#yeah just Pandora being sneaky like that
bri-cheeses · 9 months
Evan has this one green sweatshirt that looks ethereal on him, and Barty can simply not pull his eyes away from Evan when he wears it. And this occurrence had been going on for a while, even before Barty and Evan were anything more than friends. For example, Regulus would just be talking to Barty during class, and then Barty’s gaze would just drift off to something beyond Regulus’ shoulder. And Barty would still appear to be “engaged” in the conversation, nodding along and saying the right things in the right places, but mentally his mind was miles away from Regulus and the conversation he was having. In reality, his mind was taking a stroll down much stranger lanes, and he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to hug Evan right now, what it would feel like. What it would feel like to lay on Evan’s chest in front of the fireplace in the common room, playing with the hoodie strings. What it would maybe feel like to take the hoodie off of Evan, pulling it over his head in one smooth motion. And Barty really really wants to steal that sweatshirt from Evan and wear it for himself. Maybe then that girl who was chatting Evan up right now would back off then, too. Barty doesn’t really know why he has a problem with her doing so, surely it’s a somewhat normal feeling to have though—and oh Regulus is expecting a response right now, better say the right thing—but surely it doesn’t mean anything. So really, there’s no reason to think twice about it. To think twice about any of those thoughts. So he continues to gaze at Evan with hearts in his eyes, his chin resting on his hand. Young Barty Crouch Jr was not one to look and act like a love struck fool (not just yet, anyways) but when it came to Evan in that olive green sweatshirt, Barty looked like the most foolish man on earth.
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aurora567 · 3 months
Pandora's Gift Ch. 19
Warning: this story will contain mature content such as but not limited to sex, cursing, blood, violence, breeding kink, A/B/O themes ect.
Summary: Sakaki, Sasara, Bakugou and Kirishima head out for supper together. The boys learn a little more about the two women.
Word count: 3135
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Sakaki had left her best friend and her son in the lobby as she followed the guys through the agency before parting ways to each head into a different locker room. It was a bit annoying that she couldn’t have a shower after sweating and being covered in acidic slime. Oh well all she had to do was wait till she got home then she could shower and change the dressing on her arm.
So with stripping off yet another destroyed uniform she tossed it in the trash in the locker room before getting dressed in her skinny and a simple t-shirt before she returned to her poor friend who was looking a little lost among the hero agency. After all, Sasara had no real ties to the hero industry aside from knowing Sakaki.
Though it really didn’t take the two men long before they were also joining the two women. It seemed they must have rushed their showers but with both sporting damp hair it was oblivious. Especially since Kirishima’s hair was no longer in its iconic spiked look but instead hung down around his face and neck.
Unknown to the two women right before strolling out of the locker room Kirishima had made the comment that Bakugou and himself took the two girls on a double date. to which Bakugou had blown up about. Of course the blonde was telling Kirishima he was a moron. So of course as Kirishima nearly ran out of the locker room he informed Bakugou that he wasn’t being as sneaky as he thought he was. Of course that had the blonde snarling and running after his friend though the sight of the two women in the lobby meant Bakugou wouldn’t yell at Kirishima as he did not want Sakaki to hear what had been discussed. Kirishima, knowing he won for the time being couldn’t help but laugh which just had Bakugou glaring and snarling at him more.
"Are you two lovely ladies ready to go?" Kirishima asked as he approached the two flashing them both a wide toothy grin. Which had one woman blush while the other gave him a soft smile.
"Yep! So where are we going?" Sakaki asked as she looked between the two men as Bakugou angrily stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Not a clue. Doesn't matter to me as long as it's somewhere with a big enough table for everyone," Kirishima said smiling widely as he answered the dark haired woman's question. Well then Sakaki had a good idea of where to go. The food was a bit pricey but sooo good. And it didn’t require taking a train as it was easily within walking distance.
"Well I know a place a few blocks away that has sushi to die for," Sakaki said, more than happy to start leading the way out of the agency. Which had Bakugou quickly trotting after her yelling at her to stop walking ahead of him. She could hear Sasara laugh lightly at the blonde's antics which only made Sakaki smirk as she looked over at the blonde as he caught up to her as she started down the street.
“You don’t even know where the hell we are going. So of course I’m gonna walk ahead of you. I’m leading and you will follow,” she said smirking as she told Bakugou she was going to lead and he was going to follow her. Of course the blonde being the stubborn man he was still refused to back down.
“So I’ll just take us to a restaurant I know. I bet it would be better than whatever shit hole you would lead us to,” Bakugou growled back at her as his hands were shoved into his pants pockets.
“Ha yeah right. I’m leading the way to a really great restaurant. Maybe you just can’t taste good food with having burnt your fucking tastebuds off,” oh she was really starting something now that she would probably loose. Because she really couldn’t deny Bakugou’s cooking was incredibly delicious even if it was spicier than she usually liked her food.
“Oh that’s big coming from someone who has been eating my cooking for lunch the last two days,” he growled at her. Though his ears instantly went red along with a light blush over his nose. Did he just admit to cooking the two bento's she had eaten the last two days? Sure the first was Kirishima’s but still the one he gave her today for lunch he had made for her, right? That’s what he just admitted wasn’t it?
“Well of course I am not a person to turn down free food,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders as a wide smirk pulled at her lips as she looked over at the blonde walking beside her.
Unbeknown to either of them the two friends walking behind them were completely watching the two flirting back and forth. So much so that Sasara had even asked if the two were always like that and when pointed out that the two seemed oblivious to the flirty and how obvious they were.
Though maybe it was hearing his name called after the embarrassment of being found out for making Sakaki’s lunch that drew Bakugou’s attention to the two extras walking behind him. Or maybe it was simply the need to change the subject and draw attention away from him that had him look back over his shoulder at Kirishima’s and Naito.
"Oi! What the hell are you two talking about?" Was the booming voice that Bakugou usually always seemed to use.
"Nothing Bakubro," Kirishima called out calmly to his feisty blonde friend who was glaring over his shoulder at the red head. Sakaki had to resist the urge to laugh as she watched the two men knowing that if Bakugou heard her he would surely try to blow her ass up.
Bakugou, seeming less than impressed but not willing to push more, simply scoffed at his tall red headed friend who was walking a good few steps behind him. Still the scuff for the point across that he was sure Kirishima had said something about him. But at least Bakugou had matured enough to not just start throwing a fit like an immature child.
Now it was Sakaki’s turn to look over her shoulder and smile seeing the way her friend was walking beside the large man with her young son in hand. They looked so cute and adorable, Hmm it made Sakaki want to start playing a little match maker with how her friend was acting. After all Sasara has been single for as long as they had known each other. Someone like Kirishima would be perfect for her small and shy friend. He was an alpha who struck her as someone who would truly care for an omega and not be abusive. And that was exactly what Sasara needed after what she had been through.
At some point Hatori had caused Sasara to pause in her walking as he tried to pull his mother towards a toy shop, or something with a toy in the window that had grabbed the kids attention. Kirishima the gentleman he was stopped and waited for her to grab her kids attention and start walking again after her friends.
Yep all the more proof to Sakaki that the two of them would make such an adorable couple. And with the way Kirishima had handled Hatori during the last week it was obvious the man was great with kids too. Was there anything the red head couldn’t do? Well he had been single for as long as she was aware, that question of why still lingered in her mind. Maybe he was just fussy and waiting for the right person? Well maybe he found her finally. Well now Sakaki really wanted to play matchmaker with her two friends.
It seemed she may not have been the only one with the same thought as she started to smirk at the ideas that filled her mind as she noticed Bakugou doing the same thing as they watched their friends. Sakaki and Bakugou had reached the restaurant first and were standing there watching Kirishima and Sasara make googoo eyes at each other only to both blush and look away. Had she not been close enough to hear she would have burst out laughing as she watched the two of them.
"Alright you two. Let's go and get a seat. I'm starving," Sakaki said flashing the two adults a wide shot eating grin before she turned around and nearly ran into the restaurant leaving her friends to quickly follow after her.
Surprisingly Bakugou didn’t complain as he followed the dark haired woman into a restaurant he had been to a few times. It was rather decent food, sure it wasn’t a five star restaurant but still it wasn’t some cheap place either so that seemed to make him happy enough to not cause a scene in front of the other people trying to enjoy their meals.
Though poor Sasara felt a little out of place as she watched the waiter eagerly welcome the two well known pro hero’s. And of course eyes were quick to glance at the group. Even Sakaki was well aware that the group was drawing a lot of attention. Ah she could already hear the headlines now. Two omega whores caught dining with chart climbing pro hero’s Dynamite and Red Riot. Maybe Sakaki had picked the wrong place to go to eat.
“Oi! What the hell are you all looking,” of course Bakugou noticed the judgmental gazes and was quick to snap at them.
“Don’t bother Bakugou,” Sakaki said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Surprisingly that actually seemed to reel the man back and had him slowly exhale instead of yelling again as he gave a huff and followed the waiter till they reached their table. Her hand had not lingered long as she stepped ahead of him and continued till she picked her spot at the round table. With Bakugou on one said Hatori’s on her other said then Sasara with Kirishima beside her.
Sakaki watched her friend glance around before dropping her gaze. The poor silver haired woman was not in any way prepared for the attention they were getting. Her and Sakaki never got this attention when they went out. That was one of the perks of working as an underground hero. She didn’t want the attention that came with climbing the charts and being well known. With fame came fans. And all that attention was impossible to get away with. That was clear right now as the table seemed to grab the attention of everyone in ear and eyeshot. Hell Sakaki was pretty sure the wait staff was playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who would be working this table.
“Don’t let the attention get to you Sasara,” Sakaki said flashing the woman a simple smile trying to help sooth her friend. Sakaki though herself wasn’t much better. But instead of feeling shy she felt anxious. The attention meant she couldn’t sneak around. She was used to being invisible, and this was not invisible.
“I’ll try Shin,” she said softly, happy to see her friend remaining calm.
“Sorry about this,” Kirishima said, apologizing when he realized the poor woman was uncomfortable.
“What the hell are you apologizing for shitty hair? It's not like we can control this,” Bakugou snarled as he sat back in his seat crossing his arms before Sakaki and Kirishima threw glares at him.
“Well we could have given her a heads up. Not all of us are used to the attention or think about it,” Sakaki growled softly at the blonde sitting beside her.
“Shin, don't worry about it. He’s not exactly wrong. I should have figured that sitting with two top ten hero’s would have unwanted attention,” Sasara said softly, not wanting anyone to start an argument over her.
“You're too soft Sasara,” Sakaki mumbled, unhappy that her friend was putting a stop to any further arguing.
Still the silver haired woman simply laughed at Sakaki's comment as they both knew it was true, but she couldn’t help it. She had no desire to fight with her omega side, which meant she was far too happy to be a peacekeeper and try to keep alpha’s around her happy.
“So am I going to get to hear the story of how you hurt your arm today?” Sasara asked, looking over at the dark haired woman happy to change the attention from her shy nature and the near arguments that broke out.
“She was a dumb fuck, that’s how she did that,” was the grumble that came from Bakugou which earned him an elbow to the ribs from the woman sitting beside him accompanied with a glare.
“I wasn’t dumb. I did what had to be done. After all you clearly were not having any luck,” and so the bickering between Sakaki and Bakugou began even when their young waiter walked over asking them for their drink orders.
When it became clear Sakaki and Bakugou were too busy calling each other names like children, Sasara turned her gaze over to the man beside her with a soft arched eyebrow silently questioning him.
“I’m sure you’ll see it in the news later. I encountered a villian on my patrol. I called in Sakaki and Bakugou for backup. He had an acidic slime like quirk. Sakaki decided the best way to get him out of the protective slime was to stick her own arm in and activate her quirk. It worked but the acid burned her,” Kirishima leaned over a little to whisper to the woman as he was sure keeping it a secret would surely make her worry more.
Meanwhile, Sakaki had noticed that Kirishima was filling in her friend about the attack. She lifted the injured arm giving it a soft wave even though it sent a sharp pain through her body she ignored it refusing to let her friends worry.
“It’s not like there was much choice. Bakugou’s explosions couldn’t even get through all of the slime. And your quirk didn’t match well either. Turning his own slime against him was the best thing but I couldn’t trust that letting my quick out in the air would be enough,” the woman felt the need to add more reading behind her decision.
“It was still a stupid idea,” Bakugou growled, which just had her curl her top lip at him not enjoying being called names over her idea.
“So Sasara, how long have you known Sakaki?” Kirishima asked loudly, ensuring that Sakaki would hear and hopefully it would stop another argument.
“Oh Uhm, almost seven years,” the silver haired woman answered, looking over at the red head.
“How did you two meet?” That was a question that Sakaki wished would not have been brought up. Not for herself but because she feared for how it may upset Sasara. And of course it did seem to bug the poor woman as she started to fidget softly with her fingers.
“I arrested her,” Sakaki said bluntly, which caught both men’s attention.
“Shin! Don’t say it like that,” the poor woman went into a mini panic as she looked at her friend like she had grown a second head.
“Well it’s kinda true. When I busted your ex you were there too. And I did mistakenly put you in handcuffs till I realized you were not a villain,” Sakaki said with a simple shrug of her shoulders now forcing her poor friend to actually explain the event that led to them meeting and becoming friends. Sakaki felt this was something important for Kirishima to know before he started to chase after the woman. As much as she had a feeling Sasara was going to bitch at her for it later it had to be done.
“My ex was apparently running an underground smuggling ring along with a number of other illegal activities I was unaware of. The hero who busted and arrested him was Shun. While being held in custody by the police Shun was the main hero working with the officers and since we were both omegas they had her deal with questioning me,” Sasara explained a little though she left a good deal out still but Sakaki was not going to say anything. It wasn’t her place to let a restaurant of eavesdroppers know her best friend was in an abusive relationship with a villian who not long before the bust found out she was pregnant. But it gave Kirishima the knowledge that the young woman had a big of baggage that went beyond just a kid at her hip.
“When she was released she had no were to go and she was pregnant. I couldn’t let her just sleep on the streets so she stayed with me for; what’s was it two weeks?” Sakaki asked, glancing at the woman to see if she got the timeline right.
“Yeah it was like fifteen days or something before I found the place I’m in now,” Sasara said quietly with a little nod of her head.
Luckily for Sasara their food arrived at the perfect moment to quickly distract the men from being able to ask more questions. No one knew the silver haired woman was incredibly thankful that the food arrived at that exact moment. And so Sasara was happy to start eating her own meal as she enjoyed an expensive meal she didn’t get often. Though Sakaki always tried to take the silver haired woman to nice restaurants when they went out. But what little pride she did have made it hard for Sasara to not pay for her own meals, or at least try to pay for every second meal. But Sakaki was stubborn and knew she made more as a hero and she enjoyed being allowed to spoil her best friend.
Sakaki was happily enjoying her own meal as she ordered an array of sushi’s. It wasn’t something she ate often. Though of course the meal did not remain silent for long as Sakaki watched in utter disbelief at the amount of wasabi Bakugou added to his food.
“And you call yourself a man of culture with food. Yet you're destroying the natural flavour of your food with that much wasabi,” the dark haired woman said with an over dramatic gasp.
“Hell no. I’m making it better,” Bakugou growled back at the woman before he stuffed his face with the food as hot as he could get it. At least Kirishima and Sasara didn’t have to worry about the meal being boring as they ate and watched their friends flirt back and forth during the meal.
