#yo why tf did I make these so long lol
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#i experience an emense amount of guilt ovet not being able to focus on work. go into the lab and run into a lab mate and hes like#u leave Thursday? why tf r u here? and that makes me feel a lil better lol#ive just being data entering all day. that takes so fucking long. and then helping an undergrad#exept my code was out of date so i was like welp i can only get u this far bc i did not write this code. i do not work with the#supercomputer on a regular enough basis. and i gave my 30 days notice today so ill be working remotely until the 18th#i probably should have done it way before but like ive still got so much to do i might as well get paid for doing it#the undergrad was like id probably work to the end bc i feel lost when im not working and i was like. bro. im so fucking brunt out that ppl#around me r like yo r u ok? theres a thing as too much work. dont cross that line. snd ill still probably work to the end bc i dont wanna#have to do it on top of other shit. but god. in a few days i never have to go back in that building again#sometimes having to be in that lab would make me feel physically ill i thibk just bc i have so much stress associated with standing at that#lab bench but woof i will not miss it. its not great. the ppl r nice but like the institution kinda sucks. but i probably#wasnt the best fit for the school. i only cane out here for my advisor and on that front i have no regrets#god im so tired tho. just make it Thursday already so my parents can b helping me move >~< lets fucking goooooo#srry for not posting much drawing wise. i prob wont b able to for a while as i transition across the country lol#also. a note to myself. i should get a proper sketchbook so i can actually draw out ideas and store them in a place. that would b convenient#god. its so hot 😖 let me leave#unrelated
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cheekyboybeth · 2 months
Genesis chapter 2
so, god had just made adam from the dirt because men are dirty little freaks and then he made eve out of adam’s rib cage. why? who tf knows, the lord works in mysterious ways. and then he put the two of them in a very pretty garden called eden.
anyway, so adam was trusted with the very very important job of naming everything he saw. so, he named the birds, he named the bugs, and he named everything else that was around back then.
and eve was there to help with the work but not really because she’s just a girl and she shouldn’t be doing all that
the two of them had free will and could do whatever they wanted, the vibes were absolutely amazing in eden. but there was one rule that they could not break or else shit would go down. and that rule was to not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, that was all.
so, there was this slithery little bitch named lucifer, and he did not fw the good vibes that were happening in the garden. he had beef with god that he was still not over even though he literally lost the war in heaven that went down before the existence of anything. salty ass bitch boy 🙄.
lucifer was gods second in command. he was beautiful, smart, and had the upmost rizz, but he was incredibly narcissistic and thought he was better than everyone in heaven, even god himself.
so, one day he came up with a plan and gathered all his fellow angels, told them what he was gonna do, and half of them followed him in his rebellion but the other half still followed god.
angels have free will, just like us.
long story short, lucifer and his half of the angels lost the war and were bound to earth in own special dimension.
end of flashback
one day eve was just hanging with the animals, having a girls day, maybe getting a mani pedi, when all of a sudden she heard this agitating, grating voice whisper in her ear, “yo, you should highkey eat from the forbidden tree. is all I’m saying”
and like a bitch with no self worth, eve listened to lucifer and ate the fruit from the tree, making her, as the kids say, awake.
did I mean woke? yes, but that’s grammatically incoherent.
then, adam popped up out of nowhere and was like “bitch, did you just eat from the forbidden tree?” and eve was all like “um yeah I did. now eat the fruit and put your dick away”
and like a bitch with no self worth, adam took the fruit from her hand and ate it too, making him also awake.
the two of them were ashamed of themselves. there was no self love influencers back then, so they covered themselves in leaves so they wouldn’t be naked.
god saw this and was like “um that’s not on, Imma need you to leave now. oh, and eve? yeah, because you were the first to eat the fruit you will bleed each month and child birth will be painful af lol”
and so, they left. and as soon as they left as big ass storm came because god was sad and that was basically him weeping for his children.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 438 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God. It’s like every week, I get even more tired than the previous week. What has my life come to? I feel so dead inside.
Anyways, wooooo new chapter is here. Let’s goooooooo!!!
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“DiD yOu JuSt HiT a CoP ?” Yeah mf. Call it “injustice” or a “crime”, IDC. Daniel gon beat yo ass GTA style. 😤
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It’s ok Daniel, go get him!!!
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*h e a v y s i g h*
. . .
*stays in the bathroom for about 30 min*
I'M KIDDING... not really.
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BRUH EVEN DANIEL IS NAKED? AROUND GUN??? This is dangerous. 😭😭😭
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I def know what I want for Christmas this year... 👀
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Santa would definitely kill me in my sleep...
N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G !!!
(If you don't wanna see the inappropriate meme, just scroll past it.)
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God, my 😺 been quivering... What? I bet those of you who read Rendezvous would agree that you want him too. I'M LOOKING AT YOU!! READERS WHO'VE READ THOSE CHAPTERS ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT, SMH. 👁👁 Don't lie.
Man, this is giving me mad inspiration to write again. Who knew that some steamy shower panels would bring me back to continue writing for that story? How ironic. 😅
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DAAAAAAAAMMMNNNNN DANIEL, BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE FANCY FIGHTING SPINS!!! Also, "I'm gonna get punished severely when I get back." 🧐 Is Gun gonna make you give him 🧠 or nah? Like what?
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Awwwww shit... Is this where I think this is going...? 😭
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Hey Alexa, play "Lose Yourself" by Eminem.
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OMG WAIT. HE DOESN'T LOOK THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHEN HE WENT CRAZY MODE IN HIS OTHER BODY!!! :O God, it's like the same demon possessed Daniel or something.
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Geez, I'm starting to feel bad for Jichang. Like, ok Daniel, I get it. Your fight with Jichang started because you're trying to find out more about Jinyoung and all that, but... y'all can't just... talk it out? 😅 "Civilized folks" style? No? Ok.
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Oh crap... that's not good. 😬
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SEE???? I CONCLUDED THIS LAST WEEK WITH MY OWN WORDS, BRUH. CALL ME A... G E N I U S. ✨ (Actually don't. I'm still a dumbass.)
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"Thanks. I almost died just now." 💀💀💀💀 Idk why I thought that line from Hudson was funny to me LMFAOOO. Just caught me off guard because I mostly see him being so serious all the time. Also, Jichang... don't underestimate Daniel lol. It'll be your downfall if you do.
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I stg. Almost every chapter, Daniel always gets even more attractive. 😍😍
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I always see people comment on how Daniel is turning more into Gun due to how he has improved in fighting as the story progresses. HOWEVER, I've never heard Daniel becoming James Lee before and I find that concept very interesting. I'm not sure if PTJ is leading Daniel towards that path of him becoming the new "James Lee", since he is a self-righteous character who seeks truth.
Even though I find this moment to be very cool, I worry that Daniel might create more enemies for himself and I hope he doesn't kill anyone then spiral into long-term guilt like James Lee.
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If any one mentions him in the shower, yk Imma be "showering" down there. 💦
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The correct answer is "Both".
They'd be amazing Calvin Klein models.
Anyways, BYE- 🏃🏽‍♀️
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handledwithgloves · 6 months
two very popular drarry fics that i did not care for and why
in the past however long of my becoming a drarry stan ive read many fanfics and i can say only two had really gotten me so pissed i had to log off
and thats not to say that i never dnf a drarry fic before because i have done that to so many for various different reasons. ive also read plenty dead doves do not eat so… this is saying something i suppose.
and this is no hate at all to the writers of these fics they clearly love what they do and are super talented and no hate to the enjoyers of these fics, like what you like. this is just my person experiences.
first is, harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey. i just gotta say i did not get the hype at all. i hated voldemort so much everything he says to harry is meant to be philosophical and insightful and whatnot and that makes harry question whether or not voldemort is truly evil but mans just talked way too much for my liking. he needed to be shut up and every time harry was tryin to beat on his ass he stopped for whatever reason - i was so pissed. like atp just kill each other istg. and then harry is supposed to be conflicted and all alone and he cant trust dumbledore and he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and go to jail for killing someone, well too bad pookie! get tf over yourself you're a bad guy now. not only did you kill twice but both times you killed it was not in self defense but your own willingness to do so. like the drarry was good, in fact so good that i got about 3/4ths way through before i had to quit. the drarry was carrying this story and i understand if drarry stans love it solely for the drarry but if there's going to be other parts of the story i need it to make sense to me. harry and voldemort's characters were just not doing it for me.
second, is the mirror of ecidyrue series. It started off soo well, so well. i loved how all the characters were so in character and everything was cool and draco was powerful and his power was mysterious and bella was scary. i loved how harry met draco and how hermione started trying to befriend him i loved the friendship bracelent draco made her and that snape helped. i even loved jealous harry when draco and charlie were flirting and harry was like 'how old are you again, charlie? 25!? well draco's 14' and charlie started freaking out 'um, 21'. so anyway, strong start! but theeennn... we get later on in the series and for some reason draco starts changing? like yes he gets influenced by the people around him but all of a sudden he's like hyper fem which is not a bad thing in general but definite ooc - i like draco's character so i would prefer him to be in character but whatever i was able to ignore it until they started giving each other nicknames. oh god the nicknames were the worst part. like i get they're cringey kids they do dumb things draco is no exception apparently even though mentally he's like 21 hanging out with 14 yos. so yeah i had to absolutely stop when draco was having sex with 16 yo harry and harry starts calling him dragon in a sexual way... yeah i just had to stop there. i was getting way too much second hand embarrassment that it was pissing me off. i did not like draco lmfao. also i hate that they made lucius abusive lmao.
once again just disclaiming this is no hate to the writers or enjoyers of these fics i just couldnt stomach the stories and thats my own personal fault. i just wanted to share what i thought lol. they definitely made an impression!
