#yeah he wants the chance to get the bad guy and have the spotlight. of course. lassiter’s whole life has been fighting for recognition. that
pinoruno · 4 months
it is very important to me that we as a society think about the bit in the first yang episode when lassiter is trying so so hard to convince everyone that yang is calling out HIM, not shawn and not another detective, as lassiter throwing himself in front of the proverbial bullet. he saw what happened to the last guy yang targeted. he doesn’t want to see that happen to someone else.
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kabukiaku · 3 months
What do you think of the Ghovie? :D
holy HELL man. to give my spoiler free thoughts: it was loads of fun. the concert footage was absolutely gorgeous. the sound quality was insane, I sang along through all the songs. ending left me shook and have more questions than answers.
for my thoughts that do involve spoilers:
my only real criticism but I guess it's just a personal preference: this was me merely having my specific expectations, but I was hoping to see Copia talk to his brothers in ghost form.
I did NOT expect Sister to kick the bucket.
Damn I'm not even a huge Copia enjoyer and yet I wanted to hug this man. He fr looked so stressed and conflicted.
FRATER IMPERATOR??!?! fuck man. I'm gonna draw that outfit.
the animated segment of Mary On a Cross was so so cool. i guess they finally gave in to the scooby-doo chase music allegations xD
NEW GUY? who are you. who aaaare you? I vote for resurrected terzo. hah. yeah right.
the implications of copia having a twin!!?!?
I saw terzo ONCE and I pointed at the screen. my boy....
copia getting a lil jumpscare when he inverts his cross necklace. haha.
how will this new era play out? will it be an homage to the first era?
nihil you were a delight. silly old man.
cant get the new song out of my head. good music. good message.
copia's speeches throughout the concert, ahhh really pulls at your heartstrings.
copia on the hot air balloon, fr thought something bad was gonna happen, but good chances are he was lost in his mind, and fuckin fainted. oof.
RAIN SPOKE. him saying 'so no encore?' had the same cadence as the vine 'so no head?'
ghouls were lovely. not as feral as usual? poor swiss. he didn't get much good footage.
phantom's wacky head tilts. he's so crazy. /pos
when nihil asked him to do the 'grucification' pose during SH my ass really thought they were gonna kill him on the spot or something.
OVERALL: a damn good concert movie. so thrilling. so much fun. I am happy that I got to experience this. despite the absence of our previous papas, we cling onto so dearly, I know the spotlight isn't shining on them anymore. it makes me sad, as I would've love to see Terzo in some narrative type media. Now, I await for what this new Era will bring.
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Beach Body (Idia x GN!Reader)
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Content Warning: Body insecurity, mild angst, self-esteem issues, self-deprecation (Idia)
A single speck of black was visible on the sandy beach. It sat alone, highlighted by wisps of fiery blue hair that peeked out from under its hood. The legs that curled up before the speck, tucked under its chin, were paler than the sand, as white as a sand dollar. The umbrella high above the speck was the only thing to shade it from the harsh, hot rays of the sun. It cowered away from them, as if it wished to disappear from the scene altogether. That assumption was correct - Idia would rather be elsewhere. 
The only reason the man was not back in the safety of his hotel room was the robot boy that played among the waves. Idia had made that waterproof body of his for the trip, so he could play with his peers like any other kid. Idia thought that would be enough; he could simply watch Ortho play from the balcony of their condo. Ortho had other plans, however. There was nothing the boy wanted more than to have his beloved brother with him out on the beach. He said it would be fun to make such memories with him. Though Idia silently disagreed, there was no way he could refuse those pleading eyes. 
So, here he was, sat alone on the beach while Ortho had fun. The boy would come check on him once in a while, try to coax him out into the sea to play with him, or to play in the sand. The only successful attempt had occurred two days ago, when the sandcastle building contest took place. To think Idia thought they actually had a chance at winning - laughable. It was bad enough that they weren't allowed to use magic; when Idia was asked to hand over his tech, and Ortho was told he couldn’t use any tricks of his own, Idia knew they were goners. They came in dead last that day. Ortho had fun, but never again would Idia expose himself to such humiliation. 
The black hoodie that covered his torso sweltered in the heat, but it was the best Idia had to cover up with. You won’t catch him frolicking about like some oblivious loser in a beach episode. That sunny spotlight was for the main characters, the hot NPCs - Idia was neither. He hated this so much…he let out a long sigh as he draped his arms over his knees and rested his chin atop them as he continued to watch Ortho. He cracked a little smile as he heard Ortho squealed in delight when Epel splashed him with water. Well, at least one thing he did was worth something. 
Idia flinched at the sudden sound of his name. He whipped his head around to look up at the person addressing him: [Y/n]. “W-What?” 
You pointed to his hoodie. “Aren’t you burning up in that thing?” 
Idia glanced to the side as he lied, “No.” 
“I can clearly see the sweat dripping off your face.” You tugged on his sleeve. “C’mon, you’ll burn up if you don’t!” 
“No!” Idia tugged the hoodie closer to his body. He glared down at the towel he sat on as he grumbled. “Geez, can’t a guy get some peace?” 
You furrowed your eyebrows at his sour attitude. “Are you still upset about the sandcastle contest?” 
“I’m not upset,” he mumbled. Another obvious lie. 
“Don’t be mad - ignore Leona and his bullshit.” You knelt down to look Idia in the eye. “He was just trying to get a rise out of you. You did a lot better than I would have.” 
Idia clicked his tongue as he scoffed. “You can make something worse than a pile of sand?” 
“It wasn’t a pile of sand,” you chuckled. “It was a cute little house! Ortho told me you came up with it; it’s the one from ‘Miko Doesn’t Talk’, right?” 
Idia’s eyebrows lifted, surprised you knew of the show. “Y-You like it?” 
“The anime? Yeah, I think it’s cute! I’ve only just started watching it though, so I can’t say much about it.” 
Idia let out a quiet giggle, “Noob - haven’t even seen a show that beginner grade.” 
It was your turn to scoff, though a smirk accompanied yours. “Well, if someone would come out of their room and talk to me more often, maybe I wouldn’t be such a noob.” 
Idia had nothing to say to that - he just rolled his eyes and looked back out at the sea. Ortho had come closer to shore, he and Deuce now looking for seashells. Baby games…but Idia thought it was cute how Ortho wanted to make them matching shell bracelets. He then saw you move out of the corner of his eye, a water bottle slowly coming into his line of sight. He looked back in your direction with a confused expression. 
“Here,” you said as you lifted the bottle closer to him. “I came to give you this. If you really have to keep on the hoodie, you need to drink more water.” 
“Water’s for normies,” he mused. 
“And heat stroke via stubbornness is for losers,” you retorted. 
Well, you had a point. Idia hated plain water, but he was thirsty. So, with an overdramatically annoyed sound, he took the plastic bottle from you. His fingers brushed against yours as he grasped the bottle; he quickly pulled away and looked down before you could see the pink of his cheeks. “Thanks…” 
“No problem.” Your smile was as bright as the sparkles that came with an SSR card pull. The swimsuit you wore made you look like the love interest in an otome game…why did Idia have to be like this? Before his thoughts could get too carried away, you broke Idia out as you spoke again. “Why are you wearing that anyway? It’s not even that windy today, and it’s not going to rain either. You don’t need it.” 
“You don’t need it,” Idia mocked in a voice that exaggerated yours. He scoffed again as he continued, “What do you want me to do, huh? Take it off and get laughed at by everyone?” He sipped his water sharply before he mumbled under his breath, “It’s not like I’m a protagonist with abs.” 
You furrowed your brow, “Epel doesn’t have abs, neither do Deuce or Ace, and they’re out without a shirt.” 
“They don’t look like a dweeb,” Idia grumbled as he took another swig of his water. 
“You do not look like a dweeb,” you said as you gently elbowed his side. 
Idia smirked again as he chuckled. “What do you have, x-ray vision? How do you know?” 
“I don’t,” you admitted, “but you’re not bad looking, Idia.” Idia glanced back your way as you finished your thought. “I’ve always thought you looked pretty cute.” 
Cute cute you called him cute aaaaahhh!!! 
‘Calm down Idia,’ Idia told himself. ‘You’re fine, you’re fine, you’re cool, you’re fine. Be cool, be…be cool.’ 
Idia managed a grin as he leaned a little closer. “C-Cute, huh?” He mentally called himself dumb for the stammer. “Like what, a puppy?” 
“No, not a puppy,” you laughed. “That’s more of Jack than anything.” Idia held back a laugh of his own as he saw Jack’s ears perk up in the distance. It nearly slipped when the beastman looked in your direction with a look between surprise and puzzled on his face. “I think…hmm…” You thought it over for a bit; honestly, Idia was afraid of what you might say. When you finally did speak, he was nowhere near prepared for what you said. 
“You remind me of the cute loner best friend the main character ends up with in a romantic comedy.”
Idia’s mind ran a mile a minute as he processed your words. Him, cute guy? Love interest in a romantic comedy? What? Good thing his hoodie hid his face when he looked down, or you’d see just how blushy he was. He barely registered the words that came out of his mouth in his flustered state. “Are you the main character?” he mumbled. 
“Huh?” you asked. “What did you say?” 
Idia quickly regained himself, though clumsily. “I, I, u-uh, nothing!” For the first time since he’d gotten to the beach, Idia scrambled up from his spot on the ground. “I-I just remembered I forgot, um…O-Ortho’s bag! Need that if he’s going to collect shells.” He was sweating more now than he ever had before. “I-I’ll see you later!” 
