#you can be smart and still be a pathetic little meow meow
anicehomicidaltree · 11 months
Lately I’ve been drawing mind as a priest and Heart and Soul as the angel and demon following him
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I kinda wanna make an au out of this but I know next to nothing about catholicism or priesthood
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rambling-at-midnight · 2 months
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks (Part 3; final part)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Gender Neutral Civilian!Reader
Summary: Just minutes after discovering his secret identity, it’s time for you and Jason to clear the air about how the two of you actually met.
Word count: 3.4k
Your heart is racing a hundred miles a minute when you make it back to your apartment. And not just because of the five sets of stairs you have to walk up, although that's pretty bad.
You make sure that your roommate isn't home, then usher your cat out of your bedroom and open the window. You sit on the edge of your bed, nerves twisting in your stomach.
No, you can't stay still.
Also, your cat's scratching at the door, furious that he's been locked away.
You decide to wait in the living room instead.
His approach is soundless. You don’t hear him come through the window, or when he opens your bedroom door, but your cat meows happily and you turn around to see your six-foot-two lying boyfriend looming in your apartment.
“Is your roommate here?” he growls through the mask. Your cat yowls at his feet, wondering why Jason—the Red Hood—hasn’t begun to lavish him with attention yet.
“No, so you can take that off.”
You’re a little pleased with yourself for figuring out his identity so quickly. Unfortunately, you’re much less pleased with him for messing with you. You’re not mad that he didn’t tell you his vigilante identity; you’ve known each other about a month, which is nothing in the grand span of a lifetime. You’re not a pessimist, but you are realistic, and you’re not sure if your relationship is going to work out yet after a week and a half of dating. Any disgruntled ex-girlfriend could reveal his secret identity to the press—not that you’re that type of person.
No, it’s smart to be cautious with his identity.
So wearing a costume that displays one of his most unique features isn’t the brightest.
Also, now that you think about it, Jason wandered into the library the day after the Red Hood walked you home.
So you’re not exactly worried, but you are a bit cautious. You’ve seen that Netflix show You, where that perfectly charming man kills every woman he’s in a relationship with. If it came down to that, you wouldn’t be able to beat Jason in a fight.
Also, you don’t want to fight in front of the cat.
With a click and a hiss, the mask—more a muzzle—comes off, and there appears your handsome boyfriend, a little disheveled and sweaty from the five-story climb to your window after stowing his bike. He’s still beautiful, and it’s such a shame. He could have been the one, had he not stalked and lied to you.
You think.
You’re going to find out.
Jason’s eyes dart to your dominant hand, which is hidden behind your back with your trusty pepper spray ready to go at the slightest sign of aggression. “I take it I’m in trouble,” he says, light, almost joking, and bends to pick your cat up. The little bastard squirms every time you do that, but he settles right down in Jason's arms and gets to purring.
“Jason—” You start, then falter, because you don’t actually know his last name. Or his middle. “Jason,” you say again through gritted teeth, trying to make it as menacing as possible. “I think we have something to talk about, don’t you?”
“Y/N,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Yes, I am the Red Hood. I couldn’t tell you bec—”
“I don’t give a shit that you’re the Red Hood,” you interrupt.
Jason’s mouth clicks shut. He gives you an odd look.
“Well, that you didn’t tell me,” you amend. “We’ve known each other a month. It would be pretty pathetic if you couldn’t keep the secret that long. Everyone in the city would know by now.”
“Okay,” he says slowly. “So what are you mad about, exactly?”
“That I was right!” You exclaim. “You were stalking me! I thought you just liked coffee and reading, but you were following me the whole time. You even offered to beat yourself up. What else about you is a lie?”
“Okay, whoa,” he says, holding his hand up, and if you weren’t mad before, you’re getting there now. He has no right for you to motion to calm down. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I guess I kind of did start this all out by following you.”
Your hands fall limply to your sides. Now that he’s admitted it, all the wind is out of your sails. You’ve never been so disappointed to be right. Secretly, you were hoping he would write it all off as a freak coincidence so thoroughly that you’d have no choice to believe it, all the way up until he strangled you. “Okay,” you say calmly. You hear your own voice, but it’s from very far away. “Are you going to hurt me now?”
“What?” He looks aghast at the very thought. “No, no, I won’t—why would I—No.” He’s so firm in the reply, so utterly certain, that your grip loosens on the pepper spray. He might be a really good liar… or he might be telling the truth. “No, Y/N, I really like you, which is why I asked you out, and even if I didn’t, I wouldn’t hurt you anyway because you’re my friend. And you’re a good person. The Red Hood punishes criminals; he’s not some crazy serial killer.”
“I mean, you kind of are,” you mumble. You’ve seen the statistics. He ruled through fear for several years. But, like he’d said earlier, he’s reformed himself. He still kills people, though, but you find that it doesn’t bother you as much as it should.
“I am not—” Jason stresses, looking you right in the eyes— “the kind of man that hits women.”
There’s a story there, in the way he says it, but it’s not the time to ask. You’re not sure that your fledging relationship is ready for it, either, but you’re still curious. You’re also curious about why he killed so many people when he started out. You’re curious about everything about him. You think you could listen to him talk for hours about himself and you still would only touch the surface of everything that makes up Jason.
“Okay,” you say. His eyes track your hand as you set the pepper spray down on the counter.
He repeats it like a question. You’re a little surprised, too, but— “Jason, I wouldn’t have agreed to be your girlfriend if I wasn’t sure that you’re a good person. But I need you to tell me about how we met.”
“You mean the robbery?” He looks confused. “That really was just a coincidence. I heard that something was going down and stopped by. I had no idea who you were before that night, I swear.”
“Okay. So why did you follow me to the library?”
“Oh.” Jason coughs. “Yeah. Okay, well, the first day, I actually was following you.”
You slap the counter with an open palm, triumphant. Your cat hisses at the sound. "I knew it!"
"Wait, wait, just hear me out. I was following you to make sure that you didn't die of blood loss. Or sepsis. Or gangrene. Or—"
"So you were stalking me... because you cared?"
"It's how my family shows love," he shrugs.
Your eyes widen. Because you hadn't considered it, but if he's a Bat—and he is, judging by the red shape on his chest—then his family is the Batclan. "Oh, my God. Batman is your dad."
Jason folds his arms over his chest like he's self-conscious about the symbol. "Yeah, and I've got the weird attachment style to show for it."
"Wait," you blurt out. "The brother you were supposed to meet in the coffee shop—were you supposed to meet Red Robin?"
You can't believe you were almost in the same place as the actual Red Robin. "Wow. Is his civilian identity as cool as his superhero one?"
"Please don't tell me you're a Red Robin fan," Jason says, his voice pained. "We might actually need to break up."
"Do you think I could meet him sometime?" you whisper.
"He's a huge loser," Jason tells you. "He's short and scrawny and actually pretty ugly beneath the mask. He looks like a troll. Also, I think he watches Andrew Tate videos and moderates Reddit forums in his free time. You really don't want to meet him."
You can't stop grinning. "There's no need to be jealous, Jason. Red Robin's way too young for me, but I think it's cool that he uses his brain to fight crime."
"What, and I don't?" he scoffs.
