#yooo that's my first post that's so cool
sunsetcorvid · 2 years
tell us about your agents
Anon you have unleashed the beast known as Autism (LONG POST I'M SERIOUS THE INFODUMP REALLY INFODUMPED)
Three Cuttlefish (Agent/Captain 3)
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Repeating general info from the reference sheet for all of these! Also with some extra notes!
That's a They/Them right there.
Short squid haha 5'2" (157cm) ((they are only an inch shorter than me.))
Agender lesbian gayass who chose Three as their preferred name when Callie asked because they hadn't actually thought it out but thought "Hey, you know what they already call me Agent 3, why not just make it official." and they actually love the name now!
Hawaiian Bobtail Squid! Fun squid fact: Hawaiian Bobtails have a symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria which protects them from predators and also makes them sorta glow! Matches up with Three's scar a bit. (Look it up, the bioluminescence is pretty cool.)
Actually pretty nearsighted so they wear contacts most of the time. They found a pair that resemble Callie and Marie's pupil shape, so they got those to look more "Cuttlefish."
Not the best relationship with their bio family, pretty no-contact. I will most likely touch on this in my "Early Days of Agent 3" series on Ao3!
Sanitization scar fucked up their throat and vocal cords a bit, so it's pretty painful to talk. They could but they'd rather not anyways. Selective mute and uses sign to communicate!
Ambulatory cane user (Did some research, hope I used the first word right). Already had some body pains to begin with (One of them being the sanitization scar because that flares up sometimes.), but they messed up their back on a certain mission so they use a cane to walk sometimes.
Mains a Dynamo Roller. (They wield it like a Carbon....)
Banned from Turf Wars for "Using an illegally modified weapon." It wasn't illegal or modified they're just a beast with the Dynamo.
Legally got their name changed to "Three Cuttlefish" (Callie helped them.)
Four Cuttlefish (Agent 4)
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looks at my icon. can you tell who my favorite agent is, lol.
Guys I think this is one of those She/They/Hes.... (real)
Grew a couple of inches from when he was 14 to now currently 19. 5'6" (167cm) to 5'8" (172cm)
Genderfluid panromantic gayass who chose Four as their name but not because it was a "Fuck it." moment, but because they genuinely liked being called Four at the time and they still do.
Never actually been in a relationship, but they're pretty sure they're polyamorous. (And might be on the aroace spectrum.)
A Clubhook Squid! So she has cool hooks on her tentacles. They are also a large species, so that's why Four's pretty tall. (For an inkling anyway.)
Also has a strained relationship with her bio family. Doesn't actually have Cuttlefish as her last name, but likes to introduce herself like that anyways because Marie is basically her mom now.
Always wears his Hero Jacket when he goes out. It's a comfort item to him. (Even if it's pretty torn up now and Marie has to force him to wash it every couple weeks.)
Started tying their back tentacles up when they were getting pretty long. Just did it one day because the hooks were bothering them and realized "Hey, I kind of look like Marie..." and kept doing it because it makes them feel better to share something with their mother-like figure.
Works part-time at Ammo Knights. Likes listening to Sheldon ramble about weapons.
She mains the Inkbrush! Very skilled, too. (Got some muscle from swinging it around.)
Looks at Three as an older sibling-like figure. (Technically, they could be cousins because Callie pretty much adopted Three and Marie pretty much adopted Four, sooo-)
The only one of the main four agents to have finished high school. Three dropped out to focus on agent work, Eight never really went, and Neo doesn't even know what the hell school is.
Absolutely terrified of salmonid. It's always just been a general phobia.
Eight Iida-Houzuki (Agent 8)
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Yooo, one of those demigirl She/Theys, thats so poggers...
Tall... (5'11" 180cm, 6'1" 185cm in heels)
Down bad lesbian and in a relationship with Three!! (They hold hands!! Scandalous!!!)
Blue-Ringed Octopus! (And possibly something else because Blue-Rings are typically quite small.) Blue-Ringed Octopus are a highly venomous species (Though any recorded deaths are quite rare.). When they become agitated or defensive, their color will shift to a yellow and the blue rings appear. That's why the second ref is here, to show what the rings look like on Eight. While her ink color doesn't shift to a yellow, the rings are there and they have a slight yellow tint to them. Also blueish fingertips because funky fresh.
Doesn't remember much, if anything, from before Octo Expansion. Because of this, and being new to the surface, Marina pretty much put her under her name. So that's why she's "Eight Iida-Houzuki"! (The Houzuki is there because Pearlina canon source is me)
Leather jacket in their older design is a gift from Three! Though, it's a little torn up from some missions. They still wear it, though, because it's a huge comfort item now.
Has a bag in their older design as well for things! Weapon handling kit, first-aid kit, green towels for when Three's scar gets drippy while they're out, maybe a snack or two. Useful things!
Similar to Four, they started tying their back tentacles up because they were getting long.
Got a cool eyebrow nick to match Four's eyebrow scar. (The besties for real!!!)
Big scar on her back from being blown up a whole lot during Octo Expansion. Unlike Three's, however, it does not get drippy. Unfortunately, it is extra sensitive in place of that.
Also works part-time at Ammo Knights! Helps repair broken weapons and manages the shop when Sheldon is away somewhere for something.
Mains the E-Liter 4K or just any chargers in general! Watch out if you see her in Turf...
Worked at GrizzCo for like a week and noped the fuck outta there because man what is happening over there.
Neo/Junior (Cuttlefish) ((New Agent 3))
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Another She/They that's so cool...
Still figuring herself out, but she's pretty sure she's bisexual and genderqueer.
5'4" (162cm) so like two inches taller than the Captain. (Everyone is taller than the Captain.)
You're probably wondering "Why are they 13 and not 14? They're not allowed to Turf and stuff until they're 14!" And my answer is: They lie about their age. They wander around the Splatlands, they've been doing it almost their whole life. Because of this, they look a little older than they are (They got out of their squish form pretty early.). Which is the main reason why Cuttlefish decided they were the New Agent 3. (He thought they were like 16-17 💀 He, and also Marie, already got a talk from Three about recruiting fresh squids/octos.)
Doesn't actually remember her name. Not because of amnesia or anything but because she just hasn't used it in years. Never really had a reason to. Soon, that memory faded because she never really saw it as important. The rest of the Splatoon either call her "Neo" or "Junior." (It started as a joke after Neo accidentally called Three her parent, but then it kind of caught on and even Three finds themself using it on her sometimes.)
Found Little Buddy as an egg a few years before Splat3 Story Mode happens. They have their own little language due to how long they've known each other and the fact that Buddy never grew up around other salmonid so he doesn't actually know whatever language salmonid use. He's also much more tame than you're usual Smallfry from being raised by Neo. Best friends forever, yo!
Magister Armhook Squid! Similar to Four with the hooks but she's a bit smaller.
