#you can get me on discord i'll be around ! and if u dont have it but want it pls just message me ur disco and i'll add you
lindscys · 1 year
taking a little break i think <3
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Am I the asshole for calling a (now ex-) mutual a stingy asshole?
So to start, I (NB20) am in a pretty rough situation, I'm facing homelessness soon, transphobia at home and work and my hours have been getting cut resulting in me making even less money that can sustain me. I have a toyhou.se forum post up stating I have emergency commissions open to help me out and to please support me if you can. This is where the situation begins. I have a mutual on toyhou.se who I'll call Apple (MTF22) I talk to sometimes to the point I'd say we are friends, not super close but friends nonetheless. She made a bulletin telling people about my commissions and to please comm me if they could which I'm very grateful for since I did get a few customers from her because of that. The thing is, a few weeks later, she made a bulletin talking about how happy she was so many commissions she bought were finished around the same time and posted all of them with the artists tagged in the post. It was honestly... quite a few, I'm talking like 9 pieces of art of her fursona and even a custom vtuber model she got of her sona. I was going to reply all happy for her, but it made me think... how much did she spend on those commissions?? So I went through all the artists socials to find their commission prices and came to a total of fucking $385!!! More than half of my current goal I'm trying to make through commissions to stay out of homelessness!! So I messaged Apple saying since I saw she bought a few commissions if she was interested in buying a comm from me. She replies saying "Ohh! I'd love to <333 but im just not in a place to buy any more comms right now :< sorry >.<!!" So I casually reply really? because it seems like your in the perfect place to help me out after already spending over $300 in commissions. She tells me she's sorry and really wishes someone would be able to help me out but she just wasn't that interested in my art or a custom to which I tell her she could've easily donated to my ko-fi which I have always had since she clearly has money to spend? To this, she straight up IP blocks me. So still fucking annoyed, I vented in a discord server I share with a few friends from being in a few shared CS together, saying how annoying it is rich assholes like her would drop half a thousand for a picture of their fursona but don't even blink twice at their so called friends. anyway, one of my friends takes a look at Apples th profile and notices she has a new bulletin up and sends me a screenshot, but anways the bulletin reads like "hey!! just saying, but please dont come into my dms acting like you know my financial situation better than i do, just because i buy a lot of commissions doesnt mean im made of money! and please dont think that me commisioning artist 1 means i hate artist 2? thats so weird, thanks!!!!!" and seeing all their subscribers just kissing her ass pissed me off so i made my own bulletin that just stated "i thought it was pretty fucking weird to know how bad ur friend's situation was and to go buy a bunch of comms instead of buying a comm from or even throwing a buck to help me out? like yeah im gonna think i know ur situation better than u, you stingy fuck!!!" Anyway, she mustve been block evading (which I reported her for) since she unblocked me, took a screenshot of my bulletin, then went on about how she lived in an abusive household; her dad had thrown her into a sink and chipped her tooth, bruised half her face and scarred it pretty badly. She bought a bunch of commissions immediately afterwards in a panic to make herself feel better, paying everything with her savings. Which to me.. isn't an excuse. Ive been hit and abused and still found scraps of money to pull together to give to mutuals who need it and Ive been bumping my own post like crazy and she had literal weeks to donate or comm me. Not to mention Ive had exmutuals of hers come to me saying that shes never donated anything to them either despite advertising their posts but always had money for plushies, comms and other crap, meaning Im not alone in thinking shes a stingy asshole. This is getting long, so here, tumblr AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
u can never have too many au ideas (aka the cursed-sun/moon au)
(im copy n pasting this from discord bc im lazy sorry y'all fsjhf)
other au idea: Sun is a ruler or lord in a fantasy world or smthn and Moon is the form he's been Cursed into turning into each night. Reader is a low-tier magic-weilder (who has a secret past that involves smthn rlly Bad and they used to have a reasonable amount of respectability in th community but now theyre shunned and cant get a job anywhere and also has a big scar and/or only one eye lol) who's one remaining ability is the ability to lift minor curses or plagues. Sun has been searching for someone who can 'bless' the curse of Moon (or whatever is making Moon be nasty murderous bloodthirsty man) for ages but mages r rare and most of them spend maybe one night trying to cure Moon before either getting got or being scared into getting tf outta there
so eventually word reaches Sun of a mage who's been looking for work, with the only catch being that they arent very powerful and no one has much to say abt them, and Sun, who has burnt every single thread he has trying to find a mage, is like GOOD ENOUGH CALL THEM HERE
and reader is like 'oh shit this is potentially a rlly good job, the only catch is that i have to deal w a demon possessed guy thats like twice my height and three times as strong,,' and like. bc they have Zero Options and also feel like their life has run itself into th ground and there is little left for them/no way to get themselves out of their Issues, they r like 'yeah sure its gonna take a while bc i can only perform minor magic but i'll do whatever i can to see that this curse is delt with'
and instead of trying to face Moon head on, they start with just kinda,, getting to know him. he's kept chained/locked away in a chamber every night to keep ppl safe, but every night reader goes into the chambers, sits at a tea table just out of his reach, and just. talks with him
they dont entertain his trying to mess w them, taunting, cruelty, etc, but they talk when there's the chance for standard conversation. at first it's hell bc Moon is a little shit and he never cooperates. he never answers questions, he spends the entire night threatening to tear them apart and savor their insides, etc. they bring him a cup of tea every night, and every time he smashes the cup and throws the pieces at them
ok well point is eventually Moon starts to mellow out around them, will actually sit and have conversation with them, one day is like 'you think i dont know what youre doing?? youre just trying to bore me into falling for ur trap so u can kill me. i like ur style but its not gonna work >:3'
and reader is like 'i literally do not have enough magic to kill a toad let alone a whole entire possessed person' and moon is like ',, huh. so what IS ur goal here??' and reader is like 'i want to lift ur curse for both u and Sun's sakes. i gave u my word, and i will follow through, at the very least to clear my own conscience of a past sin'
and so eventually Moon, out of curiosity, and later bc he likes spending time with reader, starts letting them cast the healing magic on him, breaking the curse little by little every night
