#yesterday's late night baking went very well <3
falderaletcetera · 2 years
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sickos voice: yesssss
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criolla-star · 6 months
A Fiery Lovestory (Red Son x Mk part 4)
(I suggest you check out part 1-3 if you haven't already, just a reminder Macaque and Red Son are just friends they aren't like a father son duo cause that would be weird since i have Shadowpeach in this comic and since Macaque and Wukong are practically MKs' parent annnnd Red Son has bull ears, and horns that are small i'm sure you have seen fanart of it before, i'll shut up now)
Red Son woke up the next day it took him a moment to process where he was, but when he did he checked the time, it was 6:23am. Red Son always woke up early to prevent the scolding from his parents for being up late, but then he just realised, "Oh fuck...my parents don't know where I am..." Red Son thought to himself he hadn't thought about this yesterday when he agreed to follow he was just exhausted. "Hopefully Macaque can lie for me..." Red mumbled, sure he didn't know where he was but Macaque knew better than to out him. Red let out a sigh before getting up and stretching. He was still wearing MKs' clothes and it was really comfy this made him blush slightly. Suddenly he remembered his fire and then carefully attempted to ignite a fire it took a minute but he let out a sigh of relief when he finally managed to do it rain honestly really fucked him up but that won't be the only thing fucking him.....
He had a pretty peaceful sleep and looked and went to the bathroom he was honestly surprised with how furnished MK's home was, but his thought went back to MKs' sculpted body from when he was shirtless last night, "So hot..." Red Son whispered out, "Why the fuck am I thinking about him, he's an idiot...a handsome idiot" Red Son added, "That's it I'm just gonna find something to eat in this place" Red Son scolded himself before going into the kitchen. He looked around and saw discarder cereal boxes on the counter and table, there were dirty dishes in the sink, "It's such a mess in here" Red Son mumbled, the fire demon wasn't a fan of messy places the closest he's ever had a place this dirty was his workshop.
"I can't with this..." Red Son mumbled as he went and turned on the tap before tying up his hair, taking off MKs' jacket from yesterday, finding some gloves and beginning to do the dishes. Red Son didn't find cleaning a pain and actually enjoyed it (can ya believe someone likes cleaning) He continued to do the dishes and eventually finished that, the fire demon also enjoyed singing and talking to himself while he did things such as cleaning, working or cooking, and yes he can cook like really good also really enjoys it. Eventually Red finished cleaning the whole kitchen, it was now 7:30am he's been cleaning for an hour and was honestly surprised the noodle boy hasn't awoken from his slumber by now. "Hm...hungry..." Red Son said quietly to himself. The fire demon went through cupboards and the found ingredients to make pancakes, "Well he has something else other than cereal" Red Son mumbled before taking off the jacket and he surprisingly found an apron which wasn't dirty and put it one I mean of course it wouldn't be dirty by the looks of it Mk probably only ate cereal and noodles which was kinda sad for Red Son to think about but he shrugged it off.
Red Son grabbed a bowl and made the pancake mixture, I don't know how to bake/cook so don't expect a good description. Once the mixture was complete the fire demon poured it onto a pan, used his fire to ignite the stove and made pancake after pancake. It honestly smelt amazing and Red Son was singing whatever song you want with the most angelic voice very ironic for a demon.
Mk woke up to an amazing smell unaware of the stunning fire demon cooking in his apartment and the beautiful act of cleaning he did. Mk yawned out loudly then checked the time, it was 8am and honestly that surprised him he usually up later than this, "Wow I'm up early, must be the smell..." Mk thought, "Haha...Red Sons' here...OH SHIT RED SONS HERE!" Mk panicked realising that the fire demon was probably up and in the kitchen. He grabbed a shirt and rushed out while putting it on. Only to hear Red Son singing as well as him cooking, the fire demon didn't notice him and continued singing unaware that he was being watched Mk looked around and noticed how clean everything was, "Did he do this..?" The monkey thought. Mk leaned on the door frame and continued to listen until the demon noticed. He was honestly lost in his thoughts Red Sons' voice sounded so sweet and soft. He was watching for 2 minutes until Red Son did a twirl and realisation hit him, "AHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE!!!??" Red Son panicked almost falling down. "Long enough...did you clean this place up?" Mk chuckled out walking towards Red Son, "I-I in fact did, this place was filthy!" Red Son nervously said out before talking in his bratty tone.
"Well thank you, was gonna eventually clean it but never had the motivation to" Mk responded before looking Red Son up and down, he was still wearing his sweatpants but the apron looked really cute on him. "I don't know how you could let your place get like this, but I made pancakes you barely had anything in those cupboards of yours other than cereal, eat it or not I couldn't care less" Red Son said before putting another pancake on a stack, "Hey I'll eat anything at this point I think I've had noodles and cereal a bit too much" Mk said as he sat at the table because Red Son signalled him to sit down. "As if that part wasn't obvious..." The fire demon mumbled before plating some pancakes and giving it to Mk. Before grabbing a tub of ice cream, and strawberries and placing it next to Mk. "Did you go through everything?" Mk chuckled out, "So what if I did? If you have a problem go back to eating cereal noodle boy" Red Son hissed slightly annoyed, "Haha...no..." Mk replied before beginning to eat. MKs' eyes lit up, "Holy shit this is like the best thing I've ever eaten, you are an amazing cook I never thought you would be able to cook" Mk said praising Red Son. Hearing this made the fire demon blush, "I-I tend to do cooking and baking as a hobby it relaxes me" Red Son replied before sitting down and beginning to eat.
Mk stared at him before smirking, "Does singing also relax you~?" the monkey teased, the fire demons' face lit up with blush, "D-Don't you mention that!!" Hr stuttered out embarrassingly. "Hey I'm not making fun of you, you're voice is really nice...I wouldn't mind listening to it forever..." Mk said his voice becoming softer as he lost himself while staring at Red Son. The fire demon blushed hearing that, "J-Just shut up you peasant and eat!" Red said nervously Mk chuckled before continuing to eat.
"I have work at 9:30, I don't mind if you stay here" Mk said breaking a silence as they ate, "Mhm...I suppose I could stay..." Red Son spoke, he was hoping Macaque managed to convince his parents that he didn't run away and somehow Mk must've read his mind, "Does Macaque know you're here...?" Mk added his voice going from his dumb tone to a more serious tone, "No...but, he won't be bothering you till he knows where I am..." Red Son replied.
After a while they finished eating Mk had to go to work and told Red Son rules he had to follow. "Morning kid, you're here early" Pigsy said surprisingly when Mk came in, "Yep" Mk replied happily while waiting for order but he couldn't quite get Red Son off his mind.
(The amount of times i lost motivation for this is unspeakable like i clicked off it and started reading other fanfic or watching youtube, ALSO the true power of the samadhi fire is blue which alters based on the power used if it's a little amount it will stay as red too much it'll be blue saying that i already mentioned this before that Meis' fire is a way downgraded version of the actual fire due to the colour)
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
End to Start pt. 3 - Jaehyun AU
Hello lovelies! this part took awhile to write but she’s here, i hope you like it! I enjoy reading your feedbacks😊🤍
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
taglist: @the-universe-in-you-jjh @undevotedfangirl @dumplingley @halbae​​
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“But like how rich is he?”
“Rich enough to buy this building three four times over” you mumbled, not really paying much attention to Jungwoo and more on the cake you’re trying to decorate
“And you broke up with him? Wah noona” you looked over at him with a glare, signaling him to shut up. 
It was the day after the gala, you were supposed to take the day off but you’d rather keep yourself busy than overthink at home. Thus why you’re here now at the cafe with a very nosy Jungwoo beside you with his 100 questions after finding out you dated the Jung Jaehyun. 
“I’m three seconds away from kicking you out of this store permanently” 
“That’s the third time I heard that, this month” he smiled at you, walking back to the kitchen to grab the other pastries to be displayed. It’s still pretty early and it’s the weekend so you don’t expect that many people right now.
“So is he the guy you dated when you were in college?”
“You didn’t say he owned a big company”
“Are we playing 20 questions right now? Go serve the customers” you pushed him to the side when you heard the bell right, going back to what you were doing and letting Jungwoo deal with it. 
“Goodmorning, what can I get you today?”
“Two iced americano please”
Hold up, you know that voice. You don’t even have to look up to see who it was, “Is that all? Would you like to try some of our cakes and pastries? It’s good to pair with the coffee” Jungwoo said, still clueless about who he’s currently talking to 
“Is that green tea with pistachio? I’ll take a slice of that” it just so happens it was the cake you were currently setting up. 
“Sure thing, is that all?” After taking his order, the guy walked to a vacant table. 
“Noona, should I set you up with that guy? He was looking at you, plus he looks handsome and rich”
“Shut up”
 You were preparing the order when the bell rang again, “Goodmorning, welcome to the cafe” Jungwoo greeted happily. 
“Oh, looks like he’s with someone” that made you halt for a second but quickly shaking it away. Passing the tray over to Jungwoo, “Here, go serve this and please stop being nosy”.
Jaehyun wanted to visit the cafe for some time now, but he didn’t want it to seem like he’s stalking you. He already knew you know how to bake, your cookies were his favorite. You used to bake those for him after exams as a way to cheer him up.
He didn’t know the first time he’ll be visiting here is when he’s about to break-up with his current ‘girlfriend’, with you standing only a few meters away. But after last night’s gala, Chungha called him suddenly asking if they could talk. 
“Here’s your order, is there anything else I could get you?” Jungwoo asked him and Chunga but the girl just shook her head with a smile, “Really? green tea cake? Your taste is so weird sometimes” she chuckled at the sight of cake on the table
“It’s one of the more unique flavors, we also have a chocolate one. It’s our bestseller” Jungwoo added, “Maybe later, thanks” 
After Jungwoo walked away, the two were left alone to talk. 
“Go on, just say it”
“You don’t have to act all tough all the time you know” 
His eyes landing on hers, as if he was telling her to just get on with it. “We had a good run” she chuckled, “What will your parents say when the word gets out?” Jaehyun asked. He might seem like a cold guy but he does still have some empathy left in him,
“I’ll deal with it. Happiness comes at a price, it just took me this long to realize I’m willing to pay for it no matter what the cost. Maybe you should too”
Jaehyun can’t help but look over at you, you were having a conversation with the guy that took his order and was laughing at something he said. Jaehyun’s gaze made Chungha look over at the side too, in that moment she knew
“So that’s her?”
“No” he cleared his throat before drinking his coffee, “You know you can’t lie that good, not to me atleast. Or her it looks like. Word of advice though, if she’s worth it just do it”
You were doing your best to ignore the two people on the far side of your cafe, Jaehyun and the girl looked like they were having a very serious conversation. When the girl stood up you immediately busied yourself again, then someone was standing infront of the counter on the other side. 
“I heard the chocolate cake is the best seller here” she said, her voice gentle and sweet. She seems like a lovely lady. 
“Yea, and the chocolate chip cookies too. Would you like to try it?” you asked her with a smile of your own
“I’ll take both to go” you packed the treats yourself, passing it over to her as she hand you her payment
“Green tea cake, sounds different” she chuckled, looking at the cake with a single slice missing “Oh yea, I just like trying out flavors here and there”
“What are you talking about? You always make that, if you want to try something new, you can order that. We always have extra” Jungwoo butted in, “Will keep that in mind, my friend loves that flavor”
“Oh, friend” Jungwoo said then looking over at you, “Thanks by the way” the lady said then walked out the door. 
“Friend” Jungwoo repeated with a wicked grin on
“But this is your chance at finally landing someone! Jihyo may be bad at setting you up maybe I can”
“Let’s just try, see he’s walking over here”
“I said-” “Uh can I have this cake to go, please? I’ll also get the rest of it” Jaehyun said  looking back and forth between you and Jungwoo
“Sure, would that be all?” you asked as if you didn’t know him
“Uhm so my boss here-” you elbowed him on the stomach, trying to stop him from continuing. “I’m here! Sorry I’m a bit late, class finished later than I thought” Sungchan announced as he enter the shop, making the three of you look over at the tall boy
“Oh, hyung what are you doing here?” he asked Jaehyun when he spotted him, “You two know each other?” Jungwoo asked from beside you
Then it clicked, you almost wanted to slap yourself. How can you be so stupid, you’re not sure. 
“You’re related, how come I never put that together” you looked back and forth between the two
“You two know each other?” Sungchan asked back, “Something like that” Jaehyun mumbled. That made Jungwoo look over at you then Jaehyun then at you again, “Oh, Jung Sungchan. then you must be-”
After that stressful encounter, you chose to just call it an early day and leave the boys at the cafe. Jaehyun didn’t say much afterwards, just waited for his order then left with a few words said to his younger brother. 
Add that to the list of things you were thinking about. After the gala yesterday, after seeing Jaehyun’s mom again you can’t help but overthink about things again. A big part of you itching to do what you’ve always been meaning to do, something you wish you never did. 
Unable to stop yourself, you opened the door of your closet and rummaged through until you find the box stashed inside. Stuffing it in your bag before shruging your coat on, took your keys and drove off. 
You've only been at their place once, that was the first and last time. 
It’s what you see in movies, the typical huge mansion rich people have in movies. The Jungs were no exception, their home looked like something straight out of a magazine. Until now you feel like you shouldn’t be here. 
Parking your car on the driveway, you walked towards the front door. Knocking twice and wait for someone to open the door, when it did it was just the person you wanted to see, 
“Can we talk?”
Jaehyun didn’t expect the turn of events this day had, after finding out his youngest sibling works part time at your cafe ofcourse he had to know more. Telling Sungchan he’ll wait until his shift is over to drive him home. 
“You didn’t tell me you work at the cafe”
“Why? would you stop me just like mom?” the younger one asked, he knew what his brother meant.  With their mother there’s almost little to no room for freedom, their lives were planned out for them. As kids they were told what they should be when they grow up, expectations they had to meet, things they needed to accomplish. 
“No, it’s close to my office. You could’ve just worked for me” he answered, the older brother tone gone
“Then what’s the point? Like I said, I wanted to atleast see the world on my own before mom and dad stops me. Or atleast until college” Sungchan mumbles
“If you don’t want to study the course mom and dad are making you study just tell me, I’ll help you”
“Why? They’ll just get mad at you too”
“Then they can be both mad at us, don’t make the same stupid mistakes I did. Don’t take too long to decide that this isn’t the life you don’t want to live. Just... just be you. If they won’t have that, then you’ll have me” he sincerely said, meaning every word he just said. 
He wished he had someone to say that to him back then, in a way he did. You told him that. 
Even if the world is against him, he’ll have your hand to hold on to. 
“So, how did you know Y/N noona?”
“We went to same college” he answered, keeping it brief. After that Sungchan didn’t ask anymore questions. When they finally arrived at their home, there’s an unfamiliar car on the driveway. Assuming that it was one of their parent’s visitor,
“Are you staying the night?” Sungchan ask as they walk towards the house, “No, just came to talk to mom about something”
“Okay, well see you later” the two brothers went their own ways, Sungchan skipping up the stairs to his room while Jaehyun walk around the house looking for his mom. 
What he didn’t expect was to see who she was talking to, they were at the foyer, sitting at opposite sides of the table. 
“Even when I didn’t have anything to my name, I never touched a cent in that envelope. I’m ashamed I even took in the first place, that was my mistake. And I’m still paying for it until now, you got what you wanted. Jaehyun hates me”
You were talking about him with his mother? 
What envelop were you talking about?
“Then why did you take it?”
“Because it was the only way you’ll stop, I thought if I took the money and disappeared you would atleast spare him, you’d let him live the way he wants to. I don’t care if he’s angry at me, he has every right to be” you answered, no sign of intimidation or fear in your voice. 
But he does hear the pain, and he hated it. 
“Your son is worth more than whatever you give me, that money is bitter reminder of my lowest point. But even then, I’d rather starve and have no roof over my head than spend a single cent you gave me. It’s up to you if you tell him what you did, I think we’re way past the point of going back anyways. He can’t even stand being in the same room as me. One way or another, you got what you wanted. All I want is my peace, I don’t want that with me anymore, I don’t want to keep that in the corner of my closet like the monster I’m too scared to face”
Jaehyun was trying to take all of your words in, struggling to process the truth he just accidently uncovered. 
All those years he thought you left him because you didn’t love him was in fact not what really happened, His mother, surprisingly but not really, manipulated his life yet again. 
“All of the money is still in there, I haven’t touched that since then. I was just waiting for the day I could finally give it back to you. I’m pretty sure you don’t need it, but neither do I” you said your final words then rose from your seat. 
When you turned around to leave the place you didn’t expect to see the person standing by the door, a gasp leaving Mrs. Jung’s mouth
“Jaehyun” she said but his gaze was on you
You didn’t have to ask him, you already knew he heard it. How much? probably enough judging by the look on his face. 
You looked at him with same intense stare, trying to say your apologies without saying anything at all. It feels like there’s this weight lifted off of you after you gave the envelope containing the money back to his mom. Like this time you can look him in the eyes without thinking about the money stashed away in your closet.
There are still questions floating in his mind, you could tell. But Jaehyun didn’t look as troubled as he should be, even with the overwhelming amount of questions in his head he knew this time it would be okay. You were the only answer he needed.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
first of all, this chapter right here is my comfort chapter from now on. i said what i said. I will be rereading it again and again just because i can. it was PERFECTION
here's me going crazy at 2 am yesterday.
alec shaved his beard because it made him look older
magnus and alec are the oblivious parents istg
“Are you decent?” Max yelled. “I don’t want to be traumatized again.”
“Hey! We agreed not to talk about that!” Alec yelled back.
Im not even surprised at this point
“Happy anniversary, bapa!” Rafael kissed him on the cheek and handed him the flowers.
“Where are my flowers?” Alec asked.
Rafael plucked a rose from the bouquet and threw it at Alec. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, son,” Alec mumbled.
“David made it,” Max said shyly. "
Oh,” Alec replied and then shrugged. “Well, the icing could be a little sweeter I think.”
Ever since Max started dating, Alec had become incredibly protective. Alec liked David of course – it was impossible to find someone who didn’t. But that didn’t mean Alec approved.
And it didn’t help that the blond boy was absolutely terrified of Alec.
“I don’t know,” Alec analysed the card. “David used too much glitter.”
“Since when do you have a problem with excessive glitter?” Max demanded.
“I didn’t use him!” Max huffed. “He was thoroughly compensated for his efforts!”
“Compensated how?” Alec asked.
“Uh,” Max said. “With donuts.”
when i saw donuts i immediately thought of rose and luisa from jtv
but should i continue the show? i got tired of jane continuously embarrasing herself
“You expect us to follow rules?” Alec asked in surprise. “In our own home? On our anniversary?”
The warlock boy grinned wickedly before leaning close to Alec.
“You better do it, or I will tell everyone about your secret,” Max whispered.
Alec blinked at that.
the secret...
is highschool musical that bad? i havent watched it. should i?
what if i cried
i just wanna hug alec??? but i cant say it'll be ok because it wont
“Is that why you are not attending?” Magnus grinned at his friend. “Or is it because you are terrified of Georgia?”
“That child is the reincarnation of Christopher Lightwood!” Ragnor complained. “I heard she made explosives out of demon ichor! Who makes explosions out of demon ichor?”
how tf do you think we have survived huh??
medicine that's how
vaccines, anti biotics and what not
stop being close-minded and fucking do it
ok i know the risk is great
it was different for warlocks. The Shadow World was their universe. The nephilim kept it safe. At one point in their lives, they had learned to coexist with them, out of necessity and out of obligation.
And now here they were – working together in the name of friendship and love.
how things change...
say what
the causes are what
ok let's not jump to conclusions
im fucking crying wtf
alec doesnt deserve this shit
all he's done is make the world a better place
hes worked so hard on this
what am i supposed to say to my parents if one of them comes to check on me and im sitting here crying at 2 am
He didn’t want to believe in a reality that would punish Alec. Alec who only wanted to do what is good and right.
Alec was who was losing his hope and strength every passing day. Alec who was struggling. Alec who was turning to desperate measures to cope with all the stress.
please alec
no please
Because if Magnus found out Raziel was the one causing all this pain for Alec, he would march up to heaven and set the bastard on fire himself.
blue and gold
The shadowhunter was a good influence on him. Magnus hoped Alec would see it sooner rather than later.
“Max isn’t allowed to do a lot of things,” Magnus chuckled. “But he does them anyway.”
thats my boi
rafael is growing into the consul voice
they grow up so fast
nope nope he's still the little 5 year old
voice cracking what do you mean he's 20
im glad hes happy with mila. or is he...?
Magnus had deduced as much. Alec lived in his beautifully oblivious world. But Magnus noticed.
He noticed the hickeys. He noticed the late-night visits. He noticed the tense phone calls.
well thank god there's at least one non-oblivious person (alec i love you so much but you are very very oblivious)
“What’s stopping you then?” Magnus asked.
"2554 miles,” Rafael chuckled sadly.
me with all my online friends
probably more miles
Magnus tried to do the math but promptly gave up.
But Alec did lie though. Magnus pushed the thought away.
“Except melt it?” Rafael chuckled.
“Yes,” Magnus chuckled back. “As you can see, the bar is extremely low in the Lightwood family.”
i have no clue what the words describing the outfit are
time to google
Fifteen years. Fifteen years of loving and Alec still made his heart stutter.
dont do this to me right now I WILL CRY
“What the hell?” Max exclaimed. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, it’s my anniversary,” Alec chuckled.
Fifteen years. Fifteen years and Magnus still took Alec’s breath away.
it's not funny MY EYES ARE WATERING
“Bapak is a good looking one in the family,” Rafael pointed out. “You are the chaotic one and I am the smart one.”
“What am I then?” Alec asked dryly. “A sack of potatoes?”
“You’re the sexy one,” Magnus grinned. “A sexy sack of potatoes.”
Alec grinned back and leaned forward. Magnus put his hands around Alec’s neck and kissed him. He kissed Alec with all the love he had inside his heart.
Just like the first time. Just like the hundredth time. Just like the thousandth time.
Because with Alec, every kiss mattered. Every single one.
muffled sob
“Stop making out, oh my god!” Max groaned.
Magnus sensed a pillow coming their way but Rafael caught it before it hit them.
“Max, stop!” Rafael scolded. “You will wrinkle dad’s suit and ruin bapak’s hair! I spent hours ironing both!”
why is max me when i see people display affection in front of me
“They are here,” Rafael said. “You two better look exactly the way you did when I left with Max or I will raise hell.”
Selena was wearing a blue crop top with the words “MIND YOUR OWN UTEREUS” written in gold.
i need that top
The argument of “who gave the best gift” had started when Jace and Izzy had gotten drunk on vodka. It didn’t help that Alec had gotten drunk as well. All three Lightwood siblings had then proceeded to have an argument about who had the best spouse. The whole night had been drunken chaos. Magnus, Clary and Simon had let them have it since the Lightwood siblings had a tendency to carry the world on their shoulders even when nobody asked them. They rarely ever let loose ever since their worlds had plunged into sickness and demon attacks. Especially Alec. So, Magnus had let his husband be that 18-year-old boy again. The boy who got drunk and fought with his siblings and sang songs about Magnus’ pretty eyes.
Georgia considered that. “I’m not allowed to melt it, right?”
“No,” they all replied in chorus.
“Dad,” Max said. “Can you keep a picture of me wearing this necklace in your office?”
“Why?” Rafael asked.
“I think it will piss off the boomers,” Max giggled.
“Nice!” Lexi grinned. “A downworlder wearing a shadowhunter heirloom? They will lose their heads. Uncle Alec, you must do it.”
“I will do you one better. I will hang a tapestry,” Alec chuckled.
he actually gave to camille first-
Why couldn’t this boy just cause chaos during his travel year like the rest of them? Why did he actually study and do his research as recommended?
why would you NOT study and research during your travel year????
oh shit
well well well
david bby stfu
i love you but pls stop speaking for all our sakes
“Holy shit,” Max said. “It is expensive then!”
“Don’t pawn the ruby!” Rafael warned.
oh no
pls dont fight
oh so i was wrong about magus confronting him from that snippet
all you need to know is im sobbing right now and grammarly is the only thing making this coherent
dont mind me just
don't do this to me at 3 am
thank you for adding light into my life again
(me while editing this: today really isn't my day huh? i just slipped in rainwater outside my balcony because I heard rain and ran there. now my knee and back hurt and I think I sprained (?) my toe-
wait im gonna go check out the rain and then continue editing this
ok i got bored of the rain)
that made me laugh through my tears
“Objectively good looking?” Jace snorted. “Excuse you, but my parabatai is smoking hot! He is a freaking prize, okay? If we had a magazine for hot shadowhunters, you would be on the cover page. Every single issue.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alec interrupted. “Magnus, are you happy? Now all my friends have told me I am pretty.”
“I said smoking hot,” Jace corrected.
“We are not being biased,” Clary pointed out. “It is the general consensus, Alec.”
“It’s true,” Lexi said. “So many people have asked me for your number, Uncle Alec. And I would have given it to them if I wasn’t worried about being turned into a marshmallow.”
“Dad, I don’t know why you are so worried,” Max said in a bored tone. “You’re a told DILF.”
David choked on his champagne and Jace patted him on the back.
“What the hell is a DILF?” Alec demanded.
“Oh, I know this one!” Jace said excitedly. “It means Dashing and Irresistible Looking Father. Max is right, you are a total DILF.”
“Mr. Herondale-” David raised a hand.
“I heard one of the shadowhunters in their travel year calling me a DILF too,” Jace said proudly.
“It’s not a rumour,” Selena spoke up and passed her phone. “There is a group chat at Scholomance just to thirst after you.”
add me to it
“Alec Lightwood can run me over with a Maserati and I would thank him.”
“Give me that,” Izzy grabbed the phone and started giggling. “Petition for Consul Alec Lightwood-Bane to stab me with his mortal sword.”
“Isabelle!” Alec hissed, cheeks flaming. “Stop it!”
“I want one!” Jace grabbed the phone now. “By the Angel!”
“Read it!” the kids yelled in chorus.
“I would gladly let Consul Lightwood-Bane inspect my mortal instruments,” Jace chuckled and threw the phone at David.
David shook his head vehemently and threw it at Max.
“My body is just a hole for Alec Lightwood,” Max read out loud and started laughing so hard that he fell off his chair.
Lexi grabbed the phone and giggled. “I want the Consul to strip off my runes among other things.”
