#yes the second book's in finnish
rainswhenyourehere · 8 months
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niuniente · 1 year
Have you ever heard of an artist called Ivan Bilibin? Or something that that, not sure I spelled the name right. I only heard of him from some Art Nouveau blogs on here (don't seem to be currently active) that reblogged stuff from each other, and not only was his stuff incredibly pretty, it's also VERY much what I desire for my own artwork. Unless I'm confusing you for another person (which is very possible) I think you studied art, and I'm curious as to how well-known he is, among people who have actually learned stuff.
He was a new name. I checked his art and yes! He's got the classic Russian/ East European fairy tale art style from his own time.
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Sometimes I can find old translated story books from Russia from second hand stores with similar art. It's always a pleasure!
Finnish children book illustrator Rudolph Koivu lived around the same time with Ivan Bilibin. You might enjoy his art, too, albeit it's softer.
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I would also recommend Danish artist Kay Nielsen.
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a-silent-symphony · 5 months
Nightwish: “The whole theme of the album is time, history, humanism, mortality. It’s really optimistic”
Tuomas Holopainen gives us the lowdown on everything you need to know about the hopeful new Nightwish album, Yesterwynde…
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In the four years since their last album, Finnish symphonic metal titans Nightwish have been through much change, challenge and uncertainty. And that's without the pandemic kicking the legs out from underneath a year's worth of touring plans for 2020's HVMAN. :||: NATVRE a month after it came out.
First, in December of that year, longtime bassist and vocalist Marko Hietala announced that he was leaving the band. In October 2022, singer Floor Jansen revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and successfully underwent surgery.
Then last year, they dropped a worrying newsbomb, announcing that upon completion of their then-current touring duties – which had included a mammoth show at Wembley – they weren't going to be booking any more gigs for an unspecified period of time. Including, they confirmed, even when a new album came.
“After the planned shows for June 2023 we will be ‘hanging up our spurs’ for an indeterminate time, as far as live concert performances go, and won’t be touring the next album," they wrote in a statement. “The reasons for this decision are personal, but, we all agree, vital to the wellbeing and future of the band. Be assured that we still love working together, and this decision has nothing to do with Floor’s pregnancy or our other individual projects."
They did, however promise new music. True to their word, they've just announced that in September they'll release their 10th album, Yesterwynde. A record immediately more heavy than its predecessor, it's also one that sounds refreshed, vital, optimistic.
"Yes, that's definitely a word you could use for it," says keyboardist and composer Tuomas Holopainen when we catch up with him in Berlin to get the skinny. "The whole theme of the album is time, history, humanism, mortality. And it has a really optimistic vibe going through it all."
The first track, Perfume Of The Timeless, arrives on May 21. Ahead of all that, we sat down with Tuomas to get the first look at Nightwish's next chapter…
You’ve been working on the album for ages. When did you start, exactly? “I started writing it in January 2021. It was the second year of pandemic. I wasn't supposed to start writing songs for this album yet, but there was nothing else to do because of COVID, so I thought I might as well use the time for it. So I used all of 2021 to do that. Then in early ’22, we did a demo with just me and the engineer, and had a listen to the demo with the whole band for the first time in May ’22, during our American tour. It’s always a really exciting moment to present the new songs to the band. And terrifying, to be honest!
“Then we started recording it last August, and it took a few months to record. And after that, four and a half months of mixing, and a few mastering sessions. And now here we are. And we're still working with the atmos mixes – there's going to be an atmospheric mix of the album and the orchestral version of the album.”
That’s not long after HVMAN. :||: NATVRE came out. Were you doing it with the hard intention of writing a full album, or were you just initially doing something just to pass time? “For some reason, I just felt really inspired. I felt like it was the perfect time to do another Nightwish album. And, like I said, there was nothing else to do. The previous album, HVMAN. :||: NATVRE was released in April 2020, about a month after the COVID lockdowns started, so tough luck there! It was frustrating, but as always, you have to try to look at the bright side of things. I thought, ‘Okay, maybe this album, now people can listen to it in peace. They have nothing else to do, either. Maybe it brings them some hope and comfort during the dark times.’ So you always have to turn things an optimistic way.”
This is a lot more of a metal album than the last one. Was that a conscious thing? “That just happened. We never, ever think about this stuff in advance, like, ‘Let's make a heavier album.’ It's just the stories need to be told in a certain way. And this time, they needed to be told in this way. And it's really interesting that you should say that, because there were two journalists yesterday who said, ‘I was expecting something much more metal. This is a really mellow album.’ Really? Okay, I don't hear it that way. But it's all in the listener’s ear, I guess.”
The first single, Perfume Of The Timeless, is nearly 10 minutes long. Not exactly easing people in, are you? “No! But, when we had the first meeting with Nuclear Blast, talking about the new album and singles, I told them, the first single will be a song called Perfume Of The Timeless, and it's eight-and-a-half minutes long, and the chorus comes in at 3:30. And they were like, ‘Perfect!’ I think that has to do with the fact that we have a long legacy. You know, we can do whatever we want, and I do, but it says something that we can do that, when I heard that for Spotify it’s good to have the vocals start after 15 seconds, or people skip it, they don’t have the attention span anymore.”
What does the title, Yesterwynde, mean? “It’s a made-up word. There's this thing called The Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows. It gave me the idea that if you don't have an English word to describe a certain emotion, you can just make your own. This particular dictionary is dedicated to that, like, the feeling of longing for a place that you have never been in. What is that feeling? And it was something weird, I can remember. And this album was born from a certain sensation that I felt really strongly, but I couldn't find a word in human language to describe it. So I started to talk with Troy [Donockley, multi-instrumentalist] and said, ‘Should we come up with a new word? Does that make any sense to you?’ And he's like, ‘Yeah, that's a brilliant idea. What did you have in mind?’ It was something like time, memories going black and white, sepia, and I said, ‘something yesterday’. Then he said, ‘How about Yesterwynde?’ That's perfect! But yeah, it's just a made up word to describe what the album is about."
A sense of longing? "Not so much longing as realising what time is all about. Realising that there is such a thing as time and past and history. The internet and YouTube is full of these old black-and-white images, and even video clips, that you first see in black-and-white, and then they have been coloured. Have you seen those? That's the effect that I get at the moment. It's like it's coming from an other dimension, these are black-and-white images, then you colour it, and it's right there, as if it was filmed yesterday. Something happens in my mind when I see those. I thought, 'This has to be put into a song or into an album somehow.' Suddenly, you feel so connected to the past generations, and those people that you see in those images. They've all had their lives, their ups and downs, and they don't exist anymore, except as atoms scattered all over the universe. And we're going to be in that state pretty soon as well. So that should give you something to think about."