and at the same time all this is happening, reader is spending mornings and evenings with Sun and keeping him up to date on how the process is going and, eventually, becoming the person he turns to when he's stressed or tired or rlly just wants company
and idk smthn smthn eventually both of them rlly want Reader and they dont know how to act so they just b making fools of themselves but reader is a dumbass so theyre just confused
(Moon absolutely tells Reader abt every 'oh man i rlly wanna kiss kiss snuggle smooch the mage rn' thought Sun has during the day but Reader is so used to Moon being a little shit n making shit up to mess with them that they r just like ._. )
the plot twist part,,
(the secret dark past that reader is hiding is that they used to be a local mage for a nearby town who was known and respected for giving 'blessings' to ppl for small fees but one day for Reasons, they cast a curse upon someone and one of the biggest no-no's a mage can do is Curse someone so the town practically rioted, tore them down from their pedestal, called upon another mage to strip reader of their magic, and then cast them out)
(rn im considering the idea that the person reader Cursed is Vanny, who, because of her own curse, eventually went on to be the one who cursed Sun and Moon)
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
- -🌄-📀-🌙- -💚- -💛- -✨-🌄-✨- -💛- -💚- -🌙-📀-🌄- -
I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
- -🌸-⛰️-🌙- -💚- -💙- -✨-🌸-✨- -💙- -💚- -🌙-⛰️-🌸- -
Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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Dr Wily's World Domination FINALE: Part 3
//transcript of a Discord RP with a lot of people. List:
@rogue-nebula (Quasar), @freeroaming-curiosity (Oppy), @ripper-the-indoraptor ("Ripper" and Courier), @that-one-poison-trainer (Viper), @averagedualies (Dualie and Byte)
@mirror-buster-pkmn (Enker, Ballade, and Mega Man), @the-poke-virus (Virus) @beepboopstarman (Vasilyev)
@moonlit-faller (Kaladin, Sylphrena), @shallahi-and-snowflake (Shallahi), @faller-of-kharbranth (Malkah) @mercury-retrogay (Mercury), @rock-bird-go-brr (Notos) @nebula-incursionists-official (Baron Twyst Von Jokewyld)
(dear arc that's a lot hope I got everyone)
With Wallace and his pokeon safe and sound, The Incursionists prepared to amke their way around the main way to Wily's tower. However, they would soon be greeted by a visitor who would change their plans slightly
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You know what, by the time we’re done here, i’ll have seen enough skulls to last me a lifetime :/
A familiar whistle is heard, and a strange robot lands outside the Battle Palace. Seeing the general reaction to his arrival, he raises a shield and his hand
"Wait! Don't attack! I'm on your side!" "... Proto Man? What are you doing here?"
notos lets out a breath in relief, hands retreating from their pokeballs
But why only come here now? Of all times?
"I've been here for a while, but I've had to keep low-profile until now. I've been helping Megaman with the main forces, but now I need to give you some intel that might inform your next move"
"Ballade, put your cannon down."
Ballade sighed, lowering his arm cannon.
"What's the intel?"
"Wily's forces might be being controlled from his tower, but the commands sent from there to his forces abroad are actually broadcasted via a signal booster in that pyramid over there. Meaning if you can take the pyramid"
Then we can shut down all his forces worldwide that aren't in the immediate area of the Battle Frontier
Or better yet, issue a return command to send them all here, and then back where they came from!
so we dont have to worry about missing any!
Ok! Lead the way Mr. Proto Man!
"Unfortunately I can't come with you. When I attacked Wily's factory I found a few of those pink-haired servants VermilineCorp is so fond of overworking, and there's also Wallace to worry about. So while you're taking the Pyramid, I'll make sure everyone we rescued gets to safety" "Do you know who or what is guarding the Pyramid?" "I can't say for certain but I do know that Wily didn't build anything new there aside from the booster. So it's something Megaman has fought before" Oh, boo. Was hoping it was something new. "One other thing to note: Wily's Dimension gate generates enough heat that he has to keep the top windows of his fortress open at all times. So once the booster's taken it'll be easy to just fly in through those skull eyes right to hs gate"
im assuming that doesnt narrow it down very much?
That's at least 108 Robot Masters or Stardroids, and at least 44 Fortress Guards. So not really. And thank you, Proto Man. We'll use that information well.
Ok, new plan: we take the pyramid, send a return command, and then fly in through the eyes. People who can't fly carry people who can
sounds good to me! i’ve got a bunch of flyers, should be able to take about… 3 extra.
that's really convenient considering I can fly and all
since when?
since now
Virus levitates a foot off the ground
Then let's go! ^u^
Fortunately going up to the pyramid was easy enough, right up until they reached the bones leading up to the entrance. These unfortunately seemed to be a timed electric gate. They are very tempted to just walk through the gate. However, that is a very stupid idea. Notos slashes at one of the bones, attempting to destroy it. They're thick and unyielding, but it does seem like the current is only projected from one side of each the bones on either side. Perhaps blocking that side might disrupt the current.
…anyone have a particularly tall ground type? especially one who’s extra immune to electricity?
Like a Golurk?
basically yeah!
Raygor! Block that current!
Quasar's Golurk does that, and across one of the three sets of bones, the current can't run anymore
Alright! everybody across!
Once everyone's across, Quasar then moves Raygor to the second, and they cross similarly
One left…
"This is… Admittedly slower than I would have expected." What's stopping us from going around?
Have you seen how many traps Wily has in his place?
everybody's almost through when one of aforementioned traps activates a Tatepakkan due to Raygor just barely crossing outside of the bones' radius, knocking the Golurk off step with the sudden pain. The last to cross was Virus, and she was right between the bones when the Golurk started to fall, reestablishing the current. Viper pulls Virus out of the way, narrowly avoiding getting electrocuted
are you ok?!
Virus's surprisingly speechless, she clings onto Viper tightly. Oppy also tries comforting Virus, as she sees both her and Viper as new friends (perhaps mistakenly in Virus's case but oh well)
(> ~ <)
You ok?
Virus's lying she's so scared right now
If you need a minute to regroup before we press on that's fine. We'll cover you
Viper tries to return the Beartic hug that Virus is giving her, but the whole situation is a little awkward
hey, it's gonna be okay
...Virus... You ready? I don't want to force you, but Wily's threat still looms
Let's get moving then
Going into the pyramid, there are lyrics flying over a massive pit of spikes. Without warning, blocks appear, then retract and appear a different place just as suddenly Kaladin looked at this once, and he shook his head. This was a good reason to use Light.
"... You have got to be kidding me."
"Any objections to being flown over, speak now."
I got no problems, it's already been one hell of a week. Virus, are you gonna fly over or do you wanna hitch a ride?