They don't really main any weapon, they just kind of go with the flow. Hand them something and they'll figure it out pretty quickly. That doesn't mean they're good at everything, though. They do struggle with some weapons.
Looks at Three and Eight as parental figures and sees Four as a auncle (Aunt/Uncle) figure! Callie and Marie are like those cool aunts you have. (Got damn, Callie is grandma by 26! /hj)
Still learning sign, so this is why the Squid Sisters tell them what the Captain is saying. (And the Captain is still pretty shy.)
General Info on All!
They all share an apartment. Four originally wanted to stay with Three and Eight for a bit until she got a different apartment in Splatsville, and then Neo moved in because Three realized "Oh shit this kid is traumatized and homeless can't let them turn out like me lol" and so Four stays to help out with Neo.
All of them on the same team is a guaranteed loss for you. Sorry, you're not making it out alive. Three is a beast, Four is strategic and fast, Eight has terrifyingly good aim, and Neo can adapt to pretty much anything. You're fucked, lol.
Three is banned from playing Uno on Squidbeak Splatoon Game Night. They always win.
Group cuddle if any of them have nightmares.
Eight waking up in the middle of the night because her partner left the bed and finds the Threes in the dark kitchen munching on raw pasta for the crunch and it's like cats in the dark their eyes fuckin' glow and it scares the shit out of Eight before she turns the lights on and sees them clearly.
Four is both the number one hater and supporter of Eight and Three. (He will go on about how gross they are but he's the one who helped conspire the plan to get them together. He likes seeing his friends happy.)
Agent 24 headcanon thrown in here, teehee. Some nights, if Eight has a really bad nightmare, Three will hum or even sing Calamari Inkantation. It's off-pitch and rough because of their fucked up vocal cords, but it's enough to help Eight calm down. Three never regrets it, even when their throat feels like its been mauled the next morning. Eight appreciates this.
In order of most cuddly to least cuddly: Four, Three, Neo, and you may or may not find surprising Eight in last! Four is known to just lean against anyone in the Splatoon. Marie's there? Fuck yeah, let me get a hug. Three's on the couch? Just gonna lay on top of them if that's alright. Lovely platonic cuddles from Four! While Three is not very affectionate with the rest of the Splatoon, how clingy they are to Eight puts them in the number two spot. And they won't say no to a surprise cuddle from Four or Neo.
I think that's about it! Thank you for unleashing my autism demons I've been keeping this in since I got this ask because I need to draw their refs. I have a special interest in cephalopods now because of this. Thank you, I guess.
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 year
yooo so cool that you do writeblr interviews!! honestly that's really really cool!
how often to you do them and how do you choose who to interview! is it possible to suggest writeblrs?
love your interviews and you ask such great questions. I hope you get to interview your fave author(s)!
Thank you so much!!
I do interviews whenever people are interested, but recently I got a lot of attention on Instagram so I've got a bit of a backlog and they're going up (roughly) once a month!
When I first started this, I would ask friends directly for interviews so most of the earlier ones were my mutuals. Now I'm trying to focus more on promoting self published/indie/small press authors, especially if they are already published or have new books coming up. When someone asks for an interview and I don't know their work, I'll ask for a copy of the book and time to read and review it. Once I'm more familiar with the story, then I also know better what questions to ask and we can move ahead with scheduling. I do them over zoom or discord call and there's normally 10ish questions that I'll send ahead of time. I don't heavily edit the videos but I'll clean up any interruptions and make a transcript before posting.
I'm not super picky about who I choose to interview, but I'm trying to build an audience in the middle grade/YA Fantasy space so those might get preference. That being said, my most recent interviews have been for adult queer romance, poetry, and contemporary romance, so anything outside of erotica and high spice romance is really fair game because again, trying to keep this mostly kids appropriate. I reserve the right to give an honest review so I can't promise 5/5 stars every time, but I'll always be encouraging and friendly and ask engaging questions. I'm here to support my fellow authors even if our tastes don't match perfectly it doesn't mean we can't still help each other.
You can absolutely suggest writeblrs! Just make sure they're ok with it first, or better yet, just send them my information so they can reach out to me. I'll happily add them to the list. If anyone reading this is interested, my DMs and email are both good ways to contact me!
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prince-of-red-lions · 9 months
@kiwi-der-vogel-alt. YOU WERE MY FIRST EVER MUTUAL. i love your art so much it is so SHAPED and they are all so BLORBO!!!! you are a wonderful person and your so funny and i hope you had a good christmas. I LOVE THE GATOS YOU DRAW BTW-
@whyoneartheven. EVIE!! HI! you are a WONDERFUL PERSON. thank you so much for all the kindness you given me! you were also one of my first moots, and im glad i met you. i hope you had a good christmas! YOUR AMAZING 💖
@uniquevoidflowers UNIIII. HEBLO!!! i love your writing SO MUCH its SO GOOD. and your a sweet person as well, and your so nice. :) thanks for all the kind words you've given me! KEEP ON WRITING GIRLIE YOU SLAAY 💪💪
@turdofanerd WHATS UP TURDO. YOU SILLY CREATURE. we don't talk much but i KNOW your SUPER COOL. BECAUSE YOU ARE. thank you for your quiet but strong support on everything i've done! your a wonderful person!
@akchimp75 AKKKK. HI! ak your so silly. soooo silly /pos. you have a fiery spirit and your a joy to talk to! thank you for being SO COOL. its always fun to see you on my dash! STAY AWESOME AK 💖💖💖🔥🔥
@margindoodles2407. MARGIN! we may not talk much, but im still glad were mutuals. I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH! your just a wonderful person and your FUNNY!!! thank you for all the support, margin, and MERRY CHRISTMASSS
@vio-starzz HEY MOSS! we don't talk a whole lot either, and we're new mutuals, but that doesn't make you ANY LESS AMAZING. your art is SO CUTE and you have a FANTASTIC personality. KEEP IT UP IM PROUD 💖💖
@taddy-cat OMG TADDY. HI. your are just. SO COOL. when you first started messaging me i had no idea what to do, but now im SO GRATEFUL FOR IT. your always there and someone to chat with. you have such COOL art ideas and CUTE ART AS WELL and your work stories are HILARIOUS. thank you for always being there and getting me to socialize more. YOUR TRULY WONDERFUL AND YOUR ART IS BEAUTIFUL 💖💖💖
@ladye-zelda another mutual i dont talk much with 😔BUT YOUR SO AWESOME. ladye, your art is amazing and i hope you had an AWESOME CHRISTMAS. keep it up because you SLAY EVERYDAY 💖
@hiimgin. OMG AMOUR. YOOO WHATS UP. amour your such a sweet and genuine person. your art is so SHAPED and COOL and COLORFUL. you are so FUN TO TALK WITH!!! you truly are a kind person and i thank you for everything nice you've said to me. you make me feel SO SPECIAL <3
@almost-an-artist L.B. YOU. HI. your art is so WONDERFUL. its so CUTE AND ADORABLE AND I LOVE IT. and YOU are wonderful too! you are a pleasure to talk to and i hope you stay sweet forever! thank you for all the art you've given me and know that I LOVE YOU!!! (/p). don't ever change you AMAZING PERSON 💖💖💖💖 @killuagobrrrrr HELLO! we may not have interacted much, but your HILARIOUS. thank you for all the fun convo's we've had! merry christmas!