"Okay." You hold up a hand, determined to get the conversation back on track. "So you wanted to make sure that I wasn't actively dying. Why'd you keep coming back?"
"Well, then I thought you might be a supervillain," he said casually, like that's a normal thing to spring on someone.
You just gape at him.
"You treated a gunshot wound like it was nothing!" he defended himself shrilly. "Most civilians would be a little more concerned about an open wound in their side."
"I'm a medical student. Doctors make the worst patients."
"Yeah, well, Gotham has a pretty bad track record of doctors becoming supervillains, so excuse me for trying to curb a new one before she had the chance to turn."
You cross your arms. "What did you think would happen, Jason? I'd accidentally take a dip in Gotham River and the bacteria in there would travel from my side to my brain and make me go crazy?"
"I mean, yeah. That's pretty much exactly what happened with Harley Quinn."
Well, shit. He's got you there.
"Okay, well then why approach me at the coffee shop?"
Jason raises his eyebrow. "You were the only one there and I had a spare coffee. Am I not allowed to do nice things?"
"It was right after I told the Red Hood that I thought I was getting stalked. Did you do that on purpose?" you accuse.
"No, I swear. I didn't even know that you liked that place. Red Robin mentioned liking it.” Oh, my God, you and Red Robin like the same coffee shop. “I just… kept showing up after I saw you there the first time." He must be scratching your cat too hard, because he wiggles out of Jason's arms and runs over to his food bowl, looking at you pleadingly like he's been starving for a hundred years, even though your roommate texted you earlier saying that he'd already fed him. "I was planning on disappearing from your life and telling you as Hood that I'd, I don't know, threatened the dude or whatever, but..."
"But what?"
He shrugs. "You're pretty, Y/N. You're smart. And you were funny when I talked to you as Hood. Is it a crime for me to want to make a friend?"
"Just a friend?" You squint at him.
"Yeah. Just a friend." Jason tousles his hair again, and this time you let yourself admire the way the muscles of his shoulders and upper arms flex at the motion. "Believe it or not, I've never been in a relationship before. This wasn't what I was expecting—I never expected anything—but I'm happy. You're happy... aren't you?" He's pleading now, and it tugs on your heartstrings.
You sigh, but take a step closer to him. "Yes, I'm happy, Jason." It's definitely not the most conventional way to start a relationship, and most other people would be running for the hills by now, but this is Gotham. You moved here and stayed here because you fit in with the crazy. "I just need you to tell me one thing." Step. "One honest thing."
"Of course," he says immediately. Big green eyes pleading for you to bridge the gap between your bodies, to forgive him.
"What's your last name? I can't date someone whose last name I don't know."
For some reason, he grimaces. "Uh... my full name is Jason... Peter... Todd." His voice gets quieter with every word, until you're straining to hear his surname.
That rings familiar with something in your memory. You frown. "Jason Todd... not like Jason Todd Memorial Library?" Usually with memorials, the person they're named after is dead, but Jason's real and in front of you. Also, wasn't Jason Todd the kid that Bruce Wayne adopted several years ago?
The corners of Jason's lips turn down. "Yeah, I wasn't thrilled with your choice of study locations at first. But it is quieter than my apartment. B adopted too many fuckin' kids, and they always find my place, even when I move—"
"Does Red Robin hang out at your apartment a lot?" you ask, just to see him scowl.
"No, he's never there, and I'm going to dropkick him off a roof the next time I see him unless you stop talking about him."
"Okay," you say. You're close enough now to put a hand on his forearm, so you do. "I'll stop talking." You have to get on your tiptoes and pull the back of his head a bit, but you kiss him, and somehow it's even better than the first time.
Jason's lips are a little dry, but not chapped, soft and pillowy. He blinks when you rest back on your heels, looking dazed like someone hit him over the head with a frying pan. "Am I forgiven now?"
"Mmm..." You pretend to think it over. His hands snake around your back and pull you flush against him, stomach to stomach. "I think so," you say through a gasp, which might be embarrassing if he didn't bend to kiss you before the words had fully left your lips.
You kiss for a little while after that, shivering when his hands slip beneath your jacket. Not quite up your shirt, but getting there. He's got huge hands, and he grips your waist firmly, using his thumbs to gently rub at your hipbones as he pulls you even closer. That small contact, so gentle yet also a little greedy, heats your body from the inside like an inferno.
You're starting to bend backwards now, and the hand on the back of his neck is less there to pull him down and more there to keep you up. Are you lightheaded? You might be. You breathe in through your nose, but it doesn't help.
Jason may be inexperienced, according to his own testimony, but he doesn't kiss like it. He kisses with his whole body. He keeps leaning forward, moving his lips against yours with the single-minded intensity that took you by pleasant surprise the first time you kissed. Soft but firm, pressing against you, in a way that makes you think he'd really like to crowd you against a wall and cage you in. Not that you want to escape.
When you're bent over, you take Jason's chin in your hand and slowly push his head back. He resists at first, eyes fluttering as he chases after your lips, but you're about to fall over, so you murmur, "What's the plan here, babe?"
"No plan," he says, voice low and gravely in a way you've never heard before. Jason looks at you from beneath his long lashes. A heat flashes in his eyes. Something flutters in your stomach, bigger than butterflies. Maybe birds? Maybe robins.
And then you feel his hands on the bare skin of your back when they slip beneath the hem of your shirt. You gasp and jerk away on instinct because his hands are so warm, so calloused, but he's got a good grip on you; you're not falling anytime soon.
Then your entire world shifts as Jason yanks you upright, at the same time pulling the hem of your jacket and shirt up enough so he can see your wound.
"Oh, my God," you groan, embarrassed and a little amused. "You little pervert, were you doing all that to distract me?"
"No." Jason's voice is still gravely. He looks at your hip, then stares at your mouth like he's making a decision. He kisses you again, a firm press, and nips at your bottom lip before he leans back to squint at the scar. "Is it still bruised?"
"Yes," you sigh, covering your eyes. You're embarrassed for reasons you can't quite explain. Maybe because he's pulling your shirt up and you're not quite as firm everywhere as he is. You're pretty sure champion bodybuilders aren't as firm as he is. "It's gotten much better, though. See? No infections or anything like that."
He measures the scar against his hand: it's about two fingers wide, and one finger long. It scabbed over a while ago, and now that the scab's gone, it's just a shiny pink patch of skin.
"You could have stitched it anyway," he sighs.
"I don't care." You grab him by the chin and force him to meet your eyes. "I don't care about scars. Mine or yours. Most of the time, they're sexy. And apart from me, you're the only one seeing it." His hands clench your waist at the words, then loosen. He sends you an apologetic look. You continue, "So as long as you don't mind it, then nobody does."
"I wish it had never happened to you," he sighs.
"Well, it did. But it wasn't your fault and we can't change the past."
Jason's still mulling over your words when you start to work at his belt. He makes a choked noise and grabs your hands. Doesn't push them away, just holds them still right where they are. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I showed you mine." You grin up at him. "It's only fair that you show me yours."
He snorts. "You don't trust your own handiwork?"
"It's a follow-up appointment," you say. "To make sure everything's healing normally. Now take off your shirt, Mr. Todd. This veterinarian's apartment does, after all, moonlight as a strip club."
