#you can thank the ori community for that!
shirefantasies · 6 months
Heyyy i just wanna say that I LOVE your writing. Its so so comforting 🫶🫶🫶
Can I request a story/headcanon about how Thorins company/ specifically Kíli would react if (fem) reader got her hair braided by her (non dwarf) friend, and it was just a friendly thing, but the dwarves thought it was a courting braid?
Pairing Fem!Reader x Kíli
Thank youu🫶💗
Omg thanks! Comfort writing is a big honor 🥹
Mission of Misunderstanding- Kili x F!Human!Reader
Shout-out to my girlies in the unbraidable hair community lmao 🤝 Warnings: one minor swear lol, a couple suggestive remarks
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One more step and your feet were going to fall off. Surrendering to the burn, you all but fell down onto the log, tilting your feet so only your heels rested upon the earth. A sigh escaped your lips and you didn’t even move when the rustling sounded at your back.
A familiar voice spoke your name. Bilbo. “Are you quite alright?”
“Yes, my friend,” you breathed, “so long as you don’t count anything below the knee. Or my hair. Can’t imagine how much dirt and leaves have gotten in it after all that.”
"Well, yes," Bilbo chided, ever the little mother-hen, "you've got to keep it back. Why don't I braid it for you?"
Your heart burst, and not from exertion this time. "You would do that for me?"
"Of course," the hobbit shrugged, "haven't had much practice of it of late, but certainly I can give it a go for you. I understand. I wouldn't want the mess either. Come here."
Thanking him again, you scooted closer to where Bilbo stood, gritting your teeth for the pain of him detangling your hair, only to relax at the gentle touch of his nimble fingers. Eyelids fluttering shut in contentment, you sat as Bilbo worked his magic neatening your hair up and making fresh braids of it for you. Feet still elevated and aching, but less so the longer you sat off of them. When the hobbit pulled back with a quiet, still-focused finished, your first instinct was to reach up around your head, touching the new set of braids with a widening smile.
"And now it shall be free of my face! Truly, thank you, Bilbo!" Pulling him into a quick hug, you vowed to repay him somehow with a teasing final statement. "Since I doubt you want me to braid yours."
"That is quite alright, thank you," he chuckled, "let's head back to camp before Bombur chases us down, eh?”
Camp was nearby, and still sparsely populated as you approached it. Bofur and Bombur were there building a fire, and Thorin stood a ways aside having a conversation with Balin. Dwalin and Gloin sat playing a game with a rock as their table, and Ori sat knitting. The others, you presumed, were hunting, saddling ponies, or else getting attention from Oin. Thinking nothing of it you sat down again, this time near Dwalin and Gloin, asking who was winning and if they were taking bets just to laugh at their responses. Bilbo helped Bofur and Bombur get set up for dinner a few feet off, propping up sticks strong enough to hold the cooking pot.
Sure enough, the rest of the company began trickling in, Oin, Bifur, and Nori first, the latter two with poultices and bandages. You winced. Perhaps you should complain less about your feet. Next up came Dori and Fili, who each carried one half of a felled deer, shot clearly with one of Kili's arrows. The younger prince had a bag in hand, likely having won whatever silly game determined who got the lightest load. Smiling and meeting his eyes, you gave a quick wave, indicating your amusement at the game behind you with your eyes.
Kili smiled back and waved, then swiveled his head away and back again in a double-take. You found yourself frowning as he averted his gaze to help his brother, blinking as you wondered what that was about. All you'd done was say hello. Not even say, really. Did he think you were making fun of the others?
Perhaps it was nothing, but considering your feelings for the prince, it was everything in your mind. Cycling ideas began overtaking your brain like mist. Had he suspected malice of your joke? Had he simply heard something? Why had his expression shifted so? Maybe he was just worried by what he heard.
"What did I miss while we were gone?"
At Kili's words, Dwalin simply frowned, peering at him like he'd thoroughly lost his marbles. "What do ya mean, lad?"
"Did...did anything happen?"
"Took Gloin for a right fool on the card table," the older dwarf replied with a smug look, chest puffing and shoulders widening.
"No," the prince shook his head, "not with you, with..."
Despite the way he trailed off, Dwalin gave him a knowing smirk, crossing his tattooed arms. "Ah, I see," he nodded, "not with me, not with me at all. With the lass, eh? Why, she didn’t greet you with a kiss?”
Having an older brother really steeled one to teasing. Much as Kili wanted to fight, to protest and say oi, quit that or I’ll make you, he knew it was exactly the rise Dwalin would’ve wanted to get from him. Beside the other fact that his elder could kick his ass easily.
“‘Course not,” he replied nonchalantly as he could, “I just noticed someone had braided her hair was all.”
Even Dwalin had cause for surprise at that, dark eyebrows shooting up to his metaphorical hairline. “Just since this morning?”
“Yeah,” Kili replied, trying not to sound as deflated as the words made him feel, knocking the air clean out of him now that he’d said them out loud, “thought maybe you’d seen who did it.”
“Hadn’t even crossed my mind, but I think it was like that when she and Bilbo headed back to camp.”
“Bilbo?” He’d lose to a three and a half foot…grocer? “Well now, I’d not have expected that, eh?”
“I can tell ye don’t actually want to laugh, son.”
Sighing, he finally let himself deflate. Bilbo? You and Bilbo?
“I hardly see them talk that much. Do you?”
“Not nearly enough to warrant a marriage. Those take time.”
“I know, Fee.”
“I know.”
“And I thought you two had it. Not even just saying that because you’re my brother. You know I’m honest with you. The only reason those two would have is both feeling like outsiders, and that hardly seems cause to f-”
“Thank you, Fili, yes. Perhaps I was just wrong. Perhaps she could never have loved me after all. She wasn’t my One.”
“Now, brother,” grabbing him by the cheeks with one hand, Fili pulled his younger brother’s gaze to meet his, “not so hasty. Have you talked to either of them yet?”
“Wasn’t ready,” he mumbled, shaking out of the squishing grasp.
“Well, perhaps you should. Knowing is pain, yes, but it is also the thing that keeps us going in the end.”
Kili dropped his gaze thoughtfully before meeting his brother’s eye again, smiling faintly. “Remember our old espionage days? Maybe it’s time we had another mission.”
“Alright,” Fili nodded and smiled, “for old times’ sake.”
“Well hello there, Master Burglar.”
“Whatever it is, I won’t fall for it.”
“Now, now, so dry and for what?” Fili wrapped an arm around the hobbit. “I was just wondering how you you were coming along with…a certain member of the company.”
At that, the hobbit’s face crumpled in disgust. By Fili’s reckoning, Master Bilbo seemed barely interested in romance and certainly not with any of the types he currently ran with. He needed someone more doilies and dishcloths and the lot. You may have been the closest to his type, but still far too much of an edge, far too much indeed.
“I beg your pardon?” Bilbo simply replied.
With a conspiratorial wink, Fili leaned in and whispered your name, glancing back to the hobbit’s eyes, which narrowed slightly. Suspicious.
“Uh, w-well I would say,” Bilbo stuttered, shrugging lightly, “well as we could be, all things considered.”
“All things considered?” Fili’s grip tightened a bit. “There are things to be considered?”
“There are plenty of things to be considered!” The burglar shot back. “Why, is she upset with me? Last I heard, she liked the braids and I made her feel much more comfortable. Have I done something today?”
Blue eyes closing to near-slits, Fili released his grip entirely, arm falling back to his side. “Did she ask you to arrange her hair?”
“She complained about it,” Bilbo replied, shimmying in his newfound freedom and using his released arm to slide his pack closer, “so I offered to do something about it. Can’t imagine that is much of an outrage…oh. Oh, good heavens! No! Oh, no. No. She could be my daughter, who on earth sent you over here to…?”
Blonde brows raising, Fili’s head shot back in surprising hard enough to send his mustache braids swinging. “Wait, so you do know about courting braids?”
“Gloin was just telling me all about his,” the hobbit replied, freezing in place even in spite of his awkward, hunched-into-his-pack-hands-deep posture, “neither of us thought a thing about it. Privately I was hoping she and Kili would do whatever it was to get the tension out there, you know?”
Fili did know. He knew, all right.
“Psst! Psst! Hoo! Hoo! Caw!”
Kili’s head snapped up at the sound, dark eyes meeting his brother’s fair head popping from the scraggly bushes surrounding camp. One gloved hand waved wild beckoning at the younger prince. Rising from the rock he’d sat down on, one with a strategic view of some conversation between you, Uncle Thorin, and Balin, Kili strode to the edges of camp.
“Reconnaissance successful,” his older brother hissed.
“What?” Jaw dropping, Kili felt his hands leave his chest and clench in surprise. “That was fast. Nothing for me to do?”
“Not true, brother. Not true at all,” Fili smiled, “your part is far more important. You have to go talk to her.”
With a sigh, Kili nodded despite the heavy clunk of his heart in his chest. All the childhood playtimes were nice and all, but at the end of the day he had to be a dwarf about things. Face his fears, just like Uncle Thorin and his father and even Fili.
“You’re right. Though I dread it in my heart, I must speak to her. Even if my love is never known.”
“I wish you the greatest of luck,” Fili patted his shoulder, smiling eagerly, “and trust me. She won’t do a single thing to hurt you. I know it. Alright?”
Another nod. “Alright.”
Inhale, exhale. One step, then another. It was hard sometimes. Putting on the bravado. Fili was always so capable and Uncle had high standards. Not that he shouldn’t, but…it just got easier to act unafraid of everything. In truth, there was much Kili didn’t understand. Much he feared. Perhaps even his own heart, and that was why he had allowed himself to play games with it for so long. No longer, though.
Crunching across the dry campsite ground, he marched up to you as your conversation ended and asked to speak with you, frowning slightly at the nod Balin and Thorin exchanged. Focusing instead on your gaze, the way your eyes were intent in his and the-admittedly quite adorable-way shock bloomed across your face before giving way to a smile and a nod.
“Of course,” you said, and that was that.
How was it that one little smile from you could simultaneously calm Kili's heart and set it leaping like nothing else? There truly was no denying that you were special. Perhaps Bilbo had seen what was so dazzlingly obvious, too. Guess that wasn't too much of a shock.
You both ventured toward the tree line, stopping next to a particularly sturdy trunk. Eagerness was written across your face as you leaned against the smooth bark, encouraging Kili with a smile he couldn't help faintly mirroring even as tears swam in his eyes.
"Are congratulations in order?"
"For me?" You asked, head tilting and hand reaching to your chest. "Forgive me, but what are you asking? I thought maybe I'd upset you last night, but now I really fear it. Or are you teasing me again?"
All thought was scrubbed from Kili's brain at your words, a thick blanket of confusion draping over the prince's mind and furrowing his brows. Is this what Fili meant? Were you not to hurt him because you thought him cross with you? That hurt a bit in and of itself. Perhaps you'd known he would be jealous. But then again, you had greeted him so casually, giving him a cute little wave when he came back...
"Please," he all but begged your name, "the suspense is just killing me. Is that not a courting braid you've been given? I know it is new as of yesterday."
"Is that why you looked so perturbed? Courting...courting braid? Kili," you laughed, "my hair was full of sticks and leaves and all manner of muck, so Bilbo detangled it and got it out of my face for me! Bilbo could be my father!"
Still a bit shaky, but Kili's face surrendered a smile at the teasing smack you gave his upper arm. "Oh, forgive me for being a dwarf," he shot back, "I was hardly the only one who noticed."
"But you were the only one who was jealous," you teased him back, "is that not right?"
Kili could tell by the faltering smirk you gave, by the dart of your beautiful eyes, that you did not truly believe it, but by Mahal, you would when he was done with you.
"Madly," he agreed, eyes boring into yours, "never let anyone but me braid your hair again."
Eyebrows shooting up to your hairline, you peeled yourself from the tree as if to get a closer look. "Kili..."
"I mean it," he implored your name once more, gently taking your shoulders in his hands, "please. This isn't a joke, but if you'd like me to convince you..."
Surging forward, Kili closed the gap between you two, his lips soft against yours and stubble pleasantly tickling against your skin, which shifted as you moved in response to his kiss. Your hands found purchase in his hair, tangling in it and eliciting a sound Kili was too focused on you to be embarrassed about. When you finally pulled away for air, he pulled you back, resting his forehead against yours with a growing smile.
"So, you convinced?"
Your eyes glittered with mirth, joy, mischief...perhaps even love, and Kili knew he should have never doubted you were his One. "So convinced I practically want you to rip out all of Bilbo's work and do it over again yourself."
"You don't have to tell me twice."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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askekksu · 1 year
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This was created for #XZeroendless on twitter, a mini event for the XZero fandom! I create all ZeroX.
Anyway, the theme was "Endless", so I thought I'd paint several of my AU versions of X and Zero! So we have:
Elysium X/ Orie-sama (an embellished, custom cyber elf X design)
Red Lotus Zero (custom armor)
Project Zomboid X and Zero
Emperor Elysium Light & Cursed Wanderer Zero (from my Dystopian Nightmare AU)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons X and Zero (I made a cyber elf X dress for download!)
Minecraft X and Zero
Original X and Zero
and FF16 Shiva (X) and Ifrit (Zero)
Included are individual images so you can see them up close! :D I hope you like it <3 ^^ This is my "thank you" to the X and Zero shipping community for supporting and inspiring each other !
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specialagentlokitty · 8 months
Negan x reader - people can change
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Part 7:
A/N: italics will be sign language
Negan looked at the woman who had spoken to him, she offered him a warm smile before she went back to eating.
“Why doesn’t Ghost train anybody?”
The woman sighed a little, gesturing for him to eat his food.
“Eat first, we have plenty of time to talk after.”
Negan nodded his head, they finished eating and he stood up, helping the lady up and take the tray back to the counter.
“What’s your name?” She asked.
“Negan. What’s yours?”
“Marie.” She smiled.
