#yes I still post incorrect quotes
mythological-mayhem · 8 months
Aztec Gods Incorrect Quotes 10
Tezcatlipoca: Alright, time for Plan B.
Quetzalcoatl: Plan B? I wasn't even made aware that Plan A failed.
Huitzilopochtli: You will be soon.
*distant explosion*
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butterflieswhisper · 3 months
hiiii ^^ beastlife fishie analysis. spoilers ahead. etc etc
okay so. the main point of this is simple. I don't think the salmon head cursed c!fishie. Explaining that is the harder part I think. also i'm going to refer to the salmon head thing in e5 as "the incident" from here on out because frankly i think it's funny
Let's start with the incident. The big day. etc. What happened? Why did it happen? Obligatory third questioning statement? Well. She was gifted the salmon head for her birthday by kiwi(or like. someone in the kiwibird system. -bird system. the birds). Immediately upon receiving it she relives parts of season one and fishie herself doesn't really acknowledge it. The other players definitely notice but im not caught up enough in any other pov yet to like have thoughts on that I'll come back to that point someday. Fishie seems shaken, sure, but she moves on so quickly, especially considering what happened just there. 37 seconds of standing frozen, unresponsive. she recovers in 5 seconds. And seeing how she reacts later on to realizing the memory situation--if she was aware that happened, she would probably be concerned by it. She puts it on for a brief second at the end of the party and takes it off immediately. She's otherwise normal -- well. as normal as she is otherwise up to that point. Because that is also how she acts with pretty much any salmon head, even just kiwi herself.
I raise: Episode one, about 8:20 in. The slow zoom on kiwi as the static overtakes every other noise. This is the *exact* same behavior displayed when fishie receives the salmon head, albeit without actual concrete old video footage style flashbacks. In episode two (28:55ish) the same thing happens when she looks at the salmon head in moch's house, but this time there is technically a flashback -- kiwis grave. Fishie moves on immediately and doesn't acknowledge her behavior at all, and, seeing as it is fishie, im inclined to believe that means she does not know she is doing it. Fishie (when alone) will discuss all of her problems in immense, and usually misguided detail (bestie i promise kiwi doesn't hate you???) to the audience and/or herself. I mean she's not alone in episode one, and it is technically presession, and i guess getting struck by lightning is a decent distraction from your problems, but in episode two? She is completely alone. There is nobody with her. She went looking for moch and moch is not there. She still doesn't acknowledge the fiveish seconds she is completely frozen. This happens again and again with kiwi and salmon heads.
And then that leads you to e5. The incident. She's. well. she's doing worse. 0:50. "This will distract me if i leave it up." This is the first mention from fishie herself about how fucking weird she's being, and even then she doesn't seem concerned. I think she does not realize she's being so so incredibly weird about it. If the static and freezing is what's referred to as "distraction" then keeping it in her inventory makes it worse actually so it wouldn't really make sense unless the way it is distracting her is NOT the. well. whatever the fuck is wrong with her (affectionate). After she puts the head on there's the static all the time but for a short brief amount of time she's like significantly more normal and i don't really know if that means anything i just think it's really funny.
