#yes im rewatching already shut up
thesundanceghost · 2 years
man okay like vida really was such a good show
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blkmxrvel · 4 months
Haven’t Forgotten My Way Home (28) - [CONVERTED]
Pairing: Kara Zor-El x Female!Reader
Summary: In the D/s society of National City, men and women abandoned by their Dom/mes or otherwise deemed unfit for life “outside” end up at the Mount Overland House for Orphaned Submissives. It is here that Kara Zor-El finds Y/N Hastings, broken and fearful from mistreatment at the hands of her former Dom. Can Kara coax Y/N back into the world that once so terrified her, and show her the true meaning of care and submission?
Warnings: Domestic Violence (Flashbacks, Mentions and Descriptions), Misogyny, Domination/Submission.
A/N: After 3 long years.... I'm finishing the conversion of this story. You have my rewatching of Supergirl to thank ;). Going back over this story i realized there are a LOT of conversion I missed/messed up so im going to go back over everything and fix it all for good. Enjoy!
[previous] | [masterlist]
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“Stop peeking, everybody’s out there already. You don’t need to worry that your audience is lacking.”
Kara glanced back from the door and grinned at Alex. “Actually, I was looking at two specific members of the audience.” She pointed as subtly as possible, and Alex peered out over her shoulder.
“Who’s a good little baby?” they could hear Maggie saying as she cuddled the tiny girl to her chest. “Who’s a brave baby Maya? You are, yes, you are!”
“Hey, can I have my kid back?”
“In a minute,” Kara and Alex heard her say as she tickled the booties-clad feet of Sam and Lena’s daughter. She giggled and kicked, adorable in pink gingham, all wide brown eyes and with brown hair that Maggie had subtly shaped into a Mohawk.
Born a month early, Maya Penelope Arias had had a rough time at first, but now she was the spoiled apple of her mommies’ eyes. She had Sam’s last name, since Sam had given birth, but Lena was by law given all rights to Maya as her second mother.
“And she got to give her a weird-ass middle name,” Sam had pointed out.
“Sam, dear, you’re going to give her a complex,” Lena had said with a smile, her pinky held in the tight grip of her little girl.
“You’re so precious, you are,” Maggie cooed, looking nothing like the trouble-making, drug-addicted street rat that she had been only a few years earlier.
“Ohhh, boy,” Alex breathed softly, “I can see where this is going.” But she was smiling, and Kara nudged her, grinning.
“Yeah, you’d think she’s precious until she’s using you as a milk machine,” Sam said, but her tone was affectionate as she smoothed down Maya’s hair. “Do you have any idea how awkward it is to kneel in the corner with a baby attached to your boob?”
“She’s still amazing,” Maggie said, pretending to chew on Maya’s fingers now firmly in her mouth, then rolled her eyes at Lena as she extricated the baby’s hand and cleaned it with a wipe. “Aren’t you, monkeyface? Your mommies did a good job.”
“So did the Cryobank,” Sam said, tucking the baby into her arms as Maggie finally relinquished her. “They had a good choice of frozen swimmers.”
“Oh, hey, Brainy donates there!” Maggie exclaimed, and Kara pressed her face to her palm as Lena let out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a strangled sob.
“I swear to God if he's my baby’s daddy I’m going to kill you.”
Kara snapped the door shut and shook her head, smiling at Alex and smoothing down the front of her dress where it had gotten wrinkled.
It had been six months.
Six months since Y/N had looked over at her with her heart on her sleeve, fear and longing in those deep hazel eyes that Kara realized she always wanted to be looking at her. Kara smiled, remembering what Y/N had said to her.
“I look at you and home is all I see.”
The tears had rushed to her eyes but Kara controlled herself to speak quietly, firmly.
“If I hadn’t been so interrupted,” she said, the smile still on her lips, “You would have heard me say that all I want is to be with you, in New York.” Her smile grew wider at Y/N’s gasp, and Kara reached out to pull the girl into her arms.
“My little one,” she said, kissing Y/N. “I am so proud of you, even for – especially for interrupting me.” She trailed her thumbs over Y/N’s face, wiping away the tears, and kissed her again. “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. Everything you are and everything you’ll ever be. I love you.”
Still, she’d insisted on waiting, because as firm as Y/N was in wanting to be claimed, Kara for her part wanted to be sure.  Y/N had moved out of Nia’s and into her own small little apartment in town, though she spent more of her time at Kara’s than anywhere else. But it had been amusing for Kara, to watch as Y/N slowly blossomed into her own, decorating the apartment with her personal touches even as she would smile at Kara and cheekily say, “I don’t plan on living here long, you know.”
“I know,” Kara would say with her own soft smile, and press a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. “I know.”
She watched as Y/N grew in confidence with each passing day, going to places by herself or with friends – and that made Kara smile the most, the fact that Y/N had friends. True, they were mostly those in Kara’s own circle, with the exception of Kelly, and she was still exasperated about the fact that Sam seemed to revel in teaching Y/N to push all of Kara’s buttons. But it was good to see Y/N going out and having fun, whether it was to a restaurant or bookstore, or even one of Maggie’s clubs.
At first it made Kara worry, Y/N being out on her own, especially those nights that Y/N chose to spend at her apartment rather than Kara’s house. Those nights, Kara would sleep with her phone clutched tightly in her hand, just in case Y/N needed to call. Was she warm enough? Kara wondered. Had she eaten enough, was she getting enough rest, was her bed as soft as the one she had at Kara’s? But every morning without fail – as per the rules if Y/N wasn’t staying over – the phone would ring at 8 a.m. and Kara would answer it, smiling to hear Y/N’s gentle voice on the other end.
“I slept just fine, Miss Kara, don’t worry.”
And really, it didn’t matter if Y/N wanted to spend 5 out of the 7 nights at her own apartment, or stayed out until 2 in the morning with Maggie, or walked the mall for hours with Kelly – which she didn’t. For Kara, what mattered were the two pieces of paper held with magnets to the refrigerator door. Plain white sheets with pink and purple and green ink and littered with gold stars.
