#yeah if you didn’t figure it out yet that’s Eddie lol
missjashin · 1 year
Steve’s dad making him work at his company but starts regretting it rather fast because there’s this guy who keeps showing up and distracting Steve. He already made a big deal out of his son coming to finally work for him and this is how he is rewarded? Some boy in his ripped jeans and chains and with his long wild curls comes in and makes his son goddamn giggle.
And no one even knows how the guy gets in. The security guys have no idea where he comes from. Definitely not the front door, they would see him enter.. But without a doubt he will always appear at some point, chat up with his boy until he gets kicked out. And Steve refuses to tell anything about the guy, claims he doesn’t really know him.
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eiightysixbaby · 3 months
stay. || jonathan x reader
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just a teensy little drabble.
cw: reader is drunk, and that’s it, lol.
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You don’t know when Jonathan got to the party. You didn’t even think he was coming, but now he’s hoisting you off of a lawn chair, slinging one of your arms over his shoulders.
It’s like he appeared by magic, and you giggle as you reach out a finger to poke his cheek. “Are you magic?” you ask with a loopy smile. “Where’d you come from?”
“I came from the comfort of my bed. Robin called me to let me know you were hammered, and she was worried about you getting home.”
Jonathan’s tone is more scolding than you’re used to, and your brows furrow. “You’re being mean.”
He sighs. He’s not mad at you, of course. He was just startled to hear from Robin, discreetly calling from the phone in the guest bedroom of Tina’s home, as she’d told him. He’s surprised she even remembered his phone number, especially in the midst of her own drunken haze.
“I’m not being mean,” he says, hobbling slowly towards the back door with you at his side. You’re not making the trek very easy, your body completely uncooperative with each move he tries to make.
“You are. You’re mad at me,” you whine, and you sound as if you might actually burst into tears.
“I’m not mad at you. I was worried about you. You never drink like this.”
“Yeah, well,” you hiccup. “I deserve this, after Eddie broke up with me.”
It had been a week. You hadn’t seen it coming. In all honesty, though, you were kind of relieved the relationship had come to an end. The problem was, it opened you up to all of these new feelings for your best friend. Ones you had tried to suppress. Because you couldn’t have a crush on Jonathan, you couldn’t. But as it turns out, you very much did. And you’ve spent the entire week trying to figure out what to do about it.
So it’s easier to tell him you got drunk because of Eddie.
He stops walking, turns to look at you. One corner of his mouth tugs downward. He’s about to say something, and whatever it is you don’t think you can handle it, so you start to wriggle out of his hold.
“Would you let me help you, c’mon,” he urges, trying to hold onto you.
You yank yourself out of his grip. “‘M fine,” you protest. The first steps you take on your own are clumsy, stumbling things, and you abruptly halt, your hands splayed out at your sides as if steadying yourself.
“Okay, maaaybe I’m not,” you say, the words coming out like it’s your first time speaking. Why did you drink so much?
Jonathan’s right there, like he always is, to help you. One arm slinks back around your waist, and you throw one of your arms back over his shoulders.
“Come on, let’s get you to the car.”
It had been a tremendous effort getting you out of the car and into your house, upstairs to your room, but now you’re flopped down on your bed while Jonathan gets you a glass of water from the bathroom.
You stare straight at the ceiling, the white surface seeming to swirl. Jonathan comes back with the water, offering a hand and forcing you to sit up before handing you the cup.
“Drink it. All of it, and then I’m getting you more,” he says, tapping the side of your knee.
The contact makes you jolt. You decide to blame it on the alcohol, though you know that’s not at fault.
He bends down, raising one of your legs to start undoing the laces to your converse. You chug the water, anything to distract you from watching the way he carefully takes off your shoes, placing them neatly on the floor at the foot of your bed.
You hold out the empty cup to him, and he goes to refill it just like he said he would. You look over at your alarm clock, grimacing at the sight. 1:32am. Jonathan had gotten out of bed, late, to get you home from that party.
It wasn’t his responsibility, it had been your choice to go and get fucked up, and yet he came to the rescue you didn’t realize you needed.
It makes your stomach churn. Maybe that is partially the alcohol, though.
He comes back, sits on the bed beside you with your second cup of water. You accept it, sipping this one slower than the first. Jonathan’s thigh brushes up against your own, and it makes your heart feel like it’s going to leap from your throat.
“Thank you for coming to get me,” you mumble. “Y’didn’t have to do that.” Your voice has that quality to it where you sound like you might cry again.
“You don’t have to thank me. You’re going to have a bad enough hangover tomorrow as is, you didn’t need to make it worse by waking up in Tina’s backyard or something,” he smiles softly, making a puff of air escape your nose in a sort-of laugh.
Your eyelids are heavy, and you tip sideways so that your head rests on your pillow. The room is still spinning, your thoughts a jumble of mush. Jonathan stands, adjusting your position so that you’re laying more comfortably. A knit blanket is thrown over you, and you’re already on the brink of sleep.
He hesitates, watching you for just a moment before he turns to leave.
“W-ait,” you slur, holding an arm out loosely. “Stay the night. Cuddle with me,” your voice is barely audible, syllables running together. You’ve said it before you could second guess it.
“You’re drunk,” he says, shaking his head.
“Not drunk enough to confuse my feelings for you,” you say, speaking slowly, as if making sure you get the words right.
His mouth parts then closes once more. “Feelings?”
“Feelings. Uh-huh. Scaryyy, right?”
He laughs a little bit, trying to hide it as he ducks his face into his shoulder. “Feelings,” he says quietly, like he’s tasting the word on his tongue. The blush in his cheeks indicates he likes it.
“Please stay,” you ask again, eyes barely open, just enough to see him. You can’t stomach the thought of him leaving. “What if I puke in my sleep, and no one’s here to save me.”
“Gross,” he laughs. “Will you tell me more about these feelings tomorrow?” he asks, already rounding the other side of the bed, laying on top of your comforter. He maintains a safe distance, still wary.
“T’morrow,” you barely whisper, eyes fully closing as you reach a hand out just far enough for him to take it in his own.
He smiles to himself, staring up at your ceiling that isn’t swirling for him. Your soft snores come immediately, and he glances at your serene sleeping face. “Tomorrow.”
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xmasterofmunsonx · 6 months
Got Your Number
Summary: You’re Steve Harrington’s older sister and after a rough and tumultuous breakup, you’re back in Hawkins, Indiana. 🌶️
Pairing: Harrington!reader x Eddie Munson
Author’s notes: I REALLY tried hard to make this one into two, but it just started flowing and I felt like it made more sense like this. I know it’s a lot going on but I don’t know I couldn’t stop. Hope y’all like it ❤️
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI!!), language, drinking, smoking, smut, etc., anxious feelings talked about a lot
Word count: 9.5k and I am not sorry LOL
The shrill sound of the phone in your bedroom woke you up the next morning. You groaned as the light peeked through the pink curtains that had hung over the same windows for most of your life. You let it ring, and ring, and ring. Finally it stopped. Then it started again. Everyone must be gone for the day.
“Harrington residence?” You asked, sleep thick in your voice. You drank a sip of water as you waited for the caller to finally reveal themselves.
“Hey.” It was Eddie, and he sounded rough. “Good morning, I mean. Or, whatever time it is.” He chuckled, but you didn’t return the laughter.
“‘Morning.” You said, as you plopped back onto your bed, twirling the cord around your finger.
“I’m really sorry about last night. Like, incredibly sorry. Your brother laid into me last night and Hopper has already called me this morning too.”
“Oh, so you wouldn’t have apologized if Steve and Hopper wouldn’t have made you?” Your attitude was strong this morning, and you already knew you’d regret being this bitchy to him as soon as you asked the question.
“They didn’t make me, Jesus. I’m just admitting I know I was an asshole to you, I got way too drunk last night, and I can’t believe I did that instead of worrying about where you were and what was going on with you and Caleb out there. M’sorry. I really am.”
“It’s not okay, Eddie. If that’s what you want me to say.” He sighed at the same time you did. “I don't think you get how scary last night was for me. Having not only Charlie there, but all of his friends too? They could’ve all easily taken me off and something would’ve happened.”
“I said I was sorry.” He said, his voice was quick.
“And I’m saying okay, I hear you, but I don’t know what you want me to say back, Eddie. I’m pissed off that you were so irresponsible.”
“Thanks for the congratulations on being asked to sign to a label.” He scoffed out after a few moments of silence.
“Fuck, what has gotten into you? Where is this attitude coming from?” You snapped at him as you sat up in your bed. “Did you just call me to see how mad you could make me again today? This is not what I signed up for, Eddie.”
“What do you think you signed up for, then?”
“A nice boyfriend for one. One that was my best friend, and he was never mean to me, or-”
“What about all of those times in high school-”
“FUCK, Eddie. It’s too early for this bullshit. I’m hanging up, and whenever you can figure out what the hell crawled up your ass, then we can talk. Bye.”
Fuck, you didn’t know what had gotten into him. A few seconds after you hung up the phone, it rang again.
“What?!?” You answered.
“You are just like your brother with the attitude, damn.” It was Dustin, you could tell by the slight lisp in his voice.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Eddie just called me and he was… he was being a jerk, so I thought it was him calling me back yet again.”
“No, it’s just me. I was calling you because I think we figured something out with him.”
“Is he gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine. We actually called the lab, or what’s left, and told them what was going on. He just needs to go and uh, talk to them about it. El said she can’t see where anything is like…” he laughed to himself before continuing on, “I sound crazy saying this, but there’s nothing in his head that we should worry about. Like before, Vecna kinda got in peoples heads before he’d kill them or something but she can’t see him in Eddie’s, so he’s really dead. She said she used her powers last night, and she can kind of… eavesdrop in on dreams or something basically, and she was there in his last night to check on him and uh, it was pretty fucked up.”
You stayed silent for a few moments, “so the scars hurting don’t mean anything?”
“No, they’re probably just healing still, and the dreams are so intense he’s probably re-feeling it all again too.”
Shit. You kinda, actually sorta felt really bad for him now. He was probably worked up this morning more from his dreams than anything else, and you didn’t even think about that, but he still didn’t need to be an asshole to you.
“Hey Dustin, I need to go. Thanks for calling, I’m sure I’ll see you soon!” You hung up before you had a chance to hear him get out the last few words. You dialed Eddie’s number, and he picked up on the second ring, sounding much calmer.
“Hello? Munson here.”
“Hey.” You said quietly.
“Hey.” He matched your tone of voice.
“Sorry, I forgot how bad mornings can be for you and I’m sure-”
“No, you don’t have to apologize. Please don’t. I was an asshole right after I told you I wasn’t like him. I did have a bad night but I shouldn’t have taken that out on you. Sometimes I wake up from a nightmare and because of the panic I can act completely differently. I’m sorry if that scared you.” He sounded a little somber. “I understand if you’re mad at me.”
“I’ll get over it.” You laid back on the pillows of your bed again, and stared up at the popcorn ceiling of your room, trying to count the dots. “Wanna tell me about it as practice before you go talk to them?”
“So Dustin already called you too?”
“Mhm. I think you should go.”
“I’m going to when I have the time. I’m not up for talking about it right now.”
You respected his decision but you knew he had to talk about it eventually. “Alright. So tell me about this record deal?”
He went on and on for god knows how long about everything that had transpired the previous night, about their first album being recorded in the city, about a first tour as an opening band, and about how long the contract would last for- and what quota they had to fulfill in those years.
“You know, I did do some law stuff in college, only majored in it, and I’m being forced to work at my dad’s law office starting tomorrow, right? I wouldn’t mind combing through the contract for any small print you might have missed or been upset with. Even my dad or one of his coworkers could look it over.”
“See, I was drunk last night but I wasn’t that drunk. I did remember that, and none of us technically signed anything, I told him to come back in a few weeks. So I wasn’t completely blitzed out of my mind, we didn’t really sign anything but we were likely going to.” A deep chuckle came through the phone and you felt a swirl in your belly at the noise. “So, you gonna come with me?”
“Come with you… where?”
“To the city, on tour- everywhere. I don’t wanna leave you behind.” He was as serious as a heart attack and you knew it.
“Don’t you think this might be a little soon?” Everything seemed to be going fast paced in the last week, when you were the one who wanted to take things slow to not fuck it up. “I don’t know if I can go back to the city, Eddie. It’s too much for me. I could see him anywhere-”
���Baby, it’s Indianapolis, not Chicago.”
Oh, fuck. What would you do, surely you’d get cut off from your parents. There’s absolutely no way they’d be ok with this, tarnishing the Harrington name after you already fucked it up by breaking things off with Charlie. They’d surely disown you.
“You there?” Eddie sounded concerned.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m here. I’m just, it’s a lot to ask, Eddie. I’m going to have to think about it.”
“Well, I’ve gotta run this contract over to you today so you can take it to work tomorrow, or I could pick you up in the morning and take you to work?” He had a glimmer of hope in his voice. “This kinda thing usually takes a few months he said, so it’s not like I’m going anywhere soon.”
“How about you come pick me up today, and take me to work in the morning?”
He excitedly answered, smiling through the phone “Really? You don’t hate me?”
“No I don’t, but I do want to see you before I start this boring desk 9-5 job.”
“See you in an hour?”
“See you then.” You both hung up the phone, and you made your way downstairs where there were Sunday breakfast leftovers on the counter left for you. Your parents had left a note, “running errands for the day, be back tonight.” You rolled your eyes at their absence, yet again. You knew your dad had a business trip again next week, so that’s probably why he wanted you to start this week to get trained.
“You look rough.” Steve shocked you as he came up behind you, his bed head was more wild than you’d ever seen.
“Same goes for you. Why didn’t you answer the phone ringing earlier? Thought I was home alone.”
“Not so lucky. I unplug mine when I’m sleeping, so I didn’t even hear it. Your elephant stomping down the stairs woke me up more than anything.”
You rolled your eyes as you bit into a piece of crispy bacon.
“Eddie called and apologized this morning. Said he’d come over here soon to get me and I’m gonna stay with him tonight, then he’ll take me to work in the morning.”
Steve raised his eyebrows, “Listen, I know you’re my older sister, and I know you two have been, or were friends forever, but do you think this is going too fast? Don’t you need, need some time maybe?”
You furrowed your brows at your brother, “I think that’s none of your business, but thank you for the concern. We’re just spending time together.”
“Yeah, I know. But you’re over there all the time already and it’s barely been any time at all.”
“And? You can go around on dates every weekend and sleep with a different girl and no one bats an eye? Where’s this coming from? I’m the one on my period right now, I didn’t know you and Eddie had synced up too.”
“I’m sorry. Just trying to look out for both of you.” You both picked at the breakfast quietly, avoiding each other's glares. “Gonna go shower and get ready before he gets here.”
“Mhm.” Steve said with his mouth full of pancakes.
“So Stevie thinks we’re going too fast?” Eddie asked in a taunting voice as he handed you the joint as you swung together on the back porch swing.
“Guess so. Because he knows so much about successful relationships.”
“You think so too though, because you said you wouldn’t-”
You playfully put your hand on his mouth to shut him up, “Please. We’re having a good afternoon. I don’t wanna talk about this yet.” He watched you through squinted eyes as you took a hit off the joint and held it in your lungs for an impressive amount of time, then passed it back to him.
“So what do you wanna talk about?” Eddie leaned in closer to your side and slipped his arm around your shoulders, and you felt cozy enough to lean into him.
“Nothing? There you go again with that cute little, ‘nothing.’” He mocked your tone with a high pitched voice, which earned him a light slap on the chest. “Hey, watch it. I’m healing wounds under here- don’t make them bleed again.”
“Eddie, they’re scars, not scabs.” You rolled your eyes as he held the joint up to your lips again, and you took another hit, doing the same as you did earlier. “I’m good after that one.”
“Yeah? You feeling good?” His voice was warm in your ear, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body.
“Mhm.” You answered and closed your eyes, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder. “Really good.”
“Really wanna make you feel good again, baby.” He was rubbing his other hand on your thigh, and with each up and down motion he was getting closer and closer to your heat.
“Eddie, I-”
“There’s other things we can do.”
“What? I’ll make a mess.”
“I don’t mind a mess, but I have an idea.” He said with a smirk in his voice. You opened your eyes and looked at him, he was already looking down at you, his hand had stopped moving and was now resting high up on your thigh. It crept to the inside, and you felt yourself squeezing your legs together to keep him from feeling anything more. “Relax.” He smashed out the joint and stood up, offering you his hand. “C’mon. My room.”
“Nu-uh.” You shook your head, and crossed your arms over your chest.
He leaned down to meet your face, his eyes were a little bloodshot from the extra hits he’d taken between your few, his tolerance being higher than yours. “Wanna be my good girl?” You felt your stomach drop, and your body turning to complete goo at his words. “Or am I gonna have to pick you up and carry you? ‘Cause I’m gonna get you there one way or another, baby.”
You took his extended hand and pulled yourself up as best as you could, your knees already feeling weak at just his words.
You’d never been much of a girl for dirty talk in the bedroom, or at all. But your experience was limited, and it was a little intimidating that Eddie was clearly somehow more experienced in this department than you. He knew the words to say, and how to say them, and it made you wonder who, how, and-
“Hey, pretty girl. Get out of that head of yours. I can hear you thinking. Anything you don’t wanna do, just say it and we’ll stop.” You’d made it to his bedroom now, and he had his hands resting gently on your shoulders.
“Okay.” You said quietly.
“Now, I asked you out there-” He took a step closer to you, and put his heavy pointer finger under your chin and lifted your gaze to meet his, “are you gonna be my good girl?” You nodded, actually stunned at the effect that his words had on you. He slung his jacket off his shoulders, and pulled his shirt off. You quietly gasped at seeing the scars all over his muscular back, shoulders, his chest and stomach as he turned around to meet you. Your fingers reached out to trace the pink lines mapped out over his abdomen, and he reached up to pull your hand away.
“Eddie, I’m sorry-”
“I figured you gotta see them soon enough. We’ll work our way there. Take off your top, baby.” His fingers danced at the hem of your ribbed black t-shirt. He slowly teased his way up your body with the shirt until he pulled it up and over your head. “No bra? Not what I expected from you, Harrington.” He started kissing your neck with excitement as his cold hands were snaking their way up your sides, and he paused, “you sure you’re okay? I know you said you hadn’t done much with him, or anyone else. Just please stop me-”
“Eddie, just shut the fuck up and kiss me.” You lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and he pulled your body close to his. Your bare skin colliding with his felt so good, but it was so different than what you were used to. You felt your nipples harden at the arousal that was pooling in your belly again, and it peaked again when Eddie was already moaning into your kisses. One of his hands slid up your side, to the front of your ribcage where he finally cupped your breast in his hand.
You both moaned at the feeling, “fuck, your tits feel so good.” He kneaded at it with fervor, and moved on to pinching your nipple. You moaned out again, breaking the kiss. “You like that, baby?”
All you could get out was a nod, you’d never had your tits played with before now by someone else. “Get on the bed, and get those jeans off- just the jeans.” You scooted out of your jeans, and sat on his bed, watching him slowly prowl over to you. “Lay back.” You scooted back and rested your head on his pillows as you anxiously watched him crawl over you to meet you, he leaned in and kissed you again, this time it was hungrier, sloppier, and his hand was more rough as it groped your chest. He broke the kiss to attack your neck, then your collarbones, and then he finally put his mouth on one of your nipples. He sucked it into his warm, heated mouth and you felt his tongue rolling around your nipple, causing your back to arch. He pulled off with a smile on his face, then blew air into the wet tit and you watched as your nipple became more hard.
“Fuck, that feels good.” You moaned out softly, and you watched as he went down on the other one, still playing with the first so it wasn’t ignored. You watched him go back and forth between the two for a few minutes, and clearly Eddie could’ve spent half the day with your tits in his mouth but you were growing anxious to get off. You tugged his hair to get him to meet your face, pushing up off the pillows to kiss him deeply again.
“Want you to try something new for me, ‘kay? Since you’re on the rag and all. I’d fuck you right now no problem, but I know you’re a little shy about it, aren’t you?”
You blushed and nodded, “yeah, I’ll try something new.”
“M’gonna sit on the edge of the bed and want you to straddle my thigh. Just one.” And he scooted down to the foot of the bed, and helped you climb onto his thigh- he was still in his black jeans. “Sit down harder, baby. Remember you’re gonna be my good girl, right? Want you to use me. Use my thigh to get yourself off.”
“H-how?” You asked, feeling silly for being in your underwear, straddling your boyfriends leg.
“Shit, you never done this before? Not even with a pillow?” You shook your head, and Eddie placed his hands on your hips. “Just grind on me baby. Back and forth. Whatever feels good, I got you.”
You nodded and started moving against his thigh, feeling the thick fabric rub your cunt in the right ways.
“Fuck, why have I never done this before?” You rolled your head back with your eyes as you rode Eddie’s thigh, stabilizing yourself on his shoulders. His mouth was roaming your upper body, likely leaving hickies everywhere. Your high was making this feel so much better, and you could already feel yourself close to the edge.
“Feel good?” Eddie asked, his lips still moving over your body, kissing and tasting anywhere he could get his mouth on. You nodded and moaned, unable to say anything. “That's my good girl, use my leg to make yourself cum, baby.” You ground yourself harder against the rough fabric and squeezed your thighs closer to his leg to chase your orgasm.
“Fuck!” You yelled as you came undone on his leg, your chest heaving, and your head tucked into the side crook of his neck, where his curls were tickling your face. “How do you know so much?”
“I’ve seen a lotta porn, babe. Your brother works at-”
“Christ, Eddie. I don’t need to know that you rent porn from my brother. Why the fuck does family video have an adult only section?” You earned a chuckle from Eddie as you absentmindedly twirled your fingers through his hair. “I feel so silly about anything like this because everything I’ve ever done before was just… for him. Never about me, never what I wanted, when I wanted, and-”
“And, that’s fucking pathetic. You should have been treated better than that. Your body? I wanna worship every inch of it, your skin is so soft, you’re so beautiful, and I want you to know that.” You were blushing as his hands were still roaming your body.