And then we all know what goes on during the incident i'm not analyzing this video frame by frame. um. i could. but i am not going to right now. And then she has the conversation on the table with kiwi where she like is normal for 5 minutes. Like genuinely the most. i guess stable? fishie's thought process is is like in the moments directly after the incident. She is immediately understanding with the antikiwi situation, they come to an agreement that they're like. okay now. "thank you for everything and im so sorry i couldnt do more" / "it was short, but it was nice" "i knew what i was getting into when i married you" etc etc and then they kind of rush it at the end because people won't stop dying. But then fishie is fishie and takes it in the complete opposite extreme (from. um. whatever was wrong up until now. to "oh kiwibird must secretly hate me because" and then there's no real good reason she's just like that) and it's also an issue. And i think the season two memory thing is also a part of that but this is so long already and so i'm not going to get into it rn. So bringing all of this back to my original point: the salmon head was not the cause of the curse(?) because she's been so weird all the time forever and the salmon head thing was just like. an effect. of whatever went Wrong(tm) in the season transition. like the head was a vessel to Be Worse about it but i feel like it would have worked with any salmon head she got her hands on and that it happened to be kiwico was a coincidence and also that the head wasn't cursed at all there's just something deeply wrong with fishie s3 in general and uh yeah 👍
I'm so sorry this is so disjointed i had a thesis statement and everything. alas
#whisp whispers#fishie beastlife spoilers#since i had to rewatch videos these tags will serve as going insane about details i missed that were irrelevant to the post#i could make a whole thing on the parallels between fishie and bree. 'at least im not the only one with a troubled love life' yeah i guess#this is taking me ages to finish because if i think about beastlife fishie too long it genuinely spikes my heart rate#i think there's something wrong with me#fishie and bree both leaping at the oppurtunity to trade with their exes is so funny to me#someone should do indepth research about the way fishie interacts with dingo because i haven't been paying attention to it#by 'someone' i mean me because i'm the only one who can do that. other beastlife fan if you see this. holds out hand do you want#to make an analysis post with me .......#i appreciate kiwi trying so hard to do bug facts because bree's moth take is toooo insane for him. we can yes and the alien bit he draws th#line at incorrect moth facts though#'im neutral this is just fascinating' <-really funny in retrospect#*this is also taking so long forever because i keep distracted by whatever the fuck is wrong with everyone that i can't remember how to lik#put things into words#for what is a housewife without a house and no longer a wife?#'sorry guys it's just gonna be a lot of decorating today' YOUUUU. YOU. (<quote from beginning of e5)#ratchelor pad guitar riff is horrid on 2x speed. never do this what i'm doing right now#one of my irls is still in awe of the 6person boogie kill (or rather how nobody noticed fishie preparing the 6person boogie#is it boogey or boogie#does oku falling off a pillar and dying in the middle of fishie lore also count as a fishie proximity death#fishies curse is that people won't stop dying in the death games#also hiiiii fishieeeee you said you enjoyed analaysis. um. this one went a little off the rails i think and is more theory than analysis#posting this and disappearing off the face of the internet. cringe is dead but like. i mean you get it
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incorrect-supercorp · 2 years
Andrea: You want to hug me, don't you. Okay, four to five seconds.
Kara, excited: Forty-five seconds?!?
Andrea: FOUR to FIVE seconds.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 year
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No you guys don’t understand. Neil was playing as a way to try to live and how he wants to try actually living instead of surviving. Winning against the ravens doesn’t matter to Neil, winning against his father does. But the books don’t end with Baltimore. It ends with the raven game. But this game means more to Kevin than it can ever to any other characters. All for the game. Neil can survive without exy. He can run away and start a new life. But kevin day does not have anything else. This entire series is for kevin day
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harringroveera · 3 months
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Eddie: But the chicken nuggets are more important
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accio-sabrina · 1 year
Johanna: I dare you-
Peeta: Katniss isn't allowed to take dares.
Johanna: Why not?
Katniss, head bowed: I have no regards for my personal safety.
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faeriescorpio · 1 year
Dark: What if I implemented a No Pets policy? Excluding Dark Chica, of course.
Bing: Aw hell, Dark, you can’t throw the Jims out like that!
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cuteniarose · 16 days
PART 5 of my incorrect quotes shenanigans featuring six of our newest OCs, which I am happy I kept forgetting to post because that means I now get to use them to hopefully brighten up @katkastrofa’s day a little ^–^
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attic-saltsz · 18 days
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Remco: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
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Alya, talking about Adrien: just go up to him and tell him that you like him, what's the worse that could happen?
Marinette: he could hear me
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bunnyskull152 · 2 years
Mason: “Hey, what’s that movie with the black guys pretending to be white chicks?”
