#you can ask for shit if they've opened themselves to it and if you pay them
breadandblankets · 5 months
this applies to real life too but you as a white (for a given definition of white) fan need to be willing to put in the effort to curtail not only your own racism but to a lesser extent the racism of others
fans of color have been doing this for years and it's an extra effort they have to put in just to participate in fandom, that's on top of the extra effort real life racism takes on a person
the bar for entry is not the same height for everyone
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immoralkombat · 1 year
Kenshi has been blind for maybe an hour or two.
Johnny looks over at him with sympathy. He's not sure what he could possibly do or say to make things seem any less bleak for him. The man was just trying to get his family's heirloom back and now, after months of training and dedication, one of his five senses is gone permanently through no fault of his own. If Johnny were in Kenshi's position, he's sure he'd be feeling just as desolate, if not more so.
Kung Lao is sitting in the far corner, talking to Baraka. He seems genuinely fascinated by Tarkat as a disease. Were Johnny not in the same situation as them, he would find that particular conversation topic a bit morbid. Right now, it's really all they have to talk about. They've already exhausted all the small talk options you normally go through when first meeting someone. They might as well start talking about the disease that'll eventually kill Baraka.
The salve on the cloth seems to have worked a little, because at least Kenshi isn't moaning in pain every few seconds anymore. Not that it makes things significantly more cheerful, but it does help the atmosphere a bit.
Johnny taps on his knees as he sits, eyes darting between looking at Kung Lao and Kenshi. He's kind of in between where the two have sat themselves, a visual and metaphorical median between the two ways one could possibly react to getting imprisoned by a sorcerer that's almost 100% going to kill you. (To be fair, there isn't much that connects the points of "casually talking about a stranger's terminal illness with them as though you're both standing by the office water cooler talking about whatever hit TV show is airing these days" and "rocking back in forth in the corner about how a different terminally ill stranger took your eyes and you have nothing left in this world." Johnny supposes the best middle point is "looking anxiously between your two co-workers and not saying anything because Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you supposed to say in this situation besides aforementioned terminal illness.")
He really wishes that Kenshi still had his eyes, because every time he looked at Johnny, it always seemed to make everything feel okay.
Johnny thinks for a second and then scoots closer to Kenshi. It's only once he accidentally bumps up against Kenshi's foot and scares the living shit out of everyone in the cell that he realizes he probably should've given an audible cue that he was going to be approaching the newly blind guy.
After Kenshi's done having a mini panic attack over the sudden Hollywood A-lister jumpscare he's gotten, Johnny looks at him and asks, quietly, "Do you want to hold Sento for a bit?"
Kenshi turns to face him and even underneath the newly christened blindfold, Johnny can tell that Kenshi is looking at him with the most surprised and reverent eyes in the universe. The kind of look that you'd get and say "fuck this stupid sword, I'd pay $3 million just to get this guy to look at me like that again."
Kenshi's mouth opens as though he's going to say something, but it shuts again before any words or sounds can come out. He opts to nod in response and Johnny takes the scabbard from off his back, holds it in his hands gently and passes it to Kenshi. Their fingertips graze one another, a way to indicate that the blind man is in the right spot. The touch sends crackles of electricity through Johnny and he wonders if Kenshi feels them too.
It's like the tattoos on Kenshi's hands are swirling around him, colors dancing in front of his eyes. It's more beautiful than any lame fucking Disney movie ever could be.
The yakuza's voice is hoarse as he says "Thanks." It's so small that Johnny can almost see it breaking in the air. He wants to put his hand on Kenshi's and tell him that things will be okay, that he's going to pay for a sight companion, any kind of corrective surgeries he wants, whatever it takes. He wants to tell him that he's still just as strong and fierce and goddamn handsome now as he was before. He wants to kiss him so fucking badly it makes his entire being ache.
He settles for saying "You're welcome," and then sitting next to Kenshi in silence.
He watches the way that he holds Sento in his hands, feels every single nick in the scabbard, every single imperfection. It's the first time in Johnny's life that he's ever wanted to be a sword and, if he keeps hanging out with Kenshi after this, (which he hopes he can), it almost certainly won't be the last.
Johnny wishes that Mileena had taken Kenshi's tear ducts with her after she'd stabbed his eyes out, because the short sad sobs that wrack through his body are almost too much to bear witness to. When he cries, it moves through his entire being. It sends a shockwave from his gut upward, makes him lurch his shoulders forward and hug himself.
"H-Hey, what's wrong?" Johnny asks. He knows it's a stupid fucking question, obviously everyone knows what's wrong, most of all the guy it happened to. But it's all he can think to ask as he watches Kenshi continue to awkwardly jerk alongside his cries.
Kenshi's head turns to face Johnny. From beyond the thin red cloth that covers his eye sockets, Johnny can feel them boring into him.
"Cage, could I touch you? I want to remember what your face looks like."
If Johnny were operating on his full mental capacity, he would probably explode at this question. He would become the fireworks they popped last night at the banquet over their heads as they feasted. He would be attached to one end of a fuse with Li Mei holding the other end, readying herself to spark it and send him to the stratosphere.
"Y-Yeah, of course you can, Ken-doll. Just make sure not to damage the goods - people pay good money for this mug to show up on their big screens."
The smugness in his voice would normally earn him a "tch" or a groan, (or an eye roll), from Kenshi. Hearing him chuckle under his breath makes his heart soar.
He turns his face toward him and waits, but no touch comes. His eyes close, he anticipates the electricity to come back... and instead he hears Kenshi clearing his throat awkwardly.
Johnny opens his eyes and finds that Kenshi's still got his hands on Sento. He tries not to be jealous of the sword again, but as with any other time he's tried not to be jealous of someone or something that has what he wants, he fails miserably.
"Could you get closer, Cage?"
"Not the first time I'm hearing that question, won't be the last. How close you need me, handsome?"
The words come out before he can even process them. Jesus Christ, is he really that much of a disaster that he can just openly call a guy he's been crushing on for at least a month handsome without even thinking about it? He's a fucking mess. His wife left him and now he doesn't know how to act. She was gonna be the only person he'd ever be able to trick into loving him and now she was gone.
"I'm going to turn, and I suggest you do the same. I want to be facing you. You can sit with your legs touching mine if it helps."
Great, now Kenshi has a colorful blindfold that also serves as a perfect swatch for the shade of red Johnny's face turns every time the man says something that's totally fucking normal for two people that are acquainted with one another.
Johnny does as he's told, because if there's one thing he's good at, it's taking directions. (Ignoring literally every single major motion picture he's ever been in, every statement he's ever made to the press after consulting his legal teams and public consultants, and generally living life up until this point.)
His knees knock against Kenshi's and it takes him aback for a second, how giddy and childish the butterflies he feels in his stomach are. Getting to know Kenshi was so simple. He wishes he had just taken a second and been less of a dickwad back when they'd first met, because maybe then it'd be easier for him to grow a pair of cajones and tell Kenshi that he doesn't spend a single night without thinking about how much he wants to trace the tattoos on his hands and arms. Maybe if he had just given Sento over, it'd be easier to admit that the low rumble of Kenshi's voice does something to stir up the pool of heat in his stomach that he thought had been long since gone after getting married to Cristal. Maybe if he hadn't tied Kenshi to one of his kitchen chairs, it'd be easier to ask him if kissing washed-up celebrities was something he'd be interested in doing.
"I'll put my hand out, you lean forward to match it."
Kenshi's palm is extended and it takes every ounce of willpower in Johnny's aching body to not press his lips against it. He leans forward until his cheek is lightly touching the yakuza's hand.
He must be hearing things, because he swears he hears Kenshi's breath hitch when they make contact for the first time. Nah, surely not. Must've been the wind.
If Kenshi's senses are heightened because of the loss of his vision, then Johnny's senses are heightened because of the gain of his touch. He purses his lips together to stop from letting out some sort of obscene sound as he feels Kenshi's hand slowly smooth over his cheek. He thanks whatever fucked up Gods exist other than Liu Kang that he finally got on that moisturizing routine that he learned off of TikTok three months ago.
As Kenshi's hand slowly feels out every angle and curve of Johnny's face, his thoughts rush a mile a minute. He wonders if he should've done a closer shave today - maybe his stubble is gonna be too sharp and it'll hurt Kenshi and leave him with little cuts or rug burn on his pretty perfect wrap-around-my-throat-please hands. He wonders if his nose is too big. He wonders if he maybe should've invested in hair plugs after that one weird SNL dropout made a comment about his weird square hairline back when he guest starred on the Comedy Central roast of Megan Fox. He wonders if his eyes are too small or too large or too close together or too far apart. He wonders if he should smile so Kenshi can feel his dimples.
"Yep, it all feels just like how I remember it. Although the stubble has gotten a little longer."
That is certainly not the answer he was expecting to hear.
His voice is small, barely there, as he chokes out his question. "You remember what I look like?"
Kenshi nods. "I do."
Johnny goes to open his mouth to ask, "Then why did you ask to touch it if you already knew?"
But then Kenshi's fingers are on his lips, tracing them with the reverence he'd have holding Sento, and for a moment, Johnny finally thinks he's better than that stupid fucking sword. His smile has the same curves, the same edges. The only difference is that Kenshi can't accidentally hurt himself this way. (He can, however, accidentally hurt Johnny. But even that would be better than the alternative, he thinks.)
Kenshi's thumb is on his bottom lip, the rest of his hand now holding Johnny's chin. If he tilts it up even one degree, Johnny thinks it'll be over for him, that he'll be kissing Kenshi before he can even think to stop himself. He'd always had poor impulse control - why else would he have spent $3 million on a fucking sword to hang up in his living room?
"These are the same, too. I'm glad you weren't hurt in the fight, Cage."
Johnny feels so fucking overwhelmed. He wants to ask so many things. First of all, what does "these are the same, too" mean? Second, why does he care about the guy who bought his fucking family heirloom and refuses to give it back? Third, why does he insist on calling him Cage like one day he won't end up calling him Johnny and breaking his heart? Fourth, what in the goddamn fuck does he mean about Johnny's fucking lips being the goddamn motherfucking same?!
Johnny decides to play it up like he always does. "Well, 'course. Gotta keep my pretty mouth. It's what makes the big bucks. I wouldn't be the same without it."
Kenshi smirks, and thank Liu Kang's weird god siblings that he's blind right now, because Johnny is beet red, mouth agape, with his eyebrows raised (and he's fairly certain that something else also rises).
"That's true. You would not be the same without that infamous mouth." Kenshi accents the compliment(?) with a playful slap to Johnny's cheek, and then his hand is withdrawn entirely, leaving an empty ghost where he should still be holding Johnny's face in his hands.
