#yes i'm answering this two months later just mind ya business
justrainandcoffee · 7 months
Mercy (Arthur and Tommy Shelby) + (Luca Changretta x fem!oc)
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Summary: Who's that tall black woman entering the Garrison without asking permission? Arthur Shelby felt something when he saw her. She was looking around, when finally she saw his blue eyes. "Who are ya?" he asked. "Mrs. Changretta," she answered "and you're the one who killed Luca."
Warnings: None.
Words: 1.7k || I'm sorry if I didn't capture Arthur's voice perfectly. It's hard enough to write in other language 🙃.
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Over a year ago.
One of her friends was trying to comfort her. Kelly was a dancer in the same place that Aveline sang and the same as her, she was a black woman.
Rumours were too loud to be false. And that explained his disappearance. Aveline was walking to her home when she first heard it.
"Luca Changretta is dead."
"He was betrayed. A mad man killed him."
Luca was dead. Aveline felt her heart breaking in thousand pieces but she refused to believe it. Anyone but Luca.
Next time she heard it was at her workplace. She was leaning against the counter when one man said to the other that the Changretta clan were part of the history now.
"Arthur Shelby."
"The peaky blinder?"
"The eldest one, yes. He shot him."
Her eyes filled with tears. Luca was an assassin and she knew that probably deserved to die, but it didn't mean that it hurt less.
"I'm going to England," he had said to her their last night together "I have business with certain family. But I'll return to you, amore mio."
Aveline smiled at him, while Luca kissed her bare shoulders. "Will you be alright?"
"Of course, Linnie. As always. My sweet Linnie."
They made love once again. That same night Luca gifted her his pocket watch and a brooch made of gemstones. "So you can remember me," he said. "You know, beautiful lillies are Italy national flower and when I saw this brooch I thought it was a perfect present for you. You're a beautiful flower."
She kissed him. Months later, Aveline still could feel his lips over hers and his tongue in her mouth. Luca was as passionate as dangerous.
That was the last memory she had of him.
Birmingham has nothing to do with New York. It was cloudy, cold, rainy and full of mud. And in comparison it was really small. You could hide in New York but apparently not in Birmingham.
Small Heath was almost empty. Very few people pay attention to her.
"Where's the Garrison?" she asked to a man who was selling milk.
"Two blocks away, ma'am. But be careful, not good people."
"I know. And I appreciate your help, sir."
Arthur was smoking and drinking whiskey waiting for Tommy who was dealing with new partners and Michael. Their cousin was starting to be a nuisance and they tolerate him only because of Polly.
Some men were drinking there as well, minding their own business.
The door opened again. This time the person who entered was a really tall woman. Arthur looked at her. Her slim and yet curvy figure was covered by a purple dress. Her gloves were black as her hair. And Arthur could say that she was a pretty woman but most of all, he was impressed by her height. Taller than him, for sure who was the tallest of the family. So different from his wife. The black woman talked quietly with the barman and he pointed to Arthur who gulped.
He stood up when she walked towards him. He wasn't used to see people taller than him. He had to lift up his head to look at her.
"Good afternoon," she greeted.
"Good afternoon, ma'am. How can I help ya?"
"Are you Arthur Shelby?"
"Indeed, ma'am. The owner of this foockin' bar. Who are ya?"
The black woman extended her hand and Arthur took it "Aveline is my name. I'm from New York… and I'm Mrs. Changretta."
A cold shiver ran through his spine. Luca Changretta was married? That killer bastard had a woman? How could Tommy ignore that? Arthur could see Luca behind his wife smiling triumphantly at him.
"Did you really think that you could kill me without consequences, Shelby?" He imagined Luca bitting his toothpick and smirking. "I just sent you my beautiful black angel."
Arthur blinked, still confused. Luca Changretta had a woman and she was there, probably, to kill him.
"May I sit down?"
"Sure, yeah. Yes." Arthur moved the chair and helped her. Then ordered the barman to bring her a glass of gin.
"How can I help ya?" He asked seconds later when they were alone once again.
"I need answers. I really need answers." Aveline touched the glass but didn't drink. Her long fingers grabbed it, feeling the coldness of it. "Why?" Now her dark brown eyes were looking at him.
Arthur drunk another glass of whiskey before answering. "He killed my little brother. My Johnny boy. Then he tried to kill us one by one. I had to."
"You talked as you didn't have another chance."
"I foockin' didn't. It was him or us."
"Who's the woman Arthur is talking to?" Tommy Shelby arrived at the pub and saw his brother talking to a woman he had never seen before. The barman shrugged.
"No idea, Mr. Shelby, she came in and asked for Arthur they're talking since then."
From the distance, Tommy studied his brother. Arthur clearly wasn't flirting with her, he wasn't trying to seduce her. Arthur was uncomfortable, but the question was why.
The leader of the Peaky Blinders walked towards them. He put his cap inside his pocket and approached the lady.
"Who are you?" she asked confused by his attitude.
"Don't you know who am I?"
"Should I? I have no clue who the hell are you, sir, but I'm talking with this gentleman."
"He's my brother," interrupted Arthur. "The one in charge: Tommy."
So that was Thomas Shelby? Aveline stood up slowly and looked at him. He barely surpassed her breasts. She saw his blue eyes trying to reach hers, so Aveline lowered her head facing him. "Good afternoon, then, sir."
But Tommy wasn't a man who could be easily intimidated, not even for a tall woman. Why was she so tall? So he didn't apart his eyes from hers. The woman barely blink.
"She's Changretta's wife," Arthur said looking at the table. Only then Tommy stared at his brother and then at the woman again. "Luca Changretta in any case," clarified.
Tommy wasn't sure about it. He investigated. He really did it and as far as he knew, Changretta was a single man. Too busy for love, for a woman. "I need proofs," he said.
"What makes you think that I'm going to show you some proofs apart from my words? Do you want me to prove you that I knew him and that I loved him with every inch if my body? Luca was everything to me."
"He was not married."
"Not officially. Look at me, Mr. Shelby. I'm nothing but a black woman, do you know the atrocities I have to hear day after day? The things his family said to me! But Luca… he was different. We didn't married officially because it's forbidden, because in the eyes of the law I'm less than person. But we did married. Alone, just him and me. I became Mrs. Changretta one cold night after a particularly bloody massacre. I didn't approve it, but I always accepted Luca the same way he accepted me. I'm Mrs. Changretta. Like it or not."
Tommy lit a cigarette. It didn't seem to him that the woman was lying. Only a wife could talk that way of a man like Luca. What she wanted, then? Money? He offered her a cheque but Aveline cursed him.
"I came here because I needed to talk to Arthur Shelby. His name crossed the ocean. Of course, the hero who killed the monster."
"Not a hero, ma'am. Just a man. I won't ask for your forgiveness, this just our job."
"I don't believe in forgiveness. I don't believe in mercy. And considering your job, I don't think you believe in it either. Don't worry about that."
Aveline studied the eldest brother. Unlike the other one, he looked defeated. She imagined Arthur Shelby like a knight in a shining armour. Brave, arrogant, despicable. Instead, he was nothing but just a man. Probably haunted by his own demons. Amazing that he was the one who killed her Luca. Her poor Luca. It seemed he was more willing to talk until Thomas Shelby appeared, now it looked like he was looking for his permission to open the mouth. Tommy Shelby was clearly in charge.
"Then, if you already talked to Arthur and if you don't want money. Maybe what you want is protection, a shelter… I know a woman in London. She works helping women in need. Her name is Rose Solomons…"
"Ya foockin' kill Alfie!! Ya don't want two widows, thanks to the Shelbys, together, Tom."
"Oh, another one. What a nice hobby. Killing husbands must be a nice entertainment." Aveline, snorted.
"Same hobby as Luca. Ask John's wife what she thinks about it." Tommy replied.
"The same wife who run away from your family with the kids? That one? Esme Lee-Shelby, nice woman… she wants you dead."
Tommy chuckled, "I see you did your job."
"I'm a Changretta, do not underestimate me. But, I'm not a killer. My hands are clean and so is my soul." Aveline closed her eyes just for a few seconds. "Do not fear me. I'm harmless. I'm just a singer and now I'm just delivering a message."
"What's the message?"
"The blood of Luca Changretta will chase you. From now and for the next decades."
"All Changrettas are dead," affirmed Tommy Shelby.
Aveline smiled at him, "Wrong. There's still one. Augustus Caesar Changretta my son. His son. Named after the founder of the Roman Empire. Fascinating, don't you think? Maybe he'd found a new Italian empire. It'd be interesting that in the future a tall black man appears in front of you claiming vengeance for a father he never met."
Their last night together, Luca and Aveline had made a baby. The boy was a little over a year old now. The kid was protected by a person she trusted very much.
Aveline stood up and walked through the pub until she reached the door.
"I don't have anything else to say. Good afternoon, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shelbys." She was ready to leave but stopped for a moment "Do you know what Italian word Luca taught me first?"
Arthur shook his head and Tommy just looked at her.
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 10
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: idk... the ex returns lmao oh and there's a break in/kidnapping
Genre: Mostly fluff, some angst
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
The bell over the shop door rings and you give the standard greeting you always give without even thinking.
"Hi welcome in." Your smile drops when you actually look at who just walked in. "Bruce." You say. "This is my place of work, what are you doing here?" You ask as he walks right up to you at the counter.
"You moved all of your stuff out of our apartment."
"Of course I did. I no longer live there, we are no longer together, why wouldn't I move everything I own out of that previously shared apartment? Did you think I was coming back? I mean it's been months at this point. Why show up here now?" You roll your eyes.
"I thought if I gave you time-"
"What? That I'd forgive you? Are you completely out of your mind?"
"Don't do this y/n." He says quietly.
"Don't do what? I wasn't the one who lied." You scoff.
"Hey y/n I need- oh- Mr. Bruce. Hi, it's been a while." Peter walks out from somewhere in the back of the store.
"Hey kid, how ya been?" Bruce asks goodnaturedly.
"Peter honey what did you need?" You ask stopping Peter from answering Bruce.
"Oh- right, I can't find the box cutter." He says. You grab the one from behind the counter and toss it, closed, towards Peter.
"Here. Use this one but you have to bring it back up here when you're done. I'll help you find the other one later." You say.
"Cool thanks." Peter disappears.
"You didn't tell him?" Bruce asks.
"If you're asking whether he knows that we're not together of course I told him but Peter is always polite. He's a sweet kid plus I didn't tell him why just that we broke up." You scoff. "Not that it's any of your business what I'm telling my coworkers."
"Come on, we used to be everything together, that doesn't just go away." He frowns.
"Poof." You say. The bell rings over the door again and you look over to see Steve and Bucky strolling over to you. "Steve, Bucky, what brings you here?" You ask, part of you is relieved to see them but it's not like you can't handle Bruce yourself.
"We were in the area, thought we'd stop by to say hello." Steve smiles.
"Hello Sunshine." Bucky says.
"Hi." You chuckle.
"You still talk to these guys?!" Bruce looks from them to you.
"Who I talk to is none of your business Bruce so don't start, not to mention only one of you three has lied to me and what a surprise it's not either of the guys you accused of being mob bosses." You say. You wanna be careful with your words. Bruce has no confirmation of their involvement and you don't want to be the one to give it to him.
"Accused?! Wait a second are you telling me you don't think I'm right about that? You seriously don't think they're running a crime organization?! If that's what they've let you believe you're still being lied to."
"It doesn't matter Bruce." You sigh.
"Yes it does! They are dangerous."
"Bruce, you are the one who betrayed my trust. Not them. You lied to me. You lied in a way that can't be forgiven, repaired, or even understood. So don't talk to me about danger." You say.
"Y/n." He breathes out.
"Steve, Bucky, I want him out of here, please. Don't hurt him, just get him out. And come back to me when you're done." You say.
"With pleasure." Bucky says.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! WE WERE TOGETHER FOR THREE YEARS Y/N! THREE YEARS!" Bruce continues shouting as Bucky and Steve haul him out of the store.
"I heard shouting!" Peter comes running to the front, box cutter in hand, posed like a weapon.
"What was the plan here Peter? Were you gonna stab someone with the box cutter?" You laugh at his defensive stance.
"Maybe. If I had to. I dunno I just- wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Are you done with the box cutter?" You ask him.
"Oh- yes." He nods.
"Well I'm going to take that. You will not be allowed one of these unsupervised again." You say grabbing the box cutter from him. "Go back to what you were doing. I'm fine." You chuckle.
"Fine. I'll be shelving stuffed dragons if you need me." He says.
"Thank you Peter." You smile. A few minutes later Bucky and Steve come back into the shop.
"Problem solved." Bucky says.
"You didn't hurt him, did you?" You ask.
"Nope. Just, sent him on his way with the help of some friends of ours." Steve says.
"They didn't hurt him did they?" You narrow your eyes.
"No ma'am, strict orders not to just as you asked." He says.
"Good. Thank you. Now that you're back you can explain what the hell brought you here because I am not buying 'just in the neighborhood' for one second. You hardly have reasons to be around here besides me."
"The kid works for us." Bucky says suddenly.
"What?" You shake your head. You suspected as much since he's friends with Sam and Clint, but it's still shocking to have it confirmed.
"Parker. He called us because he works for us." Steve elaborates.
"HE'S JUST A KID!" You blink at them.
"Nothing dangerous. He's never even had to hold a gun outside of training." Steve defends.
"You trained the kid with a gun before he could even buy a drink?!" You ask.
"Kid's been alone a long time and we've been looking out for him since he was 15. Of course, we did, our work is dangerous and we need to make sure our people are protected somehow and we couldn't exactly send him to school with security guards." Steve says.
"Oh but they can follow me around."
"Your situation is different, your security is out of sight, and you're an adult nobody would notice other adults in an adult space, unfortunately, two guys standing at the back of your classroom like the secret service draws too much attention at a public high school." Bucky shrugs.
"Did he tell you that?" You ask.
"Yes." Bucky nods.
"Okay. So he called you to come down here because of Bruce. Is that why he works here? To watch me on your behalf? Is that why he got this job?" You ask.
"No! We didn't even know you worked together for a while." Steve shakes his head.
"Peter!!" You shout. He runs up to the front of the store and takes in your faces with a grimace.
"Am I in trouble?" He asks.
"No, I just have a question. Why did you call them? Did they tell you to do that?" You ask.
"No I just- I know Bruce and you broke up and I thought things could get ugly and you could use backup and I'm not so great with the violence even though I'm trained for it so I figured it'd be best to call them." Peter explains, wringing his hands together.
"Are you a werewolf too?" You ask.
"What?" Peter looks at you with wide eyes.
"She's one of us. You can answer the question." Steve says.
"Yes. I'm a werewolf." Peter says.
"So you heard my conversation with Bruce I'm guessing." You say.
"From the minute he walked in yeah. I called them and then came up here so he'd know you weren't in here alone." Peter says.
"I appreciate it, Peter. Thank you, that's all." You say.
"Cool, I'm gonna finish up with the dragons." Peter says.
"Dragons?" Steve asks you.
"He's putting some stuffed toys out in the kids' section." You say. "Thank you for, solving the Bruce issue but you boys can leave now."
"We'll talk later tonight?" Steve asks.
"I will call like I always do don't worry baby." You smile.
"Enjoy your shift sunshine." Bucky leans over the counter to give you a kiss on the cheek and Steve follows his lead to do the same before the two of them leave the bookstore. You finish your shift without any other interruptions and eventually head home to have dinner and call your boyfriends, a nightly routine that you've all become rather comfortable with.
You sit on your couch and turn on the TV to find something to watch. You're off today so you're planning to spend the day chilling. Within moments of the TV coming on Wanda rushes out of her room and into the living room where you are.
"You're off today." She says.
"I am." You nod.
"Do you have plans?"
"No but I take it you're about to change that." You say.
"I'm blocking you off for the day. I feel like between work and relationships we hardly have time to hang out so, we'll be doing that today." She tells you.
"Alright, that's fair. I'm cool with that."
"Good. I have like two emails to answer and then we'll go out."
"Take your time! I'll be here all day." You tell her. She dashes back to her bedroom. The emails don't take her long to finish and soon you're out the door with her. You get lunch together and play a mini game of catch up where you tell about Bruce coming to your job the day before and then you go shopping for a few hours. Eventually, you return home to have dinner together and watch another movie from your shitty movie roaster. The one you pick however is so boring you actually start playing cards at some point and the movie just becomes background noise to your game.
"You know, you are so very happy these days." Wanda chuckles midgame. "It's nice."
"Yeah- Bucky and Steve have been very sweet to me." You muse.
"Good. You deserve it." She nods. A knock at the front door interrupts your game and Wanda gets up to open it. There's a short exchange that you pointedly try not to eavesdrop on and eventually Wanda scurries back into the living room with a guilty smile that tells you exactly who's at the door.
"Vision?" You ask with a smile.
"He made surprise plans for us tonight. I know we were going to hang but-"
"Go! I love Vis and he makes you 'so very happy' these days so you should definitely go. We've been together all afternoon we can continue this any other night of the week." She hops over to you excitedly and kisses your cheek.
"You are the best!" She squeals rushing to her room, presumably to grab her things.
"Hey Vis! Come on in!" You shout to the door.
"Hello y/n. Sorry for disrupting your evening." He says walking into the apartment.
"Nonsense. You never have to apologize for spoiling our girl. I want her happy so you do whatever keeps her that way."
"Affirmative." He nods as Wanda walks back in from her room.
"Ready to go." She beams.
"Okay go." You say shooing them. Wanda loops her arm around his and practically drags him out of the apartment. You clean up the cards, since your playing partner is gone, and cut the TV off. If Wanda's leaving you can't finish the movie without her.
Wanda and Vision started seeing each other a couple of months ago. They met while Wanda was out shopping and they had the most rom-com meet cute ass moment when they reached for the same thing at the same time. He seems like a perfect match for her from what time you've spent with him and she talks about him like he's the best thing that ever happened to her. You're glad she met him. She's been so invested in your life since her breakup with Wesley a while ago that it's nice to see her enjoying herself. It's nice and they're an adorable couple.
Since you're alone, you decide to put away some laundry that's definitely just been sitting in a basket since you washed them a few days ago. With music playing from your speaker, you fold and hang your clothes accordingly humming along to your playlist. Just before you're done, a sound pricks your ears. You stop the music and poke your head out of your room to double check that you're not imagining things. Someone is jiggling your doorknob rather aggressively. Your eyes scan the room quickly to find something for self defense while you frantically grab your phone. You grab a frying pan from the dish rack in the kitchen and wait by a slightly obstructed corner of the living room while you call Wanda. You have an SOS code and truthfully you trust her to get here quicker than cops would. You gasp silently, dropping your phone in the process, when you suddenly hear your door cracking. They broke it. They just broke the door, how annoying. One, two, three sets of footfalls. There's no way you're gonna take all three of them on your own.
"You're sure she's home?" One of the voices says.
"Yes I'm sure. Find her." Another one grumbles. You see two shadows walk down the hall towards the bedrooms while one walks further into the living room. Before he can turn around you swing the frying pan at his head with full force. He stumbles back and lets out a curse, shouting for his accomplices while you make a dash for the door. You make it out of your apartment and down the hall before hands suddenly snatch you at the waste. You barely manage to fight against the hold before you feel a prick in your neck and your body starts to go limp on you.