“Do you want me to, you know, help you?”
“Nah, you don’t have to. I don’t ever expect anything from you.” He smiled and you could feel it as he kissed the top of your shoulder.
A few hours later you found yourself sitting at the Munson kitchen table, reading over the rough draft of a contract Eddie had remembered to grab and put in his pocket from the show, while he was down the hall practicing guitar. You took another sip of the cold coffee as you read through the extensive stipulations.
“Hey, Eddie?” You called out. “Eddie?” You said a little louder, and he must have heard you. He came around the corner in his holey jeans, and a loose Iron Maiden t-shirt that had seen better days.
“Yeah?” The look on his face only made you realize how hard it was going to be to break the news.
“I uh, do you mind if I take this with me tomorrow? There’s a few things that I want to get checked out by one of dad’s guys. I just don’t understand this level of l legal talk, and I don’t want you signing something away that you don’t want to.”
You watched his face fall slowly. “Yeah, I think that’s probably for the best. Does it look good to you?”
“Some of it does, but I’m not sure about some of it. You have to be really careful with these lengthy contracts. Sometimes they can really screw you over, and it seems like some statements are negating other things.”
He nodded slowly, scratching at his chin. “You don’t think we should sign it, do you?”
“I’m not saying that exactly, I’m just saying I think it needs to be read through by someone smarter than me who knows more about how this works.” You gestured to the papers in front of you. “I mean, really, this guy just came out of nowhere to find you guys. He could be a total fraud.”
“What do we have to lose though?” He walked closer, leaning against the kitchen counter closest to you.
“A lot. I mean, it says if you don’t fulfill a certain amount of record sales- which, I fully believe you’re capable of- you could owe them a lot of money. Or if you don’t sell a percentage of tickets, they can break the contract. But here, it says-”
“Okay, okay. I get it.” He put his chin in his hand and rested it there, his dark eyes looking at you. “I’m glad you’re smarter than me.”
“I’m not, I just spent years of my life studying this and figuring out how people word these to trick people who haven’t spent years of their life studying.”
“You’ve always been the smart one. Top of the class, you’re the real nerd.” He smiled, slowly walking towards you. “Your campaigns always, always were better than mine.”
“I mean, absolutely they were. But I don’t know about now.”
“Hold on.” Eddie held up a finger and ran out of the kitchen, down the hallway. You heard some rustling and pushed the contract out of your way, your eyes hurting from the small print. “Here.” He said as he plopped the book down on the table.
Your book. Your book from middle school, at that.
“Eddie, how- how do you have this? Did it not get ruined when you lost yours and Wayne’s house?” You ran your fingers over the cover, before you opened it up, immediately recognizing your own handwriting, paired with Eddie’s chicken scratch of notes. “And wait- did you use some of my campaigns?”
“Just a few. Just the good ones, I saved the best ones for when you came back.”
“What if I never did?” You looked up at him as he was beaming a smile at you.
“Somehow I always knew you would.”
“Scott, would you mind looking over a few things on this for me?” You walked into your dad’s employee’s office. He was always your favorite of your dad’s friends, he’d seen you and Steve grow up. Scott didn’t have a family of his own at all, so he was present at a lot of your family’s parties and events. He was like a second dad, but a cooler one.
“Sure thing, just shut the door and have a seat. I could use a break from the woes of the Hawkins community. What do we have?”
“So, Eddie, my boyfriend, has been playing in his band for a while-”
“Wait, like, Eddie Munson? Like, devil worshipping, town killer, etc?”
“Yes, that one.” This was not what you expected, or wanted when you came into his office today.
“Oh God, I know your mom loves this. I always told your dad the two of you were gonna be somethin’ one day.”
You blushed, but continued on, “So, at their show the other night this guy approached them with his record label from Chicago. He had a contract ready to go and I’ve looked over it, and some things just don’t seem right. I highlighted everything I questioned but there may be more, and I just needed another opinion about it.”
“Let me see here.” He sat back in his leather desk chair and put his glasses on. You noticed the way his hair had grayed since you’d last seen him, the way his eyes and mouth had crinkled more from the smiling faces you remember him always making. “Your brother doing good?”
“Yeah, he’s doing alright.”
“Glad to be back here?” He asked as he kept reading over the papers.
“Could be worse.”
“I hear ya.” He nodded, reading through the pages. You sat at his desk, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. “Can you give me the rest of the afternoon for this? I have the time, just don’t want you sittin’ here doing nothing. If you want, there’s some paperwork in the basement that we moved from your office down there that needs to be put into the empty file cabinets. Doris has the keys, if you just ask her for them. Your dad left a note of things for you to do today and that was one of them. By the time you get everything filed away, I should be done.”
“Yeah, I can do that. Thanks, Scott.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.” You smiled at the endearing name, coming from anyone else his age it would be creepy but you knew he didn’t mean it that way.
Doris was quite the character. She’d worked as the front desk secretary for the entire time your dad’s firm had been opened. She took her job way too seriously, and she didn’t like many people. But you and your brother just so happened to be two of her favorite people.
“Oh sure, here’s the keys! I’m just so glad you’ll be working with us. Your dad is so proud of you for coming home and working under the family name, you know that?” You shrugged and held back an eye roll. “You remember what door it is, right?”
“Of course. Thanks, Mrs. Doris.” You grabbed the keys from her and rolled your eyes as you walked away, remembering how she used to gloat over your brother anytime she got the chance to, and now she was doing it to you.
You turned the key to the door and went down the stairs, into the well lit basement. It smelled the same from when you were a kid- sometimes you’d have to come up here after school, and your dad had a desk down here for you and Steve to do homework, or color when you two were younger. It would be creepy to some, but you both loved it. You didn’t have to hear your dads boring conference meetings, or him yelling at employees. It was your hiding spot and you felt safe down here.
You easily found the piles of files that were meant to be organized by you- they were stacked on your old desk and disheveled from being moved so hastily down here. You opened up the top drawer to an empty cabinet, and you got to organizing the files alphabetically. These were all of this years cases the office had dealt with, from the beginning of the year to now, and you knew they just wanted them organized by the last name.
You recognized a few of the last names, and being nosy, of course you had to browse through some. You scoffed at the DUIs, and other small “crimes” the office either handled or probably hid from the public eye, until you saw a last name that was all too familiar.
“Munson, Edward - ‘86”
Shit. Shit! What do you do? It was one of the thickest folders you’d picked up in the last hour. You knew what you should do, what was the right thing. But what had Eddie done this year that your dads lawyers would’ve been responsible for defending him for?
You carefully opened the Manila folder, and read the first line.
“Hawkins Lab (plaintiff) vs Edward Munson (defendant) 1986”
“Holy fuck.” You whispered to yourself, carefully turning the next page. “Why would they file a lawsuit against Eddie?” You whispered out loud to no one, as you continued to get through the pages. You heard the door open up the stairs, and you shoved the folder underneath the others, not wanting to put it in a cabinet yet.
“You still busy down here?” Doris asked from the third step. “It’s lunch time and you got someone askin’ to take you out to lunch.”
“Some guy with curly hair and a jacket on. Is he trouble? Do I need to get him out of here? Is he the one your dad told me to kick out if we saw him?”
“No, no. Doris, that's Eddie, my boyfriend. Charlie’s the one we want to kick out. I’ll be right up, let me finish tidying these.”
“Oh no, you go on up there and take your lunch. You’ve been down here for about two hours already. The mess can wait.”
“I really don’t mind tidying up a bit before I go.” You told her, trying to delay her and finding a quick, more hidden spot for the files.
“Alright, I’ll tell him you’ll be up in a minute. Don’t take a minute longer!”
“Yeah, sure.” You pretended to rummage around, then grabbed the Munson file and hid it in another file cabinet that was collecting dust. Surely no one would suspect you putting it there.
You walked up the basement stairs, shutting and locking the door behind you, as you shoved the basement key into your pocket. You felt your mind spinning as you walked towards the front, unsure of whether to bring up what you found or not.
“Hey beautiful.” Eddie greeted you with a hug, kiss on the cheek, and a small bouquet of flowers in a small vase in his hand.
“Hey.” You said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “C’mon, I’ll put these on my desk and we can go to lunch.” You pulled on his hand to tug him with you to your minimally decorated office space that screamed “temporary”.
“Oh hey, I was just looking for you!” Scott said as he walked around a corner. “And you!” He pointed at Eddie, who then pointed at himself. “You have a free minute?”
“We were about to go to lunch.” You said as you set your flowers down on your desk and picked up your purse. “Eddie, this is Scott- he’s worked with dad for forever, and I had him read over the contract from the label for you this morning. Scott, this is Eddie.” You observed the two exchanging glances at each other, then they introduced themselves. You could tell by Eddie’s faltering voice he was putting on a front- they had definitely met before. Maybe it had been a long time ago that they’d crossed paths, but you had a feeling you needed to get to that file.
“Won’t take but a minute. Have a seat.” He gestured towards the seats in your office, and you took a seat behind your desk, wanting to be able to watch the two interact.
“So uh, seems here we’ve got an entirely too controlling contract. I’ve gone through everything Harrington already combed through, added more comments, and even found a few more things. It seems to me like this guys label is pretty scummy, I don’t know that I’d take them up on this one.” You watched Eddie’s shoulders deflate as the contract was placed into his hands. “The choice is ultimately yours, but once you read through you’ll see what I’m talking about. I don’t think it’s the right one, I don’t trust that they’re not trying to take everything you guys have.” Scott eyed Eddie, waiting for him to look up at him from the paperwork.
“Well, I appreciate the time you took going through it. I’ll take it to the guys at practice tonight and we’ll talk it over to see how everyone’s feeling.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” Scott stood up and patted Eddie on the shoulder, “Good to see you.”
“Yeah, nice to meet you too!” Eddie yelled back as Scott exited your office. “Pizza for lunch?”
“Sounds delicious to me.” You followed Eddie out of the office and to his van. He chucked the contract into the back of it, and you watched it fall to the floor.
“Hey, you okay?” You asked, patting his shoulder.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” He backed out of his parking spot and started to drive away. “How’s your first day?” Here’s your chance. Perfect time to bring it up.
“Pretty… boring.” You can’t do it. “Scott and Doris had me in the basement organizing some things that were in my office that hastily got thrown down there at some point to make my office look unoccupied. He’s got a whole list of things for me to do if I’m bored. Seems like I’m going to be doing busy work and getting paid for it.”
“That’s some shit. You’re smarter than that.” He said, resting his elbow on the window sill of his door.
“Yeah, I mean I’m sure it’ll get more interesting later. I didn’t expect to get put on any actual cases or anything, but I did expect to be doing more than coffee runs or something like that.”
“They have you running coffee?”
“Absolutely not. It’s just my first day, so I’m not really expecting much. Dad said he’d be in tomorrow morning to get me set up. I think today is just a day of busy work since I wasn’t expected to start working so soon. Or at all, even.”
“I’ve got an appointment after lunch.” Eddie blurted out.
“Yeah? Where?” You looked over at him, and he looked nervous as he bit his nails.
“You know where.”
“Oh. You’re actually going? Do you need me to go with you?”
“Steve is. He’s meeting us at lunch.” He quickly replied.
“Oh.” You said as you looked out the window. Eddie was clearly a nervous wreck, and there wasn’t much you had to say to the dull conversation. You two pulled up at the pizza place beside Steve’s car, and he hopped out at the same time you did. A fourth car door shut on the other side of you, and you were met with Jim Hopper.
“What’s going on?” You asked, suddenly confused about this lunch meeting.
“He’s coming too.” Steve spoke up, placing a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder as you guys walked into the restaurant.
The four of you sat down at a back booth, you sat across from your brother and Hopper, and Eddie sat beside you.
“So is this like, an intervention? What’s going on?” You felt even more clueless.
“They need to speak to Eddie and have questions about you, so they need you too.” Hopper said.
“What?” You said bluntly as the waitress came up to take your orders- you added on a beer to yours for your nerves.
“Yeah, apparently you’re going to have to answer a few questions since you’ve observed Eddie’s behavior with the nightmares. I’ve gotta go since he’s always calling me, and-”
“How do they know?” You interrupted your brother.
“I told them, when I called to ask them what I needed to do. Then they gave me 20 questions and I panic answered them, not knowing they’d drag you into it. Hopper is going just to make sure no funny business happens. I’m really sorry.” Eddie looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay. I wanted to go with you if you needed me anyway. You need to talk to someone about this. Maybe they can help you.”
Hopper scoffed. “He needs a real therapist. I’m afraid this is just going to stir some more shit up. I don’t trust these guys, even though the lab is gone. How did just enough of them just survive to stick around to make sure you kids didn’t need anything?”
You four all looked at each other, you being the most clueless of all.
“I suggest being brief. Don’t tell them anymore than they ask. Don’t tell them who you hang out with, who you see, or where you work. Especially you, Harrington.” Hopper pointed at me. “They already know your family, but they’re gonna be hounding you for all they can.”
“Why me? Why not Steve? He’s the one who went down there into their whole, alternate universe world�� thing.”
“Because of your j-” Hopper started.
“Because they didn’t know he had a sister, and they thought it was weird you came back to Hawkins. They want to know what you know about it all.” Eddie cut Hopper off immediately, and you didn’t miss the look on Steve’s face. He knew something too.
You looked at Eddie, who was trying so hard to lie to you.
“Would it have to do with the huge file at my dad’s law firm labeled Hawkins Lab vs Munson? The one from, I dunno- 1986?” You shrugged, looking at the men at the table.
“Fuck, we don’t have enough time for this.” Steve ran his hands through his hair.
“So you were just going to casually leave out that dad fucking defended Eddie against the LAB?! What were they trying to say happened? Both of you- you both lied to me!” You tried not to raise your voice, and thankfully the kitchen sounds were loud enough as the lunch crowd picked up. “You could’ve told me that when you dropped the whole Hawkins-has-a-creepy-second-life-going-on-underneath-it bomb, and it would’ve been fine? But now I’m working there and these scary lab people are going to ask about it?”
“See, you don’t work there. You work at Family Video with Steve.” Hopper corrected you.
“That would’ve been nice to know!” You raised your voice again. “So what case did they bring out against Eddie?”
“I told you, I almost died down there. I did. But I came back through, and no one that ever died down there came back up to Hawkins and they created this huge case trying to make it look like I was the one who created the gates- because of the whole town freak thing, right? Believable.” He took a deep sigh, “Scott defended me. Your dad couldn’t, because it was considered a conflict of interest because they knew we used to be friends.”
“What, how did they know that?”
“They know everything. Well, they used to, they’d been watching our town and listening to everything for years before we discovered what they were really doing with their experiments. With a lot less people they’ve become a small organization, and they’re basically sticking around to see if any other activity starts to happen, and observe and be ‘helpful’ if anyone affected by the ‘earthquake’ needs help.” Steve answered.
“How can you trust them?” You asked.
“Your dad’s firm won against them in Eddie’s favor, so they’re at the mercy of him.” Jim spoke, and you looked between the three guys again, completely baffled, yet again, at how much had happened in the short time of you being back.
“I need to get some fresh air.” You pushed your way out of the booth and fled outside, forgetting your jacket at the booth. You felt yourself warming up out of rage as you walked over to the alley beside the restaurant. You grounded yourself against the cold brick wall and closed your eyes, taking a few deep breaths to avoid an anxiety attack.
“You good?” Eddie appeared out of nowhere and you jumped out of your skin.
“No, I’m not good.” You answered him as you opened your eyes. “Eddie, what the fuck?!”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Sorry for leaving out a huge, major detail, and everyone’s just been pretending since I’ve been home?! This is not okay. This is not why I came home. I came home for some normalcy, for LESS drama than I had in the city. And it’s been non-fucking-stop since I got back. I don’t know that I even had this much happen in high school.” You ran a hand through your hair nervously, “what am I supposed to do?! I can’t keep finding things out, Eddie. I can’t do this. I can’t keep on walking around on eggshells whether is your short temper, or my parents, or avoiding running into anyone from high school, or the fucking upside down bullshit!? Why is all of this happening as soon as I come home?!” You cried out to him as he stared at you with a blank face and no answers. You put your hands on his shoulders and felt yourself pushing against him. “Someone give me some fucking answers!” Eddie grabbed your hands, and you felt your body freeze. What was he about to do? He placed them gently around his neck, before he wrapped one arm, then another, around your body and slowly pulled you into him, hugging your shaking form.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, baby. I should’ve died down there. I didn’t want you dragged into this, but I let it slip on the phone this morning when I called them because I thought it was the right thing to do to get help. If I call a normal shrink, they’re gonna commit me for thinking I’m fucking insane for what I’d tell them. I can’t call anyone else. Only your family, the kids, Robin, and a few others really know what happened during the so-called earthquake, okay? We have to be so careful about this. I’m sorry.” He hugged you as he let out a cry.
“Don’t you ever say you should’ve died down there.” You muttered into his chest.
“No, I should have. I quite frankly should not have made it. They thought I was dead for the longest time, til we all started having nightmares. Then when they realized I was alive, their case was brought against me, in case the truth got out, they thought that their asses would be covered by shifting the blame to me.”
You paused. Eddie had been carrying this around too, and it didn’t excuse his actions but you could see why he’d been a little more quick tempered and anxious than usual.
“After today, can we just start over and see if things can be normal? I’m really fucking tired.”
“I’d love nothing more than that.” You wiped your tears at his response, and hugged him tighter to you. “We better get in there and eat, they’re expecting us at 1:30.” You nodded as you broke your embrace and followed him back into the restaurant.
Another surprise, Scott was at the Hawkins Lab offices. He gave you a sympathetic smile as your eyes met, and you all walked in together to the meeting. Turns out that it wasn’t quite as scary looking as you expected it to be inside, it looked like a normal, plain office space.
“Munson, Harrington?” A lady’s voice called from the desk. “Separate rooms, 103, 104-”
“No, they're all going to be interviewed together in the same room. I’m their lawyer, and I have to be present as well.” Scott slammed his business card down on the desk and slid it towards the lady. She eyed it, and put it back down.
“Follow me.” Okay, maybe it was a little scary. You felt a timid, clammy hand grab yours, and you looked at it to see it was your brother beside you.
“You’re good, okay?” He whispered, knowing you were the anxious one of the two of you. “Let Scott do most of the talking, only answer if you absolutely have to. If you don’t know if you should, just look at him and he’ll give you the go ahead or not.” Clearly your brother had been there before, and knew what to do with these guys.
You nodded and squeezed his hand back before dropping it to your side.
You all entered what looked like a conference room, and took your seats at a long table. Paperwork was everywhere, and you tried to see what some of it was as you walked to your seat beside Eddie, but you couldn’t make anything out.
“They’ll be in shortly.” The lady said before she walked out.
Eddie leaned in and whispered, “the whole room is mic’d up, and security cameras in every corner. Stay quiet.” You nodded and looked at him, his eyes were wide with a look in them you had never seen before.
“Hi, I’m sorry it took us a minute to get back here. I hear you’re having some nightmares, Mr. Munson?” The man quickly shut the door and sat down across the table from you.
“Yeah, they’re back.”
“Would you say they ever went away with the medications, or did they just lessen?” He flipped through some papers before looking up at Eddie.
“They never went away.” His leg was practically jumping up and down as he answered this man in a white coat.
“You didn’t check in with us for the last few months, so we’d assumed your medication dose didn’t need adjusting. You are the only one of the group who uh, experienced what you did in the lab, but we really thought the dose you were prescribed would be enough. Now, you also said you’d noticed some personality changes?”
“Yeah.” He answered, looking straight at the man.
“Like, what?”
“Been gettin’ madder a lot quicker lately. But I’d assume that’s from the lack of sleep and the dreams. Anytime I fall asleep, I get the dreams.”
“So, on average how many hours of sleep are you getting each night? Because that could greatly impact the effectiveness of the program we have you on too.”
“N-not many. Maybe four?” You looked at Eddie again, you’d been sleeping over with him a lot and never realized that he wasn’t getting a full night's rest.
“We’ll have to change those meds for you then, how does that sound?”
“Not like I’m gonna take ‘em.” He muttered.
“Oh, you haven’t been taking them?” The doctor put the files down. “And this is, your girlfriend?”
Eddie nodded, and sat up straighter. “Have you noticed a change in him?”
You went to open your mouth, but Scott spoke up.
“She’s the one who’s been around him with the nightmares. She says he wakes up unsettled, upset.”
“Mr. Munson, are you experiencing any physical pain from these dreams?”
He looked at Scott, who gave him a small nod.
“Sometimes my scars hurt after I’ve had a bad dream. Like, they feel fresh again.”
“But no pain during the day, when you’re awake?” Eddie shook his head no as the doctor sighed and shuffled through some papers. “I honestly think it’s fine. We know that everything is closed off, there should be zero chance of this happening again.”
“I just wanna get some sleep.” Eddie said as he yawned.
“Then take the meds.” The doctor slid over a handwritten prescription for what looked like 3 different medications. “It’s helped everyone you know, and it’s not a permanent thing. You just experienced major trauma.” The doctor had a seat, making him look a little less scary. “Is there a reason you’re so against this?”
You watched as Eddie visibly squirmed in his seat. You reached out a hand and held his, squeezing it lightly.
“My dad had a substance problem. Pills, alcohol, anything he could get his hands on. I’m afraid I’ll turn into that.” He wouldn’t look anywhere but the doctor as he spoke.
“All of these are controlled, and you are only allowed a certain number a month. If you’d prefer you could ask the pharmacy to dispense it to you weekly, or have a friend keep hold of them just in case. One is for sleep, one is for any panic attacks, and another is a daily medication to keep your mood more at ease.” He looked more kind than he did before, and everyone was glancing at Eddie to respond, but he just had a deer in the headlights look on his face.
“Hey, Harrington- let’s give him some privacy.” Hopper nodded at you, and you squeezed Eddie’s hand again, but he quickly withdrew it from your grip. You swallowed hard as you walked out behind Jim, feeling a lump in your throat form.