She passed the phone to Gigi, who looked at the phone and look at Alec.
“Uncle Alec,” the girl said. “This person wants you to crush them with your massive archer arms.”
“Give me that,” Rafael grabbed it now. “Aw, this one is a classic, dad. Alec Lightwood turned me gay.”
He threw the phone at Simon, who stared the screen and looked up. “Uh, I don’t think I can read this one out loud in front of the kids.
“Is this the one about the basement?” Selena chuckled and Simon nodded.
google translator time
oooo Rafael's gonna talk with Mila
Magnus you're such a good father
“Sometimes things are just sad. So, you need to let yourself be sad.”
Alec and Magnus hiding under the bed and spying on them is just-
Jace had tried to give Max the shovel talk and had gotten a little too emotional.
of course, he did smh I love him so much
“David doesn’t need a shovel talk,” Alec smiled. “He knows what would happen to him if he hurts my son.”
David gulped. “You will throw me into the silent city?”
“I will ask me husband to portal you to hell,” Alec said – Consul Voice. “We have relatives there.”
the beloved relatives yes
“Goodnight,” Jace gave them a salute. “Have fun inspecting Magnus’ mortal instruments.”
damn it
oh my god guys he said he'll stop smoking
just lemme have this moment
my boy's lungs will be intact
“I can’t wait to see all the messages on the chat after that,” Magnus giggled.
Alec looked up. “I’m more than a tall glass of water, Magnus!”
In his dream, he saw them again. But they weren’t smiling this time.
nope nope nope
Nah I don't know what you're talking about
damn, I think I really hurt my back...
OK BUT THE IMMORTALITY ANGST???? WAS SO SO GOOD???? I know it makes me cry but is it bad that I'm always so excited for angst written by you because of HOW GOOD it is????
"When I die I will love you from my grave" I NEED THIS ON MY FOREHEAD OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE TWO SO SO MUCH
alright I need to get something for my back and my knee (I'm home alone so this will be fun)
OK, I THINK THE NEXT CHP WILL BE ANJALI'S POV I JUST FEEL IT!!! I miss my girl so much I hope she's doing ok. Jaime too...
I'm rereading all of these chapters after chapter 10 because why not. Bye!!
I hope your knee and back feels better soon!
also fuck that teacher yelling something doesn't make people understand it any better ugh dumb piece of shit anyway screw that person.
I hope you get some good rest and recovery from this rollercoaster of a day.
Take care!
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Never Too Late 1
Warnings: noncon sexual acts (later in series)
This is dark!Steve Rogers and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You’re turning forty and life seems to be forging ahead on its one way track, that is until you meet Steve Rogers.
Note: No I don’t know when the next chapter will be up or why I’m posting. The last few days have been some of the worst of my life and everything’s fallen apart.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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You thought thirty-nine was hard. You remembered it clearly, as if it was yesterday. A whole year. Another year. Gone. You greeted forty as you had every day. At your desk behind the ridiculous protective glass as you renewed licenses and issued permits. 
The same tedious, draining eight hours, the same dull co-workers, the same broken water cooler, the same sign flashing numbers as you beckoned forth the next impatient person. ‘What took you so long?’ ‘This is ridiculous.’ ‘Goddamn pain in the neck.’ 
No one wanted to sit in the old and stiff plastic seats just to get a terrible photo taken and have to wait even longer for the actual card to arrive in the mail. And you didn’t want to help. That became clearer the longer you were there. The job was thankless and dull. Like everything else in your life.
You left as you did every night. You promised yourself it wouldn’t be like your last birthday. No bottle of wine burning in your gut. No splitting headache the next day as you stared into the toilet bowl. Just a little treat that couldn’t possibly turn bitter.
And that was just like you. No risks, no spontaneity. The same old routine. You could hear mother’s voice then. ‘You’re too stubborn. That’s why you never held onto a man. You waited too long. Nothing is ever going to be perfect enough for you… for grandkids.’ Well, she had others. Your sister had a boy and a girl, and your brother was blessed with three daughters. More than enough for her. Unlike you.
It was raining. On your birthday. In the middle of summer. Typical.
You were soaked by the time you got to the train and hesitated to follow through on your planned sojourn. You got off a few stops before yours and climbed up to the street. The downpour slowed to a drizzle. You dipped through the automatic door and the air-conditioned grocer chilled your damp clothing.
You went to the refrigerated glass shelves of pastries and specialty desserts. A whole cake to yourself seemed exorbitant; not just on your stomach but your wallet too. They had single slices of cheesecake but only plain left. You wanted chocolate or strawberry or something that you would slightly regret.
There was a pretty cupcake; chocolate with mocha icing and a drizzle of dolce leche and some garish edible beads sprinkled over. You took the small plastic container and headed for the frozen aisle to grab a pizza; thin crust with cheese. The calories added up along with the years.
You paid for your measly meal and slightly ridiculous dessert and headed back out onto the street. Your flat slipped on the pavement and you steadied yourself with your other foot only for your toe to catch a crack in the pavement. You flailed and fought but in your usual graceless existence, there was little else you could do but resign to fate.
The plastic container was crushed beneath your chest atop the pizza box and your purse fell painfully down your arm as your knees scraped through your wool pants. Just your luck. Just your fucking luck! You cursed in your head and slowly pushed yourself off the mess, chocolate smeared across your blouse.
You wanted to cry. And scream. You wanted to disappear as the apathetic New York rush passed you by. As life passed you by. And the urge only got more intense as a shadow stopped before you. As your eyes glossed over the shoes and followed the long legs up a formidable figure. As the man with the golden hair knelt and helped scrape up the mess onto the pizza box.
“Oh my god,” You grumbled as you took it from him embarrassed. “You don’t have to--”
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“I’d really prefer it that you just…” You shook your head, you could barely look at him. “Just ignore me like everyone else. Please.”
“Come on,” He offered you his hand but you just stared. He grabbed your elbow instead and helped you stand. “I’m sure they have a dozen more--”
“It’s fine.” You swept past him and shoved the box and mess of plastic and icing into the trash. He followed you, barely evading other pedestrians as he did. “ I’m just… Thank you. I’m fine.”
You turned away and he caught your elbow again. He was strong. You turned back, annoyed with him as much as yourself. And now that you looked at him directly, he was familiar. And that was worse. You cringed and wiggled your arm free.
“Hey,” He let go and pointed down. “You’re bleeding.”
You looked and the knee of your pants had soaked through with blood. You sighed and shook your head. 
“It’s just… another nail in the coffin,” You huffed under your breath. “I’ll survive.” You assured him and spun away once more. “Happy birthday to me.” You grumbled.
You heard him behind you then felt him beside you as another New Yorker narrowly avoided him. You were starting to get angry and the humiliation curdled in your chest.
“It’s your birthday?” He asked.
“How--” You glanced over at him. “I...whispered that.”
“I have good ears,” He smiled.
“You would.” You frowned. “Well... Steve Rogers,” You announced as you crossed your arms and stopped again, a snarl hurled in your direction from a passerby. “You saved me. Your work for the day is done.”
“You know who I am?” He mused. 
“I might be clueless but not that clueless,” You said. “Look, thank you. I aready said it once.”
“Let me buy you a cake,” He said. “Then my job is done.”
You squinted at him. Long and hard. No man was ever this nice to you. Not without reason. And this was the Steve Rogers. The Captain America. He was every woman’s dream and every man’s envy. You were a forty year old hermit covered in rain and cupcake.
“Really, you’ve done enough.” You hissed. “I can’t--No.”
You marched away from him but he was relentless. He kept you from the subway as he rounded you and blocked your path.
“You seem like you’re having a bad day. Let me make it better.” He said.
“Why?” You asked. “You don’t know me.”
“Well, you know who I am. So we’re halfway there.” He smiled. “What’s your name?”
You tilted your head as you considered him. If you humoured him, it would be over sooner. You couldn’t imagine what urge drove him to his persistence. Was it a genuine need to be valiant? A compulsion? Pity? Maybe he amused himself with the pathetic missteps of others?
You gave him your name. Begrudgingly.
“There’s a bakery close to here. Established 1934.” He said. “I went to the opening with my mother.”
“You really don’t--”
“The more you insist I don’t, the more I want to,” He interrupted. “So, let me do something nice.”
You stared at him and the mist began to thicken. The rain drops bounced off the awning over the next storefront and ran down the aged brick of the neighbourhood.
“Come on, before you catch cold,” His hand was on your arm again. You let him usher you past the subway entrance; more eager to be out of the rain than anything.
The door rang as you entered. The bell was old and tinny and the inside betrayed its age. Not in a bad way. It was clean and smelled of bread and cloves. The hand painted cards lined before the trays of baked goods and the faded portraits of loaves and bundts were of another time. You felt old and not very all at once.
“Their black forest is good,” Steve said as he shook the rain off his thin jacket; if the rain hadn’t broken the humidity, he’d have been stolid. “Red velvet…” He looked at you. “French Vanilla.”
“Oh, do I seem vanilla to you?” You challenged as you turned to the display and avoided his eyes. 
“It’ll be nice. A treat to take home for the family.” He said. “Husband? Kids?”
You scoffed and bent closer as you read. Your glasses were at the bottom of your purse. A new prescription you were in denial off.
“I’ll take a slice of the cherry chip.” You said to the woman on the other side of the counter. “Please.”
“She’ll take the whole cake.” Steve reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. “My treat.” He slid a bill across as you stared at the floor. “No one to share with?”
“My cat died after Christmas,” You shrugged. “I suppose I could bring it in for my co-workers.”
He was quiet as the baker boxed up the cake. The tension between you thickened.
“I know it’s kind of… frowned upon to ask but--”
“Forty,” You interrupted. “A nice, even number, I guess.”
“Ah, a whippersnapper,” He nudged you before he took the cake from the banker with a thanks. “I think I’ve bothered you enough.” He held it out to you. “Happy birthday.” He glanced out the window as you accepted the box. “You should wait this thing out but…” He pulled up his hood and checked his watch. “I got a friend waiting on me and he’s not very patient.” He grinned. “And I was late when I ran into you.”
You watched him go. He swung the door open and the bell rattled again. The rain pattered off his hood as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He glanced at you one last time before he dove into the city crowd and sidestepped the splash of a passing car. You looked down at the dark green box.
Well, at least you could say it hadn’t been an entirely uneventful birthday.
Break was almost over. You spent your last few minutes in the washroom. You leaned closer to the mirror as you frowned. That made it worse. That new line around your lips… and the crow’s feet. Was that another grey poking through?
Well, it might help if you stopped scowling. You left your reflection behind and returned to your desk. You got settled and punched back in through your computer. The next number flashed across the screen facing the waiting room; G645I. You didn’t watch to see them stand and approach. You grabbed a pen and scribbled on a post-it as the shadow neared.
“And what are we here for today?” You asked as you finally looked up.
“License renewal,” The paper slid through the slot beneath the window as you blinked up at the familiar voice. “Ten years already.”
“Oh,” You took the form and turned to your monitor as you typed. 
Steve Rogers said your name as if to confirm your fears that after a whole two weeks, he still remembered the woman with cake smeared across her front. You bit your lip without thinking as you looked at him.
“Did you enjoy the cake?” He crossed his arms and leaned on the little ledge, as close to the window as he could get. You didn’t miss Gloria’s errant glances as she ignored her own applicant for yours.
“It was good. Thank you.” You focused on inputting his information. You hid your startled realisation as you keyed in 1918. Whatever they had given him, you wanted some. “I think Gary enjoyed it more. He’s just down at counter three.”
“You sure you’re forty?” He asked.
Your lashes flicked up and you rolled your eyes.
“Coming from you…” You muttered.
“Well, I had help.” He chuckled.
You carried on and scribbled across his form.
“I need you to back up to that line. Look at the camera.” You said tersely as you hit a few buttons. “No smiling.”
He couldn’t help a curve of his lips as he backed away but he squared his jaw and wiped away his amusement as he hit the marker. You focused the lens and took the picture quickly. His image appeared before you and you finished up the renewal as he stood at the window.
“Never really thought about Captain America needing a license,” You gathered up his copy and stapled it to the confirmation. You slipped it to him and his fingers somehow brushed yours beneath the glass.
“Even I have rules,” He kidded.
You narrowed your eyes at him and struggled not to shake your head.
“Three to six weeks,” You told him. “It’ll be in the mail. Keep that in your vehicle.”
“And… how was the rest of your birthday?” He asked.
You were quiet. You considered him and swallowed. You could hear the titters of your co-workers. You wondered how he didn’t, or perhaps he had learned to ignore it.
“Better,” You confessed. “Thank you again.”
“No, thank you,” He folded the paper and tapped it on the ledge. “You’re a doll.”
“A doll?” You echoed.
“Forgive me. My age shows.” He laughed. “You have a good day… take care of yourself.”
“You too, Mr. Rogers.” You said stiffly.
“Oh, and… as an elder, can I share with you something I’ve learned over the years?” He paused as his hand rested just on the other side of the glass.
“Sure,” You said.
“Sometimes you gotta break the routine. Do something fun. Something for yourself.” He backed away slowly. “Get a little wild.” Your brows drew together and he winked. “From one geezer to another.”
He turned and strode past the of chairs of impatient applicants. You took a breath and tried to shrug away your discomfort. It felt almost patronizing to have him talk to you like that. Like he knew you. Like he, the laboratory adonis, could relate to the paunch under your waistband or the slowly sagging skin on your arms. It was almost as if he had been rubbing it in.
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since I keep writing more of the other fic, I’m quickly getting this shorter one i kept meaning to write out of the way. It’ll be 2 or 3 chapters long.
Rustic House Club
Jrumbot crossed his arms at the mess of blocks in front of him. It wasn’t fair! His dad was the best builder of all time and even though his daddy did redstone, he could still build well. And then just yesterday Grum was building something on his own and it looked amazing. But here Jrum was and he couldn’t build anything better than a stupid box house. He kicked one of the blocks making the ruined build in frustration before stomping off. He didn’t even want to look at how bad he had done. 
Jrum was halfway home when he changed his path. He didn’t want to see his family right now. He said he was going off to build something for fun. When he got back, Dad would ask to see it. And Jrum didn’t want to disappoint his dad. Instead, he went towards Scar’s magical village. Since Scar was busy with Aqua Town and his big dig area, he didn’t really come around the forest. And since he didn’t, no one else really did either other than flying above. So Jrum had made it a habit to play in the area.
Well, no one being there wasn’t exactly the case. “Helloooo! Are you here? I wanna play!”
Everything was quiet for long enough that Jrum started to slowly and sadly walk through the village. But then, he got an answer. “Yes! Hello! I’m here! Hello Jrum!”
Jrum immediately lit up. “Yay! I really need someone to play with right now! I haven’t had the best day.”
“Oh no! What happened?”
Jrum sadly crossed his arms. “I tried to build something, but it just came out stupid looking.”
“Oh, what were you trying to build?”
“I dunno. Just something that looked good. Everyone else in my family can build really good, but I can’t.”
“Hmm…” Jrums friend started thinking. “Not knowing what to build could be the problem. But I’ve got a perfect idea for you to try!”
Jrum lit up and bounced slightly. “Really?”
“Yes, and even if you do get stuck, you can always come back here and I can give you some pointers.”
“That sounds great! What should I be building?”
“A rustic house!”
Grian was getting a little worried as he saw the sun setting. Jrum had gone out on his own ages ago, but still hadn’t returned. He hadn’t seen any death messages, which was a good thing, but he still couldn’t help but worry. And based on the messages he had gotten, Mumbo seemed to be going through the same amount of worry for their younger robot son.
“Do you think we should go out looking at this point? Or call Xisuma?”
“Well, he should have his communicator on him, right?” Mumbo replied, making Grian face palm. 
“Oh right! I thought you were supposed to be the spoon out of the two of us.”
“Well I’m not always. Or did you forget I’m the one who built the machine to find the resistance base.”
Grian rolled his eyes before pulling out his communicator to message Jrumbot. He held his breath as it rang, the moments seeming to drag on until it was answered. “Jrum! Where are you? It’s getting really late.”
“I’m almost home! I finished doing my building but it took a little longer to do. But I did do it! And it looks good!”
Grian sighed in relief. “Oh that’s great. If you’re still too far I can fly over and help you home.”
“Nuh uh. I’m just out of the jungle.”
“Okay, but if you’re not here in the next five minutes, I’m coming after you.”
“Okay!” And then Jrum hung up.
“How far is he?” Mumbo asked once the call had ended.
“Just outside of the jungle. He’ll probably be coming up the elevator soon.” Grian answered. And he was right, as a few minutes later, the redstone from Zedaph’s contraption activated and brought Jrum up to the main hall. “So, how was your day Jrum?”
“It was good. Building was a little frustrating at first, but then I made a house!”
“Oh! Well then you’ll have to show us in the morning. But now it’s bedtime for little robots like you.”
Jrum nodded and hugged both of his dads before running off to bed, Mumbo following along to help tuck Jrum in and plug him into his charger. 
The next day, Jrum was up bright and early. So early that his dads weren’t awake yet, but that was easy to fix. He made sure to be careful of where Dad’s wings were before he jumped on the bed he and Daddy were sharing. “Wake up wake up wake up!”
Grian jolted awake with enough force he fell out of the bed. Mumbo jumped away as well, though instead of falling out of bed, he sat up quickly, looking around for any problems.
“It’s moooorning! You said we were gonna look at what I built! Come on come on come on!”
Grian groaned on the floor before pulling himself to his feet. Mumbo also crawled out of bed to make breakfast for the four of them as well as making a detour to see if Grum was awake too. Grian went over to his wardrobe and pulled out another of his sweaters to put it on instead of the one he had slept in. It wasn’t that dirty, he could still probably wear it for another three or four days, but today seemed to be something Jrum was really excited for, so he wanted to look his best for his son.
Jrum bounced in his chair as he waited for his daddy to serve him breakfast. His dad sat down next to him with a cup of hot chocolate that likely also had a shot of espresso in it. He was doing his best to keep awake as he carefully sipped on it, the drink still being a little too hot. 
Mumbo came back after checking on Grum who was still asleep, but did unplug him since he was at full charge. “Grum’s still sleeping in a little, so i’ll probably stay behind until he’s up.”
Grian gave a sort of tired nod and Mumbo started officially making breakfast, soon with a bowl of redstone for Jrum while Grian got a plate with a baked potato and some sweet berries. Jrum immediately started shoveling the dust into what he used for a mouth - Grian and Mumbo still hadn’t figured out exactly how the bots ate - while Grian sleepily ate his food. Mumbo got a bowl ready for Grum as well before putting it to the side and sitting next to Grian with a similar plate of actual food.
When Jrum’s bowl was empty, he started chattering away to his dads. “So I built a whole house! It’s still kinda small but it’s my first build so I’m sure I can get so much better! And It isn’t exactly like I wanted, but it’s pretty close. I just used jungle wood instead of spruce since there was so much jungle around. And then there’s a chimney, but I didn’t really want to go looking for stuff for smoke so it doesn’t have anything there. But it does have more than one floor, so it’s not too small!”
Grian chuckled at Jrum’s excitement as he finished up his breakfast. The moment he had set his silverware down, Jrum was out of his seat and pulling at his dad’s arm. “Alright Mumbo, I’m going with Jrum. I’ll message you the coordinates once we get there so you can catch up with us later.” Mumbo nodded and then Grian got out of his chair, letting Jrum pull him along.
Once they were outside, Grian picked up Jrum and flew them into the air, letting Jrum give directions to where his build was. Eventually they landed at a little rustic house. As soon as the robot was out of his dad’s arms, he ran towards the building. Grian looked at it with a slight pang in his heart of what it reminded him of, but mostly ignored it. Rustic houses were common for beginners, that was all.
Grian followed Jrum inside. There wasn’t a whole lot of room, but that was fine. Grian was just used to having starter bases that were still larger than this. Besides, it could be a sort of play house for Jrum if he really wanted.
Mumbo and Grumbot showed up about half an hour later and Jrum showed off the place just as excitedly as before. Grumbot’s approval seemed to make Jrum the happiest, glad his brother liked it. They all hung out in the area for a while as the bots ran around and Mumbo made sure the place was safe if either of the boys ever were there too late at night.
“I’m gonna build another thing tomorrow! And it’s going to be just as great!” Jrum said once they were headed back home. “I’m gonna be the bestest builder other than Dad!”
Jrum yelled at the blocks in front of him. This had been easy the other day. And he was just going to build a different rustic house, make sure he really knew what he was doing before trying something new. But the blocks just didn’t make sense. He tried making something based on the house he built before, but it was like his brain was hitting a wall.
After a while of still not getting progress, Jrum went back to the magic village. “Hey, are you here? I need help again.”
“Oh! Jrum! It’s nice to see you again.” Jrum smiled at his friend’s voice. “What do you need help with?”
“I still can’t figure out those houses. It just doesn’t make sense. I know what blocks to use, and how a house should look, but I just can’t figure it out! It’s no fair! Why am I so bad at it?!”
“Well I’m sure your family had to learn over time how to build. You’re just the same. One bad day isn’t going to stop good days in the future.”
“But I should be able to just do it!” Jrumbot pouted. “Grum did it so easily! He didn’t need to keep practicing!”
“I’m sure he did. He’s your older brother, and usually that means they’re better at things before you are.”
Jrum crossed his arms before sitting on the ground. “Well I don’t like that.”
There was a pause before his friend spoke again. “Hey, how about I help you figure out a few more rustic houses. Maybe you just need to build a few more before you really understand them. Besides, you can never have too many rustic houses.”
Reluctantly, Jrum agreed and listened to his friend’s instructions before going back to his little area and making another house.
Grian tried not to show a bad reaction to Jrum’s new build. This was the sixth rustic house he had made. At the very least they had all gotten slightly larger and more complicated over time, but that still didn’t help the fact that they were all rustic houses. Obviously Jrum adored the builds, and he had no way of knowing, so Grian kept quiet.
Once he had gotten a tour of the newest building, Grian got a moment alone with Jrum. “These are all really nice Jrum. I think you’ve really nailed the rustic house look.” Grian didn’t notice the look that Jrum gave at the comment. “I can’t wait to see you learn other building styles as well. But I also don’t want you getting burnt out, so I say how about you take a day tomorrow to play with your friend.
Jrum smiled and nodded before going into one of his houses. Grian had heard about Jrum’s friend in Scar’s village. He was pretty sure that they were either imaginary or one of Jellie’s family. He was leaning on imaginary since Jrum never could explain what the friend looked like, but who knew, everyone was pretty sure Jellie wasn’t a normal cat, so the rest of her family likely wasn’t either.
When it was time to head back to the mansion and go to bed, Jrum was eager to sleep to make the next day come faster so he could play with his friend. Grian was glad he and Mumbo didn’t have to goad the child into bed like on most nights, the hyper robot hating to go to sleep.
Once he was in bed, Grian flew over to Mumbo’s base to check on him and Grum. “Hey Mumbo.”
“Hi Gri. You already got Jrum to sleep?”
Grian nodded. “Surprisingly yes. He’s excited to play with his friend in the magic village tomorrow.”
Mumbo nodded back. “How are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, how are you dealing with the houses?”
Grian looked down at the ground for a few moments in thought, wings puffing up ever so slightly. “I mean… Okay yeah, it hurts a bit. I know technically it’s not that many. He’s not chattering on about rustic houses and acting like it’s what he lives and breathes. They’re the style most beginners builders use and Jrum’s just that. Sure Grum is already a great builder already, but that’s probably related to his reservoirs… somehow.”
Mumbo hugged Grian. “I’m sure everything will be alright in the end. Maybe you can take a day or two to give him building lessons yourself.”
The avian smiled at the suggestion. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I’ll ask him about it once he’s done playing tomorrow.
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junquisite · 4 years
C’est La Vie 3
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GENRE : Fluff. SIngle Parent! OC AU
WARNING : None. yearning if it’s considered one
PARTS : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  F
NOTE : Please enjoy one of my favorite fic i have EVER written.
She got back home from her meeting and entered the PIN to her home. She got inside and shouted "I'm home!" And she heard Jiah's giggles before seeing her.
"What are you doing with uncle Seungyoun baby?" She asked and she heard more giggling and then she saw her coming out from her room on seungyoun's shoulders.
"Why are you bothering him like this?" She asked laughing and she picked her up from his shoulders.
"I don't mind. She's the cutest chick who Can sit on my shoulders anytime she wants!" Seungyoun said, going in to tickle her and Jiah laughed.
"She's also the only chick you can actually carry on your shoulders so." Jinae said and Jiah laughed.
"You hungry kiddo?" Jinae asked and when Jiah nodded, she went into the kitchen to cook.
When the food was ready, she called for then and Jiah came before Seungyoun.
"Mommy.." she trailed off and Jinae looked up from setting the table.
"Why don't you date someone?" 
Jinae sputtered and looked up at Seungyoun standing at the doorway who was avoiding her eyes.
"Who told you sweetie? Did uncle Seungyoun say something?" She asked and Jiah nodded.
"What did he say?" 
"That once I'll start school, you'll be alone at home and that you should date so you can be happy with someone." 
Jinae shot Seungyoun a glare and pulled Jiah close to her.
"I'm happy with you sweetie."
"I know. But you'll be lonely once I grow up and go to college." Jiah said, very seriously and Jinae wanted to curse at her best friend.
"Baby, I'll date if I'll ever be lonely okay? But I'm not right now. I'm very happy with you." Jinae said and Jiah nodded.
"But by that time you'll be old and no one will like you." Seungyoun chimed in and Jinae showed him a middle finger behind Jiah's back.
"Noo. My mom will always be pretty!" Jiah said and Jinae laughed, kissing her on her cheeks.
When Jinae put Jiah down for a nap after lunch and settled in front of the TV, Seungyoun joined her
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She said and he shrugged.
"I've got all the time in the world for you." He said and she fake gagged.
"Why did you say that to Jiah?" She asked and he sighed.
"You need someone Jinae. What will you do after she grows up? She won't need you anymore and then how will you cope? I'm not telling you to date anyone right now but I don't want you to close your options too. Just don't deny an opportunity when it comes to you." Seungyoun said and Jinae nodded.
Somehow Sejun crept into her mind. She had convinced Jiah to not tell Seungyoun anything about him and promised she would tell him by the night because Seungyoun didn't really like Sejun for what he did. Although it was a long gone past now, she cried over him for far too long and he was there for her at every step. He was the only good thing that came out of losing Sejun.