Part 10/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10 @vicmc624 @mandijo17 @marvel-fandom23
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dopscratch · 1 year
Spydad Excerpt
so a while ago i was just idk going wild over spydad and dadgineer and my tf2 headcanons and wrote this
idk if i will ever finish it but it doesn't seem right for it to just rot away in my docs
and yes i do have a LOT of headcanons for engie's family which i may share at a later date if the interest arises haha
i still absolutely love spydad and also extremely love dadgineer so this is certainly not the end
without further ado:
The Engineer prided himself on being able to solve practical problems, very efficiently with a copious amount of gun. He had a feeling this one would take a little more nuance.
Down in the dusty badlands of New Mexico, a Texan with a hard hat and oil-stained overalls offered his help to a rather taken aback Frenchman in a prohibitively expensive suit. It all started when a new man joined the team of mercenaries warring in the gravel pits two exorbitantly rich brothers were feuding over. Really, the new Scout was a kid, in his early twenties physically and even younger mentally. He adapted quickly to the job and his new coworkers. It certainly wasn't his first time he had worked as a trained killer, judging by the practiced ease he handled his weapons. The amount of gloating he did while slaughtering the enemy helped too. He fit right in with the rest of the questionably sane men, sharing that marked disregard for human life. However, the resident Engineer noticed something strange going on between the newcomer and the Spy. Usually, the masked infiltrator was distant and unseen on the battlefield, his only impact being the convenient disappearance of some enemy forces and the strategic destruction of a few buildings. Ever since the Scout joined, he seemed to be much more present and daring, stabbing backs in the frontlines much more frequently. In the Engineer's opinion, Spy had blocked far too many bullets cloaked in front of the young mercenary for it to be coincidental. The implications were so clear to him. Some might have called it an instinct, others may have chalked it up to excellent reasoning skills. Regardless, the assumption had planted itself deep in the Engineer's mind, and at a certain point just became fact.
"Say, son, how does it feel to work with someone you personally know?" The Engineer asked the Scout one day as they were getting ready to enter the battlefield.
"Eh? Whaddya on about, egghead?" The pure confusion from the Bostonian would have marked an embarrassing miscalculation on Engie's part if it weren't for the Spy, standing a couple feet behind the Scout, dropping his precious cigarette. Though he quickly wiped the look off of his face, it was enough. The kid didn't know.
"Ah, never mind. Musta spaced out for a second, mistook ya for someone else. Guess I'm gettin' old, huh?" The Engineer laughed good-naturedly and headed off for the gates, leaving the baffled Scout behind.
The Engineer was not done with this. Perhaps it was the sudden separation from his own kids, still a fresh wound even after months. In retrospect, he had no business in meddling with the two. Interpersonal relations strayed dangerously far from his area of expertise. In the moment though, he was not about to deny the kid the presence of a father who clearly still cared for him. So, he approached the Spy on that hot, dusty afternoon.
"Spy, I know we've got our differences, but I can't just stand here and watch that sad display you got goin' there between you and your son. If there's anythin' I can do, just say the word."
"What." Was all the normally eloquent Frenchman could muster in response. 
"Well, I'm a father myself, so I suppose I could give ya some pointers-"
"I don't think I need help from a man who was banned from seeing his own children," the Spy snapped back coldly.
"How didja know about that?" Even as the Engineer asked the question, he already knew the answer. Still, it was strange hearing it from someone else when he had put so much effort into separating his personal and work life.
"I am the Spy. It is my job. However, you are the Engineer. Your job is to make little toys to aid us in battle. So tell me, tinkerer, how did you know about me?" 
"Well..." He started, lifting a hand to adjust his helmet. "I noticed y'all been hangin' around a touch more ever since the kid joined..." The Spy raised an eyebrow.
"So you guessed. It was pure luck. Fascinating." The observation was nearly more sarcasm than accent, and Spy had a pretty heavy accent.
"I wouldn't say that," Engie quickly interjected, unwilling to take that blow to his ego. "I’d call it more of a... educated guess. A hypothesis, ya might say.”
and unfortunately that's all i've got, but hope you enjoyed :)
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ribellaione · 5 years
❛I know you told me not to worry about it, but I put it to a one-person vote, and I did anyway. Merry Christmas!❜ SHE pulls out a box, inside which lay two gifts. The first was four gingerbread cookies with striking RWBY likeness, of course! And the second... A headband knitted over in deep violet gradient -- with two triangular pockets. Faunus-proof earmuffs! ❛Don't ask how I got the measurements. Keep them warm, okay?❜ She all but coos, an affectionate kiss on the cheek swiftly following.
      “ It’s not really a vote if there’s only one person involved–”
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    but she stops herself before continuing, pressing lips together because she knew it was already too late to even protest. the cookies – of course they’d look like their team –  quickly bring a smile to her face, a soft laugh following. the headband feels soft to the touch as she picks it up, gaze moving from the pockets to ruby as a kiss is pressed to her cheek. she scrunches her nose for a moment, but her expression relaxes into fondness for the younger huntress. many would think the headband was a way to insinuate she ‘hide’ her ears, but blake knew that wasn’t the case. ruby would never do something like that. 
               “ Thank you, Ruby. I love it. “
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miyarii · 3 years
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x Reader, Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cheating ;-;
Summary: He still remembers it all. How he hurt you. But now that doesn't seem to matter to you. At least not anymore, when you've moved on. And he is left behind to pick up the pieces of his own broken heart. Maybe he deserved it.
Note: i saw that someone requested a part 2, and i immediately read through the fic again and realized holy shit, they were right. this is vague. this is bad. oh gosh, i hope i delivered it somewhat sufficiently. i don't think i did. well, i need to improve more >-< i'm tagging @multi-fandom-fanfic for this since they requested for a part 2. i hope it lives up to your expectations ^o^
part 1 | part 2
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He couldn't sleep.
There were bags on his eyes, and his appearance was messy and unkempt. He looked at the clock on his bedside table, watched as it turned 2:13 A.M. 7 months later, and thoughts of you still plagued his mind.
Well, it was only fair. He deserved it.
He stopped seeing her after you left. He remembers it all. Even in his drunken haze, he remembers all of those times he let himself be stupid. Him texting you he wouldn't be coming over for the night. The feeling of her skin on his, her coy giggles as they danced around, soon ending up tangled in each other. Her stupid little kisses that spurred his recklessness on. Him excusing his wrongs, his guilt, by saying he was drunk. And repeat.
He thought he loved her all those times, only to regret it in the mornings. Fucking stupid, and he hates it. How could he even think of loving another, when you were already there?
He missed you. So damn much.
As if his body had a mind of its own, he picked up his phone, already scrolling trhough his contacts to call you. Just when he was about to press call, he stopped. He didn't have the right to do that anymore. Instead, he opted to read your last messages to him. For the nth time.
'Goodmorning, Atsu. Did you sleep well?'
'Hinata-san's texting me. Are you still asleep?'
'If I find out you ended up drinking at some bar and got shitfaced AGAIN, I will kick your ass.'
'I have to go to work. Can't drop over your place rn. I'll just tell Hinata-san you'll be late, ok? See you later <3'
'I love you.'
The last brought him to tears.
I love you too, he meant to text back. But at that time, he was too busy trying to stop her from kissing his face all over. With a heavy heart, he willed himself to at least get enough rest for today.
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"My girlfriend's in the shower. I'll just tell her I have people over today. Make yourselves at home."
"Ya' have a girlfriend, Omi-omi? How long?"
"Yes. We're still new, but I can see myself with her for a lifetime. Now shut up." He was in disbelief. Kiyoomi actually had someone. How did he manage to keep it under wraps?
Immediately, Bokuto and Hinata started chatting about random topics, volleyball, food, their favorite matches. He only listened halfheartedly, too engrossed in looking around Kiyoomi's apartment.
And then he saw it. A neat, framed picture of Kiyoomi and his girlfriend, the man sporting a small genuine smile..... and your bright one matching his. His whole world stopped.
Fuck him.
You stepped out of your shared room with Kiyoomi, already smiling and ready to greet your guests. The moment your eyes landed on him, your smile faltered. He only stared at you, hoping that you will see the longing hidden behind his gaze. He missed you so much.
Then it hit him again. You were with Kiyoomi, not him.
Kiyoomi, being the observant person he is, noticed the quiet exhange between you. His brows furrowed, and he leaned over to whisper something in your ear. You froze before whispering back, and he watched as Kiyoomi's brows rose in confusion, and then his face morphed with an expression Atsumu couldn't quite define. Atsumu felt something stir in him, but he quickly tampered it down with another reminder that Kiyoomi was your boyfriend, not him.
You looked back over to the three of them, and smiled. "Hello. My name's Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." Hinata looked at you with surprise, him being the only other person to know that you were with Atsumu before. Bokuto only smiled, unknowing of the atmosphere surrounding the group. "Hi, Y/N-san! Nice to meet you too, I'm Kotaro Bokuto."
"Do you guys want anything to eat? I can pull something up." You looked at Kiyoomi, who in turn looked at the others.
"Nah, we're all good! We just came over to discuss tactics for the upcoming match," Bokuto answered, still quite oblivious to the scene unfurling in front of him.
Atsumu blinked.
'I can't tell you to love her more than I did you... because I know there is no one in my life who I will love more than you.'
'You deserved my love, Atsumu. It was me who didn't deserve yours.'
Was that just a lie?
As he watched you laugh with the others, nuzzle up to Kiyoomi every now and then, seemingly oblivious to his eyes burning into the two of you, he knew that you weren't lying. You wouldn't be able to love anyone more than him, but you certainly could learn to love someone just as much. And you didn't deserve his love. Because you deserved the love of someone better.
Well, he thought, it's only fair. I deserve it.
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ericsangyeon · 4 years
addicted - l.sy
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‘He was like fire, she was his igniter. Together they were each other's addictions.”
pairing: sangyeon x female! reader
word count: 7.0k
genre: angst, fluff, suggestive
theme: gang au sorta??
warnings: SMUT!!, profanity, drinking, guns, blood, kidnapping, bang chan and skz are villians
a/n: hey guys! i wanted to try writing a fic bc why not! this is my first tme ever writing smut so be nice. also this was edited many times but there could be mistakes so just bare with me. enjoy it! i worked really hard hehe -t :D
playlist moodboard
“Kevin oh my god. I'm not going to that criminal ball.” I roll my eyes at my best friend.
“Pretty please? You can finally meet Jacob! And I'm pretty sure a certain someone wants you there too,” Kevin smirks from the other side of the work area. I stop cleaning the countertops and stare up at him with wide eyes.
Kevin, and his boyfriend Jacob, are members of the underground mafia group TBZ, which never gets brought up when I'm with Kevin because he knows it makes me uncomfortable. That was until Lee Sangyeon came into the picture. Sangyeon is the leader and “big boss” (as Kevin calls him) of TBZ, and has somehow found interest in me. Ever since Kevin brought him into the cafe a month ago during one of my shifts, I kept bumping into him everywhere. From work, to campus, to even near my apartment. He tries to make small talk with me, which I always ignore and keep distance from him. I see him all the time despite wanting to, and I want nothing to do with him…. even though he literally looks and talks like an angel sent from heaven. I'm positive there is some sort of an attraction between the two of us. But don't tell anyone I said that. Lee Sangyeon is hopelessly attractive and I couldn't help myself to have developed a crush on him. If it wasn't for his shady career choice, I would have hooked up with him in an instant.
“How many times do I have to tell you Kevin? I want nothing to do with him,” I cry while Kevin snickers.
“He's not even that bad, he only hurts people who have wronged him” Kevin explains.”But never mind about him, Jacob really wants to meet you and you said you’re free Friday so please, please pl-”
“Fine oh my god.” I huff while Kevin claps, pleased with himself. “One problem, I have nothing to wear.”
“Not to worry about that sweetheart, I got that covered. Just text me your measurements.” Kevin says. I was going to try to argue with him but I knew he would win no matter what, so I just shot him a thumbs up.
“Anyways babes I gotta go to class now. See ya y/n!” Kevin grins, blew me an air kiss which I caught with a small smile, and walked out of the cafe.
I sigh and put the cleaning supplies away. As I went to greet a customer, all I could think was - it's just a ball, with your best friend and his boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
On Thursday night, as I was getting ready to make dinner, there was a knock on my apartment door. I went to answer it, but found no one there when I opened it. Instead, a white box with a small bag on top, both had my name on it. “Oh yes.” I thought to myself. “The criminal ball.”
I grabbed both items and brought them to my room to open them. I unsecure the first box to be greeted to white tissue paper and a note on top, which I pick up and read the writing.
“This colour will look ravishing on you. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
Or at least that's what I thought it said. It was written in a script that I had never seen before, and it certainly wasn't Kevin’s handwriting. Maybe Jacob’s? I put the note aside and unwrap the tissue paper to take out the dress and my jaw drops. I pull out a ball gown that was wine red and had a lace strapless top with a semi-poofy skirt attached. Below it were gold open toed high heels. I laid everything down on my bed and reached for the small bag that was on top. Without checking first, I pull out what was in that bag and gasp. In my hands is a beautiful gold mask with black silk fabric to wrap around my eyes. Fuck. Kevin never mentioned it being a masquerade ball? Now I have a higher chance of running into Lee Sangyeon since I probably won’t be able to tell who's who.
I send Kevin a quick text saying thank you for the dress, cursing him out for not telling me that piece of info. To finish my day, I made my dinner and went to bed early.
Friday night at 6:45pm, found me applying my last coat of lipstick as I stood up from my vanity chair. Staring back at me in the mirror was a completely different person. I loosely curled my long straight hair so it was falling down my back in waves. My makeup was not too heavy, yet not too light. My eyeshadow was a nude colour to contrast with my mask, as well as my lipstick was wine red to match my gown. The dress and shoes fit me perfectly (thanks Kevin), as well as the finishing touch, the gold mask.
My phone beeps and I looked down to see a text that the car Kevin sent for me was here, so I grabbed my phone and clutch and locked up my apartment. “Goodbye bed, I’ll see you later tonight.” I thought to myself, smirking.
The car waiting for me downstairs was gorgeous and sleek, and when I entered the back seat, the driver tipped his hat at me and we were on our way.
After driving 20 mins out of the city, the driver turns onto a single sided road where in the distance, I could see a huge house with bright lights shining.
“Oh my god.” I whispered to myself as the driver pulled up to a mansion - no - castle with a staircase leading to the entrance. The car stops and I could feel myself start to get nauseous. The driver came to open my door, lending me a hand so I could get out of the car safely.
“Have a great evening, Miss y/n.”
“Thank you, I do hope so.” I smile softly as I turned to walk up the staircase on this warm June evening.
As I was walking in the big hallway that led to what I'm guessing is the ballroom, I went over my rules for tonight. 1) Don't trip 2) stay with Kevin 3) avoid Sangyeon at all costs.
But of course, when the guards opened the big double doors for me to enter, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me as I walked further into the room. I see someone come forward from the crowd of people and my eyes go wide because I know it is not Kevin or Jacob.
Lee Sangyeon is walking towards me like he had been waiting for this moment, and there was nothing I could do about it.
He looks amazing of course, like a walking marble statue that came to life. His light brown hair was pushed back to reveal his amazing eyebrows and smirking lips and he was dressed in a black velvet suit that was so low cut that I could see a glimpse of his defined pecs. He wore a black velvet mask over his brown eyes. Sangyeon had me very much weak at the knees right now so thank god everyone went back to minding their own business.
“Y/n! I'm so glad you could make it.” He smiles at me. That goddamn smile. “You look exquisite.” Sangyeon said to me as he reached down, grabs my hand and softly kisses it while staring at me.
My breath hitches. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” I softly smile at him. “Now excuse me,” I whisper, attempting to create some distance. But his hand on mine got tighter.  “May I have this dance?” Sangyeon asks. I nod my head, not sure what took over me. He softly smiles at me and leads me toward the dance floor, where other couples are dancing already. As we were nearing the dance floor, I felt myself trip over my gown. Before I could faceplant with the floor, rough hands were on my waist pulling me up.
“Be careful y/n.” Sangyeon chuckles and I thought I would throw up on his designer shoes.
He puts my hands on his neck and grabs my waist to pull me close to him. Sangyeon starts to sway me back and forth, eyes never leaving mine. As we danced for a few minutes, I felt his thumb lightly brush against my hip bone and I saw him slightly leaning his face towards mine. I finally jumped out of the trance he put me in and unwrapped my arms from his neck.
“I can’t do this. Excuse me.” I told Sangyeon as I brushed past him, leaving him on the dancefloor alone.
I speed walk over to the bar and spot a familiar black head of curls standing with a brunette boy wearing a similar tux.
“Where have you been, asshole?” I yell behind Kevin, making him jump and then smile at me.
“Hey y/n you made it! Meet Jacob, my boyfriend.” He gestures towards the man next to him wearing the same mask.
“Nice to meet you, Jacob. Kev, I'm getting a drink and then calling a cab to leave. I can’t be here.” I say while looking around.
Before Kevin could say anything back, I turned my back to him and ordered red wine from the nearest bartender. I sigh and drink my wine and look over at the guy who is standing next to me.
“Rough night?’ He smiles at me.
“You could say that.” I smile back as I drank more of my wine.
He chuckles and extends his hand to me.”I’m Bang Chan.”
“Y/n.” I shake his hand back.
His smile faded once I said my name.”You’re Lee’s girl?”
I stare wide eyed at him. “I'm who's girl??”
Before he could answer me, a body was standing between us. Sangyeon.
“Piss off Bang, she's mine.” Sangyeon growls at him.
“Excuse me?” I said but no one seems to hear me.
“Chill out Lee, I was just getting to know her, but I’ll leave.” Bang Chan waves bye to me behind Sangyeon’s back and walks away.
Sangyeon turned around and looked at me, his defined jaw clenching tightly.
“Y/n, we are leaving.” He states.
“I am not going anywhere with you!” I yell back while a muscle in his jaw twitches as he clenches  his hands into a fist.
“Y/n. I suggest you go with him before he tries to shoot someone, because he will.” Kevin appears and says behind me, squeezing my shoulder. I just nod my head at Sangyeon. Kevin would never put me in danger. Right?
Before I could even say bye, Sangyeon grabs my hand and is leading me out the ballroom door, out of the castle and towards his car.
He opens the passenger seat car door for me. “Get in.” He says to me. I glare at him as I get in slowly.
Sangyeon shuts the door and walks over to the driver side, gets in, takes his mask off, and starts the car without even saying anything. And we are off to god knows where.
The entire drive was silent. Sangyeon is gripping the wheel tightly, rough fingers scattered with rings turning white. I'm too scared to move, only moving my hands to remove my mask and my heels that were starting to hurt my feet.
20 minutes later, we are back in the city and Sangyeon is pulling into a parking garage surrounded by guards. He pulls into a parking spot, and leaves the car after stopping it. I open the car door to follow him, barefoot and all.
In the elevator I kept trying to glance over at Sangyeon, but he’s looking straight ahead, defined jaw still clenched. The elevator door opens and I gasp. I walk out behind Sangyeon to see a beautiful penthouse common area surrounded by glass windows overlooking the city night sky.