Y/N’s rules. Kara’s rules. The list they had drawn up together, the list that was growing steadily as they experimented, as they learned. Things were being added, scratched off, put into the “maybe” and “no way ever again” columns. It was a slow road, Kara was realizing, and as comfortable as she and Y/N were with each other so far, there still had been a few missteps, one safe word that had resulted in Kara spending the entire night on the couch with Y/N held, safe and sleeping, in her arms.
They hadn’t been fully intimate yet; Y/N had asked to wait until the actual night of the claiming, saying that she wanted it to be more special. But Kara could see past what Y/N said to what she couldn’t give voice to, to the undercurrent of fear and hint of darkness in Y/E/C eyes that should always be bright with happiness. It hurt her, at first, knowing that Y/N was still afraid to give herself fully to Kara, but as always, a quick chat with Lena had been enough to help Kara regain her perspective.
“You’re surprised that she’s scared?” Lena said over her shoulder as she hung yet another picture of herself and Sam on the wall. “After everything she’s been through?”
“Well, no, I just… thought I’d be different,” Kara admitted. “She says I’m not like him, but it’s as if she expects me to be like him in bed.”
“You’re being paranoid,” Lena had said, sitting next to Kara on the couch and brushing her forehead with a kiss. “You know you’re different. She knows you’re different. But this is the last… thing, the last hold he has over her. He owned every part of her, especially her body. She wants you to claim her, but she’s scared to claim that part of herself.”
“You’re too smart for your own good,” Kara had muttered, and Lena smiled.
“The act doesn’t matter,” she’d said. “As long as it’s gentle, careful, sweet. What matters is that she knows how much you love her. Concentrate more on the emotion than the physical, and you can’t go wrong.”
As for Kara, her dads had insisted on giving her enough money to get by for the six months until her relationship with Y/N was set, and the rest of their plans could be put into motion. Kara had protested, but she knew her dads still felt some measure of guilt for keeping her away from New York so long, and so Y/N had encouraged her just to take it, especially since it was too dangerous to head off to the city with no money in the bank.
They would fly out to New York for a weekend to find an apartment, then fly back and Kara’s dads would help them pack the essentials for the long drive, and ship the rest later. Kara was excited – and terrified. But a soft touch from Y/N on her cheek, and everything was fine. All her fears vanished, and Kara felt as if, with the young woman by her side, she’d already won a Tony.
“I’m that good?” Y/N had joked when Kara had said that, her tongue stuck out, and Kara had just rolled her eyes, cuddling her brat close on her lap.
“Ready?” Alex said from Kara’s shoulder, and she turned around to rest her head against her chest, the woman wrapping heris arms around her with a smile. They’d repaired their friendship after the trial; in fact now it was stronger than ever, and Kara wouldn’t have even thought twice about having Alex in the front row, along with her other family and friends.
Y/N’s parents weren’t there, which was to be expected since Y/N had steadfastly refused to invite them. Kara had asked, carefully, but Y/N was vehement to the point of tears about not wanting her parents anywhere near herself and Kara. Kelly was there, though, along with the young man Y/N had heard so much about, Mike, and Nia, who had already gone through one pack of tissues and was starting on another.
“Go on,” Alex said quietly, pushing Kara lightly towards the door that led to outside, and the little circle in front of the seats.
“Go claim your girl.”
It was a simple white sheet laid out on the grass, and a lattice arch laced with green leaves and gardenias. Just to the side of the arch was a table draped with a lace cloth, upon which rested two boxes, one smaller, one larger. The larger box held Kara’s gift to Y/N, the smaller, Y/N’s gift to Kara. They were like two children at Christmas in the days leading up to the ceremony, knowing exactly what the gifts would be but not what they would be made of.
Both of them, though, knew the meaning of what was held in those two boxes.
In between the boxes was a single sheet of paper, with two pens on top. The paper was official, with the state seal emblazoned on the upper margin, and the bottom margin held the stiff, black scrawl of the woman officiating the ceremony, Caitlin Snow.
She stood just to Kara’s left, smiling at her, waiting. Two blank lines on the paper also waited, for signatures. Pledges.
Kara took a deep breath and once again smoothed her dress. Light baby blue, and her hair was pulled up into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. The day was calm, cool, and the sun had begun to set just off the horizon. It was perfect, made all the more perfect by the trembling girl who shut the door behind her and made her way to the sheet, stopping to stand in front of Kara with a nervous smile.
Kara reached out and took both Y/N’s hands in hers, squeezing them gently as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“All right, little one?” she questioned, and Y/N nodded, her cheeks flushing pink.
“I’m all right, Miss Kara.”
“You’re beautiful,” Kara said, still holding tightly to Y/N’s hands, and it was true. Y/N was wearing a (color)  dress that matched her eyes, which were sparkling as she smiled at Kara, the blush still evident on her fact. She was still trembling and Kara squeezed her hands again, taking in the way Y/N’s Y/H/C hair was twisted up in braids, loose tendrils falling around her cheeks and ears.
She was, Kara thought, the prettiest girl she’d ever seen in her life.
And in just a few short moments, Y/N would be completely hers.
“Are we ready to get started?” Ms. Snow asked, and both Kara and Y/N nodded their consent.
“Kara and Y/N,” Ms. Snow began, “have decided to keep this short and sweet, because I’m gathering they’re quite eager to start their life together and enjoy the support of their family and friends here.”
“This isn’t something to be taken lightly,” Ms. Snow continued, a note of warning to her voice that gave her a sudden formidable air in spite of her small frame. “A claim is meant to be for life, two people choosing to live their life together as Dominant and submissive, with all the care and emotion that a relationship like that means.”
Ms. Snow looked to Kara, then to Y/N in turn. “Have each of you decided to pledge yourself to the other, freely and willingly, with no pressure or force from family or friends?”
