#you can also specify for the actions if you want it to be reversed!
thetreefairy · 1 year
Is it alright if I request Yandere father Gojo satoru where his daughters ability is to control time since Gojo has absolute control over space at an atomic level and she also has infinity but he never taught her how to use it but durining the shibuya arc she either reverses or stopped time to save a couple of people a d stop certain events from happpening (if this is too much you do t have to do the whole shibuya arc part )
Sorry that this is long anyways have a nice night/day ( `ε´ )
Since I have not watched season 2 yet, I am not doing the shibuya arc part. Since you also specified fem pronouns, the reader will be fem.
edit: hehehe, I forgot to say: have a nice day as well and I loved this request :D
warnings: yandere themes, isolation mentioned (I do not condone this and if you can seek help please do), Gojo is a piece of shit and two-faced, Reader is done with life, swearing because author is in pain and sick and when the author is sick they swear a lot, vague ending
I don't understand the ability completely, but I made it so that if you didn't master it properly you can get hurt when you use the ability (which might actually be apart of it, but my memory is shit)
Consequences and actions
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Goji Satoru was the first sorcerer to be born with limitless and six eyes in 400 years, so truly he was surprised when he saw that his daughter had them too. It was weaker than his, yes.
But he didn't know what to do. He didn't want his daughter to master both because then she wouldn't need him anymore.
"Dad can you teach me use both?" Reader had once asked, and his answer was: "There is no reason for you to learn."
It frustrated Reader to no end, she had the abilities but she wasn't allowed to develop and become a full-pledged sorcerer.
Satoru could understand Reader's frustration to an extent, but after a while of you complaining and begging to start training, he started to get annoyed.
"Reader, if you don't stop complaining right now, you will lose your communication privileges." Satoru hissed. Reader scoffed and muttered; "You should just call it isolation."
"Watch your mouth." Satoru hissed. "That's no way to speak to your father."
Reader rolled her eyes. "I just don't get why." Satoru sighed and spoke softl; "It's too dangerous, you would get on the curses radar and right now I got the world believing that you are just a child with no special powers, with no grade."
"When you are gone." Reader started. "How will I be able to protect myself if you aren't here?"
"That's not for you to worry about, now stop complaining and whining about it."
Unfortunately for Satoru his students like Reader more than him, so they helped her with learning how to control their abilities. Well to the best of their extent.
So when Reader had been good in Satoru's opinion she could tag along on a school mission. "Remember, if there is a fight run don't fight. I'll find you with your tracker."
"Wait what tracker-"
"Excuse me I misspoke. Habits, I meant habits." Satoru lied quickly with a grin and kissed Reader' forehead, sounding rather soft. "Now can you promise me you'll stay out of the way before we meet with the class?"
Reader nodded and hugged Satoru. "Thank you dad for taking me with you."
"No problem, kid." Satoru chuckled.
Unfortunately for Reader she couldn't keep that promise. Out of instinct she protected Satoru and Yuji for a curse that suddenly appeared. What was worse is that she used her abilities.
But using your abilities out of instinct can hurt you quite a lot, Reader started to bleed out of her eyes..
"D-dad." Reader muttered out. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."
Satoru brushed away Reader's blood stained tears. "It's okay, you did it out of instinct." This caused Reader to become confused. "Y-you aren't mad?"
"Baby, you are injured you think I will be mad right now?" Satoru asked Megumi to grab his eye cream and used it on you. "Class dismissed."
Satoru took Reader home, unexpectedly calm. Causing Reader to feel like a storm was coming. Satoru was making her a drink when he asked: "You trained your abilities, didn't you?"
Reader tensed up and nodded slowly. It was better to be truthful, right now. "... I suppose I cannot be that angry as it might have saved your life." Satoru muttered with a frown. "Drink this."
A glass of soda was put infront of her. Reader drank it, she was quite de-hydrated. "Thank you, papa."
"Why did you train without my permission?" Satoru asked. "I want to be able to protect myself." She admitted. "So that you can trust me with going out more."
Satoru chuckled as her eyes became dazy. "Perhaps you should figure out when your drink is spiked then."
Reader stood up and stepped back in shock.
"Awh, did you really think you wouldn't be punished?" He grinned. "How cute my dear daughter."
She tried to back away knowing full well what will happen.
"Maybe I should break your legs." Satoru mumbled doing a fake thoughtful look. "I got it!"
"Dad, please."
"I will make sure that you fully understand my love!" Reader knew what this meant, being locked up, and much more. "Maybe I should get you another parent to help with that as well..."
Oh, that was new.
"But I don't want to share you at all...."
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transboysokka · 4 months
BREAKING UPDATE [Tuesday Night 5/28] : Taiwan's Controversial Legislative Reform Bill PASSED
A democracy-threatening bill passed in an undemocratic way.
Here is what this means and what happens next...
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(For full context on this, please refer to this post)
What specifically passed?
The president will be "invited" to give a state of the nation address every year and must answer questions on the spot
People can be summoned to answer questions to lawmakers, no "reverse questioning" allowed (the meaning of this term has still not been specified)
If people being questioned refuse to answer or do anything in "contempt of the Legislature" they can get a huge fine
The legislature can conduct investigative hearings and can request documents from the government, military, companies or actually anybody. If you don't provide them, you get fined.
Hearings will be public unless they need to be secret for national security/trade secret/etc reasons
If you don't show up for your hearing, you get a big fine
If you lie you get fined
For other details, please refer to this article.
Separately, "Contempt of Legislature" was added to the Criminal Code.
How did it pass so fast?
Interestingly enough, it did take three days to get through the second reading of the bill, and that was WITH undemocratic show-of-hands votes and only allowing the DPP to speak for three minutes at a time, one speaker per article.
Today's third reading took less than an hour.
Furthermore, some legislators allege that there were changes made to the wording of the bill before they even had time to read it. They were voting on something they hadn't read.
What does the KMT want to do with these new powers?
A big part of this is about political theatre, which is a huge part of Taiwanese politics, and humiliation. It's also important to note the discussion that has been going on about how it will not be necessary to have a lawyer present to answer questions.
KMT leadership has already announced plans to establish a "special investigative unit" to deal with fraud from the DPP, basically punishing their enemies. First on their list will be officials from the most recent presidential administration, but the extent of their aims is unclear since they frequently use "fraud" as an explanation for things they don't like. They claimed, for example, that the tens of thousands of protestors showing up in front of the legislature lately were hired by the DPP.
The KMT has also tonight called for the abolishment of the Control Yuan, one of the five branches of government in Taiwan, demonstrating their willingness to dismantle the system of checks and balances keeping Taiwan's democracy in place.
The president can't veto, so what happens next?
For now it seems that the protests will continue. 30,000 protestors showed up outside the legislature last Tuesday, 100,000 last Friday, and 70,000 today. This coincides with growing actions in many other cities around the country.
This bill has been publicly condemned by over one hundred legal scholars and also the Control Yuan.
The next options now are:
The Executive Yuan has ten days to basically send the bill back to the legislature. At that point the LY could vote to uphold the bill within 15 days and then it pretty much would have to be law.
More feasible at present would be to go in the constitutional direction. The Constitutional Court could review the law, suspending it in the process before their decision is announced.
A referendum could be held to repeal the law. This would be time- and resource-consuming but it would be an option. It's hard to say if it would pass because the people would overall vote to repeal but the KMT has a lot of influence with powerful families and gangsters, so it's not for sure what the votes would say.
The point is there are still options! The Bluebird Movement now is going to start focusing on more local actions, and we'll have to see what those will be.
Why don't we just occupy the Legislative Yuan? It worked for the Sunflower Movement in 2014.
While it seems direct action may now be necessary, that wouldn't work again. A huge reason the LY occupation was successful in Sunflower was because the people in charge of the LY didn't let police in. Under current leadership that... almost certainly wouldn't happen. Think back to the attempt to occupy the Executive Yuan in that same movement and how it brought out the most devastating use of police force sense the martial law period.
Any occupation likely to take place would probably just be the continued presence of protestors outside of the legislature like we've been seeing.
We'll have to see what action is called for in the future. There's still hope for now!
This is a developing story, but one thing I urge as the Bluebird Movement continues to gather steam and garner more international attention: Be careful of misinformation! Try to read sources from inside Taiwan!
Further Reading for Now
Taiwan's legislature passes major reforms amidst controversy (TVBS)
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bittertarot · 10 months
can you do txt fs and ideal types??💞
Sure, bare in mind, I won't be including appearances! Yeonjun tends to give me a headache so I'll do my best but if it isn't that detailed I apologise </3 Already done Taehyun and Beomgyu's Yeonjun's Future Spouse Personality : *4 of Pentacles* - They're a very frugal person, Pentacles normally talks about someone more materialistic, however, they're quite frugal. They're secure with their wealth, but they still feel the need to conserve money. 4 talks about stability and application, perhaps they have a wider plan for the money they possess? *7 of Cups* - They seem to be someone with a range of options in life, they could choose love, riches, power, etc and other choices that present them with disaster. However, danger lurks within all of them and wishful thinking and fantasy can lead into trouble. 7 talks about spirituality, so they may be a spiritual person? I'm getting mega "brought up with paganism" or "heavily pagan" vibes and I'm not sure why? *King of Wands Reversed* - They're very impulsive and overbearing as a person, you'll tend to feel either comfortable or suffocated around them and there is no in between. They seem to have unachievable expectations about themself? Or about their future? They're also very reckless and prone to impulsive spending, which is why they're now trying to be more frugal. They seem to be a very passionate person, as seen by wands, and may idealise the idea of romance, falling in love, etc. Potential Zodiac Sign : *7 of Cups* - I feel like this isn't their zodiac sign, but a sign that may pop up frequently within their chart? Very heavy pisces vibes for a sign that may frequent within their chart, Re-asked and specified ACTUAL sign, not just "potential" (this obviously can't be 100% accurate) : *Knight of Wands Reversed* - Wands tends to signify fire, heavy aries vibes is what I'm getting! Sidenote; They're absolutely an extrovert with a terrible social battery and I am LIVING for it !! Ideal Type Personality : *Knight of Wands* - Wands indicates he would want a passionate lover, whilst Knight talks about him liking someone fearless, always looking for an adventure and wanting to take action. He'd like someone who has a passionate vision they wish to pursue and he would love to help them with that, he may also like someone brash, impulsive and unrealistic. Mainly because he would find it cute. Soobin's Future Spouse Personality : *Justice* - They may be a worker within the legal system, there's this heavy feeling of "I have to tell the truth", so they can't be a liar. They heavily rely on telling the truth, no matter how harsh it really is. They're very fair. I feel like they believe in karma? There isn't much to say here, just heavy introvert vibes. *10 of Swords* - 10 talks about completion and finality whilst swords talks about logic, ideas and intellect. This card is telling us that disaster will inevitably strike and it is beyond this persons control, they may perceive themself as a victim of their own life? They feel very defeated. Keeping it brief since I feel like they're a very quiet person *4 of Cups* - This card talks about stability and applying that to your life, whilst cups talks about your emotions, feelings and relationships. This card is telling us that they may feel very disconnected from the world right now, they're oddly apathetic and tend to contemplate their life often. Wondering what would happen if they were to suddenly become apathetic towards others. Potential Zodiac Sign : *The Lovers Reversed* - I'll take this as them telling me they would prefer not talking about it <3 Ideal Type : *The World* - Someone complete as a person, having inner and outer harmony. Someone who has many accomplishments of their own and has reached a certain level of perhaps spiritual/religious enlightenment. A person who has worked hard into cultivating who they are today and is willing to celebrate that. HueningKai Future Spouse : Leaving this one to tomorrow <3
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I feel once venti relationship with creator got past the awkward room mate stage to the “practically sleeping in each other’s beds for more than JUST sleeping in each other’s beds” venti practically tried to get as much time woohooing under the sheets with creator as possible in that year before they both were dragged back to tyvat by albedo. That’s practically one of the reasons he says him and creator are practically married, since the whole fuck culture that exists here is nonexistent in tvat except in certain scummy places (brothels). Tho creator probably just thinks of him as fuck buddies or even bf/gf if she ever asked if he wanted to take the relationship to the next step.