Never did anyone know that Idia Shroud could run that fast. Idia felt ridiculous, honestly - like some anime school girl that just got rejected by her crush. You hadn’t rejected him, but you surely would have laughed if you heard what he said. C’mon, you? With him? Laughable. You’d likely end up with one of the main guys, like Malleus, or Vil, or Leona.
It’d never be with him…never. Idia felt a lump form in his stomach as he slowed down. As his shoes clumped along the wooden walkway that led to and from the beach’s entrance, he tugged his hood further over his head. He could see his once blue hair was now a flaming bright pink. He groaned as he rolled his eyes to the sky, so very frustrated with himself. He told himself to be cool…when was he ever. 
“Get an actual beach body and maybe you could have a shot with the main character,” Idia grumbled to himself as he walked along. 
Hopefully you didn’t notice Ortho’s bag on the beach towel where he’d left it. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hello, can I have some headcanons of LJ, Toby and EJ with a y/n who acts like Ai Hoshino?
Various creepypastas w/ an hishino-type!reader!
OKAY SO I LITERALLY just watched the first episode/prologue thingy for the anime ai is from and lemme tell you. i fucking cried. like i knew how the first episode ends, more or less, but i still wasnt ready. she deserved more screen time frfr i wish to admit that i had a very hard time writing this one (not your fault!) since i struggle with writing characters similar to hishino SOBS so i sure hope this doesnt turn out too too bad! also if it sounds im ragging hard on ai/ai/type reader im so sorry TToTT i think its because i relate to ai a fair bit in regards to the whole masking/lies thing also spoilers at the end after all the hcs, has nothing to do w/ the request i just wanna yell ab episode one
Characters: lj, ej, and (platonic) toby
CWs; none!
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Laughing Jack;
when he sees you acting cheerful and happy and put together around him, hes none the wiser
he may eventually catch onto some clues if the mask slips, and when he does hes going to poke and prod and pry
"why so sad, sugerplum?"
when or if you drop the perfect façade hes kinda... taken aback
more or less not much changes but hes more likely to keep a closer eye on you, pick up on small things that effect you
in a weird way he can relate
outwardly presenting as a charismatic person ready to catch the spotlight, but in reality being an reckless and inexperienced kid
its... comforting in an odd way, and while i want to say that lj helps you better yourself, i think he would cling onto it too hard and you two end up feeding into the lies
like i want to make this cute and lighthearted but with how i currently see lj, i just dont see him as being... the best, even if he doesnt mean harm to you
i mean, you love him, right? thats not a lie, is it? sure... neither of you had really.. said the words to each other, for fear that it wasnt going to be true.. but, hes sure he loves you-!
honestly i think a raw and hard conversation is in order for the two of you to move forward and last
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Eyeless Jack;
catches on almost immediately, unlike laughing jack, hes good at reading folks
i mean he kinda has to given that when he needs food....
moving on
he sees right through you, and hes scared that he can understand exactly what youre deal is; another who understands where youre coming from, only real difference with eyeless jack is that hes not trying to keep some charming act up
he subtly urges you to let the mask fall and talk to him, human to semi-human-turning-into-a-monster-human... afterall its not like he has someone to spill your secrets to, given youre really the only person he talks to on a consistent basis.... even if you werent the only person he had he wouldnt dare share your issues with others
with that said, if he cant help you, he wont force his help onto you... at least for as long as its not getting to ridiculous heights
generally minds his own business but he would love to get to know the real you
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Ticci Toby;
obligatory hes written as platonic since im not comfy writing romantic stuff for him + im still trying to figure out just how to.. write him...
honestly i think its a 50/50 if he figures out something deeper is going on with you
on the chance he doesnt know, he just thinks youre a charming and bubbly person to be around albeit a little bit of a clutz... but hey when has someone not done something kinda dumb? doesnt think much of it, and things go on as usual
if he does find out youre only acting? i think at first hed be kinda mad, that you lied to him about... a lot of stuff, i mean can he really be sure he knows the real you? well, given the nature of your personality, yeah, to a degree he doesnt
as selfish as it sounds, i think hed need a minute to cool it before you guys can talk and find a way to move forward with the friendship. like i think ultimately hed come to some sort of understanding, since there was SOME ...genuine-ness.. to your actions
tries to make you cut out the pretending stuff outright, you can be genuine around him you dont gotta act like how others want you to act
ooooof yeah no im not too proud of this one but i didnt want to just give you nothing, so i hope that this doesnt totally suck to everyone else </3 again, im bad at writing like characters like this since obviously i feel i focus a lot on the façade thing anyways, below is me yelling about the first episode as mentioned above, spoiler warning !!!
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and when it showed the 1st birthday recording :( that just restarted the waterworks
i dont usually get so hooked on characters and feel for them this easily so quickly, but boy! was this an exception! maybe it was because the thing was an hour and a half long so thats a lot of time to get attached (thats probably what it was) but god
i knew it was coming but it still broke me
and when the babysitter lady offered to take them in
i might watch the rest of the episodes sometime, but idk how the rest of the anime is like after that banger opening
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carneirinha · 9 months
two birds with one stone
written for the 2023 carrie holiday fic exchange and for @scary-white!! hope you enjoy!!
sue comes up with the idea of going to the prom with one of tommy's friends so that both she and carrie can enjoy it, a decision that ends up saving her classmates' lives. (light carrie/sue/tommy. everybody lives and has a good time, novel accurate, etcetera :3)
Sue straightened the neckline of her dress, beginning to think that the polyester lace in her dress that she could feel brush against her skin so routinely would give her further troubles. There wasn’t much to focus on while inside the car, and all she could do at this point was hope that this wouldn’t be too overwhelming for the poor girl Tommy waited for at the door.
The two had made out outside the car, before picking anyone else up for the ride, like a kiss goodbye before they began things. That night, there would be no affection. Sue found it fair that way.
(wonder how theyll look together)
She had to admit, she wasn’t as much of a Christ figure as she thought she’d be on such an occasion: She caved in. One sunny sunday, two days after she’d hatched her plan, she called Tommy in his landline, and, after waiting for a minute or two for his mom to go ‘fetch him’, she asked a simple question: “Do you have any friends who don’t have a date for the prom?”
It wasn’t too selfish, she convinced herself. In a way, she’d just been giving another person the chance to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event that had been so widely discussed the entire year. But, ah, she was lying if she didn’t say she didn’t half do it just to listen to the bands playing, half slow music, half rock, feel the golden spotlight lights softly hit her hair, be absorbed by the overabundance of glitter cut out stars and crepe paper covering everything. This wasn’t just about herself
(she hoped she sure hoped she wasnt making it so)
but it was played out, in a way, so all would come out winning in the end. How bad could that possibly be?
After a few seconds of no answer, she felt like she had to jump in, explain herself further. “I’ve been thinking. You take Carrie. I take one of your friends with no date, I know you have at least one. We can spend the night together, Carrie will get to… well, have fun, and you’ll even be able to bring a buddy along…”
Tommy finally answered after what seemed like eternity, first with a chuckle, then “We’re doing the long haul, huh? I like your plan, though.” The guy he eventually settled on was Rodrick Wilson, a quarterback that, while mostly put as an emergency third, Tommy had an amicable relation with: “He’s really a nice guy if you get to talk to him, but, since he doesn’t talk much to girls, none of them wanted to ask him out and neither did he think of anyone,” he explained.
Susan, feeling like she had finally dropped a boulder that she’d been carrying before making the call, replied, “I’ll ask him when I see him.” and, as an addition, said “Thank you. I love you.” This time, the first sentence came out naturally, almost gleefully, like a child who’d gotten candy.
Tommy took a few moments to reply, taken aback. “I love you too.”
Neither had been this emotionally intimate before planning for the senior prom.
Sue’s proposal, on a rather slow and cloudy Tuesday, had gone a lot more smoothly than Tommy's had… or at least she liked to imagine it so. As Rod - how he was often called - sat down for the class that the two shared, she walked up to him and said, in the most casual, non-committal way she could manage, “If you don’t have a date, would you like to go to prom with me?”
The boy, who Sue noted had hair that appeared to be growing into what was meant to be a mullet but didn’t quite reach that point, cocked his head back in a lighthearted laugh that indicated he somewhat knew about what she and Tommy had been up to,
(oh god this was a bad idea)
then nodded and said, “Yeah, sure thing.” And that was the last of it. Sue went to her seat and class began as normal, surprised that at least half of the plan seemed to have gone well.
What was tough to endure, however, was the surprise that some made clear. Lots of people, of course, weren’t surprised and caught on to what was happening. But the ones that were, mostly girls, seemed to almost react to the rumours as if what the two had done was an impossible feat. One of these, of course, was Helen Shyres, when the Decoration Committee worked on the prom mural in the gym. “You and Tommy are going, right?”
“Yes,” Sue replied, as she painted a gorgeous sunset with orange coloured chalk. She made sure that it would be the most gorgeous Spring Ball that would ever exist. “but not together.”
Helen stopped drawing and the two looked at each other in silence, like Susan had just mentioned something unthinkable and profane. “Can I ask you about it, Sue? God, everyone’s talking.”
Sue stopped drawing. “Of course.” She put the chalk down and tried to beat off excess chalk from her hands, which were bright orange at this point. “I suppose I ought to tell someone. Tommy asked Carrie, so that she’ll get out of her own head a little, and I asked Rod because he just wanted to go but had no one to take him.”
