'he would've and he would be so proud of you, your brother too'.  
'Then why won't you help them?' I asked.
'You'll understand someday' she replied.
I hated when she said that.
I got up, walked down the stairs and said sadly 'I know you talk to him sometimes, to Carl too'.
I set down my favourite figurine on the step, which mom said looked like my dad.
He wore a sheriff's hat and pointed a gun.
'I'm starting to forget their voices. I'm not trying to, but they keep fading away' I said as I started to cry.
'I hope you can still hear them' I said sadly before I ran back up the stairs to my room.
Somehow Negan now felt more like my dad...
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yoosunlight-blog · 6 years
"shouldn’t you be studying?” (college!au yoosung)
pairing: kim yoosung x reader
genre: pure 100% fluff
notes: day one prompt: first date for @yoosungweek! i am so excited to be doing this~ also this whole draft was written at 3am so pls forgive me for any mistakes
warnings: slight profanity but das it~
word count: 1.3k
after finals, yoosung teaches you how to play LOLOL!
you meet him in the library bc he’s playing LOLOL with his friends at the table next to yours
and he’s being loud and annoying
so you march over to him with your hands on your hips and a scowl on your face
“excuse me, if you’re going to just play games then maybe you should go back to your dorm or something because you know some people are actually studying and care about their edu-“
and he takes off his headphones and looks at you
and you kind of pee yourself a little bc ... you didn’t expect him to be so ... cute??
“were we being too loud? i’m so sorry. we’ll quiet down, right guys?” yoosung looked at his friends as they all stared at their keyboards, heat rushing to their cheeks
“i-it’s finals week, d-don’t you have a-any exams to s-study for?” your ears turning a soft shade of pink after realizing you just snapped at literally one of the cutest boys ever to step foot on campus
“we’re taking a break!!! you seem really stressed, maybe you should play LOLOL too” he laughed and you actually shat urself because who knew his laugh would sound so angelic
ok literally.. u can feel the sweat starting to form on ur palms
“you should give it a try once, maybe i can teach you sometime!! my name is yoosung”
“m-my n-name is MC”
“nice to meet you MC!! i wonder what your LOLOL nickname would be”
“oh!! maybe you can pick it for me!” and as soon as you said that you kicked yourself because ..... holy shit i can’t believe you just said that
he looked at you w his giant ass eyes like ......did you seriously actually really just say that
cue his friend choking on his own spit next to him
“s-s-sure.... i c-can h-help you s-set up an a-a-account and e-e-everything..... j-j-just let me know if you want to learn”
“m-m-maybe when finals are over” you choke out
and so you scurry back to your table cheeks turning an unhealthy shade of red, and continue to cram 9 weeks of behavioral psychology into your brain, trying to ignore the fact that you just completely utterly ruined any chances of yoosung ever seeing you again !! 
sike bc 4 days later when you’re returning books at the library, you run into mr lolol man
“mc right?”
“yoosung, you remembered!”
“still up for a game of LOLOL?”
“if you aren’t busy... i have some free time this week!”
“how does tomorrow night sound?”
“y-yeah! i’d like that a lot.”
ok so here’s the deal. both of you are struggling to make eye contact w each other bc for some fucking reason whenever you look at him all your insides turn into jello..... is this what a crush feels like??
answer: yes bitch !!
surprise he thinks ur cute too (◕‿◕✿)
“do you wanna meet me at the coffee shop around 7pm? we can play there!”
“s-sounds good! i-i’ll see you there!” why do you sound so NERVOUS HUH
so you two part ways!! and as you’re walking back to your dorm from the library you realize ... maybe i should’ve gotten his number??
and he also thinks to himself “should i have asked them ?? for their number??” but it’s too late..... and he sighs
“saeyoung should i have gotten their number? it’s okay if i’m meeting them tomorrow right?”