'woohooing' omfg 💀
The latter part of that is something I was trying to insinuate, I really don't think casual sex and hookup culture is really thriving down there, and I especially don't think it would have been thriving when Venti was learning about the social norms of the world around him, so he probably would very heavily associate being intimate with a solid committed relationship, meanwhile titles are a bit looser around here, so if a particular form of relationship isn't specified, then it certainly isn't guaranteed, no matter what actions may or may not have been performed
Really there's so much room for miscommunication because of the potential in completely different social norms between Teyvat and our world, either in a comedy or drama sense, it's just there waiting to be utilized
But yeah Venti acting like a horny teenager, where he's just constantly in the mindset of 'Take me!' sounds pretty canon to me
And whenever they both do get back to Teyvat he'd be pretty upset about a lot of realizations, like the fact you two aren't actually in a committed relationship, and just because he makes you breakfast every morning and is super enthusiastic about being intimate with you doesn't mean you two are actually together in any way that really matters
Of course he's working on rectifying that the moment the realization hits, but sadly, since he didn't get in on it back when you two were living alone together and there wasn't actively a couple thousand people competing for your attention that you had a sense of obligation to, the best he can really hope for is consort
Though that's not going to stop him from calling himself your soulmate/spouse/lover to anyone and everyone who does and doesn't ask, as far as he's concerned, you two are completely bound together
Which also means there's going to be a pretty heavy surge of unpleasant feelings if you do have multiple consorts, and those apply tenfold if you actually treat them all the same
He's probably bitterly thought that if what you have is more comparable to an open relationship, then what exactly is stopping him from going around and sleeping with whomever he pleases? Since that's what you seem to be doing and all, with no regards to his own feelings might he add
The problem is there is no one else in the world he would prefer to have that sort of relationship with, and he probably couldn't even force himself in that position with another person if he really tried because it would feel too much like being unfaithful to you
Poor poor Venti, forever suck falling hopelessly in love with a person that hundreds of others are also hopelessly in love with
Funny little situation to end this off, but like the interaction I did with the sagau and yandere Ventis, if either regular sagau Venti or reverse isekai after they both return to Teyvat Venti met reverse isekai still in the creators world Venti... Both would tell him to never ever ever ever bring to reader to Teyvat ever and just stay there happy together because it gets so much worse
It's like the little devil/angel on the shoulder thing where the angel side would theoretically be Venti doing his due diligence to every single person in Teyvat and also you by returning you to your rightful place in your rightful position, where you would receive so many more luxuries than he could ever hope to give you himself, but both of them are just little devils and are all "If you take the creator back to Teyvat I will actually personally kill you right here for being an idiot. For the love of Barbatos (wait a minute—) don't do it!"
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atlailx · 1 year
EarthSpark Season 1 Finale Retrospective (from someone who hasn't seen every single TF show)
(I'm not too sure how to format text posts but whatever)
Spoilers for Transformers Earthspark (obviously lol)
I finally had enough time to finish season 1 of Earthspark, and though I loved the finale, there were just a few things I think it could've improved on.
1. The ending was too easily solved, we had that HUGE buildup of the machine that could kill anything with energon in its body, then it's just reversed 2 minutes later? The finale would have generated so much hype and appreciation for the second season if it ended on a cliffhanger.
2. A few of the plot devices didn't make very much sense if you REALLY think about it. For example, once the Autobots arrive at the Malto's home to save them from ghost, why didn't they take off their ghost badges? They clearly do not associate with ghost anymore, why were they still wearing the badges? And even after that, when the Terrans and Bee defeat a mind controlled Elita and OP, why didn't they remove their badges? They saw that the badges are what caused them to power down at first, and it's safe to assume that once Elita and OP awoke from the Terrans defeating them, they'd still be under mind control. (Unless this was specified in the show and I just missed that)
3. This is minor, but where did the cassettes go? Surely Soundwave would've freed them, right? Also where is Tarantulas?
4. When Twitch and Thrash were on the tower fighting Mandroid, they knew that the cybersleeves were powering the energon machine thingy, why didn't Thrash just free the Maltos while Twitch distracted Mandroid? (Unless that's what he was trying to do originally, I may have missed/forgotten that)
Though I do have complaints, the finale had so much good in it
1. I love how Twitch and Nightshade were the main two Terrans, their personalities work so well together.
2. The camerawork and animation is amazing, the blend of 3d and 2d works so well in the finale and it looks phenomenal.
3. The reference to the hanger fight from previous episodes when Twitch propelled herself with her cannon was perfect, I love that she picked that up from Megs.
4. Overall it was an amazing finale, and though I still do prefer Cyberverse and TFP to Earthspark, the second season could steal my heart.
Speaking of season, here's a few things I'd love to see in the 2nd season of Earthspark (Obviously not every single one, that'd be a bit too cluttered for a single season)
1. More characters who (in canon) who changed sides (during the war) such as Jetfire and Drift, I'd love to see the dynamics of a reformed character showing their perspective on the past.
2. Add the DJD, they would be perfect for Earthspark, since in IDW, they hunt down Megs for changing sides, they'd be perfect since Earthspark Megs changed sides. I just want to see Earthspark Megatron be held responsible for his actions during the war, and would love to see Megs explain more of his previous ideals and tactics.
3. Give us more time to address the stuff that happened in the war, since we've seen people talk about it, but we need to SEE it, with characters like Starscream addressing the insane shit that happened within the cons ranks. (Similar to my previous thought, lol)
4. More classic characters being MAIN main characters, like give us more Arcee or Wheeljack. (This could be fixed with spotlight episodes)
5. More character spotlight episodes, we need to explore individual characters, especially the now freed Decepticons. I'd love a Shockwave, Soundwave, or even Skywarp spotlight episode. (Also where did the cassettes go? They should've been freed during the finale)
6. Possibly introduce Quintessons since this show loves Quintus Prime so much, and if they don't do that, introduce some of the other Primes.
7. Because of how progressive the series is with its representation, introduce Knock-Out, finally canonize Breakdown and Knock-Out's relationship in a show (I know it's canon in IDW), instead of just implying it like in TFP.
8. Have the second season focus on developing characters and introducing new ones, have the second season be a set-up for the third, and build up the antagonist through pre-existing characters. For example, using my Tarn/DJD suggestion, have an episode where Megatron reveals the DJD has found his location, and have him explain what the DJD is, and why this is an issue. Or with my Quintesson suggestion, have Quintus Prime give the children a vision of the Quintessons and warn them about their approach, then have the children ask what the Quintessons are.
9. This show could introduce Unicron, but honestly, a plot following the effects of the war would be better, though a Unicron plot is always welcomed.
10. Expand the Terrans more, they all share the same enthusiasm, and just feel a little too similar. I'd love to see Twitch become more pessimistic after all the insane stuff that happened in the finale, show her being affected after nearly being killed, watching her family "die", and having to mature so quickly, show Twitch being weary around Megs after nearly being killed by him under mind control.
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phoenixradiant · 6 months
Cabbage and Lettuce for the ask game
"Ask and ye shall receive!"
CABBAGE - Do they deserve their fate? & LETTUCE - Do they deserve their past?
I'm gonna handle these in reverse order because it makes chronological sense to do so, and I'm just gonna use the protagonists since no one was specified.
Lettuce: Not a chance. Man had the perfect life growing up until he was about 10. Then in a single day he became a cripple and lost his father and baby sister. Around the time he'd finally accepted that he'd have to live without them, his mother died to the plague. Then his surrogate parents (who are Maiph's actual parents) die in a magical accident trying to cure the plague. Then his friend and older-brother figure gets gutted in front of him, so that when he finally gets healed all he feels is guilt for being so helpless so long. He becomes a soldier to protect others, but the stuff that happens to him there is almost as bad. The fact that this guy hasn't cracked by the time the plot starts is miraculous.
Cabbage: Yep. He deserves every bit of it. The story may be rough, but afterwards, he gets married, has like 6 kids, spends the next hundred years farming, and then when his wife dies (they were both magical enough to slow aging a lot) he wanders off into the mountains, becoming a legend.
Lettuce: Also no. Cellic probably lost more than she did, but he had more to lose. The first twelve years of her life sucked, like, perpetually on the edge of starvation sucked. No big events to speak of, just constant suck. She gets found by one of her grandfather's knights and made a princess, and all she wants to do is help unfortunates like her, and it keeps not working. It's not her fault, but she almost loses hope.
Cabbage: (Very Spoilery) No. Plot happens and she dies not once, but twice. There are three characters in the book who cheat death, and all three of them are dead-for-realsies by the end, but Narra definitely deserved it the least. She had the optimism and moral purity of a literal child, and even after dying once tried to reconcile mercy and love with the reality of the battle she has to fight. The second time she didn't die quickly, either, but at least that time she was surrounded by friends.
Lettuce: Maybe. Magrom always was brutal, tricksy, and possessed by a wicked sense of humor, but like with the other two, he was just a kid. Then half his family is assassinated in a night, and from then on, he decided he was going to earn his suffering. He started lying, stealing, and killing almost overnight (he wasn't even a teenager before he made his first body). The only vestiges of a personal code he has left are "Never betray your family" and "Never be ashamed of who you have become." Chronologically speaking, Magrom Karven didn't deserve what he got, but the sum total of his actions vs. his fortunes until the beginning of the story? He 100% deserves it.
Cabbage: Another maybe. Kar goes through a pretty drastic change kicked off by a quest for revenge, where he has to confront the fact that deep down, he'd be willing to die to avenge his brother and protect his niece. He has to face the purely selfish version of himself that he's constructed and admit that he's been lying to himself, ashamed of himself. Once he's accepted that, he can finish the plot, but he could've done that as his vindictive, power-hungry self too. He ends up as High King of Alador, but most of the redemption and reconciliation he does occurs after the plot ends, and isn't actually shown in the book. As a person, he's definitely changed enough to warrant some good fortune, but he hasn't proven it to the world yet.
Zix, this was long! Well, thanks for the ask, hope you enjoyed reading!
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aecholapis · 6 months
For your TF fan continuity:
🏆 - What is the end goal? What are your characters fighting for?
💣 - What/who triggers the climax of the plot?
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
🌑 - Is there reoccurring symbolism? Motifs?
(from this ask game)
Upon inquiry, Novafire specified which part of the continuity this should be about. There are... four... storylines in total, two of which are important, but many of the sub-narratives happen at the same time. Because why make things simple when they can be complicated >:D
The first sentence is
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h elp
I'll try to focus on the main part which is essentially every typical TF story ever and the side story featuring OCs that experience the conflict from the sidelines. I hope you don't mind, since the mythology and post-canon action isn't much exciting. They will be referred to by their WIP titles, Entropy and Incandescence, respectively.
🏆 - What is the end goal? What are your characters fighting for?
Picture every typical pre-war story ever and blend them into something that looks like a smoothie - a badly blended smoothie because some fruit parts are floating around and disrupting the drink's consistency. Yeah, that's what it looks like from the outside. But on the inside it doesn't really look any better, haha.
There are many issues that need to be resolved and all of them stem from one big problem. The protagonists go on numerous adventures and solve many a mystery - though ultimately, they need to find the source of all evil and defeat it. Greed is a nasty thing. It will twist the noblest individuals to become their worst self on their rise to power. It will be their downfall - which is why they never stay in power long enough to leave lasting damage, save for the three mecha who have it all and want even more. It is up to the protagonists to stop them and reverse the damage they had done.
Their enemies are:
1) Cybertron's political system - a few rotten fruits can disturb the entire drink and make it unenjoyable. The main trio responsible for the unstable political situation are Sentinel Prime, Senator Proteus and Councillor Zeta - forming a secret, mighty triumvirate. They want power, they have the means to seize it and they will go to great lengths in order to see Cybertron subjected to their whims. Corruption goes a long way and even the repressed masses will be influenced by the triumvirate. 'You are not immune to propaganda' and all that.
2) The authorities - since the army and enforcers are working under their orders, the freedom and safety of the citizens lies in the hands of three individuals who could not care less about them. Even the enforcers themselves aren't exempt from surveillance. Mutual trust is at an all time low and everyone's priority is to live another day. If a mech doesn't conform to society's expectations, they will find a way to change that and those who work for the government are the first in line for behavioral corrections à la memory wipe or a reframe, etc.