Marie placed her hand on his arm, and he looked at her but didn’t say anything about it, he just let her decide where they going to go.
She left him over a few bridges, to another cabin and sat down on a chair out the front so he did the same thing.
“You know ghost wasn’t our only leader, when all this started there were camp instructors, a large group of delinquents, a few families.”
“How did you all get here?”
“The dead came from the trees, the instructors panicked and left us all here to fend for ourselves, it was absolute chaos. Then there was Rosco, a leader, and ghost. His second in command. Rosco passed of old age a few years after this started.”
Negan furrowed his brows, and Marie pointed behind him so he turned around.
It was you, standing on the roof of your cabin, your back to them as you just stared out on to the lake.
“When Ghost became the leader, things changed for us for the better, she found more people, farmers, builders, cooks, letting people chose whatever jobs they wanted and were best at. Rosco just thought about survival, that’s it. Ghost thought about actually living.”
Negan kept his gaze fixed on you.
“She taught us all how to defend ourselves. There was three commanders you know, not just two.”
Negan turned to Marie.
“Yes. Echo, Zero and Oris. Oris was the third in command after the other two, he was a young gentleman, respectful and showed a lot of promise, but he struggled in training. Ghost decided to train Oris herself, ensure he could do what it took to keep himself safe.”
“What happened?”
“Well, it turned out Oris was sick, we’re not sure what but he said it ran in the family. To keep him safe Ghost had him assigned to the community, he wasn’t to leave. He wasn’t able to train anymore and he wasn’t ready to go outside and fight.”
Marie sighed a little bit, looking down at the table.
“She carried on training him though, just like always, but… but something went wrong. While training there was a gunshot from nearby, Oris faltered, and she couldn’t hold off her advance, he couldn’t block it, she severed an artery.”
Marie took a deep breath, looking back up at Negan.
“Oris died on the roof of that cabin, she refuses to replace it, so you can still see his blood. She blames herself, despite the fact it was an accident. She’s refused to train anybody since that day, she assigns instructors to train new people.”
“But it was an accident.”
“Taking a life is never easy Negan. Especially not one of somebody you held close to your heart. It’s why she won’t train anybody. Ghost will never get over that night.”
Negan nodded his head and he stood up.
He wonder around as the night drew closer, thinking about what Marie had told him.
He had never really considered the thought that a community like this which was isolated for so long would have gone through things as well.
Scouts began to like the torches along the bridges, and he made his way back to his cabin for the night, thinking about what he wanted to do.
He didn’t have any work to do the next day, she he walked past the children’s training school, watching as they were taught how to hold wooden swords.
“It’s just to get them used to them so they aren’t scared.” Adam said.
Negan nodded his head.
“Boss sent me to let you know if you wanted to be trained then I can do it, but it’s up to you, you don’t have to, we don’t force anybody into being trained. Just the basics such as moving around and basic sword handling. Everything else is more intense.”
“Yeah, yeah I still want to learn. Do you know where Ghost is?”
Adam shook his head.
“Not on site right now.”
You were busy for the next few days, the only time people saw you was when you were passing through to collect papers.
You kept to the roofs of the buildings so you could come and go quickly and quietly, and just as Negan went to speak to you you would be gone.
So, he began his training with Adam, simple training for starters.
How to wield a sword like Lakeshore did, how to make sure it never fell from his grip and simple blocking techniques.
He wasn’t allowed to carry a weapon, but he was allowed a practice sword whenever he wanted it, so he kept it on him.
The children loved to come and try charge him when he wasn’t paying attention, and they liked to spar with him as well, along with a few others who were still just learning.
He was starting to feel like this was his community, a place for him, even when the refugees from the others came for safety.
“Hey kid.” Negan smiled.
Judith looked up at him, and she grinned a little bit.
“I thought they would’ve kicked your ass by now.”
“Language Miss Grimes. I’ll have you know I’m doing good here, even got my own job.”
“Yeah? What is it? Annoying people?”
He chuckled a little bit, helping her sit down on some crates and he sat down on the one next to her.
“No, repair man. Even training too.”
“Ghost said it was my choice, thought why not.”
“Where is she? I wanted to show her something.”
Negan shrugged a little, patting her shoulder and he stood up.
“Sorry kid, no idea. Hasn’t been around much recently, maybe ask one of the others.”
Negan went back to his cabin, setting his tool belt and sword down on the table, sitting on the chair with a heavy sigh.
Taking the papers that were left for him he looked through them, grabbing the pencil he was given so he could work.
You knew that the people had arrived safely to the community, and you stood I front of Cole and Luke on the road and they turned to each other.
We need to do something.
You gestured back towards Lakeshore and they followed you to the border, jumping over the ditch that you had dug out.
Once across you turned to them.
“This is not Lakeshores battle Cole, you know that. I am not willing to lose my people for a fight that isn’t our own.”
“Come on boss, I heard it myself, he’s going to kill them all.”
“Then we defend the ones we have here, it’s as simple as that. It is not our job to fight everybodies battles for them.”
You made your way a card is the lake and they followed.
“The scouts want to help.”
“I haven’t given the order, they are to stick to what they’ve been told to do. That’s all, nothing more.”
“Why can’t we help? You’ve helped people before!” Luke snapped.
He walked around and stood in front of you, taking his mask off and he set it aside.
People crowded around, going silent as they watched, and Negan opened the door to his cabin to see what was going on just outside it.
“You’ve gone out of your way to help people before, why can’t you do that now?” He asked.
“Because that never involved fighting in an Al our war with a horde of the dead and people that walk among them. If we do this it puts a target on our backs.”
“So does just sitting here. I don’t think they’ll stop at those communities Ghost, I really don’t.” Cole sighed.
“I have made my choice, that’s final.”
“Your choice is bullshit!” Luke hissed.
You looked at him.
“I have never questioned your before, I respect you and the choices you make. You know that. But this is bullshit, they need our help.”
“And I need my people to be alive.”
“You won’t even consider it!”
“The choice has been made. That’s enough.”
You barged past him.
“You’re a coward, you hide us away here because it’s easier, we could do so much more and you won’t let us.”
You stopped, turning around and you drew your sword and he did the same thing.
“You think this is easy? Having all of these lives under my belt? Having to make the right choices that come at a cost you don’t know at the time. I do what I do for these people, I sacrifice what I do for these people, Lakeshore is my priority. If you want to change that then kill me, take my place, the orders then fall on your head, but you have to know it won’t come easy.”
Negan stepped out, standing between you both, holding up his hands.
“Come on guys, that’s enough, you’re not going to get anywhere and neither of you his going to kill the other. So let’s put our junk away and just walk away.”
You put lowered your sword, running your hand along the blade to put the flames out before you sheathed it.
“This is not a choice I make lightly you two, I know what will happen by doing this, but I will not send you to die.”
“Then you’re just as bad as them.” Luke snapped.
He stormed away and you went in the opposite direction, making your way to a dead end in the pier and you sat down.
Taking your mask off you ran a hand down your face, taking a deep breath as you closed your eyes.
“You don’t have to help if you don’t want to…” Judith said quietly.
“This is your home we’re talking about, doesn’t it make you angry I won’t help?”
Judith shrugged a little, sitting next to you.
“You’re helping us stay safe, we can’t force you into helping.”
“You’re a good kid.”
You turned to look at her.
“I know it can be hard running a community, especially on your own. My mom did the same thing for a long time, so did my aunt Maggie. They just wanted to keep the people safe.”
You nodded your head, gesturing with your head towards the cabin.
“Go on, it gets cold at night.”
She frowned a little bit left you alone, and you carried on staring at the water, looking at the reflection of the moon and the stars.
After a few hours of sitting in thought, you got up, making your way to the hall with your mask in your hand and you set it down, leaning over the table.
Grabbing a pencil, you began to draw on the map along the markers they had already placed there.
You weren’t sure how long you had left until they reached Oceanside, and you knew the other survivors would be coming up with a plan.
Walking over to a box you dug through some papers and pulled them out, writing some numbers down on the map at the side so you could erase them after.
“I see I’m not the only one awake.”
Negan stopped walking, and he noticed your mask laying at the side of the table, but your hood was still up.
“Why’re you here?”
“No reason, just wanted to talk.”
Picking up your mask, you turned around and put it on, then you turned to face him, gesturing for him to come sit down at the table with you.
“Tell me Negan, what’s your stance on this? Do you think we should assist?”
“Honestly if I had to decide, let the fuckers get what’s coming to them.”
“You hold a strong hatred for them, I understand. However, I don’t want you to think of the leader of the saviours, I want you to think as part of community.”
Negan looked at you.
“Why do you wear the mask all the time?”
“Answer my question and perhaps I’ll answer yours.”
“Alright, fine. I’ve heard people talking, a lot of them want to help and are ready to fight. Whether you tell them not too they’ll most likely still go, you can’t control that, they’re not scared of you.”
You hummed a little.
“Do you think that’s the only way to lead?”
“Got me pretty far.”
“Got you locked in a cell with a scar across your throat and on your hand because you were betrayed.”
“Ah, shit happens. I know I had the balls to do what had to be done.”
You stood up again, going back to your work and Negan watched you.
“People do not respect a leader they fear Negan, they simply just fall in line because of fear, it means they’ll revolt when they see a chance.”
“So, how do you lead then?”
“I do what I have to do, I give my people a choice where I can, let them decide what to do. I lead through my community. They are the most important people. A good leader knows their people are well before resting, their people are fed before eating. But I can’t justify sending my community to die.”
He nodded his head, leaning back in his chair.
“Yet here you are making damn battle plans.”
“Leading a community isn’t easy, I need to think of my peoples safety, and when I took this role I knew that. I knew the weight of these lives would rest on my shoulders.”
You flicked through a few more papers, setting some aside.
“Why’re you talking to me about this and not your people?”
“Simple, you have history with them, we don’t. You will offer honest truth. People may not like what you have to say, but you’re honest.”
“You’ve already made up your mind, you did before I even stepped foot in here.”
You lowered the papers, resting your hands on the table, your eyes connecting with his, and he could only make out the faintest (E/C) under the mask.
“I will not force them to fight, it is their choice, but they should have a plan in place.”
“Are you gonna fight?”
“I have to, for my people, with them. You have the same choice as everybody else, fight, don’t fight, that’s up to you.”
“You gonna answer my question now?”
You sighed.
“We wear the masks to hide ourselves, so we can’t be remembered if we’re ever seen.”
“But why do you wear the mask all the time?”
“I’m shamed of the face that I see when I take it off, because it reminds me of things I would much rather forget, and when I die, I’ll become nothing more than a faceless ghost.”
“Well shit, that got dark fast.”
“You asked I answered and that’s the truth.”
“I respect the hell out of that, but ghost?”
You stopped what you were doing to look at him.
“We’ve all done shit we ain’t proud of, hiding your face ain’t gonna change that. You’re still gonna wake up every day ashamed of who you are.”
“Are you?”
“Yeah, yeah I am. I’ve done shit I ain’t proud of, but I survived. That’s what we do, we survive.”
You studied Negan for a moment.
“Tomorrow at sunrise, if you’re not there you won’t get another chance.”
With that, you took some papers and left, vanishing down the quiet streets of Lakeshore while he had to figure out where you wanted him to go
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Martyrs and Kings AND ZOMBIES!!!
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A/N: I'm so excited to share this spooky, sexy one-shot sequel to Martyrs and Kings! I've been planning this fic for months, and I hope y'all love it. Quick note: obviously, this fic contains spoilers for M&K; however, it was beta-read by my partner who has not (yet) read the original fic, and they said it worked as a stand-alone story, so if you haven't read M&K yet and don't mind spoilers, read on!
This fic is dedicated to the amazing @clonemedickix in gratitude for all the love and support that you've shown me and so many others in the fandom. Thank you so much for everything you do, and particularly thank you for your feedback on the field medicine. You are a rock star!
One final caveat: I am a horror wimp, but I did my best. Please don't expect Stephen King 💜
Pairing: Post-stasis Kix x OFC Dr. Maree Finnall
Rating: M (minors DNI)
Wordcount: 5k (this just made M&K 10% longer lol)
Warnings and tags: peril; suspense; violence; blood and injury; gore; medical procedures; adult language; SMUT; oral sex; face-sitting; Kix activating my competence kink like no other. IMPORTANT: an additional content warning is listed at the end of the fic due to spoilers. If you have triggers, please check the end of the fic for the BOLD PINK TEXT before reading.
Summary: The crew of the Meson Martinet goes after the score of a lifetime and discover that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
Suggested listening:
Martyrs and Kings chapter 1 | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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“B1.5-series battle droids are a myth,” Kix said firmly. “You’re wasting your time.”
“The good doctor doesn’t share your opinion,” Quiggold argued.
Sidon Ithano, as usual, said nothing, his crimson helmet swiveling slowly toward Maree. Kix turned to her as well, his jaw set, his eyes full of confidence that she would back him up. Kriff it. She absolutely hated being caught in the middle of this argument.
She cleared her throat. “There’s… some debate in the academic community about their existence, actually. If they ever were created, they were never deployed at any recorded battle—and it’s a good thing, too.”
“Why is that, exactly?” Reeg Brosna asked.
He was sprawled on the bench of the dinette, his arm draped around Orys Brenko as the research assistant perked up immediately.
“Is it true that they used nanodroids to retrofit original B1-series droids?” Brenko asked, his face flushing dark green with excitement.
“That is one theory,” Maree said circumspectly, keenly aware of Kix’s scrutiny. “According to contemporary sources—and noting that those sources are unreliable at best—the B1.5s had significantly upgraded blaster resistance. There was another rumor as well, even less credible.”
“What rumor?” Reveth interrupted, leaning forward over the table, drawing Ithano’s attention subtly.
“They said the B1.5s could keep going even if you blasted their processors,” Kix cut in before Maree could reply. “It was a stupid story the commandos made up to scare the shinies.”
“But what if it wasn’t?” Brosna asked. “Indestructible battle droids? They’d be worth a fortune.”