Next Chapter
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birlwrites · 2 years
now, if we’re talking about how i see barty, well.
i like to think that, to most people outside of his circle, seeing who he was as a student, and then after voldemort was resuscitated and he infiltrated hogwarts and all that, it would seem like a complete one-eighty. and people would understand that if they had minimal knowledge, because all his friends died, and he ended up running around with the lestranges of all people, which is already enough to fundamentally fuck someone up, but then there was azkaban, and his father keeping him under the imperius for years, the whole thing.
so, like, yes. to people who didn’t really know him like his friends at the time did, they sort of just assumed he got himself so deep into the war that he became a product of it.
because what people at hogwarts saw was… not so bad? like. he was a brilliant student, and if even sirius knew about his relationship with his father, then that must not have been much of a secret (unless you want to go down the road of regulus talking to his big brother about his friends at school before it all really went to shit, but, well, that’s hurt/comfort for another day). i see teenager barty as, like, a sort of social butterfly in the sense that nobody really minded talking to him? like. he’d just go and strike up random conversations with people when he felt like it, and people just sort of let it happen, because he was funny and smart and honestly just a funky little guy. he didn’t have that many close friends, but he was very far from a recluse, or anything like that.
i sort of imagine him as the type to pick fights for fun, or at least make it look like it’s for fun, like he’d just rile people up in a clever way? like, he’s very sneaky. he says the meanest shit but it always comes out as a joke, so people never really know whether or not to be offended? until he makes it clear that he’s dead serious about the shit he says, and then nobody finds it funny anymore and they’re out for blood. and he gets a kick out of that, because he’s a bitter kid who got all positive attention from his mum, and all negative attention from his father, so he sort of assumes it can only ever be black and white? and he tries to juggle both of these when he isn’t at home because he isn’t sure which one feels best?
my point is, i think that if his friends had lived to see how things had turned out for him, they wouldn’t have been surprised, because they knew how vicious he could really get, and they understood why and how. i like that, in canon, sirius sort of shows sympathy for him—mostly towards the situation with his father, which might actually make it empathy—and i think that his friends would, too. not in a way that they would excuse what he’s done (because evan and regulus surely weren’t much better, and pandora and dorcas definitely did not fuck with any of that shit), but in a way they would understand how it came about, and might even have foreseen it towards their last couple of years at school.
i also hc him as having cyclothymic disorder, but that’s a whole other story.
this got long, i’m sorry, you extended a hand by offering me to ramble about my barty and i took the whole arm sjjsj
— 💌
do NOT apologize i literally asked for this, i am no stranger to rambling and i certainly would never judge someone for answering a question i asked afjslghsjdkjfdsdf
i love the vibrancy of your characterization - the sense of it not really being a bait-and-switch, but being more different things coming to the surface at different times. juggling positive and negative attention in that way sets him up for a really interesting dynamic with the lestranges as well, what with bellatrix's everything - of course things are going to work differently with the lestranges than they have with barty's parents or classmates, and it also depends on rodolphus and rabastan's characterization, but *i* certainly wouldn't be surprised at this barty joining up with them
and yeah azkaban and the long-term imperius from his father do him *no* favors
and the riling people up YEAAAAAAAAAA
(side note one of my favorite things is sirius and barty parallels ok moving on)
OH MY GOD I WANT TO TALK MORE ABOUT BARTY AND CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER. i find that absolutely fascinating because i generally think of him as being kind of mercurial but that's literally never occurred to me (possibly because very early on in the atfhv planning process i started associating the black family specialty heavily w hypomania and so i tend to think of mood disorders more in conjunction with the blacks than anyone else wHICH IS PART OF WHY I THINK OF 'I FEEL LIKE A GOD' AS A REGULUS SONG it's all coming full circle hell yeah)
and i do think that hypomania fits in very neatly with what you've said about him kind of looking for fights - but it's in such a way that people can't really tell until he makes it clear what's going on
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otrtbs · 2 years
Nat. babes. bestie. that chapter. my lord. I felt so many emotions. so, here are my thoughts and feelings that I thought you’d like:
- them all have a mini sleepover? I love. also, Reg reminded me of my mother when I couldn’t sleep the night before a school excursion
- I know what you did with peter saying there was someone else in Barry’s room. you think you’re sneaky
- also, I love how Barty and Evan are actual sociopaths but every time I see their name, I smile
- what did Marlene do that Reg had to say her name???
- tell me why I thought that they would be going at night but during opening hours??? I really thought the public would see what they were doing. but this makes more sense
- babes going to the toilet??? hold your fucking bladder
- Barty was probably bored though and wanted the excuse to fuck somebody up (love you baby <3 )
- I really thought they’d get away undetected
- my heart was pounding and my anxiety was through the roof
- Pandora calling James out???? talking about effie???? I was pacing and I even had to put it down to breathe
- JAMES BLEEDING???? my stomach sank and I thought he was shot
- Reg has no time to be told he’s loved during scary times. love him though
- I will pay $10393874920201019394848101 for the next chapter like right now (that’s also how much everyone is getting paid)
AHH!! Hi!!
-it was a little mini sleepover which I love!! i would literally always hate sleeping alone the night before something big that made me nervous and I would always go into my sisters room at night so I wasn’t alone hahah. There’s something comforting about being around other people and this felt very reminiscent of that 😋
-Peter like,,, pretty sure there’s like two people in bartys room rn and regulus like ,,, moving swiftly on,,, lmaoooo
-What did Marlene do?? CHAPTER 29 will have these answers!! This I can promise !!
-Listen,,,pandora calling James out made ME ILL like sndkdkskala poor James :,(( and the way he just SHUTS DOWN
-James bleeding is bc he was shot-ish just grazed a little bit, according to Sirius. Nothing too concerning, according to Sirius
-Also yeah, regulus telling James to shut tf up bc he knows that James is trying imply something and he’s having NONE OF IT!!!
-Literally I have the next chapter in my brain too like it’s all up in here, I just have to get it down and written out which is so eughhhhh!! Yk?? Hahaha
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about the chapter ahhhh !!!!! :,)))) <333 It’s made my day!!!
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rhywhitefang · 3 years
OCs you made! And also if you want: Hunger Games MMFF characters that aren't ours
Phi, dearest, can I just say you are an absolute sweetheart and I appreciate you very much <3 
That being said, you probably mean my Hunger games MMFF OCs and I have to confess that I don’t like enough of those to put them in a Top 5. Many of my Humger Games OC are either just... fine. Or their appeal is more in how they’re written than how I presented them. So... hear, for the first time, about some of my other random OCs I don’t talk about usually... I will try to keep them to a minimum lol
1. Lucy - Lucy is a character who went through a lot of phases way before I even met her. Funnily enough her very first iteration was actually a very nice, sweet, and not at all insane person with a huge focus on etiquette and diplomacy, and a tendency to solve problems through more subtle indirect means/sneakiness, but really nothing sinister about her. Gradually, she then evolved into her weirdass worldview and became a greyer character until I finally made her into the version I sent you, who, arguably, has nothing to do with her very first iteration. Of all these, some version of her is probably the character whos been with me the longest
2. Kester - of all my Steckbriefe that aren’t Lucy, the one I like most so far is Kester (i considered putting Phosphor on this list but that felt really weird considering the Inspiration (tm) lmao). He is a nice boy and I had a lot of fun writing him. Not to toot my own horn, but I think he has a lot of character (also he wont shut up in my mind, Kester I don't caaaaare xD) 3. Avery - This is another character with History (tm). Ironically, he kind of went through the opposite development process of Lucy where he started out actually a pretty sinister and villainous character, and then gradually turned into the literal angel we see in blank rune. I *love* how you portray him, Phi!
4. Pandora - Okay so basically she was in a scifi thing where she and a bunch of other people were created as artificial beings/kindof ai, kind of cyborgs on a planet that explicitly created people like her to be the lowest servant on the basis that it saw them as subhuman. She and a totally not gay for her, no sir, because Linda’s still in the closet Friend (tm) who was also in the lab with her were sold to aristocracy and then eventually ran away and formed a rebellion. They had a clash of ideology where Pandora thought the entire planet was irredeemable and doomed to oppression and wanted to blow up the entire fucking planet, and Fox (aforementioned Friend) wanted to do Rebellion and Reform. I think Fox murdered her in the end. I know there was this whole thing where Fox pretended to be her in public appearances because Pandora was not only like super frail and sickly, but also had agorophobia
5. Connor O’Brien - man as I was going through my old RP sheets, I remembered Connor and got really excited to tell you about him until I realized something that now is fucking HILARIOUS to me because i genuinely haven't noticed it before. But um. So connor. He has red hair and freckles. And a little sister he cares deeply about and wants to protect. And an evil mentor figure who wants to corrupt him into darkness. Have I mentioned that he can shapeshift into a bunny? i swear to you i am not making this up. 2013 rp logs exist. The OG bunny boy i am so embarrassed lmao. i genuinely didn't make the connection.... his sister is nothing like june, either. Plot twist though - he was a really nice kid who was awkward and sweet and a little naive. It was only his plot that was ridiculously edgelord because his evil mentor like forced him to kill other magicians to absorb their power and he had all this “I am a monster” drama where he was forced to do all these things through magical compulsion. RIP
I have a few other random weirdos I don't think I ever mentioned but.... yeah xD Sorry lol
Now about your next question - I’m assuming that I’m also not allowed to cite Blank Rune characters, right? That - tbh - leaves mostly just Areionverse characters, but I will do my best!
1. Jonathan Stone -  dropped your crown king. many have tried but none have surpassed you
2.  Trace Withney - remember when character arcs were a thing? I miss that. Shoutout for my boy Trace for having narratively consistent and satisfying development <3
3.  Arsinoe Marrha - she cut off her own ear, she was cool af, and she definitely deserved better
4.  Angus Colville - he is lower on the list because he got kind of more boring over the time, but that's not really his fault and more the writing style deteriorating me growing out of the style. Angus was super fun and it was really refreshing having a positive character in the mix
5.  Jocelyn Noxon - it was a toss up between Joce and Chespin but I hated the treatment of Chespin in the very beginning so Jocelyn it is! Again! Character development. We marvel at the sight!
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thegc4life · 4 years
*opens pandora's box again* Soooooo ,,, any new fic ideas since last time?
Wyv... -_-
@wyvernspirit Of COURSE I do! I’m just gonna do the BNHA ones again.
For Hawks (cause I apparently can never run out of ideas for this bird):
- Look, don’t judge me for this. My neighbor’s kiddos were watching Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends about a week or so ago as I was writing stuff for the next chapter and it just... stuck. So Foster’s but BNHA. I haven’t even fully thought about the specifics. The idea just slaps me in the brain sometimes and I go ‘awww’. Like, is Hawks the imaginary friend? Cause that would be cute. But for who? There are so many possibilities! Little Rumi wanting a BFF that understands and loves her for who she is and is always down for some kind of competition? Yes! Little Todoroki Touya who just wants to fly away from everything and is desperately lonely with the only people he can talk to being his younger siblings he has sworn to protect and thus can not comfortably open up to them? YES! Literally any of the Todoroki children? YES! Kamakiri?! Little Kamakiri who loves his Dad and just wants to help but he can’t because he’s not big enough yet so he creates someone that can do everything and loves them both and will keep them safe no matter what?? YES!! Aiko and Eri?! And thusly, Monoma?! YES! Look, whatever way I spin this it comes out punching my heart. I just- I really love the Foster’s/BNHA cross-over I feel we all rightfully deserve. (who knows. Maybe one day).
-I keep flip-flopping with different-aged!Hawks stuff. Cause there are so many ways to do that and they’re all just so dang good. The most recent one is Hawks as a student with the current UA group but he’s in class 1-B cause I am becoming ridiculously fond of writing them. And I crave the 1-B content. Plus there would be a lot more Vlad-King-you-mean-DAD-King! And really, who would say no to that?
-...Wyv. You know about the business conglomerate battle world. With UA keeping a steady stronghold on fast food (with AllMight the long retired mascot sign flipper that Endeavour could never hope to match thus pushing his children away from the sign flipping industry forever in his blindness), the LOV somehow competing with them even though they run and Office Depot, the horrifying IKEA run by Re-Destro where if you go in you never come back out and are now part of the ever growing employee selection, and the Health Inspection Commission that for some reason spans all of this even though it really is not their jurisdiction? And how Hawks works at all three locations? I still think about this AU sometimes. @precarious-lounging You gave me so much laughter and food for fun thoughts with this. I imagine it every time I need a pick-me-up XD
- This one’s got spoilers so skip to the next if you do not wish to read! Super sad but growing hopeful one of Hawks after the... the wing thing. Like, if they didn’t grow back. Basically just him travelling around and experiencing a thousand new things and slowly coming to terms with what happened to him, re-discovering who he is, finding things he loves, and learning what being alive means to him. If I ever fully write this one it’s gonna take a while because it’s the type of story I would want to get down just right because of the way I want to write it.
I have a few blurb thoughts for Shinso ( @prince-liest! This is totally your fault! I already really liked Shinso but now I completely adore him! You have pushed me down a rabbit hole!)
-Hawks and Shinso meeting up (cause when you have two obsessions why not just mix them together you know?). Shinso out on the town for who knows what reason, gets into a pickle, handles it great when Hawks swoops in to finish up. This happens a lot and Hawks starts to wonder if this purple kid’s quirk is ‘trouble magnet’. They start meeting up regularly since Hawks always takes him out for a meal and he is now becoming attached to this edgy teen. Found family for the win! I don’t know about what time in the plot this would be. Any time would make for great time, I think. 
-Dadzawa. Literally... literally all the Dad. For Shinso. Give him his caterpillar father. It could be as a student, such is the way of Canon. It could be earlier. It could be from the start. Like, little baby Shinso. Yes. Very much yes. Mic has to be there. I have been completely swayed to that side. If there is no Mic I riot.
-Just a fic exploring how the dynamics between him and all of his classmates unfolds. Could be 1-A, could be 1-B. Just friendship. Unlock all the friend paths! ALL OF THEM!
I already loved Bakugo as an extremely complex character (and all the brattiest kids always manage to find a special place in my heart, why would imaginary brats be any different really) and the latest chapters have only brought all that back like a jackhammer. 
-Exploring Bakugo’s thoughts on Midoriya for the millionth time? Of course. Especially with recent things.
-Exploring Bakugo’s relationships with all of his classmates? ALWAYS. Consider this the Shinso idea but with %80 more cursing.
-Dad-Jeanist. They have a bond. I would like to expand the bond. EXPAND THE BOND HORI-!
-What if Bakugo really did end up joining the LOV? But not to become a villain. To become their chef and personal trainer because ‘damn, you really live like this’ Bakugo would take one look at their ratty clothes, poor diets, and Shigaraki’s entire face and do what needed to be done. 
-Bakugo and Hawks (because obsessions). I already have some planned dynamics coming up for them but you can never have enough! Bakugo can fly! And he would clearly ignore every laws of flight guideline known to man so of course he’d be up there the second he figured out the logistics. Enter Hawks, who just wants everyone to love the sky as much as he does. Also, loud cursing people that shout how much they care into your brain are some of his favorite people. Oh my god. He and Rumi would absolutely adopt Bakugo on the spot. I don’t even care if it be romantic or platonic adoption between them. Imagine the sports rallys. Rumi would be yelling at Bakugo to break someone’s leg. Hawks would bring an airhorn. I- I need this.
I feel pumped again! Heck yeah! All these ideas are making me crave writing! Thanks Wyv! I know you were using your sneaky sneak ways and I appreciate it even if I give you a hard time about it XD Hope you liked the brain burps!
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If there was one thing that had finally gotten through Squall’s head that night, it was that Seifer genuinely seemed not angry with him. Despite the fiasco the previous night, despite the unwarranted trip down memory lane, despite his frosty nature that had only warmed due to inhaling too much drink. The blond was still amicable, considerate and bizarrely accepting of all Squall’s current problems and flaws digging out of the technical woodwork. Yeah, he’d just been called a constant pain in the ass but the tone infusing the words suggested nothing but camaraderie backing them. No vexation. No resentment. Just… comity.
Those facts eased a huge chunk of Squall’s stress away. Shoulders sagging slightly from the sudden weightless feel of being almost tension free, he pondered on what that implied next. Would they become friends, if only for the drunken night? Even if they weren’t, his unspoken trust in Seifer was starting to show. Considering over the last month alone, he’d allowed none to come near him, let alone take his hand. Here the man had held his numerous times and Squall hadn’t even decked him for touching—
No. Nope, we’re not going there. It was an accident, don’t overthink this for Hyne’s sake.
Eyebrows lowering into yet another frown, this time directed at his inner thoughts, Squall successfully banished them to the recesses of his mind and concentrated on the now. Like—how close the blond was. Sitting next to him, he predicted if he shifted his left knee a smidgen, it’d bump Seifer’s. Why was he so close? When had he gotten so? Had he really been so deep in thought he completely missed what occurred in reality?
Swallowing down what felt like a knot of trepidation forming in his throat, it feeling less ‘bad’ anxious and more ‘puzzled’ anxious, the entire night was becoming a far cry from the picture he’d had in mind. Previously, he thought they’d drink, eat, sass each other and retire to not see one another again. Now… they were still here, still hanging out, and had plans for tomorrow. I—I’m… Unable to finish the thought, he relaxed back against the rear of the seat, frown softening.
Should he feel uncomfortable? It wasn’t like they hadn’t had close proximity before; sparring ensured that, but this was different, new. New worried him but for a reason that consistently eluded him. True clarity was becoming a drawn-out battle and he’d always been better at the quick-paced, adrenaline fuelled altercations instead of a marathon skirmish. Sighing softly, he allowed his head to loll back against the squishy, warm backrest. …That shouldn’t be warm since they’d vacated their seat. Not daring to turn his head obviously, while Seifer made short work of ordering their water and some bread, he flicked a sneaky glance behind him—to see the blond’s arm present. Almost… around him?
Comprehension fleeting, Squall’s head turned to face forward and, with dawning realisation of horror, felt his face heighten a few degrees in natural warmth. He was blushing like a goddamned idiot and there was no way Seifer’s perceptive glare wouldn’t pick up on it. Shit. What’d I do? Do I leave? Move? Shove him away? Stay still and pretend I don’t know? Fuck—
Inherent ranting cut short by Seifer’s slurred baritone registering. Embarrassingly, clouded grey-blues shot up to try and meet vibrant greens. His mission failed as Seifer was busy thanking the waitress and looking all weird in the dim lighting and— Oh my god, I will stab myself if it makes me stop thinking.