The second you reached outside of the office space, and the wind caught your breath, you felt the tears stream down your face. Everything had felt like so much for the past few weeks since you’d been back in Hawkins, but you had no idea the extent of what Eddie had been dealing with. You felt a hand rubbing your shoulder, and Jim guided you back to his vehicle where you climbed into the passenger seat, still crying.
“I shouldn’t have come back here. I should’ve just gone somewhere else.” You said as you wiped your eyes.
“God, Harrington, you’re so dramatic. Don’t go saying that. I think he needs you here.”
“Bullshit, Hopper. Why did he pull away from me when I just tried to hold his hand?!”
He slowly looked at you before speaking calmly. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, okay? You can’t get mad at me.” He paused, “Alright?”
“Yeah. I won’t.” You sniffled and dried your eyes.
“The people closest to you in your life- your brother, Eddie, me, Joyce, Robin, all those kids. All of us have experienced some of the absolute worst things you could imagine seeing. None of it was fake, it’s been hell here for years. We saw people we loved die, Dustin held Eddie as he died and somehow he managed to escape and live to tell the story, except we were all told we can’t tell it to anyone. I know the trauma you had back in the city was bad too, I’m not saying it wasn’t, but this was a different type of haunting experience for us all involved. We’ve all had to seek help to stay here and attempt to heal, everyone except Eddie. And until you got here, he wouldn’t talk to anyone about going to get help. That, in there, was actually the best he’s ever reacted to the doctor giving him advice. And the only thing that has changed at all, is you being by his side. I knew his dad, I know his uncle. That boy has nothing but stubborn Munson blood running through his veins. But he’s got his moms heart, and you bring that out in him. He’s gonna get help, you just gotta be patient with him and let him know you’re gonna be with him. He’s terrified to lose anyone.” You watched as Hopper smoothed his hand over his mouth, “So I need you to do something that you Harrington’s have a real hard time doing- I need you to get that stick out of your ass that you all have, and you can’t react to his feelings this way, don’t make this about you right now. I’m telling you, you don’t want to know what we saw. Did they tell you I was in a Russian prison being held captive? I got tortured, could’ve and almost died, but I couldn’t give up. Those kids and this town were depending on me. I couldn’t lose El, and she couldn’t lose me.”
You took a deep breath in and out, taking in all of Hopper’s words as he put his hand on top of yours.
“You need to be here for him, he needs you. You can’t give up on him.”
“I do kinda have a stick up my ass sometimes, don’t I?” You joked, making light of the situation.
“All you Harrington’s do. You’re born with it. But you’ve all got good hair, so I guess that’s the trade off.”
“Any hair is good compared to yours.” You quipped at him as he lit a cigarette and rolled his window down. You reached for one and he handed you his lighter.
“Didn't know you smoked?”
“Not usually this, but after that conversation I’ll take anything.” You scoffed.
“Something else is you two siblings can be really dumb. You do realize you’re in a cop’s car right now, don’t you?”
“And you do realize who my boyfriend is, don’t you?”
“Touché.” Jim said to you as you both took a drag of your cigarette and waited for the other three to come out.
About fifteen minutes later, and two more cigarettes each, you saw Steve and Eddie walk out behind Scott, Steve’s arm was around Eddie’s shoulder. You didn’t know if you should get out of the truck, or if you should wait to approach them.
“Go hug ‘em.” Hopper hit the unlock button as if he read your mind, and you jumped out and quickly approached both boys. You first hugged Steve, who had dropped his arm quickly to return the hug to you.
“Thanks.” He muttered in your ear. “I’ll see you later.” You told him bye as you watched him walk to his car.
You turned to Eddie who was standing there, watching Steve drive away, avoiding eye contact.
“Hey, I’m proud of you.” You broke the silence, and tested the waters as you gently placed your hand on his arm.
“Thanks for being there with me.” He wrapped his arms around you slowly, and pulled you into his body. “I should’ve told you about everything, but I didn’t know how you’d react. Everything’s out now. I promise.”
“I believe you. I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through and I just walked in expecting that you owed me a thorough explanation reliving your trauma when it’s still probably too fresh for you to even process. I’m really fucking proud of you for going today, Eddie.” You pulled back and kissed him on the cheek. Hopper honked his horn, and put his car in reverse as you and Eddie both shot him the bird at the same time, causing you both to giggle.
“I think that was enough for you today, Harrington. I’ll clock you out at 5, and tell Doris you had some offsite work to get done with me so you’ll be in the clear.” You thought about giving him the basement key in your pocket, but something told you not to.
“Thanks, Scott.” You told him with a smile, and watched as Eddie gave him a hug too before he walked off to his car.
“So, you think you could ride with me to get these filled, or-” Eddie nervously asked you, “I can go later if you just wanna go home, I can take you.”
“No, I’ll go with you. And if you need me to like, I dunno, keep you accountable for anything I can. Or if you don’t want me to, just say that.”
“Steve’s gonna do that for me, but I appreciate the offer. For now, I just want you to be my girl.”
Your heart swooned at the use of the phrase, as he kissed you on the side of your head.
“I can do that.” You smiled at him before heading to his van.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi friend! 👋 I’d like to submit a request, if I may. It’s not an original prompt, I don’t know where I first saw it, but I haven’t seen an actual fic with this premise yet.
Will comes out to Nancy who goes “I know nothing about this BUT I know someone who does” and brings him to Eddie, who brings both of them (bc let’s be honest Nancy isn’t letting Will out of her sight alone with Eddie) to a gay bar in Indy. Lo and behold who do they see but Steve and Robin. And it’s obvious to those who know what to look for (Eddie) that they’re both looking to get lucky. Steddie endgame (obvs lol) but maybe some Byler as well if you want/can swing it..?
I love everything I’ve read from you so far and I’m sure I’ll love everything you come up with! ❤️ thank you!!!
My star ✨✨✨ This is a future fic, but not future enough for Will to be 21 (I'm gonna put him at 19, almost 20 here so still like a tiny baby but also an adult). The first part of this is definitely Will focused, but there is more focus on Steddie at the bar itself. - Mickala ❤️
“Nancy? Um, can I talk to you?”
Will had been working himself up to this for weeks, months really. He came out to Jonathan and his mom officially last weekend, though they both already knew.
He wasn’t exactly good at hiding it, and around them, he didn’t really try.
But Nancy Wheeler was smart, and she was quick to come to conclusions, and probably already had figured it out.
Plus, she was decent at giving advice, and could possibly give him some insight into how Mike felt if he felt anything at all.
That was why he was here, coming out to her, being brave.
“Of course,” Nancy replied, smiling comfortingly.
She knew. He knew she knew. But he had to say it out loud, he had to get it out there to other people.
“I just have to tell you something that’s like, a big deal, and hopefully it doesn’t bother you, but also I don’t want it to be a big deal. It doesn’t have to be, actually. I just-”
“Will,” Nancy placed her hand on his shoulder, looked up at him with a knowing smirk. “Just say it.”
“I’m gay.”
There. He said it. It’s done.
Nancy nodded once, like she was confirming that she heard him, but she already knew, which was what he expected.
“Anything else?”
“Um. I’m in love with Mike?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious. Anything else?”
“What do you mean it’s pretty obvious? I thought I hid it okay!”
Nancy laughed. She actually laughed.
“The only person who doesn’t notice that you’re in love with Mike, is Mike, and that’s had a few close calls. And before you ask, I have no idea how he feels. I know he’s in denial about his sexuality, so once he clears that up, who knows. But for now, let’s focus on you. What do you need from me?”
Nancy had a “let’s get down to business” attitude that Will respected, that everyone respected, but she sometimes forgot that not everything was business.
“Well, I guess just…support?”
Nancy raised her brows.
“That’s it? You already had that.”
“I guess maybe…advice?”
“I mean, I really don’t have any for Mike. He’s an enigma even to me,” she started.
“No. I mean, it would be helpful to have it, yes, but just. In general?” Will interrupted, a blush covering his cheeks.
“Oh! About…” she trailed off as she realized what he was asking.
“Okay, well I don’t know anything about that or really anything, but I know who does!” Nancy clapped her hands together.
“Eddie?” Will asked as they stood on his porch, waiting for him to answer the door.
“Eddie’s gay?”
“Well, he’s bisexual, but he would be the one who knows the most,” she answered.
“Prettier Wheeler! What a surprise!” Eddie exclaimed when he opened the door. “And my favorite Byers! Were we supposed to be doing something tonight? Fuck, did I forget something? Wayne is convinced the bats ate the part of my brain that holds memory, even though they didn’t even bite my head.”
Eddie was a rambler, sort of like Robin, but he usually at least made some sense.
“No, no you didn’t forget anything. Will just needs some guidance on something,” Nancy said as she pushed her way into the trailer. “Is Wayne home?”
“Uh. Nope. Come on in, I guess,” he said, nodding at Will.
Once they were all settled on the couch and chair, Nancy gestured for Will to tell Eddie.
Will wasn’t prepared for it, but he knew he could trust him, especially if what Nancy said was true.
“I’m gay.”
It was getting easier to say out loud, just like it had been easier to say to himself when he first realized it and started letting himself think it every day.
“Amazing! Was that a secret?” Eddie asked, somewhat confused.
“Apparently not as much of one as I thought. But yeah, just my mom, Jonathan, Nancy, and you know. Officially, anyway.”
“So you have a boyfriend? Is that why you’re coming out?”
“No. I haven’t-”
“Oh, so Mike hasn’t gotten it together yet?” Eddie asked, playing with his rings distractedly.
“Nope. But it’s gonna take a big moment for that to happen. Will just needs some guidance on other stuff,” Nancy said.
“Oh! Like sex?”
Will was as red as he could possibly be.
“No! Not sex. Just, like, being gay I guess.”
Eddie looked between Will and Nancy a few times.
“Right. So let’s go,” he said as he stood up, making his way to his bedroom at the end of the hall.
Will and Nancy looked at each other, then back to where Eddie disappeared.
Before they could say anything, Eddie was back in the room, his new denim battle vest pulled on, and his boots laced up.
“Let’s go. Got places to be, queers to see!” Eddie yelled as he started moving out the front door.
“What the hell,” Nancy shrugged, getting up and following him out the door.
“What is happening,” Will said to himself as he followed them both.
What was happening was that Eddie was taking him to a queer bar on the outskirts of downtown Indianapolis.
He’d heard of the place during his very little research of the local scene. He’d heard it was shut down twice in the 70s because of police raids, but now it was mostly just a quiet, safe place for queer people to be themselves.
The bar was laid back, only two bartenders even on the busiest nights, usually just pouring draft beers and the occasional martini. A jukebox in the corner never stopped playing, even when they only had a handful of customers.
Will felt a little out of his element as he took in the amount of people crowding the bar, the tables, the small dancing area that really couldn’t even be considered a dancefloor.
Eddie seemed right at home, and he explained it was because he came pretty regularly, usually just to try to convince the owner to let his band play sometime, but he’d managed a few bathroom hookups along the way.
Will couldn’t hide his blush at that thought, knowing that he was in a place where that would not only be possible, but that it would be encouraged, maybe even expected had his mind fantasizing.
He welcomed it; Anything to get rid of the thoughts of Mike, who would probably never get his head out of his ass even if Will came out to him.
“Alright, one drink rule for the kiddo!” Eddie said as he walked to the bar with a hop to his step.
He was always exuberant, but he just seemed light here.
Will kept looking around, taking it all in.
Nancy suddenly grabbed his arm, and when he looked over, her eyes were huge.
He followed her line of sight, only getting distracted for a moment by a very attractive man who looked to be about his age.
His eyes settled on Steve and Robin.
In a queer bar.
In Indy.
“Is that-”
“It is.”
Eddie came up behind them, drinks in hand.
“Alright, drink up! Take the edge off and then you can have some wonderful experiences- what are you two looking at?” Eddie looked over and his eyes widened. “Not possible.”
“It’s them.”
“But, they aren’t. Are they?”
Eddie squinted, looking at the way they were standing, what they were wearing, the way Steve was open to the room, not turned towards Robin.
“Oh my God,” he said.
“What?” Nancy’s head whipped towards him.
“How did I miss it? I spend so much time- but, no. He- and she- no.”
“Eddie, you aren’t making any sense! What?” Nancy whisper-yelled, as if anyone could hear them over the sound of everyone else talking and the music playing.
“They’re both queer! They’re here lookin’ for someone!”
“That’s impossible. Steve is the straightest person I know. I think even Mike knows he’s more likely to-” Nancy was cut off by Will hitting her arm. “What?”
“Robin just looked over here.”
They all looked at each other, panic in their eyes, as they realized it was only a matter of moments before they were completely caught here.
But, really, what was there to worry about? They were here, without knowing anyone they knew would be here, clearly looking for someone.
Will turned back to them, watching as Steve and Robin both looked at them with wide eyes.
“Might as well go talk to them,” he said before walking towards them, not waiting for Nancy or Eddie to agree.
“O…kay,” Eddie sighed before following.
Nancy followed silently, and Eddie didn’t really have time to figure out what her face was doing because Steve and Robin ended up meeting them halfway.
“Hi guys!” Robin waved, awkward as always, maybe more so because of where they were. “Kinda weird seeing you here, right? Like in Indy? Or in a bar? Since Will is underage! And also this is a pretty specific establishment, so-”
“What Robin means is,” Steve starts, lines in his forehead making him look more serious than he needs to be. “Why are you in a queer bar in Indianapolis?”
Robin smacked Steve’s arm, but he didn’t even flinch, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Like he was ready to protect Robin.
And himself.
“Well, this happens to be one of my favorite bars, and Will needed to be in this type of environment for the first time, ya know?” Eddie said in a way that would definitely give away more if Robin and Steve were actually here because they were queer.
“So you’re…” Steve relaxed slightly.
“I am. Are you?”
“Um. Yeah. Yep. I am.”
“Me too,” Robin added.
“Yeah, so am I,” Will said.
All of them looked to Nancy, who suddenly seemed to catch up to the conversation.
“Oh! Um, not me! I don’t think. I’m just here for support!” She had never looked or sounded as nervous as she was in this moment.
“So how’s the crowd today?” Eddie asked.
To be honest, Eddie hadn’t bothered trying to find a hookup here for months.
The reason?
The man standing in front of him: Steve Harrington.
He’d tried, really he had.
But every time he thought he would get beyond basic flirting with someone, he thought about the way Steve sometimes touched his arm or his shoulder for longer than he needed to when he passed by him, and the way Steve would rest his head on his shoulder during movie nights, or the way he sometimes looked at him like he wanted to devour him.
Like he was right now.
Eddie would be nervous about it, but he doesn’t think Steve actually means anything by it.
He just has a very intense stare sometimes.
“Sorry! What?” He turned to see Robin and Will giving him knowing looks. “What?”
“I’m gonna take Nancy and Will over to a table that just opened up. You coming?” Robin asked.
“Sure, in a minute. Gonna run to the bathroom first,” he said, ignoring the way Steve was still watching him.
He walked away before anyone else could say anything.
He just needed a minute or two to collect himself.
The realization that Robin and Steve were here for the same reasons he was was probably going to need more than a minute or two, but he could deal with it later.
The bathroom of this place wasn’t the best, probably hadn’t been properly cleaned since the place opened, but it also wasn’t the worst place to have a minor breakdown.
He didn’t cry, but it was damn close.
It was overwhelming to know that there were others in their little group like him, but it was also just a lot to take in that those other people included Steve.
He heard the bathroom door open behind him, but he didn’t look up, just assumed it was someone else from the bar.
He stood at the sink, looking down, gathering himself to go back out and pretend this was entirely normal when a hand gripped his waist.
His head shot up and he looked in the mirror to see Steve’s reflection looking back at him, a hesitant smile on his face.
They stared at each other in the mirror, silent except for their breathing and the muffled sound of the music from outside the bathroom.
“I didn’t know you were…”
“Me either,” Eddie said quickly.
“You didn’t know you were queer?”
“No! No. Wait. I did know that. I knew it a long time ago. I mean I didn’t know you were,” Eddie clarified, unable to properly focus on anything except the way Steve’s hand felt on his side.
His thumb was rubbing circles against his shirt, the fabric bunching up little by little.
“It’s a new-ish discovery.”
“How new?”
Steve looked down at where his hand was resting on Eddie, then back up, his face red.
Eddie caught up quickly, realized what was happening, and definitely didn’t want it to stop even though he wasn’t sure how far he wanted it to go in the bar bathroom.
“Yeah. This annoying guy who was trying to steal Dustin from me decided to get involved in all our fucked up shit and Robin informed me that the way I was acting and talking about him wasn’t very heterosexual. Her words, not mine.” Steve smirked. “So, I kinda just admitted to myself I was into him and now I’m here.”
“Oh. Is the guy at this bar right now?”
“Yeah. He is.”
Eddie turned around and pushed Steve against the bathroom door as gently as he could.
“You’ve been driving me mad for years, Stevie. You know that?”
“Years?” Steve gulped, but kept smiling.
“Years. And now you’ve given me all that I need to do something about it.”
“Have I?”
Eddie answered him with a kiss.
It wasn’t spectacular, wasn’t even that good as far as kisses go.
Steve seemed caught off guard, like he hadn’t actually expected Eddie to take what was right in front of him, take control.
But then he caught up.
His hands gripped Eddie’s hips tight, the rest of his body relaxing against the wall as Eddie crowded against him further, their fronts touching from head to feet.
Their second kiss came right after a pause for breath, and that one was spectacular.
It was longer, wetter, hotter.
Eddie didn’t want it to end.
But someone banged on the door and they couldn’t be those people.
As they moved away to let the person in, Steve leaned his head against Eddie’s shoulder, like he did on movie night.
“So you’re into me too?” He asked.
Eddie could hear the smirk in his tone, didn’t even need to look down or at their reflection in the mirror to know he was being a little shit.
“No, I just kiss all the boys who come up behind me in bathrooms.”
Steve leaned his head back and nipped at Eddie’s neck, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Behave, big boy. Gotta go pretend we weren’t five seconds from fucking around in a public bathroom,” Eddie said as he guided Steve out of the bathroom.
When they got back into the main room, Steve tensed, started to pull away.
Eddie let him, tried not to let it bother him.
But then he was back, head back on his shoulder, arm around his waist.
“Sorry. Just. Not used to this being something I can do,” he said so only Eddie could hear.
“‘S okay. We’re safe here, though.”
No one commented on it when they got back to the table, though they both could tell everyone wanted to.
Will seemed ready to explode with excitement when someone came and asked him to dance and everyone at the table encouraged him to go.
He wasn’t much of a dancer, but he’d learn.
Nancy and Robin eventually went back to the bar to grab more drinks, and Eddie couldn’t help but watch the way Nancy was looking at one of the women who was standing alone by the jukebox.
“Hey, is it possible that Nancy’s…”
“Oh, yeah. Robin and I have had at least four conversations about how much the Wheelers desperately need to admit to themselves that sexuality is fluid.”
Eddie pulled away to look down at Steve, baffled at how educated he was on everything and kind of hating himself for being surprised.
“You’re somethin’ else, sweetheart.”
Steve kissed his cheek in response.
Nancy came out to them a month later, at the same bar, while staring at the same woman who was standing by the jukebox the month before.
She didn’t really use a label, but didn’t feel like she had to.
Mike took a bit longer, but eventually, Will lost his patience and kissed him.
He came out about ten seconds later.
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myobmaya · 2 years
maya i am so so sad today, can you pretty please give me something small that will break me then put me together? i love you <3
hi love, I hope you’re okay. Sorry it took me a day for me to get this out. It’s not almost midnight my time so i apologize for any errors I’ll get to them sometime later. I’m tired lol. But i hope everything is okay, my dear. if you need anything lmk babes 🖤
Hold On | Eddie Munson
Eddie learns some devastating news about one of the most important people in his life
TW: Angst. Medical diagnosis, mentions of blood, talks of death, sad Eddie :(
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The way he came home quiet with a blank look on his face told you something went wrong today. The big kiss and dramatic welcoming home he normally gave was replaced with a small “hey” followed by him going to the refrigerator for a beer. He didn’t get a chance to grab a bottle before you were right behind him, concern and worry evident in your voice as you asked him what was wrong.
His simple reply of “nothing” quickly turned into a screaming match that resulted in the silence that now consumed the both of you.
Eddie was never one to snap at you for small things. But, everything about him was passionate, arguing with you didn’t fall short. He was already upset and needed time to process what he just learned. Yet, he didn’t know how to properly communicate that to you. So the moment he snapped at you, you snapped right back at him with full defense. After a few remarks were yelled, you walked away with the slam on the bedroom door with tears in your eyes.
He knew he should have gone after you. It wasn’t your fault. But he needed to figure out his emotions before bringing anymore onto you. So, Eddie simply grabbed the beer from the refrigerator, finished it off with a few swings, gave you an hour to yourself then followed to the bedroom.
You were already on your side of the bed. Pajamas on completed with wet cheeks. He looked at you as soon as you glanced up at him opening the door. Neither one of you acknowledging each other verbally. He walked back out to shower, only throwing on a pair of sweatpants before coming back to climb into bed next to you.
You turned to face him, ready to talk about what happened. To see what happened and fix the problem.
He turned to face the wall.
You now stare at his bare back. The tattoos running from his chest to the muscles of his shoulders mock you as you itch to trace them with your fingers. A habit you’ve grown to do after learning his body.
His hands rest under the pillow holding his head. His breathing is heard alerting you that’s he’s not asleep either. The fight is playing on repeat in both of your heads but neither of you know what to say.
He knows he shouldn’t have started a fight. You were only concerned for him. The sniffles he hears from you guilts him, but he doesn’t know how to tell you what caused him to come home so distraught. He didn’t mean to get upset with you when you only came to comfort him.
The conversation he had with Wayne holds heavy in his heart.
The guilt of fighting instead of talking with you about it makes it harder to process.
But he knows he has to make it right with you. The cruel reminder that tomorrow is never promised tells him that every moment counts. He takes a deep breath in through his nose before letting it out.
He breaks the silence with your name.
