#yes this is a fluffy bird who has adventures and today he's having one on staff on a tuesday
staff · 3 years
tumblr tuesday: the adventures of algy
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Hello! Happy solstice. What's this, you ask? Well, it's a Tuesday. It's also the end of one of Algy's adventures in Patadragonia. Who's Algy? Algy is a friend-shaped accidental adventurer. In this particular part of his story, he helps a dragon with some mad dance moves join the circus. In Patadragonia. (Sound on for total immersion.)
On the morning of the solstice...
...in the faraway land of Patadragonia, dawn broke with a beautiful deep pink glow over the mountains, and ethereal mists shimmered up from the frosty plains. Algy was still dozing after his long, sleepless night under the full moon when suddenly he heard a most extraordinary sound, and at the same time, he felt the special cherry blossom which he had brought all the way from the magical Easter island begin to vibrate and sparkle on the cold, bare rock behind him...
There was no doubt about it: the moment had arrived…Algy knew that his little dragon friend was about to realize its lifelong dream at last, and although he was sure that he would miss the funny wee creature, he could not have been happier for his very special friend, especially as he felt certain that—so long as he kept the magical cherry blossom safe—they would be bound to meet again in adventures yet to come…
[The circus band is playing the "National Emblem March," composed in 1902 by Edwin Eugene Bagley, in a version created by Algy’s assistants.]
Need more context? Take this cherry blossom back to the beginning or the very beginning. And if you just want to listen to the sounds of Scottish seas, then this one's for you.
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newsupdate7 · 3 years
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) for Diabetes and 3hour glucose tolerance test pregnancy normal range
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
I saw your request open. I dunno how to do these things but here I go. My request is a headcannon of mammon dealing with mc who has hay-fever. So like mammon doesn't understand and thinks mc is upset with him or something( cos you get them teary eyes) something cute and fluffy with comfort?
Hey, hey~! Sorry requests are taking a little longer to fulfill, but here’s yours!
Hay fever sounds like a pain to deal with xc
Take good care, all of you who suffer allergies!
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😈💛 Mammon 💰💸
Since the Devildom is so different to the human world, maybe they pushed aside the thought of their hay fever (or they play forgot because same, it just happens, and you remember once it comes back)
The alarm rings once their nose gets itchy, throat a bit scratchy as if it weren’t properly hydrated, and eyes get a little watery from time to time
“Say, Satan, do Devildom flowers and plants have a season where the majority bloom? Do they- Do they release pollen?”
“Ah, yes, they do. It’s around this time of year where most of the bushes and trees you see planted around RAD and streets begin their blooming. Is there a particular reason why you ask?”
“Uhm… well, you see…”
After the well-read demon knows, he pesters Lucifer to either let him go up to the human world to buy the necessary medicine or have the prideful demon go up himself
But due to his overbusy schedule, Lucifer pushed back the errand a handful of times
Few days go by and the symptoms worsen. They decide to stay as much as they can in their room and reduce their time outside as much they can to prevent further exposure…. and prevent a certain whit haired demon from seeing them in their state
So far, only 2/7 demons know of their predicament
Perhaps Satan takes the task to inform some of the others, or maybe he leaves them with the mystery (latter being most probable)
Meanwhile, Mammon feels conflicted, and a little sad
[Name] used to be by his side the whole time! They shared nightclub and casino adventures together! They got in trouble together! They went shopping together! They were birds of a feather!
Now, though? They’re running away from him after sharing the quickest looks
“Are their eyes red? They’re sniffling, with glossy eyes…” A sudden pang on his chest, “Ah… Did I hurt ‘em without realizing it?”
He’s scratching his head, thinking REAL hard where he screwed up. Nothing comes to mind
Last week, both of them were all smiles and laughter, casual hand holding and occasional cuddle sessions… What happened? What went wrong?
The 2nd eldest goes around pestering his brothers, in order of who he saw interacting with [Name] as of recent
It took all his energy to make Lucifer actively listen to him
“Yo, Luci! Am serious!! There must be something wrong with [Name]! Please please, listen this once!”
Something in Mammon’s tone alerted the red eyed demon. “Why such anguish? Speak, waste no time.”
“Ya see, they were all fine and cuddly with me last week, but-but now..! Haven’t ya noticed how they just… keep to their room all the time?! They barely come out! And i-it seems like they cry lotsa times through the day!”
“Cry?” Lucifer was mildly shocked by the word.
“Yah! Their eyes are red and teary, sniffles come from ‘em constantly and they’re always holdin’ napkins to their nose!” Concern furrowed the tan demon’s brows. “What coulda happened?”
That’s when Lucifer sighs in irritation at himself while rubbing the bridge of his nose. “It’s their hay fever… I forgot to get the medicines to help them through it…” He then tasks Mammon to go buy the supplies ASAP, no fooling around
Couple hours later, as they’re sneezing up a storm in their room, a knock calls for their attention
“P-Please don’t bother today! I’m not feeling so g-” Sneeze, “good…”
“Yo, it’s the Great Mammon! Better open up now before I kick down the door!”
A chortle bubbled up their throat, making them cough a little afterwards due to the itch there. “Sure thing~... but seriously, Mammon, please leave… I feel miserable”
Their lock clicking open startled them. Sure enough the Avatar of Greed was there
He let himself in and placed the small bag in their lap. “Lucifer told me… Sheesh, can’t believe he was this forgetful! Even after having Satan bother him a whole day to get this for ya he still forgot.”
Eye drops, antihistamine, a nasal spray… all with the correct active ingredients to treat the symptoms
Blue-yellow eyes softened once he saw their face brighten at the contents of the bag. “And some [fav. snack]! Aww, thank you lots, Mammon! You’re THE greatest one of all~!”
“Tell me next time, ‘kay? There I was thinkin’ you were upset at me and were cryin’ all day due to us being apart.”
A teasing smirk crossed their lips, “Were you worried~?”
Blushing, he admitted, “Y-Yes! And very m-much so!” He ‘tch’d and looked away from the embarrassment, “You’re a nice human to be ‘round, ya know? I missed spending time together…”
Instructing him to take off the jacket to lessen some of his pollen count, they proceeded to take their medicine and lay in bed with the demon to cuddle ❤️
From then on, they became more open to notify Mammon about any of their ailments or bad moods
Rest assured, he’s a sweetheart and becomes so gentle around them to help any way he can
Snacks? He’ll fight Beel for them. Medicines? He gladly goes up to buy those (just give him a detailed list of what he’s looking for, list the active ingredients) Alone time? The most he can do is wait outside their door, sorry lol  A shoulder to cry on bc they feel so miserable, someone to squeeze as much as they need until they feel better? He’s more than signed up!
Once Mammon has warmed up to them, he will do all he can to make them feel better
May not be the best nurse, but his lungs and throat are potent enough to holler someone over to check you and help with those matters
He’s prone to panic when symptoms begin, but a quick reassurance can calm him significantly
Overall, someone nice to be taking care of you. Definitely brings more moral and emotional support than acting as a nurse or reminder of taking meds, but still much better than other people out there
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Thank you for your request~!
Please do take lots of care, even more so now, to know if your symptoms are those of an allergy or another illness!
Hope you enjoyed~ ヾ(๑╹ヮ╹๑)ノ”
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
Calm Down Stories
Summary: Remus wishes his telepathic link with his soulmate helped him calm Virgil down in ways beyond telling stories, but it works. Today he tries helping a stranger in a music shop at the same time by talking about a CD cover to them, and sending his words over the telepathic link.
'Can't do this. Too loud, too busy. Can't, can't can't' Remus wished that he knew how to help, really help Virgil, especially when these repetitions began to echo through their connection. He'd tried looking up what helps anxiety, methods soulmates had used before meeting in the past.
Virgil had only panicked more when he'd tried using them, terrified that he was harming or annoying Remus with his fears, worries, everything.
Later they had spoken about it, covered that Remus had only wanted to help, support him since he couldn't take the anxiety away but also that he hadn't sounded like himself to Virgil while following those methods. Besides as soon as he knew it wasn't helping Virgil, he'd returned to his usual method of trying to help with his soulmates panic, imagining stories, and adventures he'd gone on, or thought sounded fun.
Remus knew that was all just distractions though, nothing that actually helped long term. Their telepathy thankfully hid his wishes to do more, even just talk through the struggles Virgil had when overwhelmed so he projected stories about his day, and compliments, so many compliments about the things Virgil let slip through in his thoughts.
'You somewhere safe to calm down in? Or still stuck among the madding crowd?' Remus asked, already heading into the nearest shop. It was always easier to come up with a story if he didn't have to worry about walking into strangers constantly. Their yelling could filter through to Virgil and make things worse if he did walk into them.
'Music Shop. Can't move, can't hide, can't can't can't cope, all too much, going to have people staring at me.' On one hand Remus could start trying to come up with some distraction story, on the other, if Virgil was already worrying about getting stares that usually meant he needed someone actually with him to calm down alongside the thoughts Remus could send to him. They'd already mentioned this morning that they were both out picking up some new accessories and clothes alone today.
He glanced around the shop hoping for something he could twist into a bizarre story, more confusing than a surrealism painting and realised that he was in a music shop too, with plenty of CD cases to take inspiration from and a guy in a hoodie clinging to one of the shelves as though the world was ending...
A guy looking like the world was ending could probably use a distraction just as much as Virgil needed on too so Remus had a focus and a way to start chattering away. The display the man had stopped at had some weird album art on it.
“Hey Fella, can I get to those CD's in front of ya?” He asked, trying to pantomime reaching around him without breaching any personal space the man might need.
He got a panicked look and a stumble out of the way for that, but picked up on of the cases anyway, raising an eyebrow. “Are you breathing there, Honey? I would help more but have been told I suck at leading breathing patterns. Or rather that I'm too impatient to count slowly in whatever way they need.” Remus just let any thoughts that crossed his mind and would be okay for Virgil to hear while panicking be said. He knew that quite often if he spoke things they'd get sent over their bond as thoughts too, and really didn't want to make either his soulmate or this stranger worse.
The man did attempt to take a deep breath at his words though, so Remus classed that as a win and waved the CD case up. “You know, Fella, I always wonder what the story could be behind album art like this. Seriously half of music nowadays is all love, sex, money, or escaping to nature. I bet none of the songs even mention a bat, let alone an octopus so why put them on a cover.” Really he could have found a worse cover to talk about, but this would do.
Virgil was quiet, no repetitions of 'Can't' to be heard for the moment and the panicking man was just nodding, clearly still upset, but definitely trying to breathe to some pattern Remus couldn't fathom.
“Then again, why would a bat even be flying over the ocean? It doesn't seem like something they'd do. I mean sure, birds migrate, and there's gotta be some bats that live in seaside town. Literally enough books and films set in England mention bats that it has to be like a given some are near the sea. That island is tiny.” Remus now had to get the CD if only so he'd remember to look up ocean bats later on. If they existed he wanted to know everything, including the weirdest things they eat. Can bats prey on fish?
“Some in Mexico migrate and hunt at sea.” The man breathed out, sounding shaky and half terrified of actually joining in with Remus's conversation.
He nodded in thanks, now frowning at the other animal on the screen. “Still, pretty unrealistic for an octopus to be that vibrantly yellow in the middle of the night. Practically all cephalopods have some ability to change their colour and that bright near the surface. It's basically putting up a sign saying ' I'm here, hunt me' to any predators near the surface. Although maybe it's more trying to get the gift delivered to it and would go to darker shade as soon as that box is actually in its grasp.”
“Why would a bat be taking presents to an octopus anyway?” Remus blinked at the question. It was one he'd expected to have thought at him, if Virgil was starting to calm down at least, but instead the stranger had asked it.
Mentally he thought threw bringing the bat bombs he'd read about once up, but shook the thought away, shrugging and carrying on wriggling. “Could be any reason. Perhaps bats are the animal worlds equivalent to Santa, only instead of one man in a sleigh you have hundreds or millions of these fluffy little friends flying around trying to give presents on like midsummer or something. Can't have a winter celebration for the animals when tons of them are hibernating.”
“Would be more animals on the picture if that was the case. Could just be the octopus and bat are friends.” Remus looked at the man again, staring for a moment as he spoke. There was still a shake to his breaths but they were slow again, and his hands weren't tensing for something to grip onto.
“Well now I just want to know how a bat and an octopus would become friends. It can't be easy given one lives literally under the sea and the other in caves or treetops and flies everywhere.” He exclaimed, getting a snort, before focusing on his thoughts. 'Hey Virge, You've gone quiet there. Are you calming down or has something happened?'
The man he'd been helping to calm down at the same time smirked, “Who are humans to limit what friendships animals can make? I'm more curious over what gift they would share.”
“Well that's easy, things the octopus couldn't get normally but might like to eat. Some other types of insects or whatever.” Remus suggested, now frowning as he still got no response.
“Is something wrong? I thought your story from this CD cover was going really well. Have I upset you trying to join in with it?” The man asked, worried again as he watched Remus.
He shook his head, “No, your ideas are brilliant, awesome actually. I just, well my soulmate was upset too so part of the story was for you, partly for him, but now I'm not getting any response.” Remus tried to wave away the concern, already thinking again 'Virgil, please just a random I've been knocked out and thoughts aren't awake response would be wonderful right now.'
The man frowned too, “That could just mean you've... Give me a moment to try contacting my soulmate cause you're right. He'd normally have been telling me some weird story but instead you were here talking and I don't think I've heard from him for a bit.” Remus didn't need to ask what the broken off sentence meant. He'd have lost the telepathy if he had met his soulmate, and the only person that would qualify for that was this man.
He waited for a moment, watching as the man closed his eyes, before staring at him again. “So is your soulmate called Virgil?”
“Is your soulmate called Remus?” He countered, beginning to bounce in place again.
“Yes, oh bloody hell, you accidentally managed to find me, mid panic attack and still decided to help me calm down? You're insane, what if I was dangerous or something?” Virgil exclaimed, shoving at Remus's chest lightly.
Remus just started laughing, grabbing the arm that shoved him to pull Virgil into a hug. “Somehow I don't think anyone dangerous would be frozen clinging to a display in a music shop. Come on, You need food and hot chocolate after that freak out, and I need as much sugar as I can fit into a drink. There's a cafe a few shops down.”
He didn't release the hug while making that decision, and only snickered when Virgil half heartedly attempted to pull away. “If we're going there you need to let me go, and pay for that CD.”
“Hmm, maybe in a bit. I've wanted to wrap you up in hugs when you're upset for all our lives so you can enjoy the longest hug ever before we move.” Remus declared, tightening one arm while the other came up to pet Virgil's hair.
Perhaps he wouldn't normally have helped a stranger calm down but he couldn't be more please that he had today.
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auroras-blend · 3 years
First Day of School
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Summary: AU one-shot of what would have happened if the Marks had won the custody battle. Told in Marilyn's POV
Sunlight peeked through the curtains and cast onto an empty bed, unusual since its occupant rarely woke up before then. No, instead little Miss Marilyn Winslow woke up with the birds who were singing joyfully outside and for once, she didn’t hiss at their loudness. Her mood reflected their demeanor as she whistled and sang along with them.
Marilyn clasped the white buckle to her mary-janes, before straightening in front of her mirror. Perfect! Her outfit was the most important thing that morning. It took her mind off of her nerves because she had a very big task in front of her: the first day of school. It was her first, first day of school since her Mama had passed and while the ache was there, she refused to go in sad. I have to make a good impression!
If there was one thing her Mama at least always tried to do, it was to make sure she looked good on the first day of school. Of course on their budget, most of the time it had been from the thrift store but once in first grade, she got a new dress. This year, Mrs. Marks offered to let her pick out her own and buy it new, but Marilyn insisted on going to the thrift store for a new dress or “slightly used” because that’s what she and Mama did. The old lady who ran the shop was happy to see her once again.
Marilyn, in a way to pay tribute to her mother, wore a green gingham dress because the color always looked so wonderful with her eyes. It was slightly tailored to fix a rip, but it was barely noticeable now. Pleased with her outfit, Marilyn fluffed her blonde curls and tightly set a white headband on her head before nodding in satisfaction and left her room. The smell of sweet maple syrup wafted from the kitchen, leading her like a moth to the flame. The minute her heels clicked on the tile, her parents smiled. “Look at you!” Daddy exclaimed, putting down his paper, “Look at how beautiful you are!”
Mrs. Marks smiled, “You’re a dream!”
Her mommy briefly abandoned plating the pancakes in exchange for coming to see her daughter’s first day of school outfit. “Thank you,” Marilyn blushed.
“You’re going to have such a good day, I know it,” Mommy said surely as she kissed Marilyn on the forehead.
It was rough for a long time, it still was, after her Mama died. Marilyn still longed for her real daddy, not that she’d ever tell Mr. Marks that, but the ache in her heart and mind started to dull. The small family sat around their table and said their prayers. “And Lord, please give Marilyn a wonderful first day of school,” Daddy said lastly, “Amen.”
“Amen,” she and Mommy finished before they began eating.
As they had their breakfast, Mommy went over the pick-up and drop-off routine. Marilyn knew it, they had been doing it since she started living with them. “We’ll both take you today, we don’t want to miss your first day,” cooed Mommy, “But Daddy will pick you up and take you with him to the church where you’ll be with me in the daycare for the last hour, okay?”
“Okay,” she said pleasantly, her mouth full of sticky, sweet, fluffy pancakes.
Her nerves were high, wondering if she’d be in the same class as Rodney Lord again or if she’d spend another year friendless, but she always felt that way on the first day. Mama, please help me have a good time. She wiped her stinging nose before anyone could notice, I don’t wanna be the class crier this year. She’d been on a pretty good no crying streak this summer, of course, there were days where she did, but it hadn’t been as often as before.
In all honesty, she would have preferred her summer to last a little longer with the Marks because she had truly been happy. Marilyn felt like she was finally part of a normal family, nourished in warmth and affection that she hadn’t ever received before. And she was so excited to share that when people asked her what she did that summer because she finally had a fun and exciting answer! They had been to the county fair, the fireworks show, went to Baltimore for some conference Mr. Marks had to go to, but it had been a real family vacation!
It had been a relaxing time as she got to know her new parents and their daily routines. She loved waking up early some mornings, yes I know, I liked it and sneaking to sit with her daddy and color as he read through his Bible before helping her Mommy make breakfast. Breakfast used to be a meal she had to forgo, but now every day started at the table. Life was structured and comfortable, and as if to prove it, the clock struck right when she swallowed her last piece of pancake to fill her belly before school.
“Oh, finish your milk, we’ve gotta go!” Mrs. Marks said as she got up, clearing the plates as Mr. Marks went to get their coats, keys, and Marilyn’s backpack.
Cupping her glass with both hands, she guzzled it down as she watched her parents scurry to get ready before she let out a refreshing “ah” and handed it over to Mrs. Marks. “Kay peanut, ready?” Mr. Marks asked as he helped her out of her seat and into her dark green coat and new leather satchel.
That’s right, it’s new! They let her pick out her own backpack that year and she swore to keep it clean and safe at all costs. You’re on a mission, Miss Marilyn! “Hey,” Mr. Marks leaned down, “Still on for ice cream?”
She grinned and nodded, “Uh-huh!”
He gave her an agreeing nod. Mr. Marks said it would be their “thing”, every year at the end of the first day of school and last day of school, they’d get ice cream and talk about her day. They did it the previous year on her last day and it was one of her favorite memories, one that she tucked away and pulled out whenever she was feeling particularly sad. Mr. Marks gently reached for her hand and his wife for the other and walked out to the car together, ready to start her on her next adventure.
The ride was too short and too long all at once. They chatted but when they parked, amid the flurry of walking children and their parents, she frowned. When they noticed she’d become silent, they turned around, “You’re going to have a great day!”
“I-I’m gonna miss you…I don’t want to go,” she said, sounding like a frog was caught in her throat.
“Oh peanut, you’re gonna have so much fun though. You’ll make new friends, have a new teacher, and you’ve been practicing your reading all summer so you’re all caught up!” Mr. Marks reassured her.
“What if people make fun of me?”
“They won’t,” Mrs. Marks said firmly, “And if they do, they’re not worth being around.”
Since the adoption, people had been nicer to her but she was still nervous. “I-I’ve never not had...my Mama,” she said.
It was starting to hurt again. “Your Mama is still here, watching over you. You’ve got me, Daddy, and your mom up in heaven. Three adults who love you, that’s a lot.”
“God too,” Daddy added.
He has to say that. He’s a pastor. With a little more confidence knowing she had more people in her corner, she was able to step out of the car when the pastor opened it for her. Hand in hand, matching all of the other families with their children, they walked her to the front of the third-grade doors. “This is it,” Mrs. Marks said, “You’re going to do so well!”
