#yes I gave him fangs what are you gonna do about it?
zinzabee · 1 year
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Two versions, bc I couldn't decide if I liked the solid colors or the watercolors better
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screamforyani · 1 year
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warnings ↠ dubcon-ish?, enemies with benefits, handjob, edging, implied intercouse towards the end
a/n ↠ i know this is very out of the blue but i watched atsv and i cant get miguel out of my head
wc. 1.1k
“untie me,” hissed miguel, fangs jutting as his blood-thirsty eyes followed you. 
you let out a hollow laugh the second those words escaped his mouth and met his penetrating stare. to say you and and miguel were enemies would be an understatement. there was something about this guy that irked you in the worst way, but could also turn you on like no other.
the feeling was mutual. you’d never admit a word of this if it wasn’t - not even to yourself. you and miguel had a weird thing going on, the sort of thing where the line between hate and lust grew thinner with each dark, loathing stare he shot you. 
maybe you’d had his cock in you a couple of times. twelve, to be exact, though not that you were counting (because you totally weren’t). not your proudest moments, but the sight of him on his knees, tangled in a weaving of webs made you forget it. his muscles bulged with every endeavor to free himself from your little trick. which was hilarious, because if they were any tighter, they’d burst right through his spandex. 
not that you were complaining. 
“hm, let me think about it,” you hummed, pretending to be deep in thought. “no.”
“i said - untie me. now,” miguel roared, as if it would make any difference. 
you crouched before him, pouting. “what’s the matter, spider-man? can’t handle other people telling you no? you don’t get to be the boss of everyone, cariño.”
you waved your finger in his face, to which miguel responded to with a lean forward as if he were going to bite your wrist off, but you were too quick. 
“woah there, bitey,” you taunted. “get it? that rhymes with spidey. hilarious, don’t you think?”
miguel spat, “you annoy me.”
“it’s a pleasure,” you said, merely grinning. then, you pointed to the extended talon behind his back where his hands were tied, asking, “can i borrow that? thanks.”
you used his talons to poke a hole in the lower half of his suit, promptly tearing at the spandex until the hole expanded. miguel wasn’t exactly pleased, not yet anyways, barking, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“more than you deserve,” you whispered, widening the gap until his half-hard cock was freed. that you inevitably already saw. for obvious reasons, it was difficult for spider-men to conceal their hard-ons. “you guys freeball under these suits? that’s crazy. i mean, not that you’re gonna catch a hard-on fighting the spot, but you never know. i mean, what if some really sexy villain just hits… the spot. get it? the-”
“the spot. yes, i get the joke. shut the hell up,” miguel grumbled, irritated.
you giggled. his annoyed face was too hot. of course, you were riling him up on purpose.
licking a line down your palm, you gently grabbed his cock, stroking him in your hands while looking him in his angry eyes. you saw his features tense, the part that didn’t want to be angry surfacing. the part that wanted to be relieved.
that was all that was wrong with this cranky guy. he just needed some relief in his life, and who better to provide it to him than you, the spider-person he never wanted on this team in the first place but took in because jess had insisted you could be useful. and you were, in more ways than one. not that miguel would ever admit that, though.
“fuck,” miguel grunted, writhing again, though not in an attempt to escape. you knew how to pleasure him and that was your saving grace, but you also knew how to tease. “could you be any slower with that?”
“i could, actually. watch this,” you retorted, now pumping him in no particular hurry. you had time to waste.
your leisure movements were killing miguel slowly. literally. he groaned, “well, could you go any faster?”
“i could,” you repeated with a lilt. “but you’d have to say the magic word.”
“go faster!”
you gave him a mocking frown. “i don’t think that’s it, o’hara.”
“do i have to?”
“do you want to cum?”
miguel winced his eyes closed, heaved a huge sigh, and huffed, “please, go faster.”
“wow, you hit the lottery,” you said, quickening your pace. you loved watching his brows furrow with pleasure, sweat beading at his face.
miguel bit his lip, wanting to be mad at how you satisfied him. it reminded you of when he was buried balls deep inside of you, his weight resting on top of your chest while his teeth clamped into your shoulder, not for the purpose of extracting blood but to smother the sounds of pleasure that escaped him when your cunt was squeezing his dick. almost like he would rather die than let you know you were good for something.
it didn’t matter, though. the telltale signs of arousal manifested themselves in plentiful ways from his body, like the taut ache in his pants when you turned him on a little too much. he got so hard for you, it was ridiculous.
and you were having a ball (you were tempted to make a joke, but resisted for his mental sake). there was something about having an insanely large, strong man who could potentially crush you to smithereens squirming at your mercy. it made warmth spread through your chest and the slyest grin curl onto your lips.
miguel’s hips were thrusting into your palm, an obvious sign that he was on the brink of climax. you’d come to know it by now - he started to lost control, the reins slipping out his hands. and you loved it. you loved how he was a slave to his urges and not the other way around.
“you almost there?” you asked, in spite of being fully aware. 
miguel offered you no words, but the look on his face and his unstill, restless body said enough.
that was when you got the bold idea to withdraw your hand at the very last second, depriving him of what could have been. his wrath was instant. you saw his hips flail in a desperation you’d never seen of him before, his fluttering eyes snapping open to cut at you.
“oopsies,” you sang, smiling innocently.
that was the very last straw for miguel and he broke out of your restraints, having enough of playing weak. you gasped, caught off-guard when he switched on a dime, throwing you against the ground and hovering over you. you parted your lips to speak, but he was quick to shoot a web over your mouth. 
“you talk too much,” miguel growled, cutting your own spandex with his talons, and was pleased to find you were very wet. he fixed himself between your thighs, leaning into your ear to whisper, “and for the record, nobody decides if i cum, cariño.”
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arc-misadventures · 2 months
The Sorcerer’s Dark Magic
Bruised, battered, and bloody.
This was the sorry state of, Cinder Fall.
A member of, Salem’s inner circle had been identified whilst she was in, Vale. Beacon sent several of its highly trained, Hunter’s, and Atlas had also sent in members of its elite team of, Specialists to bring her in.
They had found her, and her cronies in the midst of a pack of, White Fang members lead by the murderous zealot, Adam Taurus.
The fight had been long, and bloody, costing the lives of several Hunters, Specialist, and many members of, Cinder’s entourage, along with scores of members of the, White Fang. Even the murderous zealot, Adam Taurus’s life was taken in the fight.
But, they won, and they had taken, Cinder Fall in alive. And, now it was time for her interrogation to begin.
An event that would scar many who whiteness the horrors about to be unleashed.
The door opened to reveal a trio standing before a one way mirror, they all turned, and nodded their greetings at the duo as they entered the room. Within the room there was the headmaster of, Beacon Academy, Ozpin. The deputy headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch. And, lastly there was a seasoned huntsman, and a drunkard named, Qrow Branwen.
Entering the room was, Headmaster of Atlas Academy, and General of the Atlas Military, James Ironwood, followed closely by his aide, Specialist, Winter Schnee. They joined the trio at the mirror to stare at the bloody, and bruised body of, Cinder Fall.
Ironwood: So, what’s the plan?
Ozpin; Hello to you too, James. Right now the plan is to wait.
Ironwood: Wait, wait for what?
Qrow: The Sorcerer is finishing up his treatment of the wounded.
Ironwood: The Sorcerer? You have a magic user; why didn’t you notify me that you found a maiden?
Ozpin shook his head as he watched, Cinder pull at her aura suppressing restrains that binded her hands in a vain attempt to escape.
Ozpin: I would have if we did, but no. The Sorcerer is just a nickname he picked up.
Ironwood: He? So it’s a male. Hmmm… Who is this, Sorcerer you’re talking about?
Glynda: His name is, Jaune Arc; He is an experienced, Hunter who is a teacher here at, Beacon Academy, and he doubles as an assistant school nurse when the need arises.
Glynda’s brief rundown gave, Ironwood a simple understanding of who he was, and considering how normal he sounded, he understood why, Ozpin never brought him up before. But, why would he need someone so plain to interrogate her?
Winter: Arc…? Does he have blond hair, and blue eyes?
Glynda: Yes.
Winter: I believe I met him. He seems like a kind, and caring individual who cares deeply for the wellbeing of his students. Why are you having him interrogate the prisoner?
Ozpin: We need her to talk; We need to know what, Salem’s plans are, and who is working with her. If we try doing so ourselves we will get nowhere. But, if we let, Mr. Arc do it himself, we will get all the answers, and more that we are looking for.
Ironwood: Are you sure about this, Ozpin?
Ozpin: Honestly, James if I was being ‘interrogated’ by, Mr. Arc. I’m not sure what secrets I wouldn’t spill to get him to stop.
Ozpin shuddered as he remember the last time he sat on, Jaune interrogating someone. It was effective, but disturbing.
Qrow: Wait, you made that sound like he wasn’t going to talk with her, but more like he’s going to ‘talk’ with her.
Ozpin: …
Ozpin: It must be done…
Qrow: Seriously?! You’re gonna make, Tai 2.0 go in there, and torture her?
Ironwood: What?!
James looked to, Ozpin as he held his head in defeat. He had no other options left. And, considering what, Cinder, and her associates were planning, and how they barely caught it, and just managed to stop it. They needed her to talk to prevent anything else from coming.
Ironwood: You can’t possibly have forced him to do this?!
Glynda: Jaune agreed to do it! He lost several of his friends in the raid to get her, this is his own way of avenging them. And, you know how effect his methods are, we both have seen what he can, and will do to someone.
Qrow looked away before taking another drink from his flask. He knew what, Jaune could do, he knew exactly what he could do. That didn’t mean he liked what he saw.
Qrow: Fuck…
Qrow took a swig from his flask as he turned back to look at the girl in cuffs. Ironwood gave the drunk one fleeting glance before turning to face his friend.
Ironwood: How will this, Arc fellow make her talk?
Ozpin: He will no doubt try, and talk to her at first. But, when that inevitably fails, he will use his semblance instead.
Ironwood: And, what is his semblance?
Ozpin: It’s… Oh, he’s here.
The door opened, and closed with a heavy click of steel. A blond haired man entered the room. Cinder eyes him warningly as he walked over to the table, and took the seat across from her. He put down a notebook, and a pen, before brushing some unseen dust from the desk before he turned to face her.
: Hello, Ms. Cinder Fall. My name is, Jaune Arc. May I call you, Cinder?
Cinder said nothing, and just stared him down. They stared each other down for a while before, Jaune shrugged his shoulders, and opened his notebook to start taking notes.
Jaune: Not much of a talker, eh? No matter, we’ll get you talking soon enough.
Jaune: Now then, Ms. Fall, let’s summarize the past days events: A team of, Beacon students stumbled upon your little operation going on in, Mount Glenn. A team of veteran, Hunters from, Vale, as well as a team of, Atlasian Specialists came in to prevent you from colliding a train into the old train house in downtown, Vale thus releasing a horde of, Grimm into the city. Did I make a mistake in any of that, Ms. Fall?
Cinder: …
Jaune: Still not talking, eh? No matter, I’ll get you talking sooner, or later. So, pray tell what were you planning to do?
Cinder glared daggers at the man who radiated golden retriever energy, but said nothing.
Jaune: Twas a rhetorical question, since you won’t answer me after all. So, let us speculate then shall we?
Jaune: Hmm… you wanted to launch a horde of, Grimm into the city… but, why?
Jaune: Since the White Fang were involved was it to act as a protest against the mistreatment of faunas?
Cinder: …
Jaune: I expect that was the, White Fang’s plan, at least what they thought the plan was. So logically they would do this to kill people, both human, and faunas as a means of retribution for past, and future wrongs.
Cinder continued to glare at him, but within those burning eyes, Jaune could see her asking him a simple question.
Jaune: What the hell am I talking about? That’s what you’re thinking, I can see it in your eyes. But, well, extremists all ways take the simplest things, that often have the simplest solutions to the extreme. Hence the name: extremists. But, what’s your angle in all of this?
Jaune leaned closer, and stared, Cinder down. Their eyes locked on one another in a staring contest that made, Cinder’s blood burn. And, yet this feeling in her blood wasn’t from rage.
Jaune: We asked your associates what you game in all of this was… And, what were their names again…?
Jaune flipped through his notebook, before pulling out two photos, attached to slips of paper.
Jaune: Ahh yes… Mercury Black, and… Emerald Sustrai, that’s their names. The didn’t snitch on you, they never would. But, as they say… ‘Dead man tells no tale~!’
Jaune could see her eyes flash wider for the briefest of moments. She seemed to not care about her associates, at least, she seemingly didn’t care that much.
Jaune: But, your pal, Roman Torchwik. He sung like a song bird, and told me all of your dastardly deeds, after receiving some proper… motivation~!
Ironwood watched carefully as he listened to, Mr. Arc as he interrogate the prisoner.
Ironwood: Did you also ‘interrogate’ this, Torchwik fellow?
Ozpin: There was no need to, we offered him a plea deal for all the information he had on her, and he was rather forthcoming coming. Although his information as to what, Ms. Fall’s plans are, were rather limited.
Ironwood: I see, hopefully this, Arc fellow can make use of it. Now, I don’t mean to sound… disturbed. But, when is this supposed… ‘interrogation’ meant to begin.
Glynda: It already begun. As soon as, Jaune entered the room the ‘interrogation’ started.
Winter: How can you be sure of that? All they’ve done is talk, nothing that hints towards torture has started.
Glynda: She’s sweating…
Everyone looked over to see a bead if sweat drip down, Cinder’s forehead as cold air escaped her lips.
Ironwood: What? That rooms kept cold to stop her from using her fire semblance, why is she sweating?
Ozpin: Good question…
Jaune: Now… Roman told us all about your evil plans. Well… that of which he was privy to that is…
Jaune put on a show, Cinder could tell he was trying to put her off guard, and it wasn’t working. The sweat falling down her head was getting on her nerves though, the room was freezing cold, and yet she was sweating. She could help, but wonder why.
Jaune: You hired him to steal large quantities of, Dust. Though he says you threatened him. Now, I am curious as to why you needed that much, Dust? You weren’t selling it, and you did make several bombs on that train, but the quantity of, Dust that was used in those bombs is no where near the amount that was stolen. Are you trying to artificially inflate the price of, Dust?
Cinder glared daggers at the man, hoping to burn a hole through this golden retriever of a human being. But, still refused to answer.
Jaune: That would mean you’re working for, Jacques Schnee! I knew you were a heartless bitch, but I couldn’t believe you were that heartless to work with that Grimm spawn bastard son of a bitch!
Cinder: I don’t work for that, Dust whore… Ahh?!
Jaune relished the sound of her little outburst as a vicious grin crept from the corner of his mouth as he stared down the prisoner as she pulled back from him.
Jaune: You spoke~! Ah-hahahaaa~!
Winter: Calling my sperm donour a, ‘Dust whore;’ I best remember that.
Qrow: Oh, you’re not upset that people are making fun of daddy?
Winter: The majority of the people of, Atlas, and Mantle despise my father, I among the top three individuals that despise the man. I’ve been using photos of the mans face for target practice for the new recruits.
Ozpin: Really now? And, how is that going, Specialist Schnee?
Winter: Better than I expected; Atlas’s military personnel’s average accuracy when handling firearms has gone up by 27%, and is still climbing.
Ironwood: Oh really? I was wondering how that increased happened. Well done, Specialist Schnee. Start implementing that in, Atlas Academy, I’m curious to see how the students will improve if we implement such a… policy.
Winter: I will see it done, Sir.
Ozpin: Should we implement such a policy here as well, Glynda?