There was a bit of an awkward silence, so, once more, she felt as if she should add some information to explain herself. “We’re still going to be together and have fun. We’ll even sit at the same table. We’re just wanting others to have fun, too. Besides… I owe Carrie this much.”
And, then, as she saw Carrie get inside Tommy’s Ford 1963, sitting next to her on the backseat, face half giddier than she had ever seen her before or ever, and half mortified, Sue couldn’t help but notice for the first time that she wasn’t hideous as people made her out to be. In fact, as they drove around in his car, street lamps casting shadows and illuminating her face all at once, she was quite gorgeous.
Her dark blonde hair, that she usually saw frizzy and styled for practicality, laid around her pale shoulders like a curtain. Her round face now seemed to be positively glowing, in a way, and even her dark eyes had more of a shine. Her full lips, she noted, were highlighted with a peach-coloured lipstick that suited her just right. Her figure, usually hidden away by cardigans and long skirts, was now accentuated - in almost every way, even if Sue didn’t quite pay attention to those things - by the beautiful, simplistic, dark red dress that she wore.
All she could say was, “Hi... Did Tommy tell you how stunning you look already?” Tommy, upon hearing that, seemed to smile and slightly nod, while driving. Carrie replied, timidly, “Yes, he did.” He didn’t lie.
The air in the gymnasium that night smelled heavily like synthetic fabrics, hairspray and crepe paper, but Sue didn’t mind. She was right, making the decision to still go to prom was worth it in her mind. She sat, with a glass of fruit punch, mostly people watching: It was a habit she often liked to do, especially in moments with as many people as this. The Honor Society had just begun collecting the votes for run off voting for Prom King and Queen, and, in some faces, she saw nervousness and anticipation for something, in others, boredom and contempt as their fellow students snatched the ballots from their hands.
Most importantly, her attention was redirected back to her table. They’d all collectively voted for Tommy Ross and Carrie White, as, when Tommy exclaimed, “Let’s vote for ourselves. To the devil with false modesty!”, Carrie laughed and
(oh she sounded cute)
immediately after, Susan followed with a lighthearted “Gee, I’m voting for you two as well. I just can’t compete like this.” When she looked over to her prom date’s ballot, he seemed to have done the same. Carrie giggled, before accidentally hurting herself with a splinter from her pencil after voting for herself. Susan’s eyes widened, but as Tommy began to comfort her, she couldn’t help but zone out as she figured things would probably be alright. He’d been treating her well the entire night.
She looked up. It wasn’t particularly remarkable: a regular gymnasium ceiling, but, if anything, she was drawn to it because of how unremarkable it was compared to how flashy the entire building looked, a sore for the eyes despite its beauty, what with the bright lights.
And then she noticed something.
There were two buckets above the lights that illuminated the stage.
Chris had gotten inside the gym during the Prom Committee decoration, and, as Sue’s mood soured as she watched her talk to Tina Blake - of course, the two were as close as they could get -, a question arose in her mind. “Helen?”
“Are they going to do something?”
Helen’s face seemed to somewhat distort itself, and, like an actor in a play, she replied, sweetly, “I don’t know.” Overinnocent.
“Oh.” Sue replied curtly, taking note.
(you know you know something: accept something goddammit if it's only yourself tell me)
The two went back to colouring.
She hadn’t seen those buckets there before, though it could have just been a small detail that her brain left out. Why wouldn’t it? As she examined it more, however, she couldn’t help but notice how out of place they were.
It was then she noticed the rope and the pulley set up near them, looking like a strange Rube Goldberg machine, that she remembered not seeing them before. It could be confetti or something equally obnoxious of the sort, but, if it were, she would have seen it be set up by a classmate or two when aiding with decoration.
The rope led to underneath the stage, as she tracked it down, and it was then a familiar, but alien feeling creeped up. She didn’t worry the entire night about Chris and her kind showing up and doing something, but it was then that the feeling hit her once more, like a sharp chest pain.
“Excuse me,” she said, as she got up from her seat, looking at Tommy who looked back at her with a confused look on his face. “I have to see something.” She slowly walked towards the side of the stage, trying to avoid bumping into Tina Blake and Norma Watson, who shined with pride and walked around collecting the votes like hyperactive ants.
When she did, she then noticed there seemed to be at least some sound coming from under the stage, muffled by the dark mint faux leather curtains that seemed to have been there since 1954. That strange feeling overcame her once more, as if something was incredibly, terribly wrong, and she pulled the stage upholstery up.
(thats hargensen i knew it i fucking knew it)
Blood rained down on the empty thrones, without anyone to crown.
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wandering-koyote · 9 months
Im using this chance to scream about my mortal kombat hot take that turned into a rlly long ramble (only loosely related bc its about two normal humans lol):
Everyone says Cassie and Jacqui shouldn't have been in MK11, since Cas has had the main character spotlight in MKX and Jacqui has the personality of cardboard, while Takeda/Jin are more interesting. HOWEVER I actually think they deserved to be in the game 500% more, but that Netherrealm completely fumbled them. Jacqui more than Cassie, like horribly so.
Both really need something 'unique' about them, and MK11 was that chance, but instead Jacqui is just. A plot device really. She only exists to support other character arcs and be a borderline macguffin for Jax to have motivation- her own damn tower ending is her dying to further someone else's life. MK11 should've given Jacqui something to define herself a bit more in the story! Some kind of plot!! Cassie's story is sorta interesting, but Sonya coming back kinda dulls the impact of Sonya, yknow, dying. Hanzo's death is more impactful since his character arc was just wiped, Sonya doesn't get that. The whole "you're my mom who just died but not yet because you're from the past and im really conflicted about this" angle was, as my dad who watched me play said, "really fucked up" (in a good way imo), but they really only confined that to one scene. If you're gonna go at that angle, put ur whole pussy into it babe!!!
Takeda/Jin have more than enough to separate themselves from their parents, so yeah Cassie and Jacqui really needed an extra game to grow. Unfortunately they didn't, they're just kinda static. So im delving into personal story ideas!
Cassie would've really benefitted from gifted kid syndrome- girl just killed a god and saved the world, mk11 shouldve rlly leaned into the idea that shes pulling herself apart to try and keep being the main character. Kid of Johnny and Sonya, god killer?? Make that shit keep her up at night. Make her take charge in every situation where the older characters aren't there, make her self sacrificial, make her want to be the hero not because she wants that fame again, but because earthrealm is notorious for crumbling without someone to protect it and she cant bear to have anyone else shoulder that weight. She did it once, she can take it again. Then make Sonya die doing exactly what Cassie's doing, sacrificing herself for the mission and for Earthrealm.
Then she comes back, younger and a little less hardened. I think it's infinitely better if we flip the whole "ur my mother" thing- make Sonya conflicted that this is her child who is writhing in agony over her mother's death and Sonya isn't sure what shes meant to do. Everything screams to go and comfort her- its her DAUGHTER for crying out loud, but how would Cassie react? Would it only make things worse? What the HELL did her future self do to make Cassie look at her with such mixed emotions? It's mentioned a few times that present Sonya valued work heavily over her family, and that it got worse and worse over time, so i think it should culminate in a scene where Sonya from the past tells Cassie that her future self was wrong- the mission isnt everything, and she has family she needs to look out for. I think it'd mirror the Johnny's well too, since old Johnny literally beat the shit out of younger Johnny because he refused to take his (future) family seriously.
Jacqui on the other hand? She just needs her own damn arc. Keep Jax becoming a bad guy, thats fine imo, but touch on the mother's death and Jacqui's feelings about it. Her damn MOTHER died and the story is completely "ohhh jax became a bAD GUY ABOUT THIS" and I don't even think Jacqui gets to like, I dont even think her death is mentioned around Jacqui at all. I think just adding a few scenes between present Jax and Jacqui would fix a lot. Have the two not talk since her death; Jacqui really wants to talk about it, acknowledge what happened and try and heal, while Jax is ignoring her attempts and distancing himself (depression) and simultaneously trying to protect Jacqui. Replace the Kronika and Jax scene with a scene of the two in a fight, Jax trying to tell Jacqui to leave the military and dodging any conversation about how badly theyre both hurting, while Jacqui is pissed that he's shutting himself off and is basically regressing her into a child as a way to cope. Jacqui leaves in a huff, and Jax alone going "please, i just want to protect my little girl", queue the clicking of the grandfather clock stopping the tears freezing midair. Dont even show us the conversation, just hard cut away- the fight tells us everything we need to know about why Jax is doing what hes doing. I think that ALONE would help with Jacqui a lot (we've acknowledged she has feelings about her mom's death and that she has a conflict with her dad going on now), but going further you might be able to replace the cassie/raiden scene with JACQUI instead. Have Jacqui be upset that Jax is so deep in grief that hes joined the bad guys, and that she cant even tell what type of person her father is anymore. Is he the father that pushed her on the swing when she squeeled 'higher!', who hugged her so gently with his metal arms, or is he the man he is now, joining with criminals and thieves and murderers in the name of her 'protection'? Is that who he's always been? Have Raiden tell her that it doesnt matter who her father is, but who SHE is. Is she the type of person who give up on her dad? Or will she look him in the eye and tell him "I love you despite everything" and fight to save him?
