#it feels incredibly intentional and that /is/ the voice of the show is this complicated balance of life and death and laughter and tears
thesundanceghost · 1 year
man okay like vida really was such a good show
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hedgehogcryptid · 2 years
Probably no one cares but I need to rant about Fairy Tail now that I finally finished it. Because I feel like it gets a lot more hate than it deserves considering that almost everything it set out to do it did right. Starting from characterization and relationship dynamics. Those were fucking great. They're so fucking fleshed out, I love them.
And I've seen people complaining about Natsu and Lucy's relationship being dragged out but I feel they're missing on the fact that, first and foremost, they're partners, and no amount of romance or lack thereof can change that. Not long after meeting him Lucy jumps out of a window with no hesitation and no back up plan because she heard Natsu's voice and that meant she would be safe. That is not just a high level of trust, that is insane. And that's the entirety of their relationship. Making them romantic wouldn't change anything. It would just mean slapping a different label on it, because their relationship simply cannot be more deep and meaningful than it already is. (And this might be my aroace ass speaking, but I cannot imagine Natsu being stereotypically romantic. Even if they decided that they were, in fact, dating, I feel nothing would change in the ways they act around each other)
Also about Erza and Jellal, really. They're clearly meant to be together, they love each other. But they can't share any amount of time on the same room without it becoming awkward or dramatic because the amount of shared trauma between them is fucking astronomical. They need twenty years of therapy before they can do any significantly romantic thing and that's great. It's awesome! Just because you're in love with someone doesn't mean that being together will be easy! But that doesn't make their relationship any less meaningful or tender.
And the platonic relationships! The family ones! Makarov will risk himself and use the fairy law and Mavis tries to stop him. Tells him she has a plan that will lead to victory. Only for Makarov to say "I know this. But I need it now because the children are suffering and I won't wait a second longer" before obliterating an entire army.
Gildarts might be a womanizer but he's good with kids and he's so fucking delighted at having a child. He's so proud, and so embarrassing. I love him.
The raijinshuu are friends, and it shows, and I kinda love that the one to have a raging crush on Laxus is not Ever, the only woman among them. And the Strauss siblings have such a good relationship too. And thankfully don't fall into any of the worst sibling cliches. Levi and Gajeel spend the whole time they know eachother developing a relationship on the background, and by the time you pay atention they're sleeping together. That's hilarious. It's fantastic.
And speaking of Laxus, he goes from being a crazy fuck to incredibly cool and dependable without it feeling like he got a complete personality transplant. Partly because it soon becomes clear that most dragon slayers are, at any given time, one wrong turn away from completely losing the plot regardless of their best intentions. But also because his core values remain the same. Guild pride is the thing that drives him. When we first see him he's obsessed with making Fairy Tail strong so that it can stand proud on the face of anything. After taking a forceful journey of self discovery he learns that the guild is the sum of every individual person on it, instead of an abstract ideal of power, but the fact remains that the guild is the important thing to him. That's why he gets Natsu to defeat Hades instead of doing it himself. Because at that point he's not a part of the guild, so if he's the one to win it'd mean that Fairy Tail didn't, and that simply cannot stand.
All in all, it does such a good job of depicting good and complicated relationships with care and nuance, and makes a place for the ones that are bad. Lucy's dad has to work to get accepted back into her life, and that's amaizing. Where else have you seen a parent that doesn't get instant forgiveness after saying sorry? It's certainly not as often as I would like.
But I mostly feel like talking about the "darker" things, because it sometimes gets labeled as childish because no one dies (which is a big fucking lie. And I did not sign up for that. At all. I was fucking counting on it, and it was a LIE. And sure, Silver was technically already dead, but still) and like. I get it. Most main characters who "die" get miraculously saved. But that doesn't mean trauma in-world is any lighter.
On the seven year timeskip most people don't care about the characters that stayed behind, because they're secondary, and weaker, and not very cool. But we're told the reason the guild fell behing wasn't because it lost it's stronger members, but because they spent years upon years neglecting jobs for the sake of searching for the missing ones. And that's very fucking big.
But, again. The darker shit. They're not happy go lucky. They're not naive. They declare war no less than three times and every single one they make it clear that it is not about justice, it's about vengeance. About retribution. About "you don't fucking fuck with us". (And, lets remember, declaring war was fucking illegal).
They repeatedly say that they don't do good things because they're the good guys. They do the shit they wanted to do and it might just be that it could be considered good (and if not, they can convince people in high places to overlook it, pretty please. Because they have the friends to manage that).
Natsu has a whole argument with an outright assassin, and it never comes up that "murder is bad". It's framed more as a professional disagreement, rather than a moral argument. Natsu's main problem is that, while taking killing jobs, they call themselves a guild, the thing he asociates with family. The thing he considers sacred above all else. And since killing jobs are dirty (not unethical) they should, therefore, never touch a guild.
Before the final batle he outright says that killing kinda sucks but he will do it if he has to. And then kills around 900 people in a single second. Lucy is ready to kill. She's alone with Brandish in the bath and she's ready to shiv her in the neck. She might feel cornered, like this is the only option she has left. But in that moment she's ready and willing to see it through.
Invel is facing Gray and tells him "yes! Sucumb to the darkness so you may understand and join our purpose". Only for Gray to go "you dumb ass bitch. Do you think I care about going dark? Do you seriously believe I'm playing hero? All I care about is taking you down and if I have to be evil for that then that's how we roll".
All of that. I love that. They don't give a single fuck. Family comes first not because that's good, but because that's the way they are. They don't much care about what place their guild occupies relative to the rest of the world, or where any one member falls on a scale from good to bad. When all is said and done, all that mathers to them is the line between them and us, and they don't care to sugarcoat it.
And so many shows do that wrong. You get good guys who commit untold atrocities that go unaknowledged because they're the good guys! They can do no wrong! And I feel Fairy Tail should get more credit than it does on those grounds alone, but it does help that the character dynamics are good.
And I could write an entire (incoherent) essay on how Zeref is truly the most sympathetic villain I've ever seen. Everything about how he ended up makes perfect sense with his fucked up situation beyond a simple "I suffered so now I'm a self righteous asshole". You can see all the ways his mind had to twist itself into pretzels for him to maintain any semblance of functionality. If you're an hyperempathetic young man who suddenly and involuntarily kills anything he cares about then you really need to convince your brain that you don't care about anything, actually. Problem with that is that you're now convinced that it's true, because it doesn't work unless it's true. But the thing is that you also want to die, and you can't do it while actively wanting to die, so you need to die while thinking you don't want to. What's the best way to do that? You need someone else's help. And the best way to get someone to kill you is probably if they really really hate you. And the best way to do that is to become a supervillain, probably. Which also comes in handy for the whole "convince myself I'm truly an asshole" thing. And you end up becoming a calamity and fucking over the lives of anyone who could have loved you. But at least you can finally die.
And Mavis! The sweet looking, undeniably good person who turned out to be a ruthless strategist, quite detached from the world around her, who has a hard time weighing the value of individual human lives when there's a bigger picture to look at. But she's not an unfeeling stereotype either. She does love people, she wants them to have good things. But that doesn't change the fact that she doesn't relate to people the way others do, even if she could've lived her life without ever realizing (and I love that they tell us the wars the mages participated in were merchant wars. Just a random little tidbit, but yes. Wars do tend to be about money)
And this was a very long post and I said a whole bunch of nothing because I can't keep a train of thought to save my life. I just wordvomited a bunch of things that I liked. Long story short: characteryzation in Fairy Tail is top tier and I won't be taking criticism about it. You can try to critisize me though, I do enjoy arguing when I have enough braincells to put words together in the right order
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
My first time in here, but lurked for a while. Had to chime in about Viv's spiel about rigged animation. Rigged animation IS beautiful, but what has been shown in Hazbin doesn't look great, nor is it really "rigged" in the same sense as other shows. It's a hybrid. It has tweening for some parts, but overall it is frame-by-frame 2D animation. This is also the case for Helluva Boss, but actually done well. For Hazbin, either the animators/boarders are inexperienced with the software or this medium specifically, maybe both, but some shots just really don't flow well. Especially considering this show is using Toon Boom Harmony, I don't feel like this show is being handled by an experienced animation studio who can use this program to its full potential. I know for a fact, this program has the potential to handle the complicated and pattern-heavy designs that Viv creates with relative ease if approached with planning and structure, yet there are so many instances where shortcuts, cheats, and time-savers possible in the software could have been clearly used, but just aren't for some reason.
Rigged animation is some of my favorite and can really look beautiful if you know what you are doing with it. Think of shows like Hilda, My Little Pony, Dead End, Bluey, even Bob's Burgers which is also by Bento, have beautiful smooth rigged animation. But so many shots of Hazbin Hotel just look choppy by comparison, and not in a good or intentional way. I'm sure the animators themselves are great. But the overall product shown so far just doesn't look smooth, no matter how you excuse it. There are mistakes that are consistent with what I was doing as a new learner of animation and its software, or under heavy stress and very little time to correct mistakes. These just should not be present in an Amazon funded show. Helluva Boss evidently has more time and care put into it due to it having less strict deadlines, and the animation quality is even more consistent with Season 2, but the fact the Hazbin Hotel budget clearly went more towards the replaced voice talent and not on the animation is infuriating. Not to mention disappointing.
It's incredibly disappointing, and even moreso with this insight. Thank you for explaining it.
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ephemeralgalaxies · 1 year
back on my procrastination obsessing-over-comfort-characters flavored shit again here we go
Jack Wolfe did a great job getting me invested in Wylan all over again dear god idk where to even start for this. there's so much to discuss about his character portrayal in the show.
what I wanna talk about in this meta, though, is Wylan as neurodivergent (from a neurodivergent perspective), and I'll start it out by saying I absolutely loved it.
Having Wylan so obviously ND without actually saying it or making him "weird/outcast/gross" is so refreshing in media. Like, from the books (and mid-season of the show) we know that Wylan probably has dyslexia, making it harder for him to read. He shows his discomfort with this fact about himself, how his natural conclusion is that others will treat him less because of it. But something I've always admired about Wylan (and I think a lot of fans forget *squints at trends of infantilizing ND-coded characters*) is how he knows this isn't something to be ashamed of. He knows this doesn't make him any less incredible. But he just can't get it in his head that others would feel the same way. When he first lets Jesper in on how he can't read the passport, he's trusting Jesper with this. He looks around to make sure no one else will hear, anyone he doesn't have this bond with, faith in, yet. And he asks Jesper what the passport says. The look in his eyes is so pleading, so cautious, like this is a test. He's testing Jesper to see how he'll react to this, if he'll just be another name on the list of people Wylan has to learn to let go to keep himself safe.
And yeah, Jesper fucks it up. And he just keeps fucking it up, saying how he didn't know bc "you're just so smart!" (like that "oh, you don't look autistic!" "oh, you're too smart to be disabled" etc) (like ofc, that wasn't Jesper's intentions. But when your father sends you letters like "if you're reading this, then you know how much I want you to come back home," well what are you more likely to believe Jesper is thinking?) And finally, Jesper hits it right: "you have nothing to be ashamed of!" Except... it's pretty hypocritical of him here. So Wylan panics again, he's furious because he really does like this guy but how dare you. And then he sees how hurt Jesper is and oh shit. There's more to this. It's more complicated than "don't be ashamed," there's a commonality here. This isn't pity, it's empathy.
so yeah I absolutely adore how they addressed this in the show given the situations they were placed in (like, if in the books, Wylan had already formed a strong bond with someone in the group, he probably would've done this. But he really hadn't yet, no one had told him that they want to be around him, to understand him. Wylan didn't feel safe enough to test the waters. The situation from the show, however, opened up new possibilities that stay true to his character (imo)).
Though even more than that, just the sheer obvious ND traits that Jack shows with Wylan made me so happy. Like, especially all his tics and stuttering and it didn't feel ingenuine. He doesn't stutter through everything, just super stressful situations (which... is most of his situations in s2 lmao). Like, he's not stuttering when he's just driving in the cart with Jesper or when he's scolding him for seriously, you remember that now??? (like ofc Jesper would remember him in that position I swear-- "you brought me stroopwaffles!" jesper PLS). He holds it together when confronting Kaz about Alby (his voice breaks at first, he pauses, but he works up the mask to look sturdy and immovable. which,,, with kaz brekker he definitely needs). When telling Jesper why he left, he keeps steady. It's not all the time like the stuttering-representation I've seen before (specifically in fanfics).
AND THE HEAD SHAKE TICS!!!!!!! As someone that does that a lot, I was so happy to see him doing these (the excessive blinking as well), especially when he's more shy than stressed because yeah tics can happen any time, but especially any situation with a heightened emotion (and the guy u like telling u that he really wants to try things seriously with u with that soft voice/eyes/smile (this is just becoming me simping for Kit Young), like yeah I'd definitely be feeling a lot. AND IT DOESN'T TURN JESPER AWAY. The only thing that bothered him was that Wylan hadn't responded; he was worried the sentiment wouldn't be returned. But Wylan's actual tics have nothing to do with it.
And having him so sensitive to loud sounds (ironically) makes me so happy because YES!!! YES YES YES OFC. He loves music and chemistry because Wylan controls them. He can control the sound, the amount of it all, he can predict it. And it makes it easier to deal with. He doesn't flinch away from his own explosions (when he knows they're coming, unlike the one that destroyed the Crow Club) -- usually he covers his ears or hides his face ahead of time. He likes the higher piano keys, the flute puffs (forgive me, I am a cellist and a pianist, Idk what the harsher sounds from his flute when we first see him are called technically) when he can control them and their effects. And whenever he does react to other sounds/situations, he leans towards his one comfort-person in the group (Jesper), leaving him lost once he tries to sever that tie after telling Jesper that he can't read. Wylan leans on Tolya more instead (I love that so much for so many reasons) bc while Tolya is less known, he's just,,,,,,, okay I'm sorry but Tolya gives off such comforting vibes, alright? Like he's so amazing. I haven't read the SaB books yet, just SoC, so I saw everyone talking about him like "oh yeah ok. some cool character ppl love. aight we'll see how it goes." aND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH???
Like if I was in Wylan's position, given all the other characters around, I would definitely lean to Tolya for comfort. Also Tolya is a great fighter, like. alsdkfj no focus, Wylan first, Tolya meta later.
ALL THE INFO DUMPS TOO!!!! That urge to inform Jesper despite also wanting to be pissed at him bc pls be interested in this, I wanna tell someone so much. This is so important to me. AND THEN wanting to correct Jesper later when Jesper apologizes, even messing it up himself after hearing how Jesper pronounces it when Wylan knows how it should be bc god the echolalia, the subconscious ND urge to repeat what others said/how they said it/tongue just getting screwed up when u hear something wrong despite knowing how it should be. And then Wylan deciding that it's not important, that he has so much time now to correct Jesper, that he can explain it all and more later under the safety of roof and the morning sun.
I'm not crying you are.
okok I need to eat supper now but pls I love how Jack Wolfe depicts Wylan as ND so bad, it's so validating. Especially with an entire cast full of ND characters (u cannot change my mind that the Crows isn't ND Found Family. I love them so much) and how different everyone is still, showing so many side to neurodiversity. And that it's all valid. That Wylan is incredible and beautiful and brilliant, neurodivergence and all. That someone like him, someone maybe like me, could find a love (romantic, familial, platonic) like Wylan does with the Crows (and now more! since the show allows them to interact with the other series).
Representation matters, people.
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lackablazeical · 6 months
🖤🎏Gennosuke Miyamoto🎏🖤
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Specific Trigger Warnings -
Death of a sibling, child neglect, guilt, toxic relationship, domestic abuse, physical torture
General info -
Gennosuke's birthday was January 4th. He is a Capricorn ♑️
Gennosuke's love language is Words of Affirmation.
Gennosuke is bisexual.
Personality traits -
Gennosuke is stoic, caring, romantic, self-sacrifical, sentimental, loyal, rebellious, and withdrawn.
Gennosuke rarely shows emotion, often appearing stone-faced, even bored. He doesn't talk about himself either, only ever jobs that need done or curt responses.