“yoosung what the fuck lolololol what’s wrong with u lolololol” 
cue yoosung staying up all night freaking out and maxing out all his LOLOL stats and telling his guild to be nice to you
and what are you doing?? freaking the fuck out obviously LMAOO
ur roommate is just staring at you like .... “MC what are you even doing you’ve changed your shirt 40 times”
“what if he doesn’t like purple??” “why does it matter.... you guys are just going to the coffee shop right?” “dude he’s so cute u don’t get it”
anyways the day finally comes!! and you show up to the coffee shop and there he is lookin like (๑˃̶͈̀o˂̶͈́๑)
and you approach him and gently tap his shoulder bc he’s getting really into his game and you’re just like ,,,, “yoosung?”
“oh!!! MC!! you made it~” and he smiles at you and once again you pee yourself
“were you playing a game? would it be okay if i just watch this one?” “yeah!! it’s almost done, i think we’re gonna win this time!!”
so you pull up a seat next to yoosung and you intently stare at the screen.... and honestly?? LOLOL is actually....pretty....fun
“yoosung are u fuckin kidding me how did i die for the 30th time in a single game”
and he just looks over at you like ... i never thought i would find someone ripping their hair out so cute in my entire life
“i-it’s okay MC!! we can try again....d-don’t worry it’s your only first time playing!!” his cheeks tinged rosy pink as he peered over your laptop screen
“help i’m lost on the map and idk where everything is” “ok i’m coming hold on”
eventually you get the hang of things!! and you only die once!! 
you two literally order every kind of frappucino off the menu bc.... LOLOL takes a lot of energy and the sugar really gives you that extra boost to kill all the monsters on your screen hehe
yoosung secretly love love loves the strawberry one
things get a little carried away and you both lose track of time
“excuse me, i’m sorry but it’s 11pm now so we’ll be closing the shop” “....it’s 11pm already?!” you and yoosung both look at each other like... how did we spend 4 hours playing a video game “sorry!! we’ll leave right now~”
but it’s okay!! even though you are ranked #400 out of #400 in the shooting star server, you had a ton of fun!! and yoosung taught you how to change your character’s skins
yoosung admits it’s a lil weird to see a hot dog with a sword running around on his screen but if you like it then he’s happy
as you two pack up your things and head out, you turn to look at him and once again ,,,,, your insides turn into actual jello ,,,,,
“yoosung, thank you for today. i had a lot of fun with you.” and you swear... despite how dark it was already outside... you saw his cheeks turn red 
“i-i was a bit worried you wouldn’t like it, but.. i-i’m really.. happy you had fun.. does this mean you’ll play again sometime?” he looked to the ground, trying to avoid eye contact bc he is so!! shy!! around you!!
“to be honest yoosung..... i don’t think i can play unless you’re there to save me” and you heard his laugh ring through the empty campus
“MC? how about this? we can play again sometime if you let me see you again” “like a date?” “oh..........i guess yeah maybe like a date unless you don’t want to then i totally get it” and now it’s you!! turn!! pink!! bc this felt like a date to you
and it’s kind of like.. yoosung read your mind a little bit?? bc then this!! lil bean!! says “but if you want......we can.. count today as our first date.. maybe i won’t be so nervous to i see you again heh” and literally it’s like all the stars in the universe collectively gathered into your eyes bc he...was...nervous..too
“i’d really like that, yoosung” and even though the two of you were walking side by side, your cheeks felt a tiny bit warmer than usual
“... MC, can i walk you back to your dorm?”
so cute so sweet so wholesome so...yoosung
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protecticarus · 7 years
Prompt: Todd walking in on Dirk confessing his feelings for Todd to the kitten shark
I genuinely let out a laugh out loud when I read this prompt so thank you!
Dirk smiled at the kitten at his feet, who had followed him into Todd’s living room.The little - but deadly - creature had become quite attached to Dirk since he adopted her. Some (Todd) might argue that he stole her, but Dirk saw it as giving her a good home since her last one had been, well, soul-swapping almost immortal bad guys.“Essie, no, that’s Todd’s.” Dirk told the cat as he saw her playing with what seemed to be Todd’s sock.He bent down to pick up the sock.“He still hasn’t completely warmed up to you, let’s not give him any reasons to get angry at you.” Dirk told the kitten.She just looked up at Dirk and waved her tail in slow back and forth motion.Dirk had half a mind to give the sock back to the kitten. Despite being a feline, she had the most convincing puppy dog eyes Dirk had ever seen.“I’m sorry, Essie.” He told the cat.Essie, which came from the letters SC, representing shark and kitten - for obvious reasons - was the name Dirk and Todd had decided on after a long debate on what to call the kitten.