He bites back the urge to immediately ask if Kenshi wants to know just how infamous the mouth is, and settles for clearing his throat and moving back to sitting against the wall next to Kenshi.
He looks over at him after he's gotten calmed down. His heart is still jackhammering against his ribs, but as long as Kenshi can't feel his pulse, he doesn't have to know. Kenshi seems to sense Johnny's eyes on him because he turns to face him, red blindfold all that stands between the gaping holes where Kenshi's eyes used to be and Johnny's gaze full of adoration.
The yakuza grabs Sento from his lap and hands it back to Johnny.
"Thank you. I appreciate you letting me hold it. And I appreciate your help in grounding me back to reality."
Johnny nods, taking Sento back and putting it where it so wrongfully deserves to be, strapped against Johnny's sore fucking back.
"No problem. Lemme know whenever you get the urge to feel out what an Adonis looks like, I'm happy to oblige." His comment is a means to an end. He plays up the egoism to ignore the shock that courses through him as Kenshi's fingertips touch his one last time.
He resolves then and there to give Sento back as soon as they escape from here, and they will escape.
This cannot be the last time he feels Kenshi's hands on him.
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Baraka whispers, about as well as he can without lips or an inside voice, "Do they not realize how much they yearn for one another?"
Kung Lao shakes his head, putting a hand on Baraka's shoulder and immediately regretting it once he feels a spike tear into his palm. "They've just gotta be stupid about it for a bit longer. They'll figure it out."
"Surely their pining has to cause some sort of agony for you as well, does it not, Earthrealmer?" Baraka looks genuinely confused, or as close to it as he can get from what Kung Lao can tell.
Kung Lao hangs his head, sighing languidly. "Of course it does. But what else am I gonna do about it? Tell them? They're not gonna believe me. Trust me, they've got to figure it out on their own time, or they never will."
And as he sees Johnny's hand inch closer to Kenshi's, finally overlapping the tattoos and interlocking their fingers, Kung Lao thinks that maybe the agony won't last much longer.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
I've been following the Unity situation and its so fucking insane like holy shit. We have everything! - Absurd fees for devs! That may or may not be retroactive and illegal, but we won't say until you cause a stink about it! (We totally aren't shh we wouldn't break the law. Totally :) ) - Getting rid of one of their levels of subscriptions during all of this, The 'Plus Plan', and allegedly putting you on the more expensive 'Pro' subscription if you auto renew! - Insider trading! Selling their stocks not even a week before they released this new change in their company! x x They've since backpedaled from what their original plan was. Originally, they told everyone that every Install, reinstall, dlc, demo, and pirated copy would now cost a fee (with few exceptions, such as charity games and bundles) It's not hard to see how this could tank an indie company with ease. Mad at a dev/company? Just mass install/uninstall. Now they are apparently saying that 'nonono! We only meant the original install :)' Which also opens the door as to how they are tracking installs. They so far have seemed to be avoiding as to how on earth they are going to do that without breaching privacy on a computer. Especially when it could just be easier to make a fee based on purchases, but no. x
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So you know, don't worry guys, they have their own 'proprietary data model.' But so far (As i type this, or am aware of) have not given details about how that model works. When asked about stuff such as Xbox Gamepass, Unity mentioned it would be Microsoft paying for the fees. As of now, I have no idea if Microsoft was even told this, and I doubt they are going to agree to it either out of nowhere. x Another fun thing, is if you change your Unity plan, you are added to the revenue threshold immediately. Interesting that this is after they sneakily got rid of their Plus plan, which a lot of devs seemed to use.
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And interesting enough, they seem to contradict themselves from their QnA and their official twitter post regarding Demo's and Early Access, or at least tried to be sneaky about the wording?? x x
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They won't charge for demos or early access, until they do, apparently. Or if the demo has data that can be transferred to the main game, anyway. Unity also claimed this would only affect 10% of its users. Which is funny when you look at all the Indie devs and studios who are coming out on twitter saying that this actually directly hurts them. Not to mention all the people that have spent years learning this engine, for themselves, or so they can apply to companies using it. And now all of that was just spat on by Unity themselves. There's also the games that have been out and are built on this engine, and can't just be tossed and rebuilt. Such as Among us, Genshin Impact, Pokemon Go and the Diamond/Pearl remakes. Overall, it's a huge mess. Unity majorly screwed up. I'd recommend looking into what games you like, and if they run on Unity. If you don't have them yet, you may want to purchase them so they are in your steam library, or whatever console you play on. With the uncertainty of all of this, I wouldn't be surprised if some companies delist their games on steam. If you buy from them now, you'll still be able to support the devs before Unity implements this new fee plan. Plus, since you paid for them, they will still be on your console/in your steam library. Please stay safe ya'll, and support your local game devs during this storm. They need it.
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findafight · 1 year
OKAY OKAY BUT. post canon au where the Breach opens in the early nineties instead of 2013, and eventually when the Jaeger Program is just in the fledgling stages, right at the start when they figure out the drift and sharing the load, some American government goon looks at another, and they're both thinking the same thing. They know a couple chucklefucks who are scarily in tune with each other that already have monster fighting experience. The problem is of course the chucklefuckery and also they. Hate the government.
But they figure yknow. May as well try to get the actually very good at killing monsters the military can't clowns. They need people willing to go into deathtraps and fight giant monsters, and those two have done that a few times before. They need people that can connect to each other while also fighting without dying, and figure those two are a prime example. So after a lot of government groveling and Robin and Steve slamming the door in multiple suits' faces, they eventually agree to at least...see what it's all about. Because they heard about the attack in San Francisco on K-day, about Manila and Cabo San Lucas and Syndney, and it was all bad, and as much as they dislike and distrust the government and military...they do want to help (and the pay is...good). It was probably only a matter of time before their luck in avoiding monsters ran out anyway. At least this way they had some control of how.
So Steve and Robin are in the Jaeger Academy almost as soon as it opens. It's...an adjustment. They're obviously not the regular type to join, mostly its a bunch of men who were maybe ex military or something, and they stick out. Training is a pain in the ass, they've spent the years between the upside down closing lounging and working and starting to relax, and so there's the expected heckling.
(I want them to meet Newt and Herman so bad like. they'd be around the same age as them (because we are bumping everything in PR canon back for this) and I think the combo punch of Newt and Robin being themselves would be hilarious. They're all kinda outsiders in the macho militarism of the Academy and i think the chaos would just be. unimaginable. )
But anyways. I think during the testing to see drift compatibility, Steve is called up and looks the scientist/military guy (because it's early days there aren't really "instructors" yet) and says "If you even think about putting me in one of those fucking things with anyone other than Robin, you've lost your mind and forgotten we're only here because you asked us to be together." Everyone is like ooooooh but then he squints at them and they shut up like oh damn okay sorry yeah.
And that's the end of that discussion.
There's something about being in the drift with each other that makes all that complaining and speculating and wishing to combine when they were teenagers seem half-assed. It's...not like anything either of them can describe. It feels right, like they were always meant to be that way. If they lived in each other's pockets before the Drift, they're in each other's skin now. Silent communication is expected for long-term drift partners. Residuals of the bond, dream sharing, but Robin and Steve, even among other pilots are exceptional. There's entire discussions happening in brief eye contact. They move in sync outside the Jaeger just as well as if they were still in the Drift. They've only had one RABBIT incident, and they pulled out of it fine. It's...eerie for some people to watch them, even other Pilots. (also the fact they'll casually mention shit like "well at least the air isn't toxic" or "hey. don't call this torture, that's offensive. I've been tortured!" or even "can't believe i survived evil bats for this shit." which is mildly offputting)
They end up on the Pacific northwest and into southern B.C. with a Mach 1 called... something like Midwest Deluge or something idk. They're media darlings the first Kaiju they kill two fifty kilometres off the coast of Washington. Robin is quirky, and Steve has all his midwestern boyish charm, and together they entrance people with the Drift. There's interviews and talkshows and then at some point action figures? (Dustin does not let this go. By this time he's also working in K-sci. [obviously??] but he's still annoying little brother shaped.)
Steve is usually one of the first quoted to describe the Drift, in his first interview having said "When I first met Robin --became friends with her--it felt like we'd known each other our whole lives. Now we have." Robin is also sometimes quoted with "There's probably nowhere I'd rather be, than in Steve's head."
Of course, with them being in the media, being kickass, and also being part of a program that emphasizes compatibility, there's questions on whether or not they're dating. Because while the Drift isn't romantic by nature, my god people would romanticize it. And when two hot people of opposite genders that are not related to each other in any way are piloting the Jaeger, and are just *gestures to all of stobinisms* assumptions abound.
They're in an interview after their third kill when it happens. It's a few years into their tenure as Pilots, maybe '96? (if the Breach opened in '91 and they were recruited in 93?) The host asks "So. romantically. You two have always denied that attraction, but working so close together, literally in each other's heads, isn't there a chance that has blossomed into something else? Something more?"
They roll their eyes. Steve says "there's nothing more than what Robin and I have. Romance isn't more it's just something else."
Robin goes "Plus..." Before Steve looks at her, eyebrows raised. "I think so" she says, obviously to a question Steve asked that only she heard. "What are they going to do? Fire me?" they both laugh.
He shrugs. "if you're sure..."
Robin hums. "Yes, well. I agree with everything Steve said. The Drift isn't romantic, it's connection. It's knowing. All sorts of relationships can be Drift compatible. Steve's and mine is Platonic. Capital P."
"You gonna actually say it anytime soon?"
"Shut up."
"I dunno it seems like you're stalling."
"Christ, Steve. I'm getting to it. Let me tell the world I'm a lesbian without nagging, goddamn." She turns to the interviewer. "anyways yeah I'm a lesbian so it was never going to be romantic between me and Steve. I'm just obsessed with him."
There's a pause, before they lean into each other and giggle. Steve whispers "good job" that's barely picked up by his mic.
They get a stern talking to by their Marshal but Robin was right. They can't get fired for it. They're too good and pilots are too valuable for plain ol' homophobia to get in the way. (It's seen as a cornerstone moment in queer history, a Jaeger Pilot, someone the world can do nothing but respect, came out! casually. with an already supportive loved one sitting beside her, ready to laugh with her.) And while some people act weird or distant about it, most move past it pretty quick, considering the Midwest team is well respected and there's obviously the bigger problem of underwater aliens trying to kill everyone. You either get over it and work with them or you leave or get people killed.