3) Cities, or Titans and their speakers - we have the primacy which speaks for Cybertron, the council that decides what is good for Cybertroniankind and the senate which calls the shots in city states. But Titans also exist and their speakers watch over the districts their Titan resides at. However, not all Titans get the funding and resources they need to keep the population afloat. And helpless, impotent inhabitants cannot care for their home, right? It's a downward spiral. Only the most profitable Titans get what they need. Some are deemed as less important than others and this causes a rift between Cityspeakers. This does not end well.
4) Quintessons - Some time after the war is over, a Quintesson colony ship is spotted in Cybertron's orbit. They want their planet back. Elderly Quintessons like Alpha Q are part of the first generation which left Cybertron even before the First Generation roamed the surface, but they - like many other mechanical lifeforms made by the Primes - were sent to space to explore the cosmos and find a new home somewhere else. Millions of years later, the Quintessons have returned it is up to the protagonists and Alpha Q to find a solution for this problem. Preferably before the Quintessons reassemble Luna I and Luna II into Unicron and pilot him to wipe out Cybertroniankind. Don't worry, they will find a compromise.
5) In the end, their greatest enemy is their own self
What they plan to achieve:
1) Removing the members of the triumvirate from their positions - As the world begins to fall apart, everyone's favorite dock worker Orion Pax, founder of the Autobots, meets up with his fellow revolutionary Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. Both are inspiring spokespeople of their respective organizations, dreaming of a better tomorrow and sending messages of hope to their followers. They coordinate protests and hand out flyers, help those in need and stand against their oppressors. There is nothing more punk than spreading love and hope in a world which wishes to take this from them.
One day, a protest in Iacon turns violent and the Decepticons storm the senate and the council while the Autobots guide shocked civilians to safety. Orion Pax and Megatron hunt down the Prime - they follow him to his safe room where they talk for the last time, before Megatron shoots Sentinel Prime in a fit of rage. At Orion's unwillingness to destroy the root of all their problems, he declares war on the Autobots. At first, it seems like it had been nothing but an empty threat, until the Decepticons start attacking cities with wobbly but still functioning political structures all over Cybertron. One group of Autobots retaliates and this marks the unofficial beginning of the Cybertronian Great War.
Proteus escapes and leaves Cybertron, only to be slain by Starscream once his ship sets course to Earth. Zeta becomes the next Prime and remains on Cybertron, until an angry and upgraded Orion Pax returns from Earth just to kill him for personal reasons.
The Matrix is missing - it has been since the start of the war - but they find clues that it may have been stored away in one of their ships (Autobot or Decepticon). The Matrix acts like a two-way screen here. It lets the dormant Primus experience life on his surface in the form of a dream while the Matrix-bearer may see what is happening on Cybertron and how the planet itself is feeling. There is also this whole wisdom-of-past-Primes shtick, but that doesn't work well nor is it actually helpful. Not that it matters since it's gone anyway.
Rung has simply had enough, transformed and left... because he did not like Sentinel Prime and Zeta even less, lmao.
2) Decoupling the legislative, executive and judicial systems from the Primacy - Prowl was a lawyer before he was reframed. One of his cases was linked to the illegal activities of Sentinel Prime and how he and his allies funded laboratories to which he sent mecha who were causing him trouble. He found himself in such a lab pretty soon, his memories were wiped, he was given a new frame, a new identity, and now he was Prowl, the enforcer. His undetected sibling bond was the only evidence for what was done to him.
After joining the Autobots, he digs deeper into the Prime's illicit activities and finds enough leverage against him to tell Orion about it. The information finds its way out of the inner circles of the Autobots - it sparks an outcry by the public.
3) Form independent but cooperative city-states (gone wrong) - In order to reach equity, they must challenge the status quo which is easier said than done. Although cityspeakers have some influence in the grand scheme of things, it is not enough to ensure that the needs of their titans will be met. Too many lives are on the line so the less powerful cityspeakers team up against the government's favorites.
One of them, Damus, also known as Tarn (the tank), the cityspeaker of Tarn (the titan), argues with his mentor Iaconus, cityspeaker of Iacon. Things get out of hand and Iaconus calls in a favor of the Prime and wants Damus to be (dun dun duuun!) reframed. Shocking! Outrageous! Tarn (the titan) is having none of it and manufactures a second frame for his speaker.
Tarn (the tank) is none the wiser of the situation and just like he did before, he accepts Iaconus as his mentor. But Iaconus is noticably less friendly now. Tarn doesn't mind. The titan does but other than wishing for him to be cautious in the form of gentle pleas and mental hugs, he is powerless to prevent his speaker from falling for Iaconus' illusion.
A few cityspeakers suspect a conspiracy behind this sudden change. Praxus (Commissioner Cordon in his private life, there's a Batman joke here somewhere) investigates as far as he can but doesn't find out much. Or anything that will make a change. Tarn will never know what had transpired and so he lives on in the shadow of his mentor and in the safety of his titan, until the council denies his propositions for a better infrastructure and more needed funding for the umpteenth time. He follows the same path his predecessor has - the path that leads to his demise once again.
This time, he tries to keep it a secret from Iaconus. Other less-favored titan-cityspeaker duos join him and together they make a plan to protest the council's and senate's refusal to help them. Iaconus and a few of his "friends" join the official's side and that marks the end of their mentorship.
Also, no one likes Iaconus. All my homies hate Iaconus.
Tarn (the tank) is heartbroken, Tarn (the titan) is sad but supportive and then. And then the war breaks out, titans are destroyed, killed, and the cityspeakers meet up for the last time. Declaring the end of their neutrality they split up into Decepticons and Autobots - Iaconus and his traitors are waiting for them. They fight and Iaconus injures Tarn who is still hesitant to fight his former mentor. Megatron finds him and lifts him up, promising a better future for all of them if they joined his ranks.
And Tarn, the ever naive and hopeful mech he is, believes him. Those who joined them that day and lost their titans in a fight will later become the Decepticon Justice Division. They will become Headmasters and pilot their dead titans through space to hunt down traitors and dangerous Autobots alike.
4) Find a compromise - Optimus has returned to the Well of All Sparks (because of course he has) and Rodimus has taken over his position... more or less out of his own volition. But! Fret not, as he has a team of some of the best mechanisms the world has to offer standing by his side. He's got this (he does, in fact, not have this). They're not going on a cool space adventure this time - though I don't think they would mind that much.
Seven cross-faction teams are working together to find a way to stop Unicron from forming and destroying their planet. Meanwhile Rodimus has to suffer through bureaucracy and politics. The seven teams find a way to ensure the Quintessons will not destroy their kind and they fight Unicron, G1 movie-style. He wakes for a short amount of time and sees what is going on, separates into his two halves again and threatens to obliterate the Quintesson ships out of Cybertron's orbit. No one is allowed to mess with him, not even creations of Primus. A handful of Quintessons that don't want to conquer the planet but want to live there regardless negotiate for a right of residence and are accepted into their society. Unicron returns to his deep slumber, he resumes orbiting Cybertron as Luna I and Luna II and the day is saved.
5) Characters can change under hardships.
Ironwing's team has commited treason against the Galactic Council and they are on the run from Autobots, Decepticons and the same Space Police Organization they used to work for while simultaneously searching for spare parts to build... something??? that Carbonlight says will end all conflict throughout the universe. It is left unsaid that the machine they intend to create will be a mind-control device for starformers, huge, radiant, resting, planet-sized mechanical lifeforms that were created in the same way that Primus was.
Carbonlight's plans come into fruition and he takes control over three starformers. It is Ironwing's and his team's mission to stop them.
A neutral ship called the Stellar Observatory offers their assistance and together they try to lure the starformers into a trap and destroy Carbonlight's dangerous invention.
💣 - What/who triggers the climax of the plot?
This is hard to say because many factors influence how the final battle will play out. One would be that the Autobots have found new motivation to end the war after landing on Earth, another would be that Orion has had enough of Zeta Prime's unwillingness to help them and he murders him. Surprising to no one but himself, he finds the Matrix (pedestal included) waiting for him in the control room of his ship the next day and he accepts the Primacy for the sake of his Autobots.
Megatron is enraged because his opponent has embraced the symbol of their oppression (and he's totally not jealous of OP, noo). He launches an all-out attack on the Autobots at which the newly dubbed Optimus Prime responds with everything his forces have to offer. It's a wasteful event. Too many are injured to fight on, the Decepticons and Autobots are tired of everything. So Soundwave and Starscream come to the conclusion that now would be a good moment to put an end to it all.
They incapacitate him and negotiate the end of the war in the name of their faction and the majority of Cons agree to it. Megatron has become too attached to his warped idea of a fair society. He may have been an inspiring revolutionary once, but as the war dragged on, he had lost himself to the chase of thrill. He had become too obsessed over killing his once insignificant rival.
But despite his lack of fighting skills and his inadequate build, Orion had withstood. He had upgraded himself after each defeat. He had become his equal in strength and wits and destruction. They really, truly deserve each other (derogatory). Megatron is exiled and Optimus flies into the Well of All Sparks because he thinks it's the right thing to do.
Then, Rung escapes and appears in front of a shocked Hot Rod.
Fast forward a couple of years, Unicron is in their planet's orbit and Starscream and his cross-faction science division has made a fleet powerful enough to approach the giant planetary defense system that is targeting them. What triggers the final battle is Unicron's attack.
Seven ships set out to space and only the most courageous (and foolish) enter his frame and trigger the giant to wake up. He chases away the hostile Quintessons and returns to sleep.
Carbonlight hears of Unicron's short waking and sets course toward Cybertron. Near its sun, the Stellar Observatory overtakes them and they lure the starformers into the sun.
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
Prowl. Not only is he the main protagonist, he goes through so much character development that I need a full document to keep track of all the subtle but important changes over the course of the story. He does a completely 360° in terms of - I don't know - everything? It's hard to describe in just a few sentences but I'll try.
He wakes up in his new body with no recollection of his past. He is, save for his spark, a blank slate. His partner doesn't care what happens to him, his supervisor doesn't give him explanations and at the slightest mishap, he will meet the fate of all Prowls that have come before him. Strayshot has lost count how many partner changes he's had and all of them had been unexperienced rookies who asked too many questions.
So, on his first mission, he is told over his comms to shoot an unarmed suspect. He obeys because he is three hours old and has no idea what is actually going on. Suddenly, a part in his processor activates and he thinks to himself, "This feels wrong."
Prowl gets used to the monotonous busy life of an enforcer and grows to hate it internally. Slowly, he starts to question whether what he is doing is truly morally correct or if he is being played and he tries to be discreet about it. With little guidance how to do his job correctly, he starts to feel overwhelmed. His tactical network is state of the art software, the best on the market, but it's incompatible with his own hardware. Strayshot finds him during his first crash and stays just long enough to stabilize his condition.
This is how he learns what compassion is, although it's forced and unnatural in this case. After he recovers, something tugs on his spark. A strange feeling makes him wander off to a less favorable part of lower Praxus and he sees two suspicious mechanizms watching him. When he chases after them, they lure him into a trap and reveal their identities.
It turns out that Brawn and Side Burn are his brothers and Prowl’s spark remembers them. The three of them catch up with their lives and while Prowl doesn’t trust them yet, they agree to meet again in a few days. This goes on for a while, until Strayshot dies. He goes without a partner for a while and is tasked with paperwork only, which isn’t as bad as it sounds for someone with the best integrated tacnet Cybertron has to offer. This leaves him with a lot of time to think about how he could make their next meeting safer. This doesn’t work out as planned and during a sensitive case he catches someone spying on them. A chase sequence happens.
As soon as he has the chance, he goes against direct orders not to go underground and follows the stranger deep into the tunnels under their planet’s crust. There he finds himself surrounded by hostile bots hiding from the law. Outnumbered and outgunned, he expects them to treat him like he treats all criminals, but to his surprise they spare his life. Then their leader shows up, a lowly dock worker named Orion Pax who believes it is time to change the world.
They talk about a lot and Prowl learns that the political situation everywhere else on Cybertron isn’t much better. Sentinel Prime has turned the government against the general population in hope to gain even more power, many other politicians are spitting on the rights of the people. It is hard to speak up because the scientists have developed and perfected reframing. Basically every enemy of the state can be reshaped and employed to work for the government against their will and everyone who learns about it shares the same fate. Even those who accidentally insult any of the Prime’s friends aren’t safe.