Her adults kneeled down and gave her a big hug and wet kisses on her cheek, though her Mommy gave her more. “I love you so much,” she whispered into her ear.
“I love you too Mommy,” Marilyn said, hugging her tightly.
“And your other Mama loves you too,” Mrs. Marks added.
“Thank you,” Marilyn whispered.
The fact that Mrs. Marks never tried to bury her Mama’s memory, meant the world to her. After another proper minute, the bell rang and the students congregated to their assigned lines. Marilyn bravely and confidently walked to her own, head held up high. I can do this! Have a growth mindset.
Her head did turn to see her parents waving goodbye to her before she was forced to move forward in line to the doors. When she passed the threshold, she became an official third-grader at Summerfield Elementary. Showtime.
The first few moments were chaotic as her teacher, a woman with dark black hair styled in a flick-up, directed students to put their items away on the coat rack. Marilyn was already in awe, the woman was incredibly beautiful with warm hazel almond-shaped eyes that made her feel comfortable. And the way her teacher was looking at her, she knew she’d already become a favorite of hers. Marilyn gave her a shy smile and wave before turning to find her desk, looking for her name tag: Marilyn Marks.
Part of her was thrilled that her last name was Marks, but she didn't know how to cope with not being Winslow. She already knew it was naughty, but she resolved to lightly trace the name Winslow underneath it later. To honor Mama. “Boys and girls, take your seats!” her teacher instructed, clapping her hands together.
Marilyn slid into the hard wooden seat and squirmed for a bit, before looking around. No Rodney Lord! Yesss! “I like your dress,” whispered a girl next to her.
She had dark red hair tied back into pigtail braids. Marilyn glanced at her name, Sara Barnes. “Thank you, I like your sweater,” she said sweetly as her eyes appreciated the blue cardigan.
“I’m new, wanna play with me at recess?”
Marilyn’s heart uplifted! “Okay!”
A friend! I can go and tell daddy I have a new friend after school! “I’m Sara.”
“I’m Marilyn,” she said as they quickly shook hands.
“Alright, settle down! Give me zero voices in 3,2,1!” her teacher said as a hush fell upon the classroom.
Marilyn’s soft green eyes landed on her beautiful teacher. Her teacher was a glamorous woman who wore a dark blue dress, as sharp as her cheekbones.
“I am so happy to see you all here today!” she cooed, clapping her hands together before picking up a piece of chalk, “I am your new teacher! You may call me...”
She began to spell out the letters: M-i-s-s. Miss. S-a-g-e-s-s-e. Sagesse.
“Miss Sagesse,” she said, making brief direct eye contact with Marilyn, “Welcome to 3rd grade.”
She knew it was too early, but Marilyn allowed herself to smile at the promising start of her first day back at school.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
First Encounter (1) (Yuta x mermaid reader)
Okayy I got carried away and made a long opening for Yuta. Let's say just for the reader x Yuta, it will be kind of two parts. Later on it will only be scenarios .. I promise :")
Please follow my Instagram @cosmic_latte28 as I will be posting polls and questions on what to do next in this mermaid au!
ENJOY THISS 4k story, it’ll be interesting i guess
Scenario 1 – mermaid au! Yuta x reader
Have you ever found your mother annoying? Her constant "mother knows best" quote uughh you're tired of it!
For eighteen years of swimming under the sea, down beneath the scorching heat of the sun, you've spent your entire life swimming within the boundaries just like what your mother told you to do. But today, today is a special day!
You're turning nineteen and well nineteen can be considered a good age to be called mature right? You know running away is not a good idea, but your best friend who is a year older than you had just return from the surface and oh gosh either she was a good story teller or the world above the water is really that magnificent, you don't know yet and soon you will.
Yes, for today your nineteenth birthday, your mother has given you a quick birthday ceremony. She gave you a new "dinglehopper" a mermaid's hairbrush! You thanked her and she quickly left to work. That's when your best friend came and the two of you started your adventure.
It took you some tiring swimming, but the excitement of seeing the other world beats your fatigue. You wonder what's so special up there that your pretty aqua-green haired mermaid here told you such a wonderful story!
"You cannot imagine what I saw (y/n)! Believe me..." she said last week as the two of us are sitting over one of the bright coloured corals. We love to hang-out here and gossip about things. Last week she brought you for a very special story... her journey to the dry sand area!
You listened to her story, trying your best to imagine what it's up there, you listened to her story, while playing with your sparkling ash grey hairs. "Why wouldn't I believe you?" you wondered
She grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes deeply, "Because you will need to experience it to know what it truly is!"
You gave her a meek smile; well her parents are not as conservative as yours. Atlanta can go wherever she wants, and her parents wouldn't scold her, unlike you. Well if you return home after dark, you're pretty dead. Mom was so protective to you after father was caught on one of those giant shiny nets, and he never came back.
Atlanta continued with her story, "It was quite a long swim, I went there with some other girls and oh how great was it to breathe the fresh air!"
You laughed, well your lungs can breathe both air and, in the water,, but rumour has it that the transition phase hurts! You don't really mind that since you're really dying to experience the thrill.
"So, since you told me I wouldn't believe it," you smirked, "why don't you bring me up there to experience it? I'm nineteen next week and I'm sure we can go up for a while and I'll return before mom got home."
Atlanta at first disagree, she told you to ask a legal permission from your mother, but you know better. Mom would never agree and so you chose what people will do. Run away and promised to come back before she got home and pretended nothing happen.
After a lot of bribing and coaxing Atlanta with lots of promises, she agreed, and you were to meet her on the North Border at nine when the tides are calm.
So here you are today! Finally the sea no longer looks dark, the sun rays are penetrating the light blue waters and you can totally see the rocks and hear the sound of the waves as you swim and swim towards the sky. Your eyes changed colours from dark big pupil into a smaller one! Living on the deep waters, made your pupil dilate for maximum light absorbance, now getting near the sun, your eyes naturally contracted, and your hair looks even paler under the sun.
The sound of crashing waves, flying birds, and what mermaids and mermen call "human", are all getting louder in my ear.
"This is it, get ready to feel chest pain!" Atlanta squeezes your hand in assurance, and you nod your head. One last deep breathes and the two of you pop your heads out of the water. The transition of changing your water lungs into air lungs really hurt, you see white seconds after the air made their way to fill your air sacs and you feel great pain in your nose like when you choke on waters.
You feel your head goes light and the bright scorching sun no longer penetrates your eyes, you see dark and suddenly your body limps.
Atlanta was not as surprised as you, maybe it's because you never travel this far and it's your first time changing lung system. She dutifully brings you to an area of rocks where the waves are still high, so there's no human there. She calls out your name several time and slaps your cheek slowly.
"(y/n)! wake up dummy, you made it..." she slaps you
"We made it! Come on wake up..." She shakes your body gently, but when you did not respond Atlanta rolls her eyes and her hand scoops a good amount of water. She directly splashes your face with water and that did help you cough to live.
"Where am I?" You ask
"The upside... those are the dry sands... they are people... you made it! You're breathing air now!" Atlanta cups your face and you smile when you see how messy her aqua-green smooth hair looks above here.
"Hey tell me does my hair look that bad too?" Your first question out of the water is this, how lame!
"Well yeah the salt water made our hair stiffs here but believe me people will not judge you." She shrugs her shoulder.
"Hold up" your eyes grow twice as wide, "How did you know they don't judge?"
Atlanta rolls her eyes, "Well they saw us and they did not comment us at all, they just take out I don't know some sort of rectangle thing that has hole and flashes light... then no one dare to go near us."
You shake your head in surprise, Atlanta missed this part of story. She never told you she and her friends went that near to human! You thought they only hide and saw people from afar, but no they did not. You're now half worried, but what's there to risk more? You've broken mother's rule, and you've suffered from the transition, might as well made this a worth it experience and have no regrets! "You didn't think I'd bring you here just to see them from a distance right? Besides honey, you're the most gorgeous mermaid down there, no one will dare harm you!" Atlanta inches closer to you and brings one hand to brush away a strand of hair from your face.
"I mean it, your glowing ash grey hair, your deep amber eyes! Hey never realized they were amber before... not to mention your sweet smile and sweet voice. Girl they'll love you!" Atlanta praises you with tons of comfort and you find yourself under control.
What you did not know, yes being a beauty in the mermaid world made everyone adores and protects you, but here being a beauty means more danger! Come on which human doesn't want to own a pretty mystical creature in their bathtub?!
You and Atlanta are both too naïve to think that situation. All that matter now for you two is enjoying sunbathing and the fresh air.
"So, what are we waiting for? I'm good already and can we go somewhere else? Rocks are boring here." You splash your tail and make a giant splash to your friend.
Atlanta scoffs but quickly drags you to move to the other part of the sea surface. The two of you swim while holding breathe, yes, you're not transitioning that frequent... took too much energy and painful.
"Is this okay?" Atlanta found a place where there are several rocks and they're still in contact with water. You smile and look for a good position. The warm feeling from the golden ball in the sky really satisfies you. Deep waters are cold, and you love this warm burning feeling. Your long shiny silver-purplish tail flaps gently when needed and you feel your head gets lighter as the sun dries your wet hair away.
"Atlanta, why didn't people let us do this? I swear the sun is my favourite thing now." You brush away your stiff salted dry hairs away from your face, but that doesn't lessen your beauty at all.
The beach was crowded with people, but there were not many people around you. You still choose a distant rock, you're afraid of them still and Atlanta wants the most comfortable for you. So, you learn them first from the distance and later you can always move right.
You relax yourself over the flat rock and enjoy the piercing hot feeling on your pale skin. You close your eyes and feel the breeze, your ears catch the soft whisper of the ocean hitting rocks and without your concern, you start humming.
Well when a mermaid hums, it is luring, but believe us, we're not sirens. We don't kill people...
Your humming stop when you fell asleep on the rock. Atlanta is beside you, posing beautifully just in case someone passes by. You know stories of mermaid and mermen marrying someone from the dry world, and yes they can live happily... or you just didn't know what happen next. You know you can shape shift to have legs, but each step will feel like walking on blades. You cannot imagine living on two legs and take strolls on sharp blades.
"Atlanta have you tried walking on the dry sands?" you ask, still closing your eyes.
"Hmm no, I don't want to feel the blades... Do you know legend says you can get used to it and if you found your true love that won't happen again?" Atlanta answers while daydreaming on the fluffy clouds.
"Hmm... I'll tell you if I know the answer." You joke around and change your position.
Now you're laying flat on your stomach, the warm water meets your bare skin and you winced a bit. Rocsk can get really hot!
"How long can we stay here?" You question, tail still swaying slowly on the waters and hands under your chin.
"Hmm when we leave at nine, the swim took like an hour or two... I guess this is mid day now." Atlanta pierces her eyes into the beach,s and she can see people starting to spread check red mat and laying down plates of foods. It must be "lunch"
You thought things will not go wrong, and that's when everything went wrong.
The sun suddenly disappears, and big waves roll over to you. You and Atlanta are both sun-bathing and laughing under the sun, unaware that it is slowly turning cloudy. Well both of you are not aware since you two are blinded aka closing your eyes as you two chat and laugh. The laughter is loud enough to cover the sound of the growling sea and wind.
When you peek over your eyes since you feel cold, that's too late.
"Atlanta!" You scream when the big wave engulfs both of you and you're holding your breath in. Thinking maybe you'll be okay ... this is just one wave; you'll appear again on the surface.
No that was wrong. You feel the strong current push you into a group of rough and hard stones, you feel your bare back hit the rocks and you wince at the prickling sensation.
"Atlanta where are you??" you call out her name before being swallowed by the big waves again and you're carried further into the beach. Sadly, when you turn around, you're eye to eye with another group of pointy and sharp reefs. You scream when the friction from the rocks rip your shiny scales slowly and bitterly.
You turn your head around to look for your best friend, but you cannot see her. When another big wave hits you, you're ready to inhale the water and just go back home, but nature did not allow you.
Your eyes catch the reflection of your tail under the raging water, one of the pointy rocks has pierced over your tail and you see gushes of blood out of it. You gasp as you try to move your tail, but the painful feeling bring you tears and stop you from moving around. You receive the big wave once again and as hard as you try to keep your tears from falling, the pain under the water is unbearable.
You clung into one of the rocks and try to put half of your body weight into the rocks and let the buoyancy do its thing to keep you floating. You bury your head into your hands and your shoulder shakes and trembles. You cry since you're afraid and alone here. Everywhere you look, you're on another side of the beach, you no longer see the rock you hang out with Atlanta earlier. You also did not see her aqua-green hair at all!
You're doomed. That's all you can think. You weep as you imagine what are the things that could happen. Well if you're lucky Atlanta might make it home and tell someone to help look for you. Two, mom could probably tell someone you're missing but you curse yourself when you remember the silly note you left.
Earlier you left a note, "Gone with Atlanta for a trip, might not go home today. See you! I promise to take care of myself"
Your mother will most likely think you're sleeping over.
Third, you'll maybe die here if no one helps.
Fourth you might end up being caught.
Fifth caught and treated.
Sixth caught and eaten?!
You try to hum and call anyone lurking nearby, anyone who can help or at least see you're there helpless. In the middle of the panic, you see a glint of your father smiling at you as if telling you "this is not the end."
You grit your teeth when the pain hits back, you glance to look into your tail and grimace over the bigger stain and the pointy rock pointing out of your tail.
You look around and see that the sky is clearing, and you choose to try and survive. It's maybe noon already, your last chance of surviving is here.
Quietly you focus yourself and you bring out all of your emotion and voice. The mysterious luring echo suddenly resonates through the big ocean. The open air and the ocean wind helps deliver your voice to anyone near you. You keep on singing, letting out a melodious sad song through the air. The air particles vibrate and send your emotional cry of help to someone walking over the coast by himself.
A young man with white shirt and a comfortable beach shorts walks through the damp sands. He tucks his hand into his pockets as he walks quietly by himself on the now half empty beach. The crowd has fled away when the howling wave crashed the shore an hour ago. This man however, loves taking in the ocean after it is angry. He loves the feeling of the sombre, mysterious, and sad atmosphere lurking on the air as the wave slow down and return calm.
Today's weather forecast had reminded people to leave the beach before noon, but apparently the wave came earlier. Lucky he lives nearby, he can always check the shore after a mad ocean.
His steps come to a halt when his ears perk up after hearing an eerie cry. He focuses himself, closes his eyes, and sharpens his ear. He cannot believe himself when his brain tells him this is a cry of another being. Not a human's cry!
Curious, the young man lets his heart and ears guide him to the source of the painful magical cry.
The sound becomes clearer and the cry painfuller. He opens his eyes when he thinks he arrives at the place already and his eyes widen when he sees you, a wounded mermaid, crying herself for help.
"Help," you plead urgently when you see a man standing across you.
"Help... I'm not.. going.. " you wince from the unbearable pain now, "I won't hurt you... help"
"You're not human, aren't you?" he asks you from the shore.
Your heart curse him for still asking you that when you're clearly hurt.
"Well yeah, but please help me..." You grimace when the saltwater meets your fresh torn scales.
"You won't kill me, right?" he raises his brow.
You roll your eyes, "I'm not a siren, can you please just help me first... I am dying!" You're annoyed, afraid, and emotional. You don't mean to yell at him, but it's too late to take back your words.
You pull your hair with frustration, "Gosh I didn't mean to scream... now you're more afraid... I'll die in this pace." You bury your face to your hand. Now you understand why your mother calls you a drama-queen.
"Just ... help me or bring me help. I'm injured." You look up and to your surprise, the young man is already in front of you. Sitting on the rock with a wet pants. He has left his shirt on the dry sands and swam to you.
"Let's see... I'm not a doctor but I'll try my best," he rolls his sleeves to his elbow.
"Doctor?" you question him
He shakes his head, knowing it will be hard to explain, "Later. Now, what happened?" he leans closer to the edge of the rocks to see your lower body which is still under the water.
"See for yourself," you gritted your teeth when another friction from the rocks and the water meet the fresh wound. He grimaces, "Oh that's so bad. We'll need to pull you out... Can you hold my hand and push your tail as strong as you can?"
You bite your teeth and nod your head, worth trying right? There's no way he can break the strong rocks.
"Hey, what's your name?" asks him
You wonder why he needs to ask that now, but you blurt it out anyways. "(y/n), and you?"
He smiles, "Beautiful! Just like you, now I'm Yuta and I will help you get out of this."
Yuta offers you his hand and you reach out to touch them, "On three or when you're ready... Now (y/n) you can do this... it will hurt, but I'll take care of you.. okay?"
You nod your head and tear escapes your eyes again.
"You're bleeding so bad, on three..."
You take a deep breath and count along with Yuta.
"Two..." he grips your small hands stronger
"Three..." with one nod from Yuta, you try your best to swing your tail away and hold into him.
You scream in pain when the sharp edge did move a bit, but your tail is not entirely out of it yet.
Yuta looks at you in pain too and he wipes a tear that left your eyes.
"Look! You're so strong! We'll do it one or two more times and you're free!"
You nod furiously, hands gripping into him tighter, trying to find strength.
Yuta gets down to kneel and offers you a stronger hold, you find the courage and strength again to free yourself.
On three, more tears fall from your eyes as the dagger like stone is only one pull away from your whole tail.
"Yuta... it hurts.." You cry when the waves start to hit you more frequently. The tides are coming in, and you must hurry.
"You can do it! I am here with you... one last effort and you're free (y/n)." he is sweating and you can see his knees are also bleeding from the rough surface of the reefs.
"Sorry... one last pull." You grit your teeth and with Yuta's strong grips. Your tail made it out and you almost got washed by the waves, if Yuta did not pull you out of the waters quick.
He lays you on the rocks and winces at your big scar, "We need to treat this or you will get an infection. Can you swim to the shore?" he asks you worriedly.
You cock your head to the side, it's only a short swim, you feel your tail still has some energies left and so with his help, Yuta guides you to the beach.
You finally feel the funny feeling of dry sands on your hands and tails. You did not realize you're smiling and ignoring the dying feeling on your tail.
"First time with dry sands?" Yuta asks as he kneels down beside you and ties a piece of cloth over your big wound. You think that must be his shirt, for he is still bare chested here.
You bashfully nod, "Thank you Yuta..."
He looks to the horizon, sun is setting down and he doesn't think you can go back to the sea in this state, so he offers you what he can do.
"Can I bring you to my cottage and just clean up this blood first, then you can rest before going home."
You look to the endless horizon and gasp in surprise when you see the sun is already settling down. Oh no, this is not good.
Afraid, you nod and let Yuta carry you bridal style to his cottage.
It is only half meter from the beach and his small cottage is cosy.
"Should you stay in water?" he awkwardly asks.
You think for a while, "Not sure, but now I don't feel anything weird. Don't worry I can breathe both in air and under water."
Yuta is busy walking around the house to fetch the first aid kit, "I know... I'm a marine biologist."
You smirk, "That explains why you got my trust directly after saying I'm not a siren."
Yuta scoffs, "Actually it's because I see your true face and the one over the water the same, and your tail is slightly different."
You nod your head slowly, then scan his room, "Nice, a mermaid enthusiast eh?"
The furniture decorating his shower room is basically mermaid, sea, and ocean. "Quiet interested in one, never dream I'll meet one like this, bring one home, and talk like this is nothing at all."
You're now inside his bathtub, you need water to keep your tail showing, and Yuta must heal the wound in the real form. So, here you are relaxing in his bubble bath! Bubble! He makes cute bubble bath since he thinks you can relax more! How cute and thoughtful is he.
You focus on his delicate fingers gently cleaning your injured tail from the impurities, washing it with alcohol, and then wrapping it with bandage after giving it medicament.
"Now that's all done." He stands up from the small stool and tidies up the mess. He throws the dirty napkins away into a basket.
"Umm don't you feel cold?" you ask when you realize he is still lacking clothes while you're under the warm bubble bath.
Your smile fades a bit when he quickly wears a tank top over his ripped abs.
"So, tell me how to take care of a mermaid?" Yuta drags a chair to sit next to the tub.
"I don't know... Yuta this is all new! I never leave the sea and now... now I'm here sitting next to a human, talking about mermaids, having a bubble bath, and I don't even know what will happen to me next." You massage your temple and relax your body into the warm sensation.
"Yuta do you know what will happen to a mermaid if they did not return by sun set?" You ask him after the two of you have exchanged information of one another. He also had boiled water and introduced you to this wonderful warm dark sweet liquid... hot chocolate.
He flips on his book and points to you a certain picture cycle, "You'll have feet and you can always bring your tail back by being in water."
"Oooh tell me what it is like to walk?" you sip on the warm liquid again.
