#and then there’s last year when alex came in the picture… kept one upping him when i called him my favorite guitarist
petew21-blog · 4 months
Family fun
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"Hi, I'm Simon and I'm an alcoholic." Haha. I'm just kidding. I'm just a normal nineteen year old kid still living with his widowed father and his three brothers. Today I was suppose to go on a trip with my 4 friends - Michael, Nathan, Daniel and Connor. I was ready to leave, but suddenly my - always happy and kind dad - started screaming about me not doing enough for our family, not doing chores and he banned me to go on the trip. I texted my friends, but only Connor replied:"Better luck next time. C ya". Then my dad even took my phone from me. I have no idea what I have done, but I didn't question him right now. Maybe later when he cools off.
My brother Alex came downstairs and offered me to go with him to the store. He acted different. I can't tell why, but he kept teasing me, which he usually doesn't. He is the quiet one.
We got into the store. I went to get some vegetable and when I got back to him. He was standing there completely naked
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"What the hell are you doing?"
"Hurry. Give my some clothes!!! I lost them!"
"How can you just loose your clothes you're wearing?!?"
"Doesn't matter. Give me something."
I gave him my jeans, my shirt, leaving me only with my socks, sweatshirt in my hand and my boxers. He put on the rest and then laughed as he took the sweatshirt from my hands and ran away.
I was standing in a storeonly in my underwear. How embarassing. Alex was standing outside of the store with a phone in his hand already recording and laughing
"What the hell is wrong with you today?"
"Haha. Nothing. Just... enjoying life."
We returned back home. Alex went to show my other two brothers how he humiliated me. I went upstairs to find my father in my bathroom completely naked. He held my phone in his hands and tried to take a nude.
"DAD! What are you doing?!"
He wasn't even shocked and kept trying to get a good photo.
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"Oh hey, I was going through your phone and I found this Grindr app where most of the profiles had pictures like this. I thought that maybe it is a dating website and I might have a chance. Maybe I'll find someone there."
"Dad, please. Go away. And don't install that app. I'll explain that to you later."
He checked himself out again and then winked at me
"Don't act like this isn't the dick that made you. You owe me for that, you know"
Has everyone gone crazy this morning or what the fuck is happening?
I went downstairs, ready for some more weird stuff. But fortunately my two brothers - Joe and Kyle fought. Thank god. The most normal thing in our family that could be happening right now. I sat outside on the porch just briefly watching them fight.
But suddenly the fight turned into this
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They made out passionately as many couples in love do. But THEY ARE MY BROTHERS!!!
All four of the stared at each other back and forth. My dad was the first one who started laughing, then the rest did too.
"What's so funny? Have you all lost your mind?"
"Oh come ooooon. It's just a prank, BRO" said my father
"Besides, would your brother that you secretly have a crush on let you do this?" Alex came to me and placed my hand on his abs, just going up and down and finally going down.
"How... Connor?"
"BINGO! You figured it out. We swapped bodies with everyone in your family just to mess with you. We discovered we could do that last night when we arrived at the campsite, but we decided to surprise you. So, what do you think?"
"Wait. What about my dad and my brothers? Where are they?"
"In the campsite hopefully. But they keep calling your phone, so that's why we took it from you. Seems like we might have some explaining to do. So, until we give these bodies back and might never use them again?" All four of them smiled.
I couldn't believe how perverted my freinds are. And I couldn't believe I didn't really protest.
A story from the inbox: Hello! I love your stories😍😍😍 can u write a story about some friends are doing prank by body swapping with his male family members?
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Ghost of the past -Alex Keller
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Based on a request:
Alex Keller angst with f reader? 👀 Do your worst, break my heart --- F!Reader, angst, death of character, cheating, established!relationship ---
It's perfect, a relationship between a soldier and his civilian girlfriend, nothing more than happiness and great talks. That is what the plan was meant to be like. The day he met her, something you wish to know how it went. Platonic, is all he explained, but she was not meant for that and neither were you. Farah, the girl he worked with, was so sweet you too swore she was just a friend, clung to that. Just a friend. His gaze, was not on yours but on her as she wore a gown to the military ball. Oh sweet sight he held dear to him. He never called your relationship love, something you did behind his back. The chilly autumn wind, the scarf that he kept in his home even to this day. Last reminder of what once was. 
Singing in cars, dancing in bars and kissing at American football games when his favourite team won. Getting lost in the woods so he can have just five more minutes of you. Family album his mum swore you and he would create the minute he married you. "Come on sweet pea," something he always said to you, now said to his oh-so-sweet love. The love he had for you is long gone, something he wished to hold for just five more minutes, get lost in the woods with you for that time. Just him and you. 
Dancing in the kitchen's dim light, the fireplace keeping you warm as the winter winds came by. Your scarf on the sofa as he made love to you that night. His clothes and boots were under your bed as he claimed your body over and over again. 
"Alex Keller will be your teammate for this, Farah," what a way to meet the jewel of his glimmery eyes. The family home you swore he'd grown old in with you, now left abandoned at that mossy end of the road. No more drives to the airport for him, no more keeping up with American football teams for when he came back home to ask who would be going to the Superbowl. He lost the one cheerleader that kept her chant even at the worst of times. Hand in hand, hospital rooms, sick days and now...tombstone he cleans. 
"Alex!" you giggle as he carries you through the field. His brothers chasing you both. Flag football, trying to win the heart of his dear sweet pea and the carrot cake his lovely mother made. Did she know you were the first girl he took home? Did she know you were the one who held his hand when she failed to cover for him on the battlefield? Maybe not but could she care he lost it all after you? 
Now, he walks through that empty football stadium alone, the January wind making his nose red. The same one you kissed with his rosy cheeks. "And this was him at 5, Halloween at the old house," his mum shared the picture of the young Alex. 
"One day, you and I will walk that same street, trick or treating with our children," he kisses your temple on that November night. 
"Wait, what does that mean?" you ask him, he chuckles and cups your face. "They are going to the Super Bowl, sweet pea," the Eagles t-shirt hung from his shoulder. 
"WE WON!" He raises his arms and then turns to you, a smile on your face. Eagles shirt, worn by you. 
Springtime came by last spring morning with you. The night time came quickly and so did the end. You drove to the local shop for some medicine and then you saw it. Her hand, greeting his mothers. Your heart ached. Was this the reason why for Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's he told you, he would be away and not contact his family? Was he creating those memories with her? Deception, betrayal and solitude. All given in the blink of an eye by the man who fathered your unborn child. 
Flashbacks swarm you. August, when he kissed your forehead and drove you to the first of many lectures you gave as a professor. September, the way he made love to you, how by morning he made breakfast, how in that night of love, you made the child that would hold his last name. October, the sweet nothing he whispered before he went on deployment. November, December and January of that time, how you didn't hear from him or anyone of his family. Betrayal began on the second of October. March only brought blues and grey skies. 
April brought black gowns. 
"R/N, please let me explain. I got carried away, I forgot-"
"You forgot me, Alex! You forgot me!" you cry, the resentment felt by the child growing in you. "It's not that, I swear it's just-"
"Was it not enough? To give you all of me? I never asked for much. Respect and honesty? Was it so hard for you to even give me the decency to not run around town with her?"
"It's not good for the baby-"
"Don't you pretend to know between right and wrong!"
That night, it is said that a soldier so fierce and strong like him became the weakest of them all. He lost the battle between you and life. He became a man...no...he became the ghost of a man. A ghost that haunts the home he made with you. The empty cradle, the empty side of the bed that belonged to you. The two tombstones he visits every day. The picnics and conversations he has with two souls who wanted him home, all as he created another home with a woman who fell in love with someone else. 
Wise men say, don't chase two lovers, not when the right one is there, playing the fool as you chase the one who can't give you more than a glance or a word. Stay with the one who made you feel safe in a danger zone. Stay with the one who even after all, made you soup, tucked you in bed and reminded you of how strong you are, all whilst she carried your child. A child he never met, a child that went with you to the great big sky. 
"I'm sorry, sweet pea," the drunken man cried to the tombstone of what was his beloved. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, all watched him beg to the skies for a second chance at this. To press replay on that time of his life, when he had it all. The girl of his dreams, the woman set to carry his blood, the woman who cheered him on during war. Now, all that is left of you, is all you left at home. The way you set the portraits, the furniture and the nursery, to only be watched by the ghost of him. Fool, the man he became. 
A/N: I love Farah, okay, so this is no hate for my baby Farah, I just needed to make this interesting
Tags: @liyanahelena @sadisticfiremelon @aquavenus58 @iamashadows-blog
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
my first post so pls be kind I’m still new to writing. Sorry it’s so long. :)
Cole Caufield imagine
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Summer is my favorite time of the year. No more waking up at the crack of dawn headed to class after class, no more annoying roommates who never clean up after themselves, and most importantly no more time away from your friends.
I was twelve years old when I first met the Hughes brothers for the first time. I spent the summer with my grandparents and the family moved in next door. Immediately clicking with the middle son who was the closest to your age and making a life long friend.
Jack was my best friend my platonic soulmate, Quinn was the older brother I never had, and Luke was the annoying little brother who also always had a shoulder for me to cry on. Jim and Ellen quickly became like second parents to me, claiming that I was the daughter they always wanted but never got. Ever since that summer everyone had bets on when Jack and I would realize “our feelings” and finally get together. I love Jack with my whole entire being but never in the way our families wanted.
This summer was already off to a great start, I pulled up to the lake house and didn’t even have time to park before the guys came running down. I barely made it out of my seatbelt before Trevor and Jack were pushing each other trying to get the “first hug of the summer.” It started years ago when Alex got to my car first and bragged the whole summer about being the favorite because he got my first hug. As Jack and Trevor pushed each other out of the way, Cole rounded the car and slipped into the passenger seat leaning over and giving me a hug. My heart fluttered and my cheeks blushed hugging him.
I always thought Cole was attractive and a great guy but I never thought it was of it as more than a schoolgirl crush. I mean being friends with all of them I’d have crushes on some of them before but they quickly faded. My feelings for Cole never did, if anything they kept getting stronger and stronger. Last summer was when I actually realized how bad I had it for him. It was the last night at the lake house and everyone tried to stay awake as long as they could. All of us outside by the bonfire just being with each other before life took us all our separate ways for the year.
Slowly everyone started turning in and only Cole and I were left outside. The fire had started dying down and the cool breeze was more apparent now. I cuddled deeper into my chair and pulled my blanket higher trying to stay warm not wanting to go inside enjoying the time alone with Cole. He obviously noticed, because he always notices the small things about everyone, and rounded the fire pit and sat down next to me. He smiled down at me and wrapped an arm around me pulling me close. I was thankful I could blame the flush on my cheeks on the flames. We stayed that way for hours just leaning into each other and talking about the summer.
I hug everyone else when I can finally make it out of my car. The guys let me settle in the room I had claimed since the first time Quinn and Jack showed me the place. The room was untouched exactly how I left it last summer. Smiling I get everything situated and the picture frame on the small dresser catches my eye. It was from my high school graduation when all the guys surprised me by showing up.” It won’t be long before we get to take another picture like that,” a voice breaks me from my trance softly placing the picture down. My eyes are met with the soft smile on Quinn’s face while he leans against the doorframe.” It’s so weird that I only have one more year left and I’m all done with school.”
I make my way to the bed and sit down patting the spot next to me before laying back and looking at the ceiling. Quinn chuckles and joins me just like he had many times before. He was the easiest person to be around, we could sit in complete silence and be totally okay with it. His presence was calming to me, like a security blanket of some sorts.” We were thinking about heading to the course and playing a round of golf. You wanna come or stay here and rest,” he asks turning his head to the side looking at me. It was sweet that Quinn always included me in whatever the boys did, even when I didn’t like the activity the invitation was still there.” Yeah sounds like fun. Just let me get changed and we can go,” I say looking over at him.
“She said yes guys! She said yes! Go get dressed before she changes her mind,” we hear shouting from the hallway. Seconds later we see five guys rushing around throwing outfits together. Quinn and I bust out laughing and he jumps up turning and pulling me up with him. Shaking my head laughing I look through my clothes and grab a light blue shirt and paired it with my white golfing skirt. Quickly changing and brushing my hair, I head down stairs into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. When I turn around Trevor is standing so close our faces are almost touching. I jump slightly because he scared me and my reaction makes him double over in laughter.” Ha ha yeah really funny Z,” I say sliding past him opening the water and drinking some. He turns and I can’t help but smile at him because of how squinty eyed he gets when he laughs really hard.
I gather my hair into a ponytail at the base of my neck when the rest of the guys finally make their way to us. My eyes drift over to Cole as I take in his appearance. The tight golf shirt and pants weren’t helping me at all. I thought I was quick enough checking him out no one noticed, until I saw the look Jack was giving me. I was totally busted and silently prayed he would keep his big mouth shut. Shaking my head at him as a warning he just smiles really big and heads towards the door. Throwing an arm around my shoulder he leads us outside and to the dark suv in the driveway. It was an unspoken rule that whoever got to the car first got shotgun, a stupid rule which always ended up with someone mad or hurt from racing outside. Quinn was driving with Luke in the passenger and Cole, Trevor, and Alex sharing the middle row. I was pulled into the back with Jack and settled in. Normally I never golfed, I just went and sat in the golf cart the whole time sipping on whatever drink I had at the time.
This past year I had been practicing and finally felt confident enough to join in. I hadn’t told anyone yet hoping to surprise them because the only time I ever played ended so badly.” So you and Coley eh,” Jack ask leaning down whispering in my ear. My eyes go wide and I slap him shushing him. The loud smack of my hand hitting his chest alerted the middle row and three heads turned around starring at us. Blush creeps it’s way onto my face and Jack can’t help but laugh.” Jack quit being annoying and bothering her,” Quinn says looking at him through the rear view mirror. He fakes shock,” how do you know it was me? Y/n could have been the one bothering me.” The sentence makes everyone laugh.” Because she’s y/n and you’re Jack,” Alex laughs turning back around.” Also she couldn’t be annoying if she tried. Annoying is your default setting,” Cole smiles looking over at me. I send him back a small smile as he turns to face forward. I immediately regret looking over at Jack who has a smirk on his face. Today wasn’t going to be a good day, I could feel it.
After getting everything in order we all made it to the first hole and set up the order. After Luke swung the guys all started heading to the carts for the next hole.” Actually could I maybe play this time,” I ask all of the sudden scared about if I could really play like I had practiced. They all send me shocked and amused looks and nod. Trevor walks over and present a club to me like it was made of gold or something. Laughing everyone settles down as I make my way to start my turn. I take a deep breath and shake out my shoulder nervously.” Hey Coley why don’t you help her with the stance,” Jack suggest sipping on his drink. I all of the sudden had the urge to run the devils player over with the golf cart he was sitting on.” You don’t have to. I’m fine really. I should be able to figure it out,” I rush out while he makes his way over to me.” It’s no problem. Really I don’t mind helping you out,” he stands behind me and wraps his arms around holding the club with me.
I try and hold my breath scared he could hear my heart beating. As Cole helps me adjust my stance I can’t help but imagine if this is how it would be if he took me on golf dates. His body pressed against mine, soft voice giving me instructions in my ear, and our friends chirping us saying get a room.” So you got it,” he asks stepping back and leaning against the cart closest to him. I clear my throat and nod with a smile. The swing wasn’t one for the record books but it was double as far as any other time I had done it. I slowly turn and see all the guys looking at me bewildered. I laugh and shrug my shoulders,” I guess Caufield is just a really good teacher.” As I pass him I squeeze his shoulder and place the club back into its place in the bag.
After what felt like years we finally finished the game. I lost like badly but it was an improvement from before. Making our way back to the house we all loaded up back into our original seats. Fatigue set in from the game and the Sun so I leaned my head onto Jack’s shoulder closing my eyes. As I drifted to sleep I didn’t hear the conversation happening just one row ahead of me.
“Cole seriously grow a pair,” Trevor exclaimed loudly. He was quickly hushed and the trio looked back to see me sleeping soundly on our shared friend. Jack had leaned his head down to rest on mine and closed his eyes too.” Shut up Trev. Drop it okay,” Cole said sadly turning around not wanting to see Jack all cuddled up with the girl he had fallen for last summer. Alex looked at his friends face and leaned over,” they are just friends Cole.” He knew that obviously but that didn’t stop the small part of his brain from thinking how natural it was for the two of you. Everyone always made comments about her ending up with his best friends but never him. Last summer he tried to share his feelings only to see the girl of his dreams asleep cuddled into his chest by the fire pit.
The rest of the afternoon was relaxed. Everyone set out doing their own thing and I couldn’t help but look for Cole to see what he was doing. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I check the kitchen only to find it empty. Sighing I turn towards the window above the sink and watch Trevor chase Alex and Jack with a water gun.” He’s out by the dock,” Quinn’s voice startles me for the second time today.” I have no idea what you are talking about,” I say trying to pass him and he stops me. Looking up into his eyes I can tell he sees right through me. Quinn could always tell what I was feeling, sometimes even before I had it figured out.” Cole. He’s out by the dock. Just in case you wanted to know,” his eyes sparkled. He knew why I was looking for Cole but he didn’t say it. I shook my head and sat down on the counter and sighed.” It doesn’t matter Q. He doesn’t see me that way. I heard him and Trevor talking about a girl in the way home today.”
It was true I hadn’t been asleep the whole time and I heard parts of the conversation about the girl Cole had liked for sometime now and how he wanted to make a move.” You don’t know that,” he says walking towards me stopping right in front of me. “ Yes I do okay. I’m not the kind of girl guys like him date. I’m just the kind he’s friends with,” I sigh looking into his eyes. He leaned forward and placed his hand on my knee squeezing it gently.” He’s be an idiot not to see you like that. And trust me Cole Caufield is no idiot.” His words swirl in my brain as he walks out of the kitchen leaving me sitting their with my thoughts. Taking a deep breath I make my way down to the dock. Walking down I see the boy swinging his legs over the edge of the dock from where he sits.
“This spot taken,” I ask trying to keep my confidence as time went on. Quinn would never lie to me and hurt my feelings on purpose, so I was really hoping he was right about this.” All yours,” his smile didn’t meet his eyes like it normally did. I sat down close enough that our shoulders brush. We sat their in silence for a minute while I tried to calm my breathing.” So I heard you and Trevor on the way back today,” I finally say looking straight forward at the water not making eye contact. I can feel him stiffen and looked over at me. His eyes scan my face for any sign that I may share his feelings.” You did,” he asks with a low voice. Finally looking at him I nod my head.” Just so you know any girl who doesn’t want to date you is an idiot Cole,” I say looking from his eyes to his lips so quickly he wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t starring at me so closely.” I don’t think you’re an idiot y/n,” he whispers so low I barely hear him. He breaks eye contact and stares ahead.
I freeze and look at him. Did I hear him right? Was Quinn actually telling the truth? How long had I been holding my breath? My lungs started to burn so I took a deep breath and cupped his face with my hands making him look at me. His blue eyes widened and scanned every inch of my face.” I don’t think I’m an idiot either,” I whisper afraid if I talk too loud I’ll scare him away.” You don’t,” he ask slowly turning his body towards mine and leaning in. I shake my head no and look between his eyes and lips again. When he doesn’t pull away and puts one of his hands on my waist and the other on my thigh I can’t take it anymore and close the distance between us. I always figured when I finally got to kiss him fireworks would fly and butterflies would jumble all around in my stomach. I was so wrong. Sitting there on that dock kissing him felt comfortable, felt normal, felt like home. Cole Caufield felt like home.
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invisibleraven · 5 months
"Let's burn it down." for Willex, please and thank you
"Do you ever wonder about where your parents are?"
Alex looked over to Willie who was still gazing up at the clouds, trying to find weird shapes in them. Meaning the question caught hima little off guard since the last one involved if he saw the bunny or not. He rumenanted on it for a moment. "Not really. My parents were... less than supportive once I came out. They made it very clear that if I didn't change I would be on my own."
"Man they suck," Willie spat. "You deserved better."