" By the way, Seungwoo hyung and the boys are all going out for dinner for some friend who just came back from abroad. So come out with us." Seungyoun said and she looked at him.
"I can't. How will I find a babysitter at this short notice?"
"I already talked to Jimin. You gotta love her cause she agreed." Seungyoun said and damn him and his smart brain.
"For a few hours only?"
Seungyoun nodded and she agreed. 
She'll tell him on the way about Sejun.
"I'll be back soon sweetie. Call me if anything happens alright?" Jinae said and Jiah waved at her.
"Have fun mumma!" And honestly Jiah was more fine with her leaving then Jinae herself.
"Bye uncle Seungyoun. I'll see you tomorrow. You're picking me up right?" She asked and he nodded bending down to give her a kiss.
"Yes baby. Bye bye!" He said and they both got into his car.
For a while they talked about random stuff. Then Jinae decided it was time.
"I went to the new bakery today with Jiah." She started.
"Yeah I had those cupcakes. God they were so good!" Seungyoun said and she looked outside the window. He wasn't going to take this well, she just knew it.
"Sejun's back in town. He owns that bakery." 
The car swiveled and she tightened her grip on the seatbelt. 
"Your Sejun? The one who fucking left you? We're going to that bakery right this moment and I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."
"YOU'RE NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT! DRIVE TO THE RESTAURANT!" she shouted as Seungyoun swiveled the car quickly and he cursed under his breath but listened.
"Plus you're gonna see him tomorrow. Jiah wants you to take her to the bakery tomorrow remember?" She added and he exhaled sharply.
"Well it'll be fun." He said and she considered changing places with him for tomorrow. But then thought why not, Sejun should witness his wrath too.
They entered the restaurant and she recognised the loud group from afar. Before they reached them, Seungyoun pulled her back to whisper in her ear,"I don't understand why you're not interested in Seungsik. You guys get along so well and I'm pretty sure he's interested in you. Jiah loves him too." 
She rolled her eyes at him, mumbling a shut up and hitting him softly on his chest and went to them.
Seungwoo noticed them first and got up to hug her and then Seungyoun. Then they hugged all the others too because she hadn't seen them in a while. But she saw all the same faces she had been seeing for a few years now.
"Where's the new guy?" Seungyoun asked and she nodded.
"He's running a bit late. He must be here soon though." Seungwoo said and they nodded. Seungyoun sat beside Seungwoo and she settled between Seungsik and Subin, a seat in front of Seungyoun left for the mysterious new guy.
15 minutes in and a beer for everyone at the table, Seungwoo exclaimed that the guy was finally here.
She turned around to look at him and froze. She turned around swiftly to avoid him looking at her which didn't make sense since he was coming to join them only but whatever.
She looked at Seungyoun's neutral expression and wondered how long it'll stay.
Sejun came and smiled at everyone, still somehow hadn't noticed her and said hi to Seungyoun.
"Sejun, hi." He said and Seungyoun introduced himself. She felt like Calling him dumb for not figuring it out but was also happy for the peace that'll be disrupted as soon as he'll figure out who he is.
Sejun turned towards her and froze. She gave him a weak smile.
"Jinae?" He whispered and she gave him a small wave.
"Wait a minute." Seungyoun said, standing up and everyone looked at him.
"You're sejun. YOU'RE THAT SEJUN!" He said, grabbing a fistful of Sejun's shirt and Jinae got on her feet quickly while the others froze due to the sudden change of mood.
"Seungyoun NO! this is a public place!" She said pulling his hands away and pushing him down on his seat but he was still glaring at him.
"What is going on?" Seungwoo asked.
"He's the guy who left Jinae after highschool. Broke her heart." Seungyoun said begrudgingly and she kicked him beneath the table.
"Sit Sejun." she said softly and Sejun looked at the only empty chair in front of Seungyoun. Nodding and taking a deep breath, he sat.
"It was long ago. We are all mature adults here so maybe act like one Seungyoun? Sit down and let's talk. It's his friends throwing him dinner since he got back. Be a good sport!" She scolded Seungyoun who just turned his face around, pouting probably and Seungwoo chuckled, Patting his shoulder.
Sejun was sitting on the other side of Subin who was busy with Jinae and in front of a glaring Seungyoun. So basically it was a great evening, if you can sense the sarcasm.
The whole evening she was busy with the others, mostly Hanse and Seungsik and whenever he would try to spark a conversation, Seungyoun would intervene. The first few times she tried to stop him but eventually gave up throwing him an apologetic look which he was quick to wave off.
He might have made it look like he was okay but in reality he was dying to talk to her and that Seungyoun just.Won't.let.him!
So the night ended, with Sejun having too much to drink and leaning on Seungwoo when leaving. And she left with Seungyoun. God he wanted to hit that guy.
The next morning he walked in his bakery with a full hangover, haven't had the chance to pick up a hangover drink and just surviving on water and Pain killer. 
Around 9 am when he was in the back kitchen, baking since it was the rush hour, the only male worker of his, Taesong stepped in and placed a hangover drink beside His working station.
"Some lady dropped it for you and said she had to rush and left. Sorry I couldn't Catch her name." 
Sejun looked at the bottle which had a small sticky note on it saying, 'i'm sorry for Seungyoun yesterday.'
He smiled.
"I thought you came back here 10 years later. How did you already catch someone's attention in 4 days when you've been working your ass off here?" Taesong asked.
"It's an old connection." Sejun mumbled and shooed him away to the front.
And if he spent a few minutes staring at the bottle then drinking it, no one had to know.
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queenbrightwhitly · 4 years
Trust You (Pt 2)
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A/n: should I continue this story?________________________________________
The investigation was full of dead ends. You missed your team, you missed Gil, JT, Dani, and mostly Malcolm. 
When you finally had a chance to escape the FBI you headed straight home to get ready for tonight’s Christmas dinner. You baked your special homemade Christmas cookies and picked out the best wine you had. Correction, the only wine you had. 
You were certain Mrs. Whitly had a much better tasting and far more expensive wine, but she insisted you bring something you liked. This was also the first time you would be meeting Ainsley as Malcolm's girlfriend, making it two people who knew about your and Malcolms' relationship. 
You finished getting ready, putting your shoes on, and headed straight for the door. Malcolm hadn’t texted you to say he was on his way, so you figured he was still with Gil and would hopefully not take too long. Although knowing Malcolm you knew those chances were slim. 
Once you arrived you lightly knocked on the door, trying your best to ignore the press that was crowded in front of the yard. Most of the press didn’t seem to have internet in you but some were still trying to ask you questions about your relation to the Whitlys and if you were involved in the investigation. You were grateful once Jessica opened the door; greeting you with a smile she stepped aside and let you in. 
“Oh Y/n, so glad you could make it.” her smile slightly fell though checking to see if anyone was behind you. 
“He’s not here yet I assume?” You asked, knowing she was probably expecting Malcolm to be with you. 
Jessica sighed, shutting the door. “No, and he hasn’t called me yet so I can only imagine he's with Gil.”
You smiled sadly at her, knowing she must have been frustrated with Malcolm and his absence. He did promise to be on time and although he still had half an hour it was best to bet that he wouldn’t be coming anytime soon. You pulled out your phone to send him a quick text to not forget about the dinner, hoping he would see it and make an effort to be just a little late. 
“Well, now who is this?”
You looked up to see Ainsley walk toward you, looking you up and down curiously. You smiled, putting out a hand to shake. 
“I’m Y/n, L/n, I was hoping Malcolm would be here to introduce me but I’m his girlfriend. Also part of Gils team.” Ainsley's eyes lit up, she smiled wide at you now looking very interested. 
“I’ll be damned, so Malcolm actually found someone whos crazy enough to put up with him.” Ainsley turned to her mother now. “So, what? I’m the last to know?”
“Actually,” you spoke up. “Malcolm and I haven't really told anyone about us. You and Jessica are the only ones who know.” 
Jessica smiled, taking a hold of your hand and pulling you towards the dining room. She set your cookies and wine down on the table and walked over to sit on the couch. “Since Malcolm is still going to be late we might as well relax until he shows up.”
Malcolm was certainly going to be late, about 3 hours late. After waiting on him, Jessica finally just said to sit and eat without him. You had a feeling this would happen, but it didn’t make it any more disappointing.  Once you finished your food, talked, and had a few glasses of wine you decided it was getting late and it was best you head home to rest for another day of FBI torture.
The next morning you got ready quickly and made your way to work. Malcolm hasn’t messaged you at all last night, which wasn’t two uncommon for him. Especially when he was up to something he probably shouldn’t be.
When you walked inside the prescient, it was just as crowded as it was yesterday. Everyone seemed to be moving around as frantic as the day before, too much for your liking anyways. You noticed JT standing next to his desk, he was having a conversation with Dani and whatever they were talking about didn’t look like it was good.
Turning around you saw Gil standing in the doorway of his office. His arms were crossed and he looked like he hadn’t slept all night. He raised his finger in a come here motion, turning around to walk inside his office.
Making your way over you followed him inside his office, closing the door behind you. Gil was deep in thought and motioned for you to sit down.
“Gil? What’s going on?” You asked, watching as he paced back and forth.
“It’s Malcolm.”
Your heart stopped, instantly thinking upon the worse. “What happened?” You managed to get out.
“The junkyard killer took him.” Gil sighed, rubbing his hands down his face. “We have his grandmother in the interrogation room-“
“The junkyard killer has a grandmother?!” You spoke up, barely able to comprehend the situation.
“Malcolm was running a lead with a former detective, they went to his childhood home. The detective didn’t make it and he took Malcolm, I know he’s still alive I just haven’t gotten anything out of her as to where he could’ve taken him.” Gil looked down to you, he seemed to contemplate asking you something.
“Gil, what else? What are you not telling me?” You leaned closer to his desk. “Whatever you wanna say, say it.”
“I need a favor.”
“Okay?” You urged him to keep going.
“I’m going to try another person who might know something. I want you to come with me, but it’s got to stay between you and I.” Gil waited but when you didn’t respond he continued. “Dr whitly.”
Your eyes widened. “You want me to go and interrogate Dr. Whitly with you?” You thought it over carefully, you knew Malcolm didn’t want his father meeting you, he was scared about him finding out about your relationship and didn’t want him to use you against him. “I can’t.”
“What?” Gil asked confused. “Why?”
You sighed. “I know Malcolm wouldn’t want me to meet his father, I can’t just-“
“Y/n I know.”
You looked up shocked. Gil didn’t make any sudden movements. “You know?”
“You and Malcolm.” Gil stated. “I’ve known for about two weeks now.”
“Malcolms not the best liar, despite being a genius, he’s an idiot when it comes to you.” Gil sat down across from you. “I’ve known him for a long time, it’s okay.”
You looked at him nervously, fidgeting with your fingers you looked up questioningly. “It’s... okay?”
Gil smiles softly, nodding his head you knew that was a silent approval from him. “Now, are you coming or not?”
Gil and you walked to Dr. Whitlys room, the tall man who you learned was named David escorted you both, opening the door. “Martin, you’ve got visitors.” 
Turning around Martin looked shocked to see Gil standing there instead of Malcolm. “Lieutenant Arroyo,” Martin spoke, his voice sounded worn out. “Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? You know the last time you surprised me like this-” Martin stopped for a moment before continuing. “I still owe you that cup of tea, don't I?”
“I switched to coffee.” Gil shrugged nonchalantly. 
You flinched slightly at the sudden laughter coming from Martin His breath was wheezing and he looked to be enjoying himself. He then stopped once he noticed you standing behind Gil, you hadn't spoken a word since you walked in.
“Who’s this? She apart of your little team? Oh! Do you work with my son! “ Martin pipped up, but before he could continue Gil put a handout. 
“Never mind her.” Gil took a look at Martin saying the same thing you were thinking. “You need a chair? You don’t look so good.”
Martin sighed heavily. “Oh, are we saying all of our inside thoughts now, Gil? Cause there's a few I could say.” He quickly took a look back at you.
Gil nodded, “I’m here to talk about John Walkins.”  
Martin looked impressed. “So, Malcolm figured out his name, that didn’t take too long. What was the final piece that pulled it all together- Where is Malcolm?’
“I said I’m here to talk about Walkins. You want to stay out of that hole they pulled you from, I can’t be the only one talking.” Gil threatened. 
After that Martin continued to ask questions about the case and everything John had done. You were starting to get impatient, just wanting to figure out where Malcolm was and stop playing these games with his father. You noticed Gil himself was starting to get irritated, he kept asking about Malcolm, but before Gil could get any further he proceeds to talk aloud thinking Malcolm might be listening. 
“But I-I can still help you and your sister! Your mom's probably a hard one to sell.” Just like that his demeanor changed looking back at Gil. “Where is my boy?”
“You don’t get to choose who questions you!” Gil said. You watched as Martin walked toward Gil slowly. 
“But I can choose who gets the answers.” He looked down at you then back up at Gil. “Where is my... boy” He asked his voice taking on a darker tone this time.
“John Walkins has him.” Martin looked down at you this time. You thought this might have been the first time he actually took interest in you. You took a step forward continuing. “We need your help Dr. Whitly-”
“No, no, no.” He spoke over and over, his expression falling, you knew you were losing him. 
“Roughly 12 hours ago Malcolm was kidnapped by Walkins. We don’t know where he is.” You watched as Martin just kept shaking his head over and over. 
“He- If John had him he's dead. Hes dead.”
Gil Stepped in this time. “Focus-” Gil urged. “We are running out of time-”
“No, there's no time it's over. My son is gone.” Suddenly Martin started gasping, falling to the ground with a thud his whole body started shaking. 
“Mr. David get a medical!”
As soon as everything died down with Martin Gil told you to head on back to the precinct. You couldn’t help but dwell on Martin's words, he really seemed to believe John Walkins had already killed Malcolm, but you didn’t wanna believe it just yet. You had hope for Malcolm, that he would be okay and get himself out of whatever situation he had himself in. Instead of going back to the precinct, you thought it best to check up on Jessica and Ainsley. Jessica had been messaging you all day, asking for updates, if you found him yet. She mentioned that Ainsley was coming over to help find Malcolm. 
Knocking on the door you waited as Jessica opened the door, smiling brightly at you she stepped aside to let you in. “Y/n! oh please come inside! Ainsley is in the dining looking over the evidence of the junkyard killer.”
Walking inside you saw Ainsley was indeed looking over the photos from John Walkins' case. Although something was off, she seemed to be frozen in fear.  “Ainsley?”
Her hands were shaking violently. “Oh my god.” Getting up quickly Ainsley ran towards the basement, both Jessica and you looked at each other before quickly following her. 
You found her searching through old boxes, frantically looking for something. “It’s here somewhere I know it.”
“What is it?” Jessica asked, her tone was obviously fed up with her ignoring her. 
“Mom, I need to tell you something.”
“Oh, now you're scaring me.”
Ainsley quickly looked up. “Good. Do you remember Mr. Boots?”
Confused, you stood by Jessica watching her still search the boxes. Not exactly sure where this was going. 
“Your imaginary friend?”
“Yes. What do you remember?”
Jessica stuttered for a moment. “You invented him right before they took Martin away. Child Psychologist- and we had a fleet of them, said that it was perfectly normal for a girl your age to have an imaginary friend. Especially in a time of trauma.” 
Ainsley stopped for a moment, unwrapping a cloth to pull out a figurine of an angel. “How can he be imaginary if he gave me this?” She held it up for both you and Jessica to see.
Looking at it, you knew you had seen this before but you couldn't remember where. Jessica sighed, “You’re confused. That figurine was from your father. It's one of the last things he gave...”
Ainsley got frustrated. “An angel? No! Dad got me books on Marie Curie. This? This was from Mr. Boots.”
“John Walkins...” You slowly whispered, everything coming together now. You couldn't believe it. Jessica still hadn’t caught on though. 
“This photo is from John Walkins' house. The angels, they're just like mine. John Walkins was Mr. Boots.”
“And you didn’t tell me there was a strange man in our house?” Jessica's voice trembled at the horror of what was possibly their reality. 
“No! No! I thought... I thought he was a ghost. Because when I followed him down here to dads hobby room, a-and I would turn the corner, he had... he disappeared.” 
You thought about what Ainsley was saying, all the thoughts running through your head, going through the ways John could come in and out, without being noticed. He disappeared? A sudden lightbulb went off in your head, your eyes widening in horror. “Oh my god.”
Before you could say anything else all three of you heard a sound from behind you and Jessica. A wood board being moved from inside Martin's old hobby room. You watched as John proceeded to come out, with an axe in hand. “Run,” Jessica whispered. 
“Jessica go!” Pushing her forward, you watched as they both ran up the stairs. Reaching for my gun, John had already made his way to you, before you could aim he swung the axe at your hands. 
The gun flew and you cried out in pain as the axe graze your skin cutting deeply causing you to bleed. John Walkins pushed you up against the wall, your back and head taking the hardest impact. “I’ll save you for later, but I gotta go take care of some business first.” Letting go, he watched you drop to the ground. He kicked you once in the stomach making you spit out blood, ensuring you wouldn’t get back up. 
You laid on the floor, watching him go up the stairs. Struggling to get up you tried to find your gun but you couldn’t find it anywhere. You knew this wasn't the time so you dragged yourself up the stairs, feeling every bit of pain through your ribs as you moved. You suddenly heard the cries from ether Ainsley or Jessica, making your adrenaline kick in and hustle to them. Your head was pounding but you knew you had to do everything to keep them safe, you would never forgive yourself if something were to happen to them. 
As you were making it upstairs the power went off. A loud crash was heard and you bolted yourself up two steps at a time. You instantly took notice of Ainsley on the floor her head was bleeding. Jessica threw a lamp at John, instantly turning around and basically picking up Ainsley, she looked over at you. “Y/n!”
“Go take Ainsley, I’ll hold him off!” You looked over to the fireplace, picking up one of the metal fire irons. 
John looked at you, whipping his hair from his face he flipped his axe in the air as he grinned wickedly at you. Stalking towards you as you stepped back with every step he took forward. “You’re an ambitious little girl, I see why Malcolm likes you.”
“What did you do with him?” 
John shrugged. “I showed him the truth, made him see what I and Martin saw all along. After I kill his family, I’ll kill him, but maybe not before I force him to watch me kill you. If you can live that long.” Taking a swing, you ducked as the axe went crashing near you, breaking a vase and pictures. 
You used the opening you had to hit him in the back, he screamed out and used his empty hand to backhand you, making you stumble backward. He put all his weight on your right hand, hearing a gross sound you felt the pain shot throughout your arm, you had no doubt that it was broken. You tried to scream out in pain but he used the axe to choke you, instantly cutting off any sounds you tired to make. The pressure on your neck was blocking any oxygen, your vision was starting to fade to black. Thinking this was all over, a sudden door slam from upstairs made him pause his movements. He grunted, taking the axe off your neck and instantly made his way towards the sound. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll come back to you.”
You tried to respond but your voice only came out in raspy breaths. Dragging yourself across the floor you managed to pull yourself up the wall, not doing anything but hearing the sounds of his axe breaking a door and Jessica and Ainsleys screams. You felt tears fall down your face as you shut your eyes tight, one last attempt to get up, but that only brought more pain, making you hit the floor again. You wanted to cry, scream, anything to take the attention off of them and back onto you. 
Suddenly you heard footsteps come closer to you, and it was the sound of feet and not shoes. Getting closer and closer, you opened your eyes to find the owner dragging himself in the dining room, the sound of metal clanging against metal along with it. 
“Malcolm.” You managed to gain your voice a little to get it out, it was raspy, hoarse, and painful but you were thankful that got his attention. 
He turned around, his eyes instantly found yours. His eyes widened at your state in front of him instantly making his way over, he bent down and hunched over you. “Y/n, oh god. I’m so sorry.” His hand went up to cup your cheek. His eyes were starting to tear up as he looked you over. 
“N-not...F-F-Fault.” You smiled weekly at him, he gently took you in his arms, carrying you to a corner of the room. He then rushed to grab you a blanket and pillow, resting it behind your head. 
“I need you to stay here, don’t say anything okay?” Malcolm looked into your eyes finding an understanding. “No matter what, don’t say anything until I get you.” 
“Fam-ily....Up-s-stairs.” You warned. 
Suddenly Malcolm heard a crash, knowing full well what you were telling him. His expression was unreadable, but you could tell he had a plan. Kissing you on the head he whispered a quick “I love you.” Before he stood up and you watched him move to the middle of the dining room. 
Being so disoriented, you didn’t really focus on what Malcolm was doing, only that whatever it was made lots of movements.  
“Walkins!” Malcolm shouted. The noise upstairs stopped, you knew he got his attention. You smiled upon hearing Jessica yell his name back. They were alive.
“I know you're here!” Malcolm yelled. “This is my house. My family.” Again Malcolm yelled his name, you couldn’t tell where from this time though. “I’m gonna find you...and lock you in the dark.”
You could see John from where you were in your corner, hoping he couldn’t hear your rough breaths. You watched as he slowly walked towards a box, one you hadn't notice there before. He started to really fight with himself, struggling with whatever he was thinking of. 
Then you saw Malcolm come from behind, walking up to him, hitting him on the back with something, causing John to yell in pain as he went down. 
“This is my house.” You had never heard Malcolm talk like this before, his voice was something you didn’t recognize. You tried to focus your hearing but your head was pounding like crazy. Everything seemed to be quiet, calm even. 
Then just like that Malcolm was in front of you, his hand reaching out for you. “Hey, it’s me, it’s over. You’re okay.” Malcolm rubbed his thumb across your cheek, his warmth instantly invading your skin. He slowly helped you stand up, watching you carefully with every motion you took to ensure he wasn’t hurting you too badly. Malcolm placed your arm around his shoulder holding you against him as close as he could. You finally noticed Malcolm's other hand that was wrapped in white bandages. You tired to ask him what happened but your voice was gone at this point and you didn’t try forcing the question out. 
Malcolm walked you to his mother and Ainsley, taking every step slow, for both his sake and yours. You both made your way to the bedroom; looking up, you saw Jessica holding a pair of scissors, instantly she set them down and rushed over to Malcolm. You saw this coming and took a step back out of Malcolm's arms, walking towards the bed you sat down watching both Malcolm and Jessica. 
“Oh god.” Jessica tried to hug him but he instantly groaned out in pain. 
“Watch the hand,” Malcolm said. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” She checked him over. Worried, she gently grabbed his arms. 
“I’m alive,” Malcolm responded. 
Jessica sighed in relief. “Wheres Walkins?” She suddenly asked. “Is he... did you?’
Malcolm shook his head no. You smiled softly, you saw how tired he was, how much he just needed a break. You wanted to take all the pain away but you knew this would take some time.
“No. But he’ll never be able to hurt us again.” Malcolm said softly. 
Jessica sighed out in relief. At that moment Ainsley had appeared from the bathroom, smiling she ran towards Malcolm, taking him in her arms. Malcolm grunted a bit but held her close to him, hugging her back. Jessica instantly joined them, all three hugging each other tightly. 
Malcolm glanced over at you, his eyes tearing up just the slightest. He looked so relieved and tired. You smiled sweetly at him, mouthing an ‘I love you.’ to which he smiled back. That smile didn’t last long as he was holding Jessica and Ainsley. He began to look deep in thought, his eyes glossing over not showing much emotion. You wouldn’t forget that look and would have to remind yourself to talk to him about it later. Eventually, his eyes closed and he squeezed Jessica and Ainsley in more.
The next couple of mornings was you arguing with your doctor. You had been in the hospital for almost two weeks now. You hadn’t imagined that your injury’s were that big of a deal, besides your broken hand. Apparently you had two broken ribs, a concussion, along with a damaged vocal cord that of course kept you from talking. Which only made it just as frustrating when trying to talk back and forth with your doctors. The one thing you were not excited for, was the stitches in your hands from when John swung his axe. Even if it was your own hand, you still had trouble looking at it.
Malcolm was being taken care of himself somewhere else. He protested at first that you two should be in the same ambulance, than leading to him trying to get a room together. Nevertheless doctors and his mother thought it best you two get your own room, probably to keep from trying to break out of here at the same time.
You missed him though. You hadn’t seen him in almost two weeks. From what Gil told you it sounded like Malcolm was going to be just fine, at least for Malcolm standards that is. Watching tv in your room the sound of the door caught your attention.
Looking over you saw the person you’ve been waiting to see these past two weeks. Malcolm walked in smiling as he shut the door behind him. You smiled back, using your wrapped up hand to motion for him to hurry up.
Malcolm laughed, making his way toward you. “You certainly seem to be doing better.” Malcolm said. Sitting down on the right side of your bed next to your leg. Resting his hand on your thigh he started to draw random shapes with his thumb.
Leaning over you picked up the white board and black expo pen that was resting on your table. Quickly writing, you turned the board to face Malcolm.
“You okay? I missed you.”
Malcolm smiled softly, taking your hand in his. “I should be asking you that. According to Gil, even though you didn’t look as bad as me, your internal injuries were much worse than any of us.”
“Eh, been though worse.”
Malcolm laughed, but it was short lived. “I’m so sorry Y/n.” Before you could write anything he continued. “I don’t understand how I didn’t figure it out sooner. He was right under our feet the whole time. Literally! Because of it my mother, my sister, you. All the people I love had to pay the price.”
You started shaking your head frantically. Malcolm didn’t need you to write what you were trying to tell him. He already knew.
“It is my fault, Y/n. You could’ve gotten killed, my family-“ before Malcolm had a chance to finish you took the white board and hit him with it. “Ow, what the- Y/n?”
Grabbing a hold of Malcolm face, you made him look at you, refusing to let him move as you forced his head to lean against yours. Malcolms eyes were beautiful yet so much damage was behind them. Without even taking your eyes off of Malcolm you took a hand away and scribbled something down on the white board. Shoving it in his chest you watched as he looked at you confused, than moved the board to see what you wrote.
Malcolm looked down at your whiteboard, his eyes softened as he looked it over. You reached over to take back the whiteboard to erase it, now writing down something else. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Malcolm looked down at you confused.
“Your mom and Ainsley. Are they okay?”
Malcolm nodded. “My mother is back to herself, which means my apartment is now in lockdown mode. Ainsley on the other hand is already getting back to work. Just another day with the Whitlys.” Malcolm laughed lightly, noticing how you didn’t react he look hold of your hand. “Why the long face? Whats wrong?”
