#yeah i got this. okay. so. I'm not gonna be coherent. just express my feelings.
transgender-catboy · 8 months
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I am here to say something inappropriate in the tags.
and then go the fuck to bed.
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prentissluvr · 12 days
i dont have all of my sam thots and dean thoughts just yet but I had to send in this bc I completely forgot about meg! sam
and its a damn shame that we didn't see more of that bc it solidified my stance on being a sam girlie
we got at least 3 episodes of demon dean (i have not seen him yet i've only heard about it) but we got like less than half an hour with meg! sam and honestly we deserved more with him
meg! sam made me feel lots of things LOLL
(i wanted to be jo SO BAD in that episode LMAO)
now i need your thots on him please :p
KJDFSJL NO BECAUSE... NOOO I CANT thinking about the amount of meg!sam edits i've seen in the past few days. thinking about the one saved in my camera roll. thinking about throwing up pissing my pants projectile vomiting and passing the fuck out. i reiterate tho, i'm normal!! i'm so so so normal and i don't feel things about it!!!!!!!
i'm honestly still like borderline unsure about how nsfw i want to get on this blog, but uhhh i'm just gonna start typing and see where my dirty fucking mind takes me!
cw : highly suggestive!! no smut, but still absolutely no minors!! MDNI!! contains condescending/mean/possessed sam, but also sweet sam too <33. use of gendered terms, but it is gender inclusive to fem, masc, and gn as much as i could make it! horrible writing it's genuinely just me going feral :))
sooo basically for me the worst (best) part of meg!sam was his voice! it's so bad (never have i ever heard anything hotter in my life). IDK I DONT EVEN THINK I CAN FORM A COHERENT THOUGHT OVER THIS NOT GONNA LIE. uhm uhhh ummmm uhhhh uhmmmm.
so basically so basically, essentially, wwowowowowowowowifjhshf alright lets focus on one thing at a time.
we'll start with that goddamn voice of his. the way it goes from teasing, condescending to deeper, more gravelly and matter-of-fact and then back to condescending LIKE WHOO IM GONNA NEED TO TAKE A LAP. idk just thinking about his large hand on the back of your head, maybe tangled in your hair if the way you wear it allows for that, and his veiny forearm visible through your peripheral vision as he says "open up.. that's a girl" like he did to jo😭😭😭 (or he's says "thaaat's it" to keep things gender neutral, dragging out the "that's" for an extra second, that extra gravel in his condescending tone).
and while this is in possessed!sam context, he'd definitely say things like that normally, i do personally envision him to be less condescending and more sincere. either way, hot as fuck if you ask me. also this isn't meg!sam, but in season seven he says "good girl" and i do listen to that clip several times a day, i am so serious when i say that and i have no shame about it!! i have daddy issues so i do not care!!! so yeah he also says good girl/boy/whatever variation you enjoy best <3 uhmmm yeah but the main point is his hot as fuck voice, right next to your ear with his breath tickling you sensitive skin. especially with that whisper. oh god the whisper😭 and along with "that's a girl," there's atta girl and he'd use that one too so i'll go die in a hole :))) but yeah he genuinely thinks you're so good for him so expect that praise, whether you want it sweet or mean.
then we also have his facial expressions!! the smirk he uses to rile you up or that he flashes you, all mean and haughty because he knows he's getting to you. the fake pity too!! lord help me, once again the utterly fake pity just falls under that condescending persona that was so hot about meg!sam. i'm just gonna use photo evidence and you can imagine him looking at you like that!! enjoy!
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last thing i have to say about meg!sam is manhandling!! ahahaahahahaahahah i'm normal and okay!! (this is a cry for help i need him so bad). um yeah while i hate the context of the manhandling of jo in the episode because it's crossing so many boundaries, i will still enjoy the fact that he is hot. so yeah! have fun thinking about sam whirling you around and pinning you between his chest and nearest surface, hand on your forehead to tilt your chin up and give him full access to the skin of your neck. his other hand is pinning your wrist to whatever surface is behind you, and your own free hand is tangled in his hair and he lays wet, desperate kisses all over your neck and collarbone. that's all hahahahaha :)))) feeling so sane right now!!
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silverynight · 1 year
Comfort omega
Chapter 9
Eijiro knows his friend is going to snap soon; he can smell it in his scent, he's desperate to be with Midoriya, he can't help it.
"He has it really bad, doesn't he?" Ashido whispers next to his ear, as they walk slowly behind Bakugo; the streets are quiet that day, but they're on a mission and know chaos is gonna unfold soon.
"Yeah, but our dear omega is in heat at the moment and I don't think it's wise for him to go check on him," Eijiro tells her. "I know he's worried, but anything can happen..."
Ashido looks at the way the explosive alpha walks, determined, but slow, almost like he's in pain; he looks quite lost. Then she turns to look at Eijiro again.
"You know what? I think Blasty will be fine; he's clearly worried and loves the green bean so much..." Ashido looks at the grumpy alpha with a smile, even though he's so immersed in his own thoughts to realize his friends are talking about him. "He would never touch him like that, at least not now when he's not sure if Midoriya actually wants this or not. Blasty is a good alpha."
She's right, of course she is; Eijiro visibly relaxes next to her, feeling a lot better now. Because he knows Bakugo is going to snap at any moment and probably run to check on the omega.
Just as he thought, Bakugo stops around to look at them both with the most concerned expression they've ever seen.
"He's not answering my texts..."
"It's okay, Blasty. Maybe he's asleep... You know omegas need to rest more during their heats..."
Bakugo's shoulders fall as he nods; Eijiro knows he's not entirely convinced or feeling better at all, but he's trying to calm his inner alpha down.
"I need to make sure he's alright."
"Why don't you call his friend again?" Eijiro suggests. Sure, even if Bakugo finds himself outside Midoriya's door he's sure he won't lose focus, but there's the possibility of the sweet omega getting angry with him for not staying away like he asked him to. Eijiro knows Bakugo would feel bad later if Midoriya got mad at him.
"Alright," Bakugo mumbles, clearly not satisfied with the answer.
Ashido looks at Eijiro for a moment, before nodding at him and putting one of her hands on the blond alpha's shoulder.
"Why don't you go back to the office so you can call him? We can handle this."
Bakugo is usually very stubborn, he loves to be a pro hero and has always been really professional... He doesn't leave in the middle of a mission, not even if he's seriously hurt, so the fact that Eijiro can see the hesitation in his eyes is proof enough that he's absolutely head over heels in love with Midoriya.
Eijiro tries to hold back a grin.
"Alright," Bakugo finally mumbles. "Call me if you need me. Thank you."
"Don't worry, Blasty," she says, trying not to look too surprised after hearing their friend thanking them.
"I think Bakubro is going to get married soon..."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Kiri," she chuckles.
"I'm going to be best man!"
"Kiri, oh my god..." Ashido laughs again, but looks at him fondly. "Well, maybe... If we're lucky and Blasty doesn't ruin it. Wait, didn't you say comfort omegas can't have mates?"
Yeah, he did. And it's unfortunately true... But maybe the green haired omega can reconsider... Eijiro is sure they'd be really good for each other.
But things are never that easy.
For the third time in a couple of minutes, Izuku turns on the couch, feeling cold and restless. The suppressants are strong enough to keep him mostly coherent and not horny all the time, but the omega still feels like something's wrong.
The scent Bakugo left on his couch is almost gone and Izuku is suffering because of it, at least his body is... It's like he can't feel warm anymore no matter how many blankets he uses to cover himself.
He really wants the alpha to come and cuddle him, but he knows it's not possible and it's probably wrong considering they're just friends.
A couple of tears slide from his eyes and Izuku can't stop the sob that escapes from his lips as he wishes everything to be over soon.
Hours pass like a torture, they're slower than usual, but at the same time Izuku is not aware of them; it's like living in a bad dream... But he cannot get himself to sleep.
So far this is his worst heat yet...
Izuku blinks a couple of times and watches as Aoyama opens the door, snaps at someone to stay outside and rushes towards him after closing the door behind himself.
There's a hint of a scent that reaches Izuku's nose and prompts him to sit down in a couple of seconds. Suddenly, Aoyama is leaning in front of him, gently pushing him back down.
"Is Kacchan outside?" He doesn't recognize his own voice for a moment, he sounds like he's in pain.
"Yes, the grumpy alpha is outside," Aoyama sighs. "I only agreed to bring him here because he wouldn't leave me alone; he wanted to make sure you were alright..."
Izuku sobs, feeling a wave of warm emotions through his body.
There's a noise coming from outside, like something heavy is leaning against the door.
The omega can't hold back a needy whine, Aoyama covers his mouth quickly though, rolling his eyes as he does.
"I knew this was a bad idea..." He whispers before turning his head towards the entrance and yelling: "You promised me you'd behave, grumpy boy!"
The silence is his only response; Aoyama sighs, before looking back at his friend.
"You haven't slept at all, have you, mon ami?"
Izuku shakes his head, feeling really tired. Aoyama finally moves his hand away, but strokes the shadows under the omega's eyes a couple of times.
"Listen... You can talk to him... But don't open the door, okay? Maybe listening to him will help you feel better..."
He doesn't hesitate, he rushes towards the entrance and sits on the floor, ear pressing against the wooden door.
"Are you alright, Izuku? Do you need anything? Have you eaten enough?"
A relieved smile curls up the corners of Izuku's mouth. His alpha is here, he worries about him... His alpha wants to make sure he's–
Blushing to the tip of his ears, Izuku stops his train of thought suddenly, scolding himself for letting his inner omega take control of his mind for a moment. Bakugo is his friend, just like Aoyama, of course he's worried about him...
"I'm fine, I have everything I need," he forces himself to say, even though he still wants Bakugo to come inside and cuddle him. But Aoyama is right, that'd only make things more complicated.
"Are you sure?" The alpha insists. "You don't sound good..."
The genuine concern is what makes Izuku lose control for a moment, just for a couple of seconds, but that's enough for him to blurt something stupid out.
"Would you let me borrow a piece of your clothing? Are you wearing a hoodie? Or maybe your t-shirt..."
"Midoriya!" He doesn't blame Aoyama for scolding him, he knows it's wrong because Bakugo is not his alpha.
"I'm sorry–"
"It's okay. You can have my h-hoodie." His voice sounds different for a moment, deeper and a little bit shaky... His scent has grown stronger somehow...
"I'm basically babysitting two idiots..." Aoyama huffs, but he still runs his fingers through Izuku's curls softly before gently pushing him out of the way. "Stay here, I'll go get the hoodie."
Izuku can hear Aoyama arguing with Bakugo at the other side, before the blond omega is back inside.
He hands Izuku a black hoodie that smells absolutely delicious. The omega doesn't hesitate to put it on and purrs in delight when he realizes that Bakugo's scent is all over him... It's like the alpha is giving him a hug.
Izuku feels so much better now.
"Thank you, Kacchan."
"You're welcome, Izuku. Just... don't wash it once you're done with it..."
"What? But..." The omega stops before he actually says it; it'll still smell like him, especially because he plans to wear it until his heat is over.
"Please, Izuku."
He talks to Bakugo for a while through the door, it's not the same than having the alpha in front of him, but it's okay for now. Besides, Izuku no longer feels cold anymore... He's warm and completely relaxed. He feels so good he doesn't realize his eyes are closing on their own until Aoyama carries him back to his nest.
"Tell Kacchan I really appreciate this..."
"Sure, mon ami... Now go back to sleep."
The grumpy alpha certainly doesn't know how to hide his feelings at all; Yuga can't believe Midoriya hasn't realized what's going on yet.
Bakugo looks at Midoriya's apartment door with something that looks a lot like longing and Yuga has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Sure, it's cute, but that doesn't mean he'll let the alpha stay.
"He's asleep now. He has everything he needs," he assures the pro hero.
Bakugo nods, even though the worry doesn't vanish from his eyes.
"Come on, we have to go and you know it." After noticing the concern in his scent, he adds: "No one can get inside. Besides, his neighbors are all omegas and betas and they're very fond of him; they won't let anyone with bad intentions roam around the building."
The alpha nods before following Yuga, even though he is not happy at all.
"He's wearing my hoodie," Bakugo mumbles after a while, it's just a whisper... And, for a moment, Yuga thinks he's only talking to himself, until he looks at him. "Do you think this means he..."
He doesn't finish, but the hopeful glimmer in his red eyes says a lot.
"You have to talk to Midoriya about this... Once his heat is over," Yuga finds himself saying. He could've given him an answer, but he knows those two need to have a serious conversation as soon as possible.
Bakugo nods again, although this time he looks and smells absolutely pleased with himself.
He's a good alpha and is more than obvious that he adores Midoriya... But that green haired omega can be really stubborn sometimes and stupid because he usually lets himself believe he doesn't deserve to have good things.
And that's when things get a lot complicated.
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lakesbian · 1 year
To be honest, as someone who have actual siblings, the Cosay siblings headcanon it's kinda odd to me.
There's other potential sibling relationships like Lake and Tulip (that's why there's so much Twins Aus) and Jesse and Nate, but that one is more obvious... even if the blushes are because both of them are embarrassed, I don't think all of them are for that reason, the blushes can be by making a lot of strength (Book 1 Lake for example when they tried to escape to the door, also Tulip blushes too because of Lake's weight), a sign of attraction, joy, excitement, ect.
also, they hold hands soooo yeah :T
this is so funny. your analysis is bad, sorry. the only thing it has going for it is that it's the meat pumpkin in my tiger enclosure, by which i mean i will have fun tearing it apart.
"there's other potential sibling relationships, like lake and the girl she spends an entire season violently insisting her life doesn't revolve around!" like in what world LMAOOO she literally goes "i spent my whole life reflecting you, i'm going my own way now" to tulip to explain that because her life has been based entirely around tulip she doesn't want to have any connection to her, and you think there's good grounds for a sibling headcanon? deranged. i love that you started off with this because it really established the tone for how (in)coherent the rest of your thoughts were going to be perfectly.
as for the blush commentary, i. can't figure out what you're trying to say here? like, sure, sometimes characters in the show blush because they're being physically exerted, but that's irrelevant to bring up as an argument because it doesn't contradict my statement that the blushes in s2 aren't romantic. what does lake being exhausted from her failed attempt to escape the chrome car have to do with that?
the blushes in s2 do have varying emotional nuances behind them but they can generally all be tied back to embarrassment, shyness, or other similar feelings. lake blushing in the lucky cat car because she's flustered that jesse is expressing care for her is certainly happier than jesse blushing in the map car because he's admitting his state-qualified swim stroke lake is teasing him about isn't his favorite, but the core emotion motivating both is still feelings of vulnerability, and subsequently, self-consciousness. it's kind of a nothing-statement to say that 'not all of them are because of embarrassment' because yeah no shit, i never claimed the reasons for them were solely one-dimensional. this is The Train Nuance Blog, it's a given that there's nuance.
the "it's a sign of attraction" regarding s2 blushes is just like. Comically stupid. go read my post with the multiple screenshots of one of the show's writers explicitly confirming that the blushes aren't because of a crush & they're Platonic Friends, dippie. https://lakesbian.tumblr.com/post/714630299618770944/okay-umm-listen-i-have-a-silly-a-very-silly
and "they hold hands" ...,,,,..,,,rip to you i guess but some people have physical affection with their non-romantic loved ones? we got a fucking time traveler from the goddamn victorian era out here in my inbox talking about the Intrinsic Romance of [checks notes] "touching your friends." WAIT until you find out that i'd kiss mine on the cheeks LMAO. i'm gonna have to get ms lindsay katai on the phone to inform her that despite the crew's best attempts they did unfortunately accidentally write a romance by depicting a lonely traumatized child sharing occasional physical affection with her first-ever friend to comfort her during the most upsetting moments of her life :/
cosay siblings is rlly not that odd of a projected life outcome for them--they're best friends, lake living with jesse is a fairly common assumption people make, and a best friend you live with who's slowly becoming integrated into your family as a whole is...kind of just going to become an adopted sibling! there are many people who describe their best friend as being "like a brother/like a sister," there's no reason jesse and lake couldn't start feeling similar in the future & then turn it into "just literally actually brother/sister because he IS her family so it's not Like a sister, it's Is a sister"
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mechanical-shark · 4 months
Drunk long ramble related to Jaws below, but i truly wanted to share so i hope this is somewhat interesting, despite the length!;
Okay so i won't make posts like this at all really, this is a one off. But I am legless drunk. Super drunk. More drunk than I've been in maybe ... lime a few years??? I do not often partake in alcohol and often get thoughtful when drunk. Point being that. .. while very drunk I thought 'okay I need to watch jaws right NOW'
And . Let me say. The first 5m 15s of Jaws hits very different when you're drunk! I first got like very invested in jaws a few months ago, and thought to myself 'wow these drunk people at the beginning, is so bizarre to me, how can you get so drunk to pass out on a beach with the waves lapping at your legs while another drunk person gets slowly and horrifically mauled to death. Can not relate. Odd and weird ' . And couldn't.... hmmm understand the horror of it all beyond the theoretic horror of someone dying by Shark alone and scared. It wasn't scary to me on a visceral level, just quaint (heh like Quint. I am so drunk sorry I love Quint ))) as in aww 70s horror was straight to the point and like Direct 'what if a Shark... Attacka!!' but i didn't feel afraid by the prologue.