Your name falls softly from his lips. It’s so quiet that you ask yourself if you really heard him, but when he whispers your it again your suspicious are confirmed.
“Yeah?” You whisper back. He doesn’t move, still laying on his side facing away from you.
Eddie swallows, glad you’re still awake. Grateful you’re acknowledging him after his behavior. He knows what he has to say. He knows he has to tell you why he was so upset.
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. “I’m sorry.”
You don’t say anything Not because you have nothing to say, but because you know he’s holding back. The way his confident attitude has been replaced by unsureness tells you that you need to let him work through his head. A few moments pass before he clears his throat.
You stay still as he slowly turns over and rolls onto his back. His clasp together and rest on his tummy. You watch as Eddie closes his eyes. He takes in a deep breath and holds it for a moment before he lets it out. He keeps his eyes on the ceiling. You keep your eyes on him.
“Wayne had me come over after work. Said he finally got sent home after his boss got him coughing up some blood. Said the doctor ran some tests,” Eddie stops himself. You feel like your blood has ran cold and tears spring to your eyes again, this time for the older Munson you’ve grown to love like family.
Guilt plunges through you thinking about how Eddie must have felt hearing that only to come home to an argument. The fear of the unknown he feels with his uncle’s health is quickly sympathized and all traces of anger is melted. The moonlight shining in through the window reflect over his glazed over eyes.
Eddie braces himself for what he’s about to say. If he says it out loud it makes it real. And if it’s real, it’s a reality Eddie isn’t ready to face.
You reach your hand over and hold onto his clasped ones. He doesn’t have to finish his sentence for you to fill in the blanks. The signs have been there. The tears form in the back of your eyes as you know he has the confirmation that’s been on his mind. Since you first found Wayne passed out in his trailer a month ago and Eddie found the blood covered tissues in the bathroom.
Eddie goes to tell you what the diagnosis came back as but instead his biggest fear is spoken out loud.
“I’m going to lose him,” Eddie’s voice breaks.
You instantly sit up, bringing him into you. Arms pull him up and he crashes his head into your neck. He doesn’t fight you or pull away. He breaks down. You wrap your arms around his back and he clings onto you as his tears begin to stain your shirt. You don’t care at all as you hold him. Sobs fall from him and you do your best to keep your own tears at bay.
You needed to be strong for him. He was always strong for you and now it was your turn to be his strength.
A hand runs through his hair as you try your best to soothe him. “He’s going to be okay, Eddie. It’s Wayne. The man has defied life itself. Nothing can stop him,” you don’t know if your words are enough to console him but you believe them as you speak them.
Wayne Munson was one of the strongest men you knew. He would pull through from this. He just had too.
You only hold onto him tighter. Reassuring him that his uncle will be okay even if it would be for a little bit. Eddie pulls back to wipe his eyes but the tears quickly fall back. “I can’t lose him. I’ve lost my parents. I can’t lose him too.” His breathing is starting to become erratic and you know you need to pull him back from the ledge before he goes into a panic attack.
Before he can even talk himself from pulling away from you, you hold his face in between your hands. His cheeks are cold and stain your hands with his tears but you don’t care. The devastation on his face is enough to wish you had the cure for every disease. Anything to take away his pain.
But you don’t have the cure.
You can’t take away the pain he feels about the news of the only parental figure in his life.
So instead you swipe your thumbs under his eyes and kiss him for a moment to break the unregulated breathing pattern. He stares at you with wide eyes.
“I need you to breath in with me, okay?” You take a deep breath in and wait for him to follow you. He lets out a shaky breath and sucks it back in. “Good, now breath out,” you exhale and watch as he does the same.
You have him breath with you a few more times until his breathing is no longer a sign of distress. His eyes never leave yours, complete trust behind them as you nod at him to silently say I’m right here for you. You reposition yourself and throw your legs over his thighs before wrapping your arms around his neck, Eddie instantly wrapping his around your back. He tucks his face back into your neck and tells you that he’s okay now.
Thirty seconds pass before he’s crying again. You only hold him once more.
Neither one of you pull away from each other. Eddie and you stay wrapped up in other until his sobs turn into sniffles and the sniffles turn back into silence. His face stay in between your neck and shoulder where you keep him there. Safe from the world until you no longer can do so.
It’s not until you hear soft snores coming from him when you realize he’s asleep. Carefully, you turn and kiss the side of his temple before attempting to ease him down to the mattress. It’s unsuccessful as he jolts awake, you quickly telling him you only want to lay down. He only nods as you climb off of him and allow him to reposition one last time. Eddie’s eyes are red and his cheeks are blotchy but you only smile at him as he gets on his back. He gently pulls you down next to him.
You lay your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as his hand traces circles on your back. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without him,” Eddie’s voice is raspy. You continue to listen to the rhythm of his heart.
“He’s strong, Eddie,” you take a deep breath. “But you have to be stronger for him. He’s always been there for you. Now it’s your turn.”
Eddie thinks about your words. He knows you’re right. But, he struggles to accept it. Memories of Wayne always putting him first play in his mind as he continues to mindlessly trace letters and shapes onto your back. The times Wayne would stay up all night worried about a sick Eddie and go to work in the morning. The way he’d offer Eddie homework help even when he was tired from a long shift makes the young Munson smile. Wayne was always so selfless, taking care of a child that wasn’t even his.
You fall asleep listening to Eddie’s heartbeat while he stays up thinking about how he can return the favor to Wayne. If there’s one thing his uncle taught him, it was being there for the ones you loved. Eddie Looks down at your sleeping frame as your words echo in his mind. He nods before kissing the back of your head happy to have you in his life. “Yeah, Wayne is strong. But it’s my turn to be stronger for him.”
In the morning Eddie is the first to wake up. He carefully gets out of bed, slipping his pillow in between your arms to keep you asleep. His mind is still reeling from the news of yesterday but it only fuels him to shower and get ready. He scribbles a messy note and leaves it on the counter letting you know where he’s off to and locks up the front door before taking off.
It’s a quarter after eight in the morning when he arrives to the trailer park. Wayne’s already up sipping on a fresh cup of black coffee when Eddie knocks on his front door. Wayne opens the door and takes note of the sunglasses hiding Eddie’s puffy eyes.
Eddie gives him a big grin as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “What? You thought you were doing this alone?”
Wayne instantly feels a weight on his chest and his eyes furrow together. The thought of having to go through his treatment by himself was something he braced himself for. He didn’t want the pressure of it being on his nephew so it was a last sacrifice he was willing to make. A sacrifice he no longer had to make with Eddie by his side now.
“C’mon old man. I heard music is great for the soul. I have a whole tape you can listen to while you get your treatment.” Eddie pulls out the casket tape tossing it to his uncle. Wayne catches it with a smile on his face. Eddie only smiles back before he throws Wayne a nod. “Now hurry up. I have another mixtape I’m working on for the next session.”
Wayne rolls his eyes with an exaggerated “Alright!” Eddie only laughs knowing his uncle hates being rushed. The two men make their way over to Eddie’s vehicle and get in. Eddie starts the car up and before he pulls out of the driveway, Wayne stops him.
“Thank you, Eddie. You don’t have to do this.”
Eddie gives his uncle a smile reaching over to pat his shoulder. Your words of encouragement play on repeat in his head and he finally starts to believe them.
“You’re strong, Uncle Wayne. We’re going to get through this.”
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Maddie’s word choice when Buck told her about his date with Tommy in 705 was so gentle and supportive, as we’ve all discussed. But her words were also SO SLICK!!!
She was treading lightly because she of course knew that this was a sensitive time for Buck AND she also did some math in her head over the course of the conversation and realized that there’s a piece of the equation that Buck is missing. She couldn’t just give Buck the answer though. Some puzzles he’s gotta work out on his own.
So. Looking more closely at the actual dialogue…
Buck gives Maddie the rundown of the evening’s happenings. Maddie notices the date’s pronoun. Then:
Buck: Yeah, okay, I was on a date with a guy. Again, not-not really the point.
Maddie: Mmm, it could very much be the point.
Remember, Buck is upset with himself for lying to Eddie *and doesn’t understand why he did that* He thinks it’s about dating a man in general. I think Maddie suspects it’s actually about Buck’s unrealized/unexpressed feelings for Eddie. The lie Buck is reeling over probably isn’t about dating a man, but about dating the wrong man.
Back to the conversation. Buck explains his allyship, then:
Maddie: So-so now you’re more than an ally?
Buck: It was my first time, it was dinner and a movie, and I - I didn’t even make it to the movie.
Maddie is following Buck’s reasoning in the ally part of the conversation, but clearly not quite vibing with parts of it. She’s in support mode, basically honoring Buck’s process and his journey. But still trying to navigate her own in the moment reactions without freaking Buck out. Treading lightly.
After Buck’s last remark above, cue Maddie’s haunted facial expression in which she clearly reviews countless past events and conversations with Buck in light of his new discovery about himself:
Maddie: Wow.
Buck: What, ‘wow’?
Maddie: No, not ‘wow’. Like, ‘Wow. I didn’t think that’s where your interests would lie.”
From my perspective she clearly and firmly rejected the ‘wow, you’re queer, what the hell. Way to be a massive enigma little brother’ interpretation…because obviously she would reject that. But that second clarification ‘wow’ doesn’t mean what Buck thought it meant. I honestly do NOT think she was saying ‘I didn’t think/know that you might be into guys too’.
Maddie is basically Buck mom for all intents and purposes, and she knows him well. To be fair, most people close to Buck know him better than he knows himself in key ways so with Maddie’s canon comments about Buck’s sexuality over the years, there’s no way she didn’t have her hunches. Period. What I think Maddie actually meant was that she didn’t think Buck had eyes for any guy but Eddie at this point. After doing the new math in her head real quick, of course.
I think that tracks with what she said a little later and how she said it:
Maddie: Okay, I don’t think you’re a fraud, I just think that maybe you’re not sure of your own feelings yet. And if there’s something that you need to tell Eddie, you will. Just, in your own time.
Between that line and her facial expressions, Maddie was on a damn journey! Imho it took everything in her to not just say ‘Wait what?! Eddie is your person my guy let’s be so for real right now’. She was a mix of confused and exasperated in the home stretch of that conversation lol. Still she showed up, met Buck where he was at, and supported him.
Then to top off that whole ‘coming out’ and ‘feeling like a fraud’ scene, Maddie says to Buck “so tell me about the hot pilot” and the scene immediately transitions to Eddie in bed with Marisol. Yeah, Eddie is the hot pilot in question. Buck just hasn’t figured it out yet, and Maddie realizes **all of that** now!
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hairstevington · 1 year
Stranger Therapy - part 3!
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve and Eddie visit Dr. Bauman a third time. While they figure out their feelings for each other, Dr. Bauman attempts to speed up the process. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Link to Ao3
Word Count: 3.1K
Warnings: Discussion of intimacy, PROLONGED EYE CONTACT, talking about sex in a very PG way, sexual tensionnnnn, modern day AU, aged up, Matchmaker Murray.
A/N: Things are heating up folks ;)
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Next time, you’re in the hot seat. No fake dreams, I’m talking real shit, okay?
Technically, Steve had never agreed to that, but he knew Eddie wasn’t going to let it go. Besides, Eddie had been extremely vulnerable in their last session, and Steve did feel a slight need to have things balanced. 
The thing was, things kind of were balanced, because the dream he’d brought up in therapy with Dr. Murray wasn’t entirely fake. 
Steve had never been that great of a liar. He had to come up with something to talk about, and he didn’t have enough time to make up a problem, so he actually had brought real shit into their counseling session. Sure, it devolved into something unrelated to Steve’s real recurring nightmare, but the core of it was intact. 
It’s just that - Steve wasn’t used to talking about his feelings. He locked all of it away ever since - ha, nice try! 
He knew if he was going to open up to anyone, a therapist would be a great place to start, but the problem was that it wasn’t just Dr. Bauman. It was Eddie too. And Steve liked Eddie - at least, he was pretty sure he did. The only person that really knew what went on in Steve’s head was Robin, for the most part. Even then, there were a lot of things Steve just…never talked about. 
Then again, if he didn’t share at the next session, he’d be going directly against what Eddie asked of him. Which really didn’t matter that much, because they didn’t know each other, and because Steve was paying for all this anyway, but for whatever reason Steve couldn’t let this go or go against Eddie’s wishes. Despite everything, he was genuinely excited to go to counseling again. 
Steve had been through a lot of wild shit, but this was most definitely the craziest thing he’d ever done. 
The last guy Eddie went on a date with turned out to be a serial killer. That’s not even a joke - the man was secretly a literal serial killer. Eddie felt something was off after they went out, so nothing ever came of it. About a month later, Eddie saw the guy on the news. 
So, that was weird, and a hell of a story. Couples counseling with Steve was extremely tame by comparison.
Yeah, the concept of going to therapy with a person he didn’t know that well was a little out there, but it certainly didn’t feel as weird as it should have. Steve must have felt the same, and that’s why they both continued to go back. 
Who knows? Maybe they were onto something.
Steve: So I have an idea if you’re up for it
Eddie: Pray tell
Steve: We drive together this time?
Eddie: Hmmmm
Steve: Or not, all good either way
Eddie: wow you got anxious about that really fast
Steve: Shut up lol
Eddie: Am I sensing a fear of rejection?
Steve: Dude come ON
Eddie: If only there was someone we could maybe discuss this with
Steve: Asdfghjkl are you done yet?
Eddie: your car or mine ;)
Eddie liked the way he flustered Steve just a little bit, but not enough to throw him off. He felt solid and secure, and he looked out for Eddie without being asked or seeming condescending about it. 
Even though the entire thing was unorthodox, it was also kind of perfect. The initial stages of dating were always a chore, anyway - this blew them way past that and into something entirely different. 
Eddie pulled up to Steve’s apartment and barely had to wait a minute before Steve came tumbling out. Steve tended to always look good, but the weather was getting warmer, and this time he was wearing short sleeves. 
Yeah. His arms were gonna be a problem. 
“Hey babe,” Steve teased as he hopped into the passenger’s seat. 
“Hey,” Eddie grinned. “You’re especially chipper today.”
“Yeah, well…” Steve ran his hands through his hair, putting his flexed bicep fully into Eddie’s view. He tried not to stare, but…come on. “What?”
“Nothing,” Eddie replied quickly, turning his attention back to the road. “So, how was your week?”
Oh my god, what the hell is this? 
Eddie rarely got thrown off by men. Typically, he was the one who did the teasing, and most people found him too intimidating to dish it back. That was the dynamic he was used to, but with Steve -
“My week was good. Yesterday, Robin and I went to this fancy dinner. It’s become a tradition every year on March 27th because the first time we went we lied and said it was our anniversary to get a free dessert. Now it’s been three or four years and we get all kinds of special treatment. They love us.”
“You mean to tell me I’m not the only one you’re pretending to date right now?” Eddie asked, dramatically pretending to be offended.
 “Well, yeah, Eddie,” Steve responded. “I’m a pretty hot commodity as a fake boyfriend. I mean, look at me.” 
Eddie saw Steve gesturing at himself in his peripheral vision, and very much didn’t need to actually look to know how hot the man was. 
“Damn, well it’s a good thing I like a little competition.” They sat in comfortable silence for a moment before Eddie spoke again. “How long have you and Robin been friends?”
“God, since I was like, eighteen,” Steve answered. “She went to Hawkins High too, actually. Robin Buckley?”
“No shit!” Eddie exclaimed. Of course he remembered Robin - they were both band geeks. “Never would have thought you two would have been close.”
“Yeah, well a horrible minimum wage job will bond you to someone,” Steve said with a laugh. “If you ever see us together, you’d think we were dating, too. Most people think that.”
“But you’re not dating?”
“Why not?” Eddie asked. Steve chuckled lightly.
“Seriously, man? Read between the lines and think about why you and I started talking.” Eddie smirked. 
“Got it. I just mean, like, bisexuality exists, so I didn’t want to assume anything.” 
“Right, well I am bisexual but Robin only has eyes for women,” Steve explained. “But every partner either of us has ever had always gets jealous or suspicious of us. It’s, like, the first big test of our relationships.” 
“Well, personally I’d love to see you two in action,” Eddie said. “If you ever wanted to do something, like other than therapy.”
“Yeah, maybe,” Steve replied. He didn’t say it in a dismissive way, but he also didn’t agree to it, which was weird. 
“Does she know about me?” Eddie asked, suddenly curious. 
“Yeah, she does,” Steve responded. The cracks in his charisma were starting to show. Interesting. “She doesn’t know we still, uh - she thinks we’re just going out. Like, normally.”
“But we’re not,” Eddie concluded. The only real date they’d had was the coffee, but they’d each paid for their own. It could easily be construed as friendship. For all Eddie knew, he was about to become another Robin. Which wasn’t a horrible thing to be, except now Steve was reaching over the dash to turn the radio up, and Eddie could smell his cologne, and he knew for sure that whatever this was, it sure as hell wasn’t platonic. At least, not for him. 
Very, very interesting indeed. 
When the boys sat down in Murray’s office for their second official session, he could practically see the pheromones between them. He could have cut the sexual tension with a swift karate chop. 
Naturally, he had to mess with them a little bit about it. 
“Okay, so today I wanted to bring things back to your initial complaint of not feeling connected and talk about intimacy,” Murray began. 
“Intimacy?” Eddie asked. “Like, sex?”
“Intimacy comes in many forms,” Murray reminded them. “Physically and emotionally. For example, some couples find it incredibly intimate to cook together, read to each other, or shower together - once again, in a non-sexual way. Even physical intimacy is on a spectrum. Some couples have sex, some don’t.”
Murray saw both of the boys stare at him as if he was speaking a different language. Evidently, they needed to talk about this whether they were actually dating or not.
“Okay,” Steve finally said. 
I wonder if they’ve banged it out, yet. 
“We can start with physical intimacy, if you’d prefer. How is your sex life going?” The boys immediately stiffened, their cheeks rosy red, which answered Murray’s question pretty clearly. Huh, not yet. What’s taking them so long? They recovered within moments, then answered the question confidently. 
“Good,” Steve answered.
“Top-notch,” Eddie added. They shared a look that Murray assumed the idiots thought he wouldn’t catch. He could read them so easily, the way that Steve was now flattered at the insinuation that Eddie thought he was good in bed, and the way Eddie was so eager to brag about their sex life. 
“So, what are some ways you two are emotionally intimate with each other?” That question seemed to stump the boys. Murray had found that a lot of people in their twenties struggled with being emotionally intimate. “Hmm. Would you guys be willing to try something a little different today?”
“Like, what exactly?” Steve wondered. 
“An experiment, I suppose. Nothing too scary.” 
“Fuck it, sure,” Eddie agreed. He turned to Steve. “You up for it?” Steve looked slightly less enthused by the idea, but nodded. 
“Okay,” Murray said, rubbing his hands together. “So, first I’m going to have you stare into each other's eyes for two minutes, and then I’ll ask you both some questions.” 
They hesitantly did as told, turning towards each other on the couch and making eye contact. Once again, their chemistry basically jumped off them - the way they were both nervous but tentatively trusting of one another. They’d already built more trust than a lot of couples Murray had worked with who had been together for years.  
Any day now, they’ll figure it out. I give it a week, tops.
Eddie had no problem with eye contact. In fact, he was known for using it as a way to intimidate people. He was comfortable with it, so when Murray suggested the eye contact thing, Eddie thought it would be no big deal. 
But then, Eddie and Steve turned on the couch to face each other. The stupid thing had a dip in the center that caused both of them to slip forward slightly and knock their knees together. There was a brief moment where Steve reached to stabilize himself on Eddie’s thigh. Eddie was touchy, and it didn’t usually faze him at all. 
This time, it did. 
As he looked at Steve, he couldn’t stop himself from wondering about what had changed. The first few times they’d met up, Eddie felt perfectly in control. He found Steve attractive and all, and he liked being around the guy, but this time something had shifted. He pondered it for the whole two minutes, and came to the conclusion that Eddie’s vulnerability in the last session and Steve’s ability to calm him down afterwards was what did it.
Dr. Bauman was absolutely onto something with the emotional intimacy thing. This shit was worth every penny. Well, Steve’s pennies, technically.  
God, this feels weird.
Steve didn’t care about eye contact, but it wasn’t usually, like, scheduled and moderated. He knew Murray was watching them, studying them, and at this point Steve didn’t know where he ended and the whole relationship charade with Eddie began. 
He wasn’t an idiot - he knew what Eddie had been hinting at in the car before with the whole, if you ever want to do anything other than therapy. It’s just that Steve kinda panicked at the thought of it, because it felt like things were moving too fast for them to actually date outside of whatever the hell this was. 
Then again, Eddie had very pretty eyes. Most of Steve’s two minutes were spent desperately trying not to look at his lips. 
He didn’t know what the hell was going on. 
“Time’s up,” Dr. Bauman said. Steve relaxed and immediately broke eye contact to look back at the counselor beside them. “Not so fast - keep looking at each other.”
“Doctor, did you lie to us?” Eddie teased. Steve noticed he had absolutely no issues holding his gaze, but that he somehow sensed Steve’s anxiety. Eddie reached out and laid his hand on Steve’s knee, but it was unclear whether or not that was intentional or just a product of being so close to each other on the couch that forced people together. 
“Now I’ll ask you both again. What are some ways you two are emotionally intimate?”
Here. This. I’d rather be naked. 
“We, uh - “ Steve thought back to their conversation at the coffee shop and smiled. “We play music together.”
“Very nice,” Dr. Bauman said approvingly. “Eddie, anything to add?”
“I know his coffee order,” Eddie replied. “Does that count?”
“Absolutely,” Dr. Bauman confirmed. “How did this exercise make you feel?”
The word left Steve’s mouth before he could even think to stop it. Shit. He’s totally going to ask me about that. Steve turned his body back around to face the therapist, unable to meet Eddie’s gaze anymore. 
“Let’s dig a little deeper into that fear.” I knew it. Dammit. “Why might you feel so scared?”
Might as well just keep going. We’re already here.