You shook your head, brushing him off as you tried to put on a reassuring smile. Malcolm of course didn’t buy it. “Y/n, you trust me right?”
You nodded, scribbling more on your board. “I thought I lost them. I couldn’t do anything to stop him.” Quickly erasing what you wrote, you continued. “I’m sorry.”
Malcolm frowned, he tried to look at you but you were looking down messing with your white hospital blanket. “Y/n, you can’t honestly believe what happened was your fault?”
When all you did was shrug Malcolm moved closer to sit right beside you. His arm brushed against yours and he raised his hand to your chin, gently moving your face towards him. “Darling, you did everything you could. Guessing by all your injuries I would say you just about sacrificed yourself to protect my family. My mother and my sister are alive because of you. My mother made that very clear to me the other day.”
“She did?”
Malcolm nodded, laughing lightly as he looked to be remembering something. “She told me how you gave her time for her and Ainsley to make a run for it, you held him off as they ran upstairs. If it weren’t for you, they both could have came out of this a lot worse.” Looking you over his smile slightly fell. “However, this definitely wasn’t my favorite outcome.”
“I love you.”
Malcolm smiled, moving some hair from your face he leaned over and kissed the side of you cheek lightly. Moving downwards to your shoulder he kissed you gently over and over.
After awhile of you and Malcolm going back and forth, he got up to go and talk to one of the doctors about when you could leave. He wanted you to stay longer but you were very eager to get the hell out of here, and he knew you would probably end up going yourself if he didn’t.
As soon as he left you started scrolling on your phone. A few minutes pass before you heard your door open again. Looking up, you expected to see Malcolm but was shocked upon seeing Cholete instead. She walked in, closing the door behind her and walked towards you.
“Surprised to see me?” She smiled. “Heard you were feeling better.”
If you didn’t know her you would’ve thought she was actually here to check over your well-being, and maybe that was a small part of it but it certainly wasn’t the main reason. Grabbing your white board you started writing.
“More or less. Not why you’re here though.”
She laughed a bit. “You caught me, I must be slipping up or you must be getting good at profiling.”
“Learned from the best.”
She nodded knowingly, taking a seat on the bedside chair she leaned back, her arms folded. “Saw Malcolm at the nurses station, didn’t bother telling him I would be leaving today.”
“But you’re telling me?”
“Believe it or not Y/n, I actually don’t mind your company. You work hard, act on instinct, don’t really let much get in your way. To put it simply, you’re pretty damn good at your job.” She said it so monotone you would’ve thought she was being sarcastic, but you knew she probably didn’t do that much.
“Where are you going with this?”
She smirked, getting up from her chair she pulled a card out from her pocket. “I don’t trust Bright, I don’t think I will anytime soon. If I was you, I wouldn’t get too caught up with him. Get out while you still can, and before it gets you killed, like it almost did this time.”
You furrowed you’re brows, you wanted to say something so bad but you both knew you couldn’t write fast enough.
“Malcolm does things without a second thought sometimes, he acts without thinking about what happens to him. You honestly expect me to believe that he didn’t know what could happen upon entering the childhood home of that monster.” She didn’t say it as a question. “One of these days those actions are what’s going to get him killed, or worse, someone else.”
“What do you expect me to do?”
“If you’re smart enough to use your head and not your heart. You’ll leave him.” She than set her card on your bedside. “If not, well than I hope my next visit won’t be at your funeral.” Before she walked out she looked back to. “You can’t trust him, not completely anyway. If you don’t wanna take my advise, that’s on you, but at least do yourself the favor of asking him.” When you looked at her confused, she sighed a sad smile present. “Ask him if he knew John would come, even it was a thought in the back of his mind.”
Just then the door opened and Malcolm walked in, he froze as soon as he saw Chlote. Looking between you both he was certainly confused, but you could also see a part of him get protective. “What are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too.” Colette smiled.
Malcolm scoffed. “You and I both know you never like to see me.” He looked back at you. “You okay?”
“Relax, I was just about to leave. I was only checking up on a friend.”
“You two are not friends.” Malcolm quickly responded. You knew he was trying to play nice when she first came to the station, but now it seemed Malcolm wasn’t going to act anymore. The only other person he seemed to act this way about was his father, which reminded you, you never did tell him about meeting Martin Whitly.
Colette rolled her eyes. “You don’t get to decide that.” She looked back to you. “You were right by the way.” Opening the door she smiled knowingly at you. “You did learn from the best.” Just like that she was gone.
Malcolm looked back at you, confused about what she meant. “Learned from the best? What is she talking about?”
Even though Malcolm was confused you understood perfectly. Malcolm was the best, so if even Colette knew the chances of John going to his home, why wouldn’t Malcolm. But that was her point, Malcolm did know, he just pushed it in the back of his mind, because Malcolm always did stuff to find out more, it was always to find out and study more even if it gets him in toruble.
“Hey, are you okay?”
You jumped, finding Malcolm right beside you. Nodding slightly you kept thinking about what she said. Even though you didn’t wanna admit it you couldn’t help this back of the mind curiousness that you had. Then again, this wasn’t the time. You couldn’t write out what exactly you wanted to ask him right now, and you wanted to make sure you didn’t give him the opportunity to come up with the excuse of you needing rest to drop the conversation.
You grabbed your bored and quickly wrote something down. “Talk about it later.”
Judging by Malcolms face, he wasn’t satisfied with that. However you also knew he wasn’t one to push you on a topic if you didn’t want to talk about it. Rather he would ask you about it later.
The rest of the day consisted of Malcolm getting you out of the hospital and back home. Although the deal was you had to stay with him, no argument. He wasn’t going to take you out of his sight for a few days, and you would say that was a bit extreme and annoying, but if it meant Malcolm would stay out of trouble because he was taking care of you. All the better.
When you both finally made it back to his place it was already almost 2am and your voice had come back for the most part. Although when you spoke it sounded groggy and it burned a little bit.
“Take a seat, I’ll get you some water. You need to take your medicine.” Malcolm walked over to the kitchen. Following him you took a seat at the island stool, watching him walk around the kitchen.
Handing you your water and medicine, you nodded and forced yourself to swallow it down. You coughed slightly from the sting that came from it going down your throat. Malcolm smiles sadly at you, he put some hair behind your ear as he watched you take all your pills. 
You looked back to him, he had a far away look in his eyes. “Malcolm?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He huffed out. “I feel like you wanna say something to me, and I know pushing you isn’t the way to go but I feel like this is about something else. Something you’re feeling guilty about?” He said it as a statement, which just made you feel worse. Before you could say anything Malcolm continued. “Please don’t be mad I profiled you.”
“I’m not mad. I do need to tell you something but, I don’t think you’ll like it.”
Malcolm scoffed. “Can’t be any worse then Cholete saying you two are friends.” He meant it as a joke but you weren’t laughing.
“When Gil and I were trying to find you, he became... desperate. He asked me for help on something.” You waited for a response but he didn’t say anything waiting for you to continue. “I visited your father.”
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Uncharacteristically happy (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hello, hello, hello! How we holding up, fam? I really hope you are all okay and taking care of yourselves <3 The idea for this fic came up after the last fic I posted, so I started playing with it and this is what came out of it :D
AO3 link:
Tag list:   @paleweasels, @hopelessromantic1352, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian , @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @strawberrwess @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @universallypizzataco, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @bucket-harrington , @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements,  @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @daisy-ashton, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h 
  Enjoy! <3
It’s three in the morning when the darkness is annihilated by his bedside lamp. He should still be sleeping, but the turmoil in his mind kept him awake for the better half of the past hours. With a heavy sigh, he sat up, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
After his father went to his room, Ethan practically threw himself towards his phone. He was greeted with her voice, making his pulse jump. She would tease him if she knew just how strong her hold on him was, so he was glad that she couldn’t see him in that moment.
“How was the chicken?” Claire asked, letting out a sigh he heard multiple of times when she finally relaxed after a long day.
“You’ll see for yourself tomorrow. I managed to save you a serving, Dad ate most of it.” he laughed, thinking about how much crap he would get from Alan if he heard him admitting that to her.
“Stop talking about food, it’s too late for me to sneak into the kitchen and grab a snack. Change the subject.” She laughed, scolding him the same amount as she was scolding herself for even bringing it up in the first place.
“What were you up to this evening?”
“Sienna baked cookies- dammit! We’re walking in circles.” Her laugh put a smile on his face, her words ringing in his mind, as they were about more than their conversation topics and they both knew it. “I will steal a couple and bring them to you tomorrow.”
“Those cookies of hers must be stellar if there are legends about them, circling around the hospital… and I know that from Naveen.” He rushed to explain, unsure how he felt about her being aware he knew a rumor or two.
Claire giggled shortly. “I’m sure you do. Anyway, it’s getting late and we both have an early shift in the morning. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ethan.” Her voice wrapped around his name, a tender caress that made his heart skip a beat, as cliché as that sounded.
“We’ll talk in the morning. Sleep well, Claire.”
He tried to occupy himself with something, anything to not think about her. The way her eyes sparkled when they moved around his kitchen with an ease of two people who were familiar with each other. The way she fit into his arms like she was made for him to hold her. How her lips moved against his, wiping his mind blank and leaving only the feeling of her. How she pulled him back inside and they made out against the wall like a pair of teenagers.
Yeah, she was definitely a good influence on him.
So that’s how he got to where he was now. Dead of the night, wide awake and getting out of bed. Sure, we went to work around 4.30 in the morning quite often, but it didn’t require him to wake up that early.
However, preparing a lunchbox for Claire, purely because he was an overachiever and he made his point to see a smile on her face, apparently required him to wake up at the break of dawn and move around his apartment as quietly as he could, because if his dad woke up and saw him putting so much effort into preparing food for her, he would not hear the end of it.
He rummaged through his cabinet, taking out a container for food, then took out the leftover chicken and placed it on the counter. Taking the knife into his hand, he proceeded to chop and transfer neatly cut pieces into the box, trying to make as little noise as he could. But even that turned out to be impossible.
“Ethan, is everything okay? It’s so early, you don’t have to leave for work for another hour, so why are you- oh.” Alan’s tired voice shattered the tranquility of the early morning, then the sleepy figure of an older man appeared in the doorway. He was about to ask further questions but was stopped when he saw what exactly it was that got his son out of the bed so early. “Oh.”
“Don’t ‘oh’ me. I’m just-“
“You’re just preparing food for her, because she is important to you. Because you care about her. We’ve been over this, Ethan.” The doctor sighed deeply, shaking his head at the easy smile that pulled on his lips.
“Okay, yes. I woke up an hour early to prepare food for her. Because I want to see her smile. There, happy?”
Ethan used to be one of a few doctors that started his work this early. It was not the case, at least not anymore. He parked his car by the employee’s entrance and turned the engine off, taking a deep breath. He then reached for his bag, lunch box inside, and grabbed the door handle when he heard soft knocking on the window.
At first, all he heard was incoherent mumble; once he got out of the car, he could hear her clearly. “Good morning, Dr. Ramsey.” Claire greeted him lightly, leaning against the hood of his car with a cheeky grin.
“You are uncharacteristically happy this morning, Dr. Herondale. Did something happen?” he kept up their teasing banter, allowing himself to let his guard down just a little. She nodded her head from side to side, scrunching her nose as she pretended to think. Then her face lit up like she just remembered what happened between them the previous evening, and her cheeks flushed.
“I seem to remember a man walking me out of his apartment and some… activities that took place afterwards. He did also promise me we would talk about it… just didn’t say when.” She tapped her finger on her chin, then took a step towards him, dropping her voice to a whisper. “So… got any suggestions?”
His gaze dropped to her lips for a fraction of a second before he composed himself, clearing his throat. “Maybe… after work… it’s a rather long and personal conversation that he wants to have with you.”
Claire nudged his arm with her hand, smiling at him brightly. “Sounds like a plan.” Her eyes ran to the bag in his hand. “What do you have in there?”
“Your lunch.” He reached for the lunch box and handed it to her, smiling shyly. That prompted her to dig through her own bad, taking out a neatly folded pouch and placing it in his hand.
“And here are your cookies. Sienna will be amused to say the least when she wakes up and finds a few missing, but I’m willing to shoulder that burden.” She winked at him, then began walking backwards. “Come on, we have a new patient coming in today, Baz got their file yesterday.”
Throughout the day, he would see her in the corridors or walking out of the patient’s rooms. Each time, an effortless smile made its way onto his lips, despite his best efforts to disguise it. It made him think about the reasons that made him decide to push her away in the first place. He remembered, very vividly, the moment he said to himself that they would be a distraction to each other, that any relationship between them other than that of being coworkers would put their jobs, their patients in jeopardy. As it turned out, it wasn’t necessarily a case, and he was being proven wrong every single day since he put distance between them.
Trying to stay away only made him notice her more. It’s a classic case of ‘the more you say you can’t do something, the more you want to do it anyway’. His eyes followed her around the room, his mind stopped for a moment every time she was near him, his focus was on every word she said. His whole being was tuned to her and her only, and while the quality of his work didn’t suffer, most of his energy was spent on him focusing on her, then him realizing that he was doing it and trying his best to stop himself from doing it. Needless to say, it became clear pretty much immediately that it was a futile effort, but Ethan Ramsey was a stubborn man who was convinced that with enough time and practice, he could learn to ignore her.
He couldn’t. And he didn’t.
Now, he had another point of view to consider. His meticulously crafted self-control broke like a fragile twig in one moment, and in the next, he had her in his arms, and he was kissing her, exactly like he wanted to do so many times. She didn’t push him away, he didn’t go back on his decision, and the air was lighter once more.
There was the creeping feeling of dread that followed him for the first few hours of his shift; the feeling of unease as to what their work together would look like, now that they stepped on the line he drew for them, and were one move away from leaving it behind them. All the insecurities he had, had vanished in the instant when they were diagnosing a patient and he realized that it has never been easier to do his job before. He knew that if they chose to start a relationship, they would have difficult moment, disagreements and full-blown arguments, so not that different than what they were doing now. The most important difference was that there would be much more at stakes, and that is what terrified him.
Claire’s steps seemed lighter, her demeanor brighter and her smile wider. She was working more efficiently, putting all of her focus on the patient when it was required of her, and crossed the boundaries with teasing him only slightly.
Before he knew it, lunch time rolled around, and he was alone in his office. His contemplation on what to eat was interrupted by an incoming message. Claire’s name flashed on the screen and there was a photo of her lunch attached to the message.
“Want some? I’ll trade you for one of the cookies.”
He looked at the pack of treats, sitting on his table, and replied, smirking.
“I’ll get the coffee started.”
Not even five minutes later, Claire walked into the room, closing the door behind her. She had already reheated the chicken and was now holding the box with one hand, two forks with the other. Sitting down on the couch, she waited for him to join her with two cups of coffee.
“I admire your willpower to not eat the cookies right away.” She said, handing him the fork. Ethan scoffed, shaking his head.
“Some of us can control themselves, Claire. It’s called willpower.”
“Sure they do.” Claire mused, taking her first bite. Her eyes grew wide, looking over to him quickly. “This is ridiculously good.” A wide grin grew on her face and he smiled triumphally, having achieved his goal.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I’m not sure if you understand, Ethan. Now that I know you can cook, I’m not sure if I can survive without it.” She leaned towards him, nudging his arm with hers.
“Oh really.”
“I would have to be stupid to not use the knowledge of you being a genius in the kitchen somehow.” Shrugging her shoulders, she ran the tip of her finger around the rim of her coffee cup.
They ate in silence for a bit, enjoying the comfort of each other’s company. She stole one last piece of chicken, right from underneath his fork, and ate it while looking straight at him with a satisfied grin.
“How did the talk with your dad go?”
“You were right, I really needed to talk to him. Avoiding him was the worst decision.” Ethan wrapped his hands around the cup, the glass almost burning his skin. Claire took a bite out of her cookie, deep in her thoughts. “We’re not out of the woods yet, but we’re getting there.”
“You have no idea how happy for you I am.”
She finished her cookie and subconsciously started eyeing the one he was eating. He noticed her staring, cocking his eyebrow in a silent question.
“Wouldn’t you like to have another one, huh?” he teased her, trying to resist the playfully pleading look in her eyes. When she batted her eyelashes, he sighed, extending his hand towards her, offering her his cookie. She took a bite, their gazes firmly on one another. Nodding her head in a silent ‘thank you’, she finished eating. Ethan’s eyes dropped to her lips, like he was hypnotized. “You’ve got, uh… here…”
His thumb brushed the crumbs away from her skin, his touch lingering on her chin; he was now staring blatantly at her. The intensity of his gaze caused a shiver to run through her. She didn’t have time to ask him what he was thinking, though.
Ethan dove forward, grabbing her face with his both hands and pressing his lips to hers. He kissed her with wild abandonment, forgetting where they were, who they were and what they were supposed to be doing. She responded after a moment, placing one hand on his shoulder and the other one on his side, keeping her touch light.
He leaned away suddenly, realizing what was happening. His eyes were wide, a sliver of panic crossing his features. Claire moved away from him, then looked towards the door, checking to see if anyone was watching them, but the corridor was empty.
“Claire?” his voice was deep and hoarse. When she looked back at him, she noticed how dark his irises had gotten.
“Come back here.” He pleaded, wrapping his arms around her and hauling her onto him, tilting her back against the couch slightly. This time round, she was kissing him back with just as much passion as he had for her, her fingers tangling into his hair and pulling with gentle force, drawing out a long moan from him.
He moved one hand beneath her coat, smoothing the material of her shirt with his hand. Claire lowered herself entirely onto the couch, pulling him on top of her. A giggle slipped past her lips when her fingers glided down the column of his neck and he broke the kiss, fidgeting away from her tickling. His laughter mixed with hers, ringing around them.
He was breathing heavily, allowing himself a moment to just stop everything and look at her. Her pupils were wide, cheeks flushed. Lips bruised from assaulting his repeatedly. He held himself up with one arm, tracing the lines of her face with his fingers. Memorizing her, imprinting the in his mind. He outlined her lips, his breath catching in his throat when she bit his fingertip playfully.
“My god, you’re addictive.” Ethan growled lowly, pulling her back to him. Her hold on him tightened, their kisses turning from slow and unhurried to rushed and hard, every touch fleeting, sending a hot flame through their bodies.
Claire moved her lips along the line of his jaw, traveling to his pulse point and staying there for a long while, slowly driving him crazy. Ethan’s hand, that up until this point was running up and down her side delicately, has now stopped at her thigh, gripping it tightly, a last-ditch effort to hold in a desperate sound that threatened to escape him. To contain the overwhelming desire that threatened to consume him whole, right there and then, on the couch in his office, where they were in a very public eye.
She brought her lips to his ear, breathing hotly against it as she whispered. “Maybe it’s not the best time and place for that kind of a conversation.” His kiss on the skin of her collarbone interrupted her trail of thought, a small moan slipping past her open lips. “Don’t you think?”
Ethan sighed heavily, sitting upright, pulling her up along with him. He brushed her hair behind her shoulders, caressing the skin on her cheek tenderly. Smiling seemed easier to him, now that he wasn’t carrying the heavy burden of his choice with him everywhere.
“You’re right. How about we try the dinner again?” he murmured, twisting a lock of her blonde hair between his fingers. Claire scrunched her nose, pretending to think about his offer.
“Are we going to get interrupted again?”
He laughed, shaking his head. “No surprise visits this time, I promise.”
She nodded slowly, looking at him for a long moment. Her hand rested on his thigh and her lips touched his in a soft kiss. Leaning away for just an inch, she whispered. “Okay.”
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Linked Wilderness (Part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Wild get’s the present of his sister. And then she gives him a present.
Alright! This is the last focus on Wild I SWEAR. You are not the only boy I need to make suffer.
It was a week since her brother and traveling buddies had left, when she got the letter. How she got said letter was a mystery in itself (mail had been a bit spotty since the Calamity), and she had no idea how it was coming through time but there it was!
The letter was short and sweet.
“Rhea, Wind told me that I need to start writing you. I told him I do not know if these will even find you, but the postman hasn’t failed us yet so here we go. Things have been pretty quiet with us. Killed a few moblins, but nothing too major. I hope you are well. Wild Link”
Rhea felt like jumping for joy. She hurriedly wrote a response.
...before realizing she had no idea how to mail it to him.
Wild was surprised when the postman arrived with two letters for him. One was from Flora. The other was Rhea’s. Wild opened it very carefully, Twilight on one side and Wind on the other.
“Dear Link, Normally, I would ask how a letter from you reached me here. But with everything I heard during your visit, I suppose it is not the craziest thing I have heard. Or seen. I am doing well, thank you for your concern. The neighbors brought me an apple pie yesterday. I shared it with Epona.”
Twilight scoffed. “You two spoil that horse.”
“And you don’t?”
“Just read, cub.”
“I found myself wandering outside the village the other day. Do not worry, I stayed away from Guardians and hid whenever monsters came by. I know how to take care of myself. It was quite peaceful. I see why you enjoy traveling. I am placing this note on my doorstep, along with a baked apple. However your letter arrived, I hope this one will find its way to you. Rhea.”
“Rhea, Twilight is very disappointed in you for sharing the pie. I cannot say the same because I would do the same thing. Wind wants me to ask about any embarrassing stories from my childhood. I would prefer to hear the not so embarrassing ones. Link.”
“Dear Link, To prevent Wind’s temper, I will share one of each. When you were five years old, you climbed a tree as high as you could. And then you were too afraid to climb down. Father would not help you down. He told you that you had to conquer your fears. You were stuck up there until the sun started to go down. And then you jumped out of the tree with a korok leaf. To this day, I still do not know how you did not die, or even break a bone. The first time you ever taught me to cook, you showed me how to make baked apple. I had difficulty with it and ended up burning most of the apples. By the end of our lesson we had one “good” apple. The rest were a dry, burned, lump. We ended up sharing the good one. I thought I would tell you that monster activity has started to go down the past week or so. Not enough for people to travel, but enough to notice. So whatever infection is spreading through the monsters, it does not seem to be here. Rhea.”
“Rhea, Your last letter earned me a scolding from both Time and Twilight about my reckless nature. Wind and Legend could not stop laughing for ten minutes. Wind would like more stories. I am resigned to whatever my fate is. I am happy to hear you do not have to deal with the infected. They are rather a pain. Link” P.S.- The postman will arrive soon so I do not have a lot of time. I finished this letter last night. In my dreams I remembered baking apples with you. You used to wear a bright pink dress, right? It had a white flower design.
“Dear Link, Yes, I did wear a pink dress with white flowers. I must admit, when I read you remembered something about me, I felt very happy. I know you cannot control what you can and cannot remember. But I cannot stop the hope of you remembering more. Call me selfish, but I want you to have a family you can remember. If not ours, then the current one you are in. I do not know if you remember Fenton, your old Knight friend. He was a year or so younger then you and wanted to be a knight in the service to the king. But he was born with one leg twisted so badly, it is impossible for him to walk long distances. You still taught him the best you could in swordplay and archery. The reason I bring him up is he just got married this past week. The girl is not from Hateno so no need to worry yourself on her. I went hunting and found a deer for their wedding feast (and also my present to the happy couple). Your sister, Rhea.”
“Dear Rhea, You must be wondering why I have not written in over a month. The answer is complicated. To keep it short, let’s just say I am having quite the adventure. My dreams have been a lot of memories lately. It took a bit, but I remembered Fenton... at least, I remembered a memory with Fenton. I remember teaching him archery and thinking he was quite good. If only the army had let him try, I am sure he could have made an excellent archery captain. Then again, it is probably for the best he missed the war. The likelihood of him surviving the Guardians would be very low and then we would not be talking about his wedding. I remembered something with you, a few nights back. You woke me up from my dreams because of a nightmare. I let you sleep with me so you knew that the monsters would not get you. It felt familiar. Did that happen a lot? Your brother, Link”
“Dear Link, Yes, I had many nightmares and you let me sleep with you when I was afraid. I am embarrassed to say that I still wake up afraid. I have the remains of an old cloak of yours and use it as a blanket, during those nights. It is falling apart now, but I cannot bear to throw it away. The monster’s are increasing again. I had to take out a few that came too close to the village. Fenton helped from a distance. He still in an excellent shot and one of the best archers in town (excluding me, of course). Your sister, Rhea”
“Rhea, I remembered mother last night. She was showing me how to make bread in the coals of a fire. She was also coughing a lot. Link. P.S.- I am sending you another one of my cloaks to replace the old one.”
“Dear Link, Mother died from an illness the doctors did not know how to treat. She was sick for the last year of her life, with the last few months being bedridden. She loved you very much and would be proud of you today. I know that I am. Thank you for the cloak. I will take it with me everywhere I go for the rest of my life. Love, Rhea.”
“Dear Rhea, This letter has a surprise for you on the next page. I hope you like it. Four, Warriors, and I almost burned down a forest yesterday. Time and Twilight were not happy. It helped me remember that time I almost burned down the house. Father and Mother were not pleased with me. Or you. You had something to do with it, didn’t you? Love, Link.”
“To Rhea, Sister of the Champion We never got to meet, to my deepest regrets. I am writing to thank you for your sacrifices to the kingdom of Hyrule. I am sorry that I was unable to stop the Calamity from claiming your brother and father from you. I am also sorry you will never get to see the land free from the Calamity. I am sending a picture I have of your brother from the Sheikah Slate. It is not much, but I pray that having an image of him will help you remember him for who he is. Link mentioned that he ran into you on his current adventure. It is fascinating that these portals not only travel between different worlds but also times. I wish I could study them, but alas, Link has forbade me from getting near them. Apologies, I got off track. Along with the photo, I am sending 500 rupees. Link is not happy with this gift, but I insisted upon it. Please use it for whatever you wish. Rhea... you did make a difference to Link. I am grateful for your help, past and future. I thank you for your devotion to the kingdom. At your service, Princess Zelda”
“Dear Link, Please thank the Princess for the letter, photo, and the rupees. I confess, I was actually in dire need of some. My bow is getting old and I know it is going to break soon. Weapons are not cheap in these times. And before you get any ideas, you are not sending me any of your bows. I already bought one from a traveling Rito. The remaining rupees I gave to Fenton and his wife. He confided to me that his wife is expecting. I am very excited for them. As for almost burning of the house down: I have no idea what you mean. I certainly had nothing to do with it. And nothing will get me to say otherwise. Link, I am leaving you something under the floorboards of the house. Consider it a final gift from your little sister. All my love, Rhea.”
