#yes there is an english song on here
mewyue · 5 months
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backwards; 10 tracks, 30 minutes. ↳ spotify
blood moon - yooa / good girls in the dark - yena / backwards - weeekly / love myself - yooa / wicked love - yena / midas touch - kiss of life / the door - kep1er / lay low - yooa / make you mine - madison beer / last dance - youha
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polarisbibliotheque · 1 month
Staying alive - Dante and his s/o
It works, you can't tell me otherwise!
Devil May Dance - Stayin' Alive, by Bee Gees
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Summary: Oh, hellish imps. One of your least favorite demons. It doesn't help that they managed to chain you to a chair at the local Disco - luckily, Dante will surely be there to save the day. And to dance.
Author's Note: I friggin' love this song, thanks so much anon for throwing this with Dante here, it works like a charm!! I almost screamed when I saw it xD My mom is a HUGE Bee Gees fan, so I listen to their songs all the time since I was born hahahaha
I've been writing this one since you guys sent me the songs, but as I mentioned before, my health got in the way as always. I'm managing my energy and a bunch of personal issues that appeared the last couple of months, so I decided to finish this one and focus on the Halloween specials of this year! Fret not, though. I'm keeping all your suggestions and I'll write them - it's just gonna take longer than I expected "^^ Also, there's a throwback here to a very special Devil May Dance, hope you guys like it!
Well, out of all the situations you could have found yourself in, that would be your most unexpected one.
It was a stupid mistake, really. A step in a wrong place, a weaker grip on your sword, a miscalculated attack from an enemy. When you least expected, there you were, caught by a bunch of hellish imps, tied to a chair on the local Disco in town, of all places.
With the imps, well, imping around as all those annoying little creatures used to do.
They were one of your least favorite types of demons, that you had to be honest with yourself.
“You know, if you keep doing that, you’re gonna end up breaking it, stupid little thing.” You said with a sigh, head boringly held by one of your hands.
“Says the big bad devil hunter tied to a chair!” The imp taunted back, still smacking the amplifier. You could kick it into oblivion and make it fly to the next country without a plane, but with those chains you were really useless. You sighed again.
“That’s an amp, you buffoon. Its purpose is to amplify sound, if you want something to happen, you have to put some music on, jerk.” Yes, Vergil’s vocabulary got to you – then again, the best way to describe those demons was ‘buffoon’. Vergil’s colorful vocabulary did have a purpose.
“Blah blah blah – talking too much for someone in your situation!” The room exploded in a bunch of high-pitched devilish laughs and you could only roll your eyes.
“Honestly, I hope that thing breaks and electrifies you. That will serve you as a lesson, you moron.”
As if words had power, the thing immediately broke on the hellish imp hands and sent a wave of electrifying shock through its body – making it shake viciously and drop the thing immediately as it fell to the ground with the tongue sticking out of the mouth and mumbling something while unconscious. The other imps stared at you as you smiled with pride – as if you had actually done something.
“Told ya.” You perked on your chair, looking as proud as you could in that situation. Your weapons were tossed on the other side of the room – and you had already gone through the suffering of watching those buffoons playing around with your stuff until they got bored. “Keep messing around and you’ll all end up dead by stupidity.”
Suddenly, a very well-known bass line started playing – followed by a guitar, a set of lights dancing around the club and the colorful squares on the ground starting their own choreography. You raised one eyebrow, trying to understand what was going on and, really, why the Disco started functioning all of a sudden.
“WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!” Until you saw an imp at the sound booth, messing with a bunch of wires, spinning on one of the office chairs – that definitely didn’t belong to the DJ.
Well you can tell by the way I use my walk I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk Music loud and women warm, I’ve been kicked around Since I was born
Well, well, there it was. Stayin’ Alive. Quite fitting, if you had to say, given your situation. Quite ironic too – and if Destiny really was a humanoid entity, you wanted to have a serious talk to it, because why in all hells it had to be joking around with you that much?
“And now it’s alright, it’s ok, and you may look the other way…” You started muttering the lyrics, lightly tapping your foot on the colorful ground. If that song didn’t remind you of your red devil, you didn’t know what would.
Smiling to yourself, you forgot the imps for a while. You could almost see Dante at the Devil May Cry, barefoot on a lazy Saturday, dancing around the floor of the shop while you giggled at his huge desk. He had some great moves and was definitely showing off now that he had someone to dance to – you were reading, comfortably settled on his big chair, until the jukebox started playing Bee Gees and Dante couldn’t stop himself from dancing.
You didn’t last long with your book though: your red devil grabbed your hands, leading you to the center of the shop; your very own dance floor. You never really talked much about that with Dante, but you were quite certain he didn’t have many opportunities to go out dancing and have fun – even if he was the most fun-loving guy you had ever met in your life. He was a Sparda, after all, and you knew how much Dante avoided being around people so he wouldn’t put them in any sort of danger. You could almost see him dancing alone at the Devil May Cry for so many years – probably watching Saturday Night Fever on that sorry old television of his, copying Travolta’s moves and learning it all only to have fun… By himself. But now, he had a partner to share that with – and you could see in the brightness of his smile how much Dante enjoyed it.