OKAY, I THINK THATS EVERYONE! :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL. your all WONDERFUL people and you've all made me feel so special and so loved and you guys deserve the world. seriously. thank you for everything, and i hope you all understand how much i appreciate each and every one of you. the talents you all possess are AMAZING, don't ever give them up. times will get tough but keep moving! im always supporting and cheering you folks on, so DON'T GIVE UP! 💖💖💖💖💖 please remember to talk care of ya'lls selfs, otherwise i will come over and smack you myself. <3
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Chapter 7 Update Thoughts
There’s a lot to say really 😅 but I guess right now, as someone who’s seen a lot of the big theories, I’m so happy to see those that are coming true while at the same time seeing new things that Twst is introducing
Spoilers underneath the cut! I may update this post as I hear more tls, so look forward to more things about this chapter that will appear 👀 just a note that I'm getting pretty much everything I know from Discord and Twitter lmao
So this update focuses on 4 characters: Idia, Yuu + Grim, Ortho, and Silver
So contrary to popular belief, Malleus’ spell did in fact reach Ignihyde and now Idia’s asleep
I find it neat that when Idia’s phone vibrates, ours does too. Love the immersion
SO IDIA DREAM WILD AS FUCK BECAUSE ORTHO’S ALIVE 😭😭😭😭 AND HE’S IN ROYAL SWORD ACADEMY broooooo Ortho’s teenage voice hurts my heart,,,,,, the things that could have been,,,
They just talk about,, from the very little context that I could get, it’s about the first day, like how oh Idia’s the dorm leader of Ignihyde and such
Then after that, Idia chats with Muscle Red
AND THEN IDIA GOES OUTSIDE??? IN HIS ROBES???? Holy shit you gotta like sit down and think here. So this is the first day, so entrance ceremony, right? In the robe stories of Idia and Ortho, Idia would only be going out because Ortho pushed him to, but eventually Idia ended up just being in his room and brought his tablet 😭 but here he’s going outside on his own volition,,,, the mans is happier wtf
Speaking of robe stories ! They actually kinda follow Robe Idia’s story in that Idia encounters Malleus! AND THEY TALK ABOUT GAOGAO DRAGON BECAUSE MALLEUS’ TAMAGOCHI WENT OFF 😭😭😭 it’s the way they bonded with that small thing
Just realized as I’m typing this, Malleus is actually in his robes 👀 so here, he’s actually prepared for the entrance ceremony vs in the real story, where he didn’t know about it.
At some point in the conversation, Idia's like "I've seen this somewhere before" and Malleus is like "something wrong Shroud?"
Then Lilia actually arrives and finds Malleus and calls both dorm leaders to the ceremony
And hooo boy this part really got me because it’s the prologue 😭😭😭 Riddle, Leona, and Azul were talking and introducing themselves and GODDDD I GOT CHILLS JUST HAVING THIS PART OF THE PROLOGUE AGAIN
Malleus actually introduces himself! And as expected everyone’s pretty nervous and all that
The entrance ceremony went without a hitch and Idia’s back in his room where he’s talking with Ortho. Ortho mentions his roommates and that’s all I could figure out
Throughout the entire dream, Idia’s like something feels wrong………. Eh, it’s nothing
Then shift to Yuu and Grim!
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Ok so Yuu remembers what happened, and I find it interesting that there’s no voice when they’re remembering Malleus going berserk and shit.
Anyway, they wake Grim up and they’re just admiring the room all like yo is this Ramshackle??? But also no, it isn’t Ramshackle……
And then they see some of the objects coming alive like the ottoman and the trump cards and that was so cool
AND you know that by seeing that room in Yuu’s dream,!you would figure out that we’re about to see someone important B)
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Yuu and Mickey did a high five 🥹🥹🥹🥹 it’s so cute oml, and Grim finally got to see Mickey in the flesh.
They do talk and Mickey tells them that he could only reach this room when he's asleep but eventually Yuu and Grim tell Mickey about their predicament
But then something rings and Mickey fades away 😭
And THEN the dream starts to collapse on them. And well actually what I mean by that is that a gloop of ink drops onto them
GRIM 😭😭 HE TRIED TO FIGHT IT WITH ALL HIS POWER but he was getting tired and everything seemed hopeless
yooo ngl when Silver shouted “KANTOKUSEI” my heart went boom 😳😳😳😳 I loved the way he came in and saved us
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It’s called Meet in a Dream. The kanji literally says ‘let’s see the same dream’ which is whoa. Silver explains what his UM does but it’s explained much later and I want to get through this chronologically so this part gets cut off and we switch to Ortho’s <3
Ortho ends up in the cyberspace and he was able to log his memories to a backup file. So yea he’s pretty alarmed and then he goes to check up on Idia
Idia is asleep and Ortho tries to wake him up but fails to. He goes around Ignihyde to see if anyone’s awake but then nope everyone’s also asleep
Ortho sees Main Street and pretty much the entire Sage Island and well shit ! Everything’s covered up in thorns!
So Ortho is like what do I do and then he sees Idia’s tablet and it says 21:18, which is the time that he also saw when he was in the cyberspace. And he's like oh shit time stopped
Anyway meanwhile in Styx, everyone’s noticing the energy field surrounding Sage Island. And we get to see the Shroud parents!
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why they out here looking like power rangers
damn, Ortho really takes after them
So anyway Ortho eventually arrives and then explains to them about the situation with Malleus, and everyone's like damn
Shroud parents will contact Briar Valley for info on how to stop Malleus, and then meanwhile they created the Cerberus gear for Ortho so that he could enter the energy field
what's funny is that they actually had to go through Idia's computer HKSDFJHHDSKFS to be able to make the gear, they needed some of the files that Idia has for Ortho so that they could even make the gear in the first place. Mama Shroud was like "pls don't tell your brother" and Ortho's like "oh my god how did you get past my brother's ultra mega tight security" well it's ok, mama shroud didn't check Idia's hidden encrypted folder...........
Can I just say, I absolutely love Mama Shroud’s voice LIKE!!! She is so cute, AND SHE CALLS IDIA AND ORTHO IDI-KUN AND ORU-KUN UEUEUEUUEUE SO CUUUUUTE
And then it switches back to Yuu, Grim, and Silver B)) so they end up in a really dreamy sky at first...... and then they start falling.
idk about you but it lowkey reminded me of The Incredibles where Dash, Violet, and their mom fell from the airplane. Probably because the sky colors are similar
But also man, that sunset really such a pretty color
anyway, they end up in Diasomnia, and Silver tells them that it's Diasomnia dorm in a dream
He explains to them how Meet in a Dream works: basically he can enter someone's dream, but he can't choose whose dream he enters. He won't know till he sees this glowing blue bird around a person and only he can see it. He also can only enter the dreams of people he has some sort of bond with. So it weirds him out that he saw Mickey at one point when he doesn't know him. Also, he can only use it when he’s at least aware that he’s dreaming, which makes sense.