Boyd: “White chicks-“
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vargaslovinghours · 1 year
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In case it was ever a question
#💟#Doodles#Lol#Yes I do in fact still think about Vargas every single day#I'd tell you when that changes but that would still be a Vargas thought wouldn't it lol ♪ So for now situation normal! Nothing to report!#Haha ♫#It's not always to this level or even this consistent but it does average multiple times a day and especially around sleep#The dreams have mostly completely tapered off but they're a common comfort/come-down from the day :) Reliable thought pattern#And even tho I'm not posting them for the most part outside of sketchdumps/the occasional video/fanfic/etc. etc.#I can tell you they still grab every sixth or so scratch page lol - and that's not counting their hefty backlog!#Plus I don't always doodle my ideas a lot of them go into my notes#Honestly considering a part two of an incorrect quotes post quite a few have built up and even I've forgotten some of them haha#They're silly ♪#Oh yeah and you'll notice a near-matching uptick in WOY (Wander Over Yonder) :3c Haha wonder what that's about hahaha#And SCII to a similar degree but I don't have anything cheeky to say about that (right now) lol#Also completely off Vargas-topic I think it's really funny how often I forget my bracelet#Obviously didn't here! Got all 'em colours - which is honestly probably /why/ I forget that's a lot of tools for one small detail#But like - I never forget my glasses they are very much ''part of my body'' but I quite often forget my bracelet even tho I wear it way more#I take off my glasses to sleep and shower and the like but my bracelet follows me everywhere! How is it not part of my body just as much!#I guess I have been wearing glasses for longer overall but sequentially! Y'know! Haha
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Is not general desire to disrupt the system of fashion by getting a pattern from a small business and buying some on-sale fabric in order to sew a formal garment by the next dance the very essence of sewing?
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Valicer (Mostly) Not-Incorrect Quotes, Sleepytime Edition
Victor: Whenever Alice, Smiler, and I sleep in the same bed together, Alice and Smiler always insist that I sleep in the middle, between them. 
Victor: [smiling and hugging himself] It’s really quite sweet, honestly. It makes me feel very loved.
[smash cut to:]
Alice: If we let him sleep on the side he steals all of the covers.
Smiler: ALL of them.
Alice: Even if he’s little spoon, somehow.
Smiler: The man has never known warmth and he’s determined to make it all our problems.
Victor & Alice: [dozing in bed around 8 AMish]
Smiler: [bouncing in and throwing open the curtains to let in the sunlight] Good moooooorning~! Wakey wakey!
Alice: [groaning and hiding under the covers] No. No wake.
Victor: [squinting and covering his eyes] Smiler, come on, it’s way too early for this.
Smiler: [leaning over him and giving him a tickle through the covers] You’re missing prime breakfast time! Come on, up and at ‘em, we’ll make pancakes.
Alice: [still under the covers] Not enough cake for me to be tempted.
Smiler: They don’t have to be healthy pancakes. [tickles Victor again] Come on, I know you actually slept last night, so no excuses.
Victor: [swatting Smiler’s hand, or at least trying to] Oh God, why do I let you fuck me?
Smiler: [pauses as they reach to uncover Alice, staring at Victor]
Alice: [pokes her head out] Did -- did you just actually say the --
Victor: [realizing he just gave them ammunition to tease him about what it takes for him to say “fuck,” scrambling out of bed] Pancakes, right, let me just use the toilet --
Smiler: [wakes up in the middle of the night, smiles as they see Victor with his arms wrapped around them]
Smiler: [realizes they actually have to use the bathroom and goes to get up]
Victor: Mmmmm. . . [tightens his grip without waking up]
Smiler: [frustrated noise, attempts to wriggle free]
Victor: [whines and snuggles in closer]
Smiler: [freezes, not actually wanting to wake Victor]
Victor: [mumbles, then settles in again with his head on Smiler’s lap]
Alice: [stirs on the other side of the bed, peeks up over Victor to see what’s going on]
Smiler: [well and truly trapped] help
Victor, Alice, & Smiler: [all cuddled up in bed together, just on the verge of falling asleep]
Alice: . . .anyone want to own up to that?
Victor & Smiler: No.
(And now for one that, while not really “incorrect,” does have a distinct inspiration -- the very first “Foxes In Love” comic)
Alice: [stirs awake and sits up]
Alice: [turns to look at Victor, still sleeping, snuggled between her and Smiler]
Alice: [extremely fond look, runs her fingers through Victor’s hair, getting a happy noise]
Smiler: [wakes up and props themselves up on an elbow]
Smiler: [gazes at the sleeping Victor as well]
Smiler: [glances up and shares a warm smile with Alice]
Smiler: . . . [leans down and licks Victor’s ear]
Victor: [jolts awake both from the lick and Alice cracking up laughing]
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granolabird · 2 years
With the Stargirl finale day I'm finally doing a silly little bit that I've been meaning to do for ages,,, Here's an incorrect quotes for Stargirl characters, but only using things me and my friends have said in our group discord server.