Are you just worried about getting older? "Not at all – on the contrary (laughs). But they are the ultimate cliche of: seize the day. That's something that I think about more and more. We're all going to be dead soon. It's just a matter of what you're gonna do before that."
That's a very positive outlook. You can hear that in the record. There's an enthusiasm, rather than a sense of bleakness or defeat… "Yes! Spot on! People often ask, 'Where do you get the inspiration?' Well, just look at this world, look at everything's that happening. Look at the sky, the scientific innovations. History is so full of stories that are just a bottomless pit of inspiration. And also, especially these days, there's a lot of fear mongering going on, like end-of-the-world scenarios, which I find, let's say 'distressing', but also a bit annoying, because humankind has ceased to see the good that we have accomplished as well. There is no denying that the world is going through a horrible stage at the moment. But it's always been like that. If you go back to the Middle Ages, things were much worse. Throughout the human history, it's always been like this. But now because of fear mongering, and the media, and the authorities, whether political or religious, telling us that it's all coming to an end, we have to repent. And a lot of people buy into it, and they live miserable lives. Because of that, they forget the beauty of existence. It's an unbelievable stroke of luck, and a privilege, that we are actually alive. So you might as well enjoy it."
There's a song called The Antikythera Mechanism, which is the name of an ancient Greek device used for astronomy. You don't get many bands writing about that… "Yeah, it's considered today to be the first analogue computer made by mankind. So, imagine that 2,200 years ago, in ancient Greece, they were able to build a computer. It just blew my mind when I read about this machine in a science magazine, and I thought that the world needs to know about this. Well, now everybody knows because of the new Indiana Jones film, because that's also about this particular mechanism. But yeah, it had to be done into a song.
"I was just thinking that humankind was so advanced back in those days that were able to build a machine like this. What happened? What if religions hadn't happened, or the burning of The Library Of Alexandria hadn't happened, where would mankind be today? Maybe we would be living all across the solar system already. Who knows?"
Again, it feels like there's still a very positive outlook there in the music, rather than moaning that it's all gone wrong. "I think it comes down to the word 'imagination', which is the biggest strength that we have as human species, compared to the other lower species. We like to imagine things, imagine things that might be better on the other side of the fence and things we will never have. But also imagination takes us to huge innovations. So it's a really good thing.
"The ancient Greeks did that with their computer. They started to imagine, 'Is there a way to predict those solar eclipses or star constellations moving? I bet there is, let's start building this machine.' So it all started from the imagining. It's similar with creating any art or music. Could there be a way to tell a story through music? I do that a lot. There's a song on the album called The Children Of 'Ata, which is a wonderful story of these kids on a deserted island and surviving there for 15 months. I heard the story and thought, 'There has to be a way to put this into music.'
"It's a crazy story, from not that long ago, 1965. I think some of the kids are still alive. It's important to tell these stories, because it really did happen. And maybe it can change the human perspective of the concept that if you take a bunch of people and put them into an isolated place for a certain period of time, they become savages. But this is proof that that's not the case. So they are a perfect example that humankind has hope."
This is your first album since Century Child in 2002 without Marko Hietala. Did that change your approach to writing? “No, it doesn’t really change anything, except that now we had two voices instead of three, only Floor and Troy. But that's it – it really didn't change much at all. And Jukka [Koskinen], the new bass player, is such a grounding personality that it's so easy to work with him. And his bass playing skills are tremendous, quite different from how Marko played the bass, which also brought a new spice into the music. So nothing but positive things to say about it all.
“There are many bands in the world that don't have a single original member anymore. And I think it comes down to the fact that if the music is good, then that's all that matters, in the end. Maybe for some people, certain bands are so holy that they can stand if they don't have certain members in it, even though the music would be good, but I don't really think like that. I just listen to the music, not the personnel behind it. That's all that matters to me.”
Similarly, does it feel weird to be talking about an album that, for the first time, you won’t be going out to tour? “No, it doesn't feel weird. It just feels right. But people shouldn't get worried. It's not the end of the band. We just signed a multi-record deal with Nuclear Blast, so there will be more music coming, definitely. But as far as shows, we're just gonna have a long breather now and see what happens. That's all I can say at the moment. We got our fair share in 2022 and 2023 when we did a lot of shows. So that helped.”
Yesterwynde will be released on September 20 via Nuclear Blast
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hibernationsuit-remade · 11 months
oc questions tag ❔
tagged by @darkfire1177 thank u <3 tagging @spaceratprodigy @solstheimtxt @westernwind-s @ncytiri @envergothash @heartofhubris @bg3 @elmshore and anyone else who wants to do it :3
anyway get some toby info 🥰
Name: Tobias Ariel Katz
Nickname(s): Toby, Sunshine (only used by Klara)
Gender: Trans man <3
Star sign: uhhhhhh i had to look up. Leo.
Height: 5'4 / 164 cm
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality Ethnicity: Finnish-Ukrainian-American Jewish (yes i changed the question. listen. i don't think they had same kind of countries on tow's 24th century Earth. that's why we're talking about ethnicity).
Favourite fruit: Apples
Favourite season: Autumn! he loves crunchy, colorful leaves and sweater+long coat season
Favourite flower: Sunflowers! He likes that they turn towards the sun and grown really tall. Also, tasty seeds. (read: i am a boring person who doesn't know shit about flowers so i'm picking the ones i know?)
Favourite scent: Coffee <3
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee, sometimes white tea.
Average hours of sleep: he's lucky if he gets 6-7 😔
Dog or cat person: CAT PERSON. he's fine with dogs but he prefers cats soooo much more. he volunteered at a cat shelter as a freshman and second year student 🥺
Dream trip: Traveling makes him nervous so he prefers "staycations"
Favourite fictional character: a main character from a short graphic novel Klara did for her art class >:3
Number of blankets they sleep with: one! he moves a lot and gets annoyed if there's more of them bc they just start falling over
Random fact: You get three: Likes to do math problems and sudokus in his free time. Often picks stairs instead of elevator. Used to read at least 50 books in a year. His collection of books in Halcyon is too small for that. For now.