He also explains to them that that inky darkness they encountered?? It might still be lurking around and he's encountered it before apparently. It pulls you into a deeper sleep
well shit.
Silver says that they need to get to Lilia’s dream to find a way to stop Malleus, but yea because he can’t choose which dream to enter to, it’s not gonna be the easiest
Then they encounter Sebek, and Silver sees that blue bird and oh it's Sebek's dream!
But yeah when they're there, SILVER FUCKING SNAPS. because Lilia was saying "after the internships are done, we can settle back into our cottage and be together forever". And Silver's like the real Lilia wouldn't live long enough
Malleus gets really fucking pissed, and he's like how dare you're awake and you ruined this happy dream. And his OB form shows up, and oh shit! Time to battle him again!
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Lookie lookie we see his phantom! It really is Maleficent’s dragon form!
Andddddd that HP is horrible again, we’re meant to lose again
So anyway Malleus was gonna send them all to a really deep sleep when Silver's amulet that Lilia gave him earlier on starts glowing an aurora colored light, and then Silver's able to use Meet in a Dream, and then bam they end up in a forest that is exactly like the forest from Sleeping Beauty !!!
And then suddenly oh shit a bunch of soldiers come in and their garb looks like Maleficent’s minions from the movie
Sebek can understand them!
And then ..!!!
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Guys it’s general Lilia.
See that long hair??? It’s r e d
They really said no face reveal Lilia yet 😭 just that hint of hair which is honestly more than enough
As if it’s not anymore obvious, the blue bird shines on Lilia, and so yeah this Is Lilia’s dream.
And Twst is so funny that they ended it right there 💀 we’re really gonna have to wait for the Lilia lore.
This was such a yummy update 😩 as someone who’s been here a while, seeing so many big theories that came true and so many things that threw off fans fills my heart with so much joy 😭😭😭 this was so good. I actually can’t wait for more
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soppsop · 3 months
Yooo… It’s my first year doing artfight (also on team stardust, friendly fire as well I suppose) but you’re super cool and I’d love to art for you if I have the motivation when things start up.. Your ocs seem cool from the few posts you’ve done of them :] Anyway I know you don’t know me or anything but you are really awesome and I love your art and stuff. Get blasted with the positivity beam.
omg thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 let's friendly fire together 🤝
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desire-mona · 6 months
yooo hello fellow allison cameron is a lesbian enthusiast!
i was wondering if you would like to be mutuals?
i need more house obsessed mutuals that i can yap to! and you seem v cool too:)
(hope that this doesn’t come across as weird)
YES HIIIIIIII!!!!!!! im using this opportunity to talk abt comphet!cam bc shes soooooo on the mind, i thiiiiink i stole this point from @blue-boulder in case u want another lesbian cam mutual
camerons comphet was so on display basically the entire time she was on the show to the point where its comical. first of all her "relationship" with chase (or lackthereof) being PURELY sexual and based off the fact that she was just bored and saw him as suitable enough. r u kidding me. also the only other time where she had sex with a man (still chase, womp womp #chasehater) being when shes high. exploding at that. and also side eyeing chase soooooo fucking hard, that man has zero understanding of how consent works.
i think cameron and wilson have a lot in common in terms of their reasoning for why they get with/ are drawn to the people they are. and thats also a big part of wilson comphet too, bc they both rly like feeling needed. now ofc cam goes abt it in a much better way bc she doesnt cheat on anyone, but you can tell with her marriage, while not lacking love, was most certainly based off of her desire to be someones lifeline per se. her brief sorta fling with that charity guy in that one episode is another example of this as well, but i do think another factor was her admiration for his morals and character. and again with house, which i will always laugh at because if that isnt the biggest case of "i can fix him" in the entire world then idk what is. wilson however just kinda gets with women who need him (or who he perceives as needing him) and then gets bored when they. dont. speaking very surface level bc this post isnt abt him. either way, wilson could learn a thing or two from cam in the comphet department i suppose. i really really wish we got more of cameron, if she stayed thru the whole series i think a whole lot of my life problems would be alleviated at the very least. i wanna see her get a girl crush!!
also, she absolutely 100% dresses like a queer woman, even for the early 2000s, like look at this
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because wdym waistcoat and white button down with puffy sleeves.
n e way not a super in depth analysis cuz im kinda spitballing and not in a place of house md analysing but its good enough. hello new mutual!!!
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starlight-lesbians · 13 days
yooo funny coincidence but basically your greek god post reminded me i wanted to watch that new show kaos on netflix, so i’m watching rn
anyway i’d seen somewhere that the name tassita comes from latin or greek or something (and there’s the english word tacit so) but in this show (and therefore in ancient greece obvs) they have like hera’s prophet thingies called the tacita who are like who the people people go to confess stuff to, and the idea is their tongues are cut out so they can’t repeat the secrets
anyway i just think it’s kinda funny bc like obviously the name tassita comes from that (or they just have the same root word, eg, how we got the word tacit) but like the fact that tassita is literally named after people with no tongues is sending me
so anyway for the greek gods au tassita is basically just one of hera’s priests
unhinged headcanon but demigods learning about the tacita and finding it hysterical that tassita has the same name, so they start a thing where basically they just confess EVERYTHING to tassita. tassita is absolutely sick of hearing about how fit greaseball looked today (dinah), how cute belle is (slick), or how sexy greaseball is (that was from greaseball herself), so he starts charging for a confessional booth.
i’m picturing greaseball just picking him up and trapping him to vent about how dinah is so annoying, how much she hates her, how she does this weird thing to greaseball that makes her go all weird and warm and flustered and she doesn’t understand it. tassita hits her for being so stupid and basically forces her to ask dinah out.
ok first thing i had no clue that that was where tassita’s name came from that’s so cool!!
second thing tass smacking greaseball and making her ask dinah out is so on brand. i’m convinced that’s what actually happened in the musical canon because they’re both so silly 🥲
in conclusion tass is making bank off these losers (who he loves dearly)
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voidsnarrator · 4 months
yo! fellow tsp enjoyer! :D I wanted to let you know u seem really cool and stuff! ⭐ and also wanted to let you know we could chat if you'd like! (I just got back into tsp after a year and saw ur fic post that got reblogged by someone who liked my post (if that makes sense 😅)) ANYWAY I HOPE THIS FINDS YOU WELL (and I hope ur fic is going well!) /silly
have a silly little Stanley 🫶
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Yooo hello person!