Before I could even admire the place and the city lights that surrounded the room, my back is being pushed against a hard wall to face a livid Sangyeon. He grabs  my wrists and leans in.
“How dare you talk to other men, especially him.” Sangyeon growls in my ear. “You’re mine.”
I stare at him in disbelief as he faces me again. “I-I will never be yours. You can't tell me what to do.”
A smirk slowly appears on his face. “Oh yeah? We will see about that, princess.”
Before I could even think of a witty response back, Sangyeon grabbed my face and his lips were on mine, and I felt my tough interior crumble as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer, bodies touching.
He kisses me again. And again. Like he is possessing me. And it was working as I kissed him back hard. “You are mine” Sangyeon whispers against my lips. “No one else’s.” Sangyeon starts kissing down my neck, lightly sucking on certain parts, while I’m biting my lip trying to hold back my moans. It felt so goddamn good, but I'm stubborn and didn't want him to have the upper hand. Sangyeon sucks hard on the crook of my neck, making me release my lips and moan as I feel him smirk against my neck. He won, I lost and now I am melting into his touch.
Sangyeon kisses my shoulders and exposed collarbones, stops and chuckles into the crook of my neck.
“You know I picked this dress for you. Not Kevin.” he says while unzipping my gown.
“What?” I whisper, shocked.
“You heard me.” Then my dress is on the ground, leaving me in just my black strapless bra and panties.  Sangyeon is staring at my body with lust covered eyes as I just stare back at him, both of us breathing heavily, a boner starting to appear in his velvet suit pants.
“Wow, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He says quickly before kissing me again hard on the lips, shoving each other's tongues deep inside our mouths.
“Jump” He mumbles against my mouth and I obey, wrapping my legs around him as he carries me to his bedroom, never breaking the kiss.
When we enter his room, he lays me down softly on the huge mattress and proceeds to take my bra off, leaving me topless.
“God, these tits.” I hear him growl as I hiss at the cold air hitting my bare breasts, but the hissing quickly turns into moans as Sangyeon takes my right nipple into his mouth and sucks on it while playing with the other one using his hand.
“Fuck.” I moan loudly, mouth parting.
After rotating, sucking and playing with my breasts, Sangyeon removes his mouth from my nipple and starts to kiss down my stomach, inching towards my panties.
“You're such a good girl for me.” He coos on my stomach as I moan and squirm. Sangyeon brushes his fingers lightly against the fabric of my panties and looks up at me and mouths “you sure?” I nod my head back. He smiles before removing my panties with his teeth. I am now bare naked in front of a fully clothed Lee Sangyeon.
Sangyeon positions himself right in front of my pussy and spreads my legs open as I gasp and watch him lean down. He kisses and sucks on both my thighs, guaranteeing hickeys in those spots later on.
“You’re so fucking ethereal, Y/n.” Sangyeon mumbles and kisses the tops of my thighs softly, and before I could even think, his mouth was on my clit and I scream.
“FUCK Sangyeon oh my god!” I arch my back and moan loud as he licks into my clit.
“So wet me for me already.” He murmurs against my pussy.
He starts to suck and kiss my clit and I can’t breathe. I could feel his tongue exploring my entire pussy, eating it up as if it was his favorite food. My hands found his soft light brown hair and as I ran my hands through it, he sucked on my clit even harder. After for what seemed like seconds, Sangyeon comes up for air and proceeds to put a finger slowly in my hole, pumping in and out.
“You tasted so good, I can’t wait to see how you take my fingers and then my cock.” Sangyeon rasps out as he adds another finger as I'm a moaning mess below him.
“FUCK! Im gonna-” “Cum for me babygirl.” He says while pumping his fingers faster. I arch my back and scream his name while I cum onto his rough digits. He removes them from my pussy and sucks on the juices that got on them.
“Tastes so sweet.” He says while licking his fingers clean and staring directly at my hooded eyes and parted mouth.
Before I can even catch my breath, his lips are on mine quickly, stands up from the bed and unbuttons his blazer, revealing his amazing toned upper body and taking off his pants and boxers, cock slapping against his abs. He was huge, I gulp knowing that that's going to be inside me soon.
“I'm on the pill!” I hear myself blurt out. Sangyeon chuckles at that.
“Good to know y/n.” He says with a smile while running a hand through his hair before positioning himself over my body, hands on each side of me and aligning his cock with my hole.
“This is gonna hurt.” I thought to myself, since the last time I had sex was high school and it was awful to say the least.
Sangyeon starts to slide his dick in slowly and I can’t breathe again.
“Fuck. You're such a tight baby girl.” He rasps out as I let out a string of curses.
Sangyon thrusts into me slowly at first, but when he realizes i'm no longer screaming and just moaning, he removes his cock and slams it back into me hard and fast, which makes me lose my mind. He swears under his breath a few times before he speeds up the movements. I wrap my arms and legs around him, leaving scratches on his back as he leans closer to me and touches his forehead with mine.
“You're so beautiful sprawled out like this under me princess.” he growls into my ear as he thrusts even harder into my pussy, making both of us swear and moan each other's names as I move my hands from his back to his hair and he moves his to play with my nipples.
Between Sangyeon pinching my nipples and his cock tearing me open, the pleasure flowing through right now is something I have never felt before.
“Shit y/n!” Sangyeon grunts and thrusts hard once more into my pussy and pulls his dick out and uses his right hand to pump out his orgasm all over my stomach. His other hand reaches down to rub my clit in circles while kissing my neck and leaving more hickeys to help ride out my second orgasm of the night.
“Fuck Sangyeon!” I scream as I release all over his fingers once again. He licks it up again and mumbles “so sweet princess.” while looking at my dilated pupils.
He gets off me and rolls over so that he's beside my overstimulated body but head is tilted towards my direction.
“Are you okay?” Sangyeon asks me, concerned eyes looking over my shaking body that's struggling to even look at where he is.
“I'm amazing.” I respond back softly, him sighing in relief as he strokes my cheek with his knuckle.
“I've wanted to do this for so long.” He whispers and smiles softly at me.
“Me too.” I whisper back smiling as he kisses my lips softly and jumps out of bed, and runs into the connected bathroom fully naked leaving me alone in his huge bed, body paralyzed.
Sangyeon returns with a washcloth and a bowl of warm water and moves my shaking body so I'm lying on his leg while he dips the cloth in the water and starts to clean me up.
“You did so well for me. You were so beautiful when you came. So beautiful for me.” He murmurs to me fondly, rubbing the cloth over my body tenderly as I'm falling in and out of slumber. As I fall asleep, Sangyeon gets into bed next to me and tucks us both in. He kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around my waist and I rest my head on his chest.
“What a night.” I think to myself before dozing off in Sangyeons strong arms, moonlight shining through the huge windows.
Tomorrow is a new day, where we decide what happens next. But one thing's for sure.
I am addicted to Lee Sangyeon.
Light shines through the windows as I open my eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding, and then it hits me. I had mindblowing sex with Lee Sangyeon and now I am lying naked, tangled in his bedsheets. I feel an arm loosely draped around my bare waist. As I sigh and glance over next to me, I find Sangyeon lying on his side, staring at me with fond eyes.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispers to me in his deep morning voice. Swoon.
“Good morning, handsome.” I whisper back to him with a smile on my face.
I untangle myself from his arm, and attach my lips softly to his. Sangyeon does not react at first, but proceeds to kiss me back softly and full of tenderness as he cups my face into his hands. I break the kiss and lay my head on his bare chest.
“Last night was amazing.” Sangyeon murmurs into my hair and kisses my temple as I nod back.
Oh fuck, I just remembered. I sat up and faced the man with wide eyes.
“What's wrong baby?” Sangyeon asks, genuinely concerned.
“Fuck, what do I tell Kevin?” I gape at him.
Sangyeon chuckles loudly, eyes crinkling as he grabs my waist and pulls me down towards him. He tickles me, making me laugh.
After lying in bed for what seemed like hours and just talking, Sangyeon reaches over to the night table next to him. He grabs his phone and starts to furiously type as I just stare at his fingers flying across the screen.
“I told Jacob he is in charge over at the house this weekend, which means I get to spend it all with you.” He says as he puts his phone back down. Apparently, now I was spending the weekend at Sangyeon’s luxury penthouse. Good thing I didn’t have work this weekend.
After taking a shower in Sangyeon’s massive ensuite bathroom (and looking at myself in the mirror, in shock at the sight of my hickeys across my body), I changed into the clothes he left me, which seems to be his boxers and a blue and pink pullover sweater. I walk out of the bedroom towards the kitchen to find a very shirtless Sangyeon putting waffles on the island counter. He briefly explained to me earlier that he sent all his staff home, including his cooks, so it could just be us in the penthouse.
“Wow, waffles? You really know the way to a girl's heart.” I say amused as I take a seat on one of the island chairs.
He laughs loud and leans over the island, arms resting on the counter. “It's one of the only things I know how to make, so expect take out the rest of the weekend.” Sangyeon says with a smile on his beautiful face as I wolfed down the waffles in front of me.
“One day I’ll teach you how to cook.” I wink at him.
Sangyeon grabs my hand softly and rubs his thumb over my knuckles and kisses them softly. “I would love that, y/n.” He says with a smile on his face.
The rest of the day is spent just relaxing. Sangyeon shows me around his penthouse, from his impressive indoor gym to his walk in closet in which he implies that will once be mine as well. I ignore his comment. Afterwards, he shows me the tv room where a massive flat screen was attached to the wall and asks me to pick a movie, which I pick The Notebook.
“Really y/n?” Sangyeon rolls his eyes as he sets the movie up.
“Yes Sangyeon really. Now come sit here and enjoy.” I respond as I pat the spot on the leather couch next to me.
After the movie, and laughing at an almost crying Sangyeon, I go to retrieve my phone from my clutch to find 15 missed calls from Kevin.
“Oh good! He didn't kill you!” Kevin cries in my ear after picking up after the first ring.
“Yes Kev, I'm totally fine.” I respond quietly.
“Did you guys fuck?” Kevin asks and when I don’t respond, he screams into the phone, which makes me cringe and move the device away from my ear.
“OMG I KNEW IT YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING! WAS HIS DICK AS BIG AS JACOB AND I THOUGHT?” He yells into the phone as I softly chuckle and proceeds to tell everything to a panicking Kevin.
“Holy shit. I owe Eric $50.” Kevin sighs into the phone after I explained everything to him.
“You were betting on me? Anyways I don't even wanna know.” I say annoyed.
“Are you guys like a thing now?” He asks me.
“I'm not entirely sure.” I reply unsure.
“Well no matter what, I support you sweetcheeks.” Kevin assures.
I snort. “Thanks Kev, right back at you. Gotta go now eat dinner, I'll update you later.”
Kevin laughs. “Enjoy Sangyeons big d-” I hung up on him.
That night found Sangyeon and I, fully clothed, cuddled in bed and holding each other, just listening to each other's heartbeat and making small talk.
“Sangyeon, how did you become the leader of TBZ?” I asked, looking up at him from where my head was on his chest.
He sighs and looks straight ahead. “For generations, a Lee has always led the gang, no matter what. It was between my cousins and myself, but my elders picked me, as my dad was the former leader before he passed and I've always been a leader, even since I was a young boy,” Sangyeon replies.
“I’m so sorry.” I say to him. He smiles softly and kisses my cheek.
“Don’t worry about me princess. Tell me, what are you studying?” He asks me.
“I'm studying childhood studies and english lit  so after I graduate I can enroll in a teachers college. I wanna be an elementary school teacher.” I answer him proudly.
Sangyeon smiles at me fondly. “You will be an amazing teacher.” He says while stroking my face with his hands. He kisses me softly as I melt into his touch.
After not being so sure about Sangyeon, I have come to realize how amazing he is. I can feel myself starting to like him more and more each day.
I am his and he is mine and in the end, it's him and I.
Months pass, and Sangyeon and I can’t get enough of each other. Everyday when I finish my shift at work, he picks me up and we either go to his place or mine to have dinner. Last week I even taught him how to boil pasta! But, sometimes we don’t even make it to dinner because I end up riding him in the back of his luxury car. Whoops.
One day while we were lying in bed after having sex, I sat up.
“Wait Sangyeon, what are we?” I asked him, facing where he was lying on his back.
Sangyeon sat up next to me.  “Well y/n, I'm extremely fond of you and think you are the most intelligent and beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, and I wish to give you nothing but happiness and satisfaction. I would love nothing more than for you to be my girlfriend,” He says to me, a glimmer in his eyes.
I stare at him, shocked because no one has ever said anything like this to me, and then I felt myself smile at him as I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
“Yes Lee Sangyeon, I will be your girlfriend. I will be yours.”
He smiles wide back at me. “Then you are all mine.” He whispers back as he connects his lips with mine for a passionate kiss.
Kevin thinks it’s hilarious that I wear more turtlenecks more often, which always makes me turn beet red. Because when Sangyeon and I have sex, he doesn’t just bite, he chews on my body like a fucking dog (“Doesnt it feel so good though?” “Kevin I swear to god.”) I have also gotten to meet Sangyeon’s entire gang, made up of 11 men including himself, and watching Sangyeon speak to them so confidently and leader-like makes my heart flutter. Yeah, I definitely think I’ve fallen in love with Lee Sangyeon.
A rainy Thursday afternoon found me finishing up my shift at work, getting ready to close the cafe as the only employee left. Sangyeon had texted me earlier saying he couldn't pick me up today due to an important meeting, so I was stuck walking home alone. Which was fine with me since my apartment was only a ten minute walk from the cafe.
As I was locking up the cafe doors, I heard a car engine behind me. I turned around smiling, expecting to see Sangyeon, but my smile faded, when the window opened and Bang Chan was in the passenger seat, pointing a gun at me.
“Y/n. Get in the car right now so no one gets hurt.” He commands me in a monotone voice.
“Never.” I sneer back at him and start to back away from the car.
“Fine. Guess we are doing this the hard way.” He replies.
Before I could sprint away, someone appeared behind me, put a cloth to my mouth and grabbed my waist. As the world around me went black, all I could think was, “Lee Sangyeon is going to murder you for stealing his girl.”
Blood. Blood is dripping from a gash in my forehead when I regain consciousness. I look around frantically to find myself in what looked like an abandoned warehouse with my hands and legs tied together with heavy rope.
“Help!” I scream loudly, but that did not do anything for my situation. Instead, Bang Chan enters with another man holding a rifle and I feel another scream forming in my throat. The rope tied around my hands and legs were digging into my flesh and I could feel blood emerging from them.
“Ah y/n! Lee’s playtoy! Glad to see you awake!” Bang Chan claps and smiles at me wickedly while I just glare back.
“TBZ knows you're with us sweetheart.” He says. “We told them it's either you or the money.”
My mouth opens and then closes. “What money? I swear I don't know anything, he never tells me about his work,” I cry to him.
“LIES!” Bang Chan screams. “Han. Go get her.” The other man - Han - walks over to me, ignites the rifle and puts it against my head hard. I start to cry even harder and squirm in my spot even though I feel the rope burning getting worse.
“We are going to try this again y/n. Where is the money?” Bang Chan yells into my face. I spat at him and Han forced the gun to my already bleeding forehead harder.
“I'm done. Shoot her.” Bang Chan shouts.
“No, please don't shoot!” I cry, knowing nothing will make a difference.
As I felt Han press down on the trigger, I stop thrashing and sat still. At this point, there was nothing I could do to stop this myself.
Lee Sangyeon, don't forget about me.
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH HER!” A familiar voice yells behind Bang Chan.
I wail loud with my last bit of strength I had.  “Help m-” BOOM!
Around me, I see the building collapse, rubble hitting my head as it knocks me over. Gunshots were loud and clear although my ears were ringing loud.
The last thing I remember before blacking out again were strong arms pulling me out of rubble.
Beeping. White ceiling. That is what I see and hear when I finally regain consciousness again. Looking around the plain room, I can see that I’m in a hospital bed. There is a bandage on my head and I can feel both my wrists and feet bandaged tightly, as well as an IV in my right arm. I move my head to the right slowly to the hallway window and see guards are positioned outside the hospital room. “Anything for Lee Sangyeon’s girl.” I think to myself and chuckle.
Wait. Sangyeon. Where is he? Is he alive?
“Hey sweet cheeks.” I hear a voice from the other side of the room. I slowly turn my head to see Kevin standing up from the couch that is in front of my bed and smiling at me.
“I'm glad you're okay. You woke up earlier than the doctors thought. You don’t have to worry about the Stray Kids gang anymore. They all died in the explosion.” He explains to me.
I nod my head slowly.
“Sangyeon. Where is Sangyeon?” I rasp out to Kevin.
Kevin softly smirks and shakes his head at the ground. “He's okay, he was here a few minutes ago, he hasn’t left your side in days. I’ll go get him, he's just getting his bandages touched up. He got injured in the explosion while pulling you out of the rubble.” Kevin tells me as I feel tears in my eyes. He would’ve sacrificed himself to save my life.
After patting my head softly, Kevin left the room to get Sangyeon, leaving me alone crying softly.
“Y/n.” I gasp and sit up and look towards the door, where the love of my life, Lee Sangyeon is standing with white bandages on his left arm and tears streaming down his scratched up, but beautiful face. Seeing him standing in front of me, makes me cry even harder. Without saying anything, I rip the IV out of my arm, slide out of the bed and jump into Sangyeons arms, and engulf him in a hug, which he gladly returns.
“I thought I lost you.” I cry into his shoulder as he sits down on the bed with me on his lap. I move my head to stare into his beautiful eyes, that still have his usual shimmer, even after all that has happened. “You'll never lose me.” He whispers fondly as he cups my face in his hands and wipes away my tears softly with his right thumb.
Sangyeon held me like I was a broken doll, fragile but sweet. He whispered sorry to me over and over again, which I quickly shushed and ran a bandaged hand through his soft brown hair.
“I love you so much.” I say to him, grabbing his neck softly and pulling him towards me.
“I love you more princess.” He says while smiling wide at me, which made me smile back at him as we connected foreheads.
“God Sangyeon. Go take a shower you stink.” I say to him as we enter his penthouse after being in the hospital for days, which ended with the doctor clearing both of us. I got the bandages on my head, hands, and feet, and he got his bandages removed.
“And you don’t smell y/n?” He smirks at me as I scoff. “Shower with me.” He says, eyes darkening as my breath hitches.
“Okay.” I nod, and we are on our way to his huge ensuite bathroom.
We both strip out of our dirty clothes and get into the massive glass shower, me going in first with Sangyeon following.
I watch him pump the liquid from the shampoo bottle into his hands, and lather the shampoo into my hair as he stands behind me.
“You’re so fucking beautiful Y/n” Sangyeon tells me as I lean my back into his chest. His hands lightly trace my body, lingering on my lower stomach and my breasts. I could feel his erection growing, and being the little greedy bitch I am, I grind down on it slowly. All of a sudden, he turns me around and attaches his lips to mine hard, and we are both caught in a rough make out session. He breaks the kiss and stares at me with lust clouded eyes.
“Are you gonna take care of this princess?” Sangyeon asks me while his eyes are motioning to his cock.