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weirdcatbean · 9 months
Ok ok ok I'mma just infodump some ninjago element headcanons because I can't stop thinking about it and my mind decided to run with figuring out how all the elements work. All of this is just me taking plot points, running away with them, and shoving 50 different headcanons in there lol. Pretty long post warning, rambles below the cut
So -- We start of with the 'Origin Elements' also kinda known as 'Elemental Essenses' because they're the elements that make up all of the rest of the elements: Creation (Dragon-shifted), Destruction (Oni-shifted) and Balance/Green/Energy/whatever tf you call Lloyd's element. Now these 3 are the basis of all of the rest of the elements in the show, and it all started w/ the source dragons and the sorce oni or whatever the oni equivalent are. So there are 7 source dragon, and 5 of them were like hey, I don't wanna be like other girls imma make my own element and made the first 5 primary elements: Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, and Storm. One of the source dragons was fine with being like the other girls and stuck w/ creation n one was like yo... oni are kinda hot n made the element of balance and the FSM w one of the source oni. So that's how the FSM got balance, and then there is Firstborne who got the elements of Ice, Fire, and Earth, and Firstborne's younger sister, Wojira, who got the elements of Storm and Water.
Now during the war btw Oni and Dragons Firstborne was all in on it, FSM was like why am i so special just leave me alone and Wojira was like fuck this im out and Wojira runs off to ninjago. While in ninjago, Wojira gets corrupted somehow and turns evil? idk how tho maybe some oni maybe bc i said so. So that's how the FSM finds Wojira when they end up running off to Ninjago too. Then FSM n Nyad beat Wojira up n FSM sees the corruption that's been put on the elements of Water n Storm and is like woah that's not good n immediately tells the source dragons what happened. The water source dragon looks at the element of water n goes well, it found a master so ig it's not that corrupted we good. On the other hand, the storm source dragon takes one look at the element of storm n is like WOAHHH NOT GOOD n decided, hey, I could maybe split this element into two elements n then insead of one element with 98% corruption it'll be two elements with 49% each n i can handle that so that's what they did. Then the FSM is like hey, ik im already taking Ice, Earth, n Fire to make a landmass here but can I take lightning too? Pretty please? Then the source dragons give the lightning to the FSM and also give lightning, wind, and water Firstborne.
So that gives us the first 6 primary elements, Ice, Fire, Earth, Lightning, Water, and Wind; with Ice, Fire, and Earth being elements of creation/FSM, Water and Wind being elements of Wojira, and Lightning being an element of both. There are also 2 'outlier' elements, Time and Amber, that kinda just showed up one day n no-one could trace them back as secondary elements to any of the other primaries so they are just primaries as well.
That then leads us to the Secondary elements, aka any other element that ever appeared on the show. These elements came to be as the primaries have a habit of breaking off during transfer between masters. This usually happens when either an elemental master dies n the element has to find a completely new host or when a parent has multiple children, hasn't specified which one inherits the element, and the element is trying to move on. For example, sometime during the succession of the water element, the elemental master died and the majority of the water element was like hey person A is the perfect canidate let's go for them, while a small portion of the water element was like no person A is horrible imma go for person B n then made the element of Poison. Or, in an alternate universe where Kai and Nya had a 3rd sibling, part of the element of fire could think that the 3rd sibling is a more suitible canidate and go for them, same for the element of water, combining to give the 3rd sibling the element of steam.
This also means that because all of the secondary elements are based off of the primary elements, with enough training a primary elemental master could tap into and control a secondary element, granted not to the extent a secondary elemental master could. Like, if Cole tried hard enough, he could use the element of metal like Karlof, or if Kai tried hard enough, he could use the element of light. Now this is also where the Storm split into Lightning+Wind gets a little tricky. Because Lighting and Wind split form the same element, they have a natural affinity for each other. And I know that the Jay using wind s1 was an error n Morro using lighting was probably just because he was in lloyd's body, but i'd be rlly cool if Jay and Morro/Euphrasia could tap into the others elements if they tried hard enough. That also means that they'd be able to tap into each other's secondary elements. The combination of Earth+Storm results in both Technology and Dust, but Tech is lightning-shifted while Dust is wind-shifted. That means theoretically Jay could use Dust and Euphrasia could use Tech, but it'd be a lot harder than Jay using Tech n Euphrasia using Dust.
The secondary element combos I have so far are:
Pure Earth: Metal, Sand
Pure Fire: Heat, Light, Shadow, Color
Pure Storm: Teleportation, Gravity, Sound, Speed
Pure Ice: Mind, Snow
Pure Water: Poison
Water+Storm(Wind-Shifted): Ink
Water+Ice+Storm: Weather
Earth+Ice: Crystal
Earth+Fire: Fusion, Lava
Fire+Storm(Lightning-Shifted): Smoke
Water+Earth: Form, Nature/Flora, Fauna
Ice+Storm: Imagination
Earth+Storm(Lightning-Shifted): Technology
Earth+Storm(Wind+Shifted): Dust
Fire+Ice: Temperature
Fire+Water: Steam
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ttuesday · 3 years
May I pretty pls request some smutty HCs or a fic about how the VDL boys (or just Charles🥵) would react to hiding in a small closet together with their crush? If that makes sense lol
It was your idea to rob the Van Horn Mansion. You heard that it was abandoned and that some low level criminals were using it to stash money. It sounded like a simple job, so you and your favourite outlaw decided to go steal the cash.
As you searched the house, the approaching sound of hooves outside quickly caught your attention. Just before the criminals entered the mansion, you grabbed your friend and pulled him inside a small closet to hide in.
Arthur stumbles into the closet, bumping against you as he did. "Oh," realising how small the space was and how his body pressed against yours, his face turns red "uh, sorry". He tries to move and give you more space but that's basically impossible to do.
He keeps his hands flat against the wall, hesitant to accidentally touch you in case you get uncomfortable. Arthur can't believe that this is happening. He's been secretly pining over you for a while so to be in this scenario with you is kinda like a dream.
Arthur glances down at you, still trying to comprehend how close you are to him. You look up to meet his eyes and Arthur suddenly becomes very aware of how near his lips are to yours.
"You wanna take the lead on this?" Arthur whispers to you, his voice husky as he gestures to the criminals on the other side of the door. If you'd prefer to wait it out then Arthur has no problem staying inside the closet with you for as long as you want.
Charles thinks it's a good idea to go into the closet. Ye don't know how many criminals there are so it's better to wait until they're relaxed in the mansion before ambushing them.
The second ye step into the closet, he sees how small it is so he distracts himself by listening for the outlaws. He likes having you this close to him but it makes him nervous so thinking of a good ambush plan keeps his brain busy.
Charles doesn't usually get nervous or flustered but this situation definitely gets his heart racing. "Do you mind?" he hovers his hands by your waist, awaiting your permission before touching you. I mean, technically your bodies are already touching because of the limited space but Charles asks anyways.
He speaks quietly, trying to come up with the best way to kill these guys as you rest your head on his chest. Even though he's talking about whether it'd be easier to slit their throats or use throwing knives, his voice is so calming and you can't help but relax into him.
"Well isn't this quite the predicament" Dutch smiles. Dutch has been trying to charm you for a while now so being stuck in here with you is like a blessing from the gods.
He already has his arms wrapped around you and when you're not sure where to put your arms, Dutch guides you to rest them on his chest. I swear this man will turn his charms up to 110%
Dutch says he isn't too sure if it's a good idea to leave the closet with your guns blazing. Normally he would have no problem going out and taking on every single one of them but Dutch doesn't want the moment to end.
