#yeah i changed it i think as soon as we were done talking yesterday
meespresso14 · 3 months
Unexpected (Part 2)
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Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI
Warnings: mentions of sex, pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, medical issues.
Once things settled down and the hostages were rescued safely with only minor injuries and mental anguish, Hondo decided it was time to pull Luca. The team could finish up without him, it would be alright. Luca was working with Tan and Street. Hondo sighed, getting himself together. The adrenaline was still rushing through all of their veins. He walked over to the group.
“Luca, can we talk for a minute?”
The color drained from Luca’s face, his classic smile fading from his lips. Hondo noticed him swallow hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Yeah, boss. What’s up?”
Deep down inside, every bad scenario was running through Luca’s head. Was it you? Was it his parents? 
Hondo’s eyes panned over to Tan and Street before they panned back to Luca. Everyone was wearing a worried look. 
“It’s Y/N. Annie was on her way to the hospital with her. She passed out at home. I was waiting until things calmed down to pull you out as soon as I could.”
Luca’s blue eyes instantly filled with concern before he shook his head, attempting to pass by Hondo. “I gotta get out of here, man. Like now.”
“Listen, listen—I know, Luca.”, Hondo grabbed his shoulders, trying to center him. 
Luca was fighting back tears—he couldn’t show his emotions. That’s not how this worked. He was taught to be tough—even as a child. 
“Just be safe about it, man. She needs you.”, Hondo eyed Luca.
Luca couldn’t meet Hondo’s eyes. He only stared past him, however, Hondo could see the tears pooling in Luca’s deep blue eyes. He hated breaking bad news to his teammates. It seemed like only yesterday when Annie had her stroke and he had to tell Deacon. It was the worst part of being the team leader. 
“I know.”, Luca breathed, voice barely above a whisper.
He rubbed his hand over his face. “What happened to her?”
Hondo shook his head. “Captain Cortez didn’t give me any other details.”
“I gotta get down there. I need to see her.”
“I know. One of us can go with you—if you want.”, Hondo added.
Luca nodded. “Okay.”
Hondo nodded, finally feeling better about Luca leaving. It was decided that Deacon would accompany Luca since Annie was at the hospital anyway. Hondo told them both to be careful and to keep the team updated on your condition. Luca didn’t even take time to change out of all his tactical gear. He just cared about seeing you—making sure you were okay. Deacon noticed him shifting in the seat nervously. 
Luca felt like a cat on a hot tin roof. His face scrunched nervously and Deacon could tell he was spiraling. 
“You okay, man?”
Luca looked over at Deacon. “Honestly…..no.”, he sighed.
Deacon nodded. “It’s okay not to be okay. I was beside myself when Annie was sick.”
Luca nodded. “I’m just thinking of everything that could be wrong with her.”
“It could be something minor.”
Luca scoffed. “Knowing my luck—no way. I mean she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, Deac. She understands me.”
Deacon kept driving, determined to get Luca there as fast as he could. “I know.”
Deacon didn’t check his phone after texting Annie that he was on his way with Luca. Traffic was horrible as per usual in LA. Deacon was a good driver, used to dealing with the congested highway. 
“I could have driven.”, Luca grumbled, crossing his arms and shifting in the seat for the thousandth time. 
“Sorry boss’s orders.”, Deacon shrugged playfully, a soft smirk crossing his lips.
Luca slumped over against the door, his anxiety getting the best of him. He thought he would handle stress better than this. And to be honest, he was a little angry at himself for getting so worked up. But this wasn’t just anything—this was you, the love of his life. He had never felt this way about another woman. He was going to marry you. And soon, especially after this. If everything was alright with you. His mind was racing with possibilities, going through any and every scenario.
Deacon knew what he was doing. He had done the exact thing when Annie was sick. He knew Luca felt guilty about leaving you and going to work. Deacon weaved in and out of traffic in an attempt to get to the hospital faster. Luca huffed and puffed, silently cursing the traffic and hitting the dashboard of his truck. 
After what felt like a hundred years, they finally pulled up to the emergency room entrance. Luca hardly gave Deacon time to shift his truck into the park before he was jumping out. Deacon threw his hands up, making sure he was parked at least halfway decent before jumping out of Luca’s truck with the keys and running to catch up to Luca. 
Luca cleared the automatic doors, instantly going to the registration desk. 
“Can I help you sir?”
“My fiancee is here.”, Luca threw his hands down on the desk, tapping them nervously. 
“Your name?”
“Dominique Luca. I should be on her paperwork.” 
“What’s her name?”
Luca gave them your name. He wished in that moment you shared his. He wished he could call himself your husband. 
“She’s in room three. I’ll take you both back there.”
Luca nodded as he looked back at Deacon. 
“Want me to follow?”
“Yeah, man. It’s fine.”
Deacon nodded, imagining that Luca needed the emotional support. The registrar opened the door and met Luca on the other side before the door to the main emergency room opened. Nurses were running around like crazy, the desk right in the middle of the room. The registrar talked quickly to a nurse and she nodded, looking at him. Luca forgot he had left his SWAT stuff on. 
“Officer Luca?”, the nurse asked, holding her clipboard.
Luca nodded. 
“Your fiancée is in room three. The doctor will be in shortly to give you an update.”
“Great. Thanks.”
“No problem, follow me.”, she smiled softly and part of Luca wondered why she was smiling when his entire world felt like it was falling apart. 
Part of him felt angry but he decided to hold it together. Deacon was behind him as they snaked their way through the emergency department to room three. The nurse grabbed the blue curtain, pulling it back.
“I have a visitor.”, she sing-songed.
Luca held his breath. Were you awake? All these questions were running through his head and he was finally going to get his answers. There were a lot of sounds in the emergency room from young children crying, people moaning in pain, and all the alarms going off constantly. But it was like everything went silent as he waited for the nurse to move back to reveal you. His mouth pursed open, trying to find the right words to say. 
You were lying there with your eyes open, a small smile on your face. “Hey babe.”
Annie was beside you at the head of your bed, holding your hand. Annie was a great friend and you were very thankful for your SWAT family. Annie smiled, realizing Luca and Deacon had arrived. She let go of your hand and moved to give Luca room but he wasn’t waiting. He rushed over to you, tears forming in his ocean-blue eyes.
“Hey, baby. Are you feeling okay?”, he immediately asked, taking you in his arms. 
Your heart monitor was beeping in the background but neither of you was paying attention to anything but one another. He kissed your head, brushing through your hair before you both smiled at one another. 
“I’m so sorry for leaving you this morning.”
“Stop that.”, you whispered lightly. “Don’t beat yourself up. It’s not your fault.”
“It is—I should have stayed home with you. You needed me.”
“Baby, I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
“But I’m gonna be okay.” 
You smiled softly as you touched noses before sharing a small, soft kiss. Luca thought for a moment that he would never get this opportunity again. Your lips felt like heaven and he was so relieved. 
“So everything is going to be okay?”
“Mostly?”, Luca questioned, concern evident in his voice. 
“Sit down, babe.”, you rubbed his muscular arm gently. 
This was it. Luca felt his heart plummet into his stomach. This was the moment you were going to tell him—you were going to give him the bad news. Luca swallowed hard, his legs beginning to feel like jello. He was never this easily rattled. But this was you. It was a whole different ball game, it was okay to be vulnerable. A lesson you had taught him. Annie helped by scooting a chair closer to the edge of the bed so he could sit down beside you. If only he knew what she did. 
Luca took a seat, immediately grabbing your hand. Just as he did, the doctor pulled the curtain back, getting everyone’s attention. 
“Officer Luca?”
Luca looked up at him, and the doctor immediately extended his hand. Luca took it, shaking his hand firmly. “Glad you could join us. I’ve already talked to your fiancee’ but she wanted you present as well.”
“Sorry—my job is a little demanding.”, Luca laughed nervously. 
Luca’s blue eyes panned over to you, still managing to give you a soft smile as he squeezed your hand. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. 
“We’ll be outside.”, Deacon breathed softly, grabbing Annie’s hand and exiting the room as quietly as they both could. 
“Alright, well. First of all, her iron level and blood pressure were low upon arrival to the emergency room which aided in her passing out at home. We have already given her an iron infusion along with some fluids but are admitting her overnight for observation. She will possibly need another infusion next week depending on the results of her blood work. On to other news,”, he smiled softly.
Luca was confused while he was smiling. 
“Both of these were results of another finding.”
“And that is?”, Luca questioned bravely.
He needed answers. 
“Congratulations Officer Luca. Your fiancée is pregnant. HCG levels are perfect for an estimated four weeks pregnant.”
Luca’s eyes widened before he turned to you. Did he really just hear what he thought he heard? It was the sentence he had waited forever to hear. 
“Pregnant?”, Luca repeated. 
You smirked softly. “Pregnant.”, you whispered.
“What? Babe!”, he exclaimed, a relaxed feeling finally washing over him as his lips curved into a smile and his blue eyes softened before he immediately took you into his arms.
You giggled lightly, wrapping your arms around him. It felt nice to be in his arms and you closed your eyes, taking in this feeling. You always did—just in case there was a day he didn’t get to come home. You hated to even think about the possibility but you knew that was part of what you signed up for. You always prayed for his safety along with his teammates. He pulled back to look at you, tears in his eyes. 
“I’m really gonna be a dad?”
You nodded before both of you laughed easily. 
“Congratulations to both of you. We will let you know as soon as we get you a room upstairs.”, the doctor smiled before leaving. 
Luca turned back to look at you. “I can’t believe it—but I thought you wanted to get married first.”
You shrugged easily. “Life sometimes throws curveballs.”
Luca smiled, rubbing your cheek softly. “I never thought this moment was ever going to happen for me. I thought I was always going to be stuck as Uncle Luca.”
You both laughed before you began to speak. “You’re an amazing uncle, so I just know you’re going to be an amazing dad.”
Luca smiled brightly at the compliment. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.”, you began. “But I’m not gonna lie I was a little anxious to tell you.”
You nodded again. “It’s just nerve-wracking. I mean I didn’t know if you wanted this right now.”
Luca sighed, shifting in the chair lightly. “I get it. I know you wanted to get married first. I mean—I know we weren’t being safe like we should but we weren’t exactly trying either.”
You giggled at the use of his terminology. “True.”
“Deacon and I even had this conversation this morning—and I thought there was no way in this world you were pregnant.”
“Me either, honestly.”
“But I’m thrilled. I can’t wait to be a dad—I can’t wait for you to start getting a little bump.”, Luca touched your flat stomach. 
You placed your hand over his. 
“Maybe we should move our wedding up.”, you smirked. 
“Sounds good. You tell me a date and we will make it happen, babe.”
You all shared another kiss before you began grinning widely. 
“Maybe we should let Deacon and Annie back in.”
“Yeah, maybe.”, Luca laughed. 
Luca let go of your hand just long enough to walk to the curtain and open it, telling Annie and Deacon they could come in. They followed him back inside the small curtained room. You could only hope that your and Luca’s relationship could be like Deacon and Annie’s—maybe even better. So far, he had exceeded every expectation. Deacon smirked at Luca and you were unsure if Annie had clued him in. 
“So Luca, was I right? Is there a chance we will have a fourth-generation SWAT member?”
Luca smirked back, elbowing Deacon playfully. “Maybe.”
You and Annie looked at one another, laughing while not being surprised by their horseplay. 
“Yeah, you were right Deac. I’m gonna be a dad.”
There were obvious tears pooling in his blue eyes and Deacon couldn’t help but smile as he pulled Luca in for a hug, patting his back. Annie couldn’t help but give a soft smile before her eyes panned over to you. You couldn’t help but notice the tears beginning to pool in your own eyes watching how excited Luca was. This was better than anything you could have imagined. 
“Well, guess it’s my turn to be an uncle now.”, Deacon smirked. 
"How long until we can tell the rest of the team?", Annie chimed in. 
You looked at Luca and he looked back at you, softly caressing his thumb over your hand. 
"What do you think, babe?"
You giggled softly before noticing Hondo, Chris, Jim, and Tan walking through the emergency room through the small slit in the curtain. "I'm thinking soon."
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1for5 · 5 months
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chap 4
y/n pov:
okay scratch that. i would have to do all athletes. okay new research:
a comparative research on the academic resilience of students and students part of the basketball team in the university of connecticut.
much better. i can have more focus on the people in my research. and plus, the basketball teams are the most known in uconn, which could make them have different perspectives. but first.. i would have to ask their coach first. i may ask aubrey if she can bring me to their coach, his name is coach geno..?
after their training (and an hour of peyton giggling), i went up to aubrey and told her about my research.
“yeah! i could definitely ask coach geno, he’s in the other room though to get his stuff, but he’ll come back soon” aubrey replied with enthusiasm. “thats great! thanks aubrey. i would also have to ask the men’s basketball coach, but ill check tomorrow since its already late” i mentioned. aubrey and i got to talk a little bit more, aubrey asking me why i was even in their training the first place.
i said that peyton’s crush is in the team, which made aubrey laugh. when we both looked behind to peyton, we see her talking to azzi. smooth ass..
coach geno finally got out of the other room, and aubrey introduced me to him.
“oh coach! this is y/n, and she has a small favor to ask” aubrey says. “hello coach geno! i am a freshman taking psychology, and i wanted to ask if i could have your team to be part of my research” i smiled.
“what’s it about?”
“their resistancy in regards to their school work sir”
“will it hinder their skills?”
“no sir”
“how long will this take?”
“maximum of a month i believe, but it still depends”
“as long as the team says yes and it wont be a distraction, then im all for it. goodluck y/n, and welcome to uconn!” coach geno replied with a small smile. “thank you sir! it means a lot” i smiled back.
i went back to peyton, who was talking to azzi, and introduced me to her. azzi then introduced me to the other players— to nika, kk, paige, and caroline. i guess i still needed a formal greeting even with the event that happened yesterday.
i then proceeded to ask the whole team about my research idea, and they were all willing to help me. just needed to contact the men’s basketball team now.
after small talks, we all headed back to our dorms. i feel better with the team already, they’re all quite playful, just have to ignore that one blonde, paige. we haven’t talked a word to each other, and i won’t mind if we don’t talk at all.
when we arrived to the dorms area, we all bid our goodbyes to some of the members and the others headed to the same dorm building as me. turns out that everyone that has the same dorm as me lives on the same floor as me.. this will be fun. my “floormates” are nika, ashlynn, ice, kk, and paige. azzi along with caroline and the others were at another dorm building.
we all bid our goodnights, and aubrey and i went inside our dorm. we both were too tired, and got unready and head to our beds quick.
“goodnight y/n!”
“goodnight aubs”
the next week
the last days were great. men’s basketball team is on board with my research, and my introduction and rrl is surprisingly done.
today, i will start to interview the women’s basketball team, and i am thinking of doing observations with them as well— like having group study sessions and know their behavior and thoughts.
its now 2pm, two hours before the team’s training, which gives me enough time to interview some people. i text aubrey saying that im near their court, and was asking who i can interview first.
aubrey: paige is free
goddamn it.
oh well, let’s just get this over with. i open the court’s entrance, the team seeing me and greeting me.
“so, who can go first?” i ask the team, i really didn’t want paige, she will just give me negative energy for the rest of the day. she is always so.. negative towards me.
“i dont think we can.. coach wants us to do 25 laps as penalty! but since paige wasn’t there when the team was goofing around.. she’s free” azzi explained. “what did you guys even do that made coach geno be in fumes?” i asked.
“teased coach about paige dating on of his children.. they’re our age though” aubrey steps in. “oh id send you guys to 25 laps as well” i joked. “whatever!” azzi says.
i told paige to come with me the the bleachers, still being nonchalant.
“so where do we begin..” i hummed. i could feel that paige felt awkward
“name?” i started.
“paige bueckers”
“im a junior”
she’s 2 years older than me.
“current gpa?”
not bad.
“workloard in school?”
“atleast 5 worksheets and 2 tests per week”
“can you finish them on time?”
“what’s your hardest subject?”
“favorite subject?”
“okay that’s all for now. we still have more interviews in the future, and a possible group study session with the others. thank you!” i tell paige.
