#yeah this is long enough to go in the tag I think
alotofpockets · 2 days
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When your heart stops beating | Part 1 | Leah Williamson x Lioness!Reader
Where you go down on the pitch and go into cardiac arrest
Warnings: cardiac arrest, CPR, AED, possibly incorrect medical terms
A/n: Happy birthday @wosoamazing, this one is for you!
Part 2 coming soon!
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.1k
“She does know this game day walk is meant to be relaxing, right?” Millie asks Leah, while the two of them watch you run around with Grace. Leah’s face lights up as you rush past and your giggles reach her ears. “I think she knows, but that she doesn’t care.” 
Where Leah was often found in a quiet corner of the room playing her sudoku’s, you were always running around and doing something active. Today on your game day walk, that consisted of playing tag with Grace. 
“I don’t know how you keep up with her.” Millie had known the both of you for a long time, and yet the question always lingered somewhere in the back of her mind. Leah Williamson was usually the quiet and composed one, especially since she became a part of the captain’s team. You, on the other hand, were always present and expressive. 
“I don’t have to keep up, cause at the end of the day, she always comes running back to me.” Leah said with a content smile. As if you heard Leah’s words, you came running towards her, “Hi baby.” You put your arms around her as you walked backwards for a few steps. “Hi love, did you win?” 
The smirk on your face instantly gave away the answer. “I did, ‘cause Gracie gave up when I was too fast for her.” Leah kissed your forehead, “That’s my girl. Hope you have enough energy left for the match.” You make your way around so you’re now walking next to Leah, “Oh yeah, don’t worry cap, you know I’ve got plenty more where this came from.” Leah rolls her eyes, she might be your captain, but she hated when you called her that.
You had been right though, you were running up and down the flank as if you hadn’t been running around all morning already. You went into halftime with a 1-1 score, knowing Leah was going to give her captain’s speech about being better on set pieces. There had been plenty of opportunities to have broken the tie with them, but hadn’t been able to get the ball in the back of the net from them yet. 
After halftime you're able to break free on the left hand side of the pitch, you manage to get the ball in the far corner where you are quickly surrounded by two defenders. You tried to get out with some fancy footwork, but they weren’t falling for your tricks. Instead you opted on getting the corner, so you kicked the ball against one of them to get it out of bounds. 
Alex ran up to take the corner, while you made your way to the box. You give each other a quick high five, “Let’s show Leah what we can do from set pieces.” Alex said before continuing on her way to the corner.
Once everyone was in position, Alex lifted her hands, and sent her cross in. The ball was coming right in front of the goal, you ran forward and jumped up into the air hoping to reach it. What you hadn’t seen was that the goalkeeper had taken a couple of steps forward and took a firm stand to punch the ball out of the way. Less than a second after you head the ball in the direction of the goal a pair of fists collide with your chest. A shot of pain goes through your whole body as you fall to the ground. The moment your head hits the ground, the world around you goes blank.
Alessia was the first one by your side, as she had stood ready at the back post. You weren’t moving, and you weren’t responding. Alessia looks up with a face full of worry, only to meet Leah’s panicked eyes. 
The medical team was quick by your side, and told the surrounding players to give them some space. Alessia stood up and pulled Leah away from the scene, “Come on, they need space to help her.”
“She isn’t breathing.” One medic said to the other. He went to check your pulse next, “Her pulse is weak. Let’s get her on some air and get her on a heart rate monitor.” The medic made quick work of getting the right equipment, while the players watched the scene unfold in horror, their faces pale with fear and concern. 
They put the oxygen mask on your face, and connect the electrodes to your chest. Your heartbeat was shown on the monitor, and like the medic said it was weak. The beeps sounding from the monitor started slowing down. “Heart rate is dropping. Prepare for CPR.”
Beth stood with her arm around a crying Leah. It was hard for the whole team to see you on the ground like this, but Beth knew that someone needed to be strong for Leah. The rest of the team stood grouped to the side, worriedly looking at their unconscious teammate.
Leah fell to her knees when they started doing CPR on you, Beth tried comforting her as best as she could while tears started forming in her eyes as well. An ambulance was driven onto the pitch, and the paramedics ran up to take over CPR. 
One of the paramedics took over compressions, while the other got the defibrillator ready. The paramedic halts the compressions for a moment as they cut off your shirt. “Hold compressions.” The lead paramedics says, and places the defibrillator paddles on your chest. 
The whole stadium was quiet as the paramedics got ready to shock your heart. “Charging.” The paramedic said, followed by a beep signalling that the defibrillator was ready to shock, “Clear!” 
Your body jolted from the shock, and the paramedics eyed the monitor hopefully. Still nothing. They started compressions again, while the machine recharged. 
“Come on, stay with me.” Leah cried out as the pedals were brought to your chest again. “Clear!” Another shock jolts through your body. “We’ve got her!” The paramedic says, his voice full of relief as the monitor shows a steady heartbeat.  
Your heart might be beating again, but you were still unconscious. “Alright, let’s get her to a hospital.” The stretcher was brought from the back of the ambulance, and you were moved onto it. 
Leah was taking off her armband and shoving it in Beth’s hands. “I have to go with her.” Beth understood, “Go, we’ve got his.” Leah runs over to the ambulance and gets into the back with you. Her eyes were focussed on the steady rhythm of your heart beat on the monitor, while she held your hand tightly. “Stay with me baby.” She whispered over and over again. Leah was definitively in shock, having just watched her girlfriend die and be brought back to life, but your fight wasn’t over yet, you still had to wake up.
Leah sat at your bedside, her hand clutched around yours. The doctor's had done many tests and scans, and had told her that all the tests came back negative and your scans were clear. They had to wait until you woke up to fully assess your memory and motor function. While the doctors were sounding hopeful, Leah still feared the worst.
Doctor's checked on you every 30 minutes. Leah never moved away, staying by your side, holding your hand. It was after the fourth check in that Leah suddenly felt you squeezed her hand. She shot up instantly, “Baby, I'm here.” 
You slowly open your eyes and take in your surroundings. A hospital? You’d have to ask someone what happened, but first you had a more urgent question, so you turn towards the voice. “Did it go in?”
Leah’s eyes filled up with tears. “Did what go in?” You frown, Leah wanted better set pieces and now she didn't know what you were referring to? “The corner, did I score?” Your girlfriend chuckles lightly, realising that this meant you remembered what happened before the accident. “Yes, you did.” Leah wipes the tears from her cheeks.
“Did we win?” You ask next, still having more important questions on your mind than the one relating to you being in a hospital bed. “I don’t know actually.” You’re about to take out the nasal cannula cause you didn’t like the feeling. “Baby, don't touch that, you gotta leave that in.” 
Leah pressed the help button on your bedside, like the nurse had urged her to do when you woke up. “What’s going on Lee?” She shakes her head, “Let’s wait for the doctor’s.” You didn’t understand why Leah didn’t just tell you what was going on, so you pushed more. “Why so serious, love? I just want to know why I can’t take these tubes off.” Leah really tried not being the one to break this to you, but she knew you wouldn’t drop it. 
“Because I watched you die.” You watch her in disbelief. “Your heart stopped on the pitch, they had to shock your heart back to life. You aren’t taking that off until a doctor tells you it’s okay.” The realisation of what had happened started dawning on you. “Copy that, cap.” She rolls her eyes, but steps closer to hug you. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” The nurse walked in. “I see someone is awake. How are you feeling?” You look between Leah and the nurse. “Leah, said I couldn’t take this oxygen thing off, because I died. Did I really die?” The nurse nods, “You did for a moment. Your heart stopped beating after your accident, but the medical team and the paramedics got you back. After that you were brought here, all your tests and scans looked good. The doctor just wants to do a couple tests before you can take the nasal cannula out, I will ask her to come down here soon, I promise.”
Sure enough the doctor showed up in your room within the next five minutes. She did some tests and you were able to take the tube away. “Alright, I want to keep you overnight, just to make sure. Some more tests in the morning, and if those are clear you can go home.”
You couldn’t wait to get home and no longer be in the gloomy hospital room. Lotte had come by with some dinner, and your bags from the stadium. Leah used the time Lotte was there to keep you company to quickly get changed out of her kit, and into the clothes she had packed this morning when she left home. 
After some dinner, Lotte took a picture of the both of you to send to the group chat with an update to the rest of the team. The admin team contacted you to ask if you consented to them using the picture in your injury update post, which you agreed to.
Lionesses just posted
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Lionesses: After some scary moments today, we are happy to share that Y/n is concious and doing well.
She will continue to be monitored, but should make a full recovery.
Sending all our love and well wishes towards you, Y/n!
Leah stayed the night, there was no way she was going to leave your side any time soon. She spent the evening cuddled up with you on the hospital bed, watching a movie together. For you the accident was just what people told you had happened, otherwise it was just one big blank space and then waking up in the hospital. Of course it had been scary to hear that your heart stopped beating, but Leah had seen all that happen. She watched you die, and that visual wasn’t going to leave her head any time soon.
The next morning you successfully finished all the doctor’s tests, and were ready to go home. Lotte was there again to pick you up, since you had both gotten here in the back of the ambulance. 
The doctor’s had put you on bedrest, which you weren’t looking forward to, but you knew it was for your own safety. Leah had already let the staff know that she was taking the week off to be with you, which they fully understood. 
After Lotte dropped the two of you off at your house, Leah took you right to the bedroom where she told you to stay put. Five minutes later she came back with blankets, pillows, water bottles, and snacks. “We’re having a movie marathon, doctor’s orders.” You smiled at her fondly, usually you had too much energy to sit through a full movie, and you realised that Leah was going to take advantage of your bedrest situation. Not that you mattered one bit though, you were all for a night of cuddles with her.
Part 2 coming soon!
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sanatomis · 2 days
⋆౨ৎ˚ ──── 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐔𝐒𝐄.
it's been on your mind for a while now. and, even though he's a little confused at first, it takes satoru very little time to warm up to your enticing offer.
დ content. fr3e use kink, cursing, female!reader, fingering, vaginal sex, creampie, consensual somnophilia, deepthroating, cum-swallowing, mentions of satoru eating it from the back <3
დ notes. second attempt at posting this on tumblr, don't mind me. it's crossposted on ao3 bc my previous attempts at posting all failed miserably (it never showed in the tags ://)
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Satoru is confused. It doesn’t take you much time to notice that your softly spoken words have him quite rattled, as the results of them can so clearly be observed on his face. There’s his nose that scrunches up cutely, and a little tilt of his head to the left which comes accompanied by a few snowy strands of hair shifting across his forehead. A small furrow of his brows, the soft gnawing on his bottom lip. He��s thinking about it; mulling over your offer. 
