#yokai bakugo
yasashii-leaf · 9 months
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Shoto bakeneko
Katsuki inugami
Izuku Tanuki
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Hello and welcome to Day 15 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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Today, I have a plot bunny that has been on and off in my brain for the last *checks notes* 3 years now. It is a crossover between Yokai Watch (the 3 main games; not the anime) and My Hero Academia. Why? Clearly, my brain likes crossovers with My Hero Academia way too much. *looks over at the other MHA crossovers and crack fics I have noted down* Yeah, my brain likes this wayyyyy too much. *sigh*
The title for this fic is: Crank-a-Hero. Get it? It's a combination of the Crack-A-Kai machine and the word Hero... (OK, inner-Cyno plz stop)
And, because clearly myself from 3 years ago was way more productive, I have the first two games already mapped out and with the number of chapters + titles for them too. (I WANT TO BE PRODUCTIVE AGAIN)
Because of this, I will go and explain the plot by referencing this list of chapters, and I will point out the chapters that are more interesting from a plot perspective
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As you can see, book 1 (aka the remake of Yokai watch 1) is 30 chapters long. The story starts with an 11-year-old quirkless Izuku venturing deep into the woods after being dared by Katsuki and his friends to find and catch a bigger and cooler bug than them in their "Bug Catching Competition". Izuku ends up finding the Crank-a-Kai Machine in the woods that he was exploring and meets Whisper, his newly self-proclaimed Yokai Butler. Whisper introduces Izuku to the existence of Yokai, creatures that can not be seen by humans under normal circumstances, and to the invention known as the Yokai Watch, a wristwatch that can help you see Yokai.
And so Izuku’s adventure into the world of Yokai begins. In this fic, Izuku will make new friends (human and yokai) and slowly learn what friendship truly means. I wanna mention that Izuku will meet some of his future U.A. classmates in this. Because they will meet early, they become friends early and, in some cases, this might prove very favorable depending on how the 1st year at U.A. goes on.
The first future classmate Izuku befriends early is Tokoyami, whom Izuku meets in Chapter 5. Personally, I always felt like Dark Shadow would love Izuku to bits, and I feel like Izuku would help Tokoyami with Quirk control a lot since Izuku is smart. Coming up with a new control exercise for Tokoyami and Dark Shadow would take time, yes, but it won't be impossible to do.
The second one Izuku meets is Aoyama in chapter 10.... look, I was thinking about this fic before Aoyama's spy identity was revealed... buuut.... I am not opposed to Double Spy!Aoyama in this fic. You never know. Izuku is very perceptive, especially when it comes to his friends. So, this is very possible... also, Aoyama is just the type of person I can see losing their mother's ring in a pond, so there is the main motivation for this choice.
The third will be Shoto. They literally met on a train ride when Izuku goes to Inko's office (she is a lawyer in this) because Inko forgot some important documents in chapter 14. Izuku doesn't quite recognize Shoto as Endeavor's child, so when they start a conversation, Shoto has a surprisingly peasant time talking with Izuku. Even after Shoto introduces himself, Izuku just behaves like Shoto is a normal person (which he is) and not like he is some new upcoming hero because of his father. Izuku even asks if Shoto wants to be a hero instead of assuming it; all in all, their first meeting is sweet, and they do become friends too.
The last future classmate Izuku meets is Kaminari in chapter 20. How did they meet, you ask? Why, it was a school visit to the museum, of course. Both of their schools had a visit at the same museum on the same day. And these two met there. Honestly, I do think if they met early, they would be fast friends too. So yeah, that is kinda all for meetings in the 1st book.
(And yes, Lucas goes to Izuku's middle school, but Lucas is not in Izuku’s class)
Also, the final chapter takes place on Izuku's birthday because I want these 4 to be like, "I am gonna surprise Midoriya on his birthday," and they met on the train to Musutafu. They also become friends with each other that way too.
And now, we move onwards to Book 2 (aka the Yokai Watch 2 rewrite):
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This book takes place in the next year after book 1.
The first chapter I wanna point out for you guys is chapter 7 because that is the chapter where Katsuki says the (infamous) line: "Go and take a dive off the roof and pray you get a Quirk in your next life". In this version of events, however, Katsuki says this line one year early (they are both at the end of their 2nd year of middle school here) and thus, Izuku doesn't met All Might or the Sludge Villain. Instead, Izuku, after one year of having good friends - both humans and yokai - decides to let Katsuki win this one. Izuku finally stands up for himself and tells Katsuki that if he doesn't want to be friends with him anymore, then fine, they are not friends anymore and leaves. Inko, seeing Izuku upset, thinks maybe a change of scenery will do him good and asks Izuku if he wants to go to his grandparents' place (and yes, Yakumo Village is a reference to Izuku’s early design being called Yakumo). Izuku accepts and invites Shoto to go with him since apparently their grandparents from their fathers' side reside in Yakumo Village. Shoto ends up being introduced to the Yokai World because of Hovernyan. Also, no one told Katsuki that Izuku is at his grandparents' house... so there is a ton of guilt with Katsuki here. (Don't worry, by the time U.A. rolls around Katsuki will be a bit better in anger management than in canon; it's a start at least)
Now, chapter 19 is a bit more related to the One for All plot because... well, everything is possible in time travel. And it's even worse if the time travel malfunctions for a bit, sending you into the older-than-60-years-ago past. This is all I can say without outright spoiling everything.
The last chapter of interest here is chapter 25... If you watched/read the Sports Festival Arc from My Hero Academia, you know what this chapter entails. But the line might not come only from whom you expect it to.
Chapters 29 and 30 are recaps and a bit of a setup for the plot of Yokai Watch 3. I have yet to finish the Yokai Watch 3 chapter list, mostly because in Yokai Watch 3, we have split story lines, and Shoto becomes the 2nd protagonist there. So the planning kinda confuses me a bit, but I will update this post when I actually finish book 3.
Other things I wanna mention:
This is definitely a slow burn TodoDeku fic. They will be getting together later in the story, but for book 1-3, they are kids, and they should remain kids. Their relationship might advance after the 1st year at UA.
Izuku doesn't quite get a Quirk in this, but I want him to befriend Yokai and for his watch to be able (at one point during or after book 3) to absorb a Yokai and give Izuku that Yokai's power for a limited amount of time. Shoto could have something similar with his Yokai Watch, too.
Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Denki find out about Yokai in Book 3. Denki learns to control his electricity better from Zappary, a Yokai with electric powers. Tokoyami would get along with a Tenglum for sure. I can see Aoyama probably starts gossiping with Cupistol or Dazzabel.
As stated before, Katsuki gets better, and he kinda mends his friendship with Izuku. Whisper and Jibanyan still wanna claw his eyes out. Shoto, Tokoyami, Denki, and Aoyama aren't too impressed either, but as long as Izuku is happy, they will keep their opinions to themselves. (Katsuki, pray you never hurt Izuku again cause you will have to watch out for both humans and yokai that will wanna kill you)
And this is kinda it. Again, the chapter list for Book 3 is still not finished, so until I finish that, I don't wanna talk too much about it. But, other than that, this is all I wanted to ramble about for now.
So, what do you think? Good? Bad? Is it a crossover crack? (The answer to the last one is yes.) Let me know!
I hope you have a great day/night and take care of yourselves!
See you tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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aurumalatus · 2 months
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 (𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭) [1]
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pairing. bakugo katsuki x fem!reader, eventual slight todoroki shouto x reader
word count. 3.7k
genre/warnings. magic!au, bodyguard!au, eventual romance, eventual smut, blood and violence
summary. in which bakugo is entrusted with the life of the "hikari no yosei", the blessing of yuuei village. but the yokai are getting bolder, and when tragedy strikes and more mysteries uncover themselves, he finds himself certain of only one thing—
he's willing to burn everything away if it means protecting you.
𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ↣
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come hell high water
His day begins the same as everyone else’s: a prayer offered to the gods, right as he rises. The sun is still barely cresting the horizon when he kneels down beside his futon, the floor there worn from the routine. The wind and flowers greet him through the open window, head bowed in supplication, whispers of invocation falling from his barely parted lips. There is no devotion in the words he speaks; after all, Bakugo does not believe in any god. Yet, his employer—the village head—holds deep faith, and Bakugo does not dare draw his ire by ignoring his will.
Under his feet, the tatami is warm, soft—it yellows with age, with the years it has served this house. He moves to his dresser, readying his clothes. He’s methodical as he prepares for the day—a dagger slid into his belt, clothes loose enough for easy movement.
His breakfast is as simple as it is most days—he slices from the fresh loaf that he’d bought yesterday. Next is the jam, a strawberry mix that the old woman at the edge of town sells in the right seasons. It’s Bakugo’s favorite—it’s not as sweet as most others he’s tried, and the tartness wakes him well. He enjoys his meal alone, birds chirping outside in greeting.
Outside, the trees wave and sway in greeting, bastions protecting the borders of the village. The morning air is a bit heady, weighted with the feeling of springtime and dew as he begins his walk. 
The village rests on the edges of sleep at this time—few are already awake, already moving, already living. He passes the baker’s home on his way, listening for the characteristic sound of stoking oven fires and popping embers. There is still business to be had, even this early; a young boy, the farmer’s son, runs up the dirt path, basket in hand. He raps on the door three times, a sunny smile on his face as always, ready to receive the baker’s first batch.
Bakugo has seen the farmer’s kids around the town; sometimes running around the well, sometimes playing at the edges of the woods. There are five of them, still young, cheeks sun-kissed and spotted with grain dust. They’re one of the nicer families—the kids offer him flowers picked from the meadow, and the farmer offers him a spot at their table, sometimes.
