#yet nothing on kodak
mochirialgworl · 5 months
uh huh sure kenny
I'm all for shittin on aubrey's bitch ass, but didn't this fool literally just collab on an album with a fuckin sex offender???
Talkin all this shit about creeps... yet on mr. morale u tryna "uplift" them..... yeah, naw. That's some weird shit. Ick.
still wonderin if we gronna get a surprise pusha t drop to finish this massacre tho
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xunforseenthreatx · 2 years
Obsessed!reader x billy x stu
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Tw: obsessed!reader, stalking, harassing, creep behavior, murder, Stockholm syndrome, typical dark content. in this the murders take place in college; characters are aged up. 
- This all started after a party Stu and Billy had. You were instantly attracted to both of them after talking with the pair about horror movies, Love at first sight as you called it. Your boys were perfect and you would stop at nothing to make them yours.  You started with making sure every class you took was with one or both of them and hung out with them as often as you could. Then, it got worse. You started to follow them after school and memorized their favorite restaurants, colors, and small details about them that they don't even know about each other. Eventually, You'd figure out they were Ghostface. it didn't take along, You basically watch them murder your peers. This only added fuel to your desire; You just knew you had to help your boys finish what they started or even maybe as blackmail if they didn't love you willingly . 
-You also had a thing with grabbing their jackets and taking them or taking a look through Sidney's window when Billy was there. For Stu, you just went to his home to watch him. You had been gifted with a Kodak eos 3 and you used that to snap photos of the boys or them killing. Your favorites ended up in a box where you kept their jackets and hoodies or other personal belongings you managed to grab. 
- Then, the "gifts" started about month three,once you had an inkling that Billy was catching on. You started to leave photos of them killing on their porch with a horror movie  or their favorite candies.  Some with notes about how cute they looked or even ramblings about how much you loved them and why. to you, it was sweet love notes. To Billy, it was his worst nightmare, more so in the fuck we got caught way.  
- Billy was freaked the fuck out; He got very paranoid after the gifts started and even started delaying the killing. He was obsessed with finding out who you were. Stu, on the other hand, was very indifferent about it. To him, you just wanted in their pants, he didn't understand how deeply you fell for them yet. If anything, it was flattering to the lanky weirdo.  
 - You had done an excellent job of covering your tracks and sneaking around so the pair had a hard time catching you. You were so good at acting shocked and concerned for them when Stu rambled about it during a smoke sesh. That was until Billy finally put the dots together 8 months after your obsession started. His first hint was he noticed your behavior shifted after he got with Sidney, You seemed to get meaner to her. Purposely giving her wrong answers, making passively rude comments towards her, avoiding her, and you getting sweeter to him and Stu. He noticed your eyes would never leave his hands if he was touching Sid and the  same when Stu would touch whoever he was fucking that week, currently it was Tatum. Billy soon realized who their lovely stalker was during another horror movie marathon at your house. He was looking through your closet for some blankets and by chance, he moved a back panel that had the box with their personal belongings. Billy looked through the pictures you had taken and clicked his tongue. "Shit." the box was damning, he thought it was Randy or one of Casey bitch ass friends. He acted as if he didn't have a clue and went back downstairs to enjoy the movies. On the outside, he was normal Billy, On the inside, he was thinking about what the fuck to do with you. 
 - However, You were ahead of them and planned this out before Billy realized your little scheme. You added some sedatives to their drinks and snacks. Once they were both out, You got started on putting Billy in a guest room and tying him up. Then Stu was placed in your bedroom and tied up as well. Once  you felt that the boys were safe and secure, You walked back into the main living area and started cleaning up from the movie marathon. 
- Stu was more calm about being kidnapped by you, he honestly just kept hitting on you and was whiny about the rope being too tight; It was so cute it made your heart swell. Billy, on the other hand, was pissed. He threatened to gut you a few times but you just giggled at him and padded his cheek. This only pissed him off more, you better hope he doesn't get out. 
- Stu would be the first to fall into Stockholm syndrome. He would quickly return your intense feelings for them. Billy would take awhile: the fact you were able to pull this off impressed him but his pride was hurt that you were able to pull one over on him. Eventually, Billy would also gain an obsession with you, just as Stu had. You became theirs, just like you wanted. 
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kanmom51 · 1 year
This is not written to or about you. In your mind's voice please read it as I am speaking to and about the people who have written some excited rants. I like your site a lot and like your perspectives on JiKook topics. I am hoping, if nothing else, it might inspire a conversation for you. I wasn't sure where to share it since I am new to Tumblr and really don't plan to be a big poster.
================The thoughts==============
Some 'fans' and foes are losing their minds over Jimin participating in a song as a feature artist that has multiple performers, one of whom has - according to the conversations - done horrible things and has a bad reputation. However, many of these same people were not as concerned about Jungkook who performed in Qatar that has huge human rights violations and controversies. Qatar has been doing this for much longer and harming many more groups of people. The information is easy to research. Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song. I'm not in any way defending the rapper, if the information is confirmed to be true, and I am not saying it wouldn't be wise for Jimin to be aware of who he is working with, but he likely recorded a song in an isolated studio and didn't even meet the performers he was singing with. He would not work in this industry if he based his choices on only working with saintly people who never did wrong things or only behaved in ways that were perfect. As an aside, I don't know the personal behaviors of any of the other people on the song. I just don't understand the hypocrisy and the emotional tantrums people are having without thinking through information, much less looking at their own lives to see if they would have trouble being held to the same standards they hold BTS, but apparently Jimin in particular, to. If you are not who I am referring to with the descriptions above, feel free to disregard these thoughts. No need to be offended if you are not anyone referenced here.
Thanks for your time, Kanmom51. Keep up the good work.
I'm actually with you on this one @jimin-bangtan .
The hypocrisy in this fandom hits me every single time.
Let's start With Kodak Black why don't we?
Born 1997, now 25 yo man. Not without controversy around him, he has been involved in several illegalities in the past.
I will say this and be loud and clear: KB is NOT a nice person.
He's been involved in drug and illegal arms offenses and beyond the charges I will talk about below, the reason people are up in arms about the collab, he has been said to get rough with women. In my books he's a douche, and if he ever raises his hand at a woman he needs to pay the price for it. Period.
But the main issue that has people upset about is his rape charges. people screaming about how can JM be collaborating with a rapist.
So, let's make one thing clear here.
Plain and simple.
Well not so simple, because the legal system (law) and justice are two different things, at times intertwine and at times travel on parallel lines that never meet.
It actually goes both ways - people that literally get away with murder on the one hand and innocent people that have their lives ruined by wrongfully charged or convicted on the other.
But the legal system, as flawed as it is, is what we have.
Why this long winded explanation?
Well because KB was accused he raped a high school student in Feb 2016. He was charged for it in October 2017.
But 5 years later the prosecution reached a plea deal with him, the sex offenses were dropped (not even being accused of statutory rape, which is having consensual sex with a minor) and he was convicted of assault and battery and received a suspended sentence and probation.
I know this feels a little technical, but it is super important to make these distinctions. He was accused of rape but not convicted of it.
It is what it is.
He is a douche but he is not a convicted sex offender douche.
And if we are already talking about douches and problematic musicians, it's funny how everyone seems to wake up with these complaints and criticism when it involves JM.
Why is that? I ask myself.
Where were those people when Hobi was collabing with Crush? Where were they when BTS collabed with Snoop Dogg? Do I even bring up all the scandals he was involved in?
The above mentioned is merely an example of some of Snoop Dogg's issues.
Nothing, silence, you could hear a pin fall. Well, actually, not really. Because of all of the cheers and screams of joy that were heard when that collab was announced. Funny. Or not really.
And let's think about the examples in this ask why don't we?
JK doing the song for the Qatar games, well that didn't go without scrutiny. There were voices of criticism sounded, but those voices pretty much died down and at the end of the day, the song and JK as well, received the full support from the fandom.
And the K-pop industry?
"Yet these same people and others have no problem supporting a KPop industry that exploits underage people with excessive work and sexual behavior. The very industry they support has had its own sexual abuse scandals and unfortunate suicide incidents, but yet they are now out of sorts about supporting Jimin with this song."
Say it louder for the people in the back!!!
YG just announced their new girl group. Guess how old the youngest member is?
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13 yo.
As much as that is a favourite Jikook number, it sure isn't an appropriate age for a child to debut with a girl group in an industry that sexualises young girls the way it does. And it's not that the others are much older either.
Cookie someone?
So yeah, we all need to be conscious of our choices. Who we listen to, where our money goes, who and what we support. And it's ok to criticise our faves, I'd even go as far as to say it's our duty to do so. But a. it's a case to case basis, meaning circumstances matter (which means what the level of involvement is with that person, for example); and b. let's not be hypocrites here. Let's not have double standards. If we feel it's wrong to collab with a problematic rapper, that standard applies not only to JM but to every other member of the band and the band as a whole.