By the time of the events of the movie, they're old-timers. They've upgraded once to a Mach 3 after a brutal fight with a high category than expected made Midwest Deluge inoperable. They're in Hong-Kong because where else would they be? They need to end this. Just like they needed to see the Upside Down to the end. Their whole lives have been dominated by fighting for their lives and to protect their home and the world. One last push. They aren't even forty yet.
and then the breach is closed and the world is saved and they can retire with their massive pensions from being the best monster killers ever <3
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
What's wrong with jungkook
Omg. Jk has been giving me mixed signals eversince he released seven. It's like there's a spark but the wires are not connecting cause wtf. Okay so before jimin got number one on the BB I bet nobody ever dreamt of it or even thought it was possible even jimin himself he never aimed for the billboard he just wanted to release music but it just happened to happen that every song he released this year charts on the BB. Like how am I going to say this... I just don't know what's wrong with him lately he's like a rookie that just got fame and now is letting it change him. Like I know there's no problem whatsoever when a person wants to chart on the BB I mean that's ever artist's dream but...
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Like what do you mean by that. Jk already know that, that position is already secured scooter already payed the money we know. But why the sudden obsess with no1 if jimin hadn't got that no1 I bet he wouldn't even be thinking about it. But I've always knew he's been competitive and he's said numerous times he wants to be recognised more and stuff so what scooter and bang pd did they didn't manipulate him nor threaten him he wants this, all this payola and fraud. I'm disappointed in him actually cause why would he actually shit ok everything that BTS stood for, for years making music the honest way. What's he hoping to gain from this? Because armies might be blind but the world isn't. Like what is wrong with him.
The members have been acting fishy during the second chapter. If it's not Tae distancing himself from the group it's RM and acting bitter sometimes and well yoongi then now jk who's suddenly became chart obsessed it's like he tryna be the Beyonce of the group or something. I literally don't want to hate him but lowrdddd he's pushing me lowrdddd. It's like he tryna prove he's the golden goose and no-one can outdo him. I don't know what's he hoping to gain from this really because news flash this ain't gonna gain him new fans or something. BTS have always been used as scapegoats and belittled for way too long after proving themselves over and over again to the west and to Asia that honest artists to exits, that in order to achieve you must be passionatee
BTS has always preached about how making music is more that just making musing and selling music it's about passion, the message and all but wtf is this...
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I swear I'm not slandering him nor being a hater jk is/ was my second fav after jimin and I'm a jikooker and I love them both but I tend to lean to jimin's side more because he's the owner of the magic shop. The reason why I'm into BTS today.
Anyways BTS has never urged us to vote for them, stream for them, buy their music all they've asked from us is to enjoy their music. But someone doesn't think so...
Yoongi and JK are the members that have been pushed the most so far. I mean a Tour really when's he going to military? Then jk and his payola and fraud I'm disgusted atp. It's like he wants to blow up so bad, like dude you're already famous what more do you want, or he knows he wouldn't have achieved what he did with seven without all that push which is why he's welcoming the payola with open hands and happy about it.
Mhhhh... Idk I don't want to sound like a hater but jk is annoying me rn so so much I don't want to end up hating him because hey it's not that deep but honestly how would you feel if you were called to the table to eat fancy food with utensils while your brothers eat crumbs on the floor but then hey
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I don't want to sound like a hater because I think I'm starting to sound like one. This is the last time I'm talking about this I'm unfollowing anything related to him because I don't want to be toxic and know what's going to happen forward is going to shatters that little love I have left from him so I'm unfollowing everything related to him I don't want to see his face nor hear his name till jimin releases something.
Anyways congratulations to Tae on his new ambassadorial deal as the new brand ambassador for Cartier. And Kths had the nerve to involve jimin in their celebration like have your little celebration but know your boundaries Tiffany is bigger than Celine and Cartier combined. Does anyone know the difference between a Global House ambassador and a Brand Ambassador
I'm eating noodles for the whole semester I'm saving for pjm2 and possibly a concert from jimin even a one day concert would be enough :⁠,⁠-⁠)
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onebrainsel · 2 years
His Silence
Billy and Steve, they are... Well Billy doesn't really know what they are. He wouldn't say they are really friends, they snark and bite at each other more than anything else. They don't have the bond where they tell each other their secrets, where they'd trust the other with the darkest parts of themselves. They're not friends, not like that.
But at the same time, at the same time... they are each other's secret. They are the deepest darkest parts of each other they have trusted one another to keep. They'll chain-smoke and kiss and grind in the back of a car, they'll touch and their breaths will swirl together with cigarette smoke, and they'll whisper each other's names like a prayer to the silent night.
But they aren't lovers.
Not when they'll bury those nights in the deepest recesses of their minds and never speak of them. They act like every night is the first because they've forgotten every night before. Yet each night they get better at playing the right keys to make each other sing. It's a dissonant arrangement. Make every night unforgettable so they can forget them once they're over.
Billy breaks their unspoken arrangement when he remembers those nights. He can't forget them. Can't forget how Steve makes him feel, or the sound of his voice when he speaks as if Billy was his very own lustful god. Or how he'll sometimes kiss him as if Billy was the most precious glass vase. He can't forget.
He hopes, wistfully, like a romantic fool, that Steve remembers like he does. He wants to break every unsaid rule, cross every line and say the words, ask him: Do you feel like I do?
He wants and wants.
Billy wants until he is holding Steve bloody and unconscious in his arms, dragging him out of a secret lair underneath the mall.
The elevator ascends, not fast enough to safety. There are kids screaming around him, but he can't pay them any attention, Steve's too still. He looks closer to whatever is on he other side than he looks like he'll stay. And Billy is terrified.
He knows fear, he feels it every day. Has felt it for years. But this is a different kind of fear. It's fear of loss seeping deep into his bones and his soul and it tastes like love and regret.
The tears blur his vision, he is shaking, he is shaking Steve. Because Steve has to wake up, he has to.
"Come on Harrington! Wake up!" He holds Steve's face with shaky hands, like precious stones and treasure and he begs.
"Come on! Wake up, call me an asshole, yeah? Call me a piece of shit, call me a son of a bitch!" His voice is a broken and untuned string.
"Come on!" He shakes him, he pleads for a reaction.
"Steve! Come on, you have to stay!"
He doesn't get an answer.
"Please don't leave me."
He drops his head on Steve's chest. Wracking sobs leaving him and he can't tell if he is hearing Steve's heart or his own. He hopes that it's Steve's.
The elevator stops, it's doors open and he stays where he is.
It's the only sound hanging in the air; like a long final note in a song that promises perpetual silence or a new burst of sound.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I’m curious as to what you think elain and Lucien have in common, personality wise? What do you think their story will be about? What will be their conflicts? Obstacles? Suspense? That kind of thing.
I love you for this ask and I apologize because you're probably about to get way more than you bargained for.
I'm not sure SJM has created two characters who so strongly mirror one another. Rhys and Feyre were similar but they had noticeable differences to me in terms of their personality. Like Rhys really struggles with forgiveness and letting go of the past while Feyre is pissed at 3 pm, then over it at 3:04 pm (with Tamlin it was more like 3:55 but she's even moved forward since ACOFAS while Rhys is still holding a grudge as of SF). 😂. Feyre is also more open while Rhys still tends to hold his schemes close to the vest.
But Elain and Lucien. They are these two characters who have both suffered immense losses and violations to their bodies. Yet they still internalize their anger and sadness and don't lash out at others. I think people mistakenly believe they don't have much depth as a result but I actually think it's because of their reactions that prove how much they actually feel. All the times they aren't talking, yelling, or demanding to be seen is time they're spending turning everything over in their head. They're also observing the world around them, they're watching the interactions of others. And all that time they're spending simply paying attention adds to their knowledge of how relationships and society in general function.
They have also both ended up in places that they did not choose for themselves. Their responses to that are what I'd consider both a strength and a weakness. I love their optimism and attempt to make the best out of any situation they find themselves in but at the same time, they can be too complacent as a result. They haven't learned to fight for what they want and where they want to be and instead just allow life to happen to them.
Some other very similar core values they seem to share is a respect for tradition (I actually could provide text from the books to support all this but that would end up being extremely long so I’ll spare you).  They have both mentioned an awareness of traditions and values of a certain place and why it’s important to uphold them.  
They both share in the ability to apologize for having made mistakes and we actually see them make changes to their behaviors showing that they've learned from those mistakes. 
It’s a weird thing to note but neither Lucien or Elain have said “Fuck”.  Lucien has said “Shit” and “Hell” and Elain has said “Hell” but I find it interesting that they both share a similar manner of speaking and neither is what I’d call crass or vulgar.  Speaking of “Hell”, they actually insult people in a similar manner and make similar jokes.  After the Human Queens left, Elain said they could all “burn in Hell” and Lucien told Amarantha she could crawl back to the shit-hole she came from (we find this out after he tells Feyre about something that was sent (Amarantha) from the shit-holes of Hell.  And they both made a joke about Amren being cranky.
They are both extremely social, good at talking to people, enjoy parties, enjoy the outdoors, and neither is afraid to show love and affection to their loved ones.  Lucien told Feyre she was a better friend to him than he was to her (I don’t necessarily agree but Lucien felt it) and Elain acknowledges that she failed Feyre (it's note worthy that it happened before Elain even has a book) but realizes she’d always been the foundation that held them up.  And both Lucien and Elain have held Feyre in their arms to comfort her at different points in the series.
As far as their story, I think it will start in Spring. Lucien is permanently stationed there as of SF and while I’m not entirely sure how Elain will end up there, there seem to be definite hints that it’s coming.  I have this weird head-cannon that I can’t seem to shake that Elain is going to feel the drums of Fire Night and find herself pulled there because the magic is calling her to restore Spring (and she’ll possibly perform in the Rite with Lucien though I could see a few problems with that, one being that if the Magic chose someone for her (even if she were unaware of who that Male was), would she again feel violated as a result?  Or would she feel connected enough to the lands that she was comfortable with it.  If she is an owl shifter than her physically get there would be easy enough. I've also considered that the book will open with her staying in the townhouse to give herself some independence after some of what happened in SF.
Even if Calanmai doesn’t happen or doesn’t happen right away, I’m still certain she’ll be going to Spring where she and Lucien will begin interacting.  I think they will both be extremely instrumental in getting Spring back on it’s feet, helping the people believe in the leadership again.  Once that happens, the armies will be in a stronger position to join in the upcoming war efforts. And I do think the reason Elain will be capable of this is that she's been gifted Goddess of Healing like powers to restore a fallen land.
I also see them traveling to the continent to help free Vassa.  It’s possible Koschei is Valg and from TOG we know that fire can defeat him though I don’t think Lucien’s fire can stand up to the lake where he’s at.  There’s a line in SF where Briallyn states Eris’s fire wouldn’t have withstood it so I think that’s a hint of something that will be a problem for Lucien.  Either this would be an opportunity for Elain to step up and use what I think are her healing powers (again, something else we know that can defeat the Valg) or maybe along with Elain’s powers, Lucien will discover more of his Day powers.  I’m not 100% if they’ll actually defeat Koschei or just manage to free Vassa while Koschei finds a way to escape from the lake.  If SJM plans on bringing the Asteri to Prythian in the final book (and depending on what number book Elucien’s would be) than I could see her having them defeat Koschei in their story since the Asteri would then be the new big bad.    