“I—what?” he asked feebly, missing the man’s question entirely as his whirlwind of a mind had been occupied. With him. Ugh. “The… bread? Wa’ that it? S’good lookin’.”
Zipping an imaginary line over his dumb mouth, Squall sat slightly more forward and reached for the aforementioned bread. Breaking a piece off, he guided it to his mouth and took a generous bite out of it. Instant gratification overcame his tastebuds and (finally) his conscience silenced to appreciate the tasty morsel. Swallowing the bite after chewing, he quietly confessed, “Damn, t’is good,” before resuming his previous task, albeit with more enthusiasm.
When finished that portion, Squall grabbed a whole other small loaf to nibble on, mindful there was enough left for Seifer. His worries were amiss as many more little loaves remained. Satisfied with his finding, he shimmied back in his seat, and, in his blissful state of mind of not worrying, all caution was thrown to the wind. Reclining back as he went, he instinctively pressed closer to the searing warmth on his left side, relaxing honestly for the first time in weeks. While he worked on consuming his latest bready goodness, he observed the pub settings with muted interest, wholly uncaring he was essentially using Seifer as a leaning post.
Truth be told, there was an ever-burning fury somewhere deep inside of the tall blond, constantly burning and eating away at him. It had been there his whole life but had started blazing higher, burning fiercer during and after the war. Yet it wasn't directed at Squall. Not anymore, at least. While he had been the Sorceresses Knight, there was wrath in his every fiber, not his own entirely, clouding his mind and judgment. After the war, there had been seething anger about the fact that Squall had not only bested him inside the Lunatic Pandora, but also left him there to die. But that grudge wasn't upheld for long, for once he was able to reflect on everything that had transpired, the act seemed more than plausible. There hadn't been much humanity left in him when the witch pulled his strings and made him believe sacrificing Rinoa would be the right thing to do. The only right thing.
So, no, he harbored no ill feelings for the man anymore who in his mind had far more reason and justification to hate him instead. But so far, except for their first encounter the night before, there seemed to be no ill-feeling at all between them and it felt both odd and relieving. Seifer had carried the shame, guilt and self-loathing with him for so many years, he would have never expected to be treated as friendly as he had been, all things considered. Sure, Squall was still his old self in some ways, but there were also other sides to him he had allowed the blond to see and for all that he knew, they were good changes.
What exactly all of this between them meant, he dared not think about. Granted, he had always been a man of action first, thoughts second, and right now he was willing to just let things happen as they did, not question anything. And if they never saw each other again after tonight (well, there were already plans in place for the next day though), then so be it. Still, a small voice in the back of his head dared to hope that this was a way to redeem himself, if only a little. Maybe that, too, was the reason he felt so protective of the younger one?
Happily chewing on his spoil, namely the goodness that was the potato wedges, thoughtful eyes following the retreating waitress, he only paused when he felt a slight bump against his right arm, making him glance to the side. The look on Squall's face was enough to make the tall blond chuckle lightly, pulling in his lower lip to bite on it though unable to completely wipe the grin from his face. He'd be a liar if he'd claim he didn't push the boundaries between them right now, and much against his better judgment too. What about the whole 'I can never touch him' vow he had taken? But then again, the reaction this small brush of head against arm had caused was entertaining enough to throw at least part of that determination out the window. After all, he was still the smug shit of the town, right?
Even more intriguing, however, was the observation he now made. Squall blushed. And not just a bit. Most interesting. He'd probably be pushing his luck by now but before he could even stop himself, his hand had shifted just so, allowing his thumb to briefly flick over the now heated skin of Squall's neck, brushing at the soft brown strands there. Dangerous as this game may be, he had to admit it thrilled him, and whatever was able to do that to him usually flicked the switch of being reasonable (well, as much as he was able to, anyway), and just go all in. And right now, he was most curious what kind of reactions he could provoke and, most importantly, how much deeper this blush could get.
Apparently, it was enough to distract the brunet from what he had asked, flustering the guy enough to give some entirely unrelated answer which only served to tug on Seifer's lips more, creating a lopsided smirk. "Very." he hummed in agreement, not even sparing the damn bread one single glance. Willing to let his teasing of an entirely different kind go for the time being, he busied himself with his water, glad for the chance to help to mellow his drunken state a little. He wanted his attention on full alert right now. Also, Squall was well advised to eat that much bread to help him along with the amount of alcohol in his system. It wouldn't magically sober him up but at least help a little, which had been the plan when he ordered it. On top of that, for some reason watching the other eat had some kind of fascinating appeal all of a sudden?
Emptying his glass, he placed it back on the table, releasing Squall from his observing stare as he leaned forward to snatch his own small loaf, chewing slowly while he mulled over the entirely unexpected development of events right there. More so even when he felt the smaller body sink against him, leaning on him. Looking down at the brown tuft of hair he hummed, half astonished, half content because he'd be damned if this hadn't been one of his ultimate teenage fantasies. Well, among others, but he'd be content to have this to remember in the future. Lingering in his position, his arm on the backrest still, he swallowed hard against a lump in his throat. Not the kind he had noticed a while ago when dark memories started rushing in. This was different. Better. "You good?", he heard himself murmur and only then noticed that somehow, he had leaned down, the tip of his nose not far away from brown hair, close enough that he could breathe the other in. Shit, what exactly was he even thinking here? Was he thinking at all?
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artificialqueens · 5 years
A romance for the books, chapter 1: Easy as A, B, C (branjie) - writworm42
A/N: A holiday gift for Holtz, who is the best ever. I’m putting it up now cause I got a lot of other projects going–because it’s multichap, this one will likely go into the new year. LOVE U HOLTZ <3
Thank you so, so much to Athena for beta-ing and helping me brainstorm!!! You’re the best and without your inside scoop on being a librarian, this fic never would have come to be! <3
It takes about thirty seconds for Brooke to spot her next perfect target.
It’s usually about simple math, a quick judge of character. Who sticks out just enough that it’s apparent they don’t come often, but not so much that they know it and would call Brooke out. Someone who knows the rough norms, but doesn’t care enough to follow them. Someone who’ll be just in and out , or who goes to the library solely as a place to pass time, not because they want to be there.
And this girl, well, this girl fits the bill to a T.
The girl is in shorts and a tank top–given that it’s about thirty-five degrees outside, and this is a neighbourhood where most apartments don’t have AC, it means the girl is probably one of those people looking for a cool place to go in the summer. Second, she comes in popping her gum and with music blasting through her earphones, meaning she either doesn’t know or doesn’t care for library etiquette. And when she walks up to the counter, she plunks down about five thin books, which likely means she reads to kill time, and probably doesn’t care too much for returning individual books before their due dates, as opposed to piling them up for whenever it’s convenient.
“I’d like to return these, please.” the girl smiles and bats her eyelashes, and Brooke smiles back warmly.
“Of course. Can I get your library card?”
It’s a shame; the girl is pretty, really pretty. Dazzlingly white teeth, round, dimples, and wide, friendly eyes all look back at Brooke, their owner looking at her expectantly, trustingly, even. But sometimes, the sweetest patrons make the easiest marks.
She grabs her scanner, scans the girl’s card, and begins to check in the books, her routine underway.
Check, click, beep, no problem.
The trick to a good con is to be unnoticeable. That’s why she started in the library–she’d been working there five years already, had her own system, designated scanner, computer, and accounts. She was so integrated into it, there was no way she could stick out in it.
Check, click, beep, no problem.
Take only little bits at a time. That was how it started, and that was the hardest thing to turn into a system; how much to take, from whom. How not to get caught. Every librarian on staff pockets late fees from time to time; when you’re a couple dollars short for lunch or you’ve forgotten your phone at home and need change for the payphone, the cashbox at the back of the customer service area is a tempting reserve. But that didn’t mean you could get greedy–you had to be sneaky, had to be covert. A target who wouldn’t fight, who would believe the late fees were theirs, in an amount that the til wouldn’t miss. Not too often, or people would suspect something. No, it was all a balancing game, one that took keen practice and cautious judgement.
Check, click–alarm.
Be quick with your hand. Brooke likes to use her own scanner, one she had outfitted with a trick button to trigger the flagging noise. She’d claimed the computer at the end of the line as her preferred one, making sure no one could see her screen. She wears long sleeves to pocket the change in. When she flags someone’s book, she mashes buttons on her keyboard quickly, programs in a believable, yet still somewhat inflated amount for the fine. Two, three dollars maybe, and put a small portion of that in the cashbox just to ward off suspicion.
Check, click–alarm.
Same thing, over and over, and then she moves on. That’s the most important rule, after all.
Never stay on one target too long.
Check, click, beep, no problem.
“So it looks like you have two fines.” Brooke puts down her scanner in its place right next to her computer, always within her view, handle down so and back to her so that no one can see the trick alarm button on it. “Late fees.”
“Late fees?” the woman’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, her voice pointed. “What you talkin’ ‘bout, Mary?”
“Two of your books are late. These two.” she turns her computer and points at the two books, looking back at the woman smugly, and that’s when she realizes her mistake.
“I took those out only a week ago. Your computer’s broke,” the woman crosses her arms stubbornly. “‘Cause I should have three weeks to return them.”
Oh, fuck. Brooke turns the monitor back towards herself and takes a sharp breath in, trying to swallow the panic that’s quickly bubbling up in her chest, making her heart beat faster. The woman–Vanessa, Brooke sees when she glances down at the woman’s library card to see who she’s dealing with–is right. The books were only taken out a week ago. Brooke had underestimated her and gotten cocky.
It’s alright; it’s alright. She’s been caught like this before. She’s been challenged like this before. That’s the advantage of her system; if things go south, she can always blame the computer.
“Okay, I’ll strike the fees.” she forces her voice to stay light despite herself, despite the adrenaline coursing through her that’s making her whole body buzz. “Sorry about that; the computer must be off.”
“Yeah.” Vanessa eyes Brooke up and down, but there’s no suspicion in her eyes, only amusement. “That’s alright.”
Vanessa swipes her card back, then turns around to leave, and Brooke breathes out, thinking it’s over, when suddenly, the smaller girl turns back around.
“Say, what’s your name, Mary?”
“Lynn.” Brooke lies.
“No it’s not.” Vanessa grins, the amusement in her eyes turning into a full-blown, mischievous sparkle.
“It’s not.” Brooke admits, chuckling a little despite herself. As terrifying as it is, God, this woman is good.
“I’m not askin’ ‘cause I’m gonna tell.” Vanessa shakes her head, her voice barely above a whisper as she leans in conspiratorially. “I’m askin’ ‘cause I wanna know for personal reasons.” she winks, and that’s when Brooke understands. She’s not dealing with anyone right now. No, she’s dealing with a professional.  
“Brooke.” she admits, “My name is Brooke.”
“Alright, miss Brooke.” Vanessa nods, “I’m Vanessa, but you already knew that, ain’t you?”
Brooke doesn’t say anything else, only nods, feeling her mouth go dry.
It’s only after Vanessa flounces away that Brooke looks down on the counter and realizes that Vanessa’s left a scrap of paper behind.
A due date reminder slip for the two books Brooke had flagged, with a phone number scrawled on the back.
Vanessa has had her eye on Brooke for a while. She’s not the typical mark–she works in a library, for God’s sake, that’s not exactly big-bucks material. But she’s tall, and blonde, and there’s something about her that says she’s got more going on than Vanessa realizes.
Which means that at the very least, she’s someone that Vanessa can have fun with, if not draw in and use.
Vanessa’s by no means an amateur at this game. She’s been going in and out of it since she was in college, ever since she had bills to pay for the first time and job interviews she’d need fancy clothes for. After that, well, it was a bit of a habit–she’d acquired a taste for luxury, and a need for adrenaline, and her modus operandi suited both.
Find a girl who was just barely upper-class–not so rich she’d be suspicious, not so poor she’d be seriously impacted by Vanessa’s scam, and take her out for a few drinks. Get to know her. Play the bimbo. Forget her wallet a few times, just as a test to see how the girl would react. Then start asking for library late fees. A few dollars here and there, maybe once per month, just enough to pad her pockets for a few extra splurges at the mall when the mood struck. Then the bigger things–after enough late fees, enough time building up her image as a bookworm, the girls would usually start just buying her books, telling her this way she wouldn’t have to worry about fees. Not the most extravagant gifts, but ones that she could sell for a decent turnaround to college students looking to complete their class reading lists. That was the game, after all; never taking enough to raise suspicion, but just enough that she could walk into Pandora after each breakup and buy herself something nice for her troubles.
Besides, there was usually some decent sex to be had out of it, too.
So when she saunters up to Brooke after a week of watching unnoticed, ready to figure out the woman’s secret, find something she can exploit, she’s even more surprised than she thought she’d be.
Brooke’s skills are rough, that’s for sure. But she has potential. And Vanessa could use some potential on her team.
It’s only about two hours before she gets the text she’s been waiting for.
Hey, it’s Brooke.
She saves the number immediately, grinning to herself.
V: well hey miss Brooke
V: how u doin?
B: lol
B: I’m fine, thanks, you?
V: peachy.
There’s a pause, and Vanessa can’t help but wonder what Brooke is thinking, what her next move is going to be.
B: so why did you pick me?
Vanessa whistles, her grin widening further. Maybe she had underestimated Brooke after all; smarts aside, this chick is bold.
V: I like a girl who can stay on my level.
Another pause, and Vanessa holds her breath, her confidence dimming just a little.
B: I’ve seen Focus already. I know what you’re trying to do.  
B: I work alone and you’re not getting any cut.  
Vanessa’s grin fades completely, cockiness replaced with frustration and, she has to admit, just a tinge of anger. If it’s going to be like that, then it’s going to be like that–but she’ll be damned if she lets anyone call her out on shit, especially shit she had only half-planned to pull.
V: Fine.  
V: But if you’re gonna work alone, at least don’t try to judge a mark by the length of their shorts. It’s the middle of August, bitch. IQ don’t come with air conditioning.  
She tosses her phone onto her kitchen table and rockets up to grab herself a glass of water, still fuming once she settles down and grabs the book across from her, hoping an old favourite like Coraline will get Brooke out of her head.
It doesn’t, and so before she can even finish her chapter, she’s picked up her phone again, staring at the message on the screen in disbelief.
B: Fair point
B: Thanks for the tip.  
Brooke is three beers deep at a coworker’s birthday party about a week later when she sees Vanessa stalking towards her from across the bar.
“This coincidence, or are you some kind of mastermind?” she sneers as Vanessa sidles up next to her, but the shorter woman only rolls her eyes.
“Coincidence, bitch. You ain’t that special.” her voice has a drunken lilt to it, and Brooke can tell she’s tipsy, that she’s got a good amount of liquid courage under her belt. That’s fine; so does does she. “Just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi.” Brooke snorts, and Vanessa rolls her eyes.
“Oh, Christ.” Vanessa sighs exasperatedly. “Look, Brooke, I barely suggested anything to you. You ain’t want it. Whatever. I ain’t out here to try and steal your thunder, we still run in different circles and your gig don’t have to be mine.”
“So why did you come over here, then?” Brooke eyes the shorter woman up and down, unconvinced. Vanessa wouldn’t have stuck her neck out like that if she wasn’t serious, if there wasn’t something motivating, something absolutely irresistible in it for her.
“‘Cause you may not want to work together, but you still sexy, mami.” Vanessa cocks an eyebrow, and Brooke can’t help but laugh.
“So let me get this straight. You wanted to work with me, now you want to sleep with me?” for all Brooke’s incredulity, though, Vanessa doesn’t seem even remotely shaken.
“I told you, I like a girl who can stay on my level.”
“Well, level yourself.” Brooke rolls her eyes. She’s just about to get up, just about to walk away, when a hand on her wrist stops her.
“Look, mami, I know I fucked up. I know I look like some kinda ass. But I seen the way you look at me. I know we got chemistry, and I know we both lookin’ for somethin’ better to do tonight than sitting here drinking lukewarm beer.”
Vanessa’s right; Brooke had been thinking of leaving, and truth be told, the longer Vanessa sits in front of her, the more seriously she’s considering Vanessa’s offer. It can’t be helped, not really–Vanessa’s smart , and bold, the exact kind of challenge that Brooke likes in a woman. She can tell she’s going to be a fun time already, and that’s before Brooke gets a good look at her, before she trails her eyes over Vanessa’s body one more time and sees everything that she failed to pay proper attention to the first time she saw her in the library. High cheekbones; dazzling teeth. A waist that has to be cinched, there’s no other explanation for how nice it is. And a bemused, plump-lipped smile that says that Vanessa knows exactly what Brooke is thinking, exactly what she’s about to say, and can’t wait to hear it.
She says a quick goodbye to her coworkers and rushes out of the bar on Vanessa’s heels, her stomach doing flip-flops and her body pulsing with a new sort of adrenaline and urgency that rivals even the thrill of getting away with a particularly hefty con.