Alex shrugged at that-for how full of homophobia his parents were they never denied him his meds and his drums like Luke's parents or beat him up like Reggie's folks. And up until he came out they were pretty good parents-cool with nearly everything as long as he kept his grades up and went to church every week.
"I don't really think about them much. The guys and Julie are my family now, and they're all I need," Alex hummed. "What about yours?"
"I never knew my parents," Willie admitted. "Grew up in group homes, went from foster to foster, then ran away before I aged out and then well...you know the rest. I figured they wanted better for me or didn't have a choice in giving me up."
"I'm sorry," Alex said quietly.
"Don't be," Willie shook his head with a smile. "I had a kickass childhood full of fun people and seeing the country, it's all good. Might have been nice to have one home though. Guess I wanted to see yours."
"I mean, I don't think my folks are there any more, but I can show you where I grew up," Alex offered, giving Willie a hand with a grin.
"Cool beans."
They poofed to the manicured little subdivision that Alex knew like the back of his hand. The same familiar identical lawns, the same pastel siding, the same rows of trees that were allowed by the HOA. It was like nothing had changed in 25 years-like it was stuck in time.
He and Willie held hands as he showed him the houses that belonged to his neighbours, none of whom had kids his own age. Then the butter yellow house that had been his. The mailbox at the end still bore the name Mercer-but that didn't mean anything, it was a common last name.
"Let's go inside," Willie suggested.
A niggling feeling climbed Alex's spine as they phased through the door. The reason why became immediately apparent as he took in the decor. Sure, some of had been updated, but he knew that crucifix affixed to the wall, the needlepoint pillows, the wedding photo of stern, taciturn faces.
"They're still here," he breathed out.
He let go of Willie's hand, wandering the halls. New paint adorned the walls, the couch was updated, but the knick-knacks that littered the mantlepiece were the same, down to the crystal duck with the chipped beak that he had broken when he was seven.
He looked at what was missing though-the pictures of him. There was no evidence he ever lived here. No baby albums, no photos on the wall. Even his room was a by the numbers guest room.
"They erased me."
"Let's burn it down," Willie said.
"What?" Alex exclaimed, too startled to wipe away the stray tear. "We're not burning it down!"
"Why not?' Willie asked, fully sincere. "They made it so their only child never existed, even after he died just because he was gay. Why not send them a little reminder?"
"Oh yeah, a big 'Alex was here and queer' right on the lawn," Alex joked.
"Now you get it!" Willie giggled,
"I'm good without the arson," Alex admitted. "I left here long before I died. And you were right-I deserved better. So they deserve to live without my memory. Fuck 'em."
"Fuck 'em," Willie agreed, offering him his hand. "You wanna go watch me do ollies in Beiber's pool?"
"Only if you don't try and make me do them with you again," Alex replied, taking his hand.
"No promises," Willie grinned and they poofed away, haunting the Mercer house no more.
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avalil18 · 7 months
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Summary: Joe is leaving for LSU and you guys share some last moments together while you guys are still at the same college.
(2 year jump)
I walked up the steps to the brick house and knocked. Then one of his friends came and opened the door
“Hey y/n!”-sam
“Hi Sam!”-you
“Come in! Joe is in his room.”-Sam
“Ok, thanks!”-you
As I was walking into the house I also said hi to the other boys.
“Hi guys!”-you
“Hey!”- Nick, Zach, Justin, and Alex
I then knocked on joes door and went it
“Hey babe!”-you
He came over and hugged me and gave me a little peck on the lips. Joe and I have been together now for about 2 years. He is now being transferred to LSU to become a better QB where he can actually play.
“Are you packing?”-you
“Yep! Do you mind helping me?”-joe
“Of course! I will take care of your clothes while you get the stuff off your desk, got it?”-you
“Yes ma’am!”-joe
We then got to packing. I folded his clothes and put it into boxes then got his suits and put trash bags over them with a hanger and some into a dress bag. As I was doing all of that Joe pulled something from his drawers in the desk and quickly put it into one of the boxes before I noticed, but once I was done with some clothes I decided to put some stuff off of his shelf and into that box. When I placed the objects into the box I noticed a picture frame facing down. I then picked it up and saw what it was. It was a picture of him and I from one of our spring break trips. We were sitting next to each other on a wood picnic table with the lake in the background and Joe and I were laughing so hard. I guess one of our friends got a picture of us laughing and sent it to Joe, but something I really admired about the picture was the way Joe was looking at me. It looked like the look of love.
I smiled and turned to Joe as I picked it up.
“I’ve never seen this before.”-you
Joe turned to me and smiled
“Yeah, I got it framed a couple days ago and wanted to surprise you once I got to my dorm and put it on my nightstand and to take a pic and send it to you,but I guess you found it already!”-joe
“Awww Joey! That’s the sweetest thing ever and I love the picture! Can you send it to me later?”-you
“Of course!”-joe
I kissed him and put the frame down. As I did so there was a shoe box also in the box. It had my initials on it. I opened it once I saw Joe wasn’t looking. In there I found movie tickets which were the tickets we bought on our first date, the notes he took with me when we first met, A book I got him for learning about physics which I knew he loved, and one of the roses he gave me on our date we had a couple days ago.
“You kept the tickets and the notes?”-you
I looked at him with so much love in my eyes
“Sorry for snooping but I saw my initials and I juts had to look.”-you said while pointing at the box
“Haha! It’s ok! And of course I kept them y/n, it’s memories that its a little piece of us and you that I want to keep with me for my whole life.”-joe
I kissed him again but with a little more passion
“I’m going to miss you, so much.”-you
“I know baby, but we will call everyday and you can come to games and stay with me.”-you
“Yeah, I know.”-you
I now have a sad face on and Joe could tell
“Hey, don’t get that sad face on. It will make me more sad and I don’t want that.”-joe
He put one of his hands on my left cheek and the other hand on my waist.
“I’m only a phone call away and I’ve got an idea.”-joe
“Well what’s your idea?”-you
“We can write letters to each other! We can only say a couple things about our days on call but keep some stuff out and put it into letters! Then when we open the letters we find out more and more about our days!”-joe
“Awww! That’s a really cute idea Joey! Let’s do it!”-you
I laughed and kissed him again of course and we both got back to packing. After a while we decided to take a break already seeing that it was dark out. Sometimes Joe and I like to take night walks around campus or his neighborhood, so that’s what we did! I put my coat on and my shoes and we headed out the door.
As we were walking in the beautiful park filled with oak and willow trees Joe pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a black velvet box.
“Oh no burrow, what is this?”-you said sarcastically
“Just open it!”-joe laughs
I opened it. As I looked Inside the box there was a beautiful bracelet. It had a small gold chain and a small diamond heart. I was speechless.
“Joe, it’s gorgeous!”-you
I looked at him and he had a big smile on his face.
“You like? And I know what you’re about to say. Don’t worry about how much it costs because it doesn’t matter when it comes to you.”-joe
“Awww Joey! Thank you! I love it!”-you
“You’re welcome, and let me put it on you!”-joe
He took the box and took the bracelet out the wrapped it in my left hand because my right already had some jewelry on it. He then clasped it and kissed me with so much passion and love.
“God,do I love you y/n, so much.”-joe
“I love you too,burrow!”-you
That was the first time we said I love you.
“You’re the diamond to my heart!”-joe
“Man, that was cheesy!”-you laughed
“I know, but it’s true!”-joe
We laughed and I kissed him for the thousandth time that day, but it felt different this time now that we said I love you.
Day that Joe leaves
“Got everything?”-Robin
We were in front of his house saying goodbye. The boys all did their group hug and went inside because they wanted us to have our private time before Joe left which I thought was very sweet. Jimmy was driving Joe to the airport and helping him move in so it was just me and Robin and the boys saying bye.
After Joe hugged the boys and they went inside joe came over to me.
I fell into his chest and hugged him tightly around his torso. He put his arms around me and just held me. Tears started filling up my eyes as did joes.
We laughed knowing we were both crying and we thought it was funny knowing how much we will miss each other.
I then pulled out of his embrace and cupped his cheeks with my hands.
“You are going to do amazing things Joe, I know it! Just focus on yourself and not what everyone has to say. Breathe, get the ball, and then throw, got it?”-you
“Got it!”-joe
He looked at me for a second and said
“I’m going to miss you y/n, so much!”-joe
“I’m going to miss you too! Oh there’s something I forgot to tell you!”-you
“I love you!”-you laughed
Joe laughed
“God, do I love you!”-joe
He then pulled me into a kiss that probably lasted for a minute and hugged me again.
I patted his shoulder and he got in the car and took off. I hugged Robin because we were both crying. She then drove me home and went her way.
As I got in bed after a long day of some cries and some homework I got a text from Joe.
“Hey! Just unpacked, but I noticed something in my box.”-joe
“Hi! What was in the box?”-you
“A letter from you.”-joe
I laughed
“I decided to get to writing early!”-you
“I can see that!”-joe
“I’m happy you found it! I love and miss you! Hope you have a great first day of school!📚🤓”-you
“Thanks babe, and I love and miss you too!❤️”-joe
I put my phone down and went to sleep
The letter
Dear Joe,
I know you just left and probably unpacking right now as you are reading this, but I decided to get to writing early! I miss you tremendously already but I know you are going to do amazing! You are amazing Joey, you always have been. Make sure to do homework instead of getting to reading plays right when you get home and make sure to do laundry! But most importantly make sure to take a second and breathe. I know football and school can be a lot at once for you so just take minute to breathe and relax, ok? Remember what I told you to, breathe, get the ball, then throw! Anyways I’m going to let you get back to unpacking but I love you QB and miss you!
Authors note: ahhh so cute! But also so sad because they are long distance. Anyway I’ve really been feeding y’all! Hoping I can write up some more ideas for this series!🫶
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
Summary: You'll be the saddest part of me. A part of me that will never be mine. It's obvious. Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
Rating: +16
Warnings: angst? breakup? losing someone
Word count: 3.7k
Note: this was an old pierre gasly fic that i wrote last year for a friend- however since i don't actually like writing for him (and the plot doen't fit for him AT ALL) i rewrote some details and now here it is! I did it with george because it matched him? i guess and to change a bit from the usual either mick or lewis requests. MAY HAVE SOME MISTAKES on writing
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It was supposed to be just one night, a single dawn of fun and silly mistakes, but I was wrong. And life is never that easy.
Monaco, August 2022.
The view was breathtaking, clearly worth every penny spent. Strolling through Port Hercule at night was breathtaking, the yachts lit up, people partying and living in every possible luxury. I admit, I was a little jealous, I really wanted to be in the middle of it all.
It seemed very well that fate really wanted me to make the most of it, because within minutes a man taller than me came closer. At first I was apprehensive and turned away slightly, until he began to speak.
"A friend of mine saw that you were alone here, taking pictures of the place and walking. Um..." The man looked me up and down. "Invitation from her, if you want, you can join us." He smiled at me, clearly the stranger possessed the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.
For a few seconds, I thought about the proposal, because they were strangers and I didn't know what they wanted to do with me, but you only live once. Before agreeing, I sent the location to my friend. If I didn't answer within 3 hours, she could get desperate and call the police.
"Sure. We can go, yes." He held out his hand to me, reluctantly, I held it and let him guide me around the place. "I don't know your name yet."
"George Russell. You?"
"Interesting name, where are you from?" Russell was trying to initiate some conversation until we got to the boat. It was cute, like he was really interested in what I was going to talk about.
I answered, seeing him crack a smile. "However, these last few years I am hopping around several countries because of my job."
When we entered the luxurious place, I could no longer hear him properly, the conversations and loud music filled our surroundings, he just smiled and dragged me to the small bar set up.
"On the house, whatever drink you want." He murmured over my ear. This distance was too dangerous.
Hours later, I woke up crossed in my hotel bed. I had an unbearable hangover, but I was not going to let it ruin my day. Again, I was exploring the place to find out something to do. I walked around the city, hoping to bump into the pair of clear eyes that had kept me company on the yacht. Since it was a Sunday, brunch would be my choice for my first meal of the day, so I walked around looking for a place to eat. After a while I found a small, cozy restaurant and the first person I see when I enter is him. My heart races and I seem to hold my breath involuntarily.
"Y/n!" He calls out loudly, breaking my trance, "I thought I would never see you again."
"I didn't think so either, not least because we were too crazy yesterday to be rational and take each other's number." I laughed lightly.
"So… This is Alex Albon and Mick Schumacher, two very close friends of mine." I greeted them both. "So... Tonight we're going out to a nightclub, if you'd like to join us, just let me know the hotel you're in and I'll come pick you up."
"You really enjoyed my company!" I said, cracking a smile immediately afterwards. 
"What can I do? You're the life of the party, honey."
Okay, I was on the verge of a breakdown and it was about one piece of clothing. It had been 30 minutes and I couldn't decide between two dresses. It was almost time for me to go down to the hotel lobby and I was still standing there in just my underwear looking at both. My cell phone ringing was the highlight, it was him and he was probably already waiting for me downstairs. Out of desperation I grabbed the simplest but most low-cut black dress.
The elevator took ages - actually, seconds - to drop me off on the first floor and I ran to meet him.
"Wow, you're a sight for sore eyes, someone was definitely inspired today" He said as I got closer to him, I just rolled my eyes and he laughed, opening the car door for me.
Arriving at the club, I was clearly feeling out of place, the people were extremely rich and in the middle of them, there was I. We went to the VIP area and soon I was already with a glass of an expensive drink in hand and making small talk with George. He had the best subjects to hold me in conversation while he managed to flirt shamelessly and I was completely falling for it. The boys and his other friends were dancing with girls - either his girlfriends or random girls, while he was trying to be as sexy as possible, trying to impress me. And he was.
"Let's dance." I spoke softly to him, holding his hand and pulling him into the group of people.
Unholy, by Sam Smith was playing and at that moment I was not me, not even a little bit, it seemed that all the shame and lack of courage had been taken from me. The British had already understood what I was doing, so he rested his firm hands on my waist as I danced shamelessly, moving my body against him. He was enjoying what I was doing, his breaths getting heavier and closer to my ear, until his face was pressed against the back of my neck. Thank God it was dark and no one could see how we were grinding into each other
"Oh God, doll..." He murmured, which left me with my cheeks boiling with embarrassment, however it was not the moment. "I want to kiss you so badly."
"Kiss me then."
In a matter of seconds, I felt my body being turned around and his lips were against mine. I couldn't help myself, I ran my hands over his body, from his chest to the back of his neck. He responded in the same way, his hands were not discreet and it didn't matter who saw us like that. The kiss was hot and desperate, as if he had wanted it since he first saw me. When we parted for some air, his lips were a purplish shade of purple from my lipstick, which made me laugh softly at the forgotten detail.
"Do you want to get out of here? Where I live there is plenty of room for one more person to spend the night there." His hand was already strong on my waist, as a sign of dominance and it made a puddle form inside my panties
We could have reached where he lived in 5 minutes, but with the amount of distractions we had on the way, it ended up lasting 20. We can say that a few kisses and touches were exchanged in the meantime.
Russell’s desire was gigantic, for the moment I closed the door, I was picked up and seconds later my back was against the bed. I took off my heels anyway and he was soon on top of me.
"That dress clearly had an effect on me." That was the last thing he said before he kissed me again.
I opened my eyes slowly, the darkness of the room that was not mine confused me for a few seconds until I remembered where I really was. It was at that moment that I felt hands around my naked waist and George sleeping peacefully beside me. My first reaction was not to move, he looked so calm that I turned my body to lie against his chest, just to enjoy the moment of peace, but happiness doesn't last long...
"Good morning." His voice was half hoarse and in a low tone. Shit, why so hot?
"Good morning." I sighed loudly and stood, completely forgetting that I was only in my panties until he groaned at me, my cheeks blushing with embarrassment.
"Vision of paradise." I said unashamedly.
I didn't answer, just smiled shyly and quickly got dressed. Soon I was brushing my teeth and he didn't even get out of bed. When I was ready to leave, the British got up in just his underwear.
"Why are you going already? We had such a good night..." Indeed, the night had been one of the best I had ever had.
"Because..." There was no reason, we didn't work together, we don't even have any previous relationship or that would cause future problems. "There is no reason. I thought we were just a one-night stand."
"It doesn't have to be a one-night stand. If you want." He said in a lower tone, as if it were our secret. "I'm willing to try." His hands passed around my waist, pulling my body against his and away from the door.
I thought for a moment before answering. My previous relationships had been terrible and no one seemed to be the person. I hardly knew him, didn't know where he worked, just that he was very rich, his hobbies...
"We can try." And so, I made the most painful mistake of my life.
I was wearing one of his shirts, while he was ordering our breakfast - they looked so big on me. He was tall so his outfits were bigger. I sat on the window ledge, looking out at the beautiful scenery that could be seen from there. As soon as he returned with two relatively large boxes, I smiled.
"Don't go anywhere, I'll tidy up and we can eat with the beautiful view on the balcony." My heart melted for a few seconds, how cute could he be? Clearly my view of him had changed in a matter of minutes.
Neither of us shared a word while we were eating, but in our defense, the food was wonderful, which drew a few satisfied sighs. Still, in order to make conversation and find out about his personal life, I made conversation again.
"What do you work in? So far I haven't asked you or even googled you to find out if you are some big tycoon who can rent an apartment in Monaco." The tone was not one of malice, just curiosity. "I know at times, you had people from afar taking pictures of you, but I thought I just thought you were handsome. It's just that I have this thing… I mean, which job is so good that you live here." I cracked an amused smile, crossing my legs over his.
"Formula 1 driver. Currently at Mercedes." He replied as if it was the most common job in the world, yet at the same moment I knocked over the piece of cronut that was in my hands. "I thought you already knew!"
"No! I didn't know? Look... I only know the most famous ones that have passed through the sport... Senna, Schumacher, Prost...Lauda. I had no idea who was currently in the sport." He just laughed at my surprise. "That's why people keep watching you from afar! By God! What if they saw us leaving the club last night? What could that do to your reputation?"
"Honey. Calm down, it's not that dramatic." He used his free hand to place it over my cheek. "They always speculate about our lives and I couldn't care less. If we are available to try, I think more about you. You're not used to living in this life of cameras and constant attention."
"I'll be fine." 
"Are you sure?" 
"For you? Yes."
Two weeks went by and there I was, watching from my cell phone, the Dutch Grand Prix, all for George Russell. Officially we were still nothing, however, under the surface. He was my boyfriend.
Something so strange to say, as much as I know he is the right person. At that moment I was at the airport, ready to catch a plane to the province of Monza, so that we could spend a week together - more like post-practice on Friday, post-qualifying on Saturday and post-race on Sunday, because I cannot yet afford to quit my job to live as a fan of my boyfriend.
That's when the inevitable problems started to happen.
I arrived exhausted in Monza and went straight to the hotel, didn't answer messages and didn't even look at my cell phone properly. I was so tired that I wanted my bed. Russell was extremely worried and almost considered leaving the Netherlands on Monday because of my disappearance. On Tuesday, he came to my hotel room, but I was constantly in meetings and doing work, which did not please him, because he missed my company. That day he apologized. On Wednesday I got some time off, but he had already arranged to leave with his friends. There was nothing to apologize for. By Thursday he was already involved with the race that would happen on Sunday and I continued working. We hardly spoke to each other.
On Friday, after the free training sessions, we had a dinner scheduled in a fancy restaurant and we managed to go. I can say that it was the best night, because we didn't sleep afterwards, we just killed our homesickness with lots of wine, conversation and sex.
Saturday was qualifying and I was there. Sunday, third place. I was proud of him and we celebrated together with the others. I felt out of place with the other girlfriends and partners of the pilots, for the most part they were all so Chic, I felt left out, because I was a simple girl who, with the effort of my family that helped me get to a renowned company, was still not enough.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were ordinary, goodbye is always painful, I would only see him in a few weeks. One of those nights around the weekend, he said I love you and I said it back, hanging up the phone before I could hear his answer.