Gennosuke cares deeply for his family, wanting to protect them and let them be happy. He's also incredibly loyal to them.
Gennosuke is a hopeless romantic, always being thoughtful with gifts and his actions.
Gennosuke is self-sacrifical, willing to suffer for the good of the clan and the people around him.
Gennosuke is sentimental, often thinking more about the past then staying in the present.
Gennosuke is secretly rebellious, going against traditional clan rules wherever he can (such as ignoring naming conventions, marrying Tomoe, etc.)
Important details -
His beliefs -
Gennosuke's element is earth.
Gennosuke feels a strong connection to Lion Dogs.
Gennosuke prays at statues/idols of Lion dogs when they guard the entrance of buildings.
Gennosuke will sit on a stone mat instead of a woven one at clan meetings.
Gennosuke exclusively eats out of stone bowls/off stone plates.
His beliefs about Usagi's death -
Gennosuke believed Usagi was dead, and mourned heavily.
Usagi looked similar to Gennosuke's dead brother, so Gennosuke felt extra guilt as he felt he just let the cycle of death continue.
Gennosuke pulled away from the rest of his kids after Usagi's death, becoming even more absent as he threw himself into his work/duties.
How he became Chuunin -
Originally, Gennosuke had no intention of becoming Chuunin. He even stepped down to allow his brother to take the role instead.
When his brother died, Gennosuke was forced to take the role instead. He resents this.
Because of how sudden the change was, Gennosuke got his Chuunin tattoo in just about a week, when the tattoo often takes about 6 months. This causes him extreme pain.
His relationship with Tomoe -
Gennosuke was head over heels for Tomoe since the first time he saw her. It took a few summers before he worked up the courage to talk to her.
Even after multiple rejections, he stayed steadfast, eventually slowly making Tomoe warm up to him.
He wanted to run away with her, away from the strict rules of the clan and horrible biases, so they could get married and be happy.
Because Gennosuke had to take the title of Chuunin, this did not happen.
In present day, Gennosuke is still in love with Tomoe, but years of resentment and guilt make it... complicated.
Fun facts -
Gennosuke experiences intense chronic back pain.
Gennosuke enjoys enoki mushrooms.
Gennosuke's jacket was originally owned by his brother.
Gennosuke loves folk-tales.
Voice claim [Tony Leung] -
Tags that include Gennosuke -
#addams! Gennosuke, #addams! Tomoesuke, #addams! Miyamotos, #addams! Destiny Duo
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Silly Game Time: Who are some of your favorite mechanical characters, be they robots, androids, cyborgs, or something else? And what do like about them?
Well, first, gotta mention my man Data.
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A lot of people has said that he is autism-coded in the way that he is presented, and in how other people react to him. And I kind of agree tbh. He's also just a sweetheart, and his bonds with the crew (especially Laforge), his cat Spot, and sometimes with people who are briefly onboard are so lovely.
I also feel I should mention Connor,
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Because his arc has probably inspired so many OCs at this point. Bryan Dechart did such an excellent job playing him, and his growing bond with Hank is very well-written. I think it's honestly touching how it's often emotional bonds that show humanity.
Another I feel would be a crime not to mention,
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Because between the iconic lines and the dynamic he has with John Connor, and the way it shapes his various decisions, how could I not? And yes I'm specifically talking Terminator 2 here. Though I will say he makes an EXCELLENT force of nature and presence of absolute horror in the first movie.
Then, of course, the sapphic community's favourite,
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Because "Want You Gone" hurts me on a personal level, and I don't just mean because it's how GLaDOS says farewell. I relate to that song so much (and did a cover of it :D) and, in general, relate with much of her story. Of course, she's a sassy motherfucker who you can't help but love. But for how much Portal 2 is considered the inferior game, it really does make her story into one of self-discovery and complicated morality. I guess it just gets overshadowed by Oh hi. How are you holding up.
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I MEAN. COME ON. This guy used to be, and honestly still is, one of my biggest fictional crushes. His charisma is magnetic, of course. His STORY being wrapped up by the connections he used to have being rekindled, resulting in him choosing to be a star for those who need one most, rather than a star for the most people possible???? Ugh, poetic cinema.
Speaking of stars,
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[vibrating] I have so many headcanons when it comes to this one But more to the point, Star Dream is an absolute force of nature. Its boss fight is incredible, an absolute marvel of multiple types of play styles coming together. The themes? Slap.
Star Dream's draw, for me, is that its sentience is so…debatable. I'm on the side of “had sentience the whole time”, and more to the point, “based on how much Haltmann copied homework, it's possible he brought something back from the dead” but I dunno, I don't like arguing my case when it comes to the second. The point is, for many of things that it does, it's uncertain whether that's just part of its program, or if it's a sentient decision. Was Susie sent away because of something accidental, or was it Star Dream's intention? The fact that Haltmann became so focused on its creation after her disappearance, in my eyes, kind of implies the latter…
… It's also interesting that even without Haltmann giving it a voice via him-being-possessed, it only chooses to speak to Meta Knight.
Can you tell I have The Kirby Autism, is it noticeable, is it obvious—
Also I'm gonna put two of my OCs here, because self-indulgence is alive and well.
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This is Palharine and Mayday! They're my favourites out of a group of robot/android characters I created about three years ago, and have finally taken the time to draw recently:
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From left to right, you got Eodel Remidoros, Palharine, Mayday, and Ziah Hyperion. All very different interpretations of robotic.
Palharine and Mayday stand out to me due to their emotional states. They're kind of opposites, in that regard. Mayday is a very sensitive gal, who has been through a lot of pain, and is trying to become stronger so she can confidently say she has no doubt in who she is. Palharine, as far as they're aware, has no emotions. Which is interesting, since the other three all seem to, to some degree. Among the four, Palharine is also unique in that they're programmed to dream. Both of these things shape them a lot.
But these two have a very sweet bond, where they're both passionate about biology, especially botany. Mayday, in a training exercise, also nearly wipes the floor with Palharine. It's more touching than it sounds.
Also, Palharine's genderfluid and Maydays a trans woman, so those things just inherently spark joy for me, haha!
This has been, real robotic character hours.
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nagycyra · 2 months
Between Details
I really write this fanfic in spanish, I hope I don't have many mistakes when writing it in english, it may not seem like it but it really worries me a little bit, anyway. I hope you enjoy it.
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A promising day, excitement ran completely through T/N, unable to keep calm as soon as the alarm on her phone rang. The sun hadn't even shown its first rays, but it couldn't be helped, her wedding day couldn't just be ruined by mishaps.
Finally, at 27 years old, T/N would be marrying the person she had loved the most, Miguel O'Hara, a man she had been in love with since late college, meeting him had been a rather strange coincidence, to consider that they would one day marry was an incredibly witty idea, a man with strong scientific beliefs coupled with a woman with a kind and sensitive heart, it was a strange mix for quite a few people, but she really felt good about it.
T/N was barely out of the comfort of her bed, almost tripping over the sheets falling off the mattress, hurriedly making her way to the shower, checking the temperature of the falling water to finally shed the clothes covering her body, comfortably feeling the water run from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes, letting out a small sigh as the muscles in her body relaxed at the warmth, gently cleansing her skin and carefully washing her hair until she finally feels the comfort of cleanliness.
Stepping out of the pleasant shower took longer, the morning chill was uncomfortable as it brushed against her skin, using the comfortable robe to cover her body from the cold as she stepped back out into her bedroom. The sun's rays were beginning to shine through the pretty embroidery on the curtains, a few small knocks sounded on the bedroom door.
-Conchata's voice sounded from the other side, a soft and excited tone while T/N hummed with acceptance, making the woman enter the room, the lady was dressed comfortably, with her hair up and a nice smile on her lips. -I don't know who is more excited, you because it's your wedding day or me because finally my bitter son will marry someone so lovely.
A loud laugh leaves T/N's lips, light drops of water were still falling from her hair to the floor, dampening it and starting to feel the cold more intensely.
Well, to tell you the truth I think I'm going to squeal with excitement." Her soft voice was trying hard to hide the little scream that T/N so longed to let out, her cheeks flushed and her heart racing, Conchata smiled at the pleasant image of her daughter-in-law so excited, remembering the days of her own happiness at seeing the young girl so restless.
-Okay, fine, you win- She spoke with a smile as she opened the door and another woman entered, Anna, a close friend and the woman who will be in charge of makeup, despite her slightly disheveled appearance as she looked for a way to find a suitable space to attend you, the smile of happiness adorned her face, those blue eyes looked at you with so much joy, her lips painted in a slightly pink tone barely stood out, Anna has the clear intention for you to be the most beautiful woman on that day, not only had she strived to keep you as a great student in your college days, you also did it by feeling the desire of wanting to be an outstanding wife.
Remembering the day Miguel got down on one knee on that dock, a beautiful night where everything was beautifully lit up, flowers and soft music in the background as he nervously asked you to marry him, it was simply an unforgettable night, naturally the wedding should also be unforgettable.
With a smile, T/N was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking through the mirror as Anna was arranging bags of different sizes on a small table and then smiling with a certain complicity, Anna knows you better than anyone, she is your best friend and who has had more consideration for you over time, a girl who always showed kindness and loyalty to her friendship, even leaving aside boys if she saw that they tried to harm you or insinuate themselves towards you with any malicious intention.
She was in charge of treating you carefully, she knows how curious you are and how restless you get when you have to wait so long, cleaning your skin gently, applying makeup, observing the small details to highlight, she always told you how beautiful your eyes are, that look that was so expressive, that shone so bright when you talked or did something you liked so much, how quickly they swelled when you cried with some typical dramatic novel or even when you got to cry over the story of a dog that waited for so long for its owner, she wasn't as sensitive as you but she certainly never made fun of your way of being, even when curiously enough you met through misunderstandings.
-How is it possible that my best friend is getting married so soon?" questioned Anna with a smile on her lips, skillfully placing the eyeliner, highlighting the beauty of your beautiful sockets.
-Don't tell me that, you got married before me- commented T/N with a smile on your lips, being scolded by Anna for moving too much when trying to see her.
-Yes, you were crying so much that I even delayed going to see the guests after the ceremony -Anna's voice sounded so nostalgic, you know her well, you know that now she is the one who would possibly start crying with emotion. -You can't blame me, you got me used to having your attention, out of nowhere it turns out that you got married and now I have to share you- you complained with a pout on your lips, provoking an amused laugh in Anna.
-But you know I'm always there for you.
-I know, today is a proof of that- a smile was drawn on T/N's lips, Anna only makes up as a little hobby, she is the owner of a prestigious restaurant, you saw her cry and make courage to get where she is, and her husband, Marcus, is a well known real estate salesman, even though according to him his true passion is the gastronomic critic, but T/N always considered it as an excuse to try first hand Anna's dishes.
-You must really consider that I worked magic to prepare your buffet," Anna's voice sounded proud, she herself had been in charge of organizing everything meticulously, god knows what the poor cooks suffered that day.
A pleasant laugh came from your lips, you really knew that Anna was quite fussy about every detail for your day.
-Yes, I know.
Time went by, the care in arranging every detail of makeup, dress, hairstyle, everything was so careful that T/N thought you would be late. T/N could see your reflection in the mirror, you were really beautiful, your makeup highlighted the beauty of your eyes, showing the beautiful curves of your body covered with a soft and comfortable fabric, showing light details that subtly flashed on your cleavage, highlighting the beauty of your body, of your soft skin. Every detail seemed unique and exclusively made for you.
Finally it was time to leave, despite the various ideas about where the wedding would be, the idea of leaving the huge church with a white dress seemed to be the best option, considering the large number of people who had been invited, it was curious, initially they started with close relatives, until from one moment to another most of Miguel's relatives and close friends ended up inside the celebration, although it was nice that they respected the rule that there would be no children in the party, mostly because the room had a lot of mirrors and beautiful crystals.
The drive to the ceremony was rather quiet, despite the concerns about traffic, it didn't seem to be as chaotic as it initially appeared to be.
T/N's heart was beating fast, her cheeks were slightly flushed as she stepped out of the limousine, accompanied by her father as he walked her down the aisle.
The baroque design of the church was almost conventional, but the excitement could not be described in words, the way the doors opened to reveal the interior, to show the place almost packed as a nervous Michael smiled almost shyly, quite a nice thing to see considering how confident your future husband is at almost all times. Your father gently took your hand, murmuring reassuring words as he walked T/N down the aisle, each step seeming to be a beautiful dream, remembering the promises of love and tenderness they had pledged to each other since they fell in love.
They had finally arrived in front of Miguel, the man's nervous and awkwardly smitten smile was priceless as he saw how beautiful T/N looked.
-Mi amor….- purred the man softly, his voice slightly seductive, like a promise of what was to come next.
T/N took her future husband's hand, watching her father's soft smile as he handed over his beloved little daughter.
-We are here to celebrate the union of a beautiful couple," the priest's voice echoed in the great place, speaking and commemorating the moment until finally the final words were spoken.
-Miguel O'Hara, do you take T/N to love and cherish until death do you part?
-I do.
-T/N, do you take this man, to love and to cherish till death do you part?
-I do…
As soon as they said those words, they both looked at each other, Miguel's eyes lowered to see the beautiful lips of his beloved, his hands went down to T/N's waist, his brown eyes softly narrowed at the love and desire towards his partner.
T/N knew perfectly well, she lifted her gaze gently until Miguel finally placed his lips on hers, pressing gently, feeling the soft taste of lipstick, taking note of his beloved's scent, the way she shuddered and the way that addictive sensation began to fill him, making it almost impossible to pull away as the kiss deepened. Until finally because of the air or the screams of excitement from the people, Miguel slowly pulled away, sucking gently on T/N's lower lip, savoring every last ounce of his beloved.
-So beautiful, my beloved wife…- He murmured softly as he gently cradled one of the beautiful woman's cheeks with his hand, feeling how perfect she is, the way they were perfectly coupled the moment they got closer.
-I love you, my handsome husband- commented T/N with blushing cheeks, hugging Miguel as he took the opportunity to hold her in his arms in a nuptial way, making T/N let out a small squeal of excitement.
People applauded and celebrated loudly as they watched the newlyweds walk to the exit.
This day couldn't get any better.
So why, after five years of marriage and a little daughter, are you here, signing divorce papers?
-Is there anything else to do?" asked T/N in a curt manner, her long wine-colored dress moved subtly with every movement of the woman, who had taken care of herself and maintained herself in an amazing way, many women envied her for managing to look so well despite having fathered a little girl.
-No, that's all, about the visits…..
-Weekends, starting Friday to Sunday afternoons- interrupting you to the man who was once your husband, now, ex-husband, who was wearing a gray suit, the white shirt highlighted the dull color of the jacket and his pants.
-Yes…- the man's indifference broke T/N's heart, but he asked for it, you weren't to blame, you weren't….
It's what you most want to believe…
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For the ask game: Voyager and SNW
Feel free to do Ahsoka as a bonus! :)
Thank you for the ask friend! And OF COURSE I am going to do Ahsoka as a bonus because my obsession with that show knows no bounds.
Favourite character: I am one of the 0.0000009% of the earth’s population whose favourite Voyager character is Kes. She stood out to me from the very start, and that VOICE my god. She’s the perfect blend of kind and gentle and good but also she can boil your blood with her brain and she eats bugs and reads autopsy reports for fun. Nobody does it like her, and I really wished the show had leaned into some of her more horrific qualities (which obviously they never would because this is 90s Star Trek we’re talking about). But she’s a monstrous woman to me and I love her for it.
Second favourite character: B’Elanna! So many of her focus episodes just hit different - she’s easily one of the most complex characters in the cast, and not only that but the writers actually gave her material that makes the most of that complexity. They do such a good job of exploring her inner conflicts and her complicated relationship to her identity right from the get go (I’m thinking about that season 1 episode ‘Faces’. They really wasted no time in making her so interesting). B’Elanna’s episodes seldom ever miss basically. Also I just love her attitude.
Least favourite character: uhh Q 😂 I know he only has three guest episodes in the whole show, but he makes me want to set things on fire. I do not know why he’s so popular, I do not find him charming at all! Even in TNG!!