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kyuponstories · 5 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Do your characters have any particularly interesting fashion choices? What are they and why?👔🥻👘👗👚🛍
My first ask on this account?? 🥹
It's a little tough to think about this w/ the OCB characters, because they're gonna mainly be cosplaying throughout the series. So they're "normal" fashion won't even be seen, really. 😅 But if I really think about it:
- Kiki is a complete pastel alt girl. More pastel (mainly pink) than alt as she'll wear anything bright & loud w/ color. A striped pink & white t-shirt and a black high-waist skirt w/ suspenders. Throw in a choker and some bright stockings too! It just matches w/ her cheery personality, and puts more emphasis on her sweetness.
- La'Rae is like dark academia but edgy. If cosplaying wasn't a huge part of the restaurant norm, I could see her in a crop top (somewhat covered by a flannel), ripped jeans, and fishnet gloves just to match the required hair net. 🤭 I always imagine La'Rae in soft hues of orange, brown, burgundy, and black. And with a long coat for some reason lol. Sorry if that explains nothing LOOL
These are bound to change since I'm in the early phase of writing only. Every other character's style is either unknown or most likely not considered interesting...? 😅 Jay is white academia w/ denim.... Idk how else to explain that lol. Akachi is extra casual - graphic tees & polo shirts. Kay looks completely alt, but all I know is he's always only in black 99% of the time. Idk about Youngheun, Kodak, and Dahye at all yet. 🥲
Thank you for asking me this, it was fun! ☺️💗💗
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I wonder why tae always with problematic people and never gets called out on it. First wooga and now Jennie. Remember how much hate hobi got because he worked with crush, same happened with jk when his pictures with certain people were out. They were hating on jm for working with Kodak even though we know that it was not his control. On other hand tae is literally bff with these people and he gets pass.
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Its the norm with this fandom. Everytime I see KTHs complain that Armys hate him it's just so funny to me. Can you imagine if Jimin is the one who had sang "nigga" during his live? JK's dating scandal was so fucking ugly and all he did was back hug her in a setting where they weren't even the only ones. V walks down the city of romance swinging hands with Jennie and.... nothing. RM just shut people up for the Muslim hate slander and then they started attacking him for sharing a Chris Brown song 2 days later. But when V listens to all these violent, explicit songs its Armys being very amused and "proud" that he's cursing up a storm. Yet JK wasn't allowed to have an explicit version of SEVEN without people talking smack.
Ot7s love V, so I never understand anyone who says he is the most hated when its simply not true.
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scrvivorisms · 3 months
Another Maladaptive Daydream of the Partners in Time: A Drabble/ Ficlet based within My Ordinary Life.
Only MUTUALS May turn this into a Thread. Ending left vague and open ended for Said Reply.
Based on This Song
Feat Williams Favorite Car Ride Song
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Summary: It is 1994, Maxine is in San Francisco. She met the very young, and very in love Joyce and William. Chloe's parents. Or, to be parents. The oddly cathartic experience, however strange for the teens, only got Maxine thinking.
The Year never mattered. The passage of time all became relativity. As did the subjectiveness of it all. As did ones own humanity, their morals. It all became something that was never concrete. Never stayed for more than the time she was there. It took on the shape that was needed wherever she was. Whoever she was. Every form was Maxine. She made sure of that. The same even voiced, freckled faced woman they'd come to know through the years. Coming and going like wind.
Though, on late nights when the floorboards dug into her shoulder blades, blue orbs ever focusing on the ceiling fan of her current dwelling, she always thought of them. Her. That place. However damaging and changing, Arcadia Bay permeated Maxine's very soul. Every occurrence since then stemmed from it. Even now, being pushed and pulled by time, flung into something other. Places, people, faces... all new. Unknown. Surely, to be nonexistent in such a way, yet the opposite was a punishment of sorts by the universe.
It sure as all hell felt that way today. She was on a path, on a bench during the day, sipping away on a coffee and paging through her journal. Maxine was a Watcher. Ever the Observer of the world. Normally, she wouldn't pay mind to anyone passing by her on this path. They wouldn't remember her. And she, them. Though...that laugh. With the ever Southern twang to it. It made her feel eighteen again. Younger even. And when she looked...
Joyce. And William was with her. They were so, so young. They looked to be barely into their 20s. Eyes full of hopeful youth. And when she looked further: the roundness of Joyce's belly beneath a white tank top was more than apparent. She was very pregnant. With Chloe. Oh....Oh Chloe....
They were talking of everything and nothing. Of what to do with their time in San Francisco on their vacation before the birth. The birth... Everything began playing like a tape in the back of her mind as she watched. They'd stopped. And there. There. William had a camera. An old, eggshell, perhaps tan Kodak Polaroid Instant Camera. The very one he used when she and Chloe were children on Cedar Ave in their home. The one Chloe gave her at eighteen as a gift when Nathan Prescott broke the other. It seemed William was struggling. With getting the right angle, the lighting, all of it. She stood before fully thinking through what she would say or do.
"Need a hand?" His eyes flew up from the camera, from Joyce and to her. He nervously laughed.
"I, uh, yeah." Christ... it still sounded like him. Maxine held out her hand in offering. He handed over the camera which she has and hasn't yet called a companion. The weight is so familiar in her hands. Fingers easily landing on the button to take a picture. Photography was as easy as breathing at 28. So finding the right angle, the rays of the sun hitting their faces. She looked at them expectantly and they then posed. William slung an arm around Joyce and leaned in for a kiss. One which was provided without hesitation, both smiling into it. Maxine took the photo.
"So, you're on a trip." Maxine remarked this handing them both the fresh photo and the camera back.
"What makes you say that?" Joyce's head tilted.
"C'mon... a young couple on a walking path, conveniently in perfect view of the iconic bridge of San Fran? An even more convenient camera? You're tourists." Max finished this with the softest, kindest smile she could muster. The pair laughed.
"Ya caught us." William said haughtily. He went to put the camera away in his tote bag. And then he went to examine the picture. "Damn... lighting's perfect. What do they call that again?"
"Golden Hour."
A quiet nod as they looked on at the photo, then Maxine. This was getting weird. Hell, for everyone else besides her, it would be. No one ever got to meet their Best Friends parents before they became such.
"So, When are they due?"
"March. The beginning of the month if I remember the doctor right." Joyce finished this with the placement of her dainty hand over the baby bump ever so lovingly.
"Did you have a name in mind?"
"Middle will be Elizabeth." William added on, just as proud, just as excited. Christ, if only they knew what lay ahead... No. Let this be. Let it be.
"You'll make great parents. I mean, look at your faces." Maxine beamed falsely. "You should mark the photo. A title or phrase. This seems like an important moment."
William was all over it. Though, in his bag, he didn't have a pen. But Max did. A permanent marker in black ink. Max looked up and dared to ask for their names, all three for clarification although she already knew it. And so, when they answered, she cemented this moment in time with what she read so long ago.
"SF Holidays with William (and Chloe)"
She capped the marker back off, and returned the photo. Fingers brushing with William's. And oh, did it hurt to feel, to register his being corporeal. Here. This wouldn't likely happen again. So when they thanked her for taking the shot, wished her a good night, and left without asking her name, she just... stood there. Watching their bodies fade over the curve of the walking path and away into their lives. The next 14 years will be beautiful. Simple. Idyllic.
And then William will be killed in a crash. Chloe will pull away. Joyce will be shattered. Five more years, then a Mother, Joyce would be no longer. And in this timeline, Chloe would stay dead. Max would not be there for interference this time around. She thought of that the whole walk home. Or, what she called home right now. Some dingy hotel room she's been paying for with just cash. Under the table. They only had her name. And a fake ID. Maxine always went for a camera and false identity when she arrived in a new time.
She shoved the key in, turned the lock, and pushed the door open. Allowing it to creak open on its hinges until the knob hit the wall with a dull thud. She stood on the threshold far too long. It felt as though something bad would happen if she went inside. Though, it was only her mind. The spiral that always came when her old life wriggled its way back. Triggered her.
She moved fast, slamming the door. Throwing the dead bolt and chain lock as well. Not that her current companion needed or was stopped by the simple machinations of a lock on a door. No, if they wanted in, they would get in. It was more symbolic than anything. Leave Me Alone, it said. She had many mix-tapes. A collection of time. Rhythm. Memory. She had one song in mind. Now bare feet padded over to the Walkman she's had for so long now. Max grabbed the headphones that had seen just as much wear. They went on, her back hit the floor. She stayed there. Pressed play. Wept.
Maxine curled in on herself then. Sobbed, spiraled, consoled herself both within and without her mind. Her thin arms hugged around her quivering form as the ceiling fan went around, around, around. This never felt fair. It was depriving, a unique kind of hell. Her companion, her friend did not have this pain. Though immortal, their life was one singular thread. A continuity. Maxine felt like a tree. Its root more specifically. Or a neglected ball of yarn. Something unmanageable. Untanglable. You would never be able to truly unwind it. It wasn't fair!