“thanks” paige coldly replies.
after an interview with aubrey, azzi, and the others, i wrapped it up, just in time for them to do their own preps before training. i was looking for a water dispenser as i was thirsty. i passed by the locker room and heard a voice.
“what is she even doing here? can’t she do her studies somewhere else? we don’t need her bro” the voice stated, which i think was pertaining to me.
“paige, just be kind. its a freshman’s research, you know how tough some professors are with the freshmans, they would have to give their best” another voice replied back.
“whatever, let’s just get to practice” paige scoffs. i rolled by eyes and realized that it was my signal to go, i didn’t want them to see me. i quickly got my water and got out of the court, thanking coach geno and the other members who were just sitting on the bleachers.
as i walk, i start to feel discouraged. i just want to do what’s best for me, and a person who doesn’t know me just talks bad about what im doing. i guess i just have to suck it up, i have no time for negativity anyways. just focus on being able to transfer to stanford.
uconn, your star is not-so shining to me.
- zo’s notes: hello, i hope everyone is enjoying reading my fic :)
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Jamie Tartt*Please Stay
Pairing: Season 2/3 Jamie x reader
Word count: 1324
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Warnings: Jamie being self-conscious, illusions to sex, but mainly just fluff
Masterlist here
Jamie couldn’t believe his luck when you’d agreed to the date. You’d always known him as the prick of the team but since he came back from Manchester with his tail between his legs he’d been trying to do better. He was done with the one-night stands and shitty comments and stealing all the glory for himself. Even Roy had to admit Jamie was better now than he’d ever been.
So, when he saw you yesterday leaving your office, he couldn’t stop himself from shooting his shot. He’d been thinking about it a lot. Where he would take you on a date, what he would wear, what you would wear. The problem was actually asking you. “Oi are you busy the morrow night?” He asked in that accent you’d secretly grown to love.
He was trying to stay confident, but his hands were shoved into his short pockets as you locked your office door, “That depends on who’s asking?” You said turning back around.
Jamie’s face screwed up in confusion for a moment, “I am,” he said, his shyness replaced with confusion.
“Then im free,” you laughed, starting to walk and Jamie followed without question, “What’s up Jamie?”
“Just was thinking is all,” he said, his hands finding his pockets again, this time playing with a loose string to distract himself, “We could do something, if you wanted of course,” he said, already hating how he was beginning to word vomit, “Movie maybe or dinner, you like that place archers place right? Or Chinese or something maybe something else or even no dinner and just hanging out or something,” he said, bouncing on the balls of his feet to try calm himself.
You stopped walking and Jamie felt his heart sink. Rejection was not exactly his thing after all but when you slowly turned around with a smile on your face, eyebrows scrunched, he thought this was his chance, “You asking me on a date Tartt?” You asked. Jamie opened his mouth to speak but just nodded, scared of what would pour out, “Alright then,” you laughed as you resumed your walk, Jamie quickly moving to follow beside you, “Pick me up at seven yeah?”
Jamie felt his heart flutter, his footsteps grew lighter, as his face cracked into a cheesy grin, “Seven yeah perfect love seven it is,” he said like a kid who’d been given a massive bag of sweeties.
“Great,” you laughed as you entered the parking lot and pulled out your car keys, “i’ll let you pick from one of your many options,” you joked as you climbed into the car, “Just text me the dress code yeah?”
“Yeah, course totally,” Jamie said, desperate for you to pull away so he could celebrate, “See ya tomorrow,”
“Bye Jamie,” you said, a giggle in your voice as you shut the door to your car and started the engine. Jamie waved you off as your car drove off and as soon as it was out of sight, he couldn’t stop himself jumping about the car park like a big dumb idiot, but he didn’t care who saw. He had a date. A real date.
Jamie was up all night picking the perfect restaurant for you to go to. Something new, something fancy, but not too fancy, but not too new. Eventually he managed to make his choice as the clock hit 2 am and he finally got some sleep.
Everyone in the locker room could sense the excitement radiating out of Jamie. However, he was a gentleman now and gentlemen don’t kiss and tell. Well even if he hasn’t kissed you yet. Oh, fuck he might get to kiss you. Jamie didn’t think it could get any better.
Eventually Jamie couldn’t keep his mouth shut anymore and soon all the players new of Jamie’s plans tonight. As soon as he told them it was all he could talk about all practises. After practise he spent twice the time he usually would in the shower, making sure he was squeaky clean before rushing how to get changed.
Jamie arrived at your door bang on seven, counting down the seconds on his watch to knock on your door. His jaw about smacked the floor when he saw you. He knew you were fit but right now you were fucking fit alright. Jamie tried to contain his excitement as he led you to the car, but you spoke like you’d known him for a hundred years.
The date went amazingly of course. Jamie was surprised you could put up with him but was grateful each time you laughed at a joke or rested your hand on top of his. He was even more grateful when you said yes to a couple of drinks at his with him promising to get you a taxi that night.
Jamie wanted to be a proper man, a gentleman sort, but when your hand lingered on his thigh, he couldn’t stop himself. He sunk into the kiss like a man possessed and it didn’t take long for you to go from the kitchen to the couch then eventually stumble to bed.
It was a perfect night. When Jamie felt the sun fanning over his face he began to stir, remembering everything that had happened last night. He grinned sleepily as he rolled over, expecting to find you on the other side of the bed. But the sheets were empty. His grin fell and confusion wracked his face as he sat up in the sheets. You were gone.
Jamie wanted to cry. Of course, you thought it was a one-night stand. A one-time thing. You’d went home, taken your clothes with you. Jamie fell back down into the sheets, rubbing the bottom of his palms into his eyes. He felt them water as he tried to console himself.
Of course, he knew he liked you, but Jamie was now realising just how fucking much he liked you. The date had only proved that he’d fallen for you. Now you’d gone, left him in the messy sheets to remind himself at the end of the day this was his life. It was his own fault. The years on one-night stands and sex jokes he’d call across the locker room whenever you walked in. Jamie let his hands fall to his side, staring up at the ceiling in remorse. This is what he gets for being a prick he thought as he shut his glazed eyes.
A few moments later the sound of a door creaking made his eyes shoot open. When Jamie lent up, he was stunned by what he saw. You trying to tip toe into the room with only his shirt on. His head turned to follow your movements as you reached the side of the bed. You grinned when your eyes met his, “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” you whispered as you slipped back into the sheets.
“I thought you’d left,” Jamie mumbled as you settled into the bed, your head turning to face his.
“I had to pee,” you said, your eyes somehow more beautiful in the morning. However, your face screwed up when you noticed his wet eyes, “Unless you need me to go,”
Jamie quickly rolled over till his arms wrapped around your body, his head resting on your chest and his legs strewn over yours, “Please stay,” he whispered, his face nuzzling into your skin.
You bit back a smile at the man nuzzling into you, holding you tightly. Your hand moved to gently stroke his hair, “Yeah course,” you whispered, kissing the top of his head, “You can’t get rid of me that easily,”
“Good,” Jamie said as he gave you a light squeeze, feeling your heartbeat through your chest. You didn’t say anything, instead continuing to gently stroke his hair and it didn’t take long for gentle snores to fall from his mouth. There was no chance you were leaving now.
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cutielando · 8 months
i'm trying for you | r.c.
synopsis: in which he does his best to be the man you deserve
my masterlist
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If Rafe Cameron was anything, he was a softy at heart. 
Only problem was, he didn't know how to voice or express his feelings. Given the environment he had grown up in, it wasn't necessarily a surprise. 
He had Ward as a father, it was all the explanation one would ever need.
Frankly, he hadn't had a reason to get in touch with his feelings for a very long time. He would occasionally hook up with random girls, but it would never turn into something serious.
He just wasn't the type of guy who would be in a relationship.
Until you came along.
He had found a reason to change, to become a better person for you, to try and show you just how much he loved you and appreciated you being in his life.
From the very first moment he had seen you at one of his friend's parties, he knew that he had to get to know you. You were so intriguing to him, he would find himself thinking about you at the most random of times.
The first time you spoke and when he asked you out were imprinted in his mind like it was yesterday.
You in your flowery-themed swimsuit, swimming on your board in front of his house, stopping when you had heard him calling your name.
"What's up?" you had asked him once he had stopped running and came face to face with you.
"What are you doing all the way out here? This is nowhere near your house" Rafe tried to hide how nervous he was while talking to you, not wanting to let you know how nervous he would get in your presence.
Your eyes squinted, wanting to ask how he knew where you lived but decided against it. Your family was rich as fuck so you also lived on Figure 8, it shouldn't be a surprise that the Kooks would know where she lived.
"I was bored, decided to swim around a little and get accustomed to the marsh and everything" you explained, watching him closely with a hint of a smile on your face.
"Well, if you want someone to show you around, I could do that. I could walk with you around the island, show you the best places and then we could get something to eat" he was scratching his head, mentally punching himself because of how childish he sounded.
"I'd really like that" you smiled and nodded, almost chuckling once you noticed how surprised Rafe was.
"Really? Okay, perfect. Give me your phone number so I can text you the details" he said, almost dropping his phone in the process.
You bit your lip and typed in your phone before biding your goodbyes and continuing your activities.
That was the moment when Rafe knew he was a goner. The way you looked at him when he spoke, the smile you would try and hide from him, the twinkle in your eyes and your dimples, he couldn't get you out of his head for days.
When the day of your date came, he was a nervous wreck. He didn't want to screw anything up, knowing that he couldn't lose you because of how rusty he was in the love department.
He had enlisted Wheezie and Sarah to help him, the girls giving him some advice on what to talk about, how to act, what to do and so on. Rafe even took some notes, writing down some prompts to make sure he wouldn't forget anything.
You found it cute, how he would constantly check his phone and go in his notes, thinking that you couldn't see from across the table.
"Rafe" you put your hand on his and it made his head snap back to look at you, his other hand hurriedly locking his phone.
"Y-Yeah?" he tried to seem natural, but he knew deep down that you had caught him in the act.
"You don't have to be nervous and you don't have to keep checking the notes you have on your phone. You're doing fine and you don't need those notes when you're so amazing yourself. Loosen up, I won't bite" 
After that, Rafe could feel all the stress leaving his body as he finally relaxed back onto his chair, a soft sigh leaving his lips.
From that moment on, Rafe had done nothing but be himself. With the good, with the bad, he was being Rafe. The Rafe you would soon come to love.
He took you on several dates after your first one, only asking you to be his girlfriend after the 5th one, making sure he wasn't being too pushy and making moves too soon.
You thought it was very sweet of him, knowing that it was a significant change on his part from his previous relationships with girls all around the island.
The first time he told you he loved you was a very big moment in your relationship. Having already known how difficult his relationship with his feelings was, you wanted him to take it slow and not push him. He would slowly let you in when he would be ready.
It was a very chill evening in the Cameron household, a comfortable silence hanging in the air around you. Rose and Ward were attending a gala and would be back late in the night, Sarah was at a party with the Pogues and John B and Wheezie had so kindly agreed to having a sleepover with a friend of hers in order to leave the two of you alone.
Because of your busy schedules, you had barely spent any time together in the last couple of days, days which made Rafe realize how much he valued your presence and how much he appreciated it when you were around, even if you weren't doing anything.
As you were trying to focus on the movie playing on the TV, you felt Rafe's eyes burn a hole in the side of your head, which made you smile and look at him.
"You're going to strain your eyes if you keep looking at me so much" you giggled, which made his insides turn to mush and a stupid smile to appear on his otherwise broody face.
"I can't help it. I love you too much not to stare at your beauty all day long" he confessed.
At first, you hadn't quite registered what he had said, but the little unsure smirk he had on his face made you do a double-take and your eyes widened in surprise.
"What did you just say?" you whispered, your hands suddenly becoming sweaty.
"I love you" Rafe repeated, and now you were sure that you had indeed heard the right thing.
You couldn't stop yourself from jumping onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing every inch of his face that you could reach from your position.
"I love you too" you whispered, looking into his eyes before you finally leaned in and kissed his lips.
Rafe hadn't grown up around love, but he knew that what he felt with you was love.
Love in the purest form from the purest soul.
You were his love. 
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fear-less · 6 months
₊˚⊹˚ 𐙚 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
pairing: sirius black x reader
warnings: angst idk, reader is ravenclaw but it’s only mentioned once so it doesn’t matter lmao. also white horse lyrics as the title🗣️🔥
a/n: take this bc i’m writing a long fic rn so this is bad😭🙏
1.6k words ^_^
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“Good afternoon, Sirius!” you cheerfully greeted as he and the rest of the Marauders walked by you. He gave you a side glance before facing forward and walking away, not saying anything.
The cheerful smile on your face soon faded. Two months of trying (and failing) to get Sirius to talk to you, let alone agree to go out with you, was starting to get to you.
“What do you want?” Sirius said, not sparing a glance at you.
“Do you maybe want to go to Hogsmeade with me? This weekend is a Hogsmeade weekend, so I thought that you and I could–”
“No.” With that, you quickly shut down, the little confidence you had now gone, your lips turning into a line.
“Alright, well, I’ll be off now. Bye,” you said, trying not to show how embarrassed you were.
Come to think of it, you had done everything you could think of for Sirius to like you back or at least go on one date with you.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” your friend Anne asked, patting your back. She had been there for you since your very first day at Hogwarts. You honestly think you would’ve gone insane without her there with you.
“I’m alright, Anne. I just don’t understand why he won’t even glance at me! I’m not that bad looking, right?”
“Of course not, Y/N! I think it’s about time you get over him! I mean, you said it yourself, he never even glances at you!”
You had thought maybe it was time to get over Sirius. “You’re right! From now onwards, I will get over him.”
“Let’s see how long that lasts,” Anne said, a soft smile appearing on her lips.
It was safe to say that it lasted pretty long. Alright, it had only been a few hours, but still! It was around dinner time, and you had stayed a little longer after class putting away equipment and talking to the professor about the assignment.
Sirius couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. He had done half the homework as he felt too lazy to do the rest. All the pranks were finalized and ready to go, so why he felt like something was missing was confusing him.
It was now morning, and you had woken up feeling better than ever. Not having someone ruin the little confidence you had the night before really does change a person, huh?
Before you realized it, it was already time for breakfast.
That’s when your eyes caught wind of Sirius Black, laughing with his friends. Oh, his smile was always so beautiful to you.
“Y/N, no, you will not go up to him. Remember what you agreed on yesterday?” Anne said, tired of seeing you all sappy over a boy, especially one like Sirius.
“I know, I know, but come on, you can’t blame me! He’s just so… ughh!”
Anne sighed, slapping your arm. “Okay, but we have to walk past them to enter the Great Hall. Don’t spare a glance at him, and don’t even speak to him!”
And you did just that. You honestly thought he wouldn’t notice. How wrong you were. He had noticed; he thought that you were too tired to go up to him last evening, so you’d probably one-up yourself this morning for missing last night.
But how wrong he was. You didn’t even glance at him! He was shocked, to say the least. “Woah, she didn’t speak to you or even look at you! Hey, all that rejecting really worked, good for you,” said James.
Sirius forced a laugh. “Yeah, about time. She was getting annoying.” How he wishes he could take those words back. He knew you heard them but wished you never did.
You frowned. Did he really not like you that much?! Wow. You guess it was a good thing to stop trying to get his attention.
Anne gave you a side hug, hearing what he said himself. “He’s not worth it. Ignore what he said. If I was him, I’d be glad a very beautiful, smart, kind girl was giving me all her attention!” You smiled at that.
“Thanks, Anne, but I can’t believe he thinks that way of me. But I should’ve guessed.”
It had now been a week. A week of Sirius yearning for your attention. A week since you made an effort of talking to him.
Despite the passing week, Sirius found himself unable to shake off the feeling of regret. He realized how much he had taken your presence for granted and how foolish he had been to dismiss your efforts. The more he thought about it, the more he missed your cheerful greetings and your attempts to engage him in conversation.
What really pushed him over the edge was the new guy you were now so close to. He was completely different from him—more quiet, with light hair, smarter, and, more importantly, actually talked to you and seemed to enjoy your presence.
How could you move on in just a week? Move on with a guy completely different from him?
He saw the way the guy looked at you, how your friends would always ship you two together. It was infuriating to him.