The character I’m most like: Idk, I always struggle with questions like this, but maybe Harry? Idk a few weeks ago someone in the uni department I work in said I wasn’t a staff member even though I’m literally on the payroll as a staff member and it just felt like I was living the Ensign Kim fantasy.
Favourite pairing: What a surprise! My favourite pairing is between my favourite character and my second favourite character! Kes/B’Elanna truthers if you’re out there, we can’t let their lack of screentime win.
Least favourite pairing: uhh Kes/Neelix because I honestly think a chaotic sibling-type relationship would’ve suited them so much better. Just let them be adventurous spacefaring besties together, it would’ve made things so much less awkward!
Favourite moment: Ok this is hyper specific and I think I’ve mentioned it before, but you know the ending of ‘The Thaw’? Where Janeway literally kills fear itself and there’s that really striking visual of Fear fading into the darkness and you can only see the parts of his face that are painted white? Yeah, that lives in my head rent free forever.
Rating out of 10: Solid 8/10. Highly entertaining, but I’m not feral about it.
Strange New Worlds
Favourite character: Ortegas! Which is incredibly unfortunate for me because the writers just refuse to let her do anything. It’s been two seasons, where is my Ortegas focus episode??? She’s my favourite character based purely on vibes alone, so imagine how much more there will be to love when they. Y’know. Actually develop her backstory and personality.
Second favourite character: Ok this is really bad but I honestly don’t feel strongly enough about any other members of the SNW cast to have a character that stands out as my second favourite 🙈 They’re all lovely! I do generally like them all! But I just struggle to get invested in them the way I do with other Star Trek characters, idk what it is.
Least favourite character: Chapel 🙈 I think I’m mostly just frustrated by the way she’s written - I think the intention was to make her a stronger character than she was in TOS, but I can’t think of a single aspect of her storyline that isn’t directly connected to one of the men in her life. It’s more like she’s an accessory to Spock and M’Benga’s storylines rather than a character in her own right. She had so much potential, because I remember her being kind of goofy and fun and chaotic and unique in the very first episode, and that was great! But I think a lot of that has got lost amongst the pining for Spock and the wartime M’Benga angst.
The character I’m most like: Hmm Uhura maybe?? Just with the whole struggling to make meaningful connections to people thing. Also I too miss Hemmer.
Favourite pairing: I don’t really have any ships for SNW, but let’s just say Ortegas/Una in the Elysian Kingdom because that was immense.
Least favourite pairing: Spock and Chapel, but mostly for the same reasons why I’m frustrated with Chapel’s character in general. I think there are moments where it does work, and I’m not opposed to them existing as a couple. I just wish they could give Chapel more interiority so they could flesh it out a bit more. As it stands, the whole Spock/T’Pring/Chapel thing reads very much like a generic YA love triangle romance. Maybe polyamory could fix them idk.
Favourite moment: The ending of ‘The Elysian Kingdom’ just gets me man. It hits on similar themes as the DS9 episode ‘Far Beyond the Stars’ in that it really centres on the power of storytelling, and I just love how nicely those two episodes fit together (I mean the Elysian Kingdom book was literally written by Benny Russell!! Hello????)
Rating out of 10: 7/10. It’s a good show and I do enjoy it, but I just struggle to connect with it in the same way that I can with shows that I really love.
Ok I’m going to put the Ahsoka stuff under a read more because I don’t want to spoil anything for you!
Favourite character: This is so hard because I love them all!! But I think I have to choose Ahsoka because she’s just. She’s so good in this. I know a lot of people think she’s out of character, but I couldn’t disagree more. She’s seen some shit! She’s gone through hell! Of course she’s going to be more subdued as an adult than she was as a teenager! She brings such a presence and a gravitas to the show that really elevates it. Basically I’m love her.
Second favourite character: Shin Hati my disaster daughter. I’m fully convinced that Baylan found her in a trashcan somewhere and was like “I want that one” because she just has this slightly feral energy that I’m honestly obsessed with. I’m really excited to see if the show expands on her character, because she’s mostly been running around doing Baylan’s bidding and getting into very hot lightsaber fights with Sabine. Give my girl some development let’s GOOOOO. (Also honourable mention to Anakin because that’s my GUY that’s my BOY)
Least favourite character: I honestly can’t think of one, I love everyone in this show to pieces. Maybe that Empire sympathiser dude that Ahsoka and Hera met in episode 2. Yeah, him.
The character I’m most like: Ummm Sabine because I too am very fond of cats and creatures that look like cats.
Favourite pairing: Does Shin/Sabine have a ship name? Idk if they do, but either way I feel very normal about them. Mostly because of the vibes, since they haven’t done much beyond beating the crap out of each other. I’m hoping they’ll actually get to have a conversation in the next few episodes, especially after what went down in episode 4!
Least favourite pairing: I don’t think I have an answer for this one? Idk I’m not quite deep enough in the fandom side of things yet to know what else people are shipping from this show.
Favourite moment: Because I am a very basic Prequel era/Clone Wars girlie I have no choice but to choose the entire section of episode 5 with Ahsoka and Anakin. Number one television event that makes me want to bite things, I’m still not over it, I’ll never be over it. It’s fan service but it serves a purpose in the story. Anakin was better than he’s ever been in anything ever. Temuera Morrison was there. I have no choice but to go insane about every single second of these scenes. And don’t even get me started on teenage Ahsoka that was HEARTBREAKING.
Rating out of 10: 10/10. It’s perfect. Star Wars hasn’t been this good in ages. I’m actually actively looking forward to each new episode as they release, which is very rare for me.
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
I have a really weird relationship with gift art. Truth be told, I've often felt like it's an obligation rather than something I can do freely whenever I want. I have met so many wonderful people over the course of my life, and many of them are people I'm glad to call my friends. Some have even reached the status of close friends. But the downside is that because I know so many amazing people, I simply do not have the time, energy, or drive to draw for all of them. Sometimes it's because I'm busy and have a lot on my plate. I don't draw as much as I used to because I'm exhausted, and my feet are wet in so many mediums that it's hard to dedicate as much time to illustration for myself, much less for other people. Sometimes the characters they have aren't something that translates well into my style or skill level. Sometimes I'm more into hearing them be excited about the thing than I am the thing itself. All of those things are valid, I'm not obligated to draw or create for everyone. I hope that spending quality time with me is enough, the conversations we have, the laughs we share, I hope those are enough of a gift for people.
I worried for the longest time that if I went and drew for one person but not another, feelings would be hurt. I started to feel like I "owed" everyone, and at a certain point, it became easier to draw for no one rather than for just the few. No one could be hurt if I treated everyone the same, right? Well no, people will still find ways to be hurt. Many don't mean to, some have good intentions, and some do not. There have been many people in my lifetime that felt entitled to my time, attention, affection, and art, even when I don't draw for anybody. Some of them are people who have created something for me, and some are people who have used me. It's happened with my drawings, my voice, my writing, all of it.
I don't know how much this comes across, but I give a lot of myself, sometimes too much. I try very hard to make sure I have enough to go around with my time, attention, affection, etc, and it's hard. Sometimes I don't exist for myself, sometimes I give too much and don't live for my own sake. I don't come from anywhere strange though. The whole theme of my dad's funeral was that he lived a life of service, and so many people came that had their lives changed by the things he did. Sometimes he worked himself too hard, and while I admire what he did, I hope he got to live enough of his life the way he wanted. I hope he had a better balance about give and take than I do that I don't know about. I love my dad a lot. You know what he said to me, over and over? "Go live your life." He told me I had so many wonderful gifts, and the right people will appreciate them when they get to know me. I was so worried that no one would want me for me growing up, that I'm only as good as the skills I can bring to the table. It was really important for me to hear that I am more than my skills, because my gifts aren't just things I do, they're things that are a part of me.
And you know what? He's right. I think, the friends that I have now, the ones who care about me and get me? They get that I only have so much bandwidth and aren't gonna take my lack of art as a slight. The people who really know me and love me don't keep me around because of what I can do for them, they like having me because I'm an enjoyable, interesting person to be around.
And for the first time in my life, I feel a little bit safer daring to draw something for someone else. I joined Art Fight this year to help me work through some of those complicated feelings, improve my skills with traditional line art, and draw something nice for my friends, and I'm so glad I have. Every person I've drawn for has been so incredibly thankful and sweet about the things I've made for them, and it fills my heart with so much joy. My work may not be the fanciest thing any of them receive this year, but it's filled with heart, and I think that shows. Likewise, I have been incredibly thankful for every piece that people have done for me. I've gushed to each and every artist in DMs and servers and comments on the site and social media to let them know they did an amazing job. I want all of them to feel the love! I didn't expect to get attacked period, nor for the characters that have gotten attacks to get the kind of attention they did, and it's made my heart feel so full and warm. Like, y'all didn't have to say such nice things about my stories and designs, but you did and I'm not over it, aaaahhhh!
Having a format where I can show my love that's got easy ways to make my boundaries clear has been really helpful. I like that I have clear guidelines for what people are hoping for for art too, it makes it easier to figure out what's a good match for how I do things so I can really make someone's day. I've made it very apparent that I won't be doing revenge attacks for everyone, and no one is being mean to me about it. That is a good feeling. This is just, really really good. I'm glad to be doing this. It's gonna be okay. I'm just, so relieved. This is okay. I'm okay. I'm free.
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mirclealignr · 3 years
Regulus Black Fluff Alphabet
regulus x gn! reader
requested by anon
warnings; brief mentions of food and anxiety
from this alphabet
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A - Affection; how they like to show their love.
Regulus does a lot through touch and reassuring looks/smiles. He finds it hard sometimes to express just how he feels about you, especially considering expressions of love were severely lacking in his life. But when he holds your hand or caresses your face, he feels as if he's spilling all his secrets, and hopes that you understand them.
B - Beauty; what do they especially admire about you?
Your warmth. At first it was practically disarming, but overtime he learned to embrace it and miss it when it was absent, when you were absent. It would be so different to what he was used to, especially with the people closest to him. But he would adore the change that was you.
C - Cuddles; how they like to cuddle you.
Most of the time he likes to have his arms around you, sitting up slightly while you lay against his chest. There's a sense of safety he finds in knowing that you can hear his heartbeat and that it doesn't scare you off. But sometimes, he likes it when you take him in your arms and he can nuzzle in the crook of your neck.
D - Dancing; their favourite place to dance with you.
He is simply a hopeless romantic, and loves to dance with you when it's dark and raining outside, when the two of you are almost completely alone. He loves watching you smile as the rain seeps into your clothes and dampens your hair, and when you rest your head on his chest for some shelter.
E - Excitement; do they get excited with you about things?
Regulus likes to understand things before he gets excited about them with you. If you come running to him with an elated expression and start rambling about whatever brought you this pleasure, he'd want to know why. He'd want to understand you and relate to you. Almost always, he'd become just as excited as you.
F - First Date; your first date together.
The Astronomy Tower. Regulus would want to be alone with you, without prying or judging eyes. It wouldn't be much, maybe some snacks and a drink he brought for you, but he would want to hear you talk and laugh and to see you smile. He'd want to know your likes and dislikes, the memories you cherished, and things you looked back on and laughed at.
G - Goals; do they have things they want to achieve? Do they include you in these things?
For Regulus, his future goals remain largely unclear. Before you, he thought it was simple, but afterwards it would become far more complicated. With the weight of his family, and Sirius' abandonment making it heavier, he would often try to avoid the thought. But if you ever brought it up, he'd tell you that wherever you were, he would be.
H - Honesty; how open are they with you?
Very. Trust is something extremely important to him. While he may not tell you everything the second it happens, he does have every intention of letting you see every side of him, even the parts he wished would vanish from existence. Upon getting to know you, the trials of his family would be revealed slowly, rather than all at once, so he didn't overwhelm you. Of course, he'd be terrified, but he knew it was better that way, and he knew that you would love him all the same.
I - I Love You; do they say it a lot? did they say it first?
Regulus does not say it first, though he'd be sure he felt it first. He confesses straight after you, though, and gradually says it more and more over time. Expressing his feelings would not come easy, and sometimes, rather than tell you how much he appreciated you for listening or how beautiful he thought you were, he simply said 'I love you' in replacement, hoping that it would be enough.
J - Jealousy; do they get jealous?
Not necessarily jealous, but rather insecure. When he sees you laughing with someone else, he'd wonder whether they were better suited to you--they were warmer, more free, happier. Perhaps he brought you down, perhaps he weighed you down, and though he didn't express these insecurities out loud, he'd always seem to be easily read by you. And you'd always be there to reassure him when you needed to.
K - Kiss; their favourite place to kiss you.
Your hands. For Regulus, hands mean so much, represent so much, and yours are his to kiss and hold as much as he pleases. To him it would feel incredibly intimate, despite the fact that your hands can touch others, but that they're only his to kiss and hold. People can always get close, but never as close as he can.
L - Little Spoon; who’s the little spoon?
The majority of the time, you are the little spoon. He likes the idea that he is able to protect you, actually make you feel safe and wanted; it's one of the things he prides himself on. But, there woulds be times when he needed to feel that, and revelled in the warmth of your embrace tightening around him, holding him close.
M - Melody; what’s your song together?
I think your song together would be 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' by The Beatles.
N - Nicknames; do they use nicknames for you?
Yes a few. Some of them would include 'treasure' and/or 'my treasure' because he adores you and could not think of anything better than you. For him, you are what people search for their whole lives, sometimes without ever finding it. And, because he speaks French, ‘mon chéri /ma chérie' for definite.
O - Open Book; how hard was it to get to know them?
It wasn't necessarily hard, just gradual. However, you would have always suspected that Regulus did not have it easy and were content with him going at his own pace, and appreciating that he was brave enough to reveal it all to you. It never seemed too slow, rushed, or overwhelming--he picked his timings well and never let things become too heavy. He'd also be very conscious that everyone had their own burdens, and would make sure he always left time and room for you to air anything you wanted or needed.
P - PDA; how affectionate they are in public.
Not very much at all. He prefers to show you his love when it's just the two of you. But he isn't afraid to let other people know that you're in a relationship, and will often intertwine his fingers with yours, whisper things in your ear, and kiss your temple.
Q - Quirk: a weird but loveable trait of theirs.
He never signs his name, he always signs R.A.B. Even when it's small notes to you, little love letters, or ordinary letters, he will never sign it as Regulus, but with his full initials.
R - Romance; how romantic are they?
So much. He loves leaving you love notes, writing love letters to you, slow dancing with you, playing music for you, watching the stars with you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, snuggling up in bed with you with a good book. He loves to do it all.
S - Secrets; do they keep secrets from you?
Not really. Perhaps only ones he thinks would unnecessarily hurt you, like what his family says about you. He doesn't tell you because he doesn't think it matters, they don't matter to him, only you do, and he wants their words to mean nothing.
T - Thrill; do they like to keep the relationship new and exciting?
He likes to, and he tries. He certainly likes surprising you, even if only to see that smile. He likes taking you places, learning your favourite songs on the piano simply because you like hearing them, taking you on spontaneous trips or dates. He's not on for grand, public gestures, but he still keeps excitement in the relationship his own way. But he also knows when things need to be slow and calm, and doesn't mind it either way.
U - Understanding; how they comfort/support when you’re upset or anxious.
He knows that most things said would be wrong, even if they were intended to be reassuring and understanding. Even when you talk about what's bothering you or don't, it can be hard to say the right thing. So instead, he takes you in his arms, rubs your back, kisses your cheek and gets you any comfort foods that you wish for. Sometimes, words speak far less than actions.
V - Vexed; how easily they lose their temper.
With his family, and even with Sirius, Regulus can lose his temper very quickly, but you understand that their relationship has not been easy, nor do you care for his family. With you, it's rare that he loses his temper or raises his voice at you. When he does, there are usually other factors that have contributed to his mood, and he is quick to apologise afterwards.
W - Weakness; what’s their weakness what it comes to you?
Your smile. So easily it can make him feel like he's falling from the stars, watching the constellations become smaller and smaller as he slips into the earth's atmosphere, burning and smiling and falling completely in love with you every time he sees it.
X - Xtra; random hc about them.