This isn't fair. Not fair, not fair. NOT FAIR.
The sun was set. And her current friend would be coming. She made a point to have separate dwelling though within the same building. They were next to each other. Neighbors. That was how they met. They might have heard her thoughts on the wind, felt it. She didn't know, and didn't bother to question how Vampires work when she can barely pin herself down.
Her face burned, she couldn't breathe. It felt like a vice was clamping down on her very being. It always felt so extensive yet suffocating to be this way. To be Maxine Caulfield. The woman out of time. At least so many people she told of her life called her that. Chloe called her that. Called her so many things in reverence. Adoration, love, hate, sadness. She was everything and nothing.
The door opened. Again, the fruitlessness of locks with them... Her head craned. There they were. How pathetic, how messy she must look. Still in her evergreen trench coat, golden beanie shoved beneath her head to serve a pillow. Legs splayed and kicking only moments before as she cried. The puffiness of her face must be amplified to them. Her reddened cheeks from distress.
"I'm fine. It's fine." A lie. She never could lie. And certainly not to a creature like them. They would know. So she remained laying on the floor, looking up at them, trying horribly to settle her breathing. It came in stutters.
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uglydollsforever2022 · 2 months
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Uglydog Give me everything
Me not working hard? Yeah, right, picture that with a Kodak Or, better yet, go to Times Square Take a picture of me with a Kodak Took my life from negative to positive I just want y'all know that And tonight, let's enjoy life Pitbull, Nayer, Ne-Yo, tell us right
Tonight I want all of you tonight Give me everything tonight For all we know we might not get tomorrow Let's do it tonight
Don't care what they say All the games they play Nothing is enough 'Til they handle love (let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight I want you to stay I want you tonight
Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight
Take advantage of tonight 'Cause tomorrow I'm also doin' bad Perform for a princess But tonight, I can make you my queen And make love to you endless This is insane the way the name growin' Money keep flowin' Hustlers move aside So, I'm tiptoein', to keep flowin' I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan
Put it on my life, baby I make you feel right, baby Can't promise tomorrow But, I promise tonight, dale
Excuse me And I might drink a little more than I should tonight And I might take you home with me, if I could tonight And, baby, I'ma make you feel so good, tonight 'Cause we might not get tomorrow
Tonight I want all of you tonight Give me everything tonight For all we know we might not get tomorrow Let's do it tonight
Don't care what they say Or what games they play Nothing is enough 'Til they handle love (let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight I want you to stay I want you tonight
Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight
Reach for the stars And if you don't grab 'em, At least you'll fall on top of the world Think about it 'cause if you slip I'm gon' fall on top yo girl (ha ha ha)
What I'm involved with is deeper than the mazes Baby, baby, and it ain't no secret My granny's from Cuba But I'm an American and I don't get money like Seacrest
Put it on my life, baby I make you feel right, baby Can't promise tomorrow But, I promise tonight, dale
Excuse me But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight And I might take you home with me if I could tonight And baby I'ma make you feel so good tonight 'Cause we might not get tomorrow
Tonight I want all of you tonight Give me everything tonight For all we know, we might not get tomorrow Let's do it tonight
Don't care what they say All the games they play Nothing is enough 'Til they handle love (let's do it tonight)
I want you tonight I want you to stay I want you tonight
Grab somebody sexy, tell 'em hey Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight Give me everything tonight
Excuse me But I might drink a little bit more than I should tonight And I might take you home with me if I could tonight And baby I'ma make you feel so good tonight 'Cause we might not get tomorrow. by Pitbull, Ne-yo, Afrojack and Nayer
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eirinstiva · 4 months
New letter from Bunny! And this started straight to the point:
“Well done, Bunny! I’ve knocked him out—I’ve knocked him out! Run you to the door and see if the attendants have heard anything, and take them on if they have.”
So Raffles is more dangerous than before. I like that.
“I believe you’re mad,” I said bitterly as we went. “I believe I was,” admitted Raffles; “but I’m not now, and I’ll see you through.
Both of you are mad!
Can we just talk about my dear Bunny? He's not the same sweet guy than before, he now tells Raffles his opinion:
“But it always was your infernal way,” I was savagely concluding. “You make one plan, and yet you tell me another—”
That's my Bunny!!!
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I wish I had had a Kodak for the little smile with which Raffles shook his head, for it was one that he kept for those great moments of which our vocation is not devoid. All this time he had been wearing his hat, tilted a little over eyebrows no longer raised. And now at last I knew where the gold cup was.
Well, he can't be angry with Raffles for a long time, at least they have the cup.
“Taking it was an offence against the laws of the land, Bunny. That is nothing. But destroying it would be a crime against God and Art, and may I be spitted on the vane of St. Mary Abbot’s if I commit it!”
Oh, Raffles!!!
Bunny, when you have me cremated, you can put my ashes in yonder cup, and lay us in the deep-delved earth together!”
Sorry, but this reminds of Chilean president Manuel Montt (1809-1880) and his very close friend and minister Antonio Varas (1817-1886). Their relationship is a famous one in the history of Chile, there are two nearby cities named after them, their monument has cherubs that doesn't match the theme of the sculpture (justice) and they are buried next to each other in the Cementerio General in Santiago.
Being buried together? That's love! Romantic love or platonic love. THIS IS LOVE!
Back to the cup: it is now in possession of the Queen, because Raffles sent it back in a biscuit box. Now I want biscuits :c
Rogue is a word with various meanings, and Raffles had been one sort of rogue ever since I had known him; but now, for once, he was the innocent variety, a great gray-haired child, running over with merriment and mischief.
Yeah, knocking out a man and stealing a national treasure is just a mischief~ Bunny, I'm sure you are as surprised as me of Raffles' sportsmanship and patriotism (?)
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sleekervae · 1 year
Past Lives [0.2]
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A/N: Wow! Thanks for all the love on the first part, everyone! Hope you enjoy part 2!
Warnings: mentions of InFiDeLiTy, nothing major
Back in 1997, when Jade Theodore was four years old, she had been obsessed with Disney movies; the most romantic in her prepubescent mind being Sleeping Beauty. Because even to this day, Prince Philip was the most handsome man Jade had ever laid eyes on. Not to mention the man could break an evil witch's curse with a single kiss? How much more romantic could you get?
Jade always fantasized about finding a great love like that; though as she grew up of course, that fantasy stayed just that as reality hit her like a bullet train. Especially when her family had hit rock bottom and her mom had signed her up to do some extras work to bring in some money. That first day on Even Stevens had kicked off a twenty year career in the making for the pop star, made up of moments both good and bad, but had shaped her into the inquisitive young woman she was today.
Some of those moments included getting to know her costars on a High School Musical spin off movie back in 2009, a dream come true at the time. However, getting to meet a then eighteen-year-old Austin Butler also made the experience memorable. He had never been outside of the country at the time (they were only in Canada so it wasn't that big of a leap), so with off days from filming, and Jade being a Toronto native, she was more than happy to show Austin some of her favourite places in the city.
She remembered Austin had this brand new Kodak camera he carried with him, taking photos of the skyline, the food they'd indulged in, and things he found overall curious. And of course, he had taken a photo of Jade at some point. She couldn't remember if it was in the moment or she had been posing at the waterfront railing. She maybe saw that photo once or twice, instead relishing in their friendship even after filming had ended.
He was shy in 2010, lanky, and left footed. His voice was higher and sometimes he'd stumble over his words when he'd become excited or nervous. Though his personality always shone through for Jade, he always treated her as though he'd known her their entire lives. Their friendship lived on as Austin continued to get movie and TV rolls and Jade's creative drive turned more to music in the early 2010s.
And Jade wouldn't lie if she'd said she hadn't developed a small crush on him.
That crush of course was stomped out with a platform stiletto when Austin was introduced to a friend of a friend, all the while Jade was negotiating with Disney to get her out of her contract. It all happened so fast, when Jade eventually found out, she felt like she had a bout of whiplash. Nonetheless, she was happy for Austin, and she always respected his relationship with his girlfriend.
Though as 2012 rolled around, Austin and Jade's relationship dwindled and grew stale.
Jade could still remember the last phone call she had with Austin; both of them so busy but trying to make plans to meet up again. She was running late for a negotiation with her music label, and she told him she'd call him back.
Being as scatterbrained as she was, she never did.
"I'll talk to you later!" she swore she had hung up before he even had a chance to say goodbye. And as it always did, too much time and energy apart had distracted Jade long enough before she came to the realization that she never did call Austin back.