Bringing his hand up, Dutch's knuckles softly graze past your cheek. He promises you that you'll both get out of this safely. But Dutch won't make the first move, he wants you to do that so he knows you're certain about this.
Micah’s confused. He loves a good gunfight so to be suddenly pulled into a closet and away from the enemy is enough to really baffle his brain. But then Micah adjusts to how little space there is in this closet and he comes to the conclusion that the outlaws can wait.
“Well, ain’t this cosy” he chuckles lowly, sending a shiver up your spine. Of course Micah makes little remarks here and there, mainly insinuating how you pulled him in here cause you wanted him all to yourself for a bit longer.
It’s been a while since anyone’s physically been this close to Micah so although he acts like this is no big deal, this is something he’s gonna replay in his head over and over again for the next few weeks.
If you make any flirty comments back, it certainly takes Micah by surprise but he won’t actually do anything in the closet with you. After all, why should ye restrict yourselves to a small closet? Giving you a sly wink, Micah kicks open the closet door and starts shooting. 
John goes rushing into the closet so fast, he nearly runs straight into the back of it. Thankfully you're there to stop him as he clumsily adjusts to the space. He's completely dumbfounded by how close you two are.
He tries to move to give you more room, shuffling around as his legs brush against yours. John has a million thoughts all hurrying through his head. Does his breath smell? Is it obvious he's nervous?
John keeps his arms down by his side but can't keep his legs still. They're constantly knocking off of your legs until you finally shimmy closer to him so he stops fidgeting around.
John’s very nervous but with you by his side, he slowly calms down. His biggest concern is you feeling uncomfortable with him being this close to you so when you come closer to him, John realises you don’t mind and he finally relaxes.
Javier's been sweet on you for so goddamn long. When you first pulled him into the closet, he was so focused on keeping you protected that his brain didn't comprehend how tight the space was.
He automatically pulled you close to him, his hand trailing up and down your back in a comforting motion as his other hand unholsters his revolver. It takes Javier a few minutes to relax a little and he looks around at the cramped room.
"Are you alright?" he whispers "You're not nervous, are you?". And no, Javier isn't referring to you getting nervous because you’re so close to him. Right now Javier wants to make sure you're not apprehensive from suddenly being stuck in a goddamn closet.
He doesn't know if you're claustrophobic or not so he tries to keep you calm and not focused on how tiny the space around you is. Javier assures you that you'll be out of there soon and if it’ll help you calm down, he offers to buy you a drink before ye head back to camp.
Bill is on high alert. He knows there’s criminals nearby and he’s readying himself for a fight. Considering you were the one that yanked him into the closet, he presumes you have a plan.
“So what’re we gonna do?” he asks, looking at you. He’s taken aback by how close his face is to yours and Bill’s cheeks quickly turn a rosy red colour. 
Bill isn’t too sure where he should look or where he should put his arms but once you suggest he puts his arms around you so ye’re not in such an awkward position, Bill instantly obliges. 
Bill let’s you take the lead completely. He knows you’re smart and will know how to get out of this. If you want to wait a little longer before leaving the closet or jump out and start a gunfight, Bill goes along with whatever your decision is.
Sean has a lot of adrenaline. Normally he gets excited when he’s around you anyways but now that there’s outlaws close by too, his adrenaline is at an all time high.
His eyes go wide when he realises how close you are to him. A part of him wants to throw caution to the wind and kiss you but another part of him completely freezes. 
Sean can’t help but stare at your lips, debating whether it’d be a good idea or not. He tries to move in the closet and that’s when he properly feels it. Now all his past romantic thoughts are gone and he’s getting flustered.
“Y-you know, these just happen randomly” he blurts, gesturing down to his boner “so we can just pretend it’s not there if you like”. He thinks he might die from embarrassment. 
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mulletmitsuya · 3 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of being high, pure crack, also it's kinda long
Draken: yo I need to tell y'all something
Mikey: did you finally ask Emma out
Baji: did you finally ask Emma out
Mitsuya: let him talk
Draken: thanks Mitsuya
Draken: and no I didnt
Draken: I've been fighting demons
Mikey: idc stop being a coward
Smiley: pussy
Draken: can y'all stfu for a few seconds
Chifuyu: all ears Draken-kun
Kazutora: stfu Chifuyu, no one asked you
Chifuyu: ?????
Chifuyu: I don't remember talking to your ugly ass tf 🤨
Baji: calm tf down why are you guys always at each others throats
Kazutora: no lol he's pissing me off
Chifuyu: I didn't even do anything
Chifuyu: did you take your meds? is that why you're acting out?
Draken: please just let me talk
Smiley: you're such an attention whore
Mitsuya: Draken is it something important?
Draken: to me, yes
Mikey: idc I'm going to sleep
Mitsuya: guys c'mon just shut up for a few seconds
Hakkai: Draken-kun maybe you should dm people individualy? it doesn't look like people are gonna settle down soon
Smiley: love how he didn't care until Mitsuya thought it was important
Smiley: fucking simp
Hakkai: I didn't even do anything🙁
Angry: Smiley stop being mean
Chifuyu: Angry why do you only talk when it involves Smiley
Angry: I'm shy and most of you guys are intimidating
Mikey: love the honesty
Baji: Angry are your pubes blue
Mikey: 👁️👁️
Angry: ....
Angry: yeah
Smiley: you weren't supposed to answer the question he was making fun of you
Smiley: this is why you don't talk
Angry: but I want more friends
Mikey: free Souya‼️
Draken: oh my god
Draken: just a few seconds of attention that's all I want
Kazutora: what do you want whore
Mitsuya: guys fr just let him talk
Draken: ykw idc anymore I'm over it
Draken: I'll just dm Mitsuya
Mikey: ok fine you have the attention you wanted whore
Draken: well its smth I've been dealing with for a while now
Draken: and part of the reason I haven't asked Emma out yet
Smiley: you should have just started with that tbh we would have been more interested
Smiley: but you chose to be boring
Mikey: steal the moment Ken-chin
Kazutora: make some noise
Draken: FUCK
Mikey: ....
Mitsuya: ....
Hakkai: .....
Kazutora: ....
Angry: .....❤️🏳️‍🌈
Smiley: PLEASE
Mitsuya: thanks for telling us Draken, we support you all the way
Chifuyu: how did you figure it out Draken-kun??
Chifuyu: was there an awakening
Draken: I hate all of you
Draken: except Mitsuya
Draken: thanks for sticking up for me bestie
Mitsuya: did you eat the edibles
Draken: yeah
Mitsuya: I told you not to
Draken: it's just
Draken: there were pink sprinkles
Draken: and yk that's my favourite colour
Draken: I had to
Draken: shit I'm never getting high again I can't feel my fucking tongue
Draken: also yes Chifuyu there was an awakening srry I forgot to answer
Draken: I mean we have a circle of attractive friends idk what you want me to say
Mitsuya: both of y'all have boyfriends chill out
Mitsuya: and he still likes Emma
Mikey: Mitsuya aren't you tired of being responsible
Mikey: just freak out with us
Mikey: Ken-chin likes dick
Mikey: I'll act a fool if I need to
Smiley: another one down. guess me and angry are the only heterosexuals left
Smiley: I actually respect Draken so I'll let this one slide
Angry: I have a crush on Rindou Haitani so no
Smiley: 😁
Smiley: excuse me??😁
Hakkai: Angry please tell me your joking he literally tried to kill us😟
Chifuyu: so many things are happening
Angry: I went to visit him and his brother in jail cause I wanted to apologize for almost killing them
Angry: and we've been hanging out
Angry: we usually go out for ice-cream😊
Kazutora: cap
Kazutora: Angry this is the first time I've seen you speak to anyone but Smiley and Hakkai
Kazutora: and youre telling us that you hang out with Rindou Haitani
Angry: I do tho🙁
Smiley: Angry let's have a talk
Angry: Smiley calm down he's really cool
Angry: when he's not killing people i suppose
Angry: and he hasn't killed that many people
Angry: mostly Ran does the murders, Rin just makes sure they can't move
Baji: RIN?????
Mitsuya: why are you talking about this so casually
Mitsuya: I don't judge
Mitsuya: but the Haitani's are.....bad news
Mitsuya: just stay safe
Draken: yeah, i have a pack of condoms in my drawer if you need em Angry
Mitsuya: .......that's not what I meant
Angry: thanks Draken-kun
Smiley: ?????????????
Mikey: Ken-chin why do you have condoms in your drawer I know you're not getting any😕
Draken: stfu
Draken: anyway I've said my truth
Draken: so I'm gonna leave now
Draken: bye👍
*Draken has gone offline*
Mikey: I'm going over to his house
Mikey: maybe I'll ride smth other than this bike
Baji: STOP
Kazutora: can't wait till he sobers up and reads this
Angry: I'm gonna go too. nice talk guys ☺️
*Angry has gone offline*
Smiley: ...