Jax and Jacqui should reconcile before the boat scene entirely so they can get a plot beat to just talk. Too much action for a pause in the boat scene. My timeline of events is iffy but maybe this can happen at the Tiara scene- iirc Cetrion LITERALLY threatens to kill Jacqui and Jax is STILL on Team Kronika after this. CMON. Have Jax switch sides and attack Cetrion when she tries killing Jacqui- Past Jax is a bit iffy to me as an addition to the scene, he doesnt rlly add anything. Have Jax snap out of everything at the realization that its not the military putting Jacqui in danger, its HIMSELF. Have him admit hes wrong, and the two finally get a moment to grief (even if briefly bc the world is dying again). Have Cetrion note this interaction too. Whens the last time her mother ever hugged her like that? When was the last time they grieved the loss of Father? Even MENTIONED Father? Is Kronika even her mother beyond just the name? Hot take but have Cetrion try and betray Kronika at the end of the plot because of this moment, and Kronika goes "lmao no" and absorbs her essence anyway.
VERY LONG ASK I KNOW BUT I NEED TO GET THIS IDEA OUT!!! It also adds a layer of theming around family and love, something thats vaguely there in MKX and MK11 but its like. Hidden and an afterthought. Jax protect Jacqui bc shes family. Cassie is grieving the death of a family member. The villian is the mother of two other villians and kills one and discards the other. Cassie and Jacqui deserve better thats my message im here all night folks
Yesss! The family themes need to hit hard! This is why I’m sad they rebooted when we could’ve had more familial growth, but maybe we’ll get it in the next few games 😭
I don’t have much input because I agree with so much (if only I could ring up NRS and get you hired)! BUT IM POSTING CUZ YOU COOKED FR FR AND NEED RECOGNITION 🔥🔥🔥
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thequietmanno1 · 2 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 117, Replies Part 1
1) “What nightmares lie waiting now that we had a force ghost give Koichi a powerup? God only knows, and with each passing chapter I fear he abandoned us. Now, let us see Koichi kick ass, on Chapter 117: The Bad one
2) Oh god you mean the other chapters weren’t the bad ones?!”-Well, from a certain point of view, the title could be referring to Koichi finally cutting loose with his magnum cannon of a fist, or it could be referring to Fires Georg showing in in a futile attempt to steal All Might’s spotlight, or it could be referring to Furuhashi’s brainwave idea to have legit force ghosts appearing in a situation outwith the OFA/AFO mental connection MHA has.
3) “OH JESUS FUCK POP IS TRYING TO WAKE UP BUT FURUHASHI IS TOO STRONG AND IS KEEPING HER DOWN”- She still got up….after a fashion. Just, left most of her fleshy part behind to show up for Koichi’s cheerleading session.
(Vigilantes ch 101) 4) “Also, where’s Midnight? Why isn’t she here? Her quirk could’ve put all of them to sleep, or at least she could try to do so.“- Midnight’s here to serve as the last line of defence between Nomura and Pop, and also as support when she starts flatlining. (Vigilantes ch 116) 5) OH DID YOU NOW, KOICHI
6) “Well of course, Knuckles also visited her and told her to get up.”- You tried to joke about it, but….
7) “Yeah Pop, fight on, since you can only do so when you’re in the fridge apparently.”- And even that amounts to her giving moral support to both a dying Koichi and Nomura as they tether on the brink of passing on. 8) “NO KOICHI DON’T SNAP YOUR FINGERS, YOU DON’T KNOW WHICH HALF OF THE UNIVERSE YOU CAN END UP ERASING”- Judging by your drunken binge following this, I bet you wished it was the half of the universe that conspired to allow this Bizarre ghost plotline to be birthed from Furuhashi’s mind. 9) “Koichi you fool, the power was inside you all along~And here comes the newspaper again, but now you can simply go “no <3” and brush it off”- Koichi legit could have overpowered Nomura’s best punch attempt here with his own arm cannon. Poor guy never really had a chance against the sheer force of the writer’s pen giving strength to Koichi’s blows/as much bullshit power-ups as he required.
DID YOU FUCKING FORGOT WHAT GHOSTKLEDUSTER TOLD YOU?”- Yeah, but he still doesn’t want to actually fire it. Perhaps one of the biggest hang-ups about liking Koichi’s role as the protagonist is his absolute adherence to never physically assaulting anybody- even here, he just resorts to tearing apart the plasma body to weaken Nomura, rather than strike the obvious weak spot in the head.
11) “PISS OFF KNUCKLES, GO TO THE OTHER SIDE ALREADY GOOD LORD YOU HAVEN’T SHOWED UP FOR AN ETERNITY AND NOW YOU REFUSE TO LEAVE”- And even when he leaves, Furuhashi just drags him right back before the curtain falls.
12) “Debatable, we still aren’t sure he has one”- If he did have one, it swiftly burned apart in his own self-cremation here. Though the lack of change to his usual demeanour when interacting with Koichi one final time indicates he never really put those brain cells to much work even when he had them.
13) “For pete’s sake, first McBee has a tulpa that turns out to be fucking AfO, now Ghost knuckles refuses to fuck off, can someone call in an exorcist already?”- At the rate we were going, I was expecting Koichi to Ghostbusters somebody by the end in some kind of spiritual final battle with Nomura – it’s not like the craziest ideas imaginable wouldn’t have fitting into this off-the-rails situation by the end.
14) “Why do I feel that any moment now Pop’s ghost is gonna show up to tell him that murder is okay in this particular situation”- You tried to joke about it, but Furuhashi was talking all suggestions as good ones the day this chapter came out.
15) “Koichi, with part of “it’s kill or be killed” you didn’t understood? Do you want to end up like knuckles there?”- I mean, he is sorta half-dead at this point – or at least in-tune enough with the spirit world to speak with actual ghosts. That said, at least the continuation of his character arc ended better than Knuckles’ did.
16) “Yes. Because guns are for pussies, real heroes kill with their hands. That’s the logic we want you to follow Koichi. Kicks are also in, as long it’s not below the waist.”- For Evidence, look no further than what All Might did to AFO with his meaty fists of supreme justice. @thelreads
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superscourge · 1 month
Honestly, Sonata would be loved by inmates and guards (with some people being an exception).
He's going to be nice to them, helping out, hell, he would probably offer to do some jobs there until he can leave (if he ever does). I believe the skeptical ones would be Zonic (Zone Cope Sonic) and possibly some higher ups, cause Sonic probably pulled more than just "He's been hiding in my universe" with them.
Which now brings the possible timeline of events before this hypothetical. There is probably a chance that Sonata started being a hero, which was probably around the time Sonic started being a trouble-maker/villain, which would be coincidential. Since variants of Sonic are always "the good guy" while variants of Scourge are always "the bad guy", there is already a potential blame on our innocent Sonata for the chaos Sonic is causing, that is if Sonic finds out about this weird little universal knowledge.
Pretty much, Sonic always has an upper hand in some way, even as a villain, and this kind of knowledge would just give him an ego boost and possibly a scapegoat.
Yeah, if this Zone Jail thing ever does happen, they would definitely believe the guy who is from the universe this stuff is happening in over the guy who is from a universe filled with the worst people ever. Sonic definitely would have to pull some strings relating to Zone laws and Sonata's past just to get him out of the way.
Afterall, who would want this green wannabe to take the spotlight? Surely not Sonic.
(My gut is telling me to not send this, I don't know why. Sending anyway, can't wait to see your reaction)
THIS IS HONESTLY RLY GOOD yaya. i love "sonic always has the upper hand even as a villain" idk why that hit nicely
godddd. something about villain sonic is really getting me
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Got A Secret, Part 2
Summary:  It was all up to you to help sell a lie
Pairings:  Dayton White X Reader
Rating:  mild
Warnings:  language, gaslighting, manipulation, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.3K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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You walk into Dayton’s home living room, and MacRay holds out his hand to.  You raise up your eyebrow, and watch him wiggle his fingers around, palm facing up, “What?”
“Hand me your phone.”
He rolls his eyes as he looks you up and down, “You know the drill.  You’ve seen it a few times.  We went through your public social medias, but I need to know what’s on your phone.”
“Dayton!” He grimaces, but mouths out a please, and you hand it over to Doug, and sit in front of your ‘boyfriend’.  “So what other humiliating thing am I going to have to do?”
“We need a timeline.  It’s easy to put the two of you together, because you’re always there, but we need a narrative of when this started.  Especially to get rid of our other issue,” Ray sits down beside Dayton.  His gaze goes in between the two of you, while he waits on either of you to come up with a timeline.  
You didn’t care.  It didn’t matter.  It was all fake anyways, and you’d leave it up to the professionals.  Since they didn’t give you much of a choice, you weren’t going to help them.  It was absurd.  
“You’re on dating apps?” MacRay lifts up from your phone.  “Seriously?  And there's unopened messages.  Great.  Now we’ve got to pay these people off.”
“First off, I didn’t ask to be linked with Dayton.  I am doing him and you guys a favor.  He is your money.  You can’t sell him, you lose money.  Secondly, I joined a dating app because I’m always going from coast to coast for Dayton.  I don’t have time to date the traditional way.  So you can back off.  This is Dayton’s mess that I am obliging your stupid fantasy world to get him out of it, and I won’t be apologizing for being a woman and wanting a companionship.  Pay them off.  You ruined my chance of dating anyone ever again anyways.”
You were bitter, but more importantly you were sick and tired being made to be the bad guy in this situation.  Dayton was the one who screwed up, and you were doing all of them a favor, and they still had the audacity to like you were public enemy number one.  
“Shooting star,” Ray looks over at Dayton, and then back at you.  “We’re going to rebrand you as Dayton’s shooting star.  Try to keep you as private as possible.  And soon this will all be but a memory.”