Major conflicts would be both Lucien and Elain addressing their past loves and finally letting go of them so they can move forward.  Elain learning to let go of her stubbornness over something she believes wasn’t her choice and realizing that even with accepting her destiny, she still has a choice in it.  I don’t think Elain will act quite as hostile as Nesta did towards Cassian but I have no doubt we’re going to see a little fire from her when she first starts interacting with Lucien. She might touch upon how her sisters and even Az view her as someone in need of protecting when she no longer needs it.   I also think we’re going to witness the emotional bombshell that is Lucien discovering who his real father is as well as making some sort of peace with both Eris and Tamlin.  I’m not sure Lucien will ever have the same close relationship with Tamlin as he once did but I can see them finding peace with one another and then maintaining a casual acquaintance in the future.  I do see his relationship with Eris growing stronger though.   
Really, there are so many loose threads surrounding both Elain and Lucien.  She would take their story in so many directions.  (Will they stay in Spring for awhile or head to Day? Will Helion be High Lord for years to come or will SJM find a way to have Lucien take over? Could Lucien step up as High King? ). Personally I don’t think the Autumn Court will play a huge role in Lucien’s book only because I feel like it would make more sense to be a focal point if Gwynriel end up together (what with her unknown grandfather and all and Eris, looking to take over the throne, as an ally of the NC.  But still.  Lucien does have ties to Autumn, Spring, Day, the Human Lands, etc. and Elain has always wanted to travel.  They both have unknown powers, they’re both sort of the underdogs of the series, they are the only Mates of the series who instantly knew they were Mates and had the bond snap into place.  
I could be way off base with all of this but I just hope that the one thing I’m not wrong on is an Elucien endgame!
Also, I apologize because I was rambling with my thoughts and it might all sound a bit convoluted!
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Double Trouble
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Iceman x Dragon & Slider x Whiskey
@mrsjaderogers 💕
Slider and Ice agree to take their girls on a double date for a fun night out. However, the night takes a turn when someone from Whiskey's past shows up.
Warnings: Stephen is the lowest of low in the human race. He says some nasty shit. WHISKEY IS A GODDESS AND I LOVE HER VERY MUCH!!!
From the moment they decided a double date was in order, Rachael and Jade had been super excited. They even went shopping the day before for their clothes together. Ice and Slider just chuckled at the pair as they went out.
Ron and Jade agreed to meet Rachael and Tom at their place so they could all go together to the restaurant.
Ice drove them all to the restaurant. Dragon in the passenger seat holding his hand as he drove, and the other two in the back getting cosy with one another. It was nice to spend this time together.
They arrive at the restaurant and are shown to their table. Dragon and Whiskey spent a good amount if time catching up on things. Ice orders drinks for the table to begin with.
The girls sit next to each other, opposite their dear husbands. As the wine is poured, the girls keep on chatting. They're laughing and bringing up old memories and all the crazy shit they've often found themselves in.
Tom shares a look with Ron. "If I didn't know any better, I would say they were dating each other."
Ron chuckles.
"Damn right. You're just here to pay the bill so me and Whiskey can have a nice time," Dragon giggles.
"Ah, it all make sense now. You married me for the money," Ice teases.
"I mean, who else is going to spoil me and Jade whenever we want," Dragon winks at him.
"I spoil her!" Ron chimes in.
"I bet you do," Rachael grins before sipping her wine. Jade chokes on her drink from beside Rachael and bursts into laughter.
The waiter returns to take their orders. They had hardly looked at the menu, so each of them quickly look over the choices. All the while Rachael and Jade continue to giggle like teenagers.
Tom orders for him and Rachael, knowing full well she isn't picking anything any time soon. Ron decides to do the same for Jade, knowing her favourite meals by heart.
The waiter leaves.
The two girls burst into laughter again.
"Why are they laughing?" Tom asks.
"I think it's just a thing they do. They look at each other and laugh."
"Maybe they're telepathic?" Ice suggests.
"I don't have to be telepathic to know what's on your mind," Jade says, looking at her man.
Rachael laughs into her wine glass.
"We can't take you two any where," Tom laughs.
"Shh, you love us for it."
They continue to tease each other while they wait for their food. Just as the girls finish their second glass of wine, having not stopped laughing the entire time, the food arrives.
Four delicious looking meals are settled on the table and they all dig in. The girls laugh a lot less while eating, but conversation still flows.
It's nice. Spending this time together as a group. They go put often together, but this felt a lot more intimate. Going out for drinks at the bar is one thing, but sharing a meal and talking about all their favourite memories, that's something else.
As they finish dinner, topping up their drinks again, though Ice is on ice water now because he's driving back, Rachael suggests dessert. Jade waves over the waiter and asks for their dessert menu.
"I don't think I can eat anything else," Ron says, leaning back in his chair a bit.
Rachael sticks her tongue out at him. "Well, I fancy something sweet."
"I fancy you," Tom says, without hesitation.
Jade giggles as she sips her wine and turns her head to Rachael. "Should we give you two some space?"
Rachael smiles as she leans into Jade's side. "They should be giving us space, no way am I leaving my wifey!"
The two burst into another fit of giggles.
The waiter drops off the dessert menus for the ladies and leaves again. The two open the menus and go over their options, trying to decide if they want the same thing, or if they want to go 50/50 on two desserts.
Just as Jade thinks she had decided on one, a voice near by catches her attention. It's a familiar voice she hadn't heard in years. Just like that, she goes cold. Rachael notices her shiver and looks up at her best friend.
"You alright?" She asks, keeping her voice quiet.
Jade turns her eyes to the table near by. Standing behind one of the chairs was a man she hadn't seen in ages.
Rachael follows her gaze and sees the man.
"Someone you know?" Rachael asks. Her questions has both men across the the table looking up at where Jade is looking too. Ron feels himself tense up.
"That asshole!"
Ron is about ready to get up out of his chair, but Jade is quick to reach over and stop him. She grabs his wrist gently and looks at him with pleading eyes.
"Can I ask?" Dragon looks between the couple.
"That's Stephen. My ex," Jade says, turning her eyes to the table. She picks up her wine glass again. "He doesn't know I'm here, let's just eat dessert and go."
Rachael closes her menu and watches Jade for a moment. She glances at Ron who is glaring over at the man at the other table. Rachael then glances at Tom who is looking at Jade with concern.
Whiskey freezes and Ron's band curls into a fist on the table. Tom looks up at the man who was early upsetting his dear friend. Rachael reaches over under the table and takes Jade's hand in hers.
"It is you!" Stephen stands over their table with a huge shit eating grin on his face. Rachael hates it. "You haven't changed at all."
The way he says that makes Rachael's toes curl.
"Who are your friends?" Stephen looks at each of them.
"I'm Ron, her husband." Slider says. He had never met Stephen, but he knew all he needed to know about that man to know he hated him with a passion.
"Husband?" Stephen laughs. "Well, if you're into that..."
Ron glares at him. "What does that mean?"
Stephen doesn't reply. He turns his eyes to Rachael. She hates the way he looks at her. Rachael squeezes Jade's hand a little tighter.
"And you are?" He asks her.
"A boss ass bitch," Dragon sips her wine with her free hand.
"Ha. Okay..."
Stephen turns back to Jade. "You must at least be making a lot of many if these are your friends. At least you have that going for you."
Tom stands up immediately and stares him down. "I think you should go."
"What? I'm just catching up with an old friend."
"Old friend? I'd hardly call it that," Tom states. "You're making my friend uncomfortable."
Stephen continues to grin at Tom.
"You mustn't know many people if she's your friend."
It takes everything in Tom not to punch this prick in the face. He didn't want to make a public scene, but Stephen's loud voice seems to have done that already.
Stephen turns to Ron.
"I hope you have a good lawyer, you can't possibly be with her because she's any good in bed. I'd drop her soon as you can if I were you. Trust me, no one wants her weighing them down from life."
Rachael barely blinks before Ron is up on his feet and grabbing the man by his shirt. He holds the man up close to his face.
"Say one more thing about my wife. Go on."
Stephen begins to laugh.
Rachael turns to Jade and finds her darling friend crying quietly. Rachael wraps her arms around Jade and pulls her into her side. Jade leans against Rachael without a word.
"Oh, the waterworks. I don't miss that."
Rachael clenched her jaw.
"That's it." Tom looks at Ron and they both grab one of Stephen's arms each. They begin to drag him out of the restaurant.
Rachael let's go of Jade to pull out some money. She leaves it on the table and then takes Jade's hand. Jade follows Rachael put of the restaurant.
Tom and Ron push Stephen out into the street. They stand tall and firm as Stephen straightened out his clothes from being man handled.
"Was that really necessary?" Stephen asks.
"NO ONE talks about my wife like that," Ron glares at him.
"Oh come on, you can't possibly see anything in her. I can see it clearly. You're just like me. Dating her out of pity."
Ron goes to charge at him, but Tom stops him.
Rachael and Jade exit the restaurant and sees the boys standing in the street. Rachael sees Tom holding Ron back. Jade holds her hand tighter and Rachael gives her friend a comforting smile.
"You're going to be okay, Jade. Don't listen to that bastard. He doesn't know the Jade we know."
Jade smiles at Rachael.
"He was the worst part of my life," Jade confesses. Rachael places her hands on Jade's face and smiles at her softly.
"Then we must be pretty fucking good."
Jade chuckles. "Damn right you are."
"I better step in before Ron does something. Your husband would start a war for you if he could."
Jade smiles. She feels all light and warm.
"I know. I know he would. I love him for it."
Dragon winks at Whiskey and takes her a little closer to the group.
"Come on, you two. Party's over."
Ron turns and looks at Jade. He walks over to her and takes her into his arms. Rachael can see the way he looks at his wife and she smiles. That man is hopelessly in love with her and nothing is ever going to change that.
"Disgusting. Jade, he doesn't love you. He married you out of pity. He felt sorry for you. Just like I did. You have nothing to offer and you know there are far more beautiful girls put there than you. They have value. You don't. You have fallen for another lie. I feel sorry for you. I do. You're better off alone, Jade. No one wants you around-"
Before Stephen could do any more damage with his words, Rachael stormed up to him and gave him a good hard kick to the balls. Stephen instantly falls to his knees, hands over his crotch. Rachael stands over him.