Three times, he tries to say something. His mouth opens once, twice, and it’s futile. Not a word escapes, and he takes a sharp intake of breath. You almost believe that, if you weren’t currently seated opposite him, he’d smack the side of his head a few times to make sure it’s still screwed on right. 
“So, I just. . .” The third time really is the charm, it seems. Though, he never quite manages to finish what he was going to say. 
“Just put it in, yeah.” 
You finish it for him, you’re sweet like that. It does really seem as if he could use the help.
“Wh—whenever I. . .” 
There’s a little voice in your head, chiming and chattering about how all of this is weird. It makes you nervous, and your fingers itch to play with your necklace to fight it. 
“Whenever you want,” you confirm. It’s as if your heart has suddenly moved to your throat. 
“Wha—what if you’re asleep?”
“I said whenever you want, didn’t I?” 
He almost lets out a little squeak at the words you so casually give him. They surprise him, as they do you. Your last sentence wasn’t one spoken by your mind, and you shift in your seat as if it’d shush the part of you that did. 
It’s as if you’re telling him what you’d eaten for breakfast this morning, not giving him permission to slip, bully and sheat his cock into your needy cunt at any given time of the day. Without needing to ask, too. Satoru can fill you up, stuff you full, and dump so much of his cum into you until you’re overflowing, and he can do it whenever he feels the need to—because he’s Satoru, and you love your Satoru.
“Are you sure?” He asks, a hint of apprehension laces his voice. Your heart almost swells at his concern, at his hesitancy and need to confirm your wishes; even if you’ve vocalised them so bluntly. “Maybe, think about it for a little long—” 
“I have,” you interrupt him. As gentlemanly as he’s being, there’s no mistaking the darkening of his eyes. The pretty, baby-blues making way for something sinister. You suddenly don’t feel so nervous anymore. “I have thought about it. Way too much, and for way too long.” 
A string of curse words tumble past his lips. They’re hushed, and quick, and from the way he, too, shifts in his seat you gather that he’s hard. Painfully so, if the bulge forming in his pants is anything to go by. Your relationship has existed long enough for you to know that drops of his pre-cum are staining the fabric of his boxers already—always so messy, your Satoru. The mere thought has you wanting to take him out, to put him in your mouth and lap at the sticky, white beads falling down his length. 
“Please,” you plead softly, and watch how he stifles a groan at the needy, saccharine sound of it. You want more, more of that sound. Right next to your ear, preferably. “Use me, Satoru.” 
There’s little you want more than that, little that arouses you more than that. The thought of Satoru taking you whenever he wishes, abiding by his whims and allowing him free-reign over your body—it instils a heat into your stomach, into your core. It makes you feel filthy, like a cheap whore picked up from the street; but you’d be his whore, and suddenly it all starts to feel like a dream. It’s Satoru. Satoru, Satoru, Satoru. He’ll be gentle, and he’ll be kind, and he’ll stop as soon as you utter your safeword, and he’ll love you so much, even if he fucks you as if he doesn’t. 
You have half a mind to ask him again, to plead, to beg for it again, as it almost feels as if he didn’t quite hear you. But, as soon as you open your mouth to do so, he immediately latches his lips onto yours. It’s messy, and sloppy, and entirely fueled by the frantic state his mind is currently in—but you don’t complain, and never will. 
His hands are everywhere and nowhere all at the same time, and you feel him almost buzzing with excitement. Your teeth clash against one another at the force of the kiss, your tongues greedily seek the other out, and saliva gets swapped from your mouth to his, and vice versa. It’s dirty, and sticky, and almost brings you back to your high-school years, when he’d been all clumsy hands and feigned confidence on the night you’d lost your virginity to each other. 
Satoru pulls back from your kiss first, and a small smile falls over his lips when he notices you chasing him. “Wait a minute, sweets,” he murmurs, forehead against yours. His breathing is heavy, as is yours, and you don’t want to wait a minute—you want him, now, tomorrow, and each day after that. “Are you. . .” He chuckles when you kiss him again, and again, and again. You only stop when he holds your head in place. “Are you completely sure about this?” 
You blink up at him, eyes wide and lips swollen. “Mhm,” you hum, and caress his cheekbone with one of your thumbs. Satoru melts in your hold, as he always seems to do. “‘S you, ‘Toru. I’m completely sure when it’s you.” 
He lets out a shaky breath. There’s a storm of emotion behind his eyes, but all of them point to the same conclusion—he loves you. So much, you might even get sick of it one day; he’d told you as a joke, one born out of fear. But you won’t. You never will. And you think he’s starting to realise it, finally. 
“Okay,” he whispers, and kisses your forehead. 
It’s delicate, and loving, and so opposite from the way he buries himself into you over, and over, and over again a mere five minutes after that. Satoru’s needy, and impatient, and so pent-up from your previous conversation that foreplay gets thrown out of the window. 
He bends you over the couch first, that cute little ass of yours jiggling right in front of his face as he mounts you from behind. He slips in easily, with a pussy as wet as yours, and a cock as leaky and hard as his—the lack of foreplay almost goes unnoticed. Almost, of course, as the sheer size of him never fails to elicit a hint of a burn as he stretches you out. Nevermind that you take his cock daily, or that your walls are bound to carry his shape after the many years you spend with him. 
The sounds that decorate your apartment are filthy, lewd, and borderline obscene, but you’re thoroughly obsessed with them. The slapping of his balls against your ass, the squelching with each passing thrust, the deep groans and choked whimpers Satoru releases next to your ear just like you wanted. Even your own moans, your own babbles, and your own whines add to the experience; the combination of sounds. And you love it, because it’s you, and it’s Satoru—and it’s the two of you together. 
It doesn’t end after Satoru cums, nor does it after you do. The agreement between the two of you that was made tonight seems to have done a number on him, and he takes you a second time. On the balcony, where he puts you on display for the world to see as he fills you over and over again. And a third time, in your shared bed that’s never been safe from his affection and blatant desire towards you. And a fourth time, in the shower that was initially meant to clean you up, he decides to dirty you even further. 
If this is the reaction he gives to the mere idea of using you whenever he pleases, you long for the time that he actually does.
It’s well past midnight when Satoru finally decides he’s done with you. You’re curled into his side, a shirt that’s way too large for you (but one that you swore you didn’t steal from him) covers your figure. You’re asleep. Tired, exhausted, and completely knocked out. He smiles. You’re so cute. A love-sick expression is stuck to his face, and it may very well become permanent if he stays looking at you. 
One of his fingers reaches in-between your thighs, gently scooping up the remnants of his release. Satoru almost coos at the way your nose scrunches up cutely when he starts to finger it back into your pussy. It allows his digits to slip easily through your folds, and she sucks them in as soon as he reaches your hole. His cum doesn’t leak out this time. Not yet, anyway, but even if it does, he’s more than willing to repeat the process. 
He sighs. Mind full of thoughts, but at least his balls are empty now. There’s a little huff escaping his lips, and he’s amused at his own comment. Satoru shakes his head, but the small smile remains nonetheless. Strong, yet gentle arms pull your body tighter against him. 
You’re delicate, and sweet, and so precious to him; and he will do his best to take care of you. Use me, use me, use me. He kisses your forehead, his own eyes falling shut. 
He will most certainly try to. 
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The very first time Satoru entertains the idea of indulging in your offer, is on a day where you’ve decided to wear his favourite lipgloss. It’s so shiny, such a cute shade, and makes you look so beautiful, but above all—it’s sticky. It’s sticky, and easily smudged, and he knows from experience that everything feels so much filthier when he steals a kiss from you with it on. 
Without meaning to, thoughts of you wrapping those glossed lips around his dick, creating a mess made-up of spit, cum, tears, and thus that delightful stickiness from your lipgloss, enters his mind. The coloured shade will leave a perfect ring around his length, there’s no doubt in his mind. Your pretty face will be all dirty, smudged stains near the corners of your mouth courtesy of his fat cock. You will be a sight for sore eyes. 
You’re talking to him, but Satoru can’t seem to listen. He’s enamoured by your lips, your soft-looking, plumb, and very glossed lips. He briefly feels pathetic, knowing that a mere make-up item has the ability to make his head spin to such a degree—but he doesn’t, as he quickly realises it only does so because it’s you that’s wearing it. 
Fuck, he really wants to stuff his cock into your mouth. 
Five, six, almost seven seconds pass before the realisation kicks in. If he wants to put his cock in your mouth, then he can. Satoru’s body moves on its own before he gets a chance to think about his actions, as is often the case with him, and it's not long before his large hand finds its new home on the back of your head. He falters briefly, watching how you quiet down, how your eyes widen slightly, but continues as he’s doing when you make absolutely no move to stop him when he gently guides your head down, and down, and down—until you’re right where he wants you. 
A small gasp leaves your lips when he puts you on eye-level with his crotch. It’s quiet, and he almost didn’t hear it, but it makes him pause nonetheless. The hand on your head loosens its grip, and he hesitates as he looks down at you. 
“Is this oka—” 
The sentence never gets finished, forever interrupted by a sharp hiss as you take his cock out of his pants with such unabashed eagerness. It slaps against his abdomen, leaky tip staining the fabric of his shirt. Your previous conversation is all but forgotten, it seems, as you don’t waste a second in taking his hard, aching length almost entirely into your mouth. It all happens so quickly, and Satoru’s mind almost can’t keep up. All he did was think about filling your mouth, and now he’s actually doing it; the fat tip prodding near the back of your throat. 
His hands are shaky, he notices, and so is his breathing as a small whine escapes when one of your hands goes downwards to play with his balls. “Fuck!” he curses, caught by surprise at the boldness with which you reached for that part of him. In his startle, his hands return to the back of your head, and your words make their impromptu return to the very front of his mind. 
Use me. 
He will, then. 
Satoru isn’t at all gentle when he does. His fingers tangle into your hair, and he pushes you down onto his cock until your nose brushes against the soft, white hairs near his pelvis. Your poor little mouth is struggling, he can see, but he can’t seem to pay much mind to it; the sounds of you gagging around his thick length are too much of a pleasure to hear. The way he pushes you up-and-down nears the realm of brute force, and still you eagerly suck, and suck, and suck. 