“Dear Rhea, I do not know when I will be home in my time again, but I will be sure to stop by the house. I look forward to seeing your gift. I remembered something. I think it was the last day we spent with Mother and Father. We had a picnic outside. Father carried Mother to the blanket and we spent the day playing games and making food. When night came, we looked at the stars and we fell asleep hugging Mother. When we woke up, she was home in the sky. Love, Link”
Dear Rhea, It has been a week since my last letter and I am still waiting your response. But I thought I would share with you that I remembered the last time I saw you. Before the Calamity. I will not remind you of that day’s events. But I will tell you that I was very sad to leave you and Father. I hope Hylia will unite us again on the journey. If not, then I am grateful I was able to see you again. Love, Link”
Dear Rhea, It has been almost a month since your last letter. Is everything alright in Hateno? Last night, I made everyone Mother’s stew. I remembered the recipe... or at least most of it. Call it my version, I suppose. Wind would like me to ask you for more embarrassing stories. Please write soon. Love, Link
Rhea, I am getting worried. You still have not written back. It has been over a month now. Please let me know that you are okay. Link
Dear Rhea, The postman has informed me that my letters have not moved from the porch of the house. He has returned them to me, with the promise that he is looking for where you are now. Rhea, I am scared. Please let me know you are okay. Your brother, Link.
The moment Wild’s slate began to ping, Wild pulled it out and quickly tapped a few things. “I’m teleporting to Hateno. Any objections?”
No one did. Time pointed at the nearby stable. “We’ll stay there for the night. If you are not back by morning, we will be coming after you.”
“Agreed.” Wild tapped a few more things before vanishing in a trail of blue ribbons.
The house looked exactly how he left it. Wild didn’t know why he expected any differently. It took him five tries to find the right floorboard under the stairs. A dried flower laid on top of a sealed envelope. The now familiar handwriting had scribbled, “To Link,” across the front.
Wild sat back right there on the floor and tore the seal off.
“Dear Link, If you are reading this, then I am not here. Truth is, I will not be coming back to this home. Most likely for the rest of my days, however long that may be. I have been thinking a lot about you. Ever since the Princess’s letter, my thoughts have been drawn to you. More specifically, where you are in my time. Right now.”
Wild stared at the page, his dread starting to grow.
“That is why, tomorrow morning, I am leaving Hateno.”
“No...” Wild gasped aloud. His grip tightened on the paper.
“Fenton and the others are more than capable of protecting this place. I am sure that the Shrine of Resurrection is guarded well, but I would feel much better if I was there as well. In a few days, I will be finding my way up the Great Plateau. Perhaps I will see the ghost of the King. Perhaps not. Either way, when you wake up in a hundred years, I will be near.”
Wild let out a broken sob. Tears began to fall onto the paper, blurring both his vision and ink.
“You protected me all of my life. Now it is time for me to protect you.”
’No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,’ Wild shook his head, praying this was just a bad dream.
“Besides, you have to find an empty house when you wake up. Otherwise, you will not find this letter.”
“Rhea, please don’t...” Wild begged, despite the fact this had happened a hundred years in the past. Nothing he said could change it.
“You may never remember me. You may never remember our family. But always remember that I love you, big brother. That is something that I will never forget. All my love for all my life, Your little sister, Rhea.”
Wild flipped the page over, desperate for more. He searched the floor boards for another note that might have been left. Nothing.
He bent his head and wept.
Personally, I think Rhea survived on the plateau for at least five years. She probably got killed by the Lynel. And if you thought this would be a happy ending-- HA! Hylia was nice enough to let Link remember his family. She’s not kind enough to let him keep it.
And if you thought that was sad, just imagine Rhea wrapped in her brother’s cloak, clutching her broken weapon, and facing her death. Her last thoughts are to the comatose brother that she was hoping to see one last time. But she knew he would see her. And that was all that mattered to her.
Up next: Uh... Sky is the plan but Four is starting to scratch at my brain so we’ll just have to see.
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multisfabulis · 3 years
Land’s Trust in Light
Building the Foundation (Chapter 2/6)
Word Count: 4080
The writing process for this chapter went as followed: I meant to start writing this in March, spent all of it stuck in brainrot, began writing and finishing the rough draft over the course of 10 days, and wrote the official version in less than a week. How in the hell I managed to still have something out this month, I have no clue.
I think this is the second most "plotless" chapter of this story, if only because this is meant to build up the friendship between Eric and Ferreth while having the plot be served as an appetizer in the beginning. I say second most, because the next chapter, I believe, will be the one, due to the plot taking a backseat but there is a hint to a future element that will be present in the overarching story so keep a look out for that!
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     Eric knocked on the door before needing to stifle another yawn. It was mid-morning in Thornewind, though he could hardly tell with the immense shadow cast over the town by the mountains. Despite everything being shrouded in almost complete darkness, he saw people setting up shop and beginning their day on his way over to Bris’ place. His memory seemed to be on point today, even with the handicap. Things were already looking to be better than Brinegarde’s visit.
     God, was he tired. Another yawn fell past his lips before he could think to stop it and he felt his eyes droop for just a second. His lack of restful sleep wasn’t from discomfort or a sudden spike of anxiety in the late night. It was simply the matter of being away from home and sleeping in an unfamiliar environment. It’s happened so often by now, it’s become an expectation he’s resigned to. It could be worse; he could be passed out and fall off the stoop of the windmill. Now he could only hope no one noticed his sluggish disposition and draw attention to it.
     The door swung open and he forced himself to stand up straight. He had it drilled into his head to have good posture, which meant no slouching. It’d be rude to appear as someone unbefitting of his station to lords and their attendants. He couldn’t afford to risk losing the alliance because of his sloppiness. Instead of Aissyl being the one to greet him, it was Bris.
     “Good morning!” That woke him up, if his quickening heart was anything to go by. “How’d you sleep last night?”
     “Uh, good morning,” he replied with a nervous laugh. “I slept okay last night, nothing special or anything.”
     The bright grin on Bris’s face dropped and he asked in concern, “Mm, really? You look pretty tired to me.”
     Why was he like an open book? He tried to explain it in a way that didn’t seem pathetic like, “No, I’m fine, really. It’s just, I don’t travel far from home often and I tend to not sleep very well on trips.”
     “We can pick this up tomorrow or another day, if you want.”
     “No, no, it’ll be fine, really! Honestly, I work better when I’m sleep-deprived so I’ll be okay.”
     With a slight grimace, he stepped aside and said, “Well, all right, come on in and let’s get started then.”
     Upon entering, he immediately noticed two things. The first was that one of the chairs he remembered being off to the side yesterday was gone. The other was of a savory aroma wafting around the room, making his mouth water. It emanated from a plate of freshly baked scones sitting on the center of the low table.
     “You’re welcome to try some if you want, Aissyl made ‘em.” He jumped some at Bris’s voice. He must’ve caught him staring.
     “Oh, um, thank you,” he stammered out, flashing him a nervous smile before grabbing a hot scone.
     When was the last time he ate a scone? He knew it had been years and it smelled just like the ones back home. He took a tentative bite and he felt his knees go weak, that’s how delicious it was. He finished off the rest in quick succession, his hunger satiated by a small amount. He forgot to eat breakfast before coming here so having something in his stomach helped wake him up some.
     “I’ll make sure to tell her you enjoyed them.” As he went to grab more, Bris headed inside his office. “Now let’s not waste any more time.”
     Eric followed behind him, warm scones in hand. Just as he thought, the missing chair from the lounge was sitting in front of the desk for him to settle down in. However, there was something different about the desk. A teal tablecloth laid in the center with a dark blue design embroidered in the middle. It was a hexagonal shape with gladiolus flowers crawling up the sides and its petals being blown away by the wind. That must be Thornewind’s emblem, since he remembered seeing similar symbols in Brinegarde and Aurora Zenith. He wondered if the other three towns he planned on visiting at some point had emblems as well.
     Once the scones were eaten, he and Bris began the meeting. He was glad to see the discussion on both sides going much more smoothly than they had between him and Lianthorne. Bris was open to compromise and he spoke in an easy to understand way, which he greatly appreciated. Their talk lasted for a couple or so hours before they agreed on the terms the other man set. With that, Aurora Zenith and Thornewind were now officially allies.
     He glanced towards the window to see the sun shining through the curtains. He must’ve been so engrossed in their discussion, he didn’t notice the darkness giving way to light. Covering his mouth with a hand to let out a yawn, he looked back at Bris and that’s when he saw it.
     His chin was resting against the back of his hand as his eyes seemed fixed on nothing in particular. He was tapping a finger on the surface of the desk as if he were lost in thought over something. This gave Eric a knot of anxiety. Had he committed a mistake that already threw their alliance into jeopardy?
     Before he could open his mouth, Bris looked him in the eye and asked suddenly, “Hey, Eric, would you be willing to hear me out on something?”
     “Um, yeah, what is it?” he replied, hoping his nerves couldn’t be heard in his voice.
     “Well, here’s the thing, I need time to figure out how I’m going to tell you this. It’s something I haven’t really thought out yet and I need to decide on whether or not I’m going to go through with it. When do you plan on leaving?”
     “I-I was thinking in 3 days’ time but I can stay longer if---”
     “No, no, that’s plenty of time, I should have a decision by then. It’s just…” Bris pushed back his hair and exhaled. “This is an important matter I have to think on and consider fully before I do something I might regret.”
     “No, I understand. I’m just more worried if this has anything to do with the business we were discussing.”
     “Oh, don’t worry about that, we’re fine on that front. This is separate from that.”
     He silently let out a sigh of relief. Whatever this thing Bris had to mull over was, it was comforting to know it had nothing to do with him. Still, he was curious on what Bris needed to tell him. It did, however, remind him of when Lianthorne tried to bribe him with Ven’s safety and he hoped this wasn’t going to go that route. A life should never be used as a bargaining chip.
     “Anyway--” he sat back in his chair-- “when I’ve decided on telling you, I’ll send Aissyl out to come get you. Moving on from that, you have any plans for today?”
     Putting the matter to rest for now, he replied, “Uh, no, I haven’t thought that far ahead.”
     “Do you want a tour of Thornewind then?” Bris asked, standing up from his desk to stretch. “Ferreth said you seemed taken in by everything when he stumbled upon you yesterday.”
     They must’ve met back up after dropping him off at the inn. He cringed at the idea of what that might’ve looked like to a stranger. “Well, Thornewind is a beautiful town so it’s no surprise I got sidetracked.”
     “Then it’s settled, I’ll go get Aissyl.” He started walking around the desk and out towards the threshold of the room.
     Following right behind him, he said hurriedly, “Y-you don’t have to do that! I don’t want to take her away from her duties and---”
     “She should be getting back from running errands right about now so…”
     It was when he tried to stop Bris from going out Aissyl walked in. All he could do was stand there awkwardly as the situation was explained to her, wishing he was anywhere but there right now. She said she had plans for the day, granting him some temporary relief before she pulled the rug out from under him by suggesting Ferreth to be his escort. With Bris’s agreement all but sealing the deal, he was left sitting on the stoop outside while Aissyl went to retrieve Ferreth.
     A heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he leaned back to watch the sky. In his attempts to not cause trouble for one person, he might’ve led some to another one’s doorstep. He could only hope he wasn’t hanging Ferreth out to dry with a client of his. Although, he was admittedly looking forward to spending more time with him today. He enjoyed his company yesterday so this might be considered a blessing.
     Eventually, Aissyl arrived with Ferreth in tow. They didn’t seem displeased at first glance but that didn’t necessarily mean anything. Maybe it was better to err on the side of caution and only let his guard down when everything was all right. He could never be too careful.
     He walked down the stairs, gripping the strap of his bag tightly in his hands. The knot of anxiety returned with a vengeance as his heart hammered against his ribs. Just keep calm and breathe, he repeated like a mantra in his head.
     “I’ll be leaving Lord Travere in your hands,” he heard Aissyl say before bowing and taking her leave, wincing at her referring to him as lord. He knew she was being polite, he just hated being called by formal titles.
     Ferreth, blissfully ignorant to his unease, said in a joking manner, “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting to be seeing you again so soon after yesterday. You miss me?”
     “Listen, I’m so sorry about all this,” the words spilled out as he continued, “if I’m taking up any of your time, I’ll just go back to the inn and---”
     “Eric.” Hearing his name startled him some. “It’s fine, all right? As you guessed yesterday, my work allows me lots of free time and I’m choosing to spend some of that free time with you. So don’t worry about it, okay?”
     Doing the exact opposite of that, he shakily replied with, “I’ll try my best not to.”
     He turned away from him and cupped his hands over his mouth, trying to steady his breathing. He had to just ride it out, let the anxiety ebb. In the meantime, he needed to distract himself with something to slow his mind down.
     Seeing this, Ferreth clapped his hands together and asked, “You wanted a tour, right?”
     Thank god for convenient timing. “Yeah, Bris suggested it after we finished our discussion and that’d be really great right now.” A helpful distraction, indeed. “Where should we go first?”
     “How about the tulip fields?”
     “That’s perfect. Shall we go, then?”
     They began walking down the street he now recognized as the main road. Eric slowly calmed himself the further away he was from Bris’ house, his mind beginning to feel at ease the more he put it to work at enjoying the tour. Now he might be able to hold a steady conversation.
     “So how it’d go with Bris?” Ferreth asked as they approached the middle of town.
     “Oh, it went great!” he replied happily. “I am pleased to inform you that Aurora Zenith and Thornewind are now officially allies.”
     “I knew it’d go over smoothly. So what does being allies entail, exactly?”
     “Oh, well…” He racked his brain for a way to explain things without giving much away. “Say, for example, a disaster were to strike Thornewind. It’d be my duty as Aurora Zenith’s lord to send aid over right away and the same would apply to both Bris and Lianthorne---Brinegarde’s lord---if it were reversed. You’d have to ask Bris if you want to learn more about it.”
     “Nah, I’m good. I’m not really interested in all that political crap.”
     “I share the same sentiment but I have to be if I want to succeed at my job.”
     “Then why enter that line of work?”
     “Let’s just say I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I stepped up to take the position but only because I had the qualifications for it. At least I’m putting the skills I learned in my childhood to good use.”
     “You have my condolences.”
     He snorted in laughter at that. The rest of the trip consisted of them engaging in meaningless small talk that felt like it went on for hours. He was beginning to wonder if he had made a friend in Ferreth. It was easy to see why; he was laid-back, funny, and could find ways to keep the conversation going when he couldn’t. This was different from when he befriended Ven. While he extended a kind hand out that ultimately led to their friendship, this was two like-minded individuals coming together and just bonding over their shared interests. Maybe Alek was right in that he changed from the person he was two years ago into someone better. He smiled at the thought.
     A quick visit to the stable to see Asha later and they were out. The tulips were just as stunning as they were when he walked through the fields yesterday. A sea of rainbow swayed in the gentle breeze and his breath was stolen from him once more. He was definitely going to sketch this place sometime in the near future. This was too beautiful for him to pass up.
     “A nice sight, isn’t it?” Ferreth asked, throwing his head back to let the wind ruffle his hair. “Just feel that breeze.”
     “Yeah, it is quite pleasant.” That was when he remembered his question from yesterday. “Oh, I was wondering, how are the tulips still in bloom this late into summer? I mean, I’m not a botanist or anything but my friend once told me they only bloomed in the spring.”
     “Unfortunately for you, I don’t know the answer to that.” He began walking down one of the many dirt paths crisscrossing the massive garden. “You’ll have to ask someone who’s lived here their whole life that question.”
     Taken aback by his reply, he followed after and said, “Wait, you’re not from Thornewind?”
     “Nope. I’m from a little town called Thesriden that may as well be on the other side of the world. I came to Thornewind just before my 18th birthday.”
     “Then forgive me if I’m prying a bit but why come all the way out here? It must’ve been a long trip if it’s as far as I’m imagining it to be.”
     Ferreth let out a heavy sigh, no doubt wanting to say as little as possible. “Let’s just say I ran away from home due to some familial issues and I remembered Bris saying he planned on coming here after moving out so I followed him. Welcomed me with open arms and I’ve stayed ever since.”
     There was a bitter smile on Ferreth’s face while saying all that. He didn’t need any elaboration to understand where he was coming from. They were more alike than he thought, right down to leaving behind the place they called home for so long because of family. No wonder he held Bris up to such high regard.
     In an attempt to lighten the mood, he changed topics to, “Anyway, these tulips really are beautiful. I think my friend would love it here.”
     “Well, hey, we’re always welcoming new visitors,” Ferreth said in a brighter tone. “Maybe when you go back home, you can tell him to come up here sometime.”
     “I’m not sure if she’d be able to, what with her shyness and all…” The memory of Ven cowering from a crowd of people surrounding her popped into his head and he breathed out. No way was she going to travel all the way up here by herself, especially with how she looked. If Vlixeoxs were barely tolerated in places like Brinegarde and Aurora Zenith, Thornewind would be no different.
     “I can help her out when she gets here,” Ferreth suggested. It’s not like he hasn’t been of great importance to him throughout his entire visit so far. So long as he didn’t flirt with her, then maybe…
     “If she comes here, I’m holding you to that.” Ven was his friend and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to her. Of course he knew she could take care of herself but he still worried.
     “So, shall we move on with the rest of the tour?”
     “Sure. We have all day, right?”
     So they continued on for the rest of the afternoon. He was shown the local businesses, parks, and occasional oddity Thornewind had to offer. Ferreth even made it a point to tell him of the best taverns to drink at, which he found nice but unnecessary. He wasn’t one to drink and, even if he were, most alcohol never appealed to him. Once the sky began to darken, they decided it was best to wrap up the tour. If Ferreth ever wanted to change his line of work, he’d be damn good at being a guide.
     As they were walking back to the Dravitae Inn, Eric remembered his earlier conversation with Bris. An important matter, huh? Maybe Ferreth knew something about what Bris could be hiding from him. After all, they were very close so the possibility was there, he just had to ask.
     “Hey, Ferreth, is Bris normally the secretive type?” He studied his face, trying to gauge what his reaction would be.
     Confusion was the best way to describe his expression when Ferreth asked, “No, he’s never been one to keep secrets. Why?”
     “After we had finished our discussion, he mentioned having something important he wanted to talk with me about. I was wondering if you knew anything of it but I guess not.”
     “Yeah, I don’t know anything about this. He didn’t seem bothered at all last night so I wonder what’s going on.”
     That wasn’t what he expected or wanted to hear. If even Ferreth had no idea of this, then it really was a waiting game he’d have to play until it was time. Patience was a virtue he had a love/hate relationship with. On matters like this, it was his worst enemy and he had no choice but to deal with it.
     “I’ll see him tonight and ask what’s up, it’s just not like Bris to keep secrets,” said Ferreth.
     “Don’t do that, I’m sure he’ll tell me when he thinks it’s time.” He saw him open his mouth to say something then shut it. “For now, I’ll have to wait.”
     They arrived at the inn just as the lights were turning on. Until the time Bris sent for him came, he planned on enjoying the rest of his trip here. He already had an idea of what he wanted to do tomorrow when---
     “Hey, Eric, you have any plans for tomorrow?” Ferreth’s voice jolted him out of his thoughts.
     “Well, I was thinking about going on up to the overlook I saw while we were at the tulip fields earlier and possibly sketch Thornewind from up there,” he replied, realizing where this was going. “Why?”
     “You mind me tagging along?” Yep, that’s what he thought.
     “No, but won’t it interfere with work?”
     “Eric, I go to work whenever it calls me. Besides, if it was serious enough, they can just come find me so it’ll be fine.”
     He gave it a moment of deliberation before answering with, “…Okay but if you get into trouble because you were too busy hanging out with me, you’ll only have yourself to blame.”
     “Come on, people love me, I bet I could get myself out of it by saying a few sweet words,” he replied with an amused grin. “I’m very charming, you know.”
     It was so hard to hate him sometimes. Even when he’d say things that’d normally rub him the wrong way, Ferreth made them have the opposite effect. He was right in that people loved him and Eric wasn’t an exception.
     After they parted ways for the day, he climbed up to his room, sat on his bed, and let out a weary sigh. Today was another exhausting yet fun day. He managed to accomplish his goal for being here, went on a sightseeing tour in Thornewind, and spent some quality bonding time with Ferreth. Tomorrow was a day he could kick back, relax, and enjoy the peace it’d bring.
     Speaking of which, he reached into his bag and pulled out his sketchbook. Flipping through the pages revealed many works in progress that he never planned on finishing, ranging from messy outlines to slightly cleaner sketches. His subjects were mainly of landscapes, though there were the occasional drawings of Alek during the rare times he’d actually sit and stay down. He’d been honing his craft since he was a child and the years of practice gave him the ability to turn out something truly remarkable. However, this was only a hobby he was passionate about. Nothing more, nothing less.
     Eventually, he found a blank page and folded the corners inwards. It was to bookmark which page he wanted to use for the Thornewind sketch tomorrow. Then he put the sketchbook back inside his bag, patting it once for the heck of it. Everything was in there, he was sure of it.
     Today was when he built a foundation in more ways than one. Tomorrow would be him strengthening the one he started on with Ferreth. Let it bear fruit so he may savor it in commemoration of this trip.
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janicho88 · 4 years
In This Together Part 3
 Pairing- Dean x Wife!Reader
Word count- 5821
Summary-Find out what these two have been up to for the last year. What obstacles are thrown at these two now?  
Warnings- Possible sick reader, hospital/doctors, little language, little angst, fluff, implied smut, talk of possible infertility, pregnancy.
A/N-This is the third part of my first fic.  It started as a oneshot but turned into more.  The first part of this story was written, because I needed someone like Dean at the time. This miniseries I guess you can call it, is very personal to me.  I’ve lived a majority of the first two parts. If you’ve read it you can see why I wanted someone like Dean to lean on.  In this part I wanted to give the reader something I don’t know if I’ll ever have. Thank you for reading! Pictures found on google.
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Part 1     Part 2
 11 months later August 2021
Slowly opening your eyes back up, you were staring out the window of your fourth-floor hospital room. This time your window looked over the street below, every time you were on this floor you had a different view. Dean was still sitting in the bed next to you, you leaned your head on his shoulder as you thought back on the last year and everything that had happened.    
October 2020 came around and your doctor let you go off your birth control.  He knew you and Dean were trying, or more not trying to stop anything from happening.  You knew nothing would happen right away and didn’t want to get your hopes up, you were also trying to stay positive that nothing was going to go wrong with you again. You were due a win.  
You had been back to work for about four months now, there were still some things you were trying to get used to at the new store.  Because of the two surgeries you could wear down easily and were mostly five days a week trying to get up to six. You had already rearranged the office and some of the shelves in the kitchen area to make it more efficient, but some of your employees kept moving things on you so you had to redo them. It would take a good year for your foot to be back to normal which was February, but it would never be pain free. As long as it was better than before you were happy.
Halloween was coming close and Sam and Jess invited you over to their house again.  Since you and Dean didn’t have any other plans you decided to join them along with Dean’s parents.  Jake’s costume this year was an adorably fierce lion.
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 With things still crazy in the world and covid still around there weren’t many trick or treaters. Unfortunately, this meant more candy for Dean.  Being a Saturday night Dean didn’t have to work the next morning. and you went in later on Sundays, so you stayed for a while.  After Jake went to bed the guys turned on the, All Saint’s Day, movies Dean loves.  They weren’t exactly your favorite so at least he could try and drag Sam into his madness this way.  Dean was enjoying his brother being a bit more into Halloween now that he had Jake around.   You bid them goodnight just before midnight and took your sugar high husband home, he wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.  
Thanksgiving was late again this year, so your parents had decided like last year to do their Christmas party the week before Thanksgiving again. Even though you were working less this year you somehow got distracted and got to planning late.  This meant the first two and half weeks of the month would be filled with baking.  The nice thing about the store you took over was the regular oven it had so you could do some of it there.  Although first things first, you had to assemble your as baking list.  The night after Halloween you were sitting on the couch with the Hallmark Channel playing its Countdown to Christmas. Computer in front of you with Pinterest pulled up.  Dean walked in from the kitchen during a commercial.
“Hey Sweetheart, what are you up to?  Anything good on?”
“Nine Lives of Christmas, is on. I’m looking..”
“No, Seriously Y/N? It’s the day after Halloween, and you’re watching Christmas movies?”
You turned and glared at him. “One, I have been watching Christmas movies whenever you weren’t around for the last week.  Two, you like this one so hush.  The guy is a fireman, your missed profession. Three, I’m trying to get into the Christmas mindset to put together my baking list.”
“Oh great, it’s that time of the year again. What crazy ideas are you going to come up with this year, actually wait, let me grab a beer first.”
You laughed as he walked back to the kitchen.  Dean might give you a hard time with the Christmas crazy baking list you come up with, but you also know he very much enjoys the sweets you bake.  You two had been dating since your freshman year of college and he was always your official taste tester.  Although anything pie related was his favorite.
“I think I’m going to just do round sugar cookies again, while I was off after surgery, I watched a cookie decorating class that showed how to paint the frosting with food coloring and alcohol.”
“That sounds like a mess,” you threw a pillow at him. “I mean great Sweetheart, I’m sure they will be amazing.”
“Keep talking Winchester, see how big a hole you can dig.  Here’s a recipe for mini pie like cookies, I co”
“..uld try. Okay, adding to the list      https://www.pinterest.com/pin/518406607102183606/
You were bound and determined one year you would get these cupcakes done; just not sure this year would be it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040748115/
“How about Christmas Cheesecake Cookies?”  You showed Dean the picture and this time he glared you.   https://www.pinterest.com/pin/174584923040791076/
“Do you remember the red and green Krinkle Cookies you did last year?  Your hands were dyed red and green and so was everything you touched while rolling them.  I’m voting no more dyed cookie dough.”
“Fine spoilsport.”
“How about you put the computer away and come to bed with me.”
“You’re heading to bed already it’s only, oh.  Be right there Babe,” quickly shutting everything off you chased after your husband to the bedroom.
The party was a little smaller this year, some people still weren’t all for getting together with people yet.  It was mostly family and some close friends.  Honestly, you preferred it that way, less entertaining you and your mom had to do, and the more you could relax and enjoy the night.   The best part about having this early, was your baking was now done, you had even gotten Dean to get the decorations out and most of the house was done.  You enjoyed cuddling on the couch with the Christmas lights glowing around you.  