Glynda: We shall discuss that later, Ozpin. The Sorcerer is at work.
Jaune: So tell me… what was your plan…?
Jaune’s smile sent shivers down, Cinder’s; it was a calculated smile, its intent was to unnerve, and put one’s foe on the backfoot.
Cinder: …
Jaune: …
Cinder: …
Jaune: Hmm?
Jaune: Still no talky?
Cinder: …
Jaune: Okay then… So you don’t work for that dust whore. You obviously don’t work with the, White Fang, you’re obviously not a faunas. Unless…?
Jaune was giving her the once over, as if to find some hidden faunas trait that was hidden behind her clothes.
Cinder: I am not a faunas…
Jaune: No…?
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: I would have guessed you were some sort of snake faunas; Hidden fangs in your mouth, elongated tongue those kind of things. Nothing?
Cinder: No…
Jaune: Well, then you’re obviously working for some sort of hidden secret organization that’s bent on the total, and complete destruction of the world!
Cinder: …
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Hmm… you’re quite good at hiding your emotions, but your eyes keep giving things away.
Cinder’s eyes flashed for a moment before she looked away. She cursed herself for letting her emotions escape her harsh grasp. She had done plenty of research on the staff at, Beacon Academy, but, Jaune Arc was one she couldn’t find much information on. At most it was common knowledge that if you asked anyone anything about him they would tell you the same thing. Jaune tended to keep his personal life like that, personal. At most it was know that he was single, and the only son if his family.
Well, as secretive as he may be, it was no where near as…?!
Jaune: Why does the witch want to destroy the world?
Ironwood: Wait, what?! Ozpin, how does he know about, Salem?
Ozpin: One of, Mr. Arc’s greatest skills is his observational awareness. I thought I was being subtle with any information retaining to, Salem, but he picked up on my… unsaid words. And, forced me to talk…
Ironwood: Forced? Did he use his semblance on you?
Ozpin: Possibly…? I am not sure.
Ironwood: Can’t you tell when he’s using his semblance?
Glynda: It depends on how, Jaune’s using it. It can be very subtle, subtle enough that you don’t even realize he’s using it. Subtle enough that even he doesn’t realize he’s using it at times.
Ozpin: But, when it’s obvious he’s using his semblance you become painfully aware that he’s using it. To say it’s blood curdling in its usage is an understatement of the extreme of extremes.
Qrow: Ughh… I remember when I saw him use it to its fullest extent; Can’t say the guy didn’t have it coming, but throwing up my lunch wasn’t what I had in mind that day…
Ironwood: …?
Winter: What the hell is his semblance?
Cinder: What witch?
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Oh come on now… I know all about, Salem, and Ozpin’s stupid little shadow war going on behind the scenes. So if you plan on playing dumb well…
(Tap, tap, tap)
Jaune: Let’s just say it won’t work well for you.
Cinder could feel sweat dripping down her head in a freezing cold room, his words caused dread to slowly build up in her heart.
Cinder knew that playing dumb wouldn’t work any longer. At best she could deflect, and feed him bread crumps to cause him to look away from her true objective.
Cinder: I was trying to… trying to cause a, Grimm stampede in the hopes of destroying, Vale.
Jaune: To what end?
Cinder: Spread the seeds of chaos, and show, Ozpin, and his allies that his precious little cities are not as safe as they think they are.
Jaune: To what end?
Cinder: I just told you; To destroy, Vale.
Jaune: Don’t play dumb with me my dear, I’m not an idiot like, Ozpin, or General Ironwood. They would take you words at face value, but I can tell you’re hiding something…
Cinder: What is there to hide; you already know everything I planned to do, you’re just trying to confirm what happened for you reports, aren’t you?
Jaune: Well…
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: You could say that… but, your goal wasn’t to destroy, Vale… No, no, no. Your goal may be quite well thought out, but you don’t care if, Vale fell. No, no, I recon your plan wasn’t to destroy, Vale… A definitive bonus if your plan succeed, but no. Your true goal was to distract, Ozpin… but, to distract him from what tis the question…
Cinder’s heart was beating erratically as this interrogation continued on. She had read, Mercury’s, and Emerald’s reports on the man; they read of a kind, and caring man who would lay his life down for his students without a moment’s hesitation. But, the man currently before her, was not that man.
He exuded an aura of cold, calculating indifference, and a predatory smile that sent shivers down her spine, the exact same smile he was giving her right now. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he came to a simple conclusion; the an answer to a riddle that answers everything he wanted to know, and more.
Jaune: You’re after the, Fall Maiden, aren’t you…?
Ozpin: The Fall Maiden…?
The answer to a question unasked escaped, Ozpin’s throat in a ragged whisper. It made sense, too much sense that this was, Cinder’s goal, she was after the, Maiden’s powers, and she was willing to destroy, Vale to get it.
Qrow: So it was her, and her cronies that attacked, Amber! Why didn’t I see that…?
Ironwood: She never did finish off, Amber because, Qrow came to the rescue, this is all an elaborate plot to get the, Fall Maiden’s power… I amazed that, Mr. Arc was able to come to such a conclusion.
Glynda: But, to go to such extents to acquire the, Fall Maidens powers seems a bit over the top.
Winter: Couldn’t she have just killed her when she first had the chance, and acquired her powers that way? Why did she plan to destroy, Vale in the process?
Jaune: Oh? Now isn’t that an interesting reaction!
An involuntary, sharp gasp escaped, Cinder’s lips as he effortlessly hit the nail on the head. Arc, knew about the, Maiden’s, in the case what else did he know! She looked away from him, daring to hope he would not find anymore clues in her broken mask.
Jaune: Excuse me, we’re talking; tis quite rude to look away from someone while we’re talking.
Cinder couldn’t look at this man, there was something off about him…
(Tap, tap, tap)
Jaune: Excuse me, don’t turn awaywe’re still talking here.
Something that could make the skin crawl…
Jaune: Oi, look at me.
Something that was deemed unnatural…
Jaune: We’re not done speaking, Cinder.
Something that was indescribable to the senses…
Jaune: Cinder… Look at me.
But, it was something completely explainable.
Jaune: Haaa…
Something so obvious, and simple, that it was often overlooked as an item of irrelevance.
Jaune: I said…
A semblance.
Jaune: Look at me.
Cinder could feel her entire body being wrenched forward, her muscles screaming in pain as they were forced to move in what felt like an unnatural, but completely natural manner. Her body was set straight in her chair, her head forced to stare at, Jaune face, making her stare into those calm, uncaring cerulean eyes of his. She tried to turn her body, to squirm in defiance as he stared her down, but she could not move her body by a hairs breath.
Jaune: Now, shall we continue our discussion?
Cinder: A-A semblance…
Jaune: Hmm…?
Cinder: A semblance! Y-You’ve been using your semblance on me this whole time! From the moment you entered this room, you’ve been using a semblance on me to make me talk, haven’t you!
Jaune: CorrrrecT!
Ironwood: Ahh, telekinesis!
Winter: He’s a telepath? That would most certainly explain how he was able to get, Miss Fall to talk.
Qrow: Nope.
Ironwood: What?
Qrow: The kids not telepathic.
Ironwood: He isn’t?
Winter: But, the way he forced her body to move, that’s clearly a telekinesis based semblance.
Qrow: It may look that way, but his semblance is nothing like that. If it was, I would be better at holding my stomachs contents when he decides to… let loose.
Glynda: I’d doubt that.
Qrow: Well… it wouldn’t be as bad… hopefully?
Ironwood: Then what is it?
Ozpin: It would be best to let, Mr. Arc explain it…
Cinder: Y-You’ve been using your semblance to extract information from me! Haven’t you!
Jaune: Mmmm… In a manner of speaking… I’ve mostly been connecting dots, and what not from what clues you’ve given me. That, and reading your facial expressions, any little bodily ticks you are showing off. I’ve mostly been using my semblance to make you feel a sense of unease. It’s been quite effective if I do say so.
Cinder: What is it; Telekinesis?! Are you some sort of psychic?! What is your semblance?
Jaune: Oh, nothing so… civilized as those…
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: Nothing like that…
Cinder: That tapping! You’ve been doing that ever since you came here… why?!
Jaune: As I said, ‘To make you feel unease.’
(Tap, tap, tap.)
Jaune: I take it that it has been working.
Cinder: How does tapping your fingers make me feel unease?! Do you have some sort of telekinesis based semblance?! I demand to know!
Jaune: As I said: It may seem liked that, but no. I don’t have a physic, telekinesis, and sort of moving stuff with my mind based semblance.
Jaune calmly stared at, Cinder as her rugged gasps of breath slowly tapered out. Before he calmly responded to her question.
Jaune: I’ll answer your question: How is that I am making you feel unease, why the tapping, how I forced your body to turn to face me. I’ll explain it all. But, in exchange you have to answer something for me.
Cinder: And, what is that?!
Jaune: What does, Salem want with the keys to the vault, and what does she intend to do with its contents when they are emptied?
Cinder: W-What…? H-How did you figure it out…?
Cinder’s rage, the blazing inferno that burned within her body was suddenly snuffed out as if it was a match struck in the midst of a typhoon. What was replaced was stunned fear. She hadn’t mentioned a single thing, no clues, no hints, but this freak had managed to put together every piece of her plan, and managed to figure out what her true goal really was!
And, all he did was calmly look at her with a cocky smirk forming from the bottom of his lip.
Jaune: Oh I just managed to connect the dots that others leave unseen. Four kingdoms. Four Academies. Four Maidens, and lastly, Four Relics. My educated guess tells me that one of the four relics is hidden in one of the four kingdoms academies. And, that they are kept behind in a secret, hidden vault that requires a key to unlock them. And, that key, is a maiden. Am, I wrong?
Cinder: …
Cinder: You’re correct…
Jaune: Am I know~?
The group all stood back as, Jaune turned to give them a dark smile as he managed to make, Cinder spill all her information on why she was going to attack, Beacon Academy.
And, it had only been ten minutes.
Glynda: Salem’s after the, Relics? I can only imagine the destruction she could wrought across, Remnant if she had even one of those…
Ironwood: We need to tighten security back in, Atlas. And, in all the other academies at that! In all the kingdoms! We cannot allow her to gain access to any, Relics!
Qrow: What is she even planning to do with those things? They aren’t all that dangerous no are they?
Ozpin: She not after any one, Relic for its individual capabilities… she wants all four of them.
Ironwood: What is the difference is she has one, Relic, or all of them? The destruction she could wreak across, Remnant could be unimaginable!
Ozpin: Not if those two came back…
Ironwood: What?
Jaune: Excellent! Now that we have all the speculation as to why you are doing this out of the way. Now I must ask who your other accomplices are, and what they are doing, and we can finish everything up once, and for all. Alright?
Cinder: No…
Jaune: No…?
Cinder: You said you would tell me what your semblance was… I answered your question… But, unless you tell me the truth… I won’t tell you anything! It doesn’t matter if you torture me… I will never talk!
Jaune: No, that’s fair… You answered my question, tis only fair that I answer yours in kind. Tell me… I assume you’ve done your research on all of the staff at, Beacon, myself included. So, I can assume you heard about my nickname?
Cinder: Yes… The staff here call you, ‘The Sorcerer.’ But, none of the students know why.
Jaune: That’s because, ‘The Sorcerer,’ isn’t really what my nickname is all about. And, I can assure you, a few students know what the story behind my nickname is, and my semblance is as a result of that. And, the reason why no one knows that start is simply because they just don’t like talking about it.
Jaune: You see… I can use magic…
Cinder: Impossible… Only five people in the world can use magic, and they all happen to be female… which you clearly are not.
Jaune: True… I just like to referring my semblance as magic, helps others… comprehend my semblance, and its abilities.
Cinder: Then what is your semblance…?
Cinder leaned in and scowled at, Jaune as he returned her scowl with a devious and, all knowing smirk as he softly replied.
Jaune: Blood Magic~!
Cinder: What…?
Jaune: Blood Magic! That’s what my semblance is! I can freely manipulate the blood of any living being! Making them my puppet…
Cinder could feel her eyes darting to the right, and lefr, then back to, Jaune, and yet she had no intention in her mind to move her eyes.
Cinder: M-M-My eyes?! You’re moving my eyes?!
Jaune: I can also regulate your heart beat! Why do you think I kept on tapping my finger?
(Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…)
Cinder focused on her body, slowly she started to feel the controlled beating of her heart as, Jaune tapped his finger to a steady beat.
Cinder: You made my heart race at an unnatural beat… causing my body to go into shock because of my blood wasn’t flowing properly, causing me to…
Jaune: Panic. Yes, tis a very effective way at making people nervous. I have to tap the beat though… I could hold out my hand, and flex my fingers inward, like so…
Jaune held his hand before, Cinder, and simply made a closed fist that lasted, but a hairs breath. However…
Cinder: AHHHHHHH?!!?!
It caused, Cinder to collapse in pain as her breath came in hard, and laboured gasps like a drowning man struggling for air as water filled their lunga. Her eyes widened in horror at the stunning realization of what he had just done to her.
Cinder: You… Y-You… haaahaha… you were crushing my heart?!
Jaune: Correct… My semblance is no doubt among the most powerful there is. I can tell precisely where a person is based upon feeling a persons circulatory systems. I can even tell people apart to some extent.
Jaune turned behind him to look at the one way mirror, and pointed at it.
Jaune: Right there is, Qrow Branwen. I can feel the alcohol in his veins, don’t ask me how, I can’t explain it. Next to, Qrow right there should be, Glynda Goodwitch. I can tell it’s her because the blood flows differently in woman than it does in men.
Jaune: I can also tell it’s her because I can sense more blood in the… front.
Jaune turned back to look at, Cinder; his face etched into a look filled with self loathing, and disscontempt.
Jaune: There are many things I despise about my semblance.
He shook his head in disgust as he pointed back at the mirror.
Jaune: Ahem… right next to her is, Ozpin; I can tell because I can feel his body posture that indicates he is resting on a cane, and that he is holding a bug in his hand. And, all the caffeine in his veins. Guy seriously needs to cut back on the joe…
Jaune: Next to, Ozpin is another woman. I have no idea who she is, but I know she’s there.
Jaune: And, right there is, General James Ironwood. I can only sense half a man partly floating in the air… such a perverse feeling… I can feel the blood flowing to his toes on one leg, but on the other it stops when it reaches his hip. The same on his arms; I can feel it reach his finger tips one one hand, and yet on the other I feel it stop at the shoulder joint… Such a ghastly feeling…
Winter: B-Blood magic?! That’s his semblance: Blood Magic?!
Ozpin: It is as he says… he can sense, and manipulate the blood in a persons body. To say it’s ghastly is a understatement of a lifetime.
Qrow: He can tell it’s me based on my blood alcohol levels? I better cut back a bit…
Glynda: He knew it was me because of my bust…?
Winter: At least he takes no pleasure in knowing that.
Glynda: Haaa… A gentleman to the end…
Ozpin: James? Are you alright?
James Ironwood gaze was dead stead at staring at his right hand, his robotic hand. It was a terrifying thought, that, Mr. Arc could feel precisely where his body ended, and where his cybernetics began without even touching at him. He understood the pains wrought upon his body in ways no others could, not even the victim of such mutilations could feel.
Ironwood: I can… speculate why I haven’t seen, Mr. Arc until now… Such a semblance must bare heavily on its user…
Ozpin: Jaune tends to keep to himself out of necessity, rather than a desire to be left alone. To many people around is like listening to a thousand voices all at once. Simply put; it’s overwhelming to the senses.
Ironwood: I take it then that, Mr. Arc is done with the interrogations? At least…using his semblance?