Prowl is offered a choice. He can either join these rebels that call themselves the Autobots, or return to his old life as an enforcer but not before they use the cortical psychic patch on him and clear his memories of the past couple of hours. He refuses at first and a few Autobots call him out on how he is a murderer of the innocent and this paired with the stress he’s under leads to another crash.
When he wakes up, Ratchet is still tending to him. He recognizes the famous medic and calls him a traitor, but he is grateful for the patch-up. They talk about his role in this conflict and Prowl comes to the conclusion that he cannot join the Autobots yet, but he is willing to function as a sort of associate and advisor and he gives Orion his contact data.
Then he gets a new partner, a brand new reframed mech called Barricade who has different specifications than his prototype and a blank personality. Prowl should act as his partner and his mentor until Barricade is seen fit to be transferred to Kaon and take over a small team of his own once his training is finished. Prowl isn’t thrilled about this development, but soon he sees the potential that Barry has.
The moment the new mech shows signs of a personality starting to blossom, Prowl teaches him to question everything and to think for himself. But only when no one is watching. After some team bonding, Prowl now sees his mentee like a third brother. Since his own siblings don’t want an outsider to get involved in this, he doesn’t tell Barricade about anything. Side Burn and Brawn cross paths with the Autobots too, but since they’re harmless, they only get an invitation to join them - and they will when Prowl does. 
One day, Prowl goes against his commander's orders and backs up, while the other enforcers charge forward. It turns out it was a trap set by a radical bunch of Decepticons and all except a critically damaged Barricade die. The young mech is patched up to save his life, but they don’t erase his memories despite the obvious processor damage he has sustained, hoping that it would make him more resilient and aggressive towards Decepticons.
It is the last straw for Prowl when Jazz tells him what he has found out about his team’s fate and while his citizen record is officially marked as KIA (and another Prowl is put in his spot), a highly trained squad under the ‘improved’ Barricade hunts for him. Prowl joins the Autobots full time as their new strategist and does his best to keep his helm low and avoid public attention.
Meanwhile, the Barricade's squad suffers failure after failure and in his pursuit of his former mentor, he strays from his designated path and they decide to have him thrown into the pit fights as punishment. And former enforcers aren’t popular with the poor mecha fighting for their lives. That’s where he meets Megatron and where it really goes downwards for his mental health. Poor guy. He learns a hard lesson and when the war breaks out, he joins the Decepticons.
Prowl is now the head strategist of the Autobots and takes over Ariel’s role as second in command. She remains a general and one of Orion’s right hand mecha like Dion and Jazz.
As the war rages on, the stakes are raised and Orion asks Prowl to run a simulation that should help them gain the upper hand as soon as possible, but he and his carefully picked team of strategists miscalculate the risks one too many times. To him it feels like he is trapped in there for eternity, his processor is operating at such high speeds that he loses track of time. And when it is over the amount of time he has been gone should remain ambiguous to him.
One day, the simulation is disconnected. Everything stops and the program reports that a majority of their forces have lost after what feels like many years of continuous calculation. Orion informs him that this has not been a simulation at all. Well, oops, haha.
Now he has to live with the knowledge that he has sent countless bots to their death and Orion demotes him, hoping Prowl would find something to distract his troubled mind. He joins Spec Ops and as much as he hates to admit it, the energon-pumping action helps him cope with what happened. He goes full-on ninja mode (like in Animated), complete with new looks and extensive training.
It takes a lot of convincing from his coworkers to accept reality after being trapped in a simulation. At one point, he has become numb to outside influence and thinks everything that has happened until now is just one single, enormous simulation and that none of this is real. But it is and it hurts to think about it. Prowl is under constant surveillance since they fear he might snap. And he does snap but not outwardly.
This is as close as he'll ever get to IDW1 levels of cold and calculating. It's his defense mechanism against losing his mind completely. He can't hurt anyone if no one is close to him. His friends catch on quickly though and show him how much they still care about him.
Being reminded about his failures becomes more bearable over time. Then the Autobots find their way to Earth. Humans aren’t affiliated with the Galactic Council which allows Cybertronians to approach the planet. It also happens to be the last one Orion’s team visits before peace is declared.
Here, the Cons capture half of Spec Ops and download Prowl's tacnet into the Constructicons. Yay! Not only that, but their minds come in contact and Prowl leaves behind a backdoor, a string of code which will allow him later to force them to combine and seek him out. With one of their top combiners out of the picture, the Autobots regain superiority on the battlefield and so on and so forth.
Hours after peace is negotiated, Prowl sneaks in to the brig and frees the Constructicons out of guilt. He has had years to come to terms with what he has done and with the help of his friends, he has learned to let go of past troubles. He does testify before court and serves his sentence working in construction alongside new friends. It's surprising how well his tacnet is suited for this industry. And how content he is to just try living like a normal mech while watching the world heal.
Hmm, it has to be Helios. Life isn't easy on him and he feels like he's only good at being a tool for others to wield. Despite his devotion, he earns naught but a speck of recognition. His efforts are invisible, they are not something to be proud of and he sure isn't proud of himself. His brother didn't express positive emotions towards him and everyone else ignores him, save for Proteus who only sees him for his usefulness as a cheap errand boy and a scapegoat that does the dirty work for him.
Helios learns what it means to be loved and cherished once he lands on Earth. The local air rescue team is kind to him and when the Stellar Observatory takes him in, he befriends Nightjet and Ironwing. They show him what life should feel like and those days are the happiest of his life. He masks his troubles behind false cheerfulness and this scares away other members of the crew, but not these two.
He can be himself when they're around - and the same can be said about Ironwing and Nightjet. A proud warrior and a deceivingly disinterested mech return back to their old, authentic selves, an enthusiastic actor and an adventurer full of romantic ideas and musings.
These three mean so much to me and they don't even have a ship name.
🌑 - Is there reoccurring symbolism? Motifs?
Not as much/many as you'd think😅
Entropy - a state of disorder or randomness 📊 Chaos and order - you can't have one without the other 🔄
Incandescence - the visible electromagnetic radiation emitted by heated bodies ☀️ Colors - every OC under Firecry's command (Ironwing's team) has one hue of the rainbow as its primary color 🌈
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Ooh! New ask game!
Ironwood, obviously. And Qrow too.
Alrighty, these are my boys!
Let's do Ironwood first for the new ask game
1: sexuality headcanon
I headcanon Ironwood to be bisexual with a preference for men.
2: otp
Ironqrow for life. They are just so great as a ship, with all the 'mutual pining, not actually unrequited they're just both idiots, bickering divored-couple-energy that still allows for the spark of new love, the matching color scheme they had in their first looks, the way they look at each other, the freaking hug! It's an amazing ship.
3: brotp
Ironwood and Winter. A lot of people ship them and I can see why, but even though I've long headcanoned them to be the same age, in my head they're just very close friends, close to brother and sister, which makes him accidentally want to favor Weiss and Whitley when he knows them. XD
4: notp
Ironwood and Robyn. Blegh.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
James uses the training facility at Atlas Academy sometimes and will indulge students that want to spar with him. He's always careful and takes things easy on them, and always lets them get in hits to build their self-confidence.
6: favorite line from this character
"You have two choices: Defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves. ...No one will fault you if you leave."
This line is so very James at his best, aggggh! Because it starts out professional and stern, not exactly harsh but more blunt, and then the students all give each other these worried anxious looks, and he softens so clearly in his tone and tells them no one is gonna think less of them, that it isn't their job or their duty or morally right to endanger themselves, and that if they make the choice to leave they can. These kids are seventeen, this might be one of the only times in the first seven seasons that anybody told these kids it's okay to prioritize their own lives.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I am also kind of socially awkward! Ironwood with his tie adjusting and struggling in conversations and kind of stiff deliveries of things like 'it's good to see you again'... Me too, buddy, I also have no idea how to talk to people. XD
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The villain arc, ugh. What a terribly written final arc to have. It's always embarrassing to have to specify that I like Ironwood outside of his stupid badly done rushed villain arc that turned him into a boring two dimensional evil-laughing rando with a giant gun-gun using his two remaining braincells to do pointlessly evil things just to get at teenagers. Like??? Cringe.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave. Even at IW's very best, he still was flawed in some fun ways, he could do the wrong thing, he could do the right thing but do it in a way that makes you go 'huh.' (Gonna be honest, although I love cinnamon rolls, they're not half as interesting as problematic faves.) XD Aaaand at Ironwood's worst, he was a pointlessly evil stuck up bastard trying to kill and torture people for very little reason, and not in a fun way.
Now for Qrow
1: sexuality headcanon
I headcanon Qrow as bisexual as well, and I also headcanon him as having only realized he was bisexual as a grown adult (partially because Qrow is one of my faves and I project onto my faves, and I only realized I was bi when I was a grown adult. XD)
2: otp
Ironqrow again. XD This ship is just so good that it's my number one fave for both characters.
3: brotp
Qrow and Ozpin. This is a ship that I could see myself enjoying, but what I enjoy even more is them as close friends, with Qrow looking to Oz for guidance and as an authority figure and then the roles reverse when Ozpin gets put into a teenage body and suddenly Qrow is the guide in charge.
4: notp
Funnily enough, this one is also Robyn. Qrow and Robyn started being a ship when she caused a fight and then partially due to her actions, the queercoded Clover was brutally murdered, and then Clover and Qrow spent an entire season doing next to nothing but talking to each other despite their relationship mattering less than any other relationship Qrow had that could've gotten developed, and Robyn compared her problems with her active truth-telling semblance to Qrow's "I hurt everyone around me" problems caused by the passive semblance that makes his life harder despite him not doing anything, and then she was like "don't be sad that your actions helped the Salem worshipper brutally murder your friend, he was probably secretly evil and bad and you're better than that despite the fact that I've known you for like a day." Like, their relationship is nothing but angering for me. XD
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I have this headcanon that Qrow doesn't realize it, but his bad luck semblance tends to react to large emotions he has. He still absolutely can't control it, but when he's calm and casual and cool, his semblance affects him and the world around him a bit less, and when he's really angry or really sad or even really happy his semblance kicks up and sometimes does really big things like cause unexpected rainstorms and make the electricity in buildings go out and stuff like that.
6: favorite line from this character
Raven: "They were your family." Qrow: "You have a very skewed perception of that word." Maybe it's just because this line fits into my headcanons, but I love it because Qrow's past easily lends itself to him having been abused by the people in the Branwen Camp, and then acquired a found family in Team STRQ and Ozpin, and now he has Yang and Ruby and he was involved in picking up the pieces when Raven left and then again when Summer died, which was probably devastating for him. I also just like Qrow's quippy nature and I like that at least someone was calling out Raven on her BS.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Despite the fact that I've projected onto Qrow, we actually don't have very many similarities. But I'd say that although it's not nearly to the point of Qrow's own issues, I also struggle with feeling like a burden to the people around me and too much of a mess to deal with. I like writing for Qrow partially because it's a good way to explore those feelings.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
"The size of the waitress's skirt length" Ulgh, gag me with a spoon. The at the time all male writers and one with a particularly bad past regarding misogyny on a show concepted by a guy who likes animating a seventeen year old woman character's boobs to bounce around to a jeering laughing cheering crowd... Yeah, no thanks. I much prefer writing my version of Qrow to flirt a lot but know where the line is and not do things like talk about how hot he finds miniskirts on service workers to his two underage nieces.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave for sure. Even at his best, Qrow is a rough-around-the-ages spy with shady connections blindly following a leader and not seeing much wrong with getting kids involved who also picks fights with people and is drowning in his own emotional problems in ways that have negative effects on the people around him. But Qrow also (especially in the third and in the eighth season) like it or not also suffers from the problems of the writers, whether that's never giving a damn about inequality, objectifying service workers in a funny story to his underage nieces, seeming weak willed and hypocritical due to the writer's misuse or retconnings or making him go along with whatever Ruby says after Argus, or actively aiding a servant of Salem in volume seven and losing all his braincells in the process so the writers can force it to happen. Either way, Qrow is very problematic, in some fun and interesting ways and some not so fun ways.