... I'm fine
Notos calls out Battery, Sargent, Andes (Shiny Noivern), and Esper. Mercury, on the other hand, realized they don't have any flying pokémon. That's a lie, actually. There is one. Volbeat. Which cannot carry an entire human being across the murder pit. Which leaves either A.) Asking someone to carry them across (ew, talking to people) or B.) parkour (oh no. spikes.)
A shadow in the room… shifted. Became darker. Became a maw into Distortion. And out tumbled a certain Hisuian Zoroark! Who then landed as a sprawled mess on a section of safe flooring.
“Hi Oppy!”
Well... You're on an incursion for real now. Hope you're prepared, as things tend to get hectic. But you probably already know that
Malkah crossed her forelimbs in the Bridge Four salute. With everyone's flying arrangements made, the Yoku blocks were easily defeated. What wasn't were the flying Wily bots - Lyrics and Tellys, but also these strange yellow blobs that would fly in from the side and then leave. Oppy was quite hurt when touching one. Fortunately the blocks left as soon as they arrived, but they grew more frequent as they ascended, until they came to an open room with a stble floor, and a machine with a forcefield - the signal booster!
“I guess we just… junk it? And we’re good?”
"It's not going to be that simple." Three... Two... One...
right as Ballade finished, the yellow blobs returned, but this time they formed a massive humanoid shape, with one evil red eye glaring at them
Wily Fortress Boss 3: YELLOW DEVIL
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“… What the fluff.”
hey I know that guy he was in Smash Bros. you gotta hit the eye or something? That's how this works right?
Bingo. The issue is-
Yellow Devil shoots a few laser blasts from its eye at Top, Viper, and Malkah
-actually getting an opening to pull it off!
“Only ranged attack I knOW WEARS ME OUT! Aaark!”
Malkah did its best to dodge the lasers, using Shadow Sneak as a mobility tool rather than an attack as Viper jumped out of the way.
Ingrid return, Emmey you're up!
she releases her Garvantula Emmey who begins shooting electric attacks at the Yellow Devil as Viper shoots him with her Quick Boomerang attack. Virus has an idea, she uses her Gemini laser to clone herself, this distracts the Yellow Devil so Viper and friends could stay out of trouble while attacking. Notos shouts, causing their four pokemon to screech in response, shooting various ranged attacks at the beast’s eye. Malkah’s got Teru-Bozu and Chiri out, letting them use their ranged attacks as Enker raised his spear.
"Everyone! Stay behind me when it shoots! I'll block its fire!"
Viper and Emmey move behind Enker. This was met by the Yellow Devil closing its eye, and splitting its body into yelow blobs flying at Virus, reassembling at her location, hitting Viper, Virus, and Enker. Enker... admittedly wasn't expecting the splitting just yet. He took the hit, but it didn't charge his attack at all. Top Man desperately tries shooting beigomas at it, but only one connects with the eye Mercury glared at the Yellow Devil. Remember the laser rifle from p1? Yeah they're just shooting with that. Their aim isn't great, but they at least hit the thing once or twice. Probably. It's enough that Enker is able to move the girls away, or rather, Viper, as luckily that was a duplicate that was created by the Gemini laser. The replica disappears after being hit leaving the real Virus a ok.
"Are you alright?"
I'll survive
you missed me (^w^)
this outburst is punctuated by Andes firing boombursts at the eye. A Zap Square from Quasar connects with YD's eye, causing it to close, and again split into pieces lobbing itself across the room, this time at Quasar and Oppy. Oppy narrowly avoids the yellow blobs, landing next to Ballade. Vasilyev fires his plasma cutter and the Power Stone at the eye, keeping up movement as he does so.
Whatever it is, looks like the eye is holding it all together! There's 7-8 defence droids in the Devil Line. During their fights with Mega Man he took them out with Electricity and explosives! If you have any of those weaponry use those now!
Ballade followed this statement up with a barrage of Ballade Crackers. Luckily Viper was still firing her Quick Boomerang at the Yellow Devil. Mercury switches to Electric attacks, firing off a few Sparks.
I’ve got something explosive but I’m not sure how big the boom’s gonna be! Grows said they’d never tested how much nitroglycerin was in the batch I’ve got! JUST USE IT!
"You'll never know unless you use it!" “Oh dear.” EVERYONE DOWN!
Vasilyev takes out a bag, made of cloth, and lights a spark on it before tossing it with his suit’s gravity gun (esque thing)
Look out! what?
Oppy grabs Virus and gets her down (luckily that was not a duplicate Virus). Malkah's down on the floor. Viper reads the room and gets down. She also protects her Garvantula from the upcoming explosion.
Onto the floor we go. Yay. ^_^
The bag explodes roughly on contact with the Yellow Devil, filled with around 6-7 pounds of nitroglycerin, stabilized in liquid form inside fruits grown from an alien world. Thankfully Vasilyev got lucky - Yellow Devil's eye was open, and thus a blast of that power tore through the Yellow Devil's systems, and took quite a bit of the room with it. Thankfully the floor survived, but the top of the Battle Pyramid is no longer skull
Why didn't you use that earlier?
Quasar elbows the metal Top Man. This is less effective than he would have liked
It could have done nothing or it could have killed us all, I wasn’t sure. Grows could have put anything into it! Think I saw them make one with napalm in it once…
Viper and Virus are both trying to recover from the loud explosion sound. Notos clambers out from the pile of debris they’d been half buried in, grinning widely despite a slight limp on their right leg. Malkah’s still a bit disoriented from the blast. Quasar looks over to the signal booster, which is no longer shielded
Now to send a signal to all the Wily bots across the world to come here and then enter standby. That will stop the attacks for a while until we get Wily outta here
good idea
“I think I need some of that healing stuff…”
Here. I pack a number of bottles wherever I go
“…How do I use it? Do I drink it, or is it topical?”
Either works. It's pure regenerative energy in matter form after all
…can i borrow a little of that? i think i hurt my leg “...I think that’s helping.”
Top Man steps up to the booster
...of course the old bat still hasn't changed his codes. He never does… lemme see here… Quasar ya mind giving me a hand?
Quasar's able to get the booster working, and soon a signal is broadcast to all remaining Wily bots: return to base and await further orders
I'll shut this booster down in about an hour, so those "further orders" won't ever come. The bots will just stay here until we send them back through the gate
“Great!” "Can you not send them through the gate no- wait. Yes. Dr. Wily."