However, time passed, she met knew friends, ventured onto new projects, and before long, Jade Theodore was now a name synonymous with modern-age alternative pop. And Austin had forged ahead on his own path. Their social circles were different, and truth be told, neither of them gave the other much thought in ten years.
How curious it was to see two people be so close before, and now suddenly they were strangers yet again...
In downtown London there was a sleek, modernized skyscraper, and on the 14th floor one could find an immaculate apartment facing the South-rising sun and its rays reflecting softly off of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was somewhere within the seventh hour of the day, and Jade stood at the counter while she waited for her coffee to brew. She was already dressed for her rehearsal, though she didn't feel all that ready; more than anything she felt as though a cloud of fog had formed around her head and was stunting her train of thought.
A door down the hall creaked open, and Jade's roommate, Florence, came trudging out, yawning into her fist and scratching her fingers through her bed head.
"You're up early," she commented as she took a seat at the breakfast bar. The stool squealed against the hardwood floor. Her English accent was thicker in the mornings, her usually bright green eyes were a little hazy and droopy.
"I got rehearsal in an hour," Jade replied, "You want coffee?"
"Yes please," Florence grinned sleepily.
Jade was already on it and set up the coffee machine, "I didn't hear you come in last night. What time you finish?"
"Came home around two-ish. Then I had an interview with Kimmel around three," she shrugged, "I don't even remember when I went to sleep,"
"Babe!" Jade awed, "Go back to bed! What're you doing?"
"I knoooww," Florence drawled, "But Tommy scheduled me an interview for nine-thirty,"
"Call in sick," she replied, "Hell, I'll even pretend to be you and call in sick,"
Florence simpered, "Your English accent will insult the whole country, Jade,"
Jade refrained from rolling her eyes, "I'm not that bad," she slid the finished coffee towards Florence, and the sleepy actress took a long sip.
From beside her, Jade's phone buzzed. Florence was a little nosy, she could admit it, and she was curious as she saw an unfamiliar name flash across the screen.
"Some Austin guy's texting you," she said.
Jade glanced at the message quickly. He was just thanking her again for last night, and she smiled fondly at the message, "It's nothing," she replied quickly.
"Bullshit," Florence quipped, "Was that the guy you were on the date with last night?"
"It wasn't a date," Jade said, "We were just catching up,"
Florence scoffed, "Catching up maybe takes two hours? Tommy dropped by 'round seven and you still weren't back,"
"Still wasn't a date," Jade sipped her own coffee nonchalantly, "Wait -- what was your manager doing here?"
"Dropping off some new scripts he wants me to look over. But I'm just saying Jade, if you went on just one date, that loser would start leaving you alone. Oh! Speaking of," Florence shuffled over to their junk drawer and pulled out a letter, "He wrote you another poem,"
"Oh my God. This should be good," Jade ripped the letter open and skimmed just the first few lines. She cleared her throat and read, quite dramatically, "If love be love be love, let love be love, your kiss is like a strawberry meringue, you are the hand and I your winter glove, you are the song the singing singer sang --"
"Alright, enough!" Florence threw her hands over her ears, "I've heard enough!"
Jade's first response was to rip the poem in two, "'You are the song and singer sang' he's just so ick, now! What the hell was I thinking?"
"The singing singer sang," Florence corrected, "And I don't know what you were thinking but I wish I'd met you earlier so I could stop you from thinking those thoughts about him,"
Jade chuckled bitterly, "Probably would've saved me a lot of face if we'd met earlier," she grinned.
"Well hey, we were all young and dumb at one point. Difference between you and most other people is your willingness to admit what a bitch you were," Florence smirked.
Jade grimaced, then rolled her eyes, "Thanks, Flo,"
"Hey! I'm kidding!" Florence threw an arm around her shoulders, "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, Jade. And now you can have no qualms about obliterating that little turd in your song next week,"
"Oh, thanks for reminding me!" she took another quick sip of her coffee and grabbed her bag off the counter, "I'm gonna' go to soundcheck and you are gonna go back to bed!" and she started for the door.
"Not according to this coffee I won't," Florence shrugged.
"Oh, yeah? What if I told you it's decaf?" Jade asked.
Florence gasped, "You wouldn't!"
"Wouldn't I?" Jade smirked, wrenching the door open, "I'll be home around four, should we cook or order in?"
"Let's play it by ear. Hey, wait a minute! You never told me about your date!" she called after her.
"It wasn't a date!" Jade called back before the door slammed shut.
Florence rolled her eyes, "Sure, Miss Blushy McBlush,"
The weather was a little cooler that morning but still held the essence of summer. Jade had her mask pulled over her face and her earbuds blasting away with Kings of Leon while she waited for her ride. Brixton Academy wasn't too far from where she lived, it was close enough she could practically walk. Though it was at the behest of Cam, her manager, that she be escorted from place to place. Jade glanced up at the skyscraper, already feeling the pull of anguish in her chest at the thought of leaving.
What she and Florence neglected to talk about were the boxes already stacked up in the apartment, still empty yet expected to be shipped out by the end of next week. Jade though had found a home in London, and despite the pandemic a new appreciation for a lifestyle that gave her a freedom from her stresses back in America. If it were up to Florence, Jade knew she'd probably have tied her up and locked her away in a closet just to keep her from leaving. She had told her just as much, and Jade loved her enthusiasm.
The ride to the academy was quiet, albeit pleasant, as Jade spent the ten minute ride just scrolling through her phone. She was one of a majority of people who were addicted to just scrolling through social media, not really amused by much of anything. One post was speculation about the new music Jade had been teasing in her own media, below the comments were freaking out (and also speculating pretty closely) to what would be released. Jade had to smile at the enthusiasm, she truly did have some of the most amazing fans on the plant.
The next post however stopped her cold, and a chill shot down her spine. It was an older Perez Hilton post from 2020, gossiping about the breakdown of Austin's previous relationship. People in the comments were speculating all the same; maybe someone cheated, maybe they grew apart, most of them were baffled at the fact that something so solid could suddenly break apart before their eyes.
Jade couldn't lie, she too was blindsided when she first heard the news. But she also knew better than anybody that pictures could be just a facade for the truth. Hell, her own parent's divorce took her by surprise, and she lived under the same roof as them.
"Truth be told, I fell out of love," it was an occurrence that happened more often than not, a statement so complicated and simple at the same time. It took Jade a long time -- even after she left her ex -- to get to that same point. Being alone and facing responsibility; coming to terms with your own company again -- it was all downright terrifying. But nonetheless she had done it before; ten years ago when she had to put her own feeling for Austin aside.
She knew Florence was only teasing her, but the notion of a date made her chest tighten. She was nowhere near ready to throw herself into a relationship, didn't matter who with. And yet, that little fantasy she had locked away was beginning to tinker -- just lightly tap its way back into existence.
"... eodore?... Miss Theodore?" a gruff, cockney accent took her attention. Jade quickly pulled her earpiece out, finding the driver was staring at her expectantly, "We're here,"
"Right, sorry," Jade blushed furiously beneath her mask, hastily making her exit, "Thank you so much,"
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A few days passed, and soon enough Austin found himself putting together some semblance of a normal routine. In the morning he'd get up and go for a run, condition his body back to what it used to be, then he'd try to cook something sustainable. He wasn't the worst cook in the world, but he also wouldn't consider himself a Jamie Oliver type. He had found some new shows to watch, a stack of new books to read, and some new non-Elvis related music to listen to.
Inevitably so, one of Austin's new playlists included more than a few hits from Jade Theodore. Listening to her music for the first time -- and not just in passing at a grocery store -- had been like walking through a portal to another world where the saturation had been turned up and words were either wrapped in daisies or barbed in thorns. He was also surprised to see just how many collaborations she had worked on with other creatives: The Weeknd, Halsey, Doja Cat, the list went on.
His favourite song was from her first album, a song called Roman Holiday that was gritty and colourful, and painted the most spectacular imagery of romantic escapism. However, she also had done a collaboration with The Weeknd on a shorter interlude called Stargirl; infectious, erotic, and dripping in heavy synths and red haze. The FOMO sensation rippled like a spiking chill through Austin as he realized just what he had been missing out on.
He kept in touch with Jade throughout the week, she didn't have a lot of time to meet up again before her show and he respected that. Nevertheless, she made the time to keep up early morning or late night conversations, talking about the books they were reading or debating who made the best milkshakes (they didn't want to five Chick-fil-A the win so they settled for Sonic). Austin would sit on his couch with the TV as background, and Jade would be curled up on her ottoman while Florence was mucking around in the kitchen, and they would just become lost in their own world. It was a new normal that at the same time was so familiar to him. Everything didn't seem so far away when he talked to Jade.
Needless to say, he was grateful to her.
Soon enough Wednesday had hit, and it would be Jade's first live performance in two years. She had spent the last four weeks rehearsing with her band, putting together a set list of classic and underrated hits, and hoping and praying for the success of her new song. The label would be releasing the studio version tonight anyway, so she had to make sure she delivered.