“Yes Sir.” I reply, not sure where that came from, as he pushes my shoulders down lightly and I feel myself fall to my knees.
Without thinking, I grab his hard cock with my hands and pump it a few times.I licked the slit tasting the precum that had come out, before sinking my mouth down his shaft softly, making him swear under his breath.
“Fuck you’re such a good girl. You suck my cock so well.” He hisses while grabbing my hair and guiding my head back and forth while I lap up his precum. He guides my head so that I swallow his cock and I gag on it a bit, which makes him growl loudly. My watering eyes glanced up at Sangyeon to see his head tilted back, mouth open partially.
“Fuck y/n I’m gonna cum. Gonna dirty up that hot mouth of yours.” Sangyeon rasps out as I feel his hot cum go down my throat as he rides out his orgasm. I release myself from his dripping cock and swallow the cum that had landed in my mouth.
“Fuck y/n. Princess. You're so good at that.” He cooes at me while helping me stand up and kisses me quickly and firmly on the mouth.
“Do I get something for being good, Sir?” I ask him while batting my eyes together, trying to pout as much as I could.
“That depends, what do you want? You want me to fuck you in this shower until you can't walk” He asks me loudly.
“God yes!” I answer him. Sangyeon picks me up like I weigh nothing as I wrap my legs and arms around his broad body.
“FUCK!” I scream as Sangyeon slams his cock into my pussy without any warning.
“You’re so fucking tight, shit.” Sangyeon curses under his breath.
I moan like crazy as Sangyeon fucks me hard, every thrust hitting my g-spot.
“You feel so good y/n. Your tight pussy feels amazing around my cock.” He rasps out before sucking on my jaw, making me arch my back and moan. I could feel my orgasm coming already. Sangyeon is a sex god and he knew how to have me cumming within seconds.
“I'm gonna cum in you, y/n, ok? I want you to feel my hot cum inside of you.” He growls in my ear as I loudly moan. I couldn't even answer him, I just nodded my head while leaving scratches on his back.
“FUCK!” We both scream and cum at the same time, I shudder feeling Sangyeons hot load entering my pussy. He drops his head onto my shoulder, whispering praise in my ear as I'm shaking in his arms. Both of us panting and sweating, even underneath the water. When he pulls his cock out, his cum and my cum is dripping fast out of my pussy. Sangyeon puts me down but I start to fall over, so he catches me and starts to snicker.
“Well I guess we have to take a real shower now and clean ourselves up.” He says amusingly as I roll my eyes and smack his chest as he laughs.
June 2021, I finally graduate college! As my name is being called, shouts and cheers come from the audience as I look and see the entire TBZ gang jumping up and down. My smile grows even bigger when I'm shaking the headmaster's hand and see Sangyeon, my boyfriend of one year, in the audience holding a bouquet of red roses with a huge proud smile on his face. After enrolling in teacher’s college and officially moving in with Sangyeon, Kevin announces to everyone over a gang family dinner that he and Jacob are getting married, and that I'm his best person, which makes the whole gang erupt in chaos. Sangyeon has to calm everyone down, and congratulates the happy couple fondly, knowing that everyone will be as supportive when he finally asks his best girl to marry him.
Two months later I found myself at the MoonBae wedding. During the reception, Kevin calls all the non-married men and women to the dance floor so he can throw the bouquet. What shocks everyone the most is when I catch it, making Kevin and Jacob both scream and tackle me in a hug. Sangyeon chokes on his glass of scotch and turns purple watching the whole event unfold.
Sangyeon proposes to me one quiet night four months after Kevin and Jacob’s wedding as we are both drinking wine and watching the sunset on his penthouse balcony.
“Y/n, You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” He says to me with tears in eyes as he gets down on one knee. “Will you marry me?” Sangyeon asks.
“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you. ” I answer him crying.
Sangyeon smiles wide at me and picks me up and spins me around before kissing me passionately.
“I love you so much y/n l/n.”
“I love you more Lee Sangyeon.”
“You’re mine forever.”
“And I'm yours.”
well i hope you enjoyed! sorry if it was bad or rushed again it was my first time hehe
stream breaking dawn and support tbz on kingdom :D
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
So a soulmate event aye? I'm here for it.
I was thinking this prompt
- A red string tied around your pinky is connected to your soulmate’s pinky (when the two of you are in a certain distance)
With Atsumu or Osamu? I have a thing for those 2 and i just love them so much and they deserve nice things and just yes.
I hope you're taking care of yourself!!!!!
omg i sort of popped off on this one and it ended up just a lil longer than i thought it would and omg. i have no words for myself at this rate. look, i will not be judged for my sudden and random love this boy, but um. you’ll see
thank you for participating! I am taking care of myself most of the time so eh ya know
Your yearly visit to Japan wasn’t meant to be anything special. Just a trip to Japan where you’d meet your cousins again.
When the three of you stood next to each other, you could see why no one thought that you, Kiyoomi and Motoya were related. Alas, you were, much to the world’s surprise. It didn’t even help that you weren’t from Japan, so your grasp on the language was laughable. You coped and so did they.
“A volleyball game?” You quirked a brow at Motoya as he grinned widely, taking the seat opposite you and snatching an onigiri off your plate. A glare formed quickly on your face and you pulled the plate close to you, shovelling another in your mouth.
“Not just any game, but nationals.” There was a shine of excitement in his eyes and you shrugged.
“I guess I could go, not like I have any plans.” Your parents often described you as a perfect middle between Kiyoomi and Motoya; not quite an outgoing puppy, but not really hating the idea of people either. There weren’t too many things you and your cousins could agree on; it wasn’t that you hated each other, but you just never had the time to bond with them like they had. Still, when you got together, things weren’t awkward. They just… were.
“Do you ever have any plans?” Kiyoomi snorted, leaning against the kitchen counter. Resisting the urge to throw the plate at him, you settled on glaring at him.
“For your information,” you said, pointing at him, “I have plenty of plans when I’m back home.”
They both laughed. Motoya decides to cackle like a hyena, Kiyoomi chuckles softly. Was it really that hard to believe? Okay, so, sure, you didn’t really have that many friends - that didn’t mean you couldn’t have plans! It just meant that you’d spend more nights alone than you’d like to admit - they didn’t need to know that though. Not like you were going to tell them anyway.
What you hadn’t expected - from the brief description Motoya had given you on the way to the stadium - was that volleyball would be one of the most boring and thrilling things in your life. There were parts so filled with tension and passion that you could have drowned in it. And then some rallies would go on for what felt like days and you’d lose interest, only to be pulled back into it a second later.
Your cousin wasn’t the number one ace in the country for no reason; he played with a level head yet intensity beyond his years. You didn't even fully understand why Motoya was leaping across the court, or what a Libero was, or what was happening. How you’d never agreed to come before was beyond you.
But something is amiss, and you don’t notice it until a red string floats into your vision, like it’s purposefully making you aware of its presence. Your breath catches in your throat just as Kiyoomi slams down the ball.
It was almost funny that the year you decided to watch the volleyball game Motoya had been inviting you to for forever that you’re soulmate would suddenly burst into existence. You can’t help the sinking feeling in your stomach, because if you’d stayed back in your home country this year like your dad had asked, then you never would have gotten this opportunity again.
It didn’t take much internal convincing for you to start following the string. Looping through halls, twisting and turning around people. Anticipation built up, one you’d felt so many times today, but this was a different kind of anticipation. A swelling in your stomach, a flutter of butterflies that had been startled awake. Something so primal, an urge inside of you, yet something so calm at the same time.
The closer you got the more your mind urged you to run. As crowds formed, you couldn’t help but think back to your parents' comparison of you and Kiyoomi (because even if you didn’t hate people as much, crowds were your worst enemy).
You pushed through, ignoring the urges of your heart because God knows when you’ll get this chance again. That was the point. You probably weren’t going to get this chance again. Not since you would be starting University, your parents wouldn’t just be sending you to another country for a month - even if it was for family reasons - this was your final chance to meet your soulmate.
God, if you’d have known that your soulmate was in Japan this whole time then you would have begged to live here as a child, but you didn’t. Especially being the older of your cousins, you couldn’t help but feel slightly more anxious.
Barely 18, ready to live your life, and now you’d found your soulmate. Motoya would be excited for you, Kiyoomi would probably offer his apologies depending on who it was.
Thoughts wracked with who it could be. What they would look like. How they would act. Sound. Talk to you. React. You didn’t even notice how close it had gotten until a hand was pulled in front of your eyes; the person it was connected to looked down at you, tears in his eyes, though seeming generally disinterested.
Your heart stopped - whether from anxiety or excitement, you’d figure out later - he met your eyes and you couldn’t help but blush.
Just as you were about to speak - make your debut moment to your soulmate - a wave of people suddenly surrounded you and you froze. Like all the air had been taken from your lungs. Your heart - previously stopped - now worked in full force. If it weren’t for the buzzing in your pocket, you might have passed out right there.
Your soulmate was staring down at you as you shakily reached into your pocket, answering the call without any question. “Where are you?” Motoya’s voice rang clear. You blink slowly, trying to catch your breath enough to speak.
“S-soulmate…” the word feels so foreign on your lips (reasonably so). He instructs you to pass the phone to him - it takes a lot of effort, but you manage, ruling the phone away from your face and to him. He takes it - albeit hesitating - and starts a conversation with your cousin.
The string looks so strange wrapped around your finger but it was something simple you could focus on. Breathing was painful, and the crowd didn’t seem to be clearing. You didn’t catch the conversation but his face shifted and he reached out for your hand, looking around quickly.
He must have seen something that would help because he weaved you in and out of the crowd towards a corner with a group of people standing in it. You didn’t recognise them, so you could only assume this is where you were going to die.
You were too busy saying your prayers when he pulled you closer to him. “Who’s that?” Asked a boy with bleached blond hair, scrunching up his nose. You were probably hallucinating - and in the  off chance you weren’t, you were asking for more prayers - because the boy with the bleach blond hair looks almost identical to your soulmate.
He looked down at you with contempt, but you didn’t have the energy to care, not as your soulmate pulled you closer away from him. You could just imagine a smirk forming on his lips. Somehow, his presence calmed you just enough that you could focus.
He talked with - who you quickly learned to be - his brother and the rest of his team. Miya Osamu - your soulmate - kept you close by, still looking at you with disinterest. It didn’t take long for your cousins to find you, but even after they did, you didn't leave Osamu’s side.
Motoya pulled you into a hug and talked to you softly, Kiyoomi muttered exactly what you thought he would, “you’re an idiot.” But there was something caring in his tone.
Motoya was explaining to you that they made it to the second round, but you weren’t paying too much attention. Of course they made it to the second round, they always did (well, you weren’t sure of that, this was the first time you’d been here).
Throughout the rest of your visit to Japan you spent more time on your phone to Osamu than you would willingly admit to the boys. Considering he was from Hyogo, and you were staying in Tokyo, it only made it harder. You joked and said it would only prepare you more for the long distance you’d have to do when you returned home. You didn’t miss the sad look in his eyes. So many countless nights spent on the phone, pretending like you didn’t want to be in his arms.
Long distance was harder than you could have imagined; between opposing time zones, schedules, and just general life things, it was hard to find time to talk to Osamu. You made a promise to each other, that if you ever happened to go no-contact (whether by accident or on purpose) that you would find each other eventually.
That was what happened.
With so much work, you were losing sleep, your grades were slipping, everything was stressful. The same for Samu; he was too tired to practise, grades going downhill. You were the most worried when Tsumu stopped teasing his slightly younger brother and started actually caring.
Contact slipped until it just stopped. It wouldn’t be another five years until you’d see Samu again. 
You finally made the decision to move to Japan - specifically Hyogo - you’d claim it was because Kiyoomi lived there, but really it was because you hoped for a chance encounter with Osamu.
Kiyoomi made the decision to introduce you to his team and you were met with one overly excited Miya Atsumu. The boy - although now he was more of a man - recognised you immediately as his brother's soulmate. He stepped away from you briefly, claiming he had an urgent phone call to make and you didn’t question it - you had no reason to after all.
Not until that familiar red string floats into your vision as it had done all the years ago and you turn around to see Osamu standing there, a little out of breath but so happy. You act on instinct, throwing yourself into his arms and promising to not leave his side again.
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@pies-writes-and-more @satan-ruler-of-hells @dekuspet @samkysnks @lucyheartfilias-wife
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huntertheblackwolf · 4 years
The Morning After
(2.0k) Thank you guys for waiting! (a whole month 👀) Also, shout out to @eisukevint ! They were really nice to help me out, so an extra thanks to you!!💕 Alright, let's go!
Chapter III: The Meeting
‘Hey Hunter? Do you think it's possible for the dead to surround the living? Cause I do.'
  Hunter jolted, gasping for air, hands going up to claw at his throat. 
"Easy Hunter, easy! Shh shhh, it's alright man, shh, it's alright. That's it. Good boy." Someone said, gently scratching his head, allowing him to breathe and relax, letting him get himself together. Looking up, he saw Silviya and Conner, his eyes having discoloration, but the swelling coming down, looked at him in concern.
 "Hey man", Conner whispered, "how are ya? You really took that hit." 
Blinking, Hunter reached up to feel for a bump or something, but instead, he felt cotton bandages wrapped on his head. Finally looking around, he noticed the white walls and smelled something sharp. 
'Rubbing alcohol. The hotel's clinic then.'
 Tilting his head, he looked towards Silviya and let out a small croon, seeing as she was upset. Closing her eyes, Silviya sighed and crossed her eyes. 
"What the hell Hunter? I thought you were the most sensible out of all of us? I do have to give you credit though, you really want all out." Sighing again, she added, "I can't really be mad with you though. We would have done the same thing." Shaking her head, she started to chuckle. "I can't believe you took a glass bottle to the head for a guy you don't even know." 
Conner, who was busy checking Hunter's head, nodded and smirked. 
"Feel in love with him when he defended you? Is that it?" 
Rolling his eyes, Hunter snorted and shook his head. He started to sign his response. 
"He wore Sam's colors. I reacted on instinct and took the blow. That's all there is to it." 
Rubbing his eyes, he asked a question."What time is it? How did you find me?" 
 Leaving Hunter's bandages alone, Conner answered, pulling out his phone to check the time. 
 "It's currently 11:48 in the morning." He put away his phone and continued. "I'm guessing those men who saved you from last night, brought you here. We knew it was you when someone mentioned a guy wearing sweatpants and a black silky looking nightshirt being dragged out of the bar. That was about 30 minutes ago give or take. I'm guessing they put you up here and left you here in case of the risk of a head injury developing later on." Conner finished. 
Silviya snorted and spoke. 
 "I think we've overstayed our welcome. The nurses have been giving us nasty looks after we barged in. You alright enough to get out of here Hunter?" 
He nodded, ready to leave and get this thing over with. Grunting, he got up and immediately started to tilt sideways before catching himself. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Opening them, he started to walk towards the doors, following after Conner and Silviya who held out his hoodie from last night.
Placing it on, he pulled up the hood as they walked towards the elevator and waited for it. Getting on, Silviya pushed for their floor. It was quiet for a while until: 
  "I still can't believe you did that Hunter. Like holy shit man!" Conner laughed, jabbing Silviya by her side. She rolled her eyes playfully until she snorted and barked out a sudden laugh. 
 "Fuck! I just realized that was the first time in a while you got into a fight!" She snorted, as all three exited the elevator, going to Hunter's room. "What was it like?! The adrenaline? The way you beat that man up! No remorse! I-" She stopped, taking notice of a man from last night. Hunter looked up, but faced away, too tired to even converse with a stranger. He let Silviya and Conner do the talking as always. 
"Oh, hello there! You're the man from last night who helped Hunter out. The one Hunter took the blow for, from last night. Thank you for that!" Silviya said, stepping forward, a smile on her face. "We also", she nudged Conner, who looked at them and smiled, "want to apologize for the inconvenience. We didn't think he would do it in such an open area. Again, apologies for the inconvenience, but thank you for helping him." She finished off, bowing her head slightly, Conner smiling. 
 "It's alright, really. Actually, I wanted to invite Hunter to dinner, to thank him for protecting me. As well as all of you of course. Think of it as an apology for what occurred last night." Said the man, dressed in purple. 
 "Oh! Don't worry about that!" Silviya said, shaking her head.
"I insist. I would feel horrible if you didn't."
"We would love to then! It sounds wonderful as well to be honest. " Silviya responded, Conner nodding along.
 "I also wanted to give this back." The man continued, holding out a cellphone as Hunter looked up. 
 Checking his pockets and hoodie, he found it to be missing. He grabbed it, bowing his head, subtly poking Silviya in the ribs. 
 "He says thank you." She grinned. "Where do you want us to meet you at, Mr.-? 
 "Apologizes, my name is Eisuke Ichinomiya. A pleasure." He said, looking away from Hunter, smiling at Silviya, reaching his hand out. 
"Likewise Mr. Ichinomiya. My name is Silviya." She said, shaking the man's hand and then letting go. "This is-" 
"I'm Conner! Nice ta meetcha man!" He waved, before shaking the outstretched hand. 
"It's very nice to meet you as well." Ichinomiya replied as Silviya playfully rolled her eyes. 
"And you've already met Hunter. He doesn't really talk, so you'll have to make do with silence on his end." Silviya said as Hunter simply nodded his head towards Ichinomiya, who smiled at him. She coughed politely."So, where would you like us to meet you?" 
"There's a restaurant that I think all of you would enjoy. I'll be sending a car at 7 if that's alright with all of you?" 
  "Sure, we'll be ready by then. Uh, is it formal?" Conner asked. 
  "Alright, then we'll get ready. Thanks again man!" 
  "Of course. I'll be going then and I hope to be seeing all of you at 7." 
  "We'll be ready by then, thank you." Silviya responded, smiling at him. 
  Eisuke smiled back before walking away, towards the elevator. 
"Well, that took a turn." Conner said as soon as the elevator doors closed. "First, you get beat up and next you get invited to dinner. This place is fucking looney. It's my type of hotel!" He finished, chuckling. 
Silviya chuckled with him as she walked towards her room, Conner trailing behind. "I want everyone to be ready by 6:30 or 6:50 at least." She said, opening the door, letting Conner in first. "We'll see you later Hunter. Hopefully you're still up for it by then." She said before waving and entering the room, closing the door. 
  Hunter nodded and entered his room, planning to at least rest for a while, before even thinking about getting ready at all.
             ˏ 𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧 ˎ 
"And where are you going Boss?" Baba asked. "Another dinner party?" 
Eisuke huffed, clasping on his cuffs. "None of your business." 
"You're going to the casino then? We'll go with you! Can't imagine what ladies you might attract this time around!" Baba enthusiastic said, not minding the harsh response, Ota nodding along, grinning. 
"No. You will all stay here. I'm not your babysitter or your entertainment. Go somewhere else, I don't care." Eisuke said, straightening out his jacket. 
"Oh, come on Boss! You know we just want to be there with you. And have fun, but that's besides the point! It'll be fun!" Baba responded back, Ota stretching next to him. 
 "What will? Never mind. With how you fools act, I'm almost certain it's something that you alone will find entertaining." A voice said, coming from the balcony as they entered the room. "I am curious; however, on where you're going Eisuke. You normally don't enjoy doing business on the weekends. Even if you do go to parties, you'll let them know what's going on." Soryu asked, putting away his phone. 