Both of you waited a whole lifetime to start enjoying the things you had dreamed about for so long.
You snapped out of your golden memories, though, when you heard a shot and a loud sound of something falling on the ground. Furrowing your brows, you looked to the other side of the room and, lo and behold, those hellish pestering things were messing with your stuff again while prancing around to the sound of disco music.
That was something you never thought you would see in your life.
“Oi, put that down! You’ll end up breaking it!” You pointed at the imps joking around with your guns, but they only made funny faces and flipped you back as a response. You just stared at them with contempt in your face, having almost no expression but a very annoyed one. “I swear, I’m gonna hang you all by your feet when I get rid of these shackles, you fucking clowns.”
Among the laughs and the music, though, another shot rang outside the club. No one really cared about it, until the door burst open because the imps outside were yeeted in – flying through the dance floor while screaming, stamping the wall of the stage right across the club and leaving a trail of blood on it as it fell dead to the floor.
Looking at the door, you couldn’t help but shake your head and smile. Bathed in the dancing lights of the Disco, Dante strutted in – sword resting on his shoulders, arms open while his free hand held one of his guns.
“Ey, you guys started the party without me?” He stopped after taking a few steps in, illuminated by the twinkling lights on the floor and the ceiling – that cocky smile plastered on his lips.
Oh, you loved that man. So much. How couldn’t you?
“Wouldn’t call this a party when I can’t dance.” You showed him your foot chained to the chair – and you could see in those sky-blue eyes, a sort of compassion mixed with love and a little bit of pity; crowned by his endeared but still convinced smile.
“No worries, babe, your man’s here to help you.” With a wink, Dante skillfully glided through the dance floor, shooting some imps on the way. They tried to block the man, but he swept the floor with the demons with a swift move from his sword, back to his shoulder with a flowy movement. “Got the wings of Heaven on my shoes, I’m a dancin’ man and I just can’t lose!”
You had to laugh at how happy Dante looked while gliding his feet on the colorful squares on the ground, spinning around to hit a couple more imps who tried to get to him. Facing you, Dante winked one more time, now keeping his sword on place and dual wielding Ebony and Ivory.
One step to the right, a shot at a flying imp. One step to the left, a shot at another devil who tried to run towards him. Keeping the groove, Dante spun again doing his old trick of shooting around the club and hitting multiple enemies at once – you ducked and covered your head, still laughing at his antics. Spinning his guns in his hands, Dante coordinated his steps, the beat of the song and the shots being fired.
Ah – shot – ah – shot – ah – shot – ah – shot – stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive – and a little pause for a choreography as he faced you, as if Dante was putting on a show for you only.
“Woohoo, get ‘em, cowboy!” You had to. Dante usually had fun while fighting, but not like he was having today – it’s not like it was a difficult or life-threatening fight, so he could afford being a lot more playful and goofy.
And you had to love goofy Dante.
A couple more shots, and the imps surrounding him were all but stunned, laying on the floor while recovering for the next round. So, Dante did what he did best.
“Stayin’ aliiiiiiiiiiiiiveeeeeeee…” Singing out loud, shaking his hips, and pointing around only to finish the phrase pointing at you.
And of course, he had to be even more over the top. As the demons got up from the floor – helping each other, fighting each other, trying to stand and walk a straight line – Dante started to walk towards you in the rhythm of the song, shaking his hips with every step only to accentuate even more every beat, as if he was a cowboy who had just laced you and now was approaching his bounty.
“Pffffft, you’re ridiculously campy, cowboy…” You couldn’t help but slightly flush, hiding your face on the hand you previously leaned on while completely bored. Well, you couldn’t say you were bored anymore.
“Guilty of all charges, sheriff!” As he approached, one imp tried to get him from behind only to be kicked on the face and thrown into oblivion by Dante’s strength in the process – those sky-blue eyes never left you, though, as well as the playful smile on his lips. “You can arrest me and throw away the key!”
“Hmmm, I might keep these chains then. Maybe I can tie you to our bed when we get home.” You had to tease him back, or it wouldn’t be you and Dante. You saw a sparkle of both fun and desire inside his eyes, as Dante let out a delighted laugh – and kicked another demon on the face.
“Ha! Now that…!” And he had to let the choreography down for a couple of seconds to turn around and shot a few more demons – spinning his dual guns in his hands before doing so, and once more to put them back into their place – but quickly turning back to you; resting one of his hands on the back of your chair, leaning down so his eyes would be leveled to yours. “Is somethin’ I’d love to try, sheriff. You can tie me up and love me any day, sugar.”
You would’ve quipped back if Dante hadn’t used his free hand to cup the back of your neck and pull you into a quite loving kiss – given the situation you found yourselves into. The demons were still trying to get back in shape, now that some of them had run away and some others were still insisting on keeping the Disco to themselves, but with Dante around… You didn’t have to care about demons that much.