Ozpin stared at, Cinder as she managed to regain her breathing, and steadied her heart beat as she stared defiantly at, Jaune. Ozpin shook his head at the notion.
Ozpin: I’m afraid, James… the worse is about to begin…
Cinder: Haa haaa… Hahahaha!
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Cinder: You told me what your semblance is… I now know what you can do with that semblance of yours… it doesn’t matter what you do now! It doesn’t matter what! I will not tell you anything! You’ll crush my heart before I let anything spill! Come on, Arc! Do your worst!
Jaune: Pfff! Haha… hahaha… Aaaahahahahahaha!
Terror filled, Cinder veins as, Jaune let loose a laugh that found everything, down to most minute of details, in, Cinder’s attempt to show her bravado, her arrogant pride absolutely, unequivocally hilarious.
Jaune: Haha-ha-haaaa…
Jaune: My worst? You think me grasping your heart is the worst I can do…? My dear sweet summers child… I can do so much worser things than that, that honestly; I’m not sure what my worst is!
Jaune: I can bend every bone in your body till it shatters, then put them back together! I can stop your heart, kill you, and then bring you back to life! I can cause a brain aneurysm, and kill you on the spot! Cure you, and again I could bring you back to life! I could crush your entire body, turn every muscle in your body in on yourself until your body is nothing more than a meat cube! And, I know I can do this, because I’ve already done it before, and I will do it again!
Jaune: So tell me, Cinder Fall… Do you want to just tell me who else you are working with, and what are your other plans. Or, shall I torment you with pain unimaginable that I may break your mind from the pain?
Cinder could understand that he was just saying this to scare her, that he wouldn’t got that far to break her. But, she knew deep in her heart, that he could do it. But, she knew he couldn’t kill her, he needed her alive, otherwise all her secrets would go with her to her grave. She resolved her, and she would grin, and bare what was to come.
Cinder: Do your worst asshole! Hak-sptoo!
And, with that she spat on, Jaune’s who merely rubbed it off, and shook his head in disappointment.
Jaune: Haa… very well… I did warn you…
Jaune leaned back in his chair, and held his hand up, before he turned to gaze at, Cinder one last time.
Jaune: You know… They say there are different ways one gains their semblance; Personality, or circumstances… I believe the later one is applicable for me. Cause you see… everyone thinks I’m an only child. When in reality, I’m the only son in my family, when I actually have seven sisters. So, I think I developed my semblance, just to shut them up, because I swear…
Jaune leaned forward, and gave, Cinder one more predatory smile.
Jaune: That seemed to happen at least once a week!
Cinder pondered for a moment what he meant by, ‘once a week.’ Until it dawned on her, and a terrifying thought appeared across her mind. If he knew how to deal with that, then he knew how it was cause, and if he knew how it was cause…?!
Then she would know what true pain felt like.
To think I went through all of that just for that last bit…
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romanarose · 1 year
Take It All
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Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary: Miguel fucks your throat. That's it.
Warnings: Throat fucking, choking, BALLS, gagging choking on cock, a whole lot of talk of spit (I have OCD, do you see what I do you for you all?), a lil bit of spitting up/some stomach bile shit, some struggling to breath. Fluffy at the end.
Anyway, enjoy, whores.
“Just like that, asi mami, take it further”
Miguel had you pinned against the wall, strong legs keeping your shoulders pressed into the plaster. He gave you orders on how to suck his dick despite being the one forcing it down your throat.
“Think you can take it all this time?”
You mumbled in affirmative, throat contracting around his cock as Miguel groaned. Pulling out just briefly, you take a deep breath and he quickly thrusts back inside you, your throat burning with the stretch of him as he slides down your wet, warm mouth. Fuck, he was so deep, you couldn’t help touch yourself.
“Needy little thing.” He teases you when he sees your touching. “Does it turn you on when I abuse your little throat?”
With a whine, you scramble to reach up and grab his hand. You want him to feel it, to feel himself in your throat. Miguel, however, pulled out, causing you to whine again.
“Babyyyyy I didn’t tap out! You promised!” Miquel loved how you sucked cock, but he got nervous when he was in control, not wanting to hurt you. You had made him promise to keep going until you tap out, or unless he really thinks you need him to pull out.
He looks guilty, but smiles softly as he wipes your face with his sleeve. “Thought you were trying to tell me to stop.”
Jacking him off still, you grin up at Miguel. “No, I finally took you all the way! I was trying to show you that you can feel your cock in my throat!” Excitement was clear as you explain. You never were able to get that far before, and despite the drool falling down your neck and onto your low cut tank top and the heavy dark mark up of your eyes beginning to run, he thought you looked absolutely adorable. 
Miguel had an idea; scooping you up, he sloppily kissed you, licking into your mouth as he carried you over to the couch. Before setting you down, he bit into your lip with his fangs, making just a little bit of bloog flow out. Laying you down, Miquel adjusted you, manhandled your body like a little malleable doll until you were in the perfect position; head hanging off the arm of the couch. Before continuing, he knelt beside you, massive hard carefully caressing your face. “I’m gonna fuck your throat like your pussy, sweet thing. That okay?”
You smile up at him fondly, and nod. “Yes, sir.”
It wasn’t long until he had lined himself back up at your mouth, confirming you rememed to tap his thigh twice if it was too much, and began pressing into you again. He was so damn thick it stretched your mouth wide open, and you concentrated on relaxing your throat. When he made it all the way in and he saw you could still breath through your nose, Miguel reached out to finger you, but got distracted when his eyesight caught a view… the tip of his cock poking a bulge in your throat. 
He went feral after that.
Pulling out and thrusting back in quickly, Miguel was obsessed with watching his cock protrude through you, so big he was filling you up. His eyesight only strayed to swatch your body writhe and jolt, he pulled down the tank top you were in to take out your tits, groping them painfully for his own pleasure, but it only turned you on me.
“Such a fucking whore, letting me use your mouth as my little fleshlight. You like that? You like when I don’t care about getting you off, just using you for my own pleasure?” He pulled out of you, glops of spit running down your face, messing up your make up as he jerked himself while dragging his balls to spread the make up and spit, blood and precum all over your skin. “SAY IT!”
“Yes! Yes sir I love when you- mmpphhh” Whatever you were about to say was muffled by his balls in your mouth, and you moan around them as you suck and listen to the aggressive ‘fap, fap, fap’ of his hand on his own cock.
“Touch yourself, bebita,” Miguel pants. “Cause I’m about to cum right into your stomach.”
You did as you were told, finger fucking yourself to the rhythem he set into your throat with one hand and clawing into his thighs with your nails.
“Just can’t get enough of you, baby, mmmm so fucking good for me, just laying there and taking it.”
A cough, a gag, a deep breath; you refused to tap out, not when he was so close, not when the balls that rested on your face were tightening and he spoke.
Miguel wrapped his hands around your throat, squeezing as he violently trust into you, using your throat to jerk himself off with your throat. Nail cutting into his tree trunk thighs, you cum on your fingers, throat tightening and releasing with every contraction, every pulsing pleasure inside your body.
“FUCK! Feel so goddamn good, almost wanna snap to this precious little neck in my hands, fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK!!
Stilling in your throat, Miguel bypassed his mouth, shooting his cum straight into your esophagus. As soon as he was done and saw how much you were struggling to breathe, he pulled out of you. Immediately, you turn over and cough, hacking up a lung as spit and cum falls out of your mouth. You gasp for air, struggling to get enough in to satisfy your lungs. The salty mixture inside you spit up into the floor along with a little stomach bile, falling onto his carpet. “Sorry” You breath.
Miguel kneels beside you, gently patting your back. “It’s okay sweetheart, just get it out”
You slow down, your airway cleared out and able to breathe again, and you collapse onto the couch exhausted. Multiple orgasms, several positions, your body sore and relaxed and messy and pleasured…
“Hey, carino, you alright?” Miguel asks, picking chunks of spit soaked hair out of your face.
He worries he hurt you, worries he took it too far, but is surprised to see you giggling. 
“We have got to do that again.”
Miquel chuckles in return, kissing your disgusting forehead. 
“Let’s give your throat a break for a few days, mi sol. I'm gonna draw us a bath.”
As you watch his bubble butt walk into the bathroom, he turns around. “Hey honey?” He says, body twisting a bit to reveal a cheeky smile.
“Yes, Miggy?”
“I’m proud of you, for taking all of me. I know it’s a lot.” He emphasized with wiggling eyebrows, and then proceeded to dodge the pillow you tossed in his direction, yelling some joke about ‘that’s not why it’s called a throw pillow!’
I hope y'all enjoyed. is this a little like the throat fucking in Take Your Time? Yes. What about it.
Also, I think it's time smut acknowledge BALLS, whose with me?
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @eyelessfaces @littlenosoul @melodygatesauthor @ahookedheroespureheart @moonknightly
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runa-falls · 1 year
scratches and bites - 1
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warnings: Almost kidnapping, age-gap but completely legal, grumpy/asshole Miguel, injury, them claws and fangs, sexual tension, cockblock lol
a/n: yes, i’m back at it with some writing. sorry for being mia lol. this became a lot more dark-ish than I initially anticipated–my bad. I was also gonna do a smutty one-shot, but i needed some background so ._. my bad again. now imma hunker down on pt 2. hope you enjoy ?
Summary: Miguel O'Hara is a grumpy man and you make him grumpy. You regularly go against his orders, create chaos, and invite danger. So this is how you met (which may explain some things...)
w/c: 1.4k
series masterlist | main masterlist
Miguel O’Hara is a grumpy man.
It’s almost like there are tiny weights holding down his brows to maintain his glare or ribbons pulling at the corner of his lips so he’s always frowning. Needless to say, being subject to an O’Hara scowl is not uncommon. Everyone in the spider-verse has had their turn. But you have seen it more than anyone. In fact, you might be the number one reason why he’s rarely seen in a relaxed state. 
You’re not even sure why you were recruited in the first place. When Miguel showed up, it was only a few days after you were bitten. You had literally just woken up from your Spider-coma to find what every spider-person experienced: sticky hands, superhuman strength, and a sixth sense. 
Endless thoughts ruffled your mind, overwhelming your already overly-sensitive body. Just as you were starting to fully freak out, a bright and distorted series of lights and noises invited a very tall man, dressed head-to-toe in a red and blue suit, to casually walk into your childhood bedroom.
You sat there shaking in disbelief as you watched the broad-shouldered man slowly reveal his face, easily taking off that terrifying mask before regarding your small figure on your bed. He almost looked inconvenienced or bored as he met your eyes.
This has to be a dream.
“Alright, come on.” Those were the first words he said to you. He gestures to the portal impatiently, waiting for you to come to your senses and follow his orders. When nothing happens he raises his brow. “Don’t have all day.” His tone is clipped like he’d rather be anywhere else. 
“What? ” It comes out hoarse and small, "No." If it weren’t for his sensitive hearing he probably wouldn’t have picked up on it over the noises the portal was making. Your fingers clench harshly against your blanket.
That marks the first time you saw his infamous scowl. He adjusts his stance, resting his hands on his hips like a disappointed parent. “No?" He chuckles humorlessly, "Well, you don’t really have a–” 
“Who the hell are you?” 
He shakes his head dismissively, “It doesn’t really mat–”
“Did you do this to me?” You lift a hand that has remnants of a Spanish flash card that you accidentally picked up when you leaned against your desk. You tried to peel it off but ended up ripping it into smaller pieces that were still stuck to your palm. His stare is patronizing as it lands on your flash card confettied hand.
“Is this new to you or somethi–”
“So you know about it?” You accuse, "You did--"
“Stop fucking interrupting me.” You flinch as he basically growls the words in irritation. As he steps closer to you, light pours over his figure, highlighting the intricate pattern of his suit that clings closely to his muscles. You cower slightly, noticing the menacing scars over his cheeks and the heat in his nearly red eyes.
His voice is low and dangerous as he addresses you, “You’re spider-girl, or spider-woman if you prefer, though by the looks of it,” His eyes glaze over your face and body, “you’re still just a kid.” He continues to inch closer as he speaks, unconcerned by the way the portal closes suddenly behind him or the way you start to shuffle away from him. “A radioactive spider bit you and gave you powers, lord knows why, and now you are to use them for good. End of story. Now,”  His hand darts out before you could react and grabs a hold of your arm, “you’re coming with me so we can save everything and fix all this shit that is fucking up the multiverse.” 
You attempt to yank your arm from his hold, but it only makes him grip you harsher. “Why are you doing this to me? I don’t even know why this is happening! I j-just woke up, I swear!” He doesn’t spare you a look as he mutters lowly into his watch.
Another portal opens, exactly like the first one he came through, but placed a bit farther away.
Now you’re panicking. 
“Didn’t you hear a thing I said?” He pulls you from your bed, almost dragging you off the mattress. You try to claw at his hands, but his grip remains unaffected. If anything he’s just growing more frustrated.
“Ok, ok, ok. I’m spider-woman.” You continue to pull away from him, dragging your legs as a way to slow him down. “Please, I promise to use my powers for good! I will be a nice neighborhood spider-thing–Just please let me go! I didn’t do anything–”
“This isn’t a discussion.” He pulls you up and closer to him until he’s basically carrying you to the portal, one arm supporting your spine and another under your legs. You squirm relentlessly in his arms, trying to make it hard for him to get a good grip on you. “Stop…Fucking…Moving–” Sharp, fire-hot pain zips up your body as claws sink deeply into your skin. The side of your thigh and abdomen throb with unbearable heat as you’re shoved closer to his chest. 
“Ahhh–fuck!” Your eyes sting with tears as your body catches up to the burning sensation of his claws retracting back into his body. 
“Shit…” You look up as you hear his softened voice and see that he’s staring right back at you. The portal in front of the two of you continues to hum, but it quiets as your eyes met his. “Kid, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—You just, you gotta come with me. The fate of everyone and everything rests on our shoulders.” The pain on your side dulls as you silently listen to the growing desperation in his voice. Somehow you’re able to divert those sensations, you might even be healing already. “I know you’re new to all this superhero stuff, but trust me when I say that I need your help. We all do.”
You’re almost afraid to ask, “...We?” 
“There are countless spiders across the multiverse, all with interconnected lives.” You feel the large warmth of his hand gently stroke against your aching thigh like he’s trying to soothe the pain with light touches. “I’ve recruited a couple thousand, but we still need more. There's darkness rapidly spreading around the multiverse, displacing heroes and villains from their original dimensions and destroying whole universes.” The colors of the portal reflect off his red eyes as he stares right through it, mind somewhere else.
You let it sink in. The whole multiverse. Everything and everyone. And you.
Your arms slowly link around his neck so as not to startle him, and you pull yourself closer to him. You secretly enjoy feeling his firm chest against you, suddenly realizing how much larger he is compared to you, but when you twist the wrong way you are suddenly reminded of the small gashes on your side. Your quiet hiss shakes him out of his thoughts. Your lashes, sticky from the few tears you’ve shed, frame your eyes prettily as you stare up at him.
“Ok.” It comes out quieter than you wanted but he immediately reacted to it.
His brows raise in surprise, “Ok?” You nod. “Ok. O–Alright, that's um, great. I mean, thank you.” You nuzzle your head into the warmth of his chest when you see a corner of his mouth perk into a small smile. Why is he making you feel this way? How can your body react like this to someone about to literally kidnap them? “D-do you want something for these, uh, marks…” His voice is hushed and almost sounds sheepish as his fingers carefully smooth over the marks he left on your skin. A soft groan leaves your lips as he applies too much pressure against one of the puncture wounds.