"For us human it doesn't hurt... well you feel sore after a long walk, but for you... I heard first steps will be horrible."
"Oooof, guess this is the price I have to pay to experience an unforgettable memory, right?"
You two dive into deeper conversations, and you swore you've never seen a man this charming. Yuta and his smile, you feel at ease.
You don't see any harm and danger when you see him, you feel your body tingles and suddenly your tail shifts into a gorgeous pair of legs.
Both you and Yuta are speechless since this is the first time both of you witness this.
"That is amazing!" you squeal and move your legs up and down, feeling the weird new sensation running through your body. You kick the air and water a bit, laughing when you make a riffle of water.
Yuta just sits next to you, smiling as he sees you so happy over small things.
Both of you did not say anything, but the looks in your eyes and his are enough to say these two will one day madly fall in love.
"Hey now that your legs are here, your tail must be quite healed. Now shall we leave the tub. Don't you want to feel what it's like to be human?" Yuta grins and you snap your finger.
"You really understand my mind, don't you?!" You giggle as you push yourself to sit on the tub.
"Uhm wait a second, let me grab your clothes." Yuta nervously tells you to stay under the water first, well he is respecting your privacy.
He returns with a big tee shirt and a boxer. Guess he never has a girl coming to his house, there's only men attire here.
"I only have these, but I'll buy some things for you tomorrow." He apologizes.
"Don't be sorry! This is better, but how do I wear them?" you ask him innocently. Through out your life you've never seen a tee shirt let alone wear something on your legs! Duh even you just see your legs today!
So with a red face, Yuta teaches you how to dress up and when you stand up from the bath, he winces when you squeeze the bone out of him.
"Hell this hurts so much!" You hiss and he too squeals from your dead grip.
"Your grip! You're breaking my bones!" Yuta naturally slaps your hand away, and you end up squeezing his arm even stronger when you take a step to the mirror on the wall.
"Ah! My hair!!!! Yuta I swear I look tidier than this under water!" Your mouth suddenly explain this insecurities of yours out loud to a new man you just met.
He laughs and then apologizes when he realizes he must be rude.
"Believe me, I know how hard it is to arrange salted hair."
"Wait what? Salted hair?" You run your finger to your stiff hair and almost cry since you feel the stiffness so irritating you.
Well you're the most beautiful mermaid down there, there's not a day where your hair is not the talk of the town. Your hair is always on point, making everyone jealous, and even earning you the "best mermaid hair" title. You never leave the house when you have a bad hair day, and you sacredly always brush your hair til it floats perfectly in the salt water. However, now above the waters... you lost them!
"hey, I have a secret to cure that, but let me show you that tomorrow. Today you've had a long day and you need to rest."
You agree with him, though you have so many question in your head, your body is exhausted and you need a sleep.
Gently Yuta asks you, "May I?"
And before you could say anything, he carries you again and lays you down on his soft bed. You take in the new sensation of the soft mattress and soon your eyes grow heavy and you're drifting to dream land.
Heading to next scenario in the next chapter
What to expect
_ Yuta revealing secret to smooth hair
_Yuta teaching you what's that shiny thing dangling on his ears
_Yuta teaching you how to make your hair look flawless
47 notes · View notes
sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
Pain (Kakashi x Reader)
A/N: finally, a kakashi one shot. I've been trying so hard to write one but his character is so difficult for me, so deep and mysterious and im just an idiot. Tell me if this story is shit, lol. Anyway, Soulmate AU, kinda fluffy, kinda sad idk what to say about it. 
word count: 5000~
Part One/Part Two
“Trust me,” the boy whispered to me. “It’s going to be okay.”
His arms wound around me, as I dozed in and out of consciousness. Lightning struck every couple minutes, illuminating the area just enough up so I could see the carnage around us. Dead bodies, left and right, blood splattered on trees and shinobi crying over the bodies of their teammates and loved ones.
This war would show no mercy, it had taken someone from every clan, every household. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, lovers, friends. No one was safe from the storm reigning over the nations.
The rain had left me drenched, and I kept coughing on the water running up my nose and into my mouth. I felt like i was drowning in my own body, lungs filled with water, heart filled with pain. 
I could feel the burden on this boy’s shoulders as he panicked over my limp, bloodied form. I didn’t know why he was saving me, or how he even noticed my body among the dozens of others left among those battling for their lives. 
I didn’t have the strength to ask him, words absent from my mind and my tongue.
“I need to keep fighting. Where are the medics, for fucks sake,” my rescuer grumbled under his breath. Fire shot above our heads, and a girl screamed in pain behind us. I felt like I was going to pass out from not only pain but sheer fear. We were sitting there asking to be killed.
Quickly, he lifted me in his arms and ran deeper into the forest, farther away from the man with the flames. 
I tried to speak, but blood caught in my throat and had me spitting it down my neck and onto my shirt. I was at the complete disposal of this stranger.
My teammate. His voice was unmistakable. “Is that Y/N? What- Jesus, that looks bad,” my friend exclaimed as he approached my body. Suddenly my body was being handed off, and I gasped for air, more drops of blood coming up to taste on my tongue. 
“Gai, she needs to get to a medic; she’s your teammate right?” 
“Right away, Kakashi!” He turned on his heel and prepared to push off into a jump through the trees when he paused. “You don’t even know Y/N, what made you save her?”
“I don’t know. I just knew I couldn’t let her die,” the silver haired boy, whom I know knew as the famous Kakashi, trained by the fourth Hokage himself, paused, his eyes stuck on my face for a long minute. “She deserves to live, that’s all I know.” With those being the last words out of his mouth, the boy rushed into the trees, ready to fight another battle for our village. I knew who Kakashi was from the name, but I had never formally met him. He just saved me, and I didn't know whether to feel honored that he found me worth saving or ashamed that I was so weak I couldn't defend myself.
Gai carried me to the edge of the forest where a medic tent was set up. He rocked me softly in his arms as I choked on the mere air I was breathing in, and gasped when my chest felt too heavy to support itself. He was a friend, the best friend I’ve ever had, even if he was painfully unbearable at times. 
People even asked me, time and time again, is Might Gai your soulmate? No one can stand that kid, she must be his soulmate, poor girl. That’s what they would say. But no. We were friends. And Kakashi, was Gai’s sort-of-friend, but mostly he acted as an admirer.
He had mentioned Kakashi time and time again in secret. He would call him a hero, someone so talented and majestic, you would think he was talking about a seasoned shinobi like the Hokage. He felt challenged by his skill, but grateful for his help when he was being bullied. 
I guess, you could say Kakashi Hatake was my hero now too. Such a quiet guy, yet more noble than any one of us.
I don't normally show my soul mark, hidden away under my layers, resting on my shoulder blade. I show it to people when they ask, because it really doesn't matter if people see it or not. I know they aren't my soulmate.
I wasn’t surw who I was destined to be with. Over the years of being a shinobi, I encountered thousands of people, all of whom could have been the one, or not. I may have met them before and not known about it, but I highly doubt it. 
Kurenai told me when you meet your soulmate for the first time, it's such a distinct feeling that you can't miss it. You can't dismiss it as just a chill running through your body. As far as I can remember, I've never felt something like that: so significant that it would haunt me even today. I try not to dwell on the fact that I may never meet my soulmate, or that I've passed them by in another village or on a mission and will never see them again. 
I honestly try not to think about my soulmate at all. It's so hopeless and only brings people anxiety and paranoia. The people who go around asking to see every single person's mark are fools in my opinion.
Yes, I do think it would be nice to meet my soulmate and love them forever unconditionally, constantly having someone to hold and talk to. Yet...I can get so much shit done when I don't have to worry about some fate-forseen destiny. 
I laid in my bed, pillow over my face to drown out the sunlight and sounds of the birds chirping. I didn't have a mission today, and my team of Genin was out on a mission themselves for the next week. I had time to do absolutely nothing but sleep and relax. That is, if my fellow villagers would leave me alone for once.
But not today. I can't have one day off, can I?
"Rise and Shine, woman of the night! Half a day of youth has been wasted, my friend!" A loud bellowing voice called from outside my room. "If you don't wake up and open the door in 10 seconds, I will force the door down." Seriously…fuck Gai.
I rolled out of bed, threw on my robe lying on the floor and walked to the door. If it were anyone else, I could probably get away with staying in bed, but Gai doesn't lie when he makes threats, and I wasn't about to replace my door again.
The sun was so bright when I opened the door and peered out at my friend. eyes narrowed to avoid the sunlight. "Gai...why are you like this?" I put bluntly, stiff frown on my lips.
He frowned, shaking his head furiously. "Y/N, you are yet a single beautiful flower from the leaf village. You must not waste a single day of your youth, your prime time for action, adventure, and training," the man proclaimed, throwing his fist in the air dramatically. 
"Listen, I'm tired as all hell, but if you want me out of the house we can go get breakfast."
"Breakfast? It's past noon."
"Fine. Lunch, then." He nodded, begrudgingly. He was, as expected, disappointed that I didn't even know what time it was, and that I had skipped the most important meal of the day. I shut the door and changed into appropriate clothes, combed through my hair for a minute with my hair, and shoved some cash in my pocket for food.
We walked five blocks to sit down for ramen, and were greeted kindly by the owner and his daughter. 
"When is your next mission assigned?"
"Wednesday. Two days of peace."
"What about your team? Training?"
"On a c-rank. No kids, no responsibilities. What more could I ask for? I got 14 hours of sleep last night too."
His eyes widened, but what was he expecting? I wasn't exactly proactive when I didn't have to be, unlike his upbeat and always ready to fight lifestyle. Maybe he was right to always be prepared, since we can never know when someone will attack the village. We weren't prepared for when Orochimaru first attacked and our Hokage died, as well as hundreds of our shinobi. 
"Typical Y/N behavior. As long as you are safe from harm, I suppose it doesn't matter. Still, after this I'm running 100 laps around the village with Lee. You can join if you want."
"I'll pass this time. My calves are killing after my last mission." I sighed but felt a little calmer as my ramen was placed in front of me. I took one whiff of it and felt immensely better than before. I slouched in my seat a bit as I relaxed and practically inhaled some noodles. 
After I finished my ramen, I bid my farewell to Gai and headed back to my apartment. I guess today would be a good day to clean the mess that had been building up there for a few weeks. I went on missions so often, I just forgot to pick up in between them.
When I was walking up the stairs to my place, I noticed a particular silver haired shinobi leaning against my door, holding a small box in his hands.
“Kakashi!” I exclaimed, walking just a bit faster to get to him. He came to visit me sometimes, but it was quite rare. We usually met up in town or for a mission. “Back from your mission already?”
“Yep. Turned out to be a lot easier than we anticipated,” he replied, shifting on his feet, a movement noting nervousness. I stopped at my door, peering up at him brightly. It was always a pleasant surprise seeing him. After all, he was one of my favorite people.
I leaned on the opposite side of my door frame, my eyes shifting to the little box in his hand. “What’s that?”
“Oh, yeah. Uh, just something I found while on the mission. It’s really no big deal.”
“You were in the Land of Snow. Barely anyone goes there; of course your little trinket is a big deal!” I laughed. He also laughed, but it was painfully awkward and tense. He still seemed pretty on edge, which I just brushed off as the aftermath of a mission. “Who’s it for?”
“Yeah, about that…” he trailed off, eyes turning down to the box. “It’s actually for you.”
My whole face lit up in flames at the thought of Kakashi getting a special present for me. I watched with the internal excitement of a kid on Christmas morning, my hands shaking just a bit by my sides. My friend lifted the box, and inside was the most magnificent crystal on a metallic chain. It was white with shimmering bits of blue and silver swirling around inside. 
Carefully, I reached out and touched it with the pads of my fingertips. “Kakashi, I don’t know what to say...It’s so beautiful.” My eyes lifted to look at his single eye. It seemed I had caught him staring, and he blinked quickly to cover it up. My cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink. 
“The lady who sold it to me said that it holds a protective spirit inside. That’s probably just a cheap sales pitch, but I…” he mumbled, embarrassment creeping up his neck and ears, “Well, I thought you would like it.”
“Are you kidding? I love it. Kakashi, this is the nicest thing someone has ever bought for me. Must have cost you a fortune!” I protested as I further inspected the crystal. It was purely amazing. Truthfully, I didn’t think Kakashi had much taste either.
He shrugged. “Price doesn’t matter. What does matter is if you will wear it.”
“Of course.” Excitedly, I turned around and moved my hair out of the way of my neck. “Put it on for me, please.” I listened to him pick the chain and the clap of the box shutting and slipping into his pocket. His fingers slid against my neck, sending tiny shocks down my spine, and the cool crystal soon sat against my chest. His slim hands moved away from my skin, and I admittedly missed the feeling of his warmth on me.
As I turned, he hummed with approval. “Looks perfect on you, as I suspected.” 
“O-Oh. Well, thank you for getting it for me. Hopefully it actually works like the lady said.”
“Either way, you’ll always be safe.” He brushed off my comment coolly. “Trust me.”
I always did.
It was late into the night, but nerves kept me up once again. All this drama with Orochimaru, Sasuke, the Akatsuki. It was overwhelming. Tsunade was assigning me missions almost every day, my joints ached from running and fighting, and my chakra felt as if it was used up for the last time; I was so tired.
The streets were quiet except for a few restaurants still open to late night diners. My footsteps echoed on the ground as I walked along, dirt kicking up around my feet with every lazy step. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him, perched on the top of a water tower. His hair still flew up despite the wind persistently pushing it down. Kakashi Hatake, my friend and comrade. As always he looked almost majestic, especially in this moonlight. For some reason, I felt the urge to jump up there and be with him, a push towards the shinobi.
Silently, I bounced between buildings to get to where he was, talking up to where he sat. His nin-kin turned to me and nodded in greeting. 
“Sup, Y/N,” Pakkun said in his strangely deep voice for such a tiny dog. Sitting down beside the man, my eyes trailed over to where he was looking out all this time. Pain shot through my body at the sight of the memorial stone, glimmering in the darkness. 
I think every shinobi had their fair share of memories associated with the stone, whether it be family or friends. I sighed, my gaze shifting to the moon above us. 
Some things were just too painful to dwell on.
“Hey, Kakashi,” I began, rubbing over my knuckles with my thumb. “I was just on a walk, and it looked like you could use some company.”
“Yeah, guess you’re right.” Pakkun rolled his eyes, but said nothing. After all, he knew his master could use all the human compassion he could find. “Been a tough night.”
I leaned forward a bit, swinging my legs off the edge of the water tower. It made me dizzy being this high up and looking down, but I enjoyed the rush it sent through my blood. My head tilted toward him, and I sighed. “Agreed. Too much to think about, huh?”
“What’s on your mind then?”
“Currently?” His laugh was bitter as he said that word, shaking his head. His frustration rolled off his body in waves. “My student is a rogue ninja and my other students are going to get killed trying to find him.”
I nodded solemnly. My own squad was actually quite boring. They had talent, but not the same attachments or motivation as Kakashi’s students. His children fought with their all every single battle, always striving to be better than they were the day before. Hell, Sasuke went with a criminal to achieve his goals. I felt sorry for the guy. His kids weren’t normal.
“Naruto won’t give up, huh. Can’t see that happening, I gotta admit.”
“I was the one who taught them the importance of teamwork and bonds between them, but god dammit if I’m not worried about them,” he cursed. “I know they have the capability to defend themselves. Naruto and Sasuke are coming to the point where they could even surpass me, yet I feel obligated to protect him.”
Humming in agreement, I replied, “As you should. What kind of leader would you be if you just left them to be reckless?”
“I just...The thought of losing anyone else is…” His words trailed off, eyes trained on the memorial stone again. 
Tears pricked my eyes. My parents died in the war. I had been injured early on so I wasn’t there to see them die. I only heard about their deaths when the battle ended and their mutilated bodies were found among thousands of others. I didn’t know pain like this man, but I could understand death just like anyone else. Even the happiest people, like Gai, have struggled with loss more times than he would like to count.
Tentatively, my arm went to rest over his shoulders. He didn’t move away from my touch, leaning into my side just slightly. I almost didn’t notice the weight. This man needed touch and affection now more than ever. He was battling a war inside himself as another brewed around him every day. 
“I know, Kakashi.”
He kept silent. Pakkun sat in his lap calmly, his eyes shutting as he sunk deeper into thought. 
“Sometimes, I worry I’ll forget the faces of my parents who died during that battle. I-I can’t remember what color eyes my mom had, and sometimes I forget my dad had freckles or that one of his ears was just a little longer than the other. I know one day I won’t remember at all, and all my pictures burned in the wreckage…” I confided in the masked ninja, and he let out a long breath. “That’s the worst part for me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay. I always remind myself that while I forget their faces, I will never forget how they made me feel. How happy I was when my father applauded me at graduation, and how my mother made me the best meals I’ve ever had. In that way, they are always with me.”
His situation ran deeper, I knew that. He killed his friend Rin, and he was forced to watch as his other teammate died being crushed by a boulder. He harboured the boy’s eye every day, acting as a constant reminder that he could only take when he should have saved him. Survivor’s guilt is written on his heart.
As I squeezed his shoulder just a bit tighter to my body, I added, “You owe it to your friends and family to keep living life to the fullest. Just like my parents, your loved ones live through you now.”
He sat calmly for a second, pondering on what I said. I stared out at Konoha, a small smile on my face. The death would always haunt me, but there were always positives, always something to drag a person out of a dark time. With effort, his guilt would lessen. I doubt it would happen that way, Kakashi being too stubborn to forgive himself, but the least we could do is try.
“You’re a good friend, y’know.”
“I’ll always be here for you, Kakashi. Always.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
The mission was turning out to be a big failure. Y/N had wasted away at her reserve of chakra, and Kakashi wasn’t fairing too much better. They would have been sent with more shinobi back up but Tsunade was running short on available ninja, not even a genin to help them. There was so much going on, and this fight was more chaotic than most.
A few hours before, Y/N and Kakashi noticed that enemy shinobi started following them, but from such a distance that it would be better to keep going for as long as they could to regain strength before engaging in combat. Only, they didn’t realize that there were enemies waiting for them as well. It seemed they walked right into a clever trap.
They weren’t prepared. Even the famous Kakashi was worn out from the strain of the mission earlier that day. Constantly, it seemed, they were being attacked. 
Regardless, they tried to put up the best fight they could. 
But it was futile.
After just 20 minutes of fighting, Y/N was at wits end. She had used up a big portion of her chakra an hour earlier to heal a villager. Her legs ached from running for hours, and her head spun with a migraine from head damage.  Before anyone could react, an already weakened kunoichi fell to the ground, half a dozen kunai sticking from her back from a sneak attack in the trees. Her shirt soaked up the blood oozing from her broken skin, and she barely had enough energy to cry out before her face hit the dirt hard. Just as Kakashi turned away from the enemy to see what had happened, one of the kunai, which was tagged, detonated.
Dust flew up in clouds around her as the flames went down. Her clothes were practically seared to the seams, and the awful smell of burnt flesh wafted into the forest around them. 
“Y/N!” Kakashi yelled at the sight of her body. “Shit, shit, shit.”
He pressed his hand to the ground and screamed for his summons to come and help him. Anyone that could protect Y/N while he finished this fight alone. His ninken appeared, and immediately they knew what to do. A few of them went to attack the person who was targeting Y/N, leaving the criminal merciless to their vicious nature, meanwhile the rest, including Pakkun ran over to her body, sizzling on the ground with smoke rising from the fabric of her shirt. 
With some  assistance now in place, Kakashi used the last bit of his chakra to take down the man in front of him, as well as the two to his right and left. Three shinobi down, as well as the one his ninken took down a few seconds ago. 
As he took a few breaths, trying to compose himself enough to think clearly, he caught sight of Y/N’s unmoving body, despite the efforts the dogs took to wake her up, to get her to simply twitch to show she was still alive. 
His heart began to race with fear. This scene, it was all too familiar. His friends who had died before him, their broken and ruined bodies lying before him to only stare at. He felt helpless. Like years ago, she was near death and he desperately needed to keep her alive. The need inside of him was so strong he couldn’t think of anything else.
Kakashi fell to his knees next to her, quickly moving to yank the kunai from her back and toss them to the side. blood seeped into her blackened clothes and onto the grass below her. 
His hands hovered over her form anxiously, not knowing what to do next. He wasn’t a healer. She was the one with the medical ninjutsu up her sleeve. Pakkun noticed his frantic eyes, the way he held his breath as if time had stopped. 
“Not my Y/N. Not to her, please, Kami, please,” he begged.
“She’s breathing, Kakashi,” the dog assured, placing his paw onto his master’s arm. “The medcine, Kakashi, she needs the Hokage’s medicine.”