“First, let’s cut you lose, shall we?” He still had that playful tone in his voice as he let go of your lips, but as Dante kneeled on the floor to see the shackles, his eyes turned to you with nothing but care in them. “Be careful, Imma cut it down, ok?”
You nodded with certainty and kept your feet together, straining the chains as much as you could so Dante could easily cut it with his sword and not fear hurting you in the process.
“And… You’re set free, babe.” Of course, he had to use that sultry tone he always did whenever he decided to use Lucifer or Faust while sparring with you.
And you would’ve paid more attention to that, if it wasn’t for your sheer and rather intense joy of being cut from those chains.
“Ah, freedom, at last!” You got up in a jump, making him laugh with how happy you were. “Now! Who’s the first one I’m gonna hang from the ceiling, huh?!” You had your hands on your hips, staring at the imps with such a deranged fire some of them actually screamed in terror and tumbled away, flying for their lives through the smashed door.
“Will ya look at that!” Dante clapped while laughing, watching as only a few demons remained to try to stand their ground. “I’ve never seen you scaring so many demons at once!”
“See? I’m learning!” You proudly strutted towards your gear on the other side of the room, mirroring the little show Dante put on for you before. He just stood there, hands on his hips, gladly watching you dance. “Gotta thank Vergil for being such a great example!”
“Oh, bet he’s gonna love hearing that!” With a laugh, Dante punched an imp who tried to get him by surprise – now flying away to hit another couple of demons who inadvertently tried to follow. “But hey, keep on shakin’ those hips like that, hot stuff, I might have to one up ya.”
You let out a mischievous giggle in response, now feeling even more motivated to let yourself loose on the dance floor. While checking your guns – making sure they were in one piece, all bullets where they should be, no damages – you kept moving to the rhythm, singing the lyrics you knew so well.
Dante crossed his arms, gladly watching the show you were putting on – now casually hooking your guns to your holsters and moving to check on your sword. The imps gathered together, blabbering around like screeching minions, preparing a supposedly devastating attack with all their forces combined to bring both of you down – but Dante couldn’t care less. He had a delighted smile on his lips, arms still crossed and tapping one of his feet on the floor to the beat of the song, barely holding himself still.
He guessed his lifetime of bad luck was to compensate for the one moment in his life where you appeared – out of nowhere, in the middle of a job, covered in demon blood and spite. That was the luckiest Dante had ever been and he could see that happening as all the luck he never really had.
Who could’ve guessed that after all that hell that he called his existence you out of all people would find him – and see him? Someone with a heart of gold, a soul of steel, a spirit like fire and kindness like water; who would challenge him but also complement him in all the perfect ways Dante could have never imagined.
Watching you dancing while strapping your sword on your back like he always did, turning around to wink at him and shake your hips from side to side to the beat of the song, raising your arms above your head and closing your eyes while smiling… You were better than any dream. You were his partner, his sheriff, his lover. He only wished he could’ve had an entire lifetime with you in it.
“Hoo, is it me or it’s gettin’ hotter in here, babe…?” With those words from his lips, you opened your eyes once more, trying to read what he was about to do when Dante took his sword from its holster and left it on a table.
“Dante…!” You immediately widened your eyes as he started stripping off his coat while making the most obnoxious and campy stripping dance you could have ever seen.
“What…?” Of course, being the man he was, Dante feigned innocence. You just pointed back at him – blushing like the first layers of Hell, but with a radiant smile on your lips. Honestly, he lived just to see that sight every time you decided to grace him with it. Dante would never tire to see you smile so genuinely.
“There are hellish imps here, red devil. Have some decorum.” Again. Vergil’s vocabulary had its purpose – and when it came to his twin brother, you had to admit colorful words were the best you could do to try to voice some of your exasperated feelings.
“Oh, you thinkin’ I’m gonna take it all off?” Dante pointed at himself with his free hand, his coat hanging on the other hand. He let out a hearty laugh right after. “Ha! You are gonna have to work for that, sheriff!”
You had to fall into a fit of laughter as Dante started spinning his coat on the air only to throw it away dramatically, going back to his best Saturday Night Fever dance. You didn’t know if you wanted to melt through the floor into oblivion from embarrassment or if you wanted to get into the challenge. Therefore, laughing was the only choice available, really.
You had to note, though, that the embarrassment only came from having an audience – you could still hear the imps arguing and wondered if they would end up killing each other in disagreement – because if you were both alone at the Devil May Cry… Dante would have the dance-off of a lifetime after that taunt.
“Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother, you’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive!” You decided, even if feeling a little awkward, to mirror Dante’s dancing – pointing at him while singing, finally strutting towards your red devil.
You had your whole life to kill demons – dancing with your lover, though, was a lot more important in your book.
“Feel the city breakin’ and everybody shakin’, and we’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive!” Dante pointed back at you, ready to meet you in the middle. Those lyrics, though, they were quite fitting to both of you – with everything you had to go through on a daily basis, somehow, you always remained alive. Together.
There was some kind of poetry in that. At least in Dante’s point of view.