A particularly loud groan echoes through the room when he steals a glance at your small form kneeling between his legs. It seems he knows you well; you are a sight for sore eyes like this. There are tears in your eyes, and some of them have already fallen down your hollowed cheeks; hollowed, to make space for him. Your mouth is filled to the brim with his cock, and even though he can see you fighting for breath, you never make an attempt at catching it—as if you wouldn’t dare to deprive him of the please your throat gives him. 
Satoru catches himself falling in love all over again. 
He fucks your face harder, and harder, and harder the closer he gets to the edge. Deep groans, and slurred curse words join your symphony of muffled moans, and his hold on your head slowly starts to falter. 
“‘M close, princess,” he mumbles, but that’s about all the warning he gives you. A few seconds later, he cums down your throat. He doesn’t ask, he doesn’t need to. Not because you’d given him permission to use you as he sees fit, but simply because he knows you’re utterly obsessed with him doing so. “Fuck, f—fuck, look a’you, hm? Gonna take all of it like a good girl? Don’t waste it, m’kay? S’all for, fuck, for you.” 
It’s something he’s done countless times before, but Satoru swears that each time he spills his cum down your throat feels better than the last. Thick, sticky ropes fill your mouth, and you hum around him when it keeps going, and going, and going. You’re struggling to take it all, and he huffs in amusement when bits of it start to drip down your chin. His thumb catches it, and he quickly places it back in your mouth, forcing you to open it wider to accommodate both the digit and his slowly softening cock. You happily do so. 
He pulls out of you shortly after, with his chest heaving as he recuperates. His entire focus is on you, you, and you as he watches you wipe your mouth and swallow the last of his seed. There’s a smile on your face. It’s kind, and gentle, and innocent; almost as if he hadn’t just fucked your mouth and dumped his release down your throat. Satoru is utterly bewitched as he watches you, captivated by all and every little thing you do, and he cooperates as you tuck him back into his pants. 
And then, as if nothing at all happened, you sit down next to him again—and you speak, you continue talking, finishing the story he’d interrupted with his need to be sucked off. Your voice is hoarse, and your cheeks are still stained with dried tears, but you pay neither of those facts any mind. It makes all of this look so. . . mundane. You were speaking, and then you were between his legs, and now you’re speaking again. 
Satoru’s heart starts to beat even faster for you. Fuck, that’s so hot. This time, he decides to try his very best to listen to your tale about some co-worker of yours that pissed you off this week. He pitches in every-now-and-then, adding a low ‘huh,’ or ‘mhm’ to keep you occupied, and he almost feels guilty—guilty, because all his adrenaline-filled mind can think about are the future possibilities of using you.
“And, wanna know what’s the worst thing about the situation? It was my idea to get donuts for everybody! That harlot didn’t even want them initially.” 
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Satoru’s downward spiral is inevitable, and he finds himself falling victim to it more times than one would consider healthy in a mere seven days. He very quickly learns that he’s thoroughly obsessed with the notion that allows him to fill you up anywhere, and at any time. To him, it’s one of the highest honours. 
There’s such confidence, such unwavering faith encompassed in your view of him. There has to be, if you’re willing to allow him such a thing. Thinking about it almost causes a cute pink hue to colour his cheek. . .you really do trust him a lot, huh?
He’s never been able to tell you ‘no’ before, and he certainly isn’t about to start. So, he dutifully listens to you and abides by your delectable request. To satisfy you, of course. There’s absolutely no other reason for his actions, and the way he breaches your dripping cunt with his leaky tip, all while soft breaths leave your lips, and your pretty eyes are peacefully shut, is simply to indulge you. 
Use me. Use me. Use me. 
Satoru curses, the crude words that tumble past his lips being plenty colourful. One of his hands settles on your hip whilst the other hikes your (or rather his) shirt up to provide him with better access. It’s your fault, really, that he’s currently sporting one of the hardest boners of the century. You were waiting for him, weren’t you? Waiting for him to return and bury himself to the hilt in that sweet, sobbing pussy of yours. 
There’s no other reason for you to fall asleep with nothing but his shirt on. Not even panties covered your cute little cunt, your sticky folds fully on display and welcoming him home. Satoru wants to bury himself in it—in a multitude of ways if he’s being truly honest with himself. For now, though, he’ll stick to simply one. 
“Shh,” he coos into your ear, delicately rubbing soft circles into your upper thigh with his thumb. You whine faintly, feeling his cock fight its way past your walls. He splits you open, stretching you just wide enough to slip inside. Your nose scrunches up cutely, and he almost rouses you from your slumber.  “‘S me, really need you, baby.” 
And that’s all he has to say. It’s me. It’s your Satoru. A gentle whisper of those words, and he gets to use you as he pleases. All of his previous worries, all of the near-boiling anger he felt at his previous meeting with the higher-ups washes away as soon as he sinks himself balls-deep into your pussy. Satoru groans deeply at the feeling, and gentle, stuttered declarations of love are babbled into your ear with each slow drag of his cock along your walls. 
The garbled mesh of words that he deems too important not to say, even despite their poor enunciation, only ceases to exist a few minutes later—when he spills his heavy load into that sweet, sweet cunt of yours. No, into that sweet cunt of his. Because, that’s who it truly belongs to, no? It’s his, to use, to spoil, to worship. You’d offered it to him so kindly, after all. And, well, Satoru has never been the type of person to turn down a gift. 
. . . You unknowingly create a monster. It seems that even the mere idea of being allowed to use you as he pleases has him tip-toeing around the line of borderline insanity. As each time he sees you, he wants you. . .and each time he wants you, you let him. 
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing at that moment. Even if you’re speaking, and he suddenly feels the need, no, the simple want for a blowjob. And even if you’re asleep, resting after what must have been a long day, you still allow him to slip his aching cock into you to satisfy the craving he’s had for hours. 
Even if you’re busy setting the table, you don’t push him away, and you still allow him to bend you over the wooden surface, to sink to his knees and lick, suck, and kiss around his pretty pussy with his tongue. Simply because he wants to do it, and you really do so, too. 
. . .And even now, when you’re cooking dinner. 
There’s a certain cuteness about the way your brows scrunch in concentration, about the way you gently bite on your bottom lip as you prepare the food for the two of you; it nearly makes him feel guilty for feeling the secret desire to ruin such a lovely, innocent view. The word nearly is important, however, as he’s acutely aware of your need for him to do exactly that—and so, any sense of wrongdoing melts away, similar to snow underneath the sun.
He’s not quite sure what it is that you’re cooking, but it smells delectable. There’s an array of spices, herbs, and vegetables strewn around the counter, and Satoru knows he’ll be eating like a King in a few minutes. As for right now, though, there’s a different craving, a different type of hunger slowly making its way forward. He fears it won’t be one that’ll be sated by your lovely culinary skills. 
“Smells good, baby,” he mumbles. It doesn’t take him long to settle himself behind you, large hands gently coming to rest on your hips. He sighs in the crook of your neck, and nudges the skin with his nose. “What’cha making?” 
You answer. He knows you do, as he feels the vibrations of your voice underneath his lips, the soft hum feeling quite soothing as he kisses along the column of your throat, but Satoru can’t find it in himself to focus on the words you give him. His ever-loose hands roam eagerly down your body, and the previous loving, and delicate kisses along your neck turn sloppy, wet, almost, as Satoru dips one of his hands underneath the waistband of your panties. There’s a grin forming on his lips, one entirely too big and full of confidence. 
“‘M startin’ to think you’re just always wet for me, pretty girl,” he mumbles against the shell of your ear, fingers entirely coated in your slick the second he’d sunk them into your dripping cunt. 
Your cheeks heat up, and you try to stifle a moan when he, so very, very slowly starts to move his fingers in-and-out of you. “I—I am,” you admit, and clench around his digits just as he’s about to take them out; as if it’s a last resort to keep them inside. “F’you, Satoru. Just for you.” 
“Hm?” He hums, and almost huffs in amusement as he sees you trying to continue what you were doing so desperately, as if you weren’t being fucked on your husband’s fingers. Just for that—he rapidly thrusts his fingers back into you, harsher, deeper, and so much quicker. “Just for me, yeah, princess?” 
“Y—Ah! Yes, yes,” you squeak, one of your hands seeking out some semblance of support from the kitchen counter.  “Only for you.” 
There’s an embarrassing sound hitting your ears, as each thrust of his absurdly long fingers is accompanied by your wetness squelching around them. You struggle to speak, to breathe almost, as he fucks you on his fingers. Satoru stretches you out, curling his fingers to find the spot he knows will leave you with those pretty tears falling down your cheeks, and to hit it over, and over, and over again. 
There’s such a heat gathered between your legs, such a pleasurable source of warmth, and Satoru suppresses a groan as he’s once again made very aware of that fact when your walls clench around his digits. His cock twitches, and he lets out a shaky sigh as he grinds it against your ass. “You are, aren’t you? Hm? C’mon, baby, don’t be shy. . .be a little louder.”
You aren’t shy. You haven’t been for a while now. There’s a certain hotness in the way you moan so unabashedly, so utterly shamelessly whenever Satoru gets his hands on you in such a way—it’s as if you can’t ever get enough of him. It never fails to harden his cock even more, to make his balls feel achingly heavy until he ultimately empties them inside your tight little cunt. And you know so, which is exactly why you do it. 
“‘M not,” you rasp out, one of your hands coming to rest on his wrist. The back of your head falls against his shoulder as you choke on a moan, seeking some very necessary aid to stay upright. “Please, I. . .’Toru, please.”
In all honesty, Satoru isn’t quite sure what you’re begging for. He knows it’s one of two options: either to cum on his fingers, or for him to push his thick cock inside your pussy already. There’s no desire to ask, however—he’d much rather make that decision himself. The hand that wasn’t currently burying three of its digits knuckle-deep into your pussy busies itself with his belt-buckle. 
There’s a pitiful whine falling from your lips, one that’s released immediately upon the removal of his fingers from your cunt. “Shh,” he coos in your ear, instantly soothing your upcoming tantrum. You stifle the complaint you’d prepared for him, the feeling of his fat tip prodding near your too-eager hole quickly puts an end to it. “S’okay, pretty girl, just wanna feel you cum around my cock, s’all. . .Think you can do that for me?” 
You nod, and rapidly so. “Mhm,” you hum, and open your mouth when he presents it with his soiled fingers. You clean them, suckling around them until each bit of your sweetness is gone. “Want to—really wanna cum around your cock, ‘Toru.”
“Of course, you do,” he breathes, and captures a quick kiss. And another. And another. And one more. It makes you smile, and that, in turn, makes him smile. When he does pull back, there’s as much love as there is lust dancing in his eyes. “Wouldn’t have expected anything less of you, princess.”