We haven't seen each other in person for over a month. He travels to one side of the world. I am in a different city, we try to reconcile time zones and catch planes, but our routine is dull and it is upsetting for both of us. What keeps us positive is the end of the season and finally we can spend weeks and weeks together. Four more races and this year is over.
Each time more time passed, the pain in my chest of longing increased, because we were amazing together, love seemed to overflow, yet the pain of not having him by my side hurt me and I know that it also affected him mentally. A painful truth seemed to grow in my chest. I was trying to knead it, but it was getting bigger and bigger.
The agony often took over my body. The fear of him never coming home, what if he found someone better? What if I gave up this crazy life he was living? If I wanted more security?
Maybe this was not the time to be together.
And that only proved to be true around Christmas. Our first fight, over something as simple as where we were going to spend the holiday together, ended in both sides crying and endless apologies. Our temper was still the biggest problem for both of us, even if our love was big and beautiful. Explosiveness to end everything in a matter of seconds. We were in a weird mood for 3 days after that. The decision was to spend Christmas each with their own family, the relationship was too new for us to go out showing off to each other and this was right, newly blossoming feelings. I spent the holiday period sending pictures and messages, getting minimal responses, but it was expected.
After that, the relationship was still very good, we couldn't see each other on some weekends, the other turned to love and sex, yet there was an elephant in our midst that no one wanted to mention. The start of racing in 2023. He was now in a relatively better car than the previous one and that would demand even more of him.
We avoided the subject until the start of pre-season testing. His mental health was worse than usual, but he was happy with the results, I was... My family had disassembled, losing someone was never easy, much less when your job also blew up in less than a week after that, besides being on the other side of the world with no prediction of returning home. Everything had piled up and was taking too much out of both of us.
He was trying to be everything, only my life was meaningless and no matter how much I returned the love, I knew it was still not enough for his big, passionate heart.
We needed to talk.
The second day he was home, my body was exhausted from looking out for work so as not to leave him paying for it alone, even though he didn't mind. As soon as I arrived, I ran to his lap, where I hid my face and let him comfort me.
"We need to talk." 
"What's it about, kitten?"
"We... We are distant. Not physically, but mentally... It seems that our lives don't want to share with each other. I need to go back to my country and I don't know if I can get back here anytime soon, while you... You are in an amazing team, living a dream of winning podiums... To be adored by new people. They are not working out."
"I am serious. Haven't you noticed that every time our lives come into our relationship, either we fight and come out crying or one of us needs to be consoling the other? It's never about enjoying each other's lives, participating, feeling at home. It is about working like convicts and maybe on the weekend getting together for sex sessions and small talk over a bottle of wine. Not that I don't love this and don't love you.”
"Yet this is killing me, and it's killing you, too. You're 25 years old, baby. At the peak of your career and so soon you don't want to retire and stop the momentum. I need some calm right now, my family is destroyed. You are married to your career, which I don't think is completely wrong for your environment, but our visions of the future will not fit together. At least not today."
I watched him swallow hard, his face turned to the side, tears timidly streaming down his face. Without even hesitating, I run both hands over his face, wiping them away.
"I don't want to break up with you. It's the first time I've ever been completely given over to someone. I have never, ever really devoted myself as much, felt as loved as you have made me feel, honey. " The crying voice brought pain to my heart and I wanted to give up halfway through. "Don't do this to me."
"You know I don't want to either." I murmured, ignoring my own tears and leaning my forehead against his. "But it's the best thing for both of us. How many times have we cried this week? Over things within our relationship that we can't fix. They're incorrigible because they're not up for us to change, George."
"I know. I know all this, but I don't want to lose you."
"You won't lose me. I promise you. One day we will meet again."
"How do you know?"
"Because our lives aren't on the same page. One day we'll have our right moment and we'll make everything we couldn't experience in these months count. I promise."
"I will never forget you.
"Then let's make this night unforgettable."
And we had sex that night. We cried together, packed my bags, and cried some more. And in a few hours I was at the airport to return to my country. He didn't want to let me go, his hug was so strong and his kisses were endless, they were so desperate but at the same time they carried so much love. Everyone always said that goodbyes were always hard, even more so for young loves.
"This here. It stays with you. When you think it's our time, you give it back to me." He took it off one of his favorite necklaces, placing it around my neck.
I was unresponsive for a few seconds, just enjoying the touch of his hands. "I will always love you, Russ."
"And I will always love you too, love. See you someday?"
"See you someday."
So we had our last kiss, intense, with his tongue next to mine, bodies glued together, and then a strong and tearful hug, and minutes later I was walking into the plane, my face swollen. I couldn't stop crying and thinking how incredible that love had been.
Thinking about the future with him, with the possibility of meeting him again made me cry even more, because I had the courage to leave him, however I knew it was the best, I didn't want us to end with just hate and no love.
When you love, sometimes you have to make the hardest choice.
George (pov)
I was sitting on my bed. I didn't know that love could hurt so much as it did right now.
"She was that person who messed everything up and yet, fixed everything at the same time. I was no longer Russell who did things without thinking. She loved me so much and I loved her so much. Why does everything that is good have such a painful end? It was just like a novel... Which was supposed to be beautiful, the kind that annoys people with all the love the main characters have, but…” Lewis just listened to me, with a hand on my shoulder. He squeezed slightly, to show that he understood what I meant.
"The greatest loves don't last forever, friend." He murmured, giving me a hug where I let myself cry.
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innytoes · 11 months
Apple orchard dates for Rulie?
For Reggie's birthday that summer, Julie had adopted an apple tree with him. Sure, it wasn't as exciting as her gift last year (adopting a dog together), but he still beamed when he read the certificate. Included was a trip to the orchard, where you could pick all the apples from your tree to take home. "I love apple pie!" he crowed. "Can we really go visit my tree in the fall?"
"Yep," she beamed, and he cheered, showing off the picture of 'his' tree to all his friend, proudly talking about how Strong and Productive their child was, look at all those apples. Julie tried not to laugh, or blush at the implications.
So before her visit, she called and orchard to make sure everything was ready for them, and on a beautiful sunny autumn day, they set off, Ellie happily panting in the back seat next to the picnic basket and blanket they'd brought. And Reggie's camera, of course. He loved being Ray's assistant, but he was gunning for taking over some clients on his own instead of always being second shooter.
So of course Julie agreed to 'wear something pretty' so he could practice his skills, though she insisted he did too, so they could take some couple portraits with the little remote as well. So Reggie had swapped his t-shirt for a nice button up, and Julie had made sure her dress matched his flannel, and even Ellie was wearing a cute red bowtie slipped on her collar.
They had a blast all day. The orchard also had some alpacas that Ellie was just fascinated by, and they worked together to get as many apples as they could carry back in the baskets they were given off of AppleToni ("Get it? Like appletini, but a name!").
They spread out their picnic under the tree and had lunch, and maybe a little nap together. She let Reggie have his little photo shoot, laughing when he kept flirting with her, saying things like how it was too easy to get good pictures with such a beautiful model. They took some pictures together, as well, and then, as golden hour was nearing its end, she pulled him close, into a kiss.
"I have a confession," she said, against his lips.
"You already tried one of the apples? I know, I saw you sneak a taste," Reggie said, smirking.
"There's another tree here for us," Julie said, taking his hand and leading him away. He followed, confused, looking back at his camera with a little nervous glance, but the place was deserted other than them. Julie had made sure of it.
A few rows later, they came to the biggest tree in the orchard, the one that had been there originally. The tree was lit up with fairy lights, making it look truly magical in the nearly set sun. And hanging from one of the branches was a wooden sign. Reggie blinked, going over to read it.
Reggie, I want to put down roots with you. Will you marry me?
He turned, gasping when he saw Julie on one knee behind him, with a little open ring box.
"Really?" he whispered, and she nodded.
"I love you more than anything," she said. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" Reggie said, all but dragging her up and into a kiss, as Ellie happily bounced around them, barking. Julie carefully took the ring out of the box, sliding it onto his trembling hand, and then kissed him again.
Reggie looked startled when he suddenly heard cheering, as their friends and family popped up from behind several other trees. Dad pulled Reggie into a hug, welcoming him into the family, and Luke and Alex were already popping open a bottle of non-alcoholic apple cider and filling glasses for everyone. Reggie just kept wiping at his eyes to catch the happy tears, staring at his ring finger in awe and delight.
And if in the spring, they got married at the same orchard, blossoms all around, it was just as perfect as their engagement had been.
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jovialtorchlight · 6 months
A play in one act by Jonny Bolduc
CONTENT WARNING: This play contains a depiction of suicide, as well as gunshots, murder, and implied violence against children.
ALEX: A washed up journalist.
AJ: Demon incarnate. 
DETECTIVE: Trying to piece the case together.
BETHANY: Alex’s sister. 
LIGHTS come up on an empty newsroom. ALEX, an overweight middle aged man, hangs his coat up on the back of a rolling chair in front of a computer.  SOUNDFX: A police scanner sputtering out a traffic stop. 
Anyone home? Chuckles. Of course not.  ALEX notices a manila envelope on his keyboard. As he sits down and boots up his computer.  Wonder if those are the Seadog tickets I put my name in for yesterday. 
ALEX is about to open the envelope when the phone rings. As ALEX answers, the lights fade on him and come up on the EDITOR and DETECTIVE sitting at a table downstage. 
Are there any cameras in the newsroom? Security cameras?
If I got a warrant to look at the footage, it would all be there, right? Everything from Saturday, March 16? No mysterious gaps? 
Look. I can’t speak for Alex. At this point, if he fucked with the footage, it wouldn’t suprise me. I thought…I thought I knew him. As well as anyone knew him…I never thought he would..
Alright. As far as you know, on Saturday, what time did he get into the newsroom? 
3:30 p.m. 
Was anyone in the newsroom?
No. He worked the skeleton hour, the time between the morning and night shift. When I first started at the journal, the cop beat came in in the morning. But staffing cuts--
I don’t need a history lesson.  I just need to know why Alex did it. 
LIGHTS down on EDITOR and DETECTIVE. Lights up on Alex, speaking on the phone, typing on his computer and eating tortilla chips and salsa. 
Thanks for talking to me on the weekend, Chief Perry. Do you know the condition of the nine year old injured in the crash?  Critical? Ok, thank you. A huge glob of salsa falls onto his shirt. 
Any other information? I understand. I’ll wait for the press release. Have a good weekend. Hangs up. Looks at salsa on his shirt.  Shit.  Raises salsa glob to his mouth and licks it clean.
Good enough.  On his computer, ALEX reads aloud as he types. 
“Dear Mark,
Regretfully, I am writing this letter to inform you that my last day of employment with the Twin Town Journal will on April 1st. 
This dimly lit basement office, stale, moldy.  Sometimes, I feel like I exist inside a slowly rotting carcass. It’s time for me to live. ”
No. I can’t.
ALEX aggressively hits the delete button. ALEX eyes the unopened manila envelope. He opens it. 
Lights down on ALEX, back up on the DETECTIVE and EDITOR. 
Where did Alex sit?
Alex’s desk was in the back corner of the newsroom.
Why was he in the corner?
Well, he earned it. It’s a hierarchy thing. New reporters were stationed at the front next to the copydesk, mainly so they couldn’t just Facebook all shift, look at cat pictures or pretend like they were answering emails. 
So he was a good employee?
At one point.  He won us seven Press Association awards, that he kept framed, and lined up on his desk, reminding us of his best work.  2012, an unreplicated year. The rest of the years were bad, full of mistakes and errors and mediocrity. But those seven awards kept him in the newsroom. 
Was there ever any problems with his behavior? Anything concerning?
Every couple years he would be out for a few weeks for an unspecified “emergency.” I learned after the second one that he was admitted to the psyche ward. I don’t know the details, but I summized that he had pretty serious breakdowns every so often. But he never brought that to work. 
LIGHTS HALF DOWN on EDITOR and DETECTIVE, LIGHTS UP ON ALEX. ALEX is reading the letter that was in the envelope.
Fuck. Fuck. Oh god. FUCK. ALEX puts his head in his hands. 
ALEX vomits into the trash can beside him. 
When we searched his desk, we found the note he read underneath a pile of vomit and soda cans. Tell me if you can make any sense of it. 
“A.J.. favor. River behind Bethany’s, Mechanic F., 2:30 a.m., Monday.”
It’s closed now, but Bethany’s was an ice cream store in Mechanic Falls. As for the rest… who AJ is…I have no idea. 
Back to ALEX.
I think I’m having a fucking heart attack. Fuck. AJ. That crazy goddamn bastard is back. Fuck. Fuck. 
Back to EDITOR. As the EDITOR speaks, the upstage is cleared. 
Alex didn’t do much for the rest of the night. Around 9 p.m., he went out for a three vehicle crash, out on Goff Hill.
Yeah. I pulled the report, pieced it together. When Alex got there, police had already shut the road off, so he parked at Denny’s, waved at the cop directing traffic.  Officer Moltisanti knew Alex from other scenes, and said, and I quote, “I thought we were going to have to call an ambulance. He was breathing heavy, like a panting, St. Bernard and he looked really pale. But he walked up the hill. Took some pictures of the crash. Headed back down the hill. We pulled some surveillance photos of Denny’s; he came in at 10:00 p.m., ordered a black coffee, and took out his computer to write the story. 
He never came back to the office. 
Lights back up on Alex, drinking coffee at a counter.  A waitress is setting a plate of food next to him.
Rough night, Alex?
Laughs. Yeah, you could say that. It’s the kind of night that makes me wish I never stopped smoking cigarettes. Do you remember when you could smoke in Denny’s?
Yeah, hon, I do. I’m pretty ancient. 
You’re not ancient. You still got life left in you, Betty. Me, not so much.
What do you mean?
Nothing. Nothing. Thank you for talking to me.
  Are you alright, hon? 
Yeah. I’m ok.
I just..when I was a kid, my dad smoked. His flannels, the garage, everything had the smokey smell…and shit, I loved it. Even when I was old enough to know that the smoke was killing him. Do you know what I mean? When the thing that’s killing you gives you comfort?
Are you sure you’re ok? 
Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Betty.
WAITRESS exits. ALEX reads as he types. 
Comfort. Where does it come from? At what expense? Comfort comes from booze, food, Lexapro.  Fleeting interests, the, distractions, anything to to get himself one step ahead of the chest tightening, stomach twisting, breathless, empty attacks. But still, the strange dread creeps into me. An alarm malfunctioning, blaring empty signals into my head.
But it’s real, this time. If you’re reading this, I’m dead. This is goodbye. 
ALEX pays his check and leaves. 
Lights up on a dream. A WOMAN appears. ALEX is with her. 
Exactly as I remember you. You smill like dirt. Not unpleasant, more like you had been gardening. Green jeans, white tank top, humid August night…
I’m drunk, stumbling. Both of us were, honey. But you were walking straight. I could smell your breath, though. And when I looked into your eyes, trying to kiss you, you were half on earth, half somewhere else. 
Don’t get into the passenger seat.
I have to. This is how it happened. 
Fuck. I can’t…I can’t keep losing you. 
Alex. Remember something, when you wake up. 
Of course.
It was your fault. 
 LIGHTS DOWN. In the blackout, ALEX runs to his bed. LIGHTS up. ALEX wakes up violently, in a panic. 
He throws the sheets off, and stumbles into the bathroom offstage. SOUNDFX of some nasty bathroom business. 
He emerges. 
He is talking to his dog. 
Maisey. Girl. I love you. But I got to go. I hate this. I really do. 
Want to come up on the bed? 
ALEX lays down on the bed. BLACKOUT. 
LIGHTS UP. ALEX is passing his sister, BETHANY, a collar. 
She eats Nature’s Pride. Exclusively.
I know. I’ve dogsat for you before. How long are you going to be gone, again?
Three days. It was kind of last minute. I’m going up to Presque Isle for a job interview.
You’re leaving Twin City?
Yeah. Maybe moving up north. 
Alex? I need to…ask you something.
Are you ok? You seem…not ok.
I’m fine. 
I don’t believe that. Come on. If something’s wrong, I can help you. 
I swear to god, Beth, nothing’s wrong. 
Alex. I love you. You’re my brother. And we’ve been through hell. I know you well enough to know when you’re going through some shit. And look, after last year, you promised you would be honest.  Please, be honest. 
Beth. Nothing is wrong. 
You know what my worst fear is? What keeps me up at night? I get a call saying that you’re dead, that you killed yourself, that the worst day is here. I can’t picture life without you, Alex. So please. Come on. Tell me what’s wrong.
A heavy pause.
I…got a letter. 
What did it say?
It was..it was from…A credit card company. I’m getting sued for like 15,000 dollars. I might lose everything
. Lights down on ALEX and BETH. 
Back up on DETECTIVE and BETH.
Before we start, I’m sorry for your loss. 
Doesn’t answer. 
So. You think it was him? 
Yeah. We do. Almost cert--
It was A.J. 
A.J? A.J Gutenski? 
Huh. Look, I shouldn’t tell you this, but Bethany. Forensic confirmed that Alex fired the bullet that killed AJ. 
No. No, you don’t understand. Whatever happened, that bastard was behind it. Alex didn’t even own a fucking gun. 
He bought one the night he died. 
What? Well, come on- iIt must have been self defense. 
Ok. Look, I understand you’re grieving--
I know what you’re going to ask me about. When I last talked to him. Look, he lied to me. I had no idea AJ was back in town. But you have to understand. If he told me AJ was back in town, I would have personally escorted Alex to the gunstore. AJ was less of a person and more  a fucking demon. 
Bethany. I know you’re upset, but AJ was a veteran. A former police officer. An upstanding-
With all due respect, detective. He’s a sociopathic fuckhead. He killed my brother.
LIGHTS UP on Alex in his apartment. It is dark. He is looking in a mirror.
Look at this. A fucking disgusting piece of shit. Pale skin, gross, scaby graying beard, greasy ass hair, lumpy, overstuffed disgusting. I’m such a fucking piece of shit. 
AJ. That fucking bastard.
Alex screams, guttural, and punches the mirror, shattering it. He grunts in pain. He picks glass from his knuckles and wraps his hand in a bloody papertowel. 
Lights up on Bethany and Detective. 
We know that early in the morning, after Alex dropped off his dog-
Sure, yeah, Maisey--he drove Bethany’s Ice Cream. He parked in the back lot, down where there’s a steep bank that leads to the river underneath the railroad trestle. Why would he go to Bethany’s? Did he have some sort of connection to the place?
We grew up in Mechanic Falls. We used to joke that I owned the place. Mechanic Falls wasn’t like…dead back then.  When Alex was a boy, this small mill town still had a mill, and it still felt like a town. He’d walk from our massive Victorian home on Main Street to a three room school that served all 25 kids in town, he’d ride his bike down the trails to the brooks and he’d rip around on his dirt bikes, up and down Main Street. 
The town was his. Ours. Which is why I think the fire effected him so much. 
The mill fire? 2018?
Yeah. He wrote about it. I’d read it to you, but I still haven’t been given any of his belongings. 
They’re in evidence. Why do you think the fire effected him?
We watched the town go up in flames. 
Just the mill. And no one was hurt. 
Yeah. But he worked his first job in that mill. I think he saw it like…the past was burning down. Like the fire was destroying every good memory he ever held. 
Huh. Ok. 
So. Answer this. 
When did your brother become a far right extremist? 
What? What the fuck are you talking about?
We found a vile journal with all kinds of shit in it. He listed all the people he wanted to hurt. He was radicalized. For christ sake, he tried to--
That wasn’t him. It was AJ. It had to be AJ. 
LIGHTS UP on AJ. He is standing, hands in his pockets, shivering. He is down by the river; the sound of rushing water.  The sound of tires screeching.  AJ is here. Car door slams shut. AJ strides onstage. He is ex-military, clad in a green tank top and cargo pants. Cleancut.
Look. The fat bastard’s waiting. Get in my belly. Bring it in bud. 
AJ grasps ALEX in a unwilling bearhug. It’s too long, too tight. ALEX wiggles in protest. ALEX is checking for a wire. When AJ lets go, he pushed ALEX, and almost sends him scrambling back. 