"You say ONE more disgusting comment about my badass beauty and I'll break your fucking teeth. Jade is the most hilarious and wonderful soul, but you're too much of a bastard to see that. She's absolutely gorgeous, you fucker. Like, movie star level gorgeous. You're a rat who thinks he looks better when other people, but I can see you for you really are. You say one more thing about my Whiskey and you'll be seeing through two black eyes. You wouldn't know beauty if it hit you in the face. Maybe you'll recognize my fucking fist though."
Tom has to step forward and drag his wife back. As proud of her as he is, there is no way he was having her beat the shit out of this guy.
Rachael glares at Stephen as he remains crouched on the road.
"That's enough, sweetheart."
Rachael looks up at Tom and her expression turns softer.
"I'm sorry, but no one talks about Jade like that and gets away with it."
"I know, darlin', I know."
Tom gives Rachael a hug before she turns to check on her friend. Jade is smiling at her. As soon as Rachael frees herself from Tom's embrace, she runs over to Jade. They hug each other tightly.
"I love you so much!" Rachael tells her.
"I love you too!"
The girls stay like that for a while before they link arms and start walking back to the car. Ice and Slider follow them, leaving the asshole behind.
Ice takes everyone back to their house. Dragon makes Jade a drink in the kitchen.
"Stay the night."
Jade smiles at Rachael. "Okay."
They grab their glasses and head back into the living room.
"You two stay the night. Head back in the morning. It's been Hell of a night."
Tom agrees.
"Ron, you'll be alright on the couch right?"
"You don't have a guest room?"
"Yeah, but it's not done up or anything. Our couches are comfy! Right Tom?"
Slider looks at Ice. "She make you sleep downstairs often?"
"Never. Tom comes to bed with me every night," Rachael winks. "But we have both definitely fallen asleep down here before. You'll be alright. Tom will bring you both blankets."
"Me?" Tom asks.
"Duh! Whiskey is sharing our bed with me. I'll change the bedding so she doesn't have to smell your aftershave on our sheets," Rachael laughs.
Jade giggled and the girls head upstairs.
Ron and Tom stand there in the living room alone.
"My wife just went up to bed with your wife," Ron says.
"And we're banished to the living room?"
Ron shrugs and picks a couch. "Go get us blankets then, Mr Ice Cold."
"Shut up, Ron."
The two laugh.
Even though the double date was ruined by an asshole, the Kerner's would always be able to rely on the Kazansky's to save the day. There was NOTHING Rachael wouldn't do for Jade if she ever needed her.
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cyberpawn-arc · 2 years
meta: vale + pov on each of NC's different fixers
Vale Meta Discussion!!
Rogue Amendiares
   First thing's first, Rogue is one of the biggest badasses in Night City to Vale. Vale admires her resolve and her work ethic and the way she is runnin' the mercenary system of Night City with that same confident smirk on her face as she's had for decades. She's unstoppable and she's truthful, she's not gonna sit there and have you run in circles for cheap work. They're lucky to have her in their life and they want to prove to her that they've got the merc skills to pay the bills.
Dakota Smith
   Vale doesn't work with Dakota a lot due to the fact they aren't the biggest fan of the Badlands. It's too quiet for them, and they prefer how the business of the city kees raking eddies in on a more consistent basis for them. Even though they don't work together a lot, Vale has a lot of respect and trust for Dakota, as she has never gone behind their back.
Dexter DeShawn
   When V was a beginner merc, they saw Dex as the entry ticket to the major leagues. They were intimidated by the fact he was the gatekeeper of glory, his picks of the endless mercenary litter were legends in the making and they felt like everything was coming up roses for them and Jackie when Dex chose them for the Arasaka Heist. Ask V now? Dex was a coward. Always was. Never had the balls to do his own work.
Dino Dinovic
   V also thinks Dino is cool as fuck. Dino oozes that rockerboy charisma, the ooze that reeks of lots of drugs and blood and probably a fair amount of spit too. Even though Vale has never heard Dino play the bass in any band, Vale knows that they can trust him to handle a drink at a party or sneak them into some major bash thrown by Kerry or another rock legend.
Wakako Okada
   While Vale appreciates Wakako's honesty and bluntness, they've occasionally found themselves getting in trouble with her. She's got a certain way she wants shit done, and she doesn't want a messy, sloppy job that ends with Vale ruining every plan of stealth. What Vale makes up for in strength and charisma, they lack in stealth and subtlety. Even though they know they can complete any job she has for them, Vale is scared of her critiques.
Regina Jones
    Vale sees the ideal of healing those who are suffering from cyberpsychosis as a very noble and worthwhile mission to live on. They trust Regina as she’s willing to give them as much information as she knows before they risk their life to help an individual going through cyberpsychosis. With their empathy and Regina who hands them their tasks, they trust her and they love this mutual goal they’re working towards to try and heal the city and the people living inside of it.
Sebastian "Padre" Ibarra
    Given Padre’s past, Vale has always been the merc showing up asking if they would ever listen to a poor mercenary’s confessions about their job and the work they’ve done. He’s honest about salvation and sin and the teachings in an old book that Vale has never even thought about cracking open. Padre was actually the first Fixer Vale ever worked with! They were a punky teen who wanted to get into the mercenary work, and Padre was willing to have them deliver votive candles and food to those in Heywood he assists.
Muamar "El Capitán" Reyes
    As Vale is a Merc With a Heart, it feels as though Cap is a Fixer who really does genuinely care about Santo Domingo and its safety. They help Cap deal with nuisances trying to overthrow the local community balance and put families in danger. At the same time, Vale has made jokes about how Cap was a corpo rat! They think that shit is funny! They didn’t believe that the first time they were told that!!
Mr. Hands
    Vale isn’t as keen on Mr. Hands as they are some of the other Fixers. He’s more open on how he sees this all as business, as a money opportunity he needs to capitalize. He sees their kindness as an obstacle for his goals and they see his cold, calculating nature as an obstacle for the betterment of the city. They just wish they could level with him and have him share even a hint of his past to them. They want to understand him.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Actually, you know what? No reason to be cryptic about it. Enjoy the journey on Aaron's current life choices.
So I mean, I've not made it secretive that I'm, among many things, a pothead, mostly for pain management. And that I've had an interesting life, and have some surprising influences in rings that I always stood as the Most Unlikely Hobbit in.
But certain things I witnessed, I observed, I learned a great deal, even had the means to get involved with but just, didn't. I had enough chaos in my life, let's not add FBI drug raids to it, thanks.
But on February 6th, weed is legal here.
The first places that were approved on licensing for it were established medical dispensaries. They've already gone through the process and most of them are importing established brands etc etc and so on. And most home growers don't have the mix of knowledge, and time to do all the hinky beaurocracy shit as a backyard operation, so they mostly just grow and quietly share with besties if they got overflow, and it's kind of whatever they got.
I've also lived in a location where it was legal, as it went legal, so I remember watching this process happen before. The first thing that happens is lines down entire blocks at major established medical dispensaries, while the overage joe still smokes something from their friend's potted plant basically, and it's cool, as long as you're not like, busted trying to distribute random shit on the corner.
And then over time the market shifts because since legalization application is open for everyone else in a few months, after it's Roughly Pretended Nobody Planted Early, We Swear, and smaller licensed recreational-predominant dispensaries open, but often struggle and fail on profit margins vs operations vs whatever. Like I have literally seen this circus, I have watched the monkeys rise and then die.
So I hear them asking, well, isn't this gonna bring the cost of weed way down? and I'm like... nyes?
If you mean the demand to have some random shit dropped in your mailbox by your uncle Ben's neighbor, yeah, that's gonna go through the floor. Even if they Swear It's Their Best Shit. Because the market is going to be full of high end prices with menus and educational information that lets customers select what they want, and the prices START where they used to be and only go up from there, plus taxes. So. No. Weed actually gets a little more expensive but the shit you get is hand over fists better.
Like someone I know is all "You know weed is cheap, no matter how good it is right, where do you think I get all my shit." and I'm like. You get all your shit because it's inventory nobody wants, was harvested way too young and is indiscernible from higher end ditch weed dude, this is just what market availability has done.
Then they argue, no, don't order your seeds from XYZ, my buddy in colorado can send you any strain you want, bet.
Nawwwww. NAWWWWWW. That's shit they shook off their plants, best guess at gendering and is probably lowkey hybridized somehow, no I want to know EXACTLY what they fuck I'm starting with and be in control of my plants without having an invasion of boys fucking up the crop.
So then of course there's the issue of competition even if I got the startup equipment. Yeah, lots of people grow for themselves, but expecting to make a profit margin is where people fuck up. Because by the time they pay for space beyond one table in their kitchen, or anywhere to sell it or have space, they're in the hole before they ever open the door.
So considering the remodeling plans I had, the local zoning and other things, I got the operations front covered, and it'd be part of a paid off home. It's just built in cost of living anyway, only now Home Earns Money with the layout I have planned and so on, because again, I need to remodel the basement for disabled living anyway, And This Fits. Wheelchair floorplan and all.
But um. Because of my life path, DESPITE my somehow squeaky clean record, I have seen things. The system will ironically let me coast through application easily as an, awww, look at these two white nerds trying to make a profit margin on their pain management dotting all their i's and crossing all their Ts. When really we have quarterly plans set out for two years as a rough estimate.
We being a friend of mine, a dear real life friend, who has history in realty, accounting and business management that was looking for a way out of the grind too, and is happy to help quickbooks his way through this and match the money I can put in on the 18th.
Because no, no I will never be able to out compete the established big dispensaries. But I got something better. The common sense to know pulling in a quarter what they target in a week is great. The ability to incorporate it to living expenses. The available manpower to handle all the form filling and dotted i's and crossed T's on that end while I handle the production, at no cost to us, no inflation to customer, and everything beyond some essentials really being minimal cost for profit. And cured and treated right you get this sticky bud NO dispensary can match, period.
And then there's where I'm at. I'm in a food desert. How do you think the dispensaries look. If you go up the main road maybe five miles there's one, and I can guarantee you it'll be expensive as fuck, so everyone will keep buying ditch weed.
The point is to be the middle ground of that, to be KNOWN to those people, to have local referrals and community.
Like naw, I don't want a store front. I'll do everything I can to be healthy, legal, maintained, all of that and it won't be that hard with the two of us. But you get me 200 locals that already spend 500 a month in weed you got me 100K/month, bro. And they still get to menu pick That Good Shit like at the dispensaries but because there's no storefront or middle management it outprices them for actual hand reared good shit that aint dried out or whatever.
Yeah. I know EXACTLY what the fuck I'm doing, and to NOT overgrow and to NOT overaim, and to KEEP it small and simple and to NOT expect to be a millionaire overnight, but rather, to be a Thousandaire smoothly for a bit and, then if my buddy does the right business cost writeoffs, we can see about expanding year two or what have you. Yeah, sure, buy the house this year on early profit margins, collateral it against itself for repairs and write it off as a business expense to get started. The room is there but it's not about ever trying to be One Of Those Ones. It's about fitting a local demand in a market and being THE one to set up that demand, and you can't do that if you fuck around waiting a month to invest it.