Satoru is often greedy. There’s no such thing as savouring something with him—if he’s enjoying himself, he’ll be as gluttonous as he wishes. The exception is you, of course, as you always are to him. There’s no greater feeling than savouring you. It’s why he, more often than not, decides to fill you up slowly. To let his cock drag along your walls, to let your soothing warmth engulf him inch, by inch, by inch, until his firm balls press up against your ass. He does so this time, too. 
Your long, drawn-out moan as he fills you up slowly sounds as if it were gifted to him by the Heavens, and Satoru’s cock twitches inside when he hears you mutter a soft fuck as you struggle to adjust to him. It’s certainly not the first time you’ve taken his cock, but the sheer girth of him still stretches you out—as it always does. Your husband loves you dearly, however, and waits. . .one second, two seconds, three seconds, and he doesn’t get any further before his self-restraint falters. 
Satoru nearly pulls himself out of your cunt completely, only for him to fuck himself back inside so deeply—it has you place both palms of your hands on the counter to steady yourself. It startles you, as he hears you choke on a moan, but he continues. His movements are quick and rough, animalistic even, as he pounds into your cunt. 
“Sa—ngh, Satoru, wait, I. . .” You interrupt yourself with a moan, the feeling of his tip near your cervix too sharp for you to properly finish a sentence. He’s so deep. It feels as if he’s in your womb, in your stomach—it feels as if he’s everywhere. “Fuck, I. . .f—fuck, ‘Toru. . .”
 “Hm?” He breathes out, a groan slipping past his lips. “Want me to, fuck, you. . .” His rapid movements dial down. The self-control needed for it is enormous, but you’d asked him to wait—so he will. Some beads of pre-cum drip into your cunt, as if his cock was upset that he’d suddenly slowed down. “Wan’me to go slower, baby?”
“No,” There’s a small whine near the end of your sentence. It’s the absolute last thing you wanted him to do, even if you originally asked him to wait. “No, don’t, please, keep going. Need—need more.” You feel Satoru wrap both hands around your hips, as if he’s preparing for something. “Harder, please. . .”
“Harder?” He asks, and you don’t need to see him to know there’s currently a sense of smugness ruining his pretty face.  “How hard do you want it, huh, sweets?” 
Little more than the tip remains inside you, and there’s not a moment for you to mourn the loss of his entire girth—as all air leaves your lungs when he immediately thrusts back into you with a newfound vigour, with such force that it has you bend over the kitchen counter. 
“Like, ah, like this, huh? That how you want it, angel?”
You don’t answer—you’re not able to, as Satoru uses the entirety of his thick length to steal your ability to speak coherently. Once again, you’re acutely aware of the sheer size of your husband. Satoru is tall, and big, and he likely isn’t even aware of it. It certainly doesn’t seem so, as he heads no mind to the way your feet are starting to lift off the floor. Each deep thrust has you inching further up the counter; his hands on your hips nearly holding you up and off the floor as he rocks into you from behind. 
There’s little you can do, except take it. 
The kitchen is filled with sounds that definitely do not belong there. Your wetness is prominent, the sound of it borderline embarrassing, and Satoru’s balls slap against your skin with each thrust. He’s relentless, and you want to cry. The good kind of crying; the kind that often comes accompanied with mind-numbing pleasure. You hiccup, and sniff, and try your best to stabilise yourself against the counter. 
Though, your efforts prove futile once Satoru brings one of his hands to your front. You choke on a whimper as he cruelly pinches your clit, toying with it, flicking and rubbing it in the way he knows will get you off. 
“T—Toru,” you warn him. “I—I’m. . .”
“Mhm,” he hums in acknowledgement, not letting up even for a second. There’s a featherlight kiss pressed to your shoulder. “Me too, princess. S’okay, let, shit, let go for me, yeah?”
And because he’s Satoru—your Satoru, you comply. It hits you all at once, and you’re suddenly very grateful for both your husband holding you upright, and your expensive kitchen counter for adding some extra support. You’re still breathing heavily, coming down from your high, when Satoru hits his own. It’s a familiar feeling, but one you’ll never grow tired of nonetheless. 
You sigh in content. His cum fills you up rapidly, and to the brim. It’s hot, and thick, and trickles out of you even with him still inside—simply because there’s so much of it. The both of you are out of breath, and because of it, choose to stay within each other’s hold for just a little while longer. 
Satoru could—and would—stay in this position for the rest of his life. . .but he’s quite sure that you’ve put a lot of effort in today’s dinner and he doesn’t want it to be for naught. With a deep sigh and a quick kiss to your cheek, he goes against every fibre of his being, and pulls out of you. 
A shiver trails down your spine when he does so, and you let out a soft sigh in content. You’re still recovering, he notices. There’s a trail of his cum dripping out of you, though he wastes little time to push it back inside. Satoru takes matters into his own hands, and decides to place your panties back into place for you, too. It gets soiled by his seed rather quickly, but that’s a problem for later. 
After smoothing down your skirt, he tucks himself back into his pants, as well. He’s by your side as quick as he can, and presses a sweet, lingering kiss to your temple. 
It’s only then that he properly takes notice of all the stuff that’s been thrown around the kitchen. Pots, pans, vegetables, spices. It seems you really were busy.
And, as if he hadn’t just finished fucking you silly, he smiles. 
“So, what are you making?”
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© MADE BY SANATOMIS — please, refrain from stealing, copying, or reposting any of my works.
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mysouleaten · 23 hours
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' DOC AND BOSS ' [part two]
mafia boss! izana x doctor! reader
summary ... you find out who this yakuza member is and it brings you to shock..
warnings ... not proofread, fluff, petnames, reader is a little sensitive[me], very very pretty izana
[DOC AND BOSS masterlist]
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It has been two mostly rainy days
nothing interesting has happened even with your yakuza member still recovering in your apartment
he's been a good-- no, great guest so far, his sour attitude from the day you found him has completely melted off. It was even pleasant to talk to him
both of you stayed away from the topic of 'how did you get shot?'
because you knew how, he's part of tenjiku, part of the yakuza
and it's best if you keep your sanity intact, your boss would appreciate it--a lot
but the man--whose name you still didn't know--has improved, his wound is healing nicely, no signs of an infection surprisingly, he did stay god knows how long on the muddy concrete before you found him
he was able to take small walks around your apartment but you instructed him to do so if it was necessary
if he needed anything he could ask you, but it seems he's very prideful and stubborn to ask for more help..
but right now, you and -- ...
"hey, what's your name? i sort of have been calling you lavender in my head this entire time" you questioned
"hmmm...lavender? how lovely" he replied with a cheeky smile
oh that's another thing, he's become comfortable enough to express more emotion with you, which is great--it was very awkward the first couple of times you tried to make small talk with him
"yeah, lavender, because of your eyes--but tell me your name, I want to know my patient's name," you remarked
"always so demanding, but my name is..." he seemed hesitant to tell you, his eyes even removed themselves from you--he's now looking off to the side, with a light frown on his handsome face
"hey- uh- I know- you're like in the yakuza and everything.. don't worry I won't tell your boss anything...hahah.." you tried to joke around to lighten his mood
for some reason, you didn't like his frown... it made your heart clench uncomfortably..?
he looked back over to you quickly "my...boss? hahahahaa!!" he stepped back from you laughing-- he clutched his wounded side in the process
you stared at him with bewilderment
was he...not in the yakuza? did you assume he was?? no! he was wearing the uniform! or did he? now you were second-guessing yourself...
he wiped his eye with the back of his hand and looked at your confused face with such amusement
he even laughed a little more! jerk
you huffed and turned back to the dishes, tears threatening to escape your eyes--you were always a sensitive soul..
and even more sensitive now that a very pretty man was laughing at you, oh my god you felt like a damn joke..
"hey, hey...sweetheart, what's with the baby eyes?" he came back to your side and leaned his face closer to yours
you quickly wiped your eyes with your palm and turned your head away from his gaze
izana blinked at the woman in front of him--hiding her pretty face from him
why was she crying? he didn't say anything insulting?
"hmm? are you going to tell your patient why his doctor is so moody?" izana joked
you finally looked back at him with light puffy eyes "why.. where you laughing?"
he blinked once, then twice "did.. you think I was laughing at you?"
you hesitated but nodded nonetheless
"I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing because you thought I was a servant , I'm the boss, sweetheart"
huh? servant? boss..?
"im izana, izana kurokawa, the leader of tenjiku"
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an .. im a sensitive soul, its me.
taglist ... @firstdivisiongirl  @ureuphoriasworld @sennkawaa @haikyuusboringassmanager @izakawa @peppersapro @khfviq @mariam12344 @wutap @bontensbabygirl @m0onz1
@ilybbg @kazutora-kurokawa @riritvt @manji-hoe @kokoch4n3l
[ im sorry if you don't get tagged :( I tried my best ]
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paperstorm · 9 hours
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Thanks for the tags @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad!
Carlos watches as TK’s arms begin to drop, starting to pull out of the hug, but Andrea doesn’t let him. She keeps him close and TK smiles to himself and wraps his arms back around her.
“We haven’t seen you, since …” Andrea leans back just enough so she can cup TK’s cheek in her hand and look at him.
TK exhales and nods. “Yeah. Thank you for the flowers. They were really beautiful. And the casserole, too, that was really thoughtful.”
Gabriel quietly clears his throat, patting Carlos briefly on the shoulder and then moving toward the kitchen. Carlos should probably follow him, but he feels rooted to the floor. TK’s eyes dart sideways, catching Carlos’s glance just for a second and then returning to Andrea’s.
“How are you?” she asks, finally letting him go but placing her hand on his forearm.
“Managing,” TK answers. “Carlos has been wonderful.”
Carlos swallows. His mother turns to look at him, creases beside her brown eyes as she smiles and says, “I’m glad to hear it.”
His little finger twitches and he puts his hand into the pocket of his jeans. He longs to take TK’s pain away and he feels so helpless, sometimes, when he’s forced to reckon with the fact that he can’t.
Turning back to TK, Andrea gently says, “I won’t push, it’s not the time.”
TK shakes his head. “No, it’s okay. I’m okay. Thank you for caring.”
“I wish I’d known Gwyn. The one time we met, she was so lovely. I wish there was more time, for everyone.”
“Me too.”
“And listen, mijo.” Andrea takes his hands and holds them in hers, shaking slightly to punctuate her words. “No one, no one, could ever replace your mamá and I would never try. But I am always here. If you need some mothering, you just come right here.” 