“He has to have a name, Todd!” Dirk argued.“He’s a she, Dirk.” Todd responded, not lifting his gaze from his guitar he was currently tuning.Dirk glanced at the kitten. “Pardon me.” He told her. The kitten didn’t seem very offended by Dirk misgendering her.“Either way, we can’t not name her!” Dirk exclaimed.“Fine, name her, I don’t see how I have to be involved?” Todd replied.“It’s a big responsibility to name a being, Todd! And she is kind of ours!” Dirk argued.“You stole the cat from a crime scene and brought it to my apartment. It’s your cat.” Todd mumbled.“Her.” Dirk corrected Todd. “And yes, while all that’s true, we have both been caring for her since. She basically lives in your apartment half the time!”Todd sighed, but decided not to argue that that was the case only because Dirk would bring her with him every time he appeared in Todd’s apartment, which was often.“So, a name. Something to do with her special breed of fish and cat maybe?” Dirk mused. “Shark and kitty. Shitty?” He thought out loud.Todd cringed and opened his mouth to protest but Dirk held up his hand to prevent him from commenting.“Yes, I heard it. What about… Shark and cat… shat?”“That’s literally the past tense of ‘shit’, Dirk.” Todd commented.Dirk patted the kitten’s head. “Well you are made up of a very unfortunate combo of animals when it comes to the names, girl.”“What about just letters?” Todd suggested.“Hmm… Like SC, for shark and cat?” Dirk said.“Sure. Or Essie. E-S-S-I-E. A proper name but it sounds like SC.” Todd mused.“Essie! That’s wonderful! Fantastic assisting, Todd!” Dirk exclaimed and patted Todd on the shoulder. Then he turned to the kitten. Essie. “Hello, Essie! Welcome to the family!”
“Let’s put Todd’s sock back to where it belongs before he comes back, yeah?” Dirk said and went to put the sock back in the laundry basket he assumed the kitten had taken it out of.Todd had gone out to meet up with Amanda, but Dirk had remained in Todd’s apartment.It had become quite a regular occurrence for Dirk to be spending time at Todd’s apartment, no matter the circumstances. Dirk preferred Todd’s apartment to his own and quite frankly, Todd’s company to, well, everything else.“Though, I do think he just pretends to be so grumpy about your presence. I do believe he secretly likes you, Essie.” Dirk said and sat down on the couch. Dirk had gotten into the habit of talking to the kitten, which really just was him thinking out loud.Essie jumped onto the couch next to Dirk.“He was the same way with me, too. Or, perhaps still is. We just have to be persistent, don’t we Essie?” Dirk said, patting Essie as she purred.“I’m sure he would’ve kicked us out if he really wanted to. He’s too kind to do that. He likes to pretend to be grumpy about everything, but really, he’s a good person.” Dirk rambled.“We’re lucky to have him, aren’t we?”Essie climbed on Dirk’s lap and Dirk leaned back to rest against the back of the couch.“We both were around quite horrendous people before Todd, weren’t we?” Dirk continued.“I still find it hard to believe where I am now. I surely did not expect to have a best friend only a short while ago. I’ve been very lucky.” Dirk almost whispered.Essie seemed to be falling asleep on Dirk’s lap.“Of course, in an ideal situation I wouldn’t be in love with said best friend, but we can’t have it all, now can we? I just hope I won’t ruin it. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him.” Dirk kept talking.“Love is quite complicated isn’t it? This is the first time I’ve personally ever been in love so I’m quite out of my depth here. And you’re a cat.” Dirk sighed. “What should I do, Essie?” He asked the kitten.“Maybe you should talk to me instead of the cat?” Todd’s voice suddenly came from behind Dirk.Dirk physically jumped at the sound, scaring poor Essie and making her run to the other side of the room.“Bloody hell, Todd!” Dirk exclaimed, jumping up from the couch and turning to face Todd who was standing at the front door. “You should knock!”“This is my apartment?” Todd responded.“Yes, well.” Dirk mumbled. “How long have you been standing there?” He asked.“Since the ‘he just likes to pretend to be grumpy’ part.” Todd replied.“Oh bloody hell.” Dirk whispered.Todd walked further into the apartment and came to stand next to Dirk.“Sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” Todd said.“That’s alright. Or, well, not really, for I’m horribly embarrassed right now.” Dirk replied.Todd smiled. “Don’t be.” He said.“Why not? Not only was I talking to a kitten, you just heard me say… Well, you know.” Dirk explained.“Talking to a cat is not the weirdest thing I’ve witnessed you do, Dirk. And besides, I’m glad I heard what I heard.” Todd replied.“You- you are?” Dirk asked, completely flabbergasted. He had been afraid Todd would be uncomfortable or even angry.“Yeah. I am.” Todd said.“Why?” Dirk asked.Todd laughed. “Seriously, Dirk?” He asked and Dirk just stared at him, confused as ever.“Dude, I let you basically live with me and somehow co-parent a cat with you. I don’t even like cats? You really think I don’t feel the same way about you?” Todd explained.Dirk opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to figure out what to say. Finally the reality of the situation sunk in.“Oh Todd. I’m a terrible detective!”