“And then he goes and fucks another young girl.  Then what?  Maybe the real problem is Dayton’s inability to grow up and nurture real relationships.”
“Maybe you need to quit talking like I’m not here.”
“I didn’t ask for this life.  I didn’t want to be in the spotlight.  So yeah, I’m pissed off right now, and you’re going to get what I give you.  Be ready for constant sarcasm and anger, because that’s how I feel, and that’s how I’m dealing with this.  I met a nice guy.  He called me a bitch because I lied to him about my famous boyfriend.  You know, a little bit of a warning would have been nice.”
Doug hands your phone back, adn you don’t even want to look at what he could have removed.  You had watched in live time as your social medias were being modified right before your eyes.  Now everything you posted had to be pre-approved.  Your family was untagged from posts, so they weren’t part of this nonsense.  Things had only gotten started and you were exhausted.  
“Little Miss pop tart is putting a bit of a hitch in our timeline.  Dayton, you’re gonna have to take a hit,” Ray looks over at his client shrugging.  “She’s got time stamped texts.  You and Star over here had been talking, but it wasn’t serious.  But when you were ready, you dropped it all.  I’ll make sure that a source sends a tip into the gossip columns, and blogs.”
Well at least he wasn’t coming out unscathed.  And here you thought that Dayton was going to be the good guy in the scenario.  He looked sad, and you couldn’t quite put your finger on why.  He was saving his image, while you carried on a lie for who knew how long.
“How long is this supposed to last?”
“I’m thinking at least a year,” you sink back into the couch.  A year.  A whole year of playing a part.  It was annoying that you were the one putting your life on hold, and you didn’t even know why.  “I see you have questions, but Dayton has been selling the whole I want to settle down, wants to get married, and want to have kids for a while.  He had people talking about the fact that he was pandering to his audience.  This gives them a steady relationship to talk about.”
“It’s a lie.  And a year?”
“I figured that’s all you would agree to.  Two to three years would be ideal.  After the first seven months you’ll move in here.  There’s plenty of room that you can sleep somewhere else, but we’ve got to sell this,” unbelievable.  They were really trying to con you into covering up Dayton’s indiscretions.
“His fans and social media are actually responding well to this.  There’s a few naysayers, and we’re hoping with the public outing it’ll put this to rest,” Dayton was eerily quiet.  Just sitting there like a kicked dog with his tail in between his legs.  “But the overall reception had been positive,” you hated them all right now.  But Doug was particularly getting on your nerves.  It was always going to be about the image.
“So we’re going to do this downtown.  You’re going to have a nice lunch.  Go walking around, and even go to the grocery store.  Give the people the idea that you’re normal.  Mundane things sell.  Because you’re just like them.  I don’t care what you talk about, just look happy.  Look like you want to be together.  We’re going to have Mickey outside the restaurant, and he’ll follow you to the market, and he’ll wait on you outside.  I’m thinking you need to get some wine or beer.  A few snacks, make it look like you’re coming back here for a nice evening at home.  A few weeks from now, we’ll station some moving vans outside, and that will be all for awhile.”
You lean back staring at the ceiling, “I hate all of you.”
“You were the best option, and you have garnered favor with the fans.  It’ll be a big step for Dayton’s career and yours.”
“And Dayton says nothing,” you sit up and stare only at him, “You played me.  You could have had the decency to call me, text me, anything.  But no, you waited until I couldn’t say no.  You knew I wouldn’t.  You knew I would do what it takes to protect you and your precious image.  But after this…I can’t do this.  I can’t work for someone that won’t give me the courtesy of asking me if this is okay.”
“Great,” Doug claps his hands, standing up, “I got your stylists ready to coordinate your outfits.  And you can drive to the restaurant.”
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“Do regret it?” You ask Dayton.  You lean your head over to look at him.  He looked too focused on driving, and the car was stifling.  There was too much tension, and it drove you nuts.  You hope he was able to act his ass off, because you still wanted to strangle him.
“Which part?”
“The stupid girl that you were fucking?” He quickly looks at you, and gives you a quick glare, before looking back at the road.  “The part that involved me?”
“If there was another way, don’t you think I’d take it?”
“Uh-uh.  What we’re not going to do is play your son story with me.  You got yourself into this mess, and like always, you’re letting someone else clean it up.  Do you regret getting me involved?”
Taking a deep breath, he pulls into the parking spot, and smiles over at you, “Since I have to be in this shitty situation, I’m glad it’s with you.”
“That’s not a fucking answer.”
“Media training, Shooting Star.  You’ll be getting it, too.  I’m sure there will be interviews.  You gotta learn to shit the narrative to be what you want it to be.  I’m thankful for you, and I’m glad that I have to have a fake relationship and live in girlfriend with you.  I am not implicating myself in this trivial game of questions that isn’t going to change anything.  It is what it is.”
“Normal people don’t do this,” he gets out of the car, and jogs over to your side.  Opening up your door as he lets you out.
“I’m not a normal person.  The photographer is going to be towards your left, under that boutique awning.  So when we come out of the restaurant, he’ll get what he needs, but he is following us.  We also have cell phones to worry about.  Everyone has the ability to catch us on video or camera.  We want photos.  Videos show everything.  Just go with it.  Pretend you actually like me.”
It was hard to do that considering you hated him at the moment.  
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“I don’t like this.”
“Don’t open your mouth too much,” Dayton tells you, sliding his arm around your waist.  His hand settles on your hip, and you turn your head to look up at him, “Smile,” you give him your best nervous smile, and he leans down to kiss you.  Just a short quick peck, but there was a part of you that enjoyed it too much. The way his lips were so soft, and the way his matcha lingered in them, “Smile.  People read lips.  Keep it simple.”
“Okay,” you whisper, and his hands slides on your back, and into your hand.  Annoyingly you found his fingers weaving in yours romantic.  This is how you wanted to go out for a walk with a boyfriend.  Not a fake one either.  
He leads you into the grocery store, and you sigh in relief.  “Don’t drop your guard.  Cameras everywhere.  The only place we’re safe is at home,” his home.  Being forced to be your home shortly.  It wasn’t fair.  “You’re doing great, sweetheart.”
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“And look at this,” Doug throws down a few gossip magazines that you push across the coffee table away from you.  You didn’t care.  Pulling the throw up closer around your neck, you lay down on the couch, and enjoy some warmth.  “You’re the talk of the town.  Got a few wanting exclusive interviews, and eventually we’re going to have to make this public relationship official.  How would you like to do it?  Joint instagram posts or an interview or…?”
“Wouldn’t it make more sense to wait until the moving vans gets here.  Give people something to speculate again?” You hated yourself.  Why would you offer this as a solution?  It did make perfect sense, but you didn’t want to help them out anymore than you already were.  “People enjoy the drama.  They enjoy figuring things out.  Leave a few cryptic messages, and they want to decipher them.  Want to know if they’re close to the real answer.”
“I like the way you’re thinking.  Play this game of what is going on a bit longer.  Is this real?  Is it a fling?  Is it marriage?”
“It’s not,” you deadpan.  Marriage would not happen out of this deal it was out of the question.
“Where’s Dayton?”
“He’s on a run.  He needed time to clear his mind.  I stayed home.  I don’t want to be more public than I have to be.  Now we’re in a bubble and a bigger radar, because people want to know the truth.  I’m sure your photographer has gotten paid, and has done well for these exclusives, and I just want to take a nap, and be left alone to deal with my thoughts about my fake relationship with my fake boyfriend.”
“You know,” He begins.  His voice was slimy and you hated the way it made you cringe.  As if this situation wasn’t bad enough, you felt icky with him.  “You don’t have to make this completely a transactional relationship.  You were on a dating website.  I’m sure in a year it’ll get lonely.  Have some fun.  From my understanding Dayton is a good lay.”
“I’m just saying.  Things could turn real.”
“I don’t date actors,” you roll over on the couch, putting your back to him, and sigh.  “You never can trust them.”
While it would be easy to have something physical with Dayton, in the long run you knew it would make things more difficult.  You were stuck with him for at least a year.  Stuck in this house, and stuck on set with him.  Being around him was unavoidable now.  Add in a physical relationship, and it would get weird.  Possibly make you closer in ways, but at the same time, it would make things too real.  This wasn’t.  This was fake, and it was something you were selling to the public, and unfortunately also to your family that didn’t understand the game.
Things may only had just become, but you were about to be with Dayton non-stop.  Work with him, and come home to him.  Even on set, you would be going back to his room.  Everything relied on this little lie that was beginning to get bigger.  But there was no way you would trust Dayton with your emotions.  That kiss felt too real, and his hand felt too good on your skin.  You couldn’t get caught up in his fake feelings.  You wouldn’t.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedjanes @missusbarnes-rogers @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @peaches1958 @thedarkplume @rebekahdawkins @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers
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erstwhles · 4 months
"I want a Syv drabble so bad lol just to understand his mind" / ask and you shall receive! @survivics
a brief study of syver carlow and callum holloway
Syver adjusts the visor of his helmet, watching as his friend wraps up his conversation across the rink. Friend. Isn't that a funny turn of events?
When Callum was first signed to the team, there was a mixed reaction in the locker room. It isn't often that someone with a professional tryout makes the cut, and though Cal came in hot from the start of training camp, he eventually found his way. Some of the veterans in the room were eager to accept him, but the older guys tend to stick together just like the younger guys can usually be found in a group. And as the young guy with the most tenure, who knows the city and the team best, Syver is the unofficial leader.