Carlos licks his lips and blinks, afraid for just a moment about how TK’s going to react. He has seemed okay the last few weeks, and that’s lodged a sliver of worry into Carlos’s mind. He can’t imagine how inconsolable he would be if he lost his own mom, and they haven’t been as close as TK was with Gwyn since Carlos was very small. TK should, Carlos thinks, be shedding a lot more tears than he is, and he’s anxious about what it means that TK isn’t.
When he shuts down like he did today, it is always a warning sign, Gwyn had said once, with tension in her forehead and fear in her eyes. Carlos never knew that version of his boyfriend. TK’s been sober every minute that Carlos has known him, despite how many broken pieces of himself he’d been carefully carrying from room to room while this thing between them was new. Gwyn could sense warning signs that Carlos never can, even though her fears had been unfounded that particular evening. TK was in trouble, lots of it, but not the kind she’d been fearing.
He isn’t worried TK’s been using in secret. They spend every day together, they sleep in the same bed and eat at the same table and lounge in front of the television in each other’s arms, Carlos has at least enough faith in his investigatory and observational skills to be certain he would notice if TK’d slipped. And he trusts TK, he trusts him the way Carlos has never trusted anyone and might never again. He isn’t worried there are illicit substances wedging distance between them. But he’s worried about what TK might do instead, if he’s shutting down and boxing up his grief and walking through the world with vital shades of himself locked away.
But TK just smiles and gives Andrea another long hug. “Thank you. I will.”
Tags under the cut
Tagging @theghostofashton @birdclowns @reyesstrand @strandnreyes
@carlos-in-glasses @actual-sleeping-beauty @thisbuildinghasfeelings @heartstringsduet @herefortarlos
@tailoredshirt @goodways @alrightbuckaroo @lightningboltreader @freneticfloetry
@mooshkat @liminalmemories21 @nancys-braids @chaotictarlos @lemonlyman-dotcom
@whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards @bonheur-cafe @reasonandfaithinharmony
@never-blooms @sanjuwrites @orchidscript @jesuisici33 @kiwichaeng
@fallout-mars @honeybee-taskforce @fifthrideroftheapocalypse @fitzherbertssmolder @safeashousespdf
@just-inside-her @firstprince-history-huh @captain-gillian @tellmegoodbye @ironheartwriter
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charrlote365 · 8 hours
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One Step Deeper
Reference Idol: fromis_9 LEE CHAEYOUNG Word Count: 10.513
Tags: Pranks, feet, Kpop idol, fantasy, fromis_9, Lee Chaeyoung
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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, the kind where the sunlight filters through the curtains just enough to cast a golden glow over the room. I had been lazying around in my living room, surrounded by my collection of Marvel action figures, each meticulously assembled and proudly displayed on the shelves. The doorbell rang, breaking the silence.
"Coming!" I called out, pushing myself off the couch and heading towards the door.
As soon as I peeked from the door hole before opening it, I could see there stood Chaeyoung in front of my door, her bright smile lighting up her face. She was wearing a casual outfit, and a straw hat. Yeah, summer has arrived, and she already look hot in her outfit. Ehem, hot, I mean literally hot since its 38C outside today. Yet, still managed to look effortlessly chic, as always. Fate works in a mysterious way, and somehow Chaeyoung and I had been 'close' for years, long before she became an idol. It feels like as if I'm her guardian angel. Despite her busy schedule, we still made time to hang out whenever possible.
"Hey there, stranger danger," she greeted, stepping inside. "I brought some snacks!"
"Hey! Stranger danger?? You're even more dangerous person here," I teased back, stepping aside to let her in. "Snacks, huh? Aww you really know the way to my heart."
We settled into the living room, munching on chips and catching up on life. It wasn’t long before Chaeyoung, ever the prankster, suggested we play a game to spice things up.
"You don't have games around to play? Boring. How about Truth or Dare?" she suggested with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Alright," I agreed, knowing full well that with Chaeyoung, this game could go anywhere.
We took turns, the questions and dares starting off innocently enough. She dared me to sing a snippet of one of her songs in the most dramatic way possible, and I dared her to do a silly dance routine. Laughter filled the room, each round bringing us closer to the inevitable escalation.
It was Chaeyoung’s turn to dare me again. She grinned wickedly, and I knew I was in for it.
"I dare you lay on the floor and my feet right on your dick," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief holding laugh.
I raised an eyebrow, a sense of foreboding creeping in. "What did you just say????"
"You don't dare?? Huh, pussy," she replied, her grin widening.
Reluctantly, I stood up, and laying on the floor. This situation is really bad for me, because although it's degrading, I found it to be sexy and exciting. I dont know what Chaeyoung is thinking, she maybe went crazy after walking under that hot weather outside.
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Chaeyoung stood up, slipping off her casual shoes to reveal a pair of sleek, brown heels with some leather laces around it and I could see her toe nails painted black, making the whole feet set looking elegant yet deadly to my heart.
"Since I'm in good mood now, let me spare you this time, but if you lose the next round, I’m stepping on your dick," she declared, her tone both playful and serious.
My heart raced. This was a high-stakes game now. We started the next round, the tension palpable. The question was simple, but my nerves got the better of me, and I gave the answer.
Chaeyoung burst out laughing, seeing my defeat. "Looks like I win!"
I watched, half in horror, half in excitement, as she positioned her heel above my delicate junior. With a teasing glance in my direction, she applied pressure, the crunch of my pepe echoing in the room. My beloved junior is being crushed by her heels, and I couldn't help my self to let a moan out.
"Ahh.. Chaeng ahh.. No, Chaeng! Stop! Please, I'm begging you!" I yelled, as I reached out my hand and gripped her legs, feigning desperation.
She paused for a moment, her heel still on the top of my dick. "Oh? Are you really begging me?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Yes! Think of my future! Our future! Our kids!" I pleaded dramatically, my hands clasped her legs even harder.
Chaeyoung laughed, a bright, infectious sound. "You're so dramatic! I know you're enjoying it right," she said, pressing down even harder slowly.
"Chaeyoung, nooo!" I continued, my voice a mix of genuine concern and playful exaggeration. "You're a monster!"
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I could feel her heels from my dick skin, the texture is hard, and the way she was stepping hard on it while rubbing them on my junior making me more excited, the pain was turning into tickles, which slowly grew into ecstasy. Without even realizing it, my body arched back as I push my crotch even harder on the surface of her heels and matching the rubbing rhyme of her foot on my crotch. I've reached my limit and my eyes started to roll back as my body twitched hard, I finally came. I had never come that hard in my whole life, that's the most satisfying thing ever. And you know what? She realized what just happened.
"Ohh..You actually look like you're enjoying this," she teased, stepping back and surveying the damage. My cum was over all the places. It squirted out from my short pants onto the floor and all over her feet temple.
I, who still trying to catch a breath, shaking my head. "Maybe I am. It's weirdly satisfying, but sorry, I messed up your heels and my cement is now all over your feet."
She raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Yeah? and whose fault is that? Now lick clean them up"
I nodded, still feeling the adrenaline rush. "Okayy!! Bring it on!", I then licked her starting from her thighs. She was holding herself from laughing from the tickles. Oh my good lawd she's indeed an idol. Her legs were shaved clean so they were so smooth and pale white. My tongue was surfing on her skin like I was licking a giant soap bar mixed with her skin pheromones.
"Ahh.. that tickles", she said with her breath getting faster. She must be feeling it too. I continued licking to her feet, there's mixed aroma of my cement, her sweat, her perfume and her feet odor. They all combined together as a cocktail of sensation that's beyond words, hitting my taste and smell buds and I could feel my dick getting bigger again.
"Hey, I saw that". She said while looking how big my dick got big again even after all that just happened. "Let me kill it again", she said with a grin on her face.
I swallowed hard, knowing what's going to happen (again). "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?", I teased her.
She nodded slowly few times while looking straight at me, her grin mischievous. "Absolutely. Ready?". I quickly laid down on the floor again with my pepe standing up hard rock. Her face clearly showed she really enjoying to tease me… with her feet. She placed her feet around my dick with a deliberate, almost with love care, as if mocking the very fragility of it. My dick, wrapped in her delicate feet, I could feel her skin wrapping them, it kind of feel cold, despite the heat of our situation right now. My cement from before added the sticky feeling to it and acted as grease to smooth out the friction between our skin. Chaeyoung’s grin widened, and I could see the glint of mischief in her eyes.
Slowly, she started grinding my dick with both of her feet, clamping them up around as if she wanted to strangle down my dick. The sharp feeling suddenly raised within it, my delicate dick. I couldn't help myself from moaning again. "Begging won't help you now," she teased, her voice a sing-song taunt that sent shivers down my spine knowing how crazy she could be. She held the position, allowing my tense to build.
From my point of view from the floor, I could see every muscle in her leg and the blue veins bulging from her feet, and the way her feet strangling my dick slowly seemed almost like suspended in time. The heel hovered graciously, casting a small shadow to the side of us, away from the sunray shining through the window. My heart pounded in my chest as I watched, caught in a mix of excitement and fear of my dick getting crushed by her big feet as she's is grinding them even harder and faster. I couldn't hold it anymore, I wanted to let her know how good it felt.
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"Chaeyoung, pleaseee, It feels so good now so please don't stop. I'm going to come againn very soonn" I pleaded, my voice cracking with a blend of genuine concern and playful desperation. I knew she wouldn’t stop anyways, but part of the thrill was in the act of begging, in the slim, tantalizing hope that she could feel the excitement together with me.
She glanced down at me, her eyes twinkling with delight. "You're really going to make me do this, huh?" she asked, her tone both teasing and triumphant. Her foot descended deeper slowly, then.. out of nowhere, as if it's a jump scare from a cheap horror movie, she gripped my dick with her feet much harder and even put her weight on them, as I didn't expected that to happen, I shouted so loud I feared the whole neighborhood could hear my scream.
"Chaeyoung ahhhhhh!" I cried out loud, as I finally came the second time, a strange exhilaration coursed through me like a lighting. I couldn't tell apart between the pain and the feeling of ecstasy anymore as they both were overwhelming me at the same time.
I was twitching like a broken doll on the floor. "You're a monster!" I yelled, half-laughing, half-serious. She found it exhilarating that I was in a such pathetic situation.
"And I know you're loving every second of this," she replied, stepping back to enjoy my pathetic face. She wiggled her toes, as if to spread out my cement which now covered her feet even thicker. She then suddenly sat down on the floor and bowed down towards me and started cleaning my dick with her mouth. I could feel the deep warmth from inside of her mouth since her feet was kind of cold earlier. She licked and sucked the leftover cements from my dick tip like its the last sip from the boba drink. I Couldn't help myself not to put my hands on her head and push her head down to my crotch to keep her doing whatever she's doing right now.