Yeah. Can't send em through while Wily's still on this world
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wuhei · 6 days
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i have been thinking about this for a couple of weeks ..
i think i am going to be only shipping with people that i talk to regularly on discord. when i ship with someone, i want it to actually feel like we're both enjoying it..
with that being said, i'm dropping most ships aside from ones with rei, terios, nine, vex and shieda. these people are ones that i actively write with and talk to on discord so i'm naturally a lot more comfy with them.
there are a few characters that i know moze really likes ( felix's jy + spur's elodie ), so i'll be keeping those, too.
this isn't a "i'll never ship with our characters again" post, just a .. i need more development than just blindly jumping into ships. :') i haven't posted anything about this because i've been waiting around to see if interest would .. idk become more clear ?
but instead, the time has made me realize that i'd rather have a couple of ship partners that i actually develop things with over random ships that i write once in a while with little depth.
moze is also the kind of person that needs a relationship to have build up behind it. which is done through writing + plotting.
anyway, that is all. thank u for reading. and i am sorry if i am hurting anyone ? but i just don't wanna force moze or myself to write things that neither of us are passionate about.
again. passions can easily change. and if more development happens between our characters and they feel a way about each other, i'm happy to go back to shipping together. asdlakjalf
if you want to become mutuals on discord and we write together here, let me know. please only request to be added if you will actually talk to me as i do clean outs.
and as a little side note, i only make servers for people that i write with here and plot with on discord laksjdal i don't want 20 servers lmao for obvious reasons
i'm rambling rn , brain is all fried from today's date, and i really don't want to make people feel bad for dropping ships, but i'd much rather do this than get burnt out from moze and not write at all, so. here's to cleaning out our spaces.
though i dont think anyone here would do this ... pls don't message me and guilt trip me over my choice, btw. :') that really won't make me wanna ship with you.
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callibones · 12 days
uhhh hh ..... hello! this is the same anon who sent in that ask about object camps. the camps you suggested sound really interesting! im a little too scared to join them for now haha but they sound really cool. they will rotate in my mind for a while i think HGFDSFGHJGFDSDFGH other than that .. 1 . i came across the wiki camp two and it looked so creative and interesting to me! i dont program in css that often anymore but the site makes me wanna go over and put in a bunch of pages. problem is.. i don't know how to Apply? or Do Anything? rn the site is locked for voting but just in general i tried reading the rules but still couldn't understand how it worked. if you knew anything about it that'd be nice. it also seems to have a discord server..? again im scared to check myself but if youre in it i wanna know whether it's a nice space to be in.
2 . uhhghgfdghj i peered through the rest of the blog and found the shelled one blaseball fic you posted ? and i think im really Normal about it. So after reading that i now trust your fanfic opinions. are there any other blaseball fics you'd strongly recommend? and uh general.. uh, evil mind controlly fics would be really nice too (the book of bill is also sort of ruining me along with this so i am truly looking for ANYTHING and like omg hbdxszexrdcfdsxrctvdxszaf) and thats all i wanted to ask you! sorry this is getting REALLY LONG i wish you well and i am So Sorry for bothering you!
HELLO AGAIN! not botherin me at all. :-] i was hopin youd find that answer.... i made sure to answer it at the same time u sent the question so you'd have a MAXIMUM CHANCE of findin it, and u Did! so Yay! welcome back. im going to tag my answers to your Post's with 🩸🟪 so we Never Get Separated Again. but i want you to know.... i don't bite! i literally can't on account of my face is a monitor. so if you wanna chat, feel free to dm me! you seem like a really fun person and we clearly have a lotta interest's in common so Consider That: An Option.
1) the wiki camp 2 is ABSOLUTELY a welcoming community. in fact, check this out: here's an index of plainly written explanations of various community in-jokes, to ensure nobody's left confused! while i'm not super active on the discord due to hyperfixating on single spaces at a time like some sort of cryptid, i have a lot of wonderful friends in the community and i'd wholeheartedly call it nice.
you don't have to apply to write, either! while i don't think there's an ETA yet on when the wiki's re-opening, whenever it does you'll be able to make an account for free and start creating to your heart's content! sometimes people who do that even get roped into the camp due to Token Shenanigans....
2) look. i get it. how much do i get it? the post you're talking about was written by my bill cipher fictive. and guess what book made me pick THAT thing up? we're in the same boat. i'm (RELATIVELY) normal 'round these parts, but if you do end up dropping me a line, maybe you'll happen upon some of my stuff? just sayin'. but as for what i can do for ya at the desk here...
thing is, i actually haven't read that much blaseball fanfic. i know! i WANT to. i have a list, which i'll reblog with your special tag right after this. but my brain doesn't let me read a lotta long stuff these days, which is SUCKS! i might poke around some tags and see what i can find, but that spectacular shelled one fic's the only one of its kind i know.
if you wanna read something Long and Serious and Really Really Good that's haunted me for years, put your eyes on Oil and Water, the shoe thieves disaster marriage classic about grief and autism and family and other such things.
then read everything else that catches your fancy, and send me your picks! and hey. if anyone reading this wants to help a cute anon out and knows some fics (or wrote some fics) that fit the Bill i mean the bill, PLEASE lemme know!! i Understand wanting more evil mind control. it's kind of my whole thing. PLUS i'm literally the shelled one's favorite
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staruzi002 · 3 months
Intro post!!
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Hi there friends! My name is Rudolph, but feel free to call me Rudy or Riot or whatever you know me as! I am a man of many names!
➜ Lesboy, Demisexual, FTM Bigender
➜ Taken by the lovely @starzymp3 (love you <3)
➜ Xe/Xim, He/Him, It/Its, Moss/Mossy
➜ Murder Drones blog! Mostly art when I remember to post!
➜ Twitter is under the same @ (staruzi002), or my alternate Twitter which is @rudyuzi002!
➜ NGL/Strawpage/General art requests are open! (Links at the bottom!)
➜ REPOSTS/PFPS/INSPIRATION - These are all fine with me! Credit or not I'm happy people enjoy my art and feel like sharing it where they can! And with any pfps, I'm just glad anyone who uses my art as one can find a connection with what I've created <3
➜ Fictionkin, but I don't really post about it a lot 😭
!! 13+ ACCOUNT !!
(srsly if you're younger than 13 leave pls)
[boundaries/additional info under cut]
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➜ I am 17 years old, please if you interact with me don't be extremely gross. (For instance I'm personally fine with NSFW talk/jokes, just don't imply doing it with me.)