Thanksgiving was once again split between both of your families.  You went to your dad’s mom for a late lunch and spent time with your family. Then headed over to John and Mary’s for well, for Dean dinner, you were still full, so you just picked at a few things.  After cleaning you ladies joined the guys in the living room where they were watching the game and supposed to be keeping an eye on Jake.  You and Jess talked sales you saw in the ads and tried to get gifts ideas out of Mary for her and John.  Like your mom, she wasn’t very helpful and just said you guys didn’t have to get them anything.  Usually you and your mom would hit a few stores tonight, but nothing was really open with everything going on.  The two of you had planned for the next day to get a few things before you both headed for work. It was nice to spend time with just your mom anyways.
Every year December seems to fly by, it was the second week now and you had been feeling a bit off, and more tired than usual.  According to Dean you had become a bit moody too. Which of course you snapped at him when he mentioned that. He’d been watching his step after that. One morning you were taking care of the dogs when you felt sick and had to run to the restroom.  You didn’t go into work that day, since you didn’t want to get anyone else sick, but felt fine as the day went on.  The next day at work you walked into the cooler and for some reason the dough smelled strong to you and you had to walk back out and get some fresh air.  You attributed it to yesterday’s stomachache.  Then the burping started again. Donna heard you at work and came over.
“What’s going on lady?”
“Something’s off, I haven’t been feeling well, I started throwing up and the burping restarted.”
“You know what you need to do right?”
“I know, but really Donna, can’t I catch a break.  I don’t know how Dean is going to take it if the doctor tells me there is another problem, I don’t know how I’m going to take it.”
“Okay, well before we send you into the operating room again, maybe you should see what the doctor has to say first.”
“That would be the logical thing to do, I prefer worst case scenario.”
That night when you got home from work you told Dean what was going on and when you called your doctor’s office, they actually had an opening on Friday and could get you in then. Dean was unable to go since Benny would be leaving that morning for a weeklong trip to see his wife’s family for an early Christmas.
The day of your appointment arrived, the nurse, Julie that took you back was your cousin’s friend who first introduced you to this doctor.  You two chatted on your way back to the room.  When you got to the room, she asked what was going on and when your last period was.  You explained your symptoms and how you were worried about another mass or fibroid. It had been over a month since your last, but you hadn’t been regular since your surgery and going off birth control. They took a blood and urine sample to send for tests before you saw the doctor.  The doctor pushed near your uterus to see if he could feel any bumps around there. He wanted you to get an ultrasound, so that was scheduled for Monday, your labs would be done then also.
It was a quiet weekend for you and Dean.  Monday rolled around and your appointment was that afternoon.  Dean was supposed to meet you at the hospital, where the doctor’s office was located, but was stuck in a meeting with a new supplier.  Since you were there for an ultrasound you were just supposed to see the tech who would do the test, but Julie was the one who came and got you.  She took you back to the ultrasound room.  When you were back, she told you the test results came back.  You left the doctor’s office in a bit of shock after scheduling your next appointment.  As you passed the mall on the way home you decided to make a quick stop.
That night during dinner Dean asked you what the doctor had to say.  When he called you after your appointment you said you were fine and would talk to him at home you didn’t want to discuss it over the phone.
“I’m going to need follow up appointments for the next few months, but everything is good.”
“If it’s good why do you need follow ups, what aren’t you telling me?”
You got up and went to get the package you picked up from the mall, handing it to Dean you sat back down.  He looked at you and back to the wrapped box.
“Open it.”
Ripping open the paper he looked at the open back and back to you.  “Wait, what?  Really?”
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You told Dean what happened at your appointment.  The results came back, and you were pregnant. Because of your history though, the doctor still wanted an ultrasound just to make sure there wasn’t a fibroid or a mass there.  They didn’t find any problems; the tech could just make out the embryonic sac the baby would be growing in.  They figured you were around 5 weeks, and due around August 14th.  Dean jumped up and grabbed you in his arms, tears were gathering in his eyes, he was so happy.
Later that night you were laying with Dean on the couch and he was going through his phone.
“Hey, the baby is about the size of an apple seed right now.  An apple seed, that’s smaller than my fingernail!”
You looked over at his phone and saw he was going through baby sites.  “Yes, that is tiny.”
“I can’t wait to see them in the activity walker car, they are going to love it like Jake does.”
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“Dean, honey, you know we still have like 8 months till the baby is here, and then they aren’t going to be able to use that right away, right?”
“Yeah, well they still will one day.” He learned closer to your stomach, “right little on, can’t wait to play in the car walker daddy got you.”  You had tears in your eyes watching Dean talk to your baby, you had been so afraid this day would never come.
Wiping your eyes, “I thought you said you bought that for Jake?”  Knowing that was his excuse at the time, hoping one day it would by your child playing in it.
“Well, I, um,”
“It’s okay Dean, I get it.”
Sitting in the hospital bed you looked down at the little one in your arms, and still couldn’t believe how lucky you and Dean were to be here. Your mind went back to last year’s Holidays, and what happened after you found out you were pregnant.
The two of you debated on telling anyone about the baby yet, since it was early.  As excited as Dean was you didn’t know how long he could keep the secret.  You would only be seven weeks along at Christmas but decided to tell everyone Christmas Eve at your parents.  You were going to tell them like you told Dean.  You found some grandparent gifts for them to open. Since Sam had Jake it would be John and Mary’s second grandchild, but your parents first.
While playing games after dinner on Christmas Eve, you and Dean rigged a team game that had your parents all winning.  Handing each of them the gifts you picked up Dean grabbed the camera to record their reactions. It took a minute before it sank in, but everyone was so excited for you.  Mary and your mom rushed over to hug you while John and your dad congratulated Dean. The rest of the family joined in after the grandparents.
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“The baby is the size of a blueberry now.” Dean proudly told everyone.
The two of you decided to have a quiet New Year’s Eve in.  Your parents, Dean’s along with Sam, Jess, and Jake came over for dinner, and games. The guys ended up in the basement watching some competition, while you ladies were watching the New Year’s countdown and talking babies.  On a trip upstairs Dean heard the conversation and informed everyone that the baby was now raspberry sized.
You had your 11-week ultrasound the Friday before Dean’s birthday.  You scheduled it then because you thought it would be an early birthday treat for him getting to see the baby.  They were going to confirm your due date, and there was a chance you would be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat.  Dean looked over at you with a smile when you were walking up and threw his arm around your waist.
“You’re starting to show, I can’t wait till I can feel him kick.”
“Remind me when this kid is playing soccer in me, how happy you are about it then.”
He put his arm around your waist as you walked. “Yeah, yeah, come on I can’t wait to see our little prune.”
“I can’t wait till next week, and we’re on a different food.”
Dean was so excited he could barely sit still in the office.  They called you back and got you settled in the room before the tech came back to start.  She started and was running the wand over your stomach when she found the baby and pointed him out to you.  Dean grabbed your hand.
“Wow, Sweetheart, that’s our little one.”
“Yeah.”  You both had tears in your eyes.  
The tech turned on the volume so you could hear the heartbeat.  “There it is, wait a minute.” She was moving the wand again.
“What’s going on?” You worriedly asked.
“There’s another heartbeat.  Here, we have a shy one.”
Looking at the screen you saw another tiny dot.
“Wait, are you saying?”  You looked over at Dean and he was looking at the screen it hadn’t hit him yet.
“Congrats, you’re having twins!”
“Wwwhat?” Dean finally tuned into the conversation.
“Happy Birthday weekend dad, you’re getting two babies!” Dean’s look of shock wasn’t one you would be forgetting anytime soon.
Leaving the doctor’s office, you both were a mix of shock, nerves and excitement.  It was hard to tell which one was winning out right now.  You had the family over to the house for Dean’s birthday on Sunday and you let him share the news with everyone.  You also decided it was time to tell the rest of your friends.
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You moved your gaze from the tiny bundle in your arms to Dean staring down at the tiny swaddled baby in his.  Someone had Daddy completely wrapped around his finger.  Sensing you watching him he looked up with a smile on his face. “Sweetheart, I can’t believe our babies are finally here, I can actually hold them and see them when I talk.  You did so good,” he told you leaning over to kiss you.  Dean had been constantly talking to the babies and trying to feel them kick before they were born.  Ever since you got back to your room and the twins were brought in, he had one in his arms at all times, relishing in the fact he now could.  
Dean wanted to go all out for Valentine’s Day this year.  He said it was the last one with just the two of you, and last year it had been a week after your first surgery, so you just stayed home.  Thankfully, you had a dress that had been fairly lose on you before, so you didn’t have to go find something new.  Dean had reservations at a nice restaurant in town, where you enjoyed each other’s company and the food.  You were beat by the end of dinner and headed home to cuddle on the couch.  Dean was rubbing your stomach and talking to the babies while you watched a movie, you were running your hand through his hair.  
“How are my babies doing tonight? Did you enjoy the nice dinner I took your mommy to?  I can’t wait till I can meet you guys. A few more months, you have some growing to do.  You guys are 14 weeks, that means you’re as big as lemons now.  You would fit in the palm of my hand.”
The next month went by fairly quickly, both you and Dean busy with work.  There were things around the house that would need to be done to get ready for the birth of the twins.  It seemed like Dean was quickly lessoning what we would let you do without help so you wanted to get started soon before he had you completely sidelined. You had decided to turn your guest room into the nursery and move the spare bed into the office neither of you really used.  You cleaned out some of the lighter things because you knew Dean would freak out on you if you moved anything heavy.  One night you went through Pinterest looking for different ideas for the nursery before you rushed ahead with anything.
March 16th was your 6th wedding anniversary; you suggested a quiet night at home. Dean vetoed that since you stayed home last year, again because of you.  He booked you a weekend stay at a bed and breakfast a little over an hour away near the beach.  Being March, it was too cold to get in the water, but you spent time exploring the quaint little town and its cute shops. While you were walking the beach at sunset your first night you stopped to admire the view and Dean stood behind you wrapping his arms around your stomach.
“I love you so much, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Babe. Thank you for doing this.”
“You know I would do anything for you.”
“I know, you have always been so good to me, and you’re going to be such an amazing dad.  These babies are lucky to have you.”
“I love spending time just the two of us, but I can’t wait to meet these sweet potatoes.”
“Really Dean?”
“What that’s what the website says for 18 weeks.”
The rest of the weekend went very well, the highlight would have to be the last walk on the beach you and Dean took before you headed home. When you had stopped and were looking out over the water you felt a flutter in your stomach, and a few minutes later another faint one.  That’s when you realized it was the babies moving.  You told Dean and he kept moving his hand around to try and feel it too but was unable.  He was still excited because it meant he would be able to soon.
Easter was the first weekend in April, you split your time between your two families.  Sam and Jess hosted this year. While you and Mary kept Jake busy the guys hid Easter eggs around the yard for him to try and find. There were only about ten, but it still took him a little while. He was more interested in playing with the colorful plastic egg then finding the next one.  Dean stood beside you while Jess was helping Jake. His hand was on your stomach when he suddenly pulled it back.
“What was, wait was that?”
“Yeah, that was one of the babies kicking.”
“So awesome! I can’t wait till we are out there helping ours find eggs, take their first steps, holding them.”
“I think your order was a little backwards, but I know how you feel, Dean.”
You had a surprise to share with both of your families. A few days earlier you had gone for you third ultrasound. Since you already had the surprise of twins you decided to find out the genders.  While you were sitting around talking after dinner you let Dean tell his family, you had told your earlier in the day.  Jake was sitting in his lap when he started talking.
“Hey buddy, do you know how big your cousins are now?”  Jake didn’t understand and just looked at his uncle.  “They are the size of pomegranates.”
“Dean, Babe, he’s not even two yet, he doesn’t know what that is.”
“He’s Sam’s kid. Sam eats all kids of healthy shi.. stuff. I’m sure he has those around the house.”  Sam just shook his head and glared at his brother.
“Do you think you want a girl or boy cousin to play with?”
Mary was looking between the two of wondering if this conversation was going where she thought. Jake never answered Dean no matter what he did to try and pull something out of him.
“How about one of each, what do you think about that?”
“Is that one you’re having?”  Mary asked not being able to wait for any more of Dean’s game.
“Yep, we are having a boy and a girl.” Dean grinned proudly.
“Oh man,” Sam started, “a little girl is going to have you so wrapped around her finger.”  They all congratulated you and Dean once more.
It was the second weekend in May and you really needed to get going on finishing the nursery or starting it.  Who would have thought the hardest part was going to be picking a theme you and Dean could both agree on.
“Come on Y/N, what’s wrong with that idea?”
“Dean, I’m not letting your obsession with scaring your brother using clowns scar our children with a clown themed nursery. Not going to happen Winchester.”  The mobile and matching blanket he found even creeped you out a little. 
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“How about race cars? No, I got it!  Let’s paint Baby on a wall!”
“Um, nice thought. We were trying to keep it neutral remember?  How about when they get older, and this little guy can appreciate cars almost as much as his daddy, you can do a car theme.  Who exactly is going to paint Baby, or did you suddenly become Picasso?”
“I didn’t get to who was going to paint it yet in my planning. Fine we can do cars down the road.  Where are your ideas?”  
“You have already shot them down, you didn’t want to paint the chevron lines, the silver and blue was to girly.” You just shook your head and went back to looking.  This was going just as well as picking out names.
Dean looked over at what you had pulled up. “I like that color.”
“What, I can’t like that?”
“No, I was asking do you seriously like it, because I do too?”  
“Well we like it, but how about my little rutabagas?”
“Really Dean?  Do you even know what that is?”  mumbling something he turned back to his phone; you wouldn’t be surprised if he was looking up rutabagas. On the plus side you finally had the nursery plans worked out.
Jess, Mary and your mom threw you a baby shower the first weekend in June you were about 30 weeks now.  They had the party at your parent’s house, this worked out nice for you since you lived closest to them and it would be easy to take things home.  Dean and the guys could hang out at your house since they didn’t want to attend the party the whole time.  Jake was almost 2 and very interested in the presents on the table. You all had to keep him from trying to climb up there.  It was a great couple hours playing games and spending time with family and friends. Babies Winchester were spoiled greatly!
Dean did come down toward the end, you’re pretty sure though he just wanted food.  You excitedly showed him the wonderful gifts people gave the babies and you.  He eagerly described the nursery, told people how fast the baby was growing, and how they were now as big as cucumbers.    
Your birthday was a few weeks later, and at 32 weeks you weren’t up to doing much for it. Your families came over to the house for dinner.  Your parents and Mary had been around and helped with different projects in the nursery. John, Sam, Jess and your brother on the other hand hadn’t been over in a while, so they had not seen the nursey.  Dean was eager to show them all
“This is where my little squashes will sleep.”
Jess looked at Dean and laughed, “It’s cute that you think they are going to sleep Dean.”
The majority of the nursery was done now.  You had gone with the soft aqua color you both liked, along with white furniture and trim.  You had gone with light grey and white chevron curtains and pillows to accent it, along with soft grey carpet.
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The Winchester’s always did a big 4th of July BBQ, this year was no exception.  Ever since Sam and Jess got married you rotated hosting it between the three of you.  This year should have been yours and Deans’ but since you were 34 weeks along Mary graciously told you they would have it.  The doctor had told you to really start taking things easier, so you were trying not to overdo it.  Mary didn’t let you help much in getting ready for the party, but you did busy yourself in the kitchen at home making a few desserts and Dean’s favorite pasta salad. You were thankful for them taking over you hadn’t been getting much sleep and wouldn’t have had the energy to get everything done you would have wanted.
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Dean was manning the grill talking with Sam, Cass, and Benny when you walked over to join him.  You could hear him talking as you got closer.
“Right now they are about the size of butternut squash, although they could be slightly smaller cause it’s twins.”
“I could have sworn you called them squash a few weeks ago, or was that a nickname for them?” Sam asked his brother.
“A few weeks ago, they were squash, now they are butternut squash.”
“I wasn’t aware there were different squashes,” Benny added.
“You know Dean for someone with an aversion to vegetables I’m surprised by the number of them you have called your kids.” Sam teased his brother with a laugh.
“What will they be when they are born,” Cas asked.
“Babies, Cas, they will be babies.” Dean shook his head at his brother and friends catching sight of you waddling over.  “And there is my beautiful wife, and mom to be.”  Dean leaned down and gave you a kiss while his hand went to your stomach.
Night came and you were heading back to you seat next to Dean to watch the fireworks.  When the first ones lit up the sky you could feel both babies start to kick, apparently, they were as big of fans as their dad. Dean moved you around on the bench so he was sitting behind you and could have his arms around you. When he felt the babies kick, he moved his hands around and started talking to them calming them right down.  The last few weeks whenever they were really active at night Dean’s touch and voice were the only thing that would get them to settle down so you could get a little sleep.
They figured your due date was around August 14th, but since you were having twins, they would most likely be early. Because of your previous surgeries the doctor wanted you to have a C-section to avoid any issues.  It wasn’t what you really wanted, but it was what was best.  They scheduled that tentatively for Friday August 7th unless the babies had other plans.   Which they did.  You were laying on the couch Monday morning with some heat on your back to help with the pain you were having while Dean was getting ready for work. Just before Dean walked out you started to feel some cramping. You were fairly certain you were in labor now.  Dean actually took it much calmer than you thought he would. He called the doctor’s office while you went to shower and change.  When you came back, he had both you bag and the babies in the car, and called Benny to tell him he would need to handle the shop today.
Once you go to the hospital things were a bit of a blur. They checked you in, took you to a room to exam you and prep for surgery.  Dean disappeared at one point and came back dressed in scrubs.  Before you knew it, they were taking you back to the operating room Dean right beside you the whole time.  
“It’s time to meet our pumpkins Sweetheart.”
You just looked over to him and laughed.
“It’s the last time I can say that.”
“I know Dean let’s go meet our pumpkins.”  Dean smiled widely at you as you headed down the hall.
Dean was holding your hand and trying to keep you calm when the doctor asked if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord.  He did and came back to standing next to you with tears in his eyes as he watched a nurse take your screaming son.  The doctor went back to work to get your little girl and Dean once again cut the cord. He was pushed out of the way quickly because she wasn’t breathing.  The nurse who brought your son over said that could happen with C-sections and she should be fine.  It seemed longer than the few minutes it really was before you and Dean heard her little cries fill up the room, both of you letting out a sigh of relief.
After recovering you were finally in your room with Dean and both of your babies.  Your families were here and waiting for your okay to come meet the newest members.  Dean proudly introducing the babies to the rest of the family.
“I would like you all to meet Patrick John and Sophia Allison.  You spent a few days in the hospital Dean right beside you the entire time.
After everyone left your little family alone Dean sat down next to you on the bed holding Sophia, while you held Patrick.  The two of you both lost in your own thoughts and the babies in your arms before you looked over to him drawing his attention to you.
Once you arrived home your mom and Mary took turns coming over to see if they could help you or just let you get some sleep.  Dean had to go back to the shop but tried to be home as much as possible.
The twins were two months old and not sleeping well through the night which was leaving you and Dean exhausted.  You were both working during the day, and the twins were waking each other up at night which had the two of you getting up each taking one of the babies.  You told Dean that you would get up and he could sleep, but he just kissed you as he walked by saying you were in this together no matter what.  One night you had finally got them calmed down early and both of you sank down on the couch.  Dean asked if you wanted to watch anything on TV.  
“Honestly, I don’t think I could follow along on anything right now, but the back of my eye lids. How about we head to bed before the little monsters wake us up?”
“Knew I married a smart woman.”
Just as you settled into bed you heard Patrick start crying, and then Sophia joined in.
“Seriously.” Dean grumbled.
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As you were trying to calm both babies down Dean was playing on his phone.  All of a sudden you head Samuel L Jackson voice reading Go the Fuck to Sleep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb0t9TUNLpg
“Seriously Dean?”
“What?  They can’t understand and I completely agree with it.”
Much to your surprise the twins were starting to doze back off.  If this actually worked, you weren’t sure if Dean would let you hear the end of it.  This was the quickest they calmed down for you, and also the start of hearing this every night for the next four months.  
Things weren’t always perfect, but they were perfect for you.  You had an incredible husband who always supported you and two wonderful kids who would keep you both on your toes.  No matter what happened good or bad you and Dean were in this together.
  Thank you for reading!  For now this store is complete. 
 Tag list @talesmaniac89  @deanwanddamons @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchest09 @waywardbeanie @emoryhemsworth @katehuntington @malfoysqueen14 @anathewierdo @superfanficnatural   @akshi8278  @sandlee44    
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hopeinlv · 3 years
[Taehyung oneshot] Highschool love story.
{PART 1}
Jungkook : Grandma grandma, it's too early we aren't able to sleep.
Namjoon : Yes grandma. Please tell us one story. We all promise we'll sleep after listening the story.
Grandma : Okay okay. Everyone sit down. I'll tell you one story. Listen properly.
Everyone : Yes.
•Flash back•
Author's pov :
Y/N was from busan. From a middle class family mom, dad, grandma and brother. As you'll know the bond of daughter and father , the same she has with her father. They always enjoy roasting her mother. A small family with lots of enjoyment. But one day her mother fell on the floor while cooking. Her father immediately shifted her mother to the hospital. Doctor said she has only 2 months left in her life. Her father (Mr. Park) returned back home with his disappointed face.
Y/N : What happen appa? Is everything alright?
Mr Park : Yes, my sweetheart.
Y/N : Don't lie appa. I heard everything.
Tears of Mr Park rolled down the cheeks. Y/N hugged him and made him calm.
Y/N : Appa, God is there. Everything will be alright.
Y/N was the elder daughter of her family. She know that her mother has only few months left. She decided to resign from school and apply for a job. The only aim she had from the day she heard the news was to keep her family happy and educate her brother.
After 2 months her mother left the world. Her father decided to do second marriage for his daughter and son. He oppose for the job to Y/N because she was only 14 years young girl. Y/N wasn't against her Dad because she respect his every word.
Next month her father did the second marriage. Within a month her grandma too left the world. Y/N's step mother was very rude to her and her brother till she had her own child.
Her step mother forced her to apply for a job so that she could get more money to live a luxurious life. Even during any festival her step mother use to buy new clothes for herself and her son and husband. Y/N and her brother never complaint about there step mother towards their Dad.
After 3 years, Y/N went to highschool for her higher studies. There she had a part time job to fulfill her and her brother's needs.
Y/N was very clever in studies. She always ranked 1st in her studies.
One day, she was in hurry to go for a job. She got late due to the extra classes. She forgot her I'd in the classroom.
The handsome boy entered in the class, he was no other than Taehyung, a chocolate boy of College and the son of great business man. He saw I'd card on the bench. She took that I'd card.
Taehyung's pov:
BEAUTIFUL!! I wanna meet her. Such a lovely girl I never meet in my life.
Some girls entered in the class namely Mina, Tzuyu, Momo and Dahyun.
Mina : Hey Taehyung, if you are free then can we hangout today?
Taehyung : Ahh..! Am not free today. I wanna do some work.
Tzuyu : Oh come on, don't make excuses. Please Taehyung for us.
Taehyung : Okay! I am ready.
Momo : So yes. Today on 7 pm at Suduko's cafe.
Everyone : Yaah fine.
Everyone went at their house.
Everyone reached at the cafe.
Momo : So, let's go!
Taehyung : Yes.
Everyone enters.
Mina : So today's bill will be paid by me.
Taehyung : Ohh. Okay!
Momo : Wohoo!
Jennie : Oh lisa , something special?
Mina : Obviously!! Me and jin have patchup with eachother.
Taehyung : Oh that's great news!
"Phone rings"
Taehyung : Excuse me.
Waiter : Hello everyone. Thankyou for visiting to our restaurant. Here is the menu card.
Mina : Hey everyone , order whatever you want.
Tzuyu : So I want pizza.
Momo : I will have burger and some fries.
Dahyun : I want hotdog.
Mina : Okay I too want pizza and some fries and bring icecream at the last and bring a cup of coffee to everyone.
Tzuyu : I don't want coffee. I will have drink.
Dahyun : Yaah, me too!
Waiter : Okay mam!
After taking order she was going for baking those , suddenly she hit with a man. He was no other , Taehyung.
Taehyung was staring at her. He recognised her. She was Y/N , who is working at cafe as a waiter (part time job).
Y/N was knowing Taehyung very well because they both were in same highschool. She know he is a chocolate boy. Seeing all girls with him she thought he is a playboy. She misunderstood him.
Taehyung : I am sorry!
Y/N : It's okay!
She went to make the dishes.
Y/N bought all the dishes. But Taehyung still was staring at her. She was feeling awkward. She kept the dishes and went for her work. Taehyung thought she will come again to give the bill. But she send to some other girl.
•Next day•
Y/N was going towards her class. Suddenly Taehyung stood behind her.
Y/N : You? Wh-why you are following me?
Taehyung : Ahh am not following you.
Y/N : What? Yesterday at cafe you were staring at me. I was feeling awkward because of that act.
Taehyung : Oh-ohkay sorry. Am sorry.
Y/N : No it's okay. But please stop following me.
Taehyung : Ohkay wait. I just want to give you something.
Y/N : What?
Taehyung : Yesterday , You forgot your I'd card in the classroom.
Y/N : Oh thankyou!
Taehyung : Mention not.
Y/N gave a sweet smile. Taehyung was still staring at her. She went from there suddenly when she feel like he was flirting.
Taehyung's pov :
I don't know why, but she is so sweet. [Yaar fida ho gaye hum]
•Next day•
Author's pov :
Taehyung entered in the class. The time he entered in the class he started searching Y/N. But she was late due to the late night studies. She entered in the class but till that time sir had been started the class.
Sir : Is this time to join the class?
Y/N : Sorry sir. Yesterday I slept late due to late night studies.
Sir : I don't want any excuses. You'll get the punishment for sure.
Y/N : Sir am not giving excuses.
Sir : Shut up. Your punishment is to write the 1st chapter of biology 20 times in rough notebook and you have to show me tomorrow before the class.
Y/N : Okay!
It was the recess time after 3 hrs lecture.
•In canteen•
Y/N was in her own world. She took her lunch and while going she crashed with the table. She got hurt in her stomach and her dish fell down. Taehyung suddenly rush towards her as he saw this incident. He helped her to get up.
