#yes he said it first
wariocompany · 15 days
Like actually in general my parents never just. bought me video games unprompted. I listen to Scott the Woz talk about his parents buying him games and Nintendo Power subscriptions just for no reason and I'm like. ?????? Families do that?
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mariwashereonce · 9 months
It feels like it all happened so fast but not really when you take into consideration we've known each other for nine months, and also the fact he's been my closest friend all that time, telling him my problems and worries, and sharing most moments with him (and him doing the same)
He's literally seen me going through every emotion ever, he's seen me cry, have a full-blown anxiety attack, laugh hysterically, be sleepy, absolutely furious, whiny and annoying af, and sick as hell too (I've never gotten as sick as I did this year), yet still, he's- he decided he still likes me?+(@?!?!? DAMN
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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mombin pt 6 and look who showed up
(1)(2)(3)(4) (5)
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 200
Danny has found himself reincarnated, for fun! While waiting for Tucker to reincarnate. He’s uh, found himself as a clone now- thankfully stable! But he was apparently also an accident, and overheard some of the people talking about termination, which no thanks?
So apparently he wasn’t exactly an accident per se, they did mean to make a clone, so thank fuck for that! They had apparently grabbed the wrong blood, which he almost snorts at. Kind of hard to do in a tube full of liquid though. 
Oh well, he’ll just be leaving now… after he destroys this lab and steals all these files on himself, thank you~ Now, does he want to go on an adventure or find his unwilling donors first…
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suntails · 2 months
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hijo de la luna
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cthulhum · 2 months
and dean winchester thought he was unlovable and didnt deserve happiness he hated himself and thought eveyone would eventually leave him and then a literal fucking angel fell in love with him. like loved him more than anything else in the world.
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fisheito · 2 months
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He's a magician
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theloveinc · 4 months
OlderDad!Bakugou who gets a haircut and his baby doesn't recognize him and he doesn't want his dad to pick him up 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bakugou has a cry in the bathroom and you have to spend the rest of the night consoling him.
Also Hiiiiiii, miss u, hope youre gooooood
head in my hands bc of this, just thought abt bakugo growing out his hair a little bit right after baby's birth...takes him months to go and get a real haircut cuz he doesn't wanna burden you more than he already has and by the time he's okay with the thought (but only for "AN HOUR MAX," is what he says), he has a mullet thing going on and all this scruff on his chin🥺🥺🥺
so he gets home with his regular ol' haircut, maybe a little shorter just to account for ... not wanting to go again so soon, and baby's HOLLERING bloody murder as soon as they see him and refusing to be taken out of your arms, doing that thing where they're flipping their face back and forth to dodge a kiss...
it's so tragic bc not even a little cheek nuzzling helps to calm them bc bakugo's CLEAN SHAVEN and smells like aftershave instead of like dad when he tries!!!!!!
and after, you watch him kinda sulk into the bathroom, thinking like aw yeah thats a bummer but also pretty funny, too (esp bc the haircut does look good🫣🤓), AND HE DOESN'T COME OUT FOR LIKE an hour???
....until you finally have to ask him if he's okay in there and you're opening the door to him sitting on the toilet seat, arms crossed and red cheeks a little streaky with tears...
LJFKASDJFADSJK it's the cutest, most sad sight you ever did see!! ofc Bakugo tries to deny it, but the way he tears up again (after you're done assuring him he did nothing wrong) when his baby finally realizes it's him and smiles (and then how he refuses to give them up again until bedtime) has his ass. EXPOSED.
(i love and miss u more than air, earth, water, dirt + HOPE YOU'RE GOOD TOO BESTIE ILY)
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1driedpersimmon · 6 months
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Important conversation at the steppes man to man Xaela to Xaela, you know?
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Pac: I said, "Hey, let's do something fun, you know? Let's kidnap the [Federation] baker!" And we are kind of like, locked up, and [Richarlyson's] even sadder now, right? Phil: I can put my hand through the bars. Pac: [Laughs] Can I ho– Please save us! Phil: Do you miss human touch, Pac? Pac: Yeah, I miss human touch. Phil: I'm here for you. [...] We can smuggle things into jail. [To Richarlyson] It's okay, mate. Pac: Can you smuggle me a cellphone?* I know information is power here.
Phil visits Pac and Richarlyson in jail.
* Pac's quote here is a direct reference to Fuga Impossivel, where Cell (Cellbit) had a cellphone he used to threaten people with his "contacts from the outside." (In reality, the phone had no signal, but that's how he earned his name "Cell")
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[Full Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Richarlyson feeling a little bit sad 'because 'cus he's locked up, you know? That's why he's using a different kind of hat.
Phil: Oh, Jesus Christ. Wait– why's Richarlyson's [happiness] bar gone down?
Pac:Yeah, 'because 'cus he's unhappy, 'cus, well, we kind of like, got locked up, and it's his birthday today, and he's feeling a little bit sad about like, growing up, you know?
Phil: Is that why he's got a different cow head on?
Pac: Yeah, yeah, and to try to help him, I said, "Hey, let's do something fun, you know? Let's kidnap the baker!" And we are kind of like, locked up, and he's even sadder now, right? [Richarlyson shakes his head] Yeah, but look – jail is fun!
Phil: I can put my hand through the bars.
Pac: [Laughs] Can I ho– Please save us!
Phil: Do you miss human touch, Pac?
Pac: Yeah, I miss human touch.