“Yes please.” His fingers stop their movements and you can barely feel the way his body stiffens at your words. 
“Alright, honey.” The hand under your back drags upwards, tracing your spine until it rests against the back of your neck. Goosebumps litter down your body as the warmth of his palm meets your bare and ultra-sensitized skin. He lifts you closely until you can feel his breath against the skin of your throat. Your eyes flutter closed. “Brace yourself.” The rough timber of his voice is enough to make you unconsciously clench your thighs. Time slows as you feel the sharp edge of – are those fangs? 
You’re so focused on the gentle brush of his incisors that you barely notice the borderline possessive way he’s holding you. Like a wolf preparing himself for the meal of a lifetime. Just as he’s about to sink in and finally give you the relief that you’re practically begging for, an engine roars to life. 
An engine. In your bedroom. 
Well, there’ve been weirder things. 
Both of you separate slightly at the noise and watch as a motorcycle slowly rolls into the room. There sits a heavily pregnant spider-woman with a very unimpressed look on her face, eyes bouncing from you to the nameless man cradling your body.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
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rae-writes · 1 year
your writing is really amazing damnn
If it's okay with you may I request a risky sex with Mephistopheles? Like imagine doing it next to Lucifer room, MC try so hard not get caught and moan while Mephisto purposely do it rough just to piss off MC
AND also imagine if Lucifer knock on MC door to asking about the noise while they are doing it and Mephisto tell MC to reply to Lucifer while still pounding on them so MC struggling to not making anything suspicious at all HAHA
hope you never lost your bottle cap thankss
nsfw // gn!reader // lowercase intended
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"Shh, Mc. You're too loud- you don't wanna get caught, do you? Though you seem to like that idea."
papers and books littered the floor half haphazardly, having been swiped off the table in mephisto's desperation to have you then and there.
your chest was flush against the wooden table in your room, hands white-knuckling the sides for stability as he pounded into you roughly.
his own hands had a bruising grip on your hips, teeth bared with his fangs on show, growling right next to your ear, "fuck, you feel so fucking good-"
"m-mephisto!" gasping, your let your head fall against the table, "slow d-OWN!"
a knock at your door had your blood icing over, but it didn't stop the fire licking at your insides the faster mephisto went— the bastard was doing it on purpose.
"mc? are you alright?" lucifer. he must've been next door in the common room.
the rich toned chuckle from the demon behind you made it hard to think, "y-yes, 'm fine, just stubbed my t-toe." one of your hands stretched to splay over mephisto's abdomen, sending a silent plea to slow down.
he intertwined his fingers with yours and slammed the hand right back down onto the table, "no!" he hissed, "cum- now. fucking cum all over my cock even though lucifer's right outside the door. come on, give it to me, cum for me- now!"
you bit down on your lip harshly, tasting a copper tang. it flooded your mouth just as your walls began convulsing, cumming despite your wishes at mephisto's command.
"are you sure? I smell blood."
mephsito's free hand came around to pry your jaw open, turning your head so his tongue could invade your mouth and lap at all the blood that had pooled, "fuck, fuck, fuck, yes- just like that, keep tightening around me-"
desperate to get lucifer to leave, you bit at the male's fingers, shaking your head free of his grip to quickly exclaim, "yes! just hit it really hard, 'm fine, I promise!"
a noise of affirmation left the demon behind the door, footsteps fading just in time for mephisto to push you down harder with a low 'thud' and growl loudly-
"cumming!" he gave a few more frantic thrusts before stilling, panting hotly against your neck, "f-fuck...my human...mine."
"Hush, Mephisto. S'too loud- gonna get us caught...sounds kinda fun though, right?"
harsh panting filled the bedroom, mixed with moans and the occasional whine. mephistopheles sat practically boneless in his own chair- in his own bedroom- while you rode him desperately.
“missed you s’much, ‘phisto— wanted you so. fucking. badly.” nipping at his neck, you tugged on his hair until you were face to face, “you wanted me too, right? left me right at the edge before leaving for two weeks- s’mean to me. g’na make up for it.”
“i-i’m sorry, I can make up for it later, I p-promise!” mephisto let out another, louder, whine when you shifted your hips, “lord diavolo is going to be here any minute-!”
it was clear by the way you sped up that you didn’t care in the slightest; you knew what you wanted and you were taking it.
muffling his noises with his hand, he hoped that diavolo would just wait in the foyer until he made an appearance because honestly,
“o-oh fuck, mc, yeah like that-“
mephisto didn’t want you to stop. the way you were bouncing on his cock like it was your own personal toy had him keening— you just felt too fucking good wrapped around him. his legs were like jello from how well you were fucking him and mephisto wasn’t stopping for anybody.
even if they were knocking at the door. “mephistopheles? lord diavolo and I have arrived. your parents said you haven’t been out of your room for a while—“
“—are you feeling well, mephisto?” diavolo sounded so concerned, it would’ve made you laugh if you weren’t so focused on the demon in question.
gritting his teeth, mephisto rushed out a “i’m perfectly fine, my lord!” before he was crashing his lips on yours to muffle his whimpering. his eyes widened when you stopped bouncing, mouth threatening to let out a cry.
you hushed him, rolling your hips to grind instead. “you’re close, yeah, ‘phisto? i want it- give it to me. wanna feel it, please, please, please!”
he shook his head in defiance- like he had any choice when you worked his cock just right - and grabbed at your hips in an attempt to stop you, “not— shit, baby— not right now, by the devils, not right now-“
“are you certain? you sound a bit strained.”
slapping his hands away, you used one to grip his hair and the other to push him flush against the chair, “want. it. give it to me, mephisto, need it, pretty please? cum. for. me!”
mephisto gasped, voice louder than it should’ve been, “yesmylordi’mcertain!” before tapering down into a whisper, “fuck, mc, m'cumming! don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!”
your teeth found their way back to his neck, biting down over his pulse point, "good fucking boy."
"if you insist. barbatos and I shall wait downstairs for you."
he didn't have any time to reply before you were tugging him out of the chair and shoving him onto his bed.
"wanna sit on your face first. make me cum, too, 'phisto."
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Sweet Pea- We Won't Work
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I sit down next to Fangs, Opposite Toni and Sweet Pea with my food tray in my hands. Since the Serpents moved to Riverdale High they have quickly become my best friends. During this time Sweet Pea has been trying to get me on a date. Not gonna happen. He’s a player and every girl with some sense will stay away from him. I’ve told him many times that we will never happen, but he’s just so determined to make me one of his quests
“Hey good looking” Sweet Pea smirks as I roll my eyes “so YN did you think about what I asked you?”
“Yes. And just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. No” Toni giggles at my response
“Come on man you’ve been at this for months. She’s not gonna go on a date with you” Fangs pats Pea on the shoulder
“Fangs is right. You better give up. There’s plenty of other girls who would love to go on a date with you. Josie is one”
“Josie is Peas secret hook up” I comment
“Not so secret since they were all over each other a few weeks ago and Cheryl’s party” Toni takes some fries off Fangs’ tray
“Me and Josie are over. We wanted different things. And anyway you never gave me a reason why you won’t go on a date with me” Sweet Pea folds his arms and I give him a shrug and eat my lunch
“I’ve dated your kind before and it wasn’t pretty”
“What do you mean by my kind?” He asks crossing his arms. I ignore him as Jug and Betty join us
“Hey guys” Betty smiles. I smile back at her as she sits
“What you guys talking about?” Jug asks sitting opposite Betty
“Just the usual. Sweet Pea trying to get a date with YN”
“Still?” Jughead chuckles shaking his head “dude when are you going to give that one up?” I can see Sweet Pea is starting to get annoyed with all the teasing. He gets up from his seat and walking out of the cafeteria.
After lunch Pea and I have history together, unfortunately for me we sit next to one another. Even worse Mr Roman decide to pared us up together for our history project on President George Washington which is why we are now sat on my bed looking in books and typing on my laptop
“You know we would be a good team. We work well together” Pea says. I sigh knowing he’s not going to give up. He’s persistent, I’ll give him that “so why won’t you go on a date with me?”
“Because we wouldn't work” I say not looking away from the laptop
“Because I'll break your heart?”
“Maybe I'll break yours” I then look at Pea smirking and shake my head
“No you won't. Nobody breaks my heart”
“Ah so you one of these girls who have built up a shield”
“Give it up Sweet Pea. I’ll be your friend, but we’re not dating” I groan as Pea pushes down the lid of the laptop “seriously”
“You said earlier you dated guys like me before. Enlighten me, what do you mean?”
“Players. Guys who jump from one girl to the next. Guys that just want one thing”
“They hurt you. That’s why you said it wasn’t pretty”
“I didn’t actually say who it wasn’t pretty for. Now will you stop asking me 20 questions at get on with our work?” I lift up the lid and we both sit in silence for a couple of minutes getting on with our work when Pea suddenly says
“You know, those rumours about me aren’t exactly true” I look up at Pea who looks remorseful “well not exactly. Yeah I’ll be honest I’ve slept with a few girls, not as many as you think, and it’s because I would find a girl I liked. We’d have sex and she’d run off to tell her friends. I was dumb enough to let it happen a few times. Then girls just stared to make shit up”
“I’m sorry Sweet Pea this shouldn’t have happened” I look at pea with a frown
“It’s ok. Well no it’s not, but I’m ok. The reason I’ve been asking you on a date is because you say no. I mean yes of course I want to go on a date with you, but you don’t throw yourself at me. I’m chasing you and it makes a change” something in me changes and I actually feel for Pea now. Maybe I should give him a chance. See what a date would be like with him
“Fine. I have a shift at Pops tomorrow till 7. Pick me up from there”
“What to finish our project” I chuckle at Sweet Pea
“No you idiot to take me on a date”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah. But I can promise you no sex and probably no kiss either”
“Deal” Peas face lights up. I’ve never seen him smile like this before. And that was all down to me agreeing to a date.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
Bunny laoshi’s 1005 birthday CPNs Part I 🎂
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I am giving it this title cause i’m pretty sure we will have more in the next releases or whatever. So yeah. First, I wanna thank you xiao laoshi for all the shiny presents he gave us for his birthday! we have been so blessed! I mean those photos from XZS? and the biggest CPN of the day which is him featuring the Leica camera we have been screaming about for the past days. Personally, we can skip all of these and that sugar alone is enough. But apparently, there’s more….
I will start with my favorite which is related to the birthday cake he was holding in one of the photos.
The person who designed the cake shared info on their creation. No problem. Anyone would be proud for making a cake for a celebrity like XZ. Yes, it’s camping themed. Which is a recurrent CPN in this fandom since both of them suddenly became camping enthusiasts around the same time.
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This time the customer wanted to make a camping model, so I started looking for some pictures from my colleagues. But because Master Fang doesn’t make other store models, He finally decided to use the scene of Xinjiang grassland then add with other camping accessory of ours~
AND THIS CAKE SHOP IS LOCATED IN HANGZHOU. Who is in HZ? Who frequents HZ? Definitely not ZZ. So who had this commissioned??? I’m sorry but as soon as I heard Hangzhou, what came to mind is WYB. I swear. He is that city’s adopted son or something.
Out of all ZZ’s “hobbies” who would decided let’s do camping. I can only think of Bobo. And the delivery fee is 3k. There is really nothing top expensive when it comes to each other.
Next is how photos were with him holding the Leica. Kind of like how the camera was posted in WYB’s photosets in Paris. They are both showing off. Clearly.
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When you put the bday messages from their studios side by side — it appears that the theme and pattern is the same. 😂😂😂😂
lament about how time flies >> one year role review >> talk about life >> good wishes
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I mean it’s not the most unique format but it’s so cute seeing how similar. even how it’s split in paragraphs.
Tho I have to say wyb’s was very very special. That message made me tear up.
WYB is about to go home, Paris to China and he is wearing Ralph Lauren. Yes, ZZ is endorsing the fragrance but it’s still an interesting choice.
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I am cackling tho cause you can see that WYB was online at midnight! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It got some people nervous. Will he greet XZ? Will he comments on XZ’s bday post? I mean what’s going on???
Turns out, WYB posted about his experience with the Chanel PFW. This is the perfect time cause he is literally leaving Paris. What’s funny tho are the people commenting. It’s BXGs. Because come on, who’s awake? It’s us. We are awake cause it’s GG’s bday. I took a screenshot, just look at the pfps. I think by the time I publish this post, it will be overtaken by so/os cause one fan club asked other so/os to comment. Lol.
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Some are saying the first words he used to describe the show are actually for ZZ’s photos but i really don’t buy that. and well, he is gonna see the love of his life soon ^^ I really hope they get to spend sometime 1005 or over the weekend 😌😌😌
and well the repost on ZZ’s birthday post on his own weibo is another story too 😂😂😂
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AND SOME LAST WORDS ABOUT ZZ PULLING OFF THIS CAMERA CANDY TODAY. It’s actually a joint effort. Intentional or not, I’m all for it. It goes to show that the way we speculate on things actually make sense and are not too out there. They could easily hide the camera if they want to block all the cpf talk but they didn’t. It was displayed proudly.
It’s one of those things where I think they/their team really listen in on what’s going on in the turtle fandom and they get to decide which ones will be given more fuel or not. Again, their relationship is between them, but imagine them willingly sharing this personal part of their life to us is making me 😭😭😭.
Whether it’s the exact same camera or not. XZS’ posting closed the loop of doubt. It’s not all on WYB’s side, ZZ claimed it too. and that to me is an iron clad cpn. No one can say that “WYB is just trying to feed the cpfs…”. It’s mutual.
It’s a lesson on believing in them. A couple of times this year, I’ve seen people question them. Always throwing tantrums for “lack of candy” and being annoying. Be patient. You will be rewarded if you just wait — appreciate them as people and enjoy the content they put out. It will come to us in time. Trust them. 🤍
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Brought to you by this post.
Eddie had run through every sort of scenario that could happen with his return. He had especially thought about how Steve would react. The top contenders were fear, disgust, and violence. He was a monster now after all. It wasn't immediately apparent, the only physical changes to his appearance being the fangs in his mouth and how his pale skin turned into a pitch black on his hands, ending with dark claws on each finger.
But on this inside, he was so much more. He was faster and stronger. He thought of consuming flesh and blood and knew there were few forces in the world that could stop him from it. When he awakened, Vecna filled his mind with thoughts of rage and revenge. The town had been the ones to kill him in the end. Had they not treated him like a criminal, he wouldn't have run away, wouldn't have ended up in the Upside Down, wouldn't have tried to prove he wasn't a runner and stood his ground the way he did.
Hawkins had experienced loss, yes, but not nearly enough. When he clawed his way back topside, he was ready to bathe in the blood of his enemies. An army of demobats always flurried around to obey his bidding. And they did so with a bloodthirst that matched their master. Vecna had revealed exactly why he chose each of his victims. Told him the secrets they all held. So Eddie's first stop had been the Cunningham household.
He didn't threaten, didn't spook. Just let his little pets crash through every window and feed on the people who made Chrissy's life hell.
The next night, he did the same to Patrick's household, and that was Steve's first gander at his new look.
After the death of the Cunningham's, Nancy quickly figured out that they should stake out the homes of Vecna's other victims. El, Lucas, and Will stayed with Max in the hospital. Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan kept an eye on Fred's place. And that was how Steve ended up watching Patrick's home with Dustin and Mike. They had been too late to save the parents, but just in time to see Eddie standing over their dead bodies, eyes wild and hands bloodied.
Blood also dripped from his mouth menacingly and he only allowed them the briefest of moments before he was off and away, disappearing into the shadows of the night with the sounds of flapping wings.