And now. Being very drunk and squirmy. Abf seeing it while so drunk i can't sit upright. .......Omg. That lady was drunk when she died at the as beginning. This is horrifying and i felt myself just stop and go " Oh fuck. She was drunk and went swimming where she thought she was safe. She thought nothing bad could happen to her in that water. I am drunk now and would love to swim in the ocean if I had the chance and cool off because I'm overheating. And suddenly om remembering i had friends who would strip when drunk - and of course that's why she's doing so, when yohre drunk sometimes u cna feel that way.. and going Swimming with a stranger because obviously you're DRUNK and like it's like yeah this is a good idea!. And she didn't even know he had passed out. All she knew was sudden pain. And her immediate expression change was like . Oh. And being dragged under and dragged around. And clinging to that floating uhhh bobbing thing" and then pulled underneath a final time. Absolutely damn horrifying . Felt like a pit dropped in my stomach like - oh i can suddenly imagine myself not expecting danger in a common situation. Because surely they got drunk there ofyeb and iy was the young people drinking by rhe sea spot before the young lady died.. Too drunk yo explain but fuck i can relate. I fell off the sofa about an hour ago. I don't drink often. So didn't relate before . So it hit me hard!! Like. ....
(I've sobered up a bit since typing this an hour ago. But I'm choosing to preserve this post as is and just post it now because MAN this was a harrowing experience and made me see the beginning of Jaws in a different light. I couldn't relate at all, it felt dumb to get drunk near the ocean because of Course that's dangerous. As a landlubber I was like HUH who would drink on a beach. And now I'm like OH, where else do you go to drink at a coastal small town as a young adult?
Also I have to say, I'm a huge fan of horror, and Jaws reminds of the Texas chainsaw Massacre 1974, which I'm a bit fan of. And it's because of the sensibilities and filmmaking style of 1970s America clearly, there's gonna be similarly! And the beginning section where it's young people who are drinking/ perhaps some of them using drugs and unknowingly stumble into a unexpectedly dangerous situation. Big parallel! I've been thinking about this for a while, but failing to make it coherent. Obviously movies from different time periods will be influenced by this. But like. 70s movies hit different for me. And this is one of the reasons I love Jaws !!! And I stopped the movie at 5:32m seeing MARTIN Brody from the back and doggy in foreground becausr I am soon to fall asleep. But man. Tomorrow is time to rewatch Jaws when sober and please forgive me for my rambling! But it felt worth sharing idk. Life's too short to not share these odd moments
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the third episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVE IT!
I discovered why I don't pace myself with shows anymore... because I get crazy with headcanons 😅 I got an idea for a fanfiction, What ifs with Mateo turning full nightmare from that one time, and the ships... I'M ALREADY AT SHIPS AND IT'S BEEN ONLY THREE EPISODES 😵😵
Why am I surprised I worked with less before
Anyway no one cares about my delusions about ships, so back to the episode!
I said it before, I'll say it again: THE DESIGNS ARE EXCEPTIONAL! Like look at this Nightmare King and his henchman! Love it, absolutely love it! 😍
Another troupe I like? TRIALS
It's silly and sometimes unnecessary, but there's something I love about seeing how the characters confront a challenge
Okay Logan is still a bit annoying, but it seems like he's mostly trying to look tough and he's not bothering Mateo directly... for now 😅 I feel like he should have another change of heart moment though
All hail Vincent for voicing another character I'm loving ❤️❤️❤️
THAT SAND FORGE MANIFESTING THROUGH LIKE LOOK AT THAT 😍 It is sand so yeah that's coherent, I like how simple yet intriguing it is
So the lil blondie is obviously the big important man right?
Ooohhh, so Cooper is into cars? Interesting!
Awww Mateo looks so insecure about the whole situation, come on baby you can do it! YOU GOT THIS! (aaaand I've now officially adopted Mateo as my child, it was inevitable from the beginning)
I FLIPPING LOVE IZZIE!!! Look at that anime girl go 😂😂 Also her theme song? Kinda banging honestly
Why was Mateo looking at the ladder?
Aaaaaand they all failed. Eh, next time
Is the burrito stand the home of the local wise person? This lady is the new Wu?
Also I just noticed that Mr. Oz got Brian Drummond as VA, just like Merlok in Nexo Knights. He's got a knack for voicing the master of the situation 😂
POOR MATEO MY GOSH 😭 Glad to see Logan wasn't joining that other guy insulting him, but wow are there many other kids talking like that to him? Is that why he's not very confident? ANOTHER FANFICTION IDEA DANG IT
Coop seems to get along with others, maybe he never had these problems
Did Mateo and Cooper fight before because Coop found Logan a cool and kinda good guy, but Mateo didn't like him (no blame given the mocking) and thought he was just like the other kids making fun of him?
What was Mat writing on that towel?
Heeeeyyy, look at Logan solving the riddle! I... would have never bet on him being the one to get it, I thought for sure Mateo was gonna be the one 😅
Yep the blondie is the boss
Ah, wow, so if they don't pass they go back being random people? How can you blame them for being reluctant, Mateo literally made a new friend thanks to this world and managed to reconcile with Cooper!
AND NO I WOULD NEVER RISK Z-BLOB EITHER THE SLIME SHALL NOT DIE 😭😭😭 (yes I adopted him too but to be honest Mateo and Z-Blob are a package deal)
Dang poor Nova girl, so many nightmares she's dissociating 😥 Yeah the effects of lack of sleep are no joke
Nuuuuu the drawing of Z-Blob falling, Mat why are you doing this to me 😭
Okay this one hits close to home 😅😅
I was the introverted one during school, I barely talked to my classmates, and I struggled making new friends. Most of all, I had ideas I thought were good but didn't express them out of fear. Then, if someone had the same idea, I felt regret
I'm not sure if this was supposed to be this impactful, but it is to me, and especially in middle and high school your insecurities are put to the test
I'm much more confident now, and I hope to see Mateo growing to do the same 😊
I don't know why but Mateo going "wasn't that a ship?" got me cracking 😂
They see me rollin, they hatin~
Awww look at Cooper being impressed by his buddy! And honestly he's kinda right, they got on a rescue mission twice so far and they're two for two! Look at them go!
Yeeee, confidence boost!!!!
Between Logan's Mattie and Cooper's Teo, I got shippy material for myself 😎
Although I'm still very curious about when Zoey will join or when will they meet her, she seemed to have some backstory and I wanna see how she interacts
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Thoughts on the first half of Better Call Saul's last season ?
Oh, I would quite like to express my thoughts on this show in a long-form coherent fashion, but I'm afraid the last episode dropped my jaw to the floor so hard that the contents of my skull slipped through it. Fortunately, I've regained enough coherence to do bullet points of assorted thoughts, after I've been able to, unlike Nacho and Howard, pick up my cranial matter off the floor. So, let's do what Jimmy and Kim are probably gonna have to do the next episode, and go by pieces:
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........The way this is heading, it looks like Nacho may have actually gotten off lucky, in that he got to die first, on his own terms, making the right choices at last and more importantly, getting to make choices at all and wrestle back just enough agency at the last minute. Which is, not at all something that the other characters we know are on the chopping block are gonna get to do, nor for that matter, was something Howard got to do either.
God, so much keeps happening each episode, I completely forgot until a second ago that, oh yeah, Nacho died like three episodes ago, it almost feels like something that happened last season.
No, I am not over Howard's death. I'm not even gonna say I actively liked Howard as a character (I only really started liking him a bit after Chuck died) and I don't think most people did for most of the show anyway and that was kind of, I imagine what they were setting him up for, the tragedy of being "just there". A character we're not actively rooting for most of the time, but who we must understand legitimately didn't do anything wrong to deserve the sheer lenghts that Jimmy and Kim are going through to mess with him. The guy who just happened to be at the wrongest place, at the wrongest time, who got put down like a dog for nothing.
I knew that they were going to start killing off characters this season and that they had to start throwing out the big meaty punches, it's what the last season of Breaking Bad did and they're obviously not gonna start falling behind now. I expected them to have a sort of "Hank in Ozymandias" climactic tragic death scene, not the way Nacho's was. But this was, worse, so much fucking worse than Hank's.
Even putting the fact aside that Hank was a cop who'd already been shot and thrust into action (and was kind of a dirtbag, honestly, I don't think Hank has aged particularly well as a character) where as Howard was just some lawyer who'd never been involved in any more criminal affairs than just hire a detective to follow a guy he (completely justifiably) fears poses a danger to him, Hank got to be the hero of the show for quite a while, got to have his moment in the sun in that episode, even got to die with dignity and a cool one-liner and facing the bullet. This? This was just taking a man to the lowest point of his life, giving him the illusion that he's gonna make out of it okay, and then just ending him, not even letting him finish his actual last words. He even brings his two tormentors and cause of death a bottle, for them to celebrate burning him to the ground.
He died staring at them. He died for literally nothing. He was never supposed to die, we spent the last episodes following their attempts to hurt him, to learn that it was literally never intended to be more than just a grift they did for the thrill of it, just another game, just another fun little caper with him as the punchline and them making out on top of the death bed they made for him. He died confused and clueless and terrified and only vaguely aware he was "in the middle of something", and they know none of this would have happened if it wasn't for them.
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I was actually spoiled on the fact that Lalo would kill Howard at the McWexler residence, had to quarantine myself off Tumblr for a day to not get spoiled further. I knew it was gonna happen, I imagined early in the season that something terrible was being set up to happen to Howard, but not this. I was genuinely breathless as it happened in a way I haven't been in a very, very long time as the result of fiction. I honestly can't remember the last time something took my breath away like that since I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre years ago, the funny conman lawyer show having now fully tipped it's hand as the horror story it was always building up to be, and they've been prepping us for it for God knows how long ("If we move too fast, they'll see us coming").
This is a horror story where you get to watch piece by piece as the show sets up everything that's gonna happen, takes you painstakingly through it, and it still catches you off-guard. It's a horror that comes from sheer helplessness, knowing the paths that so many of these characters will face, or worse, not knowing them at all and having to find out.
I mentioned that this show irrevocably alters so much of Breaking Bad but this season is further doing that for this show, as well. We can't go back. We can't go back to watching Nacho's initial bravado followed by his desperate attempts to stay alive and navigate the cartel world, without knowing where it ends. So much of this show is devoted to those extremely enjoyable and funny and entertaining capers Jimmy pulls off along with Kim, and now, we know where it was all heading. We've known where it was heading all along. They all take on such a horrifying twist, knowing that this is what it was all coming to (”HERE IT IS, VIOLENCE! IT ALWAYS COMES TO THIS”).
Knowing that the two worlds of the show, the lawyer side and the cartel side, were never going to stay separate forever, and that Jimmy's been damning himself and everyone around him ever since he was a man at the wrong place and the wrong time, knocking on Tuco's door, and he had to choose between dying or being made a friend of the cartel which, as the Salamancas and Fring and Mike and Eladio and Bolsa and Nacho and Walter have shown us, is just dying with extra steps.
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I am absolutely a sucker for works of fiction that take these big, clever, terrifying villains who impose such terror on the heroes of the story, and then write them as the protagonists of their own journey without softening their edges or doing away with what makes them so horrific and effective villains, and considering I already completely adored Lalo in the previous seasons you can imagine how happy I’ve been every time he’s been on screen, even if every scene he’s in brings in a truckload of anxiety because you never know when he’s gonna do something completely horrible.
The audacity of these bastards to spend all this time having Lalo, this beautifully wretched villain, an all-timer character conceived out of nothing but a dumb throwaway, just doing his thing completely far away from Jimmy and Kim, playing the role of a lone wolf seeking righteous vengeance against the crimeboss who attacked his house and family, not killing anyone on screen, doing things like sparing Werner's wife and playing with a dog and giving the money back to those people in the van, getting taken down by the German guy and not even killing him on screen, dicking around in sewers taking naps and vlogging himself, charming us all over again even when we know he’s fucking evil and we know what he’s capable of, even seeming like he's finally making a fatal mistake and finally going off to meet his doom against Gus, and we all know he's going to die, ALL so that we'd drop our guards around him and be shocked when he did, exactly what he was always going to do and has never stopped doing. 
We spent so much time with Lalo off on his own plotlines or with Lalo as the unseen enemy of his equal Gus Fring, that his sudden return to Jimmy and Kim’s plotline only reaffirms that, to them and everyone else he comes across, Lalo is an invincible and untouchable monster who will just crawl out of death and crash back into your life and casually destroy everything and everyone around you with nothing you could have ever done to stop or sway him, the best you can hope for being a superhuman effort of willpower and negotiation at the right time (Kim) or divine intervention (Mike), and both of those options are gone for now. 
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And speaking of Mike as an agent of divine intervention, I’m thinking now about this scene, where Kim and Mike meet for the first time and Kim learns that Lalo is still alive, with the famed “You’re made of sterner stuff” line.
(In hindsight, another moment of Mike damning people by attempting to damage control and taking a half-measure: He reached out to Kim knowing she’s “made of sterner stuff” to try and shield Jimmy, but that ended up leading to Kim, not knowing what Lalo's capable of or that Mike's protection could be taken away, not telling Jimmy anything to protect him from reliving his traumatic experience , and that ended up getting both of their guards completely down for when Lalo did arrive, something that could have been avoided had he just ripped the band-aid and reached out to Jimmy first. Mike plays the hardass assassin part so well but it’s his heart, his most redeeming quality, that keeps damning him again and again.)
This scene absolutely reads to me like it’s equivalent to Kim having a conversation with The Grim Reaper and getting a tiny grasp of just how vast their world is and what a small, fragile part they play in it. Learning that her schemes with Jimmy and their criminal takings are not the reason she was being tailed, that the boogeyman is still alive, that this major player in the criminal underworld sitting at a diner with her was the mysterious savior in the desert with Jimmy as well as the parking booth attendant at the courthouse who worked there for years under their noses, learning the easy way that this world is so much bigger and more dangerous than anything she and Jimmy could have possibly been prepared for, a couple of episodes before that lesson gets drilled in the hard way. 
I’m just, endlessly fascinated by Kim’s development in this show and this season, and particularly how NOBODY in the fan circles has any clue as to where she’s going, how Kim’s complete absence in Breaking Bad and the Gene scenes is this giant hole whose depths we can’t begin to grasp even after dozens and dozens of hours we spent with this character and the world she lives in. Way back at the start of the show, most people just thought Kim’s trajectory was that she was either gonna break up with Jimmy, or die tragically, but now? Nobody knows what to think. 
People are throwing out theories that she’s gonna play a role in BrBa, that she’s gonna become a criminal kingpin in her own right, that she’s gonna wind up immeasurably worse than Jimmy would ever become, or that she’s gonna have an epiphany that saves her, that she’s still out there, or that she’s dead and haunting the BrBa narrative like Nacho does, or that she’s the only character who’s gonna walk out of this alive. It’s fascinating and deeply interesting and, God, did anyone at all think that this is where this character was heading? Or that this is where the show was heading?
I’m not ready for this show to end but it’s building up to such a spectacular finale, and still so many questions.
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They started this entire season with a big fat Citizen Kane reference and just casually dropping us on this massive sequence of Saul Goodman’s Xanadu being hollowed out, with so many items referencing the entire show and Jimmy’s history left to pick on, complete with a tiny Rosebud being all that was left.
It’s set the tone for the rest of the season, that we’re gonna witness the final steps of the metamorphosis of the sad clown man and learn what happened to everyone still left standing from his life, but it’s a masterful way to begin the end of the show: By quite literally trashing the set beyond recovery even as it’s taking us through all of it that we know and love, and tormenting us with the seed of doubt: 
Not of what’s gonna happen or what Jimmy/Saul/Gene is gonna do, but, what is even going to be left standing at the end of it all?
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22 notes · View notes
helloalycia · 3 years
my patient’s neighbour [four] // wanda maximoff
summary: taking Wanda to meet your parents wasn't the best decision in hindsight...
warning/s: none i don't think?
author's note: i’m not sure what to say other than sorry in advance oops
part one | part two | part three | part five | part six | part seven | masterlist | wattpad
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The restaurant my parents chose wasn't too flashy but rather comforting and homely, with an Italian theme and matching cuisine. It was bustling with people, but it didn't take long for Wanda and I to find my parents sat at the back waiting for us.
"You gonna be okay?" I asked, glancing at her with a comforting squeeze of the hand.
"I've got you, haven't I?" she asked playfully, her accent thicker than usual as she spoke. And though she was joking, I knew there was truth to her words which sent the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy.
"You're cute," I said with adoration, appreciating how lovely her eyes looked in the dimly-lit restaurant. "Come on."
Hand in hand, we approached my parents' table and I had hopes that tonight would go well. My parents weren't exactly intimidating – at least anyone I'd ever known hadn't got that impression – but I still worried for Wanda. Unlike her, I couldn't read minds, so I couldn't tell if she was actually looking forward to tonight or if she was just doing it for me.
"Y/N, you're here!" my mum exclaimed with a grin when she spotted me.
"I am," I said with a nervous smile, before motioning to Wanda. "And so is Wanda, my girlfriend."
"Yes, Y/N mentioned you would be coming," my mum said with a friendly smile, looking to Wanda, before motioning to the table. "Please, sit, sit."