Smiley: I'ma have a few words with this bitch
*Smiley has gone offline*
Baji: so Mitsuya
Mitsuya: say something else I dare you
Baji: ayt 🤕
Baji: it's just since he's bi you have a chance now
Mitsuya: what the fuck did I just say
*Mitsuya has gone offline*
Kazutora: I think he's gonna hurt you
Baji: no he won't
Baji: shit nvm I think he's pulling up
*Baji has gone offline*
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pualaha · 2 years
Are you, I don’t know, jealous
Okay, so I realized I have a huge crush on Eddie Munson, like?? Anyway, I am going to write this about him. This story doesn’t relate at all to the ST4 storyline, so there shouldn’t be any spoilers. Except for Chrissy asking for drugs However, just to be safe, if you haven’t seen ST4, beware.
And I was wondering if I should do an o/c character x someone but idk. I was thinking of names and chlamydia popped into my head?? tf. Anyways, enjoy :)
Also, I got a new computer so everything is capitalized and I hate it so, just know, it is not by choice. I read through everything, so there shouldn't be any mistakes, but who knows. LMK if y'all want more! Thanks, babes 😘
Mentions: Chrissy, hellfire club, Dustin, Mike, Eddie (obvi)
Meanings of abbreviations: y/n- your name, y/l/n- your last name, y/m/n- your middle name, y/ms/n- your mother’s name, y/d/n- your dad’s name, y/b/n- your brother’s name, y/s/n- your sister’s name, y/n/n- your nick name.
!⚠️TW⚠️!: strong language, mentions of a broken leg, mentions of drug use
Word count: 1258 I think
Type of fic: angst, fluffy
Eddie Munson x reader
Italics: flashback
Tumblr media
There he was, your hot as fuck boyfriend standing all the way across the cafeteria from you, which wasn’t a problem until you saw her. You stared holes into his head, watching him flirt with hawkins high school’s very own chrissy cunningham.
“Yo, y/n, you good?” Mike asked. You weren’t really close with the members of the hellfire club, despite you being one, but Mike, Lucas, and Dustin were chill. Of course, they were annoying, but what freshman wasn’t.
You continued to stare at eddie as he twirled the cheerleader, her skirt flying up in the process, “never better, why?”
“I don’t know, you just seem like you could smack a bitch.”
“I could smack a few actually,” you finally looked at the boy. He looked terrified as he scooted away.
“You know, y/n, jealousy is not your color. It’s not your anything really,” Dustin commented, his smile turning into a from as you raised your fist.
“Listen here, toothless, I'm gonna fuck you up if you make another one of those ‘jokes’. Understood?”
Dustin nodded his head as he turned to Mike to talk about something you didn’t care for. So you turned your head back to your boyfriend and Chrissy.
Only people in the hellfire club knew about your past with Chrissy. You two were best friends coming into high school due to the fact that you had both tried out for the cheerleading squad your 8th-grade year. Since y'all had both made it, you thought it might bring you closer. Still, she had always been jealous of you. You were skinny and fit, with long, curly blonde hair. Your teeth were naturally straight and white. Basically, you were perfect (like everyone in every fanfic ever lol).
So when you were chosen to be a flyer, it was no surprise. This pissed Chrissy off seeing as she was your secondary base. Then, the other girls started being mean to her, and not you. You were becoming popular, fast, leaving Chrissy to fend for herself. You admitted that it was shitty, leaving her for everyone to make fun of, but you were finally on top. It wasn’t until one day, during practice, that Chrissy decided she’d had enough.
While you were doing a complicated stunt, and had to solely rely on your secondary base, Chrissy had let go, leaving you to fall on one foot, breaking your leg. Everyone else screamed and ran to get help, while she stayed and told you:
“this is what you get, bitch.”
After that, you were no longer popular. You had become what most dreaded to be: an outcast. While Chrissy had taken your spot as a flyer.
To say you were livid to see your boyfriend, not only with her but flirting, was an understatement. Therefore, you did what you thought was best. You picked up your tray full of nasty ass food, walked over to them, and dumped all of your food on the both of them.
“Damnit! What the fuck, y/n?” Eddie yelled.
“Yeah, what the fuck?” Chrissy looked at her now dirty and stained cheer uniform.
“Oh! So sorry, I must’ve tripped or maybe I didn’t see where I was going? Shit, I can’t remember the excuse I wanted to use.” you shrugged.
Before anyone else could say anything, your boyfriend grabbed your arm, “Y/n, we need to talk now.”
“Yeah you fuckin’ skank,” Chrissy’s boyfriend Jason said.
You turned around with a red face, “Oh I’m the skank?! Keep your bitch in check, she’s been getting around last I heard!”
That’s when all hell broke loose, Chrissy ran up to you and hit you square in the jaw. You stumbled back as you saw 'Ms. Perfect' start a fight. You almost laughed, but then you remembered this bitch just hit you.
(a.n. i love this line so i’m gonna use it!)
“You stupid, fucking bitch. I’m gonna fuck you up!” You screamed. At this time you two had started throwing punches and insults. Finally, Eddie detained you, while Chrissy’s boyfriend grabbed her.
“Ask your boyfriend what he was doing last night with me last night! Yeah? See what he says!” She screamed as Jason pulled her away, making you spit the biggest loogie you had on her face.
Now, you were in Eddie's truck driving to his house. Everything was dead silent as you stared out the window. Both of you pissed at the other.
"What the fuck, y/n? I don't get why you would do that?" Eddie finally looked at you. That wasn't what got you, it was the disappointed look on his face.
Tears filled your eyes as everything hit you, "please don't talk to me," you got out of the truck and walked inside. You debated on what to do next, should you get high as fuck so you weren't mad? Should you go to sleep? Or should you go ho- no, you should not go home.
It had taken Eddie a few minutes to follow you inside. He was expecting you to be searching for weed, but instead, he saw you standing still, tears spilling out of your eyes.
You weren't one to cry very often, so Eddie was surprised. He came up behind you to give you a hug. But you swiveled around to face him, you wanted to look angry, but you could tell it didn't work. His face had pity written all over it.
"Man, you know I hate her. How could you?"
"Baby, please, believe me, we didn't do anything."
"Then why? Why were y'all together last night or whatever? Why were you flirting with her today?" by now, you were exhausted, you just wanted to sleep, you didn't have any more fucks to give.
"She wants drugs, sweet girl. She said she's been going through shit and needed someone who wouldn't judge her. I don't know, it just seemed serious," although you still had your suspicions, eddie wasn't the type to cheat. Plus, he sounded genuinely concerned.
You stared at him, looking for a sign that he might've been lying, but you didn't see one, "If you're lying- just please don't. It's going to be a lot easier on both of us if you break up with me instead of cheat,"
Eddie grabbed your arms and wrapped them around your neck as he snuggled his head in yours,
"You're the love of my life. The only person who has ever truly loved me... I-I don't know what I'd do. Please don't hurt me."
You felt butterfly-like kisses on your neck, "Y/n, listen, I would never purposefully hurt you. I could never do that. I am so sorry I didn't tell you, she begged me not to."
Your breathing slowed as you looked at him. You knew you looked awful, your face was all red and blotchy, and your breath probably smelt bad from crying so hard. But the way Eddie looked at you, made you feel like you were the most stunning woman in the world.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?" Eddie picked you up to take you to the room for a nap.
"Yes, baby."
"Were you, I don't know, jealous?" he had a mischievous smile plastered on his dumb, beautiful face.
"I fucking hate you. I deserve multiple bowls after today," you laid on the bed.
"Bad girls don't get things they want, but I will make an exception this time."
"Thank you, E, I love you."
"I love you, too, crazy girl."
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kingjaffejoffer · 3 years
Kang! What’s good man. I see you’ve become a bit of a cannabis connoisseur. Quite the 180 since the Imapervert days lol. If you don’t mind me asking, what brought about this change? How into it are you? What are some of your favorite strains/brands that you’ve smoked? I just remember that you were anti iPhone, anti-Tim Duncan and anti- weed and alcohol so to see the shift via IG was a surprise 😂Cheers!
"you were anti-weed" is an often repeated falsehood. And it stems from weed smokers being offended that I didn't smoke and feeling like I was judging them without understanding MY perspective.
I'm a naturally funny person, I read a lot, I'm observant, and tumblr was a place to to post your thoughts unfiltered, so I did.
"damn nigga what were you SMOKING when you thought of this 😂"
"please put the weed down"
Etc etc etc. Do you remember how popular my blog was? How many messages I got? This is was over the course of years. Can you imagine how tired I became of the 900th person basically badgering me because I didn't smoke?