➜ DNI if - Younger than 13, Homophobic, Transphobic, any of the phobics. If you hate others for how they express themselves, don't be here. Proshipper, Children toucher(just ew dude.), Zoophiles
➜ TRIGGERS - Child Abuse. Just don't talk about it around me please.
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⟡ Requests/Asks: Open! Though I only do these when I feel like it so no promises!
⟡ Collabs: Also open! Haven't done a ton before though so pardon my inexperience lol
⟡ DMs/Server Invites: Open! I love meeting new people and getting to know the fandom more! Just send me a DM on here asking for my discord if you want to add me somewhere!
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⟡ Murder Drones and Minecraft are my two active fandoms currently! But generally if i see something neat looking i reblog (i rlly rlly like dinosaurs so..)
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#rudolphs gifts - Art Posts! ᶻz
#robo rudy - Murder Drones posts! ᶻz
#brain blast - Murder Drones Theory/Rambling posts! ᶻz
#rudolphs requests - NGL/Strawpage/Art requests! ᶻz
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#jurassic stomps - Reblog tag! ᶻz
#stego spikes - Silly posts! ᶻz
#gentle rex - Posts/reblogs about my gf(if you ever see this hidden in my murder drones posts no u dont) ᶻz
#staruzi002 - General post tag! ᶻz
#dino pubber - GFs tag cuz she has access to this account and posts random shit ᶻz
I'm a very big multishipper so I'll draw pretty much anyone with anyone! No incest or pedophilia though. (Cyn x Anyone, Uzi x Khan as examples)
Requests can be put into my strawpage, NGL, dms on here or discord(staruzi002), and I may take a minute but I always get around to them eventually!
Okay I've held anyone reading this hostage for long enough- Have a lovely day and drink water! Hydrate or Diedrate!
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awoken-artist · 10 months
Important Update!: Hard drive issue
So I have announced this early on my discord server community I have about this situation. So not long ago about a few weeks ago my hard drive decided up and then to refuse to open again and give me a notification it has "malfunctioned".
I panicked when I couldnt get into my hard drive at all and lead me to have a mental breakdown. Heres a reason WHY though is because of the fact all of my artworks, vods ive saved ever since i started streaming for the first time on twitch as my first time vtubing, even videos ive created for years and film projects to look over, sounds and music ive saved even from places i probably cannot get back anymore, gifts from lovely people and friends even art trades and commissions ive also saved as well.
a fuuuuuck ton of art ive saved from YEARS of drawing are on there along with photography works even personal photos and videos.
so yeah i panicked like shit because my whole life work is in that damn thing.
My mom and dad manage to find a program to pay to get everything as much as we could to be able to move stuff over. we bought a new hard drive and its currently being used to copy stuff over. and me going through to make sure the amount of files on the hard drive to the new one match and if it doesnt we can focus on the single files that focus's on it to move over.
and this takes...DAYS. weeks even at worst. So this is a tedious as fuck of a long wait for to get EVERYTHING out of there. or at least everything that were ABLE to get out of there.
I do want to get my new hard drive unplugged temporarily and move my 2023 stuff over cause- fuck i need that file in my hands and plug it back into the other computer to continue making the copies. but god this is just horrendous....
it made me very sad this happened and it pisses me off as well. hopefully i can get everything back like nothing actually is missing and what not. so for those waiting on Art trades and commissions I beg to be patient. i know I have sketches down and saved towards DMS to the people and so that i can easily trace over that wip previews and go for it which i will. everyone else i have to start over which i hate doing but i also dont want to keep everyone waiting :/
I know once ATs and coms are done i will only open commissions for friends only. YCH's i'll probably open when able to cause I Have some planned to open on Vgen and Ko-fi.
I'll update you guys about it soon. if you guys wish to get quick updates from me your welcome to join my little server, just send me a dm of a rainbow emoji. :P or come by to my streams I have a bot that you can do !discord into and you can come right in. do know you have to fill out a form. I dont allow children in my server and if i find out people are lying about their age you get banned. so dont even fricken try. =_= i am just very uncomfortable around kids and rather keep my server for adults only. thank you.
hope everyones having a good monday! I will probs do a stream later today so if you guys are following me on twitch and vstream you'll get notified about it. [hopefully you guys get notified tbh-] ^u^)/
click to go to Twitch | click here to go to my Vstream
I'll also try to stream on YouTube as well. it be much appreciated if you can give my youtube some loves as well. Im trying hard to grow so any help be great. ;w;
Click to go to my Youtube Channel
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veebeeward · 1 year
HIII okay so like. I REALLLYYY wanna start posting olnf stuff the way u do with the sprites and already made audios but like…I literally DONT know how. Would u mind telling me about it? No pressure though! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
I think you're referring to the stuff I post on tiktok and I'll try to explain the process as best as possible!! Let me know if it's confusing in any way.
First I get the sprites I need by either accessing spriters resource (which I did for OLB&A) or extracting the files directly from the game (which is what I had to do with OLN&F since they weren't on spriters resource)
Spriters resource: Simply search up "spriters resource our life sprites" in any search engine (I use google) and download the chosen character sprite packs! You'll then have to unzip the files in your files or download applications.
Extracting from the game files: This one may take a little longer. You need to have access to the games files obviously so using a pc would be best (that's what I did) and open the games files and then the file titled "game" there you should find a paper looking icon with "rpa" or "archive.rpa" next to it. Once you've found it, open your search engine and search rpa file extractor online. Don't download any apps, you don't need to. Then you should find the link that says "File extractor online — game resources viewer" then drag the rpa file from the games file and drop it! Then the extracted files should appear on the left side of the screen. There you'll select the files option at the top of the screen and select "save all (zip)" and unzip it in your files.
I know it's a lot!! If you can't be bothered going through with the whole process I can give you access to a discord I made and uploaded some of the sprites to. It's not all of them, just the kids, the backgrounds and overlays. I do plan to eventually get all the sprites uploaded but it'll most likely only happen if I need to use them for anything. I'll get around to uploading the OLB&A sprites sometime soon as well!
Now when you get the sprites, they'll all be separated by the base of the character and expressions so you'll have to put them together yourself. I use ibis paint to put the eyes and mouths in the right places, its the easiest way!