I squeezed Wanda's hand gently before pulling out a chair for her. She smiled at me appreciatively before I took a seat beside her, facing my parents.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Wanda," my dad said with a nod. "Y/N mentioned you plenty of times when we'd call to catch up with her."
"You, too," Wanda spoke politely. "Both of you. Y/N told me that you're travelling the world, is that right?"
I leaned on my hand and glanced at Wanda, who shot me a mischievous smile. Quirking a brow, I mentally applauded her. Getting my parents to talk about their travels was an easy way of bonding with them – they would tell every server and customer in this restaurant about their travelling if they could. She'd cracked them instantly.
I'm just that good, milashka (cutie).
Trying not to laugh as her words echoed in my mind because of her powers, I leaned back into my seat and listened in as my parents went into a ramble about their ongoing adventures. This was pretty much how the rest of the evening went, as the four of us dined on expensive wine and delicious pizza. They seemed to be getting along well, with Wanda asking all the right questions and giving them her picture-perfect smile that impressed all the elders. Heck, she was even impressing me.
Naively, I appreciated how well the evening was going until my parents decided to talk to Wanda about her career.
"So, Y/N mentioned you're one of those Revengers," my mum remembered as we ate.
"Avengers," I corrected her, mildly embarrassed.
Wanda chuckled, glancing at me, before nodding. "Yes, I am. For over a year now, I've been working with them."
"Them being Iron Man, Captain America, the Black Widow...?" my dad asked, looking up as if trying to remember the rest, further embarrassing me.
"Those are the ones," Wanda quipped with a nod.
My mum hummed in response as my dad nodded before leaning back in his seat and eyeing Wanda curiously.
"I can't imagine your job is the safest," he began. "You protect people from threats, right? Keep them safe."
Wanda seemed caught off guard, but recovered quickly. "It's got it's... dangers, yes. But I can handle myself. I've got powers and I know how to use them."
"You do," my dad agreed, before his eyes flickered to me briefly. "But Y/N doesn't. She's just a regular human."
I set my fork down on my plate and looked to him calmly. "Dad, what are you saying?"
"No, it's fine," Wanda said reassuringly, resting her hand on my leg under the table. I grabbed it and held it as she continued to speak to my father. "Y/N doesn't have powers, you are correct."
"And dating an Avenger, I can imagine, must put a huge target on her back," he said with concern, and my mum nodded in agreement. "How can we be certain that she is safe?"
"Your father is right, Y/N," my mum said, giving me a look, before her expression softened as she looked to a startled Wanda. "We're not implying that you're incapable, Wanda. We can clearly see that you care about our daughter. And you're a lovely person. You're pretty much perfect."
Wanda swallowed hard. "But?"
My mother frowned. "But dating you is bound to put our Y/N in danger. She could get hurt just for being involved with you, with your friends. She doesn't have powers to protect herself. And I can't imagine you're around her all the time to keep her safe."
As angry as I was at my parents for saying this stuff – even if they were saying it out of love – memories of the incident flashed to mind. They were right, but it was a risk I'd accepted when dating Wanda. What good was it doing by bringing this up now?
Noticing Wanda's silence, I spoke up instead. "I appreciate your concern, guys, but I'm an adult. I understand the danger I may be put in by being with Wanda. But I love her and I know that she is here for me if anything were to ever happen."
"We know," my father said, giving me a small nod. "We just thought we'd share our opinion anyway. It's been weighing on us for a while is all."
I sighed quietly. I couldn't exactly fault them for that.
"Anyway, never mind that," my mum said, setting down her fork. "Now that we've got that out the way, let's order some dessert, yeah? Our treat."
Nodding, I let my parents get excited as they perused the dessert menus before them. Instead, I looked to the quiet brunette beside me and saw how lost in thought she was, eyes focused on the table and stuck in a daydream.
With the hand that was holding hers, I patted her hand with my thumb to earn her attention. She looked up suddenly, questioning gaze falling to me. I frowned and quirked a brow, wondering if she was okay. She forced a smile my way, squeezing my hand reassuringly, but I didn't believe her. I also couldn't question it right in front of my parents, so I decided to speak with her later.
Dessert went by quickly as Wanda, suddenly, wasn't very talkative. I didn't know if my parents noticed, but I sure did and I felt extremely guilty. If I had known of my parents' concerns, I never would have brought Wanda to meet them tonight.
After the evening came to a close and we all stepped out of the restaurant, I expected to be going home with my parents since we lived together, but they claimed they had more plans together tonight.
"Wow, you guys have more of a social life than we do," I joked when they told me to make my own way home.
Wanda barely smiled and I felt bad.
"We'll be back in a few hours," my mum promised, before pulling me in for a hug. "Tonight was fun. A great final night before we leave tomorrow."
I returned the hug and as I gave my dad one, I heard Wanda thanking my mum for the lovely evening halfheartedly. After saying our final goodbyes, Wanda led me to her car in silence, giving me time to try and put some jumbled thoughts together coherently.
As she had been for the past hour, Wanda was quiet on the drive back to my place. Whenever I would glance in her direction, she'd be chewing on her lip and focusing on driving, though the blank expression on her face made me think that maybe she was distracted. It didn't take a genius to know she was thinking about my parents' words and I suddenly felt guilty for putting that all on her.
"I'm sorry," I blurted halfway through the journey. "I'm sorry for what they said. It wasn't fair of them, I know that. They just... they meant well, Wanda, they really did." I tucked my hands under my thighs, wincing as their words echoed in my mind. "It doesn't change anything though, y'know? We're still us. We're still okay. I don't want you to feel like anything's changed because it hasn't."
I paused, swallowing hard, and glanced her way. She didn't even look my way, still in the same position as she was before I started to speak. Looking back to the road ahead, I let out a disappointed sigh, figuring she wasn't in a talking mood. I didn't blame her, but I hoped she would have understood what I meant.
The remainder of the drive was like this, Wanda deep in thought and me huddled under an imaginary blanket of guilt. When we finally reached my house, she turned the engine off and I waited for her to say something, literally anything. Her fingers drummed against the steering wheel mindlessly and I figured she was out of words for tonight.
"I'll ring you in the morning," I mumbled quietly, opening the car door. "If you want to speak, that is."
Leaving her there, I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door, but stopped when I heard her get out the car, too. Waiting, I turned around and watched as she approached me, eyebrows knitted in thought.
"Please say something," I said with pleading eyes.
She licked her lips, biting her lower lip so hard I'm surprised she didn't draw blood. Finally, she released it and looked to me with apologetic eyes.
"Your parents were right," she said.
I blinked with confusion. "What?"
She nodded, looking down at her shoes momentarily. "They were right, what they said. My life puts you in danger."
"Yeah, I know," I agreed, crossing my arms. "I knew that when I got with you, but that doesn't change anything."
She gave a disbelieving smile. "Seriously? Y/N, that changes everything."
"No, it doesn't," I told her sternly, growing frustrated. "This is the stuff you sacrifice when you love someone."
She sighed, shaking her head and looking away. "You shouldn't have to."
"But I chose to," I said, clenching my jaw.
"Don't you remember what happened last time?" she asked, stepping forward and holding my hand. "The incident?"
"We said we wouldn't talk about that," I reminded her with a low voice.
"But you remember, right? When they took you and I wasn't there? They could've hurt you!"
"Shut up!" I told her, raising my voice. Pulling my hand away from hers and taking a step back, I continued, "Why are you saying that? You came! You helped me!"
"But what if they did something to you before I got there?" she snapped. "What if I hadn't got to you on time?"
The memories came spilling into my mind, escaping the locked box I kept them in. Tears burned the corner of my eyes as I tried to think about anything else.
"You remember how scared you were?" Wanda asked, frowning at me with exasperated eyes. "You couldn't be by yourself for weeks!"
"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled, clenching my fists. "Why are you trying to frighten me?!"
"Because you should be frightened!" she retorted, stepping closer to me. Her dark green eyes were swirling storms of rage as she added, "It could happen again!"
I shoved her away from me, pinching the bridge of my nose with annoyance. Tears slipped from my eyes at the terrifying memory of what happened, what could have gone wrong, but I ignored them as I swallowed down the lump in my throat. Why the hell was she acting like this? Making me so angry at her for no reason?
"It's not even just that," she continued, jaw tensed. "How many times do I get hurt because of work and you get worried?"
"That's because I care about you," I muttered through stinging eyes.
"This will always be my life," she said, a hint of regret in her words as she looked to me. "I can't change it."
"I'm not asking you to!"
"Exactly! You're not! Which means you'll suck it up and stay with me and will live your life in constant concern for my well-being. It's not right."
I opened my mouth to respond because what she was saying was entirely stupid. But my emotions got the better of me and no words came out. Instead, my bottom lip quivered as I sucked up a breath.
"I need time to think," she suddenly said, anger disappearing from her voice and being replaced with an astute calmness.
My gaze snapped her way and through blurry vision, I watched her step back with her hands on her hips.
"So you can what – think about breaking up with me?" I said bitterly, and despite my anger, I didn't expect her to look at me with a softened expression, meaning my words were correct.
"Maybe it's better that way, Y/N," she said gently, eyes meeting mine.
I squeezed my hands together and tried to breathe through the pent-up anger that she'd caused, but the longer she stared at me, waiting for a response, the more I wanted to explode.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I muttered, scrunching my eyebrows together.
She pressed her lips together, looking away, and it only pissed me off more.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Wanda?!" I yelled. "You're quitting on our relationship because, what, you think I'm in danger? Well, news flash, honey, the worst already happened and I'm still here!"
She barely flinched as she avoided my eyes.
"You're a fucking coward!" I said, pointing at her. "If you needed an excuse to end things, you could have just said so!"
Breathing out, I wiped my tears away shakily. I expected her to argue back, to realise she'd made a mistake and regretted her words, but as I waited, I knew she was certain of her decision.
"Fine," I settled, brimming with rage. "Fuck off, Wanda."
Still, nothing.
Turning on my heel, I stormed to my front door and went through my keys with difficulty, hands shaking with anger. I heard Wanda's car door shut from behind me but didn't bother turning around. I clearly didn't need to as I heard the tyres screech against the road and knew she was gone.
Kicking my door with frustration, I found the key and opened up before heading inside and slamming the door behind me. How dare she break up with me because of something that I chose off my own back! She just gave up like we meant nothing to her, not even bothering to talk things out with me! And selfishly, she left me feeling pissed and resenting her more than I ever thought I would.
"What a bitch!" I shouted into the empty house, throwing my keys to the side harshly.
When they clinked against glass, I looked up and saw the vase of flowers Wanda had given me before dinner.
"The first and fucking last," I said dryly, before grabbing ahold of it and throwing it against the wall without thinking.
The glass shattered on impact, leaving a mess of water, flowers and small shards on the wooden floor. I looked at it, the brokenness resembling how my heart felt. As the adrenaline of my actions and previous angry words wore off, all that was left was hurt and pain and oh God, Wanda was gone. She'd left me. She'd given up.
I sank to the floor, pulling my legs up to my chest, and hugged them tightly. Stifling my cries, I dug myself into my knees and felt a pain in my heart. Why didn't she fight for us? Did she not love me enough? Was I not enough?
"You ignored the memes I sent you, I thought you died."
As Natasha pushed right past me and into my house, I blinked with disbelief.
"Sure, come right in," I mumbled sarcastically, closing the front door.
Following after Natasha, I found her making herself at home in the living room, plonking herself on the couch and pulling her feet up comfortably.
"You could have sent an emoji or something," she continued, giving me a knowing look. "They were some good memes."
"Well, forgive me if I wasn't in the mood," I said sourly, joining her on the couch.
Her playful smile faded as she picked up on my words. "How are you doing, sweetie?"
I ran a hand through my hair and leaned my elbow on the back of the couch, getting comfortable. It had been two weeks since Wanda broke up with me and in those two weeks, I hadn't been doing particularly well. I guess you could say I was still in a slump. A horrible, tiresome, angry, sadness-filled slump.
"I'm fine."
She pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to argue, but thankfully, she didn't. I was glad – the last thing I wanted was to prove that I was okay when, really, all I wanted to do was curl in a ball and suffocate under my duvet.
"I'm sorry," she said, resting her hand on mine. "If it's any consolation, I think Wanda made a huge mistake."
"Ah, so she told you," I said with a nod of realisation. I hadn't told Natasha the specifics of why we broke up, but clearly Wanda did. I guess it made sense – they were teammates. If anything, I was surprised Natasha still wanted to speak to me, instead expecting her to side with her friend.
"She did," Natasha answered. "And I think she's an idiot, but that's not my business. I just came here to make sure you were okay."
"Really? I thought you wanted to show me the memes," I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood with a small smile.
She chuckled, slapping my hand gently. "That, too... but seriously."
My smile faded as I looked down, my finger playing with my trousers distractedly. "I'm not okay, but I'll get there." I began to glare at my trousers, my anger for the witch returning. "I have to be. Because she doesn't want me anymore... fuck her."
"I'd rather not," Natasha mumbled.
Though my anger was present, making me tense like it had been the last few weeks, I couldn't help but smile at Natasha's words. Then laughter bubbled from my lips and for the first time since Wanda left, I felt momentarily happy.
"I'm glad we can still be friends," Natasha said, making me look to her with a smile. "I know that you and Wanda are over now... but I still like hanging out with you."
"Me, too," I said in agreement. "Thanks for coming to check in. You didn't have to."
"Yeah, I did." She nodded before offering me a small, encouraging smile. "You're gonna be okay, y'know."
I wanted to believe her, but despite how pissed I was at Wanda, I still loved her. And I couldn't imagine stopping, though I knew I'd have to if I was to make it through this.
Getting over Wanda was a difficult process. Everything I felt was a mixture of resentment, exhaustion and misery because I missed her. I missed being able to call her when I saw somebody do something stupid in public; I missed kissing her when I hadn't seen her in a long time; I missed hearing her adorable accent first thing when I woke up after she spent the night; I missed her.
Two months followed the breakup and the only time I'd see her was when she'd dodge Anna's apartment upon knowing I was going to take care of her. I guess I was glad in that sense, as it meant I wouldn't have to deal with her awkwardly. But it also made me feel like shit because it meant she didn't care about me at all. Clearly our breakup wasn't affecting her like it did with me.
And it was definitely affecting me.
I was scrolling through Instagram one day when I saw a particular post on my feed from Natasha's account. Yeah, one of the Avengers had a private Instagram account. She gave me her username when she saw me on it one day and I remember being so confused to how she had it.
"I'm an Avenger, not a hermit," was her response, and from that day onwards, we followed each other.
So, I saw a post on her Instagram and it was some goofy photo of her, Tony, Bruce and Wanda. They were posing with exaggerated smiles as Natasha grinned up front; the caption said something about working long days, but I wasn't paying much attention as, naturally, my gaze fell to Wanda.
Just like everyone else, she had a playful, exaggerated smile on her lips like nothing kept her down, but what stood out was the sling around her arm and the cast underneath. It must have happened in a mission or something and it wasn't my business, but I couldn't help but worry. Was she okay? Was she looking after herself? I wanted to text Natasha and ask, but I stopped myself.
She'd broken up with me for this very reason. I wasn't agreeing with it, but for a second, I did see why she'd made her point. It still wasn't fair though. She didn't get to make that choice for me.
We weren't together anymore, I reminded myself. She broke up with me. It had been two months and I needed to let go. If she didn't care about me, why should I waste my time and energy caring about her?
Not letting it get to me anymore, I simply liked the post before continuing my scrolling. Though I knew that deep down, her face was imprinted in my mind and I still worried for her well-being.
The fourth month following our breakup was when I properly saw Wanda again, excluding the times she would duck out of Anna's apartment upon my arrival to care for her. It was also the first time since the breakup that Wanda made the effort to speak to me.
I was sat eating dinner on my day off when I got a call from the hospital nearby, interrupting my meal. The nurse was explaining how Anna had fallen over and hurt her back and was now in a hospital room. She was calling me because she thought I'd like to know since I was her registered nurse and carer. I was glad to get the call, immediately pulling my shoes and coat on and rushing over there to make sure she was okay. She didn't have anyone else apart from Wanda and I – it was no question I had to go.
Though, of course, I didn't really think about the fact that Wanda may be there until I saw her there. I also didn't consider the fact that I was wearing my pyjamas when I stepped in the lift and headed to Anna's floor. Too late now.
After asking the receptionist where Anna's room was, I found Wanda hanging around it outside the door. With only Anna on my mind, I approached her and tried to hide my panic. She spotted me instantly, stopping her pacing and looking to me with tired eyes and a frown on her face.
I didn't care that she looked worried, nor that she was holding up well since we last spoke in anger. I didn't care that she'd dyed her hair a reddish-brown colour, nor that she managed to pull off both that and the whole 'loungewear' look in a place surrounded by blinding white and blue. I didn't care that my heart ached when her green eyes found mine, nor that I missed seeing her so close and not in my dreams for once. I didn't care about any of it. Or, at least, I tried to tell myself that.
"What happened?" I cut straight to the point, stopping in front of her. "Is Anna okay?"
Wanda nodded instantly. "She's fine. She tripped over her dining room chair and hurt her back. The doctors just checked her out and said it's nothing too serious, but she won't be able to walk for a while."