"why you don't smoke? You too good to smoke?"
I eventually got to a point where I was like "YO.... Leave me TF alone, I don't need to smoke to be funny or insightful"
That rubbed people the wrong way and made them feel judged. It is what it is.
I never once said anything bad about weed or the people who smoked. I just said it wasn't for me, and it wasn't.
Why wasn't it for me, and why did that change?
Without rehashing the same long sob story millions of Black people have. I grew up in the hood. I was born in literal housing projects in East Oakland and spent the majority of my childhood there. Extreme poverty. Extreme violence. Crack zombies and alcoholics everywhere. I've had family members murdered. My childhood best friend sold dope and was murdered. I hung out in crack houses with my friends thinking it was normal. I've slept aside mice and roaches and had my belongings stolen and sold by my crack addicted father.
Same Energy 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
I never touched a single drug in my life growing up because I saw what they do, and I was resentful of growing up poor. I know weed isn't a hard drug, but I was that determined to break the cycle in my family.
And to keep it super real, I resent all these middle class, two parents household ass niggas on the internet coming at me about not smoking weed earlier. You aint lived in this life. I did what I had to do to make it.
Eventually the success came and my hard work paid off. I was making a large salary, I could buy anything I wanted. For the first time in my life I felt security. I didn't have to rely on anyone for anything or worry about paying rent the next month.
I felt I earned the right to relax. And now imma smoke all the weed I want. I smoke a blunt as soon as I wake up. Who gone check me boo?
I had to secure my future first.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Roller rink skate date headcanons! (poly party) insp. by this post, for @mike-wheeler-is-gay (I know you wanted byler specifically and I usually write poly party, but I tried to stick some extra byler in here for you, I hope I did it justice and that you like it!)
So many paragraphs this should really just be a fic, I'm sorry
- Mike is super tall and gangly is absolutely the worst skater in the party (tied only with Lucas, who put on his very first pair of skates and promptly fell on his face and they weren't even on the rink yet, they were still on the carpet area)
- the moment Mike steps into the actual skating floor, he falls bc he's tall gangly uncoordinated Mike, and Will is just standing there rolling his eyes, like "babe, you're a mess" but he doesn't mind bc it means he gets to hold Mike's hand (and hold Mike in general) while he helps his bf balance and skate
- and Mike is like "I don't deserve you, why are you even with me, I'm so awkward" (poor self deprecating bby), and you know Will would respond with "are you kidding, you're amazing, why are YOU with ME?" (also a self deprecating bby), but then he falls and pulls Will down with him (aka on top of him lol)
- and they laugh, and just as their lips touch, the moment is ruined by Max zooming in their direction screaming "get up before you get run over!!" And she manages to avoid them (being the zoomer that she is) but Lucas has to swerve and falls the fuck over ofc (luckily the rink isn't super crowded that day so nobody's in any real danger)
- and Dustin is looking at byler like "this isn't even that hard guys, come on, are you even trying??"
- El and Will have totally been going to the rink (sibling bonding yo) and everyone realizes that's how they got so good bc El is totally the best skater in the group
- except for Suzie who is a skating queen
- El and Suzie totally having races from one end of the rink to the other
- Max totally joining them and they let her win, just once
- Dustin joining them and after he wins twice in a row (pure luck), Max and El pretend cross his path and bump into him, totally fucking him up, and Dustin's just like "are you shitting me?" (but it's all in good fun, everyone knows that)
- El and Max holding hands as El helps her get better at skating, bc Max is decent on skates but better on her skateboard (bc how do you wheels on both feet separately ??) (like skiing vs snowboarding)
- byler doing that thing where holding hands facing each other, and Mike learning how to actually move his feet and skate forward, and that's propelling Will backward (and Will constantly throwing praise at him and Mike grinning so big bc he's doing it! lol)
- Will and Mike holding hands as they slowly skate around the edge of the rink
- Mike needing to stop a moment and grab the wall to keep himself up and steady, and Will coming around in front of him, his hands over Mike's,and they stand there all adorable and then kisses (except Mike has to duck down bc Will cannot stand on his tippy-toes in skates)
- eventually Mike is like "I need a break" (from falling and stuff, tho he has gotten better) and he goes to sit down
- and then El comes over to join him bc "you looked lonely" (he isn't really lonely, he just kind of has a resting bitch face sometimes, tell me I'm wrong, am I actually wrong tho ??)
- they sit together in silence, watching the rest of the group playing some weird skate-tag game (rules at the bottom)
- Mike is watching Will with a smile on his face, laughing and having fun, and he says to nobody, really "what did I ever do to deserve him?"
- El replies "probably whatever I did to deserve you" and they look at each other and smile and then cute lil Mileven kiss
- their hands reach over (cos they are sitting like RIGHT next to each other, no space)
- they continue to sit there, hands clasped, her head on his shoulder, watching the group and sometimes making comments to each other and laughing
- after a while Will comes over to check on his bf and sis) ("I don't know which is more bruised, my knees or my ego" -> Mike, "you're doing really well!" -> El), which is actually kind of nice for El bc she wants to go skate some more but she doesn't want to leave Mike by himself
- before she leaves tho, she wants a kiss, so still holding Mike's hand she gets up and wheels around to face him and grabs his other hand and is like "I want a kiss" bc she's just blunt like that (it's a good thing)
- and mike laughs at her bluntness bc SO CUTE, and so Mike gives her one of those super cute kisses where he puts his hands on the sides of her face, you know? And she has to balance herself by putting her hands on his knees (Sorry, I just had to get a Mileven kiss in here)
(so much detail in those moments ^ I'm...sorry?)
- so Will sits there with Mike, and they hold hands and share kisses and say cute sweet things to each other, and honestly they spend more time looking at each other than anyone/thing else
- Will goes and buys them one giant drink to share bc boys gotta stay hydrated (can someone please draw this or maybe ALL of this idk ??)
- the rest of the group annoys them (but not really) by hanging over the wall and saying "AWWW" super loud and making kissy faces
- and then El comes back over later and says "okay, that's enough sitting down, we're going back skating, come on" and she grabs Mike's hand and Will's hand and tries to pull them up but it's hard bc wheels (like she's about to slip and the boys have to grab her arms to catch her), but the boys comply and go back to the rink floor
- Dustin and Suzie can totally do skate-dancing, whatever that is (and they totally get applause)
- Max skating by everyone so many times and being like "zoomer!" and everyone is like "pls stop, we get it"
- Dustin trying to tell help Lucas how to skate by actually explaining how the skates and the rubber stoppers work, and Lucas not getting it and just being like "can you explain in English please??" And Dustin throws his hands up like "I fucking give up, you're hopeless"
- Max learns how to skate in a small circle (basically just turning around without stepping) and she's super fucking proud of herself and does it constantly
- Max eventually needs to be stopped by El and Lucas bc "babe, you're gonna get so dizzy" (you can decide who says that 😊) but it's too late bc she's already dizzy
- Lucas and El lead Max off the rink floor and she just immediately falls down to sit on the carpet bc so dizzy and El falls down next to her bc hand holding (she gets pulled), and Lucas sits down too
- the girls can't stop laughing and Lucas is looking at them like "tf is wrong with you guys?" (but not really), also he's just smiling at them and laughing with them bc goddamn they are so cute, his girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world and seeing her as she is right now just inflates his heart
- eventually Max can't stay upright so she lies back and El follows her and they are just lying there together (Max on her back, El on her side facing Max, no space), giggling so hard, they can't stop laughing for some reason (I think it's bc when one laughs, it makes the other laugh too)
- Max is like "you, boyfriend, kiss" and so Lucas complies
- an employee has to come over and say "you can't lie down here, it's a safety hazard" and Lucas is like "we're sorry, sir" and he's like "babe, we gotta move"
- so he gets the girls up and they bring max to a bench where she can sit, instead of sitting tho, she lies down again, on the bench with her head in El's lap, and then elmax kisses as El plays with her hair
- El and Max basically take over the bench that Mike and Will were sitting on, and they also steal the boys' giant drink (barely a quarter empty) cos hydration
- Will and Mike trying to kiss while not holding the wall, but fucking down AnD having his eyes closed throws Mike way off balance bc what a klutz, and then he falls and Will is fuckin laughing and he feels bad but also it's funny
- so then Will gets down too (more gracefully but lbr, anyone can be more graceful than Mike, without even trying) and is like "it's okay, we can do this here" and then sitting kisses
- El trying to help Mike but she's having too much fun and ends up just speeding around while Mike tries to catch up with her, and she has to keep going back for him
- Mike feeling kind of embarrassed bc his gf is amazing while his own skating is questionable, and he confides this to her and is like "why are you with me, I'm so clumsy and awkward" (self deprecating again), but El makes him feel better by telling him that she's with him bc she loves him and actually she thinks it's kind of cute that he's not that good at skating and she likes being the one who helps him for once (bc he's helped her for so long with so much)
- and then Mike gives her one of his lil mike-smiles (you know the one I mean, like the one right after he kisses her for the very first time, in season 1)
- and then a Mileven kiss, but Mike almost loses his balance again like he did with the byler kiss, but El can sense it's about to happen and has to break their kiss to hold him up (she's holding both his hands, fingers intertwined), but it's okay, they just smile at each other share a little laugh at the situation and how uncoordinated he is, and they scoot their skates really close together in a sort-of huh type thing
- arcade games after!! (But I'll put that in its own separate post 😄)
- rules to the weird skate-tag game: 1) the wall is the safe zone, but you can only stay there for 10 seconds at a time 2) you cannot untouch the wall for one second and then go back to touching it for 10 seconds, you have to actually leave the wall and skate (HOWEVER you can try to skate from the wall on one end of the rink to the wall at the other end) 3) you are allowed to skate around the edge while touching the wall, as long as you only do so for no more than 10 seconds 4) whoever is 'it' cannot hover around those on the wall 5) crashing into someone does not count as tagging them 6) no tag backs
I tried to get equal parts of all the ships in this one but I know I failed miserably, I'm so sorry lol (clearly you can tell who I ship the most)
If you want to add more (I will if I think of any), send me ideas, or request anything, please feel free! 😀👍🏻
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
Yes kisaki is a bitch, he doesn't deserve a redemption and I got so pissed when takemitchy was wondering about him after he died like ??? Man that kid is pure evil, like nasty evil.