SOOOO to roll back to the start of this post on the 18th I am Buying Some Shit that will not see investment return for, oh, 10-14 weeks one could say, and then after that things start rolling, at about the rate getting a license approved happens, iykyk.
It's just about 500 investment on either end, scaled to 15 plants expected to drop 15-25 low to high ounces as a start. You can outprice the market and still pull 100K. And after you get round one going next month double it over into a second wave with a few more troughs and again the next month. You only run three. Suddenly it's like when you have too many chickens. That's it that's the sweet spot right there. So give it a quarter.
So that's about where I'm at right now. I'm worried about getting them started first, as I can't fight against time itself. He's gonna work out the licensing and LLCs shit in the meantime and put in his half and we're getting it rolling NOW. I can bat around customer reward and referral programs loosely and whatnot as that's already on the mind, but this is the point of motion I'm at right as my hip literally blew, so there's a lot of chair sitting by force going on right now. [uses cane to push gamer chair around the house] HOLDING FOR INVESTMENT MONEY FIRST CHAIR SECNOD I CAN MAKE IT TILL THE FIRST DAMMIT.
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luna-purple454 · 2 years
Yoooo wassuuppp???
How's it goiiinnnn????
Have this ig- I might not make a part 2
Tbh I just whipped this out of my ass lol.
TW: Abuse, Panic attack, uh- idk just bad vibes in general (and bad shit going down too ig-)
Superhero isn't exactly the kind of teacher figure you'd expect him to be towards Hero. So when things started to go south, Hero's friend decided that they needed help fast.
Not Yours Truly
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Hero was shaking, even more so when he finally heard the door creak open.
The previous mission did not go as planned. An unexpected ambush happened while trying to sneak into Supervillain's base, leading to the injuries of all the heroes that were gathered there. Hero being the one that was supposed to lead them.
"So, I heard that your little mission went south today, hm?" Superhero deadpanned as they closes the door.
Hero freezes on the chair he was sitting on, not daring to move an inch. They needed to choose their words carefully if they ever wanted to get out of this unharmed.
"Well uh-" They started, desperately trying to form a sentence. "W-we were jumped on and outnumbered-"
"Excuses excuses, Hero. You know I don't like those." Superhero says as he walks towards Hero, not even bothering to sit in his chair. He stops right in front of them, an ominous aura forming around him.
They tried not to squirm at the sight and focused on giving an answer. "Yes sir."
Superhero bends down a bit, locking his eyes onto Hero's. "You know, even though I trained you myself, I'm quite disappointed you turned out this way. After all, you are the strongest Hero below me."
'But there's no way I could match Supervillain!' A tiny voice in the do-gooders head said. 'Between me and the two of you, the only way I'd match is if my power was 10× stronger!'
But they bit theired young back and just look away in shame. Hero couldn't do this. They can't believe that they couldn't do this! They were supposed to be strong!
"Look at me Hero," Superhero growled. His face darkens as he forcefully turns their head with his hand.
"Tell me now, did you really think I'll let this slip? You've humiliated me as your teacher!" Superhero's voice was threatening.
Hero squeaked in fear, causing the latter to smile sinisterly. "You think-" Superhero tightens the hold on Hero's chin, "-that getting this reputation of being the best of the best, is so easy?"
Hero, shaking violently now, shuts his eyes tightly while a few tear drops form from the side of his eyes. He knows Superhero can do worse, and he knows for a fact that he might just do that.
"Hush, now. I have a suitable punishment for you. Just be good and it'll be over." Superhero carries Hero by their hair, in return causing Hero to whine loudly.
There was no way they could escape this one. The door was probably locked and the whole room was soundproof. They should have seen this coming honestly, but they thought that as long as they behaved, Superhero would spare them. They thought that he might decide to not waste his time on them. To spare them.
But they were wrong. And they were about to pay the price for thinking that they weren't.
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It's been a week since Villain has last seen Hero anywhere. And truth be told, they were getting worried. Ever since they've heard that Hero had led a group to try and infiltrate Supervillain's base, they've been worried sick.
They even confronted Supervillain themselves.
But as it turns out, even Supervillain didn't know where "that pestering do-gooder" was. It all led to a dead end.
That was until Henchman brought in a beaten-up-looking Sidekick. The Sidekick in question had her arm around Henchman's shoulder, bruises and wounds littered her body as they slowly limped their way towards Villain.
"Henchman- what is she doing here? And- what happened to her?" They asked a bit flabbergasted. They've seen Sidekick beaten up at times, yes, but this one looked brutal. Everyone knew she could hold her own well enough.
"She has something to say about Hero.." Muttered Henchman, more worried about the person he was holding.
Villain sits up, now interested. Whatever she had to say, if it's about Hero then she can count on them.
"P-please, Hero- a-and Other Hero- they-" Sidekick tried, but failed to say, and went into a fitting cough.
"What about them?"
"Superhero a-and his comrades- they're so brutal- they-" she broke into a sob, barely able to finish the sentence.
Villain was already tense enough, but from the sound of it, Superhero must have done something terrible.
"Just what the hell happened!?" He screamed.
"When we failed to- hic- infultrate Supervillain- Superhero was furious and, and he- hic- beat us up for it-" She sputtered.
"When we heard- that Hero was in Superhero's "care", we knew that- we wouldn't be able to do much- so the others- when Superhero's team finished with us, we- we agreed to save Hero- but we need your help and-" Sidekick let herself collapse onto the floor, she knelt and kept on begging Villain.
"Please! Hero, they're- probably so-" she cried. "O-our last cooperation- you said-"
"That I'd help Hero if I was feeling like it. Yes. I know." Villain was almost done dressing up. "That bitch Superhero..."
Sidekick, finally deciding to raise their head was shocked to find Villain now leaving.
"One last thing-" the Villain turned their heads towards the do-gooder. "Where is Hero right now?"
"W-we're assuming that they're at S-superhero's place. Inside HHQ." Sidekick sniffled, a bit dizzy as the adrenaline started to fade.
Villain turns back and smirks evilly, knowing that around this time of the day, there were few heroes at HHQ.
"Henchman, take care of Sidekick. Also prepare a guest room please."
He walks away as he hears the grunt of Henchman.
Superhero, you've made a grave mistake.
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Part 2(??maybe not??)
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chaoslulled · 7 months
❝ is there something you’re not telling me? come on, talk to me. ❞  ( from sugu to gojo, highschool era :c ? )
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he is manufactured arrogance, because that is the master that he has been forced to serve since he was young.  they have never looked at him like he was a child, but something to be bowed to.  something so powerful  &  destructive that that is all there is to it.  he is the one that holds the six eyes  &  infinity  ––  something so rare it is meant to be treasured.  they dress him in robes  &  give him the air of superiority because as a clan, he is their savior.  he is young but he is meant to be the head figure.  he is young but he is nothing without the clan's permission to so much as breathe.
everything has been a reminder of that since his ascension, since everything with riko a couple of months ago.  ever since he's come into his power it's been non-stop trips to his childhood home, extensive tests of his powers, hushed conversations about demanding his pay be increased  &  a promotion given.  they want him on bigger missions.  they want him to run more.  they have the money, they can pay his way in if that is the way that the school wants to go.
no one once stops to ask him what he wants.  what he wants is to stay with suguru  &  shoko, wants to have some sort of normalcy.  ever since he had come into his reversed curse technique  &   learned to heal, there's a part of him that feels like it didn't come back right.  like sometimes his screws are still too loose, that he can't completely put his head back on without shoving it as hard as he can so that it sticks.  he can't voice any of it; he has to sit in on meeting after meeting  &  be grateful that he's been given this chance, that he's the chosen one.
he's the strongest because he has to be, not because he's chosen it.  he breathes the arrogance out at every single corner because it's a good mask to hide behind.  it unnerves people  &  makes them hate him  ––  it's fitting for what he can do with his own technique.  maybe he's just been preparing himself for how lonely it's all meant to be all this time.
cerulean eyes flutter open  ––  he's been in the gardens for too long; the sun is sinking below the horizon  &  cherry blossoms have decorated his hair, but he makes no move to dislodge them.  instead, he turns his head slightly before craning his neck, looking up at suguru has he blots out the sun slowly sinking.  the faintest smile slips onto his lips  ––  yes, this is what he wants to keep.  one of the only ones who has ever called him out on his shit  ––  the only one that ever seems to matter, no matter how many times he sits in those meetings.  the one that makes him want to stay.
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he's missed dinner  ––  that should probably concern him more than he does, but he pushes it aside  &  stretches long limbs, feels the creak in every inch of his bones from staying in one position too long.
" it's clan stuff. "  he can't tell them all to go fuck themselves because that's unseemly  &  it doesn't matter if he's the chosen one, he will get his ass kicked for something like that.  but his teeth worry at his bottom lip for a moment;  maybe he doesn't have to bear it alone.  maybe he can have the best of both worlds  ––  because he's pretty sure suguru's not going to run back to his childhood home  &  tattle.
he sits up now, letting the cherry blossoms fall down his shoulders  &  roll off his back.  " you ever just...realize that people look at you  &  they don't see you?  all they see is the perfectly manicured version of you that they've prepped since you were a baby? "
fingers are careful as they flip his sun glasses up onto his head  ––  it's only him  &  suguru here, his cursed energy doesn't offend him.  it doesn't add to the throbbing in his temple like cursed energy normally does.  " for once i'm getting tired of people acting like i'm some sort of god. "
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navalha-kw · 11 months
I'm sorry the doctor had no answers for you. Sounds very disheartening and frustrating. I'm hoping the radiologist will take more time with you and I hope you speak up for yourself. The doctor, the radiologist, they work for you so you make them work. Ask them questions, tell them ALL your concerns no matter how small. Some times these "professionals" need to be reminded on how to do their jobs. You aren't a number, you're a human being with legitimate concerns. I hope you have your answers soon. Take care!
Thanks :")) I mean, I don't know if you know how the health system works in Poland, it's... not great, to say the least. You either wait a few months for a visit or you pay 10x the minimal hour wage to see a doctor for 10-15 minutes, and either way you sill have to hope they won't be rude...
So it's kinda like, yeah, I paid him, but he's so important and has so many titles he most likely doesn't give a shit about my fucked up arm. Really, he has 20 different patients in a few hours period and makes more money a normal person would in a month. I'm worth nothing. They know you need them, they know you're desperate and scared, but they've seen it for so many years now I feel like it doesn't matter to them, you're just a number at this point...