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myrthing · 8 months
I'm going to be serious for a bit and refrain from friendly language family ribbing, and before I start I need you all to know how much that distresses me. (That's it, that's the disclaimer.)
There's this thing that is always in the back of my mind in online spaces, and it's this one: Language. To me, the internet is in English. I don't speak Spanish or Mandarin, so those spheres are off-limit to me, whereas English, as the current lingua franca, got taught to me in school. I acquired my fluency online. So: the internet is in English
The Internet is also American. That's not surprising; of course people from the USA will dominate an Anglophone sphere. It's a fucking huge country, with English as its de facto official language. I don't think there's a single European out there who hasn't had some grievance with the absolute US cultural dominance online. Take racism discourse, as a completely non-controversial example: Discussions that start focused on racism in US history are excellent! It is not great when people try to use those exact perspectives on other countries, which erases their native points of view, and prevents cross-cultural understanding. Discussion of worldwide racism can't be forced into a US shaped mould.
Right about here is where I usually start thinking about languages. English is my second language (mine and over a billion other people worldwide). According to Wikipedia, 380 million people speak English as their native language. My first language has ten million speakers.
I'm Scandinavian, so I'm the kind of white that gets creeps salivating about genocide and pure Aryan women. I am, by skin colour and heritage and passport, the kind of privileged person that tops the racial hierarchy (for argument's sake, I'm ignoring disability here).
But only if you think my language doesn't matter. 10 million native speakers are a lot more than what most languages in the world have. At the same time, 10 million doesn't even get you to the top 50 most spoken languages. We're usually somewhere at the tail end of the top 100 most spoken, which should only serve to illustrate how many languages there are in the world (so goddamn many, despite all the ones we've lost).
If I were American, I would be about as privileged as I could be on the global scale. But I'm not American. "White" isn't a language or a culture. I have some touchstone in common with people my age across the western world. I read Harry Potter as a kid, but I never watched SpongeBob. Maybe you have at least heard of Pippi Longstocking, but you certainly never watched Spader, Madame! (yes this is the example I'm going with here, don't question the fact that it's neither for children nor temporarily accurate for my generation)
The point I'm attempting to make, via rambling, is that language matters. The closer you are culturally to the current giant, the more influenced will your culture be. The fewer speakers, the more vulnerable to erasure and decline. An official language of a sovereign nation is more robust than an indigenous minority language.
Language is the carrier of culture. Am I privileged over a Mexican Spanish speaker? Over a person who speaks Hindi? My language is privileged over Saami, over Finnish, over Meänkieli, but is raw numbers of speakers the only thing that matters? Of course not: consider how literature plays a part, how many books or newspapers or comics are written and published in a language. Are there movies, music, radio.
The Internet, as a place where English is the lingua franca, and where the default country is assumed to be the USA, there is an idea that all non-English languages are minority languages, that all non-white ethnicities are minorities. Online, the only reason you have to assume a US default is myopia.
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katrina-writes · 11 months
During one of my insomnia-filled nights, I remembered I hadn't actually introduced myself.
So, who am I? To be honest, I don't entirely know. I have ADHD. I love different fantasy things, like movies, books, RPGs, board games and video games like Baldur's Gate 3. I'm currently reading the Dark Elf trilogy, and Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett. I've done Vampire Masquerade, Werewolf Apocalypse and DnD. I do love Sci-fi too. Marvel (MCU and comics), SW, Star Trek, Stargate. Essentially, I'm a geek!
I am currently writing the second in a series of fantasy novels. It's about a London woman who goes through a magical portal and ends up in a magical world. She struggles with everything she's gone through. I have a habit of putting psychology into my books. Weird that... It's not like I am studying psychology currently... Ok, yes, I am. I like thinking of ways to put things I've learned into my novels.
I am also a non-native English speaker. I'm from Finland, and I also like putting subtle references in my books about Finland. I feel a bit like Ahti in Control and Alan Wake 2 randomly directly translating Finnish saying into English... They work well in fantasy world!
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peachesgaeass · 11 months
Hello to anyone who reads this, I have only just started writing and am quite young, so I was wondering if you could give me some critique or pointers on how I could get better and you thoughts on this. It is my own story and I wrote it for my English assessment, I'm hoping I can someday turn this into a novel.
Layers of love
Hurried footsteps could be heard, growing louder by the second, once they stopped the door to the classroom opened, revealing the source of all the commotion. A lengthy, messy brown-haired girl dressed in baggy, green camo pants and a black, plain oversized hoodie, paired with her black converse.
"Ah!" Said the science teacher, making the girls attempts to sneak in futile. "So glad you could make it Lyra. what is it, your third time this week?" She continued dryly.
"Go sit down." Sighed Ms. Kumin as she gestued to the seat next to a strawberry-blonde girl adorned in gold jewellery and dressed in a frilly, pink chemise paired with ripped, skinny jeans. Both Lyra and the girl physically cringed as she took her seat.
"Now, as i was saying 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 Ms. Lanturn rudely interrupted us, your next chemistry assignment will be done is pairs." Loud murmers erupted from the class.
"Hang on. Before you pick your partners, you should know that 𝘐 will be picking you partners." The whole class sighed with disappointment.
"Yes, yes, I know that you hate me, but calm down."
Ms. Kumin called out the class, pairing up students.
"Lyra Lanturn and Minara Pahres."
the two shot a quick glare in the others direction. Despite neither having shared a conversation, they both hated eachother with a passion. Minara hated her because of the rumours that surrounded Lyra, whereas Lyra hated Minara because she was apart of the popular clique, and she hates those gits as a whole. The two girls sat in silence for the rest of the class, the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife.
The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Minara, eager to leave, grabbed her stuff and started to leave the classroom, while Lyra stayed behind, taking her time, being in no rush to get to second period.
It was the final class of the day. Minara placed her books down next to a brunette girl, who was gazing out the window ready for class. Once she realised who it was, she made her attempt to move, but was foiled by their strict, language teacher Mrs. Tinpern entering the class, practically screaming at everyone to sit back down.
Lyra was at her wits end. Minara's constant bombardment of questions and confusion on the subject to the teacher made her question why this clueless prissy princess was even in AP Latin, and if the yapping of this pomeranian would be more pleasant with it's lips duck taped together, and with Lyra becoming more irritated as time passed, the thought became more pleasant by the second.