Regulus likes to speak in French to you when there are things he is too afraid to say or things he thinks sound more romantic when said in another language. Even if you can understand him, there's something less nerve-racking about saying it in French, it's almost like he's playing himself in another world, but still hopelessly in love with you.
Y - Years to Come; how they imagine your future together.
He doesn't like to think about the future often because he knows how easily it can change and fail to meet your expectations. He only hopes that he is with you, facing whatever is to come. He prefers to focus on the present, where he already is with you.
Z - Zzz; how they are when they sleep.
Incredibly still, almost scarily still. The only time he moves is to be closer to you, closer to your exuding warmth. It almost frightens you to move in case it wakes him or disturbs him, but if it does, he never lets on. - - - fill in this form or send an ask to be added to a tag list <3 forever friends; @myalupinblack / @selenes-sun / @vixxiann /@queen-asteria04 / @lillict / @savingpluto /@theincredibledeadlyviper / @pad-foots / @fizzleberries / @willowbleedsonpaper / @kinkyduuh harry potter; @fuckingbloodyhello / @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts / @scvrllet / @dreamerinthesun / @crazy-beautiful / @chaoticgirl04 /@cupids-crystals / @fandom-life-12 / @mypainistemporary-blog /@oliverwoodmarrymepls / @eunoniaa / @missryerye marauders era; @spxllcxstxr / @natashxromanovfreads / @ch /@sereinegemini / @helen-with-an-a / @sweeter-than-strawberries /@spxncervibes regulus black; @jackys-stuff-blog / @with-love-anu / @yinrose98 /@tarorootboba / @lyaseille / @bloodblossom73
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holysmokesblog · 2 years
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈
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Sevika x reader
Chapter 2
Words: 3.2 k
Warnings: Attempted abuse, power dynamics, violence
Summary: You must hurry if you want to fulfill the work that keeps you alive, however having Sevika attached to your back can be a hindrance... or a help.
List of chapters
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You didn't need to turn around to confirm her presence, her proximity took your breath away as if she were powerful enough to steal all the oxygen from the damn bar. You slid your index finger along the edge of your drink feeling how the cold branched out invisible around your finger, giving a pleasant tingling, trying to forget the danger that breathed over your still hurt never.
The boy who had handed you your glass looked at you from the other corner of the bar, not daring to approach, no one would have dared to speak to you at that moment. You didn't want to turn around, no matter how sore he was still from your recent attack you saw no point in facing the terrifying lady of Zaun head-on, your gaze finally investigated the misty room just beyond, the huge woman at your back was starting to draw too much attention.
"If you keep looking at me as if you were going to break me into a thousand pieces I won't be able to do anything," you murmured trying not to show the tremor in your voice. You heard her snort loudly before she walked away, it was like completely fresh air entering your lungs. You dared to look behind you to verify that Sevika had indeed gone to a table from where she could continue watching you from a distance.
You massaged over your face trying to clear the recent nerves. You had to act quickly and effectively. You tightly wrapped your hand around the cold glass and drank the entire liquid in one go, the burning taste ran from your throat to your nostrils but you didn't show any expression, a sweet trace was still on your tongue and you used that impulse to walk with To the makeshift dance floor, you still felt her eyes boring into the back of your skull, but you ignored her intent on concentrating on your task.
The sound of the bass walking through the walls and the floor ended up rumbling in your chest, you closed your eyes trying to forget the pain in your neck and began to sway to the rhythm of the music. You entered further into the crowd and the shaking bodies until you stopped feeling that heavy gaze on your back.
You adjusted your cleavage better before scanning the people around you, looking for some indicator that they weren't from the lanes, until you finally located it, boots too extravagant to be local, you were even surprised by their incredible neatness, considering that he had had to traverse the subway to get here.
You studied better the owner of such striking shoes, he was a full-fledged Piltie, from the tips of his feet to the last of his hair. But unlike his friends who shouted and acted as if they owned the place, this one was in a corner trying to go unnoticed, a complicated job with the size he carries.
You didn't notice that you had been looking at him for too long until your gaze met his. He quickly tore his eyes away from him, staring at the floor intently. You couldn't help but smile, he liked you.
You approached where he was, trying to make room among the people who didn't care about your presence. You saw him move uncomfortably in his place looking for somewhere to escape, but he was trapped between you and the wall. Running away from his group of friends wouldn't be very smart if he didn't know the place.
"What are you drinking?" You asked him innocently, you saw him look for help from his friends, but they continued in their own bubble trying to flirt with the waitress. He gulped, looking at you and before he could answer you, a heavy arm made him stumble.
“He can buy you one if you want babe," One of his friends had noticed your “intentions”." You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, that guy could be your average Piltover ideal. Tall, idiotic, and conceited. You'd try to keep yourself away from them on a normal night, but today you depended on his help.
"Really? How nice,” you flirted playing with a strand of your hair, both looked at your body openly, for a moment you felt terrified that they might notice the marks on your neck, but the makeup had done a good job and the taller of the two friends smirked at you.
"Pretty." He whistled at the waitress who was quite entertained with one of his friends, "Another round here."
You repressed your desire to make a face, you smiled again at both of them. You spoke again, "I hadn't seen them here before. Do they come very often?"
The shyer one was about to answer you but his friend interrupted him again. "It's the first time that Francis is with us, with my friends we come quite often."
The waitress approached, he received the three drinks and looked at his friend who quickly understood and paid the girl back, muttering a soft thank you. “And you, doll? You're too pretty to be from this place."
You forced your laugh again, and perhaps hid a gag, he was easily one of the most insufferable people you'd ever had the misfortune to come across.
"I've never been to Piltover," you confessed. "But I imagine if everyone comes down here to the parties it must be boring there." You took a sip from the glass that they offered you without losing eye contact, you slowly passed your tongue over your upper lip seeing how both boys did not take their eyes off your lips.
"So Francis, it's your first time in Zaun. Are you enjoying yourself?" You turned your attention back to the smaller one.
“I do…” He opened his mouth to answer you but was interrupted… again.
"Hahaha Francis doesn't even go out in Piltover, I doubt he knows enough... By the way, doll, I'm Vincent." The dislike you had for Vincent was too much, but you couldn't be unpleasant with him, if you played your cards wrong he could leave and take his friend.
"Well, I guess you can still call me a doll," You joked, Francis shifted uncomfortably in his place. You saw him trying to leave but his friend's arm wrapped around him again so that he stayed in his place.
"Come on Fran, don't tell me you want to leave when we are so entertained with such a pretty girl." Despite the lack of lighting you noticed how his face turned a furious red, you felt bad for him, but you had more important things to deal with than his fragile masculinity.
"Am I boring you Francis?" You pronounced each syllable of his name slowly trying to sound as sensual as possible. She saw him open his eyes and his friend laugh out loud.
"No, no," he spoke hurriedly. "It's just that no girl that pretty had ever come up to talk to me... By herself." For a moment you felt guilty that you were about to take advantage of him, but you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your head. You took a step closer to Francis, almost leaving his stupid friend out of the conversation, hoping that he would understand your rather direct hint, but the idiot seemed to be obsessed with showing himself as "the alpha male".
"Franny is not very popular with bombom girls." One of his hands landed without permission on your waist, finally you couldn't avoid your face of disagreement, but you hid it effectively or so you thought because he didn't seem to show signs of letting go. Half pushing his friend, he positioned himself right in front of you. “He doesn't have a lot of experience, everything was contrary to me.” He laughed at his own joke. "What do you say? Don't you feel like having fun?"
"Oh I would love to, but I have to do some things... I'm so sorry..." You tried to put distance between the two of you but he just pressed your body closer to his.
"What? What thing?"
It's now or never.
"I need to take something to a friend, I'm so sorry..." You pouted.
"Come on doll, we were having such a good time... Francis will bring whatever you need." You saw Francis open his eyes in surprise at his friend's offer.
"What? No! Are you crazy! I don't know the underground."
"Don't worry, Fran," you intervened quickly. "It's in Piltover... Crossing the bridge." Vincent took advantage of the fact that you looked at his friend to bury his head in your neck, sniffing and kissing. You grabbed his shirt tightly so as not to complain about the pain, you no longer had open wounds, but the bruises that you had hastily made up were still tender on your flesh, hurting at the slightest touch. He misunderstood your gesture and kissed harder, you felt like crying when he sucked on an area of ​​skin that was especially damaged.
You almost cried out in relief when he broke away to look at his friend who was still frozen in his place, not knowing what to do. "What are you still doing here?"
"No, wait, I'll give you the bag," you hurried to speak, you put your hands on the arms around your waist that ended up reluctantly letting go. It wasn't the initial plan, but it worked as long as the shimmer crossed the border, everything would be fine. "Wait for me here, I'll bring it to you right away."
You crossed the dance floor pushing people until you caught a glimpse of her, drinking what seemed to be her fifth pitcher of beer, Sevika carefully watched your every move, but you didn't dare look her in the face, you reached for the backpack she was carrying, resting by her side.
"You were taking too long," She grumbled, but you ignored her, before you could stand up properly her arm grabbed your wrist stopping you in your tracks, secretly thanking it was the real one and not the metal one. "This time make sure it crosses the border." You nodded quickly, but she didn't loosen her grip.
Her pupils slightly dilated from the alcohol, you were afraid that she would hurt you again but she simply continued looking at you until you understood. "Yes ma'am."
Her fingers released you, allowing you to stop correctly leaving a feeling of cold emptiness from where she had held you.
You didn't think about it anymore and you walked back to where the two boys were, hugging the backpack against you. You couldn't even imagine the possibility of losing it, this time everything had to go well, your life depended on it. Approaching the two boys you noticed that the rest of her friends had already left.
Carelessly, Vincent ripped your backpack out of your arms, nearly throwing it into Francis's arms. You stifled your cry of concern, but neither of them seemed to notice.
“Where do I have to take it?” Francis asked timidly.
"In the main square, in the portable toilets..." You paused because Vincent had wrapped his arms around your waist again and smelled your hair. "Leave it in the last cubicle, my friend will look for it there."
"In the bathroom? Don't you want me to give it to your friend?"
"No, not at all, you just..." Vincent kissed your jaw and neck again "Leave it behind the toilet, don't worry about it anymore "
"Okay..." He spoke without being very convinced. "And what am I-?"
"How many more damn questions do you have, Francis?" His friend interrupted him. "Do what the pretty lady tells you and shut your mouth for once." You didn't dare to say anything else, if with that the boy stopped asking questions you were satisfied.
"Okay, I guess I'll be off." Francis spoke despondently as he correctly slung his backpack on his back.
"Wait, we'll walk you to the bridge." The last thing you needed was to infuriate the terrifying lady and on the other hand you wanted to make sure she crossed the bridge correctly, Vincent's hand tightened on your waist dissatisfied with what you just said "My apartment is close, we can walk him to the bridge and go from there,” You promised him. “I know these streets, they are dangerous for a Piltie alone…”
Sighing, they accepted your proposal and the three of them made their way to the entrance of Piltover, Vincent's fingers did not leave your body at any time, keeping a slow pace, letting his friend go ahead. You felt guilty for using a boy that didn't seem to be bad and somewhat unpleasant in such a way for allowing a high-class imbecile to grope you so freely, but it was absolutely necessary for your task.
Arriving at the bridge you stopped a few meters before, staying away from the Enforcers' sight, as usual.
"Francis, remember, the last bathroom," you reminded again, the boy simply nodded with a sigh and walked towards the structure. You held your breath when one of the officers stopped him, there were quite a few people behind him, mostly young people and teenagers who were in the same situation as him.
Finally relax your muscles, the most difficult part had already passed, it only remained to trust that the boy would follow your instructions. You couldn't help but smile in relief that it went well, but Vincent put his hands on top of him again, erasing any trace of happiness from your face.
"Let's go to your house, doll," he murmured between kisses, resigned to you. Nodded, indicating that he follows you. It was the price you had to pay to get rid of five and a half liters of Shimmer. You took the boy's hand to guide him through the streets you knew by heart. Although Zaun was characterized as the city that never sleeps, it was unusually empty.
You glanced at the still unopened shops when without warning Vincent tugged on your hand dragging you into a small, slightly hidden alley. You let out a groan when your back hit hard against the wet wall.
You squirmed trying to free yourself from his grip but he pushed you against the wall more decisively. "Hey, my house isn't too far away, can't you wait a second?" He didn't answer, he just silenced you by crashing his mouth against yours. You felt the bitter taste of alcohol, you hated it, you hated it so much.
His wandering hands unashamedly roamed each of your parts, as if he owned you. The moment he buried his face in your neck you couldn't help but scream, he was being too rough, fed up, you pushed him away from your body covering your neck with your hand.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You yelled at him angrily, you felt your neck throbbing with pain. Let him go to hell, his friend had already left and most likely he had already left that in the agreed place, you didn't have to do anything. "Fuck you idiot," you spat on the ground at his feet with rage, you hated him, you hated his class, you hated fucking Piltover.
Before you could leave he closed his hand on yours right on your neck, leaving you immobilized, you felt how your own hands exerted pressure on the wounds causing your eyes to fill with tears.
"Bitch, you're not going to leave me like this now," he spoke to you just as outraged.
"Fuck you!" You spoke with difficulty. But before he could activate a force again, he was pushed away from your sight, someone crashing him against the opposite wall causing some debris to fall. Still holding your neck you looked at Sevika standing beside you, her terrifying and deadly metal arm exposed.
The scars on her face shone more powerfully revealing her use of shimmer to be able to move her arm, for a moment you feared for yourself too, but she didn't even look at you, she just continued with her eyes fixed on Vincent who was lifting.
"What's wrong bitch?" You shrank in your place when you saw how the scream, between the two you were much more terrified of Silco's right hand, the stupid boy had no chance.
"What's wrong with you boy?" She roared. "You all think you own the fucking subway, but guess what... I eat little men like you raw in one bite." Her eyes glowed with dangerous sparks, and you'd be lying if you didn't say you enjoyed it a bit, although the pain in your neck and now back didn't allow you to be completely comfortable.
You saw how Sevika threw him about five feet into the air, you knew she had a lot of strength, you had barely experienced one percent of it, but it's still amazing how easily she controls it. Vincent barely got up and ran through the same place they had arrived.
With the help of the wall behind you, you got up, you didn't look at her, fearing to take a part of her anger with you, but she continued looking in the direction that the boy had left. You quickly arranged your clothes before noticing that your skirt had ripped almost exposing your panties, you sighed quietly, drawing Sevika's attention.
"Are you okay, girl?" she asked nonchalantly.
“Yes," you replied. “Thank you for… that."
"It's nothing, Silco still needs you alive," she explained as you did nothing but nod, you wanted her to turn around and leave the same place as that idiot Vincent, but she remained still in her place. "You should be careful who you get involved with, if you don't know how to fight at least don't mess with people who could beat you up." In other circumstances you would have laughed, but each exhalation made your throat burn.
You put together both torn pieces of your skirt to hold them together with your hand, you deeply regretted this loss, you didn't have many nice clothes, they were incredibly expensive, while you were thinking how you could fix them when a heavy cloth settled on your shoulders almost covering your body (completely/mostly).
You looked at Sevika in surprise, her heavy red cloak now almost completely encircling you, heavy, warm, and slightly smelling of expensive cigarettes.
“You don't have to do that.” You shrugged her shoulders trying to get it off her, but the grande dame just fastened it by muttering about how you couldn't walk the streets naked.
"Come on girl, I'll take you home, I need to know that you arrived alive."
"It's ironic," your tongue spoke before your brain could process correctly, she looked at you for you to continue. "That if something goes wrong you will be the one to end my life."
"Then don't be stupid and do your damn job", she replied simply. "Walk," she ordered.
You carefully lifted the part of the cloth that was dragging on the ground and walked in front of it, taking special care not to rub against her metallic arm, that artifact was still the protagonist of your nightmares.
"Thank you," you spoke again. "For the cape"
"I'm not giving it to you, you'll return it to me first thing in the morning, but I don't want to fight with more idiots along the way."