Kara waited for what felt like years, a lifetime as the days and moments flashed behind her eyes. First steps, first words, first competition at a year old. School and slushies, her dad knelt by a hospital bedside. A ticket to New York, tucked away in a scrapbook, yellowed and crumbling, unused. Work and the society, a brick building at the end of a walk.
A girl with dirty hair. Two slices of apple resting on the arm of a wheelchair.
The world was silent, still, until the wind picked up and trees rustled, and it was in the wind, this gentle wind, that Kara heard the answer that would define her life from this point forward.
Y/N’s voice was calm, resolute.
“Yes,” was Kara’s return, and she felt Y/N’s hands squeeze hers because she had begun to tremble, and for a brief moment Kara once again realized that there was no shifting of balance, no changing of roles, because the comforter didn’t have to be left uncomforted, there was a control in subservience, and even as she waited to kneel, Y/N was holding Kara up.
“Y/N and Kara have decided to make their own presentations to each other rather than following the usual claiming ceremony,” Ms. Snow said, “And Kara has promised not to use a lot of words.”
Their friends and family laughed; Kara rolled her eyes when Maggie let out a whoop from the front row only to be shushed by Alex.
“Y/N?” Ms. Snow asked gently. “Are you ready?”
Kara saw the subtle intake of breath, felt the trembling return to Y/N’s body, and her impulse, even as Y/N let go of her hands, was to pull the young woman into her arms and whisper comfort into her ears. But she held back, because Y/N was removing the thin bracelet from Kara’s right wrist and handing it to Ms. Snow, exchanging it for the bracelet that had, for the last three days, rested in the small royal blue box.
A pillow now sat at Kara’s feet, waiting for the moment when the collar would be placed around Y/N’s neck. But for now Kara was distracted by the shaking of Y/N’s hands, the fumbling of her fingers around the bracelet, which slipped out of her grasp and tumbled to the sheet on the grass.
“O-oh no,” Y/N said as she knelt down on the pillow and picked up the bracelet, her voice laced with embarrassment and regret. “I messed up, I’m s-sorry…”
Ms. Snow moved to say something, but Kara held up her hand, then reached down and tucked it under Y/N’s chin, stroking the skin with her thumb and lifting the girl’s head so that Y/N was looking up at her. Y/N’s eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and Kara’s heart melted.
“Easy, little one,” she said. “You’re doing just fine, Y/N. It’s okay, you’re all right.”
Y/N hesitated for a few seconds then took a deep breath and nodded, steadying herself. She stayed kneeling on the pillow as Kara dropped her hand; Y/N looked at the bracelet then raised it to her lips, kissing it before latching it securely to Kara’s left wrist and holding on to Kara’s hand with both of hers.
It was a bird, Kara saw, and she smiled through her tears, marveling at how appropriate it was. A single silver bird in an open circle, held flat against the back of Kara’s wrist with a silver band. Kelly and Sam had gone with Y/N to help her, but she’d picked it out herself, Sam had told Kara, and it gave Kara no small amount of pride that her girl had chosen something specifically for her, something that she would wear for the rest of her life.
Y/N dipped her head and kissed Kara’s hand, nuzzling it as she began to speak.
“I love you, Mistress,” Y/N said, and Kara had to fight back the sob. “You… you know I like drawing birds a lot, and I thought this was the best thing for me to give you. Because when you found me… I was like a wounded bird, you know? Tossed out of the nest and I’d forgotten how to fly. And you… you gave me my wings. But no matter where I go, I promise, Mistress, I’ll always fly back to you.”
She was crying then, openly, barely able to see Y/N but holding on to her hands for dear life, anchoring herself with Y/N’s words. With that one specific word.
“A lot of stuff has happened to me, but it’s in the past now. I want to… let go of my past and start my future. Our future. Together.”
 “I know I’ll make mistakes,” Y/N said, once again kissing Kara’s hand. “And I know you will too, even though it’ll be hard for you to admit it, because you hate being wrong.”
She couldn’t help but laugh as Y/N stuck her tongue out. Her little brat, Kara thought. God she loved this woman.
“But I promise that no matter what happens, no matter what mistakes we make, I’ll do my best to fix it. I’m always going to be there for you, I’m always going to try to be your best little one—“
“My only little one,” Kara interrupted with a chuckle, and Y/N smiled.
“Not done talking,” she said, and Kara nodded. “I’m always going to try to be the little one you need, the little one you deserve. Because I love you, Mistress. I love you so much.”
And then as Y/N fell silent, Kara knew all attention had turned to her, and the pink satin box that Caitlin Snow had opened and held out to her.
Y/N had asked for Kara to not to give her anything silver, as it was too reminiscent of the time she’d spent with James. And so the collar was gold; thin, strong links of chain meant to be held together at the ends with a lock, and Y/N smiled seeing it, because the lock was a thick gold star of about an inch, the keyhole in the center.  Still tucked in the box was the key, a dainty little antique with an open gold star on the end.  She would carry it with her everywhere, Kara knew, and hope that the only time the key would need to unlock Y/N’s collar was when the girl showered.
The lock was unlatched, and so Kara pulled it from the collar and draped the chain around Y/N’s neck, the two ends dangling open over her shoulders. Kara smiled at her reassuringly, seeing Y/N shiver slightly, and she lightly brushed her hand over Y/N’s face.
 “I at first thought I would sing to you a song expressing my emotions,” she said, and then grinned. “But for once I decided to save everyone the melodrama and just… tell you.”
“I love you, my little one,” she said, and meant it to the very core of her heart. “This collar has a gold star lock on it because, well… you know gold stars are my thing, but also, you’re my gold star, Y/N. Shining bright and beautiful every time I look at you. And no matter what happens, no matter if you’re obedient or naughty, happy or sad, I promise to always love you. Everything that you’ve been, everything that you are, everything that you will be. For the rest of my life, I love you, Y/N Zor-El-Y/L/N.”