It was four o'clock in the day and already people were lining up outside of the Brixton. The air was buzzing with energy, anticipating, the time couldn't go by fast enough.
The green room was abuzz with stage crews rushing to finish the set, and the make up and hair artists were putting the finishing touches on Jade and her band. It had been so long since crews at the Brixton had put on a full show, Jade could tell as crews yelled back and forth to each other in the halls. She tried to keep her focus on the makeup for the most part, but her heart was fluttering more than a teenager on her first date. She had spent so much time practicing and somehow it still didn't feel like enough.
"Does this look dumb?" she turned to her guitarist, Maria, who was getting fitted into her faux leather pants.
Maria skimmed over the deep black liner and eyeshadow around Jade's eyes, but she shook her head, "No, you look cute,"
"You don't think all the black's too much?" she turned to her reflection.
"Who gives a fuck?" her drummer, Meg, asked. She was getting changed behind a divider, "You'll look metal as hell, babe!"
Samantha, her bassist, put a reassuring hand on her shoulder as she did her own makeup, "Sweetheart, you look gorgeous. And you're gonna look hella' powerful with your outfit,"
"Which is extremely metal!" Meg added. She kicked out a sparkly pleather ankle boot before stepping out in her mesh maxi dress with a black bralet and shorts underneath. Her blue and purple galaxy hair feel in long, loose curls around her shoulders.
"Ooh, mama! Looking good, Meg!" Marie awed.
"Yeah?" Meg stuck her butt out, "We don't see no pandemic pounds showing, right? 'Cause I def packed 'em on,"
Jade began to laugh, "Girl, shut up! You're fucking gorgeous!"
"And I think we're all a little pandemic-pound guilty, anyway," Samantha added.
"We can't help it that we eat to make ourselves feel better," Jade shrugged. She finished with her makeup and went to pull her outfit off of the rack. She held the hanger up to her body, twirling back and forth in the mirror.
Maria watched from behind, "You feeling okay, Jade?" she asked.
"I think so," she exhaled slowly, "Kind of feels like the first day of school all over again,"
Samantha scoffed, "Find me a school that lets you wear that, I'm enrolling my daughter,"
"Sam, you don't have a daughter," Meg pointed out.
Samantha rolled her eyes, "When I have a daughter, smarty pants,"
Austin got to the venue about an hour before the show was supposed to start, a little worried to see the line up of people still waiting to get inside the venue. Nevertheless, covid protocols were still pretty tight in London so he could understand, and he fell into the line up with everyone else.
He scrolled through his phone to kill some time, rolling over some new pictures fans had taken with Jade earlier in the day. She kept her mask on when hugging fans, or standing two feet apart with a beaming smile. Her own joy and giddy reverberated through the screen, she was effortlessly beautiful even before getting dolled up, and seeing her look so happy made something flutter in Austin's chest.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and Austin turned around, finding a shorter young woman staring up at him. Half her face was concealed by her own mask, her dark auburn hair tied back in a messy bun.
"Oi, are you Austin?" she asked, her Oxford accent coming in thick.
He was taken aback at first, only nodding at first, "Y-uh -- y-yeah,"
"Austin Butler?"
"Great, I'm Florence," she nodded in the direction of the theatre, "Come with me,"
Austin's gaze flickered between her and the line up, "Isn't this the line up for show?" he asked.
"Yeah, but close friends go in a different way," she waved him over that time, "C'mon! We're burning daylight,"
Austin was skeptical, Jade never said anything to him about a friend, though he was cautiously optimistic as he followed Florence past the gates and in through the back of the theatre. Sure enough, security let them in without a second glance, and Florence led him up the stairs to mezzanine.
"So, you're the long lost friend Jade's been telling me 'bout?" she asked as they walked.
"I wouldn't say 'long lost' necessarily," Austin answered.
Florence side-eyed him, "You ain't spoken in about ten years?"
"Yeah," he replied sheepishly.
"Sounds pretty long lost to me," she said, "What made you want to get back in touch after so long?"
Austin shrugged, "I don't know, just saw she was in London, figured I'd reach out,"
Florence stared him, he couldn't tell if it was out of curiosity or judgement, "Really?"
"Alright," Florence was skeptical. In the back of her mind she figured it couldn't be as simple as 'wanting to reach out because', as nothing in this world was ever as simple as that.
Austin cleared his throat, trying to brush away this awkward scrutiny he felt he was under, "Well, how do you know Jade?" he asked.
"We worked together on a horror film a few years back, been tight ever since," she replied, "When I heard she was coming here I took her in faster than you could blink,"
Austin simpered, "Yeah. She told me about her ex in California. I don't know who's more at fault: him or the mother for telling her,"
Florence shook her head, "Worst part about it is she thinks she deserves it,"
He cocked a brow at that, "Why would she think that?"
Florence nearly tripped over herself as she came to a stop, a blank stare overcoming her face. Her lips formed into an 'O', her green eyes narrowing.
"Ah, she didn't tell you," she surmised.
"Tell me what?" he asked, his curiosity increasing steadily.
"... Never mind," and she walked off again. Austin was quick to follow her.
They found their seats in the mezzanine, overlooking the gloriously lit stage down below. A plain white sheet was drawn over the stage, drawing in the patterns casted by spinning strobe lights. People had flooded into the pit below, crowding in together as though the pandemic had never hit at all.
The air was electric, the chatter of anxious and excited fans echoed through Austin's ears. Something in his brain snapped because for a second, just a minuscule moment, Austin pictured the stage set up for the Russwood Park shoot for Elvis. The dynamic was the same, the nerve wracking anticipation sickeningly familiar. Austin inhaled sharply, running his hands through his hair as he willed himself to get a grip.
Florence turned to him, "You okay?"
"Yep," he replied quickly, "I'm just a little tired,"
"I'll bet," she said, "Jade told me you were filming Elvis over in Australia. That couldn't have been a walk in the park,"
Before Austin could reply, the lights began to dim, and the energy was taken up a notch as the crowd cheered and chanted for the beginning of the show.
Meanwhile, Jade was sequestered off in the wing, watching the beginning set up unfold just as they'd been practicing for weeks. The melodramatic, synthesized organ opened slowly, eerily, a multi-pitched recording of jabbering nonsense from her last album played over the speaker. Jade took the moment to ground herself, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, trying to calm herself. She was dolled up to the nines, her wires were plugged and her mic tuned, and yet she still felt so unprepared. She had sold out Brixton Academy, which meant well over two-thousand people were out there waiting for her; Austin and Florence included.
Florence knew Jade would put on a great show, she had been assuring her all up until this point. But Austin had never seen her perform, not really. He would be close enough, be paying close attention to every move she made and note she sang. Surely, he and the rest of the venue were expecting a banging show and Jade very well couldn't disappoint.
Jade started jumping up and down, shaking out her nerves and hyping herself up. She had been doing this shit for almost ten years, she had it down by now, what was there to be nervous for?
The band began to kick into gear, playing the extended intro to one of Jade's bigger hits, 'She Knows It'. Austin had heard it enough times to recognize it; it was one of the handful of songs she had where she mentioned liking girls. The white sheet had been drawn up to reveal the tightly wound four piece band jamming out, behind them another sheet, this time pinned up to look like fine drapery with colourful flowers and lights twinkling in the strobes. It was colourful and simple, but it didn't look cheap, either. And at the last stroke of the drum beat, Jade came bounding out, bouncing along with the catchy beat until her verse started.
From there it seemed as though Jade was a firecracker that had been freshly lit, commanding stage presence and relishing in the echo of her fans singing along with her. Her outfit -- a two-piece leather top and skirt set -- was quintessentially her, just revealing enough, and the crystal crosses sown into the material twinkled against the flashing lights. And her bright green eyes were rimmed in thick, tightly polished black liner. She was sleek, sophisticated, as well as giving a little tease.
Florence was quickly caught up in the hype of the venue, singing along to her heart's content and dancing in place. Truth be told, she sort of forgot Austin was there, all the while he watched Jade, nodding along to the beat, and a smile draw across his lips. It felt like the scene in Ariel when she got her voice back from Ursula, and there was this inane satisfaction in watching this music he'd been listening to come out of her mouth so smoothly. Regardless to say, Austin had become somewhat mesmerized by her performance.
Jade played several more hits, taking a couple breaks to greet everybody and relish in the fact that they could finally enjoy live shows again. When she'd settle in for some slower ballads her eyes scanned through the mezzanine, flickering over every face until she landed on the two most familiar. Florence of course was jamming out, and Austin stood against the railing, his eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment. It was then Jade began to feel her body begin to heat up, likely from the jumping around and the blaring lights. And yet, her eyes kept drawing up towards Austin's again and again between takes. He seemed to be enjoying the show, and that made her happier then she cared to admit.