“Sure… Thanks anyway…”
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Note: Many thanks to @eexphoria corrections <33
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simoneashleydaily · 2 years
Simone Ashley Interview For shondaland.com
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“It’s Fun to Be Brave” — Simone Ashley Talks Playing Kate Sharma on ‘Bridgerton’
As season two’s co-starring lead, Ashley takes the pressures in stride and leans on her fellow actors for support.
By Valentina Valentini
MAR 23, 2022
When it came to getting cast as the female lead in Bridgerton’s second season, what could have been a long, arduous process for an actor actually happened faster than any other acting job for Simone Ashley. In under two weeks in February 2021, Ashley got the scripts, put herself on tape, had a few Zoom meetings and a chemistry read with star Jonathan Bailey (Anthony Bridgerton), and then was chosen to portray Kate Sharma. Since Kate is the new, complicated love interest for Anthony in season two, Ashley was then thrust into horseback training, wig fittings, makeup tests, and rehearsals.
That kind of fast-paced life of a TV actor isn’t new to Ashley even though her career is young, comparatively speaking. Ashley attended the Redroofs School for the Performing Arts in Maidenhead, England, before going on to study musical theater at ArtsEd (which counts Julie Andrews, also known as the voice of Lady Whistledown, as an alumna). From 2016, she cut her teeth in British television with small roles in shows like Broadchurch, Guilt, Casualty, and Doctors. And after only three years doing so, she landed a role on Netflix’s Sex Education — a move that arguably might have propelled her to becoming Kate Sharma.
The Sharmas are the latest aristocratic family to enter the world of Bridgerton, bringing along with them plenty of gossip, gallantry, and — because this is Bridgerton — beguiling drama. Kate, along with her younger sister, Edwina (Charithra Chandran), catches the eye of Lord Anthony Bridgerton, who, after his heartbreak last season, is begrudgingly looking for a wife this marriage season. There is an immediate connection between Anthony and the two Sharma siblings, but Kate declares that her sole aim is to find Edwina a husband, as Kate — at the ripe old age of 24 — believes herself already a spinster not needing and not worthy of love. Of course, it’s all a bit more complicated than that.
“There were lots of aspects to Kate that I related to and empathized with,” says Ashley. “She is quite strong-minded and strong-willed and a little stubborn. And she keeps herself to herself. Throughout the series, as she opens up more and is more vulnerable, [it’s] endearing because of the values that she holds and the priorities that she fights for, and that’s her family. So, everything that she does, no matter how stern that might come across — actually, I don’t like to use the word stern; I’m going to use the word fierce — no matter how fierce she might come across, you can’t help but find her endearing because, at the end of the day, she’s doing it out of the love to her sister and her family.”
And while it’s hard — even for Ashley — to not spoil the emotional roller coaster that is season two of Bridgerton, we talk to the actor about rooting for Kate, how she really feels about the Kanthony ship name, and not giving in to the pressures of coming into such a popular TV show.
VALENTINA VALENTINI: Kate seems very clear about what she wants from life. But there’s a lot for her to understand internally first, right?
SIMONE ASHLEY: Kate comes in very strong-minded. The Sharma family have just returned to London from India, and she’s on a mission. We discover there are some very high stakes about her intentions, but we understand that she’s on a quest to help Edwina find a true love match and to protect her family. Kate is incredibly reserved but very observant because she’s always got to be switched on to know what’s happening around her in order to protect Edwina. But then, obviously, Anthony comes along, and I think Kate starts to surrender to this idea of falling in love and letting someone in. Anthony and Kate really resemble each other in that they understand each other more so than anyone else ever has. And at first, she doesn’t like him because she’s never met someone that kind of gets to her in that way or encourages her to be vulnerable in that way, whether she wants to or not. We see her soften and play, and we earn her trust more.
VV: Freedom and independence are core to Kate’s beliefs for herself as a woman. What were your conversations like with creator Chris Van Dusen about how to portray this forward-thinking woman amongst a period story, regardless of its fantastical elements?
SA: It was so liberating and so much fun to play a character like that. Because you’re listening to your heart, you’re speaking your instincts, you’re sharing your opinion, and no matter what controversy that might spark, she’s brave. And it’s fun to be brave. She really flies in that sense. I like that she’s a bit of a rule breaker, and I’m excited for viewers to see that kind of character in this world. And with Chris, I would send him voice messages all the time. We used it like a walkie-talkie, really. We had very open communication, and for that I’m very grateful. He answered all my questions, shared ideas, and allowed me to share ideas. Because I was so enthusiastic to do this incredible character justice and to make her as believable as possible, that open communication is such an important part of a creative process. I want everyone to root for her as much as I root for her.
VV: Let’s back up a bit and talk about Kanthony! How do you feel about that nickname?
SA: I love it! I never thought of that, to be honest. But me and Jonny say it to each other all the time — we’re like [puts on an endearing baby voice], “Kanthony. Kanthy-pants.” It’s so sweet. It’s a ship name — which, I think, that’s like an Instagram term I’ve recently learned. But I mean, it wouldn’t really work the other way around — it would be “Ate,” and that’s not cute. Kanthony is cuter.
VV: When I spoke to Jonathan Bailey, he made an interesting point: that Kate and Anthony are so different from Daphne and Simon because Simon was in this position of know-how and sexual power, and he could help teach Daphne this stuff. But with Kanthony, there’s a much more level playing field. Do you agree with him?
SA: I think so. They definitely pass the hot potato — let’s put it that way. I think she learns a lot from him, but actually I think he learns a lot from her as well. They both teach each other to surrender to the thought of falling in love. They both calm each other down too and can kind of hold the reins in — pun intended, because we ride horses quite a lot in this show! But, yeah, I think what makes this one so special is that they truly meet each other’s match.
VV: Not to pit one season against another — we love all the Bridgerton stories — but did it cross your mind at any point that you were coming into this juggernaut of a love-story anthology to play the romantic lead and that you might need to live up to some expectations there?
SA: I fell in love with the relationship between Kate and Anthony, with Chris’ ideas and this world that he’d created, with the beautiful writing, and with the fact that it was centered around the love of family. I was just so ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work, so enthusiastic to bring this story to life, that I put my energy into the work in that sense. Any nerves that I experienced, I would just acknowledge them, and then let them go and get lost in this love story. It’s natural to feel pressures, but there was something about Kate where I just rooted for her and empathized with her so much that it made it easy to get lost in her story and switch off from the pressures surrounding it.
VV: Speaking of that familial love, there’s another important love story going on this season — that of Edwina and Kate’s sisterly love. What was it like diving into two at once?
SA: With Bridgerton, it’s all about family. We’re introduced to and follow the lives of many families in the ton — the Bridgertons, the Featheringtons, the Sharmas, the Cowpers. We can all find things in them to relate to or root for. It was very important for us to explore the love between Edwina and Kate, and I always thought that from the beginning that, yes, there’s the love story between Anthony and Kate, but then there’s the love story between Edwina and Kate. Charithra truly is a diamond in real life. She brought such a warm energy to set every day. She was so much fun, always positive, always in a good mood, always bringing it. I really appreciated that from her, and I’m just honored that I got to work with her and bring this sister relationship to life.
"Yes, there’s the love story between Anthony and Kate, but then there’s the love story between Edwina and Kate."
VV: Do you have any sisters?
SA: No, I don’t. I have a brother.
VV: Oh, that’s interesting because Charithra doesn’t have sisters either.
SA: Right! She’s an only child.
VV: Tell me then about playing that together, especially since you two are both Tamil women. What was it like to come together and incorporate bits of Indian culture into this season?
SA: I think Chris did it so gracefully and so thoughtfully. The Haldi ceremony in episode six is so much fun, and it’s so beautiful. We filmed it with [director] Tom Verica. The set was amazing — it had very warm tones of red, orange, yellow, and it had real, delicate Indian flower decorations. It was really authentic, and I love that we got to have conversations with Tom about our own personal experiences of these ceremonies or things added within that scene. Filming with Shelley [Conn] and Charithra felt like family to me, for sure.
I also love this scene in episode three where Kate is applying coconut oil to Edwina’s hair. It’s just this moment that so many sisters from so many different cultures can relate to — what it is to have that kind of routine between sisters. [Pauses.] Oh, it makes me emotional even thinking about it. It’s just so sweet. And it’s not performative; it’s not commented on the scene. Chris did an amazing job of really sewing in this beautiful heritage throughout the season, a heritage that I’m so proud of.
VV: How about all the sports this season? Did you bring your A-game to the pall-mall course?
SA: I’m super-sporty! I’m all in when it comes to sports and games. I can be a bit overenthusiastic and combative, for sure. We got to ride, to go hunting, to dance, and to play pall-mall. There’s a montage scene in episode three where we’re all playing pall-mall, and there’s a shot where Kate gets the ball in the wicket. I actually did do that — we were playing for real. So, those reactions of Kate jumping up and down and Anthony kind of laughing, that was all quite real.
VV: Jonathan told me how competitive he is too — which is funny because so are your characters!
SA: We’re both very driven, very ambitious. We both like to get it done. And we both don’t like hearing the word no, I think. We like a challenge, and that was definitely evident on set. Our energies kind of kept each other going in that sense. I’ve said this in other interviews, but we had each other’s back throughout that whole series. We were both very focused on our own work separately as two actors doing their craft in private, focusing on our characters and our work. But when we came to set together, it was spontaneous, and we acted in the moment and reacted to each other. I’m grateful for that.
VV: Have you learned anything about yourself or the world at large from playing Kate?
SA: I think these are things that I’ve always felt, but I’ve learned more to not doubt myself, to listen to my instincts, to speak up, to not people-please. This show and this whole experience have given me the confidence to do all those things and to love myself more, as cheesy as that sounds. It’s also helped to just relate to people more and to let people in more, to play more, to get out of my head more. This is a hard job, you know? Filming it was hard, just as any other shoot would be, but representing the show is hard too. It takes work to get to know yourself, and to want to share something positive, and to sit with yourself as to why you’re doing this job. I hope to continue working and telling amazing stories that I’m enthusiastic about and to make people feel just as happy as I do when I’m doing it all. So, yes, that’s one thing I’ve learned.
VV: One thing?! That sounds like a lot of things.
SA: [Laughs.] Yeah. I guess this role has changed my life in a way. I find it hard to actually admit that to myself.
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commsroom · 2 years
Hey✨! (First will just say you by all means don’t have to answer this! Representation and interpretation of ai characters is something I’m really interested in so just wanna hear some of ur thoughts if your up for it!)
I’m curious as to whether you have though about how ‘human’ interpretations of Hera are and whether the want to represent her but the lack of understanding on how being an ai would feel (for obvious reasons of, we are not ai) effects how much people portray her as ‘human’ to try and understand how she works (drawing her with eyes that look at screens and hands that fiddle buttons to work the Hephaestus, making outcomes where she can get physical affection, something we consider staple to our relationships because humans need physical affection where an ai might actually not ect)
Also!! Just wanna disclaim I do not mean interpretative ai characters in more human ways is bad at all and all the interpretations are incredible, I’m just interested in how ones own humanity may affect that interpretation. Have a good day!
okay, this ask is so old by now; i’m sorry if you don’t even see my answer. but i wanted to make sure i could link you to some version of this post first, so... if you're mostly interested in my perspective on 'human' interpretations of hera and how i think that fits into her canon perspective/self-image/portrayal, then. your answer is (hopefully) in there.
i'm going to try to be brief and not rehash everything i said in that post, hence... why i'm linking the post... but i think the question of whether hera would express a desire for physical interaction or affection is kind of. already answered by the show itself, in that she canonically does experience physical loneliness in the way she perceives herself 'away' from the rest of the crew in memoria. like, if it's a question of AI Characters in General, then i absolutely agree that it's unfair to assume they would necessarily have the same desires or priorities, but... i don't know how much that particular discussion is really relevant to hera.
something else i didn't bring up directly in that post, but i think is worth considering: wolf 359 uses plenty of audio tricks to suggest inhuman or nonlinear perspectives at other points in the show, but it doesn't make much of an effort to ever apply those from hera's perspective. if anything, hera comes across as more human from her own perspective because of the added physicality in her self-perception and the lack of filters on her voice (and the addition of filters on everyone else's, further equalizing them and suggesting physical distance rather than a different state of being entirely.) that doesn't change that the reality of her situation is more complicated, but it's an intentional choice in what it communicates about hera as an individual, and in what it says re: how hera fits into the show's broader theme of asserting and recognizing humanity in people who have been dehumanized.
i think there's also just a question of practicality when it comes to fanart, like... hera can be an equal presence in an audio format in a way that she couldn't be in a visual one, so if you want to represent the feeling of a scene rather than Literally How It Would Look, you have to make some choices there. like with my personal design for hera, i ask people to draw her with that kind of blue hologram look, but i don't think that's either. literally how she looks, or how she sees herself. it's just a design choice that i feel will make her more recognizable.
i definitely don't expect everyone to come to all of the same conclusions that i do, but i think... based on the way all of this information is presented in canon, i think we can get a pretty good sense of how hera sees herself. i think it's important, at least, to acknowledge that she does have that internal self-image, that it matters to her, and that however she might feel things throughout the station due to the ways she's connected to it, the station itself doesn't represent a physical sense of self for her. again, she does express a desire for physicality and she experiences physical loneliness. so, while i can't definitively say why any individual artist might choose to, i do think that representing hera in a more 'human' way is a reasonable extension of her canon portrayal.
at the very least, i hope this answer + the linked post make it clear that this is something i've put a lot of thought into, and that i'm not making these claims lightly or out of an assumption of human physicality as the default. and i want to say, i totally get why a lot of people who feel not-quite or other-than human tend to get very attached to AI/robot/etc. characters, like. i am one of those people! and given the track record of a lot of sci-fi, i know how frustrating it is when it feels like Being Human is treated as something necessarily aspirational, or as if it's interchangeable with Being A Person. that's why it's important to me to be clear that i'm talking about hera's specific circumstances, her own self expression, and that i'm only talking about hera.
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 25
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 25 - This Venerable One Hates Him So Much!
Chu Wanning couldn't force a "go away" to leave his throat. There was a long sombre pause before he changed his answer to: "Come in."
"Huh? Your door isn't locked?" They had been giving each other the silent treatment all day. But now, Mo Ran had the intention of reconciling with him, so he pushed open the door as he spoke like nothing had ever happened. Chu Wanning, on the other hand, sat expressionlessly at the table. He raised his eyes and glanced at him faintly.
In all fairness, Mo Ran was incredibly beautiful, and the whole room seemed to brighten as soon as he walked in the door. He was indeed very young. His skin was tight and seemed to exude a faint glow. The corners of his mouth were naturally slightly curled, and he seemed to be smiling even when he wasn't showing any emotion.
Chu Wanning didn't move his eyes off of Mo Ran. His slender eyelashes drooped and raised his hand to pinch out the incense burning on the table. He coldly asked:
"What are you doing here?"
"I came. . . to check your injury." Mo Ran awkwardly coughed. His eyes fell on Chu Wanning's shoulder and he froze. "You dressed it already?"
Chu Wanning faintly said: "Yes."
Mo Ran didn't know what to say: ". . ."
He really hated Chu Wanning, and he was furious that Chu Wanning had hurt Shi Mei. But, after calming down, Mo Ran wasn't completely without a conscience. Yeah, he hated him, but he didn't forget that Chu Wanning's shoulder was injured.
In the claustrophobic coffin, Chu Wanning had tightly guarded him in his arms, blocking the Master of Ceremonies Ghost's claws with his own body. His body had trembled in pain but he didn't let go. . .
To Chu Wanning, Mo Ran was disgusting.
But in addition to disgust, some very complicated emotions were always mixed in with it for some reason.
He was a rude person. He didn't read books when he was a child. Although he obtained some literary knowledge later, he still couldn't grasp many concepts easily when it came to many delicate things, especially when it came to feelings.
For example, when it came to Chu Wanning, Mo Ran rubbed his head and pondered. The back of his head was going to go bald, but he still couldn't figure out what this feeling was.
He can only identify certain kinds of feelings: love, hate, detest, happiness and unhappiness.
If all these emotions were mixed together, the wise and powerful cultivation emperor would get crossed-eyed and really dizzy.
He didn't understand. He couldn't understand. He didn't know. Help, my head hurts.