if you have any ideas for fics, send them my way! I’d love to write them! my inbox is open! x
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2bastardsandabluray · 8 years
Suicide Squad is the Worst Film Ever Made
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There’s a lot of things you could say about me. I’m tall. I have medium-sized feet. I might be one one hundred twenty-eighth Native American, maybe. These are unshakable character traits that have followed me throughout my life, and will likely continue to do so once I shuffle off this mortal coil and into a cylindrical cardboard urn. Another one of these traits? I despise Suicide Squad.
This film is ass. It reminds me of my ass. When I saw it in theaters, I remember finding it remarkable that someone was able to sneak a camera in my toilet and film my ass for 2 hours and 16 minutes. I had never even been on the toilet that long, unless you count that time in Cleveland wherein I found a bucket of raw goat meat in an alley and resolved to consume all of it in a momentary surrender to pure adrenaline. This resulted in a four-hour shit session in the bathroom of a Church’s Chicken. To reduce the session to a single adjective, I would likely choose “fire hose-esque.”  With this in mind, if Suicide Squad was, indeed, hidden camera footage of my ass on that fateful Christmas Eve, it would have at least had value as pure spectacle. I’m fairly certain I shat out an organ, for instance. The fact that this wasn’t included in the final cut is emblematic of the film’s piss-poor editing decisions. For shame, David Ayer. The studio should have opted for Gaspar Noe.
And indeed, while this omission is unforgivable AT BEST, perhaps even worse is every single other aspect of the film. Let’s start at the most obvious place - Ike Barinholtz’s character of Griggs.
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Remember him? For whatever reason, the film saw fit to dedicate what seems like eighty-nine percent of its runtime to him. When we’re first introduced to Will Smith’s Deadshot, for instance, it’s in a scene where Griggs berates him through one of those little prison windows. We leave the scene knowing nothing about Deadshot as a person; only that Griggs is a guard, and he is mean. In the next scene, we’re introduced to Harley Quinn, the character who’s sexy and you wanna fuck with your penis. Griggs walks up to her and says, “Man, you’re hot,” or something. Then he says, “You wanna fuck?” Then Harley swings around on these weird blanket-rope things and goes up to Griggs and says, “Yeah, I love sex and fucking,” and then she licks the prison cell bar because it’s phallic and she’s hot. Then she says, “Oh, Daddy,” or something. Harley is one of the more complex characters in “The Squad,” so it was a good decision to make her really hot and sex-fucky and nothing else. Also great to see Griggs again. Powerhouse scene.
Further down the line, we get another Griggs scene where the Joker ties him to a chair and breathes on him for ten minutes. He goes, “Ooooh-AHHHHHH!” over and over again. Nothing happens in this scene, and it’s thirty-five minutes long. In the next scene, Griggs talks to Harley again and says, “Hey, what’s the Joker gonna do to me?” and she’s like, “Bad stuff! Ha!” and then we don’t see Griggs for the rest of the movie.