“Because every time I open up to someone I end up - “ Steve sighed. “I lose them. One way or another I lose them, because I’m not good enough, or I'm too much, or there’s someone better, or because of other bullshit I sure as hell don’t want to get into right now. So I don’t really talk about my feelings anymore. But then, not letting people in makes people leave, too.”
“A self-fulfilling prophecy,” Dr. Bauman noted. “Very common. Why do you think this feeling started?”
Steve wondered if it was too late to run out of the office and never look back. He could call Robin, have her pick him up, and never think about this ever again -
“Hey,” Eddie said quietly from beside him. Steve turned to see Eddie's face drained of its usual vibrance, instead replaced with something more empathetic and soft. All of a sudden, it was only the two of them in the room. “You okay?”
Steve wasn’t ready to feel so seen. He shook his head without intentionally doing so.
“I - I can’t,” he whispered. Eddie nodded, then turned back to Dr. Bauman. 
“Doc, do you mind if we switch over to something I’ve been thinking about that I want to unpack with you? I have a lot of things actually. I made a list…” 
Steve watched as Eddie dug through his pockets and found a literal, paper, list. And normally, Steve would tease someone about that, but with Eddie it was both endearing and completely on brand. 
This thing they were doing - whatever it was - it worked.
The rest of the session was far less intense. As time passed, Steve felt the tightness in his chest fade little by little. 
The last two times they’d done this, their time together ended when the session did. This time, there was still a whole ride home. 
“Thanks for driving,” Steve said once they got inside the van. “I’ll do it next week.”
“So, you still wanna go back?” Eddie asked, surprised. 
“Well, yeah. I mean, isn’t that what you want?”
“I - I don’t want you to do it just for me, you know? Like, if you don’t want to do it then that’s okay,” Eddie said. Steve shrugged. 
“If we didn’t - if we stopped, I mean. Then what?” Eddie’s eyes stayed focused on the road, and his lack of response caused Steve to continue rambling. “And like, what if the lying combined with us telling the truth is throwing him off, and then we get all messed up in the head or something?”
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” Eddie replied. 
“We should just tell him what’s going on.” Once again, Eddie was silent. “That we’re not really in a relationship, I mean.”
“I think you’re completely glossing over a very obvious solution,” Eddie finally said. “Like, we matched for a reason originally, right? I know the first appointment was supposed to be a one-off thing, but then we kept going. Are we still - like, did we scrap the actual dating part of this or is that still going on? Because I mean - like, even if you didn’t want to see Dr. Bauman anymore, I think I’d still wanna - I don’t know, keep seeing you.”
“I wanna keep seeing you too,” Steve agreed. Obviously, he wanted to keep seeing Eddie. “But I also want to keep seeing Dr. Bauman, which complicates things.” As much as he hated therapy, he needed it. That much was clear. 
“So, we can’t do both?” Eddie asked. 
“We are doing both,” Steve argued.
“You know what I mean.” They were almost to Steve’s, but their conversation felt very unfinished. “Look - I like you. Do you like me?” Yes. Steve couldn’t get himself to say it, for some reason. Yeah, I totally do. If only Eddie was a mind reader. “Got it. Okay, well here’s your stop. I’ll see you next week I guess.” 
Eddie put the car in park, and for a fleeting moment, Steve thought about leaving the conversation at that. But he wasn’t going to fall into his old patterns of - what did Dr. Bauman call it? A self-fulfilling prophecy? 
“I like you too,” he admitted. “I’ve been trying to only focus on what goes on in the office, but I keep thinking about, uh, things between us. I mean, on the one hand, we get along great, but on the other, we’re in therapy together, and you already know more about my issues than most of my previous partners. So I just, I don’t know. It almost feels weird to consider us dating, because it messes with what we have going on in there, and it seems like we both need the counseling, so…”
“You’ve thought about things, huh?” Steve finally looked back at Eddie to see him stifling a grin.
“Were you even listening to the rest of what I said?”
“Well, I wanted to, but I was too busy thinking about things, too.” Steve felt some type of way at the confession of mutual attraction. 
“You - you were?” Eddie nodded aggressively, and Steve tried not to think about the things Eddie could possibly have been thinking about. “Okay, well if you’d been listening, you would know why us doing anything might be a bad idea. If it ends badly between us -”
“Good thing we have a couple’s counselor, right?”
God dammit. Eddie had a hell of an argument, and Steve was all out of excuses. He took a deep breath.
“Wanna come in?”
(next chapter)
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167 notes · View notes
ashe-withane · 5 months
Alright!! Time for my 911 7x05 reactions!
Alright the hand guy
I knew about Buck getting choked but EDDIE owwww. He’s so dramatic though lmao.
Awww baby clothes
Oh no. :(
Another girl? She’s nine. Ohhhh interesting.
I love Hen and Karen so much omg
Oh! The date!
That is a huge pitcher of beer lol.
Omg they’re seeing a movie after?
Ohh Buck’s so nervous.
Did he just. Call himself. An ally
He puts a rainbow on his Instagram.
“I guess it’s just me that makes you nervous” shit Tommy that was good
Awww Buck’s smile
I know we’ve been talking about Buck’s face when Eddie shows up BUT Tommy’s eyes go so wide omggggg
“And then we’re gonna go find some hot chicks.” BUCK.
Tommy’s face aaaah
:( Tommy
Hold on Eddie what do you mean Marisol agreed to move in with you??? We have seen literally nothing of this relationship and you’re already moving in together??
“I guess you can never have enough closet space.” HELP
“Right, Evan?” Oh Jesus
“You too bro” Buck…
This is so awkward. I know Buck is figuring himself out still but I feel bad for Tommy :(
“I think you’re adorable, but I don’t think you’re ready” is actually I really nice way of letting him down.
Denny giving Mara a teddy!! That’s so sweet.
Ohhh Buck’s talking to Maddie…
“Are you dating a married woman?”
“Could be very much the point” I love Maddie.
HE CALLED HIMSELF AN ALLY AGAIN. Maddie’s face as well oh my god
Oh my god they actually went with a “yeah I check out guys but that’s normal” situation
“It’s the same Tommy??” Ahahaha
At least Marisol is keeping her place so we don’t have another Taylor situation on our hands
Hmmm what is he gonna find in the boxes?
She was almost a nun? Interesting? I guess. Is that what’s gonna make them break up?? What??
The teddy bear!
I really hope Mara is okay :(
“To avoid not having sex.” Help.
Eddie has “a reservoir of Catholic guilt lying dormant.” Listen, is this about Marisol right now? Yes, as far as Eddie is aware. Could this also be. Hinting at something……
“Like sea monkeys”???? Lmao
Eddie is. Pent up. Jesus Christ
“You think I should go to confession?” “No I think you should go to Cap.” these two dumbasses. Sound advice though, he should talk to Bobby.
Oh no! Denny!
Loving this conversation with Eddie and Bobby so far
Bobby pointing out the main thing Eddie has a problem committing to is women…
We’re talking about Shannon!!
The church is a lot of the reason they got married! They both felt pressured!! “Loved being married to her”
Lmao Bobby calling God ‘Marisol’s ex’
Ahhh fuck. Mara’s 911 call is devastating.
Eddie is hiding from Marisol at Buck’s place lol.
“We were on a date” “wait, Tommy’s gay?” Eddie what about Buck, who was. Also on that date.
“This doesn’t change a thing between us” aaah this is so sweet!!!
Awww Buck can’t stop thinking about him. (Listen I will always ship Buddie but I’m also loving BuckxTommy right now!!! I can like both!!)
“He doesn’t know you’re an idiot. Once he gets to know you, and know that you’re an idiot, he’ll love you!! Like we all do!!” Ahahahaha
So. Eddie and Marisol aren’t breaking up. (Yet?)
TOMMY! “I didn’t cut things short because you behaved badly, I did it because I didn’t want to pressure you.” YES. Love love love this.
Lmao Tommy’s reaction to Buck asking him to Maddie’s wedding. Just “ahahaha. What??”
Buck and Eddie are a MESS
11 notes · View notes
sataniquepanique · 2 years
Deep in the Heart of Texas
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Summary: You meet a stranger at a hotel bar during a work trip, and now you can't get him out of your head.
Warnings: smut, 18+ only, minors DNI. Mentions of drinking/being intoxicated.
A/N: This is in an older!Eddie timeline, around 30 years old, same as reader. I'm currently traveling for work and wrote this after literally sitting alone at my hotel bar reading a new D&D manual on my phone and feeling like a loser. Enjoy lol
Texas wasn’t as bad as everyone up north makes it out to be. Yeah, it’s hot as fuck even though autumn had officially started this week, but the atmosphere and the people generously made up for it. Austin was one of the coolest places your job had taken you to so far, a three-day business trip in a quirky, artsy city. After a morning filled with meetings and conferences, you took a few hours to yourself to explore the bustling downtown area filled with obscure costume shops and kitschy restaurants. The sun was sweltering, casting a hazy glow over the main drag as you wiped a bead of sweat from your brow. The heat was starting to nag at you, along with the exhaustion from your flight last night, and you figure it best to head back to the hotel for the night, but not before stopping to buy a pair of brass bullet earrings from a street vendor. “Handmade local jewelry will always win me over,” you tell him sweetly as you hand over $60 for the earrings and a silver ring carved with delicate filigree that caught your eye at the last minute. The older man smiles politely, handing you a small paper bag with your items. 
You aren’t one to nap usually, but the second you saw your carefully made hotel bed you collapse into the plush comforter, instantly falling asleep in its soft marshmallow embrace. When you wake the sun is setting, the small room aglow with a warm amber tone. The little black clock on the nightstand reads 6:32, and your stomach growls as you stretch your arms above your head. Not feeling up for another city walk just yet, you decide on going to the hotel bar to grab something quick for dinner. Shedding your earlier clothes, you opt for a faded Black Sabbath shirt, a pair of ripped jeans, and white converse. Patting down your pockets to make sure you have your room key and wallet, you pause feeling like you’re missing something. The bar would be quiet, and you didn’t really feel like talking to anyone (especially strangers), so you quickly grab your beat up D&D manual in the hopes of working on a new campaign. 
The hotel bar is relatively empty, save a balding older man seated at the end and a group of four at a table by the large windows. Slipping onto a stool at the opposite end of the mahogany bar, the young bartender flits down to you, tossing a coaster onto the counter and handing over a menu. She’s young, maybe a little younger than you, with large eyes and unruly red hair that’s tied up loosely at the crown of her head. “What can I get ya?” She sings with a smile, eyes sparkling as you glance down at the menu. 
“Uh…can I have whatever local lager you have?” You glance up, placing an order for food as the waitress nods in approval.
The bar food left something to be desired, but the beer that the waitress had sent over was phenomenal. After she took away your half eaten plate, you order another lager, cracking open your manual in the process and scanning over the pages you had dog-eared previously. This new campaign was frustrating the shit out of you, you’d been working on it for weeks, and keep getting stuck. On your third beer of the night, and entirely engrossed in your reading, you didn’t notice a man sit down two seats away. You run a defeated hand down your face and close your eyes, trying to get inspired by something, anything. The rhythmic clinking against a glass stirs your attention, and you look over to see the man tapping along to an Elton John song playing over the bar speakers, his ringed fingers dancing in the low lighting. He notices your glance in the mirror behind the bar, and offers a small grin in return, turning towards your direction ever so slightly. He was cute, long dark curls framed his angular face, the hint of dark circles under his deep chocolate eyes like he hadn’t slept properly in a few days. Your eyes quickly flash to the patches on his denim vest, a smile playing at the corner of your mouth as you see a few of your favorite bands adorning the lapel. 
“Holy shit—is that a D&D manual?” He leans towards you, picking the book up slightly to get a look at the cover. You pull it back defensively, looking at him out of your peripheral.
“Yes? Is that a problem?” You blush, embarrassed a little at his tone.
His eyes widen as he realizes how forward he was being. “Oh, no, absolutely not. I’m sorry…” He puts a hand up in surrender, making you soften a bit. “I just uh, I play a lot with my friends back home so it’s nice to see someone else that’s into it.”
He looks down at his drink, swirling the bottle around nervously as the two of you avoid eye contact. A sudden pang in your chest makes you feel guilty for being so rude to this poor guy, he was just trying to be friendly and you had immediately put up a brick wall to shut him out. 
“I’m getting stuck,” you blurt out, smoothing a hand over the open page of your manual. Looking straight ahead into the mirror, you meet his eyes staring back at you. Those deep dark eyes are confused, searching yours for further explanation.
“I’ve been trying to map out a new campaign for my party, and I keep getting stuck somewhere in the middle. I know where it starts, and I know sort of where I want it to go, but the details are tripping me up.” You turn to face him now, shifting your full body on the barstool. It’s brief, but you catch it, the light that sparks from behind his eyes. 
“Oh yeah?” He beams, obviously trying to play it cool. “You’re a DM? I haven’t met many girls who play D&D, let alone take on the position of Dungeon Master.” 
The confession makes you laugh a little, you not-so-secretly loved to prove men wrong and step into their so-called ‘territory’. “Yeah, I DM for a party back home. It’s me and six of my friends from back in high school.”
He smiles back at you, slowly scooting into the barstool directly next to yours. “And where exactly is home, Dungeon Master?”
“Pittsburgh. And it’s Mistress actually—Dungeon Mistress.” The title comes out almost as a growl, unintentional but not unwanted. 
His eye widen, quickly focusing his attention on the manual in front of you. Pulling it closer towards him, he fingers through the dog-eared pages. “So tell me what you have so far, maybe I can help…”
God, he was really cute when he was flustered. 
As you try to push that thought from your mind,  you quickly walk him through the general plan for your campaign, while he tries to pull as much information out of you as he can. When you finally finish, he sits quietly, hand stroking his chin in thought. 
“Okay, so generally, I love where you’re headed with this,” He starts. “And I see how you’re getting stuck, but I think there’s also a bunch of ways we can proceed. It just depends on how brutal you want to get with this campaign.”
You eyes narrow as they meet his, a devilish smile pulling at the corner of your lips. “Oh, I want it to be torture.” 
His pupils dilate as he grins back, “That’s my girl.”
Two beers later, both of you were huddled over the bar making annotations in the margins of your battered D&D manual. Between the planning and brainstorming, you had learned a lot about each other, sharing your professions and backgrounds. Eddie was on a tour stop with his band, only passing through until tomorrow when they head out to Louisiana. You weren’t familiar with Corroded Coffin, but he was kind enough to give you a copy of their newest album to check out. You told him about your work, the autumn travel season, and bits of your life back home in Pittsburgh. It was easy to talk to him, his lighthearted demeanor breaking down every wall you had initially put up. In the back of your mind there was a nagging feeling, a slight twinge of sadness that you wouldn’t see him again after this one small encounter. If you’re honest, you’d love to have him be a more permanent fixture; collaborating on campaigns, swapping music, maybe even seeing him play live eventually. As you find yourself clinging to those thoughts, the realization that you’re a little drunk surfaces. Eddie slams his bottle down in front of you playfully, grinning mischievously. 
“Another one?” His eyes sparkle, a little bloodshot from his own respective buzz. You couldn’t say no to that smile. 
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Munson?” You accuse with a playful grin.
Eddie scoffs, sucking on his teeth. “I’m trying to have a good time, whether or not you join me is completely up to you.” 
You bite your lip in thought. Another drink sounds like a bad idea, seeing as how your departing flight is at 7:00am the next morning, but spending more time with Eddie seems like the best thing in the world right now.
You nod definitively at him. “Fuck it.”
As the night progresses, so do your feelings for Eddie. It’s like you two had been friends for years, not some random stranger you met at a hotel bar hours ago. He had gotten more touchy as the drinks kept flowing, moving a piece of hair out of your face, placing a hand on your lower back as someone brushed past, each touch sending warm waves coursing through your body. 
God you wanted him.
As you nursed your seventh—fuck—ninth maybe?—beer, Eddie grabs your hand that is resting on the bar to take a look at your rings. 
“These are cool…” he trails off as he spins the little ouroboros on your middle finger, followed by the silver planchette on your index. 
The feeling of his fingers on yours sends an electric shock through your body. You stare at his own silver adorned hand, silently fantasizing about what they would look like around your neck as he fucks you stupid. 
“I actually bought a new one today from a street vendor,” your brain wasn’t even working anymore, the words coming out of your mouth were bold and 100% a byproduct of the current situation happening in your pants. “I have it up in my room if you want to come check it out, it’s hand carved and super intricate, you’d love it.”
As much as you wanted this to go in another direction, you tried your best to keep your voice innocent and soft. 
If Eddie felt the same, he didn’t show it, just sucking down the remainder of his beer and smiling back at you. “Sure thing, doll. I’d love to.”
After tossing down cash for the bartender, Eddie follows you out towards the elevator, placing his hand on your lower back to guide you inside once the doors opened. There’s a few other people in the elevator, and the two of you end up separated by an older couple. The elevator dings at each floor as it climbs, it feels like it’s crawling as you wait in silence. You lean back slightly to glance at Eddie, and he sticks his tongue out playfully. You bite your lip to keep from giggling out loud like a teenager. 
Finally the 15th floor arrives, and both of you depart the small confines and out into the carpeted hallway. Eddie sighs and throws an arm around your shoulders like he hadn’t seen you in ages as you dig through your pockets for your key. After fumbling around trying to unlock the door for a few minutes, the lock clicks and you push it open with your foot, looking back to smile at Eddie triumphantly. 
He immediately crosses the small room to the window and rips the curtains open. “Oh wow…” he muses. “…you got a way better view than I did.” 
You giggle openly, still feeling the effects of the alcohol radiating through your system. “What floor are you on?”
Eddie flops down onto the king sized bed, leaning back on his arms. “Second. I just get to stare at a super cool parking lot.” 
“You can always stay up here, I mean, I’m only here another night, but it’s a better change of scenery.” There it was again, the boldness breaking through all of your better judgement. You sit next to Eddie on the bed, suddenly feeling self conscious about your offer. He reaches over and places a hand over yours, a delicious mix of warm skin and cold steel. 
“Are you proposing a sleepover?” He places his other hand over his heart, feigning innocence. Unable to find words, and taken aback by his beauty in the dim light, you just giggle and nod.
He scoots closer to you on the bed, hand trailing up your arm and over the length of your spine, finally resting on the back of your neck. 
“…and what do you propose we do at this sleepover?” His voice was low and gruff as he inched his face closer to the side of your neck.
Your breath hitches as you feel him flex his fingers on the back of your head. Slowly you turn to look at him, seeing his large eyes blown out and almost completely black. You’d never seen anything more beautiful. You snake a hand over his thigh, squeezing lightly. His sharp intake of breath is all the confidence you need.
“…anything you want.” You whisper.
In an instant Eddie is picking you up onto his lap as you tangle your hands in his hair. He kisses you like a man starved, tongue and teeth and passionate chaos. Two strong hands hold onto your hips, pushing and grinding them against him.You inhale every single one of his moans, pulling his hair to coax him to release more. Sitting back to catch your breath, you push him to lay back onto the bed, ripping your shirt off as he watches breathlessly. His hands reach up to massage your chest as you lean back down to kiss his jawline. You quickly shoot back up, eyes wide and mouth open in discovery.
“Oh my god I totally forgot to show you that ring! That’s literally the entire reason we came up here—“
Eddie stares at you like you’ve just ripped off your entire skin in front of him. 
“—that’s not the reason we came up here and you know it.” 
You move to get off of his lap to grab the ring, rambling about something as Eddie grabs your waist to force you back down. He places both hands on the side of your head, forcing you to look at him. “I could give less of a shit about the ring right now. All I want to think about is you for the night.” 
Your body softens, trailing a hand down his chest as you lean forward to give him a soft kiss in response. 
When you wake up the next morning, Eddie is gone. The opposite side of the bed where he had slept is still slightly warm. You bury your face in his pillow, inhaling his scent and feeling your heart break a little. You knew going into this that it wasn’t permanent, but somehow Eddie had crawled into your soul and made a spot for himself, a spot that now felt like a gaping hole in your chest. 
The airport was close to the hotel, so you could leave about a hour before takeoff and be there in time. You throw on a pair of jeans and your old Nightmare on Elm Street tee, zipping up your suitcase and doing a one over of the room to make sure you hadn’t forgotten to pack anything up. On the table by the closet there was a note next to the coffee machine, weighed down by a shiny silver skull-shaped ring.
Sorry to leave so early, gotta get back on the road. Last night was amazing, I wish we could spend more time together. Tour stops in Pittsburgh in 2 months, I’d love to see you. ~ Eddie
You folded up the note and tucked it into your backpack, looping the heavy ring onto your necklace for safe keeping. 
Landing in Pittsburgh was depressing. The overcast sky painted the city a muted gray, washing out every bit of color and creating a monotoned landscape that you were already eager to get away from. You missed Austin, the warmth, the art, the people. Most of all you missed Eddie. 
When you get into your car at the airport lot, you remember the Corroded Coffin cd in your backpack. You heart rate is through the roof as you push the disc into the slot on your cars dashboard, watching as it automatically sucks it in and hearing the familiar whirring of the rotation. A beat of silence gives you little time to prepare yourself to hear his voice radiating from your speakers. The sound makes you gasp. Raspy and aggressive and beautiful, you listen to the album in its entirety, taking the backroads home to give yourself more time. 
Over the next few weeks, you play Corroded Coffin’s album on repeat, surprised you haven’t burnt it out completely. With each play, your memories of that night in the hotel flash through your mind, more often that not resulting in having to relieve yourself alone in your bedroom. 
Eddie flipping you over in his strong, tattoo covered arms, kissing you as he slowly pushes into your warmth. The stretch of your walls as he picks up his pace, sinking deeper and deeper with each thrust. You remember the carnal lust that started out the encounter, morphing fluidly into something softer, something akin to lovemaking. Eddie peppered your face and neck with kisses as he pulls your hips to meet his, the two of you chanting each others name like an erotic prayer. You remember the kiss he gave you as he crossed the threshold and gave into his release, how deep and sensual it was, like you were long-lost lovers reunited. 