“Even if they don’t exist, the haul from a Techno Union stronghold could set us up for life,” Reveth pointed out. “I say we go after it.”
Squeaky grunted his agreement, predictably. The Gamorrean was always guaranteed to follow the pretty Twi’lek’s lead. Reveth could have suggested a nude spacewalk, and Squeaky would have thought it was a grand idea. Brosna and Brenko voted in favor as well. Kix voted against, and Maree did as well, purely out of solidarity. Privately, she was consumed with curiosity about the B1.5s, and she couldn’t deny that the possibility of such a groundbreaking discovery was alluring in the extreme.
Quiggold voted in favor, and Ithano abstained, and so it was decided: the crew would send a team to scout the Techno Union stronghold, and if they found anything worthwhile, the rest of Ithano’s small fleet would join them.
“We’re gonna need your expertise, Doc,” Reveth said to Maree. 
“Absolutely not,” Kix snapped.
Maree glanced at him in surprise. It was unlike him to try to overrule her choice, and she didn’t care for it. “Reveth is right, Kix. I’ll be able to identify the highest-value items, and I have a good idea of what’s in demand.”
Kix looked away, clearly unhappy, but recognizing that he’d overstepped. “Fine. But if you’re going, I’m going, too.”
“We’ll need you to stay and command the fleet from the Scorpion while the captain is away,” Quiggold interjected.
“Fuck that,” Kix growled. “Brosna is my first mate—he can take command from the Scorpion. When it comes to Maree’s safety, I outrank everyone on this ship.”
“Brosna doesn’t have the experience—” Quiggold began.
“Agreed,” Ithano said, his deep voice cutting through the buzz of conversation and debate in the Martinet’s galley. “Quiggold, command the fleet from the Martinet. Brosna, take the Scorpion. Reveth, Squeaky, you’re with us.”
The captain’s decision was final, and within a few hours, Kix, Maree, Reveth, Squeaky, and Ithano had boarded the Scorpion’s shuttle Stinger and departed for the desolate moon where the Techno Union base had sat untouched for over fifty years.
“Fifty credits says we find nothing,” Kix said.
“I’ll take that bet,” Reveth replied.
Squeaky grunted his agreement. Ithano said nothing.
“Maree, you want in on this action?” Reveth asked.
“Kix and I have a private bet on the side,” Maree said with a mischievous twinkle as Kix shot her an inscrutable look.
Reveth smirked. “Sounds like fun.”
“Oh, it will be,” Maree replied. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a flash of crimson as Ithano moved through the shuttle. On impulse, she leaned in and whispered in Reveth’s ear cone.
Reveth’s eyes widened as her mechanical hand instinctively settled on Maree’s waist. “Damn. You and Kix want a third for that?”
Ithano’s helmet whipped to the side as he suddenly became very interested in the conversation. Maree suppressed a laugh.
“What do you think, Kix?” Maree asked with faux innocence. “Can Reveth play with us?”
Kix eyed her with a perfectly neutral expression that warned Maree he knew exactly what she was up to. “You gotta win that bet if you want to call the shots.”
“You’re on,” Maree replied immediately.
Ithano’s helmet swiveled from Maree, to Reveth, to Kix, and back to Reveth, but he said nothing. Kix merely turned back to the navigation controls and continued to pilot the shuttle toward their destination.
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The old Techno Union stronghold was on a remote, swampy moon, and the dense vegetation had grown thickly over the past five decades. Kix was forced to set the shuttle down several klicks from the decrepit base. He didn’t like it. He didn’t kriffing like any of this. It was too far; they’d be too exposed; their progress would be too slow in the mud. He glanced at Maree and felt his anxiety spike.
How the kark am I supposed to protect her out there?
He double-checked her gear as she suited up, adjusting the fit of her holster for a quicker draw. He quickly inspected her blaster before handing it to her.
“What’s going on?” she asked quietly. “You’re on edge.”
He shook his head. “I don’t have a good feeling about this mission.”
“It’s not the first time we’ve gone into one of these old strongholds,” she pointed out. “We’ll be okay.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah. You’re right. Just… Keep your eyes open.”
“I will,” she promised. “And I know you’ll watch my back. Just like I’ll watch yours.”
He traced his fingertips along her jaw as he pulled her closer to himself. He couldn’t feel her soft warmth through his armor, but her nearness felt comforting regardless. He kissed her gently, threading his fingers through the hair that she wore in loose braids. 
She looked so different now than she had the first time he’d met her two years earlier; her elegant wardrobe replaced with sturdy, practical clothing meant to withstand rough field work and the occasional blaster fight. But underneath, she still smelled like tea and honey and home. She was still the same—still his Maree.
“If you’re finished sucking the lips off her face, can we get going?” Reveth teased. “Droids aren’t gonna find themselves.”
Despite Kix’s misgivings, the trek to the derelict base was uneventful. Squeaky stayed with the shuttle in case they needed a quick extraction, while Ithano, Reveth, and Maree hacked their way through the underbrush along with Kix. It was slow going, and the swamp was creepy as hell, but eventually they made it to the plastcrete and durasteel structure.
There was no power to the base, so they cut their way through the sealed exterior blast doors. Once inside, the group fell silent as they made their way through the dusty, cobwebbed hallways. The base was pitch black inside, illuminated only by their own torches, and once again, Kix felt the simmering anxiety in his gut begin to roil.
“Something’s been living in here,” Reveth muttered, training the beam of her flashlight on a tangle of debris that was unmistakably a nest for something… large.
Kix didn’t respond, but he reached out and pulled Maree closer to himself, then drew one of his DC-17s. Ithano brought up the rear, his blaster rifle ready.
“Control center should be just ahead,” Maree whispered. “Reveth might be able to restore power from there.”
“We’ll be karked if she can’t,” Kix replied quietly.
“Happy thoughts, Kix,” Maree murmured.
Right. Happy thoughts. Spiced biscuits. Unlimited bacta. Maree’s tits. More credits than I’ve ever seen in my life. The Scorpion. Weapons caches. Maree’s thighs. Maree’s thighs on my shoulders. Maree’s thighs framing my face while she rides—uh, weapons caches.
“Control center,” Reveth called under her breath as she reached a sealed doorway.
They pried it open enough to squeeze through. Kix went first, sweeping his light across the room as he scanned for threats. Reveth followed, then Maree and Ithano. Reveth headed straight for the control console and plugged in her small power unit and began to fiddle with the controls.
“Happy thoughts,” Kix mumbled, returning to the doorway to keep watch over the pitch-dark corridor.
Within a few moments, Reveth let out a quiet, triumphant huff as the control console flickered to life, dimly illuminating the room. She went to work immediately, interfacing her datapad with the ancient console.
“Damn. Main power cells are depleted,” she said. “I’ll try to at least get emergency lighting turned on.”
“Why would the power be depleted if the base has been abandoned for decades?” Maree asked. “The Techno Union had extraordinarily advanced power cells that were capable of storing energy far longer.”
“Unless something used it,” Reveth said.
Kix swiveled his head to stare at the Twi’lek.
“Like what?” he bit out.
She shrugged. “Dunno. But we might find out as soon as I get the data decrypted.”
A distant, deep hum sounded, and red light flickered on throughout the base.
“Nicely done,” Maree told Reveth.
“Let’s get the data and get the kriff out of here,” Kix growled, hating every minute of their time in the farking spooky base.
“Working on it,” Reveth snapped. “Think you can do it faster?”
Ithano glanced between Kix and Reveth, then moved to join Kix at the doorway, blaster rifle raised. “What is it?”
“Not sure,” Kix replied quietly. “Something doesn’t feel right.”
Ever reticent, Ithano merely nodded and took up position across from him. Kix nodded in silent gratitude that the pirate captain didn’t question his instincts. Then again, the Crimson Corsair hadn’t survived this long by ignoring his gut. 
Kix’s eyes darted to Maree again. She leaned over the console, scrolling rapidly through the data files, searching for any hint of the information they sought. He turned back toward the hallway, his eyes scanning it watchfully.
“No kriffin’ way,” Maree gasped.
“What?” Kix and Reveth demanded in unison.
“You just lost a bet, my love,” Maree told Kix.
“Wait, really?” Reveth asked. “It’s real?”
“‘Project Ophio,’” Maree read, her voice low and hurried. “Principal investigator Vamb Tebrem. Project number T327H1138X99. Primary focus of study is to develop experimental NM-K reconstitutors with the purpose of enhancing the durability and combat acumen of extant B-1 series assets…” Her voice trailed off as she leaned closer to the console, flicking through the data hurriedly. “Project director reported a 62% success rate in the initial efficacy trial; however the experimental reconstitutors were prohibitively expensive to manufacture, and the unpredictability observed in field tests was not adequately resolved—what field tests?”
“You catch any of that?” Reveth asked Kix.
He shrugged. Maree’s voice had dropped to an inaudible murmur as she scrolled through the data, then opened another data file. A quiet chime sounded from the console, drawing Reveth’s attention.
A glowing hologram appeared over the console: wave after wave of battle droids locked in combat a group of clone commandos who should have been able to easily defeat the B-1s. But the droids just kept going. Nothing could stop their advance as they overwhelmed the commandos’ positions and tore them to pieces. Kix swallowed hard, hearing the screams of the dying commandos, unable to take his eyes off the hologram. Maree slapped a button on the console and the sound paused abruptly as the holo froze.
“Holy kark,” she breathed.
“What?” Reveth asked. “Is that not normal?”
“No,” Kix said grimly. “We need to get out of here.”
“Uh, about that…” Reveth said.
Ithano swiveled his head toward the Twi’lek. “What?”
“Opening that holofile triggered an alert in the system,” Reveth said. “Hopefully it’s nothing?”
“Time to go,” Kix growled.
“Yeah,” Maree said, her voice shaky. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
“At least let me download the records,” Reveth argued, jamming a data spike into the console.
They all froze as a distant but unmistakable crash echoed through the base, followed by a rhythmic thumping.
“What is that?” Maree whispered.
“Clankers,” Kix said grimly, drawing his second blaster. “Seal the blast doors.”
“We’ll be trapped in here!” Reveth objected.
Maree stared at Kix. “Can’t we make it out before—”
A light flashed, and her body jerked as a blaster bolt smashed into her. She went down hard, and Kix barely had time to register what was happening before a firestorm of blaster bolts exploded into the room. He whirled back to the entrance and returned fire at the wave of battle droids that was advancing at high speed toward his position. Ithano was firing as fast as he could, but the droids weren’t dropping.
“Get those kriffing doors sealed!” Ithano bellowed.
Reveth had ducked down behind the console for cover as Maree scrambled to join her out of the line of fire. Reveth frantically worked the controls from her position on the floor, but she wasn’t fast enough. A single droid made it through before the doors slammed shut. The clanking and pounding of the army of droids battering against the blast doors was deafening. The lone battle droid charged across the command center.
“Kill it!” Kix shouted. “Fuckin’ kill it!”
Reveth, Ithano, and Kix unleashed a torrent of blaster bolts, but the karking thing wouldn’t go down, even as its components began to fail and fly off its body. It was headed for the console. It was headed toward Maree. Desperately, Kix launched himself at its mangled, skeletal form, tackling it as he locked his arms around and tore its head off with a sickening screech of twisting metal.
But the fucking thing kept moving, shambling toward the console. Kix growled and yanked out his vibroblade, slashing through the droid’s joints until nothing remained but a pile of scrap, and then he sprinted toward Maree, launching himself over the control console. 
“Maree!” Kix yelled hoarsely.
Her face was sweaty and contorted with pain as she clutched her hand around her upper arm, but she gave him a tight smile. “I’m all right.”
The blaster hole in her jacket sleeve was still smoking, and Kix felt sick as he saw blood covering her hand, oozing from a wound that should have been cauterized by the plasma bolt. 
“Let me see,” he ordered. 
She moved her hand, and he cut the sleeve away quickly, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Oh, fuck, it’s bad. It’s bad, and I don’t have my kit.
“We have to get out of here,” Reveth rasped.
Kix dug frantically through his pouches, finding only a few small bacta patches and a vial of spray bandage. He didn’t have a choice. It would have to do, at least until they could make it back to the Stinger. 
He shoved the jacket sleeve and vibroblade toward Reveth. “Cut that into strips. Wide ones.”
He drenched the blaster wound with spray bandage, then grabbed the first strip Reveth cut from the jacket sleeve and quickly tied it around Maree’s arm near her shoulder. “Do you have a stylus on you?”
“Always,” Maree said, her voice tense with pain. She pulled the stylus out of her pocket and handed it to him, carefully avoiding looking at the charred, bloody wound. “Why is it bleeding so much?”
Kix tied the ends of the cloth strip around the stylus and twisted to tighten the makeshift tourniquet, securing it as he replied in an artificially calm tone. “Sometimes it happens. Move just wrong—the cauterized scab opens—blood.”
He ripped open the bacta patches and arranged them carefully over the injury, covering it as well as he could before wrapping the rest of the fabric strips around them to secure them in place. Finally, he looked up into her eyes, inadvertently smearing her own blood on her cheek as he cupped her face.
“I’m not losing you today.” His words were firm, but tremor in his hands was undeniable, and his pulse thundered in his ears.
She smiled at him through dry, ashen lips, and he kissed her forehead, then helped her carefully to her feet. Reveth had pulled up a schematic of the base, and Ithano joined them at the console, pausing to squeeze Kix’s shoulder briefly.
“We don’t die so easily,” the captain said in his deep, rasping voice.
“Not today, anyway,” Reveth cut in. “I found an escape route.”
“Please tell me it’s not the ventilation shaft,” Maree said unsteadily.
“It’s always the ventilation shaft,” Reveth replied.