When they met back up with everyone that night at Hopper's cabin, the exchange of info had been wild. Steve had mainly kept quiet, thoughts buzzing in his brain while the more take charge members of their party tried to figure out if that had really been Eddie, what he was doing, if Vecna was controlling him, and why he was going after these specific people.
"If that had really been Eddie, there's gotta be a way to get him back to the good side. Make him see the light", Dustin said.
"But what if we can't make him see?", Robin pointed out. "He's already killed. Twice. Technically more than that if we go by actual body count."
"And if we don't stop him, he's going to attack again tomorrow", Nancy said. "We just can't entertain what-ifs right now. The facts we have are he's done this two nights in a row. Which means tomorrow he'll either be going for Fred's family or Ms. Mayfield."
"Nancy you didn't know Eddie like we did!", Mike shouted. "You already left him behind once, we can't give up without trying to bring him back!"
That stung Steve. Not being able to bring the body back had been a terrible regret. And now they were paying for it.
"How are you gonna bring him back?", Jonathan asked.
"By appealing to his humanity, duh", Dustin said. "If Eddie's still in there, he'll recognize us."
Unable to keep his thoughts quiet anymore, Steve finally stepped in. "I saw what he did Dustin. I'm not letting any of you kids anywhere near him right now. But!", he cut off the younger ones before they could protest, "You might be onto something. If we can convince him to come back to us, he could be saved."
Robin gave him an odd look. "I'm really afraid of what you're about to say next."
"Look, I can't-I know it's sounds crazy, but I might be able to bring Eddie back."
Steve was met with a chorus of 'whats' ranging from Lucas' genuinely confused one to Mike's absolutely offended one.
"You think you know Eddie better than us? We were actually friends with him", Mike said.
"I know he and I weren't that close. But during the whole, save the world part we had some...moments." Steve looked to Robin and then to Nancy, hoping they understood. And unfortunately they did.
Robin shook her head. "This has gotta be the stupidest idea you've ever had."
"And you're crazy if you think we're letting you do it", Nancy added.
"Good thing I'm not asking permission", Steve said.
And thus began Steve's solo mission: Seduce Undead Eddie. He got very little support in his plan, but it wasn't like he needed any. He just had to make sure he got to Eddie first and kept the attention on him and not on whoever the target might be.
The others were staking out the possible victims. Hopper and Joyce were even taking Ms. Mayfield out to dinner, in the hopes a public place would keep her off limits for Eddie as long as possible. Meanwhile, Steve had his own hunch that he was following. Based on what they knew, Fred had felt guilty about a car accident, but there wasn't concrete evidence of anyone calling him out on what happened. And Max felt guilty about Billy, someone who was already gone.
Steve's hunch brought him to the Carver household. He still had just enough of his golden boy status to win Jason's parents over and let him into their home, still mourning the loss of their son. Steve didn't need to wait long.
He heard the screeching of bats and then a few of them broke through a window. Steve grabbed the frat paddle he had spied when he entered and smacked them away from Mr. and Mrs. Carver. Seeing as everything was a hivemind, he knew Eddie must have felt before he saw.
"Steve Harrington, as I live and breath", Eddie drawled as he entered the house through the door he had broken through.
Steve had little time to prepare for tonight but he thinks he pulled off the perfect one-two punch with his outfit. His brightest, tightest jeans along with a black shirt that had the sleeves ripped off. Steve leaned against the wall and even let his hips cock out a bit.
"Come here often, Munson?"
In the darkness, he was sure he saw something familiar spark in Eddie's eyes. It was the same light he saw when he'd called Steve metal, or when he flirted while stealing that rv, and that had definitely been flirting.
"Steve", Eddie called out in a weak voice, a cry for help before his features hardened as well as his voice. "You can't save him."
Eddie disappeared but Steve was not deterred because he was right. Eddie was still in there and he could reach in to him.
Steve pulled out all the stops then. The next time they met, Steve was laid out on the lunch table in the dark cafeteria like he was waiting for Eddie to come home after a long day of work. When they came face to face at the picnic area by the school, he sat right on the table, legs spread out enticingly.
When Eddie tried fighting him for the first time, Steve had him pinned to a tree and made sure their bodies were pressed out as close as could possibly be.
Sometimes Steve doubted himself. But he knew he had Eddie whenever he saw that light in his eyes. So he didn't shy away from any part of him, even the newer additions. Whenever he could, he touched Eddie. Wrapped a curly lock around his finger as an excuse to say close. Even kissed those blackened and bloodied hands of his.
When he did that, Steve got a thrill. He didn't forget what Eddie was capable of. If he truly wanted, Eddie could rip him to shreds whenever he wanted. But he let Steve get close. Let him get soft with him.
Victory was his when Eddie finally expelled Vecna from his mind completely. And now they didn't just have a friend returned from the dead. They had an ally with a backdoor to their enemy.
Of course Steve felt absolutely vindicated that his plan had actually worked. But he only felt true triumph when he got to watch Eddie help take Vecna down, rip him to literal shreds actually. And then for him to turn those hands, covered in blood and viscera and gently hold him as they kissed for all the world to see.
So yeah, the Harrington charm still had some juice in it.
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littlebluespoon · 1 year
Werewolf!Soap is here! Apologies for how long it took, I couldn't figure out how to end it.
2K words, tw: werewolves, cheesy romance books, chasing, kinda kidnapping, scaring, if there's any you think I've missed let me know
Look, I'm Scottish and I hate writing Scots and the accent, so you're just gonna have tae deal wi' it awright? 😅
There might eventually be a part 2, depends on if y'all like this part
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You couldn’t believe your luck when you found the rental listing. A two bedroom, guest house on 4 acres of land in the middle of the countryside. Your only neighbour being your landlord who lives in the main house but was away on deployment most of the year. It was like a dream come true for you. Plenty of privacy and space for you to write, beautiful views of the loch and there was even enough space for you to finally have an office space. The best part about it all though was your landlord, Johnny. When you first saw him you were scared, this massive hulking guy in the middle of nowhere and you. He made you feel small, and he had this aura around him, something you couldn’t quite understand but it made the hairs on your arms stand up. When you learned he was military, you figured that was it but the feeling never quite went away completely. He showed you around the place and the more you talked, the more he cracked jokes, the more you got to know him, the more charmed you were by him. Before the tour was even over you were asking him when you could move in. It was a dream come true for you and it was even better when Johnny was home. 
The house always seemed to wait for him to come back to break but that was alright with you, it meant you got to see him under your cupboards and up ladders fixing whatever went wrong. It certainly gave you plenty of material to write about. In the eight months you’d lived with Johnny you hadn’t stopped writing. Your publisher was ecstatic because you were churning out best seller after best seller all with Johnny as your muse. Seeing as you were using a pseudonym you were careful with the details you used to describe Johnny as well, knowing that he could be followed back to you but this time you just couldn’t help yourself. Your bestselling books were dark romances and taboo themes but your new one was your first about supernatural creatures. 
‘Loosely inspired by every vampire romance out there; Stain the head vampire of his coven seeks a mate. One day he comes across a young female who’s just perfect for him. But she’s not charmed by his rugged mohawk or his deep Scottish brogue. Just how will Stain win over his bonnie lass?’
The dark erotic scenes and the cliff-hanger ending almost guaranteed that it would be another best seller for S.P. Wraith. But what really sold the book was the concept art for Stain, you’d commissioned an artist and you had them draw a likeness as close to Johnny as you dared. Within weeks of publishing you had a contract for a series of books and art of Stain was everywhere.
“Hey sergeant! You got a modelling gig we don’t know about?” 
“Soap! Show us yer fangs!”
“Let’s see you sparkle Sergeant!”
Soap was confused and starting to get a little annoyed at all the comments the recruits had been shouting at him. He was used to banter and camaraderie between everyone but this felt almost mocking. As he walked into the 141’s meeting he noticed Gaz was waving a book around and reading from it aloud,
“’You don’t like my mohawk?’ Stain said, shocked at the admission from his little pet. ‘Why I thought it complimented my roguishness and charming smile’ he went on to sa.. Soap!” Noticing Soap’s entry Gaz struggled to hold in a laugh as Price looked at him in disappointment,
“You know son, if we’re not paying you enough I’m sure there’s other options before whatever this was,” Price says waving a hand towards the book but Soap knows he really wants to say ‘What the fuck Soap?’
“I didnae do it! I don’t even know what ye’s are talkin’ ‘bout!” Soap tries to defend himself while grabbing the book and reading the cover: ‘The Life of Stain, Volume 1; A Beating Heart by S.P Wraith’ and staring back at him was a drawing of his face, right down to the scars from his first transformation. Before Soap can respond Price takes pity on him and starts their meeting, the bear shifter easily grabbing the attention of the other team members.
Soap finished the book in record time, in fact it takes him longer to work out who had written it and once he does he kicks himself a little because it should have been obvious. His sweet little tenant who can’t keep their eyes off his arse whenever he’s over fixing up the guest house for you. For the rest of his deployment he can’t stop thinking about you. What he’d do to you, how you’d look wrapped up, naked in his sheets, covered in his marks, completely his. So he fantasises, he reads as much of your writing as he can get his hands on because it’s obvious to him that you’re writing out your own fantasies, waiting for someone, him, to come along and make them real. By the time he’s heading home he has a plan for how to make you his.
You’re cleaning your kitchen when you see his car drive up the long path between both your houses. Freezing behind your window, as if that would stop him noticing you, you watch as he hauls his bags out the boot and ambles his way through his front door. You don’t move until even his shadow is gone from your sight and once it is the only thing on your mind is dinner. 
It’s tradition now, the first night Johnny’s back from deployment you make dinner for both of you and carry it over to his house. It started after you realised he never had any food in the nights he comes back because he’s never sure if or when he’ll get back so you made it your mission to welcome him home with a good meal and if it let you be in his company for a while, well that was just a bonus. Tonight you made a spaghetti bolognaise, quick but tasty and headed over. Like every other night, you ate together, chatted long into the early hours and watched as he slowly relaxed his posture and got used to being home again. When it came time for you to head to bed he watches you go and says goodbye with a 
“I’ll be over in the morn’ to check that gutterin’ o’ yours,” 
It’s the hammering that wakes you the next morning, taking two cups of coffee out to the front you find him just finishing up,
‘Early start Johnny?” you ask, handing him the cup and giving him a once over.
“Aye, can’t sleep in even if I tried,” he gives you a nod in thanks for the coffee and continues, “Well, that’s yer gutterin’ fixed at least, Wraith” You watch the smirk on his face grow at the same rate your confusion does,
“Wraith? Is that some new nick…” Your face drops in horror and you pale, “you know?” His smirk turns into a full on belly laugh at the expression on your face,
“Did ye really ‘hink I’d never find oot?” He takes the cup out your hand and crowds you into the wall, “Ya know, lass, if you wanted some monster inspiration all ye had tae do was ask. I only bite sometimes.” With your back against the wall and his hand sliding up your neck, holding you in place, you’re transfixed as you watch his canines lengthen before his face changes shape and ears sprout from his head, 
“Ye git thirty seconds tae run lass,” a voice growls out, it could only be him but it doesn’t sound like the charming Scottish accent you’ve come to love.
His hands drop and he steps away so you can see everything. The tail, his clothes being ripped, the giant paws for hands, “30, 29, 28… run!” the screeching is what gets you moving as you bolt towards the forest in your back garden. You can still hear him counting as you dart between the trees and jump over logs, not daring to look back because you know that’s how you’ll fall. Catching glimpses of a shadow in your peripheral vision you decide your best action is to climb, aiming for the first tree you can feasible climb quickly you do so. Hauling yourself up into the branches and trying to remain as quiet as possible with a hand over your mouth to quiet your heavy, panicked breathing.
The panicked breathing turns into full on sobs when you hear a loud howl, there are no wolves in this part of the country, no normal wolves that is. Hearing the sound of branches being snapped, you freeze in your hiding spot praying that he can’t see you but Johnny’s a werewolf, he’s never needed to see to know where you are. All you can do is sit there and watch as a giant, black wolf stalks around the base of the tree sniffing at the ground. The wolf circles the tree a few times before settling down at the base of it and looks directly up at you. It’s eyes, you notice, are oddly human. They’re still Johnny’s eyes.
For hours the two of you exist in this silent standoff. It’s not until the sun begins to set and the cold begins to make itself known that a move is made,
“Come oan lass, give it up. I dinnae want to drag you out the tree” Jolting awake at his voice your fear returns, “Lass, get down now.” There’s a bite to his words now, a command that you’re sure he uses on recruits, and it would have worked on you had your limbs not been frozen with fear.
‘Fine, dinnae say ye weren’t warned,” is the last thing he says to you before he walks away.
You’re shocked at this turn but you take the opportunity. Once you can’t hear him anymore you scramble out the tree and make a dash for your home. If you can just get to your car. Get to the car. Car. It’s all that’s on your mind, your car is synonymous with safety now. But you barely make it three feet from the tree when the wolf returns. With a single pounce, you’re face down in the dirt, the wolf is on your back and the growling in your ear causes you to pass out in fear.
It's the heat that wakes you up eventually, smothering like a weighted electric blanket. Completely unaware of where you are you go to try and take your pyjamas off only to find a furry weight pinning you down. It’s the fur that brings your memories back, Johnny knows about your writing, Johnny who turned into a wolf in front of you, Johnny who chased you through the woods. It startles you into alertness and you open your eyes to find a sleeping wolf on top of you.
Moving slower than a snail and as smoothly as you could manage with the full body shakes you’re battling, you manage to slide out from under him. Finding the door you get to it on shaky legs and are, reaching for the handle when a growl makes you freeze. You can hear his claws as they scrape across the ground, feel his teeth as he snags your shirt in them and his arms around your waist as he pulls your back against his chest,
“Yer no goin’ anywhere sweetheart. I’m no lettin’ ye” Johnny buries his face in your neck as he talks, muffling his last words.
“Johnny, I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll give you the money from the book, whatever you want,” you can’t decide whether to pull at his hands or push at his face, “I’ll find somewhere else to rent,” it’s something you’d hate to do but right now your life is more important.
“Leave? Lass, I ‘hink you’ve got the wrang end o’ the stick. Ah dinnae want ye tae leave, in fact imma gie ye a choice,” he pulls away from you, pushing you back against the door and caging you in between his arms, “I’ll even gie ye some time to ‘hink aboot it, awright. Ye can be my wife, and live happily with ev’ryhing ye ever want… or ye can be my pet, and this room will be the only thing ye ever see again.” The kiss that comes is surprising and gentle. He leaves you in a state of shock for a few seconds before grabbing a handful of your hair and dragging you across the room, “Just a little preview o’ yer options. Have a ‘hink, I’ll be back later sweetheart.” You’re too shocked to hear the door but what you do hear are the locks, three of them that signal no way out for you. All that’s left for you to do is sit in the dark and make your choice.
What will your choice be?
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rose-riot-johnson · 4 months
So Rose! As per usual I'm gonna request Hitoshi.
But I want to hear about a freshly turned vampire Hitoshi having hidden his turning into a being of the darkness. Then finds himself nearly fainting and due to lack of blood. They figure out and offer themselves to him as his source of feeding. So he vows to stay loyal and only feed on them (as they're established partners already) :)
Hi @hitoshisbf 😃This request of yours definitely sounds fun to write about😁👍Also this is my first time I recall writing any character, as a vampire, so I will see what I can do with writing this requested Hitoshi Shinsou fanfic🧛😃👍And as usual (if not always) pertaining the fanfics you requested I will be writing the reader as they/them reader😁👍
*This fanfic contains 1 or more long paragraphs😅
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💜🧛(Adult) Shinsou The Newly Vampire🧛💜 (Hitoshi Shinsou x They/Them reader)
Genres: Mild Angst (Warning⚠️: Blood and Mentions Of Blood)
Your pro hero boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinsou, used to fight crime especially during the day, however after he came home from defeating a villain, things have changed. While it's good he has been sleeping better than usual, however he's been trying sleep in complete darkness during the day, then he has been fighting crime during nighttime. It's mainly fire and sunlight that he doesn't want around him for some reason. You just knew he was hiding something (if not multiple things) from you.