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bulldogblues · 1 year
Can we make 2020s the decade where men not doing their fair share of house chores and household management becomes as socially shunned as blatant misogynists who flat out say 'a woman's place is in the kitchen'?
The popular comparison in feminist and feminism-aligned circles is to compare them to toddlers... but that's unfair to toddlers. Little kids often WANT to help their parents out with household tasks, even (sometimes especially!) when it's a task you really can't trust a preschooler with!
No, men who are happy to let their girlfriend or wife do 90%+ of the housework, even when she works just as many or even more hours in a paid job than they do, are outright stealing time and wellbeing from their partners for their own benefit, and most of the time get away with it completely scot free. Or the woman is shot down if she dares to voice any negative opinions about it whatsoever.
I'm fed up of every TV sitcom ever treating the 'idiotic lazy dad' as a comedic figure rather than the malevolent enforcer of sexism it is.
If you're a guy in a hetero relationship reading this and think 'Well that doesn't apply to me', then great! Men are just as capable as women of running a household and keeping home life going, but that should be the expected standard, not a pleasant exception.
Here are a few ways you can help reverse the trend and force society to view the division of labour in a more equal light.
* Stop referring to men as 'helping' with the housework. 'Helping' with housework is something you might do for a sibling, a friend, an elderly family member, a favour to assist them when they have too much on their plate or they can't accomplish the tasks themselves. It does NOT apply to the house that the man himself lives in. Every adult in any household has a responsibility towards maintaining its upkeep. He isn't 'helping' - he's doing his fair share.
* Having meaningful, two way conversations with partners about what an even division of labour looks like. Nowhere near enough people do this and it shows. Exactly what the split looks like will be different from couple to couple, but the important thing is that you're both putting in more or less equal effort overall and that both of you will be better off for it.
* If you have kids, make sure that both boys and girls are taught the same way of the importance of maintaining a house and how to do it. Schools have a part they should be playing here too, but that's a different topic altogether...
* Doctors/schools/vets/etc. have a tendency to prioritise contacting the mother over the father, even when no parent is specified as first contact over the other. To achieve parity, the father needs to make it explicitly known that he should be contacted. If it's left unsaid, societal biases rear their ugly head.
And no doubt a whole bunch of other ways I completely missed.
There are so many men out there proving the bullshit wrong and being active and present partners and fathers. But there are also oh so many that refuse to move with the times and coast by doing as little as they can get away with.
Time to let them know that their actions aren't without consequences any longer.
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thefoxlady · 6 months
(Anon behind asks 1, 2, and 4 again. I'll specify that it's me every time. though at this rate maybe I should give myself an anon name lol.)
For reading about the dst storyline, this page (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Story_Line) (I hope the links work) gives a decent description of events inside and outside of the constant in order. Though it's not perfect imo, I personally don't like the wording on some things.
It should also be noted that because some developers have said a few contradictory things in the past, the lore can be a bit weird in some parts? So not necessarily everything on there is entirely true I believe and it has to be read carefully.
For more detailed lore, this page talks about Maxwell's backstory (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/William_Carter_Puzzles)
This page talks about Maxwell and Wilson meeting after Maxwell's former assistant Charlie freed Wilson from the nightmare throne (after Wilson freed Maxwell) They then form a truce (after getting into a fight once lol) and they build a portal together that allows the other survivors to join the same dimension/world/timeline(?) as them. (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Cyclum_Puzzles)
and this page has images showing the lore of the ancients (a species that came long before the survivors and are native to the constant, but they all died out because (in some way) They (the shadow gods of the constant, possibly also the lunar gods? it's... complicated.) killed them all by turning them into the shadow creatures. (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Metheus_Puzzles) (Ps, for this one, the images given show the original colors, but they're likely NOT accurate. The accurate ones can be found by looking them up, and they're mostly shades of yellow in color.)
For additional lore, you can also read about the gorge event, the forge event, items in the ancient archives (various character quotes talk more about ancient lore) and the ancient murals/items in the ruins (additional ancient lore) And if you have a lot of time available/you're really bored, you can read character's quotes on the wiki too. These are usually good for learning more about character's personalities, but they can also contain (sometimes pretty important) lore.
If you want to watch something, there's a two part series by a youtuber called OrangE that explains the dst lore in a humorous way BUT. I wouldn't recommend watching the parts until reading the rest of the lore, because some things are opinion/speculation on the lore I believe and some of those things are wrong (ex: at one point in the second part I believe a character is called Metheus and another character is called Cyclum when I believe canonically it is the other way around.) (Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klrHnnb3AIw) (Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy8vPqOdAqk&t=837s)
There is also this video which shows the in game play "The Doll" which is Queen Charlie retelling her story (through a biased, unreliable view. It gives more information about Them, and shows how being queen (And manipulated by Them) has changed her view of events. (The king/Maxwell's actions, of course, aren't accurate to cannon because Charlie (And possibly They) have a grudge against him and so she portrays him as much eviler in her play.) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGTfmJ4L294)
There is also the character shorts of course, but also the official game play trailers by the developers on their YouTube channel (Klei Entertainment) They have a playlist on their channel with all of the videos, but they are in reverse order so you have to start with the last one on the playlist and work your way up. (Also, there is a short animation called "Inevitable", but it's likely not cannon and even if it was it's not really story or lore relevant.)
Also, to elaborate more on Maxwell and the throne.
Before the throne, Maxwell just wanted to be a famous magician. When he got the Codex Umbra in a train crash (that he almost died in) he just wants to use it for magic at first. And it works, as he does become wealthy (I believe) and well known. He also got his assistant, Charlie, and at first they had a good relationship, but over time Maxwell became more and more obsessed with deciphering the codex, even though he was aware that it could be dangerous In encore, Maxwell's rework short, we see that the shadows/codex harm Maxwell physically and mentally. And also that he's probably going insane, considering the writing all over his walls (which is seen in the William Carter puzzles as well.) (Also something notable: In his in game lore summary, it states that the dark knowledge found deep within the codex "addled his mind and clouded his heart" meaning that the codex made him more insane and a worse and/or more distant person, basically.)
Charlie, scared by this, suggests they take a break after one last act. There's a video of this final performance at the end of the William Carter puzzles (It's on the wiki I believe) and clips of it play during encore. In it, during the act, shadows reach out of the codex, grab, and kidnap both Maxwell and Charlie (very much against both of their wills).
We don't see how exactly Maxwell ends up on the throne and Charlie as the night monster, but we do know that Charlie was attacked and became the night monster/grue after and Maxwell feels guilty and responsible for that.
We don't know how long Maxwell was on the throne for, because time in the constant does not move in a normal, linear way like it does on Earth. He refers to it as "eternity" though, he asks "What year is it out there?", and when being freed from the throne he dies nearly instantly, with even his bones turning to dust. So he was probably on there for a long, long time.
During that time, he was completely tied down on the nightmare, the only human contact he got was when he spoke with a survivor at the start of each world or when making a deal to bring them into the constant (and he used projections or shadows to do those, because he was still trapped on the throne), and he had to listen to the same song on loop for that entire eternity. (Chances are he didn't get to eat or drink anything at all during that time too, but it's unknown if he could feel hunger, thirst, etc while on the throne since it kept him alive.) (When examining it, he also describes the throne as "painful".)
At the end of adventure mode, when speaking to Maxwell, he says
"I don't know what they want. They... they just watch. Unless you get too close... Then... Well, there's a reason I stay so dapper."
I believe that his "dapper-ness" is implied to be how he recovers his mind/sanity on his own, which could imply that the reason he stays dapper is to prevent himself from completely losing his sanity because of Them. It could mean other things, though.
There isn't much known about the shadow god(s?) that imprisoned Maxwell, known only as Them (or They/Their) (Usually with a capital T? But it was inconsistent in the past.)
What we do know, though, is that
They caused the death of an entire species, transforming them into the violent nightmare creatures that attack the player at low sanity. A former ruler of the ancients, the ancient fuelweaver, says that "They will not show mercy as I have." Considering that fuelweaver tries to kill you, calling it saving you, he seems to be implying that what They will do to the survivors/characters is far worse than death.
There is also another character, who is encountered in the forge event, known as battlemaster Pugna, who speaks more about Them. He sends enemies to kill you because he believes that the survivors/players are working for Them, and the throne. He speaks a little bit about Them during the event.
"... Do you understand the forces you serve? They destroy all They touch... We were severed from the Throne! Trapped in a realm of stone and fire! That is why we cannot let you win."
He also says that his goal is to destroy the throne.
They are described and shown to be incredibly destructive and murderous, and their magic, shadow magic, drives people to insanity and makes them behave differently.
Being very obviously evil, it'd make sense if They had Maxwell tortured further while on the throne (especially psychologically, since they are well. insanity god(s) basically.)
Maxwell doesn't really talk about his experience on the throne (either because he doesn't like to talk about his past in general or because the throne was particularly traumatic) so there sadly really isn't much to go off of, though.
Some of his quotes do show how the experience has changed him in small ways though. His quote for a wooden chair is "I'm appalled by the idea of sitting for some reason." and when it is burnt he says "Better that way." When looking at a phonograph, he says "That accursed thing!" and for the in game ragtime record he shouts "Destroy it!". for the other records, he says "Forgive me if I've lost my taste for music." and "Silence would be preferable." For some of Wigfrid's battlesongs, he'll say "No. I do NOT sing."
And, while Maxwell might partly enjoy the power as ruler of the constant, he hates the throne and he didn't want to be on it at all. In the checkmate epilogue room, where the throne is located, there is a hidden portal. When it's activated, all it does is bring the player back to the start(?) of the room, and Maxwell will tell them "Don't you think I've tried that? This is the end of the line. We have no escape." If the player tries to attack and kill Maxwell, they are struck by lightning and if they used something to attack him, it is destroyed. Maxwell responds to this with "The throne won't allow that. I've tried." Which... Has pretty dark implications. and shows that he tried everything to free himself.
"Why didn't he make it easier for the survivors to reach the throne if he wanted off then?" The most common answer to this is usually that he makes it harder to get the survivors to hate him and thus be more willing to beat the challenges (due to spite) just so they can face him in person. I personally think that They forced him to make it difficult to "prolong the game" and make it more entertaining for Them. That, and I think he partly feels like he deserves to remain on the throne, as when the phonograph playing ragtime in the throne room is turned off, but then on again, he says "I suppose I deserve that." (he also shows guilt over things in some dst quotes) That's just my theory/speculation, though.
As for why he brought people to the constant in the first place, we don't know for sure either, but the two most common theories for it that I see are that Maxwell is kidnapping people in the hopes that one of them will free him, or that he's kidnapping people to entertain himself. I personally disagree with both of these and instead think that They probably had him bring in certain numbers of people to entertain Them, because Maxwell brought children to the constant.
While he probably was desperate to be freed, I'd think he'd just bring more adults in if he could, since on average they'd be better at surviving. And I highly doubt he'd find the suffering of children entertaining, considering that he seems quite fond of children (at least human and. larvae ones.) When examining a pipspook, the sad, passive soul of a child that was brought to the constant that then died in the constant, Maxwell says "I'm so sorry." (which is, as of his rework update, the only time he genuinely says the word "sorry" in his quotes. And when examining a flower they leave behind after finding a toy that they lost, he says "I hope they found peace." He also has decent relationships with the other children survivors, except for maybe Wurt (I believe that Wurt's quotes about records have her say that Ragtime is the only one she wants to listen to? which might be why Maxwell is less friendly with her.)
There's also an animal in game, a small, friendly baby lavae that is obtainable by killing the dragonfly, and Maxwell has really sweet quotes about it ("I can say with pride that it is comfy and cozy." when it's egg is warm, "You're not a hellbeast, are you? Nooo. Just misunderstood!" and "It's happy with me, and I with it." when it's fed, and "Just like old times." when examining it's older, pet form. Maxwell is also distressed and sad when it does poorly: "I knew I would make a terrible pa-pa." when the egg is too cold, "It's hungry. Why is it hungry?" when it's hungry, and "I think it's going to die!" when it is starving.)