Your home lies solitary at the outskirts of the village, a stone’s throw away from the southern gate.
Bakugo drags his feet up the rolling hill, toward the familiar sound of the koi pond bubbling outside your front home. As he slides the front door open, he wonders about the size of the place, especially for one person—it seems lonely, the kind of place where ghosts would gather in the middle of the night. 
It’s nearly empty inside, devoid of any furniture—of any life. Empty rooms with intricate cobwebs spun in the corners. He’d asked you about it once, if the vacant rooms bothered you.
“Why would I need any more rooms?” you’d replied, a tinge of bitterness in your smile. “It’s just me here.”
He hears you before he sees you, padding quietly toward your bedroom—a gentle hum easing through the air, a song that he barely recognizes. His mother used to sing it to him, he thinks, the lyrics something about the balance of the elements and the mercy of the gods. The thought makes something twist in his chest.
He stops at the threshold of your room, glancing down at the markings carved just before the door—protective symbols, blessings that protect you from fear and strife. It’s the same as it was last week, tatami mats dotted with sparse furniture. Your sleeping robes sit in a pile beside you, a pool of silk. A futon in the corner, a chair on the opposite side—he’s seen you sit there often, tracing shapes on the translucent shoji. 
You’re sitting neatly on your knees atop your futon, chin tilted up—the door to the veranda is open just a few inches, sunlight slithering through the crack and spilling across the floor. He clears his throat as a greeting; your eyes widen when you turn at the sound, then soften in recognition. You smile patiently as he bows his head, offering a short prayer before gingerly stepping into your domain.
“This place is fuckin’ filthy,” he comments, a stark contrast to his previous gentleness. He kicks aside a blanket that had been strewn across the floor, then thinks better of it—he bends down to retrieve it instead, neatly folding its edges together before placing it on the chair.
“Good morning to you too, Bakugo,” you say; your eyes follow him across the room, more amused than offended. “The flowers bloom.”
The flowers bloom in your presence. A common greeting in your village, one that conveys excitement for the appearance of a friend. You’re teasing him—at least he thinks you are. The serene expression on your face betrays nothing.
“Fertile is this land,” he returns sarcastically, the customary reply—asserting gratitude for one’s existence in your life. You smile, pleased at his cooperation. He notes the way your robes hang off your shoulder, a bit looser than usual—you haven’t been eating well. And really, it’s not technically his job to notice these things, but he notices them all the same; it would be almost impossible not to.
It was five seasons ago that he had come here, that he had been assigned as your protector; four since he had officially been sworn in as a member of the guard. He knows your cultures and customs now, but he does not know your people as his own, still. They are not his people, and he is not one of yours.
But he knows you.
You’re looking up at him quizzically, his silence too long to be natural. He coughs.
“Maybe a little too fertile,” he continues. He looks around for something to talk about, and finds it, face contorting in disgust as he toes at the half-eaten bento at the foot of your futon. “Something might seriously be growin’ in here. Clean the hell up.”
You ignore his frustration, attention drawn elsewhere, suddenly serious.
“You hunted?” you ask, voice like a mouse.
Bakugo follows your stare, gaze flitting to the small cuts and bandages crisscrossing his arms, his legs. He hails from lands further east, ones that had been ravaged by war, by conquest—the kind of place where these injuries would’ve been common. He thinks about it sometimes, his hometown—on nights when his scars burn and keep him awake. It’s one of the reasons your village makes him feel on edge; he can’t see himself getting used to the way it breathes, calmly and quietly.
He doesn’t bother lying; you more than anyone would know that a deer would not inflict wounds of this nature. Instead, he shrugs, nonchalant.
“The yokai have been more aggressive lately. It’s no big deal. Got nothin’ to do with you.”
A bird flies past behind you, shadow visible in the thin squares between the lattice of the shoji. It mimics your fast-beating heart, wingbeats aligning with the pulses of your core’s rhythm.
“It’s everything to do with me,” you say, disheartened, then glance down at your hands. Your voice comes out soft, weakening in your throat. “The magicks are fading.”
“They’re always bolder this time of year,” Bakugo counters, too quickly—defensive. You frown. “The weather fucks with ‘em, makes ‘em crazy.”
A faint silver glows under your skin testingly—a god-given magic, the nymph’s blood that runs through your veins. Your blessing.
The hikari no yousei, one of the farmer’s children had told him once, a chubby hand cupped at his ear. She was a little, messy thing—dark hair in uneven pigtails, reddish stains at her lips from the berry bushes in the forest. Bakugo had, admittedly, felt a little stupid crouching down at her side, hearing secrets from someone decades younger than himself. Ma says she keeps our village protected, keeps us strong.
“Listen,” Bakugo starts, one hand running through his hair. His words are uncharacteristically subdued. “stop worrying about it, okay?”
You stare at each other, too long, neither willing to look away. It’s pensive and meaningful, even without words. Finally, you sigh, dusting at your robes and rising to your feet. You slide the door open further, padding out onto the veranda—a rush of fresh air fills the room. Bakugo raises a brow as you turn to face him.
“Are you coming?” you say, a faint, tired smile tugging at your lips. “I think I’d like a bath.”
The bath sits in the courtyard at the center of your home, the heart of your days. It’s sun-warmed today, a perfect temperature, or so you tell Bakugo as you dip inside. He rests against one of the wooden posts that upholds your home, facing away from the sound of trickling, splashing water. You’ve never been shy about your naked skin, as long as he’s known you. He grumbles to himself, an irritated frown etched on his lips at his thought—he wishes you’d be a bit more self-conscious, for your own sake.
You like bathing this way, in the open-air, especially when it rains—he’s caught you once or twice, on days when a sea of clouds coat the sky. You like to sit shoulder-deep in the water, neck craned heavensward, letting the raindrops dot at your weary face. The bath sits as a nice contrast against the enduring gray, bright flowers lazily floating along in the water.
“Bakugo,” you call, voice gentle as the breeze, tearing him from his thoughts. He turns at the sound, just as you pull the sleeve of your robes over your shoulder, climbing out of the water—Bakugo’s stare follows the motion, despite himself. The fabric sticks to you like a second skin, still wet, but you don’t seem to mind.
A single flower petal rests in your clasped hands as you approach him. When you’re just a step away, you take the piece between your fingers, carefully tearing it in half. Bakugo’s eyes flutter shut, on reflex—your touch is as fleeting as always, barely a whisper against his skin. You press the petal halves against his face, drawing symbols he doesn’t recognize as you drag down his cheekbones, hands still damp from the bath.
A protection rite, you had told him once, fingertips dragging gently over his face, that no harm befall you. That the winds and the lands protect you.
There’s a brief pause at his forehead—he knows this part, a cross drawn directly in the center—before your warmth disappears. You gather the petal back into your grip, murmuring a prayer before your hands open, allowing it to soar away with the wind. Like a peace offering, he pulls a cloth from his belt, shoving it in your direction.
“Dry off,” he spits, skin still hot, “so you’re not drippin’ all over the damn place.”
Your lips thin into a smile as you step away, pleased, beginning to pat at your hair. 
Your protective ritual became commonplace, somehow. The first few times, he had thrashed in your hold, a piercing scowl marring his face. Someone like him didn’t need you or your village’s protection; as a mercenary, he’d been through far worse than babysitting jobs like this. It had been a long process for him to accept your blessing—he justifies it by telling himself it was because he was tired of arguing with you all the time.
The small waterfall in your bath splashes noisily—Bakugo welcomes the sound, feeling awkward just watching you towel droplets off your skin. You’re humming that same song again, crouching near the flowerbeds, fingers trailing gently across each one, petals feather-soft.
“Can we go into town today?” you ask, hopeful. You hand the cloth back to him, and he takes it, a bit surprised. You don’t typically ask to go out at all.
Bakugo looks up, then, at the cloudless sky and the pulsing sun that lies within it. The trees and leaves rustle before him—an answer to your plea. The weather is fine enough. “As long as you don’t act stupid, sure.”
Your sharp gasp is a shock to his heart; he flinches in alarm.
There’s a small, rosy flower between your fingers—it’s dry, clinging to the last of its life. The petals crumble at your touch, fleeting; Bakugo watches the pieces escape in the wind, a parade of fading color that disappears beyond the facade of your home. Then, he watches your expression—shock, then sadness. Your lip quivers as you carefully release the flower from your hold—in your eyes, a mercy. He’s careful as he approaches—a hunter to a doe—afraid that you’ll flee at any abrupt movement.
“These things die sometimes,” he tries, hesitant. “Not like it’s anyone’s fuckin’ fault every time a little flower dies—”
“It’s spring,” you interrupt, harsh. His words die in his throat. “Things don’t die in spring. They don’t.”
Bakugo’s lips press together thinly, unable to say more.
“I’ll wait for you at the front,” he finally says, turning on his heel. Only silence follows.
When he looks back, you haven’t moved an inch, still staring at the empty stem.
It’s midday now, the town finally fully roused, bustling with life. One of the older men is yelling at a shopkeeper over a few gold—Bakugo’s never particularly liked him, the drunkard. Mothers carry bundles of cloth, hanging their laundry in neat lines outside the cottages. Through the busy movement and passing noise, Bakugo can feel the attention drawing to your form. In a place like this, where every day yields the same faces and routines, people are bound to notice your presence. You seem genuinely happy to be in town, able to forget what transpired earlier, at least a little bit. Bakugo takes solace in that fact.