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Maree’s shoulder screamed with agony as she crawled through the ventilation shaft. She gritted her teeth to hold back the whimper of pain that hovered at the base of her throat. The ventilation shaft was filthy and cramped, and their progress was torturously slow as they navigated as silently as possible to their destination. The conduit wouldn’t take them all the way out of the base, so they would have to make a run for the main entrance when they got close. The only way they stood a chance of escaping was to not draw the attention of the battle droids.
She followed Kix through the labyrinthine ductwork, crawling laboriously on her knees and one hand. Her injured arm had burned like fire when Kix first applied the tourniquet, but now her arm was completely numb—and equally useless. At last, they found the access hatch to the main corridor. Kix dropped down first, and then Maree realized exactly how difficult this was going to be with only one functional arm. 
“Just drop,” he whispered. “I’ll catch you.”
She took a deep breath and slid out of the maintenance hatch, feet first. Panic flashed in her mind briefly as she plummeted through the air, but Kix was true to his word, catching her before she could hit the ground. He set her down quickly and checked to make sure her bandage was still in place as first Reveth and then Ithano dropped down into the corridor.
They sprinted for the exit. Maree’s lungs burned and her vision blurred around the edges as she gasped for breath. Kix looked back at her sharply and reached for her hand, dragging her along behind him. By some miracle, the droids hadn’t detected them yet, and she could see the main entrance of the base. She forced herself to keep running, even as she stumbled and nearly went down, kept upright only by Kix’s strong grasp.
He tugged her arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist to support her, but he didn’t slow his pace. “We have to keep going, love. We can’t stop now.”
“I know,” she wheezed. “So close…”
She could hear the clanking of droids behind them, and she pushed herself as hard as she ever had in her life to keep running. They cleared the entrance, and Reveth tossed a few magnetized thermal detonators onto the ceiling of the base. 
Keep running, don’t stop, keep going.
The explosion knocked them off their feet, but the rubble of the collapsed ceiling blocked the main entrance. It wouldn’t hold back the droids for long, but it bought them time—so long as they kept moving. Kix was up first, pulling Maree with him as Reveth and Ithano scrambled to their feet.
They ran for the trees as Reveth commed Squeaky. “We need a pickup, now!”
“He can’t get to us in the jungle!” Kix said. “We have to find a clearing where the shuttle can land.”
They dodged through the trees, trying to avoid the worst of the swampy ground, but the dense underbrush slowed their progress and steered them on a circuitous route. Out of the corner of her eye, Maree saw movement in the earth. The ground shifted and began to swell.
“What the kriff is that?” she demanded.
“Keep running, don’t look back,” Kix urged.
“No, what is that?” she repeated.
She saw a flash of pale, bonelike metal alloy, and then a battle droid erupted from the earth.
“Fuck!” she screamed.
All around them, the skeletal forms of B1.5 droids began to emerge from the swampy ground, punching their way to the surface and dragging themselves up from the mud. Kix released Maree and drew both of his blasters, opening fire without hesitation. Maree, Reveth, and Ithano followed suit, for all the good it did them. The droids simply wouldn’t go down; even if they took so many hits that they started to fall apart, they still somehow shambled on in a grotesque parody of their normal precise movement.
They had no choice but to keep running and hope that they could at least slow some of the droids down. She could hear the roar of the shuttle overhead, but the vegetation was too dense for Squeaky to pick them up. The Gamorrean’s indistinct, frantic squealing sounded from Reveth’s comlink.
“He said there’s a clearing about a klick southwest!” Reveth yelled.
It might as well be on the other side of the planet, Maree thought hopelessly. There were simply too many droids; they were advancing relentlessly, and the terrain was too hostile to cross it with any speed. Holy shit, we’re all going to die here.
Her mind darted to the holorecord of the field test—a kriffing gruesome euphemism for such carnage. It had been a complete massacre. The terrified screams of the commandos as the droids tore them to pieces; the spray of blood and viscera: the images were branded irrevocably in her memory. It was a horrific way to die, and they were about to find out firsthand. 
Panic clawed at her, closing her throat and making her shots go wild. Her legs felt sluggish, and her feet became unsteady, but Kix never let her fall, even as he fired ceaselessly at the pursuing droids.
“We’re almost there,” he grunted. “Keep running, sweetheart, you can do it.”
“Kix, go,” Ithano ordered. “Get her to the Stinger.”
“No!” Maree exclaimed. “We’re not leaving you!”
Kix ignored her protests, bending over and tossing her over his shoulder as he ran. His plastoid armor cut into her thighs and belly, and she squirmed to try to get away.
“Put me down! Go back!”
Kix ignored her and raced for the clearing where the shuttle hovered just above the ground, ready to take off as soon as the crew were safely aboard. He dropped Maree in the copilot seat and turned to Squeaky.
“Don’t let her follow me.”
He sprinted to the back of the shuttle and jumped out, making for the treeline.
“Kix!” she screamed, lurching out of her seat.
Squeaky didn’t hesitate. He thrust her back into the chair with a stern grunt, then secured the safety harness to make sure she didn’t try to run again. She could hear blaster fire and shouting outside the ship, and she tugged desperately at the harness. Squeaky grunted again to order her to take control of the ship, and he lumbered toward the rear hatch, blaster ready.
Her heart hammered as she took the controls. Please, please, please. The distraught prayer echoed in her mind, silently beseeching the Force. I can’t lose him. Not like this. She felt utterly helpless as the deafening roar of Squeaky’s blaster fire pounded through the ship. Mercifully, she soon heard the pounding of boots on durasteel, and then Ithano launched into the pilot’s seat and punched the controls, hurtling the shuttle away from the planet.
“Kix?” she asked frantically.
“I’m here,” he said, dropping to his knees next to Maree’s chair and wrapping his arms around her. “I’m here.”
“I’m here, too, thanks for askin’,” Reveth said as she flopped into her seat.
Kix stood and quickly released the safety harness, tugging Maree out of the chair and burying his face against her neck.
“Holy kark, I can’t believe we all made it out,” Reveth said. “I was sure Maree was toast.”
Maree laughed, and Kix glared at the Twi’lek. “Not kriffin’ funny.”
“It’s kinda funny,” Reveth insisted.
Kix shook his head and drew Maree out of the cockpit and back to the tiny med bay at the rear of the shuttle. “Med bay” was putting it generously; it was really just a bunk and a large emergency medkit, but it had everything he needed to treat her shoulder. He administered a stim shot, cleaned and redressed her wound, and removed the tourniquet. He worked efficiently, and she didn’t see any of the distress that had clouded his eyes back at the base—of course, they weren’t fending off a horde of unkillable zombie droids this time, either.
“What’s the verdict, doctor?” she asked with a tiny smile.
He stroked his fingers over her forearm gently. “You’ll live. Gonna have a kickass scar, too.”
“Will you kiss it better?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes.
He smiled wryly as he leaned in and pressed his lips softly against hers. “Don’t ever do that to me again.”
“I’ll do my best. At least I’m finally going to have an exciting story to tell Baba and Eema.”
His eyes widened. “Oh, kriff, your mothers are going to kill me!”
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The Stinger docked with the Meson Martinet first, and Squeaky, Reveth, and Ithano disembarked, then Kix piloted the shuttle to his own ship, the Scorpion. Brenko and Brosna were waiting next to the airlock when Kix and Maree emerged from the shuttle.
“Well, did you find the B1.5s?” Brosna asked.
“Yeah,” Kix replied grimly.
“Ha!” Brosna laughed triumphantly. “Pay up, Captain!”
“You’re still acting captain,” Kix retorted. “Now get your ass back up to the bridge until I relieve you.”
“Wait, you’re not taking command right now?” Brosna asked.
“Nope,” Kix replied, dragging Maree to their quarters.
The door hissed shut behind them, and Kix slapped the control panel to lock it. He was on Maree instantly, devouring her in a searing kiss as he unzipped and pulled off her jacket, carefully avoiding the large bandage on her shoulder. Once he had her top removed, he dropped his mouth to her throat and kissed a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down her body as he knelt in front of her. 
His hands roved over her urgently, clutching her body close to him. She tangled her fingers in his hair as he tugged down her trousers, and then he plunged his tongue into her ravenously. Her body jerked, and she cried out, losing her balance. He caught her with ease, then pulled her toward the bed.
“Kix,” she panted. “Don’t you at least want to get naked?”
“I can’t wait,” he groaned. “Sit on my face.”
“Oh, fuck,” she gasped.
“I’m planning to,” he said, lying on his back. “On my face. Now.”
She knelt, hovering over his mouth, staring down into his eyes. He gazed back up at her, sliding his hands up her waist to cup her breasts, before dropping them to her thighs and yanking her body downward.
“Kriff!” she exclaimed as his tongue slid deeply into her cunt, then his lips closed around her clit.
He held her in place as he feasted on her, his groans vibrating against her sensitive flesh. The sensation was overwhelming. She writhed, nearly toppling over, then leaned back to brace her hands on his ribcage. He ate her like he was starving, like she was the last thing he would ever taste, and he fully intended to savor every drop.
“Kix—fuck—gods—” she moaned, her hips finding a subtle rhythm even as his strong hands gripped her, preventing her from moving more than a few centimeters.
He murmured quietly against her in between the kisses and licks and nibbles—soft, nearly inaudible whispers of fear and adoration and lust. “... taste so fucking good… love you so much… thought I was going to lose you… never letting go… so kriffin’ scared… want you so bad…”
He released her thigh and reached his hand around to massage her clit. All the muscles in her core began to tense as pleasure spooled tightly in her body, but her orgasm remained tantalizingly just out of reach. She leaned back, groping blindly for his cock. She fumbled with his belt and eventually just slid her hand beneath the waistband until she wrapped her fingers around his rigid shaft.
He grunted at the contact, his hips thrusting up off the mattress. His hand strayed away from her clit to press his palm flat against her lower belly, and pressure was exactly what she needed. She convulsed with a sob, and he redoubled his efforts, tongue-fucking her through her orgasm. Distantly, she felt the thrusting of his cock against her hand, and then a rush of hot, sticky cum on her fingers.
She crumpled to the bed, and he pulled her tightly against him, kissing the backs of her thighs as she slowly came back to herself. After a few moments, he shifted, curling up behind her, tucking his thighs behind her legs as he drew her body close to his and buried his face in her hair.
“I love you,” she murmured.
He kissed the side of her neck, just behind her ear, dragging his tongue slowly across her skin as he slid his hand up to play with her breast. “Love you. Never scare me like that again.”
She laughed quietly. “Aye, aye, Cap’n. What’s gotten into you, anyway? You were acting protective before we even left the Martinet.”
He lay silently for a moment, breathing in the scent of her hair, before he replied. “You’re late.”
She blinked. “What?”
“You’re… your cycle, it’s like clockwork. And—you’re late,” he said hoarsely.
She swallowed. “Oh.”
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The original comic panel that inspired this story! This was from Star Wars Adventures Ashcan. Alas, this comic was never published, so I am once again filling in the gaps in canon.
ADDITIONAL CONTENT WARNING: mention of possible pregnancy.
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43 notes · View notes
knifvd · 9 months
quick , obligatory new year's eve post . thank you to everyone for always being so kind , accomodating , and amazing to me and welcoming me back from my third blog once again :pleading: . you guys make me so happy to write and i can't wait to continue to do so into the new year . i'm gonna b a little gay after this , but i want to give a special thanks 2 these people .
@killerhubby ori , my love . thank u for being one of the main reasons i continue to write and come back to tumblr . i've only known u for a couple months but it feels like years , and now we're married and i pocket sage you ? we're clearly 4lyfers and i ripped up the return reciept . you're mine ( and im urs ) forever n ever . icb i used to be afraid of u , but i'm so so blessed 2 have u in my life . here's to u moving in w me so i can finally pee on ur desk ( real ) i can't wait to continue to write and hang out with u more . thank u for helping me feel safe and loved nd welcome . love u lotsa .
@stamour god we need to get off this godforsaken app LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but somehow we always come back to each other . thank you for turning away whenever i bring aiko back from the dead for the 30th time and always always indulging with me and making fun of the rpc w me . i'm so glad to have made a friend like you and making this site bearable . okay lets go just send each other inboxes and never do threads threads are overrated <3
@solivcgant mochi . i love you . you've seen me through it all and i am so BLESSED to have met u and for you to always put up with my shit . i love writing and talking with you and you always follow me even though ive been through a billion blogs . you're always a pleasure to write with and talk to and i appreciate you not giving up on me when i take forever and a day to respond . xoxo ily
@daemonry god they've been friends for too long but hi we still need to sprint it on some LEAGUE together ( real ) but you're always super fun to talk to and write with , so thank you for putting up with me and all my stupid muses .
@valhiir em... my love ... my one connection to the league community ... you're an AMAZING writer i know i still owe you that soraka reply but ill give it to you soon . thank you for always checking up on me and messaging me even though you don't have to and ive been awol for thirteen years :sob: i cant wait to write more with you in this upcoming year and force u to adc for me ( mwahahahha ) ...
@galaxythixf NOVAAA aa i absolutely adore writing with you and talking with you ooc , thank you for letting me scream in your ear about any little thing whether it be something abt life , val , our muses , anything . heres to playing val and all the angst in the future for us !
and ofc , shouts out to @ferinehuntress , @florspinae , @puckish-rogue , @tealsteel , @dimensionalspades , @un1awful , @todestochter & @pinkminxed for putting up with me spamming u with silly questions , chatting with me ooc when i'm a scared little weenie and writing with me . here's to writing more in the future <3
and of course , last but not least , you , the person reading this . thank you for being here and supporting me while i attempt to be active and explore my muses . i cant wait to get to know all of you and write with you more . and with that being said .
pees on 2024's desk . thank you for coming to my ted talk .