Vanessa takes Brooke back to her place, mostly because Brooke insists on it—even with her tongue down Vanessa’s throat, she makes a show of her mistrust, whispering against Vanessa’s jawline that she’d better not try to steal anything.
It’s not like you’d have anything to steal. Vanessa bites back the retort, forces herself not to break whatever fragile, frenzied game they’ve got going. It’s a task that proves easier than Vanessa thought it would; all it takes is a couple of soft, sucking kisses to the nape of Brooke’s neck and the blonde melts, unable to form any words beyond more, more, Vanessa, please, more.
That’s more like it. Vanessa moves her hands slowly up Brooke’s body, taking her time to feel out every spot that makes her gasp, shiver, or whine, or all of the above, in the case of when Vanessa moves a hand up to Brooke’s neck, positions her grip in a V shape and presses down just lightly, just enough to make Brooke feel Vanessa right against her carotid arteries. Not enough to choke; just enough to command, to show her who’s in charge.
By the time they reach Vanessa’s apartment, scrambling to the elevator and hitting the wall to continue kissing and stroking and rutting against each other, Brooke is incoherent, and Vanessa is almost disappointed; she had really expected Brooke to challenge her a little more, try to talk back or regain control. Instead, Brooke is putty in her hands, flushed and breathless by the time the elevator arrives on Vanessa’s floor and they’re stumbling towards her door.
It’s only after Vanessa’s led Brooke towards the bedroom, though, that she remembers that Brooke is full of surprises.
“Whoops!” Brooke flips them around right as they’re about to fall onto the bed, throwing her weight enough so that Vanessa doesn’t have time to correct their positions before she hits the mattress, Brooke following on top of her.
“That’s more like it.” Brooke grins. She kisses Vanessa quickly on the lips, then starts to work her way down over Vanessa’s neck, marking it up with her teeth in a way that almost makes Vanessa forget everything around her except the feeling of Brooke’s mouth on her skin, licking and sucking and moving towards her collarbone. She brings a hand up to Brooke’s back, rakes her nails over it hard enough that she knows the blonde will feel it through her shirt, and it’s only when Brooke lets out an almost pitiful gasp at the sensation that Vanessa remembers who she is, what she’s doing, what she really wants.
Really, it’s Brooke’s fault for forgetting to pin Vanessa down; or maybe she’s just so used to winning, it’s never occurred to her. Either way, when Brooke’s mouth lifts from Vanessa’s chest, the smaller woman takes her chance to push her off and over onto the bed, once again flipping their positions. She’s careful to pin down Brooke’s wrists and box her in with her legs, scanning the older woman’s face for any signs of displeasure or worse, distress, but Brooke only smiles, relaxing a little, and Vanessa realizes that that’s exactly the reaction Brooke was trying to get all along.
“Brat.” Vanessa laughs, nipping Brooke’s neck and smiling at Brooke’s surprised yelp. “Your parents ain’t teach you to just ask for things you want?”
“If they did, then we wouldn’t have met.” Brooke smirks, and Vanessa has to hand it to her; she has a point.
“Cheeky bitch.” she hums before capturing Brooke’s lips in a kiss, one that finally melts any remaining tension between them, becoming soft and slow and thorough, almost exploratory. Vanessa lets go of Brooke’s wrists in favour of cupping her face, and this time, Brooke doesn’t fight–only lets her hands roam up Vanessa’s legs, over her thighs, coming to cup and squeeze the flesh of her ass over her skirt.
“You should take this off.” she breathes into Vanessa’s lips, and she’s right, it’s too damn hot, too damn uncomfortable, too damn in the way. They separate only long enough for Vanessa to shimmy out of her skirt and take her shirt off before coming back together, Vanessa’s hands stopping Brooke from pulling off her own dress.
“Let me do it.” she whispers, tracing her fingers over the hem, and this time, Brooke doesn’t fight. She only nods, lifting her arms to allow Vanessa to take her dress off and then ease her back on the bed, their bodies warm and pressed together.
After one last kiss, soft and sweet against Brooke’s jaw, Vanessa leans back, traces her eyes over every inch of Brooke’s body in an attempt to decide where she should start. It’s a task that proves incredibly difficult; truth be told, there isn’t an inch of Brooke that Vanessa doesn’t want to worship, not a single detail about her that isn’t worth extra attention. So Vanessa starts with a hand in her hair, not pulling but holding, feeling, letting the soft strands tickle against her fingers as she traces her other hand over the soft, sweat-sheened skin of Brooke’s chest, grabbing and kneading her breast through her bra.
“I, um–I actually–Sorry, but–” Brooke starts, and Vanessa rockets up, hands away, heart pounding.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Do you want to stop?”
“No.” Brooke shakes her head, and to Vanessa’s relief, she smiles, her eyes sparkling. “It’s just that this bra isn’t great for that, the underwire’s kinda stiff. Can you give me a sec to take it off?”
That’s it? Vanessa gives a relieved laugh, lifting herself off of Brooke long enough for the other woman to shimmy out of her bra. “Jesus, I was afraid I hurt you or something.”
“Hey, don’t laugh!” Brooke whines, swatting at Vanessa’s stomach playfully. It’s a gesture that earns her two hands on her wrists, pinning her down again as Vanessa grins.
“Listen, don’t worry about that, okay?” Vanessa kisses Brooke again, soft and reassuring. “I know plenty other ways to make you feel good.”
“Then show me.” Brooke’s eyes are hooded, her pupils wide with need. It’s tantalizing, but it doesn’t mean that Vanessa will just give things up–no, that would be to easy, not nearly enough fun.
“Only if you’re patient.” she smirks, and before Brooke can protest, she’s kissing her way down the blonde’s body again, stroking the inside of her thighs and smiling into Brooke’s skin when the older woman squirms.
“You want my hands or my mouth?” she asks, when she reaches the waistband of Brooke’s underwear, running a single finger down Brooke’s slit and shivering at how easily it glides, how slick and wet Brooke is even through the far-too-thick cotton fabric.
“Mouth, please…” she pants, and Vanessa doesn’t hold back any longer.
“Get up,” she instructs, licking her lips, “And take those off. I want you to sit on my face.”
Brooke doesn’t argue or make a show of stripping–only rushes to peel off her underwear before clambouring on top of Vanessa and eases down where Vanessa’s hands guide her to go, gasping with relief as Vanessa finally brings her mouth home, licking a stripe up Brooke’s slit all the way to her clit. It doesn’t take long–only a few minutes of licking, sucking, and grazing with her teeth, and soon, Brooke’s moans are becoming shorter, more high pitched, more desperate and frequent, and then she’s coming, barely keeping herself up as Vanessa continues to suck down on her clit through her orgasm. By the time she’s finally collapsing down next to Vanessa, still shaking, still breathless, Vanessa can tell she’s completely spent and sated, ready to sleep rather than go for a second round.
If it were anyone else, Vanessa would have been pissed, felt like it was unfair; but now, cradling Brooke in her arms, kissing her forehead like it’s familiar territory she’s kissed hundreds of times before, she finds herself completely satisfied.
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alkhale · 5 years
Ugh😭 I just need a little taste of the next nascent update
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(srry it’s been awhile, with finals finished i had some stuff going on at home and i work on the other stories in tandem with whatever chapter flows faster for me atm and there’s so much with memos i want to catch up on)
Raven levitated the steaming cup down into Pandora’s waiting hands.
She stared at the sleek cup, smoothed out and painted with fine black. Pandora gingerly moved her fingers around it as Raven took her seat, several spaces away from her, at ease. Silent. 
“That’s a really useful power,” Pandora said. “If I had something like that, I’d use it to do a bunch of things at once.”
“I’m constantly at battle with the forces behind it that try and overshadow me any moment,” Raven said.
Pandora took a sip of the herbal mixture, wondering if it was possible to drown yourself with a teacup. No, she wasn’t that dumb–the closest she could get was choking on it and hoping for the best from there.
“It has,” Raven said, taking a soft sip, “Its moments.”
She could hear the distant rumble of the city. There was a bit of a salty sort of tang in the air from the bay lapping around the secluded tower’s foothold. The breeze was chilly, nipping at her cheeks and at her legs. Pandora’s bun was starting to ache a bit from how tightly she’d pulled it together at the top of her head.
“Can I just,” Pandora stopped. She set the cup in her lap and then turned imploring eyes Raven’s way. “Can I just talk for a second?”
Raven took a long sip.
“You’re a mess,” Raven said flatly. “I’ve been blocking you out since you came out of his room. Your emotions aren’t exactly well contained.”
Pandora’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. She folded in on herself, hunching her shoulders and bowing her head. “S…Sorry, um, about that–”
“He’s the same,” Raven said without a hint of emotion. “It comes and goes. Like a whiplash. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“Oh,” Pandora couldn’t help the flicker of curiosity. “Does it… Does it have a sort of look to it? Our auras and–”
“Even if I tell you not to talk,” Raven said, answering her earlier question and ignoring the present one, “You’ll talk. If it stops you from giving off any more emotions than you already do so I don’t have to increase my meditation while you’re here, then fine.”
Pandora bit her bottom lip.
Raven merely continued to drink from her tea cup.
“I just really wanted this weekend to be fun,” Pandora rushed out with a groan. The cup sloshed in her lap and she pressed the heel of her palms into her eyes. “The point of me coming was supposed to be fun. I–not that you guys aren’t fun with him–it really does seem like he’s just… just been having a great time here with all of you and he’s doing all this great stuff but–anyway, it’s just… It was supposed to be a little breather. For me, at least. I wanted it to be nice for him. I didn’t want to cause any trouble, I just wanted to spend time with my best friend and do all this great stuff but–”
Pandora groaned, louder. “But stuff just happens even when you can’t–things are always just out of our control–out of my control. I know his mom’s just doing this to mess with him, you know? She’s probably one of the most intelligent human beings on the planet and I mean, she’s Dam’s mom. With him it’s already this–” 
Pandora made a vague gesture with her hands, “It’s like this never ending chess game with him or something! Sometimes I feel like everything is a-a-a move or we’re always thinking around each other while thinking about each other and I’m worried that’s weird? Or it’s wrong? Isn’t that sneaky of me? Of him? Of us? I don’t even know! But he isn’t supposed to be thinking about her–I don’t have any rights to say anything but Dam’s beyond her now. He really is! He’s grown up and he’s kind–he’s so, so kind, and he’s always doing things so fully.”
Pandora made the motion of wrenching her heart out of her chest. “He doesn’t do things often but when he does he does it. Dam’s… He’s…”
“If you’re going to keep talking about him,” Raven said, “and not get anywhere, I’m going to go.”
“Sorry,” Pandora said. “He’s a great guy, you know?” Raven rolled her eyes. “You kinda remind me of a friend of mine back home– And, well, there’s something more to everything that’s been bothering him and I’m worried but then there are things I’m worried about to–”
“You’re talking in circles,” Raven said. “Make points. Address them.”
Pandora’s mouth opened, her jaw went slack, working for a second as she fumbled over her words.
“No,” Raven said, looking at Pandora in slow, absent realization. “You’re always like this, aren’t you? You just talk and work things out from there.”
“That’s what I’m always doing in my head,” Pandora admitted. “I think there’s a word for it.”
“Overthinking,” Raven said. “A mess.”
“Oh, well, yeah, that sounds right too….”
Pandora roughly rubbed at her hair, almost knocking her bun out of place.
“Perhaps,” Raven said. “You need to meditate.”
“Where do I start?” Pandora said miserably.
“What’s making you so miserable in the first place?” Raven said. “Why are you out here–with me?”
Pandora pressed her fingers to her lips before whispering, “My best friend is stressed out and I think looking at me just makes him more stressed out.”
Raven considered the energy thrumming several floors beneath them. “How do you know that?”
Pandora gestured limply to the doors that lead back inside behind them. “He’s been using his katana and his martial art skills non-stop in the training room.”
Raven raised a brow. “He’s always training here.”
“I know,” Pandora said, miserable. “But I asked Bart to pull up the feed. He’s cutting off their limbs or breaking their legs first.”
Raven stared, waiting.
“He only does that when he’s thinking really hard,” Pandora said, lips wobbling. “Otherwise he’d just cut their heads off.”
She filed that away for future reference. “I see. That’s… thoughtful.” Torturous.
“I think he does it because he’s imagining opening up whatever’s bothering him that easily,” Pandora said, shoving her face into her hands.
Raven took a small sip.
“Doesn’t that seem morbid to you?” That’s coming from me.
“A little but it’s Dam,” Pandora said into her hands.
She sighed. Raven waited, holding her cup in her hands and watching the slow ripples on the surface. Pandora turned her eyes forward, staring out at the beautiful city skyline flickering out across the bay.
“I feel so behind,” Pandora said quietly. “I know I’m naive and I try not to be naive, but I can’t help but end up falling back into it.”
“Naivety and optimism walk a fine line,” Raven said. “But they’re not always the same thing.”
“You’re not an idiot for wanting things to go well,” Pandora repeated.
“Wise words,” Raven said.
“A family friend I might be seeing soon,” Pandora credited. “He’s a larger than life kind of guy but… Mama says we’re alike sometimes. If I ever ended up becoming a heart-breaking flirt here and there.”
Pandora stared at the flickering lights.
Raven stilled for a moment. It was a flicker not unlike the lights across the bay from them. A moment. A thought. An emotion that wasn’t her own that bled out from the girl sitting beside her. And then it was gone.
“I wish I could play it all out,” Pandora said quietly. “Get my hands on the keys… It always… It always helps me think when I can’t seem to think about anything else.”
Raven tipped her head to the side. In all honesty, she’d rather be holed up back in her room right this moment opening up the new spell book she’d finally secured through several different means. But if it meant clearing up the ridiculous amount of energy flooding the tower, then she’d sacrifice the night.
“Perhaps,” Raven said. “We can work something around that.”
Pandora turned to her quickly, overturning the tea cup in her lap. Raven managed to stop it midair but the herbal mixture splashed out, spilling over Pandora’s legs.
“What do you have in mind–”
“Didn’t that hurt?” Raven said, staring at Pandora. “The tea was still warm.”
“Oh, no, it’s just a little warm,” Pandora said quickly. “Hardly any heat–I’ve had really hot tea thrown on me before, now, that stuff hurts–”
Raven regarded her in silence.
“I–you know, people–piano now?”
this other part:
“You don’t,” Raven said, dully, seriously, perhaps even with a touch of disgust, “Need to be jealous.”
Pandora looked ashamed for a moment over the top of the piano. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it–I mean, I promise it’s not like that or anything–or anything towards you! You’re honestly gorgeous and wonderful and really, really cool and I wish I could be a bit more like you–”
“Stop,” Raven said. “Now.”
“Sorry, that was weird. Didn’t mean to creep you out. I’ve been jealous a bit before? On different occasions for different people. I’m really jealous of my friend and how he can come up with original songs on the piano and I’m jealous of this one guy for how he’s always doing what he wants and how hard it is to figure him out sometimes–oh, and I really get jealous of how Dam never gets fat. It’s insane. It’s actually insane. I think it’s the genetics and–”
Raven opened the door with a soft glow of her power, a silent threat.
“I’m shutting up now. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.”
“Sor–” Pandora pressed her fist into her mouth, as though she were about to eat it.
“I’ve never been in such a conundrum with anyone before,” Pandora said, seeming a bit bewildered.
“You’ve never met anyone like me before,” Raven said flatly.
- I’ve always liked raven ever since the old teen titans and i think she can help this idiot
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killervibe · 6 years
Where the Love Light Gleams
I’m sorry this is 2 days late!! 
Written for 12 Days of Killervibe and gifted to @ciscoscaitlin
Notes: This was supposed to be my big! Christmas! Fic! but then Candy Canes and Silver Lanes sort of spiraled out of control.  
Summary: Cisco needs a perfect gift for Caitlin. 
“This is a disaster!” Barry rolled his eyes at Cisco, shifting the weight of his twelve shopping bags with a weird little hopping motion. “Cisco, calm down.” “I can’t!” Cisco exclaimed, throwing his empty arms out wildly, nearly knocking down a row of Bath and Bodyworks perfumes.
 “If I don’t find something in the next fifteen minutes Christmas is ruined.” “Not finding a gift for Caitlin in 15 minutes will not ruin Christmas,” Barry muttered, beating a lady from snatching the last Vanilla Bean Noel shower gel from off the shelf. “Caitlin doesn’t even technically celebrate Christmas.” “That’s not helping,” Cisco snapped, “that means that I’m already late in giving her a gift.” “I thought you agreed on just swapping gifts at our Christmas party at Joe’s?” “We did.” “What’s the big deal, then? Just get her some nice soap or something. That’s what I’m doing.” Barry waved a bar of soft lilac in his face before depositing it in his basket. Cisco scoffed, “I can’t buy Caitlin soap.” “Cecile says you can If it’s very nice soap.”
“Ohhh my god.”
