#yeah definitely delete later this
collophora · 5 months
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I posted this on twitter at the beginning of the show haha joke on me.
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sherbetyy · 4 months
what if when duck said he “always knew he deserved to be dead” he also (maybe unknowingly) meant he excepts how their world works. like we all know he loves living in that hell hole of a home and love love loves when things go orderly and as planned. and he’s ALWAYS fucking dying so he’s sorta like . “hey. if this world wants to kill me sometimes that’s okay.” duck will just randomly out of nowhere says things like he knows too much about whats going on, but he just doesn’t care bc he believes it’s normal. and if he has any awareness of this thing specifically , i don’t think he minds as long as he gets to come back. because that’s always what happens and he’s okay with that. maybe he just thinks that that place knows what’s best for him, so he deserves what he gets. even if it means making him hurt from time to time
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n4rval · 5 months
consider: mad genius who's also a very kind and lonely old man
actually adores children and connects with them better than most people because they are both openly candid, creative and curious
struggles with the asexual conundrum of wanting a spouse and offspring but ultimately Sucking So Much Ass at building intimacy with another person he skipped that part altogether and mad scienced his way into a family
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kiwisandpearls · 6 months
genuine question! How does making an angel dust x fem reader fic actually take representation away?
angel dust is still gay in canon, a random fic doesn’t change that.
people headcannoning him as bi or pan also doesn’t change that he’s gay in canon.
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
Note to self: never again let it slip to an irl person that I write whump
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daydreamerwonderkid · 24 days
Jokes aside, sorry to everyone who got blasted with 3 days of nonstop Madoka Magica posting. Again, I don't normally live post reactions to things and I tried to give a warning or two ahead of me doing so.
But if you somehow missed those warnings, I do feel bad for you getting caught up in the tsunami of Kyubey and Homura posts.
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b4kuch1n · 10 months
haha! bit ill
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Great googley moogley it’s all going to shit! Every day becomes exponentially more terrifying!
And all perfectly timed to just right at the start of what’s supposed to be my adult life where I get my shit together and be useful and productive!
#we’re cooked#we’re doomed#idk the end is nigh or whatever god damn#I just wanna be able to live in my own house and draw a guy sometimes without the ever present threat of the horrors is that too much#apparently yeah cause houses aren’t achievable anymore but man#m a n#especially if you didn’t/couldn’t go to college and aren’t capable of working most jobs#doesn’t help there’s the chance some part of my existence might be suddenly illegal or extremely dangerous yippie!#the options are literally 1. people die 2. people die what the hell do you even do man#how the fuck is this the election I’m gonna get forced to be a part of we’re living in hell#and nobody around me believes it’ll get bad yay great oh so wonderful#I can’t wait to lose rights and cause millions of deaths regardless of who gets chosen#I think one of these days I’m literally just gonna die of stress#it’ll either be a stroke or a heart attack or cancer or uh well ya know#we’re fucked#we’re screwed#I wanna have some kind of an actually visible break down but ive suppressed everything so much that I don’t outwardly emote much anymore :)#and the constantly dissociating thing too I guess#if you ever think ‘oh yeah I can just think of guy in a situation that’s so cool’ don’t it’s a trap—#although tbh this would be significantly worse without it so uh law of equivalent exchange I guess#fuck fuck fuck anyway#not putting this in the main tags#definitely deleting this later#if anyone in my house got any hints that I may or may not have different opinions than them well uh I’m financially dependent on them so um#literally wouldn’t have anywhere to go if anything happened#oh we’re really in it now Simon#hell world#there’s like what 7 genocides going on too I hate everything I hate everything I hate everything#I can’t do anything to help anyone either cause I don’t have a job and I could get kicked out or treated badly at home for it#not that anyone thinks very highly of me at home anyway I am kinda family disappointment number 2 I pretty sure
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gloomy-prince · 10 months
Wild to see some people defending Mimi’s mom when she also said mimi is poisoning her little brother by being queer around him this update. I think you missed that part
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You ever just… get a powerful urge to make a character you love go through something incredibly painful and traumatic (like losing the person they love and rely upon the most) just to try to get some vicarious emotional release because you have no idea how to do anything with negative feelings except stuff them down as deep as possible until you don’t know how to even access them anymore?
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gothsuguru · 6 months
you know what
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me: hey if i see hateful stuff on blogs, i'm just going to block, report, and move on
me: *finds a hateful blog*
me: ...
me: *proceeds to hatescroll their blog*
me, later: huh i wonder why i'm so angry
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mewnia · 11 months
(also feel free to recommend other options or ask questions)
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weaponizedmoth · 5 months
I usually leave my DMs open universally for comm requests, but that horse is dead and I'm putting dms on just for people I follow again <3
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aphel1on · 2 months
i get soo mad every time a new hydro character gets announced or leaked and it's not a hydro claymore lmao. idk what part of my neurotype i can blame this on but it drives me up the fucking walls that it's been this long and it's now the ONLY weapon/element combo unaccounted for
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wekillitwithfire · 7 months
seeking honest opinions, is it worth seeking a diagnosis for something you know for an absolute fact that you have, and do not necessarily require accommodations for (or, more like there aren't any known accommodations offered that would help this specific thing)
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