Then afterwards, just start editing in capcut or any editing app you prefer! I recommend making use of the graphs when making the sprites move if you use capcut or any editing app that makes use of graphs! :)
If there's anything else you wanna know just ask! I hope you found this helpful <3
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dragonsbone · 1 year
i noticed that you said you were on a hiatus - so you can response when you get the chance - the question that i have for you is: what would your advice to user who would like to get started making edits? how do they get better? what were the steps that you did? i think honestly it would really cool if maybe you did a like a mini tutorial series on how prefect your craft! (maybe even make it as a side hustle lol - i’ve seen other creators do it) you’re totally gifted and i think anyone would have the privilege learning from you!
hi nonnie !!! i apologize for the late response, this got buried in my inbox lol.
so the best advice i can give you is practice. practice practice practice ! it does take time to find your rhythm and your style, but it does get better the more you play around with everything to see what u like !! i started ps when i as 15 and i am now 22 so my skills have developed overtime bc of how long i've been using ps. but it doesn't need to take years to be at "my level" or "someone else's level". all u need are practice and possible the occasional tutorials along the way !!
i have done tutorials in the past, but i don't anymore for personal reasons. but if you have certain editing questions, i am more than happy to help ( preferably off anon ). i am happy to provide fonts, dimensions, blending help, coloring correcting, and so much more. the only thing i dont do is give out my psds, for personal reasons, but i am more than happy to provide other beautiful psds i have used in the past or ones i think are pretty !!
i am also more inclined to help via discord as well !! i've helped some of my mutuals, @prosemoireia @emilykaldwen @zoyazenik, on there bc it's easier imo bc of screen share and i can show demonstrations or watch them make their edits and offer advice if needed. so if that's something u may be interested in ( or anyone else who reads this ), pls message me privately and i'll add u on discord and we can chat there.a
also, and most importantly, have fun with it !! your gifs/edits don't need to be hyper-realistic, perfect coloring, perfect blending, etc. the only thing that matters are YOU liking what you're creating and YOU having fun with it !!
i hope all of this helps <3
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chuuyansfwvent · 1 month
Nsfw vent NOT horny posting
this dude tried to add us on discord now. Lmao. The dude that only wanted to fuck around. Didnt even want a real relationship, he even had his gf give him permission to have me as his "special friend" but he would then always and MOSTLY be talkin about wanting to fuck or being in a sort of mood, or just venting to me and expecting i write concise paragraphs in response whereas when i vent hes like "idk how to help. Sorry!" I aint no special friend like that. No way in hell. The supportive friendship stuff faded the moment things started going in a certain direction. I would be totally fine if there was any like actual FRIENDSHIP effort, but ever since the flirty shit started, he only wanted to talk about that and suggestive things. Wanted to send me p*rn and shit. Like... we were goin thru some heavy traumatic shit and hes over here tryna get freaky. Dont give a damn abt ur 7 inches if u cant be a decent human being u can stay 7 states the fuck away from me man. If ya wanna try being online fwb u gotta be the friend first. It started out as a full blown platonic friendship, and then he wanted to treat us like a sidepiece without calling us a sidepiece, but then the friendship aspect died off and hes just over here talkin bout the shit he wanna do to us. Itd be a turn on if it was from somebody who actually gave a damn about us as people outside of like our body, but he wouldnt even see us as a man. Nah. The mf refer to us as "the entity" talking abt "i dont see you as anything, i see you as genderless creature of some kind." Well, im a man. Ya just dont wanna accept that ur havin fantasies abt another dude... And we even tried to talk to him abt the DID shit and he expects to change the literal identities of my headmates and like rename us and shit like??? Mmm no.
Yeah no like i aint about that. I dont settle for nothin. Im worth more than that i'll keeo my eyes open for someone who actually gaf and respect me. The dude made it seem like he and his gf were like into some polyam shit like nahhhhhhh ur not buddy. Im not ur online wh*re. I'll go be somebody else's wh*re, someone who actually deserves it. This shit? This is only available for homies who got my back as much as i got theirs. God this dude makes me so fuckin angry.
That aint all that irked me abt him but its really just too much to put here n i dont feel like it. Im just mad bruh. He literally put in so much effort just to try n get in our pants and drop all the normal friendship shit for freaky shit like NO FUCKIN WAY. How many years we known him? How many years he been putting in the effort and this is literally his only goal? Omfg. At least my last fwb from years ago still asks us how the fuck we're doing and reaches out when he can tell we're not doin well. This dude literwlly skimmed over hesvy vents after ASKING us to elaborate on whats going on lkke "please just talk to me. Tell me everything" and we tell him A FRACTION and hes like "sorry idk how to help. Anyways i been thinkin abt u all day u got me feelin things~ ;) ur so sexy i just wanna-" LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO buddy i was LITERALLY abt to unalive bc my entire life got ripped apart in an instant but ok go jork it i guess.
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misqnon · 6 months
hi, i just read all of ur posts tagged as misqnon's one piece liveblogging and it was so much fun T-T. im here to rant about one piece and im sorry.
i really love seeing people react to content i am caught up with and hold close to my heart.
i got into the 800s in the anime and stopped watching, took a break and then read the manga up to around 1060. but last month i decided to read the whole thing from the beginning and it is genuinely SO WORTH IT.
after u have caught up completely its super rewarding to go back and look at previous chapters bc its constant "oh my god look what was foreshadowed here??" and "now i understand the context behind this!!!" and "this interaction is so much more meaningful now that i know their relationship!!". yes it did take me a whole month of nearly nonstop reading to catch back up but i have 0 regrets.
wano and the arc after it are both super fun and interesting and i think ur gonna love it. the lore is crazy. i hope u dont see any spoilers bc going into it completely blind will probably be way more exciting, especially with the most recent arc since its kinda suspenseful and mysterious,,.
anyways thats all i have to say how do you end these things.. take care!!