He undoes his belt buckle with one hand, and you have to make sure that your mouth isn't open. That was probably the hottest thing you've ever seen in your life. "You ready?" he grins, cocky in the way he only gets when he's flirting with you. "One look at me and you'll forget all about Red Robin. Forever."
"God, don't bring up your little brother while we're making out," you groan.
"Good to know that you plan on kissing me some more tonight," he says casually. Then he peels off the skintight gray shirt, and every thought wipes from your mind.
His muscles have muscles. And, somehow, despite your apartment's shitty lighting, he's glowing. His pants sit low on his hips like he's a model or something.
How has no one ever dated him before? He's actually perfect.
The longer you stare without saying anything, the more uncomfortable he looks. Finally he says, "I know I've got a lotta scars," his native Gotham accent bleeding through a little, but you stop him with a hand on his chest. He's warm and firm and soft, just like you thought he would be.
"My God," you whisper. "You're beautiful."
Jason goes beet red.
"And the one I stitched is healing up nicely," you continue, tracing your fingers lightly over the slightly raised line.
His whole body shudders. He swallows almost violently, eyes clenched tight like they're in pain. Then they fly open, and you gasp, because they're glowing green. Not metaphorically glowing. Like, actually glowing.
Jason kisses you again like he's trying to herd you. You don't know where's all right for you to touch, so you cup his face with both your hands and pour everything that he gives you right back at him. Warmth, affection, something bright that you can't name.
Then you lean back. Your lips disconnect with an audible pop.
"Hang on. Is Bruce Wayne Batman?"
Jason's chin drops down to his chest. He groans, deep, and you pretend that warmth doesn't pool in your stomach at the sound. Voice thready, he says, "You know, talking about my dad really kills the mood."
"Oh, my God, he is." You pump your fist in the air. "I'm two for two. Who's the world's greatest detective now, Batsy?"
"If I kiss you again, will you shut up about Batman?" Jason asks.
You grin. "I don't know. Maybe you'll have to find out."
He does.
And you do.
You've decided that the Red Hood is your favorite superhero, anyway.
Forever taglist:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit  @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
DC taglist:
@evalynanne @mismatchsposts
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mysouleaten · 7 months
THIEF !! [part two]
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PLATONIC! pet shop owners! baji, chifuyu and kazutora x teen!reader
summary... lets see what our thief is up too today?
warnings... one cuss word?, weird girl talking bad about strays
[part one] [part two] [part three]
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it was a beautiful morning
you were feeding some stray cats near your apartment. you haven't been living with your parents for about a year now, leaving when you were fifteen and lived in your apartment ever since so yeah you are a sixteen-year-old teen going to high school, beating up delinquents, and working two jobs
what a life, right?
needing to eat and have a roof above your head was a priority, and so did the strays around your apartment complex need too
most of your money would go to the strays outside, but you were smarter with your money, making sure there was enough left for you and your basic human needs
looking back from your spot on the couch to the living-room balcony
a couple of stray cats are licking at their empty food bowls and meowing at you to fill it again
smiling softly and standing up to get the cat food bag that was strangely light and walking towards the balcony
some cats quickly jump off to get away from you, some were still new and hadn't gotten used to you, but others stayed, having been here much longer, and were used to you
pouring the cat food into the four bowls-... well only two
you look inside the bag to see it empty, frowning upon the sight and smell you look at the cats "sorry I don't have enough...ah I have to get more" you pause before clicking your tongue and standing up
but the cats didn't seem mad at the lack of food most instead meowed and two of them even rubbed against your legs and went to eat from the two full bowls
you roll up the empty cat food bag and go back into your apartment to throw it away into the garbage bin
you head to your room to get dressed and to thief some more pet food for your stray babies
damn...you also need to get dog food too...
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before actually thieving from the pet shop, you decided to stop at a convenience store to buy yourself some lunch
plus if the owners did see you come in they wouldn't find you that suspicious because you already had a bag with paid stuff in it! you're so smart, pat yourself on the back
walking into the convenience store, one of the employees greeted you, greeting them back and walking to the far back, you found a couple of snacks you liked and some hot food you can put in a microwave
picking up some cool water bottles from a fridge you made your way to the front to get your stuff scanned
"hello! will this be all for you?" a girl, around your age asked
"yeah, that's all" you nod and she gives a light smile and starts to scan your stuff and put them all in one bag
"1533 yen!" she said and you gave her the cash
"I heard there's a pet food thief on the loose," she giggled and you looked up from your phone "hmm?"
"yep, people around the area think is funny that someone is stealing pet food," she said and he scanned your hot food
"really? what about the owners?" you ask with a light smile
"one of them is losing his mind and the other two, I think stopped trying" she barks out a laugh
"re-" before you could say anything else, the girl cut you off and you didn't like what you heard
"but like seriously? how pathetic can you be to steal from a pet shop? it's really sad, but I bet it's for those stupid little strays! I wouldn't bother to feed those-" she went on a rant like she was your long-time friend, and it safe to say you were.. not her friend
"can I please have my change?" you ask and her face heats up and she quickly apologizes and bows her head
"you have.. a great day," you say and she nods
you leave the convenience store with a sour taste in your mouth
'she did not need to say all of that..' you thought, putting your hands in your sweatpants pockets and letting the bag hang off your wrist
you started to walk down the street with a deep frown on your face, you didn't even notice how you sped up your walking until you bumped into someone's shoulder
"sorry, my bad," you say
"it's fine, are you ok?" you look up at the stranger, he had white hair with two black streaks in his hair and a cool snake tattoo on the side of his neck
"your tattoo looks cool" you blurt out
he puts his hand on this tattoo "oh thanks! I know right?" he said
you nodd and then look away "uh mhm sorry again" you bow your head lightly and walk off
'that was a little awkward, damn me and my big mouth..' you thought
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you were just in time for some other people to walk into the shop and you followed them in, covering your entry with their bodys
you also noticed the same white-haired guy from earlier 'how'd he get here before me?' you furrowed your brows in confusion but didn't dwell on it for long, you needed that cat food
you looked at the new shelf stacked with cat food 'man I don't have enough..'
looking away from your wallet and looking back at the shelf and then looking around the aisle
a rush hour just hit the pet shop and it worked in your favor. you smiled and grabbed some of the cat food cans and started to take off the wrapper. no one noticed you do it, because they either were looking at the cats or puppies or they were also trying to find pet food themselves
'this is great' you thought, you grabbed a sticky note from your pocket, scribbling a note with your non-dominant hand, and stuck it on where the stolen goods were
you stuck out your tongue a little and walked away care-free
again following a small group of people out of the store, but this time you stayed near the shop and leaned on the wall next to the doors, waiting for the hot-headed owner to find your message
you needed a good laugh before leaving..