After all, he has already paid his dues. Making it to this level is a dream, but being drafted to a city like San Jose, a team in a perpetual rebuilding process after having a taste of temporary success... Well, it felt like the first two years of his development were a waste.
Still, being traded hadn't been his goal. It's a team sport, and if Syver learned one thing in all his years playing on a team, it's that you do what is best for the group on the ice.
But of course, it's a business first and foremost, and then came Ottawa. The headlines are still fresh in his mind: analysts debating whether he could be of any use on a new team. A young team that seemed to already have all of the necessary pieces. The media spent weeks discussing whether or not he was capable of being the difference maker that he was lauded as during the scouting process for the draft, and it was a long offseason, but who wouldn't be excited to have a chance to be a breakout star on a team in need of guidance? Why couldn't that be him? Just because there was no space for success in San Jose didn't mean he couldn't have a fresh start here.
And for his first season, everything went well. Call it beginner's luck or perhaps stubbornness, Syver's breakout season was proof of his ability. Of what he could contribute on a team that had a clear path to success lined up.
He never doubted that. At least not until Callum was signed.
6'3", 235lbs. Callum represented an outdated style of play. Less skill than sheer physicality. Not to mention an attitude and a quick mouth that wasn't limited to the ice.
The fans were immediately enamored, thrilled to have an old school player in the spotlight. Syver, coming off of a record season was not so impressed. It didn't help that Callum came into the locker room with a hot head and an opinions on everything, and given that introduction, he wasn't the only turned away from him and his style of play.
But it's a team sport. And he doesn't have a say in who he fights beside each night on the ice. Though getting to know Callum had never been a priority, there are enough travel days and bonding events to force their proximity. Take today, for example: training together because they happen to use the same facility.
And they aren't the only ones. Callum pushes away from the boards, laughing as he waves his friend off. Mi? Miyako? Syver vaguely remembers when she introduced herself earlier in the day, but then, his focus had been on training. Now, chest heaving from effort and shoulders rising with each breath, he has time to observe the two together. Friend, Callum had said, but his smile is telling, and why does it bother him so much to see that? Callum has a life outside of the team, outside of the divided locker room they both share?
Syver rolls his eyes as he leans down to loosen his skates, and by the time he is finished, Cal is back beside him.
"Took you fucking long enough. Thought you said you didn't know her that well," Syver says, nodding toward where Miyako sits across the rink.
"What?" Callum's cheeks are flushed with effort. "Yeah, so? We've both been skating here for years. She was just saying hi. That's it. Don't be an asshole. Or a creep. I know it's hard for you, but still."
Scoffing, Syver rests his hands on either side of him. "Funny. I didn't say anything. She seems..." Whatever the thought, he finishes it with a shrug. She seems like she likes Callum. And apparently they have history. "And you're just friends?"
There is a longer pause as Callum's eyes shift until eventually, "Yeah. Friends."
"In that case, you can't get mad when I say that you should invite her tomorrow. Ask her to hang out with the guys to head out after the game."
"Invite her?" Callum's brow furrows. "Like, ask her to hang out with us after the game?"
"I mean, if you're just friends, why not?"
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lunatriense · 22 days
You're An Image Caught in Time by ChipAndDealer
My favorite chapter so far is chapter 4 because it actually shows Jaune in a bad spotlight without bashing.
Literally without Cardin or Ruby shaping him up Jaune is actually an asshole.
Scene in chapter 4:
“Jaune Arc watched the exchange from a distance, a thin frown curling his lips. So much time and effort down the drain, wasted, with nothing he could do about it. He should have accepted Pyrrha's offer to train him, no matter how patronizing she made the suggestion. He should have trained harder himself. He shouldn't have spent so much time futilely going after Weiss. He should have won a single spar, at least.
Too late, now.
"Aren't you going to tell them?" The man beside him asked, voice so smothered with fattening smugness it sounded like a strawberry covered in chocolate.
"And watch them gloat?" Jaune asked back. "No thanks; I'm leaving tonight, less chance of a confrontation that way."
"Good idea. Who needs that headache?" The hummed for a moment, considering. "You should see what lien you can lift off the tall guy's stuff before you go. He won't miss it, and we've gotta get you new clothes."
Jaune hesitated. "I don't-"
"What? You don't think he deserves it?" The man jerked his head toward Cardin, laughing and making some inappropriate comment, it seemed, though Jaune couldn't hear it from this distance. "He's a loud, dumb, brute, everyone can see it."
Yang crashed a punch against his jaw that sent him flying, leaping forward to continue the assault before he'd even fully hit the ground.
"He's worthless, undeserving. He was born with everything, and for all your work you're not even close to what he has," the man whispered, poison dripping from his tone. "The school can tolerate him because he's… what? Bigger? Richer? But you, who actually wants to be a hero is cast to the side? It's despicable."
Jaune felt his hands squeeze into fists. "It's not fair."
The man smirked. "Make it fair."
Jaune's hands relaxed, slowly uncurling. "Yeah. That's all I have to do." He turned away, walking with purpose toward the dorms. "I'll make things fair."
When the three other members of team JYNC finally returned to the dorm, it was to find all of Jaune's things missing, and Jaune himself? Surrendered to the same fate.
Cardin didn't even notice the money stolen from his bag until two weeks later.”
I find it funny that despite no bully arc and all of the support you could use to better yourself: Jaune does nothing with it.
He blames everyone and even makes Pyrrha the bad one is very in character for him (he was an ass to her).
You did this to yourself Jaune: not Ruby, not Pyrrha, especially not Cardin.
You have all the tools and yet did fucking nothing…
Goes to show you that Jaune is too easily influenced and manipulated to commit crimes.
That's perfect, and totally true. That's exactly him, exactly how he'd be, except for he'd probably be throwing himself a pity party because Weiss "wouldn't give him the chance he deserved" or some shit.
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destinygoldenstar · 10 months
Total Drama Danganronpa Island Chapter 4 Deadly Life Spoilers:
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I genuinely think that this moment, and the exact line “I’ll make you walk the dock of hell”, will remain as one of the most SAVAGE and SATISFYING things I have written.
Regardless of how you feel about Courtney, this is a W I feel she deserves as her revenge on Chris.
Chris is the definition of a ‘love to hate’ character, and an irredeemable monster who hurts so many people here just for the sake of satisfying himself and getting entertained. He has proven over and over again that he has no intent to change at all, no matter what gets thrown at him to destroy his image, which is now crippled by the killing game and the Mastermind’s council being fed up with him. So what does he do when one of the kids commits suicide? The very kid that was making his endless games possible? Use it as an opportunity to let out his frustrations. As well as, you know, poke fun at the kys victim. (This is a bad guy doing that. Please never do this.)
The suicide victim so happens to be Courtney’s best and closest friend. So all of this behavior puts her over the edge and she finally snaps.
After all the torment that Chris had indulged her in, robbed them of a peaceful life, robbed Courtney herself and screwed over a moral high ground for the sake of himself and not what she felt was justified… she cannot take it anymore.
So when she sees the opportunity in the rules to kill Chris, she takes it. And she ends the unfairness and unjust once and for all.
Notably, shes not doing this to save Bridgette. She doesn’t really care. She’s doing this to kill Chris. (She even says such in the chapter)
I rewatched the show, specifically with Courtney’s scenes, and yeah, that sounds about right for her to do if she had that chance. At least that’s how I view her character… who I felt I neglected a bit since Chapter 1, so now she’s a spotlight here and she gets a W all to herself. Courtney stans can get some food.
Burn in hell Chris McLean. Walk the dock you put so many teenagers on, teenagers that were corrupted by you.
You will not be missed.
And if you’re asking if I was ever planning on killing Bridgette in this execution and there was some sort of switch: No.
You better believe I’m taking every single risk I can think of. I just killed the host character, and we’re only on Chapter 4. You better believe the rules have become very twisted at this point. I’m even kind of scared of myself and my choices, especially going forward, despite me planning this ahead. (I’m asking myself “WTF author? WHAT are you doing?!”)
But at least now I have an original line to say to demons when they haunt me in my sleep. “Walk the dock of hell b***h. I know I’m too stubborn to see a therapist on my insomnia, but I don’t care.”
Also, so you know, I have a tag for this fic. #total drama danganronpa island
You can tag posts talking about this fic with this so I can find them and see them easier, if you want to discuss it in any form. I won’t respond to everything, it depends on the subject, but you know, it’s there.
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lazyauthor9000 · 1 year
Casey jones jr x singer! reader plz!
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A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out, BUT WE LOVE CASEY JR HERE, MUAH. Also, as I've said in my rules, please do make sure to add how you want it, or it may not be to your satisfaction!
Paring: Rise!Casey Jr. x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Type: One-shot
Reader: Gender-neutral
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"I've only ever heard these in stories, but seeing it in person is just... Wow!" Casey was really amazed by all the beauty and life buzzing around the cities. It was a big change for him, really. After literally being hunted down for years and having no rest with having to keep on a look out constantly, it was uncomfortable at first but he was starting to get the hang of it.
Currently in the underground city, Leonardo was walking along with his brothers, seeing around until his eyes landed on something. "Hey, guys, take a look at this!" Leo looked all giddy so Casey walked over and stood next to the blue turtle. It was a poster. There was no other explanation and Casey could only raise an eyebrow in confusion, "Who's this?"
Leo was about to explain until Donnie and Mikey pushed him aside, "That's (Name), their band is the most popular as of right now." "I've been a fan ever since their first song came out!" Donnie sighed in content until he was pushed aside by Leo. Mikey nervously laughed and quickly went to check out art supplies that were on display.