I ended up talking a lot so I'll put this under a cut lol
I used to be the person who said I would never watch one piece 😭😭 I've been into anime since I was like 12 and I'm almost 24 now (fuck . That's like half my life) and obviously it's always been on my radar but I always thought it was 1. Too popular 2. Too Long 3. Hated how oda draws women lmao so I was fine ignoring it and only knowing the basics from just Being On The Internet
I think sometime early on I caved and attempted to watch it- I got to alabasta and stopped bc the anime pacing wasn't doing it for me (though I liked it up until then, but didn't LOVE it)
cut to high-school where a couple of my good friends liked it but we never really talked about it, it was a lifelong interest for one of them bc he'd started reading it on like 4th grade
Well I'm still friends with them (shoutout to sam and seb) and they convinced me to watch one piece film red with them in like July or August of last year bc they were showing me the songs and I, ado fan bc I'm a retired weaboo and a vocaloid Stan, was like "haha that sounds like ado" and they went "IT IS!!!!??" so I had to watch it for her.
again, I was like oh this is fun I like this :^) but no IMMEDIATE interest, more of a passive thing... until the live action came out a month or so later and I watched it just because and DAMN I FELL IN LOVE FAST
I went back to the anime and rewatched the beginning, then skipped back to alabasta where I had left off years and years ago and now I'm Here 🧍
I watched up through part of dressrosa before I started reading the manga, and now I'm doing that while watching certain episodes of just the parts I really wanna see animated
It's been. So Fun
I am now that person who's like Hey You Should Watch One Piece. I get it now. I so get it lmao. And you know the weirdest part is that with it being divided up into arcs like it is I find myself thinking it really doesn't feel that long!?!? Am I insane,
anyways. It's been a while since I was in an active fandom or even in a fandom at all - ESPECIALLY such a big one!?! (I was in college for 4 years and Busy).
but it's. Crazy. I'm writing fanfics and joining discord servers and I've never done that before. it's been very fun and rewarding tbh...I don't like a lot of things about oda and aspects he included and ofc one piece isn't perfect or unproblematic but it IS a really awesome epic of a story about friendship and found family and anti authority and its just.
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I'm also a person who's always loved reaction videos or just even seeing otherppl react to things I like so I RELATE AND IM SO GLAD I CAN BE THAT FOR U...
I'm ngl as I've been reading I've been wanting to look up some old one piece forums dated the time certain reveals happened bc I want to see how people felt as this shit came out holy Shit....
it's additionally funny bc this blog is about 10 years old and has amassed a decent amount of followers over the years who were just into some of the other random stuff I've been into but I know a fair amount of them were thinking we were on the same page of not being into one piece and now here I am. Ruining that. And with the pervert character as my favorite no less. lmao SORRYYYY YALL <3
I'll leave u with this message I sent into the discord I share with some friends the other day, none of which really watch op, when asked to explain something about the show. In fact, I think the reasoning for this message was BECAUSE I was explaining to a friend just how much oda foreshadows things!! jinbei, kaido, haki, sanjis backstory, ALL being mentioned by name or referenced DECADES/YEARS BEFORE APPEARING ON SCREEN...HUNDREDS OF CHAPTERS APART....I could rant on more but I'll stop for now.
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thank u for the message and feel free to dm me to talk about this silly show anytime bc its sunken its claws into me 😭
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stupid-o-clock · 2 years
i still feel shitty around my friends. i ranted about this to my best friend earlier but i want to put this here so i'll basically copy paste my feelings.
i'm gonna call my friends P & V bc typing "friend"/"other friend" etc gets confusing after a while.
i was playing huniepop bc it's a fun game when u have nothing to do, but my P saw it in my discord status and immediately dmed the gc "BRO [me] IS PLAYING HUNIEPOP" and we started arguing about it bc she thinks these type of games are weird, idc lol. if u don't like them, don't play them, why get into my business? we have the most opposite opinions on so much shit like why even bother trying to start this
she complained about genshin nsfw popping up on her tl a while ago and told me to stop liking it, no? dont interact, click "not interested", block, even unfollow me idc not like we interact much anyway. gosh
she was so much better to have as a friend before we got close, i started having this feeling recently like once i get to know someone well it becomes weird. like damn, you know my trauma and ik yours? weirdo.. bye-bye! my gf, two best friends + two also pretty close friends are the only exceptions. but that's maybe because i got to know them before i started feeling like this?
tbh with these two it always feels like they've got something against me for no reason, that "no reason" also being im a dude. with all the shit they say n do it's a really toxic women>men type thing LOL and i can never say anything bc they'd team up on me!!
i don't think i'm ever included in those messages but thats bc im trans. if i was a cis dude theyd bully me into the ground, but i dont wanna be treated diff bc im a TRANS guy, im just a guy. the trans doesnt matter. treat me the same youd treat a cis one. and if you cant then we shouldnt be friends!
now this is about V and her boyfriend, theyve got a thing like he unfriends/blocks anyone she doesnt like going on. n one night he wanted her to unf all the dudes shes friends with, including me. personally idgaf but P got really pissed about it.
P said smth like "what did we say about not controlling women in relationships?" and like.. what? V is essentially controlling her boyfriend, so why can't he do the same? P just brushed it off tho bc V is an angel! and she could never do anything bad! her bf don't know that lol?
just like how i'm deffo not a love interest for her, everyone she makes him unfriend probably also isn't! maybe she got bad vibes or whatever that's ok! but god
also P used the r-slur when going off at V's boyfriend and that just rubbed me the wrong way. she's definitely "allowed" to use/reclaim it but it feels like an awful word, AND she was using it to insult someone which makes it even worse.
i feel like i can never disagree with P either bc she'll pull a "shut up ur a man" card. like- she's done that. she's done it as a joke but she'd deffo do it in a serious manner too-
also, i got into a fight- like- not a fight but i genuinely said smth really LOL i feel bad about it but P was shit talking me to xiya and then pulled up in my dms like Hey [me] i care aout you! You fucked up but it's ok u ust have to learn how to communicate
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Like what is this? u can't tell me u care about me after spewing this shit into my girlfriends dms.
"i dont go out of my way to hurt people. he needs help lol" like bitch ik i need help. i did say the "joke" with intent to hurt V but it was in the MOMENT. yk how fucking frustrating it is explaining anger issues to someone who doesn't get it whatsofuckingever?
P has a load of her own issues that i dont ge tbut i at least TRY to understand her. also, first screenshot i wanetd to explain myself so V could see where im coming from?? LOL explaining ursef =/= makinf urself the victim.
i always overexplain shit, like my mistakes and why i think i made them. im also bad at explaining so i go on and on to try and make it make sense. i was literally blaming myself for hurting V and syaing sorry over and over again, how the hell was i making myself a victim?
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sithara-studies · 3 years
First love???