Eisuke rolled his eyes. "If you must know Oh, I'm going out to Misoguigawa for dinner and I've invited the man from last night who saved me and his group of friends, as an apology for what my hotel didn't do. I still can't believe-" He muttered under his breath. "Anyways, I'm meeting them at the restaurant. Now, if-". He was cut off as Ota butted in. 
"You know, I think I'm good friends with the restaurants owner, especially after I donated an art piece of mine. I think it'll be fun if we visited them. Don't you think so Baba?" 
"Oh, absolutely Ota! Should we go with Boss? I don't think he'll mind us going. After all, he does owe us-" 
"I don't owe anything to you fools." 
"-from last night, after helping him with those men. I think I was almost injured during the fight too." 
"You're absolutely right Baba! I think I almost broke my nose when one of the men was throwing his arms around." 
Soryu hummed and then smirked. "I think you owe us dinner Ichinomiya. After all, we did help you, especially kicking out those men for you. Don't want to stain your reputation, now do we?" 
Eisuke was quiet, glaring at them, before turning away. "Do what you will, I don't care. The car is waiting." He said as he walked away. 
Soryu walked after him, the other two grinning towards each other as they followed him 
             ˏ 𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧 ˎ 
Conner gave a low whistle as he caught a glimpse of the restaurant as the usher showed them the way to the table Ichinomiya had reserved for them. "Damn, this place ain't have bad." 
Silviya nodded along as Hunter trailed after her. As the usher started to slow a bit, she noticed the group of people already there. "Hey, isn't that the group of people who helped out Ichinomiya?" 
"Hm? Oh yeah! I guess he invited them too?" 
With the usher coming to a stop and showing them their seats, he spoke. 
"A server will be here shortly." He said, smiling, before quickly leaving. 
Eisuke stood up and smiled, reaching his hand out. "Thank you all for coming. I hope the ride was up to your standards?" 
Silviya shook his hand and grinned. "Oh yes! It was lovely! Thank you." Letting go, he reached out his hand for Conner to shake. "Thanks for the ride man. It was joy." Conner smiled as he let go. Eisuke nodded and smiled back, reaching out towards Hunter next. Hunter nodded his head, face expressionless, as he shook Eisuke's hand. 
"These are my acquaintances." Eisuke continued as Hunter let him go, nodding towards the rest of the table. "They wanted to join me. I hope you all don't mind?" 
"No, of course not." Silviya said as she nodded towards them. "A pleasure! My name is Silviya." She greeted as she shook hands with everyone, Conner falling swiftly. "The name's Conner. Nice ta meet cha'!" 
"Mitsunair Baba. A pleasure to be greeting beautiful women such as yourself." He smiled, winking at Silviya and grinned at Conner. "Hey, what's up!" 
"Ota Kisaki, nice to meet all of you!" 
"Soryu Oh. Good evening." 
'Why do they all look familiar? Especially the one dressed in all black?' Soryu thought as he finished introducing himself. 
"And this is Hunter. He doesn't talk, so you'll be hearing a lot of silence from his end." 
Silviya said as the other three men looked at Hunter expectantly. They all sat down as the introductions came to an end. 
"Oh, well. It's still very nice to meet you." Baba said, before reaching out to shake Hunter's hand, Ota doing the same. Hunter simply nodded his head towards them. 
'Hunter? I know that name…'
Soryu reached out to shake his hand and as Hunter clasping it firmly, a chill ran down Soryu's back. Narrowing his eyes, Soryu looked Hunter over as they released hands, Hunter doing the same. Spotting the fading bite mark on Oh's neck, and the yellow bruises, Hunter realized who it was. As did Soryu when he finally recognized the man from a few nights ago. 
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(My very good friend delivered this masterpiece yesterday, but I forgot to put it here! I'm so happy she made it though, so I hope you guys enjoy it!😊💕)
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voidlitmoon · 4 years
Familiar Faces, Connected Stories
4 months later, @sugarglider9603 I finally finished the second half!! :D Ohmygosh I'm so sorry for the wait, but thank you all for being so patient, alot has happened including the absolutely dreaded writers block. All of your comments, likes/kudos, reblogs (on Tumblr) have been helping me finish this chapter, so I really want to thank you guys for enjoying this💙💙💙💙
Another important note, but there is a reason I'm posting this today. That's because today (April 2nd) is my 16th birthday! I actually finished this on Monday (March 30th) but I decided to wait the few days so it would be a bit more special (also yes I know it's late I'm posting this, imma be busy all day so night posting it is!)
Also dont worry, if your new here (go check out the previous stories in the Master Post link!) do note I'm going to be writing my interpretation of the pokebois evolutions :D that and more short side stories are coming asap
Alright I've held you long enough, do enjoy!
Bonus note: this fic (Runaway Eevees) is what Sugar has said cannonly happened of how Remus and Deceit met the group, so if you wanna read that go ahead (it's a good read) :D
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Part 5 (chapter 1) Part 6
Master Post
Words: 2,931
Summery: ' Virgil's eyes widened "you've all met before" he looked at all five Eevee's faces, finding guilt in three and confusion in the other two "when, how? Was it before I met all of you?" He scratched at the ground.
His brother-father figure perked up behind him "you.. never told him?" He questioned the three trained Eevees, who all shuffled their feet. "We didn't want to worry him?" Roman tried, only for his trash brother to growl. '
The group will finally tell their stories, revealing past connections, and making new ones for the journey ahead
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Chapter 2
Virgil watched as Thomas set his hands on Roman and Logan's backs, putting a halt on the growling. Well, for now at least.
He inwardly sighed, he knew the others where protective, heck he himself was being protective of his brothers at the moment. But this much hostility to other pokemon he obviously knew? He even saw Patton's tail twitching, as though the father figure wanted to pull Virgil away but was resisting.
He remembered when he first met this group of misfits, that field of flowers where Patton taught him how to make flower crowns. Yes Logan was sitting out, but Roman pounced at any opportunity to play with any wild pokemon, and Patton came right over to join the dark furred Eevee the second he showed himself. Them acting this way around pokemon they never met..
Virgil's eyes widened "you've all met before" he looked at all five Eevee's faces, finding guilt in three and confusion in the other two "when, how? Was it before I met all of you?" He scratched at the ground.
His brother-father figure perked up behind him "you.. never told him?" He questioned the three trained Eevees, who all shuffled their feet. "We didn't want to worry him?" Roman tried, only for his trash brother to growl.
"Well!" Thomas clapped, startling them all "I'm guessing you guys need to talk about something, and since language barriers exist and food still needs to be cooked, I'm going to go burn that. Don't faint each other!" The trainer stood up from his chair making his way to the pile of berries, leaving several Eevees that probably would faint each other before speaking a word.
Virgil huffed, suspicious and annoyed "alright, first things first!" He chirped in a light tone, though it was clear the growl that accompanied it reached all the others ears "would anyone mind telling me how you've all met?"
"-and then you woke up with no knowledge of what went down, so we just didn't tell you" Roman finished lamely. All five Eevees had taken their own bits and pieces of the story to tell, mainly because when two started arguing Virgil would hiss them down. Other than that, the dark furred Eevee didn't speak a word and kept his face neutral throughout.
Virgil sighed, flicking his tail "so you never thought once why two random Eevees took me? Logan, I thought you were the smart one. Well" he added and Logan's ears started to lower in shame "you are the smartest one here, just not about this.
"And you two" the youngest turned his head "did it occur to you that you could have just gone up and asked?" He paused, realizing the answer before the marked Eevee spoke.
"Well," he mumbled, "for one we thought they were the ones that took you in the first place. You just disappeared that day" Virgil shuddered, remembering that was true, though the truck story could be told another day "plus they're.. caught pokemon" he finished. "Ya" Virgil continued "just like me."
"But-" the stink covered Eevee tried, but Virgil shook his head.
"Thomas met me several times before I joined the team, in fact from the story Logan and Patton have told me" he flicked his tail to the shiny pair of parents "Thomas wouldn't let himself catch them until both of them made it clear they wanted to join his journey."
Patton nodded "before Thomas saved us, twice if you count the Team Rocket members in the marketplace, we never trusted humans. Most of the time humans tried to steal us for our fur color, Thomas was different" the father figure hesitated, "it.. kind of felt like a puzzle piece clicking into place when we met."
All the Eevees blinked as Thomas hummed in the background. None of the Eevees had ever mentioned to another about a feeling of a puzzle piece, Thomas had once made a comment of it, but the three there to witness that were more focused on Virgil's tail slipping into the bushes. The two unnamed Eevees even remembered when they first met Virgil hidden in the dumpster, they had felt some kind of connection.
"That.. wasn't just me who's been feeling that when we all meet?" Roman voice stumbled, eyes widening even more as the other 5 shook their heads.
"Well, you all seem to be in a better mood" Thomas chuckled, causing them all to jump. "Woah" he calmed, laughing.
 "Well, food is all ready and prepared, there's enough for you guys as well" he grinned at the newbies.
The two hesitated at the idea of food, but with a comforting chirp from their brother, they followed.
With dinner cleaned away (Thomas somehow managing not to burn anything, Logan praised happily) the group curled before a campfire as the trainer roasted marshmallows (these, he did manage to burn more often than not).
Virgil spent this time explaining to both groups how he knew both sides, of how trash and marked Eevees saved him (he didn't explain what he was escaping from), how he really was taken from them, how he met the group in the field of flowers, and how he finally stayed with Thomas for good. By the end of the story his head was laid on the ground as he cuddled Roman (a late addition during the story time, since when he explained they were boyfriends the trash covered Eevee full on tackled Roman) listening to the fire crackle. Wispy clouds drifted lazily across the sky as the night crawling forest pokemon howled and chirped and hooted.
He looked at his family, most of his past was back in his life; but for how long? He shuddered and curled more into Roman's warm fur, hating the realization he might lose them again after looking for so long. They wouldn't want to be with a trainer, especially even if it meant having Virgil being back in their lives.
Virgil. He nearly spat the name at the ground. He wanted one again for so long, from the day he hatched he had one before it and everything was taken away by.. her. He vowed never to take a name again, especially from a human. If he did, would he be betraying his oldest family connection? What would Sleep and Pecha think of his now, their little Star taking a new name, only for this one to probably drive these brothers away.
Virgil lifted his head up, staring at the two nameless pokemon maybe four tail lengths away. Why did they keep searching for him anyways?
He startled as Roman nudged his cheek. "Sorry" the starter apologized "you just dazed off staring at those two, I was wondering if you were ok."
Virgil sighed "I.. I was just wondering, why did they follow me" he mumbled, unable to look at anyone he opted to stare up at the sky. Unfortunately the world decided to push the clouds out of the clearings sky view, only piling on more of his original family's guilt. He never went searching for that farm ever again after his.. escape, and knowing Thomas they wouldn't go 100 feet anywhere near there with Patton, Logan, and Virgil. Sure, Sleep was reckless, but Pecha would be sensible enough to know not to go out into the world, an unknown area only Eevees who were taken by trainers ever saw. Those puzzle pieces were probably lost to time.
But these two.. he looked back down, Star's eyes trailing at all of his family's faces, stopping at the two. They were here, close enough in one bound he could tackle them. Why did they come, why did they care enough to try and steal him back from (what they knew at the time) hostile people and pokemon? Why did they keep looking, why did he keep looking?
Why.. did he keep looking? Virgil stood up, eyes widening. Because they were, they are family. Family he didn't want to lose, he couldn't lose any more of them. With a push from his hind legs and a squeak of surprise from Roman as he momentarily turned into a launch pad, Virgil crashed into his brothers.
"Shit, wha-" one of them cried, getting cut off as Virgil curled close.
"Please don't leave me again" Virgil chirped quietly, to the point only the two he was curled against him could hear. Virgil burrowed closer "please" he whispered "I can't lose anyone again."
The two looked at each other in surprise. They thought, well Virgil wouldn't want them to stick around. From how he told the story they would never (and probably want never) to take the smallest away from this team, and from the looks of it the three Eevees didn't trust them much right now. They didn't, right?
They usually would never hang around a human more than a few moments, never used to having a family bigger than just the three of them. It seemed logically from their past for it to be near impossible for this human and three of his pokemon to ever trust them.
But it was like the light silver shiny had said earlier, they could feel the puzzle pieces there, already connected to Virgil and ready to connect with them all. A human, who was like none other. He had witnessed them take one of his own, but when that one showed he still trusted the two misfits, the trainer opened his arms, gave them food for no other reason than one he trusted showed they trusted the two strangers.
And the three Eevees, Virgil seemed to trust them to the ends of the Earth. Patton had offered them to join their meal right away. Roman had laughed off the trash Eevees tackle and just said Logan's reaction had been similar. Logan, while seeming to be the least likely one to want them here, listened to their half of the story without interrupting unless to give more detail, and was showing trust even now by watching from the fire's other side, not moving an inch. They trusted them in a way.
No, they didn't think of these four as family yet, but for the first time since they met Virgil, since they met each other, there seemed to be a chance to make that come true.
"Ok", the marked Eevee nudged Virgil "we'll think about it overnight."
For some reason, they realized they wouldn't even need that time.
Because the best part of staying was not only they would gain a whole family, one they would perhaps one day learn they could always trust, but they would regain their brother. Their brother they would have searched for eternity to find, and given anything to stay with.
Thomas yawned as he sat up, Patton rolling off the trainer's shoulder still fast asleep and swapped to flopping over a passed out Logan, who was moments ago tucked between Thomas's ear and shoulder. The human glanced around, finding Roman (who always moved in his sleep) laying across the sleeping bag where his left ankle was. Last but not least Virgil was curled under a cuddle puddle with the two new Eevees from last night off next to his sleeping bag, the only contact being Virgil's tail brushing Roman's.
The trainer chuckled and slid his foot away from it's prison, quietly hissing as he tested the tingling foot. Of course it was asleep. Well, the best way to wake it up was to get active so..
The dirty Eevee stretched, rolling off from the top of the cuddle puddle. He let out a small oof when he came in contact with the floor a moment later than he expected. The strange, definitely not earth floor….
Eevee blinked, watching not one but two of his brothers curl together sleeping. Yesterday wasn't a dream he realized happily, watching the three other Eevees scattered throughout the tent sleep. A pleasant smell carried his paws out of the durable plastic flap, emerging to a bright, just after dawn day. The human (Thomas his always chaotic mind somehow supplied) was back making more hot food. Well, at least he seemed to be attempting with varying success, a stack of nice enoughly done pancakes sat on a plate to his left, with a smaller (but not by much) pile of black crispy pancakes to his right. Now the left crispy brown ones looked appealing, the Eevee thought the crispy, burnt pancakes smelled like a gift from Arceus himself.
Thomas stumbled in surprise when the stack of miserable pancakes clattered to the ground, only to laugh as he watched the dirtier of the Eevee pair dive at them hungrily.
"Well breakfast won't be ready for a bit more, but I wouldn't mind the early clean up crew" he giggled as the Eevee glanced up only for a moment, only to turn to back and attack the pancakes again.
"Just make sure not to scatter them too far" Thomas warned kindly, turning back to the camping stove " we'll have to clean up afterwards." The trainer smiled as the Eevee chirped in agreement.
Soon the others crawled out, and the burnt pancake (and other foods Thomas just didn't get right) devourer went to chirp and chat with the others. Food was served, equipment packed, and about two hours later Thomas was adjusting everything onto his back. If it hasn't been for Logan, Thomas knew he would never have had his stuff packed so neatly.
"Welp" Thomas said out loud "it's time to get going, we have a gym challenge next town" his four cheered different levels of excitement. He turned to the two wild runners "I guess this is goodbye for now" he smiled
After so many run-ins with Virgil, Thomas had skillfully learned how to hide his heart ripping out everytime he had to leave puzzle pieces behind.
This skill came into play hard when Virgil looked up at the trainer with such sorrow, Thomas nearly burst to tears right then and there. Instead he smiled, offering a hand for comforting pets. Virgil did not walk near the hand, instead letting out and angry hiss.
Thomas shook his head, wishing he could fully understand what Virgil was saying, but got the message "I can't force them, you know better than anyone here that I only bring members on my team if they want to join. Never by force, I always give an option."
Virgil wine was cut off though as the dirty Eevee snapped from his frozen trance and bounded forwards, stepping up to Thomas and putting his paw onto the human's hand. Somewhere in him remembered a similar interaction with Roman when they first met, but that was washed away when the other Eevee came up and chirped something, only to get tackled by Virgil right after.
"Oh" Thomas realized, smiling "I'm guessing that's a good thing?" He asked his team beside him. Patton nodded excitedly, Roman purred, and Logan merely flicked his tail positively.
"I guess I can do this then" he slid out two pokeballs, setting them on the ground. The wild pair looked at eachother one last time before the smaller marked one nodded, and both touched the white button.
"So" Thomas asked as the group wandered down the trail, focusing on the pair walking (or in the dirtier ones case bouncing) by his feet "I was wondering if I could offer giving you names? You don't have to, but-" Virgil rubbed the trainer's cheek from his spot in the hood, stopping the human's splutter of words before chirping some of his own down. The two below responded after a moment and Virgil gave off a purr as a signal: both had agreed it would be ok.
"Alright.." he mumbled. Earlier events of when the dirt covered Eevee had offered his paw in the same way Roman had came rushing back, turning and twisting until a name suddenly formed "how about Remus for you?" He wondered. Said Eevee stumbled as though surprised, but after a moment Remus gave a happy chirp, Thomas smiled in return.
Finally there was the Eevee with the special marks on his face. There was something in his mind that he felt for some reason, it just felt right for him to call the other 
"Janus" he mumbled by accident out loud, the trainer's eyes widened as he glanced curiously at the pokemon "what about Janus?" The Eevee seemed to think hard although weighing the name vs. something only he saw, he knew. Before Thomas could speak the little Eevee glaced up and nodded, the most determined nod he had gotten out of the six of them for figuring out their name.
Six of them.
Thomas grinned widely as all six of his Eevees walked or rode on him. It had all started with Roman, the first time Thomas had found a puzzle piece. Then Patton and Logan, Virgil, and finally Remus and Janus. It felt right, like he was home. Like he was with family.
"It's interesting," he voiced quietly to his team "how many of us have seen each other before really meeting each other. There's even more to explore in the future, so many possibilities, so many mysteries. But I'm glad" he sighed gleefully as the distant sound of cars passed. The town was close by.
"I'm glad I get to do it with so many familiar faces. I'm glad that we all have connected stories. I.. honestly couldn't imagine walking our next journey without you guys, my completed puzzle
My family."
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
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"You really sure you don't wanna come?"
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for inviting me, anyway."
"Alright, then! See ya!"
You waved goodbye at your new colleagues, wishing them well, and watching them with a slight smile as they went, in groups, to the theatres to see the latest Marvel movie.
What was it again? Oh. Doctor Strange, The Multiverse of Madness.
"Would you like that movie?" You asked yourself in a low voice as you turned around and walked straight to the opposite direction. "Huh,... V?"
As a matter of fact, you would never know the answer to that question. Or maybe you could, if you invite him over to see it with him. The man has an undeniably great taste in the arts, you couldn't help but wonder what his reaction would be upon seeing it.