She slipped the lock through the ends of the collar and moved to latch it, but was stopped by Y/N’s hands on hers.
Kara’s heart plummeted. Was Y/N rethinking everything? Had she decided at the last minute that she couldn’t do this, that Kara wasn’t the one, that maybe there would be someone better for her out there? She opened her mouth to say something but for once the words wouldn’t come.
Which was a good thing, because Y/N’s hands folded around hers, their fingers linked awkwardly, and Kara realized with a choked sob that Y/N’s intent was for them to close the lock around her collar together.
It latched with a click, there was light applause from the family – and another whoop from Maggie – and it was done.
Kara Zor-El had claimed Y/N Y/L/N as her own.
Jeremiah appeared at Kara’s side long enough to take the key for safekeeping until the day was over, and then Kara was reaching down and lifting her submissive – her little one, her girl, her Y/N – to her feet.
She wrapped her arms around Y/N and held her close, then tilted back and lightly kissed Y/N’s lips, laughing through her tears.
“I love you,” Kara said again, glancing down at her bracelet, and smiling when she saw Y/N toying with the lock around her neck, an expression of happy wonder on her face.
“This is so beautiful,” she whispered, before kissing Kara again. “I love you, Mistress.”
Kara didn’t think she’d ever tire of hearing Y/N say those words to her, and it was on the tip of her tongue to ask Y/N to say them again when Miss Snow interrupted once more.
“Only one thing left to do then,” and Kara nodded, realizing that this was the most important part.
She took Y/N’s hand and turned her to face the table upon which the contract rested. Kara didn’t really care for the term “contract,” but knew that technically the wording couldn’t be changed. “It’s a promise,” she had explained to Y/N. “A promise that I’m going to take care of you to the best of my ability, and that you’ll do the same for me.”
Indeed, the contract laid out Kara and Y/N’s rules in simple, black script, presented coldly, almost medically, with no indication of the emotions and troubles that had led up to that point. But though Kara knew that it was just a piece of paper, and that what really bound Y/N to her was her heart, and the gold star collar around her neck, a part of her still tensed when Y/N hesitated, the pen in her hand poised over the page.
But then Y/N signed with a steady stroke, Kara took a deep breath and did the same, and Caitlin Snow was beaming as she said “Ladies and gentlemen, Kara and Y/N Zor-El-Y/L/N!”
Finally it was time for hugs from everyone, including sloppy kisses from baby Maya and an excited bark from Theo, who looked dapper in the green and white bowtie Kara insisted he wear. The chairs were moved back to make room for tables, the food was brought out and soon it was apparent, as Y/N and Kara shared a slow dance together, that Miss Snow had dipped into the wine and was now walking around telling everyone they’d look much better in green.
Y/N stayed close to her as a few hours went by, and Kara kept her arm firmly around her little one’s waist while they walked around and accepted everyone’s well-wishes. The moon was high in the sky when Kara decided that it was time to excuse herself and Y/N from the festivities. The night wasn’t over yet, and she wanted to be alone with her girl.
“Ready?” she asked Y/N softly, tilting up to brush her lips with a kiss.
She caught the hesitation, the swallow, before Y/N nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”
Kara squeezed her hand and turned to her father, who had walked up to her and Y/N and was now offering the key to Y/N’s collar to his daughter.
“Be gentle,” he said in a low voice to Kara as they were standing off to the side. “Be gentle, and be patient, and—“
“No, stop.” Kara held up her hand and made a face. “You are the last person I want to give me tips about anything like that.” She smiled and hugged her father. “I’ve got it, I promise.”
The applause of their family and friends – and yet another whoop from Maggie – echoed in her ears as Kara led Y/N away from them and to her car. She giggled a little when Y/N rushed around to the driver’s side to open her door, only to stand there sheepishly when Kara had to unlock it. Kara pulled her into her arms for a kiss, then got behind the wheel as Y/N took her place next to her.
The young woman stared nervously out the window, and Kara held tight to her hand, as with her other, she steered the car, and her submissive, towards home.
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- rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: uhmmm maybe yellow or pink !! but i love blue and orange together :]
last song: before every load by mike klubnika, but lately i have had another day in paradise by phil collins on loop. literally
currently reading: albert of adelaide! yes i like children's books Shut up they're fun. just finished the first 5 wings of fire books and after albert of adelaide i'm going to start either dune or gideon the ninth. but i need to continue the witcher series someday
currently watching: i'm actually not watching any shows currently! but i want to start rewatching jojo's bizarre adventure (and try NOT to rewatch supernatural lol)
currently craving: nothing really i am quite full from lunch just now 😵‍💫
coffee or tea: TEAAAA. ANY DAY. i like tea very very much i drink 2 cups a day and i just got some new teas recently that i'm very excited to try
hobby to try: oh my goodness i have far too many hobbies already that i cannot keep up with so i really should not be taking on anything new.... but. i am about to start making mead anyway
current au: idk what this means really but uhhh i don't really read/write a lot of aus. i guess just fix-it stuff or like "(character) is alive" aus?
tagging: @heikeee @artanogon @riddlemewisp @tinkertoysdamn @amelia-mariee @thissmallplace @witcherhunterbros @sanicmaster @shrimplvr69 @d14nthus (no pressure to do this obviously it's just for funsies)
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usergrantaire · 10 months
episode six lesgo
- don’t worry boo you’ll get your eight hour workday (eventually)
- tired of this cold politeness i need bertha and enid to get into a screaming match immediately. maybe we’ll get a bitch slap or two if we’re lucky
- not the butler beef
- im here for lesbian con artist maud and i am ready to be disappointed
- aw ada is honeymooning at niagara falls
- jack and his wee alarm clock bring me so much joy
- how much would 35 dollars in 1883 be in 2023
- jesus it’s $1066.19
- arthur has made some real bad mistakes but i can’t truly hate him i think. i see where he’s coming from and he really does just want the best for peggy even if he’s misguided in going about it
- ooh i like that they’re getting into how the north wasn’t that great for people of colour either
- “im afraid i made [his bad back] worse” and here i thought ada was cracking a dirty joke 😭
- oh naur is the reverend going to die soon i know how jf works
- “it’s not as if you’re a real teacher” oh he’s definitely getting jilted at the altar
- where did peggy get ye olde lip gloss
- not the cockney lady’s maid
- the opera house guy has such a poor little meow meow look about him…..