Jade's show continued to roar on for a good hour and some; the entire gig would've been no more than an hour and half. It was around the hour mark that the set had slowed down again. Jade sipped her water, splashing a little on her face and neck before getting ready to introduce the next song. Her new song.
"How many of you have been in relationships that... let's say, you regret?" she asked. Almost all of the audience gave a resounding 'I'.
Jade simpered, "Wow, I wasn't hoping for that many. Here's another question, how many people here have been cheated on?" and she raised her hand, along with the sea of fans. Jade was tentative as she thought of her next approach.
"Yep. This one's kind of different now: how many people -- if you feel brave enough to admit it -- have been the... home wrecker in a relationship?"
That question threw Austin a little bit, and a smaller faction of fans raised their hands. Jade waited for them to settle before she too raised her hand, much to some audible gasps and protests.
"Yeah," she sighed, "Some of you may hate me for this, but I was also the other woman in a relationship. And it goes without saying, I'm not proud of it,"
Something shifted in Austin, the shock and awe settled but also made way for a resounding sensation of disappointment. Jade was the other woman? This had to be about her last relationship, but how? The girl he knew would never, never in a million years so something so messy and toxic... wouldn't she?
"I was really young at the time when this relationship started. I was twenty-one, and he was eight years older than me. I thought I was special because this person who I trusted and loved very much had left his previous partner for me. What I didn't understand at the time was how manipulated I'd become by this person, and I was so devoted and blinded by what I thought was supposed to be love, I went along with it without question,"
The venue had become quieter now, but the crowd continued to chatter amongst themselves, discussing while all sucked in to Jade's story. Jade took a deep breath, "Now, I'm not trying to deflect blame, and I'm not going to defend myself either because -- to put it blatantly -- I got what I deserved in the end. And after I broke up with this person, I took a lot of time to reflect on what I had done and realized that I had become somebody I never wanted to be. What hurt the most is probably that I burned so many bridges with people who tried to warn me how in over my head I was; but I'm a Taurus, so I'm really stubborn," that elicited some laughter and agreeance from the crowd, much to Jade's relief, "Anyway, I'm trying to get better at talking about it, and thanks to time -- and a lot of therapy -- I came up with this new song..."
With that, the soft twang of an acoustic guitar began to play. The fear was written all over Jade's face while she waited for her cue, keeping her gaze fixed on the pit and only the pit as she slipped the mic into the stand. Florence watched tentatively, her arms folded and her breath hitched in her throat. Austin meanwhile was still trying to wrap his head around what the fuck Jade had just said.
"I am a magnet for broken pieces I am attracted to broken people I pick 'em up and now my fingers are bleeding And it looks like my fault And it looks like I'm caught red-handed"
The energy in the room had gone down, somber more than anything as Jade essentially rambled out a confession of regrets and her hopes to move on with her life. She gripped the pole of the mic stand tightly, her knuckles almost turning white as she sang, sadly, but still so beautifully and on point to call out both herself and her man.
"Hit over the head, epiphany Over my head, repeatedly Thick skull never did nothing for me Same lesson again? Come on, give it to me Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me"
A chilling silence took over the room, cut swiftly by gentle applause and cheers for more. That's when the music started up again, a funkier, droning, melody accompanied by a melancholic electric guitar and heavier drum beats. Jade started swaying gently back and forth, her teeth gnawed at her bottom lip. She met eyes briefly with Maria, who only nodded her on as she played her guitar.
"Only I know where all the bodies are buried Thought by now I'd find 'em just a little less scary Might get easier but you don't get used to it Keep on autopilot, hey, hey What's the body count up to now, captain?"
The song was an overall shift in direction from Jade's more upbeat, pop punk tempo set before. Austin got into it nonetheless, her words resonated with him on a deeper level than he'd expected. Her sadness and regret were profound, the strain in her voice sent goosebumps rippling down his arms. Despite it all, he felt this warmth simmering in his gut, he could liken it to a feeling of comfort. Though that comfort went hand-in-hand with some semblance of guilt:
"I burned so many bridges with people who tried to warn me how in over my head I was"
Austin had to wonder if maybe he'd been there for her, maybe pursued her a little more, then Jade wouldn't have found herself in such a taxing position. He wanted to take her and wrap her up in a hug, to apologize and wanting to promise that she would be okay.
The sea of fans were already on board, cheering for her as Jade finished out her final chorus with a roaring bang.
"Hit over the head, epiphany Over my head, repeatedly Thick skull never did nothing for me Same lesson again? Come on, give it to me
I pick 'em up And now my fingers are bleeding And it looks like I'm caught red-handed"
The music faded into a raucous applause, the guitar settled and Jade felt the mounting pressure in her chest begin to deflate. That was when she had the courage to look up, finding Flo jumping up and down as she cheered her on. And Austin stayed beside her, something fleeting in his gaze though he smiled at her nonetheless, applauding her on.
That was the most reaffirming applause she'd received in a long while.
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starshine-wagner · 2 years
Updated: November 17, 2022
*PLEASE NOTE: I switched blogs, so some of these will link to works under my old blog, greatervanfleet. It’s still me! Just a different page*
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Midnight Dip: You can't sleep on a hot summer night, so Danny comes up with an adventurous alternative. (1.6k, fluff)
Kodak Moment: You decide to document a special moment during drum practice with Danny. (1.2k, fluff)
Distracted: Danny's been distracted ever since you joined the touring crew. How will he fix it? (WIP, friends-to-lovers kinda) [PART ONE]
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Nothing: Keeping warm on a fall night under the starts, in more ways than one. (2k, fluff)
Home: Your best friend comes home and confessions are made by the ocean. (3.9k, angst, friends-to-lovers)
For All the Years: Josh can't stand to watch you suffer from afar anymore. (3.1k, angst, friends-to-lovers)
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Blue: Every sibling gets a color assigned to them, and it tends to follow them throughout their life. Jake? Well, he's blue. (2.6k, platonic)
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Nothing yet. Send me ideas!
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Rainy Day with the Kiszkas
Golfing With Danny
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lantern-hill · 10 months
hey! i hope this isn't weird but i wondered if you could post about a good way to get into film photography? i'd like to buy a cheap little camera and start fooling around without having to invest too much, but I don't know where to start that will let me get decent pics but not go all-in as a hobby yet. i saw your tag so thought maybe you could help :)
hey! So first of all to be clear all of this advice is specifically about 35mm which is what I have experience with. There are other mm films and I know nothing about them.
I actually have a good amount of detail about buying film cameras at the end of this post. The only things I would add is that you can consider renting from a local camera store - you'll have to find one anyways so you can get your film developed, and a lot of them have rentals.
you can also ask them about where to find cheap film cameras in your area if the staff are hobbyists like they often are in stores that service analog. in my area FB marketplace is the place to go, but it might be a different website or market where you live.
The good thing is since you're buying second hand you're also buying stuff that was made pre-enshittification, and you're also buying stuff that has already survived two decades, so I personally have found quality isn't a major issue as much as price and finding a cam that's not broken. my first film cam was from the 70s, dented and damaged, with a corroded battery slot and semi broken light meter and degrading focus function, and I still did okay with it once I figured out its quirks and how to make it behave.
Also, don't rush into it. If you can't currently find anything that seems good, wait a little bit. It's kind of more like online dating than shopping.
If you're trying to dip your toes without spending a lot you probably want to start with a point and shoot. There's more advice about this in the post I linked. Just keep in mind you won't be able to control focus, you probably won't be able to zoom, and you will probably have to use flash in low light. this makes the results and experience very different. all my nicest pics are on SLR personally, but point and shoot is better for capturing a quick moment while out with friends. Having both is useful.
Finally since I made that linked post the price of Fujifilm Superia has gone up and I would now recommend Kodak ultramax as the low end color film instead.
Good luck and tag me if you ever post your pics, I'd love to see them!
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harlowslut · 2 years
I'm sorry that anon is wrong about the dates. The what's poppin remix was released in January 2020, that was before the incident with Megan and tory, which happened in the summertime. People were telling Jack he should Tory Lanez off the song due to the controversy but he refused and said "I don't have no room to judge anybody. I wasn't there when this and that happened, I don't know anything." And that there is "three sides to every story" link: https://www.complex.com/music/2020/12/jack-harlow-tory-lanez-whats-poppin-remix-response I believe he originally stated that because there was no information about what happened yet and there was a bunch of rumors going around. So it was bunch of "he said", "she said". Jack recently said he doesn't support Tory and that he wishes Megan the best. "...I’m being forced to answer for other people’s actions. It doesn’t feel right as a grown man to speak for other grown men all the time. … One thing’s for sure, is that Megan got shot. And I wish her nothing but love and respect.” link: https://www.complex.com/music/jack-harlow-sure-megan-the-stallion-got-shot-addressing-2020-tory-lanez-collab
I think people were telling Jack to take them off the song because Kehlani and Jojo made alternate versions of their songs that originally had Tory Lanez for fans to stream as a way to support Megan but those songs with Tory are still available on platforms and also on their albums. Another example is that Bhad Bhabie made a song with Kodak Black (sex offender) and fans were mad so she made another version with Megan Thee Stallion but the one with Kodak is still avaliable. Anyways Jack already has a version without Tory Lanez (again it's a remix) which is just "What's Poppin'". Tory, dababy, etc, already have credits and rights to the song, he can't just take them off even if he wanted to (unless he went to court or something). I hope that explains the situation better because people just be talking about stuff they don't even understand.