So Mo Ran didn't bother to dwell on it. Besides, he didn't have time to focus on any details other than Shi Mei.
He didn't hold good feelings for Chu Wanning in his heart, and while secretly plotting when he might have an opportunity in the future, he would make him pay with double the ferocity. On the other hand, he felt guilty. After an internal battle with himself, he finally knocked on Chu Wanning's door.
He didn't want to owe Chu Wanning.
But Chu Wanning was more stubborn and ruthless than he thought.
Mo Ran stared at the pile of blood-stained cotton gauze on the table, the bowl of hot water stained red with blood, and the sharp knife that was thrown haphazardly thrown aside. The tip of the knife was still coated with flesh and blood. His head was spinning.
How did he manage to heal himself?
Had he really cut off the festering flesh without so much as blinking? Just imagining it sent a chill down his spine. Was this guy even human?
He thought about when he had cleaned up Shi Mei's wound. Shi Mei had groaned softly in pain with tears in the corners of his eyes. Even though Mo Ran didn’t like Chu Wanning, he couldn’t help but silently give him credit——
Elder Yuheng was truly a domineering and righteous man, no arguments there.
After standing in place for a while, Mo Ran was the first to break the silence. He coughed, tapping his toes against the floor, and awkwardly said: "What happened in the Chen house. . . Shizun, I'm sorry."
Chu Wanning didn't say anything.
Mo Ran stole a glance at him: "I shouldn't have yelled at you."
Chu Wanning still ignored him. His face was still. As always, he had no reaction, but that didn't mean he wasn't aggravated and just not saying anything.
Mo Ran walked over. When he got closer, he saw the mess of bandages on Chu Wanning's shoulder. The cotton gauze was tied in several different ways. It looked like a group of crabs that were stuck together.
". . ."
Also, for a person who doesn't know how to wash his own clothes, can he really be trusted to treat himself?
Mo Ran sighed: "Shizun, don't be angry."
"Do I look angry?" Chu Wanning angrily responded.
Mo Ran: ". ."
After a long pause.
"Shizun, that's not how you wrap a bandage. . ."
He retorted unceremoniously: "You want you to teach me?"
Mo Ran: ". . ."
He raised his hand. He wanted to help Chu Wanning untie the gauze and wrap it again, but he was observant and felt that if he dared to touch him, he might end up with a lashing, so he hesitated.
He raised his hand then lowered it, and then raised it again, repeating the action several times. Chu Wanning was getting annoyed. He squinted at him: "What are you doing? Do you still want to fight me?"
". . ." He really wanted to fight him, but now wasn't a good time.
Mo Ran smiled sheepishly. Throwing caution to the wind, he suddenly reached over and grabbed his shoulders, dimples appearing at the corners of his mouth: "Shizun, let me help you re-bandage it."
Chu Wanning wanted to refuse, but Mo Ran's warm fingers had already wrapped around the bandage. His mouth felt dry and stiff. He couldn't speak, so his lips moved slightly but nothing came out.
The gauze was peeled off layer by layer. Blood had soaked through it, and when it was all torn back, the five holes were piercingly obvious and hideous.
Just looking at it, he shuddered. It was many times more serious than the would on Shi Mei's face.
Mo Ran didn't know what he was looking at. He was stunned, then suddenly asked softly: "Does it hurt?"
Chu Wanning lowered his long and slender eyelashes, and simply said lightly: "It's fine."
Mo Ran said: "I'll be gentle."
Chu Wanning didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly his ear flushed a little red. As a result, he got angry with himself again. He thought he was going crazy. All day he had been thinking up such nonsensical thoughts. His expression grew stiff. His temper worsened, and he said dryly, "It's up to you."
The candlelight in the guest room flickered. In the dim light, he could see that he had completely missed some spots with the ointment. Mo Ran was honestly speechless. He thought it was a miracle that Chu Wanning was still alive and healthy today.
"What happened to you today at the Chen house? Why did you suddenly lash out and hit someone?" He asked while applying some ointment.
Chu Wanning was silent for a while, then replied: "I was angry."
Mo Ran asked: "Why were you so angry?"
Chu Wanning didn't want to trouble his disciple, so he told Mo Ran a brief and concise version of Luo Xianxian's story. After Mo Ran listened to the story, he shook his head: "You're stupid. In this kind of situation, even if you're angry, you shouldn't confront them about it to their face. If it were me, I would've made a mess of things and lie to them that the ghost had been removed, and then pat their asses and leave, letting them fend for themselves. Just look at you making a scene over such a rotten man. You knew you probably wouldn't get through to him, and then you missed and wounded Shi Mei--"
Halfway through the sentence, Mo Ran abruptly stopped. He stared silently at Chu Wanning.
He tied the bandage carefully. He was a little forgetful and he was talking to Chu Wanning like he had when he was 32, pretty cheekily.
Chu Wanning obviously noticed. He squinted his eyes, looking coldly at Mo Ran. That look resembled a very familiar phrase - "See if I don't whip you to death."
"Uh. . ."
Before his brain had thought up a response, Chu Wanning has already begun speaking.
He said indifferently: "Is Shi Mingjing the one I wanted to fight?"
When Shi Mei was mentioned, Mo Ran's originally calm mental state started to shift and his tone hardened: "Isn't he the person you hit?"
Chu Wanning did regret hitting him, but he couldn't admit it. At this moment, his face was sullen and he didn't say a word.
Chu Wanning was the stubborn type. Mo Ran was the lovesick type. Their eyes meet and sparks crackled. The atmosphere that had just eased a little became hopelessly stagnant again.
Mo Ran said: "Shi Mei didn't do anything wrong. Shizun, you hurt him by accident. Don't you want to say that you're sorry?"
Chu Wanning narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Are you questioning me?"
". . . I'm not." Mo Ran paused. "I just feel bad that he got hurt but never got an apology from Shizun."
Under the candlelight, the handsome and youthful teenager finished wrapping the last bandage on Chu Wanning's wound and carefully tied a knot. It may have looked like the scene was quite warm, but the mood between them had changed. Especially Chu Wanning; his chest felt like a jar of vinegar had exploded in it. The feeling of sourness was overwhelming and he felt angry and annoyed.
How do you even spell that word? Who'll teach him how to write?
Mo Ran said: "It'll take half a year for the wound on his face to heal. When I gave him some medicine just now, he still told me not to blame you. Shizun, he doesn't blame you, but do you think that justifies what you did?"
This sentence was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.
Chu Wanning had been enduring it but he finally couldn't hold it back. He suppressed his voice and muttered: "Get out."
Mo Ran: ". . ."
Chu Wanning exploded: "Get out!"
Mo Ran was forced out and the door slammed shut in his face, almost clamping his fingers. Mo Ran was furious. Just look at this! What kind of person was this? All this just to avoid apologizing? Such cherished and treasured pride. What was so difficult about saying sorry? All he needs to do is move his mouth. This Venerable One was the Emperor TaXian, yet this Venerable One didn't hesitate to apologize to others. As for the Beidou Immortal, half of his words were inexplicable, as if he had swallowed them. What a ridiculous temper!
No wonder no one cared about such a handsome face!
It was a waste of time. He deserved to stay single for the rest of his life!
Since Chu Wanning would rather ignore him and give him a closed-door to talk to, then of course the high and mighty cultivation emperor, the emperor of the human world, wouldn't lose any sleep over this. Although he was tenacious and as hard to get rid of as a piece of sticky candy, he stuck to Shi Mei, not his shizun.
He immediately left without a care and went to join Shi Mei.
"Why are you back so soon?" Shi Mei was in the midst of lying down to rest when he saw Mo Yan come in. He froze and sat up, long strands of ink hair hanging all over the place. "How's Shizun?"
"Very good. His temper is as strong as usual."
Shi Mei: ". . ."
Mo Ran brought over a chair and sat on it backwards. His hand rested on the back of the Taishi chair, a lazy smile hanging on the corner of his mouth. His gaze flicked across the appearance of Shi Mei's soft and long hair.
Shi Mei said: "Why don't I go and see him. . ."
"Don't think too much about it." Mo Ran rolled his eyes. "He's terrible."
"Did you make him angry again?"
"He needs someone to provoke him? He makes himself angry. I think he's made of wood considering he's so flammable."
Shi Mei shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
Mo Ran said: "Get some rest. I'll borrow the kitchen downstairs and make you some food."
Shi Mei said: "What's the fuss? You haven't closed your eyes all night. Aren't you going to sleep?"
"Haha, I am in good spirits." Mo Ran laughed. "But if you can't bear me leaving, I can stay with you for a while until you fall asleep."
Shi Mei hurriedly waved his hand and said warmly: "No, if you have to look at me like this, I won't be able to sleep either. You should go to bed early. Don't exhaust yourself."
The curvature in the corners of his mouth stiffened slightly. Mo Ran was a little sad.
Although Shi Mei treated him kindly, he always maintained such a distant attitude. It was the attitude of someone who was obviously close at hand, but as the moon in the mirror and the flower in the water, he could be seen but not obtained.
". . . Okay." In the end, he just tried to cheer up and laughed. Mo Ran's smile was very bright. When he wasn't completely evil, he was actually pretty silly and cute. "Call me if you need anything. I'm either right next door or downstairs."
Mo Ran raised his hand, wanting to touch his hair, but he held back. He spun his hand around in the air and scratched his head.
"I'm leaving."
Outside of the room, Mo Ran couldn't help but sneeze.
He sniffed.
Because Caidie Town produced incense, the price of all the different kinds of incense wasn't as expensive, so the inn wasn't stingy with it. Each room was lit with a long branch of special incense; one can ward off evil spirits, another can dehumidify, the last one can give the room a nice fragrance.
But as soon as Mo Ran smelled the incense, it made him uncomfortable. But if Shi Mei liked it, he would endure it.
Coming downstairs, Mo Yan wandered over to the innkeeper, slipped him a silver ingot. He squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Innkeeper, do me a favour."
The innkeeper looked at the silver ingot and smiled more politely at Mo Ran: "What is this immortal gentleman's request?"
Mo Ran said: "I see that not many people come here to eat breakfast. I wanted to discuss that with you. I want to use the kitchen this morning. Please let the other guests know."
How much money would breakfast make him? It would probably be impossible to earn a silver ingot in half a month. The innkeeper immediately smiled and agreed, leading the swaggering Mo Weiyu into the kitchen of the inn.
"You want to cook by yourself? It's better to let the chef in our inn do it. He's very talented."
"No need." Mo Ran smiled. "Have you heard of the Jade Wine Building in Xiangtan?"
"Ah. . . Is that the famous music performance building that started getting popular more than a year ago?"
Mo Ran: "Yeah."
The boss took a peek outside and confirmed that his wife was busy and couldn't overhear. He snickered and said, "Who hasn't heard of it? It's the most famous restaurant on the Xiangjiang River. It used to have a lead musician there. It’s a pity it's so far away, otherwise, I'd want to listen to her play a song."
Mo Ran laughed: "Thank you for the compliment. I'll pass it onto her."
"Pass it on?" The innkeeper was puzzled. "Do you know her?"
Mo Ran said: "More than just know."
"Wow. . .You don't say? But you cultivators can be. . . well. . ."
Mo Ran interrupted him with a smile: "Other than the lead musician, do you know anything else?"
"Hmm. . . Their food was said to be a must."
The corners of Mo Ran's mouth curled higher and he smiled brighter. He skillfully picked up the kitchen knife and said: "Before I took up cultivation, I was a cook in the kitchen in the Jade Wine Building for several years. You said that your chefs make delicious dishes. Whose is better, theirs or mine?"
The innkeeper was even more shocked, and stammered out: "You're really. . . really. . ."
He couldn't get the words out.
Mo Ran gazed at him with narrowed eyes. His smile was barely holding back his smug and cocky demeanour: "You can leave. This chef is going to cook something."
The innkeeper didn’t know that he was talking to the former Lord of Darkness, and he put on a cheeky expression: “I've heard a lot about Jade Wine House's exquisite desserts. I wonder if you would let me have a bite once they're ready?"
He didn't think this was too high of a request. Mo Ran would definitely agree.
Who would've expected Mo Ran to squint his eyes and say with a smirk: "You want some?"
"Really?" Mo Ran snorted. He was bursting with pride. He scoffed: "You think I would cook for just anyone? This Venerable One is doing this just for Shi Mei. If not for him, I wouldn't even be lighting a fire to cook. . ."
He flipped a radish over and started to slice it, muttering.
". . ." The innkeeper slumped defeatedly. He rubbed his hands and stood there awkwardly. He halfheartedly chuckled at him then left.
He was also muttering to himself.
This Venerable One? For someone this young, his spiritual core hasn't even fully formed yet. He thought about his chatter and how he was probably referring to his elder sister disciple, but there was no female cultivator among the group who walked with him today.
The innkeeper rolled his eyes.
This person must be deluded.
Mo Ran stayed busy in the kitchen for several hours. It was almost noon when the work was finished, and he rushed upstairs to wake Shi Mei up.
When passing by Chu Wanning's room, he slowly came to a stop.
Should he ask if he wanted to eat together. . .
Thinking of Chu Wanning's harsh temperament, Mo Ran's heart skipped a beat, his face full of contempt.
No, no, no. He only had a few portions. There wasn't enough to share with him!
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tinalbion · 3 years
Since Freddy and Jason hates eachother so much I think it'll be interesting to be Freddy's s/o and SOMEHOW befriending Jason! They don't know about it at first but one day one of them shows up while you're hanging with the other! What would happen?? Can you write something like that? I mean obviously you can, but do you want to? *looks hopefully*
Oh my, what sort of drama would ensue?! Poor Freddy, poor Jason, just can’t get out of each other’s lives, can they? Thank you for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it!
But seriously, kinda feeling bad that the one person Jason becomes friends with has the ultimate baggage to deal with😅
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Freddy x GN!Reader - Befriending Jason
Rating: Freddy picking on Jason, the usual.
Length: 1.2k
Dating a literal dream demon had its advantages for you, but you honestly just loved his company, the only thing was your sleep schedule was so out of whack because of it. You craved to see him when you were asleep, but during those hours that were supposed to be peaceful, you awoke feeling less than well-rested and it had caught up with you in the long run.
Asking Fred to calm down with the long visits was harsher than it should have been in your eyes, but he didn’t seem to mind it too much, especially since he allowed you to take a break for a bit while he had other errands to run (you know, murder and such), and he came back to you to see you back at 100%. You looked happy and the bags under your eyes weren’t so prominent. He took full credit for that, obviously, and so while catching up, you casually mention that you’ve been having fun hanging out with your friends. Normally Freddy asks about your friends, mainly curious about who you hang around, and then you mention you went camping and found someone who was really sweet and rather quiet.
He doesn’t question too far about it because why would he? He’s got nothing to worry about. Until he decided to visit you while you were back in the cabin up north again one weekend. He popped in and strolled around the place as if he owned it, and then Freddy stopped dead in his tracks to see you asleep on the sofa while your ‘new friend’ was none other than Jason Voorhees, sitting on a chair that was facing the window, a blanket draped around his shoulders.
Freddy immediately becomes more irritable and his voice is deeper as he speaks to you, the anger plain in his expressions. “Are you fucking kidding me? Your new friend is THAT idiot goalie fuck?!” Freddy and he go way back, not on good terms either, so it’s understandable as to why you were greeted with hostility.
“I can’t just stop being his friend, Fred.”
“Wrong, you can, simple as that, princess. Now do it before I do it for you.” He wasn’t a man to forgive someone like Jason so easily, and of course, you were caught in the middle of their petty feud. You weren’t usually compliant with a request like this and Freddy had never done anything previously when you ‘disobeyed’ him, so what could he really do now? Either way, you had already settled it in your head that you weren’t just going to drop Jason but before you could voice that, you were jolted awake.
Jason had shaken you, his head tilted to the side as if to question your well-being. You assured Jason that you were fine, you were just having a bad dream, and that’s when Jason began to put two and two together. You didn’t want to bring up Freddy only because you knew it would upset him, but it was silly to keep him a secret. One way or another one of them would see the other and you dreaded that day. But in time, you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had.