- pumpkin 🥹
- oh naur bannister’s already ratted church out lmao
- oscar is gonna get conned isn’t he
- oh that pink dress and hat are fabulous
- the reverend is definitely gonna die
- don’t worry gladys your mom’s gonna sell you to a duke 💀
- why is the butler beef one of the most riveting parts of this show
- dashiell don’t you know it’s in bad form to propose so publicly
- also the camera lingering on larry
- “if you really want me to” THAT ISN’T A YES MARIAN
- peggy establishing Boundaries we love to see it
- poor people don’t get the privilege of going to school mr russell
- “you cannot buy a duke” oh you absolutely could at this point in history, they were all broke as fuck
- oh shut up armstrong
- there jf goes again with never showing the important conversations taking place and only giving us the reactions after
- did they not have more material for a bigger barricade?
- finally george follows through on that “is it really so bad to let them spend time with their families” instinct
- strike storyline is a bit clumsily handled tho but i never expected much from jf to begin with im gonna rewatch north and south now
that’s it for the week i’ll see y’all next time
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coldflasher · 3 months
currently rewatching season 6 of doctor who and generally enjoying it but my god after watching "let's kill hitler"... i remembered it being bad and it's actually worse. i have many gripes with how stephen moffat writes women but this ep turns it up to an unbearable level
ngl this ep ruins river for me a little bit. i already hate that she's amy and rory's daughter but i can live with it. but this ep has me grinding my teeth SO hard. the entire character of mels is insufferable. and then the regeneration scene should be cool but is ruined by lines like "shut up dad, im focusing on a dress size" and the weird obsession w river immediately sexualizing and objectifying herself and being like "oooh im going to wear TIGHT PANTS because i have a BIG ARSE now, hee hee". and every other line is like this. like yes alex kingston is a smokeshow. we know this. but the way it's played rubs me up the wrong way so bad. stephen moffat i am coming after you with a sword
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quodekash · 1 year
i went to bed instead of watching abaab and i woke up and im ✨sick✨
its not the plague but i have a sore throat and im really congested and i feel like a dump truck ran over me and poured all the bin juices in my brain, but its fine cos im here, im queer, and threezo are near
CONTENT WARNING: if youve seen this episode, youll be aware that there will be discussions of rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia. if any of these topics are triggering for you, please take the measures you require to stay safe, and please call emergency services if you require help, and talk to someone you trust. remember: you are not alone, and there will always be people who love and care for you, but you havent yet met some of them. stay safe everyone, i love you
i cannot for the life of me remember how the last episode ended so its lucky that they have little summaries at the starts of episodes cos otherwise id have no clue whats going on
hang on, dont they still need to go to work?
i cant remember what day it is and what they were doing before cher got that phone call but still
dang it ive already had a cup of tea today but i think i need another one
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THREEZO HELLO (ft jack's luscious hair on the side there)
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okay, yeah, fair
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awhh thoop is cryinggg
bro is in desperate need of a hug
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i love deep platonic bonds
especially when its found family
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**gasp** despicable!
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hes so prettyyyy
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and hes also so prettyyyyyy
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am i crying? yes.
im crying a lot
i love threezo so much
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the grip these two have on my mental health and sanity--
have i rewatched this scene four times? yeah. do i now kinda just wanna curl into a ball and sob for a day or two? yeah. unfortunately i have to keep watching the episode
okay so its literally like six hours later now, ive tried having two naps, ive had three cups of tea today, as much medicine as i can have, and the sickness has done nothing but get worse which is just so fun but the only reason i wasnt watching abaab is bc i was trying to sleep and that's just not happening so im continuing the episode now
the commentary is gonna be very little tho btw bc im having trouble making coherent thoughts through all the conjestion clogging my brain
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the way they smile at each other is so 🥺🥹
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sorry, last week i couldnt stop talking about the freaking pomegranate i was eating, today i cant stop talking about how sick i am, ill try and shut up about it and just watch the episode lol
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idk much about the mother
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look, i hate cops and law enforcement
but i even more hate thoop's stepfather
and law enforcement, unfortunately, have a lot of power, but thats fortunate in this situation bc they can force him to shut up which is nice
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oh, wouldya look at that. i was right.
im not happy about it. its freaking horrible. and its even worse that it happens every day in every single country and state and city and suburb and yet nothing is being done about it.
um. yeah. thats all i can think of to say.
holy hell thats freaking disgusting
i hate this so much. not that they included this in the show, im really glad they included it because it's freaking disgusting and not talked about enough, especially in mainstream media and stuff. i just freaking hate that rape exists and people have to put up with it every single freaking day of their freaking lives, and NOTHING is happening to fix this freaking disgusting issue
this episode is a lot heavier than i was expecting and idk if anything im saying makes any sense because im too sick for this and the things that happened are making me even more sick
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sobbing, i cant do this, theyre too sweet
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as per usual, your hair is on fleek today, my friend
he's angry at laem, but his hair is perfection
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the perfect way to get someone to shut up: shove food in their mouth as fast as possible (im using this at some point) (also how the hell is his hair so pretty i love his hair too much. i think i always spend more time talking about jack's hair than i do talking about the actual episode)
gun's mother has such a sweet sounding voice but her words sting like poison, jeez
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side note: look at three and zo's knees pressed together gjfngjbhfgbh
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wait so. bad buddy exists as a series inside the msp universe. simm exists as a series inside the abaab universe. what's next??