His brain took a moment to think, and soon after he rummaged through the remnants of Y/N’s side bag, searching for the salve Tsunade had given them as they left. “Fuck, why did this have to happen?” Harsh words cursed out under his breath as he cut through the fabric with a kunai to get a full look at the wounds on her back. Soot covered her skin, so he wiped them off the best he could.
One dark spot remained. Under her shoulder blade.
Maybe he should have moved faster, forgot about the black mark on her back, but he couldn’t help but rub away the rest of the dust and dirt to take a closer look. He’d never seen her soul mark. She’d never seen his. They were in places unseen by the casual eye. 
And after 20 years of not knowing, they matched. His soulmate. She was right in front of him this entire time. He always felt different toward the woman, in the kind of way they only talk about in romance novels. He never anticipated even meeting his soulmate, but knowing her for 20 years, loving her for this long...it felt surreal.
He pushed down his mask, touching the mark on his chin faintly. Pakkun eyed his master’s mark for a moment before turning to the girl’s. “Kakashi…”
“Shit, forget about that. Let’s just make sure she lives.”
He rubbed the salve onto her wounds, and her body started to shake. The wounds slowly closed, only leaving streaks of blood and dust on her skin. As he turned her body over, he noticed blood dripping from her forehead and wiped it away, pressing a piece of her shirt to the wound to keep pressure steady. 
“She won’t wake up for a while. It’s best to take her back to the village, Kakashi.”
He wordlessly nodded, lifting her into his arms and standing up, hugging her weak form to his chest. And so he started his walk back to the hidden leaf.
His whole body felt heavy, worry building up in his heart. They were meant to be together, souls intertwined by fate. He finally found the woman who would love him endlessly. He would be happy once again.
If only it was that easy…
After being injured on the last mission, I was allowed to take a few weeks off to recover. Apparently, my wounds could have been fatal if not for the salve Tsunade gave us as it contained an antidote to their poisonous weapons. Kakashi did a good job, the nurses told me when I woke up in the crowded hospital room. They told me he saved my life.
“He was so worried about you, Y/N. He ran all the way here from the Land of Fire just to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, he was just about ready to cry when he handed you off to us,” the nurse told me, a small smile on her face. “He really cares about you, Miss Y/N.”
The nurses told me a lot of things while I was being healed. They loved to talk, and Kakashi was a man of much interest apparently. Even though I was in pain, they made it somewhat bearable to sit in the hospital for three days. 
Every week, I would go back for a follow up, just to make sure the poison hadn’t reemerged. My last appointment just happened to be with the Hokage herself, her expertise above all others. I worried something might be wrong, as my injuries seemed to be getting better, but needing the Hokage to perform an exam must mean something is wrong. Honestly, I was anxious. 
I settled onto the patient’s bench as the powerful woman walked into the room.
“Y/N. How are you feeling?”
“Pretty good. No pain anymore.”
“Alright, well, I’ll listen to your vitals, check your blood stream and chakra flow, and hopefully you’ll be out of here in no time,” she told me, doing as she said she would. I laid on the bench and let her medical chakra flow through me, searching for abnormalities. 
After that, I sat up for her to check on my back, which was just about finished healing and scaring. Every shinobi has scars, and thankfully these are hidden under my shirt at all times. Big red welts sat there for a week to the point where it hurt to even wear a shirt because the fabric rubbed against them.
She lifted my shirt, her cold finger running along the healing wounds. Suddenly, her fingers stopped, right under my shoulder. 
“Well, that’s quite...shocking.”
 “Something wrong?” I piped up, peeking at her from over my shoulder. Her eyes were trained onto my back, eyes widened.
“No, it’s not a problem,” she lowered my shirt, and patted her hands together. “Good news is that you’re completely fine, no complications.”
“Bad news?”
“More good news, I suppose,” the woman told me, her lips quirking into a half grin. “Your necklace is gorgeous. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off it since you started wearing it, to be honest. Sakura told me Kakashi gave it to you.” She sighed, touching the crystal hanging close to my heart. 
With a smile, I nodded, eyeing the stone myself. “It’s one of my most prized possessions,” I gushed, heat returning to my cheeks as I thought about receiving the gift.
“Then I have some great news for you.” She let go of my necklace and stepped back a bit, crossing her arms under her breasts. “You and your beloved have the same soulmark. It seems Kakashi is your soulmate.”
My heart stopped beating in my chest for a second. Wide eyes met her neutral ones, and I opened my mouth to say something, but she beat me to it. “I’ve healed Kakashi time and time again, so I know his mark. It’s under his mask, so you would never get the chance to see it. Yet, it matches yours perfectly. Congratulations.”
“Lady Hokage, I-I...Thank you for telling me! This is all I’ve been wishing for for years. Meeting my soulmate, I’ve only ever thought about it in my dreams. I-I can’t believe it.”
“I’m happy for you, Y/N. You and Kakashi will have a mission in 2 days, I suggest you tell him sometime then, when you have time together,” she advised. I nodded gratefully.
She bid me a goodbye and shut the door as she left. My heart was still in overdrive as I processed what she had just told me.
I would just have to wait a few days and then I could tell him everything. It would be the best day of my life.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Tiger Stripes
A gift for @siro-cyll​, cuz they’re the best and I love them and lowkeygotahugecrush, but anyways! They’ve inspired me so much the last few weeks by just being them and I wanted to do something special. I hope you like it! - N.S.
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With the soft, warm steam coming from his mug, the pleasant early-morning sun baking his naked chest, and the cool breeze awakening his senses gradually, it would be an understatement to say that Ford was comfortable.
The breeze ruffled his fluffy charcoal-gray hair playfully before disappearing, leaving behind a still Summer's air. While it is true that he became cold easily, one of the reasons why he wore turtleneck sweaters all year-round, the star his planet revolved around warned his exposed skin pleasantly and Ford felt no anxiety nor unpleasant chill as he stood on the porch, watching the day begin.
The aged scientist sipped his hot caffeinated drink, something he had excruciatingly missed while out in the Multiverse, but over the last ten months he had been home, Ford had taken full advantage of the Columbia-imported beverage and revisited his old habits with each mug. He took in a deep breath; with Bill dead, the remarkable start to a day, his brave choice of attire, and the fact that he was back in Gravity Falls for the summer, surrounded by loved ones, Ford was flooded with a sense of peace and he felt at home.
Of course, that wasn't to say he wasn't at home on the Stan O' War II with his brother; he and Stan had the time of their lives on that boat, sailing the Arctic ocean and fulfilling the dream they had shared since their childhood; and they looked forward to continuing on their adventure when the summer ended. Still, Gravity Falls has always been and always will be where Ford felt at home, felt like he could be himself, and while those characteristics applied on the Stan O' War II, here in the Mystery Shack two little bundles of joy made it even better.
Speaking of, she was opening random doors like the creep she admitted to being, wondering what all had changed since she and her brother had arrived for the summer. Mabel pleasantly found that, all in all, not too much had changed. Some more things had been moved into storage to make the Soos and his Abuelita's move easier when summer ended, and some things were moved around for convenience's sake, but no great change that threw the teenage girl for a loop; this was still her true home and her family was still here.
Mabel skipped to the kitchen to fix herself a cup of Mabel Juice to satisfy her appetite until her Grunkle Stan would make his world-famous Stancakes. As she poured her homemade drink into a glass, she noticed the used coffee-dipped spoon by the sink and when she looked at the coffee-pot, some of the dark, gross, adult drink was still in there, probably enough for two more servings, a second one for a sleep-hating scientist and one for Mabel's favorite conman.
Looking forward to spending time with him, as she always will, Mabel made her way to the basement to surprise Grunkle Ford with her presence. She was confused to find it empty, it being typical for her uncle to overwork, never ceasing, but maybe he wasn't in the mood to work. Or maybe he was working in another room. Mabel checked the private study on the second floor of the basement, but it too was empty. Then she checked the thinking parlor, astounded and also pleased to find it empty; if Ford wasn't working (which was a good thing in Mabel's book) then where was he?
Mabel decided to calmly roam the house for him, now halfway done with her Mabel Juice. Ford wasn't in the living room and it was unlikely that he was upstairs. Just as she was thinking to check his room, in case he went back there to drink his coffee in peace, Mabel decided to check the porch since she was so close to it. She opened the door and looked around, then made a big smile that was free from braces. Ford was standing to her right, a hand on his hip and another hand holding his mug, shirtless and enjoying the sun.
"G'morning, Grunkle Ford." Mabel said cheerfully and let the door close behind her
Ford jumped, nearly sloshing coffee on his hand, and his face turned red as he looked at his great-niece. His free arm was now crossed over his chest, trying to preserve some privacy, but it hardly mattered; he was still fairly exposed.
It wasn't uncommon for Ford to sit by the window in the Stan O' War II shirtless in the morning, but back there he was assured that Stan would not wake up until nine o'clock, plenty of time to finish his coffee and cover himself again. He never had to worry about someone seeing his torso and the many ugly scars that littered his skin, but he had overlooked that his beautiful niece was an early-bird, just like him, and he had misjudged the risk of being caught.
Ford cleared his throat. "G-Good morning, Mabel. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, did you?" Mabel asked and stood next to him, watching the sun and blissfully unaware of how uncomfortable her uncle was.
"Y-Yes, I did, my dear." And Ford sipped his coffee to give him something to do that wasn't standing awkwardly.
Mabel also sipped her juice, smiling and happy. Ford casted glances down at her, waiting for her to make a remark or comment about him only being in his plaid pajama-pants, but she was distracted by the beautiful morning. Ford tried to move past his self-conscious fear, but that was easier said than done. Surviving out in the Multiverse had earned him a handful of battle-scars; old gun-shot wounds, scratches from monsters, chemical burns from acid, and most recently two discolored scars on his wrists and one around his neck, the burns Bill gave him as the devil tortured the scientist for information. Some scars he had received well before the Multiverse and some he had received willingly, but this was a conversation Ford was not ready to have with his innocent little girl and he hoped he could somehow avoid it today.
However, Mabel was an insightful, kind young lady, who was bound to notice when something was wrong with a loved one, so she glanced up at Ford and asked, gentle as a kitten, "Grunkle Ford, are you okay?"
Ford looked down at her and gave her a smile she almost bought. "Yes, I'm okay."
"Are you sure? Did you have another nightmare?"
Ford shook his head. "No, I slept soundly, thank you."
Mabel decided that she believed him and then looked down at his arm, about to take his polydactyl hand, but something else caught her attention and it made her smile. "I like your tiger stripes."
Ford raised an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me?"
"Your tiger stripes." Mabel clarified and softly touched some scars on his left arm that were from when a huge monster scratched him. Ford typically didn't like to be touched, but the girl was so gentle and only had the best intentions, so he held back a shiver and let her feel his skin. "They mean you're very brave. They look really cool!" Mabel's curiosity and fascination got the best of her; she moved her little hand up his arm and to his shoulder, where more scars laid. Her eyes sparkled like stars and she just kept on smiling at her uncle's body. "I especially like those big ones on your chest. Wow, you must be really brave!"
Ford bit his lip. He was completely and utterly speechless. Did she fully understand what he had to do to receive these marks, or did she believe they magically came to be when someone was brave? Did she have any idea what he had been through? Or did she really understand what she was saying at all. When Ford looked at her beautiful brown eyes, the brown eyes that matched his own, he knew that she did understand even if not fully. He wasn't sure if he wanted her to understand fully yet, but for now he could enjoy what a blessing his niece was. "Th-Thank you, Mabel. Really, thank you so much."
Mabel smiled with rosy cheek and held his hand. Ford squeezed her hand kindly in return. After a minute, Mabel pulled him to the couch by the hand and sat down, patting the seat next to her. Ford smiled and sat next to her, then allowed her to curl up against his chest and watch the sunrise. He blinked his misty eyes dry and wrapped a strong arm around her, much warmer with her and no shirt than any sweater could ever warm him.
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A Day in the Life of Gumi
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The camera continued to film the sleeping bunny for a while longer, before a small banana was brought into the frame, closer to the camera. The stem was cracked, and immediately the rabbit woke up with a start, looking around for the source of the banana… Before letting out a yawn.
Yawn finished, the rabbit hopped over, and began to munch on the banana. A smattering of Japanese kana floated across the screen, with the corresponding English translations captioned.
“Ohayou, everybunny! It’s me, Bubblegum, everyone’s favourite bun-bun!” The subtitles spelled out even if the rabbit herself didn’t actually vocalize anything. “Sorry for waking up late, peko! I was celebrating my third birthday yesterday… There was so much soda and I tired myself out partying!”
As she continued to munch, the camera was set down on a table. Their owner stepped into the frame of view still holding the banana, revealing a young Japanese woman in a white dress and a black hair bow: those of you who had knowledge of the idol scene (or had just read the channel’s about page) recognized her as the underground idol known as TASOGARE, or Dusky to others.
“Mama’s here! I mean, she’s always behind the camera, but she’s here now! And I love her so much!” Her free hand gently ruffled the back of the bunny’s ears. “Awawa! She always pets me just right!” 
A soft melody started playing over the two of them, before the overlaid intro card spelled out just what you were in for:
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The next scene faded into a lounge room, where Bubblegum was being chased by what looked to be a tiny italian greyhound, barking as he went. Watching them frolic from atop a couch was an interesting animal, one that looked like a large cat the size of a boxer dog, but had fluffy wool much like a sheep possessed. She regarded the two on the ground impassively, as if waiting for the perfect time to strike, or simply because there was nothing better to do.
“Today, I want to introduce everyone to my familiar friends! The iggy chasing me is Bucephalus, though most of us usually call him Buce as a nickname. Say something cool, Buce-kun!”
“Yipyipyipyipyiphellohellohello!!” The tiny dog finally caught up, and booped his snout onto the fluff of Bubblegum���s tail. “Tag!”
This prompted the bunny to turn tail and chase after him back, and would not have been able to catch up to his superior speed if not for the sudden appearance of the sheep-cat, who bounded off her couch and down to block one of the greyhound’s escape routes.
“And this is my cousin, Baaby! She’s a really strong and magical sheep-cat hybrid! Please don’t call her a shat, she doesn’t like that.”
He dodged the large feline with a whine. “No fair! Why are you on her side?” 
"Because you slept on me... again. And you drool in your sleep." Baaby mewled lazily, licking one of her paws.
The chase continued for a few seconds more, before Buce bounded straight into the camera and knocked it into a black screen, setting up the next scene transition.
An underground lake framed the scene this time, as Bubblegum hopped along the water’s edge. Finding the first of her two friends, she thumped a foot in a high-five against the tailfin of the winged magical fish that leapt out of the water.
“This is Astrid! She’s a fairy koi, and she likes to swim down here. Mama likes to help her friend feed Astrid whenever she has the time to.”
The camerawoman, presumably Dusky, holds out a handful of apple blossoms towards the water. The fairy koi’s eyes light up from a distance, and she jumps out of the lake in a miniature water bubble controlled by her own magic, before swimming in the air over to munch.
Finishing up all of the flowers, the fish let out a burp and smiled. “Thank you! Much appreciated! Astrid is very happy and full.” She blew some water bubbles into the air above Bubblegum before swimming back to the lake, popping her own water bubble as she did.
“See you around, Astri-tan!” Bubblegum waved, before continuing to hop along the perimeter.
Eventually, she came across a majestic horse-like creature resting on the side bank of the lake, with mottled green skin and a mane that looked more like seaweed than hair. A bright red eye cracked open at the sudden presence, as the sea-horse lifted her head to regard the rabbit.
“This is Undaria! She’s a kelpie, and she’s also my sister! Well, technically, half-sister, her dad and my mama are dating and all, but she’s my sister all the same! Say hi, Unda-chan!”
The kelpie neighed softly, prompting Bubblegum to hop closer. “What is it now, Bubbles?”
The bun hopped onto her half-sister’s back, before beginning to run her face through the kelp. “I’m helping to groom you! Because I can!” As she continued to trim through the kelpie’s mane, Bubblegum chirruped softly, “I love my sis so much! She’s the tsun-tsun to my dere-dere!”
“What does that even mean?” Undaria whinnied haughtily. It did not stop her from allowing the grooming to happen, or from gently setting the rabbit back down onto shore once she was done.
“See you later, nee-chan!” Bubblegum thumped happily, before skittering away to a new setting.
Now she was in the middle of a pumpkin patch, nibbling on some pumpkin leaves. “Hello again! My next friends are flying at the moment, so I’ll introduce you to them when they come down!”
A few seconds later, and they did. A white pigeon with streaks of purple and red in his wings glided down to land on a pumpkin, followed shortly after by a pale yellow budgie with a dash of small white spots on his head. They raised a wing in greeting. 
“I’m Berry!” The pigeon coos, before he scratched his head. “Still don’t know what kind of berry I’m supposed to be, but I guess it depends on the day.” He eyes the camera, and the person behind it extends a baked cracker, which he comes over to eat.
“And I’m Alkonost! I- ooh, cracker.” Distracted, the budgie hopped over to munch on the cracker. “Where was I? Oh yeah, I’m visiting today! Mom works somewhere else usually, but her girlfriend was in the area so I tagged along.”
While the birds were busy, Bubblegum moved further down the pumpkin patch; once they were done consuming the cracker, they led the camera over to their next pair of familiars.
Unsurprisingly, the massive clydesdale horse stood out first. Towering over Bubblegum and the two birds by a magnitude of at least ten, he had a dark brown mane with a matching brown tail, and a chocolate brown body with white patches around his face and legs. A loose red bandana was tied around his neck, and part of his mane had been braided to rest behind one of his ears.
At his feet was a strange snake-like creature, but this one was distinctly less long and slithery, and more compact and chubby. A glow stick necklace circled around this one’s neck, and his forked tongue stole chunks of pumpkin flesh as he vibed, brown and green stripes vibrating.
“This is Johnny Kane!” Bubblegum introduced, gently thumping her paw against the stallion’s leg. “I’ve been trying to get him interested in Unda-chan for a while now, but since he only comes to visit every now and then, there’s never really been much time to schedule a date.”
Judging by the long face on the horse, both metaphorically and literally, she was the only one in support of the idea. “Charmed.”
“And this is King!” Despite the natural tendency for rabbits to fear snakes, she approached him with no fear whatsoever. “He’s a tsuchinoko! Yes, tsuchinoko real. Do you wanna say anything?”
“Flpflpflpflpflp…” Retracting his tongue, King gave a toothy half-smile. “I mean… party rock is in the house tonight? I dunno, but I’m always down to have some fun.”
While rabbits weren’t usually capable of smiling, Bubblegum could trill happy vibes very well. “Aren’t we all? Thank you guys for showing up, I’m going to go find the others now. Stay sweet!”
Hopping away, she sped past the camera to the final pit stop in her adventure quest, a snazzy recreation room that contained a karaoke machine and a countertop bar. As she hopped inside, something ran outside, a black blur of an animal with the briefest flash of yellow eyes.
“That was Teto! It’s alright if we didn’t get to see her, she’s not very sociable.” Bubblegum sniffed. “Unlike the other black cat in the mansion… my mom’s boss, Trouble!”
She pauses in her tracks, scrunching up her face. “At least I know I’ve seen her as a black cat at some point a while ago… Maybe she likes transformation magic? Or maybe that’s just her fursona.”
Hopping onto a bar stool, the rabbit came face to face with a rooster on another stool. This was no ordinary rooster however, as instead of brown or white feathers, every inch of the sun bird’s body was covered in multicoloured flechettes. Both his comb and tail feathers had little balls of what looked to be concentrated fire, and he let out a cocky crow at the sight of the camera.
“This is Bata! He’s a sarima… sarima…” The subtitles were clearly poking fun at Bata’s species, even if both rabbit and mistress probably knew what he was. “Sun chicken! He’s a baby.”
“I am not!” He clucked back. “I am a very proud rooster who eats lots of big man food and can still find the time to give my Dad feather hugs whenever he wants them!”
Bubblegum blinked. “That’s… oddly specific.”
“Shush, don’t judge me, you get hugs from your momma all the time too.” He stuck out his tongue.
“Fair enough!” Bubblegum conceded with a trill. “And you will always be a baby because that’s what I remember you as when you were still a chick. A baby!”
Bata let out a squawk, preening his feathers. “Lies! Slander! I’m bigger than you, Bubble-brain!”
The two continued their friendly banter as Dusky stepped into view and pressed the service bell on the bar’s top. A little scratching noise was heard, before a mouse scampered up onto the bar: this mouse looked to be a little old, with a small witch’s hat that had probably seen better days, but he nonetheless squeaked cheerily to ask for orders.