Barry stopped his frenetic shopping to pause and give Cisco a funny look. “Am I missing something? You’ve never been bad at presents.” Cisco studied some pine scented hand lotion and shrugged. “I guess I just want to get her something special this year.”
“Why?” Cisco shrugged again. “I don’t know. I just feel like I should. Don’t you feel that way with Iris?” Barry lifted his 13 bags sheepishly. “Iris is easy to shop for. She usually says I spoil her too much.” Cisco glared at Barry’s haul. “You’re kidding,” he deadpanned. Barry missed his sarcasm by a mile, “Oh yeah, I mean Christmas is just that time of year where you get away with buying way too much—It’s fun and—“ Barry stopped abruptly in the queue for the cash, causing Cisco and then a series of five other people behind them to stumble into each other like dominoes. “Barry,” Cisco warned, pushing him forward to prevent a public outcry. Barry shuffled forward but spun on his heel to give Cisco a feral smile. “What?” Barry hummed, looking smug. The cashier called for the next in line and Barry started to unload his basket. Cisco leaned his elbow against the check-out counter, frowning at Barry suspiciously. “What?” he asked again. “Nothing.” That very clearly did not mean nothing. “That’ll be $56.98, sir,” the employee chirped, and Barry tapped his card with his charming Barry Allen smile. “Merry Christmas!” Barry beamed at her when she handed him his 13th purchase of the day. Cisco watched him struggle out the door. “You need help with that?” “Nah, I got it,” Barry replied, looking left then right and Flashing away. Cisco blinked and then blinked again to find Barry back, red faced and empty handed. Clearly he put his stuff away in the car. Barry smirked at Cisco, folding his arms over his chest. 
“You’re stressing over finding Caitlin the perfect gift.”
“A little,” Cisco agreed. “Because you want to impress her.” Cisco scratched his hair, “Uh...no? Because I want to get her something she deserves?”   “Because...?” Barry prompted. “...Because I love her?” Cisco replied in the same tone. Barry waggled his eyebrows triumphantly. “Say that again?” Cisco’s brain lagged, “Because I love her—Oh shit.” Barry cackled At Cisco’s dumb struck face. “I’ve been waiting five years for this.” Cisco stopped to drop onto a bench in the middle of the mall meant for the sick and elderly. “Oh Barry. This isn’t news. I know.” Barry’s mouth dropped open to talk and Cisco held out his hand, interrupting him. “I didn’t mean to tell anybody.” “What? Why not?” “Because Barry, no offence, but I’m friends with people like you and Ralph and Sherloque. You suck at secrets. Please don’t blow this up.” Barry sat down on the bench beside him. “It doesn’t have to be a secret. You should tell her.” Barry started to grin, “Do it on Christmas!” Cisco bristled. “Don’t say that.” “Why not?” Barry supplied, “This is amazing. You can get her something romantic and then confess your feelings.” Cisco looked at Barry as if he had three heads. “....No?” “No?” “Rejection on Christmas? I don’t think so.” “Oh come on, Caitlin won’t reject you. She has feelings. Trust me.” “Yes, she can, she absolutely can. She’d be allowed to, and she might.” Barry put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Dude.” Cisco crossed his arms over his coat and shook his head. 
“Can we just work on trying to get her a good gift? I want her to have that regardless of my feelings.” An old man with a cane hobbled down the mall, and Cisco quickly hopped up to offer him his seat. Barry bumped his shoulder with his own as they made their way back to the centre of the mall. “Sure. Where to next?” Cisco twirled around, taking in all of the commercialism and wrinkled his nose. Nothing about this screamed Caitlin to him, and of course it shouldn’t, none of this was Caitlin at all. Besides, he doesn’t want to fall upon the perfect gift for her because some salesperson smoothed talked him into it or because it was on sale. It needs to be more than that. They passed by a Build-A-Bear full of children and a swamped Pandora. An idea struck him, and he tugged Barry along the way to the nearest exit. “You know what Bear, let’s go home.” Cisco waited for Barry to drive down the road after dropping him off at home before he breached back to Star Labs. He switched on the light to his workshop and plopped down at his desk, carefully depositing all of the materials in front of him. He pulled out his tools, then looked at the time. Two days. That was enough to turn these scraps into something special, right? Of course it was. He’s made gizmos that defeated evil villains in less than a half hour from scratch. A gift for Caitlin couldn’t be that hard. He’s made Iris’s explosive earrings and Caitlin’s solar power dampener necklace. This shouldn’t be a big deal. Two hours later, Cisco was banging his head against his desk with a long drawn out groan. It was. It was. It was. ~.~ What Cisco liked best about Christmas time, was the smiles on everyone’s faces. He sat nursing a strong cup of eggnog as everyone opened their gifts around the West’s tree. They were being lazy, knowing that the majority of the boxes here were for cute little Jenna, who was too young to open them anyways. She’s barely a year old, but that doesn’t stop them from catering the infant like she’s royalty. Cisco was guilty himself, having got her both a play pen full of age appropriate stuffed toys and custom made The Flash, Kid Flash, Vibe and Killer Frost onesies. Cecile lifted her up in the air from the floor where she had changed her into the sixth outfit of the day and blew a raspberry into her belly. “Oooh look how cute this hairband is!” She cooed. “Thank you, Caitlin! Say thank you Caitlin, baby! Yes, we’re saying thank you!” Cisco pressed his socked foot against her folded legs on the couch they were sharing. She smiled at Cecile. “It’s my pleasure. She’s adorable.” “It’s yoooooour turn,” Iris sang, rummaging under the tree for a gift with Caitlin’s name tag. That’s how they made it work. Whoever gifted a present were then next to receive, unless it was for Jenna, then they placed the baby in front of the gifts and picked whichever one her chubby fingers reached out for first. She picked a simple green box. She shook it, “Oooh, this one’s from Cisco.” Caitlin took the gift from Iris and inspected the red bow. “Complimentary colours,” she commented, giving Cisco a little smirk. Barry shot him what Cisco could only assume was Barry’s idea of a sneaky look. Cisco pressed his toes into Caitlin’s legs again, and she swung her leg out to retaliate as she opened the box. A simple purple scarf tumbled out. “Wow,” Caitlin said, “this is very nice.” Everyone oohed and ahed. Except Barry. His eyes bugged out like Cisco just infected her with a terrible disease. What stunned Cisco the most was that she wasn’t faking it, even though that scarf had very obviously been the plainest gift anyone had received today.
Cisco fiddled with the box in his pocket, aching to just stop and swap them all with a “gotcha!” but he knew that he couldn’t do it properly with everyone’s eyes trained on them. 
He had meant to, but then chickened out, and ran to the mall last minute yesterday to grab a random nice scarf and wrapped it to put under the tree instead.
“Thank you, Cisco.” She leaned forward to give him a hug. “You welcome,” he replied, looking down at his lap. Iris went digging under the tree for a present for Cisco. There only was one left for him, having had already opened most of them a while back. Iris handed him a decently sized gift box.
“And this one is from Caitlin.” He glanced at her, who was staring back anxiously, her nails close to her mouth. He lifted the cover and removed the tissue paper. A beautiful expensive black leather jacket. She knew his old one was although well-loved, worn out and not warm anymore. “Oh, Cait,” he murmured, picking it up in his hands. It was gorgeous. He could wear this everyday. “Try it on,” she urged him. He had to shrug himself out of the swaddle of blankets they were cocooned under, and slipped his arms through the sleeves. Joe whistled, damn impressed. “Mr. Ramon, look at you.” “It’s really very nice, Cisco,” Iris agreed, a little distracted at how it fit against his biceps.   Cisco was slightly alarmed by that, giving Barry a look, which Barry shared with him in equal measure. “Barry you should get one of those.” Barry coughed. “Hey! I think Iris that present is for you! Nora, help me find one,” he said quickly, speeding under the tree for one that was for her. Iris frowned. “But it’s Caitlin’s turn again.” “Nope! This one’s for you. It’s your turn. Caitlin won’t mind.” Caitlin shook her head, visibly amused. He got off the couch to pull Caitlin into a real hug. She held him tightly when he thanked her, and it made his heart thump in his chest. He took the jacket off and folded it back neatly, placing it next to Caitlin’s new scarf. 
Now he just felt crummy.
 He knew that wasn’t all he had for her, but she didn’t yet, and he very much hoped she didn’t feel disheartened by it. A half hour later, presents were over and everyone had dispersed throughout the house. Cisco stretched his arms over his head as he untangled himself from the couch and had not had even four seconds of peace before Barry came barreling into him, Flashing him outside in the cold. “What the hell, man?” Cisco groused, shivering in the snow. “A scarf!?” Barry seethed, “A scarf? That’s what you call special? You may as well have gotten her the soap!” Cisco took a step back, rolling his eyes at Barry’s self-righteous anger. “Okay, first, relax. Second, I appreciate your protectiveness of Caitlin, but you don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about.” “Oh yeah? Because it looks to me like you just gave Caitlin the most pathetic excuse of a gift after a whole afternoon of giving everyone else nice stuff.” Cisco cringed. When he put it like that... “I get that’s how it looks like, which is on me, okay, I know. I panicked so the scarf became a deploy.”
“So you have a better gift then?”
“Yes, Barry.”
“Good, because Caitlin deserves better than that from you.”
That was a tad too intense for just a concerned friend invested in his bffs’ relationship.
“Okay,” Cisco replied patiently, “But let’s say I did give her the scarf and that’s it, why are you so mad?” Barry’s face screwed up. “Um...” “Oh no.”
“Barry!” Barry scratched his head. “It may have come up in a conversation yesterday.” Cisco’s felt his heart drop to his shoes and became overwhelmed with dread. “Bartholomew Henry Allen, what did you tell her?” “Not that you’re in love with her!” he shouted out quickly, to which Cisco smacked him hard. “Just that you were stressed about getting her something special. And then you proceeded to get her something lame. And very un-special. And then she gave you that jacket!”
Cisco groaned, burying his head in his hands. “Barry. I love you and it’s Christmas, so I’m going to be nice, but this is exactly why I didn’t want to tell anyone anything about this.” “As long as you’re not lying about that scarf not being the only thing you have.” Cisco’s hand went straight to his pocket, clenching the box in there. “I’m not.” “Then good,” Barry repeated.
The two stared at each other before cracking smiles, beginning to laugh. “Also what was that back there? Were you actually jealous that Iris, your wife, was looking at me in that leather?” Cisco shoved Barry and Barry shoved right back, rolling his eyes at his own stupidity. “Yeah, yeah. Caitlin knew what she was doing. You looked good!” “Hey Bear,” he said, freezing to pieces, but struck with the sudden need to tell Barry. “Yeah?” “You know how Dante and I never really got along...” Barry leaned against Joe’s brick house, furrowing his brows. “I thought that’s just what it meant to have a brother. That there’s just always animosity and friction underlying the relationship because that’s how things were.” Cisco smiled at Barry. “And then I met you. I guess what I’m trying to say is, Merry Christmas, hermano. You annoy me to no end but you call me out on my shit and still do your best to protect and encourage me. It’s what I love best about you.” Barry was a bouncing ball of grinning fluff. “You’re my brother too, man. Can we hug?” Cisco laughed, opening his arms, “yeah, I better get a hug if I end up catching pneumonia because of this.” Cecile opened the door. “Boys, enough with the bromance out in the cold, I’m not sending anyone to the ER this Christmas.” They stomped off the snow from their shoes obediently and singled filed back into the house. Cisco went beelining to the kitchen for some of hot chocolate as an attempt to regain feeling in his fingers. He found Caitlin there, messing around with the fillings of one of her pies. “Hey you. Want a pie assistant?” She startled, nearly dropping her spoon of chopped apples. She looked up and bit her lip. “I’d never say no to a man offering help in the kitchen.” Cisco took a chug of his hot drink then rolled up his sleeves. “Can you poke holes in that one so it can breathe?” Cisco took the fork and began stabbing. In ten minutes, they had all three pies in the oven. Caitlin washed the dough off her hands as Cisco refilled his lukewarm mug. His other hand went back to the box in his pocket. It made sense to do it now. There wasn’t anyone else in the kitchen, the turkey still needed an extra hour and a half anyways, and the last Cisco heard was that they were setting up a movie to watch in the living room. Cisco leaned against Joe’s creaky cabinets. “So, I’ve got to be honest with you. I didn’t give you your present yet.” Caitlin’s hand stilled over the soap dispenser, leaving the water running down the drain. She turned her head over her shoulder. “What do you mean? You got me that lovely scarf.” “Not really. That’s the fake gift.” Caitlin looked down at her wet hands and frowned. “Oh,” she said softly, her face falling even more. “Do you want it back?” “No no!” Cisco rushed, “Keep it, it’s for you!” “Then what do you mean?” “I mean, what I really want to give you, I wanted to be in private. Not in front of,” he made a frivolous gesture with his hand, “All of this.” Caitlin took off her apron and twisted her hair to the side, uncertain. “Okay.” “Okay,” he said, and closed the door to the kitchen. He pulled out a chair from the kitchen table.  “Sit.” He took the opposite chair and sat across from her. Cutting straight to the chase, he asked, “Be honest. What did you think of the scarf? I know Barry spoke to you about my gift. Did he rise your hopes up?” Caitlin dug her fingers in to ends of her dress’ sleeves. “A little. I really do like the scarf, but it was a bit...Bland...compared to what you gifted everyone else. It made me feel a bit.” “Icky?” Cisco guessed. Caitlin shrugged. “I didn’t want to feel that way. It just happened.” “Yeah, Caitlin that was never my intention. Barry shouldn’t have said anything. I wanted to surprise you.” “With what?” “Close your eyes first.” Caitlin raised an eyebrow. “Really?” “Yes!” He insisted, it would be easier for him to say what he needed to without her eyes all tender and pretty on his while he did it. She listened to him, closing her eyes with a little smile played on her lips. “Hold out your hands.” She cupped them in front of her. Cisco removed the box from his pocket to place it gently in the palm of her hands. Her finger instinctively curled around the edges. “Keep them closed,” Cisco said, as he put a hand over her jiggling knee. “So, there’s a few things I want to explain first. Before you see your Hanukkah/Christmas/Holiday present. The first is that Barry was right. I was stressing over your gift. I usually do, actually, but this year was different. You had a tough year, losing Killer Frost, then finding your dad. And I wanted you to—I don’t know, it’s silly, I guess, because it doesn’t have to all go in a gift, but I wanted something for you to see how much I cared about what you went through. Something that was special enough to be uniquely for you, so that you looked at it, you’d always know it was from me.” Her fingers twitched against the box, her mouth parting open slightly at his words. “The second is that you are absolutely my best friend in the entire world, and so you should know that I’d always treat anything for you from me as important. You’re never an afterthought, Caitlin. You’re my number one on speed dial, my go-to. My partner in do good, instead of crime.” “Cisco please let me open it, this wait is killing me.” Cisco chuckled, “Alright, fine. Open your eyes.” Caitlin did, and he watched her eyelashes flutter as she blinked down at the box. She took off the cover and picked up the bracelet fastened on the little cushion inside. “Is this a....” “A charm bracelet.” “It’s gorgeous,” she breathed. It took him 18 hours to wield, carve and meld the bracelet and each intricate charm. It wasn’t pure gold or silver or bronze, but he had alloys sitting around in his workshop taken from shrapnel of tech, suits and finite Earth 2 metals. It was still shiny, and beautifully made, if Cisco thought so himself, gleaming in the light. Cisco unclasped the bracelet when she held out her arm for him to put it around her wrist. She inspected it as all the parts clinked gently against each other. She picked up the first charm. A slim, delicate C, that ended with a swirl. “C for Caitlin,” Cisco explained. “For Cisco too,” she said. He shrugged, fighting his blush, “If you want.” Caitlin dropped her elbow onto the table, laying her arm in between them. Cisco took the second charm, holding it up between his index finger and thumb. “A snowflake for Dr. Snow, Killer Frost and your powers.” He dropped it and went for the third. “A star for Star Labs. Where we first met everyone.” “Our home,” she smiled softly. “Exactly.” The lightening bolt that dangled next to the star was self-evident. “Team Flash?” She guessed. “Team Flash and Barry,” Cisco confirmed. “Who knew our coma guy would become our family?” Caitlin shook her head fondly, and picked out the charm shaped as glasses. “They’re my vibe goggles. For me. You know, when Barry first suggested the name, I was like, hmm, that’s not bad, but...It was when you repeated it, whispering it brightly, your eyes all aglow that I knew it was the one.” “Cisco...” She said, sounding speechless. “And of course, because this is me, I connected an itsy bitsy extrapolator in the goggles so you’d have a way to breach.” “Wait, you made this. The whole bracelet. From scratch.” “Yeah.” “Oh my god,” Caitlin sat up straighter. “No! Really?” 