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the frame changed suddenly, kluen was looking down slightly earlier and now he's looking right in nuea's eyes (yes i had to include jack's hair in the screenshot, so what?)
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side note: i love all of jack's ear piercings (and his hair) so much
(ive now used all my 30 photos for this post so you just have to deal with that. on the bright side, the final photo was of jack's beautiful face and beautiful earrings and beautiful HAIR)
i love this friend group so much, theyre all just sitting in a circle in their gaming chairs supporting cher as much as possible in their own little ways and its so sweet and so happy and gfbhbrhgb
ignore your bfs phone calls only to show up at his house with food
"promise me no matter what happens, we will fight it together" RGHBKRDFHGKRBDFHB
"(talking to himself) if your mum knows about this, she will hit you to death, cher" "know about what?" "she gave me only one heart and i gave it all to you" "youre as cheesy as i am" IM DYING WHAT THE HELL THEYRE SO SWEET
theyre so soft with each other what the hell
"i just want to hear it from your mouth-" AND CHER CUTS HIM OFF WITH THE SOFTEST KISS EVER??? (well, not ever. no one can ever kiss as softly or lovingly as freaking akk, but that's neither here nor there) THAT ONE TINY MOMENT IS GONNA PLAY IN MY HEAD FOR AGES NOW OMG
keep the pants on please guys
oh thank goodness they finished the episode before it got to that, i appreciate that
im desperately hoping that next episode will be mostly fluffy happiness bc i cant take much more of this seriousness, especially not if my sickness persists (which i really hope it doesnt, id love to be functioning this week)
um yeah. that was that. i hope you enjoyed that? sorry for all my ramblings about being sick, i just really hate being sick.
once again, i hope youre all safe and healthy, if you're not, i hope you can find a safe space and people you trust, please contact someone who can help you if you need it. i love you all, have a great week :]
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omg I saw your tag about vampire diaries and im so excited, none of my friends like the show so I’m all by myself in liking it
I’m actually doing a rewatch[/technically finishing watching it cause I stopped watching it at like season 5 when I was high school] of it right now (I’m at season 3)
which character is your favorite?? mines Caroline and also are there any characters that you just love to hate???
YES I've been trying to get Mr. MB to rewatch it with me because whenever he wants to "compromise" on a show, it's always something HE likes so I've pulled out the "you never compromise in my favor and i've watched too many movies about war boats for you to be this grumpy about sexy vampires." I think he'd like it if he just got over himself.
My favorite character was ALSO Caroline (klaroline for LIFE they fucked that all up for a spin-off and I will be forever salty about it). I also loved to hate Stefan SORRY but like GOD SHUT UP ALREADY like you are a 200 year old vampire, where is your sense of FUN. We already have Elena and her morality, we don't need you, too. I liked Stefan best when he turned off his humanity and just went a little crazy. Good for him. Commit an atrocity, that's why I watch shows like this.
I also really liked Rebekah like damn she was just doing her best you know? Surrounded by her dumbass brothers, I'd act like that too.
And I think across the board the character I just never liked was Tyler. GET AWAY FROM HER. BYE.
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sinkableruby · 2 years
So, how did you end up stumbling into Monogatari as a series? And who would you say was your Favorite character before Ougi filled that spot? I'd love to ask more about Ougi but, y'know, personal spoilers and all.
oh oh oh yes i have an answer for this one
actually the answer to both is nadeko!! you are right that ougi is my all time fave but nadeko was acc my fave before them and still holds my second place slot!! talking about it below with spoiler talks of otorimonogatari
similarly to you i stumbled upon it in my teens like a while back. my first impression was like the memes and stuff of course with renai circulation and what not. which led to me seeing a comparison video of renai circulation and mousou express, which is super interesting and cool even without context. and scary for that matter mousou express is kind of terrifying. it leaves an incredibly lasting impression, and it certainly did on me back then. of course it helped that i like the songs too. i also saw a clip of her in medusa form which was intriguing (and also i love the design of it). this on its own though was not enough to get me to watch. actually no wait i think i tried to watch it but the order was so confusing that i started with like nise by accident somehow and i had no idea what was going on so i quit lmao. but i was still curious about the series partly due to nadeko and partly bc it was like one of those big shows that you hear about yk
then fast forward a while, i hear the kizumonogatari movies r comin out so im like fuck it lets watch even tho i have no context. luckily they turned out to be prequel stories and my experience was not totally ruined by this move lol. of course, they were really good, those movies are amazing. so now i was like more invested in the story, but only by a little bit more. the final push i needed to actually try to watch (again) was ultimately because i was so curious about nadeko. tbh she was also the reason why i finished the series in the first place. monogatari on first watch for me was overwhelming and very dense (i mean, its a dense show), and before otori i actually wasn't enjoying it like a LOT, especially not with all the weird bits the series likes to throw at you. not to say that i disliked it, it just wasn't like amazing to me. of course now i feel differently and love the early parts of the series very much too, but first watch was slightly rough at times and took me a while to complete. learning what was gonna happen with nadeko was a big motivating factor for me.