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"HOW?!- FUCK!"
well he found it alright, you gave a small giggle and kept leaning on the wall
you stayed staring at your phone for another couple of minutes before someone interrupted you, "hey kid.., there's a rain storm coming soon, you better start getting home"
you looked to your right to see one of the owners, he had his hair up in a bun with two strands in front of his face, and a small mole under his left eye
you raised your brows and looked up--dark grey clouds started to slowly drift towards your direction and the wind was picking up--..yep there's a storm coming, you looked back at the shop owner "thank you, sorry for standing here so long"
he nodded "its ok, just get home safe" he waved and left back into the shop, flipping the sign to 'closed' before walking further into the shop and hearing muffling voices inside
you leaned off the wall and started to walk back home, you needed to get your friends into your apartment before they all get soaking wet
this made you speed up in worry for your furry friends
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puppies!!! and happy valentines day!
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evilwriter37 · 8 months
Last night I made an Amazon wish list for the babies instead of doom scrolling and I thought I’d send you an ask since your followers probably know more about my pets than my own. So, if anyone has the ability and wants to get my babies anything, feel free.
If you’re a follower of Archer and somehow managed to dodge all of my asks with my babies, then here’s an introduction.
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This is Mora. She is a five year old long haired calico with a tiny little bobtail. She was born with it according to vets. She was found in a ditch when she was just a couple weeks old with her siblings. I kept her while her siblings all found homes elsewhere.
She is a spunky, clumsy, cuddly little girl. When I say little, I mean little. She weighs five pounds. She likes to play with her claws and lay on my head when I’ve slept I’m too long. She drools when she’s happy and gives the most pitiful, pathetic meow when she’s upset, like when I try to get her to take her allergy medicine. . . She is winning on that regard. I’ll think I’ve gotten her to take it and then boom! Ten minutes later I find it in the middle of the room. I don’t know how she does it.
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This is Nebula. She is a six year old short haired dilute calico. She found me the day that one of our old family pets passed away and has been with me ever since.
She is very calm, precise, and deadly. She enjoys going outside and taking care of the rat problem we have. She will wake me up in the middle of the night of she hears something skittering in the walls. Once she snuck a cicada inside. Don’t worry though, she’s well watched when she goes outside by both me and people who work nearby. They’ve tried to give her pets but alas, she only likes them from me. Truly an honor.
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This is Tiadrin. She is a two year old lhasa apao and poodle mix. She came into my life soon after the passing of my best friend.
She is energetic (as all puppies seem to be), very friendly, and just all around so sweet. She loves playing fetch and sharing her opinions. If I do not give her a treat before bed. . . Oh, dear, is everyone going to know. She’s not just a spoiled little girl though. No, no, no. She is very smart and we are currently working on some training. I just need to figure out how to make her stay still for long enough to learn that no matter how much she wants to say hi to every person she meets, the leash is not going to go slack. . . She’s so small though that the harness I have for her is loose (but of course if I get a size smaller it’ll be too small) and she can slip out of it. I persist regardless!
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This is Brother Bear. He is an eleven year old lab mix. I got him when he was just an itty bitty baby with his sister (who is no longer with us).
He is a very anxious baby. He and his sister were very, very close and since she passed he’s been so very lost. He found some comfort in my boy Scooby but now he’s no longer with us either. He and Nebula have been grieving together.
It’s not all sadness for this boy though. Despite his arthritis and several other health issues, he is still so energetic and so loving. He can out play me any day. He gives my hand kisses and lets me give him long hugs. We often times just lay with each other by our side. He is such a comforting, calming presence with far more patience than I will ever have.
So, here’s some more about the babies if you knew them already and here’s your introduction if you don’t. I’m starting up school in a couple months and most of my money will be going towards that when I can finally find a job, so if you want to spoil them while I can’t, please feel free to!
I love your pets so much, but you already knew that. I'm sure my followers love them too!
Spoil their pets if you can! They're cuties!
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oraclekleo · 2 months
Heyyy,Idk if this is even allowed but my crush is a fictional character so I'll just leave this ask and if it's possible to answer to it then you will otherwise no biggie. My crush is Qimir from the Acolyte lmao. Manny Jacinto really killed it there but realistically he's too old for me and he has a beautiful fiance but Qimir? I could have him anyday,jk realistically still not possible but it's fun to think! Qimir is very smart,strong,slightly goofy and very lonely,my meow meow is also down bad for the fl like he's so pathetic(he does commit homicide but that's because they are againts his freedom and yk what I would too 😤)
As for me I'm someone who needs some realism even in my unrealistic fantasies. Exhibit: everything I said till now. My initial is N.I. if needed. I don't know if it's possible to mix wholesome and 18+ messages but I'd like that! If not I'll take whatever you come up with,thank you for reading this far even if you don't respond.
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Hello dear!
I don't know whether this will work with a fictional character. I will try and we will see. I don't even know this another Star Wars show (I'm old. I'm a fan of the original 3 movies from ancient times 😂). So! This is gonna be experiment. Have mercy with me!
Thank you for participating in my little game!
Question: Channeled message from your crush!
Deck: Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein
Card: 6 of Pentacles
Your crush wants to tell you that you have a lot to offer to the world. Be generous! Not only when it comes to financial resources, with any resources. Give your time, energy, love, your smile... BUT! Don't give any of it, if you expect something in return. Give only what you truly want to give and you don't expect anything in return. If someone asks you for a favour, only say yes if you truly want to do it for that person, no matter whether they will be available for you in future or not. People nowadays seem to only trade, never gift. Be different. You are abundant, you are not losing anything by sharing it or gifting it. Smile on a random person on a street because you can and want to smile, even if they keep frawning.
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phrootsnacks · 5 months
jjba thursday: part 4 ep 37-39
woa the final jjba thursday....... what will I do now. it has been a busy day for me and im super stressed out about final projects but I got to eat thai food so it's alright
and now to see how part four ends!!!!
episode 37: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 1
stop. bullying this eleven year old
hell yeah!!!!
fate changed! fucking finally
yeah. striving for peace and tranquility. by murdering people, obviously
punches you so hard your suit changes color
why did. you put meow meow in deadly queens abdomen. what
deliciously apropos
*josuke screams* jotaro: "hmm I thought I heard josuke, but it was just the rain" WHAT the fuck they are literally around the corner what do you MEAN
you know what they say about assuming things
death note but stupid
hell yeah hayato
oh god
w.. was that a football reference?!
josuyasu bros are ride or die hayato, what dont you get
episode 38: Shining D (Diamond) is Unbreakable, Part 2
sfx intro!!!!!! honestly I prefer this theme I didn't like the reversed one as much. altho it was really cool. and this one has sfx!!!!!!
billion bro.... no......... :(
wait... is yoshikage kira pirate coded?? I know this is out of the blue but ive been thinking abt it for a while
if anything hayato proves koichi is really pathetic
wow. thats really. I would not have predicted that. death note but smart??
are jotaro and co going to ignore that too
no!!!! don't hurt meow meow!!!!!!
oh my god
fucking finally jotaro and co walk around the corner
episode 39: Goodbye, Morioh - The Heart of Gold
why are EMTs here anyway
um?!?!?! (you know im watching the english dub right. why was that delivery like. That)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh!!! my!!! god!!!!!!!
hell yeah hell yeah hell!! yeah!!!!!!!!!! but. I dont want her to deal with him for all of eternity
lets fucking GO!!!! star platinum punches you into oblivion!!!!
oh shit is right holy fuck
"life can be bizarre" - jotaro kujo, jojo's bizarre adventure
wow. no peace or tranquility for yoshikage kira. how unfortunate
awww rohan :,)))
even the alien and okuyasu's gremlin dad showed up to say goodbye to the ghost!
how does hayato break the news......
did they. end up getting the arrow I forgor
again this show is like. really weirdly political
what. josuke you little shit lol
good job on your doctorate, jotaro kujo
and then they ate italian food :D
this show is just. full of so many freaks huh
man. what an ending. this part was really good. it was just so silly and fun all of the time except for the serial killer but even still the serial killer was also pretty fun you know. but I really enjoyed this part and I enjoyed having jojo's bizarre adventure thursdays :)
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bardofavon · 1 year
I would ask you to do 27 but we already know that it's kaz 😆
weird asks for writers
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
YOU WOULD THINK, RIGHT???? but actually i'm insane and the characters that i fixate on/write/create are insane and the 'A Good Myth' Kaz still doesn't hold a candle to how stressful it is to write the protagonist of my original novel.