I agree with you. From the start I thought the answer to the " happy ending" was takemitchy dying in the end. But this is the last arc so idk? It may end like some dead, some alive kind of thing? I also ponder if mickey dying wouldn't be a solution too, most of the bad ending are around him.
It is too complex to solve everything, you can't save everyone and that is quite clear by now.
Walking red flag, mind explaining? I think I get what you mean, but still! I really don't understand him sometimes, I feel like he kinda lost the sense of it? Idk...
But with Naoto it feels different. Like it seems like he remembers every time he dies or Hina dies or the previous time leap. He does says his memory gets re written too, I might be reading too much into it?
Everyone waiting on takemitchy was cute! But autopilot takemitchy must be so so different and it surprised me people didn't really notice?
It was a good arc! It was just too much going on XD I cried so much too! I didn't expect that from mucho nor angry to be, well, angry?
I won't lie I am bit lost on this final arc, not in not understanding what is happening but more like where it is going.
Also where is Hanma? I feel like he might make an unpleasant come back.
I feel a bit better getting this out of my chest! Thank you! I am sorry for the long ass text !
Oh no! I think you got it all wrong, I was mad that Kisaki was gone because I adore his character, not because I hate him lmao.
Mikey is the problem, but the thing is that everybody adores him too much to even attend to leave him, I mean he had to force Toman yo despise him by whooping their ass otherwise they wouldn’t have leave him.
Takemichi has a savior complex, it’s not even about him being a good friend, at this point he is forcing his beliefs into Mikey. Yes, Mikey tends to be an asshole and lose all coherent thoughts but he never intended to drag the others into his mess, opting for being hated and having them safe instead of having them in Bonten (different from when Kisaki was alive and he was the leader of Toman; he had everybody in that bitch). Takemichi is forcing things so much that he dragged Draken into the mess, and probably Senju too in the next chapters cause mf Terano is feral rn.
His memories get re written and thats what he updated Takemichi in every alternative future: he tells Mitchy if Hina made it alive, if Mikey is in a gang and all of that.
They know! And that’s why they say they were waiting for him, auto-pilot Takemichi is not aware of things so they just treat him normally but with the real Mitchy they’re more open, and we can see this in this final arc when Chifuyu confirms if he’s adult Takemichi in the past again before giving him the tea on what tf is going on.
Mucho was too damn secretive to not have something weird BUT— the craziest thing is that Mikey knew all the time lmao. People tend to think that Mucho betrayed Toman but when he was recruited he let Mikey know that he was committed to another king, Mucho told him that WHILE being recruited lol. Mikey knew and still gave him a high position to keep an eye on him. I guess since Mikey wasn’t besties with Sanzu he didn’t directly told about Yasuhiro’s double life, I think not even Draken knew which let me know that Mikey is secretive as hell too; bc what he did in Bonten don’t make sense, what he said in the recordings for Takemichi, him not explaining the dark impulses and so on.
I have so much comments about this final arc but I’ll probably gonna sound rude or something so I just talk about the old characters with confidence.
Hanma not having an appearance for so long after being one of the principal antagonist through the whole series… yeah. We are definitely gonna learn some things with that damn story of his.
Good to know that you’re feeling better luv! <3
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flying-elliska · 3 years
Your last post that you reblogged omg. I remember getting INTO it with someone that I grew up with. The are gay and had always talked about how growing up it was annoying when family members would question said gayness. Saying stuff like “ok well it’s obviously a phase! You’ll meet the right woman and you’ll see” making making very uncomfortable jokes about our friendship saying how they’ll wait out on a wedding invitation in the future. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was ace as fuck. I definitely went through the comp het where I forced myself to get physical with guys because that’s what you did but deep down I was not totally about it? It wasn’t horrible and guys were very nice to look at but I knew deep deep down that I did not feel about sex the same way ppl around me did. My friend knew and would always tell me that I was a lesbian. And I genuinely didn’t think I was. I thought woman were beautiful, but pretty much in the same vain, thoughts of having sex with woman didn’t bring me any more thoughts towards sex than with men. But my friend was queer and I thought well maybe he’s recognizing something in me that I’m not seeing? And I was starting to understand as we’re getting older that it was like compulsory that all the queer kids would be in friend groups even if they had no idea they were in the community until they were older lol. And so I decided maybe? My friend was also incredibly pushy about it and I tried it out with women. Unsurprisingly, it came with the same result as men. Wasn’t horrible, woman are nice to look that, but like something is just not there. I told my friend this and he was just confused as shit. Not in the way I was but in a like exasperated way and started making jokes about me maybe not knowing what I’m doing in sex and maybe that’s why I don’t feel about it. I was infuriated. I started learning about the ace spectrum and I lit up like a Christmas tree inside and was like holy shit that’s me! That is me omg I didn’t realize that that could be me. And I told my friend cause I was excited ! And he was just like TRIGGER WARNING “ok be straight with me. Were you SA’ed (won’t type it out) in the past?” I exploded. Like why tf was that your first question. I wasn’t. Thank goodness I never have been but that shouldn’t have mattered! And he was just awful about it. I was like how on earth could you sit there and tell me that you don’t believe such a thing exists when you had such a hard time convincing your family that you’re gay? You’re being just like them! But to me! Did not go over well and it’s been years but our friendship changed and he always cracks jokes about it. We’ve been a part of a friend group for long while tho who call him out. Whenever he says something they’re like “ok you’re a white gay man nobody asked for your input” (imagine like a big beautiful Asian man who has aspirations to become a drag Queen saying this) but it’s been hurtful. I’m Hispanic too and the stereotypical pressure to have a lot of kids has been kind of put upon me since youth and idk if I want kids. Like I barely want the act that makes kids to happen let alone do all that. Whooo sorry. This was long and rambly but I needed to get this out lol
Aw anon 🧡🧡 I'm sorry to hear your friend treated you like that, it must have been so disappointing ! Unfortunately a lot of people, instead of maybe using their brain and/or sense of compassion, wait for society to tell them which identity/experience/behavior is valid/legitimate and which identity/experience/behavior is okay to hate, ridicule or dismiss. You'd think marginalized people would be above this but unfortunately whenever their identity starts to be a little more accepted they're so relieved to finally be in the "valid group" they can turn around and be extra shitty to others because they're relieved to be on top this time. It's so depressing.
I'm glad you figured out your sexuality but i'm sorry you had to go through all that to get there and that your friends were so pushy. It's obviously not the same but growing up not knowing or believing bisexuality was a real thing until my early 20s created a lot of confusion and headache for me so I can relate a little. It sucks to be in the dark about such a fundamental part of yr identity and to think there is something wrong with you bc you don't fit any of the molds around you (and this is even worse for mental health related questions lol). This stuff has really taught me the fundamental importance of respecting ppl's differences and deeply held feelings as long as they're not hurting anyone, even when they don't have a label or an explanation. And also yeah like not considering that being queer (or a woman, or...) gives you a general I'm So Oppressed key that can allow you to do just whatever. I have met ppl who use this whole "i am a victim so i can never hurt others actually" argument and its really shitty.