Why does this film - 136 minutes of Jared Leto sweating in a Hot Topic - feel the need to build up Griggs so much in its first act, only to forgo him entirely in its second and third? You could literally just have a scene with the Joker salivating in a helicopter somewhere, holding up Griggs’ severed head and smearing the blood on his pecs. That would have completed Griggs’ story arc. It would have had no point, but at least it would have been completed. This film could use at least one completed story arc, and it could have done so with just one severed head. All I want, in the end, is to see Ike Barinholtz’s severed head. Mail it to me, Tumblers. My P.O. Box is 1.
My point, though, is that this film is a disorganized pig orgy in Hell. From what I understand, it underwent countless edits and reshoots, because test audiences never seemed to actually enjoy it. I won’t go into specifics, because I’m a directionless college student writing this in between masturbation sessions, but still. The movie had a rushed, convoluted editing process, and fuck, you can tell. A good example of this is Killer Croc becoming a racist stereotype in the third act for no reason.
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“Nah, shawty. I’m beautiful..” Fantastic.
Overall, it just feels like they had, like, three versions of this movie, none of which were good, and then one day, David DC told them they had to edit a new version in one day. Consequently, every single editing decision feels rushed. The intro to each of the characters, for instance, feels like it was written in three minutes, because while we learn the bare essentials of each character, we’re not told enough to give any amount of fuck about any of them. Enchantress, for instance, is an archaeologist who is now a ghost-thing, kind of, and she’s fucking a nondescript white guy who shoots things. I don’t care. 
And let’s talk about the music. There’s something about the use of music in this movie that engenders within me such a visceral hatred for all living things that, while watching this film, I would welcome a nuclear holocaust. It could be because the selection of songs seems to have been done by a DJ for a shitty classic rock station. Another reason, I think, is that I don’t care about anything happening in this movie. The worst use of music in film and TV is always when a song is supposed to accompany an emotion the audience is feeling, and yet the audience is not feeling that emotion. When Seven Nation Army starts playing once The Squad is finally coming together, the movie wants me to think, “Yeah! These badasses are gonna fuck some shit up! Jack White said so!” But I haven’t actually gotten attached to any of them yet, because none of them have had more than three minutes of screen time. As a result, the movie is just playing a hard rock song while people with skin conditions walk and then stand in a circle. That isn’t a combination that should exist.
I could go on and on about this piss cauldron of a film, but writing is largely an unpleasant process and I can only endure so much. My point, though, is that this is just a very bad movie. I think there may be an extra layer of hatred in my case (and likely in the case of many others), because I was really looking forward to this movie. For one, I genuinely think that the Joker is possibly the greatest villain ever portrayed in fiction, and I was interested to see what Jared Leto would do with the role. As a result, the fact that he was made into a malnourished Marilyn Manson with two minutes of screen time was a really huge shame. For another thing, I’m always interested in movies and TV shows with morally grey protagonists, and a mainstream film starring a literal group of these people definitely piqued my interest. I probably shouldn’t have been expecting much, but I would’ve liked more than what amounted to the bad acid trip of a man with ADHD at a Twenty One Pilots concert.
The one saving grace of this movie, however? Slipknot - the man who can climb anything. It’s honestly no wonder that he took America by storm like he did. 2016 will always be remembered as the year of Slipknot Mania, and rightfully so. Climb on, brother. Climb on.
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- Max
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Koh Lipe 2018
Special mention to my amazing teammates who braved away their lack of sleep just to send me to the airport. Mind you, these are the people who hardly ever meet me, or I have never have guessed to stay by my side the entire time and helped me calm my storm without them even realizing. Here are the names of those amazing human beings.
Diy. Nad. Nab. Fa. Jaf. Syedah. Iqah. Fiqah. You beautiful ladies have been nothing be exceptional and I owe it all to each and every one of you. I am beyond blessed to have you fine ladies as my friends and I pray to Allah SWT to always, always keep you girls safe.
 To those who had to leave earlier or come later, no exception to you guys too. Despite your work commitments and whatever else you had, you were all there nevertheless. Thank you for being beautiful inside out.
 Atikah. Ameey. Hawa. Ann. Saidah. Saibah. Aniqah.