If he would come, that is.
For one thing, he's always busy with his work as a Devil Hunter. Second, said job ate most of his free time.
Third, he lived far away from you.
You sighed as you noticed the young couple sweet talking with each other inside your favorite coffee house to your left. Clicking your tongue and cursing yourself with your luck, you decided not to torture yourself and skipped your favorite frappe for the day.
How could anyone blame you, though? It's not as if you wanted to move away from him in the first place, no.
It's this job. This job you've been dreaming of for years. Well, you loved your previous job, yes. But, the moment this great opportunity came knocking on your door, you just couldn't help but accept. However, it required you to move away from your boyfriend.
Well, the distance would mean nothing to you if the new job was only a few blocks away from home but, no. It required you to move three districts away from Red Grave. Past rustic Swan Lane and rural Gaol Town to a bustling district called Wifmann.
Your heart twitched in pain the moment you remembered V's face when he found out. Of course, the man was beyond sad, and because of that, you were willing to refuse the offer. Hell, you just can't choose career over the person you loved, no!
However, he made a selfless decision and told you it's alright to grab this once in a lifetime opportunity. He was well aware of your dreams, and he wanted you to succeed in your chosen career. And in life. 
And so, here you were, living your daily life without the man you love, waking up each morning without him by your side, going to work without him to kiss you, going back home without him to hug you, and going to sleep without him to whisper sweet nothings to your ear and lull you to sleep with his soothing voice as he read to you your favorite poems.
Sometimes, you were wondering: was it really a good idea to live like this? Sure, you were getting the best things in life, your dream job, an amazingly generous pay check, the most friendly and competitive colleagues, decent bosses ( at least ), a wonderful urban neighborhood that was so different from what you were used to in Red Grave, and, very soon, a house you would call as your very own.
But, all these wonderful things,... in exchange for your one true happiness in the world.
It was very easy to say that, with each passing day, you were steadily getting bored of your monotonous, successful career woman schedule. With each passing day, you found yourself getting closer, and closer, to the inevitable. All that glitters is not gold, indeed. For once, you were lured by this shimmering bait, and now, you felt nothing. You were no longer happy with this empty existence.
And exactly eleven months later, you've had enough. You have made your decision, and you would definitely see this through.
Tomorrow, you would pass the resignation letter you made the other night. You would pass it and go home to V. You couldn't care less that you're turning your back on this so - called wonderful dream life. You're going back to your real home, and that's it.
Back to where your true happiness is.
Suppressing the tears that was brought upon by mere thoughts of your beloved, his deep, calm voice, his ever - charming smile, and his gentle green eyes, you entered the quiet suburban neighborhood and walked straight to the right where your little house was. You opened your hand bag, and took the key from it. You were about to open the door when you heard an achingly familiar sound coming from the living room inside. It was the sound of a violin, and a piano accompanying it. Someone entered your home! And,… not just someone!
The music,…
Was it,... Elgar?
Wait, if it is Elgar, then that only means - !
You grabbed the brass door knob, yelped when the door, itself, fell off its hinges, as if something forced it to open, and bolted inside, not bothering to take off your coat and bonnet,...
And there, standing in the, once, tidy kitchen and making a complete mess of it, was the man, himself, and his two familiars, who were most probably the suspects to blame for your damaged door, standing ( or flying ) right next to him, watching whatever he was making.
"I think you should put in the egg yolks, first, Shakespeare." The demonic bird instructed, as if he knew everything about baking.
"I,... don't think that's what the,... manual,... states." Came his deep voice.
"We should have watched a tutorial on the internet like what that noisy mechanic says,..." The bird answered, and as if something burned his back, he looked behind him and realized you were standing there, eyes blurry with tears and lips trembling with mirth. "Hey! Hey, V! She's here!"
The man called V turned around, green eyes wide with surprise, and pale face and jet - black hair a bit messy with flour and bits of some mysterious gooey – like red substance. And when he saw how,... emotional,... you were upon finally seeing him after such a long time, he couldn't help but tear up a little, as well.
"I,... ah,... " V stuttered, a hint of pink coloring his once pale cheeks. "Oh, my,... I,... please forgive me about the mess! I - "
"And the door," You cut him off. "And the sink. And the floor."
"Forgive me, I could clean afterwards - "
"And the music. And the surprise."
"Oh, dear! I hope you don't mind Elgar, my love,..."
"And the speaker." You sighed and smiled, finally letting your tears fall freely from your tired eyes. "Oh, V,..."
"Well, I - "
Everything happened in a matter of seconds. You running towards him and throwing yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close to you without even a single care for your pristine clothes. And him reciprocating the warm hello you gave him as his arms went around your waist, holding you close, and burying his face in your fragrant hair.
Then, giving your head a tiny kiss, he whispered to your ear, his emotions overflowing in his voice, "Salut,... d'amour."
"Hello to you, too, my love." You answered, kissing him on his flour - powdered cheek. Then, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, you asked, your curiosity getting the better of you, "What are you making?"
V gulped nervously. Letting you go for a while, he looked back at the mess that he and his familiars have created on the kitchen counter, and said, "I was,... going to make you a pie. Do you,... perhaps,... love cherry, my love?"
"Cherry pie, huh?" You said, and with a smug look on your proud face, you removed your bonnet, threw it carelessly aside along with your signature handbag, rolled up your sleeves, and tied your hair up in a ponytail. "I'll gladly help." Giving a sly look to the demonic bird on V's arm, you added, "What could a Demon bird possibly know about baking?"
"HEY! AT LEAST, I'M HELPING HERE!" Griffon squawked. Then, pointing with his wing at the feline familiar who elected to rest on the floor next to the table, he said, "LOOK AT THAT KITTY! SHE'S USELESS!"
You gave out an over exaggerated sigh as you placed your hands on your hips and hummed, wondering how to patch up your beloved's mistake. Somehow, he has already messed up the whole process of making the dough, and the cherry filling he has prepared and set aside for later looked suspiciously like Slimer's middle - aged elder sister.
"But, you're tired, my love." V said as he hugged you from behind, the thing he always does to distract you whenever you're busy doing something in the kitchen. Either to tease you or do something else entirely. Either way, it always worked in the past. But, not today. "I'm sure you want to take a rest."
"Yeah, let Romeo and I handle the rest, Juliet." Griffon agreed.
"No can do, Iago." You answered with a smile as you took a clean bowl and some of the eggs from the carton. "Let me help. I insist. You've come all this way to visit me, so I want to feed you a proper meal." Turning to V and giving him a sweet smile, you added, "And I think it's about time I teach you how to bake, V."
"Would it,... take long? You must be famished by now." The man asked, tightening his hold on you as if he doesn't want to let you go anymore.
Ah, how you missed his touch, his voice, his warmth,...
... his smile and his caress,...
You missed V so, so much,...
"It doesn't matter." You simply answered as you focused on the task ahead. "We have time. We would have all the time in the world, I promise."
It took him a few moments before he realized what you just said, and when he did, his eyes widened and burned at the same time.
Did you just - ?
But, what about - ?!
"I missed you, V." You told the man, your face away from him, your eyes starting to blur once more with tears of happiness.
V smiled, feeling the same emotions as you did, and pressed his lips against your left cheek. "I missed you too, my sweet, little lady."
"I love you, V."
"I love you more, (Y/N)."
🌸 My short but sweet prize for @dreaming-gamer . I hope I did justice to your request. 😅😅😅🙈🙈🙈 Did a little twist. I hope you like it. ❤❤❤😊😊😊 🌸
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luv4fandoms · 5 years
Dessert. Mick Mars x Reader
This one was actually requested by a nonny, I usually don't take requests but I have recently gotten a few that I wanted to do.
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So here ya go Nonny, hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: Iwan!Mick Mars x Reader
Warnings: EXTREMELY DETAILED SMUT! Also cussing.
Word count: 2,685
“So you think you're really ready for that step?” Your friend (f/n) asked while you two shopped.
“Yeah” you breathed.
“I know it's a big step, but I think I'm ready to move our relationship along. Mick has been amazing, more than amazing! And I know that he's the one I want to do this with” you smiled, looking over at your friend who wore a smile of her own.
“Well then, let's find some confidence lingerie!” Your friend laughed while pulling you into the store.
Two hours of shopping and a nice dinner with Mick later, you were both sitting at his house watching tv. His arm was draped around your shoulder while you snuggled into his side. You had been trying to figure out how to approach the subject, but every time you thought you had the courage, you chickened out.
Looking up at him you couldn't stop the butterflies, even after being together for this many months you couldn't believe he was yours. You studied his profile, how kissable his lips were, how beautiful his eyes were even in the dimly lit living room, you hadn't realized how long you had been staring until he looked down at you, crystal blue eyes meeting (e/c).
“What are you thinking about?” He asked
“Um” you started.
'This is it (y/n)! Just say it!’
“Dessert!” You smiled
'Oh for fucks sake!’
“Dessert?” He raised a brow.
“Y-yeah, um I bought dessert, I-I'll go get it” you stuttered, standing up and going to the kitchen, Mick watching you with a confused expression.
'Smooth (y/n), real smooth. Man why is it so hard to just say “hey I have decided that I would like to have sex, you wanna do it?’ you sighed, remembering the lingerie that your friend helped you pick out and how it probably wouldn't be seen tonight.
'No’ you decided after a moment.
‘I can do this!’ You told yourself, you glanced out at Mick who's attention had returned to the tv, quietly you slipped into his bedroom and quickly stripped off your clothes, leaving you in just the lingerie. Checking your makeup once more you laid on the bed, and fought for a moment on how you should lay, before settling on a pose. Taking a deep breath you called for Mick.
'I can do this’
You heard his footsteps approaching the room.
'I can do this’
You watched the doorknob turn.
‘I can do this’
You watched as the door opened, your boyfriend's face appearing in the doorway before his eyes widened a bit upon seeing you. The look in his eyes was a mix of shock, and suppressed lust. The mixture boosting your confidence.
“What's this?” He asked, walking in and closing the door.
“Dessert” you smiled, he gave you a small smile and made his way to you.
“Looks tasty”
“All for you” you breathed, you could feel your face starting to heat up as he eyes scanned your nearly naked body.
“All for me?” He asked once he stood next to the bed, you simply nodded, not trusting your voice.
“You sure about this babe?” He asked seriously, he wanted to know that you were 100% sure about this. You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“I need to hear it babygirl, I won't be mad if you change your mind”
“I want you” you breathed. You eyes met for a moment before he crawled onto the bed, your lips meeting seconds later as you pulled him closer to you. Making out was nothing new to you both, nor was his hand running along your side, but him running his hand down your bare thigh was.
Mick never pushed you, he knew your limits, so there were never any touches below the waist on either end. The grunt that left him when he wrapped your leg around his waist and pushed against you though, told you that he was happy with tonight's turn of events.
“We'll take it slow babygirl” he whispered while his lips trailed down your neck.
“Let me know if you want to stop”
You nodded, a moan slipping past your lips while he sucked a hickey onto your skin. His hand held your leg against his hip, his other tangled into your hair. Your hands ran along his back, gently lifting up his shirt to feel his heated skin against yours.
“Want me to take it off?” He asked, lips ghosting along your skin, you nodded but he sat up a bit.
“Words baby”
“Please” you whispered, he nodded and reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head. Your hands reached to run down his torso, it was a rarity to see Mick shirtless, but it always brought heat to your face. You leaned up, your lips running along his neck, stopping to mark him just as he marked you”
“Fuck” he sighed, his hands slowly making their way to your chest, cupping your covered breasts and running his thumbs over your nipples. You moaned against his skin, your lips soon returning to his while he reached around to your bra clasp. He stopped and looked at you, waiting.
“Yes” you nodded, he nodded as well and with a quick flick your bra was undone. You looked at him in shock while a smirk played on his lips.
“Unlike those fucking teenagers, I know what I'm doing” he slowly slid the bra straps down your arms, tossing the material aside and soaking you in while you laid back down.
“Shit” he breathed, shifting a bit while you looked up at him.
“Fucking beautiful” he whispered against your lips, his hands coming up to cup the newly exposed flesh, and you bit your lip at the sensation. His lips descended past your collarbone, peppering the skin with kisses before taking a hardened bud between his lips. The feeling was amazing, and had you arching your back, trying to get more of the sensation.
“Mick” you breathed, hand coming up to tangle in his hair. His hand took over while his mouth busied itself with your other breast, the fire in your stomach growing hotter with each pass of his tongue. The feeling had you lifting your hips against his, trying to ease the warmth, but the hardness that pushed back only made the fire grow. His lips left your breasts, and made their way down your stomach, stopping at your panties. Pressing a fleeting kiss to your clothed core he leaned back and looked at you, his fingers following the trail his lips made.
“You ok babygirl?” He asked.
“Yes” you breathed while nodding, hips wiggling in his grasp.
“Want to keep going?”
“Please Mick” you whimpered, earning a small smirk from him. He began tugging down your panties, you aiding by lifting your hips and watching as he slid them down your legs. Your face flushed at the fact that you were now completely bare in front of him, a fact that he seemed to enjoy if the look of hunger in his eyes told you anything.
“Damn” he whispered, eyes running along your figure before meeting your gaze. He leaned down, fingers grazing your cheek before his lips met yours in a soft kiss.
“How'd I get so lucky?” He asked himself, but you answered.
“I'm the lucky one” you smiled, kissing him again while your hands worked his belt off, you unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing the hem down. He broke the kiss and stepped off of the bed, discarding his pants before hooking his thumbs into his underwear. He looked at you, eyebrow raised.
“Those too, I don't want to be the only naked one” you said with a small smile and red cheeks, he gave you a small smile back and slid them down.
You eyes widened a bit and suddenly your mouth went dry...you had felt him through his pants before but…
Mick must have seen the look you had because he gently cupped your cheek when he crawled over you again.
“We don't have to-” he started, but you cut him off.
“I want to...I'm just...are...are you going to fit?” You squeaked out the question, looking away from him as your face flushed again. He let out a light chuckle, kissing your cheek.
“If I prepare you well enough it won't hurt as much” he told you while trailing kisses down your body once more.
“Prepare me?” you asked, a hum was his answer, his breath fanning over your core making you gasp. You looked down at him, eyes meeting while he waited for your permission.
“Please” you breathed, his eyes never leaving yours while he ran his tongue along your folds. The feeling was so different, and yet so good, you felt his tongue begin to work over you, lapping before diving deeper. Throwing your head back, his name slipped past your lips while your hand tangled in his locks.
His hands held your hips, before one came to join his tongue. He ran his finger along your wetness, before slowly pushing it in, his lips wrapping around your clit. The feeling was different, but not painful, and you couldn't help the sounds you made when he began pumping it in a steady rhythm, curling it every now and then. His tongue never left you either, switching between flicking your clit, and wrapping his lips around it before giving a harsh suck.
“Baby” you panted, hands pulling at his hair, his eyes met yours but his finger never stopped.
“More, please” you panted, the fire in your stomach growing stronger with every curl of his finger, he nodded, slowly slipping a second finger in, pumping it at the same rhythm until you were writhing under him. Feeling him slip a third one in was a bit uncomfortable, but the heated kiss that he gave you made your body welcome it. Pulling back he looked down to watch his fingers work you, your hips meeting his hand and your slick coating his fingers.
“Fuck” he groaned, shifting on the bed again to bring his lips back around your clit.
“Mick!” You panted, feeling the fire in you burning hotter, the feeling was strange, almost like a spring that was slowly being twisted, and any moment…
Mick gave a harsh suck to your clit, his fingers curling and a groan leaving him while he ground himself into the bed, trying to relieve his own pressure. With a sharp gasp, your hand tightened in his hair before his name left your lips in a loud moan, you body shaking as the spring finally unwound suddenly. Your vision blanked but you could still feel Mick's fingers working you. The feeling soon becoming too much as you whimpered and tried to move away, Mick released you, fingers coming up to his lips while you watched him lick his fingers clean.
“Fuck” you panted, earning a chuckle from him before he attached his lips to yours, you could taste yourself on his tongue, but oddly enough it only seemed to turn you on more.
You broke the kiss with a gasp when you felt him rub against you, his tip pressing against your clit. He looked at you, head thrown back against the pillow, eyes closed, mouth open, hands grabbing his arms.
“Fuck babygirl” he groaned while his hips ground harder into you.
“Mick” you panted, eyes locking with his.
“Mick I need to baby” you whimpered, hips lifting to meet his. He simply nodded, too wound up to deny you even if he wanted to, which he didn't. He reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a condom, earning a confused look from you.
“Figured I'd be prepared, in case you ever wanted to” he shrugged with a small smile before rolling the condom on. He crawled over you again, lifting your leg to wrap it around his waist.
“Are you completely sure?” He asked one final time. You smiled up at him, your hands coming up to cup his face, bringing his lips down to meet yours.
“As long as it's with you Mick, I'm sure” you whispered against his lips. He leaned down again, capturing your moans as he began to slip in. The feeling was strange, a slight sting here and there, but not as bad as you feared it would be. Mick released your lips with a groan as he bottomed out, his breath fanning across your face as he got control of himself.
You on the other hand, were raising your hips to meet his, the feeling of fullness making your pulse race. This was even better than his fingers, you felt completely intertwined with him as your nails ran along his back, earning a groan and shiver.
“You ready babygirl?” He asked, pushing up onto his arms, his hands reaching up to pull yours off his back and intertwining your fingers.
“God yes!” You felt him slowly pull out, the dragging feeling setting your nerves alight, before you felt him push back in deeply earning a moan from you both. The rhythm he set was slow and deep, pushing you to your ends at an easy pace, but the fire in you wanted more, needed the pace he had set with his fingers before.
“Mick” you groaned
“Fuck baby” he panted, his hands tightening their grip.
“Faster” you panted, his hips snapped in a sudden thrust at your whimper and you both moaned at the feeling. Sitting up, he pulled your legs up and over his shoulders, your hips closer, and when he sunk back into you, he reached deeper.
“Shit!” You cried out as he gave you the pace you needed, one hand gripping your hip while the other came down, fingers rubbing your clit quickly. You cried out, head thrown back and hands grabbing the sheet as the coil in your stomach began to tighten again. Mick could feel his tightening as well, every moan that left you, every cry of his name, every time you clenched around him drew him closer to his peak.
“Look at me babygirl” he panted, watching as you slowly opened your eyes and met his, he could see how much you were struggling, how much you wanted to close your eyes again and let the pleasure wash over you.
“Fuck...eyes on me baby...wanna see you when you cum for me” he panted, fingers moving faster. You struggled, the spring was almost at its breaking point, and you could feel your end coming fast.
“Me..fuck...me too baby” he groaned, eyes locking with yours, you were so close, your body quaked out of need for release.
“Fucking cum for me” he groaned...and that was all you needed, your head thrown back, a silent scream leaving your lips while you back arched and legs trembled. You swear you hear Mick groan your name, his hips stuttering before stopping as he lets out a strained curse. And then slowly everything starts coming back, and you feel Mick pull out of you and off of the bed, before a warm wetness wipes along your sore folds and inner thighs. Blinking through heavy lids you see Mick toss a washcloth into the dirty clothes bin before turning off the light and climbing into bed beside you. He pulls you into his arms, you head resting on his chest while you tried to calm you heartbeat and listened to his race.