My protagonist is maybe one of the worst people to exist? but in like, a deeply pathetic way? He claims he did everything he did out of love but when it comes down to it he is completely incapable of choosing someone else's needs above his own. He has a massive inferiority complex and always believes he's undeserving, but even though he thinks he's undeserving he still desperately wants the things he thinks he's too bad of a person to get to have and will lie and cheat to get them.
He is insanely codependent and will not let anyone leave him. Like. He blackmailed the love of his life into committing murder with him because he would rather the person he love stay with him and despise him then have him leave him. And then even when the relationship becomes so toxic that the hate should be mutual he still won't let him go because he just...can't be alone...
He's a compulsive liar to the point where he lies about things he doesn't even need to lie about? He lies just to do it at some points. His entire existence wraps around cognitive dissonance if I'm being real, and also he's a huge fucking idiot. He dropped out of school and he doesn't know anything and he's always going to make the worst choices.
And also the entire book is told from inside his head. His very unreliable, selfish, fucked up, angry, desperate, morally bankrupt head.
But he's also my little meow meow and I love him and sometimes when I talk about him I'm still like "well in his defense" or "to be fair, where he was coming from" so WRITING HIM WAS SO STRESSFUL AHAHA. I'm like....ok I know you are making this choice because there is no other choice you believe you can make here but!!! everyone is giving you the opportunity to be better and you refuse to take any opportunity to get help because you are trapped inside bars YOU HAVE CREATED!
Compared to that Kaz is somehow less stressful because in the end I believe in Kaz's ability to find and choose goodness?? And he's at least smart <3 sometimes <3
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fairy-pd · 2 years
Asa Emory but he's not that bad
GN reader, sort of a crack fic cus I cant take his avocado mask seriously, sfw but really dumb lmao
notes: i wanna simp for the bug man without feeling guilty so Im gonna deviate from the 2009 and 2012 cannon slightly and defend this version of him till I die. Picture Juan Fernandez's Asa cus that's who Im talking about muah muah goodnight
Tumblr media
So in my head, Mr. Cockroach is just a silly little nerd. A goofy fella with social anxiety. He is the definition of a poor little meow meow- smart but pathetic, a self absorbed mess
Picture a pinscher with a cold. That's him
He has managed to get himself to pretend he's somewhat well adjusted, but even tho he can make small talk, buy groceries and order pizza from time to time he still comes off as cagey and awkward
Definitely kept dead bugs in jars in his room as a kid, did not expect them to rot, learned nothing from this experience and still does it
Which means he smells bad. But purposefully now
I think Asa identifies as a bug tbh, but not literally
He loves humans like you maybe love cars, or art.
He doesn't relate to people. He doesn't get what's like to be one. But he loves us so much, he admires us so much, like you admire a vintage Lamborghini in perfect conditions.
He loves us from afar, like an admirer, an outside observer, wanting to learn everything about us because he doesn't understand but loves how strangely endearing we are, like the entomologist he is. Its almost like a fetish, but not sexual- objetification meets cold adoration in the hands of a scientist
This is specially noticeable (like another poster said) when we see various scenes where he's gently craddling his victim's faces or taking "care" of them. He looks at them in awe, like he could (cus he really could) break them, he wants to see them break to learn one more thing about them
He sees his victims not as people, not as complex universes, not as concepts, but as animals. He understands you have a life and opinions and friends, but he compartmentalizes these as normal behavior for your species
He cannot physically take his headphones off during the day cus it's so fucken noimsy outside and it hurts his ears
He likes to listen to anything repetitive and loud, nothing with discernible lyrics
His house looks like one of those ikea display rooms, except it smells faintly like formaldehyde and rot
He has a massive sweet tooth
He has a love for psychology, human anatomy and thanatology
Actually any field of knowledge that could explain human behavior is fair game to him
He absolutely hates spending money in "unnecessary" things, which is why he has plenty of diy projects around his place
He doesn't really have an opinion of people or of himself. He isn't one to judge, to classify people into groups. He thinks we're all fascinating, and he spends a lot more time trying to teach himself things about us than thinking about his own life
He doesn't have an internal voice inside his head
Absolutely has a God complex, but more in a "I Cannot Relate To Any Of My Beloved Creechures" than "my milkshake is better than yours"
Has a degree in entomology, and chose to become a certified bug serial killer cus seriously,,,,ppl will just give their house keys to a stranger for days????? how could he not take advantage of that????
100% a virgin. Does not have any interest in romance or sex, does not understand most people's need for it, could not feel more uncomfortable than when his victims offer to "help him" in exchange for their freedom
Never had any friends
Was raised by his extended family who sent him off to college as soon as they could
His favorite place in the whole wide world are cemeteries (silent, and he can spend time with his beloved lil humans as much as he wants)
Never takes anything personally and is completely unfazed by morality. Again, whenever anything happens he just sees it as part of the behavior of this particular species, like he isnt an active participant in the world, just a bystander
Hates pillows. His bed is as firm as a wooden table (might actually be one), only wears blankets when its absolutely freezing and he has no other choice
Walks around either on all fours or on his tiptoes
He doesn't? really? get? why people hate his trunks so much. He finds small spaces quite soothing and attributes his victim's screams to panic or anxiety of being caught, not also cus they're yk stuck in a tiny box with no chance of getting out
He has quite a few "animalistic" quirks, like the growling and purring thing. Some come naturally, some he picked up from his early subjects when he was a student
Knows how to crochet, and how to sew up small tears or holes in clothing
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fabledresources · 3 years
gonna be honest, i’ve forgotten how many of these i’ve made already, but luckily the server is an endless fountain of chaotic stupid ( affectionate ) so it’s not like i can ever run out of content-
" i'm gonna tickle your pickle (derogatory) if you keep this up "
" heavy is the ass that bears the hole "
" i like my men to be in the same state as my will to live: weak and pathetic "
" it was not a body pillow. it was worse. "
" i may not be smart, but i am fast "
" why's he look like he's about to play plinko with some poor sub's insides? "
" wait but how do people with a piss kink pee after sex, are they not out of piss? "
" he was so good at drawing, but he did not have a thought in his head "
" i want to be the core of the earth "
" why do you have such a talent for writing things that make me question if i've had a stroke? "
" diversity win! your dead boyfriend can still get railed! "
" i've done it, i've topped emotional vulnerability, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve– "
" do i get an a for affort? "
" nice ass, sorry about the traumatic character growth "
" you stupid little clown, you know what must be done "
" hooked up with helios, call that sunny d "
“ being a slut took my pain away, call that whorephine “
" twink is a state of mind, just like himbo "
" why is every moment of my life plagued by my constantly squeaking clown shoes "
" he's french, his name isn't real "
" [name] is a little meow meow if little meow meow got rabies then got hit by a truck "
" being a mom friend?? that’s kinda submissive and breedable of you "
" i was trying to read, but [name] decided he wanted to gargle my balls "
" but what if it's like a grey goo situation where he has to eat ass to keep his own ass thick? "
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missn11 · 3 years
Night Road specifically for the meme!