Neither of the girls muttered a word to eachother throughout the lesson, not even trying to hide their distaste for one another.
Minara was now taking notes from the board while Lyra, having already finnished, was looking out the window like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"so... Berry?.." Lyra started hesitantly, still gazing out the window with her head in her hand.
The usually silent, grouchy brunette's words piqued the strawberry-blonde's interest, though mildly offended by the nickname, lifted her head from her notetaking.
"yours or mine?" The brunette asked.
"Huh?" Answered Minara in a slightly shocked, yet irritated voice, not understanding what she meant by that vauge question.
"Whose house are we studying at?!" Lyra specified, with a harsh side eye paired with her signature aggressive tone, mainly because of Minara's tone more than how she didn't understand. She wouldn't expect Berry to understand anything since she's so stupid.
To call the bus ride to Lyra's place awkward would be a huge understatement, while both girls were sitting in the back they made it their mission to stay as far away from each other as possible, practically plastered to the glass, neither saying a word.
Lyra's home was of standard size. The back yard was littered with balls, bats, shoes and dog toys, along with an old, faded, red and yellow plastic slide.
"Why didn't we go through the front?" Minara asked quietly to no one in particular, afraid that if Lyra would hear her and get offended.
"Because the gate is broken." She spat with venom.
"Oh... okay." Minara swallowed.
"I'm home!" Called the brunette, a smile slowly etching on her tan, freckled face as the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps answered her call. Seven kids all with the same dark, messy brown hair she possesed, burst out of the hallway like a stampede, and tackled her in a hug. Minara couldent help but smile at the joyous family before her. The genuine smile on Lyra's face as she talked to her younger siblings, left the strawberry-blonde feeling nothing but guilt for the way she treated her, for believing the rumours and not actually getting to know the girl herself.
The 'study' session in question consisted less of actual studying and more of constant bickering, mockery, yelling and constant inturuptions by nosey siblings and worried parents.
Over the next couple of weeks Lyra would ask the simple question, 'your's or mine?', it was asked every now and then at first but slowly became more frequent, and tollerable, as time went on. over this period Minara had built a bond with with the Lanturn family. When she would come over, she would help with the cooking and cleaning, or play and carry-on with the kids and dog in the backyard with constant sounds of laughter dancing in the air.
Lyra was laying on her bed, looking down at the phone, waiting for Minara to get out of the shower. It was the strawberry-blonde's first sleepover, having strict parents makes that kind of a given, but they were out of town, so Lyra asked her perents if she could stay the night.
Minara entered the room, having finished her shower, her wet hair clinging to her bare neck, droplets of water dripping down the pale features of her face with a faint blush dusting her cheeks.
"The shower's ready." Minara said, making her pressence known, the brunette looked up from her phone, the strawberry-blonde having caught her attention.
"Lye?" She questioned Lyra, who didn't respond, just staring blankly at Minara.
"Lye." She repeated, waving her hand infront of the brunettes face. Snapping the girl out of her trance.
"Yeah?" Lyra asked, jumping slightly at their close proximity.
"I just said the shower's ready." Responded Minara, chuckling at her friends reaction.
"Oh okay." Replied the brunette, slightly flustered as she felt her friends minty breath fan her face.
"Oh! Right, I forgot." Exclaimed Minara.
Lyra looked at the Strawberry-blonde, waiting for her to continue.
"There's a party on friday. Do you... um... want to go with me?
"Sure. I don't see why not." Lyra Shrugged casually, though internally screaming at the thought of going to a party with her.
For the rest of the night they watched movies and snuggled under the sheets.
It was finally the night of the party, Lyra was adorned with rings, and dressed in black, cargo pants with a loose AC-DC graphic tee. Minara accessorised with a gold butterfly necklace and earrings to match, and garbed in a pastel pink and yellow, mesh corset top and a matching asymmetrical skirt, both adorned with embroidered vines and flowers.
And just like any other teen house party, it was loud, crowded, and there was no questioning that the punch was spiked with cheap liquor.
The music boomed as people danced, dangerously close and drunk, the beams of light danced and dappled on the smoke of the fog machine. Lyra being a bit tipsy, now on her third drink, went outside and took a sip as she leaned against the wall by the pool, keeping a distance from the rowdy teens. Minara spotted the brunette leaving and approached her, occasionally losing her footing.
“Why aren’t you dancing?” Lyra nonchalantly asked the strawberry-blonde girl.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Minara retorted.
“Don’t feel like it.” Lyra deadpanned.
“Well too bad.” Minara stated, dragging the brunette to the dance floor.
Everything from then on, felt perfect. After a few more drinks, Lyra became more willing to socialise and dance, savouring these joyous moments with Minara.
The two girls swayed to the music, the strawberry-blonde’s arms draped around the taller brunette’s shoulders, who was holding onto her waist, her head resting in the crook of Lyra’s neck. All sounds seemed to drown out, the only thing to be heard was the sound of each others steady breathing and the rise and fall of their chests, in that moment, all they felt was… serenity. Minara lifted her head to look at Lyra, only to find the girl’s eyes already looking at her, with a gentle gaze, full of adoration. Each other’s eyes locked together, in Minara’s semi drunken state, she gave into the impulse, closed her eyes, and placed a soft kiss on the brunette’s lips. Feeling Lyra stiffen, she quickly pulled away, but taken aback moments later when the sensation of Lyra’s lips crashing into hers welcomed her senses. The kiss was filled with passion, slow, but with it you could feel all the emotions she conveyed through it, love, compassion, longing and more. They pulled away from the kiss breathless, meaninglessly gazing into each other’s eyes, goofy smiles on their faces.
Minara grabbed Lyra’s collar and pulled her into another kiss, this one was different, it was rough and full of lust. Lyra’s hand drifted from the strawberry-blonde’s waist to tangle in her hair, deepening the kiss, while the other drifted to her ass, and squeezed it, earning as gasp from the girl and took it as an opportunity to stick her tongue in her mouth. Minara’s hands had found their way into the brunette’s hair, tugging on it, earning a slight groan in return. Lyra moving away from Minara’s lips, biting the girl’s bottom lip in the process, moved down to her neck, kissing down it, then working up until she found the pulse near her jawline, and sucked it, being awarded by a soft, breathy moan coming from the shorter girl’s lips. She grabbed Minara’s hips and tugged them, bringing her closer, and bit down on the joint between her neck and shoulder, causing Minara’s nails to dig into her back mewling at the sensation.