I pressed my lips together, feeling the panic wear off at the sound of good news. Anna had always been more than just a patient to me and the last thing I wanted was to hear she'd hurt herself badly.
"Can I see her?" I asked Wanda, quirking a brow.
"Yeah, of course," Wanda said, before looking away awkwardly. "I was just waiting out here for you. The nurse said you were coming."
I chose to say nothing as I walked past her and into Anna's room, seeing the older woman laying on a hospital bed and staring at the ceiling. When she noticed my presence, she smiled at me and motioned for me to join her side.
"It's so good to see you, milaya (sweetie)," she said happily, as I stopped by her side, "but you didn't have to come! I'm not dying."
I heard Wanda enter the room behind me, but she took a seat on the chairs opposite the bed. Ignoring her, I smiled down at Anna and grabbed her hand.
"Don't say that," I told her gently. "Of course I'm here. You're my number one priority. I had to make sure you were okay!"
Anna waved her hand in typical Anna fashion. "I've suffered worse. I'm absolutely fine."
I knew it was best not to question her, so I didn't.
"I'm glad you're both here," she said, looking between Wanda and I, making me swallow awkwardly.
Since breaking up, I hadn't mentioned it to Anna, but she wasn't stupid and she'd clearly noticed that we weren't spending time together anymore. I didn't know if Wanda had told her, but if she had, Anna never mentioned anything. Like now, she simply looked between us both with a grateful smile, unaware of how awkward we felt.
Thankfully, the awkward silence was interrupted when a doctor walked in the room. After introducing herself, I asked if I could speak to her outside about Anna and she happily obliged. She told me about Anna's condition and how it would affect the way I cared for her, especially regarding her new medication, and I asked anything and everything to make sure she was truly okay. After being reassured that she was, I thanked the doctor and returned to Anna's room, only to find Wanda and Anna in a heated a argument.
I couldn't tell what had got them so fussy as they were bickering in Russian, sentences too fast for me to comprehend with my limited knowledge of the language. It got to a point where Anna began slapping Wanda on the arm, looking angrier than ever, so I stepped between them and pulled Wanda away.
"What the hell is going on here?" I interrupted, holding Anna's slapping hand down to the bed and raising a hand to keep Wanda at bay. I looked between them, seeing the frustration in both their expressions, and asked questioningly, "Well?"
Wanda said nothing, eyes avoiding mine as usual, so I looked down to Anna who was glancing between us before spouting off into another ramble in Russian, trying to grab Wanda so she could yell at her directly. To my annoyance, Wanda tried to push past me, yelling back, and I was unfortunately caught in the middle as I attempted to keep them from ripping each other's throats out.
Thankfully, their bickering came to a halt when an unknown voice called into the room: "What is going on in here?"
I looked to the door, following the mystery voice, and saw a young woman, maybe in her thirties, standing in the doorway and looking between the three of us with confusion. I had no idea who she was, though she seemed familiar. Judging from the confusion Wanda had, she didn't seem to know either.
"Sasha," Anna breathed out with surprise, and then I realised. That was Anna's granddaughter. "What are you doing here?"
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sunflowerim · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 40
Weekend 7
Harry reached sharply at 8 and was warmly greeted by Lux who couldn't stop smiling. Theo was playing with Cliff and upon seeing Harry, both of them ran to him at once.
"Will Cliff be joining us?" Harry asked, scratching Clifford behind the ears.
"No," replied Theo sadly, "he is not allowed, so we're dropping him at the dog sitters place."
"Aww Cliffy we'll miss you,'' Harry patted Clifford before looking around for Louis.
Louis emerged right then from the room wearing an unbuttoned sap green shirt over a plain white tee, sunglasses hooked in the t-shirt, chocolate brown fringe falling over his eyes. He looked beautiful.
Louis caught him staring but was awestruck himself to do anything about it. Harry stood in front of him wearing a pink shirt with white polka dots, buttons half undone (as always) and sunglasses atop his head, tangled in his curls.
They stared at each other without even moving a muscle when Theo and Lux started aggressively tugging Louis, breaking the moment.
"C'mon uncle Lou, let's goooooo."
"We're getting LATE!"
Within fifteen minutes, all of them were seated in Louis' car driving to the dog sitters house. The car speaker was playing 'Do you wanna build a snowman' on Theo's insistence and after dropping Clifford, they were driving off to the wonders that awaited them.
Harry waited with the kids as Louis went ahead to buy the tickets. Once they got the tickets, they stood with a group and a tour guide greeted them.
"Hello and welcome to the Warner Bros Studios- the making of Harry Potter. I'm gonna walk you through the sets and--"
Harry was distracted by Louis practically bobbing with excitement next to him. Soon the guide led them into the studio and they stood in a wide hall, at the centre of which a statue of the Gringott's dragon was suspended.
People around them were buzzing around and clicking pictures. Even Louis took out his phone and with great concentration took a picture if the dragon. From there, they were led to a set up of the inside of privet drive and the cupboard under the stairs.
"Oh my god, Theo look Harry's room," Lux pulled Theo out of the crowd to show him what she'd seen.
Next they went inside the great hall where and it was magnificent. Harry had seen the Harry Potter movies, but wasn't that deeply invested in them. But Louis. Let's just say Harry had come to visit the place with three kids and not two. Louis couldn't contain his excitement at all. He took in everything with eager eyes, took pictures randomly and every now and then Harry could hear him murmur "wish I was a wizard."
Slowly they walked through a lot more sets each as exciting as the last one. From the Gryffindor common room, boys dorm, Hagrid's hut, potions & herbology classroom, leaky cauldron, to the various shops of Diagon Alley, each captured the attention of the crowd and made everyone's jaw drop. They had a difficult time in the forbidden forest, where huge spiders kept appearing every now and then, scaring Theo and Lux, and Louis had to keep explaining that those weren't real.
There was a particular emotional moment when Louis was brought to tears by a stuffed werewolf because it reminded him of Remus Lupin. Both Lux and Theo, along with Harry had to console him afterwards. He had barely recovered when they were faced with a abstract statue of Sirius Black and Louis was sad again.
Soon it was time for lunch and they found some nice seats in the in-studio restaurant and ate to their fullest. Louis and Harry even tried butterbeer and Louis declared this should be available at all regular clubs too.
After lunch, they were led towards the Hogwarts Express and Harry took pictures of Lux, Theo and Louis one by one in front of the 9¾ platform. In another section, tourists could dress up in Hogwarts robes and sit on a broomstick and record videos and of course all three of them did.
All of them were amazed at the props section. Each and every prop used in the movies was placed in glass boxes and they looked so realistic, it'd make one think that they were actually in the wizarding world.
Walking around the wizarding world set up they didn't even notice the time and soon it was almost evening.
The tour was almost over and their last stop was the merch shop. Upon entering the merch shop, nobody moved for a few seconds. They were taken aback by the variety of items that had been stacked up for sale. Louis bought Lux and Theo a wand each and they couldn't stop waving it around even for a second. He himself wanted to buy a Gryffindor quidditch costume, which earned a tease from Harry,
"Fancy seeing you go to work in these."
"Don't be silly Harry, it's for Halloween."
At the end he settled for a Gryffindor t-shirt and bought robes for the twins instead. Hufflepuff for Theo and Gryffindor for Lux.
Louis even made Harry take the Sorting Hat quiz right there, so he could buy him something. Hufflepuff.
"Yay, Harry you're with me," said Theo running to hug him.
Harry wouldn't buy a robe so Louis got him a t-shirt too.
They also bought a Hogwarts poster for the twins' bedroom at Louis' (because their mum wouldn't let them put up so many posters in the room in their own house and well Louis is the cool uncle so he'll obviously buy it for them).
On their way out they bought loads of chocolates and in his excitement, Louis didn't notice that Harry was lingering a little longer at the payment desk.
It was a wholesome day and it left them exhausted but happy.
After exiting the studio, Louis drove them to his favourite restaurant for dinner. The twins were staying with them tonight and had insisted Harry stay back too. Harry readily agreed and Louis was the happiest.
Theo had fallen asleep in Harry's lap and Lux in Louis' and the two of them slowly climbed the stairs to the apartment carrying the kids in their arms.
After reaching the apartment, Louis woke them up for a while to brush their teeth while Harry got them ready for bed. As Harry and Louis tucked them in their bed, they both said their goodnights in sleepy murmurs.
Harry was feeling tired too and went to the guest room (which had begun to look like his room) after wishing Louis goodnight.
As Harry settled in the bed, he took out his phone, deciding to post some pictures.
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As he finished posting some pictures, he noticed that Louis had put up some stories on Instagram too. He was amused by the excitement which was radiating off of Louis' stories. He really was a kid at heart.
Harry was about to keep his phone down and go to sleep when he noticed that Louis had posted a picture. He quickly scrolled up and when he saw what Louis had posted, his breath hitched.
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Harry will never know what possessed him at that moment that he jumped out of bed and pulled the blue wrapped packet from under the bed, deciding to go to Louis' room at once. He grabbed a clean t-shirt (which belonged to Louis) from the bedside drawer and at once made his way across to Louis' door. Clutching the packet tightly in one hand, he softly knocked.
Harry waited for about 2 seconds before the door was opened by Louis, still shirtless.
"What happened Harry? Did you need something?" Louis asked, a hint of worry in his voice.
"No, --um yeah, I mean- I wanted to give you something," Harry replied waving the packet slightly.
"Oh come in."
They made their way to the bed when Louis seemed to remember he wasn't wearing a shirt and quickly dived into the drawers for one. Harry's brows furrowed in frustration when he saw Louis putting on a black tank top and coming over to sit next to him.
"What did you get me?"
"See for yourself," Harry said handing the packet to Louis.
"You didn't have to," Louis continued, carefully opening the packet, "When did you even--"
Louis paused midway, opening the box in the packet, gaping at the content inside. "Harry, you-- I-- you- thanks wow, I mean- how did you-", he tried forming a coherent sentence while picking up the carved wooden wand from the box.
Harry chuckled quietly, "I saw how intently you were learning the wand choreography. It's only fair that you have one too."
Louis flung himself on Harry, knocking the breath out of his lungs, "thank you so much, I love this."
Harry hugged him back tightly, trying to steal as much warmth as he could before he had to let go.
Louis let go after a few seconds, face flushed and went back to examining the wand. Harry watched Louis' eyes sparkle as he held out his wand and tried out some moves. Louis couldn't stopped smiling and that made Harry's insides flutter.
After a while, Harry decided it best to leave, "So I'll leave you to your devices. Goodnight."
Harry got up to leave but was stopped by Louis tugging the hem of his t-shirt.
"You could stay if you want," Louis said, ducking his head down.
"Here?" Harry asked, unsure, not letting his hopes get the better of him.
"Here," Louis replied looking up, holding Harry's gaze.
"Um okay."
Harry sat back on the bed as Louis shifted around to remove his clothes from the bed. Harry moved back in the bed and leaned against the headboard. Louis joined him soon and for a few moments both were quiet, not knowing what to say. The silence wasn't uncomfortable though.
Louis had kept the windows open which let in the cool summer breeze and Harry felt at peace listening to the sound of crickets with Louis beside him.
Louis started first-
"I saw that you posted a picture of me from your main."
"Wouldn't that be a problem?"
"Why? I can hang out with my friends."
Harry quickly tried to correct himself after seeing the look on Louis' face, "Not that I consider you one-- I mean-- yes I do, but not in that way, you know-- I mean-"
"It's okay Harry. I know," Louis replied, relaxing once again and slowly sliding down the bed, lying flat on his back.
Harry watched him as the moonlight settled on the curves of his face, and watched as his eyelids fluttered slowly, the moonlight dancing in the shadows of his eyelashes.
Harry tangled his fingers with Louis' half afraid that Louis would remove his hand but Louis just tightened the grip.
"Thanks for today," Harry hummed so slowly, that Louis missed him.
"Thanks for today," Harry said, a little louder this time, "for everything actually."
Louis craned his neck upward to look at Harry's face and said, "Someone's being sappy today."
Harry smiled and slid down himself, propped himself on his left elbow, head resting on his hand and looked down at Louis. "Well you make me one."
"You make me one too."
If Harry could choose one moment to relive over and over again, it would probably be this, him lying beside Louis, their fingers intertwined and his face hovering inches above Louis'.
They gazed at each and even in the dim moonlight that had filtered in the room, they could see every inch of each others face clearly and suddenly without a warning Harry leaned in and kissed Louis.
Louis' brain short circuited and he froze for a second before giving in. Harry astounded by his own courage didn't waste time in climbing on top of Louis and taking his breath away.
Harry could feel the butterfly convention in his stomach going feral.
Louis let out a nervous laugh when they stopped to catch their breaths. Harry's curls were all over his face and Louis brought his hand up tuck the wild curls behind his ears.
"Harry are you sure?" he managed between ragged breaths.
"Yes," Harry replied, his voice strained.
"But-" Louis stopped, not knowing how to say it.
"Oh god," Harry groaned, "you're gonna make me say it aren't you? Yes Louis Tomlinson, I want this, if it wasn't clear enough. Just that-" he paused, "you're the first-"
"-bloke you're snogging?" Louis completed with an all knowing smile.
"I would have framed it better, but I guess that works too."
With that Harry closed the gap between them again, hands fiddling with the fabric of Louis' shirt which he managed to pull off in a few minutes.
"Shouldn't have put it on," Harry murmured in between their kisses.
Louis tangled his hands in Harry's hair and tugged at it in response.
"I love seeing you in my shirt," Louis said, rolling them over, settling on top of Harry, legs straddling Harry's hips, "but right now, I'd like for it to disappear."
Louis grabbed his wand from the bedside table and pointing it down at Harry, said "Evanesco!"
Harry watched in amusement as the boy above him, held a wand out and incanted a vanishing spell in the middle of a heated moment. Trust Louis to be dramatic. Louis' eyes glistened in the dim light and Harry obliged instantly. Louis leaned in on Harry and they got into their rhythm again, slowly discovering every inch of each other's skin, neither willing to let go.
When Harry woke next morning, he pleased to find himself on top of Louis' chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of Louis' belly underneath his hand. He slowly got up, careful not to wake Louis up and got off the bed, planting a kiss on Louis' forehead and made for the bathroom. He quickly freshened up, and returned to the room, to find Louis sitting up, with his back facing the window, sunlight slipping in through the curtains and illuminating his back. Louis smiled sleepily and beckoned Harry to come over. Harry started making his way over to him but suddenly stopped in his tracks.
"Stay here, don't move, I'll be back."
He dashed out of Louis' room and into the guest room and returned a minute later with his phone.
"Can I take a picture?"
"What?" Louis laughed in disbelief. "You can't be serious, I'm in my boxers."
"That won't matter. You look beautiful."
A slow blush spread across Louis' face and Harry took that as a cue to move forward. He stood at the end of the bed on Louis' right side and with great concentration took a picture.
"Let me have a look" Louis asked.
"Nuh, uh. You'll see when it's time."
Louis pouted his lips in faux sadness which earned a kiss from Harry.
"Now freshen up, the twins will be up anytime soon."
Inside the shower, Louis couldn't stop thinking about last night. He could feel a stupid grin spread on his face everytime he thought about Harry.
God. He might be in love.
Louis emerged into the drawing room and an amazing smell of pancakes wafted into his nose.
"Hey how'd you know?" Louis asked, making his way over to the kitchen and climbing on top of the kitchen counter.
"Huh? --oh this? Lux told me. Pancakes. Household favourite."
"You're spoiling them."
"You're one to talk," Harry raised an eyebrow at Louis and had to force his thoughts from wanting to kiss Harry again to the delicious pancakes being cooked.
The twins absolutely adored Harry and wouldn't let him leave even after breakfast. Lot's of negotiations and promises later, they finally agreed to let Harry leave. Louis walked him to the door and as Harry was leaving, he reached out and held his hand.
"Um, you do realise that we've watched 21 out of 22 movies and it's just week 7?"
"So what? If you thought you'll get rid of me after a few calculated weeks, you're wrong mister. I think we established that already."
"Yeah, I was just checking if it stands," Louis replied sheepishly.
"After yesterday, you don't have to worry," Harry said, moving closer and pressing a chaste kiss on Louis' lips.
And he was off.
Louis would have stood in the doorway for a little longer if the sound of giggles behind him didn't break his train of thoughts.
Lux and Theo were peering around from the couch and had apparently witnessed the display of affection.
"Are you going to marry him uncle Lou?" Theo asked, his expressions a mix of glee and confusion.
"No Theo, put your mind to rest," Louis ruffled Theo's hair.
"Do you love him? Like mommy and daddy?"
Louis smiled at that, "I don't know Lux, maybe ask Harry, next time you see him."
Lux beamed at that and soon Louis was getting the twins ready to be picked up by their mum.
Louis' sister actually stayed for an hour and they talked about all sorts if stuff, catching up on things they'd missed in each other's lives. Louis thought for a moment of he should tell her about Harry but then decided against it. It was too soon.
No sooner had all of them left, when Louis got a notification of a new post from Harry's private instagram. He quickly opened it and what he saw took his breath away again. Harry seemed to be doing that quite often.
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Harry Styles was going to be the death of him.