It is possible though that he only got to know the bare minimum about his victims before bringing them in, and he didn't know which ones were children, but then I'd think he'd stop quickly after realizing that they could be kids, if he was bringing people for fun. Which is why I think that instead he had to bring in enough people to please Them and prevent consequences and additional torture for himself, which would force him to keep bringing people. (That's just my guess, however, and cannon doesn't really say much on the matter? It just says in his lore summary that he was "compelled to ensnare more victims in the Constant's trap." without saying what compelled him. I think that wanting someone who could free him probably played some role at least.
(HOWEVER. There is at least one person who Maxwell tried to bring to the constant intentionally, that being the man he owed money to when he was still William Carter and starting out as a magician. This failed because Wes got in the way, so he responded by trapping Wes in a box and having it guarded with clockworks. This showed that Maxwell was pretty petty and held grudges and I personally think that it was really wrong of him to try and bring someone to the constant on purpose and that this was a bad thing he did. Maxwell isn't not a complete monster but he also definitely did do bad things in cannon and I wouldn't really blame for disliking him for that, even if I don't. That and he's prideful and arrogant, though that's possibly just what he wants other people to think he's like.. Also, in Wes' in game lore entry, it's stated that "being the kind soul that he is, Wes holds no grudge against Maxwell..."...so at least Wes isn't mad at him for what he did.)
Once Maxwell's off the throne, he grows as a person and becomes more humble. A good example I can think of is comparing his old, Don't Starve quote for his statue ("Now that's a fine statue.") to his remark on it in Don't Starve Together, which would take place later in the timeline. ("It seems silly now...") Other characters also speak positively about him, like Ms. Wickerbottom who says "He's actually quite a sweet boy when you peel away the ego." when examining his statue in dst. Wolfgang refers to him as a friend, Wigfrid calls him ally multiple times and she wants to toughen him up, and in the encore short it's even shown that Woby, the dog, cares about him. (Which means a lot, considering Walter has a quote about Woby growling at Maxwell showing that she disliked him at first.)
...speaking of encore. Maxwell's decision to work with Charlie. (I'm assuming this is what you mean when you say that Maxwell will betray the survivors, feel free to correct me if you mean something else, though.)
Queen Charlie is trying to manipulate Maxwell to her side by showing him specific memories of them together, and how their relationship was damaged by him getting too invested in the codex, and telling him that he should have just told her what was going on.
And when Maxwell agrees to the deal, I don't think it's because he particularly wants to harm the survivors and while i think a small part of it might be that he wants to have some of the power he had on the throne, I think the main reason he does it is out of guilt.
Before his rework, he used to apologize to Charlie when examining his codex umbra. Considering quotes like his "I suppose I deserve that." mentioned earlier, and other quotes like his "Ah. I thought I'd run out of people to disappoint." when examining a cracked pearl (the cracked pearl is obtained after giving it to the person you were told to give it to- they fight you, and defeating them breaks the pearl, and so it's not even the player's fault for it breaking) plus Maxwell's quotes for pipspooks, he seems to feel bad, guilty, and regret things, even if they were things done on the throne or things out of his control, so it'd make sense for him to feel incredibly guilty about what happened to Charlie, as his actions resulted in her not only entering the constant, but becoming the night monster and later the queen.
I think he views helping Charlie as "repaying" what he owes her, or helping someone he hurt, even if it does mean working with the shadows. So far, we haven't seen him harm another survivor in the pursuit of helping Charlie, though he seems to be aware that Charlie's end goal is to bring back Them/Fully allow Them into the constant. (Which. would obviously not be good for the survivors. Or him. Or Charlie.) It's possible he's hoping to stop Charlie last second or try and change her mind, and it's possible that he is going to try and bring Them back even if it means betraying the others, but there really isn't enough showing what he's actually doing for Charlie in the cannon (and exactly why he's doing it) to say anything for certain, imo. (Also its possible that he doesn't see an issue with what he's doing at all and he might think he can help Charlie while still assisting the survivors in survival.) (Not really related, but Charlie is also being manipulated by Them, and her play suggests that They are a part of her, which is why she's doing bad things- They're lying and misguiding her intentionally.)
So um. incredibly long explanation short, in my opinion, Maxwell did genuinely do some bad things and he has character flaws, as all characters should, but I'd say the real villain/person/thing to blame for a lot of it would be the shadows/Them, who kidnapped Maxwell and Charlie to begin with. And also I wish Klei gave us more lore about what was going on.
(I hope you don't mind the... blocks of text, I'm surprised that I even wrote this much considering that Maxwell isn't even one of my 4 favorite dst characters (I consider him a second favorite character? And that's mainly because I like his dynamics/interactions with other characters) not doing all this to force you to change your mind of course, I just like talking about the lore of my favorite game. and this was fun to write, I even learnt a few things. Also I could've missed something and there might be spelling mistakes because I'm up at 1:50ish at night and a bit sleepy lol.)
(Also I'm sorry if I over explained a lot of this, I'm not sure exactly how much you do know about the lore and story and I don't want to accidentally not mention something important in case you don't know something)
That's okay, lot of text to read though, I'm just going to pin this just in case. In the encore short, I thought he was going to betray the survivors but I guess I was wrong :/
But hey, at least I have an up to date timeline of the lore right?
(This got me thinking about Constant Hell, my DST creepypasta, and rewriting why and how the survivors became tormentors and hate Maxwell so much... Maybe I could make it to where the creator of the mod puts all their anger and hate towards the world in the mod with the tormentors being all their anger and hate bottled up in all of them which resulted in the tormentors hating Maxwell so much. Yeah... Maybe that's a better reason.)
0 notes
antonioboston35 · 11 months
Execute your Trades Instantly on top Exchanges Using Tradingview Webhooks
We all know that crypto trading is not an easy task. The crypto market is quite challenging, volatile and unpredictable. For those who are looking to take full control of their trades, making use of signals and notification alerts are the best tools to include in their crypto trading strategy. However, there are times when you are busy with any other task and you can’t execute the trades consistently within the specified timeframe. Isn’t it?
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What’s now? There is one such powerful tool that you can choose to automate your trades, or execute the trades promptly. What’s that?
Its webhook! No matter what kind of trader you are, TradingView webhook will execute the trades automatically on your behalf on almost any trading platform. Webhooks allow you to monitor updates and stay informed.
What are webhooks?
Do you know you can automate any trading scenario on TradingView using zero coding? The code-free trading automation suite enables crypto traders to easily create automatic trading strategies based on TradingView alerts.
This platform allows the creation of alerts based on the chart’s patterns, indicators and more. And, TradingView webhook is a way of sending a message to the third party if any alert is triggered. TradngView has a robust API that will enable the traders to subscribe to the trade alerts from their account.
So webhook is an event-driven approach that ensures that a service provider can send the right notification to the right place at the time it occurs. Webhooks are also termed reverse APIs as the server calls the client’s API.  After initiating the webhook, the HTTP request is formed for the user’s unique URL and the information is transmitted through the secured channel.
Generally, webhooks solve the problem of receiving trading alerts in real-time. When it comes to crypto trading, webhook trading bots are configured to set any task for respond. This involves:
Trade enquiry
Creating or changing the order status
Subscribing or unsubscribing 
The best crypto trading platform offers various alerts and signal automation methods to traders. Firstly, a signal template is created, then it’s time to configure trigger as webhook, and then sending data to webhook URL from the apps like TradingView. Webhooks are like SMS notifications and now these have been added to most of the crypto trading platforms. Users can improve their trading strategies using third-party exchange services.
How do TradingView webhooks work?
With any TradingView alert, the traders can select the webhook URL under the alert section. After selecting this option, you need to provide the webhook URL and message. The Webhook URL is actually the address to which the trade alert will be sent, and the message here is the content for the alert.
Why using a webhook is important?
We all know that cryptocurrencies are volatile and keep on changing every minute. Due to this, it’s always impossible for a trader to time their trades perfectly. Notification alerts are the solutions, but using webhooks is the best option if you want to execute any trade as soon as possible.
Webhooks allow the traders to monitor for updates to charges associated with their trading account.
How to connect webhook for TradingView signals?
To get a webhook, firstly you have to create an API key in the crypto trading platform. If you are having an active API, there are chances that each trade may confirm the option to show Webhooks. Now, fill in the fields in the TradingView web panel. To configure TradingView alerts on any platform, select the trade where you want to receive the alerts. Now, it’s time to determine the action, either buy or sell, and then determine if you want to use a limit order or market order. And, now it’s time to create an alert.
To setup a TradingView webhook, make sure to create a paid account as this feature is not available for the free accounts. And, then you can start it as:
By adding new alerts or modifying the existing ones. On your TradingView account, search for your desired cryptocurrency, and then hit on the alarm icon shown above in the upper left corner of the chart. Now a dialogue box will appear.
On that pop-up, you will see a webhook section with an input field labeled URL where you have to put the webhook address. Then on the message field, it’s time to input the buy or sell message sent to your chosen exchange.  It could be a plain text message or a JSON message format.
When should one use TradingView webhooks?
There are numerous reasons for using TradingView webhook, but these are used by most of the traders who want to automate their trades. Using TradingView webhooks as your primary trading strategy is the best option or you can use it as an added layer of protection against the missed opportunities.  If you are too busy and have no time to check the trading charts, and want to execute a position whenever your desired conditions are met, it’s time to choose TradingView webhook bots.
These bots ensure a seamless trading experience by saving their time and money. There are numerous reasons for choosing webhook bots, but usually they can be used to automate the trades.
Using TradingView webhook as a powerful trade automation tool will automate all your trading strategies on the crypto trading platform. This will allow you to access the market data and information without watching the trends and charts all the time. With just an API call, all your trading decisions will be automated. Using webhooks, even the traders can integrate custom signals on the third-party trading platforms or exchanges.
0 notes
writermuses · 1 year
Send a [word] for a Happy Sinday prompt
Please specify ship/pairing and if you want this as a HC or starter. I will not respond to mass requests. Just send a few separately if you can't pick one. I am also too indecisive. I will respond privately on the rare chance that it is not something my muse will do with your muse or if I feel like the scenario should be reversed.
[ SIT ]  for one muse to finger the other who sits in their lap fully clothed,  keeping an arm around their waist to make them stay still. 
[ RISK ]  for one muse to drive and finger the other who is in the passenger seat. 
[ DISTRACT ]  for one muse to drive while the other gives them head/fingers them. 
[ WATCH ]  for muses to cuddle on a couch while watching tv and one of them begins to finger the other but stops every time they make too much noise. 
[ SUBTLE ]  our muses are cuddling,  sender begins to feel up receiver and tease them. 
[ STILL ]  our muses are cuddling,  receiver begins to feel up sender and tease them. 
[ GUIDE ]  while one muse is riding the other,  the one being ridden takes hold of the one on top’s hips to control their movements. 
[ CLOSE ]  our muses have sex in lotus position,  clinging to each other desperately.  
[ GAZE ]  our muses are having sex in missionary and the one on the bottom tells them to slow down so they can just look at them for a few moments. 
[ DELAY ]  one muse is trying to get ready to go somewhere while the other keeps kissing them and unbutton/unzipping their clothes. 
[ CAREFUL ]  one muse is recovering from minor injuries,  so the other takes charge and makes them stay still while they have slow,  sensual sex. 
[ REVERENT ]  one or both muses have been pining for a while,  sender body worships receiver by kissing all over their body and giving them oral. 
[ GRATIFICATION ]  one or both muses have been pining for a while,  receiver body worships sender by kissing all over their body and giving them oral. 
[ MESS ]  our muses are supposed to be cleaning up in the shower after sex,  but sender starts to finger receiver. 
[ RESTART ]  our muses are supposed to be cleaning up in the shower after sex,  but receiver starts to finger sender. 
[ CLEANSE ]  our muses have sex in the bathtub. 
[ TENSION ]  one muse is patching up the other’s injuries which leads to intense eye contact,  lingering touches and them finally crashing their lips against each other’s. 
[ DISCUSSION ]  for our muses to talk about kinks and figure out their boundaries together. 
[ APPROACHED ]  our muses haven’t been intimate yet and sender finally broaches the subject to receiver  (  feel free to add dialogue or actions  ) 
[ APPROACH ]  our muses haven’t been intimate yet and receiver finally broaches the subject to sender. 
[ SUGGESTIVE ]  our muses are hanging out and end up on the topic of turn ons,  kinks,  and what they’re attracted to. 