As the famous riff sang its lyrics, you finally reached each other, starting a perfectly synchronized choreography you both invented during a boring afternoon at the shop – which ended up being not so boring after all. With you dancing while perfectly mirroring him, Dante couldn’t help but have the brightest and most delighted smile on his lips – his face lighting up like the sun, barely noticing he was laughing from enjoying that moment.
The most mirroring he ever got was from a shadow doppelganger at the Temen-ni-gru – and that thing was hell bent on killing him with his own powers and tricks. Now dancing? That was a first. Something he had only seen on movies like Footloose or Grease, something he thought he would only have in the realm of daydreams. Oh, how he loved turning those into reality with you.
“Ready…” Of course, you both were very much aware you weren’t alone - the imps weren't as subtle as they thought they were. Your lives were made mostly of stolen moments like that, but it was something you would never complain about. Better to have those moments than to have nothing at all – and the imps were about to steal it away from you. Looking into those sky-blue eyes, you saw Dante’s typical spark and his smart smile on his lips, winking at you as soon as he understood what your eyes were saying. “NOW! ATTACK!”
“I’m stayin’ alive!” You and Dante sang out loud – if you could call that kind of shouting singing – as you spun on the colorful floor, taking one of your guns from your holsters. You ended up with your backs to each other, your arm by his arm, pointing the guns at the demons at the same time. “Let’s rock!”
The imps expected everything but the rain of bullets. They planned a massive attack, all of them at the same time, and still you and Dante made their forces seem like nothing but a wave of hungry mosquitoes during summer – and that because you were each holding only one of your guns.
They could barely get near you before realizing they wouldn’t be able to make it in one piece. The attack was a failure and the best option they had – for those left alive anyway – was to run. You and Dante kept shooting, hitting bullseye with every quick shot. They first screamed as a battle roar, but now they screeched in terror, fleeing from every broken door and window of the Disco – until there were only you and the red devil left.
“Well, guess we showed ‘em a lesson.” You sighed, relief washing down your spine while you put your gun back into its holster. Dante did the same, but you barely waited for him to look back to you. “Thanks for the rescue, cowboy. It was worthy of Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out For a Hero.”
“Ah, don’t mention it…” But you cut his dismissive words short with a kiss.
It was intended to be a quick kiss – the types of kisses you would always use to shut him up whenever Dante started self-deprecating or playing down how much he was worth – but soon you wanted more. Stepping closer to him, you didn’t let his lips go, resting your hands on his chest while Dante, even if surprised at first, immediately laid his on your hips. The song was still going, and you both still had the fire to keep dancing, but you could take a few moments to enjoy that kiss with more heart than you intended at first.
You had every intention, though, to keep it going for as long as you could – Dante’s lips were too wonderful to be half-appreciated – but as Stayin’ Alive found its last chords, another song seamlessly started to let its golden beats and delightful guitar color the place with new rhythms and notes. Apparently, the DJ imp had figured out how to keep the whole collection of disco songs playing – and you couldn’t complain about that.
“Hey…” You parted the kiss abruptly, mirroring Dante’s smile from also recognizing the song. “It’s our song, cowboy!”
You held Dante’s hand, pulling him even further into the dance floor, while he let his head hang back with a laugh at the words he never thought he would hear in that damned life of his. Stepping closer to you, he spun you around only to catch you in his arms, dancing together the same way you used to dance at the Devil May Cry – you both giggling and singing to each other.
“Do you remember? The 21st night of September?” Oh, yes. September. The song that wrapped you both in golden dreams and shiny days – the song Dante would always run to you to have you in his arms while singing, the one you would always search his hands to hold while dancing. The one Dante never thought he would be able to have with someone else.
Dante couldn’t have another entire lifetime with you, but he could have that one – and even better than that: you could have that song together. Your song.
He could get used to the sound of that alright.
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Let Your Music Predict Your 2024
Shuffle your on-repeat playlist, and the first 12 songs represent your 2024
thanks for the tag @kanonavi !
i took half of these from my mp3 player and half of them from my youtube mix of songs that i basically listen to on repeat because i use both of those equally lol so i thought that would be the Most Accurate idk
january: It Happened Quiet - Aurora
february: Line Without a Hook - Ricky Montgomery
march: Contemplation in Snow (albedo's theme basically) - HOYO-MiX
may: The Writing's On the Wall - OK Go
june: La Vaguelette - HOYO-MiX/Cécilia Cara
july: Turn Up the Radio - OK Go
august: Breathe - Seafret
september: Homemade Dynamite - Lorde
october: Wildfire - HOYO-MiX
november: Buzzcut Season - Lorde
december: Russian Roulette - Red Velvet (English cover by Mitchel Joseph)
tagging (with no pressure ofc): @moth-of-chaos @dopefrickingjelysquid and anyone else who wants to do this :3
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novorehere · 1 year
Bite-Sized Tidbits:
A snapshot of what life might look like with the seven avatars of sin. Contains a lot of fluff, a little angst, and soft/safe vore with you and the seven Obey Me! brothers. I’ve been working on this on and off for quite a while now, so I hope you enjoy.
Word count: 2096. Written for Vore Day, 2023
“I can give you your punishment now, or we can wait until later.”