Phil: I'm here for you. [Cracks up]
Pac: I miss human touch. Oh my god, a hand! Richas, you want to touch a hand? Touch uncle Phil hand. [Laughs]
Phil: Yeah, right here.
Pac: Touch it, Richas! Connect with every–
Phil: I can get you out, I can get you out, I don't know if I'll get punished though, but we'll see. [Laughs]
Pac: I don't think you're going to get punished. [He looks at Richarlyson] Right? [Richarlyson shakes his head, holding a camera] There's nothing wrong about setting two persons out of the jail.
Phil: Yeah, I feel like you've learned your lesson, right?
Pac: Yeah, I won't try to kidnap the baker.
Phil: Oh, Richarlyson wants you to take a photo of, like, hands touching, I think.
Pac: Oh. Ok, let me...
[They stand there, holding hands in silence until Richarlyson takes a photo, then they burst into laughter.]
Pac: Well, Richas, you wanna do the same? I can take a picture of you! I just need a paper. [Pac checks his inventory] ...I don't have any papers, if you have one?
Phil: [Still cracking up as he holds hands with Richarlyson]
Pac: I need the paper, Richarlyson!
Phil: I have paper, there you go.
Pac: Oh, thank you.
Phil: We can smuggle things into jail. [To Richarlyson] It's okay, mate.
Pac: Look! [Laughs and throws Phil the photo] Can you smuggle me a cellphone?* I know information is power here.
Phil: I can – hold on, let me see, let me see...
Pac: Maybe like a cellphone? Or maybe a gaming setup so me and Richarlyson could put some gaming in here, you know, so we can play games?
Phil: I can – I could just break you out. [Laughs] But it's up to you – do you want to be out?
Pac: Yeah, if – Richas, you want to get out of this prison? I know it's bigger and better than our house. Look at the size of this, Phil! You wanna, like–
[Richarlyson breaks the jail bars and lets himself out, then replaces the bars to keep Pac inside]
Phil: [Dying]
Pac: ALL ALONG? Wait – we have been in here for the past 15 minutes, Richas! Oh my god. Ok, ok, I'm done, I'm done. I'm just gonna stay here. I'm just gonna stay here. [Pac walks to a corner of the cell and sits down facing the wall]
Phil: [Still wheeze-laughing] Dude...
Pac: I'm just gonna stay here.
Phil: I can't– [wheezes] I can't break these blocks, he's locked us in!
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tennessoui · 6 months
im sure this has been done soooo many times but gffa au where anakin goes to the jedi council and fesses up to being married and they immediately think he means to obi-wan and he thinks they understood that it's to padmé
("how old were you when you got married?" "Nineteen, just after I became a Jedi Knight. I wasn't a padawan anymore!"
"Consensual, was it? Feel pressured, did you?"
"Not at all! I had to do the convincing. I really begged, for like. an embarrassingly long amount of time. I wanted this marriage more than anything in the entire galaxy."
"Has this marriage affected your reasoning during the war?"
"no way! We have the same principles, fight for the same things. Now I'm just fighting to come home as well so we can be together again.")
and anakin doesn't realize this until obi-wan gets back from a mission, does his debrief with the council, and comes to anakin's quarters with the strangest look on his face. "padawan, why did six members of the Jedi Council just wish me congratulations on my nuptials? to. my. former. padawan."
and anakin is gobsmacked and goes about trying to set the record straight, but now no one believes that he isn't married to obi-wan. they think padmé has agreed to be the cover-up because obi-wan got pissy that anakin told the council before he felt ready.
and to top it all off, now anakin can't stop thinking about actually being married to his master. he hadn't realized that was an option?? but everyone's making some pretty strong cases for it......
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bisexualmcqueen · 8 days
been trying to get the cars groove back have a sketch dump
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imaybe5tupid · 2 months
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Falin in the Isle of Wa
ft Benichidori and Hien 👯‍♀️
Part 1 of my postcanon dyke drama cinematic universe
Part 2
Part 3
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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ANCIENT wip that i finally got around to splashin color onto. NO idea where this colorin style came from n it WONT happen again!! anyway i LOOOVE the general dynamic between arthur n emizel. both are so cool and so awesome and yet SO silly...
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puppetmaster13u · 27 days
Prompt 309
Danny huddled beneath the mass of warm scales, trying to avoid the rain that sputtered and hissed into steam whenever it touched the resting form of the older halfa. He choked on broken chirps, burying his head against his tail. Everything hurt, one of his paws and wings gone- what had the wanted them for- 
He sniffled, not wanting to cry. At least- at least Jordan had managed to get them out, it could have been worse. Ancients, it could have been so much worse. Mom and Dad were… Ancients he didn’t want to even think about it- 
A huff of smoke wafted over him, and he looked up into Dan’s crimson eye- the other gone to do who knows what with. It was time to go- they couldn’t stay in one place, they had to keep moving lest the GIW catch up. They didn’t have a choice, not now, not if they didn’t want to die- if they ever could now. It didn’t matter. 
He stayed limp as he was picked up by the scruff, the rain soaking into his fur and scales (and still-healing injuries) as the larger dragon launched into the sky. They just had to keep moving, avoid any people, heroes included, and keep moving. Just keep moving.
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
Just a little fun detail..
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Bruce wears those pants just fine, so he wears normal shoes. But Kudo? Look at how big they are on him. He wears boots almost up to his KNEES just to wear those pants. They're so baggy on him that the middle part for where the crotch goes, it's also almost down to his knees
Guy, where'd you get the pants? Are you just that short? Or did you take them from the long-legged Bruce?
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