Freddy questioned your intent to hide your guys’ relationship and you bluntly told him you enjoyed Jason’s company when you were camping, so there was no way you were going to be as cruel as he was to him. You needed to approach this delicately and with calm and gentle tones, the complete opposite of what to expect with your headstrong boyfriend.
The day came a lot quicker than you anticipated only because Freddy, being the bastard that he was, decided to make you open up to dear old hockey-puck a lot sooner and he put you on the spot. Jason was distraught, thinking that he was free from seeing the slasher ever again. Why did he have to befriend the ONE person on this planet that was connected to the one guy he wanted to just avoid for as long as he could. Yet now he was faced with a harsh truth.
“Jason, I’d understand if you don’t wanna be friends anymore, I just don’t wanna bring you in the middle of this…” You were kind enough to give him this option, to give him a choice when Freddy really didn’t give him that at all. He couldn’t tell you how he was feeling, but he knew how you were feeling, he was able to read your body language so well from years of experience, but all you could do was sit there with your fists clenched, pissed off at your boyfriend.
The masked slasher placed his hand on your leg to grab your attention then snatched it away, but the look in his eye when you looked up at him spoke more than you thought it ever could. You took a breath and recounted everything in your head, then finally told Jason everything and how childish Freddy had been. Jason didn't act out nor did he grow angry, he just sat there and listened.
"Thanks for listening, Jason, but I'll have to take some time to think about all this…" And he gave you all the time you wanted. You didn't return to the camp for a couple of weeks. Jason had waited for you and lingered around the camp a few days after you initially left, wondering if you'd ever come back. He consulted with the decapitated head of his mother, Pamela, and there was nothing to be said. He had been alone again. Maybe he would put up with that chucklehead if it meant you would be the peacekeeper between them, he just didn't want to be alone anymore.
When you returned to the camp, he had been sitting outside of the cabin just looking off at the wildlife until he noticed you walking up the path. He stood swiftly and waited as you neared the cabin, wanting to greet you, and you definitely looked much happier than you had when you left. When you were close enough, he walked halfway to meet you as you ran into him, hugging him tightly.
"Hey big guy, I've missed you!" You hugged him and you both went inside, talking about your time away and how you missed being surrounded by the forest. But he waited for the inevitable conversation where this would be your last visit. But it never came, something more unexpected had been brought up.
"So uh, I was talking to Fred and… well, he's going to be the bigger guy and won’t interfere with us hanging out! Isn’t that exciting?” You were incredibly happy when Freddy had reluctantly said he wouldn’t pester you (too much) about it, though you would soon learn that he was so full of shit.
He popped in and out of your dreams just to annoy you when you were up at the cabin, he would tease you about everything, he became more relentless. So when you suggested he and Jason should just hang out and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, Fred laughed hysterically and immediately shut that idea down. You could say you tried. Though your life was complicated with Freddy yelling in your ear, you couldn’t help but still feel lucky enough to have them in your life. Even if one of them was a huge pain in your ass.
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professorrw · 3 years
Hey could I please request a LokixReader story set on Sakaar where they have an enemies to friends to lovers relationship? Lots of fluff and smut if that’s okay. Thank you xxxx
Lord have mercy is this long. I love the request (probably a little too much). I have to warn you before reading, it's 6.6K words, the longest fic I've written yet. BUT I love it. I'm really proud of it!
Pairing: female reader x Loki
Requested: Yes
Warnings: smut, 18+, praise, unprotected sex, fingering, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff, fighting (Hulk and Thor), spoilers for Thor Ragnarok, takes place during Ragnarok
A/N: And with this finished I'm going to take a day to myself tomorrow! I'm not feeling very well and I want to catch up on my series because I've been neglecting it. Requests open, taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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You could ask anyone on Sakaar who the Grandmaster’s favorite person was and they would say it was you. You grew up on the trash planet with your father, who was a reject from his home planet. But on Sakaar you were basically royalty. Your father befriended the million year old Grandmaster when you were just two and from then on you were living in the lap of luxury.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been on Sakaar, but it had been a few hundred years. You didn’t look that old, more like twenty to thirty. But there was no way to be certain with the way that time worked on Sakaar.
Your life was perfect in your opinion. You and your father were happy and healthy on the trash planet. Every day you would dress in your finest silk robes, adorn your flashy face paint, and go to the arena to watch fights. When you weren’t doing that you were in your home or with the Grandmaster, who was basically a second father to you.
It was the end of the day and you were eating dinner with the Grandmaster, your father, and some other ‘royalty.’ As typical with all meals held by the Grandmaster it was full of excited and animated talking and extravagant food. You were too busy drinking your wine to engage in conversation, unlike your father who hadn’t touched his plate in favor of speaking to the man next to him.
Your father was a very social man, probably why the Grandmaster took such a liking to him. They were equally as flamboyant and outgoing. the Grandmaster often remarked how much you looked like your father. You had the same hair color, eye color and shape, and skin tone. Though you couldn’t tell your father’s true hair color anymore because it had started greying, contrary to the rest of his body that wasn’t aging as quickly.
There was a knock at the dining room door and the Grandmaster called for whoever it was to come in. The noise had drawn everyones’ attention, and all eyes were on the man that was being escorted in. He was tall, with fair skin and raven black hair. He was the most attractive man you had seen in a while. He didn’t look like a lot of the men you saw, but he still looked elegant.
“Who is this?” the Grandmaster asked.
Instead of waiting for the guards to speak, the detainee spoke, “I am Loki, God of Mischief and Prince of Asgard. I would like to say right now that it is a mistake imprisoning me and I will forget all about it if you let me go right now.” Loki spoke swiftly and with an accent foreign to many you heard normally. He had a very charming speech but you were in utter shock at the way he had spoken to the Grandmaster.
You expected the Grandmaster to order the guards to throw him in with the other gladiators and make him go against the champion, but he actually laughed, followed by everyone else in the room other than you.
“Well, Loki, I suppose I don’t need to make you fight. You can keep me company instead. How does that sound?”
It must not have been what Loki was expecting because he raised his eyebrows and said nothing for several seconds. “I think that would be fine,” he finally responded.
“Good, good. Why don’t you take that off him so he can pull up a chair?” the Grandmaster said to the guards. They did as he ordered and unshackled the dark haired man. As soon as he was free he grabbed a chair and planted right in between the Grandmaster and you. Loki sat down and gazed at you, offering a dazzling smile.
You squinted at him for a moment, sizing him up. You knew he was going to be trouble, to you at least.
“Ah Loki, please meet Y/N. She’s like a daughter to me,” the Grandmaster said to him.
“Hello Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” His words were so obviously a lie that it made you scowl. You could hear the sarcasm seeping from his words. You could tell that he was already trying to butter up the Grandmaster. But in actuality he was trying not to get himself killed. Thor was nowhere to be found and he was on this planet by himself.
“Likewise,” you said back. You turned away from the men and started eating your meal, pointedly ignoring Loki as you did so. You could hear their conversation and it was almost impossible not to eavesdrop. The Grandmaster was mostly talking about himself, all things that you’d already heard before. Loki, when given the chance to talk, was just complimenting him in return.
When the meal was over and the dishes were collected the Grandmaster addressed your father. “My dear Holden, would you house my company for the time being?”
You whipped your head over to the Grandmaster. You couldn’t believe the words that had just come from his mouth. You couldn’t believe he was asking you and your father to let Loki stay with you. But your father being your father would have no problem with it. You just knew he was going to accept.
As you expected he said, “Why of course, the more the merrier.”
Your house was incredibly close to the palace. There really was no need for guards to escort you and your father home but the Grandmaster thought it was necessary. So after dinner you, your father, and Loki made your way to your home. It was very beautiful, and almost as grand as the palace itself, but much smaller.
Your father was in high spirits as usual. Once you were inside your father turned to Loki with a brilliant smile adorning his face. "We are delighted to have you. Please follow me, you can sleep here in the guest bedroom. Y/N is right next door so you can go to her if you need anything."
You looked at your father with a deadpan expression, which he didn't seem to notice. Loki on the other hand was positively beaming back at your father.
"Thank you so much for the hospitality. I really cannot thank you enough."
Your father chuckled, "It's no trouble at all. Any guest of the Grandmaster's is a guest of mine. So please, make yourself at home."
"Thank you again. I am quite tired so I think I'll be heading to bed. Goodnight Holden, goodnight Y/N." He bowed and went to his chambers without another word.
You looked incredulously at your father but he seemed to not have a care in the world. He was awfully aloof when it came to matters dealing with the Grandmaster. Your father and the Grandmaster had a complicated relationship. You really had no clue what was going on with them. They called each other dear and said they loved each other, but you had seen the Grandmaster and your father doing a fair share of flirting with many men and women.
You walked to your own room with a heavy sigh. You stayed up for a few hours that night wondering about the man next door.
You quickly realized that the Grandmaster had taken a liking to Loki. The next morning you, your father, and Loki were having breakfast with the Grandmaster and Loki was hanging onto every word that came out of the man's mouth. You just knew that Loki didn't care. But what you want to know are his intentions. He randomly shows up on your planet and instantly catches the Grandmaster's attention.
You spend most of the morning with your father, preferring his company to the Grandmaster and his new pet. The next time you saw him was at lunch. And just like at dinner the previous night Loki was sitting right next to the Grandmaster. Instead of enduring the empty compliments that were coming from Loki you decided to sit farther down the table next to another one of your father's friends.
"Hello Marridija," you said as you sat down. Marridija was a very kind woman. Kind and very up to date on all the goings on at the palace. It was no surprise that she was close to the Grandmaster.
"Why hello Y/N. You aren't sitting at the front of the table today?" Her drawn-on eyebrows drew in and she tilted her head to the side slightly, making you worry that her hair, which was styled heavily with spray to keep it straight up, would tip over and ruin. Over the many years on Sakaar you had grown accustomed to the wild fashion in the palace. Everyone in the Grandmaster's group wore metallic face paint and did their hair as tall and elaborate as possible.
Out of everyone at the table Marridija had the craziest hair and brightest makeup. She always made sure she was seen in a crowd. Her hair was bubble gum pink and looked like cotton candy on top of her head. Her makeup was many bright streaks of pink, blue, and gold.
"No, not today. I thought I might try something new."
"Oh. Well I'm delighted that you decided to sit by me. I've been meaning to ask-" her eyes cut from you to something over your shoulder before returning to talking, "about your company last night."
You clenched your jaw for a second before you answered her. "What would you like to know?"
"Well… the whole palace wants to know about this mysterious man. Loki, he said." She was speaking in a hushed voice so no one other than you could hear her. If anyone heard her they would most definitely be listening in. But Marridija was good at being quiet when she needed to be. She wanted to be the first with fresh gossip, and for that she would have to hear it before anyone else.
“There isn’t much to tell really. As soon as we got home he went off to his bedroom.”
The woman narrowed her eyes for a second before giving a huff. “Oh Y/N, you won’t give an old lady a bit of juice now will you?” Her face changed from a pout to a sly smile a few seconds after she said that. “Or is there something you don’t want to share with me? A secret of your own perhaps?”
“Absolutely not Marridija. What I’ve told you is the truth. I’m sorry I have nothing juicy enough for your ears.”
You turned away from the woman and forward towards the table and the meal being set in front of you. Through the whole of breakfast you remained silent, listening to the chatter around you. There always seemed to be something to talk about on Sakaar, but with Loki’s arrival and the Grandmaster’s liking towards him has made Loki the center of attention.
After breakfast the guests were clearing out of the dining hall. The Grandmaster had dismissed everyone and he and Loki were the last to leave. You stuck around and when the Grandmaster went to use the restroom and left Loki unoccupied you walked up to him. A smile appeared on his face as he saw your smaller frame scowling at him as you neared. For whatever reason he was quite enjoying how frustrated he was making you, though he didn’t know what exactly was making you mad.
“Hello Y/N,” he greeted.
“Don’t act all innocent. You’re up to something.”
Loki’s eyebrows shot up but his smile remained. “And what would that be?”
“Well I’ve come to find that out.” You crossed your arms and planted your feet in front of Loki. It wasn’t your best look but you wanted to intimidate him. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. He was taller than you and obviously confident enough to tell the Grandmaster it was a mistake to imprison him.
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, as they say, but I don’t have anything planned. I landed here by mistake.” Loki said the words so simply you just couldn’t believe it. If he was telling the truth then it would take more than that to convince you.
“And why should I believe you?”
“Well I suppose you shouldn’t. You don’t know me, you don’t know my past or all the things I’ve done. Maybe we could spend some time together and you’ll realize I’m being honest.”
Loki wasn’t entirely sure why he said that last part. He had never offered to let someone get to know him. But a part of him also wanted someone to be able to talk to since he was all alone on a planet he was an outsider on. And it helped that he thought you were incredibly attractive.
You on the other hand didn’t know what to make of his words. If you accepted you might be falling right into his trap, into his plan. But on the other hand maybe he was being genuine. It surely wouldn’t hurt to find out more about him. If he was lying then you could possibly find out his intentions. So you thought the only logical decision would be to accept.
“Fine. After dinner we’ll go to my home and we can… get to know each other. But only because I want to know if you’re telling the truth.”
He laughed, “Of course, of course. See you then.”
The door you were standing next to opened and the Grandmaster himself walked out. He clasped his hands together and a smile appeared on his face. “Y/N! Thank you for keeping Loki company. Are you two getting along?”
You and Loki glanced at each other. There was no way you were going to say no, both of you had common sense. So you both put on a smile and looked as comfortable as possible.
“We are!” Loki said first. He put a huge grin on his face and leaned towards you, draping an arm around your shoulder. The sudden touch almost made you recoil, but if you did that it would look strange to the man that had just questioned your relationship.
“Well Loki and I should be going. I’ll see you at supper gorgeous.” The Grandmaster wiggled his fingers at you with an award winning smile. Loki took his arm off you and started following after him when the Grandmaster began to walk away. A hole might have been burnt into the back of Loki’s head from your staring. He was so puzzling. Irksome even.
The footsteps eventually faded as they walked further and further away from you and closer to wherever it was they were going. Your own slippered feet padded against the floor of the palace as you made your way down to the bottom level, outside, and safely in your home. It was a shame that most of the people your age were bounty hunters. You were all in all lonely. Maybe that’s what led you to agree to getting to know Loki.
You assumed he was around your age. He claimed to be a god after all, so he must be more than the average person.
Dinner rolled around and you went to the palace to eat as you did everyday. Loki was there. Though you knew he would be. You weren’t used to his presence just yet, so every time you saw him you were still slightly surprised. You were used to being around the ‘royalty’ of Sakaar for years and attending the same mundane events all the time. Loki was something new, something fresh. That’s why he was such a buzz on Sakaar. Especially when he made such an impression on the Grandmaster.
After the meal you went home and waited for Loki. You knew he would have to tell the Grandmaster some excuse for him to leave, so he was going to be a few minutes behind you.
Ten minutes after you had arrived home the door opened and Loki walked in. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw the exasperated expression on his face. You knew just how tiring the Grandmaster could be. Upon hearing the ring of your laughter Loki smiled. It was the first time he heard you make that sound and thought it was beautiful.
He slung his hair out of his face and slid into the white bar stool next to you at the kitchen island. You already had two glasses of champagne ready for the two of you. Assuming you would need it.
"What did you have to tell him to let you leave?" you asked, raising the glass to your lips.
"Well I told him I was tired and he just laughed it off then I said I was having an upset stomach and wasn't doing so well down there and he let me go."
Neither of you could hold back laughter. You were the first to start cracking up and seeing your reaction influenced Loki's joyous noise. The atmosphere was smooth and laid back. In preparation you had a drink beforehand, hence why you were so calm. Loki's smile and infectious attitude were also to blame.
In the time span of lunch and coming home you realized how ridiculous you were being. You had only just met Loki yesterday and you were already trying to accuse him of trying to harm the creator of your planet.
Once the laughter had died down you set your glass on the countertop and turned to Loki. "I'm sorry for how I've acted towards you. I haven't treated you fairly or given you a chance at all. I started jumping to conclusions and that was wrong of me. So I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me."