“Fuck.” Lyra muttered under her breath, finding the action really hot, squeezed her ass with both hands in hopes to earn the same reaction. Minara gasped at the her sudden change of demeanour, lust.
“Let’s bring this to my place.” The strawberry-blonde whispered in the brunette’s ear nibbling on her earlobe.
Minara didn’t know what tomorrow will bring, but one thing she knew for certain is that she will love this girl till the day she dies.
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solo-silenzio · 1 year
get to know me ask game
thanks to my lovely @airenyah for the tag <3
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag some people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
(I highlighted my hair more than once: my hair is brown and my highlights are blonde. Love the sun, but it's not mutual, so I always get hurt. I'm obsessed with painting my nails and I have more than one hundred nail polishes. I didn't smile that much and then last month everything changed, I guess?)
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
(I used to dance, but I stopped ages ago and now I just do fitness classes when I can. Italian is my native language and I know english, spanish, norwegian, french, studied latin and ancient greek and I want to study finnish, korean and I wanted russian as well on my list, but then things happened and it'll be a no for a while. I enjoy cooking, watching tv shows, singing songs when I know I just can't do that without bothering anyone and hanging out with my friends.)
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
(I'm definitely in a relationship and I had a crush for a whiiiiiiiiiile even if I realized ages later? I do have a best friend I've known forever, my parents love each other and I'm currently dating my other best friend, yes. Technically... I confessed to her, but she did two seconds after, so. We have a long distance relationship, but it's like she's with me 24/7 and I can't wait to see her as soon as possible. I love giving advice to my friends, making online friends too and I did meet up with someone I met online... hi, lara! @airenyah)
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
(I find rain peaceful when it's not that much and I'm really into colors, oceans, the sun, birds and clouds.)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
(I basically never sleep, but I could fall asleep in a moving vehicle, because it's kinda soothing. I'm definitely the mom friend and I love keeping quotes close to my heart, so I can follow them. I love sharpies, fake scenarios to fall asleep, but I'll admit I hate cars. Oh and, of course, I 100% believe in true love. My girlfriend taught me that!)
tagging @corcordiums @trueplainhearts @youareintroublenow @thehollowprince @peoniesandsmiles @moonjisung (if you want to, of course)
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mchiti · 1 year
tagged by @leclesbian hayati thank you ♡♡♡
Currently reading: Currently I'm reading a novel by Israel J. Singer called "The Ashkenazi Brothers" - obviously his name has nothing to do with ~ the state of ~ as he was born in Poland in 1893, flew from it because of nazis and died in new york in 1944. His brother Isaac is more famous - won the Nobel too. Both antizionists!! This novel is a long ass story on two jewish twins born in Poland in the second half of the XIX century - talks about jewish communities in central europe, poverty, how they were treated by tsarist russia and the spread of socialism. It's very pretty and I'm fascinated by it. It was originally written in yiddish, the language of the european jewish communities - a mix of german, hebrew, polish... and I'm fascinated by hebrew too, being a semitic language as arabic. It just makes me sad all this cultural jewish-european background was wiped out by nazism, as it makes me sad to think what's left of it is now inevitably linked to an apartheid zionist and terrorist state.
Favourite colour: red, green and orange
Last song: Moha K x Dystinct - Darba 9adiya - ...yah
Last movie: Compartment n.6. It's a movie about a Finnish student in the late 90s who goes to North Russia see an archeological site and on the train she makes friend with a russian worker who's going to work in the mines. pretty, lovely, delicate, beautiful
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I like moroccan sweets, im not really into italian creams and stuff - too sweety for me. spicy with moderation. Savour oh yes all the way.
Currently working on: we have lots of stuff at work and i'm happy bc I love it, even tho i'm part time atm bc of uni. I work in a local ngo and i'm looking forward to become full time when I graduate. (inchallah)
I don't know who's done it bc i'm so late. but im tagging: @0alanasworld0 @bostonoriginal @mavieesttriste16 @zbee @seedlessmuffins @swaggypsyduck @cryingforcrocodiles @mrs-bellingham @roobylavender @books-loverss @grizoulvr no pressure etc <3
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nei-ning · 2 years
Mom’s party was today and THANK GOD like half of the guests couldn’t come (because of illnesses). I mean there already was mom and I, 2 couples, mom’s boyfriend and then one other person. 8 people and there was, just barely, enough sitting spots for all of them (I stood or was in bedroom time to time).
What happened next made me so happy but it’s long experience so I put it under the cut.
When this first older couple arrived, I was in the bedroom with Verti. I had slept only 2 hours in the last 24 hours so I looked and felt like shit. However, when this man noticed my Buddha statue, all my ghost / spirits / beings etc books. I heard him say: “I see a Buddha statue there. Yours?” Mom: “No. It’s my daughter’s.” “Interesting. How about these books? I see ghost books.”
Mom: “Also my daughter’s.” “Does your daughter meditate? Does she burn incenses since I see them on the living room table.”
Mom: “I... Think she does some sitting and burns them, yes.”
I was shaking my fists with a smile, thinking: “Come on, mom! You should know me enough to know all that!” Next I heard this old man laughing at my small wooden board on the wall. It has English text which goes: “Friendship is like pissing your pants! Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth. THANK YOU for being the piss in my pants!” He found it great and hilarious :D He had to translate the board in Finnish to his wife. Then I heard mom to set a table, pour coffee in cups, inviting them to come to eat and drink. I heard this old man take a piece of birthday cake and right away, after he tasted it, his voice became louder and so happy as he almost screamed: “MMHH OH MY! OH, THIS IS DELICIOUS! HHHMM, SO DELICIOUS! Very good cake, very good!”
Mom had to confess it was baked by me because her cakes failed - horribly. I waited them to eat and drink before deciding to go introduce myself (I WASN’T going to let anyone see me or know I’m there). I came in the living room, greeting and then apologizing my horrible look since I only had slept 2 hours in the morning. The man smiled and laughed, saying I’m good and beautiful (no flirt!). His wife, very lovely kind older woman, sat on the couch, taking her big handbag in her arms.
“I have something for the daughter too. I know your mom doesn’t like pink so I bought you pink ones.”