“A tall glass of apple cider, please. And some water for them.” Dusky requested, giving the mouse a gentle pat on the head. The mouse moved to go make those drinks, and seconds later the order was set out in front of all three of the bar’s current occupants.
“And that’s Jeffrey! He was, um… he belonged to mom’s teacher before she passed away, but he’s still working here out of loyalty to my mom’s bosses. Really great mouse, who serves great drinks!” Bubblegum happily starts lapping at the water.
Once they were done, the idol scooped up her rabbit, waved goodbye to the other two familiars and walked out of the door. The scene cut back to the inside of their room, where Bubblegum is set down gently, and the bun hops around the room to exercise, just a little.
“As you can see, there’s a whole bunch of friends here with me in the mansion, and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and some of them are plenty magical, too!” Rubbing the back of her ears with a paw, Bubblegum yawned. “Familiar or not though… we’re still like everyday animals and we all have our own needs. Food, sleep, and of course, love!”
Dusky shows up one last time, simply to press a kiss onto Bubblegum’s eager forehead. “And I’ll always give you as much love as I can.”
“Yay! That’s all for tonight! I’ve been Bubblegum, and I wish you all a gumi-goodnight. Goodbye!” While the outro music played, Bubblegum hopped around in a circle before she binkied herself into her bed, waving at the camera one last time before the ending card signalled the vlog’s end.
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saelwen · 4 years
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Chapter One
Lachril Targaryen x ?
Game of thrones/ Middle-Earth Crossover
Summary: The sequel to The Last Dragon. Follow along with the adventures of Lachril and Idhrendir as they discover new cultures and races of Middle-Earth, seeing them learning from the Valar and the Elders. (Sorry I'm bad at summaries)
Warnings: Angst
Words: 2k
The sound of the gentle song from the morning birds made a small peaceful smile on Glorfindel's face, feeling the first warm rays of sunlight bathe his large room. Opening his ocean blue eyes, he turns his head towards the open door, which leads to the marble balcony, and saw the beautiful blue sky. Seeing some fluffy white clouds floating lazily on the sapphirine canvas.
A deep sigh fell from his thin lips as he pushes away from his face some pieces of his golden hair. Has much life in Middle-Earth have been peaceful, a sorrowful feeling hovered on Glorfindel’s mind. Every single day, the King of I Lúg Post missed his Dragon Queen, the love of his life.
Nightmares from the battle against the dead still plague his dreams, making his cold nights sleepless. Watching the empty space on the large bed beside him, wishing that one day he would wake up with the beautiful smile of his love... Daenys Targaryen.
Rubbing away the sleep from his eyes, the Elven King sat on the bed with a tired sigh. His ocean blue eyes fixed on the empty cold spot on the bed, where his Dragon Queen would sleep beside him. He put his large hand on the cold sheets, stroking gently the soft fabric.
“How I miss you, Melleth nin... every single day...” he whispers with a single tear falling down his pale cheek.
Closing his eyes, Glorfindel turn away from the empty space on the bed, knowing that she would not answer him with her melodic voice.
Standing up, the elven king begins to get ready for the day.
“LACHRIL!!” Maedhros’s voice echoed in the dining room as he barges in. His handsome face covered with little hair draws, making him look that had a dwarf beard.
The room was filled with laughs when the other elves saw the furious red-hair elf stomping into the room, especially his brothers. Even Lord Fëanor had a smile on his stern face.
In the corner of the room, hiding behind the curtains, was the silver troublemaker. Little giggles fell from Lachril’s lips as she sees her marvelous job on the angry elf.
The young princess was wearing her travel clothes, black trousers and a long beautiful shirt which resemble her mother’s and grandmother’s clothes. The Targaryen girl was a nightmare to her handmaidens, not wanting to wear fancy dresses or pass her days knitting with the rest of the Ladies. Instead, she spent her days on Daenerion’s back, her loyal mount.
Maedhros’s eyes follow the sound of her giggling and walk quickly towards the young princess. “Do you think it’s funny?! I can’t take this damn thing off!” he said while pointing to the fake beard on his face, making a fit of laugh escape from Lachril’s lips.
Her violet eyes were full of tears as she bends over with her arms around her stomach, laughing like a mad woman.
“Y..Yes!” she wheezes.
The red-hair elf grunted under his breath and glare to the silver-hair girl before him.
“You look good, Nelya!” Celegorm said while cleaning some tears from his eyes, making his older brother snarl at him.
“Shut up, Celegorm! Mind your own business” Maedhros said while trying to clean off the fake beard with his large hands, rubbing harshly.
“Well, brother... it’s my business since I helped Lady Lachril.” Celegorm’s voice was full of mischief, his face smug.
“I’m gonna kill you! Both of you!” the red-hair elf said, walking towards his seat at the table.
After everyone calms down, they return to their own business. Lachril walked to her seat, beside her twin brother. Idhrendir sigh and shook his head, making some piece of his silver hair fall down his shoulders.
“What?” she asked while filling her plate with fruits and some warm bread.
“Nothing...Just thinking that you should be more polite to our guests since you’re a princess, Sister.” Idhrendir said to his twin sister, his voice a little stern.
Since they were children, they were completely different. Idhrendir was a light warm breeze flowing down a valley while Lachril was a wild fire.
“Well, brother. I’m perfectly being a great host since I could make all our guests laugh and bring tears of joy to their eyes.” She said while eating a piece of apple, humming in pleasure as she feels the sweet flavor spreading in her tongue.
“At least you could wear something more... presentable, Sister.” He said as Tunniel grabbed his attention.
Ignoring his last comment, Lachril’s eyes wander around the large table, seeing people laughing and chatting cheerfully with one another. Her violet eyes stopped on a certain black-haired elf, Caranthir.
The Feanor son was a very strange elf to Lachril. From all the seven brothers, he was the most peculiar one. The black-haired elf was always on a corner of the room, shying away from everyone. Every time that his and Lachril locked, Caranthir turns into a blushing mess. Maglor and Celegorm once said that before he was a savage elf, not having any mercy to anyone. His temper was short and exploded by the smallest things.
Lachril was shocked when she heard this, surprise that such shy elf was like this before.
Looking down to the empty seat beside her, Lachril frown as she notices that her father hasn’t come out of his chambers yet.
“Where is ada?” She asked her twin brother, who was feeding romantically Tunniel.
“Don’t know... maybe he’s still asleep,” Idhrendir said white his violet eyes fixed on his love beside him.
As Lachril was about grabbing her twin attention again, the two large doors open. The silver-haired girl's eyes lit up as she saw her father walking into the room, a small smile on his pale lips.
“Good morning, Ada!” She said cheerfully as Glorfindel sat on his seat beside his lovely daughter.
“Good morning, my children. Why Lord Maedhros have a beard?” Glorfindel’s voice was calm and soft but Lachril notices a little mocking in there.
Smirking happily, she throws some of her silver hair behind her small back and giggles quietly as Idhrendir rolls his eyes.
“Well, that’s a long story,” Lachril said while waving to Maedhros.
Glorfindel sigh and shook his head with a smile on his handsome face, his daughter will be his death with all her pranks.
“Ada. Today we have a meeting with the Lords from the nearby villages.” Idhrendir said.
Nodding, Glorfindel thank his son and continue with his breakfast, seeing Lachril pouting on her seat.
“What is it, my lovely daughter?” He asked with a smirk on his lips, knowing exactly what’s she was about to say.
“We were supposed to go for a ride today... I didn’t know that you have another meeting...” she grumbles.
“Well... how about you go first and then i and your brother will join you in the skies? Maybe you could introduce Caranthir to Daenerion and for a ride together.” With his last words, Lachril’s eyes lit up again, filled with happiness and mischief. “But don’t scare the poor elf, Lachril.” He said with his golden eyebrow lifted.
“Yes, Ada!” She said while getting up from her seat, walking towards the Feanor sons.
“Melleth nin, could we go for a short walk before the meeting?” Glorfindel heard Tunniel’s soft voice, looking to his son with her eyes filled with love.
“Of course, my love... See you at the meeting, Ada!” His son said while grabbing Tunniel’s small hand, walking out the busy room.
Glorfindel nods, his ocean blue eyes following his children walking out of the room. A tired sigh escapes from his lips, his shining eyes looking down to his plate. His stomach was empty but he didn’t feel the need to eat.
He knows that something was wrong with him... his fea was fading. Without his love beside him, Glorfindel couldn’t feel himself like before. Even when he had died on the first age and return again to Middle-Earth, he didn’t feel this way.
“You need to be strong, Mellon nin... your children still need you.” Ecthelion’s voice grabs his attention, making him move his gaze from his plate to his best friend.
Ecthelion’s eyes were full of concern, his delicate brows twisted in a frown. Glorfindel nods and straight up his back, sitting more comfortable on his seat.
“I know... but it’s so difficult. Every night, my dreams are plagued by her face...by her lifeless eyes looking at me as I hold her cold body.” Glorfindel’s voice trembles a little, trying to not let his tears fall down.
Ecthelion nods and puts his hand on Glorfindel’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “Maybe you should go talk to Queen Varda or Irmo... They could help with your dreams, Mellon nin.”
Glorfindel took a sip from his juice and stood up. Looking down at his best friend, he gave him a gentle smile but still Ecthelion could see his eyes were dull. “I will see if I have time to go see them...Now if you excuse me, I’m late for my meeting.” With that, Glorfindel left the room. Leaving behind a concern elf.
Hey Beautiful People!!! Here's a new chapter of the sequel of The Last Dragon!! I hope you like this chapter. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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possiblypeachy · 5 years
tea & schemes. (4)
―; summary: Jacob visits Florence for the first time. Florence is left with far too many emotions.
―; pairing: jacob frye x ofc
―; word count: 4.9k (its a big boy, babey)
―; warnings: light swearing. anxiety-esque feelings towards the end (Florence gets overwhelmed ): )
―; A/N: i love Florence muchly at this point and, trust me, i already want to write cute little fluffy smoochy things but there’s a bit of time before that still. society has a lot to say about how a woman should be at this time and it really has begun to wear on Florrie, as demonstrated at the end of this chapter.
don’t worry though!!! she’s just babie and will work past it soon. the heart wants what the heart wants, after all.
―; part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
― ❊ ―
Freddy and Florence had spent the next few days having tense conversations between their self-isolation to their own bedrooms. There was a sense of regret that hung in the air but neither siblings seemed to want to speak of it. Florence, nerves too high to even stay in the same room as him for a while and worried that he would further draw attention to her mortal flaws, kept herself to reading. Freddy busied himself with paperwork and patrols until the late evening. That is until Lissie, fed up with their pride, sat them both down and commanded that they talk to one another, lest the cook quit and leave them to fend for themselves.
Oh, if she had a shilling for every time she’d had to do this since working for the Abberline’s, she’d have enough money to finally buy that necklace she’d always ogled on the way to the market. It was the way of siblings, she supposed: they always had to prove they were superior to the other in one way or another.
They had reconciled after a few moments of silence then them both leaning forward and mumbling an “I’m sorry” at the same time. Frederick admitted that perhaps his leash on her was too tight. Florence said that she understood that he was just trying to protect her. Her brother sighed tiredly, thankful that this was all over, and joked that at least she didn’t have to write about their bickering now in her letter to their parents. When she laughed, everyone could feel a weight lift off of the household.
All was well with the Abberline’s once again.
That afternoon, after Freddy had left for work with a smile on his face for the first time in days, Florence had retired to her room, finally content enough with life that she could write a sufficient letter to her parents. Edward and Hannah Abberline were kind parents and especially lenient with their children, much to the dismay of other mothers and fathers of their rank. Their only condition for Florence to move into Freddie’s house in London was that she wrote regularly and that she at least try to find a nice man to marry. She was more than happy to uphold those terms.
The brunette was lucky that, when three knocks came to her bedroom window, her dip pen was away from the paper; with the way that she jolted in her seat, it surely would’ve ruined the page she had been writing on. A string of meowing began from her bed, her cat obviously peeved at the disruption to his sleep. When her gaze finally dragged to the window, half-expecting to see an insistent bird, she met eyes with Jacob, who’s grin told her that he found her surprise amusing.
Florence stood and slid the window up, letting Jacob haul himself inside. “The window is usually open; you didn’t have to knock.”
He dusted himself off, readjusting his coat. Before he could speak, the tabby cat to his left honked at him. Shocked, Jacob looked about before meeting the stare of perhaps the most tired-looking (and sounding) feline he’d ever seen. The cat yelled at him again and he gave Florence a look.
Florence scooped the cat up into her arms, much to its displeasure. “Don’t worry about Duncan. He likes to tell people off for disturbing him.”
Jacob chuckled. “He’s called Duncan?” He reached a hand out and Duncan sniffed it cautiously.
“An urchin gave him to me a year or so ago. The poor child said that she wanted him to live a nice life with a nice lady. She said his name was Duncan.” Florence looked fondly down at the cat, who seemed to have now forgiven Jacob and was gently purring. When Jacob drew away, Duncan meowed and clawed his way up to balance on his owner’s shoulder, sniffing the air. Florence looked inconvenienced but decided to allow it, continuing to speak with Jacob. “What brings you here?”
“Adventure, dear Flor.” He had begun to peruse through her belongings, eyes scanning the letter she had been writing and the cat figurine on her desk. “You, me, the great city of London: are you up for it?”
Florence tutted, leaning to let Duncan hop down onto the bed from her shoulder, and shuffled Jacob away from her desk. “That’s not particularly specific. You could be planning on taking me somewhere nefarious like a…” She paused to think, during which Jacob was practically challenging her to say something terrible, “... brothel in Whitechapel.”
Jacob grimaced but huffed out a laugh. “Nothing of the sort. I don’t even know what that is, Miss Abberline.”
Florence nodded mockingly. “Of course, Jacob.”
“Anyway, before I let you poison my mind with thoughts of brothels,” He gave her a pointed look, reaching down to scratch behind Duncan’s ear, and Florence grinned, “I thought that I could introduce you to a slice of my world.”
Florence cooed, clapping her hands together, though her movements dripped of sarcasm. “Ooh! Are we going to derail a train together?”
His smile said ‘you cheeky mare’ but he continued before she had the chance to berate him further. “No, I was going to take you to a newly liberated stronghold. Evie and I run a gang, you know? Well, it’s more me than Evie but--”
Jacob thought for a moment, like he’d forgotten its location entirely, before breaking out into a terrible smile. “Whitechapel.”
Florence sighed but couldn’t hide the glint of excitement burning in her eyes. Gangs? A stronghold? Goodness, it sounded like a piece from a gritty book or perhaps a play. How delightful!
“I’ll come along but if I get pickpocketed you’re getting my money back, Jacob.”
“Certainly, dear lady.” He made a sweeping gesture to her bedroom door. “Shall we?”
Florence hadn’t been expecting to venture into Whitechapel again for a good few months. Catching her brother and meeting the twins there a few days prior had been enough for her. Now, she never looked down upon the poorer; before her father had opened that little shop of his and gained a seat on the town’s council, their family of seven all squished into two rooms and lived off of scrimping. Rather, she felt terribly bad for wandering around perhaps the most impoverished area of London in full health with a warm meal being cooked for her at home. Of course, she didn’t feel sorry for the thugs on the streets that ruffed up those who already had nothing and simply saw them as even more of a reason to visit as little as possible.
When Jacob began to lead her down a dingy alleyway, he seemed unfazed by the drunk man passed out on the floor and… was that his vomit beside him? Florence unconsciously began to walk closer to Jacob, a hand coming up to adjust her hat-- almost hoping that, if she moved it in a certain way, the shadow cast over her fast would hide it. “Are you certain we’re going the right way? Or, are you just leading me down here to test my resolve?”
He chuckled, giving a brief nod to a tall, bald man in a green jacket. “Why can’t it be both?” He stopped walking to let her go in front of him, gesturing for her to do exactly that with a sweep of his hand.
Florence hummed, dissatisfied, but walked ahead of him anyway. She could feel that he was close behind, almost like he was making it painfully obvious that the well-dressed, middle-class lady was with him and not available to be robbed today. It brought her a small degree of comfort, though she couldn’t help but think of her brother’s disapproving glare.
“Oh.” He muttered from behind her. She would’ve turned to look but she decided against it, not wanting to risk accidentally bumping into anyone strung about the narrow pathway. “I almost forgot. Here.” Jacob’s arm appeared at her side, palm upturned and holding the bird figurine from the market. Much to his delight, Florence made what sounded like a pleased little coo and took the sculpture from him, inspecting it with a collector’s eyes. “I went back to the market the other day and bought it; I thought you deserved a gift after the work you did.”
It was a sweet gesture and Florence couldn’t deny the happiness felt in her chest or the smile that immediately cracked her anxious demeanour. “That’s… quite kind of you, Jacob.” She ran a thumb over the intricately carved feathers then, in an effort to keep her newfound treasure safe, she pulled it closer to her body without much thought.
Jacob, however, grinned at this, seeing the amusing resemblance between her and a creature that hoards-- like a magpie or a squirrel. “You collect them, don’t you?”
Florence huffed out a laugh, allowing herself a brief glance over her shoulder to meet his eyes. “Yes, I do. They’re always beautifully crafted and they make a lovely addition to a mantlepiece or desk.” She paused for a moment, pondering. Then, she sighed. “I also collect coins, though they are a lot harder to come by and… I have a book in my desk drawer filled with stamps.”
“Stamps?” He repeated, intrigued. Florence could hear amusement in his tone.
“Stamps.” She confirmed. Wanting anything but having to assess whether or not Jacob thought less of her for this, her sight stayed firmly on the path ahead.
With a simple “I’ll keep an eye out, then” Florence felt altogether better about the situation. It wasn’t often that people simply left her be with her ridiculous collecting habits. She simply enjoyed the… satisfaction that came with the task; she was not a madwoman.
Jacob was becoming more likeable by the minute.
More and more people clad in green began to appear, all regarding Jacob with considerable amounts of respect and admiration. A few made comments about her, telling him that this was “no place to bring a bird like that”, to which, from the corner of her eyes, she could see him throw up two fingers at them. A half-smile tugged at her lips, though she made no audible observations.
They finally got to a small square behind four buildings. A few urchins ran about the place but most were men and women, dressed in green and chatting with one another or having what seemed to be playful brawls. A curious gaze dragged across the surroundings, slowly piecing the puzzle together. Flags of the same shade of green flew and, if she looked closely enough, she noticed that a symbol had been painted onto them: a bird holding a chess piece.
A rook holding a knight.
“You and Miss Frye are the ones that rallied the Clinkers?” She spun around to look at him, face etched with awe. Florence gestured wildly to their surroundings. “I expected a little gathering of rogues and crooks not… this. From what I’ve heard, your new Rooks have been taking down Blighter territory left and right.” Jacob’s eyes were wide but he said nothing, unsure if she was excited to be here or more frightened. A few seconds passed, then Florence broke out into a grin, pointing a finger at him. “I’m impressed.”
The tightness in his shoulders left and he visibly relaxed, mirroring her expression. “Oh, it’s nothing, really. Not compared to what I usually do.”
A nearby gang member-- a rook-- booed at him, though it was through a laugh. The man to her side shook his head, breathing out a chuckle through his nose. It was nice to see that there was such a strong sense of camaraderie between them all, despite them being up against huge and (until now) unbeaten opposition. Florence supposed that being united under two people so outwardly courageous and rallying for change that it would make any group be reinstilled with a sense of hope.
She tutted at him, chiding him for trying to take all the glory, but the smile that twisted at her lips told that she didn’t take him too seriously. “Don’t be a prick, Jacob; I didn’t venture here for you to take all the fame from your men.” He feigned offence, holding a hand to his chest. Clearly having just arrived at a stop on her train of thought, Florence tilted her head slightly, “Speaking of which, why did you bring me here? If you hope to enlist me, I’m afraid my days are all taken up with reading and looking for a husband-- you know, the usual.” She gave him a tight-lipped smile and a sarcastic dip of her head.
Jacob kissed his teeth. “A shame, really. Could’ve used a woman with your skill in…” he searched for something to fill the gap. Florence stared at him, a challenging light dancing in her eyes, “... making men feel small.”
She threw her head back, a glimpse of her signature, ridiculous laugh gracing the world. One of her fingers pointed at him and she nodded, “Not bad, Frye. Not bad. But,” Her giggling quietened down and she threw her arms up, as if to gesture to the square and its people, “besides making me feel all-powerful, why exactly have you decided to bring me here?”
“Well,” he began, moving toward a small alcove. There were a few sacks held up on sticks, littered with holes and slices. A crate beside them had a few practice weapons, though she was almost certain that, if she were to be hit over the head with that… wooden stick it would hurt. A lot. “I thought that, what with the mishap--” His eyes flickered to the fading bruise on her cheek, now a sickly yellow colour, and she grimaced, “-- the last time we were together, I might introduce you to extra forms of protection.” Jacob pulled a throwing knife so swiftly from his person that Florence had no idea where it actually came from. He turned it in his hand, fingers carefully holding the bladed end while the grip pointed toward her. “Protection besides a good kick to the bollocks, that is.”