[ GROUND RULES ]  for our muses to discuss boundaries before trying something new in bed. 
[ OBSERVE ]  for sender to show receiver where and how they want to be touched. 
[ DEMONSTRATE ]  for receiver to show sender where and how they want to be touched.
[ LINE ]  our muses are supposed to only be pretending to be together for a mission or fake dating,  but they keep going and neither one of them is stopping which leads to them hiding away to have sex.  
[ DEBATE ]  our muses are arguing because sender is worried and overprotective of receiver,  but when they get up in each other’s faces they end kissing and groping at each other. 
[ CLAIM ]  our muses are arguing because receiver is worried and overprotective of sender,  but when they get up in each other’s faces they end up kissing and groping at each other. 
[ SENSUAL ]  for sender to slowly undress receiver,  caressing and kissing every part of them they expose. 
[ GRADUAL ]  for receiver to slowly undress sender,  caressing and kissing every part of them they expose. 
[ SERVICE ]  our muses just showered together,  sender dries off receiver with a towel and kisses each part of them they dry as they go. 
[ CARESS ]  our muses just showered together,  receiver dries off sender with a towel and kisses each part of them they dry as they go. 
0 notes
impeccablebackside · 1 year
Full Nelson style fucking is a great thing. Take Victoria and plow her good and hard
Thank you immensely for the ask anon. If you (or anyone else) have more thoughts that they want to share, you know I am always here waiting for them.
I will admit that I had to look up what exactly 'full Nelson' styled fucking is. I had a vague idea, and it was not terribly off, but you have indeed introduced (or rather acquainted) me with the concept, so thanks for that as well. I will say that I am oddly not as big of a fan as you would probably think of that position. It loses the love and care that is so good about facing your partner, and is just a touch too much objectification leaning for me. Plus I feel like you would need to be a fairly skinny dude with a long schlong to make it work properly, so that invalidates me in possibly more than one way.
Do not get me wrong at all though, as some hard fucking that delves into using your partner in that manner is great. It is a good position overall though, so do not let me ruin any enthusiasm. Anytime someone can take advantage of a size difference and (nicely) manhandle a small girl gets a stamp of approval from me.
One issue I have with it is that it is a relatively awkward position to fuck in, at least anatomically. Assuming this is done laying down, unless the guy is leaning back a fair bit while fucking, and / or the girl is tilted back, it looks difficult. Proper pleasurable penetration (PPP ©️) would be reduced to short and shallow thrusts, and it just does not look it would do it for the girl, which is a huge downside for me. Maybe I am totally wrong, but more likely I am just boring.
Another slight issue I have is that it seems like it would be better suited for anal, which I should specify is not a deal breaker at all for me. In my research (yes, very scientific), I saw more anal action, and that makes sense from an anatomical standpoint as well.
Anyway, let me take a brief moment to cherish what you wrote anon. No matter what, taking Vic and giving it to her hard and good is really what matters. I am never going to contest that.
While I am on the mindset that Vic (and Plato) are certainly into some more spirited and 'adventurous' positions and fucking, I am not so on board with them coming together like this often. They always want to see the other's face and eyes to begin with, getting joy in seeing the pleasure and always taking chances to kiss the other. Full Nelson is an option of course. It would stem from a boldness on the part of the tom to take over and surprise Vic, just plowing her good while she goes along for the ride. Plus, I can definitely see Plato lifting her up full Nelson and fucking her in the air, probably more than with them laying down. Vic spread apart, with her tail swishing around and paws flinging in the air is a really good visual anon.
The 'reverse' of a full Nelson though, where they are facing and Plato is still holding her around her legs? Abso-freaking-lutely anon. Plato rails her in what I suppose is a more or less a modified traditional cowgirl position all the time. Laying down, or with her on her back, or standing up with her in his arms. That is one of their favoured positions when they get particularly frisky and lustful. The way he can drive himself balls deep into her is basically unrivaled. He loves lifting her up off the ground when she is on her back, bringing his arms under her knees and thighs and going hard. Vic really enjoys it too, not only because no one fucks her like her mans fucks her, but also because being a proverbial ragdoll to the will of her strong lover turns her on big time.
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annaberunoyume · 1 year
I'm curious, how do you define "wokism" and what problems do you think it causes?
I define ''wokism'' as so-called progressive ideas that seems good on the outside, but are terrible on the inside.
Like ''affirmative action'', or, as I have heard, to reject an application for college, not because a person's score is bad, but simply because said person happens to be white, and right now, the college is rejecting it because right now, they want more black people or ''colored'' people. It is a sort of reverse racism to me. And if left unchecked, could go sour. Another thing that I consider ''wokism'' is systematically putting down men in movies, with a condescending joke...all...the...freaking...time at their expenses. All in the name of feminism. But men suffers, too, you know. Battered men exist and they need shelters as much as women do. I get that some radical feminists seems to want to take over as a sorta vendetta, but dangit, let the men be, sometimes.
Another horrid ''wokist'' thing I have seen on Youtube is an app (the app HER, I believe) for lesbians that kicked out one of its members, simply because she specified in her bio that she does not want trans women. So what? It does not warrant a bann to me. At least, that user was honest. I could go on and on with many other examples, but what I've seen and what I also consider as ''wokism'' is a hypocrite dislike for anything that is not ''woke enough". Like calling a gay person that does not parade in rainbows 24/7 and kinda finds said rainbow gays obnoxious, a-holes. (Rolls eyes) So much for tolerance and acceptance... You can never satisfy the most wokist of those people....Ever.
Also, one last thing I despise as a side-effect of wokism is how entertainment, mainly mainstream movies, just feel so condescending to the audience. They do inclusity, sure, but they create insufferable mary sues for female leads (just at Helena from Indiana Jones, the Dial of Destiny...Gosh, I just wanted her to shut up for a dang minute in that movie! She is despicable, arrogant, know-it-all and never respects Indiana, once. She may have things to say, I suppose, but she did not do the trick for me. I prefer Marion.). Why do these new female leads always have to be so cocky? They do not quite feel human to me. Also, as a side-note, the horrid practice of changing the language to include weird, impersonal, non-human terms, for example, ''mothers'' becoming ''birthing person''. And ''vagina'' become ''front hole'' as to not offend no one (I kid you not, in some places in the Uk, they began using those terms.). What's this? 1984?
Anyway, I hope that answers your question, anon. I just miss the more common-sense, less extreme way of doing things.
0 notes
his domination ~ the joker;dceu
word count: 1660
request?: yes!
“Can you write a Joker/Reader fic where the reader is the only person allowed to dominate the Joker? Very smutty please.”
description: in which gotham’s most feared villain prefers to be dominated by his beautiful girlfriend
pairing: joker x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut, mentions of violence
masterlist (one, two)
it wasn’t specified which joker was wanted for the imagine so i wrote the one i knew best...but like...the good version of it
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There was something about watching Joker being so dominant with others that turned you on, especially knowing that the roles would be reversed when you two finally got some privacy.
There was some sad sack down on his knees, begging Joker for forgiveness. For what reason, you couldn’t remember. There were too many people who were afraid of him to keep track of all the reasons why. Whatever the case, Joker was merely laughing in this face of this man, who was now weeping at Joker’s feet.
“Oh, how I love to hear them beg,” Joker said to you over his shoulder.
You smirked at him in response as he raised his gun and shot the man right between the eyes. He watched as the man’s body fell before turning back to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. He began kissing you deeply, ignoring the two of his men that were standing nearby, waiting for an order. If there was one thing that turned Joker on, it was exercising the power he had over the people of Gotham.
When he finally pulled away from you, he regarded his men with a simple wave of his hand towards the lifeless body in front of them. His men began to approach the body while Joker took you in his arms and began to lead you towards his car. He didn’t even wait to take you somewhere more private as he opened the backdoor to his car and shoved you back onto the seat. His men were quick to dispose of the body so they could leave the scene, knowing to give Joker as space when he wanted alone time with you.
The cramped space of the backseat gave Joker more opportunity to be close to you, to touch your body all over and to attack your neck in kisses and bites. Your eyes were rolling back in your head with pleasure as you arched your back against his body.
You peaked out through the front windshield to see that Joker’s henchmen had cleared away the body and drove off in record time, leaving the two of you alone. In one swift movement, you wrapped your legs around Joker and flipped the two of you over so you were on top. You started to mimic his earlier actions by kissing down his neck, your hands roughly pulling at his clothes so you could continue to kiss down his naked body.
Joker’s big secret that stayed strictly between the two of you was that he only allowed one person to be dominant over him, and that person was you. It had shocked you at first when Joker let you be the dominant one in the bedroom. You thought it was just a one time thing, or maybe he was feeling generous. But then he was asking for it the next time you had sex, then he started using dominant pet names for you and would beg you to let him be inside of you.
It made you feel powerful to be the one that left Gotham’s most feared villain a begging mess beneath you.
You pulled his shirt off and began unbuttoning his pants, palming his growing erection in your hand as you kissed him through his boxers. His hand weaved its way through your hair as you began to kiss him through his boxers, just lightly enough that he could feel it and tease him even more.
“Up,” you told him as your hands found their way to the waistline of his boxers. He moved his hips so you could slip his underwear down and discarded them to the front seat somewhere.
Joker whimpered as you began to kitten lick the tip of his hard dick. It was taking everything in his power not to push your head down, as he knew you would stop if he tried, but he wanted you so bad. He was so painfully erect he felt like he could burst at any moment, even from your limited touch.
You could feel his restraint as his hand tightened in your hair. You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself as you looked up at him from your position. “What do you want, baby?”
“I want to feel your mouth around me,” he breathed, his hips inadvertently bucking as you licked him again.
“Ask me nicely then, baby.”
“Please can you put my dick in your mouth?”
You rested his tip against your lips, kissing it to tease him even more. “You’re missing something there.”
“Pretty please, my queen?”
You smiled and took him deep into your throat. He let out a moan as his head lulled back. You began to bob your head at a steady pace, placing your tongue under his length as you did so so that he could feel it on every inch that it could reach. Every now and then you’d stop to swirl your tongue around the head, which earned you more moans and whimpers.
Although the pleasure was starting to build up inside of him, Joker knew better than to finish in your mouth. He knew how much you loved to feel him inside of you, to feel him coating your walls with his seed as he twitched and convulsed inside of you. But your mouth felt so good around him that it was getting hard to hold back.
“Fuck my queen, please slow down,” he begged. “I’m going to cum at this rate.”
You pulled his dick from your mouth, a line of spit trailing from the tip to your mouth as you did so. He wiped it with his thumb before you began to crawl up his body, leaving wet kisses and red marks that would become hickies within a few hours up his body. You kissed him passionately, letting him taste himself on your tongue.
“Do you want me to ride you, baby?” you asked against his lips. “You wanna feel me wrapped around that hard dick as I ride you?”
He nodded, trying to find the words to ask but feeling them caught in his throat. You smirked as you took hold of his face, squeezing it just a little.
“Use your words.”
“Yes, my queen. I want you to ride me.”
“Ask me nicely then.”
“Fuck, can you pretty pretty please ride me, my queen?. Use me to get whatever pleasure you want, I promise I’ll wait till you’re finished if I have to.”
You smirked at his question. His dick was still glistening with your spit, leaving it perfectly lubed for you as you lined his tip up with your entrance and lowered yourself on to him. His face twisted with pleasure as you took him in very slowly, allowing him to feel you around every inch of him. You moaned as well, feeling him easily hitting your G spot once he was fully in.
You started rocking your hips against his, pleasure building up in you almost immediately. Joker’s head was back against the headrest as his fingers dug into your hips. You leaned forward to kiss him as your movements became quicker. Soon enough, you were bouncing on his lap, your skin making a loud slapping noise every time you came down on him. His car was shaking and the windows were fogged over so you could barley see anyone outside. Not that either of you really cared if you were caught. That was the thrill of fucking in public.
You wrapped a hand around Joker’s throat, choking him just enough to make him feel lightheaded. You almost giggled at the sight of his eyes being crossed and rolling back into his head at the action. You could feel him twitching inside of you, an indication that he was nearing his climax.
“Are you close?” you asked him, letting go of his neck long enough to allow him to breathe to respond.
“I’m so close,” he said. “Fuck, can I cum my queen?”