She turned the figuring in her hand. It was the metal switch on the arm of goggles. To anyone else, it’ll just look like they fold open and close, but truly, that was the signal of a breach opening.   She opened the arm of the charm and sure enough that vibrantly blue swirl of a breach popped up in the middle of Joe and Cecile’s kitchen. She closed the arm and the breach disappeared instantly. “That’s amazing. Cisco this is just...You’re fantastic.” There were two more charms left. Caitlin studied the miniature microscope. “Your STEM roots,” Cisco supplied. 
“We wouldn’t be here without them. You’re intellect and strength in medicine has saved us all so many times.” “You have too!” Cisco tapped his knuckles against the green tablecloth. “But this is about you.” There was only the last one left. It was by far the most detailed and noticeable. A showstopper piece that would make someone pause to say: Wow, that’s really nice. It was the charm Cisco spent the most time on, pouring all his feelings into it. He debated whether or not he should even include it on the bracelet. Despite what Barry said, Cisco genuinely planned this to be simply about Caitlin and their friendship, not what Cisco was grappling with. But that wouldn’t have been honest. They fell silent, looking at the heart charm, the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas seeping through from the living room. He played with the bracelet, avoiding her actual hand. “That one,” he started. “Um.” “You can tell me.” Cisco knew he was a sensitive person, but this was making him feel vulnerable unlike anything before. Caitlin lifted her free arm and took his hand. He looked at her, surprised to see the tears welling in her eyes. “You have my heart, Caitlin. You always will. I just thought you should know.” A little noise escaped from her mouth, and she let go of Cisco to cover it. In that moment, he knew that she knew. “Please tell me if that’s not okay.” She retreated her arm with the charm bracelet from off the table to throw them around his neck.
Cisco held her burying his face into the crook of her neck with baited breath.
“Cisco,” she whispered, “how could you think I don’t love you too?”
She leaned back, wiping the tears from her eyes as she looked at him like he hung the moon, like, Cisco realized, how he’s always looked at her.
“I love you.”
Barry opened the door, startling both of them violently. “Hey guys—I just wanted to know if you wanted to watch—“ 
He stopped abruptly, assessing them, how close they were and their particularly irritated faces. 
“Oh.” His face lit up and he pumped his fist. “Yes! I’ll give you another fifteen minutes! Yes!” 
He closed the door and they heard him holler, “Nobody go in the kitchen for the next 20 minutes!”
They stared at each other after Barry closed the door, growing slow smiles.
“Cisco,” Caitlin said softly. “Close your eyes.”
He did, feeling her hands brush against his neck, the charms chiming next to his ear as she kissed him breathless.
He inhaled sharply, wrapping his arms around her waist against the smooth velvety material of her sweater dress. He tried to convey the way his heart was bursting, his head was floating, how she made him feel, how she has almost always made him so indescribably happy.
He broke the kiss only because he seriously wasn’t sure he’d make another ten seconds of her mouth on his without dying. He was already addicted to her taste.
“Wait,” she panted, after grabbing his face to kiss him harder. She leaned her head against his, brushing their noses together.
“Having you is better than anything I could ever ask for.”
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canadian-riddler · 6 years
The Girlfriend Part Three.  
Synopsis: He probably shouldn’t have done that.  Too late now…
 AO3 || deviantart || fanfiction.net || Wattpad
Being allowed to hang out in GLaDOS’s chamber while she was asleep made him feel a lot better.
She didn’t do anything, obviously; she just hung there sleeping. All he was even doing was the same stuff he did while she was awake, like talk about whatever came to mind or fool around on the ECHONet.  More of the ‘Net, usually.  And she told him every day before she went to sleep not to touch her or else, except for the last eight days.  She had either decided he’d gotten the hint, or there was another hint he wasn’t getting at all.  Because the only time he’d been allowed to touch her in like three weeks now was had been when they were fooling around. Which was weird!  She’d never let him do that before.
The last time had been even weirder.  Not only had he gotten the usual strange sense of relief from her she seemed to have when they did it, but she also kinda just… sat there and let him hug her after.  He didn’t even remember why he was doing that.  And he didn’t wanna ruin this good thing he had going, but still he decided he had to ask,
“Are you okay?”
Well, that hadn’t told him what was up.  “Look, we uh… we don’t have to keep doing this.  If you don’t want to,” he’d told her, even though the mere thought of holding himself to that offer was like torture.  Seriously!  Having that chassis in front of him all the time and never being able to interface with it would have practically been a crime against robotkind!
“You always seem kinda… relieved that we’re done.”
“Oh,” GLaDOS had said, as though the thought had never occurred to her.  Which was wild!  “I am. But not because of anything to do with you.”
Encouraging! but not helpful.  “And… the reason is…”
But then she had moved away and said she was going to sleep, and that had been that.  And that had been four days ago.
He really didn’t want to wait another week or however long to be able to touch her again.  Especially since she hadn’t told him not to.  Not recently, at least.  He didn’t wanna take advantage or anything!  Really!  He just wanted to cuddle her as much as possible!  And she didn’t even have to be on! He wasn’t even asking to take up any of her time to do it!  He was cool with just doing it while she was asleep! She probably wouldn’t even notice!
Oh.  Oh, wait.  That was true.  She probably wouldn’t.  She’d never mentioned the fact that he talked to her at night, so she probably wasn’t conscious at all.  Not even a little bit.  It was really hard to tell with admin bots, since their task lists were more of a twenty-four-seven dealie, but she wasn’t the kind of person to keep quiet if he was doing something she didn’t like.  But she couldn’t dislike something she didn’t know was happening!
Would that count as being sneaky, though?  He already knew asking her direct questions was not the way to get an answer of any kind. He just sorta had to ease into things and wait and see if she told him to stop.  Which he wouldn’t have to do for this, since she’d be totally asleep and not know about it at all.
Well, what did he have to lose?  He was just gonna go for it.  She probably wouldn’t even get that mad.  Probably. She might.  Hopefully not mad enough to kick him out, though.  He really liked living here.  Also, he really liked her.  Which was why he just couldn’t bear to keep his hands off her!  And honestly it would be weird if he did want such a thing!  She was so big and so beautiful and it felt so good to just put his arms around her as far as he could reach and just sit there and listen to all the noise her brain made as she went on thinking those smart thoughts of hers.  Ohhhh. He shivered.  Okay, now he was really gonna do it.  He could not go another second without holding her again.  It’d be fine. No big deal.  It was nothing at all to cuddle your girlfriend while she was sleeping even though she hadn’t actually told you it was okay to do that. Probably everyone else did it all the time and he was late to the game.  Which… wasn’t unusual, actually.
“Okay,” he said to himself, looking at her and thinking over how he wanted to do this.  It was gonna have to be from the side, since he couldn’t really move that much from the front and he could never be sure how long he could stay still for.  So he went up to her left side and he very, very carefully put his right arm along the part of her core where the ceramic fit into the rail that let her shift it up and down.  Then he stayed very still and listened as hard as he could.
Good!  Exactly what he’d been hoping for.  When he thought he’d calmed himself down again he very slowly positioned his chassis as close to her as possible, which also went very well, and then he finally (again very slowly!) put his other arm up against the front of her core.  He did remember she didn’t like having her optic assembly touched at all, so he put his arm up a little higher just in case he stopped paying attention and it slipped.  She would definitely be mad if he punched her in the eye, even if it was by mistake.
He was so nervous about the whole thing that he didn’t really get to enjoy it for the first ten minutes, but after that?  Totally worth it.  
He was never gonna feel lonely at night again.
 Every day he waited about twenty minutes to make sure she’d gone to sleep, and then he’d go up to her and put his arms around her real slow.  Sometimes he wouldn’t talk or watch TV or even do anything, because the feel of her was just so darn nice.  He’d just sit there and think about what it must be like to be a construct like her. Though… he never really came to the conclusion it was a nice life.  She didn’t have any friends and she never really seemed to have fun.  It seemed like being smart enough to be admin just… sucked.  Because then they gave you all this work to do, and if you didn’t have any work you just started going stir-crazy!  Even if he’d been good at it, Claptrap didn’t really like working. It was a lot more fun to just mess around and do what he wanted.  But GLaDOS couldn’t do that.  Well, she could.  But not for very long.  She had too much work to do.
At times where he was thinking stuff like that, he hugged her a little tighter and wished she’d open up to him a little more.  Gosh, he liked her a lot.  It sure would be cool to know if doing this was okay or if he was just being a total asshole.  Claptrap was a pretty nice guy, compared to everybody else on Pandora, but in a world where everyone was kinda a jerk he was also bound to be a jerk like fifty percent of the time.
He did this every day for a week or two and it always seemed to go fine.  He already knew by now when she was waking up by the sound of it – ‘cause it was loud – and he usually got off her with plenty of time to spare. But then there was this time he forgot what he was doing because he was watching a movie about a dog that could play basketball, and it was just so amazing that he didn’t realise he’d lost track of time until he seemed to have gotten a lot warmer and noisier all of a sudden.  That was certainly weird, since he wasn’t, like, thinking or anything, and while he was trying to puzzle that out he suddenly remembered just who he was hanging onto.
Ohhhhh s***.  Oh s*** s*** s***.  How was he gonna explain his way out of this?  He veeeeeery slowly extracted himself from her core, backed away about three feet, and then… nothing.  She didn’t do anything.  She didn’t yell at him, or sigh in annoyance, or even actually move.  He wasn’t sure what to do.  Was he in trouble?  Was she thinking about how much trouble he was in?  Was she gonna kill him?  Or, worse, kick him out?
“Good morning,” he said, in an attempt to be casual, but considering his voice came out kinda high-pitched it was unlikely he was even one percent convincing.  Aw, hell.  
She still didn’t move. Well.  Onto the hard question.
“Are you mad?”
She didn’t say anything, and because he was himself he felt the need to fill the silence with something.  “Look, I know I shouldn’t’ve been doing that.  And I… I’m sorry I didn’t ask first, but I thought you’d say no!  And I mean, you’re my girlfriend!  And I never get to hold you!  That’s kinda a thing I’m supposed to be able to do!  Maybe not all the time, but not never!  So I figured, hey!  She’s asleep, and I’m not asleep, so we can both have what we want!  So yeah!  When you go to sleep at night I come up and cuddle with ya until you get up.  I really like it.  A lot.  I’m not doing anything else, I swear.  I’m really not.  It’s okay if you’re mad.  I shoulda asked first.”  He spread his hands helplessly, since she was giving him literally nothing to work with here.  
“I’m not mad,” GLaDOS said unexpectedly.  “I knew about it the whole time.”
Wait.  What? She’d known the entire time and she’d just… let him?  Without saying or doing anything?  He felt like that had to mean something.  Okay, okay. She’d known about it and instead of telling him to get lost, she’d just let it go on.  And she’d done that because…
Oh.  Oh, wait a minute.
“GLaDOS,” Claptrap said, “do you like it when I hold you?”
She was quiet for so long he thought he wasn’t gonna get an answer out of her, but then she said,
“I don’t know.”
That was when he was suddenly reminded of something he usually forgot about her: that he was kinda the only person she knew.
How would she know if she liked being hugged or not?  It wasn’t like she had arms.  She was also really big.  That wasn’t a problem for him, of course, but it could be a bit of a hitch in the hugs department. And even if she’d known other people, she’d probably had a lot of crappy experiences with people touching her.  He didn’t quite know what they had been, but he didn’t need the deets to know what humans liked to do with robots. Every time they got their hands on one they started –
Ohhhhhh.  Now he got it.  Now he got what aaaaaall of this was about. It had absolutely nothing to do with him at all!  For once.  He was just the first person she was letting touch her in like ten years.  She was very, very slowly giving him her trust.  And he actually seemed to be earning it!  All of this was doing wonders for his self-esteem, actually.  Wait!  He was supposed to be doing something.  What was it again?  Oh yeah! GLaDOS.  He’d asked if she liked being held and she’d said she didn’t know. And then he’d kinda spazzed.  Okay.  Uh… hm. Did he keep talking about it?  She didn’t usually like talking about stuff. Soooooo… subject change!  But what to?  Hm. This was kinda hard…
“Hey, you wanna see some parking fails?”
“Some what?”
So he got out one of his playlists – which he had a lot of, mostly for making himself better when he did something stupid – and that actually did cheer her up.  Awesome!  Even more awesome was the part where she slowly put herself right next to him and he got to hold her again.  But casually.  And nicely. So she’d have lots of time to tell him to piss off.  And when he did back off because she told him she had work to do, she said,
“You seem to like doing that.”
Was that a trick or something?  Of course he did!  “Uh… yeah?”
“You can keep doing it. If you really enjoy it that much.”
Ohhhh.  She was doing that thing where she wanted him to do something, but she was pretending it was because he wanted to do it.  Which he did. But whatever helped her out, right? “I have no problem with that!”
So later that night, after she was done the stuff she did all day, he went back to holding her and she did… whatever she did before sleeping.  He tried to think of just how to keep this whole thing from bothering her. Because he would love to do it every day.  Well, with her wanting him to do it.  It was nicer like that.  She just felt so good to hold like this.  Even if he sometimes wished his arms were a little longer so he could really do it right.
“Sweet dreams, beautiful,” he said, not really in a whisper but sorta quietly, anyway, and after a moment she did this… thing.  He wasn’t sure what to call it.  She kinda pushed her core into him a little bit, like… like a cat did when it wanted your attention, and… well, he liked it.  It was really cute.  It would be really great if she did it again sometime. Like, a lot.  Okay, maybe not too much.  Then it wouldn’t be special anymore.  Or maybe it still would be.  ‘cause she was so special.
Oh geez.  This was getting a little more serious than he’d thought it was gonna be.  
“Goodnight, funnychips,” she said, so quietly he almost didn’t hear it because her operations were louder than her voice.  And he almost started jumping up and down, he was so excited to hear that, but he realised that wouldn’t be the best decision and hugged her extra hard for a minute instead.
This was totally getting super serious.  He’d never gotten that far before and if he wasn’t careful it would be way worse to lose something like this than to just be told to get lost off the bat like usual.  He wasn’t sure how to be careful, exactly, but he was gonna try.
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Monet’s: The Cafe of Love|Cyrus X  fem! Reader
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Request: Hey could I get a Cyrus request where you start being Mack’s friend and she keeps sneakily trying to set you two up or something? Thanks!!
Warnings: Nothing besides my bad grammar skills.
a/n:  Please excuse the worst title ever.This turned out longer than I expected, I didn’t write as much about meeting Mack but more about the Cyrus part of things. I also don’t know if Mack was being as sneaky as she could of been, but she kind of makes up for it near the end. I’m rambling but I hope you like it! Thank you so much for requesting something for Cyrus, I absolutely adore him- Ty 
Most stories begin with a new student, a student who desperately wants nothing more than to fit in and magically gain a jock candy boyfriend. High school wasn’t any better it always portrayed as a magical kingdom of opportunity, however your story was not a fairytale coming of age story it was real life. You had been at Liberty since sophomore year, upon having years of experience you had gained the ability of blending into your surroundings with much ease. Over the years you had spoken to a fair share of people despite knowing them they were never close enough to be considered an ally, as cheesy as it sounded life had taken a sharp turn when you had finally discovered your ally Mackenzie.
What made up the friendship was a fair share of nerdy conversations, house visits and her failing attempts at trying to set you up with her brother Cyrus. Mackenzie was a lot of things but she was hardly the sneakiest person in the world causing you to see right through her flimsy façade, despite all of her attempts at trying to “gain the perfect sister-in-law” nothing had occurred. You admired Cyrus quite a lot, he had this unrestrained personality and a smirk that made your body feel as hectic as a game of Operation. Cyrus had probably spoken to you more than he had spoken to his own sister asking what your favorite movie was, what your opinion was on everybody at liberty or whether you took a liking to any one of his pranks (you had gone with the truth and what was probably the safest answer “I like all of them”).
Starting another day at what was the pure embodiment of purgatory you slammed the locker door shut rubbing your sore eyes before leaning your head onto the cool metal letting out a ragged breath. It wasn’t long before you felt a light tap on your shoulder “Hey Y/N don’t fall asleep yet we have a big day ahead of us!” Straightening up you turned “Mack for the love of god don’t patronize me today.” A light smile took over her face, she was honestly as bright as a field of sunflowers. “Do you want to come to Monet’s with us? By us I mean Tyler, Cyrus and I, we’re on a successful prank high today come on!” “Shit did pigs grow wings and start flying? Cyrus let you in on a prank?!” Still keeping the same expression she chuckled “No way, I’m not sworn to that level of secrecy yet but however since I’m his beloved twin I am allowed to join them for celebratory drinks.”
You smiled back at her, she could make anybody break into contagious laughter and rosy cheeked smiles it was simultaneously sickening and admirable. “Okay dude you don’t have to ask me twice.” Stepping back she nodded looking like she was attempting and successfully portraying a midlife crisis “cool” dad. “Sweet, yeah totally, cool.” Turning on your feet you started walking to your first class of the day “Oh and Mack, don’t try anything.” Getting your much desired reaction she shouted down the hallway gaining attention from passerby’s “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Shaking your head you continued walking ignoring the slight butterflies welling in your stomach.