What really set him off was when he saw the soft pink hue on your cheeks. That could’ve been you two if he hadn’t been so stupid! Did he really think you would be like James, who has been chasing the same girl forever? Yes, he did think that.
Turns out you were not like James. You had given up in just two months!
"You’re staring," Remus' voice snapped Sirius out of his trance.
"Huh?" Sirius played dumb, not wanting Remus to know who or what he was staring at.
"You know, you could’ve just said yes the times she actually asked you out. I don’t know why you just rejected her. Didn’t you have a crush on her at one point?" Remus questioned.
"I just... I really don’t know why I never said yes. I thought she’d continue to ask me out at least until the end of this year. It isn’t even the holidays yet!" Sirius replied, feeling agitated.
Remus sighed, his gaze shifting from Sirius to you, who was now engrossed in conversation with the new guy. “Well, mate, sometimes we realize things a little too late. Maybe you should talk to her, explain how you feel.”
Sirius ran a hand through his hair, a mixture of frustration and longing evident in his eyes. “Do you think it’s too late, Moony? I mean, she seems happy now, and I don’t want to disrupt that.”
“It’s never too late if you genuinely care about someone,” Remus said gently. “But you have to be prepared for any outcome. She might not feel the same way anymore, or she might give you another chance. The important thing is that you’re honest with her and yourself.”
Sirius nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of what could have been and what could still be. “You’re right. I’ll talk to her, no more running away from my feelings.”
Remus’s words echoed in Sirius’s mind as he watched you and the new guy sharing a laugh. He took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts before approaching you.
After a while, when you were alone, Sirius walked over, trying to appear casual despite the nervousness bubbling inside him. “Hey, Y/N,” he greeted, offering a small smile.
You looked up, surprised to see Sirius approaching you. “Hey, Sirius. What’s up?” you replied, returning the smile, though there was a hint of wariness in your eyes.
Sirius hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. “I wanted to talk to you about something… important,” he started, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Your smile faltered slightly, sensing the gravity of the conversation. “Sure, go ahead,” you said, trying to maintain a neutral tone.
Taking a deep breath, Sirius continued, “I know I haven’t been the best lately, and I want to apologize for that. I’ve been thinking a lot about everything, and I realize now that I made a mistake by not appreciating you and your efforts.”
You listened quietly, a mixture of emotions swirling inside you. “It’s okay, Sirius. We all have our moments,” you replied, trying to keep your composure.
Sirius shook his head, a flicker of pain crossing his features. “No, it’s not okay. I should have realized sooner how much you mean to me. Seeing you happy with someone else made me realize how much I regret not being there for you when I had the chance.”
Your heart clenched at his words, memories of the morning after flooding back. “Did you really mean what you said that morning, Sirius?” you asked, unable to keep the bitterness out of your voice.
Sirius’s expression faltered, guilt evident in his eyes. “I… I was being stupid, Y/N. I didn’t know how to handle my feelings, and I said things I regret. Please, let me make it right.”
You took a moment to collect your thoughts, feeling a surge of frustration and hurt. “It’s not that easy, Sirius. You can’t just take back everything you said and expect things to go back to how they were.”
Sirius swallowed hard, realizing the depth of his mistake. “I know I messed up, and I don’t expect forgiveness right away. I just needed you to know how I feel.”
The tension between you was palpable as you both grappled with your emotions. “I need time, Sirius,” you finally said, your voice wavering slightly.
Sirius nodded, a pang of regret piercing his heart. “I understand. I’ll give you the time you need, but please know that I’m sincere about wanting to make amends.”
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
A/N: me and my friend were talking what to have happen next yesterday and we remembered how R is ‘book smart’ but not people smart and I kept coming up with ideas that made R look kind of stupid and she kept saying “yeah cause she’s book smart, don’t forget’ I would have posted it yesterday if we had gotten anywhere but we could stop laughing.
Warning: my attempt at being funny?, bad writing, angst at the end if you squint?
Word count - 3.3k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
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You didn’t text her.
You told yourself it was nerves that were getting to you, the way Lyle kept insisting you texted her before she changed her mind.
A week after the whole incident you decided it was too late and that he was right, maybe she would have forgotten about it.
You could always hide in the storage room if she ever came back and let Lyle take care of her while you drowned in your own self pity on the floor next to the masses of boxes.
But what if she hadn’t? What if she was waiting for your message the day she put her number in your phone and never got it or the entire week after?
What if you did text her and she texted you right back?
You had doubted it but there was still a string of hope left in you as you continued to contemplate it all.
Dru said you were stupid for not even texting a simple ‘hey’ just so the celebrity could at least have your number.
Mj, of course, has been referring to you as coward instead of your name since the day after you talked to Jenna which only made you feel worse.
Would they do it differently if they were in your position? Mj would, already having had texted her the minute she left. Dru would have deleted the number as soon as he got it, he only had eyes for Mj it seems these days, and Lyle he would have done the same as Mj but at least waited a few hours.
So, your situation was different from theirs you supposed.
“That’ll be thirteen fifty.” The man behind the counter states in a monotone voice as you pull your card out.
You decided to go to 7/11 to cheer yourself up a bit after being insulting by your group of friends the whole time while playing Apex, not caring that you were still in your pajamas.
The large slushie and snacks were certain to cheer you up and allow you to brag to the group about.
You grab your bag before quickly making your way out of the door and sliding your ear buds back in before your phone buzzes.
My freezie senses are tingling.
You snort as you quickly begin typing.
Stop stalking me on life 360 loser
Did you get me one?🥺
Your smile grows at his disregard your statement completely and getting straight to the point.
No, since I’m such a dingbat weirdo
I take it back, please, I need a slushie🙏🏼I’ll even get on my knees and beg
You roll your eyes knowing he’d do it for free if you asked.
The day DD chops off his musty hair is the day I’ll get you a slushie.
Another notification goes off and you click it.
Dru Danvers🤓☝🏼
Fuck you🖕🏼
You continue to smile and text, unbeknownst the the person who stops suddenly behind you and looks back.
Their eyes lingers on you for a moment before looking to the much larger man who lets out and sigh and nods begrudgingly, the person smiles before rushing after you.
Just before you could cross the street, they touch your shoulder making you stop and look back.
Your eyes are met with the brown ones you’ve been thinking about nonstop as a smile comes across both your faces.
You yank out your ear buds, something you seemed to do whenever it was her specifically when it came to Lyle or the others they would have to yank them out to get you to listen.
“Hey,” she says, her smile still on her face as she looks up to you. “Hey.” you reply before looking up to the man who stood a few feet behind her then back down to her.
“So I never got that text you promised me.” She says in a teasing tone and you tense, your mind racing through excuses to tell her.
You laugh awkwardly and guiltily before rubbing the back of your neck. “Yeah, sorry about that I’ve just been busy lately I never got the time.”
She looks at you for a moment, clearly seeing through the lie and you wondered if she actually could with the way she was looking at you.
“Or..” she says as she begins walking past you. “You just didn’t want to text me.” She says sending you a playful glare but there was also something else.
As she turns around to continue walking, both you and the man on her heels, a deep frown forms on her face.
She had hoped she was wrong.
“What? No,” you reply quickly catching up too and walking beside her. It was quite the opposite, actually.
“I really was just..” you reply before stopping yourself. It felt like you were lying to the girl but you weren’t, you were just trying to save yourself the embarrassment of the truth.
But then again that was lying, about how you felt.
She looked toward you, the look of hope in her eyes seemed to crack you and you let out a sigh of defeat. “I really was just letting my nerves get to me.”
Her eyebrow raised slightly and you let out a huff, not liking the way this girl just made you want to spill every truth.
“I guess I was nervous to text you. I only really text my friends so I didn’t really know what to say.” You mumble, thinking about what Mj would say to this.
She can’t even see you, just text something it’s not that hard
She let out a hum, satisfied with your new answer while also satisfied hers was wrong.
“A simple ‘hey’ isn’t that hard.” She says, amused by your embarrassment and you huff out once again. The statement proving Dru right, not that you’d ever tell him that.
“It’s not everyday I get asked for my number,” you mumble and Jenna feels a smirk creep onto her face.
Good; she thought to herself as her smirk only grows on her face at the thought she was probably one of the first. Or at least she thought she was with how you described it.
“How else was I meant to react?” You ask.
She lets out a snort. “You didn’t, your friend did actually.” You roll your eyes and chuckle.
Your eyes travel to across the street to see some people hiding and taking pictures while others do the same not so subtly.
You grimace slightly before turning your attention back to the girl, deciding to ignore the group.
You smile before pulling out your phone and typing quickly and a ding comes from her pocket as you put yours back.
She takes her phone and opens the text to see the unknown number and the simple ‘hey’ added to it which makes her scoff lightly. You feel your smile grow bigger at her reaction, finding yourself very amusing.
“Very funny.” She rolls her eyes before sending a text herself and pushing it back down into her pocket.
“Thank you, I try very hard.” You say, looking forward to see the snow begin to fall again. Your smile grows knowing it’ll be a good day tomorrow at the shop.
Your eyes travel to the moon before letting out a hum at the lack of stars in the sky.
“Why are you out so late?” You ask and she shrugs. “I just like to walk, you?” She asks turning slightly toward you.
“Would you believe me if I told you I’m a very active person?” You ask, of course you weren’t but who wouldn’t want to make themselves seem impressive.
She looks you up and down slowly before a smirk forms on her lips. You look down to see your black and white plaid pajamas with you zip up sweat shirt, the snacks and slurpee in your hand only proving you wrong further.
You looked more like you were late to school and didn’t want to get dressed than out for a late night run.
“Touché.” You mumble nodding before looking up to see her smiling. “Did you just get out of bed?” She asks and you nod.
“Yes, actually.” You reply.
“Oh, makes sense.” she mumbles with a small smile before it falls. You quickly notice her eyes traveling to the people taking pictures making the both of you frown.
How someone could get used to cameras always in their faces was unknown to the both of you.
The non stop flashing or the loud yelling from a director seemed overwhelming to you and it was for Jenna.
“So,” you say before beginning to walk again. “Wednesday Addams?” You ask and she sighs before nodding.
“I thought you’d figure it out sooner or later.” She groaned softly making you chuckle.
“I kind of already knew, just needed to be reminded.” You admitted making her stare up at you in wonder.
“You knew me but didn’t know me?” She asks, too seriously for your liking. “I mean, yeah I used to watch you when you were younger with my friends. Stuck in the middle I think they said?”
She groans louder this time, clearly embarrassed by the thought of the show she starred the main character of.
“But other than that no.” You finished laughing as she rubs her hands down her face.
“There are literally so many others and you just had to have seen only that one, great.” She mumbles and shakes her head.
Too say she was embarrassed was an understatement, she has so many shows and movies she’s been in recently that she completely forgot about the ones of her younger self.
Her acting was good but not as good as it was now so it wasn’t really great to hear you say what you said.
“You’ve had to have watched something else?” She’s pleading now, her hand resting on your forearm as you look down at her. You shake your head and laugh as she groans once again.
“I don’t watch much TV.” You admit once again making her sigh. “At least watch Scream or Wednesday,” she says, huffing slightly.
“Just so you see how much I’ve improved?” She asks looking up to you and you nod, deciding not to tell her you don’t really remember much of the older show.
“Sure, if it’ll make you feel better.” She let’s out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, oh my god that’s so embarrassing.” She says looking around and shaking her head.
You smile down at the girl who continues to look around New York, mesmerized by all the sights as you both continue to ignore the paparazzi flashes and cameras.
You thought she looked stunning as snow fell on her head and eyes shining with wonder, the street lights only helping her look better if she could.
Suddenly the man steps up and taps Jenna’s shoulder making you both look back to him.
He points to her watch and Jenna’s face falls as she nods to the man who takes another step back, waiting for her patiently.
She looks up to you and gives you a sort of sad smile. “Sorry, I have to go.” She says gesturing to the man who sent you both a glance before looking back to the paparazzi who kept their distance for some reason.
“It was fun talking to you though.” She says and you nod. “Totally.” you say, voice cracking lightly making her smile grow.
You stare at her for a moment to take in how stunning she was from the front angel instead of the side now.
Her freckles seemed to be much more noticeable up close, eyes darker without the light and a smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
“Text me, I mean it this time.” She raises her eyebrow and unfortunately walks toward the man while leaving a cold spot from your side which makes you realize how close she actually was walking.
You clear your throat this time and nod, “I will and you too, now that you have it.” You say watching her look over her shoulder as the man leads her away.
You smile as you watch her walk away, eyes linger on the last place you saw her before you turn around and begin walking in the direction of your apartment.
Once you do get back, you’re greeted with your cat rubbing against your leg making you place down your bag and drink before walking toward his food bowl and feed him.
Once that’s done you looked back to your half melted slushie that had sacrificed itself so you could talk to Jenna making you let out a happy sigh as you put it in your freezer.
A buzz is heard from your phone making you reach back and pull it out of your pocket, a smile immediately forming on your face at the sight.
So, you were gonna make text first?
You hear you alarm go off making you groan as you pull the covers from off your head. You hadn’t realized how late it was while texting Jenna that you had just fallen asleep on your own and you were starting to regret it.
You grab the alarm clock before pressing off and looking at the time.
Your eyes shoot open, suddenly wide awake as you practically shoot yourself out of bed, your cat jumping off with you as he runs away.
That’s twice in one month had you scared him like that.
You realize you don’t have time to shower as you pull clothes on and grab your keys before rushing out of the door and running as fast as you could down the stairs — ignoring your neighbors scolding— and onto the street.
You continue to run before yanking the glass door open to see your mom who sends you a unamused look and your father who looks disappointed.
“You’re late.” She states matter-of-factly as you pull your t-shirt of, now only in your sports bra as you grab the shirt. “And now your indecent!” She says, rushing over and pulling your sweat shirt down for you.
“Animal!” She says, hitting you with her rolled up magazine she grabbed from the shelf.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t see what time it was last night before going to bed!” You say, trying to block her hits.
“Playing your game all night again I assume.” she states instead of asks making you nod your head. A little white lie won’t hurt.
“You’re an adult in college, Y/N.” Your father sighs and stands up from sitting in his chair. “You shouldn’t still be going to so late because of a silly game.”
His scoldings were much gentler than your mothers which makes you smile lightly. “I know, I’m sorry.” You mumble and he only nods before going back to work.
You looked to your mother who raises her eyebrow at you as she walks passed you. “You have a lot to do today as a consequence now, so I suggest you get to work.” She says, tossing you the clip board of work you need to do which is much longer than normal.
You huff out quietly while reading over it, knowing this is what you get for being late.
The day was quiet and you had a few more customers than usual so it was sort of busy as you rush around helping people while doing your work as the sun began to slowly set.
It was easier than expected but definitely a little stressful.
You were glad your parents were making you do this now though. Getting used to it all before taking over after they retire.
You were in the middle of helping a customer when you see Lyle practically sprinting down the street and toward the shop making you knit your eye brows together.
“You’ll find it in the romance section, just over there by the bean bags.” You say with a smile and the boy nods and leaves you to go find her book.
You look back over to seem him yank open the door, eyes scanning over the library before they land on you.
He moves as quickly as he can without being loud in the quiet library to get to you.
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! You weren’t answering your phone and you weren’t at your apartment.” He says in a whisper yell as he pulls you down a aisle.
You knit your eye brows further as he pulls out your phone from his back pocket. “I got it for you when I went to see where you were,” he says shoving it in your hands. “Open it!” He ushers you while you just stare at him.
“What?” You ask, looking down at the device in your hand making him groan out in anger.
“Check your damn Insta!” He demands making you further confused but begrudgingly open the app making your eyes go wide.
You first thing you see is the 99+ symbol on your notifications tab and over two thousand messages next to it.
You click your profile not to see you one hundred and thirty followers but seventy thousand.
You click on the photo of you and Lyle, he was pushing you in a shopping cart down the road along with the other pictures you all had taken while high that night. It had over ninty thousand likes.
“What?” You mutter and Lyle nods. Before pulling up his twitter on his phone. “It gets better!” He says a little too loudly making the person in the aisle glance over in annoyance.
You give him an apologetic smile before look to see the link he put to your face.