Then one night you gave noticed Hitoshi Shinsou has been nearly fainting, and when you got up close to his face you noticed fangs, as you asked him, "Are you a vampire? If yes, then why didn't you tell me?", as you had your suspicions about Shinsou becoming a freshly turned vampire, being the reason why he has become unlike his usual self. Shinsou then answered, "Yes, I'm a vampire now, (They/Them Reader Name)... You must understand... It has only been recent that this happened... I was fighting a vampire villain and he must have bitten me before I defeated him... After I defeated him, that's when sunlight has been bothering me... The reason why I haven't told you is, because I don't know if you would see me as nothing more than a monster and treat me differently... I'm afraid you wouldn't have love me anymore, if you were to find out I became a vampire, no matter the reason...".
While you weren't shocked about him being a vampire, you were really shocked about his reason why he kept the fact he became a new vampire, as long as he did. You then replied, "So this is why you kept this from me, Shinsou... I wish you would have told me! I don't care, if you're a human or a vampire... I would have still love you the same! If you would have told me sooner, you wouldn't have been nearly fainting like this! Here... Take my blood... You're lacking blood, which is why you're fainting! I gave read plenty of books especially manga and comic books about why newly vampires faint and that they need blood to survive... It's essential that you take some of my blood, atleast once in a while, for you to stay alive, Hitoshi!". Shinsou had to think about this for a minute before replying back, "If it's the only way to stay alive, fine then... However my vow to is that I will stay loyal to you and I will only feed off you... I refuse to feed off anyone else... Only you, (They/Them Reader Name)...".
You understood what he meant and agreed on his vow, as you then have him bite you, inorder for him to be able to feed off you. After the moment of his first time feeding off you, not only he feels like he's no longer fainting, he also decided he's going to take care of you, since you did willingly decide to be his source of feeding. Eversince then, the both of you have been taking care of eachother and never looking back.
Okay my Tumblr Peeps I hope you enjoyed the first fanfic I involved any character being a vampire, even if it's a freshly turned vampire🧛😁👍As for you Aevyn I hope I did well with writing this Vampire Shinsou fanfic😃👍As for genres I think mild angst is all of could think of using as genres considering How I have written the fanfic and stuff that is requested with the fanfic😅🧛😃👍
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invisiblegarters · 27 days
(Absolutely not) Micro BL and GL Reviews
I spent the last couple of weeks being ill in bed with very little energy. Not great, but also it meant that my limited ability to get up and move around much gave me endless time to catch up on a bunch of shows that I'd let fall by the wayside (or never even started in the first place), and now I have thoughts to share!
Joy? Joy! Welcome to yet another set of my talks about shows that is supposed to be small but never actually is.
Wandee Goodday: This wound up being way sweeter than I expected from the promo material, but I'm not complaining. I genuinely love shows where most of the people are just trying to get alone while being decent, and that was certainly the vibe here. I was happy with the sex positivity and the introduction of Kao being ace, although I will admit that I felt like it was a little too "let me educate you" about that bit at certain points. That said, it's a topic that maybe needs that kind of thing in this context? I also really really loved that Dr. Dee and Yak got it together and spent a bunch of episodes just being adorable and dealing with struggles that had nothing to do with their relationship. It's so refreshing to see adults being in an adult relationship and actually acting like it. There were several times when the show could have just manufactured drama for drama's sake and chose not to and I really respect and love that. It was also fun to see Title appear in a role that wasn't to cause problems. And Char and Yei were fucking adorable my god. 8/10
We Are: Way better than I expected, if I'm honest. It got a little draggy for me at the end, but Pond and Phuwin always give solid chemistry and I finally got to see what everyone likes so much about Winny and Satang paired together. I never watched MSP and I never will because it's just a little too young for me, but Toey and Q were fucking cute so I get it now, guys. I especially adored Toey - Satang plays endearing brat very well. I also really liked Tan and Fang - their teasing dynamic worked for me. Also Boom is so pretty my goodness. I do think that it was trying to juggle too many couples but as I already said it dragged a little for me at the end so I think they could have done it with better pacing. It seems to me that New has a thing for dramas driven by internal conflicts, and that was We Are all over. The plot advanced as the characters did, which I can understand might be frustrating but I find that if I'm in the right mood I eat it right up. Especially ones like this, with mostly sweet people just living their lives and trying to do right by themselves and each other. Cute, earnest, a really good friend group. It probably won't be something that I revisit much or that sticks in my mind for a long time, but I had a good time. Giving it a 7/10, mostly for the pacing stuff I already mentioned. It kinda lost me towards the end.
My Marvelous Dream is You: idolfactory's second GL and I think I wanted to like it more than I wound up liking it. The chemistry was good and I love the cast (even if I think my girl Silvy was way underutilized), but the plot was a little...not great. I'm still not entirely sure what it was going for, or why the shared dreams were important. I really liked Ae (Kim's mom). And Wan was my favorite. Girl was messy and brash but my kind of messy and brash if I'm honest, and I cheered aloud when she went off on Mawin's family. They were awful. Awful, too, was Mawin in the end. I get being hurt but I always get a little (a lot) irritated when people mess with someone's livelihood out of pettiness, so him fucking with Kim's business because she broke up with him (and yes, in a really shitty way but also lbr here he knew she wasn't into him in some ways he did that to himself) was never gonna do anything but piss me off. It does amuse me that Heng has now played 2 dudes in idolfactory GLs who very nearly marry one of our heroines when she really really doesn't want him and he's very aware, though. I find myself wondering if he's gonna go for the third in The Loyal Pin (I hope he does). 7/10
Love Sea: I loved this one. I knew I would. The premise had me from moment one, lol. And frankly, Fort and Peat deliver on chemistry so it was kind of a no brainer for me. I knew that Trongrak was gonna wind up being really messy the second love came into the picture, and I was absolutely right. I love how he was perfectly fine with Mahasamut holding him and defending him against his shitty dad and following him around and getting all jealous when he implies he's going out to fuck other people (and whether or not he'd have done it is up for debate - I think he would have forced himself to try and failed miserably because that's my favorite lol) and take care of his niece like family, etc...but the second the word "love" actually makes its way out of the dude's mouth he can't handle it. My only quibbles were Prin - why was she so awful for no reason, MAME? The dad - he was not an effective villain to me. I wish that he'd been a little more menacing but I guess it works that he just let Tongrak think that he'd done a lot of things that he hadn't, and I do like that he was basically squeezing money out of both Tongrak and his mom just by showing up on occasion and assuming that they wouldn't talk to each other (which they weren't, both trying too hard to protect their family from his sliminess). I also like that it was finding that out that made both of them snap out of it. And last but not least - what the FUCK, MAME. How dare you give me that lesbian side couple and make it SO COMPELLING and actually get me invested than then not actually offer a resolution because oops, we're on episode 10 now and it's time for the love issue between Tongrak and Mahasamut to rear its head? How very very DARE you. Genuinely this made me the angriest and dropped my personal enjoyment a lot. I haven't seen the special yet so maybe that gets addressed (it SHOULD I was INVESTED), but while I would probably have given it a 9 (I really liked it a lot okay) I am dropping it to a 8/10 for that. Tempted to drop it to a 7 because I am petty.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: Another one I really liked! The chemistry between Sailub and Pon is absolutely scorching and while I have noticed that actors are getting a lot better about it in general, I always take notice when they are so entirely comfortable with not just the steamier scenes but the emotionally intimate ones as well. I love when I am watching a show and I can believe that the characters want each other and like each other, and not like a part of them isn't flinching at the very idea of it (unless that's the character, but just go with me when I say that there's just a very specific vibe you get when one (or both) of the actors isn't comfortable and I think it actually happens more with the sweet, couply stuff than it does the steamy stuff. But I digress). Chemistry like that can help me forgive quite a bit.
I liked how obnoxious Wan was in the beginning - I did not expect that and it was annoying but also kind of delightful. He grew on me despite my initial annoyance. Oab was a little different - he annoyed me right out of the gate by not calling Kao Suay and telling her about her dad. I get the respect thing, I do, but also what if he died and she was abroad, none the wiser? How would everyone have felt then? Keeping it from her was NUTS, and I don't even care that Kluer called her and told her for nefarious reasons. Someone had to. Oab's wishy washiness with her when she came back annoyed me too - a personal failing of mine has always been that I don't have time for that kind of waffling. I just wanted him to make a choice and stick with it (and was doubly annoyed as it became clearer and clearer what his choice was and he still couldn't just say it). Thank goodness he had Nubnueng there to gently prod him into finally doing the thing.
I wish Kluer's turn to villainy had been more evil, but I guess that wouldn't have made sense for this show, since no one really was, not even Enemy No. 1 Methas. Speaking of which, I wanted to like him and JJ more than I did in the end. I did like them, but I guess I just wanted more development there than I got in the end. They were cute though JJ was hands down my favorite character. I understood Methas so much. I also really enjoyed his relationship with Wan.
One thing that I thought was utterly hilarious was Oab's pettiness. As a petty person myself I can't help but find opening a new restaurant to steal all of your ex's customers because he wouldn't just apologize for, you know, deceiving you for most of your relationship and initially planning to sell your restaurant to the one man in the world you emphatically never wanted to own it absolutely hilarious. No notes Oab you keep rocking on. 8/10
Currently Watching
The Loyal Pin: Everything in this show is so damn pretty it's hard for me to think about much else. Especially Freen, and it seems like all the show wants to do is remind us of her beauty at every moment. Which, well. I am not complaining the woman makes my breath catch.
But this week I finally started paying a bit of attention to something more than oooh pretty, and I am genuinely wondering if this show isn't going to be all pretty dresses and gorgeous women falling in love and carving mangoes and if maybe there aren't some extremely serious things swimming in the waters.
Watching Anin wield her power this week hit me way way harder than all the ways that she'd been doing it before, and in a way that made me think a lot harder about how she'd done it before as well. I think it's because usually she sticks to manipulation to get what she wants - she's charming, she smiles, she talks people around - but last ep she dropped all pretense a couple of times, and we watched it cut more than once. Anin is a woman who knows exactly what she wants and she has the means to get it, she is spoiled and she will do whatever it takes. Other people have talked about it better, but I will say I am absolutely fascinated, and am genuinely curious to see if this is going to be addressed or if it's just the way it is. I also want to see if there's something that will butt up against Anin's frankly terrifying amount of power. Something she can't either manipulate or brute force her way through (although in the end I bet she manages to do one or the other anyway).
Also, kisses. Teach Pin more things Anin! She's a good student.
The Trainee: This show was not really on my radar at all, and I'm genuinely not sure why I decided to pick it up. Maybe because I was finishing up another GMMTV show and it was next in the youtube queue?
Whatever the reason, I'm so glad I did because I fucking LOVE this show. it's my favorite thing airing right now and that I never would have expected or believed.
It really is so good though. I think for me it's that it feels realistic - maybe in a way that can be uncomfortable for some but I love it. No one here is perfect, it's not just the mentors constantly schooling the kids because even though they are older, they are still growing too, and still have things to learn. Especially when it comes to Jane, who is my favorite character in the show I think and is hands down the best Off character I have personally seen. I am so iffy with Off normally that my adoration for Jane is confusing me, but he's so good. He's an adult and he handles most of his problems like an adult (which frankly I think is sometimes missing from these shows), but still has moments where he fumbles because he's still human. And I like that when he does fumble, he apologizes. I'm also really in to the whole deal that happens in the workplace where people think he's a certain way and judge him for it, but he's really just...dedicated. Strict, yes, but not entirely uncompromising. I dunno he's just a great character.
I also really like how this feels like an ensemble show with the romance not at the forefront. I don't always want that but this is so well done that I'm happy for it. I like that we have gotten to showcase each intern, their struggles and their achievements and just...growing up and learning to handle that scary point in life where you're really starting to enter the adult sphere, with all it's responsibilities, but still not ones that are entirely on your shoulders. If you do things the more traditional way, that is - I know a lot of us were in that world well before college. Still, it does resonate with me.
I am also enjoying the insight we're getting into the background of production. Such as how much work and effort goes into even the smallest change in filming even something that seems as simple and straightforward as an ad. Imagine how hard it would be to reshoot scenes from something like a TV show, especially considering the stuff like location, OT, cast and crew...I had already guessed a lot of it, but it's always nice to be proven correct. I like being right, what can I say? And the Ryan's awkwardly trying to draw people out without directly asking them how they are After Work Corner is very charming. I like that it gives insight into the business but also Ryan, who I do sometimes feel is the weakest of the interns. Which is insane because he's played by Gun Atthaphan, but there you go. I did like that he was brave enough to ask Jane about his feelings last ep, and I'm looking forward to seeing him more in his element (or at least what he's used to) next ep.
I really hope this show continues to impress.
1000 Stars - This is a rewatch for me as I roped a friend into watching for the first time. I warm up to this one more each time I watch it. The first time I was annoyed with Phupha's everything but I feel like I get him more and more as I go on. I also love a show that has heart (heh, this show has heart ror sure (and this is why we can't take me anywhere)) and this has a ton of it. It also amuses me whenever Phupha and Tian start doing their intense staring thing and there are other people around. I bet they're all just like "welp there they go again we've lost them, best go about our business" and leave them to it.
I also always forget Khaotung is in this one. Every time I watch I'm like "oh yeah" when he shows up. It's so funny to me.
Looking Forward To:
Peaceful Property (28 Aug) - Is it BL? Is it bromance? Who knows. Do I care? I...don't think so. Whatever the romance situation it looks like a ton of fun, and I am excited to see Tay back in glasses and to see this cast, especially doing comedy.
Kidnap (06 Sep) - This one also looks like fun. I love Ohm, Leng looks like he's doing a good job matching him, they seem to have good chemistry from the trailer. And pettily I'd watch this anyway because some of the shenanigans of certain fans have made me that annoyed. Good for me that it looks like something I'll like regardless, I guess.
Pluto (???) - GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. It has been 84 years I am DYING here. If it doesn't get released this year I might actually cry, but I am hoping that it will.
There are others I am looking forward to (honorable mentions if you will): My Golden Blood, The Heart Killers, ReVamp (still a stupid title), Friendshit Forever, Hide & Sis, Us - but all of these are either not filming yet or so early into their schedule that I'm not letting myself get too excited for them. And for The Heart Killers especially I don't want this to be an Only Friends situation where I got really hyped and then was inevitably kind of disappointed (at first - I shook it off and came back around eventually lol). I just wanna go in there and have a good time - I'm excited to see that entire cast do a romcom, I think it'll be fun, and that's about all I want to expect out of it. I'll get excited when we get an air date.
Also thinking of picking up 4Minutes since it's on Gaga now, apparently. And maybe trying to find My Stand In since it's over and I can inhale those deliciously toxic fumes all in one (or two) sitting(s). And maybe, just maybe, poke around for BL and GLs outside Thailand, lol. I feel like it's been all Thailand all year for me when I used to watch JBLs and KBLs too.
Any recs?