 I love you guys with every fiber of my being.
 A few hours before departure
So, I was encouraged to write about this trip and hey, I actually convinced myself to do it, because this is my first ever solo trip. As crazy as it seemed to me (definitely not to most cos they champion and I am just a small little fry), I actually put my thoughts into action and here I am, in a little humble pod in A Plus Hostel in Koh Lipe all by myself.
 I am not going to lie that it was unbelievably nerve wrecking at first, but I managed to stop thinking too much and just did it. LOL! I booked my flight and hostel with little or no expectations or whatsoever. All I wanted to do was run away for a bit because life was getting a little too much to handle. I started hating school, I had my fair share of dramas and I was losing interest in eating and sleeping. That made me realize that I should probably get my ass away from the one person that was ruining my life and my future. That is myself. Okay enough about me! Let’s talk about this crazy little trip and its series of unfortunate events.
 18th June 2018 SIN-HDY 0555hrs
I told Diy that I would not sleep in the flight. Guess I was only fooling myself cos damn it, I fell asleep within 10 minutes after takeoff. There went my first sunrise of the trip. Pfft. So as predicted, it was raining when we touched down at HDY International Airport and to my surprise, there were really a lot of elderly in the cabin with me. Where were they going, one can only imagine. Throughout my time in Hat Yai, I realized that people there were a tad less nice compared to other parts of Thailand that I have been to like Phuket, Krabi and Bangkok. Okay no wait. I can hardly recall how “Bangkees” were like. Yup, I just created a name for Bangkok people that does not even make any sense!
 So well anyway, I arrived HDY international airport at 0700hr, went to the travel booth and booked the first ferry ticket to Koh Lipe (actually there was only one ferry timing, but let’s just give me a break). Ferry was at 0930hr so with 2 and a half hours to spare, I had my breakfast at Black Canyon Coffee. TAK HALAL! HAHHAHAHA! Bought my sim card, blah blah blah! At this point of time my power bank has already died on me and it was only 0720hrs, mind you. I did not have a Thai charger. Sad life.
Here’s the bright side. It has only been 3 hours since I left my friends to journey out of my own, but I have already learned that I still need to achieve self-competency and I was not as ready as I thought I was. I have always thought I have done fairly well to keep my shit together after so many years of husting, but 3 hours of being alone in a foreign country was enough to learn that I have a lifetime of learning ahead of me. Afterall, learning is an ongoing and lifetime process, yeah?
Series of unfortunate events #1 – MERRY GO ROUND THE AIRPORT
I was told to be back at the travel counter at 0900hr, so okay. Went out of the airport to smoke only to realize that no entry from the same door. Bloody hell. But because I am a strong, independent and brave little tiny soul, I decided to go find the entrance myself! HA! What a dumbass to do that. Hey! Don’t be quick to judge, ya? The language barrier in Hat Yai was game strong and it was a real challenge to say anything to a non-tourism related Thai without looking like a complete idiot. With this, I realized that I have not been to Thailand for so long that I forgot how to blend in.
 Well so I walked and walked whilst trying to look cool and casual when in actual fact, I looked like a lost tourist. LOL. Ego boost again, people spoke to be in Thai so I guess I was on the safer side. Not long later I saw the entrance to their domestic flight terminal and thought to myself, “Nope, there should be another entrance. Look at the amount of people there!” Mind you, I had 30 more minutes to spare and I could have waited in line. Perhaps I was just finding an excuse to smoke another stick of cigarette. HEH!
 Anyway, I walked back to the exit I was from and tried my luck asking a local. Lady looked at me and pointed the same direction I was from like 30 seconds before. TADAAAAA! Told you I was a dumbass for being an arrogant bitch. NEXT TIME ASK LAH IF NOT SURE! WASTE TIME FOR WHAT?!
 Series of unfortunate events #2 – RAIN RAIN GO AWAY
Boarded the bus and hey hey! Another hour of travelling!! Again, I slept my journey through. Reach the pier and again, PEOPLE IN HAT YAI CANNOT SPEAK ENGLISH! If you ever plan to pay a visit to this part of Thailand, do brush up on your Thai language first. Other than the booths that sell bus, ferry tickets or packages, almost everyone else speaks only in their native language.