I'm always very happy to chat!! I dont notice tumblr DMs a lot but I'm still very happy to chat! :]
I'm assuming it's about my hanahaki fic, since i've posted about that one recently haha (I got a lot of fics on ao3 so if you peruse fanfics u will probably find me hehe)
Thank you! Cute lil Stanley boy! :D
Feel free to HMU whenever you like! I'll reply whenever I see it and am online :3 (also feel free to add me on discord if you use it and would like! I accept all friend requests anyways you just gotta text me first lkjlkjl)
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hellonpluto · 1 month
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) during-the-movie notes!! I'm posting this like 2-3 days after i watched the movie n made them
(These aren't analysis notes, to clarify! They're just my thoughts during the movie.)
-intro is alright. I supoose
-nvm that title card is SICK
-wittle boy
-ahhhhhh got got by the ol curtain trick
-what is that man hiding
-oh he's so cute when he's older!!!
-he's actually. Super pretty.
-lort they were getting at it
-pleas dont take a photo of lady without consent. Pleas. Ur so pretty dont do that
-fuck flash
-yooo peter has TWO interests in these movies!! Photography and skateboards!!
-sleepy boy parker
-he has. Puppy dog eyes oh my fucking goddddd
-oh ok so gwen is main love interest. Word
-is peter. Ok. I think he needs to lie the fuck down
-uncle ben ready to throw down
-the einstein tounge photo is bonkers
-curt connors?
-*sneaks into oscorp*
-*his crush is his tour guide*
-and he jusr ruined someone's career
-connor is ugly. Damn
-peter sooooo big brain!!!!
-mart peter moment
-gwen a real one
-this peter is so much more sneaky n shit
-i love it tbh
-peter u dumbbbbb
-im scared
-bro is enamoured. enamored?
-"stay with the group" doesnt stay with the group.
-they didnt exaggerate the spiderbite scene this time :[
-he's so fuckinf confused 😭😭😭
-he's so me
-"why didnt you tell me you didnt like my meat loaf?" "Um..." "you could've said that to me 37 years ago! How many meat loaves have i made for you?"
-web in neck??? What??
-ohhhh spider attached to web
-peter is insane in this movie. Got it.
-he's also chronically online
-he got the tumblr girlie thumb holes in his sleeves. Aw.
-connor is cooked
-his arm!!! What happened!!!
-oh he's so silly
-oh snap
-oh shoot
-uncle ben the menace
-parker actuallt got charisma in this one
-they so awkward . They so cute
-he does a lil skip!!!!
-i love the tech animation n design in these movies
-oughh oeter :[
-uncle ben dead pt 2
-then gwen stacy hug
-spidey wall crawl
-fighting ring??
-cooking scene(suit design) pt 2
-aw what so he doesnt have the little fucked up web things in his wrists?
-"spandex. Spandex.... everything. Spandex."
-acrusl sam reaction: "oh thays so cool!!" *cool ass shot in the suit* (in a more high pitched voice)"oH THATS SO COOL!!!!!!"
-god im so autistic
-but dude it was so duxking cool.
-goin in crotch-first. Sure
-"it isnt funny!!" "It is kinda funny 😏"
-the suit is soooo shiny in this movie .... i like it
-"ey watch it!!! I'm swingin ere!!!!!!!"
-honestly good on connor for not wanting to test on humans
-gwen stacy is trying so hard while peter is going thru the most insane genetic changes
-sorry but if i was having boy over i would not leave my hair up in a tight ponytail n headband. That's just a gateway to a headache
-is. Is connor ok
-peter oh boy
-bro is insulting his crush's dad 💀
-what rhe freak
-sparkly suit :]
-awwww floaty car scene
-what no
-"who are you?" "...Spider-Man."
-Ohhh he and his gf are super duper mart. So she knows abt spider real quick!!! They can science it ..... together
-"not dressed up, he has transformed himself into a giant lizard." I love how he delivered that line
-ok he pull up
-i guess web down??
-ok he web down
-oooo thats freaky
-not the web bit but like. The fight im at rn
-gwen is absolutely hilarious
-why kissy when need to heal wounds.
-PETA PPAEERKER says lizard connor
-bro has it out for a highschooler
-*pulls gwen in reaaaaal close* "im gonna throw you out a window now." "What?"
-proceeds to throw girlfriend crush lady thing
-"uh-oh! Someone has been a baaaad lizard ...."
-best stan lee cameo so far
-"gwen! Gwen! You mmmother hubbard... are you serious???"
-they set up the cranes for him!!!!
-gwen dad . Dead
-bro got prison'd
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deltastra · 2 months
Tower of God Season 2 OP Thoughts
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As I am a Webtoon reader, THIS POST WILL HAVE SPOILERS SO ANIME-ONLIES BEWARE but to be honest, I would say my whole blog is spoilers for anime-onlies so keep that in mind!
I was so unsure at first but to be fair, maybe the trailer didn't do a good job of hyping up the OP for me. I still liked it, but I was unsure. Now, however, I am SO on board with this song. TY NiziU!!
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Starting off with Bam drowning?? That's cold! But a good way of showing to the anime-only audience that Bam was not forgotten and the story is still following him in a way!
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I want to point out the cut-from-paper style that the studio is using for this OP. I'll give more thoughts about this towards the end of the post! But for now, I love it!
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Team Sweet and Sour looking at Viole with fear is so </3 I do like that rotating angle with them surrounding Viole!
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Ah! Also another thing I noticed when watching episode 1, the studio isn't trying to hide Bam's eyes. They're making it very obvious that Viole is Bam. And you know what, good for them. Let's face it, a lot of us weren't thinking that there is no way Viole wasn't Bam when we first read the Webtoon right? I do wish they only showed his eyes during impactful scenes though. But that's just my opinion!
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This is like my second favourite part in the OP. Seeing that animation of Bam struggling to reach his friends from Season 1 looks so real. It feels like FUG is LITERALLY pulling him away from them while hes desperately trying to go back. A wonderful way to show how FUG treated Bam. The animation of his arm movements feel so real.
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AND THAT SPLIT SECOND WITH HIM PULLING DOWN THE SCENE AND WE SEE THE STARS? I LOVE THE PAPER LOOKING LIKE IT WAS RIPPED! It brings back that paper style the OP is doing. Also the way Bam tries to reach his friends only to fail and we see the stars instead? Love it. He was betrayed cause of those stars when you think about it. Of course this split second has some other meaning but as of now I don't remember. Still one of my favourite scenes from the OP though! One of my favourites....the top goes to...you'll see. (I believe you all know)
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I ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS STORYLINE, THE OP REMINDED ME OF IT. I won't read that part of season 2 again, I'll experience it through the anime to remind myself.
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HAHAHA I LOVE THIS SCENE WITH THEM. IT GIVES ANIME-ONLIES SO MUCH CONFUSION. Like if you were an anime-only and you saw THIS. What would you think?