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mschimdt · 1 year
5455 words
recom!navi!quaritch x recom!navi!fem!reader
summary: you were reborn into a navi recom inorder to fight for pandora, but soon you ensed up feeling a connection to eywa, and you ended up escaping only to be caught by the colonel and punishrd accordingly, till he find you one dy during your heat cycle
this is a 100 folower special, thank you all so much, yes this is a series now and this is part one out of maybe 2 or 3
warnings: p to v, degrading, mention of injury, embarassment, public humiliation, sex, heat cyle, this hasnt been proof read so theres alot of typos, ill fix them soon when i have the motivation to
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you opened your eyes, a bright light blinding you, you saw blue figures wandering around you, you went full panic mode thinking the navi caught you, you sat up, your head hurt but you couldnt let the dirty navis get away with this, your vision started coming in and one of the blue navis came towards you to attack you "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"
you stood up and attempted to punch them "(Y/N) CALM DOWN" said an oddly familiar voice, you were in a medical room, weird, they must have attacked bridgehead while you were out cold you didnt notice the 'little' humans under you
the blue guys came towards you restricting you from delivering anymore slaps and punches to their faces. you couldnt move, they were all holding you, "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DIRTY BASTARDS" you said, still not noticing thay youre litteraly navi
you were still trying to set yourself free when you heard the familiar voice again. "y/n its us, stop freaking out, its me quaritch" he said "wha-" he cut you off "lyle, Z-dog" he said pointing at each of them, "okay okay let me go" you said
they let you go and you still hadnt noticed that you were navi, you were the same height as them but you didnt think anything of it, until you looked down "what the-" you said cutting your self off staring at your blue feet
you walked towards a reflective window observing your new look, fangs, a tail, blue skin, stripes, ears, and shit you were even 8'11
some scientists walked inside and told you to sit down so they could take your vitals and make sure youre good before letting you go
they took your vitals and you were infact good to go, they handed you some clothes, the others already left to inform the others that you were okay
you put the clothes the scientists gave you on and walked out of the door, this was a completley new area, not the hells gate you remembered, luckily there was a small map hung on the wall, you stared at it wondering where everyones gonna be
you didnt know where they might be, so you just headed in a random direction hoping youll ens up finding some other blue guys wandering around, after a few minutes of walking you infact did find another navi, it was mansk, atleast thats who you thought he was because of the shades, you walked toward him
"heyy uhh do you know where the others are?" you said regreting your life decisions, sure you knew mansk but this was awkward, "yeah, theyre over there in the lounge" he said, straight face "okay thanks, mansk right?" "thats right, y/n?" "mhm, thanks though" he gave you a little smile and continued walking towards wherever hes going, you headed towards the lounge only to find quaritch awfully speaking navi, you didnt know how to either but atleast you werent speaking gibberish
"we need to look navi, eat navi, hunt navi, the only way were gonna get jake sully is we act, like jake sully" you walked in and leaned against a wall listening to quaritch, then you spoke "they stull didnt kill jake? its been 15 years" you said fully expecting jake to be 6 feet under right now
"unfortunatley they didnt catch him, its our job now" quaritch continued rambling about how were gonna kill jake and how were gonna give humans a "bright future" and get rid of all the savages
before you knew it, you were already out on your first mission, you didnt even have time to observe your body and get used to it before you were sent out to explore, ever since you came back as navi, you felt a connection to eywa, similar to what jake felt
one part of you wanted to be with the people and the other wanted to kill the people, eventually you forgot about this arguement eith yourself when you saw 2 navis walking through the forest, they were omaticaya people, jakes people, or should i saw toruk makto
they were 2 teenage looking navis arguing with eachother, they didnt know you were there so they were screaming random shit in navi, the others noticed the noise and slowly walked behind the 2 kids, they were still arguing, which signaled they hadnt noticed you
suddenly lyle and walker snuck up on them and restrained them by their queues they started fighting them, you walked oit of the bushes along with the others, you had a decent military rank, you were a seregeant, right under lyles rank but higher than the others, so if quaritch and lyle werent there you'd be incharge
you walked up to the kids behind quaritch, as a form of respect, "what're yr' names" he was death staring them at this point, the kid said something in navi and quaritch replied back, both the kids started laughing at his bad pronounciation of words
" i dont like to repeat things, whatre yr names?" quaritch said, it lookes like he was about to fucking explode
"n-neteyam- and loak.." one of them said "neteyam what huh?" quaritch replies forcefully grabbing the other kids hand, noticing the 5 fingers on his hand, "lo'ak and neteyam sully huh, i suppose you know where he is dontcha" you were still standing behind quaritch incase anything happened
quaritch said something into his ear peice, "cuff them" he said turning away, "yes sir" you said walking over to the kids and harshly grabbing their arms to cuff them, when you notices something in the distance, before you had any time to tell the others, an arrow peirced through walkers skull, knocking her to the ground
quaritch stared at the arrow, imediatley recognising the arrow, it was neytiri, sullys woman
you spoke up "is that you Mrs. sully?" you said dragging the kids with you toward a tree, they kept kicking you with their legs, you ended up also having to cuff their legs "listen here little bitches, you stop squirming and trying to wiggle out of the cuffs, or else it wont end too well for you" you said completley fed up with their shit, you heard a scream from behind you and now fike was down too, he had an arrow in his leg, you were surprised about how quick these arrows could kill a person, they must be poisonus, quaritch came over and helped you carry the 2 boys
"cmon hurry up, dont wanna get one in the head" you said as you swung one of them over your shoulders ran for your life
one of the kids ended up activating a tear bomb with their fingers, and they somehow uncuffed themselves and escaped while you got knocked to the ground for a few seconds, you regained your consiousness only to find yourself on lyles shoulder, "lyle im okay you can let me go" you said waiting for him to drop you onto the floor
he let you go and a bright light shone from above, the helicopter was finally here and you could leave this shitty mission and think about what you were going to do about your "connection" to pandora
you got on the helicopter and finally arrived at what now was called bridgehead, walking over to your assigned room, you took your shirt off and stayed in your sport bra not having the energy to change your clothes
you layed in your bed thinking about what you were going to do to stop this awful feeling of emptiness because you werent living freely, roaming through the forest, embracing the culture of navi
after a few days you were fed up with the feeling of having to destroy a place you wanted to embrace so bad, so, you made an escape plan
you were going to leave on the next mission, ans youll turn your comms off aswell as your location so you couldnt be tracked, it was the only way you could do this
you woke up the next morning heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your morning routine, you slipped on some cargo pants and left your room
you were in a shared "apartment" with all the recoms, there was a small room for each recom with a bathroom each, and a living room and a kitchen between the rooms, it wasnt bad just a little cramped
you headed to the living room, lyle laying in the corner of the L shaped couch and quaritch awake drinking a mug of coffee on the other side
"goodmorning sir" you greeted, you knew nott o get on the colonels nerves, hes DEADLY and when i say deadly i mean it.
"g'morning" he said back, not even looking at you, you headed to the kitchen to grab yourself a warm cup of tea so you could head back to your room
suddenly a voice spoke "why're ya up so early?" quaritch said, you couldnt read his emotions, he was basically unreadable
"i didnt realize it was so early, pandora timing is really confusing" you said, you actually didnt realize that ot was early, since the sun was up you just assumed that it was when you usually wake up
"makes sense" he said, still not looking at you, god this man gets on your nerves sometimes
awkward tension was building up, yoh were inpatiently waiting for your water to start boiling so you could make the mother fucking tea because you couldnt handle the overly dominant aura quaritch was giving off
finally, after what felt like an hour of waiting, the water finally boiled and you made your tea as quickly as you can so you could go back to your room, you went back to your room, finally
it was pretty early outside, almost 6am, you wondered why quaritch would be up so early, you took a sip of your tea, it was bitter, god fucking damn you forgot to add sugar
now you had to go back into the room that had the energy of 100 men radiating off 1 man, great
you unlocked your room door for the second time in the past few minutes and headed towards the kitchen again, already feeling the tense atmosphere, you also felt quaritchs eyes burning through your skull
you grabbed the sugar and turned back around, expecting to see quaritch staring at you because you could feel his eyes poking holes into your skull but no, he looked unbothered reading some book about the navi body that he was reading earlier
you entered your room AGAIN and you inhaled a breath, not even knowing you held your breath back there
you were bored so you decided to map out your escape plan on a peice of paper, or aeast write down the steps to it incase you forgot
you heard a loud knock on your door followed by other distant knocks on other doors, you flipped the paper over so whoever was there couldnt see it and you walked towards the door to unlock it wondering who wouls possibly need you at 7 am,
"surprise training, meet me outside in 10" quaritch said to you and the 3 recoms beside your room, going to bang on the other doors inorder to wake the rest up
you wandered into your room again, slipping on a sports bra and a tanktop with camo shorts and headed to the outdoor courtyard to meet quaritch,
"ardmore said theres a mission today at 3pm, they saw some savages running through the forest and ordered us to try and find them, meet me at 2:30 in the helicopter room" quaritch said , ofcourse he had to give us some shit to do for absolutley no fucking reason
training was the worst thing youve experienced in your entire life, you felt like quaritch was torturing you on purpose because he made you run 30 extra laps because your hands gave up mid pushups
you went to the female showers, your muscles were basically torn, you ran almost 6 miles because you failed one singular pushup out of the 40 you did before
you washed off with warm water, it felt soothing to your muscles, quaritch was basically a torture machine that tortures everyone, dying was better than having him torture you then it hit you. this mission was your chance to finally put your escape plan to use
your muscles barely felt like they hurt anymore, you slipped your clothes on and rushed out of the showers running towards your room, tiny scientists gave you weird stares but you didnt give a fuck, you were finally going to leave this place once and for all, forever hopefully
you were leaving, finally going to take care of yourself, you locked your door and flipped over the map from earlier, revising your escape plan before reaching into your closet to grab some clothes, a grey tanktop, you stayed in your camo shorts from earlier
it was almost meetup time and you didnt want to get on quaritchs bad side before making him mad forever, you headed to the helicopter room, this was it, the last time youll be in this place, hopefully
you sat inside the helicopter which is now taking off, no one has mumbled a word, you were glad, youwere never friends with any of them but you really didnt want to start a bond with them before leaving, because it might make you rethink your decision
thankfully, no one said anything the entire ride, it was quiet, atleast as quiet as it can get with raging helicopter flaps buzzing above your head, the aircraft started landing and soon before you even knew it, you were already down in the pandora forest, you were split into teams of two, you ended up with mansk, you knew he wouldnt be hard to distract
you walked off into the forest with mansk, waiting for t he perfect moment to stab him with an anesthetic shot you stole from the medical lab a few days ago
you saw 2 navi figures walking in the distance, it was time, you hit mansk in the back with the needle, he tried to fight you off before landing on the floor with a loud thud, you needed to leave fast, the colonel probably already knows about this, he probably doesnt know its you, you dropped your comms on the floor, you needed to leave now
you started running toward the 2 navi people walking around, it was one of the kids from last time, and another short kid according to your memory this kid was called loak, you didnt know about the other one though, they noticed you and went full alert until they saw you raising your hands up as a universal sign of defeat, "help me please, get me away from them" yopu said desperate to go far enough because if you stayed here they could easily find you, "and how are we supposed to trust you?" the older one said backing away and sheilding his younger sister behind him
"please, i dont know how to prove it, get me away from here before they find me, here you can cuff me just plase get me away from here" you say offering him the cuffs on you which you gladly took, he cuffed your hands behind your back to ensure that you wouldnt be able to do anything to him
"you know any navi?" he asks, "unfortunatley i dont" he says, you followed him "we're going to have to secretlet meet up with my dad first" he said holding the little kids hand dragging her with him, you arrived somewhere "stop here, im going to go call my dad, dont want anyone seeing you" you nodded and watched him walk away, just a few minutes later, he was back with his dad, jake sully
"y/n?" jake said while lo'ak stared at him confused "yes i know her! never expected her to end up liking the na'vis though. you sure this aint a trick?" you were still trying to convince him "i can assure you it isnt" jake was basically shocked now. "the clan isnt going to accept this easily, but imgoing to try my best, if they dont though, i cant reallydo anything so you;d have to find another clan to be with"
"okay"you said, jake uncuffed you and lead you toward hometree, it was a bit hard for the navi at first, but they ended up accepting you
now back to what happened to mansk
quarith found him unconsious on the ground with a needle stillstuck in his back and your comms crushed on the ground, you did this. he thoughtyou were loyal, he informed ardmore of what happened and called you "jake sully 2.0"
they ended up heading back to base, quaritch was fuming, once he reached the recom quarters he broke down the door to your room and destrooyed almost everything in it, when he came to the desk. he found a paper. labeled as "escape plan" and thats when he knew you'd escaped
a few weeks latee you were wandering around hometree, some havwnt accepted you yet but you knew theyd end up accepting your presence
you were still being taught the way of the people and they were trying their best to help you, quaritch was looking for you and yoh knew that, he was gonna come for you at some point, you needed to fight
at this point quaritch scrapped all the plans of finding jake, he doeant care about jake anymore, his only goal was to find you
he wasnt gonna kill you, he was going to torture you and force you to be a loyal member to the RDA so they can finish with the jake sully mission
you were sleeping, when you heard a sound, a sound like a helicoptera proppelers, thats when you kmew, they'd found you, and that was soon confirmed when a bright light shone into your sleepy eyea
you opened your eyes to find the one and only, quaritch, with a shit eating grin slapped on his face
he had found you
"thought ya could run huh?" he said through the grin, you got up to run away, find somewhere to hide untik they were gone, but it was too late
quaritch bent down and cuffed your legs, you still had your hands so you desperatley tried to crawl away but they were soon cuffed too
you found yourself on a helicopter back to bridgehead, you were basically sobbing, "fuck you" you said through your choked sobs "maybe one day" he said followed by a laugh, you soon landed in bridgehead and you were shoved in a cell
quaritch didnt care about jake now, the only thing he wants to do now is torture you, so he begun
he walked into your cell just a few hours after waking you up from your sleep, threw you some clothes, and tols you to get dressed because you were going to go on a 5 hour training
he wasnt leaving though, he stood at the door staring at you waiting for you to change
"turn around?" you said "no"
you kmew tjere was no arguing with him so you got up and changed, he wasnt hiding the fact that he was looking you up and down, you changed and he cuffed your hands and held you while your braid while you walked out of the cell to go to the courtyard
he closed the door that led outside to the courtyard and shoved you by your queue
"alright, 20 laps right now" he said waving his fingers to shoo you off, you actually ran the 20 laps, you were already exausted after but he shoved you by your braid to the ground "50 pushups and for each one you fail 10 will be added" lets just say you ended up doing over 200 pushups
"good job, now we're gonna begin training, that was just warmup, still 4 hours left" he said walking toward a wall with knofes hung all over it, grabbing a knife and handing it to you
he taught you some ways to stab someone and each time you did one correctly he mumbled a little "good job" followed by claps
"this is going to become a daily thing, and we wont stop till you can do 50 pushups in a row without fail"
you knew this was going to be a long week, or month maybe, even year
after a few training sessions, you warmed up to quaritch and you'd have little conversations here and there, he gave you your room back, it was all back to normal other than the training that you had everyday, but you were getting better, you were close to finally being done
you walked into the courtyeard for training, as usual you did some pushups, he ordered 100 and you did them all inna row without fail
he praised you and moved on to combat, you got everything right, he was shocked how fast youve improved
"i guess my jobs done here, you gotta promise me not to run off again, your not allowed into any missions till i say so"
"yes sir" you reply knowing that if you tried to run off again you were going to he in deep shit
you decided to not run off, and serve for the RDA, they wete using yoh as a puppet to track jake down and you were giving them locations, you ddint want to get on quaritchs bad side
plus after hanging out with quaritch you guys became friends, you thought you had feelings for him but you got rid of the idea knowing you shouldnt be inlive with your superior
the next day you were finally allowed permission to go to the gym, showering after the gym, it was the first time youve been in the gym for months, you noticed something change about the shower rooms but they probably changed while you were gone
then you heard a few male voices, the shower rooms looking different made alot more sense to you now, you were in the mens showers, thankfully the rooms had doors, you were going to wait it out till they were gone
you waited for 30 minutes until someone noticed the locked door thats been locked for way too long, without wster running or anything, they could see under the door and saw feet confirming that there was someone in there
"hey whoevers in there u good" you recognised lyles voice, you tried to make ur voice deep and let out a "mhm"
"didnt know we had an extra member huh, thats weirs, the others are outside it was just me, quaritch, and a few girls at the gym" you just stay silent not wanting to embarrass yourself any further
lyle walks away to save you the ebrassasment, he realized it was someone that wasnt supposed to be here, preferabley a woman . so he decided to just leave
but quaritch stayed, he wasnt going to leave till you left, he wanted to know whos in there "whos in there, come out would ya' its been an hour" you realized that theres no running away from this now, you got dressed and glowly peeked through the door to see quaritch with his hands crossed across his chest standing infront of the stall, "why're ya in here sweet 'eart?" he says, a dirty grin smacked across his face
"i didnt realize this was the mens room till i heard you and lyle come in, tried to wait it out but that didnt work well" you said, embarassed you came here in the first place
"well its alright, grab yr' stuff n leave now, shouldnt be in e're" " yes sir" you said, grabbing your things preparing to leave the mens showers, you dont know how you didnt notice this was the mens bathroom, after all theres some urinals in the corner, must've not seen them
you and quaritvh had grown close, you were basically friends now, not normal friends though, you wouldnt hangout or anything, just occasionaly have talks
your feelings for quaritch just grew in the past few months, you had a crush on him, without a doubt, you werent really friends with the recoms, so you'd end up hanging with some scientists, they werent that bad, they were just tiny compared to you
the next day you were in bed, you were uncontrollably horny, it must be the heat cycle, you heard about it but never did proper research about it, you're fucked, litteraly, because from the things youve heard, it lasts about 2 weeks and the only way to stop it was mating, it was mid day and you couldnt handle it, you took a day off and just stayed in bed
you didnt know what to do, but then, an idea popped in your mind, sure you need to mate to get rid of this, but you could try masturbating to relieve some of the feelings you were feeling, you were pretty nearvous because 1- your door has no lock so anyone can walj it, quaritch removed it because he didnt want you making more shitty plans 2-you never touched yourself in this body.