The edges of the demon’s lips crept up into the beginnings of a smirk. All without breaking his gaze from the stack of documents which he straightened against his desk with a tap tap tap.
“However, I will be leaving for tea with Lord Diavolo as soon as my work is finished. So unless you’d like to spend the evening with Barbatos’ chiffon cake, I’d recommend making up your mind in a timely manner.”
Both of you knew very well that “punishment” wasn’t the right word. Lucifer’s infrequent office calls were less of a punishment and moreso a game, an unspoken routine in which you continuously tested the Avatar of Pride’s patience by indulging his younger brothers’ schemes.
It was a game that toyed with the balance of power, one where you pretended like he couldn’t just shrink you down whenever he wanted and that you couldn’t order him to stop with a single word. It was a game that indulged his pride, one that Lucifer would always win in the end.
It was only a matter of minutes before you were seated in his gloved palm. His ruby eyes lording over you with a gaze that anyone else would find annoyingly high-handed. But after playing his game for so long, to you the affection hiding behind them was obvious.
“Are you ready then, my Lamb?”
He was the morning star, eldest of the seven rulers of the underworld.
Yet despite all of this, Lucifer knew it was you who had him utterly wrapped around your little finger.
Reclining his head against the arm of his couch, the Avatar of Greed kissed his fingertips in mock satisfaction at the burp that rolled up his throat. A barely audible complaint of “gross” only caused him to chuckle and pat his stomach triumphantly.
“Maybe ya shoulda thought about that before bein’ so damn filling.”
A sound like “Guh” escaped the demon’s mouth as a swift kick to his liver interrupted his musings.
“Oi! The Great Mammon’s gonna start chargin’ 10,000 Grimm for damages every time ya do that!” Ya oughta learn some basic respe-”
And there it was, the familiar flutter of tiny fingers rubbing circles into him from inside. Perhaps it was your way of saying sorry… though more likely you just wanted to shut him up. It was annoying how easily you could reduce him to a blushing mess without uttering a single word.
“Hey… ‘s not fair. You’re playin’ dirty…”
Mammon rolled onto his side in an uncharacteristically gentle motion. He couldn’t help sneaking an indulgent glance at the scene reflected in his mirror. There he was, splayed out amongst piles of his belongings with his shirt ridden up and his belly rounded in his lap. If any of his brothers saw him like this, he would never hear the end of their teasing. But luckily for Mammon, not even you could know the way his face became soft as he teased a finger around his navel too gently for you to feel.
“Why’d ya stop? C’mon, now… keep goin’.”
It didn’t matter how much Mammon gambled away or how many centuries it had been since he’d hit the jackpot at the casino. When he was with you, Mammon felt like the luckiest demon in the three realms.
But sometimes it was hard to put it into words. Which is exactly why he treasured moments like these, the moments where his greed got the better of him. The moments where he could steal you away to be his and his alone.
After all, it was much easier to express how madly in love with you he’d become when he didn’t have to meet you face to face.
“You know, this is just like that one scene in ‘My Life as a Shut-In Reincarnated as a Worker in the Shopping Mall Dimension’ where Prince Alfonso goes to the food court kingdom and-”
Leviathan groaned, burying his face into his body pillow as if that could somehow hide him from the voice in his middle.
“You can’t use my own otaku tactics against me, it’s… *hic-* it’s not fair!!”
Your muffled laughter reverberated off the walls of his bathtub, accompanied by the occasional hiccup and the tip of a serpentine tail nervously thumping against porcelain.
He didn’t mean for his horns to sprout from his head when you tried to leave his room that night. He didn’t mean for a serpentine tail to wrap around your ankle, wordlessly begging you to stay. And he certainly didn’t mean for his stomach to loudly vocalize the thoughts that had been plaguing his mind the entire night. What was this, some sort of tropey romance manga?
But here he was, face as red as a bouquet of queen of jealousy and stuffed to the (decidedly metaphorical) gills in his own bathtub. The Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, reduced to a blushing, hiccuping mess. And he had nobody but himself to blame.
But really, how could he have resisted? Especially with the visions of what could have happened instead playing through his head on repeat. Asmo whisking you away to some club filled with normies who could actually hold a real conversation, Mammon snatching you up for an unauthorized night drive in his Demonio 666 Lexura, Beel getting a little too peckish and… he couldn’t bear to think about it.
Leviathan knew wanting to be your one and only was unreasonable. He knew that he was a terrible, horrible friend for thinking these thoughts and becoming so troubled at the prospect of anyone else showing you affection. That no one would ever want to be with a miserable, pathetic joke of a shut-in that wasn’t worth the scum in Henry’s tank-
But as soon as they had come, the negative thoughts washed away like a speck in the ocean as you snuggled closer to his hand, a muffled voice reassuring him that there was no place you’d rather be tonight.
“With a flourish the detective tipped his hat to the dame, as he disappeared into the evening fog like the curls of smoke which danced from his pipe…”
The demon’s inner monologue was cut short as a violent squirming sensation roused him from his novel. Your ears detected the unmistakable sound of a huff and a book closing, muffled by layers of flesh and fabric.