Rick (speaking to Grundy): "Jesus christ dude first you lay down in the middle of the street, Now you're trying to eat KFC off the curb, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Mike: "I love the lion king! The Rat and The Hippo make that movie"
Jakeem: "You mean the Meerkat and the Warthog??"
Courtney: "Someone on Facebook is asking where you can buy a pinata other than bulk barn."
Cindy: "The daycare. I'm sure if you hit a little kid in the stomach with a stick hard enough they'll vomit up some candy for you."
Pat: "In the words of the great Backstreet boys, Stop. Collaborate. And Listen."
Barbara: "A kid at work choked on a hotdog today."
Paula: "Did he die?"
Barbara: "No."
Paula: "Oh..... Why?"
Yolanda: "I hate neighbors. All I want to do is sit at home and practice fighting like a proper Vigilante but nooooo you gotta talk to me. Who gave you the right to live beside me? Fuck off."
Sylvester: "Listen, I told Jesus to take the wheel and he made me rich"
Beth: "Fine, okay. Maybe I'm a loveable fuzzball."
The Ultrahumanite: "Who cares about being hot when you can be a little fucking goblin in the woods."
Courtney: "The school called saying my brother sawed a chair in half"
Jordan: "I cast Norway upon thee!"
Crusher: "Murder, murder, murder, and then you get mentioned on a murder podcast!"
Cindy: "You are not at the top of the dissection list. But there is a list."
Yolanda (referring to Cameron): "He's terminally straight"
Artemis: "Take that! I just pistol whipped a bitch but with my arm!"
Deer gets hit by a car
Cameron: I wish that were me.
Jakeem: “Don’t kill me, I was born in 2012!”
Cindy: "Have you ever seen Moulin Rouge?"
Mike: "No sorry, I don't watch cartoons other than Dragon Ball Z"
Beth: What does a milliner make?
Rick: Millions.
Beth: Hats. They make hats.
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tungledotedu · 2 months
prismatic bell is shamelessly doing genocide denial again (archive org version), with some points such as:
'the keffiyeh is a symbol of arab colonialism'
'Every civilian killed is a travesty to be laid on Sinwar’s bloody hands. But…it’s actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare'.
no amount of 'it's tragic, i know it sucks, it's heatbreaking' will make up for the fact that xe LITERALLY SAID THERE IS A 'GOOD' AND 'PROPORTIONATE' NUMBER OF DEAD CIVILIANS. including children and babies. and this is right after xe called them colonisers.
xe's still desperately trying to deny the death toll. 'the numbers as given have been proven false. Someone was literally able to show they’re generated with a math formula. (I have articles backing this up, but again, will have to add when I’m off mobile, sorry.)'
also known as 'i can't add more sources right now, but i DEFINITELY have them!' (uses memri tv as a source)
'actually it's completely legal for israel to target hospitals because they fabricate evidence of weapons in those hospitals.' who's going to tell xir about how the iof mistook an arabic calendar for a list of names. also, legality=/=morality.
'DELIBERATE TARGETING OF HOSPITALS: yes, Israel has bombed or raided several hospitals because they were being used as weapons depots or missile launch sites. This is completely legal—what would be illegal would be raids on hospitals not being used as military sites.'
'hamas is the one that's committing genocide! if israel was really trying to eradicate all of gaza it would be done already!'
62% of homes and 84% of healthcare facilities have been damaged or destroyed. as well as more than 80% of schools.
'what is happening in ukraine IS genocide! but not palestine!'
since this person seems so fixated on 'proportionate' death tolls...
ukraine has a population of 34 million, and the 2022 russian invasion has resulted in around 34,000 civilian casuallties as of june 2024. that's a lower ratio of civilian casualties to total population (1:1000). mariupol and the rest of donetsk oblast (population: 4 million) have sustained the highest number of casualties, with over 25,000 dead. this means the ratio is 1:160. according to this user, this is enough to warrant the label of genocide.