Time Skip:
Walking into Monet’s after Tyler you’re greeted by the creamy, rich aroma of coffee and cakes.  Choosing a quiet corner table you sat gesturing for Mack to sit next to you, grabbing the menu you scanned the aesthetically pleasing font, drifting in and out of thought you fail to notice the waitress approach the table until she launches into Monet’s official greeting asking for everybody’s orders. Clearing your throat you smile “I’ll have a dirty chai.” Watching the waitress walk away Cyrus chuckles, meeting his gaze you shoot back a quick response “What?” His smirk grows larger by the second “I didn’t know you liked it dirty Y/N.” What you didn’t realize was that Mackenzie was bursting with excitement, in her mind all she needed was to give you and Cyrus a few nudges and her job would be done. “Cyrus there’s a lot you don’t know about Y/N, you just need to open Pandora’s Box right Y/N?” restraining yourself from face palming you change the topic “So Cyrus what was the brilliant prank we’re celebrating?”
Cyrus’ eyes contort into a look of confusion. “What prank?” Rolling your eyes you take a sip of your drink (which had arrived fairly quickly) you eye him like a great detective “Is the prank a holy grail of pranks or something? You don’t hide many pranks from me.”  Mackenzie’s body was silently shaking in laughter, that tricky bastard. Just as you realized her ploy Cyrus spoke “We didn’t do anything new, I thought you were a fan of my work.” Deciding to go along with the conversation you continue “Then why am I here?” “Wow nice, you’re ready to leave as soon as we have nothing to offer you. Mack suggested we all have a drink today, since it’s the end of the week.”  If it wasn’t the end of the day you would have been a lot more vocal about the matter, so you did the only thing you had the energy to do. You rose from your chair “I’m taking a breather guys, I’ll be back.” Walking away quickly you exited Monet’s.
You had been standing outside for five minutes trying to collect your thoughts, being shrouded in silence except for the sound of passerby’s was surprisingly pleasant. Despite it only being the afternoon the air was very chill, wrapping your jacket tightly around your figure you exhale deeply. You thought nothing of the door opening behind you until you heard Cyrus speak “Dirty chai’s are good, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’s either that or something that rhymes with Zach.” “Why would it be Zach?” “Aren’t you listening I said RHYMES with Zach, Mack! Did Mack do something?” You turn around to face him “No it’s nothing I���m ecstatic.” Cyrus scoffed “When people say they’re ecstatic when I know full well they aren’t it pisses me off.”
“I’m okay Cyrus Mack is being herself.”  “Oh good, I drew this for you in case you needed extra cheering up, you don’t but here you can still have it.” He passes you a napkin baring Monet’s logo, on it is a doodle with two not quite stick figure characters a male and a female, the male is holding a love heart behind his back while cursive script that reads ‘I love you’ is above the pair  with a small red love heart.  You look up smiling a genuine smile that Cyrus takes in. “Where did you get the red pen?” “What?” “Cyrus the love hearts are red, I didn’t know you had a red pen.” He sighs “Y/N stop changing the subject.”  You step forward pulling him into a warm hug “I love you too Cyrus.” You stare into his dark eyes, leaning in you press your lips against his in a soft kiss. Once the kiss has ended Cyrus shifts awkwardly “So I don’t know how to say this, I won’t say be mine, that’s too possessive but Y/N do you want to go out?” Smiling you look at the bumbling mess of a person “I don’t think I’ve ever heard The Cyrus sound so uncertain but sure I’ll go out with you.” Before Cyrus could answer again Mack walks out wrapping her arm around you. “Y/N do you want to come over for dinner? I forgot to ask you, grinning you mutter a reply “Yeah I’d like that.”
You walk into the basement with Mackenzie to see Tyler and Cyrus overlooking the design for their ‘Assholes’ t-shirt. He looks up from his masterpiece with a large smirk “Y/N do you like it?” matching his smirk you answer “It’s perfect, I can’t wait to see you in it.” After being booted from the basement you follow Mackenzie to go to her room leaving Cyrus with a red tinge on his cheeks. He has to remember to thank Mack for letting him know about Y/N, It wasn’t obvious to him at first but now he sees it. She loves him.
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christinamirabilis · 7 years
Question thingy cos I’m procrastinating going to bed which I will be heavily regretting at 7:30 when I have to get up for class but yolo
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  I don’t really use any of them tbh, like, I like to have all of my music in iTunes/on my phone - but if I ever stream music it’s actually normally on YouTube.
is your room messy or clean?  Right now it’s very messy, I was supposed to clean it days ago but I’m lazy.
what color are your eyes?  Blue.
do you like your name? why?  I’ve always been indifferent to it - or, really, it’s that depersonalised feel where I tell people my name is Christina and I answer to Christina but when I start to think about it, say it out loud slowly and mindfully, it feels like a foreign object in my mouth.  So I try not to do that because that’s uncomfortable as fuck.  But anyway, yeah, indifferent, but ever since I learned about Christina Mirabilis and how much she has come to mean to me, it’s better, like, it feels like fate I guess.  If such a thing exists, which is another thing I am ambivalent about.
what is your relationship status?  extremely single so if anyone wants to take one for the team and date me, that would be swell.
describe your personality in 3 words or less?  neurotic, means well.
what color hair do you have?  purple
what kind of car do you drive? colour?  sadly I do not have a car, but I do have a scooter, it’s silver.
where do you shop?  like, as in where do I buy my groceries?  Haha lmao but honestly this is so vague.  Bitch I’m poor and fat, I shop anywhere where I can find something that doesn’t look completely hideous and that my card won’t get declined trying to buy.
how would you describe your style?  see above.  Would like to dress way cooler than I do but lack of money, and - more importantly, since thrift shops are a thing when you’re skinny - being fat.
favorite social media account? Tumblr I guess, even though it’s often incredibly frustrating, because Facebook is a shitstain on the fabric of humanity and I don’t have Twitter and rarely use Instagram.
what size bed do you have?  double.
any siblings?  little sister, she’s 25, lives in Melbourne.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?  somewhere that is perpetually warm, where I can speak the language well enough to practice as a clinical psychologist, but still in a big city - I’m thinking either Sydney or Queensland, or California.  South of France would be fucking lit too, I guess I know enough French that I could become fluent with total immersion.  Anyway, I just want to be warm year-round, seasonal depression always kicks my ass, I fucking loathe being cold.
favorite snapchat filter?  fuck man I don’t know, I don’t remember the last time I used a snapchat filter.
favorite makeup brand(s)  depends on which type of makeup, I have different favourite brands for different products.  But, generally, cheap, I guess.  Although my two favourite makeup items are an eyeshadow that I got from Topshop, and a Makeup Revolution highlight.
how many times a week do you shower?  most days.
favorite tv show?  that is a really difficult question, I have so many favourites.  Right now it’s Game of Thrones, obviously.  But I think Dollhouse is possibly my all-time favourite TV show.  And right now I’m watching Vikings, which I’m fucking loving, just finished the second season.  Although HONESTLY I don’t give a fuck about Princess Aslaug, when the fuck are Ragnar and Lagertha gonna get back together because Lagertha is my fucking bae.
shoe size?  normally 7 or 8 in NZ sizes, or 38EU.
how tall are you?  5′2″ of pure queer fury.
sandals or sneakers?  docs.
do you go to the gym?  lmao.
describe your dream date?  I’ve done this before but basically - luxury version with the girl I’m in love with involves long extended holiday wandering around the Mediterranean and just having lazy days of eating and napping and swimming and having sex and exploring and shopping. Other than that, I just really love to go to an outdoor bar on a warm summer’s afternoon and have sangria or margaritas or wine and antipasto or tapas, and just chill and chat, and maybe have a sneaky cigarette.  just, like, yeah.  perfect.
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?  none, I don’t carry cash most of the time.
what color socks are you wearing?  grey with black polka dots, with a rabbit on each, they used to have pom poms on them for the rabbit’s tale but they’ve long since disintegrated.
how many pillows do you sleep with?  I sleep on one pillow but I have another one on the other side of my bed.
do you have a job? what do you do?  I am a supervisor in a bookstore.
how many friends do you have?  I don’t know off the top of my head, I’m not inclined to sit here and count them.
whats the worst thing you have ever done?  taken my pain out on my own body rather than directing my anger at the people who hurt me.
whats your favorite candle scent?  I don’t know but Sophie got me this Limoncello-scented one from Bath and Body Works in Vancouver but it’s humungous and heavy as fuck so she couldn’t afford to send it to me but I hope maybe when she eventually comes back she’ll bring it with her because I think that would be my favourite scent.
3 favourite boy names?  I don’t know, honestly, I don’t often think about boy names, I guess cos I’m fucking gay as shit so boys never cross my mind in any capacity.  But I like Elliott.  But I also like that name for a girl so idk,
3 favourite girl names?  I have heaps but the first three that spring to mind are Anneke, Rhiannon, and Sinead.
favorite actor?  don’t know tbh.  Probably Harrison Ford as Han Solo, cos he’s my son.
favorite actress?  a hard choice but Emilia Clarke is the one I crush on the hardest so yeah idk.
who is your celebrity crush?  who ISN’T?  I swear I’m in love with half the women in music and film.  Emilia Clarke is a big one, obviously, but also at the moment I’m crushing mega hard on Tash Sultana.
favorite movie?  I don’t know, I’ll just say Amélie because that film never fails to cheer me up.
do you read a lot? what’s your favourite book?  I do read a lot, and I have no fucking idea.
money or brains?  In a partner?  Brains, I guess, although that’s very subjective, given Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences - I guess it depends on what you value.  I, personally, value emotional intelligence.
do you have a nickname? what is it?  Stina.
how many times have you been to the hospital?  Uhhh.  I don’t know off the top of my head, and I probably can’t count accurately because there are a few admissions that I just straight up don’t remember.  At least 10 times, I would say.
top 10 favourite songs?  nah, that’s too hard.
do you take any medications daily?  yeah, I take sertraline (anti-depressant), prazosin (alpha-blocker - for PTSD), and birth control (for PCOS).  I also take magnesium and vitamin D because they’re both fucking lifesaving tbh.
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)  I don’t know.  All I know is that it never fucking does what I want it to.
what is your biggest fear?  The people I love dying, especially my close family.
how many kids do you want?  more than one but no more than three.
whats your go to hair style?  down.  I always wear it down.  I have a pretty large side-undercut, so.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  The house itself is really big, it’s an old villa, but it’s divided into two flats, we’re on the bottom floor.  It isn’t huge, we have a tiny lounge, a slightly-larger-than-average kitchen, and average-sized bathroom/laundry - but our rooms are all fucking humungous.
who is your role model?  my therapist, my old high school guidance counsellor, my friends.
what was the last compliment you received?  Owen said my hair looked good today.
what was the last text you sent?  it was a really long Facebook message to the girl I’m currently talking to, we’re going on a date on Thursday, I’m excited.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?  Idk, I figured it out pretty young, I was a bright kid.  Maybe five or six?
what is your dream car?  I don’t really know.  I like 70s muscle cars but honestly at the end of the day any car is a good car.  Plus, practically-speaking, I would like something that is kind on the environment, an electric car or a hybrid.
opinion on smoking?  I think that it is something people do when they need something to alleviate a distressing situation.  It’s no secret that smoking is more prevalent among the poor and the mentally ill, as well as those with high-stress jobs.  I am an ex-smoker who relapses one or two times a year, the last time I had a cigarette was early April.  I sometimes start smoking again when I am not doing well emotionally or if I’m really stressed (eg during exams).  And I don’t like it, it makes me feel tired, it makes my throat phlegmy, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and it makes me stink of smoke, and it is fucking expensive, but it meets a need.  So my opinion is that I don’t like smoking, but sometimes it has a hold on me that I can’t resist, and I have the utmost compassion for anyone who smokes.
do you go to college?  yeah, I’m in my last year of my undergrad.
what is your dream job?  clinical child and youth psychologist.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  inner-city suburbs - far out enough to still live in a free-standing house with a garden, but close enough that I can walk to the city, or be there after a short bus trip. That’s the situation I live in at the moment and it’s perfect.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  No, because I’m a snob and only like to use my own shampoo and conditioner.  But I don’t see anything wrong with it, since you’re paying for them.  Taking appliances and dressing gowns and towels, however, is not acceptable in my opinion.
do you have freckles?  Not really.
do you smile for pictures?  Sometimes but I hate having my photo taken so it always looks strained.
how many pictures do you have on your phone?  Not that many at the moment, I just did a big dump of photos onto my laptop, I like to do that from time to time so my iCloud doesn’t run out of space.
have you ever peed in the woods?  yeah, and on the side of the road, and once behind Sophie’s house when her flatmate was taking a really fucking long time in the shower and I desperately needed to pee.
do you still watch cartoons?  nah, but only cos they’re not my cup of tea, absolutely no hate.
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?  I’m a vegetarian.
Favorite dipping sauce?  see above.
what do you wear to bed?  pyjama pants and an old t-shirt.
have you ever won a spelling bee?  no, they’re not a thing in New Zealand, but if they were I would have fucking cleaned up - not to blow my own horn or anything but I am a freakishly good speller.  It’s kind of a not terribly useful skill though, and doesn’t say anything about my level of intelligence.  Just like my weird propensity for memorising numbers, even if I haven’t used them in 10 or 15 years (like my NCEA student number, and the mobile number for the cellphone I lost when I was 14).
what are your hobbies?  netflix, napping, and memeing.
can you draw?  nope, not even a little bit.
do you play an instrument?  yeah I play the violin, and I can also play piano, and I’m a decent choral singer, and I was once an okay percussionist, and I am a below-average guitarist, and an abysmal flute player.  But those last three were self-taught so yeah.
what was the last concert you saw?  The Veils BUT I’m going to see Sigur Rós on Friday and I am dying of excitement.
tea or coffee?  peppermint tea.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?  Dunkin Donuts, but not for the coffee, I just really like donuts.  Plus we don’t have Dunkin Donuts in Wellington so it’s a huge novelty for me when I get to have them, I’m almost as excited about getting Dunkin Donuts when I fly into Auckland on Friday as I am about seeing my favourite band live haha.
do you want to get married?  Yes.
what is your crush’s first and last initial?  I don’t currently have a crush.
are you going to change your last name when you get married?  No but I will consider hyphenating if that’s something my wife wants to do.
what color looks best on you?  black I guess.
do you miss anyone right now?  I kinda miss Soph but these days I’m just starting to, like, I don’t know.  Adjust.  Which is nice.  Realising that the way things worked out is for the best, because otherwise I would have been in for a lot of misery.  Even though Sophie is a wonderful person whom I love and care about a huge amount.  Apart from that, I miss being close to Nic, because she is like a sister to me, and I wish that we lived near each other so we could support one another.
do you sleep with your door open or closed?  Closed.
do you believe in ghosts?  No, but I could be convinced to change my mind with enough evidence.
what is your biggest pet peeve?  People with bad manners, it is really not that fucking hard to say “please” and “thank you”?  I mean, I’m talking in a work context here pretty much, customers can be so fucking rude.  And the rude ones are all, without a single exception, baby boomers.  So... yeah.
last person you called?  Owen.
favorite ice cream flavour?  I’m not really an ice cream person but I really like Ben and Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, that’s another thing I’m super looking forward to when I go to Auckland.  If it seems like I’m obsessed with food, it’s because I am - but I am especially obsessed with getting all of the bread and sugar I can into myself in the next week because next week I’m starting the keto diet and I’m dying a little inside just thinking about it, I really fucking love sugar and bread.
regular oreos or golden oreos?  regular.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?  rainbow.
what shirt are you wearing?  t-shirt with very thin stripes.
what is your phone background?  beyoncé in the formation video.
are you outgoing or shy?  depends on the context, but mostly shy.
do you like it when people play with your hair?  yeah.
do you like your neighbors?  I don’t know them but they seem nice in passing.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?  always.
have you ever been high?  yes.
have you ever been drunk?  yes.
last thing you ate?  cheesecake.
favorite lyrics right now?  eh.
summer or winter?  SUMMER.
day or night?  Idk I like both, it depends.
dark, milk, or white chocolate?  milk.
favorite month?  January.
what is your zodiac sign?  Aries but I don’t believe in that shit.
who was the last person you cried in front of?  Either my therapist or Owen and Autumn, I can’t remember.  Possibly both, I went through a stage of pretty much constantly crying a couple of weeks back lmao.
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survivorarabia · 8 years
EPISODE 7 “Rocks for Roxy” Aren
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“Last tribal was soo wild and I didn’t even participate in it… The results had me shook though. I’m ecstatic that Jay, the only original Fawz member on that tribe, used his idol and survived because he’s someone that I trust and I would like to keep him close. Alex ended up going home and that was delicious news to receive because I definitely get mastermind vibes from him plus he was a Khiana. An idol was flushed out that ultimately protected Jay and forced Lena to vote out her own ally or herself. Issy proved that she really is on my side and I want to work with her moving forward.”