Why is Khun helping her? Are they in love, why are they holding hands like that??? Maybe he's pretending to like/help her! Who are those people in the back??? Hahahahahaha. Love it. (Also I plan to make a post on my thoughts on Rachel one day. and spoilers, it won't be a rant post. I hope I remember to make that post though, lol)
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YOOO ITS FUG! HWARYUN AND HA JINSUNG YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT! It's so nice to see them aga-AYO WHOS THAT GUY AT THE TOP???? FUG EXPLAIN YOURSELVES. Also Karaka I see you there buddy, you're not sneaky.
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The princesses! Love their new looks! Also I noticed Yuri's VA changed?? Why?? Could someone tell me?
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I remember in 2016, I was like, "woah it would be so cool if this Emily app was real!".......haha.......chatgpt............anyway
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Why is she so perfect, like what's her secret? SIU BRING HER BACK PLEASSEEEEEEEEEE. Also I liked the lip-syncing part! It felt off when I first saw it, but it grew on me!
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Don't do this to me.....the way they smile at eachother please don't do this to me :((((
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HORYANG CAUGHT IN 4K!!! Okay but tbh I forgot he had a crush on her.
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Ngl the transition to the song here felt like a betrayal cause I thought the beat was gonna drop lol.
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Not going to screenshot all of the parts here cause it will take time. I just want to say, THIS IS HOW YOU DO FORSHADOWING WITHOUT IT COMING ACROSS AS "SPOILERS". I loved TOP by Stray Kids but man, looking back at that OP, THEY SHOWED US NOTHING. At least this feels more packed and shows you what you can expect. in fact, you can even come back to this OP after the cour and go "Ohh so THAT's what that scene was forshadowing!" Love it!
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The sillies! I love them so much!!!!!!!!!! They felt like a family which I loved....It's so nice to see them again. Also maybe I'm looking too deep into it, but I love how they show Viole with no colour while the rest of the team is coloured. I like to see it as the team providing Bam some happiness in his life as Viole. I don't know, that's just me. I'm sappy when it comes to them.
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Nice job covering Khun lol. It legit took me about a week to realise that it was him because I forgot he wore that at the Hand of Arlene.
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I love them so much.
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Alright now let me just yap a little about my overall thoughts on the Opening as a whole!
You see, I....saw the OP when it leaked. I tried my hardest to ignore but I was too curious. What were the leakers saying about this looking trash? The style is genuinely unique!
I adore the cut-from-paper style, so what if they're only doing it to save money? They did cost-cutting WHILE making the OP as unique as possible. I would glady take this style over black screen with text and short animated scenes of Bam fumbling. (Yea I went there)
Besides, the opening does a great job of hyping you up and showing you JUST ENOUGH of what you can expect, the rest is up to you to figure out. All the forshadowing is done perfectly, only webtoon readers can pick up on the clues, while anime-onlies have the pleasure of going "OMG I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THIS"! It's a win-win for both of us!
Overall, a fantastic opening to the new season, I look forward to see what they'll do with Cour 2. Will it be paper-style as well? Who knows... But for now, i can say that...
WE ARE SO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sugarhillpark · 3 months
MREDHH is probably my most reread wip fic ever it's so iconic to my personal lore tysm legend ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Yooo, this is so kind. People like you are the oxygen keeping that fic alive in the Saw trap that is my brain lmao. I have been sitting at home Struggling with this breast reduction recovery and I needed this bump ngl. 💗Also, don't think I didn't see your comment on the last update post also and I just want you to know that comment single-handedly dragged me by the neck back into the Molly Ringwald word doc that was just languishing because I've been so in my head about how bad a job I have done with that fic. Which like, @ myself who cares? Who caaaarrrees? It was meant to be so trashy in the first place. And here someone is writing out the acronym for it and all so that's gotta mean it's Made It in the Possessing the Value of Injecting Joy stakes right.
Anyway, fanfic commenters are the real big time legends and I've put the start of the next chapter under the cut for you in case you wanna peep at it. 🖤 This segment (500 words/ish) not a hard R but ratcheting in that direction fast so probably a bit spicy to read at various places.
 “Is that alright?” Mikey asks. He bites his lip, sinking his little vampire teeth into the wet pink flesh as he looks up at Ray. Ray’s knees are weak at the way it looks anxious and loaded at the same time, like Mikey’s shy but he still knows Ray’s answer.
“God, do you know how pretty you are?” Ray murmurs. Mikey half shakes his head but his teeth glint in a tiny smile, lashes batting as he watches Ray’s face. Ray shivers as the wet underwear inside his sweatpants drip down his legs. He realises the water’s already not as cold, because his skin there is getting so hot. The way the cool drips lick down his thighs as Mikey’s tongue swipes across his lower lip makes Ray exhale hard. “Yeah. God, yeah.” He tosses the t-shirt in his hand aside. “Come over here, please.”
Mikey’s lips split into a wide, wet smile that glistens under the bathroom light bulb as he walks slowly over to Ray, water droplets still slithering down his own skin and his feet leaving damp prints on the tiles.
“Are you sure?” he asks as he takes that last step into Ray’s reach. Ray wraps an arm around his damp waist to steady him on the wet tiles, heavy breath audible in his own ears as the water on Mikey’s naked skin catches in the hairs on his arm.
“Yeah, of course,” Ray murmurs, squeezing his arm around him and gasping as Mikey goes easily with the pressure and rubs his chest against Ray’s. Ray wants to kiss him again, kiss him with his hand on his skull and tell him how perfect he is the way he’s played it out with his hand shoved down his pants in his dorm, but as he goes to lean in Mikey takes his other hand.
“You can touch me,” Mikey tells him, limbs going all liquid and relaxed against him in a way that makes Ray swallow as Mikey trails Ray’s hand past his hip. Ray’s had girls turn soft and pliant against him like this when they want to turn him on. And he’s seen Mikey like this too, happy as he leans back against a hard body in the pit or draped around Pete at a party, eyes slitted in pleasure, calculatedly slinky and passive.
 “You already have me,” Ray mumbles, squeezing at Mikey’s wrist and smiling as he rubs his face against Mikey’s throat. “You really don’t have to persuade me, Mikey.” 
Mikey pulls back, listing sideways and looking at Ray with rapid-blinking eyes, like his thoughts are askew too. Ray’s thoughts of self-preservation catch up with his mouth too late and he realises that Mikey’s stunned look tracks. Ray would probably also look a tad off-kilter in his position. It’s not like Mikey has any idea that Ray’s been trying and failing not to watch him anytime they’re in the same place, panting like one of those cartoon wolves with giant eyeballs and lolling tongues. Ray swallows and resolves not to pull out anything else so honest.  
“That’s not what, uh,” Ray rasps out a laugh. “Please keep touching my hands.” He tucks his chin down as he flushes. “I liked that part.”
“Your hands,” Mikey repeats. He still looks caught off-guard as Ray darts his eyes up at him in embarrassment, but he takes Ray’s hand where he’d been guiding it down over his hip and plays with it instead, trailing his long fingers over Ray’s palm and then softly pushing them through the gaps between Ray’s digits as he looks up through his lashes.