“Restless as ever, I see…”
Normally, Satan would be more than offended to have his attention ripped from the pages of a good book. But this time the annoyance that swelled in his chest turned not into rage, but affection as the fire settled in his stomach and melted away… You tended to have that effect on him.
The blonde sighed fondly, gazing down at the bump in his sweater.
“…Would you like me to read aloud to you? Perhaps that will help you settle some.”
Pulling the covers up a bit higher around his navel, he tucked them in snugly around his sides. A rare smile crossed Satan’s face as he admired his handiwork. The man reached over to his nightstand, finding there exactly what he was looking for in the dim light. A paperback atop the haphazard piles of hardcovers strewn about, placed there with care as not to crease the art on the cover he knew you loved so much.
With both of you tucked in for the night, it was easier than ever to melt into the gentle rumble of his voice.
“Our story begins in a world of monsters…”
Asmodeus knows that true beauty comes from within. How could it not, when the skin of the human that emerges from his lips always feels so much softer and smoother than before? He makes sure to bring it to your attention every time, doting over how the glow of his inner beauty rubs off on you so easily. Despite everything, he thinks you look so gorgeous lying in his palm. Layers of mucus, tired bags under your eyes, and all.
But sometimes it’s hard to feel beautiful inside or out with wings dyed black and pointed horns replacing the light of your halo.
A delicate, painted fingertip wipes a stray bead of drool from your face. The other hand is busy at your head, gently combing the tangles from your still-damp hair with the tiniest heart-shaped hairbrush. Asmodeus had been ecstatic the day it arrived, practically bowling over Levi before snatching the Akuzon package from his arms with a squeal.
It was a ritual at this point, the way he pampered you after letting you out. Swaddling you in a soft, lilac-scented hand towel warmed by the gentle breeze of his hairdryer, wiping you clean as he hummed a familiar tune.
“Baby, you want my love

No matter who you are

I want you to show me

I fell in love with someone

Besides myself for the first time”
He didn’t need to be the “Jewel of the Heavens” with you as his jewel, a precious pearl to tuck away beside his heart where all the things he loves live.
And he had so, so much love to give.
Beelzebub was on the verge of snapping when you came to him.
He was breathing heavily when you found his monstrous, horned silhouette hunched over the empty refrigerator. Frightened eyes were glazed over with a hunger that threatened to swallow you up with their very gaze. His mouth opened in a silent plea, perhaps an apology, but it was drowned out by the roar of his stomach.
Sometimes it felt as if no amount of food could put out the fire that raged within him. The burning sensation could only be briefly dulled by each cooling mouthful that slid down his throat. But then it was gone, claimed by the emptiness inside him that demanded “more.”
But you… you were different.
Simply being around you made him feel full, and for that he was ever grateful. But sometimes he needed more than a feeling. He needed to be sure you were there, to know that you were alive. To feel the weight of that missing piece that left him the day that he fell.
But despite what he needed, he still required your explicit permission to take it.
“…Can I?”
“You may.”
With your words, Beelzebub gave himself over to his gluttony. It was primal, animalistic… but one thing was for certain.
No demon in hell could devour you as lovingly as he did that night.
Beneath the attic room comforter, an incoherent mumble could be heard from a demon-sized lump in the sheets.
Belphegor rolled onto his stomach as he nestled deeper into his nest of blankets. It didn’t take long at all for a lazy smile to crawl across the Avatar of Sloth’s face. Even though you were undoubtedly squashed in this position, he could still feel your tiny hands working their magic just like he had asked.
Oh, how you spoiled him rotten.
It was hard not to with the way Belphegor expressed his desires so plainly. To borrow your jacket to use as a pillow, to keep quiet to Lucifer about skipping classes, to stroke his hair while he lay on your lap. The others weren’t too thrilled with your coddling, but Belphie couldn’t care less.
After all, they had gotten so much more time with you than he had. They got to know you, to love you, to taste you… all before you even knew his name.
Belphegor was the Avatar of Sloth, not envy. But there was once a time when the unmistakable tingling warmth of his twin indulging in you left the bitter aftertaste of jealousy on his tongue. It was a strange feeling, his brother’s affection for a human. One that, until recently, he couldn’t quite understand. And at the time, he had no desire to.
Nowadays the sensation was far from unwelcome. But ever since that night at the castle when he gifted you his pact, Belphegor had found that he much preferred having you all to himself in person. All to himself…
A small yawn escaped the youngest’s mouth as mind wandered to his twin. Could he feel it too, he wondered? The phantom weight of your touch?
…Perhaps he’d ask Beel about it later. But for now, he had an extremely important nap to get to.
Neither of you were conscious enough to know it, but that night as Beelzebub carried his brother down to his own bed and tucked him in, he whispered not one, but two good-nights.