Note : first of all I'm so sorry for the late update, my college schedule is all packed up ugh -_- Secondly I've never been to Warner Bros Studios myself, so excuse the narration!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
i'm fucking losing it about that most recent post and i cannot get coherent words out about it because i get too excited about the possibilities and it is extremely hard to type while flapping but !!! oh my god!!!! oh my godd!!!!!!!!!
CW: Opening to what is definitely going to be a severe trauma response in the next piece, brief victim-blaming language
Jake watches the video, and Laken can't read his expression at all. It's grim, maybe - his jaw is set, and his blue eyes don't leave the laptop screen.
Youtube starts with a stupid fucking State Farm car insurance ad, and Jake is quiet and thoughtful before the ad even ends. He didn't argue with Laken, or suggest disbelief. He only texted come to the house and show me while C is at rehearsal, and Laken had hopped on two buses and walked half a mile, but here they are, now, only a little sweaty for their efforts.
Laken hunches over next to him, their hands over their mouth, thick wavy black hair falling over their eyes. They'd re-shaved the sides yesterday and the air moved over the shorn-short spaces as the fan turned overhead.
They don't speak. They just watch Jake watch Tristan Higgs dance. They watch Antoni, Chris's other brother, sit quietly on Jake's other side, his own dark eyes equally fixed on the screen. When the video ends, Jake hits the replay button and watches it again.
And again.
"This video is from eight years ago," He finally says. His voice is a deep rumble, barely a sound human ears can hear. “I mean, the dancing is from eight years ago.”
Laken swallows and nods. "Um, y-yeah. So he would be-"
"Fifteen," Jake finishes for them. "Give or take. If he's as old as I think he is. And this guy seems pretty fucking sure that Tristan Higgs is dead."
"Right." Laken swallows, uncomfortable. "So, Ben-... You remember Ben. He's, um. Been looking stuff up, and... He sent me some links to, like, old news articles, and... Um..."
"What is in the articles?" Where Jake's voice is rough-edged, struggling for control, Antoni's voice is soft, hazy with his accent, sliding over consonants and coasting the vowels. "What is he sending?"
"So, um, like... This double-... Uh, double-murder and stuff. These people that were killed and just, like, their kid survived, Tristan Higgs. Except then he disappears-... just drops off the face of the earth. But no obit or anything.”
Jake and Antoni look at each other, the men sharing an expression that communicates a wealth of information Laken isn't privy to. But the one thing they don't show is any surprise.
"-and... Ben's been messaging the guy that posted the video, and-... They're gonna meet, um, in a couple days. At, you know where La Mode is? The ice cream place where they filmed that bit in that old Vince Shield movie-"
"I know where La Mode is, yeah," Jake says, watching Laken carefully. He hasn't looked at them like this in a long time, since he first met them - calculating and slightly cold, considering the risk they pose to Chris and to everyone else in his house.
"I also am knowing that place," Antoni says with a nod, putting a hand on Jake's arm. Jake is tense - Laken didn't realize it until he suddenly relaxes, consciously, now. "Why is Ben wanting to talk to this man?"
"I, I don't know. He kind of, he's really intense about this stuff. You know, when he found out Chris was, um, was... a pet..." The word is ash on their tongue, gums up around their teeth, makes their stomach flip in disgust. "... He kind of lost his shit once we got Chris calm about it. I think he thought-... Uh, you know, people like Chris, they get targeted, and... so he's been thinking about that.”
“This isn’t his business, Laken,” Jake says, weary, closing his eyes.
“No, I know, but he's got a little brother who's the same age Chris was when-... this video must have been made. Who’s a lot like him. So I think he's... I don't know. Maybe thinking, you know, if it was his brother, he’d want someone to do all this... if-... if someone took his brother away."
"Yeah, I get it." Jake swallows, sitting up slowly, rubbing at his face. He's got a day-old stubble along his jaw, the kind that made Laken grin a little when they saw the rubbed-red, irritated jawline of the guy with black hair who answered the door, Chris's other brother kind of.
The one that Laken met the night Dylan told Ben and them where Chris really came from. Except... not this. Dylan hadn't known this.
"So, we need to get Chris ready-"
"Get me ready for, for, for what? Laken, why, why are you here?"
Laken closes their eyes and lets out a slow, soft sigh. Of course - the one night they needed Chris's rehearsal to run full-length is the one night he comes back early. They turn to look at Chris and give him a slight smile. "Hey, querido, we just, um-... So, there's..."
The video has still been playing in the background, forgotten, and the music kicks into the crescendo where the second gymnast steps up, catching Chris's attention. "What's, what's that? Is, is, is, is is is it-"
He goes silent as Tristan Higgs steps into place, shoots his bright smile towards Akio Nakamura, and does his first set of flips and spins.
The three of them watch Chris watching Tristan Higgs. They watch his backpack slide off his shoulder and thump to the ground. They watch his eyes - the perfect match to the eyes of the boy on the screen - follow Tristan and Akio dancing briefly back to back, his laughter as he drops his head onto Akio's shoulder.
Something in the line of his shoulders tightens. His skin is pale under the freckles, his hair suddenly seems too garishly bright against the rest of him. There are shadows under his eyes Laken has never seen before. He looks younger... and haunted.
They hold their breath until it ends, the two boys hugging and laughing, Tristan bouncing and rocking and flapping ecstatically when the routine went off without a hitch.
The video cycles to the next one, a different set of Nakamura's. Chris blinks and then looks at the three of them, eyes moving from one to the next. "Why... are you watching... that?"
His voice shifts, change, slips into a drip-drop of words, a slowly leaking faucet language that Laken barely understands when compared to his usual mile-a-minute. He stands perfectly still.
Once again, Jake and Antoni aren't surprised.
"Chrisha," Antoni says, gently. Jake's jaw works, maybe fighting for words that don't come. "That is you, we think. You were... are Tristan Higgs."
Chris's eyes move to Antoni. Then back to Jake. "No," He says, simply. "I'm... not."
"Chris?" Laken feels a wash of uncertainty. "Are you okay? We're pretty sure this is you."
Chris stares right through Laken, eyes empty, full of a kind of fog all their love can't break through. "No, I, I'm not. I'm... not him."
Jake is the one to push himself to his feet first, taking Chris gently by the arm to walk him back towards the doorway. "Chris-"
"I'm... not, not him," Chris says, looking up at Jake, up and up and up. "I'm... not, Jake."
Chris, Laken's sunshine boy, their love and light and life, is a dull bit of broken rock, sodden earth after too much rain, the sooty stumps of trees in an empty wildfire-wrecked field.
"I know it's hard," Jake says, folding Chris into his arms, and Laken watches with a twist of something that isn't quite jealousy, but isn't that far off. Chris will always turn to Jake, first. They can't compete with that - they don't want to, even, they just sort of wish they could. "I know, Chris. But Laken's right, this kid... I think that might really be you."
"No," Chris whispers, burying his head into Jake's chest. "No, no, no. I'm... not. I, I make myself, I made Chris, I don't want to, to, to to to-to be anyone else anymore..."
"You're still Chris," Jake murmurs, and holds him close. "You're still my brother. This just tells us maybe a little bit about what happened before I met you, that's all. That's it, Chris. Nothing has to change."
"Everything changed," Chris whispers, pulling slowly back. "Because I, I did it wrong. I, I, I moved, wasn't... I was, was supposed to hide... and, and be so quiet..." His hands move, one finger up to his lips, as though shushing himself. The empty look in his eyes is cracking open to a well of pain that Laken, for all the times they've held him after nightmares and all the meltdowns they've seen... They've never seen it quite like this. 
He pulls away from Jake, and slowly picks his backpack up from the floor.
"Chris?" Laken shifts forward, but the look on his face when he glances back at them makes them stop short. "Baby, I-"
"Go... home, Laken," Chris says, and turns away from them. "Tris, Tristan Higgs is, is, is, is dead. He, he, he... he he-... he, k-... killed people, and he’s, he’s, he’s dead.” 
He's gone, his feet heavy on the stairs, before Laken can say another word.
Jake and Antoni glance at each other - another immense conversation contained in a single shared look - and then Jake sighs. "Come in, Laken. I'll drive you back to campus. Ant, if you'll-"
"Watch the house and speak to Chrisha. Got it." Antoni gives Laken a soft, sympathetic smile. "These things are not easy," He says, softly. "You cannot pick yourself back up again, simple as that, start a story where you were left off. I will speak with him."
"But, I should-"
"You'll make it worse," Jake says, rough-edged again.
"Harder," Antoni gently corrects. "He will need us, who know what it is they do to our minds, tonight."
"Wh-what do they do?” Laken looks from one of the men to the other. “I, I know memory loss, I get that, and he was clearly-... hurt, so much, but-”
“They take a frightened man-... or, child,” Antoni says, voice gentle as always. “And they teach us that the person we were before was so terrible that the person we are now exists only to suffer.”
“But he’s just a kid, there, in that video,” Laken says, a token protest, voice weak. Antoni’s smile widens, slightly, in its sympathy for them. “There’s no kid on earth who could possibly deserve that. He doesn’t even remember what happened!”
“You do not have to remember a crime to be told you are responsible for it.”
Antoni takes their hands in his, looking them right in the eyes. “When you are alone, and frightened, and desperate to survive... you will believe anything that gives you the slightest chance for a way out.”
Laken swallows, hard, thinking of Chris whispering after a nightmare one night, they made me a Romantic pet because I was a slut who wanted it all the time - their sunshine boy, who never ever does, effortlessly believing a lie, repeating back the names they called him, acting unbothered and like he barely noticed his own words.
Laken swallows back a flip of disgust at the idea of a teenager being taught to hate himself that way. 
“Wh-what happens if he remembers everything they made him forget?” Laken’s voice is a whisper.
“If we’re lucky,” Jake says gruffly, “He doesn’t remember it all at once. If we’re not-”
A wail shatters their conversation, a low keening cry from upstairs, muffled by distance and closed doors, a sound of wild screaming wordless grief. All three of them flinch as there’s a resounding crash and a slammed door.
“If we not, that happens,” Jake says, and he’s on his feet and up the stairs before Laken can remind him that he’d said he would take them home. They move to stand, but Antoni lays a hand on their arm.
“Jake, first,” He says softly. “It is easy to be overwhelmed, in these moments. Jake first, and then you.”
What they feel now is definitely a little bit jealousy.
And guilt.
Chris’s screaming, his misery and pain, seems to go on forever, twist itself into the walls of the house and burrow in. Antoni leaves to comfort frightened people who stick their heads out of doors and ask what’s going on, people Laken doesn’t know and has never been introduced to. They look at Laken, consider them, and Antoni speaks to them with soft reassurance while Laken feels helpless, and hopeless, and pointless in this house full of hurting people, while their own hurting person finds comfort in his brother, not in them.
They turn back to look at Jake’s laptop, sitting alone and watching a group of gymnasts hugging after getting their scores, laughing.
The title dates it as a year after the dancing video.
By the time this one was filmed, Tristan Higgs was already gone.
Tagging: @burtlederp  , @finder-of-rings  , @endless-whump , @whumpfigure  , @slaintetowhump  , @astrobly  @newandfiguringitout  , @doveotions  , @pretty-face-breaker  , @boxboysandotherwhump  , @oops-its-whump  @moose-teeth  , @cubeswhump  , @cupcakes-and-pain  @whump-tr0pes  @whumpiary  @orchidscript
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: If you read carefully, you knew this; if you didn't: reader was drugged at the party. Hangover from Hell ft. boys being cute, Loki being best friend material and reader fully integrating him into the Gen-Z community via Monster energy drinks and depressive music whilst being sad. I live for Loki/reader friendship tbh.
So folks, this is the last big plot thing before the endgame. I reckon it's about 10-15 chapters left until out happy ending and the next bit is going to focus on developing reader's and Stephen's relationship. There will be smutty parts too - either chapters or interludes, idk, depending on how well they'll integrate into the story.
I love y'all.
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Ow, was my first thought upon waking up. My head throbbed something fierce, the pressure behind my eyelids was unbearable and my mouth tasted like a bog on a sunny summer's day. I was warm, from both sides, and one of the bodies felt foreign in everything besides the smell - sandalwood leaked through the lead curtain of alcohol and sex.
Needless to say, I had trouble piecing together the fine details of last night but had enough coherence to remember our... Activities. I was sore and Strange's long arm was still possessively draped over both me and Tony. The luck was on my side as I carefully wiggled out of his grasp, padding to the bedroom on quiet feet. The sorcerer barely moved, only grumbling briefly at the loss of my warmth and immediately quieting, shamelessly snuggling into Tony.
I would have not exaggerated if I said it was the worst hangover of my life. It was baffling, really, because I'd gone way wilder and didn't suffer half as much after effects; my first attempt to brush my teeth ended with my face resting against the toilet bowl, my empty stomach rejecting what little liquid in it was left as the room spun on its axis. That was incredibly embarrassing and I hoped my boys wouldn't wake up to witness my best impression of a bum - and they didn't, both men still sound asleep and interwined like snakes when I put on the shirt closest to me and departed in search of coffee.
My mood only worsened. Steve and Bucky were already up, shoveling an impressive amount of eggs and bacon, as Bucky quietly teased Steve about his own hangover. The blonde man was slightly greenish, disheveled - we traded equally glum looks and nodded to each other in silence. The smell of food made my stomach churn and I retreated, one black coffee in hand, towards Bruce's lab, having been informed by Friday that neither Tony not Stephen planned on waking up.
"Morning, Princess," Bruce smiled kindly, pushing his glasses out of the way to hold me close and give me a sweet kiss. "Had fun? The boys still asleep?"
I giggled at Bruce calling Tony and Stephen boys. "Yeah. I wouldn't be wearing Stephen's shirt if he was up and about, I think." I pointed out the obvious.
Bruce chuckled, holding my face to give me a long, thoughtful look. I stared back, hoping convey my respect and adoration without having to say a word; like Tony, I wasn't particularly apt when it came to talking feelings. Whatever Bruce was looking for, he found it, and sealed it with another kiss, twice as long and twice as sweet. We stood like that, my head on his shoulder and my arms firmly holding him to myself, until the elevator dinged behind the glass wall, revealing a shirtless Stephen and Tony in his pajama pants, both men bickering animatedly.
"Aw shit, here we go again," I rolled my eyes, unhappy about the possibility of the magic being broken. I rather preferred all three men to be like yesterday: friendly, kind and relaxed.
"I will kick them out if I have to," Bruce shrugged, turning me around to face them.
Tony smiled, seeing me, stopping mid-conversation. "Princess, I am disappointed in your lack of manners. You left me with Merlin and he is mean." The engineer unceremoniously snatched me from Bruce and smooched me, hangover breath and all.
"Gross, Tony," I rolled my eyes, giving the man a light shove in the chest. "Morning, Steph," I addressed the third man who had gone back to his usual stoic expression. Just to see his resolve crack, because I loved pushing his buttons, I gave him a good morning kiss too, and was unexpectedly blown away by the eager response from his side. As I pulled back, I noticed his cheeks dusting a light pink.
"I came to get my shirt but I think you'd rather keep it," The sorcerer's fingers caressed my skin beneath the collar of his shirt, voice still low and scratchy from sleep and those magnetic eyes fixated on the exposed flesh of my chest, no trace of previous awkwardness.
"You sure 'bout that?" I pushed one of the sides off, exposing my shoulder, seeing Tony gulp the remainder of my coffee, one hand already messing with the screen that Bruce was focused on. "I think I look better without it," I would never miss an opportunity to tease the uptight man.
"Quite," He grinned, "It's a shame I didn't get to see much last night..." Two could play this game, okay.
"Oh, but you will," Tony piped up suddenly, a hint of smugness in his voice barely covered by Bruce's fond chuckle. I really didn't know what to say, suddenly overwhelmed with the attention, my emotions amplified by the hangover - party drugs tended to exaggerate my anxiety on the comedown.
And what a comedown it was. My social energy ran out very quickly so I complained about a nasty headache and retreated into my room, Bruce's gentle hands pressing a bottle of Ibuprofen into my own. Despite my attempts to tame my rioting body, it got worse before it got better and shortly before lunch, I had thrown up twice more. Pissed off, I ran a bath with cold water and sat in it until I felt somewhat human to prepare myself for a journey to Wanda's apartment - as a last resort, I was going to chug on of Pietro's Monster energy drinks that I knew he kept hidden there.
The retrieval was a success. Cans securely hidden in the kangaroo pocket of Tony's oversized hoodie I had thrown on, I had to make a haste detour to throw up once again - the closest bathroom was in Loki's apartment and I only managed to knock twice before throwing open the door and making a mad dash for the porcelain throne, a very confused Asgardian following my movements with raised eyebrows.
"Hangover from Hell," I croaked once the first wave subsided. Loki nodded in understanding, waved a hand to summon me a water bottle and shut the door behind himself.
As I sat there, desperately trying to understand why was I feeling like utter shit... It clicked. Bile rose to my throat once again, and I just dry heaving, mulling my revelation over and over again.
I didn't take any drugs. I had been drugged. My memories became hazy and dream-like shortly after someone had given me the drink... Someone, who? It was a split-second moment; Sam, even in his drunk state, didn't keep his eyes off me for too long. Maybe it had been someone the team knew? Possibilities began playing out in my head. Cursed was my overactive brain - the anxiety from the leftover drugs was making me panic.