Celebrity Jenna Ortega seen with lovestruck mystery woman in New York City. Could this be the start of a sprouting love story? Click here to read more..
Under it showed a picture of you and Jenna on the street last night with her staring toward the city and you staring at her.
Your eyes go wide as you take his phone and continue to scroll seeing the many pictures the paparazzi took last night along with the picture you recognized to be on Lyles Instagram.
“And let’s not forget the picture I took of you while we were playing chess.” He says, snatching his phone and opening his own Instagram before showing you the picture he took now had one hundred fifty thousand likes.
“You’re like, known world-wide as Jenna’s girl or something.” He says, smile on his face as he scrolls through his twitter looking at all the stuff they had to say about you and Jenna.
“Woah,” you say, zoning out slightly as you take a seat on the little stool nearby made for children. “This is…”
“Sick? I know, right? You just became famous over night.” Lyle says as he too takes a seat next to you.
You were gonna say unsettling or strange but that works to you. You hadn’t expected it but you now realize you should have.
With the paparazzi last night and you being with Jenna it was expected.
But it hasn’t even been a fully twenty four hours yet? How exactly had it happened so quickly? Was she really this popular
So many questions swirled in your head as something suddenly comes to your realization.
The real question was how people found you so quickly on Insta? That was probably the unsettling part, it felt like you were part of a man hunt but instead of joining it like you preferred you were what they were hunting for.
You think about texting Jenna but she quickly beats you to it as if she had telepathic abilities.
You wouldn’t have been surprised if she told you she did though with the way her eyes seemed to capture you in some form of trap.
You knit your eyebrows together as you read the message and your stomach drops slightly.
Read next part here!
A/N: idk if this is angsty thinking about it now🥲
I’m also begging like Lyle on my knees that you guys send me request🧎🏽‍♀️my pea brain can only think but so much
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doe-eyed-fool · 4 months
Fear Of The Known
Lucifer x Fem!Angel!Reader
|Chapter Seven|
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Warning: Drinking, Angst
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Y/n and Michael set across from each other in the breakfast nook. She made some tea, in hopes to help relax Michael a bit. He looked so tired, and yet he was so tense. Almost alert.
"Is there something wrong?" Y/n asks carefully. Michael looked up from his tea at her. "I don't know yet." He sighs. Y/n furrows her brows in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Michael leaned back in his seat slightly. "Father called a meeting with me and my brothers, along with his other trusted angels. And telling from recent events it was not a...pleasant meeting. Not at all." Michael says as he brings a hand up to his head.
"I've never seen father so frazzled. With all this talk of, secret exterminations and that hotel ran by Lucifer's daughter. We were there for hours just trying to find a way to settle this mishap, and then we had to discuss what would be done with Sera. Oh and then, of course, the back and forth of what we should do about that hotel situation. I just..." Michael's hand ran down his face as he groaned.
"What did you decide?" Y/n asks. "About?" Michael raises an eyebrow. "Um, the hotel. The idea of redemption, it seems impossible. But then again, every possibility has the chance of becoming true." Said Y/n. "I'd know..."
Michael was silent for a moment. "It's a nice thought. But Hell exists for a reason. A place for all evil to reside. Humans are given the chance to be better, and when they die, divine judgement awaits. Whether or not they make it up here or down there, is up to them. The afterlife given is the afterlife they will live for eternity. There is no changing that."
Y/n looks down at her cup of tea. "I suppose it is a nice thought." She then inhales before standing from the table. "Michael, I think we both need a vacation."
Michael chuckles. "Yeah? You think we'd get more of them, considering this is paradise." Y/n crosses her arms with a smirk. "I also think tea isn't what we need right now." She looks over her shoulder. "Do you drink?"
"Not often. I can't even remember my last one." Said Michael. Y/n walks to the wine cabinet and looks for her best bottle. Y/n wasn't much of a drinker either, only really having one with dinner occasionally. But it was nice to have every now and then.
She picks up a bottle and grabs two glasses and returns to the table. "Has God made any sort of decision yet?" She asks. Michael shook his head. "No, but he's assured us we will have an answer soon."
Y/n pours each of them a glass. "Well until then, let's actually try to relax for once." Michael smiles and takes his glass. "Let's."
The two of them might have a tad too much, and Michael, being the responsible man he was, decided to cut himself and Y/n off. "Alright, this was fun. But." Michael stands from the table. "Bed time."
Y/n, half asleep and slightly tipsy, groaned. "Mhm..." Michael helped her out of the chair, holding her tight so she doesn't stumble. He then picked her up and walked to her bedroom. He walks inside her room and lays her on the bed carefully. Y/n yawned and closed her eyes.
As he was turning to leave, Y/n grabbed onto his sleeve, causing him to stop. He turns to face her. "Do you need something?" He asks quietly. Y/n mumbled something into her pillow, so he leaned down closer to her. "What was that?" Y/n looked up at him with tired eyes, her voice cracked slightly as she spoke.
"Don't go...Please Lucifer...Please stay."
Michael froze. Y/n tugged on his sleeve again. "Please..." Wordlessly, Michael crawled beside her, and tried to ignore the ache in his chest as he held her close to him.
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Y/n winces at the morning light brushing at her face. She yawns and sits up in her bed, stretching her arms up above her head. She gets out of bed, and notices she was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Her confusion only lasted a brief moment before it hit her.
"Gosh." She sighed. "Poor Michael." She laughs slightly at the thought of him having to get her into bed. Y/n steps into her bathroom to take a shower and freshen up before starting her day.
After getting dressed she made her way to the kitchen, where she saw Michael. He was leaning against the wall, looking out of the window as he sipped on a cup of coffee.
"Michael?" Why was he still here? Michael turned to face her. "Good morning." He greets her. "Did you stay the night?" Y/n asks. Michael chuckles. "Yeah. Don't worry I slept on the couch, well, after you finally let out of your clutches."
Y/n's face heats up slightly. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Michael!' Michael shakes his head and walks over to the coffee maker. "Don't worry about it. How's your head?"
"Surprisingly fine. No hangover, thankfully." Y/n joins him. Michael hands her a cup and goes back to drinking his. "That's good."
"Thank you, Michael. Again, I'm sorry you had to deal with me last night. I hope didn't say or do anything else to make myself look like more of a fool." Y/n sighs.
Michael was silent for a moment. "If you did...I'm not telling you." He smirks. "Michael!" Y/n pouts. "What did I do?"
"Nope, I'm not saying." Michael teases. Y/n groans. "You're terrible."
"Aren't I?" Michael chuckles. "Anyway. I should start heading out. I have another dreadful meeting to attend. I suppose today we will finally have our answer."
"If you need to talk after, I'll be here for you." Said Y/n with a smile. Michael smiles as well, but couldn't help but feel that awful ache again. "I know." He heads for the door. "I'll see you later, Y/n."
"Goodbye." Y/n waves. Michael waves before leaving, shutting the door behind him.
Y/n would start her day as usual, run a few errands around the city, and occasionally be stopped by a few civilians who wanted to know what the future held for them. Y/n would never look too far, just enough to satisfy them.
She'd never tell them what would happen when something unfavorable is to occur. Instead, she'd advise them to be cautious of certain things, places, or people. It was best not to scare them, but she would make sure they were aware and careful.
As Y/n was walking, she could see the Seraphim's tower up ahead. Her head was telling to keep walking, but her heart said the opposite. Ever since the exterminations were exposed, Y/n couldn't help but wonder how Emily was doing.
She wasn't herself lately. And now that Sera's fate was on the line, Y/n worried for Emily more. So, Y/n decided right then to pay her a visit. She walked inside and made her way upward. As she walking through the hall, she noticed someone up ahead. They had walked out of Sera's office and were heading in her direction.
The closer Y/n got, she realized just who it was approaching. Joel. Y/n was unsure what to say as they both grew closer. She was never close to Joel, even all those years ago. Y/n opened her mouth to greet him, though she did not get the chance as Joel walked right past her without a word.
Y/n wasn't offended, Joel never was much of a social man. Then suddenly she stopped.
'Wait a minute.' Y/n turned around, watching Joel grow further away. 'What was he doing in Sera's office?' Y/n turned back around. With curiosity getting the better of her, she entered Sera's office, and was shocked by what she saw.
"That's a bit rude, barging in here unannounced like that."
"Sera?" Y/n furrow her brows. "What are you doing here?" Sera, without looking at her, answered. "This is my office." She says bluntly. Sera then gives her a sharp look. "We're you hoping I'd be locked away until I was given my punishment?"
"I was expecting you to be suspended from your duties until God made his decision." Y/n corrects her. "Has he already?"
"No." Sera mutters. "I am here because there is no one to take my place, otherwise I would have been suspended." Y/n glances back at the door for a moment. "And, why was Joel here?"
"Supervising." Sera's face scrunches in annoyance. "I suppose him watching my every move is part of the punishment they have planned for me. Now, why are you here?"
"I wanted to check on Emily." Y/n answers. "Emily is fine." Sera insists. Y/n furrows her brows. "She wasn't before. You kept such a gruesome secret from her for so many years after all."
"Y/n. I have a lot of my mind, and I do not need you to add to it. So if you'll please." Sera gestures to the door. Y/n said nothing more before leaving.
Y/n made her way back down the tower, a bit of power in her steps as frustration swarms in her head. She she was making her way for the exit, Emily walked in. She saw Y/n and smiled slightly. "Hi Y/n."
The frustration fades from Y/n as she smiles. "Hello Emily. How are you today?" She asks. Emily shrugs. "Doing better, I guess. At least those exterminations won't happen anymore. I hope."
"You hope?" Y/n asked. Emily nods. "There hasn't been any sort of answer. So, I don't know..."
Y/n puts a hand on her shoulder. "Trust me, you won't have to worry about those exterminations anymore. I know God wouldn't allow for something so unethical to continue."
"Do you know? Or do you know?" Emily raises an eyebrow. Y/n laughs weakly. "I haven't looked. But you really shouldn't worry. No one in their right mind would let those exterminations go on."
Emily takes Y/n's hands. "Please Y/n, will you tell me? It'd make me feel so much better if I knew it wouldn't. I'm really worried about Charlie and her friends."
Charlie? Was that what the princess liked to be called?
"Alright." Y/n says softly. "If it will make you feel better, I will look." Emily nods, holding her hands tighter. Y/n closes her eyes and waits for the vision to come.
The same red sky came into view, and she saw the very same hotel that Charlie was so passionate about. It all seemed to be fine so far, until the sky was broken by bright heavenly light.
And down came a swarm of angels, weapons in hand. They swooped down and killed any demon in sight. Some fought back against the angels, but the battle was starting to lean towards the angels favor.
And all of a sudden, a giant beam of light cut through the hotel, destroying it completely. The one who caused it's destruction was none other than Adam himself.
And he was about to face a dangerous foe...
Y/n's eyes shot open. Her breath was caught in her throat, and her heartbeat thumbed harshly against her chest. The exterminations would continue after all...
"Y/n?" Emily spoke up. "You're hurting my hands a little." Y/n looked down, she was holding onto Emily's hands tightly. She quickly took them away and apologized.
"What's wrong?" Asked Emily carefully. Y/n swallowed a lump in her throat. "I...I just saw something I didn't expect." Y/n began to walk past Emily. "I'm sorry Emily, I must go now. There's someone I need to speak to right away."
Y/n took off into the sky, unable to hear Emily as she called for her to come back. Y/n felt terrible for lying to her, she knew Emily wasn't stupid. Emily would find out eventually, and it broke Y/n's heart.
She flapped her wings harder, increasing her speed. There was no time to waste, that terrible future was coming soon. She had to do something to stop it before it was too late.
Y/n landed in front of God's palace, she rushed in through the gates and hurried inside. She was half way to God's throne room, she rounded a corner and suddenly bumped into someone. She stumbled back a bit.
"Whoa, what's got you in a rush?"
Y/n looked up and was met with the angel of death himself, Azrael. He looked down at her with a smirk. "You got somewhere you need to be?"
"I need to speak with God immediately!" Y/n pants breathlessly. Azrael hummed and leaned on his staff. "Ah, sorry. God's a bit busy right now. Maybe come back later?"
"But I need to see him now! I saw something terrible in the near future!" Y/n tried to explain. "Again, he's busy." Azrael repeats. "But, I can relay the message to him if you'd like?"
"Azrael, please, this is urgent! I am not leaving until speak with him!" Y/n knew better than to speak this way to him, he was her superior. But right now, she couldn't care less.
"What's going on here?"
Y/n and Azrael turned to see Michael approaching. "Little one here says she needs to speak with God. Says it's real urgent." Said Azrael with a grin. Michael looks to Y/n. "Father is in the middle of an important meeting at the moment. Tell me, what did you see?"
"The exterminations, they're still going to happen!" Y/n tells him, she didn't miss the hesitation from Michael. But she couldn't stop to dwell on it. "Adam is going down to the princess' hotel and..."
"Lucifer and Adam will battle."
Michael and Azrael were taken aback from this. They looked at each other for a moment before Michael spoke again. "Y/n, come with me." Michael walks ahead of her.
"But Michael, God must know about this! Sera is still letting these exterminations happen!"
Michael faces her, a slightly stern look in his eyes. "Y/n." He says sharply. "Please...just come with me." Confused, Y/n hesitantly followed him.
What ever was happening now, Y/n had the most terrible feeling.
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
request: “Hi! I love your work! <3 Can you make a little comfort fic with Trevor? Like someone said something nasty about the reader and Trevor's relationship like he's not good enough for her and that he couldn't please her like he could, so Trevor gets all protective and fights him and when he comes home, he's all cuddly and clingy because he's scared that the reader is gonna leave him?”
summary: in which y/n sees two new sides of Trevor: protectiveness and fear.
warnings: profanity, fighting
notes: i don’t really know how i feel about this one. i definitely don’t think angst is really my strong suit, but i tried! p.s. i drew a very minimal and light inspiration from Mine by Taylor Swift for this one.
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at this point i feel like it’s a universal experience among girls to have a guy friend with an obvious crush on you but you don’t like them that way.
for me, that guy is my friend, Drew. he and i became friends in high school, and when we both enrolled in the same college, i was excited to have a close friend there with me. but in our freshman year things started standing out to me more, the looks that Drew sent me from across the room, the way that he would glare down any guy who so much as looked at me, the way he was quick to drop any other plans in order to hang out with me. and then in sophomore year, i noticed the continuous compliments, the increased touching, and the way that he would start commenting about how ‘special’ our friendship is.
suffice it to say that i was hoping he would get the hint and back off when i started dating my boyfriend Trevor. but now it’s been a year and he’s only gotten more obvious with his advances.
which brings us to tonight. my friend, Lila is hosting an early graduation party at her house and of course our entire friend group is here, including Drew, who’s already drunk, an hour into the party. i’m standing in the living room in a circle of my close friends, all talking about how glad they are to be free from college. we all worked hard to graduate a semester early, and we may have only gotten associate’s degrees but it doesn’t change how done we were with school by the time we got out of our last ever class yesterday. my gaze bounces between my friends and the front door, waiting for my boyfriend to arrive. he just got back from a week long roadie yesterday and i’ve yet to see him since arrived back in town, so he agreed to come and stay an hour before taking me back to his apartment.
“girl, you look like a crazy person with your eyes twitching back and forth like that!” Lila laughs, nudging into my shoulder with her own. “calm down, hun! i’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
“yeah, i know. i’m just excited. i haven’t seen him in eight days.” my smile is weak and it only dims when i catch sight of Drew rolling his eyes. he’s never been one to keep a filter when he drinks. but it’s forgotten when i glance back towards the door and my eyes lock with the subject of our discussion. i bounce on my feet a couple times, waiting for him to make his way over, but i eventually lose my patience when i see him get stopped by a guy. who, based on his passionate gestures, i’m assuming is a fan of the Anaheim Ducks. i watch as Trevor smiles and nods, exchanging words with the random who holds his attention, and i know if i don’t get over there soon it could potentially never end. Trevor could talk about hockey all night if someone would let him, which i have on numerous occasions. sending one more smile over to my friends, i step towards my boyfriend, but i’m rooted in place by a hand wrapping around my wrist, pulling me back.