"Any-ways... Since you haven't developed a good taste in music yet, I thought maybe we could take you to one of their concerts." Leo grinned. Raph nodded, "Not a bad idea, Leo! I'll grab the snacks when we get there."
"Yeah! I'll go ahead and text Sunita and Cassandra if they'd like to come." April had already taken her phone out, quickly sending out a message.
"Donnie will buy the tickets-."
"On it."
Casey could only chuckle at their antics, wondering what in the world a concert was.
(Name) appeared on the stage. They stood in the front of the spotlight, trying to see through the fog. (Name) breathed in, then out. It was time to give a performance.
They put on a bright smile, "Are you all ready to hear some music?!" They moved their mic towards the crowd, hearing the cheers from the audience. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"
The crowd only cheered louder. (Name) nodded in satisfaction, putting the mic to their lips when the drums and electric guitar started.
Casey was mesmerized. Their vocals, the way they moved to the rhythm, just everything about them had Casey choked up.
Leo noticed this and nudged the boy, winking teasingly and cheering along with the crowd. Casey's eyes just wouldn't leave their form.
After such an experience, he couldn't stop talking about it. The turtles were glad they took him, as he seemed to look a lot brighter than other days.
A few months have passed since that fateful day of his first ever concert, and since then he's been getting to know about their music. Casey became obsessed like never before. The songs that played in his earbuds almost everyday really motivated him to keep moving forward.
And here we are. After a while in waiting in line, Casey nervously looked up and saw (Name), his literal idol. He was at a meet and greet that everyone urged him to go to, and so he took that chance.
He was stiff as a board as he walked up to the stand, making (Name) chuckle as they waved, "Hey! How are you today?" They greeted excitedly, grabbing a marker to sign whatever Casey brought. Casey tried to seem confident, but he couldn't help but feel so nervous. He gave (Name) a white t-shirt as he tried to calm his nerves. "I'm doing well, how about you?"
(Name) signed the shirt and looked up at him, "I'm doing quite well myself, thank you for asking!" Casey felt his heart swell at that. Seeing as he was the last person in line, (Name) urged him to sit down and talk.
"So, what do you think about my music?" They asked, interested in what he had to say. At that, his thoughts, questions, everything that was on his mind had eagerly flooded from his mouth.
(Name) welcomed it with a big smile as they answered some questions and left some out to figure out on his own. They both got along quite well, it was refreshing not having to put on a fake smile all the time.
(Name) became intrigued by the boy. They couldn't place their finger on it, but he felt... Different, somehow. Not in a bad way, of course. As Casey rambled on, (Name) listened, chiming in here and there so as to not stop him from talking as they quite enjoyed his company. The time finally came where Casey had to leave as time ran out for both of them.
Although a bit bummed, he felt light and a lot more warm than usual. He didn't know what to call this feeling, as it was a first.
"It was great talking to you, I'll be looking forward to seeing you again at my future concerts!" (Name) smiled and got an idea. They grabbed a sticky note and quickly scribbled down something. "I don't give my number to just anyone, so keep this between us, yeah?" They handed it to Casey.
Casey stared in awe, quickly nodding, "Of course. Thank you for your time, it was a pleasure meeting you!"
Bidding your goodbyes, Casey knew he would never forget this day as he exited out of the building. He smiled to himself and neatly folded the paper to stuff it into his pocket.
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A/N: Trying to get the feel of writing again, hopefully this was okay and you enjoyed it. <3 If anyone is interested in giving writing tips, I'm all ears!
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84reedsy · 1 year
A Toxic Savior
Prompt: Drunk Confessions #11 Pairing: Scott Hall/OC Word Count: 1587 Rating: M (Language and steam) Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, drunkenness, mentions of sex
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Beth was hardly startled by the middle-of-the-night calls anymore. She was used to never getting a proper night's rest on the road. Weeks of traveling, every night in a different hotel - her life was rapidly resembling an 80’s lament ballad. But the pop of the crowd once you stepped through that curtain was worth it. That adrenaline rush as they chant your ring name or even as they booed you when putting over an opponent, it was an orchestrated pageantry that made one feel invincible. For those moments in the spotlight, it was worth it. Well, most of it. 
Beth groaned as her hand blindly searched for the ringing device on the bedside table. As she flipped it open, she didn’t need to look on the screen to know who it was, or at least who it was about.
“Hello?” She mumbled, praying for once it was a wrong number, she could easily drift back to sleep now, if only she were that lucky.
“Hey…Hey yo, Beth-any,” Scott’s slurred words were nothing new to her ear, but none the less, still disappointing.
“Scott, I’m sleeping,” She rubbed her hand across her eyes and sat up, she knew where this would lead.
“You should come and party with us, doll! Its early!” He sounded pretty far gone. A glass smashed in the background and she could hear the muffled tones of an argument building. 
You’re not his savior, Beth, you can’t save him from himself. 
She could have that manta tattooed on her forehead, but she knew they were empty words. She turned on the bedside lamp and began rummaging around for anything to throw on.
“Scott? Is everything ok?” She asked, hearing the voices getting more and more heated in the background.
“Yeah, this jabroni doesn’t know who the fuck he’s talking to,” Scott said, definitely in earshot of whoever he was talking about. He was always so combative when he was wasted, “Lucky my bud Kev ain’t here or we’d both be kicking his ass up and down the fucking bar,”
So, he was alone. Drunk. In a bar. She wondered if he’d tried to call Kevin and if by chance, that phone call had been ignored out of self-preservation. She knew she should practice that kind of restraint instead of torturing herself. She just couldn’t say ‘no’ to the bad guy. Her logical side knew he was getting the better of her all in the sake of unrequited longing. 
“Scott, calm down, don’t get in trouble,” She warned, holding the phone against her shoulder as she tried to step into a pair of shorts and pull them up without falling. More glass breaking and more swearing. She’d better get a move on it if she wanted to keep him out of jail.
As Beth entered the bar, it seemed like any other; dim, smelling of stale smoke, and old whiskey, but as her eyes adjusted, she noticed the upturned barstools and the glass shattered on the bartop. And there was Scott, leaning over the bar, his fist balled up except for a violently pointing finger, his mouth spewing some pretty vile insults. The bartender was smart enough to stay out of the large man’s reach, but was vollying every insult with a return of his own. 
Scott always had to have the last word. 
“Hall,” She called out, stepping over a barstool laying on its side. She used his last name, hoping it would keep things from getting too personal. Who knows how much he’d had to drink, but he was a textbook Hyde/Jekyl drunk. As soon as her voice hit his ear, he turned to find her. 
Scott relaxed when he saw Beth making her way to him, he could always count on her to show up. What was the point of even having friends if you couldn’t call on them every once in a while.
“You here to take this asshole home?” The bartender barked at her. Beth was caught off guard by his tone, but instantly knew that his annoyance was likely justified. 
Scott’s personality switch flipped again. 
“Why, you think you have a shot with her, asshole?” He grabbed Beth’s arm and pulled her behind him, “She’s here with me, got it?” 
Beth pretended that his words didn’t affect her. She pretended that she didn’t want to be with him. She pretended she didn’t want to be the girl that he took back to his room every night. But she couldn’t deny that the way he put himself between her and another man was flattering. What woman doesn’t want a man to covet her sometimes. 
“Scott, c’mon, its been a long day. You need to get some rest,” Beth cooed at him, placing a soft hand on his flexed bicep. Why did he have to be so muscled and strong? She pulled at him gently, hoping he would respond to a kind redirection.
“Fine, whatever man. Go fuck her instead of tearing up the fucking place,” The bartender threw a towel on the ground, frustrated by the mess in front of him. 
Scott laughed, but turned to look at Beth, swinging a heavy arm around her shoulders. 
“This guy actually had a good idea,” He drawled slowly, “Take me upstairs and make a man outta me, Be-tha-ny,” He grinned lazily, but luckily he was moving with her towards the door. 
Beth felt her chest squeeze a little bit. If only he knew how often she’d imagined doing just that. How many times she’d fantasized about all the things she’d be willing to let him do to her. He hinted at them many times while blitzed out of his mind, but when sober, its like the thoughts never existed and platonic friends is all that they’d ever be. 
She didn’t want to stop being his friend, either. It was nice to have someone to travel with, who knew who you were. Someone to have your back and champion for you and your career. Scott had been those things, too. SHe wouldn’t have gotten over with the fans without him. She wouldn’t have her current angle without him putting in a word with Vince. 
“I don’t know that I could handle you, big man,” She said, struggling under his slumping body weight as she tried to call the elevator. Once inside, the doors closed and she used the wall to help prop him up. 
“Ah, sure you could, I’d start off real easy, take care of you real good,” His eyes were barely open, but he droned on, “I bet you taste real sweet,” he chuckled, looking at her now.
Beth’s face was burning hot, this small metal room seemed to be closing in on her. She really hoped he would pass out soon. He may not remember his words, but she definitely did. Phrases like that burned themselves into her memory.
“You’re so silly,” She chided him as if he were a child, hoping to deflect the rising sexual tension. 
“Why haven’t you kissed me before,” His face leaned closer to hers, “Nothing wrong with a little kiss between friends,” Scott licked his lips staring at hers. They were slightly parted and offered no words of rejection as he closed the distance. 
Beth winced; this was not the first time they’d kissed. This was a common request of his when she’d escort him away from bars or clubs. Never sober. 