Also props to your future drag queen friend and the others for being very fabulous 🧡 and yeah the kids thing is also hard, I also have doubts about ever wanting kids and esp past a certain age the pressure can be really awful 😫 it's so important that being queer still means that we can question that heteronormative ideal and that families and general happiness in life can look all sorts of ways and they're all vital and beautiful in their own right 💖💖💖💖
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Human World Adventures
Part 6
After lunch, Haruka gives them an idea of playing Uno which the younger siblings and Solomon agree without any hesitation. The older brothers (e.g Lucifer) are confused since they never played such games and Uno if Lucifer remembers correctly means "one" in Spanish. So...what game is this "one" specifically? Of course, this avatar of pride didn't ask and just watch from a distance as his brothers play along with the two girls.
Haruka: Why don't you play with us too, Lucifer?
Lucifer: No thank you, I'm too old for such games.
Haruka: Oh, come on! it's a fun game! You should join us!
Lucifer: No thank you^^ Perhaps the next round?
Haruka: Next round it is.
Belphie: I'm definitely defeating you two! >:D
Asmo: I'm still surprised Belphie is not asleep during this game...
Solomon: Same...
Mammon: Me three-
Satan: You can win if you have a strategy.
Belphie: Well, let's start, shall we?
Ichigo: We shall^^ [shuffling the cards and start to distribute them]
With that, they all start playing. Belphie is surprisingly determined today, he's obviously trying his best to at least defeat one of the humans.
Belphie: And I'll add +2 to that!
Ichigo: Oh? Bullying Monsolo I see. Let's go +4!
Satan: Which color?
Ichigo: [checks her cards] rED!
Ichigo: What? You got no reds? Or more +4?
Satan: Jokes on you, I do! Switching to green!
Asmo: You're so mean! >:( Fine! [gets the 4 extra cards]
Solomon: Pfft, your attempts of making me lose has gone out the window~
Belphie: Shut it! Beel, I believe in you! Please defeat that sus of a sorcerer, my twin~;-;
Beel: Ah, a green one. I have one! [puts in +2]
Solomon: What?!
Belphie: Thank you so much, Beel!
Solomon: ....sht
Satan: What's wrong, Solomon? Cat got your card?
Solomon: tsk. [gets two more cards]
As they were playing, Simeon passes by to watch them. Yes, unfortunately, this angel doesn't join them. Luke is in there though playing with them.
Simeon: How did it go?
Haruka: Overall...we're winning. Currently bullying Solomon.
Luke: Look, Simeon! I only have 4 cards!
Simeon: Oh that's great! You're close to victory!
Levi: [casually shows his two cards]
Simeon: Ah, no surprise^^
Mammon: How?!?! [sobs in 12 cards]
Satan: That's clearly because you're an idiot.
Ichigo: Belphie is improving his game skills though^^ Great job!
Belphie: Yeah to defeat one of you >:(
Levi: Since when are you this competitive?
Belphie: Since I keep on losing to those two >:((
Satan: Perhaps might wanna say goodbye to such victory
Ichigo: ...woops^^ [shows 1 card]
Mammon: Again, HOW?!
Haruka: She's the master of this game, I'm not even surprised [sigh in 5 cards]
Solomon: can we just go back to the game? [currently holding around 9 cards]
Asmo: Alright back to the game. Haruka, your turn.
Haruka: Hmm, it's green and a +2 huh? I have just the solution! [puts another +2 but in red]
Levi: Ha! UNO! [yeets his +2 but in yellow]
Mammon: Yes!!! [puts in lots of +2]
Luke: That's a lot!
Mammon: Sucks to be ya, Fido.
Luke: Shut it! [throws in a +4]
Belphie: Are you guys going against me now?!
Luke: no??;-; I'm just trying to save myself! Simeon!! Help me!!
Belphie: Just kidding, kid. Which color?
Luke: Uh... [checks his cards] Red?
Belphie: Great! [throws in a red card but he still needs to get that much card wow poor Belphie]
Ichigo: Uno game~!
Belphie: You! [tackles Ichigo while the others laugh]
Ichigo: Hey, hey! Why are you so worked up?! [laughing because Belphie is attacking her with tickles]
Belphie: Because you keep on winning!
Satan: [sigh] There's still Haruka and Solomon. You obviously can't defeat the master of Uno, Belphegor.
Beel: Come on, Belphie. There's still hope!
Belphie: There's still hope huh? Well, it's your turn, Satan.
Satan: Don't mind me^^ [puts in the same card but in yellow]
Asmo: Do you have a live problem with me?!
Satan: Clearly not. That's the only card I have that matches.
Asmo: [huffs but gets another card]
Beel: Ah? A yellow? I have the all-color one, is that okay?
Ichigo: Yes! Yeet it out!
As soon as Beel does that, everyone anticipates the color. Obviously, Belphie hopes it's the color that Solomon doesn't have so he can actually win against that sus of a sorcerer!
Beel: I'll have green^^
Solomon: Tf-
Everyone instantly laughs. Yeah, their target is obviously to give Solomon as many cards as possible but oh well.
Solomon: Man, you must have beef with me don't you-
Beel: Oh of course not^^ Just your cooking skills and that one thing [smiling but this scared Solomon]
Solomon: Right... [getting one card]
Haruka: Yas! Beel, thank you so much! [throws in three-card that matches]
Ichigo: You can still defeat Solomon, Belphie^^
Belphie: True...he has like 9 cards or so...
Levi: Hmmm blue.... jokes on you! I have one! [throws in a block blue card] also Uno!
Mammon: U- Dang it! Why ya gotta block me like that?!
Levi: Because you deserve it^^
Levi: Well, Luke, give us your best shot!
Luke: I will! Take this! [throws in one reverse card but in blue]
Mammon: Holy sht, Fido! Thank you! [lol he throws in another reverse card but in red]
Luke: [whispering to Ichigo who's now beside him] I have lots of reverse cards...should I put it in?
Ichigo: [nods]
Luke: [puts in another reverse card but in yellow]
Mammon: Why?!
Luke: That's all I have!
Mammon: Geez, sorry to anyone who sits me. [puts in block but in yellow]
Levi: Dude, fck you!
Asmo: pfft at least you're not like him adding more and more cards to my pile.
Satan: It's called playing with a strategy^^
Asmo: Strategic playing my ass!
Haruka: Ah a block card^^ I have one too and U-
Solomon: Uno! Jokes on you! You gotta pick up two cards~
Haruka: [rolls her eyes and gets two more cards] You're blocked though.
Solomon: And you have more cards^^
Beel: Hmm a block card... Asmo, I'm sorry:")
Asmo: Beel no-
Too late bestie, he puts in that block card. There there, Asmo...
Asmo: What even have I done to you, little brother?! [dramatic whining]
Beel: :( I'm sorry that's all that matches-
Satan: Uno game. [puts a normal card but in the same color as that block card]
Haruka: How?!
Ichigo: Wow, guess his strategic playing does work.
Satan: Perhaps next round, just the two of us?
Ichigo: You're on, raging ball of chaos.
Solomon: not again- can we just proceed?! Yo Belphie! Your turn!
Belphie: Ah, a normal card. Alright then^^ [switches the card color]
Luke: Why?!?!
Belphie: Because I want to, kid :)
Luke: [grumbles but gets the card because he has none of that color or number]
Mammon: Ah yes, time to reduce my card amount! [throws in around 5 cards with the same content in it]
Levi: All that to go back to Yellow?!
Mammon: Does it matter?!
Levi: Of course you idiot! I got none of that! Fck you!
Mammon: Pfft, bye-bye to your victory, weeb~
The other sighs at the sight. This is gonna be a long game. Lucifer and Michael are both now interested though. This seems to be a fun game but can be pride-crushing as well.
Michael: That seems fun
Lucifer: Indeed. Willing to join for the next round?
Michael: [shrugs]
Rosaria: It does seem fun!
Michael: Hon-
Rosaria: Hm? I mean look at them! They're having fun and I think we should too ^^
Michael: I think it'd take a long time for them to actually finish considering how competitive they are.
Rosaria: That's true [laughs slightly] it's so refreshing to watch it though^^
Suddenly they all hear a rumble outside. Turns out today is raining, lucky for them that they're not going anywhere and are just staying in.
Beel: Oh? It's raining.
Belphie: It is. Quite a strong thunder as well
Haruka: Probably just Thor passing by.
Asmo: Or Zeus, finding another target to put his lust on~
Simeon: Asmo, I'm this close to drench you in holy water-
Asmo: Hey! I'm the avatar of lust! These kinds of things are obviously my thing!
Simeon: Sure it is, but Luke is literally over there!