Thought I was going to get lost in all that blubber. It’s good to see you, friend. 
It’s…uh..good to see you too, AJ. Where have you--
Like a flipped switch. He’s violent. He grabs ALEX by the shoulders.  None of your fucking buisness where I’ve been, you fat fuck. Why do you need to know? Are you a fucking narc? You don’t ask me shit. Knees ALEX in the groin. ALEX collapses on the ground, rolling. AJ makes as if he’s going to stomp AJ in the head, but lands on the ground beside him, howling in laughter. 
I forgot how easy to are to fuck with, friend. Now, look. I got a favor to ask you, once you find your balls again. As ALEX gathers himself, AJ reaches into a bag beside him and pulls out a pair of fishing waders. 
You’re going to go for a little swim. Throws the waders at ALEX.
Sure, it ain’t going to be warm. But, you know something? The Russians, those crazy bastards, cut holes in the ice and started swimming in the winter. It’s supposed to cleanse their bodies of toxins from vodka or something. Then, some rich Norwegian socialist fucks started doing it, and it spread over to the US, and now, there are, and I shit you not, people that jump in ice cold water for fun. Fucking crazy assholes.
Look, you’re going to do have to do some physical activity. You may have a heart attack. But look. It’s real shallow under the bridge. You’re going to wade out. The current shouldn’t be too bad. About halfway, your left foot is going to nudge a cinderblock. Lift it up. There’s going to be a chain. Dig a bit. There’s going to be a duffle bag tied to a rock. I don’t want my DNA on that bag. Laughs. Grab it, bring it over here. 
At least I got you some waders. Gear up, Mr. Belvedere. 
ALEX clumsly puts on the waders, and hobbles offstage. AJ sparks a cigarette, leans back, and watches. He yells OS to ALEX.
“Look! A fuckin’ whale in his natural habitat! Keep going tubby! Hariet fucking Tubbyman over here.”
After a pause, ALEX screams. Splashing. 
From OS.
AJ howls with laughter. He moves to the side of the stage and pulls a soaking wet, hacking, miserable ALEX to the center of the stage. He’s clutching a dufflebag. ALEX gets on all fours and starts hacking life a halfdrowned cat. 
You’re fucking fine, you goddamn pussy.
AJ slaps ALEX on the back, three times, hard, then kicks him hard in the side. ALEX wheezes, falls over on his side, clutching himself. 
Let’s get this gear off you, soilder!
AJ yanks the waders off of ALEX, but purposefully removes his pants as well, leaving him in his underwear, huddled, shivering, half drowned, and bruised on the bank. 
Alright, alright. It’s ok, baby. 
AJ leans down next to ALEX to cuddle him, spooning him. 
Big fat baby. You chunky son of a bitch. Get up. Get up. GET UP!
AJ leaps up, and pulls ALEX to his feet.
Open the fucking dufflebag. 
AJ, trembling, gets down on all fours, again, and slowly unzips the dufflebag. He peers inside. The horror of what’s inside hits him after a pause. He screams. 
 Did anyone tell you how he died?
My brother? I mean, I know he took his own life. 
A single gunshot wound to the head. A pretty obvious suicide. 
I have a photo for you, Bethany. 
Are you fucking serious? I don’t want to see his head--
No. Not of his head. Of what was in the dufflebag he pulled out of the river. You need to see it. You need to see it to really understand what we’re dealing with. 
Nods. DETECTIVE slides the photos to her. She opens the envelope, looks, and dry heaves.
I know you think your brother had nothing to do with this, and I wish the facts supported that. But what we have, everything we have, points to him. 
Through tears.
    LIGHTS back up on ALEX and AJ.
Peers over the duffle bag, doesn’t touch it. 
Ha. That’s her alright. Damn. She’s looking a little…waterlogged, isn’t she. 
Through tears. 
What the fuck did you do, AJ? What the fuck did you--
Shut up. Here’s what’s you’re going to do. You’re going to get the fuck up. You’re going to pick up the bag, put it in your car. Your going to go to your apartment. I got some hydrocloric acid. We’re going to take care of this, and tomorrow, we’re going to make some people fucking pay. Get up. Get up. 
She was fucking innocent, AJ. She was a…a…
Gets up, stands over the duffle bag for a moment. In one motion, ALEX suckerpunches AJ hard, in the head, and AJ crumples. ALEX grabs the dufflebag, and as AJ comes alive, ALEX scrambles up the bank.
Time for a fuckin’ hog chase! Squeal squeal, you fuck! Squeal squeal! 
ALEX  is in his car, death gripping the steering wheel. The soggy dufflebag is beside him. His phone rings. He answers.
Hello, AJ. 
Where the fuck you think you going, lardass?
The police.
Why the fuck would you do something like that?
Because the decomposed head of your child is in a duffle bag next to me. 
They’re going to think it was you. 
So what? I’ll tell the truth. That’s all I can do.
Huh. Well lookie here. I think I’m coming up behind you. Silver Subaru Impreza, 98142TW. Yup. That’s you. Here’s a little nudge, buddy.
AJ rams ALEX’s car from behind. ALEX tries to brace and steady himself.  Sound FX of a car skidding. It’s not enough to go off the road. 
I’ll be harder next time. And here’s a little sting. 
Gunshot. A bullethole in the sidemirror. 
Next time, I won’t miss. 
Do you remember when we met, AJ?
I sure do. I was an Oxford County Deputy. I rolled up on you, rolled over in a ditch. Your sweet--Jane, was it? Was dead. Head caved in from the door crunching around her temple. You were crying, drunk as hell. I recognized you from the paper. Took you into my cruiser, drove you home, put your drunk ass to bed, saved you from being arrested for manslaughter. Told them it was just her in the car.  I saved you, you fuck. You owe me. 
I didn’t ask you to save me, AJ. You know, when I dream about her, she tells me..it was my fault. 
That sucks. It’s true. It was your fault.
Yeah.  It was my fault. 
This is the first time I’ve said that out loud. And it didn’t even kill me.   AJ. I have a question. How many others are there? How many others have you…killed?
Lost count. 
We all have our vices.
ALEX cranks the steering wheel. Screeching tire sound. BLACKOUT, just long enough for car to clear. ALEX is outside of the car, still in his underwear, holding a gun. Car door slams shut. AJ enters from the opposite side of the stage, and stops when he sees ALEX holding the gun.
Well look at you. When you get the balls to buy a gun? I shouldn’t be too worked up. You’re too much of a puss--
Shoots AJ. AJ dies. ALEX takes AJ’s phone from his pocket.  Puts the phone on speaker. Kneels stage center. Answering machine.
Beth. I’m…sorry. AJ’s dead. I wish… it didn’t happen like this. I wish I was better.  Take care of Maisy. I love you. Goodbye.
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hughesmedicine · 1 year
little information for the yn swift au before I get the first post out of it.
• she didn’t use her sister for fame.
y/n wanted to keep her life as taylor swifts sister a secret and everybody knew that and agreed that it was the best option for her (since being at a younger age) but she grew her own popularity and kept her life hidden a lot besides when it came to friends, they knew everything and she only posts her friends on her insta till now
• how she met jack
she met jack while touring with her sister they were both 14 and one of the stops was in michigan which him and his brothers were out with their parents for lunch when she ran into jack trying to get away from the bodyguard which he quickly helped her up and apologized and she went off with them to get away from the bodyguard which they understood completely and ellen took her under her wing and they even talked to y/ns parents to see if it was okay for them to hang out noticing jack was taking a liking to her (despite the bodyguard’s complaints about her running off with complete strangers but he’s allowed to worry since that’s his best friend)
•how they found out she was a swift
he and trevor were walking before practice when he saw y/n and Taylor out together and ofc trevor wasn’t trying to freak out but he was curious as to why he was staring at the young girl with a slight glare on his face (he’s valid for the face though cause how is your girlfriend for the last two years gonna keep a secret that big from him yk?)
“why are you staring at that girl jack?”
“she’s my girlfriend and I’m curious as to why she’s with that singer your obsessed with?”
“taylors her name but let’s go up to them.”
so they did and it took a lot of explaining to do without trevor begging for a photo but he knew this was a sensitive topic so he waited till everyone made up before asking which caused you guys to laugh together and eventually get a picture
• her last name was the worst thing to her ever in her young life
she hated her last name so much imagine being 12 and trying to make friends but all people can comment on is “oh your last names swift are you related to Taylor?” she would tell them no and they would walk away immediately which made her realize that some people were gonna use her and not want to be her friend unless she was and so that’s why she went home that day she asked her mom if she could go under a different last name knowing that the question wouldn’t stop there. Her parents completely understood and so did taylor but they made it work and she went under a completely different name and played it off that the school fucked up her last name
• her friends
now with this it’s sensitive to her cause she has lost some friends due to them using her and it fucken hurt her, like once it happened her whole world flip the whole school found out who she was and that destroyed her but her real friends stuck by her side and got her through it and even warded off the pricks who’s intentions weren’t the best at the school unfortunately she had to transfer and go under a different last name but she kept in contact with cole( makes sense yk) and kiya
• that trevor meeting
to say he asks way too many questions but of course she was nice enough to answer some of them and he completely understood about the secret and never letting anybody know, they constantly texted eachother and he was her shoulder to cry on when Jack was busy and Jack was so grateful that Trevor was there to help out in any ways he could since being drafted and trevor and y/n continued to be friends and he’ll thank him everyday for everything’s his done and even introducing her to his friends further down the line (and becoming besties with jamie and alex)
•college life
she chose to go umich under swift and it did change her life a bit but not much, some were worried about her last name others were like it’s just a last name who cares? Secretly they cared but they wouldn’t confront her about it cause it’s none of their business, she did get close with luke and he’s basically her best friend ever since they first met and he’s been that since, wherever y/n is lukes right behind her and so is most of the umich hockey team (considering she’s on the media team for them so she does takes pictures alot despite their protests)
nobody was gonna fuck with her if they saw hockey players walking right behind her which she was grateful for but she mostly hung out with the sophomore boys(cause of luke) and the freshman boys just call her mom and the memories she made with them, she wouldn’t change it for the world. (in this she’s a senior )
I think that’s all I need to cover so but if I think of more I’ll add it.
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dessertpanda · 11 months
This is a lover's to enemies to lovers story.
TW: Death, Child death, suicide, description of blood., Description of a burning building, and just overall sad
A soft breeze crossed the crisp air of the fall morning. “My love, your coffee is ready” A deep voice called from somewhere in the kitchen.
“I’m coming, just finishing up these papers.” Her light and airy voice carried through the small house. She smiled looking down at the ultrasound picture in her hand. She was so excited, a family had always been her dream and now it was coming true. Heavy footsteps came through the doorway, interrupting her train of thought.
“Here love, figured i’d just bring it to you,” He handed the coffee off to her, laying his head on her shoulder and began to admire the picture as well. “Couple weeks love, then we’ll be able to meet our baby boy,” He kissed her temple and patted her lower back before making his way back towards the living room.
“Oliver, are you going in for hero work today?” She glanced one last time at the picture then made her way to the living room, coffee in hand.
“Yes, I’ll be leaving at 4pm” he sipped his coffee eyes on the T.V, broadcasting his latest job at the train station. He truly loved his job, but the fact of the baby on the way troubled him slightly. “Anastasia, are you sure you’ll be able to handle the baby and everything while i’m at work,”
Anastasia rolled her eyes “There is no need to worry, the baby’s not even here yet, plus I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself,” She smiled seeing her husband on the couch, she cherished these moments. Ones where he was home safe and within her reach. Anastasia knew he loved saving people, since he was a child it’s been his dream but she was still fearful for his safety.
“You okay? You look a little lost in thought,” A hand waved in front of her face, scaring her. He chuckled softly, a whispered apology following. Both were startled however, by the sudden pain that shot through Anastasia’s stomach. Causing her to groan in pain and hunch slightly while Oliver stood ready to assist in any way.
“Ah, okay little guy,” she huffed rubbing her belly “You want to join the conversation?” She looked up smiling at Oliver,
“He’s just excited to meet his fantastic father” He gloated, showing a bright smile and puffing his chest. She couldn’t help the small chuckle as he stuck his signature hero pose.
“Yes, a true hero” with a soft kiss both relaxed into the sofa, smiling at the events that were yet to come.
The days flew by for the young, expecting couple, as the cool fall days turned into harsh cold winters the due date for the baby was only days away, Anastasia could feel it. After talking with Oliver they came to the conclusion that it would be best for her to stay in the hospital for the next couple of days. With Oliver being out for hero work, they feared no one would be present if Anastasia were to need help. “A hero’s hunch is always right” she sighed, rocking her baby boy in the delivery room. She had just asked the nurse to ring her mother-in-law, to see if she wanted to meet the baby. Anastasia looked at the boy, a replica of his father, “Not even a little?” She questioned herself. “My little Alex,” She kissed his head and admired his soft features. Alex, she loved that name, Defender of Mankind is what it meant, the definition of a hero.
“Mrs.Wilson, i’m sorry but she is unable to make it” The nurse gave her an apologetic smile before moving to adjust the new mothers pillow, “No mom should be alone in a delivery room, especially on New years,”
“Oh it’s okay, my husband had a massive gala he couldn’t miss” Anastasia knew her husband's job was important to him, especially attending events like these, kept his popularity up. “I’ll see him when I get home” her soft but sorrow filled smile caught the nurses attention.
“Does he even know that you went into labor?” The nurse fluffed the pillow and refilled the water cup that sat on the bedside table.
“Huh, oh no” she softly thanked the nurse for the water “He’s busy, I wouldn’t want to disturb him,” She took a large gulp of water before setting the cup down and returning her attention to her baby, lifting him up into the air slightly.
“It’s okay to cry,” The nurse took the baby from Anastasia's arms, putting him in the small crib next to the bed. “I’m here for you Mrs.Wilson,” She sat down on the bed, taking Anastasia into her comforting arms. “Let it all out love.”
“I’m sorry,” Anastasia accepted the hug and sobs flooded onto the shoulder of the nurse. “I *hick-up* I know I shouldn't be mad b-but..”
“No no honey, you have every right to be angry,” She rubbed soft circles onto the mothers back, “Don’t think like that.” She allowed the women to cry for a couple of minutes offering all the comfort she could, even releasing tears of her own. What man does this? She thought to herself “Shhh hush love, you need rest,” The nurse laid Anastasia’s head down onto the fluffy pillow and gently picked up “Baby Alex,” She smiled cooing at the baby then gently laying him down right next to his mother. “I’ll be back in a little to check up on you,” She kissed the young woman's head and left, allowing her the much needed rest.
Anastasia was overcome with sadness or was it anger she wasn’t quite sure. Holding her baby tightly thinking back to the event of earlier today. “Oliver, I think the baby’s coming,” She had called her husband several times, each time going to voicemail. She huffed sitting in the chair practicing her breaths. “Guess we’re on our own little one,” she rubbed her belly, resisting the urge to cry “We got this.” She gently patted Alex’s back , “Your father loves us, I promise,” She fought against the fatigue that was drawing her closer to sleep with every passing second. “He’s a fantastic hero, he will always protect us.” Sleep finally won, dragging her into a blissful rest.
“Mrs.Wilson, Mrs.Wilson '' the nurse gently shook Amastasia's shoulder successfully waking her, “Hun, we just have to do a quick check up and then you’ll be good to go,” She smiled at the woman.
“R-really? I can go home,” She sat up, careful of her son who was still sleeping next to her, “D-did Oliver ever show?” She was hoping to wake and find her husband there ready to carry them home. She looked around the room surprised to see a very large man sleeping in the corner. A spark of hope was lit that he had shown but upon further examination it was “Dad?”.
“Ah yes, Mr.Andrew came by after I called him, he was on your emergency list,” The nurse turned and grabbed the tray of food she had brought in. “I was amazed, he showed up in like 5 minutes” she smiled looking at the hunched man, “He was so worried, he truly does love you.” With that comment she set the tray across Anastasia lap and took her leave.
“Dad, Hey Dad,” She called but got no response, looking around she saw the pudding cup on her tray and decided to chuck it at him. He’ll catch it, she thought. Without even opening his eyes, he went to catch the cup but completely missed, resulting in it hitting him directly in the face. Anastasia couldn’t help the giggle that came flooding from her mouth. “D-dad,” she laughed. Like a contagious disease the laughter caught on, Alex let out a baby giggle and Mr.Andrew lost all composteur cackling at the sound, opening his eyes to his daughter's bright smile. “I appreciate it old man, I needed that”
“Of course Sparky,” He stood, the chair squeaking from the release of his weight. The large man stood straight, being mindful of the T.V that hung above his head, he leaned over to pick up the pudding cup before putting it in his pocket. “So, let me see my grandbaby,” He made soft grabby hands while walking towards the bed.
“Here you are, his name is Alex,” she felt slightly guilty that Oliver would not be the first person to hold his son, especially with the person he hated most being the one standing in the room with her. “He’s so small compared to you” She smiled, admiring the joy on her fathers face, “Happy to be a granddad?”
“You know, when I held you for the first time, you were even smaller,” He said with a smile, looking as if he would cry.
“That was a very long time ago,” Anastasia committed taking a bite out of her food
“Naw that was only a few years ago,” He rocked Alex gently before setting him in the small crib, he made silly faces at the child before turning his head to his daughter “Where is he?” His demeanor suddenly became dark and serious.
“Uh, he’s uh,” she could see the rage behind her father's eyes at her missing husband. Oliver I’m so sorry she felt bad. “He was at a gala, I did try calling him,” She flinched at the wave of anger that flooded from the man.
“BASTARD HOW DARE HE,” The large man raged, and the earth shook slightly from his outburst. He only stopped when he heard the waile of Alex. “Oh baby, shhh, it’s okay love, no need to cry,” he hushed “I will always be there to protect you and your mother,” He gently rocked the crib successfully calming the baby. “I’ll be taking you home today, and if I see Oliver, now I will be having a talk with him,” Fumes came from his nose, “face to fist.”He punched his palm to emphasize on his sentence.
“Dad seriously it’s not that bad,” she tried to reason, fearful for her husband's safety.
“No, it is,” he leaned and gently kissed Anastasia's forehead, “I left your mother alone they day you were born and look what happened,” He gesture to her missing presseance “I refuse to let you be alone, especially on the greatest day of a parents life,” He smiled down at her, “Let's get the check up over with and go get some ice cream,” He called for the nurse and removed the tray from Anastasia’s lap.
“Dad, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” Anastasia stood outside the car rocking Alex in her arms, “because it looks like you’re struggling” She commented on her father attempting to put a carseat in. “here, i’ll just go grab a nurse or something”
“GOT IT,” a cheer of success was shouted as Mr.Andrew stood from his hunched position. “Alright, get the snot in and let's get ice cream,” He watched as she loaded the baby in and then sat with him. “Here let me,” He took the seat belt from her hand and buckled her in.
“Thanks Dad,” she smiled at him as he closed the door and ran around to the other side to get in. “Alrighty, let’s go.”
“Honey, where are your keys?” Mr.Andrew stood at her front door, searching in the baby bag for them while trying not to spill the ice cream cone in his mouth.
“Check the small pocket on the left side,” She unbuckled the carseat, careful of the sleeping Alex still sitting in it.
“Found them, hold on I’ll unlock it then come get you,” He quickly unlocked the door, set the bag down on the small rod iron table by the door, swallowed the rest of his cone, and ran to assist her. “Allow me,” with ease he took the carrier in one hand and picked Anastasis up with the other. “Good?” she smiled and only nodded in response .
Once settled on the couch surrounded by every pillow found in the house and stuffed animal, Anastasia could finally truly relax. “Thank you Old man, really,” she smiled seeing her father sitting on the floor next to Alex’s baby bouncer.
“Of course hon, it’s always a pleasure when I get to see you,” He looked up from the baby to stare at his daughter “Especially since our interactions are so little,” He could see the tears forming in her eyes and immediately felt bad for making her cry. “H-hey I’m just teasing honestly,” He got off the ground quickly, making his way to the couch.