In the center square, the children run circles around Midoriya, one of the farmhands, laughter following in their wake. The green-haired man smiles, all freckles and teeth, dropping handfuls of sweet berries into their waiting hands.
“Don’t tell anyone I gave them to you, okay?” 
Midoriya’s eyes widen when his gaze lifts to you—it’s not often that you make an appearance here. The bow he offers you is rushed, a small portion of his harvest spilling over the edges of his basket. The berries roll down the paved path—Bakugo crushes them underfoot with a roll of his eyes.
“Thank you for your blessing,” Midoriya squeaks out, nervous. A smile tugs at your lips, gaze following an apple that falls from his basket.
“Don’t go wasting the harvest, then.”
He gasps, straightening out immediately, messily balancing the remaining produce within his grip as you try to hold back your laughter. More villagers bow as you pass, but not all seem to be particularly happy about it—the more devout ones eye you suspiciously. There are those types too, Bakugo knows; the ones who believe your existence a farce, your power a mere mockery of the true gods themselves.
A twinge of irritation unfurls in his chest at the thought—he may only be pious for show, but their palpable disrespect for you is vexing.
Still, you don’t seem to care, eyeing the various merchant stands as you walk.
“I think I want to buy some cake,” you say, holding a thoughtful finger to your lips, “the kind with the berries and the fresh cream.”
Your stare is expectant, and Bakugo’s eyes narrow. “Then go buy it, dumbass.”
“You’re not gonna buy it for me?”
“Why the hell would I buy it for you?”
You pout, arms crossed. “You’re frustrating.”
“You’re observant,” he replies mockingly. “Keep pissing me off, and I’ll take you straight home—”
A commotion rushes past you—a group of guards, sprinting, twisting and weaving through the meandering people. A faint scream echoes in the distance.
Bakugo’s brow furrows, and he takes a cursory step toward you, hand wrapping around your wrist. You look to him, panicked, but he doesn’t meet your stare; his gaze is quick, darting, searching for something. Everyone else had heard it too—a blanket of confusion and worry falls over the square.
One of the other guards—Sato—runs by, and Bakugo catches him by the shoulder, teeth gritted.
“What the hell is going on?” he demands, pulling you into his side. Sato’s bends at the waist, supporting himself on his knees.
“At the northern gates,” he heaves, out of breath. “The patrols came back with ill tidings, injuries.”
Your eyes widen, flickering to the sky—the sun is still up and bright, offering a false sense of protection. Tragedy doesn’t strike during the day, you think. Sato collects himself, salutes, and leaves.
“We have to go,” you say to Bakugo, hurried, ignoring the rest of the villagers who are escaping back into the safety of their homes. He looks pensive, hesitant—he knows he should check on the situation, but remains unsure if it would be safe for you. You try tugging him along, but his grip is much stronger than yours. “Come on!”
Bakugo hisses out a sigh, then runs, pulling you along. 
It’s all you can do to keep up with him, one hand lifting your robes as you try not to trip over them, try not to trip over the stone-paved paths. Bakugo takes you through one of the alleyways, avoiding the merchant’s circle—too many people, likely.
You can see the crowd faintly in the distance, a circle of people surrounding something under the arch of the northern gate. Bakugo curses at the sight, running faster; you curse in answer, trying to follow.
The people who recognize you part upon your approach, a tide receding; Bakugo follows closely at your back, one hand ready at his sword. You smell it before you see it—the metallic tang of blood and gore. It’s more potent as you run towards the source, and your lack of athleticism forces you to take deep gulps of the tainted air, lungs unable to handle the exertion. 
Just as one more person steps out of the way, you finally catch a glimpse of what sits in the center, a haunting image on a backdrop of dirtied stone.
It’s Ojiro lying there, eyelids heavy and fluttering. He clutches at a wound in his side, pierced straight through his armor, the bandage there already saturated with darkening blood. Shuzenji, the village doctor, is there too, crouched at his side—she’s too focused to look at you, barking orders at her apprentices and grinding herbs in her mortar and pestle. The crowd parts further still, and Bakugo has to catch you when you can finally see the damage in full.
Ojiro’s tail, his blessing, the power vested to him by the great gods, now a mere bloodied stump. It had been his pride and joy—a blessing was the badge of honor for every guard.
Bakugo says your name once, twice; it sounds far away, perhaps in another plane of reality. One where your friend hadn’t been mangled and nearly murdered.
“You gotta be strong,” Bakugo scolds in your ear, without any real bite. There are eyes on you, certainly. You try for your knees; they wobble beneath you, so he holds you at the waist a moment longer until you regain your balance. Even he seems disturbed, vermillion eyes blown wide in shock.
Be strong, you tell yourself, taking a step forward. You make eye contact with one of the children in the crowd, round cheeks reddened with tears. Be strong.
A few of the guards stand at the edge of the circle, silent. As you approach, Kirishima—another with a blessing, possessing skin like stone—is the first to turn to you, armor clanging in protest at his movement. The sword at his side flashes in the light, still shining with anointment—water steeped with florals and honey, and your prayer. It is a promise of protection, of safety from harm.
At least, it was.
“An oni,” he says, predicting your question. A few of the villagers gasp, imagining the grotesque creature encroaching on the borders of their small town—their haven. You shrink under their disapproving, fearful glares. “It came all the way to the meadow, just before the trees.”
Past the barrier.
Bile rises in your throat, rotting from the inside out. The meadow—the children like to play there in the warmer months, on days like today. You had only been fortunate that they had been occupied with other things; if they hadn’t—
Your fault. Your fault. Your fault.
“In daylight?” someone murmurs, a mother. She takes her child’s hand, pulls him into her skirt, trying to hide him from the carnage. A few others nod pensively, expressions marred with terror. The yokai are usually so easily deterred in the light, instead opting to slink around in the shadows of the forest. Never had they approached your village while the sun rode in the sky, not until today.
Another entrance rumbles through the crowd, a path cleaving down the center.
It’s Endeavor, the village head, closely followed by Shouto, his son, both tall enough that you can see them over the crowd before they reach the center. Bakugo releases his grip on you, bowing and saluting to the man as he passes, the other guards following suit.
Shouto assesses the damage with a careful eye, crouching down before Ojiro’s mutilated form. He turns to Iida first, one of the captains. “This morning?”
The dark-haired man nods, teeth gritted, unable to meet the other’s eyes. You note the deep gash on his cheek, then another on his leg—he must’ve been involved in the fight as well. 
“Yes, just as we were coming back to switch patrols,” he explains. His eyes flit to you, guilty for what he is about to say. “I’m…not sure how they made it past the barrier.”
It draws everyone’s attention to you instantly—Bakugo steps closer to you, a reflex. Your bottom lip tugs between your teeth, fingers curled into the front of your robes. Endeavor raises a brow, an action that makes your stomach drop to your feet.
A moment passes, and Shouto calls your name, soft, testing.
The stares of the villagers feel sharp and suffocating—the feeling gnaws at you, deep in your bones.
“I…I don’t know why,” you admit, ashamed. Endeavor’s blazing stare does not leave you.
Bakugo looks to you, trembling lips and watering eyes, then to Ojiro. His jaw tightens, eyes sliding shut and hands clasped before him.
For the first time in his life, Bakugo genuinely prays.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Convergence: To continue the trend of turning the dekusquad into stereotypically evil things, you could have Tsuyu turn into a kappa; since Eri is a oni, then other yokai are a possibility. Though from my understanding kappa are more turtle-themed then frog-themed so it might not be the best fit either.
On a different note, I feel like bakugo shouldn’t end up affected by any CE’s and should stay a ‘regular’ human. For maximum contrast between his ridiculous delusions and everyone else.
Bakugou should absolutely somehow avoid CEs because this greatly amuses me
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reveseke · 2 years
Floor time
Soo it was supposed to be a oneshot, but it turned out to be a blurb bc i lost interest half way through lol .
Uhh.. hope y'all enjoy some floor time with nomu! bakugo? Also excuse me if you find any grammar mistakes or misspells I'm not first-language English speaker :D .
Genre — [ ??? Idk tbh ]
Characters — [ Nomu! Bakugo Katsuki | Reader ]
Additional — [ reader has a background & quirk | Yokai mention | He him reader | Male/masc aligned! reader | Bakugo is addressed as Beast, Nomu and with it/he/they pronouns ]
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
Ring-a-ding the desk bell rang in the dead of the night. Waking up the half-a-sleep boy from his slumber, a trail of drool down his chin wiped off as he pushed himself off of the desk he had so graciously nodded off.
Wandering out of the staff backrooms with annoyed groan as R took a look at the shop side. Ready to warn the comer that hey the shops actually closed he stopped in his tracks before getting a peep out of him.
Shifting rather uncomfortably in its wake a tall easily a little too big for the shop dragonic creature with a wild mane of cherry red and blond stood behind the staff desk. Nuzzling the desk bell like it's life depended on it, while pushing it down too much so it didn't continue to ring, stopping in it's tracks as R came to view.
The two looked at each other.
One of dumbfound and still sleep hazed and the second with pure need of assistance and curiousity, one could say.
It wasn't every night a creature on its own would wander around the streets of Japan, but never was it unheard of. Now R thought it was some kind of a Yokai or an oriental dragon even, but clearly how the creature behaved and looked had him doubting wether or not it actually was a natural one. Taking a broom to provide a sense of false security for himself R took a calm rather stuttering step towards it– him? Them?
" can I help .. you? "
The words came out confidently for the first half before the dragonic creature that now looking at it closely resembled more a Nomu than any other creature he had seen. His confidence was faltering every waking second that looked clearer and clearer every tic of the clock. The broom that had been turned upside down slowly swung back down, not finding the strength to actually use it as fear weighted his limbs down.