(edit: the number of dead ukrainian civilians may be higher at 100,000, making it 1:340).
but the gaza strip had a population of 2.4 million in 2022 (see the quote below), and the estimate of around 40,000 deaths has been outdated for some time now due to israel's destruction of gazan healthcare infrastructure and staff. even without a more accurate death toll, the ratio is higher (1:60). but for some reason (racism), it's not enough to be called a genocide.
the death toll in gaza is estimated to be much higher. according to the lancet,
Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 375 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.
and this is a conservative estimate.
also, according to this user's 'logic', with a lower ratio of casualties, russia is actually 'doing urban warfare' better than israel. so much for being pro-ukraine.
all of this disgusting vitriol is tacked on a post with artwork of jesus christ, because one of the sketches depicted him with a keffiyeh. i don't think prismatic bell has anything of worth to say about christianity.
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(edIted on 20 july)
changed pronoun to xir. explanation here.
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i've added a link to a source for 100,000 killed civilians in ukraine.
but still, given the choice between an academic article and an internet user, i'm going to trust the academic article to have actual research with sources and not 'fake numbers' for gaza.
i wrote a bit about how the alleged 1:1.5 civilian death ratio is incorrect under the read more, but then i realised, does it actually matter? should this be the metric by which we measure proportionality in the first place? should we forget how more palestinians have been killed by israel since its founding than the other way around?
if we only focus on this, we overlook the bigger picture, the alarming number of people who have been killed or left sickened and disabled. we have to keep the total population in mind, and the fact that israel also mass murders palestinians 'indirectly'. through starvation, cutting off electricity and water, blockading medical supplies as well as other resources, denying life-saving healthcare, and other means. what prismatic-bell said about russia targeting aid workers applies to israel too.
what about how israeli militants rape and sexually torture palestinian hostages? how they don't distinguish between combatants and civilians, and their 'definition' of terrorist includes elderly men and kids they've captured and stripped to their underwear? or how they've maimed people as part of rabin's 'break the bones' policy since the first intifada? or when the iof lied about letting an ambulance rescue hind rajab, only to kill the paramedics and shoot 335 bullets at the car where she was hiding? or how they haven't stopped bombing and sniping people despite orders from the icj and credible evidence of them committing genocide?
and 'fake numbers'? sounds like projection to me. here's what prismatic-bell said:
'And finally, let’s look at the civilian-to-combatant death toll. [...] With that said, the best data we have at this moment suggests one civilian killed for every 1.5 Hamas militants.'
no source given, but i'm guessing it came from wikipedia (where the sentence is unsourced as well).
here's an actual analysis by yagil levy on ha'aretz. it's outdated, but it argues that even early on in the genocide, the israeli army failed to show restraint in targeting civilians. none of that 'it's actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare' or 'entirely proportionate', or however you want to cruelly dismiss human life.
It follows that with a high proportion of noncombatants among the total number of those killed, we can conclude that the principle of discrimination was not adhered to, and an unusually high rate will reflect either a departure from the principle of proportionality or a highly flexible interpretation of it. [...] Thus, rather than this being a case of "collateral damage," it was the reverse: Because most of those harmed are civilians, what was produced is "collateral benefit," in the form of a low number of Gazan combatants killed.
This calculation shows that out of the total of 6,747, at least 4,594 individuals of both sexes who can be categorized as noncombatants were killed – 68 percent of the total. 
this is a different way of calculating the ratio. it takes civilian deaths and divides it by the total number of people killed, not by combatant deaths (as the 1:1.5 ratio does). with 2,153 combatants killed, the ratio is actually around 2:1, meaning it is biased towards civilians killed. this is an outdated estimate and is probably higher in reality.
or take the iof's more recent but probably inflated estimate of 16,000 dead hamas fighters, meaning 24,000 civilians out of the 40,000 killed. the ratio would be 1.5:1. or 170,000 civilians if we go by the lancet.. that's 10.5 civilians dead for 1 militant. (if anyone has better sources let me know.)
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