“what are you even doing with him y/n/n?” i spin back around at Drew’s voice.
“what?” i pack a mighty bite into my one worded response, but Drew obviously doesn’t seem to catch it.
“he’s not good enough for you. you literally just said he left you alone for eight days.” he looks up and scowls over my shoulder, probably looking at Trevor. “i could treat you so much better than that pretty boy does.”
i’m stunned into silence at his outburst. my lips open and close, and i’m begging for something, anything, to come out. he’s never been this up front about his feelings for me, and i had naively hoped that he never would be. taking my silence as an invitation to keep going, Drew speaks once again.
“could definitely please you better than he could too.” my blood boils, and i swear i see red. but before i can jump to the defense of my boyfriend, i’m lightly pushed to the side and i look over in time to see Trevor barreling past me, straight to Drew. He shoves him but Drew’s hand is still gripped on my wrist, making him pull me forward when he stumbles.
“get your hand off my girlfriend before i remove it for you, asshole.” Trevor’s voice is low and he speaks between clenched teeth. “i’ve put up with your pining glances and your barely subtle remarks for this long, because she’s too nice to say it to your face, but i will. she’s not interested in you. she never will be. and the fact that she’s made that clear multiple times and you still won’t back off doesn’t make you ‘persistent’. it makes you a creep.”
Drew lets go of my arm but it only takes one look at him to guess his next move, and before i can warn Trevor or pull him out of the way, Drew’s fist connects with his face. i gasp, my hand flying up to cover my open mouth, and feel myself being pulled back from the brewing fight by dainty hands. Lila’s, i assume.
Trevor doesn’t go down, instead he just laughs, like Drew’s punch was nothing but a bee sting. Drew’s face pinches in confusion at Trevor’s reaction, but he doesn’t get much time to ponder it before Trevor throws his own punch directly at Drew’s nose. i hear the crunch before Drew’s body crumples to the floor in two seconds flat. my wide eyes scan the scene in front of me, my boyfriend shaking out his hand, no doubt bruises will line his knuckles in the morning, and blood dripping down Drew’s face.
��you can talk your shit about me, you can curse my name, hit me, i don’t care. but you keep your hands off my damn girlfriend.” Trevor spits out, looking down his nose at my now ex-friend, before he turns around. he takes ahold of my hand and marches out of the house with his head held high. i glance back at my other friends, my eyes still as wide as saucers and my lips mouthing silent apologies. Lila waves her hand in a dismissive motion, shrugging her shoulders, shaking her head, and mouthing her own words of ‘it’s okay’.
Trevor leads me to his car, opening the passenger door for me as if it’s just another date night, before jogging around and sliding into the drivers seat.
the drive back to his place is done in silence, and i make no attempts to break it. i can feel the energy radiating off of him. no longer hostile, but still tense. when we arrive, i trail behind him into his apartment. Trevor walks into his bedroom, mumbling something about getting changed and grabbing me a change of clothes, and i stand in the living room. his friend/teammate/roommate, Jamie, sits on the couch, locked into a video game but spares a quick glance at me.
“hey, you guys are back early.” his focus is immediately turned back to his game, and i’m not sure he expects a response but i reply anyways.
“yeah. it’s, uh, been a night.” Trevor is back quickly, handing me a pair of sweats that i left here and one of his t-shirts.
“you can go ahead and get changed and then we can watch a movie in my room.” he plants a kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds before he pulls back. i nod and walk down the hallway to his room, closing the door behind me. i take a couple minutes to change before opening the door and peeking my head out.
“you can come in, Trev.” i call down the hallway, and it’s not but a second before i see him jogging down the hall. he enters the room and jumps onto the middle of the bed, patting the space beside him.
“come cuddle with me. tell me everything i missed while i was gone.” i crawl up the bed, snuggling close into his arms and he tightens them around me, pressing my face to his chest.
“we talked every day.” i laugh. “i think you know more about what happened while you were gone than some of the people who were actually here.”
Trevor chuckles for a few moments before he speaks again, his voice somber.
“you know i hate having to leave you, right?” i look up at his face, about to make a joke but see the guilt-ridden expression on his face.
“yeah, no, i know that. it’s your job, Trev. does it suck being away from you? sure. but you’re good at what you do and the team needs you.” i raise my hand to his face, brushing my thumb against his cheek.
“are you upset? about what i did?” he looks so fragile, like my next words could make or break him.
“what? punching Drew? no. honestly, it brought me some relief.” i confess. “i’ve always been too afraid to outright reject him. i never gave any reason to think i liked him, so i thought maybe he would take the hint that i didn’t have those kinds of feelings for him. but obviously i was wrong. i feel way more guilty than i am upset. if i had just told him i didn’t like him, there wouldn’t’ve been a reason for you to have to fight him.”
“don’t.” the word comes out stern. his voice dropping into what almost seems like a growl. “don’t blame yourself. you may not have explicitly stated that you didn’t like him like that, but you showed it over and over again in your actions. i’ve seen the way you pull away from his touches, how you make up excuses to distance yourself when he says something too romantic, the faces you pull when he talks about how ‘special’ your friendship is. not to mention the fact that you have a boyfriend, and yet he still pulled that shit.”
i nod along to his words and press my head back onto his chest.
“so, you’re really not mad at me?” he asks.
“i’m really not mad at you. why would i be? you protected me. i’m grateful for you.” he gives me a brief squeeze, laying a kiss on the top of my head.
“i know how long you guys have been friends. i don’t know, i guess i thought maybe you would be mad that i may have ruined your friendship with him. i know you’ve chosen me before but-” his drops into a whisper before he speaks again. “i thought you might choose him over me this time.”
i pull back, shifting up in the bed more so that my face is directly in line with his. cradling his face with my hands and placing my forehead against his, i look into his eyes.
“i’ll never leave you alone.” i whisper. “Trev, you mean so much to me. is it gonna be different not having Drew as a friend anymore? yeah, i’ve known him since i was fourteen. but by now, with how he and i’s friendship was going, it never would’ve lasted. but you, you make me so happy. you make me feel seen, and heard, and loved. i love waking up next you, and going on coffee dates, and our movie nights. i love talking with you about stupid things, and staying up listening to you talk about your games. i love celebrating wins with you, and i love that you let me be there for you after a loss. i never loved him the way i love you. i would always choose you.”
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Young, dumb, broke
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: coarse language, bullying/teasing, angst?, fluff
Janis has her limits. If they’re bad she won’t hesitate to tell them so (now at least)
Requested? Yes / No
“Wake up, short stack.”
“Shut up.” Janis shoved her in her ribs, playfully.
“Never.” Regina smirked. “Come on, it’s 9:30. You have work in an hour.”
“Five more minutes.” Janis grumbled, pulling the blanket over your head, “Who let you in?”
“Your Dad.” Regina answers, “Even if he didn’t, I have keys.”
“No you don’t.”
“I took the spare one.”
“That was hidden?” Janis rolled over onto her back, arms pushing the blanket off.
“It was easier to find it than you’d think.” Regina bites back a laugh, “Go get ready, I’ll drop you off. Don’t want you to be late.”
“I’m never late.”
“Sure.” Regina chuckles, “Go.”
Janis groans, unwillingly stumbling out of bed. She grabs her work uniform from her wardrobe and changed into it before washing up.
“What?” Janis asks, puzzled.
“Nothing.” The blonde shrugged, a tiny smirk tugs at her lips though.
“Yeah, right. You were ogling.” Janis rolled her eyes playfully then checked her hair in the mirror, deciding to quickly run a brush through it. “Fuck I need to dye my hair again. It looks like shit,”
“It looks fine.” Regina told her, now smiling.
“No it doesn’t.” Janis disagrees, exiting the garage and entering the house to make her way to the kitchen. Regina was right on her tail. “Fine, I’ll help you dye it tonight.”
“You don’t have to do it for me if you don’t want to.”
Regina narrows her eyes at the shorter girl, “What?”
Janis shrugs, pouring herself a bowl of multigrain cheerios with oat milk and promptly eating it. “I’m just saying I can do it myself. Always have.”
“I can do it for you.“
“Yeah, but do you want to or feel like you have to because we’re together?”
“What the hell is going on?” Regina muttered, more confused than ever by this tone. “Are you okay?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” Janis said back, shoving a spoonful of the cereal into her mouth.
Regina was obviously not convinced but too stunned to speak. Janis was soon done with her breakfast and rushing out the door— she was wasn’t late, she just had the tendency to be…in a hurry. For the lack of better words. Janis always had to be not just on time, but reach wherever her destination was with enough time— on her own terms to ‘settle down’. Work was no exception. She may be needed to start her shift at 9, but she’d be there at least fifteen minutes before to put her stuff away and allow herself to ease into her work day.
“Want me to pick you up at five?”
“Nope.” Janis says, shutting the door of the Jeep.
“Alright then. See you at home.”
To Janis’ relief, work was uneventful. It also went by pretty quick, which was great. She couldn’t wait to get home, take a shower and just laze in her garage to watch a movie or two until she dozed off.
When Janis woke up, she was no longer alone. Regina had joined her in the garage and was waiting for her to wake up. “What the hell— when’s you get back here?”
“Almost an hour ago.” The blonde said nonchalantly. “You okay?”
“Yeah, fine.” Janis replied.
“Are you sure?”
“Am I? I don’t know, G. What do you think?” Janis asked, each word laced with sarcasm.
“Okay, what’s going on? What did I do?” Regina questioned, worried.
“Whatever, doesn’t matter anyway.” Janis continued dismissively.
“Janis.” Regina warned, “Talk.”
“You’re not the boss of me.” Janis huffs.
“Tell me what it is.” Regina insists.
Janis wanted to scoff, but stops herself, chewing on her lower lip, “You don’t remember?”
“If I did, I wouldn’t be asking you.” Regina’s tone was soft, quieter than Janis’ a second ago.
“Yesterday, we went out for lunch and I got a kids’ meal because I can’t finish the ‘regular’ portions— let’s face it, they’re ridiculously huge portions. You proceeded to say that I was a child and then was making fun of my height the whole day afterwards, any chance you got. ‘Hey, get your tiny ass over here’, ‘Shut up, short stack.’, ‘Goober, tater tot’ — I’m not a toddler. And then fucking ‘hobbit’ from some of you guys yesterday when we hung out for dinner with the group.”
“Janis, I’m sorry, I don’t mean it that way.”
“It still hurts. And it shouldn’t hurt. I know it’s your way of showing affection but sometimes it seems like you mean it in a way to make me upset, to bully me.”
“Why didn’t you just say something?” Regina asks, the question coming out harsher than she had thought it would.
“Why didn’t I just say something?” Janis finally scoffed, feeling the anger and the sadness bubble up rapidly to the surface. “I don’t know. Maybe I was hoping my friends and you, my girlfriend of all people to know that you shouldn’t joke about my height? That I’ve always not liked my height? I’ve always been made fun of in one way or another for it growing up? That little by little these stupid, passing remarks, build up and up as much as I seem not to care. But shit, it really does hurt. It feels like a stab to the heart every time. I know how dramatic that seems but maybe I just can’t take a joke after everything I’ve been put through.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t mean it.” Janis could hear it, that flippant tone and how quick the words got spat out of her mouth.
Regina bit the inside of her cheek, “Janis…”
“Just let me be okay? It will blow over. It always does.” Janis got off her couch, grabbing a towel and some clothes than went into the house to shower.
“Honey.” Her Dad stops her in her tracks. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Janis exhales harshly, “I need to just— calm down alone and I’ll be alright.”
He gives her a quick hug and squeeze on her shoulder. “Okay, you go do that, hm? I’ll be right here if you need anything.”
Janis knew she should’ve said something about it— about the group coming over tonight again for dinner. It’s become a regular thing but tonight she was just so…pissed off that she shouldn’t be around anyone. But she didn’t say anything so it proceeded as planned. She just kept to herself though, sitting in a corner of her couch and staring at the TV. She was just staring at the screen, not a clue what was going on in the show that was playing.
“Hi, Janis!” She hears a voice greet her. She waves, but doesn’t see who it was. Janis couldn’t focus on anything.
“Yo, what’s up?” Damian’s voice? She could tell. She snapped out of her little bubble for a second. He was standing right behind her, “You good, Janis?”
“Sure.” She replied flatly.
“Hi, G. Hi, short-stack.” Aaron. Regina’s eyes widened in terror as she glared at the guy, “Oh God.”
“Shut up.” Janis’ voice rang through the room, “Shut your fucking mouth. I do not need to be reminded of my goddamn height every time I see any one of you guys. I hate it, okay? I have a name, use that. Call me that, don’t ever call me by any iteration of those stupid nicknames ever again. Screw this, you guys have your dinner. I’m going out.”
It didn’t even take Regina five minutes to find out where Janis was. Taking her Jeep, and Damian, the pair was quickly on their way to pick Janis up. They found her at a park nearby. She didn’t go far. Regina got out of the car and Damian followed.
“Why’d you come here to look for me?”
“I’m worried.” Regina sighs, sitting down on the swing next to hers. “And I’m sorry. I really did not mean those nicknames in a way to hurt your feelings. They came from a place of affection, but now that I know you don’t like that, I’m not gonna call you those nicknames anymore. I’ll be there to shut up those people who do. I know apologies don’t undo what I did to hurt you, but I’m trying my best…”
Janis took a glance at her
Regina continues, “to become a better person. Especially to you, I promise you, I love you and it’s taken me such a long time to come to terms with it so I’m definitely gonna have some moments where it gets hard for me. All my life I was taught that being gay was a terrible thing. That I’d be a disgusting human being for liking girls. Sometimes I get that voice in my head telling me that but my heart knows…that I love you so fucking much no matter what my head is making me think.”
Janis sniffles, standing up from the swing because she felt herself about to fall off if she stayed on. She was going to cry.
“Things aren’t the same anymore and I hate that it was because of me. But I need you remember that I love you, in those moments when my thoughts get the best of me. Please, Jay. I don’t want to lose you again, ever. Definitely not over something as trivial as nicknames. I swear, I will never say those nicknames ever again.”
“Sometimes…I just think that you call me those things because a part of you still hates me. And that hurts me, I’m hurting myself thinking that way and I can’t help it sometimes.” Janis admits, “I have a long way to go, to get better. It’s been really tough, but also really rewarding. I mean, we managed to talk things out, granted I wanted to die when you got hit by the bus, but I worked through that…you survived, you explained yourself, I explained myself and we apologised. But it’s gonna stay awhile, as much as we hate that. I hate myself for being so affected by it because we’re…okay now. More than okay. Senior year’s great, coming to an end, we’re moving on to college soon. It’s about time we put an end to that nonsense.”
Regina listened intently, watching the girl pace the space as she talked.
“A part of me is shocked that so much time has went by so quickly. That I lost so much time with the most important person in my life. I’m sad about that, I think about how much time, how much memories we could’ve made if it weren’t for that night. But the harsh truth is this— life moves on no matter what happens, some stuff and some people are just gonna slip by, whether or not they come back? That’s fate. I don’t want to lose you again, either. It’s just a lot of things building up inside me that always makes me to irritable or pissed off. I never really talk about them until I feel like I’m going to explode. So here you have it.”
“You’re never going to be able to get rid of me now, Janis.” Regina says wholeheartedly, “We’re being young, dumb and some of us kinda broke. We’re teenagers, there’s bound to be some stupid shit happening sometimes. Like the name-calling, but I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. For speaking up. That’s what I always admired about you.”
Janis allowed herself a little laugh, “Good. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Very nice of you, G. That’s true, we’re gonna live and learn.l
“Good.” Regina nodded firmly, “Okay, I’m starving. Can we go back home and eat. Please?”
Janis stuck out her hands for Regina to grab onto and pulled herself up. The blonde grumbled, “Can’t believe I sat in that thing. My back hurts already.”
Janis put her arm around her, palm pressing onto her lower back for a bit, “I’ll give you a massage before bed. After they leave.”
“M’kay.” Regina agrees, “That’d be nice, thanks, baby.”
Dinner went by peacefully after this chaos, and the group left promptly after the meal, leaving the couple alone. “You’re responsible if she runs out again in the middle of the night.” Damian sighs, “Take care of yourselves, y’all are doing great. Good night.”