When she finished, she looked up to me with her puppy eyes and gulped everything she just licked from my dick and asked, "Happy now?".
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I looked at her, then changed my view to all the mess we made. "Maybe?," I teasingly answered, a grin spreading across my face.
Chaeyoung’s eyes sparkled with satisfaction as she took her place back on the couch. "I knew it. Ready for more?"
I was frozen. I thought this already ended but now she asked to do even more. I nodded slowly, still feeling the tickle-ness on my dick. "B-Bring it on, Chaeyoung. But please, be gentle this time with me!"
She laughed hard, nodding. "Aight, Deal. But now, it's your turn to show me what the feet of yours can do to me." -End note: -I'm not into feet so I dunno if this considered good for feet lovers. Can comment if you're one of them lol. -Picked Chaeyoung again this time as reference since somehow I feel most comfortable with her in my head and heart with different kind of plots. -My next work will be about Hayoung! A sweet one almost like fluff like.. hopefully.
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Fan Fiction: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Not only did Chuck write books about your lives, but a damn musical theater is putting a play on about your goddamn lives. You try to let them handle this one on their own but they're not letting you go, and it's time to bring insurance to make sure you never leave them.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Dean sits outside the motel room working on his car. The hood is up, he's elbow-deep in the engine, and Sam is nowhere to be found. You're standing off to the side with your gun trained in front of you. Your target is a tree that's fifty yards from you, something stationary. You wish you had a moving target but you don't think Dean and Sam would appreciate being put in the line of fire.
You pull the trigger three times, hitting the exact same spot on the tree, scaring some squirrels into fleeing their home.
"Would you quit it?" You look at Dean who pops his head from over the hood. He's a bit sweaty, has a grease smear on his forehead, and his arms look extra thick in his thin t-shirt. You don't have romantic feelings for him anymore, but damn he'd be a good fuck. "We're not the only people out here."
"I'm bored without a real target. Unless you'd like to be mine."
You smirk when he flips you off. The motel door opens and Sam walks out in search of you and his brother. You put your gun away and approach the brothers because Sam has his professional face on.
"Hey, how long have you two been up?"
"I never slept," you say.
"Long enough to find us a case," Dean replies right after you.
"I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"
"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world. Right here." Dean takes a break from working on his car to hand Sam the newspaper. "A teacher in an all-girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."
"Dean, there's nothing here that even remotely suggests there is a case."
"There is nothing that even remotely suggests there isn't a case."
"Come on, man," Sam sighs.
"Sam! Being out there and hunting is the only normal I know." He closes the hood of the car and moves to the open trunk. He messes around with his weapons before shutting the trunk. "We got work to do."
"I'll tag along. It's not like I have anything better to do."
"Like you had a choice," Dean mutters to himself, but you hear.
It's a seven-hour drive from where you are, and those hours go by quickly. Sam gets the police department on the phone as soon as you enter the state of Michigan to ask about the details of the case. By the time Dean pulls into the school's parking lot, Sam is just about done with his conversation.
"I certainly appreciate it. ... You got it. Thanks, officer." He hangs up just as you three get out of the car. "So, the last place Ms. Chandler was seen by anyone was in the auditorium. Turns out she's the drama teacher."
"Theater kids. Great," Dean scoffs.
"What? I was a theater kid."
"Barely. You did Our Town, which was cool, but then you did that shitty musical."
"Oklahoma? Hugh Jackman got cast off of Oklahoma."
"You ran tech, Wolverine."
"Shut up," Sam, grumbles.
The principal already knows you're coming but she has a bunch of meetings to go to, so she allows you to find the auditorium on your own. There are young kids hanging a banner in front of the building for the musical they are about to do. You hate fucking musicals. You hope there isn't a case here ad you can go back to the Bunker and waste your life away on tanning and reading shitty magazines.
You walk into the auditorium to see students already working on their production of whatever musical they are doing. Before you have a chance to think, you hear a word you never thought you'd hear again.
"You idjits!" You snap your head to the right to see a young girl dressed exactly like your dad, beard and all. "You, idjits. You three are idjits."
"Hey, ass-butt!" You look to the left and see another young woman dressed just like Cas with angel wings on her back. "Hey! Ass-butt!"
Suddenly, someone plays a few notes on the piano on stage and a bunch of young girls begin their musical number. The song is about Sam and Dean's life. How John and Mary had two sons when a demon came into their room and killed Mary, and how the demon took a liking to Sam. The song transitions into your life with your mom starting at the age when she died. They sing about how the demon chased you through the house and killed your mom down the stairs. Sam and Dean are horrified to hear this but you're grinning from ear to ear.
A young woman sitting in the audience and her friend run up the stage stairs to address the woman who is singing. You slap both brothers' shoulders with the same grin on your face.
"This is the best day ever."
"What in the h-holy..."
"If there is a case, it probably has something to do with all of this," Sam cuts his brother off.
"You think?"
The younger of the two girls grabs the arm of the director and points to you three at the back of the auditorium. Both girls immediately run off stage and over to you as if she knows who you three are.
"Hi! Oh, my gosh, are you guys from the publisher? I'm Marie, writer/director. This is Maeve, my stage manager. I was just--"
She stops talking when she sees Sam's FBI badge. He looks to the stage and sees the women playing Sam and Dean with their own FBI badges. He quickly puts his away and slaps Dean's hand which is holding his own badge. Dean can't even get his out fast enough because he is so shocked.
"I'm Special Agent Smith. These are my partners, Special Agents--"
"Smith," you answer.
"Yeah, no relation." Marie narrows her eyes in suspicion but Sam quickly changes topic. "We're here to look into the disappearance--"
"There is no singing in Supernatural!" Dean blurts out.
You snicker at his outburst to which he glares at you.
"What? Come on, this is funny!" you giggle.
"Well, this is Marie's interpretation," Maeve says.
"I mean, if there was singing, you know... and that's a big if! If there was singing, it would be classic rock. Not this Andrew Floyd Webber shit--"
"Andrew Lloyd Webber," Sam whispers to his brother.
"You know, we do sing a cover of Carry On Wayward Son, in the second act," Marie says proudly.
"Really?" Sam asks in judgment.
"It's a classic!" Dean and Marie speak at the same time.
You roll your eyes, already bored of this.
"Right. Anyways. We're here to talk about the disappearance of Ms. Chandler. Any chance you two saw her before she vanished?"
"Yeah. She left around nine-thirty."
"Any idea where she would be headed at that time of night?"
"A bar? A liquor store? Both?" Maeve answers.
"She had a nasty divorce, last year. Most of the time, she's sipping on her 'grown-up juice', or passed out. Usually, in that order."
"Yeah, I don't blame her. I'm gonna need fifty jello shots and a hose-down to get this stink off of me," Dean scoffs.
"Maeve, right?" Sam jumps in. "You're the stage manager?"
"I understudy Jody Mills, too."
"What?" Dean asks in shock.
"That's great! Jody Mills, that's great," Sam says to his brother before turning to her. "So, how about you give me a behind-the-scenes tour, while your director shows my partners Ms. Chandler's office? Deal?" Both girls nod. "Great. Give us a moment, please."
Marie and Maeve leave you three alone, and you let out a loud cackle that causes Maeve to turn around and glare.
"I'm gonna throw up," Dean shudders.
"This is either going to go horribly wrong or horrible right, and I'm here for it," you giggle. Dean gives you a bitch-face look, and you slap his chest as you pass by him. "Lighten up, buddy."
You and Dean follow Marie backstage while Maeve goes off with Sam in the opposite direction. There is a table of props used for the musical, all labeled and in place. You grab one of the guns and inspect it, not impressed that it's all fake.
"Where did you get all this stuff?"
"Some parts are homemade and some parts are repurposed. All of it, awesome--" She looks over at you to see you touching one of the guns and grabs it from you. "Please don't touch them."
"These aren't even real. How are you going to hurt someone with these?"
"Don't mind her," Dean chuckles nervously. "She's having a bad day." Dean looks across the stage where the imposter Impala sits. Leaning against it are the two women who play Sam and Dean. They're standing a bit too close for Dean's liking. "What are they doing?"
"They're rehearsing the B.M. scene."
"The Bowel Movement scene?" you ask.
"What? No! The Boy Melodrama scene! You know, the scene where the boys get together, and they're driving, leaning against Baby, and drinking a beer, sharing their feelings. The two of them. Alone but together. Bonded. United. The power of the brotherly--"
"Why are they standing so close together?"
"Reasons," Marie shrugs.
Dean understands what Marie is hinting at, and you snicker at the thought of Sam and Dean getting together sexually.
"You know they're brothers, right?"
"Duh! It's subtext."
"You know he and Y/N are married and have kids, right?"
"What? No. I mean, I know she got pregnant but she had Cas get rid of the baby. Man, Dean was so pissed at her for doing that."
"Best decision I ever made," you grin and lock eyes with Dean. "I should have gotten rid of the other two."
Hurt flashes across his eyes but he'd rather not get into that right now. Marie looks at you two in confusion but moves on. She takes you away from the auditorium into a long white hallway where Ms. Chandler's office is. She walks ahead of you to open the door, and you look at Dean.
"She's right. You and Sam would make such a cute couple."
"I'm gonna smack you."
"Don't tease a good time," you smirk.
You three enter the office where there are empty bottles upon empty bottles of alcohol everywhere. Dean takes a sweep of the room with his eyes before settling them on a robot head near the bookshelf.
"Is that hers?"
"No, that's a prop from act two! I've been looking for that, actually."
"There's no space in Supernatural."
"Not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction."
"You mean fanfiction?"
"Call it whatever you like, but it's inspired by Carver Edlund's books with a few embellishments. As you know, Chuck stopped writing after Swan Song--"
"Yeah, that douche," you scoff and Dean slaps your arm to get you to stop talking.
"I couldn't leave it the way that it was! I mean, with Dean leaving Y/N and living with Lisa? Her being on her own after the breakup? Sam in Hell? I wrote my own ending."
"You want to know what happened after that?" you step closer to her. "Y/N fucks Sam over and over again to get over her sad excuse of an ex."
"Okay, stop talking," Dean pulls you back.
"Try this one on for size. How about Dean and Y/N have a baby while he's still fucking Lisa?"
"Go wait outside!"