She had bought me pink fluffy indoor slippers! We have NEVER met or talk etc. and she bought me - a complete stranger - cute slippers! I was so happy and touched! :D Then her husband said:
“I just mentioned your books to your mother. I saw a ghost book.”
I got excited since none has never been interested (in Finland / face to face) to talk about my interests. I told him I find ghosts fascinating, having some spiritual experiences myself. His expression brightened so much! Sadly our conversation stopped there when it was about to begin since mom’s boyfriend came, starting to talk with the couple. Later came another couple and I still had no chance to talk more about spirits with this older man.
After the second couple left (no offensive, but the husband was unclean and messy, smelling like week old sweat), this old man came in the kitchen when I was there so I gathered my courage, asking him about the ghosts. He told me he’s been interested about them always. That he’s self-trained and self-educated about spirits, he goes to fairs to teach others, learn more himself, meet people with same mind and energy, he does little investigations in haunted houses etc.
At first I thought: “Oh no, not this kind of guy who knows nothing about spirits and spirit world for real! Not doing protections either!” But for my happy shock he said he always does protection since that’s the most important, also basic, skill and thing to do. I was screaming in my head, ahah! I couldn’t believe he actually KNEW! :D So many just go out like: “Hohohoh, ghost hunting! Uuhh, so exciting! This is just for fun since nothing won’t happen!” and then, surprise - something FOLLOWS them home because they didn’t do protection.
He told me he can see auras, he see his guide by his side constantly. He chuckled and said: “My wife, finally and slowly, has started to accept this fact.”
I told him about my Buddha monk guide and he smiled, saying: “My guide is Japanese.” :D We chatted a bit about past lives, I telling him most lives - what I remember - have been lives as a man and all those lives have been heavy and hard. I shortly told him few things and he found it all fascinating.
I told him I also can sense peoples’ energies and how I react on them. He smiled and said: “Your third eye is very close of opening.” It made me happy! We talked about aura photos, omen dreams, past lives, spirit guides, Bible and Church (how Church has turn real Bible completely upside down - making it negative, evil and bad, controlling people with fear instead of helping and supporting them with God’s real love etc.).
I told him I’m so happy I met him and it’s been so amazing to talk with him! He smiled and said: “Come visit us someday. We have a lot to talk about.”
I laughed I need to take pencil and notebook with me :’D When they were leaving after hours, he stopped and looked at me once more, asking me to come to visit him. He clearly wanted to talk more since he found some things very interesting what I told him.
I think I need to visit him and his wife with mom one day. Mom can keep company to the wife while I chat with the husband. But what’s also funny is that in that one evening, when I was crying my eyes out with panic attack of not wanting to be here when guests arrive, I did myself a reading. I asked from my tarot cards should I stay or leave.
Message was clear and gentle: Stay. So I stayed and I’m SO HAPPY I did!
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mycupofrum · 2 years
Tag “Get to Know You” Meme
Thanks @siriuslyqueer 😊
Favourite colour: Red and orange. What can I say, I’m a fire sign.
Currently reading: Starcrossed by Allie Therin (audio book), the second book in the Magic in Manhattan series (1920s, prohibition, magic, mystery, M/M romance). Besides that, usually Drarry or Prongsfoot fics for bedtime stories.
Last song: Silver Tongues by Louis Tomlinson
Last movie: The Noel Diary. Yes, it’s time for cringy Christmas movies. This one wasn’t too bad, at least I finished it. :D
Currently craving: Less stress, more good vibes and some writing inspiration.
Tea or coffee: Both is good. Coffee in the morning, maybe afternoon too. Tea at other times.
Currently working on: I have a multi-chapter Drarry as well as a multi-chapter Prongsfoot fic (both in Finnish) just dying to get my attention AND a Prongsfoot one-shot in English coming up whenever it’s ready. Currently having a major impostor syndrome about the last one because I don’t do much creative writing in English but whatever, who cares, my will to write smut romance is bigger than my insecurity about any stylistic choices or lack of vocabulary. Also an unfinished English translation of a longer Prongsfoot fic is just waiting there in the dark, wondering what’s going on.
Tag On: @ricolette
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leothil · 3 months
Any Finnish or Swedish language media you would recommend?
Oh I'm ALWAYS recommending the Moomin books by Tove Jansson! They are lighthearted and funny, but also surprisingly deep and heartwarming and philosophical (especially Moominpappa and the Sea, my beloved). The comics are fine too, but they lack the heart the books have imo. The 1990 animated series is also gold and a staple for any millennial (and i'd wager a lot of gen z and even gen alpha) kids in Finland. The real version is the fennoswedish dub, but it also exists as an english dub (in fact I think more episodes are dubbed to english than were released in swedish [executive decision by the local broadcast company]).
Maria Turtschaninoff has written some ya (-ish? idk how to classify them) fantasy books that I really enjoyed, and at least the Red Abbey Chronicles have been translated to English.
Stormskärs Maja is a book series that got turned into a beloved tv series in the 70's, and in January this year it got adapted into a movie. The titular track from tv series is well-known (you can hear my choir and our friend choir from Trondheim sing it here), and I've yet to watch the movie but I've seen it get good reviews! Afaik it's available internationally - look for Stormskerry Maja.
I'll throw in a Swedish recommendation too: the musical Kristina från Duvemåla by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus (yes, the ABBA guys) has so many wonderful songs in it, and it's a shame it hasn't made its way onto bigger stages abroad. The original cast recording is available online afaik. I've sang Du Måste Finnas from this show, the titular Kristina's big number in the second act, several times, and got it recorded during a workshop I was part of last spring, so maybe I'll share it here sometime.
Ask me anything!
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raikkxz · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (kr7) 𝐱𝐨 ୧˚
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★ requested﹕yes/no — summary﹕in which you share chocolate, childhood memories and maybe a few kisses — warnings﹕another shit ton of pure fluff, crying but not necessarily angst, google translated finnish, probably not well proof read, kissing (gagg!!), childhood best friends to lovers, family friends, use of 'y/n,' tell me if there's any i missed!! — pairing﹕kimi raikkonen 7 x reader — w/c﹕600+ ★ start a/n﹕hihii! second fic with my fav retired driver. i srsly dont see enough fics with him, so i decided to try to write my own. im so busy with schoolwork n i should be doin it rn buuuuuuuut i couldn't get this idea out of my head 🤭🤭 ౨ৎ 𝑫𝑻 (tag list) ;; none yet but open :)
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〔 my last work | pinned post | f1 masterlist | taglist | rules 〕
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notes, comments, reblogs, feedback and follows are greatly appriciated!