Luke obviously has 0 idea what Asmo is talking about nor is he even listening so Luke isn't that bothered.
Haruka: Uh...everyone! Back to the game!
Finally, after a few minutes, Levi came out as the second runner up causing another groan of frustration coming from Belphie. Of course, he can still defeat Haruka and Solomon but now defeating Haruka would be difficult since she has 3 cards but defeating Solomon... now that's one thing he's after!
Beel: Go Belphie! Defeat him!!
Solomon: Babe, why aren't you rooting for me?!
Asmo: I'm obviously trying to survive myself!
Mammon: Can't yall just have mercy on me?!
Asmo, Solomon, and Belphie: No!
Levi: When Ichigo said Uno is fun to watch, she is 1000% correct!
Haruka: Complete agreement, 1000%
They all watch the bottom four play until Belphie appears to be a winner against all four of them.
Belphie: Finally! I defeated one human! [laughs evily]
Mammon: Can't you at least have mercy on me?! I'm your older brother!
Belphie: no^^
Asmo: Definitely a no^^
With that, Mammon lost the game. Asmo and Solomon of course won against him but still lost to the others nonetheless.
Asmo: Well that was fun^^
Solomon: It is.
Mammon: [sobs in I lost] Man why are you all so competitive-
Satan: It's a game. Losing and winning is normal^^
Ichigo: As he said ^^
So, the whole day is spent hanging out in Lucifer's mansion. Playing here and there or just talking. Now, this comes to Ichigo and Satan. Ichigo needs to get things straight with this rage of a demon. She was of course relief that there's no tension between Satan and Beel anymore but she needs to put him in place so here they are in the library. Of course, Ichigo told Beel, luckily Beel let her so here she is in the library talking to Satan.
Ichigo: We can still be friends. I just don't feel that way about you.
Satan: Yeah, I know.
Ichigo: Oh come on, you're turning cold again. Just focus on healing yourself okay? [pats his shoulder] I'm sure if you healed completely everything will turn normal.
Satan: I suppose...
Ichigo: and stop being an ice prince towards Haruka. I know she left you for Simeon and all, but you have 0 feelings for her right?
Satan: Well romantically no. But it still grills my pride seeing her with someone else furthermore an angel when I'm clearly trying my best to be better.
Ichigo: I know.... you're actually a good demon, Satan. I'm sure you'll find your love soon. But for now please heal yourself. I don't want you to have more drama in your life okay?^^
Satan: Then...we're friends?
Ichigo: We are^^ [handshakes with Satan]
Satan: You're still helping me with those pranks right?
Ichigo: Of course! What kind of friend am I if I'm not helping you?!
Satan: Yeah, let's start working on it! >:D
Ichigo: >:D mwahahahaha-
Satan: I've taught you well^^ [pats her head]
Ichigo: Perhaps I'm slowly turning into a gremlin, like you^^
Satan: Hey! :(
The next day, everything returns to normal. Satan surprisingly turned friendly in just one night. Everyone is surprised by this, especially Simeon. He doesn't mean to think of the worse because he's not supposed to but due to recent events.... he starts to think so about him.
Haruka: Are you sure it's not because he has bad intentions?
Simeon: I hope that's not the case. I'm sure Ichigo has talk things out to him.
Haruka: ...well true
Michael: Now, now^^ I'm sure he's trying his best to change. Having negative thoughts on this would just make his effort useless right?
Simeon: That's true.... [sees Satan just having fun creating more pranks with Belphie]
Haruka: I'll try talking to him....just trying
Simeon: Be careful!
Haruka: Of course^^
So Haruka walks towards him as Belphie and Satan are practicing another hex to prank Lucifer.
Haruka: Hey, Satan, Belphie what are you two doing?
Satan: Just practicing another hex to prank Lucifer. Is there something you need? ^^
Haruka: Oh just curious. You two need to tone it down with the pranks though, we don't want more trouble don't we?
Belphie: it's just Lucifer. What's the worse that could happen?
Haruka: ...hangged by the chandelier....?
Belphie: I can sleep upside down, that won't bother me much.
Haruka: Oh well.... :]
After saying that, Haruka returns to Simeon to tell him what happened. Simeon is of course glad that Satan is changing for the better good or at least good in demon standard. Let's hope this lasts and there won't be any romantic problems.
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triclitch · 4 years
I just can't lol.
So yo guys. You wanna just umm pretend season 15 didn't happen.
Like it feels like a bunch of fanfic tropes all collage-d into one season like umm...
1. The whole filler episodes just. Wtf. Like I get it. The writers wanna make us feeel for the characters more so the ending will be more gut wrenching. But . Write it into the plot y'know? Don't waste my time Kay.
2. The Destiel confession, like applause for Misha's consistency of acting cause it didn't really come outta no where. But Dean's reaction?
And cas' death was just so wjfjwjwkf. Like I remeber this badass angle.fro. season 4 amd now he just dies like this. Like I get it. He's been on earth for so long and he's died multiple times and his grace has been taken multiple times but damn.. I want season 4 cas back so badly like they made him weaker throughout the show and just opf what an unsatisfying death for him.
3. Hahaha don't even get me started on Midam.
Like. Adam just dies off screen!!! Un how ? Explain! And like Chuck just somehow Bill cipher his ass?? So a vessel can be split from their archangels. And you're telling me Michael just didn't know about that and didn't like take precautions or did it himself safely!! So that he could snap Adam away to a safe place cause he cares about Adam, we saw that in ep. 8 sooo ummm...
4. Also the fact that Michael really said aww shit lost Adam the only thing I care about, welp let me join the person who killed him!!!!!!
Like nahh fam. If you wanna give Michael an evil arch have him go ballistic, have him try to kill EVERYONE Chuck included.
And this is crazy have him actually grieve like he would . Like why show Midam being friends then just have Michael as soon as he loses Adam just join the person who killed him?
5. Luci. Baby. What have they done. Brought my man back just to kill him. And so damn easily too. Like this biss didn't make us have half a season just trying to defeat him only to be killed just like that.
And him joining Chuck. I know we're trying to sell the whole daddy issue trope but umm I swear he would've still helped the Winchesters cause like he wants to stick it to the man y'know.
6. And Jack. Oooo Jackie boi. I know you're like the new Chuck but are you so conceited that you don't think to bring back you're father (cas) like again writers why show any father son shit between cas and Jack if he was just gonna forget about cas?
7. Also back to the fillers why show any bonding between team free will in past seasons and episodes. And just say f cas when the family fluff episodes came around like what!!!!!
8. Also the kill all gays shit. Like I couldn't care less for spn romance, but like why? Why kill Cas like lol sure be homophobic if you must but try to keep it in your closet....damn man killing my boi and for what.
9. Charlie. Whyd she have to die.
10. And sam umm you don't try to find your girlfriend like tf!??? Poor Eileen
11. Oh and is Billy dead dead cuz Luci killed her and if so why isn't every dead person running out? Cause like Chucks dead and Luci is dead so shouldn't souls be like trapezing outta their respective places cause I promise you Jack ain't gonna be a good gate keeper. Also...
12.Amara. Girl are you just floating around im so confused. Like... lol
In conclusion this whole season is a mess. Like someone please explain to me this entire mess...
And fanfic writers on AO3 please fix this whole season. Like geez ...
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chrisevansluv · 3 years
before someone takes that dc hooking yo story seriously it’s always been a rumor bc he invited people out for lunch that’s all and that dc tea pages keeps talking about it at least once a month lol
Other anons:
"Sorry this will be a rehash of old topics but-
I just gotta laugh at this Tiktok crowd. They cannot make up something original.
Before anyone gets lost in the rabbithole,basically one 21 y/o DC intern got a bit obsessed with Chris after he n mark visited the offices and took pics with them. They bumped into or were invited to the same Burlesque club. Idk some of the burlesque performers and the chick tried to make it seem like Chris was into her. Fandom freaked out as usual,and some of the "fans" started accusing him of going after barely legal girls,how he's slimey n blah blah blah.
That girls basically was a wannabe influencer,apparently broke up with her boyfried and even went to Boston a few months later. Eventually gave up in her dreams to become Mrs.Evans,CE's sugarbaby or whatever tf dream she had and last year someone did a deepdive and found out she got back together with that boyfriend,they have a kid together now and yeah....that's it.
As with most celeb's,especially our man,these baseless rumors stuck even long after this shit happened and now tiktok's running with it lol.
There's some blog's that were active during the whole saga and said their bit but I just gotta say.......it was so much hoopla for some irrelevant person trying to use CE for clout(hah! what's new)"
"Not the old DC intern rumours 😂 TikTok always make these old rumours sound recent and this is why I no longer go on that app. The little kids on there are toxic af"
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