R had a fucking nomu in the shop? The realization sank rapidly in as his body started to lock up. Feeling heavy with a soft cautious blur in his vision he looked at the curiously head tilting nomu.
" Mrrp "
... pausing for a second, it sounded like a cat when it tilted it's head to the side and brought it back up like a curious dog hearing a sound. It's mane easily swayed with it's movements, brushing the dirty ceiling as it rested a clawed .. hand? On the counter like it was going to climb it up. It merely looked curious while eyeing the broom in Rs hands and his paler than a minute ago face.
The poor boy looked like he had seen a fjcking ghost all of the sudden. And nobody would have thought a second time.
It actually would have been hilarious to watch, if it was anybody else.
" uhm.. "
Gulping down the panic that set slowly within his body. The boy trembled lightly with a step to the back followed by another clawed paw? Hand on the counter.
It was going to come up to him!
Raising the broom up as it lunged, clawed paws shoving the boy down with a yelp from R. The broom snapped under it's weight against his chest in mere seconds. Vision blurring with a surge of white as it left the boy dazed and confused under the beast. Back of the head aching, a headache brewing as he came to completely; having hit his head on the ground due to the nomu pushing him down. Arms trapped to his chest by a massive clawed paw, the nomu pushed it's muzzle to his neck for a brief second to nuzzle before going at his face with long stripe of licks.
It felt like a cat's tongue just scratching his skin at it lapped happily at him like a dog. It seemed to sway a bit on its feet, the nomu let out an another mrrp sound as it went over the counter as it's back of the body was still on the shop's side. Once it had it's full body behind the counter, knocking something off at the same time that clattered on the ground did it actually just blob down on top of R!
A minute or two of silence, R felt warm as the beast now laying on top of him was surprisingly warm to the touch. The sense of dread had started to find a way to escape as he found something in the nomu's looks familiar. The cherry red tint of the mane with blond tips, the eyes that proved hard to read for the lack of pupil still looking curious and full of emotion. The nomu felt relaxed, at peace one could say once it stopped.
Sighing rather heavily, the contrast of the heated scales of the nomu and the stone floor felt nice against R's back. A little shaken up he was determined that the nomu wouldn't do anything to him as he let the beast lay a top him.
Floor time it is.
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Adsumus by cryptidcrawly
Izuku, a demon, really likes humans (+ their quirks!) and finally gets a chance to live in the human world…only, celestial laws are very complicated and if he breaks any while on the mortal plane he's in big trouble (having his soul yeeted into the unending oblivion kind of trouble).
Queen Inko, ruler of Hell, just wants her son to be happy. All Might wants to find a (human?) successor for OFA. AFO wants to kill All Might. Painfully. And Bakugo Katsuki just wants a fucking break. Unfortunately for all of them, once Izuku's finally seen the human world, all the demon prince wants to do is be a hero.
Alt: Demon Prince Izuku comes to the human world, pretends to be human, attends UA, and wants to be a hero. He doesn't have a quirk but he does have his demonic power, which would be even better except if he gets caught using them he'll be facing a fate worse than death.
Words: 2795, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, League of Villains, Kaneshiro Ayana | Recluse (OC)
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Not Seriously, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Alternate Universe - Yokai, okay so basically it's set in the normal bnha storyline but demons, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Humor, Silly, bakugo and midoriya have a good relationship, Prince Midoriya Izuku, Demon Midoriya Izuku, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, there's a lot of fucking around and finding out, crack no hurt, Queerplatonic Relationships, Background Relationships, eventual background relationships of erasermight and bakugo/ochako if you squint, first we cause problems, then we cause more problems, General Education Department Midoriya Izuku, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Inko is a queen, LITERALLY, MITSUKI IS A DEMON, also literally, non-abrahamic demons and angels, just FYI
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44611708
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lizzie-wendigo · 9 months
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Previously shown on patreon, I present to you Shiro Bakugo as a UA student.
If you don't know the context, I'll explain it briefly:
The Gashadokuro is a yokai from Japanese folklore. According to legends, this spirit in the shape of a giant 30-meter skeleton, are ghosts of people who died of hunger and cannot rest in peace. So by nature they feed on human flesh, but in a very brutal way. ----------------------------------------------------
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yesterdaylovedme · 2 years
RPers Sought via Discord
I am seeking canon x canon ships for fandoms via discord. This will be a 1x1 situation. I am happy to double! For my ships, please reach out for information as many are crack/unusual. I do tend to stick to MxF romances but if we're doubling up and one pair is MxF, I'm open to adding a same-sex pair. When I double, I use a word counter to make sure posts are equal. I don't require this of my partners as long as they look similar in effort. Should favoritism begin to appear, I'll express concerns but if it happens often, I'm going to end the RP.
My posts tend to be several paragraphs (I guess the term might be novella or advanced literate) in third person, past tense. When on Discord, it's not unusual to take a few messages to complete my post but I do indicate with a (c or cont) if it's continued and end with an (end) to indicate that it's all complete. Due to post sizes being lengthy, I tend to give about 2-3 posts a week. Often more but I would say that's a pace I'm happy with getting from a partner. We all have lives. I'm not going to hound anyone to post unless it's been like, a month. People get busy or bored. It happens. That said, I love a lively OOC where we get to know one another and converse freely even if posts come at a slower pace. I'd rather hear about disinterest and work to fix it, than have resentment or complacency build behind the scenes.
NSFW stuff is bound to happen within moderation and with proper development. My RPs are very gradual, slow burn. I'm in this for the long haul and I expect my partner to be as well. Communication ensures longevity and interest.
My discord: MK Meringue }#0169
When messaging me, please tell me where you found my username and what you're interested in discussing, otherwise odds are I won't reply. Nothing more strange than just getting a 'hi' from a stranger online. Again, my ships are a little off-beat so if we chat and find we're not looking for the same thing, no harm. It never hurts to ask.
Looking for RPers for the following fandoms:
Alice in Borderland
I can write as An, Kuina, Arisu, Usagi. I'm looking for a Chishiya or Arisu. As a note, I am happy to drop other canons (like from Yu Yu Hakusho for example) into this universe if that is of interest.
The Queen's Gambit
I can write as Beth, Jolene, Harry, Townes. I'm looking for a Benny or Harry. A crossover with Godless could be fun.
Fire Emblem Three Houses
I can write as Hilda, Flayn, Yuri, Hapi, Dimitri, Annette, Hubert. I'm looking for a Seteth, Claude, Hubert, Linhardt, Lorenz or Edelgard. Adding Fates characters might be fun here.
Gravity Falls
I can write as Mabel, Stan, Candy, Tambry, Gideon. I'm looking for a Ford, Dipper, Wendy. I DO NOT WRITE DIPCIFICA! Crossover with SVTFOE or Amphibia possible.
I can write as Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Sasuke, Naruto. I'm looking for a Shikamaru, Ino or Temari.
Game of Thrones
I can write as Sansa, Arya, Cat, Theon, Tyrion. I'm looking for a Joffrey, Ned, Theon or Jon.
I can write as Momo, Todoroki, Ochako, Bakugo, Denki, Melissa. I'm looking for a Todoroki, Bakugo, All Might, Eraserhead, Tsuyu, Ochako.
Pokemon SV
I can write as Nemona, Arven, Iono, Larry. I'm looking for an Arven or Nemona.
Death Note
I can write as Light, Misa, Naomi, Sayu. I'm looking for an L.
I can write as Suki, Aang, Toph, Azula, Zuko. I am looking for a Zuko, Aang or Katara.
Harry Potter
I can write as Hermione, Ron, Luna. I am looking for a Harry or Cho.
Yu Yu Hakusho
I can write as Yusuke, Botan, Koenma, Koto, Kuwabara, Genkai. I am looking for a Kurama, Koenma, Keiko or Hiei.
Fruits Basket
I can write as Kagura, Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, Hana, Momiji, Kisa, Shigure. I am looking for a Hatori, Momiji, Haru, Kisa, Ayame, or Tohru.
Phineas and Ferb
I can write as Isabella or Candace. I am looking for a Ferb.
Honorable mentions: Dot Hack, Kaleido Star, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Yokai Watch, The Hunger Games, Final Space, The Orville, Star Trek or Doctor Who.