Theyy said the last person was wrong so here y’all go and they have proof
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ivankristic · 10 months
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One fine summer day, as I strolled through my neighborhood, I noticed that an era of my life had come to an end. They were tearing apart the very famous Croatian sugar refinery known as 'Tvornica šećera Osijek.'
My hometown was once renowned for its numerous factories, but now, 95% of them are abandoned or demolished. This giant employed countless individuals from both within and outside the town.
Witnessing the abandonment of this factory served as a stark reminder of how, each time the 'season' started in the factory, one could sense that autumn had arrived.
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On September 24, 1905, in Osijek, the First Croatian-Slavonian Joint Stock Company for the Sugar Industry was founded. The construction of the sugar factory began immediately after determining its future location on the outskirts of the Lower Town.
The sugar factory started operating in September 1906 with a daily processing capacity of 700 tons of sugar beets. Technologists and staff for the improvement of sugar beet cultivation were brought in from the Czech Republic.
The First World War had an impact on the stagnation of the sugar factory's operations, and its conclusion saw the first reconstruction of the company. In 1925, the daily capacity was increased to 1,000 tons of beets, and by 1930, it reached 1,500 tons.
The outbreak of the Second World War led to a new period of stagnation, and the factory was damaged, especially after the bombing on June 14, 1944. After the war, the sugar factory was nationalized and continued to operate under the name "Tvornica šećera Osijek." The third reconstruction in 1953 brought the average processing of sugar beets close to 2,500 tons per day. The daily sugar processing capacity increased over the years: in 1968, it amounted to 4,500 tons, and by 1974, it reached 7,500 tons. The factory was situated in the Jug II (South II) neighborhood, and the future plans for this property involve constructing new building complexes and parks.
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One particularly interesting aspect of the factory was the statue erected in honor of the workers who lost their lives in World War II. The factory decided to raise this monument in the 1970s.
Unfortunately, it seems that hardly anyone remembers what the monument looked like, as it was demolished and most probably sold in the early '90s during the onset of the bloody Balkan war.
According to a newspaper article in 'Glas Slavonije' a few years ago, there were discussions within about this statue:
This is about a monument depicting four figures, specifically four workers who lost their lives during Allied bombardment. During World War II, the Germans held key factories in their grip, and the workers were obligated to continue their duties.
Some of them tragically perished during bombings, prompting the factory to decide, in 1979, to erect a monument in their honor. Notably, this monument lacked the symbols of the time, such as the five-pointed star or the hammer and sickle, a fact that even drew objections from the authorities of that era. Two fountains adorned its front.
However, during the Croatian War of Independence, someone unfamiliar with the monument's significance decided to remove it. Crafted from bronze, it was dismantled and likely sold. Today, it no longer exists. Yet, the remaining platform could have been repurposed; a memorial plaque bearing the names of the workers from Kandit and Šećerana who perished in the Homeland War could have been installed. It's a shame how this opportunity went to waste."
Glas Slavonije, 2017
However, despite the intentions, it appears that nothing positive has materialized, and the place seems to be in a state of despair. I remain hopeful for a better future for this location.
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Tvornica šećera Osijek | Pentax 6x7 | Kodak Portra 160
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
50 Immoral Anarchist Aphorisms
from Comrade Candle
One knows what one wants to.
Knowing oneself is a journey – presently.
Purposelessness grants many creative liberties; values and morals are nothing.
Prescribing oneself a pill to swallow – whose truth?
What can we accept as true, when even our language?
To speak and write fill the same void in our present; our existence always constructs a past; what do we record?
Pain has no value to it, for what purpose would arise the preference for pleasure?
Crime is not often enough recognized as the individual's defiance to the State's will.
The State controls, demanding subservience for the meager table scraps.
I am my own.
God has, for far too long, constrained the Ego.
The individual is forever at war with the State.
Cold and cruel detachment – A gleeful State; authority over the individual.
The cold can burn with the ferocity of a flame; And the heat?
You rid yourself of God – and his morals?
None is equal to another, for nature sorely lacks equals, yet none are free until no one is above another – hierarchy is not natural.
Society is nothing; And without the individual?
Crime and Law are a dichotomy.
Traditions forever damn the advent of a new.
A NEW DAWN – I am continuously becoming, much as I was.
Freedom & the State are opposites; Who is free when one must do as they are commanded?; A land of the Free would, truly, have far fewer borders.
The absence of authority grants the individual the most potential liberty.
What makes the criminal so deserving of your disdain – and your pity?
The exaltation of Good comes at the cost of all deemed naught.
Who knows better what masculinity expects than those so desperately trying to escape it?
Gender entails another to interpret it, no?
My femininity and yours may be distinct, yet we should decide yours, or mine, is unfeminine?
My self and the gender I weld remain two sides of the same coin.
The negation of everything is nothing; nothing lacks everything.
My existence, and through it my philosophy, are the supplement to my bodily senses. Also an interpretation. I am the only one to, physically, feel the pain if I were stabled; It may very well be that I am the only one who cares, too! In what way other than our own experience is the basis for our thought born?
Morals limit the creativity of one's actions and thoughts - “How else to not become some monster?” - And I suppose morals demand you respect your fellow individual? Respect of their autonomy? The arbiters of good and just may conclude your control as so. My thoughts are more readily concerned with my own experience than your morals. A more affirmative and creative existence – to thee who destroy, I also say yay!
God is a delusion of man to expound upon the the unexplainable, to lead those who hold true the belief, and to judge others that defy the authority. As a concept, it has far outlived any use.
We are all nothing; there is nothing substantive or of value to our wake. Every aspect of our world, of our person, is meaningless.
The criminal performs tirelessly what the State demands not be. An existence of crime will have the State desiring your end.
Am I to care what the State wants; needs?
Individual liberty comes at the cost of an exertion of one's power.
The individual is both nothing & everything; My entire existence, all of my power; My power compared to the State's?
My womanhood is precisely mine, and mine alone.
The way Kodak hits 'em with that drum; He's not making beats, the drum isn't making music – I can't wait to let him spray!
FritoLay was far more oppressive before it became a Broward County thing. Now – it is very cool.
A large propensity of the State's power lies in its admiration & respect, as undue as they may. The insurrection could start with you, merely, defying the State by recognizing yourself. When the coldest of all monsters erases your Ego, and would command, you follow, what could be more radical than this refusal? You are an individual.
Time is a measurement, one we can only ever measure finitely on our own; Our lives have a finite amount of time. There existed time before my existence, and there will probably be a time after my death. Yet my time before my death is scarce. The time the State chooses to rid me of, justified by its Law.
The State removes individuals of their liberty every moment.
I would rather affirm what I would like to be than grant control of my own existence to traditions & customs.
Control elicits submission; subjugation.
What is there that is voluntary of capitalism, when all alternatives provoke the State's icy wrath? Is it a choice, when the options presented amount to submit or survive violence? I am happy, I was able to lead my life. You, too.
Spice and flavor form the palette of a taste.
Crime is cool, too.
Women make me feel a special way – very gayly.
I am noble and virtuous, an immoralist. You shan't possess my Ego with your spectres – I alone create my will. Nothing matters to me; I see purposelessness as my liberator. Who am I? If perhaps anyone ever truly knows, it'll be myself; maybe.
You can write to Sofia Johnson (Comrade Candle) at:
Sofia Johnson
Coffee Creek Correctional Facility
24499 SW Grahams Ferry Road
Wilsonville, OR 97070
(( source ))
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thesinglesjukebox · 14 days
Surely someone in the Auntie Anne's dynasty is also an aspiring musician...