Taehyung : Are you fine?
Y/N : Yes a-am fine!
Taehyung : Okay.
Taehyung's pov :
I know she lied to me. Okay no problem maybe she don't feel secure sharing with me.
Taehyung : Wait, I'll bring you another dish.
Y/N : Wait. Here's rule that we get the dish once.
Taehyung : What?
Y/N : Yes...
Taehyung : I wasn't knowing cause my mom is giving me tiffin everyday. She is strict about my health, hehe!
Y/N : Hmm!
Taehyung : Oh sorry. You can have my lunch. I'll adjust somewhere else.
Y/N : No! Thankyou for asking, but you can your own. Don't stay hungry because of me.
Taehyung : Come on Y/N. We are friend right? Are we?
Y/N : Ahh-h...
Taehyung : Say?
Y/N : Yes!
Taehyung : Yaah then I can share my lunch with you. Okay so we both will divide the dish equally.
Y/N : Yaah.
Y/N's pov :
I was wrong about him. He's nice guy.
Taehyung : So it's done. Now we can have the lunch. Come on let's start.
Y/N : Yaah.
Taehyung : Is your stomach alright? Should we visit to a dr?
Y/N : No! It's fine. After reaching home I'll have pain killer.
Taehyung : Okay! But if you will need my help you call me anytime. Here is my no. 1568xxxxxxx
Y/N : Okay! I saved your number.
Taehyung : Give me the missed call.
Y/N : Ahh-h why?
Taehyung : Umm so I'll also save your no. hehe.
Y/N : Okay!
Taehyung : Yaah okay received.
Y/N : Hmm.
•Bell rings•
Y/N : It's my lecture bye!
Taehyung : Bye!
•At night•
Jisso : Y/Niee tomorrow we have chemistry test. And you have punishment too to write the 1st chapter 20 times too.
Y/N : I know! I am tired. (Start crying)
*Door sound (knock-knock)*
Jeenie : Who's now? And at this time?
Rose : It's 10pm. And it's not allowed to roam anywhere to anyone.
Jisso : Yeah right!
Y/N : Wait let's see who's that.
Y/N opens the door.
Y/N : You?? Why did you came here?
??? : For you.
Y/N : What seriously Taehyung?
Taehyung : Let me get inside first. Otherwise I will get caught by someone.
Y/N : Yaah yaah!
Jennie : Ohhh! Chocolate boy came to meet someone.
Lisa : Umm. Carry on you both. We'll not disturb you.
Taehyung : Ahh noo. I just came to help Y/N. You'll can take your place.
Y/N : Help?
Taehyung : You have test tomorrow of chemistry and you have to write first lesson of biology 20 times as it is punishment.
Y/N : I'll complete it in time. You don't take any risk Taehyung.
Taehyung : Nooo!!!
Author pov:
Y/N holds Taehyung's hand and take him towards the door. Suddenly Taehyung pull Y/N towards him and hold her waist and release his other hand from Y/N and keeps on Y/N's mouth.
Taehyung : Am here to help you. You go and sleep. It's my order.
Rose : Ummmm we are awake.
Taehyung : Ahh-h, we-eh, nothing. You'll can sleep. Hehe!! Y/N give me the rough notebook and biology textbook.
Y/N : Bu-utt..
Taehyung : I said it's my order. Give me fast.
Y/N : Yaah here it is.
Author's pov:
Whole night taehyung was writing the lesson. He was working so hard for Y/N. He was proving that he truly loves Y/N.
• Morning 6 am •
Y/N woke up and checked her book. Taehyung completed it. He slept on the desk. She was so happy. Suddenly she saw Taehyung's hand which was swelling. She hold his hand, tears were rolling down her cheeks. She realised that Taehyung loves her truly. Drop of tear fell on Taehyung's face and he woke up. He saw tears in Y/N eyes.
Taehyung : Heyy, why you are crying?
Y/N : No, am not. It's ju-ust. Because of me your hand is swelling. Am sorry.
Taehyung : I did everything for you. From today there will be 'no sorry' and 'no thankyou' between us.
Y/N : Hm!
Taehyung get up from the chair and make Y/N to sit on the chair. And hold her hand tightly and wiped her eyes.
Taehyung : Am there with you at any situation. I don't know why but I feel special whenever I am staying with you.
Y/N was staring at him. Taehyung hugged her and was going to kiss her but Y/N roommate woke up.
Taehyung : Hey girls. Bubyee.
Everyone : Bubyee Taehyung.
Y/N : Thankyou.
Taehyung : Did you forgot? What did I said few minutes before?
Y/N : Uh- umm, sorry.
Taehyung : Again?
Y/N : Okay leave (giving peaceful smile)
To be continued~
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Wavelength
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 1 | Part 2 Wavelength | Part 3 >
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Disclaimer: none, perhaps some beach wear? If that tickles your fancy.
Author’s note: It’s romcom weekend, okay? 😘
Word count: 1.949
(Link to my Masterlist)
[ Alice.in.writing.land ]
Dear readers.
Sometimes I wonder. Do I know you as you know me? This morning an anonymous caller called in on the radio morning show to let people know that this Durrell paparazzi craze was hurting the island. Trash everywhere. The dogs barking all throughout the night. All and all, lots of grievances.
Now I know, and I think many people with me, who called. Pitchy voice, concerned about dogs and annoyed with island guests? I’m not going to ring up any names, but.. we know her. And not wholly unimportant: we love her for her concerns, albeit that they sometimes are a bit over exaggerated.
Anonymity only goes so far. And I am rather bad at keeping it, aren’t I? You know my name, my hobbies, my frustrations and how much I love my Jersey. An island that is home to a great many colourful people, wonderful souls. I wonder if any of you readers call Jersey your home too.
And if so.
Have I ever met you?
Just a thought, a blurb, a swindle of the mind. I love you all and wish you, as usual, a splendid Saturday.
Home is where the hearth is, and in my case, where the waves hit the white sanded beach near my parents place. I remember growing up here so well and I praise myself lucky for having lived here for so long, my family and friends always eager to come over and visit. 
Many a day and night have been spent here, the beach our witness as great memories were made and lifelong friendships forged.
It was, simply put, a very good beach.
I smiled into the early morning sun, a soft breezing caressing through my brown hair as I brushed past the long dune grasses, making my way to my favourite hide-out near the rocks on the far right end. A truly perfect spot for sun bathing without being sand blasted and the water just right for a swim, the sea quickly reaching swim-worthy depths.  
And the best of it was: you had to be a local to know of this place.
It wasn’t particularly easy to reach and thus it was, despite the Durrell craze, desirably quiet in here.  
Reaching my destination I slipped out of my simple summer dress, my sticky skin requiring a quick rinse before I would indulge myself in my two favourite hobbies; sun bathing and writing. Which in all honesty would make up most of my Saturday, as my friends were too occupied with their kids’ soccer practise, grocery shopping or any of the other very adult things to do.
I let the cold water wash away any of those concerning thoughts - how much of a non-adult I was for having reached none of that - and swam out further into the bay.
This was me, at 37. Swimming. Alone.
‘HEY! Ali!’
Okay, not quite alone. BegrudginglyI turned around, my eyes squinting in the reflections of the water. I saw a man wave at me. A dog by his side. An akita..a…hold on..
I felt my heart flutter for the splittest of seconds.
Henry? What the hell was he doing here?
With quick and sure strikes I swam back to the shoreline, the clear definition of Henry wearing a blue shirt and some airy linen pants appearing right next to the spot where I had left my clothes. Panting ever so slightly I waded out of the water, not quite sure what to say or do as I walked up to Henry.
Henry gave me a quick look up and down, then swallowed semi-awkwardly, a boyish smile turning up on his lips.
Well, that hadn’t changed.
‘Hi Henners.’ I said, filling in the silence.
‘Hi Ali.’ He smiled, still a bit unsure of what to say or what kind of face to pull. Meanwhile Kal wasn’t half so hesitant, the large akita pulling on his leash to get closer to me.
I chuckled and ruffled the dog behind his ears, then pointed at my clothes that lay behind Henry. ‘Just gonna..fetch a towel if you don’t mind.’
‘Oh yea sure. Sorry.’ Henry stepped aside and Kal looked up at him, almost as if asking his owner why he was being such an awkward dork.
‘So…long time no see.’ I grinned, wiping myself dry with the towel, Henry’s eyes now averted to the sea - perhaps to watch the waves, perhaps to offer me the slightest of privacy. ‘Yes. A whole 23 hours.’ He smiled, blue eyes gazing at the aquamarine water.
‘And now you are in dire need of some down time.’ I stated, stepping in beside him, the towel now wrapped around my body.
‘Kind of..yea.’ He looked to his side, his eyes far more relaxed and at peace than they were yesterday. Yesterday I met Henry the actor. Today it was..just Henry. I smiled and nodded at a picnic rug I had brought along. ‘You can join me if you want. I even brought cake.’
‘Thanks. I’d like that. Though no cake…unfortunately..no cake.’ He folded his lips in disappointment, then quickly turned them back up into a smile.
‘Alright then. I guess you Hollywood stars survive on salads and champagne alone then, huh?’ We both chuckled. ‘Don’t let my team hear that, or I won’t be allowed to drink champagne either.’ He raised an eyebrow in amusement, sitting down on the rug after I folded it out, moving some of my things to the side.
It was weird to say, but it didn’t feel weird at all to sit here with Henry. Sure, he looked different - older, broader and slightly more sorrowful, but the twinkle in his eyes had remained. Henry was still Henry. My bubbly, slightly chunky neighbour Henry with whom I always loved to play and make homework with, was still somewhere deep inside this man.
‘I heard you lived at your parents now, so I decided to pay you a visit. Yesterday was a bit…eh..’ ‘-Weird.’ I interjected, grinning at him. ‘Yea. I honestly didn’t know you still lived here on the islands. I always thought you’d be one of those mainlanders - living the London dream.’
I shook my head, licking my lips and moving my hand through Kal’s thick fur - the dog now also stretched out, right in between me and Henry. ‘Nope. And perhaps I should have. So far my life’s been a bit..’ ‘Weird?’
We both laughed. ‘I was going to say: different than I expected. But weird would do. At least I feel weird. Living with my parents again at 37. I mean..what’s wrong with me?!’
‘May I ask..why? I mean..I hope nobody’s ill or..’
‘Oh no. This is just me failing at finding a life partner that actually wants the same things from..’ I hesitated again, looking up into Henry’s face and seeing bitter recognition. ‘Never mind I shouldn’t unload all that bullshit on you. Hmm…’ I shook my head and looked back at the sea, my voice quiet, but my mind once more racing.
Just a few weeks ago I had broken up with my boyfriend of seven years. Chris. Whom I had thought to be perfect for me. Relaxed, fun, caring. But unfortunately also; not on the same wavelength. And that is, apparently, especially when you really want to have a family, damn important.  
‘Perhaps I can lift your spirits with the knowledge that I am not doing much better. On the relationship department, that is.’ Henry sighed into the fresh morning air, the scent of hot sand starting to rise up into our nostrils.
It was going to be hot today.
‘Surely you could lift a finger and the women come swarming.’ I grinned, eyes finally meeting his again. Almond browns looking into deep blues. And once more I saw that slither of shyness cross his features. Or was it uncertainty? Sorrow?
It was clear that Henry wasn’t jumping at the fact that women would come swarming at him.
‘Too bad I don’t like swarming women.’ He smiled.
There, you had seen that right, girl.
‘Well then you do know what you want. That’s quite unique for a man.’ I said, realising a tad too late that such a thing was a bit mean to say. Henry furrowed his brow, then tilted his head. ‘I feel there’s something underlying that statement. Something happened?’ His question was honest and open, no feelings hurt. I sighed. ‘Ugh. Sorry about that. Chris, my ex, just left a bit of a sting that’s all. He didn’t want the things I wanted, after years of hesitating on his end. And you know..”the clock’s ticking”.’
‘Well. Same I guess.’ Henry shrugged, making me snort. ‘You’re a man Henry, you can children way into your 60s!’
‘No! No..Not really. I mean..I don’t think I could have children that late. I want to actually be there for them. Be there when they’ve grown up.’
‘Always so considerate.’ I smiled, then sighed again, seeing him return my smile, his eyes holding a pensive glint. That was, until he shook his head, laughing at his own thoughts.
‘What?’ I asked, chewing the inside of my lip.
‘Mmmm..You’re an awful liar Cavill. The lot of you actually. Only your mother could ever keep a straight face.’ We both laughed. ‘Might have to take up some acting classes then.’ He winked.
I rolled my eyes, then continued: ‘Remember when you and Charlie had baked that terribly dry cake? UGH. And then you put so much icing on top it was like the titanic all over.’
‘ALI!’ He exclaimed, embarrassed at the memory of presenting this cake for a local baking contest - which of course went miserably.
I chuckled. ‘What?!’ I smiled with playful innocence.
‘Well I practised in the mean time, just so you know.’
‘Good for you.’ I laughed, earning myself another one of his discerning looks, which made me laugh even harder, louder, snorting as his face melted into one of full-on exasperation.
‘You!’ Henry growled, his long arm reaching out for me and pulling me effortlessly into his chest, making Kal quickly get up and move out of the way - the dog could feel this was not a good place to be right now.
I squirmed, wiggling in his arm, trying to get away from him before he could launch some tickles in my sides. Like the old days. Though now it was so very different. We were grown ups now. Grown ups didn’t do this, right? 
‘Hen Hen! Hen! What if people see us? What if..’ My breath was short, chuckles still escaping my lips as he stopped his assault, his arm remaining locked around me, refraining me from going anywhere else. ‘Like I care.’ He laughed. ‘We’re old friends. Heavens. We were toddlers together. Besides, we still have that pact, remember?’
I looked at him incredulously, then blinked, a blush creeping over my cheeks. ‘The.. pact.’ I mumbled, licking my terse lips, quickly looking back out over the water, not wishing to look into his eyes now he suddenly was so very close. Now his musky scent reached my eager nose.
He smelled so good.
‘And we’re way past 35 Ali.’
‘I know. We’re getting old Henners.’ I sighed, the last of my chuckles melting on my lips, my head quite naturally leaning into his shoulder.
And he felt nice too.
Ugh, it was nice to touch a man again. To be around Henry again. The sweet, chubby boy had turned into a gentle hearted hottie. It left me wondering how it came to be that a man like him hadn’t found a good woman yet.
‘You’re thinking very loudly Ali.’
‘Mmm..then indulge me. What am I thinking about?’
Henry chuckled. ‘Me.’
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
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 Faustus and Zelda had a long recovery in front of them.  Faustus had only awakened 1 hour before his wife so they were healing at the same time. They both were assigned to complete bed rest for the next 3 weeks. In that time, they rested, snuggled together, and watched the defeat of Blackwood video numerous times. They both agreed that there was no foolproof way to get rid of Blackwood forever; they had to just keep their guard up and hope for the best. Zelda also told Faustus how Lilith had reclaimed hell for herself and found happiness with a new Adam. After the 3 weeks of bed rest, Faustus and Zelda were up and around and just in time to help celebrate Sabrina’s 18th birthday. (Since this was Sabrina’s last year at home before college, new rules were set. Thursday nights were family dinner night, absolutely no excuses for not attending, and Sunday was family movie night.)
Later that week, Faustus and Zelda managed to find some time to sit down with just the twins to have a serious talk about the adoption. Zelda explained that this adoption was less about guardianship, as the twins were almost 17, but more of a show of commitment to be their mother. Zelda nodded with understanding when they told her that they wanted time to think about it. Yet, there was 1 issue that the male twin didn’t need to think about at all. Just like his sister, Judas wanted to forget about his life with Blackwood. Soon enough, he confessed that he hated the name of Judas, so with his parents’ full support, changed his name to Jacob.  It wasn’t long at all until he was used to the family calling him Jake. 3 days later, Faustus took Zelda for a romantic dinner in the fanciest restaurant in town. As they clinked their wine glasses together, Faustus explained that it was the 1st anniversary of him being free from the curse. Hearing this, Zelda re-clinked the glasses.
“To the first of many, many years,” She smiled.
They went home, and make wild, passionate love before drifting off in each other’s arms. Late that night, Zelda turned around and found herself alone in bed. She caught Faustus at the entrance of the attic, which Ambrose and Jake now shared.
“I still can’t believe we’re all home now,” Faustus whispered as his wife linked her arm with his. With a kiss, Zelda led him back to their room, where they made love for the 2nd time that night.
  Their 1st solstice all together as a family was a very special one. LJ and Jake were both all smiles as together, they handed Zelda a gift. After wrapping it, Zelda gasped, for the box was filled with papers, but not just any papers. On top were the half-filled adoption papers and beneath that, were papers for legal name changes. The twins explained that not only did they want to be adopted but they were also ready to become Spellmans. All the family couldn’t agree fast enough. Zelda did a pretty good job of blinking back her tears of joy, or she did, right up until the twins called her ‘mom’ for the very 1st time. This happened right after Zelda gave LJ and Jake their Yule present. A thick photo album filled with pictures of their birth mother, Constance, at every stage of life so the twins could look at it whenever they wished.
In the new year, after Hilda and Dr. C celebrated their 1st anniversary and Zelda filed the paperwork for the twins’ adoption and name changes, plans went full steam ahead for LJ and Jake’s joint dark baptism. Jake kept it simple, by picking Jacob Faustus for his baptismal name. LJ’s was longer. LJ explained that her name was to be Letitia Judith Constance Zelda.
“To honor both my mothers.” LJ smiled and Zelda kissed the girl on the head, blinking back happy tears once more.
The baptism, attended by family and coven alike, went off without a hitch. For the next few months, the Spellmans’ lives were blissfully quiet and uneventful. Their lives revolved around work, school, and most importantly, each other. On April 2nd, the whole family gathered to celebrate Cordelia’s first birthday. They threw a party, of course, with cake and gifts but it was Faustus and Zelda who got the best present that day. It was later that night after they readied Cordelia for bed, they sat Cordelia down in front of her crib as they did for the last 3 weeks. It was normal when Cordelia pulled herself up to the crib with her tiny hands but then something new happened. Cordelia took her hands off the crib and took her 1st few unsteady steps towards Zelda. She playfully touched her mother’s cheek before saying her 1st word loud and clear. “Mommy!” After kissing her daughter silly, Zelda turned Cordelia around so she could walk to Faustus. The baby took 3 steps before she stumbled on the 4th and would have fallen but Faustus managed to catch her. He was rewarded with a giant smile. “Daddy!”
 Spring and summer flew by and before anyone knew it, it was September again. Everyone came out to see Sabrina and LJ, who graduated a year early, off to college. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. When she was 3 and big enough for a big girl bed, Cordelia was given Sabrina’s room by her still at college cousin. The following year, Hilda, Faustus, and Sabrina convinced an uneasy Zelda to allow Cordelia to attend mortal kindergarten, just like Sabrina before her. Cordelia’s parents sat her down and explained to her not to talk about witches or use magic at school. They also kept their promise to the witch’s council, to keep them updated on Cordelia’s magical development. Yet, there was little to report. The baby who cried the devil out of the house was growing up as normally as any other little witch, except for a slammed door or a few floating items. Her powers were at their strongest when her emotions were at their peak.  One afternoon, Cordelia wanted to play outside but Hilda explained she couldn’t because it was raining, hard.
“I don’t want it to rain!” As soon as Cordelia stamped her foot, the sun came out. Hilda stared wordlessly, yet Cordelia didn’t even seem to notice. It was on the 1st day of school that Cordelia met Erin, Emily, and Erica Warner, mortal triplet girls who quickly became her BFFs. Meanwhile, with his youngest now in school, Faustus was feeling a little lost.  Ambrose and Jake formed the perfect team to run the funeral home together and the rest of the family were busy with their own thing. 1 night, Zelda suggested her husband should return to teaching. Zelda knew she got through to him and was waiting for Faustus to ask her to return to the academy. So, she was shocked when he told her he gotten a job at Greendale middle school, teaching 7th grade. Theo Putnam was also a new teacher.
 It was a cold night in the late December of Cordelia’s sixth year that the child awoke with a start.
“Who’s there?” She demanded with the greatest demand she could mutter as she sat up and looked around the darkened room. She looked around and saw nothing, yet she felt someone was nearby. Cordelia sighed, this wasn’t a new feeling. She pulled back her blankets and got up. Might as well go to the bathroom while I’m awake. She thought.
“Hey, Salem.” Cordelia petted Sabrina’s familiar on her way back to bed. Then she picked up her favorite doll, tucked it under her arm, sighed as she laid down, and closed her eyes.
 The next thing she knew, sunlight tickled at Cordelia’s eyelids. 1 quick look at the clock and she jolted out of bed and down the hallway. Her own school had let out for Christmas yesterday, but the academy was a year-round boarding school that demanded much of its headmistress. Cordelia felt that she spent less than 10 minutes with her mother all week. Maybe it was still early enough to catch her. She stopped short in her parents’ doorway. Not only was no one in here, but the bed was made and everything was neat, suggesting that both her parents left long ago.
“It's not even 9 yet! Well, so much for that idea.” Cordelia muttered as she headed for the steps. Downstairs, Cordelia found her brother fluttering back and forth before the front door as if he was preparing to go out. “Where’re you going, Jake?” she asked from the stairway.
Jake looked up, pausing as he put on his coat. “Good morning, Cordy. Mom just called, she needs someone to fill in for her with the choir ASAP.”
“Mom’s already at the school?”
Unfortunately, Jake was too busy to notice the sadness in his sister’s tone. “Yeah. Bye.”
Cordelia was left to frown at the closed door when the wonderful smells finally reached her nose. Those smells only appeared when someone special visited. Now wearing a tiny smile, the 6-year-old ran into the kitchen and hugged the visitor from behind. “Hi, auntie H!”
Hilda, who was baking, half-turned and gave her niece a 1 arm hug. “Hello, darling.”
From his stool 3 feet away, Ambrose waved. “Hello, cousin.”
“Hello, another Spellman who no longer lives here.” Cordelia teased good-naturedly and Ambrose laughed. He and Prudence had only moved into a small apartment together downtown 3 months ago.
Meanwhile, Hilda wiped her hands on a towel. “It’s cereal alright for breakfast?”
Cordelia smiled and nodded. “Yes, please.”
“So, Cordy, how did you sleep?” Asked Ambrose.
“Good! For the most part.”
Ambrose and Hilda exchanged a look. “For the most part?” repeated her aunt.
“Ghostbusting again, cuz?”
Cordelia gave Ambrose an annoyed sideways glance. “No, Ambrose. Ghostbusting would imply that I actually see the spirit.”
Ambrose was now confused. “Wait, you don’t see the ghosts? Ever? But you had this problem for a while.”
“Since before feasts of feasts as I recall,” Hilda added.
“I don’t understand. If you can’t see them, how do you know they’re ghosts?”
Cordelia shrugged. “I don’t know. I just know, it’s just a feeling. Most girls my age are scared of ghosts; I just want them to make up their minds! They should show themselves, tell me what the problem is so I can help or just let me be so I can sleep at night.”
Hilda and Ambrose both had nothing to say so they just stared at the girl. Cordelia sighed, what was needed now was a change of subject and she found it on the serving tray. “Who pops popcorn this early in the morning?”
Ambrose sprang to life. “Oh, I almost forgot!  I was supposed to bring out the cranberries and popcorn to Dr. C and Uncle Faustus. They finally setting up the Yule tree!” Ambrose grabbed the tray and rushed out of the kitchen.
“Well, I got to go too,” Cordelia announced.
“Why?” Asked Hilda.
“Because my bowl of cereal was on that tray!”
Hilda laughed, shook her head, and returned to her baking.
 “I swear, we get this tree up later and later every year.” Faustus sighed.
“Well, we’re busy men,” Dr. C assured him. “Me at my bookstore, you at the middle school. Here comes Ambrose, at last.”
Faustus smiled as the younger warlock rushed in. “We were beginning to think you’d forgotten us.”
“I’m so sorry that it took me so long,” Ambrose said.  “Aunt Hilda and I got to talking and then Cordelia walked in.”
“Oh? Cordy’s up?”
“I sure am!” The child was right on Ambrose’s heels. She was closer to Dr. C so she greeted him first. “Hi, Uncle C” She hugged him and then went over to her father. “Hi, Daddy” she giggled when Faustus kissed the cheek of his youngest child. The 2 men went back to trying to steady the tree, as Ambrose found a chair and began to thread the popcorn and cranberry strings together. After reclaiming her breakfast, at last, Cordelia sat on the sofa and asked about the only thing on her mind.
“How long ago did Mom leave for the academy this morning?”
“About an hour and a half to 2 hours ago” Faustus answered casually. “Why? Do you need her?”
Cordelia frowned. “No, I don’t need her per say, but I do miss her. It’s like I barely have seen her this week.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Faustus soothed his daughter. “While it’s true that Solstice demands more of the high priestess’s time than normal, all she has to do is get through today and perform tomorrow’s midnight mass then Zelda will be free to spend the rest of the holidays with us.”
“Don’t forget when we go get the girls tomorrow.” Dr. C added. “Zelda would never miss that.”
Although both LJ and Sabrina left for college 6 years ago, the girls were still away for their education but for different reasons. Unlike Jake, who left a year after his sister and cousin and return 2 years later, business degree in hand. Poor Sabrina was having a tough time, having changed her major 3 times. On the flip side, LJ had not only completed university in record time but was enrolled in 2 different medical schools. When done, LJ would not only be 1 of the few female witch doctors, she would also be the 1st witch doctor trained in mortal medicine. With a sister on her way to glory and her mother already in the history books as the 1st high priestess, Cordelia was extremely proud of her family and sometimes wondered if greatness lay in her future as well.  Having finished her breakfast, Cordelia now lay the now-empty bowl on the coffee table and went to the old cardboard box that held the tree decorations.  After a few seconds of digging around, Cordelia was able to her favorite one. It was a diamond full moon on 1 side and the other side was a picture frame. The picture itself was taken on her 1st solstice. It was of Zelda, Faustus, and Cordelia herself, when she was still just a baby. While Cordelia stood admiring the photo, Dr. C lost his balance on the step stool and bump into the girl, causing her to lose her grip on the glass moon and it smashed on the floor.
Dr. C rushed to the child’s side. “Oh Cordelia, I’m so sorry!” He hugged her.
Cordelia put on a brave face. “It’s okay, uncle C. We have lots of others.”