“Hold it for a few more seconds,” you told him. “I’m close, too. When you feel me cumming around you, you can let go then.”
You managed to stay true to your word, and a few seconds later you threw your head back and cried out in pleasure. Near moments after that, you felt Joker’s warmth filling you as he also groaned at the release.
You both sat there, sweating and panting. Joker wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close so he could rest his head on your breasts. You ran your fingers through his dyed green hair, noticing that his brown roots were starting to grow out. You made a mental note to point that out to him when you finally detached from one another.
You rolled down the window slightly to let some cool air in just as Joker’s phone rang. He groaned in annoyance as he raised the phone to his ear.
“What the fuck do you want?”
You giggled as you finally got up from his lap. It always amazed you how quickly he could switch from being a submissive mess to the dominant criminal that everyone knew him as.
“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll call you when we arrive to our next location,” he said, then hung up. “Apparently someone heard the gunshot and called the cops. They’re on their way here now. Figure we got maybe five minutes before we’re surrounded, less than that until the Bat appears.”
You passed him his discarded clothes and fixed your own disheveled appearance. “Neither one is a real concern. The cops are incompetent and Bats would never throw you in jail again. He needs someone to play with so he seems like a hero to these people.”
Joker smiled at you and kissed you hard again. “Regardless, wanna go for a joyride, baby?”
You smirked at him and leaned into the front seat to pull your gun from the glove compartment. “Always, my love.”
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 320: Deku vs. Class 1-A
Previously on BnHA: Flashback!Kacchan was all “fuck Deku and fuck his stupid goodbye letters, I need to speak to somebody in charge.” Endeavor was all “hello, I am Somebody In Charge.” Kacchan was all “listen up asshole, you need to let us go out and collect our wayward nerd because you stupidly left him alone with All Might and that’s a fast track to disaster right there.” Endeavor was all, “[self-incriminating silence].” Rat Principal was all, “okay sure, have fun kids.” Back in the present, class 1-A was all “hi Deku” and Deku was all “I’M FINE!!!!!” and Kacchan was all “THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT YOU’D SAY YOU DUMB FUCKING NERD” and so the kids all got ready to fight, because OF COURSE they’re gonna fight. Sorry guys, but yeah it’s happening.
Today on BnHA: Kacchan is all “what’s up Deku you look like a possessed Rorschach test, so anyway how are the new quirks coming along.” Deku is all “they’re coming along like THIS” and uses Smokescreen to try and get away. Kacchan is all “PHASE ONE COMMENCE”, and Kouda, Sero, Jirou, and Ojiro leap into the fray to shower Deku with heaps of love and violence, because this is a shounen manga and kicking someone’s ass while simultaneously proclaiming your undying admiration for them is just how it’s done in these parts. The KoudaSeroOJirou squad then passes the baton to Satou, Momo, Tokoyami, Kaminari, and Shouji, who are all “fuck this mask” and do a bunch of stuff to tear Deku’s mask off because they’re the real heroes. Shouto is all “LOOK AT THE LITTLE CRYBABY, THAT’S RIGHT, GO AHEAD AND FUCKING CRY and by the way let us share your burden please,” and once again I swear this is all very deeply moving and touching within the actual context. The chapter ends with Tsuyu being all “look at me. I’m the cliffhanger now,” and damn.
lol what
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I don’t think anyone was expecting that. I mean, not that I’ve got anything against Tsuyu or anything. anyways it’s a very nice cover and I love the colors and I hope this means Tsuyu’s gonna do something badass
also, “Deku vs Class A” -- pretty much the expected title, but it’s still got me hyped nonetheless fuck yeah let’s go
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Iida Tenya really said “fuck the uniform code, we’re leaving the helmet at home today.” sorry kids, prim and proper C-3PO Comic Relief Iida has left the building. can I interest you in some Serious Iida
meanwhile Kacchan is all “sup Deku, I heard you got a few more quirks, and might I just add that you look like the Snyder Cut of Detective Pikachu”
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“you look like a tarred and feathered squid” okay easy there Kacchan. I mean it’s all true of course, but still
yep and there’s Smokescreen, right on cue
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okay Horikoshi, I leave it in your hands. hopefully you can come up with some more interesting combos than my dumbass predictions lol
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“explosions solve everything” -- Horikoshi Kouhei, 2021. something something shockwave, something something handwave ta-da no more smoke. lol okay then
oh, ouch
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he would know, wouldn’t he. nice application of one of your many hard-earned life lessons, Kacchan
by the way you guys, just as an experiment, I’m going to try to anticipate some of the discourse this week in the hopes of preemptively addressing it and thus saving myself some time later on lol. so here’s our first test run!
ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “oh my god what a fucking hypocrite can you believe this fucking guy”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: it’s precisely because Kacchan has been in this exact situation himself that he’s able to recognize his past self in Deku now and call him out on it. just because it took him sixteen years to get it through his head that he can’t accomplish every single thing completely by himself doesn’t mean Deku has to go down that same path. so yeah, maybe it is a bit hypocritical, but if you insist that the only people qualified to call out stupid shit are people who have never done a single stupid thing in their own lives, then what you’re basically saying is that absolutely no one on earth is qualified lol. so yeah, I’d have to disagree
and one last unrelated note, I’m willing to bet the whole “you didn’t even say a word before you ran off” thing is possibly the first thing Kacchan’s said in this whole encounter that actually does stem from genuine hurt rather than his tough-love-harsh-truths strategy. I’M TAKING NOTES HERE HORIKOSHI. at this rate it’ll take twice as many chapters as DvK2 for them to hash out all the stuff between them, geez
anyway so I gotta say, so far Deku vs. Class A is looking an awful lot like a DvK3 wearing a hat, trenchcoat, and sunglasses lol
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FUCK YEAH, YOU GO KOUDA. and I guess he ditched his mask as well! excellent
so far the strategy here seems to be “Kacchan says all the mean tough love shit while the rest of 1-A balances it out with warmth and kindness”, which actually works pretty well imo. Deku is one of those people that doesn’t usually need a Kacchan Translator anyway, but just in case, this is very efficient
mm but of course Deku is slingshotting himself away with Blackwhip. all right then, who’s up next!
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okay but seriously you guys, what is going on with Sero’s face in these last couple of chapters though, it’s really starting to unnerve me. is he trying to emulate Kacchan’s whole asymmetrical facial expressions thing?
in fact let me just quickly hit pause here because,
oh snap looks like Jirou’s getting in on the action too!
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poor Jirou probably spent days racking her brain trying to think of something she could bond with Deku over. is Horikoshi doing these in reverse order of the kids who have had the most interaction with him? that would explain why poor Kouda didn’t get a flashback lol
omg. well that answers that
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so by my count, Satou and Hagakure are the only ones remaining in this first tier of kids who Still Appreciate Midoriya even though they’ve barely ever spoken two words to him in their lives lol. so they’ll probably be next, and then we’ll get to the next tier of kids who are pretty good friends with him but not quite besties. and then we’ll move on to the IidaRokiRaka trio, and then lastly, to the boy who is in a tier all his own
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and by “sponsor” I mean the Dekuangst. just in case that wasn’t clear. indeed, many thanks to the Dekuangst for making this all possible
(ETA: okay so this whole “take me away” line seemed pretty weird to me, and sure enough it’s yet another one of those cases where only the verb is specified, and the object is left to the reader’s interpretation. so even though the translation says “take me away”, I’m pretty sure that what Deku’s actually saying is “take you away” -- as in, his loved ones will be taken away by AFO.
and that is literally the way he phrases it, though -- the verb used is “奪う” (ubau), meaning “to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal.” which, god, that hurts my whole goddamn heart though, because for him to say it like that?? not “AFO will kill you”, but “AFO will take you away from me.” he can’t have nice things anymore because of AFO. he can’t be around the people he loves because AFO will hurt them. he can’t have happiness because AFO will take it away from him. anyway so where the fuck is AFO right now, motherfucker I just want to talk.)
by the way can Ojiro just extend his tail to whatever fucking length he wants or what because it’s like twelve feet long in this panel lol
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okay so now Satou’s stepping in which is back to my anticipated order, so maybe Toko will finish his little moment afterward
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actually I am curious about what Hagakure’s part will be because, you know, the whole traitor thing lol
(ETA: funny how we just skipped right over it huh. can we get a traitor reveal countdown started here? definitely getting close to that time.)
whoa lol wtf
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and here I thought she’d get a flashback to her time on the Baku Rescue Squad or something. but nope, no flashbacks from Momo, only terrifying sci-fi torture devices
poor Dark Shadow is such a trooper omg
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“why am I the only one who has to make prolonged contact with his smelly disgusting self” taking one for the team there DS
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THE PRICKLY BASTARD WHISPERER STRIKES AGAIN!! don’t suppose you brought any clean clothes you could sneakily force him into huh Kami
okay here we go, so now Shouji and Tokoyami are joining forces
um excuse me this is fucking awesome
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wonder how he’ll break free? don’t think he’ll reveal Fa Jin until the end of the chapter, so maybe Air Force or something? idk
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and Shouji just casually hitting him with what is easily the best comment from anyone yet. too bad Deku’s just gonna ignore it. you deserve better Shouji
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it only just occurred to me that Kami is currently trapped inside Dark Shadow right along with him lmao omg. realest one in the entirety of BnHA, right here. we will never forget your sacrifice
aaaaaaand Deku’s yeeting himself
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do you really hate the thought of taking a bath that much my dude
oh shit the mask!!
-- oh shit the feels
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fuck. and I mean, we knew he was crying, that was a done deal. but still, to see him in this much pain is just...
and the acknowledgement that he knows they’re worried about him, but that it doesn’t change his mind one bit. this, right here, is why they have to be a bit harsh with him, you guys. because they’re up against the full, unbridled stubbornness of Midoriya fucking Izuku, and if they don’t match that stubbornness with an equal stubbornness of their own, they basically don’t stand a chance
(ETA: quick note that there is apparently another mistranslation here -- rather than saying that his friends are oblivious to the danger, what Deku is actually saying is that none of his friends have activated his Danger Sense once throughout this entire fight. which I had been wondering about, and it turns out Horikoshi actually confirmed it. so basically none of the kids bears any ill intent toward him, and there’s literal proof right there.
incidentally, as @class1akids​ pointed out, this also casts an interesting light on this chapter in terms of who hasn’t fought Deku yet. not to play the Hagakure Traitor Music for the billionth time you guys, but I’M JUST SAYING lol.)
anyway, but the good news is that they all seem to understand that. and the even better news is that we have reached the tier 3 friends!!
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“OR ELSE” lol, great to see Shouto wielding his friendship just as aggressively as Deku once did towards him. I do love a good role reversal
p.s., ANTICIPATED DISCOURSE: “why is Shouto being so cruel to Deku can’t he see how hard this is on him”
PREEMPTIVE REBUTTAL: this is a callback to the classic “even heroes cry when they have to” Shouto line from chapter 137. Shouto is clearly following Kacchan’s lead here and going for the more ruthless approach, knowing that the gentle approach isn’t getting through to him (if anything it’s only making him more stubborn as we saw on the previous page). basically it’s his way of pointing out that even heroes are still only human, and so is Deku last time he checked
ah okay, and there Tsuyu is at last
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okay real talk, I get why Tsuyu is included in the tier 3 friends, because she was one of the first people to team up with Deku going all the way back to USJ. but that said, this probably would have had more impact if their most recent interaction hadn’t been like 150 chapters ago
but anyway though it’s still a good speech. maybe not quite a cliffhanger-level speech, but a good speech nonetheless. in a way though, I’m glad to see that Horikoshi seemingly didn’t give a fuck whether he ended this on an actual cliffhanger or not for once
and that “headed toward the climax” part has me excited too, ngl. because if we really are getting to the so-called climax this soon, that makes me even more certain that there is indeed a DvK3 in the forecast. so I presume that next week (or I guess two weeks from now) will be the tier 3s along with the remaining tier 2s like Kirishima and Aoyama
and then after that, well... [orange and green banners being hoisted] [sound of screeching airhorns and vuvuzelas in the distance] [sound of All Might approaching in his car which I didn’t notice until I looked back at this page a second time whoops] THE PROPHECY WILL NOT BE DENIED
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