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౨ - 6 yrs old - ৎ
Little Kimi stood over you as you cried on the floor of your bedroom after you hurt your hand from drawing.
"Y/n?" Kimi crossed his arms.
You sniffle, trying to stop the tears. "..yes, Kimi?"
"Do you like Kit Kats?" You nod in answer, a little confused as to why he might be asking that.
Kimi takes out something from his pocket. "Have a Kit Kat." He takes off the wrapper, breaking the Kit Kat in half. He offers one Kit Kat piece to you. You hesitate before taking the Kit Kat, giving it a small bite.
Kimi sits in front of you in a criss-cross, placing his Kit Kat on the wrapper that layed on the floor next to him. He takes your hurt hand, giving it a little kiss. You wipe your tears with a smile.
"Better?" Kimi asks, a little softer in tone this time.
"Better." You nod, smiling widely. Kimi gives you a small smile, taking a bite of his Kit Kat.
౨ - 11 yrs old - ৎ
You watched from the sofa as Kimi walked into the pantry after a long day of karting. He came out with an unwrapped Kit Kat in his hand.
"Hi, Kimi-Kat." You say, going back to watching the TV.
Kimi tilts his head at you, visibly confused, his eyebrows furrowed. "'Kimi-Kat,' huh?" He asks curiously, in his usual monotone voice.
"Your favourite chocolate, Kit Kat + Kimi = Kimi-Kat!" You giggle from your seat.
You couldn't see it, but Kimi smiled. "Only you're allowed to call me that, then."
౨ - 22 yrs old - ৎ
Kimi throws off his racing suit as he enters your room, shutting the door behind him. You look up from your book as you sat on your bed.
"Bad race?" You ask softly, patting the seat next to you. Kimi flops down next to you.
"Yeah." He mumbled in response, looking at the ceiling as he layed on the bed.
You take something from your snack stash, taking the wrapper and cracking the chocolate in half. "Have a Kit Kat."
Kimi looks at you, then the chocolate in your hand. He gives you a small smile.
"What?" You look at him curiously, the Kit Kat pieces still held out in your hand. "I'll take both pieces if you don't want it. You always give me Kit Kats when I have a bad day. I should return the favour."
Kimi's small smile turns into a grin. He doesn't say anything, but he takes one Kit Kat piece and bites it. You smile at him, placing a bookmark in your book and putting it on your bedside table.
"Better?" You ask softly.
"Mm." He responds, finishing his Kit Kat.
You raise your eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean, Kimi-Kat?"
"I'm better. Ish." He shrugs.
"Kimiiii, what can I do to make it better?" You furrow your eyebrows, pushing some of his hair so you can see his face.
"A kiss."
A kiss?
You can't help but blush.
"Does the look on your face mean I can't get a kiss and my day can't get better?" Kimi smirks at you.
"Asshole. C'mere, Kimi-Kat." You wrap your arms around his neck, your lips meeting in a gentle manner.
Kimi grins against your lips, placing his arms around your waist as he let's you tackle him.
His tongue slides in, both of you tasting the sweet chocolate on eachothers lips.
A few moments later, you pull apart, looking into eachothers eyes. "I love you as much as I love Kit Kats." You giggle.
"I love you as much as anything, kultaseni." Kimi responds with a happy sigh. 'sweetheart'
chocolate love ; fin.
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☆ end a/n﹕working on a better cover for fics once im free of school work! have a good day/night, angels <3
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〔 my last work | pinned post | f1 masterlist | taglist | rules 〕
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notes, comments, reblogs, feedback and follows are greatly appriciated!
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suksiili · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @ah0yh0y (and I'll steal some bits of the formatting you used bc it looked nice)! I'll try to not feel bad about rambling and not make this super long
the questions are: last song you listened to, currently watching, currently reading and current obsession
last song: Wasted Years (2015 remaster) by Iron Maiden (yes I checked). I've literally inherited my parents' music taste and the past two days I've felt like listening to music from 70's, 80's and 90's and the playlist I had on ended so I went to some daily mix and the fifth song that started playing was Wasted Years. As said I've inherited my music taste from my parents and because of that am an Iron Maiden enjoyer (as in have talked with my dad about going to see a statue called Rautaneito (finnish for Iron Maiden) in eastern Finland just so we can say that we've seen Iron Maiden, didn't need any tickets and stuff... the conversations we have while in the car are something so interesting
currently watching: I've had The Simpsons in my currently watching list for like the past three years and watch it whenever I feel like it. Also last week when I waited for a bus at a library near my school for like almost an hour I naturally went through the music section there, which then resulted in me finding the biography of Sebastian Bach (the singer, not the composer) which mentioned him acting in Gilmore Girls. Obviosly it made me wanna watch Gilmores again and I've been watching the second season of it since the weekend, currently in ep 2x12 so the ones before Lane even formed the band that Gil/Bach is a part of
currently reading: Some online friends of mine convinced me to read Red, White & Royal Blue and I got it from the library on Friday so I've been reading it whenever I have the motivation to. Other than that I have been much very on-(mostly)off-reading The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes because I read the Hunger Games every fall and prefer reading in chronological order most of the time... and also the movie :) Fanfics have to be mentioned too though I don't have anything specific that I read at the moment
current obsession: Oh god where do I begin.... uhhh probably really Finnish hard rock, and mainly like Shiraz Lane if I'd have to name just one? This Sunday (27.8.) marks two years since I heard their music the first time which was live and won me over in 4 mins 30 seconds. By now I've seen them three times, once in 2021 and twice this year and met them once this year (considering going to meet them outside a venue later this year tho but can't go in because I'm a minor). Seriously, great band, would recommend
Sorry 'bout the lenght of this, I managed to get started and whenever that happens don't know how to shut my mouth but hey the tags (I hope no one minds me tagging them and don't take any pressure either) :
@shdwycupcake @i-like-gay-books @purrassicjet @neherandunasflor @jambvds and anyone who wants to
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nietzchewasright · 1 year
[ Finnish philosophy at RPG Maker]
„...never has a religion, directly or indirectly, either as dogma or as allegory, contained a truth. For all religions grew out of dread or necessity, and came into existence through an error of the reason.“
— © «Human, all too human», Friedriech Nietzche.