♥ love , bunny
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hexiewrites · 11 months
I was gone in the summer so I missed this milestone but: I've officially been in the steddie fandom a year (plus, uh, three months), and wow, what a fucking amazing year it's been
(i do want to shout out to my spouse for BEGGING me to watch this show for multiple years until i finally caved when they were away last summer, and to whoever made a steddie fanvid on tiktok, and the algorithm gods who went 'this bitch likes gay shit' and served it to me, causing my total descent into absolutely madness)
in that time (since august of 2022, and actually almost all between aug 2022-april 2023), I've:
written 16 (!!!) fics
totalling 307,294 words (holy fuck)
my three most popular fics are, by no small margin:
same as it ever was (which was only my 3rd ever steddie fic) (and which is currently being podficc'd by the amazing @n0connections!)
carve your name into my chest (my magnum opus, the steddie hockey fic, which I am still to this day absolutely blown away by the reception to. it's baby brother prequel, clean ice cold hearts can't lose, is much less popular but one of my absolute faves. can be read as a standalone, if you're into that!)
&, there'll be a riot cause i know you (proving that you're all really just here for the smut ;))
I've had other podfics made (thank you, @amanita-fierce, for the amazing pod of when they raise the landing gear (will your heart stay here)
I've gone absolutely crazy with a @thefreakandthehair prompt and accidentally wrote a hallmark movie fic that's the second longest thing I've ever done (make this inn our own), which the incredible @staymagical BOUND INTO A BOOK for me (the craziest and coolest thing that's ever happened in my fandom life, I'm not even gonna lie!) (and then my amazing beta blue bound carve into a book, but they don't have tumblr so they don't get a fun tag, but I also cried very hard about that as well)
I've gotten more fanart than I could even hope to tag, but special shoutout to @oriarts for being the first and for never failing to make me lose my mind over the way you make my fuzzy brain images come to life, and also for letting me brain spaghetti at them literally all the time, many of my fics would not exist without ori (psst if you make fanart PLEASE tag me so i can see it and cry!!!)
and I've made more friends than I ever expected, and have felt so loved and supported by this whole community. I've been part of fandom for the better part of two decades now (yikes) and have never felt so welcome, and appreciated, and I have to thank all of you for that.
I'm so excited to be back, and I'm sorry I don't have a pithy way to end this post. <3
ps. no promises, but hopefully there will be some new stuff coming down the pipeline in the next few months. hope to see you there!
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adastrafanfic · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 6/11 - 6/17
State of the Archive
Our archive’s header has been updated thanks to enabling by @solarisone. >.>  I don’t know anything about that.
In more serious news, we’ve had an incredibly busy week!  As you can see below, we’ve had a lot of new people join us, bringing over stories to archive.  We’ve had some new faces on our chat server starting with a D, too!  I’ve added some community resources under the Community Toolbox FAQ.  If you’re planning on joining us, please read the tagging/posting FAQs/Rules, as we are very much not AO3 about that.
All in all, the archive is running well.  I’ve got kudos up and working correctly, finally, and while we still have some minor annoyances (the times/dates populating incorrectly on dashboards or browsing pages), everything’s running stable right now and should continue to indefinitely.
There is still a Review Hunt going on until the end of the month: A chance to win art or cash!  Right now, Gibraltar and DavidFalkayn are the only participants, come give them a run for the money!
Weekly Challenge #9 - Juneteenth
Our writing challenge this week is in honor of Juneteenth and is therefore the celebration of Black Star Trek characters.  So, write a piece between 100 and 700 words in honor of the holiday and the amazing Black characters we’ve gotten from Trek over the decades and add it to our archive collection!
Author Interview with @daraoakwise
Come and get to know our first victim interviewee, @daraoakwise​, who currently writes in the AOS universe and has lots of interesting insight to share!
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Discovery
By @starryeyes2000
That Night in the Cave - T - Chris Pike & Sylvia Tilly, Saru/OFC, Ensemble
Crazy-Assed Cosmonaut - Unrated - James T. Kirk/Spock, Michael Burnham, xover with TOS 🔒 There are Many Benefits to Being a Tardigrade Scientist - Unrated - Paul Stamets, Sylvia Tilly 🔒 The Water Bear Equation - Unrated - Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets, Sylvia Tilly 🔒 The Mountain of Diamond Remix - T - Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets, Michael Burnham 🔒
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @merfilly
Double Impediments - G - Number One Discovering Boldly - G - James T. Kirk/Spock Names Memories - G - Ael i-Mhiessan t'Rllaillieu The Right Answer - G - Amanda Grayson, Sarek Logical Choice - G - Saavik Two Lies and a Truth - G - Spock, Leonard “Bones” McCoy Honors in Family - G - Zar, Spock, Saavik Contemplations, Eons Apart - G - Zar, Spock, James T. Kirk Wandering Path - G - Saavik/Spock Pandora’s Prodigy - T - Saavik, Spock, Amanda Grayson Crucible Forged - G -  Cleante al-Faisal/T'Shael, Aernath/Jean Czerny Following the Fortunes of War - G - Piper/Sarda Mutual Exploration - T - Cleante al-Faisal/T'Shael Second Voyage - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, James T. Kirk, Spock A Chosen Future - T - David Marcus/Saavik A Gift Shared - G - Christine Chapel, Nyota Uhura A Talented Opponent - G - Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura Incidental Touches - T - James T. Kirk/Spock Improbable - G - James T. Kirk, Leonard “Bones” McCoy Educated Rescuer - G - James T. Kirk, Nyota Uhura
By @sl-walker
Seamark - M - Spock/Montgomery “Scotty” Scott The Last Love - T - Christopher Pike Now - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Junkyard Dogs - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, Jay McMillan
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @daraoakwise
A Higher Power When You Look - M - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (AOS) & Nyota Uhura (AOS), Nyota Uhura (AOS)/Spock (AOS) Ideals - G - Spock (AOS) Lightning - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (AOS)
By @merfilly
Dammit Jim - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS), James T. Kirk (AOS) Grumpy Doc - G - James T. Kirk (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) Cold Logic Brings No Comfort - G - Spock Alone - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) 5 Moments in a Friendship - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS), Nyota Uhura (AOS) Because He Knew - G - Spock, Saavik (AOS)
By @starryeyes2000
Trust Love One More Time - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS)/Original Female Character
By VelvetMouse
Anchor in the Deep - T - Christine Chapel (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) The Little Things - G - Christine Chapel (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) Follow Through - G - James T. Kirk (AOS)/Janice Rand (AOS) Secrets - G - James T. Kirk (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) No Choice At All - G - Christine Chapel (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) Tiny Pushes - T - Janice Rand (AOS) Clean-up Duty - T - James T. Kirk (AOS), Spock (AOS), Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS), Nyota Uhura (AOS) Home Before Dark - G - Christine Chapel (AOS)/Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) Lady-like - T - Christine Chapel (AOS), Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS), Roger Korby (AOS) Taking Control - G - Christine Chapel (AOS) & Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS) Morning Surprise - G - Christine Chapel (AOS) & Leonard “Bones” McCoy (AOS), James T. Kirk (AOS) Paradise Lost - T - Christine Chapel (AOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
A Grief Shared - G -  Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard, Jean-Luc Picard & Robert Picard No Place Like Home - G - Amanda Rogers, Clark Kent | Kal-El | Superman, DC Crossover
By @merfilly
One Lesson Learned - G - Lwaxana Troi Mixed Regrets - G - William Riker Encounters at Adulthood - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi Appraisal - G - Lwaxana Troi There Among the Stars - G - Beverly Crusher Mother, Please! - T - Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi Without Sight - M - Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi Complications of State - G - Deanna Troi Breathlessly Spellbound - T - Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi Conflict of the Soul - G - Deanna Troi Finding Experience - T - Guinan/Ro Laren Flattery - G - Jean-Luc Picard/Beverly Crusher A Little Snag - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker/Beverly Crusher Joined - T - Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi Gumption - G - Q Bouldevard Lounge - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker Complimentary - G - Tasha Yar, Data Coffee and Chocolate - G - Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi
By VelvetMouse
An Extension of Myself - G - Jean-Luc Picard/Beverly Crusher, William Riker/Deanna Troi The Triumph of Time (We Are Everywhere For Your Convenience Remix) - T - Jean-Luc Picard & Beverly Crusher Fakers (The Get a Second Opinion Remix) - G - Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Schoolwork - G - \Jake Sisko & Kasidy Yates  
By @merfilly
Won’t Turn Back - G - Kira Nerys Womb Makes Three - G - Kira Nerys, Keiko O’Brien The Return - T - Kira Nerys/Odo Courting an Oblivious Person - G - Kira Nerys/Jadzia Dax
By nostalgia
In the Ranks of Death You’ll Find Him - M - Miles O’Brien/Julian Bashir The Strange Glue That Held Us Together - T - Julian Bashir/Martok The Chemistry Between Us - M - Ezri Dax/Julian Bashir A Mutual Interest - T - Miles O’Brien & Julian Bashir, Leeta
By VelvetMouse
(G)hosts - G - Jadzia Dax
Star Trek: Voyager
By nostalgia
Captain - G - Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway A Shape With Three Sides - T - Chakotay, Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok The Worst Days - T - Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay
Star Trek: Picard
By Kennel_Boy
A Gift Between Moments - G - Elnor & Hugh | Third of Five - 🔒 More Alive To Tenderness - T - Elnor/Hugh | Third of Five - 🔒
Alternate Universes
By Trekfan
An Ideal Remembered - G - Rose Reilly, Anne Reilly
Expanded Universes
By DavidFalkayn
Interlude - M - Ensemble Cast, Raptor-verse La Belladonna - M -  Zsuzsanna (Zsa-Zsa) Rosza/Eliza Flores, Ensemble, Raptor-verse The Gathering - M - Ensemble Cast, Raptor-verse Reminiscences - M - Ensemble Cast, Raptor-verse We're not in Kansas Any More - M - Ensemble cast, Raptor-verse Compromises must be made - T - Morgan Bateson, Original Characters, Raptor-verse Out with the Old in with the New - M - Ensemble cast, Raptor-verse The Devil’s Playthings - M - Ensemble cast, Raptor-verse The Gang's Kinda All Here - M - Ensemble cast, Raptor-verse The Horror Below - M - Twesata Glex/Rana Thanoptis, Raptor-verse Failure on Fehl Prime - M - Jane Shepard, Ensemble Cast Time Trippin’ - M - Ensemble Cast, Raptor-verse
By Gibraltar
Passing the Torch - T - Donald Sandhurst, Pava Lar’ragos The Penalties of Success - G - Donald Sandhurst Life is Choices - G - Donald Sandhurst
By Mick
Welcome Aboard - T - Starship Excalibur The Long Goodbye - Unrated - Starship Excalibur
Star Trek: Multiple Series
By LordRobertBruceScott
Star Trek Hunter - Rock of Ages - G - Original Characters
Nonfiction & Meta
By DavidFalkayn
Raptorverse Mass Effect Dramatis Personae - Unrated
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storiesfromvenus · 16 days
Orion - day 6: androids
hi hello! sorry this is late i had a VERY busy schedule 3, but don't fret! you're gettin a double postin' soon, enough :] yesterday's prompt, androids, by @thepromptfoundry !!
“So, what does he do?”
 “All sorts of things, really.” said Professor Molina, standing on the back of her heels, “he works as any other ordinary computer, knowledgeable on scientific assets, can summarize important facts needed, can memorize and store information into files just like that. But all in all, he looks just like a regular person. You wouldn’t tell if he was a machine or a man.”
 The captain looked at Orion, a hardened and cold yet intrigued gaze pierced onto Orion. 
 Orion was a machine, Orion was a computer. Yet had the body and skin of a man, he had his back against the wall, hands behind him, and a blank, vacant expression across his face, eyes unblinking. He didn’t look at the captain.
 “Will he help me on my expedition?” the captain asked, “take care of a personal project of mine?”
 “Certainly, Ori-1126 will help you with all sorts of things, I'm certain of it, I programmed him that way, y’know.” Professor Molina said, much like a proud mother telling a school teacher about her son’s achievements. “There’s not a single flaw in his body.”
 The captain nodded, “see to it that he is on my ship by Monday, thank you professor.”
 “Pleasure is all mine.”
A year later.
Orion Molina steps foot onto the U.S.S Cassiopeia.
 Surveying his surroundings, he is noticed by the new face, the leader of the ship- 
 “Why hello there, you must be Orion Molina,” the man salutes him, his smile as warm as him, “my name is Captain Apollo Herrera, you must be the android sent from U.S.S Gaia? That environmental expedition, no?” 
 Orion solemnly nods, fiddling with his hands, staring at the floor of the new ship he has arrived in, “The foundation believed it’d be better if I transferred here, seeing as that I have no ship to operate for, I am a ship’s computer, you know.”
 Captain Apollo looks at him, his brow furrowed and lips in a tight line, “well, Orion, you… don’t have to be necessarily just a computer.”
 Orion stares at him, confused, how could that be? He was an android, wasn’t he? His whole programming, he was made to be a computer, to be a machine, to be useful to man. 
 But now the man wanted something else for him.
 “Could you explain, Captain Herrera?” Orion asks, now looking him in the eye for an answer. 
 “I need a communications officer,” Captain Apollo explains, “you had once translated radio waves from space during your year in the U.S.S. Gaia, something no other android could do. What do you say, Orion?”
 Quiet. And then Orion slowly nods, giving an albeit awkward salute.
 “Will do so, Captain Herrera.”
 A smile, a welcoming, genuine smile.
 “Thank you, Orion. I know you’ll do just well. Welcome to U.S.S Cassiopeia.”
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Epithets of Hyrule
Regional Spirits/Dieties
Soooooo.... As I posted prior, I'm a moderator for a relatively new discord server called the Community of Hyrulean Faiths, which is a wonderful experience so far! However, as a quick disclaimer, most of my experience with LoZ is BOTW/TOTK, with a smattering of a few other games mostly lived vicarious through fanfiction. I make no promises that I will cover all the deities and spirits of Hyrule, both for personal reasons(I just objectively refuse to honor Demise/the Calamity with epithets), and also just from lack of knowledge(sorry Lord Jabu-Jabu).