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Okay but in honour of Artistic Partisan being released on engstars, I'm going to be very self-indulgent and talk about how Hell Screen (source) coded it is. And yes I'm talking about Akutagawa Ryunosuke's short story about the (spoilers to come) painter obsessed with art and his beloved daughter who got sacrificed in all sorts of ways (then died) in order to inspire him to paint a scene of the Buddhist hell at the commission of his shady patron.
I mean, maybe it's just me but I think Artistic Partisan perfectly captures that line between obsessive creation and passionate artistry, flip flopping back and forth as the line "si vis artem, para bellum" (play on the latin "si vis parcem, para bellum" if you want art/peace, prepare for war) is chanted in the midst of it all. Like how could that not capture the artist's desire for eternity, longevity, beauty while also having the both threatening but invoking intense melody that gives it that edge of action and danger? It's so Hellscreen in the way that Hellscreen is a very bleak depiction of the battle that is art (with questionable beauty being produced but a definite masterpiece of expression regardless). Yes, the artist wants to live forever but, be warned, because the world of art is not one of peace. It is filled with blood and sacrifice and battles. Artistic Partisan is the warning song (but also a praise, almost, of art), Hellscreen is the story of the song ignored (but still proof of how war really does create art).
Just....man. They went hard on this one. If you want art, prepare for war indeed.
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laurzvahll · 13 days
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space-diablo · 5 months
My curse is that my playlists contain tones of songs fitting the ships i do not ship.. and almost nothing for my own guilty pleasures...
Anyway, I just leave this here for all emetwol and azemet enjoyers among my mutuals... (first thought was about you @birues)
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wiverly · 1 year
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lemonmatronics · 1 year
I cannot hold it in any longer—
I have been having so much fucking Brainrot over Bluster’s family line and I like, CANNOT stop thinking about them and need to get the brain puddle out there
I’m fully convinced that basically everyone that was ever leader has some sort of sibling issues going on or at least some baggage that they make an attempt to cover up. And because they cover it up it just repeats every single time
Keep in mind that literally every single bit of this is based off NOTHING and I am literally just making it up, but I LOVE royal drama sooo :P don’t be shocked
Anyways I believe that old dead Bluster isn’t the only look-a-like here and that he had a sister. You already know where I’m going with this. Doubt she had the same name though, obviously.
So Robbie Lookalike is the older sibling of the two and next in like for leadership. In fact she actually does have a brief reign that doesn’t even get to last a year. Her plans as leader to attack and once in for all destroy the Care Bears, as their conflict is only growing.
Dead Bluster believes this is the worst way to handle this, and tries to plead with her to stop these plans, fully believing all out war could destroy their entire society. (Which for the time,, yeah. They’d get cooked) But she does not listen, shaming him for not wanting to defend his people.
Conflict only rises before between the two until Dead Bluster feels like he has no choice. He has to keep her from attacking the bears.
The fight between older sister and younger brother breaks out. Neither of them wanted death. Despite the fights and disagreements, they both still loved each other. But in both of their eyes it was now down to one life vs the many, and only one remained.
A week later the peace treaty was signed.
Fast forward further into the future, two twin girls are born. The patterns on their fur fitting each other like gloves.
Their family so happy to have Nad and Mona both. But as twins, only one could take the throne while the other was left behind. A mere backup.
As they grew up Nad was the more proper of the two sisters, keeping composure when needed and handled things with smarts. Mona, however, was not like her sister. She did not want to learn what was already known, she looked for things to discover. The nosey child never knew when to stop pushing for answers.
Nad was the one chosen to be trained and cared for as their future leader while Mona was pushed away into the shadows. Praise be the child prodigy to one day lead them, Mona couldn’t even feel jealous.
At first she was thrilled at the news, happy her sister would take the burden of ruler instead of her. But as the family pushed her way further into the dark, she only found more. Answers to questions she never asked, faces of the dead revealed to be liars.
If they had cared enough to keep her occupied she never would have found that room. Hidden behind the walls, door covered to look as if it never existed.
She did not tell a soul what she saw for years.
Everything inside was burnt to a crisp, almost everything was ash and charred. She could only identity two items. The large, framed, shredded painting that laid flat on the ground. The wood work around the unrecognizable portrait all to similar to the ones used for the portraits of for her family’s royal line.
As she lifted the dusty, charred image, she found a folded note underneath. Protected by the destroyed painting.
Her family noticed the sudden change with her, none of them understanding why Mona suddenly insisted that she was better fit to rule. Her sister being bombarded with the demand to break the peace treaty the second she was in charge.
Nad didn’t understand why her sister wanted this, she never gave a reason, she only commanded her sister either do as she says to hand over her entire future.
Both demands that Nad refused to meet. As calm as she was, she was no coward. She would not give up everything she worked for for something her sister wouldn’t even explain her reasoning.
But how could Mona speak up?
She would simply be erased too.
Years went by like this, closer and closer to the day Nad would be announced as their new ruler.
Nobody knew why it was Mona that showed up that day. Nobody knew where Nad had gone. Despite the fact she was one step closer to completing her goals, Mona did not smile once that day.
The new queen was not stupid, she realized over the time of her waiting for the throne, that her people were not suited for a war. Only the ones with the same blood as her had powers. And as cruel as they may be, they were not fighters. The Bear’s magic was too strong.