Florence huffed out a laugh and took the knife from him, weighing it cautiously in her hand. “Freddy would go insane if he saw me holding this.”
“Through fear or anger?”
“I’d take a stab at both.” There was a twinkle in her eyes, begging him to pick up on her pun.
He had indeed and gave a “ha, ha, ha” in response, to which Florence shot him an over-exaggerated frown.
Jacob moved to stand beside her, his position forcing her to turn and face the mounted sacks. He pulled another knife out and her gaze flickered towards it. Florence seemed appropriately wary of the weapon and, without knowing, had begun to lean away from Jacob while he held it. His lips curled into a discreet smile upon noticing this but he said nothing; it’s better that she feels in control and comfortable when trying things like this.
“The key to throwing one of this is the power in the wrist.” He rotated the knife around, letting the bladed end almost rest near his wrist. His thumb and first two fingers were at the grip, supporting it, though she could see how loose the hold was-- presumably to make it easier to throw the knife. Jacob looked to her and gestured with his head for her to copy his position. Florence pursed her lips, unsure if she was willing to risk accidentally cutting herself and facing her brother’s wrath, but, after a few moments of quiet deliberation, she did it anyway; she didn’t come all this way just to waste her and Jacob’s time.
He gave her a smile so reassuring and kind that something skipped or bloomed or… something in Florence’s chest and she had to look away.
No. We won’t be having any of that, Florence Abberline.
“Then, once you’ve got a good hold on it, you use the flick of your wrist to--” Jacob threw the knife and, to her amazement, it landed in the centre of the sack, “-- throw it. It can be difficult to get the power right but, once you’re as good as me, you won’t have to think much.”
Florence gave him a harsh side glance. “You continue to gloat even when I’m holding a knife? You’re a foolish, foolish man, Jacob Frye.”
He gave her a sly grin. “It appears you just make me lose all sense, dear Flor.”
Their eyes stayed locked for just a second too long and, in an attempt to distract them both, she threw the knife. Its trajectory was wobbly and the side hit the sack rather than the sharp end but, all in all, he had to admit that it wasn’t too bad; he’d seen some of the Rook initiates throw them worse than that.
Jacob’s lips curled into one of those ‘not bad’ frowns, brows darting skywards. Florence glowered at the fallen knife, never one to enjoy a loss. “Trying to make sense of one of these is ridiculous.” She sighed, pointing to the weapon in the dirt. “Can I not just use one of those as a… normal weapon?”
“It is a normal weapon.”
“Shut up-- you know what I mean.”
As he went to collect the knife, he gave a chuckle. “I suppose you can but only as a last resort; it’s not made for close-range combat.”
Florence huffed. “Well,” A light grew in her eyes, gaze flickering to Jacob. When he turned to face her again, he could tell that a thought was brewing; she had that same look when they first met, “if I were to ever fight someone further away from me, I would much prefer to use a gun.” She glanced down to his hips-- at the straps and holster that held his pistol.
Jacob shook his head, clicking his fingers to draw her attention. “My eyes are up here.”
She grinned, the dimple a deep crease in her cheek. There came a playful wink and a “What can I say? I like a man with who can handle his pistol well”. Innuendo dripped from her tone and he threw his head back to laugh.
“Are you only using me for my gun, dear Flor?” Despite his words, he still pulled the weapon from its holster, checking the cylinder to see how many bullets were inside. He removed all but one.
“If I am, you’re making it terribly easy.” A hand was on her hip when he handed the gun over to her, an impish smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “No resistance, Jacob? You seem like the type to treasure his weaponry.” Florence raised a brow, eyes raking over the pistol in her hand.
He shrugged as she held it up toward the sacks, moving to lean beside a nearby wall to stay clear of… whatever might happen when she shot it. “When a pretty lady offers to play with your gun,” Jacob scrunched his face up, pitch heightening, “you don’t tend to turn her down.”
Florence cackled, leaning over herself to allow her shoulders to shake for a few moments. “You’re terrible.”
“I do try.” He grinned. Then, one of his hands came out to gesture to the training area. “Right. Are you gonna shoot that or n-- pass it back to me.”
“What? Why--”
Jacob took a few urgent steps forward, leaning toward her with his palm open, “Pass it back--” She heard him quietly curse under his breath and stand up straight-- almost too abruptly. He was facing the opposite direction to her now and, as she turned to see who was there, he uttered a devastating: “Hello, Evie.”
Impending doom had appeared in the form of Evie Frye.
Florence could tell that Jacob was caught in between a rock and a hard place with how his brain appeared to have dripped out of both of his ears and he was stood beside her, completely absent. Evie looked between the both of them. Florence hoped that her hat obscured some measure of her face but she also knew that Evie wasn’t an idiot.
“Miss Abberline,” Fuck, “I didn’t expect to see you here of all places. Don’t tell me that my brother dragged you here.” Evie already knew what was happening and that made it triply worse when Florence decided that the best thing to do in the situation was to lie.
Pure desperation coursing through her veins, she grabbed the rook closest to her-- a skinny man in his mid-twenties-- and hooked her arm around his, shuffling herself so they looked like a couple. He didn’t look particularly convincing. “I was actually here to visit…” Florence looked into the bloke’s eyes, her lips drawn into a thin line and her expression panicked. He said nothing and she quietly kissed her teeth, “... Paul. He’s enchanting and I can barely keep myself away--”
“My name is Terrence.”
Beside her, Jacob’s hand flew up to his forehead and he turned away from the pair of them, breathing out a heavy sigh. Evie still stared at Florence, who had frozen in the face of her badly made lie falling apart.
In one last attempt to redeem herself, Florence slapped Paul’s-- Terrence’s-- arm in the same way a wife would when she has to laugh at her husband’s joke. “Don’t be so silly, my love.” She gave Evie a smile, to which the assassin returned but it seemed impatient and altogether unconvinced-- like she was simply trying to speed up her breaking point.
“Good old Paul likes to mess about to try to get Miss Abberline all flustered. He says that her blush is beautiful, isn’t that right Paul?” Jacob joined the fight again, though there was a dimness to his hazel eyes that told Florence that he already knew his sister had won.
Paul frowned. “I just said my name is Terrence. And, why is this woman holding onto my arm?” Florence and Jacob cursed in unison. A smile twisted at the gangly man’s lips, however, when he finally gave Florence a proper look over. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind having a go on a posh bird. You got any plans for tonight, love?”
Disgusted, Florence yanked herself away from him and crossed her arms below her chest. Jacob grimaced beside her and, with a flick of his hand, gestured for Terrence to leave. The man in question went into a sulk and began to kick dirt up as he disappeared around the corner.
“Are you finished?” Evie glanced between them. The pair said and did nothing, which Evie took as a ‘yes’. She pointed a finger to Jacob. “I need to speak with you about something important so you should--”
“Is it about the gang war, Miss Evie?” One of the rooks piped up from a few feet away, having just strolled into the middle of the chaos-filled alcove.
Jacob perked up at Florence’s side. “The what?”
Before Evie could ask the rook to be quiet, they had already started to speak again, “Kaylock has agreed to a fight over Whitechapel. Whoever wins owns the borough.”
He grinned, practically vibrating with excitement. “That sounds perfect.” Hazel eyes flickered between Florence and his sister. Both women seemed to anticipate his departure before it even began. “Sorry ladies but I have a borough to become king of.” He looked to the rook, who gestured loosely in the fight’s direction. Jacob nodded and was off on his way, musing “King Jacob: sounds good, doesn’t it?” as he passed the girls by, pinching the gun back from Florence.
Florence, finding the whole thing quite amusing, began to laugh quietly, while Evie at her left simply gave a sigh. Blue eyes dragged over to the smaller woman and she raised a brow, gesturing to the direction he left in. “One of the many reasons why anyone should just stay at home if Jacob invites them out.”
“I think his passion is inspiring.”
“Not when you’ve lived with it your whole life.” Evie gave her a solemn look.
Florence breathed out a chuckle, shaking her head. “You and Freddy would get along well.”
Evie, all things considered, didn’t regard Miss Abberline in a negative light; her apparent desire for adventure and little escapades through London didn’t work to destabilise something greater-- like the reckless decisions Jacob had the tendency to make. She only worried that having her brother form some kind of hopeless attachment to Florence would hinder any progress that he might make and keep him perpetually senseless.
A softer look gracing her features now, Evie gestured for Florence to walk with her. “I think, now that my brother has abandoned you, we should get you home, Miss Abberline. Will Sergeant Abberline be back by the time you arrive?”
Florence pondered then her answer came by way of an inconvenienced frown. “If he’s on his break, maybe. Knowing my luck, he will be.”
They finally reached the main street and Evie seemed to search for a carriage. Briefly, she turned to regard Florence, an eyebrow raised. “I heard that Sergeant Abberline didn’t seem particularly happy when you returned home last Tuesday. Has it passed?”
“This morning, actually.” Florence confirmed. “Lissie made us reconcile; she threatened to leave if not.”
“Your sister?” Evie asked, nodding her head toward a carriage parked on the other side of the road.
Florence followed after her, allowing a light laugh. “No. If anything, she’s more like an over-enthusiastic aunt. Lissie is our live-in cook. She tends to help me like a handmaid, though.”
For the first time, Florence heard Evie’s genuine laugh. Her grin formed in the same way that Jacob’s did but wasn’t given out as freely as he tended to. Reaching the carriage, she gave Florence a hand to help her up onto it before clambering into the driver’s seat herself. “Well, this Lissie sounds like a good woman.”
“Ah,” Florence smiled, huffing out a giggle, “only sometimes. I think she enjoyed when I moved in with Freddy; it gave her someone more lively to gossip with.”
Evie hummed, amused, then silence fell over them both for a small while, leaving Florence to gaze out at the changing boroughs of London and let her thoughts run loose. No matter what her mind tried to focus on-- the book she had been reading, the play her and Freddy were due to attend at the end of the week, the dress she so desperately wanted to buy-- all lines seemed to lead back to Jacob and the (albeit limited) actions they’d had throughout the past few days. It was ridiculous to have suddenly become fixated on this one man. He knew nothing about her and she knew just as little about him. Yet, the thought of him persisted.
Was it him? Or the adventure that came from him?
She began to chew on the inside of her lip, thumbs playing with one another in her lap.
Liking and love were not for Florence. She had tried love once and declared that that would be her last time. A life without that burden was liberating, she’d always told herself. It’s why she despises the idea of getting married and having someone always able to hold onto her reins. It was a useless endeavour and would not serve her in any way that she would like. It would suffocate and surround her. That’s what she’ll always tell herself.
She liked the adventure he caused.
“Miss Abberline?” Evie called over her shoulder and Florence straightened up again but her head was still spinning. The hum she gave would’ve been a voice break. “I think…” Evie gave a sigh, “I think it would be in everyone’s best interests if you don’t indulge my brother. He’s-- he needs to focus on our plans in London. We are working for the better of the people and being close to him-- us-- could put you in a delicate position.”
Of course.
"It's obvious that he enjoys the time spent with you and already counts you among one of his friends but I just..." Evie sucked a breath in through her teeth, leading the horses neatly around a corner, "He hasn't yet realised the gravity of our situation. He just needs to focus."
Of course. Of course. Of course.
It was really beginning to grate on Florence: the fact that everyone wanted her to leave something or another alone. Freddy wants her to stop her business in helping him. Her parents want her to stop messing around and find a husband. Now, Miss Frye wants her to stop interfering with herself and Jacob’s plans. It was only ever ‘stop’ and never a push-- an encouragement to ‘go’.
Frustration rioted in her blood. Her hands were shaking. They held each other tighter.
Maybe they were right. Perhaps it would be easier for everyone if she stopped doing and simply let herself be. Freddy only wanted her to be safe and sane. Evie was saying this to protect her and keep London’s best future on the cards. It wasn’t selfish of them to ask; it was selfish of her to disregard.
It was considerate, the part of her mind that wasn’t fire and brimstone thought-- soothed.
“That sounds fine, Miss Frye.”
It’s for the best, the growing calm of her thoughts said in an effort to pacify.
“You have a fair reason for asking.”
All will be well and fine, her mind-- now having ceased its chattering-- assured.
“I’ll let him down gently.”
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kotas-dump · 5 years
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For as long as you could remember you have hidden your face behind a mask. It was tradition, custom reaching back as far as you could remember. Even today you couldn't bare to leave your bedroom without it firmly in place. It grew to be your identity. The face that represented you growing up and now it represented your family trade. Messenger birds.
Business had been booming since the rebellion kicked up and you'd been dragged off to some ‘warfort’, more like a huge castle, at your father's request. There you hid away in the lofty tower room reserved for the birds toward the back near the ramparts. There you trained ravens who were sent to lands far off with messages of the utmost urgency, possibly to never return.
Sitting at your desk you sighed and watched the fluffy white clouds roll across the sky. On days like this it was hard to imagine you were stuck in some fort on the top of a mountain. Straightening your supplies you stood up and brushed dust off your embroidered gown. Might as well go for a walk and get some lunch. Grabbing a delicate silk scarf you wrapped it around your arms and turned to check yourself out in the small mirror that hung on the stone wall.
Since business had been booming due to the uprising your family had sent you more elaborate gowns despite your wishes. Today you wore one of the more simple ones. A dark black gown with gold embroidery on the cuffs and on the belt tied around your waist. Even the scarf that hid your hair and neck had intricate gold embroidered feathers dancing along the hem.
Sighing you pulled the plain silk scarf around you tighter, grabbed your journal and a pencil, and started down the stairs.
"Heading out?" The familiar guard asked as he heard your steps. He was a short but sweet orc with tiny tusks. Probably a half breed but you weren’t nosy enough to ask.
"Just for a walk to the tavern." You answer with a smile he couldn't see behind the extended beak of your bird-like mask.
As you walk past the guard shakes his head. "Don't stay out to late this time. The mercenary group Korig brought in has a werewolf who's been getting real rowdy after dark. I- Just be careful."
Rolling your eyes you laugh. "Maybe I should wear my silver gown next time." You reply as you open the door to the outside. Glancing back you wave again but his face is confused. "You know...I don't actually have a silver gown."
The orc laughed, holding his free hand up while the other remained firm on the axe at his hip. "I wasn't going to say anything!"
"You thought it!" You laughed, shaking your head and leaving.
Through the door you hear him holler out. "I didn't say anything though!"
Orcs! Sighing you head down the interior ramp and out into the courtyard. Taking a deep breath you smiled. The air was nice and fresh up here in the mountains and with the sun beaming down it was perfect.
As soon as you got close to the tavern you could smell the savory stew, the simple but delicious buttered yeast rolls. Your stomach rumbled and you quickly hurried in. Seating yourself at a table tucked next to the window you placed your order and waited. Sometimes you wondered if they ordered the honey wine just for you...they probably did.
Looking around you quickly spot the mercenaries. A ragtag group who occupied the other side of the tavern, slightly hidden by the nearby staircase. Sure enough there was a werewolf. One who didn't bother to hide his hairy chest or the ears the swiveled around every now and then. Also among the group was an angry looking goblin, a tall minotaur, an orc who rivaled the minotaur, two humans, and a Hoiten. Hoiten were rare to see outside their underground capital. They were a sly race of people who looked like someone had cross breed elves, giants and some unknown deep cave dwelling creature. Their skin was smooth but shimmered like opals in the flickering firelight. Their face devoid of any recognizable features save their two black eyes and a pair of lips. Most races wanted nothing to do with them as they were notorious for their uncanny ability to see right to your very core and read you like a book. It was a sort of magic even the elves couldn't crack.
As you waited for your food you opened your journal to a fresh page and began to sketch. You'd never seen a Hoiten before so you started with them. Taking a break for your food you flipped to a new page and looked over the group again suddenly glad the tavern had filled up a bit more. The orc was clearly the leader. He lounged in a large chair he must have brought himself. Leaning against the armrest with his chin on the back of his hand. He watched the tavern folks too, when he wasn't drinking and laughing with his crew.
Naturally, a softie for big muscles and interesting poses you started to draw him. The man was covered in deep scars. One in particular he caught you staring at. It was a large gash down his forearm. Looking away quickly you felt your face flush red hot underneath the mask. Time slowed as you hoped he wouldn't think anything of it and sure enough he didn't. Went back to drinking. That was enough of drawing for the day. Closing your journal you stood up and went back to work. ---- A few weeks had passed and you fell into a predictable schedule. Walk up, dress, mask, birds, breakfast, birds again, lunch and drawing, birds, and then bed. Over and over again but every time you couldn't help yourself but to go down to the tavern and oogle the orc. You knew you shouldn't, especially this merc, but how could you resist the mystery of it all? The stories you came up with in your head of how he earned every scar couldn't compare to the real stories they told. You found yourself eavesdropping more often than would be acceptable. Staying out later and later each time.
Rouge adventures, laughing stories of their mistakes, the stories of completely raunchy and filthy...romance they'd spew left you craving more. It was a window into another world, one you'd never get to see otherwise so why not indulge in the guilty pleasure while they were here?
However, your recurring visits and suspicious behavior didn't go unnoticed. You found that whenever you weren't in your loft that the Hoiten wasn't to far. Those inky black eyes following you everywhere you went. Even to the marketplace.
 You had nothing to hide but to say it didn't worry you was a lie.
So you'd backed off for a few days. Nearly going stir crazy without your daily eye candy and story binge. Cracking under your own house arrest you grabbed your journal, dressed in your nicest gown and headed down to the tavern for dinner. Plopping yourself back into your usually seat you oh so casually glanced around to see who was here, if HE was here.
His grey eyes were already locked onto you, an unreadable expression on his face. Your heart stopped and fear made your blood turn to ice.
The human tavern woman came up to you with a smile. "You're usual Madam?...Madam?"
Turning to the voice you stared in confusion. "I beg your pardon? Oh. Yes please. Thank you." Swallowing thickly you nod and stare down at your journal before sneaking a glance over to the orc. His cold steely gaze still resting firmly on you. The Hoiten stood beside him, scaled hand resting on the orc's shoulder as they spoke in a voice to soft for you to hear.
With a groan the Orc brushed off the hand and stood. Quickly you opened your journal and flipped through the pages to a clean one, writting down an to-do list to act like you hadn't been watching them.
The heavy thuds only came closer.
Your heart, once stopped dead, began to race like a rabbit through the brush.
The steps came to a halt as a shadow fell over your journal. May the gods have mercy on your soul. Looking up you were glad your mask hid the fear on your face right now. "May I help you good Sir?" Thank goodness your voice didn't waver.
The orc leaned in, snatching the book from the table before you could stop him. "Oh! I wouldn't-" You begin but his sharp glare shuts your mouth.
Turning his attention back to the book he flips through the first few pages. Mostly sketches of your birds and of the view outside your window. "Who are you?" His voice is low but surprisingly higher than you expected from an orc his size. You're to stunned to speak and he glances over to you.
"Could I just- If I may- It is mine... after all." You reach for your book and he pulls it from your reach.
The orc grunts, holding the book out of your reach and continuing to flip through the pages. "I asked a question." He's reached the sketches of him and he stops.
"I-I'm Amornth of House Jordaan and this is NOT an acceptable way to trea-"
"Shut up." He snaps, flipping the page.
Huffing you cross your arms. "First you have me followed and now you steal my things?" You frown.
Rolling his eyes he walks off, book in hand, back to his seat.
Shocked you sit there dumbfounded. A moment later the bar maid brings out your food and sets it down infront of you. "If it’s any consolation hun. He's not nearly as scary as he seems."
"W-what?" You quickly pull the wine toward you, pushing the beak of your mask to the side and downing the glass. Gods knew you were going to need some liquid courage if you were going to get your journal back. You WERE going to get it back.
"You know who i'm talking about. Hell, between him and that werewolf he's bed down half the castle already." Laughing the woman nudges your shoulder. "I know your people are rather up your own ass but give it a go. The best ride you'll ever have."
"I-I beg your pardon?" you snort. "I'd never-"
"Oh right. You'd never do that. Only oogle him every day like he's some puppy in a window and your a kid who's father said no dogs. We get it." The barmaid rolls her eyes. "Buy the damn dog. Gods know you can afford it." Scoffing she gives a dismissive wave and fills your wine glass again before leaving.
This day was....was something else. You find yourself laughing and shaking your head. After you eat... after you eat you'd get your book back.