I arrived at the pier at 1100hrs. Did the necessary procedures and WA LAH! Time to wait for the “ferry” which was scheduled for departure at 1130hrs. Yup! You guessed it right! As the title of this second part is already a giveaway, it is pretty obvious that 1130hrs did not happen. It was raining heavily and the currents were madness hence, the delay. We finally boarded at approximately 1230hrs and… sigh. I need to take a moment to smoke and calm myself down because part 3 of unfortunate events is something that I will always, always rage about. Stay tuned!
 Series of unfortunate events #3 – LIFE OF PI
Yup, I’ve said it. It was the worst. Remember when I said that I bought “ferry” tickets? It was not a ferry for sure. It was a speedboat. A FREAKING LITTLE SPEEDBOAT THAT COULD ACCOMMODATE ABOUT 20 PEOPLE ONBOARD. Yup, that little microscopic speedboat braved the ferocious waves and it was horrible. Let me try to break it down for you.
Imagine being on a bumper car in the Andaman sea. Imagine fearing for your life when your bitesize speedboat full of people and luggage and vegetables (yup, there were veggies onboard) rode the waves that were so high, you almost shat your pants. Close your eyes and visualize a rollercoaster ride with nothing on but a life vest. Imagine that ride was 2 hours long. Remember how it felt when the rollercoaster was heading straight down and you felt your butt lift off the seat? Yup, exactly how I felt on that speedboat. 3 times worse. I could feel how everyone onboard held on to the grab poles with their dear lives. I can only imagine how the little children felt at the back. They might have been terrified as fuck.
It was pretty fun when the speedboat first took off, but the moment the big waves started crashing into us and the speedboat started to feel like it was flying, that was it. I got to admit that my equilibrium gave in and I puked eventually. That was pretty gross. But hey! As did many others. Now here I am, thinking of how in the blue fuck am I going to “ferry” myself back to Hat Yai. Fuck me. Really.
 Series of unfortunate events #4 – TOOT & PUDDLE
Ahaaaa!! The sands of Koh Lipe at last! FINALLY! Upon alighting from the 2 hours of horrifying, terrifying torment, I puked even more. Yeah yeah yeah, kental~.
 Well anyway, in all honesty, Koh Lipe as I saw it this morning, or to be specific, Sunrise Beach, was in a mess. It was littered with both people and rubbish. It was hard to differentiate which was which. You could see the locals trying to clean the garbage that we invaders left behind irresponsibly. Language here, however, was not as strained as in Hat Yai. Nothing else interesting to talk about here cos I was still trying to settle down from the seasickness. All I had in mind was to get to my hostel ASAP and shower cos damn it, I’ve been out since 10am the day before!
 GPS was not in my favour very much and I have yet to figure out how to read their physical map. With the help of a kind local, he pointed me the direction to my hostel. Off I go then!
 HA! Smart aleck here did not learn her lesson from the airport, she happily made her way on her own. I suppose it just stopped raining given how much puddles of water there were everywhere. Literally EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE. Pools and oceans of puddles! Deep, muddy ones! Anyway, as I ventured on in my lovely Nike sneakers, I thought I could hop a little here and there to avoid the puddles. Guess who proved who wrong again!! Me, myself and I. SO PLUPPP! There goes my sneakers and socks!
 End of day one
Eventually I did manage to get myself a Thai adapter for my phone and reached the hostel safely. The hostel is pretty nice, cozy and clean. I showered and fell into a deep, deep sleep till 1900hrs. Got up, went out for dinner, bought myself flower crabs which they served raw (ewww I sent it back and got them to fry the crabs) and went back to start on this lovely piece. Had a break to smoke and watch Deadpool with some other bunkmates andddddddd here I am back again.
 I am actually really amazed at how I could completely fill two pages (1900 words, lol!) worth of events. And this is just day one. I have nothing much planned for tomorrow but I hope to wake up early to roam around this tiny island which has lots and lots of quiet alleys. It is pretty scary sometimes, but God willing, I will be okay. To those who actually read this entire post, thank you for spending your time being interested in my humble little getaway. Till tomorrow, God willing, love you all.
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