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
Midoriya: Female Black Astrex Rabbit named Yuna(meaning Kindness)
Ochako: Male Brown Capped Rosy Finch named Newton(after Issac Newton who invented the theory of gravity)
Iida: Female White Cheetah with blue eyes named Tenchi(means Heaven and earth I've noticed The Iida brothers have Ten in their name I found the female version)
Tsuyu: Male Dark Green Tree Frog named Ren(means Lotus)
Todoroki: A female Snow Leopard named Yukina(means Fortune and Endure I know Yuki means snow but I thought this fit him better)
Bakugo: A lioness named Homare(meaning Victory, Glory, and reputation)
Kirishima: Female Pangolin named Akane (means Deep Red I debated wether to give him a Pangolin a crocodile or a Komodo Dragon I decided on a Pangolin because it looks cute and approachable and fit him better)
Kaminari: Female Electric Eel named Nariko(meaning thunder I decided he has a portable rectangle tank on his arm for her)
Sero: Female Brazilian Black and white tarantula named Jorōgumo(meaning woman spider a Yokai that can transform into a beautiful woman)
Mina: Male Aruba Island Rattlesnake named Haru(meaning born in Spring I didn't know a Pink Rattlesnake existed until now I was looking for a pink snake and if it didn't exist it'd be a Pink Toe tarantula I was pleasantly surprised it's also extremely venomous I was so Happy🌸🐍 I learned something new)
Jirou: Male Panda bat 🐼🦇 named Hibiki(meaning Echo panda bats are adorable they are black and white like a panda so cute)
Yaoyorozu: Female Asian Small-Clawed Otter name Ume (meaning Apricot because Momo means Peach I wanted to include fruit also Otters are highly intelligent)
Aoyama: Female White French Poodle 🐩 named Belle (means Beautiful in French I wanted to really emphasize his French heritage)
Tokoyami: Female Crow named Amaya(meaning Night Rain it's just goth enough with a poetic touch and one of my favorite Japanese names)
Shouji: Female Octopus 🐙 named Kairi(meaning Ocean Village I like to think she'd be in a tank on his back)
Ojiro: Female Capuchin Monkey named Kiai(meaning energy or mood and is used as a shout during an attacking move in Japanese martial arts I myself have an red belt in Akido but Ojiro uses Karate)
Hagakure: Male Chameleon named Akio(meaning bright a tribute to her light attack)
Koda: Female White Bunny named Yuwai(I have no idea what it means but it's the name of his bunny)
Sato: Female American Belgian Draft Horse named Anzu(meaning sweet Child not only are American Belgian Draft Horse the strongest horse in the world they fit his color scheme and love Sugar)
Shinso: A Female Russian Blue Cat Named Kiko(meaning Hope it's what got Shinso through to being a hero he never lost hope)
Aizawa: A Female Black Jaguar named Mamoru(meaning Protector I think it fits well panther means melanistic cat I had to be specific)
Yamada: Female Sulphur Crested Cockatoo named Setsuko(meaning melody I read a fanfiction where he lives his life seeing music In everything and I never went back)
Midnight: Male Black Cougar named Ayumu(meaning walking dream and it couldn't be more perfect I chose a cougar because I could come on you get the joke 😂 but also black cougars don't exist but damn it I'll make them exist)
All Might: Male Lion named Musketeer(One for All joke 😂 I had to)
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monst · 2 months
The Bakugou x reader part of your old yokai AU wasn’t romantic in the slightest
it feels like a huge let down to not include any romance in a literal romance fic
made me want to punch Bakugo tbh
Yeah no your right that was a rough read 😂😂 but also it was supposed to be a multi part series that would've led up to romance so.... Yeah 😗
0 notes
Kitsune! Kaminari x Reader: Stealing Your Heart.
This isn’t attached to the yokai universe that I made right here ... but if you enjoy this maybe check that au out where there are lots of monster boys to enjoy?
Warning: nsfw content, incredibly wholesome and fun magical content ahead as well to enjoy during stressful times.
“You know, your father has asked you to join him this morning.” You sat in front of the mirror while the maid brushed your hair and prepped you for the day. “Oh? Has he returned already?” She tightened the ribbon on your dress a little tighter and your back straightened. “You didn’t think he would miss your birthday, did you?”
Truthfully you’re not sure if he would even remember. He hadn’t talked to you much lately, he has traveled so often that it feels like he hasn’t been home in ages.
“I suppose I should head toward his study.” You plastered a smile on your face and bowed politely to your hand maid. You slid the door open and stepped to the hall. “I think he might actually be in the garden having tea. I’d look there first.”
Servants bowed as you smiled and floated through the halls of your fathers beautiful estate. Expensive artwork hung on the walls with flowers and vases. People were busy, sprucing everything up. It was strange to see so many servants working so early. Who were all these people?
Everyone stopped their work abruptly to catch a glimpse of you. The flower of the valley, the angel of the west river village.
You hated those nicknames. They followed you everywhere you went, some meant it as a compliment.
The further you walked, the more people hurried around. You passed by the kitchen, a full crew of cooks and cleaners were rushing, preparing a feast.
“Father?” A servant opened the door to the garden for you and the beautiful morning light hit your face.
“Ah, good morning Y/N. I think it would appropriate to wish you a happy birthday.” Your father sat among the flowers, a beautiful persimmon tree blossomed above his head. He took a sip of tea and motioned for you to sit beside him.
“Thank you father.”
The air felt heavy. You used to run and play with your father and mother through this garden, but it hardly feels like you can hold a conversation with him now.
After another long sip of tea your father spoke again. “You might have noticed it’s rather busy around here. A lot of preparation is going into your birthday dinner. I’ve invited a lot of interesting and important people to join us.”
“How kind father, thank you.” You hadn’t touched the tea, or the food in front of you. A knot twisted in your stomach, something was wrong.
“In fact...” He cleared his throat and set his tea cup down kind of harshly, his hands were shaking. Not may things could phase your father, this must be serious.
“You’re getting older now, and I think it’s in your best interest if you enter a marriage.”
You knew better than to react with dramatics. You hardly drew in a breath.
“And you have someone in mind?” Your eyes stung. You wanted to cry, but you have known your role in life for a long time. You were pulled from school at a young age, told that it wasn’t necessary for you to keep studying.
Soon after the restriction to stay on the property was put in place.
You haven’t left the estate in years.
“Of course, I have someone arranged. I’m confident you’ll find a good life with him.” Your father didn’t look you in the eye, a bead of sweat was forming at his hair line. “I know that he will keep you safe.”
It wasn’t often you spoke out of turn, but your father as powerful as he is, was never cruel to you. You were able to speak your mind when other people weren’t around to see it as disrespect. “Father I feel like something else might be wrong...” You put your hand over his callused knuckles and pleaded with your eyes. He was a tall, stoic and often vicious man, but he was easily melted by his only child's big eyes. He took a deep breath and let his shoulders relax.
“I’m worried for you my angel.” He placed his other hand over top of yours. “A lot of people want you steal you away from me.”
You weren’t expecting him to say anything like that. You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean? Nobody could ever take me from you father, we’ll always be family.”
His face turned dark, gripping your hand a bit tighter. “It’s a bit more complicated than that. Please, just trust me. I need you to go back to your room until tomorrow evening. You’ll meet your new husband at the party, and you’ll leave with him.”
You pulled your hand away from him. “You want me to stay inside of my room? What do you mean I’m leaving with him?” Your voice cracked a bit, losing your composure. Your father stood from the table and turned his back to you, walking to the house. “Father stop! This is happening too quickly I-” You rushed to him and grabbed his shoulder.
He brushed you off, knocking you back. It wasn’t enough to hurt you, but it stung. He glared over his shoulder at you. “You’ll do as your told. I will not stress that enough.”
You weren’t one to usually pout, but your heart felt like it was breaking. Why is he being so cold to you? The tears spilled onto your cheeks and your lip quivered.
You pushed past your father and rushed to your room.
Men that are usually found close to your father stood leaning against the wall to your room. They carried swords and wore a mask over their mouths. One opened the door and you stepped inside with grace, not willing to make yourself look anymore foolish than you already felt. The minute the door slid shut behind you, you rushed right to your window and opened it, throwing your legs over the edge and climbing down with ease.
You know the property like the back of your hand, you head straight for the line of trees.
The forest air felt so different than the rest of the grounds, the thick tree’s were unmanicured and wild, filled with beautiful song birds. Rabbits ran through the bushes and you felt that familiar feeling in your chest.
The feeling of finally feeling like yourself, like you’re whole.
You didn’t think you had been walking for very long, but you gasped when you noticed the collapsing stone wall.
The property line.
Your heart rate picked up and you made a quick, and possibly irresponsible decision and approached the wall. It had been so long sense you had left the estate, would it really hurt anything if you took a quick look at the village one last time.
The village wasn’t much further away, you walked along a stone road and felt your stomach growl. The sky looked like it was late afternoon by now, you really had been out for awhile. A slight ping of anxiety tightened in your chest, had they already noticed you were gone and sent people after you?
Your frustration was more powerful than your concern for your father. You pushed on, walking a bit faster.
The village smelled amazing. Bakers wafted the smell of their goods into the street, tempting people in the market to stop by for a bite. Piles of exotic goods lined the markets in stalls, everything was colorful and exciting.
A tavern was filled with people, some spilling out into the street with red faces from drinking too much. You walked by, slowing down a bit to take a peak inside. A beautiful trio of women sang and some people were dancing. You felt the drive to join them and pushed your way inside. You were twirling with strangers in a matter of seconds. You giggled, your feet carrying you around in circles to the music.
Like a shot of lightning struck you, your feet stopped. You were suddenly in someones arms. The hair on your neck stood straight up. The man took your hand and spun you around, but pulled you back close again. He put his mouth to your ear and whispered. “People are following you. Don’t make a scene and follow me.”
His hands were soft but strong. You looked at his face and the air caught in your throat. His eyes were the melted color of gold, his face was boyish and cute. He winked at you and spoke loudly. “A bite to eat? Of course it is about dinner time isn’t it.” He pulled you to his side, holding his arm around your waist. You instinctively leaned into him, feeling oddly comforted by having him close. A door in the back of the tavern was slightly open, he pushed it open with his toe and started to step outside. “Hey you!” A barmaid yelled. “You haven’t paid your tab!” She was pointing at you. Your face burned bright red as everyone in the bar stopped, even the musicians to look at you. “I- I haven’t ordered anything.” You tried to explain. The man smiled and stepped in front of you. “No worries, how much does the little maiden owe you?” He pulled a leather pouch out of his pocket and dropped it on the counter. The barmaid opened it and scowled. “Is this a joke? These are gold pieces!”
“Does that cover the bill?” The barmaid anxiously looked over her shoulder at a group of men who were standing ominously in the corner. They walked out of the front door and the barmaid smiled. “Yeah! This will cover all of this months rent!”