but then when i acc got to otori i was like HOLY SHIT ITS ME lmao. i mean id already liked nadeko the best from the very little id seen of her and the fuzzy spoiler memory of vaguely what was going to happen in her arc. but man otori was so good and resonated with me so much, every single moment of it was so gripping to me. i loved the stark contrast in nadeko's perspective from araragi's (esp noticeable in how she sees her classmates), how it's already set up at the very beginning as a story where she Gets Worse so there's a feeling of profound dread surrounding it, her outburst at school (my jaw actually dropped at the "shut up!" i was so shocked and then hyped lol), just like everything about kuchinawa, the incredible ost (not to mention that op of course). ougi actually did contribute to the enjoyment bc she brought up such interesting ideas at the beginning and is generally such an enigma, but shes not the focus here right now i just cant help but bring up ougi in any situation. but yeah otori hands down one of my favorite arcs, one of the ones i still go back to rewatch frequently for the profound effect it had on me and the comfort it brings
its like what you were talking about with hanekawa. nisioisin truly did an incredible job with his characterization to make so many very true-to-life and nadeko is absolutely no exception, she is very relatable to me. i've got a lot of experience in life being shy, quiet, socially anxious, generally anxious lol (although not anymore!), and as 'the sweetheart who can do no wrong', so it's very much nadeko's specific brand of avoidance and like... 'outward-facing personality management' that resonates with me, if that makes sense. i was completely aligned with her during that whole watchthrough of otori in terms of feeling how she felt. i was seeing myself reflected back at me from the screen lol. of course we have lots of differences too but the similarities were really capturing to me on my first watch through and kinda catapulted me to finish the rest. her later appearances only added onto my appreciation of her too. i'll leave it there though since you don't know so much about that yet. when u get there ill probably have more to talk about. but shes a wonderful character love her very much.
also. ghh. i wish i could say more about ougi. you have no idea. im so curious to see what you will think of them. im practically vibrating with how much i want to talk about them (a constant state of being for me). but i wont say anything yet. i will be Hush...
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zhvakinnn · 9 months
Hello! Today I rewatched Titanic for the hundredth time, so I had an idea:
do you know this scene in Titanic? In any case, here it is, if you haven't seen this movie (I highly recommend it, crying every time Imao)
So, imagine that Rose is a character (inosuke) and Jack is the reader (their s/o) begins to die/or turn into a demon, they are both very hurt, the character understandably end up next to the reader at this moment in a hope to stop the process, but then both realize that nothing helps, and before going completely crazy/or die, the reader begins to calm down characters (just repeat lines from this scene lol) How would the characters react? I want some angsssss yeahh
P.S. If it's not difficult, briefly describe how the characters will behave after the death of their s/o(I prefer romantic)
So sorry for my English is so bad!!! I am not speaking it, hope you having a good day/night!!
In another life
Omg yes i have cried many times in titanic 😭, and its ok i dont know much English aswell
Warning: angst, slightly Fluff
🍓as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me 🍓
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You've gone missing for 1 week already and the others are worried about you so they look everywhere
When Tanjiro's crow called that it saw you inosuke pay no time and just ran to where the crow saw you but when he got there he got scratch non other than you
"(name) what are you doing?!"
You were a mess you don't have your haori anymore and your hair is messy and your uniform had many holes
You attack him once again now his mask fell
When your about to attack again he was about drew(or draw whatever) his sword but he realized your he's s/o he put back his katana and punch you in the chest
Zenitsu and tanjiro got there and tanjiro hold inosuke
"what are you doing to (name) inosuke!?"
Then he release inosuke when theres a bit tears coming out of his eyes
Then you were back going to attack him again, zenitsu drew he's sword and now was pointing at you
Inosuke ran towards you and took the hit
And they were there avoiding and they catch them tanjiro holding you while you is struggling
"please (name) stop"
Now tears forming in inosuke's eyes the other two was surprised to see inosuke like this
"they're.... they're a demon now inosuke you cant stop them and they cant control they're self..I'm sorry to say this but....we have to cut-"
You got out of Tanjiro's grasp when inosuke catch you he hold you but ended up getting an injury again
And then giyuu came he was fast then the moment flash
Your head....
Inosuke stand there then came running to giyuu trying to fight him only ended up going to pass out he layed on the floor then hear what you said
"inosuke..Iloveyou..don't forget th...."
He looked in to your eyes theres only sorrow to see
Then he passed out
He have been ignoring everyone mostly giyuu (sorry giyuu stans) aoi tried to feed him only him throwing the food out of the window
Tanjiro even convince him
"do you think (name )would like this..huh inosuke... please just eat."
He stared to eat like a boar he haven't eaten in 3 weeks straight
Out of all the demons to choose you
He ran towards you and sat besides you he had a. Two Rice ball and give the other one to you
He talks with you about everything he expirince
He look at you rubbing the cement then leaning into you grave
"in another life i wish you were no demon..."
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This is the only thing i could think of hope you liked it!
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llewnanith · 2 years
being an izzy hands enjoyer is really fun because yes i have hours long playlists based on his divorce yes i talk about him all the time yes i analyze him and write paragraphs and au after au of him yes i miss him whenever im not seeing him but also i rewatched ofmd with my friend the other day and every single time he was on my screen i started yelling at him to shut the fuck up and/or die already
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tag nine people you want to know better ✨️
ahhhh tysm for the tag @yellowloid 💖
most recent ship: christ i dont even have to say do i??
the one i've read the most of: milex 4 life (shut me up) no but seriously like- i think ive worked my way through half of ao3 with those two
wild card: still milex 😭 honestly its mad how they just work like- absolutely everywhere. theyre chemistry quite literally could transcends dimensions-
first ever ship: omg trip down memory lane goodness me- hmmmmmmm... baby me was OBSESSED with maze runner so it was most likely newtmas 😭 (god bless them and keep them🙏)
last song: barely on my mind - the regrettes
last movie: rewatched fear and loathing in las vegas for, what? the fifteenth time?? 😭
currently reading: going between shuggie bain and rereading fight club!!
currently watching: rewatching shameless usa in the background (wow i really love re-ing stuff can you tell??) i have no clue how im not sick of it by now-
currently consuming: also heavy confused by this?? 😭 uhhh ive got a nice wee cuppa tea rn so ig there ya go (god i really couldn't get more british)
currently craving: oh lots of things, *looks serenely into the distance* miles's new album, the italian country side, many cigarettes, a hair cut?? yeah. i'd also scran the feck out of a box of maltesers rn mate- OH AND desperately craving that my new chapter for inhaler to just up and finish itself at this point 😭
right heres the hard part (firstly ofc no pressure/sorry if you've already been tagged my memory is quite literally walking out the door as we speak- and if ye wanna be tagged, consider yourself tagged <3): @ballad-of-what-could-have-been @stereobone @thranduil-aran-edhil @uhbasicallyjustmilex @alexturne @freakykeypad @mileskanex @depressedraisin @hellcatsandcars
knock yerselfs out lads and ladettes!!