you layed down under the covers, and slipped your shorts to your knees, you slid your hands between your legs, and you started experimenting, your cold hands on your throbbing,warm,wet pussy felt funny but relieving
you rubbed your clit, the way it felt was amazing, you were sure you'd never be able to feel like this as a human, you slipped your other hand under the covers to push a finger inside yourse;f, maybe this could solve your problem, you were pumping your fingers in and out of yourself making sure to keep an eye on your door incase someone opened it, they tend to do that alot
and, it opened, you stopped your movements quickly putting one of your hands above the covers to make it seem more natural, it would be obvious if both your hands were under the covers
and you guessed it, it was quaritch "y/n why're you talking a day off, we need you today" he said, completley oblivious of what you were doing before he came in
"i just.......needed- a little uhhh break" you said, you didnt now how you were going to explain what was happening to you to him, so you chose not to
"ya sure? ya dont look too tired dya, anything going on that i should know about? dont wantcha makin' one of ya' little plans again do i now?"
"o-okay look sir- so basically... youve heard of the heat cycle shit or whatever it is? basically its happening to me right now and i really CANT join training or anything" a smirk appeared on his face only to soon fade away, "why cant'cha tho? dont know anything bout this stuff but ya' surely can join us?"
"not unless you want me to be incredibly fucking horny while training!" you said fed up with him asking questions, you needed him to leave now, you were just getting hornier by the moment, and his strong musk didnt help
"damn so thas what is is, coulda told me earlier, coulda helped" he said, smug smirk plastered across his face "y' want me to help?" you stood still shocked for a moment, the colonels never offered you help in anything, so the first time of him offering you help, BY HAVING SEX WITH YOU was definently weird "u-uh if you could sure..." you said unsure of what you were saying, your hornyness taking over
quaritch walked over to you, sitting himself on the bed right next to you, this is the closest youve ever been with him, the losest you ever got to him before this was when he tried to teach you how to do something with a knife, you didnt quite remember but that didnt matter right now, all that matters is that you need to have sex with the colonel to get this heat cycle shit over with
quaritch stared at you, then he leaned down, joining your lips together, kissing you, holding your chin with his thumb, the kiss quickly turned into a makeout session and every once in a while one would break the kiss to get a clothing article off, until quaritch was left in his boxers and you completley bare, while you were kissing you pushed the pants that were on your knees off your body, leaving you completley exposed
he cupped your breasts, qauritch was now ontop of you, in a plank like position, still making out, you were both under the covers, quaritch reached his free hand that wasnt holding him up down to pull his boxers off, he pulled them halfway off and broke the kiss, pulled them off, "holy shit.." you said not expecting him to be this big, you were looking at his shaft, it was leaking beads of precum, straining against his lower abdomen. you could say he was ATLEAST 15 inches long, thankfully you were navi and hopefully- could take it
"holy shit i didnt expect you to be this big" you mombeled out of shock, "oh yeah? and youre gonna take it all bitch", he didnt know if you liked being called names, but by the way your body responded, he confirmed that you enjoyed being called names
he reached his hand down your torso, approaching your dripping cunt, he needed to prep you, it was necessary because he was aware of how big he was
he stuck a digit inside you, and you let out a moan, it was more of a whimper because you knew you couldnt be too loud, soon enough there were 2 fingers thrusting in and out of you, ocassionaly scissoring you
he pulled out, reaching for his member to line it up with your cunt, he couldnt wait any longer and neither could you, you need to feel any form of release, you knew you were going to cum less than a minute into him fucking you, but who cares, atleast you'll get this over with, then you remembered you heard some scientist speaking about how if someone was in their heat cycle theyd need to form the tsaheylu bond with their "mate" or else it wouldnt work
you werrnt just about to ask quaritch if you could mate, you didnt know how he'd react to that, who knows maybe itll work if you do it without a bond, it it didnt work then you were going to have to suffer through the remaninig days of this torture
quaritch was pounding into you, you couldnt supress your moans and you were now moaning, you knew everyone could hear you "ya' like tha fact that eveyone can feel hoe good im makin' ya feel huh? dirty slut" him saying that was just getting you closer to your release, quaritch ocassionaly letting soft moans out into your ears, you never expected to hear this man moaning even if it was inaudible
"im about to-" you said, not being able to complete your own scentence "go ahead sweetheart" and thats all it took for you to cum all over his cock, helping you ride out your orgasm nearing his own release
you were being over stimulated now, he finally reached his orgasm with a loud groan, filling your hole up with his seed, quaritch's body went limp and he collapsed on top of you, his head laying next to yours, he regained his strength and he pulled out "we should do this more often" "yeah we should"
quaritch kissed your forehead "cmon go get cleaned up for training" "yeah dont think im gonna be able to walk" you said " well, too bad princess because im forcing you, colonels orders" "ugh" you mumbled with a loud groan sitting yourself up "i heard that" he said reffering to your "ugh"
you got up to go shower, unfortunatley for you, there was no shower in your bedrooms bathroom so you had to go use the recom shower
quaritch left your room a bit ago, you dressed yourself and left the room to head to the showers across the hall, your bedroom was right next to the living room you heard some recoms cheering for you, your face turned purple in embarassment as you walked to the shower not looking back, this was going to be a long day....
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
Needy In Many Ways
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Warnings: cursing, smut, blood, blood kink, feeding, unprotected sex
Pairings: Kai Parker x Female Human Reader
Summary: In which Kai feeds from you while the two of you are making love.
Kinktober Day 11 - Blood Kink
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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You gasped and moaned out softly as Kai slid into your cunt slowly, slowly stretching you out as he pushed into you. He bottomed out of you before he began to slowly and gently fuck you. You moaned out softly and held onto Kai's strong shoulders. He leaned down and kissed your forehead as he continued to make love to you.
As he was fucking you, you saw that the veins under his eyes were beginning to bulge out of his skin, his eyes were starting to turn red and you could tell that he would need to feed. You had no issue letting Kai feed from you. You trusted him and you loved him more than anything. You knew he'd be gentle and he'd never ever hurt you.
You let go of his shoulders and your hands came up to cup his face, the pads of your thumbs caressing his soft skin. You smiled at him softly before moving your hair away from your neck and tilted your head over to the side, making room for him. Kai looked down at you confused as you did so. "Do it. Feed, it's okay." You said softly with a gentle, warm smile.
"Are you sure?" He asked as he slowed down until he came to a stop. You nodded and smiled before cupping his face and leaning up before planting a soft, loving kiss on his lips. "I'm 100% sure." You said with a smile. Kai nodded and then leaned down, putting his face in your neck. He placed a gentle kiss on the soft skin of your neck before gently running his sharp fangs along your skin.
You held onto him, bracing yourself for what was about to come. Kai then sunk his fangs into your soft delicate skin and he began to slowly drink from you. You gasped and whined as he began to feed. As he was feeding, you began to roll your hips against him, grinding against his cock. You moaned out, the feeling of his cock deep inside of your pussy and the feeling of his fangs piercing your skin had you going feral. The feeling of pain and pleasure mixed together was euphoric for you.
You continued to grind yourself down on Kai's hardened dick. He fed from you for a few more minutes before he finally pulled away from your neck. You felt that familiar knot begin to tighten in the bottom of your stomach and you knew that you were about to cum any second now. You clenched around Kai's cock, signaling to him that you were about to cum.
"Yeah? You gonna cum, princess?" Kai asked with a smirk as he began to fuck you again. "Shit! Fuck yes! I'm gonna fucking cum!" You moaned out loudly. "Come on, give it to me. Cum for me." He said. With that your eyes rolled back, your whole body trembling as the coil inside of you snapped making you gush all over his dick. He thrusted into you a few more times before cumming himself, shooting his load deep inside of you, painting your walls white.
Kai blood healed you and gave your aftercare before laying down beside you and pulling you into his strong arms. You smiled and nuzzled your face into his chest before resting your head on his chest lazily. "I love you, Kai." You said with a tired smile. "I love you too, Y/N." Kai said with a grin. The two of you snuggled together until you both fell asleep in each others arms.
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Author's Note: tysm for reading!
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thewinter-smolder · 11 months
i was stuck in traffic for a long time and it gave me the time to let my "once upon a time i used to write fanfiction before capitalism killed my soul" self loose for a while so i'm just gonna pretend i've been granted the gift of vision
because it was weird they took the time to show us how the blackbeard outfit sank to the bottom of the sea (mind you, for the amount of light in that shot, i'm gonna assume it wasn't that deep, also it was like 5 minutes before Izzy said they docked so they were near land after all)
it was also weird to see how ed gets rid of the outfit because we see him on the preview for the season finale wearing it -i mean, actually emerging from the sea with it.
so what a coincidence it is for ed to be a fisherman now (don't get me started on "the fish is whatever" discourse because i'm 100% siding with stede on this one), because they will either show us another fisherman pulling out blackbeard's clothes from the water just as Ed decides to go back to land and check on Stede or
he's about to jump again into the water (just as we've seen him do before to rescue stede) and, with the power of gay, he will cross upon his clothes that are not just drifting through the sea: they are tied in a net and under a cannon ball to keep them down below.
so you might ask: mmmmm have we seen that image before? and i'm gonna say HELL YES.
because hornigold tied ed to a rock and then threw said rock off the cliff to make ed sink, and die, and be forgotten.
but then merman stede came to the rescue.
and now it's time for merman ed to show up (was i dreaming or did max australia confirmed that the title of the season finale was "mer-men" or something like that?). not necessarily to rescue stede (he probably will, afterwards) but to rescue blackbeard who is now drowning.
because if stede appeared to ed as a sign of hope, a sign of light, this new ed is also that for the blackbeard who shelters under the kraken persona.
for years, ed has believed that he was a monster for killing his father. but he forgets that killing his father meant his mom would be safe (and if that makes you think of black pete turning around lucius' situation to let him see that, yes, he almost got killed, but he also LIVED, well congrats because i did too)
the kraken was born the day ed killed his father saved his mother and will be born again (the symbolism of him emerging from the sea, man, what a time to be alive) now that the love of his life stede and izzy and fang and frenchie and lucius and jim and pretty much the entire community that made him feel be part of something over the years need to be saved.
we're about to come full circle and see blackbeard's swan song, when he makes peace with the kraken and sees him not as a monster, but as a guardian. and can be at peace with the idea that he is both and he doesn't have to kill a part of him, but to embrace it and
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Ask and ye shall receive
Kuai Liang was very young when the Lin Kuei took him so everything he learned about violence and whether or not it is appropriate he learned from the Lin Kuei. Given how much they discouraged affection and attachment, this basically means that the only way he knows to express how much he cares about someone is by doing something violent on their behalf.
He gave Hanzo a severed head once and was very disappointed when Hanzo did not immediatly understand that as a declaration of undying love.
Hanzo on the other hand joined the Shirai Ryu as a teenager and there's a whole set of courting customs that the clan has. One of those customs, in my headcanon, is making a mask for your partner as like an engagement ring (also based on some of Hanzo's masks and the one we see Takeda wearing, I hc that Shirai Ryu masks always look like teeth, so if you've seen that one mask Kuai Liang has that looks like icy fangs set into black metal, yk what I'm referring to)
Hanzo gave Kuai Liang that mask after the rest of his little gestures went unnoticed and when he saw the cryomancer put it on for the first time, he was Affected By The Sight.
They also cannot keep their hands off of each other, like besides Hanzo just being tactile, these two will makeout Anywhere. It is a miracle they haven't been walked in on yet
Hanzo is really fond of kissing Kuai Liang's scars (and he has A Lot of them) and has memorized the stories behind each one.
Kuai Liang once slept with Johnny Cage (many years ago) and Hanzo still hasn't gotten over it, so, naturally, Kuai Liang likes to tease him about it every chance he gets.
Hanzo is Besotted, too, like he just has constant heart eyes whenever Kuai Liang is around. Takeda swears that if he has to telepathically overhear Hanzo was poetic about Kuai Liang's ass one more time he's gonna stage a coup.
Kuai Liang goes to visit Harumi's grave a lot, even when Hanzo isn't with him, telling her all about how Hanzo is doing and recounting the stories about her and Satoshi that Hanzo has told him.
Hanzo set up a grave for Kuai Liang's parents and sister amongst the Shirai Ryu graveyard so that Kuai Liang could mourn them away from the Lin Kuei temple, as the old Lin Kuei were the ones that killed them.
Hanzo also has frequent nightmares about the tournament in mk9 but with Kuai Liang being there instead of Bi-Han this time, and won't calm down afterwards until he has his ear pressed to Kuai Liang's heartbeat.
The start of their alliance was really difficult, not bc of lingering animosity, but bc Kuai Liang is so used to being used that he cannot fathom anyone not doing that. Hanzo was really hostile until he picked up on that and that's when they started to become friends bc Hanzo started trying to help the cryomancer break that habit
that's all I can think of rn, but lemme know if you want more and I'll make another list
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