Almost a month ago
Most of the scenes happen in my school bus (so the seating arrangements' divided half for the boys and girls, you'll know later why I'm saying this) Also the friend mentioned here is @aislingisstudying, I'm just too lazy to tag her everywhere so I'm referring her as friend
me: *looks at a boy and thinks his hair is really cute* *turns towards friend* Don't you think that boy's hair looks really cute?
friend: mhm yeah it is actually cute. Do you want me to go and say it to him?
me: What the fuck no, that's really embarrassing
friend: nahh i'll go and tell
me: bruh stop it would be really embarrassing
friend: fine okay then
10 minutes later
me: you know what, go. Go and compliment him from my side
friend: okay my guts level has gone poof you should have used to the chance before
me: mhm okay whatever
20 minutes later
me: you know what, i'll go and say it to him myself. Anyway I'll leave this school in like 3 or 4 months so i'll just say
friend: fine go ahead
5 minutes later
him: *getting out of this bus*
me: Hey dude!
him: *turns back*
me: your hair looks cute!
him: *traumatized or surprised eyes under the mask and leaves the bus*
all girls around me: *surprised eyes and giggling* you okay? have you gone out of your mind?!
A week ago
so me and my friend was sitting was the end of the girls side and my guy came and sat right behind us. OKAY LIKE RIGHT BEHIND US and the mf bus conductor and tells us to sit in front of the bus. So when we sat and settled down, behind us were our friends in 12th grade-
friend: I KNOW RIGHT YOU WERE LIKE THIS CLOSE *pinches fingers*
12th graders: okay what are you guys talking about?
*me and my friend narrates the story and shows the guy*
12th graders: Ohh we know his info, his name's ***** and he's in 12th grade PCMB and like he's an introvert and he watches anime and he's from hyderabad
me: INTROVERT??!!! HYDERABAD(im also from the same place and finding a hyderabadi in my school is like finding a needle in a haystack)???!!!! SCIENCE?????!!!!!!!!!!! *excited faces, hand gestures and noises*
friend: chill okay?
me: okay you have his snap?
12th grader: I have insta but like I'll give his snap too
me: omg thank youu!!!
I actually got his snap 2 days back but I had my hindi exams going on so I sent him request today. So here's the texts-
me: *goes on snap, checks his snap id and takes a screenshot to send to my bsf*
after a few minutes
him: you took ss??...
me: *me realizing that people can see screenshots* Oh im sorry I actually meant to take my friend's but took urs btw hi
him: Oh ok hi
me: Um kinda awkward but do u remember like the compliment tht u got while leaving the bus?
him: yeah I do why?
me: oh well I said that 😅
him: oh thanks ig 😂
me: oh lol okay But lik I still wonder lik y u gave like a traumatised expression that day 😂
him: I was just trying to see who said that lol
me: Oh I thought u got offended or smth 😂
him: Nahh I can't remember who it was tho Like the face I just left cuz my stop was there How did u find my snapchat btw..?
me: Ahh I get it Uhhh that's sources lol i mean friends help to find socials??
him: Oh but I dont follow anyone from our school tho? It's a bit weird so that's why..
me: Oh okay
him: 👌
me: oh btw u up for streaks?
him: oh yeah sure i really need streaks i was about to ask *sends a picture of this fingers*
me: *internally crushing* oh ok
him: What😂? ur just there lol it's kinda creepy TYPE SOMETHING
me: Lolol I'm actually double texting on discord so 💀💀💀
him: oh oh makes sense ☠️
me: yea 💀
Idk what to talk next 😭😭😭 I wanna make convo but like idk what to talk about without being so awkward. Now I know ya'll will say to talk about anime but I dont watch anime too 😭 So give me tips <3 and he's my first crush (boys at my school mostly don't look attractive to me)
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karlsjackbox · 3 years
mom, he's bullying me! | platonic! irl!ranboo x streamer!gn!reader
Irl ranboo (Or the bench trio, that's cool too) with a older sibling figure/mom friend? Ofc it's platonic djwjdjjw ppl usually think reader is older but they are like...19. they/them prns despite the mom friend title if that's okay! If you feel like this is a weird request I'll understand! Thank uthank u for the request :DD
> summary: ranboo and his mom friend :D
> type: fluff
> warnings: cursing
> irl!
> word count: 467
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ranboo was streaming with tommy, the pair running around the smp. tommy kept on pushing ranboo off of various cliffs or into water, cackling loudly when ranboo would let out exasperated huffs.
"y'know what. i'm telling on you." ranboo scratched his cheek, watching tommy's character stop moving. "you wouldn't dare." the brit warned, though his voice wavered.
"wanna bet?" ranboo left the vc, eyeing the chat from the side as he rang y/n on discord. chat started spamming a mash of keysmashes, and random words going by too fast he couldn't read. tabbing back into minecraft, tommy was beating his character with sticks and spamming the chat.
"hello?" y/n answered a second later, confused on why ranboo was calling with no warning during their stream. ranboo let out a smile, "hi y/n."
y/n's eyebrow rose, looking at their camera with hard eyes. "whats happening now?" they questioned, head resting on their hand as they teasingly rolled their eyes at their camera. "what do you mean? nothing is happening can i not just call a dear- tommy was making fun of me and trying to kill me." ranboo spoke fast, getting a warm giggle from y/n.
"alright, let me get on the server."
ranboo left the call, rejoining the one with tommy where the blond was currently sat yelling. he was ranting, loudly, to his chat about how stupid ranboo is. "tommy?"
"oh. hello ranboo. have you gone and told on me like a little bitch boy?" tommy questioned, speaking fast as he flailed his arms around. the noise of another person joining the vc played, though tommy payed no mind and continued to angrily rant. "tommyinnit." y/n spoke, voice flat.
"hello y/n." tommy mimicked, silence floating. "leave ranboo alone or else i will beat your ass. thats my little brother you are disrespecting and only i can talk shit." they quickly logged onto the server, standing in f5 for the stream.
"little brother?!" tommy yelled, slamming his fists onto the desk. "no! i am your little brother. not this little--ranboo!" he fought, making y/n sigh and rub their temples.
y/n typed in chat quickly, ignoring tommy. coords? they whispered to ranboo, the brown haired boy typing back that they were at the old community house. y/n ran down, watching tommy's character punch ranboo's. "tommy." y/n spoke in the same voice from earlier, tommy's character slowly turning to meet y/n's eyes.
screaming loudly, tommy logged out of the server once he noticed the netherite axe in y/n's hand. he left the vc as well, starting to speak quickly.
y/n and ranboo let out laughs, y/n's character running to ranboo's and punching him. "thanks, mom." ranboo teased, making y/n punch him again. "whatever."
sorry if this was ooc i dont watch ranboo much >.<
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