Well, SHIT. Jay (my cute lil overplaying BOT) just spilled some major tea or 'intel' in this new alliance chat.  So, this little fucker was recruited into this alliance which was mainly consisting of OG Khiana members, so Jay, just as his daddy taught him, started playing along for information from this alliance. Richie, Nicole & Lena are the co-ring-leaders of this alliance, and the little fuckers wanna vote-off everybody in our alliance other than Jay & Roxy. LITTLE BITCHES???? WANNA PICK A FIGHT WITH THE AREN MEISTER, EH? MEET ME IN THE PIT AND THROW FISTICUFFS WITH ME, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. Jay speculates that now that the merge is here they'll kick him out of the alliance and recruit Alex & Ruthie instead, but are we gonna let that happen? NUH-UHHHHHHH! As long as we get Emmott on our side, we can make this a 7-5 vote and I can still flush Alex, the turd, down the toilet! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
“WE OFFICIALLY MERGED! This is every survivor’s goal because no one wants to date somebody that doesn’t make the merge. :> We have a takeover and it turns out that someone is coming back with Pandora’s Box. I immediately guess Alex because out of all the eliminated contestants he knew what he was doing and he’s smart.”
“S h o c k e r, Alex returned and he’s acting super arrogant after being out of the game for about 5 minutes. -.- Issy tells me she’s highkey upset that he’s back, so maybe we can plot to send Alex right back out kind of like a revolving door! Apparently, he’s shocked Issy voted against him when he voted against her twice and almost got her voted out the second time. I reassure her that we’re on the same side and that I have her back.”
well arabia has been fun thanks so much for hosting but my time here is done now !!!!!!!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/38817c3e9059c7603d59e2cd59b17f7b/tumblr_oelryngZFq1vzwwmeo8_250.gif this is a letter to nicole: Nicole, we go way back, like super long time to a couple months ago, youre a cool girl and i like you so im sorry that i even tried to lie to you by saying it was a typo... i know youre not dumb and i dont want you to think i was insulting your intelligence by suggesting that you would even believe me when i tried to tell you that me saying "i want that idol in my pocket before nicole can get it" was a spelling mistake, i wanted to just own up and be like yeah okay bye but i figured i should at least try to play it off... and your "i saw that"???? ripped my scalp off iconic... but yeah that was a message suppose to go to alex because he had just told me he had found an idol so i went to him with the clue that you just gave me to try and get his help to figure it out because im GREEEEEDDAYYYYYY ohhh you know that im greedy for love but yeah... sorry bout that Love, Richie http://68.media.tumblr.com/80148f3ba599fe2ce93d4324978b2a20/tumblr_of3ougvqUC1vzwwmeo3_250.gif anyway im pretty much dead lmao i cant believe i accidentally sent a message talking about nicole, using her name directly, to nicole herself... like how fucking DUMBBBBB am i!??!?!? and nicole is someone i genuinely trust too she just told me about a fricken idol clue why tf would i want to betray her right now??? bc im paranoid about her using our kauai past against me down the road?? probably!!! but still..... i'm a fucking IDIOT!!! in a minority alliance of 4 (with someone who was just voted out bc no one trusted him) on a tribe of 12 and i just fucked up the one relationship i have with someone outside of that 4 group.... like.. who do i think i am to fuck up my game this bad????
GUESS WHOSE BACK BITCHES!!!! I have been feeling so down in this game, these Roblox kids got me SHOOK okay. I literally thought the only person I could trust was Richie, but now today he sent me some rude ass message about me that I think he meant to send to Alex, and I GAVE HIM THE IDOL CLUE. So, of course I was kind of annoyed. I knew I had to get the idol before him to ensure my safety. I FOUND IT because I read it over and decided to Google it since it was in quotes! Duh Brian said the idol clue!! I'm a flop, but I HAVE AN IDOL! Now I just have to decide whether I'm going to use it or not. My issue with Survivor is I am SO impulsive, I would hate to go out with an idol in my pocket so I rather use it like an idiot and then be able to find a new one, than go home. I am trying to see if I'm going to get any votes.
“I know how to get into people’s heads by pulling on their heart strings a little and controlling their emotions. :> I want people to feel like they can lean on me for anything, trust me with everything and ultimately strengthen my bond with them. I think I’ve been achieving this specifically with Emmott. If he feels like he’s being treated like an outcast, I definitely want him to stick up for himself and I will always be there to talk to him especially if no one else will. Note: If an opportunity falls in my lap, I’ll be the first take it especially if others don’t see any use for it.”
Shit is going down with this vote and I don't know which side I want to be on here There's Jay, Roxy, Aren, CI'ere, & Kat all (claiming) they want to vote for Alex Then there's Richie, Lena, Nicole, Alex & Ruthie voting for god knows who (Ruthie mentioned Roxy? Idk) And then there's Emmott who's totally reasonably pissed at the OG Fawz alliance because he's not in it, but Ruthie and Alex are trying to take advantage of this and it pisses me off that he's even considering flipping on Fawz because we need Alex gone NOW I want to work with Emmott, he's super nice, he's just unpredictable as FUCK and he keeps wanting to make big moves which I totally understand but this is not how you fucking win this game & I don't know what to do with him tbh Jay is a super huge threat and a sneaky bastard and I don't like how many alliances he's made (me/Emmott, OG Fawz, Ci'ere/Aren, fuck knows what else) & I'm not happy that Emmott is being excluded from the OG Fawz chat because not only is it a shitty game move to make him want to flip because he feels like he's on the bottom, but I don't like how sneaky Jay & Roxy & etc. have been about all these alliances
“Okay so now I’m going to do a brief merged tribe assessment! I will basically be expanding on the people that I already know or introducing players that I’ve just recently met or have gotten more info on along the way!
Alex: I’m not really happy that he’s back to be honest. He’s smart, he’s dictating the other side, and he does well in challenges. Alex will probably be a target for the rest of the game until he’s voted out or until he wins.
Aren: I still feel the same way about him since my previous assessment, but the fact that he questioned my loyalty kind of set off red flags in my mind. I think he just needs to chill out.
Emmott: He’s very positive and fun, definitely the life of the party. I mean, we did swap and he ended up voting out Blossom so I’m just very confused about that whole situation. We established that we’re gonna stay loyal to each other and I hope Emmott is being genuine about this. He seems concerned on a game level and it was actually quite relieving to know that he’s stressed and paranoid just as much as I am.
Issy: I was kind of iffy on Issy, but I think Shay really did mess up. She doesn’t have a problem with me and I’m not gonna let that affect my relationship with her. Issy proved that we were on the same side by voting out Alex. I definitely want to take her under my wing and I hope she flies through the rest of this game by my side.
Jay: I’m starting to see winner potential in this guy and he’s slowly becoming more threatening. He beautifully played an idol last tribal which would confirm Alex’s elimination. Then he puts together an alliance and starts taking initiative. I trust him and all, but I think Jay needs to be voted out a little before the end if you know what I mean.
Kat: Highkey irrelevant but we’re in an alliance apparently so I have to kind of work with her for now. If this alliance happens to be successful, I’m voting her out because I don’t want any goats at the end.
Lena: We were on good terms when Khiana 2.0 ended, but I feel like she was just doing whatever it took to make sure she was safe. Lena made a mistake of trying to save Alex, so she can go.
Nicole: I really like Nicole and I think I want to take her all the way to the end. She is the physical player, I am the social player, and we balance each other out in terms of strategy. She wasn’t included in this new Fawz alliance and I feel like telling her about it, but I think there might be a reason she wasn’t added.
Richie: Cool dude that I could see myself working well with and going far together, but if tribal lines continue then it probably won’t happen. :[
Roxy: I absolutely love this girl and I know she’ll be loyal to me. Roxy has truly had to survive to stay in this game and she kicked butt to get to the merge. I’m extremely proud of her! She’s still hyper af tho. xD
Ruthie: She had a very sweet and enjoyable presence while we were together on Fawz 3.0, so I hope we can work together here as well!
As for me, I’ve been in a great position this entire game. I’ve been carrying out moves behind the scenes and playing stealthily. I have pushed myself in each immunity challenge to help my tribe win. I’ve made social bonds with everyone and I don’t believe I’m anyone’s priority target. I have been able to get people to trust me and just relate to them. I think I also managed to get in the majority of this merged tribe and I’m ready to start taking people out. I was able to blindside someone and get everyone to flip in unanimous vote. I just need to strategically get myself to the end and start making big moves.”
 WOAH THIS IS A LOT SO BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA i get this message from jay the other day "wanna be a part of an OG fawz majority" i didn't reply i just ignored it couldnt give a fuck i look a little later to reply and he fucken deletes the message right. anyway, i seen this message.... so i say "oh btw, would love to do that alliance" then he was like "Oh dw, it fell through! No one is really wanting it" lol ok I get a message from my MAIN GURL BOO THANG #1 ISSY <3 <3 that there is an OG FAWZ ALLIANCE CHAT THAT I AINT IN AHAHAHAHAHAH ROXY'S FUCKING IMPACT omg im in love with these people there so fucking stupid im obsessed. dumb people actually bring me so much joy omg i hate them all so much. not even like as a group, as individuals they're all dried up grapes and so sad omg so issy's like telling me its okay we'll just go along with it. but i feel thats easier for her to say. 1) shes in the alliance 2) roxy doesn't hate her 3) people actually pm her juicy goss ^^^^ i dont have any of these things so the alarm bells are really going off for me right now, and i kinda wanna flip to the khiana people. i like alex and ruthie more anyway!!! fawz people (minus issy, aren and something ci'ere) makes me feel depressed and bring down my IQ being around them idk what the fuck is going on! all i know is im not in that alliance and that's there own stupid faults! THEY REPLACED ME WITH KAT KAT!!!! my boyf has been more active in this game and all his done is laugh at me when i told him "Some psycho woman (roxy) is yelling at me over the internet" on the topic of julia/roxy/crazy do you know how hard it is to talk to her! omg i talk to her so much and i know we're both bullshitting each other but i have to pretend like shes my favourite person in the world and oh my god, its like hurting my soul genuinely aw well remember shay...... ALSO IDK IF I'VE SAID THIS YET ROXY NEVER SPELLS MY NAME RIGHT - emot - emott - emmotte - emitte - emmot LIKE HOW CAN HARD IS MY CATFISH! i can't wait to tell her my name is actually nick she is gonna freak the fuck out omg
“Jay poured some piping hot tea on the OG Fawz alliance and now I’m glad I didn’t give Nicole any information. On Khiana 2.0, Richie and Lena linked up and formed a group that also included Jay and Nicole. They wanted to get out everyone in the alliance that Zak had made and exposed. The Fawz alliance needs Emmott on board with us so that we have majority. We currently have 6 votes which is enough to tie, but with Emmott we would have 7. I’m not really sure why he wasn’t included in Jay’s new alliance, but I’m guessing it was for voting Shay out.”
i literally dont remember anything that happened last night so like... who knows. anyway jay won immunity and i found out via ruthie herself that she is the target????? jay won't give me a name even though i know he's on the majority alliance which is totally BS because he told richie and i when we were on post-swap khiana that he was on the bottom of his alliance which we just found out (and knew previously tbh) was a lie. anyway so like... apparently we have emmott and issy on our side now? that will bring our numbers to 6, and their numbers are also 6
Aren has agreed to be the seventh vote, and has formed an alliance with Ruthie and I.  So, theoretically, if Issy and Emmott are with us, we should have seven against Roxy.  Theoretically.
I give it even odds at BEST.  I'm gonna tell Ruthie about the Idol, and because her neck is the one on the block, see what she wants to do, play it tonight versus keep it for the future.  I'll let her make the call either way, because I don't think I'm the one getting votes tonight.
TODAY HAS BEEN SO HILARIOUS, I have so much news and I really hope I pull off staying and I hope Alex, Lena, Richie and Nicole stay safe too. <3 SO I've definitely heard my name- that they are going to split a vote between Alex and I in case one of us has the idol, but then... GOOD NEWS.  Nicole spilled that she has the idol and will use it on me if she thinks I'm in danger and that just makes me feel SO good!  I really hope Julia goes because I want 'The Family' and Nicole super safe tonight.  I also have Aren and Emmott's votes... I hope.  Also Aren, Alex and I started an alliance together so that was new and exciting, it's nice to have backup, whew! Anyway, all this has been going on while I was at work and now I'm back home and on the computer and I'm happily trying to use my social game to my advantage.   Let me just add that Julia is HILARIOUS under pressure, she has me dying, I can't even bahaha.  And the thing is I REALLY LIKE HER!  Alex and I would have stayed aligned with her but she's just all over the place, I can't.
“I have been pushing on Alex to get voted out ever since he came back and right now we have 7 votes for him. I tell my alliance that we should tell the other side that we’re voting out Ruthie because Ruthie, Richie and Nicole have all came to me trying to figure out who my side wants out. On the other hand, I’m reassuring Ruthie that she’s gonna stay which is actually the truth lol. It’s pretty messy right now.”
FUCK YOU EMMOTT, YOU LITTLE FUCKING FLIPPING WEEDWACK. SO, since he flipped to the Richie/Ruthie/Alex/Lena/Nicole like a fucking dumbass and since he's incredibly paranoid and thinks Roxy's gunning for him and voted him this time for WHATEVER reason, it's gonna be a 6-6 tie on Roxy and Alex??? And all I have to say, is... FOR THOSE ABOUT TO PURPLE-ROCK, I SALUTEEE YOUUU!!!! (Can we get an episode-title on that one? No? Wow, fuck you guys.)
JULIA IS THE.MOST.ICONIC!!! PLAYER OF ALLL TIIIIIIME!!!!! EVERYTHING SHE SAYS IS AMAZING SHES SUCH A GLORIOUS MESS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THIS WHOLE DAY LEADING UP TO THE MERGE VOTE HAS BEEN SUCH A CLUSTERFUCK OF A MESSS AND I LOVE ITTTTTT!!!! my name hasnt been brought up once (at least to my knowledge but watch me get blindsided lmao) so i've just been talking to everyoneeeeee getting all the tea and taking notes and being a passive participant in all the mess watching like http://68.media.tumblr.com/05e3f3a1cccbad0a8494dbb4cede9e5d/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo5_250.gif i really dont want to vote out julia just because shes so entertaining im going to be so bored without her messiness and unique juliaism... or roxyisms the girl is so messy she cant even decide on one name for herself I LOVE HERRRRR.... but at the end of the day im not an audience member so voting her out is what i have to do as a player RIP :(  i cant even begin to describe the full mess of what went down because i spent the last 2 hours in a mix of confusion and awe but hopefully after this vote i'll be able to process it all and just soak it all in bc whew iconic... P.S. fuck all yall in the viewing lounge for not picking my merge tribe name i cant wait to vote you out in all stars
https://i.gyazo.com/1be8248e4edff1d7ed768134ec2db491.png https://i.gyazo.com/e19c0acb752ac521d8aecdbf1643cd27.png https://i.gyazo.com/f5940ddc231a3f713a48a98f16d26198.png https://i.gyazo.com/465a114fe61239ed6fb2338a7a8fd2f8.png https://i.gyazo.com/83f620477610f6c6d5236273d8db38eb.png https://i.gyazo.com/df05067f6e3b5d593654c9ea08236bb9.png I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE'S JUST HAVING A YANK AT MY COCK BUT HOLY FUCK IF I LEGIT JUST FLIPPED HIM BACK TO ALEX I WILL BE SO FUCKING HAPPY OH MY GOD AREN YOU ARE A FUCKING SURVIVOR COGNOSCENTI GENIUS BOW DOWN FUCKERS
Well, FUCKING SHIT. That just happened. Roxy, one of my closest allies and best friends, is now out of the game. I should have her Jury vote if I do make the end though, as she's constantly like 'oh good luck aren' 'oh aren youre great' 'oh i love you aren' and I mean -- she 'aint wrong, I'm pretty fucking brill. Meanwhile, I did actually manage to flip Emmott back, which is always nice. Next vote, Alex should be leaving. I clearly had to play double-agent this round between my alliance and the other alliance, and I had to persuade the opposing side that Ruthie was getting the votes, just so if they were in possession of an idol, it'd go on her. And, hey -- it did work! Nicole played an idol on Ruthie, under the guise that she'd be leaving. HOWEVER, Alex unfortunately had an idol too, and he used it on himself, thus fucking up our plans. Unfortunately for me, I played double-agent at the expense of any shot of receiving the respect of our rival alliance. Apparently they hate me now, and I can't blame 'em! I fucked them over, and honestly, it's just because I'm that fucking good at lying. Alex just told me that I'm the NatT of this season, and he should honestly just go and fuck off. I'm fucking INCREDIBLE at this game, you little shit! Who's the one that's already been voted-off? Suck my LOLLIPOP, BRUH.
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