“N-no because you're right,” she stood to hug him, “I promised h-him I would stay away b-ut” She sobbed into his chest “That-ts not fair to you, you or me,” She loved her father deeply. He was the only parent in her life. He spoiled her but made sure she understood the values of a human life. After getting married to Oliver, interaction with her dad was practically a sin.
“No, no, Anastasia, we both know my work is not for the faint of heart,” He embraced her tightly, trying to keep all the disappoint of reality away “It was for the best, I just hate that he’s not the one who's here,” He began rocking back and forth, swaying to an imaginable tone. “I’m always here for you, no matter how long we’ve been apart.”
“I'M SO SORRY,” She wailed, every second of this, she hated. Why was her dad here, the one who was supposed to be killing people not saving them. Where was her hero of a husband at. She wanted to scream, yell but she took a breath, settling her heart “Ironic huh?” she whispered,
“What is dear,” he leaned lower to hear her.
“How you, a mass murder is here, taking care of his daughter and grandkid” she took a deep breath, “While my husband, a hero, is gone nowhere to be found.” tears were free to fall as she swayed with her father. Taking deep breaths to calm her enraged heart.
“I guess it is huh? But you know better than anyone that I’m a hero, a true one,” He pulled away slightly to look at her tear stained face. “I don’t kill for fun or pleasure, just like I trained you,”
“You kill those who threaten other lives,” She whispered, looking at the floor, “Humans are special creatures, each one is priceless,” slowly raising her head to meet her fathers stare
“Until they take another life,” He finished, “I get rid of those who believe it’s okay to kill someone, I myself am worthless now but it’s a small price to pay,” He gently petted her hair, soothing any flyaways. “But to keep you safe, every life is worth it,”
“I love you old man,” she smiled looking up at him,
“And I love you my little spark” he let a tear run down his cheek, cherishing this small moment as he knew the time was limited.
The front door slammed, startling the two relaxing in the living room and causing the baby to cry. “ANASTASIA,” a panicked voice called but got no response, “ANASTASIA PLEASE ARE YOU HOME?!” desperation is the only way to describe Olivers tone,
“Olive? I’m in the living room.” Anastasia called to her worried husband, getting up off the couch to meet him with a hug.
“Ohh my wife is missing,” Mr.Andrew mocked the man, even flaring his arms in a dramatic manner.
“I-is someone with you?” Oliver asked jogging into the living room. He froze when he saw the large man sitting on the sofa, with a baby in his arms. “R-roger? You,” He practically growled at the man, “Put. My. Son. Down,” he got into a fighting stance, preparing to force the man out of his house. He watched as Roger handed you the baby before cracking his neck.
“Oh, yes your son,” Roger stood to his full height, “Yes, yes the one who’s birth you missed,” with a quick step Oliver was pinned against the wall, Roger holding him by his throat, there was no strain as Roger continued his talk “Leaving my daughter alone, and having to call me a Villain,” He smirked as Oliver tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Dad, Put. Him. Down,” Anastasai said, never taking her eyes off of him. “Please, let's just talk this out,” Roger only nodded, lowering Oliver's body so he could stand on his own feet.
“Anastasia, we had an agreement,” Oliver felt betrayed in a way “you promised,the hell?” He stood frozen against the wall.
“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Roger roared, the earthing shaking with his scream, he was about ready to kill the man right where he stood. He took a quick look at his grandson, who sat in his mothers arms and decided against it. “You have no right to make a claim like that,” Roger fumed. He stepped back allowing Oliver to relax his shoulders slightly.
“Oliver..” Anastasaia’s voice was dark and venomous, “I called him because you weren't there,” She looked directly at him, he shivered at her stare feeling as if she was looking at his soul itself. “You promised you’d be there but you weren’t,” she huffed gently, rocking Alex.
Oliver was quickly dropped to his knees, putting his head to the floor. He knew he messed up, missed something amazing. He could not fix this but he was determined to try, he loved his wife with his entire heart but his career also held a special place in him. “I can not express the regret and guilt I’m feeling,” He let tears run down his face, landing on the tan carpet beneath him. “Please, w-what can I do to fix this?” He looked up hoping for a reaction from his wife but he was met with the bottom of Roger’s shoe which sent him flying a second later. He hit the wall with a loud thud and the cracking concrete was heard. Oliver let out a cough that held a little blood in it.
“Could start with letting me beat the ever living..” Roger huffed not finishing his sentence due to the young ears present. He watched as Anastasia rushed to help him out of the wall,
“You can start by taking a week off and helping me with Alex,” She grabbed one of Oliver's arms helping him up, while still being mindful of Alex in her other arm.
“Yeah,” He wheezed, “Sounds like the least I could do,” He quickly wiped his mouth before realizing the little life she was holding was reaching out to him. “I-is this him?”
“Yes, this is Alex, our son,” Anastasaia smiled as her husband gently embraced his son, holding him close to his chest.
“T-thank you,” He hick-uped softly, looking at his wife and smiling before dragging her into a group hug. “You truly are amazing,” for the first time since the start of the gala he felt true bliss, basking in the light of his wife and his newborn. He took a glance up at Roger, he stood there with a smile but his eyes held a different emotion. One Oliver couldn’t pinpoint but he knew whatever it was, was aimed directly at him.
“I think I'll take my leave now,” Roger announced while walking towards the small family. He opened his arms for his daughter, who was quick to join him in a hug. “He won’t save you, you know that,” He whispered into her ear, making sure to keep his voice low so Oliver could not hear. “He will save the world before he saves you,” He kissed her forehead before bending lower to hear her response.
“I’ll bet you then,” She matched his tone. “If there is ever a day where he doesn't save us, I’ll come home back to you,” that peeked Roger interest, she had practically agreed to leave with him.
“You got yourself a deal, sunshine,” He smirked, pulling away and shaking her hand.
“Deal? What deal?” Oliver questioned staring at the two while burping Alex.
“Nothing, I was just leaving,” Roger bid his last goodbye and left out the door, making sure it closed and locked behind him.
“What deal Anastasia?” Oliver asked, wanting to know what exactly happened.
“Don’t worry, he’ll never win,” her smile faded slightly when she looked at his sad face “trust me my love, All is well” He only nodded and smiled at her.
“I truly am sorry, I never meant to hurt you like that,” He set his son in the bouncy chair and brought her into a deep embrace. “I promise, I will make it up to you somehow.”
“I’m just happy you’re home safe and sound,” She returned his tight embrace and dug her head into his shoulder. “Let’s sit for a minute, Alex has been dying to meet you,” She smiled as his face lit up like a flame.
“That sounds fantastic,” he gently dragged them to the floor near Alex. Oliver could only smile as he watched his son babble at his mother.
“OLIVER, PLEASE, I UH I,” Anastaisa huffed into the phone, “I’m running to the hospital, A-Alex stopped,” She felt like puking, the car had refused to start and there was no time to call for a taxi. Alex had awoken with a high fever well over 101℉, Anastasia had tried everything to lower but it refused to budge. “His Fe-fever is high and he’s breathing funny,” She continued pushing, making sure to avoid any large dips in the concrete to prevent the stroller from going off tracks. She refused to give into her body's fatigue, “I-I’m almost there, If you cou-could meet me there?” She’s been trying to get in touch with her husband for the last two miles. She’s trying to maintain her own breathing while making sure her nine month old was still breathing . Her movements completely halted when she heard wheezing from the front of the stroller, she quickly went to the front, seeing her son's face a shade of purple that sent her into panic mode. “A-Alex, hold on,” She looked around for anything, an idea that could help, “Screw it,” with a huff she unbuckled him from the seat and cradled him safely on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, but the stroller is too slow,” She whispered her apology before taking off in a sprint towards the hospital. Being careful of his head she ran as fast as she could, Guess training pays off she thought. Another couple miles and the hospital was finally in view, ringing was coming from her pocket but she ignored focusing solely on the task at hand. “Almost,” she encouraged herself to finish the trek. Finally, dogging cars through the parking lot and practically jumping all the steps that led to the door, “HELP PLEASE MY SON,” She called into the familiar waiting room.
“Mrs.Wilson?!” The nurse who had helped deliver Alex was sitting at the front desk.
“ P-Please, He’s,” dripping in sweat Anastasi tried to catch her breath, “h-he’s not breathing,” Quick to action the nurse called for him to be brought back, and an oxygen mask was put on him assisting him in breathing. “ Please, I,” she felt embarrassed, sitting here in her house wear, no make-up, and drenched in sweat.
“Mrs.Wilson, breath please, We will take care of him,” Her arms found Anastasi with ease and brought a familiar comfort. “I will take you back to a room, I promise he will be okay,” She then led her into an empty room a little down the hall, making her sit on the bed in there. “Let’s take a breath, please,” the nurse instructed Anastasi to breathe in then slowly release it. “You are a fantastic mum,” She rubbed her back gently, “I’m assuming you ran here on your own?” Anastasi only nodded, still trying to regulate her breaths.
“I- I was so scared,” Her confession in the form of a whisper, “He was w-wheezing and the car wouldn't start, so,” She looked up at the nurse.
“You ran several miles to get here, and in the nick of time too,” A doctor walked in interrupting the duo's conversation. He tapped his clipboard three times, “Truly amazing Mrs.Wilson, any later and this would be a serious issue,” The doctor smiled a calm and comforting smile.
“H-he’s okay? What happened?” Anastasia stood meeting the doctor half way,
“He’s doing much better, we got him on oxygen and gave him some medicine to help with the fever” He gently grabbed her hand as the nurse rubbed soft circles on her back. “As for the issue with his breathing, it seems that he is asthmatic,”
“Asthmatic?” Anastasia knew her mother-in-law was asthmatic but Oliver wasn’t, Must have skipped a generation her mind settled at the good news. She let out a soft sigh before looking at the doctor so he could continue.
“Yes, but it is very common for young children especially if it runs in the family,” He reassured her, “I recommend getting him in to see a specialist so they can prescribe him with an actually one but for the time being we, we will issue an emergency inhaler,” He let go of her hand and looked to the nurse, “Please get her a glass of water then take her back.” With a nod of confirmation, he left out the door and back into the halls.
“I- thank you, thank you so much,” Anastasia looked at the nurse, teary eyed but smiling non the less .
“Of course love, let's get you settled,” She smiled. Guiding her further into the hospital's halls.
“Hello, I’m here for Alex, Alex Wilson,” Heavy breath came from Oliver's lips. He had left right after work to join his wife, not even bothering to change out of his uniform.
“Oh Mr.Wilson, welcome,” The check-in lady smiled up at him, “You can find him in room 1313 on the 13th floor.” She handed him a visitor sticker and pointed him in the direction of the elevators.
“Thank you,” He stuck the sticker onto his hero uniform and followed the lady's directions to the elevators. After weaving between doctor, nurses, and other patients he arrived at his son’s room. “Anastasi, I-I’m here,” He pushed open the door calling for her, his words were halted when he saw her laying in bed sleeping, with Alex nuzzled on her chest. Her hand unconsciously patting his back.
“You’re late again,” A deep voice sounded from the window seal area. A man appeared, dressed in a suit and glasses covering his face.
“Who are you? And why are you here?” Oliver was cautious but in order to not draw attention kept his voice low.
“Names Kage, I’m Roger’s right. hand. man,” He smirked as a look of fear crossed Oliver's face, “He sent me here to check on her, one of his minions saw her running here and just wanted to be safe,”
“Does she know this?” Oliver nodded his head towards the bed where Anastasia slept peacefully.
“No, no and she won’t, because you’re not gonna dare tell your wife,” He made a fake pouty face, patting his fake eyelashes “That you let a villain protect her again, right?” His face broke into a dangerous smile. “Well now that you’re here I’ll be on my way,” He jumped up and stood on the window seal, “Can’t wait to tell boss it took you 5 hours to show up,” He chuckled before sliding open the window and jumping out.
“Damn it, stupid Roger,” Oliver huffed and glared at the window for a moment before heading towards the bed. “Anastasia, Anastais, My love,” He tapped her shoulder multiple times, “B-baby,” he huffed as the only response he received was a soft snore.
“I would let her rest, she’s been worrying for the last few hours,” The nurse announced her presence, scaring Oliver causing him to jump slightly. “I’m glad you actually showed up to this event,” the nurse scoffed at Oliver’s offended face before gathering some trash that was lying about the room. She stopped, trash bag in hand and held it out to Oliver, “ the woman who took care of your wife when she was pregnant, and the one who delivered your son,” she let him take the bag then walked out the door just as quickly as she had arrived.
“I- I had work,” He tried to argue but stopped seeing as she was long gone. Man the whole worlds against me He huffed before taking a seat in the chair closest to the window, I miss 2 measly events and suddenly I’m the bad guy He observed the room, taking in the small details, like how Anastasia favorite food sat on the counter or how there was a stuffed animal dressed in his super suit. How much have I missed? He sighed, dragging his hands across his face before running them down his neck. Is everything really that important? Or is Anastasia just dramatic. He removed his hands from his face and ran them up and down his knees a couple of times before grabbing his phone from his pocket. He scolded through his emails, reading some he had marked as important and deleting spams.
“Oliver? What,” Anastasia awoke slowly sitting up, cradling Alex to her chest to prevent him from falling, “What time is it?” She gently rubbed her eyes with her free hand, allowing them to adjust to the dim light of the hospital room.
“Hey love, it’s five-thirty,” He looked up from his phone and offered a forced smile. “How’s everything?” He set his phone down on the small table next to him, setting his full attention on her.
“Where uh Where were you?” She looked at him, completely ignoring his question, “I made sure to call when,” Her eyes sharpened as she registered the time, “I called you when you were doing paperwork,” She stood up, setting Alex down and securing him on the bed. “I called you hours ago,” She walked towards him like a predator who’s captured her prey, “Why are you so late?”
“Honey, you know I had work,” He rose and smiled at her “You’re overreacting and being unfair here,” He argued for his innocence.
“You know I would believe you, honestly I would,” She practically hissed out her sentence. “But, I called your Office, “ His eyes widened, questioning what in the world he would have been doing. “Your lovely secretary told me you were doing paper work all day?”
“Anastasia, they were important incident reports, I needed to get them done before I left,” He argued, matching her eyes with the same harsh glare, “You know how important my work is to me.”
“Yes, which is why I call WHEN YOU’RE DOING FREAKIN PAPERWORK,” She roared, scaring Oliver and causing him to stagger back slightly. “I mean, come on,” Anastasia was filled with rage, “there are other heroes you know? They can help out with the work too,” huffed into his face before backing away.
“I’m sorry,” He still stood there in shock at his normally calm wife's outburst. She looked just like her father, and the air was so deadly, He shifted uncomfortable looking at his wife, “I- I uh I’ll take a week off to help with,” He took a deep breath, “Help with Alex,”
“You can’t keep showing up after the fact,” She turned her back and made her way to the door
“Where are you going?” He was quick to follow, afraid she might walk out completely,
“Relax, I’m going to get the nurse hun, so we can go home and talk,” Anastasia turned to face her husband, making sure to grab his hand, “We will be okay” she kissed his cheek, then descended down the hall in search of a nurse.
“I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” He couldn’t take his eyes off her figure, whispering the promise. Maybe I’m the one underreacting. He sighed, turning back into the somewhat empty room. “Okay little guy, Please stop ruining my marriage” He made his way over to the bed where his boy layed. He stared down at the small figure smiling as Alex slept, swaddled up in a blanket. “Oh my baby boy,” He gently ran his hand over his head, “I promise, I’ll make this right with your mom”
“WARNING WARNING FIRE DETECTED,” A blaring alarm sounded through the hospital, “WARNING WARNING,”
“COULD THIS DAY GET WORSE?” Oliver yelled out in annoyance over the blaring alarm before quickly moving to cover his son’s ears. “Shh Baby, Let’s get you to mama,” I’m sure she’ll be back any second
“OLIVER!” Anastasia came rushing into the room, a small pair of earphones in hand, “I grabbed these for him,” She quickly placed them on the baby’s head and took him from Oliver's hands. “I found a nurse but the alarm went off.”
“Stay here, I’m gonna go see what’s going on,” He rubbed her shoulder and went for the door,
“What no, babe we’ll just evacuate,” Anastasia also began for the door,
“Hon, I’m sure it’s just a false alarm,” He smiled at her before pointing to his head, “Hero's Instincts,”
“Okay, I trust you,” She held the baby closer and nodded.
“I’ll be back, once I do a perimeter check,” He kissed her head before running out the door and down the hall.
“He’s wrong you know?” Anastasia jumped at the sudden voice from behind her. It didn’t take long for her to recognize it.
“Kage, w-what?” She was puzzled by the appearance of her once babysitter. “Why are you here? Is dad here too?” She smiled, Maybe he came to visit me and Alex.
“Sorry sweet thing but your old mans not here today,” He brushed over her other question simply smiling at her. “We do need to leave relatively soon tho love, that fire is real,” He gently tugged at her arm, leading her towards the door.
“What, no no Oliver said it was a false alarm,” She stood her ground adjusting Alex slightly. “His hero instincts said so,” She gave him a small smile
“Yeah, well what does your gut say?” Kage asked, Rule #1 only trust your own gut He sighed thinking about the first rule he ever taught her.
“I-I’m not a hero so it doesn't matter,” She took a deep breath, Oliver would never lie to me. She removed herself from Kage’s grip and went to sit on the bed.
“Please Hun, we really need to go,” He walked towards her, trying to reason, Damn stubborn Andrews “Anastasia, Please,” He was willing to beg if it meant getting her out of here.
“Leave me Kage, If something really is wrong I can save myself,” Only sinking deeper into the sheets
“FINE,” He huffed, walking towards the window, “Save yourself then Doll,” He opened the curtains then the window before diving out Seems like Deja Vu.
“He was just being protective,” Anastaisa cooed at Alex slightly bouncing him, she waited patiently for any type of new but nothing came.
“Why are you trusting Oliver,” Another voice came from the room, this time it was softer, younger, and far more childlike. It had a honey like tone, “He’s lied to us so many times,” A small girl walked from within the shadows. Her face, hair, and eyes were oh so familiar to Anastasia. “Remember when he promised to take us to that Gala? Or A honeymoon after our wedding?” She continued, walking towards the bed. Her smile slowly faded with each step.“Or when our dream of a family finally came true? ” She glanced at Alex and the once sweet tone turned bitter, “WHERE WAS HE?” She screamed, causing Anastasia to jump.
“WHO ARE YOU?” With the scare she stood, ready to defend Alex.
“Who am I? Who are You, Dad raised us better,” The voice was now right in Anastasia's ear but yet no one was there, “Wake up please, before you get us killed,” like a quick breeze the voice was gone, faded into nothing.
“T-The hell,” She was shaking, tears were streaming down her cheeks yet she didn't remember them forming. Us? Dad? Killed? Who was the girl? She went to stand when a loud cracking noise was heard from above her. THE FIRE, I knew it. It was like she had snapped out of a daze, her rose colored glasses suddenly turned to gray. She was quick to move as the roof slowly began to crumble. It must have started at the top floor and made its way down. She quickly facinded the baby carrier on her back and set Alex inside it. “We have to get out of here,” She cursed herself for her ignorance. “Why wouldn’t I evacuate, I’m such an idiot,” She huffed making her way down the long hallway. As she passed each room, each one was empty, not even a nurse could be seen.
“IS EVERYONE OKAY?” Oliver called out to the group of people in front of him. He had small burn marks all along his clothes but his skin was still untouched. I think I cleared everyone out. He smiled at his good work.
“SIR WE ARE MISSING PEOPLE,” a women cried
“What, who? I checked every floor,” He argued
“My Husband, Please” she grabbed onto his arm, “He’s still please,” She cried
“Okay, Don’t worry I promise I’ll save him,” He ran back into the burning hospital, Covering his mouth to avoid inhaling the dark smoke, “HEY, IS ANYONE HERE,” he frantically searched for the man, moving tables and chairs to get a clear view.