“Wow- I- Yes I can forgive you. I understand where you were coming from. You care about the Grandmaster and don't want him to be in danger. I think that’s very noble of you.” The corners of Loki’s eyes crinkled up as he looked at you with a soft smile.
“Well… thank you. I’m glad we’re on good terms.” You gave him an awkward smile and took another sip of your drink. Loki picked up his own and took a sip of it.
"So your father and the Grandmaster… are they together?" he asked once his glass was empty.
“I’m not entirely sure. They’re relationship is complicated. I know they call each other love and darling but they also flirt and do things with other people too.” You cringed at the memory of coming home and hearing your father with one of his friends. But beside you Loki let out a chuckle. He was really enjoying getting to see this new side of you.
With a final tip of your flute you had finished your drink. Looking over you realized that Loki had too, so you stood and refilled it.
“I just realized I didn’t ask you if you wanted another glass,” you said when you had finished pouring.
He waved you off. “Don’t worry, I do.”
You slid his flute across the counter and leaned on it, not bothering to go back around to sit on the stool again. “So, you said that you ended up here by accident… what did you mean by that?”
“Ah, trying to find out if I’m lying again? I thought this was behind us,” he said.
“I’m not asking because of that. It is behind us. I want to know more about you and what you were doing before you got to Sakaar.”
He nodded. “Well I was with my brother. Though I don’t know why he hasn’t gotten here yet.”
“Time works differently here,” you interjected. “So if you both came through at the same time he might get here later than you did.”
“Ah okay, well that explains it then. Anyways, I was with my brother, Thor. My sister, Hela, has cast us out of Asgard and we need to get back there and defeat her. We don’t stand a chance though,” he explained.
“If you need help getting there then I’m sure my father and I can be of assistance.”
“I think I should wait for Thor to arrive, whenever that is…” he trailed off.
“He could show up any day. But while you’re here you can hang out with me.” “When you’re not with the Grandmaster that is,” you added.
“I don’t know how often I’ll be able to get away from him but I’ll definitely try.”
The last drops of your champagne slid down your throat as you smiled against your glass. You were really looking forward to getting to spend time with Loki.
For the next few days after that you guys were together any chance you got. The Grandmaster was keeping Loki close, but he was able to make up excuses to come see you when he could. Loki was like a breath of fresh air in your life. His life was a lot different than yours, but you found yourselves relating in multiple ways.
Every time you two were together all you could do was smile. It was like you had found your first true friend. But you knew that when Thor came that Loki would be leaving. Even though it was wrong you hoped that Thor wouldn’t arrive for a while just so you could have more time together.
It was a little over a week since Loki had arrived and you were laying next to each other on your leisure ship, staring up at the stars.
“It’s beautiful, everything here is,” Loki whispered. You were looking straight above you but when Loki was speaking he had turned his head towards you.
“It’s strange isn’t it? It’s called the trash or garbage planet but it’s dazzling if you take the time to look around.” When you finished speaking you rolled your head to the side to look at Loki. The whole time you were speaking he was memorizing every part of your face with a smile on his own. When you saw him smiling you shyly smiled too.
Without you realizing Loki reached his hand over and found yours. When he did he took it and interlocked your fingers. You looked down at your entwined hands. Your heart was racing and butterflies were filling your stomach.
No words were spoken, it was just the two of you underneath a blanket of twinkling stars wishing for something more. Loki’s hand was warm in yours, and you wished that same warmth would envelop your whole body. You scooted over closer and closer to the man until he wrapped his arm around you.
“This is nice,” you mumbled against his chest.
“It is. I like having you in my arms,” Loki whispered back.
You let your eyes close and the warmth and blissful feeling take over you. You woke up in bed, wrapped up in your covers. The sun was shining and filtering through your windows and splaying out on your floor. You thought back to last night and remembered you must have fallen asleep, which meant Loki must have taken you home and carried you to bed.
You walked out of your bedroom and stood right outside your door. You weren’t sure what time it was. It was morning that was obvious. Maybe it was early enough that Loki hadn’t been summoned by the Grandmaster yet. You walked over to the bedroom next to your own and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” Loki called out.
You opened the door and gently shut it back when you entered. Loki was still in bed but he was awake.
“Good morning beautiful,” he greeted you.
A tired smile went across your face as you sat down on Loki’s bed. He reached out to you and pulled you into him, setting you flush against his frame and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“How did you sleep?” he asked.
“I slept well. Thank you for bringing me back home.”
“It was my pleasure.” Loki tilted his head down and kissed the top of your head once more. His actions were so sweet you were feeling things you had never felt before. It was wild to you how quickly you had fallen for the God of Mischief.
After laying together for a few minutes there was a knock at the front door. You sighed and got out of Loki’s bed. The guards had arrived to escort Loki and you to breakfast with the Grandmaster. You both hurriedly got dressed and left to start your day.
For another two weeks things ran smoothly. You were happy. Loki was making you happy. But you knew that the day that Thor would arrive was approaching. It had been three weeks since Loki himself had fallen onto the planet, meaning his brother was not far behind.
You were sitting with Loki and mingling with other people in one of the palace rooms when Scrapper 142 announced she found someone. 142 was Grandmaster’s favorite scrapper. She brought him his champion after all. The person she had brought came into the room in the usual reinforced chair that all contenders usually did.
Loki was sitting next to you not paying any attention and neither were you until the man started yelling Loki’s name. You looked at him with confusion before you realized, it must be Thor.
When Thor finally got Loki’s attention he immediately stopped talking and got up. They were whispering back and forth fervently until the Grandmaster came up to them and interjected. They talked for a minute before Thor was thrown into the holding area for gladiators.
“That was your brother wasn’t it? Thor?” you asked when Loki came back over to you.
“Yes, yes it was.” He lowered himself back onto the couch and stayed quiet.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I just… wasn’t expecting him.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded. Not only did you understand but you felt the same way. You hoped maybe Thor would show up later, and give you more time. But no. He was there and when given the chance he was definitely going to leave. But that wouldn’t be too soon. If he was fighting the Grandmaster’s champion he may never leave. You had seen the green monster in action and he was brutal.
Later that day you and Loki were sitting in the upper class stands at the Grand Arena watching the fights. Loki was constantly wiping his palms on his pants and his leg was bouncing up and down. He had never seen the champion fight but you had told him how ferocious he was and that made Loki nervous.
The Grandmaster announced Thor and when he came out onto the dirt the crowd was filled with ‘boos’ and other jeers. The ring around the bottom of the stadium begins to rise to accommodate the height of Thor's opponent and the Grandmaster started to announce him.
“Ladies and gentlemen I give you… your Incredible…” he trailed off, or at least you thought he did because before he could say the actual name the fighter burst through the doors and yelled, “HULK!”
The blood drained from Loki’s face next to you. “I’ve got to get off this planet,” he mumbled.
“Why what’s wrong?” you asked, worried.
“The Grandmaster’s champion is an Avenger, just like Thor. And he’s defeated me.”
Down on the dirt Thor had looked up into your box and was yelling, “We know each other! He’s a friend from work.”
The Grandmaster’s mouth dropped open and he looked over at Loki, who was staring straight forward and clearing his throat.
Thor was making small talk with Hulk before you heard him look over and shout again, “Loki! Look who it is!”
You’d never seen Loki so nervous and afraid. You reached over and placed a hand on his arm. “It’ll be okay.”
Down below Hulk was tired of hearing Thor talk and started running towards him. The fight was in full force and Loki was getting more nervous by the second. Hulk was in it to win it, and he wasn’t sure if his brother would be able to make it out. Surprisingly Thor was able to hit Hulk, sending him all across the barrier on the arena. The crowd was silent as Thor neared Hulk. He placed his hand in Hulk’s massive one and started speaking, but you couldn’t tell what he was saying.
They weren’t fighting and everyone was still and watching. Then Hulk grabbed Thor and swung him back and forth, hitting him against the ground countless times. Loki jumped up, startling you, and shouted, “Yes that’s how it feels!”
The Grandmaster looked over at him questionably and Loki responded with, “I’m just a huge fan of the sport.” The Grandmaster didn’t say anything, just turned back toward the arena and laughed.
Loki sat back down and you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, “What was that about?”
“Well… Hulk did that to me a few years ago.”
“Really?” you laughed.
“Yes. It wasn’t one of my finest moments,” he chuckled. You both settled back down on the couch and focused on the match again. The fight progressed and favor switched between Hulk and Thor for a minute or two. The Grandmaster and Loki were leaning in and cringing depending on the blow and who it had landed on. But things weren’t looking good for Thor. Hulk had him pinned down and was beating him to death.
Blow after blow was pounding down right on Thor’s face. Then something happened. You strained your eyes to see that Thor’s eyes began to glow and lighting began to glow and crackle all around his body. He seemed to gather his strength for a second, wind back his hand and land a punch right to Hulk, sending him flying with an arch of lightning, resulting in a collective gasp from the stands.
Hulk collapsed yards away from Thor. The Grandmaster raised out of his seat, stepped forward and stared at the scene below you. The crowd was murmuring and whispering all kinds of things. You looked over at Loki, who had his elbows propped up on his knees with his mouth wide open.
Thor and Hulk both stood up and ran towards each other, jumping and then hitting one another. It was like a mini-explosion where Thor’s fist collided with Hulk. You were on the edge of your seat. It seemed like Thor could win. The crowd sure seemed to think so because they were chanting, “Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!”
Your full attention was drawn on the arena and a perplexed expression crossed your face when Thor violently shook and then fell to the ground. You looked around and saw the Grandmaster pointing his activator down at Thor, activating his Obedience Disk. You couldn’t believe it. If the Grandmaster wouldn’t have interfered then Thor could have won. He could be freed.
The Grandmaster stood up with a smile and started his projection onto the center of the arena, “Well done! Well done! Two very good fighters, but it looks like my champion has defended his title once again. Thank you everyone for attending today, I hope to see you at the next battle!”
His projection disappeared and people started to file out of the stands. You could tell by the silence that followed that the Grandmaster wasn’t too happy. He walked out of the room followed by guards, leaving everyone else alone. Loki was leaning back on the couch next to you slack-jawed.
“That wasn’t fair,” you breathed out.
He shook his head, “No, no it wasn’t.”
“At least he didn’t die. He should be okay for now,” you said, talking about Thor.
“Thank god.”
You and Loki returned home and sat down on the living room couch. You never got the chance to talk about Thor’s arrival but now no one else was around.
“You might be leaving soon,” you said.
“I may.” Loki reached his hand over and took one of yours in his. You couldn’t mistake the sadness in his voice.
“I won’t make you stay. If you need to go then you should.” You looked at Loki with pure earnestness in your eyes. It hurt to say it, but if Loki and his brother needed to leave then you didn’t want to be the reason they didn’t.
“Y/N I don’t want to go. I want to stay here… with you.”
“What about your sister? Didn’t you say she was trying to take over Asgard, your home?” you questioned with a soft voice.
“Yes but- we don’t stand a chance. If we go we’ll only die. There’s no hope for us.”
You faced your whole body towards him and dipped your head down so Loki could see your face. “You don’t know that. You’re strong and I know you aren’t a coward.”
He stayed quiet but squeezed your hand and met your eyes.
“If you need to go, don’t let me hold you back,” you repeated.
Loki strained up and gave a stern look forward as he nodded his head. “You’re right. I do need to go. Asgard is my home.” He bent his head towards you and spoke, “But I want to make my time with you count.” He leaned in and tilted his head, eyes trained on your lips. You also leaned in and closed your eyes, letting yourself dissolve into the tender kiss.
It heated up quickly, pants filling the air between you every time you parted. You crawled on top of him, straddling his lap. His hands glided from your shoulder blades to your butt, caressing you.
You pulled away and opened your eyes for a second, your face only inches from his. “Should we take this to my room?”
“Yes, we should.” Loki raised up, holding you in his arms and carrying you to your room. You slid out of his arms right in front of the foot of your bed. He started undressing, pulling off his cape, boots, and other components of his complicated outfit. Yours was much easier to get off. All you did was kick off your slippers and undo your dress in the back and let it pool at your feet.
The whole process took a few minutes and you giggled when you had to help Loki undress.
“This is a mood killer,” Loki sighed.
“It’s okay,” you giggled. You pulled off the last garment including Loki’s underwear and he turned around to let you see him. He was so beautiful, every single thing about him. You could definitely believe he was a god, because he sure looked like one. Your wandering eyes made him chuckle, but he couldn’t say anything because he was doing the same.
His hands hovered over your hips, almost like he was afraid to touch you or else you would crumble in front of him. You smiled up Loki and put your hands over his, guiding them to your bare skin. He sharply inhaled as he felt how smooth and warm your skin was. He let out a small laugh in disbelief. He couldn’t imagine himself ever being so lucky as to have you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. He lifted you up again and walked over to your bed until his knees hit the edge. He crawled on and lowered you down onto the fluffy pillows. Your body was on display for him and he was completely swooning over you.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in awe.
“And you,” you reached up and pulled him closer to you by his shoulders, “are very handsome.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Since he was already down there he crept lower and lower, placing gentle kisses from your cheek all the way down to your lower stomach. Your breath hitched as his breath fanned over your vagina. He gave it a small kiss before he leaned back. He replaced his mouth with his fingers, sliding them up and down your folds before inserting one.
He surveyed your face as he began to curl his finger making you start moaning quietly.
“Does it feel good?” he asked tentatively.
“Yes,” you moaned out.
He smiled and continued to work you up, building the pressure inside your lower stomach. You couldn’t keep your eyes open. You tried to, but with all the new feelings going on you were squeezing them shut. Loki frowned and cupped your cheek with his hand, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Princess, will you look at me?” he asked. You opened your eyes and did as he asked. You kept your eyes open but your lids were only half open.
You loved the way his fingers felt but you wanted more- you wanted him. “Loki- Loki I want you inside me.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.”
He pulled his fingers out and wrapped that hand around his cock, pumping it and getting it ready to be inside you. He spread your legs further than they already were and walked forward on his knees until his tip was right against your entrance. You put his hand around it and guided it in slowly, letting you adjust to the length.
Your hands were on either side of your pillow and you were squeezing it. It wasn’t very painful, but it didn’t feel right to just have your hands open, so you clenched them around your silk pillowcase. Loki saw them and put his own hands on top of yours. As he rolled his hips into you that’s what kept him stable.
“Darling, you make me feel-” he moaned, “so good.”
The inside of you was warm and velvety, encasing his dick in a personal heaven. In just a few minutes he knew what was going to come. Him.
Loki was making you feel just as good as you were making him, if not better. You weren’t a virgin. You had lived long enough to want men and take them back home with you. But none of them were making you feel the way Loki was. He knew exactly what to do, what pace to go at, and all the right words to say. The gentle moans and vulnerable face were so beautiful above you that tears were staining your cheeks.
Worry crossed Loki’s face, he thought you were hurting. “Are you okay?” he asked quickly.
“I’m fine, you’re just- you’re so beautiful.”
He choked out a laugh and regained his original pace. The compliment had warmed his entire body. He was on cloud nine. There was a growing sensation in his lower region and he could feel his orgasm coming.
“I’m about to cum,” he panted.
“Go ahead darling, cum for me,” you returned. His eyes widened but he went ahead, cock stiffening before releasing his cum.
You moaned, head falling to the side from the buzz traveling through your body. You arched your back in an attempt to hurry your own orgasm along. You could feel it approaching but it couldn’t get there soon enough for you. Loki thrusted faster and tried to hit that spot that he knew you had. He succeeded, and an overwhelming pleasure drifted through you.
Your walls clenched around his dick and your own juices squirted out. You sniffed and wiped your tears, opening your eyes to see Loki’s face in complete and utter amazement. You laughed a little as he pulled out of you and rolled over to be by your side.
“What was that face for?” you asked.
“That was the best I’ve ever felt. You are… perfect in every way.”
“I feel the same about you.” You turned on your side and placed a hand on his cheek, just like he had done to you a few minutes prior.
He nuzzled closer to you, putting his face in the crook of your neck. “I’ll come back for you. I promise,” he whispered.
“I’ll be waiting,” you responded while stroking his hair.
Taglist: @deanscroissant
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