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the3rddenialist · 3 months
Void Silver #1 Liveblog
Hello, this was done on the 1st of June, but will be posted later, this is me liveblogging Void Silver #1! Find The Somewhat Incredible Jackie-boy Man Liveblog here
Edit(28/06/24): I believe enough time past so I'm posting this, ignore the spelling mistakes. These are my initial thoughts from liveblogging
Spoilers ahead haha
Cool cover, hello galaxy higgins
London in the 90s? Back in the past baby!
Did lil marv have a bad day at school?
Oh god he looks tired, dude you're like 12 chill mate
"Bruv" "wicked" oh wow, also hi little sam
British teengers, oh no. And teacher strike on the newspaper
aww lil marv likes magic, haha the guy on the magazine looks like jbm
oh rude dude, that's a child. also ay the preview page thing
huh, the circle seems almost common knowledge in this world. so is magic like normal in this universe if the guy was comfortable to do it on a public train? marv still is sad
marv surely you could of grabbed, liek an apple, also he's an A student? how old is he? and there's meeting at 5 pm?
oh god i love his mom. i was spoiled he had a mom but she looks so cool. trial prep tho? hmm
THE CAT! and mention of cosmic entity ooo. also a cyborg dude spitting prophecies? this is a strange world
depression the page
gardening!!! also marv what you thinking. also it's weird higgins didn't introduce this volume, I guess it's not going to be a reoccurring thing
OH THE GUY WAS FROM THE PREVIEW PAGE TOO, hey it's the big cat. what is a 'mark' tho?
marvin looks happy for once, but mother dearest is concerned. i mean she's in the right here but the narrative ain't going to like that. ohhh are we going to see marvin sneak out to find the guy.
chill marv, some people care about the bees
bill clinton is canon to marvin lore
yooo another dream. oh don't trust the cat
here's the sneaking scene
my guy has a sick place. a water fountain and everything
marv you don't just zap a man.
IT IS RAMESSE????? I was thinking that but i thought the head was wrong. OH HELL YEAH. WHAT IS HAPPENING???
time eh ramesse? i'm not sure how much a trust this whole 'mark' business. also marv you really shouldn't be walking with a random stranger.
oh that's the headquarters hun? so i suppose the other place in the last page of #0 was somewhere else then. does ramesses bring random kids here often lol??? god he's weird.
two years is along to marvin but short to ramesses is funny. ayy mother dearest is to the rescue! being grounded for the twentieth century isn't the worst punishment when there's only a decade remaining. marv is crying?
i do like colour in this volume. oh god marv read the room. glad you're happy though
TWINS SPOTTED????????? Also this dude was from when he first entered the circle. huh marvin is special or something? this doesn't feel right, echo also told chase he was special. perhaps it's linked. but what great things do you speak of braid twin.
Ramesses how did you manage to insert yourself in marvin's life. mother dearest you okay. is the magic circle and magicians a big enough deal that you're allowing this? interesting.
HE EIGHT??? OH THAT'S SO MUCH WORSE. RAMESSE THAT'S YOUNG. seems time is broken haha. marv you're going to kill someone.
MOIRA!!!!!! NAME DROP THANK GOD. So she's Irish? or at least Gaelic maybe? or just cool name.
oh okay okay we have magic rules now.
Mana energy of non life (abiotic things?)
Malia energy of life (biotic?)
Impetus energy of forces (potential and kinetic energy?)
Apotropacis? To ward off evil. Nazar protects people from the evil eye. but what is the evil?
cosmic horror takes form of a cat to calm 8 year old kid. ramesses why you broke.
"alchemy in her guts" ramesses stop. stop touching. why are you such a menace.
ohhh incantation. we've seen that a lot. just realised marv will be 10 for his exam, wow.
heyyyy moira. and good effort ramesses.
can marvin opt out of magic? god imagine marv as a lawyer. oh no he has been selected, no choice there. god marv looks anxious about moira and ramesses talking. is that another sam?
tey look like a family in the car, grandad, mum and kid. marv got his green cloakkk. hey moira, nothing bad is going to happen to you right. please.
time passing. oh no, marv you good?
oh god trial and tribulation art looks so good.
woah. okay. so we have yet to see everything that was on the final page of #0. so that will probably be across the next couple of books. what happened when you fail? does he need to wait another 2 years? 5? he looks significantly older in #2. did not expect a proper ramesses introduction. anyways this was interesting! I enjoyed it a lot, and liked the background character designs too.
anyways until next time
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the-sleepy-conductor · 11 months
Yooo! New person! It’s always so nice to see new Submas fans around!
Nice to meetcha! Welcome to our silly little community where we’re all a teeny bit crazy over silly train men. 🤏 Just a little.
Can’t wait to see all the cool content you’ll be posting soon! I have a few questions for you!
First, how’d you get into the Submas fandom? How long have you been in it for? And who’s your favorite twin? Unless… it’s BOTH!
I hope you’ll have lots of fun here. We’ve got a ton of cool peeps making cool Submas stuff! It’s incredible, honestly. Our community is so talented, and it’s fun to see everyone contribute something different! Arts, fanfics, EVEN FANMADE MERCHANDISE (the insane amount of Submas pins and charms that I have…)!
I’m excited to learn more about you as you grow! Keep it up!
Hiiii! Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I'm definitely excited to start posting art (and possibly fics) here real soon and get to know other Submas fans better!
As for how I discovered Submas- it's quite an odd story. Roughly 7 years ago my friend showed me a screenshot of N and Emmet, with Emmet running away with N's toy trains. I'll post the picture here in a bit. But I thought it was hilarious and saved it to my own phone. I was a little curious about who Emmet was (especially since it was clear he was associated with trains, which I've loved all my life) but I never really gave it much thought after that. Fast forward to about a day after Legends Arceus released, I meet Ingo. But I didn't know he was Ingo- I thought he was Emmet. I kinda forgot about Emmet over the years so when I saw Ingo I was like "Oh, silly train guy is here. What's his name again? Emmet?" But as the minutes passed I started remembering what Emmet looked like, with the white uniform and smile. And this man looked nothing like him but also exactly like him. I thought maybe I was imagining things, until Ingo introduced himself, and I started to connect the dots: Emmet has a twin.
So I do more research and find out they're known as the Subway Bosses, from Pokemon Black and White (my favorite Pokemon games) and that they're Battle Facility leaders. I start looking into them more, finding Battle Subway fanart and reading fics, and as I played Legends Arceus more I became super attached to Ingo. And it wasn't long before I got attached to Emmet too! I started to really fall down the Submas rabbit hole in late February 2022- February 22nd to be exact, as that was my first Multi Battle with Ingo and Emmet. (I got destroyed lol)
Oh yeah here's the photo I mentioned earlier:
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I kinda laugh at the thought that this photo introduced a future favorite character, and that it had such a big effect 7 years later.