You had it marked on your calendar for two months, the day Corroded Coffin made their way to the Steel City. They were set to play a venue downtown, known for showcasing metal and hardcore bands primarily. You were nervous, having made a complete disaster zone of your bedroom trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. Not wanting to look too desperate, but also look somewhat sexy, you eventually settle on a black mini dress paired with combat boots and your trusty leather jacket. Eddie’s ring hung from your neck, nestled right above your heart; you hadn’t taken it off since Austin. 
The venue was crowded, people spilling out of the doors onto the sidewalk waiting to get inside. After getting your hand stamped, you grab a beer at the small bar in the back and take a spot against the back wall of the venue. The moment the lights dim you hold your breath. You can see the silhouettes of the band members pass by the low lights adorning the stage floor, unable to pin point which one was him just yet. A disembodied voice comes through the microphone, making your heart soar.
“Hi. We’re Corroded Coffin.” 
The stage lights roar to life as they immediately start playing their first song, thrashing around onstage to the driving beat. He was still beautiful, same wild dark curls and infectious smile. You couldn’t help but grin as you watch his fingers expertly dance over his guitar, remembering how he had used them on you a few months ago. 
You spend the entire show against the back, hidden in the darkness so Eddie wouldn’t notice you. You’re not even sure if he would want to see you honestly, would he even care that you showed up tonight? When the show ends, you exit out the side door and notice a gaggle of girls crowded around near the vans parked out back. Those same familiar curls are visible over their heads, bent down talking to them and laughing while he signs an autograph on one of their cds. Jealously nips at your heart, until you get a closer look at his face. He wasn’t looking at them like he had looked at you that night. 
You squeeze past the girls towards the front of their group, undetected by Eddie as he distractedly takes a photo with another person to your left. 
“Can I have your autograph Mr. Munson?” Your desire is apparent in the purr of your voice, making Eddie snap his head in your direction. A toothy smile breaks through his face, and you can see the same look in his eyes that he had back at that small hotel bar. He gives back the pen in his hand to one of his fans, turning his attention solely on you. You can hear some of the girls whining for his autograph, but they’re all quickly tuned out as he reaches up to brush a stray piece of hair off your face, cupping his hand to your cheek as he takes in your features. 
“I’m glad you came out,” He notices the ring resting on your chest and plays with it, visibly pleased that you had held onto it. “Wanna go get a drink?”
You beam back at him, knowing full well what happened last time the two of you shared a few drinks. “That depends, are you going to leave again without saying a proper goodbye like last time?” 
He slings a leather clad arm around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head affectionately. “Nah, we’re off for the next few days so it looks like you might be stuck with me.” 
You try to play it cool as he escorts you back into the bar, but the butterflies in your stomach were wreaking havoc, ecstatic to be back with the mysterious stranger that had burrowed his way into your heart.
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roosterbox · 1 year
October Almost-Drabbles 10/4: Pumpkin
Pairing: Steddie
Word Count: 621
Additional tags: FLUFF, pumpkin carving, transfemme!Steve
Side note: was initially going to be t4t, but I didn’t end up getting around to Eddie’s characterization. I think it’s already too long as it is, lol. I don’t mind it if you think of him that way though.
Side note #2: new headcanon unlocked - Eddie is awesome at pumpkin carving artwork.
“Is it ready yet?”
Stevie was almost bouncing in her chair. Her own pumpkin was finished - triangle cut out eyes and a big toothy smile - so now all that was left was Eddie’s. But the big jerk wouldn’t let her see. ‘Not until it’s done,’ he’d said.
Stevie Harrington wasn’t known for her patience.
“Almost,” Eddie said, not looking at her. He was surprisingly focused. For him, at least. His hair was tied back, though some thin wisps managed to settle against his forehead, and his tongue was pressed anxiously to the corner of his mouth. He wore a similar look when he was working hard on his campaigns. It seemed like an awful lot of concentration and trouble for a pumpkin carving, Stevie thought. But that only made her want to see even more.
“How much longer?”
Eddie sighed, more out of fondness than exasperation. “In a minute, baby.” He looked up and winked at her. “Can’t rush art.”
Right. Pumpkin art. She rolled her eyes a little. Never saw much need for any fanciness. Everybody loves the simple designs, right? Besides, there’s only so much a person can do with a pumpkin.
After a few moments, with one final flourish of the carving knife, Eddie turned to her, smiling.
“All done! Wanna see my masterpiece?”
She rolled her eyes again, but she was smiling too. “Damn right I do. Make some room.”
He scooted his chair out from the table a bit so she could plop down on his lap. Eddie coughed out a mild ‘gentle on the goods there, darlin’’ before wrapping his arms around her. She made herself quite comfortable before actually looking at the…
“Oh shit,” she breathed.
It was the moon. A carving of a full moon. With craters and everything, though they probably weren’t scientifically accurate if she’d had to guess. But damn, it looked good. The way he’d carved into the flesh of the pumpkin, not all the way through but thin enough for the light to pass through, was incredible. There were cut-outs along the side, a few in the moon shape itself. It took her a minute to realize they were bats. Just like one ones on Eddie’s arm.
“Like it? I was gonna try to do a howling werewolf or something. Felt too cliché.”
“It’s amazing, Eds.” She kissed his cheek, leaving a tiny smudge of her dark red lipstick. Neither moved to wipe it away. “Have you always carved pumpkins like this?”
He shrugged, and held her closer. “Not really. Got tired of the typical shit a few years ago, figured I could stand to get more creative.” At her withering look, he sputtered, “N-not that yours is uncreative or anything! I mean, that design is a classic for a reason, and-“
She silenced him with a kiss. Slow and deep, leaving his lips stained red. But before she could grab a tissue or a towel, he licked them clean. This earned him another fond eyeroll.
“How’s my lipstick taste?”
Another lick. He grinned. “Perfect. Just like my Stevie.”
“Dork,” she said, and settled further in his lap.
“You love me though.” He nuzzled at her neck, kissing a bit at the freckles and beauty marks there.
“Yeah, I do. God help me, but I do.”
Another time, he might have feigned offense. Maybe even whined about his cruel, cruel girlfriend, how could she say such mean things to him? But tonight? Tonight he just sighed, and squeezed her tight.
“Wanna help me set ‘em up outside?”
“In a minute,” her voice was muffled from where her face was pressed in his hair. “I’m comfy here.”
He chuckled, careful not to jostle her too much. “Dork.”
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littlefirefly42 · 2 years
tysm for your response!! could i possibly request for cg!eddie and little!steve? maybe little!steve has a fascination with eddie’s hair and is always playing with it and eddie can never say no because he thinks it’s too cute? i can totally see little!steve trying to outlaw haircuts for eddie because he thinks it’s just too pretty, and i’m sure eddie would really appreciate his little’s dramatic approach lol! if you can’t tell i’m very biased towards extra fluffy subject matter lol. if for any reason at all this idea doesn’t work for you, no worries! thank you for your consideration regardless! have a very pleasant morning/afternoon/evening and/or night! 💘💘💘
Ahhh this is so short I'm really sorry!! Thank you so much for your request!
Pairing: CG!Eddie/Little!Steve
Warnings: Cheerio violence
Summary: Steve can't help but play with Eddie's hair. Who is Eddie to refuse the little prince?
Eddie woke up rather rudely to an aggressive tug on his scalp. He squinted, his eyes still adjusting to the dark of his room. He heard a little gasp.
Eddie turned. The shadowed figure of one regressed Steve Harrington was perched on his knees on the bed.
“Didn’t mean to wake ‘ou up.”
“That’s alright kiddo,” Eddie said with a yawn, propping himself up on his elbows. “What time is it?”
“Umm…” Steve’s face lit up hopefully. “Breakfast time?”
Eddie gave him an amused smile. “Mm. No.” He flopped back down onto the sheets.
“Oh.” Steve sounded disappointed. Eddie sighed.
“Cuddle time first okay? Then we’ll get breaky.”
“Okay!” Steve, seemingly satisfied with this compromise, snuggled close to Eddie and began playing with his hair again. Eddie didn’t mind, even fell asleep again, until he felt another tug. This time, Steve had a lock of Eddie’s hair in his mouth, sucking on it absentmindedly while he picked at the seams of the comforter. Eddie chuckled.
“Well, if you’re that hungry.” He pulled his hair away, swapping it out for the paci on his bedside table. He stood up, stretched, and picked up his toddler, carrying him to the kitchen and setting him on the counter. “What do you want for breakfast, bud?”
“Chee-o’s!” Steve cheered kicking his legs. Eddie poured two bowls of Cheerios, one with milk and one without.
“You want to tell me why you woke me up at the asscrack of dawn you little punk?” Eddie teased, tickling Steve’s ribs. Steve squealed with laughter.
“Dada! ‘ou said a ba’ word!” He exclaimed, throwing an accusatory Cheerio at Eddie.
Eddie gasped dramatically. “You’re right, I did! How horribly indecent of me! How tragically profane!” He clutched his chest and stumbled back dramatically. “Your majesty, please have mercy upon me!
Steve giggled. “No!”
“No??? Then pray tell, what sentence must I face for my crimes?”
“Ummm… ‘ou’re banished!”
Eddie gasped again, this time clutching his shirt and stumbling back a little for full dramatic effect. Steve threw another cheerio.
“For a million billion years!!” He exclaimed excitedly, kicking his legs.
“You better stop throwing your cereal or you’ll be banished for a million billion years.” Eddie jumped onto the counter next to Steve and pulled the toddler into his lap. “Seriously though, the sun isn’t even up yet. Are you having trouble sleeping? Or having nightmares again?”
Steve shrugged. “Just woke up. An’ I wan’ed to braid your hair.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows. “Buddy, no offense, but I don’t think you know how to braid hair. Remember last time?”
Steve huffed. ‘Last time’ was two weeks ago, when Steve had accidentally tied Eddie’s hair into a knot that took him three hours and a full bottle of conditioner to untangle. “That was ‘posed to be a FRENCH braid. I can do a normal one good! Ask Robin!”“Alright alright, I’ll admit I’ve seen you make pretty sick braids for Buckley. Just next time, maybe not at five in the morning, yeah?”
Steve nodded. “Mkay! I do it now?”
How could Eddie say no?
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dragonmuse · 2 years
Could we get Izzy’s perspective at the passport office when he ran into Pru? I also wonder if he would bring Lucius’ drawing to their coffee meeting? I’m loving the “and be prudent” tag!!
(@objective-j also requested more of Pru and Izzy meeting, so here is more of that from Izzy's POV. and lol I don't usually give the more minor OCs tags, but that one felt right! Also Pru seems well liked so she may crop up from time to time.)
“No fucking way,” Lucius voice echoed around the car. “For a big city, this place can be small as hell. Are you okay?” 
“I don’t know,” Izzy admitted. He hadn’t actually pulled out of his parking space. He didn’t actually have anywhere to go, a lie told to let him escape. “Sort of. I mean I barely knew her. She was a kid.” 
“Why don’t you come over, huh? I’ll make you a drink while I do prep.” 
“Yeah, yeah all right.”  
The back door was closed, but unlocked when he arrived and slipped inside. The Swede was sweeping and singing along to ‘Dancing Queen’, occasionally swirling the broom around. Eddy was laying down on the stage pointing up at some of the lighting while Jim stood over them. When Izzy entered, they gave him a lazy finger wave. 
“Hey, boss.” 
“Iz!” Eddy cried out from the floor. “What are you doing here?” 
“Stealing your liquor.” 
“Don’t tell Stede, he gets prickly about that.” 
“Why the fuck would I tell him?” Izzy rolled his eyes. “Are you stuck down there?” 
“Nope, trying to figure out which bulb is flickering. It’s not doing it regularly, so if I stay down here I might catch it and we can replace it before show time.” 
“You’ll get spots in your vision.” 
Izzy decided against continued argument. Jim could handle it. Or just sit there and wait for their ‘I told you so moment’. Both seemed equally satisfying. He took his usual seat at the bar and didn’t have to wait long for Lucius to emerge from storage brandishing vodka bottles in both hands. 
“Goblin!” he set the bottles down on the bar and came over to give him an acessing look. “Figured out how you’re feeling yet?” 
“Working on it.” 
“Pink or yellow?” 
Izzy didn’t bother asking for what. “Yellow.” 
“Cool, try this,” Lucius set a martini glass in front of him. It had about an inch of very yellow liquid in it. 
Izzy took a sip and did his best to keep his face neutral. “Little sour.” 
“Damnit,” Lucius sighed, picking it up and taking a sip himself. “Ooooh shit. Yeah. Okay. Went too hard on the pucker.” 
“What’s the pink?” 
“Same idea, less sour, more strawberry. I want to put a few fun drinks on the menu for February. You know the month of loooove.” 
“Cute,” Izzy shook his head. “Yellow one doesn’t really seem in line.” 
“Excuse you, but I’m in love with a sourpuss myself,” Lucius grinned. 
Izzy huffed out a pleased laugh. “Is that what you’re going to call it?” 
“Maaaybe. We’ll see. Got to make it drinkable first. For now,” Lucius poured him a straight up shot of vodka and set in front of him. “Down that than talk to me.” 
“Thanks.” He threw it back and then set the glass aside. “I don’t know. It was sudden. Barely recognized her.” 
“How old was she the last time you saw her?” 
“Fourteen, maybe fifteen. And yeah, decades ago.” 
“Does...I don’t know. Did she look like Faith?” Lucius talked about her now like he had known her too and Izzy hadn’t known how much he’d needed that. 
“She didn’t back then. I mean yeah, you could tell they were sisters, but Pru was taller already by the time I met Faith. I mostly recognized her from her nose. Pru had a very up-turned nose as a kid. Between that and the accent, I got there.” 
“What was she like?” 
“Only talked to for a minute. Mad, mostly.” 
“The ring.” 
“Shit. Really?” 
“I showed it to her. She didn’t know it was from me, apparently. They threw out all of....” he couldn’t really think about that. Couldn’t say it. “Gave her my card, then go the fuck out of there.” 
“Uh, Iz. You gave her your business card?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to go through the whole dance of trying to give her my number.” 
Lucius lifted his brows, “So, you know that I think it’s incredibly sweet and all, but uh, did you tell her what you named the business?” 
Izzy stared at him for a long second, then groaned and dropped his face into his hands. “Shit.” 
“I think it’s fine. I’m sure she’ll draw the right conclusion from it.” 
“What conclusion?” He asked into his palms. “Is there one that doesn’t make me seem kind of pathetic?” 
“There is nothing pathetic about how you love people,” Lucius chided. “It’s enduring. It’s beautiful. And kind of obsessive, but lucky for you I’m into that.” 
“Thanks,” he sighed. “Well. It’s done anyway. Doubt she’ll call.” 
“Bet she will,” Lucius countered. “Hey, you think she’s got a photo of her?” 
“No idea. Possible.” 
“I think I’m going to be asked to get the stepladder,” Lucius determined. He dropped a kiss in Izzy’s hair. 
Izzy stuck around, watching the entire inefficient show that was the Revenge staff trying to change a lightbulb. If it had been happening in his home base, he would’ve killed all of them, but here it was mostly amusing. Distracting. 
He stayed for the show too, then gathered a goodbye kiss from Lucius before heading back home.  It wasn’t until he had eaten a late dinner, finished the book he was reading, showered and gotten into bed that his feelings caught up with him. He lay in the dark and let the grief wash over him. It had been a long time since he’f felt it so hard. 
Izzy: figured it out. Sad.  
Lucius:  That tracks. Sucks though. 
It did suck. Izzy fell asleep about it and felt mostly all right in the morning. The tingle of potential incoming complication didn’t leave right away, but he still had to move through his day. She wasn’t going to call, he reminded himself. No use in getting worked up over a chance meeting. 
He only dimly remembered Pru as part of the amalgam that had been Faith’s terrible family. He pictured her yelling down the stairs as Faith went out the door or tucked in behind her mother like a miniature version of her. Faith would complain about her, the way she stole, rifled through her things, talked incessantly and complained endlessly. 
Izzy had hated Delly like that once. 
Mid-day, he picked up his phone and texted. 
Izzy: If you don’t have plans, I can get the kid tonight for a few hours. Had a change in plans. 
Delly: Really? Yes! That’d be great.  
Izzy hadn’t had any plans at all. But he couldn’t really do much for Delly at fifteen, abandoned to handle their parents alone. This he could do. 
When he picked Pickle up, he asked casually, 
“I can’t remember, were you in the same grade as Prudence Callahan?” 
“Hm?” Delly was moping off Pickle’s face after a close encounter with a very ketchup intensive hamburger.  “Uh...no? I think she was in the grade or two above me. I remember the name. Wait. Wasn’t that your girlfriend’s sister?” 
“Yeah. Ran into her the other day.” 
“That must’ve been fun. Ok, take her purple backpack by the door and you two are good to go. Bye, sweetheart. Don’t wear your uncle out.” 
“Kay!” Pickle wrapped herself around Izzy’s arm. “Bye, Mommy!” 
It was easy to forget his own shit when he had Pickle. She needed his full attention. He dropped her back off, both of them tired, sticky and with far more knowledge of Barbie’s fairy kingdom than they had been at the beginning of the night. 
“Thanks, asshole,” Delly grimaced as Pickle explained exactly how much ice cream she’d eaten. 
“You’re fucking welcome,” he said pleased. Despite herself, Delly looked far more relaxed and in another room, Izzy could hear Thomas whistling. Disgusting. He hid a smile. 
The days passed and each one that ticked by without a call, Izzy let go a little more. What did it matter? They had nothing to say to each other. Lucius did hand him something mid-week. 
“Just in case.”  He’d offered and Izzy had taken it. Couldn’t hurt to have on hand.  
Nearly a full month passed and he’d practically forgotten about the encounter at all, especially when he had to take Read to the E.R. in the middle when she’d stepped in to prevent a beating of the guy they were following. Man just had a stupid mouth, he probably didn’t deserve to get the shit kicked out of him, but Read had gotten a rib busted for her trouble. Izzy lectured her all through the long sit in the waiting room and she’d taken it with an annoying fond smile. 
Asshole kid. 
So it was with some surprise that he opened an email absently on Thursday and read a request to meet for coffee. He agreed and they set a time and a place. 
“Do you want me to come?” Lucius offered. 
“No, it’s okay,” he decided. “Don’t want her to feel ganged up on. I think I spook her as is.” 
“Yeah, bet you scare all the soccer moms, hot stuff.” 
But she’d mentioned her boyfriend’s kid. Possibly she had her own, but when she slid into her seat across from him in her immaculate white knitwear and precise haircut, it seemed unlikely. 
They regarded each other over steaming cups. 
“You’ve done well for yourself,” Pru said eventually. “I saw your website, read some reviews.” 
“We get by,” he agreed. “What about you?” 
“I’m an interior designer. Mostly personal spaces, but I’ve done a few offices.” 
“Huh, what’s that like?” 
Pru seemed relieved to talk about something familiar, so he asked a few questions, letting her ramble a little about her work. When she ran out of steam though, she grimaced. 
“This isn’t what you want to talk about, is it?” 
“It’s fine,” he shrugged. “It’s a lot to face headon.” 
“She’s been dead way longer than she was alive,” Pru said bluntly. “And I think about her a lot, but not name my business and keep her ring around my neck every day a lot. Back then, I didn’t figure you cared much at all really.” 
“What do you mean?” He frowned. 
“I mean you were around a lot, but I figured...” she sighed. “You know. Why does any high school boy stick around a girl?” 
Izzy barked a dry laugh, startled by the bluntness, but welcoming it. “Yeah, no. I’m gay.” 
Pru stared at him then spluttered out a ragged, “What? Did she know?”
“I didn’t know then. She wanted a guy who would protect her and not touch her in ways she didn’t want to be touched and I was good for that,” he said, but the words no longer sat so easily on his tongue. 
Years together. Years that were volatile and strange. He’d watched from a distance and now a little closer as Mary’s kids struggled through high school, the way Alma fell in and out of relationships and Charlie barely seemed old enough to consider them. 
“And we loved each other,” he amended. “A lot. By the end anyway.” 
She nodded slowly. “I can see that. I wish...I don’t know what I would’ve done with that back then, but I still wish I’d known that.” 
“She didn’t trust you,” he said then wished he hadn’t. What was the point all those years later?” 
“I know,” Pru didn’t look hurt. “I tattled on her one too many times. Stole from her. Made fun of her. She gave it back too. She was no saint.” 
“Yeah, she had a mouth on her,” he said and it was hard not to make it sound like praise. 
“Once she told me I was too stupid to tell my feet from my hands. I was nine,” Pru said, her lips twitching like she might smile over it. “I actually worried about that for weeks.” 
“She used to call anyone who cut us off on a bike ‘filthy dickbags’.” 
“Oh my god,” Pru did smile. “You know Dad used to be all over us about swearing. I still can barely say ‘hell’ without wincing. Guess she was braver than me.” 
“Did you get out?” 
“Soon as I turned 18.” 
“Then I’d say just as brave. Braver. If you did it on your own.” 
“I did,” Pru lifted her chin, eyes glinting. And there, just for a second, she did look just like Faith. Izzy had to look away. 
“I uh...you said you didn’t have much of hers?” 
“Just the boots. Ran out in them. Sturdier than my sneakers back then. I still have them, but that’s it really. Mom and Dad when on rampage, tried to act like she’d never even existed.”  
“No pictures?” 
She shook her head. “Never were a big photo family. Mom might’ve had some, but I didn’t even know she’d died until years after it happened. 
Izzy hadn’t been hoping for much, but that tore at him. Nothing at all. Not for the first time, he wished he believed in a higher power so he could thank them for bringing Lucius into his life. 
“My boyfriend is an artist,” he pulled out the envelope. “He found her yearbook picture and drew this. He made a print for you when I told him I’d run into you.” 
“Seriously?” She took the envelope and opened it with a single long nail. They were nicely painted, some kind of white tip situation. It was precise, like the rest of her. Pru was a woman held together by right angles. Izzy could relate. 