It was the longest damn meal of your life and by the end of it you'd drank over half the bottle of wine if not the whole damn bottle. When you stood to finally confront him the world shifted and you staggered. Grabbing the table for support.
Head up, back straight and remember your manners! Taking a deep breath you try again. This time you were ready and you marched right up to the orc.
The book lay on the armrest next to an arm that was as thicker than your head.
"You're not half bad you know."
You'd open your mouth to demand your book back but his words paired with the smirk on his face threw you completely off-kilter. "What?!" You snapped. Manners thrown right out the window. Was he really starting this conversation with a crass remark?
Beside you the Hoiten made a snorting sound.
The orc glanced to his companion and then back to you, holding out your book. "Your drawings. They're good."
"Yeah I like the one where he's naked." The werewolf laughs, taking a swig from his beer.
Flushing you scoff. "It's unfinished! He is NOT naked!"
The Hoiten is dying now, a chittering of laughter bubbling from them.
"Not yet anyways." The orc winks. "But i'm serious. You could make money with skill like that."
"An Orian like her? Why would she need it!?" The brown haired human laughs.
"She's practically dripping in precious metals De'ruk! Use your damn eyes for once you dumb orc." The blond adds, knocking shoulders with her human partner as they both dissolve into a fit of laughter.
Your blood began to boil and your lips pulled into a scowl. "Expecting class from a group of tools for hire is like expecting a broom to talk." You huff, snatching your book from the orc.
Leaning back in his chair the orc laughs. "I am curious though...Can you be satisfied with just drawings?" His voice turns seductive and the way he's smirking is just as repulsive.
Glaring you huff. "As if you could satisfy your own right hand let alone- Augh. You all are terrible."  They're all looking at you, smiles on their faces and a knowing look in their eyes.
De'ruk humms and stands, closing the distance between you two in a simple step.
"Augh there he goes again. I'm going to yak." The Minotaur groans, rolling his eyes.
The orc reaches for your mask as you reach for the dagger hidden in the gathering of your skirt. As he grabs hold of the mask you press the point of the dagger into his side and he freezes.
"I like her." The goblin claps, "Put him in his place! Stab him! Stab him!" The rest of the group joins in on their chant and the minotaur and Hoiten both shake their head.
The two of you stare off, a silent fight of who with cave or call. He begins to pull your mask up, barely even catching a glimpse of your lips before-
A. Stab him! Stab him! B. You let him lift your mask and snog that orc face!! C. Run. D. Comment below!
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kattimariias · 5 years
jasmine flowers
so yknow what snorkmaiden deserves? a gf. i made her one! enjoy a fic about pining.
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Dear Diary,
Today I found someplace new during my travels. It felt like a different experience than what I've seen so far, most of it's residents didn't feel as-how should I put it-rude? They didn't feel like they were judging me for being a bit distant, infact they respected it. I think I'm thankful for that.
The weather was warmer, so I didn't get much practice with my powers. But I could at least admire the scenery for once, which was okay and all-I prefer the winter, obviously. There was something comfortable about my surroundings; the soft green grass, the light beaming towards a field of flowers, and the rivers that quaintly flowed.
Something about that flower field attracted me. I didn't get to see a varied amount of plantlife often, usually being in colder areas and all, so this was almost a new thing to me. Well-more like a revisit of sorts.
I happened to pick a flower with someone else by complete accident. A round troll like creature she was, with hazel eyes and a blonde fringe. Her fur was fluffy and yellowish, and I was stuck looking at her for several minutes; my paw practically stuck on hers and the flower.
We broke our trance and awkwardly apologized, neither of us seemed to know why that happened. I think it's because I personally have never seen anyone like her. She just looked so nice and friendly, like she would never harm me. And I think I'm right in thinking that, because she never did. 
She introduced me to this land, told me it was called Moominvalley, and showed me some of it's famous landmarks and her friends. Throughout it all, I couldn't help but be entranced by her cheerfulness. I mainly feel don't feel in place whenever I'm around people that are definitely more spirited in me, but something about her felt...different. Gentle and sweet, and a little bit firey.
I don't know, it was weird. And I want to see more of it, so maybe the next day will bring something new. I think I'll stay here longer than intended. ~ Vietal
Dear Diary,
It's been awhile. It isn't even travel related, but I needed to write this down. It's been a month since I've decided to reside in Moominvalley for awhile, and that likely won't change. I'm not giving up on traveling, that's for sure, but this feels like a main source of comfort. Maybe it's home? I don't think I even know what that truly is.
Anyways, something I SOMEHOW forgot to write last time was the girl's name. Curse my mind sometimes-it's Snorkmaiden. Writing that down feels nice, it's a pretty name. 
But she's why I have to talk about something so off topic. I have spent sometime with her during my stay here, whether that'd be relaxing in the forest, going on little adventures, and flower picking. She made me a flower crown to wear on my hat, and I definitely wear it on occasion. Sunflowers aren't exactly my thing, but I'd do it for her.
I don't know why though-with anyone else, I wouldn't be sure what to do with a gift like that. They put so much work into it, they should keep it! Yet this time I want to keep it with me, even when I leave? Do I even want to leave?
...Okay, maybe I'm rushing this too much. Point is, I think I really like her. I like mostly everyone here, but she seems to be a special case. Even when I go to sleep in my little tent, my thoughts rush towards our conversations. Her (barely visibly, but still) smile, her laughs, her hums, her attention to detail when making things for me. And for me only.
I really love that sort of attention. I think I'll write a letter to thank her.
~ Vietal - Dear Diary,
I won't fill this journal with updates about my weird feelings towards Snorkmaiden, I promise. It's just a huge focus for me at the moment.
Today we held paws. By accident, of course. We were just relaxing by the river, laying under the trees shade together. I've never sat so close to someone before in my life, usually I wouldn't let myself. But of course, things have changed ever since I've been in this valley. Still don't want to leave, I'm not radically different.
Anyways-we were so close, I could feel a bit of her fur brush up on me, and while I couldn't exactly feel it due to wearing long clothing, I felt the urge to touch it. Pet it. Feel it sink into my paws and softly breeze through, taking out a few stray hairs-
-no, no, that's weird. I knew I shouldn't do that. So I just forgot about it, but I had already raised my left paw due to the strong urge. And when I placed it down on the ground, I felt hers. Hers on mine.
And for some reason, I blushed. Heavily. I had to use my hat to hide my face just to hide it, but my tail started to thump. And I could already tell she was looking at me weirdly, wondering why I was suddenly acting so strange, until she noticed what was happening. I felt so screwed in that moment and I didn't even know why-I wanted to let go but I couldn't-and then-
-nothing happened much, really. She asked if I enjoyed it, but I didn't know how to respond. But in that sweet voice of hers, sugarlike to me, she asked if I was okay. I still had no idea what to say, other than look at her completely embarrassed.
She told me there wasn't any issue in holding hands. Even if it was considered a romantic gesture, friends could still do it. Close friends usually did, infact. Friends. We were friends. Close friends. I rarely had friends for very long.
This time I hope it sticks.
~ Vietal (and yes, she got the letter, and sent me one in reply. It's one of the few things I think I'll keep with me.)
Dear Diary, Things keep getting weirder. Much weirder.
So I do have more friends than Snorkmaiden, though they aren't as close. One of them is Moomintroll, who I think is in a relationship with her. And that seems to be a problem?
I don't know why, but everytime I see her leaning so close to him, I wish that were me instead. We already keep holding hands with each other while on nature walks, is that not enough? That in itself almost sent me into panic!
She talks about him sometimes while we're together. About how kind and brave he is, and how much he loves him. I sit and listen and don't say much, but there's so much I want to say in return. That maybe I could do they same things he does? I mean, yes, maybe. But why would I want to? Just to impress her? 
She's my best friend, I don't need to make impressions.
But I still want to. That's why I climbed ontop of a large mountain a day after, spending most of my time just doing that. I wanted to tell her about this, just so she could hear about it, and be amazed by my efforts. She held both of my hands with that smile of hers, wonder in her eyes. I wanna do it again and again just to see that.
It feels too selfish, though. So I won't.
Sometimes, she rants to me, feeling like Moomintroll's mind just wanders elsewhere when the time is supposed to focus on both of them. Her ears are down, frustration is in greatly in her voice, and she seems kinda lost. Perhaps like I am.
I don't know how to comfort, but I try my hardest during these times. It feels like a part of me breaks whenever she is upset, and that I would wither away if I continued to see her heartbroken. 
Of course, I don't say anything, but instead I give her hugs and feel that fur I deep down wanted to feel more of, but that didn't matter then. It sort of matters now, still.
Somedays we don't spend time with each other, and that's fine. But I can't help but feel odd seeing her do our usual thing, walk around the woods holding hands, with him instead of me. It also shouldn't matter, but it does.
And I hate it. I don't want her to have to constantly pay attention to me, she has a life outside of our friendship! But why do I just wanna do the things they do all the time? Why do I want what Moomintroll has so much when what I have is already good?
Maybe this valley is doing something to me.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, It's been a long while, again. I just didn't have the strength to write about things. I've taken a break from Moominvalley, and it's probably for the best. I'm not used to interacting with people a lot, and plus, my feelings towards my own friend was getting weird.
If I stay away from her for awhile, then perhaps those feelings will go away.
~ Vietal - Dear Diary, I'm still in the woods, it's a bit of a long trek.
But I had a dream that shows I just can't get over her. I was in one of Moominvalley's flower fields, similar to the one where I met Snorkmaiden. She was there, as beautiful as ever, and it seems like she was glowing as brightly as the sun.
I ran towards her, but it seemed like I couldn't get to her. The field just kept stretching further and further-even if I was close-she was far from my sight again. But I was determined to get to her, even saying this to myself, and I sprinted full force while outright screaming her name.
I reached a hand towards her, and she reached a hand towards me. But then I was gone, and Moomintroll was there instead.
I woke up, repeatedly saying her name.
Something is wrong with me.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, I don't even think this is for travel anymore. I've gotten a separate journal for that, this is just filled with a little bit too much emotional venting right now. I'm still far away from the valley, now in the colder areas I'm used to. But I feel so alone. 
The solitude feels familiar, yet it's what I would rather not have at the moment. I miss waking up and hearing the birds sing, the sense of Moominmama's cooking not too far away, and Snufkin's music on occasion. And of course, even if I act so strange towards her, I miss Snorkmaiden.
It feels like a part of me is missing, even though I wasn't in Moominvalley for extremely long. I guess that's what I get for staying there for an extended amount of time in the first place? I think I should go back.
Hopefully, they won't be angry about my abrupt absence.
~ Vital
Dear Diary, After a long journey, I've finally returned, just in time for spring. And what a reunion, it was.
No one was mad at me, thankfully, they were a little concerned about why I left so abruptly, but they presumed it was just because of my nature as a Mumrik. I never explained why I actually left, just went with their assumptions, since I didn't want anyone to know about my weird feelings.
I was a bit hesitant to spend time with Snorkmaiden again, but my mind instantly changed when I heard her outright crying. Our conversations never really delved into that point, but it definitely crushed me. I couldn't bear to hear it upon arriving at her home.
I thought it was my fault, because I just decided to leave her with no explanation. And that just made me feel worse, almost on the verge of tears myself. How could I just do that, and not even think about how she felt about me just up and going? I was so stupid. So shortsighted and stupid-
-it wasn't even about me. She reassured me about that fact more than one time. She was really worried when I left, of course, but she understood that sometimes I just needed to be alone, and explore the world. Understandably so, she was still a bit angry that I didn't say goodbye first, but the fact that she didn't hate me relieved a bit of tension on my end.
Not entirely. The true reason why she was upset is because of Moomintroll being so focused on Snufkin returning, to the point where he didn't really care about what she had to say. She was wondering whether if he actually loved her or not, and my heart was cracked again.
I couldn't tell her if he did or not, I didn't know much about romantic love and how it worked, but for once I spoke. I told her that this time, I would stay. I would continue to be with her, and make sure she's happy. If I got the chance, I'd ask him about why he acted like that, hopefully getting an answer.
I wanted to help her smile again.
I comforted her closer this time, she snuggled close to me and I could feel her fur the way I always wanted to. But that didn't matter, as I closed my eyes and rubbed her back. I could hear her whimpers slow to a crawl, as we just laid there on the bed. Softly gripping onto each other. Cuddling.
It was silent, but a good silent.
~ Vietal
- Dear Diary, It took a bit, but I managed to ask Moomintroll about what happened with Snorkmaiden. He told me that sometimes-he just gets really fixated on Snufkin when waiting for him-and pushes people away, probably a bit too harshly? He doesn't intend to.
The two made up, thankfully, and things went back to normal. Least my idea of normal at this point, which was being weirdly jealous.
Something I thought about is that Snorkmaiden was also a bit fixated on waiting for me. Moomintroll also told me that on the first few days of me being gone, she would look outside her window and await my arrival, while also taking some breaks. She hoped that I would come back soon, up until realizing that I needed some space and that it would take awhile.
So-was it a best friend thing? For us to fixate so heavily on those we were bonded with on a close level? Moomintroll did it, Snorkmaiden did it, I feel like I could do it. I know that Snorks and Moomins hibernate, and since I'll stay this winter, I know I'll wait each passing day for everyone to wake up. But it's still a special case for Snorkmaiden.
I think about her a lot. I dream about her sometimes. I even talk about her to some of my other friends, and I don't think I want to stop. Moominmama and Little My always give me some weird look whenever I do too, and I don't understand it.
Is it annoying? Entertaining? Is there something I'm missing? Why do I love her so much?
Oh. -
Dear Diary, Couldn't finish the last one properly. I think I understand things now. From myself, to Moomintroll and Snufkin, to why I keep getting those weird faces. I think...I might feel romantic love towards Snorkmaiden. I think that's why I feel excited when I see her, why I like to hold hands with her, why I like talking and doing anything with her, why I want to be with her forever, and why I want to be like Moomintroll.
I really, really love her. Love her more than the winter, than travels-well-I still love those, but my love for her is something I can't get over. She's so lovely herself, knowing so much about romance, I bet she could really surprise me sometimes.
Am I gonna need a separate diary for this? Goodness.
~ Vietal
- Dear Diary, I'm not sure if I can just tell her. I don't even think she feels the same way, since she's with Moomintroll. But it doesn't matter, as long as she can still smile and stay happy with someone she loves.
I'll just have to learn how to deal with this.
On another note, she gave me some flowers today. One of which usually grows during the winter, she says it's a winter jasmine. I don't know what it is, but something about it felt special to me. Maybe it's because she said that one of it's meanings is love?
But she likely meant platonic love. I highly doubt she likes me back, she's still relatively close to Moomintroll. Actually, that reminds me...does he even like her? Romantically?
Whenever I see them walk together, on occasion, he looks a bit uncomfortable. His smiles look a bit forced, he looks a little distracted, and some of his subtle movements seem bothered whenever they come close to each other.
I've seen him more comfortable with Snufkin, whenever I do see them hanging out anyways. Should I do something about this?
...I don't really know how to handle it though, probably not.
~ Vietal
Dear Diary, Well, again, been awhile. It's just been the usual, with a bit more understanding towards my feelings. I've been a bit blue sometimes, but Snorkmaiden's presence just automatically makes things better for me. It's strange how love works.
Well, this doesn't have to do with smiles, unfortunately. Somewhat. Turns out I was right about Moomintroll's feelings, and he was starting to force romantic attraction to Snorkmaiden. Their love was geniune at first, it seems? But eventually, it dwindled. It happens.
I hope it doesn't happen to me.
Snorkmaiden told me it was for the better, and she's happy for him. She told me this on the verge of tears, not unlike what happened when I promised her to stay, and even if she tried to act as if this didn't bother her, I could obviously tell.
I did what I did last time, and gave her more physical comfort as she began to let it out. It was hard to listen to, and I wanted to block out the sound of her sobs beating against my heart, but I pushed through, sort of. I cried with her.
I just couldn't help it? But she started to comfort me, we were both trying our hardest to comfort each other, holding each other tightly. Her snout was heavily pressed against my face, and she stopped her tears for a second to blush. For once, I laughed since it looked so funny, and she did too.
The blushing didn't stop for awhile, though, and she seemed a bit awkward. I wondered why, but then I recalled that how her and Moomintroll basically kissed through pressing their snouts together...
I'm not making any advances, though. She needs time to breathe.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, Winter is arriving, and now I must say goodbye to my friends in Moominvalley. For one must travel, and the others must hibernate. I won't even be as lonely, knowing that there are winter creatures here.
Thankfully, this time I can tell Snorkmaiden goodbye and not worry her too much. I have a few flowers for her to sleep next to, as well as a letter for her to read when she wakes up. A letter intended to tell her how I feel towards her, a crush aside, and I am ready for our reunion when Spring comes back.
It's the one way I can say those words to her.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, On my travels again, I have kept her gifts, including one she gave me before I left. A photo of us we tried taking while lounging around in the woods. It's messy, it's funny, but it has care put into it. I love it
I love her. I wish to see her again soon.
~ Vietal -
Dear Diary, I think I won't write in this one for awhile, because...it feels like a nice way to look back on how things have progressed.
When I came back, I went to her house first and called for her name. I could faintly hear her run down the stairs as fast as she could, and then she leaped into my arms. We span around in circles, giggling, before eventually stopping to look at each other.
We stared. Like how we first met. Both of our paws were hand in hand, and it felt like it was only us.
She said these words to me.
"Vietal...I read your letter. And I am really flattered to know that's what you think of me." She paused, and gently placed the jasmine flower petal on my hat. I gasped a little, yet continued to hold on her free hand. "I think that's what I think of you, too."
I froze, but her warm smile grounded me to reality. It was true.
"I love you."
Not long after, we looked at the valley together; paw in paw, our bodies and heads close together as the sun rose.
I wouldn't have this any better in any other way.
~ Vietal
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reneehearts · 4 years
Not doing this as an ask...because no one ever asks me any 😂
angel; do you have a nickname? Yes: Nee, Renizzle, Nee Nee, Doots
awe; how old are you? 27
baby; favorite color? Purple (I’d you couldn’t tell lol)
bloop; spirit animal? Monkey
blossom; favorite book/movie/song? Water for Elephants/Remember the Titans/Props and Mayhem
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child? Lumpy! He was a lil pastel horse
breeze; most precious childhood memory? Working in the garden with my Papa
bright; mermaids or fairies? Fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend? I have a few
buttercup; showers or baths? Showers
butterfly; dream destination? Key West or Bahamas...anywhere tropical
buttons; are you religious or spiritual? More spiritual
calm; favorite scent? Pine/Christmas trees
candlelight; what did you dream about last night? I had a dream I was freaking out because I didn’t do my essay for class and it was due in like an hour lol
charming; have you ever been in love? Yes
cozy; eye/hair color? Hazel-ish/blonde
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period? 20s, 90s
cupcake; favorite flower/plant? I have a few favorite flowers: Sunflower, Daisy, Tulip, Lilac/Evergreen tree
cute; what did you get on your last birthday? Jewelry and a designer purse
cutie pie; most precious item you own? My dog
cutsie; what makes you happy? My puppy, ice cream, family/good friends
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free. I don’t know if I ever really have
daydream; how do you want to be remembered? Kind, generous, strong, independent
daylight; favorite album of all time? Collide with the Sky - Pierce the Veil
dear; zodiac sign? Leo
delightful; concerts or museums? Concerts
dimples; have you ever written a letter? Of course
dobby; dream job? Ice cream/candy store owner
doll; how do you like to dress? Cute but casual; leggings, oversized sweaters, bralettes
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences? I’ve had premonition dreams that have come true
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos? I have 8 and probably want more at some point
drizzle; do you believe in aliens? I’m not really sure
euphoric; talk about someone you love. My best friend: she would do anything for me, we have a bond through our ED that is so strong. It’s hard to explain how we are so close, we are very different and come from different lifestyles but she means the world to me. We don’t need to talk everyday to know that we are there for each other.
fairy; do you have a pet? I have my own dog; an Australian Shepherd and my parents have 4 dogs
fluffy; ocean or mountain? Ocean
forever; where do you feel time stop? Work
froglet; are you a good plant owner? Nope
garden; how many languages do you know? English fluently and then a little French and very little italian
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs? I don’t have any “favorites” I just like tumblrs that post relatable and pretty things
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice? Unicorn/fairy dust/pastel
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not? I wouldn’t mind them but I never get them haha
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself. My smile, my hair, my kindness to others, my work ethic and my abs (since I work pretty hard on them lol)
heart; silk or lace? Lace
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it? Coffee with 1% milk
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why? People because you can make up life stories about them and create scenarios. Bird watching would be fun for a little while but boring after a half hour
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep? Fan
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather? Hot and sunny!