@ryttu3k aw yes thank you :D
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Lettow for sure, I love his character, his romance with the courier (though I wished it was longer XD) and how he is one of those decent Princes in the WOD (though he is still very much a grey character cause of all the fucked things he's had to do for the sake of all the Kindred under his care.) I really need to do some art and fics of him sometime (just Night Road in general XD)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Vani,Elena and Raul are so important and good and I love them and their side quests and wished I could be even better to them in their romances.
I would also say the same for the wolf famulus too, I haven't played too much with them but from what I've seen they are so cute and goofy! XD
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Dove for sure, while she's not completely ignored by the fandom she's not talked about as much as Lettow and Julian. I really love the romance/friendship you can have with her and also that you can have a poly route with her and Lettow too. :D
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Shout out to Miguel for trying to be a good ghoul only to get killed :( and Giselle for having a ironclad will enough to still be using her magic even when blood bonded and having a neat t-shirt
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Julian, who else? XD I really love how interesting of a character Julian is, he isn't wrong, one day the masquerade has to fall but he's also kind of a screw up and a huge risk taker even how smart and powerful he is. Will he succeed in his plans or fall harder than he has ever before? We'll have to see, at least he isn't rushing it and his plan will take decades to build before it can be launched. Does he care for the courier even when he's using them? I would like to think so, and it brings a lot of angst to the table.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Donati, I don't think I would torment her for fun but damn its always fun to dominate her into dropping her weapon and have her be mauled by Lettow or made to jump off the roof by Julian. She's a hell of a foe that I like taking down! XD (one day I'll figure out how to side with her right)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Jasper Knowles, thought to be fair Julian already sent him there! XDDDD
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wajjs · 2 years
Gimme all four corpsmen
Sexuality Headcanon: He's pansexual AND panromantic. Who has the time to care about gender when you have alien love at your disposal? Hell they don't even have to be completely anthropomorphic. If they're down, he's down, you know?
Gender Headcanon: Genderfluid/non-binary but he does not think too much about it, he thinks everyone's Like That and assumes he's normal. He keeps his he/him pronouns for this reason, and even after learning the truth he'd stick to those pronouns because it's easier
A ship I have with said character: Hal/any and all of the other 3 corpsmen, Hal/Sinestro, Hal/Oliver/Dinah, Hal/his own hand, Hal/his ring, etc etc etc
A BROTP I have with said character: Hal and Barry give me HUGE brotp vibes, though I can see why people like them when they're romantically involved. Also Hal and Clark have a huge potential to be an interesting brotp but I'd leave it at that
A NOTP I have with said character: Bruce/Hal. 100%. Those two are barely coworkers and Hal can do much better than Bruce. Please. He has standards.
A random headcanon: He absolutely hates humid days. It makes every injury that healed up wrong hurt.
General Opinion over said character: He's my baby girl. He's a war criminal. He's stupid. He's smart. He's confident and he's depressed. He's a grown ass man. He's a sad pathetic poor little meow meow. He's MY blorbo. Only I can understand him
Sexuality Headcanon: Even though I often ship him with the other corpsmen, I do truly think he's the straightest one out of everyone else. But he's still queer
Gender Headcanon: cis, 100%
A ship I have with said character: John and any/all of the other corpsmen, John/Katma....
A BROTP I have with said character: tbh his relationship with Hal, Guy and Kyle is like THE definition of perfect brotp.
A NOTP I have with said character: John/Carol. That woman fridged HIS WIFE
A random headcanon: After a Certain Event, he can't stand to be around dogs again. Makes him queasy
General Opinion over said character: Love him. I do get a bit tired of the stale takes his fans always have about him, they always make him so bland and boring while trying to make him absolutely perfect with no flaws. He's unhinged, your honor. In a way that matters
Sexuality Headcanon: this man can fit so much internalized homophobia while also being so loud and proudly queer, you won't believe
Gender Headcanon: I often think of him as cis but he has HUGE trans-masc energy. He's a passing trans man.
A ship I have with said character: My favorite one is GuyHal, hands down, followed closely by GuyKyle and GuyJohn
A BROTP I have with said character: Same ships as above. They can be BOTH
A NOTP I have with said character: Guy/Bruce. I just really think no lantern deserves to be paired with Bruce. They have better taste than that. We as fandom can do better than that
A random headcanon: He does really like the Rocky movies and he can and WILL cry over Rocky II
General Opinion over said character: I love him. He's my meow meow, but a different flavor of meow meow. He's so special. Love that he's the type of character that will do anything for his friends and those he cares about. Love how he's so fucking loyal.
Sexuality Headcanon: He's bisexual. It makes him too dangerous. But he's bisexual.
Gender Headcanon: cis but he can be babygirlified
A ship I have with said character: my favorite one is HalKyle, DUH, but I also love love him lots with Connor and/or Wally.
A BROTP I have with said character: GuyKyle always give me more of a sense of brotp but honestly like I said before, the 4 corpsmen can be both romantic ships and brotps. They have the range
A NOTP I have with said character: Kyle/Jason. It's just that no lantern should date any kind of bat. Yeah.
A random headcanon: he accepts commissions and draws risqué/pin ups of his fellow corpsmen. He has all the good references to make his art very life like.
General Opinion over said character: BABYGIRL. STUPIT. I love him. He's so fucking charismatic even though his mask is the ugliest thing ever. I miss him. I want him back............
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gingerel · 2 years
Promptis || Breakfast in Bed || Ficlet
Noct stretches as he comes too, arching his back and pressing his head back into the fingers that are scratching trough his hair. He moans softly as Prompto works him just right in that spot behind his ear.
 “G’morning,” Noct mumbles.
 He realises his head isn’t on his pillow, but something much less yielding. Turning his head, he quests to work out what it is, sighing when Prompto strokes over the shell of his ear and he realises he’s been moved to sleep on Prompto’s thigh.
 “You got up,” Noct accuses.
 There’s cause to deeper criticise this misdemeanour but Noctis is warm and comfortable with the cat curled up at the small of his back, rumbling with soft purrs.
 Noctis had given up all his rights as Royalty the moment Prompto had bought the little fluffball home. Wet with mud so thick they hadn’t known he was orange until after a thorough bath and way to young to be safely away from his mother.