He tasted of high dollar whiskey, sweet but pungent. She worried she’d catch a buzz from the taste of his lips alone. His tongue was heavy and clumsy. 
“Mmm,” he groaned, “can’t wait to taste more of ya,” His hand reached for the waistband of her pants. She grabbed his wrist to hold him back as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Luckily, the hallway was still empty as she redirected his attention to walking. Her lips still felt the weight of his, as if they’d left an invisible imprint. 
It was not easy to manage his leaning weight, swiping her keycard, and opening the heavy door. 
Scott stumbled forward, his vision blurry, but he made out the outline of a bed. He kicked off his shoes, nearly tripping on them. He pulled his shirt over his head tossing it to the side. He unbuttoned his jeans, but fell backwards on the bed before any other clothing was discarded.
Beth had been holding her breath as he stripped in front of her. She couldn’t decide what she felt more, relief or disappointment that he’d stopped. She sighed as she wet a washcloth and walked over to where he was sprawled out on the bed. She dabbed the sweat from his forehead, pressing the cloth lightly to his ears, his cheeks, his neck. 
“What am I gonna do with you,” She mumbled at him, “You’re a mess,”
“Don’t worry baby,” His eyes were barely open at this point, his bare, hairy chest was rising and falling more and more slowly, “I’ll get it up for you. Give you the riiiiide of your life,” 
She stifled a laugh, he only made this offer when he was three sheets to the wind. Somehow it was still enticing. She shook her head as his eyes finally closed all the way.
“Yeah….but you’re drunk,” relieved that he was finally passing out.
His eyes were still closed and his words were barely intelligible. "Yes. And hopelessly in love with you."
He always said the same thing and her heart ached a little more each time.
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.32--Episodes 22-1
I have watched through S4E1; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—My feels have been decimated. I should’ve expected a scene wherein Rumple visited Bae’s grave, but I didn’t. OUCH. —It’s pretty cool that Snow and Charming named their son Neal. I wonder how Rumple feels about that.
—Men who wear rings are>>>>>>>>
—I just can’t stand that Dr. Hopper officiated Rumple’s wedding. *weeping happily* *definitely got hit in the feels again* *actually having a pretty good time for once* Is he licensed to do that tho? Also, I adore that he’s the kinda guy who cries at weddings 🥰
—I knew it was a bad idea for Emma to bring that lady back, but I didn’t know it would be this bad! Of all the ladies sentenced to death she could’ve saved, she had to save Marian?
—Look, I love Elsa more than life, but there ain’t no way she’s not gonna hog the spotlight at some point. Her own sister gets trampled to tell her story—which I don’t mind, because Elsa’s story kills me me in the most beautiful way—but these others characters don’t stand a chance.
—It’s so fun that Emma gets to be in the book now!
—I want Hook and Emma to be together, but I’m not entirely sure I have faith in her feelings for him. She’s acting kinda weirdy, so I’m not sure it’s completely legit.
—I’m so sick of Aurora and Philip. I hate them for being in Storybrooke.
—Time will tell whether I end up pleased with the Frozen characters or wish they’d just gone for a fresh Winter’s Child idea. So far, this is much more Frozen than any of the other stories have been their source material.
—I do know that I’m not thrilled with Elsa’s design. I would’ve liked her face to match her original design more—some purple eyeshadow, a darker shade of lipstick, and if not thick, at least full eyelashes. And her dress should’ve gone in the opposite direction; her ice clothes are literally impossible to recreate in a satisfactory manner. Besides, the other princesses don’t wear their signature clothes. (Hmmm…I’m starting to see a trend here.) I really would’ve loved to see a new Elsa dress, maybe reminiscent of the original, but something new and different. Also I’m mad that Anna is just wearing her movie outfit, too.
—But Elsa is still a gorgeous gorgeous girl. So pretty. Stunning.
—Sydney has really just been in the basement this whole time. Poor guy.
—The dancing scene with Belle and Rumple was outstanding. Using the Beauty and the Beast song? Iconic. Finally getting see Belle in a proper princessy dress? No complaints there. RUMPLE IN A FAIRYTALE PRINCE OUTFIT? I’M ABOUT TO COMBUST!!!!
—I’m glad I’m not Regina. Having Robin reaffirm his commitment to his marriage (note: not necessarily to Marian herself, cause he’s lived without her for a while) would’ve just made me fall in love with him more.
—I love the way this show depicts the way people change each other. It’s not just the big, dramatic things, like how Henry changed Regina or how Belle changed Rumple; it’s the little flashbacks that show us how Baelfire shaped Emma’s worldview. People are like different waves in the ocean: we bump into each other all the time, flowing into each other’s lives and experiences, and each time we do we shift each other’s trajectories ever-so-slightly. It’s beautiful.
—Yeah, I’m putting myself off the fence. I do not like the start the Frozen stuff has gotten. It’s too much like the movie.
—Lmao Belle’s last name is literally French.
—Is that the hat from the Sorcerer’s Apprentice? Because good golly I would like to see Yen Sid. Mickey Mouse might be a lil preposterous for this show, but Yen Sid could work.
—It’s kinda funny how all the important stuff just ends up in Rumple’s store. It’s also kinda funny that in all of Storybrooke’s crises, there hasn’t been a single mob raid on that store.
—Anna is serving some young Natalie Portman vibes (specifically, Padme) and I’m low-key here for it. I mean, I have my issues with Padme, but goshdarnit was she ever pretty.
—Am I finally get to know who wrote that book? I’ve been wondering that since the first season.
—The ice trail Elsa left behind while she was walking through Storybrooke had some major slug energy. Lol
—It might be kinda fun if Elsa and Anna’s parents were sort-of badguys in this movie. They were kinda s u s to begin with, might as well just go whole hog on it. Besides, bad parents are a theme in this show, so it wouldn’t even be out of place.
—I hope we get to see Elsa’s coronation. Have I already said I’m dubious on the Frozen stuff? Yes, I have. But…it has capacity to be different. It has the potential to tell Frozen’s story in a somewhat new way. And most importantly, it has the possibility of seeing Elsa in a pretty coronation outfit and crown.
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horselover107 · 2 years
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Tagged by @toshsato
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
It’s still a WIP (although we’re in the final stretch and I literally just updated it), but From the Dust Returned. It’s shaping up to be my longest on going fic by the time it’s completed. I’m super excited to see it through and eventually write the planned sequel in the series.
Malpractice I really love taking two characters never got to meet in canon and figuring out what their dynamic should be based on what we know about them. This fic was a really fun exercise in doing just that. Also Rupesh is super underrepresented in Torchwood fic/poorly utilized on the show itself, so it’s nice to have that character get a chance to shine in the spotlight a bit.
My Peace Has Always Depended on the Ashes in My Wake: So with anything released during a bang I think my first reaction is “holy shit I finished it! It actually exist!” But more than that —this was such a fun character piece. The ridiculous amount of Gwen Bashing in this fandom has always made me kind of weary of writing anything where she’s “the bad guy” because it runs the risk of getting comments like “yeah see she’s the worst”. This fic (and concept provided by Violet) kind of let me go “actually she’s a very sexy, very sympathetic villain with a badass hitlist and her very own badass coat in this AU. Sexy evil (complimentary) lady belongs to me”, and really draw off her love for loved ones from canon. Violet drew very pretty art for it and @torchwood-99 made a very badass video for it with one of my favorite songs from Tangled the Series, which I also adore.
Ain’t No Lie Baby (Bi, Bi, Bi) Look at my girl! Look at my bi girl. High key this one touched on some topics that are very personal for me
Let Me Keep You Warm sometimes I just enjoy tropey Janto fluff (with some character exploring elements). That’s what this is
The From the Dust Returned Sequel. It’s going to be about Ianto trying to reconnect with his family/explain to them how he’s alive (and a robot now), while also finding out about Blind Summit. There’s something really interesting in Ianto and Rhiannon’s dynamic where if the audios are taken into account, they both think the other sibling was the one pushing them away, and keeping the other at arms length (meanwhile Ianto is pretty convinced he wants a relationship with his niece and nephew despite the fact he’s also paying them off not to bother them, and just, you know he somehow blames Rhiannon for the fact he does that).
Maybe this will be the year I finally finish and post that murder mystery party fic 😂
I’m not sure if WIPs that are currently partially posted count, but I’m excited to finish From the Dust Returned and Tell the World I’m Coming Home
3) I’ve gotten way better about finishing! I’ve finished two previously posted and at the time unfinished fics this year! And I’m on track to finish both WIPs I started this last year.
I think I’ve continued to grow with characterization. I tackled some characters I’ve never written before this year and really got to figure out what makes them tick.
Plot structure! I’ve gotten way better at shaping fics towards where I want them to go and the beats of the plot I want to hit.
Finish more stuff! I really want to write more this year and follow through on finishing what I started
I want to work on some original work this year. I don’t know what yet, but I want to begin plotting an original story again.
1. You know I have some serious answers to this, some really badass lines and gut punching dialogue. But no. We’re going to go with the entirety of Case File #69 but particularly:
“There have been some survivors that weren’t fully sucked, having gotten away beforehand. Medical examiners are describing them as appearing a bit ‘blue’. One of them plays for Manchester, the one with the ball sponsorship; you’ve seen them in Tesco. His balls are blue.”
I’m not sure who’s not been tagged yet, but low pressure tags for @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe @torchwood-99 @shejustcalledmeafish @violetmessages @monstermince and anyone that wants to do it
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