I can say this one will include the Great Deku Tree, Lord Satori, Farosh, Naydra, Dinraal, and probably Fierce Deity. I may include a bit on Ancestors/Repetitive Spirits(like the Blood of the Goddess, The Hero's Spirit, and the Corrupted Champion, among others), but I make no guarantees. If YOU have an epithet that you think of/use, please share! I would love to expand my lists, and share to others!
@ringaroundtheroses Thank you for the lovely reblog, it was so nice I had to write more!
The Great Deku Tree
Lord of the Forest, The Korok Guardian, Grandfather, Eternal Cycle, He Who Was Planted By The Hero, He with 1000 Memories, Watcher of the Sword, The Verdant Sage, He Whose Roots Run Deep
Lord Satori
Lord of the Mountain, Keeper of Abundance, Blupee Father, Grandfather, Unknowable One, Mystical Guide, He Who Was Lost, Keeper of Hidden Things
Fierce Deity
The Hero's Ascension*, Guardian of Termina, He Who Broke The Moon, Catcher of the Falling Moon, Timebreaker, He Who Is the Mask of Ancient Power, The Trapped Guardian, The Fury, Furious Warrior, He Who Is Ready for War, The War Herald,
Guardian of Power's Spring, Lost Sage, Devoted of Din, Burning Fury, Burning Peace, Eldin's Dragon
Guardian of Wisdom's Spring, Lost Sage, Devoted of Nayru, Freezing Fury, Frozen Peace, Guardian of Age, Lanayru's Dragon
Guardian of Courage's Spring, Lost Sage, Devoted of Farore, Chraged Fury, Storming Peace, Faron's Dragon
Worship of the Heroes
Heroes are where things can get a little complicated. Most people know the story of the Hero, the Blood of the Goddess and the demon king. Most regions have specific epithets that correspond to each of the three(baring the Corrupted Champion, who is usually refered to as Demise, of the Lord of Hatred. SO the worship of these spirits always looks different, and its very easy to adjust your worship to match your life.
Anyway, I am now exhausted. Have a wonderful day! I will try to add some more tomorrow! Enjoy!
Merrily Met and Blessedly Go,
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tnc-n3cl · 18 days
Fic Author Interview
Thanks for the tag @unmaskedcardinal!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five although one of them is really a rough draft of another fic.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
264,548! (There's way more on the way though...)
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Amnesiac Hero's Quest (T, BotW AU covering when Link leaves the Great Plateau until just after freeing Vah Ruta (and Mipha), 14 chapters, only finished fic so far) 50 kudos.
Link's Story: Finding Hateno Village (T, BotW AU, pretty much what it says on the tin, Link leaves Kakariko going towards Mt. Lanaryu by mistake and tries to find his way to Hateno Village. This is the one that spawned TAHQ, oneshot, the first thing I posted on AO3.) 21 kudos.
Shifting Tides of Fate (M, BotW AU picking up where TAHQ leaves off, Link and Mipha head to Rito Village to save Revali and free Vah Medoh, 6 chapters posted, WIP) 11 kudos.
The Ballad of Kass (M (originally T), BotW AU starting a week or two before the start of TAHQ, Kass sets out to find Link to fulfil his promise to his teacher, and his sister Kalia tags along. Second thing I posted, kind of the backbone to the whole The Realm Walker saga at this point [cause it intersects with the other stories so I have to time things out carefully], 15 chapters posted, WIP) 8 kudos.
The Tale of the Realm Walker (M, Wind Waker & Twilight Princess sequel with a ton of nods to the rest of the franchise (a LOT of ALttP). Chronologically the first story in TRW Saga, but I'm effectively telling it as an in-universe tale in BotW times, and it's the most recently posted fic of mine on AO3, only 2 chapters posted so far, WIP) 2 kudos.
The first two fics for sure got hit by the kudos bug a while ago. Kudos Georg I guess... Given that they've been up the longest I can see why they've got more than the others.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! If someone took the time to comment on my fics then I'm going to say something back. I'm am very much here for the community aspect. Even though I may not always comment on something I've read (or art I've looked at).
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Well the only one with an ending so far is TAHQ and it's fairly happy. Hm... How to not spoil plans? If it was finished then The Tale of the Realm Walker would be the answer. I'll uh... leave it at that...
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
See above, The Amnesiac Hero's Quest.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not anymore, I had some batcrap insane hypothetical video game ideas that were crossovers, but those have all mostly been tossed. Though I did salvage plenty of ideas from them. The Realm Walker Saga itself came from a LoZ/Final Fantasy crossover, "Project 47" as well. Untitled Castelvania Fanfic Project... Untitled Front Mission Fanfic Project...
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that'd be pretty cool.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but one of the stories in my Trek fanfic got an editor. Went by the username of USS Da Vinci (IIRC) on Subspace Comms Network (SCN, a now defunct Star Trek and Sci-Fi forum I was on).
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I guess Revalink. Or Picard/Crusher?
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
At this point I've more or less made my peace with the death of my Trek and Stargate fics. Do I think about them still? Yes. (I'd give my aliens with the space whale ships Discovery style spore drives... Maybe throw in a Kelpian character or two...) (Had a blast rewatching most of the Ori arc of SG-1 not that long ago...)
15. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes, quirky humor (I make myself laugh at least), describing what characters are doing in a scene.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Scenery porn. I so rarely mention time of day or anything. I have to really sit down and focus on all that, so lately I've just been hammering out an arc and then going back and fluffing all that up in edits. (Although I am particularly proud of a few scenes in The Ballad of Kass and Shifting Tides of Fate.)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I actually tried this with a little teaser for my Castlevania fic idea. The scene takes place in Austria so I decided to have the opening few lines be in German then switch to English, cause while I did take a couple classes in college, I don't know nearly enough to write a whole dialog chain. So throughout the little snippet there'd be a German line or two. Used Google translate for things I didn't know, but it was giving me something weird for "My name is..." [Also stared at Google Maps of Graz for HOURS picking locations, even though the fic is set 1,071 years in the future after a society ruining cataclysm... I must have some accuracy!]
I have made up words for fics. I've got 11 whole alphabets for the Avestrens (bird people) in "Project 47" and a handful of words. A handful of Rito words. Back in my Trek fic days I was writing in script format and would just put things like [Cardassian curse] rather than trying to come up with something.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek, it was script based and set 10 years after Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant. Multiple spinoffs were planed spanning a period of 50 years. (I had started writing the sequel before finishing the first fic, and wrote a little bit of some of the other spinoffs.)
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I can't really think of anything. I'd like to do something with my Castlevania or Final Fantasy ideas but I'd need the right mood or inspiration to get anywhere. I'm not much of a shipper to be honest, at least with canon characters I guess? I like making my OC's kiss...
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Oh that's hard! The initial version of The Tale of the Realm Walker has a special place in my heart, but gods it's all walls of text! How did I ever keep track of everything?! The Ballad of Kass is a place for me to go nuts with Rito headcanons and have fun with the birbs until I can get the Revali centric fics really going. I'm proud of actually finishing The Amnesiac Hero's Quest (I love moment where Link finally meets Purah and is convinced that there's something in the water in Hateno that makes everyone a weirdo and she put it there. He's getting his red string and nails ready...).
I guess just for semantics sake, since "written" is past tense, I'll go with TAHQ as my final answer (this time around) since it's finished.
No Pressure Tags: @critical-birb, @zeawesomebirdie, @readwritebeawesome
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shirefantasies · 6 months
I have only asked for one matchup in the past like 8 years of imagine blog requesting but I figured hey, why not? I've been reading your blog nonstop for like 2 weeks, lol! Lets see, I'm about 5ft 4 with a bob of ringlets and a round, even, bespectacled face. I'm pretty curvy and perhaps on the heavier side but I've got a lot more strength to my frame than most give me credit for! In the day to day folks look at me and think I'm a 100% cerebral kind of person and for the most part they'd be right, at least when I was younger. I used to be the ultimate shut-in for the simple fact that I suffer from a family curse on my father's side- when we aren't learning we feel like we're *fucking dieing*(i didn't make tht up it's the family running joke!). These days I'm much more outgoing; I play DnD in 2 groups, have tons of online friends I talk to regularly, I've got a routine of 'sister night's where me and my sister paint together, I sing in a chorus, and I've got study sessions with my mentor going too- so I'm kinda a former-antisocial-dork-turned-deliberate-part-of-their-communities kinda chick. I feel like if i was dropped in middle earth I'd wanna try and build a printing press, my first degree was in graphic design so I know a ton about all the different kinds, I'd love to share! After all, what's the point of learning if you don't use your information to *help* people? Guess I'd be a scribe if I was born there tho. I skew towards liking the hobbit characters more than LOTR, but I'm up for anyone that's in both, too. Congrats on 300, you deserve it!!
Thank you so much for your support and heck yeah, *you* deserve the treat of a matchup too 😘 I’m so glad you said that about the hobbit characters because I definitely had someone in mind for you…
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Dear Ori!
Ori finds out someone is causing quite a stir with a new invention, so of course he has to see what all the fuss is about! Something about a revolution amongst his world of scribes happening right at the foot of his home down in Dale. Making his way down to the study named, he musters up the courage to knock on the door. Coming to call unannounced isn't exactly the most polite behavior, he knows, but then again this inventor must be having a lot of that these days. He isn't expecting to see a cute young woman open the door, though, and his first thought is one hoping you aren't just the inventor's wife opening the door for them.
You are not. The moment Ori shyly greets you, asking if it's true what the scribes are saying about an exciting new device, your eyes light up and you usher him in. Inside your home is a bit messy, but the comforting sort of messy where charming china sits out atop tables, game boards at their sides, papers are strewn about with notes and diagrams and drawings Ori wishes he could see better. A potted plant sits in one corner with an unfinished sketch of its likeness on the adjacent shelf. A fire is fighting its best to stay lit behind an elaborately styled metal gate, no doubt to keep it that much further from all the paper. All in all, Ori thinks to himself that this is somewhere he could live. As you begin taking him across the room to a door, you animatedly discuss your many trials and errors before you reveal your masterpiece. A great structure with some sort of metal rod and a bunch of blocks? Printing press, you call it. You had blocks for each letter, the rod pulled down to press the ink down... "Now we can save some time if we need a lot of copies! What do you think?" You stood there with your head expectantly tilted, hands clasped in front of you. "They say Thorin or Bard might like something like this for decrees, but as a fellow scribe do you see a future with this?"
Gaping at your smarts and flushing at the faint flutter of your eyelashes, Ori nods. "This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I fought a dragon." "You...fought a dragon?" It is your turn to gape as you peer at the dwarf with new interest. "Threatened to show him dwarvish iron where the sun don't shine," he replied with a proud smile, arms crossed, "but you know, in the end Mr. Bard got 'im. We all showed him what for, though! This tops that by a long shot, though- how'd you think of this?" Kettle on first, hours of discussion later. Soon it was near nightfall and Ori was apologizing profusely and you were waving it off, asking him for promise of a return with the sketches he mentioned.
A whole new page of sketches gets dedicated to figures with bobs of lovely curls, gorgeous curves that have Ori blushing, smiles upon a round, cheery face and spectacles never fully betraying the eyes' secrets. Whole hours of Ori’s day get dedicated to carving blocks for your press and trying them out with you and feeling his heart flip at the way you take his hands and leap in celebration. He can listen to you talk, whether it’s explaining your invention process or the instructions of the game you’re teaching him or even simply sharing some random animal facts from the latest book you picked up, all day, he thinks. And then one day as he’s leaving you press a kiss to his cheek and that’s it.
Flowers and a new book are thrust into your hand the moment you open the door, Ori standing before you telling you how much he likes you and can’t stop thinking about you and you positively must interrupt him to tell him he’s been like home to you or else he’ll keep going, the poor dear. He wants to take you out that day, walk you around proudly and savor the feeling of your hand in his as he shows you off.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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gatheringfiki · 9 months
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The following ficlet was written by @miaulady​ based on this photoset.
Fili/Kili, Rating TBC.
You might also be able to read this story on AO3.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please leave a comment either in replies or on AO3. :)
North Star, Guide Me Home
He blinked up at the sky for the very first time. Or he thought it was for the first time. He could not remember ever seeing it before. So it had to be.
He only felt the urge that he should be somewhere else entirely. But where was that? And why had he no urge to go there? If he should be there, should he not want to return to it?
Kili patted Prancer on the back, “You are fine, it was just a little stone stuck in your hove. So stop being a drama King.
The only thank he got was a warm breath being snorted right into his face before Prancer walked away.
“Love you too, buddy.”
Being one of the so-called Santa’s little helpers was a stressful job the closer Christmas was. Luckily, he was not in the group that produced or packed the presents. No, he was the handler of all the reindeer. And this year he even steered the sleigh. A high honour and a huge responsibility. He had worked towards this most of his life. Steering the sleigh meant getting the chance to see the rest of the world.
He started to walk further down the glacier, not wanting to head back just yet.
What he did not expect was to literally stumble over someone.
Chaos broke out in Santa’s castle.
“Where is it?”
“It should be right there.”
“I know that! But we all are seeing the darkness where it should be, right?”
“This is not good…”
“What will we do?!”
“How can the sleigh be navigated if the Northstar is gone?”
“Christmas is doomed!”
“Find the Northstar!”
“Right, because we just have a spare one lying around.”
“So, you have no recollection of how you got here?”
“How about your name?”
“I don’t think I have one.”
Kili placed a plate of cookies in front of the stranger and sat down as well.
He had stumbled over him. First, he had worried that one of the other elves had fallen down and lost consciousness. But when he had looked into his face, blue eyes had stared back, very much awake and aware.
So he had taken him to the little hut for the reindeer handlers, which had somehow turned into Kili’s house over the years. To figure out what was going on.