"No, she needs to know these things! What about them going to purgatory where she ends up pregnant because Dean can't keep it in his pants?" Dean is already shoving you to the door. "Bobby dies, Sam undergoes angel trials, and Dean becomes a demon!"
Dean shoves you out of the office and slams the door in your face. You roll your eyes and make your way back to the prop table where you mess the props up like a fucking child. You see Sam and Maeve in the sound booth chatting, so you make your way over to them to bother them. Sam looks up from the control board when you enter.
"Special Agent Smith kicked me out so I'm hanging out with you," you grin and sit in between them.
You reach over and touch the control board to see what different buttons do, but Maeve slaps your hand away. You stare at her and Sam waits with held breath to see what you're going to do. Luckily for her, you let it go and lean back in your chair.
"Now, have you noticed anything strange during the production? I mean, any odd noises or--"
"You mean something like this?" Maeve pushes a button on the control panel and a scream sounds. "Or perhaps, this?" She presses another button and a ghostly moan sounds. "Maybe this?"
"Okay, I get it. You know, back when I did tech in school, we had two CD decks--"
"Someone speaks to Maeve over the headset, and she cuts Sam off mid-sentence.
"She's not interested in your nerd talk," you say to Sam.
"I'm sorry, I have to go sign the delivery. Please, don't touch anything."
Maeve scurries off leaving you and Sam alone. Sam doesn't like to be alone with you because he's the butt of your very harsh jokes, so he makes a half-hearted excuse and leaves you alone in the sound booth. Dean and Meave come back from Ms. Chandler's office and meet up with Sam. Marie joins her friend's side as they both sign for the delivery. You reach up and begin playing with the controls, messing with the lights and sounds. Everyone on stage looks at you like you're the outsider in a group of best friends. Sam and Dean look like they're ready to kill you, so you press a button and speak into the mic.
"I'm bored. Can we go? I'd rather pull my own hair out than be stuck in here with a bunch of bratty kids."
Dean glares holes through the glass at you and motions with one finger to come to the stage. 
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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agere-ena · 28 days
I just found something so huge brained in my notes app you guys
I think Mizuki would enjoy being in Nightcord VCs whenever she's doing something boring, it keeps the executive dysfunction at bay. In this case, it's spring cleaning!
She's going through storage boxes she hasn't touched in a while, informing her circle members every time she finds something interesting, occasionally turning her webcam on to show it off... And then she comes across the box that houses her magical girl toy collection.
Gasp!! She totally thought she lost this particular MiraMagi henshin pact!! She turns her video on and shows everyone her beloved toy. Ah, but it doesn't look nearly as cool as usual when it's not turned on... That simply won't do. She runs off to go get batteries for it, turns it on, and shows her group members every single light sequence!!
... Oh, right, she's supposed to be cleaning!! She gets back on that. For all of five minutes. And then... gasp!! Her MiraMagi deluxe play-and-learn tablet (with 20+ educational minigames included)!! This one, too, is turned on and shown off... As she idly starts one of its minigames, she reminisces on the day she got it. She was a little embarrassed buying this particular toy, it doesn't quite scream "collectors' item for all ages" as much as the simpler henshin items. This was absolutely, undeniably a toy for little kids, and there she was, buying it for herself, about 3 times the age of the intended audience.
She mostly just wanted it because it looked pretty, but upon turning it on and tapping around aimlessly for a bit, she discovered that the minigames were actually pretty fun! And, weirdly enough, sometimes they were even challenging for her. She'd had to hand off the device to her sister in order to finish a level every so often... Jeez, she wishes her sister was here right now, this level is one of the tougher ones.
At this point, every member of the VC (sans Mizuki herself) has gotten a pretty good idea as to the minigames' mysterious spikes in difficulty. It's pretty hard not to come to the conclusion that they have, given that Mizuki's messing up every other word she says, and that the game she's struggling with seems to focus on single-digit addition.
There's some typing from Ena's end, and, a moment later, she asks Mizuki if she'd like to pop over to Empty SEKAI for some help. Kanade and Mafuyu are also surprisingly enthused about seeing the device in person, with the former suggesting that Miku and the others might like to take a look at it too!!
Mizuki is overjoyed at everyone's interest in her cool toy, and she agrees right away, promising to bring over as many toys as she can carry!! Cue several hours of a very happy baby showing off her toys to everyone who will look. No more spring cleaning gets done that day.
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doodleodds · 2 years
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Me? Uploading a Halloween comic on November 18th, almost four whole-ass weeks late???? Yeah that’s uh. yup. yeah
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Thanks for reading! :) <3
#persona 5#p5#akira kurusu#OUGH OH MY GOD ITS FINALLY. DONE. I AM LOSING MY MIND#if you've been following me for long enough: yes! this IS in fact the comic i mentioned that i was making last year.#Fun fact! This is also! The Third Draft of said comic!!! i have redrawn this thing THREE FUCKING TIMES#as a result you may notice that i uh. a) gave up on coloring this thing. no way in HELL am i coloring 30 pages. im not...strong enough#you will settle for simply having monochrome colored panels and you will LIKE IT!!!!! >:OOOOO#and b) gave up on backgrounds! yeah fuck that lmao. i am never drawing people in the monabus again and mementos can kiss my ass!!!!!#i just want to draw my silly little characters & not their environments#and you may also say: sophia. by halloween they are already in Sae's palace. why isn't goro with them and where's haru?#and to that i say shhhh suspend your disbelief. akechi is in mementos carving pumpkins to avoid trick or treaters.#and also haru isn't there because i cannot draw 6+ people in a cramped space yet!!! my art skills are Just Not There Quite Yet :(#so she's staying home and handing out fullsized candy bars to kids. that's where she is while this is all going down#'does akira know it's akechi down there?' :) that's up to you! but i WILL say that I was thinking about Akeshu when i wrote this so. :))))#ANYWAY if you read this far in the tags im so sorry lmao. thanks for sticking around! Hope you had a happy halloween :)#hopefully i won't disappear for long this time. idk im just gonna start uploading other bullshit art in the interim between comics i guess#probably some fire emblem shit. we'll see. we'll see. anyway bye!! till next time!
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moeblob · 26 days
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Shavuli !
She's just. Into rocks. It's fine. She likes to collect shiny rocks. (this is dice related and I am not apologizing for giving her this trait)
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abed is better than me because I would NOT have been chill with the prospect of sloppy narcissistic season 1 jeff sharing my dorm room with me indefinitely
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waxflowerwoes · 1 year
obviously chandrilan fashion is influenced by traditional east asian garments (the first time i was watched andor i was thinking about how much it reminded me of korean hanbok but that bias is probably indicative of how i grew up near a koreatown) and i saw someone somewhere say that it's odd that the shirts are crossed right over left (the way to dress a dead person) instead of the traditional left over right
now this could be a cultural oversight on the part of the costume designers. it wouldn't be the first time hollywood (or even star wars) appropriated an aesthetic they didn't understand. but with the line "play it how you want. but i'm going to assume i'm already dead," also existing in this show, maybe it's not.
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thedrotter · 5 days
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silly comic of a conversation in-game i thought was too funny not to make something proper for instead of a doodle ww
(timelapse + wip images (thus silly process commentary in read more if you like artist commentary :3)
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i think the sketch looks silly and goofy and funny so i find it important to share with you the mere presence of the faces i drew on it. i drew it on top of the boxes without staying inside its borders because i find my proportions can get wonky if i draw them cropped in a restricted space. and I feel trapped otherwise and i will draw BAD!!! give me spaceeeee to go wild!!!!
the head circles are there for emotional support
very low res speedpaint because truth is the canvas was much bigger than the space where my comic was placed. i didnt account when exporting my timelapse in 720px that that tiny space would look so pixelated ... but it's able to be percieved, so its okay.
(i will now comment on my process and it is not brief sorry)
usually i would try to clean up my sketches and figure out what goes on top before jumping into linework, but since there are multiple panels and drawings i chose to jump into inking right away for the sake of brevity. i just went in with a brush that uses pen pressure and drew what was needed. i added extra line thickness and contrast in areas around the face because it helps direct your eyes there more easily that way.
according to her equipment rei has a chain belt but i only remembered it existed once I was going to color, and i did not like that discovery... I chose to ignore it to maintain my peace. i already have the color palettes for these characters figured out, and i didnt really want to think about a new element at the moment www I tend to overthink those things a lot so i skipped it
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the rest is rather straightforward! not that anything else wasn't, but in here i could turn my brain off and sing. linework and sketching require mumbling so i cannot turn my brain off. just block in the characters with a solid color so i can have a mask (something along those lines,) where the color can stay inside. then just color in !!!
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Base colors just had slight cell shading on the skin, and for the hair i airbrush a bit of the skincolor in low opacity near the forehead... I'm not sure what it means, but i can look at the faces easier with it somehow. i like the gentle subtlety it adds even if you cant really tell. it makes things look nice.
background was just me blocking in the color of the wall and floor, shade the wall a bit, then slap a noise and free use wood texture on top. work smarter not harder ! yet it took a bit to make it look stylistically fitting with the characters, and even now i think bottom middle panel looks odd. whatever!!!