“I love you” you spoke into the darkness.
“I love you too” he replied, kissing your head and running his hand through your hair.
“I hope you enjoyed your dessert” you giggled, earning a chuckle from him.
“I think I have a sweet tooth now” he replied.
“One that only your dessert can satisfy” he spoke into your hair.
“Well, lucky for you the bakery is always open” you smirked up at him.
“lucky for me” he smiled, leaning down and capturing your lips once more before you both fell asleep.
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Hope you all enjoyed it!
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tatttletale · 5 years
Bubbled Bismuth
"This is . . . nice."
        Garnet lounged back in the grass, eyes closed. Dappled sunlight danced across her dark skin. "I can see us spending many hours together like this . . . figuratively. But literally, too, perhaps."
        The permafusion hadn't quite integrated as a personality yet (which was evidently portrayed in her choice of dual colour, a striking blue and pink) and had yet to fully master her newfound abilities. Sapphire, Pink thought, must find it particularly difficult to grow accustomed to the prospect of multiple possible future timelines.
        "It is lovely here," she agreed, crossing her legs more comfortably.
        "This is why Rose chose to defend the Earth," Pearl murmured, gaze distant. There was a soft smile on her face.
        Pink shifted closer to her, and Pearl looked up. ". . . Where is Rose?"
        They looked to Garnet, still lying calmly in the grass. She peeked one of her eyes open. "Me? Oh, uh. . ." the third eye blinked open. "Maybe . . . she could return soon from border patrol, or flower picking. . ."
        "Actually," Pink offered, "I just remembered—when she left, she told us she'd go and check in on Bismuth's collecting later. Perhaps she's brought back some to the Forge."
        "Could you go and see if she's there?" Pearl asked hopefully. "Please?"
        Pink tittered. "You wouldn't like to do it yourself?"
        Pearl flushed lightly, stealing a glance at Garnet. "Um, well. . ."
        "It's okay." Pink winked and stood. "I'll leave you two together. I won't be long."
"—And finally, I polished it all over with resin, to protect the blade . . . but also to make it pretty."
        Rose padded along behind the babbling blacksmith, unable to focus her attention on any one thing. The Forge was strewn with weapons and parts, stacked against the walls, piled on makeshift benches, and scattered on the floor. She stepped over a dulled sword delicately.
        "So . . . what is this new tool you've been telling me about?"
        Bismuth shot her a look over her shoulder and grinned. "Just you wait 'til you see it."
        They came to a stop next to a rounded platform ringed with clay figures. Rose turned to a nearby bench and picked up a small tool.
        She turned it over in her hands, admiring the way the sliver of metal shone.
        She looked up to find Bismuth wielding a large cylindrical . . . thing. It was almost like an arm cannon, with straps to secure to one's arm, and a menacing pointed blade on the end.
        "This, is the Breaking Point. I've been working on this baby for months! Whaddya think?"
        Rose didn't know why, but suddenly she felt queasy. "What . . . does it do, exactly?"
        "I'll show you." With a flourish, Bismuth spun and put it against the gem marking on the closest figurine. She pulled the trigger.
        With a loud BANG!, the point shot through the clay. When Bismuth moved aside, Rose could see the far wall through the huge hole. The discarded clay lay in clumps on the ground.
        She felt sick.
        "See how much power this thing has? Look at that! And it didn't even take any effort. We could down thousands of Homeworld Gems like this!"
        Bismuth stood tall, a triumphant grin on her face. The Forge was silent for a moment.
        "Bismuth . . . we're not using that."
        Bismuth stared at her for a moment, uncomprehending, and then chuckled.
        "Ya got me, Rose. As if we wouldn't use this stone-cold ba—"
        "Bismuth." Her voice came louder this time, and she stepped forward, expression hard. "You will not be using that weapon. None of us will. We will not shatter Gems."
        The blacksmith looked like she'd just been slapped. "But— we have to! They're out to kill us! The Diamonds have shattered hundreds of us! We need to shatter them before they—"
        "I said no." Her reply was cold. "The Crystal Gems are freedom fighters, not murderers. None of us will stoop to the Diamonds' level. And if you do, then you will no longer be a Crystal Gem."
        Bismuth stared at her, shocked. Her eyes flicked to the mass of draped canvas against the far wall—the statue of Rose Quartz. The statue she had worked for months over and had yet to unveil.
        Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems. The rebel who sought to implement equality in the caste system and free Gemkind from under the Diamond Authority's tyrannical rule.
        When their eyes locked again, Bismuth's features were hard.
        "But you shattered Pink Diamond."
        The other Gem froze.
        "And that makes you worse than any of us." The blacksmith paused, a light dawning on her face. "You're one of them, aren't you?"
        Rose couldn't move, her gem pulsing frantically against her navel. She knew. She would tell everyone.
        "You're a tyrant, just like them. But at least they don't hide it."
        "What?" Rose gasped.
        "You're a liar," Bismuth seethed, advancing. "You lied to all of us. You don't want to help us; you want to control us. You want to overthrow the Diamonds just so you can take your place at the top."
        The Quartz backpedalled. "N— No! Why would I—"
        "Or you're in cohorts with them." Bismuth's hands fists swung with each menacing step. "That's why you won't let us shatter them. That's why you're leading us to slaughter. You sought out rebels by posing as one of us and now, you're going to have all of us shattered."
        "Bismuth—" There was a sharp tightness in her chest. "No! No, no! That's not me! I'm nothing like them!"
        "You're going to crush all of us," Bismuth snarled, "Starting with me. So I'm going to take care of you instead."
        Rose realised with horror that her opponent was still wielding the Breaking Point. With a roar, she hefted the monstrous weapon and charged.
        Her mind reeled. In a split second she activated her gem and summoned her means of defence.
        It wasn't her shield.
        Bismuth gaped at her, halted in her tracks. The pink blade had buried itself a mere inch below her multicoloured gem, and over her shoulder Rose could see the tip protruding from her exposed back.
        "I'm sorry," she whispered.
        Bismuth's form dissipated in a billow of smoke and her gem thunked loudly to the ground.
        Trembling, Rose kneeled and took the patterned metal into her hands, jarringly repentant. It was still warm against her skin.
        She straightened and, after a moment of conflicted thought, enveloped the gem in a pink bubble.
        She started and sent the bubble away. She could find it and hide it properly later.
        She turned to find Pink at the entrance to the smelting room and forced a smile. "Pink."
        "Hey, we were wondering where you'd gone. Where's Bismuth?"
        "She's not here," she said hurriedly, and steadied herself. "She's probably out . . . collecting resources or something." She couldn't let them know.
        "Oh, okay." Pink didn't seem too worried. "Well . . . are you finished in here?"
        Rose nodded.
        Pink smiled. "Great! Well, you can find us in the glade when you come out."
        She nodded again in assent, and Pink disappeared up the tunnel.
It was an hour later when Rose finally returned to the glade, looking pale and unkempt.
        It had only taken her thirty minutes to find Bismuth's bubble at the primary base and hide it in the Forge—she reasoned that she could stash it somewhere more secure later. The remainder of her time she spent regretfully mulling over her actions.
        She was fond of Bismuth, and appreciated her spirit and her talents—but she had attacked her, and Rose had acted purely in self-defence. If she had spread those thoughts around, the Crystal Gems would undoubtedly be disbanded.
        The others liked the blacksmith, too. They all got along, and if they found out what had happened, they'd be understandably upset—and they might have even left her if she didn't give them a reasonable explanation. She couldn't tell them the truth—suspicions would fly and before she could even think, she'd be alone. Again.
        Either way, she couldn't tell them about what had happened, and she couldn't bear to tell them Bismuth had been shattered, despite that being the easiest option. She'd give them an ambiguous answer—Bismuth had been lost. That way, there was no great emotional jarring for the Gems; their relationships with the blacksmith would remain intact and they wouldn't have to accept the fact that Bismuth would be gone forever.
        By the time she emerged from the Forge, Rose had made up her mind. She entered the glade sullenly.
        "Rose!" Pearl jumped up.
        "Hey!" Rose masked her feelings behind a tired smile. "Anything on the next wave?"
        "Yellow Diamond will be sending her troops within the next few hours," Garnet offered, visor glinting. ". . . We think."
        Still so unsure of herself, Rose thought fondly. Despite all that she could do.
        "What about Bismuth?"
        Pearl's voice startled the Quartz out of her train of thought.
        Garnet nodded. "Bismuth always keeps to the frontlines when she's not forging or training. She could provide some valuable information. Where is she right now?"
        They all three gazed at her expectantly.
        Rose felt her chest tighten again.
        "Bismuth? She's—" She's bubbled and hidden. "—She's still on the frontlines, keeping a lookout. She should be back soon."
        "I thought you said she was collecting resources?" Pink inquired.
        "Yes, she's . . . both. She's collecting resources and keeping a lookout."
        Pink narrowed her eyes, and Rose felt her hands go clammy. Then the moment was gone and the slight Gem smiled. "She has always been a busy blacksmith."
        The Gems chuckled. Rose stood, unsmiling, isolated.
It was barely an hour later when Yellow Diamond's soldiers descended.
        Garnet, Pink, Pearl and Rose were forced to cluster together, back-to-back, sanctioned off from their allies across the glade. With a unified flash of light, Pink called on her lance, Pearl summoned her spear and Garnet's heavy gauntlets materialised over her fists.
        When Rose dew her sword, the others eyed the efficient blade glinting in the dusky light. Rose locked onto the tip and saw it leering tauntingly from over Bismuth's shoulder.
        "Where's Bismuth?" Pearl shouted as her spear clashed against metal. "She should be back by now!"
        When Rose summoned her shield against the advancing Gems, they were blinded by the stream of multicoloured light diffracting through its body. She could only see Bismuth's hair, aglow in the fiery light of the Forge.
        She jerked back at Garnet's warning call, narrowly avoiding the path of a jabbing knife.
        Stop thinking about her, she chastised herself, moving forward and expanding her shield. That doesn't matter right now.
        A growling Ruby leapt at her from the right and she turned, deflecting the blow and shielding Pink. From her blindside, silhouetted from the sun, emerged a burly, broad-shouldered Gem. The other Homeworld soldiers withdrew, sighting the Lapis Lazuli (gem) clenched in her fist. Rose, though, couldn't take her eyes away from the geometric spiral centred on her chest.
        "Bismuth," she murmured.
        "Rose! Watch out!"
        There was a blur of movement and a shock of sparks. When the smoke cleared, Rose looked down to find a freshwater pearl rolling between her feet. A couple of feet away, the abandoned spear dissipated.
"I already told you! I don't want you to protect me anymore!"
        "But I'm your Pearl!" the latter fought. "I'm supposed to be there for you!"
        "Not like this!" Rose fired. "You weren't even made for this! You were made for holding my things and opening doors!"
        "That doesn't mean I can't grow! Look at you! You've grown so much, and you've taught us how to as well! You've taught me!"
        "I haven't grown," Rose snapped. "And neither have you. You're the same as you've always been—you're stubborn and overprotective."
        "Rose, I'm your—"
        "No, you're not!" she shouted, flinging an arm out. "She is! You're White's Pearl. You were never mine."
        Pearl's breath caught.
        "And I don't want you to protect me anymore. You have no obligation to." She turned away.
        She could feel, rather than see, the other Gem deflate, and she tensed as she listened to the dainty footsteps retreating.
        When they faded into silence, she allowed herself a teary exhale. The anger she felt held no depth.
        It was only a manifestation of the panic and guilt she felt whenever she watched Pearl sacrifice herself for her. She was used to expressing her feelings through anger by now—anger gave her power. And, back home (no, not home; Homeworld) power was everything. If you had no power, you were downtrodden, you were ignored.
        She hadn't wanted for Pearl to grow so attached to her. She needed the other Gems' dependence—and she wanted it, too. Rose was still growing used to her new-found rights; she couldn't cater for Pearl's as well. She just wanted for her to be free; free like Rose had wanted to be for so long. And Pearl wasn't embracing that amazing opportunity like Pink had.
        She turned. The aforementioned Pink was peering around a nearby bush, looking worried.
        Rose gave her a warm grin. "Pink! Tough fight, huh?"
        The Pearl's eyebrows knitted together. "Rose . . . please. What happened?"
        "Oh! Pearl's just a little upset right now."
        "Did you say anything to her?"
        "No." Her answer came too fast.
        Pink gazed at her for a moment, and then she sighed. "Rose . . . I'm not a Diamond. I'm your friend. You can talk to me."
        The Quartz bunched her skirts in her fists guiltily. "I know."
        "So . . . what happened?"
        A pause.
        "I . . . I got angry again," she finally relented. "She just . . . won't listen. The two of you are my best friends, and I can't imagine where I'd be without you—but she acts just like all of . . . them! She caters to me—she treats me like Pink Diamond . . . not Rose Quartz."
        Pink stepped cautiously from behind the bush. "So . . . that's the problem? She treats you like her Diamond—it's not that she risks herself for you?"
        "Of course, it's that too." Rose sighed. "And that's what any Gem in my Court would do. They do these things because they're supposed to."
        "Not because they love you?"
        Rose stared at her, baffled. "No— How? None of them even knew me!"
        "She knows you."
        Rose fell silent, eyes wide. Then her gaze dropped to the ground. "Of course she does. She's my best friend."
        Pink shook her head and sighed, covering the distance between them. She laid a gentle hand on her arm, and when she spoke, it was with a sad smile. "Rose . . . She loves you."
        Without warning, the Quartz's eyes misted. "But . . . they didn't."
        "I think they did," Pink said softly. "And she does, too."
        There was silence for a moment, and then Rose hung her head. "I told her she's not my Pearl."
        "I know."
        "I told her she's White's."
        "I know."
        "I told her to stop protecting me. That she hasn't grown."
        "I know."
        Rose reeled, irritated. "Just how long did you stand there listening to us?"
        Pink chuckled softly. "I've been here the entire time."
        The other sighed, a fond smile quirking her lips. "You're unbelievable."
        "I know."
        Another silence descended. Neither spoke. Birds chirped nearby.
        After a few minutes, Rose broke the quiet with a sniff. "I didn't mean what I said. I just want her to know that she's not mine anymore. That she's free." She wiped her eyes. "And Bismuth should be, too."
        She froze. Pink's eyes narrowed. "Rose, what did you d—"
        She was cut off by a small cry and turned around. Garnet blinked up at them sheepishly from her sprawled position on the ground.
        "My favourite fusion," Rose smiled, relieved for the distraction. "I thought you had found your balance by now?"
        "We still find it . . . difficult, sometimes," Garnet admitted, pushing herself up. "Working together seamlessly."
        "Of course." Rose was keenly aware of Pink's eyes still fixed on her.
        The taller Gem turned back to the fusion. "Did you need anything?" she said hurriedly.
        Garnet nodded, fixing her visor. "I think you should talk to Pearl."
        "That's actually just what we were talking about," Pink said, and gave the Quartz's arm a reassuring pat. "You should go do it now."
        Rose was surprised at her friend's sudden change of mind, but gladly took the opportunity to bustle out of the clearing and away from confrontation.
        She found Pearl hunched by the freshwater stream that ran past their base, gazing into the water as she so often did.
        When she sat down beside her to trail her toes in the water, the slender Gem jumped.
        "May I?"
        Rose kept her voice soft. Pearl nodded hesitantly and shifted over.
        They sat like that for a few tense minutes, side-by-side, leaning into the gentle breeze, until Rose spoke.
        "I'm sorry."
        Pearl looked at her and blinked owlishly, as if she didn't quite understand.
        "About what I said . . . I'm sorry." Rose closed her eyes and exhaled. "You're not White's Pearl, but . . . you're not mine either." Pearl's eyes dropped. "And neither is Pink."
        Rose took one of her pale hands into her own, and with visible effort, Pearl met her eyes again. "You're your own Gems. You don't belong to me anymore."
        Pearl's voice was frail. "But . . . I want to be yours. My job is to make you happy."
        Rose sighed, frustration brimming. "This isn't about your job, Pearl. It's about what you want now. Not what I want."
        The shorter Gem shot her a curious glance. "What do you want?"
        "I want . . . freedom. For me. For you. For all of us. I want to protect the Earth. I want to live here, with you." She gazed into the burbling waters, stroking Pearl's hand absentmindedly. "And you?"
        "I want . . . to make you happy."
        She almost dropped her hand. Hadn't she been listening to anything she'd just said? The memory of Pink Diamond was so fresh in her mind; the emotions still so raw. She opened her mouth to reply harshly, but the glint of Pearl's smooth gem in the sunlight stopped her. It reminded her of someone else.
        "She loves you."
        Rose didn't break the quiet that followed. Instead, she shifted a little closer and wrapped Pearl in her arms.
        The smaller Gem tensed for a second, but when Rose didn't break away, she relaxed against her. As the light faded, neither of them moved. They remained alone together, and together alone.
        When Pink came hours later to retrieve them, she found not two Gems sitting on the banks, but one, her bare toes dipping into the water, her creamy tresses drifting in the breeze.
Rainbow Quartz broke apart again only a few hours later.
        Garnet had gazed up at her with trusting eyes, and asked her one question.
        It left Rose and her companion standing alone, the former cold, the latter confused.
        Now Rose was sitting alone in the base, skirts bunched in tight fists.
        She didn't feel immediately distressed; just . . . uncomfortable. Unlikeable. She had never loved herself—that was why it was such an effort to believe others did. Others' trust in her seemed impossible. And this sense of unease, one that she so often brushed off and masked with a smile, had been growing ever since she left Spinel.
        But she had an excuse. She hadn't wanted to grow up. She hadn't listened. She was just like them—and just like her. Too young. Too immature. Too innocent. But loved by the other Diamonds, just the same.
        They hadn't treated Spinel like they had her. That was why it had been so easy to leave her behind; the contempt had driven her, had allowed her to ignore her misdeeds for decades.
        But now she was finding it harder and harder to ignore them.
        She buried her face in her hands. Bismuth had been self-defence. She couldn't be blamed for not wanting to fight, for not wanting to shatter, could she?
        ". . . My Quartz?"
        Only one Gem ever referred to her this way. She exhaled shakily. "Pearl."
        Her companion's concern was evident as she sat down next to her. "What's wrong? You . . . You just split. Did something happen?"
        Rose shook her head hard. "It's nothing. I'm fine."
        When she lifted her eyes to Pearl's, she could see that she hadn't fooled her.
        Pearl gingerly placed her hand over Rose's fist.
        "I. . ." She looked away, hiding under her raspberry fringe. "Have you ever cast someone away?"
        The question took Pearl by surprise. "No . . . I . . . Oh. Yellow Pearl, and Blue Pearl. Yes."
        Pearl seemed guilty and withdrew. "We . . . We didn't get along. They treated me like their Diamonds did, much of the time. There were moments where we were friendly, when the Diamonds were out, but . . . that was it. We were all supposed to be equals. I . . . I didn't want to feel so . . . inferior, anymore. So I avoided them."
        "Do you ever regret it?"
        Pearl's brow furrowed. "Well. . . sometimes. They could be nice . . . Why?"
        "No reason."