Mona ushered in an new era of progress. She poured everything she could into the technological progress of her home, to utterly fantastic success.
Harnessing bad seeds into a source of magic, using bad vibes themself to power their entire society, weapons galore being created as she funded almost all of it.
It was perfect. Everything she wanted it to be. Creative minds all across the bad crowd creating machines and finding discoveries that would not only help them with war, but the basic living of her kind as well.
Within mere years everything changed for the bad crowd. And she did not see the finale of it.
Mona did not get to break the peace treaty herself, murdered beside her husband before her plan came to fruition.
However, as boss, it was the very first thing her son did.
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mosraev · 1 year
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Lyrics through the decade 9/11
I've decided to collect all the songs I've made through the last decade and share my favourite snippets with you guys. The pictures for the backgrounds will (as much as possible) be pictures I've taken the same year as the lyrics were written. The full lyrics may or may not be made official someday.
Part 9; 2021
Now we've arrived at what I can call the personal era which started with me coming out to myself as nonbinary within the first three months of the year. After that a lot of the songs I started to make became a therapeutic tool getting to reflect over my thoughts and feelings about different topics.
More info under the line
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚
Song 1 (pic1); Marco
This is not as much a song as it is 2-3 pages of me in lyrical form thinking through my newly out feelings as a nonbinary person. The 'song' is named after my middlename that on this time I believed would be my new name. Also, to fit with the very personal meaning of this song this is indeed a picture of me having gender euphoria looking in the mirror (although 9 months after the song was written)
Featured lyric:
Starring at the mirror softly repeating the name.
Trying to repeat the rush of joy hearing it for the first time.
Song2 (pic2); Aromantica
A song where I tried to reflect over my feelings as being an aromantic person since I also around this time has been coming to terms with being aro more and more (although I had come out to myself as aro one or two years prior).
Featured lyric:
((Extendend)) I held you and I kissed you
Because I thought that was what I had to.
And it’s funny how pathetic I was playing the part.
I’m not lovedrunk, I’m sober.
I realise that, now it’s over.
This is not who I am.
Song3 (pic 3+4); Altid Nat
This song is the exception to the rule I guess since it is less about my own personal identity explorations but again it is still about me and my feelings getting to be close to people with the loser covid-19 restrictions. You can hear the song here btw.
Featured lyric:
Original (pic3); Jordens trolde, de danser foxtrot over Danmarks bøgetage
((Extended)) så er det nu, vi sprinder guld af alt det som der kan ske i drømmeland.
For det er altid nat et sted på verdensplan.
Translated to English (pic4):
the trolls of the earth dance foxtrot in Denmark's treetops.
((Extended)) It is now we weave gold of all
that can happen in dreamland
cause it's always night somewhere in the world.
Song4 (pic5+6); Forstadsfabeldyr
This is an interesting one since I had less than a week to write and produce it on summer camp where I wasn't out yet so I wanted to make it somewhat mystical about what in the world I was referring to (thereby not outing myself before time) but also I really felt like getting out my hurt feelings about becoming the represent queer whenever people learned about my identity. (hint the swearing is back)
Featured lyric:
Original (pic6); Verden er så satans monokrom
for alle farverne er vasket ud med hvidt.
Translated to English (pic5); The world is fucking monochrome.
All the colours has been washed out.
Song5 (pic6+7); Glas v.2
Quite an interesting one that shows how my way of making songs has shifted since I originally made myself the challenge to make a song inspired by a poem on a playing card about rocks wanting to be glass and then the first version was meant to be about eating disorders (not told from my own pov) but that didn't connect with me so instead I told about nonbinary gender dysphoria (that is way more my own pov and so a therapeutic song instead)
Featured lyric:
Original (pic7): Når svaret for dem er hverken "han" eller "hende"
kommer de nemt til kort.
De ville så gerne kunne passe ind,
men kabalen går ikke op.
Translated to English (pic8): When their answer is not "he" or "she",
they'll easily come up short.
they'd love to fit in, but
the patience doesn't come up.
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michaelectras · 2 years
sorry for desiposting but yeh dooriyaan is such a post-rapture midam song like. kabhi hua yeh bhi khali raahon pe bhi tu tha mere saath … yeh bhi hua kabhi jaise hua abhi tujhko sabhi mein pa liya…
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southislandwren · 2 years
I love this judging playlist because I said no music was off limits and the grad students went fucking insane lol. we have like 45 songs (out of 100 so far) that are very much not in english and I'm SO excited
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permanentreverie · 2 years
when I'm at work and I have to listen to pop and it's not even the korean kind
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majorposting · 2 years
lonely boy by blackhawk is goro’s theme song
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bmpmp3 · 1 month
on a bit of a roll with synthv rn. ほんのちょっぴり (Orchestra Ver.) from the first episode of Love Live Superstar S1 with Rikka my good friend Rikka (:
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korattata · 9 months
Do you ever wish you could completely obliterate like 70% of a song to make it so the love mentioned can be vague and not strictly romantic
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