“God, finally.” Regina flops face down onto bed, already sleepy.
“It’s only 9:45, are you sleepy already?”
“Maybe a bit.” Regina hums, “Can you massage my back, please? Those PT exercises aren’t really helpful if I’m being honest.”
“Sure.” Janis situated herself by the blonde’s side, right near her lower back. Both hands on the area, thumbs smoothing out whatever little knots she felt along the skin.
Regina grunted at the initial discomfort but it quickly dies down and was replaced by relief. “Better?”
“Oh, so much.” Regina nodded, “Thank you baby.”
“Do you want me to stick a heat pack under your shirt so you can sleep easier after I’m done?”
“Mm.” Regina mumbled. Janis took that as a yes anyway, knowing that it helped. Sometimes way more than medication ever did.
“I love you.” Janis heard, “I am so in love with you.”
Janis didn’t say anything but bites back a gasp, her heart warming at the words as she gently caressed her girlfriend’s back for a beat.
“I might fall asleep.” Regina chuckles.
“That’s fine.” Janis said back. Following that, silence fell between the pair for a while.
“I love you, too. Good night.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Thank you so much for the request anon! Hope you enjoy :)
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the fake date plot | part 5.
Summary: Gryffindors, seventh years, classmates, unrequited love. Just a few things Y/N and James Potter had in common. When a brilliantly dumb plan is hatched the two end up getting something a little different than what they wanted.
Warnings for the Series: oh, this is a slowburn now. Or at least that's the plan.
Pairing: James Potter x reader
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: yes we're back, updates will probably take longer than they ever used to but I am trying to upload!
Previous Part | (Series Chapter List)
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It was obvious that your friends had been discussing the two of you by the way they suddenly broke apart and got quiet when you exited the bathroom. You and your suddenly real-fake boyfriend sat down with the rest of the group, letting them all see you guys holding hands before breaking apart. James held up a hand when Peter started to open his mouth. 
“I don’t want to talk about it. We were going to tell you guys in a way that wasn’t as embarrassing as turning into a deer in the shower. And not as soon either.” 
Sirius hummed. “Hmm, not okay. Prongs, can I talk to you outside?” 
Dorcas nodded. “Why don’t you take all the boys outside. Y/N, can we talk to you before the picnic?” 
You and James locked eyes with each other before he and the boys left. You looked at your roommates and took a grape from the bowl in the middle of the picnic setup. Marlene scratched her head before addressing you. 
“Weren’t you just crying about Xeno yesterday? Now you’re with James?” 
Internally, you panicked. The last thing you thought was that your friends would separate the two of you for a discussion. You wished the two of you had thought about a story together before leaving the bathroom. Now, you were concerned that you guys’ stories wouldn’t match up. 
“I know,” you said. “But James confessed last night kind of accidentally and he knows I still have some feelings for Xeno but we agreed to go slow. And we were friends before so it isn’t that weird.” 
You picked at your fingers while listening to your friends telling you that they were still confused, or that James was a bad idea, or anything else they could think of. Even though it wasn’t real you still kind of felt bad.
Sure, James was actually trying to date Lily but it sucked to think his entire persona was just that to other people. The girls were positive he was too obsessed with your redheaded friend to be serious about anything with you or anyone else. 
Marlene poured some water into a cup for you. “And showering together? Already? Being naked! If you were me or even Mary then I wouldn’t say anything.” 
Mary laughed as they clinked glasses. “My fellow steamy first dates partner-in-crime.” 
“But you, Y/N, you don’t even like to kiss on a first date. This seems pretty fast for you. I love James but if Lily has shown us anything, he can be obsessive. And I don’t like that when it comes to you.” 
“It was already bad enough with Xeno,” Dorcas added. “We’re only saying this because we love you but you don’t move at the same speed as them… and it feels like you’re changing yourself to match their pace.” 
“No,” you said defensively, knowing you couldn’t say just James was hiding in the shower. “I just didn’t want to leave the water and James came from quidditch. I felt bad if he didn’t get to relax so I said he could join if he wanted to. He didn’t even look at me.” 
“He didn’t?” 
“I’m serious. James never looks.” 
Lily stopped fixing her sandwich. “What do you mean never looks? That sounds plural.” 
“Um, yeah. When I got really drunk at the party, well you know how I really hate not being clean, James helped me with that.” 
“He did?” 
“Yeah, he bathed me by the sink and didn’t look at my boobs once. He just looked me in the eye.” 
“James?” Mary asked. “James Potter?” 
You nodded. “The only thing he’s ever done when I was naked was look me in the eye and help me get dressed.”  
“Don’t forget I held your hand while you peed, bug,” James said as he and the other boys walked in. 
“Hey! Stop telling people that, it’s embarrassing.”    
While you acted defensive, in reality, you were sighing with relief when the boys came back in. A minute longer and you would have had to come up with another story in defense of James. He sat down next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist. You wanted to laugh at your friend’s faces. 
The second time you came over in the summer, you brought a trunk. James wanted you to stay for two weeks so you guys could practice affection as a couple. You were initially going to tell your parents that you were going to Alice’s house but a lie seemed like it would fall apart in a matter of seconds. So you told the truth and were mortified at the second sex talk you had ever gotten from them. 
James was the only one at his house when he got home, stating he convinced Peter to take in Sirius for the week. He didn’t even need a reason to lie, Pete was more than happy to have his other friend sleepover because it got him out of babysitting duties. You followed the man in front of you towards the kitchen. He pointed you to a stool and started pulling out ingredients. 
“Have you had breakfast yet?” he asked. 
“Oh, that letter was legitimate. You actually cook?” 
James scoffed. “Yes. And don’t forget you’re supposed to act surprised at Hogwarts when you find that out.” 
“I won’t,” you said as you watched him begin to make crumpets. 
“Good. Now do you want cereal or porridge?” 
“How long do the crumpets take?” 
“Forty minutes.” 
“I’ll take the Pixie Puffs then.” 
You and James spend that entire morning and the rest of the week talking over small yet important details. The both of you were comfortable with brazen pda. Holding hands, hugging, cuddling, kisses, even kissed on the neck. All were okay. 
So you flopped over and rested your head on James’ lap, eyes closing momentarily so you wouldn’t chuckle at Remus’ open jaw. Your friend’s lap became one of your favorite cuddle spots. Despite quidditch, James wasn’t pure muscle to the point where it was uncomfortable. His hand occasionally traced circles over the exposed skin on your waist or ran gently up and down your arm. 
James looked down when he felt you staring. “What?” 
“What?” he asked with a laugh as he bent down. “Am I just that pretty?” 
“No, Jamie.” 
“Then what?” 
“Can I come watch your quidditch practice some time?” 
He nodded aggressively. “Of course, bug. But don’t you already watch practices?” 
“But that’s for Marlene, like… friends.” 
“Yeah, sure. I’d like you to be there.” James leaned down even more to give you a light kiss on your cheek.
The two of you broke apart from being in your own little world to joining the rest of your friends. Dorcas, Marlene, and Sirius looked suspicious. Peter and Mary had little smiles on their faces and seemed to be happy for you two. Remus and Lily were just avoiding eye contact. 
Everyone started to relax after the appetizers of the picnic. You and James didn’t do much more than him holding your waist or you resting your head on his shoulder. Overselling the idea that you were a couple didn’t seem very smart. Someone, especially Sirius or Marlene, was bound to catch on. 
When your roommates left, you told them that you’d be there in a few minutes. The marauders, who were all retreating to their beds minus Sirius who was looking for pajamas so he could take a shower, raised their eyebrows at you requesting spa time with James. Sirius shot up from his trunk. 
“Prongs doing skin care past face wash and lotion? Yeah, right.” 
“I actually liked the skin care,” James said. “Just not the face mask part or the essence.” 
The two of you escaped into the bathroom, leaving the door open this time. The rest of the marauders looked in. You sat on the counter cross-legged while James stood flush against it to the point where your legs were touching his skin. He rested his hands on your waist. 
“Can I do your hair?” he asked. 
You raised an eyebrow. “Only because you have curly hair, I’ll let you try. Not today though, but at some point.” 
Sirius shook his head. He casted a silencing spell on his bed so Remus and Peter could come over without it seeming suspicious if the entire dorm room was suddenly silent. The two boys walked over. Sirius held up a small book. 
“Okay, I know this is wrong on so many levels. And I would normally never do this but something is just so weird about this. James has never talked to Y/N before this year I’m sure.” 
With a bit of hesitation, they opened their friend’s diary and sifted through the pages. Aside from a few mentions of you in passing when James was recounting his day, there was nothing really about you. But there were countless pages about Lily.
They put the diary back in its place under the pillow and tried to look normal as they listened to the strange couple laughing in the bathroom. Something was suspicious about you guys. You jumped down from the counter when you finished doing your skin care, gathering your stuff to take back to your room. 
James caught your arm when you reached the door of their room. “I think you’re forgetting something.” 
You looked around. “Am I? I could’ve sworn I put everything in h… you didn’t mean that literally did you?” 
James shook his head as he bent down to give you a kiss. 
The two of you were sitting on the couch after the second movie had ended. Couch cuddling was an easy task. Ten minutes into the first movie and you guys looked like a couple that had been cuddling for years. You both decided to try floor and bed cuddling the next day. James took a swig of his butterbeer, nearly choking at your next suggestion. 
“Is that a bad idea?” you asked, picking at your fingers. 
“No. You’re right, we do need to know how to kiss each other. I’ve just never had anyone phrase it so bluntly before… Do you have anything you don’t want me to do?” 
You shrugged. “I’ve never kissed anyone before… Have you?” 
The two of you got so close that you were practically on top of James. You rested your hands on his shoulders while his hands came to cup the side of your face and back of your neck. James smiled at you once before leaning in. His lips were soft and surprisingly full. You found yourself relaxing more. The two of you laughed before pulling apart and laughing some more. 
“Was that really your first kiss?” you asked him. 
“With a girl, yeah. But Remus has the first honor of ever touching these lips.” 
You and James broke apart, staying close enough for you to peck his lips once more. The door closed behind you but before you could make your way to the stairs for your dorm, you heard all three boys practically attack their friend.
(part 6)...
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quodekash · 1 year
guys jokezo just made out and now they have to share a bed together. just chew on that for a bit.
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(they made out last night btw)
(just in case anyone forgot)
(and then they had to share a bed)
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ass x7
also zo is fully just not doing anything lmao
everyone's pushing with all their might and zo is just 🧍‍♂️
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oh the desperate thigh grab
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yeah, im with him on this, they need to talk about it. especially about how they had to slEEP IN THE SAME FREAKING BED AFTER THAT
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welp. I guess joke's day was just ruined in a slap to the face disguised as a few words
I must say tho, this is really giving episode-6-of-bad-buddy
its very patpran-post-rooftop-kiss-core
the vibes be gay and yearning and very very sad
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a few things to say about her
1. she's gorgeous
2. DAMN she is SHORT
3. I was rewatching the first four episodes yesterday and today because I could, and I noticed in the first episode, zo asked his friends to not tag him in photos they took at the bar, because "I don't want my mum to see"
but my question is... why? he's just out drinking with friends, he's an adult, he's not being irresponsible or anything, so why doesn't he want her to see the photos?
is it something to do with what his mum thinks of him? is she overbearing? does she have high expectations of him? does she kinda suck?
she's probably lovely though, and ill end up adding her to my list-of-fictional-parents-to-get-adopted-by (it's a very long list)
I guess we shall find out today as the episode progresses
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oh, honey, you're so queer
the amount of times ive done exactly this
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she's so short its hilarious omg
also: ive decided I love his mum
she's so sweet
and neither of them know how to use a stove and I think that's so hilarious and endearing
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(also: this scene is making me think of akkayan at aye's house having a meal with his mum and rhbgdhjgb)
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he's putting two and two together
the few braincells he has that aren't dedicated to debating are whirring in his mind
I can practically hear his thoughts
"he kissed me back... he wants to talk about the kiss... we went on two dates together at his suggestion... he showed up at my house and charmed my mother... he says I have secret admirers..." cmon sweetie youre so close
"WAIT, DOES HE LIKE ME?" omg honeybun you did it!
or maybe he didn't do it
maybe he was still shuffling the pieces in his brain but hadn't put them together and then his mum said something and distracted him
either way: that was hilarious and I want to high five dunk for his acting there
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still love her tho
high expectations suck but she seems wonderful so far (obviously my opinion will change if the circumstances do (like if it turns out she completely sucks) but for now she's made it to the adoption list)
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brb, gonna go cry real quick
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well now their thumbs are making out
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you see, I understand the things he's saying. and I honestly agree with him. if I were ever somehow put in his position, id probably say the same things.
HOWEVER, I just want my bl boys to kiss again and be happy and together and I appreciate the realism over the usual fantasy kinda situation we go for in bls, but I just want them to kissssss
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this is very good advice
I hope that jokezo kiss again this episode
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im gonna start crying soon
its so funny
help me
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girl is worried
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I know this is what jeng told you to do but is during debate club really the right moment
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im so certain that she ships it
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hell yeah
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omg next episode is gonna be amazing
I can't wait
gekjrdsbfd I love them so much
im like 70% certain they're gonna kiss next episode so fingers crossed
anyway. that was good. I should go to sleep now
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pardi-real · 7 months
Honeymoon Knight / Chapter 13 - The Best Memories
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~ The next morning ~
I was thinking of getting ready soon, when I heard someone knocking on the door.
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Knock, knock…
Flure: "My lord, are you awake?"
> "That voice, it's Flure"
Flure: "I've come to assist with your change of clothes."
> "Please come in"
Flure: "Excuse me. Good morning, my lord."
> "Morning, Flure"
Flure: "Today's outfit is prepared here."
Flure handed over the outfit, a beautiful white ensemble. All of the outfits Flure has prepared for me are wonderful, but… today's outfit… is really pretty and has a luxurious feel.
> “This outfit is really pretty”
> “I can feel your passion in this outfit”
Flure: "Fufu, today's outfit is requested by the villa butlers."
> “Requested?"
Flure: "Yes. Although they didn't tell me the details, Mr. Hanamaru asked for a ‘luxurious white outfit', so I chose this one from the prepared outfits!"
> "I see"
Flure: "Setting that aside, shall we get changed?"
~ A little while later ~
Flure: "Tidy up here... Alright... It's complete. Fufu. It suits you very well, my lord."
> “Thank you, Flure”
> "It's so luxurious; I feel a bit nervous"
Knock, knock…
Hanamaru: "My lord, is it okay to come in now?"
Flure: "That voice, Mr. Hanamaru?"
> “Please come in”
> "It's okay now"
Hanamaru: " ’scuse me. Oh, it looks great on you. Fantastic."
> "Thank you"
Flure: "Um, Mr. Hanamaru, what are you going to do with my lord?"
Hanamaru: "Hm~? That's a secret, of course~."
Flure: "It won't hurt to tell me."
Hanamaru: "No can do."
Flure: "Even though I went through the trouble of fulfilling the request..."
Hanamaru: "I do appreciate you preparing the outfit. Nothing less from the guy who's in charge of the outfits in the mansion. Thanks for the fantastic outfit.
How-ev-er. Isn't it about time for you to go back to work~? You hear me. Get out of the room now! Shoo, shoo!”
Flure: "Wait- Mr. Hanamaru! At least tell me what you're going to do!"
Hanamaru: “Sure, sure. I'll tell you all of it when it's done.”
Flure: “Please don't do anything that troubles the lord, alright?”
Hanamaru: "It's alright, it's alright. Trust me, okay?"
Flure: "I-is it really okay?"
Hanamaru: "Yeah, yeah. Bye~"
Hanamaru: "Phew... That should do it."
> "Hanamaru, what are you really up to?"
Hanamaru: "Hm~? That's still a secret. Anyway, sit on that chair. I'll style your hair."
> "Huh? My hair?"
Hanamaru: "Exactly. Come on, have a seat."
~ Some minutes later ~
Hanamaru styled my hair like he's done this a lot before. Not only that, he's pretty good at it.
Hanamaru: "Alright, it's done like this. Hehe. It turned out nicely. Looks great on you. Fantastic, my lord."