“Yeah, I think it’s good, but I’m not really-” 
“Oh my god,” she gasped as she drew out the paper “It’s her. That’s her.” 
He sat back, watched her take it in, pressing her hand to the paper.  “Thank him for me. Please.” 
“I will.” 
“Oh my god,” she said again and closed her eyes. “I half think I made her up sometimes. Is that strange?” 
“No. I know the feeling.” 
“I think I need to go before I start bawling in public,” she said quietly. “But...I’d like to talk again. If that’s okay. Maybe meet your boyfriend so I can say thank you in person.” 
“Any time,” he found himself promising. 
She didn’t take her coffee with her. Izzy bussed it for her, tossing both their half-finished cups away. He decided to walk back home. It was raining every so slightly, the terrible mist of late fall that clung and made everything damp instead of properly wet. 
“Your sister turned out okay,” he mumbled. What was another gray haired guy talking to himself on the street? People could mind their fucking business. “I think you’d like her now. Maybe not. Maybe you’d just tolerate her during the holidays. Would’ve done that with you too.” 
He could imagine it so easily. Faith hadn’t liked parties, neither had he, but they probably would go to Delly’s annual romp anyway or whatever fussy Martha Stewart nightmare Pru might do. Maybe both and after they’d compare notes, trying to outdo each other on who had the most passive-aggressive thing said to them. Faith would win since Delly tended to be more massive-aggressive. 
Or maybe...maybe they would’ve enjoyed both in their own way. Or maybe they wouldn’t have made it there together even if she lived. 
None of it mattered. He couldn’t live his life in what-ifs. What he had was a Lucius, who was getting very thoroughly thanked when he came home tomorrow night and someone else to reminisce with from time to time. That was more than enough. 
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wikiangela-fanfics · 2 years
Fictober22 - 29. You love this, don't you?
Fandom: 911
Ship: Buck/Eddie
Summary: Clipboard Buck makes a reappearance, and Eddie's forced to confront his feelings.
Words: 1307
Edit: now there's part two lol
“Okay, who gave Buck a clipboard again?” Chimney complained, as he walked up the stairs. “Haven’t we learned anything?”
“He’s just doing inventory.” Eddie shrugged, fighting hard to hide a smile. He understood why everyone got annoyed with Buck’s bossiness when he got his hands on a clipboard, but honestly, Eddie didn’t mind. He almost enjoyed it, though he didn’t want to admit that even to himself.
“He’s insufferable.” Chim flopped down onto the couch. He gave Eddie a look, and smirked. “But I bet you love this, don’t you?”
“What?” he asked in a weird tone, feeling his face heat up. Oh no. He could hide a smile, but not a blush.
“Oh, yeah, you do.” Chimney laughed. “You’re loving this, Diaz. Wow.” he shook his head. “Honestly, no idea why I’m even surprised, you love everything he does, even if he’s being a pain.”
“What are you even talking about?” Eddie frowned, looking away. He knew his face was betraying him, but he could pretend he had no idea what Chimney was saying. Truth be told, he did like it when Buck was being all bossy and controlling. Was it weird that he liked that? He knew everyone else hated it. But it made him… feel things. That he wasn’t sure he was ready to name just yet. His body usually reacted to Buck, whatever he was doing, but his brain did not want to focus on that at the moment.
Before Chim could respond, most likely continuing to make fun of Eddie, Hen came up to join them, also complaining: “I swear I’m going to strangle him. Who’s responsible for that this time?”
“Come on, he’s not that bad.” Eddie said before he could stop himself. Chim and Hen looked at him, Hen disbelieving, Chim smug. Then, they looked at each other, exchanging knowing glances.
“Told ya.” Chimney grinned. Hen rolled her eyes and took a seat beside him.
“Told you what?” Eddie was confused. Or, tried to act confused. “What’s happening?”
“Hate to break it to you, but someone has to. It’s been too long, you guys are too oblivious.” he responded, while Hen just sighed and shook her head, muttering something about it being ‘their business’ and not interfering. Chimney looked Eddie in the eyes. “You’re into Buck. And he’s into you.”
“What?!” Eddie’s voice got a bit high, so he cleared his throat. There was no way- why did Chimney think that? Did they all think that? There was no way they knew. He was trying to hide it even from himself for the longest time, so how did they figure it out? “That’s crazy.”
“Is it, though? You’re clearly even into all that clipboard insanity.” he was smirking, and Eddie’s face was burning, and he needed to get out of there.
“I think you’re seeing things that aren’t there, Chim.” he responded, trying to sound calm and amused. He got up. “I’m just gonna go- yeah.” he shut up when the only thing he wanted to say was that he was going to go check on Buck. Chim knew what he was gonna say anyway, if the look he gave Eddie was any indication.
Eddie went down to where Buck was doing inventory with a probie, who looked very annoyed and tired, but as Eddie looked at Buck, all authoritative and confident, he felt hot in a very different way than the embarrassment before. Buck always made him feel some type of way, and clipboard Buck? Well, that was a whole other level. Usually, though, he tried to bury those feelings so deep he’d be able to forget they ever existed. Chimney’s comment unlocked something, though, and made it impossible to ignore.
“Eddie!” Buck finally noticed him just staring. “You’re gonna just stand there or are you gonna help? Come on, get to work, see what I’m working with here?” his tone of voice was so commanding, and Eddie felt like he’d do anything Buck told him to at that moment. He wanted Buck to tell him what to do, in various scenarios that flooded his head suddenly, and it was in no way appropriate to think at work. What the fuck was happening right now, all those things were very well repressed, at least until it was the middle of the night and he could pine and long for his best friend in peace. He didn’t want to revisit them now.
“Yeah, okay.” he responded, taking over from the probie. He had no problem doing whatever Buck said, including saying the obligatory ‘check’ every time. He couldn’t help a fond smile on his face, he was kind of amused, kind of endeared, kind of… well, aroused – he had to be honest with himself here, there was no denying it. It never used to be a problem at work, though. God.
Once they were finished, and Buck checked off the last item on the list, he noticed Eddie staring at him again. And Eddie wasn’t sure what his face was even doing, but if a fraction of the way he felt was visible on his face… well. Plus, Buck was always good at reading him. He smiled sheepishly. “What?”
“It suits you.” Eddie said, nodding at the clipboard.
“Really?” Buck chuckled. “I thought everyone hates when I have it.”
“Yeah, you can be a pain.” Eddie grinned. “It’s cute, though.” he shrugged, knowing that he was red in the face now. He wanted to say ‘hot’ too, but that felt like a lot for now. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to start talking about it, but suddenly he kind of wanted to push it a bit, move this thing between them a bit further. He spent too much time trying not to think about how he was in love with his best friend, and how fucking attracted to him he was. At the moment, it was stronger than him, he couldn’t really control what was coming out of his mouth. Buck had that effect sometimes.
“Are you calling me cute, Diaz?” Buck raised his eyebrows, a surprised smile on his lips.
“So what if I am?” he tilted his head and bit his lip, waiting for Buck’s response. For a second he seemed taken aback, not sure what to say, while his cheeks got a bit pink. Okay, that was good. Right? 
“Well-” Buck stepped closer, his voice low, so that everyone around wouldn’t hear. There was a smile on his face. “I’d say let’s meet up after work and talk about it.” he licked his lips, and Eddie couldn’t drag his eyes away. He wanted to taste them so bad. Fuck, he used to be better at blocking those feelings until later.
“Yeah.” he breathed. Honestly, at the moment, the last thing he wanted to do was talk. Unfortunately, they were still at work. “Okay.”
“By the way,” Buck smirked, voice even quieter. “I think you’re cute, too.”
“You wanna know something else?” Eddie asked, suddenly emboldened, coming even closer to all but whisper into Buck’s ear. “You’re kinda hot, too. Especially with that clipboard.” he took a step back and enjoyed the dazed and surprised expression on Buck’s face. Eddie briefly wondered what the hell he was even doing right now. Flirting at work? So unprofessional. And with his best friend, too. If he could think clearly, he’d never have said anything like that. Then again, maybe it was the push they needed…
Before he could say or think anything more, the bell rang, and he immediately switched into firefighter mode, as if at the snap of a finger – he still could be a professional, after all. This whole thing with Buck would wait. Now he at least knew there really was something there. He was really looking forward to seeing Buck later, outside of the firehouse.
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Chapter Eleven: Welcome to Starcourt
Summary: You learn some disheartening news about Eddie, and when you go to Steve for advice, you find his new coworker Robin instead. (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, 2.2k words)
Warnings: Mentions of eating.
A/N: Okay, this is also about Eddie, but I also had to introduce the reader to Robin since we’re now entering season 3 territory. She deserves her own chapter lol.
Tags: @blackbirddaredevil23​
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June 14th, 1985
After graduation, you and Steve each got the jobs you were planning to get at the new mall. When your shifts aligned, Steve offered to drive you to and from work, but on days where you didn’t have to go in between Melvald’s and Starcourt, you took the bus. Your parents were generous enough not to kick you out of their house, but you weren’t on speaking terms and you certainly didn’t feel comfortable asking to borrow their car. You kept it in the back of your mind that the most likely reason they were actually letting you stay was so they could keep tabs on you. If you asked to borrow the car, then they would always know where you were. You couldn’t have that. 
This particular Friday morning, Steve was able to drive you to work and you spent your entire day at the theater. It was pretty dead until the evening when it got so crowded that you started to get a migraine from how fast you had to move to keep up. When the initial rush subsided and most everyone was seated in their theaters, you took a moment to sit and sketch as you rubbed your temples. Your peace was short-lived, however, when you felt the figure of another customer approach your booth. You sighed and began your spiel without stopping your drawing.  
“Hi, welcome to…”
You trailed off abruptly when you looked up to see a familiar face. It almost felt like you were seeing a ghost.
“Y/N. Hey. Did you quit your job at Melvald’s?”
“Uh, no. Just took this one on to make some extra cash. Don’t tell Mr. Melvald, though. The mall is kinda driving away all of his business. Not that you… talk to Mr. Melvald ever.”
“Actually, I have a hot date with him tonight, but don’t worry. I’ll be sure not to bring it up.”
You smiled politely at his joke, but couldn’t get past the confusion of seeing him again.
“Right. Well, uh, what movie are you planning to see?”
“The Stuff.”
“Interesting choice. You know it started, like, fifteen minutes ago, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m never on time for anything. It’s fine, though. I’m still waiting for somebody.”
You raised an eyebrow at this just as you were about to print his ticket.
“So… two tickets?”
“Yeah. Two.”
You nodded and looked back down to print his two tickets. You hoped to god he was only waiting for Wayne or one of his friends from Corroded Coffin. 
“You… okay?” He asked, picking up on your attitude change.
You cleared your throat, trying to buy yourself time to think of another explanation. Then you realized there was still the mystery of why you hadn’t seen him at graduation. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just surprised to see you, I guess. I just assumed… that you would leave town after graduation.”
“Oh,” He chuckled sadly, looking down at the floor. “You’re right, I probably would have if I could. Uh, funny story, though. I didn’t actually… graduate. Again.”
You were shocked by the news, but tried to hide it. You could tell he felt ashamed by this.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, it’s my fault. Maybe next year, though, right? Third time’s the charm and all that.”
“I’m sure you’re right,” You said with a reassuring smile. 
He smiled back, and then the two of you had your attention taken away from each other when someone came bounding in through the front of the theater.
“Hey, Eds! Sorry I’m late. Did you get our tickets yet?”
It was a girl. A pretty girl. Your heart dropped. 
“It’s okay, I just got here, too. I’m getting the tickets now.”
They turned to you as you were still frozen in shock, then you shook your head to free your mind from your internal torment and handed over the tickets to Eddie silently.
“Thanks,” He said in response, and handed you some cash in exchange. 
“Eddie, you don’t have to pay for me,” The girl tried to protest.
“I insist. My treat. You didn’t wanna see this movie, anyways.”
“Aw, you’re cute. Thank you,” She cooed and planted a kiss on his cheek. 
You looked away quickly but the damage had been done. Your face burned red from the warring emotions inside yourself, and Eddie noticed. 
“Uh, hey, this is Y/N by the way,” He said nervously, gesturing to you. He was trying to be polite. “We went to high school together. Y/N, this is Jo.”
“Nice to meet you,” You said quietly.
“You, too,” She replied cheerily. “Hey, tell me, what’s he like at school? I’m dying to know.”
She was nice. It made you hate her more.
“He’s, uh… charismatic. Very charismatic.”
You smiled sadly at Eddie, who smiled back at you with pursed lips. 
“She’s just being nice. She really means that I’m a massive dork,” He joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“That sounds more accurate,” Jo giggled, then turned to Eddie. “Hey, we better go before we miss the entire movie.”
“Right. Thanks, Y/N. It was good to see you.”
“Good to see you, too. Hope you guys enjoy the movie.”
“I certainly won’t, but thank you. It was nice to meet you,” Jo replied, linking arms with Eddie and pulling him away towards the theater door. 
“Nice to meet you, too,” You mumbled when they had already walked away. 
You watched them until they closed the door behind themselves, hoping that Eddie would turn to look at you before he disappeared into the dark theater. He didn’t. 
When your shift ended, you hightailed it out of the theater before you would have to face Eddie and Jo again, and made your way to Scoops Ahoy to find Steve. If he really was your romantic guide for the summer, then you were desperate for his advice. When you walked in, though, you didn’t see him. Instead, you found Robin Buckley, someone you had gone to school with but had never actually gotten the opportunity to speak to. 
“Hey, Robin, right?” You asked her, unintentionally slamming your hands on the counter in a huff. She eyed you up and down inquisitively. 
“Uh, yeah. Y/N, right?”
“Yes. Hi. Is Steve here?”
“He decided to take an unscheduled break and completely abandoned me here. The man is having a serious existential crisis.”
“Great,” You groaned. “That makes two of us, then. Can I just wait here until he gets back? I really need to talk to him.”
“Sure. But only if you buy something.”
“Seriously?” You asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
“Fine. I’ll get a strawberry sundae then.”
“Good choice,” She mumbled, then grabbed a bowl to get started making it. After she handed it off to you, she moved the tip jar closer to you not so subtly. “For your consideration.”
You rolled your eyes and put a dollar in the jar.
“Much appreciated,” She said with a smirk, and you walked away to wait for Steve.
You sat in the nearly empty parlor for several minutes as you ate your ice cream sadly, resting your chin in your hand as you watched the melted bits of it slide off of your spoon over and over again. Then Robin sat in front of you abruptly and you straightened in your seat in surprise. 
“Okay, you are seriously bumming me out, and clearly Steve is not going to be back for a while, so spill it. What’s wrong with you?”
“You want to hear about my problems?”
“If I can get that look off of your face, then yes. It’s like watching a puppy getting kicked over and over again,” She whined dramatically. “Please, put me out of my misery. I’m begging you.”
“It’s just… some guy. It’s stupid.”
“What did he do to you?” She asked with a groan and an eye roll. 
“Nothing. He’s just… on a date with someone who isn’t me. “Jo.” Like she’s straight out of Little Women. You know that was my favorite book as a kid? I would kill to be Jo. Stupid Jo…” You rambled, pushing your ice cream away from you angrily. 
Robin sighed and reached across the table to steal the remainder of it, shaking her head at you in disapproval as she ate a spoonful of it. 
“You’re right. That is really stupid,” She said with her mouth full. 
“Gee, thanks,” You scoffed. 
“What? Gimme a break. You are a talented, beautiful woman with a fresh high school diploma. The world is your oyster, and you’re sitting here stuffing your face with ice cream, pouting about some guy that’s too dumb to see that? It’s a tragedy. I’m sick of seeing the women in this town making themselves smaller for complete losers.”
You leaned back in your chair, taken aback by this impassioned speech. 
“Wow. Thank you? I didn’t think you’d have such a strong opinion about this.”
“Sorry. That may have been more about my own shit than yours,” She admitted, pushing the ice cream dish back towards you. 
“It’s okay. You’re right. I just can’t help it. If you knew him, you’d understand. He’s much better than most of the other guys in this town.”
“I seriously doubt that, but okay,” She mumbled. 
“It’s complicated. This is more my fault than his. I just can’t get out of my own way.”
“Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. You need to realize how great you are.”
“You don’t even know me,” You snorted. 
“I know of you. I know enough to know that you are seriously undervaluing yourself right now.”
She sat back in her chair, crossing her arms matter-of-factly. You raised your eyebrow at her. 
“Why are you being so aggressively kind to me?”
“I don’t know. It’s been a weird day. Having to work with Harrington has really thrown me for a loop.”
“He’s not that bad, you know. He’ll surprise you. You’ll see.”
“Well, I am very curious to know how the two of you ended up becoming so close.”
“I would tell you,” You chuckled, “But honestly, I’m not really sure of that myself.”
She nodded, then pursed her lips together as she came to a sudden realization. 
“You know, I actually thought you two were a couple until this very moment. Maybe this guy you’re upset over just assumed Steve was your boyfriend, too.”
You almost disagreed with the ridiculousness of this, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. 
“I… that’s actually a pretty good point. I never thought about it like that.”
“You’re welcome,” She said with a proud smile. 
“So… what should I do then?”
“Beats me,” She shrugged, and reached to grab another spoonful of your ice cream. You couldn’t help letting out a boisterous laugh. 
“Okay, well… thanks anyways.”
“Look, obviously I’m not good with this relationship stuff. But if you ever need to talk about anything that Steve wouldn’t understand - which I assume is actually most things - then you know where to find me. Just… don’t forget to tip,” She teased. The right side of her mouth was turned up in a half-smile, and you could tell she meant this. 
“Thanks. And if you ever need to vent about Steve being an idiot, I’m working at the theater. Stop by anytime.”
“You know I will probably most definitely have to take you up on that.” 
“I know,” You snickered. “Best of luck to you.”
You stood up to throw away your ice cream, and Robin pushed in your chairs. 
“Should I let Steve know you stopped by?” She asked as you put your jacket on. 
“Uh, sure. Thanks. Just tell him I won’t be needing a ride home, though, please. We can keep the romantic drama between the two of us. I think I got what I needed.”
“Really?” She asked, scrunching up her face in confusion. 
“Yeah. I don’t know how he could top that pep talk, to be honest. Plus I don’t want to pile onto whatever crisis he’s currently going through.”
“Well, okay. If you’re sure. I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
“You really were. Thanks. I’m glad we finally actually got to meet.”
She seemed flustered by this, but also didn’t seem to disagree. 
“Yeah. Me too.”
“Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around. Do me a favor? I know it might be difficult, but please try not to be too mean to Steve. Maybe just a little mean to keep him grounded, but not too mean. Promise?”
“Okay,” She chuckled. “Just a little mean. I promise.”
You nodded appreciatively and waved goodbye to her, then left to catch the last bus home. You listened to music on your Walkman the whole way and tried your best not to imagine what Eddie was doing on his date. 
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Thinking about Dr Eddie getting sick and Robin deciding to give him his Xmas gift early. A tissue box that says “dr rockstar” LOL
Stopppp this is so cute. Here’s a tiny little drabble!! Takes place in my Doctors Office AU! :)
Robin talked big game about the presents she’d gotten for all of her friends. Keeping these things a secret was torture for her, so all she could do was hype up the gifts until they were able to open them closer to the holidays.
“You’ll either love yours or hate it.” She teased Eddie.
“What does that even mean Birdie? I’m sure I’ll love it.”
“I can’t tell you yet!”
About a week before Hawkins Medical closed for the holiday break, Eddie got sick. He didn’t want to admit that he’d caught the damn cold off of Steve, what with his “famous” Munson Constitution and all…
But when he walked into the office sniffling and sneezing into what appeared to be a tattered handful of tissues, he couldn’t deny it anymore.
When Robin walked by his desk in the early afternoon, he had called her over about a patient.
“Robin can you- h’iKSHuhew! ehTSSiew! - can you schedule Mr.Dupree for two hehhh weeks from now? H’etCHiew!”
“Bless you, Doctor Rockstar.” Came Steve and Nancy’s voices in unison as Robin smirked.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, thanks. Can you, Birdie?” He held out a chart to her.
“Yeah definitely.”
She returned to his desk minutes later. Eddie looked up from what he was typing in the computer.
“What’s up? Need help with Mr.Dupree?”
“No, he’s already gone. I work fast, Eddie.” She nudged him playfully.
It was only then that he noticed the small wrapped present in her hands.
“Figured you could open yours early. Seems like you might need it.” She smiled.
He took it from her and quirked an eyebrow, rubbing under his nose. “You sure?”
“Oh yeah.” She nodded, chuckling.
“If you say so!” He smiled too as he began unwrapping the gift.
It only took a few moments for him to remove all the wrapping paper so he could look at the gift itself. Immediately he snorted a laugh. “Oh my god. Where? How did you-?”
“Chrissy taught me how to crochet.”
In his hands was a square box of tissues, complete with a handmade crocheted cover. Our was multicolored with fun patterns. On one side it said “BLESS YOU” and on the other side it said “DR ROCKSTAR”.
“Thanks Robin, I’m sure I’ll put this to good use today… H’NxxT! N’xxTCH! eh’TSchiew! Starting now apparently…”
“Bless you Doctor-”
“You guys don’t have to say it!” Eddie yelled over his shoulder, “Robin’s present already did.”
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
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masterlist • PART TWO
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔: You are content watching Eddie Munson from afar, ignoring the giant “what-if” that looms over you. It’s safer that way. But after a shitty party, some weed, and a lot of heart ache, it becomes clear you two share more than a class. If only the rest of the world didn’t just think you were two stupid kids not meant for each other.
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎:: some fluff, some angst, as well as mentions and usage of weed. let me know if i missed anything!
𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀𝙎: HEAVILY based on the song Call You Mine. And my sister’s first love, lol. I’d suggest giving it a listen to feel sentimental about our boy. Really am enjoying writing this story. Hope you enjoy it! If there’s, any mistakes, I’ll tweak it later. This is like my fourth time trying to post it because the website version of tumblr is a cnut (intentionally misspelled) and blanks a post out at a certain length so I’m just trying to post this and not break my macbook out of anger. 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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* . *• + . * . * . *• + . * . * . *• + . * . * . *• + . * .