“How odd. You are not an elf,” he had seen the round ears and so the lost elf explanation flew out the window. “But you are definitely not a human either.” Fili might have round ears but his body was warmer than Kili’s ever was and he was not showing any sign of being bothered by the freezing cold in any way. Not to speak of those eyes, the blue was so intense it could not be normal. Kili knew he could probably look at them for hours and not get bored.
“Let’s agree on a name for you then until you remember. Any ideas?”
“What is your name?”
“Can I have that one too?”“You can’t I have my name!” Kili laughed. “It is mine. But we can name you close to mine. Like…uh, like Fili.”
“Fili,” the stranger smiled softly. “Yes, that is a good name. Thank you, Kili, for naming me.”
Ori was pacing nervously back and forth in front of the globe.
No Northstar meant that they had no sure way to navigate anymore. They could leave Santa’s castle and bring the presents to the right places. But finding the way back home would be near impossible.
The one steering the sleigh needed the Northstar, it was the fix point.
Surely they could still somehow fix this. They had a week left before Christmas Night.
But, the Northstar had never vanished before.
It was a Nightmare.
Maybe the library had some information on the star and what its vacant spot meant and more importantly how to fix it.
Half a week had passed and all Ori had figured out was that the Northstar had a personification. Not much was known of it since communication with a Star was difficult. Their land was hard to reach and normally forbidden. But a few things were certain.
The star had never fallen, moved or darkened. This is the reason, together with the most northern position it had, it was their way to navigate back home. It was reliable.
Ori wanted to cry. Why him? Why did this happen in his time?
Something must have happened to the star. And there was only one way to figure out what. They had to fly up and check. And there was only one person crazy enough to do that.
Kili was laughing so hard he was toppling over.
The few days with Fili in the hut had been amazing. Fili was curious about everything. Fire, Snow, the reindeer, the blankets, the food and so much more.
But he was woefully unprepared for snowfights. And Kili had just found that out.
A clear laughter rang through the air. Fili’s laughter. It had become Kili’s favourite sound very quickly. He never wanted to stop hearing it.
“Kili!” A voice called from the direction of the hut.
He looked in the direction and spotted someone waving frantically in his direction.
“What is Ori doing here?” he wondered out loud.
“Ori?” Fili had stood up and was walking over. “Who is Ori?”
“A friend of mine. He is in the most boring department of all, the Christmas Chronicles. They write down what happens every Christmas and research old stories and so on,” Kili shrugged. He never had gotten interested in that specific department but it fit Ori like a glove and he was happy there. “Let’s see what he wants.”
“You want me,” Kili repeated. “to steal the sleigh-”
“Borrow!” Ori whined.
“Fly into the Land of Stars, which is forbidden, and check out what is going on with the North Star?”
“Yes. It is gone, Kili!”
“It can’t be gone. It is a Star.”
“Well, the spot is dark!” Ori hissed. “Has been for a few days and if it remains like that Christmas will be cancelled.”
“Christmas will be cancelled?” Fili echoed.
Kili had told and shown Fili a lot of things in the last few days. And that included of course the miracle of Christmas.
“No, no,” Kili waved with his hands, trying to shoo away the shocked and depressed look on Fili’s face. “Christmas never gets cancelled.”
“That is not true,” Ori glared at him. “Christmas got cancelled several times in the past. Each time with a horrendous consequence for every fantasy land with how the belief of the children was crushed.”
“Ori, read the room, would you? Fili just learned about Christmas. No need to break his spirit!”
“I don’t care who Fili is or in what spirit he is in. Will you fly to the Stars and check what the fuck the North Star is doing or not?”
“I will do it, I will do it. No need to curse,” Kili leaned back.
Ori was stressed and Kili really didn’t want to risk Christmas getting cancelled. He wanted Fili to experience it. Kili had already a great idea for a present for him and he would bring it to Fili after the delivery of every other present was over. The last stop for Kili, if you will.
“Thank you,” Ori was tearing up and hugging him. “I wouldn’t know who else to ask and then that would just be awful.”
“Okay, okay. Let me go. I have to get the reindeer and the sleigh so I can leave and return before anyone notices I am gone.”
“We,” Fili added.
“What?”“I am coming along.”
“You can’t come along,” Kili frowned. “You are still missing your memories and it is too dangerous to risk it.”
“Then it is settled,” Fili nodded. “I am coming with you.”
“Nothing is settled! You are staying here, no argument about it.”
Kili was pointedly looking forward and not at Fili to his right side.
“So this is a sleigh.”
He would not talk with Fili. He would ignore him. How could Fili risk his well-being like this? Some creatures were not meant to leave their own lands and some could even stop to exist when they did leave. Kili had told him that, his worry about him and all he got was the same answer ‘I coming with you.’ as if that would cancel everything else.
“Are you mad at me?” 
Kili sniffed and steered the reindeer to the ramp for take-off. He had trained this for a long time and there shouldn’t be any problems.
“I am sorry,” Fili whispered. “I just- I feel like something bad will happen if I leave your side.”
“Something bad might happen with you cross the border to another land.”
“If it means staying by your side, I am willing to risk it.”
“I am not!” Kili stopped the sleigh and turned to look at Fili directly. “What if you react badly? What if you stop existing? I just got to know you and you are willing to risk your whole self just for this journey?”
“Not for the journey,” Fili smiled at him. “For staying at your side.”
Kili wanted to kiss him right then and there. And he did.
“Fine. But if you die I will complain to it about you forever.”“I can live with that.”
“And we are boyfriends now, okay?”
“I like the sound of that.”
“We will do this, get the North Star shining again, return and after the presents are delivered I will give you your Christmas present.”
“You have a Christmas present for me?” Fili was lighting up at that. “What is it?”
“It is a surprise, Fili. I am not telling you even if you pout like that. Now, let’s get this behind us.”
The wind was rough but the sky was clear.
Kili was looking for the entry point to the Land of the Stars. It wasn’t easy to find with the North Star gone. But the usual trick should still work.
“Second Star to the right,” he mumbled and looked over at Fili, to see how he was marvelling at the world beneath them. Or he should be. But he wasn’t. He was looking at the back of the reindeer and then to the sky. There was no wonder like back down on the Pole.
“Fili, is everything alright?”
“Mh?” Fili looked at him. “Oh. Yes. Did you say something about a second star?”
“To the right,” Kili nodded. “It leads to Neverland but we should be able to find the entry point to the Land of Stars as well with it.”
“It is that one over there,” Fili pointed at a twinkling star slightly up and to the right as the rhyme said. But it looked just like any other star.
“How are you sure?”
Fili shrugged, “I just know. I also can tell you where your home is. Maybe I am just good with directions.”
“Yeah,” Kili directed them to the star Fili had pointed at. “The point should be a light green light in the air. We have to fly through it directly or nothing will happen. So look out for that.”
They had passed the entry point and were now in the Land of Stars.
Fili felt awful, his head felt like it was being split apart and he felt too warm. Kili had been right by telling him to stay back.
“Hang on, okay?” Kili’s voice cut through the pain. “We are almost to the North Star’s place. There I will find something that will help you.”
Filli groaned and opened his eyes to a sky filled with glittering lights.
He knew this sight. He knew this place. He knew this huge amount of space, filled with nothing between Stars.
“Kili,” he whispered, holding onto that name, onto the memories he had made as if it was a lifeline.
“I am here,” Kili sounded desperate. “I am here. You will be okay. I will turn back and you will be okay. again.”
“No,” Fili grabbed his arm.
“But you-”
“Don’t look!” He grabbed Kili’s face and turned it forward and away from him. He didn’t know why it was important for Kili to not look at him, he only knew that it would be dangerous for him. And Fili was fine with endangering himself, but not Kili. Never Kili.
“Don’t look at me. Look forward. Fly into that darkness right there. There should be a platform to land on.” The headache was getting worse. But Kili needed him. He had to guide him.
“What is happening, Fili? What is this-”
“Look forward. Close your eyes if you have to. I will guide you.”
“You are not doing well enough-”
“I can do it. I can still see and I was here before, I remember this place. That means I can travel between lands without dying. So you don’t have to worry. Focus on my voice, you have to go deeper.”
Fili managed to describe the position well enough to Kili that the sleigh landed on the dark platform with no issues.
Then everything went dark for him.
Kili lifted Fili out of the sleigh and hurried down the path from the platform into the building.
There was a soft light that made it possible for him to see where he had to go. He didn’t know where it was coming from and why it hadn’t been there before but it didn’t matter.
“Hello?” he called as he entered.
Silence answered him.
He placed Fili on a couch in the room and looked around for something that would help Fili.
Fili had said he remembered this place. That calmed Kili down a bit but it still was nerve-wracking.
He walked into a different room and felt uneasy with not having Fili in his sight. What if his state got worse? He turned around immediately.
When he entered the room he forgot to breathe for a moment.
The soft light that had made it possible for Kili to see the way, was coming from Fili.
Filli was glowing.
Fili opened his eyes and was looking at the ceiling of his living room.
He sighed. It had been a dream, one of the rare ones he remembered.
He had gotten a name, one he would keep using. He had experienced a part of the world and even fallen in love.
Could you fall in love in a dream with a dream person? He did.
“Kili,” he whispered into the room.
“I am here.”
Fili sat up and stared at the person standing in the middle of the room.
“Kili!” He tried to not shine, like before. But he knew it was futile. He was back where he should be. A Star had to shine and he had to especially shine bright. He was the North Star, the brightest of them all.
But Kili had his eyes closed. Fili relaxed a bit at the sight.
“So,” Kili mumbled. “I can see only red. This means you must be brighter than before when you were just glowing dimly.”
“I-” Fili walked over to him and took his hand. “I am so sorry.”
“You are the North Star.”
“Yes.” He wanted to cry, wished he was not, that he could return with Kili to the hut in the ice and snow. But he had to stay. Had to remain.
Kili leaned their heads together and then opened his eyes.
Fili pulled back and tried to cover Kili’s eyes to shield him from the glaring light but Kili stopped his hands.
“You are glowing,” Kili whispered and smiled. “And I can see you.”
“Wh- Kili! That was reckless! You could have taken serious damage to your eyes and then what?”
“If it means seeing you, I am willing to risk it.”
Fili closed his mouth at his words being thrown back at him.
And the worst part was he could not remain at Kili’s side.
“You should go,” he whispered and tried to take his hands out of Kili’s. “Tell Ori the North Star is back and it won’t happen again.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t- I can’t go back with you,” his voice broke. “I shouldn’t have left to begin with. It was irresponsible of me and selfish.”
“Why did you leave?” Kili pulled him closer again. “What made you leave?”
Fili opened his mouth, thought better and changed his answer.
“It does not matter.”
“It does to me. Why?”
“Every Star is alone,” Fili whispered. “It is our fate. We are far from each other and we are far from the world. We guide you and show you the way. We even can fulfil the wish of someone. But we never walk the way ourselves or wish for something. We are never close. Always alone.”
“And you wanted to not be,” Kili slung his arms around him-
“I wanted to know what I was seeing. Not just seeing it, I wanted to know it. And now I do,” he looked at Kili’s face. “Thanks to you, Kili.”
“Know it? You only saw a tiny part of it! There is so much more!”
“It was enough,” he cupped Kili’s cheek. “It was enough for me to have fallen in love.”
“No,” Kili shook his head and there were tears in his eyes. “No, you deserve more. You deserve to experience it all! It is not fair.”
“I can’t,” Fili laughed softly but he could feel tears starting to form in his eyes as well. “I can’t leave again. The consequences of my vanishing are too big. I can risk myself but I can’t risk you or the foundations of our world.”
“Don’t,” Kili whispered and pulled Fili into a strong hug. As if he hugged him close and strong enough they would fuse together forever. “Don’t leave my side.”
Fili was crying. He had to. He knew he had to. He had to stay behind, send Kili away and be on his own again. He couldn’t fulfil Kili’s wish, no matter how much he wanted to. He had to break both of their hearts.
“I am sorry. I am so sorry. I want to, but I can’t. Not this time. Not ever again.”
“I will come back! I will bring you something of all the places and experiences! And one day I will take you to them too! You won’t be alone ever again!”
Fili laughed through his tears, “Alright. And I will be here, lighting your way.”
“Leading me home, to you,” Kili kissed him.
Kili turned around before he went back on the sleigh.
“Is it wrong if I give you my Christmas present now?”
“You are the expert, you tell me.” Fili had red eyes from the crying but he was still beautiful.
“Promise to not open it until Christmas Night,” Kili pulled a small box out of the corner of the sleigh and handed it to Fili.
“I promise.”
“I love you,” Kili kissed him again. He might have promised Fili to come back with full confidence but the truth was, he was afraid. The laws didn’t bend for just anyone. It would take time and it might take centuries for them to be by each other’s side once again.
It was odd that not a week ago they had not known of each other. And now Kili wanted to scream at the world that he surely could not be without Fili by his side.
“I will always watch over you.”
A small consolation for Kili was to know Fili would see him, love him. But none for Fili who had to stay behind, alone again.
Fili unwrapped the small box and looked at what Kili had picked out for him.
“A Christmas Ornament” he smiled. It was a dark blue diamond-shaped ornament.
Looking around he found the perfect spot to hang it up.
Right over the coffee table, where he could see it from anywhere in the room and confirm his love was not a dream.
“Can’t wait for the next one. To get a full set of decorations, Kili.”
“But there has to be a way!”
“Kili,” his uncle was rubbing his brow in frustration. “I already told you several times, that the Laws of the Lands of Stars are very clear and strict about these things. Their land is more sensitive than others and any change can have a huge impact on the whole universe.”
“Yes, but it isn’t like I will go there to cause problems. I just want to be with Fili! There has to be solution. I will not accept anything less,” Kili crossed his arms.
He had been going to Ori and his uncle every day for the last few months. And every time he asked about going to the Lands of the Stars again. Fili could not come to him, so he would come to Fili. He had promised.
“What if I go there and not return? Would that break it?”
“What? He is alone there and he hates it. I can be with him. I want to be with him! If he can’t leave that place, then I will stay with him there.”