for the middle panel i thought itd be funny if the background was a solid silly and colorful one to contrast the next panel's sketchy black one. a contrast to how the word widow is seen. on that note my handwritting is not pointy. i gaslighted my hand into thinking that it was indeed pointy in that moment so i could write "not-yet dead person" in letters that didn't seem cute. my hand did not fall for it but it complied anyway
that's basically it! I'm not sure what else i could say that doesn't feel barebones because it really is that straightforward. if you're curious I used clip studio paint for this. only special brush used was for linework (a brush named Lemon Brush), the rest used were just the default. my computer gets the least credit. it was trying to convince me a 20mb file was going to nuke it all the time and hardly let me save multiple times so i do not appreciate it
#re:kinder#fanart#sayaka re:kinder#rei re:kinder#OH I ALREADY RAMBLED IN MY POST WHATEVER SHOULD I TALK ABOUT NOW IN MY TAGS UEEEEEEE😭😭😭#oh yeah do you want to know a fun fact about this drawing#i started it yesterday. i wasnt meant to I DID NOT HAVE PERMISSION...FROM MYSELF... i was meant to be on break#i self imposed a one week break from doing any rekinder related project after the transcript to avoid accidental burn out#NOT THAT I GOT TIRED OF IT AFTER THAT TRANSCRIPT NOT AT ALL#but jumping straight into more hours of creativr work after over 30 hours of it is asking for disaster. it is asking for burn out#yesterday was the last day . 12 hours were left but i was going to die if i didnt draw anything it would have been OVER#(aka my period started recently so i got very gloomy and depressed so i needed to run to my favorite stress relief...drawing rekinder☺️)#(on that note seriously what the fuck please explain the evolutionary advantage to getting horribly depressed every month)#(like hello?!?! rant real quick— i get enough flashbacks everyday i DONT need them to last longer and have me more msierable ?!?!?)#(periods are so dangerous to my mental health for no reason can i get a restriction order on them or some shit what the fuck)#(anyway thats enough of that break of character DONEEEE :3333)#SO YEAH I DIDNT EVEN LAST 7 WHOLE DAYS i even played a new game in between those 6 days youd think itd het my mind of rekinder. WRONNNNGGG#not even another devastating rpg horror gamr could divert my attention for long i hsd to draw rekinder😊#using the newfound power of mt transcript i was decided on drawing rei because i dont draw her enough for how high she is on my fvaorites#i was initially doodling random lines but then i stumbled upon this interactkon and it doesnt really fit into my usual expression sheets#so i thought hey lets do it asife#i thumbnailrd it and from there i was like hey lets do it in comic format isntead of separated messy doodles in tint canvas#and the rest is hisotry .... aka i spent the last two days doing this instead of doing MY HOMEWORK!!!!!#on my defense when i wasnt drawing i was horribly depressed i had no other choice#(seriously fuck off periods WHAT what do you mean i need to be distracted 24/7 to not be struck by crippling meltdowns LEAVE ME ALONE?!?!?)#(they should be banned we as a society should find like a . cure to them it dont do me good to have a whole week where i cant function)#these tags have been more of a weird rant im sorry IVE BEEN FEELING PEEEVEDDD LATELY SO YOU GET. STRANGE DROTTER LORE ????
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corfisers · 6 months
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i really need to finish this one day
#one of my fave ideas but i keep getting stuck or starting over. third time's the charm hopefully#anyways. posting it as an excuse to rant because i'm losing my mind over this rn for no reason#incoherent but i just need to Talk or my brain won't shut up#you ever think about how fucked up it is that aoi feels guilty over what happened. i do. i think about her a lot#he can't even look at me. we aren't even blood related but he still had to go to jail because of me. i still love him#in reality none of it is her fault. it shouldn't be about doumeki in the first place. baby girl you were 15 when it happened.#you can say that yashiro is cruel in his dismissiveness (on the surface) of doumeki's trauma but you can see where he's coming from#you got a glimpse of what your sister was going through? of what i went through? and now you're sooo guilty over it? and who does it help?#doumeki's so focused on his own feelings that he ignored aoi when they were living together. “saves” her by pure chance#proceeds to focus on his guilt and ignore her again. if yashiro didn't get involved she'd be sitting in the rain for god knows how long#yet she still loves and to some degree idolizes him#yashiro and aoi both saying that doumeki isn't the type of person to be a yakuza too. doumeki's good doumeki's better than that#and then ch 24 happens. where yashiro says that he's going to throw up and doumeki's response is “i probably won't stop even if you do”#“guess i am like my father after all” and yashiro still goes “you're not. you're pure and im the problem”#(touches doumeki's face. rare gentle gesture. he's gentle afterwards too before leaving. man.)#he's not cruel enough to repeat what he said in the earlier conversation and he doesn't actually believe it anyway#but i wish yashiro was cruel there. it shouldn't have been about doumeki and his feelings. again.#something about yashiro throwing a knife at another person and it flying back at him huh#for all the talk about how doumeki supposedly romanticizes yashiro it really is the other way around. always has been#which is a whole other conversation but yeah. everything about aoi and yashiro in relation to doumeki makes me so fucking sad#but this is also what i mean when i say that aoi doesn't haunt the narrative per se but still has this weird presence?#she's in the parallels. she's in the brief but important mentions. she's in the “your sister was lucky she had you”.#wips tag
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st4rstudent · 3 months
Giant cornplate post here but I'll get my thoughts out anyways. I really like how even visually Mac and Winn are contrasting yet similar. Winn's main color is yellow and Mac's is purple, which are contrasting colors. Yet, they both wear green. And then both of them having glasses but they're different shapes (circle vs square). and ouuughhoguhgh. theyre good friends. i like them.
#clemramble#sorry this is a massive cornplate post . idc. ive posted my thoughts privately and now you all get to hear them#i always wonder if the color choices were done on purpose. i mean winns is obviously. being based off the windows logo#but macs based off a dutch bunny and not the macOS logo . soi always ponder if the purple was an active choice or if it was just coincidenc#not that itd change anything if it was or wasnt . their designs are clemheaven to me anyways#but yeah . you could also write about the same thing with their personalities#mainly in the way they talk in broadcasts. from what i interpret winns a lot more nervous and more casual whereas mac is well. its mac#i also think its funny that despite being nervous and stuttery winn gets to the point faster than mac. like if you read an alarming rate of#aptitude. mac takes 15 years to get to the point which is one reason it gets cut off so easily#and then in the hires and heroes blogpost it goes to do that again and then gets interrupted by winn#but even then winn does sometimes go off tangent just a tiny bit but is much more eager to get back to the point. i presume because of bein#nervous#i just think its all so good. i think they play off of each other in a funny way but not one that would be annoying to either of them#something something. contrasting enough to be different but similar enough to be best friends#sorry this is a kind of long tag post about mac and winn. i just like them alot and i need to get that out there. i hope you all can enjoy#my thoughts#...even if they turn out to be wrong.
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tapewormsoda · 9 days
breakups are so fucking weird. three years and just like that it's gone. huh
#helix.txt#gross i ended up spilling my guts in tags. look at them fucking writhing on the floor all bloody#dont rb please#vent#to quote fall out boy i knew it was over i just didn't know the date#yeah that's it. fall out boy can fix this.#i will feel better if i go listen to bang the doldrums#and infinity on high in general#and folie a deux. folie a fucking deux how i love that album#my chem will make me better. gerard way save me#god what a weird feeling. you used to know me better than any other person but then you moved hundreds of miles away and it worked#for a while. then two years later you said it wasnt working and that this was best for both of us. guess i never got the memo for that one#hope we treat other people better because i wasn't as kind as i should have been towards the end and you were never as thoughtful or con-#-siderate as i needed towards the end. we grew apart because you're bad at keeping contact over messaging#and in some ways the cracks in the foundation that grew from that were my fault too i guess. our conversations always felt one sided#maybe i was smothering you#you could never seem to keep more than a passing recollection of the things i liked or even pay much attention to them#but i wasn't great about that either#we just became different people. you weren't what i wanted or needed and you couldn't do long distance. whatever#i know it was the right thing i just wish it hadn't made me feel so damn awful#will we still talk after this? who knows. we didn't end on bad terms but things are definitely weird#and considering your track record with people you can only talk to online i'm not optimistic#you tried to break things off initially by saying you'd said you would improve in the past with nothing to show for it#something i didn't disagree with but i said it didn't bother me much. and it didn't#but it's complicated now. i did deserve better. but you made it clear i'm not getting it from you#you weren't as present or thoughtful as i needed#i wasn't there in person the way you needed and certainly not as considerate as i should have been. and for that second part i'm truly sorr#anyways. sorry. i'd been thinking about it for a long time anyway. i didn't want to admit it because i didn't like to think#about what it might bring. maybe i should have been braver#right. that's enough
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I wonder if, upon learning that Marc was the Host, "the original" in Steven's words, if Steven ever worried afterwards that he was being invasive.
All those things Konshu called him. Worm, parasite, idiot--were they all true now? Was he truly a parasite? A demon of some sort, occasionally possessing a victim of abuse? Leeching off of someone else's life?
Maybe for a while he stopped fronting. He'd stolen so much of Marc's life already, the least he could do was let Marc make it up as best he could. When he was in their inner world he would stay within his own area, never venturing out for fear of disturbing the place Marc's mind had made for him to feel safe.
And even after doing more research on DID and learning that he wasn't a demon, that he as an alter was just as valid a person as the host was, part of him just couldn't shake the feeling that he was a nuisance. A pest. An invasive species in the habitat that was Marc's mind and body.
It probably took a while for Marc to pick up on. Maybe even months. He can normally read people's emotions well, that's what happens when you're raised in an abusive home after all, but that’s all based on body language and expression, which is a bit harder to read when it's someone in your own body. But eventually he does sense it, he can feel the anxiety Steven feels when he needs to front, feels the relief when Marc comes back. And then he sees Steven out and about in their inner world and suddenly realizes he hasn't seen Steven outside his specific space in a long time. Not to mention the apologetic look he had on his face when Marc saw him, as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have.
The final straw was when Steven ended up fronting for three days straight, and when Marc came back, the flat looked completely different than he left it. All Steven's books had been put away, tucked into shelves or stacked under the bed. Steven's clothes had been taken out of the closet and dresser as well, replaced by cardboard boxes at the top of the closet labeled with Steven's messy scrawl. His pyramid paperweight, the postcards from Gus's tank, and his rubiks cube were tossed haphazardly in to a wire wastebasket, right next to their unusually clean desk. All of Steven's favorite snacks had been cleared out of the fridge and cupboards, and Marc wondered if he'd eaten them or if he felt too guilty to allow himself even that.
The only trace of Steven left in the flat was the pair of fish in the now postcard-less fishtank. He wondered if Steven was worried he'd let them die, seeing as how they were just another reminder of his presence.
And that's when Marc knew exactly what was going on. After all, it hadn't been too long since he was the one hiding his possessions around the flat, trying to make his presence as invisible as possible.
He took Steven's things out of the trash. He unpacked Steven's clothes and carefully put them back where they belonged. He took Steven's books out from under the bed and stacked his favorites on the nightstand for him to read. And Marc went out and bought all of Steven's favorite snacks again, even the ones he hated himself. He put on the soft pajamas Steven always liked to wear, even though they made him feel too hot.
There was a rather emotional talk that night.
It probably took a while for Steven to feel comfortable in his own body again. To stop feeling like he was taking up someone else's life, to feel like he was just as much of a person as Marc was. Sometimes he still felt so guilty that he would hide his possessions again, or he'd write notes to Marc saying that it was okay if he never wanted to let Steven front again, and that Steven wouldn't bother him anymore and he could just disappear.
But eventually with time, and therapy, Steven realized that he wasn't taking up Marc's life, not any more than Marc took up Steven's. They were living life together, and that was wonderful. And when Marc returned after letting Steven front for a week to find that he'd bought five more books and was eating the wasabi nuts Marc hated so much, he knew Steven would be alright.
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