“OVER HERE, PLEASE, I'M STUCK,” An old scratchy voice came from somewhere in the smoke filled room.” Oliver grabbed his phones from his pocket, quickly turning on the torch to illuminate the room.
“Hey, man I’m gonna get you outta here,” He made quick work in removing a chunk of the ceiling that had surely crushed the man's right leg. “Up you go old timer,” He gently heaved him up onto his back,
“WAIT,” the old man screamed, huffing from the smoke, “A woman a-and her baby are still in there,” He pointed inward a little. “She has this dark brown hair,” He tried to remember the women he had seen while rushing down the stairs.
“Anastasia,” Oliver whispered, staring down the hall. He went to set the man down but halted. What kind of hero risks someone's life for selfish desire? He breathed and tightened his hold on the man before running towards the exit.
“WAIT WHAT ABOUT HER?” clingy to Oliver the old man voiced his concern,
“I have to save you, I’m sorry” His tone was soft, sorrowful.
“Are you going back for her?” As they made it out of the hospital both took a breath of the much fresher air.
“I-I should, yes,” He went to move. But what kind of man lets his wife die? He was stunned, Surely she wouldn't die right,
“THERE SHE IS,” The old man cheered seeing the silhouette of the women running towards the exit. Oliver smiled in relief,
“Anastasia,” He could move, seeing his wife so close to safely allowed a weight to be lifted. He could feel his feet begin to move back towards the burning building . “ANASTA..,” the sound of cracking interrupted his call. Looking right above her figure he saw the only exit begin to crumble.
“OLIVER, HELP” she called voice ruff and smoke filled. He froze, all motion stood still as he watched the ruble fall, successfully trapping her into the building
“NO, ANASTASIA” falling to the ground, He felt faint, like he was going to puke. The people around screamed, begging for him to get up and help. But he was left immobile on the hard asphalt. His thoughts began to flood his mind, canceling out all noise around him. What if I went looking for her, what if I agreed and she had evacuated. He sat on the ground while watching the building burn. “No,no no PLEASE,” He howled pounding into the ground, creating a crack in the asphalt. “ANASTASIA,” He took a sharp inhale “ALEX” laying his head to the ground he sobbed, why, why.
“Mr.Wilson” the soft voice of the nurse called for him. It was a nice change compared to her tone earlier. “Mr.Wilson, please you’ve been out here for hours.”
“I’m sorry,” Hours? Oliver refused to move his head, I’ve wasted hours out here but I would’ve only taken a minute to save her. His soft whimpers sounded so faint, as if his vocal cords were all used up.
“Mr.Wilson, please” The nurse dropped to the ground next to him, gently taking his body into her. “Please love, breathe, I know,” His body shook in her hold, “I know baby, I know,” She gently began rocking back and forth, humming a lullaby. Her attempt to comfort him did little to help. She watched as the once noble hero sobbed his heart out on the floor.
“It’s all my fault,” he took a shaky breath, “If I only listened and actually showed up when it mattered,” He felt so broken, so incomplete. Would things have been different if I had actually shown up? He lifted his head, looking directly at the sky. Would she be here scolding me for the burns? He held his arm up above his head, staring at the burns that littered his hand. Must have been when I rescued the old man. His arm dropped back to his side, scraping against the asphalt on its way.
“Oliver Wilson,” the nurse’s voice was demanding, as if she was scolding a small child. “Sir, You need to get up, your wounds are severe.” She grabbed his unburned hand and made an attempt to bring him up with her. “Please sir, for Anastasia you need to survive,” She tried to reason.
“I want to join her,” Harshly pulled his arm away, he remained on the floor, eyes still aimed at the sky. “My son, my wife, what reason do I have to remain here?” He whispered, expecting to receive no answer.
“BECAUSE YOU ARE A HERO,” The nurse screamed, standing up over him. “YOU LOVED YOUR JOB SO MUCH THAT YOU PUT IT ABOVE HER!” harshly grabbing him and forcing his eyes onto her. “You played hero when you should have been playing husband,” She huffed, tears streaming down her soot ridden face. “So at the very least,” letting out a soft sob, “You can dedicate the rest of your life to being a hero.” releasing with a soft shove back, she wiped her tears refusing to look at Oliver. “Amend for the mistakes you made, by never making them again,” making her way towards the small medical area to retrieve some bandages for him.
It’s been four years since the incident, and nothing has changed. The rain fell, running down the Olivers office window. I miss them everyday, but I can’t stop not now. He looked down at the newspaper that sat on his desk. Right on the front page he stood with a bright smile. Four years since my biggest mistake, my biggest regret. A strike of lightning illuminated the sky, so ingrained in his thoughts, he missed the shadow that appeared with it. As fast as the lighting had appeared the figure was gone with it. “DAMN HERO WORK” ripping the paper from the desk, holding it near his face. “DAMN ME!” Tearing the news to shreds, he allowed the paper to fall to the floor making a large mess. “Damn me” He whispered, collapsing to his knees, leaning his head against the desk.
“Poor, Poor pitiful you” A deep voice called from behind him. He took a glance behind him but before he could react, was met with a large hammer that sent him flying through the glass window, shattering it on the way. The world started to fade into black as he fell from the top of the building. The wind rushed through his ears and hair causing even more insanity in his mind. The only thing he saw was a silhouette of two people, one with a hammer resting on their shoulder and the other with their white teeth twisted into a smile.
“Oliver? Oliver, are you okay honey?” A caramel-like voice called out to him. It was smooth and rich, almost like he could hear the sugar in it. “Oliver, Hun you have Work” His form was now being shaken, rather aggressively. “OLIVER” The voice screamed.
“Hu-huh what!!” His eyes shot open, searching the room for a second. He was met with these gray greenish eyes. Focusing his attention on the owner of the eyes, staring deeply into them. “A-anastasia?” He slowly sat up, his eyes refusing to leave hers.
“Yes love? Are you feeling okay?” She put her hand to his forehead, feeling his temperature. “You are a little sweaty,” Anastasia removed her hand wiping it on the blue apron she was wearing. “I'll get you a cooling cloth,” Making her way towards the door.
“NO WAIT!” He sat up getting out of bed, rushing to hug her. “P-please, let’s just lay down,” he stood there for a second before walking backwards towards the bed. Making sure to never remove his arms from around her. He sat them both on the bed, keeping her close. “I’ve missed you,” He huffed, digging his face into her neck. A bad dream, it was all a bad dream. The fire, the death all just a nightmare.
“Aww love, You were only in France for a week,” She placed her hands in his hair, soothing the bed head he had.
“Oh,” France? He rested there for another second before moving to look at her. “Where is Alex? Is he okay?” Eager to see his son again, he glanced behind her looking at the door. Strange, that's new. His eyes focused on the familiar picture that showed their first vacation together, hung right across the hall. I thought our wedding picture hung there? She must have put it up recently, Man I’ve really missed a lot. He focused his attention back on Anastasia, who had a look of pure confusion.
“Alex? Who’s Alex?” With a light tilt of her head, she questioned the mysterious person her husband talked about. “Is he a friend of Yours?” She smiled, interested to meet a friend of Oliver.
“No,No love,” He chuckled softly. “Our child, remember? Alex?”
“C-child?” A bright smile overtook her face, “You want kids?” she blushed and giggled. “Well I think that’s a wonderful idea but maybe wait a little longer” She placed her forehead to his, kissing his nose. “Speaking of, where are we going for our honeymoon?”
“H-honeymoon?” Oliver pulled away, “W-what? Where's Alex?”
“Honey Alex doesn't exist, at least not yet” She continued to rub his head. “Are you okay, seriously love our wedding was last week, kids seem a little ambitious”
“Last week, no no baby you must’ve hit your head, Our 7 year anniversary is coming up,” feeling around the bed, he looked for his phone. “Have you seen my..?” Before he could finish Anastasia was holding up his phone. “Ah thank you,” He quickly unlocked it by pulling up the calendar. “See it’s December 18,” pointing to the phone. December 18? Looking back at the phone, just to double check. No, no way, It was November 11 last I checked. Running a hand through his hair letting out a shuddered sigh. What the Hell is going on?
“Maybe you need rest, love,” She got up and assessed him by laying him back down on the bed. “I’ll grab you some medicine,”
“Y-yeah, that sounds amazing,” He nodded, smiling up at her, “thank you,” shifting to get into a more comfortable position, he allowed his body to rest but his mind stayed alert. Where am I, Think Oliver. He stared blankly out the window in the room, How did I get here,
“I’ll be there in a second love,” Anastasai called from the kitchen.
“Alright,” Just this morning, I was knocked out a window and a few years ago my wife Anastasia died along with my son Alex. He looked down at his hands, they shook slightly. But- uh now she stands right in front of me, with no knowledge of our son. Looking up to the sound of footsteps, W-was I kidnapped,
“Here’s the medicine,” Along with her was a tray of his favorite food and a cup of..
“Coffee?” He looked cautious at it. “I uh don’t drink coffee anymore,” staring at the cup which was a deep brown almost black color, “You- You know that Anastasia,” Hesitantly he looked up at her with a forced smile.
“Oh sorry,” Anastasia smiled, it seemed bitter as if he had angered her. “I thought you would remember how I made your hot chocolate, you know with 100% cocoa,” looking down at him, letting out a hiss-like sound.
“O-oh, no… I love this,” He smiled softly, still staring at the cup. It’s been so long since I've had this.
“Oh well, that’s strike one,” Anastasia whispered.
“Wha…” Oliver was met with a wicked smile and a cackle.
“That’s okay, lets just RESTART,” With a yell, a hammer was brought down onto Oliver’s head, knocking him out cold once again.
“Oliver? Oliver? Love, please.”
There's that voice again. Oliver slowly opened his eyes, this time being met with a white ceiling. “W-where am I?” He looked around catching the same gray eyes, ones he could stare into for hours.
“Oh love, are you okay that was quite the fall,” Anastasia ran her hands over his head gently.
“Indeed Mr.Wilson, seems like you have a concussion,” A man in a white coat walked into the room, in his hand he held a simple clipboard but his glasses looked so familiar. “Lucky, You should be out before the gala tonight,” He smiled softly looking at the couple.
“Yeahh, you’ll be able to attend tonight,” Anastasia gently grabbed Oliver's arm in excitement. “Aren’t you excited?”
“G-gala, I-uh-I thought it was our honeymoon?” Oliver continued to look around the room. No, I know she was just talking about our non-existent honeymoon. He focused on the calendar that hung in the corner of the room. April 12… What’s going on?
“Love, our honeymoon was over 2 years ago, remember?” She chuckled softly “We didn’t even go on one,” stopping her hand in his hair, “You might’ve hit your head harder than we thought.” Her grip tightened slightly.
“Y-yeah, maybe,” He moved his hand up to his hair, gently removing her hand. This, this isn’t my Anastasia. He smiled at her, encasing her hand in his. I can feel it.
“Well, we can do one final check up and you should be out of here,” Making his way closer to Oliver, clipboard still in hand. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a set of gloves.
“Oh thank you Doctor,” Anastasia eagerly pounced in her seat. “See honey, that fall wasn’t so bad,”
“W-what exactly happened?” Oliver was still confused on how exactly he got into this situation.
“Oliver, you’re scaring me,” looking up at the doctor, “You, you fell out the window of your office building,”
Window, window? “DAMN IT” as quickly as he could he stood up from the bed. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” He slowly began backing up towards the room's door.
“Oliver, what is your problem?” Anastasia also stood, confused by his sudden behavior. “D-doctor Kage? What's going on?”
“I don’t know, b-but we gotta get him under control,” Kage pushed Anastasia behind him, protecting her from any movements that Oliver could possibly make.
Kage, Kage? He racked his brain, trying to find where he had heard that name before. “Roger's right hand man,” Oliver whispered, looking at Kage to see any type of reaction. The way Kage’s eyes widened slightly was all the confirmation he needed. “It is you,” Oliver started, eyes wide. “A-anastasi? What are you doing,”
“That’s strike two,” She pushed Kage behind her, facing her husband head on. Her damsel in distress act faded completely. “I’m sorry Olive, but you keep screwing up,” Huffing, she launched herself at him. Aiming to punch him but was quickly blocked by Kage.
“Anastasia, the Plan” He reminded her, gently pushing her back. She turned with a huff, collecting herself. With her back turned, he only saw her hands doing little motions.
“Right, Right.. Of course.” After another deep breath, she turned back around. “My apologies dear, but we need to restart,” One more time, that’s all we can afford.
“W-what does that mean,” Oliver stood ready, “No more of that stupid hammer.” He argued, taking a server of his area, keeping an eye on both Anastasia and Kage.
“Awww but that’s the best part,” She pouted, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He hesitated, looking at her face, one she would make anytime she wanted something.
“No.. No more hammer,” Oliver huffed, making his tone stern.
“Fine by me Hero,” The deep gruff voice was all he heard before his jaw was crushed in and he was sent flying into the wall. At impact the wall shattered, crumbling under the sheer force of his body. Oliver stuck in the wall for a moment before falling down to the ground, he wheezed coughing blood. He held himself on his hands and knees, desperately trying to catch his breath. “Oh, still have some fight?” The same voice called before he sent Oliver’s head through the floorboard.
“D-dad, careful with him,” Anastasia kneeled down over Oliver's body, using both hands to lift his head. “Yep he’s unconscious,” She ran her finger to his neck, checking his pulse, “But not dead.”
“Why? He’s just some fake hero scum,” Roger kicked the man’s unconscious foot. “Let his son die and almost lost his wife.” The room's air suddenly turned heavy as Roger realized he had said that out loud.
“Do NOT mention Alex,” Anastasia hissed, aiming the end of her hammer at his head, ���ever” Roger put his hands up, sweat running down his neck while he slowly backed away from her.
“I’m sorry,” She lowered her weapon slowly, staring into his eyes.
“Apology Accepted” Her smiling face returned before she skipped towards the door, “Kage, Dad, get Oliver and set up for scene three,” She giggled leaving the two grown men in a cold sweat. Oliver, you got one last chance, please don’t screw up.
“OLIVER, OLIVER I NEED ASSISTANCE!” Sitting up with a start Oliver looked around. He was back in his master room, sitting in the bed. “OLIVER!” He quickly removed the blankets and ran out into the living room. There sat on the ground was Anastasia, cradling a small bundle of pink blanket. “Sorry love, but Beatris is fussing,” She pointed towards the kitchen, “and Alex is out, so could you please grab me her bottle,” He stood there, dumbfounded.
“Uh-” He knew something was wrong, he’d felt like he was in a fever dream. No, No I won’t be fooled again. He smacked himself a couple times, trying to straighten his mind. Is this real or, or just another act? He began to breathe heavily, Do do I fight or. He was having a panic attack, his mind could not decide whether he should fight the woman he loved, or simply continue to live this fantasy. He crumpled to the ground, hyperventilating causing him to see stars. “A-anastasia, Please,” He sobbed, gripping the ground so hard his finger began to bleed. “Please, n-no more game’s, tell me what happened,” smacking his head into the ground repetitively, “WHY *smack* WHY *smack* WHY!” his head was bleeding at this point, it slowly dripped onto the flood. “WHERE DID IT GO WRONG!” He screamed, aiming to slam his head again but he was stopped by two soft hands. Anastasia was now in front of him defending his head from the brutality of the floor. Oliver’s breath hitched, he quickly looked up to meet her eyes. There she sat in all her glory, tears in her eyes as she watched her husband's merciless attack on himself. “You are my Anastasia, I know that now,” allowing his head to rest in her hands. He inhaled deeply, settling his mind for an instant. He had made up his mind.
“I’m sorry, I wanted to make you suffer,” She let out a soft sob, “Suffer like I had to, all these voices kept talking to me.” Anastasia stared at her husband's blood ridden face. “Y-you didn’t save us, a-and” watching as one of his hands came to wipe her tears. “I- I couldn't save him,” Collapsed into his chest. “I WATCHED YOU LEAVE US” she sobbed gripping his shirt. “I HATED YOU BUT YET I STILL LOVED YOU” Anastasia shook with both anger and heartbreak.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I hate myself too,” Oliver held her close. “N-not a second goes by that I don’t regret my whole existence,” He quickly buried his face into her hair. “I-im sorry you had to suffer alone, I’m sorry I was never there,” Oliver let out a soft sigh, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you and I’m sorry I couldn’t save him,” He was heartbroken but yet sitting here with her in his arms made it a little more bearable. He didn’t care if she hated him, wanted him dead, he just wanted her here in his hold. “Hit me, kill me, keep me in this time loop, whatever you want, just please, don’t leave me.”
“No, no more games, I uh I think my play time is up,” Her breath had begun to steady and her sobs had ceased. She gently smiled into his chest, I’m home, home at last. Pulling away from him she gently grabbed his face and brought him into a soft loving kiss. “I love you my Oliver,” She giggled at his small blush. Brushing away any left over tears, before meeting her eyes to his.
“And I love you my beautiful Anastasia” He sighed a content smile taking over his face. Ever since that fire, Oliver only regretted one thing more than not saving Anastasia, and that was allowing her to suffer alone for so long.
“Mama, Is dinner ready?” A child's voice called as the front door shut. His small footsteps were heard running through the house. “Oh dad, you’re home.” Alex ran to join his family in the small huddle on the ground. His small arms could barely wrap around his father so Oliver moved to wrap him in their hug.
“Hi baby, I’m home, Home for good” Oliver kissed his son's head and cradled him close to his chest. Anastasia smiled, enjoying this small moment, knowing many more where to come. Maybe this fantasy life won’t be so bad.
“So she went through with it?” Kage asked, watching as his boss kneeled by the two bodies that laid on the ground. Kage had never seen his boss cry, the big man seemed unbreakable but yet Every man has his, He watched as Roger gently picked up his daughter's limp body, tilting his head and saying a soft prey for the girl he once raised.
“Grab him, we should give them a proper burial,'' gesturing towards Oliver's body, which sat with a peaceful smile on his lips. Roger made his way out of the house still holding his head high even while tears ran down his face, landing on Anastasias’s beneath him. “May you have all you’ve dreamed of” He whispered, lifting her body to lay a gentle kiss to her head. “My beautiful baby girl.”
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booleanean · 1 year
Day 4 - Agalmatophilia - Skeletons - Abduction
Alex leaned on her broom, staring at the display model of the twelve foot skeleton. The store had closed a while ago. Terry, her asshole manager, had sent everyone else home and was doing whatever it was asshole managers did in the backroom after closing while she swept up the last of the store.
She always paused by the skeletons though. Ever since her first Halloween at the Depot, she'd been fascinated by them. That first year had been rough, she'd had to sneak to the bathroom to masturbate at least once a shift. Something about its presence and size, the alabaster lines of its collarbones, the curve of the fingers, and those long, slender legs…
Alex caught herself biting her lower lip and staring. She quickly went back to sweeping. The only reason she was taking on extra shifts, was because she was hoping she could afford one of these by the end of the season, if they had them in stock that long. Her emergency fund had been drained over the summer, and she'd had to dip into her skelly savings when her washer broke the day before they came in stock.
"Heads up!"
Terry's keys hit her in the shoulder half a second later.
"Ah, too slow. I'm heading home, lock up when you're done."
"But—" Alex protested, but Terry was already turning the corner on the next aisle and heading for the employee exit.
Terry stuck his head around the corner. "Oh, and don't worry about clocking out, I already did that for you."
"Asshole," she muttered under her breath as she heard the door slam shut behind him, the sound echoing around the empty store. A shiver went up her spine at the thought of being alone in the giant building, and having to walk back to her rickety old truck in the parking lot alone. She screamed wordlessly in defiance, cursing capitalism and managers and student loans and a terrible job market that kept her working in this dead end job way longer than she intended to.
Sighing, she rushed through sweeping up, mostly just spreading the dust around and pushing the larger bits under the racks for the next deep clean. She would've worried Terry would check the surveillance cameras tomorrow and see that she did a shitty job, but he'd left his office unlocked earlier, and she'd seen all the cameras offline. He'd cursed so loudly at the repair tech during her break, she knew they'd be out until Thursday at least.