"Fuck, FUCK," My hands shook - I only noticed it because I had spilled water on myself, adding cold and wet to the unpleasant sensations I was already experiencing. "Why am I such a fucking fuck-up." Taking a drink from a stranger seemed downright idiotic now. Middle school bullshit.
"Are you alright?" Loki's worried voice interrupted my inner monologue.
"Yes," I replied, voice cracking. "No. I don't fucking know."
The door all but flew open, the Asgardian taking several long strides to take a good long look at me. The frown on his face tells me all I needed to know about my physical and mental state.
A slender hand tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "What happened?"
I laughed tersely, feeling tears to begin welling in the corners of my eyes. "I'm an idiot," Seeing his face get annoyed briefly, I conceded: "I got drugged yesterday. My drink."
The hand that he had slid between my shoulder blades froze. I felt his whole body go rigid and his nostrils flare, the smell of ozone and something foreign - magic - filling the small space. The air around us became charged with the power of his anger. "Pardon?" His voice was dangerously quiet.
I physically fought with the need to flinch away from him, settling for lowering my eyes and staring at the dark stain on my hoodie. "I got carried away dancing. Someone handed me a drink and my stupid ass just shotgunned it," I confessed, picking at the wet spot. "And I can't tell anybody because I had a threesome with Stephen and Tony," I suddenly realised, my voice raising in pitch. "They're gonna think I didn't want it and feel bad. You know how Tony blames himself for everything under the sun..." Another wave of dizziness and nausea hit me as I leaned against the wall closest to me.
"Alright," Loki conceded after a brief pause. "We absolutely are telling the others. I'll make sure they understand," The Asgardian stated firmly in a tone that bore no argument. Seeing me lift my head to protest, he interrupted me before I could say anything: "Did you... Did you want it?" He asked me, hooking a single finger under my chin to look me in the eye.
I nodded, feeling my face heat up.
"You're not lying. The team knows of my ability to detect lies. Nobody will blame anyone..." Loki trailed off, obviously already plotting something. I wished it were a prank both of us were conspiring on instead of... Trying to make sense of this cluster fuck of a shit show. The circus called, they seemed to have left their clowns behind. "Although I will have a word with Sam." The Asgardian muttered darkly.
"No, it's not his fault. I just got too relaxed, I need to pucker up and be responsible for myself," I protested, damn well knowing it wasn't the Bird's fault. Everyone was drunk and I should've known better.
"It's not yours either," Loki sneered, seeing right through my self-loathing. It took a deep, slow sigh for him to calm down. His expression softened and the hand that was on my back resumed the gentle stroking as he scooted closer to me to press my side against his chest. "Vile people of this kind aren't exclusive to Midgard. It could have happened to anyone."
I nodded, my logical part briefly taking over as the waves of nausea and dizziness waned. I stifled a giggle, coming to another sudden revelation. "You holding up my hair as I barf out my hangover? That makes you qualified for the position of my Best Friend," I stated with a snort.
Loki chuckled, relaxing bit by bit. "I accept the position," His voice was unusually soft and a little bit shaky; I chose to tactfully ignore it. "Shall I call for assembly in the war room?"
I sighed, the dread and anxiety creeping it's way back in. "Can we just... Wait a bit? I have something- hold on-" I rummaged around my pocket, taking out two cans of Monster. Loki eyed them curiously and I extended one to him. "It probably won't do much for you but for me it's a last-resort hangover cure." I popped open the metal cap, seeing him do the same. "Be warned though, it tastes kinda funky if you're not used to it," I announced the disclaimer but it simply egged Loki on.
The scrunched up face he made was pretty funny. "It's sour but sickeningly sweet at the same time? I can't tell," He briefly eyed the written ingredients on the can.
"There are a bunch of flavors. Pietro likes the plain one, I like the purple one better, it's not so tongue-burning." I paused to inhale loudly. "If this is what college life looks like, I don't want to go," Mustering up my courage and gathering my balls in a knot, with one broad motion I closed my nose and poured the carbonated acid down my throat until my eyes watered. "Gimme a minute," I hiccuped, trying to keep it down.
Wide-eyed, Loki took a chaste sip of his own drink, eyeing me warily. He looked part impressed part disgusted with the little stunt. "I am pretty certain that is counter-productive."
"Caffeine make brain and body go skrrt," I argued back. "Friday, play my "grant me the sweet release of death" playlist. I'm upset," I announced and the AI obliged silently, the first notes of Placebo's 'Exit Wounds' beginning to play. If I was going to mop in a stranger's bathroom, I was going to do it with style. Even if said style was just simply stealing in my own misery with emo background music.
Loki stared at me, I stared back, both of us lost in our respective minds. At one point, he began swaying to the music slightly, resting the cool tin of the can against his cheek; I followed suit, mouthing along to some of the lyrics. It took us about a dozen songs to finally finish the liquid acid that was Monster energy drink and my ass felt like the bathroom tile itself: flat and hard.
"Do you ever feel like the universe just hates you for no fucking reason?" I groused, taking Loki's outstretched hand and slowly feeling the blood rush back to my legs.
"You wouldn't believe," He rolled his eyes in solidarity, vanishing away the empty containers. "Norns, give me a Hel-damned break."
I laced his arm through mine as we exited his apartment, feeling considerably less upset than I was before. I couldn't protect myself, but one look at Loki's sullen, irritated expression was bound to scare off anyone who dared to interrupt our mission.
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samanthalightning · 4 years
She's Got A Date-EoWells X Allen!reader- Part VI
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*The GIF is not mine. All rights to the owner*
Part V
Summary: You went to the hospital to tell Joe and your Brother about your relationship. But it seems you weren't the only one with the same idea.
Warnings: Make out sesh?
You did not have the best idea, you knew that. Your adoptive father is in the hospital after he almost died and now, you decided you will give him a heart attack.
Wells made it very clear that there is a time to do this, specifically after Joe gets discharged. Much to his dismay, you pleaded the man non-stop. He gave in eventually.
Now, walking down the busy hallway of the hospital to go to Joe's room, it became more and more evident that you were really going to regret this. The nervousness you felt was nauseating. Your hands were cold and sweating like crazy. You felt bad for Wells; he was holding your hands the entire time.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked for a tenth time that night.
"Yeah totally. I mean— he's already in the hospital— what could go wrong?" You chuckled nervously.
He grimaced and pressed his lips in a thin line. That says it all. Bad idea.
Approaching the room, you let his hand go. You don't give it away and be able to explain properly.
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself. You stepped inside to find Iris there with Eddie by her side. She was saying something and hugging a bedridden Joe. They look like they just arrived as well.
These two are rarely in the same room with Joe around, and you have a feeling that they might be both here for the same reason as you do. But hopefully, they don't, because in this situation two is definitely not better than one.
"Got more room for one?" All heads turned to you. You walked towards Joe and went in for a tight hug. "You gave us a scare there, old man."
"Can't get rid of me that easy," he chuckled heartily, as you let go.
"What are you doing here, Dr. Wells?" Barry's brows furrowed.
Wells gave him a small shrug. "Just want to wish Joe a speedy recovery."
Among other things.
"Thank you, Doctor,"
The whole room shifted. You even started fiddling with the hem of your coat. Tense, awkward. You all had turned quiet as you exchanged nervous glances, uncertain how to break it to the man on the bed without him going ballistic.
Barry, knowing what Iris and Eddie are here to do, cleared his throat. "I'll let you guys talk." He turned to leave, not before signaling to you to do the same thing.
"No. Stay, Barry," Barry shot you a strange look, but stayed nonetheless, putting his hands in his pockets, shifting on this leg awkwardly.
A jolt of fear rushes through your body. If it felt so bad earlier, right now it's even scarier. You sucked in a breath, glancing over to Wells for support and approval. He nodded sternly, eyes staring back ever so assuring. This is really it. You turned back to Joe, letting go of your breath and spoke,
"Dad, we have something—"
"Joe, we have something—"
Both of your heads whipped, sharing a look.
"You go first," she gestured to you.
You shook your head rapidly. "No, you go first,"
"Okay," Joe grunted, sitting up. "I know y'all dating."
Your heads quickly whipped to Joe froze. You were both mortified.
"I know,"
"You do?" Iris blinked, stunned. Everyone was.
He rolled his eyes in disappointment for no one in this room giving him enough credit. "I'm a detective, remember? You are lousy liars." You all laughed, knowing it's true. He looked at Wells, finger pointing to him accusingly. "And you, Wells. You think I didn't see those hickeys? You showed up with them and my baby girl was limping— you think I wouldn't put two and two together?"
You groaned, burying your face in your hands to hide your blush. You were not just embarrassed, but deeply guilty.
"So, you're not mad?" Eddie inquired.
"Oh, I'm mad. If the doctor hadn't confiscated my gun, we'd be having an entirely different conversation," Joe told him.
The poor man paled, the smile wearing off his face. He gave Iris a nod, and turned to leave. You knew it's time for a family meeting.
"Hey babe, meet me in the car?" You turned to Wells, eyes hinting what's about to go down. He quickly got the gist, and excused himself.
When both men are out of earshot, Barry and Iris gave you an incredulous look. "Wells?!" They both exclaimed.
Joe was shaking his head, eyes looking on you and Iris, clearly displeased. But obviously not hell bent. "You girls and your taste in men will be the death of me."
You moved to his side, you placed your head on his shoulder, hugging him. Iris did the same thing. Not that he was very willing to admit it, but you and Iris have him wrapped around your fingers, and you know how to always convince him.
"Please don't be mad," you cooed to him, nuzzling to him and holding his hand.
"But I am. A cop and the man who blew a hole in the city," he sighed heavily.
"It's not so bad," Iris appealed.
"Yeah right," he scoffed.
You both try to make him feel better about the situation, but it occurred to you that this one will definitely take time to get accustomed to. You both went behind his back, and that's something.
You have to leave since Wells is waiting for you in the car. Barry offered to walk you, and you know there's an underlying agenda to that. But he hasn't said anything since you entered the elevator, didn't even dare look at you. He's walking on eggshells, always been.
"So, are you mad?" You broke the silence, fiddling with the sleeve of your coat.
"No. Just surprised." You thought that was perfectly understandable. Then he turned to you and snapped. "I mean, Wells? How? When?" He bombarded you with questions with his hands in the air.
"When you were in a coma. 6 months ago,"
"6 months?! Why didn't you tell me?!" He exclaimed. Your face scrunched up.
"In case you forgot, you just woke up from a coma, and the last thing I want to give you is another reason to be in one again," you explained. "You got powers, and meta-humans appeared."
He sighed, nodding. He put his hand inside his pocket, before asking, "Does he want kids? Can he have th—"
Your cheeks went warm, blushing red. "We haven't had that talk yet," you interrupted.
"Right." Barry mumbled, realizing how awkward his questions were. "Do you love him?"
You nodded, a small smile formed on your lips, cheeks warming up. "Yes."
Barry didn't say anything anymore. You know he's still trying to take it all in. His baby sister is dating his mentor, who is almost the same age as their Dad. It's quite a shock.
"Is it weird?" You cocked an eyebrow.
Barry snorted. "Yeah." You bursted out laughing.
The elevator dings, reaching the underground parking area. The door slides open and you step out. When you got to your car, Wells was waiting there for you.
Barry stood there, he and Wells were having a stare off or something. For a second, you panicked. He's not a totally violent person, but it doesn't mean he can't get angry.
But Barry just stifled a curt nod at Wells. "Take care of her," he said.
"I will,"
He turned and walked away, back to the elevator. You helped Wells get in the car, before climbing in yourself. You started the engine and drove out of the hospital's parking lot.
"Should I drop you off at the lab?" You asked him.
He shook his head. "No. I think a night in with you tonight would be very nice,"
You looked over to him and shot him a smile.
"Okay." You muttered.
Despite the fact that Barry was the one who kicked Nimbus' ass, but your muscles were sore and tense. In your defense though, it was one hell of a day. You just want to sleep and cuddle with Wells. You are so glad that you have the rest of the weekend to doze off.
You came out of the bathroom and stepped inside of your bedroom after a warm, relaxing, well-needed shower.
Wells was already sitting on the bed, tucked in, already halfway through a book. You love how he can lose himself while having a read. His brows furrowed slightly, eyes focused solely on a certain page, then quickly moved quickly to the other page. He reads a book faster than anyone you know, aside from Barry.
You slipped in the sheets, sitting up beside him. You peeked at what he was reading to see which one of literature and philosophy finest books has captured his attention again. Your eyebrows scrunched up, puzzled at what you are reading; it's written in Latin.
"What are you reading?"
"Julius Caesar," he replied, flipping to the next page.
"I thought you read that already?" Your tone changes, subtly hinting him that it's time for bed.
"I did," he answered, not even taking his eyes off it.
You glared at him in disbelief and huffed. Perhaps it was too subtle.
"So, maybe you can ditch that and let's go to bed?" You inquired with the same tone.
He glanced over to you, not showing any sign of expression at all. He stared at you and you know this means to let him finish the book he read over a hundred times before. So you stood your ground, and hardened your stare.
He sighed in defeat. "Fine." He closed the book shut, took his glasses and set it on your nightstand.
"Thank you,"
You were ready to lay down and sleep for the next 24 hours, but he spoke suddenly.
"I booked us a table tomorrow night to this fantastic restaurant midtown,"
Your head snapped to him, a surprised look immediately etched in your face. He said so nonchalantly. "Wha—" you were speechless, sputtering words, your mind processing what he just said. You try to form coherent words, but all that came out from your mouth was a laugh, bewildered. "A-are you taking me out on a date?"
He grinned, clearly amused with your reaction. "Yes. It's time we have some decent steaks, don't you think?" You swatted his chest, shooting him daggers, while he laughed. You swore to God if you perfected cooking steak, it'll be the death of him.
"I mean it." He ceased laughing, taking a hold of your hand. "I have a lot to make up for. And I'm gonna start by treating you like a queen. My queen." He planted a kiss on your knuckles.
You cupped his cheek, narrowing your eyes at him. "You're lucky I love you," you murmured, leaning into him.
"Oh, I know." He chuckled.
You giggled, capturing his lips, and kissed him sweetly. He deepened the kiss, slowly getting passionate. His tongue roamed inside your mouth, you tried to fight for dominance, but surrender to him eventually.
His hands moved up and down your body, then settled on your boyshorts clad bum. He caressed it with his long fingers and squeezed it tightly, before he slapped it, the smacking noise resounded in your room, startling you a bit. You couldn't help but moan, you feel pleasure alighting in the pit of your stomach. Your hand palmed his chest, bunching up his shirt tightly. You were getting carried away, and he as well. You pulled away gently, catching your breath.
"I just wanna cuddle and sleep tonight," You murmured, running the pads of your thumb across his cheek.
"Is that why you didn't wear pyjamas, Miss Allen?" He teased and squeezed your bum once more.
"What? They're comfy," you grinned.
"Right," he chuckled. "Okay." He gave you a last peck on the lips, before turning off your lamp.
You both lay down, he wrapped his arms around, protectively. Your tense and tired body relaxed, as you snuggled up against him. Like a small child, you felt in his arms; a sense of security and the feeling of home washed over you.
You looked up to him and saw that he was in some sort of daze, caught up in his own world and yet aware of his surroundings. His eyes were gazing up to your ceiling. There isn't really anything special on the ceiling, except mold. You pondered what he was thinking about. Perhaps how much of a rollercoaster ride the last 24 hours was?
"I am so glad we worked everything out today," you began. "I don't know if I can sleep tonight if we didn't talk,"
"Me too," he replied, rubbing his thumb against the skin of your shoulder, absentmindedly, didn't even glance up to you.
"I was scared, you know, I thought I was actually gonna lose you," you added in a whispered voice.
He exhaled. "So did I. I'm sorry I made you feel that way,"
"S'okay. I'm sorry I snapped at you." You couldn't take it anymore, your eyes were feeling heavy and they fluttered close.
"It's alright. I understand,"
You nuzzled your head on his chest, hearing his faint heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest, slowly lulling you to sleep.
He kissed your hair softly, then murmured. "Good night,"
"Good night,"
You can feel yourself falling deep into sleep in a matter of seconds.
You both slept in until 11 am, and you were more than glad that you were able to get him to stay. You didn't even have to plead.
It wasn't until you were having brunch— he cooked, which was for the best. Apparently, he saw you cook eggs before— that it occurred to you that it's really happening. You're going on a date. Tonight. An actual date. You repeatedly told yourself a hundred times today, still not able to wrap your head around it.
You were nervous. Although, you played it off.
You didn't want him to know you were nervous more than you were excited in fear that he'd cancel. And you didn't want to miss out on a highly possibly great date with a great man. You literally fought for this. You can't chicken out.
It's just that your experiences with dates were, well, not so much—the men you went out with were not so much. They tend to turn out pretty boring, pointless and often self-centered. They ditch you or you ditch them. It was a restless cycle and it exhausted you. So, you just never go to one. And it's not like you're going out with some random dude. It's Harrison freaking Wells!
So as soon as he left your apartment after brunch to go home, you panicked for a certain amount of time, then called someone who could help you.
You stood in front of the mirror, staring at your reflection, while holding a dress over your frame. You tilted your body left and right, face scrunched up, obviously not pleased with the dress. It's too skimpy, too tight, too short for your liking. You don't even remember buying this dress.