The man rushed you out of the back door, he quickly pulled you into an alleyway. The reality of what just happened started to sink into your stomach as you looked around and noticed the two of you were alone.
“We need to keep moving.” He said quietly. He grabbed your hand and you pulled away from him. “W-wait!” You tried to steady your feet and look tough. You smoothed a wrinkle from your skirt and crossed your arms. “That’s far enough I think.” You said with only the slightest hint of fear in your voice. “Who are you?” You asked firmly. “One of my fathers goons trying to drag me back home?”
“I think the better question is, who are you princess? Kind of strange to find a nice girl looking girl like you with a bunch yokai hanging off of her.” He looked over your shoulder. You quickly turned around and saw a few black feathers falling to the ground. “We seriously need to go, right now.” The golden haired boy held out his hand. “I’m not working for your father. You have to trust me.”
Shadows crept into the alleyway, the black figure moved unnaturally along the walls.
You grabbed his hand and a rush of wind surrounded you two. His appearance changed. Two perky black ears grew out of his lengthy yellow hair. His face was just a bit more angular, like his cheek were sitting a bit higher on his face. He smiled a grin and pulled you into his arms. His teeth were sharp and you realized that the man who had come to your rescue was hardly a man at all.
He was a kitsune, a fox demon.
With a jump the two of you were in the sky, you held in a scream as the village disappeared below you. You hid your face in his shoulder, realizing you might have a fear of heights. “Hold on, things might get a little sticky!” He shouted over the wind. You looked up and saw three huge birds following you two.
They were approaching fast. The giant, gorgeous raven wings surrounded not the body of a bird, but a human. You’d heard of such a creature before. They were tengu.
Before you could even blink the two of you were surrounded. “Kaminari! Who would imagine you’d somehow nose your way into this. Who would have ever thought the biggest dunce I know would get the drop on me?” The man had blonde hair that was brushed down flat over his forehead. He grinned and folded his arms while his wings beat behind him. “Hand over the girl. You’re not worthy to touch such a valuable asset.”
“She’s not an asset, she’s a person Monoma. I’m taking her home!”
The blonde started laughing so hard he gripped his stomach. He wiped away an exaggerated tear from underneath a silver eye and pointed at us. “Oh so you want to look like a hero, huh? We both know that you’re here for the same reason as I am. Now hand over my bride, her father is looking for her.”
A white hot rage boiled over inside of you. “I am not your bride! What do you people want from me?”
The kitsune called Kaminari stiffened a bit under your touch. “You really don’t know?”
“What don’t I know! Someone tell me what’s going on!”
“What’s ‘going on’ is that your father promised you to me. This rat is trying to kidnap you, and you’re playing right into it.” The two other tengu suddenly charged, trying to rip you from Kaminari’s arms. You screamed and flailed, trying to keep everyone’s hands from gripping onto you. Kaminari lost his grip and the other two tengu didn’t manage to get a good hold on you.
You couldn’t do anything but scream as you plummeted back down to Earth.
A heavy black cloud clapped with thunder over head, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky.
No, it didn’t come from the cloud. A blast of electricity burst from Kaminari.
The three tengus started to fall from the sky before turning into slightly larger than normal black birds, and taking off. You watched them fly away as you fell. You closed your eyes, bracing for impact.
The wind stopped hitting your back harshly, you shot your eyes open and saw that you were a few feet from the ground, falling so much slower than before.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around you, plucking you from the air.
You and Kaminari are on the ground, he’s holding you just above the dirt, keeping you steady.
“Are you alright?” He touched your face, his eyes were filled with sincere concern.
You threw your arms around his neck. “You saved my life!” You squeezed him hard and he sort of groaned as the air was pushed out of him. “Oof- hehe.” He smiled and put a hand on the back of your head. “Of course I did. Nobody deserves to be harassed by that pack of assholes.” He chuckled a bit.
“Who are you?” You asked staring up at his handsome face, your arms still wrapped around his neck. “I’m Kaminari Denki. You probably guessed I’m not a human.” He set you down properly on the ground. “Those tengus are probably going to get reinforcements.” He looked up at the sky. “There’s no use in trying to hide you, they’ll smell you from miles away.” He took your hand and headed straight for the forest line. “That man said he knew my father. And he just let me fall...” You said with disgust.
“Well, my electricity didn’t give them much of a choice. I wouldn’t have let you hit the ground, even if they had my hands tied behind my back.” He said with a cute grin. The two of you walked off of the pathway in the woods, using the tree line as cover just to make yourselves feel a bit better. Kaminari was a light hearted person. He walked relaxed like he wasn’t intimidated by the situation at all.
You worried that he could get hurt, and it would be your fault.
“Kaminari?” You stopped walking. He turned to you with a puzzled expression. “You can call me Denki. Are you feeling okay?” He put a hand on your shoulder.
“Yes I’m feeling just fine but... I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I think I should probably walk back to my fathers alone.”
“Those bird brains can’t do anything to me. You don’t have to worry about that.” His smile was like looking at sunshine. He didn’t seem the most refined, or even really incredibly mature. But you liked him for it. He seemed more genuine than the elite your family surrounds themselves with. “But why are you protecting me?”
“Well, I guess it’s kind of complicated.” He scratched his left ear and thought for a moment. “I’m a bit older than you, well. A lot older than you really.” He took your hand and lead you to keep walking. The evening glow was beautiful, the sun was setting a fiery red over the valley. “I made a promise to a good friend of mine that I would keep an eye on you. I want you to be happy.”
“Well you don’t have to worry, my father would never force me to marry a demon! Especially not one like that.”
Kaminari looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Y/N...”
“Why are you looking at me so funny? I didn’t mean any offense! I just think my father would prefer to set me up with someone of my own species.” You teased him by pinching his arm.
“Aren’t you Lord Aizawa’s daughter?” He asked with all seriousness.
“My father isn’t a Lord. He’s a business man.” You weren’t smiling anymore. “But yes his name is Aizawa. Shouta Aizawa.” You crossed your arms, not sure about where this is going. “Well what kind of business does your father conduct?” Kaminari asked, no longer looking phased. You thought for a moment. “Uhm, I think that he owns some businesses in the village.” You said with little confidence. Truth be told you’re not entirely sure what your father does. You were told not to ask too many questions. That it wasn’t your place. “Ah. Well in my life I’ve learned that you don’t make money like that collecting rent from a few market shops.”
“The Lord that owns this part of the country lives over the mountains in the capital. My father is not royalty.”
“Your father isn’t a lot of things. However, he is royalty.” The kitsune danced around you, not able to keep still for long. He moved on his feet, the forest brush hardly effecting him as he floated over anything that might cause him to trip.
“Why would my father not tell me that we’re royalty. I feel like I would know.”
“Why wouldn’t your father tell you that he isn’t human?”
You stopped walking. “Well what do you suppose he is then?”
“Why don’t we go ask him?” You looked over his shoulder, not too far away was the stone wall that separated your fathers property from the rest of the woods. “See a normal person would see that wall, take a step over it and still be in the same forest.” He jogged ahead and launched himself over the wall.
The kitsune disappeared. You rushed to the wall and reached your hand out feeling the air for him.
He was gone. The wall is short, you stepped over the stone pretty easily and found yourself looking right at your new friend. “How did you do that?”
“That’s the barrier between our world, and the human world. I feel sort of guilty being the one showing you all of this. It’s not really like your father not to be brutally honest about things.”
The two of you walked the rest of the way back to the estate. It was crawling with people shouting. The moment the two of you stepped from the tree line you were swarmed.
“What do you think you were doing leaving the property the moment I told you to stay put?” Your father was kneeling in front of the fire place. You were changed out of your dirty dress and into your silk night robe. “I’m hurt to think you would try and run away.”
“Father I-”
“Silence.” He didn’t bother to yell, he rarely had too. “Everything I do is to give you the perfect life, and you would rather run to a village of thugs and thieves?”
“I would never run away from you father.” You said quietly. He looked at you with his stone cold face, but his eyes softened. “I just wanted to get fresh air. See the village one last time before you sent me away.”
You began to cry. You haven’t cried in front of your father in a long time.
He wiped at your cheek. “I’m sending you away because you’re very special. A lot of people want you for themselves, I can’t see you hurt by someone not worthy of you.”
“So you’re marrying me off to a tengu that let me fall from the sky?” You tipped your chin away from his hand. He was surprised by your sudden shift in mood.
Aizawa leaned back and took a deep breath.
“Father tell me the truth.”
Your father gazed at the painting of your mother hanging above the fire place. “I fell in love with the shrine maiden who took care of this place, a long time ago. With her love and affection, we built this temple into a loving home.” He wanted to reach out and touch your face, maybe even hold you like he did when you were a little girl. “We tried to give you a normal life, your mother even enrolled you in that school. She wanted you to have a taste of what it would be like to be a human. But even then people knew you were different.”
“But why am I different?” You didn’t feel different. You felt like any other girl.
“You are half human, and you are half god. My daughter, fitting of the name angel of the valley.”
“So does that mean...?” You stared at your father. He didn’t seem like a god.
He widened his eyes and they glowed red, his hair floating around him.
“I am the God of Intellect and Strategy. A commonly forgotten God, but remembered by those who deserve my blessing.”
“After you were born, in a moment of joy I promised to all in the land that whoever married my daughter, their clan would find great prosperity and wealth. My word as a god was taken as prophecy, binding you to a very tricky fate.” He sighed. “You will marry the tengu. His clan has many in numbers, and you’ll be safe.”