That being said, he wasn't rude at least, and that's a lot considering he saw me for the nth time and that he knows very well that I'm trans. (It was such a fucking interesting information that probably everyone working for him at the hospital knew it and some felt entitled enough to ask me questions about my genitals <3) It sounds horrible, but I'm genuinely glad he doesn't make it any more uncomfortable for me than it is. He did take his time, but he saw with his own eyes that it feels like a tendon, acts like a tendon, hurts like a fucking tendon would and I KNOW it shouldn't be possible, but fuck, man, that's another thing that shouldn't be possible with me. I'm pretty sure he really did see it for the first time in his life. But still, it's so wild that he made mental gymnastics to somehow prove to probably only himself that that is a nerve only to contradict himself moments later. Man, you literally made me nearly fucking scream from pain when you found it above the bone. That things laying behind it. They can't be in both fucking places at the same time. If it turns out to be The Tendon, where's my fucking PhD, he doesn't fucking deserve his. The fucking audacity to tell me 7 WEEKS POST OP how I should have done the rehabilitation. I SAW YOU 3 TIMES POST SURGERY AND YOU GAVE ME DIFFRRENT INFORMATION AND LIKE 10X LESS AND I ASKED YOU SPECIFICALLY. FOR FUCKS SAKE.
I heard the radiologist is not a nice person to be around but they also say if someone can find something on the ultrasound, it's her. Guess I gotta bite my tongue and pray she does indeed... I'd love to trust the surgeon that it's impossible, that it must be something like a but of the nerve slipping or the scar tissue, but I can't. I just don't trust anyone anyone. They've all proven themselves just plain bad at their job the moment someone doesn't have the most common diagnosis.
Its also not like I didn't speak up for myself I think. I'm furious, I wanted to fucking punch him in the face, but I really tried to remain you know. Professional. With my words also. It's just that he simply has no fucking clue, knows as much or actually less than I do because I bothered to open up research papers. I can only hope he'll read on the topic before Monday, but I doubt it, really.
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bloodiedmedic · 1 year
Okay, another idea but what if Alexis became a criminal/rogue themselves? What would their goals be and their crimes focus on?
Oh.... oh NO. Oh you want to know that okay...
Jokes aside it is an interesting thought. You get two answers. Both could happen.
Nice/grey/not entirely evil/rogue for pay.
Alexis ends up making enough of a name for themselves in whatever little neighborhood they settle down in that eventually someone from a small gang that needs help with a gunshot, or stab wound or something shows up and offers money. Alexis, needing money and also not being much of a fan of turning people away cause they are "bad people" or some other such thing since they are well aware of the bad shit they themselves have done... takes the money, and provides the needed medical care. That serves as a starting off point, and over the next year or two Alexis ends up becoming for all intents and purposes a doctor for the various criminals of Gotham. Gang members, smaller rogues (they try to stay away from the big ones like Riddler and what not), and the like. Someone in the Bat Family "arrests" them, and Alexis hires a good lawyer who gets the case dismissed on grounds that since the Bat Fam member isn't a cop most of the evidence is tainted and there's no one testifying since there's two things known about Alexis among the criminal underworld. They don't ask questions and will treat basically everyone, but also if you mess with them they will not hesitate to respond in kind if you go too far. There has been a couple of people that ended up dead, and rumors of a couple of other people that quite had their body parts sold off by Alexis. Between them being good at their job, and also a credible threat in a fight when forced into it no one sees a reason to testify. Being arrested by Batman rises their "fame" even more, and Doctor Ogata becomes one of the most well known criminal doctors in Gotham and teeters the edge between doing good or making things over all worse by enabling the monsters. Good person? Bad person? Depends on who you ask... and who their last patient was.
Evil/Dark/Giving into their own impulses (this is dark, cw for murder, and sadism. Also mention of playing with someone's internal organs.)
This is the Bad Path, and is what Alexis is afraid of giving into. Like in Zaun, and all their other verses Alexis developed a taste for hurting people while held captive. They quite literally regard it as an addiction, and fear it because it does so far as to include torturing and killing someone. Alexis is fully aware that they have something wrong with them now, and are doing their best to control it however...what if they lost control?
Maybe one too many people tries to mug them. Maybe a rogue abducts them. Maybe it's just the darkness in Gotham City, and Barbatos influence brushing across them. Regardless Alexis stops doing their best to control their blood lust, and becomes a serial killer. Not someone like Mr. Freeze or Poison Ivy or Scarecrow with some kind of reason or "point" behind what they do however. Think Victor Zsasz with medical training, and without the masochistic tendencies. A sadist who finds themselves dragged down into the darkness, and ends up thriving there. This is the Alexis who escalates, and feeds their blood lust. The Alexis who will gut you, and get off on it. The person to be afraid of because when they look at you yes you are utterly beautiful because all people are beautiful because the body is a miraculous wonderful thing... and now they need to show you how much pain it can take, and reach inside you to touch you more intimately than anyone else ever has or ever will.
Will they sell your organs afterwards? Probably, but that's not the point. The point is they want to feel your blood on their hands, and grind down against you as they reach into your opened up torso smirking knowing you can feel it as their hands drift over your organs. The point of it...is that they want to do this, and they've stopped fighting it.
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im a sucker for assholes, so can i please have m!bailey absolutely wrecking f!pc infront of m!robin, thinking they've been fucking each other but then surprised when he finds out pc's been untouched this whole time. the pure jealousy from bailey turning into extreme embarassment after realizing what he did? Ughhhh.
Bailey? Embarrassed? You mean Bailay gloating and rubbing it in Robin's face that he's taken something from you he'll never have?
NSFW below (tw for dubcon, virgin PC)
Bailey has a man around the neck, marching him out of the room of the brat he was trying to molest. Despite the struggling, yelling and general pathetic begging, Bailey keeps his grip.
Several kids pop their heads out of their rooms to watch the scene, including you. Only its not your room, it's Robin's.
Bailey tries to ignore the jealousy stabbing at his heart seeing you two so close together, instead focusing on throwing out the trash.
It doesn't work, even when he leans against the kitchen counter and makes himself a coffee in an attempt to distract his mind.
He shouldn't give a shit about you. You're just another brat, one that pays him regularly, sure, but what would make you special?
You're far prettier than the others. You look up into his eyes sometimes and he can't help himself when images of you on your knees, forcing his cock as far down your throat as it can go flash though his mind.
Only this time, he pictures you sucking off that other drain on his finances.
Robin. Plain, boring Robin. What, does playing that many games make him good with his fingers or something? Can he make you squirm and writhe with his hands alone?
Bailey's face starts getting hot with anger, grimace morphing into a sick smirk when an idea crosses his mind.
He grabs one of the smaller brats, a timid, shy one, telling them to let Robin know he's due in Bailey's office at midnight.
Bailey only gets happier when he sees you leaving in the clothes you wear to work. You'd be gone most of the afternoon, Robin wouldn't be able to tell you about his appointment.
It takes more patience than he'd ever admit, but Bailey waits for you to come back home, hands covered in the scented oils you use at that spa, exhaustion all over your face.
He steps from the shadows, immediately gaining your attention. "Come here, girl, I need a word."
You follow wordlessly, looking confused and worried as you enter his office, letting him close the door behind you. Not noticing that he leaves it open a crack.
He grasps your arm, pulling you with him as he rounds the desk and sits in his chair. Then he pats the desk, asking you to sit.
You do as you're told, sitting with your thighs pressed together so he can't see up your skirt. That won't do.
Bailey rests his hand on your thigh, leaning in when you blush, hands coming up clenched as you cover your face.
"W-what did you need?" you cough, embarrassed at how high your voice was when you asked that. You couldn't deny the heat pooling between your legs at the attention, Bailey (despite all of his shortcomings) is very handsome. His hand so warm and heavy on your skin.
Bailey starts stroking the skin, dipping his fingers under your skirt to tease along the line of your panties. His other hand comes to pry your thighs open a little.
"I've decided money's not enough. I need something else from you," he explains, fingers dancing across the crotch of your panties and ever-so-slightly putting pressure on your clit making you gasp and clench your thighs shut on his hand.
"Bailey I don't know, I-"
"Oh you're not getting a choice. You need a reminder of who owns you," he growls, standing up and pushing you onto his desk, flat on your back.
You squeak out, not expecting it, quickly covering your crotch with your hands only to have them swatted away.
One hand grasps your ankle, putting it over his shoulder as he pushes your skirt up, grinning at the wet patch on your panties.
"Bailey, please, I-" this time you're interrupted by his lips on your own, tongue immediately invading your mouth. Your eyes are wide, staring up at the ceiling. This kiss was your first.
Bailey's free hand returns to teasing your pussy through the thin fabric, making you whimper into his mouth. He ignores your oiled hands clutching at his shirt, staining the white material.
Then he pushed the fabric to the side and starts roughly rubbing at your clit. You'd barely touched it yourself, the sensation foreign and good. So, so good.
You close your eyes and try to kiss back, quickly getting lost in the pleasure of it all. Your tongue is clumsy compared to his, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Bailey can hear his heart hammering in his ears from his excitement. You're being much more compliant than he had thought, sweet little noises coming from you everytime he flicks that sensitive button between your legs.
You're so wet for him, despite how little he's touched you. Does Robin get you this wet?
His good mood drags down a little at the thought of the boy, and Bailey decides that you're wet enough. Breaking the kiss, you barely get a breath in before his fingers are in your mouth.
"Suck," he orders as he undoes his fly, not taking his eyes from your greedy little mouth as he pulls his cock out and rubs it against your folds.
Your panties keep getting in the way, so he pulls them off before going back to teasing you.
A tiny creaking sound gets Bailey's attention, and his eyes meet with another's peaking through the crack in the door. Oh, is it midnight already?
"Does Robin ever make you feel this good?" Bailey asks, licking his lips as the eyes at his door grow wide.
Keeping eye contact, Bailey smiles, a triumphant, almost insidious smile. He misses your look of confusion at his question, too excited to claim his prize. Robin watches as your carer sinks his cock into your wet heat.
Bailey's smile falters at what he feels. At what he hears as you cry out around his fingers, which he pulls out of your mouth. He stares down at you, length still buried inside.
"You're a fucking virgin?" his smile returns, grabbing your thighs so he can bend you in half and grind into your pussy even deeper than he already is.
"I tried to-to tell you- ahhh," you can barely speak as he starts pounding, hands resting on your chest as you take him. It really didn't hurt as much as you thought it would, just a slight sting before you got used to the stretch.
Bailey's eyes return to the pair at the door, seeing white-knuckled fingers clinging to the wood. Robin hadn't left, in fact he looked furious.
The slick sounds of your cunt swallowing his cock lewdly fills the room, your hands grasping at his back while he thrusts into your heat.