As they spoke, the fragments of the glass moon float up in the air and magically fixed itself.
“But this 1 is your favorite,” Faustus held it in the palm of his hand. “I know because it’s my favorite too.”
Cordelia smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”
  Putting up the tree nearly took all day. Cordelia was excused because right after lunch, the Warner triplets called their friend to come with them to go to the mall to see Santa. Cordelia was gone all afternoon and returned just in time for dinner yet her mood seemed to change. She was quiet and seemed angry. At first, Hilda thought her niece was annoyed because Zelda called to say that she was too busy to come home for dinner.  Then, in the middle of supper, Jake knocked over a glass of water. On the other side of the table, his baby sister jumped up in horror.
“You should be more careful!” She shouted before she ran out of the room. Faustus and Hilda found Cordelia in her room pacing back and forth before her bed. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry!” She muttered to herself.
“Cordy? What’s wrong?” Faustus asked.
His daughter looked up, frowning. “You should have told me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“THAT OUR KIND CAN MELT!!”  Cordelia shouted.
Faustus and Hilda exchanged a confused look. “Cordelia, love,” Hilda said gently, “what exactly did you and your friends do this afternoon?”
Cordelia sighed. “After the trip to the mall to see Santa, Mr. Warner invited me back to their house for hot chocolate and it was there that Erin, Emily, Erica, and I watched a movie.”
“What movie?” Her father asked.
“The Wizard of Oz.”
Both Faustus and Hilda felt instant relief. Hilda left to go inside the bathroom while Faustus took his daughter by the hand, guided her to the bed, so they could both sit down.
“Darling, while it’s true the mortals have short lives, while we witches can live for centuries and centuries. Surely, we can’t live that long if we are in danger of something as common as water.”
“But in the movie-“
“The movie is not real. It’s pretend, make-believe. You remember when you, Mommy, and I had our talk about make-believe?”
Cordelia nodded. “I remember, but it’s so confusing! After all, mortal parents tell their children that witches are make-believe.”
Faustus nodded. “That’s true but I can prove I’m right! Think back to every mass you attended, all the times Zelda took you with her to the academy, have you ever, after all that time with the coven, even seen a green witch?”
“No. Hey, wait  a second, I didn’t tell you that the witch was green! How did you know?”
Faustus laughed. “The Wizard of Oz is a very famous movie and you’re not the 1st witch to get spooked by water after seeing it. I guess you could call it a witch childhood rite of passage by now.”
“Your father’s right,” said Hilda, coming toward the bed, glass in 1 hand. “When your cousin Sabrina saw that movie, she reacted the exact same way you did. That’s when Zelds and I came up with the test.”
“Test? What kind of test?”
“Come here and I’ll show you.” When Cordelia didn’t move and kept staring at the glass, Hilda tried again. “What’s wrong? Don’t you trust me?”
This softened Cordelia immediately. “Of course I do, Auntie H.” The child got off the bed and came forward and Hilda knelt down to look her niece in the eye. “Now just give me 1 of your fingers.” Cordelia offered up a finger. Hilda took it and put the tip of the finger just under.  “Now, how does that feel?”
“Wet.” Was the child’s only reply.
Hilda laughed. “Yes, it’s wet, but what else? Does your finger feel like it is going to fall off or melt?”
Cordelia smiled and shook her head.  Hilda smiled. “Good, the test has worked in our favor yet again.”
“Thank Hecate!” Faustus added. “Can you imagine how foul our world would be if none of us would be allowed to bathe?”
Cordelia laughed at her father’s funny face as Hilda kissed her brow.
  A few hours later, Faustus turned down the bed as Cordelia got ready in the bathroom.
“Cordy, have you brushed your teeth yet?”
“Doing it right now, Dad.”
Faustus couldn’t resist. “With water?”
First, there was silence then came a low moan. Faustus smiled to himself.
Cordelia switched off the bathroom light and walked more into her bedroom. “Hecate, I’m dumb,” She muttered.
When she was close enough, Faustus put his arm around his daughter. “You are not dumb. You, my girl, are 6. Considering how you speak and behave most of the time, it’s easy to forget how young you are.”
Cordelia gave a half-smile. “Still young enough to be read to?”
“Not very subtle, miss Spellman.”
Cordelia giggled and crawled into bed as Faustus grabbed the book on the nightstand. Some little girls like fairy tales, most, at least, like a story with a plot. But most nights, Cordelia favored spell books, especially the Latin ones, even though Cordelia didn’t speak the language. She said it soothed her faster. Tonight, Faustus only read a page and a half before Cordelia was fast asleep. He tucked her in and tiptoed out of the room. The next thing Cordelia was aware of; someone was arranging her blankets. Her 1st thought was that the troublesome ghost was back but she was instantly awake when she saw who it really was.
“Mommy! I missed you so much today!” Cordelia sat up and threw herself into Zelda’s arms.
Zelda kissed her brow. “I’ve missed you too, little one. I didn’t mean to wake you, but your father told me that you had a scare today.”
“That’s not important,” Cordelia dismissed. “Will you come with us to pick up LJ and Sabrina tomorrow morning?”
Zelda nodded. “I will, but I must get back to the academy by early afternoon at the very latest.”
Cordelia frowned. “But tomorrow is the day before Solstice. You always spend it with us.”
“I know precious but we’re so behind this year. I mean, the church is not yet decorated or prepared for midnight mass yet.”
“How about I go with you? That way you could get your work and we could still be together.”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“No! Wait! Don’t go yet.” Cordelia grabbed her book. “Read to me.”
“It’s late, Cordelia.”
“Please, Mom?”
Normally, Zelda would have held firm but she felt massively guilty about barely being home lately. Zelda sighed and took the book. “Move over.”
An hour later, Faustus went to look for his wife and found Zelda and Cordelia snuggled up together, both fast asleep. Faustus went to Zelda to whisper to her. “It’s late, my love. We’re going to have to leave for the airport, well, in just a few hours now.”
“Mmm,” was Zelda’s only reply.
It was only then that he saw the book. “Did Cordy get another story out of you?”
Again, “Mmm.”
“Dearest, are you asleep?”
Faustus smiled. “That’s what I thought.” Gently, he put 1 hand under Zelda’s head and the other 1 under her knees. Then he carried Zelda out of Cordelia’s room and back to their own bed.
 Even though they had only been home a few weeks before for feats of feasts, Sabrina and LJ’s homecoming was a joyful one. At the airport, there was much hugging and kissing, done by all the family. The morning flew by with all their laughing, talking, and catching up. After lunch, most of the family went to the church with Zelda to help set things up, yet Sabrina went for a different reason. All Sabrina had to do was wait for an opportunity to talk to her aunts alone. She got 2 and chickened out both times. Fed up with her own failure, Sabrina teleported herself back to Spellman’s kitchen and groaned.
“Just tell them, you coward!”
The loud whistle of the kettle startled Sabrina. She turned and saw Faustus at the stove,1 of his eyebrows rose. “Something wrong, Sabrina?”
She could feel her eyes watering. “Yes.”
Faustus said the 1st thing that came to mind. “Are you changing your major again?”
Sabrina shook her head. “No, I’m not changing my major. I’m not going back to school at all!” There, she finally said it.
For his part, Faustus got out 2 cups and saucers, poured the tea, and sat down at the table with Sabrina.
“I can’t seem to bring myself to tell Auntie Hilda and Aunt Z. I wasted 5 years, 3 majors, and all that money. My aunties are going to be so disappointed.”
In an effort to comfort his niece, Faustus took Sabrina’s hand in his. “All your aunts have ever wanted for you is to be happy.”
“I tried, I tried so hard.” Sabrina’s lip quivered.
“I know,” Faustus soothed. “Maybe this could be a blessing in disguise,” he suggested. “Maybe, by taking a semester off will help you relax and figure out for sure what you really want to do.”
“But I was sure all those times I change my majors,” Sabrina stressed.
“You know, 1 of my favourite teachers once told me that the secret to professional success is to pick something that you love and are good at.”
“But I don’t know what I’m good for a job.”
“What about helping people? You’re good at that.”
“But that could any career.” Sabrina pointed out.
“How about a therapist? I would be lost without mine.”
Sabrina smiled. “A therapist? Me? You remember I’m the one who causes most of the problems around here?”
“Oh, that was when you were a teenager,” Faustus dismissed. “You’re grown up a lot since then. Besides, if nothing else, the outlook of a half-mortal, half-fallen angel raised by witches is bound to be interesting.”
Sabrina laughed. “True. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thanks, Uncle Faustus.”
He was shocked. “You’ve never called me uncle before.”
“I know but it’s high time I did.”
 “Dad? I’ve been wondering something for a long time, but I’m not sure how to ask.”
It was late that night and Faustus was readying Cordelia for midnight mass. In his opinion, she looked great. His daughter was wearing a new red dress, her white winter tights, and shiny black Mary Janes. He was now adding the finishing touch of a ribbon in her red hair, exactly like her mother’s. “Cordy, don’t be scared. You know you can ask me anything.”
“Okay, Dad, don’t you believe? I mean, I know that Uncle C isn’t a warlock, so it makes sense that he doesn’t share our faith, but why don’t you believe?”
“But I do believe, sweetheart. I was baptized the night after you were born.”
Cordelia seemed confused. “You were?! Then why don’t you ever attend mass?”
Faustus sighed. “You have to leave in a few minutes and it’s a very long story and I promise that someday we will discuss this in greater detail, but for now all I can tell you that when I was high priest, before you were born, I did things that I am deeply ashamed of. The coven has since forgiven me but I am still weary of being near them.  I do attend mass, in fact, I’m there every week, but I don’t sit up front with the rest of the family, I actually like to sit in the very back pew. I also like to be the last one to arrive and the first one to leave. I like it when the coven doesn’t even notice me.”
Cordelia thought for a moment and then said, “Are you sorry about what you did?”
“Oh, Hecate, yes! I’m sorrier than anyone can ever know.”
Cordelia shrugged. “Then the coven has to forgive you. It’s just good manners.”
Faustus hugged his daughter, grateful for her innocent logic.
   A little later, Cordelia found herself at the church, sitting in the front pew with Hilda, Sabrina, Ambrose, and the twins while Prudence sang in the choir. Even at 6, Cordelia felt proud that it was her mother who performed the service, glorious in her white and gold robes. During the middle of the service, Cordelia took advantage of her end seat and looked toward the back. Sure enough, she found her father, who waved at her. After mass, Cordelia stayed behind to help clean up and help her mother say goodbye to the coven. When they drove home, there a raven haired woman near the stairs. Cordelia didn’t know who the lady was but, judging the way her mother was gripping the wheel, Cordelia guessed her mother did.
“Is she the one who keeps bothering you?” Zelda asked.
“No, I don’t think so. Mom, who is that?”
“Go inside and get dressed for bed, Cordy. It’s late.”
Cordelia did as she was told but she did pick up some bits of dialogue.
“Bright solstice, Zelda.”
“What are you doing here, Lilith?”
“Come now, surely I’m allowed to check up on my son’s future bride.”
That was all Cordelia heard. 10 minutes later, Zelda came into Cordelia’s room to kiss her daughter goodnight.
“Mom?  I heard you and that lady talking. Who’s getting married? Prudence or LJ?”
“No one in this house is getting married!” Zelda declared firmly.
Zelda went to bed mad and woke up even angrier. “I don’t get it, Faustus.” She said to her husband as they went downstairs for breakfast. “We heard or seen nothing of Lilith these past 6 years and the 1st thing she mentions is that stupid marriage contract that I signed in invisible ink and can’t possibly be binding. Lilith knows that! What game is she playing at?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care.” Faustus answered honestly. “Whenever it is, we’ll deal with it together like we always do. Today is solstice. It’s time to celebrate that and the fact that this is your 1st day off in weeks. Then, later on, tonight, I get to show you how terribly I and our bed, have missed you.”  He kissed her hard before they walked into the kitchen, hand in hand.
 According to tradition, the family waited until sundown to gather round the Yule tree and start exchanging gifts. Half an hour later, the get together was in full swing, with music, talking, and laughing all filling the air. It was about this time that Faustus gave Zelda a small blue ring box. Inside was the 6th annual charm that Faustus gave his wife every Yule to go on the bracelet that he had given her on their 1st Solstice that they spent together as a married couple. However, the meaning of this year’s charm was lost on Zelda.
“A white rose?”
Faustus nodded. “A symbol of eternal love.”
Zelda gave a sly smile. “Yours or mine?”
Faustus laughed and stroked his wife’s cheek as he received Zelda’s thank you kiss. Then Faustus stood up and grabbed a skinny gift from under the tree. He passed it to Cordelia.  “Speaking of jewellery, here a little something from your mother and me.” Cordelia smiled as she took the gift and unwrapped it. It turned out be a golden chain with a crescent moon attached, not unlike her own birthmark. She looked up at her parents from her place on the floor.
“I love it! Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mom.” Cordelia got up and hugged both her parents.
“May Hecate bless and keep you, my Cordelia.” Zelda smiled at her daughter.
“Oh, it seems we ran out of music and could use a new Christmas CD.” Hilda sighed.
“I’ll go change it since I’m up.”  Cordelia offered and journeyed to the stereo but before she got there, she passed a window and froze.  She looked very upset.
It was Hilda who first noticed her distress.  “Cordy, darling? What’s wrong?”
“It’s her,” Came her niece’s reply. “The ghost that keeps up me at night. She’s right outside.”
“How do you know? You said you never saw her.” Ambrose pointed out.
Cordelia shook her head. “I never did, but I always felt her just as I feel her now and I’m looking straight at her.”
Faustus got up to collect his daughter.  “Come sit down, sweetheart.  We’ll figure all this out later.” Yet just as he put an arm around Cordelia, he looked out the window and saw the ghost too. “Constance?”
“Faustus, may I see you out in the hall for a minute?” Zelda asked as she rose.
 “I think we should let Constance in.”
Faustus couldn’t believe his ears. “What?  Zelda dearest, what are you saying?”
“Well, I think it’s perfectly oblivious why she’s here.”
Faustus nodded. “Yes, she’s here to ruin our family solstice.”
“No,” his wife disagreed, “I think she’s here to see her children, the twins, as is her right.”
“I think you’re giving her too much credit. Don’t you remember how she behaved the last time we made contact with her? You had to bar her from the house!”
“That was over 6 years ago. Maybe she changed.”
“Changed?!” Faustus sneered. “Then why has she  been  bothered Cordy for over a month?”
“Why don’t you go out there and ask her yourself?”
“Fine, I will,” Faustus agreed. “But you’re coming with me.”
A moment later, Zelda and Faustus stepped out onto the frozen porch. Constance was right before them.
“If we allow you into this house, will you abide by its rules and customs?” Faustus asked.
Constance smiled as she nodded. “I will.”
“Come in. You are welcome.” With those simple words, Zelda broke her own spell.
The whole family was shocked when Faustus and Zelda returned with the ghost. Hilda was the 1st to recover.
“Um, Ambrose, Prudence, Sabrina, Cordy, could you come to help me and your uncle C in the kitchen?”
“I think I’ll join you.” Zelda turned to join the family, but Constance called her back. “Please stay, Zelda, there’s something I would like to say to you too.”
“Ok.” Zelda was unsure as she slid into her chair next to Faustus. The twins were sitting on the sofa. Zelda noticed that the twins were holding hands, something they only did when they were really anxious.
“Is it true?”  Jake asked. “Are you really our mother?”
“She’s only our birth mother,” his sister answered him, “Zelda is our real mother.”
“LJ, please!” Zelda didn’t mean it, but her mothering tone came through.
Constance didn’t seem to mind as she stared at the twins and smiled. “You are both so beautiful.”  She touched LJ’s face. “My daughter on her way to becoming a witch doctor!”
Jake lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry I’m not a genius like LJ.”
“Are you happy, my son?”
“I am.”
Constance smiled. “That’s all that matters.”
“And we’re safe,” LJ added.
“That’s right,” Jake agreed. “Blackwood is no more.”
Constance smiled. “I know; I’ve been watching you. I’ve been watching all of you.” Constance turned. “Which brings me back to you, Zelda Spellman. I have something important to say to you. Thank you. Ever since you dispatched with Blackwood, you have done everything to make sure that my children felt safe and loved. I can never thank you enough for that.”
LJ got up and walked to Zelda’s side. “Why would even doubt her? She cared for us when we were babies. I mean, this is the same woman who whisked me away at birth and loved me when she didn’t have to.”
You must understand,” Constance stressed. “The last time I saw Zelda; she was heavily pregnant. I thought that she would prefer her own child and become a petty and jealous stepmother to the 2 of you. Just” Constance sighed and cast down her eyes in shame. “Just as I did with Prudence. Happily, that didn’t happen. She loves you as if you were her own.”
“I love them because they are my own,” Zelda said gently, “Just as Cordelia and Prudence are. Perhaps you would have learned this if you’ve survived but a mother’s heart can never be too full.”
“Wait,” Jake was confused. “If all you wanted was to have a peaceful heart-to-heart, then why have you been bothering Cordy all this time?”
Constance looked startled.  “Have I?   I didn’t mean to. Please apologize to her for me.”
LJ leaned in to whisper in Zelda’s ear.  “I guess the divine child’s powers can pick up a rogue ghost better than we can.”
Zelda’s focus was elsewhere at the moment. “Constance, you’re glowing. You’ve never looked better.”
The ghost blushed like a schoolgirl. “Am I? Well, I guess being at peace agrees with me then. You see, I recently re-met a friend from childhood on the other side, and he has been helping me to put aside my anger and bitterness. I’m starting to see things differently now. Zelda, I understand that you didn’t set out to break up my marriage, Faustus’s heart was yours long before I came around. It’s perfectly fine that my children have 2 mothers, as long as they are loved and protected.”
Sensing that her time was up, Constance kissed both her children and turned to leave when
“Wait.” It was the 1st time Faustus had spoken since they had all sat down. Now, he stood and when to the ghost. “Constance, I have never seen you speak so tenderly or behave so kindly. I just to say I’m sorry. We never were a love match but I could have been kinder to you during our marriage. Not pressuring you for a son, been more of a comfort during your miscarriages. Enjoy the happiness you have now; you certainly deserve it. Bright Solstice.” He gave her a peck on the cheek. The lights flicked and then the ghost was gone.
It was when Constance was gone that Jake fell on his knees before Zelda. “We love you, bonus mom.”
LJ hugged her. “We sure do.”
Faustus watched this touching scene for a moment and then turned his attention to the hallway.  “Okay, guys, you can come out now. Don’t think I don’t see you spying over there!”
The guilty gang filed back into the living room and the Solstice celebrations continued.1 hour later, the room was quiet as Ambrose read Charles Dickins’ A Christmas Carol aloud. Fearing that she would too big to do it next year, Cordelia grabbed her favorite blanket and settled herself on Zelda’s lap. She was going to ask if she was too heavy when her mother held her closer.
“Hecate, bless us, everyone,” Cordelia whispered.
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
SSR Tasuku [Mankai Glitter]: Backstage Translation
Btw, I created a Twitter account that’s purely for translation cause I just realized that I can link post with Tumblr... I’m really bad at Social Media, my bad haha~
Find it here: https://twitter.com/chiakitrs
Summary: Tasuku and his wish to Hello Celestial Sphere
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A3! is owned by Liber’s Entertainment
To Pisces: Tasuku
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… I’m home.
Tasuku, welcome back.
You’re quite late today.
Would you like to eat something?
It’s more or less the leftover Omi-kun made just now though…
Nah… It’s alright.
…Tasuku, are you feeling tired?
No, that’s not the case…
But, your face deosn’t look so good.
Actually, the guest performance that I’m doing right now has quite an exhausting content.
Today has both afternoon and evening shows, that’s why I look tired more than usual maybe.
It sounds reasonable if Tasuku said that.
As expected of Tsumugi-kun, to be able to see it through!
I’ve known Tasuku for a very long time after all.
Well, tomorrow’s the final day, so just one more step to go.
Please do your best!
Tasuku, I’ll give you a marshmallow so get well.
Speaking of which, it will be Tasuku’s birthday soon right.
When everything calms down, let’s celebrate it together.
Do you have anywhere you want to go?
Anything’s fine, so just think of something!
If you say so… I want to eat something delicious.
Something delicious huh… That sounds good.
This is Tasuku we’re talking about after all, I thought you’re going to say that you want to watch Soccer or something.
We won’t end up watching the match together even if we went with these members, I’ll invite Soccer Club for that.
You’re right.
… You know that well.
Since we’re going out to eat then, maybe we can consider going somewhere further this time.
If that’s the case, let me check out the stores.
… Thank you so much.
<Time Skip>
In the end, I’m still the driver…
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Would you like me to drive instead?
Then, as someone who just tagged along with Winter Troupe, let me do it instead!
Nevermind… I will drive.
… You want to change?
Be that as it may, I will get restless if I don’t drive at all.
It’s alright.
Fufu, so it’s like this in the end.
<End of Part 1>
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This is the place.
Woah, there are so many people lining up.
That’s quite a long line.
It’s a popular store huh.
Don’t worry, I already made a reservation.
As expected of Azuma-san, you don’t miss anything.
Fufu, it’s not my nature to keep the guests waiting.
<Shifts to Shop>
Alright, let’s see… What should I order.
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There are abundant choices in the menu.
With this much choice, I won’t be able to decide what to order!
The most popular menu here is Tonkatsu huh…
That looks delicious!
Other than the set meal, the assorted sashimi seems to have a good reputation as well.
Since we’re here, let’s order that as well!
There’s no such thing obviously.
No matter where we go, Hisoka-san doesn’t change huh.
<Short Time Skip>
This is so delicious!
Just by this, I already understand why there can be a long line outside.
I made a reservation because it’s a popular restaurant, but I guess we hit a jackpot on this store.
The sashimi is delicious too.
You can see the freshness in every one of them.
The squid is so juicy.
Sounds like it will go well with Japanese Sake.
But, Tasuku’s driving so he can’t drink.
Let’s try to enjoy ourselves without sake today.
You don’t need to mind me, it’s fine if you want to drink you know.
Eh? We know you’ll say that but…
Then, let me drive on the way back.
That way, Takato can enjoy drinking sake with everyone.
But, Guy-san won’t be able to drink.
Today is Takato’s birthday celebration, so don’t mind it.
Anyway, I feel like driving as well.
Fufu, since Guy already said that, should we order some Japanese Sake.
…Thank you so much.
<Time Skip>
I’m so full.
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The dishes there were really delicious~
Yeah. I would like to go again if there’s another chance.
Even so… I ate too much.
Tasuku’s still the same.
It’s a celebration, I don’t think you need to mind it!
Hisoka-san, what happened?
…This, I forgot about it.
<End of Part 2>
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…This, I forgot about it.
That is, ‘Hello Celestial Sphere’?
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You brought it with you before you realized huh.
As expected of Hisoka, you’re thoughtful.
This Celestial Sphere, it’s the item that will grant your wish if you make a wish during your birthday…
Yeah. That’s why, Tasuku… Wish for something.
With this timing?
Whatever’s fine.
Even if you say whatever, it’s not that easy.
Tasuku’s normally very stoic after all,  it’s fine to think of a wish from that perspective isn’t it.
You’re right… Then…
Hello, the star of Pisces, I want every food to have zero calory.
Choice 1: That sounds like Tasuku-san’s wish alright
That sounds like Tasuku-san’s wish alright.
As expected of Tasuku, you are still worried about the calories even when you’re making your wish.
I ate too much on the store just now.
Anyway, if all the food becomes zero calory, I can eat without worrying about the intake right.
Will you eat a lot of marshmallow as well?
Hisoka-kun, even if it’s not zero calory, you always eat the marshmallow as much as you want.
Surely, it sounds good to be able to eat as much as you want without worrying about the calories!
Choice 2: Zero calory is dangerous you know!
But, if all the food becomes zero calory, you won’t be able to get any nutrition!
Fufu, that’s true, Director certainly has a point there.
In that case, it’s not just calories, I should wish so that I can still get the necessary nutrients as well.
I see… If that’s the case, then there should be no problem.
Even for Tasuku, that’s such a cute wish to make.
… I was told to make a wish, so I just said mine honestly.
Your wish, it will be great if it’s granted.
Fufu, it will be great if that wish is granted.
… You’re right.
<Time Skip>
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(I ended up eating a lot yesterday. I tried making the running distance a bit longer, but…
I have to reset the protein balance with food I guess)
<Shifts to Lounge>
Tasuku, good morning.
Yeah, morning.
Omi-kun has prepared some hot sandwiches.
Hot sandwiches?
Yeah. He managed to get hold of a hot sandwich maker, and he ended up making a lot of hot sandwich with different ingredients.
Like Ham and Cheese, Teriyaki Chicken and Mayo, Ebi Shrimp and Avocado, there are a lot of them.
I see, but, I’m thinking of getting rid of protein this morning. I really ate too much yesterday.
If that’s the case, then there’s no problem!
The hot sandwich is just putting things together and baking, they are zero calory!
… What are you talking about?
The calories disappear when you put them together and bake them, that’s why it’s 0 calory!
Yup yup. Don’t mind it too much, why don’t you try eating it first?
<Shifts to Corridor>
(I was able to avoid the hot sandwich in the end, but there’s something wrong with Arisugawa. Tsumugi too…)
Ah, it’s Tasuku.
Would you like to eat this?
…This marshmallow, why is it crushed?
Once the marshmallow is crushed, it’s 0 calory.
What kind of reasoning is that.
Tasuku, how about this donut?
It’s shaped like a zero, same with the calory…
If that’s the case, this Baumkuchen with the same shape has 0 calory too.
Don’t you like Baumkuchen!?
If not, I have this bagel as well!
These snacks have holes in the middle, so they’re 0 calory too.
Tasuku, you want marshmallow right?
(What’s happening here…!?)
<Time Skip, Shifts to Room 204>
(I saw a terrible dream last night.
When I thought about it, that might be the work of the Celestial Sphere…
… Nah, that’s impossible)
<Shifts to Lounge>
Good morning.
Breakfast is ready.
Yeah, thank you.
Alright, I have to prepare the dough…
What happened?
I got a request from Muku, so I’m preparing some donuts for snacks.
When it’s done, I’ll bring one for you as well.
… By the way, that donut, it’s not zero calory right?
Eh? What are you talking about?
Nah… It’s nothing.
Forget about it.
<End of Part 3>
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