> “You're good at styling hair’’
> "You're really skilled at hair styling"
Hanamaru: "Well, it's one of my few special skills. You know, when you have kids going through puberty, they come with all sorts of requests like wanting their hair like this or that."
> "Talking about the kids from the church?"
Hanamaru: "Yeah, that's right. So, I learned it on my own. Now then... My story ends here... It's about time you come to the photo shoot location."
> "Photo shoot location?"
Hanamaru: "Yep. Please follow me, my lord. Watch your step."
[Maroota, Inn's backyard]
I followed Hanamaru and was guided to the inn's backyard. There, Teddy and Yuhan were waiting, and a familiar old-fashioned camera was placed there.
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> “A camera…?”
> "What's going on here?"
Teddy: "We've been expecting you, my lord. That's a very lovely outfit."
Yuhan: "Yes. It suits you very well. Indeed, when we talk about the central land-style wedding, a pure white outfit is a must."
> "Wedding?"
Hanamaru: "My lord. You might have a good guess by now, but… how about taking wedding photos with us?”
> “What!?”
> “C-come again…?”
Hanamaru: "Hey, didn't we talk about this yesterday? If there are memories that we, the villa butlers, don't have, but the others do, then... we just need to create those. 
So, since it's the June Bride season now... Just like how the lord took photos with the other butlers last year… How about taking wedding photos with the lord? 
We even borrowed a camera and made preparations for it~."
Yuhan: “Speaking of which... we borrowed this camera from the photographer brought by the heir candidate couple. A very kind person... after paying the fee, they willingly lent it to us."
Teddy: "Hmm... I was worried they'd say, 'I won't lend it to devil butlers.' We got really lucky!"
Hanamaru: "Come on, my lord. Why are you making such a bewildered face? Let's take wedding photos, shall we?"
> "Uh, are we really going to take them?"
Hanamaru: "Of course. Or do you not want to take them with us butlers from the villa?"
> "It's not that"
Hanamaru: "Then, let's do it. …Give us the best memories with you, too, okay?"
> "Hanamaru..."
Yuhan: "Taking wedding photos with the butlers may feel like crossing a line, but... If you say it's okay, I would like to try it."
> "Yuhan..."
Teddy: "We have no intention to force you. Sorry if it bothers you... But, well... since you took photos with the other butlers, I thought maybe you'd allow us..."
> "Teddy..."
Hanamaru: "What are you gonna do? We're all mentally prepared."
> “...Then, let's do it"
Teddy: "!!
Thank you, my lord! We got the OK, right, Mr. Yuhan?"
Yuhan: "Yes. Thank goodness."
Hanamaru: "Alright, let's take them quickly. Time is limited."
Teddy: "So, as decided in advance... first, it's my turn. Please, my lord."
> "Sure"
~ A while later ~
And so, I finished taking photos with the three of them.
Yuhan: "I look forward to developing them."
Teddy: "Thank you for the lovely photos, my lord!"
> “Likewise"
Hanamaru: "Oh, not yet. The photo session isn't over."
> "Huh?"
Yuhan: "We've taken some wedding photos, though..."
Hanamaru: "Heh-hehhh. Since we came all the way to Maroota... How about putting these on and taking one more?"
Teddy: "These are...?"
> “Could it be…”
> “Speaking of Maroota..."
With that said, Hanamaru took out four familiar accessories.
Yuhan: "Are these... cat ears?"
Hanamaru: "When it comes to Maroota, it seems wearing cat ears is the dress code. You wore them last November, didn't you, my lord?"
> "That's right"
Hanamaru: "So, here you go, my lord..."
Then, Hanamaru gently put cat ears on my head.
Hanamaru: "Hehehe. It suits you well. You're amazing, my lord. You look good in anything."
Teddy: "Then, shall we put them on, too?"
Yuhan: "Yes.”
Yuhan: “Like this?"
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Teddy: "It feels strangely nerve-wracking."
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Hanamaru: "Alright. Finally, let's take a picture with all four of us."
> "A group photo…!"
Hanamaru: "That's what I'd like to do, but... There's no one to release the shutter."
Teddy: "Yes. Someone has to take the picture..."
Yuhan: "If only there was someone around here who could help..."
Trudge… trudge… trudge…
???: "My lord~! Where are you~? My lord~!"
Yuhan: "Oh, dear? This voice is…"
Muu: "Ah! My lord! I finally found you... What's with that appearance? Why are you wearing cat ears?"
> "There's a reason for this..."
Hanamaru: "Muu. You came at just the right time. Can you help us with taking pictures?"
Muu: "Taking pictures? Um, sure."
Yuhan: "Thank you, Muu."
Teddy: "Thanks, Muu."
Muu: "Uh, um... The situation is still not very clear..."
Hanamaru: "I'll explain after we finish taking the photos. Anyway, come on, there's no time."
Muu: "U-understood."
Hanamaru: "Alright, then, my lord in the center."
Teddy: "With your usual wonderful smile, please!"
Hanamaru: "This will be your first photo with the Villa butlers... Let's make it the best one."
> "Yes…!"
Muu: "Okay, I'm taking it~! 3-2-1!"
And so, I… took my first photo with the Villa butlers. After finishing taking the photos… All three of them smiled happily.
Just by taking pictures, they seem so pleased… It made me feel happy, too.
I want to create many memories from now on, with them...
That was the moment I thought so.
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。⋆。˚🦋 Ikemen Villain Prologue 🦋˚。⋆。
Chapter 1 If Life Were A Fairy Tale...
If life were a fairy tale, it would have been easy to be happy...
We don't have to do anything we aren't allowed to do. For example...
A forest you must not enter, a door you must not open, a secret you must not know.
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Kate: "This is all that I'm in charge of? Okay, thank you for sorting the letters."
Colleague: "You know, the one at the top is a love letter, okay? That's a big responsibility, Kate."
Kate: "All letters are equally important because it's written from a person's heart."
Kate: "Okay then, I'm off to work!"
I put the bundle of letters in my delivery bag and opened the front door of the post office.
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(It's even livelier today...wasn't it the social season?)
London, the Capital of the United Kingdom, is literally the most prosperous city in the world during the reign of her Majesty, Queen Victoria.
Immigrants, industrial capitalists, and aristocrats crowded together,
Everyone is living today the same as yesterday, full of worries and joys in their own way.
Kate: "Okay, let's get the work done as soon as possible!"
I am an ordinary citizen who works as a postman in such a city.
(Phew, I'm tired)
As I deliver the letters to each recipient, as usual, I noticed the gas lamps beginning to turn on one-by-one.
(2 more to go...next address is...Ah)
Suddenly, a strong wind blew and one of the envelopes flew into the sky from my hand.
(Oh no oh no!)
The envelope kept flying higher across the dimly lit alleyway and chased after it desperately.
Kate: "If I lose it, I'll be in trouble...come back here!"
I kept chasing it as fast as I could and finally saw it lying on the ground.
Then I saw a man with silver hair that dazzled even in the twilight, emerging from an alleyway.
(Thank god...!)
Kate: "Excuse me, sir, please don't step on that letter..."
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???: "....."
When I rushed over to him, he kindly bents down and picked up the envelope that fluttered down to his feet.
???: "There you go, my lady."
He simply picks it up and offers it to me, but I find myself gazing at him, perhaps because of his inhuman good looks and the elegance of his gestures.
Kate: "....Thank you."
???: "You're welcome."
(This person's eyes are...red. So much like.....)
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In the dimly lit alley, the outstretched palm, the blood-colored eyes....all of it was...
A shiver ran down my spine as if it was going to take me somewhere that wasn't real.
Man with red eyes: "Only 2 more deliveries left?"
Kate: ".....Hm?"
His mutterings brought me back to myself. Immediately, the hustle and bustle of London came back to my ears.
Kate: "Sorry, I was spacing out for a moment there----"
Man with red eyes: "Hurry up, the sun will soon be setting."
He said it in a whisper and briskly walks away. I soon see him disappear into the crowd.
For some reason, the faint scent of sweet roses lingering in the air made my heart flutter.
Man with red eyes: "I've made you wait, Victor."
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Man with long black hair: "I'm happy to wait for you for hours...So? Did something good happen?"
Man with red eyes: "Yeah. I just saw a cute little robin, with a lovely voice, flying happily."
Man with long black hair: "Heh...if you're interested in someone, then that makes me interested in them too."
(That was strange. How did that man know about the number of deliveries....?)
(I don't think we'll ever meet again...since he looked like an aristocrat by the way he dressed)
I walk the streets with a feeling of relief as if I wanted to talk to him some more.
Because I love the moments when people's hearts are touched, I chose a job delivering thoughtful letters.
I have no complaints about the days I continue to deliver someone's thoughts and I think that my current routine may be a happy life that suits me.
But I also think that the world might change if I take a step forward at...on a moment's notice.
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(I'm not sure if it's called 'asking for something you don't have')
Kate: "Anyways, I'm glad I delivered all the letters today without any trouble."
It was then that I praised myself as if I were self-imposed.
???: "Wait!!"
Chapter 2 - Boundary Between Good And Evil
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chaeinedup · 1 year
Welcome Home
Being an adult is shitty. Specially when you don't feel like one. What do they mean, getting a job, paying bills and constant responsabilty??!! This is exactly why you couldn't live alone for long, you were fast to let your thoughts take over you and because of that spiralling was quite frequent.
You tried convincing some of your friends to move in with you, offered to do all the dishes for an entire month, accepted to move into the smaller bedroom, but in the end no one wanted or could accept the offer. Hope was starting to fade but you're not a quitter, at least that's what you try to tell yourself in situations like these. The last resort was to advertise it online.
Surely someone would accept it, however there's many risks that come with that possibility and you want to live for a long time. Despair and frustration, the worse pair, was teaming up against you, and they had a very high chance of winning if you look at their record sheet. A ping made you jump off of your chair, you weren't talking to anyone so this was definetely unexpected, but not unwanted, you could use the company.
Are you still looking for a housemate?
No sorry ahaha But i have a friend who is interested.
Do I know them?
Kinda? I mean you've guys spoken to each other before, at my birthday I think. It's wooyoung.
That name is familiar, as you started to search through your memories, Yunho's birthday party folder showed up, a brief replay of the moment you introduced yourself to everyone and there he was, sitted next to San. You only have good things to say about him, super approachable, funny, helpful... This situation was starting to fix itself.
Give him my adress and my number. Oh and tell him to meet me here tomorrow at 11am. So he can see the place and we get to know each other.
Okay, he said he'll be there.
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9:00am and you were wide awake, you wanted to leave the apartment spotless, look good and also grocery shopping. The plan is to make him lunch, something easy because you don't intend to burn the place down. So off to the supermarket you were.
The walk home was much worse due to the heavy bags but nothing could discourage you. You exude happiness ever since you got Yunho's text yesterday, cloud9 was so close, the only thing left was wooyoung saying yes.
Food prep? Done, House duties? Done, last step, getting ready. You already had chosen the outfit in your mind, nothing too fancy just an oversized t-shirt and a pair of jeans. The special element was your kuromi socks since the neutral ones were in the wash.
11:00am finally comes around and your excitment can't contain itself, you're walking from one side of the living room to the other, looking at the clock every 5 seconds, wondering when he'll get here. After almost 100 laps around the couch your phone rang.
"Hi, it's Wooyoung, I'm downstairs, I didn't know which floor it was so I decided to call you instead."
"Oh yeah, second floor on your right."
"Thanks, I'll be right there."
As soon you hung up, you threw your phone back on the couch and ran to the door. You put your head on the peep hole to see him from the elevator. The doors opened and he stepped outside, heading torwards your place, but something was different, his hair was longer. A knock on the door woke you back up and you opened the door.
"Welcome to your future home, please come on in." you said while smiling.
"What makes you think I'll want to stay here?"
"Great area, spacious apartment, plenty of transportation, close to Yunho's house and an amazing housemate. You'll be dumb if you pass up this opportunity."
"Not even 5 minutes in and you're already insulting me?" he acted shocked.
"If I didn't know you better, I'd actually feel guilty about my comment and besides, it only counts as an insult if you don't end up wanting to stay. So choose wisely."
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"So tell me about you." He spit out.
You gave him a tour, told him the house rules and so far so good. He seemed very pleased, your hope was growing by the minute. Your food was also tasting extra good, you couldn't tell if it was your skills improving or the delusion speaking.
"Me? Well there's not much to tell."
"Then why were you so desperate to get a house buddy?"
You choked on your food.
He couldn't stop laughing he even put his fork down to clap.
"No need to get embarassed I was just wondering. I wanted to be closer to the center of Seoul for professional reasons but also to experience more of the city life. But everything is expensive nowadays and what isn't is already taken or doesn't have that much of great conditions."
"So we met at each other at the right time! Well sure we first interacted at Yunho's house but you know... officially."
"I must say I really liked you at that time, you were very cheerful and loud kinda like me. I mean when he said you'd show up I was a little scared cause we can be a looot but you handled us pretty well."
"Yah did I ever look weak to you Jung Wooyoung!!"
The conversation flowed so well he stayed ever until it was dark outside. It's safe to say that in the end he said yes.
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biggerbetterbat · 9 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: The group faces the Governor’s attack, but it turns out that it should be last concerning. They also lose a member.
Warnings: language and death
Songs: Billie Eilish Male Fantasy
Words: 2,339
A/N: I’M DONE WITH THIS SEASON!!! You have no idea how happy I am. I hope you’ll enjoy, I’ll post something special tomorrow and at Wednesday expect a new chapter. Thank you for reading!!!
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It was a cold damn morning for July.
Charlie zipped up her jacket and wrapped arms around her body to prevent it from shaking. She felt her fingers stiffen with every minute. Hiding in the woods in a weather like this was a bad idea, bit it was the safest option for Judith and Carl. At first, it was supposed to be just Hershel to take care of the youngest members of the group; however, Rick felt generous enough the day the tasks were being given. Apparently Rick had doubts towards the old man, and needed someone just in case.
But waiting was slowly killing her. Charlie would rather be scared but doing something, rather than just waiting around on the cold. "I should be there," Carl said as they heard the shoots.
"That makes the two of us," she mumbled under her nose, trying to see something from behind the bushes.
"Everyone has something to do," Hershel said, pulling Beth closer to his body.
"Yeah," Carl rolled his eyes. "Ours is to just sit and do nothing."
Carl became nervous and shut off himself after his father's speech. He stopped talking to anyone and was evidently in is own space, thinking about...something. He became aggressive, which worried Charlie as Carl was always kind and gentle. Maybe that was just him growing older? Transforming from a child into a teenager.
Carl wasn't the only person that undergo a change recently. Daryl came back yesterday a long time after Michonne. Charlie thought that he was dead or gone for good this time, but he wasn't - he was back but not the same. Beside his clothes and hands being covered in blood, his eyes were puffy from crying. From what she heard from Carol, he found Merle who was turned and had to kill his own brother. Charlie couldn't imagine what that must have felt like; moreover, she didn't know if she would be able to do something like this. Of course, she wouldn't want her brothers to walk around as one of those beasts, but she was barely able to kill a regular Walker. That's how her anger towards the hunter became to disappear.
With that shooting stopped, and they heard cars' engines - Governor was running.
"Is it over?" Beth asked, looking towards the prison. "We won?"
Then they heard fast steps. Someone was running towards them through the bushes, so they all hide behind the car, getting ready with their guns. Soon they all saw a boy - not much older than Carl, maybe a year or two younger than Beth. He stopped abruptly as he saw them, pointing guns at him. His eyes became even more scared.
"Woah," he raised his arms. "Don't shoot."
"Drop the weapon, son," commanded Hershel.
"Sure," said the boy immediately. He sensed that the most dangerous to him would be Charlie and Carl so his eyes were switching from one to another. He spread his arm to give out his gun. "Here, take it."
"Carl, don't" said Charlie, sensing the intentions of the boy. She saw his finger trembling on the trigger as he was battling with his thoughts. The stranger was looking at Carl with fear but still was lowering on his legs to place slowly his gun. "Carl..."
"What the hell?!" Charlie yelled at the boy and pushed him so he was facing her. Beth and Hershel were looking at him with fear in the eyes, while Charlie wanted to punch him in the face.