        They sat in silence for a while, until Pearl stood to leave.
        The Gem stopped and looked down at her. ". . . Yes?"
        "Pearl . . . am I like . . . them?"
        She seemed confused. "The . . . The Diamonds?"
        ". . . No. I don't think so. You were always different. You . . . You always cared more, about Gems. About us. That's . . . That's why we all adored you."
        Rose forced a smile, eyes downcast. "Right."
        Pearl paused for a moment, and then stooped, brushing aside the pink hair. Rose started, looking up at her, and was surprised when suddenly her lips were upon her own. She didn't move away. Instead, when Pearl's hands snaked through her hair, she melted into the touch, mind blissfully blank.
        When Pearl pulled away, she straightened again and held out her hand sheepishly.
        "Are you ready to come back?" As Rose gazed up at her, she noticed that she was shyly avoiding eye contact. Hazily, she reached out and took the slender hand.
        "Yes. I think so."
The relief was short-lived. Garnet sprang on her as soon as she saw her.
        "Bismuth?" She asked again. "Have you seen her?"
        Pink appeared next to her, a reassuring hand on her arm. "Garnet's been checking future timelines and she can't find Bismuth in any of them. But I just think she's too worried to think clearly."
        "Oh. Bismuth." When the words left Rose's lips, she couldn't hear them. Where had she supposedly gone? What had she reasoned with herself before?
        "I've . . . lost her." That's right. She hadn't left. Hadn't been shattered. Just lost.
        "Lost. . .?"
        "The battle yesterday. She went into it, I'm sure I saw her, but I don't know where she went afterwards." Ambiguity was the thin line separating them from despair. Keeping them from tarnished relationships. "But . . . she'll probably find her way back sooner or later. You know Bismuth. She gets distracted."
        Garnet nodded hesitantly, and Pink gave her arm a squeeze. "See? I'm sure she's fine. Don't worry about her."
        Rose snatched a glance at Pink. The Gem's always-searching eyes were fixed on her.
        "Like you said, she'll probably be back soon, right?" came her voice.
        Rose shut her eyes when she answered. "Yes. Soon."
PROMPT: "Do one during the war, when theyre crystal gems or when pink goes to earth as rose quartz." — for AmethystBM2002 on Wattpad! Hope you enjoyed! :)        GOSH I'm sorry. Feels. Also Rose being lowkey shitty. But I still love her. She my baby.        Finally a long chapter for you all ! Thank you so much for all your support!
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amisbro · 7 years
Someone: *knocks on the door* Excuse me sir but are you Joshua?
Joshua: That's me...is there something I can help you with?
Someone: Actually yes! I was wondering if you could help sort out what some of the possible events coming up for utapri in the rest of this year and 2019 would be maybe
Joshua: Well you come to the right dude...but let's take it a step farther and go into 2020 which is the 10th Anniversary of the series shall we?
Someone: Alright!
Joshua: Very well but first I need to get one of my friends to help me with something
(Joshua gets up and sticks his head out of his office and goes to call for a dear friend)
Joshua: Yo Andy...I need my whiteboard that I use for our classes! Can you help me out for a minute?
Andy D: Not a problem Curtis-Sensei. I'll get it right up to ya
(Minutes later)
Andy D: Will this be all you need today Sensei?
Joshua: It will but if you'd like to stick around and watch how we do this then you are more than welcome
Andy D: Very cool! Is this for some work on that UtaPri stuff?
Joshua: It is.
Andy D: Then I will be plenty happy to stick around since ,after our classes, we all play Shining Live to see how well we can do on the songs but I want to see how this detective works his magic
Joshua: Very good! *Turns the the other person in the room* Alright so you want from 2018 to 2019 but I said I would give you to 2020 right?
Someone: Correct
Joshua: Alright...let's get busy!
So...we are already through nearly the first two months and we have had
Lost Alice
Shining Live (English Version)
Ultra Blast
And soon we are going to have forest of lycrois...correct?
Someone: That is correct. Kind of surprised that Ultra Blast wasn't put in the game around its release cos Lost Alice and Trois was
Joshua: True and I had hypothesized that "Ultra Blast" ,the QN Single to come out and the HEAVENS single to come out would all be in the game around the time of their releases and put in the campaign. I got thrown a little bit of a curveball when I found out that Ultra Blast wasn't put into the game so that I was wrong on...this now makes things interesting for later on in the "game timeline"
Someone: How so?
Joshua: Alright dig it
HAD they put in the song for STARISH then the QN song would have been in...this would leave some fans to wonder IF KLab was going to put in HEAVENS as the game progressed. Since they didn't do it (at least for the foreseeable future) then they can use the "Well we didn't for them" excuse which is annoying as all get out
The thing is though that doesn't rule out HEAVENS being in the game...it just puts it off further IF they are going to do it
Someone: Alright...explain the difference
Joshua: Sure!
IF the STARISH single (Ultra Blast) and the QN single were put in then there was a chance that HEAVENS would get put into the game around the Fall when their song comes out and we know this didn't happen.
SINCE they weren't then we can assume right now that IF they are to be put in it will be closer to around the time of the movie because of the way the releases work for story songs which is about one story a month. THIS would put them off to next year (if at all) because of the way the songs worked in the game
Someone: I think I'm getting this...so basically right now because of the fact ONE single out of three wasn't put in then the debut for HEAVENS in the story would be pushed back
Joshua: Right but now we have to think about this too
June for UtaPri is an interesting month. We have the 8th Anniversary of the franchise and we have two dates for HEAVENS debuts
6/6 - The debut of the trio in "Crystal Time"
6/27 - When they came back at the Triple S as a 7 person.
These two dates are from S2 and 3 and we know this for a fact because we can look up the dates of the episodes. What would be interesting to see is if they got put in around THEN but that might not make sense to some fans so we are looking further off...how much further is dependent also on the release calendar for when we get to S1 songs which I discussed before correct?
Andy D: You did and you think that would be July/August give or take
Joshua: Correct. So we take all this info which I haWe have ve been writing on my board here and lord do we have a puzzle to put together...BUT IT GETS BETTER!
Someone: How so?
Joshua: Alright...dig this
We have Shining Live and that is out BUT Broc is supposed to eventually release 3 more games for the VITA Ports
All Star
All Star After Secret
Broccoli is porting these games over to the VITA so that people can play those games on that system and earn trophies along the way...this makes sense since Dolce Vita still has to come out and that game's release date is TBD also
Someone: That game is also supposed to be HEAVENS' debut correct?
Joshua: That is correct but its running into an interesting situation because you see this is nearing the end of February and the movie comes out next year. You got AT MINIMUM 3 games to release between now and then and one is supposed to have HEAVENS in it. Now its POSSIBLE that the game comes out BEFORE 2019 but there has been no announcement on that yet so trying to get an answer to any of this is hard...really hard!
Andy D: So what is your best guess for any of this?
Joshua: Right now? THIS
We know that the QN and HEAVENS singles come out this year on dates TBD and we have the 8th Anniversary coming. THAT will be important because you figure when that comes we PROBABLY have to get this information
A Movie release date (We know the year but not month and day)
A release date for at least Debut if not that and possibly the AS games or Dolce Vita
The HEAVENS site will at least be up till the movie is past...we know that for sure but one BIG thing Broc should announce is whether or not they plan a 5th season and if SO...eh that could be interesting if they are planning that for 2020.
Someone: Because the movie is in 2019 right?
Joshua: Right and ramming them together isn't the best idea. They did that kind of with Revolutions and Legend Star and it made no sense and it REALLY made no sense because I would have had it where S3 was in 2015 (which it was) but then Season 4 would have been in 2017 and the movie STILL could have been in 2019 or even if they wanted to they could have given it the time to breathe like this movie is and put that on the 10th Anniversary
Andy D: What did you make about Agematsu's tweet about the series living on forever because "That was the original author's wish"
Joshua: THAT threw me because I think a lot of people were expecting either Season 4 for the Anime to be the end at this point and now the movie. This leads us to a big thing about the TV site
Someone: You mean the fact that it still has Season 4 as a visual and the re-direct for the movie?
Joshua: Yeah...see the thing that I'm trying to figure out is...IF Season 4 was the last season then after you did the redirect to the movie site you could probably let the TV site just go and not renew it for another year. Now the site is still up RIGHT NOW and that is probably going to be there till at least 6/24 but the question will be this
Do they renew the site and if they do then WHY?
Andy D: Well if they do its because they have a plan for a 5th season right?
Joshua: That's true but then the next question is this
Is the season with just STARISH?
Is it a STARISH/QN season?
Is it some deviation from what they have been doing and do something with either QN on their own or HEAVENS on their own?
Someone: Well one would think that with STARISH hitting #1 they would continue with them...the thing is where can their story really go?
Joshua: The writer in me tried to figure that out for a while...season 2 actually made me go "Okay...so they won this competition so where do we take the story?" Then they did Seasons 3 and 4 and lately I became more vocal about how that story was wrote and people hate me for it trust me
Someone: Well you spoke your mind and you really should be applauded for it. It was interesting to see how they tried to get the stories of QN developed in their episodes but HEAVENS was kind of...eh?
Joshua: Basically. Its like sitting in a room and you KNOW where the story SHOULD go but they did everything to convince you that you should want STARISH to win the competition...oddly when S3 happened I didn't start to "hate" STARISH but "resent" is more of the way I look at it
Someone: Well didn't Sailor Moon have kind of a similar problem back in the 90s?
Joshua: Yeah and then they did a Live Action version which in a way "fixed" the problems because you were able to develop everyone proper and give them stories and see how their characters went...even MINOR characters in a way got to have their time in the sun (not that Naru or Motoki were "minor" but you get the idea) so the story felt less of a fatigue factor in my opinion
Someone: I think I get it...so you think they didn't develop other characters properly and that makes it harder to embrace them correct?
Joshua: Right. It also doesn't help that the writers couldn't take a "hard left" and figure out another way to get where they wanted. This is just an opinion of course and I know this isn't where this was supposed to go but you get the idea
Someone: I do! I think the final question then is...what happens to HEAVENS come after "Dolce Vita?"
Joshua: That fate is in Broc's hands sadly. Its like they knew there is a base for HEAVENS right now but its tiny so they have to go where the money is...hell the English Version of Shining Live has more downloads than that twitter has followers but what can you do right?
Alright...did I satisfy your want for answers today friend?
Someone: You did and I appreciate your help and to your friend here it was a pleasure to meet you sir and have a great day
Joshua/Andy: Same to you and have a wonderful day
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
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Later that day, Griffon was staring too hard at Nico ( who was holding an ice pack against her head ) as she rewinded again and again at a certain video that one of the spy cameras captured last night. V ( who was idly waving off the cigarette smoke that wafted too close to his nostrils ) was on another table nearby studying the photos that she found.
"What are ya doin' now?" Griffon asked the woman for the third time that day as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion at what she was trying to capture.
"Will ya shut yer beak for a while? I'm tryin' to concentrate." Nico answered as she clicked harshly on her mouse once more.
It was the same for V. He studied the photographs ( or what was written on them ) and read (Y/N)'s journal ( which, by the way, manifested another entry ) over and over again but, the dots doesn't seem to connect, at all.
Yes, the two looked like they were very much in love. Yes, they met during that summer gathering that May of 1898. However, he just couldn't see what their connection was with the ghosts that were haunting this mansion.
And most importantly, he just couldn’t see the reason why (Y/N) would change into that emotionless matriarch in the portrait.
If she’s truly happy, then why would - ?
V took a photograph of Victor reading something to (Y/N), who was sitting right next to him. He turned it and read the simple writings at the back.
I wish we could stay like this for a while.
V's eyes narrowed at the message. The name of whoever wrote in it, whether it was (Y/N) or Victor, was not indicated, and the feeling of dread that he suddenly felt in it spelled something entirely worse in his mind.
"Shit!" Nico muttered as she slammed on her table, startling Griffon in the process.
V looked at the other photographs and found similar looking shots of the couple looking very happy. And as he rightfully suspected, they all bore the same vague messages at the back.
I love you. So much.
I missed you. So badly, it hurts.
I hope you're happy, wherever you are.
That last message startled the poet. "I hope you're happy, wherever you are." He read again, this time, out loud. He turned the photo and saw Victor holding hands with (Y/N) as they looked at each other with content smiles on their face. She was wearing what looked like a lace veil on her head and they were both wearing similar rings. There were people cheering for them on the background and he even saw (Y/N)'s maidservant throwing petals at them.
Wait. Is this,... their wedding?
He looked once more at the photograph. It can't be a wedding since the "event" merely took place in the library / music room. He looked harder once more,...
... until he finally noticed something strange. It was only a very little detail but, he was certain of it. On the left corner of the photo was a male figure standing away from the others. It was really hard to see his face considering the poor quality of the old photo but, V was a hundred percent sure that he doesn't look happy for the couple.
He took another photograph from the box and saw the same group of people ( the couple was now kissing and looking absolutely happy ) and the same, strange man, his face still unrecognizable. He grabbed the pictures he was looking at and realized, to his utter horror, that every time (Y/N) and Victor were involved in a single photograph, the strange one would invade the scene like an unwanted visitor.
And he still couldn't see his face.
He needed to see more. He needed to -
"Holy hell!" Griffon exclaimed, now startling V and putting him out of his concentration. "V, look at this!"
The poet obliged and left his temporary workplace to look at what Nico and his familiar were doing. Nico waited for V to arrive, and when he finally did, she showed him a clip from the video she trimmed. She even slowed it down several times, and the result was mind - blowing.
All three of them stared in disbelief as they saw V making his way to (Y/N)'s room, and when he vanished a few seconds later, something materialized on the place where he stood. It was only for a split - second but, it was unmistakable: they saw a man clothed in white,...
Both Griffon and Nico shrieked in fright at the top of their lungs as they heard a loud banging on the front door. V, being the only ( slightly ) sane person left, stood and opened it. He was greeted by a group of middle - aged women smiling at him like nobody's business.
"What can I do for you?" He politely asked, his low voice giving the women some chills of the unspeakable kind.
"Is this the Lancaster residence?" The woman asked, her wide smile giving V some creeps of the unspeakable kind.
"Why, yes. It is."
V's eyebrows shot up to his hairline as the middle - aged women giggled and shrieked and slapped each other in the arms at the same time.
"The groom is charming!"
"He's such a hottie!"
"Lucky bride!"
"Groom?" Nico questioned as she joined V at the door. "What are these hags doin' here?"
"I have no idea." V answered. He cleared his throat and addressed the women. "If you are looking for - "
The leader of the group, who wore the heaviest makeup among all of them, took V's hands and shook it over and over in excitement. "I would like to inform you that today is your lucky day, Mr. Francisco!"
"I believe you have the wrong person - "
"And you must be Ms. Edwards! Oh, my! It's so nice to finally meet you."
"We're not - "
"So, can we start the planning for the layout of the wedding of the century now?"
"I'm sorry but - "
All of them turned to see the real Mr. Francisco and Ms. Edwards just behind the women, giving them weird looks with raised eyebrows.
"You're looking for us?" Avery asked as she crossed her arms over her shoulders.
"We definitely have to solve this problem soon." V told Nico and Griffon a few minutes later as Avery and Roman brought the wedding planners to the garden to have their meeting regarding their upcoming event. "The wedding is in five days."
"I get ya." Nico, who finally ditched the ice pack, agreed. "So, any other leads?" V showed Nico the photographs where the strange man appeared, and as the woman picked them up and studied them very, very closely, she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah. I'm positive of it: this man," she uttered, then pointed at her PC with her left thumb. " ... and the one that showed up after you're gone are the same. Heck, he may be our main ghost here but, we have to be sure. All that’s left for us by then is to drive him out and let him know he’s not invited to the wedding.”
"But, how is he connected to all of this?" Griffon questioned as he, too, took a good long look at the photos that were scattered on the table.
V let out a sigh as he took out (Y/N)'s diary from his pocket. Then, he opened it and turned to the page where some writings recently materialized. Nico and Griffon went over to his side to read the new entry along with him.
May 11, 1898
I finally met him! The man of my dreams! The one and only Victor Blake! I just can't believe it! He IS actually IN THE SAME HOUSE AS ME RIGHT NOW! And what's more,
He even quoted poetry as he looked at me! He even kneeled before me and took my hand in his!
And, oh my God! He kissed the back of my hand!
I honestly thought I was going to die but Daniella brought me back. And when she said later that Mr. Blake likes me, I just felt that I could die right then and there with a smile and go to heaven!
Victor Blake - liking me?
My wildest dreams must be turning into reality! I mean, there are a lot of other beautiful women out there but,
Oh my God, I simply can't believe this! I really am going to die and go straight to heaven with this!
Oh, God forgive me...
I know I must be exaggerating. But who cares? Daniella might be wrong about her assumptions but I still like him. No. I love him. And that's all that matters. He can ignore me and I will still love him. Until the day I die.
My father just announced that all the important guests would be staying here for three months! And that includes Mr. Blake!
I can't sleep knowing that he's just literally below me on the first floor, sleeping or reading or writing maybe. He may be writing. Books and poems and proses. I wonder what they're all about?
"That girl surely fell hard for ya, V." Nico mused, and when the poet just raised an eyebrow at her, knowing full well that (Y/N), in fact, fell for a different kind of V, she just smirked. "I'm jokin’!"
"Well, ya can't just follow an infatuated brat around and get ourselves attacked like that again!" Griffon screamed at V, who was still looking at the writings on the journal. "It's just suicidal! Plus, it doesn't really help us with the mission."
"Maybe." V finally spoke up. He slammed the journal shut and hid it once more as he gained the attention of his two companions. "But, this man," he said, then pointed at the said man in the photographs. " ... was connected to both (Y/N) and Victor. And I must find out everything about this,… connection. I will not rest,… until I do.”
"Ugh! Count me out, please! I don't wanna go back there!" His demonic familiar pleaded.
"We don't have a choice." Nico answered as she left for a while to pick up the radio from her own table. "We started this. And we have to see this through."
V nodded in agreement as he received his radio from her. "I'll go back there tonight. I'll be relying on you to watch everything from here to the highest floor."
"As if I have a choice!"
"Nico, you - "
The woman waved her hand at him. "Yeah, yeah. Keep yer panties on. I can endure another night here. Besides,..." She held up her radio, pressed a button, and after a few seconds, they finally heard what she recorded in it last night.
And it truly frightened them.
"Hello? Is anybody here? If there are,... any spirits here, say HHHOOOEEE!"
"What is that,... ?" Griffon questioned as they heard some strange whispers after Nico stopped talking.
"If there are any spirits here, say - "
V covered his mouth as he waited for the shrill and unearthly noises to subside. But, it only gradually worsened as it got more and more distorted that Nico had to turn it off.
"I heard a different voice last night, and I do not remember hearing anything like that." Nico confessed as she put the radio down to light another cigarette. "After that, this strange entity with big red eyes started chasin' me around until I have to hide. It's when I found that box containin' those old photographs." She sighed and shook her head as she bumped her forehead several times with her fist. She looked up once more and faced her companions. "So, ready for round two?"
Nico didn't have to tell him.
He will definitely solve this mystery. He must.
✒ @la-vita , @micaelagua , and @v-vic . ✒
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