You couldn’t sleep that night. You tossed in your bed, your feet are exhausted, your whole body is, but your mind is running a mile a minute.
You sat up abruptly when you heard a tap at the window.
The Kitsune was leaning against your window sill in the moonlight. “Hey princess, it’s cold out here. Can I come in?” He said a bit too loud.
“What? No! My fathers security will kill you if they find you in here!” You whispered with a silly smile on your face.
“Aw come on I have a trick for that!” He pulled a white piece of paper from his pocket. It had a jaggedly drawn circle in the middle, with a few crude and terribly drawn stars. “That is a childs drawing.” You giggled. “My art skills aren’t the best, but my magic is top notch princess. Once I place this on the door, anyone with the intention of checking in on you will get the idea that they don’t want to disturb you, and walk away!” He smiled and held the paper between two fingers near your face, giving it a bit of a wag. “Now scooch over! I’m freezing!” He floated into your room, his feet hitting the ground with a very light tap. He glanced from the floor to the ceiling. “It’s sort of plain in here, I would have imagined it to be a lot more fancy. Seeing you’re the child of a god and all.” He waltzed right past you and climbed into your bed, covering himself with your blanket. “That’s my bed you can’t sleep there.” You stood looking down at the plush mat on the floor. He flicked the paper towards the door, the magic slip flew and stuck to the slide. The cracks in the door glowed with a golden light for a moment, sealing shut. “What you don’t trust me to sleep beside you and behave?” He asked, feigning like he was offended. “I’ll have you know that I’m a very trust worthy fox demon. I’m an upstanding gentleman and I would only ever ravage a lady, for the entirety of a night who was completely begging me for it.” He rolled his eyes up to meet yours and winked. “And they always do.”
You blushed from the tip of your head to your chest. “I would never do such a thing. How indecent.” You sat down on the mattress with a huff. Why did a ping of jealousy strike your stomach when he mentioned ravaging other ladies? You scolded yourself for being silly. “I wouldn’t expect you too. I have a feeling you’re probably a bit of a prude.” He said with his hands behind his head. He relaxed into the pillow with his eyes closed. “What does that mean?” You asked, feeling even more embarrassed. He popped one eye open to look at your pouting face. He smirked. “It means that you’re the type of person who is shocked by anything that has to do with sex.”
You stuttered. “I- that’s not true!” You laid your head down on your pillow in frustration and turned yourself away from him. “Oh it isn’t?” He placed his hand gently on the back of your shoulder, touching a bit of exposed skin. His face lingered over your cheek, his lips almost touching you. You turned just a bit to look at him, your throat tightened and butterflies erupted in your stomach. He leaned forward like he might kiss you. “See I knew it! You look like you just saw a ghost.” He rolled off of you back onto his pillow with a laugh.
You sat up quickly and grabbed his face. You gently put your lips on his, giving him your first kiss. The kitsune didn’t move, his eyes wide with shock.
You laid nicely back down on your side of the bed with a wicked smile. Happy with yourself, you closed your eyes and settled in.
“Thought you did something cute there? Well now it’s my turn.” He hovered over you, his smile filled with those sharp teeth, his eyes blazing. You melted into your pillow with his kiss. He parted your lips and pressed down firmly, pinning you down to the bed with his hips. He ran his fingers along your side, feeling every detail hiding under the silk. You gripped onto his hair, waves of heat pulsing through every inch of you. The kiss turned even more passionate, the two of you breaking free for quick gasps of air. You spoke between kisses, not wanting to stop but trying to use your head. “Denki- I- I’m getting married tomorrow!” He buried his head in your neck. “I don’t care.” He growled against your skin and bit down. Your whimper turned into a moan as he started to suck on the sore spot. He pulled away and looked at the already darkening circle he left on you. “Aw well, you’ll have a new beauty mark for your big day.” He chuckled and pulled at the ribbon holding your robe closed, exposing your body to him in the dark. “I wonder where else I can leave a few surprises for the tengu king?” He traced down your skin and kissed your chest.
“I’ll never give myself to him. He disgusts me!” Chills ran up and down your body as he kissed down your chest. “Your body is so beautiful. I could kiss you every night for a thousand years and never get tired of you.” He licked your naval, running his tongue back up your body making you shudder. He laughed. “But I did say that I would behave, didn’t I?” He had his thumb hooked to your delicate panties. He desperately wanted to rip them off of you, the animal inside of him screaming to devour you. You flashed a look at him, remembering his words of hearing women beg. “Ah, what a shame. I guess we should get some sleep.” Your voice was laced with lust.
The kitsune laughed, liking that he had to work a little harder. “Haven’t you ever heard that it isn’t wise to trust the word of a fox demon?” He put his fingers around your neck and applied a little pressure. “I want you Y/N, I want you to run away with me.” His hips spread your legs, he pressed himself firmly against you and started to grind. “We can travel the world. Just the two of us, live free and happy.” Your eyes felt heavy, you closed them and listened to his passionate words. “Maybe settle down one day to start our own clan, a family. Not because your father told us too.” He kissed your jaw gently. “But because you want too.”
You wrapped your arms around him and the two of you kissed in the moonlight, your heart feeling full. “We should leave before daylight.” You said dreamily.
“I’ll leave your father a letter and I’ll take you before anybody knows that we’re gone.” The two of you sealed the deal with another kiss. “There’s one thing before we go my darling.” Kaminari said directly into your ear. “It’s your smell, I need to make you smell less like a demi god and more like a kitsune.” He kissed your ear lobe. You looked at him puzzled. “Well how do you do that?”
You mewled softly while holding onto your lovers shoulders. His length pulled in and out of you with an even, slow pace to keep you from feeling too sore. He held you tightly, kissing every inch of your face with every stroke. “Does it feel alright still love?” He said with heavy breath. You nodded your head, feeling overwhelmed in all your senses. “Your sounds are so sweet-” He was panting, his climax building. “I can barely take it-” You hardly heard him, feeling the venom of passion coursing through you and making you feel hypnotized. With a last thrust his knot tightened, swelling inside of you and shooting hot ropes into your body. He held that position, kissing you and nibbling at your neck. 
You took a small bag of belongings with you, the most notable thing being a bracelet of your mothers. You dressed in dark clothing, placing a hood over your head. You felt so tired, wanting to relax with Kaminari for just awhile longer.
“I know you’re sleepy, love. There’s an inn a few towns from here. I’ll get us there quickly, and have you in a warm bed by a fire soon enough.” He kissed your forehead and took you in his arms, bridal style. He stood on the edge of your window, looking up at the night sky.
He promised your mother all those years ago that he would never let anything bad happen to you. And well, the best thing for you in Kaminari’s mind...
Was him.
I had an anon request for some Kitsune Denki and I felt inspired :) Thank you to that request even if it wasn’t super specifically this!!
If you would like to show appreciation for my work, feel free to leave me a kind message, or donate to my Ko-Fi account if you feel so inclined.
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cryptid-crawly · 3 years
I hate canon Izuku & Katsuki’s relationship so in all my AUs I change it, but for some reason I never pick my fav which is “Katsuki is a little bitch boy but a loyal and loving friend” and instead end up with really weird dynamics. For example, “Katsuki thinks of Izuku as a force of nature to be wary of and pray doesn’t end the world,” and (a favorite) “Katsuki is convinced Izuku is being haunted by a demon and so he’s spent the last 10 years learning and developing the skills to be an exorcist. A very explosive exorcist.”
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sky-arcobaleno · 3 years
memories of the forest
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader; 
Sky piercing trees loomed an unreachable canopy above her head as she raced through the forest’s lower jungle. Vines and upturning roots were nothing to her skilled bare feet. Dodging another low branch, the cheeky girl laughed to herself. Her clan would never be able to catch her here! Within Teair’s close knitted playground, this child of the sky wandered freely. Slowing down to a small stream, the girl perked up at the sound of a grass being moved. Something was here. Something….soft? Standing up and brushing off her deer skirt, she turned around to see her uninvited guest. She blinked, genuinely confused, as a vulpine beast with four tails sat in front of her. The tips of its tails were a soft autumn orange. It was….divine like. Nothing like Grandame Forneil, but close. 
“Who are you?” The voice was male, but a child male. Close around her age...maybe. She would find out. 
“I’m a daughter of the sky! Who are you?” the beast curled its tails around its feet. Seeming to observe her before answering.
“A beast of fire.” She laughed to herself, but not quiet at all. 
“You are a land beast of flames!” The vulpine beast growled, quickly crouching down, ready to pounce. She only looked at the vulpine beast before giggling. 
“Silly vulpine! You are land fire. I am -” the mighty roar of Grandame Gowyual trembled the loose dirt below the girl’s feet. Giggling louder, the girl finished her sentence. “- sky fire!”
It had been a few summers since she saw that land firefox of four tails. Ah...Kitsune, Grandame Forneil had explained the night of the fateful day. A Kitsune of four tails at such an age was a feat Forneil had continued on. She was lucky that Kitsune was curious about her, lest the beast grow bored and end her life. Sighing and shaking her braid behind her, the now young teen races through the same forest. This time, instead of playing hide & seek, she was practicing her tracking and hunting skills. 
“Skills of a warrior. A survivor.” Grandame Locoful had croaked out before she left the nest with Grandame Forneil. Skidding to a halt and notching her arrow, focused gray eyes followed the peaceful deer. She was with a child, if the bigger belly was anything to go by. Removing her arrow and turning around, gray eyes locked on a sight of wonder. A golden kitsune with five tails, tipped in a familiar autumn tone. Ah…a fire kitsune. That’s when knowing crimson locked on her. Suddenly, she felt as if she was facing a true predator. A predator of many hunts and had victory in its tight bite. The kitsune rose, a head or two taller than her, and began to walk towards her. A small spark of fear struck her body, tensing her muscles. She was ready to fight. As the kitsune reached about a few paces ahead, the sudden breeze came. On its path...the smell of….smoke? Turning in the breeze’s direction, the girl saw the thick mog. Small, but growing rapidly. 