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends? Have leisurely breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday morning, go to the city either Friday or Saturday and go on adventures, shopping, watch tv and relaxing
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more? Laugh out loud
kinky; do you blush easily? Nah not really
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most? Grand gestures once in a while
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day? Breakfast time
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad? I don’t really have an artist I have various songs by a lot of different people
love; what is your favorite season and why? Summer because I love the heat and being able to wear shorts and flip flops and not wearing 7 layers
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream? Macaron: I haven’t had too many but probably either chocolate or cotton candy. Ice cream: a mocha flavor with either brownie hits, Oreo pieces, or chocolate covered espresso beans
magic; what are five flaws you have? I can get mad easily, I’m not patient, I have ridiculous eating habits, I can be lazy and I have trouble communicating how I’m feeling
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks? Soft pastels
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other? Humor, good looks, kindness, generosity, optimistic
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date? It depends on the season! Hah
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself? On the internet, social media, playing with my puppy, working out, listening to music, watching tv.
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life? Always be kind and respectful because why not?
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more? Bake
prince; how would you describe your handwriting? Neat but after I’ve been writing for a while it turns into a print/script writing
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play? I can play the flute but I haven’t in a while
prinky; how do you relieve stress? Snuggle with my puppy
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable? Raspberry/asparagus
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read? I have no clue
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far? I really have no idea
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you? My gramma’s death
shine; art or music? Music
shimmer; do animals tend to like you? Yes
smitten; do you collect anything? Pins
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with? 1 tempur pedic type pillow then a small pillow on the side
snuggle; what is your favourite candy? Chocolate specifically dark
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind? I have the camera on my phone
sparkle; do you wear jewelry? Yes, rings, bracelets and earrings
spooky; sunrise or sunset? Sunset
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones? No headphones
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child? As a young kid: Barney, as a teen: Lizzie McGuire/Hannah Montana
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house. Either my bed or the couch
soothe; digital or vinyl? Digital
squeezed; who do you miss right now? A few people
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends? Loyalty, kindness, humor
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing? It depends on the situation but usually practical
sweet; do you find it easy to open up? Depends on the person honestly
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any? I do like kids and I want them but I’m not ready yet
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they? My old boss even tho I have lost touch with her
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself? How observant I am
tootsie; what kind of friend are you? Loving, generous, loyal
treasure; what was something that made you smile today? A student that said hi to me
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl? Unfortunately an early bird
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be? Teleportation
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out? Depends but usually home especially in the winter when it’s freezing
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup? Nope
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person? Mostly tidy
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older? I do love the place I grew up and I’ve moved away and now I’m back, but I just can’t take the cold weather and how expensive it is to sustain yourself here
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star? I think once
Source: luneve
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Of The Most Iconic Jim Henson Creatures (That Aren't Muppets), Ranked
Most of us are familiar with the genius of Jim Henson, whether from The Muppets, Sesame Street, or any number of his films. The famous puppeteer and creator certainly had a gift for creating memorable and visually stunning characters. So much so, in fact, that an entire workshop was created dedicated to the production of some of these famous creatures.
Classic shows like The Storyteller and Fraggle Rock (and movies like Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal) owe everything to this visionary. Some of their most wonderful creations were all conceived in Jim Henson's Creature Shop. Today, we're having a creature feature as we spend some time with ten of the Jim Henson Company's greatest creature creations. Oh, and don't worry: as you can see, we haven't forgotten the Muppets; they've been ranked separately!
10 Bear in the Big Blue House
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We'll start our list with a howdy from the big bear himself, Bear from Bear in the Big Blue House. One of the largest creatures created by Henson's company (along with characters like Sweetums), Bear was the warm and inviting star of his own show. It aired on the Disney Channel in the 90s.
In the mornings, Bear would welcome viewers into the titular Big Blue House for a day with all his friends, such as Treelo, Ocho, Pip and Pop Otter, Shadow, and Luna the Moon. Bear was as big and warm as his personality, and he always made his viewers feel welcome. What better way to start out our list?
9 Rankle, Rose, and Edgar
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What do a reanimated cat mummy, a zombie raccoon, and a werewolf with a sweet tooth have in common? They are all friends of the quirky and charming Christine McConnell. These three are certainly some of the more adult characters the company has created, but at the same time, they are as charming as any Muppet or other creation.
RELATED: Sesame Street: 10 Best Celebrity Guest Stars Of The Last 50 Years, Ranked
Brought to us by Henson Alternative, Rankle, Rose, and Edgar are easily the highlights of the show. Rankle is snarky, sarcastic, and mildly sinister, Rose is bawdy and loud, and Edgar is a teddy bear with a horror-movie-quality exterior. What's not to love?
8 The Sinclair Family
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Created in memory of the famous Muppet-maker, Dinosaurs was a sitcom that centered around the prehistoric happenings of the Sinclair family. For four seasons, viewers tuned in to the lives of Earl, Fran, Robbie, Charlene, and their hatchling, Baby Sinclair. The show was a weird but wonderful combination of creatures and comedy that had quite the following.
Despite its use of creatures, the sitcom jumped through all the genre hoops in the way of Family Matters, Full House, and Boy Meets World. It had the family-centric narrative, but also tackled some interesting issues, including a controversial season finale. It was a strange show, but certainly one we can appreciate.
7 Gelflings (2019 Version)
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The Dark Crystal is arguably one of Jim Henson's greatest creations; essentially his Lord of the Rings. As much as we wanted to include Jen and Kira from the original film, the prize has to go to the newer Gelflings featured in the new Netflix series.
The Gelflings, as their name might allude, are elf-like creatures from the land of Thra. In Age of Resistance, there are even tribes of them somewhat akin to the elves of Tolkien. Rian, Brea, and Deet are three of the new Gelflings, and they could not look better. They have better puppet models, a more high-fantasy design, and their different personae are absolutely enchanting. Color us impressed.
6 Skeksis
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On the other end of the Dark Crystal spectrum, we have the sinister and insidious Skeksis. This breed of nightmare fuel is quite possibly the most horrifying thing Henson ever dreamed up. With their beaks, claws, teeth, and aristocratic sense of style, there's definitely something outright evil about their persona.
From the snarling Emporer Skeksi to the creepily charming Chamberlain, the Skeksis have ruled Thra with an iron claw, bewitching and deceiving their world to their whims. They are truly as hideous on the outside as they are within, but we still love watching them. They're easily one of our favorite monsters.
5 Creatures of the Labyrinth
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Though we have a soft spot for Sir Didymus, we couldn't pick just one creature for this spot. For those who haven't seen this marvelously magical film, Labyrinth is Jim Henson's collaboration with the legendary David Bowie, which resulted in one of the most iconic fantasy films of the 80s.
RELATED: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Labyrinth
Jareth, Hoggle, Ludo, and all the legions of monsters that inhabit this mystical magical world were just too many to count. Worthy of a list all their own, the creatures from the titular labyrinth could rival those of Dark Crystal fame, but we'd be lying if we said Bowie didn't give them an unfair advantage.
4 The Fraggles
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Dance your cares away and let the music play, down in Fraggle Rock with these colorful creatures. The Fraggles are small, carefree critters who, along with the workaholic Doozers, live their lives and go on adventures in the caves of Fraggle Rock.
RELATED: 10 Most Underrated Jim Henson Creations
Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red are just the starring cast of Fraggle Rock, but there are legions more of the fuzzy creatures living beneath the home of Doc and his dog, Sprocket. These lovable creatures are some of Jim Henson's most memorable characters, and we can see why. Much more than Muppets, the Fraggles delighted kids for five seasons and 96 episodes.
3 Aughra
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Frank Oz couldn't have put it better any other way: she's so ugly she's beautiful. Yes, we've mentioned the rest of the Dark Crystal characters already, but we can't leave out Aughra. Aughra is one of the most powerful beings in the realm of Thra, as well as one of the most uniquely-designed creatures the Creature Shop has ever created.
Born from the rocks before even the race of Gelflings, Aughra is the only one of her kind. She's a mystic, a wizard, and a cosmic being all rolled into one. As one of the most strange and mystifying creatures on our list, you can bet we applauded her return in Age of Resistance. 
2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Bringing Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michaelangelo to the big screen outside of animation was no easy feat. Enter Jim Henson's Creature Shop to bring them to life. Using a mix of puppetry and full-body effects, the turtles sprang from the sewers and onto the big screen for the very first time.
Though the characters themselves were not created by Henson or his crew, the technology to bring them to life was. This led to the creation of the Henson Performance Control System, which revolutionized puppeteering and practical effects. If it wasn't for this film, who knows where the creature shop would be.
1 Big Bird
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Arguably the most famous resident of Sesame Street, Big Bird has entertained legions of children and even adults since he first appeared in 1969. The large yellow avian has represented every curious child to ever tune in to the popular PBS program, teaching them the value of imagination and an appetite for learning.
From his bright, yellow, fluffy exterior to his enormous heart, Big Bird has delighted millions of viewers the world over. Though not a product of the Creature Shop, without Big Bird there might not even be a Sesame Street. Adorable, curious, and even a trendsetter, how could we not give the big guy our number one spot?
NEXT: Sesame Street: 10 Hilarious (And Adorable) Bert And Ernie Memes
source https://screenrant.com/jim-henson-most-iconic-creatures-besides-muppets/
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silkkpopbonnet · 5 years
Second Chance Sanctuary
It has been updated! Y/N now has a name...among other clarifying actions..
Ariana Waters had been alone most of her life. It wasn't that her mother didn't love her, she just worked a lot. Her father? Who knows where he was, and if she ever asked her mother about him she'd get a side eye and an angry grunt.
Growing up in Brooklyn, Ariana was a tough kid with a sweet inside. She knew how to take charge and stand up for herself, but she was easily amused and always had a smile on her face. Life was ok, and she was fine with that.
Her mother was a nurse so she worked long nights, and when she finally did come home, she'd cook enough meals for a few days and sleep for hours on end.
"Ari, how's school going?" Her mother would kiss her forehead, smoothing back her blown out natural hair.
"Good mama, just finishing a paper now." Furiously typing on the laptop her mother had saved for months to get her.
"That's my girl." Her mother would linger a bit and ask about friends and any social events. Once exhaustion kicked in she would disappear into her room and Ariana would quiet her tapping fingers as to not disturb her mother.
Then her mother met JinWoo Park, a doctor that came to New York on a special request from the hospital. He was a top surgeon in Korea, and some high profile patient needed his expertise. He fell in love with her mother, and the next thing Ariana knew she was flying to Korea in her junior year of high school, from Brooklyn to Seoul, South Korea with her mother and new step-father.
South Korea was...different. She was now in an international school, so sure the language barrier wasn't so much of an issue, but there were also more...hybrids here.
There weren't too many hybrids in New York. At least, not in Brooklyn, sure she had seen some in Manhattan, but here hybrids were a normal part of life. The idea that she would think that made her feel silly, they originated in this part of the world. Cloning science combined animal and human DNA to create the perfect soldiers, service companions and guards.
Cats and dogs seemed to be the only mixes that were around so far. The first time she saw a hybrid up close, she was in the airport. A Beagle/Human was walking around sniffing luggage coming in from overseas. His floppy brown ears, hung low on his head, brown colored nose moving eagerly along the suitcases.
He seemed to feel someone staring at him, as he turned around and looked at her, she went wide-eyed unable to do anything but stare. He'd smiled at her, winking before going back to his work, his long white-tipped tail wagging anxiously.
The second time, she had been following her mother as she walked down a street in Gangnam when she spotted a woman with a young man whose long, fluffy white tail was twitching as he stared at birds on the patio. His green eyes flicked right to left, while the woman spoke to a friend, his hand sneakily trying to reach out and grab the bird.
"DaeSuk...if you even think about it..." She let her words linger, as the male turned his delicate triangle shaped face towards her.
He was a Turkish Angora hybrid, his delicate eyes narrowing as he pretended to not hear her, and continued to watch the birds with rapt interest.
Apparently, only the rich "owned" hybrids. Others were employed by the government or private corporations. The rest? She didn't know.
Once she was settled into her new home, Ariana got used to being alone again. Her mother was off on adventures with new friends and her step-father. Not that Ariana was upset, she was happy that her mother didn't need to work so hard now. She could relax, she could have fun. She couldn't remember the last time, she saw her mother smile. Now she was always smiling.
But as for her, she was alone.
One month into the new year, 1 year of officially living in Korea, Ariana found herself walking down an unfamiliar sidewalk as she explored the city. She had gone to a new coffee house in the Yongsan District and planned on going to a park near the Han river. Her GPS seemed to be taking a long way around, and she zoomed in on her phone for a shortcut. The snow was falling lightly, not enough to make her turn back, and she'd come this far anyway.
"Turn left in 500 feet." Her GPS said to her, as she held her phone out in front of her, looking at the cars that went by.
The turn would take her next to a large building and around some shopping district. Right before that was a small alley, it was narrow, but it seemed that it would take her right to the park. Or at least near it. She touched her 4A hair snug in its bun, smoothing it down as the snow fell on her.
Perhaps it was too cold to be out here.
Then she heard something, or did she? A small whimper somewhere in the alley. A chill ran down her spine as she took a deep breath and turned towards the sound.
"Hello?" Ariana called, suddenly very aware that no one seemed to be around. A few people passed but, 1 or 2 at a time. Not noticing her.
The whimper came again, and it almost sounded like a small cry. Slowly, she felt her boots crunch under new snow as she slowly made her down the alley. Why was it so dark down here?
"Do you need help?" A rattle sound and another whimper, she was about to turn back.
This is how people got murdered, but as she turned around and heard the sound of a puppy snuffle, she hurried to a pile of boxes, moving them out of the way. Old noodles, rotten vegetables, and some very smelly kimchi fell over and to the side.
Then there was an old, dirty box with Chinese writing on it. Slowly she opened it to reveal what looked like a small boy. His long, dark tail was curled around him, his face hidden in his ragged sweater that covered his whole body.
He was a hybrid. Reaching out she poked his back, only to watch him curl into himself. He was shivering, and he smelled horrible. Ariana reached her hand out again and tried to look at his face.
"Come on now sweetie, don't be afraid I won't hurt you." She didn't know if he could talk, but apparently, he could understand her.
Turning his face towards her, he gently licked at her palm before rubbing his nose into her hand. A gleam of metal shown around his neck, as she gently pulled the rectangle shaped tag so she could read it.
"Suho." She read out loud, that meant guardian. Why would someone leave a hybrid here in all this trash?
The pup named Suho climbed from the box and happily found a place to hide between her crouched legs. His small arms wrapping around her leg as he shivered. His tail was moving a mile a minute. Looking around no one noticed her, there was no one here and the snow began to fall harder. It was a lot longer walk back than she was sure he could make, but should she take him? Oh god, what would her mother say? Her step-father might have some authorities come and take him away. Ariana had wanted a friend...and her mother and step-father were never home enough to notice anything. Weighing the thoughts in her mind, Ariana looked down at Suho, he was currently trying to fit himself under her jacket, his puppy teeth biting on the cloth as he attempted to make room for himself. His dark brown ears stood erect on his head, moving about. Maybe he was some sort of Shepherd? She could spin this as a companion and just as his name implied, a guardian.
Maybe he was a reject?
Taking out her cell phone Ariana sighed dialing the number to the car service her stepfather told her to use.
"Hello? Yes, it's me. Yea, I know...I'm near the park in Yongsan...I'll send you a street name." Picking up Suho she bundled him in her jacket, his head under her chin as she looked into his deep brown eyes.
"I guess it's you and me now."
Back at home, Ariana quietly came into the house, she expected no one but didn't want any surprises. First, he'd need a bath. Rushing up to her room, she set Suho down in the bathroom, gathering clothes and shampoo and a spare toothbrush from the linen closet in the hall.
When she returned he was sitting on the floor in a pile of toilet paper. He was much more like a puppy than she expected. After he was washed and fed she'd have to do some research. Ariana wondered how fast they grew, surely not like regular humans. Was he able to talk?
"Suho." She said, taking his shirt over his head. She noticed a small patch of dark brown fur on his small chest. He looked up at her clearly knowing his name. "Can you talk?"
His ears twitched, as his head moved. He opened his mouth but closed it again. Was he mute? Running water in the tub, she added a bit of bubbles, watching as he stood next to her reaching out to touch the curious soap. When it popped he stood back, growling softly. Ariana took his hand gently and reached out to pop another bubble. When he looked at her and smiled, she smiled back before turning off the water.
"In you go." Lifting him into the tub, Suho struggled a bit in the air before settling down.
"Hot!" Suho cried out, scrambling out of the water.
So he could speak. "Ok, sorry!" Running more cold water, she adjusted the temperature for him before placing him back inside.
Was she supposed to wash him? He seemed to know what to do, taking the soapy rag from her hand as he cleaned himself. His slightly tanned skin glowed now as the dirt came off. Ariana noticed a few scrapes and cuts and wondered how he got them. When he sat back down, she set to washing his hair making sure no water got in his ears.
"So you can talk. Can you tell me where you were before? How did you end up in a box?" Finger combing through his dark hair, Suho murred gently, ears going flat.
"Don't know." He answered softly, trying to eat a handful of bubbles.
"Where is your mother? Father? Owner?" Ariana asked, rinsing his hair.
"Gone." Suho answered her. "May I eat today?"
Today? Was he not allowed to eat any other day? Tears pricked at Ariana's eyes when she noticed a large bruise on his neck. Her finger reached out to touch it, and she fought the crack in her voice as she spoke. "Suho...who did this?"
His ears flat against his head, he growled, small hands balling into fists. "I was bad."
She wasn't going to cry, he might panic or think something was wrong. Ariana rubbed her hand against his head. Wherever he came from, and whoever did this to him, they didn't need him back, and they obviously didn't want him if she found him in the trash heap. As Ariana took him from the tub, she cuddled him in a towel, gently drying his skin and hair.
"May I eat today?" He asked her again, his small eyes looking into her face.
Ariana smiled at him, taking his hands into her own. "You can eat everyday with me. You can eat when you want and as much as you want, just tell me when you are hungry."
His tail started wagging, moving his whole lower body, small arms going around her neck. Suho said nothing but this gesture, this feeling of warmth, someone wanted to be with her. Someone needed her. This was nice.
Ariana sat in the kitchen as Suho scarfed down the chicken, beef, rolls, corn, kimchi, and kimbap. He was quite fond of soda as well, burping loudly as he continued to pile food in his face. When was the last time he ate? He talked a little more about what he knew. A big building, with dogs like him, the men said he was bad, they smacked him and hurt him. They told him he couldn't eat. Then one night he fell asleep, tummy hurting and he woke up in the box and couldn't get out.
He knew nothing else.
Ariana wiped the tears from her eyes, as he said what he knew. He was a puppy, he was a child! Who could do such a thing? Finished with his food, clean and dressed in an old shirt and shorts that had to pin together Suho looked comical. She'd have to find him some appropriate clothing.
"I'm sleepy," Suho announced, sliding off the chair. He took a dish rag from the counter and bundled it on the floor in the corner. Ariana watched as he turned around on it several times before curling himself on it.
Jesus, he was used to sleeping on floors? Quickly cleaning up the dishes, Ariana carried the now sleeping Suho into her room. He was so small now. Would he always be this way? She made a pallet on the floor near her bed, laying him down on it covering him with a blanket. His mouth slightly open as he snored, his now big belly moving up and down. She smiled, taking the time to shower herself now.
She tried not to stop and think about what she was doing and what might happen. How she could get into trouble. Couldn't she? If they threw him away then they wouldn't come looking for him. Perhaps they expected him to die? Opening the door to her room, she discovered he wasn't on his pallet. A bolt of fear went through her until she saw him cuddled on the blankets of her bed.
"Suho...I thought you left." She breathed out, closing the bathroom door walking to the bed.
"Suho stays with you. I won't leave, and I'll be a good boy." He laid his head on her lap as she sat down.
Rubbing the tip of his ear gently Ariana smiled, giving his head a good scratch. "Yes, you'll stay with me."
"For a long time," Suho stated matter of factly.
"A very long time," She'd get to that research tomorrow morning. "Now it's time for bed." Getting up she closed her room door, bathing the room in darkness except for the soft pink light of a nightlight in one corner.
"Can I sleep with you?" He asked, getting himself under the covers.
A smile pricked at the corners of her mouth. "Are you afraid of the dark?"
She could barely see his face in the darkness but felt the stiffness of his body as she laid down next to him. "No. I can see in the dark. I just don't want you to leave."
Ariana ran her fingers through his hair, holding Suho's small body close to her. He smelled like her Cantu shampoo and Shea butter. "I told you, I won't ever leave. Now sleep."
Chapter Two
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