His uncle was convinced that it was just an infatuation Kili had that would soon be back to normal. But Kili knew better. It felt like half of his heart was missing, that he was not complete. 
By now his favourite time was the night, when he could see Fili shining down on him. So most tasks were done then. A change in the routine and a constant annoyance to everyone around him.
Another thing that had changed was Kili’s sense of direction. He always knew where Fili, the North Star was. It had only been a theory of his at the beginning but Ori had helped him prove it.
“Ask me where the North Star is. Right now. I can point to him at any time, anywhere I am. I know where he is, Uncle.”
Fili was staying true to his promise. He was guiding him home. All Kili had to do was follow.
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craterdogs · 2 years
I'm not sure where you're at in MSQ so. For the WoL ask meme pick 3 you wanna answer the most!
thank you for the ask! i love my special lil man so i'm glad people are curious about him :]
i just got to stormblood post patch so i know what most of these mean thankfully. everything's under the cut cus this seems to have gotten a bit out of hand
[asks from this: https://www.tumblr.com/craterdogs/701644429929365504/ffxiv-ask-meme-wols?source=share]
Why did they become an adventurer? Glory? Money? …?
i still haven't posted my Goro tribe lorepost cus it's not done but the short of it is they think horses are divinity so every tribe member is assigned a horse of the opposite sex to be symbolically wed to when they come of age (~16).
Ori's beloved horsewife Agtuurai died when she was attacked by a mammoth when Ori was ~22 so she died well before she was supposed to. it kinda irreparably fucked him up since any emotional intimacy in the Goro tribe is expected to be shared with what is essentially an emotional support animal that everyone has. romantic sexual partnerships between tribe members are kinda unheard of bc of the horse thing and also the reproduction roulette (mates drawn by lots. for real) happens every spring. it's all either compartmentalized or regimented.
this grief of losing his beloved Agtuurai combined with Ori having a visceral aversion to the reproduction roulette concept (turns out he's gay. whoops) AND the knowledge that he can't keep dodging the mating game like he has for two years AND he has no emotional support anymore to deal with it all just kinda. broke something in him. he also started having the Echo visions around this point and thought he was genuinely losing his mind. so he set out for Eorzea looking for answers like the Echo told him to because that was the only guidance he had at that point and he literally felt he had nothing left to lose.
it's basically this: it was more socially acceptable with his tribemates to become an adventurer than to stay there and he'd rather leave on his own terms than face ostracization from his small tight knit community
How do they deal with the pressure of being a or the Warrior of Light? Do they have a ritual to relax and recenter themselves?
okay so. he just never takes a break. the idea behind it is if he's busy he won't have time to Think but unfortunately Thinking still occurs occasionally. i joked initially that he'd go hide in some bushes or smth to have a quick sob every once and a while but i fear it has become canon, like everything else about him. we will stick to the bit til death takes us both.
but he knows (thinks?) he can save the people he's failed to save before if he embraces being the Chosen One. so he carries on. he's feeling a bit in over his head at this point though now that he is a significant political figure
Tell us about the two major events from MSQ that left the deepest emotional scars on your WoL.
this may be cheating but the entirety of heavensward/dragonsong tested his conviction. all the people that died in that arc were very dear to him and that's also when he learned he'd been lied to/left out of a lot of the Scions' plotting & scheming and had really only been used as cannon fodder #feelsbadman (also playing these arcs as a dragoon fucking slaps i love 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔰 so much. and Estinien my good friend Estinien)
the OTHER thing is not main story. it is a FATE chain on the Azim Steppe called the Dataqi Chronicles. in short: the Goro tribe had a good number of its people slaughtered by the matanga beastmen. the Dataq tribe with the help of a single Goro survivor (and you, the player) help save the rest of the tribe. it's a very sweet story and i had no idea it existed til i got there so you can imagine the excitement.
so. picture this. you are Ori. you are visiting your homeland for the first time since you left a year or so ago. you are nervous about seeing your family bc you're worried you've changed too much so you put off visiting (he loves them and will defend his tribe to any naysayers despite the way it messed him up. you know how it is with family). then you run into the Dataq and help save an injured hunter they found and oh shit, she's your cousin and 1/4 of your tribe is dead. BUT. you can still help save who's left.
Ori feels immeasurable guilt about being too late and too cowardly to seek out his tribe sooner. but it solidifies his resolve to carry on and be brave even (especially) when shit gets personal. i am writing a short story about this so there will be a good long response to this sometime later
to summarize all these answers:
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(he'll be fine. maybe)
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Hey, how's it going? So, quick little thing in regards to this post, I was figuring on asking for 6, 10, and 12.
Happy hunting!
Also, good luck on your WIPS
Heyo Salty! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay~ I'm finally getting around to clearing out my asks, so here I finally am!
#6 - "What work of yours is it most similar to?"
Apricity has a vague predecessor in this short 1.6k word (I know, shocking) fic I wrote 3 years ago during my short stint in the FE3H world - The Forsaken Throne. This was supposed to be my first multi-chapter fic... except real life got in the way, so I left it alone. This has that same sort of dream-like, eerie, sensory feel. Here's a bit of it:
As the years passed, the mysterious woods morphed into a haunted forest, the spring creatures fleeing and the delicate gardens shriveling as a frigid gust consumed all life in its path. An eerie violet frost clung to the castle as thorn-filled vines lined with deadly icicles scaled the walls of the castle and trails of black ice formed intricate sigils that decorated the courtyards. The interior of the fortress carried an oppressive aura, accentuated by the frosty air. The fortress itself was an ominous warning for all who dared to enter.
#10 - "Is your WIP an AU or canon-compliant? Either way, talk about any research you had to do, lore you had to make, or timelines you had to screw with to make it work. Talk about what makes your universe tick!"
Haha, this goes past AU into "almost original work" territory! You asked for it, so strap in for a wild answer, even though I simplified it!
The tl;dr - I threw out 98% of canon. I only kept superficial things like most character names/appearances, vague supernatural abilities, the general geographic setting of Forks/West Washington, most character relations, and a few superficial plot beats. But all of that is defined differently thanks to the fundamentals of this world.
What I changed... the biggest things, at least.
General Timeline - Canon Twilight took place in 2005. I pushed it forward to 2020 to do some interesting stuff and test out other challenges. Also, a certain C-pandemic isn't a thing in this world, but that's only out of sheer convenience. My one lazy act in this verse XD
The basic framework of the world - it is an Eastern one, inspired by what I grew up with and know (and seeing a bit of that reflected in my work was nice). Along those vein, a much stronger Asian-American presence and more diversity overall.
Vampire biology/lore/themes - this ties quite heavily into the framework bit, but I changed everything from surface stuff (no sparkling thing and they can eat human food, but get no sustenance from it), to fundamentals (animal blood doesn't cut it - they are very much human-blood vampires... and certain societal stuff but spoilers), and to the more ambiguous/sensual feel of the genre.
Magic (mystic) system - ties into the first point. The super short tl;dr is that there is cosmic energy (shakti) that pervades the universe and everything within. Non-humans are mystic by nature, some humans have more shakti than others and can become a mystic user (mantrika, Sanskrit for enchanter, or one who chants mantras, but can be used as a general 'magic user' term). Shakti influences space-time in a "soft fate" way (think... nothing is set in stone, but some outcomes are favored since they are more stable).
History and Lore - Most notably seen in Quileute history and lore/origin stories (totally wrong in canon), but also with when and how vampires and other mystic communities interacted with general human history, major conflicts, political status, and more.
Specific Backstories + Personality Traits + Relationship Dynamics - Although I changed backstories, a few traits, and dynamics to make sense with this world, I kept general plot beats for most characters. The four huge exceptions are Carlisle, Edward, Mina, and Mike.
In Mina's case, I kept her age/time the same (mid-1800s) and changed her human origin story because I wasn't ever going to do the Confederate thing. Also, I wanted her to show up earlier, so she doesn't join the Cullens in the 1950s, but in the 1800s itself. And her ability... she can subtly affect aura to make things more likely, but she's not OP-levels of directly changing emotions like in canon.
In Edward's case, I kept the vague concept of him and his human mother being caught up in a plague... except you see Salty? Canon Edward is dated to the Spanish Flu in 1918. You know how far back I moved him? To the Plague of the Justinian - mid-500s CE. Of course, his birth name isn't Edward - he changed his name (alongside Carlisle) when they showed up in the Americas. This part alone pretty much erases most his canon personality. I only kept the general premise of the mind-reading, but also changed the mechanics of how that worked.
In Carlisle's case, obviously he's older than Edward. I haven't 100% finalized the exact years he was human or what his exact turning story is, but you know where I pinned that guy? In the Late Roman Republic - 200-27 BCE. It goes without saying that his birth name is different... but it's already been mentioned in Apricity so far! Well, thanks to the worldbuilding, vampire biology, and timeline, Carlisle is very different. He is absolutely NOT parental in any sense whatsoever. He is very much fraternal/older brother-like. I could go on forever about how he came across as a mentor rather than parental in canon... and how strangely perverse it is for vampires (inhuman, queer concept) to be posing as a picture perfect nuclear family (very human, heteronormative concept), but I'll save that for another day. Just know that I went with "queer found family/siblings" vibes instead. With that said, though, he retains a decent number of his canon traits... adapted to this new world, in any case.
in Mike's case, he's still your standard human teenage guy in high school. Canon didn't give him (or the other students) much of a light, but canon Mike was entitled, manipulative, and just an all around asshole defined solely around Bella as most characters were. I was always planning on doing justice to the human students of Forks High, but Winter Light's Mike was the 100% winner of that. Not only did he end up becoming co-MCs with Beau and have his own connections and dynamics not centered on Beau so directly (but still influenced, because social connections are webs were everyone affects everyone else)... but his personality was a fun one to alter. He was a manipulative asshole who did stuff in canon... so I simply toned down those traits massively. So now, he's this super observant guy, is extremely quick on the uptake, can logic/deduce things really quickly, can subtly influence the odds in his favor, and has a hilariously petty/sassy narrative voice. However, he also has a defined family, personal circumstances, and is empathetic to a fault. He's kind of stoic on the outside and is the middle child of a well meaning, but huge family... so he's very used to prioritizing others instinctually, thanks to his loud siblings.
Well, I'll leave it at that for now, since I could go on forever lol
#12 - "How did you come up with this fic? Where were you/what were you doing when you thought of it?"
Oh no. You asked the one question that I could go on even longer about, than the previous question! HOWEVER... you're in luck :)
You very, very, conveniently left me another general ask that is closely related to this question. The umbrella question, even!
"Okay, so, this just came to mind for me, but I was actually wondering if you could tell us what originally got you into the whole vampire genre."
I'll spare everyone's time and quit while I'm ahead, before this post gets even longer... but I'll spill the beans when I get to that ask, since a number of people have asked me just how this whole "Vampire Brainrot + Twilight Rewrite + Winter Light Verse" thing even started.
So... stay tuned for that!
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uten4 · 2 years
Londrekia for the ask thing i am so curious to know your extended opinion on him.
Thank you! Haha, I feel like I've already told a lot of my opinion on him; it might be even more half-baked now since it's been a while since I've viewed some of his stories X) But let's see...
– Overall opinion of them: I like him alright. His design is well-made, pretty, and well-suited to him. I like his weird little dramatics and one-liners. The way he talks about women annoys me and makes me less interested in him. His rivalry with Wagner says a million times more about him than it does about Wagner, imo, but I suppose it's a reasonable motivation to give him. I feel like the most significant thing about him story-wise is the information he gives about Richter Schild, in which case his personality itself does an amazing job at that. He's kind of pathetic and overly eager to show his worth, which is the impression that Richter Schild gives in comparison to Licht Kreis. His weird thoughts about women also seem like they'd make sense enough for a member of Richter Schild to have.
But unlike Orie (another good surface-level representation character of the norm for a whole organization), there's not much that's interesting or unique about him... Is what I thought before I saw Merkava's chronicles. That thing singlehandedly took Lond from the "okay" category to the "quite cool" category in my eyes. The way he interacts with Merkava goes further than any other character has gotten with him. If I remember correctly, Chaos and Vatista also made a favorable impression on Merk, but Londrekia actually formed a real connection with him. And it was through the strength of his character alone. It was believable. Even though it seems like it's not plot-relevant yet, it was a great use for him; it told us more about the lore, him, and Merkava. Respects for all that. Plus, in that story, Lond had some initial doubts about talking to Lex, but in the end he did communicate with her like a normal person.
- Gender/sexuality headcanon: I don't really know, but he does give the impression that he has some gay thing going on with Merkava, doesn't he?
- Favorite moment in canon: When Phonon and Nanase bully him LOL
- Favorite moment in a fanwork: Hmmmmmm... I like your "cold boy summer" drawing of him, actually! :)
- Favorite line: "Yet, attacking when the opponent lacks the will to fight will brand me evil. I suppose I can speak with you for now..." This line is nice and it really makes it obvious that he has, like, standards. The thing about Londrekia is that he actually cares about propriety and fairness. Wasn't he annoyed that he had to fight Wagner when she didn't have her equipment? Or at the very least, he didn't take his win to heart, considering that she didn't have all her equipment. Also, part of his weird feelings about women seem to be based around chivalry. He thinks that hiking through the mountains is too strenuous of a job, and it wouldn't be good if Licht Kreis had to do it... It's strange for him to think that considering that the Licht Kreis girls are trained to physically fight, but we can see the thought process here.
- Characters I love seeing him interact with: Merkava and Lex. I think it could be interesting if he interacted with Orie more as well. They should gossip about Wagner. Omg also this never happened but he should interact with Mika too maybe... She ruins any impression he had about Licht Kreis.
- Sleeping headcanons: He would make his bed every morning as soon as he wakes up for sure.
- Favorite location headcanon: Ice-skating rink? I'd love to see him ice-skate actually.
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orisdentalcenter · 3 months
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