Grace Robins-Somerville: It’s getting hard for me to keep track of the bearded Top 40 country singer guys—your Lukes and Zachs and Bryans and such. It wasn’t familiar with either of these artists before hearing this song, so the first thing I thought was that they’re just making up people, and the second was a half-assed attempt to come up with a joke about how Koe Wetzel is a nepo baby because he must be the heir to the Wetzel’s Pretzels fortune. As for Jessie Murph, the fried, spindly baby-voice thing has been unbearable for years. But maybe in a month or two I’ll hear this song on the radio at Cook Out while I’m stoned on a weeknight and be charmed by it, who knows.  [4]
Katherine St. Asaph: This seemingly innocuous song has produced a serious contender for stupidest beef of the year (and yet somehow not the stupidest beef in Koe Wetzel's career). Wetzel, a Texan country artist, released a duet with Murph, a TikTok-grown pop artist and Wetzel's labelmate on Columbia Records. For this, the two artists (but mostly Murph) received an amount of online hate that was startling even by easily offended country music fan standards. Why this song, and not, say, Florida Georgia Line collaborating with Bebe Rexha or Morgan Wallen collaborating with Post Malone or Koe Wetzel collaborating with Diplo and Kodak Black (o what a nexus of awfulness)? These cancellable sins, apparently: the duet wasn't supposed to be a duet (source: trust me bro), the duet is too pop (you don't write a song with Amy Allen if you're not making pop), Murph's voice is too scratchy (I actually like how she blows "indie girl voice" out into the red), or that old classic, "there's just something I don't like about her." The sheer whininess of it all makes me like this more. Good news for shit people, though: there's a solo version out. This release, a standard tactic that record labels use to juice their streaming playcounts and pander to radio programmers who're terrified of pop or rap verses in their rotation, is being taken as a capitulation by the haters and even by the artists. "I don’t have to deal with Koe Wetzel fans calling me a rat anymore," Murph said. When fans go low, they go high, I guess. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: amy allen miss challenge - failed [7]
Ian Mathers: I'm sorry, I'm just too hung up on the way that none of the songwriters here appear to have any idea what "the high road" means, idiomatically. Or if it's supposed to be ironic/sarcastic, someone forgot to tell the performers. [3]
Will Adams: I enjoy the joke: dude claims to be taking the high road but is in fact just drowning his sorrows in bourbon. But neither Wetzel nor Murph lean into the humor enough, playing it dead serious and dead boring. There's really nothing else besides those distracting flat notes. [5]
Alfred Soto: The rake at my karaoke bar who brings a different young woman every visit loves singing "Drinkin' Problem" and other solid contemporary country. I can see him singing the male part here, down to the self-effacing manner in which he'll run his fingers through his wan mullet. "I don't need a ticket to your shit show" is not a thing the gentlemen he poses as would say, though. [7]
Jonathan Bradley: Whatever his outlaw inclinations, Koe Wetzel has a whole lotta nothing to say and no good way to say it. I don't mind country mining alt rock for inspiration, because alt rock has soundtracked the boonies for the past couple decades; there's no point pretending this is an artificial -- or novel -- intrusion. But if a country artist is going to sell me Staind crossed with Daughtry, I'd like some narrative, some feeling, something more than weed references to tell me why their particular story is worth heeding. Jessie Murph, to her credit, has some vocal fry and she extracts a lot of personality from that creaky voice. She doesn't have any more material to work with than Wetzel, so all that personality is left to sit and stew but, for the duration of her verse, "High Road" finds an extra dimension. [4]
Taylor Alatorre: That watery early 2000s guitar tone as homing beacon for the kind of subterranean post-industrial sickness that can only be properly transcribed at a 6th-grade level -- otherwise known as the key signature of Madden NFL 2003 -- still has its disciples. Koe Wetzel uses it here only as a garnish, not wanting to disturb his staid country duet in which, surprise, both sides are at fault and the title infrastructure doesn't actually exist. I wish he had gone with his instincts and let the post-grunge infection spread a little more, at least to give Jessie Murph a stronger platform for her acidic put-downs. [5]
Kristen S. Hé: Wetzel's warm baritone and Murph's Bhad Bhabie-Taryn Manning squawk: oil and water, but probably more memorable for it? [4]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Post Malone and Morgan Wallen have more chemistry than this. These two have taken a perfectly good emo revival guitar tone and done some slam poetry bullshit over it, junking the track up with mixed metaphors and remedial melodrama.  [3]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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We were coming from Geneseo in upstate New York. The campus was alive with music: folk, rock, blues, and jazz. Every style had its zealots. I liked them all. I was eclectic. I could hang with the rockers, the folkies, the Dylan, Baez, and Cohen fans. We only had one jazz group on campus, the Aldoujo Trio. Off campus, I had caught Dave Brubeck and his band taking five at Rochester's pride and joy, the George Eastman Theater—the home of our own philharmonic, built by George Eastman, who, with Kodak, had brought photography to the common man.
Playboy magazine used to compile an annual jazz all-star team. I was familiar with their names and getting familiar with their sounds even while being overwhelmed by the Liverpool sound (the Beatles), the Tottenham sound (Dave Clark Five), the Mersey Sound (Gerry and the Pacemakers), the Motown sound (Supremes), as well as various hootenannies, shindigs, and hullabaloos.
After getting acquainted with the Village, Bob and I started looking for musical entertainment. We didn't have to go far. The Village Gate was only a few steps from our apartment. We stopped in three consecutive nights and caught Gerry Mulligan, Charles Mingus, and Dizzy Gillespie.
The Gate was not overcrowded. There was no admittance fee, only a cover charge, which I believe was $10. Beers cost an amazing $5, compared to .35 for a Genny in Gennyland. For the price of two Michelobs (a premium beer at the time) a night, I got an undergrad degree in jazz.
Gerry, Charles, and Dizzy were perennial Playboy jazz All-Stars. Each of them was amazing in their own way.
The first night we caught Mulligan
Gerry Mulligan, with his baritone sax, brought an airy, lyrical touch to the scene. Born in '27, he was a cornerstone of the cool jazz movement, favoring intricate, melodic interplay over the bombast of other styles. His pianoless quartet with Chet Baker was a revelation—each note a conversation, each silence a statement. Mulligan’s gentle yet complex approach created an atmosphere that was both intimate and expansive.
The secomd night we caught Dizzy Gillespie
Dizzy's style was all about fast tempos and complex chords, a whirlwind of notes that could leave you breathless. He wasn't just a musician; he was a showman, a pioneer who blended jazz with Afro-Cuban rhythms, bringing a new, infectious energy to the genre. His presence at the Gate was electric, every solo a testament to his virtuosity and flair.
Last but not least Charlie Mingus
And Charles Mingus, the bassist and composer who seemed to channel the very soul of jazz into his music. Born in '22, Mingus was a force of nature, blending gospel, blues, and avant-garde elements into a sound that was as raw as it was sophisticated. I remember him sleeping in a chair on stage, only to be roused by his band and launch into a set that was nothing short of transformative. Mingus didn’t just play music; he lived it, his compositions brimming with social commentary and emotional depth.
The Village Gate Encounters
Gerry, Charles, and Dizzy were perennial Playboy jazz All-Stars. Each of them was amazing in their own way.
I appreciated the spontaneity, the virtuosity, and the unstructured collaboration of these legends and their supporting groups. I particularly recall the gigantic Charles Mingus sleeping in a chair on stage before his band came out, woke him up, and started playing. Charles attempted to introduce the members of his group. He stumbled over their names, finally mumbled, “To hell with that,” and they broke into their show, blowing everybody away with the tightness of their invention.
While we were waiting for Charles to wake up, four young guys came strutting into the Gate. They ordered their beers. I got the feeling it was their first time at the Gate, whereas I was a regular jazz bow, having been literally and figuratively blown away the two two nightsshows.
I recognized one of the guys immediately: Gerry Marsden.
In New York for Ed Sullivan.
“Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying.”
“Ferry Cross the Mersey.”
“How Do You Do.”
“I Like It.”
“Girl on a Swing.”
Gerry and the guys must have been in their early twenties. They were at the Gate to catch some jazz. I appreciated their fandom. I’m pretty sure Charles Mingus didn’t give two shits. Neither did my traveling companion Bob.
I wasn’t about to burst over to their table and make a big deal out of their presence. I was jazz cool at the moment and stayed that way throughout Charles’s performance. At least three times, however, I made direct eye contact with Gerry as we winked at one another after a tasty improvised solo by one of the band.
I liked the guy.
Good vibes.
Much different from Charles.
Gerry had the look of a guy who had just broken through to the other side. He threw me some of that vibe mixed in with a subtle “if I did it, you can do it” vibe.
The show ended. The week ended. Soon we were back at Geneseo, telling Bob's two roommates about Gerry and the Gate.
Both of Bob’s roommates were musicians. We eventually started a band. Two of our staple songs, songs that we did every time that we played, were “Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying” and “Ferry Cross the Mersey.”
“Ferry Cross the Mersey” reminded me of my first impressions of Greenwich Village (as it is today). The song also symbolized passages of all kinds, including the passage from life to death.
Yesterday, I found out that Gerry Marsden had passed away at the age of 78.
I like to think that he crossed that Mersey and wound up in a land that he loved when he passed away.
Gerry, Dizzy and Charles were long gone as was Maynard G. Krebs
Thanks for the vibes and the memory, GM.
Rest in peace, y'all.
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