“Stupid humans!” the girl mumbled under her breath. Was she human? She assumed not. After all, she lived with dragons. No mere mortal could live as long as she had. Glancing at the kitsune, who was watching her actions, the girl spoke in her serious voice as she stood up right. 
“This is not the work of dragons. I will return with a dragon of water to save this forest.” The kitsune only tilted its head before speaking in a deep voice.
“A ride to a clearing may be the fastest way.” A kitsune making an offer? A trick if the situation wasn’t growing dire every minute. With a brisk nod, she walked over and carefully got on the furred back of the majestic beast. With ease, the beast ran through the thicket. No fur caught on low limbs and nothing hesitated the pathway. That’s when heavy clouds of ashy smoke filled the air and her breath. Fire. A forest fire caused by inattentive mortals. 
“You will not reach the clearing in time.” fearing for the woods and the lives within, the girl hummed to herself before stretching both arms to the sky.
“Hear my cry! O’ beast of the lake. Take flight to the Azure’s Domain and bring the blessing of new beginnings! Locoful, dragon of Shiramizu! Hear me and cry out your blessing!” The heavy snaps of trees falling and the crackling of flames echoed back. Her cry was swallowed by the dire situation. The kitsune whacked her head.
“No dragon will hear you, imbecile.” She growled at the statement. Hoping it was false. Locoful would hear her. She always did. 
“She will not abandon her fledgling.” The beast of fire exhaled heavily before turning around.
“Then at least be alive for her to save you.” Then, the Kitsune took off again. Running away from the flames. It is then, as the Kitsune jumped over a fallen log, a mighty roar and the sound of heavy crashing swallowed the air. 
“Locoful!!” She cried, overjoyed, as the mighty dragon arrived. Within mere moments, the forest fire was put to rest and the mighty beast stared at her and the Kitusne. Slipping off the Kitsune’s back and reaching Locoful’s side, the girl spoke.
“See Kitsune, beast of land fire? Locoful will always answer her fledgling’s cry.”
It was hardly a season’s changing since the forest fire, when she found herself alone by the lake nest. Around her, curled protectively, laid Setluno. Setluno was a young dragon, half the age of Grandame Forneil. Setluno was the only one who played with her. Now, Setluno is forever embraced by the forest’s trees and the lake’s watery shoreline. In front of the nest’s entrance, Gowyral was delimbed and beheaded by a blade endowed with magic. The lake was boiling in rage as Gowyral fell. Locoful had died upon return to the nest, multiple poisonous arrows cracking her scales and the poison taking her life before she could finish her warning. Forneil was the only one alive. Yet, she was over a season’s change away. She wanted Forneil to come back. Avenge the nest. Protect her. Save her. She was scared and lonely. She was no beast of sky fire. She was a mortal. Just like those responsible for the death of her nestmates. So blinded by the emotions she felt and the events that occurred within three sun positions, she didn’t notice the lake’s water coming into the nest. Hardly felt the power shifting within her. Never noticed how she was no longer pooled in blood, but now in the sky, riding a mighty beast. Intended on killing those who took her nest.
He heard the mournful cry of a dragon before he saw one take flight. Yet, this dragon was not one of the physical planes. No. This dragon was alive by the sheer magic of a mortal. A mortal intent on bringing justice. His favorite mortal to be precise. What had happened? Taking off in pursuit, he saw how the dragon looked, searched, for something or someone. What mission required such measures of hunting and tracking? That’s when the tree sprites, Kodama, began to whisper.
“Dragons dead”
“Beast slain by man”
“Oyamatsumi is enraged”
“So is Ryujin and Fujin”
“The fledgling calls for blood.”
“She will kill everyone.” Fearing that his mortal might do just that, the Kitsune prayed to his given deity. Prayed that his human would have to take rest on the ground. Allow him a chance to guide her away from the path of evil. 
“Please let me get to her in time. For the world will be chaos if she succeeds.”
Three summers have passed since that loss of her nest. She now ruled the forest with a close eye. Grandame Forneil was so broken by the deaths of her flightmates, she had taken her own life in the very same lake. Now, that lake was surrounded by beautiful flowers that would poison anyone who touched them. The only saving grace from them was if the person had suffered such a loss as she has. Now alone within the woods she called home, a thought passed her mind. Why her dragons? Why not her? This thought had haunted her for many nights and days. Nothing could stop these thoughts except the occasional hunting trips and killing off gluttonous men. Now, she stood in the lake’s shallow shores, naked under the sunlight. A bath after a recent hunting trip, when the snap of a branch caught her ear. Within a mere moment, she stood with her bow taunt and arrow notched, aimed at the noise. Only to see the familiar Kitsune. Yet, he now bore six tails. He had grown more powerful in the last three summers. They watched each other, waiting for the other to make a move, when she lowered her bow and set it on the sand. 
“What, beast of land fire?” The Kitsune huffed, keeping its distance. 
“You are not meant to be alone, mortal of flames. You need to be with others.” Gray eyes stared into crimson. She knew the Kitsune was correct. He usually was. Yet, to be with others meant risking another nest massacre. She couldn’t handle another heartbreak like that. 
“Leave Kitsune.”
“You know my name. Use it.” She shook her head. A name meant power. Power she did not deserve. Suddenly, a warm cloth covered her shoulders and a man’s voice spoke closer to her.
“Y/N, the others miss you. The forest misses you! I...I miss you.” Warm arms enclosed her, making her heart beat faster and her mind filled with happy, joyous memories of younger times. 
“Please...please don’t make me remember Kitsune.” The arms tightened, and the man’s voice returned.
“I will always remind you of the joy life can bring. But first, you must take my hand.”
She now stood before the overwhelming hearth of the mountain. She had found the murderers of her nest. The cause for her mourning. The cause of her grief. Today, she will return the favor. With her blade drawn and her eyes focused, Y/N was about to take the killing blow, when she saw the triplets resting in the mother’s arms. Suddenly, like ice had appeared, it sent shivers down her back. A mother and her children. Innocent children. With quick thoughts and quicker reflexes, she turned around and began to spirit back in the forest. The forest was now alive, gleaming with life. Yet, life that could be easily taken away.  Tears pricked her eyes and she tumbled down a hill. She could only feel the numbness in her heart. She had nearly repeated history again. With another family. Another generation of hurt and hate. Y/N closed her eyes, hoping for the tears to disappear. For this pain to leave. 
He watched in slow motion as his mate, his Rook, leaped in front of him. Taking the killing blow from the monstrous demon Shi-gi. He watched, as his luminous flames encircled her body. A mortal with Kitsune Flames. Proof of their mate bond. He was enticed by the way she reached for the heavens, crying out for her deceased nestmates, and aimed her hands at Shi-gi.
“From the dust and stars, a life is born. To dust and star, life returns. From the mighty cry of a dragon and the plead of humanity, I fused the realms to grant my inner desire and wish!” He watched, as the five primordial deities appeared in forms of a phoenix, tiger, snake, tortoise, and….dragon. Together with his mate, the beings reached out their hands and gave power to her.
“I command the soul of Shi-gi to be bound to the realms of the inner Earth! May no beast, no mortal, no divine being find you. May you wirth in the chaos of the world and never be able to take part in its affairs! I bound thee to this plane and no other!! I banish you Shi-gi, from paradise and hell itself!!” His flames encircled her and suddenly, he remembered the price for banishment from Paradise. A soul for a soul.
“No!” He reached out, but only the feeling of his flames returned. His mate, now burning away in his flames, smiled at him.
“Find me again my love. In a time where you and I can co-exist without Shi-gi.”
He mourned to himself as the forest his love protected was burned by his flames. No. There was no world without her smile. No reason to continue if she wasn’t there. No point in existence. Turning around, ready to end his own and see her, a glimpse of something flashed through his mind’s eye. A girl, with amber hair and glowing eyes, running away from him in a playful manner. The same girl mocking his sharp teeth. The girl seeking the yokai realm for the first time. Then, the same girl bore his mark. A mark only he could create. Like lightning, he turned away from the murderous flames and ran through the woods. He couldn’t die. Just as his mate asked, he would find her again. Find her in a time where that cursed Shi-gi did not exist. His name is not even remembered by humanity. She had returned to the world of the living in some time. He would have to be there, ready and waiting, to meet her all over again.
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aurumalatus · 2 months
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 (𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭) 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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pairing. bakugo katsuki x fem!reader, slight todoroki shouto x reader
genre/warnings. magic/bodyguard!au, eventual romance, eventual smut, slow burn, blood and violence, character death
taglist. please reblog this post or send an ask to be added to the taglist!
summary. in which bakugo is entrusted with the life of the "hikari no yosei", the blessing of yuuei village. but the yokai are getting bolder, and when tragedy strikes and more mysteries uncover themselves, he finds himself certain of only one thing—
he's willing to burn everything away if it means protecting you.
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𝐈. 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
𝐈𝐈. [𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝…]
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spikethecrazycat · 4 years
Here is my art for the @bokunoyokaibang made for the fic “you know i’ll see you again” by @itsmyusualweeb, I had a great time working with her during this bang, and I hope everyone enjoys! The fic will be linked under the art.
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And here is the wonderful fanfic!
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rioichen · 4 years
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