 Prompto searched and searched for her when he found him but to no avail, simply rushing him home and panicking until Ignis turned up with kitten safe soft food and weaning milk. Helping scrub the kitten clean in the kitchen sink was a step to far from him but Noct still gets to tease the advisor about how quickly he arrived after nothing but one frantic text from Prompto.
 They never meant to keep Rory, that was never the intention. Yet here he is, almost two years later, taking up half their king bed every night then scratching and whining at the bathroom door for the duration of every shower Noct takes.  
 “I shoved my pillow into your face, and you didn’t notice I’d left,” Prompto tells him.
 Noct pinches his thigh, “I doubt it.” Not remembering Prompto leaving now doesn’t mean he didn’t notice at the time. Prompto is forever telling Noct stories about all the things he gets up to when half asleep but has no memory of doing.  
 “You’ll forgive me.” Prompto says confidently, brushing the hair off Noct’s forehead now. Noct squints up and takes in his appearance. Either Prompto’s not been up long, or he’s forgone his run for once. Bare-chested under one of Noct’s zip hoodies with a light, pale fuzz on his jaw that shows he’s not bothered shaving in a few days.
 Noct loves the fuzz that grows along Prompto’s sharp jaw, so much softer and finer than his own.
 “You sound pretty sure of yourself,” Noct says suspiciously.
 Prompto merely grins.
 Noct yawns, sniffs to clear his nose and -
 “Did you make pancakes?” Noct asks him.
 Noctis sniffs again.
 “With chocolate chips?”
 Prompto taps his nose, “You bet.”
 Noct rolls slightly so he can look up at his husband with wide, pleading eyes.
 “Bring them to me?” Noct begs.
 “The cat is on the bed.”
 “The cat is always on the bed,” Noct points out.
 “He’ll steal food and chocolate is bad for cats,” Prompto says. Noct thinks he’s trying not to laugh.
 “That’s dogs,” Noct says.
 Prompto frowns, “I think it’s both.”
 “Rory, stay completely still and silent if you promise not attempt to steal any food.”
 Prompto rolls his eyes.
 “Fine,” Prompto says, choking back a laugh now. When he tries to slip out from under Noct’s head he grips onto Prompto’s thighs and holds tight.
 “No,” Noct whines.
 “To bring you pancakes in bed I have to leave the bed,” Prompto explains carefully.
 “No, you don’t,” Noctis says, clinging tight, “You’ll work something out. You can do anything you set your mind to, I believe in you.”
 But when Prompto strokes his fingers through Noct’s hair again and bends himself in half to kiss his forehead Noct begrudgingly lets go.
 Prompto’s pancakes are seriously good. Better than Ignis’ but Noct’s smart enough to never say so outside of their apartment.
 Noct rolls over, slipping up into a sitting position, dislodging the cat so it lurches onto all four paws with a disgruntled meow. Rory tries to crawl into his lap and Noct feels particularly bad when he has to stop him for once. Rory gives another meow, heartbreakingly pathetic as he flops down by Noct’s knee and lifts one of his spindly legs into the air to twist himself over and start cleaning his butt.
 “Charming,” Noct murmurs.
 Then Prompto backs into the room with an overflowing tray and Noctis forgets pretty much everything else in the world.
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frappe-art · 3 years
I wanna ask one piece cuz thats what frappe likes best and i want to ask jjk cuz thats what ill actually understand so maybe just do both :3
i severely underestimated how hard this would've been so i said fuck it i can put 2 chars per category if i want (ill do op tomorrow bc TOO MANY CHARACTERS TO RANT ABOUT)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Megumiii! at first i really appreciated that gege refused the sasuke-rival trope with him and made him and yuuji just bffs, and his n toji’s subplot is my fav in jjk. Everything about this kid makes me soft and also I want his technique, imagine being able to summon pets to snuggle whenever you want, doggos, masked birds, FUCKING ELEPHANTS
Gojo tho takes the medal for character I think about the most, but I was tempted to put him in horse plinko. I love making fun of him ok? He’s so perfect in every aspect except personality that I cannot bully him every two sentences.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Yuuji and his million watt smile. He’s the extroverted friend who brings the sun to Megumi and, as a certified introverted, I can’t help but adore him just like Megumi does
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Yuki, I just think she’s hilarious, powerful as a goddess and still running from her responsibilities, found a scrubby kid and decided she wanted to train him, and somehow todo’s personality happened. Also yukichoso owo
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
toji. he’s not obscure, but he has v little screentime AND I WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM OK? This man is the absolute worst, almost sold his kid, is a manwhore without a penny because he’s a shit at gambling, a stinking bum and still he keeps haunting the narrative and being bigger than life even after dying, and when gojo isn’t around he snatches all the coolest scenes. I want give him a hug and put him in the washing machine.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
problematic? do I hear problematic? Sukuna then. not unpopular but who cares. 1) I love his tattoos and no I wont stop saying it. 2) he’s such an amazing concept, having mc and villain sharing the same body and not going for the “he’s not that bad, he’s just a powerup” trope. Sukuna is smart, a menace, fucking powerful and he actively works against yuuji, while yuuji is unable let alone to use him, but also to keep a single secret from him. Ah and he’s a villain with a top notch evil laugh who loves theatrics.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I don’t hate naoya, but I want to slap him so bad. I want to move all the furniture in his house 3 cm to the left and watch him bump his thumb against every corner. I want to replace the whipped cream on his cake with toothpaste and his conditioner with mayonnaise.
also gojo for all the reasons above
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
kenjaku. I want geto back and that toothy brain thing gives me the creeps.
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chryzure-archive · 2 years
hmm this is jst for me, but the way i view all of chrysi’s bfs are:
despair: angsty, beautiful lover. held onto his love for chrysi for thousands of years. he adores her. i cause him pain to counteract all the pain he caused during all those years, but by sheer tenacity, he’s holding onto chrysi. i respect him. 7483848382/10, they are LITERALLY soulmates. not much else to add here, other than the fact that their love for each other makes me want to cry because they care about each other SO MUCH.
jacks: god, he’s like a little dog that thinks he’s a threat, but you could actually punt him across the street when you happen to accidentally kick him. self-absorbed little bastard, he thinks he’s sooooo cool. he’s not. fuck you, jacks. i like seeing you be a sopping wet little rat. i love you though and i’d keep you in my pocket and feed you crumbs. 4/10, he loves chrysi with all his heart but he’s fucking annoying about it. i have literally negative respect for him.
gilbert: he’s literally The textbook definition of pathetic little meow meow, even though he’d hate being compared to a cat. i’m so sorry i make fun of you for being pathetic. but it’s true. and you’re really cute when you’re pathetic. i’m gently teasing you though, and i’ll put you in a nice little terrarium and poke holes in the jar lid in the shape of a sun. kissing your forehead rn. 6/10, he’s still kinda fixated on oz too much to be a good boyfriend most of the time, but i can acknowledge and appreciate the fact that he cares about the well-being of everyone around him (esp since nobody else will take care of themselves). also he’s not a cat person, so. that detracts from the score as well.