You huffed loudly. "I look like a stripper." You threw the dress on top of a pile of clothes on your bed. You and Iris have gone through your entire wardrobe collection, and no perfect dress is turning up.
"How about this?" Iris walked to you with a bunch of hangers in her hand, showing you a particularly bright red dress. The last thing you want was Wells to look like he's your sugar daddy.
You shook your head. "Too bold." She threw the dress. Underneath the red dress was a long, ruffled sleeves dress, which you knew you only bought from a thrift shop, because it was so cheap. The color faded, at some point you were convinced that it was from the 1940s, although it's still pretty decent
"Yeah, if I want to look like Grandma Esther," you snickered.
She sighed exasperated as yet another piece of clothing was added to the pile. Iris held out what seemed to be the final dress she had. She raised an eyebrow, eyes were basically pleading you to choose it. You can't blame her. You are one picky girl.
It was beautiful. Your eyes lit up at the sight of itl; beige, knee-length and made of silk— with frills. Exaggerated as this may sound, but as if on cue, the angels sang with their angelic voices the moment you laid eyes on it.
"Perfect," you mumbled.
"Oh thank God," Iris groaned. She picked up a pair of heels by the edge of the bed. "I picked out these shoes for you; they'll match with that," she added, handing it both to you.
You dashed off to the bathroom to put on your outfit. As soon as you came out, you checked yourself out in the mirror. You were right; it suited you so well. You still feel sexy wearing it, but it wasn't screaming at your face. You still retain a respectable, elegant demeanor.
From the side of your mirror, you saw Iris standing behind you, arms folded, watching you fondly.
"What?" You broke her out of her reverie.
She smiled softly. "Nothing. You look amazing,"
"Anything else?" You raised your eyebrows, looking at her through the mirror, knowing there's more to it than she says.
She shrugged, shaking her head. "I just can't believe it— you're dating Harrison Wells," she sounded as shocked as she was yesterday.
If you were being honest, you can't quite believe it as well.
"Yup. Much to Joe's dismay," you chuckled, although you couldn't help to frown. Iris quickly saw it.
She walked to you, wrapped her arms around you from behind and rested her chin on your shoulder.
"Ignore him. He'll get it over it,"
He will, you are certain of it. But it doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice if he was fully supporting it. He didn't say anything to discourage it, he probably isn't going to say anything about it ever, but you know he's not a fan of it.
"Yeah. Hopefully soon," you murmured.
"Although, it is Harrison Wells," she started. You rolled your eyes and groaned internally. "I'm not even done— I just mean, it's something that's going to take time for people to warm up about this. He blew up a hole in the city and he's much older than you,"
"I know that, Iris," you exhaled audibly. You didn't need a reminder of that. You tell yourself that everyday for the last 6 months.
"I know you know that. My point is that this relationship is gonna go through a lot of tribulations, and I just want you to prepare yourself for it. I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?" She sounded so motherly, locking eyes with you.
You frowned, but nodded. You understand her point, you really do. Joe, Barry and the rest of the team, you know they genuinely care for you. But this is your relationship, and you know when it comes to love, it has it's own challenges and pain and it's something you have to deal with.
Abruptly, you heard multiple knocks all the way from the living room.
"He's here," you whispered.
You both quickly shuffled, you grabbed your purse, making sure you got everything you needed inside. Iris fixed your hair, tucking in some strand that stuck out.
Then, there's your pile of clothes on your bed that's not gonna clean itself. You panicked for a second there. Wells was outside, and you're pretty sure you're both gonna crash here after.
"Go! I got this!" Iris ordered you. You hesitated, because you know she's not going to do it. But Wells knocked some more. Much to your surprise, Iris already started hanging the dresses. So you leave it all to fate— and Iris—, and head for the door.
You took a deep breath, taking it all in. This is it. This is really it.
You opened the door, putting on a shaky smile. "Hey," you mumbled.
He cleaned up well. You don't know what it is with a suit minus the tie, but you absolutely love it on your man.
His eyes raked you up and down, mesmerized by you, jaws dropped. He looked at you with those blue orbs, glinting in the way that is so not good. He just never saw get dressed up before. All the time you just wore your normal, often coffee-stained clothes.
"You look absolutely ravishing." The way those words rolled off his tongue made you weak to your knees and you flushed slightly.
"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself," you said shyly.
He helped out his hand to you, lifting an eyebrow. "Let's go?"
You nodded, intertwining your fingers with his.
You closed your door, as you stepped out of your apartment. And as you walked down the hallway, your heart was thundering like crazy, so nervous and excited.
God, you hope this date turns out well.
How do you all think the date will turn out? Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you share this and give it some love. Thanks!
Part VII
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hey hey heyyy can I request Oikawa, Bokuto, Tsukishima and Sugawara being jealous over their crush (who is also their best friend and manager),, thank you! PS. I love EVERYTHING you do \ (•◡•) / ((uhmm, well, i'm not english, so i'm sorry if something is wrong with these sentences ;-;)
Your english is great!!! better than mine and I’m a native speaker XD. This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever written- all have similar ending styles, but hey... It made me laugh so :3
  Oikawa is a wildly jealous guy- its pretty damn well known. So it's no shock that whenever anyone else on the team tries talking to you, he'll butt into the conversation and slowly “scare” off the other guy, so that all of your attention is on him. You were one of his best friends, so you knew just how shitty he could get over stuff as small as a glance your way, but you didn't think anything more of it. It's just how he is, right? A flamboyantly jealous highschool boy who needs everything to be about him. Yeah?
  Well, either way, you liked conversing with the other guys, even Kentarou, and Kentarou seemed to like talking to you too! Even though he's very brash and will one hundred percent tell you you're an idiot or a dumbass or whatever insult is on his mind, the two of you do actually get along. Not just on some volleyball-player-to-manager level, but as friends, in and out of school.   So it's safe to say it was pretty shocking to feel his hand on your plush thigh. When you looked at your friend, he was staring at you, almost as if he had just realized where his hand was. Kentarou's face burned red, but he was frozen in place. You could hear the stomping of an angry brunette coming towards the both of you. Oh fuck.
  “Y/N! KENTAROU!” Oikawa shouted, his face fuming. Kentarou- without moving his hand- snapped to Oikawa and made a sour face. “What ARE you two doing?! And in the gym of all places!” He gasped dramatically, tilting backwards with his hands on his chest. “How dare you pull off such PDA on school grounds!”
  “O-Oikawa it's not like that-” you tried to explain but found yourself flustered and stumbling. God, he was a hypocrite, talking about PDA as if he hasn't been all over girls ALL OVER SCHOOL. But being called out like this- for something you weren't even sure was intentional on Kentarou's part, was making you burn with shame.
  “Don't yell at her you fuckstick!” Kentarou snapped. His hand finally let go of your thigh, leaving your skin cold from the sudden exposure. The two boys stood nose to nose, Oikawa burning with a rage  anyone could see if they knew what he was truly like- and Kentarou anyone could see no matter who they are.
  “Oh what, standing up for your girlfriend Kentarou? Is she your girlfriend now? Is that what's happening?” Toru teased, his tone not close to being as it usually is when he tries to get under someone's skin, instead coming off as pure burning hatred.
  “No you dumb fuck! We aren't anythin'! My hand missed the fuckin' bench!” Well, that did seem true. But you were still caught between the two boys arguing, so all you could really do was fade into the background towards the rest of the group while the two argued it out.
  “Save me.” You whispered to Hajime, who merely sighed at his friend's display.
  “Y'know Y/N,” he looked to you. “One day Toru will get the stick out of his ass and actually confess to you properly.”
  Outside of the friendship Bokuto had with Kuroo Tetsuro- and outside of the almost boyfriendship he has with his vice captain, Akaashi, you were one of Bokuto's closest friends. You two trusted each other a great deal, telling each other things you wouldn't tell just about anybody else.
  It took approximately one minute and five seconds of a semi-flirty conversation with Nekoma's captain for Bokuto to be all over you, whining and grabbing places he most definitely should not be grabbing. Sure Bokuto could be jealous, but it was always more of a “I'm going to stand here and grumble/pout” kind of jealousy, not the “I'm going to purposely get in the way and cry until you pay attention to me” way.
  “H-Hey Bokuto could you um-” You tried to swat the boy's hands off you, but they had been firmly placed onto your stomach, squeezing your tummy all-to-intentionally for you to think it anything else
.   “Y/N why are you giving him your attention?” Bokuto pouted. “He doesn't deserve it! He doesn't even go to our school!” Kuroo feigned being offended by his friend's words, but was most obviously amused by the situation.
  “W-We're just having a conversation, Bokuto!” You tried explaining while unsuccessfully prying the boy's hands off you.
  “Doesn't matter! The coolest guy here is right here!!”
  “Well I can't see him if he doesn't let me go!” With this, Bokuto finally released you, pouting like a wounded puppy.
  “C'mon Y/N, it's not fair when the only pretty girl who talks to me talks to my best bro instead!”
  “Bokuto he just asked me if- oH.” Your face burned and, with an involuntary reaction, you smacked Bokuto's shoulder. “D-don't say that stuff!”
  “Whaaaaat? It's true!!”
  “Shut up! My face is going to melt off!”
  Kuroo snorted from somewhere behind both of you. “Wow, you two really are meant for each other.”  “WHAT?”
  A jealous Tsukishima is a funny sight.
  You never expected to witness it, really, but you weren't complaining. You were friends with him for a while now- though some may see it as a one sided friendship, considering how the French fry can be. But you know better. You two are friends, plain and simple.
  Or at least that's what you thought.
  Now, here, talking to Yamaguchi about love and all that gushy stuff, you're starting to think Tsukishima might have feelings for either one of you- it's hard to tell who, but he doesn't seem very happy that the both of you are discussing dating and what your “types” are.
  “So your type is the excitable... Sweet kind?” You asked Tadashi, unable to stop an amused chuckle from seeing Tsukishima's sour expression behind your shared friend.
  “Erm- well, yeah, I guess! But I don't think having a type really means much. Like, I guess if anyone asked me out- or anyone nice, I'd give it a shot?”
  “Yeah, I can see that.” You agreed, leaning back in your seat. “Though, I know my type. One-hundred-percent bad boy lover right here~”
  “You... do seem like that kind of type.” Tadashi hesitated, smiling almost cheekily.
  “Haha, but I'm serious. A like a guy who could make me feel all rough and tough- and protected! It's hot.” Your words made the boy flush, so he merely nodded along. Behind him, however, Tsukishima was shifting in his seat uncomfortably. You couldn't hold back anymore.
  “What about you, Tsukki?”
  “What about me?” He responded, a small edge in his voice.  “Weeeelllll... What's your type!?”
  “Don't got one.”
  The blonde tch'd at you impatiently, which made you only more curious to get a real answer from him.
  “C'moooon Tsukki.... If you like Yamaguchi, you can just say so!” At his name, the smaller boy freaked out, waving his hands and babbling over himself, trying to get a coherent sentence but failing. Tsukishima merely growled, sending you a dark stare.  “Wrong friend, dumbass.”
  “Huh? Then what about Kuroo-san?”
  “Never in a million fucking years.”  “Language, Tsukki!”
  “Whatever, babe.”  “B-BABE? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?”
   Tsukishima shook his head, looking the other way to try and hide an all-too obvious smirk. “Nothing, if you can’t figure it out, dumbass.”
  Sugawara isn't a jealous type, riiiiight? No, no. The boy is actually very jealous. Very very jealous. It just depends on who it is. You wanna flirt around with Daichi? Be his guest! Hell, he'll probably join in! But you wanna flirt with- mmm, say, Terushima? Now that, he has a problem with.
  You knew Sugawara was a protective friend, so it wasn't a big deal when he pulled you aside after you were chatting with the overly-excited and flirty Terushima. And you knew what he'd say, so you just went along with it.
  “I just think you should be careful around him, Y/N!” Suga looked at you worriedly.
  “I know, Suga. But he's not as bad as everyone says. Yeah, that one thing with Kiyoko was kinda messy, but like, he really is a good guy, just kinda.. stupid?” You chuckled at yourself, but Suga didn't seem impressed.
  “I'm serious Y/N.”
  “I know you are, Suga, and I appreciate you looking out for me. But please, tell me, why do you think he's such a bad guy to be around? One interaction with Kiyoko isn't enough to go off of, really...”
  Suga pouted, casting his eyes downward and mumbling.
  “Cuz' he doesn't respect women.”
  You deadpanned. You actually deadpanned. Looking at Suga, you took more than a couple seconds to get your words working again.
  “I'm sorry... That was the most white knight think you've ever said- g-give me a minute-” Laughter escaped you before you could finish yourself. Suga watched you laugh, seeming to lighten up at your giggles. “Okay, okay. You think he doesn't respect women, yeah? Okay... I hear you. But like, really, what is there to go off of? I'm not gonna ostracize him over one bad interaction. Maybe giving him a chance is just what the guy needs?”
  “Well.. Yes... I see where you're coming from- and normally I'd agree with you! But...”
  “But...?” He was twiddling his fingers together, and after a small moment, he mumbled.
  “I don't want him asking you out before I can...”
Thanks for the ask!!!
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liliplayschoices · 4 years
So, this is a My Two First Loves ficlet but it's not about Noah and MC, it's about Noah and Mason bonding! Basically, MC finds out about what landed Noah in juvie, and drama ensues.
Tagging @averysheart-raleighsdick​
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Noah finishes to put on his jersey and waits for all of his other teammates to leave the locker room.
He stares at himself in the mirror, and tries to steady his hands on the edge of the sink. He doesn't know if he's ready for this, for the game that could determine the rest of his life. He saw the recruiters in the crowd before, and it finally hit him. Today could be the day that changes his future, the true new beginning he's looking for after everything that's happened.
He takes a last deep breath and then he's out in the corridor, and headed outside.
That's when he sees her, leaning against the wall close to the entrance, looking outside at the field. He can't stop a smile from spreading on his lips at the sight of her. She's not wearing her cheer uniform, but she wasn't supposed to be here at all, so he's just happy to see her.
She hasn't seen him yet, so he gently lays a hand on her shoulder.
She jumps a little and turns slightly, giving him a small smile before turning towards the field again. And maybe if he wasn't so stressed about the game, he would have realized right away that something is wrong.
Instead, he lets his hand slide along her arm and wraps his arms around her waist.
"Your dad decided to let you come today?"
"Something like that."
He wonders if she snuck out to see him, but he pushes the thought aside, not wanting to let his hopes up. So he just moves closer.
"I'm glad you're here," he says in her ear before leaving a kiss against her neck. 
She relaxes for a second before moving away, and she turns to face him, crossing her arms on her chest, looking at a point on the wall, clearly avoiding his gaze.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I didn't think I'd see you before the game. I don't want to mess with your concentration or anything."
"What do you mean?" She's starting to scare him now, and he's fairly sure he won't be able to concentrate on anything until he knows.
She seems to realize it too, because she takes a deep breath and finally meets his eyes.
"I know what landed you in juvie. All of it."
Her words are like a blade that runs directly through his heart. He stops breathing for a second, taking in her furrowed brow and crossed arms, the hurt on her face, the way she seems more uncomfortable than ever. And he wants to take her in his arms to make her feel better, except he knows he's the reason why she needs comforting.
"How?" Is the entirety of his answer, and now she goes from looking upset to looking angry.
"How I know is not the point here, Noah! Why didn't you tell me?"
He doesn't have a good reason. He didn't tell her because he has feelings for her, and he didn't want her to leave him when she's the one person he feels happy and comfortable with. He doesn't have a reason that isn't selfish.
She shakes her head at his lack of answer, and he can feel her slipping away with every second he doesn't say anything. But he seems unable to form a coherent thought.
"Listen," she says, and takes a step towards him to lay a hand on his arm. "I didn't want to see you before the game, you need to do well today. Focus on that, okay? I know you're gonna do great."
He's grateful for her words, for the reassurance that she still cares about him on some level. But he can't ignore the hurt in her eyes.
"What about us?" He asks before he can stop himself, and she moves away again.
"I don't know, Noah. I need some time to think, because right now, I… I don't even know if I can trust you anymore."
And with one last look, she's gone and walking towards the bleachers, and he's left alone to mull over her words.
How he makes his way to the bench, he's not really sure. All he knows is that the game is starting in less than five minutes and yet he can't seem to focus on anything.
Someone sits down next to him, and he can't stop himself from rolling his eyes.
"Not now, Jennings."
Mason chuckles but doesn't move away.
"What did she say to you?"
That makes him look up, finding Mason looking towards the bleachers. He doesn't need to ask him who he's talking about.
"How do you know?"
"Well, you were determined to do your best back in the locker room. Then you stayed behind, Ana Lucia and you had a not-so-discreet talk over there, and now you look miserable. So what did she say?"
He hesitates to answer, but he's so desperate to talk to someone about it that even talking to Mason looks like a good idea right about now.
So he takes a deep breath and says:
"She found out about why I went to juvie. I don't know how, but she knows, and now she wants nothing to do with me."
He feels Mason stiffen beside him, but he doesn't really care right now.
"She actually said that?"
"No. But she said she couldn't trust me anymore so that's the same damn thing."
Mason doesn't say anything for a while, and Noah starts to regret saying anything, when he finally answers.