Before she left, she stopped by the skeletons one last time. The empty store didn't feel so empty with her large, alabaster crush towering over her.
"What's a tall, handsome skeleton like you doing in a dump like this?" Alex asked, trying out her worst pickup line.
In her imagination, the skeleton laughed, then complimented her in turn. In a flash, she pictured a night of intense passion, followed by a second, then a third date at a cute bistro by the river. They dated briefly before eloping and living off the land in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies, far enough north that they never saw another soul, living or dead.
The fantasy left her feeling a little sad. It was something that could never be. The feeling reminded her of when she was little, and she'd hoped her stuffed toys would come to life to play with her. She'd been so hopeful when she watched Toy Story, and like any kid, tried to catch her toys for months after. She'd tried to reason with them too, one phrase becoming a sort of mantra against the loneliness she'd felt as a kid. She felt that same loneliness now.
"I know you're alive, but it's okay, I won't tell anyone."
The skeleton's massive head shifted, then turned towards her. Her heart pounded in her chest before she convinced herself she must've just bumped it and it was settling. She took a step back, in case it tumbled over.
"You— you know I'm alive? Bless my bones, finally someone to talk to." The skeleton spoke, it's hand moving up to scratch the back of its head.
Alex screamed at the top of her lungs, and fell back on her ass, then scrambled back.
"Wait! Wait, why are you scared! You said— Oh, fiddle and sticks, you were joking. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Please don't be afraid."
"What! How! Who?" Alex managed.
The skeleton stepped off the platform it had been set up on and crouched down, hugging its legs to its chest. It was still taller than she would be standing up.
"Don't be afraid, let me help you up." It held out a long, bony hand she felt could wrap completely around her waist, palm upturned. "I am dreadfully sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
Alex's head swam. Had she hit her head hard enough to hallucinate? Was she having a stroke? Would whoever was opening tomorrow morning find her dead in a pool of her own drool? She'd heard people evacuated their bowels when they died. The indignity of being found dead in a Home Depot covered in her own excrement made her feel nauseated.
"I—," she started, but didn't even know what to say.
"This must be very confusing to you."
"Am I dying?"
The skeleton pulled its head back, still looking at her. "Eventually, all humans do. But I don't think today is your day. My name is John. My friends call me Gino."
The large skeleton sat down, folding his legs under himself. He folded his long limbs under him. The sight of a twelve foot, animated skeleton sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor of the DIY store she worked at was enough to let her get back to herself somewhat. She still wasn't convinced she wasn't currently dying, but if she was, she might as well die with a smile on her face. This was what she'd been fantasizing about after all.
She held her hand out. "Alex."
"A pleasure to meet you, Alex."
"How—" Alex started, but realized asking how someone was alive was probably very rude, especially to a twelve foot tall skeleton.
"How am I alive, and why can I talk?"
Alex blushed. "Mm-hmm."
"Hmm, well, I suppose I don't really know. Do you know why you are alive?"
"I— Hmm, I think— I guess I don't."
"As for how I can talk, all my people can talk."
"Your people?"
"You wear the colors of the Collectors, I thought you'd know."
"Ah. Well, let me start at the beginning. I'm from a secluded valley far north of here. We've had some contact with humans, but try to avoid them as much as possible. Lots of people seem to be bothered by the way we look, something to do with an unfortunate coincidental similarity between our appearance and your internal structure, I gather.
"A few years ago, a series of graverobbing incidents shook my community. Thousands of our ancestors were dug up and carted off. Year after year this continued. We only die from violence you see, and our graveyards are filled with the honored dead who gave up eternity to keep the rest of us safe. We tried to guard the graves of our fabled warriors, but the robbers — humans, dressed like you are — brought weapons. We are much larger and stronger of course, but were out-gunned and outnumbered. Many fell and were carted off along with the rest of our dead."
"Oh my god, that's terrible! I had no idea!" Alex felt terrible for wanting to buy one. How many of their dead had she helped sell? She loved convincing people to buy these skeletons, and her enthusiasm really helped her sales numbers. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"I can feel your honesty, Alex, I understand."
"So how did you get here? I thought they only took your dead?"
"I was sent to investigate, but I was caught infiltrating one of your warehouses. They managed to trap me in a net, then beat me until I lost consciousness. By the time I woke up, I was on display here. I had to stay quiet, or my cover would be blown. I thought they would beat me or kill me and sell my bones. I've been slowly recovering and waiting for a chance to escape."
"Why didn't you run away at night?"
"I tried, but the doors were locked. I couldn't force them, I'm still weak from my injuries and so hungry. I think it would set off an alarm too, and then they'd hunt me down. Besides, from what I know of your people, these stores are usually in the center of large urban areas, are they not?"
"How do you—"
"Just because we're a race of sentient skeleton people, doesn't mean we don't have basic cable, Alex."
Alex suppressed a grin. "Want to get out of here then? I've got the keys for the loading door, if you can't fit out the employee exit."
"I think I can squeeze through, but what about people outside?"
Alex thought for a second. "I've got an idea, meet me by the loading door back there in a few minutes."
That's how, fifteen minutes later, Alex was bombing down Main St. with an actual, for real, alive twelve foot tall skeleton sitting in the back of her truck. His was doing an eerily good impression of a dead load. He rocked back and forth as she made her way through town, to the small suburban house she'd inherited from her grandmother a few years after she finished college.
She managed to pull into the garage without bumping Gino's head. She helped him out of the truck bed, then pulled the truck back out into the driveway and shut the garage door. Sitting on the steps to the house, she looked at Gino sitting in the middle of her garage, surrounded by the random detritus that seemed to gather in any garage over the years.
"I cannot thank you enough, Alex. I thought I would be stuck there for weeks until I was sold, or maybe worse…"
"Of course. I'm so sorry the company I work for did such terrible things to you and your people. If there's anything more I can do…"
"I couldn't possibly ask more of you. I will head out while it is still dark, and try to make my way back to my people."
"You should rest here at least for today. I can see if I can get you some food. Maybe we can find an easier way to get you back to your people, or even come up with a plan to stop the Home Depot from harming your kind. If people knew what they were doing—"
"A place to rest would be appreciated."
"What do you eat?"
"I can eat most foods you eat, though I desperately need a source of calcium, some old animal bones or something like that. I feel brittle."
"I've got some fortified milk I think is still good. Let me check the fridge."
As she got up, her eye fell on a box stuffed in a corner of the garage. It was full of antlers from deer her grandfather had shot on hunting trips. She'd been meaning to get rid of the dreadful thing, but just never really got around to it.
She grinned and pointed to the box, Gino's head turning to look. "Will antlers work?"
"Ooo, deer antlers, I haven't had those in years! They'll do just fine, thank you."
The two of them chatted as Gino snacked on the antlers. His eyes glowed a soft green, something she'd mistaken for the LED screens built into his dead ancestors by the evil corporation she worked for. As he devoured the box of antlers, she thought the glow became stronger more steady. She could see tiny fracture lines in his skull and arms knit back together too, the fresh bone a bright contrast to the distressed and dirty old bone.
He told her about his people, how they had learned to hide from European settlers. They had some contact with humans, a few small groups that had set out to live in the wilderness away from society that they traded with. They had also helped introduce technology, though they mostly limited its use to entertainment and lighting.
Meanwhile, Alex told Gino about her job, how she felt stuck, trapped by capitalism in a job she hated but couldn't afford to leave without immediately getting another job that would be just as bad. He listened attentively, nodding along with her. His knowledge of human culture was mostly from TV shows and the 11 o'clock news, but he knew enough to follow what she was saying.
Hours passed like they were minutes, Alex grabbing some pop for herself to drink, bringing a big tub of leftovers for Gino. He washed it down with the milk, drinking straight from the gallon jug. The serving spoon looked tiny in his massive hand, even with the dish towel wrapped around it so that he could grip the slippery metal. She had no idea where the food went, it just vanished into the darkness in his mouth without coming out the back when he swallowed.
After he'd eaten, conversation died down a little. Alex had rarely felt so comfortable with anyone, even her friends. She kept checking him out too, the attraction only growing knowing he was alive and oh so kind and thoughtful. She caught herself drifting into a fantasy where he carried her away from here, to his homeland and made love to her under the stars every night.
"I have a bit of a strange request," Gino said, pulling her back out of her fantasy. "I've been on the road for weeks, and then trapped in your store for weeks more. I haven't had a chance to wash in so long, I feel absolutely filthy. Do you maybe have a bucket or a wet towel?"
"I can give you a hand if you want." It flopped out of her before she could stop it. She blushed bright red and looked away.
Gino paused, making her feel like she'd gone too far. Then, hesitantly, he said, "I would very much like that, Alex."
They discussed logistics for a while, coming to the conclusion she didn't really have any implements big enough for him to handle comfortably, before resolving that she would wash him instead. Alex filled several buckets with warm water in the utility sink and got out her car washing kit. She cracked the garage door just enough so the water could run out and into the driveway, then took off her shoes and socks, and rolled up her jeans. The garage floor was cold on her bare feet, but one look at Gino's reclined form gave her all the heat she needed to stay warm.
She started with his hands, brushing the hot, soapy water across his long, slender digits until they were bone white again. Scrubbing off the artificial weathering her evil employer had applied took some effort, but he said he enjoyed the rough treatment with the brush. She bit her lip, subconsciously picturing what these digits would feel like on her skin, massaging her, sliding into her. She'd expected them to be rough, but the texture was smooth and even. There was no give of course, but the sandpapery texture she'd expected from exposed bone was absent.
Cleaning his radius and ulna was much quicker, the weathering and grime coming off easily on the smooth surface. After she finished with his left arm, she started on his right. By the time she was working on his torso, scrubbing the inside and outside of his ribcage, she was breathing hard, not from the exertion, but because being so intimately close with a creature so perfectly sculpted to push her particular buttons was turning her on more than she had anticipated.
"If you need to rest, we can continue tomorrow," Gino offered.
Alex blushed again, shaking her head. "I'm not winded, just— I want to keep going, if you do as well."
"This feels very good," Gino admitted.
Alex blushed again, and looked him in the eyes. His sockets glowed with a steady, green glow. The flicker was gone, the light illuminating outer rim of his ocular cavity. She felt an intensity in his gaze she had never felt from anyone else, a draw to keep going.
She shook herself, and continued cleaning, brushing every nook and cranny along his spine with a fresh toothbrush — using an old one seemed weird somehow — then focusing on his legs. When she finally finished with his toes, she turned to him.
"I can do the rest myself, if you prefer," Gino said.
Alex shook her head. "I want to—"
As she cleaned his hips, working outside in along his pelvic bone, she caught glimpses of a faint, green glow right where a penis would be on someone with flesh. The glimpses grew more frequent, and more well defined as she got closer.
"Sorry, I—" Gino said. Alex ignored him, and finished cleaning, then rinsing his pubic bone. Her hand brushed against something intangible.
"I'm sorry, I should— That is, I'm— This—" Gino tried to speak, but couldn't.
"It's okay, Gino. I don't mind."
Gino sighed, a strange sound coming from a creature without lungs. "I'm sorry. This is very taboo among my people, but I find you very attractive, and— Sorry, I should go, I'll leave immediately, I shouldn't have said that, I—"
Gino tried to get up, but Alex pushed him back down with gentle pressure. Even sitting, he was taller than she was, but despite his protests he let himself get pushed back to the floor.
"I find you very attractive as well. I— I want to do more than just clean your bones."
Alex pulled her shirt off over her head, followed by her bra, and tossed them in the corner. She could feel Gino's eyes on her. He looked radiant, all the weathering and grime washed off, leaving him shining in the soft illumination of the garage.
"Do you like what you see?"
"Mm-hmm," Gino replied. Idly, Alex wondered how he could hum without lips.
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Very much." There was no hesitation, just a hint of anticipation in his voice.
She held out her hands, taking his and guiding them to herself. His hands were massive on her. She wasn't skinny by any definition. Most people would call her stocky, but each of his hands reached two thirds of the way around her. She could feel the restrained strength in them, sensing that he could've ripped his way out through any of the exterior walls of the Home Depot if he needed to.
He was so gentle with her though, the tips of his fingers brushing along her spine as his hands slid up her body. His thumbs pressed against the bottom of her breasts, caressing the soft flesh. He explored every inch of her exposed skin with careful fingers. He wasn't as cold as she'd thought he would be, his limbs well above ambient temperature but still colder than she was.
"Your skin is so hot," he whispered.
"Is it uncomfortable?"
He shook his head. She took one of his hands in both of hers, and brought it to her face. She sucked the tip of his thumb into her mouth, and played her tongue around it. The smooth digit felt amazing in her mouth, everything she could've dreamed it would be like and more.
Gino tilted his head back, but kept her gaze as she sucked on his thumb. A low, soft moan, so deep it was at the edge of hearing, rumbled out of him.
Alex could see the glow above his pelvic bone clearly now. There wasn't a defined edge as such, but there was something there. Her hand had brushed it earlier, but it seemed fully formed now. The green glow implied more than showed what promised to be an impressively large cock, even for someone his size.
He caught her looking at it, and she pulled his thumb out of her mouth.
"You like when I suck on your thumb?"
"I think I can see that." She grinned and nodded at his glowing member.
She sank to her knees between his thighs, ignoring the discomfort of kneeling on the hard concrete, and reached out. The sensation of touching Gino's glowing cock was odd, but pleasant. She was used to the velvet over steel feeling of an erect human penis, but this was different. There was something in her hand, she could feel something pressing back as she squeezed, but there was no friction, nothing sliding. The resistance felt like trying to push magnets together, slight at first but rising sharply the harder she squeezed.
Alex could feel his low moans deep in her chest, like the bass at a concert or the kickdrum of her drumkit. Clearly what she was doing felt good for him. She moved closer, still stroking up and down. Her fingers couldn't reach all the way around, not quite as thick around as a coke can, but definitely bigger than even her biggest toy. There was no hope she'd be able to fit him in her mouth, but maybe…
She licked the air above her hand, feeling an odd but pleasant tingling sensation on her tongue. The groan of pleasure he produced was gratifying. There was no discernable head, just a rounded area near the top of his spectral shaft. She focused her attention there.
"Oh yes, Alex, that feels so good."
"Am I doing this right?" she asked, before continuing her work.
"Yes, it's so good. Oh god, you're so warm and soft. I don't think I'll last long."
Having no idea what to expect, but incapable of stopping now, Alex sped up a little, squeezing a little harder, swirling her tongue. The tingling sensation grew a little more powerful, and the light of his cock pulsed in time with his moans.
"Alex yes, don't stop, oh yes."
With a mighty flash of light, Gino grunted his pleasure. Her tongue tingled, and she could even feel some static build on her hand. The green light pulsed in the garage, illuminating everything in lurid emerald flashes.
When the flashes subsided, he gently guided her away from him. Seems even skeleton men got overstimulated. Alex worked her tongue in her mouth. It felt a little numb, but she was regaining feeling quickly.
He stroked her back gently. "That was amazing, thank you."
"I'm glad you enjoyed," Alex said. She was preparing herself for the letdown, a lot of men just forgot about her needs as soon as they got off.
"I want to return the favor, if you'll let me," Gino said, his voice sincere, his gaze locked on her eyes. It was odd that she could tell what he was looking at, but she was convinced she could.
Without another word, she pulled her pants down, underwear and all, and tossed them into the laundry hamper sitting next to the washer. He guided her over to the washer, gently lifting her to set her on top. She leaned back, spreading her legs.
"I'm afraid I don't have a tongue, but maybe my fingers…"
Alex reached for his hand and guided his index finger to her cunt. He looked reverent as the tip hovered an inch away from her. She grabbed his finger, as thick around as an average man's cock, and slid the tip up and down, getting it wet with her juices. He gasped softly, then moaned along with her as she slid it inside.
The bone was hard inside her, unyielding, but not cold. She squeezed, wondering if he could feel the pressure, and saw in his eyes that he did.
"Start slow," she said.
He was gentle, careful not to hurt her. His finger felt good inside, the knobby shape giving an interesting feel to an otherwise entirely smooth sensation. He managed to get his finger inside of her just past the second knuckle, the distal and middle phalanx fully inside of her. She tilted her head back, and whispered "faster".
He complied, her pleasure building with his increased pace. Earlier today, she had almost lost hope that she'd ever even own a plastic copy of him, a fantasy forever left unfulfilled, and now he was making her cum in her own garage. Her wildest fantasies had never even managed to approach the amazing reality of her beautiful, alabaster lover. He was tender and eager, attentive to her needs, kind, intelligent, brave, and so incredibly strong.
She trembled as her orgasm approached, whispering "don't stop" over and over again until it became a mantra, until it meant more than just the now. She came hard, screaming his name as he whispered hers.
When she pushed him away, he took his finger to his mouth and tasted her, humming appreciatively. She'd seen the room light up green again, the glow of his cock returning with a vengeance as her own pleasure built. It pulsed proudly between his legs, clearly visible as she looked down through his rib cage.
"I want you inside of me. Come to the living room, I think you'll fit."
He helped her down, and she helped him crawl into the kitchen, then into the living room. At her direction, he picked up her heavy, solid wood coffee table and set it aside as if it weighed nothing. She put the couch pillows on the floor and laid down on her back, spreading her legs wide.
"I can't possibly fit—"
"Go slow. I need it."
She pulled him forward, grasping his cock and guiding it to her waiting cunt. The tingle she'd felt on her tongue was back, sending little shocks of pleasure through her even at the gentle touch. Positioning him at her entrance, she pulled at his hip. She felt herself slowly stretch to accommodate his size. She tried to relax. There was still no friction, just a pressure that built and built.
"Oh fuck, you're so big. Oh god."
When the tip slid in, she gasped. She felt incredibly full already, stretched wider than she thought possible. Holding him in place, she focused on taking deep breaths, then pulled him in deeper, ever so slowly. Gino towered over her, the bottom of his ribcage right in front of her face. She looked up at him and grinned.
"It feels so fucking good. That tingle…"
"You're so tight, Alex. Oh god, so hot, so soft."
Over the course of long minutes, Alex breathed as she took him deeper and deeper until he bottomed out inside of her, then stroked his ribs and hip bones as she adjusted to his size.
"Go slow. Very slow."
He pulled back, inch by delicious inch. The sensation was strange. The tingle felt incredibly good, like a soft, pleasant sensation of electricity. There was none of the friction she was so used to, no need for extra lubrication, just pressure inside of her, moving in and out. She fought to hold onto her sense of self, to stay in the moment with Gino. This was her longest standing fantasy, though the details of the act had never really been something she'd focused on. She'd always known this was impossible, but now it was happening, and she didn't want to miss a second of it.
She shuddered as Gino slid in and out of her, the pure pleasure of his touch overwhelming already. He kept his slow pace, until she told him it was okay to speed up.
Before long, she was in absolute ecstasy. She'd used big toys before, but the constant need for fresh lubrication took her out of the moment. Gino's non-corporeal cock didn't have that drawback, and at her urging, he had sped up, pounding her so good. She screamed his name as she came, clinging to any part of him she could reach. He had one hand next to her, and she wrapped hers around it, holding on for dear life.
She lost count of the number of times she came, her voice grew hoarse. Alex lost herself in his grunts and groans of pleasure, in the perfect moment she hadn't ever dared dream she could reach. Always, he was present with her, his towering alabaster form firm in her mind, solid under her touch.
As she came down off another mind bending orgasm, she felt the tingle build again, recognizing he was getting close.
"Cum for me, Gino, yes, cum for me, please, please, please," she begged him.
"Yes, Alex, yes! YES!" He bellowed his release, the glasses shaking in the cupboard with the sheer volume. Electric shocks spread through Alex, setting off another orgasm that almost caused her to black out. She clung to him, as he did to her, their pleasure mixing, building on each other, until finally it subsided.
After, they lay together, Alex panting, Gino stretched out next to her with his feet sticking out into the kitchen. Alex knew she could never let this go. A fantasy fulfilled sometimes lost its luster, but this— This had been too perfect, a fantasy for so long now made deliciously real. She wanted to know where this went.