archibald: fuck you fuck you fuck you, you are THE most throttleable man i’ve had the displeasure of meeting. soooo vain and careless. i hate that he’s so cocky, but it’s even worse because he has good reason to be. on top of all that, he struggles with commitment issues and can’t handle maybe, possibly, hypothetically having deep enough feelings for chrysi to marry her. i hate him. he’s awful. why the FUCK does he have to be so charming? HE STOLE THE DRAMA FROM CHRYSI DYING TO HER DISEASE BECAUSE HES GOT THE SAME FUCKING PROBLEM. -7/10, he takes the angst out of the relationship that i like to write and instead created his own fucking angst because he couldn’t be honest with himself. i hate him.
mordred: the prettiest boy ever. i literally am love him? he’s so smart and cunning and charming and passionate. he’s a great actor and sword fighter and strategist. when he loves someone, he gives them custody of his whole entire heart. he is so very talented and pretty and sweet—how could you not love him??? he’s been neglected a little, but that’s alright, because chrysi’s going to pick him up and dust him off and give him so much love that he literally starts dying frm it (since he’s the son of the green knight and chrysi’s a wraith witch and their energy doesn’t meld well ;;; ). BUT ITS FINE, BECAUSE HES ALSO A CHRONIC PAIN BF AND HE’LL DEAL WITH AGONY IF IT MEANS HE CAN FINALLY HAVE A HAPPY ENDING. 17/10, he’s still a little caught up on his ex, but it’s okay because he’s deeply in love with chrysi and he’s the BEST BOY.
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the-silliest-idiot · 3 years
Blorbo and friends for a fandom you don't talk much about often but still hold dearly in your ❤️!
Thank you for asking Snickers, time to embarrass myself!
So uhm.. I don't talk about this often and I certainly do not hold it dearly in my heart anymore. But I'm just going to pick fucking Fairy Tail for this. It was one of the very first anime I watched so it is still kind of special even though it is hot garbage.
Do you want shounen garbage junkfood that requires your brain to be out the door? Go watch it. But if you want something good? Watch something else, anything else.
With that glowing review out the way, off we go.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
This little shit right there
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Dishevelled, no fucks given, ripped clothes and piercings were all 15 year old me wanted in a favourite. Not to mention that he is a jerk with cool powers that don't suck and I'd actually like to have and use even still to this day
Too bad he had to go and become incredibly dadlame after some time. Also his arc started to revolve around romance and I am too fuckign ace for that shit
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
None really. All I get from these characters is regular aggression.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Freed. Smart, cool powers and stoic and I have not seen a lot of appreciation for him. Shame because he is one of the very few good characters in that manga. The mangaka ignored him too much to fuck him up
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
None again... Boy it's almost like all I have is salt
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Juvia Lockser, she started off as a really really cool character
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Unfortunately she lost her personality and became a romance obsessed starker. Her character became all about being in love and really fucking creepy with a guy
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
This fucking guy
This fucking edgelord can plinko for eternity
His name is Gray Fullbuster but he won't need that in the plinko
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Early manga him is fine. I liked that he had to be smart and creative with his powers. But then he did not and sometime after that he had to have more edge than a porcupine
I probably have too many doodles of him eating dirt, dying, or his corpse being thrown in the garbage. Because he is garbage
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Erza, Natsu and Gray and probably half the cast
Erza for actual (sexual) assault (not even accidental-it's-a-shounen-assault!) towards both men and women. And breaking and entering. That's a crime Erza... And also for being preachy as hell and having bullshit powers. And for being a mary sue
Natsu because he is just the worst. Preaching about friendship while pushing one of his friends in a mine cart to get rid of him. All so he can show off. And for breaking and entering all the fucking time. Especially for emptying Lucy's fridge. The girl is broke all the fucking time and he is just- Yeah send this guy to superhell
Gray because I just hate him and want to see him suffer. Also indecent exposure/full frontal assault towards minors.
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I see your catboy!yohan and it's so cute. Do one for Catboy Dongshik please 🥺
Oho, catboy!Dongsik...this should be fun. Now, Dongsik is a house cat turned street cat, unfortunately. He started off with a loving home, but then when his sister died and his father fell ill and his mom got sick...well, he didn't really have so much of a cushy life anymore. He had to fend for himself, hence streetcat. When he's in human form, his ears are always pricked and his tail is always flicking, meaning he's always on guard and on edge. His co-workers and friends always try to get him to lower his guard but Dongsik can't. It's been 20 years and he still has no idea who killed his sister so he won't calm down or lower his guard because everyone is still pointing the fingers at him. Then Han Ju-won's ass shows up and whoo boy does he just set Dongsik off. His tail is constantly flicking around Ju-won but Ju-won doesn't seem to notice because all he can think about is how Dongsik is this serial killer and is the person that killed his sister. Basically, they step on each other's toes a lot. Then one day Ju-won shows up to the station and there's a cat inside, sitting on Dongsik's chair. Ju-won doesn't know any better, he just thinks the cat is a stray, but he does love cats (which no one knows about him) so he picks up the cat and cradles it in his arms, cooing at it as he pets it. Does he know it's Dongsik? Nope. Boy maybe smart, but sometimes is a little slow at connecting the dots. So he just keeps cooing and petting it, scratching the cat's head and chin and all the while, Dongsik is getting to see this softer, different side of Ju-won that he didn't think was possible. He doesn't try to say anything or do anything that would give him away because this is the first time in a long time that someone has...loved him in a sense of the word. However, one of the other officers comes in, causing Ju-won to quickly put the cat down, allowing Dongsik to escape and switch back to human form. When he comes out to join the others, the minute Ju-won sees him, his face is full of irritation (like it normally is) but Dongsik knows that just a few moments ago, it was soft and had a smile on it. He wouldn't tell the young officer that he knew he had a softer side, he would just keep that to himself. When the chief dies and it's pouring rain outside, Dongsik does like how he did in the drama, you know, shake him and try to get him to wake up and when he doesn't, Dongsik just shifts into his cat form (when he's emotional, he shifts) and just curls up by the chief's body, not wanting to leave it. Ju-won, who was there already, looked at Dongsik's small and shivering pathetic little body soaked with rain water and just sighs heavily before reaching out and scooping Dongsik into his arms, holding him tight to his chest to keep him warm and to protect him from the elements. Dongsik just buries his face in Ju-won's sweater and meows pitifully as Ju-won cries as well. Ju-won takes Dongsik home (even though he has mysophobia) and decides to dry him off with one of his more used towels and gives him a small space to sleep (since Dongsik is absolutely not sleeping in his bed). Dongsik, however, is a little shit and waits for Ju-won to be asleep before he pads over to Ju-won's bedroom and nudges open the door (since Ju-won didn't leave it closed) before walking inside and jumping up on the bed, snuggling close to Ju-won. Ju-won wakes up and freaks out when he feels something vibrating against him. When he realizes is Dongsik, he wants to kick the cat off his bed because germs but once he realizes how peaceful Dongsik looks he decides to let it go and just go back to sleep. He may or may not have curled around Dongsik in his sleep but neither one of them is going to say anything about it. Essentially, catboy!Dongsik would be this feral housecat turned streetcat turned back to housecat due to Ju-won's love and attention. Dongsik also serves as a good comfort/support animal for Ju-won whenever the nightmares get bad (mainly when he thinks about the prostitute he basically ended up killing). They're both good for each other, what can I say?
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