"He wanted to attack us."
"He wanted to give up," she said. "Are you stupid?! What were you thinking?! I told you to stop!"
"That I don't want to die a boy!" he screamed at Charlie. "He would kill us just like Shane would kill my dad if he didn't kill him. And who you are to tell me what to do?! You can't even care of yourself!"
Charlie opened her eyes wider and couldn't made the words to leave her lips. She didn't expect the sudden outburst so she was just standing there with wide eyes looking at Carl to the moment he shook his head and passed her like she was nothing.
"I did my job out there," Charlie entered the prison as those words left Carl's mouth, trying to convince his father to something. "Just like all of you. Took out one of the Governor's soldiers."
Enough was enough. She liked Carl...lately. He was a good child after all, maybe a little lost. But who wouldn't be? They both opened up to one another and she was sticking to her promise of taking care of him. However, what he did out there was just not right. Outside of the fence, he became the same kid he was in the quarry or on the farm - a brat. Now was even worse as he had a lot of negative emotions accumulated inside of his body. "One of his soldier?" Charlie furrowed her eyebrows.
"A kid running away?" Hershel backed her up, recalling the event. "He stumbled across us."
"No," Carl protested. "He drew on us."
"I'm sorry you had to do that," Rick looked at his son.
"It's what I was there for."
"That's why I was there for Carl," Charlie said annoyed. "And you were supposed to listen to me."
"I'm going with you," the boy ignored Charlie and said firmly to his father, walking away.
"Get back here! We haven't done talking yet!" Charlie called after him, but got no answer. "If I can suggest you something, Rick...better talk with your kid because I'm done with raising him."
"That kid was scared," Hershel said to Rick, meaning the boy in the woods. "He was handing his gun over."
"He said he drew," Rick turned to see the confirmation in Charlie, but she gave him a cold stare that was supposed to confirm the version of the old man. "Carl said it was in defense."
"Because Carl is always telling the truth," Reed rolled her eyes. "I was there. Hershel was there."
"He didn't have to shoot," Hershel nodded. "He had every reason not to..."
"Maybe it looked like that to you..."
"Rick!" Charlie yelled. "He gunned that kid down."
A bullet flew right next to her head. Great beginning of the visitation in the Woodbury.
"Tyreese!"the woman walked from behind the car they were hiding and raised her arms.
"Karen!" said a similar voice. "Karen are you okay?!"
"I'm fine!"
"Where's the Governor?" the man asked.
"He fired at everyone!" she cried. "He killed them all!"
"Why are you with them?"
And that was a very good question. Maggie and Glenn offered that they would stay in the prison, while the others would follow the Governor to make sure that he's gone for good. That's when Charlie found an occasion to finally do something, so when Daryl offered her a ride on his bike with him, she was more than willing, sitting behind him almost with a smile on her lips. It wasn't long since they stopped in the middle of nowhere and found the group of people that minutes ago were attacking them in the prison. They were all dead, but some of them were turned and eating other corpses. This picture made Charlie's stomach twist and everything she had inside came up her throat.
When they found the woman or when the woman found them, she told them everything what happened once they left the prison. In her story, people form the Woodbury wanted to come back home and forget about the prison and Rick's group. However, that met with anger of the Governor who showed his true face and killed everyone but her, as she hide under one of the bodies. Karen said that Andrea left town couple days ago because she wanted to warn the group about Governor's plans - but she never actually got there. In that moment, Rick decided that the attack on the town was called off, but they were still going there in much greater reason and to find Andrea, of course.
"They saved me!"
Once Rick and the rest joined Karen, Tyreese and Sasha opened them the doors. Charlie smiled weakly as she saw them both all good, glad that after all they found the safe place. Sasha spread her arms and trapped Reed in a loose hug, which she gave back, showing her honest intentions. "What are you doing here?"
"We were coming to finish this," Charlie revealed the original plan. "Until we saw what the Governor did."
"He...he killed them all?" Tyreese asked in fear and shock.
"Yeah," Charlie nodded. "Karen told us Andrea hopped the wall going for the prison. And she never made it."
"She might be here," Rick said passing the two of old acquaintances. "He kept Glenn and Maggie here."
Charlie was here for the first time and hoped that would be the last time. The Woodbury itself was a beautiful place looking like an average small town from before; however the place she was in now made her skin crawl. The air was musty and damp, away from the main road and city life to cover whatever was inside. The group stopped in front of the metal doors and that was the only possibility of where their friend would be kept. Her heart was filled with hope until she saw a huge puddle formed by thick, almost black blood that was coming from the inside.
She took a step back at the sight, not knowing if she really wanted to enter the room. Her back collided with Daryl and when their eyes met, he nodded as if he wanted to assure her that he was entering the room right behind her.
"Andrea!" Michonne gasped as soon as she entered which only made Charlie hesitate even more.
The room was spacious but dark. In the middle stood a chair with chains that looked like some type of torture tool. At its foot laid the body of some man, and apparently he was dead. Charlie moved her eyes around and found the woman they were looking for right by the entrance. Andrea was clearly exhausted and was barely holding on. She opened her mouth and weakly smiled. "I tried to stop them."
"You're burning up," observed Michonne, placing a hand to her head.
Then Andrea groaned and revealed two or more bites on her shoulder. Charlie's head spinned around and something painfully squeezed her throat. "Are they alive?"
"Yes," Rick nodded.
"No one can make it alone now," Andrea said wit tears in the eyes.
"I never could," Daryl said and his eyes met Charlie's.
"I just didn't want anyone to die," she whispered. Charlie felt guilty watching her like this. She called her names, she judged her for the past days, when the reality was different. She felt horrible with how snappy and judgmental she was towards Andrea from the very beginning. Charlie created an assumption and lived by it not really trying to get to know her. Andrea never had bad intentions...never. Not now, not on the farm, not even in the quarry. Her character was hard, but she was a good person. At the end of the day, she wanted to help all of them. "Don't cry, Charlie."
Her eyes met the dying woman and just now she felt tears on her cheeks. "I'm not crying. I just hate the smell here," Charlie sniffed her nose.
Andrea smiled weakly.
"I can do it myself," she said. "I have to. While I still can."
"I can't," Charlie whispered. It was all too much for her. No matter what, Andrea was one of the first person she met after the outbreak and whether she liked it or not, they became emotionally attached- maybe not as close as with the others, but she was a big part of Charlie's life, the new life. Charlie was mean towards Andrea and Andrea was hostile towards Charlie, she wished her some lesson for her annoying behavior, but she never meant death. Charlie pushed next to Daryl, and then walked next to Tyreese and Sasha.
She kneeled down and tried to take a breath, feeling as if the whole air was escaping her lungs. Pure panic took over her body and nothing could calm her down.
Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle. Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle.Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle.Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle.Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle...
Her head switched on the autopilot, repeating the names, but that only made her attack even stronger. Then she felt strong arms wrapping around her and pulling her closer to his chest. Charlie didn't fight him, she wanted to feel him this close and finally relax, forgetting about what he did and not feeling the anger towards him.
"Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle," she started whispering over and over again. "Mom, dad, Finn, Zach, Will, Pete, Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Shane, Patricia, Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle..." she stopped once Daryl placed a hand on her ear, bringing her closer.
His heart was shaking in fear but not for Andrea. He was scared about Charlie. The last time she experienced something like that was after they lost the farm, but now it was worse. She kept repeating the names of the dead ones over and over again, and she dug nails into the inside of her hands - Daryl was sure that they would start bleed.
"Andrea," she whispered once she heard muffled shoot.
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Larissa Weems x Reader Chapter 2: Why is this my life?
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My alarm goes off and I start to get ready for the day. My meeting is at 1:30pm so I have some time to organize my classroom. The clock hits 1:15pm and I start to make my way to the headmistress’s office. I don't even look at the name I just knock and when I hear a come in I walk in. As soon as my eyes land on my boss my heart drops to my stomach, it's Larissa. "So... guess you're my boss" I say in a small voice. Larissa finally looks up and her mouth drops. She does not look happy. She quickly puts on a smile and gestures to the seat across from her desk. I go to say something but quickly get cut off by her hand.
"Look, first things first whatever happened between us stops now. If I had known, you were the new teacher I would have never flirted or let you kiss me yesterday." My heart continues to drop further and further; I can feel tears starting to well in my eyes but I quickly will them away. She doesn't get to see me cry. "So that means that our date we had set for tonight will no longer happen. Now that that is settled, have you gotten settled and acquainted yourself with the school. The children will get here next week Monday in 6 days." Larissa doesn't even seem phased I thought we had a connection why is she not feeling the same as me? I think to myself. I quickly calm myself before answering.
"Yes, Principle Weems. I am all settled in and prepared for the children to arrive on Monday." I say in a quiet flat tone.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, I do hope you understand. I hope we can work with each other and become friends, and please call me Larissa when we are alone." Larissa softly says making me feel worse.
"It's fine, Principle Weems and yeah maybe." With that I get up and walk to my room. As soon as I close that door I allow the tears to fall and I myself fall to the ground in front of the door. Sure the one person that I actually fall for is my boss and she says that we can't see each other anymore. Why is my life always like this just a disappointment? I calm down after a while and go into my bathroom to shower again. I get dressed in clothes to start a little gardening in my classroom and the greenhouse, I just need to get out of my head. I get to my classroom fixing up the flowers and some herbs as well, and do the same in the greenhouse. I see a broken bench in the back of the greenhouse and decide to fix it up. I look for a groundskeeper and ask for some tools. As I am waiting outside for him to come back out with the tools I see Larissa walking around. She still looks so unaffected, as soon as she sees me she tries to walk over to me but the groundskeeper comes back with the tools and said I can just leave them outside once I'm done. He leaves and Larissa still is walking up to me, I turn around and go into the greenhouse. I quickly turn into a bird a Raven to be exact before she enters. I am just hanging out on the truss of the greenhouse, Larissa looks around and seems stumped. Her shoulders fall and she walks out I wait for a little bit before flying back to the ground and changing back into myself. I let out a big breath and fix the bench up. I leave the tools outside just like I was instructed and start to walk around the grounds. I walk to the lake and sit down to take it in.
"I thought you would eventually end up here" Larissa says I don't have to turn around to tell it’s her. She sits down right next to me and lets out a sigh. "Y/N please talk to me" she pleads.
"Look I just can't right now okay. You have to give me space to get over whatever happened between us. I can't just act like nothing happened like you. So if you don't mind I'm going to my room. Goodnight" I get up and leave before she can say anything else. How does she not see how much this is affecting me, I don't understand? I reach my room again and lay down and cry myself to sleep. For the rest of the week/weekend it just involved in me avoiding Larissa and her trying to talk to me. Now when I leave my room I just turn into an animal so she doesn't know it is me she sees.
--------------------- Time Skip ---------------
It was officially Monday the day the kids arrive. I sit in my classroom waiting for the orientations to start, I know Larissa is giving a speech in the quad and I am supposed to be there but I just can't. Soon after that thought kids stat coming in my room. "Hello, y'all I'm Ms. Y/L/N and I am your new botany teacher. I hope you don't hold a grudge against me because of the last one." a few of them shake their heads no and I continue with the introduction for each class the rest of the day never leaving my room. I had even brought my lunch with me. The only time I leave is to my room after classes are done. When the kids see me in the hallways they send me smiles and say hi. I'm just about to enter my room when "Ms. Y/L/N please come to my office." of course Larissa wants to talk to me. I follow her to her office and sit down in front of her looking anywhere but at her. "Now I know you have been avoiding me but when we have a whole school assembly I need you to attend. I will not tolerate this type of insubordination. Do you understand?" Larissa sternly tells me.
"Of course Principle Weems, I apologize I will be at the next assembly." I tell her quietly again. Larissa lets out a sign again and I hear her get up and feel her kneel in front of me. She gently moves my face to look at her.
"Darling, please it's Larissa. and please talk to me." Larissa pleads and I feel a tear fall out and down my cheek before it can get all the way down Larissa wipes it away. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. Please don't cry, love"
"I'm sorry, I can't do this." I quickly stand up and start to walk to the door. Before I can open the door Larissa pulls me back towards her and hugs me tight so I can't escape. "Larissa, please let me go" I try to get free but can't and I break down.
"Shh, let it all out darling, shhh. And you were wrong before this hurts me just as much." Larissa's voice cracks and I can feel her body shake as she starts to cry. We both stand there in each other’s arms and cry, we both eventually calm down and look in each other’s eyes. "I wish things were different love" Larissa speaks softly.
"I know, I know Larissa. I wish things were different too. I just need space before we can be friends." I tell her and she nods. " Can I have a favor?" I asked Larissa and she nods. "Can I have one last kiss please?" Larissa gives me a sad smile and pulls me into her and gives me a kiss. I can feel both of our emotions in this kiss. We pull apart I give her one last look and walk out to my room. I fall asleep hoping tomorrow will be better.
The next day I awake before my alarm goes off. I shower get dressed and after I make a cup of coffee I head to my classroom to prepare for the first official day of school. I do the same thing as yesterday never leaving my classroom until my classes are done and even then I head straight to my room. I open my window to let the air in and decide that it would be good to take a flight.
I transform into a Raven and fly around campus. I see Wednesday on her balcony playing her cello, I fly over another balcony and sit and listen to her play. I am so transfixed on the music I don't notice someone coming out and standing right next to me, until I smell that familiar sandalwood and jasmine. Of course I fly right on to Larissa Weems's balcony. "Oh little raven what am I going to do. I'm afraid I have done something so very horrible. At least for just now listening to this music and talking with you I feel a little at peace." Larissa gently strokes my head. We sit there listening to Wednesday and as soon as she finishes, Larissa speaks up again. "If only I could communicate with you, but if you can understand. Would you be so kind as to return here at the same time tomorrow?" Larissa asks hopeful. I think about it for a second and realize just how calming it is to be in her presence just being myself, I squawk back at her and take my leave going around a few times before flying into my window again. Well if I can't get a date with her in my human form I guess my bird form will have to do. I get ready for bed and fall asleep.
I awake the next day and it goes the same as yesterday. As soon as I finish my class, I go to my room open my window and fly to Larissa's balcony. I wait only for a few minuets before she walks out. She pauses for a second a little startled that I am actually here and can understand her. She quickly regains her composure and walks over to me. "Good day little raven. I'm quite happy you showed up. I brought you some bread if that's alright and some water." I give her a little bow and she smiles and brings the try to a little table she has on her balcony by a chair for her. I fly over to the table and start to peck and eat the bread. "So little raven, you can understand me right?" She asks to which I bow again. She smiles wide and asks " Can you talk?" I give a little shake of my head no and she nods. "That is alright, as long as it is okay with you I'd would like to talk about my day. If at anytime you want to leave just give the try 3 pecks." She instructed and said. I bow again. "Good, well nothing much happened today besides the fact that Y/N is avoiding me. Which I understand fully, you see we had a date planned and kissed before we knew she was going to me working under me and before she knew I was her boss. I told her it needed to stop and the look on her face when I said that I will never forget or forgive myself for making her fell that pain. She is such a smart, beautiful and kind person. I just wish things were different I would absolutely love to explore my feelings more. You see when I went to school here I was quite infatuated with Morticia Frump well Morticia Addams now. But she just ruined my view on love, she would ask me to change into different people, you see I am a shapeshifter I can shapeshift into other people; and I did because I was blinded by what I thought was love. Anyways since then I've just focused on work to scared of getting hurt again and when I met Y/N she, gosh she made me feel seen. Like she wanted to be with me the real me and I was oh so excited to explore that, I could actually see myself being with her for the rest of my life. I know, I know I had just met her but she already meant... no means everything to me. But with me being her boss I simply can not explore that relationship with her, I know it breaks her heart, it also breaks mine." She lets out a few tears and I now see how much this is affecting her as well. I go over to her and stand on her shoulder and rub her check with my head trying to make her feel better. "Oh thanks you little raven, I truly appreciate you listening me to." she gives me a few pats and pets on my head. She was about to say something else when there was a knock at her door, she looks at me apologetically I hope off and she simply walks back into her office. "Yes, what can I help you with?" I hear her faintly say before I take my leave and head back to my room. I suppose I shall see what tomorrow holds for me.
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