“Jesus,” You mumbled, gritting your teeth as you pushed the sweaty back of Gary Newman off of you and weaved your way through the crowd, finally breaching the back yard sliding door.
Steve Harrington was throwing one of his “legendary” (they were just alright in your opinion) ragers, and after your friends had mentioned they’d be going, you’d decided to do so, as well. Mostly for the jungle juice and the excuse to get high with your friends, which is what you were currently trying to do.
When the party inside started to get a little rowdy, you’d all agreed to go hang out by the pool and smoke. You’d gone back to your car, parked ridiculously far away, to retrieve the joint but making it back through the house had been a fucking struggle.
A fucking struggle that proved to be pointless because none of those bitches were out here yet. “We’ll meet you outside, Y/n.” You mimic Judy in a pitch much too high to be accurate as you weaved around the stragglers who’d also moved outside, and rested against the side of the house. Now you were just gonna have to stand there and wait because there was no way in hell you were going in to that mess to search for them. Less than five minutes later, you decided you weren’t going to wait, so you pulled the joint out from behind your ear and pulled the neckline of your long sleeve back to reach into your bra for your lighter. That was not there. 
Fuck. “Fuck.” You mumbled, slapping your thigh in annoyance. How could you forget your lighter? This party sucked. “Need a light?” 
You jumped in surprise, eyes darting over to the figure leaning against the wooden fence across from you. You didn’t think anyone else was sober enough to pay you any mind.
“Yeah, actually I do.” You were about to move over, desperate for any form of salvation when he pushed himself off the fence and walked closer to you. Long hair, very Steven Tyler, leather jacket and jean vest. You recognized him from school, Eddie Munson. Your asshole was clenching ridiculously hard to prevent your stomach from dropping right out of it. 

Your interactions were limited and only consisted of small pleasantries exchanged in passing. But, you’d harbored a fascination, then admiration turned longing for him. It had started with you simply being bored at lunch one day at the end of sophomore year, you had zoned out until you realized you were staring at Eddie. Then the curiosity set in. You went from glancing at him every once in a while, to full on observing whenever he was within your sight, admiring his every—okay well not every—move he made. He was boisterous, yes, but usually only when people he seemed to care enough about were around. Otherwise, he seemed bored and uninterested with his surroundings.
You started to really notice him. Somehow, he ended up becoming the reason you were excited to go to school, you had danced around your room after the first day of senior year when you realized you had a class with him. Not in a creepy way, you just happened to get up and immediately come to the conclusion that you may see Eddie Munson that day (and it always left you disappointed on the days where you didn’t because he hadn’t showed up), just like you made sure you looked good every day in case that was the day he happened to notice your existence beyond just considering you a background character. Meanwhile, he was an enigma to you. But unfortunately, Eddie only seemed to notice the classmates he disliked (probably because he always had to watch his back for them), he didn’t really interact with you, other than those passing hellos. You never understood why they were so cruel to him. There were plenty of other people around the school who were also unique in their own way and fashion, but they didn’t get nearly the amount of shit Eddie did. And so what if he got held back twice? You didn’t see anything wrong with that in the first place. Sure, you were in a similar position, but literally no one had noticed until you told a select few (and you mean few), so why did they notice it so much with him? How they treated him was why you were so afraid for the rest of them to realize you had missed an entire year of high school. You weren’t popular enough for anyone to hold you to any high standards, but you were nice to everyone, meaning everyone knew you in a good light. You had a small group of personal friends, but that’s all you would tolerate. You couldn’t really risk your secret getting out.
Eddie reached into his vest pocket and produced a lighter, flicking it on for you while he held it up to your joint. You were fighting for your life to act cool and not freeze up. You put the filter between your lips and inhaled as the tip burned and leaned back to blow the smoke away from you after a few moments of taking it to the head. “Thanks, Eddie.” “No problem.” Something across the yard caught his eye, and with a small smile in your direction, he slipped away. Like always, you couldn’t help but stare after him until you couldn’t see him anymore, intrigued with his mystery, though he was probably just using this party as way to sell out his inventory or something. You had planned on sharing your joint with your friends, but they never came out to find you and when it became clear they wouldn’t be joining you, you finished it off yourself, taking your sweet damn time.
Half an hour later, pleasantly high, and feeling light as kite, you made your way over to the pool side, squeezing between bodies so you could snub out the blackened remains of it in one of the cigarette trays on the small tables, and ran into Judith in a conversation with Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler and a couple of others. You noticed how comfortable Steve seemed to be with Jonathan and Nancy being cuddled up together, but you figured that had something to do with the way he was looking at Judy who gave you a grin, causing your face to break out into a smile.
“Hey, you, we’ve been searching for you!” You blew a raspberry, but couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed because it’s Judy! That’s your bestie, right there. It’s the weed thinking for you. “I have been waiting out here for minutes.” She smirked, leaning against Steve as she really took you in. She seemed to be debating on something with herself before she replied, “Four minutes?”
You frowned. “No, for minutes. Wait, are you saying four minutes as in like the number four or are you saying it like for—“
“I’m fucking with you because you’re stupid high right now.” She laughed, reaching a hand out to squeeze your shoulder affectionately. “Oh.” And then you laughed, because it’s surprisingly hilarious. “Funny, you got me. What were we talking about, though?” The group seemed to let out a chuckle at that, and Judy continued to humor you. “Nothing, hun. How much jungle juice did you have?”
You knew very well you were too high to handle voicing numbers out loud, so you just held up hand. “This many.” “Five?” She seemed a little incredulous at that, and you felt a little proud of yourself when you added, “Like two hours ago and I haven’t even had the urge to pee yet.” “Oh, god. Okay, why don’t we get you home?” Truthfully, you’d had the same idea when you finished your joint since this party wasn’t providing you much amusement but you didn’t want to drag Judy of all people away. Especially since you knew about Steve’s not so subtle crush on her, and truth be told you were kind of rooting for them since you thought the college guy she’d been seeing since sophomore year—red flag, everybody, red flag—was too old for her.
“Yeah but also no.” She raised an eyebrow but you were determined to make sense. “You stay, I’ll go. My car is stupid far anyways, and I’ll just chill in there until I’m good to drive.” You don’t bother waiting for a reply, just lean into her personal space to give the tip of her nose a boop. “This isn’t my first rodeo, and I’m not that stupid.”
Luckily for you, she knows you’re actually somewhat responsible, even under the influence, and she trusts that you won’t be driving, but you’re sure she’s gonna go out periodically to check on you, which is why she lets you go.
You don’t bother saying goodbye to everyone else because, truthfully, you can’t remember most of their names right now, and instead head out the side gate.
You make it to the end of the driveway before you hear your name being called and turn around to see Eddie Munson making his way towards you. He lingers a little ways from you before he shakes his head and then he’s right in front of you, so close you can see the beauty mark near his mouth. “You, uh, you want some company?” You’re struck stupid for some reason—the reason being that you’re high and Eddie Munson is really beautiful. “For what?” You were confused though, did he think you were sticking around the party?
“While you sober up in your car,” His eyebrows pinched together, but the answer made you even more confused. How the hell did he know you were going to your car?
Eddie seemed to realize that was the question plaguing you before his lips slowly curled into the most handsome smirk you had ever seen in your entire life and added, “I was standing next to you, sweetheart.” Standing next—Oh! He was standing right next to Judy when you had moved in to the area they were occupying to put out the joint. And you had shoved your way in-between them to do so. You were too…preoccupied to notice anyone other than the people who had been facing you were. “Oh, right. Sorry, I’m a little…” You trailed off, doing some weird gesture with your hand that meant nothing. “Fuzzy headed.”
Eddie’s smirk had softened, observing you for a moment. You couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his eyes were. So big, and so warm. He was the reason you knew brown eyes were your favorite.
“You mentioned your car is down the street. My van is right across the street.” He pointed to the van in question, just a couple of yards away. “We can hang out in it if you want, and I can drive you to your car when you’re good to go.” Realistically (meaning other than what you noticed during your countless hours of staring at him) you knew very little about Eddie. You knew he’s big on fantasy stuff since he’s the leader and founder of the Hellfire Club, you knew he doesn’t shy away from trouble, meaning the jocks at school. You knew he must not care what anyone else thinks, that must be why he’s never afraid to speak his mind.  
But you also know about how whenever you do spot him at school, you can’t seem to really look away. Whenever he leaves the lunchroom early, you feel the urge to get up and go after him. You want to know what he’s doing. What goes through his head, what it is his friends at the table he sits at say to make him laugh so hard. 
You know your interactions with Eddie have been minimal, but more than anything you want to know why you remember them so well, why you get that open-hole-in-your-stomach sense of longing when he goes just beyond your sight, just out of reach. Because, yeah, what the hell is up with that? “Sure, company wouldn’t kill me. I mean, I suppose you could, actually. I’m just gonna assume you don’t plan on it tonight.” You both started walking over and your statement made him laugh. That open hole feeling in your stomach appeared again. 
“No, this is only the first time we’re hanging out. I’ve got to save that for later.” He continued to chuckle as he pulled the back door open, holding it for you. “After you, milady.” You did a little curtsy before climbing in. “Why, thank you, good sir.” He climbed in right after you, and left the door open, much to your relief. You were eager at the idea of getting a peak into Eddie Munson’s world, but doing so in a closed off, confined space would activate your asthma or something. 
To your absolute delight, his van wasn’t clean. It wasn’t super messy either, but knowing you had got a couple of things to soak in about him made you feel giddy. There was a couple of fast food wrappers scattered around the rug he had back there. Some magazines that you were dying to pick up and read to see why he bought them in the first place, and pillows. You stared at them and tried not to think about whose head other than his once rested on them. Did he bring a lot of girls back here to hang out? God, you hoped that’s all they did with him. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting company.” He gave you a sheepish grin as he scratched the top of his head.
You couldn’t keep it in. “Do you?” He raised his eyebrows in confusion, so you added, “Usually expect company?” 
He held your stare (thank god you were high because you would never be this brave, eye contact is usually something you can’t maintain) and that big smirk makes another appearance as he settled back into the pillows. “Not a whole lot people want to spend some quality time with the town freak.” 
Okay, but did he mean quality time as quality time or did he mean it as quality time? If it was the latter, you were glad no one wanted it with him. Maybe there was hope for you, though you’d take either version. No, both. “And here I was thinking you were a rolling stone by choice.” You joked, and when he laughed, it sent electricity down your spine. There was a momentary lull in the conversation as you played with the rug, fingertips tracing over one of the patterns. “I don’t usually see you at these things, in fact, I’ve only seen you at one other.” You glanced up at his statement, surprised to find him already looking at you. “I uh-no, I don’t—parties are nice, um the idea of them, actually. I guess. The reality, not so much. I have to either be stupid drunk, high out of my mind, or both as I currently am.” You gestured down to yourself, wondering if you just imagined the way his eyes seemed to follow your hands’ path. “And even then, I can barely enjoy myself because I’m trying to make sure some guy doesn’t try to touch my boob while I’m not completely lucid.”
He made a face at that. “That’s fucking gross. I’ve got an idea.” “Produce.” You encouraged, tucking your legs to the side. “You tell me the name of every single guy who has tried to take advantage you like that, and I kick them in the teeth.” That got a laugh out of you, too easy for you to picture. 
“As charming as that is, most of them are on sports teams, can’t fight one-on-one, and I’d prefer it if you didn’t get jumped. Kinda like you better not beat up.” You mused, shyly glancing up at him from beneath your lashes.
“Yeah?” He tucked an arm behind his head, the other resting on his stomach. “You just might be the first.” “Well, that’s a pity. I’m sorry everyone is so mean to you.” You don’t know why you’re apologizing for them, you just want to make sure he knows they’re the problem. Not him. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cool.” 
You already seem to have his attention, but he tensed up at that. “You think I’m cool? Alright, Trix, who put you up to this? Jason and co. waiting to jump me outside the van?”
You can tell he’s teasing but there’s something in his voice that makes you want to reassure him. Your gaze moved back down to the rug. “I just think you’re really…interesting, I guess. I like how you dress. I like how you don’t let all the shit they say,” you gestured vaguely to the party outside the van, “get to you enough to change yourself. And I like how you’re always you, you don’t pretend for even a second to not be.” 
You wanted to continue, to go into depth about all the times you watched him during lunch, English, and every little scene in between. Tell him how he was a beacon for your attention, that you time your last water break at cheer practice to match up with the time his Hellfire sessions end so you can watch him walk to his van in the parking lot, a cigarette always firm between his lips. How you noticed he plays with his rings when he’s thinking hard about something, how animated his eyes get during a conversation he’s enjoying, how he he can’t avoid not talking with his hands or about how even if he thinks you don’t know him, or maybe you really don’t, you want to know him. You want to so badly.
But you didn’t continue, your mouth opened but you thought better of it, and swallowed it down instead, chest heaving a silent sigh. He wouldn’t be interested in you anyways. You risked a glance up at him, he hadn’t looked away from you, but his face was unreadable. Was he even listening?
“Well, shit.” He said, eventually. “You left me flabbergasted. Fuck, that’s gotta be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.” You hadn’t even said much so that made you sad. If you didn’t have feelings for him, you’d just tell him everything because it wouldn’t have that meaning but it does. It does have that meaning. Or at least, you want it to.
You could feel warmth flooding your cheeks, but you were determined to not let yourself get your hopes high. You’d been harboring all of this for two years now. One night wasn’t about to change anything. Come Monday morning, you’d be back to being passing strangers. Admiring him from afar, worked best. Why bother setting yourself up for disappointment? 
“What can I say? Weed brings out the honesty in me.” You shrugged it off, sitting up straighter. Risking another glance back at him was too much of a gamble. You focused your attention on the street outside of the open door, a breeze slipping in. Wait a minute. Trix? 
“Hey—why’d you call me that?” Now that you have a fair excuse to look at him, it thrilled you to discover he still hadn’t been looking away. His eyebrows pinched together as he relayed your conversation to figure out what you were referring to. “What? Trix?” You nodded and the corners of his lips curled right back into that big grin, teeth gleaming. “Because of the cereal mascot. I said I’ve only seen you at one other party.” He doesn’t offer up anything else, but as you squint at him, the realization slowly dawns on you.
Hannah McKellar was known for her parties’ strict themes. If you didn’t follow, you weren’t allowed in. Which usually sucked, because her parents’ liquor selections were vast and plenty. This past Halloween; however, she changed the theme of her Halloween party from “Your Worst Fear” to whatever the hell anyone wanted to be. She didn’t care all that much since she had started dating Brad Bishop. Word didn’t reach you until about five minutes into your arrival at the party, when you were sure you’d heard a record screech after stepping in and had to force your way through the crowd, ignoring all the looks and snickering from people as you passed them.
She had apologized profusely, and you had pretended not to mind all that much, but standing in a full blown rabbit costume while everyone else looked stupid sexy was too humbling. You’d spent the rest of the night explaining to anyone who asked (everyone) why you looked like the easter bunny. A stupid fucking rabbit was the mascot for that damn cereal brand. Eddie had been there. And he had seen you.
“Nooooo!” You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment, eyes squeezing shut to try and wake up from the nightmare. You could hear Eddie laughing and then some slight shuffling as he moved over to take your hands in his and pry them off of you. “Don’t be embarrassed. I thought it was really cute. Didn’t realize you were so terrified of bunnies though, Trix." Your face was on fire, but you couldn’t help but smile shyly once you opened your eyes and saw him so close to you, with that look in his eyes. God, he was so pretty! It wasn’t fair. “I don’t like the way they thump their feet! It’s scary, and they look like they bite hard. Have you seen them from the front? They’re terrifying.”
“They’re harmless! Come on, they just focus on burrowing, eating, and for lack of a better term, fucking like rabbits.” He was teasing you again, and you were finding that to be a very appealing trait of his. “Trust me, I’ve read Watership Down.”
“Well, so have I and that’s precisely why I don’t trust them and their surprisingly sophisticated existence.” You must have said something good, because he absolutely lit up. “You read Watership Down? Holy shit, you’re right out of my dreams. Was that terminology insane, or what?”
“Every time I re-read it, I pronounce that Lore words differently, but I liked it. Can’t stand real rabbits, but the imagery in it is just too good.” Eddie looked like the cat who had gotten the cream, seemingly pleased. Maybe because you had a shared interest? Who cares, the way he looked at you right then had you feeling like you weren’t a background character to him. Not looking through you, he was looking at you.
You felt like that damn cat, too.
“You taking recommendations?” He looked a little shy as he asked, and you can’t possibly figure out why in the world he thought there was a chance that you’d say no to him. “Think you might like Lord of the Rings.”
You winced, and could see him deflate a little so you rushed to explain.
 “I’ve already read Lord of the Rings. And The Hobbit. Junior year.” When you had seen him reading it one day at Lunch, you convinced your mom to drive you to the local bookstore so you could use your allowance to buy a copy. You had gone back to the shop for it’s prequel two days later. “Though, I’ve re-read them a couple of times since.” Both books looked beat up enough to have been owned by you for much longer than they actually had.
Eddie tilted head back and sighed before letting himself slump to the floor of the van with a thud.
You panicked, leaning forward to grasp his shoulder. Did he just faint on you? Oh, god. “Eddie? Are you okay?”
An eye cracked open to look at you, and your chest heaved with relief before you were glaring down at him with nothing short of amusement at his theatrics. It was funny now that you knew you weren’t going to have to break traffic laws to get him to the ER.
“Sorry, your mystique keeps knocking me out.” You can’t even think about how your hand is still holding his shoulder, not when he reaches his own hand out to cradle your side. You can feel the heat from his hands melting into your skin even through the fabric. God, this was gonna give you so much fuel for your bedtime fantasies tonight.
You smiled at the compliment, but your nose wrinkled a little. “Mystique?” You thought about how your routine consisted of school, cheer practice, and a lot of time spent in your room or trying to amuse myself. When you ditch school, it’s to just stay at home, you don’t even do anything good with that free time. You don’t go out much, and you’re normally in bed by 10. Pretty mundane, to you. “I’m hardly mysterious, Eddie. I’ve got as much unpredictability as a traffic light.”
“You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit, Trix.” He pushed himself up on his elbows. 
“Please,” you scoffed, with a roll of your eyes. “There’s nothing all that special about me. Don’t get me wrong, I like how I look, I know I have a decent-ish life, but there’s nothing really all that surprising, I guess.” Not like there is with him, anyways. 
He looked thoughtful for a minute, tilting his head. “I wouldn’t consider going missing for a year as relatively expected.” Your eyes widened in surprise, mouth opening and closing a few times. Your silence seemed to make him a little uncomfortable, or maybe embarrassed.
“You, uh stopped showing up a couple of weeks into my junior year, so I think you would’ve been a sophomore, right? We had Spanish together, actually. And then you just stopped showing up. I thought, maybe you’d moved away, but then you came back the next year. Only you were still a sophomore.”
You pulled away from him, moving to sit criss cross again, as you could feel the mortification oozing over you like a nasty, thick slime. Out of all the things Eddie could have noticed, why’d it have to be that?
He didn’t say anything when you moved away, just watched you carefully. It was obvious he didn’t expect you to tell him why you’d disappeared, he was just stating his observation, but the story behind your missing year of high school was still a sore spot, one that you didn’t ever think would mend completely. It was the number one cause of tension in your life, especially between you and your parents.
“You okay? Didn’t mean to bring up something unpleasant.” You could see him rubbing the back of his neck from your peripheral vision before scooting closer towards you. “It’s okay. I just, I wasn’t expecting that,” But you should have, because if you’d learned anything about Eddie during your observations, it was how unpredictable he could be. “You’re the first person to actually have noticed. Or at least, say something about it.”
“Trix, I promise you, I’m the last person who would judge you for getting held back,” If only it had been that simple. “There’s nothing wrong with that. I’ve never thought any less of you.”
He nudged his shoulder up against yours, and the tender look he gave you made you want to cry, tell him the truth and kiss him all at once. Not that you were thinking about his pretty pink lips, or how you’d barely even have to angle your head up to just—
“There you are!” The other door to the van flung open, and you and Eddie both flinched away from each other in surprise. Judy appeared, holding a hand out to you. “I think I’m all done here. Tired. Let's go home.” Your eyes scanned over her, and you could see the wet sheen over her eyes. She was holding back tears. She looked stiff and impatient, a startling contrast to the last time you’d seen her cuddled up to Steve. 
You turned your attention to Eddie, only to find that he’d already gathered himself, staring straight through you and at Judy with no readable emotion. If you hadn’t known better, you would have thought he hadn’t just been trying to establish a connection with you.
When it became clear he wasn’t going to acknowledge any of that, your heart plummeted from its place in your chest, to somewhere deep inside of you where the disappointment you had convinced yourself you’d feel if you ever worked up the courage to approach him, lay in waiting. “Okay,” You mumbled, proud of the way your voice didn’t waver despite the fact that you were pretty sure the guy you’d been mooning over wanted to pretend like he didn’t know you. You were in his damn van with him! You crawled forward and hopped out of said vehicle. Judy immediately looped her arm through yours, guiding you down to where she knew you parked your car. You noticed Steve, standing in the middle of his walkway, looking very obviously upset as he watched you two. You turned your head just a little more to see Eddie walking towards him, past him, and then into the house again. He didn't look back at you. Not for a single second.
“I got a ride with Dina, but do you mind if I sleepover tonight?” Truthfully, all you wanted to do was go home, scrub the night off you, and sink into your bed to hide from that giant fucking weight that’s pressing down on your chest, but you know nothing good will come from you being alone. You’ll just end depressed over it, you already can tell.
Besides, Judy needed you and this would provide you with a distraction, so you agreed.
As you drove past the loud house in your beetle, you couldn’t help but rake your gaze across it, hoping you’d see him somewhere looking back. You didn’t. You ignored your chest aches as you drove down the rest of the quiet street.
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