Robin watches on in shock. Why? Of all people, why let Bailey touch you like this? Had he hurt you? It wasn't a coincidence that he's been asked to the office at the same time you're getting ruined by that old bastard, he knew that much. Especially after hearing Bailey's question to you.
You begin to scream as Bailey picks up the pace, desk moaning in protest from the pressure being put onto it.
"Bailey, I'm so close, Bailey, Bailey!" you begin to chant his name like a prayer, voice increasing in a crescendo as you do.
The tattooed man above you stares down at you, face looking the softest you've ever seen it as you cream on his length, shaking and gasping from the pleasure.
He follows soon after, filling up your womb, not bothering to pull out despite not knowing if you were on birth control. He'd get you the morning after pill, but this time he really wanted to see his seed dripping from your folds.
You both pant as you come down from the high, you wiggling on the desk to unstick yourself from the surface due to your sweat gathering on the wood.
"Why did you bring up Robin?" you ask, running a hand through your hair.
Bailey pretends not to notice the fingers on his door readjust themselves at your question.
"Thought you two were closer. You're always stuck with each other, you know," he explains, not bothering to leave your body yet.
You giggle and sit up, resting your weight on your hands. "No, Robin's my best friend, we've never even held hands!"
Bailey presses a kiss to your forehead as he withdraws. "Good to know."
The crack in his doorway is empty when he looks back.
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andmyvape · 3 years
"Please tell me you're not wearing that."
Elayn looked down, then back up with a wide grin. She tugged at her bright rainbow suspenders with her thumbs. "What, not tacky enough?"
Serana gave the ensemble another slow scan. "No, it's… definitely tacky. The combat boots with the khaki shorts is a nice touch."
The grin got wider as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. "They're going to be throwing candy, and I wasn't anywhere near prepared enough last time."
Serana rolled her eyes, but softened it with a smile. "You're ridiculous."
"Isn't that why we're dating?" her girlfriend asked as they headed out the door.
She took a moment to lock up while Serana laughed. "'Careless Whisper' on a boom box outside my window. I can't believe my dad didn't kill you. I know you stole that, by the way. We both went to see that movie when it came out."
"They marketed it as a romcom!" Elayn protested.
They were in the car now. It would be a trick to find parking, but they were running early thanks to Serana's habit of scheduling everything. Elayn was more the type to go with the flow, but living together had her adapted enough that the flow she went with was largely dictated by Serana's schedule. As a research chemist, she worked interesting hours at times, but Elayn was a good roommate, she cooked and cleaned, mostly because she had the time. Lacrosse wasn't a well paying sport compared to something like soccer, but the off seasons gave her plenty of time to maintain their loft. 
"Five dollars an hour?" Elayn griped as the machine printed out their ticket. 
"Homophobia strikes again," Serana said with mock solemnity. 
She snorted and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's waste. "Which park did you say this thing started in again?" 
It was a little place surrounded by tall buildings, but it was a green patch in a city largely made out of grey. It being Pride Month, the grey was broken up by rainbows. The two wandered around as they waited for the parade to start. 
Well, at least, they started to wander when Elayn caught sight of a dog and all but dragged her girlfriend over to say hi. 
"What's his name?" she asked, so full of enthusiasm she practically floated. "Can I pet him?" 
The dog's owner, someone with a short haircut in a crop top that was orange, yellow, and white striped, nodded. "If he lets you. Sometimes he's not so-- oh gosh," they said, eyes wide as they watched Elayn kneel down and offer a hand to sniff that was immediately accepted. "You must have good vibes." 
"She's a dog person," Serana said with a laugh as the dog put its front paws on Elayn's shoulders so he could lick her face. 
"What's his name?" she asked through slobbery kisses. 
The butch grinned. "That's Duke, I'm Cas. It's nice to meet you!" 
The two introduced themselves just in time for a volunteer to come up with bottles of water. "Our city got voted best water in the state," she said cheerfully. "Take a few, it's gonna be a hot one." 
Before the march, there were speeches. The first was an introduction to the city's first pride parade since the 80s. The second was from a drag queen inviting everyone to the show later that night. Finally, the speeches were closed by an Episcopalian pastor trying to make up for the rest of Christianity's sins. 
"It's starting!" Elayn said excitedly when the crowd started to funnel out of the park. 
The march went down the sidewalk for a few blocks. Traffic was halted and the waiting cars honked while passengers waved. Elayn waved a lesbian flag, Serana had a bi flag, and the two of them dragged a rainbow striped cooler. 
"Mom! Mom!" Elayn heard behind her. "Look, it's two cicadas going at it!" 
She glanced behind her. There was a set of twins, about twelve years old, one of them draped in a trans flag and holding the cicadas that were indeed trying to reproduce. Elayn snorted and hit herself in the face trying to keep a laugh contained. "You like bugs, huh?" 
The girl in the trans flag beamed. "They're my favorite! Well, except for tarantulas, but Mom won't let me have one." 
"The rabbit gets out of its cage enough." The way the girl's mom said it, this was an age old argument. "I don't want to squash it when it ends up in my shoe."
"I had a snake when I was growing up," Serana chimed in. "A corn snake that never got out." 
The twins turned out to be part of a family unit. One twin was trans, and their older brother was too, and as Elayn found soon, was very excited to start HRT. "Get a Gc2b binder," she said. "When I'm feeling like a flat day, it works really well." 
The boy, a younger fourteen, practically floated with excitement. "I will!" 
Serana chatted with the parents while Elayn occupied the kids. "Have you folks been to Pride before?" 
Their mom, a woman named Chelsea, shook her head. "Nope, both kids came out last September and they've been talking about the festival ever since." 
"You seem like really supportive parents," Serana said. It carried the weight of one speaking who has not had contact with their parents since high school. 
Chelsea could tell, and she opened her arms for a hug that Serana was more than happy to accept. 
The march was only about a mile long, and it ended in another park. Elayn craned her neck and said, "I think I see the beer line, wait here?" 
"We will!" said the girl, who was very proud to be named Luna now. 
Serana and Chelsea shared a grin. "I guess we'll wait here," the mom said. 
It was a bit of a line, which was probably not a good thing, but apparently people were restricted on how many drinks they could buy, so at least there was that. While Elayn waited, she was joined by two people wearing pronoun pins that said "she/her". 
Elayn's jaw dropped at the sight of one of the girls' dress, which was a flowing, fae like ensemble. "Holy shit!" she said. "You look amazing!" 
She blushed and ducked her head as she smiled. "Thank you, I got it from Amazon." 
"It's her first Pride," her friend added.
That just amazed Elayn more. "With the sparkles and the green eyeshadow, I wouldn't have guessed. Everything you've got going on is just amazing."
"Thank you!" she squeaked. 
Elayn wasn't alone in thinking the dress was gorgeous. Another person came up to compliment it, and they had such dope tattoos that Elayn could not help but comment. 
"The guy that did them is great," they gushed. "He does blacklight work too!" 
So she got a website saved on her phone for the next time she really wanted to get a tattoo on top of the three she already had; scrollwork on her bicep, a wolf on her shoulder blade, and a small date on her wrist that was the day she met Serana. 
When she got back to her girlfriend and the others, an IPA in hand that was frankly piss, she told them about the girl in the fae dress. 
"I saw her!" Serana exclaimed. 
"No way." 
Next was food, especially if she was going to drink a beer. Assuming she actually drank it. "There's some food trucks," she pointed out. "I could go for a corndog." 
"I'm going to get some mac and cheese," Serana said. 
"Mom! Mom!" Luna's twin brother, Ian, tugged at his mom's sleeve. "Can we get pretzels?" 
Chelsea sighed good-naturedly. "I suppose. Do you two want to meet up after?" 
"Over by the stage?" Elayn suggested. 
The group separated. She found the line for corndogs and funnel cake. While she was waiting, the woman ahead of her glanced her way, so Elayn said, "Howdy!" 
"Hey there, hun!" She clapped her on the shoulder. "Having a good time?" 
"I am," she said with a grin. "Everyone here is so nice. There were some moms back there handing out hugs!" 
"Well, I'm a mom, would you like a hug?" 
"I would love that." 
It was a lovely hug, the woman was warm and smelled floral. When they separated, she said, "I'm Elayn! It's good to meet you. Can I get you a corndog?" 
As she pulled out her wallet, the woman waved her money away. "It's Nessa, and actually, I'd like to buy you a corndog." 
"You don't have to--" 
Nessa laughed. "I miss my daughters, you'd be doing me a favor." 
They chatted while the line went down, about lacrosse and about university. It turned out Nessa's two daughters went off to college in other cities, so it had been a while since she saw either. "I had a son," she said. "But now I have a very happy daughter, and I'm so proud of her." 
"I wish I had a mom like you," Elayn said, thinking about growing up foster care. 
Nessa grabbed her in another hug. "Now you do!" 
When she got back to Serana and the others, they were listening to the music booming from the speakers. She had to yell to tell the group about her new mom. 
Chelsea looked a little sad, because she could connect the dots, but Luna and Ian were too busy freaking out over the cotton candy Nessa had bought her too. 
Not long after, the stage was occupied. Elayn was chatting with Luna with her back turned, so she missed it until Serana tapped her shoulder and turned her around. 
"Holy shit!" She hollered and clapped at the sight of a gorgeous, sequin clad drag queen in four inch heels doing a backflip off the stage and onto grass. "Holy shit!" 
As it turned out, the drag queens took tips, and it was at that point that Elayn knew she was about to spend a lot of money. Each queen that performed, and there were many, got a five in exchange for the sheer joy Elayn got when the queen before her touched her hand. 
When there was a break in the performances, she went back to Serana, who had a smirk on her face. "Should I be jealous?" 
Elayn cupped her face, and in a fit of sheer enthusiasm, kissed her girlfriend soundly, to the delight of the twins who hooted. "Don't worry, babe," she teased. "You're the only queen for me." 
"Flatterer." Serana swatted at her chest, but the smile on her face was pleased regardless. 
It was all a blur from there. Fair food, loud music-- and Elayn found beer that wasn't piss! She taught the twins a new vocabulary of cuss words the moment she found out their mom was fine with foul language. They parted around five in the afternoon, when a voice through a megaphone warned attendants that the festival was about to start catering to adults. There was a concert with more drag queens, this time in much more risqué outfits that Elayn would have given a kidney to see on Serana. 
When she said something, her girlfriend got a light in her eye. "Really now?" she purred. "Maybe for your birthday." 
By 11pm, Elayn was high on the party atmosphere and a few beers. The festival was over, and the walk back to their car would be a trick. "Did you have fun?" she asked Serana as they walked hand in hand. 
She got a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad I have you. When are we getting married?"
"When I figure out how to surprise you with a ring." 
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