As for which twin I like more... It's both! There's something to love in both Ingo and Emmet, and I'll probably make a ramble post in the future about everything I love about them!
(Also I completely relate to the collection of Submas merch, my Battle Subway sticker book arrived today lol)
I'm definitely looking forward to posting some art and rambles, and getting to meet others who are in the Submas community!
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
waaa my drivers ed class is two hours in the evening twice a week for the next month 1/2 /neg
at least most of it's online but it's still just ?? so much ? i am tired at 7 pm i don't want to be in a class.
anyway. how are you ? how's college ? any cool classes ? any classes at an awful time ? /lh are you planning to add to the bi lesbian + she-ra wall ?
yooo i remember drivers ed class. mine was legit three hours every day for a week it was terrible, good luck adfadfsaf!!!!!!!
so college is...... something. and i mean that in an overwhelmingly positive way, it's just been a major adjustment which is no surprise. i'm enjoying my classes and i've already made a really close friend group and i feel loved and supported and it's honestly great. i was just elected as the freshman representative of my school's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Board, and I have a lot of ideas for that. I've been working with my school's disability advocacy club to create image descriptions for social media posts and through that club i'm participating in leading an image description workshop in October! i'm having a bit of a problem (not a bad one) because i think i might have feelings for my roommate... who is my best friend.... but who is also dating my other good friend... and i feel terrible about it because i would obviously never do anything to jeopardize their relationship OR ours, but it's just sucky sometimes. she's the best roommate in the whole damn world though and i would never want to move out.
i have a professor who is the first openly queer professor i've ever had. they use they/them and are gay and trans and i thought i had a crush on them (turns out i was just so happy to finally have an openly queer teacher). they're great and make an otherwise difficult class very engaging.
ALSO one of my new friends is also a bigger GNC lesbian and they're going to be taking me suit shopping soon so we can both wear suits to my college's winter formal dance :))
i won't lie, going to an all-girl's college as a queer trans person is difficult. more than difficult actually, it's infuriating. but i know it wouldn't be much different anywhere else and there are still supportive people. so even though i'm surrounded by conservative christian trump-worshiping girls, i'm also surrounded by all my friends and some respectful professors (though ironically my sociology professor is kinda weird about trans ppl) and my music lessons are going well so it's a mixed bag ofc but it's been a good experience overall so far :)))
there's not much more room on my specific shera bi lesbian wall, but i have made other props that are going to go elsewhere and i'm also cosplaying shera for halloween using my sword as a prop :))
how are you? have you started your sophomore year yet? is everything goin alright?
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billzo-updates · 1 year
Billzo posted an Instagram story!
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[Image ID:
Image of billzo with hia hand on his forehead. The first caption reads "Yooo so a lot is changing in my personal life and it's been delaying things and holding me up". The second caption reads "I'm just trying to figure out like what is actually going on and then I can keep making cool stuff for u guys". The third caption reads "just updating u guys so u aren't I'm the dark with everything".
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silverpelt3600 · 6 months
Halo 2x8 Spoilers!
It is time. It took me a WEEK to find the time to watch this goddamn finale.
Y’all know the drill, this is just stream of consciousness as I watch the episode. Whether it’s coherent or not, either way I’m losing my mind likely!
- pre-episode recap editing goes CRAZZYYY
- okay first scene who is he talking to I’m lost already
- the microscope view was so confusing for a second LMAO. Also this Jeanine girl is literally losing it.
- ALRIGHT YEAH SHE KILLED SOMEONE LMAO. Crazy virus thing? Also the happy music is killing me lol.
- Kai and her team yay! KAI AND HER TEAM OH GOD. Casual explosion that fucks it all up.
- “Master Chief, I speak for the entire UNSC when I say how happy I am to see you back with us” THIS BITCH.
- fuck I feel so bad for John. Totally torn, and the admiral’s little comment of “there’s nothing anyone can do for them” is just the cherry on top. She pisses me off so much lol
- Cortana my beloved really hoping she’s okay
- Lmao Kai “you ever fire a plasma rifle? You never forget your first”
- “What the hell is that?” THAT MY BOYYYYYYY YEAHHHHHH
- THE SLOMO WALK I’m crushing so hard
- oh god the people frozen in the hallways is so creepy…
- FOR FUCKS SAKE pulling the Halsey card is wild.
- ooh she’s helping him now. AND AGAIN WHO THE HELL IS HE TALKING TO.
- “you wouldn’t understand. She knows me” what if I cried. What if I started sobbing.
- “You don’t know everything” WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING SINCE WHEN COULD HE DO THAT. Is it because of the artifact’s in the ship?
- holy shit he’s on the Halo. And THE MUSIC. AND CORTANA MY BELOVED.
- “so nice to have you back” I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
- “do you think it’s been waiting all that time? For you?” Alright y’all are gonna stress me out there’s too much to comprehend.
- Holy shit Kai’s crazy. “How hard could it be” well YEAH but come on. “This is gonna hurt”. NO SHIT. Jesus Christ I can’t handle this much emotional strain.
- Alright SHITS HITTING THE FAN IN COMMAND. Oop but that solves the Admiral problem!
- EUGHH THERES SO MANY. Hold up. Hold the fuck UP. Kwan is having a moment. The “Cohesion” needs to FUCK OFF.
- GIRLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GODDAMNIT. Ohhh. I see now. Goddamnit.
- OOOH SHIT CRAZY DUEL TIME NOW. Damn John getting his shit rocked before GETTING BACK UP LIKE A BADASS. “We’re not done” DAMN RIGHT!
- oh damn now I feel sad for the covenant homie.
- yooo okay cryofeezing Halsey that’s an idea.
- “that can’t be good” well yeah if I saw several spires shoot out of mountains I’d be pretty worried too.
- Again talking to this guy? And he apparently also talks to Makee? YOO WHAT THE FUCK ITS A LITTLE ROBOT????? And the crack in his visor! I’m so confused now have those conversations been in a different time or in John’s conscience or what??
- And then the episode ends, and with it so goes my sanity.
Alright y’all, end of the season! One hell of an episode fr. Without a doubt season 2 has been a fantastic season, developing so much of this storyline in a profound way. The finale sets up for a lot to be handled in Season 3, so here’s to hoping they get the green light to make it.
John has absolutely become a favorite character of mine, and this season has only reinforced that. So much of my emotions while watching have been in empathy for John, which makes these episodes land so much harder.
And shoutout everyone who’s stuck around just for these little posts I make. I started making them just for fun but I kept up with it since y’all seemed to like it, which is cool because now I have a little catalogue of what I was thinking during the episodes that I can look at in the future. And FOR THE RECORD I’m not gonna disappear until season 3 comes out. I still need to get caught up on the storyline in the games lol.
Alright that about sums everything up I think.
*bows to an applause while a single spotlight shines on me and flowers are thrown onto the stage.*
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