As you know, The Radist — owner of ORT — has sunk deep into the Fear & Hunger community because of the rather specific and unusual experience from both games, and the second part, Termina, is replete with memorable characters, plot twists and a style that recalls a vicious mix of Shadows Over Innsmouth, Resident Evil IV and Pathologic. Overall, the head sawing simulator was a hit.
But at the same time, like any good work of art, «Fear & Hunger» also has some philosophical part, which seems that only people from Eastern and Northern Europe could carry through and reveal in themselves — and a little bit from each of these parts of the world is in Finland.
And this philosophy lies in the name of the game — Fear and Hunger. Or rather — in what does the name stand for: the actual God of Fear and Hunger, who within the universe of the game is born at the very bottom of the world, in the deepest pit where no man has set foot, and at the darkest time of humanity - in the Dark Ages, when humanity is slowly decaying from the whims of royal snobs who want to live in luxury, often making literal sacrifices in the name of it.
It would seem that what good can a deity with a name like that do? And... No, in the second part we suddenly find ourselves in an alternate-fictional 1940s, when mankind is really made some reasonable progress in engineering and technology.
And there it tells us that it was only thanks to this deity that humanity's progress took place, which stimulated it to grow and evolve according to the principle of natural selection — overpower and survive for fear of falling into existential terror or physical exhaustion and starvation. And if you are really afraid of something, you avoid it with all your might. In this F&H world, a certain deity, who, frankly, is in some ways a trivial personification of natural natural processes, prompted such a leap. As in reality, so are most of the deities described by mankind.
And it's true: in our New Dark Ages, things are pretty bad, if you think about it, but they're still bearable. The Radist usually calls it the in-between state: we don't seem to be starving, we have food, we can live and even satisfy the higher needs of Maslow's pyramid, but that is where the joys end; although, of course, one can get lost in video games or hobbies of some kind. But there is anxiety, as well as the realization that the world is going wrong, with a growing conflagration spreading throughout the world and touching us personally in one way or another.
And it is in these times that many ask the question: «Yes, it's possible to live, but is it necessary?»
And this can be seen in the suicide statistics among the residents of those CIS countries, for example, and gradually it is taking over more decent countries as well. And drug and alcohol use are also some kind of indicator — a well-to-do and contented person will not drown his thoughts in chemicals.
It is rather ironic that works with such themes and philosophical messages are becoming more and more popular nowadays. O tempora, o mores!
And toward the end.
Speaking of Gods, which abound in this fictional universe. The moral of the games is literally that man needs to be free from the influence of any deities; in Friedrich's books, one such deity is literally the state.
Something tells me that the next titanic philosophical work on stoicism and overcoming will be written in Finland.
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future-circuit · 2 years
tagged by @evergardenwall
it's a long one. it's late so i let myself get carried away, particularly in one question (if you scroll you'll know what i mean).
i'd feel kind of bad tagging anyone in this post since i just ramble a lot. but as always (even though i know no one ever accepts these open invitations), if you want to do it and you haven't been tagged, tag me as having said i did. i'd like to see.
1. what book are you currently reading?
technically none? i've mentioned before but i was reading New Finnish Grammar by Diego Marani a while ago and it's been sitting in my 'to finish' pile for months now but since i do English and have to read for that it's just been sitting on the backburner.
i have since bought about eleven other books that i'm determined to read over the course of 2023 that i'm really excited for but i'll finish New Finnish Grammar hopefully before the new semester starts.
2. what do you usually wear?
a t-shirt, a jumper and jeans. i am but a simple lad.
i pretty much only own jeans and i've been trying for years to expand my wardrobe but alas...
3. how tall are you?
164cm. yeah yeah. i know. i'm small. yuck it up.
4. what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
sagittarius and i don't think so
5. do you go by your name or a nickname?
online i always go by Yellow, i probably recognise it as my name more than my actual name at this point.
6. did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
what i wanted to be as a child was a vet (then when i figured that wouldn't work like a year later, i decided i wanted to work in an animal shelter before 2015 hit). so no, considering i'm not on that career track.
outside of careers though also no. unfortunately, somewhere along the line i found out about genders and that kind of fucked shit up a bunch. don't think young me would be impressed that i actually wear trousers now
7. what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
man i dunno what i'm good at. i'm pretty alright at the trombone. similarly i don't know what i'm bad enough at that it's notable. maths in general i guess.
8. if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i actually... it feels kind of narcissistic of me to say but i have a few favourite sections from my writing this year i like and yes i will share them. anyone who ends up reading this i know will skip this section but it's for my own sake.
the first two are from the chapter A Night Seems Termless Hell (Lang’s the Night Frae E’en to Morn) which is a set of loosely connected one-shots. this particular one i remember being really happy with after. i still kind of am (as you can probably tell). the third is from my portfolio piece - the second half of which was rushed and i don't particularly like but i love the first part still.
"Wandering the streets he no longer knew, towards a guiding light artificial in a way he’d once been familiar with, he felt out of place. Too big for the city he had grown up in. Too small for the world he’d once felt suffocated in. Tears pricked at his eyes but he’d already cried all of his tears back in Hisui and had none left for his own world."
"He didn’t know how to cook before he left for space. He’d always assumed [his mother would] be the one to teach him [...] she’d tell him on the rare occasions he was home before dinner and willing to help that it was alright for him to stay her little boy for a little while longer. He didn’t need to help and she’d let him know that that was alright. 
He could cook now, taught by a man that lived in a mountain that had taken him in when he hadn’t needed to. A man that Yuga knew his mother would love but would never get to meet."
"She’d skipped that step, of course, because she was one step ahead. She always was, because she read a lot of books and books were made of paper which came from trees. That meant that the wisdom of old trees had transferred into her as she read. She understood things that her parents and brother didn’t. Her mum read but was too busy to read as much as her. Her dad and brother weren’t big on reading. That was fine. Anya could be smart enough for all of them."
9. dogs or cats?
i don't really have a preference. i like them both for their own reasons.
10. what’s something you would like to create content for?
amatsuki!! i have an idea but i probably won't do anything other than think about it. it's written down though so i won't forget, so who knows.
11. what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
amatsuki and yugioh, big shocker there i'm sure. also sea slugs and dictionaries.
12. what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
i don't think i went into this year particularly expecting anything
13. what’s a hidden talent of yours?
if i have any talents they're hidden from me too
14. what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
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