"I wouldn't read too much into this, man. Ana Lucia can be… a little dramatic with the way she expresses herself sometimes, but she doesn't always mean what she says."
"You think?"
"Oh yeah. You know, when we were nine we got into this huge fight over some cartoon we were watching back at her house. She got so mad at me that she stormed out of the room and said she wouldn't want to see me again ever. About ten minutes later, she came to look for me because she had found a bee on her porch."
He can't stop a chuckle at the image of nine year old Ana Lucia storming out of her own house over a cartoon.
"Yeah that sounds like her."
Mason laughs a little too before continuing.
"All I'm saying is, she's gonna need some time to think things over, but what she told you now doesn't necessarily mean she really feels that way. Give her some time."
He's still not convinced, and Mason sighs.
"Listen I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's true. I see the way she looks at you, and I can guarantee you that those feelings aren't going to go away that easily. Maybe they'll need some mending, and you're gonna have to work for it. You can start by actually telling her your version of the story, for instance."
"I know. I should have done that from the start."
They stay silent for a while, until the coach calls them as the match is about to start. They both get up, and Mason turns to him one last time.
"Now get her out of your head, and let's go win this game."
Noah nods, and as they head out on the field, he's thinking maybe Mason and him can be friends after all. 
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iwritethat · 5 years
Wally West: One
A/N: This was a detour from what I was doing. Oops.
Warnings: None
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"The cute alien chic?" You thought of the girl, clarifying it was indeed the correct one.
"And you're sure this one is the one because you said that 3 girls ago."
"Yes... I mean no, I don’t know - look can you please help me (Y/n)." Wally playfully pleaded with you like he’d done on multiple occaisions prior to this and you could only shrug in defeat.
"Sure but my conditions remain the same."
"I know, no bragging, pizza on me, you pick the film for the next 3 weeks."
"And?" You mockingly coaxed, knowing how much the next particular demand pained him which was evident in his deadpan but reluctant tone.
"And no mocking your dates."
The following day you’d stategically accompanied Kid Flash on a visit to Mount Justice, the sight of you two together was no surprise to Robin, Aqualad nor Speedy though the remainder were intrigued by the mysterious stranger so Wally proudly made introductions.
"Hey M'gann, Conner, this is (Y/n)."
"Ah, this is who you love so much to talk about!" The Martian beamed grasping your hands as you shot a glare to a flustered Wally, the guy sheepishly running a hand through his strands.
"Is this your... girlfriend?" Superboy casually inquired after thinking of the correct terminology, yet again leaving you to wonder what your friend has been saying about you in your absence - also considering the implication this’d have on your scheme.
"No! Definitely not! I'm totally single, just because I've told you about (Y/n) doesn't mean we're dating. We're not dating by the way." Wally briskly recovered, blush fading as he emphasised his point specifically for the sake of M'gann.
"Nice to meet you both. Ah Kaldur!" You lit up once seeing the Atlantean, immediately embracing his form just as he did to you in hopes of catching up with him.
"It's been a while (Y/n), you look well."
"(Y/n) is here? Looking as lovely as ever, surprised you're still hanging with Wally though, you're way out of his league." Robin proudly joked as he walked toward you, genuinely happy to see you again and a girl called Artemis agreed with him despite only recently learning your name - supposedly teasing Wally was a commodity amount the Team.
"I'm here for training, Canary said she'd activated the sparring platform so I wanted to test it." With a content shrug you set your plan in motion, gesturing over to the designated area as indication.
Now you were very well trained, the team knew that so it wasn't a surprise when every single member landed with a 'FAIL' until Wally challenged your winning streak. You went two rounds, the first you played to his strengths allowing him to take you down with his speed and received the only 'PASS' of the day. M'gann cheered, flying over with questions and compliments whilst you comfortably sat up and proudly watched Wally bask in the desired attention. Meanwhile got to your feet, brushing yourself only to be met with a smirking Robin beside your figure.
"I know what you're doing and you are good at it, but I don't think it's gonna work."
"Does it ever work with Wally? He's never met a girl he's really caught deep feelings for but I'm only in it for the free food he's promised me." Came your knowing reply, softly smirking at Robin who seemed to disagree but accepted your justification nonetheless.
"There is one y'know..."
"Hey (Y/n) ready to get your ass whooped by the best there is? Fastest kid alive babe." The speedster smugly gained your deadly gaze, his boasting violating the agreement you’d struck less than 24 hours ago and thus not giving you a chance for Robin to elaborate like you’d wished.
This time you would not allow him a victory, like the others you took him out with a mischievous smile and then crouched over his waist whilst he leaned up on his elbows to meet you.
"No. Bragging." You raised a brow, tilting his chin towards you as you punctuated each word as a reminder before heading out. Although your plan had still succeeded to a degree, you walked backwards finding the Martian kneeling down to your friend inquiring about his condition as you winked at him - Wally seemingly impressed with your antics, as he usually was whenever he roped you into these scenarios.
You retained your attentive skills, even talking him up to M'gann but it became painfully obvious that her romantic affections were reserved for a certain clone which left you disappointed albeit pleased for her. Now, you had to break the news to Wally - you'd considered such measures while sitting against the wall in one of the Mountains many hallways bouncing a ball off of the other side as a form of contemplation.
Soon enough your felt a familiar comforting presence beside you, catching the ball and initiating a harmless game between the two of you.
"What's on your mind?" Wally knew you incredibly well, narrowing down I even the smallest quirks and he'd use that to his advantage.
"Nothing, but I'm afraid you might have to give up on M'gann."
"I know. Supes right?" He didn't seemed phased by your sympathetic disclosure, which surprised you slightly due to how long he’d spent gushing over the girl.
"Yeah, sorry West."
"It's alright. Thanks for trying, I'll still get you that pizza."
"But I didn't...?" His response was unexpected, leaving you somewhat speechless but he soon continued with conversation before you could finish, no evidence of heartbreak to be seen.
"That Dan guy you went out with? (Y/n) c'mon you're stunning, and he didn't even offer to pay the full check at the coffee shop. You deserve so much better, his flirting game was awful too." Wally reminisced on the details you’d cruelly given knowing he wouldn’t able to comment due to you deal, although such a thing was now void and you’d regretted that decision. Yet part of you enjoyed his mocking support.
"So I get the pizza but have to suffer your judgements for not getting you a date? I'm sure you have something to say about Jackson too." You threw your head back with an exaggerated sigh, Wally laughing as he replied.
"Don't get me started..."
How unaffected Wally seemed about the let down still puzzled you, although you believed something else must've attained his focus - not that you had any indication of what it was as you sat flicking through the channels.
"So... there's another girl." There it is.
"Dude, are you kidding me? Give yourself a month at least."
"No this one is the one, I know it." His tone was oddly confident compared to his usual dilemmas regarding that topic which automatically gained your full attention.
"Uh Huh. And when did you meet her? Love at first sight or whatever?"
"I've known her longer than a few days give me some credit here. But it wasn't at first sight, I didn't even notice it was happening or rather happened..." Wally's point was certainly more realistic in comparison and he was being truthful - again, maybe this peculiar circumstance held promise.
"You know my terms an-" You simply shrugged, assuming he wanted your assistance once more which dulled your growing investment slightly.
"No, not for this one."
"Hot damn, this woman must be special. Tell me everything!" That decision shocked you and it was evident in your tone, you excitedly encouraged him to indulge your lowkey interrogation since he never turned down your assistance.
"Yes she definitely is, but I don't know what to do for her y'know?"
"Romantic restaurant? Roses? Tell her over a romantic dinner." You listed things instantly, barely stopping for a breather.
"Would you want all that though?" Wally considered your ideas, furrowing his brows before he asked his question even if his posture radiated nervousness despite the confident facade he’d attempted to convey.
"Hah, no way! Honestly I'd love a chill night in, order a take out, put on a good series and just enjoy each other's company. I mean roses are nice too but I want to know my date likes me enough to relax and be themselves - you can't really do that in a fancy restaurant. Anyway, you should probably find out what this girl likes first." You simply smiled, giving him an honest opinion and advice for you felt he'd finally found someone more than just a crush to him.
"I guess..."
It was silent for a moment until familiar words echoed in your mind 'There is one y'know...' and instantly you stood up with your realisation.
"I know who it is!"
"What?! How?!" Wally snapped to with concern evident in his expression like a deer in headlights, unbeknownst to you why that was but he too halted in his tracks.
"Dick told me, I don't believe it Wally - it's great!" Now you had Artemis in your head, they'd hated one another at first so it certainly made sense that he'd grown to like her. They'd also kissed at New Years Eve or so you'd heard.
"Robin told you I liked you?! Are you kidding? He only knows because I thought he had a crush on you." That answer caught you off guard, practically disintegrating your ability to form a coherent sentence or even think straight due to the abruptness of it.
"Wait me? I didn't, um, I can't, since when? All the times I've been helping you with girls I... I..."
"Wait you didn't know? Okay stay there, I'm doing this again!" Wally held his hands out in defence, soon disappearing leaving you standing alone with your thoughts. A dangerous thing really.
Did you even have feelings for him? Quite possibly, that would explain why you occasionally compared dates to him and why you were always so willing to help him find his happiness but surely you wouldn't have suppressed them? It was so confusing.
Within a minute he appeared before you, a single red rose in hand and sheepish smile.
"I'm late I know that but there's no pressure for you. This is not how I expected you to find out, I aimed to flirt with you and only you before making a move so it wasn't thrown on you so suddenly but here we are. Guess I'm not great with girls without you."
With a mischievous grin, you pulled him close by his red hoodie and gently met his lips with your own and you couldn't deny how right it felt - an action you’d hope would quell the warring emotions. You pulled apart, his arms wrapped around your waist and yours on his shoulders.
"You're actually quite adequate, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"Oh you're hilarious." He matched your witty sarcasm, but still you find his happiness intoxicating.
"Can we, um could we take things slow? I know that's ironic to ask the fastest kid alive but please."
"I'd slow down for you, I want to take my time in every moment I get so it won't be a problem (Y/n). I promise." Despite the trace of concern in your voice, Wally was reassuring and sincere with his words so you both felt comfortable in whatever situation you'd crafted.
"So, I assume you won't be mocking my dates anymore."
"I think every date you'll have from now on is gonna be too great for me judge. Ah too bad, I know how much you loved me doing that." The speedster playfully responded with a knowingly satisfied smirk to which you threw him an 'are you serious?' expression.
Later, as you both sat comfortably on Wallys' bed eating pizza whilst a film played in the background, you received simultaneous texts from none other than Dick Grayson - his smugness translated even in a message.
[Dickiebird: Told you so.]
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ma-gic-gay · 3 years
"What happened, it happened. That's my feeling on it. Doesn't change how I feel about you, which is friendship. You're my best friend," Jason answers.
"Oh thank god," Carly says, engulfing him in a hug. "No offense or anything but I feel exactly the same way."
"None taken."
"Alright good, so let's keep this a secret. Not because it's an adulterous thing because it's not but because people are going to get the wrong idea about us if they find out we did it. Especially Sam and our kids. They've already asked if we're together."
"I was planning on keeping this to myself in general, Carly. Who do you think I'm going to tell?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know. Look, let's just not tell people unless it comes up in conversation. It's no one's business," she declares as Michael and Willow come in with Ophelia, Donna, and Wiley. "The kids will get confused and we don't want to give them the wrong idea about anything."
"What are you keeping secret? Does it have to do with Dad?" Michael asks after telling the kids to go play in Donna's room.
"We have to tell him now," Carly whispers to Jason.
"Yeah, we do."
"We didn't even last an hour!"
"Technically we lasted fifteen."
"Technically we're screwed."
"Is that really the expression we're going with, screwed?"
"Well what expression do you want to go with?"
"Literally any other expression."
"You didn't even last an hour with what? Are you two together? Like, romantically together, kissing and love and all that stuff? Dating? Romantic attraction?" Michael asks disgusted.
Both burst into laughter at the thought. "No, Michael, we're not dating. Nor are we romantically attracted to each other."
"Does it have to do with Dad?"
"No, it does have to do with us. There's nothing new on Sonny. As far as I'm aware, your dad is still most likely dead," Jason answers him, frowning.
"Then what did you two do you don't want us to know? I mean, you've done some fairly questionable things that I haven't judged you for in the past, what makes you think I'll judge you for something?" He questions seriously. "Did you two commit a felony or- oh my god. Did you two have sex?"
"How did he figure that out?" Carly marvels quietly. "Seriously, it's impressive."
"That's what you're focusing on here?"
"Well it's impressive!"
"Am I right? Are you two doing it?" Michael's voice is dripping with disgust as he asks them frantically, "Why are you doing that? There's plenty of people your age in this town to do it with!"
"Yes," Carly admits, "Jason and I did it. Once. Last night. That's all it was, it doesn't mean anything. It was a one night stand. Nothing more."
"What- why- Mom aren't you in- you two- sex- like- how children are made- you two- last night- why- what- how- when- Sam- I- you-" Michael stutters out in an effort to form a coherent thought. The effort appears to not really be a reality, but it's a good try.
"Take your time to pick a question, Michael," Carly urges her son.
"From one father figure to another, Mom! You really have a type, don't you? I mean, I could understand if you hadn't been in love with Dad all year but you claim to still be in love with him and then you go and sleep with Jason, knowing that would hurt him the most! No matter what, this is the thing that would cause him the most pain." Michael exclaims angrily.
"Honey, it just happened. Much like Ophelia," she answers and that doesn't help his anger.
"Do you think you're pregnant?" He asks, looking like he's about to pass out. "I can't believe I'm about to ask this but did you two use protection last night?"
As if this situation couldn't get any more awkward, Josslyn walks in right as that question is asked. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"
"We're terrible at keeping this quiet."
"Thanks for the newsflash, Jason."
"The whole town is gonna know by this time tomorrow, aren't they?"
"This can only end terribly."
"Well, for once we won't be blindsided by the current drama."
"That's because we're going to be the main focus of it."
"There's this thing called a positive outlook. You should try it sometime."
"I'll think about it when you agree to no longer cause public scenes."
"I don't do that. Often."
"Define often."
"Okay so maybe I do it regularly but only for really good reasons."
"Mhm, sure."
Laughing, Michael says, "No, you're not interrupting anything, Joss. But apparently Mom and Jason did it last night. I'm currently worried whether or not they used protection."
"Michael! Yes, we used protection," Carly answers his question.
"I'm sorry, did you just say that they did it? As in, had sex?" Joss asks.
"Yes, that's exactly what I said! I can't believe it happened," Michael exclaims.
"Michael, you can feel whatever you're feeling but you can't act like you weren't expecting this to happen. I'm honestly more surprised they're not dating," the younger blonde says. "Wait, are you two dating?"
"No, we're not dating. We're friends, it was a one night stand. That's all," Jason reminds her.
"Can it be a one night stand? You two have known each other forever. You're best friends. He basically lives here- not that there's anything wrong with that, there isn't- and you depend on each other. Whether or not you'll admit it. Besides, it's not like you'll never see each other again. Your lives are intertwined and I don't think you can go a day without speaking to each other. Are you just going to forget that last night happened?" Joss asks calmly. She's taking this news fairly well, in a surprise for the others in the room.
"Yes, it is. We're not going to forget about it, but we're not going to dwell on it. There's no attraction there," Carly assures her daughter.
"If there's no attraction, you wouldn't have had sex. That's not how it works; there, on some level, is a subconscious attraction," Michael interjects. "Mom, you sound crazy talking like that, saying that there's no attraction. You're clearly attracted to each other, no matter how much you claim not to be. This is just evidence of that."
"Friendly attraction," she agrees. "Nothing more than that."
"Sure. He steps up and spends more time here, consoling all of us. Makes sense, he's your best friend. You were weirdly close anyways, so no one really thought anything of it. But then, it started to feel like you two were together. Nothing like this, of course, just the way you acted. There was kind of... A shift. I don't know if it was because you two became practically inseparable or because of something else you're not owning up to right now, but something changed. Not in a bad way, of course, but there was a definite change," Joss counters.
"Nothing's changing. We're friends," they both insist.
"Friends who did it last night," Michael argues. "That's not exactly the most friendly thing to do, is it Joss?" His sister nods her agreement and he continues, "No one will blame you two for whatever you decide. Look, we all know about the unbreakable bond you have. The very strange situation where he was kidnapped by Russian mobsters didn't even strain it. But sex isn't something you have with your best friend. Not unless you have feelings of attraction, in some way, for them. People don't just go and do it with their friends spontaneously or randomly. It wouldn't make any sense."
"Well that's what happened here."
"Look, this is none of my business, but I don't think that you're going to be crucified if anything happens with you two. This is a thing that primarily affects you two, so whatever happens I know it'll be fine, but we're right. Something's happening here," Joss says before leaving to go up the stairs to her room.
"How do we prove it to you two that we're not into each other? Seriously, it's seeming less and likely we'll be able to," Carly asks.
"Maybe that's because you're not not into each other," Michael muses.
"We just went through this, we don't like each other like that." Jason reminds him.
"I've got an idea of how you can prove you're not into each other. Or officially figure out you are. Whichever happens, it'll be fun to observe."
"And what is this idea?"
"You're gonna hate it."
"Try me."
"You sure?"
"Just spit it out already."
To be continued when I'm not as sleep deprived because I'm going to bed at 2:30 am this is healthy :)
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