The public outrage had almost brought Home Depot to bankruptcy. After returning to, ironically exactly like in her flash fantasy that fateful night, the foothills of the Canadian Rockies with Gino the week after their first night together, she'd slowly convinced him and his people that they needed to come forward.
Lots of people dismissed them as CGI at first, but when legitimate news agencies started showing interest, most of the world had to admit they were real. Religious debate raged for weeks about what this meant for humanity, souls, and the afterlife, but even that had died down now. A massive effort was undertaken to repatriate the remains of Gino's ancestors, many arrests were made based on quickly drafted legislation.
At first, Gino's neighbors had been skeptical, but slowly the two of them were breaking through the long held taboos of skeleton / human relationships.
Now, almost two years later, she'd been inducted into their religion, a process that included a number of ceremonies designed for someone twice her height. Luckily, the priest was accommodating, letting her perform her own version of some of the rites.
Moving here, she knew that when she died, she'd be buried in their soil. Something about this place would, over the course of a year, decompose her body, feeding the growth of her bones. She'd emerge from the soil a year to the day later, ready to spend another eternity with Gino. She was in no rush to die, she liked her body, liked her life here just as it was, but knowing she would be with her love for all eternity was such a comfort.
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“But what did I mean by that”
“What does it mean to know me”
It’s hard to articulate how I feel so it makes it even harder for people to get to know me, sometimes I feel like I don’t really even know myself or know how to let someone know me.
“Me” as in Switch feels like on a fraction of a million things I am. Like it’s what I’m comfortable introducing myself as, it’s who I identify with the most. But other then being a He/They named Switch and a handfull of other things that piss a lot of people off well I’m an artist I love coordination weather it’s jewelry oulfits or the keychains hanging off my cup or my purse. I’m very particular on too many things. I let that hold me back a lot. Covid made my anxiety and agoraphobia debilitating but I go out as much as I can because isolation in a 12x12 cube will make anyone feel like a rat in a cage. Doesn’t mean I have any less of an awfully hard time psyching myself out and actually doing it.
It took me 22 years to reach out to my biological father and he died before I actually got to talk to him. Before he got to know me in my adult life. I still to this day cry about him not knowing me but I’m not really sure who in all I’d be able to articulate and introduce to him.
But the time for that has passed now. I met my two brothers sitting front row at his funeral. I’m not sure what was more surreal those two boys being perfect and sober or the fact that the only thing I inherited from this man were the items found in his pockets when his body was found.
Those items included:
1 red ink pen (pictured above)
1 pair of rainbow kiss eyelash tweezers
1 mostly used mint and purple elf bar
A very twisted up ballys casino card
A very odd bracelet that I’d like to wear but genuinely I’m afraid to.
A lighter
And 26 cents.
I gladly accepted and kept all of these items to this day because well theirs really not much else I can get from him. So many of the pictures in his slideshow were ones taken by or with my mom but she was always cropped out, it’s really funny but I know at least Danny bacon thought the same thing I did when one or two of them came across.
His nickname was cheese, his best friend is bacon their bacon and cheese I still to this day don’t know the story behind that but damn i really fucking would’ve loved hearing that story from him.
I wish I said something at his funeral I even wrote something up and reread it maybe a million times but I just couldn’t do it. And now no one will ever know how I feel, well except yall. It’s whatever.
I feel strange constantly and my identity use to be a fight either for or against my last name and everything that’s come before me. I can’t even really tell you where I’ve settled the debate because honestly I still don’t know how I feel or what I want or what in the fucking world I would’ve said to him if I ever got the chance to speak to him.
My adopted father has made me feel better in any way he’s ever been able to and he’s adamant about the fact he doesn’t want me to move out and if it was his decision I’d be here forever. I love and adore him for everythings he’s done and will do and I look forward to growing more with him then apart from him. Sometimes I feel like this sadness and emptiness I hold is unnecessary or even a little disrespectful but I know he gets it.
When I first found out I went downstairs to tell him and he told me about a time he was at my Mømmōm’s house and him and cheese were talking and he essentially told him thank you for being there for me and just like what the fuck am I suppose to do with this information I’m dumbfounded but I get it. Alex is great and was able to do everything he couldn’t. So why am I still sad?
Well for starters I think I’m autistic and just full incapable of processing any sort of feelings or grief in any sort of proper way even at 22. But that’s besides the point, I’m sad for a million reasons and I regret so much and I don’t even know what I mean by I wish he got to know me because I’m not really sure who I wanted and needed him to know to truly feel content in my life.
TLDR: dude I got mad identity and daddy issues. And probably autism. And a substance abuse problem, and a dead biological father who oded and I have to move out of my adopted dad’s house but I’m full of fear and grief still and don’t wanna be away. Nor do I know who I wanna be or who I want my dad to know nor who I wanted cheese (el bio father) to know! And for some reason that’s the most complex grief I’ve ever owned in my soul summed up way too easily.
With love and lots of tears
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
my dad is such a putz 
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woso-fan13 · 2 years
Make A Wish
You were the youngest on the USWNT team (something Mal never let you forget) and definitely the smallest. You fit into that role perfectly, filled with seemingly endless energy and talking to anyone about anything for hours. No matter who you were with, you managed to make them feel welcome and comfortable. 
Everyone had arrived at camp the day prior and you were currently walking from the bus to the locker room. Well, not really walking so much as hanging off of Kelley while telling her (and anyone who would listen) every detail about what you had done since you had last seen them. The vets all smiled indulgently at you as you babbled about how your smoothie was the perfect shade of pink last week and how you saw a dog wearing sunglasses. None of it mattered to them, but they kept encouraging you, loving to see you so animated. 
And then, Vlatko came walking up, a young girl and her mom trailing behind him. You froze, slipping off of Kelley’s back, turning on your heel and running away. Everyone was too stunned to chase you until Vlatko cleared his throat,
“Ladies, this is Sadie and her mother, she is going to be practicing with you today,” then, turning, he addressed the guests, “I apologize, I forgot that I sent Y/N to work on individual training today, she must have been running late.” Say what you want about that man, but he was dead set on the team having the perfect image and one of the players running away from fans is not the perfect image. 
Behind Vlatko, Sadie stood, looking down at her shoes. The players looked at the girl who couldn’t be more than 13 and instantly knew she was a Make A Wish kid. The vets were familiar with the process- take her on a tour, let her score a few goals, sign a jersey, then hug her and send her on her way. They had done this before, although not for at least a year. 
The girls forced a smile onto their faces, still wildly concerned about you, and greeted Sadie. They gave her a tour, took pictures, let her nutmeg a couple players and shoot on Ash. When the girl started slowing down, clearly tired, they said their goodbyes and watched her leave. 
They all instantly began calling you and searching. In some silent agreement, they knew they had to find you as soon as they could. Something wasn’t right with you, and they needed to be there to help you. Suddenly, a collective ringtone sounded, a text coming through the group message. Alex had found you and was taking you to the bus and the rest of the players were expected to join you quietly. Making their way to the bus, they silently entered, stopping for a moment and staring at where your tear-stained face was leaning against Alex. You clearly weren’t asleep, but you were unresponsive, staring blankly at the seat in front of you. Their hearts broke as they settled into their seats, beginning the drive back. Vlatko sighed, he had hoped the visitor would boost morale and lead to an extra productive practice. Instead, everyone was silent and practice was ending 3 hours early. But he knew that stopping the girls from trying to help you was a suicide mission, so he said nothing. 
As soon as you saw that girl, you knew who she was. You didn’t know her, but you knew everything about her and you hated that. That little girl was yourself not long ago. You felt like the past was catching up and you couldn’t breathe, so you ran. You found a closet, pushing yourself to the back and closing your eyes as you hyperventilate. Once you manage to calm down, you are left with tears dripping down your face still breathing heavily. What felt like mere seconds later, the door cracks open, Alex peeking her head in. Seeing you, she crouches down, shushing you gently and pulling you into her arms. She stands up, still holding you, and walks to the bus. Settling the two of you in a seat, she quickly sends a text before just holding you, waiting for the others to arrive. 
Back at the hotel, everyone began getting off of the bus. You stayed staring at the seat in front of you until you felt someone stop next to you. You looked at Lindsey questioningly as she held her hands towards you, then, sighing in defeat, lifted your arms to her. She scooped you up easily, perching you on her hip and following the crowd to your room. Your roommate‘s bed was already filled with girls, so Lindsey sat down in the middle of your bed, pulling you into her lap. Emily and Mal claimed both sides, Mal pulling a fuzzy blanket over the 4 of you as Sonnett handed you the stuffed bear you couldn’t sleep without. You pressed the bear to your face, breathing deeply and trying not to cry. Silence filled the room, it was a bit unnerving to see the girl who would never stop talking sitting so quietly. 
You knew that the truth would come out now, but you didn’t know how to tell them. Would they be mad at you for not telling them? They couldn’t be, it wasn’t something that they needed to know, but what if they were? You had kept such a huge part of yourself from them. 
Taking a deep breath, you stood up and walked to your suitcase, pulling out the photo that you never traveled without. Refusing to look at the photo or your teammates, you held it out to them. You heard gasps as they saw it. 
“I remember that,” you heard someone remark, “I remember you. I promised I would score a goal in the World Cup for you.” 
In the photo, the 2011 World Cup team was standing, smiles on their faces. In the middle, you stood, a grin stretching across your face. You were wearing a jersey that went down to your knees and holding a signed soccer ball. You were so pale, face gaunt and sickly looking. It was from your Make A Wish trip. 
“I first got diagnosed when I was 2- leukemia- but I don’t remember that well. I remember being so sick from the chemo, I just wanted it to stop. After about 2 years of treatment, I was finally in remission. Everything was fine after that, I started Kindergarten, I started playing soccer, I was a normal kid. But then, when I was 8, I started feeling tired all the time and had a fever I couldn’t shake. I was covered in bruises and my nose kept bleeding. Apparently, that’s what happened the first time. The cancer was back, and it was bad. I started intense treatment, I was in the hospital for weeks at a time. And when the Make A Wish team came, I knew what I wanted. I had to stop playing soccer when I got sick again, so I started watching it. I fell in love with the USWNT, it was always playing in my hospital room. I was realistic, I knew that I would likely never be on the team, even if I did get better, but I really wanted to play with you. So I got to fly out and practice with you for the day. It was the best day of my life. 3 years later, I was in remission again and I started playing soccer again. I would spend hours practicing every day, and I got good at it. And now I’m here.”
Your team sat completely still as you spoke, not wanting to miss a word. When you finished speaking and tears began rolling down your face, you were quickly embraced in a hug. Looking up, you saw the girls you played with now who you got to meet all those years ago squeezing you tight. You gripped tighter to them, murmuring apologies for not telling them sooner, though you were quickly told off by Kelley, who pulled back from you to grab your chin to make you look at her. 
“Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry for, but we appreciate you telling us now. We love you so much, kid, and we are so glad you are on our team. I am so sorry that you had to go through that, but I am so happy you made it to where you are.” 
Everyone was crying by this point, and Tobin, trying to lighten the mood, asks, “did you have a good time at least?”
“It was amazing, I talked about it constantly for years. When I got back, I got really sick. I picked up a bug from traveling and it hit me hard. I was sick for weeks, it was actually one of the few points that I didn’t know if I would make it through. But, the entire time, I could not stop talking about you guys, everyone was sick of you.”
Behind you, you felt some stiffen. You turned to see Ali, looking extremely guilty. She turned to Ash, who nodded. 
“I had the week off before that camp, so I went to visit Ash. A couple days into it, she caught a cold, but it was mild so I didn’t care. I stayed with her. I went to camp and, the day after you left, I started getting sick. It wasn’t bad, I just had a sore throat for a couple days. I can’t believe I almost killed you.” 
You burst out laughing, “you almost killed me because you wanted to see your girlfriend before you went away?! I’m not mad though, I knew the risks going into it.” 
“Woah there kid, we weren’t dating yet, Ali had just come to visit her new best friend,” Ash chuckled. 
“You were totally dating. She stayed with you while you were sick, Ash. ’In sickness and in health,’ you guys were basically already married,” you protested. 
”Ali, did you have a crush on me? Is that why you stayed?” Ash questioned with a smirk. 
“You dork, of course I had a crush on you! We’re married,” Ali responded. 
You laughed, watching as the couple playfully bickered. Arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a body
“Munchkin, no matter how much I love Ash, I will always love you more,” Ali says, attacking your face with kisses. 
The other vets joined the hug, whispering to you how much they love you and how glad they are that you are there. Until a certain Emily Sonnett had to break it up, “Hey Rugrat, do you not love us anymore? Get over here!”
“You’re only 10 years older than me Sonnett, you can’t call me a rugrat,” you protest, nonetheless plopping yourself into the pile of youngsters on the bed. 
The group laughed, taking a few minutes to enjoy the calm. Until a certain over-caring, way too responsible Becky had to ask, “you’re doing okay now though, right? You haven’t had any relapses since then?”
You froze, you knew you were caught. For a few months now, your nose had been bleeding way too often for it to be a coincidence and you had been putting off getting tested again. You were finally happy and healthy, you didn’t want to do anything that might change that. But you couldn’t lie, so you slowly shook your head. You told them that you had been having nosebleeds again, but you hadn’t been tested yet. The little girl today had shown you not only who you once were, but who you could once again be. 
Alex and Christen stood up, hoisting you up and carrying you out of the room. You knew they were taking you to the nearest hospital and would demand you be tested. You knew they would hold you in between them and coo over you, wishing that they didn’t have to be there. You knew they would hold you and rock you while you waited for results. You knew that the whole team would stand by you, no matter what the results were. You knew that no matter what, you would be okay. 
ok so it’s not my favourite, it’s choppy and all over the place, but I wanted to get something out
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innytoes · 2 years
autumn prompts: 25 + polyphantoms
Ever since getting involved with Alex, and then getting dragged into his 'wait this isn't just a weirdly codependent friend group it's a polycule', Willie had been... well, happy. Happier than he'd been for a long time. He had Alex, of course, which would have been more than enough. But he also had adventures with Reggie, and cuddles with Luke and Bobby, and 'going to the thrift store to find fabulous outfits' with Flynn and Julie, and that one time he'd thought his old boss had sent a limo to kidnap and murder him but it was really just Carrie taking him for mani-pedis.
With the help of his new friends, boyfriends, and 'we made out one time but it was way too weird', he managed to... unlearn a lot of toxic stuff. Like how your manager wasn't supposed to make you practice your dancing waiter routine for six hours after hours until your feet blistered and then not pay you for it. Or how opening up wouldn't result in being mocked or shamed. And also the joys of deep-fried Oreos.
So Willie owed them. Like a lot. Even though they assured him he didn't owe them anything, they loved him. He still wanted to... he didn't know. Prove to them he could contribute. As more than just a pretty face or mani-pedi partner.
So when Willie found out they all went hard for Halloween, he did some research. He'd spent pretty much every Halloween since he was sixteen and had been hired at the Hollywood Ghost Club, working. But he was determined to do it right. So he got all the decorative gourds. He found the perfect scary and not-so-scary movies for them to watch. He even tried to make caramel apples. (Thankfully Bobby helped him put out the fire and clean up all the mess before anyone else got home.)
Another Very Important Part of Halloween, he'd learned, was the costume. This year, they'd all agreed to dress up as ridiculous 'Sexy' costumes. (With a very thick robe at the door in case of any trick or treaters who didn't see the 'take one (or two, we're not cops)' bowl of candy and cute little toys on the little table in front of the porch.)
So Willie did his best. Like, his very best. He'd seen the pictures of Halloweens Past, okay?
The party was a great success. Alex looked delicious in his Sexy Alexander Hamilton costume. Flynn and Julie looked amazing in their She-Ra and Catra costumes, while Carrie had gone for 'Sexy Carrie'. Not Sexy Carrie Wilson, which she'd wanted to at first, but horror movie Carrie. The sight was... unsettling.
Luke had somehow managed to make the little Among Us Amogus sexy, while Reggie had opted for Sexy Ghost, with a white sheet cut high enough to just catch a glimpse of his red panties to go with his black fishnets and red heels.
Bobby was met with some boos and dismay, seeing as he was just dressed as the fox from Robin hood, no fishnets or booty shorts in sight, just a regular costume with an added fox tail and ears. "The fox from Robin Hood is totally sexy!" he insisted. "He was Luke and Reggie's first crush so shut up!"
And hey, from the way Luke and Reggie were all over him, it seemed to be really working for him.
Willie had kept his costume in a bag until the last minute. He hadn't wanted to ruin Alex' upholstery on the way over. So he slipped off into the bathroom with five cans of spray on body-paint and the rest of his supplies.
When he came out, it was worth it. Alex gaped at him as he made sure his duck-bill wasn't crooked. His body paint matched the booty shorts perfectly, and it made the yellow fish nets and heels stand out. He'd put his hair up in a tight bun so he could whip his hat on and off dramatically.
"You're a... sexy... teal..." Willie turned around to show his tail. "Platypus?"
Immediately, heads popped out of doorways, Luke and Reggie and Bobby stacked on top of each other as if they were a cartoon. Reggie was grinning from ear to ear, especially when Willie donned the brown fedora dramatically. Alex still looked confused.
"PERRY THE SEXY PLATYPUS?" Luke and Reggie shouted in unison. Willie shot them some finger guns, doing the little Perry-the-Platypus rumble he'd been practicing for weeks now.
"Oh my god you ruined my childhood," Bobby said, half glee and half horror. "Well done."
Yeah, it was a pretty successful party. Even if the sheets in Carrie's guest room were absolutely ruined with teal body paint the next morning.
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wfanfic56 · 3 years
Not Makarov’s blood | Price x Reader
Last chapter
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You came back at the base, they were looking at you. Kate, Soap, Ghost, Farah, Alex, Gaz, Roach, everyone. Price looked at you and asked your permission to take command over your task force. You looked at him and with hesitation nodded.
“Okay, everyone take your equipment and go to your rooms. Soap, Kate, Yuri, don’t you dare! Makarov you will come with me.” you followed him to his room and he opened the door for you.
When you came in, he asked you for cup of tea which you accepted and he started preparing it for you. The way he moved around his little “kitchen” in the corner was impressive. He put two cups on the little table you were sitting at and he joined you. 
“Sorry for misunderstanding this mornin’. It must be hard to stay calm at that yelling.”
“It’s alright. We all make mistakes.”
“I understand that you are also ashamed of the fact that Makarov is your brother and I’m-”
“-He’s not my brother.” John remained silent. He didn’t expect that answer, no one would. “ We aren’t blood related at all. I found out when I wanted to give him my blood for surgery. Then when our friend gave him blood, and when he was recovering, I looked into his notebook and there was written that his father found me in the dumpster near high school in Ivanovo. They lied to me all my life.”
He was looking at your tear-stained face. Sobs filled the silent room. You calmed down, and you opened your wallet to show him your picture when you were a baby. You gave him torn picture. 
“Vladimir kept this in his notebook. They surely found it with me, but I don’t know where is the other half of it”
John looked at the picture and he asked you to wait until he finds something in his closet. He puts your picture on the table and opened his closet and started searching. When he found what he wanted, he left closet opened and sat at the table again. He looked at his hand and the picture again and at you.
“After 40 years, I finally found you.”
You looked at him confused, not understanding what he was talking about. Then he showed to you that he had the other half of the picture. You two were siblings, separated when your parents got divorced. Your mother took you, but they found you in the dumpster, even you don't know what happened to her. You stood up and hugged him tightly, tears started falling down your cheeks. You cried out loud, even others heard you crying.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t know. John, I didn’t know, I would never raise my hand on you.”
“Shhh. I know. Look at me. Don’t let it bother you that at all. Y/N, forget about that. Now you have an older brother.” you two chuckled. He was right, after all you went through, lies, war, you finally found your real family, your blood.
“C’mon Y/N, let’s tell the news to everyone in the base, and after that, we are going home, paps would be happy to see ya.”
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