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i don't know what the fuck just happened
i somehow managed to fuck up SO's birthday and feel awful. ive gotta make a big drive tomorrow night and have to fuck up my sleep schedule on purpose and with how emotionally exhausting this whole day was it's that much more difficult.
i legit started rambling, feeling very 'i'm a piece of shit, what do you want..let's make jokes about how fucked up i am while i detach emotionally when you have a breakdown' like roman fucking roy and then i even said 'i'm roman fucking roy, i don't know what you want from me'.
here's what i think happened: nutshell version because being vague is safer and i'm also tired.
SO has been depressed. i can't do shit about it. i have a bad habit when i'm overwhelmed with my own shit to be like 'let's try to just be super happy and pretend his breakdown isn't happening because i can't handle men crying on the floor because i'm used to men getting angry, yelling or worse...hitting me.' so i avoid. it's a symptom of complex PTSD apparently and also i think ptsd doesn't accurately describe what i have anymore because nothing is 'post'. this shit is happening right now and im constantly triggered because i figured out i'm still being abused and emotionally manipulated by my parents as an adult and i don't know wtf to do about it. i think im going to need therapy again. SO says he thinks he wants to go see one again too.
there's nothing wrong with our relationship. it's individually, we're both fucked up. it doesn't help i have this 'not really, but kind of' a side thing but it's not affecting things here. (im still a piece of shit because if anything its kind of an emotional affair...i dont know...feelings are fine...if i act on them then that's different...this is an old flame too and we're close, always have been...it's just an intense friendship bordering upon dangerous with flirtations but THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE)
'you never shut up' SO said to me out of anger. broke down after he said it even though i agreed even though it stung. i told him don't worry about it. it was true. i need to to not put all my shit on him. that's why i suggested therapy again.
i explained that i don't feel mad or upset by anything that happened tonight..just feel bad because yes he called me out on being emotionally detached and i have been lately because im a fucking mess. i also tend to run from everything so i even told him fuck it, we can move back because it's fine me being a mess but since he's the breadwinner, when he falls apart it's bad for both of us. i'm already on benefits because of epilepsy that's intractible. nothing I can do about that. but he needs to be ok.
he keeps looking at me like i'm nuts but dude, i've been running my whole life. i wanted to settle and stay here forever and i love this place more than any place i have ever lived but look i'm still sick here and i got issues popping up like god hates me.
i'm not even roman roy. i think because i detached instead of wearing it on my face or crying like kendall. maybe i'm a mix of both. i dunno. that show speaks to me on so many levels. i rewatched Hannibal too and i'm just like wtf. then i picked my favorite mommy issues movies to put on.
here's what i know happened: two people who love each other very much aren't doing well mentally but their relationship isn't what's making the other fucked up. it's everything else they have never dealt with making them individually fucked up and tonight it blew up. bad timing. neither of us could help each other. he got rightfully pissed. i am not upset he got pissed and the one thing he said out of anger was a very true fucking statement that put a big mirror in front of my face.
i realized too that i cannot handle a man having a breakdown. he asked why i always just walk away from him when hes like that? well because i don't know what to do with it and also what if it turns into something else and the man is going nuts on me or taking it out on me? i don't know. i'm very fucked up.
i hate victim mentality bullshit. i try not to put stuff on anyone. so i sweep it away like it's not fucking happening and i got called out on that. i don't know how to be there for him. i can't help it i have ingrained weird ideas. i try just not to be a cunt ok? and i don't know maybe i was one tonight? i don't even know. i apologized for getting loud when i did because i had my earplugs in so didn't realize how loud i was and i also hadn't eaten all day and it was making me hangry so my brain couldn't even process anything until after i ate.
a man shaking and crying on the floor because of me? (or what i perceived as being about me?) all i thought was get away from him because you're hurting him and nothing you do is going to make it better...and then it was like i felt like my mom. that's what she did. no comfort for the crying ones...just walk away until it's over. but i'm not his mommy. i'm his SO. he even said 'i don't want you to baby me or anything, just a little comfort would be nice.' he's right. but again, why are you crying in the first place? i'm selfish so i'm thinking 'wtf i'm a mess...now i have to wonder why you're a mess...wtf' and jfc no....i don't know what the fuck happened.
we need to both get some help with our issues somehow or we're not going to make it if repeats like this keep happening. i can't even call it a fight. it was more just a collective breakdown. he went to bed red eyed and mumbling. i'm up exhausted but numb af.
fucking a.
it's good i'll be gone for a day. give us both some time away just to think. well, he'll be able to anyway, ill be cramped in a car with 7 other people for 18 hours. not that i'm complaining. i've gotta do this to help out with bills and plus now i've got an obligation because my mother keeps putting shit on me and didn't even give me a chance to say no and if i don't make this trip a lot of people are out of money so im basically unable to back out even if wanted to. fuck it. i think i'll finally be able to chill next year. i'm going to make myself anyway. get through holidays. have a good time on our concert trip in january. hopefully by them my SO and i are in better places mentally too.
one hour at a time.
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i still cant believe klaus brained luther with the fire extinguisher that was inspired
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aro-aizawa · 3 years
hhhhhh i just want the rest of season 4 to come out already so i can officially designate it as my favourite season!!!
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four-am-fanfiction · 4 years
rewatching spn from the start is so annoying cause the early seasons are such a VibeTM and i love sam and dean but i also literally Dont Care about sam and dean. where is the gay angel
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daisycinnimon · 5 years
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out of context digimon for yall
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